#recognizing day as both an adult and a complete human being
panncakes · 9 months
if they do go the mhok moves to songkhla to learn how to be a chef and day stays in bangkok to finish his studies (and learn to be independent) route i will have peace with it and i understand the messaging if they don't do an arbitrary break-up; but i do wish p'aof wasn't so fond of seperate growth tbh; i understand the messaging but mhok learning how to do stuff for himself and put himself first and day becoming independent doesn't have to happen away from each other; that sort of growth can happen side by side and i do think my preferred ending would be then moving to songkhla together for a bit because i think day does need that separation from his family to show he is a capable adult and mhok deserves to be supported in investing in his future
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soracities · 6 months
if we should protect children because they are vunerable, this means you would protect cruel children who bullies people who different than them then. the children who responsible to trauma for someone else's entire years
You're assuming that "protecting" children is the same as absolving them of responsibility and that's not what I said. All children are vulnerable, because all children are children; they don't come out of the womb with a perfectly working moral compass anymore than they come out of it waiting to hurt people--they're vulnerable because their understanding of the world is entirely at the mercy of what we, as adults, consistently tell them and show them. Children behaving cruelly aren't exempt from that--they learn that cruelty from somewhere, or someone. Your job, as the adult, is to make sure they understand that it's unacceptable so it will not happen again--but your job is also to ask why someone that young is behaving this way to begin with, so you can ensure they become better.
"Protecting" kids is not ignoring when they hurt or torment others, it's not refusing to teach them consequences or right from wrong, it's not "zero tolerance" policies in schools that treat a child being bullied and the child bullying them as equal instigators, and it's certainly not protecting them from recognizing, and atoning for, the pain they have caused someone else. You don't have to make peace with the now-adults who hurt you when you both were kids, but you cannot let the horrors of your own childhood impact how you treat or respond to the children living theirs around you right now, either.
You don't protect kids so they can get a free pass for bullying or tormenting another child. You protect them because kids are impulsive, emotionally reactive, and profoundly social (which means deeply impressionable) human beings who are still learning & processing insane amounts of information every day about what it means to be alive, to be alive as yourself, to be alive as yourself with other people. Protecting them is realising that you can't isolate the responsibility of a 10 year old from the bigger responsibility of the literal grown adults around them, adults who are in charge of teaching them about the world and how to behave in it. Whether you have children of your own in the future or not is completely irrelevant to this; we all become those adults eventually--no matter what happened to us as kids.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Yandere Mikey x F!Tanjiro Reader please if that’s okay? (Mikey reminds me of a cat, he’s so cute)
Reader and Nezuko were sent to the future and meet Takemichi 3 months before he comes back in time (Becoming his adoptive sisters) and she protects him and his friends when their in trouble
Nezuko mostly stays in her toddler form and sleeps in Reader’s bed, and when she’s in her regular form, no one recognizes her as Reader’s sister since she’s rarely seen until recently when she became immune to the Sun (Everyone calls her ‘cute/pretty’) and started to go to school with her sister and Takamichi
When Reader found out Takamichi and his friends were being beaten, before Mikey and Draken could do anything she runs in and punches Kiyomizu, sending him flying (Breaking a few of his ribs, which everyone heard, scaring the crap out of everyone, including Takamichi, since he’s never seen Reader so angry, impressing Draken and Mikey with her speed, strength and morality when she does her speech that Kiyomizu and everyone who laughed at Takemichi are ‘The Lowest Scum on Earth’)
When Mikey was getting close to Takamichi, Reader got in his way to protect him, with a determined and brave look burning in her eyes, he immediately told her, ‘From this day forward, your my Wifey~!’ (Those who heard this were shocked, with Reader giving him a blank but confused look, not able to process his words… until after she, Takamichi and his friends where heading home, then she becomes a flustered mess)
If you want you can genderbend Nezuko (Nezukobo?Nezukoru?) since it would be hilarious for a future request for everyone to mistake him as Reader’s ‘Boyfriend’ or rather Mikey’s ‘Rival’ (And it’s just very petty and disastrous results from Mikey trying to ‘One Up’ him, until he learns from Hina that he’s Reader’s Brother)
-It had been three months since this major change in yours and your little brother, Nezu’s, lives.
-Finding yourselves in modern day Japan was definitely a culture shock, despite still being in Japan, but luckily, you both had an ally, one who took you both in with no hesitation and adopted you both as his sisters, Hanagaki Takemichi.
-Had he not seen Nezu, who now spends most of her time in his toddler form, sleeping in your bed, changing from his toddler form to his standard and even his adult form, he wouldn’t have believed the tale you told him about demons and being sent to the future.
-He dealt with his own things, being able to go back and forth into time, trying to save everyone he could, but the strange thing now was that you and Nezu would travel with him, almost like the two of you were stuck with him now.
-Your biggest shock was that Nezu could go out in the sun and he was basically just like a normal human again, being able to talk now, and he could now hide his fangs and claws. It was almost like you had your brother completely back, which you were overjoyed with.
-It was a change for you, no longer having to fight, you were able to put up your sword and uniform, putting them in a display box so now you just wear your haori while out and about.
-Going to school, in your time, was usually only for the wealthy or those who lived in big cities, you knew how to read, write, and do basic math, but being able to attend school, it was so surreal!
-Nezu liked going to school as well, attending the same school with you and Takemichi, and you were able to arrange to be in the same class together.
-Nezu was admired for his good looks, many calling him handsome or hot, but he never seemed bothered with their compliments, choosing to stay by your or Takemichi’s side.
-You had your own admirers, as many thought you were a wonderful woman, you were hard-working, very athletic, and nice to everyone you met, as long as they were nice to you and your siblings.
-Takemichi did his best to keep both of you out of his other lifestyle, not wanting you to know that he was a brawler and was in a gang, he wanted to keep you both safe from this side of him.
-However, that is not what fate had in store for your family.
-You were walking with Nezu, holding onto his hand as he ate a cream puff, his cheeks lightly red in delight as you smiled, seeing him happy before you heard shouting.
-Your eyes went wide, seeing Takemichi and his friends being attacked and you instantly glared, giving Nezu your school bag before you ran, “Brother!”
-Attention went to you as you dashed over, moving incredibly fast, thanks to your past training and Kiyomizu turned, seeing you and thinking you were Takemichi’s girlfriend, sneered at your brother, “Your girlfriend’s coming to fight your battles? Pathetic!!” as he uttered that last word you nailed him hard, hitting him so hard across the face that his whole head turned, he felt ribs cracking as his torso and hips moved in opposite directions before going flying.
-Jaws dropped all over, eyes went wide, including Takemichi who had no idea you were that strong! Takemichi swallowed, scared, as he had never seen you so angry, it felt like flames were surrounding you.
-Your voice was low and icy, “Those who do nothing and laugh at the misfortune and pain of others are the lowest scum of earth.”
-Many voiced their complaints, calling you rude before you turned, eyes piercing into them as everyone felt chills run up their spines, “If you have complaints, come. We’ll see if you’re laughing afterwards.”
