#ron hates it. and he hates that he can't even call it out as anything inappropriate bc it's not but somehow it feels like it should be
iamnmbr3 · 1 month
consider established drarry just casually using each other's wands all the time because they are so magically compatible and trust each other so absolutely that they can use each other's wands nearly as well as their own so if it's for something minor they'll both just grab whatever wand happens to be nearest at hand
and like. technically it's not pda. but there's something so intimate in the way they are so intertwined even in this that people around always feel as though they're witnessing something private.
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headspace-hotel · 4 months
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joe biden makes me want to throw up but the USA's actions under his admin have much less to do with him personally and more to do with the entire putrefying mass of USA policy and its entire history and the situation of a compromise-based government system half dominated by the most rabid, hateful fascists imaginable.
every day I see a hundred posts on here saying "look at how bad Biden is, the two sides are the same and he is no better than a republican would be" and the revulsion in my heart at my country's actions agrees, yet the Republicans are frothing over Biden being marginally less bloodthirsty and furiously demanding far more violence and repression.
Honest to God I don't even know what to do with this. I'm not telling y'all, because I don't know. This country is a suicide bomb and the whole globe is strapped to it.
Like, on a lot of policies, it seems like both parties are further right than the majority of Americans. I don't think I even know anyone IRL who is pro- helping Israel bomb Palestine, and a lot of these people would probably consider themselves "moderate conservatives" or "centrists." The government makes no pretense of representing us at all.
It's the exact same with the climate; majorities in EVERY state, even red states, support taking action to mitigate climate change, and even the moderate liberal folks support policies more radical than anything the government manages to do. Republicans are attacking the Endangered Species Act, one of the most popular laws Congress ever passed! How do we even BEGIN to get out of this mess?
I looked up this Tom Cotton's Facebook and it is just as the article says and worse
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I can't even begin to describe how monstrously Fox News has just straight up lied about the genocide in Palestine, calling any and all protests in support of Palestinians "Pro-Hamas." And there is a substantial minority of Americans whose whole grasp of the world is framed by Fox News, which turns their brains into a disgusting slurry like a racist plasmodial slime mold whose primitive network of neuron-like impulses responds to no other stimuli apart from fear and paranoia
When Ron Desantis was still running for presidential nomination one of his campaign promises was that we would stop sending humanitarian aid to Gaza and that we would not allow Gazan refugees into the country. It was on his Instagram back in November. How would Gazan refugees make it all the way over here??? Like sure we should take them if they wanna come but I think they just want their home back! That fucker had to INVENT a hypothetical opportunity for a compassionate act so he could demonstrate that he would choose the cruel option. He was widely despised, but still, it's terrifying.
And before you say "violently overthrow the government," the small percentage of Americans who are straight up openly Neo-Nazis own a LARGE percentage of the guns, and they love to organize into stupid little militias about it. You bet cops and ex-military overlap with this category a lot. A "leftist revolution" is a wet dream for these guys.
I know, I know, it's not unsolvable, I know the hateful folks are in the minority, I know a future is possible, I know violence and oppression cannot continue forever, but AAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGHHHHHH
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
Wait, I need to know,
Has Jason ever admit liking Dick? They're considered brothers in most of the nightwing comics I've read but is it the case red hood comics?
Simple answer: yes. But it's complicated.
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) is the only comic where Jason explicitly talks about liking Dick.
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Annual #1
Jason has looked up to Dick for a long time.
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) Annual #1
He also implies that Dick was a better brother than Dick thinks which isn't saying much at all.
I honestly don't believe even a single letter that's written in this comic about Jason, Artemis, Bizarro, Roy, Kori, or Dick. It's one of the worst comics I've ever read and I only got through this by sheer force of will to know everything about every character. I don't know how it's possible but absolutely no one comes out looking good in this comic.
Jason does like Dick but it's better to not use anything from this comic or reference anything from this comic.
Scott Lobdell can go suck it. Do you want to know how terrible of a writer he is and how horribly he misunderstands characters?
