#respectfully fuck off 💕💕
nartml · 1 year
Your misogyny is showing. Get your shit together
(First and last time I'll ever bother with such a rude ask, but I'll use this oh so sugary sweet statement to get some things out the way )
CW: Rant ahead, not Sakura or Hinata friendly, if you disagree and won't be nice about sharing your opinions fucking DNI, this isn't for you.
My misogyny 💀
Because I don't like Sakura and Hinata, I assume? Why is it always misogyny's fault with y'all?
Respectfully, I don't really care about Sakura and Hinata. I'm mostly indifferent to them, but they're fun to criticize, considering there's so many flaws to talk about.
Maybe I was harsh with my words when respectively bashing them, but what I said still objectively stands. Sometimes, not liking a female character has less to do with misogyny and more to do with the fact that they're really, really not that good.
But alas, I sincerely apologize for my just so disgustingly misogynistic words (in case you don't get it, I'm being 100% sarcastic)
In a bit less harsh, more analytical manner, allow me to rephrase:
Sakura is someone who doesn't fit in the Shinobi world. She's too delusional about her romantic fantasies regarding Sasuke to be able to properly advance in such a harsh environment. And Hinata, with or without her infatuation with Naruto, is an incapable kunoichi. She's far too timid and hesitant to be a warrior.
Now, those are not necessarily bad things. Not having what it takes to be a Shinobi can easily be considered positive; be it because you're a hopeless romantic and that hinders your ability to maximize your potential or because you just don't have the spine or endurance necessary to be a badass ninja. Those aren't reasons to violently hate on someone. Specifically about Sakura and Hinata, those aren't even the reasons why so many people dislike them.
Or at least I hope not. I'd understand the point of your ask better if I had said anything derogatory about their appearance, for example. Those types of haters are annoying, and I manage to turn into both Sakura and Hinata's biggest defenders the moment someone says shit that degrades Sakura for her chest or some other bs, and/or fetishizes Hinata in any way. Rest assured, I'm anything but misogynistic.
But oh shit, it's time we realized that Sakura's "feelings" for Sasuke were simply a shallow school girl crush. And that would've been okay, understandable, maybe even a little cute, if it weren't for the way she constantly pushed herself onto him, consistently referred to him as hers in her head, saw him as a trophy, a blank canvas to project her fantasies onto. She was disrespectful, and her confessions were sickening.
Because how dare you compare your loneliness to that of a genocide survivor? How could you make your supposed love's pain all about you? How could you be so ready to abandon your friends, family, life, and future just to follow him to someone who you know would cause him harm, when you so clearly don't even know or understand him? How could you try to minimize everything he went through, try to diminish all he's suffered in the name of "laughing and having fun like the good old times"? "What about me, Sasuke? I'll be in so much pain if you leave. Please, if there's even a small part of you that cares about me, stay". "I can't get close to you, I can't exchange blows with you, I can only whine and beg, it's pretty pathetic. There's nothing I can do for you".
These are all things she's said and/or done paraphrased. There's so much more I don't care to recall. And they're all very annoying.
Her sole motivation was Sasuke; he's the reason she talks about how she'll get stronger to catch up to him and Naruto, about how she wants to "save" him, or "protect" him, about how she wants to be able to "fight for herself next time".
But she never managed to really do any of it, because it was all so surface level. Her aspirations for life began and ended with Sasuke, a guy she ultimately doesn't know a single thing about. That's objectively pathetic.
I don't like her because of the way she treats Sasuke, because of the way she views him, because of the way she's so pretentious about her "undying love" for him.
I don't like anti-sasusakus who come at it from a "Sakura deserves better" perspective, because she got exactly what she asked for; now she even gets to parade around wearing that Uchiha crest like the trophy it is to her, while having done nothing to earn it!!!
Honestly? They're not exactly wrong. Maybe she doesn't deserve better. But her character would, at least if Kishimoto even wanted to write that story.
What do I mean by that? I mean that Sakura, as a main character, does not benefit from her feelings for Sasuke. It's not that Sasuke isn't good for her, it's that her "feelings" for him aren't.
I'll use Naruto as a comparison. His feelings for Sasuke [No, I don't care how you interpret their relationship. If you want, they can be platonic feelings or familial feelings (you'd be wrong but who am I to judge), or romantic feelings] actually serve as his basis for self improvement.
Usually, in media, love is something that drives characters to be better.
Naruto's love for Sasuke is his greatest strength.
Naruto kept getting stronger, with Sasuke as his motivator. Naruto kept trying to understand him, to see things from his perspective, never held any sort of idealistic "Sasuke would never do that" train of thought.
Naruto got to better understand the injustice of the system through Sasuke and his love for him. Naruto initially fought to bring him back to Konoha, not because he wanted to play house with him, or because he wanted Sasuke to cater to Konoha's every whim, but because in Naruto's mind, Konoha is home and it's safe, away from Orochimaru's dirty hands.
But then once he finally understood Sasuke better, once they fought and he carried Sasuke's burdensome hatred with him, he let him go. He let him travel, leave Konoha, without ever asking for him to stay, because he gets it (Unlike Sakura, who still didn't get it, and did the exact opposite)
In Sakura's case, however, her "feelings" for Sasuke hold her back. Though that's a bit of conundrum, seeing as any sort of achievements she's made are directly linked back to her crush. Like I said before, he's her motive. No, it's specifically the shallowness of her love, the half-heartedness in her convictions to improve that holds her back. Her "feelings" aren't as genuine as she –or any of you– likes to think they are, and that keeps her from growing, from seeing clearly (i.e: in the long run, they hold her back)
They're proof of her superficiality. She's too caught up in romanticizing the absolute shit out of Sasuke, too caught up in using him to live out her fairytale dreams, too caught up in asking others to bring him back to her, or whatever. She's too caught up in whether Sasuke looks at her or worries about her to fight properly. And I mean "fight" both literally and metaphorically here.
So yeah, her "feelings" for him aren't good for her. It would've been a much better character arc, in my opinion, something that could be actually empowering that would give her depth, if she had ended up with Lee instead.
Because Lee is the exact opposite of Sasuke, in the sense that he's ugly in Sakura's eyes (I'll state here that I don't think Lee is ugly, bushy brows and all, he's very pretty to me), and so to end up with him, well. That would require Sakura to see past physical appearance.
Sakura tends to be very judgemental of other people's looks, and the way she treats them is often correlated to how beautiful she finds them.
But falling for Lee would've been a great way for her to move past the cover and read the book. Something which could then translate to her being less insensitive and judgy from then on.
[Sakura fans love to point out that she might say rude stuff, but then she regrets it, so it's okay! To that I say, it hardly matters that you regret something you say and promise that you'll be better, if you're just going to repeat the process the next day]
That said, she didn't even have to end up with anyone. She could've remained single, after realizing how wrong she was about Sasuke. She could've stopped pining after him, and gotten herself a goal that is bigger than just ending up with him.
But that's not who she is. That's actually, an entirely different character. That's not how Kishimoto wrote her, and criticizing him because of that is stupid. He knew what and why he was doing it, and the narrative some of you adopt, the one that goes "no, I'm better than so-and-so, this character should've been that way instead", is exhausting.
Sakura fans never represent her how she canonically is. Truly, 100%, the way she's depicted in the show. They nitpick which parts of her they like, and ignore the rest. You guys love the version of her that isn't shallow, that understands Sasuke, that is assertive, that is 3-dimensional; a person whose hard work actually comes to mean something, who is much more genuine about her love for Sasuke, who is by all means an independent badass. The Sakura who is selfless and understanding and a go-getter badass. And that's okay, I guess. But at least admit it.
It's always an outsider commenting on how "she's better than Tsunade" because they saw her punch one time, or "her feelings for you have matured" (something cancelled out entirely by Sakura later). It's always "I've caught up to them" after something that amounts to nothing significant. We're told she's great. We've yet to see it for ourselves, outside of those five? Six maybe? Eight is my being generous. Truly iconic scenes that she has in the entirety of the manga.
I stand by my closing line on her post.
She's foolish, and too caught up in her own romantic, fantasy world to substantially thrive in a reality as cold-blooded as the one she was born in.
And that's all she'll ever be.
As for my girl Hinata. I absolutely stand by everything I said on that post. Not taking a single word back. Maybe Sakura has a few redeeming qualities; like I said, you could explore her character outside of her crush on Sasuke and make a true badass out of her. (While still acknowledging the fact that that's not who Kishimoto wrote her to be)
But Hinata? There's no character to explore. Period. She's nice. Sweet. Kind, maybe? Sweet. Did I mention nice? I should probably not forget to say that she's sweet. Let's not omit that she's privileged and doesn't care one bit that her family is a-okay with slavery!! OH, and she can cook well. She also has those big boobs. And all her symbolism with Naruto was ripped off sns, coincidentally.
She's very passively likable, and the definition of forgettable. Like it or not.
As for me, I should make it clear here and now that I am no misogynist. I like to think of myself as a very passionate intersectional feminist, who gives credit where it's due.
These two ladies? They don't deserve the aforementioned credit.
Have a great day 💞
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juanarc-thethird · 1 month
Can you do the "He has risen baby girl" scene as well? Maybe it is Jacques who pretends to be sad about what happened to Jaune and Nora.
