#reminder that this episode is called oops
flower-boi16 · 2 days
Stolas in the last scene, taking accountability for his actions.
Stolas: I was terrible to you.
Blitz: Yeah, you fucking sucks.
Stolas: How can you be so cruel to me, Blitz! 😭😭😭
That's what makes the final scene confusing to me. It starts off with Stolas finally taking accountability for his actions for once and the show not coddling him, but then it gradually descends into more Stolas victimization until it reaches it's absolute peak with the line "I didn't realize you thought so low of me".
This reminds me of a major problem with Stolas as a character; the show does sometimes make Stolas take accountability for his actions (Seeing Stars, Oops, and The Full Moon), it's ALWAYS rendered hollow because in the same episodes, the people who he's DIRECLTY HURT are demonized by the narrative, and him always still being victimized here.
The show acknolwedges that Stolas has been sexually abusing Blitz but that gets rendered hollow when Blitz is STILL being demonized for not loving Stolas, as if he's hurt his feelings or some shit and we're suppoused to feel bad for Stolas. I'm sorry, but I ain't.
Any time the show has Stolas take mild accountability for his actions gets rendered hollow by the show's insistance on framming him as an UwU soft boy and demonizing any character that calls him out for his shit. So the show is STILL victimizning him here even if it's having him take accountability.
Becuase when he does take accountability it's still frammed as him being an UwU soft boy who was hurt by Blitz being so mean to him UwU. So it's not even the show acknolwedging his mistakes, he's STILL being coddled, just in a different way where he's STILL being frammed as sympathetic.
Apology Tour looks like it's going to crank the Blitzo demonization to 11 and I'm not looking forward to it at ALL.
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shortbreadly · 9 months
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fuck me we’re getting the backstory i need to emotionally prepare myself
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king-zacharyy · 3 months
Okay, I am currently rewatching Helluva Boss, and I just finished S1 Ep7: OZZIE'S, and... How do some people genuinely believe Stolitz is one-sided?
From what I've seen, Blitzø absolutely returns Stolas' feelings, even if he refuses to acknowledge/accept that he does. A lot of people, from what I've seen, have been using Blitzø' words to Stolas in OZZIE'S and his words about Stolas to Fizzarolli in OOPS as arguments for why Blitzø "clearly" doesn't love Stolas back, but my question is, do some of y'all not have basic media literacy?
Sorry if that’s rude, but seriously. There are plenty of clues to how Blitzø is actually feeling during and after these scenes.
1. Blitzø was literally holding back TEARS as he said that in the van scene.
2. He says that Stolas has made it very clear that all it is is Stolas wanting to be fucked. That wording is very distinct and, honestly, says that Blitzø does NOT want it to just be a Fuck Buddies things.
2.5. May I remind everyone that Stolas literally calls Blitzø his "Impish little plaything" in Truth Seekers? And that that likely just confirmed the insecurities we know he was already feeling? (We know he was feeling insecure about his and Stolas' relationship already because of how he reacted in S1 Ep5 to Striker goading him)
3. Literally ALL of what happens after the van scene. Including all of Episode 8. He goes home and cries himself to sleep, and then goes and self-destructs at a party. Bee said it herself that he wasn't drinking to have fun.
4. In S2 Ep6: OOPS, His face when he said it was nothing more than Stolas being horny gives away how hurt he actually is. He is desperately trying to convince Fizz and remind himself that Stolas doesn't want anything more.
Honorary mention that I'm not sure is really a fifth point is him calling Fizz and Ozzie hypocrites.
Moving on from those scenes and onto Blitzø's insecurities about love and his self-worth issues. Blitzø does not believe he deserves love. He does not believe anyone does or can love him. We can see this in how he acts with the people in his life. He pushes them away. He is obsessed with M&M's relationship because they're the only model of a healthy relationship he's ever had, and he wants that with someone. We also can tell because of how he reacts to what Fizz and Verosika say in OZZIE'S.
Blitzø hates himself. He crosses out his face in the pictures hung up in his apartment. He blames himself for an accident that caused his mother's death, his best friend to lose his limbs, and his sister to hate him.
No one was truly there for him after the accident. Fizz may have been crippled, but he had a support system. Blitzø did not, and no one was there to tell him it wasn't his fault.
Not to mention the fact that up until the accident, he was CONSTANTLY being put down and told Fizzarolli was better than him. Even his own father cared more for Fizz than him. Honestly, I'm surprised there isn't any actual animosity towards Fizz on Blitzø's part.
Speaking of the fire and Fizz, Blitzø was planning to confess romantic feelings to Fizz that night before the accident (We know this because of the letter and flower he was holding before the fire started). That likely made it difficult for him to confess his love to someone because if you think his brain wouldn't connect love confessions to the greatest trauma of his life, you're dead wrong.
Brains make weird ass connections when it comes to trauma/traumatic events.
In conclusion, Blitzø loves Stolas, Stolas loves Blitzø, and they both need to heal and get their shit together. Stolitz forever.
Kloveyoubye ❤️
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drama-glob · 7 months
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Let me start off by saying F*CK YOU MAMMON!!!! >:( >:( >:(
Okay now, I LOVED THIS EPISODE because as much at it broke my heart with how much of a gut punch it was that Fizz has been putting up with Mammon for years, the fact that he got his freedom at the end with the constant support of Blitz and Ozzie, who genuinely care about him melted my heart as well. ^_^
I knew going in I was going to hate Mammon (because with how he runs his ring, I couldn't see how he could have any redeeming qualities), but he seriously was a bigger abusive d*ck and was way more blatant about than I expected. >:( Poor Fizz right off the bat with his unhealthy work ethic that he's not good enough and that his value is tied into his work, something that many of us (me included) have been guilty of. I blame Cash for being the most likely factor in why Fizz thinks that way, along with his idol worship of Mammon playing into it. >:( Also, that creep getting in Fizz's head was so messed up because we come to see how genuinely nice Fizz is and he sadly let what that guy said get into his head. ;_;
I'm so glad that Ozzie from the start is looking out for Fizz's well being and mental health, which is also really sad because he has no doubt had this conversation many times with Fizz about not needing to please Mammon and that he is good enough, only for Fizz to insist everything's fine when it's not. ;_; I also had a feeling Ozzie wouldn't be a fan of the Robo Fizzes given that he loves Fizz so much and knows what people use them for, so most likely it's part of the whole blackmail deal/Ozzie can't break out of making them so long as Fizz doesn't call it quits. ;_; I'm also happy that Ozzie clearly harbors no ill-will towards Blitz (which we already saw in "Oops," but it's nice that he knows Blitz wouldn't like the state Fizz is in and needs to cut ties with Mammon). :)
Fizz is just so talented with his craft, but the further pressure that he had actual competition from Glitz and Glam just made things so much worse, but of course Mammon don't care. >:( One of the absolute best moments though had to be the sweet little deaf kid signing to Fizz and Fizz signing back as well as sign his picture, so it was sweet and it helped Fizz's mental state temporarily. It was unfortunate that flipping creep came back and messed with Fizz once again, only adding to Fizz's panic attack that goes into overdrive once he sees Glitz and Glam perform. ;_;
My sadness only built as Fizz spiraled and tried to make himself "fine," but my man Ozzie being there as soon as he hears (from Blitz no doubt) that Fizz is not okay and him not leaving until he can get to the bottom of way Fizz is so adamant about doing this while trying to comfort him was wonderful. I legit cried, as I'm sure many of you did, when poor Fizz admits that he feels like practically nothing next to Ozzie and that without his job and the fame, he'd eventually leave Fizz despite how many years they've known each other and how much Ozzie does to remind Fizz that he loves him for who he is. ;_; ;_; ;_; It's sad too that Fizz has put up with the year of abuse because he felt he owed Mammon for leading him Ozzie, even though that's certainly not true. It really brought it in home just how much trauma Fizz has suffered and affected his mental state. I can only imagine how bad it'd be if he really didn't have Ozzie in his life. O_O The sweet, honest words from Ozzie afterward just reinforced my belief that Ozzie is the best boyfriend and their song "Crooked" was so saturated with lovey-dovey sentiment, I went awwww so many times and shows how lucky they are to have each other. ^_^<3<3<3
Fizz's "2-Minutes Notice" was absolutely incredible, (especially considering this was improv ;) ) and the fact Mammon didn't realize it was about him until the end was hilarious! XD But Fizz certainly proved how amazing he is and I'm sure Ozzie was more than happy to provide the magical backup to really stick it to Mammon. ;) ^_^ <3 It was really cool getting to see full demon Mammon and Ozzie, but it was especially amazing that Ozzie announced he loved Fizz to everyone so that he could no longer be blackmailed by Mammon and so Fizz could be free of that asshole; plus, he already seemed tired of hiding it. ^_^<3<3<3 Although Mammon will definitely come back for revenge on this sweet couple, Fizz and Ozzie get to at least have their peace for now and will face the future of their relationship being outed to all of Hell together. Also, those giant nuzzles from Ozzie are everything to me! ^_^<3<3<3<3<3
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murfpersonalblog · 21 days
IWTV S2 Ep1 Musings - LDPDL smdh
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My daughter Claudia is NOT. PLAYING. AROUND.
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I had to giggle here, cuz it just reminded me of what she said in S1:
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Claudia will drag Lestat AND Louis each and every chance she gets, bless! 😂
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Aaaaaaaand the racists. 😒 Eat ALL of these mofos, YAAAAAS~!
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I am SCREAMING at the cinematic poetry--Louis is talking about not burning Lestat, as Lou & Claud can't get warm enough at a fire where they're burning the dead Soviets they just ate.
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While Claudia sits there giving Lou the cold shoulder & the silent treatment, icing him out so Louis only talks to himself--I HOLLERED.
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My daughter KNOWS!!! DRAG HIM, CLAUDIA!! ^0^
But then I cried, cuz WAIT. If Louis is talking to himself, is this also factoring into why he's seeing DreamStat? Cuz Lou's also desperate for connection, which he can't get from Claudia anymore either! 😭
Louis said DreamStat "came by invitation," as a colorful & vibrant "distraction" (read: comfort) from the dull monochromatic grey Eastern European land. But Lestat is bloodsplattered & filthy just like everyone else.
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The question of his guilty conscience: what does Lestat feel/think about Louis? And what is Louis projecting?
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That's all Louis wants to hear--that Les misses him and forgives him.
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"I'm glad it was you...a la fin." We still need confirmation that Lou slit Les's throat, not Claudia. Cuz this will also point to how much Lou is lying to himself about how betrayed Lestat really felt--that his death would be better by Lou's hands than Claudia's. Is Lou making himself feel better by giving Les the coup de gras, and thinking Les is grateful to him for it?
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Cuz he's clearly scared to death that WHEN--not IF--they reunite, Les will be pissed and hate/kill him.
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Cuz Lestat's love was what kept Louis alive--Lestat loving Louis saved/damned Louis' life. (The Merrick of it all, istg.)
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So it's WILD that Louis thinks this. That the split second Louis finds happiness, the boogeyman Lestat will come and kill him, or take it from him--or just be there as a hallucination constantly reminding Louis of what he left behind.
As an aside:
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It was a BAT--that's cute! XD
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Louis in denial as he tells himself choosing Claudia over Lestat was worth it. And Dream!Stat chanting "I do" like frikkin wedding vows, then choking on the words/vows as a vampire bat claws out of his throat--I CANNOT with this show anymore.
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This is interesting--the 7000 people he killed in Eastern Europe were a necessary evil--Lou calls them "souls," when Les called them "the Meat" and Claudia called them "Kill Juice." And in Paris he only kills once every other day. They ALL feel like murder to Louis. But Louis KNOWS he never killed Lestat!
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He put Lestat in the dump the same way Grace put his name on that tombstone--it's the DISTANCE that's killing them.
It's separation & absence, which they HOPE will make the heart grow colder--when we all know that's not how the saying actually goes.
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So who are you REALLY fooling, Louis? Cuz it for sure ain't Claudia!
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She said "you slow us down!" 💀 But Louis warned you: "I can barely speak French and English. I'd just hold you back.... You don't need me. You think you do, but you don't. You're smarter now. You see trouble coming a mile away." If only they'd've BOTH remembered that bit once they got to PARIS. 💀💀💀
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This dude, I swear. No wonder he never joined the Theatre; he can't lie for ish! 😅
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And I OOP! 👀
By the end of the episode we get Louis' BEAUTIFUL "You and Me" monologue to Claudia, and she finally accepts his apology and promise that he won't kill himself like Draciana did.
