#regulus has a green thumb
chasingthestarss · 7 months
James: Ooh I love your garden we should put our tulips together *finger guns*
Regulus *gardening: There is no way in hell I’m letting your plants near mine, you kill anything you touch
Remus: right over his head every time
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theprongspotter · 2 months
Assumption - Jegulus - @stag-microfic - Day 7 - 500 Words - TW: panic attack (not super descriptive, but still)
Regulus doesn’t usually like going out to pubs, but James was really persistent in having him out to celebrate Sirius’ birthday with everybody else. So, here he is, sipping on a boulevardier near the bar as he watches his boyfriend twirl an unenthusiastic Remus around. He grins at the sight.
Someone brushes up against his side and he flinches, turning to face the stranger. He’s tall, but not as tall as James. He has blond hair and green eyes.
Regulus tries to ignore the stranger, going back to watching his boyfriend dance around the room. The stranger has other ideas, though, as he nudges Regulus.
At this, Regulus whips around, a scowl on his face. “Can I help you?” he snaps.
The stranger smirks dangerously. “Feisty, I like it.”
Regulus wrinkles his nose. “What do you want?”
The man eyes Regulus hungrily, licking his lips. “I think you know what I want.”
Regulus takes a step back. “Yeah, and you can fuck right off. I have a boyfriend.”
But the stranger continues to advance, and when Regulus tries to turn and walk away, he grips Regulus arm hard, making him drop his glass. “I don’t see a boyfriend. You seem far too impatient to get back to my flat. Shall we head to the bathroom?”
No response leaves Regulus’ mouth. Instead, he’s hyperventilating because the grip on his arm is forming a bruise and the nails digging into his skin reminds him all too well of someone he wishes to forget.
He’s so far in his head that he doesn’t see James practically sprint across the room and land a punch right across the man’s cheek. He doesn’t see that Sirius isn’t far behind, landing a punch on his jaw. He doesn’t see Remus having to pull his friends off the man so they don’t get kicked out, but not before he cusses him out and gets him kicked out instead. He doesn’t see the man leave with a swollen eye and a bloody face.
He barely feels James’ hands on his cheeks. But then he recognizes the gentle touch and lets James help him get his breathing back on track. Inhale, hold. Exhale. Inhale, hold. Exhale.
He no longer feels like he’s suffocating, but his body is still shaking. James carefully swipes his thumbs under Regulus’ eyes, ridding him of the tears.
James pulls Regulus into his arms, holding him tight. “I’m so sorry, my love. I never should’ve left you alone. I don’t know why he made the assumption that you were fine with whatever the fuck he was doing. We’re going home now, though, alright? Clean all the drink off of you. We can cuddle or read or do whatever you want. We can talk about it, too, okay?” Regulus nods into James’ chest and feels the odd sensation of apparition tug at him. He may not be one hundred percent present right now, but he knows that he has never felt better about dating James Potter.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic june 9th — lip gloss — 1017 words — cw: slightly nsfw brought to you by james' dirty mind, tw: amab term used for reg's genitalia aka mtf regulus, red heart shaped sunglasses and james potter's thoughts about kneehigh boots
The lights in their flat are dim, music is playing and the air smells faintly of tequila and lime already.
James has been staring at Regulus reapplying her ‘lip combo’ for the past five minutes without blinking. One could reason it’s because Regulus is literally using his sunglasses as a mirror but James argues he wouldn’t have let himself miss out on this for any money in the world either way. He would have found a way to get a front row seat.
The red, heart shaped glasses on his nose do nothing to help him see but that’s why he’s got his contacts in. There’s a cool hand at James’ stubbled jaw, angling him this way and that because Regulus needs proper lighting, Jamie. Stop moving into the shadow! 
First she’d fished around in her small ass purse—how does anyone even fit anything in these little things ever?—and procured a thin, dark red looking pencil of sorts. Regulus has gotten all up in his face, wiggling closer where she was sitting on his leg, rubbing her ass all over James’ lap and by God, James has never felt so lucky and tortured simultaneously. 
Anyway, Regulus had started following the shape of her cupid’s bow, outlining her lips. Her hand had rested right between James’ pecs at first to steady herself, right in the middle of his chest. James hoped she couldn’t feel the wild beating of his heart, the irregular heaving of his torso. She was talking to Pandora while doing so, about some mutual friend James has no clue about but he wasn’t registering any of the words either way. Much too fascinated by the small moles next to Regulus’ left eyes, by her dark lashes, her icy blue eyes. Ruthlessly captivating, breathtaking and immobilising like the bone deep chilling northern sea. 
James isn’t sure he remembers how to swim.
Next is a red lipstick. Regulus’ parts her mouth and James has to suppress a groan. He’s only mildly conscious of the way his palms make their way up over Regulus’ hips, coming to rest in the dip of her waist, thumbs windshield wiping over the silk of her green dress. It’s some sort of nightshirt, actually, with black lace detailing and clearly thrifted. Well loved but in good condition and James has been breaking his brain over what she might be wearing underneath for the better part of the last hour. Ever since Regulus had stepped over the threshold of their flat in her kneehigh boots and that flimsy excuse of a dress that James wants to see crumpled on the floor of his bedroom rather than anywhere else. Preferably while Regulus is splayed out naked on top of his sheets, tits out, cock out. The boots can stay on.
“Fuck,” present James mutters quietly, blinking himself out of his obscene fantasies. Regulus’ leg adjusts and brushes against where James is starting to fill out in his pants. 
James squirms.
“Stop that,” Regulus tsks, tightening her hold on his chin.
The yes, ma’am on the tip of James’ tongue nearly tumbles out but he manages to swallow it back in time.
James tries to glance around the general area around them out of the corners of his eyes, “Is your brother around?”
“Why?” she asks immediately. Her lips are completely filled out with a deep berry sort of red now. Then Regulus is digging around in her purse again.
“Just ’cause,” James replies offhandedly, shrugging.
Regulus hums, low and deep, sceptical and it’s so unfairly sexy. James licks his lips and sighs a long breath out. Level head, Potter, he tells himself. Level head.
The final step seems to be lip gloss. It’s not clear and translucent but rather has a bit of a milky quality to it.
James chokes on nothing. 
Regulus takes it up to her lips and spreads the fluid on her full red lips. It creates a foggy sheen and James is powerless against the mental images of cum slick lips. Both of their cum mixed, James licking it from Regulus’ stomach and then climbing back up. Hovering and tugging at her lower lip until she opens obediently like a good girl and lets James spit it right onto her mouth. 
Regulus leans closer and makes some little p-p-p noises where she smacks her lips together to even out the gloss, presumably. James doesn’t know. Don’t ask James anything right now because the gloss is kind of pulling strings and James is this close to doing something violently indecent to his best friend’s little sister.
Regulus puts the gloss away and then taps against James’ cheek, announcing happily, “Thank you.”
“Any time,” James mumbles.
He expects her to stand up now, join Pandora where she’s conversing with other people on the sofa, but instead Regulus wraps her arms around the back of James’ neck, keeping the close distance. “Y’know,” she starts, shifting in James’ lap, “I haven’t seen Sirius in a while. In fact, I think he might have gone off with Loopy.”
“Lupin,” James corrects automatically, trying to make sense of what Regulus is saying. She’s so warm and soft pressed against him, it’s distracting.
Regulus makes a whatever noise and tilts her head, “I’m guessing they went to his flat instead. Rumour has it, it’s close by.”
James nods in affirmation because that’s true. Remus does live close by.
Regulus’ fingers wind themselves into the curls at James’ nape, “Smart lads. Going somewhere a little more private.”
James nods again, numbly. He feels stupid in the head. 
“By the way,” Regulus keeps going, “Have I seen your room in this flat yet?”
And James might be stupid but he’s not an idiot.
A slow grin spreads over his face and then James has to lean forward to muffle an equally happy as aroused groan into the crook of Regulus’ pale neck. 
“Is that a yes?”
James leaves a kiss on her cheek when he pulls back, squeezes her hips and then lifts them both off the chair, ushering Regulus through the crowd and into his room.
When they come back out, Regulus’ legs are wobbly and there’s red lipstick stains all over James’ mouth and neck and the heady taste of cum in his mouth.
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lenoraslament · 6 months
Infatuated (Tom Riddle X y/N Reader)
Part of @thatdammchickennugget Hogmarch challenge. Prompt 5 “amortentia” and “is that why you did that? Back there?
2.8k words Comedy/Angst/Obsessive Romance/Toxic Love
For all my fellow delulus
You have been Tom’s friend for years, waiting patiently for him to notice you. Completely obsessed over him. Finally at a party you spill all your secrets...
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His letters are long elegant strokes, you lick your lips as his fingers move across the page. His dark brows are knitted together over his perfect eyes. The way his lips purse in concentration, makes the breath in your lungs hitch.
Unwittingly you put your thumbnail in your mouth, gnawing softly as you try to resist the urge to launch yourself across the study table and beg him to touch you.
Your eyes are still studying his hands as they write in his notebook. You consider what they may feel like wrapped around your hair, your throat. A thumb dragging across your lips or nestled between your thighs softly stroking your-
“Quite alright Y/N?” his voice is calm, soft so unlike the raging heat inside of you.
“Yes. Quite Riddle” you say with a flustered smile as you quickly snap back to. You turn the page of the potions textbook in front of you.
You dare not meet his gaze, instead you return to the mask you’ve kept around him. Uninterested, bored even. That’s how you managed the rarity of his company.
