#roman x angel fanfic
plumroseiswriting · 2 years
A Very Bad No Good Evening
Roman Klymenko x Angelique “Angel” Smith belong to @a-literal-no-name *posted with permission*
Please heed all trigger warnings TW: Memory issues, ED, body checking, self deprecation, anxiety, time blindness, minor meltdown, food talk
SFW Tags: Hurt/Comfort, situationship, angst, fluff, venting
A/N: let me know if I need to add tags/TW! This one is the Angel centric companion of the last one! I may have projected a bit. Don't judge me. I finished this at 5am and did a little more with this in general cause I'm not as nervous so hopefully its okay.
It is irritating when you are in the middle of a thought and it just vanishes.
Angel stood in the middle of the room. She was in there for something. She had be in there for something. Her mind felt like a dry erase board that'd been wiped clean while you were still writing notes.
She turned back to go back to her room. She was still in her pajamas, it was 4:30 in the afternoon. She was supposed to change hours ago but she got stuck doom scrolling in her bed again. It made her feel lazy, she had a to do list and everything and she hadn't done any of it.
You've always been lazy though.
Her room was surprisingly clean, there was trash and some clothes on the floor but she just needed to grab all the dishes and-
Wait where was her drink? She had one didn't she? When did she put it down? It wasn't on her little desk or her dresser or on any of the shelves.
She left the room again.
Not in the bathroom, but she should pick up the socks before she forgets or they'll be there for the next week. Her laundry basket was almost full, she would have to try and get them washed tomorrow or she would be out of clothes too.
What was she-? Oh her drink.
The kitchen was clean aside from the bowls in the sink. She hated doing the dishes, the soap made her hands crack but the feeling of those latex gloves made her skin crawl. She had to wash them though, or they would start to smell bad. She turned on the faucet, waited for the water to get hot.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket.
R: Did you eat?
Always checking in on her. She paused, playing with her lip. She hadn't eaten, she wasn't hungry. Well no, she was hungry but she'd forgotten until now and really didn't feel like it. That would not be a good excuse.
A: Of course I did! 🥰😋
R: When? What was it?
Angel looked at the time, how was it almost 6 already? She hadn't done anything yet today.
This is why you're always in a rush
A: I ate at 5 and I had 🍑, and toast with honey. Sounds good doesn't it? Are you jealous? 😏Maybe I'll let you have some later...😉😉😘
She sighed loudly. She ate all the fruit he'd cut up for her already, what, yesterday? The day before? Anyway it had already been eaten, so if she did eat later it would have to be something else and she didn't want to put in that effort. She needed to. She didn't want to.
R: That's not enough food, Angel.
She rolled her eyes. She was getting frustrated.
A: 🙄😑I'll have a snack later Romi.
Angel tossed her phone on the chair and ignored it, rubbing her face until it almost hurt. She was supposed to be skinny and pretty and petite. That's the image she wanted, an image that fit. Skipping sometimes because she didn't feel like eating would be fine. Why force it anyway, that just gave her a stomach ache. She'd eat tomorrow. Maybe. Thinking about it put a knot in her chest.
If she didn't finish what she was doing and ate instead, she wouldn't finish anything at all.
The sound of the faucet suddenly came back to her, spinning around quickly to turn it off before the sink overflowed. Steam rose into the air and she knew she couldn't stick her hands in that yet. She sighed, she'd have to wait for it to cool off.
If you remember... or have the energy to do it later...
She scratched at her head, her eyes, her neck, with her long nails. It felt good, satisfying, like when someone washes your hair except you know exactly where to scratch.
Angel went back to her room again, she felt like she was walking in circles. She was getting annoyed with herself, that irritating confusion building in her head, it spun right behind her eyes. Not dizzy but cloudy and confused and she hated it. She had to be able to get at least something done before midnight. Just one thing. This time she wouldn't leave the room until she got something done. She wouldn't.
She looked up at the dress hanging on her door. It wasn't what she usually wore really, but she'd found it at a thrift store and it was just so pretty she had to get it. It was white, with lace detailing over the bust and long sheer fluffy sleeves. It would go perfectly with her heals and her pink leather vest and she knew Roman would love feeling the fabric. She hadn't gotten to wear it yet. It was too small, but she could get herself to fit in it if she tried hard enough.
Yeah, skipping a couple meals wouldn't hurt. This is fine for now.
She gazed around the room again, it was maybe messier than she'd thought earlier but it was still manageable. She grabbed the trash bag she'd started the day before and began shoving all the miscellaneous trash in it. It was mostly paper and drink cups. Getting most of that didn't take long.
You're still in your pajamas
Angel groaned, putting the bag down and pulling out one of the big black tshirts she'd stolen from Roman. It was dirty, she probably should wash it... she pulled off the pajama shirt and slipped the t on, it made her feel tiny, covering her up like a tint. She smiled, shoving the collar of it up under her nose and inhaling deeply. It eased her a little. She wasn't going to wash it anytime soon. She pulled on some shorts and quickly got back to cleaning.
She could feel her energy leaving. Her stomach started to hurt. That nagging feeling that she was going too slow, that she was running out of time, it wasn't helping the spinning in her eyes.
She pulled the hoody off her mirror and paused. She stared at herself a moment. The shirt definitely looked like a tent, her collar bones poking out sharply, her knees were sticking out from the bottom of the shirt. They looked bony. Her thighs weren't small, but her knees looked weird. She grabbed the sides of the shirt, pulling them tightly behind her so she could see her figure. Her boobs were too small, her thighs were big but her hips weren't, her shoulders were too wide and she didn't have a butt.
Eating could make you're boobs bigger. Might even grow as ass. It'll make you bigger.
She closed her eyes tight, letting go of the shirt and shaking her head. She didn't have time for this she needed to clean. She turned around too quickly, knocking the trash bag over and spilling most of the content right back onto the floor.
Her eyes stung.
The nagging, the spinning, her stomach hurt, she was running out of time.
What time? What deadline do you have? What are you forgetting?
Angel kicked the bag as hard as she could, the trash inside flying across the room.
"Why can't I EVER get ANYTHING DONE!?" Tears started to tip over her eyelashes. "Stupid, this is so fucking stupid," she hissed. "I can't ever get anything right, nothi- I FORGOT THE FUCKING DISHES"
Angel threw her bedroom door open, slamming it into the wall, she was crying now, frustrated and angry. She just wanted to get ONE thing finished, ONE, and she couldn't.
She marched back to the kitchen and stood staring at the dishes.
She didn't want to do them.
She needed to do them. It wouldn't take long, the water wasn't that hot and she had to get something finished.
...she didn't want to do them.
She was breathing a little too hard, her stomach twisting painfully, the confused spinning in her head, the burning in her eyes, it was overwhelming. The image of herself in the mirror, disappointed and unhappy, the dress she still couldn't wear, the fact she couldn't for the life of her remember whatever was nagging her. She was hungry, she didn't want to make food, why did wanting to make it matter? She NEEDED to make it but that made her want to do it less.
She sat down. In the middle of the cold kitchen floor, she just sat down and cried, rubbing her face, scratching her head, she wanted to throw her glasses across the apartment, the energy stuck in her limbs. She just sat there. Frustrated, thinking too much and angry about her inability to think at the same time.
What time was it?
Sniffling she looked around the room. Where had she put her phone? She'd tossed it on the couch. Very slowly Angel stood up. Her arms and legs heavy and dragging as she walked.
Her phone was face down on the cushion. She picked it up and plopped down, grabbing the fluffy pink pillow and curling up in herself. The screen was too bright for a second, it stung.
R: I'm bringing icecream.
Angel frowned, right now? She looked at the time, it was 9 o'clock. She opened the phone going to the text.
R: Don’t roll your eyes at me. You need more than a snack Angel, at least eat some cereal for fucks sake.
