#regis older daughter
smallest-turtle · 1 year
Fics where Noctis is trans are really funny in the grand scheme of things like
Congrats! The prophecy of your fated death respects your pronouns!!!
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lexsssu · 5 months
Yearn (Regis Adri Floyen)
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TAGS: Regis/F!reader, age gap (older man/younger woman), breeding, mating press, married sex, drabble Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Cum inside me, please? Wanna make you a daddy again so bad…! ”
Regis feels his heart nearly stop before restarting with a vengeance from your admission, images of babies with combinations of your features flashed through his mind’s eye at the speed of light.
If someone told him a year ago that he’d find love again after swearing never to take another wife, he’d have called them a suicidal fool for even daring to suggest such a thing.
And yet here he is, barely a month after his own daughter’s wedding and coronation celebrating his own wedding night. 
Duke Floyen believed himself too old for a new love, that he already had his chance and to ask for more would be greedy of him. 
To think that he would fall for his daughter’s best friend and mentor, a young woman in her mid-20s who was already deemed a spinster and unmarriageable at this age. 
But how can he not fall for you when you became the person he couldn’t be for Juvel? His inadequacy in expressing himself honestly made him envious at how easily you made her smile, laugh, and relax even with your mere presence alone.
Regis doesn’t know when his daydreams of being the one to make his child laugh instead turned into visions of you all together, Juvel laying her head on your lap while you leaned your head on his shoulder.
Before he knew it, he had asked to court you when you crossed paths at his manor’s gardens. Juvel was surprisingly nowhere in sight at that moment, which gave him the push he needed to make a move.
And the rest is history.
“I-It was…always you I would imagine with me…whenever I think about getting married and having children…” 
You didn’t have time to think about just how your words would affect your new husband as you found yourself practically folded in half into a mating press. His eyes practically glowed with an animalistic hunger as he stared down at you with a ravenous look.
“Rest assured, my love. I’ll fill you up as many times as it takes tonight to make sure you’re carrying our children by morning…” 
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city-of-ladies · 6 months
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An unprecedented female monarch in her dynasty, Rudrama Devi (r.1262-1289) presided over an age of prosperity. A successful warrior queen, she triumphed over both internal and external threats.
Her father’s heir
Rudrama Devi was the daughter of King Ganapati Deva (r.1199-1262) of the Kakatiya dynasty, who ruled over parts of present-day Telangana and Andhra Pradesh in Southern India. Their capital was located at Orugallu (Warangal). 
Ganapati Deva was a successful monarch. His kingdom was famed for its’ diamonds and beautiful fabrics. He had no son to succeed him and his older daughter was already married. He thus decided to make his younger daughter Rudrama Devi his heir and gave her the requisite training.
A female monarch would nonetheless be a in vulnerable position and see her legitimacy questioned. To make female rule more acceptable, he arranged a Putrikayagna ceremony for his daughter. This religious rite allowed a sonless man to declare his daughter or his daughter’s son as his son. After that, Rudrama Devi was also known by the masculine name of Rudra Deva. She also attended all public meetings in masculine attire. 
Her story is similar in that regard to that of her near-contemporary, Raziya Sultan of Delhi.
A warrior among warriors
In 1259, Rudrama Devi became her father’s co-ruler and assumed sole rule in 1262. She married the Chalukya prince Virabdhadra, who played no part in her administration, and with whom she had three daughters. 
Rudrama Devi faced many threats at once. Her neighbors saw an opportunity to conquer her kingdom and her feudatory noblemen couldn’t stand being ruled by a woman.
She stood her ground and prevailed, proving her might as a warrior queen. Many of her nobles rebelled, but she successfully defeated them. The Seuna Yadava king, Mahadeva, invaded her territories and reached her capital. Rudrama Devi chased him after 15 days of fighting and forced them to pay a heavy tribute in money and horses. 
To commemorate her victory, she styled herself “Rayagajakesari” or “the lion who rules over the elephant kings”. In the pavilion she built, she was depicted as a warrior mounted on a lion, holding a sword and a shield, with an elephant trunk holding up a lotus to her in sign of submission. 
In 1262, another of her neighbors occupied the Vengi region. She was able to recover it after 12 years of fighting. She was nonetheless unsuccessful in fending off the attacks of her southern rival Ambadeva.
Meritocratic policies
Rudrama Devi completed the construction of the nearly impregnable Warangal Fort. She bought large tracts of land under cultivation, increasing her kingdom’s revenue. She also recruited non-aristocratic warriors from diverse castes. Only 17 percent of her subordinates were of noble background. Prominent commanders could receive lands and become feudatory nobles. She thus established a new warrior class. Since the nobility had rejected her rule, this meritocratic policy allowed her to surround herself with loyal retainers.
Marco Polo, who mistook her for a widow of the previous king, wrote about her very flattering terms, calling her a “lady of much discretion” and a “lover of justice, of equity and of peace”. 
A warrior to the end
At the end of her reign, she chose her grandson, Prataparudra, as her heir. 
Rudrama Devi likely died in 1289 (though some sources date her death from 1295) according to an inscription made by a member of her army commemorating her recent death and that of her army chief. The cause and location of her death are unknown. She likely died facing Ambadeva's armies, leading her troops as she had always done.
Further reading
Gupta Archana Garodia, The women who ruled India, leaders, warriors, icons
Janchariman M., Perspectives in Indian History From the Origins to AD 1857
Talbot Cynthia, "Rudrama‐devi, Queen of Kakatiya dynasty (r. 1262–1289)", In: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History. 
Talbot Cynthia, Precolonial India in Practice: Society, Region, and Identity in Medieval Andhra
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starboyjun · 11 months
batboys as brothers in a isekai manhwa
my first post, please be nice lol.
i have given a lot of thought into bruce and the robins and what type of brother they would be in a isekai family manhwa.
you are the youngest daughter in the family and recently have trasmigrated into the body of the youngest princess of wayne. you had a reputation of being a "wicked" and "brat" in the family. you decided to make sure your family loves you to avoid being killed and having a cushion if something goes wrong in the future.
so... you change and here is how i think the bruce and the robins would treat you.
included in this post: bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, timothy drake, and damian wayne.
ft. a short snippet of alfred pennyworth, cassandra cain, & stephanie brown
bruce wayne - the overprotective father similar to: regis adri floyen (father i don't want to get married)
i think bruce would be suspicious of you at first. like all horrible manhwa dads, he neglected you a lot but he has his reasons. personally, i dont think he's one to hate you if you "killed" your mother during childbirth. i think he would just distance himself. he would give you money and all the support but never be there for you. which is why you think he hates you. there is a lot of misunderstandings, but after seeing that you're making an effort to change he'll be a tsundere and be very clingy and overprotective of you. especially when it comes to potential suitors.
