#rolling on the floor and giggling like a school girl over them
strawbaryarts · 7 months
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I want to ball them up like a piece of paper and shove them in my pocket.
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justmeinadaze · 15 days
A Love That Will Survive (Eddie Munson X You)
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A/N: I seriously have no idea where this came from but I worked really hard on it and I think it's the longest story I've ever written.
Please enjoy <3
Warnings: Husband Eddie & Fem Wife Y/N, The timeframes shift from young to older with 20 years of Marriage between them, SMUT, lose of virginity, dirty talk, lots of needy energy but all of it is with the love these two have. FLUFF, dad Eddie loves his kiddo and wife and vice versa.
ANGST, reader has an unexpected pregnancy her senior year of high school, she's from the richer side of Hawkins so her parents hate Eddie causing problems multiple times, Eddie and Y/N are in therapy, reader feels Eddie pulling away, Flashbacks with fights between the two of them (verbally), Eddie gets into a fight defending Y/N when some asshole grabs her arm. Y/N defends her husband against her parents. Eddie talking about fears of becoming his dad.
More than anything this is about a couple who's struggled with trials and tribulations of life and marriage but still love each other immensely.
Word Count: 12,541
Eddie Masterlist/ Donate to Me
“Dooooo you love me more thaaan Henderson?”
“Yes. That was the easiest question you’ve ever asked me.”, Eddie chuckles as he blows the smoke from his cigarette towards the window. 
“Do you love me moooore than D&D?”
“Uh oh. They’re getting harder now. Of course, baby.”, he smirks as he kisses your forehead.
“More than your guitar?”, you giggle as he heavily sighs and tosses the stick between his fingers out the window before flipping you onto your back as he nuzzles his nose into your neck. 
“How dare you bring my guitar into this!”, he lightly scolds as he nibbles at your skin making you laugh harder as you wrap your arms around him. “Y/N, I fell in love you the moment I met you. I was waitin’ for a girl like you…” Your eyes roll as he laughs through his teeth before singing, “…to come into my life.”
“You’re such a dork.”
“I love you to.”
“So…how have things been this past week?”, the therapist asks as her gaze shifts between the two of you. 
Neither you nor Eddie says a word as his eyes penetrate into the floor as if hoping it would open and swallow him up. You two had been married for almost 20 years and to some that would be an incredible milestone of love but little did the people around you know how mind-numbing marriage had become. 
When you two met there was a fire within him that you absolutely adored. He was always so animated about things he enjoyed like playing guitar or D & D. Even when he spoke about you, his hands would flail as he desperately tried to get the words to leave his brain to accurately describe how perfect you were to him. 
You weren’t sure when it happened but at some point that light and the romance just…disappeared. When Eddie came home from work smelling like motor oil and beer, he barely said two words to you before showering and crashing in bed. If he didn’t promptly fall asleep, he would pound his feet against the mobile home floors in his sweats and slight beer gut with his bare, tattooed heavy chest on display as he headed out front again to smoke a cigarette. You still thought he was incredibly attractive with scruff along his chin and the way his lose strands of hair hung around his face when he pulled it back for work. Unfortunately, the two of you hadn’t been intimate in quite some time, barely even holding hands anymore when you went out somewhere. 
The few times you did have sex, you both only took off the clothing required and he thrust into you with barely if any foreplay until you both came. Afterwards, there was no cuddles or soft kiss. You two would roll over and just go to sleep.
“How’s this week been?”, the therapist asked again but softer as if treading water.
“Oh, uh, it’s been alright. Caleb went back to school on Sunday so that was hard. I miss him when he’s away.”
“I can imagine. Having any child away from home is hard but when its your only child…oof.”, she chuckles. “How about you, Eddie? How did you feel when your son left?”
“Um, I mean…it’s fine. I miss him to but I’m proud of him for going to school so…”
“Neither of us got to.”
His eyes close slightly before focusing on the woman in front of him. 
“Why did you say that just then, Y/N?”, she asks in her inquiring high pitch voice that tells you, you just stepped into a “lesson”.
“I just meant that I’m proud of him to.”
“Because he got into college or because you two didn’t?”
“What’s the difference?”
“That’s what I’m asking you.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.”, you growl. “I’m proud that my son doesn’t have to struggle like we did. He can go out, live his life, and do whatever he wants. That’s all I ever wanted for him.”
“Because of me you weren’t able to.”, Eddie grumbles.
“That’s not what I said.”
“Not in so many words but—”
“Do you blame him?”
Everything became silent as your husband leaned back on the couch and heavily sighed. 
“No, I don’t.”, you responded sternly as you folded your arms. “Me getting pregnant wasn’t his fault.”
“But you resent him a bit?”
Without waiting to hear your answer, Eddie got up and stomped out of the office.
The metalhead paces back and forth with his hands on his hips as you sit silently on his bed with your head hung. 
“I don’t understand. We were so careful and we used protection. How could this have happened?”
“The nurse suggested that the condom may have broken.”
“It didn’t look that way.”
“Oh, because you checked it thoroughly before throwing it in the garbage?”, you respond sassily as he angrily glares your way. “What are we going to do, Eddie?”
Hearing the pain in your voice breaks his heart and he promptly places himself beside you to pull you to his side. 
“Everything’s going to be alright, sweetheart. We can do this. We graduate in a couple of months and then I can get a job at the shop over here. I know cars so it shouldn’t be a problem. You, of course, can stay here till we find a house and then we can—”
Your lips cut him off as you cup his face in your hands to hold him to you. When you pull away, his palm laces around the back of your neck to keep your forehead on his.
“Will you marry me?” When you giggle through your tears, he can’t help but laugh as well. “I’m serious. I can take care of you, babe. Plus, you know I’ve wanted to marry you since I first met you. We’re just kind of…skipping a few steps here…”
Your eyes watch him as he yanks off one of his rings and kneels down on one knee in front of you with your hand in his. 
“I’m gonna get you a better ring, princess, I promise but like you this is special to me and I mean it when I say I want you to be my wife forever.”
Smiling, you kiss him again as you slide his ring on your finger. 
“Of course, I’ll marry you, Eddie Munson. 
The entire ride back home he didn’t say a word; chain smoking his cigarettes along the way. 
“Eddie, wait. Can we talk?”, you plead as soon as you enter the front door.
“There’s nothing to talk about.”
 “I don’t resent you or the life we have!”, you scream as he tried to disappear down the hallway. 
“Oh, great. Thanks, sweetheart. Now that I know that I can fucking sleep tonight.”, he responded with a tone that had you huffing as you ran after him into your bedroom. 
"What I resent is this!" His intense, brown eyes follow your hands as you gesture absently between the two of you. “When did you stop fucking caring?!”
“I do care.”
“Do you?! You barely talk to me anymore, we don’t spend time together, and when you are here physically you seem gone mentally. You always have a cigarette or a fucking beer in your hand… I mean we don’t even really fight anymore. It’s always me shouting at you while you stare at me like you are now!”
“What do you want from me, Y/N?”
 “I just want you to show some kind of emotion! You used to be so animated, Eddie, and now you just…I don’t know. You’re not as passionate as you used to be.”
“I’m not in my 20s anymore, babe. I’m sorry I’m not as spry as before.”
“Like you would know. You don’t even try or anything. We aren’t old, Eddie, and now’s our time to do everything we wanted.”
“Because I ruined our youth by knocking you up?”
Your eyebrows furrow together as you blink back tears that try to push forth. 
“No, you asshole. Because you said, you wanted to spend forever with me.”
With that, you turn around and stomp out the back door. 
“Every rose has its thorn Just like every night has its dawn Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song Every rose has its thorn Yeah it does, Caleb.”
 Eddie softly smiles as his son’s tiny palm taps the guitar his fingers were strumming on. Your own grin paints your lips as you watch him pet his unruly curls before continuing to play. His voice was a bit more rugid than normal but you assumed that was because he had been at work all day and had yet to rest. Even now his jumpsuit hung around his waist and he had patches of dirt clinging to his skin but he missed Caleb a lot when he was away. 
Eddie as a father made you fall even more in love with him as you watched them play or do anything together. He had been working back-to-back shifts to help pay for certain things your son needed and you missed him every day. 
“Hey, baby?”
“Hey, princess?”, he cooed back making you giggle. 
“How was your day?”
“It was alright. Angry customers and stupid people so ya know…Hawkins.”, he beams your way as you come over to sit beside him and pick up the baby to sit on your lap.
“You know you don’t have to work so hard, right?”
“I know, sweetheart. I just want to make sure you both have everything you need and to get us out of this fucking trailer.”
“It’s technically a mobile home…a bit bigger.”, you smirk as he leans forward to kiss your forehead. 
“But you both deserve a house and I still haven’t gotten you a proper engagement ring.”, he sighs. 
“Eddie, I love this ring. It was a part of you and it feels like you’re holding my hand throughout the day.” 
“I don’t deserve you.”, he murmurs with a smile as he kisses your lips before Caleb swats at his cheek. “Hey, hey, dude. She was mine first. Don’t get jealous.”
His boots bang along the wood of the back porch as Eddie steps outside to find you laying on the trampoline you had gotten Caleb for his 8th birthday. His son was so ecstatic when he opened the box, begging his father to put it together right that moment. They both spent the evening working as a team to put it together and they laughed the entire time. 
The metal clanked against his belt buckle as he awkwardly climbed up to lay beside you, your eyes closing as you listened to the lighter shut as he lit a cigarette and breathed out the smoke. You would always associate that smell with him. The smell of smoke mixed with his breath that smelled the way he used to taste, intoxicating. The scent of gasoline and his leather jacket when he came home from work. 
“Do you remember when Caleb broke his arm jumping on this thing and he didn’t even cry?”
The trampoline underneath him shook slightly at your laughter. 
“Yeah, he came in holding his wrist and said ‘Mom, I think we need to go to the doctor.’ Scared the crap out of me.”
“When I showed up at the hospital, he showed me his cast like it was an award or something. He said he was going to be the coolest kid in class.”, he chuckled as you both continued to look up at the sky. “He didn’t need an injury to be cool. Kid was always badass.”
“Do you still love me?”
Taken aback by your question, his head snaps in your direction. 
“Of course, Y/N.”
“It doesn’t feel like it sometimes. For a while I thought maybe this was normal, that we would grow distant as the years passed but…” Your eyes turn to meet his. “…this doesn’t feel normal.”
“What are you trying to say to me right now?”
“Caleb’s an adult now and like you said… you knocked me up. You…you don’t have a reason to stay.”
Eddie blinked as his jaw tightened and you watched his anger flow through his facial features. Rolling off the trampoline, he tosses his cigarette and stomps back into the house, slamming the door for emphasis. 
You gnaw on your thumb as you glance towards the kitchen wall clock. Your husband was supposed to be home at 8pm and it was now 11. You had an absolute shit day and wanted to crash early after a long bath but you needed to talk to him about something important. The longer you waited the angrier you became. 
At 11:30pm, the door slowly squeaked open as Eddie tried to quietly sneak in.
“Where have you been?”, you ask sternly eliciting a heavy sigh from him as he shuts the door loudly. “You were supposed to be home four hours ago.”
“I worked late and then Steve invited me out for a beer.”
“It smells like it was more than a beer.”, you sneer as you roll your eyes. “I needed to talk to you about something important but fuck me, right?”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N. What do you want? What’s so goddamn important you can’t wait till tomorrow.” Without saying a word, you try to head towards your bedroom but he quickly reaches forward to grab your arm. “No, hey, I want to hear it because obviously it’s a big fucking deal.”
Furiously, you smack the paper in your hand into his chest. 
“Your son needs school supplies and other things for next week. I get a discount at my store but I still don’t have enough for that and our mortgage payment.”
“Ok.”, Eddie sighs as he scratches the scruff on his face and looks at the list. “Ok, this isn’t too bad. We can—”
“It’s not just this. He’s going to need money for lunches and his teacher said they are going on a field trip in October and he needs to pay for the ticket. How are we going to afford that?!”
“Y/N, calm down. It’s August. We can cross that bridge when we get there.” Again, you try to leave but he tugs you once more. “What? What is it now?!”
“Eddie, it’s like you don’t care! We need to think of these things!”
“Just because I’m not flipping out like you are doesn’t mean I don’t care!”
“You always do this! You always make me the bad guy!”
“That’s not what I said, Y/N!”
“You don’t think I want to go out and have fun with my friends to?! I wish I could have a beer with Nancy and Robin after work but I can’t because I have to do EVERYTHING around here! And that includes figuring out how our son is going to be able to eat, have the things he needs, and also be allowed to have fun with his friends by going on that field trip!”
“When did you get so fucking uptight?”, he grumbled. 
“When I married you, apparently!”
“Yeah. Well—”
“Daddy?” Caleb’s tiny, sleepy voice cut through your argument as you both turned to face him as he rubbed his little eyes. “Mommy? Why so loud?”
“I’m sorry, baby. Were we being too loud?”
“Uh huh.”
As you step towards him, your son automatically extends his arms so you can lift him and he rests his head on your shoulder. 
“Hey, kid.”, Eddie smiled his way as he lightly tickled the boy’s neck with his finger making him giggle as he keened into you more. “Come on. Let’s get you back in bed.”
The metalhead followed close behind as you head for Caleb’s room and place him under his covers. 
“Mommy? Were you guys fighting because of me?”
Tilting your head to the side, you sat by his legs as you turned to face him. 
“No, baby. Daddy and I weren’t fighting. We were…”, you pause looking at your husband for help. 
“We were…talking incredibly excitedly. LIKE THIS!”, Eddie shouts causing his son to laugh. “Sometimes adults forget to use there inside voice.”
“Like—like Jackie’s parents?”, he asks, you and your husband exchanging a knowing look. 
Jackie was the little girl in the mobile home across the street and who Caleb played with on the weekends. At night, occasionally, you three would hear her parent’s fighting and sometimes she would come over for dinner just to get away. 
“Um, yeah, buddy.”
“Except not as mean. No mean names.”
“Pfft yeah. No mean names. Mommy would kill me if I called her something mean.”, Eddie jokes as he makes a slicing motion with his finger and pretends to fall to the floor dead.
“I would.”, you widen your eyes playfully as he beams your way and you bend down to kiss his forehead. “Alright, go to sleep. I love you.”
“I love you to, mommy. Love you, daddy!”
“Love you to, freak. Ow!”, he chuckles when you lightly slap his chest before winking Caleb’s way. 
After closing his door and heading to your own bedroom, Eddie tugs you into his arms and hugs you to his chest. 
“I’m sorry I was late and made you feel that way. I do care. We’ll get him everything he needs and I’d be more than happy to watch him while you hang out with the girls. He’s a cool kid and I know Wayne has been dying to see him.”
Pushing up on your toes, you tenderly kiss his lips. 
“So, tonight is the night, right?”, your therapist asked during your next session.
It had been a week since your conversation with Eddie on the trampoline and he had barely been home that entire time. You knew where he was because you passed the mechanic shop to get to work and his head was always stuck under the hood of a car he was repairing.  
“Yeah, my parents are doing their annual charity thing and we’re forced to be there.”, you sigh as your whole body deflates. 
“No one is really forcing you, Y/N. You’re a grown woman who can tell her parents no.” The therapists head ticked to the side as your own hung. “Why are you still afraid to stand up to them?”
“I…I don’t know how.”, you whisper causing your husband’s eyes to scan over you before glancing towards the therapist. 
“She did it once and it didn’t end well.”, Eddie explained as he straightened his jacket and sat up a bit. “When she told her mom she was pregnant and marrying me, they told her she wasn’t allowed and how ‘unbecoming’ it was for young ladies or some shit. She told her mom to fuck off and her dad got so pissed.”
You can’t help but smile when he chuckles. 
“I didn’t actually say ‘fuck off’ but I did stand up for you. I just hated the things they were saying about how you were beneath us. Oh my God and then he came towards you like he was going to hit you.”
“You jumped in front of me. I was so pissed off when we got home because you put yourself in harms way.”, he shakes his head before his eyes lock with yours. 
“I’d do it again.”
When his toothy grin softened to a smirk, for a moment, you felt that spark again that ignited within you when you two first met. Did he feel it to?
“What happened after that? Why do you go to this event every year then?”, the therapist asks and the moment passes. 
“Huh? Oh, appearances mostly. Since we got married, I wasn’t viewed as much of a slut as some other single mothers in town. It was fucking stupid but…I wanted Caleb to have his grandparents and at least they were good at that”
“Mhmm. But Caleb is 19 and in college…so why do you keep going?”
You blinked as you took in her words as if she just told you the weirdest thing you had ever heard. You genuinely hadn’t thought about it, pretty much going on impulse at this point. 
“I go for her.”, Eddie answers as he exhales and leans back on the couch. “I wasn’t going to allow her to face that chaos by herself.”
“You’ve always been very protective over Y/N. It’s definitely something I admire about your relationship.”
Your husband shrugs as his gaze shifts to the window behind her. 
“She’s my wife and the love of my life. I’d do anything for her…even leave…if that’s what she wants.”
To your therapist that seemed random but you understood. It was Eddie’s way of telling you that he didn’t want a divorce but if you did, he’d understand. 
“I don’t want you to leave. I want you to fight.”
“Hey Grandma!”, Caleb shouts after you take off his jacket and hand it to the man your parents hired to work for the evening. 
“Shhhhhh. Now Caleb, how do we speak when at a social function?”
“We use our inside voice and manners.”, he recited, your son smiling as your mother beams at him and leans down to kiss his cheek. 
“Good boy! Oh my goodness look at you in your little suit. You look so handsome.”
“Thank you ma’am. My dad and I went to the store together.”
“Oh? You never would have been able to guess with the ensemble he’s currently wearing.”
“Mom.”, you scold as Eddie’s fingers twitch slightly around your waist. 
“Always good to see you, Angela. Would you look at that? Steve is by the bar. Excuse me.”
“Mom, they both spent over an hour getting ready for this. Can you please be kind?”
“Hm, I can’t make any promises. Oh, Y/N, it’s Michael and his mother. Didn’t you go to school with him?”
Pointing at something in the distance, you grab your son’s hand and hastily make a getaway to where Steve, Nancy, and Eddie were gathering in a corner. 
“Hey, dude.”
“Hi, Uncle Steve and Aunt Nancy.”, he grins as he leans in to give her a hug around her waist. 
“Are your parents here to, Steve?”, you ask.
“Of course. Wouldn’t miss a chance to show off their wealth for the world.”, the man sasses as he points to where they were mingling with other guests. 
As the night wore on, you saw how it affected your husband as he continually either adjusted his uncomfortable clothes or did whatever he could to maintain a conversation with someone even though anyone that passed by usually only wanted to speak to Steve. 
“Y/N, you need to go talk to Michael before he leaves.”, your mom commands as she tries to pull on your arm. 
“Mom, no. Michael and I aren’t friends nor will we ever be or anything else you try to push on me.”
Narrowing her eyes, she succeeds in pulling you away but instead of towards the other man, she guides you into your old bedroom. 
“Y/N, I’m trying to help you here.”
“How can Michael Wescott help me? I don’t need anything from him.”
“You need a better husband and father for that child.”
Your mouth falls open as her insult pierces your heart. 
“Mom, Eddie is a good husband and a wonderful father. He works hard for us both and I love him. I’m sorry you can’t see what an amazing man he is.”
“No but I can see my only child living in a trailer with barely enough means to get by. Honey, he still hasn’t even gotten you a proper engagement ring and it’s been 10 years!”
“I’m taking them both out of here right now! You never took the time to get to know him like I did. If you had you would see why I love him with all my heart!”
As you open the door, you were met with your husband chugging back the last of the liquid in his glass before tossing it onto the floor where it shattered. 
Without saying a word, he grabbed your hand and collected his son so the three of you could leave. 
“What do you think?”, you ask as you step into the living room and display your blue, spaghetti strap evening dress with your hair pulled up and away from your face.
Eddie tore his eyes from the mirror where he had been straightening his tie and when they landed on you, he felt his heart skip a beat. 
“I think…wow, you look fucking amazing, princess.”
It had been so long since you heard him call you that and a heavy sigh left your lips at the sound.
“Th-Thank you, baby.”
Smiling softly, he extended his arm for you to take and guided you to your car. The entire drive to your parent’s house, you took an opportunity you hadn’t in a long time and rested your head on his shoulder. His chest heaved but he leaned his head on your own as his palm rested on your thigh. 
“I think you look handsome to by the way.”, you grin as he pulls into the driveway, flashing you a nervous smile with a little chuckle. 
“Thanks. Let’s see what sarcastic comment your parents have to say. I’m guessing something about me not trying or maybe I’ve gotten too fat to wear a suit.”
“Eddie…you’re not…don’t say it like that.”
“Like what? It’s true, I mean I’m not as scrawny as I was 20 years ago.”
“I like the way you look.”, you sigh before turning to open the car door but his hand on your bicep stops you and your eyes meet his. “We can go back home if you want. Steve and Nancy can’t make it and Caleb isn’t here so—”
“So it’s ok for me to leave you to handle your parents alone while they talk shit about me?”
“Ugh, nevermind.”, you huff as you step out and saunter towards the front door. 
“Y/N, wait. I didn’t mean it like—”
“Y/N! There’s my little girl.”, your father grins wide as he wraps his arms around you. “Where is my grandson?”
“He went back to school a couple of weeks ok, dad.”
“Aw that’s too bad.” Ignoring Eddie’s extended hand, your dad drags you further into the house to find your mother who also ignores your husband as she gives you a hug.
“Oh, baby, you look so beautiful.”
“Thank you. Eddie looks really good as well tonight don’t you think?”
“Edward, oh my. Didn’t even see you there, honey, which is shocking given how much weight you’ve gained since we last saw you.”
“What!? I’m just saying—”
“No, no, sweetheart. It’s alright. I have put on a couple of pounds but in all the right places. I mean, I’m not just slouching forward because I’m lazy. You know what I mean, Norman.”, Eddie winks as he pats your dad on the arm while you try to contain your smile and for added effect he reaches down to adjust the bulge in his slacks. “Excuse me while I go mingle.”
“I think this is the best Halloween I’ve ever had.”, you beam as Eddie chuckles beside you, continuing to slowly turn the merry go round you two were sitting on with his foot. “I think this is the first year I haven’t dressed up like a princess.”
“Well, Sarah Conner, you’re still a princess to me.”, he grins as he hands you another piece of candy. “Are you cold? You can wear my jacket if you want to.”
“No, Kyle Reese. I think I’m alright.”
His smile widens as you lay back and he does the same, placing his bag of treats and fake rifle that rounded out his ensemble above your heads. 
“My parent’s always do that masquerade thing for Halloween and I always hated it.”
“I can imagine. Being stuck inside with stuffy adults in those Victorian costumes would drive me crazy to. Then again being stuck inside with Wayne in a trailer watching reruns of Stephen King movies isn’t exactly thrilling either.”
Eddie grins when you laugh before it tapers off and you both just lay there in each other’s presence. You had been dating this metalhead for about a month and you appreciated him taking things slow with you but as your eyes scanned him over you suddenly wanted more. 
“Thank you for taking me out tonight and showing me a good time.”
“Of course, sweetheart. I like spending time with you.”
“I was wondering…could you…show me something else?”
Eddie’s foot drags along the ground forcing the merry go round to jerk to a stop as he pushes up onto his elbow to look down at you. 
“W-What, um, what would you like me to, uh, show you?”, he stuttered nervously making you giggle a bit. 
“Could you…show me how to…kiss a boy?”
“I mean, I’ve never kissed a boy myself but…”, he laughs through his teeth and your smile grows. “Yeah, I can show you.”
Your eyes remained locked on his as his palm comes down to cup one of your cheeks and he gradually lowers himself till his lips are hovering just above your own. His breath smells like chocolate and nicotine but there’s also a hint of something else you desperately wanted to identify. As his thumb tenderly caressed your skin, his mouth finally connected to yours and as soon as they did you felt your entire body come to life. 
It was a soft kiss at first but soon grew bolder when you figured out what that additional something else was, Eddie. That was the best way to describe it and it tasted so good that your hand snuck just below his ear to hold him closer. 
Your hips twisted to be closer to him and he didn’t miss a beat as his palm slid down you back to press your lower half harder against him. 
“Eddie.”, you whimper involuntarily as his mouth released yours long enough to catch his breath before diving back in just as eagerly. “Eddie, Eddie, wait.”
At your firm command, his hand came back up to cup your cheek. 
“Are you alright? Did I…Did I go too far?”
“No, no. I just…this is all new to me. I want to go slow.”
“I…I understand. I understand.”, he panted as he wiped your spit from his lips and winced slightly as he rolled over back onto his back. 
It took you a moment but when your eyes glanced along his body, you noticed the large bulge pressing uncomfortably against his jeans. 
“I’m sorry.”, you whisper with a slight crack in your tone that has his head shooting up to look your way before following your eyeline. 
“Hey, sweetheart, no. No reason to be sorry. I’ll be ok. Trust me, I’m a guy with all the hormones. I’ve gotten boners in pretty uncomfortable scenarios believe me.”, he laughs hoping to make you laugh as well. “Don’t ever be sorry about this kind of stuff. I can go as slow as you need me to and I’ll be here, babe. I, um, I really like you…a lot.”
Taking ahold of you, he maneuvers you by his side with your head on his chest. 
“I like you a lot to.”
You watch with a small smile on your face as your husband talks with some of the other guests at the party and you couldn’t help but think of your therapist’s question as you sipped your drink. 
Why did you keep coming here? 
Habit maybe? Until you met Eddie you really did do everything they wanted completely unsure of what else you should be doing. You went to all their events, smiled, and spoke to anyone they told you to, even wearing clothes they suggested because you had yet to really find your sense of self. When you met the metalhead, he showed you a completely different world that you absolutely enjoyed and loved experiencing with him. 
Even when you both got married and had Caleb, you couldn’t picture anyone else you wanted that life with other than him. Sometimes you wondered what life would be like if you hadn’t met Eddie. You pictured an unhappy girl married to an equally unhappy man who was incredibly vain and never home to see his children. 
Your husband was a wonderful father and a good man to you both. Even now with your marital problems, he still came to therapy with you and never once cheated or hurt you. 
“Y/N!”, you mother called interrupting your thoughts. “Baby, look who I found.”
You didn’t even try to hide your sigh when she pushed Michael forward to shake your hand. 
“Michael. How have you been?”
“Oh, I’ve been good. I just closed a big case and made partner at my firm.”
Your eyes widened sarcastically as you nodded while your mom got a bit too excited, clapping her hands and congratulating him. 
“That’s so amazing! Isn’t it amazing, Y/N?”
“Super. I’m, um, I’m just going to…” As you point towards the balcony, your mother grabs your wrist.
“Y/N, be polite and take him with you.”, she whispers.
“I don’t want to be polite.”, you growl as you pull your arm out of her grasp. “I’m married mom. I have been for 20 years to the man I love and have a son with. Stop pushing Michael on me which by the way is super weird that he’s still single after all this time. Didn’t that thought ever occur to you?”
“No because all I thought about was how my daughter deserves better than a man she was forced to marry because he got her pregnant.”
Rolling your eyes, you hurry outside onto the balcony by the pool and inhale the night air as you try to calm down. 
“Hey Y/N.” Sighing, you turn to face Michael who was slowly walking towards you with his hands in the air. “I just wanted to come and apologize for all that back there. I’ve never been the one to ask your mom to introduce me. She does that on her own.”
“Yeah, she does that.” Your eyes scan him over before giving him a polite smile. “Thank you for coming over to apologize. I really appreciate that.”
“It’s no problem. My own mom is a bit pushy to so I get it then again I haven’t gotten married yet so that could be the problem.”, he chuckles and you can’t help but laugh with him. 
Eddie storms into the house after work and slams his keys loudly down on the table before heading to the fridge to pop open a bottle of beer. Slowly getting up from the couch you meet him halfway as his fury filled eyes meet yours. 
“So are you going to tell me why you’re upset or…”
“Doesn’t matter.”, he grumps as he stalks towards the sofa and hurls his body onto it. 
“Obviously it does so why don’t you quit with the foreplay and just tell me.”
When he doesn’t answer, you shrug and head for your bedroom, smirking to yourself slightly when you hear his boots bang against the floor as he follows. 
“I came to visit you at work today. Thought maybe we could have lunch or something.”
“Ok…and you didn’t because…?”
“Because when I got there you were flirting with some asshole.”
“I’m sorry what?”, you ask genuinely confused with a hint of sarcasm. 
“Oh, you don’t know who I’m talking about? Tall, black hair, young, looks like Johnny Depp in Nightmare on Elm Street.” When you giggle, his eyes darken. “Don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to but I just can’t believe you’re actually fucking jealous of a twenty-year-old who has a girlfriend by the way. What the fuck is wrong with you? After all this time why would you think I would cheat on you now with some kid from work?”, you reply sarcastically.
“Well, Y/N, you’re not fucking me! So…”
Your eyes widen in shock and you wonder if he can see your heart break. Controlling any tears from escaping, your jaw tightens as you tilt your head.
“You’re right I’m not. Maybe I should fuck him. Wouldn’t be the first time I slept with someone who was beneath me.”
It was an automatic reaction that had Eddie moving before he could stop himself. His hands were around your biceps and suddenly you were against the wall with his nose just inches from your own. His chest rose and fell as angry breaths escaped his nose. 
As quickly as it came, it left with a blink as you saw the darkness recede and the man you fell in love with take over again. His mouth fell open as his eyes continued to run up and down your body as if he was trying to figure out what just happened.
Both your heads turned to see your teenage son leaning in the doorway with a concerned look painted on his features. 
“Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, baby, I’m fine. I just had the worst day and your dad was trying to make me feel better. Are you hungry, Caleb? Do you want something to eat?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Eddie fold himself as he took a few steps away from you. 
“Um, yeah, but I can make myself something—”
“Oh, don’t be silly. Just give me one moment, ok?”
Nodding, he turned to head towards the kitchen but when you swiveled around to face your husband, he had already disappeared into the bathroom and locked the door.
Eddie loved watching you interact with people. He knew who you were before he even introduced himself having seen you skip happily around the school with your books close to your chest like Molly Ringwald in any John Hughes movie. You spoke with your hands and smiled as you nodded your head as you seemingly absorbed what people were saying to take a piece of it with you. 
You had always made him feel heard. 
The metalhead thought he didn’t have a chance with a girl like you but when your beautiful eyes landed on him after bumping into him in the library, he knew he had to try. 
Over the past twenty years, he felt like he slowly watched that light leave you and he knew it was his fault. Just like his dad did with his mother, it was unavoidable. 
Going outside to get away from the people in your parent’s house, he leaned over the rail wishing he could smoke but knew if your mom smelled it on him she would have something to say and he didn’t want to deal with all that right now. 
Suddenly, Eddie heard a sigh in the air and as he peaked around the corner, he saw you exhaling into the night sky. 
The way the wind moved your hair had him smitten all over again as he remembered cold nights of you two sitting on his bed with the window open after making love and you in one of his shirts as you leaned your head outside to feel the breeze while he smoked. 
You would smile and he would randomly reach out to touch your face wondering what the fuck you were doing with him. 
Eddie couldn’t help but huff when another man came out to talk to you. 
Michael; the asshole your mom kept pushing your way. 
You seemed annoyed at first but then you laughed. God, he adored that sound more than anything in the world. The first time Caleb laughed he silently thanked the heavens it sounded exactly like yours. 
“I said no.”, you shouted sternly with eyes filled with anger. 
Pushing at his chest, you tried to walk away but Michael grabbed your forearm to turn you around and Eddie saw red.
As Eddie starts to take off his suit jacket, he notices you staring at yourself in the mirror above his dresser as you carefully untangle your hair from the veil you had clipped into it. 
An idea crosses his mind and he digs through his records before popping in a cassette and waiting for it to play. 
Meeting his eyes in your reflection, you giggle as the synth fills the room and he reaches for your palm that you eagerly take. Wrapping his arms around your waist, you do the same around his neck as you both begin to sway to the music. 
“When you love someone It feels so right, so warm and true I need to know if you feel it too Maybe I'm wrong Won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strong?”
As he sings along, your smile grows and at the chorus he scrunches his face as he obnoxious belts out the lyrics.
“I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life I've been waiting for a girl like you, you're a love that will survive I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life”
“You’re such a dork, Eddie Munson.”
“Yeah, but I’m your dork, Y/N Munson.” At the use of your new name, you tilt up on your toes to kiss his lips and lean your head against his chest. “What’s wrong, princess? Thinking about your parents?”
You nod as you continue to sway to the music. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m sure this isn’t exactly how you pictured your wedding day but—”
“Shhhhh.”, you shush as you tilt back and place a finger over his mouth. “I had a great day, baby. Yeah, I wish my mom and dad could accept us but I love you so much. I can’t wait to see what our future holds.”
He sighs as he kisses you again and holds you to him once more. 
“I love you to, sweetheart. You’re safe with me and I promise I’ll do whatever it takes to give you a happy life.”
“As long as I have you, I’m happy.”
“Excuse me?”, you ask the man beside you hoping you didn’t hear him correctly.
“Come on. You heard me. You deserve better than the life you have and you we both know people like us aren’t trailer trash.”
“Define ‘people like me’.”
Gesturing towards your parent’s house, he raises an eyebrow as if to signal it should be obvious.
“Wow, no wonder my mother chose you. You’re a fucking asshole.”
“That may be but why don’t you let me take you out to dinner and show you what you’re missing out on.”
“Um, no thanks. I’ll pass.”
As you stand, Michael suddenly blocks you with his body.
“Come on, baby.”
“I said no.”
While trying to walk away, the man grabs your forearm and turns you around, pulling you to his chest.
“I’m not a man you say no to, Y/N.”
“And I’m not a woman you grab. Now let me go.”
When he doesn’t release you, you raise your hand and hit him hard in the face causing him to let you go. You expected and braced to fall onto the concrete so when strong palms catch you, you’re surprised. 