Most girls threw themselves at him willingly, eagerly. Flirting, sending him love notes, even daring to be forward enough to ask him out. Fools.
He laughed in their face, raising his eyebrow and shaking his head. The attractive outliers would end up in his bed, being politely swept under the rug in the morning.
You however, have outlasted all of them. You, his study partner, his constant companion, his friend. You knew a measured man like Tom Riddle needed to be approached with careful grace and finesse.
Years you had laid in wait. Waiting for him to notice you across the library table, sitting at his side in the great hall. Pining for any crumb of attention he tossed your way, never enough to keep you fed. Only making you hungrier.
Small moments gave you hope. Fingers brushing over passed books, genuine smiles through laughter, once he stopped down to tie your shoe when your hands were full. His finger brushed your ankle, he looked up at you with a grin as you held in a scream.
Now you sit with him at the library, closer than any other conquest has ever gotten. Breathing his air, pretending to listen to him talk about potions theory this week when you’re really trying to count the flecks of green in his eyes.
Regulus, Enzo and Theo approach the table. Your mouth tightens at the intrusion, they give you an amused glance before turning to Tom.
They invite him to a party tomorrow night in the Slytherin common room, he gives a noncommittal answer. They banter back and forth. No one seems to remember that you’re also sitting there.
They laugh and talk about the party from two weekends ago. You watch boiling jealous rage brewing underneath your calm, stoic face.
Especially when Tom mentions a certain blonde Ravenclaw who he hooked up with. You glide your tongue over your teeth as you press your quill into the page indenting down so harshly, the paper splits.
Enzo, one of the kinder boys of the bunch, extends an invitation.
“Oh yea Y/N, if you want to come…you’re welcome to…” he says in such a polite tone, you almost roll your eyes.
You also give a soft “maybe”, your eyes quickly flicking over Tom’s face trying to read his expression. Does he want you there? Should you go? You try not to stare to long as you dig for some sort of sign in his face. But there is nothing.
Disappointed at his flat affect, you sigh. Too loudly. Fuck. He looks up at you.
“You should come” Tom says with a gentle smile.
“I might” you say as you stare at the textbook instead of him, absolutely mortified at your own behavior.
Theo, Enzo and Regulus leave whispering to each other out of earshot.
“Holy shit why did you invite Y/N!?”
“She’s Tom’s friend”
“More like Tom’s pet. She follows him around like she’s on a leash and she is fucking WEIRD”
They break into laughter, unbeknownst to you. You’re too enthralled in your study session.
“Please?!” You lurch over Pansy’s vanity, her eyes are unsympathetic. She takes an appraising look at your jeans and raggedy sweater.
“No.” She says bluntly,”you’re not used to wearing nice things, you’re going to ruin it.”
You groan and continue to plead your case.
“But I don’t have anything to wear”
She continues to stare at you unimpressed.
“It’s my first party!” You whine and she smirks.
“Why would you think I care?”
She had a fair point. You were hardly even cordial with her much less friendly.
“I’ll do your potions homework. For a week. Two weeks!” You say slamming your hand on her desk desperately.
She sighs loudly and stands up quickly. Her hand plunges into the closet where she retrieves a little black dress. She throws it in your face.
“Three weeks. One stain and I will Crucio you.” She snaps as she sits back down fixing her eyeliner.
The hot singe of your curling iron bit your finger and you suck on the sear mark. Damnit. You were near close to giving up but you looked in the mirror.
You looked…good. You managed to do a decent smoky eye with some lip gloss. You only had three curls left to make after burning your hand about a dozen times. Pansy’s dress fit you like a dream. The only thing that ruined your look was your low conservative heels. They were all you had. You really weren’t much of a going out sort of girl.
You make your way to the common room, the fingers of green neon light are reaching into the hall. The music vibrates under your feet, as you enter the common room you swear you’re transported into another planet.
Your classmates are spilled out all over the common room. Taking shots, laughing loudly, swaying to the music, bodies pressing closely together. You feel like you recognize everyone and no one.
Suddenly you’re overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people and activity. You feel small and alone. Am I experiencing ego death? You wonder but then a familiar voice makes jump.
“Well if it isn’t my big brother’s little stalker.” Mattheo’s voice crept up on you, your eyes widened as you looked around him to make sure that Tom wasn’t nearby.
“Quiet Mattheo” you snap as he gives you a wicked grin.
“You never come to parties,” he says ignoring your ourburst,”You look pretty hot….hoping to play interference?” He teases as your cheeks burn.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lie,”I come to parties all the time”.
“Mhm”he grins watching your face.
“Oh look there’s Tom now” he says gesturing with his chin. You flip around quickly surveying the crowd.
Mattheo bursts into laughter,”You are so easy to fuck with”.
You turn back to him and smack his arm as he dies of laughter.
“Come on crazy,” he says with a chuckle,”let’s get you a drink so you can mellow out”.
He tugs your arm through the crowd and you reluctantly follow.
He hands you some punch that is actually delicious. You quickly finish your first cup and then two more. Anxiously sipping as Mattheo talks to you, not that you’re listening at all. Back and forth your eyes begin to hurt from squinting into the dimness of the party; hunting for Tom. You’ve never been this drunk before and you can feel your edges dissolving.
Finally you spot him, some girl a grade below you leans on wall. His forearm is pressed above her head as he leans over her, flirting. His hand brushes some hair out of her face. You’re not used to seeing him like this. Your stomach smolders in pain, for a moment you worry you’re having a heart attack. You can feel it splitting in your chest.
Mattheo’s hand presses into the small of your back, it’s the first sensation to register outside of the despair. You gasp and he gives you a funny look handing you your fourth cup of punch. You don’t even taste it, only tip your head back chugging while Mattheo stares at you in disbelief.
“You okay Y/N?” He leans over to you but you slap the empty cup against his chest handing it to him wordlessly. He takes it and tries in vain to stop you as you start walking towards where Tom and that usurper are standing.
“Hiii,” you say loudly as they both look at you, Tom with surprise and amusement. Her with horror and disgust.
“Hey Y/N, wow look at you…” Tom says raising his eyebrows , “Are you having fun?”
“Sooo much fun,” you slur batting your eyelashes. An awkward silence that you don’t pick up on ensues. You only grin dizzily” Tom. Can I talk to you?”
The girl looks perturbed at your intrusion, but Tom leans and whispers something in her ear making her smile.
He leads you to a corner of the party, the music dulled just enough so you don’t have to yell. The room spins a little but you focus on his eyes, his gorgeous eyes. Then his mouth and jaw. You sigh as the room spins again and it hits you all of a sudden that you’re talking. You’ve been talking this whole time. Your words collide, you have no idea what you have been rambling about. Tom nods patiently at you.
“So any way, I think that’s why we should be together” you finish knowing in your heart you must have made perfect sense. Because Tom Riddle is smiling.
His eyes are unreadable but his mouth is a grin.
That’s answer enough for you. You launch yourself forward, pressing your lips onto his. You can taste the fire whiskey on his mouth and you let out a soft moan as he catches you. Ten seconds of pure heaven before his hands on your shoulder pull you back gently.
He leads you to a chair and sits you down, stooping so he can meet you eye level.
“Wait here okay?” He asks his voice garbled. You nod with a slovenly smile
“Okay...I love you!” You yell after him loudly and he only chuckles and disappears.
To your dismay, it’s Mattheo who comes over to you a few minutes later.
“Alright cuckoo bird, time for bed” he says balancing a cigarette in his mouth as he pulls you up. His hands snakes around your waist.
“Where’s Tom?” You whine as he helps you out of the party. Your feet tripping over your heels.
“He wanted me to make sure you go to bed,” he mumbles as he tries to steady you.
“Awww he really cares,” you sigh dreamily. Mattheo rolls his eyes and leads you to your dorm. Halfway there he gives up on you balancing and throws you over his shoulder. Mattheo unlocks your door as he hums in agreement to your psycho babbles about his brother. He drops you on the bed and unbuckles the straps of your heels as you barely sit up sleepily.
“You okay?” He asks but you only curl onto your bed falling asleep. He sighs and turns the light off leaving back to the party.
No. No. NO! You sit up, stupid party dress still on. Your head pounding. No hangover can come close to the whirlwind of shame that pushed your head back into the pillow. You wanted to cry but nothing would come out but a muffled scream.
“Shut up!” you hear your roommates complain as you pulled the blanket over your head.
You wait an hour but the world refuses to crumble around you. So you reluctantly sit up and go shower. You finally cry in there.
Everything is ruined.
Could you play it off?
No. Stupid girl. You literally told him you loved him. You sob into your hand. Oh the inhumanity.
You dress and comb your wet hair. You can’t even make eye contact with the mirror.
As if you hadn’t suffered enough, you bump into a very freshly showered Mattheo in the hall outside of the bathroooms. He’s only wearing a towel around his waist, when he sees you his grin is devilish.
“There’s the little lush,”he said putting his tongue between his teeth.
You scrunch your nose at him,”Oh go put some clothes on. No one wants to see that.”
He may have water dripping from his curls, cascading down his impressively cut chest and abs, but you hate him. For the simple fact that he is not Tom.
“Oh am I happy to see you,” he teased leaning on the wall next to you,”so tell me, when you shamelessly admitted your love to Tom last night. Did you show him his name scribbled all over your notebook? Or did you wear the sweater you knitted out of his hair?”.
Your face crumpled into rage,”oh screw you Mattheo”.