richard "dick" grayson - the one who always supported you similar to: raymond millainare (the tyrant wants to be good)
dick has always been a kind brother, in both lives. though when he actually found proof of you being a horrible person he sort of distanced himself from you. he wants to think you're a good person but you find ways to prove him wrong. he tries to talk to you but you hated him. so when you changed, he had a optimistic view and tried to see if you really changed. you showed how you changed and now he's back to being the brother you once had. he's overall very supportive over you and loves to spend time with you. he's not as protective as some brothers but, he has that brotherly protection. he's the person that knows you best, even knows you more than you do.
jason todd - the one who hates you the most similar to: reynold eckhart (villains are destined to die)
jason hated you, he hates everyone in the family but thats besides the point. jason is known to hate you but he actually doesn't. he secretly just hates his father for how he treated you. he knows how it feels for bruce to treat his children like mere guests at the estate. up to a point, jason never truly hated you. he just wanted to make you into a better person but you proved him wrong. he was the last to believe that you are a brat until a incident happened. then jason just ignored you. he couldn't believe it, his little sister was a brat. when you changed, jason was suspicious, he didn't know what to believe. you showed him time after time that you weren't the person you were, this took jason a long time to believe. he would probably be the last one. jason now loves you dearly and is probably the most protective over you, nobody touches his sister. jason likes to teach you self defense (against bruce's will) to make sure you know how to "kick those evil suitors ass" and protect yourself from his enemies.
timothy "tim" drake - the one who didn't know you existed similar to: cassis pedelian (a way to protect the female lead's older brother)
tim is undoubtedly the most loyal to bruce (imo) so much so that he forgot you existed (he can't forget damian bc he actively causes trouble). you don't make a big scene other than inside the castle, i feel like he helps bruce so much that he forgets about what happens outside of the office. if he's not in the office, alfred is forcing him to eat, sleep, and bath so he has no time to think of you. once you changed, he caught a wind of it from the chattering of the servants and so he decided (be honored he went outside his office for you) to investigate. he watched you in secret and even joined mealtimes to see you and observe you. tim found that he enjoys your presence and often asks for you to hangout in the office (to bruces excitement) just for your company. tim is very loyal to you too now, and would do anything to keep you safe. that includes secretly burning marriage proposals.
damian wayne - the problem child who also thinks youre a problem similar to: ixion (lord baby runs a romance fantasy with cash)
damian views everyone (with the slight exeption of bruce) as a peasant. he has a hard exterior with a inside of just wanting to prove his worth in the family. when you were born damian pretended he didnt care for you but secretly escaped his room (he was under room arrest for his last incident) to go see you while you were sleeping. as you grew up, he noticed how similar you were to him (though he grew up with his mom for most of his life) he wanted to protect you and shield you but he was afraid his "dirty" hands would taint your innocence. so he watched you from afar, watched you grow into a person too much like him, too arrogant, too reckless, too much like a brat. damian was the only person to not hate you. he just pretended to hate you. so when you changed overnight, he was suspicious, who was this person? how did my sister change overnight? so he tested you, test after test. you passed all of them with flying colors. he wanted to know more about you, instead of just staying in your shadows (plus he was jealous of his other brothers spoiling you) so "insists that you go play with him" or "insists that you hug him." he's also a very overprotective one, he's the one that dick has to tie down when you get a marriage proposal. he steals the flowers and gifts you receive and burns them (or sells them to selina for a hefty price) bonus: alfred, cass, and steph
when cass and steph visited for the weekend, they were surprised about the change in the atmosphere, no maid was sobbing or bruised up. they knew of your reputation in the castle. so they decided to not avoid you but hangout since they heard of your change by alfred. alfred sung of your praises and that you stopped damian from cutting down the bushes in the garden. once they hung out with you (besides the annoying visits of the brothers) they decided to stay for the weekend to get to know you more. after all, you're a unique child, one who will be known for generations. part two: batfam as types of isekai romance tropes
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sparklecryptid · 5 months
*grins* AtB reveal AU where the Crystal makes a grandiose magical announcement whenever a Lucis Caelum is born. (Mors is seriously considering making Regis retake sex ed as the announcement comes again - and again - and again - in a matter of months. Regis is just wishing that the Crystal mentioned things like names or locations, not ‘Hail the birth of the son/daughter of the Stone! Hail!’)
More stares at Regis.
Regis is would normally meet his fathers gaze head on but-
Apparently Regis has eight children he that he lost track of.
“If this happens one more time,” Mors says with an expression on his face that would lead to Regis getting sent to his room when he was younger, “I’ll make sure you never step foot out of Insomnia again.”
Katrina sees the headlines announcing the birth of one of Regis’ children.
Then she sees those headlines again and again and as she carries Ace around her and Carly’s home as he babbles she wonders if she should head to Insomnia and tell Regis.
Ace makes a low whining noise in the back of his throat when he realizes his mother isn’t paying attention to him and Katrina laughs and showers him in kisses until he bursts into giggles again.
There are too many variables, Katrina decides, she’ll wait before introducing Ace to his family.
Ardor is found first, they find a scrawny child scavenging for food in the streets of Lestallum. They only catch him because he runs into another boy - slightly older - who sees Ardor throwing fireballs at the Crownsguard and joins in.
Cor stares at the report. He then stares at the red eyed child in front of him who is accompanied by a woman who looks like she would be more at home in a lab than in Cor’s office. She has a tight grip on her child and hovers close enough to Ardor to grab him and run if anything happens.
Her bright eyes stare at Cor and show no fear. She seems perfectly willing to fight Cor if the situation calls for it.
Cor wonders why he - at 19 years old - was put in charge of this.
Jules is found next. She had thrown a grown man into a wall with magic when said man attempted to harm her mother. Cor and Regis watch as Ardor takes one look at her and her mother and promptly decides that he’ll die for her.
Thanatos must be of the same opinion as he begins to bring her books.
Bard isn’t found so much as brought to Insomnia by her mother after Bard had decided to test out fire breathing.
“I figured,” her mother says in a voice that has seduced Regis in the past, “That if anyone can help her it’s the one who she inherited the magic from.”
Regis thinks of the part of the Citadel dedicated to his children and their mothers and thinks he must have to expand it.
Mercury shows up with an Imperial noblewoman who is currently seeking sanctuary.
“May I ask why the Empire has an arrest warrant out for you?”
“Well,” the blonde noblewoman says with a slight grin, “They can’t put one out for a child can they?”
In that moment Mercury must decide that she’s had enough of not being near her mother because she phases through the door to the interrogation room and demands her mother make her popsicles.
“Oh,” the noblewoman says and her grin widens, “There’s that too.”
Persephone and her mother walk into the Citadel as if they own it.
Persephone has her father sit down for tea and Regis has never been intimidated by a ten year old until now.
“If you hurt my mother,” Persephone says in a tone that is too mature for her age, “The Astrals themselves won’t be able to hide you from me.”
“Does your mother know you are threatening me?”
“She tried to discourage it.”
Regis feels a bit faint and wonders if Noctis will grow up to be like the rest of his siblings.
“I see.”