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Which nearly made me cry when you finally see DREAM!LESTAT SITTING RIGHT THERE. 😭 Who is Louis REALLY talking to!?
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As he always does when in denial & running from his problems (all the way to effing Romania, ffs), alcoholic!Louis "runs to the bottle and to bad beds."
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Louis, if you don't stop right this moment ISTG! 😭😭
I love this effing show, omg what a great start to the season!
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carrymelikeimcute · 8 months
I'm in my feels again so lets talk about Izzy Hands and violence.
I read a novel ages ago, where an older guy takes a young orphan boy under his wing and teaches him a trade - it's medieval times and said boy becomes a young adult and wants a sword, but his pseudo-father/boss/friend tells him he can't have one, because if he has one, he'll draw it and if he draws it, he could be killed. The safest thing is, paradoxically, to carry no weapons. To learn control of one's temper and control over your surroundings.
The scenes of Izzy and Stede in ep.7 at Jackie's reminded me of that novel.
Obviously Izzy has weapons, tends to put his hand on his sword during arguments and we do see him fighting and killing people. HOWEVER, I think it's really interesting that, given how often we talk about Izzy being repressed (emotionally/sexually/gender-ly) and how controlled he attempts to be, we don't often talk about his controlled approach to violence.
A lot of fic characterises him as someone who is hot tempered and violent, but looking at s1 with fresh eyes, between him and Ed, he's definitely not just the cooler head when it comes to instigating violence, but the one who takes less interest in violence for its own sake as a performance - e.g. Ed's very creative instructions with the tiny fork, the toe thing etc vs Izzy just stabbing Stede. It's a means to an end.
Don't think I'm not saying he has a fucking temper and a half, because he obviously does, but that seems to mostly be vented non-violently through yelling - not yelling at strangers either, but at people he knows and can (usually) judge where the line is.
Until he puts a toe over that line and...oops.
On first meeting Stede, Izzy cuts up his shirt without actually hurting him. It's a threat, but he hasn't drawn blood, hasn't started anything violent...yet. It's almost a display intended to dissuade actual fighting, by showing your potential opponent that they're probably going to lose.
I think one of the reasons Izzy's so annoyed about their losses in the battle with the Spanish is that it's not their fight. They didn't get anything from it - it was pointless (to him, not to Ed obvs). He wants to avoid facing the Spanish again in the following episode, because they stand to lose more than they will gain.
Even when he's actively calling for Ed to kill Stede, he isn't fussy about how. (And he uses manipulation to keep his hands clean - something he does again when selling Ed out to the navy.) Stede needs to be gone, and this is the easiest way to do that. And when he does finally lose it he doesn't just attack Stede without warning - it's within the controlled setting of a duel, which, when Stede starts improvising, breaks down Izzy's control and leads to him becoming emotional, making a mistake and getting his sword broken.
In s2 the pointlessness of the raids is obviously getting to him, disrupting a wedding for no real gain. Losing Ivan for nothing. I don't think the violence is what bothers him, he's a very active participant, but the fact that it's not for anything - it's not enough of a reward in and of itself. (It's like not really caring one way or the other about being a barista, it's just what you do and it's fine, but then suddenly you're not being paid and also your boss keeps burning you with the steam wand on purpose and you just sort of wish you could just get on with your job and make rent like before.)
S1 Izzy seems to lack the whimsy and imagination that Ed/Stede bring to piracy and to violence, but that doesn't make him stupid. They're playing some kind of made-up game that only they know the rules for, and he's trying to play chess with everyone, even when the rules are only a burden to him.
When we see him training, he's being a dramatic candlelit bitch, but he's also measuring his movements, focusing intently and not just hacking away at everything. Even the candles are interesting to me in this context - we see him playing with candles several times in S1/2 and while yes, there is a certain amount of 'Izzy likes pain' in there to unpick, it's also kind of a metaphor for control - fire is one of the most dangerous things to have on a 'wooden vessel' but a candle is like a tiny pet fire that you control - so long as you're careful and respectful. It's all about risk management, respecting dangerous forces and being aware.
When Stede kills Ned, Izzy looks impressed, even seems to smile for a second, but then he looks more subdued and tells Ed that the first kill is a head-fuck. It's like he's proud of Stede being ABLE to kill, but regretful that Stede CHOSE to kill in a situation where it wasn't necessary at all.
I don't think for a moment that Izzy regrets killing most of the people he kills as part of pirate life, but I think he would regret killing someone he didn't have to. Most people wouldn't want to carry that around with them.
We see in ep7. that Izzy is well respected at Jackie's. He tells bigger guys than him to fuck off and just takes people's chairs. He gets called 'Mr. Hands' instead of by his first name. There's a lot of respect there and I think some of it comes from his reputation with Ed, but also, from people knowing that he's not insane - he can be treated respectfully and everything will be fine for all involved. He's not some menace that's going to stab you as likely as pat you on the back.
For all that people are afraid of Blackbeard (and maybe slightly in awe of Stede as of the Ned thing) for their unpredictable natures and occasional violent outbursts, people are still attacking them or pandering to them, actual respect is something else entirely.
Later, Izzy doesn't pull a weapon and tries to discourage Stede from doing so, even tries to get him to leave to prevent a fight from starting. In the fight, he smashes a stool over someone and doesn't just start killing people - it's an appropriate level of violence for the situation, not an escalation.
It feels like Izzy is very much in that place of controlling himself, being aware and knowing when and how to use force practically, proportionally and effectively. This might be age related, but it's also a big part of his personality. I think that's also why he looks impressed by what Zheng does to Steak Knife (rip) because it's so precise, bloodless and quick. She's basically the best captain for him - she's efficient and controlled.
It's easy to confuse 'is willing to kill' with 'is eager to kill'. I don't think Izzy necessarily loathes that part of his job, he seems ambivalent, but it is still a job to him. It's what pirates do, much as the crew of the Revenge do still kill people, it's just part of their life and not some kind of performance or fun activity. It's work, and it's hard and it's unpleasant and if something can be done an easier way - a smarter way - then that's probably the best way.
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memyselfandmya · 9 days
Spoilers below the cut, and warning it's long. My thoughts are all over the place rn so you'll get more organized posts tomorrow
Ep. 1
“Just the one.” FML
Darius you’re such a funny little guy
“I’m not talking about the island I’m talking about what happened after.” AHHHHHHH. The way this line was delivered and animated.
The family photos on the wall feel so symbolic. 
It’s sad how Darius has to go through this process of grief again.
What’s Brand doing to get himself into trouble?
*soft music plays* “And here with me live are the improbable survivors of the Jurassic World incident, the Nublar Six” CAN YOU HEAR ME FUCKING SOBBING.
Ben scrunched over that little compute please I can’t 😭
What’s especially sad about Darius’ grief is that he’s not just sad and depressed as if he’s accepted her death, it’s that he pushed himself into a sort of state of almost denial where he’s still calling her and stuff.
These raptors are freaky
1st episode over yayyyy
Ep. 2
Not the keys Darius 
The tensionnn
Ben and his driving skills 
Ben’s poor van
Ben still being the well prepared man he is
Ben…I’m concerned what is that board you have going on there
Why are these grown ass men living such horrible lives? Eating canned cheese out of a dirty mug? A spoon in a boot that makes sloshing noise?
Ben back at it w the shaving cream/ whipped cream. 
Darius is so unconvinced
BEN throwing Darius phone out like it was nothing plssss and his reaction 
She’s so pretty though
Very ominous great way to emphasize Ben’s paranoia 
These poor traumatized kids
“Is your friend okay?” “No.” PLSS I’m glad he knows it
Ep. 3
Sammy’s ranch is so cuteeee
The locs thing omg 
“Have you seen my pitchfork” she asks casually as if she’s a witch hunter during the Salem witch trials 
What do you mean Sammy isn’t talking to her parents 
Their reunion is soooo cute 
Sammy you are a queen and I love you.
I forgot we were in Texas lmao
OH MY FUCKING GOD IT’S SAMMY SEEING BROOKLYNN FOR ME 😭 now it’s definitely for sure that Sammy died her hair in honor of B. Brooklynn’s jacket 😭
SAMMY 😭😭😭 “or Yaz pulling away from me”
Got me ugly crying 
Ep. 4
Darius’ humor is immaculate 
Everybody’s calling Ben by his full name and I love it
Nooo the brothers are fighting
Kenji has… downgraded
Oop- no the money loss
Sammy that kick was awesome marry me plz wait no u have Yaz marry her and then marry me
I knew they were fighting but god damn he rlly just shut the door or Darius like that
Kenji I love you dude but take this seriously 
Ooh the tension
Ouch, brooklynns death
Double ouch, Kenji blames Darius. Of course 
“Once you lose my trust, you lose it. Forever.” Damn. Hang on let me go check off Kenji and his daddy issues off my bingo card rq
The girlies aren’t in a good place 😭😭 “why did she say something?” Plssss
I love how Sammy car jacked Ben by tickling him for his keys
Them abandoning Darius with Kenji 💀
I  love the rock climbing scene 
“where were you the night Brooklynn died?” Oop- we’re doing up this now?
OH!? oh
Awww fuckkkkkk 😭
That’s another mark on my card
but also damn… poor Kenji 
“Wait how do I get back down?” You’re so real Darius 
Aww bumpy noooo
Ep. 5
“Hey that song kinda reminds me of that” *turns music off* oh
“Not taking family advice from a kid who hasn’t called his own mother in over a month.” OH. WERE YOU SILENT OR WERE YOU SILENCED. THE BOYS ARE TAKING SHOTS AT EACH OTHER 
“Oh yeah, Darius warned me. LMFAO
Ohh she told you Benjamin. No more carob. 
The gyrosphereeeee
Oh fuck this guy whoever you are.
“Free the Dino’s.” YESSSSSSSS 
I had a feeling we’d see kenjis dad
“Did you have Brooklynn killed?” Oh going in hot ig
OK, I feel bad for Sammy because even after all of these years, she makes one mistake by spying for mantah corp and people still kind of hold it over her head, even her best friends. that must suck 
Ooh the tension
“Don’t do the Japanese thing. You know I don’t speak it.” Ooh we’re bringing the culture too! JW ain’t playing 
Oh shit-
I love how Ben and Sammy take down a Dino abuser just as a little side quest
Aww they’re so cute  OH MY GOD WTF HE’S THE “WEVE GOT A PROBLEM DUDE”???
“Im not afraid to get my hands dirty” oh shit-
she’s so pretty thoughhhh
Aww brooklynnn 
Aww the trauma poor baby I just wanna give her a hug
“Any particular reason I’m here and not Sammy?” Ooohh
Yaz I love you. You’re so pretty, and cool, and just a bunch of good things
Are you gonna answer the phone Yaz?
“Wait you’re coming here?” You can hear the panic in her voice.
Yaz is definitely suspicious. 
I love this episode already
It’s so amazing that they’re actually addressing their mental health. I don’t think I’ve ever heard children’s shows say the words  traumatizing and ptsd.
Oop. So this is where you live Yaz?
Awww I love Ben and Yazs friendship so much
Ooh time to drop the news
This place is so pretty and nice and Yaz genuinely seems to be happy. Also she knows people :)
“Benny Boy.” Aww
Sammy is not enjoying this place lmao
“You’re favorite.” Oop-
Oh shit
I love that Sammy is trying to protect Yaz but she is taking it a little too far. Ben is me, I can’t see I’m blinddddd blinddddd blindddd
But also Yaz you didn’t keep in contact?? 
Oh shit Yaz has a point though *shrieking*
Not the fucking time Ben 
I take it back this isn’t my favorite episode I don’t love this episode
Ben struggling to give advice plssss. I love you dude
I love Yaz and Ben’s friendship so much though
“When me and my girlfriend—“ the swoop up, like right Yaz. “I’m sorry girlfriend?” Right. That’s what we’re all wondering
“Why does everyone act so surprised when I say that?” BECAUSE YOU’RE GAY??
aww poor Sammy I just thinks Yaz needs some great room. 
Sammy was definitely abt to say “how the hell”
The little side eye Ben gives Yaz after “big Ben’s got moves” <3<3
OH FUCK THEY ARE TRAPPEDOh dpw is here they got it
the little hand hold <3<3
Ep. 7
Oh they are under under.