-Everyone was quick to shut up, looking terrified of you before clapping filled the air, you turned, seeing two boys, Mikey, and Draken, as everyone was calling them, bowing deeply, telling you these were the leaders of this massive group that attacked your brother.
-Takemichi knew him as well, calling the shorter boy Mikey, and you could sense the strength in him as he came to stop in front of you after you stepped in front of your brother, giving Mikey the silent warning not to touch him.
-Mikey wasn’t bothered, in fact he looked almost happy, “That was really impressive, you’re really strong!” you calmed a bit at his compliment, not feeling any malice from him.
-Your brother stood, putting a hand on your head, “I’m okay, Y/N, these will heal.” You turned, smiling softly, looking so soft and gentle now as you turned, hearing his voice and you smiled, “That’s good.”
-Mikey grinned before he spoke, “From this day forward, you’re my friend Mitchy! And you’ll be my wifey- Y/N!” Everyone but Draken and Mikey turned white in shock, more so at the proposal to you, that you were going to be his wife. Draken was never surprised with anything Mikey did anymore, as he always did what he wanted, and Mikey was grinning, his fists on his hips, looking proud of himself.
-However, you didn’t respond, going completely blank at his words, which everyone saw, Takemichi waving his hands in front of your eyes, shaking your shoulders.
-Mikey laughed, thinking the reaction was cute before he exchanged numbers with Takemichi and told everyone to head out, as there was going to be some discipline for those who attacked your brother and his friends, except for Kiyomizu, who was being taken to the hospital.
-Takemichi and Nezu held your hands on the way home, as you had yet to respond as your mind had gone completely blank, at least until you were almost home, then you turned bright red and you dropped to be squatting with your knees together, your hands over your face as you made a sound like a deflating balloon.
-You had never been in a relationship before, after everything with Nezu, then becoming a Demon Slayer and looking for a cure, romance was the last thing on your mind, and to have someone basically propose as soon as the two of you met, you didn’t know what to do.
-Several days passed and Mikey was very persistent, coming to pick you and Mikey up from school, waving his hand happily, “Y/N! I’m so happy to see you.” Despite your strength and confidence in battle, you were rather shy with him, which he thought was cute.
-However, when Nezu ran up from behind you, hugging you, Mikey instantly was glaring, thinking this boy was your boyfriend or an admirer.
-This led to Mikey constantly trying to one-up your brother, unknowingly, if you went out to lunch with Mikey, Draken, Takemichi and Nezu, if Mikey would try to feed you, you would get super shy, but if Nezu did, you would take it every time.
-Draken and Takemichi thought this was cute, seeing Mikey acting so jealous, all while you and Nezu were none the wiser of his anger.
-The truth came out after Mikey saw you holding Nezu’s hand before giving you a cream puff, and Mikey cracked his knuckles, “That’s it- Y/N is my woman!”
-Luckily, Takemichi was there to hold them back, “Why do you want to fight Nezu?” Mikey whined on how much attention you were giving the other boy and he wanted to prove to you that he would be a better boyfriend.
-Takemichi immediately started laughing, pulling back from his friend who turned with a pout on his face before Takemichi spoke, “I’m sorry-I’m sorry. It’s just funny that you’re jealous over Y/N’s little brother.”
-Mikey went silent, stunned learning this before he turned, face bright red, pouting, as both Draken and Takemichi started laughing, holding their guts as he didn’t realize this, as Draken did because he could see how similar you both were.
-You and Nezu came over, wondering why they were laughing before Mikey hugged you, “Y/N- they’re picking on me!!” you patted his head gently and Nezu did the same, mimicking you which Mikey did think was cute, as he could tell that there was something off about Nezu, so he didn’t mind.
-Mikey held your other hand, pulling you and your brother away from the still laughing blonds, and you asked him why they were laughing. You weren’t expecting him to be so shy, turning away from him.
-Mikey was happy you held his hand as he led the group to a bakery, getting you each a taiyaki, which you both thanked him for. Mikey held out his to you, wanting you to take a bite and he froze when you took a small bite, a blush on your cheeks and he beamed brightly, seeing the relationship progressing.
-Mikey froze when you held out yours to him, face bright red but meeting his eyes as he beamed, taking a bite, “So yummy!” Nezu then held out his to you and you smile, taking a small bite which made your brother grin which made Mikey grin, seeing how doting you were for your brother.
-You were truly the whole package, strong, smart, and sweet, he’s glad he proposed to you!
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altocat · 3 months
What do you think would have happened if Lucrecia stayed? As in, everything is the same, Hojo is in charge of Seph but instead of leaving years later, Lucrecia just keeps working on SOLDIER for Shinra. (And on Vincent?)
I imagine they would be allowed to interact with each other as a form of manipulation, kind of like, if you behave you can see your mother. Just the typical Hojo cruelty.
Do you think anything would change for the better or worse? What would Sephiroth feel once he realises/learns his mother had involvement in him becoming a lab experiment. Would he still be obsessed with the idea of a parent? Would he reject humanity earlier? Abandon Shinra?
I still think Hojo, being Hojo, would have done everything in the world to keep them separated, as a means of control over both of them. Fortunately, Sephiroth grows up with the knowledge that his mother IS nearby and thus isn't presented with the lie involving Jenova. It would just become too tedious trying to hide from Seph the older he got. Hojo still refuses to have them meet, but Sephiroth becomes very aware that Lucrecia is close and he bides his time until he can finally see her.
Lucrecia lives in a state of constant depression, both in losing Vincent and even more because of her separation from her son. There are times when she becomes incredibly unstable and is a danger to both herself and others, monitored at all times for everyone's protection. They would have sent her away if her Jenova-given immortality wasn't so fascinating. Mostly, she just wallows and spends her days isolated, wanting to die.
Sephiroth eventually forces the encounter years later as a young adult, owing to years of dedication to SOLDIER to claim his reward. He and Lucrecia do come to know each other very well, though he recognizes that she is a deeply disturbed and depressed woman. He is very gentle and loving towards her all the same, to the point where he prioritizes her over everything else. Lucrecia is still consumed by guilt for what she did to him, and if not for his constant care, would have wasted away nursing that secret. Sephiroth is still very much obsessed with being near her, always attentive, even doting. Hojo learns to control him slightly over their interactions, using her as a reward for good behavior.
Eventually, Lucrecia DOES tell Sephiroth the truth. Which sets off a violent chain of events involving Sephiroth burning Shinra HQ to the ground. He doesn't end up completely losing his mind this time though, mostly because despite all the bitterness and rage he feels towards Lucrecia, he has seen how strongly she's tortured herself through the years. While he can't come to forgive her, he also recognizes that he DOES still love her and that she needs him for her own survival. Thus, he takes her with him after he flees the scene, though their whereabouts are currently unknown.
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vstoly-blog · 1 year
So This Is Love
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Gender neutral reader ❀
Everyone can identify ❀
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Malleus Draconia
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When someone questions what love is, they must be open to various different answers. Living beings have different opinions on how to perceive love.
