omegaremix · 5 months
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Omega Radio for January 25, 2020; #218.
Essaie Pas “Retox”
Lust for Youth “Great Concerns”
Zanias “Follow The Body”
Azar Swan “Empire Grave”
Squadra Blanco (Legowelt) “The Night Must Fall (Night Of The Illumination)”
Broken English Club “Divinity”
Ancient Methods “Immured In Supreme Beliefs”
Canal Street Electronics (Michael Berdan) “Almost Human”
Salford Electronics “Deconstruction”
JK Flesh “Trinity”
History Of A Drowning Boy (Michael Berdan) “Of Our Own Making”
Girl Pusher “Out Of Breath”
Kanga “Honey”
Fatamorgana “Until”
Nation Unrest “Below”
TR/ST “Iris”
Vowws “Losing Myself In You” (f. Gary Numan)
DVA Damas “Out Of Thin Air”
Automatic “Damage”
Linea Aspera “Malarone”
KVB, The “In Deep”
Golden Filter, The “Autonomy”
White Ring “Shaken To Sleep”
Rosa Damask “How To Feed My Friends”
Deluxe darkness volume.
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ryann-44 · 1 year
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heaven-s-black-box · 2 months
No Second Chances- Al Haitham x Azar's daughter! wife!Reader
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Recovery date: April 26th, 2024
Description: Hello sorry if I'm bothering you but I got an idea from this video. (https://youtu.be/ZcMI-CQcZ_c?si=Ri1SQU-0DO6PMtIV) What if the reader is the biological daughter of Azar and is currently married to Alhaitham and they have a toddler who's almost two years old and the reader wants nothing to do with Azar because of what he did though she was willing to try and keep a somewhat healthy relationship with him because at the end of the day Azar was still her father and her child's grandfather, the reader is a gentle, humble and soft-spoken woman who does try to avoid confrontation.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contributions. This one was a little hard to write, so I'm sorry if it's not very good.
Word count: 640
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Al Haitham is not known for his empathy. He comes off as cold, he is calculating, and he doesn’t care for other people's bullshit. Those traits serve him well, they keep him out of trouble and on time, and they make it abundantly clear what he thinks of people.
He can count on one hand the people he tolerates excess complaining and illogical arguments from.
“You don’t have to see him,” Al Haitham whispers into the quiet room, tightening his hold on his wife.
She stops squirming, finally, but he knows she’s not done. He’s proven right when she fights against his hold to turn towards him and he opens his eyes to find her staring into his. Y/n places her hands on his chest, above his heart, and takes a deep breath. He can feel the pounding of her heart.
“I want Ehsan to know his grandfather.”
“He will.”
“Beyond what the history books will say,” Y/n sighed.
Al Haitham bit back a sigh. He couldn’t say he agreed with her, Azar hadn’t even been particularly present in her youth, but he understood what she was trying to do. When Azar had come to their wedding, she’d been ecstatic. When Ehsan had been born and he’d sent flowers, she’d started planning a day to bring him by the Academia. To her, Azar’s absence had always been explained and was never malicious so she was willing to give him a chance in her life.
That illusion she’d created, that her father carried, was now teetering after the recent events with the Akasha terminal. It was always so fragile, and now she was looking for a way to break it completely.
“It’s making you anxious,” Al Haitham said instead, resting his chin on her head and rubbing a hand up and down her back. “You hardly ate today.”
“I want my father to meet his grandson at least once, and you and Cyno went through all that trouble-”
“Y/n. We don’t care.”
She lowered her gaze, staring at her hands as she drummed her fingers against his chest. Al Haitham slid his hands around her waist to hold hers and placed a gentle kiss against her ring.
“Ehsan has a wonderful family already.” He nudges her chin up. “And if you tell any of them I said that I will put salt in your coffee.”
Y/n cracked a smile, and Al Haitham put his chin back on her head while wrapping his arms back around her.
“Get some sleep,” he whispered. “You can decide in the morning.”
Y/n took a deep breath before nodding at Cyno who opened the interrogation room door and let her in. She stepped in, fiddling with her fingers, and stared at the floor as she made her way to the empty chair. Azar watched her with stern eyes, hands folded on the table.
“I hear you’re being sent to Avidya forest.”
Taking another deep breath, Y/n pressed her palms flat against the table and squeezed her eyes closed before meeting Azar’s eyes.
“Good luck.”
She got up from the chair and headed back towards the door.
“Is that all?” Azar asked, frowning.
“That’s all.”
“How’s Ehsan?”
Y/n stopped with her hand raised to knock for Cyno.
“He’s good, very smart… like his father. I think it would be better if maybe you take some time to think about things and then, if you want, we’ll come visit.”
“But he’s my grandson,” Azar snapped, making Y/n tense up and dig her nails into the palm of her hand.
“You’ve never met him, and the idea of seeing you makes me so nervous that he gets worried. So, for my son’s sake, goodbye,” she breathed, the shaky exhale causing her shoulders to relax as she knocked on the door.
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fleecethecat · 1 month
therian names
adalinda. anastasia. apalala. apep. arrow. attor. azar. basilisk. belinda. blake. blaze. boruta. brande. cadmus. cain. chaos. chimera. chua. chumana. chusi. crow. danbala. devlin. dia. diahna. diamond. diamontina. dice. diederik. diedrick. dierk. drache. drachen. draco. dracul. drago. dragomir. drake. drakon. draven. ember. emerald. fafnir. fraener. gem. gemalynn. gemariah. gemini. george. gold. goldwin. goldwine. goldwyn. gunther. horner. hydra. indigo. iseul. jade. jaydeen. jayden. jewel. kaida kaida. kaliyah. kayda. kenna. khaleesi. kirin. knucker. lilith. longwei. ludwig. malinda. medus. melusine. morgan. mortem. nithe. nox. obsidian. onyx. ormr. orochi. pachua. pearl. pearla. pearlina. quetzalcoatl. raven. ren. ring. ringo. ruby. ryoko. ryuu. salem. scales. scylla. shade. shenron. shesha. siegfried. silver. silverio. slayer. sol. storm. stormy. syrax. tanis. tatsuya. tiamat. vale. valryon. veles. viper. vyara. wyvern. zafira. zahhak.
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genshinarchives · 1 year
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : The world has moved forward, yet your mind is still stuck in the past, as if time had stopped for you many years ago. Kaveh tries to figure out what's wrong with you and is determined to make everything right for you.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 : Cyno x Kaveh’s sister!Reader; hints of Al-Haitham x reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : Romance, humour, reincarnation
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Suicide briefly mentioned
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 : Sorry for the wait! College is giving me a good spanking
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"(Y/n), please! Just talk to me! We can work it out together!"
The scholars in the foyer stopped to stare at Kaveh desperately chasing you as you strode inside the Akademiya with unusual ferocity. The moment their gazes landed on you, whispers floated around you like an incessant melody - it felt as if their voices were forming a tight ring around your head, making you rub your ears vigorously as if that would quell their hushed words.
"How could the Akademiya let a student like her stay here?"
"How could the Akademiya let such a monster stay alive?"
"She should just leave quietly."
"Die here quietly."
Your eyes widened. Their voices overlapped with the voices in your memories, and this caused your blood to run cold. You stopped in your tracks abruptly, palms pressed against your ears as you tried to drown out their hurtful words; while you were able to muffle their voices, the last words Azar spoke to you before you died all those years ago rang in the place of silence in your mind. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, blurring your vision, but you refused to let them fall - to admit defeat to the scholars' provocation.
Even in your new life, you can't find the peace that you desired back then.