Continuation of "That" scene from DeadPool & Wolverine
Very small spoilers
The moment Nora and Jaune joined hands to overload the machine, it exploded with the two of them in the middle. Ruby and Ren were knocked back by the blast wave. When they came to, seconds later, they saw that where their friends were standing was completely destroyed.
Ren: Did they...
Ruby: Come on Ren, get up and help me find them!
Ren: Yes!
Just as they stand up to start looking for them, some guards from the Schnee company grabbed them.
Ren: Huh?!
Ruby: Hey! Let me go!
They are taken upstairs where Weiss and the rest of his friends are, all immobilized. Weiss is tied to a chair, Blake is handcuffed, and Yang is tied in chains.
Ruby: Girls, are you okay?!
Blake: We are, but we have bigger problems.
At that moment Jacques Schnee appears, looking at all the destruction his machine caused.
Jacques: Look what you did to my machine. My poor, poor machine. You kids will pay for this.
Ruby: What?! You're the one responsible for all this in the first place!
Ren: When Ironwood finds out about this he'll put you behind bars!
Yang: And we all know your hair is just a wig!
Jacques: *red* What did you say! You little-
Weiss: What was that?
Yang: Sorry, I'm still a little angry.
Jacques: It doesn't matter, no one will know about this.
Ironwood: Nobody will know about what, exactly?
Jacques is startled when he hears his voice and turns to look at the general.
Jacques: James?! What are you doing here?
Ironwood: We noticed a power anomaly in this area and came to investigate. Are you responsible for this?!
Jacques: *Nervous* A-Am I responsible for this?! Well, in stopping the machine, yes!
Ruby: He is ly-Hmmm!!
One of the guards covered Ruby's mouth before she could say anything. The others did the same with her friends to prevent any trouble.
Jacques: *Fake crying* Two brave heroes, a young men and a young woman with promising futures, gave their lives for us. I looked upon them as my own children. But that doesn't matter anymore. There is nothing in this world that I can do or that anyone can do to bring them back...
Nora: He has risen baby girl!
Jacques: *Angry* FUCK!
"Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls, starts playing in the background for some reason.
Everyone turns to where Nora's voice was heard and sees her and Jaune appear safe and sound. Sparks from the rubble fall on the two of them as they walk towards the group. Nora's suit was somewhat burned while Jaune was sweaty, showing off his shiny muscles as sparks from the rubble bounce off of the two of them.
Nora: *Smiling* We found the off switch
Jaune: *Angry* And we're doing just fine, you piece of shit.
Blake/Yang/Ruby: 👀 👀 👀*Looking at Jaune's abs... respectfully... Ish*
Weiss: *Aslo looking with fuck me eyes* Fine indeed~💕
Nora: All right... *takes a jacket and gives it to Jaune* Put your greasy tits away you preening slut.
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minminbunny · 2 months
2) if you're interested
Could you do a OT8 fic where the reader goes to her obgyn appointment for the readers annual checkup and such but the usual doctor isn't there and the usual doctor is a woman but she was out sick or smt and so the doctor gets someone in skz to take over her appointments depending on the time a different person gets an appointment so reader goes to the obgyn and gets informed of the changes but reader didn't have a choice so they stick to the appointment and whichever member gets the appointment does the checkup but halfway through the other members walk in during the check up and join in to help check up on reader and just ends up messy sex?
Doctor AU - Doctor! Kim Seungmin/Doctor! Seo Changbin/Doctor! Han Jisung/Patient Fem! Reader
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💕Drabble Masterlist
❤️Ultimate Masterlist
"Miss, could you change into this," Seungmin said, gesturing to a thin piece of outerwear. You nodded, changing behind the curtain. Seungmin adjusted his glasses, "Get on top and position your legs respectfully. "Okay," you whispered, relaxing when you were set in a familiar appointment position. Seungmin tugged the gloves down his hands, a soft snap echoing in the room, "From your consultation, you've said that you notice your canal being too tight for masturbation, right?" he asked, sitting on the stool between your legs. You nodded, "Yes, I tried inserting two fingers like I normally do but the stretch stung," you admitted, trying not to be flustered.
Seungmin nodded, and he tore open a packet of lube, "May I? Let me know if it hurts," he said, gently parting your folds as your swollen clit peeks out from under the hood. You nodded, exhaling deeply, "Okay," you said, bracing for the intrusion. Seungmin eased his pinky finger, lightly thrusting in and out, "Does this hurt?" he asked, watching your expression. You shook your head, "No, I don't quite feel anything?" You questioned, trying to clench around the thing penetrating your hole. Seungmin hummed, easing his middle finger and curling it against the squishy walls of your cunt. You furrowed your eyebrows, "That feels good," you said, melting under his ministrations.
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The office door swung open, and two doctors walked in. You instantly closed your legs, your heart pounding in your chest. Seungmin sighed, adjusting his glasses, "Doctor Han, Doctor Seo. What may be the problem?" he asked crossing his arms. Jisung walked up to you, and he ran his fingers through your hair, "Nurse Bang said you had a pretty patient," he said cooing at the fear in your eyes. Changbin nodded, putting on his gloves, "Doctor Han meant to say that you might need a little assistance," he said, patting your knee and placing your legs back in their original position. Jisung kissed your forehead, "If you need your safeword we'll stop immediately, princess," he reassured, worried you were actually scared. You exhaled shakily, remembering you were in a scene, "I will," you said, reassuring them before starting. Seungmin chuckled, spreading your legs further, "Now let's try to loosen up your tight hole, hm?" he said, easing his fingers back up your canal.
Changbin hissed, thrusting his cock within your fist, "Good girl, fuck your hand feels so good," he grunted, tossing his head back as you rubbed between his slit. Jisung hooked his arm around Seungmin's shoulder, "I'm so fucking close, Min. Are you?" he asked, pounding your cunt alternately with Seungmin's thrusts. "Yeah, hah, ah," Seungmin moaned, his glasses slipping off the bridge of his nose. Jisung groaned, as he pressed the base of your tummy with his other hand, "Fuck!" he cried out, flooding your warm ribbed wall with his orgasm. Seungmin growled, his cock enveloped in Jisung's hot load and your fluttering walls, "Cumming, hah," he gasped, ejaculating right after.
Changbin's thighs quivered, "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he babbled, squirts of white landing on your face and chest. You whined, clenching hard around their sensitive cock, "I haven't cum," you sulked, glaring at them through hooded eyes. Jisung chuckled, turning on a vibrator and placing it directly against your puffy clit, "Come on, princess. Gush around our messy cocks. Drip everywhere," he said, lazily thrusting his cock in and out of your pulsing walls. Seungmin groaned, leaning his head against Jisung's shoulder, "Hah, yes. Please cum for us, puppy" he said, drool dripping down the sides of his lips. You arched your back, eyes rolling back at the intensity of the vibrator stimulating your swollen puffy clit, "Hah, ah, hah!" you cried out, clenching hard enough to force their cocks out for your cunt as you came. The edge of the bed was slicked with orgasms and arousal. The floor was messy with sticky cum.
Chan walked in with a mop, "Did you have fun, baby girl?" he asked, chucking softly at the dopey clear smile on your face. You kissed Changbin's cockhead, "Ahm, lots of fun," you said, catching your breath
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inriospocket · 1 year
daisy!! how are you doing? i know you have exams so please feel free to get to this anytime. i got let out of my previous job position and i’m currently confused because of the explainatoon that was given and job searching again. would love to see how rio would act to the reader in that same scenario after he notices she’s either got too much time on her hands or just hasn’t been doing her regularly scheduled program for work. (1/2).
(2/2) also would love to know if she’d confront her boss or whomever about letting her go to begin with or would rio? i just see a ton of angst, fluff, and protective vibes from rio in my head so please feel free to do with these ideas what you will! i hope your exams good/went great 💕. you’re a stunning star ✨💖.
I know this is very late but I'm hoping you were able to find another job or another path you feel better on. If you're still active, let me know! I'd love to know if you're doing better. Enjoy! :)
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Respectfully, fuck you
word count ♡ 1,036
summary ♡ You’ve just been let go from your job and Rio has noticed an abnormal amount of free time you’ve had.  
situation ♡ angst/fluff
“But, why? Did I do something wrong?” You asked, scanning your manager’s eyes for answers.  
You could see his cold stare shift into a look of guilt, and he looked away, keeping his hands busy with loose paperwork on his desk. 
“Please clear your things. We’ll have your last check in your account by Friday.” He said without another word.  
You hadn’t known a day without working. You could say since you were the eldest of 5, you’ve always had some sort of job. Since Rio and you got together, he had been taking care of everything which he encouraged but you wanted to work anyway. But with the excuse of the bills being paid, and you just getting fired; you had simply nothing to do but think.  
Everyone else would have been ecstatic to have a break, but it only filled you with more anxiety. Rio started his days early and almost always ended late, but he did happen to notice that you were still in your pajamas when he came home for lunch each day.   
“You’ve been calling out of work or somethin’?” He mentioned as he set a bottle of water down for you. 
You shook your head, mindlessly scrolling through the channels on the tv.  
“Wassup then?” He asked again. 
You weren’t sure why you hadn’t told him that you got fired yet. You were just so stuck in your head all this time.  
“They fired me.” You said, and you could see the mental wheels turning in his calculated head.  
You read him very well from the soft to cold stare when he turned that inner switch off. He was obviously more upset than you were. 