You sigh when you wonder how bad it was, you don’t remember every thing you said. Although Mattheo is only joking, you know you do have a notebook with “y/n riddle <3” written on it from third year.
Mattheo bites his lip as he suppresses a chuckle,”Well, if you’re ready to go plan your wedding; he’s sitting in the common room right now”.
It takes 64 steps to walk from the bathroom to the common room. You know this because you have doubled back twice trying to build up the courage to finally see Tom. You can hear his quiet words muddled by the loud laughter of Enzo and Theo. Suddenly you feel a someone nudge you.
Regulus and now dressed Mattheo walk past you. Mattheo tosses you a wink as he speaks up.
“Hey look who I found!” He says loudly as he walks in the common room. You hiss for him to shut up as you follow him in.
Your face is already burning as you feel all their eyes fall on you. Okay….none of their eyes fall on you. Especially not Tom’s, his are pinned to Theo and Enzo who are discussing something intensely.
“Did you hear? What happened last night? So fucking crazy man” Theo says to Regulus and Mattheo.
Regulus sits on the arm of a chair,”nah what?”
“Someone handed out amortentia candies!” Enzo said laughing.
“Huh..really?” Mattheo said suspiciously. He looked over to you with an evil grin,”speaking of love…”
You cut him off, “Armortentia candies really?!” You say a little too loudly.
Enzo’s smile turns into a smirk,”Oh yea…chocolates. They were a rogue batch, it intensified love for the first person you saw”.
You don’t know what to say, your mouth hangs open and then shuts.
Tom turned towards you with a look of shocked realization,”Is that why you did that? Back there…”
You stand slack jawed, the idea rippling through your mind like heavens gate opening.
Tom only raises his brow at your silence,”at the party?”
“Yes!” you say eagerly feeling the weight of the world lifting off of your shoulders.
“I did have some chocolates at the party,”You continue and ignore Mattheo chewing on his tongue in the corner, squinting his eyes at you suspiciously.
You take a couple step towards where Tom stood next to Theo,” I must have um, yes and you were the first person…I saw ” you said trying not to blather on as the pieces of your lie came together.
He gives you a curious glance as if trying to read your expression.
You sheepishly shrug,”Gosh I am so humiliated”.
Is he falling for it? You can’t tell, your eyes peer into his searching.
Tom only put a friendly hand on your shoulder, “Forget about it” he said gently.
You nodded with a grateful smile,”Thanks Tom”.
“I was going to the library, care to join?” He asked removing his hand leaving you wanting as usual.
“Yes…let me get my books from my room,” you say. What luck. You can’t believe how close you were to ruining every thing. Fate itself must have made those Amortentia chocolates.
What you didn’t know is that Tom was watching you as you walked away. He knows perfectly well you didn’t eat any amortentia chocolates because there never were any. He started the rumor last night before he left the party.
Tom quite enjoys the little game you’ve been playing. He realized early on just how in love you were with him. At the same time he realized you couldn’t recognize when someone was using legilimency on you.
He loved to listen to the infatuated rantings in your head as he sat in the library with you, your mouth twitching as you lusted over him. The cute smile you would get as you strategized on the ways you could get him to notice you.
He remembers the day he bent down to tie your shoe, having to hide his own smile as he listened to the nuclear meltdown you had in your head as he purposefully grazed your ankle. It was so fun.
One day, he supposed, he would finally make a move on you. Sometimes it was hard to resist, as he listened to all the dirty thoughts spewing in your brain in the middle of class Iike his own personalized erotica. Last night at the party you finally snapped so he had to come up with the perfect excuse for your silly behavior. It wasn’t time for that yet.
Yes, one day he would finally take advantage of the crazy crush you’ve harbored for years. But not any time soon. He was too busy enjoying your quiet devotion, your obsession. No, Tom was not near ready to let that go.
(Hehehee I never intended this to be more than a TMR one shot but I’m getting interested in exploring Mattheo’s relationship with Y/N in this fic 👀 any interest?)
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lulublack90 · 24 days
Prompt 1 - Twisted
@rosekillermicrofic September 1, word count 485
This is my first ever rosekiller microfic so I hope you enjoy it. I'm only going to do this for a month because three microfics a day is insane. Anyway this is the final part of the Apple Core series. I've linked the previous ones below. Enjoy!
Previous Wolfstar part First Jegulus part
Barty was bored. 
“I’m bored!” He groaned into the room. He flipped himself over and grinned lewdly at Regulus, who had stopped by on his way home, want to have a go at that threesome we keep talking about?” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. 
"That you've been talking about excessively, you mean?" Regulus said as he threw a cushion at Barty's head. Barty didn’t react quickly enough and got a mouth full of fluff. 
“Leave him be, B,” Evan chastised, coming back in with some vibrant green concoction in tall glasses. “Besides, he’s got his fancy new boyfriend to see to his needs,” Evan cackled as he twisted out of the way of Regulus’s second cushion throw of the evening. 
“He is not my boyfriend,” Regulus glowered at Evan. “We’re just hanging out.”
“Yeah, every day this week since you fell out of that tree into his waiting arms.” Barty sneered, batting his eyelashes. “You’re like a damn fairy story with your apples and Prince Charming. Ha, you’re Snow White!” Barty howled with laughter. 
“Na, he’s too pointy for a fair maiden, he’s more like the Evil Queen!” Evan snickered, which made Barty’s howls even louder.
“Oh my gods, he totally is!” Barty gasped, wiping tears from his eyes. 
“Shut up,” Regulus huffed. 
“I want to meet Justin,” Barty demanded, sitting up to stare at Regulus.
“Who’s Justin?” Regulus asked, confused. 
“Your Prince Charming,”
“His name is James and no way, I don’t want to scare him off,” Regulus froze in his seat as his phone buzzed. He looked at the clock and winced. Barty knew too well what that meant. Regulus was late getting home and Walburga would make him pay for it. It was ridiculous he was a grown man for crying out loud.
“Oui, Maman,” Regulus said into his phone before his mother hung up on him. He stood up to leave but looked back. “Would it be alright if I maybe left some of my things here? I might need to stay over for a few days as well?” Barty swallowed. Was this it? Was Regulus finally going to get out from under his parent’s thumb like he should have done years ago?
“Of course, you can,” Evan replied when Barty didn’t. “It’s your room for as long as you need it,”
“You could share ours, you know,” Barty butted in, trying to lighten the mood in the most Barty way possible. “It’s a big bed and sooooooo comfortable,” Regulus rolled his eyes and left them to it. 
“One day, he’s going to kill you, and I’ll let him,” Evan huffed. 
“One day he’s going to take me up on my offer, and I'm going to let him...” Barty grinned back toothily. 
“You. Bed. Now!” Evan pointed in the direction of their bedroom. 
“Yes, Sir,” Barty practically fell over his feet in his haste to get to their room and undressed.  
Next part
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singulxarity · 7 months
Jegulus microfic - Day 11 - Couch
Word count : 327
When Regulus ran away to the Potter's at the ripe age of 16, he didn't exactly feel right at home. He knew he was welcome and he knew he was definitely not hated, however, with the glaring red armchairs and red and gold decorations, he also knew that he was an eyesore.
Whether it be wearing green plaid pyjamas instead of red or showering at 8 30 exactly each and every day, he knew he stuck out sort of like a sore thumb.
He tried not to think too much of it but when Euphemia Potter's gold ringed hand would be placed up on his own silver clad one, he would feel a jarring sense of alienation.
Unintended, of course.
But still.
So imagine his surprise when he comes down the stairs on Christmas morning to see a dark, velvety green couch placed in the middle of the drawing room. 
Euphemia Potter beams at him, hair already  a flyaway mess due to the morning's bustle.
“Do you like it love? We got on sale last week and it goes perfectly with Christmas!”
He knows this has nothing to do with Christmas, but yet, his heart soars and he cannot for the life of him, keep the grin off his face. 
“It's very nice Mrs Potter”
And it really is.
So Regulus opens his Christmas present on that couch with Sirius and Fleamont Potter on each side of him.
And when Regulus’ birthday arrives, he blows out his candles on that very couch.
When Regulus’ parents pass away, he sits on that couch, crying into Sirius’ arms for a reason he can't really identify.
And when James and Regulus are left alone at home, they watch a movie and share popcorn and their first kiss on the green couch.
Years later, when Regulus and James move into their very own flat, a green couch sits in the living room, where the two share stories, secrets and kisses. 
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 1 year
Jegulily where Lily can't garden at all and has the opposite of a green thumb where she kills every plant she touches, but people keep commenting on her perfect garden and then James is laughing at the top of his lungs and Regulus is hiding because it is 1000% Regulus' garden but he doesn't want anyone to know he's a plant boy
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thebibutterflyao3 · 9 months
Day 27 - Prompt: Cruel @jegulus-microfic
December Daily Series - 500 words
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This had to be a cruel, cruel joke. A prank, a jibe, if you will…or frankly, even if you won’t. James can’t be bothered because he’s too busy fuming.
He finally had A MomentTM with Regulus this morning only to find out that his parents planned a fun day for the brothers to spend alone while he followed them around the shops to finish holiday shopping. His mum insisted that they needed his help to find the perfect gifts for Sirius and Regulus. While he does, unfortunately, believe her, it doesn’t help his frustration one iota.
As it was, he felt like he’d squandered so much of this first week here in Wales tip-toeing around Regulus that now the seven days he has remaining seem woefully inadequate. It feels like a looming deadline he is unprepared to meet.