"If she wasn't such an accomplished student, the Amurta Darshan would have already expelled her for her behaviour-"
You were startled when a pair of warm hands suddenly cupped over yours. They gently pressed against your hands - it was obvious that the person was trying to help you cover your ears.
"Are you okay?"
It was Kaveh. He sounded worried, yet there's an underlying frustration in his tone. He's struggling to understand your sudden change in behaviour; as your older brother, he felt as if he failed to live up to the promise he had made to his mother before she left for Fontaine after remarrying. Upon seeing the tears gathering in your eyes, Kaveh's gaze softened before he tilted your face up, his hands moving towards your cheeks to carefully wipe away your tears that had unknowingly escaped.
"Do your ears hurt?" he asked, "Should we go to Bimarstan to get them checked?"
"Take me to Azar," was your immediate answer. Surprise flickered in his red hues.
"Azar?" he echoed, knitting his eyebrows together, "Why do you want to see the former Grand Sage?"
You faltered at his question, jaw going slightly slack. "Former Grand Sage? Then who-"
"As expected." Heavy footfall echoed from behind as a pair of boots thudded across the Akademiya's polished marble floor. "The moment I heard the word 'trouble', I knew that it had to involve the two of you."
Kaveh's expression immediately turned sour when a certain Acting Grand Sage appeared beside you, and he quickly moved his hands to your shoulders to pull you behind him, like he was trying to shield you from the man who just made himself known. Al-Haitham folded his arms over his chest as he regarded the siblings with an impassive gaze.
"Though I didn't expect the argument to be about you wishing to withdraw from the Akademiya. I thought it'd be something petty as usual," he dully remarked, eyes trailing over to you. You stiffened when you made eye contact with him. "You've always wanted to study here and proved that by becoming a distinguished student of the Amurta Darshan. I won't push for an answer, but why do you suddenly want to throw everything away after the efforts and sacrifices made to get to where you are?"
"This has nothing to do with you, Al-Haitham," Kaveh swiftly interjected, annoyed by his unwarranted intrusion. The look he was giving his roommate clearly indicated that he doesn't want you to know more than you should about how you're able to stay in the Akadmeiya despite his financial situation; if Al-Haitham saw the look he was given, then he most likely ignored it as he kept talking.
"Nothing to do with me? I think I'm very relevant in this little dispute of yours," Al-Haitham said, a corner of his lips quirking in amusement, "After all, your sister would require my approval to leave the Akademiya... and I still need you to pay your part of the rent."
You stared at Al-Haitham as your mind slowly processed his words. As far as you remember, Kaveh is a successful architect whose magnum opus is the Palace of Alcazarzaray; so why is he sharing a house with the Acting Grand Sage—
—Acting Grand Sage?
Al-Haitham observed your expression. It appeared as if you were just hit with a sudden realisation, and he patiently waited for you speak with his arms folded over his chest.
"... Acting Grand Sage," you began in the calmest voice you could muster at this moment, "if I submitted a request to leave, would you approve of it?"
"No." He didn't hesitate at all in answering you, which made your eyes widen.
"Why?" you asked, pushing past Kaveh to take a step towards him. You're struggling to understand his thought process; you're aware that in this life, the Akademiya views you as a villainess despite your academic achievements. Surely, as the Acting Grand Sage, he'd want to be rid of a scholar as problematic as you? "I'm giving you an opportunity to get rid of me-"
"And that's what I'm suspicious about," he cut in, "You know that it would be a huge loss for the Akademiya if we were to lose a talented doctor like yourself. Isn't that why you continued to act arrogant and conceited towards your peers?"
You opened your mouth to make a rebuttal but ended up not saying anything. You couldn't deny the truth in his words; although the memories of your past life have been awakened, it didn't change the fact that you had caused a lot of trouble for the others prior to it - especially Kaveh, who had tried and was still trying his best to make you happy. You turned your head slightly to glance at your older brother, who didn't look too pleased by what Al-Haitham had uttered to you.
"That's enough. Back off!" Kaveh angrily exclaimed before he grabbed your wrist to tug you back to his side, "Let's get you home, (y/n)." Without waiting for your response, he spun on his heel and stormed out of the Akademiya whilst dragging you behind him. You allowed him to lead you away, your mind too precoccupied with settling the struggle between the memories of your past and present lives.
"Al-Haitham is the Acting Grand Sage... Azar and the other sages have been exiled to Avidya Forest..." you mumbled to yourself, drawing Kaveh's attention. Pulling you aside to one of the gazebos by the spiralling path leading down to Treasures Street, he then let your wrist go, turning around to gently hold your shoulders instead.
"Is everything alright?" he asked, the worry evident in his gaze and tone. Kaveh noticed that you're not paying attention to him or your surroundings; there was a faraway look in your eyes, and this only increased the concern he felt for you. You've been acting strangely since your outburst in Lambad's Tavern, and he's frustrated at himself for not being able to figure out the reason behind it. "(Y/n), please tell me what's wrong. I'm here to help you, you know that."
"Is it true that Azar and the other sages have been exiled to Avidya Forest?" you asked as you pressed a palm against your forehead.
Kaveh knitted his eyebrows together. "I don't know the whole story, but that's what I've heard. Apparently they committed treason against Kusanali, the Dendro Archon."
Kusanali... Your friend's name caused your head to pound painfully; it's like you're struggling to remember something. There's someone else besides Kusanali. Who...?
Kaveh stared at you worriedly when you responded with silence. The hint of pain in your expression didn't go unnoticed by him, and he let out a shaky sigh, his arms slowly pulling you into his warm embrace.
"I'm sorry," he began quietly, "I should have known that studying medicine would be mentally taxing for you. I trusted that you'd be able to handle the pressure... I should have tried to talk you out of becoming a doctor." That was the conclusion he reached; it was the only thing he could think of, out of all the things that could possibly be the reason behind your abrupt decision to withdraw from the Akademiya. "But you'll be graduating in a month. You'll be out of the Akademiya soon. So please endure it for a little longer, okay?"
Kaveh felt a twinge of guilt. He's very familiar with the pressure one would feel as a student of the Akademiya, and he truly didn't want you to suffer. However, you were so close to achieving your dream of becoming the greatest doctor in Sumeru, all because you wanted to help those who are suffering, all because you shared the same ideals as your late father - so he had to give you that one final push to help you reach the finish line that's your dream.
You didn't respond to Kaveh's attempt at comforting you. You simply stood there, allowing him to hug you as your emotions were at conflict with each other. Your feelings as the God of Medicine and Kaveh's younger sister clashed; one part of you wanted to push Kaveh away and tell him to stay out of your life, but the other part of you wanted to cling to your empathetic and reliable older brother and have him soothe your frazzled mind.
"Big brother," you softly called, making him pull back a bit with a slight tilt of his head. As you slowly raised your arms from your sides, you leaned into his warmth, surprising him. You then embraced him tightly, finally letting yourself bask in the warmth of another person.
Kaveh stared at you with wide eyes, having not expected you to react this way. However, he reciprocated your gesture without a second thought, knowing that comfort was what you needed the most - and as your older brother, he'll do anything to ensure your happiness and safety, to ensure that you won't suffer the same misfortunes as him.
"Everything will be okay," he said, a soft smile crawling over his lips.
How long has it been since he last held you like this?
Ever since Cyno saved you from the desert, you haven't been the same. There were times when you'd be overwhelmed with a sadness he couldn't understand that you were unable to do anything but shed endless streams of tears. You became a painfully frank person, yet you never stopped helping the people around you.
Kaveh didn't know what terrible incident had happened back in the sands of Sumeru, and it hurt him to see you slowly distance yourself from him and your emotions.
"Was Azar charged for any other crimes?" you suddenly asked, drawing him out of his thoughts. He shook his head.