“Bet,” he said instantly. He didn’t ask for any explanation knowing he didn’t need one. He already had his plan together to fuck your manager up but as soon as he opened the car door to leave, he almost instantly closed it back.  
He knew you didn’t do anything wrong, but it was more concerning that you weren’t sad, or even angry. You were simply just existing. He concluded that it was no longer up to him to defend you. This was something you needed to work through on your own, but he would just have to give you a push.  
“I was hoping you’d change your mind about breaking his fingers.” You joked as you saw him come back inside.  
“Actually, his thumbs. Can’t do shit without your thumbs.” He made himself chuckle.  
You shrugged again, mindlessly scrolling through your phone now. He stood against the wall, hands in his pockets as if he was waiting for something.  
“What’s up with you, mama? Sitting around here ain’t gonna find you answers.” He said.  
You remained quiet but he knew you were listening since your thumb was just hovering over your phone screen now. 
“What do you want, [Y/N]? You want your job back? You want another?” He pushed. 
You shrugged.  
“Oh, so things get hard, and you just give up?” He pushed again. You took one of the throw pillows from the couch and flung it towards his head.  
“What is it you want me to say? I’m not you; I don’t want to go around fucking people up because they make me upset,” You folded your arms.  
“So, you are upset?” He asked, tilting his head even though he already knew. 
“Of course, I'm upset! I work really hard and for someone to not give a quarter of a shit to explain why I’m- you know what? Fuck this.” You stood up and went to get your keys.  
Rio bit his lip to hide his smirk, but he was waiting for you to finally get it together. Even if you weren’t going to get any answers, you were going to have the last word. 
Rio was close behind when you marched your way through the cubicles to find where your manager was. He did a double take when he realized it was you interrupting his important conference meeting.  
“Oh, sorry Rick, am I interrupting? Did you happen to get to the part where you take your sponsors money, fuck off with it and fire your best employees because you can’t afford to pay them?” You said, giving him an artificial smile.  
You figured it out quickly once you were done wallowing and it was fair enough that what you said alone in front of all these important people likely tanked his entire business.  
Rick laughed it off nervously, but cold stares were filling the entire room towards him. He cleared his throat, reaching for the button on the conference phone for security.  
Rio stood back like a dark shadow, but he didn’t go unnoticed.  
“Don’t...don’t do that.” Rio said, stopping him in his tracks.  
“You’re gonna have to get more than security to get me out of here before I’m done. Besides the fraud and theft, I really rocked with you, Rick. I mean, nothing beats stale ass donuts. The worst part about it is how loyal I was. I came in on time, stayed late and for what? For you to sit back and get sucked off on the clock by the bitch in HR? The irony.” 
Your old coworkers' heads popped up from their cubicles one by one to get a better view.  
“That’s enough!” Rick yelled, and Rio instantly stepped forward until you put your hand up to stop him.  
“Sir, respectfully, fuck your meeting,” You giggled, going around the table to push all the important paperwork on the floor. 
“Fuck your office,” You said again, taking each jellybean bowl from the table one by one to dump wherever you could. 
It seemed like you were done when you walked towards the door until you reached for the trash can. 
“And most importantly, fuck you!” You said, dumping it and throwing the container at him.  
Rio couldn’t hold in his laughter any longer, and he couldn’t have been any prouder of his girl.  
After your well needed release, you finally had a clear mind to figure things out.  
“So, what’s next?” Rio asked, planting subtle kisses on your forehead.
“I’m going to do what I want now.” You smiled.  
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worldsetfree · 8 months
Stardust Crusaders × Reader: Motion Pictures
(+ bonus card at the bottom of the cereal box!)
Finally, you and your travelling band of troubadours have arrived at a hotel for the first time in days. It's early in the evening, everybody's exhausted, so you decide to retire to your rooms early and decompress. But you want to take some time, either with the group or your special someone and unwind with a movie.
(Trying to stay as canon-compliant as possible, so only movies that came out in or before 1988. Enjoy! Feedback welcome.)
Muhammad Avdol hasn't watched a lot of movies tbh. Down for most anything. Spending time with you is the true privilege.
Tbh I am struggling so much with picking a movie for him. His favourite movie canonically is Midnight Run, so maybe he'd recommend something like From Russia With Love?
I think he would let you pick if it was only the two of you and just be happy for the time together. He is the sweetest of men.
Respectfully tender. You want to share a blanket? You want snacks? You want to kiss? He's prepared and willing for anything.
Toasty warm if you want to cuddle. Leaves him delightly flustered.
Omg this bean. 💕 Kakyoin Noriaki wants you to watch something that is of great personal significance to him but he's fearful of rejection.
He'll pick something a little bit artsy (and maybe pretentious), but something he holds dear to his heart. But it's Kakyoin, and he's also kind of a weirdo. He's gonna pick something a little out there like Blade Runner. The Princess Bride?
Please, bear with him. He's doing his best. Does the movie fit the vibe? Maybe not. But it's about being next to you.
Wants to cuddle, is too nervous to ask. You're gonna have to be the bold one here.
Watch his face flush to match his hair if you pull him in close and kiss his cheek. He's gonna want to do this every night from now on.
Oh Lord, Jean Pierre Polnareff has been waiting for this moment. He wants to fall in love. This is his chance to woo you, mademoiselle.
Already has a running list of appropriately romantic movies. Settles on Dirty Dancing (he is incorrigible). He doesn't actually care about the movie, this is all just a scheme to set the mood.
Chatty as fuck during the movie. Sweet nothings in your ear and distracted commentary on the movie. His stream of consciousness, really. Wants to see you blush.
Offers to let you sit/put your head in his lap. C'est magnifique if you take him up on that.
He is a gentleman, he won't try anything you don't want. He is going to ask to kiss you, though. Even if it's not the first time you've kissed today. He can't help himself.
Joseph Joestar is either trying to inspire the group with some big moral lesson or he's leaning on his comfort films in private with you. No in-between.
"Comfort films" means Indiana Jones. That's it. There's a new one coming out next year, you know? You'll go see it with him, right? He's just as handsome as Sean Connery!
He's gonna try the ol' big yawn and stretch into holding you trick. Thinks he's slick.
Somehow he's already eaten the snacks. Pest. Will get more if you ask nicely.
The type of man who waits til you're very engrossed in the movie, then distracts you by kissing your neck. Success may vary. What do you mean Indiana Jones doesn't get you in the mood?
Good grief, why do you have to do this right now? Kujo Jotaro is tired and wants to sleep. You're so needy.
(He's thrilled by the idea and would love to turn his brain off for a night).
In front of the guys, he wants to watch some cool action movie. Top Gun? Yojimbo? More of a cinephile than he lets on. In private, he is more comfortable being the dork we know he is. Might suggest detective fiction or a documentary.
Adores these quiet moments of respite. Will play with your hair. Pamper him a little bit with soft affection and see his brows finally relax right before your eyes.
Will end up falling asleep on your shoulder, with his arms wrapped around you. Will beat up anybody that tries to tease him about it. RIP Joseph
(He's a dog. Obviously platonic)
You're done. Fuck these guys. Fuck this whole trip. They have tried your patience for the last time today.
You and Iggy will cuddle up on a soft hotel bed and watch a Disney movie or something and have a self-care night.
Do a face mask. Realign your chakras. Enjoy strange flavours of gum. Live your best life.
Iggy is suprisingly okay with this turn of events. He lays in your lap and lets you pet him. Finally, he has found peace.
The men are distraught grumpy about missing out on this. Open the door, please. They're sorry, they promise they won't fuck up and do any stupid shit without listening to you again. Please!
Bonus Card:
Baby, he's never wanted to do anything more in his life. He swears! Hol Horse loves taking time to unwind with you!
You already know this man is going to try to charm you with a spaghetti western. Fistful of Dollars it is.
THIS AIN'T HIS FIRST RODEO. He's already got all the pieces together to make this a proper romantic night. Popcorn? Check. Comfy seating? Check. Cologne? Check. Handsome smile? Baby, you're screwed.
Takes it slow, lets you make the first move. Will make you swoon.
Like a bandit, he is gone in the morning, with a note telling you he'll be back again soon and to keep him in your heart. ♡
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into-crazy · 6 months
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don't wanna miss a thing
》 chapter 3
Negan Smith x Female Reader
Non-apocalyptic AU // The Walking Dead AU
Other Characters(mentioned): Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, and Carl Grimes
Summary: You get harassed by some guys on your way home and someone comes to your rescue. They walk you home, reflecting on moments from your shared past.
Warnings- mature language, alcohol consumption, age gap(reader's in her early 20s), slow burn, angst, comfort, fluff, ages 18+
Other chapters & info -> RIGHT HERE
💕divider by @saradika-graphics
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It was a painful walk down the driveway.
Even in your state, you still respectfully chose not to cut through the grass for a shortcut. Rick was proud of his grass, he worked hard to keep it nice and healthy. But now that you were finally out of there you let your tears fall freely.
You were so fucking stupid. Completely delusional to think that you could ever be with Negan. Who were you kidding? There was never a chance. You're just a kid to him. You've always been, and he'll never see you as anything other than that. Though what hurt you even more was seeing that he had his eyes set on someone else. You know that you have no right to be upset. Negan doesn't owe you anything, he can be with who ever he wants. However it doesn't stop the fact that deep down inside of you it still hurt.