After making sure you’re on both feet and ok, Eddie turns to shove the man hard backward. 
“Don’t ever put your hands on my wife.”
“Or what?”, the man challenges and your husband accepts as he steps forward before you grip his arm to stop him. 
Placing a protective arm around you, Eddie guides you towards the house to head towards the front door. 
“She could have had a good life, Munson! A big house, fancy jewelry, and anything she could want and more. She wouldn’t even have to ask. With my last name things would be handed to her willingly.” 
You saw his jaw tighten as Michael spoke but he continued to ignore him as he grabbed your coat and held it open for you to put your arms through.  
“What’s going on?”, your father asked as he came up from the side. 
“I’m a respected member of Hawkins whose parents helped mold this town. You were just a trailer trash, burn out whose own parents were scum.”
Right as his palm touched the door, he froze and you both listened as the other man stepped closer behind you. 
“Guys like you, Munson, are meant to be the ‘good time’ before women like her marry respectable men like me. Jesus… Your dad was a failure, you’re a failure, and if the accidental pregnancy is any indication so will Caleb. His whole fucking conception was a mistake.”
It was abrupt to everyone in the room except you when Eddie’s fist flew hitting Michael square in the jaw. You didn’t even try to stop him as he headed towards him to hit him more before your parents intervened. 
“That is enough! I will not have this behavior in front of my quests in my own house.”, your mother scolded as she pointed her boney finger at your husband.
“I put up with a lot of bullshit. For over twenty years, I’ve let you ridicule and insult me, put down me and my family, and listen to you whisper in my wife’s ear that she can do better. I have put myself through the ringer including getting on my hands and knees to beg you people to come to our wedding…”
Your eyes scanned him over as tears began to fall from your eyes and your mouth fell open. 
“…yet I’m still just fucking trailer trash that ruined her life? Fuck. You. Yeah, you heard me. We may have had a son and gotten married a bit faster than ‘normal people’ but I always loved your daughter. You think she doesn’t deserve a man like me but over 22 years I’ve learned that she never deserved you as parents. We may have our problems but thank GOD we are nothing like you.” 
“Get out NOW before I call the police! You are no longer welcome here.” Your father shouts as Eddie searches for you, thankful when your hand intertwines with his. “Y/N Y/L/N. If you leave with this man, you will not be welcome back into this house or this family. Any inheritance will be spread elsewhere.”
Chuckling under your breath, you turn to face them still holding the man you love. 
“Honestly, you can take my inheritance and shove it up your ass.” People around the room gasp at your comment as your parents take a step back. “I haven’t been a part of this family since I got pregnant and the only reason we’ve put up with you is because of Caleb.”
“No! Jesus, mom, think about it. Eddie may not come from money but at least he doesn’t call my son a mistake.”, you growl towards Michael. “He’s a good man but you can’t look past your own selfishness to see that. If you want to apologize to me and my husband you know where we are. Until then, fuck you.”
As you both turn to leave, you pause to face them one more time. 
“Oh, and it’s Y/N Munson, not Y/L/N.”
“I have a confession to make.”, Eddie breathily laughs as he holds the condom between his fingers. “I’ve never done this before…sex…like actual sex. I’ve done stuff but not like…fuck I’m coming off like an ass.”
You smile as you sit up with his blanket wrapped around your naked body and lean your cheek on his shoulder. 
“No, baby, you’re not. I’ve never…you’re going to be my first to.”
Swallowing, he tilts forward to kiss your forehead. 
“I just don’t want you to be disappointed.”, he whispers.
“As long as I’m with you, I won’t be. I trust you, Eddie.”
Reaching over him, you take the condom from his hand and tear it open like they showed students in health class before sliding it onto his hard, leaking cock. The metalhead hisses slightly at your touch, holding his breath as your palm rubs along his shaft through the rubber barrier. 
“How does that feel?”, you murmur as your eyes watch his face. 
“Feels…good.” When he finally opens his own eyes and sees your smile, he realizes you were asking about the condom. “Oh, I mean, yeah. That feels good to. It’s on there correctly. I’m just going to stop talking.”
Shaking your head, you take hold of his biceps and pull him on top of you, adjusting the blanket over you both. 
“Don’t you dare. I need to hear you.”
Opening your legs wider for him, Eddie reaches between your bodies to take hold of himself and run the head of his length between your folds.
You jump slightly, licking your lips as he occasionally grazes your clit. 
“I’m—fuck—I’m gonna lean back on my knees. Is that ok? I feel like I’ll have more control so I don’t…I don’t hurt you as much.”
After getting your ok, he pushes up onto his knees and continues to run himself between your pussy lips while his free hand massages your thigh.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. I’m going to push in now, ok? If you want me to stop just let me know.”
Before this moment, Eddie had asked Steve a ton of questions about what he should do and how best to not hurt you. Nothing, however, prepared him for the immense pleasure he felt when he gradually began guiding his cock inside of you.
“Oh—Oh my God.”
“Are you alright?”
“Y-Yeah, baby. Just—fuck—you feel so fucking good.”
“I do?”
When he aggressively nods his head, you both feel your pussy flutter around him making you both moan; him much louder than you. You were doing all right as he continued, the stretch of him burning but not enough to want to stop. It wasn’t until he had half his cock inside you that you sucked in a breath and his eyes shot up to see yours squeeze closed as your face scrunched in pain.
“Do you need me to stop?”
“N-No. No. Just hang on a minute.”
Nodding, he remembered something his friend told him and you listened as he licked his thumb and gently rubbed slow circles against your clit. 
“Oh f-fuck, Eddie.”
“Yeah, honey? Does that feel good? Fuck me. I’m gonna thrust a bit but I won’t go deeper till you tell me.”
You allowed him to do that till you felt the pain subside and pleasure begin to take over again. Reaching for his arms, you brought him down till he was hovering over you once more and you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
“You want more?”, Eddie whispered against your lips before placing a tender kiss against them as he pushed deeper inside of you. “Fuck, Y/N. You are so tight around my dick. I’m almost all the way in.”
“Give it to me, baby, please.”
“Oh my god.”, he mewled as his lips attached to your neck and your arms wrapped around his shoulders. With a rough roll of his hips, you felt the head of his cock nudge something only his fingers had ever touched and your nails dug into his skin as he grunted into yours. 
“Jus—Just like that, Eddie.”
“Like that? Can I take over, baby? Is that ok?”
When you nod, his entire body falls flat against your own with his hand snaking behind your head to hold to him as your own hands slid to his lower back as if to guide his movements. His rhythm hastened and the grunts that were echoing in your ears were the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. 
He seemed to get almost lost in the experience as his hips were hitting you so hard his bed underneath you began to shake. That familiar feeling built up in your stomach but much intensely than you had ever felt before. 
“Eddie…I think I’m…about to cum.”
As your cunt clung tightly to him, you shuttered against him as the coil snapped. 
“Oh my God…Y/N…” His pace sputtered as he a bit aggressively slammed his hips against your own as a strangled moan fell from his lips and his full body weight collapsed on top of you. 
You both panted as you tried to catch your breathes, him gently kissing your cheek before carefully pushing up onto his palms. 
“Ow.”, you groaned as your hand abruptly flew to his back to stop him. “Go slow.”
Nodding, he kissed your forehead and allowed you to guide him as you pressed your palm to the lower half of his tummy while he gradually removed his now soft cock from your extremely sore entrance.
After removing and tying off the condom, he threw it in the trash and rose to his feet. 
“Do you think you can walk to the shower?”
“I…don’t think so…it really hurts.”
Eddie blinks as he almost haphazardly picks you up and quickly scurries to the bathroom. 
“Oh, Y/N. Fuck. I was too rough wasn’t I? Fuck!”
Following his eyeline, you see the light blood that was attached to your thigh and you can’t help but smile as you grab his wrist to bring him to you. 
“Eddie, baby, that’s normal. Or at least that’s what the sex ed teacher says after girls lose their virginity.”
Relief paints his face before he guides you into the shower and stands with you under the hot water. 
“Was I…to rough? I just…I tried to do everything so it didn’t hurt you but I think near the end there—”
“I love when you get all nervous and stutter.”, you giggle as you tilt up to kiss his lips. “You weren’t too rough. I have a feeling I’m going to feel you the next couple of days and…I don’t mind.” You smile when his breathing hiccups a bit at your admission. “Did you…was I…did you like being with me?”
Eddie chuckled a bit under his breath as if you had asked him the most ridiculous question he had ever heard. 
“Y/N, I loved being with you. I love you…so much, pretty girl.”
Circling your arms around him, you held him tightly as he does the same. 
“I love you to.”
Silently, you both entered your home and Eddie’s eyes followed you as you disappeared before reappearing with the first aid kit you kept in the bathroom. After taking off his jacket, he rolled up his sleeves and automatically held his hand out for you so you could clean the cuts on his knuckles. 
When he hissed loudly, you jumped as panic flooded your face before you realized he was playing with you and you lightly hit his chest with the back of your hand as he laughed through his teeth. 
“I never stopped.”
“Being a dork? I know.”
“No, loving you.” When your gaze shifted to meet his, he continued. “You asked me that night on the trampoline if I still loved you. I’ve never stopped loving you.”
Swallowing your tears, you threw the cotton ball onto the table at your side and reached for the gauze to tape around his cuts. 
“Why didn’t you say that at the time? You just left.”
“I hated that I made you think for one minute that I didn’t. That I made you…question it.”
Biting your cheek, you wonder if you should tell him what’s on your mind but since he’s being so open, you wanted to return the favor.
“I’ve been wondering for a while. I just feel like we aren’t the same, you know? I’ve spent so much time going over our marriage wondering what happened. Wondering…what I did wrong.”
When your voice cracked, Eddie scooted closer to you and took his hand out of your grasp to lift your face.
“You did nothing wrong, Y/N. Do you hear me?”, he replied sternly as his thumb tried to catch any lingering tears that fell. “If anything, I did. There were times I saw myself becoming my father and—”
“Eddie Munson, what the fuck are you talking about? You are nothing like your dad.”
Shaking his head, he released you from his hold as his eyes searched through the void, trying to find the words to express what he was feeling properly. 
“Your parents and people in this town always said I was ruining your life especially after I got you pregnant. No, hey. Let me get this out.”, he scolded as your mouth opened to interrupt him. “Please. I told myself they were fucking stupid because no one knew and understood you like I did. I loved my life with you. The first time I heard my last name attached to your first, I felt like the luckiest guy in the world. The first time I held Caleb in my arms, all my fears of being dad just melted away.
It wasn’t until I tried to find us a house but all we could afford and get approved for was this mobile piece of shit.”, he sighs as he gestures around you two. “That was the first time I felt like I failed you but I pushed it down, you know? Then our 5-year anniversary rolled around and I still hadn’t gotten you a proper ring. 10 years and we still couldn’t get a house. When Caleb was nine and you wanted the three of us to go on vacation but that storm blew in and damaged the car so we couldn’t afford it. With every fight and every sad look on your face, I blamed myself but I pushed it away until…”
“Until what?”, you encouraged. 
“There was that night I came home and accused you of cheating. I said those things… and then I pushed you… listened to you cover for me with Caleb. I just saw my own childhood and everything my mom went through before she died… I didn’t know how to…”
“Eddie why didn’t you say anything? We could have talked about it. You…”, you sigh as you close your eyes and try to think. “We both said some things that night and…you’re nothing like him, honey. You’ve always been such an amazing father and husband. God…I felt you pulling away and I didn’t know how to get you back. Eddie, if for one moment I thought you were like him I never would have married you.”
“I just didn’t want to hurt you again. I didn’t realize by doing that and keeping my distance so to speak I was anyway. I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
You wrap your arms around him, hugging him close to your chest. 
“I’m sorry to.”, you whimper into his shoulder before pulling back to run your fingers through his hair. “I don’t care about the…house and the ring by the way. As long as I’m with you none of that matters.”
His chocolate eyes search your features before Eddie slightly nods and rises to his feet. You listen to him scrounge around your shared bedroom before he suddenly reappears and places himself beside you again. 
“I was going to give this to you on our actual anniversary but I think now is the right time.”, he smiles and hands you a tiny box with purple bow on top. 
Smirking his way, you remove the wrapping and time seems to stop as you open the box to see a beautiful ring inside. The red diamond stone was nestled into its nook making it look like a rose with vines circling around the silver band and skulls on either side. Your husband’s gaze continually scanned over your face trying to gage if you liked it or not. 
“I, um, it took me a while to save for this but when Caleb got that scholarship for his college I felt more comfortable putting more and more money away for this. I-I-I wanted to make sure it had the skulls since you like my ring so much and then I got the—the red stone because you were always such a welcome contrast to my dark, nerdy lifestyle growing up.”, he chuckles as he watches you slide it slowly onto your finger. “Do you like it? If-If not, I can return it and maybe we can go together—”
Your lips cut him off as they crash to his own. 
“It’s perfect, Eddie. I love it. I love you.”
“Oh, mom, don’t cry. I’m not going away forever.”, Caleb teases as he tries to calm you while you cling to him with your arms circled around his waist. 
“I can’t help it. I’m just so proud of you.”
Your husband laughs behind you as he steps forward and delicately pries you away from your son. 
“Come on, Y/N. Kid has a plane to catch.”
Nodding, you release him fully before tilting up to kiss his cheek. 
“Now remember if you need anything—”
“I know, mom! I know. Just call.”, he giggles making you smile. 
After taking a step back, Eddie takes a step forward and pulls his son into his embrace. It always amazed you how similar they both looked especially as Caleb got older. Even though your son kept his hair short, the brown waves had a mind of their own making styling a nightmare when he was smaller. As a teenager, he just decided to leave it be and let it run wild on his head. He seemed to have your laugh and nose but his smile and eyes were all Eddie. 
“Let us know when you land and tell us how your first day goes. I’m still curious what one does in analytical ethics.”, your husband laughs as Caleb smiles. “I love you, son. I’m so proud of you.”
“I love you to, dad.”
Saying goodbye one last time, you lean into Eddie’s side as you both watch your only child head towards security.
“Are you alright?”
“I don’t know.”, you answer honestly. “You?”
“I don’t know either. I know I’m going to miss him but I think we did a good job raising him into an adult.”
Turning fully into his chest, he held you tightly to him and gently pet your head as he listened to you cry. 
Your back hits the hallway wall hard as both your lips refuse to detach from the other. There was a needy, feverish energy between you and Eddie that had spent years building and was now exploding in a flurry of heated touches. 
Your hand slid down his chest to the prominent bulge in his slacks and you both groaned as he rolled his hips against your palm. 
“Fuck, Eddie, please. Let me…let me taste you. It’s been so long.”
His lips don’t leave yours but you hear the clanking of his belt as he unbuckles it and pushes down his pants. Leaving tender little kisses on his skin along your path down to your knees, your husband exhales heavily when your fingers wrap around him and your tongue licks the little droplets of precum that lingered on the tip. 
“Shit, sweetheart. I’ve missed your mouth.”
Pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail, you feel his eyes on you as he mewls and watches you take him all the way to the back of your throat. You bob your head up and down, relishing the sounds of him falling apart as he gradually thrusts his hips against your movements. 
Your eyes lock as you glance up, knowing what you’re about to do will drive him crazy. Clinging to his thighs, you descend lower onto his cock, and freeze allowing your throat to constrict around him as you slightly gag. 
“FUCK, baby! That’s…That’s it.” When you pull back, you stroke your spit with your hand along his shaft before doing it again and feeling giddy when you see his eyes squeeze shut. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. Come…come here, pretty girl.”
Pulling you up by your bicep, you still continue to stroke him while he licks two of his fingers and reaches down to rub your clit as his forehead falls on yours. 
“Jesus, you’re so fucking wet. Listen to how—mmph—how fucking wet she is.”, he whispers as he guides two of his fingers into your entrance. “You’re so fucking beautiful like this, Y/N. Your—fuck—your little pussy just tightened around my fingers. Do you like hearing me talk to you while my fingers are inside you?”
“Y-Yes. Fuck, yes Eddie. I missed it so much.”
Pressing his body against yours, his arm locked at the elbow as his rhythm hastened. 
“Cum for me, princess. I want you to drench my hand so I can smell you. I love the way you smell, taste, and feel. I—oh my God—I love that you’re mine.”
Your arms circle around his shoulders as you cling to him tightly. 
“S-Say it again.”
His sexy chuckle has your eyes rolling as he tilts down to kiss the shell of your ear. 
“You’re mine, Y/N. You’ve always been mine. You’re my everything, sweetheart.”
Your body trembles as the coil snaps and you grind your hips against his digits to elongate your high. 
Eddie didn’t waste a second as he lifted you into his arms and carried you to your bedroom causing you to giggle when he light-heartedly tossed you onto the bed. After pulling off your dress and removing the rest of his own attire, he kissed up your back as you laid on your tummy waiting for him. 
“I’m not too heavy right?”, he asks as he lays some of his weight against you. 
Pressing your back up against his chest, you twist your head to reach his lips. 
“No, baby. You feel good.” Smiling, he reaches between your bodies and guides his cock into your cunt. “F-Fuck, Eddie.”
“I know, sweetie, I know.”, he murmurs as his hand intertwines with yours by your head. “Still so fucking tight.”, he babbles as he does little thrusts to help you get reaccustomed to his size. 
You never needed much time; you loved the stretch and the slight delicious burn that followed before pleasure fully took over. 
“Please, baby. I need you.”
“You need me, Y/N?”
Trying to keep as much of his weight on his elbows, Eddie began pumping his hips and you both moaned at the feeling of each other again. Throughout the last few years of your marriage, there had been quickies with no real thought behind it, just the need for a release. The last year and a half you two hadn’t done anything at all and it killed you. 
Feeling him this close to you as he moaned and whispered in your ear was everything to you and more. 
“Hey. Hey, hey, hey.”, Eddie cooed as he brushed some of your hair away from your face. “What’s wrong, honey? Why are you crying?”
“I just…I missed you so much. I know…you’ve been here but…you haven’t really been…here.”
“I know, baby. I’m so sorry. That’s never going to happen again because you know how… I was always waiting for a girl like you…” Your husband grins widely at the sound of your laugh as he lightly continues to sing. “…to come into my life. I love you, Y/N.”
After kissing the back of his hand, Eddie starts thrusting into you again, leaving little pecks below your ear as you moan his name encouragingly. Laying his full weight against your back, he rolls his hips pushing his length so deep inside you, your eyes practically roll out of your skull. 
“Fuck, Ed-Eddie. Just like that. So—so deep.”
Tattooed arms wrap around you and your husband brings you with him as he falls onto his side, his palm digging into your thigh as he lifts your leg in the air. 
“Cum for me, pretty girl. Cum on my dick.” Licking your fingers, you bring them down to rub your clit in fast circles, matching his pace as he pounds into you. “Atta girl. You got it, sweetheart.”
When he felt your body begin to shake, he dropped your leg, hugging you flat against his chest and stomach as he slammed his cock roughly into that sensitive spot inside till you both felt the coil snap once more.
“Ah my God. Good girl. Good girl, baby. I’m gonna cum to.”
“Mmph—please, baby. Cum inside me. Please, Eddie.”
A strangled string of grunts left his lips as he rutted against you till his limbs squeezed you tightly and you felt him warm your insides. 
“Oof, Jesus fucking shit!”, Eddie shouted as something hard bumped into his back. 
“Edward Munson!”, the librarian whisper screeched his way as he held up his palm to silently apologize. 
When he turned around to see what asshole hit him, his intense eyes landed on your worried ones. 
“I am so sorry. I was trying to get that book up there but I tripped. I’m so sorry.”
Time seemed to freeze as the metalhead visually took you in. He had seen you around before talking with other members of the student body. You were in a school ran club like Student Council so you seemed to easily flow through each clique even going to the ones your ‘friends’ never seemed to want to talk to. 
He remembered Gareth talking about you in passing saying that you were incredibly sweet for a ‘preppy, rich girl’. Looking at you now, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to you than what was on the surface. 
“Um, again. I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”
“Huh? Oh, no, excuse me. I’m being an asshole. I’m fine. No, physical damage.”
“But there’s emotional damage?”, you tease eliciting a soft smile from him. 
“Of course. It’s not every day a beautiful girl pushes me. I’m going to be expecting that all the time and my hearts going to get broken when it doesn’t.”
“Hm, well, there are plenty of beautiful girls at this school so I promise it will happen again.”
“None of them are as beautiful as you.”
You blinked, taken aback by his confidence as you blushed and smirked his way. Eddie would later tell you he had no idea where that confidence came from but it was always the truth. 
The older boy smiled as he reached above you effortlessly to grab the book you had been trying to get before holding it out for you to take. 
“I’m Eddie. Eddie Munson.”
After taking the book, you reach into your bag and grab a pen before taking a hold of his arm. When your fingers touched his skin, an electricity ignited through him that he had never felt before and he had to control the urge to hug you to his chest.
“That’s my phone number, Eddie Munson. You should call me some time. I’ll be home after school today… around 4.”
“O-Okay. I’ll, um, I mean I should be free around that time.”
Eddie flushed with embarrassment as he tried to come off as nonchalant as you giggle lightheartedly at him stuttering over his words. He learned in that moment he adored the sound of your laugh. 
“I can’t wait. I’m Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
You stirred at the sound of your phone ringing, reaching over to grab the cordless from the receiver. 
“Shit. Hey, mom. Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“No, baby. It’s alright. Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to check in since I know last night was grandma and grandpa’s charity thing. Everything go alright or were they rude as usual?”
“Rude as usual.”, you sigh as you roll onto your back and grin at Eddie’s completely knocked out frame. “Your father punched somebody.”
“Oh, go dad.”, he laughed. “I’m sure that person deserved it knowing him. I’m really sorry. Grandma and Grandpa are old fashioned, you know? Maybe one day they’ll catch up with the times.”
“Yeah but if not that’s ok. I have you both.”
“Yeah…I love you, mom. I loved my childhood and I’m proud to be your son; you and dad. Fuck, Hawkins.”
“Caleb…you’re going to make me cry.”, you start to hiccup before he giggles again. “Did you want to talk to Eddie?”
“Naw, let him sleep and I’ll talk to him later. I’d text him but he hasn’t quite figured that part of technology out yet.”
“Oh yeah no. When it comes to technology, he turns into Wayne. ‘Why are the buttons so small? Why do I have to push it four times to get to one letter!’”, you mimic as you and your son laugh. 
“You two are rude.”, Eddie responds groggily as he rubs his eyes with his hands. 
“Uh oh, Caleb. We got caught.”, you tease. “Alright, baby. Have fun and we’ll talk to you later. I love you.”
“Love ya, kid.”, your husband mumbles as you try to tilt the phone closer to him. 
“Love you guys to.”
After hanging up the phone, you roll onto your side and curl up into his chest as his fingers start to play with your hair. 
“What did the butthead want?”
“He was calling to check in about the charity thing last night. I told him you fought for my honor.”
“Hm, yeah I did.”, he smiles. “And so did you. ‘It’s Y/N Munson.’”, Eddie mimes in a high-pitched voice with his grin growing as you laugh. 
As he settles, your eyes trace over his tattoos on his chest and the man softly sighs when your fingers trace over yours and your son’s name.
“I love you, Edward Munson. I know we’ve had our bumps but I don’t resent my life with you. Every day with you and Caleb has been an adventure. I’m excited to see where we go from here.”
His eyes that had previously been closed fluttered open when you finished speaking and he carefully rolled onto his side to face you. 
“I love you to, Y/N Y/L/N. I meant what I said last night. I promise to be more open with my feelings and talk to you. I don’t want us to go back to how things have been. We have the rest of our lives to be together and we’re going to make the most of it.”
You smile as you press your body to his chest and nuzzle your nose into his neck. 
“From the moment I wake up 'til deep in the night. There's nowhere on earth that I'd rather be than holding you tenderly.”
Eddie chuckles in his throat as you sing, tilting your head back so he can kiss your lips again before whispering, “I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life. I've been waiting for a girl like you, you're a love that will survive.”
@myherometalhead @dashingdeb16 @micheledawn1975 @hardladyheart
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tiny-space-platypus · 2 months
Part 4 Miscommunication
(Damien's POV)
School had started now and a new kid came to the academy today. A girl roughly his age but a little shorter. This girl was loud and obnoxious, gathering quite a crowd of friends on her first day. That was fine though, Damian didn't exactly want to have to talk to another brainless civilian. Though Grayson did say he needed to make more friends. Explaining that not having friends would blow his cover.
Before Damian decided what to do the girl who was just with a group of his classmates was now behind him, startling him. Startling Him. Damian had been trained by assassins, by his mother, father, and siblings to always be acutely aware of his surroundings yet this girl scared him? Damian needed to understand how.
The girl who introduced herself as Dani Nightingale giggled.
Damian: "You startled me"
Dani: "yeah I do that"
Their classmates are cheering no one has ever managed to sneak up on Damian and now this new girl has. Great this girl was now going to be another nuisance to him. Then the girl frowned at him and apologized softly before avoiding him for the rest of the day. Odd.
Damian also found that this girl was very smart. She was great at science, math, and knew so many languages that it was just impressive. She was odd.
Dani avoided Damian for the rest of the day. She fucked up, she fucked up big time, even if he doesn't show it she can still feel his emotions. She wants to fall in for the floor and disappear but she can't do that. So instead she decided to focus on the school day. Answering and doing as much as she can to avoid Damian. The boy she accidentally made hate her. She can't wait for today to be over. The end of the day rolled around and Danny was there to pick her up. Just as she ran up to Danny, Damian did the same. Damian got to Danny first.
Damian: "Todd, what are you doing here?"
Dani running into Danny and giving him a massive hug. "Danny!"
Danny (confused) "sorry kid, but I'm not whoever Todd is?"
Damian now also confused and looking closely at Danny because his brother was laughing and smiling and not normal. Then he looked at the scars on the man's arms and neck and mannerisms. That wasn't Jason but just looked like him, odd.
Dick and Tim now confused that Damian didn't come to the car, walk over and react the same way Damian did though more extreme. "Jason??"
Danny (sighing): "No my name's Danny. Nice to meet you" (looks at Tim) "or re-meet you, how was your debate thing or whatever? I assume that was why you were in a suit?"
Tim (confused before remembering the coffee shop) "oh! Um yeah everything went well"
Dick smiling while internally screaming about seeing someone who looked like a happy version of his brother. "It's nice to meet you too"
Both Nightingales feeling the turmoil and odd feeling from the 3 and decided. Nope! Not my circus not my monkeys even if he does maybe look like he belongs to that circus. Not his, nope, they have enough problems, whatever this family has is not also his.
Danny: "anyways we've got to go, I'm sure we'll see you around"
Danny left with Dani and went home with her neither aware of the tracker Damian had left on Dani.
Danny and Elle having a normal night doing homework, having dinner together, all that jazz while being watched by Robin and RR who had now taken a special in this family. Especially after Tim could find almost nothing on any of the Nightingales past a few months ago when they came to Gotham or when their sister went to Stanford. They watch Danny put Elle to bed then begin tinkering with a side project (he is an engineer after all). They seemed normal but something still bugged the both of them about the Nightingales. Something was still off, they'd have to keep investigat- Danny pulled out the 2 trackers that were were placed on both him and Elle and sat them on the table in front of him. He knew about the trackers. Maybe he was a threat.
Danny had of course found the tracker on him immediately and decided to fuck around making it go absolutely everywhere far too quickly till he realized where the tracker was from. It was shaped as a bat of course it came from Batman and his spawn. SIGH he supposed he couldn't avoid the bats and birds if they were already tailing him, might as well try to make friends first. The fact that they were looking for them was only solidified when he found another on Elle's school bag. 1) how dare they put one on his little sister. 2) who the hell put it there?? Was it suit boy again? Or was it one of the others? He'd have to tell Elle to be careful around them from now on. He'll have to be more careful now. Welp might as well try to reverse engineer these trackers so he can make something to scramble them when those guys eventually try again. He and to at least protect Elle.
(Things I thought of but didn't know how to add it yet soo)
Dani goes by both Dani and Elle depending on if her brother is around. Its confusing when they're both being refused to as Danny after all.
Tim is going feral because he can't find anything on them, like they didn't exist before this summer.
Oracle is also going insane because her cameras can't pick the two up. Every time she tries to focus on them the camera feed glitches out till they're gone.
The next part will be about Jason getting caught with GIW because they think it's Danny (and Elle maybe.) Still writing.
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cameronluvr · 3 months
EXES BEST FRIEND — topper thornton x fem reader + rafe cameron x fem reader
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summary: rafe is your ex boyfriend and you decide to get revenge on him by sleeping with his best friend topper at a party, but you didn’t expect him to walk in on you both…
warnings: 18+ MDNI ➾ consumption of alcohol, underage drinking, cuss words, smut, semi public sex, unprotected sex, drunk sex, toxic!rafe, arguing, getting walked in on, yelling etc
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you and rafe broke up three months ago after a two year long relationship. it was toxic to say the least, rafe was abusive and controlling and everything he did ruined your self esteem, until you finally gained the courage to dump him and move on.
earlier this week, you were invited to a figure 8 house party by a kook boy who was interested in one of your friends, who was also going, of course. now it’s the night of the party, and you and your friends managed to get a few pre drinks in at your house before heading over there.
you and your three friends tipsily stumble into the party hand in hand with each other as you laugh and head through the crowded house over to the kitchen, where you grab some more drinks to get the night properly started. all four of you had began to settle into the party with booze in your hands on the dance floor, dancing with each other and singing along to the songs playing.
as more time went by, the more alcohol entered your systems. one of your friends had somehow ended up making out with a boy in the middle of the crowd, and another friend was talking to a girl she recognized from high school, which left you and the last friend alone.
“wanna go get another drink?” you ask her, raising your voice over the booming music. “yeah” she says, grabbing your hand as the two of you make your way to the kitchen again. just as you grab another bottle from the crate and crack it open, you turn around and gasp at the sight of your ex boyfriend. “jesus…” you say, putting your hand on your chest as your friend stands beside you.
“hey y/n, what’s up” rafe says in a nice tone which makes you frown in suspicion. rafe couldn’t be nice if he tried to be, there’s always underlying tones to his voice, mainly sarcasm and pity.
“she’s fine, thank you.” your friend answers for you, knowing you didn’t have much to say to him. she shoots him a sarcastic smile which made him look at her and grin.
“oh, she don’t talk anymore, huh?” rafe asks, glancing at you before looking back at your friend. “not to you, no” she scoffs a laugh, which made him laugh at her. “oooh, feisty one your friend is, ain’t she?” rafe sarcastically says to you with that stupid mocking grin he does.
“go away, rafe.” you roll your eyes and grab your friends hand before walking away from him. “awh, i liked you better when you weren’t a stuck up bitch” rafe says to your friend to piss her off, which made her turn around and stop in her tracks, making you do the same.
“do you really have to be a dick right now?” you raise your voice and eyebrows at his audacity. “oh, she speaks!” rafe sarcastically exclaims, raising his arms. your eyes dart onto topper and kelce stood behind rafe, who were looking right at you with stupid grins on their faces to wind you up.
you give them no notice because they want to see you all riled up, that’s all rafe ever wants. you ignore him completely and grab your friend again, pulling her toward the other room again. “i can see your ass cheeks, ‘guess you really are just a slut after all” rafe says to you which made you groan and yell “fuck off” without stopping or turning around, hearing all three boys giggle like girls at your reaction as you walk out of the kitchen.
“ugh. what a stupid fucking asshole” you vent to your friend. “honestly, fuck him. he’s a prick. you should totally get on someone tonight, ‘would totally piss him off” your friend suggests with a giggle to lighten your mood, making you smile a bit. “i don’t know…” you sigh before you both return to your other two friends who were now both dancing with boys. “fair enough” you shrug, laughing it off as you and your friend resume dancing and drinking to take your mind off things.
another thirty minutes went by, drink after drink, and you found yourself wandering away from your friends and chatting to a random bunch of strangers out in the hallway. you needed to pee really badly, and you had no idea where any of your friends were, so you head up the stairs alone to find a bathroom.
it’s much quieter upstairs with a few odd people going in and out of bedrooms and up and down the stairs. you began searching for the bathroom when you found it, opening the door and stepping inside. when you close the door and turn around, you gasp and jump at the unexpected sight of someone in the bathroom with you.
“shit… sorr— topper?” you quickly apologize, realizing it was rafe’s best friend. “what are you doing? get out” topper says in a mean tone, giving you daggers as he zips up his pants. “i need to pee? you get out” you say to him, noticing he was done using the toilet.
“no, i was in here first” topper scoffs, flushing the toilet and walking over to the sink to wash his hands. “great, well you’re done now, so leave” you smile with a fake sweet tone in your voice, crossing your arms over your chest to wait. “don’t care. wait your turn, don’t come in here demanding” he rolls his eyes, turning off the faucet and drying his hands on himself.
“fine. i’ll just go. i don’t care” you shrug, the alcohol giving you confidence as you walk over to the toilet and pull your panties down from underneath your dress, “what are you doing?” topper frowns, looking at you as if you’re crazy. “going pee, what does it look like?” you ask, laughing as you sit down to pee with him right in front of you.
he doesn’t answer, he only rolls his eyes at you, trying not to look at any private part of yours. he doesn’t make a move for the door, he just stands there kinda watching you with a weird look on his face. you two never really got along so well in the past, with him constantly being on rafe’s side each time you argued. “see? you could’ve left but you didn’t—”
“because i was in here first.” you both bicker as you finish peeing, wrapping toilet paper over your hand to wipe yourself. he didn’t particularly watch you do it, but it was definitely in his vision. when you were done, you flush the toilet and wash your hands, all while topper is still in the bathroom.