Many might say that Malleus would ask Lilia about the subject, but I see that he would like to learn it on his own, to experience new sensations without having the spoiler of what comes after, gradually discovering what to do and getting used to his own body's reaction to that feeling.
Malleus read children's romantic books, making a point to remember how each of the protagonists recognized that feeling and how they described it on each page. During his walks, Malleus surely paid attention to the couple of birds joyfully singing on the branches of trees or to the small and larger animals living together, which made him question himself about the possibility of having someone to fill the void of his empty thoughts and solitary walks.
However, time passed, and Malleus is now an adult, perhaps even more so in human age. He set all of that aside for several reasons. People feel intimidated without much effort, besides the fact that he will eventually become a king, carrying great responsibilities and the trust of his future reign.
But during one of his walks through the now no longer abandoned dormitory, he met someone new. It wasn't supposed to be something new, but this time everything was different, different enough to capture his attention in this interesting being. At first, Malleus only wanted to see more of their innocence.
What used to be small conversations are now more complete encounters. That question he had when he was younger resurfaced, and Malleus has the opportunity to truly feel what love is.
When your fingers touch while you're sitting there looking at the stars.
In those moments when you ignore the fact that it's getting late just to spend more time with him.
When you're about to close the door but then you meet his eyes and sweetly smile at him one last time that night.
The way you always ask at the end of the date, "Will you be free tomorrow to go out again?".
How you trust him to vent all the problems you're going through and are willing to listen to his advice.
On dates you both talk for hours and you feel bold enough to ask about his culture, so that in the following days you try to do exactly as he described, earning a smile from Malleus who appreciates your actions.
Malleus feels his heart racing, the involuntary feeling of smiling whenever he sees you, wishing that tomorrow would come quickly to look for you one more time. Currently, he fully understands how all those princesses from the stories felt but Malleus has a thought to himself that those princes are nothing compared to you.
The gentle moonlight illuminated you and Malleus as you found yourselves in a moment of pure serenity. Another night together, where you chose a garden to spend time in. The fragrant flowers spread their sweet aroma in the air, while a cool breeze caressed your faces.
The two of you were united by an idea in which Malleus would teach you to waltz with his graceful rhythm.
With kindness and patience, Malleus led you through the smooth and harmonious steps of the waltz. Your gazes met in silent communication, as if the outside world faded away, leaving only the two of you in that moment. The intertwined hands conveyed a sense of security and connection, a bond that went beyond words.
There was no music, but Malleus volunteered to hum, which seemed to resonate perfectly in tune with your movements. The delicate steps, guided by Malleus's mastery, glided smoothly across the lawn, as if you were floating. Every curve and turn were executed with grace, in perfect harmony.
While waltzing, the two of you shared knowing smiles, exchanging small whispers and stifled laughter. With each movement, you grew closer, your hearts beating in unison. The sparkle in Malleus's eyes revealed the joy overflowing in his chest.
The garden at night became a refuge of enchantment and passion, witnessing the love blooming between Malleus and his beloved. Under the starry sky, you danced as if time was suspended, immersed in a world of your own where worries and obstacles ceased to exist.
Each spin and step taken on that special night was a declaration of love. The tranquil and romantic ambiance embraced the couple, creating a magical setting that made the moment even more memorable. The gentle touch of Malleus's hands conveyed affection and protection, while your passion confidently surrendered to the dance, carried away by the melody of love.
After a few waltz steps, both of you allowed yourselves a pause to catch your breath, while softly laughing at each other. The passion in your eyes denoted a mixture of gratitude and amusement, knowing that your clumsy movements were in the skillful hands of Malleus to guide.
"You're doing great," Malleus said with an encouraging smile. "The waltz may seem complicated at first, but with a little practice, I'm sure you'll master the steps."
You let out a shy laugh, your hair gently swaying with the movement. "I must confess, I feel a bit clumsy, but I'm loving every moment of it."
Malleus smiled, looking into your eyes. "Don't worry about the perfect elegance of the steps. What truly matters is being together, sharing this dance."
Feeling encouraged by Malleus's comforting words, you relaxed and allowed yourself to be guided once again by the waltz movements. Malleus let the lyrics of the music escape from his mouth as he gently and patiently led you, adjusting his movements to make you feel more at ease.
With each attempt, Malleus praised your progress, highlighting your strengths and encouraging you to continue. Together, you turned the learning moments into a fun and joyful adventure.
While waltzing, you felt free to ask some questions about the dance, such as the meaning of the steps, the history behind the waltz, and related curiosities. Malleus enthusiastically shared his knowledge, explaining each aspect in detail, taking the opportunity to get even closer.
As the night progressed, clumsiness mixed with charm, creating a unique atmosphere filled with complicity. The dance became just an excuse to be close, to share laughter and secrets, further strengthening the bond that united you.
In the moonlit garden, Malleus and his beloved knew that the waltz was only the beginning of a journey of mutual discovery. While dancing and having fun, he realized that it didn't matter if your passion was clumsy or inexperienced; what mattered was the love and connection you shared.
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Open request
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Cat's Note:
Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll, 794 is a lot of people! Anyway, today there will be another poll for anyone interested.
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blue-rose-soul · 2 months
For the TDB Swap Au:
I’m not really a fan of swap aus cause I similarly feel that they too often swap the personalities of the characters along with the roles but I just adore how you set yours up! Both Charlie and Alastor seem really in character and the whole au feels like an interesting idea to explore!
I’m curious, would Alastor regard Lucifer more highly because he inadvertently inspired his life of crime? How would their interactions play out?
Also Lucifer has had decades to build up the idea of this innocent kid gone too soon that he would never get to meet in part because he wasn’t there to protect him. How would he react to this idea being completely shattered by Alastor’s—well—everything?
Also I adore the idea of Charlie trying to act as suspicious as possible to be allowed to continue helping out. She’s got to be in for a world of surprise when she learns this random guy she just met is in part the reason she had such a isolated childhood.
Oh, Alastor doesn't know Lucifer was the one to kill his mother's murderer. All anyone knows was that strange noises were heard in the master bedroom and when the servants went in there later they found some lumps of meat on the bed. And the carpet. And the walls. And the ceiling. But if Lucifer were to learn that not only was his son still alive when that happened, but he saw the aftermath of what Lucifer did and was affected by it.... Well, hello darkness my old friend.
Yes, I love to torture the characters I like, what of it?
It's difficult for him to recognize the adult Alastor as his son because as far as Lucifer knows, his Alastor died as a child and his soul should retain that appearance. The name Alastor isn't exactly common, but it's not impossible for a total stranger to have that name either. If anything the 'reminders' of his murdered son only serve to aggravate Lucifer and make him more initially hostile towards Alastor.
This isn't even mentioning that Lucifer straight up assumes that Alastor somehow kidnapped Charlie when he first comes to the hotel.