R: Don't ignore me.
R: Angel.
R: Fine. I'm coming when I finish working.
R: I'm bringing icecream.
She sniffed, the last message came in half an hour ago. She looked at her kitchen. She should at least try to finish them before he got there. He'd lecture her she was sure of it, with his arms all crossed and his face squished and while most of the time it was cute she really wasn't in the mood.
She didn't move. She got on her socials and started scrolling. She didn't move when she heard someone walking down the hall, she didn't move when she heard the key in the door, she didn't move when Roman walked in. She just laid there, frustrated because she just couldn't move.
He looked at her. She could feel him looking at her. He was holding a plastic bag in one hand and his keys in the other. He closed the door and sighed.
"What's wrong Angel?"
Angel sniffed, she was still crying. He was waiting for an answer. "I can't do the dishes."
He raised a brow, "You can't do the dishes?"
"No Romi I can't, I tried and I can't okay? Why are you even here." She shoved her head into the pillow
He paused for a minute. "Okay." There was stifled irritation in that word. His heavy steps got closer, she could feel him towering over her. His hand brushed her hair, his calloused thumb running over her cheekbone. "I remembered I didn't get you peaches. You haven't eaten today, have you?" She didn't answer, he huffed. "Alright."
He walked away. A second later she heard the freezer open and close. Then the sound of clinking dishes. Angel peeked over her pillow. Romans back was hug. He rolled up his sleeves and started washing the dishes in her sink.
She should be the one doing that...
A few minutes later the sound of the water draining reached her. Angel wasn't crying anymore, but her head hurt, and she still felt terrible.
The freezer door opened and closed again. Roman came back to crouch in front of her. "It's sorbet, they didn't have icecream. And strawberries. Come, have some." He spooned some out for her, but she didn't open her mouth to take it. "Angel, please." She buried her face back in the pillow.
You're acting like a child...
He put the small container on the table in front of her next to the glass of juice she had completely forgotten she was looking for earlier. He took a deep breath, muttering something she couldn’t understand. He picked her up, hugging her to his chest, letting her legs wrap around him, and sat back down.
Angel buried her face in his neck. He smelled like cigarettes and soap. She stayed like that until she fell asleep.
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faerybin · 2 years
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「Hwang Hyunjin」 ♡
» So here you'll find all of my favorite Hyunjin fanfics
» For the sake of not spamming the authors, I won't tag them in my post anymore
» Hope you will enjoy and let me know if one of the links doesn't work *⁠.⁠✧
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7:30PM ↴
[0.6k] — fluff, sick hyunjin
12:37am ↴
[0.8k] — smut
[8:55 a.m.] ↴
[0.9k] — slight angst, fluff
[03:28] ↴
[1.1k] — smut
The small things ↴
[0.3k] — fluff
Baby fever ↴
[0.4k] — fluff, husband!hyunjin, dad!hyunjin
Morning text ʚ♡ɞ ↴
[0.4k] — fluff
Fleeting summers of love ↴
[0.8k] — fluff, comfort, (sliiightly suggestive)
Pretty ↴
[0.9k] — smut, fluff, pinch of angst
Sick days ↴
[1k] — fluff, hurt/comfort
Scent ↴
[1.3k] — smut
Home.. ↴
[1.4k] — fluff
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But "just friends" don't look at each other like that ↴
[1.9k] — fluff, friends to lovers
When I fell in love ↴ ♡
[2.3k] — fluff, hurt/comfort
Conversations with Hyunjin ↴
[2.7k] — fluff, hurt/comfort
Devil by the window ↴
[3k] — demon!hyunjin x angel!afab reader, smut
Til the end of forever ↴
[3.1k] — smut
Addictive ↴
[3.1k] — established relationship, smut, fluff
I didn't accidentally love you ↴
[3.1k] — fluff, angst
Distraction ↴
[3.2k] — smut, angst, fluff
Ice ↴
[4.5k] — angst, fluff, smut, mafia!au, stranger-to-lovers
The fwb rules ↴
[4.5k] — smut, fluff, slight angst
Come here ↴ ♡
[4.6k] — light enemies to lovers, love at first sight, angst, smut, barista!(y/n)
Boy next door ↴
[4.9k] — fluff, smut, angst, childhood friends
Back in time ↴
[5.2k] — fluff, angst, time travel au
Strawberries & cigarettes ↴
[5.3k] — angst
All yours, forever ↴
[5.4k] — smut, hurt/comfort
A train, her lips, the music ↴
[5.5k] — strangers to lovers, musicians au, fluff, angst, suggestive
After dark ↴ ♡
[6.4k] — angst, smut, fluff
Intoxicating ↴
[6.5k] — smut, fluff, omegaverse au, soul mate au (werewolf mates)
Battle of Wills ↴ ♡
[7.8k] — friends to lovers, perv!hyunjin, smut, fluff, angst
Love in Times New Roman ↴
[8k] — romance, comedy
Just in case ↴
[8.6k] — fluff, angst, suggestive, office au, coworkers to lovers, slight enemies to lovers
Hilltops + Stargazing ↴
[12.1k] — uni!au, f2l, fluff, angst
The study of relationships ↴
[15k] — fluff, angst, volleyball!au, f2l!au, roommates!au
A throne of roses ↴
[16.7k+] — royal au, fluff, angst, a little suggestive
Demigod ↴
[18k+] — dislike-to-lovers!au, demigod!au, fluff, slight angst
Two types of fireworks ↴ ♡
[21.2k] — irritated companions to lovers, tangled au, historical au, fluff
The duke and I ↴
[32.3k] — bridgerton!au, f2l!au, fluff, angst, smut
Voicemail ↴
Part 2 ⇉ Voicemail II
[4.6k] Two-shots — angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
Fairy lights ↴
Part 2 ⇉ Tulips and Lilac
[14.3k] Two-shots — smut, enemies to lovers (if you squint), fluff
Moonrise ↴
Part 2 ⇉ Moonlight
[19.1k] Two-shots — fluff, smut, historical!au, arranged marriage!au, strangers-to-lovers
The bet ↴
Part 2 ⇉ Rules
[19.6k] Two-shots — smut, college au, established relationship, feat. Jisung
Worn out jackets ↴
⇉ Part 2
[20k+] Two-shots — fluff, angst
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SERIES *⁠.⁠✧
The strange man of Monterrey manor ↴
[3/3] [20.8k] [Completed]
Genre : strangers/enemies to lovers, regency au, arranged marriage au, angst, smut, slow burn
Dangerous ↴
Part 2 ⇉ Deal
Part 3 ⇉ Deadly
Part 4 ⇉ Damaged
Epilogue ⇉ Darling
[5/5] [32.7k] [Completed]
Genre : angst, smut, enemy au, mafia au
Super bored ↴
[4/5] [66.6k+] [On going]
Star lost with you ↴ ♡
Genre : college au, smut, light angst, some fluff, weed dealer!hyunjin
[18/?] [425.1k] [On going]
Genre : idol!hyunjin x artist!reader, friends to lovers, angst, smut, fluff, unrequited love, forbidden (?) romance, slowburn
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New fanfics ♡
Personal favorites ♡
Last updated : 02/01/2024
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speedycoffeedelight · 15 days
An Animalistic Disaster
A.n : So I reached my main goal of the beginning!!!! 1k in both Wattpad and Ao3 !!! Lessgoo!!!!! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
Thank you everyone who read and liked this story and gave votes and kudos!! You guys inspire me to keep on writing!!!
As for the promised QnA. I think I'll do that once all the harem characters have joined. This type of thing won't happen much after all.
Also I promise I'm working on the next chapter. (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) till it comes, here's some songs that goes with the story/ reminds me of them. Warning, I'm shit with love songs.