James had just one week to persuade Regulus to make this real. Only one little week to connect with him in a way that would withstand the test of long-distance.
One week to show him how much I like him!
“What do you think, Jamie? Will Regulus like this one?” his mum asked for the umpteenth time.
“It’s a scarf, mum. I don’t know his preference for scarves other than he wears them.”
“Well yes, but are these the right colours?”
James eyed the blue and green knit fabric she was holding up, then the table where the scarves sat folded. He pointed to a green and black speckled scarf with tiny silver stars stitched on the ends. “If I had to guess, that’s the one I’d pick. He wears a lot of black and green.”
“Are the stars too much though? What with his name and all? You know Sirius avoids them,” she said, reaching for the scarf. Effie smoothed her thumb over the embroidery with a smile. “If I knew him before he came on holiday with us, I’d have knitted it myself.”
“I know, but Sirius is reluctant to talk about him.”
“Which is fair since they were pitted against each other as kids. That family makes me furious!”
James grinned and pulled her into a hug. His mum was fiercely protective of Sirius and it warmed his heart to see that it extended to Regulus too. “I completely agree. If arson wasn’t illegal, that house would already be in ashes.”
“I’d help you light the fuse.”
Suddenly, Monty burst into the shop with a box. He was beaming with joy as he rushed over. Already, his mum shaking with laughter in his arms.
“Look what I found! It’s perfect!” he announced proudly.
James glanced in the box and huffed a laugh. Sitting inside was the biggest dog bone he’d ever seen. Padfoot would be thrilled.
“Oh well done, Monty! That’s Pads sorted,” Effie praised, patting his shoulder.
His father’s smile melted his residual annoyance. James loved them to pieces and making them happy was always worth his effort. Even if it meant delaying his “wooing Regulus” plans.
Next Part>>>
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hey!! so I just requested a James (or Sirius) fic where he finds fairy!reader in the forest with a damaged wing and helps her, and I was wondering if you could actually write it with Regulus instead 😅 (again, there’s no need if you don’t want to write it, and I’d be fine with any of the three)
thank you!!
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
The moment Regulus sees your tiny body plummet to the water, his heart stops. He had not been expecting you to fly over the lake while he was skipping stones, but the splash from one of the particularly heavy ones he'd chosen doused your wings, and you'd fallen instantly.
He rushes in without a second thought, but he's glad you're in shallow waters, because he can't swim.
He scoops your tiny, trembling form off of the surface of the water where you'd been trying to float. Your wings are soaked through, pathetically droopy, and you give a feeble cough as he totes you back to shore.
"I'm sorry," He rushes to apologize, the legs of his trousers wet as he sits back on the grass. He has a hard time finding his wand in the tall grass by the lake, but once he does a drying spell is tumbling from his lips, and you're devoid of all lake water.
You're still weak with your adrenaline crash when you sit up in his palm, looking disoriented and defeated as you stare warily up at him.
"I'm sorry," He repeats, dark eyes oozing with sympathy, "I didn't mean to hit you. Are you okay?"
"I'm dry," You marvel, glancing at his wand, "Thank you."
"Don't mention it." He shakes his head, "You're not hurt, are you?"
"I don't think so," You muse, wobbling to your feet as Regulus tries keeping his hand as steady as possible. You lurch sideways at an involuntary tremor, and he juts his thumb out so that you can grab it for stability.
"Sorry," He moves to put you down in the grass, but you cling to his thumb like a lifeline.
"You have pretty hair," You muse, walking up his arm like a tightrope as your wings drop golden dust from their glittering surface, "Can I fix it for you?"
"Uh," Regulus blanches as you flutter beside his head, miniscule fingers combing through his individual strands of hair, "Um, I suppose? What are you going to do?"
"I'll braid it like mine," You offer, turning your head so that Regulus can see a small, fragile braid running up the side of your bun.
"Alright," He nods slowly, then, "What were you doing over the lake?"
"I wanted to say hi to the fish," You explain, fingers already grouping and twisting his hair, "They're my friends."
"That's cool." Regulus keeps his eyes on the waters surface, knowing there's a lot more than fish down there, "Have you ever met the squid?"
"Oh, yes!" You nod cheerily, and Regulus shudders as the way your hands rake through his hair sends a shiver up your spine, "He likes the gifts I give him."
"Mostly flowers," You nod, "Speaking of: Can you hand me that daisy there, please?"
Regulus plucks the thin green stem from the grass, holding it up to you cautiously, "Why?"
"It's pretty in your hair," You explain simply, tucking the flower into his braid.
The flower doesn't last ten minutes in his hair after you flutter away. In fact, Regulus hunches in the shadows of the castle to undo the strands you've woven together in his hair, shaking it out before anyone sees him. But the daisy he slips between two pages of an old textbook, and when it's charmed to be unbreakable, the dried flower goes in his pocket.
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prongsie-kins · 4 months
part three of when i met you
this is a filo!james au revolving around james potter courting regulus black in a semi-traditional way
disclaimer: english is NOT my first language and not the type that this would be beautifully written but there might be some grammatical error i didn't notice while editing. also keep in mind that this is my first multichapter fic and im still trying to improve my writing
translation at the bottom
Beginning | Previous | Next
then you came you brought me out of the shell
"James!" Sirius shouted, fuming mad. "Are you seriously courting my brother? My baby brother?"
"Yes, I am Siriusly courting Regulus," James playfully replied. "But yes, I won't make any promises that I wouldn't hurt him because that is inevitable. I'm serious about him, no pun intended. And I want to show him that he could like me like I could like him."
"Fine, I'll trust you in this one but at least let me help you. I want to know how you do it."
"How do you do this?" Sirius complains. James only laughs and pats his back.
"Just push your thumb on the first layer of the wrapper around the meat so it can be rolled easier," James explains as he wraps another one and then folds both ends of the first layer before continuing to roll it around the rest of the wrapper. Then finishing it by applying egg wash to the edge of the last unrolled corner. He did all that in one swift motion.
James have done a neat pile while Sirius did three. Wrappers all messy and loose.
The two were in the kitchens making a snack James would give Regulus. Politely asked the elves to let them use the kitchens. They were kind enough to bring them the ingredients they needed. Sirius stuck around as he wanted to eat a few as well. James then forced him to help, stating he can't make many by himself.
By the time James added a single roll in the hot oil, Sirius chickened out. Stepping back to watch James work.
The dish turns out golden brown, alongside Sirius' hard work, with the meat poking out of the wrapper. He munched on it earnestly.
When they got back to their dorm, the dish was suddenly in a green Tupperware James conjured out of nowhere. Turns out, Effie insisted on them keeping the Tupperware when she sent them food from home.
James has his own Tupperware stacked somewhere hidden in the dorm. Different colors of Tupperware in various sizes. Effie constantly reminded them never to lose the Tupperware whenever she sent them to either James or Sirius. They made sure to keep that reminder in mind because you do not want to see Effie mad.
An odd-looking container was suddenly perched up on Regulus' desk. It was large, circular, and bowl-shaped with a funky-looking lid full of ridges resembling folded paper. There was a note attached on top of the lid.
If you ever feel hungry studying late at night
p.s. make sure to bring back the container, Mum would be upset ;)
Regulus carefully opened the lid of the still-warm container. It was probably charmed to stay warm as it seemed like the container had been on his desk for half an hour. Inside the container are golden bite-sized rolls. He often sees Sirius and Marlene munching on this snack.
He grabbed one roll and slowly took a bite of the crunchy roll. He immediately tasted the slightly salty wrappers that kind of looked like a crepe. Inside were ground meat filled with various ingredients such as onions and carrots. The flavor exploded in Regulus' palate.
He always wanted to try this snack and James gave him a container filled with it.
He happily munched on them while studying. His non-dominant hand grabs a roll—as it is slightly greasy due to deep frying it—while his other hand is turning the pages of the book he's reading.
This is the scene that greeted Barty by the time he went back to their dorm. He was fully intent on taking a nap before smelling food coming from Regulus' way.
So as instinct, he walked towards Regulus."What's that?" He asked.
"Oh, this?" Regulus gestures to a Tupperware filled with snacks sitting on his desk. "James gave it to me."
"Can I have one?"
"Is it that good?"
"Ask James for it. This is mine."
"You have gotten too whipped for him to get to that point."
"I am not. He sent me this for something to eat while studying late at night. I don't want to finish it before later."
"You are so in denial at this point. How can you process things with that air-filled brain of yours to not take a hint in this."
"He's just being considerate, Barty. Stop it, please."
"I won't be promising nothing."
"How'd you like the Lumpiang Shanghai then?" James asked the next day.
"Is that what's it called? It's incredible. How'd you make the elves do it?" He asked, a bit curious since it's a foreign dish.
"They didn't. Well, they were kind enough to buy us ingredients but mostly we did the job. It was Mum's recipe," James shrugs.
"You, James Potter, can cook?"
"I can sing for you too if you pleased."
"No thanks. But you did mention 'we', who helped you making?"
"Sirius." James was shocked to hear Regulus laugh since it was the first time he heard it actually genuine.
"Really," Regulus asked, incrediously. "My brother, helped you cook?"
"He cooked for himself but it's the thought that counts."
Regulus chuckles. Still refusing to believe what he has heard.
"Where was the Tupperware, by the way?"
"Barty lost it, sorry?" James visibly pales at Regulus' reply. "Why? What's wrong?"