Reaching the sidewalk, you turn towards your house and continue on. The sun is close to setting, casting long shadows all over the ground. That is how you noticed a vehicle coming up from behind, by it's shadow. At first you didn't think anything of it, assuming that it was going to keep going in the direction it was heading. But then it suddenly slowed and someone called out to you from the passenger window.
"Hey there, cutie!"
Wiping your eyes, you look up to see that it's a group of guys in a small SUV. They look like they could be high school seniors or college freshmen. Blasting their music loud enough for the whole street to hear. Whatever they were listening to it's rather obnoxious.
"Where are you heading off to?" The same guy from the passenger window asks you. You spot the can of beer in his hand. Well that's great, they're drinking in a moving vehicle. Hopefully they have a designated driver.
"No where," you return indifferently. "I'm just going home."
"She's not into you bro." The driver states to him lowly.
However he brushes it off and tries again. "Shut up man.. So we're uh, heading over to a party tonight over on the east side. How about I get your number and maybe I could see you there?"
The way he asked you felt as though he wasn't even asking you at all. It sounded more like a demand. That or he was rather confident that you were going to give him your number. Either way you weren't interested.
"No thanks." You toss back, hoping that they'll get the hint and move on.
Your rejection is heard by the other guys, they immediately poke fun at their friend. Which only stirs him on more.
He then attempts to cover up his embarrassment with a laugh, licking his lips before replying, "well see, that doesn't work for me sweetheart."
You stop in your tracks, turning to look at him in shock and wondering if you had heard that right. The arrogant smirk on his face indicates that you had. You hated hearing the word sweetheart come from his mouth. All of a sudden you start to feel very exposed. Remembering that you are wearing nothing but a bikini because your clothes are in your bag. It doesn't help that every one of those guys are leering at you like you're a hooker selling on the street. You nervously clutch on to the bag around your shoulder.
He opens his mouth again to speak. "So how about it? Give me your number and we'll meet up. Then I can fix that little attitude problem you got." He winks at you while his friends laugh and exchange high fives.
This whole situation makes your stomach churn. You want nothing more for them to leave you alone. Anger bubbles up in your throat too quickly before you can contain it.
"I said no!" You snap at him. "Now do me a favor and fuck off!"
He scoffs at that. "You bitch!"
He launches his beer at you from the window. Luckily it misses you. Instead it lands right by your feet. The can smashes against the concrete with a loud crashing sound and beer slashes all over your feet. It startles you into dropping your bag on the floor.
Everyone in the car breaks out into a laughing fit. You, well you stand there. Dumbfounded and utterly defeated. And you didn't think this day could get any worse, yet it had. This was the soggy cherry on top of a shit sundae.
"Hey!" A voice is unexpectedly heard from behind you, snapping the guys out of their guffawing.
The one who launched the beer motions at the driver to go. "Oh shit, let's go!"
The car speeds off as Negan rushes over to your side. It catches you by surprise, because what is he doing here?
"That's it- get the hell out of here!" He shouts at the car before mumbling under his breath, "little pricks." He then turns his attention towards you. "Hey.. you okay?"
You break down in tears, hugging yourself for comfort. Negan wraps his jacket around your shoulders to cover you up. Then he pulls you close, wrapping his arms around you. You hug him back tightly and sob into his chest. Not caring anymore as you let it all go.
"I know, it's alright. I've got you now." His voice is low and soft as he strokes your hair. "Come on, let's get you home."
You nod at that, using the back of your hand to wipe away your tears. He collects your bag off the ground and walks you the rest of the way to your house.
"Rick send you to check on me?"
A scoff leaves his lips, "No. Rick didn't send me to do shit. I came because I wanted to make sure my girl got home safely. Good thing I did, too."
Negan calling you his girl would have brought a smile and a blush to your face, if you weren't still upset.
Coming up to the front door, he thinks of what to say. "Listen I uh.." his sentence trails off as he gently hands you your bag. "You should go on inside. I can come by for the jacket tomorrow."
There's no response or movement from you. When he turns to leave you snap up to look at him. "Stay?"
He immediately stops at that. Meeting your sad eyes, he doesn't say anything.
"Please stay with me for a while?" You plead quietly, hands clutching tighter on to the jacket.
Sighing deeply, he takes a second to ponder on it before agreeing. "Alright."
It's silent again as you unlock the door and step inside. He follows right after you, taking the liberty of closing and locking the door behind him. The chill of the air inside brushes against your skin, making you shiver. It didn't help that your hair was still damp from the pool.
Negan notices that you're cold. "You wanna go get cleaned up and put on something comfortable?" You flash him a worried pout and he chuckles. "Don't worry, I'll wait down here for you. I won't sneak out or anything. Promise."
You take his word for it. But before you ascend up the stairs you make a suggestion, "I don't want to come back down afterwards. Would you come up with me? You can wait in my room."
His eyes widen, he's taken aback by your invitation. Even though it was an innocent request it was rather unexpected, and that was what threw him off. Plus he's never seen or been in your room before. He briefly clears his throat, "I mean, sure. Is that what you want?"
"Yes," you return. "I just.. I'd feel better knowing you're close by. Knowing that I'm not alone."
There was no way he could say no to you. He hums and follows you up the stairs all the way to your bedroom.
The sun had finally set, casting the last bit of light through the curtains into your room. You navigate through the dimly lit space to turn on a table lamp beside your bed. As the light flicks on Negan takes in your bedroom for the first time. It was certainly a reflection of your personality, and that in itself made him feel welcome. He notices that you didn't change rooms since you're not in the master. He doubts that your aunt took it over either but that's a question he'll save for another day.
You scramble around, picking a few things up from the floor and moving others out of the way. Negan stood there, lazily following your movements. You collect a fresh pair of clothes from the dresser and let out a small sigh, "I'm going to go wash up."
He keeps his focus on you as you slide off his jacket and set it down on the bed. "Take your time. I'll be here." He assures.
"Feel free to sit on the bed if you want. I won't mind." And with that, you leave the room.
Negan decides to look around some more. He caught a glimpse of a photo collage on the wall, so he went over for a closer look. There were pictures of your parents, some with the three of you together. All with huge smiles and warm vibes. There were a couple snaps of the Grimes, looking like the picture perfect family as usual. One photo was of him and your dad in the garage, laughing as they posed for the camera. Negan remembers all the good times he'd spent with him.
He then came across the only photo of you and him up there. Right in the middle, it was a selfie you'd taken with him a while back. Your smile was so bright, and he couldn't help but notice the glimmer in your eyes. He really liked that photo. Negan spots your camera on the desk near the pictures. He remembers how you used to carry it everywhere, capturing the moments up on the wall above. You don't carry it around anymore, not since your parents..
A few more steps and he finds himself by the window. Peaking through the curtains, he's got a perfect view of his house from here. Everything from his driveway to the front door. It makes him wonder if you've ever watched him from here.
The sound of the door creaking brings him to turn, finding you coming back into the room. Your hair is damp from the shower this time, and you're wearing a pair of sleep shorts and a cropped tshirt. It was a bit revealing, however the man has already seen you in a bikini so you didn't think much of it. Besides, he'd told you to put on something comfortable and what better than the close you sleep in.
He looks you over briefly. "Feeling better?"
"Yeah, I needed that." You admit. There's a guilty look on your face, like you have something you need to confess. A secret that you can no longer contain. Inhaling sharply you breathe out, "actually, there's something that I need to tell you."
He fixes his gaze on you, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I know."
It was a sad, gloomy day. Even the sky looked melancholy, filling up with puffy grey clouds to shield away the sun. Not allowing the warmth of the rays to reach you or anyone else.
Many people had shown up to pay their respects and offer their condolences for your loss. Most of those people you knew, and very few in which you didn't.
The burial was especially the hardest for you. You couldn't exactly describe the feeling you experienced while watching your parent's caskets being lowered into the ground. You don't think you'll ever be able to describe it. But it was at that moment in which you knew that you would never see them again. At least, not in this life.
Your eyes were red and puffy from crying, and you didn't talk much at all. Relying mostly on head gestures. Only having enough mental energy to mutter a few words to certain people that talked to you. Aunt Rena never left your side throughout the whole event. Even Rick, Lori, and little Carl were always close by. As for Negan, he kept a bit of a distance.
There was already so many people around you, he didn't want to smother you with his presence as well. Though he did come by to offer his own condolences when he had the chance to talk to you more privately. You hugged him tight and never wanted to let him go. He kept you tight in his embrace, letting you hold on to him as long as you needed. It was up until other people came over to talk to you when he had to gently pull back.
It is a quarter to 8 pm. You've been home for a while now. Aunt Rena was exhausted from the day and had went to bed early. You had other plans.
Drained and full of grief, you grabbed a bottle of whiskey from your dad's cabinet and sat on the front porch looking through your family photo album. Since it's the middle of November it is cold. So you brought a blanket to keep warm. You sat by yourself, with shaky hands and teary eyes. Flipping through the pages and pouring glass after glass. Laughing at some of the memories through the photos then taking swigs of your drink when your laughter turns into soft sobs. You probably shouldn't be out here like this but you were. You didn't want your aunt to know, or worry. That you're slowly numbing yourself with alcohol so that you could stop feeling for a while. It seemed to do it's job. As you felt yourself gradually slipping in and out of consciousness.