Jupiter and Ace arrive together having barely reached adulthood. They don’t exactly want to ask Regis to stop being a fucking tool and to ease restrictions on Galahdians seeking refuge but-
Well, listen, sometimes you have to do something uncomfortable to make change. They even made an appointment, they have proof of the appointment.
If only this fucking gate guard would believe them when they say they have an appointment.
Jupiter, because she has never bothered to pay attention to the lessons their uncle taught them in politics and diplomacy, decides that force is the right choice.
“If you don’t let us through,” Jupiter says, “I’m going to freeze you in place, and then I’m going to let my brother decide whether or not to electrocute you.”
“Please don’t tempt me,” Ace mutters under his breath.
“Threats? As if I can’t have you arrested for threatening a standing member of the military see if the Astrals will take pity on you-“
“Oh,” Jupiter says as she eyes the rapidly darkening skies, “I think they might.”
The formerly sunny day turns dark, thunderheads gathering directly above the Citadel. Jupiter watches as the guard does a double take when he realizes Ace’s eyes are glowing a bright gold-
“Shit,” the guard curses and scrambles away from them. The siblings watch amusedly as he frantically reaches for his com.
Rapid footsteps reach their ears and both Ace and Jupiter turn toward the sound. Princess Persephone looks like she just came from a sparring practice dressed in sweatpants and a tank top with her hands wrapped.
“I would prefer it, dear brother, if you didn’t summon Ramuh to wreak havoc on the city this fine morning.” Persephone speaks as if she knows them and Ace and Jupiter exchange a look.
The gold fades from Ace’s eyes and the weather clears.
“I wasn’t going to summon him,” Ace protests, “I was persuading the guard here to let us in for our appointment.”
Persephone raises a brow.
Ace meets her stare head on.
Jupiter cackles.
“He doesn’t have enough energy to summon Ramuh anyway,” Jupiter says, “Not after, well, you know.”
Persephone takes stock of her siblings appearances. They both look like they’ve been on the move for weeks without rest and the beads in their hair are all too telling about where they are from.
“We heard, I would extend my condolences but I expect they mean nothing.” Persephone turns toward the guard. Her eyes are ice as she looks at him. “I will be taking my siblings in to meet with our father. We will deal with you later.”
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I was rereading Dreams of Our Past recently, and - well, aside from falling in love with the story all over again, I find myself desperately curious about what happened when Regis met his grandchildren. (Also Cor and Clarus' reaction to the Deep City, because they *never knew it existed* - and I'd imagine that's quite a shock.)
Oh my gosh. Thank you so much! For some reason it always surprises me when peolpe say they like Dreams of Our Past. But I appreciate every single one of you with all my little author heart.
Regis felt like his insides had frozen over. His son was in danger. Finally he saw his son again, and he was in danger. But it was not a danger Regis could fight.
He sat in a cluttered kitchen, at an ancient wooden table along with Clarus and Cor and felt... nothing. Nothing but a fathomless pit called dread. His daughter-in-law was with his son. Something about making sure he drank his potions. The untouched tea in front of him had long gone luke warm.
Remembering his son's deathly pale face, the black slashes across his skin broken open and leaking magic so bright it was hard to look at, made his teeth grind together so hard it hurt.
Hushed noises from the door made him look up. Both Clarus and Cor stopped their hushed discussion, faces set in serious frowns. Regis should have been listening to what they were discussing, but he just... couldn't. The door was slightly ajar. Just enough so for a small face to peek halfway through. All he could see was a mop of wild brownish red hair and honey golden eyes blinking cautiously into the room, but that was enough.
For the first time in only the Gods knew how long, Regis moved. His joints protested rather soundly and a flaring pain in his knee made him press his lips into a tight line. Slowly he moved towards the door, leaning heavily on his cane. The little face vanished. Childish whispering came through the door. No sound of little feet running.
Regis pushed the door open and there they were. Two children, a younger boy and an older girl. Both looked up at him with large eyes, their shape nearly identical. Both so very clearly of the Lucis Caelum line. If Regis had been able, he would have knelt down. As his knee made that impossible, he settled for a warm smile. The searing cold freezing his insides started to thaw.
The boy toddled forward a few steps. A huge grin lit up his face, making him look nigh on identtical to Noctis at that age. Regis's heart nearly burst out of his chest.
"'Lo," the boy chirped. "I'm Astra! This's Soli, she don't like people."
"Astra!" the girl hissed.
"Hello," Regis said nearly on auto-pilot. His eyes burnt. "My name is Regis. It's truly a pleasure to meet you. Both of you."
Astra's storm grey eyes grew huge and his mouth fell into an 'o' shape. "You talk like Iggy! Soli, he talks like Iggy!"
The girl huffed at her brother. The grip she had on his jumper loosened. She looked up at Regis again, more curious now than cautious.
"You're him, right? Our grandpa?" she asked.
Regis could not bring himself to say another word, so he nodded. With a high pitched squeal Astra lurched forward, dragging his sister with him. She held her brother back enough to lessen the impact, but Regis still nearly lost his footing when they both collided with his legs.
Astra clung to his healthier leg like a little monkey while Solaris's arms wound around his waist. Regis nearly dropped his cane in his hast to hug both of them at once. He took a large, shuddering breath and silently the tears started to fall.
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s. you're beautiful, breathtaking, and so much more, and your husband is here to make sure you know it.
w. fem! reader, sub! reader, established relationship, dilf, big cock, praise kink, lovey-dovey sex, cervix fucking, kissing, size difference, cumming inside (use condoms irl!), mentions of age difference (reader is in her 20s and regis is likely around late 30s) & slight mentions of pregnancy.
wc. 1167.
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Regis always looks handsome with a smile on his face, as it was quite rare to really ever see such a heartwarming expression on him.
So naturally, you always did your best to bring a smile to his face whenever he appeared stressed. With how tiring the movements of other nobles were, and his involvement with the cowardly emperor, it was the least you could do. Especially with so much gossip and prying eyes around your marriage; always about how Regis was much too old for you, and that you had only married him for his wealth and power. It was always the same with these people; they just never let up.
Even with the rather sizeable age gap between the two of you, your marriage with Regis was a happy and loving one. You didn't mind that he already had a daughter from his late wife; Jubelian was a sweet and lovely young woman. It didn't bother you that other nobles labeled you as the young, gold-digging stepmother who only cared for the status and power of the Floyen family.
In the end, you'd always greet your lovely husband and stepdaughter with a gentle smile, making sure to distract them from their worries and stress. Especially Regis. You always loved it when he smiled. He always saved the brightest of smiles for you, his precious wife, and Jubelian, his beloved daughter.
You liked it when Regis smiled as he made love to you. Lovemaking with Regis was always so sweet and lovely; he'd whisper nothing but sweet praises with complete and utter sincerity. Drinking up the sight of your flushed and panting form beneath him as he fucked you nice and deep seemed to be a favorite of his. It was almost an obsession, the way he'd routinely praise each inch of your body and remind you of how happy he was to be by your side like this.