James released a shaky laugh. "Lagot, I am seriously screwed when we get back home."
"Lagot" - an expression usually used when you are in trouble.
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jegulily-stuff · 2 years
Little ficlet for you all. Sirius getting blindsided by his friends' interest in his sulky little brother.
Sirius kicks the stand of his bike down and swings his leg over the saddle. His boots crunch on the driveway as he dismounts.
Everything's still damp although the morning's rain has passed. He takes off his helmet and shakes his hair out.
Reg is sat in the sidecar with the luggage. It makes him look like a small child in a pram, swamped by the car and his helmet. Sirius has to smirk. His brother hasn't once managed to make travelling by motorbike look cool.
When Reg takes off his helmet, he goes immediately to one of the wingmirrors to fix his hair, and thats just case in point really. You're supposed to have messy hair after biking - being neurotic about it is uncool.
Sirius pulls off messy hair.
He's hot. People stare at him in the street when he gets off his bike, and really all the rest of the time as well.
Reg doesn't have that - the glamour - the magnetism - the star quality, if you will. He just looks rumpled and unhappy about it.
His hair isn't getting tidier as he fusses. It's damp and frizzy and the curls are kinked up awkwardly at one side. The mirror's really a pointless quest. Sirius pulls him away from it, throwing Reg's bag over one shoulder, and walks up to the house.
He rings the doorbell.
Reg stops a little behind him and sets to smoothing out the creases in his jumper. Sirius rolls his eyes. Who is this for? He's not going out anywhere.
He hears the clicking of a lock then Lily opens the front door.
There's a knife in one of her hands, but it looks pretty blunt so Sirius doesn't pay it much attention. He slides Reg' bag through the door.
"I'm giving you my brother."
Lily raises her eyebrows. "To keep?"
"Until next week," He says. "I'm going on holiday."
"You are?" It's not often she and James don't know his plans.
Sirius grins. "Have I ever told you, I've always wanted to take a trip through France, go to all the fanciest towns and try all the fanciest wines? Well this afternoon I realised the only person stopping me was me, so I'm just going to go. I've not done anything that poncey in ages - it's about time."
Lily shrugs. "Carpe diem. Though I'm picturing it'll just be you and a bunch of rich middle aged couples."
"Yeah, I'm going to sabotage some failing marriages for extra entertainment."
"It might not always problems you cause flirting with married couples, so watch out." She says. Then she looks past him and smiles, "Hi, Reg."
Reg raises a hand in a little wave.
"Well, I'll be causing discord only." Sirius says, "I'm not having a threeway with the kind of people who go wine tasting on holiday."
"No, of course not." She nods towards Reg. "So this means he's with us..?"
"Yeah, you know how it is, he needs someone to watch over him, give him water, get him out in the sun, make sure he doesn't die."
"I'm not a houseplant." Reg grouses.
Sirius snorts. "No, houseplants are much more self sufficient."
His three cacti are still at home - they can be trusted to take care of themselves for a few days.
James comes into the hall behind Lily. His face lights up when he sees Sirius.
"Hi, mate." He says. "What's up?"
His trousers are spattered with what looks like half a pint of paint. Forest green.
Sirius gives him a grin.
"You didn't come back," James explains as Lily gives a pointed look to his legs, "I tried to open the tin without the knife... there's no mess - or rather, only on me."
She snorts.
"Hi, Reg." He adds and gets a wave too.
"I'm sure we'll both look worse by the time we're done." Lily says. "Now, Sirius is here to give us a gift."
"A responsibility." Sirius corrects, as James turns to him. He's unsure of how Regulus and gift are remotely connected concepts.
"I'm going on holiday - that wine tasting one you always turn me down for - so this one-" He jabs a thumb towards Reg, "Needs minding."
Reg doesn't bother protesting the statement this time.
"He wants to stay with us?" James asks brightly.
Sirius pauses.
He hadn't considered that in all honesty. Reg hadn't seemed upset when Sirius had told him that was what would happen, and given his propensity to seem unhappy for no reason at all, the lack of that must mean he was fine with the idea... right?
"I want him to stay with you." Sirius answers. "I can't leave him on his own, and who better to give him to than you? My most trusted friends, kind and caring and... stable and all those things we never had in our poor sad childhood, my favourite people in the world, et cetera." He pauses for breath. "Please will you take him?"
"Of course!" James says, "We'd love to have him. I promise you I'll take good care of him. I'm an excellent host."
Sirius grins. James is always happy to do him a favour. No one's ever had a better friend.
James beckons Reg in and he finally steps past Sirius and towards the door. He doesn't complain when James reaches out to tug him gently over the threshold.
Sirius knows James and Lily are planning on spending the next few days redecorating so he's not asking them to cancel anything to take Reg. Maybe Reg'll even help and Sirius will have done them a favour too. And of course he'll bring them back some good wine - that'll be better compensation.
Lily tugs on Reg's hair, teasing him for its sorry state when he usually keeps it so tidy. James valiantly tries to flatten it for him. Reg stand frozen between them and Sirius wants to laugh.
I bet he hates that.
"Oi, Reg." He says, "You'd better be good while you're here - behave and all - don't embarass me."
Reg turns to give him the withering look he was expecting.
"I'm always good." He says primly.
Lily wraps her arms round him from behind and tucks her chin over his shoulder.
"Mm, you're going to be a good boy for us?" She teases.
Reg's expression stays stony but Sirius can see the tips of his ears flushing red.
"Evans!" He complains, "Don't use that tone with him."
"You don't like it?" She asks, but the question's directed to Reg, not him. Rude.
"'S fine." Reg manages.
"Look at him," Sirius says accusatorially, "He's in distress."
"I'm not - I'm fine. Stop treating me like a child."
"See, that's what I was expecting you to say earlier, but you just let me bring you here to be minded."
Lily smiles widely. "Because you want to come spend some time with us?" Then she drops into that tone again, "Honestly, I think you're going to have much more fun getting in the middle of married couples here than Sirius is in France."
Reg has gone very red now.
Sirius, rather irked, turns to James for an intercession, but James isn't paying him any attention. His face has that stupid look. That infatuation that Sirius knows inexplicably reduces his IQ to zero. He's looking at Lily and Reg.
Sirius' eyes narrow. "Hang on."
James' eyes go wide. "I promise... good care of him... all completely appropriate."
He's never been a good liar.
Sirius wonders if whatever this is has been going on for some time without his notice, or if it's started this second.
He feels a great swell of indignation. "In my own house?" He demands. "Under my roof?"
They all frown.
"This definitely isn't your house." Lily says.
"It just felt like the right thing to say for some reason." He says. "What am I supposed to say?"
Lily shrugs. "Have fun?"
He doesn't dignify that with an answer.
There's a pause.
Reg watches him warily. He's starting to get that look that Sirius remembers from many a family dinner and quotidian household conversation - the look of someone who knows they're stood in the middle of a minefield and have to make sure they don't make a single misstep.
His hands hover over Lily's where she's hugging his waist, but he doesn't take hold of them. It might be that he's worrying about her, but its definitely mostly Sirius.
That's not what he wants.
"You promise that you'll take care of him until I get back?" He says lightly. "I meant what I said about water - he won't drink it unless you make him."
Regulus relaxes. He rolls his eyes.
"I think I need to get these trousers off." James says. Then his brain catches up to him. "In a entirely separate context to Reg being here! That's not what I meant!"
He raises his hands innocently.
"It's the paint." Lily says and Sirius waits for the punchline. "Can't walk around with paint on your clothes." She tilts her head. "You know, we're going to be doing a lot of painting..." There it is. "It could get quite messy."
Sirius glowers at her. His withering look is better than Regulus' when he tries.
Lily just laughs at him. She muffles it slightly in Reg's neck and he sinks into the contact. James throws an arm around her shoulders.
Sirius sighs heavily.
He picks up Reg's bag from the threshold and presses it into his hands. Then he grabs the ring of the door handle and closes it between them.
I did say I trusted them.
He walks away down the drive.
"Enjoy your trip!" James calls after him through the letterbox. "Have fun!"
Look after each other.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 3 months
@jegulus-microfic june 19 — mechanic — 843 words aka motocross enthusiasts to future boyfriends
James hastens to unclip and throw off his helmet. Carelessly, he throws it to the side where it lands with a dull thud in the foliage while he runs over to the person that just slipped off their motocross bike in front of him.
They were racing each other.
He came out of nowhere, appearing on the trail right next to James. As if he’d materialized himself out of thin air. Decked out in all black and bike an atrocious lime yellow-green that doesn’t blend with the background of the forest even if it wanted to.
He’d snaked his way in front of James when their twin paths united again. Two fingers were tipped from his helmet in a mock salute and then he’d accelerate hard and fast, swirling dirt at James’ helmet visor.
And, well. James has never said no to a challenge a day in his life. Especially from such a cheeky opponent. So James had revved his engine and done his best to keep up and find ways to overtake his mysterious challenger.
The thing is, the other guy was fast. Quick and nimble on his bike, winding between trees and seeking out every opportunity to get a good head start. Jumping off hills instead of taking them easier, dangerous maneuvers, snapping branches and leaving behind angry wheel tracks.
And James was chasing. As soon as the trees cleared a little James managed to pull almost level with him. The biker threw multiple looks over his shoulder when he noticed and James’ grin sharpened when he heard a short laugh from his front left. They parted ways when James chose to round a hill instead of going up and over it, slowing down to keep out of the other’s landing range.