Negan is pulling into his driveway when he spots you on your porch all by yourself. Immediately he notices that something's not right. You're not moving.
Getting out of his car he rushes over. Calling your name but no response. You are passed out and there's a half empty bottle of whiskey on the table next to you. At first he's very worried and assumes the worst. Though the panic fades when he hears the soft snores coming from you. He checks you over again, you're sound asleep with an open photo album tucked in your arms.
"Shit kid.."
Relief washes over him, though he's concerned with how long you might've been out here. Especially out cold the way you are. It's freezing and you only have a thin blanket wrapped around your body. Brushing some hair out of your face, he could tell you had been crying again. Your cheeks were flushed and dried streams ran down your cheeks and nose. He attempts to wake you up by shaking you gently. When that doesn't work he does it more firmly.
"Y/n.. hey, wake up."
You only mumble and tuck further into your blanket in response. Brows furrowing then letting up as soon as you get comfortable again.
The sight of you made his heart ache. He can't imagine what you're going through, though he really does feel for you. He had lost two of his good friends, but you had lost both your parents. It hurt you both, yet it wasn't a pain in which he would try to compare to yours. He only wanted you to know that you weren't alone. That he will be here for you when you need him. After all you've become his friend, too.
Negan takes the book from your freezing hands and places it on the table before ringing the doorbell. He waits there at the door for a moment until Rena answers.
"Oh Negan, hello." She is surprised to see him at this time of night. "What can I do for you?"
"Hey Rena. I uh, well I found y/n asleep out here on the porch." Stepping aside, he motions over to where you're at.
Rena gasps into her hands, rushing to your side, "I- oh dear, I didn't even know she was out here!" She strokes your hair, a frown on her face as she examines the contents on the table.
"I figured you didn't," Negan shrugs. "I know you wouldn't have left her out here like this."
"Oh no, I would never." She shakes her head. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I was asleep, she could have been out here all night."
"She's alright. Gotta get her inside though."
"If she really drank that much, it might be hard to get her up in this state." Your aunt worries.
It's clear to Negan that it would be a rather difficult task for your aunt to do by herself. So he offers his help. "If you want, I can carry her inside."
"Would you?"
Negan carefully scoops you up into his arms and takes you inside. Your aunt follows behind, with the photo album held closely to her chest.
"You can set her down on the couch, she'll be fine there for the night."
He takes you into the living room and lowers you on to the couch. You stir from the movement, slipping in and out of your deep sleep.
Your aunt decides that the cover you currently have won't suffice. "I'm going to run upstairs and grab her another blanket. Can you watch her for a minute?"
Negan nods, a quiet 'yeah' leaving his lips.
Your aunt goes to retrieve the item, leaving Negan with you. The sound of you mumbling grabs his attention.
"What.. what happened?" You ask, fighting to keep your eyes open.
"It's alright sweetheart." Negan shushes you. "You're safe. You fell asleep outside but you're inside now."
Giggling to yourself, you reply, "oh yeah.." You briefly look around, recognizing your surroundings. Last you remembered, you were outside on the porch. "How'd I get in here?"
Negan drops to his haunches directly beside you. "I carried you."
"You carried me?"
"Sure did." There's a proud grin on his face after saying that.
Taken aback, your eyes gleam up at him. "Thank you."
"It's not a problem." He brushes it off. "Just want to make sure you're okay. Your aunt's coming back with a blanket. Now close your eyes and get some sleep."
"M'kay." You shut your eyes, letting out a deep sigh. "Hm.. Negan?"
He leans in a bit closer. "Yeah?"
"I love you." It comes out just above a whisper. Though the room was so quiet that he had heard it perfectly clear as if you'd said it aloud.
He chuckles awkwardly in response because you have never said that to him before. But you are drunk and he is your friend, so he figured you were just saying sappy shit. Like the kind of things you'd tell the girl holding your hair back while you're throwing up the alcohol you've ingested in a toilet. He gives your shoulder a playful nudge, muttering back, "love ya too, kid."
With your eyes still closed, you shake your head. "No Negan, I don't mean as a friend.." Your voice is low and soft. "I love, love you. Always have." That is the last thing you say before drifting off to sleep.
Your confession comes as a total shock to him. He is left completely speechless, wondering if you'd really meant what you said. However, he doesn't want to wake you again to find out. There are so many questions going through his mind when your aunt comes back. Pulling him away from you and halting his thoughts.
"There now," Rena places a thicker covering on top of you. Negan stands there, staring at you while she tucks you in. "She should be alright down here for the night. Thank you so much for bringing her in."
Her gratitude snaps him out of his haze. "Not a problem, you're welcome."
Your words are all Negan thinks about on his walk home. You love him? Did you really mean that? It's possible that you were just spewing nonsense since you were intoxicated. But what if it was the truth and it had managed to slip out because you were drunk? He believes in that old saying, "a drunk mind speaks a sober heart." So if what you'd said is true, then how long have you had these feelings for him? Must have been a long time, you did say you always have.
Negan thinks back, to a few instances where he had caught you looking at him a little too long. The times you've blushed because of something he said. Moments where you wanted to be near him. That twinkle in your eyes every single time you looked at him. He had always thought he was crazy when even the tiniest of a suspicion that you were interested in him popped into his head. Maybe she's got a little crush. Nah, she doesn't.. She's looking at me like that again. Cut the shit, she's only being nice.. Those suspensions bugged him for a while. And each time they'd come up he would dismiss them.
The thing is, he has always been very fond of you, but he wouldn't think of you in that way. He couldn't. There was no way. You were his friend's daughter.
Knowing what he knows now, however, he doesn't think he could forget or brush that away.
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jtargaryen18 · 1 year
His Inheritance ~ Surprise Chapter 31 Preview
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Yeah, I'm at a park right now eating from food trucks and getting ready for a band and fireworks later. Wish me luck...
But, I thought I'd send you a little present if you're not out and about this evening. A little hint of what's to come. I love you! 💕💕💕
When Bucky’s phone rang, it didn’t surprise him. When he saw Kat’s number…
They didn’t have plans tonight. Why the hell was she calling?
“Hello,” Bucky said, pausing the cage match he’d been watching.
“Bucky?” Kat sniffled, tears in her voice.
“I’m at the hospital,” she said, clearing trying not to sob.
“Have you been hurt?” he asked, pulling the lever to sit up in his recliner. “What happened?”
“I’m fine,” she said. “It’s my sister, Paulina.”
Ah. “What happened?”
“She’s unconscious,” Kat managed. “I don’t know what happened. But neither of us have insurance…”
Neither of them was legal residents of the US either. Bucky sighed.
“I’ll send someone down there,” he told her, ready to get back to his fight. Before his hand reached the lever on his chair, she started sobbing in earnest.
“Please,” Kat begged him. “Will you come down here?”
Kat wasn’t usually so needy. Usually, she stuck to their agreement. Something must have had her spooked.
“Give me a few minutes,” he said before hanging up.
Shaking his head, he shot a text to his men telling them he needed the car ASAP.
Erik Killmonger was there in less than five minutes. He’d been a soldier for the Barnes family for the last five years. The entire time, he’d handled the tasks that he was given. He never failed, followed orders to a fault, and was always quiet and respectful, Bucky’s two favorite qualities in a soldier.
Killmonger’s ambition had been obvious from the beginning. It was in the confident way he walked, the efficient way he took care of business. It was there when he asked Bucky if he could serve him personally. Since then, he had Killmonger reporting directly to Hansen and he showed the same respect to him.
The two men were comparable in their abilities, evenly matched when it came to killing a man. But where Hansen liked to put on a show and preen around, psychologically breaking down his prey, Killmonger was silently lethal. Bucky had to wonder if half of the men he’d sent him to kill even saw it coming.
Now that Hansen was wherever the fuck Hansen was, Bucky didn’t believe for a fucking minute the bastard was dead, Killmonger was his top lieutenant. Maybe he should have been all along.
He’d put the man in charge of finding Hansen. Killmonger knew him better than he did. Bucky’s only request was that he be brought in alive.
Bucky wanted to kill the fucker himself.
The betrayal signed his death warrant. The fact that Hansen thought he was going to just make off with the woman Bucky coveted, the bright jewel in the crown he'd soon wear... Bucky was just sorry he could only kill him once.
“Where we off to?” Killmonger asked, ready to go.
“The hospital,” Bucky said, following him out to the garage. “Kat’s sister is there. I don’t know what happened yet.”
Killmonger held the door open for Bucky to climb in the back of the huge SUV. Walking around, Killmonger took a seat in the front next to the driver.
Bucky caught Zemo’s gaze in the rearview mirror. “We’re going to the hospital. St. Agnes," he told him.
When they reached the hospital, pulling up to the door at the ER, Zemo again met his gaze in the mirror. “Should you be going in there, boss?” he asked respectfully.
“He can go wherever he wants,” Killmonger said, opening his door. “Nothing’s going to happen to him.”
Damn right. Very soon, Bucky would be the goddamn king of Boston.
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olivianyx · 2 months
Hi, so I know this might Sound weird from a reality shifter, but what exactly is respawning?
I saw a succes Story you told about a Coach of yours who respawned, ans it's not the first time I heard about it, but I don't really understand it, can you please explain????