"Nothing that I could think of," he replied with a small frown, "What's with the sudden interest in Azar anyway? I didn't take you as someone who'd be interested in Vahumana's studies."
At his answer, you pulled yourself away from Kaveh immediately, eyes wide in disbelief. "So he was only punished for committing treason against the Dendro Archon? Nobody... Nobody knew what he and the General Mahamatra did to the God of Medicine?"
Kaveh blinked as he automatically thought of Cyno when you mentioned the General Mahamatra. However, he quickly dismissed the thought, realising that you must be talking about one of the previous General Mahamatra who lived during the God of Medicine's time.
"I... think so," he answered unsurely, cupping his chin, "But what could Azar have done to the God of Medicine? I don't recall hearing anything happening between them, nor have I heard anyone mentioning a General Mahamatra conspiring against a god with him..."
You stared at Kaveh, your hands shaking slightly. This can't be. Azar couldn't have...
"How..." You paused, dreading to voice your next question. "How did the God of Medicine die?"
Meeting your gaze, Kaveh said, "I read in one of Al-Haitham's books that her mental state deteriorated after King Deshret's death, and that her condition worsened after the Dendro Archon disappeared during the Cataclysm five hundred years ago. She later committed suicide, and had asked Azar beforehand to get rid of her body by burning it as her death would cau- (Y/n)?!" Kaveh cut himself off when he saw you sinking to the ground as your knees buckled. Shock was etched on your face, as if you've just received some horrifying news. Crouching down to your level, he gently placed a hand on your shoulder, his eyes trained upon your countenance. "What's wrong?"
You couldn't believe it. Azar had gone this far in his betrayal and even passed your death off as mere suicide.
Even the General Mahamatra...
"Zulfiqar... didn't even try to save me..." you mumbled. Your past self received no justice, unlike the Dendro Archon. How is that fair?
Kaveh was left perplexed by your muted utterances. "Zulfiqar...? Who is that?"
"He's one of my predecessors."
Kaveh turned his head when he heard a familiar voice and saw Cyno approaching the gazebo the two of you were in. The General Mahamatra stopped right in front of you as his crimson hues seemed to pierce into your very soul.
"He was the General Mahamatra up until the God of Medicine's death," Cyno continued, his eyes never leaving your form.
You gazed at Cyno, your pupils dilating. "You're... the General Mahamatra..."
"I wish we could love each other and laugh together."
There's suddenly an incessant ringing in your ears. You immediately covered them in a futile attempt to block it out.
"I wish I could protect all the kindhearted people, including you, ya hayati."
Beads of cold sweat dotted your forehead. The image of another man overlapped with Cyno's figure - and for some reason, it made your heart clench painfully.
"Please... don't forgive me."
The man's golden eyes were filled with pain and remorse as he looked at you, his long silver hair reminding you of the moon that had graced you with its benevolent light on the night of your death.
"Y-you..." you whispered, the sharp throb of your heart making you gasp loudly. Overwhelmed by the memories of your previous life, your consciousness soon slipped away.
Eyes widening, Kaveh caught you in his arms as you fainted. He carefully cradled your head against his chest, arms wrapped around you protectively. "(Y/n)! Oh Archons- Please-" Kaveh tried his best to remain calm. Panic, fear, frustration - they raged like a tempest inside him. He had lost so many things in life, and you're the one thing he can't bear to lose or give up on, no matter what.
"She seems to be unwell. Shall I carry her to Bimarstan?" Cyno offered, watching Kaveh struggle to stand up with you in his arms.
"N-no," Kaveh replied with a grunt, "She's my younger sister, so I'll carry her myself." When he's finally on his feet, he began walking in the direction of Bimarstan as his thin arms slightly shook with the physical strain. During the entirety of his way there, his worried gaze never left your face.
What's happening to you?
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 : @crunchy-princeles / @ghostlysyntaxed / @riylvx / @bloopthebat / @chuusposts / @eirlysian / @airentia / @littlepotatowizard / @misfortuneyoi / @arkhammaid / @blackcatpandora / @phoenixiaxia / @hwayuni / @thelonelyarchon / @asoulsreverie / @www-kiana-mp3 / @raegreenie4 / @yaesflorist / @changgchangg25 / @slimearchon / @zomzomb1e / @faeragremlinhole / @deepdinosaurwizard / @lysslilyc / @rebeccawinters / @tiddieshakeshownu ​ / @kxslana / @mshope16 / @lovelypadisarah / @sakeeeee / @sarah22447 / @nyantodamax145 / @charisa-chan / @katojikutaakino​ /
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filmnoirsbian · 1 year
Hi !! I was wondering if you had any book recs/favorite books? Things that you think of as inspiration or just plain like? Genuinely curious. <3 im in love with your work btw i spent the other day binging your patreon
Some favorites that deeply impacted me from a young age up into teenagedom: the Animorphs series by K. A. Applegate, Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein, Oddly Enough by Bruce Coville, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Little Sister by Kara Dalkey, The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede, The Tale of Desperaux by Kate DiCamillo, A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket, The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander, Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury, the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage, Piratica by Tanith Lee, the Inkheart series by Cornelia Funke, His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, Holes by Louis Sachar, The View from Saturday by E. L. Konigsburg, Shizuko's Daughter by Kyoko Mori, The Sea-Wolf by Jack London, Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech, Criss Cross by Lynne Rae Perkins, Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horvath, Surviving the Applewhites by Stephanie S. Tolan, The Last Book in the Universe by Rodman Philbrick, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg, The Iliad and Odyssey (allegedly) by Homer, The Táin by many people, Harlem by Walter Dean Myers, Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan, The Wall and the Wing by Laura Ruby, The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkein, The Hainish Cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin, Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis, The Ethical Vampire series by Susan Hubbard, The Howl Series by Diana Wynne Jones, the Curseworkers series by Holly Black, The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick, Android Karenina by Ben H. Winters, An Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson, Beloved by Toni Morrison, A Stir of Bones by Nina Kiriki Hoffman, the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson, Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente, World War Z by Max Brooks, This is Not A Drill by K. A. Holt, Fade to Blue by Sean Beaudoin, Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu, The Moth Diaries by Rachel Klein, Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, Crush by Richard Siken, Hopscotch by Julio Cortázar, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo, Devotions by Mary Oliver, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Some favorites read more recently: The Expanse series by James S. A. Corey, Engine Summer by John Crowley, Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff, The Princess Bride by William Goldman, Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot, My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix, Reprieve by James Han Mattson, House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn, Kindred by Octavia Butler, Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi, Station Eleven by Emily St. John-Mandel, The Crown Ain't Worth Much by Hanif Abdurraqib, The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente, Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata, Tender is the Flesh by Augustina Bazterrica, The Girl with All the Gifts by Mike Carey, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson, The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, She had some horses by Joy Harjo, Bright Dead Things by Ada Limón, The King Must Die by Mary Renault, Books of Blood by Clive Barker, Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin, Cassandra by Christa Wolfe
Plays: The Oresteia by Aeschylus, Electra by Sophocles, Los Reyes by Julio Cortázar, Angels in America by Tony Kushner, August: Osage County by Tracy Letts, The Bald Soprano by Eugène Ionesco, The Trojan Women by Euripides, Salome by Oscar Wilde, Girl on an Altar by Marina Carr, Fences by August Wilson, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, M. Butterfly by David Henry Hwang, Our Town by Thornton Wilder, Sweeney Todd by Christopher Bond
Graphic novels: The Crow by James O'Barr, DMZ by Brian Wood and Riccardo Burchielli, Eternals (2021) by Kieron Gillen and Esad Ribić, Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons and John Higgins, My Favorite Thing is Monsters by Emil Ferris, Maus by Art Spiegelman, Tank Girl by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett, Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, Through the Woods by Emily Carroll, Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol
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towine · 8 months
[alhaitham/cyno] haven
assassin's creed AU / ~2k / oneshot / rated T
notes: i was looking through my writing folder and found this lil thing i started back in [checks date] oh my god may. i dusted it off, went "okay i still like this" and decided to finish it
it's an AU of the video game assassin's creed (particularly AC1), but all you really need to know is that alhaitham and cyno are both part of an order of assassins led by azar. i hope you enjoy it, even if i'm sure it interests like, -5 people. what can i say. i'm just playing with my dolls however i like
Cyno dives headfirst into the rooftop entrance of the bureau.