It's funny because Charlie's trying to act like she has some ulterior motive to be at the hotel when in fact she does have an ulterior motive for being at the hotel; proving to Lucifer that redemption is possible and it's worthwhile to have faith in sinners. She doesn't tell anyone that she's really the Princess of Hell, which in a way helps her keep up appearances. Because she actually has a major secret she's trying to hide. After she disappeared from home, Lucifer finally emerged from the palace for the first time in decades to search for her, which keeps Charlie again isolated to the hotel as she doesn't want to run the risk of him catching her. Which leads to her acting odd and cagey and again, has Alastor certain she's got some hidden agenda.
Poor girl's going stir-crazy at this rate. But at least she has a new assortment of faces to keep her from losing it. Alastor's happy enough to catch her up on the events she's missed over the past several decades, while discretely probing her for information as well. And she and Vaggie hit it off pretty quick despite having known each other only a few months.
When the day finally comes that she learns who Alastor is to her, she's got some major mixed feelings on the matter. To hear Alastor tell it, Lucifer pretty much abandoned him as soon as Nicaise was gone. But when she tries to push Lucifer for details he makes it very clear that he thought that Alastor had died with his mother. Knowing that Alastor had been right outside that night when he tore that human scumbag to pieces... It's especially painful because now Lucifer has memories of exactly what kind of child Alastor was. He wasn't so different from Charlie back then, sweet and outgoing with a penchant for bursting into song. It's painful for Charlie to hear all this about the half-brother she never knew about.
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novelcain · 2 years
Wukong and Reader's son would 100% be wukong levels clingy Momma's boy. The youngest born, he would look almost like a copy of her, he would be shy and a crybaby to his family yet feral to strangers. Thinks his dad is trying to steal *HIS* Mama. The kind of guy who grow up to be a tall handsome quiet lone wolf who'll refer to his mom as Momma when he's well into adult hood. Anyone who hurts or upsets his mother has to die. His mother's word is law. Chugs respect women juice. All the men and women want him but they have to get Mama's approval first.
Omg yes. This man would be the tall dark mysterious half demon spawn of the Monkey King that every one fears. All anyone know about him is that he's Sun Wukong's youngest child and looks mostly human with some obvious differences. 1) being that he's WAY too handsome to be a normal human and 2) being that, like all his siblings, he has a monkey tail.
So one day he finally brings home a girl to meet his family. The girlfriend can tell that this is really important to her aloof bf bc of how often he's been mentioning it. She also knew that his family was extremely important to him because of all the photos he had of them in his college dorm.
What she didn't expect, however, was her bf's personality doing a complete 180 as soon as he saw his mom. She watched in astonishment as her bf made a beeline for the woman she recognized as his mother from the pictures and stared slack jawed at the soft look on his usually stoic face as the woman reached up to pat on her sons head.
Reader: Come on! Introduce me to her! This is the first girl you've ever brought home I'm so excited!
Son: *brings his mom over and gestures to the young woman* Mom this is my girl friend. *gestures to his mom* And this is the most important woman in my life.
Reader: *gasps, softly elbow bumps him, and whisper yells* Don't say something like that to your girl friend, sweetheart!
Son: Why not?
Wukong: *walks up behind them both and putting his arm around his wife* I apologize for my son. He never grew out of his Momma's Boy faze. *puts his son in a headlock and pulls him down to nuggy him*
Son: UGH! DAD STOP! *wrestles around with his dad to get loose*
Gf: *giggling at the whole thing*
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tossawary · 1 year
Needing something to play in the background during the day, I have started watching Transformers G1 and have now finished the first season. It is very funny to visit the original after getting most of my information through Fandom Osmosis and passing acquaintanceship with more recent Transformers media. I decided to start at the beginning (terrible decision, I know, I will not be changing it) because I have like 40+ hours per week that need background sound and I like studying adaptational choices over time, so I intend to progress through a bunch of Transformers shows in chronological order.
It's kind of like Star Trek: TOS (Star Trek is better) in that I find parts of it very charming, there are plenty of aspects that are even compelling in their potential, but it's also... bad. A lot of it is Very Bad, sometimes in a very funny way and sometimes in a way that is just Not Good and even Problematic. I cannot possibly recommend it.
The animation quality is understandably very low due to the context of its creation (television show from the 80s made to sell toys). I like a few of the Cybertron background paintings, but it still takes me a second to tell a lot of the characters apart, partially because there is a revolving door for supporting characters. The writing quality is even worse. The physics is all over the place. The powers and abilities are completely arbitrary. None of the science works. No one can decide what body parts the Cybertronians actually have. There is way more mind control in this show than I ever expected there to be. This is apparently an alternate universe where the Earth has various types of energy crystals. The Idiot Ball trope is flying all over the place like dodgeballs and the characters are repeatedly hitting themselves with it constantly. Some of the accents are quite silly, yeah, but it still doesn't justify how some people type them out in fanfiction.
And yet I am still mildly entertained, probably because I am already partial to both animation and space opera with robots. And I recognize enough of the characters to find these early versions of them very funny. And some parts of this extended toy commercial were very clearly Done With Love.
Megatron and Starscream are like two halves of a whole idiot. The Decepticons are incapable of not betraying each other for more than a few episodes. Except for Soundwave, who is the MVP of the Decepticons, and yet also does nothing to stop any of the drama. Both sides can just Make New Guys at any time apparently and the Dinobots should unionize. I think Optimus Prime essentially "ok boomer"ed Megatron in the second episode and it was justified. I can't believe that Shockwave didn't just straight up stage a coup or otherwise move on in 4 million years, like, man, DUMP HIS ASS already. Bumblebee has apparently always been Very Smol and Just A Little Guy. Because this is a kids show, all these giant robots are constantly calling the Mortal Enemies They Want Dead "dweebs" and "nerds" and "twerps" and it's Very Funny. And I'm just going to assume that Sparkplug is a nickname and not an adult human man's legal name.
Also, I know the reason that the human kids are in the show is so that the show can go, "Look! This could be you! Being friends with all your favorite giant robots!" But it very much comes off as the Autobots having no real context for Spike's age or squishiness, probably because their own newborns are already able to fight. And Carly's introduction involving renting scuba gear and breaking into the Decepticon base makes her look (and I mean this with bewildered affection) fucking nuts, girl.