My worst fear lowkey
oh shit…
poor kenji… awww fuck this is so sad. 
Who is this guy??
Uh oh… the dpw
Kenji poor baby
Ben really? Ductape
That’s my strong girls 
Nah this shit is terrifying 
Oh thank god 
Oh shit we’re finding out what happened 
Aww a little girl 
Oop corruption… but for a good cause?
Oh shit
How tf did Brooklynn not feel those footsteps?
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.
Is Brooklynn actually dead? Moment of truth.
Awww no no no no 😭 Darius fuckkkkk 😢
I can’t believe they actually showed a pool if blood. Brooklynns pool of blood
Wait so they saw her dead body? So she’s actually dead? Or what?
Oh fuckkkkkklk 😖 
Not the random Italian 😭
Ben was WAITING to throw those phones
Yaz I love you. “I am so going to haunt them from beyond the grave.”
Her house is so cuteeee
Please Sammy your voicemail 😭 I love how we’re getting to hear everyone’s voicemail
Oooh the plot thickens
Ep. 8
KENJI YOU CANT BE SCREAMING LIKE THAT ALSO WTF WAS THAT SCREAM but also I can’t judge that’s me when I see a spider 
Oh I forgot abt all of those voicemails Darius sent
Aw lowkey poor dinosaurs
Who is he?
Kenji you’re such a goofball. Eew no I take it back gagging barfing gross wtf 
No Brooklynn what’d we say abt the baby talk pls no
Yes, Darius I am sufficiently uncomfortable 
Uh oh the boys are tussling I’m getting flashbacks to Ben and Darius 
Awww dariusssss 😭
Camp fam try not to get recognized by strangers challenge quick, start
Damnnn Sammy that was smooth. 
Darius… why are you in that gross ass tub
Camp fam boys try not to be gross challenge 
Please get out of the fucking tub
You don’t know what’s been done in there
Are we just abandoning all self respect we have 
oh is it the video? The video of her death?
Oh fuck… 
YAZ 😭😭😭 “boo.” Please I love youuu
Right, that’s my reaction lmao
Oop Brooklynns mad
Nah cause she stared at that dinosaur for 3 straight up seconds girl has your time on numblar taught you anything??
no wonder your ass got ate
I’m sorry that’s mean.
I love you girly
Oh fuck.
Girly is dead
“You and me, we’re brothers right?” STOP YOURE BREAKING MY HEART 😭😭😭😭😭
Will we ever find out why Darius wasn’t there??
Oop dinosaurs 
What’s wrong with bumpy??
“What are you looking at?” Pftttt
Uh oh. He’s dead…
Oh well
Oh now they’re really looking 
“Yeah I don’t like that at all.” Yeah but I loveeee you Sammy 
Ep. 9
Poor Sammy but girl you need to chill
Awww. I love yasammy and seeing them work through the it issues. ASWWWWWWW
OOH the gangs all here
How tf did Darius and Kenji scale that fence
Oh shit,
Miss ma’am you are too pretty to be participating in nefarious acts like this 
Lmfao “okay we get it you’re a climber”
What did I tell you girl? Way too pretty to be doing this shit
Come on Kenji put those protein drinks to work
Yaz wearing a crop top 🥰
Awww bunny nooo fuck fuck
Awww Ben 💔
Oh fuck no I would not be climbing up there 
the gangs all here
Okay kenji 
Damn Sammy you stay trying to knock kenji out I love you ❤️ 
Also the part where Yaz is covering both their mouths? So badass
Awww reunion how sweet
Oh so when they said international they meant international 
Oh shit…fuck… Brooklynn :(
cmon did you rlly have to ruin the happy moment?
Ep. 10
Oh the plot THICKENS 
oh shit…
WAIT so it was the atrociraptors that killed Brooklynn???
what if it’s Ronnie?
Oh it’s Mateo okay. 
Aww yasammy
Oh?? The Broker??
Lmfao not them shitting on kenjis camper
Are they going to Brooklynn’s apartment?? Abroad?? 
AWW FUCK :( :(
wait…… is she texting…
Wait wait wait this could be either good or bad but I’m thinking good
22 notes · View notes
forjongseong · 1 year
enchule // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader (part 11.5 of the series)
genre: office!au, fluff, smut (minors dni) // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; profanity; oral sex (m. receiving); fingering; unprotected sex; rough handling; Jay got too carried away :( // wc: ~8.5k (I also got carried away)
previous chapters:
part 1 - carmesí part 2 - mi reina part 3 - millones part 3.5 - hasta los dientes part 4 - vente conmigo part 5 - tusa part 5.5 - apaga y vámonos part 6 - versos de placer minisode part 1 - cuando nadie ve part 6.5 - yo te quiero más minisode part 2 - la niña de mis ojos part 7 - aeropuerto minisode part 3 - falling autumn minisode part 4 - night night part 8 - ambulancia minisode part 5 - subtítulos part 9 - al caer la noche minisode part 6 - after last night part 9.5 - the way you look tonight part 10 - mon soleil minisode part 7 - daylight minisode part 8 - subside minisode part 9 - your princess, my queen part 11 - qué bonito
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
summary: Jay had taken you to Greece for your birthday, so you decided to take him to Australia for his.
author’s notes: welcome to part 11.5! this one is 3k words longer than the original half episodes. (oops)
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, JAY! my one and only, my sun and stars, the moon of my life, the air that I breathe, and my reason to wake up every morning... initially I planned on releasing this special .5 part right on his birthday, but a lot of things happened, and I kept getting creatively cockblocked for some reason, so here we are 5 or 6 days later with a half episode that, hopefully, with its length, can quench the thirst for you readers (my dear carmesimps) out there.
after the love I received in part 11, I hope this part also suffices! warning: don't forget to regulate your breathing and stay hydrated because the smut scenes here are hot...ter than usual, if I can say so myself...
behold! the song title for this part:
will you just look at the lyrics???
I don't know what happened that my mouth liked it when I stole a kiss from you it was just a game that got out of control, the rules were broken now your name doesn't leave my mind if you want to repeat it, I remember where Baby, I show up even if it's far I feel despair if I don't see you
tell me that's not Jay?????? literally???
taglist: @jaylaxies @thots4hee @jayked @end-hyphen @nyanggk @yoursjaeyun @maggstar @bucketofhiros @dimplejaehyuncutie @excusememissiloveyou @shinkenprincess-oh @mochimchimo @jongseonglogy
(send an ask if you want to be added)
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From the corner of your eye, you spotted a figure walking towards you steadily, and when he arrived right in front of you, you recognized the pair of shoes and immediately looked up.
“Remind me again why Jake is tagging along for our honeymoon?” Jay asked as he held a cardboard cup holder filled with three different drinks.
“Oh, thanks, mate,” Jake said, reaching out for his iced americano. The force of his hands almost tipped the whole cup holder, so you calmly held it in place by supporting the bottom with one hand.
“Sorry, Noona,” Jake continued. It seemed like he did not hear Jay’s complaint and was merely happy that his beverage order had arrived.
Jay sighed as he took his seat beside you, letting you hold both his drink and yours. He melted to your side and rested his head on your shoulder, to which you softly chuckled and patted his cheek with your free hand.
“This isn’t our honeymoon, it’s your birthday trip,” you explained. “We’re only gone for six days, and I want our actual honeymoon to last at least two weeks.”
“Sounds like a dream,” Jay muttered. “Do you think the company will be fine without the both of us? For fourteen business days?”
You shrugged and it made Jay’s head shake in place. “We probably need several meetings before we leave and during the honeymoon, I’ll have to check in once in a while.”
“That seems unfair. I don’t want you distracted during our honeymoon,” Jay said, pouting.
“Then I shouldn’t have married my secretary, don’t you think?” You brought your hand up and squished Jay’s cheeks, forcing him to pout his lips even more.
“If you need help and if you have a vacant position, you can hire me, Noona,” Jake chimed in, nudging your left elbow.
“You say that, yet you’re here with us,” Jay commented. “It’s because the destination is Brisbane, isn’t it?”
“Bingo,” Jake replied.
“Exactly,” you said at the same time.
Then both you and Jake snorted at the same time, and it made Jay wonder if the two of you were actually siblings.
When Jake told you a couple of weeks ago that he was going to visit his brother’s family in Brisbane, you immediately asked him a thousand questions about his plan—when he’s leaving, how long he’s staying, whether you should go and visit Brisbane with him, all the sorts. It took you a minute to realize Jay was staring at you the whole time, with a disapproving look, almost like he was hurt that you had forgotten his existence.
You found a less packed week that overlapped with Jay’s birthday, so without even asking if he approved, you cleared out both your schedules and planned your trip ahead, only notifying him three days before your flight so he would have enough time to pack. On the one hand, he was happy that you surprised him this time with a trip. On the other hand, he wished you had told him at least a week before, so he could participate in planning too.
“Just to be clear,” Jay began, clearing his throat. “You’re not tagging along for the whole time, right? Like we’re not gonna see you every day?”
“Of course not,” Jake answered. “But I’ll be on standby whenever Y/N Noona needs a tour guide. I can ask my brother for recommendations.”
“If it’s a city she grew up in, I bet she’ll be a good enough tour guide, but thanks anyways,” Jay said as he took a sip of his iced tea.
“You two speak as if I’m not sitting in between.” You shook your shoulder once and Jay immediately straightened up. “I think we’re boarding soon.”
The two guys redirected their attention to the gate, and as the staff made the announcement, the three of you stood up at the same time, gathering your belongings.
“Noona,” Jake leaned into you. “Thanks for the upgrade to business class.”
“Thank me too, the fuck,” Jay groaned, stretching his arms to the side. “It’s my birthday trip, remember?”
“Can you two stop bickering so I don’t feel like a nanny on duty?” You complained, staring at Jake and then Jay.
“Yes, Ma’am,” the two said in unison.
You had made the mistake of posting your trip on your private Instagram stories, and around the same time, your auntie—who was not really your aunt, just an old friend of your parents—replied to your post and demanded you come to see her. She even sent her husband to pick you up at your hotel, and you were too flustered and too polite to refuse.
Luckily, Jay is a natural at initiating conversations with new people. He offered to sit beside the driver, which was your auntie’s husband, Tim, and they began talking about the most random things regarding living in Australia, particularly Gold Coast. As the car drove along the more crowded streets, Tim explained a lot about the important places like he was a paid tour guide. It gave you enough time to respond to your family group chat, updating them about your trip.
“Are the boys not here, Auntie Nina?” You asked, looking around the room and noticing how quiet it felt.
Jay sat beside you at the dining table while you watched Tim and Nina prepare drinks and snacks. Jay leaned to whisper to you.
“Auntie Nina only has sons?”
“They’re all busy with work and college. My youngest is getting his master’s,” Nina smiled, walking towards the table, and placing a pitcher of iced tea and four clear glasses in the center.
“That’s wonderful,” Jay responded. “I bet he’s good in school too, huh?”
And just like that the conversation flowed naturally again. You updated them about your parents and told them a little bit about your work, and once they learned that Jay works for you, they both asked how you two met. You eyed Jay, who then tilted his chin to let you tell your version of the story, so of course, you did and had to censor some parts. Particularly the kiss in your office.
“He was just paying so much attention to me that I couldn’t help but notice him too,” you finished, tracing your finger on the outline of your glass. “I think I got lucky.”
“You’re gonna make me cry right here,” Jay said, stifling a sob.
Tim and Nina laughed at Jay, who literally had his lips quivering, and you brought your hands up to cup his face and comfort him, pouting at his cuteness. The rest of the night went by in a flash, with a delicious dinner prepared by Nina and a safe ride back to the hotel with Tim.
“I had a lot of fun today,” Jay said, making himself comfortable on the sofa, lying behind you.
You changed the channel on the TV, searching for a good movie. You felt like watching cable in hotels was somewhat a nostalgic activity, and you also found it quite therapeutic to just have the TV on while you keep yourself busy.
“I’m glad you did,” you replied as you placed your hand over his arm, which was now wrapped around your waist. “Jake is going to take us to the beach tomorrow.”
“I love that,” Jay muttered, kissing your shoulder. “Thank you for planning everything, babe.”
“It’s about time I return the favor.” You closed your eyes for a minute before turning your head slightly to your right, inhaling his scent. “You smell good.”
“Must be because I showered,” Jay replied nonchalantly. “You smell good too,” he said, kissing your cheek.
“Well, I haven’t showered yet, so I don’t know what you’re on.”