I'm not going to release the full playlist yet since it contains heavy spoilers. Same thing with the Oc's.
(Y/n)'s playlist
- Fictional by khloe rose.
(The feelings the reader had since she was little. Also the type of song that inspired me to write this self insert fanfic.)
- Rat by Penelope Scott
(This describes the relationship between the reader and her dad. How she feels deep inside. Also, I dunno if this counts much as a spoiler, but her dad is an engineer, so yeah. )
- W.I.T.C.H by Devon cole
(Wether someone calls her a witch or an ogre, she doesn't care. She can handle herself and that's all that matters.
And we stan a strong queen in this household)
Alastor x (Y/n)
-Never ever getting rid of me by Kimiko gleen
(You made him fall in love, so be prepared to deal with him 24/7.
Cause he ain't going anywhere honey)
Charlie x (Y/n)
- Adore by Mindy gleehill
( And here she goes, singing again. But this time it's directed towards the reader.
Poor girl can't control her heart around you. )
Vaggie x (Y/n)
- Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
(She knows she can treat you better then any man can.
And she's going to prove it )
Cherri Bomb x ( Y/n)
- Favourite by Isabel Larosa
(She's quite jealous of all the others stealing your attention. So can you really blame her for wanting to be your favourite?)
Pentious x (Y/n)
- Honeypie by Jawny
(He is determined to make you his and he won't stop till he does that.
He also can't get enough of your sweetness<3 )
Lucifer x (Y/n) [this is considering he gets chosen as a love interest]
- Checklist by Max
( What do you need? He's got it covered. He's going to spoil you rotten to have you all to himself.
The ruler of hell doesn't slack off in this area )
Husk x (Y/n)
- Older by lsabell Larosa
( I HAD to put this song here. Besides who wouldn't like an older man you could easily rely on?
This is basically reader's feelings about him.)
Angel x (Y/n)
- New side of me by Blake Roman
( He can't help but feel soft inside when he thinks about you. And it scares him.
He's never had anyone love him like you before.)
Niffty and (Y/n) [platonic]
- Sweet little psycho
(She's your very own sweet but psycho puppy.
Anyone disturbs you too much? Release her over them. :) )
Vox x (Y/n) [Will come in future]
-Criminal by Brittney spears
(He's our pathetic lovable criminal. You know you shouldn't fall for him, but what can you say?)
Adam x (Y/n) [ Will come in future]
- Genius by LSD
( Don't be fooled, he's no genius no matter what he might say. But he did make the correct call by falling for someone like you.
Someone who can manhandle and keep him in line.)
Lute x ( Y/n ) [Will come in future]
- Love like you
(She doesn't understand how she of all people managed to fall for you. This feeling should be a sin.
Yet, when she gets close to you, she can't regret it. )
An Animalistic Disaster playlist
- Can't sleep love by pentatonix
(I can just imagine the reader and Melody talking in phone like this. The reader can't decide what to do with all these feelings since all her fictional crushes have actually come to life AND living with her. She can't decide if she should act on it or not. Melody is already done with her shit and telling her to go back to sleep.)
- Bang bang by K'naan
( Okay, this is for my own brain rot. This is for everyone in the harem x reader. I can see the animation meme happening clearly in my head.
Every line is sang by different characters and when the 'bang' parts comes, a animal turns into human after getting hit by reader's love shot :)
She was walking around with a loaded shotgun - Angel
Ready to fire me a hot one - Cherri
It went- Charlie
*Sheep Charlie* BANG *human Charlie*
*Squirrel Cherri* BANG * Human Cherri*
*Deer Alastor* BANG * *Human Alastor*
Straight through my heart - Alastor
Maybe one day, if I learn to do animation.  I'll make something like this. )
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150 @darifes @aria-tempest @rainbowcake1212 @luxylucylou
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littleeyesofpallas · 7 months
Can you do the new sternritter's Vollstandig Name in the new anime?
Oh yeah, I wasn't sure if there had been any kanji released for that but it seems like the Bleach wiki has something up there for them, although they haven't cited their sources, as usual... They cite the chapter and episode they each appear in respectively, but go figure, you guys... the anime appearance does not include t e x t. So no idea where either the kanji or the romanized names came from.(wait did they get the kanji and katakana from Japanese closedcaptioning? Do they include furigana on [cc] in Japan??)
This wound up way longer than I'd intended...
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Barbarriel[神の雷霆] phonetically, BA-RU-BA-RI-E-RU[バルバリエル]. So weirdly this is how Japanese defines the name Ramiel/Remiel/Reniel[רַעַמְאֵל] the name of an actual biblical angel, so both Japanese epithets here, plus the original hebrew all translate as "Thunder of God." But oddly it sounds a lot more like Bariel, which is an angel named in the Ars Paulonia, part of the Lesser Key of Solomon, a grimoire foundational to a lot of the surviving legacy of Christian occultism and demonology nonsense.(i.e. It was some nerd's 18th century Pokedex of fanfic and headcanons.) That being said, it has no actual meaning the way biblical angels(Gabriel, Raphael, Ariel, Uriel, Michael, etc...) do, because it's not hebrew and the idiot who made it up in the 1800s obviously didn't know what he was talking about. It is of course the exact same kanji used for her Schrift The Thunderbolt[雷霆].
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Azhalbiora[神の死] meaning "Death of God" and written as phonetically A-ZA-RU-BI-O-RA[アザルビオラ]. Other than seemingly a little lazy the name just kinda doesn't make a lot of sense as a name for her power. Also since i have no idea where they got these I don't really know if that's an -AL- or an -AR-, a -BI- or a -VI-, or a -ORA or an -OLA. And once again there is no apparent basis in actual angelic names so it's not like there's context to work with. It has an almost vaguely fake "arabic" sound to it? Like the sort of shit H.P Lovecraft would've come up with?
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Pornipora[神の力] I'm sure any weeb worth their salt can recognize the kanji for "power," so it's "Power of God." And the phonetics are POO-NI-PO-RA[ポーニポラ], again, PORA? POLA? Who can say.
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Gagael[神の飢え] at last something resembling creative input! "Hunger of God," in which [飢え] is not just directly lifted from her existing Schrift. ([食いしんぼう]: "Glutton/Gourmand." Same root kanji though so they weren't thinking that hard.) And while the phonetics, GA-GA-E-RU[ガガエル] are yet more gibberish, they at least go back to the sort of appropriated hebrew -el[אֵל] meaning "of god" used in the names of the aforementioned biblical archangels.
[edit]: and since there's a new one to add to this list...
So, you've probably noticed these all just use the same kanji as the girls' actual Schrifts, so there's nothing terribly clever going on, which isn't too surprising but is kind of a shame no one took the opportunity to get creative with it. (Even the attacks names they peppered into the extended fight scene were a little too goofy and bland for my taste. I mean, come on, giving Lili attacks called Spork and Spife?? Really?)
Thunder[雷霆] and Thunder[雷霆]
Deadperson[死者] and Dead[死]
Power[力] and Power[力]
Glutton[食いしんぼう] and Hunger[飢え]
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For comparison the side by side on Kubo's actual Vollstandig and associated Schrift were:
Prison[監獄] vs Righteouness[正義]
Fear[恐怖*] vs Be afraid(of)[怯え] (*technically As Nodt's Schrift was never written out, but that's the kanji he used talking about "Fear" all the time when using it so I consider it a safe assumption.)
Love[愛] vs Love[情愛] (I don't know how to clarify the distinction between these two words... the former is more broad? Like it can include a few extra examples the latter can't?)