“great, look at that, we’re both done. who’s getting the fuck out first?” you ask, giving him a sarcastic look. “i’m staying here” topper says, “okay. well i’m staying here too.” you say to piss him off, seeing him roll his eyes. “not much to do in a bathroom…” he shrugs. “why do you wanna stay here then?” you frown.
“why do you wanna stay here?” he asks the same question you did. “to annoy you.” you shrug and giggle, both of you in a pretty drunk state. “right. typical of you” he scoffs, seeing you reach into your purse and grabbing your lipstick. “mhm” you hum as you turn around to face the mirror, opening your lipstick and reapplying some.
“y’know, you already look like a whore so that lipstick isn’t going to change anything” he says rudely, making you scoff at his reflection in the mirror. “maybe i wanna be a whore” you shrug, focusing on applying the lipstick and rubbing your lips together, all while you lean over the sink counter with your ass cheeks hanging out of your short dress.
you see his eyes dart down to your ass in the mirror’s reflection, making you smirk and poke your butt out a little more, seeing him still looking. “if i’m such a whore, why’re you looking at me like that, hm?” you ask in a bratty tone, placing your lipstick aside and turning around to fully face him, his eyes now looking back up into yours.
“you can’t wear a dress like that and expect me not to look.” he says, looking you up and down which brings tension. “why? is it too much for you?” you tilt your head, a smirk playing at your lips. “yeah. y’look hot.” he says, his drunken state allowing him to forget that you’re his best friend’s ex and this is wrong.
“yeah? you want me to take it off?” you ask, your tone more soft and flirty now as you look at him with a smirk and raised eyebrows. “i mean…” he drags suggestively, making you laugh. “come take it off me then…” you offer, slowly grinning as you see the look on his face. he wants to devour you.
he doesn’t hesitate to take a step closer to you, your bodies just inches apart as the tension grows thicker. “don’t you have friends to get back to?” he asks, “don’t you?” your head tilts. “i asked you first” he says, stepping closer and reaching his hand down to your waist, pulling you closer.
“i have no idea where my friends are. the last i seen em’ they were busy kissing some guys downstairs.” you shrug, cozying up to him as your body gets comfortable being so close to his. “weird. i thought you would’ve been doing exactly that.” he jokes, acting like you’re the slutty friend out of your group.
“well i am… just upstairs” you grin, wrapping your arms behind his neck and pulling his head down to kiss you, your lips immediately crashing onto each others. the kiss turned deep fast, with both of your hands roaming one another’s bodies, his hands slid down to your ass where he grabbed both cheeks, making you giggle and stand on your tip toes. “you like that?” he asks, breaking the kiss for air.
“mhm,” you hum, pulling him back in for another kiss. you hate to admit it but you haven’t been with anyone since rafe, you haven’t been kissed, touched or fucked by another guy since. you were too afraid to jump into new relationships or bond with new guys just in case they were as toxic and crazy as he was, he definitely turned you off men for a while…
the kiss began to get heated as your hand trailed down to his crotch to tease him, feeling him get hard as he twirls his fingers around the sides of your panties, slowly pulling them down your thighs. your dress is still on, but it is raised to give him more access. you let him continue as you feel your panties drop to the floor, making you gasp and giggle.
his fingers instantly begin rubbing your wet pussy, making you moan into the kiss. “fuck…” he says, breathing heavily as he pulls away from the kiss, both of you panting for air as he backs you up onto the countertop, slightly lifting you up to sit on it with your ass cheeks hanging off the edge.
you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer, your hands cupping his face. his lips are inches away from yours as his hands grip the sides of your thighs. “you’re so hot…” he says, both of you drunk and lost in horniness. “you’re hot” you say, glancing down at his lips then back into his eyes. he takes this as a sign to kiss you again, so he does.
his hand rubs your pussy again, moaning softly at the feeling of your wetness. “y’wanna fuck?” he asks, pulling away while his fingers toy with your clit, making you moan. “yeah…”
“i don’t have any condoms—”
“i don’t care, i’m on the pill” you cut him off, too horny to even give a fuck about extra protection. he smirks in response before making out with you again, your hands gripping the back of his t-shirt to pull it off and throw it on the floor.
topper has a great body, you couldn’t help but look down at his toned abs and almost drool at the sight. his removes his hands from you to unbuckle his pants, pulling them down slightly along with his boxers. “i’m so hard” he pants, pulling his head away to look down at himself. “yeah? i’m so wet… fuck me…” you smirk, biting your lip as you tighten your legs around his waist, motioning for him to bring his dick to you.
without hesitation he pulls his boxers down, his hard cock springing out and hitting your leg. fuck, he was so big it made you wetter immediately. you lift your legs up some more, shifting your ass in an angle which easier for him to enter you. he grabs his dick and lines it up with your entrance, pushing the tip against it and hearing you gasp.
“fuck… you ready?” he asks, making you grin. he’s actually sweet when it comes to sex, he’s much less forceful and aggressive than rafe was. he asks questions instead of instantly going for what he wants. he respects you which makes you realize maybe not all guys are so bad.
“yeah” you nod, making eye contact with him as he slowly enters you, the both of you gasping at the feeling. “fuck… oh my god” you moan, throwing your head back as more of him enters you, filling you right up with his big cock. “look at me… i wanna look at your pretty face” he says, using his hand to gently pull your head back up.
hearing his words gave you butterflies in your belly and your pussy, his compliments and soft touches making you melt. “top…” you moan, clutching your arms around the back of his neck as your legs move with his hips, thrusting in and out of you.
“shiiit…” he groans, his pace getting rougher with each stroke. you make eye contact and kiss each other a few times before his kisses trail down your jaw and to your neck, where he sucks and bites on your skin. you unwrap your hands from around him and grip his shoulders instead, moaning as he thrusts hard.
you drunkenly fuck on the countertop for a while, kissing and giving each other hickeys. the eye contact he holds with you is insane. you couldn’t help but think about how different he was to rafe, given that he was the only guy you’d ever been with up until now. no matter how drunk you were, you will definitely not forget about this moment and how every thrust felt, every kiss, every little touch on your body…
“fuck… you feel so good,” you moan, looking at your lipstick stain all over topper’s mouth and giggling at it. “what?” he asks breathily, seeing you point at his mouth. he looks up into the mirror above your head and chuckles. “look at yours” he says, helping you turn your head to look at yourself in the mirror, seeing your lipstick smudged around your mouth. you both chuckle and you turn back around to face him, pulling him in for another kiss with as his hands play with your tits above your dress. you didn’t take it off, neither of you wanted to be too exposed being at a crowded party and all.
you went at it for a couple more minutes, moaning each other’s names and exploring each others bodies and mouths. the music downstairs was so loud that it boomed and echoed through the entire house, not allowing you to hear anything else from outside the bathroom, not even the footsteps coming up the stairs…
both of you were so lost in each other that it took a moment to realize that there were male voices just outside the door, “yeah, hold on” one guy says as he opens the door to the bathroom, needing to use it. both you and topper quickly turn your head in that direction to be met with rafe.
shit, you thought… you didn’t actually expect rafe to be the one person to walk in on you. “yo, what the fuck?” rafe says after pausing for a second and immediately getting angry. “rafe—” you say, but he cuts you off with a laugh as he shows kelce outside the door what was happening, but by now topper was already out of you and had his pants back up, and you had jumped off the counter to pull your dress down. “are you fucking for real?” rafe yells with amusement on his face, pointing at you and topper with an angry laugh as kelce says “yo…” in shock.
“rafe bro—” topper tries to speak but rafe doesn’t let him. “nah, are you serious?” rafe amuses angrily, still in disbelief of what he saw. “you come up here to fuck my ex? what the fuck?” rafe pipes up, pointing at himself before fully entering the bathroom, kelce still stood at the doorway. “rafe he’s—” you try to say, but rafe shushes you. ���nuh uh, you shut the fuck up, i don’t wanna hear shit from your whore ass” rafe insults, yelling at you which made you flinch a little.
“rafe calm down bro” topper says, attempting to reach down to grab his t-shirt from the floor but rafe stops him and shoves him back. “don’t” you warn your ex with stern eyes, making him laugh. “ohhh, oh i see, you two fuckin’ each other now huh?” rafe jokes, looking over at kelce for backup. “no it’s not like that” you say, topper looking back at you as you briefly stand behind him, your panties still lying on the floor as you were too afraid to bend down and pick them up due to exposure.
“oh, it’s not?” he asks, getting aggressive as he yells in your face, his fists clenching in rage. “bro it was just a spur of the moment…” topper quickly tries defending himself, but rafe turns to look at him, “topper shut the fuck up bro before i beat your ass” he threatens.
“you— you’re just a fucking stupid slut, going for my friends? really?” rafe asks you, making out like this was entirely your fault. “well maybe don’t be such a rude asshole” you shrug, playing it off. now that you think about it, you really don’t care if you upset him or not. he deserves to feel betrayed by his ex and his best friend, he did nothing but bully you.
“yeah, really! you’re a fucking dick and topper here is better than you ever were,” you argue, not caring if you flash yourself as you bend down to snatch your underwear from the floor, shoving them back on. “really?” rafe laughs angrily, “yeah. and bigger, too.” you blurt out, shoving past him to storm out of the bathroom. those last words really ticked him off because you could hear him and topper screaming and yelling at each other as you head down the stairs.
part of you felt bad for leaving topper, but he deserves this, too. all throughout your relationship with rafe, topper was rude to you. he always backed rafe up when you two fought, always insulted you when rafe did, made fun of you like rafe did… tonight you saw a different side of topper, an affectionate and sweet side. maybe it was the wrong place at the wrong time, but who cares? hopefully this’ll ruin their friendship for messing with you.
you rush back to the living room in hopes to find your friends, and luckily you found two of them. “girls… we need to leave” you snicker, trying to hide your laugh. “why?” one yells over the music. “i just fucked topper” you giggle.
“you did what?!”
both friends gasp and widen their eyes. “i fucked topper and rafe walked in” you couldn’t help but laugh in excitement thinking about how much this’ll affect rafe. “oh my god!”
“i know, right?” you laugh as the two of your friends reach over to your third and final friend in the crowd to pull her out. “we’re leaving, let’s go” one says to her, seeing her frown. “why?” she asks, just as you see rafe walking down the stairs, probably trying to find you. “that’s why… come on” you say, pointing at rafe as the four of you quickly move through the crowd and dart for the door, all running out and laughing.
“girl, you’re crazy” one of the girls says to you as you all make it to the end of the driveway and pant for air. “i know… and he’ll kill me if we don’t get the fuck outta’ here” you drunkenly laugh, thinking of the situation as funny more than anything else.
all four of you head down the road and back in the direction of your house where you were prior to the party. “what the hell happened?” your third friend asks, looking at you with a frown. “she fucked topper.” another replies for you. “what? seriously? damn… rafe knows?” she widens her eyes. “rafe saw, he walked in” you giggle, seeing the shocked expression on her face. “holy shit…”
on the walk back home, you tell them all in detail what happened despite you stumbling your words drunkly. all you could think about now was what rafe was doing. was he hurt? did he feel betrayed? you can only hope so.
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NOT PROOFREAD. this has been in my drafts for SO long but i only just finished it😭 i hope u guys enjoy!!!! <3 FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED!
english is not my first language so please feel free to point out any spelling/grammar mistakes ◡̈
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cosmopretty · 3 months
Whatever You Want
KK Arnold x fem smut
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Dating a division one basketball player with a heavy schedule was hard, but both you and Kamora made it out. Finally after a ten months of school and long tiring schedules it’s summer which means the practice and both your schedules are light. The amount of love you had for KK is what pushed you through the long practices and away games where you would barely see each other. Kamora would admit she couldn’t do without you, you kept her grounded and in every way shape and form.
Chilling in the living room with your girlfriend and a few of her teammates. Your head lays on her chest as you sit in between her two muscular thighs. Azzi and you keep going back and forth about what cookie is better. You groan “Bro Az it’s chocolate chip you’re bugging right now” you tell her your eyes wide. Azzi opens her arms and sighs “No way it’s red velvet weirdo” she says way too loudly.
Paige groans dropping her head back “Both of you SHUT THE FUCK UP ITS A GODDAMN COOKIE” she yells. KK rolls her eyes and gives her a stank face “Girl boo don’t yell at my girl” she says attitude in her voice.
Smiling you look at Paige and stick your tongue out, mocking her “ha ha” KK tightens her arms around you, in warning. Paige sticks her tongue back out at you and KK notices her and gets up grabbing your hand and dragging you into her room while Paige waves at you both a sarcastic smile on her face.
Letting your girl drag you away you look up at her when she locks the door behind you both. Looking up at KK you see the shift in her eyes as she stares down at you as if you’re the prey and she’s the predator. Her hand comes down and holds your neck as she moves closer to you backing you up against the door. Your hands wrap themselves around her shoulder and she moves her head down to yours her lips hovering them next to yours “I want you so bad baby” KK says before slamming her lips onto yours.
Kissing the taller girl back she ruts her hips onto you and grabs your thighs hiking it up and around her waist. She carries you down to the bed and lays you on it, your back hits her blankets and she pulls away from the kiss and moves her lips to your neck. Your body starts to get hotter and she starts sucking on your skin right under your ear. You moan and she flattens the tongue on the mark she just made before lifting her head up and looking down at you.
Staring up at her your body twitches “KK I need you please” you beg the girl one of your hands coming up to brush one of her locs behind her ear. The girl above you nods and starts lifting your shirt above your head and she throws it onto the floor “Okay baby whatever you want I’ll give you” she says her fingers playing with the top of your sports bra. You move your hips up and slide your Jean shorts onto the floor and you lay under KK in only a sports bra and PSD’s.
She laughs at you and you furrow your brows confused “What’s so funny?” you ask pouting playfully. She straddles your waist and pulls her shirt and shorts off, taking notice of her body you laugh “Hey matching boxers twin” you say giggling. KK grabs her phone and flips you both over and she takes a picture of you both, sticking your tongues out sexually to the camera. You grab her phone and throw it on the floor “Please just fuck me now KK” you beg and she nods licking her lips before holding your hips up so she can take your boxers off.
She moves your body up by your hands so you’re straddling her face, you look down at her nervous. You didn’t like sitting on her face, scared she would suffocate. Kamora would never admit it but if she were to suffocate she would die happy.
“Come on baby let me please you girl” she says licking her lips again. You nod slowly and she smiles pushing your hips down onto your face. Her tongue licks at your entrance before she slide it into you without warning. You moan grabbing the headboard of her bed and you hips grind up, her nose brushing your clit.
KK notices the way you moan when her nose touches your clit “Come on baby ride my face just like that” she says urging you further while she eats your pussy. You moan guiding your hips on her face, the knot in your stomach getting tighter every second further you both go. KK slides one of her hands into her boxers and starts rubbing her clit. She gets off on your moans and whimpers, she lived only to please you.
Moaning your hips jolt as her other hand comes to slide two fingers into your hold unexpectedly.
“Fuck KK fuck feels so good” you say out of breath as her fingers move in a scissoring motion inside of you. She nods and moves her mouth away from your pussy taking a deep breath “Yeah baby come for me” she says sliding her fingers out of you putting her tongue back into your hole. Her face was dripping in your arousal, your hips move back and forth as you ride her face, her nose moving up and down your clit.
KK moans into your pussy sending vibrations through you, as her orgasm approaches faster. She moves her hand that was in her pants faster and you move your hips fast before the band in your stomach snaps. You moan your hips grounding on her face as your body twitches when you come whimpering her name. KK grabs your hips pulling you off of her as she comes in her boxers looking at your pretty face.
You smile at her kissing her lips lightly before laying down on the pillow besides her out of breath “That was so good baby” you praise KK.
She nods and opens her mouth to talk before someone bangs on the door “IF YOUR GONNA FUCK DO IT WHEN ME ANS AZZI ARNT HOME YOU FREAKS” Paige yells through the door. KK makes a stank face and gets up sliding her shorts and shirt on quickly before kissing your lips and running out the door.
All you hear is a ton of thumping and banging before KK comes back a few minutes later rubbing her face. She closes the door and slides in bed next to you pulling you into her chest “She gonna shut up from now on” the taller girl says kissing your forehead.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
before the void (alexia’s version) II a.putellas
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before the void one II filling the void one two three four five before the void 2.0 (alexia’s version) II a.putellas
if there was one thing that never changed over the years it was that you were an early bird and a morning person. long before alexia's intense training routine which often had her up at 5am, she and alba despised this little habit of yours.
the worst was always on holidays. christmas, easter, sant jordi, mothers day, first day back of school, and of course your personal favourite fresa day.
the night before would be just as painful, with your body full of beans and eager for the upcoming celebrations you'd refuse to follow your normal routine.
you'd often be curled up with your sisters on the couch with the two of them suffering through one of the brightly coloured incredibly annoying childrens shows you adored.
with your eyes starting to struggle to stay open they'd notice and silently high five above your head, exchanging victorious grins always naive about the sudden energy boosts of four year olds.
eli would finish packing away the leftovers from dinner and note your near limp form curled up on alexia's lap like a cat with an amused smile. "vale fresita, time for bed mi hija." she would make her way over and advise with a chuckle as you shook your head.
"no, m'not tired." you'd grumble, definitely tiredly, the rhythmic scratching of alba's nails against your back where her hand was tucked up your top not helping you fight the way your eyelids suddenly felt weighted and alexia's stomach rose and fall where your head was resting.
"oh no? you look tired nena, and you cannot sleep in alexia's lap all night." eli would playfully roll her eyes, nodding to her eldest daughters who let you go as eli would hoist you up onto her hip.
then like clockwork the moment you were pulled from that little bubble of warmth and comfort, it was as if an electric shock ran through and you were jolted awake.
with eyes wide and battery rapidly recharging you'd wiggle and wiggle until eli had no choice but to put you down and suddenly you were off, sprinting away as your sisters groaned and your mami sighed, tired herself.
"we'll get her mami, go take your shower." alexia ordered somewhat firmly, the two already taking off in search of you as eli held her hands up in surrender and headed for her own room knowing better than to argue.
"vamos fresa, bed time." alexia ordered eventually finding you in her room, stood on her bed and shaking your head firmly. "no, fresa day." you stated bluntly, making alba snicker where she stood blocking the door as alexia shot her a glare over her shoulder.
"no, thats tomorrow. which means you need to sleep so you're not grumpy tomorrow pequeña." your sister warned as you shook your head. "no." you repeated, the word always one of your favourites.
"yes. alba and i will read you a story?" alexia offered as you once again shook your head, not even pausing to consider the offer as you started to jump up and down on her bed.
"fresa!" alexia groaned as her neatly made bed was suddenly a crumpled pile of sheets as you giggled and tried to jump higher. "fine, no story then. bed time!" alexia made a move toward you as you jumped, avoiding her arms which reached for you.
"no!" you shook your head, launching yourself off her bed and hitting the floor with a thump, alexia wincing but letting out a small sigh as you seemed unharmed despite the distance of the jump.
"too slow!" you chirped, zooming through alba's legs as she tried to snatch you up. "you were supposed to block the door idiota!" alexia shoved the younger girl who scoffed, the two bickering back and for a moment as you took the opportunity to race away.
gathering themselves your sisters put aside their argument and focused on the task at hand, this game of cat and mouse lasting far too long now as every time they almost caught you you somehow escaped.
but eventually the time of night caught up to you and you started to run a little slower, your laughter was interrupted by yawns and before you realized you'd run into alexia's legs and you were scooped up and tossed over her shoulder.
"no!" you groaned though again interrupted by a yawn making her chuckled. "yes!" she mocked, alba tossing her your shirt you'd stripped off in your determination to stay awake which was pulled over your head.
"come on diablillo, or we will cancel fresa day." alexia chuckled as you went rigid. "no!" you hit her back as she grinned and lowered you down into your own bed, alba helping you get under the covers.
"story?" you asked hopefully, an innocent but tired smile painting your face as your sisters exchanged a look. "move over." alba ordered with a sigh and you lit up, wiggling away so she could slide on one side as alexia grabbed a book and wedged herself onto the other.
and an hour later when the house was suspiciously quiet thats how eli found all three of you, a chuckle leaving the corner of her mouth at the sight.
you were dead asleep, sprawled out with your bottom half on the bed and your top half on top of alba. alba was leaning into alexia whose arm was draped across her shoulder as her legs hung off the end of your bed.
both your sisters were also asleep with the book they'd started to read abandoned on the floor where it fell from alexia's hand, not a single one of you looking comfortable but still all entangled together on the bed.
of a morning you didn't even need an alarm, your body served its natural purpose and with it taking a small army to tire you out the night before your sisters eventually woke up around 3am with stiff necks and headed to their own beds.
but it wasn't even two and a half hours later when alexia was woken up yet again.
"ale ale ale ale ale!" you chanted as you burst through her door, climbing up onto her bed and bouncing around on the mattress as the footballers eyes cracked open.
"no fresa." she groaned tiredly, grabbing a pillow and thumping you with it sending you tumbling down onto her mattress as she exhaled deeply. "its fresa day. get up!" you huffed, kicking at her form under the covers.
fresa day of course, was your birthday. and something that the entire family took very seriously with all of your tia's and tio's and cousins coming over tonight for dinner to celebrate. but the five am wake up was not on the schedule.
"go back to sleep! fresa day will still be here in a few hours pequeña." alexia moaned, grabbing the spare pillow and covering her face it, grunting as you flopped down on top of her.
"no, starts now. ale, ale, ale, ale, ale, ale, ale, ale-" you chanted over and over and no matter how tightly alexia pressed the pillow against her face she couldn't block it out. "vale! cállate." alexia's hand covered your face as you nodded.
"happy fresa day!" you cheered as she let go, tackling her back into bed as alexia couldn't help but let out a laugh. "you can't wish yourself a happy birthday hermanita."
aside from your sisters if there was one other person growing up who gave you whatever you wanted and more, it was jenni.
at first you'd been a little intimdated by the incredibly tall and tattooed girl the day alexia brought her home to meet everyone, uncharacteristically hiding behind alba's leg when she introduced herself.
though recognizing you were very small and she was not jenni squatted down and offered you a handshake, alba gently nudging you forward as jenni gave you a grin when you shyly shook her hand and immediately hid back behind your sister.
alexia watched on in surprise, never having seen you this shy around any of her teammates and friends before. but as time passed, she wished you were still afraid of jenni.
instead, it was quite the opposite.
the girl rapidly became seemingly your new favourite person, and though it took a few visits for you to warm up to her, once you did you were glued to jenni's side and an absolute thorn in alexia's who never seemed to get a moment alone with her girlfriend.
but near begging her mami to give her some peace and quiet after you'd been relentlessly getting under her skin all afternoon eli took pity and took you with her to the shops.
but of course, that peace and quiet didn't last either.
alexia was in bed and in the middle of finally being able to kiss her girlfriend without interruption, straddling her hips as alba was firmly locked away in her own room knowing better than to surface while it was just the three of them at home.
so caught up in the feeling of jenni's strong hands toying with the waistband of her shorts she hadn't heard the front door open or the footsteps go racing toward her door, eli's yells for you to leave your sisters falling on deaf ears.
but alexia did hear her door open, pulling away and letting out a groan as you raced inside uninvited, climbing up onto her bed and all but shouldering your sister out of the way.
"fresa! what did we say about knocking?" your sister sighed dragging her hands down her face as you ignored her, hugging jenni tightly who only grinned and ruffled your hair.
"i'm back!" you chirped with a grin of your own, making yourself comfortable in alexia's bed in between them as your sister mumbled something under her breath, jenni shooting her a look and hitting her softly.
"i can see that pequeña. did you have fun shopping with your mami?" jenni asked, grabbing you and swinging you around to stand on her knees making you giggle and grab her hands so you could balance, nodding enthusiastically.
"sí! mami's makin paella for dinner. are you staying?" you asked hopefully, ignoring your sisters displeased huffs where she sat in bed beside the pair of you. "only if your mami says its okay, can you go ask her for me chiqui?" jenni asked as you nodded, leaping down off alexia's bed.
"fres por favor be careful!" alexia sat bolt upright at the thump of you hitting the floor where you stumbled over and fell, getting up and brushing yourself off, sending the two of them a thumbs up and sprinting off making jenni laugh and alexia sigh in relief.
"vamos grumpy, smile." jenni teased poking at her girlfriends cheeks whose scowl only deepened. "you are not jealous of your hermanita are you princesa?" the girl continued with a wolfish grin as alexia rolled her eyes.
"no!" she huffed, crossing her arms with a glare as jenni shook her head knowingly, leaning in to kiss her though before their lips touched you were back and climbing right back into bed as alexia groaned again.
"you can stay, mami said you have to anyway." you promised patting jenni's shoulder who smiled and pinched your cheek. "hey show your hermana what leila taught you yesterday chiqui." jenni remembered, alexia having had to take you to training after you finished at school when eli was stuck with a work emergency.
alexia looked on curiously as you turned to her, but her eyebrows shot up as you gave her the middle finger with a grin. "oye! you don't do that, its rude. vale?" you whined as your sister grabbed your finger and warned seriously.
"vale." you mumbled with a frown, though with a poke and an encouraging nod and smile from jenni within seconds of alexia letting go of you, you were doing it again and this time diving into jenni's hold for protection, peeking out with a grin that scarily matched the strikers.
"come on, its cute when she does it amor, no?" jenni laughed as you peeked out and gave alexia the finger but the girl was unable to stop a smile curling onto her lips at the sight. "diablillo." alexia chuckled, reaching out to push your head backwards with a smile.
"but don't do that in front of mami, ever." your sister warned sternly as you nodded, tucking your finger back away as you busied yourself getting comfortable in between them and rambling on and on to the pair about every single tiny little detail of your shopping trip.
you were cut off by a knock, alba stood half asleep in the doorframe. "nice bed hair hermana." alexia snickered as alba rolled her eyes and tried to pat it down with a huff.
"she is tired because she got home so late." you chirped, having woken up at the sound of your sister sneaking back in given her room was right next to yours, alba ushering you right back to bed as you wandered in to check on her.
"oh really?" alexia grinned as alba shot you a glare. "mami was already in bed, you were in bed, i was in-" you started to recall as alba grabbed a slide off alexia's floor and threw it at you, missing entirely as it smacked against the wall.
"and mami expected me to take you to football with me? there is not an athletic bone in your body." alexia teased as alba's glare was fixed on her. "you tell mami i got in late and i tell her you broke her vase fresa, vale?" your sister warned quietly as you frowned and alexia paled.
"i didn't break it! alexia was kick-" you started before a hand covered your mouth and alba's face lit up. "oh really?" she mocked alexia's words from before as jenni watched on in amusement and you struggled to pull your sisters hand away.
"ow! mierda." she hissed as you bit her, teeth sinking into the flesh of her palm as she shook her hand with a wince and you climbed onto jenni who wrapped her arms protectively around you.
"thats a bad word." you chirped as alexia paused to take a breath, knowing that snapping wouldn't help anything. "what do you want alba?" she redirected with a raised eyebrow.
"can i borrow your charger? i lost mine." she asked hopefully. "alexia has it she-" you perked up, only stopping when your sister sharply pinched your side causing you to whine.
but it was enough to invite alba to stride over to the desk, scoffing as indeed her charger was plugged in, snatching it back and shooting alexia a glare before marching back off, door closing with a slight slam.
"you are such a snitch!" alexia groaned as you huffed. "don't pinch me." you warned, moving to stand up and do your best to glare at her making jenni cover her laughter with her hand at the sight which was more adorable than intimidating.
"oh yeah? or what? tiny." alexia sat up with a smirk and was easily taller but it didn't deter you, only puffing your chest out more and narrowing your eyes. "i'll get jenni to beat you up." you pointed to the other girl who this time made no attempt to cover her laugh.
"oh si? what about you fresita? you can't do it?" you were sent tumbling backward as your sister pushed you with a single finger, getting right back up.
letting out a war cry you launched at her, alexia only snickering as you tried your very best to take her down, arms wrapping around her neck trying to pull her into a headlock much like she often did to you or alba.
"oh noo, you're too strong pequeña!" alexia cooed, easily grabbing your arms and pinning them to your sides with a grin. "jenni vamos, get her!" you ordered, your sisters girlfriend very happily taking your side, alexia squealing as long bony fingers dug into her side.
"finish her off chiqui." jenni grinned, alexia letting out a grunt as you jumped and rammed into her stomach. "dios mio you have bony elbows like alba!" alexia groaned, all three of you collapsing onto the bed.
"fresa! i need a taste tester hija." and with that you were off, merely a blur as you climbed down and srinted out of the room. "thats all it takes to get rid of her? food?" alexia sighed in defeat, jenni laughing and leaning down to finally kiss her.
"mami what does gay mean?" the chatter around the table stopped at your question, your sisters hiding their smiles behind their hands as you looked on with a genuine interest and eli paused for a moment.
"why nena?" the woman asked with a raised eyebrow. "well at lunch the other day mariona and me were playing hopscotch and javi joined in. then some other boys told him that was gay so he stopped and now he doesn't play with us anymore." you frowned, eli nodding in understanding.
"i see. well, gay just means happy fresita and-" eli started, stopping to glare at the three older girls who snickered, all filling their mouths with food before she continued.
"-and on monday you ask if there is a game javi wants to play, and you and mariona can play what he wants too." eli advised as you nodded, satisfied with that answer.
"your paella makes me gay mami." you smiled appreciatively, all three older girls choking on their food at your sentence before sharing a look and bursting into laughter as you looked on confused.
"what else makes you gay fres?" alba grinned, ignoring eli's warning stares to stop as you hesitated. "um painting, cake, matchbox cars, watching ale play football, collecing shells, music class-" you listed off thing after thing as the girls laughter grew and eli sighed in dissapointment.
"so you are very gay pequeña, sí?" alexia teased though you were yet to realise what the joke was as you nodded. "super gay." you confirmed with a nod, shovelling another mouthful of food in as alba slapped the table and clutched her stomach.
"congratulations eli, you are three for three!" jenni grinned as eli only shook her head with another sigh. "your sisters not gay, she's six!" the woman huffed as you looked on confused. "i am! i promise." you argued with an eager nod.
"sí mami don't be homophobic! if fresa is gay let her be gay." alba clicked her tongue, attempting to stop her giggles at the glare her mami fixed her with but unable to as you shrugged and kept eating, still not sure what was even so funny.
the next day alexia had a game so safely riding on alba's shoulders you followed after eli and a few of your family members into the stands, alba stopping off to get you a snack at your insistent begging.
"there, now stop whining and eat." the barcelona cap on your head was pulled down over your eyes as you pushed it back with a huff and made yourself comfortable. "i paid for it." alba warned as she stole a large bite and you gave her a mean glare.
alexia wasn't starting and you grew restless waiting for her to come on, standing in your seat and bouncing anxiously as finally her number was called and you and your family cheered happily as she raced on to replace patri.
it was a scrappy game but barcelona with an injury time goal came back from being down at the half to win 3-2, and you waited impatiently for the crowds to clear so you could go down and see your sister.
finally with alba taking your hand all of you made a break for the barrier, alexia lifting you right over as you hugged her tightly. "good goal!" you grinned patting her flushed cheek as she chuckled.
"assist." she corrected, tugging the cap again down over your eyes as you huffed and pushed it back, spotting a few of her teammates lingering around and tapping her shoulder to put you down.
"hola pequeña!" leila grinned as you sprinted toward her, scooping you up and kissing your cheek as you pulled a face and wiped it off making her laugh.
busying yourself rushing from player to player to say hi you eventually arrived to jenni who lifted you up and onto her own shoulders, eli nodding her approval from across the pitch as jenni pointed to the tunnel with a raised eyebrow, the team starting to make their way inside.
you were delighted as jenni carried you off after them, not often allowed into the change rooms at away games, alexia catching up not long after and again pulling your hat down as you grunted and took it off and threw it at her.
"grumpy." your sister teased, tucking the hat away into her bag as jenni sat you down on the bench and you chattered away to anyone who would listen.
"hey chiqui, what did we learn at dinner last night?" jenni asked as you were sat on her knee speaking to patri, mariona and leila. "oh. i'm gay!" you remembered as jenni whispered in your ear, all three girls exchanging a look before bursting into laughter.
with jenni's encouragement you went around to most of the girls you knew well and spread the news until alexia returned from showering, grabbing you with a roll of her eyes.
"my mami's gonna kill you." the girl warned her girlfriend though jenni didn't miss the slight smile of amusement on her face as she steered you out of the change rooms once you'd waved your goodbyes.
"don't be homophobic mi amor!"
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iluvmattsbeard · 5 months
kiss me (m.s)
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master list
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: none!
preview: you were the odd one out from the group. nobody really paid attention to you and you were aware you weren't a sight for sore eyes. never anybody's choice. little did you know someone saw something in you.
a/n: this imagine is sort of based off 'she's all that', not entirely, but that's where I got inspo to write this! listen to the song for the full effect lmao. enjoy!
"alright people! prom is coming up! make sure to purchase your tickets in the auditorium if you're planning to come! tickets at its lowest price!" you hear over the inner come. you didn't even bat an eye at the announcement. you never understood the fascination in prom. the fancy dresses, the excitement of being prom queen, and etc. it was not your scene.
your thoughts were interrupted by someone shaking you. "y/n! are you excited? our last prom!" Nick says excitedly still shaking you. you look at him with a still face. "totally." you respond sarcastically. you watch him frown as he responds, "oh come on y/n. why are you being sarcastic?" you sigh, "you know this isn't my type of thing." you respond. "you got that right." Chris blurts out. you weren't even fazed by it. Nick shoots him a sharp glare, "don't be rude."
"no he's right Nick, I am not someone who should be at prom." you say. all Nick does is roll his eyes, "everyone is welcomed at prom. can you at least think about it?" he says with a small pout.
you let out a small laugh, "maybe. now stop bugging me about it." all he does is nod and smile. the bell rings initiating that lunch is now over.