“I love the way you smell when you’re sweaty,” he said, tracing his finger along your shoulder and down your arm. “Reminds me of something in particular.”
You sighed heavily before you chuckled, feeling Jay’s fingers tickling your waist. “We’re not going to watch this movie, are we?” You asked.
Jay shrugged. “We can try.”
You exhaled in defeat and Jay chuckled lowly, placing his lips on the back of your shoulder, and staying there for a while. Your eyes focused on the TV and your fingers started stroking his arm that was wrapped around your chest. After a while, Jay settled into a more comfortable position, resting his head on a stack of pillows higher than yours so he could watch the movie too.
“Jay,” you called. He hummed and squeezed your waist. “After we go to the beach tomorrow, will you come with me to—”
“Yes,” he interrupted.
“You didn’t let me finish.”
“You don’t have to. ‘With me’ was all I needed to hear. I’ll go with you anywhere.”
Jay’s voice was close to your ear, and when he finished speaking you felt like you were covered in a soft and warm blanket. You smiled to yourself before bringing his hand up for you to kiss. You then carefully turned around to face him, still lying down on the sofa, and he pulled you closer to him to keep you from falling off.
“I’m so lucky,” you whispered, tracing your fingers along his jawline.
He smiled widely and your mouth mimicked his expression.
“I’m glad the feeling’s mutual,” he said, before leaving a chaste kiss on your lips.
Jake’s eyes widened in wonder as he observed you and Jay belting notes to Yuuri’s Shutter, which was on the playlist that you chose for the drive. Jay insisted on driving, since Jake’s brother was kind enough to lend you all his car and because Jake was not confident enough to be the man behind the wheel. Naturally, you rode shotgun and did your best to navigate the map and handle the choice of songs.
The song reached its bridge and climax, and Jake giggled at the way you and Jay both inhaled dramatically before hitting the final chorus which had a key change. The whole performance became even more dramatic with the wind blowing through the open windows, and you had to push your sunglasses up to wear as a headband to keep your hair from flying all over the place.
You heard the sound of Jake clapping from the backseat, and you turned around and looked at him in confusion. Jake grinned at you.
“Was that a sad song? It sounded sad,” Jake spoke, eyeing the screen that showed the playlist. “You both sound devastated.”
You snorted and Jay shook his head. “It’s Yuuri! What do you expect?” He protested, carefully bringing the car to a stop.
Several people crossed the street, and you quietly observed them. Jay tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and adjusted the volume of the speakers.
“And since when do you speak Japanese, Noona?” Jake asked, poking his head through the gap between you and Jay at the same time the light turned green.
“I don’t?” You said, slightly confused.
“She just has the lyrics memorized,” Jay explained. You nodded in agreement.
You proceeded to play more of Yuuri’s songs and Jake happily bobbed his head while listening to them until you all arrived at Surfer’s Paradise. It took a while to find a close enough parking spot, but when you did, you and Jake instantly turned into kids.
“Oh my God,” you gasped, watching the soft waves coming up the sand. “I’ve been wanting to come back here for ages.”
Jake jogged towards you and his hair moved up and down. “Noona! Race you to the water.”
Jay was startled at the way you and Jake both shrieked and laughed uncontrollably as you made your way to the shore. Jake almost tripped and lost balance, and you had to stop and squat to laugh properly. You then crawled your way on the sand, only to stand up and catch up to Jake as soon as his feet hit the water.
When you turned around, you saw Jay holding up his phone, recording everything. There were wrinkles on the corners of his eyes from the way he was smiling, and it seemed like he was trying not to laugh to prevent the phone from shaking too much. Jake caught your attention by slightly splashing you with the salt water, and you flinched before you chased him down.
“I won! I won!” Jake shouted, flapping his hands around to counter your attacks. You were flinging your arms in hopes that it would hit him.
“Okay, that’s enough!” Jay raised his voice, putting his phone back in his pocket before walking towards you. “Don’t tire her.”
Jake furrowed but at the same time you started coughing, and in between coughs you explained to him that laughing and running, or talking and walking up the stairs at the same time, was one of your asthma triggers. He immediately felt bad, and he hesitantly patted your back gently as you tried to control your breathing.
“Sorry, Noona,” Jake said before eyeing Jay cautiously. “We can just sit down and chill now.”
Jay was about to nudge Jake, but you stopped him by grabbing his arm.
“I’m fine!” You insisted as you watched Jay unfold a picnic mat. The two of them waited for you to sit before taking their places beside you.
“How do you like Brisbane and Gold Coast so far, mate?” Jake asked, peering over you to look at Jay.
You smiled and lay down completely, and Jay looked at you for a split second before answering.
“I get why you two are attached to this city,” Jay replied. “It’s the perfect balance between quiet and crowded.”
“Exactly,” you chimed in, squinting your eyes to avoid the sun.
Jake continued the conversation while Jay took out cans of soda and packs of sandwiches to munch on. Whenever you started to giggle, Jay was quick to pull you up back to your sitting position, and Jake also put his hand on your back out of reflex. The three of you ended up talking about a lot of things even long after you finished your snacks, and if it weren’t for Jake checking the time, you all would have stayed even longer.
“I need to take my hyung’s car back, but before that, I can drive you guys to the hotel?” Jake offered, dusting his pants from the sand as he stood up first.
Jay looked at you and you looked back at Jake. “I actually need to drop by a friend’s home and then the pharmacy. It’s fine, we can take the train.”
“Are you sure?” Jake asked, more towards Jay than to you.
Jay nodded. “Say hi to your brother for us,” he said.
“Alright then,” Jake responded. “I’ll text you again later.”
On the train ride to your friend’s house, you fell asleep on Jay’s shoulder, and he was determined to stay awake and alert, taking over the navigating duty that was supposed to be yours. Initially, you did not want to stay for longer than an hour at your friend’s, but she and her husband insisted, and Jay was more than happy to chat more with the new people he just befriended. Before going back to the hotel, you made a stop at the local drugstore and went through a list of products that your mother had asked for.
You both arrived at the hotel later than planned and by then you were exhausted. As you were taking off your makeup, Jay leaned back on the wall beside the bathroom door, looking at you.
“Can I help you?” You asked as you realized he wasn’t going to stop staring.
Jay chuckled before putting his hands in his pockets. “Just waiting for the bathtub to fill up. What? I’m not allowed to stare at my wife?”
You smiled softly and held a cotton pad over your eyelids. “So for tomorrow, I don’t have anything grand planned. We’re just gonna stay here and go for a walk if you’d like. But then the day after that is your birthday, so you get to choose whatever you want to do.”
“Really?” Jay replied, his eyes lighting up. “Great, then I can use some time tomorrow to look up stuff to do.”
“Mm-hm.” You wiped off the residue on your face before stretching out your arms. “Are you going to take a bath now?”
“Do you wanna join me?” Jay asked as he took a couple steps towards you.
“I’m…” you paused to look at your reflection, “I’m really tired, actually.”
Jay placed his hands on your shoulders and started rubbing you gently. “That’s my point. I’ll give you a massage. Come on.”
“You know I should be the one pampering you, right?” You looked at Jay through the reflection.
He brought his hands to cup your chin and tilted your head upwards before planting a kiss on your forehead.
“It’s not my birthday yet. Just come relax with me, okay?”
There was no way you could refuse your husband, especially when he was asking so politely.
“Just a bath,” you demanded as you stood up. “Nothing more.”
Jay chuckled, but then you gave him a sharp stare and he nodded. “Nothing more,” he said, clearing his throat. He then took one step back. “After you, my love.”
You slowly opened your eyes and found yourself staring at the dark. When you turned your head to the right, you noticed the faint light from the sun rising outside, and you guessed that it was still way too early in the morning to be doing anything. A second later, you remembered that you had a horrible dream where you got lost in a maze, and you called for Jay, but he never appeared.
To your relief, when you turned to Jay’s side you found him there, still fast asleep. You took a deep breath before bringing your hand up to caress his face, also brushing his hair back in the process. His breath was steady, despite his eyebrows forming a frown, and you stroked his cheek before you leaned in to kiss him.
Your kiss woke him up. He stirred before he opened his eyes, and you melted right beside him, grabbing both his hands and holding them tight between yours.
“Hey,” he greeted you, his voice croaked. “Good morning.”
“Morning, baby,” you whispered, placing his palm under your cheek, and resting your head back on the pillow.
He moved his thumb across your cheek before clearing his throat. “Is everything okay?”
You nodded, and Jay shot you a tired smile. You snuggled closer to him, caging yourself in his arms and moving close enough until you could touch your lips to his neck. His arms wrapped around your waist naturally, and when you kissed his chin he chuckled, squeezing you gently.
You moved your hand to his arm and squeezed him there, and with that, he looked down at you with his eyes only half open. You tilted your head slightly, bumping your nose to his chin before you carefully grazed your lips over his. You felt his lips slowly part, and that’s when you dived in for a passionate kiss.
Holding his face close to yours and letting him press your body onto his, you kissed him deeply. You felt his tongue swipe across your bottom lip, and as you opened your mouth you moaned when you felt his tongue tug against yours. You stopped for a split second only to catch your breath before you kissed him again, your leg thrown over his waist, latching your hip onto his.
Jay’s hands traveled underneath your camisole, bunching up the fabric until his palms were the only thing keeping your back warm. He stroked your back softly and ran his fingers down your waist and to your hips as he continued to lock lips with you. For a moment, the sound of your lips smacking was the only thing you could hear, aside from the soft sound of the clock on the wall ticking.
“I want to try something,” you confessed, pulling away only to find a strand of saliva connecting your lips and his.
Jay leaned in for one last kiss before he replied. “What is it?”
As much as you wanted to stay in his arms, to feel his hands run through your hair and along your back, you wanted to pamper him. You wanted him to feel more pleasure, so you had to fight yourself from staying in place.
“Just a second,” you whispered before pushing yourself away from him. His arms stayed there for a while as he watched you take off your top and sit straight, leaning against the headboard. “Come sit between my legs,” you demanded.
Jay’s eyes squinted in confusion, but his body was quick to react. He shuffled out of the covers to go to you, but before he could settle, you clicked your tongue.
“I want you naked, though.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
His tone of enthusiasm, in contrast with his messy bed hair, made you chuckle. He got undressed in seconds, and you reached out your arms when he made his way between your legs, resting his back against your chest.
“Oh,” he sighed, “this feels good.”
“I haven’t even started.”
“No, I know,” Jay rested his head on your right shoulder. “I just know it’s gonna be good.”
You had to hold yourself back from rolling your eyes, so you grabbed his chin and pressed your lips roughly against his, earning a light chuckle from him.
“Just relax, okay?” You mumbled against his lips.
“Are you comfortable? I don’t want to be leaning or pressing too hard on you,” Jay said, his eyes flickered from your lips to your chest.
Unbelievable, you thought. On the verge of receiving pleasure, he was still thinking of you.
“I’m fine, baby, thank you,” you replied, kissing his temple. Jay then relaxed and placed his hands on your thighs.
You began caressing his chest, trailing your fingers from his nipples, down to his abs and the v-line that always drives you crazy. You noticed his breath hitched once he saw your hands moving downwards, and you had to press your lips to his ear to give him reassurance.
“Relax,” you whispered.
You reached for his penis with your left hand, bringing your right hand back up to his nipple to pinch and play with it in hopes that it will get him hard fast. He flinched before he relaxed in your touch, occasionally whimpering when he felt that you were pinching too hard. Your hand moved up and down his shaft, continuing the motion until you felt him gradually harden in between your fingers.
“There he is,” you chuckled softly, lips grazing his earlobe. “A good morning to you, Sir.”
At this point, Jay was moaning at your every touch, and he even shifted in his seat once he felt your lips pressed against his neck. You began sucking softly, determined to make him feel enough pleasure but without leaving a noticeable mark. You continued kissing him down his shoulder while stroking his cock, which was now fully erect.
“Show me how you like it,” you requested. “Use your hands and show me.”
“What?” Jay asked, confused. He didn’t realize that his breath had become heavier. “But I’ve barely touched myself since we started—”
“I know,” you responded. You kissed his neck again for reassurance and he sighed contentedly. “I just want to see how you used to pleasure yourself.”
You had moved your hands up to his biceps and you were stroking him there. With one squeeze, he began palming himself with one hand as he adjusted his position between your legs. You observed quietly as you paid close attention to the motion of his hands—the way he took long strokes from top to bottom, the way he ends each stroke with a slight squeeze towards the tip, the way his head fell back when he increased the speed. You noticed how he was almost panting like it was too much and he was trying to hold back.