Instinct has him tuck into a roll as he hits the ground, but his shoulder still takes the brunt of the fall. He’s entered through the skylight dozens of times before without issue, but never with so much blood in his eyes or such a pounding headache.
He crashes near the water fountain, knocking over a water jug and spilling its contents across the tiles.
The sound of shouts and footsteps approach like an incoming stampede.
“Assassin! He went this way!”
Disorientation keeps Cyno from getting up even as his brain screams hide, hide now, they’re coming, they’re coming—
In his periphery, he sees someone vault over a table in a flash of dark robes. They hurry to the open skylight to grab a rope dangling from it, then yank the entrance closed. The sounds of shouting are muffled but still rapidly drawing closer. The roof is nothing more than criss-crossing slats of wood, letting the sunlight in.
The guards will see him. He has to move—
Two hands grab Cyno beneath the armpits and bodily drag him further into the room, away from the light. Cyno growls at the pain in his shoulder, head swimming, adrenaline still pumping through his veins.
“Quiet,” hisses a familiar voice. “Cyno, you have to be quiet.”
A hand claps over his mouth. Cyno breathes harshly against it, barely refraining from biting it.
Then, voices. On the roof.
“I swear he went this way.”
“He probably ran towards the gate.”
Footsteps hit the ceiling hard enough to make dust rain from it, down to where Cyno is tucked into a shadowed corner.
“Keep looking! Don’t let him escape.”
The footsteps and voices move on to other rooftops. Outside, the city bells ring in time with the pounding of Cyno’s pulse.
Finally, the footsteps and voices fade. Stillness remains for another few seconds, just to be cautious. Then the arms holding Cyno release him.
Cyno gasps and slumps to the ground, falling on his back. Lights dance across his vision.
Alhaitham leans over him, face twisted in a scowl. Cyno’s blood stains the front of his robes.
“Did you alert every single city guard to your presence?” he says. “You’re lucky I didn’t keep you locked out.”
Cyno tries to speak but the room won’t stop spinning.
“If we have to move the bureau again, I will be sure to report this to Azar.”
The edges of his vision go dark.
“Cyno? Cyno, look at me—”
The last thing Cyno registers before everything fades away is a hand on his cheek, turning his face to meet Alhaitham’s.
When Cyno wakes up, the first thing he thinks is, Ah. I’m not dead.
He’s lying on a bed in a small, humble room. No windows. A table, a chair, a basket of what he assumes are used clothes. The clothes at the top of the pile are bloodstained.
His clothes.
Cyno looks down at himself. Bandages, wrapped around his middle, right where he remembers a guard’s lance found a home in his side. He brings a hand up to his head and feels bandages there too. Another guard nailed him with the butt of their sword. Better that than the other end.
His assassin robes are nowhere to be found, and his bracer is on the nightstand. Cyno sits up, swallowing down the nausea that heaves up his throat when he does, and he takes the bracer, examining the hidden blade.
It flicks out without issue, gleaming and deadly. And clean of his mark’s blood.
Cyno puts it on his forearm, sighing when he does. He never feels quite right without it.
His pants and boots were left on. At least he got to keep a small measure of modesty. He rises to his feet, breath catching when he feels a sharp pain in his side. He pushes his way through the room’s only door.
Alhaitham is on the other side of it, standing at a table as he examines a map. He doesn’t look up when Cyno enters.
“You owe me a new jug,” he says conversationally, tracing over the map with a pencil.
Cyno rasps, “My robes—”
“Are hanging over there.” Alhaitham, still not looking at Cyno, points with his pencil to the other side of the room with the skylight and tiled floors and bubbling water fountain. A line has been strung up from one wall to the other, from which hangs Cyno’s white assassin robes. “That blood was a nightmare to wash out. I’ll never understand why the Order insists on white robes.”
Cyno stares at the robes, not sure what to say.
Alhaitham goes on, “Your other clothes weren’t worth keeping. I figured I’d give you some spares when you woke up.”
He’s looking at Cyno now. His is a difficult gaze to read. Cyno has never understood Alhaitham as well as he wished, but that isn’t unusual—Alhaitham is known by most to be severe and uncooperative, even to those within the Order.
He’s never been particularly warm to Cyno, but Cyno chalks it up to Alhaitham’s pragmatism more than anything else. After all, there must be a reason he’s made it to the rank he now holds: Rafiq of Sumeru City, tasked with providing missions to their assassins as well as managing this bureau, a safe haven for anyone of their Order.
Still, laundry must lie outside of Alhaitham’s usual responsibilities.
“Thank you,” Cyno says finally.
Alhaitham says nothing. A plate of figs and bread sits on the corner of his table, and he nudges it towards Cyno.
Cyno approaches and examines one fig, takes a bite. He’s suddenly ravenous.
“So,” Alhaitham says while Cyno eats, “the deed is done?”
Cyno uses his hand that isn’t holding a fig to reach down into the side of his boot, digging for the feather he knows is there. A white feather, at least it used to be before Cyno dragged it through his mark’s blood. He places it on the table, carefully avoiding the map spread over it.
Alhaitham picks the feather up by the quill, holds it to the light. Then he nods in satisfaction and sweeps away to one of his bookshelves.
“I’ll send word to Azar,” he says, “though I’m sure the ruckus you caused has sent the news to him already.”
Cyno scowls. “I had to improvise.”
“And does improvising have to involve luring the guards to my rooftop?”
“It was not my intention to endanger the bureau,” Cyno snaps. “Call it instinct that I ran here. I nearly died escaping Alcazarzaray. Something wasn’t right. The intel was inaccurate.”
“Inaccurate?” Alhaitham frowns. “That’s impossible.”
“I assure you it’s not.” Cyno sighs and rests a hand over his bandaged side. Alhaitham’s eyes flicker down to it. “It’s like they knew I was coming. You said there would be fifteen guards total. There were thirty. You said the mark would be asleep in his bedroom on the second floor. He was awake and armed. Someone warned him.”
“That’s impossible,” Alhaitham says again. “The intel came from Azar’s personal informants, he—” Alhaitham stops.
After a few seconds of silence, Cyno says, “What?”
“Alhaitham,” Cyno says. The sound of it falls heavily between them. “What is it?”
Quiet. Alhaitham turns away to rummage through his shelves. “Nothing. I will just have to tell Azar to cut ties with those informants. They nearly got you killed.”
“I would not die so easily,” Cyno says.
Alhaitham returns to the table with a blank piece of parchment, and he looks at Cyno with a small, wry smile. “No, you would not,” he says.
Cyno swallows.
“Whether or not you’re easy to kill,” Alhaitham continues, and he begins writing on the parchment with a quill, “you’re not safe here.”
Cyno snorts. “Obviously.” The guards will be on high alert for at least the rest of the month.
“Obviously, he says,” Alhaitham mutters, and finishes writing with a flourish. “Are you listening? You’re not safe here. Not even in this bureau. Not even in the House of Daena.”
That makes Cyno frown. “What? Why?”