But just as quickly James’ smile was gone.
Maybe the ground was muddier than the guy thought or he got too high-spirited. His hind wheel slipped right from underneath him upon hitting the ground again, making him tumble forward with the remaining momentum and his bike sideways.
Now, James skidders down onto his padded knees next to the body laying in the dirt. “Fuck, hey! You okay?”
He gets a groan in response, raspy and breathless.
And then James gets all breathless when the other guy weakly shoves off his own helmet. It’s pale skin contrasting starkly with his all black getup, dark curls tumbling onto his forehead and stormy eyes fluttering up at him.
The gorgeous man on the ground grunts vaguely, “Never been better.”
James makes a skeptical noise. “Hey, open your eyes for me again. Can you see clearly?”
Slowly, grey eyes blink open and try focusing on James’ figure kneeling over him. His lips part around a silent gasp once they’re wide open, looking at James intensely. “Um, yeah,” he answers.
James’ mouth tips into a grin. “Hi there.”
“Hi,” the other breathes weakly.
“And your name is?”
James hums, “And how many fingers do you see, Regulus?” He holds up 3.
“Three,” Regulus answers dutifully.
James switches his fingers, holding his thumb to his forefinger, the tips of both of them creating a little heart. “And how many now?” James smirks.
Regulus’ wide eyed glance turns into a scowl, lips pouting as he pushes James’ hand away with a grumbling noise. James doesn’t miss the way his cheeks pinken though.
Regulus tries to sit up but he immediately plops back onto his elbows with a groan.
“Don’t be a hero,” James admonishes and pushes him to lay back down.
“How’s my bike?” Regulus wants to know. It’s quiet safe for the sounds of the forest, birds chirping, wind rustling the thicket.
James looks over his shoulder where the lime green atrocious is laying sideways in the leaves. The motor isn’t on anymore but it doesn’t look bent or scratched. “Looks in okay shape,” James replies, turning back to Regulus. He’s looking up at him with an uneasy gleam in his bright eyes. James drives a hand through his hair, licks his lips. Regulus’ eyes follow the motion. ”Easily fixable, I bet,” James reassures, “Probably just some of the electronics impacted.”
Regulus lets his head thump back into the foliage with an unhappy groan.
James grins. “Hey, y’know what? I’ll take you to my mechanic. Guy’s awesome! Funniest person I know and he really knows his bikes.”
James expects Regulus to lighten up and be thankful for the offer but instead he’s met with an almost patronizing smile in return. “Hard pass. I already have a trusted mechanic.”
James narrows his eyes, feeling defensive. “Well, your loss then. Sirius always does a flawless job for a good price. Plus,” he grins again, “His fancy ass espresso machine makes a mean hot chocolate. And he lets me have one every time.” James nods to himself, feeling victorious.
Something flits over grey eyes and then Regulus’ own lips tip onto a smirk. “I know,” he answers and James is properly confused for a few momentps before Regulus goes on. “I bought it for my brother.”
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euphorial-docx · 2 years
“He remembers the sun
The sun has risen in the sky, rays of light streaming in through the open window. Regulus can breathe in the distinct smell of morning— the crisp, cool air and the green scent of dew resting on the grass. Laughing doves cooing lowly outside, acting as music for Regulus’s ears. He feels pathetic in the least pathetic way.
and the air.
Wind softly breezes past Regulus as he stands on the balcony, leaning against the railing as he peers over their villa’s vast property. He sighs out a breath of smoke, a half-smoked cigarette between his fingers. The world around him is blue with late night, but the cigarette is glowing orange.
He remembers water on his skin, hot and clinging. 
The water is warm, heated by the harsh summer sun, and it’s easy to let himself drift to the pool floor. He sinks lower and lower and lower and never finds a reason to emerge again. But then hands wrap around his middle and two young men are breaking through the warm water’s surface. It breaks easy.
He remembers the creaking of the bed, the nightly whispers of a wiry frame.
“Let’s go to sleep, yeah?”
Regulus glides his thumb over James’s bottom lip. “Only if you stay.”
“As long as you want me,” echoes James, catching Regulus’s wandering hand to place a kiss on the palm.
“I want, and want, and want, and want…” Regulus murmurs as James shuffles around the bed, settling into a comfortable position on the mattress. He pulls Regulus on top of him, holding him near as Regulus rests his head upon his bare shoulder.
The living waters of the river behind them.
“Can I ask you something?” James questions as they lie in the short grass between the riverbank and an endless field.
“You can ask,” Regulus breathes out, his eyes closed as his pale skin soaks up the sunlight, “but that doesn’t mean I’ll answer.”
The halo shrouding James’s body,
“You’re glowing.”
“I’m glowing?”
“I wish you could see it,” he tells him, thumb dragging over James’s mouth. He then whispers so quietly, “‘For He will give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.’”
the shifting of walls.
Somewhere between the bedroom and the bathroom, James intertwines their hands. Regulus is glad for the comfort, the grounding nature of it, because quite frankly, he’s still paranoid that the walls will try to grab him. He does his best not to get too close to them, just in case.
The painting.
“It’s me, isn't it?” Regulus whispers, folding his arms over his chest. He forces himself to stare ahead, even when he feels Alphard’s eyes now shift to him.
“Yes, I think it is,” Alphard swiftly answers.
“I like it.” Regulus nods, biting the inside of his cheek. He can feel his eyes burning, begging to be allowed to cry. To feel. To release.
Cigarettes, hand-to-hand.
The bank’s door opens and closes. Regulus tilts his head over to spot James walking out, his friends seemingly left inside. James makes his way over to him, leaning a shoulder against the same wall. He holds out a hand, a vague gesture for the cigarette.
Hands on ivory.
The harmony begins to wane and turn solemn in a slowing rubato. To those who haven’t heard it, it would leave them wondering if the song was coming to an end, or if it would lead into another exploration. To Regulus, however, he knows its the end.
The last note lingers in the space around them as Regulus’s hands fall back into his lap, gazing down at the keys as the last of the sound emits from it.
“Both,” James responds. His brown eyes flicker to Regulus so quickly that Regulus isn’t entirely sure it happened, “but mostly the newsletter.”
“What newsletter?” asks Regulus without removing his sight from James. When James meets his gaze again, this time holding it longer, Regulus hopes he hears the silent questions.
Regulus makes his way over to the piano and sits down behind it. It’s situated practically in the center of the room, every couch and chair able to see the instrument with ease. It makes for easy spectacle, and Regulus is almost always the spectacle.
The untouched sheet music stares back at him, lines and dots waiting to be erased and scrutinized over and over again. It’s a Ravel composition, Sonatine, M. 40: I. Modéré, that Regulus had just begun to transpose before the summer visitors arrived. He keeps getting stuck at various parts, utilizing his eraser at every stop. He’s only halfway through the transposition, and its unfinished nature discomforts him deeply.
“What did you get?” James asks after a while, stabbing his gelato with the plastic spoon.
James hums and looks down at his cup. “Yeah, I got the orange chocolate thing. I can’t tell if I like it.”
“It’s bad?”
“It’s fine.” He shrugs. “Maybe too orangey for me. Not enough chocolate.”
“Schifoso. I hate chocolate.” Regulus grimaces at the thought. He looks at James, who’s staring off at the boats tied down in front of them. “You can try mine.”
La Fontana del Nettune over his shoulder.
Regulus is sitting on the low steps of the water fountain, the statue of Neptune with his trident looming behind him as they both watch the adolescents mill about around them. Regulus has a cigarette in his mouth in a failing attempt to discourage his flaring jealousy at what he sees.
James is dancing with a girl Regulus has never met. Her boyfriend’s red fiat is poorly parked in the piazza of downtown Trieste, “Lola” by The Kinks is blaring out of the vehicle’s stereo and it’s got many people dancing. Regulus rationally knows that the girl having a very nearby boyfriend should allow him to relax, but it doesn’t. He’ll never be relaxed until he’s that one that is close to James.
What makes Regulus even more frustrated is that James clearly doesn’t view the girl in any way. As he spins her around and boasts the lyrics with her, James keeps looking at Regulus where he sits a few feet away. He looks at Regulus and he smiles. He looks at Regulus and purposefully dances so terribly that Regulus almost laughs. James only has eyes for Regulus, but still Regulus is unsatisfied.
“The Second Elegy.”
“I see you’ve discovered Rainer Maria Rilke. ‘The Second Elegy,’ isn’t it?”
“It is.” James nods. “Do you like it?”
“I prefer ‘The Ninth Elegy,’ personally. I didn’t relate much to the second.”
“I notice your use of the past tense. Do you relate to it now?” James asks, a hint of teasing underlying his words. “I mean, it’s about love, right? It only uses the word ‘lover’ maybe a dozen times. I wonder what could make you relate now.”
“Yeah, I wonder,” Regulus replies just as teasingly.
Holding and being held.
“I don’t want you to go,” Regulus whispers, his voice cracking, and it sounds hideously broken. It sounds weak. It sounds like everything he is, and he hates everything that he is in this moment.
James doesn’t say anything, but he does move his hand from Regulus’s hair to press it against his back, bringing him nearer. It will never be enough, the pulling. No matter how much James pulls him in, Regulus will never feel close enough. There will always be an impossible distance.
Locked doors.
As Regulus walks around the bed, his eyes find the door handle. James didn’t lock it. Regulus freezes for a moment, standing still as he contemplates locking it himself. The chill of anxiety slithers up his spine, quickly dismantling that line of thinking. He continues on to the bed.