Penetrate Everything[万物貫通] vs Judgement[裁き]
Lethal Dose[致死量] vs Tasting(for poison)[毒見]
Miracle[奇跡] vs Authority[権能]
Oh and also the names
Are basically all gibberish too, so I can't exactly say the names don't fit a "pattern," since there isn't on, but they still don't feel quite right to me, save maybe Lili's. Hasshein and Aschetonig are at least clearly playing with German-esque phonetics*, and Piskiel, Grimaniel, and Jilliel are all playing into recognizable angelology cliches. (Gudoero/Gudoel might be too, but in a way that's hard to separate it from the clearl intentional "ero" wordplay. It just doesn't work outside of th eJapanese phonetics.) And Tartarforas is just suspiciously close to Tartarus but otherwise doesn't really register to my ear as any language that would make sense in the context of the Quincy's associations...
Wait... The German sounding ones might actually be German after all. Like, bad German, but technically German...
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*Asche is a n fact German for "Ash," and Ton is "Clay," in fact Tonig can mean "Clayley" as in "Clay-like" so I guess Gerard's actually is German for "Clay-like Ash"... That's actually kind of cool, and vaguely biblical? Adam being sculpted from clay, and "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" and all that? Huh... Weird I never bothered to actually check that I guess, I just assumed if most of them were nonsense that even the ones that sounded more legit would be too...
Wait... Damn... have I really been slacking this much???
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The Haß sound in Hasshein could be the German for "Hate" and although it's not really a ""word"" in a functional sense by itself, hein is a part of the term Freund Hein is a kind of grim reaper where, I guess "Hein" was kind of an old euphemism for the devil for some reason? So, Death personified is the "Friend (of) Hein/TheDevil" but I'd bet the intended reading of Kubo's slapdash German here would be "Hate(s) Death" as is suitable to Askin's whole shtick of narrowly avoiding death.
I'm mad I never sat down and tried to hash those out sooner...
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mostersmash101 · 3 months
HH Adam x fem!OC fluff
More to love
(This is a small sequence form a longer fanfic which I’m currently working on.)
Adam is self-conscious about his weight-gain, and his wife (Haniel, my OC) tries to cheer him up.
I wanted to write something sweet – romance is not my jam, but Adam is my Roman Empire, and I want to give him an actually happy and wholesome relationship.
Disclaimer: No warnings, just domestic fluff. Lot of cheesiness, so don’t see too much into it. Not beta-read. English isn’t my native language. My first ever published work.
One morning, it took forever for Adam to get ready, which was nothing like him. Haniel grew curious about her husband’s delay, so she peeked in their shared bedroom.
Adam was standing in front of the big, three-piece mirror in his underwear, studying each and every inch of his body with obvious loathing (and some sadness) on his face. He grabbed a handful of his love-handles and frowned. Then he grabbed his lower tummy – an even deeper frown. His fingers dig painfully into his skin. Suddenly, two delicate hands held onto his belly, and a pair of bewitching indigo eyes peeped over his shoulder. Their eyes met in the mirror.
“What are you looking at?”
“Nothing.” He dismissed the question.
“For nothing, it takes realllly long, tho…” she said. Adam blushed and looked away. “Come on, baby… If you want to spend the day looking at yourself, invite me too! Just to make sure that we see the same thing.”
“Why, what do you see?”
“What do I see? Hmmm…” she hugged him tightly. “The most handsome guy in Heaven… My big, sexy mountain of a man.” A gleeful smile appeared on Adam’s face as he put his hands on Haniel’s, asking without words to continue. “The most captivating golden eyes… My favourite smile… A neck made for kisses and hickeys…” she kissed the nape of his neck. “Sexy, wide shoulders to hold onto, when we do it against the wall…” Adam snickered as he interlaced his fingers with Haniel’s. “Big, powerful arms that give the warmest hugs… A strong chest, the best pillow I ever had…” she gently freed her hands, so she could trace them down on Adam’s body. “And this belly, I love it. My second best pillow!… And here,” she put her hands on his love-handles. “Even more yummy things to grab during sex… And this ass, my personal favorite!” she gave his cheeks a firm squeeze. Adam laughed. “It’s so perfect, I don’t even want to get my hands off it… But if I don’t stop now, things will escalate quickly.” She winked at him.
Adam turned around and pulled Haniel into a long, tender kiss.
“Thanks, Sugar-tits.”
“Oh, by the way, tits.” She slid her hands on Adam’s chest. “If things would get too bouncy during training, I know the place that sells the best sports-bras in Heaven.” She commented with a teasing smile.
“Huh, what?” Adam didn’t get the hint until she playfully squeezed his chest. His face went blank, then red. “You little bitch…” he hissed, as Haniel slipped out of his hands, keeping her provoking smile. “You’re gonna fucking pay for this!”
“Only if you catch me!” she laughed and started running.
Adam chased her through their apartment, to take a naughty revenge for the naughty comment. Every time he got close enough to grab her garment, she simply slid out of that layer; she lost her cape in the bedroom doorway, her overcoat in the hallway, her gown in the living room, her petticoat in the kitchen. Her angelic magic made it way too easy for her to escape; every piece that Adam grabbed turned into light for a second before materializing again in his hands. He tossed them away carelessly. On the way back to the living room, Adam finally caught her and swept her into his arms.
“Sports-bra, eh?” he pressed his lips against her neck, and blow air onto her skin. She was screaming with laughter and made unserious attempts to break free. Adam threw her on the couch.
“Tickle-attack, bitch!”
“Oh, no-NO-NAHAHAHA!…” she helplessly tossed and turned under the siege of her husband’s enormous hands, that didn’t leave a single sensitive spot on her untouched. “M-MER-CY! PL-AHAHA!…”
“NO WAY!” Since Adam didn’t look like he would stop anytime soon, she tried to counter-attack. Luckily, Adam was just as ticklish as her – or even more ticklish. “UNFAIR!” he cried. The fight went on until both parties become too winded to carry on. Adam fall back on the neighbouring armchair, letting his head drop against the backrest as he tried to catch his breath. His arms and wings hung lifelessly over the armrests. Haniel was panting as she laid on the couch. When she more-or-less recovered, she climbed onto his lap, saddled on his thighs, facing him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Adam rested his hands on her lower back. She run her fingers through his ash-brown locks.
“I’m so fucking love you.” She whispered between two heavy breaths. “If only you could see yourself through my eyes…”
“Not gonna happen… So you have to tell me how you see me… Again and again.” He gave her a teasing smile as he absent-mindedly drew circles on her skin with his thumb.
“Well, then let me tell you something… Every plus pound you gained is also a gain for me, too. Because it gives me more of you to love.” She gently kissed Adam, as she run her hands down his torso. He shivered from the memory of their tickle-fight. “I love every inch of you…” she kissed his neck. “And I’m going to show you how much…” Haniel tucked her fingers under the waistband of his underpants.
“So you’re not going in today?” he buried his face into her champagne-blonde mane, but Haniel pulled away the next second.
“Oh, worried about my work schedule? How cute.” She undid the clips of her bustier and let it fall off. “Let’s misbehave.”
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killerandhealerqueen · 4 months
iiiiiiiit's your fave, dropping in with a ridiculous number of questions for you to answer! 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20
Hello my beloved!
5. What is an image/set of images that you’re particularly proud of?
I'm not really sure what this question is asking...sorry
6. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?
Honestly, there's nothing that I haven't thought of that I haven't written. If I think it, I write it. And if something is fighting me, I either put it aside until it works itself out or I scrap it and redo it, like my fic Monster Like Me (I worked on this god damn fic for over almost a month...my one shots have never taken this long before...but it's also one I'm really proud of so I guess all the work I put in paid off)
11. If I’m showing off just one of your pieces to someone, which one should it be?
You better show this fucker off -> 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer
It's my baby and I love her and I need to get back to working on her because the 3 anniversary is coming up and I need to have the next couple of chapters done!