He said he doesn't see Superman as a beacon of hope and light. Where other characters see Superman as someone who people should strive to be, someone who does good and helps the world, Scott Lobdell says that Superman sees himself as an alien and will never think of himself as worthy because he's an alien.
Newsflash: an alien is another word used to call an immigrant.
He's literally saying that because Clark comes from another planet, he will never fit in and will always be aware of the differences between himself and other people on earth because he's an immigrant.
He actively supports racists. He had a twitter argument with Ron Marz who writes another comic called Voodoo and Ron says, "Seriously? I was under the impression I'm allowed to think racists are bad people." TO WHICH SCOTT LOBDELL REPLIES: Wow! What a stand: "Racists am bad" Why not use your writing to change hearts and minds instead of shooting fish in a barrel.
Are you for freaking real?!
Which makes perfect sense how he treats Kori and Clark given that he has sexually harassed another comic writer and made fun of their asian features. He's sexist and racist.
He's also classist because Jason's father actually loved Jason in the original comics. But in Scott Lobdell's version, a poor man is an evil, abusive man.
So not only is he sexist, racist, and classist, he also can't write! He literally has no idea the story and background and the decades of development that went behind each character he gleefully trashes.
Okay I totally deviated but point is, it's better not to use Red Hood and the Outlaws to learn about Jason. Or anyone.
The other Red Hood comics don't really talk about Jason's love for Dick but to be fair, it was written at a time when Jason hated everyone. The reason Red Hood and the Outlaws is supposed to be important is because it is supposed to tie into current events but the problem is it can't be trusted.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 9 months
Magical Education in Harry Potter
I have continued reading snippets of HP and I realized once again how...boring the magic is in HP. Besides Snape, Dumbledore and Voldemort I think, no one in HP really does anything exceptional or innovative with their magic. Well...there are the Marauders with their map and their animagus transformations. Plus the Weasley twins are super creative too with their products. But I think that's it really. I will be mega generous and throw in Draco fixing the cabinet and Hermione's DA coins too.
Not even Harry Potter, who is supposed to be the chosen one and hero of the story, does anything great. He's tragically mediocre and not in a good way. I do not consider summoning a patronus at 13 to be a marvel. Considering he had special lessons from Lupin and his performing the spell is not really a special/new/creative magical endeavour.
The muggle world has great technological innovations. But wizards are not innovating magic on the same level at all. And I think part of the problem is their magical education system.
First, starting to learn magic at 11 is total rubbish. Using Avatar: The Last Airbender as an example. Learning magic at 11 is comparable to someone learning they can bend at 5 but they don't start training until 11. Or someone in our world has prodigious abilities but they don't train until high school. Do you see how dumb this is?
So in the meantime, wizard kids have this power that they can't control properly. It's not that big of a deal if the kid has a magical family but what about mugglebornes like Hermione or kids who grew up in muggle families like Harry?? Harry was literally a hazard to the Dursleys in more ways than one and it's understandable, not excusable, that they hated him.
Plus Hermione's character is annoying due to her role as an exposition device. It's tiresome that a muggleborne girl is constantly showing up purebloods who literally grew up around magic. As the books go on, she takes over Ron's role in the trio as the magical common sense guy. In reality, mugglebornes should be at a major disadvantage. Let's say I am trying to learn Spanish. I have no Spanish-speaking family. And let's say I end up in a class of immigrant kids whose parents all speak Spanish. They may not be fluent themselves but they have a huge headstart on me. In time I will catch up to them, especially if I work hard like Hermione, but initially, I would perform worse than them. As first years, the pureblood and halfblood kids should be blowing Hermione out of the water. If not for the entire first year then at least the first semester/term.
So how would I fix this issue? Four ways:
Magical kindergarten/elementary school
Hogwarts should be a highschool/college level institution. Or maybe Hogwarts could have different school levels. Kids should learn the introductory concepts for Charms, Transfiguration, Potions etc in primary/elementary school or even from their freaking parents. Ron's intro scene with that make my rat yellow prank spell was just sad. And having Hermione call him out for the spell not being real was just more salt in my annoyance. As kids, they learn the basics like wand movement, magic theory and safety. And basic spells.