“I don’t… Do you… Should I do this until I cum?”
The uncertainty in his voice and the submissive nature of it made you fall for him more, as if that was even possible. You nodded and gently nudged the side of his head with yours.
“You can cum if you want, baby.”
“But,” Jay paused before he opened his eyes and looked at you. “I want you to make me cum.”
And how could you refuse?
“Okay,” you whispered, kissing his lips. “Do you want my hands?” You kissed him again. “Or my mouth?” You kissed his jawline. “Or do you want my pussy?” You kissed his earlobe.
You could basically feel Jay shiver under your touch before he answered you, only after taking a considerable amount of time to decide.
“Your… mouth,” Jay muttered. “Can I?”
“Of course.”
You stretched out your legs and moved from behind Jay, making him rest his back against the headboard. He leaned comfortably after you placed a couple of pillows behind his back, and once he was set you crawled your way downwards, taking your position this time between his legs.
The sight of you on all fours with your ass up and your head over his crotch made him groan. You saw his cock twitch and decided to put him out of his misery. He had been a good boy, after all, listening to your requests and delivering, so you kissed the tip of his cock before putting it into your mouth.
You almost gagged from the way his length quickly filled up your mouth, and you could hear him shudder from the single move. You began bobbing your head up and down, coating his shaft with your saliva, and you felt his fingers very carefully brush your hair away from your face before bunching them up into a ponytail. He kept holding your hair as you continued your ministrations, and every whimper or moan that you heard from him served as your sole motivation.
You tried taking his whole length in, and you felt your jaw stretch a little too wide. The pause in your movements made him concerned, so he tried his best to comfort you by reaching out for your hand. You took his hand in yours, and you continued to suck him, alternating between kisses and kitten licks too.
“I’m c-close,” Jay whimpered. His body was shaking involuntarily, and you were secretly proud of yourself that you were able to make him feel this way.
You pulled your lips away from his cock with a pop, and you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand before you spoke. “You can cum in my mouth, baby.”
“Are you sure?” He asked.
You hummed and quickly put his length in between your lips again. You heard him mutter several curse words as you continued, and when you felt his hips start to thrust upwards, you held him in place by gripping his waist. The grip of his hand that was holding your hair up began to loosen, and after one last suck, you felt him release in your mouth. You were lucky you braced yourself, otherwise it would have ended in a choking mess.
You couldn’t take all of his cum, so when you pulled away some of it was dripping down your chin. You swallowed the rest, though, and when you looked at him, he was looking back at you in awe.
“It’s not my birthday yet, is it?” He asked, breathless.
You wiped your bottom lip with your thumb as you chuckled, and you shook your head as you made your way up to him, straddling him in the process.
“Fuck. Thank you for that,” Jay said as soon as your face was level with his. “Kiss me.”
“You sure?” You halted, hovering over his body before he pulled you in by the neck, licking your lips clean and kissing you feverishly.
“Wait,” he said all of a sudden, pulling back. You frowned. “Your turn.”
He placed his hands on your hips and slammed you down on his crotch, earning a surprised yelp from you. You then chuckled and he did the same, kissing you only after you relaxed on top of him.
“If you keep kissing me like this, I think I can cum,” you whispered against his lips.
“Is that a challenge?” Jay taunted, his fingers moving down to push your panties to the side. “If it is, get ready.”
You moaned into his mouth as soon as you felt his fingers graze your folds. With just one touch, you were already shaking from pleasure, and it didn’t help that he was nibbling your lips and kissing you like oxygen was only coming out of your mouth. He inserted one finger, and then two, and when he put in his third finger you gasped for air, unlatching your mouth from his.
“Jay,” you panted. “It’s too much.”
You felt his fingers curl inside of you and you whimpered, your body shaking as your head fell to his shoulder. You rested your forehead there as support, and you were grabbing his arms for dear life.
“Jay,” you whined helplessly.
“Oh, come on, baby,” Jay spoke right into your ear. Somehow you could hear him smirk. “You always take my dick so well. Surely, three fingers are nothing?”
You moaned again as he began moving his fingers in and out of you faster, and although you had already lost track of time, you knew that it took you less time to cum compared to him. Within a minute you were already a shaking, moaning mess on his lap, and you couldn’t even complain when you heard him chuckle proudly, his chest moving against yours during the process.
Jay’s fingers slipped out of you and as he brought them up to his face, you could see the way they were coated with your cum. But then he swiped his index finger over your lips, as if applying lip balm, before taking all three fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean.
“You’re fucking crazy,” you sighed, one hand latched onto his shoulder and your head resting against the crook of his neck.
He chuckled and your body moved with his.
“You’re welcome, baby.”
You walked out of the bedroom and into the living room all dressed up and covered in a light coat, and when Jay noticed you, he had to do a double take, completely abandoning his attention over his phone.
“Where are you going?” He asked, quickly eyeing your outfit from head to toe.
“I just need to pick up something from the lobby,” you said, waving your hand to emphasize that it wasn’t something of his concern.
“You’ll be back soon, right?” Jay asked again, sounding slightly worried.
You nodded. “Of course, I will, baby.”
You blew Jay a flying kiss and he made smooching faces back at you before you headed out the door. Jay then picked up his phone and continued his search for must-do activities that might fit into your schedule tomorrow. He must have been completely immersed because the next thing he knew you were already back, while he felt like you left only two minutes ago. You were holding a suspicious box, and you smiled as you made your way to the coffee table in front of the sofa Jay was sitting on.
“Now I know your birthday is tomorrow, but I figured we could get the cake a day early and eat it when the clock strikes midnight or something,” you explained without waiting for him to ask. “That is, of course, if you want to.”
Jay had never heard you sound so unsure, or were you being nervous? Either way, he found you absolutely adorable, and he smiled widely as he put away his phone and leaned in.
“What cake is it?” He asked.
“Chocolate,” you replied. You saw him raise an eyebrow. “Your favorite. The expensive kind.”
Jay chuckled lightly and shook his head. You excused yourself to put the cake in the fridge and you trotted back to your original spot, standing in front of the TV. Jay looked up at you in question, tilting his head, while you took a deep breath.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” you muttered to yourself while at the same time checking that it was two hours left until Jay’s big day.
“What is happening?” Jay said, his tone curious.
You sighed, taking your phone out and setting the volume to the max before choosing a song that definitely sounded seductive. You placed your phone on the table and began undoing the belt of your coat.
“Mr. Park Jongseong,” you spoke. “This dance is for you.”
You began moving your hips to the beat of the song and Jay’s jaw dropped. As you pulled the belt off and tugged the coat down, it pooled to the floor and revealed the tightest dress you have ever worn wrapped around your body.
“Oh my God,” Jay said under his breath.
The dress, colored in Jay’s favorite shade of green, hugged your curves in all the right places. The spaghetti straps were barely holding it over your chest, and you were fully aware that Jay was already looking at your protruding nipples. You lifted your leg to take off your shoes, and the tight skirt of the dress rode up your thigh. Jay licked his lips and leaned back on the sofa, amused and obviously ready for whatever you had prepared for him.
You continued to sway slowly, trying your best to keep your moves subtle and in sync with the music. You made a gesture of hugging yourself, and in the process, one of the straps slid down your shoulder. You heard Jay take a deep breath, and you looked at him as you pulled the other strap down before taking a step closer to him.
“Y/N,” Jay muttered, adjusting his position on the sofa. It was clear that your little dance was making him hot and bothered, exactly how you wanted him to be.
Very carefully, you kneeled on the floor, feeling the softness of the rug brush against your knees. You reached for Jay’s hand, which was resting on top of his thigh, and tugged on it slightly just to kiss the back of it, like he was a king that you worshipped. You then moved back and sat on the balls of your feet, stretching your arms to the side and up before bringing them back down like it was one of the most important moves of your rehearsed choreography.
Then, you sat and faced the side, bringing your knees up to your chest, which obviously made the dress ride up even further. You could feel Jay’s eyes glued on you, and you rested the palms of your hands to your side, pushing them to your back as you slowly lay back down, keeping only your ass on the floor and your back arched.
Jay scoffed before he palmed his erection over his jeans, and you smiled as you sat back up and began crawling your way to him. You put both hands on his knees and he immediately grabbed them, pulling you up and onto his lap. You whimpered when you felt his clothed hard-on rub against your bare cunt, and he realized you were not wearing underwear only after he slid his hands on your thighs and under your dress.
“Fuck, baby,” Jay hissed. “You really came prepared.”
You hummed and he smiled, strengthening his grip on your thighs. You took one of his hands off and brought them up to your chest, tugging on your dress. He immediately pulled it down, revealing your tits and erect nipples.
“God,” he whispered. “Thank you for this meal.”
Jay latched his lips on your tit and you giggled, welcoming him in your embrace and resting your hand on the back of his head. He licked, sucked, and kissed your boobs so hungrily yet also so tenderly, and there was no way you could keep your eyes open throughout the whole process. His other hand pulled your dress down completely, making it bunch around your waist. His hips began thrusting upwards, and you winced as you felt the rough fabric cause friction between your folds.
“You know,” you began, breathless, “this would be better if we took it to the bedroom.
Jay did not stop kissing you. In fact, he moved his mouth upwards and started sucking your neck while his hands traveled down to your thighs, gripping them tightly before he stood up with a grunt. He bit down on your neck, and you stifled back a moan, and as he maneuvered the both of you to the bedroom, you had to be his eyes and his ears.
“Don’t drop me,” you warned. “Don’t bump me into a wall either.”
Jay smiled and moved to kiss your chin, and before you knew it he had thrown you on the bed, gently, if that was even possible. He wasted no time in undressing, pulling the top of his white shirt over his head and unbuttoning his jeans. When he started unzipping, though, he paused to look at you.
“Wait, babe,” he began, “you were done with your dance, right?”
You chuckled. “The goal was to get you to carry me to bed, so yes, mission accomplished.”
Jay smirked as he pulled his jeans down with his boxers. He then tugged on your dress around your waist, and you lifted up your hips so he could take it off completely.
“Did you just buy that dress for me to take off?” He asked.
You nodded innocently, and Jay let out a breathy chuckle before he hovered over you.
“Thank you for the little show, baby,” he said, caressing your face. “You’re so fucking sexy.” He kissed your lips. “I mean, fuck.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, and he smiled so wide that the corner of his eyes crinkled. “Practicing that was so embarrassing for me.”
Jay frowned. “You practiced?”
“In my mind,” you clarified. “It almost took a toll on me. Could you tell that I was nervous?”
Jay was kissing your neck as you spoke, and he laughed onto your skin. His finger then trailed down your waist and quickly reached your core, and he drew a line along your folds which instantly made your breath hitch.
“From this, I can tell you were just aroused as I was,” he whispered, sucking softly on your neck. “Am I right, baby?”
You whimpered before nodding slowly. “Yes,” you whispered back.
Jay then grabbed you by the waist and flipped you over, making you sit on his toned abs as he relaxed and placed his hands under his head.
“Ride me, baby,” he requested. “Give me an encore.”
You placed your hands on his shoulder and scooted downwards until you felt his shaft press against your core. Jay groaned and moved his hips up, and you had to palm his chest to keep him from moving.
“Go on,” he continued. His position was relaxed, seemingly determined to just watch you do your thing.
You began slowly rubbing your folds along his shaft, from the bottom up and then back again. With every stroke, you moaned softly, and your eyes were closed but Jay was observing your face closely. It drove him crazy how you practically looked intoxicated, and he was motivated to watch you keep going.
“That’s it, baby,” he commented. “Just grind on me like that.”
Your movements became faster, and your moans gradually became louder too.
“Keep going,” Jay whispered. “You look so beautiful, baby.”
You whined as you continued rubbing against him, and you were desperate for more.
“I don’t want to cum yet,” you muttered. “Not now.”
“Put it in, baby,” Jay said, bringing one hand to your thigh to stroke it. “We can take it slow.”
You lifted your hips and reached for his cock, aligning his tip to your entrance. You then sank slowly on him as your eyes rolled back, and you heard Jay letting out a shaky breath as he completely filled you up.
“Oh my God, Jay,” you whined. “You’re stretching me out so good. You’re so big.”