But honestly, you could should any of my fics off and I would be honored
12. What WIPs do you have going now? Are you excited about them?
Now that I've finished Monster Like Me, I can get back to working on my other wips 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer (I'm about halfway through ep. 26 of 37), CSI: Jing City (we're on the last case), KeixYaku: Abunai Aibou, Oil and Water (we're on the second to last case), 药剂师日记 | The Apothecary Diaries (and we've got a few more cases to go with this one). I'm excited for all of them! I've also got a few more wips in my folders (Friendline, Junchun Hero x Villain, Vampire Doctor x Boxer (Mignon au), and 2 S.C.I. Hero x Villain aus) but those aren't to be touched until one of the other wips are finished.
15. Does font matter to you when you’re writing a draft?
Nope. I usually use Helvetica for fic and Times New Roman for headcanons. I'm also slowly learning that if I have an idea to just start writing it out instead outlining it because outlining it for some reason fucks with my head and the flow (which was the problem with Monster Like Me)
16. 3 favorite comments ever received on fanfic.
From @clawbehavior on my fic The City of Angels & Demons
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She's not even in the fandom but I love receiving comments from her
From @evil-moonlight on my fic Our Dining Table
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I love receiving literal book report comments, you don't even understand
From hellenatz on my fic 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer
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I love getting comments from people who are new to Killer and Healer and who find my fic/fics and comment. Warms my fucking heart man
20. Go nuts, and talk about writing
I'mma be honest, I'm real tired after spending a few hours with my best friend eating sushi, talking, walking around/window shopping, and getting sea salt matcha lattes so my brain can't really like...talk about writing but like...I love writing and my writing friends and I love talking to y'all and hearing the shit that y'all are working on and just...yeah. I love being friends with other writers. Sorry if you wanted to hear about my fics but my brain is like nah
Fic writing questions! | send me asks
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mrmyth0s · 5 months
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Hi !
You can call me Roman ( aka ; Lex / X or Angel ) !
I'm part of a System ( known as the Candy Collective ) ! I am Trans masculine ( Genderfluid ) and my Pronouns are He They , however , I don't mind other Pronouns too . Some other Pronouns you can call me by are as follows ;
She / Her , It / It's , Clown / Clowns , Star / Stars , and so on !
DNI : Homophobic , Transphobic , Exclusionist , Illegitimate Sexualities / Pronouns ( Including but not Limited to ; Super Straight , M@P , or Pronouns like " Nor / Mal " - Meant to Mock Someone ) , Abelist , Racist , Xenophobic , Sexist / Misogynistic , Religous Extremist / Religious Blog , Political Blog , People that Aestheticize Mental Illness !
Likes : Greek Mythos , Undertale , FNAF , Studio Ghibli , Sanrio , Clowns , Cooking / Baking , Musicals , Music , Writing , Poetry , and Art !
Dislikes : Maths , Cold Weather , Having to Work
I struggle with a handful of mental health disorders and I tend to go on tangents .
I'm always looking for new friends , so if you'd like to be friends or mutuals , feel free to interact !
( I also draw , make moodboards , write fanfic and headcannons , and so much more , feel free to ask / request something - it would totally make my day ! )
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, December 13
SPIKE: “What’s this? Sitting around watching the telly while there’s evil still a foot. (Turns the TV off) That’s not very industrious of you. I say we go out there. - What, can’t go without your Buffy, is that it? Too chicken? Let’s find her! She is the Chosen One after all. – Come on! Vampires! Grrr! Nasty! Let’s annihilate them. For justice - and for - the safety of puppies – and Christmas, right? Let’s fight that evil! - Let’s kill something!
~~BtVS 4x11 “Doomed”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Torn (Buffy, Angel,PG) by badly_knitted
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Evil Corporations Ahoy (Xander, Assassin's Creed xover, T) by madimpossibledreamer
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Doctor Dawn (Buffy, Dawn, T) by ialwayscomewhenyoucall
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Secret (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by DarkVoid116
Waking Up In Vegas (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by MillennialCryBaby
Sugar (Buffy/Spike, PG) by honeygirl51885
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The Merry Month of Magnus Presents... Light the Candles (Buffy/Spike, G) by Julikobold
Nice (Buffy/Spike, G) by honeygirl51885
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Breathe Again, Chapter 17/17 Complete! (Angel/Cordelia, M) by Califi62
Days of Future Past, Chapter 34/34 Complete! (Buffy/OC, Angel/OC, Buffy/Angel, M) by a2zmom
Blood and Chaos, Chapter 67 (Amy, M) by Aetheron, quote_Amy_unquote (Sannah_banana)
Swimming Against the Current, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Gage, T) by dwinchester
New York, Chapter 33/43 (Giles/Xander, M) by drsquidlove
[French language] Les deux Phénix, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Faith, M) by FridayQueen
Advent Calendiles, Chapter 13 (Giles/Jenny, G) by HAL1500
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Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 67 (Buffy/Tara, Ensemble, M) by Tuxedo Mark
[French language] Do as Romans do, Chapter 9 (Dawn/Spike, T) by OldGirl-NoraArlani
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Twice Broken, Thrice Burnt, Chapter 22 Complete! (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by ClowniestLivEver
Dress, Chapters 1-2 Complete! (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by scratchmeout
Poems in A Minor, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, R) by all_choseny
The Mayor Dates, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by Desicat
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Spuffy's Little Helper, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Alyot
A Very Summers Winter, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by VeroNyxK84
Dress, Chapters 1-2 Complete! (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by scratchmeout
Poems in A Minor, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, R) by all_choseny
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Blood and Dust, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Blackoberst
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: They are siblings btw(trust) (Willow, Spike, worksafe) by pzyii
Artwork: [Spike and Buffy hugging] (worksafe) by lialivingart
Artwork: ultimate wlw/mlm solidarity if u ask me (Willow, Oz, worksafe) by mistyintherivers
Artwork: I had so much fun playing with this art for Cornerofmadness’ slayer fic Deep Dark Sky for the wipbigbang (Dawn, Connor, drawn in bathing suits) by mindofmim
Artwork: girls night out (Tara, Willow, Buffy, Anya, worksafe) by spikedru
Artwork: willow (worksafe) by ournarrowslice
Moodboard: 365 characters; faith lehane (buffy the vampire slayer) (worksafe) by sylthrein
[Reviews & Recaps]
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[Boom! comics] I finally got around to reading The Lost Summer and it is so good. by takaraphoenix
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PODCAST: HELLMOUTH HOMOS: The Zeppo by Fear Queers
PODCAST: Episode 44: The Zeppo by Gym Was Cancelled
[In Search Of]
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ISO: Looking for Dark!Angelus and/or Dark!Spike x Reader fanfics requested by taintedgenre
[Community Announcements]
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We’ve now turned on response editing for the sign up form! by februaryfangfest
[Fandom Discussions]
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[anti bangel meta] by yugiohio
I truly hope btvs does not get rebooted by reh-hateshumans
[anon ask] Is there more buffy the vampire slayer comic coming out? answered by buffythecomicslayer
Eternally obsessed with the claddagh ring scene in Buffy when Angel gives it to her by mayhemghost
[meta about Willow / Dark Willow] by girl4music
“Is it murder if the person deserved it? Warren deserved it. Rack deserved it.” — Erm… Yes. by girl4music
Thinking about when Willow was about to end the world out of grief and anger and Xander’s reaction by strawberrypuffmotherfucker
what I love about the buffyverse as a writer is that literally nothing’s off the table by vampswritings
I’m never gonna get over and therefore never gonna stop talking about how much I adore the compelling complexity of [Willow] by girl4music
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The First and The Turok-han Invasion continued by garfan
Camden Toy RIP by multiple posters
Amy is so obnoxiously annoying in "The Killer Me" why is she jealous that Willow's friends were close to her again after season 6? continued by NoShip
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Who else finds it very hard to watch the scene between Angel and Connor in 4x22? by JellyfishDry9464
First time watcher, up to season 3 - When should I start watching Angel? Will it be obvious in the show or no? by International_Half61
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Camden Toy Succumbs to Pancreatic Cancer by SCIFI.radio
PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel Actor Camden Toy Passes Away by SuperHeroHype
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
Join the editor team :)
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renon4224 · 10 months
Fanfic WIP Guessing Game
Okay, you're evil.