Regis presses another kiss against your collarbone, as soft as silk against your skin, and it leaves you whimpering. You can feel the way his breath fans across your skin, how he inhales and exhales with startling shakiness.
His big, sturdy body overshadows you as you lay beneath him, hips angled up just perfectly to take your husband's cock all the way into your pussy. He's much bigger than you, years of mastering the sword clearly reflected in his toned body. And yet here he is, praising and worshipping you with the utmost gentlest of touches, with a hand calloused by years of fighting, squeezing and holding yours.
God, you loved him so much.
"Heaven knows how much I love you."
"O-oh god.. th-there, yes.." you have to hold back the urge to squeal when Regis pushes a bit too deep and hits your cervix spot on. It was an odd sensation, perhaps an uncomfortable one for other women, but you quite liked this feeling. As well as the perverse implicationーno, factー that your husband was truly big and sturdy everywhere.
He may have been older, yes, but even you had to admit that his manhood would leave men so much younger than him green with envy. And it left you feeling very satisfied after each of your sessions, with your admittedly high libido satisfied. For the time being.
"Here, love?" Regis peers up through feathery lashes as he rolls his hips experimentally, gauging your reaction. This time, you shakily moan as his swollen cockhead kisses your cervix once more, and for a moment, you swear your vision goes white for just a brief second.
"Y-yeah.. there."
He softly chuckles, giving you another gentle smile that makes your heart throb in your chest before he thrusts again. And again, bumping against your cervix as if it's the only thing that his body knows to do.
"So pretty.. how'd I ever get so lucky?" he breathes, gazing at you with such fondness that it makes you want to cry from the raw emotion behind it.
With how deep he was and how he filled you to the brim, you couldn't help the gasps and mewls that left your mouth with quick succession, like a rushed melody. A melody that was cut short by your husband's lips, a quick apology breathed onto your lips before the kiss was sealed. He tastes sweet against your tongue, and you can't help but melt against his lips as he continues to stimulate your pussy into bliss.
And with how much of your husband's cum had overflowed into your womb, it was a wonder that you had yet to pass out from the overwhelming amount of pleasure that pulsed throughout your body. For a brief moment, you wonder if he's been cumming inside on purpose; to leave your belly swollen with more than just his cock and cum.
"R-regis, w.. wait, I-" you have to pull yourself away from the mind-melting kiss because of that notion, and because he kept on pressing down onto your puffy clit andー o-oh god, wait, that feels-
You surprise yourself, and seemingly your husband as well, when you suddenly find yourself creaming all over his big cock with a sudden cry. You barely have enough time to process it all before Regis thrusts and pushes himself all the way to the hilt with a strained groan.
You weakly whimperー vision swaying and blurringー as the oh so familiar feeling of your cunt being filled by your husband's thick seed. On reflex, your nails dig into the skin of his hand, though he doesn't give too much of a reaction to the stinging pain. There's so much pleasure assaulting your body all at once that it's beginning to hurt, but you don't care; you want more.
Regis' head is hung as he pants from his embarrassingly sudden orgasm, his silver hair tickling the side of your neck. In his exhaustion, his weight begins to press down on you, though you don't really have the heart or half the mind to tell him anything.
"Again.. let's go again..♡" It's an unchanging fact that such insufficient rounds will satisfy neither of you. You're young and with an incredibly high libido, and he with stamina and willingness to satisfy you to the very end.
"My, how greedy." His words are anything but patronizing, with a warm smile that reaches to his ocean-blue eyes. Even with his taxing schedule, he could still manage to find the time to drown both him and you in endless pleasure that'd leave you both breathless and with less pent-up urges than before.
"Hush you." A breathless chuckle escapes your lips as Regis lifts his head once more and gives you that lovely smile that sends your heart racing. "I love you," was murmured with another kiss softly pressed against your lips, and you melt.
Regis always looks handsome with a smile on his face, especially when he'd pump your little cunt full of cum as he told you just how beautiful you are.
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© latimeriafellfromheaven
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gardenofkore · 1 year
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Et quia solum Guilielmum Capuanorum Principem habebat superstitem, veritus ne eumdem conditione humanae fragilitatis amitteret, Sibiliam sororem Ducis Burgundiae duxit uxorem, quae non multo post Salerni mortua est, et apud Caveam est sepulta. Tertio Beatricem filiam Comitis de Reteste in uxoris accepit, de qua filiam habuit, quem Constantiam appellavit.
Chronicon Romualdi II, archiepiscopi Salernitani, p. 16
Beatrice was born around 1135 in the county of Rethel (northern France) from Gunther (also know as Ithier) de Vitry, earl of Rethel, and Beatrice of Namur.
On her mother’s side, Beatrice descended from Charlemagne (through his son, Louis the Pious), while on the paternal side she was a grandniece of Baldwin II King of Jerusalem (her paternal grandmother Matilda, titular Countess of Rethel, was the King’s younger sister). The Counts of Rethel were also vassals of the powerful House of Champagne, known for its successful marriage politics (Count Theobald IV of Blois-Champagne’s daughter, Isabelle, would marry in 1143 Duke Roger III of Apulia, eldest son of King Roger II of Sicily).
In 1151, Beatrice married this same Roger. The King of Sicily was at his third marriage at this point. His first wife had been Elvira, daughter of King Alfonso VI the Brave of León and Castile and of Galicia, who bore him six children (five sons and one daughter). However, when four of his sons (Roger, Tancred, Alphonse and the youngest, Henry) died before him, leaving only William as his heir, Roger II must have feared for his succession. In 1149, the King then married Sibylla, daughter of Duke Hugh II of Burgundy. She bore him a son, Henry (named after his late older brother), and two years later died of childbirth complications giving birth to a stillborn son. As this second Henry died young too, Roger thought about marrying for a third (and hopefully last) time.
It is possible that Roger’s choice of his third wife had been influenced by the future bride’s family ties with the Crusader royalties as Beatrice was related with both Queen Melisende of Jerusalem and the Queen’s niece Constance of Hauteville, ruling Princess of Antioch. Constance was also a first cousin once removed of Roger, who had (unsuccessfully) tried to snatch the Antiochian principality from her when her father Bohemond II was killed in battle 1130, leaving his two years old daughter as heir.
Beatrice bore Roger only a daughter, Constance, who was born in Palermo on November 2nd 1154. This baby girl (who would one day become Queen of Sicily) never knew her father as he died on February 26th.
Nothing certain is known about her widowed life, although we can suppose she took care of her only daughter. Beatrice died in Palermo on March 30th 1185, living enough to see  Constance being betrothed to Emperor Frederick Barbarossa’s son, Henry.
The body of the Dowager Queen was laid to rest in the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, together with her predecessor, Elvira, and her step-children, Henry, Tancred, Alphonse and Roger. Through her daughter, Beatrice would become Emperor Frederick II’s grandmother.