Matt's POV
i was sat at the dinner table, right next to Chris, as we ate our food in silence. our parents were out doing something so we ended up getting raising cane's. Nick and Chris started bickering when Chris asked him for some fries. "you can't have any since you were being rude earlier." Nick sternly says, pulling his fries closer to him. "dude she said it herself she doesn't belong at prom." Chris replies trying to reach for his fries. “how can you act like that? y/n has feelings you know.” i said as both of them look at me. “you care why?” Chris asks with an eyebrow raised. “because Nick doesn’t owe you any fries.” i reply. Nick looks at Chris with a face as he goes “ha ha”. I had to agree with Nick on this one. Chris’ reply to what y/n said earlier was uncalled for. she didn't need his opinion.
i don't get how she doesn't think she belongs at the event. I always overheard her conversations with Nick and Madi. she always thought of herself as the odd one out. I never thought that. so what if she didn't look like every other girl? to me, I thought she was beautiful in her own unique way. i'd be teased if anybody found out I thought that. but it was nothing but the truth. I couldn't tell her that. I knew she was just too focused with school to even care what I had to say anyways.
End of Matt's POV
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
it was a Friday evening. you were at Nick's house sitting on his bed, right next to Madi, who was painting her toe nails. "have you given any thought about prom?" Nick says as he's holding his suit and tie against his body in front of the mirror. you let out a groan, "no nick. what is so exciting about it?" you respond. Madi and Nick look at each other then back at you, "maybe because this is the last time you'll have the opportunity to dress up and kill it on the dance floor." Nick says doing a little dance. you shake your head letting out a small laugh. "yeah I don't know about that one." you say, “i think prom is just an excuse for a guy to get into a girl’s pants.” you continue. “if you hang with the right people, like me and Madi, you will avoid that.” Nick says.
you see Madi stand up with her toes pointed up. you and Nick laugh at the scene. "what? I don't want to ruin the paint!" she says with a giggle. you see her reach down to her bag as she pulls out three tickets. "don't tell me the third one is for me." you say, shaking your head slowly.
all Madi does is smile waving it in front of her, looking at Nick, then the both of them looking at you, "you know it is!" they say in sync. you cover your face with your hands shaking your head. you felt defeated. Nick sits right next to you speaking, "it will be fun trust me! you have to take advantage of every moment." "I don't know how to dance, I don't do makeup, and I have nothing to wear." you exclaim.
"don't worry y/n. I got you I promise!" Madi says with the biggest smile on her face. you let out a sigh. what did you get yourself into? Nick gets up doing another little dance, "y/n is going to prom! y/n is going to prom!" he says in a sing song voice as Madi joins along.
Matt's POV
as I was walking down the hall, I over hear Nick and Madi practically singing over and over again. I got closer to Nick's bedroom door as I hear them say, "y/n is going to prom!" I laugh quietly at the chants. they actually convinced her. i'm glad they did. now i wont be the only one not enjoying the experience since Chris is dragging me along. maybe y/n and I will bond over the dreadful experience.
my thought was interrupted by the door opening. my eyes land on y/n. "oh hi Matt." she says with a soft smile. I couldn't help but smile back. I analyzed her face. she had prominent freckles I had never seen before. maybe because I haven't really paid attention. I laugh softly to myself noticing how big her glasses were against her face. they were slightly slipping a bit from the bridge of her nose.
"what's so funny?" she says, raising an eyebrow. I kept a smile, pushing her glasses back up delicately, “nothing.” i say as I turn around to walk away.
as I laid down in bed, closing my eyes, all that popped into my head was her face. the freckles, the soft smile, and the glasses. how could she not realize I notice her? she always talked about how she could never be a first choice. but to me? in a crowd of people I would look at her first. even though I just pointed out that she had freckles, i've never seen, I knew little things she did. like when she laughs she covers her face, when she drinks a beverage she sticks out her pinky finger, and when she's stuck on something she scratches her head a little from frustration. I open my eyes staring at the dark ceiling, smiling at the thought of her. I let out a small sigh. if only she knew.
End of Matt's POV
it was the day before prom. after school, you, Nick, and Madi end up at a little boutique looking for the perfect dress for you. you looked around feeling hopeless. everything looked too much for your liking. "how about this one?" Madi says holding up a pink sparkly long dress with off the shoulder sleeves. you shake your head indicating a 'no'. pink was not your ideal color. you felt like it was too bold.
Nick then walks over with a handful of dresses. "oh my goodness." you spoke, "Nick that is a lot." all he does is smile shaking his head, "come on! try these on!" he says. you hesitate for a bit as you grab the dresses from his hands, walking into the dressing room.
after a few dresses, you were still feeling hopeless. "this isn't working guys." Madi and Nick look at you wearing a green dress with a scrunch on their faces. "yeah no definitely not that one." Nick says. you sit down looking around. your eyes catch a beautiful simple white dress. you get up and walk over to it. "I mean hey. simple is timeless." Madi says smiling. "try it on!" she continues. you nod your head as you walk back into the dressing room. you slip into the dress looking in the mirror. you look up and down at yourself with a smile. Madi was right. simple is timeless. you walk out the dressing room as Nick and Madi cover their mouths in sync. "you are definitely wearing that dress!" Madi squeals in excitement. "definitely! you look beautiful in it y/n." Nick says pretending to sniffle, which caused all three of you to laugh.
Y/n's POV
today was the day. the day I've been dreading. prom night. I stand in front of the white dress I picked out slowly running my hand down it. I let out a small breath as I shake off my nerves. "alright lets do this." I say looking at Madi and Nick who were behind me.
Madi was already done getting ready, so was Nick. Madi was in this beautiful purple corset dress and Nick was wearing a suit with his tie matching the shade of purple of Madi's dress. she sits me down quickly, taking off my glasses, and putting my hair up to get it out of my face. “trust me. you will look like a work of art.” she says smiling at me. me and Nick just laugh. she starts doing my makeup. i've never done my makeup before. I told her I wanted it as simple as possible. which she did.
she hands me a hand held mirror as I look into it. my eyes widen at myself. "Madi... you actually made me look... pretty." I say quietly. she giggles, "more like gorgeous!" she says. Nick then pretends to sniffle, "oh my goodness. our baby girl is growing up so fast." he says. me and Madi laugh at his choice of words. "thank you so much Madi." I stand up hugging her. "don't thank me! it’s literally just your face that’s perfection." she says grabbing my dress, "now, put it on!" she says with a smile clapping her hands excitedly.
i laugh at her actions and grab the dress. I go into the bathroom to change.
End of Y/n's POV
you finally were ready for the night you never expected to attend. you look at yourself one final time in the mirror smiling. "here we go." you whisper to yourself before picking up your heels.
downstairs, Matt and Chris were struggling to do their ties. Nick gets downstairs and sees them. "i'll help with that." he says walking up to the boys. "thank you." Matt and Chris say in unison. "are we all ready to go?" Chris says looking around. Madi steps down the stairs clearing her throat. "where's y/n?" Chris says.
"she will be down in a second. but first! I would like to say, this is my favorite masterpiece yet!" Madi exclaims smiling. "okay well get her down here." Chris says with an eyebrow raised. Madi looks up the stairs and yells out, "oh y/n! get your cute butt down here!" everyone laughs as Madi steps down completely from the stair case. steps now can be heard going down slowly. Chris stares with his jaw dropped. Matt looks up as he freezes in his place with his mouth agape.
Matt's POV
as I looked up at the stairs and see her, all I could do was stay still taking in a gulp. she was beautiful. she lets a small smile appear on her face. i couldn't take my eyes off of her.
End of Matt's POV
as you step down slowly, you stumble a bit at the end of the stairs as Madi quickly holds on to your hand. "still learning to walk in these." you let out a nervous laugh. Chris repeats his question, "how?!" Nick rolls his eyes, "don't ask stupid questions."
everyone, except you and Matt, step outside preparing to leave. you had your glasses in your hand, placing them down on the counter. Matt rubs the back of his neck slightly, "uh hey." you hear him say. "hi Matt.” you say turning around looking at him up and down, “you look really good." you say smiling. "thank you. you look- uh-good too." he stutters out a bit. you let out a small laugh as you thank him. "lets go!" Nick shouts.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
you all walk inside as you look around at everyone. there was loud music blasting and you see couples dancing up against each other. you cringe at the sight. Chris walks off meeting his buddies. Madi and Nick grab your hands pulling you onto the dance floor. you shake your head quickly as they both laugh. "let's dance the night away!" Madi screams out. you kind of just stood there not knowing what to do. but you swayed a little to the music. Nick was going all out making you laugh. "okay Nick! work it!" Madi shouts smiling.
“wait wait wait!” Nick stops in his place a little breathless. “let’s go get our photos taken before we look like a mess from all of this dancing.” he says. you and Madi nod walking with Nick towards the photographer waiting in line. you were still feeling anxious about what could happen tonight. you didn’t want to make a complete fool out of yourself.
you catch a glimpse at the photographer. it was your math teacher, ms. rose. as you guys were next you couldn’t help but notice her face. “y/n? is that you?” ms. rose says smiling. you nod smiling back, “hello ms. rose.” “i’m glad you made it!” she says looking around. “did you bring a date?” she asks excitedly. you shake your head quickly, “absolutely not.” all she does is laugh and prepares to take a picture. “alright pose!” she exclaims. i was in the middle of Madi and Nick, all of us smiling for the camera. “beautiful!” ms. rose says as she snaps the picture.
Matt grabs a drink looking around. his eyes locks on you taking a sip from his drink. he watches as you smile for the picture. he smiles admiringly. he couldn’t help but stare at you.
as time passes by you decided to step off the dance floor. you were feeling a bit overwhelmed. especially because you couldn't shake off the thought of how stupid you look trying to dance. you grab a water as you step outside. as you're walking around for a bit you notice Matt sitting in the outside courtyard. you decided to go keep him company. you sit next to him as he looks at you. "what's on your mind?" you say looking up at the moonlit sky. "not much. what are you doing out here?" he asks still looking at you. "I was feeling overwhelmed. which I feel bad because I know Madi and Nick have been waiting for this night and I just left." you respond. “well how about you? you can't just think about what they want." Matt says trying to read your face. "well, I didn't want to come in the first place." you laugh softly, "I feel stupid on the dance floor." you finish speaking. “you weren’t bad.” he says, “but it did look a little forced.” he says causing you both to laugh.
still looking at the sky, Matt suddenly stands up, stepping in front of you, holding his hand out. you look up at him taken a back. "what are you doing?" you ask softly. "I want to make this experience memorable for you." he says with his heart beating fast. you gulp as you take his hand gently. you stand up holding his hand as he pulls you into a slow dance position. your arms wrapped around his neck, while his hands rest on your hips. "i-i don't know how to do this." you say nervously, avoiding eye contact. "don't worry. just follow my steps." he says reassuringly with a smile. you nod as you look at your guys' feet. you accidentally step on him. "oh- i'm sorry." you say biting your lip softly.
"maybe you should look up at me. it'll distract you from your feet." he whispers. you do as he says. you look up up at him already looking down at you. you look into his eyes having your throat swallow. your heart was pounding. "hi" he whispers. you felt the nerves go away from the sound of his voice. "hey" you whisper back. it was quiet for a bit as you both sway from the faded music coming from the gym. you notice him analyze your face as you do the same at him. you never really looked at Matt in the way you were feeling in this very moment. your chests nearly touching, his hands caressing your hips softly, and the eye contact. it was making your stomach flutter.
"you know how you said you don't feel like you belong here?" he whispers. you nod waiting for what he has to say next. "well i'm glad you're here." he says not breaking eye contact. the light from the moon shines on his face.
"really?" you whisper. "yes really y/n." he pulls away a bit, "I'm always happy when you're around. even if you don't notice." he says. you couldn't hide your smile. this whole time you felt like nobody's choice. when this whole time the person who wanted you the most was right in front of you. "can I kiss you?" he says softly.
"kiss me." you whisper back. he grabs you by your face gently, pulling you into a soft deep kiss. you felt yourself melt under his touch making you both lean back, having him dip you slightly, still attached by the lips. you couldn't believe this was happening.
when you both finally pull away, you both look at each other breathless, shortly laughing after. "let's head back inside?" you ask smiling. "one second" he answers putting his hand in his pocket, taking out your glasses. you look at them with confusion. he steps closer to you placing them on your face gently, taking a step back smiling. "perfect." he says. you laugh at his actions and grab his hand walking back inside to the loud music with your mind now replaying the perfect moment that just had happened outside.
you and Matt head over to the dance floor once the song “Kiss Me” starts playing hand in hand as you repeat what happened outside. “what a perfect song.” Matt says with a soft laugh. “well you have no choice but to listen to the song.” you say as the song says ‘so kiss me’. he smiles pulling you in closer kissing you with his soft lips.
“i thought you didn’t have a date?” you hear a familiar voice shout out. you both pull away as you look at your math teacher noticing a smile on her face with her arms crossed. “now she does!” Matt shouts back happily.
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a/n: this took me a while to write but somehow seems so short lmao. I loved writing this! I hope you enjoyed reading. likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated! follow for more imagines!
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dadsbongos · 7 months
i am a sword // i am a shield
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word count - 15.8 k // warnings - unhealthy/codependent relationship themes, reader has ego/identity issues, potential dub-con but nothing actually happens, brief mention of animal death, existential crisis, past manipulation/abuse from makima for both of you, also you and denji are both adult-core, and reader is specifically written as a girl, CSM part 2 spoilers!!!
summary - The Rejection Devil gets put on a new mission -- to be Denji's girlfriend so he doesn't blow his cover as a normal guy living a normal life!
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In late 1995, you are led into a tall building with a smooth, plain white finish and windows you wouldn’t be able to count even on both hands and feet. You aren’t sure where you were before this, and you can’t be certain why you agreed to trail the red-headed woman downstairs. All you know is that your life - your real life began with that red-headed woman and those winding stairs into the bureau basement. She’s speaking in a voice so silky smooth, you’re compelled to listen even though her words make your head hurt.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be so easy to track down this time. You fight more than this.”
You hug your arms around yourself as the darkness swallows you both whole, a door clicking shut behind your backs and leaving your only route to be following this strange woman. She smells like iron and spoiled milk veiled thinly by cheap vanilla perfume. It makes your nose wrinkle.
“Are you sure I can stay here…?” your eyes drift to the many metal doors lining the cramped basement walkway, “It’s scary down here.”
She giggles, hands clasped behind her back, and doesn’t so much as look at you as she replies, “You’ll be safer here than out there.”
Coming to a delayed pause outside a gaping steel doorway, the woman maintains her straight-lace posture while you hunch into yourself. Coldness wheezes out of the room, and a single twin mattress on the floor with no sheets or pillows laid in the middle, making your arms wind tighter around your midriff. Your beige dress may reach the ankles, but it's still thin - branded together with noncommittal strands that fray at the hem.
“Can I… go home?”
You swallow the lump in your throat and nod silently. Right. There is no home. There is on the mattress she provided, or there is under her mud-stained boot heel. You step into the concrete room - a boxy affair that wouldn’t even hold a bed larger than a twin.
“Good girl,” the woman coos, head tilting sweetly as she lays a hand over the steel door, “And I’ll be back tomorrow to see you again, how does that sound?”
You nod meekly as the door slides shut with a heavy groan and shick.
The woman is not back the next day. Or the one after that. Or even the next five. By the time you see her again and learn her name (Makima, you recall: it tastes like sour cheese coated in sugar on your tongue), there are sixteen shallow tallies on the wall nearest your bed, and blood and rock mix grossly under your index fingernail.
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In mid-1998, the debut of Tokyo’s summer showers threatened to kick off overhead.
Swirling, lumpy clouds mask the sun’s golden rays behind a sickly gray - sky darkening as the rumbles of an incoming storm roll under your feet. Yoshida marches ahead of you in confident strides, his familiarity with the building ahead your only savior to navigating Fourth East High School.
“Chainsaw Man really goes here?” you fidget with the unevenly hanging ribbon tied around your collar, “Why? Couldn’t He just avoid high school? I hear it’s terrible…”
“It is,” Yoshida confirms, not so much as looking over his shoulder at you as he guides you to your shoe locker, “But Chainsaw’s supposed to live a normal life now.”
“How would I help with that?” you watch Yoshida’s slender fingers pry open the rectangular metal door to fish out a pair of white lace-up sneakers. He lets them clutter to the floor before tapping the door’s plated number and wandering off to his own cubby, “Isn’t Kishibe His warden now? Why are we getting involved?”
Knowing Kishibe, Chainsaw Man is most likely left to his own devices more often than not. The man called “Mad Dog”, after all, would not be your top choice of fatherly figures, so perhaps Chainsaw Man is better off controlling his own life.
After swapping his own shoes, Yoshida stands where the entrance tile ends and the hall tile begins -- the entrance tiles are slightly darker in shade. Alabaster over pearl. He waits patiently for you to stuff your outside shoes into your locker and slam it shut before continuing down the hall. Teenagers in uniforms just like yours (though, you notice embarrassed, much neater and straighter than yours) are crammed by the walls, clogging staircases, and even looming in open bathroom doorways. So many voices all at once, they hurt your ears when they fight each other over who can draw the most attention. The joke is on them, with so much chatter you can’t pick out even a single conversation.
“Yoshida,” you call timidly from over his shoulder, and he hums - tilting his head just barely in your direction to indicate he’s listening, “How are we helping Him?”
Yoshida pauses in the middle of the corridor and turns to face you, one hand securing the book bag slung over his shoulder and the other in his pants pocket. His cheek meets his shoulder as his eyes flutter from the top of your head to the toe of your shoes, “I’ll show you at lunch. Just know you’re really doing good here.”
“At a high school?”
“For Japan,” he shrugs and turns back around, “Maybe the world.”
You like working with Yoshida more than most other devil hunters. He’s soft-spoken, but not from some unbearable shyness -- and he’s gentle, but not pitying. But even so, Yoshida is as much of a devil hunter as any and that means he selfishly uses what isn’t technically his. Well, technically it is actually.
Your power technically belongs to everybody except you in the name of public safety.
Cringing at your own overuse of the T-word, you slide wordlessly into the seat Yoshida points to as soon as you both enter a classroom. Your new classmates are sparse, and you assume that most of them remain out in the common space to squeeze out as much socializing time as possible. A few eyes follow you, so you flatten the crinkling, wrinkled material of your vest and undershirt with shaking hands. Secretly, you hope the sweat in your palms will slick the material down.
In the desk behind you, Yoshida sits with his cheek resting in his palm. Tired, lidded eyes skip over your withering frame and up to the clock above the teacher’s podium. His foot starts tapping as if he’s already expecting the dismissal bell to ring.
When a gaggle of girls approach and their gaze sticks to you a little longer than you think is appropriate, your hands shiver up to your hair. A terrible fire in your chest urges you to pat and soothe down any untamed strands you may have somehow missed in the mirror. Not that the mirror in your room is one of those great fancy ones you see in movies - the kind that fits the whole wall and never has a bothersome speck - but you think it gets the job done. Apparently, not well enough, you huff bitterly, glaring down at the pleats in your skirt joined by haphazard wrinkles vining down the unfolded sections.
You, still with a hand wound nervously in your hair, twist to look at Yoshida’s lame face, “What’s He like?”
“Hm?” Yoshida drags his dark eyes from the time to your pinched face, “Stupid.”
“Be nice…”
“Well, then he shouldn’t be stupid if he doesn’t want me to call him stupid. And lousy. But pretty. And he likes cats.”
Yoshida grins lazily when you perk up at that, stress lines melting away in favor of raised brows and wide eyes, “Really?”
“Mhm. Has one, too.”
“No way,” you perch both hands on the back of your chair and inch closer, “What’s its name, do you know? Is it black? Or white? Does it have long whiskers?”
“No idea.”
He watches your impressed gape press thinly into a frustrated line, “I thought you knew Him!”
“I do, but I don’t know his cat.”
“Do you think He’ll let me meet His cat?” you lean closer despite your apparent disappointment.
“Definitely,” Yoshida’s grin widens, eyes narrowing up at your buzzing excitement, “Why wouldn’t his girlfriend meet his cat?”
“Huh?” your brows furrow again, but you’re prevented from inquiring further by the attendance bell, your teacher tiredly saddling up to her podium soon after.
You’re going to help Japan (maybe even the world) by being Chainsaw Man’s girlfriend?
The sentiment is so baffling and strange, that you’re almost unable to sit still through class (not that the cause of your distress being sat right behind you helps any).
Yoshida’s standing just after the first ting of the lunch bell, his first curls around the oddly bent collar of your uniform before he’s yanking you up. Your new classmates file out of the room and Yoshida keeps a hand pressed flatly against your spine. He’s practically shoving you down the hall, towards one of the upward staircases.
“Where are we going?”
He sighs quietly into your ear, “Where do you think?”
“What?!” your hands scramble down to where your top is tucked into your skirt waistband, hoping it looks as neat as it did this morning. You trip on one of the step ledges, almost smashing your nose into the floor until Yoshida’s shoving hand grips the back of your vest tightly. He yanks you back into his chest, and you toss your head back to stare into his obsidian eyes, “We’re meeting Him now?!”
“Duh,” he forces you forward once again.
“No way!” you can feel your throat swelling, knees filled with jelly as Yoshida pushes open a heavy metal door. The dark sky greets you above, the rare ribbons of sunlight available reflecting off steel bars.
A lone boy leans against the furthest railing, his hair is tousled and unkempt. A pretty, silky coral that reminds you of the softness of mangoes’ flesh. Long in the back but trimmed at the sides in a way that tells you he might be cutting his own hair. His uniform is unbuttoned, flaps billowing in the wind behind his lax frame.
“Hey, Chainsaw!”
Lone Boy turns, plum bags hang under drowsy, unimpressed copper eyes. He sticks up a peace sign to acknowledge the call and waits silently as you and Yoshida approach his post. Despite the careless stance, he smells strongly of ashed cigarettes and dog fur unsuccessfully obscured by the plastic mimicry of a floral detergent.
Any polite greeting you’d hoped to muster is trapped in the dry cavern of your mouth. Tongue too heavy to form words. Your hands twitch up to the rail and you press your entire weight onto it to alleviate the wobbling in your knees. Yoshida stands at your side, squeezing your shoulder before speaking,
“I wanted to introduce your girlfriend,” he pitches you like those men in polos talk so passionately about whatever product is hottest in sterile white film studios, “And the best part? When it comes to her, you don’t need to keep any secrets ‘cuz she already knows.”
Denji stands straighter, his slumped leg shooting out in attention, “You know I’m Chainsaw Man?”
You nod skittishly.
He tilts his head, “You a fan?”
“Of course!” you chirp, hands squeezing around the rail so tight it burns, “You’re amazing!”
“Good to hear,” he leans closer, coppery eyes igniting with interest, “How’d you know? When’d you find out? What’d you think when you found out?”
“Oh- I’m- !” you reach up, straightening your bowed ribbon and trying to even the strands, “I’m a devil…” you shake your head, “Not as impressive as You, Chainsaw, just the rejection devil…”
His silence is chilling, and the disgust he must be feeling from your claim is starting to rot your insides. A terrible, agonized rot that no amount of blood could heal.
“Sooo,” he places a hand over his shirt - it has his own chainsaw form’s silvery and orange head on it with bubblegum pink characters lining his name, “You think ‘m a big deal, then?”
“You are a big deal!” you lean into him, at least hoping to lap up his body’s warmth if you can’t get his approval, “Huge!”
“Good, then?” Yoshida gives Chainsaw Man a thumbs up, “I’m sure a devil wasn’t your first choice, but a girlfriend’s a girlfriend and she’s nice. Listens. Easily impressed. Plus your big mouth won’t ruin anything.”
Chainsaw Man ignores Yoshida completely, grinning at you through shark’s teeth, “Name’s Denji. I like girls that like me.”
“I’m a girl!” you beam, bouncing on the balls of your feet, “I like you!” you tug sharply on the black ribbon around your neck, “I think you’re the best!”
Denji nods curtly, visibly smug. His posture curves again, all suave and cocky, “What can I call ya?”
Yoshida steps back when you glance at him uncertainly.
“My name?”
“My name,” you state blandly, blinking at Denji as you try to cobble together sounds and vowels that sound familiar. Makima had a name. Could you have one, too? Angel just went by, well, Angel. Quanxi had a name. So did Princi. You must have a name, right? “I don’t know…”
Yoshida chips in, both hands in his pockets, “Nobody really calls her. If they do, it's just Rejection.”
Denji glares at Yoshida, “That’s shitty.”
Yoshida shrugs, “She’s enrolled as Yoshida, Reiji.”
“I am?”
Denji wrinkles his nose at that before looking back towards you, “Do you like that name?” you shake your head, just slightly enough so you can deny doing it if the only real Yoshida child gets offended, “What do you like?”
“I like fruit…” you twist your hands around the rail, the metal cooling your flushed skin, “And cats.”
“I like peaches.”
“Okay, peachy,” he stands straight, and there’s something sweet about the way he smiles at you -- the way his body jitters, like the thrill of being a boyfriend is jumping out of his veins, “We should go out! After school. Today.”
“Okay! Totally!”
You realized quickly that going on a date with Chainsaw Man (Denji, you correct yourself, Denji) meant that you’d be going out without Yoshida when the boy walked straight past you and out the gates without so much as a goodbye. He didn’t even wait for you to change out your shoes before leaving. How nerve-wracking…
Pacing, you wait for Denji to exit Fourth East and tell you where you’re both going for your first official date. You watch the black slip-ons Yoshida shoved at you this morning crease against the floor with every step. You get so entranced by the sight that you don’t notice Denji’s approach until a hand stops you by the arm.
Jumping under the sudden touch, you gasp at the sight of Denji before awkwardly calling, “Hi!”
“Hey,” he drawls out the vowel, releasing his tender grip on your bicep, “So, where d’ya wanna go?”
“Huh?” you tense up - was that a genuine question? - before gnawing your bottom lip unsurely, “I don’t know. I thought you’d know.”
“Is there anywhere you’d wanna go?” Denji starts walking, book bag hanging limply over his shoulder.
You rush to catch up to him, tightly clutching the straps of your own bag in front of you, “I don’t know!”
“Really?” he turns to stare at you, only to find you watching your feet against the pavement with a soldier’s focus. So he looks back up, glaring when a man in suit and tie doesn’t move to the far side of the sidewalk to avoid knocking shoulders with you. The man glares back at Denji, but relents to dodge you, “Anything you’ve always wanted to do?”
“I don’t know…” your brows draw towards the middle of your face in concentration, “I like… Food?”
“Me too,” he murmurs in solidarity, “What about ice cream? There’s a place nearby, and cheap! You can get two soft creams for three hundred yen!”
“Woah!” you don’t know anything about that or how important it actually is to get two servings for three hundred yen, but Denji is excited and that feels like a good enough reason.
“Right?!” his steps quicken, hand circling yours and pulling you along. His hand is warm with rough calluses blooming around his digits, but it feels nice in yours, “And you can combine any two flavors for no extra charge!”
Upon arrival, you are only a little disappointed, but you suppose you probably shouldn’t be. It isn’t like you were genuinely owed your preference, that’s why it was a preference, right? In the same way, you prefer to have control over the heat to your room in the commission basement but don’t.
“Ah, no mango…”
“You like mango?”
“I’ve never had one,” you admit, albeit confusingly following it up with, “It’s my favorite, though.”
“Oh. Okay,” he nods as if filing the information away for later, and you hesitate to ask if he actually cares, “My favorite is the bubblegum. It makes me sick if I eat it too fast, but it’s really sweet,” you nod this time, slowly, “But you like fruit, so you’ll probably want the strawberry one, right?”
You nod faster.
When neither of you steps towards the patiently smiling vendor, Denji leans forward, “Do you want me to order for both of us?”
“Yes!” when you realize how outright eager you sound, you try to quiet yourself down, “Please, that’d be nice.”
Denji gives you a peace sign before taking charge towards the old man behind the open counter.
Upon his return, Denji holds out the small cardstock paper cup to you, a miniature plastic spoon buried into the soft pink mound. Darker red splotches decorate the scoops, sinking to the bottom the longer you take to grasp the treat.
With unsteady hands, you almost knock the soft serve from his fingers before clumsily clutching it with both palms. Sadly, the spoon could not be saved once rattled from its spot; the plastic unceremoniously clattering onto the pavement. Strawberry sweetness splatters onto the toe of your shoe, staining your laces. Your chest fills with the heaviness of dread, the freeze of the ice cream spreading through your hands and all the way down to your wiggly jelly knees. You look up from the grizzly death scene to Denji’s blank face.
You squeeze the cup, strawberry cream teasing to gush over the lip, “I’m sorry.”
Denji shakes his head, orange peel locks flicking wildly. His coppery eyes gaze up at you through his dark lashes, soft around his stare. Suddenly, the cherries of his cheeks brighten up, balled and red with glee, “‘s fine!”
“It is?”
“I have an idea…” his posture straightens and he reaches for his own cup, scooping out hot pink bubblegum and swallowing down the sugar before offering the utensil to you, “We can share!” you reach for the spoon and Denji creeps closer, anxiously rolling his fist as you use the same spoon, “This is our first indirect kiss.”
He swallows down the other woman that briefly flashes through his mind. Instead, he focuses on the way your tongue swipes over your lips to lap up any excess ice cream. You blink up at him and smile before holding out the spoon with a soft, “Sorry…”
Shaking his head again, Denji feels the sparks of excitement spark little fires down every vertebra of his spine, trailing over the rungs of his ribs when he brushes your fingers, “What’re you sorry for?”
“You have to indirectly kiss me every time you want ice cream…”
Denji raises a brow at you, having a spoonful of his treat before passing the plastic back to you, “You’re kind of a downer, huh?”
“Ah,” you cradle your ice cream closer to your chest, “Sorry.”
“Downer, yeah,” he nods to himself, slipping the spoon from your hand - gentle, warm fingertips pressing into your skin again, “I guess if we were both jumpy, it’d get boring,” catching your downcast stare into your liquidy strawberry ice cream, Denji cranes his neck to force eye contact with you. He says nothing, but slides the spoon into your cup.
He’s honestly just glad to be so close to a girl without her trying to kill him. He’d hoped you’d be glad to be here, too.
His eyes follow as you glumly take the spoonhead over your tongue. Denji is consumed by the need to know your every thought, each tissue’s twinge should be beamed into his brain the second it happens. For a moment, he even finds the idea of knowing each other so well to be comforting. Like warm toast smeared with every jelly he can get his hands on.
You say you like him, but you keep apologizing for indirectly kissing him - it’s confusing. A dull buzz began to ache through his head at the mixed signals. Denji is excited every time his turn for the spoon comes around (even now, his hands are rattling with anticipation as he reaches for it). He can’t separate the taste of your saliva from anything else, but the hint of saccharine strawberries is more than enough. He’d never apologize for greedily sucking at the aftertaste of your ice cream if the roles were reversed.
Does this mean he pushed it with the indirect kiss? Should he have just asked for another spoon? Will you let him have a direct kiss anytime soon?
None of those questions shake Denji in his beat-up shoes, which are tearing at the soles, so he decides that if you really hated it -- then you would’ve told him. Besides, Denji got lucky(????) having his first direct and indirect kiss on the same night and not everybody is so fortunate(????).
The women, however, he grimaces just remembering. So instead of focusing on a fuzzying eyepatch and unrecallable (yet unmistakably soft) voice, or hair like consuming embers and too-tight smiles -- Denji turns to you. To your modest displeasure over the flavor, you’d been stuck with over your apparent favorite.
“Are mangoes really your favorite fruit?”
You shrug, slapping the spoon against your melty cream and watching droplets rocket over the cup’s edge, “Even though I haven’t had one, yes. I like the flavoring best of any other fruit. Do you like mangoes?”
“Haven’t had one either. Haven’t had most fruit,” he looks up and notes that the cloudy weather is inappropriate for an ice cream date, but you haven’t said anything against it so he doesn’t either. Then, as he stares into unfolding skies, blue peeking through clearing patches, he tries to recall any fruit he’s had that isn’t a plain apple or grapes. All the fruit he knows about is through artificial recreations, and for some reason that strikes him as unpleasant, “Do you prefer mango over peach?”
It takes a few prolonged, stiff seconds of silence before you snap to the realization that Denji expects a response.
“Mango is…” you twiddle your thumbs, wondering which answer he would rather hear. You aren’t sure, you don’t know which fruit he likes best. Or if he even likes fruit! So you stab your left thumbnail into the pad of your right thumb and decide to give the answer you truly feel, “‘Mango’ is a weird nickname - peach is fine. Peach is actually… cute.”
Denji nods rapidly, you notice he’s standing a little closer than before, “Okay, peachy. I’ll stick to that.”
Azure whistles overhead, downtrodden weather fading away calmly. You wonder what else is left for people to do on dates -- you’re sure they spend time together, but doing what? Denji took you for ice cream because he likes ice cream, does that mean you get to choose the next activity? When does the date end?
Does it ever end? You two are already boyfriend-girlfriend after all.
“What- “ you’re cut off by the sound of Denji’s voice, “When- “
“Sorry,” you wave him off, “Go, you go first.”
Denji purses his lips before drinking the syrupy remains of his aggressively saccharine bubblegum ice cream, he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and stares at the stained base of his cup, “When’d you decide you wanted to be my girlfriend?”
“I didn’t. Yoshida just said I was being reassigned.”
“Oh, so you didn’t know?”
You can’t read Denji’s expression at all. It’s all straight except for the smallest downturn of one corner of his lips, “You didn’t know anything about me, did you?”
You shake your head, “I just knew I was going to meet Chainsaw Man. I didn’t know He was you.”
“You’re really only here ‘cuz you knew I was Chainsaw Man?”
Denji shouldn’t be hurt, he knows that was the plan eventually. To catch a fly with honey.
But when you plainly nod, it does hurt. It hurts a lot.