Thanks a lot💕
TW: mentions of de@th, suicide, abuse and others. If you're an anti, or feel uncomfortable reading this, please feel free to not read this. If you don't like this topic, respectfully fuck off. Haters just keep scrolling this topic ain't for y'all.
Hey! Sorry for the late response.
It's completely okay to not know something, and I don't mind it sweetheart 💓
So, julie, she was my coach, she respawned in October 2023.
Respawning means to completely cut ties with this reality by either having an intention of not coming back (since in shifting community, most of them come back to their 'original reality' where actually no reality is your original reality) or by a clinical de@th and replace their consciousness with another one, or choosing to end their life in that reality and erase their remnants and memories and go to their desired reality to start a whole new life. The reason why can vary. Cus some people may had an abusive childhood or traumatizing one. It's their choice. So anybody that's judging it too quick just go fuck yourself with sticks. It's okay to go for a whole new reality if you don't like this one. We don't gotta rot in hell.
Well, it's got a really bad reputation in the shifting community since those mf shiftokers spread rumours that it's suicide, well in fact, it's none of the haters business.
Ig you've heard permashifting too, the same as respawning but you have an option to come back to the previous reality. Meanwhile, in respawning, there isn't. But actually, you can come back to another reality where the version of you haven't reapawned.
SOME RANT (pardon since I'm outta my mind this time)
Well, I needed to address something to those goddamn haters in my asks and those in the community too. People have something to complain about all the fucking time, like bitch how bout minding your fucking business?? Am I or someone else hating on you for breathing and being alive? No right? Then fuck off, nobody needs your fucking opinion. Just fuck off of its hurting your feelings or violating your rights as an individual blah blah blah. Idfc just get your asses off of these precious communities.
I hope this helps :)
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spirit-lanterns · 1 year
I actually had an idea for a scenario in the SR!AU.
That being... imagine if the fine lady the HSR girls pick up after their big race (or perhaps, even have the meeting be some time and/or place before the big race) were a mechanic? I could definitely see Seele and Stelle (respectfully) taking advantage of that, since you mentioned in the og post how their cars (especially Stelle's) as being kinda beat up/rough looking, right? I feel like they'd be extra appreciative of their mechanic ladyfriend. Imagine if like (assuming you intend to go for the route of the characters and the reader-insert an item) the reader gives them a special "girlfriend discount" for their services, and when I say discount... I mean literally a discount, like, with money. A working person's gotta make a living too, ya know!
Though, perhaps they could be "persuaded" to shave off a few more digits, things may get a bit... messy though, if you catch my drift 😉
I swear, my anons are more creative than me and they should be the ones writing the fanfics /pos
But in all seriousness, making the reader a Mechanic is one of the smartest ideas I’ve ever heard. Not only does she have a useful role in the Street Racer universe, but she has a good excuse for hanging out with the racers all the time. I imagine their cars get pretty busted up from their intense races, so they need someone reliable (and cute) to fix their prized cars. Someone like you, as you’re the only other person besides them who’s allowed to touch their winning vehicle 💕
Thank you so much for this idea, anon! I’ll definitely be using it! Especially with the idea of them paying for your services by taking you out on dates/fucking you ;)
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pseudowho · 2 months
I’ve come to spam your inbox with my Sunday Love Letters & it’s about fucking time I stop pining from afar.
How is your novel going? Besides ruminating on the fact that you’re 5’11, this is the second Haitch Fact™️ that has me WRECKED. Like I need to know more. Where do you write? Home? Coffee shops? Do you have a schedule?
In my head you’re so sophisticated with this shit. Like I just know the you drink from a Tiffany’s Tea set or something with the classical music in the background at some fancy library that’s 500 stories high.
Mmk. love you. In the way that you have to kinda tilt your head to the side, and squint your eyes because…was she being platonic? (Spoiler: no).
💕Mr. Haitch if you see this respectfully no you didn’t💕
besos 💋
Welcome to my Inbox 📥 No escape now, YOU FOOL! But Happy Sunday 💕😌☕
You'll be pleased to know that my height remains unchanged, but for my brother's wedding yesterday, I was a rather sultry 6ft2in in heels...until I kicked them off to walk barefoot, as nature intended.
r.e. the novel, it is going very well. I've been ill this week so haven't written much, but usually I write every evening once my diabolical children are asleep. In my soul, I am on a wonderful book/coffee shop, with my gold glasses chain, pencil skirt and turtleneck on, looking curvy and smart and sophisticated. And being glanced at by admiring strangers, etc etc.
These days however, I usually do it bra-less, in an oversized t-shirt and thong, swearing into my Shiraz and throwing debauchery at my long suffering husband. He listens to my rants and gives wonderful input and other stuff that's not appropriate to talk about here
When I write the novel...it's at a little old laptop in the evenings. Or on my phone while I put children to bed, or cook dinner. It's currently about a quarter complete, in two months. I think it's going well. It's plotted out and I'm in love with the characters.
And sadly...the plot and name is a total secret 🤫🙊 I shall not share my pen-name, nor the name of the novel on here, even if I get published (which I probably won't).
However...I largely dislike classical music. I have lovely tea sets...which are currently locked away from wayward tiny hands. My sophistication is on hold, soon to return, when my baby stops trying to eat my face and pull my glasses off.
Remember, at my core, I'm an angry anarcho-socialist who will quickly replace her heels for her DMs (or, my high-heeled DMs these days) when a door needs kicking through.
I'm also an insatiable flirt though, and I could and would do the Booktok door lean over you if only to see you melt just one chance Bunny I swear to god I would effuse about you if only I weren't too British to effuse but in reality I think about you a lot and question my heterosexuality and
Y'know, in case we ever meet 😏
Yours, disrespectfully,
-- Haitch xxx
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shcyc · 2 years
Heyy how are you? I hope you are good.
I saw your Moriarty the Patriot work and hoped that I can ask you for my request.
I had in mind like reader who is Jack’s granddaughter who visited him to help group for mission. She has crush on Liam since Moriarty brothers steped in her house after fire. When they had dinner William teased her under the table. After dinner William caught her pleasure herself.
Stay safee and I hope you will do my request 💕
HII THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING <3 writing moriarty makes me happy so!!! (also sorry this is so late + turning this into modern au because it's easier + it's not the best because i procrastinated)
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cw; teasing, masturbation, overstimulation,
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being "childhood friends" with the moriarty brothers was interesting, especially with william because he always kept to himself and that was fascinating on its own
you loved to tease him, picking up a little something here and there from moran as well, but you did it because it was fun and his reactions were very cute! especially when his face flushes slightly and tries to tease you back
you know full well that he has the capability to tease you back, and make you ten times flustered, and yet he doesn't — and as time passed, your teasings came to a minimum, well aware that you are both adults now
"you okay?"
tears well in your eyes as you look up towards albert sitting opposite of you, you did not expect william to put his hand on your thigh and that caught you off guard, making you choke on the wine in your mouth
"yes, it's nothing!"
your head snaps towards the left where william is at, questioning him with your eyes, he doesn't look at you but you can see the smile on his face, the smile of victory — he's been waiting for years to do this, to see you flustered because he's the one teasing you
and he knows, he knows why you've stopped once you turned into an adult, how could he not? you practically eyefuck him respectfully every chance you have, not that he hasn't done the same
this isn't the first time he's done something like this under the table during dinner, and it certainly won't be the last — your grip on the fork tightens as he inches his fingers up, grazing your thighs gently over your slitted dress, leaving the places he touched burning with desire
your mind blanks as you stare at the food in front of you, trying not to let out any sounds of pleasure to the brothers sitting with you
william leans towards your ear as his fingers drag up your dress slightly, just enough for his fingers to touch your already stained panties, "looks like you're enjoying yourself."
"fuck." you curse under your breath, loud enough for only him to hear
he smiles as you push his fingers away, you squeeze your thighs together before you excused yourself from the table, desperately needing to release yourself because he sure isn't going to help
you're gasping and sighing from needing more the moment you get on your bed, falling into the abyss of pleasure, back arching off the soft cushions as your fingers press onto your hardened and sensitive clit, juices coating them immediately
as much as you didn't want to say it, his name comes into your head and they roll off your tongue so easily, hoping that he'd be the one to touch you finally just give you what you needed
your heads are in the clouds, too immersed in your own pleasure of chasing your high to even notice the said man standing at your door frame, watching everything you are doing to yourself
william watches as you ride your fingers while your orgasm dies down, panting heavily from the feeling, but as soon as it's over, you're groaning at the lack of it — your fingers, they're not enough
"you know, if you wanted my help, you could've just asked."
you turn to look at william as he walks towards your bed, mattress dipping at his weight while he gets between your legs, hands sliding up your thighs once again, except this time, you get to see how dangerous he looks with his hooded, lust-filled red eyes
his fingers sink into your warm ring of muscle smoothly with the help of your recent orgasm, curling and stretching at the right spots
he thinks you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, especially when you're under him, begging and whining his name for more, and he thinks he should've done this a lot sooner
"gonna make you cum on my fingers, okay pretty girl?"