Cronica di Romualdo Guarna, arcivescovo Salernitano Chronicon Romualdi II, archiepiscopi Salernitani Versione di G. del Re, con note e dilucidazione dello stesso
Garofalo Luigi, Tabularium regiae ac imperialis capellae collegiatae divi Petri in regio panormitano palatio Ferdinandi 2. regni Utriusque Siciliae regis
Hayes Dawn Marie, Roger II of Sicily. Family, Faith, and Empire in the Medieval Mediterranean World
Houben Hubert, Roger II Of Sicily: A Ruler Between East And West
Walter Ingeborg, BEATRICE di Rethel, regina di Sicilia, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 7
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winters-mistress · 7 months
Heavy is the head that wears the twisted crown
"You did your best." Geralt gruff as he watches the girl sit upon her cushioned chair. "There was nothing else you could have done, and you survived. There's nothing anybody else could have asked for."
She sniffles, turning in the chair.
"You don't know what I've been through, how many years it's been since-" Ciri starts.
"And unless you want to speak of it, I will not ask. There is nothing more painful than being forced to reopen wounds that have not yet scarred over." He says, walking over to the girl who suddenly has a crown upon her head, one she never asked for.
Her blood has far more curses than just the Hen Ichaer, after all.
"I cannot complain about all of this, I suppose." She looks around the enormous chamber, complete with four balconied windows, a fluffy bed than can easily fit eight, a closet that's the size of a village, jewels overflowing from a dressing table, and more coin than she could ever count in her lifetime. "I can help people, we'll never go hungry or cold again, villains will fall. But I never expected it to be this way. I never thought I'd survive the attack to take down Ehmyr, I was certain I'd fall after Bonhart, Rience, Skellen and Vilgefortz. But their blood doesn't stain my hands, unlike others. I'd bottle it and wear it everyday if I could, but I have to find a way to move on from it, from everything that happened to me."
"Yeah, but you have us now." Yennefer comes into the room. "It's been a long time, Cirilla." she says. Ciri exhales.
"Longer than you'd ever believe." Her head falls back, and she can hear the diamonds clink in her crown. "Are they all settled? I wont wake to a knife at my throat and a coup at my back?"
"I don't think anybody would stand against a girl who had just brought the entire empire down and built it back up in a moment." she half grins. "But they're not what's important now, you are, daughter."
Ciri closes her eyes. "I-"
"Shh, don't talk." Yennefer whispers, trying to infuse some gentle magic into her touch, to soothe the girl after everything Vilgefortz and Bonhart told her happened to her. But it's useless, she's still too weak from the other mage's attacks upon her. "Just breathe. You're with us now."
Ciri's eyes open. She's so tired.
"You're healed?" she asks.
"As much as magic can heal me. The rest will take time, but now, we all have it." Yennefer says, sitting at Ciri's side. "You should sleep."
"It's pointless, no rest will come for me." the new Empress looks at the large satin bed. "Not yet." she finishes, brushing some hair behind her ear.
"You look older." Geralt says, coming closer to the two of them. "In the eyes, not just the face."
"It's been a long time," she breathes. "Longer for me than for you. I've lost so much, buried so many more than just your four friends three days ago. I'm sorry for your pain, they meant a lot to you." the blonde looks up at Geralt.
"They were good. A brigand of good people bounded by love for him and a wish to help you, a girl they hadn't even met." Yennefer speaks for him. "Now they will rest."
Ciri inhales slowly. "I'm sure they will." she looks away.
"No, tell me." the witcher implores.
"You won't believe me if I told you."
"Try me."
"I've been to places, seen different times. Seen lifetimes of others. Your grief for one of your friends is unfounded. He will walk once again, but you need to be patient, and remember his face." Ciri looks him in the eye.
Geralt inhales slowly.
"Which one?' he asks. "You cannot bury a man and not tell me if he still lives."
"It's not a difficult deduction to make, father. Which one was different to the rest?"
"Regis." He breathes. "He lives?"
"In a manner of speaking. A friend will heal him, and you will go to him eventually."
He breathes out a sigh, looking to Yennefer.
"I look forward to the day where you can meet him, Yen. We have much to thank him for."
"We do, indeed." Yennefer looks from him to their shared daughter. "But more to thank you for. You saved us both. From ourselves, from each other, from the world and all its villains. Thank you, sweet girl."
Geralt nods.
Ciri looks down. "I wouldn't say I deserve the nickname anymore. I've done terrible things, spilt the blood of villains and innocence. I've cheated death and made deals with devil's and cheated them as well. I've killed so many people, I've had my heart ripped out of my chest and my innards torn from within. I wouldn't say I deserve the moniker of 'sweet', mother."
"I don't agree." Geralt whispers. "We've all done awful, terrible things. None of us are heroes, but we do what we must to survive. There's no shame in that, no guilt in a monster's blood coating your sword. But now we have the opportunity to heal, to become better, together. You've made us better, Ciri, Yennefer and I. And now we can heal together. The people look to you to lead them to a new age, a better age. One Ehmyr couldn't give to them, but you can. The world will be better because of you, Ciri. And you have us. Always."
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limerental · 2 years
ficletober 2022 day twenty - geralt/Regis modern au
On the cusp of Halloween in an idyllic small town, secret monster hunter Geralt is preoccupied by a hunt for a higher vampire but happily makes time for tea with his polite and strange neighbor, Regis.
Aka this has the energy of a typical suburban Halloween movie but stupider
Geralt mumbled an absent word of thanks for the teacup nudged toward him, distracted from the usual pleasantries by the seemingly impossible task ahead of him.
It was nearly Halloween night, his daughter's first solo night trick or treating and thus his first night forced to pretend that he wasn't discretely following behind her gaggle of school friends. He was even more worried about the danger of Ciri potentially spotting him than being assumed a creep stalking pre-teen girls through his idyllic suburban neighborhood.
More pressingly, Geralt had not yet been able to locate the higher vampire responsible for several gorey murders earlier in the week, the culprit having disappeared like smoke. A needle in a damn haystack.
"Careful," said his neighbor from across the street, Regis, who had seen him moping out on the front porch earlier and invited him over for tea. "It's hot."
Geralt promptly burned his lip.
"Oof," he said and, too late, blew steam from the rim of the tea cup.
"I told you so," said Regis, folding his hands over his crossed knees. His kitchen was tidy and charming, decorated as though by an eclectic grandmother. All delicate florals on porcelain and lacy, crocheted doilies and framed embroidery of birds and well-used antique kitchen implements. 
The man himself, though not at all resembling a stooped and matronly grandmother, was weirdly suited to the cozy space. He was an older man of ambiguous age, grey-haired with round spectacles, and his long and slender limbs seemed to have more pointed angles than his joints allowed. Today, he wore an oatmeal sweatervest and cream slacks, his crossed leg revealing the chubby bluebirds that flapped in circles around his slouched socks. It was unfairly endearing.
"Sorry," grumbled Geralt. "A little distracted."
"Distracted by what, may I ask?" Regis said with his usual tight-lipped smile. 
"Nothing really," he said. "Just Halloween." 