“Well,” you’re itchy all over, uncomfortable because he’s uncomfortable, “I think you’re great.”
Frowning, you hang your head and stare at the floor, “I do.”
You can’t read Denji at all. You’re supposed to placate him and you can’t even do that right. What if he breaks up with you? You’d be far too embarrassed to show your face back at work. The Rejection Devil met a force she could not deflect (seconds later you realize that the irony alone of being rejected as the very devil itself alone might kill you). How humiliating.
Denji’s head flops back limply, the apple of his throat exposed. You’re almost alarmed by the way you want to nibble it. He blinks up at the rolling sky, eyes watering as the sun burns away fitful clouds.
“Denji,” you plea weakly, feeling as small as an ant under his downcast mood, “I like Denji, too.”
His eyes flutter over to you, “You do?”
It feels like an opening - when the battle is at its climax and your opponent’s foolishly left their weak spot unguarded in the adrenaline rush, “Of course, I do. You’re cool when you’re Chainsaw Man, but you’re cool when you’re Denji, too.”
“Really think so?”
“I really do.”
Denji smiles suddenly, and you smile too just because he does, “You free tomorrow after school?”
Of course, you are.
You choose not to point out that keeping him company is what you should be doing after school anyway. Hopefully, he doesn’t consider that fact.
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In January of 1996, you meet an imposing man with stitches across his left cheek and a flask tucked haphazardly into his trench coat - the silver glints under sickly fluorescents.
“Timid, but useful, if she can behave without me there,” Makima talks about you like you aren’t standing directly in front of her. She keeps her helix eyes just over your head at all times, “I’m sure she will, but I think you’re the best thing to test her with first.”
The man behind you reeks of booze and womens’ perfume and mold, but somehow it feels less safe than Makima’s more foul stench.
“Quiet one, huh?” as if to begin the ‘test’ early, he pokes you in the back of the neck, “Sure it's a Devil?”
“Positive,” she winks and taps her nose, “I have a good sense about this stuff.”
You don’t want to go anywhere with the man with the stitches. Physical attacks and special abilities from your fellow Devils are things easily deflected by your own power, but Miss Makima has taught you a new lesson:
Words do not bounce off the Rejection Devil.
And the man with the stitches doesn’t smile at you with any kindness.
“Then let’s get to work, yeah?”
You think he’ll actually enjoy finding all the ways around your rejection abilities.
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“I thought we were going out today…”
Denji’s been your boyfriend for a measly two days, but he already hates the look of your disappointment. Those glassy eyes and pouting lips, they make him want to chew marbles and swallow. Instead, he scratches at the soft skin on his neck, clawing up red marks from chipped, short nails.
“I wanted to! ‘m just failing… hard. So I need to get my history shit done.”
“I can help!”
“It’ll be boring as hell…“
“No, really,” you hesitate to grab his hand before committing, his cheeks flush at the warm contact, “I could even just watch.”
Life is more boring when Denji isn’t around anyway. You’re mostly just… waiting to see Denji again every time you two part ways. Even the books and journals they supply you with at the commission cannot distract you from how gray and cold your room is now. All you think about is sunshine hair and thick lashes.
“I just don’t- “ you release his hand and look down at your white indoor shoes, “I just thought we would be together longer today. If you want to work by yourself, then- !”
Denji snakes his hand back into yours, shaking his head vigorously, “No way! That sounds terrible.”
“Okay!” you try to smother the elated smile rising to your lips, but it's totally hopeless. You nestle into Denji’s side, using him to navigate the (largely abandoned) halls of North East as he leads you both towards the school library. Your attention drifts to your feet against the floor once again.
Denji pulls his hand slightly behind his back, squishing your body tighter to his, every time someone passes you both, “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Look at your feet.”
“If I tripped over myself in public, I’d just about die…”
“Makes sense,” he glares at a trio of boys walking down the narrow corridor shoulder-to-shoulder until they break apart to avoid bumping into you.
You remind him of Kobeni for that. He realizes he hasn’t spoken to her in a very long time. He wonders if she’d even appreciate him trying to reach out. Probably not, he concludes; but he likes you better anyway, which is appropriate given the circumstances.
“Why do you…” you hum quietly, contemplating the question as you both arrive at the library. Denji squeezes your hand encouragingly, finding you two a table far off from the rest, “Why did you try using Him to get a girlfriend?”
“We’re the same person,” Denji shrugs before tilting his head and shrugging again, “I dunno. It worked before.”
“Not really,” he isn’t minding his volume as he replies, not like you do. Two other students are holed at tables by themselves, one underclassman debating two books in the nonfiction section, and the librarian at her desk, “Every girl I’ve met before you has tried to kill me…”
“Aw, that’s terrible… You’re not someone I’d kill.”
“Not that I could. But even if I could, then I still wouldn’t.”
Denji nods, a pensive screw overtaking his face, “What if there was a prize? Like. Something really, really cool that you’d get. Would you kill me?”
Instantly, you’re shaking your head, “Never!” you’re still whispering, cautious of irritating others even as your boyfriend drags you into the depths of his ego death, “I’d run away with you if it came to it.”
Iron pools in his mouth. A severed tongue. Soft daisies leave dirt and spit-up trailing over his chin. An ominous choker that stayed on, even when she stripped to go swimming.
“What if I couldn’t run away?” he still has a family after all. Bigger than last time, even. If he had to run away, he wouldn’t.
You frown, “Then I guess I’d have to stay away for good…” then, you settle your head in your hands, palms cupping your cheeks, and Denji has to look away to avoid spilling his guts about how cute he finds that, “Wait, I’m not gonna have to run away am I?!”
The shrewd librarian raises her head only to shush you before burying her nose back into her binder of book logs. Denji flips the old lady off at the same time you mutter an apology.
She takes note of neither act.
It irritates Denji in a way he’s unfamiliar with because more than the urge to be acknowledged is the need for him to know that the woman heard you.
“I really can help, if you want, also.”
“You said you’re failing,” you point out, leaning forward onto the table by your elbows, “I’m passing everything, so I actually can help. If you want!”
“Seriously? Didn’t you just get here? How’re you already all smart?”
“I just don’t want to fail,” you wave out your hands as though to dismiss any ill-intent, “Not that it’s… I’m not sure how to say it… I don’t think it’s terrible of you to fail, school seems really hard. I just feel sick at the thought of not doing well.”
“Your class is lucky to have you to answer questions, all my classmates are dumbasses,” he bites bitterly.
“Oh, I don’t really answer questions. Yoshida does sometimes, though.”
“Why don’t you?”
“What if I’m wrong one day?”
“Are you ever?”
No, but that doesn’t mean you’ll start raising your hand anytime soon. To distract Denji from this topic, you stretch closer to him over the table and insist on helping him finish his history work. That way, he won’t have to do it in replacement for your date tomorrow.
“Hey. Why d’ya like Chainsaw Man?”
His fiery eyes are all raw, mushy dough. He looks terrible and sad. You want to fix it, whatever or whoever made him this way. You simper sweetly and confidently declare,
“He’s so powerful. He can kill any devil he wants. And so can You, Denji. You’re both so amazing. But I like You best.”
“... I like you, too.”
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In February of 1996, you are sent on your first real mission with Kishibe -- Makima stating he was your safest partner option after training together so long.
Your tie is tied too tight, and your pants cinch uncomfortably around your thighs. You can’t maintain any sort of normal breathing pattern and that’s beginning to occupy more brain space than your actual upcoming fight. Mostly, you’re trying to level your heavy breaths so as to avoid irritating Kishibe. Logically, you know him to not be hotheaded and prone to rash lashing out, but the fear of him slicing your chest open lingers there.
Far too soon for your liking, the car lulls to a stop outside the boarded, graffiti’d Love Hotel. Swiftly abandoned by faculty and regulars alike as soon as the Devil made itself known on the fourth floor.
Just remembering the bold letters printed at the top of Kishibe’s briefing report sends a shiver down your spine -- FOUR CIVILIANS DEAD. TWO PUBLIC HUNTERS M.I.A. ONE PRIVATE HUNTER K.I.A.
“Come on,” Kishibe jerks his head towards the building and you trip after him like a newborn puppy.
You follow Kishibe into the Love Hotel and patiently wait for his orders before heading for the top floor. He pauses at the stairs to jerk your body in front of his, shoving you in the back to hurry up the flight as he meanders behind.
“I want you to clear the first floor ahead of me.”
A command, no room to fight back. Not that you would. Following his orders blindly feels more comfortable, anyway.
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“You ever get the urge to bite people?” Denji pops the question while watching you peel an orange. The underside of your thumbnail is stained yellowish from the skin you punctured, and some bizarre voice inside him whispers that he should dig the flesh out with his sharpest tooth.
“Hm…” you roll the orange peel into a ball and settle it beside you on the rooftop pavement, seeing as there are no nearby trash cans, “I don’t think so…” you rip the conjoined slices in half and hand the slightly fatter side to Denji, “Maybe when I first met Kishibe. He scared me.”
“Really?” Denji pops one of the juicy slices into his mouth, eyes still trained on your fingers as you carefully squeeze out the brown seeds inside before eating, “I just thought he was a geezer.”
“That’s rude!” you’re trying in vain to keep your lips pressed in a straight line, as if the Mad Dog would apparate at your back and kick you just for laughing.
Denji leans back and chews another slice of the orange, tucking the seeds under his tongue and debating whether or not it’d be a waste to spit them out. He shrugs, “‘s true. He had a flask, too. Definitely thought he was some weirdo.”
“I guess maybe a little…” you hesitantly admit, “He super liked beating me up when we met.”
“Oh, yeah. Like for training?” Denji finishes his half of the orange and settles on swallowing his seeds.
Just as you go to respond, the bell to end lunch rings and Denji is stumbling up to his feet, swiping up the pile of orange skins and your discarded seeds. He offers a hand to help you up and you wonder if it’d be more polite to spare him from the sugary orange blood on your skin.
“My hand- “ you begin, words sudden and jumbled, and you feel shyness suffocate you under his blank stare, “Sticky… it’s sticky with-“
“I know,” he waves his hand out again, “I watched you.”
“You don’t mind…?” you take his hand, earnestly shocked by the quickness with which Denji yanks you off the ground.
And just as Denji opens his mouth, Yoshida is yelling at you both to hurry inside from the doorway to the roof. Denji flips Yoshida off before turning to you, he squeezes the orange in his hand and thinks about the sweetness.
Oranges are better than apples, he thinks, but he can’t find a real reason as to why. The seeds are a hassle, and he’d hate to sit there and peel one, but he liked sharing just half an orange with you more than he liked having an entire apple to himself in Aki’s apartment. He can see the orange juice still glistening on the bow of your lip. His eyes linger there, and he knows you notice because you’re suddenly fidgeting under his gaze.
You wait patiently, eyes flickering down to your shoes before meeting his again. He isn’t sure what that means. So he turns back towards Yoshida and stuffs the boy’s palm with the orange husk before walking you to class in stiff silence.
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Your bed is thin and flat against the floor. A bookcase that only reaches your waist is pushed against the opposite wall. You’ve read every book in it twice over. You don’t remember when every empty slot was finally occupied, and you don’t remember the last time you touched one of the books and felt genuine interest.
You do know that you once requested a brand new book from Makima, and she’d refused you so simply you once believed it was a personal slight you’d committed against her. You also once requested a television -- you had it for one week before it was taken away. You never asked why because Makima herself came to oversee your beloved TV’s removal from atop your dusty bookcase (though you doubt you would’ve had the courage to ask even if she was absent).
During that week, however, it was the happiest you’d been since coming to Tokyo.
A lot of what you watched was utter garbage. Contrived plot lines and miscommunication and shallow characters you’d sooner choke out than shake hands with, and it was the most beautiful entertainment you could’ve asked for. What you quickly discovered to be your favorite viewing material was movies made specifically for television. Usually lower budgets and completely unknown actors. A paradise all to yourself.
“That’s it, watch your back,” Makima’s soft voice called when one of the men nearly slammed into your doorway on the way out. She turned to you with a smile, “Anything before I go?”
A prompt, you figure, to ask if you had the courage to demand your stolen present back.
Rather, you shook your head shyly, twiddling your thumbs, “Well, could I maybe get a window…? I’d like to see something other than…” you gesture to the walls around you.
They, too, are covered in a thick layer of cloudy dust.
Makima extended a hand to pat over your head, “No,” she stated as blandly as your room was decorated, “You’re still a security threat.”
Another test. Would you deny it? Would you dredge up the fact that you’d never once reacted with hostility? Would you bare your teeth and try (in vain) to rip her apart?
You nodded solemnly and watched Makima exit.
And your room has remained untouched since.
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Denji’s handwriting was a sloppy chicken scratch, often paired with backward or mismatched characters, which was why he asked you to write his reminder note.
And at 12:02 PM, you sit on a picnic table surrounded by tall ginkgo trees with bouncing knees as Denji makes his approach. In one hand, he clutches a plastic bag, logo wide and distressed around a massive bulb shape. In the other, is a knotted tangle of black and red leashes tethering seven wiggling and yappy dogs to his side.
“I didn’t know you had so many dogs,” you hold out your hands for the dogs to sniff and lick before petting over their heads and behind their ears.
“I got a cat, too, but I dunno if she’s allowed in.”
You sit straighter, letting the dogs press their heads into your hands for more attention, “So you do have a cat?!”
He nods, laying the bag on your table with a thud and crinkle before sitting beside you -- thigh firm against thigh and arms brushing, “You’ll meet her eventually.”
Denji leans over the edge of the seat to lift a corner of the table, stapling the leashes into the grass. Even if they weren’t collared, you doubt they’d try running off anyway with each dog avidly jamming itself into both your spaces. Big drooly jaws resting on your lap and paws digging into your calf for even more attention.
“Hey,” Denji whines when he sees the opaque slobber Tiramisu is webbing on your pants, “Off. You’re makin’ her gross.”
“It’s okay,” you insist, tempted to rest your head on Denji’s nearby and tantalizing shoulder as you pet the husky, “I have a lot of these pants in my room.”
“These’re your casual pants?”
Denji side-eyes you, but says nothing more about your white button-up and black slacks being ‘casual’.
“If I could have a job, I’d buy you lotsa clothes,” he mutters, “Whatever you wanted,” he’s so quiet you almost feel apologetic for hearing him at all; but before you can suss out a response, he suddenly whirls around in his seat and sticks both hands into the plastic bag, “A mango!”
“A mango?”
“Uh-huh,” he wrestles the fruit free from its plastic confines and rolls it into your hands, holding an arm out in front of you to keep his licking dogs at bay.
“...for me?”
“For you!” he echoes. He’s trying to play everything off casually, but really his hands are moist and vibrating - his gut cramping as he awaits your feedback, “Old man was in Kyushu, so I had him get a souvenir… I hope you like it, he bitched about how expensive it was the whole time I saw him.”
Taiyo no Tamago. Egg of the Sun. Gold leafing into fierce, flaming oranges and reds. You bet that the real slices are even juicer, tastier than faux flavorings.
Between both hands, you gingerly cradle the large mango and feel your mouth watering just as you stare at the fruit.
“Kishibe got it?” you lift the mango towards the blazing sun, inspecting the skin for any damage, “It’s not poisoned, right?”
“Nah,” he squints at the fruit as well, just to be extra sure, “I can try it if you want?”
“Aw, no, it’s- I’ll be okay either way, but I trust you,” Denji watches you pet over the mango like it's a fat kitten curled over your arm. He grins at the sight and doesn’t question it, scared that if he does, then you might stop, “So, does he watch over you?”
“Not really. Sometimes he comes around just to know I'm alive.”
“Do you get lonely when he’s not there?”
His face wrenches sourly at the idea of Kishibe lingering around the apartment, “I got the dogs and Meowy. And a little sister… friend… type living with me,” his eyes dart over you warily, “You’ll probably meet her eventually, so…” he inhales sharply, “It’s, eh, you know, the new Control Devil.”
“She got reincarnated already?” you whisper it, like you’re saying something inappropriate.
“Well,” he winces, “Nayuta’s her own person. Same Devil stuff, but she's nothing like Makima.”
“Sorry! Of course! I didn’t mean it like that…”
Denji feels a pang in his chest at the sight of your cowering frame, consumed by guilt over misspeaking, “Don’t worry ‘bout it. Just didn’t want you freakin’ out when you meet her or anything.”
“I’m nothing compared to Her, I’m not really in the place to freak out.”
Something disturbs Denji so staunchly at the ease with which you say that. He can’t place it, he just knows that the very sentence made his stomach curdle and tie his intestines in knots.
You tilt your head, “Can I ask…?”
“Is it… well…” you shake your head, but Denji shakes his back.
“Just ask. Whatever ya wanna know.”
“You said Nayuta is her own person,” his brows furrow but he lets you finish before speaking, “Do you never consider maybe they’re… similar?”
He’s quiet for an unbearable eight seconds before answering casually, “Guess if I thought about it for a long time, I could find ways they’re alike. But I don’t really think about it that long. Nayuta’s my little sister. Makima was…” he shouldn’t say exactly what Makima was to him in front of you, he knows that much about being a boyfriend at least, “Makima. They’re totally different.”
It’s extraordinarily complicated to even put words into describing what Makima meant to him. A lot of things he’s learned were sick, but some things he almost… wants to hold onto.
He definitely shouldn’t say that to you. But it isn’t like he misses her, he misses the comfort of their early days. If you could even label it “their” days. Makima may have been like Nayuta at one point, but he knows Nayuta would never so meticulously stab him in the back. Or the chest. Repeatedly. Miserably, however, he knows that even if she did -- he’d probably still love Nayuta like she were his sister. How he imagines an old dog still craves the warm hands of their human as they fall asleep for the last time.
Dangerously, he wonders if he may one day feel the same for you, smiling as you dig a knife through his chest just because his girlfriend is still holding him.
And when you blink up at him like he’s as delightful as the mango in your hands, he thinks he might.
You beam at Denji before shyly turning your gaze back onto the mango, curling both arms around it. This time with all the tenderness you would a baby and tuck it into your chest.
If Makima and Nayuta are different maybe you are too.
You hope so.
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Tsuyu time is finally looking to drag to an end by early July -- with yet another rain storm. Fourth East faculty has very kindly allowed students to stay past the usual close time of 6:00PM due to such harsh winds and lightning raging outside. You hadn’t accounted for this when you asked Denji to accompany you to a bookstore’s summer sale after school. The frustration you feel could boil the falling rainwater with how heated such sudden weather has you.
Impatiently, you and Denji are leaning right side against one of the entry door frames with his chest to your back.
“They’ll be closed by the time the rain lets up…” you grumble.
Denji almost wants to laugh: the first time he sees you act minorly unpleasant is over books.
“There’s always tomorrow,” he’s not sure, actually, “Probably.”
You scowl out at the wretched, amalgamated clouds, “Sale better still be on tomorrow…”
“If not, there's next year.”
In an embarrassing instant, your annoyance wavers. You tilt your head back into Denji’s shoulder to look at him, “You think we’ll be together next year?”
Honestly, he hadn’t meant to imply that. All he meant was that you’ll be able to go next summer whether the sale ended today or not, but when you bat your eyelashes at him all softly he’s compelled to agree to whatever you want.
“Why not?” he shrugs, fighting to keep his arms relaxed at his sides rather than folded over his chest defensively.
Your lips stretch with mirth, a smize following lead, “I want to go with you to the summer sale next year, Denji.”
The confidence of your confession is rattled from you as quickly as it’d appeared.
Until, “Even if we go today?”
His tone is bleeding hope.
“Even if we go today,” and you’re all too merry to confirm.
Denji slides to your left, hands shaking wildly, “Can I- should we?” you quirk a brow at his chopped questions, “Can we kiss?”
“Do you want to kiss me?”
He nods rapidly. You want to kiss him, too. You reach for one of his hands and tug him closer with a much slower nod.
“We can kiss, Denji.”
“Awesome,” he lamely sighs under his breath.
You remain glued against the metal frame, leaving Denji to be the initiator. He’s the more dating-experienced party anyway.
Denji swallows audibly before steeling his nerves and leaning so his lips are just brushing yours. You can feel the hot puffs of air he lets out, and you’re praying he can’t feel yours. Neither of you has shut your eyes yet, weirdly certain that the second you do disaster will strike.
Up close, you can really see everything -- his messy sunset hair, the peeling skin on his lower lip, and the faint red veins peeking around his sclera. His skin is stained dark like pomegranate juice. Finally, he tenses his eyes shut with a wrinkle in his brow and commits. Given how chapped his lips looked, you’re amazed they feel nice against yours at all.
Your eyes flutter shut and you press back.
You don’t dare venture further than the chaste lip-lock before Denji pulls away, leaving a sharp stabbing sensation on your bottom lip in his wake. His low-lidded stare widens as soon as he sees your chin.
“Oh, shit.”
Cupping the aching area, you feel a slickness slowly leaking over your fingers. You dip a finger to your lip and pull back to find a stain darker than pomegranate juice.
“Sorry, sorry,” he grimaces, reaching up to swipe away the blood spread over your chin.
“You bit me!”
“I know!” (he does a poor job hiding the aggravated trill in his voice there)
His fingers are all smeared with your blood by the time he’s done makeshift mopping up your lower face, and he wipes his hands off on his black school pants. You pull your lip back as if you’d be able to see the trivial wound. The motion tests Denji: wanting to maintain his nurse act, but also wanting to kiss you again.
“It doesn’t hurt anymore…” you twist a hand into your rumpled uniform skirt, “It’s okay. I wasn’t mad, just surprised.”
Forlorn, Denji reaches up to gingerly thumb at the spot he bit -- now swollen and darker than the rest of your lip. Only minutely, but still. His brain can’t compute how small-scale your injury is over the fact that he was the one to cause it in the first place, “I’ll be more gentle next time.”
You nod, face growing hotter the longer Denji touches you so softly, “I trust you.”
The rain thins outside.
“Can I try again?” Denji’s hand slides from your lip to your jaw until he’s tenderly cupping your cheek.
Again, you nod, hoping the shift in movement will get air to cool your melting cheeks.
Puddles are splattered by a few brave students rushing home, and Denji holds onto hope the storm clears fully before the bookstore closes.
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By spring of 1996, you’re given your first journal and pen; and in winter of that same year, you finally pluck up the courage to try putting your headache-inducing thoughts to words.
A Devil is more humanoid the more that Devil tolerates humans -- you don’t know where you learned that. Or why you remembered it. It’s just something you’re always certain of, in the exact same way you blink and breathe you are also indistinguishable from a human being. When the both of you met, Makima spent time examining you from head to toe to see if there were any visible tells of your true species.
You aren’t sure why you look the way you do, you don’t like humans. Although, you don’t exactly dislike them either. When you think of people, flailing on swings and cramping grocery store produce sections and knitting warm winter sweaters, you feel only a vague thrumming in your heart at the knowledge that they could send you back to Hell. A primal and innate sensation of spine-tingling fear. If enough people discovered you outside Makima’s care, then you would be back in Hell.
Maybe it’s that fear. Your knowledge of the tipping power scales could be maintaining your flesh and bones. Strangely, you wish you looked more horrific - a gaping, toothy maw and claws in place of hands. Swells of discolored flesh that twitch with each beat of your heart.
You wish you looked appalling. Absolutely ghastly. Maybe then Makima wouldn’t like looking at you so much.
But then, what if you were so scary that Chainsaw wanted to eat you?
While being free of the perpetual motion of death and rebirth in Hell unto Earth and Makima’s inescapable, piercing gaze, you wouldn’t want to face off against Chainsaw. He’s the Hero of Hell, so wouldn’t that make you the villain?
You’d rather be reincarnated and stared at by a million Makimas than be so terrible that the puritor of Hell forced himself to consume you. And he’d be able to -- you’re sure of that, too. Not even your rejection of other Devils’ powers could be so strong as to deny Chainsaw. No, no. He’s far too great.
You think of that figure - one that makes your usual aching thoughts whirl into devastating stabbing pain just trying to remember - covered in Devils’ blood and guts and you feel nervous that perhaps Makima will try finding him too if she reads of him in your journal.
So instead of expressing those thoughts to free your searing skull, you jot down a plain:
Made a new contract today. His name was Yoshida, Hirofumi. He said I was nice for not wanting to eat his body parts as payment :)
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“Denji! Over here!”
It's a stubbornly drizzling Tuesday when you’re shouting through the school gates, inky uniforms parting around you like a gentle river flow. Usually, getting your peers to not body check you is terribly difficult, but maybe the authority you carry in a Public Safety suit and tie is more pressing than yourself. While students shelter their heads with small book bags and hands and vests, you’ve got the plastic handle of a black umbrella warmed up in your palm.
Denji tilts his head at your distant frame before suddenly shooting ramrod straight. He rushes out from under the shelter of Fourth East and through the gates to your side - puddles splashing under his quick feet all the way.
“Heard you were out,” Denji ducks under your umbrella, tempted to hook his chin on your shoulder and sap up your body warmth.
“Just a mission,” your hand clenches with the urge to grasp Denji’s, but you take no such initiative, “Sorry I couldn’t tell you myself.”
He shrugs, “‘s fine,” then he sighs shortly, brows scrunching, “Fucker let me sit on the roof for ten minutes before saying anything.”
“Aw, I’m sorry! I told him to let you know in the morning…”
Again, Denji shrugs off your worry -- eyes trailing slowly from the pristine white collar of your shirt down to the smooth black slacks snug around your waist and thighs, “Been awhile since I’ve seen one of those.”
Ironed and fresh and symmetrical black-tie apparel. It seems far too dismal on you, he doesn’t like it. Memories of strawberry blond hair and scorching blue eyes snuffed out, he tries to smother those down as often as possible.
“Oh, I have my school uniform!” you lift a plastic bag up, sealed around more black and white folds, “In case I needed it…”
In case you want me to change -- you don’t add that part. You’re not sure Denji would appreciate the reminder of a power imbalance while you’re dressed like this. You already know that you don’t like thinking about Makima while dressed like this.
He nods, wordlessly sneaking the bag from your grasp to his so he can hold your now free hand, “You look pretty.”
“Really?” you two finally begin walking away from Fourth East and to the same ice cream place he’d taken you on your first date.
“You always look pretty,” Denji doubles down as if it's that easy. As if it's so simple. As if it’s undeniably true, “‘m glad I saw ya. Thought we wouldn’t be able to go out after school.”
“Sorry, again. They’re trying to avoid giving me more work, but I guess this one couldn’t be helped…”
You’re almost nervous Denji picks up on that sentiment of “more”. That “more” means you’re already working, which is mortifying because even if Denji is technically work you don’t want him to think that. You chalk that concern for his feelings up to not wanting him to grow tired of dating you.
But Denji doesn’t make any indication of having noticed, “I guess I’ll have to get used to it: dating the Rejection Devil.”
Now you’re genuinely nervous.
That sentence alone freezes every cell in your body -- heartbeat stilling lethally. Your hands crinkle down your long pant leg before scrunching up the material around your thigh -- ruining the plain smoothness. Desperate to feel something in the spiraling numbness, you stab your teeth into the ripe flesh of your lip, tearing up thin strips of skin. And you chalk this up to a defect in your usual personality.
“Hey, Denji?”
“When was the last time you called me ‘peach’?”
“I dunno,” he answers honestly before he blinks his brain into action and looks over at you, “I’ll use it more often, if that’s what you’re saying.”
“No, you’re fine, really. I just…” you can feel your chest bump in tune with your heartbeat, so overt and harsh it's causing authentic sparks of pain in your chest, “I’m sorry.”
For what, you can’t be precisely sure. You think, as a general rule to yourself, you’re sorry for everything that he doesn’t like, especially when it comes to everything about yourself.
But he just thinks you’re still stuck on earlier today, “Like I said, I’ll just have to get used to dating the Rejection Devil.”
Despite the two being in one body, you’ve come to learn that Chainsaw Man is Denji, but Denji is not necessarily Chainsaw Man.
While yes, you think Chainsaw Man is great, you think Denji is somehow even greater. It’s almost unfair. The Rejection Devil is okay, but are you? You as in you as in the fleshy, squishy, bloody you? You as in the you with a name you don’t remember (and desperately hopes her government-assigned boyfriend calls her peachy)? You as in the you that likes sugary fruit juice and soft cat fur? Are you okay? Could you one day be great?
Or are you only as useful as the devil you are? Protecting hunters and killing beasts and soothing the lively Denji (and therefore the Chainsaw inside him).
Are you still Denji’s girlfriend because he likes you? Or are you Denji’s girlfriend because he knows you might be the only available option? Could you be great like Denji? Could you be named?
Or is your soul too entwined with the Rejection Devil? Is your soul the Rejection Devil itself? Do you have a soul at all?
You must if you keep coming back. If your birth and death are celebrated and mourned, you must be alive.
Too bad you remember none of that.
If you died now, would Denji mourn?
You know you’d mourn him, but is that your choice?
You know you like Denji, but is that really you? Or is that Rejection Devil admiration spiraling into an infatuation for the Chainsaw and his host?
Does it even matter at all?
“Do you wanna come over after school tomorrow?” Denji asks like it's an afterthought, one he doesn’t even need to look at you for. Maybe he already knows your response.
Maybe he’ll grow bored soon. You wouldn’t blame him.
“Yeah!” you repeat it louder this time, hoping to entice a bigger reaction from him (this is the first time you’re going to his apartment after all), “I’d love to!”
He nods, though with a rosier tint to his cheeks than earlier and that’s good enough.
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By October of 1997, your second diary was full with one last addition.
The wall closest to your bed has only 273 tallies, and you stare at the dust pooled in the shallow divots when you get bored. With every book read and only the same four walls to stare at until a Devil Hunter came with a contract proposal or a mission -- you were bored more often than not.
In a strange way, you still got excited when you saw Makima because it meant something new was coming. However quickly it would then be stripped away wasn’t even an afterthought.
But you’ve gone a long while since seeing her. You can’t be sure of the days passed with no window or calendar or even clock; you can’t even be sure you’re sleeping at night and awake during the day. Part of you is sick over the ache in your heart the longer you go without seeing Makima, Yoshida, or even Kishibe. As though they’ve all forgotten you exist. You could be locked down here for eternity with no means to die and not a single soul would be bothered to find you. But if they did?
If they found you, would they care?
Would they cry?
You don’t think so. You’re hardly something to cry over.
So does it matter at all that you’re down here? Certainly, a life of nonexistence is better than languishing in a cellar, burdening commission resources with no purpose.
Maybe when Makima finds Chainsaw, she could have him eat you. That would be nice. An honor to be so miserable upon humanity that Chainsaw is left with no choice but to consume the concept of your being. An honor to finally be wiped off this planet.
With a drying pen, you scribble that down.
To be eaten by Lord Chainsaw. That would be freeing.
And after sleeping that night(?), you awake to find Makima blatantly reading out of your journal. When she turns to stare at your crumpled form on the bare mattress, she smiles and reaches over to pat your head. Like an eager puppy, you push up into her touch and don’t dare demand she stop reading.
“You’re a good girl,” she coos down at you.
“I am?” you croak.
“You are,” she stands, snapping the book shut and continuing to smile down at you, “And you have a mission today.”
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When Denji notices you curiously eyeing the black slip-ons by the door (which are multiple sizes too small to be his), he’s quick to explain.
“Just Nayuta. She throws her shoes wherever she wants.”
You hadn’t planned on asking, but you like to imagine that maybe he didn’t want you getting jealous. Then you wonder why you like that so much. Probably because he’s your boyfriend, and you’re meant to.
Before you can spiral, a soft mew nabs all attention. Dogs’ nails clack against the faux wood tiles and you and Denji are quickly surrounded on all fronts by wagging tails and soft fur. Sniffing, happy puppies lick at your hands. You wrinkle your nose at the unadulterated smell of dog and you're hoping Denji doesn’t notice when suddenly a long tail wraps around your ankle. Loudly, you gasp and swoop down -- frightening Denji only a little -- to smooth your hands over the fat white cat’s fur.
“Kitty!” you’re borderline squealing in glee, and Denji shoos his dogs away after giving them their due pets, “So big!” you encourage the feline to pounce onto your lap with quick taps against your thighs.
“Meowy,” Denji clarifies (as if you could forget!), leaning over your shoulder to scritch under the cat’s chin, grinning when she starts purring in your coddling hold.
“I love you, Meowy,” you whisper to the cat, and Denji sits on the floor beside you after figuring the fat cat won’t be moving on from you anytime soon.
You’ve been looking forward to this since you heard about the cat, and somehow all your expectations have been exceeded.
“Didn’t know you liked cats so much, peachy, I woulda introduced you sooner.”
“Cats are so picky,” you keep your voice low as if raising it could startle Meowy off, “When a cat picks you, it feels so nice.”
“You must be a hit with the strays, then. Meowy usually fucks off in the living room instead of hanging by the door.”
You shrug, sluggish and dismal, “I’m not usually allowed out unless it's for school. Or you.”
Denji feels nauseous. His whole chest is tight with this unpleasant curdle. Quickly, he decides that he hates this feeling and wants it eradicated as soon as possible. Subconsciously, he must believe the solution is you because before he can really think about it, he’s lugging you off the floor and towards his room.
He lays you on his bed and falls into your side with Meowy now latched to your chest; purring loudly as you pet her with one hand, and Denji snatches the other. Rather than link his hand with yours like usual, he splays your fingers into his mess of tangerine hair.
Turning your head so your cheek meets the feather plush of his pillow, you find Denji’s eyes boring into yours. You blink at him with your hand limp over the side of his head, “Do you want me to pet you?”
Denji nods, crimson overtaking his cheeks and sweat beading over his palms.
You card your fingers through his hair, gently prying loose knots apart over your knuckles before tenderly dancing your nails along his scalp. He presses his head closer, cheek now smooshed on your shoulder and eyes flickering shut.
