#reblogging for larger sample size lol
softwaring · 11 months
reblog for larger polling please 🖤
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heartnosekid · 3 months
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random-fun-polls · 2 months
does it make you more likely to reblog when a post tells you to reblog (to signal boost, for sample size, etc)?
yes, more likely to reblog
no, it makes no difference
no, it makes me LESS likely to reblog
see results
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hubridbunny · 1 month
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autumnversion · 8 months
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chocor0se · 3 months
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rat6irl · 6 months
Unfortunately you can only vote for one but feel free to elaborate in the tags on who you think would smoke weed
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kicksnscribs · 2 months
ok so this is like, incredibly ambitious for a first time project and im more posting this for posterity than anything BUT
im planning on practicing my 3d modeling skills by modeling the objects from pokemon games starting from the most simple and [hopefully] ending up with more complex things like furniture and plushies found in the games [provided i can find the refs for them] and i was sitting here just now thinking "now what can i do with these props in the meantime while i try to figure out how to make my own pokemon game?"
what about making a simple room designer game that brings back the base camp mechanic that Gamefreak abandoned a long time ago and uses said props? Would anybody be interested in following a project like that? :3c
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moodyhoney · 8 months
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tarucore · 6 months
By “worst patient” I do not mean who gets injured more frequently or more severely. “Worst patient” means who is the bitchiest when put on bedrest, who argues against or ignores proper treatment and is just a general pain when recovering.
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Also I would like to hear when you learned if you want to share that!
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applecherry108 · 2 years
A trans poll for the trans website
Note: masc and fem are meant to be inclusive of non-binary for this poll, so please choose whichever vague category you vibe with the most :)
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protect-namine · 2 years
apparently people don't actually like the taste of coffee because it's bitter? I've never thought of it as bitter-tasting though... please help me realize what other people think of coffee
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evilreceptionist · 4 months
this is purely for fun btw ok
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aerodaltonimperial · 4 months
As I work through these smut prompts, I'm reminded that posting explicit fics generally halves one's average kudos percentage and does even worse to comments, which is a documented phenomenon across fandoms. Smut fics get MAD HIGH hit counts, but DEVASTATINGLY low kudos/comments. I'm more curious as to WHY this happens, so have a poll lol
Please explain in the tags because I very dearly wish to know some of the reasons that the interaction is soooooo bad on smut fics when they are, by and large, my HIGHEST hits across the board. Reblog for larger sample size!
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kevin-the-bruyne · 8 months
I am writing a fic that is 90% an argument and boy sirreeeeeee is that really fucking difficult. Even more difficult than smut???? Which in turn is even more difficult than non sexual action!!!!!! So now I'm curious!!! Fic writers (or any writers if this applies to you): Note: It's okay if you haven't written all the listed 'types' just select whatever fits best this isn't going for peer review lol
and as usual reblog for larger sample size etc!
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