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spookyserenades · 4 months
OH DANA, you never fail to feed us so well ive gobbled everything up!!!! Namjoon moments, new domestic Jimin activities, OUR HOBI TRYING TO TALK US DOWN FROM THE LEDGE. like nice try babes but I wouldn't want to just take what that ghost said to me either, boutta throw hands with the entities. Sure they can call me a wh*re but mama didn't raise a COWARD. I'd also want to exorsice them out of pure spite (and for the safety of the family I guess) 😤 (also another hobi scenting scene? Yeah. Hot)
The second investigation was so cool and terrifying to read as well. My jaw dropped when I read the line saying we didn't notice our incense stick running out and the shadows around our ghost buster team. I was thoroughly spooked. However that got us JUNGKOOK TAT & PIERCING REVEAL! JUNGKOOK TAT & PIERCING REVEAL! I love bonding with our boys and looking respectfully.
HYBRID RIGHTS! HYBRID RIGHTS!!! WOOOOOO 🎉🎉🎉 loved the return of y/n's parents im forever in awe of the way you write the supporting characters as well. I really care for everyone in the trouville verse immensely. I like the intro of more opportunities for our boys as well with advancing hybrid rights! Really interested to see where this will go. (Considering our growing codependency to our hybrids im looking forward to different yearning opportunities lol)
Regarding the ending...
WE FUMBLED THE BAG SO HARD 😫 WHY AM I ACTUALLY UPSET ABOUT THIS WEEKS ENDING? I'm y/n fr fr my heart took a deep plunge into icy cold waters of REJECTION. Bestie really said you snooze you lose and WE LOST SO BAD. HOW WILL WE RECOVER???? 😫😭
( also I went back to read some asks on the blog and turns out there has been a new 🍒anon while I was gone, so I will now be signing off as 🧡anon! To avoid confusion for me lol)
EEEE STOPPP THANK YOU 🥺🥺🥺 Honestly you guys feed me just as well when we chat about the story together, too 💕💕
You're so so soooo right about wanting to throw hands with the ghosts. Like first you corner me in a bedroom, call me a whore, then you have the balls to hurt one of the hybrids I love??? BYE! I'd be up in that house with holy oil, spell candles, and a goddamn sword on fire if I were Y/N!!!
Defff was time for another scenting, especially one from a hybrid she's not already romantically involved with! I like that it was a more tender, romantic moment between her and Hoseok, which things between the two of them have been pretty bestie/platonic aside from a few instances here and there. V HOT!
OOO I know like that was the first UH OH moment, when she forgot to light another stick of incense! She must have been so distracted by trying to protect Jeongguk and Namjoon from the shadows that she didn't notice it went out. But YEEEEEEEE GOTH JEONGGUK TATS! AND PIERCINGS!!! MY OBSESSION!!!! She also was NAWT looking respectfully 💀
WOOOOOOO HYBRID RIGHTS FUCKING FINALLY!!!!!!! AND stop 😭😭😭😭 I'm so happy you like the supporting characters, and not just the mains, it's important for Y/N to have others to lean on, not just her hybrids. I also love her mother's Jamie Lee Curtis vibes 🥰 I def think that a handful of the hybrids will either seek some kind of employment or maybe check out a uni class, Jimin and Hoseok in particular. I mean seriously, Jimin can't hang out with horses FOREVER 💀
fjkdaslfhasf IM KNOWN FOR THE MADDENING ENDINGS IM SORRYYY 💀 No seriously though that betrayal is gonna be brutal for her. I imagine Taehyung still feels a little betrayed that she hid her relationship with Yoongi from her, but like what was she supposed to do--- sit him down and go heyyyy I love Yoongi is that alright with you? Like imagine that conversation 💀 We WILL recover though I swear!!! Need some angst and obstacles to make everything more satisfying in the end 😉
OOP I'm sorry about the anon mixup lovebug!!! I love the orange heart too, though, so welcome back to our corner of Tumblr and sending you love 💜
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kakashiislut · 2 years
Drinks?~ Ghost X F!Reader
Warnings: Alcohol Use, Platonic use of “I like you” drunk reader is confusing, ghost kinda likes it, ghosty boy becoming a bit more lenient with drinks in him.
Authors Note: A couple drinks with ghost ends off with some sort of friendship…?
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Heya! I’d appreciate some MWII Requests! I’ve been thinking about drinking with this man! Soo yah hope ya like it! Also I’m very hungry! 💕💕🔮🔮
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“Oh, he’s crazy” You mumbled, eyes twitching at the sight of soap letting some girls shake their asses on him. He had his arms thrown up into the air, wildly shaking his hips and the drink he held, almost spilled.
“He’s an idiot” Ghost snapped, half of his face inside the cup of his drink. “Why’d we have to come ‘ere”
‘Ere’ referring to the “Bar&Club” Soap chose to celebrate a victory. He took down the most bastards, meant he got to pick a place. Usually, you guys drink in the safety of a bar the base provided, but soap was an idiot who liked to have…fun. Which isn’t bad of course, it just made a certain someone uncomfortable.
Ghost sat besides you, drowning away guilt and horrors in glasses and glasses of bourbon. You’ve never seen so much of his face at once. His mask stopped at the first bump of his nose. Hell, you could almost see his nose hairs.
You on the other hand? You where being treated not only by the bar-tender who seemed to fancy you a bit, but by random drunk men who passed drinks your way.
You where downing all sorts of drinks, shots of tequila, fruity martinis, beers (which you respectfully passed along to Gaz and price) even a Shirley temple. It made you giggle.
“Ignore him” you stated, eyes widening as the bar tender came over with another drink, “bloke over there” he pointed, you followed his finger with your eyes and it landed on a boy who seemed way too young to be drinking. But never-the-less, you sent him a thumbs up, before slouching back down next to ghost.
It was a fancy cup of…scotch? It had a giant circle ice cube in the middle that twirled when you moved the cup a bit.
“Pretty boy” you spoke, slurring on your words a bit “I don’t fuckin- like scotch” you shoved the cup at ghost, hitting his hand with a bit “take it.”
“Don’t call me pretty” he protested, yet he accepted the first drink you offered him that night. His stomach churned a little at the nickname. Easy! He was gonna be sick…that’s why his stomach hurt…totally not because the thought of a girl like you telling him he’s pretty…was…nice. At least that’s what he told himself. Or tried to at least.
He double fisted his cups, finishing off the rest of his bourbon, he traded glasses after, A bar tender coming to pluck his glass off the table. While you and L.T. sat at the bar, Gaz, Price and Soap picked up a spot right by you guys in a booth. Lucky for you and ghost, you guys sat near the edge.
“Why not? Guys like it when I call them pretty.”
“Well I’m not guys” he looked down at you, mostly because you where slouching horrendously.
“What? You a monster then?” You showed him your teeth, reaching up to touch your canines. “You got fangs?”
Letting out a laugh, you reached up and motioned at his scruffy beard. “You get all those scars, cause ya suck at shaving? Boom! Roasted”
Feeling proud of your little insult towards the Lieutenant, you chuckled softly.
“No, my father used to cut me” he said casually.
“W-what? You better be joking” Your lips turned to a full pout. You kinda felt like an ass for a moment, before you seen the way the corner of his lip curled up. Just a bit. The smallest bit.
“Ya fucking Ass” Ghost chugged the rest of his drink at your reaction, “that’s so mean to joke about” You lifted your fist a bit and nudged his shoulder with it. He let his body sway at the force, but you pulled it away quickly. Awkwardness settled in the air.
Of course you knew where he got those scars. Years and years in battle harbors a lot of them. You even had one that split your eyebrow in half.
“Hey L.T.” Calling out to him, he turned to look at you. “Hm?” He hummed, leaning his head closer to you. His eyes where different this time. Ya, sure, he was only wearing a balaclava this time, and some of his black war paint was rubbed off, but his eyes…looked relaxed.
You could smell him, he didn’t smell bad…he smelled so good. A mix of alcohol, cigarettes and fire wood. A hint of mint lingered. “Ya like me?” You questioned, watching how his eyes contorted. “Like as a friend, you’re not my type” you spoke a proud LIE. With your hands on your hips, you awaited his answer. “…you’re not half as bad as I thought you would be…” he mumbled into his glass…though it was filled with NOTHING.
“Well, I like you, thank you very much” you let your hand gently flap in the air, waiting for a bar tender to see it and come. “Thought I wasn’t your type?” He finally let go of his glass.
“I ain’t say that?” Your eyes stayed trained on trying to pick up a bartenders attention, one seen you and came rushing by. “What? You just did-“
“Two shots of tequila, please! Oh! And one of those fruity martinis!” She gave you a curt nod, before getting to work. “I don’t drink tequila”
“Who said it was for you?” You gave him a poise smile.
“Fucking hell…” Ghost could feel his face burn, it was just the alcohol. He told himself. Over and over again.
She slid two shots your way, you picked up both and handed one to ghost. “I’m a liar” you laughed out loud, using his arm to turn yourself to look at him.
You shouldn’t be this touchy with your superior.
“You’re quite the handful when you’re drunk, Sergeant”
“It’s, ‘cause I like you!” You nudged your Tiny shot glass his way, waiting for him to clink it.
“…me too, sarge” *Clink*
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader Instagram AU
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Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, neelamthadhani, djdrama, and 9,677,345 others
jackharlow They say, “you a superstar now” damn, I guess I am.
