#rj's hc
rancidjuno · 1 year
I saw @jedimasterbailey hc that Luminara's Master was Katri from Tales of the Jedi and was going to draw them together bc any excuse to draw fun mirialan outfits but after looking at the timelines it seems like Katri died at the LATEST when Lumi is like 13/14 :(
so orphaned Luminara is my new hc, and it's also why she's so supposedly detached in Weapons Factory (even though she's clearly not) :D maybe i will draw some angst for that later
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fae-whispers · 2 months
Lily: That sounds like a terrible plan.  Remus: Oh, we've had worse.
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Absolutely love the way you include Duncan and Shaun in your Fallout art!! Love maccreedy and your sole survivor as cool parents!!
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this ask was so nice that I drew some more
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td-brick · 21 days
I talked about this a while ago (I think) but it annoys me when people use the stupid "well if the roles were revered/if Sierra was a guy you wouldn't defend her" strawman when talking about Sierra and her relationship to Cody as if Sierra as a character would even exist if she was a guy. Her writing and how she acts is entirely driven by misogyny and the people who wrote her seeing women as more neurotic or whatever than men. And this document (which is really good and you should read) goes more in depth about how a lot of her writing and her being depicted as eager/perverted is racist as well but. yeah. And you can recognize this about her without "defending" her or whatever. Yeah she was creepy and weird but MANY other characters in td are and they don't have nearly as much discourse surrounding them as she does.
Anyways I digress... going off my first point I feel like people forget how much misogyny (and racism in sierra's case, what with her being a woc) affects how characters are perceived and written in things. Sierra's character would not be what it was if she was a white guy. You can write flawed female characters who might have traits similar to sierra without being misogynistic and its actually bad if all your female characters are 100% perfect angels because that's misogynistic in its own right. but like there are still stereotypes you have to be aware of and if someone is misogynistic and writing a female character their misogyny will show through in her writing, like sierra. Watching world tour/all stars it feels like they're not giving her any of her own charm or positive traits, it's only attached to other characters (namely cody) and when she exists on her own (barely) she's just doing stuff to make you hate her.
And in and of itself the fact that her character is literally ONLY attached to cody (or cameron in all stars) is misogynistic. She is clearly a really strong person on her own, especially in total drama. like physically she's super strong and agile, she has a good understanding of the contestants already because of watching TWO seasons of the show many times and she probably knows a lot about how the game itself works, etc. Clearly she's also good at finding information about people so she would probably know how to use certain contestants traits to her own gain (to form alliances and otherwise). But for some reason they never really elaborate on that and especially in world tour just attach her at the hip to a random guy who she drags super far through the competition without ever getting any character development of her own and its so UGHHH. And I wouldn't even have a problem with her being a huge fan of Cody in specific (although I do wish they would focus on her being a td superfan as a whole more) if they just handled it better. which they don't. and the shit with Cameron in all stars is just dumb as fuck I'm sorry I don't think I even need to elaborate on that
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psychojetcocktail · 2 months
Little studies i did because the last post flopped really bad :(
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lilyystarr · 24 days
guys give me ideas on how remus could get his scars in a muggle au, but still gives him the trauma and personality of being a werewolf, where he wasn’t in a car crash pls and thank u 🙏🙏
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forevermorelupin · 4 months
marauders on ice!
a/n: this idea came to me when i went ice skating with my sister the other day and i haven’t been able to stop thinking about it hehe so enjoy!!
using this as an opportunity to push the idea of him being a figure skating prodigy. like, he’s insanely good at skating.
likes to be an asshole and zoom dangerously close by James, which is usually followed by Sirius hearing a string of swears from him.
not much of a show-off but likes to do some tricks here and there. gives everyone else heart attacks by skating backwards and almost crashing into them.
likes to skate alone to clear his head sometimes, and with some good music he’ll be out on the ice for hours.
somebody help him he’s so bad at it. so bad.
high pitched screams every time Sirius zooms past him, even if he’s done it multiple times by now James never gets used to it and cusses Sirius out every time.
the rail is his best friend, keeps an iron grip on it as he pulls himself forward. his legs wobble too much to actually push forward and skate regularly.
falls. gets up and tries to act all tough. “that didn’t even hurt!” immediately falls again. the cycle repeats itself every few minutes.
not amazing at it but knows the basics, prefers to stay by the rails but doesn’t need to hold onto it.