“The intel shouldn’t have been wrong.” Alhaitham rolls the parchment up and ties it off with twine. “This was an important mission. Why else would Azar assign it to the best of the Order?”
The best of the Order. Alhaitham’s praise is a precious thing, precisely because it is so non-existent. It’s a shame that Cyno feels far too confused at the moment to appreciate it.
“Alhaitham,” Cyno says slowly. “Tell me what is going on.”
Alhaitham sighs. “Here’s what’s going to happen. You are going to leave this bureau and go straight for the city gate. Do not meet with Azar. I will tell him what you accomplished. You are going to take this—” Alhaitham holds out the rolled up parchment, “—and go to Aaru Village.”
“Aaru Village?” Cyno’s brow rises. “Why?”
“You’re going to give this to someone named Candace,” Alhaitham continues, as if Cyno hadn’t spoken, “and you’re going to wait for me to send word to you. Do not write to me.”
“You’re speaking nonsense,” Cyno says. He steps away from the table.
Alhaitham’s hand shoots out and grabs his wrist.
Cyno turns in his grip and slams Alhaitham’s arm down against the table.
The hidden blade flicks out and poises itself at Alhaitham’s throat.
Alhaitham, bent over the table with his mouth twisted in a grimace, looks up at Cyno.
“You said I’m in danger here,” Cyno says. “So why should I trust you?”
“Easy,” Alhaitham grits out. “Don’t be rash. I’m trying to help.”
“Why should I trust you?” Cyno demands. “I will not ask again.”
Alhaitham sucks in a breath, low and steady, wary of the blade. “If I wanted to kill you, why would I bother saving you first?”
The wound in Cyno’s side throbs beneath the tightly laced bandages. He glances at the figs on the table, half-eaten.
He retracts the blade and lets Alhaitham go.
Alhaitham exhales and slumps over the table. Cyno takes the parchment from where it rolled near the table’s edge.
“It’s just lying low for a while,” Alhaitham says, flexing his arm. Cyno slightly regrets slamming it so hard. Only slightly. “I’m sure you want to recuperate anyway, considering your injuries. I just recommend you do it far away from here.”
“And what about you?” Cyno asks, not looking at him. “You’re not in danger doing all this?”
Alhaitham straightens up, tugging his robes back into order. “I’ve been doing this dance for a long time. I know how to tread lightly.”
Cyno huffs. “You know, you say a lot without saying anything at all.”
“And that,” Alhaitham says, “is the way of the assassin.”
It doesn’t take long for Cyno to gather his things. His assassin’s robes are still damp, but it’d be idiotic to wear them out in the open anyway. He borrows a loose tunic from Alhaitham’s wardrobe, and a cloak to cover his head and the bracer on his wrist.
Alhaitham is waiting by the door when Cyno is finished.
He says, “I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, but don’t let anyone see you leave.”
Cyno nearly scoffs. “I never do.”
“Right.” Alhaitham steps away.
There’s an awkward moment where Alhaitham stands there and Cyno doesn’t reach for the door handle. Part of Cyno can’t help but feel like he will step past this threshold and never see Alhaitham again. The thought worries him, for some reason. Cyno opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out.
It’s Alhaitham who breaks the silence.
He says, hardly more than a murmur, “Safety and peace, Cyno.”
The customary greeting and farewell of their Order. Cyno shivers at the cadence of his name falling from Alhaitham’s lips.
“Somehow, right here,” Cyno says quietly, “there is both.”
Alhaitham’s eyes widen.
Before Cyno can think twice of it, he opens the door and steps outside. The street is clear, but only for now. He has to move quickly. There’s no looking back.
As he races for the city gate, ducking into the shadows of buildings and skirting around the main roads, a sweetness lingers in his mouth from the figs. Alhaitham’s scent clings to the shirt Cyno is wearing, as distracting as perfume. Cyno can’t shake these things loose, no matter how fast he runs. But maybe that’s okay—maybe he’ll just have to carry them.
Outside the city, he looks west to the horizon, where the desert waits.
Yes. He’ll carry them.
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ereana · 10 months
Alhaitham/Cyno - in a rush of adrenaline
They’ve done it.
They’ve done it.
Cyno feels numb as he pushes himself to his feet, the last few images of the traveler striking down the sages’ new god fade away as his Akasha earpiece goes dark. 
His feet start to carry him towards the Divine Tree.
Against all odds they’ve done it.
Azar has been deposed, Lord Kusanli has been freed, and the mad plan that threatened all of Sumeru has been foiled. All in all not a bad outcome for a group of strangers thrown together by unfortunate circumstances.
Around him noise breaks out as the people of Sumeru City try to understand what has happened. Everyone had heard the Dendro archon’s voice, resolute and honest, as she’d pleaded for their aid. If Cyno could think properly past the numbness that urged him forward he would spare a thought to the howl Hermanubis let loose in response to her request. It had sunk into Cyno’s very soul, rallying him to action. 
His archon had called for him and he had answered.
But that is not what urges him on now.
Cyno can’t name the sudden pounding his chest as he breaks out into a sprint. His surroundings blur into a mix of green and white, the odd startled shout ringing in his ears but he pays no heed to them.
What will happen now?
Will he be asked to take back his position?
Will Lord Kusanli admonish him for taking so long to rescue her?
Are the rest of his unlikely allies well? 
He could swear that he hears Dehya’s boisterous laugh as he continues to ascend the tree, swiftly leaping from branch to branch when it becomes clear the pathway is too crowded to move at any speed.
Nilou is a flash of red and white in his vision as he nears the House of Deana. She has bowed her head over her clasped hands, a watery smile on her face as the guards around her squabble over what to do now.
Lumine and Paimon are with Lord Kusanli herself, the last image of their fight had shown a few minor scrapes but no serious injury.
Candace was safe in Aaru Village. Honestly, any forces the sages had sent to recapture the village keepers were in more danger than she was if they dared to show up at her door.
That only left-
A figure clad in a familiar green pushes past the library doors, shaking his wrists and looking completely unconcerned by the chaos erupting around them.
Cyno doesn’t stop moving. The numbness shattering in a sudden burst of desperate relief that threatens to bring him to his knees.
They’ve done it.
They’re all alive.
Alhaitham sees him. His eyes are still tinted that ghastly red from his little scheme with the Knowledge Capsule and Hermanubis rears back with confused horror. But Cyno has no time to spare for his spirit.
Not now.
Alhaitham’s eyes widen when he realizes that Cyno has no intention of stopping. His usual grace abandons him as he clumsily drops his book to open his arms.
An invitation Cyno seizes with both hands.
He crashes into Alhaitham with the force of a stampeding Sumpter Beast nearly sending them sprawling to the ground. Alhaitham’s breath leaves him in a gasp as Cyno wraps his arms around his waist in an iron grip. 
There’s a joke to be made about finally catching his target but there are no words in Cyno’s mouth. There is nothing but the comforting thump of Alhaitham’s heartbeat ringing in his ears as he buries his head into the scribe’s chest.
For a moment they stand in frozen stillness before Alhaitham hesitatingly, unusual for the man who has never been unsure of his actions, returns the tight hug that Cyno has trapped him in. 
Cyno lets out a shuddering breath of his own at the feel of Alhaitham’s hands and looks up to meet his gaze.
Hope. Confusion. Relief. Worry. 
It was all there for Cyno to see, etched into the lines of Alhaitham’s face in a language Cyno had mastered in Aaru village. He wonders if Alhaitham can read him just as easily. Perhaps he knows how to explain the rush of elation in Cyno’s chest as he holds Alhaitham in his arms once more.
It was meant to be a distraction. Nothing more.
A night where they could forget the cruel, uncertain reality which faced them on the morrow. A night to find comfort in the most unlikely of places, though truthfully not so unlikely after spending so much time together. 