Normally you would leave the words of affirmation in the form of desperate whines and moans, but for tonight, you wanted him to hear exactly what you were thinking of, and from the way his Adam’s apple bobbed you knew it was something he liked.
“Tell me how it feels, baby,” he said, squeezing your hips.
“So good,” you whimpered, feeling him twitch inside of you. “You feel so… so good.”
Seeing how you, a woman who is usually good with words, repeat the same thing three times already boosted Jay’s ego. His hands moved to your ass, and he squeezed you there, earning another lewd moan from you.
“Mmhm, baby,” Jay replied as he began thrusting. “Tell me more.”
Jay pushed himself up with his elbows and you rested your arms on his shoulder until he sat all the way up, staying inside of you. Your chest was now pressed against his, and he moved his face closer to yours, only close enough for your noses to brush against each other.
“I…” you began after licking your lips, “I want you to fill me up all night.”
Jay smiled before giving your lips a peck. “Do you think you can handle that, baby?”
His hands squeezed your ass harder, pushing them towards him and guiding the way you grinded your hips. Your breath gradually became heavier.
“I want to,” you continued. “I want you inside me. I want your lips on me. On my lips, on my neck, on my—”
You moaned when you felt him lick and suck on the skin beneath your jaw. Your grip on his shoulder tightened.
“On my pussy, too,” you finished your sentence with great effort.
“Hmm?” Jay hummed in response. “Do you want me to switch and put my lips down there now?”
“No!” You replied without missing a beat and sounding way too pathetic. “Not now, you’re still filling me up so good.”
Jay chuckled. Again with ‘so good’, as if those were the only words you could use to describe the feeling.
“Tell me what you want me to do right now.”
“Your hand on the back of my head,” you said. Jay did so. “Pull my hair and make me tilt my head so you can—”
You breathed shakily when you felt him suck on your skin, bruising your neck even further. You were sure you would be left with hickeys all over, but you didn’t care.
“What else, baby?” Jay mumbled against your skin.
“Stop asking me and just be rough,” you answered. “Please?”
Jay kissed you passionately and slid his tongue along your lips before pulling away. He held your ass up and slid out of you, only to hold you by your hips and turn you around. You immediately got on all fours and pushed your ass up, and when you felt his cock align with your cunt again you bunched up the sheets in your hands.
You moaned with every thrust Jay made, and his grip was strong on your hips. Your ass slapped against his pelvis, and the lewd sound echoed throughout the room along with your whimpers and his grunts. He heard you whisper ‘harder’, and he was more than happy to do so, hearing your moans go even louder.
You felt Jay’s hand move down from your hips to your thighs, and it took you a while to realize he was maneuvering you both to lie down on your sides. He pulled you towards him until your back was pressed against his chest, and with one hand he lifted up your leg before entering you again. The position allowed him to hit you on the right spot, and you screamed his name almost a little too loud. He continued to thrust into you, his skin slapping against yours, his grip firm against your thigh, and his teeth sinking into your skin like you were his prey.
“Jay…” you called, running out of breath.
Jay maintained the same pace but exerted more strength, pushing your leg even further up.
“Jay,” you called again, feeling tears beginning to pool in your eyes from the mixture of pleasure and pain.
You heard him grunt against your ear and you felt his other hand squeezing your boob a little too hard.
“Jay,” you tried again. “You’re hurting me.”
His movements stopped in an instant. His grip on your thigh loosened and you slowly felt him sliding out of you.
“No,” you reached to grab his hand in yours. “Stay inside.”
“Baby,” he called, his voice hoarse.
You rested your leg and brought your hand to your nape. Jay immediately put his hand over yours as he slid out of you completely. You were about to protest, but you were met with his eyes full of worry.
“I’m sorry,” he said as he hovered over you. “I’m so sorry, baby.”
You licked your lips before bringing your hand up to caress his face. “Just give me a minute, okay?”
Jay nodded and you closed your eyes. You then felt him kissing your forehead ever so softly, making a soft smacking sound. He then kissed you down your nose, to your left cheek, and your right, before moving down to kiss your jawline. He kissed your neck next, lingering on the parts where your skin started to turn purple. You caressed the back of his head, almost encouraging him to continue. You felt his lips against yours and you pouted, reciprocating the kiss.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled against your lips.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him despite the single tear trickling down your left eye.
“We can stop if you want—”
You shook your head quickly and palmed his cheek. He placed one hand over yours as he held himself up with his other arm.
“I want to finish with you,” you begged. “Please?”
You felt Jay’s breath hot against your face when he nodded. He brought himself down on his elbows and kissed your cheek once again before he entered you, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist.
“I promise I’ll be gentle,” he whispered before brushing your hair back.
You nodded. “Please keep kissing me.”
Jay kept his word and his lips latched onto yours as he resumed his strokes, going a lot slower and deeper compared to before. Your hands caressed his shoulders and moved down to his biceps, and you tried your best to reciprocate all his kisses while touching every part of his body that you could reach. Your hands rested on his back as his hips began to stutter, and when your walls clenched around him during your release, he groaned into your neck and came soon after.
Usually after a long session, Jay would collapse on top of you and relax as you brushed his hair, but for now, he was quick to move to your side, relieving you of his weight. His eyes concentrated on your face as he started to stroke your waist softly with his hands.
“Y/N?” He called. “Baby…”
You licked your lips before rolling to your side to face him.
“Forgive me, love,” he whispered. “I really wasn’t thinking—”
“It’s okay, Jay,” you chuckled weakly. “If anything, I feel sorry for killing the mood.”
“You did not kill the mood.”
“For being too weak then.”
Jay frowned and immediately propped himself up with one elbow. “You are not weak.”
“Fine,” you smiled, closing your eyes. “Maybe I’m just a little too old.”
You didn’t hear a response, so you opened your eyes, and you found Jay staring at you with teary eyes.
“Please don’t say that,” he muttered. “I feel horrible for hurting you. I swear I’m never going to be rough—”
“Now hold on,” you stopped him. You then chuckled lightly before tugging on his arm gently, making him lie down again. “I liked it. When you were being rough. Maybe we just need a safe word, that’s all. I think I called you three times to get you to pause.”
“Fuck,” Jay groaned. “I’m going to punish myself.”
“Look at me.”
The switch in your tone immediately made Jay comply, and only then you noticed how his face was covered in sweat, and maybe some tears mixed with it too.
“I don’t want this to change anything,” you said. “Promise me?”
Jay shook his head, and it made you frown.
“You need to understand that hurting you is the last thing I want to do. Actually, it’s not even on my list. So next time you want me to go rough, I’ll do so but very carefully.”
You snorted. “So, not rough then?”
“My beautiful, beautiful wife,” Jay whispered, scooting closer to you. “Please forgive me for now and we’ll use this as a learning point for future sessions.”
Jay pulled you into him and began leaving kisses all over your face, not the gentle feathery kind but the wet and aggressive type, making you chuckle and close your eyes as a precaution.
“Okay, okay,” you finally said, placing a palm over his chest. “By the way,” you continued after taking a quick peek at the clock, “Happy birthday, my love.”
Jay turned to find that it was three minutes past midnight and when he looked back at you, you were smiling at him and looking at him with full adoration.
“I can’t believe I ruined my own birthday present,” Jay said. “Your dance was so good and I had to go and ruin it.”
You grew tired of him feeling bad, so you exhaled and pushed yourself away from him, and he frantically tried to keep you in his embrace.
“Okay, okay! I’ll stop apologizing. Just stay in my arms.”
“I said happy birthday,” you mumbled against his chest.
Jay began running his fingers through your hair gently. “Thank you, baby. I’m lucky I get to spend it with you for the rest of my life.”
You couldn’t help but smile so wide. Jay then cleared his throat.
“You’re smiling, aren’t you?”
You smacked his arm, and he winced out of surprise. After a short session of soft slapping and tickling, he began caressing your thigh that was now thrown over his waist.
“Do you like your birthday trip so far?” You asked, resting your palm on his cheek and caressing him there with your thumb.
Jay nodded. “It’s been lovely.”
“Good. Then you need to outdo it later when it’s my birthday again,” you demanded, gently slapping his cheek repeatedly with your hand.
“Ma’am, yes, Ma’am,” Jay said, saluting you.
You giggled and pinched his cheek. “Kiss me, you dork.”
“Yes, Boss,” Jay whispered before sealing your lips with a kiss.
As you felt his plush lips against your lips and his tongue dancing with yours, you were reminded once again about how much, and how deeply your husband loves you.
"Should we have some of that chocolate cake now?"
Jay's voice broke your train of thought, but even if he could break every part of your body, you would still love him just as much.
© forjongseong 2023, all rights reserved
read the next part: meet cute
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luffyvace · 4 months
Izuku x male reader
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This is fluff so it’s gonna be sweet but don’t expect only “cute baby Izuku 🥺” bc I’m writing accurate to canon him/manga him 😜
(Your a UA student in class 1A for these<3)
Izuku’s Love languages are acts of service and quality time
even though quality time sometimes get scarce because class A is hectic
its called quality time not quantity time
Its about how you spend your time together, not always how much
although I will say you make as much time for each other as possible
you guys train, eat, nap, jog, watch tv/videos together
And of course make lots and lots of jokes
you two have so many inside jokes class A doesn’t understand 😂
It fine you don’t explain it, it’s funnier that way
he does you lots of favors for acts of service
you really don’t even have to tell him!
its the little stuff like, cleaning up a mess for you, getting your jacket when he knows your going out, reminding you about tests and to study!
which on that topic you two study together when you can
but izuku is really busy and spends a lot of energy in the day
As we saw in some episodes he goes to sleep as soon as he makes it in his room
but he does his best!
your likely busy too! Like I said UA is pretty hectic
Even though he has a lot on his plate, he makes time for you
he does lots of little things for your relationship
weekly mental check ins where you sit down and talk/vent or chatter if the week has gone good
video game marathons/competitions
going out to events together likes pop up festivals
buying each other clothes spontaneously
(oops this is coming off really gn let’s switch it up<3)
when izuku realized he was in love with a male..
it made no difference
No fr mha is modern enough to have the clock app why wouldn’t this kinda thing be normal
he might not have realized he was bi before you though
originally he thought he was straight bc he always got flustered around girls
but when you came around and made him feel way more nervous than any girl ever had??
yeah you know that bi panic meme?
he got a slap of that
Homophobes is not the worst he’s run into tbh so now that he stands up for himself, he will stand up for you and your relationship as well!
he doesn’t really have the best roasts or whatever but he certainly doesn’t let them get away with it!
forget them tbh let’s move on to a more wholesome topic 💗
Meeting inko!!
when she found out you were a guy she raised her eyebrows then slowly smiled
she was 100% supportive!!
izuku wasn’t really hesitant about telling her or anything because he knew his mother isnt judgemental
when she meets you she’s ecstatic!
she makes a savory dinner and probably shares way too many adorable stories about izuku’s past
Which he gets really embarrassed and you guys end up in his room after so she can’t keep rambling
random but I also feel you and izuku also read manga together
If you like it :)
training with him is..harsh to say the least 😀
like fr no holding back for either of you
If you don’t have a combat compatible quirk this is basically a one-sided beating
only playing!
but seriously he’s letting loose
”what if this was a real battle and you were in danger?!”
”ok but..your punching me like IM the villain”
you’ll be aight 🙂
He told you about his quirk depending on how soon you two met
If you met in middle school or before he likely told you like straight away
mb all might he couldn’t keep it in
if you met in UA, However, he probably either waited a few months after you became friends or started dating
he tells you when your friends if your instant best friends but if your just the occasional “hi m/n!” Then it’s likely after you two get together
Yes they happen.
him to you, you to him
you still teenagers after all why not?
if your feeling a silly goofy mood what better to do than surprise your partner? 😋
oddly enough, once you get close enough in the relationship, I feel he’s the one that initiated them!
you guys only do innocent little things that don’t hurt anybody, of course
annoying each other also happens
not in the actual annoyed sense
just the type where your like “BRO STOP!!” But your still smiling 😂
like idk putting one putting their feet next to the others face typa thing
again still harmless
your never really mad at each other and you always make jokes and laugh it off in the end
how could I not talk about this?
they’re his favs!!
not to mention I hope your fav hero all might..
bc one, his room.
and two, his rants.
like you’d have to explicitly state you either have a diff fav or are just tired of the rants bc…..bro will go ON.