Not long ago, Geralt would have taken the man's attitude and manner of speaking as a sign of polite but not genuine interest, but he'd accepted that Regis was just a little strange and not just tolerating him for social propriety's sake. 
Most people in this town barely pretended to be polite, after all. He was the unsocial single dad who lived in the old Cintra mansion raising their granddaughter, and rumors still flew about the disappearance of the poor girl's parents, the untimely deaths of her grandparents, and the unrelated stranger who had become her legal guardian. 
Not to mention the other company he kept. The strange woman in black who often spirited the girl away in her hearse-like sedan. The good for nothing roommate whose music was always far too loud. The hooligan fraternity of tough-looking grown men often spotted wrestling and cavorting like juveniles in the yard.
Though it had been years, attitudes rarely changed around here. 
And all of that was without the knowledge that Geralt was a secret monster hunter, his long-term partner a witch, their adopted daughter the subject of an age-old prophecy involving her as of yet untapped limitless power, and his boyfriend a homosexual.
Regis had been the subject of a fair amount of talk himself, having moved in just this spring, an unmarried bachelor living in a big Victorian house alone who seemed uninterested in mingling with the wider community. 
Though he always had time for mingling with Geralt, for which, ordinarily, he was very grateful. 
Today, he had other concerns.
The man's presence was strangely soothing and his home comfortingly nostalgic, though Geralt had rarely spent time in places like this as a boy. He liked Regis and wished he could warn him about the exact nature of the danger lurking in the shadows of this town. 
"Thanks for the tea," said Geralt. "But I've got to get going. Errands to run."
"Ah yes, your annual shindig," said Regis. "I hear it's quite the event."
Shit. Right. In his preoccupation with his hunt for the vampire, he had forgotten his reason for moping on his front porch earlier. Preparations for their yearly haunted house party were in full swing, and party planner and roommate Jaskier had become simply insufferable to be around. There were only so many faux cobwebs a man could be made to rehang at the angle that "felt more authentic, Geralt, come on" before it all became too much.
With Ciri off trick or treating alone this year and then over to a friend's house for the night, there would inevitably be a more adult atmosphere to the festivities. More booze, louder music, more absurd drinking games. As adult as anything could be with Jaskier and his brothers around. 
"Oh, um," he said awkwardly. "You're invited, of course."
"Thank you for the offer," said Regis, "but I have other plans for the evening."
Geralt dearly hoped he didn't feel slighted that he'd forgotten to invite him before now. Regis was a good man, and Geralt grew more fond of him the more they met like this. He knew intimately how few good men there really were in the world.
They sat in a comfortable silence as they finished their tea. Setting aside his teacup, Geralt stood to go. He had very few leads on his hunt, but there had been some whispers of strange activity near  a local abandoned factory that he should probably investigate.
"Listen Regis," he said. "Be careful out there the next few nights. Those murders recently… it's not safe out there."
Regis smiled a strangely-pinched but genuine smile, without teeth.
"You as well, my dear," he said with a soft lisp. "If I were you, I would be careful."
It would be several nights before he recalled those words, boots slipping on a floor slick with blood, watching his polite neighbor tear out the throat of another higher vampire with his glittering fangs, his off-white cashmere sweater drenched in the blood of the creature's latest victim and its own spurts of black ichor.
But in that moment in the cozy kitchen, Geralt simply thanked the man for his thoughtfulness and wondered if after he found and put to rest the elusive higher vampire, the man would like to go out for brunch sometime with the family. Maybe a proper movie date, just him and Regis, if the man was so inclined.
Did he like Westerns? Geralt mused. Maybe romantic comedies? He wasn't fussy about genre really, just liked the thought of sitting quietly beside the man in the dark of the theater, their knees brushing, a simple and uncomplicated closeness.
Anything but horror, of course, he thought mildly. He endured enough horror in his regular occupation and couldn't stomach the thought of more encroaching into his personal life. 
When he told this to Regis long afterward, the vampire laughed and laughed.
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nyanykamito · 1 year
i love expanding on galahd and Niflheim of course straying a wee bit from canon. because its more fun that way I’m a strong believer that canon is meant to be broken. i’ve been bouncing around with ideas for years and they rise and fall. 
i have 2 official fleshed out ffxv ocs but one kinda remains strong because she’s become literally apart of me, darn my love for firecracker oc’s. plus the idea of Cor being a literal dad warms my heart! even if he didn’t get much time with her
so Imma ramble, 
To cushion the angst Dad Cor would cry seeing his daughter take her first steps, her mimicking his facial expressions (espcially grumpy faces), her waiting for him to get back from his missions, falling alseep with his coat draped over her tiny body, her giving lil kisses on his frown lines because she thinks their owwies. Just Cor getting to be wholesome and loved because dammit he deserves it!
Dad cor gives me life and I think he deserves it a hundred percent, since my oc would be older than rest of Lucian kiddos she’d lead the pack....into trouble. lol
Her and Gladio would try to establish a pecking order, she’d win. Before Regis and his wife have kid(s) I imagine she’d be a favorite. trailing behind Regis’s wife and being a little princess. Even King Regis can’t shake her cuteness and the fact that she’s a spitting image of cor...just with curler hair on her head. Of course Cor has to demand to have his daughter back.
not angst, course stuff happens and she gets taken and she spends the rest of her life in  Niflheim. Without the love of her father and mother and really any warmth. Because the empire is a rough place.
Cor gets angry trying to find his sunshine, than quiet because he can’t find anything...and the warmth he had for his little monster now burns him with regret. How could he the Marshall... the immortal man.. how could he not save his little girl? She believed in him, he was her super hero and he let her down.. And now amount of counseling from his friends.. can change that. Everyone tried to help and offer their words but he just kept walking.. oh and this also caused issues with the woman he loved who birthed her so uh yeaaaahh
Bu~uut this way I get to play around with  Niflheim and touch a bit of Galahd. more straying from canon yay. Because I gotta knows more. and i do enjoy some good angst
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sinfulpetgirlrd · 1 year
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Fandom: The Witcher
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Expect everything to be way out in left field, then take that expectation and throw it in a river. Remember, this is the witcher universe. It’s a cruel and violent world. Gore/sexual situations(con or not) will be described, strong/offensive language will be used. People will emotionally break and have their ability to “live on” tested (some might fail). What happens really just depends.
Chapters: 4/?
It was late afternoon by the time Regis’s little friends had returned. The men were sitting inside at the main table, a poor yet valiant attempt to escape the sun which beat down on the manor. Their time was occupied with gallant retellings of their past escapades together— with sorrowful tales of current events— and with silent longing looks on topics neither dared to broach.
Geralts’ nose wrinkled in revulsion as they recalled the vampire's 'famous' fish soup, and Regis’s countenance dropped when he heard of Geralts’ search for Ciri in Novigrad and Vellen over the last few months. As a hand takes a soft fuzzy pink peach from the bowl of fresh fruit, the older man learns that the witcher is meant to be in Skellige— rendezvousing with Yen to carry on with their search for his daughter, yet instead, he’s here. Taking a mental health break— at the behest of said woman. Who urged him to take the contract and to seek out an old mage’s experiments, claiming the theories, whatever they were, could be useful.