WIP 4: I'm Not A Roman
“No, we have to go back to your studies.” Silvianus groans at the mention of the mounds of paper he has to finish.
WIP 7: I'm Not Crazy
“Xavier? Your voice got really deep, is it from all that drinking? Er, sorry. That was out of line. If I don’t have to keep helping the professors' grade papers, do you wanna come over?” Xavier groaned from the other side of the line, was it a pleasurable groan or one of annoyance?
“She is at the White Raven Graveyard.” The medic said. I groaned, a light whimper escaping me, Nyx can’t be dead. I never got the chance to say a last goodbye. She can’t die on me.
WIP 9: Angel Wings
I groan, “Okay.”
WIP 17: Blood Is Fun (The Owl House Fanfic)
She groaned, she was getting tired of the subject, “I don’t fucking know? Go ask her your own damn self. Or hell, ask your girlfriend.” She pulled out a book, it was a thick book, titled: Not Your Type.
WIP 18: Fallen
“No-no-no-no, this can’t be happening.” I groaned, the town was burned and my body wanted to sleep, tears poured down my face, probably streaking the dirt and dust on my face.
WIP 23: The Dragon-Touched Girl
The sun was well overhead before I groaned quietly, “You stayed…” I felt nauseous but didn’t throw up as I closed my eyes and let the room stop spinning, I had no memory past the purple drink, including him putting me to bed.
Caleb gave a sleepy groan, “Food.” And devoured the entire plate in FOUR FREAKING SECONDS, “Sunshine’s a new one.”
WIP 26: Spies Can't Fall In Love (SPY X FAMILY Fanfic)
Mistress Spottlerose sighed happily, she loved this book, and loved how we portrayed it, "Aah, shall we put the first chapter into a play today students?" Some groaned but others were excited, the first chapter had a kissing scene that would make many happy if placed with the right person.
WIP 27
He groaned as he got up. When he regained his balance he held his hand out. “Come on Luv,” he said with a grin.
I'm just gonna do a max of ten snippets cause otherwise it's too much, but thank you for the ask, it wasn't as terrible as I thought!
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c0ffinshit · 1 year
✬ FAQ ✬
here is a list of questions i get asked a lot by fans and people in my real life about my writing.
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Q: Who Do You Write For?
A: i write for a lot of characters, mostly for american actor ethan hawke including: ernst toller, the grabber, james sandin, edward dalton, tucker crowe, todd anderson, ellison oswalt. 
but i do write to write for other characters! you can check my master list for some other characters i’ve written for previously.
some that i haven’t written for but i wanna real bad are roman debeers from party down, steve harrington from stranger things (along with robin as well), lorne malvo from the fargo tv series, eric knox from the 2000 charlie's angels movie, and some characters from succession (kendall and roman). so, if you have any requests for any charcters i’ve listed, then send them in!
Q: Are Your Request Open?
A: currently, my request are open. but always check back there if that changes.
Q: What Is Your Favorite Work You Have Posted?
A: i love my latest fic “I Can See You” but also “Then I Saw Her” is a very close second.
Q: Do You Only Write Romance And Smut?
A: technically, no. i write a lot of things, even some original western work that i don’t plan on uploading on here. but if enough people ask, i’ll upload my non-fanfic work.
Q: Are You Accepting Tips?
A: currently, no. but check back here if that changes (but don’t worry, i’ll make a post about it if i ever do).
Q: Then If You Aren’t Accepting Tips, How Can I Support You?
A: well, reblogging and liking my posts is a huge help to a small writer like myself. but you can follow my other social medias so you can see updates and my silly shitposts.  
Q: What Other Social Medias Do You Have So I Can Ask For Requests Without Using Tumblr/Support You And Your Writing?
A: you can always message me on tumblr. my other social is my tiktok, which is just my edit account. and i got rid of my twitter forever ago but now i have a threads you can follow to actually find updates on your fav upcoming projects.
tiktok: occtaika
threads: c0ffinshit
Q: What Else Did You Write That’s Not On Tumblr?
A: yes i have! warning tho, none of them are good since some of them i haven’t updated since last year or even later lol.
late night wonders : larry johnson x reader (sally face)
but in his arms, i could forget : greg x sexworker!reader (succession) 
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
i hope i answered all of your hard-pressing questions, check out my introduction post for other information not including !! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ bye bye 
love thy neighbor and treat each other with kindness!
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pyladeshungover · 3 months
intro post
Tara // 29 // Australia
she / her / hers
oops i got into hockey sorry guys
my url is from approximately 2013 when I was a les mis blog, and my pfp is athelstan from vikings in a flower crown because that was cool in 2015. title is from the boat that rocked. I've been here forever.
i'm very not normal about sidney crosby, matthew tkachuk, and travis konecny
i'm slightly more normal but still unhinged about claude giroux and jamie drysdale
i do occassionally lb the hockey - pens lb, flyers lb, sometimes panthers lb
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23/24 stanley cup bracket (hope not belief):
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tag lists also i do tend to be pretty good about tagging everything so if you blacklist nothing should slip through
I did not realise you can only access that page on desktop but also the hyperlinks won't work in this post so here's the list:
my face; sort of - my face and my thoughts
university life - university/college experiences
adulthood - attempts to function as a successful adult
millennials - the Adulthood Experience™ specific to millennials
life is hard - depression tag
so not straight - i am queer
mine - shit i’ve made or drawn
tumblr - i’ve been on this godforsaken website since i was 15 and i hate everything about that
blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord - christianity
jc and the boys - jesus and the apostles
jc and the girls - ladies of the disciples
upon this rock - history of, stories about, and images of the church
do not be afraid - angels 
your kingdom come - prophets, saints, and the apocalypse
the old gods are dead - graeco-roman mythology
folklore - local folk and fairy-tales 
straya - things about Australia
auspol - Australian politics
uspol - US politics
i’m a pathetic history major - general world and cultural history
who likes bad jokes - especially awful attempts at humour
words - poetry, quotes, literature
reclaiming the women - feminist re-tellings of fictional women
humanity - the good and incredible things about humans and community (also includes human and alien speculative fiction)
christmas - i love christmas
covid 19 - self explanatory
2020 - see above
2021 - mamma mia, here we go again
2022 - we’re three years into The Great Loneliness
fandom / fanfic
# - 911
A - abfab
B - brooklyn 99 / black books / beauty and the beast / birds of prey /buffy
C - criminal minds / code black
D - dirk gently / doctor who / disney / derry girls
E - elementary
F - firefly / fresh off the boat / friends / fleabag
G - great british bake off / grace and frankie / greys anatomy / galavant / game of thrones / gilmore girls / the great / the good place
H - holes / hunt for the wilderpeople / the hobbit / hannibal / hamilton / harry potter
I - inside llewyn davis
J - jurassic park / jesus christ superstar
K - kingsman / killing eve
L - lethal weapon / lucifer / lotr / les mis
M - moulin rouge / mamma mia / moana / mad max / the man from u.n.c.l.e. / mindhunter / miss fisher’s murder mysteries / the marvelous mrs maisel
N - narnia / nhl
O - the office / the old guard / oitnb
P - pushing daisies / parks and rec / the princess bride / psych / the prince of egypt / the parent trap / pirates of the caribbean / pride / prodigal son / phantom of the opera
Q - queer eye
S - spn / star wars / scrubs / the song of achilles / schitts creek / santa clarita diet / six the musical
T - teen wolf / twilight / to all the boys i’ve loved before /
U - umbrella academy
V - vikings / venom
W - what we do in the shadows / the witcher / wonder woman
X - xfiles
Players (i’m in the process of switching old tags to initialsjerseynumber and have to wait for my queue to go through before they’re complete) -
the rituals are intricate (n-h-is-for-for-homosexuality-l)
they’re so stupid 🥹 (memes)
hockey narratives
hockey art
hockey poetry
hockey vid edit
include but are not limited to: am34 auston matthews / an39 nedeljkovic / ao8 ovi / bm63 brad marchand / bt7 brady tkachuk / cb98 connor bedard / cg28 giroux / cm97 mcdavid / ek65 erik karlsson / em71 geno / jd9 jamie drysdale / jh86 jack hughes / jj68 jaromir jagr / js1 jeremy swayman / kl58 letang / ld29 leon draisaitl / lh43 luke hughes / maf29 flower / mt19 matthew tkachuk / mm16 mitch marner / nh13 nico hischier / np19 nolpat / qh43 quinn hughes / rg27 ryan graves / sc87 sid / tj35 jarry / tk11 travis konecny / ts91 seguin / ts18 tim stutzle / tz11 trevor zegras / wg99 wayne gretzky
Other player tags - hughes bros / love thy goalie 
Ships - tknp / sidgeno / drygras / mattdrai / brioux / mike likes jeff but jeff loves mike / swaymark
Teams - bruins / ducks / flyers / gritty / leafs / oilers / pens / sens / stars / yotes
Liveblogging semiregularly - pens lb
Liveblogging very occassionally -  flyers lb / sens lb / panthers lb
0 notes
notony-tonyno · 4 months
emily antonia. she/her. prehistoric millenial. a relic of the Before Times.