Shakily, he raises an arm and lays it across your stomach, careful to avoid spooking Meowy. You can sense his hesitation in how the weight of his arm is so light it's imperceivable, then you press your hand flat against the back of his head and pet there, too. His arm relaxes, fully settling the weight on your gut.
This feels right.
Crushed and warm.
You’re doing a good job, you think.
You smile at the thought of being so useful and Denji hugs you tighter.
“Can I…” Denji swallows, throat cinching dryly, “I wanna make you feel good.”
“I do feel good.”
“Good good,” he’s quiet now. Voice all raspy and unsure, “I want to do something for you.”
That would be good for Denji too, right? He’ll be happy.
But you’re not sure you want to.
But not wanting to isn’t exactly your job.
Your job is to make Denji happy. So you lift Meowy from your chest with great remorse and watch the cat prattle out of the bedroom, “Okay.”
Sickness unlike the kind before a big fight builds in your stomach. Bloats all the way to your throat as you go limp in bed and allow Denji’s hands to wander. He sits up and untucks your uniform vest and top before gliding under those and resting over your bra.
Denji looks up at you for encouragement and finds a stoic appraisal. Then his eyes drift to your balled fists at your sides, and the lip you’re ravaging between your teeth.
If you had offered this to him -- he’d be on cloud nine, so what’s he done wrong? Denji clears his throat and finds a burning sensation at the back of his eyes, he tries blinking the fire away but it only makes the pain worse. He’s certain that this is what boyfriends and girlfriends do for each other. They bring each other to euphoria and lave one another in attention every night. This kind of service (or rather, the promise of service) was one of a few things that Denji recalled fondly from his days under Makima. Unfiltered affection: nasty and raw and intimate.
But the longer his hands are cupping over your bra, the more defeated you look.
The vicious pain in his chest bites up to his head.
“This isn’t hot at all…” Denji’s hands peel off from your chest to stow in his lap.
You shrink into yourself, shoulders coming to your ears as red-hot shame climbs up your neck, “What?”
“This isn’t hot,” he leans back with his arms outstretched behind him on the mattress. Hotter and hotter the burning grows until it's all wet, stinging heat in his eyes, “You’re not into it…” he looks around his room and tries finding anything out of place (he was sure he made it perfect!). But no, all the posters a girlfriend wouldn’t like are hidden under his bed with the magazines a girlfriend would hate. The blinds are drawn. His door is locked. He sniffles and looks down, hoping you don’t notice the flooding along his lower lashes “What’s wrong? You don’t like me? Ain’t I handsome?”
Inching your shoulders even higher, as if to somehow hide behind them, you frown, “What if you think I look weird naked? Or I make a sound you don’t like? Then you won’t want me anymore…”
Denji scoffs, lips twisting in an almost offended snarl, “You’re my girlfriend! I’ll still want you!”
He’s sure you don’t look or sound weird, but he’s also simultaneously sure that if you do then his loyalty will twist the weirdness into some obscure new fetish.
But you’re shaking your head, what more does he want?
What if he finally does have sex and realizes he never wanted you at all? What good are you doing then?
“We’re hardly a real couple…” his pout is just that, and one of his eyebrows is quirked curiously - he’s totally clueless, “What’s my favorite color?”
“I dunno!” he groans, then shrugging and sitting up straighter, “I know you like mango best even though you’ve only had a single one in your life. And you like staring at your feet when you walk so you don’t trip, which is annoying ‘cuz I gotta make sure nobody runs into you. And you never raise your hand in class even if you know the answer. Which is even more annoying ‘cuz now people think you don’t pay attention, but you’re passing every class,” he frowns a little, “You’re the smartest girl I know,” his frown deepens when you don’t smile like he’d hoped you would, “And you like cats more than dogs.”
“I like your dogs,” you weakly defend.
But he never meant it to be a jab in the first place, “But you like Meowy more.”
“I think we should break up.”
“Just for a couple days,” your voice is tittering, all soft mush. If he so much as stood up and crossed his arms then you might take the suggestion back, “Three at most… just to see if this is really what you want.”
“I do, I know I do.”
“I know you want a girlfriend. Do you want me? Me me.”
“‘Course I do,” he sulks, “You’re…” he stops himself, the churning ache in his stomach sensing how displeased you may be with the repeated argument of you’re my girlfriend, “Do you want me?”
You’re silent. He tenses.
“I don’t know if we want each other.”
“I do. I want you. I want to- I haven’t given you anything. I want to give you things. I want to be nice to you, too. I want to make you happy.”
But how could he? You’re a tool, and now you’ve upset him. Are you worthy of being upset over? You aren’t so sure.
You aren’t even certain you have the power to make the call for a break-up. You’re a tool -- you don’t think you’re anything worth crying over.
But Denji is absolutely sure you are. And he knows he wants you, and that feels right because you’re his girlfriend. But curiously, even after you leave and he’s apparently now single, he continues to want you. He wants you so bad that he turns onto his stomach and buries his face in the pillow you laid on, just to see if he can still smell your perfume on it (he can).
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In November of 1997, Makima got you a cat.
“You like them, right?”
“I do!” you’d smiled so wide your cheeks hurt, giddily petting your new friend, “Thank you, thank you! I love him!”
That same night, she makes you hold the small, quivering kitten above your head as she takes aim with a single finger. Your words are slurred with spit leaking down both corners of your mouth in your hurry to beg for your friend’s life. Your eyes are squished half-shut, trying to juice all the tears out without cutting Makima from your vision. You choke on your own breath, snot sour on your tongue as you shriek for her mercy.
You don’t remember much else after that. You think you passed out as soon as the wall to your right indented.
You do, however, remember waking up the next morning and weeping into the kitten's soft fur. Hugging the warm, live feline to your chest and praying Makima would die on her next mission (by now, though, you were smarter than to think your prayers had merit). You even feel rebellious enough to engrave the edgy remark in your personal journal.
As repentance, Makima sends you on a month-long mission only days later. When you return, it’s to an empty room -- aside from a note left on stationary you recognize as ripped straight from your journal.
Kitten got sick. :( - Makima
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Yoshida is stomping ahead of you the entire way to school the next morning, and you already know he’s fuming. You had hoped that by the time you both reached Fourth East, he would have calmed down; but you’re quickly proven wrong as he storms up to you once you’ve switched shoes at your cubby.
“Are you- !” Yoshida holds both hands over his face, muffling the scream he unleashes, “Are you serious?! You were doing everything right! You two were fine!”
“I’m sorry, I just- I don’t think I should be here… I’m really confused about how I feel all the time. I think I should go back to- “
“You don’t get to decide that,” he hisses, visible eye wide with rage, “You better beg him for another chance, I am not letting you fail this mission just because you’re ‘confused’.”
“I don’t want to beg him,” you stand a little straighter, maintaining fierce eye contact, “I want him to be sure- “
“This isn’t a dorama!”
“Hey, stop yellin’ it's annoying,” a passing voice snaps. The both of you look up to see Denji glaring sharply at Yoshida, “And don’t yell at her at all.”
Yoshida is quiet as Denji stalks off, the latter’s back growing smaller the further into the distance he goes.
“Did you like him?” Yoshida asks, voice returned to his typical lulling forbearance.
“Huh? What does that matter?”
“Shut up,” he commands before redundantly asking again, continuing to stare deep into the direction Denji was headed, “Did you like him?”
Did you?
You did. He was prettier than Yoshida prepared you for. And more considerate, too.
Deep down, you even think that maybe he’s inspired you - regarding you higher than you’d ever taken yourself for. You’ve realized things since dating him: you hate your room at Public Safety, you want to try petting more dogs, you don’t like school, and you really, really hate not having a name.
A real name.
“I think I did… Can I still like him?”
Yoshida groans under his breath before walking off, “Do what feels right!”
Scratch that -- you really hate that cryptic answer above all else!
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Despite not having anything else to be tending to, you dawdle around Fourth East more often than not after being dismissed. You prefer wandering around the track twenty times over retiring to bed as soon as you get back to the commission’s basement.
Not even homework can entrap your attention long enough for the days to be less agonizing.
You watch your outdoor sneakers line one after the other along the white paint - you wobble less now that your body’s used to the limited movement. However, the idea of falling onto your side on lap twenty-one is mortifying. So when you’re too busy staring at your feet, you jostle into a body at the starting line. Your head bumping into their chin, their hands gently cupping your arms to keep you upright.
“You should seriously look up when ya walk.”
“Denji!” you cough, clearing the excitement from your tone, “Denji, what’re you…” you stop yourself, fretting over how rude he might think you suddenly are, “Hi.”
“What are you doing out here?”
“Do you want to see a movie with me?” you open your mouth and Denji watches your lips part before interrupting you, “Don’t overthink it.”
Do you want to watch a movie with him? Yes.
Should you?
Don’t overthink it.
Does it matter? Honestly, what’s even waiting for you at home?
Why shouldn’t you watch a movie with Denji (especially when every nerve in your body is screaming at you to say yes)?
Denji ends up sneaking you two into an R-18-rated horror film. One with a single poster lit up in the theater lobby - blood dripping down a screaming woman’s face and the title in a gaudy, pure hot red. You’re the only ones in the theater, sitting in the middlemost seats Denji could scour. Your hand is bound in his on your shared armrest, warm flesh tangled in warm flesh.
And it’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen.
The main actress has the inflection of a primadonna teenager despite portraying a single mother lawyer, and halfway through you’ve seen more strip teases than blood. Not one of the characters is likable beyond being a slice of dead meat hooked on the end of the killer’s cleaver. You can’t even discern the plot of the movie other than some brick wall villain slashing down a woman and her coworkers.
You earnestly laugh as the woman runs upstairs in the creaky old cabin in the woods rather than out the wide open door. In the corner of your eye, you can see Denji looking at you. You return his stare, giggles still chittering through your teeth at the ridiculously forced story beats.
“Terrible, right?” he doesn’t bother whispering.
But you do, “Horrible,” his eyes flicker down to your lips again, “I love it.”
“Me too.”
It may be your favorite movie of all time.
“I missed you,” you admit, fully ashamed of backtracking a mere day after your decision to break up.
“I missed you, too, peachy,” his voice is unweathered by that shame.
“I don’t know…” you look down at your dark shoes, they fade into the swathing shadowing of the theater, “How can I know this is real? That I really do like you? That this isn’t just because I was told to?”
Away from Fourth East, above your small room in the basement, and throughout the barren offices of Public Safety, the shadow of Makima hangs heavy over everyone. You’re not certain when you started submitting to her, and you’re not sure when you started submitting to everyone she told you to, and you’re especially not sure when submitting to everyone felt comfortable. What you do know is that you are a useful tool for the public. You are a good instrument when devil hunters need assistance, for your technique and regeneration -- on missions and off them. And to keep Denji’s identity hidden, you are to be a sweet, giving, and kind shield.
But you hate all of that. You hate fighting and you hate everyone you work with. You miss movies. And you like Denji.
Is it some late-stage rebellion as the death of Makima truly settles in, or is this who you are?
“How should I know?” Denji mutters, kicking at the plastic back of the seat in front of him, “I don’t care about any of that. I don’t care about devil hunting or who controls who. I choose my life, and I choose to be your boyfriend. If I didn’t like you on our first date, I wouldn’t like you now.”
“What if I change?“
“You can’t change in a way I don’t like,” he frowns when you don’t smile at his declaration, “I just want you because you’re…” nice, weird, interesting, and if he pushes the right buttons you can be lively and loud, “you. I like you. You can’t change in a way I wouldn’t like unless you tried killing me.”
“I would never try to kill you.”
So does it matter if this was chosen for you?
You can like Denji and be with him, or you can like Denji and be away from him. You feel like the second option would be more miserable. So how does it matter, then, that dating Denji was chosen for you? Either way, you like him.
A lot.
You smile, and he copies it, “I like you, Denji. I want to be your girlfriend.”
On the big screen, a woman is being stabbed to death, but Denji eagerly closes towards you as if the projection is completely blank.
“I wanna be your boyfriend!”
A flashlight blinds the both of you suddenly, a stern male voice you briefly mistake for some impossibly higher calling following after, “How old are you two?”
“Eighteen!” Denji flips the man off, one eye cinched shut and the other squinted in a nasty glare, even as he answers honestly.
“Yeah, eighteen!” you copy, grabbing one of Denji’s hands with yours.
The man holds out his palm, flexing his fingers once. Denji scoffs but hands over his student ID with you taking example.
“Hayakawa, Denji… Yoshida, Reiji…”
Reiji. れいじ. It feels as unfamiliar as it sounds.
You almost open your mouth to protest - that’s not my name! before remembering that in the eyes of Fourth East High, it is. You don’t like it.
But you don’t like Rejection, either. You feel bigger than that. You are bigger than that. You like ginkgo trees even without the fall glow, you think mangoes are the best fruit, you like the smell of ashed cigarettes and dog fur, and you think the color orange is prettier than people give it credit for. You wait until the strange guard leaves before voicing,
“I want to change my name,” you continue to whisper although neither of you is paying any attention to the movie.
Denji sticks his legs out, resting them over the back of the seat in front of him, “What to?”
His volume startles you a little before realizing that it doesn’t matter how loud he is; the two of you are alone.
You raise your voice to a normal volume, “No clue yet, but I’m excited to find one…” you smile when Denji does, he tightens his hand in yours, “I wonder if I’ll find one unique or pretty.”
“If it's yours then it’ll be pretty anyway,” there’s a pause, you stare at him and he stares at you. You like how the projection reflects over his pale face, his eyes sparkling from the bright screen. Finally, he speaks again, “You’re really pretty.”
I think I actually love you.
“You’re pretty, too, Denji.”
I think I actually love you, too.
“You should leave Public Safety for real. We can get you real clothes. And you can stay with Meowy all the time when you’re not in school. Nobody will order you around ever again.”
“They’ll try dragging me back,” you doubt that they’d let a Devil -- even one that has no interest in being a Devil -- roam free in Japan on some fluid, lucrative “mission” of dating Denji.
“I’ll fight ‘em off,” he sounds so determined, “I’ll protect you.”
You look back at the movie, you wonder if you and Denji are the only ones to have seen it since it came out.
“Okay,” he brightens up at your agreement, “I’ll live with you. I’ll leave Public Safety.”
Denji lifts your linked hands from the shared armrest and pulls it up, shoving it into the gap between your back supports to yank you closer to his chest. He hooks his chin on the crown of your head and squashes you in a tight embrace like a child would their stuffed bear. He kisses your head, nose dug into your hair. He feels so excited he could burst out of his skin, and the only solution is to keep hugging you as unbearably annoying characters are slaughtered onscreen. To cram the both of you so tight together you’ll explode as one -- that’s the only way he can escape this whole-body buzzing.
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Immediately after deciding to live together, Denji made the frightening choice that you should meet his sister. On the way back to his apartment, he’s internally scolding himself for not having introduced you sooner but pushes the nagging feeling away. After all, Nayuta wants what’s best for Denji just like Denji wants what’s best for Nayuta -- if she can feel the same coziness that Denji always does when he’s with you, then she’ll like you. He’s certain of it.
“I told her about you, so… She shouldn’t be weirded out when you meet anyway…” if not for the blush on his face, you could mistake him as being casual about this!
You, however, feel so nervous you’re hunched into your boyfriend’s side and fighting the urge to gag up your lunch.
“What if she hates me?!” you heave, a hand clawing at the unevenly tied ribbon around your neck. It’s somehow too tight and too loose. Simultaneously suffocating and unable to ground you.
“She won’t!”
He’s so sure, he foolishly doesn’t even prepare a backup plan for if she does hate you. Besides, revising house rules to adjust for your incoming presence went well enough -- so how could it not work out now?
By the time Denji’s managed to steer you up to his apartment’s door, your legs are overdone noodles. He knocks twice - brief pause - then three more times, and waits. A caucus of rowdy barks and animated paws on fake hardwood thrum behind the door before a faint click hauls your heartbeat to a stop. As soon as the lock is undone, the door’s hinges squeal open and a little black-haired girl with untrimmed bangs is poking her face through the gap.
Her eyes are electric yellow, burning straight through your skull, with crimson rings around her iris.
“This is her?”
“This is Her,” Denji nods sternly, certainly much more serious than you’ve seen him before.
Nayuta’s stare is just as intimidating as Makima’s was, despite the girl being a grade-schooler. You’re frozen stiff under her gaze, heart thundering so hard you’re absolutely positive that she can hear it even feet away.
Suddenly, she nods, “Okay.”
“Yeah?” Denji’s positively beaming.
“Yeah,” Nayuta shows off a peace sign, receiving one in turn from Denji, “She’s got a nice scent.”
She doesn’t say it, but she thinks you smell like sugary fruit punch and honey.
Terrified of sullying her (apparently positive?) impression of you, you squeak out a childish, “Thank you…?”
Nayuta slinks an arm through the door, careful not to let any of the yipping, jumpy dogs out, and takes hold of you to pull you inside, “Mhm.”
She hugs your arm through the door and into the common space.
That night, Nayuta almost makes you miss Public Safety curfew -- desperately trying to worm you into the cuddle pile of the dogs and Meowy and Denji that they sleep in. You almost feel compelled to break curfew and listen, and not from her own power. As a compromise, you promise to be back the next day and she demands you honor your word before letting Denji walk you to the train station.
After a bite-free kiss from Denji, you’re sitting on the train to the commission’s haunting office building. Alone and warm all at once.
And you have to agree with your boyfriend, Nayuta is nothing like Makima.
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In late 1998, you met with Yoshida at your shoe cubby for the last time. A cold breeze of December’s premiere christens the moment.
“It took some help from a senior hunter, but I got your release papers signed,” Yoshida holds up the manilla file in question, “I’m supposed to hold onto them in case you do something they don’t like, but I have a lot of work on my plate already.”
As if you wouldn’t understand, he waves the file around Fourth East’s expansive entrance. Then, he holds the folder out to you, jerking it further when you don’t immediately grab for the thing.
“Are you- ?”
Yoshida cuts you off quickly, “It needs to be renewed every five years, and I’m sure you’re not stupid enough to think there’s no consequences of fucking up. So just live a normal life, okay? Don’t make me and Kishibe regret this.”
“Kishibe?! Seriously?”
Yoshida shrugs off your question and heads for class, fully intent on dodging any of your future attempts at interrogation.
Fortunately for him, you don’t give chase; too busy giddily reading over the official statement of your release from Public Safety. The final plot to yours and Denji’s journey of moving in together since you’ve had your few possessions sent to his apartment (and due respect to whatever nurturing side Makima had, no matter how selfish in nature, because you genuinely forgot how plain your room could be with no old books or journals).
“Thank you!” you call after the boy, ignoring the odd stares from your peers and holding the folder to your chest as if it may disappear.
Inside on the very top line is a printed line for your taken name. 恣恩 -- Shion -- is slated over the last name spot, preceding the empty bank for your first name. A pen is tucked into the corner of the folder.
Looking up again, you find Yoshida nowhere in sight, but you still whisper after him with a gooey need to express your gratitude, “Thank you.”
“You got it?”
“Yep!” you can tell who’s behind you without needing to turn.
For a reason you cannot discern, that makes you proud of yourself. Knowing Denji so well you can pick his voice from a crowd. You like that. A lot.
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Nayuta drearily slips into the tight kitchen space, rubbing crust from her eyes while watching you and Denji stare into a pan. You’re closer to the stove with Denji huddled just over your shoulder.
“Breakfast?” Nayuta meanders over, wrapping her arms around one of yours and burrowing into your side.
“Eggs,” you and Denji answer.
Then you tack on, “And toast.”
She nods sluggishly against your shoulder, lazily blinking as Denji holds the pan for you to scoop the fried egg with one hand. You hold the egg up while Denji scrambles for a plastic black plate with a piece of toast on it. Once the egg is settled onto the bread, Denji holds the plate out for Nayuta.
“You’ve still gotta get ready for school!” Denji calls after her as she moves to the living room.
When you hear no response, you poke your head out to look at the little black-haired girl, being sure to keep your voice gentle as you ask, “Did you hear Denji?”
Nayuta throws up a peace sign, chewing her egg on toast.
“She heard you.”
Denji yawns and slings both arms around your shoulders just to rest his head against yours -- the motion itself is selfish and monopolizes your entire personal bubble. You return the embrace around his waist and press a kiss against his cheek: soft and warm and pink like peaches. He hums at the affection and squeezes you tighter.
I think I love you
I think I love you, too
Denji almost gathers the courage to say it, but instead settles for, “You skippin’ again, peachy?”
You nod against his cheek, “Think I’ll wash the dogs.”
He snorts, “Your attendance is shit.”
“Oh well…” you think you’ll drop out at this point -- Fourth East is a slough of swamp water unless you’re cutting class with Denji by the track field.
Denji kisses your forehead before leaving to finish putting on his own uniform, “Yeah, oh well.”
He’s certain he’s in love with you. You’re certain you love him back.
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On nights when you and Denji aren’t sleeping in his room -- Nayuta has you all holed in hers. You learned quickly that Nayuta was possessive (you expected it, even), what you didn’t pick up on was that her possessiveness spread rapidly to you as well as Denji and the pets. If you and Denji make the mistake of not putting her to bed with enough soothing, she’ll slither her way between your arms.
Like tonight;
You and Denji are laid out first in a loose sweetheart’s cradle, Nayuta flopping onto the wide mat next. She rests perfectly in the middle with both of you throwing an arm around her. Tiramisu will jaunt up behind you while Custard takes Denji’s side, and Meowy will always find a way to settle her weight on your lap or hip. The remaining five dogs will circle your pre-established huddle for the most comfortable spot before sighing into the mattress as well.
Nayuta’s stray hairs tickle your cheek and Denji will carefully card the strands away. It’s a repetitive routine, but a comfortable one.
You had a routine in the basement, too. It was less comfortable.
Much less comfortable.
@ghostlykeyes hopefully i got the depressed:pathetic ratio right!!
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corroded-hellfire · 9 months
I just realized it's them. Eddie, the Reader, and my kids.
It would be funny if they were watching the movie and Eddie teases them that they look like kittens and some say it's actually them as a family.
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I needed to write this. Was very compelled to write about Eliza making everyone watch this movie lol. I hope you like what my crazy brain came up with!
Previously talked about on this ask too 😻
Words: 1.4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Family movie nights have become rarer as the boys have gotten older, but the tradition hasn’t been altogether lost. Once in a while you can wrangle the boys down for an evening of snacks and family bonding. 
Luke is laid out on the floor as per usual, on his stomach and pounding down Doritos and Mountain Dew like a man starved, not a 14-year-old boy who just had three large helpings of baked ziti not an hour ago. Ryan occupies the La-Z-Boy lounger that is effectively known as Wayne’s chair, it being the older man’s favorite spot in the household. The older Munson brother’s attention is currently half on the movie and half on the girl he likes at school. 
Eliza is sitting cozy on the couch between you and Eddie. At some point during the movie, she’ll end up snuggled against either you or her father, but right now she’s content enough to sit on her own, her pink unicorn blanket spread out over her lap and little legs. 
Eddie is slouched against an arm of the couch but has his arm draped along top, the tips of his fingers just barely able to brush over the back of your neck. So, of course, that’s what he’s been doing since the movie started. You sit hip to hip with your daughter, a bowl of popcorn balanced on your thigh that she and you keep taking kernels from.
As the song Everybody Wants to Be a Cat ends, Eddie smiles to himself. He sees his children in all three of the troublemaking kittens that were just singing and dancing around on screen. 
Ryan notices and raises an eyebrow at his father. “The singing cartoon cats making ya happy, Dad?”
Eddie rolls his eyes and flicks a pretzel in his eldest child’s direction.
“No, smartass. I was just thinking how they remind me of you guys.”
Luke rolls on his side so he can look at his dad over his shoulder.
“Did I grow a tail I wasn’t aware of? I’d like to think you’d keep me updated on that kind of thing, Dad.”
“You’re the little wiseass cat,” Eddie says, gesturing to the screen with his chin. “The orange one that tries to act all tough.”
“Toulouse,” Eliza says, as if her father should’ve known his name and it offends her that he didn’t.
“And he’s the one who’s most like the dad,” you point out with a shrug. It’s no secret that Luke is basically Eddie’s twin.
“He’s not their dad!” Eliza says with a small huff. Her parents are disappointing her with their Disney knowledge tonight. 
“My point still stands,” you say before pressing a kiss to the top of your daughter’s head.
Luke shoves another handful of Doritos in his mouth and goes back to looking at the screen.
“I’m not a ginger,” Luke says, though with his mouth being full it sounded more like, “M’not a jinjuh.”
“Who’s he?” Eliza asks as she points to the black and white cat on the screen.
“I thought you knew all the names,” Eddie says. Eliza rolls her eyes, looking identical to her father as she does it.
“No. Luke is Toulouse so who Berlioz?”
“Oh, okay,” Eddie says now that his daughter has cleared up his confusion. “Definitely Ryan. He’s the quietest one but he can still be mischievous.”
“Silent but deadly,” Ryan says.
“Like his farts,” Luke adds, making Eliza giggle.
“Who me?” Eliza asks, looking up at her father with the same big brown eyes that she inherited from him. 
“Marie, of course,” Eddie says as he musses her curls. That name he knows by now. “You’re the spoiled, pampered, sweet girl of the gang.”
The word “sweet” doesn’t seem to matter to Eliza, only focusing on the first two. Her little round face pinches up in a frown; her brows coming together over her dark eyes and her lips forming into a puckering pout. You try, and almost fail, to contain your laughter as your daughter stares at your husband with the cutest menacing look you’ve ever seen. 
“What?” Eddie asks when she doesn’t look away.
“Not a spoiled kitty,” she says. 
“You asked!” Eddie scrunches up his face and sticks his tongue out at her. She does the same in return, proving that your husband is as mature as a three-year-old. 
Luke finishes the Doritos in his mouth and wipes his cheesy hands off on his White Sox shirt.
“You know, I think our whole family is like theirs,” he muses.
“What?” Ryan asks. By the tone of his voice it sounds like he’s over everyone talking and just wants to watch the movie in silence again.
“Yeah,” Luke says and gestures to the screen in front of him. “Stray, scruffy alley cat gets the pretty, sophisticated girl that’s out of his league?”
As unsubtly as possible, Luke jerks his head back towards you and Eddie on the couch.
“Hey!” you pout. “That’s not true.”
“Pretty much is,” Eddie admits with a laugh. 
You move to scoot closer to your husband, little Eliza getting caught in the middle. The small girl hisses like a cat when she gets squished between her parents.
“Jesus,” Ryan groans as he rubs a hand over his eyes. Any form of overt affection between you and your husband has been annoying the teen boy lately. Eddie finds it amusing and whenever the two of you are alone your husband quietly surmises to you that your son is more annoyed by the fact that he can’t express the same sort of affections to the girl he likes. It makes sense since Ryan has always been one to express his love physically with hugs and such.
Now, Eddie presses a smacking kiss to the side of your head—almost to spite Ryan’s attitude— 
before looking down at your daughter squeezed between the two of you.
“I think you even look like a kitty!” he tells her.
Eliza pushes her way to her feet on the couch with a huff. Watching her trying to stand in the cramped space has you tucking in your lips to avoid laughing. Once up, Eliza shoves at her dad’s shoulder as she’s seen her brothers do to one another many times.
“My little kitty!” Eddie teases, finding her reaction comical. He snatches Eliza and holds her in his lap as he tries to press kisses all over her face. Stubble scratches and rubs against Eliza’s soft skin, making her squeal and wiggle around in Eddie’s grip.
“If we’re all cats, do you think another family will adopt me?” Ryan asks in a sullen adolescent tone.
“No,” Luke answers simply. Thank God he hasn’t become a brooding, moody teenager—yet, anyway.
Eliza manages to slip free from her father’s grip and runs over to jump on Ryan’s lap.
“Save me!” she wails.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got ya,” Ryan says as she snuggles into his lap, tucking her head beneath her eldest brother’s chin.
Eddie takes advantage of the newly empty space between you, and he pulls you flush up against his side. You give Eddie a soft kiss before laying your head on his shoulder.
“Ick,” Eliza complains, looking over at you on the couch.
“Yeah, ick,” Ryan echoes.
“Wasn’t he the one who wanted us to have a baby practically as soon as we got together? Now he thinks it’s gross that I kiss you,” Eddie says softly to you, but not soft enough that Luke didn’t hear.
“Yeah, but now we got what we wanted,” Luke says with a shrug. 
“Maybe now you guys can get fixed,” Ryan says with a smirk. 
Eddie opens his mouth to retort but Eliza holds her arms in the air, an immediate call for silence.
“Shhhh! This good part!”
She snuggles back against her big brother, who sticks his tongue out at his dad.
Casually, Eddie wraps his arm around your back so he can flip his oldest son the bird without Eliza seeing. Ryan just laughs and goes back to watching the movie, curious to see what’s so special about this part. The sixteen-year-old’s laughter brings a smile to your face. You haven’t heard it as often as you’d like to lately.
After Eddie situates his arm around your shoulders, you snuggle up to him and drape Eliza’s unicorn blanket over your lap. The Disney movie is not as enticing to you as your husband is, so you press a kiss just below Eddie’s ear before whispering to him.
“I love our kittens. No matter how ferocious they like to pretend they are.”
Eddie chuckles his agreement.
“The cutest little feral monsters around.”
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b3ach-bunn7 · 30 days
Ur wish is my command 🛵
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Never a dull moment when you hang out with Dabi and the rest of your friends
No quirks au, pining, LOV as high schoolers
part 2
“Move up.”
You shuffle to the left as Dabi plops down next to you. You’re currently all shoved onto Shigarakis couch, half watching the movie on his Tv and half chattering about whatever. You’re squeezed between Dabi, whose eyes are looking at the TV but not really watching, and Toga, who’s flicking through a Teen Girl magazine, absentmindedly filling out the questionnaires on the back. Shigaraki is sprawled on a loveseat, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he plays some game on his switch. Twice is leaning on the arm of the chair next to him and giving very unnecessary tips that Shigaraki does not need. Spinner is lying down on the floor. You think he’s exhausted after his football training, but he’s usually sleeping any time you guys hang out, so you’re not too concerned.
You don’t really look like you fit in with this friendship group. They’re weird enough as is. Spinner has this weird obsession with amphibians and bright clothes. Shigraki always has gloves on because of his bad eczema and he’s always scowling, and Toga’s cute aesthetic completely opposes her love of all things gore and violence that she’ll tell to anyone who’ll listen. And Dabi, whose face was more metal than skin from all the piercings he has. That, and the mystery that surrounds the burn scars that litter his skin.
All in all, it was a pretty rag tag group. You were glaringly normal compared to them. No weird habits or affinities, but none of you cared. You can’t even remember how you joined their group but you know you don’t regret it. Some of their activities weren’t exactly your forte. You do walk away whenever they decide that spending money on stuff is too much effort, or when they’d rather stay in an abandoned parking lot half the night then get in bed for school. But despite all of that, you always meet them halfway. Shigaraki’s parents are never really home and so you always find yourselves lounging around his house every other day. You watch movies, order pizzas, finish your homework. Whatever you feel up for.
Today, your eyes are trying their hardest not to flit to your right. Dabi is so close to you right now. His thigh is pressed into yours and it’s so warm. You’ve learnt that that is always the case. You remember one night after a party he’d walked you home. Even through the layers of your coat and dress, your arm gripping his had heated you up against the cold autumn air.
You adjust your position and he glances at you, but he doesn’t move. If anything he gets closer, bringing his arm up behind the couch to rest behind your head.
“Guys, would you say I like my men edgy but fun, or preppy but unique?” Toga hums, biting the end of her pencil.
“Don’t care.” Shigaraki mumbles.
“Rude. I think edgy but fun.” You say.
Twice frowns, shaking his head. “No, don’t you remember that Deku guy you liked? He was definitely preppy but unique.”
“No, he was more like. I don’t know. A nice guy.” Spinner ponders from the floor.
“He was a pussy.”
“Dabi, don’t be mean, he was nice!” Toga whines.
Dabi just rolls his eyes and you giggle. You lean forward to read the page she’s on. Apparently, Toga is about to find the ‘guys she’s totally in tune with’. You point to one of the teenage boys imprinted on the page, all fake smiles and box dye hair.
“He looks like he could be totally in tune with you.” You wiggle your eyebrows.
Dabi leans forward over you to get a better look. You can smell that woodsy and smokey smell that always follows him.
“He’s too emo.”
“You’re one to talk.” Toga mutters, and Dabi smacks the back of her head.
Toga sighs and abandons the page and keeps flicking through the magazine. You yawn. It’s only seven pm but you’re tired. You’d stayed up all last night with Dabi on the phone. It was sort of a tradition the two of you had. You’d watch a movie together, the two of you counting down to sync up your Netflix on whatever movie you were watching. Somehow, you’d stayed up talking all last night. It wasn’t unusual for that to happen but after a long day at school it’s all adding up. You lean your head against the back of the couch on Dabi’s arm.
“The movie not catching your fancy?” He asks.
You smile slightly. It’s something stupid and full of violence, the kind of stuff both of you hate. “No. It’s awful.”
“Of course it is, Shiggy picked it.” Dabi rolls his eyes.
You go to grab the remote and Dabi does too. Your fingers touch, only for a second, but the heat blooms in your hands. You both apologise, clumsily, but Dabi picks it up regardless and starts flipping through channels.
“Hey, they have a truth or dare page! Let’s play!”
It’s a testament to how bored you all are that that catches your attention. Toga slides down on the floor and spinner and twice join her. Shigraki looks unbothered but he still turns his switch off and sits up. You and Dabi stay on the couch. Funnily enough, despite the extra room, the two of you don’t move, legs still pressed up against each other.
“Truth or dare? A bit childish, no?” You whisper quietly enough that nobody but Dabi can hear you.
“What, you scared?”
“Shut up. I’m scared of nothing.” You flex your arms and Dabi smirks.