Cyno doesn’t care.
He reaches up to clasp Alhaitham’s neck, sees the hope burn brighter in his eyes, and pulls him down into a searing kiss.
They’re both alive.
Cyno tastes the blessing of life on Alhaitham’s tongue, he hears it in their shared sighs of relief, he feels it in the sting of Alhaitham’s nails as he digs his fingers into Cyno’s skin.
The battle has been won.
To the victors go the spoils.
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grotesquefl0wer · 1 year
DamiRae headcanons!
They first met when Raven was 13, but didn't make it official until she was 18
When they're out in public together, Damian likes to touch Raven as much as possible, to subtly remind her and everyone else who she belongs to
It was love at first sight for Damian, but it took Raven a loooong time to even remotely come around to the idea
Damian thinks every part of Raven is absolutely perfect, because she comes from his music tastes. He chides her if she ever says she doesn't like a part of her body
Raven is the little spoon when they cuddle
They have the same hair color and eye shape
Damian gets really jealous if he thinks Raven is getting too close to someone other than him. That's HIS girl
Sometimes Damian lightly criticizes Raven's salad preferences and Raven has to go to her pocket dimension to meditate and calm down
Damian worries that Raven's vegetarian diet means she's not getting enough protein, and that's why she's so scrawny. He has a plan to fix it, though
Raven is so special to Damian because she was his first successful girlfriend after many failed attempts. Even if another girlfriend came along, he's gotten so fixated on her that she'll always be his favorite <3
Their relationship is sort of an open secret
People often joke and gossip that they're a thing, but no one really seriously believes it. It's usually a shock when someone finds out
Damian hates to see Raven wear Azar's rings, but not to the point he takes them away from her. He actually does love to see her wear them when she does things Azar would consider wrong, as a way of sticking it to her beyond the grave and to devalue Raven's pacifism even further
Both of them speak multiple languages, and occasionally use this to have secret conversations in front of people
Damian is WAY vainer than Raven is. If anyone would wear makeup, it's him
Damian hates having his chest covered
If they lived together, they'd have separate rooms, but Raven often ends up spending the night with Damian anyway
Damian likes to play with Raven's hair, even though it can annoy her
Raven gets upset when she sees Damian attack anyone, and Damian uses this to his advantage
They don't really do pet names, but will refer to each other by rank
Damian is determined to turn Raven into the perfect little fighter, despite her pacifism
They're bound by fate, no matter what Raven does. They would find each other in any lifetime <3
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dabid-motozalea · 2 months
Tumblr media
En sus orígenes el Boxeo era conocido como Pugilatio y fue incorporado en las primeras olimpiadas en Atenas el 776 antes de Cristo. Los guantes de boxeo griegos antiguos consistían en varias bandas de cuero gruesas que rodeaban la mano, la muñeca y el antebrazo. Se colocó una banda de vellón en el antebrazo para eliminar el sudor. Los tirantes de cuero se extendieron hasta el antebrazo para dar un mayor apoyo al perforar y los nudillos también se reforzaron con cuero. Algunos le incoporraban metales como el cobre. Los combates eran bastante impactantes y generalmente los pugiles no terminaban en buen estado.
Aunque es debatible estas son algunas de las antiguas reglas griegas:
No se podía coger al rival ni utilizar técnicas de lucha.
Se aceptaba cualquier tipo de golpe con la mano, pero no se podía coger ni arañar con los dedos.
No había ring.
No había asaltos ni límite de tiempo para el combate.
La victoria llegaba cuando uno de los dos boxeadores abandonaba o quedaba incapacitado.
No había diferentes categorías según el peso; los contrincantes se elegían al azar.
Los jueces hacían cumplir las normas golpeando a los infractores con una vara.
Si el combate se alargaba demasiado, los púgiles podían optar por un intercambio de golpes sin defenderse.
No como ahora que todo son guantes y protectores.. se pierden las costumbres
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secular-jew · 5 months
From my a Facebook friend Brian Wilson:
""The entire catholic religion comes from the worship of Horus, Isis and Osiris
The Egyptian legend of Horus is the story of Jesus, but much older, perhaps dating back several thousand years before Jesus. The most notable facts of his life are the following:
- Horus, was born of the Virgin Isis more or less on December 25 in a cave.
- The birth of Isis was announced by a star and was attended by three wise men.
- As a child he was a premature teacher at the temple and was "baptized" at the age of 30.
- The man who baptized Horus was named Anup the “Baptist”.
- Horus had 12 disciples.
- He performed many miracles and resurrected a man named “El-Azar-us”.
- Horus also walked on the waters.
- He transfigured into a Mountain.
- Horus, was crucified, buried to later resurrect.
- Horus was also known as: The Light, The Messiah, The Anointed One of God, The Son of Man, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, The Word. Etc etc...
- Horus was related to the Lamb, the Lion and the Fish.
- The epithet of Horus was “Iusa,” “the son always sitting next to “Ptah”, the Creator.
- Horus was phonetically also called Krst or the First Anointed.
In the Egyptian book of the Hidden Abode it says:
The day Horus (The Intimate) gains victory over Seth (The Animal Ego) and his demons, I die, I triumph over my enemies during the night of the feast in which the Djed God is exalted in Djedu before the deities residing over the vines ace of the death.
Whoever wants to go up must first come down, that is the Law; every exaltation is preceded by humiliation. Every psychological defect seen internally with the eye of Horus, has in truth a satanic, animalistic form.
HORUS can kill the Boar black , but he alone can’t but has to ask for Divine Mother’s help. Eliminating the Boar black triumphs Horus and the Essence that was bottled is released fusing with Horus, with the Diamond Soul, unites with its Father and Mother, they are Three Flames that come to form a single Flame Made. The Essence is an unfolding of Horus, we need to ask Horus to fortify our Three Brains. As the Ego dies, Horus is fortifying, and that's why he needs to be asked to fortify those Three Brains.
Let us seek OSIRIS, ISIS and HORUS within ourselves in the unknown depths of our own being.. OSIRIS, ISIS and HORUS constitute the MONADA, DUADA and TRIAD of our INTIMATE BEING..
JESUS, YESHUA AND HORUS is the same, it's the Child who always goes into arms of his Mother Isis or Mary. It is the same Christ who has descended from the Second Logos, the cosmic Christ already humanized, transformed into the Son of a Divine Man and a Divine Woman. He has become a Savior-Child-King, but he is a Particular-Child-King-King, since he is one's very Being.
OSIRIS and HORUS, were the great elementary Gods of ancient Egypt.
The elemental gods are imposing and terrible, especially HORUS (pronounced Aurus), which in his forearm wears several bracelets or rings of solid gold, and when he gives one of these to an "Initiative", then it becomes a guide to a great town.""
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mamichigo · 1 year
⚠️(reincarnation theory)
There was a void in his memory. From the moment Cyno had been listening to the Matra's report, until he stormed into Alhaitham's office, there was nothing but a loud ringing in his ears. 
All he could think of were the Matra's words: "The Divine Knowledge capsule is with the Acting Grand Sage."
If his sense of foreboding had been overpowering before, it grew into full blown panic when he saw said capsule in Alhaitham's hand. Cyno forced his lungs to work, though he couldn't bring himself to do much more.
"Do you need anything, Cyno?" Alhaitham asked, calm and unbothered, as if he hadn't been fiddling with that thing.
"What are you doing with that?" Cyno managed to hiss out after a second.
"Examining it." Alhaitham tilted his head to the side. "If you're suspecting foul play, I asked the Matra to allow me to personally study it, and they allowed me to take it. It wasn't stolen."