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yourusername Yes you are!!!!!!! ⭐️
yourusername Proud of you baby 🥹 sold out shows and everything, you deserve this and more. Continue taking over 🤞🏼🥳❤️
jackharlow I love you baby, thank you for sticking with me through it all.
yourusername Always, till the wheels fall off. Let’s get that out of the way, umm sirrrr that face on the second pic, I hope you were at least thinking about me 🤤
urbanwyatt What now????
yourusername He makes that face when he’s about to cum 🙈 🤤
claybornharlow WTF I didn’t need to know that.
yourusername We have 2 whole kids, how do you think they got here?????
claybornharlow I still don’t need to know the face my brother makes 🤮 now I can’t look at him
yourusername lmaaaooooo so is this a bad time to say we actually conceived little princess in your childhood bedroom?????
urbanwyatt OMFG 💀
druski2funnny 🤣🤣
claybornharlow WHAT THE FUCK ???? Jackman where the fuck are you at? You’re mighty quiet please tell me she’s just saying this to get me disgusted???
jackharlow Nope, bathroom too!!!!
yourusername 🤭🤭🤭🤭
claybornharlow I’m gonna tell mom you guys are nasty. How could you???? In my fucking room man??? Not cool 😩😩😩
jackharlow I’m pretty sure she knows since she washed your sheets the next day
yourbestiename Baby, are you really talking???? When we’ve done worse.
urbanwyatt You’re right 😂😂😂😂
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Liked by yourusername, jackharlow, urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, and 8,678,345 others
champagnepapi If I ever proposed I know you woulda said no just so you could have one up on me while I’m down on one knees.
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yourbestiename DRAKEY POOH 🙈😍
urbanwyatt NO
yourbestiename Respectfully, no, no I wouldn’t. But then again, I would love to see you get on your knees, but that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️
champagnepapi 😳 📝
yourbestiename Is that supposed to be a threat? Because it sounds more like a good time.
yourusername I have room for one more ring 💍 sooo I’ll probably say yes.
champagnepapi Jack is going to hate me
yourusername 🤫 He doesn’t need to know
jackharlow YOOOO BAABE NOOOO!!!
yourusername 🙈 We’ve been caught, y/bestie/name should we run away???
yourbestiename Only if Drake comes along.
champagnepapi 😂😂😂 The stories I’ve heard, y’all are wild and I’m cool with the one kid I have.
jackharlow My wife is a little freak 😋 and she also has a breeding kink, so I’ll keep her. Thanks.
urbanwyatt 🙄 You two play too damn much.
yourbestiename Stop telling people you’re down to have a hall pass then. Because if that’s the case, Drakey is ours!!!!!
jackharlow Ohhh so that’s what this is about 🙄
yourusername 🙈
champagnepapi If that’s the case then my dms are always open for you two ladies.
urbanwyatt Im about to block you from her phone.
jackharlow I will report your account. I better not see you in her dms. I love you but no!!!! Never gonna happen
yourbestiename YALL ARE BORING! All that talk for nothing.
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Liked by jackharlow, yourbestiename, champagnepapi, maluma, badbunnypr, and 9,678,345 others
yourusername You got something I’m trying to experience.
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jackharlow 🤤 lucky lucky me
yourusername Damn right 🤭
jackharlow Can you come upstairs real quick? While the kids are down for their nap.
yourusername No, you come down here 😉
jackharlow Shit, on my way! 🏃🏼 😛
claybornharlow YOU DO KNOW IM HERE RIGHT????
jackharlow Yea so?
claybornharlow WDYM SO?
jackharlow Either go outside or cover your ears.
claybornharlow WTF & IN THE LAUNDRY ROOM???? I’m out!!!!!!!!
champagnepapi 👀
jackharlow NO STAY BACK 🤺
@ yourusername added to her story
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@ yourusername added to her story
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@ jackharlow added to his story
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
@jackharloww 💕
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ahdriking · 2 years
Hi Ahdri!! 💕
For the get to know your fic writer questions 11 and 16 please 🥰
I hope you have a good day 💓
Link your three favorite fics right now
said you'd be coming back this way again, baby by @concernedlily This is a mileapo "what if they dated 10 years ago" set during filming fic. And its fucking perfection. RPF ain't for everyone, and honestly it's my first time ever recommending it, but this fic is SO. FUCKING. GOOD. It made me feel things. So many things. It's one of those ones I'll be re-reading for ages, cos it's just the best.
be the best you ever tasted by martynax STRIPPER PORSCHE. Need I say more? Good plot, very nice characterisation, very well paced. AND THERE'S A JUST THE TIP SCENE. Honestly, this fic has it all. The lap dance scenes are some of the most sexually charged pieces of fiction I've ever read.
The La Fortissimo series by @mirrorofprinces Honestly, I don't shut up about these fics. They live in my brain, rent free, 24/7. I REFUSE to be normal about how fucking much I just.... I just fucking adore these fics, ok? AND THERE'S GOING TO BE MORE. IRWFQR3OIJEFGV9SUBQEFAOSUFEBQNEFISVHOFES. Please give Jae all the love in the world so they know hoW BADLY WE NEED THEM.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
A few! I've lost a bit of creative inspiration as Blue Blood has come to an end, feeling a bit purposeless without it tbh. BUT. I have plans for what to work on next!
It'll be canon au: Kinn acquires Porsche's uncles' debt and shows up to collect it. Porsche can't pay, so Kinn offers him two options: he can work the debt off as Kinn's bodyguard, or he can lose the house. So he goes to work for Kinn.
There will be long business trips, a mole-related B plot, straight!porsche himbo antics, pining, forbidden romance, sneaking around, respectfully treated and highkey bamf wife character, and a whole lot of SMUT. I'm excited.
Ask me something!
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evansbby · 2 years
Girl I was literally one of your first likes but I couldn't respond right after I read it because I was running late for my lecture. But this is what I think of the latest POYT chapter
1) For the first time I did not hate Steve and was actually hurt when he hurt in the very end. It was as if I had the mark and I could literally visualize him being hurt seeing Omega being taken away just after she's aid yes to marrying him, after he told her he loved her and after she told him she was pregnant. That's absolutely devastating.
2) I STAN OMEGA. The way the girl finally let her real emotions out this time. For once her inner Omega was stiffened by her other feelings. Each time she hit him for each of his bs was so so so stress busting. Fr she was under so much pressure. I am so happy she finally put herself first and stood up for herself. The way Steve treated her was absolutely unacceptable.
3) FUCK OFF BUCKY. Tf is wrong with you?! What kind of sick person leaves a girl out in pouring rain and laughs? The audacity he had to think Omega would cheat. It doesn't only show how bad of a friend he is but also how low he thinks of Omega. You really think she would be unfaithful to Steve because he did that to her? And even if she was - trust me lad - not happening with you out of all the people. Fucking knob. I wish Steve threw him out of the house.
4) Even tho Sam was shitty throughout the series seeing him sincerely apologize was kinda nice and sweet. Made me break into a little smile between all the angst.
5) Peter, baby ik you're heart's in the right place, but respectfully ...... piss off. Not happening. Also hilarious that he's the one GRIPPING Omega and dragging her away. WHY CANT THESE BOYS LEARN A BIT ABOUT ✨️CONSENT✨️
6) Jensen getting to play was so sweet, now all he needs is some nice company who actually treats him well.
7) As a reader I want to feel like a part of the story, I DID. IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME. I felt as if I, myself was in that poytverse. I saw Omega cry and imagined Steve sketching her at night in the dim moonlight when her skin glows and she's so peaceful and finally looks like an angel cause she is one. I felt the love, I felt the rage and I felt the hurt. There was so much that I can't even begin to comment on everything. I bet I missed out a lot but I really wish I got to comment on each and every line.
It was everything I imagined and more. It was so well written, love. Honestly, it probably made my entire week and will get me through my hectic schedule. I also recommended it to my best friend and I Def think she'll love this too.
Btw, the I love you and I am pregnant at the football game after they won the game - straight out of a fairytale. It think Steve might truly deserve Omega now. And the one where he exposed his neck for her to mark - MADE ME SO WEAK.
Ok I should stop now or else I'll get carried on-
~A <3
ooof bestie so many opinions!!! firstly thank you so much for reading, ily😩💕 lemme answer them in order!
1. Poor Stevie😩 finally poured his heart out (as much as someone as heartless as him can) and it was all thrown back in his face when his omega left him. His perfect life — future wife, baby, everything — was ripped away from him and I wonder how sadistically he will react to that🤔
2. Yassss omega finally let Steve have it! I wanted to write this for all of us, bc all my readers have hated how she was treated — so i was hoping it would be super satisfying to see her voicing her frustrations!
3. Bucky is kind of delusional… I guess he just can’t seem to grasp that Steve got to omega first. He’s insulted that she’s not interested in him — bc he’s slowly becoming obsessed with her😮‍💨 her rejection insulted him so much that he not only locked her out in the rain, but he also twisted her arm painfully😭😭 the villain of poyt, and we haven’t seen the last of him!
4. Sam showing signs of maturity! But also… omega didn’t forgive him and she doesn’t have to hehe.
5. Unfff exactly!! All these boys need to chill and give omega some space to figure things out for herself!! 😤😤😤
6. Jensen played well!! I didn’t write it in the chapter, but he played well and even Steve was begrudgingly impressed. Not nearly as good as Bucky would’ve been tho.
7. Oh bestie, as a writer this is so lovely to hear!! All I wanna do is make sure my writing invokes some kind of emotion within the reader, so I’m so so so happy that you felt that when reading!! Thank you so much!💕💕😌
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