pushes a couple of times and then lets himself just glide until he slows down. doesn’t really fall but stumbles a LOT. but once he did crash into James and they landed face down on the ice.
used to get spooked by Sirius zooming around as well but now doesn’t get affected by his antics anymore. maybe flinches slightly but that’s about it.
not super fond of skating in general but won’t say no if asked to tag along. mainly just happy to be there in the moment with his best friends.
also knows the basics like Remus but is kind of better at skating. likes to watch Sirius and James’ antics with Remus.
can’t last too long on the ice because his hands, nose and ears get cold so fast. always has to layer up more whenever he skates.
doesn’t need to hold onto the railing and keeps pretty good balance. likes to do little zig-zags across the ice.
offers to help James and hold his hand but Jamie stumbles so much they both fall. Sirius always comes by to laugh at them and then skates away.
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tending-the-hearth · 2 months
Raph: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
RJ: You and me!!!
Raph, tearing up: Okay.
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revehae · 3 months
we need to kill everyone at sm entertainment
#you know how i said i didnt want to elaborate on RJ’s bbl messages#because i would go on a tangent about how sm doesn’t protect their artists#yeah well imagine how i felt when i saw them made him apologize for that stupid ass shit#like really making your artist seem like the bad guy when he has psycho bitches invading his privacy#for 2 seconds of attention#not even positive attention btw#like can you imagine getting calls from random crazy bitches when you’re just trying to live your life#ppl who aren’t supposed to have your number#freaky ass fuck#but no they dont gaf how that makes him feel#they aren’t even imagining it#brainless fucking cunts#and even worse the company you’re under is doing bare minimum if even that to keep you safe#or to even make you feel some semblance of safety#like genuinely evil as fuck#it doesn’t even end with that#ppl crawling through vents to see hc#breaking into his fucking house like maniacs#like bitch are you out of your rabid ass fucking mind#company taking forever to address hc/jn’s scandal#which was false btw#and you have their unintelligent fucking fans believing the shit immediately and throwing photocards out like they killed someones mother#over something they couldnt even wait to see was true or not#bc if it’s in a headline it must be true right#wrong#but that’s an entirely different issue#honestly all of this just goes back to how kpop companies market their artists as like minimum 5 sublevels below human#not just sm#which is really stupid like you’re grown as fuck shivering shaking throwing up at the IDEA of your idol getting pussy#like he’s grown asfk
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queer-spectre · 2 years
Some MacCready Hcs
-always cold. His hands are especially are fucking freezing. He wrings his hands a lot rubs them together to try and warm them up.
-his cap and jacket both have a worn little tag on the inside, hand stitched with his initials — put there by Lucy in neat black thread.
-he and Hancock were passing friends for a bit before sole was thawed out, but became very close quickly once they spent some time on the road.
-Mac gets along famously with Cait, but hates that she—without fail—calls out his cursing with a shit-eating grin. Sole introduces the concept of a swear jar, which Cait thinks is funniest thing in the world.
-Mac is an excellent at herding drunken people, a highly admired skill in Goodneighbor, and later in any settlement. Probably from his years as mayor of little lamplight: he’s stern but even the drunks can tell it’s mostly affectionate.
-Magnolia is on a personal quest to (subtly) play matchmaker for him. Hancock is notably less subtle about it.
-one of the ways sole knew he really trusted them was when he somberly requested a mod on his rifle. He tried to pay and everything but sole would only accept payment in the form of helping them haul salvage across the waste. (Need more aluminum after those upgrades, after all).
-Mac’s jumpy and fidgety both, to an almost comical (or worrying) degree—unless he’s peering down a scope, where everything he can see is his to control.
-close combat makes him nervous, but he does a good job of hiding it. He hates it more if sole has him hang back while they go in close.
-his dry sense of humor was born from many years of not understanding the joke/metaphor as a kid.
-sometimes his deadpan is too good, and people don’t realize he’s joking, then he has to backtrack: which makes him all flustered and shit.
-while he cracks a grin easily, his actual laugh is rare. but when he does it’s full force: the loud, can barely breathe, eyes-watering kind.
-his letters to Duncan include drawings sometimes—usually encountered creatures or people he’s met. Per his kiddo’s request, there is a pretty decent sketch of sole tucked under Duncan’s bed—he likes knowing someone is keeping his dad safe.