If I’m gonna talk about heroes gotta talk about villains too right?
so izuku tells you that he wants to save the villains
and that he sees children in them
unhealed, scarred, children.
he rants to you about this on mental check in days
and you listen, he appreciates that.
he gets the feeling no one gets him in that sense, and even if you don’t at least you hear him out!
izuku so so so loves you!
it’s super sweet that you so so so love him too 💝
Writing for izuku is so easy! I love writing for my favs bc thoughts pop out like poop :)
(LOL). No seriously I wrote this faster than expected. Hopefully I clear drafts soon so I can open requests :^
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teacasket · 8 months
skz as contestants on the bachelorette
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genre: unserious nonsense  au: non-idol au, reality tv au?, bachelorette au? warnings: swearing   word count: 1k   pairing: none but it could be f!reader x ot8 if reader is the bachelorette background info: the bachelorette is a reality tv show where a bunch of men compete to get engaged to the bachelorette. contestants are eliminated every week in a rose ceremony where the bachelorette will hand out roses to the men she wants to move forward with. there are group dates (a bunch of men and the bachelorette) and one-on-one dates (one guy with the bachelorette). the person on the one-on-one has a chance to receive a rose before the rose ceremony, and one contestant on a group date can receive an early rose. itm stands for “in the moment” and where the contestant being interviewed will go over their thoughts and the day in present tense. men tell all is a reunion episode where the men will discuss things that aired on the show with a little more depth and bring up grievances. bachelor in paradise, or paradise, is a spin-off show comprised of past contestants from the bachelor and the bachelorette. it’s another reality tv dating show, but this time it’s a free-for-all in regards to dating options.
bang chan - the bachelor edit
➵ if he doesn’t win, he’s going to be the next bachelor. the audience loves him and starts a petition in case the producers haven’t gotten the message already (they have) ➵ has an instant connection with the bachelorette, constantly reassures her during their conversations, is the first one the bachelorette says, “i’m starting to fall in love with you,” to ➵ tangentially related to the drama because he plays mediator (and loses like a year off his life because of it), unofficially the dad of the house because everyone keeps calling for him whenever shit goes down ➵ absolutely stuffs his face with shrimp at the cocktail party on the second night and has to lie down, almost misses the rose ceremony ➵ most memorable moment: disappointedchan.jpg
lee minho - sir, how are you still here??
➵ more reserved so he gets zero screen time but still manages to squeak by every rose ceremony before being eliminated before hometowns ➵ really didn’t think he was going to make it this far, and he didn’t pack that many suits with them, so he’s wearing borrowed suits in nearly every scene ➵ super close with jisung, they come in a pair and everyone refers to them as “minsung,” cutest friendship in the franchise ➵ is the mvp of the team on the football-themed group date, doesn’t know how it happened because he’s not usually this good at sports ➵ most memorable moment: talking about how much he misses his cats in his itm
seo changbin - here for the right reasons
➵ his sister nominated him to go on the show, and he’s super into the idea, actually willing to trust the process ➵ first one out of the limo, gives the bachelorette a construction paper heart because “you have my heart always” ➵ tries to stay out of the drama but really needs to his piece because they’re pissing him off and cutting into his time with the bachelorette ➵ accidentally breaks the ice cream parlor’s ice cream machine on his one-on-one date (production covered the repair costs, but he was so afraid he would have to fork out the money) ➵ most memorable moment: lip syncing and dancing to oops!... i did it again by britney spears during the swimsuit fashion show
hwang hyunjin - if hot, why villain?
➵ the source of all of the drama, overreacts when something doesn’t go his way (e.g. he didn’t get the one-on-one and complains about it all day) and brags when things do go his way (e.g. when he receives the group date rose, he reminds everyone that he got the rose and that they need to step it up) ➵ is the first person to tell the bachelorette that he’s falling in love with her, later reveals that he said it without thinking about it so he must be have real feelings about her ➵ falls into the pool after running from a bee ➵ cries when he gets eliminated and cries during the men tell all when he rewatches his elimination, audience actually feels bad for him ➵ most memorable moment: when seungmin asks him if he hates jisung, hyunjin says, “no, i don’t hate anyone.” cut to an itm where hyunjin explicitly says, “i hate jisung. fuck that guy.”
han jisung - snitches get stitches to go on paradise
➵ the other person involved in the drama, is not afraid to tell off hyunjin and almost ends up in a fist fight with him (the other contestants intervened before it could go too far) ➵ only lasts as long as he does because he tells the bachelorette everything that’s going on in the house, there's no romantic connection between them ➵ is on every single group date and is always hyped for the event, no matter what it is ➵ the producers mainly cast him so he could be on paradise, but he does try to campaign to be the bachelor for like a week before giving up ➵ most memorable moment: running into the ocean after getting the group date rose and immediately getting knocked over by the tide
lee felix - here to make friends
➵ the bachelorette is cool but the boys?? even cooler; getting eliminated is sad, not because he loves the bachelorette but because he’s going to miss hanging out with his new friends ➵ lowkey has no idea what’s going on with hyunjin and jisung, shit always goes down when he’s not in the room ➵ compliments the bachelorette’s eyes and when she replies that his own eyes are dreamy, he gets flustered ➵ eats during the food during the night portion of his one-on-one even though he’s not supposed to because he’s starving, cue the asmr ➵ most memorable moment: roundhouse kicking jeongin into a pile of plushies during a sleepover-themed group date
kim seungmin - here to make enemies
➵ planned to be villain of the season the minute he got cast, but hyunjin is doing too good of a job, so he settles for being a shit stirrer instead ➵ everyone tells him everything for some reason?? he comes off as a good listener when he’s really saving all of this knowledge for later ➵ serenades the bachelorette during his limo entrance, continues to sing throughout the season because he's trying to get instagram followers and then a record deal ➵ makes up the worst poem in the world during the shakespeare-themed date and wins the contest anyway because he sings his poem and adds unnecessary runs, everyone hates him for it ➵ most memorable moment: smiling and drinking champagne in the background while chan is visibly stressed by the drama
yang jeongin - clout is king
➵ is a well-known fashion influencer and aspiring model when he’s cast on the show, only here to increase his following and for future opportunities ➵ gets into a minor scuffle with some of the contestants on the first night because he jokes that everyone else dresses like garbage compared to him ➵ has a very playful relationship with the bachelorette, likes to egg her on to do stupid things (e.g. racing to see who can go down a hill the fastest on a bike [jeongin won]) ➵ tries to insert himself into the drama during the men tell all for more screen time, gets called out for it by seungmin of all people ➵ most memorable moment: hiding underneath a pile of pillows and blankets and scaring anyone who walks by
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unorthodoxx-page · 2 years
A Tale of Spirits quick thoughts!
First:  THANK YOU FOR THE NEW WAVE OF FANART!!!  I love it!  Seriously, though.  I know I saw it a thousand times, but it really means alot to me that people enjoy my writing enough to actually draw it!  💕❤💕❤
Now: We are finally done with the Omashu ‘arc’ so to speak!  
I’m not skipping the swamp episode (fully) because it’s an important clue that leads Aang to Toph, but we aren’t spending an entire chapter on it either.  It will be mentioned in Chapter 7.  
We are finally moving full speed into Toph joining the Gaang!  She and Raph will appear in Chapter 7!  I’m half considering making this one really long chapter (like I did in Recoil) but we’ll see how it plays out.  If I do mash two chapters together I’ll announce it here incase there is a delay.
Answering some Questions from my asks!
1. They are speaking Japanese when they slip into the language the Avatar world can’t understand.  I meant to add that to one of my end notes....oops.  
2. Donnie suggested chess because he was bored.  He had a notion that Azula would be good at it, but was pleasantly surprised at how quickly she picked it up.  Playing her does remind him of Leo though.  She’s still new, so it’s like playing a memory for him
3. In the first chapter!  When Donnie said he doesn’t do titles, he just....doesn’t do titles lol.  He didn’t do that because of the spirit thing, he was still getting his bearings at that moment.....He’s just not going to call someone Fire Lord lol 
4. Season 2? Season 3? Beyond?  So I’ve gotten a few questions about how close I’ll be sticking to canon.  I don’t want to give any major spoilers, but I have two very distinct paths I can take with this fanfic.  I haven’t decided yet (although I’m really leaning towards one particular direction) but you’ll know when I make the decision.  It’s a very pivotal scene.
5. The fire siblings are my favorite dynamics at the moment.  I think once Raph and Toph join the scene that might change, because I have interesting ideas about Toph and Leo (small hint).  But Azula and Zuko are the most... volatile?  That might not be the best word but it’s the only one that comes to mind.  
Again, thank you for the art!
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
to be fair i don’t think ozzie kept his relationship with fizz on the dl bc he’s an imp (he doesn’t seem concerned that people know they up have sex), but because of the whole lust/love thing. which is stupid, but it’s also vivziepop writing so whatchu gonna do 🙃
ozzie does seem to be one of the “better” upper class members in terms of how he treats other species (imps are allowed in his clubs, he regularly interacts with succubi/imp hybrids, everyone at his workplaces seem pretty happy and unlike stella and andre, he doesn’t seem particularly discriminatory or callous), but he still calls moxxie “little imp” (granted he is literally little and an imp and its a performance) and his imp boyfriend “froggy” which with the fire toad slur kinda raises eyebrows? this could also just be vivziepop Not Thinking but. hmm.
even bee who is shown partying and dating hellhounds, said to be even lower than imps, still runs the abusive adoption pound and signs her name on every adoption paper. she can cover it up with honey and a smile all she wants but she’s 1000% complicit in their oppression. like how does tex feel about that??? it reminds me of corporations who do all this virtue signaling for social justice but give billions to horrible causes. but i don’t think vivziepop understands that because again. rich background. “bee was nice to loona so its ok!!! deeper implications? what’s that?”
speaking of which, every time viv likes a tweet about how striker deserves nothing and is a toxic masculinity homophobe makes my blood boil. i don’t particularly like striker and i lost any interest in him after western energy but he and crim are really evidence that viv thinks “STOP BEING POOR” is a valid argument. also wasnt he flirting with blitzo in his first ep???? so like? huh???
i will say one reason i ship blitzstriker is because they seem to have similar views in regards to class (at least pre oops…) and i can totally see them staking it out on the run together. i can’t see fizz doing that, he flaunts his wealth and even tho he says “it’s nice being out of the spotlight” i cannot see this man surviving without luxury items for over a day loo. even in the circus, he always had the best clothes and was the main breadwinner and while the circus is said to be struggling, he never seems to be. i think that’s another reason i personally never got fizz’s insecurities, because he’s been the ace his whole life???? like as someone who has struggled a lot for ANY recognition or love it just makes him seem spoiled to be like “ozzie no luv me bc im not perfect :(“ i think your manipulator idea would make more sense.
anyway this turned into a ted talk. you dont have to answer everything. im realizing i actually hate what helluva boss is but i love the fanworks and the potential it had. sigh.
Isn’t it so funny how we have to pick which flaws are on purpose and which are just…Viv being a bad writer. Like we have to accommodate her forgetting or not caring enough to put the work in and review it after.
Paragraph 1: I definitely agree 100%, I like the part where the imp and succubi are his patrons, equal, including the butler who stolas abuses. Which feels like a very purposeful decision to contrast him with Stolas specifically. But there’s still the fact that Ozzies is so overpriced and exclusive and yet, rich folk like stolas can just waltz in without any reservation for free, by threatening the bouncer with…something. Violence? Imprisonment? Ruining his life? Honestly I wish we could have seen Jesse tell Stolas to fuck off, before he notifies the big man of what he just tried to do.
Paragraph 2: He is one thousand percent better, and he respected his employees who in turn liked him and weren’t scared of him. However he’s a better monarch, but still a monarchby and at the end of the episode he betrays his employees trust and uses intimidation and the threat of violence to silence them. Also froggy??? Really? Really? And got every time he says it the cringe levels are intense, it feels deeply deeply ooc.
Back to paragraph 1 again: the secrecy…it’s about the inexplicable anti love thing, but I’m just saying I think fizz feels that way. Like in that article I keep referencing they say things like “heart hoarded by an imp?!” Which I suppose is equivalent to anti imp racism in hell. Stereotypes of them being untrustworthy selfish beings. Which is also the fuel for Stolas’ fetish. It just really pissed me off the way Asmodeus said “still getting your kink on with that feisty imp?” And stolas says “this imp has a business he runs” I was wayyyy to charitable to Asmodeus in the past and regret it so so much.