obligatory welcome post. this is a marvel sideblog. i follow from @sithdownani.
about me: i still have the original .zip file containing every single issue of marvel's civil war that i downloaded in 2010. old enough to remember printing copy-pasted a"friend"gers tower-era fanfics from livejournal so i could read them in the middle of my university history classes. literally wept for joy when they announced avengers 1 was greenlit by paramount studios. i am ancient. don't mess with me.
what i like: tony stark. steve rogers, a.k.a. peter's original father figure. deadpool's sparkly nail polish collection. wandavision has been my otp since kindergarten. wanda and pietro are magneto's kids period. the one where literally everyone adopts peter parker.
favorite fandom tropes: clint in the vents. peter, resident Youth of avenger's tower, eating peanut butter straight out of the jar at 2 a.m. steve sleeping on a grease-stained sofa in the corner of tony's workshop. bucky and sam: special guest stars on brooklyn 99. coulson will always be everyone's favorite. kate and yelena are everyone's problem.
what i do not like: people forgetting that a lot of these comics were written for kids who felt (and feel) like outsiders. x-men gave my weird ass a place to belong in my youth and i'll be damned if that wasn't the entire point of the series. fandom drama. discourse in general, but especially discourse that reads like a disagreement between unhinged eighth graders. The Bad Ending.
under the cut: myspace survey from 2008 (to really drive home that i am too old to be here) in case, for some reason, you want to know more about me:
1. Ever been to a professional sports game? i bleed los angeles blue
2. Ever get engaged? yeah. i'm getting married about it.
3. Have you ever been on TV? yes.
4. Ever been to prom? only under duress.
5. Ever stayed up for 24 hours or more? i once hallucinated a blue coyote running across all 15 lanes of the southbound 405 through some part of orange county because it was 3 a.m., i'd just ended my third consecutive 12 hour work shift of the week, and my daily commute was 2 hours one-way
6. Have you ever been to a concert? favorite performance i ever saw was a defunct j-pop boyband front-man who happened to be playing at the nokia club for mysterious reasons
7. Have you ever been in a car accident? sideswiped by a big rig the day of my university music department audition. got a scholarship for showing up anyway.
8. Did you ever learn another language? studied classical latin in high school because apparently i had big plans for updating the roman empire
9. Do you wear make-up? you mean modern war paint? i sleep in it, baby
10. Ever caught the stove on fire? once caught the house on fire with a loaded drier and burned the entire place to the ground
11. Ever meet someone famous? in my misspent youth i was almost internet famous for writing a novel about two guys who ate a lot of ramen and beat the shit out of each other.
...so yeah, that's me. 'sup.
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farieshades · 2 years
...... I had a ask. I did really. But I can't remember it so now I'm just sipping my coffee staring into space like a badly written fanfic.
What would you change about Supernatural? (Yes Far the TV show)
I do like how you included “For the TV show” knowing full well that I could and would rant about mythology and the supernatural/paranormal for hours. 
In the earlier seasons, this made a lot of sense. There was an intrinsic fear the audience held for the characters. A “Oh no, what’s going to happen, will x survive?” but, over time the Brothers gained too much ‘power’. It wasn’t that they obtained really any special ability (although, that could very well be argued in certain seasons) but by the end of it they were just humans fighting against darkness encroaching upon others. 
From a writing standpoint, there was a need to make the characters stronger I suppose, as soon as you introduce angels and Chuck, but really, each season tried to up the ante of what came before. - You Fought and Won against Azazel? Time to Introduce Lucifer - You Fought and Won against Lucifer? Time to introduce another bastard. 
I mean really, what is the progression? Meg/Azazel > Azazel > Lilith x2 > Lucifer > Eve / Crowley (and Castiel somehow) > Leviathans and Politics > Crowley and Metatron > Abaddon > Mark of Cain or Rowena?> The Darkness/Amara > British Men of Letters/Lucifer (how are you still here didn't we deal with you already? Why are we bringing Lucifer back into plots) > Lucifer/Apocalypse World Michael > AW Michael > God himself. 
It was similar, in my mind, how Buffy TVS goes up against her BBEG’s who do progressively get worse, but, not in the same way? The Master (simple, evil, background bad guy who is a genuine threat when he shows up those few times throughout the seasons w/ parallel world bullshit) > Spike/Drusilla (easy fight at anytime as they are just vampires tho they add plenty to the plot - then again, the two collectivelly killed 4(?) slayers) > The Mayor (who is of course evil, we love evil polititions in fantasy, right Dick Roman? At least Dick Roman didn't turn into a giant snake, he just... kinda ate people?>The Initiative-Adam (Shadowy government making a frankenstein killing machine that doesn't obey orders like they hoped) > Glory (we love gods of alternate hellwords being exiled to earth and somehow living the life of luxury) > Dark Willow + The Three Idiots of Geekdom (Willow was great actually and it caused a lot of things to go tits up - The trio, however, sucked but they did cause the dark Willow so ... shrug?) > The First Evil (which is great, supposedly end-of-times bad who you need to show power of friendship or something to combat and stuff, but it was also very downplayed)
But Back to SPN - the BBEG’s just get stronger and stronger and at some point there’s no fear or thrill in hunting them, and the Monster-of-the-week episodes as filler pose absolutely no threat to the brothers whereas when we were in season 1-3 the monster-of-the-week was terrifying and, well, followed a familiar script that worked. 
So, keeping the brother’s at the same level as they were would be a change I’d make. Not in…. Like, ok, they get more confident in themselves because they are good hunters, definitely some of the best, but they surpass cocky and confident in their actions [which i blame writers irl but also John Winchester to make the characters actually work in this way - he makes them think this is the way they must act and they do type of deal]. 
The Apocalypse (Season 5)
Another change I’d probably do would be to separate the series into two different types. SPN could have ended at the end of Season 5. We lost Sam, but the Apocalypse is prevented. A good hero-arc, sacrifice, and well you get the bittersweet pain of knowing that this wouldn’t have happened if not for the first episode. It would finish perfectly, Dean must live with the knowledge that he brought his brother back into hunting, while Sam becomes a tragic hero making the ultimate sacrifice… Maybe I just like angst. 