Regis had inquired about the experiments and reprimanded the witcher for subjecting himself to further unknown mutations. But the wolf, true to form, simply waved the worries away. Silently admitting that— despite his whining and the contract turning into a nightmare, it was worth it.
Read the full chapter on AO3(be sure to read the tags and chapter notes. Your only warning lol)  
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(Page will be updated as the story progresses)
The Grasslands Kingdom:
(image reference) || (The Diamants Introduction) || (Character Introduction)
Elcina Flavia Diamant - Adalia and the Royal's mother. She died about a month prior to the story starting. She was 56 years old at the time of her death. The Royal is said to resemble her facial features greatly. If Adalia and the Royal are identical, this extends out to her too.
Florian Diamant - Adalia and the Royal's father. He's still alive and acted as a temporary ruler while the coronation was being prepared. He was not born into royalty and married in, hence no present middle name. The Royal gets their middle name from their father, per the royal tradition of giving children the name of their parents as middle names. If Adalia and the Royal are not identical, it's said that Adalia resembles their father more. Florian is 58 years old.
His appearance is partially player determined. If Adalia and the Royal are identical twins, he will have wavy dark brown hair and blue eyes.
Victor Gardite - The Royal's childhood friend. He works, officially, as a stablehand for the royal family, although tends to act as the Royal's personal assistant more. He is also the one who helps the Royal sneak out when they are first accused. He is 22 years old.
The Woodlands Kingdom:
(image reference) || (The Emeraudes Introduction) || (Character Introduction)
Claudia Velia Emeraude - The Queen of the Woodlands Kingdom and Alceste's first mother. Alceste's middle name, Claudius, comes from her. She is 51 years old.
Regina Emeraude - The Queen Consort of the Woodlands Kingdom and Alceste's second mother. Regina is not royalty and married into the Emeraudes. She is Alceste's second mother and is called 'Mom' or 'Mama' by Alceste and his siblings. She is 51 years old.
Eirene Regina Emeraude - The First Princess of the Woodlands Kingdom and Alceste's younger sister. She tends to be more mature than her older brother and finds his antics tiring than amusing. She is 22 years old.
Lyssa Claudia Emeraude - The Second Princess of the Woodlands Kingdom and Alceste's youngest sister. She is helpful and nice. She is more interested in learning how to be a healer/apothecary than a princess. She is 20 years old.
Orin Regis Emeraude - The Second Prince of the Woodlands Kingdom and Alceste's younger brother. He enjoys playing pranks on his older brother and being a general nuisance. He is 15 years old.
The Republic of the Dustlands/The Dustlands:
(image reference) || (The Cornalines Introduction) || (Character Introduction)
Deimus Cornaline - The First Head of the Dustlands' Council and Larisilla's father. He is pushy and arrogant and doesn't really like that his daughter prefers to train and run around with soldiers than be part of the Council. He and his wife, Eunomia, were married in an arranged marriage. He wants to arrange the same for Larisilla. He is 56 years old.
Eunomia Cornaline - The wife of the First Head of the Dustlands' Council and Larisilla's mother. She, unlike Deimus, is not completely terrible to be around, generally having a gentle and almost timid demeanor. Eunomia and Deimus were married in an arranged marriage. Eunomia is 49 years old.
Lachesis Cornaline - A promising dandidate for High Priestess at the Temple of Astrea and Larisilla's younger sister. She is, indirectly and unknowingly, the source of all of Larisilla's issues with their father. As High Priestess, she would be unable to be married, therefore putting pressure on Larisilla to marry well. She is 16 years old.
Auster Eolite - The Second Head of the Dustlands' Council.
Hemera Capoli - The Third Head of the Dustlands' Council.
Furia Pentine - The Fourth Head of the Dustlands' Council.
Boreas Natas - The Fifth Head of the Dustlands' Council.
Tyche Lopoit - The Sixth Head of the Dustlands' Council.
Castalia Amonte - The Seventh Head of the Dustlands' Council.
Metus Amonte - The son of Castalia and the potential betrothed candidate for Larisilla. He has never met Larisilla and vice versa, so his thoughts on a potential arranged match between the two is unknown. He is 23 years old.
The Palmlands:
(image reference) || (The Topazes Introduction) || (Character Introduction)
Orithyia Steate - The Vice Leader of the Hall of Scholars. She is Dionys' closest friend and colleague. Despite being offered the position of leader first, she instead gave it to Dionys, not wanting to be in charge of something so big. Her homeland is the Shorelands. She is 29 years old.
Rhodope Avans - Dionys' Protégé and Thrassa's best friend. She is smart and outspoken and more confident than Dionys. She makes it clear that she is his protégé and can be arrogant. She is generally unliked in Scholars' Hall as well as the Academy. She is 16 years old.
Thrassa Varo - Orithyia's Protégé and Rhodope's best friend. She is calm and quiet compared to Rhodope. She is less confident too, always checking back with Orithyia for reassurance. She, unlike Rhodope, is generally liked in Scholars' Hall and the Academy. She is 16 years old.
Atlas Topaze - The Former Leader of Scholar's Hall and Dionys' father. He isn't around much, usually exploring Runnet and doing research with Carya, his wife. He is 46 years old.
Carya Topaze - A Former Professor and Scholar at Scholar's hall and Dionys' mother. She, like Atlas, aren't around very much, off doing research together across Runnet. She is 48 years old.
Galatea Topaze - Dionys' younger sister. She is a bright and talkative child. Her guardian is Erato, their maternal Aunt. She is 6 years old.
Erato Soberyl - A former Professor of the Academy, Carya's sister, and the guardian of Galatea. Erato is the sole guardian of Galatea, as Dionys is usually busy with Scholar's Hall or Academy duties. She tries to teach Galatea before she enters school, but the child doesn't really seem interested in learning. She is 50 years old.
The Fieldlands:
(image reference) || (The Disthenes Introduction) || (Character Introduction)
Vesper Andara - The Leader of Somnia's Village. He is nice and welcoming, but wary of all of the important people in the Royal's group. He is glad you are willing to take Somnia with you. He is 64 years old.
Ianassa Disthene - Somnia's mother. She, like most people in Somnia's village, are kind and welcoming. She has a weak constitution from an incident that happened nearly 20 years ago. She is 50 years old.
Mache Disthene - Somnia's father. He is deceased prior to the start of the story. He died when Somnia was 13. He was a farmer and taught Somnia all she knows about the land and farming. He is also the catalyst that sparked her interest in healing and medicine. He was 37 at the time of his death.
The Floelands:
(image reference) || (Enyo's "Family" Introduction) || (Character Introduction)
Ether Alasite - The Figurehead Leader of the Floelands. They have no real power, only being a figurehead for the public and officials. They are 68 years old.