'It wasn't stolen'. Cyno laughed despite himself.
"You have full authority to handle those now. I'm not so stupid I'd come here to accuse you of stealing."
He breathed in, slow and deliberate, until his heart crawled to a more normal pace. It provided him with some clarity as well, as Cyno finally remembered their positions. He kneeled on one knee and lowered his head.
"Acting Grand Sage, may ask what you intend to do with the Divine Knowledge capsule?"
"Did Azar make you kneel for him every time you spoke?" Alhaitham asked tepidly. "I don't need that sort of formality—"
"—raise your head," they finished together, Cyno's words a faint, whispered echo.
The familiarity of it hurt. For a moment, he was a priest kneeling before the taciturn King, the sound of a sandstorm outside filling the world with white noise.
Cyno pressed his lips together as he rose to his feet. "Please, answer my question."
"I'm a scholar, aren't I? What else would I be doing with  it  other than studying it?" Alhaitham pressed a finger to the capsule, tipping it over. "I want to know what sort of secrets it holds."
"For what purpose?"
"None in particular, just my own satisfaction. Though, depending on what sort of knowledge it holds, it could be used for developing new technology."
This man truly never changed, did he?
Ever ambitious, even after a lifetime of mistakes, even after sacrificing himself... Only to return here and be seduced by the very same thing that led to his demise in his previous life.
"You know this is dangerous," Cyno reasoned quietly.
"Of course, which is why I'm investigating if it's possible to extract its contents without damaging the user."
Cyno sighed. In his mind's eyes, he could see the man with a severe gaze and a desire for far too much. The man that only made his soul tremble with eons heartache.
Cyno hated him.
"I'm warning you," he growled, stalking forward, spear firmly in hand. "Alhaitham, give up on seeking knowledge not meant for you."
He laid a hand on the capsule, but Alhaitham did the same.
Their fingers entangled in a way such that neither of them could claim the capsule for themselves. Cyno narrowed his eyes and pointed his spear at Alhaitham.
"Are we understood?"
Alhaitham, his chin raised under the spear, looked at the blade, then at Cyno.
"You know this is grounds to accuse you of high treason," he commented darkly.
"Call the guards, then."
He didn't. Instead, Alhaitham narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing every little twitch of Cyno's expression. Once satisfied, he stepped back.
"I'm not sure why you're so upset over something irrelevant, so," Alhaitham gestured at him, "speak."
"'Irrelevant'...? Are you as insane as people claim you are?" Cyno gripped his spear tightly enough his fingers went numb.
"You've seen what that can do to foolish, greedy scholars like you. You were there in the desert, you saw the records of what it did to an entire civilization. I've seen what it did to—"
To you.
Cyno had watched a different but similar man end his life in a thankless sacrifice.
He swallowed thickly. "I won't allow you to go down that path for something as trivial as curiosity."
Alhaitham studied him again, a frown between his brows.
"Cyno," he started, the hesitance strange on him. "There's something you're not telling me."
Cyno didn't have every single memory of his predecessor, but he knew enough. He knew desolation, and he knew a well of grief that haunted him through two lifetimes. He looked into Alhaitham's eyes, shivering at the familiarity, and shook his head.
"Just— Promise me. Promise you won't tamper with this sort of knowledge."
He was ready for rejection. Predicted his words to go unheard, much like the priest's supplications were. Instead, Alhaitham let go of the capsule, pushed it into Cyno's hand and nodded.
"I promise."
Cyno held onto the capsule tightly, choking on an emotion he couldn't name. He doubted this conversation was over—surely, Alhaitham would want answers, eventually. But for now…
"Thank you," he muttered as he left the room, heart beating wildly in his throat.
Alhaitham was not King Deshret. Cyno would not let him become that man.
For now, his beloved was safe.
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nocturnalchaos · 1 year
JayRae Pregnancy Fanfic - Chapter 1
Summary: Life was finally at a good place for Raven. She and her longtime boyfriend, Jason Todd aka Red Hood, had created a comfortable routine and were both happy with their relationship. However, Raven has unexpectedly become pregnant and it feels like the world has decided to empty a dump truck of problems onto her head.
For those that did not read the prologue of this fanfic please go to this link here:
(Author’s Note: This fanfic draws a lot of inspiration from BluBooThalassophile’s Hopes For A Bastard Universe, Xaphrin, and other JayRae fanfics. In this fanfic, I have altered a lot of Jason’s storyline after the “Under The Red Hood” story arc. Also, Trigon’s sealed state does not allow for him to initiate contact with Raven or anyone outside of his gem prison. And, finally, in this fanfic Raven is a bit more expressive in this story. This is because she is no longer a teenager who is still getting a handle on her abilities and emotions or affected by teenage hormones plus Trigon has been sealed for about a decade now.)
Chapter 1
9 months earlier
Raven looked down at Jason’s jean clad butt as he bent over his motorcycle. She sat perched on the nearby workbench as she stared at the 29 year old man. Pulling out a part, he grunted as he straightened up while fiddling with it.
While he was not completely covered in grease, Jason’s fingers were liberally coated in the brown substance.
The mid morning light streamed into Jason’s partially converted warehouse located in New York City. Short unruly black hair with a white streak topped his head. He was not conventionally handsome - life had been too hard on him for that. His face was one that had more character and strength in it than symmetrical perfection. He had a strong unshaven jawline and multiple small facial scars. The only decoration he wore on his head was a swipe of grease on his left cheek. He had removed his earrings because they had a tendency to bother him whenever he put on his Red Hood helmet. He was dressed in an old Rise Against concert T-shirt and light blue jeans that had both, thus far, avoided the grease. His cobalt blue eyes with a ring of green were currently focused on his hands. But, ever so often, they would flick over to her.
She silently thanked Azar that Jason was wearing clothes as he modified the motorcycle. Not many people knew this but Jason Todd liked to wander around in his underwear when he was home alone or it was just the two of them. This tendency of his came from the fact that he hated being hot and the man was usually a furnace. She didn’t mind this quirk of his as she thought he had a great body and liked looking at it. And since Jason’s roommates were out of the warehouse for the weekend, Jason allowed himself to indulge in the habit. But even if it was just the two of them in the warehouse for the weekend, his dressing tendencies posed a safety hazard when he was fiddling with stuff … like bombs and vehicles. But previous experiences that had resulted in a few more scars decorating his body, finally taught him to put some damn clothes on when he was working on one of his gadgets or vehicles. When he did dumb shit like this she was reluctant to use her empathetic healing on him if it wasn’t too serious as she felt it would teach him bad habits… like not being an idiot.
That morning, as usual, Jason had made breakfast waffles for them as she prepared their morning beverages. Ace, Jason’s dog, was fed and let out to do his business.
Currently, the German Shepherd dog was trapped in his penned section of the mechanics bay so that Jason could work in peace. Ace was a highly trained dog but had a penchant for eating random things if the dog was ignored for too long or didn’t have Jason in his line of sight for a couple of hours.
As Raven was a slow eater, she was still munching on her second helping of waffles that morning. The plate of waffles sat in her lap as she watched Jason work. Jason had finished eating breakfast and drinking his morning coffee an hour ago. His time growing up in and on the streets of Gotham taught him to eat quickly. It was a habit that he still held onto even after leaving the streets of Gotham more than 15 years ago. The plates and dirty cooking supplies sat soaking in the sink waiting in the kitchen for Raven to come and wash everything once she was done eating. This was all part of their established routine for the weekends that Raven decided to stay with her boyfriend.
The plate of waffles in her lap was momentarily forgotten as her mind went off on a tangent analyzing the similarities between her longtime boyfriend, Jason Todd aka Red Hood, and surrogate big brother, Victor Stone aka Cyborg, as both men shared a love of tinkering with vehicles.