Season 6+ could very easily be a continuation, sure, but in more of a spin-off sense. Bringing back soulless Sam makes the sacrifice almost silly the previous season. 
I do like the seasons as they are, but that’s just how my head is structuring a lot of it. I do like how the characters grew, the side characters getting introduced, the family background we slowly learn (how is it that all the campbells show up and no past winchesters do barring whats-his-name grandpa man? More american men of letters from history would be more interesting than whateverthefuck the british MoL were doing.)
Or hell, switch it around like a DW season and have new hunters replace people and its no longer Winchester Brothers but the entire community taking on more and more bad, instead of constantly upping the crisis you could see different places of the world rather than America/Canada/UK, you could see hunters in Russia or Japan or India. -- It wouldn’t have likely been a idea at the time of filming it, but that’s an interesting thought to be sure.
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Snow Angel
Written for @screechingexpertpruneneck  prompt: You look even more beautiful covered in snow+ Roman.
Warnings:None really. Just whimsical, cute, fluffy fun.
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Roman stood supervising a team of Christmas creation builders/decorators as they turned your shared home into a gingerbread house. You were making everyone hot cocoa. They were working so hard to make this place everything you dreamed inside and outside. The snow was falling. Bitter cold was ready to blanket the town overnight.  
Other than putting your personal decoration on the tree, some musical notes and things people made you over the years, the team of decorators made it look amazing. Since you showed Roman your ornaments beforehand the tree was a musical theme of silver and gold with some Angel ascents. Your nativity scene was set up underneath. It was the most beautiful tree you had ever seen. 
You put the hot drinks in to go coffee cups. You knew Roman would not want the workers to stick around. When you walked outside the lights were so bright you thought they would blind you. You looked at all the details in awe.
“Oh, Roman its magical.”
“I said I would get it made up exactly how you wanted, Princess.”
“It is better than I could have imagined.”
Roman put his arms around trying not to smile in front of the help. You snuggled into him shivering a bit. Your gloved hands carried a tray full of hot cocoa.
“I brought these to warm the workers.” You held the tray up.
“If they get done in a reasonable time, you can hand them out before they leave.” He watched as the workers checked some lights before starting down the ladder carefully.  
“We are done, Mr. Godfrey.” The Foreman went to take a cocoa but stopped looking to Roman for approve. “I hope it brings you both joy for the holiday season. We will be back January 1st to take it down unless you want us sooner.”
“What do you think Princess?”
“You and your team did a wonderful job.” You beamed with excitement. “Please, take a hot drink. I think the morning of January 1st is a fine time to take it all down. “
“You heard her.” Roman dictated. “Bright and early on January 1st. Don’t work on the inside until afternoon. I am sure we will be sleeping in that day. You may all have a hot beverage to go.”
“And thank you all.” You added. “be careful driving home. This snow seems to be picking up momentum.”
They all thanked her as they grabbed their beverage and left. The snow fell at almost a blizzard's pace as you and Roman admired the bright, whimsical decoration.  
“Stand right here.” Roman moved you right in the center of the scene.
In your candy apple coat and red and white candy cane leggings you looked like part of it all. The flakes of snow stuck to the coat, matching hat and your eye lashed.
Roman took a photo of the scene as you smiled. “That’s my snow Angel” He took another as you looked up. “Beautiful, Babe. Scoop up some snow and throw it in the air.”
“Roman it is already covering me.” You complained. “I’m freezing.”
“You look even more beautiful covered in snow.” Roman just smiled. “Just a few more pictures I’ll take you inside to warm you up real good.” He winked.
You giggled. “I guess. Just a few more pictures.”
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gatefleet · 2 years
Gatefleet PSA
This was originally a fanfic page set up by myself (Kaiyou) and a uni buddy (Eva), but recent events have meant that I am trying to do this solo for the past year or so.
As such I will be deleting what 'Eva writes for', until such times as she is ready to rejoin.
*** newly added***
- Greys Anatomy
- Hazbin Hotel (Eva)
Masterlist -------- Prompt List
^ updated as fics are posted or soon after.
Taglist is open via inbox/PM and here.
Requests for One Shots, Head-canons, Reader Inserts and Tag Lists are currently open for the shows below the cut
As it stands, this blog will currently write for (under the cut);
DC/Vertigo Comics (Arrowverse/Animated)
Marvel (Cinematic Universe/Animated)
~Legends of Tomorrow
~The Flash
~Titans (Netflix)
~Teen Titans
~Young Justice
~ The Sandman
~The Defenders (Not Jessica Jones)
~Daredevil (Not Karen Page)
~Iron Fist
~The Avengers
~X-Men (Animated/Live-action/Evolution)
~Captain America
~Animated and Ultimate Spiderman
Fantasy shows
~Being Human UK
~Penny Dreadful
~Charmed (Original)
~Harry Potter Universe
~The Originals
Sci-Fi shows
~The Mandalorian
~Librarians (series)
~Sanctuary (Amanda Tapping's 2008 show)
~Wynona Earp
~Umbrella Academy (Not 5)
~The Witcher
Crime shows
~Stargate SG1/Atlantis (Not Vala/MacKay)
~Dark Matter
~Star Trek: AOS/OST/Voyager/Enterprise/DS9/TNG
~Doctor Who
~Warehouse 13
~(A Town Called) Eureka
~Almost Human
Legal Drama Shows
~NCIS (Original, NOLA, LA, Hawai'i)
~Law & Order SVU
~Criminal Minds (Original, Suspect Behaviour)
~MacGyver reboot (Not Desi Nguyen/Samantha Cage)
~Magnum P.I reboot
~White Collar
~Leverage (original, Redemption)
~FBI: Most Wanted and International
~Prodigal Son
~Crossing Lines
~Sherlock (BBC, Elementary)
Medical Shows
~The Resident (Season 1/2)
~New Amsterdam (up to season 2)
~Chicago Med (up to season 4)
~Private Practice
~ Grey's Anatomy (up to Season 10)
~ Wolf's Rain
~ S-Cry-Ed
~Malkira Morningstar (DC/Lucifer)
~Riley Fitzgerald (Law & Order SVU/Blue Bloods)
~Artemis Archer (Star Trek AOS)
~Deanna Brooks (White Collar/Leverage)
~Nikki Tesla (Sanctuary)
~Remi 'ColdWave' Rory (DC Arrowverse)
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thatfreakything · 2 years
Last updated: October 6, 2022
Cookie Run:
At Your Service -- Lee!Lilac x Ler!Yogurt Cream
Sugary Sweet Rivals -- Switch!Chocolate Bonbon x Switch!Sour Belt
Granting Wishes -- Lee!Hydrangea x Ler!Lotus Dragon
Captured -- Lee!Almond x Ler!Roguefort
Dark Sorcerers Don’t Laugh -- Lee!Licorice x Ler!Herb
Warm Embrace -- Lee!Werewolf x Ler!Vampire
Sanders Sides:
Rainy Day -- Lee!Janus x Ler!Roman
Memories -- Lee!Virgil, Ler!Remus
The Monster -- Lee!Monster Hunter Logan, Ler!Monster Remus
Sunshiny Storm Clouds -- Lee!Virgil, Ler!Patton
Stardew Valley:
Sunny Smiles -- Lee!Casino Bouncer, Ler!Sandy
Tickletober 2022:
Day 1: Anticipation -- Lee!Purple Yam, Ler!Milk
Day 5: Punishment -- Lee!Byakuya Togami, Ler!Makoto Naegi
Obey Me:
Obey Me! Pt 1 -- The 7 Avatars of Hell
Obey Me! Pt 2 -- The angels, Solomon, Diavolo, and Barbatos
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