Paragraph 3: Many people point this out about Bee and I really hope her nice persona vanishes fast because it’s just ridiculous given her status and what she’s done. Why are your hellborn the most downtrodden of them all if you’re ohh so nice miss Beelzebub? And how the F could Loona not know who Beelzebub is??? Do her and Blitzø not realise who signed off on the adoption certificate? (Confirmed on Vivs patron that it was in fact Bee) why is Tex working as a bodyguard for verosika who calls him “my new hellhound” and yells at him, he also says he’s not paid enough to care about her issues. Sooo….why is he still in such a shitty position despite being with Bee. You’d think he’d at least be working because he wants to work but he doesn’t even seem
Paragraph 4: LITERALLY!!! Viv is such a privileged rich girl that her villains are poor. While she’s going on a world tour but raging at Twitter people criticising her pet character. She’s literally Stella and a Mammon: “Can you imagine not having money ahahhahh” — Viv describing why striker is so evil
Paragraph 5: another question is why would Blitzø being jealous of Fizz be such a bad thing? He didn’t want to cause the accident. But why would him hating how bad he is at making people laugh,,,make him bad? That’s why I love their arguments because neither is completely wrong or right. His father literally loves him more than his own son and as you said, he gets pampered the most and loved the most. He can’t stand someone not liking him for even five seconds which should be a character flaw, not endearing. But, Fizz doesn’t have a father at all, so he’s not completely wrong. And if his parents did abandon him and nobody would adopt him, that explains why he doesn’t feel good enough to be loved and why he needs audience approval. Viv just forgot to write that FUNDAMENTAL part into the f**king episode.
I love a good fish out of water story and seeing fizz slowly learn to fight beside his friend proving that their differences are compatible was great. By the end, Fizz seemed almost happier and freer by Blitzos side than by Ozzies side, but the goldfish is just put back in the bowl, which sucks.
Your last line made me almost laugh cry tbh because there’s enough lost potential to fill a fountain. The episode had such a strong start then around the breakdown things went south and it stopped being good. The status quo isn’t different at all and fizz just slightly shifted his destructive needs for affirmation onto a different royal.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
the bingo sheet y'all r talking about reminds me of how hezu successfully won bingo in this review by guessing correctly that "yes, moxxie will be called fat, I.M.P won't do a job on earth again, moxxie will be forcibly feminized, millie will have 0 development, crimson will try to flirt with millie, and therell be hyper sexual jokes"
but shout out to "stolas shows up for no reason" btw! because that happened after this episode. oops could've been like, almost perfect, if stolas didnt stay with oz after the plot stopped needing him there.
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batcavescolony · 11 days
S5 E13 Supernatural
Anna's back, she was in holy prison, and Cas put her there. Angels like showing up in Dean's dreams. We're back on people wanting to kill Sam! I vote no. Cas called Sam his friend. Is this another time travel episodes! Dean is prepared for this while Sam is freaking out. I just remembered this is probably the first time he's seen Mary outside of photos 😭, John's so nice though. Dean said that John reminded him of his Dad and John looked so sad. John would hate John, oh my god. He's trash talking Sam, Dean and Mary's parents for raising them to be hunters, oh irony. Anna sent Uriel after them. Dean telling Mary what he remembers about her 😭 and he's upset that they were raised to be hunters. AHHHHHHHH. Her boys are telling her to leave John so they're never born, but she's already pregnant. Oop and Anna's dean. We finally get to see Michael and he says free will is an illusion. So John's side of the family is descended from Cain while Mary's are Hunters, together they make traumatized vessels of angels who need therapy!
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
The verbal aggression towards women has been something about the show that makes me uncomfortable. Physical aggression is called out on the show, as it should be. But, verbal aggression or threatening body language is rarely shown as the abusive act that it is. There are two distinct scenes that spiked my anxiety from this. One is Ian leaning right over Fiona and hissing at her after she asked about his meds. I know he didn't mean it because he wasn't in his right mind and Fiona picked a terrible moment to ask that question. The other is Lip screaming at Fiona in s9 and that one made me mad because no one told him to chill out. He's standing directly above her and his body language looks way out of line.
i agree with this so much.
i usually sympathize with ian more when it comes to this situation, mainly because, as you said, he was really having a difficult time- but despite this, how he was acting was not acceptable and made me very uncomfortable.
as for lip, fuck him in that scene. he had no fucking right to yell at her and if you think he did, fuck you too. at least ian had a decent-ish reason; but lip was just mad because his sponsor relapsed (due to fiona, but fiona had no fucking clue who this guy was so how was that her fault) and he needed to take his anger out because somebody never learned anger management and so he needs to act like a goddamn toddler all of the fucking time (sorry i love lip but lip slander is also fun oops).
and debbie, carl, and kelly all just watching it happen really irked me. especially debbie and carl. like they’re used to this fucking grown man having temper tantrum’s and yelling at women. carl and liam will always be the most well-adjusted men in the family because they treat women like people (ian too, of course, but there is the scene i just talked about in season 8 + the scene in season 11 of him and mickey that v called them out for, but i don’t completely blame them there because everyone on that show has said bitch or something like that before- still wrong, but yk).
i think if you really want to look into why ian and lip act that way, you can just see how frank treated monica. how monica said that frank literally has physically fought her and given her scars and how frank screams at monica. they grew up in a hostile environment where men doing that wasn’t necessarily a big deal, but newsflah! you’re both adults, and that’s your sister, fucking act like it.
i really wish that verbal aggression was addressed more, as you said. or at least, i wish that it was made to seem as big of a deal as it really is because it’s not just like “men having emotions” it’s men acting unacceptable.
honorable mention to this, although it wasn’t verbal, it was physical: remember when frank hit debbie in 7x12? we (the fandom) don’t talk about that enough, and we should.
moments like ian and lip screaming at fiona really remind me that this show was in fact, written by men. i mean- yeah there’s a few women who have written some episodes or have helped but overall, it was created originally by a man (paul abbott), and it was written by a man (john wells). the show is amazing, fucking phenomenal, actually, but it is also about a white man, written by white men. it has homophobic, biphobic, and sexist undertones. it will always be fucking great, yet fucking awful.
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tfyoulookingatgiuxs · 1 month
I'm back again. Today we start with a bang, with surprises and with a thousand questions as if we weren't already asking ourselves enough. Vivienne has released the Teaser Trailer for the last (hopefully not) episodes of the second season. Looking at it I immediately started hopping all over my fucking house for the euphoria it gave me and the curiosity it left me with. I'm here to analyze this Trailer with you and to talk about the little theories that come to mind.
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Let's start right away by saying from the beginning where the I.M.P group starts makes me already understand that these five episodes will be hard for all of us, a great adventure where we would truly be left speechless, then I believe in Vivzie's great work, so I don't believe that I will be disappointed (my opinion). In fact, we can already see that Blitz and Fizz go out together, perhaps to reconnect with him after the sixth and seventh episodes of the second season. This left me quite touched. I love Fizzarolli, he is my favorite character from Helluva Boss and seeing him again makes me very happy, and I can only imagine the laughter his presence will bring out of me.
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But I noticed that these five episodes will ultimately focus on the Lust ring. From the outing with Fizzarolli and Blitz, there's also what looks like a battle between Moxxie and Millie with someone whose face we don't know, do you think it's Stricker again? I don't know, I don't see why he should go to the Lust ring to capture Stolas again, unless his plan is to change as we saw in the fourth episode "Western Energy". Or it could be a new Villain or one already seen in the series, I really can't give a reasonable answer.
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But we can all agree that the agents from episode six "Truth Seekers" will be back! We already knew this note because of a post on X (Twitter) but I never expected that they would target the Cherubs from episode four "C.H.E.R.U.B." our little angels that we had abandoned and no longer knew anything about. There were those who theorized that they ended up in hell after they (mistakenly) killed a human being who they should have saved. But seeing them like this again I can only think that they just wandered the earth. So you mean to tell me that these little cherubs banished from paradise didn't end up in hell but remained wanderers on earth? It's a question that needs a clear answer. I really couldn't explain this. We only know that the two agents took them, but the question is: for what purpose? Someone might answer me: "To prove that angels exist like demons" Which is not a wrong answer, at all. But I believe there is more. Especially after we see that Blitz and the others are going to visit them.
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If I have to tell you my opinion, it could also be that the agents kidnap the cherubs to prove their existence to humanity, but it wouldn't make sense. In short, how does this connect them to our little demons? I know that the I.M.P group are not the only major protagonists. An example was the episodes "OOPS" and "Mammon's Magnificent musical mid-season" where the main protagonists were Fizzarolli and Asmodeus, but which still made sure that these characters involved the main protagonists. So it makes me think: What if the cherubs and the agents made an alliance? An alliance to take revenge on the demons? I would not know. I could continue to theorize about these images, but I think we'll be here until late so better move on, then of course let me know what you think. (Anyway please tell me this picture doesn't remind you of Moxxie and Blitz when they were kidnapped)
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Let's move to this image where a reference to GhostBusters will clearly be made. Blitz's disguise is as usual flashy and makes me laugh, but this episode (Which we know will be called: GhostFuckers) is the one that left me speechless most of all. In the confusing sense. In short, we see very little, except for a character who apparently will also be a new Villain, but even if they are connected I wonder where this episode will be set. We have now seen that all these five episodes will move to different rings of hell. I really hope to see the princes or princesses of these rings, and see if they will actually be Villains (I hope so). But I also hope to see the main characteristics of these rings, how will they get there? still with the big elevator? Or with another means of transport?
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Now. We have our own villain. He has a human appearance, but we then discover that he is an infernal being, of a marine shape, so it makes me think that he comes from the Greed ring, only that we need to understand how he arrived in the human world. Our protagonists arrive there with Stolas's grimoire, but what about him? Is there another means of transport as we said before, but on earth? Different from the grimoire, and the crystals of Asmodeus?
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Now we have him. Yes exactly. For those who have seen the Pilot of Hazbin Hotel you might recognize this bird, it is the same one that appears when Vaggie tells Angel about Alastor and then there is an image that frames all the Overloards, and there is also this character (What a continuation If I don't understand the name, I still listen to Helluva episodes in English, even though I'm of a completely different nationality. Sorry if I couldn't understand the name, if anyone knows please write to me 🙏🏼). He seems to know Stolas who instead has nothing to do with the Overlords as he is only the prince of a very powerful lineage. Maybe he changed roles? Maybe he is no longer an Overloard but a simple demon also from a noble and powerful family? But above all, what he want from Stolas?
Though noting very carefully, one can see what appears to be an apple and a snake beneath him. Characteristics of Lucifer. Maybe the characters of Helluva Boss will clash with those of Hazbin Hotel? And maybe Lucifer himself? Or maybe just in his castle for a strange reunion? Let's fantasize about it.
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Then obviously I say reunion because afterwards I see this and it makes me think that it has to do with Andrephaleus' plan (it will definitely be spelled badly, sorry). Only if this demon is actually from another powerful family, I don't understand what he gets from the ice demon. Or maybe he has a score to settle with Stolas and Andrephaleus is helping him. I really don't know what to think...
However it seems to have a pretentious tone. He wants something at all costs. What will he want?😱
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Now the crucial moment. This part. Perhaps the most painful? I can well imagine that we will find this in the episode "The Full Moon" the one we are anxiously awaiting, having to focus solely on Stolas and Blitz and their relationship which MAYBE is about to end. In this image I can well understand when Blitz says "Like you can just play with our feelings cause we're smaller and not as important" and my heart breaks. Making us remember on the one hand also when Fizz said identical words to Blitz in episode six of the second season "OOPS" but also wanting to hide that not everyone is like that, will Stolas be like that too? (The answer is obviously yes, but let's see how long it will take Blitz to figure it out). However, I think the first few episodes are focused on Blitz, his past and his character that harms people. An example is when he ends up (apparently) fighting with Millie and they have this conversation and Blitz ends up admitting it, even though I don't understand the reason for a fight.
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I'm really worried about Blitz as he is a character who has a lot to tell, and perhaps the one with the most flaws who can't improve, but who is still trying. I don't want to justify it though, everyone has their own opinions on the characters and is free to have them. Personally, I love the character of Blitz, seeing myself a little in him, and anyone else who sees themselves in the little devil can understand what it means to hurt others even when you don't want to. So to see him grow or change is something I'm really looking forward to seeing.
Now I have to leave you like this because I can't post any more images but I will make a part two!! See you later!!
-Sorry for my english!!
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