She found it mildly amusing that both of these important men in her life were mechanically inclined and made excellent waffles yet would sometimes fight over the silliest things. Like they did last month.
Vic had come over to Jason’s house to see if he could advise Jason on a problem that was plaguing his truck. But they didn’t start working on the truck until later that day because they got into an argument for about an hour and a half over which decade produced better music the 60s or the 70s. She loved both of them dearly but they could be such idiots sometimes.
She loved hanging around both men when either one was working on their own mechanical projects. Helping Jason when he was working on his latest vehicle reminded her a lot of her time helping Vic as he worked on the T-Car. To her, her time in the garage with either male was bonding time and provided companionship. When she was with them as they worked on their latest mechanical endeavor, she didn’t feel alone and was surrounded with a feeling of comfort and calm.
When it was her and Vic, they would just talk about their problems or whatever was on their minds. Raven became Vic’s little sister. She might ask him for some advice or give some of her own when he is missing the female perspective on something in his latest relationship.
When she was with Jason, there wasn’t always a conversational aspect to her time with him. She would sometimes read or meditate while Jason did his own thing and they would enjoy the companionable silence. They would also talk when the mood struck.
Whenever she was with Jason, outside of their superhero roles, they weren’t their labels. They were Jason and Raven. Acceptance was a huge part of their relationship and was a main factor in what made them work. They both had trauma and issues that they were both working through.
She came back to the moment when Jason swore a blue streak as he looked down at the part in his hand. Her empathy told her that he was just annoyed and frustrated. As there were no surges of anger or an overwhelming wrath in the emotions coming off of him; she knew that the Lazarus pit’s side-effect of rage was not impacting his emotions currently.
He put down the part on the work table and went to wash his hands in the nearby sink.
He never stopped swearing until he pulled out his pack of cigarettes.
“Please do that outside. Remember that Roy brings Liane here when she isn’t with the Queens.” This was stated calmly and politely with little emotion in it.
“Shit. Fuck. You’re right.” Jason let out a sigh and stomped out of the warehouse to smoke.
Raven let out a soft sigh and let a small smile creep onto her lips. Finishing her last bite of waffles, she placed the plate and fork onto the work table. Walking over to the area that currently penned in the dog. Raven gave the dog a head pat and snoot boop. The small smile was still on her lips when she was done adoring and bugging the dog.
After grabbing her dirty plate and utensils, she began her chore of cleaning the dishes. Internally, she thanked Azar that the dishwasher existed to make this task easier.
It was as she was closing the dishwasher door that Jason came back into the warehouse. Not seeing Raven in the mechanics bay, Jason got Ace from his pen area and entered back into the apartment area.
Hearing Jason walk into the kitchen, Raven asked, “Wanna talk about it?”
Raven looked up from where she was drying her hands to the doorway that Jason had just walked through with the dog. Her empathy indicated that he was calmer than before but wasn’t back to normal.
“Not really.“ Jason responded with an audible sigh as he pushed his hair back off of his face.
“Ok.” Raven shrugged as she put down the towel.
“Hey. Have you seen Constantine lately. Usually he pops up every few months to visit you, right?” Jason asked.
He had walked over to the kitchen island and was leaning towards her with his forearms on the table as he talked to her.
“Well, it’s been about 3 and a half months since you last mentioned seeing him. So, aren’t we due for a visit from your surrogate father figure?”
Please let me know what you think in the comments or reblog. If there are any grammatical errors or constructive criticisms please feel free to let me know. Your comments and likes are appreciated and what motivate me to continue posting and writing. Also, this is my first fanfic. Please be kind.
P.S. I have been continuously been making small edits to these chapters as I spot them so please keep that in mind when you read the typos and changes in the reblogs.
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Heyyyy girly idk if you noticed but I'm always stalking your page because I love your writing style but I was wondering when are you going to make another chapter to the Cyno x bard I really love the series 😭😭it's so good ofc it's up to you and when you are free but I was suffering not knowing if you would or wouldn't make another chapter and continue the series but yeahhh I love your writing I hope you are able to continue writing 🥰
Ooh, yes, I have noticed you!! Thanks for stalking my blog so frequently lol--though I think you should put something on your blog, I almost blocked you because I thought you were a bot (no icon or posts or indicator of life, ykwim?)
I do have the next chapter of the Bard!reader series ready! It just handles a couple of sensitive topics, so I've been feeling iffy on publishing it. If you don't mind slight spoilers and some character analysis its under the cut!
Cyno, before the Archon quest, is a servant of the Akademiya, a willing one. He shares and upholds the same ideals of 'law' and 'justice' as they, or he at least thinks they do.
I have thoughts...about the akademiya's stance on the eremites and desert folk. We already know that they look down on them, dismiss and degrade them, and in my fic, I'm shining a spotlight on that. The Akademiya is alright with the desert folk being eremites or merchants or in the corp of thirty because those positions are always lower--that of service. I have reason to believe many servants staff and the like are also from the desert, since its canonically hard for them to find the sources to study for and pass the akademiya's entrance exam.
in my fic, that's a status quo that azar, the previous Grand Sage, wants upheld--he doesn't want the desert folk with the akademiya because he feels that they'll 'defile' their great halls, which is why they are only in positions of civil service, at best. That extends to Cyno as well. In fact, he's the shining example.
Cyno knows Azar's thoughts, but he's clinging onto the hope that what he's doing is for the best. The better interest. There has to be a reason, otherwise, why would a man like Azar be in a position of such power? Would that mean that his conviction was...wrong?
---And for a man to receive a vision due to the strength of said convictions? ...yikes.
So even if he's sent on missions, when he's sent to do the less 'savory' or tasteful jobs, when his ears ring and his brain feels a million miles away, dissociation most likely, it's for the greater good. There is a reason for this, even if he cant see it. . Even if he has to be a monster to bring about it. Even if he has to convince himself its just 'a part of the job'. Even when the blood runs sticky hot under his feet.
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ravensvirginity · 10 days
Nitpick but I kinda hate the gems replacing not only her rings of Azar but also her weird raven clasp thingys that hold her cloak, they were goofy but also really cool to me. I do like when they have a bird symbol on her belt tho,
Ithink the general issue I have is that they keep overcomplifying a simple design, does she seriously need feathers purple hair random lines AND claw gloves??
I love the Raven clasps!! She actually has a Raven on her cloak clasp in the cartoon, it's just not animated in most shots because the detail is too small.
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I can see how her current design is a little busy. I generally don't like when they give her a bodysuit, but I like that the current design at least still has the skirt element of her original design. I really just think you can't improve on the original. And of course I hate when they give her purple hair in the comics.
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aegonrhaenys · 1 year
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(House of the Dragon jewelry masterposts) This post will be updated with if/when I find new items! NOTE : Sold out items are not included. Rhaenyra ✸ Alicent ✸ Rhaenys ✸ (…)
Tyche Engraved Gold Drop Stud Earrings (€47,95/£49/$51,00) ✸ reference. Azar Gold Triangle Drop Earrings (€34,95/£36/$37,00) ✸ reference. Sunrise Labradorite Stud Earrings (€75,95/£65/$80,00) ✸ reference. Shahrzad Labradorite Drop Earrings (€62,95/£65/$67,00) ✸ reference. Estatira Pearl Flower and Labradorite Drop Earrings (€52,95/£55/$57,00) ✸ reference.
Iris Double Band Link Ring (€33,95/£35/$36,00) ✸ reference.
Elena Pearl Statement Antique Necklace (€122,95/£119/$146,00) ✸ reference. Daphne Emerald Chain Necklace (€109,95/£95/$117,00) ✸ reference.
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