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mariska · 4 months
had a very long busy day yesterday so i didnt get to make a lil post abt this (and i have also had a very busy month in general so i am like. Incredibly Burned Out Currently Anyways lol) BUT! as of yesterday i FINALLY have managed to get an official, legally recognized, medical professional assigned autism diagnosis. it's taken almost exactly 12 years of absolutely exhausting work and effort on me and my family/medical support system's part, and i will always wish that i'd been 'officially', 'professionally' diagnosed so much earlier in life before everything got too difficult for me to attempt to manage myself, but it is so validating and important to me that regardless of whatever happens moving forward in my life now with my combination of mental and physical disabilities, at the very least, i stayed determined through everything and lived long enough to actually see the day that my 27 years of existing as an autistic person was diagnosed, recognized, and officially logged in pretty great detail (along with quite a bit of additional separate diagnoses of additional disabilities i have) in my medical records.
it's all still very surreal to me because at this point in time i truly did not think i would ever get an official diagnosis in my lifetime with all of the hell i've gone through trying to get medical professionals to take me seriously when i have continuously begged to be heard and recognized in my struggles. the man who did my professional assessment this time around (i had one before many yrs ago that was nowhere near as necessarily thorough and resulted in very inaccurate misdiagnosis) was really patient, kind, understanding and respectful not just to me and my struggles but also to me as a person in general, had no big shocked responses to learning that i have 2 moms and was born via known donor dad, completely understood that i have very little genetic familial info about myself because of that and some other specific factors, listened to everything me and one of my moms who was sitting next to me thru the whole evaluation for support had to say, asked very detailed professional questions and used testing material that was geared specifically towards autistic Adults and not elementary school aged children (which has previously been my entire experience with any kind of autism related evaluation/testing in the past despite those past instances being when i was already a young adult at the time)...it took such a long time to get here but i'm very very grateful that i have finally been recognized officially as the person i have always been.
i teared up reading the email that was sent to my moms & me containing the full detailed breakdown of the test and evaluation findings/results because it was the first time in my life that i've ever read such a thorough and accurate description/assessment of Myself, in general. there's a very strange, emotionally charged, but also very positive kind of feeling seeing over 20 years of my own lived experiences written in words and presented as evidence of the disabilities i've lived my entire life struggling to survive around with very minimal help or even prior recognition. both my longtime therapist and primary care dr also submitted really detailed, well-described accounts of my disabilities and the details around them to this dr who did this evaluation and reading those accounts in the long results letter was very validating to my understanding of myself, too. i told both my mom that went to the appt with me and my therapist that i have weekly sessions with at my appointment yesterday that it felt like reading a really detailed wikipedia entry about myself in a way because i just have never seen so much accurate information about my entire life written in words like that before. i've spent my entire 20's so far not even feeling like a fully realized human being because of how existentially complicated and exhausting and stress inducing and confusing life in general is to me and i actually feel like A Human Being That Has Always Been Passively Perceived By Other People Around Me As Such now. i don't know how long it takes for my brain to fully process that realization but i'll be slowly finding out from now on. which is just. wild to even say/type outside of my head.
ANYWAYS!!! i will stop rambling now. i just wanted to type out a big ol' life update and fling it into the void on here because it really is an indescribably huge life milestone for me, so i wanted to share it with all of u!
12 years, dude. finally feeling like maybe everything i've been through has been worth it even just for this one accomplishment. i really hope it helps me be able to build some sort of independent life structure for myself from here on out but even if nothing changes i am so relieved to have my basic identity and personhood validated and recognized. i think it all has been worth it even just for that.
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starsheild · 8 months
Partner: Part 10
Sierra looked around cautiously at her new home. This place had obviously not been built with humans in mind, but she had been assured that it had been altered to accommodate them. She hesitated, looking at the mechs that towered over her and still marveling a little at the sight of Prowl in root form.
"You don't have to do this, you know. The government will foot the bill for my care. And after that…"
Well, honestly after that she wasn't sure what she was going to do. There were many people in life that had moved on after suffering injuries like hers. It would just take starting over. Again.
"No." Prowl and Jazz spoke together, in complete sync. That was going some getting used to, and Sierra still wanted a comprehensive explanation on how this whole bonding thing worked. At the moment all she knew was that Prowl and Jazz were somehow linked now, permanently, and that their actions were often amusing or disconcerting by turn.
They had both argued for her being allowed to come live among the Autobots, at least until she was well enough to be on her own. Gathering her courage and swallowing her pride she looked at them. "Well, are you going to show me around then?"
This was not how it was supposed to end. Prowl stood back, at the edge of the gathered humans. Many more had shown up that he would have expected. But then, Sierra had changed during the time that they had worked together. Changed to the point that even if her colleagues did not seek out her company they respected her.
As an officer she had also had a far greater impact on the community then even Prowl had guessed. The children she would wave at, the adults she would speak to, they all remembered. They came.
Some of them had seemed surprised to learn that her partner had been an Autobot, but Prowl hadn't been willing to let anyone else be the honor guard on the procession. Now he stood, surrounding by his brothers and sisters in arms to honor the human that had ended up touching so many of them. With her humor and her laughter. With her strength and stubbornness. With her courage and dedication present right up to the very end.
Prowl bowed his head and leaned into the momentary comfort that Jazz offered when the service was over. He was not alone. He was not the last. But once again an important part of his life was missing.
"So explain to me what we are doing again Prowler?" Jazz questioned, more confused about visiting an outdoor human location in the rain than bothered by the idea.
Prowl had done something he never did- he took a day off. Two days off, in fact. One because, as he told Prime, there was something important he needed to do for a friend. And no, the date was not negotiable. The other day was because the Decepticons had managed to cause a rather thorough upset on the anniversary of their bonding, and who was Jazz to complain is Prowl felt the need to make it up to him?
Still, Prowl was acting very odd, and if Jazz couldn't see into his spark so well he would have contemplated having Ratchet run a scan on the mech's processor. The small bag the human at the station had given him hadn't cleared matters up at all, especially since she seemed just as confused as to why Prowl would want whatever was in it.
"Here." Prowl said, transforming quietly deep in the park. Jazz wasn't even going to point out the fact that they had gone around a sign saying that the park was currently closed to visitors. Law breaking Prowl was a new one too.
He followed Prowl across a small clearing, skirting the empty shelter, to a large rock. He watched quietly as Prowl opened the bag and laid out five candles, arranging them carefully.
"What are those for?" He asked softly as Prowl lit the first one, recognizing it as some sort of human ritual, even if he didn't understand the point quite yet.
"Sierra's creators." Prowl explained softly as he lit the white pair. "Her brother." The red one. "Her first partner." The blue.
The lighter hovered over the green for a moment, and Jazz understood as the flame came into life. "Sierra."
Jazz moved closer, hearing but even more deeply feeling the prayer that his bonded intoned to Primus, the only deity known to their kind. When Prowl was finished Jazz wrapped his arms around the Praxian, and together they watched the candle flames flicker softly as the sky above them cleared and the stars shone overhead, reflecting the lights below.
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sizey-oc-smackdown · 1 year
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Participants: @eyekaros 's Amberlight, @guaxinimraccoon 's Tobias "Toby", @stunkers 's Hal and Bell
Descriptions: "A brave little mouse that dreams of one day being a knight. Amberlight dreams of one day being a hero, but so far, they have lived their life in complete isolation, watching the world from a distance and occasionally borrowing from it. They have a fascination with the world of the giants, longing to one day be a part of it, but so far all their attempts have failed. They're very clumsy and prone to injury, and each try at making a new friend has ended worse than the last."
"A small imp with blue hair and pointy ears, almost always wearing a beanie hat."