The window is open. The sound of waves.”
Regulus breathes in, he breathes out, and he gives the car life again. He rolls the windows down as the engine carries him down the lonely path. Wind blows past his ears and he thinks it sounds like the ocean.
This is the waves.
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cauliflowertree · 1 year
🍄 -> send me a character and i’ll tell you a couple headcanons i have for them !
do you have any headcanons for regulus black? <3
pfft, do i have regulus black headcanons??? so many, bestie.
he speaks french (a common one tbf)
he sits on the floor in front of his mirror to do his hair in the mornings.
he likes to read classic literature in both french and english - somehow, they’re different to him in indistinguishable ways - like two different people telling the same story.
takes his coffee & tea black.
isn’t much of a pet person but has a green thumb.
strictly a secret lover of abba.
prefers baths over showers so he can read during them. but if he has to shower he prefers to shower at night.
writes in the margins of books.
he loves listening in on people’s conversations, though usually he doesn’t tell anyone what he’s heard.
a loner but loves the company of those he’s close to as well.
however, a low social battery even with his close friends.
would be the one to occasionally pop up with the most random shit and then disappear for weeks if he was in a group chat.
prefers 🍃 to alcohol but drinks alcohol more.
i’ll stop. ANYWAY.
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astroaries98 · 2 years
Best of friends till the end...
Spring had slowly crept itself into the grounds of Hogwarts. A gentle warm breeze brings in the soft sounds of birds singing, carrying the smell of light pink blossom. Wildflowers are starting to grow within the lush green grass and the once-grey waters of the lake have turned slightly bluer. The evening sun has started to set leaving a warm orange glow behind.  
Pandora sits under the willow tree by the water’s edge, Regulus lays with his head in her lap his feet stretched out in front of him, his shirt and tie pulled loose, his shoes off and his eyes closed sleeping to the sounds of Spring. A half-read book lay open on his stomach. 
Pandora has already changed out of her school uniform and is wearing a cream satin gown with long bell sleeves and lace around the neckline. Her feet are bare and her shoe’s nowhere to be seen. Her blonde hair is pulled back into a low bun, tied with a blue and gold ribbon and loose strands of hair frame her face. She has a soft smile on her lips as she looks down at Regulus. She picks up a daisy from the grass beside her and spins it between her fingers before weaving it into Regulus’s hair. He already has about fifteen daisies twisted into his black wavy locks. She goes to pick another when Regulus’s eyes start to flutter open.  
“I think that's enough now Dora, I’m going to look like a forest nymph soon” The boy whispers still slightly asleep. 
“Well, at least a managed to get in five more than last time” Pandora sighs, pulling up the last daisy and putting it in her own hair. “And you do look so beautiful Reg”
Regulus sits up, a few daisies fall out as he shakes his head and rubs his eyes awake. He turns back to her with a slight frown. 
Pandora leans forward, placing her hand on the side of his face. Her thumb traces the sliver scar under Regulus’s eye and for a brief moment her face mimics the boy's frown. She blinks, and her face smiles again, this time into a big grin. 
“Well, you did while you were sleeping anyway, your face looks softer asleep, no permanent scowl” She giggles, grabbing Regulus's face with both hands and kissing his forehead. 
Regulus swats her hands away, but can’t help but smile, breathing out a laugh as he pulls back away from her and puts on his shoes. 
“You’re mad Dora, me scowl? No idea what you mean, I always look angelic.” He flutters his eyelashes at her. 
Pandora shakes her head laughing. She picks up the book which has now fallen to the ground and hands it to Regulus. 
“Thanks,” he says taking the book, his smile has faded and his usual blank facial expression has returned. “We should go back inside, it’ll be curfew soon.”
He stands up and pulls the rest of the daisies out of his hair, before reaching out his hand to help Pandora up. 
Pandora links her arms in his and together they walk back towards the castle. 
“I think you might be my favourite you know?” Pandora almost sings. 
“Don’t tell Evan or Barty that, they’ll be wounded” Regulus replies a smile returning to his face. 
“I don’t care, it’s true, the others don’t let me play with their hair” 
“Ha, well in that case, you’re my favourite too” Regulus put his arm around Pandora, pulling her in, making her slightly trip. 
“Well, I am definitely telling, Evan and Barty THAT.” Pandora teases, shoving him slightly on his side. 
“Wouldn't expect any less” Regulus laughs as they reach the stairs leading them back inside, leaving the spring evening behind them.  
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lilahisntsadanymore · 2 years
Two teenagers in a dark world, they manage to survive as long as they're together. But one day Regulus has to go on a deadly mission, leaving Y/n a letter... Is there a chance he comes back alive?
Pronouns used for Y/n: she/her
Pairing: Regulus Black x reader
Words count: 3k (this started off as a blurb lmao)
Warnings: mentions of death, not proofread
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This cruel world
That day the sky was dark, just like the thoughts inside Y/n's head. Inevitable gloom surrounded the house and penetrated the rooms, at least more than usual. Y/n never liked the house on Grimmauld Place, but she was forced to live here since she married Regulus.
The marriage didn't look quite like Y/n imagined it. She surely was happy to call herself Regulus Black's wife, and Regulus reciprocated that feeling, but it would be better if they didn't have to live with Walburga.
It wasn't like the old woman wasn't fond of her daughter-in-law. Actually, she was pleased with Regulus' choice, but because of that she kept asking for a grandchild. The house of Black needed an heir, but Y/n felt like it wasn't the right time. Her and Regulus were only eighteen years old, they could and wanted to wait. Not the mention the terrible war.
Everyone thought Y/n was on Voldemort's side, that was expected from a deatheater's wife. Except, nobody knew even Regulus himself wasn't really on the Dark Lord's side. While Y/n tried to stay neutral, Regulus was making up a plan to defeat Voldemort.
"Take this," Regulus said, handing Y/n an envelope.
It was a dark green envelope with a silver wax seal. On the other side Regulus wrote 'Y/n Black'. He also put something besides a letter inside, a small circle that reminded Y/n the shape of a ring.
Y/n had been sitting on a windowsill in her and Regulus' bedroom for Merlin knows how long. She woke up without Regulus by her side, realizing that he's keeping an eye on the last preparations for his 'mission'.
The girl looked in her husband's eyes. He was worried. Not about himself, but about his wife. The mission was dangerous, Regulus didn't fear death, but he was afraid what would Y/n do he dies.
Everyday Regulus cursed himself for sentencing Y/n for living that life. She was so beautiful, so young, so pure, she didn't deserve all this fear. All this stress. He regretted marrying her, because she deserved better.
"I don't want it." Y/n eyed the envelope.
"Darling, if I die there are things-"
"I don't wanna hear it!" Y/n stood up from the windowsill. "You won't die, Regulus."
"It's a dangerous mission. And there are some things I need you to know and do if I don't come back from that cave."
With a soft sight, Y/n took the envelope in her hands. She brushed her thumb over the seal and began opening.
"No, don't!" Regulus stopped her.
"I thought you wanted me to read it?"
"Only if I die."
Y/n shoved the envelope back into Regulus' hands. "You won't die, you idiot!"
The girl walked angrily to the door, her footsteps heavier than normally. Before she could put her hand on the doorknob, Regulus grabbed her wrist and forced her to turn around. Y/n looked at him with confusion.
"I'm going soon," Regulus' gentle voice didn't match the tight grip he held on Y/n's wrist, "I don't wanna leave knowing our last conversation was an argument."
Last conversation...
It would be wrong to say goodbye in the atmosphere of anger. Y/n wished it wasn't true, but her husband really could die on that mission. She would despise herself for the rest of her life if the last words she said to Regulus were insults. At the thought of it, Y/n had to fight back tears.
But she couldn't. In her own eyes she was a bad partner to Regulus. "I'm sorry," she mumbled as her (y/e/c) eyes were letting out more and more tears each second.
A moment later, Y/n threw her arms around Regulus, almost hanging her whole body on him. Regulus closed his eyes and put his left hand on his wife's back and let his right hand play with Y/n's hair.
"I'll love you forever," Y/n cried silently, "I don't know what I'd do without you, Reggie. Please, try not to die."
"Can't make a promise I might not be able to keep. But know that wherever I'll be, my love for you will never end." Regulus placed a kiss on the top of his wife's head, then pulled away just enough to take her face in his hands. She was crying and Regulus hated the fact that he was the reason. "Promise me two things. I know you can do that."
Y/n wanted to speak, but something didn't let her open her mouth. As if someone shoved an invisible rock into her throat. So instead, she nodded, tasting tears on her tongue as they rolled down to her lips.
Something was missing. As Regulus held Y/n's face, the girl could feel one of his rings was missing.
"When I am gone, tell my brother what I did and that I did it to defeat the Dark Lord. I don't care about anybody else, I want him to know the truth so he can forgive me." Y/n nodded again and Regulus hesitated to continue. "And secondly... I want you to move on. In the pace that suits you, but please do. I would hate to sentence you to loneliness."
Y/n shook her head. "No," she managed to whisper. "I won't move on. You're coming back, Regulus, I won't have to move on."
Instead of saying anything, Regulus kissed Y/n. He put all his emotions into this kiss, as if he wanted to kiss her enough for all the years she would spend without him, in the worst case.
He didn't want to lie. It wasn't even a 50/50 chance of him coming back. It was almost certain he would sacrifice his life. It would be a miracle if he returned home safely.