Meliae Enstat - A Leader of the Assassin and Thief Guild and the true Leader of the Floelands. She is the woman who raised Enyo and Bella. She is cruel and impatient and doesn't care about any of the people in the guild. She is 58 years old.
Phonus Sanntite - A Leader of the Assassin and Thief Guild and the true Leader of the Floelands. Phonus is Meliae's partner. He also helped raise Enyo, but barely. He mainly focuses on training the members. He is 56 years old.
Bella Toskey - An Assassin from the Floelands and Enyo's childhood friend. They are cheerful and pleasant to be around, similar to Enyo, which seems contradictory to their job as an assassin and thief. Their relationship to Enyo is currently undefined, whatever that means... They are 23 years old.
Note: Bella will take the opposite gender of Enyo. Bella will be a woman if Enyo is male or Bella will be a man if Enyo is female.
The Grand Shorelands Temple/The Shorelands:
(image reference) || (Character Introduction)
Aquilo Rosate - The Head Sage of the whole Church of Astrea. He is calm, despite being a bit overzealous in his beliefs. He is 87 years old.
Zelus Tarq - A Priest at the Church of Astrea. He has a fondness for mysteries and being a detective. He is your guide for in Shorelands, assigned to you by the Head Sage. You can recruit him to your group permanently at the end of the Shorelands chapter (Chapter 4). He is 21 years old.
The Holy Kingdom of the Ridgelands/The Ridgelands:
(image reference) || (Character Introduction)
Halia Astraea Orzit - The current Queen of the Ridgelands. Appointed to her place by the Head Sage, Halia is allegedly "goddess marked" with "proof" being a 4 point star birthmark. Despite being Queen, she doesn't actually believe in Astrea and thinks it's a load of garbage. She is 34 years old.
Poine Azure - The spouse of Halia. Because they are not "goddess marked", they are unable to be given a title or govern the Ridgelands at all. Still, Halia uses them as a "non-official party" when making decisions. They are 35 years old.
Arete Essoit - The Future Queen of the Ridgelands and Halia and Poine's adopted daughter. Arete isn't related to Halia or Poine at all. This is tradition as the goddess mark usually appears on orphaned children and it is the current monarch's job to care for and teach the future monarch. That being said, she is not a princess and is usually addressed either by her name or Future Queen. She is 13 years old.
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itfitsitshipsart · 1 year
3, 5, and 13 for self insert lore!
For my FFXV S/I then!
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
Mosty positive. Mostly. Noctic sees her like a big sister, they were close ever since he was little. Prompto definitely considers her bestie material, the kind you send memes to at 3 in the morning, and caption 'reminds me of you' (he also had a crush on her when they were in high school, which thankfully when she turned him down they were able to stay buddy close). Iris looks up to her. She's a beloved friend, and they often talk romance to one another. And uncle Cor, he adores his little girl. His niece is his most precious thing, and it's been this way since she was born! Like, he will fight anyone who dares think himself good enough to marry Evelyn (yes, even perfect Ignis. Iggy legit sparred with Cor to prove how serious he was in wanting to ask for her hand)
Gladio is where it gets complicated teenage years onward (like, I should write a whole essay about it). On one hand, he was a little cold to her because he noticed how she liked Ignis (and he is so very gay for Ignis). But then, as time went on, he realized part of his problem was that he kinda liked her as well! (His poor moment of "Oh shit I'm not gay, I'm definitely bi!" XD) There's quite a bit of growth between the two, though, and Evelyn and Gladio get to a point where their friendship is strong once more. He accepts that she really loves Ignis and he feels the same, and Gladio finds happiness in seeing two of his best friends together. He will tease though, and heaven help anyone who gives them grief cause that's his job!
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
Yes! She, even as a child, was quite receptive to magic, able to wield it quite well when it's given to her. As a child, she was not only with Noct so often to play with and be a friend, but she also helped him grow accustomed to and practice his magic. With the king's blessing, she was able to warp along with other forms of magic, but warping was her favorite. She let her magic go when she grew older, but it returned to her with the death of King Regis, much like it did for the Kingsglaive.
I suppose another power (which I wanna talk about) is that she has a decent draw stance. Evelyn's not much of a fighter, but her uncle taught her a lot about wielding his weapon of choice, a katana. He gifted her a blade of her own for her 16th birthday. She isn't the best with the blade, but it's clear by her stance and precision that she was taught by a master.
13. does your self insert have any information about their family?
Imma just give you her childhood as it pertains to family XD
Evelyn's mother was the eldest of two, and her father was an only child. Her uncle, Cor Leonis, rose quickly in the military and in status thanks to his skills, and in part because of this, her mother met her father, who was also in the military. Evelyn had one sibling, a younger brother, who was constantly in and out of the hospital since birth. Not long after her brother was born, her father left for on a mission outside of the city of Insomnia. Unfortunately, his team was never heard from and presumed dead.
All of this happened while Evelyn was too young to fully grasp everything, but her mother was distraught. Her uncle Cor helped out how he could and began taking her for a few days, then for weeks at a time.
After a few years of her living with her uncle almost more than with her own mother, her little brother died. She barely knew him, so she didn't know how to feel. Her mother couldn't take living in Insomnia anymore, though, but also realized she couldn't take care of her daughter. Not properly, at least. Cor had been taking care of Evelyn quite a bit by now. He understood her, knew she had friends (one being the prince no less), and offered to take custody. Evelyn was given the choice, and she chose to live with her uncle.
Her mother tried to write to her after leaving, but eventually the letters stopped arriving. Whether she simply stopped writing, or the mail was unable to make it through, Evelyn didn't know.
In the game, when everyone is in Lestallum, the group can help Evelyn find out more about her mother, as the last of the letters said she was there. After searching around town and talking to some locals, it is discovered that her mother passed away in a work accident at the power plant some years back. It's made clear that she always hoped her daughter would live a happy life, and she is given her mother's wedding ring; one of the only personal items left.
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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“When I hear that you are my father, I felt I didn't love anything except you, I felt nothing mattered When you were by my side, I felt I could always walk tightly and not be afraid of anything because I saw you a mountain that supporting me. All my life, I've tried to be your proud, but now ... I don't have you daddy..! I don't have the hero of my life and now, I feel like I have to fight for something that you have entrusted to me..! Don't worry my hero. I take him safe in this way, to death for light..!”
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sparklecryptid · 7 months
If Finwe's sons are Ardyn, Somnus, and Regis, what about his daughters? Findis and Irime must think their brothers are total weirdos.
"They're odd," Irime tells her sister, "They keep making these snide remarks no one else seems to understand and I swore I saw Arafinwe about to hit Feanaro over the hit with a wine bottle."
"Arafinwe is too kind for that," Findis says and does not believe what she is saying. She's seen Arafinwe look at his older brothers like he was debating whether or not to throw them off the docks. Arafinwe is terrifying when he wants to be.
"There is something up with them."
"I'm going to find out."
"Sister no."
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