"Hal is an adult borrower and a father to his daughter bell, also a borrower. They both have wavy/curly reddish brown hair. They also both have whiskers, fuzzy tails and mouse like ears. Both are covered in a thin layer of reddish brown fur, which covers their arms, legs and torso, and a small patch of fur covers their foreheads. Hal has some scruffy facial hair, mostly around his chin and upper lip. Bell is 15 years old and Hal is 47 years old."
Propaganda: "they want nothing more than to be a part of everything but literally no one has given them a chance. their voice is too quiet and too small to be heard by most giants. the house that they borrow from has a housecat with a vendetta against them. each and every trial amberlight has been met with, they have failed miserably, and yet they are the brightest star there ever was. they refuse to ever be pessimistic, believing wholeheartedly that the world is good and that one day they will find their place in it. they refuse to be beaten down by their difficult lifestyle, and instead they are constantly hoping for a future where their struggles are recognized.
amberlight, at their core, is LONELY. their own family left them behind when they were a pup, and they've entirely raised themself. their ideas about the world are purely shaped by the storybooks and myths and legends they've raised themself on. they think the world is full of brave knights and beautiful princesses, and that every bad situation can be overcome. they constantly dream of a future where someone finally sees them as they are, for a day when someone welcomes them into their world. they need a friendly giant to make survival less of a nightmare so badly, but they're a knight! they're the hero! they have to be able to save themself, right?"
"Absolute chaos gremlin who is trying to get his magic back after being banished lmfao"
"They’re the tired dad and weird girl duo forever. Hal is a single father and he’s trying his best to raise bell on his own. Hal grew up with an extreme fear of humans that his parents taught him, which made him extremely anxious and paranoid, so he’s trying to raise bell to have a less fearful but avoidance outlook at humans. He’s a grumpy but sweet old guy. Bell is crazy rebellious teenager all the way. She loves insects and being outside and is constantly bringing bugs she finds into the house. She’s very curious about humans and tends to get way to close to the human they live with despite her fathers warnings. She loves to digging in the dirt for tuber."
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onecantsimply · 2 years
God / Goddess Reader x Servant Jack The Ripper
Basically, what’s going on here, is that Jack had been helped by you before. After he had killed his mother and started to live in the slums. But thirty years later, you had appeared in his vision again. And... he wanted to know what was so familiar about you. Ever since then, that relationship would start to blossom when Jack had followed you into the realm of the Gods as your servant. Your Human servant. 
Warnings: Slight tempts of Death.
• You know... when Jack saw you as an adult, he had this odd sense of nostalgia. As if he had saw you before. Your color was... a bit dirty, but still rather pure in its own right. He's saw that color before, definitely. But when you had looked at him, he knew you had somewhat recognized him from somewhere. Your eyes landed on his hat.
- You had then recognized him, but he never did recognize you in a full manner. So, he quickly approached you, wanting to know who you were. This odd sense of nostalgia and thankfulness wasn't something he was used to.
- "Excuse me, Sir... Would you mind sitting with me for a cup of tea..? I noticed we happened to be looking at each other, and I noticed we both had that feeling familiarity. Would you mind taking a few minutes out of your day?"
• Jack is relieved to have you accept his offer. And to have you sit across from him allows him to get a better look at you. It's been such a long time, but he finally remembers. You were that person who helped him when he was only 13 years old in the slums, after he had killed his mother.
- Every month or so, you had came by to drop some food or clothes while he was asleep. But he was awake once to see you walking away. Ever since then, he remembered your eyes. Oh, how (E/c) it was, and your sad, but kind color. He remembered you, and he was grateful.
- It was nice to have you see him when he picked himself up. But yet, Jack seems confused. You don't look a day over 20, and you still look completely beautiful, even after 30 years. So... what happened? You never did seem comfortable with telling him, and he understood, of course. But something told him that you weren't... a Human.
• And of course, Jack was right. He witnessed you get shot with a bullet, but it had simply bounced right off of you. And with no fazed expression or color, you had killed the one who had attempted to murder you. It had Jack in shock, especially to have you appear right in front of him after sensing his presence.
- So here he is, waiting to be killed, and simply frozen upon having your (E/c) eyes staring into him. But, you never did murder him. You only walked away. Jack couldn’t handle his curiosity. He followed after you, curious of what you were. It was a wonder of how you didn’t kill him on the spot when he started to poke and prod at you.
- Your color only read as curiosity as he continued to figure out what you were capable of. You were immune to mortal weapons, but not physical strength. Got it. You couldn’t age regularly. Got it. You’re a God. Really? Jack can understand that, but it all still seems… surreal. Until you take him to the realm of the Gods, with him supposed to be acting as your personal servant.
• Your aura is powerful with them. But yet, in the mortal realm, you have the calmest aura to exist. You… were more comfortable with him. It made him feel… warm. Was it because you now knew him? Or because of something entirely different? Now what was this feeling inside of him?
- And before he knew it, he began to fully address you as “My Lord” or “Lord (Y/n)” as a result of being your personal servant. (Of course he had an option of if he wanted to go. He always did.) Within the time that had passed, Jack found a color within you whenever you had looked at him. It was similar to his mother’s, but… more pure.
- It wasn’t drenched with the slight tint of deceit. It was… completely genuine and pure. The love his mother gave him… and the love you gave him… Was yours truly the genuine one he never knew he wanted? Jack stood with you even longer, even if his life span was taken away from him as he had stayed.
• The joyful times turned into an eternity for him once he found out he had never aged in the realm of the God’s. He was stuck in his Golden Age, so he could never age when in your realm. And… it had him joyful. He could stay by your side at least a little longer.
- Even through situations or jobs that Gods had tasked you in, and even in the places that Jack got put in, he trusted you. That trust never did get placed in anyone else, which had made you special. The one who helped him, even if he almost never remembered you from the first time.
- Now, Jack is quite convinced he loves you. But, how does he know your color is romantic? It could be platonic. No one’s ever held love for him before. And the only one who did wasn’t even directing it to him. It was merely shifting around him, to a man that had abandoned him at birth.
• It was impossible. A Master loving their servant? Never. And Jack knew it, which only increased his hesitation. Even if his heart had yearned for your true affection, even if he ached to hold your hand through everything, he knew it may never happen, as you may have only felt platonic emotions for him.
- Why… Why would Jack want to ruin it? He’ll wear his smile on his face, and continue going on as your servant, following you everywhere and trusting you, just as you do to him. Jack just hopes his feelings will wear off soon, even if he knows they never will.
• Once, he’s jumped off a building just to appease you. He had lost to someone in a serious game, and the price was death. But to his own shock, you had jumped right after him. He didn’t want you dying alongside him. But after feeling the soft surface once he had landed down on the floor, and your gentle laugh, he couldn’t help but stay… confused.
- His face had heated up the instant you confessed to him on the soft surface. That soft surface being a sort of mattress for a specific game that needed to be tested out. But anyhow, having you confess to him gave him an intensified feeling of love. He couldn’t control it. But he was so glad to have you share his feelings. Hell, he was glad enough you had risked your own life to save his own, even if you knew the two of you wouldn’t die.