Not a really long time later, Y/n stood in the hallway watching her husband putting on his shoes and his coat.
"Do you have your wand?" The girl asked.
"Yes, love." Regulus replied, not adding that he won't actually be able to use it in the cave.
Y/n felt tears stinking in her eyes again. She looked out of the window and started blinking fast. This didn't help, a single year managed to free itself from the girl's eye.
Regulus wrapped his arms around Y/n, hating himself even more in that moment. He was cursed and because of that, Y/n was too.
"Tears are of no use, darling." Regulus softly brushed his lips on Y/n's forehead. "I'm still alive, cry when I'm gone."
"And this won't happen, right?"
When Y/n stared at Regulus, he felt as if she was trying to read his mind. Her eyes were reaching his soul. And maybe Y/n was trying to read Regulus' thoughts, but she wouldn't find the truth there. He was too good at occulumency.
"Your eyes are too beautiful to be ruined by tears."
Regulus brushed Y/n's tears away with his thumb. After placing one last peck on her lips, Regulus was gone behind the huge door.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n paced around her and Regulus' bedroom for the whole day. She didn't speak to Walburga nor even saw her. For all she cared, that woman could as well not exist and Y/n would be fine.
It was like just another day when Regulus went to work and the two women were left with each other. Thankfully, the house was big enough to let them avoid one another.
Y/n's gaze kept wandering to the letter Regulus gave her. She put it next to a frame with a photograph of them. They were both kids back then, life was nice and easy. Well, maybe not so nice for Regulus, but it was still better than what they were going through now.
As much as Y/n was curious what was in the letter, she wished she would never have to read it. Regulus would make it back home safely and Y/n would let the fireplace swallow the letter, never revealing what it said.
Not wanting to focus on the envelope, Y/n shifted her stare to the picture. She smiled at it, recalling the memories. It was a cold winter day of the year 1976. Regulus told his parents he won't be coming home for the Christmas break, because the whole Slytherin team is staying in Hogwarts to use the time to practice, so he had to stay as well. Of course it was a lie, but Walburga and Orion didn't suspect anything.
In that particular moment the photo was taken, Y/n and Regulus were reading a book. It was a thing they did quite often - sitting on a couch in their common room to read one book together. It felt like a date and neither Y/n nor Regulus had a problem with being quiet. And so the picture captured Regulus turning the page as Y/n's head was resting on his shoulder. There was, obviously, no sound but in her memories Y/n could still hear Regulus asking if he can turn the page. And she would hum quietly in an answer.
It was just three years ago. They were kids and now they're suddenly adults. The world forced them to grow up.
A sudden sound of cracking pulled Y/n out from the memories. She put her right palm on her chest, feeling her heart wanting to jump out.
"Kreacher!" She whisper-yelled. "What have I told you about scaring me like this?"
The house elf bowed his head a bit. "I'm sorry, mistress Y/n. It's very urgent."
"What is it, Kreacher?" The worst thoughts ran through the girl's head.
"Master Regulus, he..." It was noticeably painful for the elf to say it. He served for the house of Black longer than he knew Regulus, but Regulus was his favorite. The boy once even called Kreacher his friend, but the elf told him it's an insult to Regulus and he shouldn't say that.
"What happened to Regulus?" Y/n asked with tears basically waiting to flow. As if they needed permission.
"Master Regulus... Died."
Died. He died. Y/n felt as if her body went numb. She couldn't feel her legs anymore, so she stumbled down on the floor with tears now running down her face in uneven streams.
She grabbed Kreacher's tiny arm. "Take me to him. Please, Kreacher take me to Regulus." Y/n's pathetic sobs filled the room.
"I can't take mistress Y/n there."
"You have to! I want to see him."
The conversation was difficult for Kreacher as well. "It is unfortunately impossible... Master Regulus was dragged underwater."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n had no idea how much time she spent crying on the floor. Neither did she have any idea how many days she spent in the bedroom. The curtains didn't let a single sunray through, so she didn't know when it's a day and when it's a night. She barely slept, but if she did she didn't care to check the time.
Kreacher had told Walburga about Regulus' death, Y/n heard the woman scream and cry. Despite of going through this loss together, in the same house, a few feet away from each other, neither woman bothered to check on the other one.
The curiosity, the need to know what's the letter saying disappeared with Regulus' death. It died with him. Like many more other things died in Y/n as well that day. But she had to do it, she had to force herself to read the letter.
Y/n didn't want to do it alone, but neither did she want to do it with Walburga. She didn't have contact with any girls she knew back in Hogwarts, so she decided to pay Regulus' brother a visit.
Kreacher helped Y/n apparate to Sirius' flat and then was told to go back home. He had to keep an eye on his first mistress as well. When Y/n was finally outside, it turned out to be an evening. The sky was grey, but stars weren't out yet.
"Y/n." Sirius said, it almost sounded like a question. He didn't expect Y/n's visit.
"I don't like the fact that I am here either, but you have to let me in." Y/n demanded in a cold manner.
"And why is that?"
"It's about Regulus."
Without any more words, Sirius opened the door wider, letting the guest walk inside, and then closed it, making sure it's locked.
"The living room is the door on your left." He instructed the girl, walking behind her with a hand on his wand in the back pocket of his black jeans.
Y/n sat down on an armchair. It wasn't as big as those in the house at Grimmauld Place, but also comfortable.
"Are you going to make me some tea or keep staring at me like I'm some anomaly?" The girl asked with a tint of frustration in her voice.
She should be nicer, she knew that. But without Regulus by her side, she had to be stronger. And to her strong was cold, callous. That was what being raised in a pureblood household taught her.
When Sirius walked to the nearby kitchen, divided from the living room by only an arch instead of doors, he still kept an eye on Y/n. Something was off. She had always been like this, but there was something going on.
"You are quite an anomaly, really. I mean, why would you suddenly decide to pay your husband's traitor of a brother a visit?"
Y/n took the cup of tea in her hand and drank a bit. "Do you live here alone?"
"Yeah, but Remus, James and Lily visit often. Actually, Lily and James are here everyday. They need company after... After Euphemia and Fleamont... Passed away."
"Oh, I'm sorry. What happened?"
"Don't apologize, you didn't even know them. Dragon pox took them. But enough of depressing talk, what brings you here?"
Y/n set down the cup on the coffee table. She didn't want to say what she had to say. Sirius wasn't going to like it. Or was he? He could hate Regulus, but still they were brothers...
"Regulus..." Y/n sighed. She had to say it. The quicker the better. "Regulus brings me here."
Y/n didn't cry. The tears that she cried already were enough, they washed out all feelings she had before. Now she was just empty. With a black hole where her heart once was.
"What has he done?"
"He died. Regulus died."
Silence. The silence after that sentence left Y/n's mouth was enough to let her hear hers and Sirius' heartbeats. Both sped up.
"He died?" Sirius asked. "He was only eighteen, what happened?"
"He intended to destroy the Dark Lord. He barely told me anything about his plan, but I know he went to a cave. There was something that would let Regulus destroy the Dark Lord. But he drowned. Kreacher said he was dragged underwater."
Y/n had no idea where she found that strength to spit it all out. She had to search deep down in her soul to find this strength.
Now it were Sirius' eyes that glossed with the salty liquid. He believed Y/n, she had no reason to lie.
His little brother was dead. All these long years Sirius was sure that Regulus was on Voldemort's side, but he died fighting for the good side. All these long years Sirius wasted on this silent war between him and Regulus were pointless. Regulus was on the good side. And he died thinking Sirius hates him.
Sirius never hated Regulus. They could disagree, fight as much as they wanted, but Sirius could never hate his little brother. They went through the same hell at home, but Sirius ran away and Regulus had to stay and keep up with it. It must have been difficult for him. And Sirius never even got to tell him how much he admires him. How much he loves him. And now he couldn't.
"He left me a letter," Y/n pulled out the dark green envelope from her purse, "I didn't want to read it alone. Can I do it here?"
"Yes, sure," Sirius stood up, his body extremely tense. "I'll be in the kitchen, just yell if you need me."
Y/n's fingers delicately opened the envelope. She took the letter, first scanning the writing. The black ink formed elegant letters, typical for Regulus. If Y/n didn't know he wrote it, she would have guessed anyways.
As Y/n began reading the letter, her ears caught silent sobs coming from the kitchen. She would talk to Sirius later. He needed someone to comfort him. Y/n barely know him, but now they were going through the same mourning.
My dearest Y/n,
When you're reading this letter, I am dead. It was meant to happen and I apologize for putting you through this. It pains me terribly to know you cry because of me. I know my effort won't go to waste and you will someday live in a better world.
I hope you won't mourn for too long and you will find someone else worth your love. Whoever that will be, know that I accept your choice. I loved being loved by you and everyone else who gets to experience it will be lucky.
You might hate me and I understand it. You can rip this letter in pieces and forget me, but know that I love you regardless. Wherever I go after my death, I'll look at you and smile, remembering all the memories we have made. The moments I spent with you were the ones I was the happiest, our wedding day was just something that carved into my memory. That's why I'm leaving you my wedding ring. You can put it on a string and wear around your neck or throw it away and forget I existed.
Thank you for showing me what happiness feels like, you're my own ray of sunshine in this dark world. I love you so much, I could take out my heart from my chest and break it in two if you only asked me to, my love. I believe one day we'll meet again, but until then, goodbye.
Always yours, R.A.B.
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