-sole and Hancock collect the all the pens, pencils, and intact paper they can find for Mac. They never give it to him directly: it feels like too much to address it unless Mac wants to talk about his kid, so they just add it to his pack. Mac knows, and returns the favor in his own ways: gruffly shoving shotgun shells into Hancock’s hands, and a giving a variety of ammo types to Sole.
- once the dust settled, Mac and Duncan moved out to the commonwealth: diamond city for the first few years so Duncan could attend school with the other kids. Duncan and Nat are thick as thieves and cause endless (mostly harmless) trouble. Nick’s had to drag the pair out of trouble a few times, only sometimes reporting the shenanigans to their respective guardians.
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macabresque · 8 months
whenever i study i just channel my inner remus lupin, like sure i just mauled myself the other night but that's no excuse to not do my writing assignments
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barrelrollsinthebath · 9 months
I managed to convince my mom to watch the thing with me and the first thing she said when she saw macready was, "why does Kurt Russell look like a girl in this movie?" When I asked her to elaborate she said "I mean it's fine for guys to have long hair but he doesn't have to curl it, you know" and now I can't get the image of macready just in his shack going at it with a curling iron out of my head
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izzyspussy · 1 year
4 royjamie 🙏🏼
"Swallow it. All of it."
It takes every inch of Roy's self control not to laugh at the childishly exaggerated expression of disgust on Jamie's face. "Swallow it," he growls, clenching his teeth mainly just to keep from grinning with them. "All of it." Jamie whines, sharp and high, but he slurps the rest of the wriggling piece of octopus into his mouth. "Chew thoroughly," Roy reminds him. "I'm not reaching into your throat to pull it out if it sticks." Jamie whines again, longer and higher, but still he obeys. He waves his hands around, stomps his feet, gags, eyes squeezed shut so hard it looks like it hurts. But he obeys. When he's finished with the morsel, Jamie brattily opens his mouth and lifts his tongue to show Roy he swallowed it. Roy snorts, but he takes a moment of mercy and offers Jamie a sip of his soju. "This is the worst thing you've ever made me do," Jamie complains after he's taken an inadvisably large gulp of liquor. "It's good for you," Roy says, no longer bothering to hide his amusement. Jamie glares at him. "Can't get that much raw taurine in one shot anywhere else." "I don't even know what that is," Jamie grumbles, pouting down at his writhing plate. "And that's why I'm in charge," Roy says. "Now eat up. Finish it all." Jamie whines again, and Roy's grin breaks free. He loves that noise much more than is appropriate, but as long as Jamie keeps letting him over line after line Roy will keep crossing them. "Why?" Jamie complains - no, laments. Roy lets his grin go a little sharper, takes another step closer to the next line. "Because I told you to," he murmurs, low and threatening and sexy in a way he's found out the hard way most people don't actually find that sexy. "And you'll do anything I say. Won't you?" Jamie swallows so hard, if Roy didn't know any better he'd say he'd got a sucker stuck to his throat after all. He shivers slightly, shifts conspicuously in his seat, and - with a trembling hand - plucks up another tentacle and pops it into his mouth.
Smut Dialogue Prompts
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lqfiles · 9 months
your score that goal au is the best thing that happened in my life and im not even into jisung like that
YOU WANNA KNOW SOMETHING FUNNY i’m not even jisung biased like that either but istj happened and i was in a jisung brainrot moment and wanted to read smaus cos i was getting into those, but found out that most of them were on hiatus so i said EFF IT and now we’re here 🤗 anyways that’s so sweet bro i’m glad i’m luring you into the asteroid lifestyle, kinda 🫂
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brittanyberd · 23 days
pov: Martina and RJ
Martina making sure RJ doesn't get hurt on missions lol
Basically RJ knowing he can't really hang with his mom bc of his job but she still tries to help him in any way she can so this was like my mental image for that
I summon you @wildissylupus
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00dreamz · 2 years
🗨️. new message from 00dreamz!
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rj. we've been inactive for a while but we're slowly coming back. look at this moomin i got from a fan!
jn. hehe (. ◜◡◝) did you miss me?
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hc. i know everyone missed me~ so i got a new camera so you all can admire me better.
jm. close up because i think my make-up was done well here.
admin. slowly coming back :)) life's a mess tbh
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