- But still… receiving your kisses and gentle hugs were more than enough to have him happy throughout the life he was given with you. His soul was happy, the colors you both had were genuine, and Jack could finally love someone, knowing they had loved him back.
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smilesobrien · 1 year
is kes from star trek an adult: the stupidest question that people are still asking for some reason!
aka: i should be asleep but im not so i might as well Post while i'm up!
So the idea that she's not hinges on two basic ideas: her age and elogium.
Age is an easy debunk; sure, she's two, but Ocampans live to eight! According to Memory Alpha, they hit young adulthood at one year old. Pretty straightforward. You occasionally see people argue that you can't possibly attain the amount of experiences necessary to be an adult in that timeframe, but I find that unconvincing; she escaped the gilded cage her entire species is in, for god's sake, she's hardly sheltered.
Elogium... I have a lot of beef with the episode it was introduced in, honestly (you're telling me Ocampans give birth to ONE child in their whole lives?!?!) BUT. for the sake of the argument, let's take it as presented.
In the episode of the same name, elogium is compared to puberty. While this is correct on some levels- in both cases, it's the body getting ready to reproduce- it's also fairly clearly not analogous to human puberty in some pretty important respects. For starters, it usually happens at 4-5yo; you'll recognize that as halfway through an Ocampan's lifespan! This alone makes it ridiculous to point to as the sole marker of adulthood in the species, especially when we've already been told that 1yo is an adult. Secondly, under normal circumstances it only happens once in an Ocampan's lifetime. I don't think I need to explain how that differs to the average ovulating human's life experience... haha!!
Thirdly, we can use our reading comprehension to understand the broader context of the episode itself- it doesn't follow the beats of a puberty narrative, it follows the beats of an unexpected pregnancy narrative. Sudden weird cravings as the first symptom? Check. Tensions between the couple over whether they're ready to have a baby? Check. Eventually deciding to not go ahead with it under the assumption that they can simply have another child later? Check check check. Star Trek loves its analogies, so it's not too surprising that they did a storyline like this.
Fourth- and this is the weakest and final point- Ocampans were originally conceptualized as insect-like. They didn't retain many insect-like traits aside from the lifespan so this is admittedly a reach, but a great deal of insects don't metamorphose into a mating-ready form for several years... and then when they do, they die weeks to days after. It seems to me that elogium's onset being in the latter half of an Ocampan's life is roughly analogous, but again, this is speculation as opposed to drawing from canon facts like my other points, so feel free to discard this one! Just thought it was worth mentioning.
BONUS: consider whether a child would be allowed to assist with medical procedures! consider if even the brightest sharpest teenager would be able to run a hydroponics bay almost completely solo! consider if viewing a capable, intelligent woman as a child despite her accomplishments is maybe kind of weird and misogynistic! thank you! goodnight!
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liroyalty · 7 months
Her name was originally Soleila, & she was born through the forbidden love between a Fae, of whom was one of the daughters of Titania, Queen of the Fae, & a Vampire. Titania, learning of this forbidden union attempted to have both her daughter & her forbidden lover destroyed. Knowing them could not run from their fate, they did what only they could, hide their daughter from her wrathful grandmother.
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Soleila was entrusted to the mythical creatures of the enchanted lands of Eswia, far away from Titania's realm & neighbors to a kingdom of humans. There Soleila thrived under the care of many different types of magical folk & mythical beasts, & she grew into one of the most beautiful & powerful beings within Eswia, having both fae magics, & dark witchcraft-like magics, she had long raven black hair that ghosted the length of her ankles, eyes a lively green like the leaves of a tree & large wings that sparkled like the night sky & glowed in the dark. So beautiful & beloved was she, that many of Eswia's creatures gathered at night to watch Soleila's nightly fly & see her wings glow in the night & her hair flow wildly behind her.
At some point, when she was but still a youngling, Soleila's first encounter with a human happened.
Eswia & it's neighbor that was a human kingdom were known to have strained relations, for once centuries ago they wared, & peace was never truly established. The humans was known to be greedy, always envious & jealous of the beauty & power that Eswia had, while also utterly despising the magical creatures that lived there, none more so then their king, while Eswia had no leader, they had no need of one as their sense of community was unmatched. So, when a human child into Eswian lands, none had a wish to meet the boy & avoided him, save for one. Soleila. She had not the fear that other creatures had of humans, only a curiosity, so she greeted the mortal child with warmth & openness, despite of other Eswian's warnings. Soleila & the human boy, were soon fast friends, spending the day playing together, & when the boy explained he did not know his way home, she sheltered him in a hollowed out tree she frequented until the morning, where she offered to fly him back to the human kingdom. Unknowing of what would happen when she arrived or whom she was with. Upon taking the boy back to the human kingdom, a guard on the city's watch instantly recognized the boy as the King's son, a prince, & believed Soleila to be his kidnapper. As soon as Soleila let the boy go, she was besieged by guards & in spite of the young prince's desperate pleas, attempted to arrest the young Soleila. She managed to escape with the use of her wings, kicking up strong gusts as she took to the sky & returned to Eswia, her openness towards humans a little shook that day. And such an openness would only be shock more & more, for every human she was to try to meet, still ever curious about mortals, was met with only violence & vitriol
Years later, Soleila & the Prince would meet again as adults, while Soleila walked for borders between Eswia & the human kingdom. Once more, they delighted in each other presence, as Soleila could hold no ill-will for what happened years ago, knowing the Prince tried to save her, & said prince seemed as open & kind as he was as a boy. As they did once years ago, they spent the day together, this time with the prince leaving on his own, just to return the next day, baring a gifted of fresh picked flowers, as if enchanted by the beautiful fae before him. Once more, they spent the day together, laughing, sharing stories, learning of each other's homes, sharing food & drinks, it was a blissful day.
... Then Soleila awoke the next day...
A sharp pain filled her back. And when she checked she found her wings were no longer there, her beautiful dark wings that looked like the night... completely gone, along with a good half of her once long & luscious hair. She lived only by the grace of a small family of pixies finding her & tending to the gashes left from where her wings once were.
It had been a trick. The human Prince had tricked her. The food & drink they shared, when she looked back upon that moment, it was only she who drank anything. It was laced with a powerful sleeping drug, powerful enough to keep her outcold as he cut her wing from her back & took a section of her hair. It was all part of a test by his father, to see if his son was worthy of being his successor. To make sure his son would not consort with those things within Eswia as he did once as a child. The Prince thought it a mercy to leave Soleila alive, but it would be a scar upon them both, for the Prince would always fear Soleila's revenge & Soleila would finally be tipped over the edge on her views towards humans.
The experienced turned once gorgeous raven locks into a old & dull grey, as too did Soleila's heart grow cold & grey that day, knowing she will never take to the skies again, knowing she was violated in this way. The magical folk were right, they tried to warn her but child-like innocence & curiosity lead her to not listen. But no more. Never again, will she trust a mortal. And never again will she allow what befell her to happen to another Eswian, no one should have to know this pain. And no one should have to know what happened to her.