“It’s been ages since I’ve played. Isn’t there meant to be a forfeit if you don’t do the truth or dare?”
Dabi nods. “Yeah, usually.”
“What’s ours?”
“You have to kiss me.”
You turn your head away so he doesn’t seen the flush on your cheeks. Flirting is nothing you’re not used to with Dabi. Any woman he speaks to is unfortunately a victim of it. Despite his whole punk ‘don’t talk to me’ look, Dabi is undeniably attractive. There’s something so obvious about it. Like if you look at him for just a second more than you’d think to, it would all jump at you; his soft hair, the bright blue eyes, and that boyish grin. So you’re not really fussed by all his flirting. You’ve been there, done that. It’s Dabi at the end of the day. Nothing means anything with him.
“You wish.” You push him away as he pouts his lips at you.
Toga claps her hands. “Okay! Who’s going first?”
“Me!” Twice springs up from his seat, excited. “I pick dare.”
“Daring choice! Okay, so. Go onto instagram and like every highlight of the first person that you see.”
Twice was not happy about that, considering the girl that popped up on his page was apparently ‘someone he was interested in’. But his mood lights up quickly once Toga passes him the magazine so he can ask a question.
And you carry on like that, getting through the group. Shigaraki reluctantly plays a ‘Kiss, marry, kill’ with some of the less attractive teachers at UA, Spinner eats a spoonful of sriracha.
“Dabi. Your, fuck, it’s your turn.” Spinner fans his face while Toga giggles at him.
Dabi waves off the boos from the rest of your group. Spinner hushes them and reads the first truth on the page. “If you had to marry one person in this room, who would it be?”
He doesn’t hesitate in the slightest. Your name slips off his tongue like he didn’t even mean it to. His face looks surprised for a split second before he glances around the room.
“Uh, okay. Your turn to ask a question.” Spinner hands him the magazine.
You’re still slightly dumbfounded. So is Toga, because she is narrowing her eyes at Dabi very suspiciously. He notices her out of the corner of his eye and raises a brow.
She says your name questioningly. You look down at your lap because the loose thread on your jeans is suddenly very interesting.
“Do I need to explain myself or something?”
Toga sighs, propping her knees up and leaning her head on them. “No, you’re okay. It’s your turn.” She leans her head up and it thumps against your leg. You run your fingers through her bangs and she smiles.
“Truth or dare?”
“Hm. Dare.”
Dabi grins. “Daring choice.” Toga sticks her tongue out at the horrible impression of her voice. “Wait, which one do I pick?” His eyes flit over the page of options.
“Uh, we’ve just been going down the list. I think we’re on number four?” Twice says.
Dabi nods. He opens his mouth to speak, but then he stops. Clears his throat, and tries again.
“Kiss the most attractive person in the room.”
You groan as the others start cheering.
“Finally, this is getting interesting.” Shigaraki laughs.
“Don’t get too excited, she’s not kissing you, Shiggy.” Dabi scoffs.
“Fuck off.”
You huff. “Why do I get the creepy one?”
“Hey, I’d gladly kiss someone than eat what I had to.” Spinner grumbles, still nursing a bottle of water.
“Okay. Okay I’ll do it.”
They’re all looking at you expectantly. You know who it’s going to be. Of course it’s going to be Dabi. You’re sure they all know it too, because the others are just looking at the two of you on the couch, giving no other signs of being ready for a kiss. You swallow once. Turn to your side and he’s already looking at you so intensely. The corner of his mouth lifts up slightly.
“Let’s get this over with.”
“Aw, don’t act like you don’t love this, baby.”
You decide that instead of telling him to shut up you’ll do it instead. You grab the scratchy materia of his stupid band tee he always insists on wearing. It almost hurts when your mouths meet, and his hand immediately cups your cheek, warm palm almost covering your whole face. You’re sure the kiss isn’t meant to last this long, but you feel his teeth bite your bottom lip and you have to push away before you start moaning in front of your friends.
You break apart, breathless. Dabi’s lips are red and look freshly kissed and you guess you must look the same. You feel your face heat and you turn to look at the others who are all looking with different degrees of shock and smugness (the last one being Toga).
“Right.” You grab the magazine from his hands. “It’s Toga’s turn?”
The rest of the night goes by quite quickly. You all soon grow bored of truth or dare, which doesn’t get any more exciting after your kiss. Which you can’t seem to stop thinking about. You and Dabi immediately fall back into normalcy but something niggles in the back of your mind. It was just a kiss, but. Does Dabi kiss everyone like that? It must explain why he gets around so much. If a man kissed you like that you can only imagine how he can do everything else to you.
But you try to ignore that. Focus on the fact you’re braiding Toga’s hair or maybe listen to the story Twice is telling you about someone at his work. Someone orders a pizza and you bug Dabi until he passes you a slice. He gets the cheesiest one in the box, like he knows you love, and you grin your thanks.
The night ends swiftly after that. You all help Shigaraki clean because that’s the only condition he sets if you all use his house as a hangout spot. Toga catches a lift with Twice and Spinner leaves on his bike. Which just leaves you and Dabi. You stand on Shigaraki’s driveway, your foot kicking a rock on the floor.
“You walked here?” Dabi asks, shrugging his coat on.
“Yeah. Regretting it now.”
“I’ll walk you.”
He just makes a noise, gesturing for you to start walking. The night air is cool. You wish you’d worn something warmer. You can’t complain though. You love autumn. The leaves crunch beneath your feet, streetlights illuminating the path. The sun is just about set, and the sky is orange, pink, purple.
It's moments like these that you’ll know you’ll remember forever. It’s weird. You remember random things like an old lady you saw on the bus home one day, the slice of red velvet cake you’d bought at some random cafe. Little, irrelevant things that you can’t help but store. But moments like these, where the setting sun catches on Dabi’s skin, and your hands brush close to each other that they almost touch, you don’t think you could ever forget.
“You going to Hawks’s party next week?” He asks suddenly.
“Uh. I guess so.” You say.
Dabi quirks a brow. “Don’t sound too excited.”
“It’s not that, it’s just.” A breeze blows over and you rub your arms. Curse short-sleeved shirts. “His parties get too crazy for me. But I haven’t seen him in ages so I’ll probably go. I miss him.”
“Mhm.” He says, suddenly standoffish.
“Are you going?”
“I guess. I just miss Hawks ever so much.” He raises his voice so it’s all high pitched. You glare at him.
“I do not sound like that, you weirdo. And I do miss him. He’s so busy now that he started playing on the school team.” You shiver slightly.
Suddenly, you feel something warm envelop you. Dabi places his jacket across your shoulders. The warm leather immediately warms you.
“Aw. You’re such a cutie.” You grin, slipping your arms into the sleeves.
“Fuck off. I’ll take it back.”
“You wouldn’t.”
He doesn’t respond to that so you know you’re right. The sleeves fall over your hands and you flap them in the air. You always forget how much bigger Dabi is than you. Even now, he’s almost two heads taller, even with his horrible posture.
“You look stupid with that on.” He says.
“I’m warm, though. Sacrifices have to be made.”
Soon enough you reach your door. He watches as you fumble for your house key before brandishing them out your bag. You go to take the jacket off and he waves you away.
“S’fine, just give it to me tomorrow.”
“If you’re sure. It’s kinda cold out.”
“I’ll be alright.”
You both stand there then. Just looking at each other. Part of you thinks that maybe you should bring up the kiss. Is it worth bringing up? Did it even mean anything? You decide against it, only because that soft look on his face is so rare that you don’t want to do anything to ruin it.
“Thanks for walking me home, Dabi.”
You tilt your head slightly. “Who?”
He smiles slightly. “It’s my name.”
“You can- You don’t have to call me Dabi. You can- if you want. I don’t really care.”
You think he does care. Very evident by his stammering, something you don’t think you’ve ever seen him do. It’s cute. You don’t look into why he’s given you this privilege. You’ve heard Shigaraki and maybe Toga call him Touya before, but some part of you always knew it was a line you shouldn’t cross. Not anymore, though.
“No, I want to. Touya.”
He breathes heavily. He’s looking at you the way he was before he kissed you on that couch. Your eyes dart to his lips, and you know he saw, because he does the exact same.
“I- I should go. Goodnight, Touya.”
He nods. “Night.”
You lock the door behind you, hang up your keys. You’re not ready to ruin your friendship because of a look. A truth or dare kiss that probably means nothing.
The leather of his coat feels sticky on your skin as you walk yourself to bed.
God I’m such a sucker for dabi in everyday normal setting…… teenager Dabi…..
Part two is posted !
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— smoke some, drink some, pop one
pairing: vada cavell x fem!reader
warnings: smut, drug use, lesbian sex, cunnilingus, overstimulation, slight roughness, unnecessary euphoria references
summary: you smoke dope. vada admits she has never eaten a girl out before. a practical demonstration ensues
word count: 2.7k
a/n: this was written under the influence of a travis scott song. expect anything. enjoy
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You stare at the clock hanging above the blackboard anxiously, kicking your leg under the desk. The last few minutes of the last period always seem to stretch miles into infinity, and your patience is barely as flexible. The voice of the teacher has long since become background noise, the talk of equations and trigonometry and the finals week and how unprepared you were for it the last thing on your mind.
You pick your phone up for the millionth time to look at the messages still hanging and marked as unseen on your screen, eyes focusing on Vada’s name followed by an emoji of a puppy and a black heart.
‘got us enough to roll one’
‘just one tho’
‘don’t wanna end up like last time’
You chuckle quietly – the sweet memories of you and Vada skinny dipping in a pond at night and then showing up half-naked at Nick’s door are definitely the ones you treasure most, even though you can barely piece them together.
You look out the window, lost in thought. Your teacher asks you a question – and then you're saved by the sound of the bell ringing across the building.
As soon as you hear it you’re up and all but bolting out the door, muttering a quick ‘bye’ to the teacher to maintain your good girl image that, to be honest, has been hanging by a thread ever since the day you started dating Vada.
Not that you really care about their opinion. You just don’t want the principal to call your mother again.
You speed walk through the corridor, try to remember which floor was Vada’s class on, before you’re stopped by a pair of hands wrapping around your waist.
“Hey there pretty girl.”
You squeal in surprise, turning around in your girlfriend’s arms. She’s grinning at you annoyingly, the little shit, but the small dimple on her right cheek makes it impossible to be mad at her.
“Fuck, Vada,” you huff, pinching her shoulder half-heartedly, “I’ve got a weak heart, remember?
She shrugs, leans in to kiss your pout away.
“Sorry. I got out early. Wanted to wait for you since apparently someone's not interested in answering any of my texts anymore.”
You kiss her back, smiling apologetically, “I was too excited to see you, I guess.”
The brunette hums, lacing her fingers with yours, “Where to then?”
You think about inviting her over to your place – it’s closer to school, and your mom is working till late evening, but the rationality clicks quicker. Your mom also happens to work as the district attorney of the town – you’re pretty damn sure she knows what pot smells like, and would be able to smell it hours after you and Vada have fucked beyond the common sense of ventilating the house.
So you do the next best thing, one that won’t get either of you in trouble – you hotbox in your girlfriend’s car. You realize it might soon become the best thing, because it hits so much better.
Vada gets greedy with the joint a few times – you have to remind her it’s puff puff pass, not puff puff kiss your girlfriend so she lets her guard down then puff again.
In a few minutes you’re in her lap and making out with her like it’s your last day on Earth, the two of you giggling into each other’s mouths when you accidentally press the horn with your butt a few times, the honking sound mixing with your laughter.
You can barely make Vada’s face out by the time the last of the joint fizzles out and starts to burn your fingertips, the smoke filling the car up to the brim, but her eyes stand out amidst the choking whiteness, her pupils almost heart-shaped as she watches you with a dopey grin.
When you open the door the smoke drifts up the sky in big clouds, and breathing clear oxygen almost feels weird.
You’re still giggling slightly as Vada fumbles with her pockets to find her keys, your soft lips pressing to the side of her neck in sweet pecks making the process of finding them unnecessarily hard.
She shushes you when you finally step inside, listening for any sounds, before closing the door behind you. As soon as you realize you’re alone in the house, you press your lips against Vada’s impatiently.
“Don’t forget– your shoes,” Vada manages between the kisses, shivering as you slide your hands under her oversized shirt, “I’m serious, you horndog. Mom hates it when the floors are dirty.”
You groan into her lips, pulling away to untie your Jordans, shaking on your unstable legs slightly, and make your way up the stairs into her room. Vada opens the window to let the fresh spring air sweep through the room, hoping it’ll be enough to help the smell of weed wear off your clothes and hair.
“Wanna watch a show?” She asks, gesturing to her laptop as you sit on her bed, crossing your legs.
“Mhm. You’re thinking Euphoria, aren’t you?” You snort, watching as your girlfriend slides next to you, “Because I think we’re pretty much in one.”
“So, like,” Vada trails off, her hands coming to rest on your hips in what she thinks is a subtle movement, “Would that make me Rue, then?”
She plays with a string on your pants, feeling almost embarassed about the corny things she's saying.
“And you – Jules?”
You hum, tilting your head with a coy grin, try and mull her innuendo over in your baked out mind. The comparison does seem familiar – especially with Vada’s puppy love towards you.
“Well, I liked their duo in the first season but... weren’t they, like... extremely toxic later on?”
Vada finally pulls in you to sit on her lap, your thighs bracketing hers, and it’s such close proximity you can count all the pretty freckles scattered across her face. You’d probably get lost at fifty, way too high for mathematics of any kind, even if it’s this romantic.
“You’re right. Fuck Euphoria,” she whispers, her gaze sliding to your lips, and you don’t waste any more time to press your lips to hers.
Kissing Vada has always been something to look forward to – warm and pleasant, makes your stomach flip when she’d bite your bottom lip and lick at your teeth. Kissing Vada whilst being slightly high is an out of this world feeling. Her nose presses into your cheek, and your palms slide to the back of her neck, fingers twirling her silky brown tresses idly.
You pull away for air, and it gets stuck in your throat as the brunette presses a kiss behind your ear, trailing the butterfly smooches down to your pulse point. Her hands are kept busy under your shirt, fingertips tracing up your stomach to your ribs.
“How many times have you ever been eaten out?”
A sudden but... not at all unwelcome question. You lean back on your hands, humming when her plush lips rest against your collarbone, and purse your lips in thought.
“Mm... once or twice. I don’t really keep any notches on my belt, y’know?”
Her hands tighten around your hips, and you chuckle.
“Drinking vinegar, are you now? Don’t worry. You have an opportunity to top them all.”
Vada averts her gaze suddenly. You frown, lean in to cup her face gently.
“What’s wrong?”
The brunette rubs her thumbs over your clothed thighs, then looks back up at you, a small frown on her face.
“I’ve never done this before.”
“You’ve never... fucked anyone?” You're sure that's a lie – she's fucked you before.
“I’ve never given a girl head.”
You hum, reaching to hold her slightly shaky hands, slowly inching them closer to the waistband of your sweatpants, “I can teach you,” you suggest, biting your lip, “Show you what I like. That cool?”
Vada looks almost mesmerized. She nods, her gaze fixed on your pants, and you giggle as she tugs them down your legs, prompting you to slide off her lap to let her do so, the cool outside breeze hitting your warm skin and rising goosebumps in its wake.
“I listened to a podcast the other day,” she begins, “About cunnilingus. The host said the best advice she’s ever gotten was to google wielding techniques.”
You raise your eyebrows in confusion, “Huh?”
Vada reaches for her phone on the bedside table, quickly unlocking it and typing something in the search bar. She selects a random picture and shows you the screen.
There are indeed blueprints of what looks like wielding seams, going from bottom to the top. The arrows are forming different patterns – there are zig-zags, crescents, a circular seam and a ‘figure 8’ seam...
For all the ridiculousness, they do seem... practical.
You smile and grab the phone, turning it off and tossing it somewhere back on the bed.
Of course she would do that – research stuff. It’s so fucking endearing it prompts you to wrap your hands around her neck and press a kiss to her cheek.
“Why not stick to the usual alphabet thing, hm?” You offer, “I can tell which letter I’d love the most.”
You lean in to whisper into her ear huskily, “It’s ‘V’.”
Vada shudders, making you smile. Then her hands grasp at your hips, tugging you closer, and your breath hitches at her sudden assertiveness.
The brunette bends her knees so that she’s level with your center and parts your legs slowly. You curse under your breath – you’re pretty much drenched right through your panties, and if Vada was just slightly more sober, she’d probably tease you about it, too. You’re glad she isn’t.
She leans in closer instead, tongue lolling out and pressing against your clothed cunt, licking a stripe up the smeared wetness there. Her fingers slip under the waistband of your underwear, and you tilt your hips up a bit to help her take it off, the movement causing your heat to press further into her mouth, making you whine.
Your panties are off, and so is Vada’s tongue.
She stares long enough for you to feel a bit conscious about yourself, and you move to close your legs on instinct, but her hands keep them apart. She hooks your ankles over her shoulders, shoots you a warning look. Her dark gaze makes you clench around nothing. The shyness and uncertainty is gone like it wasn’t even there.
You’re not sure if it’s weed, or if you’re being tricked, but this version of Vada is... new. Extremely hot, too.
She lowers herself so that she’s inches away from your pussy, her warm breath fanning your swollen clit – you're so strung up that you’re starting to feel a second heartbeat in between your legs. Vada looks up at you again, making sure you’re watching her as she flattens her tongue along your slit, collecting all the warm slick that leaked out from the moment she had you on her lap. She lets out a satisfied groan, and you sigh, hips buckling to meet her.
Despite all your confidence, you feel yourself crumble at the first touch of your girlfriend’s mouth on you – you’ve always preferred this over any kind of penetration, and Vada’s eagerness to please you doesn’t help.
She withdraws for a moment, and you find yourself missing her immediately.
“Is this okay?” She asks, palms caressing your thighs to soothe you.
“Don’t make me beg.” You breathe with a chuckle.
She laps at your folds, groaning at the saccharine warmth of your arousal coating her tongue – then leans back again, and you’re almost whining before she reaches her thumb to rub at your swollen clit, her breathing heavy as she watches you gush around nothing.
“Baby.” You whine pathetically, your knees coming together to try and push her face into you.
Vada doesn’t seem to be bothered in the slightest, her digit circling your sensitive spot, never taking her eyes away, “Hm?”
“Please,” you murmur, voice stifled by the hot arousal burning in your veins, “Want your mouth, baby. Want to cum on your tongue, please.”
The brunette digs her fingers into the soft flesh of your hips before wrapping her plump lips around your clit, gently sucking, and your thighs tighten around her head at the sudden overwhelmingly good feeling coursing through your body. You almost can’t believe how good it feels – how good Vada is, almost naturally talented at making your toes curl as she mouths at your dripping pussy, keeping a burning grip on your quivering legs. The immense amount of pleasure is so sudden you’re practically sobbing her name, your stomach tensing and hips bucking with each calculated flick of the girl’s tongue. The sheets under you are considerably darker than the rest, a pool of your cum along with the brunette’s spit dampening the area.
You’ve heard that drugs can expand your consciousness, but to such a degree that has you seeing stars as Vada eats you out like it’s her second nature...
Her tongue slips between your walls suddenly, causing you to arch your back into the air, hips rolling into her face. Her tongue continues to lap confidently, going in circles around your entrance. A shaky sigh leaves your lungs, and you have to clench your eyes shut.
“Vada, oh my god,” you breathe shakily, your voice tight and high, feeling you stomach coil, “I'm gonna cum– Fuck, fuck, Vada."
Her lips find your clit again, and that’s what sends you over the edge, your thighs clasping around her head so tight she swears her ears start to ring.
You shiver as the brunette drinks you up hungrily, your legs easing their hold on her, chest heaving with shuddering gasps.
“Oh, Vada. Fuck,” you mutter, resting your forearm over your eyes as you try to calm your speeding heart, “That was so... so good, baby. I think you lied to me. Either that, or you’re... a natural.” You chuckle breathlessly, raising a shaky hand to swipe some stray hairs from your forehead.
Your legs move to unhook themselves from the girl’s shoulders, taking pity on her most likely strained muscles, but Vada’s grip turns bruising on your legs. You’re pushed back further into the pillows suddenly, and before you can let out a single peep in alarm, she’s on you again.
Her hands reach to grasp under your knees, bending your legs up, your pussy spread open for her. She doesn’t relent — her hands hold your thighs as she all but buries her face in your heat, the movements of her tongue harsh. Fast. Merciless.
The sudden aggressiveness makes you let out a broken moan, your hands darting to tread through Vada’s hair, wanting her closer but away at the same time, the painful pleasure too much for your scrambled mush of a brain to handle.
“Oh my god, Vada!”
She leans away for a moment to trace two separate stripes from your entrance up to your clit with the tip of her tongue, and you whine, your foggy mind realizing that she has actually just done the letter thing, before she’s back on you like a hungry beast, jaw hanging open to wrap her mouth around your seizing cunt with an obscene slurping sound.
Your back arches as you cum harder than before, throwing your head back against bed and squeezing your eyes shut, your girlfriend’s name tumbling out of your mouth in an almost pornographic moan. You whine as Vada laps at your center with purpose, licking you clean, before pulling away mercifully.
There’s a cocky wolfish grin on the brunette’s face as she watches you open your eyes slowly, trying to compose yourself.
“How was that for a notch on your belt, hm?”
Shit. If you didn’t just experience the most intense orgasm in your life, you’d scoff at the smugness of her tone.
“I’m gonna be honest... I wasn’t sure I’d be into... that,” you say shakily, “But I guess I am now. Jesus Christ, Vada.”
“Just Vada is fine.” She gently caresses your hips, leans down to kiss your jaw lovingly, “Now...”
Her fingers lift the hem of your shirt up to your chest, blunt nails grazing the flesh under your breasts – she watches them rise and fall with your unsteady breaths.
“How about I salt the earth behind me so that no one ever stands a chance of owning you the way I do?”
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loveharlow · 5 months
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PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚[3k] Two weeks since John B and Sarah have been gone and the pogues decide it's time for a proper memorial to say goodbye, but an impulsive gesture leaves two of the four remaining pogues heads spinning.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, mentions of death, unestablished relationship/unrequited love (Pope x Kiara), mentions of child abuse/neglect, general angst
A/N‧₊˚ This is where things get a little tricky. Also, tumblr decided to kick me out of my mf account so thats why this is like 2 days late instead of one, I DID NOT LIE TO YALL😭 and sorry if this chapter moves a little fast
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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“RISE AND SHINE, BLONDIE.” You whispered in the sleeping boy’s ear. JJ immediately slapped a harsh palm over his ear, effectively slapping himself and waking himself up, groaning in pain as you stood by giggling. 
“Fuck you.” He mumbled, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he sat up, Marley emerging next to him from under the covers. You tilted your head at the dog, scoffing.
“You do know that is my dog, right?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at a sleepy-eyed JJ who simply looked at the animal over his shoulder before turning back to you and shrugging with a sly smile on his face.
“Not anymore. Her real owner gives her bacon and she loves it.” He retorted, throwing an arm over Marley and pulling her into his side as he rubbed the top of her head. “Ain’t that right, girl?”
You rolled your eyes, your bare feet patting against the hardwood floors of The Chateau as you left the room, calling over your shoulder. “Then her real owner can clean up the aftermath when she vomits it out because she refuses to chew.” You reprimanded playfully, sliding your slippers onto your feet that were sat by the front door. “I’m gonna clean up a bit. Pope and Kie should be here soon. And I bought more cereal, it’s above the fridge.” You called out before going out onto the porch, letting the door shut behind you, the screen rattling. 
Today marked two weeks since John B and Sarah disappeared.
Pope and Kiara had finally made time in their schedules to do a proper send off. Not that you blamed them — Kiara’s parents wanted her as far away from the pogues as possible, with you being a semi-exception. They’d swamped her with work after school at The Wreck, working from the time school ended until the street lights came on. The weekends were no different, with the addition of taking the car away, only allowing her to drive it on the weekdays to and from school.
Heyward had Pope doing grocery run after grocery run, as well catching some of the seafood supply himself. Pope didn’t mind though, he was working on repairing his relationship with his parents after everything that happened. Things seemed to be looking up, Heyward didn’t scowl when you all came around anymore and his mother started to greet you all again. They were easing up on the restrictions, too — allowing Pope to drive the car again and be out past ten.
You and JJ had been managing — he was taking small, odd jobs here and there. Mowing lawns, fixing cars just to keep the lights on and the water running. You did what you could — sneaking into your house, only once or twice, to take some necessities and things to sell. You’d managed to pawn off a good chunk of your mother’s jewelry and some things you didn’t need anymore. It was enough to keep you both fed and clean.
Life was starting to seem okay again. It didn’t seem like there was such a large storm cloud over you and your friends anymore. Now, you just all felt an emptiness when you were together, which was probably why you weren’t together as much anymore.
School was…well, school. You and JJ hadn’t been since it happened. No adults to force you to go, right? Pope and Kie had been a few times, but their parents allowed them some time to themselves occasionally. 
Despite everything, today was the first day you all would be hanging out as a full group again. The Chateau always looked a mess but admittedly, you and JJ hadn’t been helping the place to look any better. The porch was littered with beer bottles, soda cans, snack wrappers. Things that had been piling up from your late night talks. 
Grabbing a plastic bag, you started gathering all of the trash and throwing it inside, the space already looking better.
“SO, HOW ARE WE DOING THIS EXACTLY?” Kiara asked, hands in her pockets as she stood in front of the big tree, next to Pope. The sun was starting to set, casting a low, orange hue over the backyard.
She and Pope had arrived not too long ago, the gathering not being as lively as it used to be. Less smiles, less laughs. There was small talk and a few jokes here and there but it just seemed so forced, as if no one wanted to say “let’s just get this over with”.
The group had been divided, although none of you would admit it aloud. It seemed as if Pope and Kiara did their thing, while you and JJ did yours. 
“We could just carve it. Might take a while, though…” Pope pitched, rubbing his hands over the top of his head and shifting his weight. 
“I mean, we got all day.” JJ shrugged simply, adjusting the baseball cap on his head. “I say we carve this baby up.” He shrugged, hiking up the toolbox in his hand, the metal objects inside rattling, and walking to the forefront of the group. You walked up beside him, looking up with your hands in your back pockets. “Care to do the honors?” He smiled down at you, flicking out a pocket knife in your direction.
Taking the object from his hand, you faced the large, loud live oak tree and began carving the initials of your fallen friend into the wood.
THREE HOURS AND TWO BEERS LATER AND THE TREE WAS CARVED AND BRANDED. A tan-colored, heart-shaped splotch in the center.
2003   2020
After you’d finished carving, JJ had done the honors of engraving the words with a heated piece of metal, burning the words forever into the oak. The four of you raised a beer to John B, hoping that he could feel you wherever he was.
You’d branched off afterwards, something that never happened before but you’d grown accustomed to the odd dynamic between the group now. You all tried your hardest to ignore it or remedy it but it was useless. 
Pope was sitting on a log, staring at the fire JJ had started. JJ was swinging in the hammock as you made your way over to Kiara, who was sitting on the steps of The Chateau.
“Hey. You alright?” You asked, sitting down next to the girl as she took a sip of her beer, humming in response.
“As alright as I can be, I guess.” She replied almost despondently. You were all grieving in your own ways but something about Kiara’s grief didn’t seem like grief. It was like she was dealing with some other conflicting emotions on top of it all. “You and JJ have been keeping this place up, huh? I can actually see wood on the floor.” She joked lightly.
You chuckled in response. “Yeah... yeah, we’re trying. The place is one kick away from collapsing but it’s a home, nonetheless.”
“Have you been home? Since…” You nodded your head at the girl’s question, staring down at your sneakers.
“...Once or twice just to steal some shit to pawn off. I don’t really care for anything in that house anymore. Or anyone…” Kiara simply drew her lips into a thin line, nodding silently with no clue as to how to continue the conversation. So, you took the initiative for her. “How’ve you been? With your parents? Pope?”
She just grimaced and shrugged, playing with the rim of the open beer bottle. “They’re... going, I suppose. My parents don’t even know I’m here right now. If they did…” She trailed off, scoffing. “And Pope, I don’t know. He’s sweet, he’s just not…” She trailed off once again, but this time it was like she knew what she wanted to say but it was almost as if she couldn’t. Wouldn’t. She seemed weary, hesitant — eyes fleeting between your own and the blades of grass beneath her feet. “Whatever. Forget it. Me and Pope are figuring it out, I guess. I’m trying to give it a chance.”
“That’s good.” You smiled smally, nodding absentmindedly. “If it helps, he really does like you. So, even if you two don’t work out, just let him down easy. He’s our friend and a really good guy.” She simply nodded, taking another swig of her beverage and looking out into the distance. Suddenly, she was standing from the steps, hands on her knees.
“I’m gonna go get another beer...” She sighed before walking back inside.
Maybe you were reading too much into it but Kiara’s grief was seeming more like a cold shoulder...
“YOU WARM ENOUGH, POPE?” You inquired, sitting next to the boy on the log, him shooting you a small smile before returning his gaze to the flames in front of him. The fire casting an amber glow over his skin, making his eyes seem browner, almost softer. 
“Yeah, a little too hot.” He chuckled lightly, leaning back further onto the wooden seat, placing his hands behind him for support. “...I meant to ask, is JJ okay? Like, actually?” He asked with a bit of hesitance, eyeing the blonde swaying calmly on the hammock. You followed his sights, spotting JJ swaying lowly before turning back to Pope.
“He’s…doing better than I expected. But that goes for all of us, I suppose.” You offered honestly. “Why’d you ask?” You questioned, to which Pope shrugged one shoulder before replying.
“I know John B was a really big part of his life. If I was as close as those two, I don’t know how I’d feel. I know we haven’t been around much, Kie and I, but he just seems…too calm.” You didn’t know how to tell Pope that JJ was far from fine. That you’d hear him crying at night, muffled as he tried to wake you not knowing that you couldn’t sleep knowing he was outside the door crying and you couldn’t do anything to comfort him.
You’d tried asking him about it yourself. He simply acted like he didn’t know what you were talking about and you weren't one to push him. Not now, at least.
“He’s handling it all in his own way.” You reassured with mild uncertainty. “But I’ll keep an eye on him. How are you, though?”
The boy drew his lips into a thin line, tilting his head to the side in thought before shrugging and looking out at the fire in front of him. “I…don’t know.” He struggled out, almost as if he wasn’t completely sure of the words but also unsure if he was truly unsure. His brown eyes met yours, slightly glassed over with frustrated tears. “I really just don’t know.”
You gave him a pitiful smile before scooting closer and throwing your arm over his shoulders. The two of you sat in warm, content silence. In all your time of knowing Pope, he was never either fully closed off or openly emotional. He was the definition of a ticking time bomb — bottling everything up until he reached a certain breaking point. But this time, you’d figured he’d had all the meltdowns he could. 
AS YOU APPROACHED THE HAMMOCK, another figure became clear next to JJ’s — Marley curled up in a sleeping ball of fur next to the blonde. You chuckled under your breath at the sight, nudging the swing with your knee to prompt JJ to open his eyes. The boy peeked one eye open before the other, eyes fleeting the yard at Pope and Kiara’s frames talking at the bonfire before returning to yours. 
You took a seat on the grass in front of the hammock, looking up at JJ as he made the small effort to turn on his side to look down at you without disturbing the peaceful animal beside him. 
“Done being the group therapist?” He yawned, pushing the blonde locs of hair out of his face. You simply shrugged, rubbing a hand across your forehead. 
“Yeah, my office is closed.” You sighed, leaning back on your palms — small pebbles and mulch chips digging into them but you were too tired to care. “But you know I’m always willing to listen for you.” You said playfully, shooting the blonde a wink. He giggled in response, leaning forward in the hammock with one hand clutching it for support.
“You promised no pushing.” He mumbled sleepily.
“I’m not pushing.” You assured, throwing your hands up in surrender. “I’m just... politely suggesting that you open up to your best friend, is all.” You shrugged nonchalantly, pretending to pick at your nails. 
“Right...how about we do a little switch-a-roo then, hm?” He threw out, shifting around once more in the hammock, eyes piercing yours. “How have you been? With everything. Bree, your mom…” He trailed off, eyes never leaving yours even though you avoided eye contact the moment he started listing issues. “I mean, The Chateau is nothing compared to your beachfront palace in Kooklandia. You gotta miss it sometimes. You’re telling me you never think about goin' home?”
You snarled, shrugging off his statement. “This is my home.” You declared, drifting your eyes upwards to connect with his, the amber glow of the bonfire making his eyes appear more green-toned than blue. “I never wanted to move to Figure Eight in the first place. I didn’t care about the ocean view or the fact that our living room and kitchen didn’t have to be one room anymore.” You explained, drawing shapes into the dirt. “I feel safe here.” You muttered. “I feel safer with you guys...”
He simply hummed and nodded in agreement. “I get that.” He sighed. “I feel the same about my house. I don’t really care that all my shit is there and that I have to sneak back and forth to get what I need. My dad… he makes me hate that house. And I hate myself for being able to hate the house because of him but not being able to hate him.”
“He’s your dad, though. It’s understandable. You feel like you should love him no matter what.”
“...Do you hate your mom?” You paused your drawing in the dirt to peer up at JJ through your lashes, his eyes wide and wondering. The question caused you to feel a way you’d never felt before. It was such a loaded question and even with everything that happened, you figured the answer should be easy but...it wasn’t. Saying that you hated your mother felt like venom on your tongue. Even if you knew you had every right to say that you did.
“No.” You sighed, tucking your hair behind your ears. “But, it’s like, I don’t love her either. I just…don’t recognize her anymore. In my eyes, she’s not my mother. But in my heart, she is and always will be. And I hate that.”
The two of you fell into silence after that, the only sound being cicadas and crickets. You directed your gaze up to the sky, counting the stars and silently acknowledging constellations while JJ kicked one leg out to swing the hammock gently as he stared up as well.