Between the human kingdom & the lands of Eswia, there is a forest. That is where she went, & that is where she makes her home now. She forwent her birthname, now known only as 'Sue', & casted those woodlands into an eternal night, that knows only the light of the moon. She sworn herself to be Eswia's protector. Never again will a human know what those enchanted lands are like, humans will never know it's sight; not with passing through the Moonlit Woods & not without passing through her; as well as the animals of the woods whom serve as her only companionship.
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The stories of 'The Witch of the Woods', of people going missing then passing through the 'Moonlit Woods' have too reached the Prince, now crowned King of the human kingdom. Believing this witch to be an agent of Soleila's wrath, or perhaps Soleila herself, he knowns it's time to finish what he could not all those years ago. There is an impossibly high bounty on the witch's head, drawing in head hunters from all over the land to hunt this witch down.
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vstoly-blog · 1 year
Jealous Boy
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Gender neutral reader ❀
Everyone can identify ❀
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Riddle reacting at the Halloween event one of the visitors asking their loved one to marry them
Riddle Rosehearts
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Everyone was busy receiving visitors and that included you, even though your dorm was not available for visits you took advantage of your wizard costume with Grim to create a character to cheer up both adults and children, old magic tricks from your world and a kind personality.
As your dorm prohibited access to visitors, the idea is that you and Grim wander around the place like wandering witches, whoever found them could buy some of their trinkets, win a candy or watch a small magic show with Grim's help.
You two didn't have a fixed place, so it's easy to walk around and visit your colleagues to see how they were doing, as well as playing with the visitors a little, the first day the visitors weren't so curious, but lately everyone was looking forward to seeing the wizards wandering.
ー Here's your gift for meeting us, the sorcerers wish you a good stay, little one.
You gave the last child the candy in the form of a frog, then watching him run to his friends who were waiting for him, hearing the voices of the little ones getting further and further away.
ー You're very good with children ー one of your classmates commented approaching with a few more people you recognized. It wasn't long before another visitor approached, Grim grinned as he took the reins.
ー Hey, human! you found one of the greatest mages, do you want a reward or buy something to never forget? ー Grim motioned to some small objects but the visitor was far from really paying attention to the cat, going straight to what he wanted, in this case, you, passing by Grim who quickly got annoyed at being completely ignored.
ー Hey! I'm talking with you! Can't you hear me?!ー You decided to smile when the visitor stopped in front of you.
ー Can I help with something?
the visibly shy visitor just managing to utter "I would like you to marry me."
He looked the visitor up and down to think how offensive it is to just ask to marry him
I don't need to mention that he thinks so because he wanted to propose to you too, JEALOUS OF THIS COURAGE ARGH!!!
Looking to the side he can see Deuce completely shocked, Ace with his hand over his mouth undecided whether to laugh or despair, Cater cautiously holding the phone and Trey putting his hand on Riddle's shoulder
But he's not putting a hand on his shoulder for some comfort but it's like "Don't be silly" or "stop" because he knows exactly what Riddle is thinking
In case you didn't know about Riddle's crush on you, then... by now it's pretty obvious why everyone is walking on eggshells with Riddle in this situation avoiding his stress
An awkward silence reigned as your brain processed what was really going on and Grim was sure you broke.
ー What?ー you say and Grim climbs on your shoulder and answers for the boy.ー He asked you to marry him!
ー Your wandering witch story moved me a lot and i confess that i am in love with your kindnessー You chose to politely decline while still in character, holding the visitor's hands and smiling.
ー I am moved by your love but I can't accept it, I can only love someone powerful in magic to break the curse on my heartー Letting go of the visitor's hands and taking a small key chain and placing it between his hands ー Don't worry about me, me and my partner we will be fine.
Riddle didn't even notice the sigh of relief at his silly response to the visitor and unfortunately neither did you.
ー I mean if your family is rich- HUM!
Grim before completing was quickly silenced by Deuce since Riddle was in his own world just paying attention to you and your shy conversation.
It wasn't long before you were saying goodbye to visitor with a goofy smile.
ー I was thinking, Riddle is strong enough to break his curse, isn't he?ー Cater asked purposefully making both of you shy, initially you didn't think you should answer but you saw how everyone was looking curiously.ー I can't tell, do you think you can do it, Riddle?
Riddle with a surprised face closed his eyes to take a deep breath and remain calm while his face turned completely red and his heart seemed desperate to show how he felt.
ー I think soー Riddle replied a little low and Ace opened a huge smile.
ー We didn't listen, what did you say?
ー I said there are new visitors, come on!
Riddle replied in his raw self again as he went back to attend to the other people, Ace sighed sadly ー I'm tireed
ー We're almost done, happy halloween.ー Trey said patting Ace on the back and walking them back while all you could do is wave at them.
ー Happy halloween, guys!
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Open request
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Cat's notes
I'm so tired, it would be for all the dorm leaders but i'm anxious and i don't have a banner for the others so Riddle is here for now. I want to leave it open for all the people in the LGBT+ community who like twisted wonderland. i accept ideas, correction for my english butt and stuff. My spine is so dead help.
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twothpaste · 1 year
Fic snippets & delirious thoughts under the cut, featuring a washed-up chimera scientist & Commander Doctor Claus Westwood 🙃???
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(The one above's a post-canon heart-to-heart about cybernetics and the human condition, between adult Claus and Gilbert Campas - one of Porky's former chimera scientists. The one below's a mid-canon flashback exchange between the same two characters, many years prior.)
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And I'm totally not emotionally compromising myself over the contrast between these scenes, I swear. Feeling normal about how writing Claus & Gilbert versus The Commander & Dr. Campas is like writing completely different characters. Neither of 'em were permitted to see each other (or themselves) as people, under Porky's control. Condemned to this stilted arm's length, even basic recognition of each others' personhood was out of the question. It's like they'd been stripped of the capacity. (When present-day Claus "meets" Gilbert earlier in the fic, he doesn't even recognize the guy, despite his mostly-reclaimed memories. While the young Dr. Campas conversely had no idea the Commander really was a reconstructed human child.) It's only years after the fact that they get the chance to actually know each other. They come to realize that they're both complete human beings with rich perspectives & a lot in common. And, unnervingly, that they always were, even way back then. Or couldda been, if given the chance...
I have this running thing going on with Porky's lackeys & subordinates, where he treated them so much like disposable toys, or cogs in his machine - that they started to believe it and act like it. His whole operation on Nowhere hinged upon a level of alienation & dehumanization that goes beyond just mind-control technology. The antithesis to Tazmily's community (and the community these folks gradually build, after he's gone). Claus breaks free of it, and so do the rest of 'em. But in the aftermath, years later, there's still a forlorn sense that something was taken from them. Like? Maybe they could've prevented all those stolen years, if they'd just put forth the effort and care to connect with one another from the start.
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