You figured the conversation ended there. It was getting late and you’d scored a babysitting gig for tomorrow that was paying good money. So, you figured heading to bed now was ideal because being late wasn't. You sighed, hands slapping your knees as you stood up with a groan, stretching as JJ’s eyes drifted to your frame.
“Well, I think my social battery has officially died.” You yawned, stepping closer to the blonde to ruffle his fluffy head of hair. “Night, blond-” You didn’t get the chance to finish your sentence before JJ’s hand was wrapping itself around your wrist, pulling you down until your faces were just centimeters apart, him taking the opportunity to connect your lips with his, placing his free hand on the nape of your neck.
Your eyes went impossibly wide as the blonde pressed his lips to yours firmly, his eyes closed blissfully. A normal, friendly reaction would be to push him away, to say that you shouldn’t be doing this. But the way he was kissing you..
It was like he’d been waiting his whole life to do it.
From the way his fingers dug into your skin to the amount of force he was using to hold you in place.
Something in you suddenly relaxed, allowing you to close your own eyes and move your lips to kiss him back. Your lips moved in perfect sync with his for the moment. But you figured it would be nothing but. This was JJ, your best friend. He knew you like the back of his-
Oh. Oh, God. You were kissing your best friend. You were kissing JJ. 
You pulled back so fast you nearly stumbled over your own feet, head whipping around in panic to find Kie and Pope still engulfed in their own conversation before turning back to the starstruck blonde in front you. His hair was messy and his lips were swollen with a deep shade of red blooming within the lower one. His own blue eyes were wide but you didn’t know for what reason. 
You just looked at each other with an unknown expression. Terror? Confusion?
Neither of you said anything, just stared at each other, panting in panic. Your heart was beating wildly out of your chest prompting you to adjust the neckline of your top away from your throat, the material suddenly feeling constricting.
You didn’t know what else to do so you did the only thing you could do.
Swallowing harshly and touching your aching, wet lips, you swiftly walked off in the direction of The Chateau. The last thing you heard was JJ call out your name one, heart aching time before the door of The Chateau closed behind you.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
SVN Taglist; (let me know if you'd like to be added!) @esquivelbianca @fallingwallsh @calmoistorm @i-love-ptv @liability28 @rivaiken @sophiahristov @rafxcameronss @ldrvinyl @purplerose291 @boo22sstuff @heartsforandrewgarfield @coolgirl458 @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account @jujubeaz @ellobruv @yourmumstoy (striked means i'm unable to tag you!)
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lit3rallyll0yd · 2 months
when you randomly jump on their backs: various ninjago x gn!reader
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I GOT MY HAIR DYED YAYYAYA ; i decided to put some of my old ninjago writing here tehe enjoy<3
art credit: min-play
warnings: uhm cringy? not new writing!!
· freezes. he's not used to any physical touch, so when he felt your body jump onto his he froze. he literally had no idea what to do- 
· does he hold you back? he leans forward a little bit so it's easier for you to keep sturdy, but he still has no idea what to do. his cheeks went red slightly when your legs wrapped around his torso but brushed it off. 
· he chuckles nervously as he grabs your hands, gently rubbing them due to nervousness. he bit his bottom lip before he heard you giggle, motioning him to spin you!
· he got the message and started to spin like nobody's business. he eventually got comfortable because one he knew it was just you, and two your laughter and actions caused him to let his childish side out. 
· that's what he loves in you. you can help him take his mind off all of his 'green-ninja' duties and just be his childish self. he circles once more before your body dropped to the couch. 
· " what was that? " he laughs, looking down at you while you're in a giggle fit. hands on his hips like a mom, 
· " hmmmmhmh, " you giggle, " ihi was bored? " 
· Lloyd playfully rolls his eyes and leans down, giving your cheek a quick peck.
 ↳ JAY
· screams. you scare the living bolts out of him causing him to screech like a 11' year old school-girl and fall down. 
· your in a fit of laughter as you both reach the wooden flooring. 
· " Y/N!! " he called out, his breathing was heavy but started to slow down. you apologized to him, trying to slow down your laughter as he stayed on top of you.
· you honestly didn't mean to scare him, but seeing his reaction was worth it. suddenly he rolled off of you, taking your hand into his and bringing you up with him, twirling around as you did causing you giggle.
·  " ohokay! ohaahky! how about- we try thahat again? " he laughs, motioning you to jump on his back. with a smile you took a few steps back before running towards him and landed on his back, wrapping your arms around your neck and your legs around his waist, locking your ankles together. 
· he grabbed the thighs to make sure you won't fall and literally started to sprint around the Monastery like children on a sugar rush.
 · panics. he quickly grabs onto your thighs as he struggles to not topple over. it was like a jumpscare. one second he was talking to Lloyd, the next second he's having you on his back struggling to not face plant.
· " crap!- " he mummers to himself when he barely caught you and gripped his hands to your thigh. meanwhile, you're giggling like a hyena over here. you can't stop while Cole finally managed to sturdy himself.
·  Cole smirks when he hears your giggles and quickly started to spin around, careful to not smash into a wall. now you are in full-on laughter as you grip tighter onto the Earth Elemental. 
· Lloyd rolled his eyes playfully at the couple as he watches Cole spin out of the room with you on his back. " is there an actual reason you jumped on me? " Cole asked, looking over his shoulder. 
· " thihink of this as ... extra training? " you respond. He just rolled his eyes as he playfully throws you to the couch and gently tackled you and place a kiss on your nose. 
· this is now a normal thing with you two. whenever Cole has his guard down boom you're on his back wanting a piggyback ride.
· like Jay he yelps. you jump scared him and he literally almost lit his entire body on fire. you included. thankfully he realized it was you due to your clothing and chuckles.
·  he was literally about to yeet you out the window, you are so lucky. 
· he eventually grabs onto your thighs and hoists you up to get both you and him comfortable. when his fingers purposely dug into your thigh you let out a laugh as you squirmed, causing the Fire Elemental to grin. 
· then...he started to spin. not like, his Spinjitzu spin, but just a normal spin. this caused you to giggle as you threw your head back as a reflex. 
· " ohohaky! okok! " " okay whaht? " he laughed still spinning.
· " puhut me dohown i'm gonna puhuke! " you suddenly felt your body fall and touch the fabric of the couch.
· visible confusion. he literally just stands there with you on his back, smiling like a dork.
· is something wrong? why did you jump on his back?
· you had to wrap your legs around his waist to hold yourself up as your arms locked around his neck gently. 
· " Y/N? is everything okay? " he would ask and all you would say is, " yeeup! just bored. "
· " so you proceeded to jump on my back because you were bored? " the Nindroid asks and you nod against his neck. this caused him to lower his guard and began to literally lecture you about the dangers of scaring somebody like that. 
· a little later he eventually got playful and started to sprint around the room, causing you to shriek with laughter until they were puddles of giggles. 
· you asked if he could Spinjitzu with you on his back and at first he was cautious, but he did one spin and that was enough to drop you to the couch.
· he apologized again and again, making sure you were okay. and of course, you were, you wanted to do it again.
· Zane refused because it can lead to something seriously dangerous.' pft, party pooper. '
· literally throws you back on the bed, couch, carpet etc. she felt her soul leave her body when you jumped onto her and she threw you causing you to let out a small 'ommfpt' but that was soon replaced with laughter.
· " Y/N M/N L/N, why the heck did you do that! " she cries, holding her heart as you stood up.
· " ihih wanted to sehe your reaction. ahand it was wororth it ! " the Water Ninja gave you a 'mom' look before grinning, 
· " you think scaring the living hell outta' your girlfriend is funny? lemme give you something to really laugh about! "
·  " wahait- wait Ny-AHA! "
· after that day when you jump on her back, she literally keeps you there and goes on with her day. 
· making a bowl of cereal, Kai will walk in and see you on her back. watering the garden? Zane comes to help but see's you on Nya's back.
· when she puts you down she literally finds a comfy space and lets go of you, literally dies when she hears your shriek as your body falls from his back.
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overtail · 6 months
hi!! can i req a toph x fem!reader with “you came….”, “you called.” (is it also fine if r is a firebender?) thank youu!! :))
I'd love to do that for you! hehe
Sorry if there are typos i was on a road trip 😔
"you came.." "you called."
Toph x Fem!Reader
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Summary: After Toph's childhood best friend is banished from Gaoling along with her family, she finds out that all she needed to do was ask her to come back to her.
Trigger Warning: Implied Abuse, smooching
Reader Info: Female intended, Firebender, Lesbian,
Extra: Toph is aged up to 16! The story of Avatar takes longer in this AU
The letters were the only thing Toph had of her. She was the only person outside of her family that bothered to learn how to write braille, so it had more meaning that anyone else realized.
(Y/N) was the type of person you could never let go. She was kind, considerate, and still had the ability to be playful and hilarious. She never minded that Toph was blind, and supported her through all of the things she wanted to accomplish -- like being the blind bandit. She was like a fire, burning the passion in Toph's heart.
Toph met (Y/N) in school, before Toph was homeschooled. They were both seven, and the whole class was practicing their writing. Toph sat there quietly, listening to the snickers of her taunting classmates.
"We're going to practice our letters."
The teacher's voice was old, and Toph could sense that she didn't want to deal with the rowdy kids. A boy giggled beside her, before Toph heard the shuffling of his clothes, raising his hand.
"How is she supposed to write?"
The boy pointed to Toph, and the class laughed. Toph frowned, crossing her arms and scrunching her eyes closed. She felt her face become hot with embarrassment.
"Oh shut up Ying!"
A girl said aggressively, scoffing at the boy's remark.
Toph heard stomping growing louder and louder, until Ying was shoved roughly against the wooden floors of the classroom. Small gasps were heard from around, causing Toph to smile slightly.
"Ms (L/N)!"
The teacher yelled, running over to check up or Ying.
The boy held the back of his head, tears rolling down his chubby cheeks. (Y/N) frowned, crossing her small arms and looking at the roof.
"Do not push people!"
(Y/N) groaned, crouching down so she was eye level with Toph.
She heard (Y/N)'s feet pivoting on the floor, causing her to turn her head in the direction of the noise.
"Don't worry -- i won't let them bully you."
Toph stopped writing her after her parents told her to, 'not write that evil girl'. It was only eight months after their family was sent away from Gaoling, but it felt like an eternity to Toph.
Toph didn't think she was evil.
The day was so unexpected, so sudden. Toph was the only person in the village that knew about (Y/N)"s family and their origin, who they were.
Two generations before (Y/N), her family arrived in Gaoling as refugees from the fire nation. Her grandfather, an ex-general, was sent away for treason. He took his people with him, ending up in Toph's village after a year of travel.
(Y/N) was born a firebender. Her family always encouraged her to hide the power, to act as a non-bender. It was easy, at first, since she had no one to teach her -- until Toph.
Even though Toph wasn't a firebender, she still told (Y/N) fighting tactics to be a bender from her classes. In secret, (Y/N) would practice. She would practice long and hard because she thought she might need it someday.
That was her demise.
"When's your next match?"
(Y/N) asked in the darkness of the cave, a small fire blooming from her palm. Toph thought for a moment, her fighting stand loosening. (Y/N) tossed the flame between her palm, the warm light reflecting on her face.
They were both ten years old. Toph was the youngest fighter in the secret earthbending matches, and (Y/N) attended all of them. She was the Blind Bandit's biggest fan.
"Tomorrow evening, i think."
(Y/N) hummed, leaning back on the rock she was sitting on. She winced as her left arm grazed against the rock, still raw from her injury.
"How does it feel?"
Toph asked, causing (Y/N) to look up.
"The burn, how bad does it hurt?"
(Y/N) let out a small, 'oh', before looking down to her arm. It was bandaged up with a white cloth gauze, hiding the evidence of her parents anger.
She shrugged, flipping her arm over to inspect the bandages.
"I mean, it's fine. Doesn't hurt as bad as it did when mom got mad."
Toph nodded solemnly, huffing out an exasperated breath.
"You should really tell someone, y'know."
She was only greeted with a groan, knowing that meant no.
"I can't -- they'll wonder how she burnt me. It's kind of hard to lie when it's the shape of a handprint.."
(Y/N) laughed weakly, leaning back carefully so to not bump the scar. She sighed, closing her eyes and dropping the flame.
Toph dropped the rock she was levitating in front of her, hitting the ground with a 'thump!'. She turned her feet, walking over to where (Y/N) laid.
"You don't need to comfort me."
(Y/N) didn't need to open her eyes to see what Toph was doing. She would lay next to her, hold (Y/N) close. There was always something between them, something unidentifiable, something that normal friends didn't have.
They never really recognized this 'feeling', only letting it happen. Even if they did like eachother, their family would approve.
But they don't.
"Oh come on, you know you need it."
Toph crawled onto the flat boulder scrambling over to where (Y/N) was. She reached her hand over her torso, wrapping her hand around (Y/N)'s waist.
Even though she said she didn't want it, (Y/N) leaned in. Toph was significantly smaller than her, but she still placed her forehead on her collar.
"See. Toph is always right."
(Y/N) scoffed, roller her eyes under her eyelids. She sighed, thinking about what to say next.
Her face was horribly hot, and she was actually thankful that Toph was blind for once. Despite her 'luck', Toph could still hear her heart beating at a surprisingly fast speed.
"Hey, why's your hear-"
"Wanna hear about a new trick i learned?!"
(Y/N) quickly interrupted Toph, wanting to avoid the question. She removed herself from Toph's grasp, scooting off the boulder. She stood up, dusting off her uniform and clearing her throat.
Toph shifted, sitting fully. She felt a stab in het heart, confused as to why (Y/N) was so sudden to leave.
(Y/N) shifted awkwardly, swallowing the lump in her throat.
"Okay so.."
As she described the move to Toph, rolling a ball of fire from the top of her hands across her arms and over her shoulders, making its way to her other hand, a rumbling feeling settled in Toph's stomach
She tried to listen to (Y/N), but every few seconds she swore she heard footsteps echo in the floor.
"Hey (Y/N)-"
"See, you gotta move your hair so you don't catch fire."
Toph was now sure that the sounds were footsteps. Her stomach sank.
"(Y/N) hold on-"
(Y/N) was too focused on trying to not catch fire to listen to Toph's worried plea. Toph stood up, walking quickly over to the firebender.
"Wait, stop for a moment-"
"Ms. Beifong?"
Oh spirits.
Toph turned to the voice, her face going pale. She grew sick at the voice, recognizing as one of her bodyguards.
(Y/N) let the fire fade out, also looking at the bodyguard. He looked at (Y/N), stepping back.
He looked back to Toph, beckoning her over to him.
"Ms. Beifong, step away from her."
Toph shook her head quickly, running a few steps forward to the bodyguard.
"Listen, shes-"
"She's a firebender!"
The bodyguard grasped Toph's wrists, shoving her behind him. She almost fell back out of the entrance of the cave, but caught herself.
She reached out, shooting up. a wall of rock from the floor in front of the bodyguard. He stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at Toph.
(Y/N) cowered, breaking a sweat. She was caught.
Toph sat on a log around the campfire, holding five pieces of paper in her thin hands.
She rubbed her thumb over the bumpy text, sighing softly.
A week ago, while the Gaang was stopping off in Ba Sing Se for a quick bite, Toph had an idea. It had been four years since she left her family behind, but this whole time, she never wrote a letter to (Y/N).
She thought it'd be stupid -- surely she wouldn't even remember who Toph was. There was a possibility that she also left her family, or, the worst outcome, she hated Toph for never speaking to her.
Toph had injured her ankle after hopping off Appa earlier that day, and Katara said that she should stay at camp instead of going out to find food with the rest of her friends. She was, of course, very angry by this, but it was four vs. one.
So, she listened to the crackling of the fire, petting a sleeping Momo softly and reading the letters. It was her guilty pleasure.
As she read the last letter she ever received from (Y/N), she heard a stick break in the woods. Both her and Momo looked up, ears perking at the noise.
Toph jumped up, limping over to where Aang left his staff. Momo chirped behind her hopping over to her hurt ankle and holding onto it.
"Momo, shut up."
She hissed, grabbing the wooden staff. Toph turned her head to hear all of her surroundings, trying to find where the noise came from.
Ruffling of leaves to her left.
She turned and limped towards the campfire, going around it and facing a cluster of trees.
"I can hear you! Give up."
She yelled, getting into a fighting stance. She hissed, her hurt ankle not used to the pressure.
The crunching of leaves turned into soft footsteps, growing louder and louder until Toph swung the staff in front of her.
Then it came to a sudden stop.
A hand had caught it in its motion, stopping before Toph could hit the perpetrator. She let out a few curses, taking a step back.
She reached her hand out, lifting a few rocks to the side of the figure. Before she could launch the rocks at them, a cold palm graced their cheek.
She stopped in her tracks, startled by the feeling.
"What the-"
She swatted the hand from her face, surprised at the fact they knew her name.
"Who are you?"
And then she realized.
She opened her eyes wide, a small gasp choking out of her throat. The voice was deeper than she remembered, more mature and aged. Toph tilted her head, trying to process what was really going on.
Toph reached up, touching the tips of her fingers to their cheekbone. She slid it down her cheek, touching her jawline and holding the knob of her chin. Her fingers graced her soft lips, touching the tip of her nose and sliding up to run her fingers though the taller's hair.
She felt a sob in her throat, realizing who it was. Everything felt so familiar all of a sudden, like she was a little kid playing in the sun again.
It was one word, just a simple utter of a name, but it held so much meaning to both of them. Toph hadn't said that name since she was eleven, not even bothering to speak of her to anyone.
She launched forward, bringing (Y/N) in for a tight hug. She was much taller now, towering over Toph's small figure. Her hair was longer, and she had the body of a woman -- not like the ten year old Toph remembered.
"Y-You got my letter?"
Toph felt so weird talking so weakly like this, but life felt so simple with (Y/N) there.
"Yeah, I did."
Toph could sense the smile through her words, only hugging (Y/N) tighter. She hugged back, holding the back of Toph's head with her hand. Her other landed on Toph's waist, bringing the shorter against her.
When sending the letter, she asked (Y/N) to come to Ba Sing Se. Toph never believed that she would actually come, let alone find her way miles out from the kingdom to find her.
"You came.."
(Y/N) pushed Toph back gently, looking down at the girl below. She smiled kindly, leaning down.
"You called."
Before Toph could think, (Y/N)'s lips grazed hers, a soft kiss planted on her lips. She pulled back too quickly, and Toph already missed the contact. She grabbed (Y/N)'s face, bringing her back down and kissing her again.
"Who the hell is that?"
Sokka said, looking to Toph and (Y/N) as they laid cuddled up in her tent. The morning sun peeked behind Sokka and Katara as they looked curiously.
"I have.. no idea."
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bumblesimagines · 4 months
Better Not Kill The Groove
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: Jealousy rears its ugly head when new girl Marie joins (Y/N) and his friends on a night out Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
"Pregaming already?" Andre laughed, clapping his hand over (Y/N)'s shoulder roughly enough that he nearly choked on the burning alcohol running down his throat. He swallowed the remaining liquid in his mouth and glared at his friend, rolling his shoulder to fling Andre's hand off him as the Supe laughed, a cloud of smoke escaping his lips. He lifted the vape back to his lips and inhaled deeply again, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
"Another step into alcoholism." Jordan clicked their tongue. "What a waste."
"Bite me, Jordan." (Y/N) swiped his tongue over his wet lips to scoop up what'd trickled out when Andre interrupted him, fingers working on screwing the cap back on his flask. His eyes raised to meet Cate's burning stare, finding the blonde curled up at Luke's side as always. The corner of her lip quirked up and she extended her hand toward him, wiggling her fingers pleadingly. He stepped away from Andre and offered the flask, her gloved fingers brushing over his hands purposefully when she took it from him. 
"Ask nicely and I'll think about it." Jordan cooed, sending a playful wink his way. (Y/N) rolled his eyes and slipped his hands into his coat pockets, leaning back against the car and inhaling the fresh night air. He avoided Cate's stare again, her bright blue eyes continuing to watch him while she drank from his flask, and instead, he looked forward toward campus where he spotted a figure making their way over to them.
"Is that your girl?" (Y/N) asked and Andre turned, exhaling more smoke before a big grin broke out onto his face at the sight of her. She looked incredibly nervous, her eyes slightly widening at the sight of all of them and flickering away. She flexed her fingers slightly and slapped a smile on her face, albeit still a blatantly nervous one. Luke immediately moved forward, walking up to her with his arm extended. Cate took the opportunity to close the distance, her hand coming to rest on (Y/N)'s shoulder and the other offering his flask back. 
"Why are you acting like this?" She asked quietly into his ear, fingers tightening around the flask when he attempted to take it.
"You know why." 
"What's the point of this anyway?" (Y/N) sighed, his fingertips tingling as the pen floated above his head, spinning around and following the motion of his finger. Cate watched it from her spot on the floor beside him, her eyes following the pen's movements in almost awe, but telekinesis hardly matched up to the abilities of other Supes in school. 
"It's a teamwork exercise, (Y/N). Becoming a hero means having to work with others." Cate reminded him, dropping her attention down onto her notebook and flipping it open to go through the pages until she found a blank one. She set her notebook aside by her legs and looked back toward the spinning floating pen, reaching out to grab it only for it to move out of reach.
"Seems like you're a little slow." (Y/N) teased and she rolled her eyes, getting up from the floor and reaching for the pen again. It moved even higher, too far up in the air for her to get close to grabbing it even when she jumped. Cate grunted after her fourth jump and turned to look down at him with an arched brow.
"It wasn't funny the first ti-" She cut herself off with a squeal as her body began levitating in the air, feet leaving the floor of (Y/N)'s bedroom. Her arms moved instinctively and swung around, attempting to find unneeded balance. Her body moved on its own, tilting and moving around the room as she giggled nervously, soft gasps and a few murmured 'oh my god's leaving her lips while she tried adjusting to the unusual feeling of being in the air and without control.
"Think you can grab it now, Cate?" (Y/N) asked with a grin, his palm turned upward and fingers slowly moving to make Cate float closer to the pen. She reached out a third time and curled her fingers around it, the weightlessness of it disappearing once in her grasp. She clutched the pen tightly and peered down, pressing her hands against the ends of her skirt until her body returned down to the ground and she sat back down. Cate released a breath of relief and laughed, placing the pen aside and pressing her palms against the ground. 
"Could I get a warning next time?" She asked despite the large smile on her face, her fingers raking through her hair and eyes locked on his. The distance between them had shortened, with her shoulder brushing against his. He'd be lying if he said Cate wasn't one of the prettiest girls on campus, especially with her sweet yet feisty personality. Cate broke away her gaze first, slowly lowering it to his lips.
"We should, uh.. get back to work." He said softly.
"Yeah," She agreed but made no move to grab her notebook again. Instead, she smiled at him and leaned forward, locking their lips together. Her vanilla-scented perfume invaded his nose, an unexpected warmth expanding through his chest. She set her hand on his cheek, the soft fabric of it rubbing pleasantly against his skin. Uncertainty bubbled in his stomach, making his moves slow and hesitant. Cate had been Luke's girlfriend since freshman year. They were as tight as could be and yet...
He pulled back and tilted his head away. "We... we shouldn't, Cate. It's- it's fucked."
"Oh, no, it's fine, I swear. Luke doesn't have to know, I promise. He won't find out." Cate assured him, the hand on his face turning his head back toward her. She smiled again, moving onto her knees and swinging on leg over his to sit down on his lap, her skirt riding up her thighs. (Y/N) inhaled heavily, his hands tentatively coming to a rest on her hips. "And if he does... all he needs is.. a little convincing." She shrugged.
"I'm joking! I'm all about consent, (Y/N). You know that!" Cate giggled, slipping her arms around his shoulder and leaning in again. He exhaled through his nose and allowed his body to relax, fingers digging into the fabric of her shirt and pulling her closer. 
"I know who you are. I know you every..." Marie trailed off, a soft, meek chuckle leaving her as (Y/N)'s eyes flickered back to her, turning his attention away from the blonde. "Nice to meet you."
"Uh, this is (Y/N) and Jordan." Luke shifted slightly, pointing to each Supe as he introduced them. A smirk worked its way onto (Y/N) face when he noticed the irritated look that fell on Marie and Jordan's faces when they made eye contact. Typical Jordan. Always making a shit impression unless they wanted to kiss ass. 
"Are you going to reject me from this outing, too?" Marie questioned, the shyness evaporating from her body as she tilted her head at Jordan and quirked a brow. She held their gaze challengingly, and Jordan's jaw clenched slightly. 
"I'd love to."
"No, play nice or I will not share my drugs with you." Andre cut through the growing tension and Jordan chuckled dryly in response, their hardened eyes finally breaking away from Marie as Andre popped open the passenger door for Cate. The blonde paused, her eyes jumping from Supe to Supe until they landed back on Marie.
"Someone's going to have to share their lap." She pointed out, hands running over the top of the door. Andre sucked his teeth and hummed thoughtfully, turning his head to look between (Y/N) and Jordan. 
"What do you think, new girl?" (Y/N) grinned and Marie blinked at him, the meekness crashing back into her like a wave and all the confidence she'd shown during her standoff with Jordan disappeared. Her shiny lips formed silent words and her skin had no doubt warmed tenfold, the flustered look on her face speaking for her. Cate frowned but he ignored her, instead offering Marie his hand. "I don't bite unless you ask, I promise."
"Oh, uhm," Marie laughed, her gaze falling onto the ground as she shifted her weight from foot to foot. Luke shook his head, fishing his keys out of his pocket and moving around the car to get into the driver's seat. The car rumbled to life soon after and (Y/N) tilted his head at her expectantly. "I- uhm, sure- sure, okay."
"Come on, let the girl warm up to you first, (Y/N)," Andre said, swatting at his hand and closing the passenger door when Cate finally got in. He moved to the other door and opened it, glancing over his shoulder at Jordan. "Jordan can sit on your lap instead. Come on, Marie."
 "I don't mind, I swear," Marie butted in quickly, so quick Jordan looked at her curiously and a teasing smile appeared on Andre's face. He raised his hands and nodded, motioning for Jordan to get in. The shapeshifter spared Marie another glance and climbed into the car, Andre following him and settling in the middle seat. Marie entered next, raising herself until (Y/N) entered before she settled on his lap, twisting around so her side pressed against his chest and stomach. "Hi." She exhaled nervously.
"Hey." (Y/N) chuckled softly, slipping his arms around her stiffened body to keep her securely in place. Marie curled her arm around his shoulder, her eyes downcast to avoid the other two sitting with them. Andre subtly nudged (Y/N) with his elbow and wiggled his brows suggestively, his chuckle drowned out by the radio when Luke turned it up and pulled out of the university's parking lot. 
The ride to the club went without hiccups, with only a short stop at Seven Tower to pregame and do some lines. Marie turned out more innocent than expected, rejecting any offers of alcohol or coke and revealing she'd never been to a club before due to 'strict parents'. Music poured out from inside the club, people bustling in and out of the dimly lit building. (Y/N) kept an arm around Marie's shoulder, guiding her through the halls after the others and offering her a friendly smile as Cate used her power to get them inside. Marie leaned into his side and looked around in awe, the lights overhearing making her eyes sparkle. 
"This is... amazing." She laughed breathlessly, loosely wrapping her arm around his waist. (Y/N) chuckled and raised his head, making eye contact with Cate again. The blonde stared at them, gaze lingering on their arms and lips pursing slightly while the others sat at a table and began exchanging powders or mushrooms. (Y/N) led her to the table, taking note of how she cautiously eyed the small baggies and how her smile slowly fell, her head shaking at the things she was offered. 
"(Y/N)," Cate piped up, her hands grabbing hold of his arm before he could sit down beside Marie. "Let's get drinks for everyone."
She barely gave him time to respond before she pulled on his arm and dragged him into the sea of clubgoers, leaving Marie stranded with the others. Resisting would be futile with Cate, after all, she could easily slip her glove off and force him to follow her. (Y/N) allowed her to drag him through the club, unsurprisingly right past the bar and into a more secluded, virtually empty hallway. He tugged his arm free from her grip and smoothed out the wrinkles that'd formed on the sleeve, motioning for her to say her piece. Cate scoffed softly, crossing her arms over her chest.
"What was that?" She asked, her brows knitting together.
"What was what?"
"That thing with Marie! You-" Cate groaned in frustration. "You don't call me back, you basically ignore me in class, and now you're cuddling up to some freshman? You hate freshmen! What- What is up with you? I thought-"
"You thought what, Cate? That'd I'd become your little side chick just 'cause we hooked up?" He spoke bitterly, a sharpness to his voice that made her features soften. She frowned, her bottom lip jutting out slightly in the form of a pout and her head turning away from him. "I'm single, Cate. You're not. Maybe things would be different if you broke up with Luke but-"
"I would if I could!" Cate snapped abruptly, her shoulders immediately slumping afterward and eyes squeezing shut. She sighed, lifting her hands to her face and letting out a muffled sigh into her palms. (Y/N) brows furrowed, watching her drop her hands back to her sides and raise her head to look at him with those sad-puppy eyes she'd mastered. "I... I can't do that to Luke, not right now when he's about to join the Seven. It'd be... cruel."
"So is cheating on him!" (Y/N) scoffed.
"I know, I know! He's going to leave soon and I plan to end things once he's settled down, okay? I... I'm sorry." Cate stepped toward him, the roughness of her black glove greeting his skin when she placed her hand against his cheek, eyes peering at him through her long lashes. "I'll leave him... for you. I know you feel the same way I do, (Y/N)."
"You don't know shit, Cate." He sighed, fingers wrapping around her wrist and tugging her arm away. Cate's frown deepened, her arm reluctantly dropping back to her side in defeat. (Y/N)'s lips pursed slightly and he reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear. "We still have to get those idiots drinks. They'll cry about it if we don't." He told her softly, turning to step out of the hallway. 
"(Y/N), wait," He barely had time to turn back around before feeling bare fingers grab his hand and a fuzzy feeling invading his mind. There was desperation in her voice, though he could hardly think about anything through the fog in his brain. The noise around them, the chatter, the thumping music, it all grew muffled, his ears only picking up on Cate's voice. "Tell me how you feel about me. How you really feel." 
His mouth moved automatically. "I've liked you ever since Luke introduced you to us back in freshmen year. I think you're the prettiest girl on campus and I've always wanted to be with you but Luke's my closest friend and I feel guilty about betraying him." And just like that, the spell broke. The noise resumed, the fog in his head vanished, and he could think and see clearly. Cate's softened eyes greeted him first and he grinded his teeth together. "So much for consent, huh, Cate?"
"I know, I'm sorry." Cate wiggled her glove back on her hand, offering him an apologetic smile. "But for what it's worth I've felt the same since freshmen year too."
"You-" A scream cut through the music and chatter, immediately drawing their attention toward the bar as more shrieks and panicked shouts erupted through the crowd like dominoes. People backed away, leaving big enough gaps in the crowd for them to spot a woman collapsing on the floor with blood pouring from her neck. Andre stood nearby, the horrified, guilt-ridden look on his face speaking volumes.
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amourjins · 5 months
POINT OF VIEW — 01 : rude for what..
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as you walked into your new school, talking, laughing, and gossiping captivated the hallways. you looked around nervously, seeing so much people. god, if this is how much people you see in the hallways, then just imagine how big the school is.. (the exterior already made you feel like dying.)
you went over to a random locker, leaning onto it as you opened your phone. a minute passes, and youre immersed into your phone, not paying attention to anything around you. as you were about to text one of your friends (most likely riki), someone stood in front of you, looking down at you. how long had they been standing there for? you dont know, but you hope not for long.
“are you gonna stay on your phone all day or get off my locker?” you immediately shoved your phone back into your right pocket, looking up at the person who confronted you. she was pretty—ethereal. her features were insane. a group of 3 stood behind her, staring right at you. you snapped out of your trance, immediately moving off of her locker. “u-uh—sorry..!” great, yn ln. you embarrassed yourself not even an hour into your new school.
“who was that?” you heard one of them speak when you started to walk away, “i dont know..” one of them responded.
you finally got into your first class after so much walking, taking a step in as you took a look around. the first face you noticed? the owner of the locker that you were leaning on. aand thats when you were fucked. she immediately turned her head to you, as you two made eye contact. you turned your head away from her, turning to the teacher. “oh! yn! everyone, please welcome our new student. ln yn.” your teacher announced as you just stood there awkwardly. “umm.. yn, you can take a seat right there,” he pointed to an empty seat. you walked over, taking a seat.
“hi, im ning!” the girl to the right of you greeted, as you looked at her. wasnt she one of the girls apart of that group?, you thought. “ooh,, hi, im yn.” you replied as she giggled, “nice to meet you! friends?” she boldly asked, smiling. “yeah, sure.” you nodded, happily. you embarrassed yourself on the first day of school, but you made a new friend.. at least? its the thought that counts.
“alright! bye, everyone!” your first period teacher waved goodbye, the bell ringing as you got up from your seat, packing up before heading out. you walked through the hallways with your phone out, texting riki and yujin. as you continued to walk, you bumped into somebody, dropping your phone, “a—ah, im sor…” you looked up at the person.
you were met with the same girl who owned that damn locker.
“can you fucking watch where youre going, new girl?” she rolled her eyes, looking you up and down as you just picked up your phone from the floor and stood back up. “maybe you watch where youre going?” you bit back, “just learn how to stay out of my way, ‘kay? you seem a little obsessed,” she clicked her tongue, looking you up and down once more before walking away, leaving you stunned.
“..that bitch,” you murmured.
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TAGLIST (open!) — @modanisgf @aeriniee @jongocat @sunshinez4 @aeriigfs @yeetaberry127 @mxl633 @multiliker @lisaswifey @bing-uzzz @yukianism @lettertolovers @gtfoiydlyj
a/n ; doesnt really make sense atm but youll see what i mean next chapter guys!
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