Advanced learning
When they go to Hogwarts they should focus more on application and higher levels of theory. For example: Magical Ethics (what are the moral boundaries of magic **cough**rapedrugs**cough**polyjuicepotion**cough**), Magical Research (do projects/experiments to learn more about the nature of magic, like how is elf magic different from wizard magic), Spellmaking (why is Snape the only dude in HP inventing spells!), Improvised Spells (like in Wizards of Waverly Place), Magic Economics (how does magic work with the concept of scarcity, what is scarcity in the wizarding world), Magical Defense (not just against the dark arts but basic defence like self-defence in our world and perhaps survival skills) etc. They should learn non-verbal and non-wand magic as well of course. Maybe this could be taught at the end of primary school or the beginning of Hogwarts. Instead of the very end of their Hogwarts education.
Accessible classes for mugglebornes
So what about mugglebornes, you say? Well, there are two options. You can provide after-school classes for muggleborne students to learn magic before they attend Hogwarts. Think of extra lessons or night classes in our world. Or you can send the mugglebornes to summer school(s) before Hogwarts which leads me to my next point.
Different Class Tracks
Put muggleborne kids in a different class track from the purebloods/halfbloods who went to magical primary. Like how we have advanced classes for students who are super bright or slower-paced classes for students who need extra help. Students like Hermione would gradually graduate to the advanced track while lazier students like Harry may stay in the slower track. Or maybe bright students like Hermione could do placement tests to get into the advanced track from the start. Some pureblood students could even be demoted to the slower track if they begin to goof off (maybe Ron) or need extra help (maybe Neville). And you can mix and match! So Neville would be in Class 1 Herbology but Class 2 Potions :). Maybe Harry would be in Class 1 DADA but Class 2 Potions etc.
If lack of teachers is an issue, then pureblood families would teach their own kids and the primary school would be exclusively for muggleborne kids and/or pureblood/halfblood kids whose parents can't provide tutoring.
So yeah, that's how I would revamp the school system. Hogwarts is a weird school. Like students leave as adults but leaving Hogwarts feels like leaving primary school. I never felt prepared for the world after highschool but at least we have college/university. Even if HP has trade schools/apprenticeships for jobs like healing and being an auror, I think their magical education is seriously lacking. And the spellwork in HP is honestly very lame. Wands just end up being like guns. More battles should be like the Voldy vs Dumbles fight in book 5.
Magic should be something kids learn from the cradle. Magic is not a subject like Math is. Magic is literally part of who they are. Learning magic should be treated like learning how to groom yourself, eat healthily or even speak. It's strange how Hogwarts and the ministry restrict students from learning magic outside of classes. Maybe it's a conspiracy??
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liiilyevans · 1 year
Next Gen Girls
The big sister of the group
Always there to lend an ear and is the first to defend her girls when the need arises
Tries really hard not to let her cousins see her cracks (she's a lot like her dad in that way)
She teaches her little cousins (Lucy, Roxanne, and Lily) some French when they're around eight
They all end up on the floor laughing with tears in their eyes because the girls can't roll their r's well and it makes for some interesting pronunciations
She never misses a family dinner at her Grandma Molly's house
If she is not there, something is wrong
Has broken up a physical fight between her cousins before and will do it again
She is close with all the girls and doesn't really have one in particular who she's closer to
She always carves out time to talk to each of the girls and bond with them
No one dislikes Vic
They might hate her bluntness or have disagreements with her, but she does not keep receipts and all her cousins appreciate that about her
Can you say wild child?
She's the reason Bill and Fleur have grey hairs for sure
She's two years younger than Vic and they are like night and day
Dom is the life of the party and also the family's budtender though most of the parents are unaware of this
She's very chill and loves hanging out with her cousins and gossiping
This has gotten her into trouble before
Once Rose walked in on Dom talking about her latest hook up and Rose ended up not speaking to her for over two months
She is really close with Molly
These girls are twin flames, both wild to the core
They go backpacking across Europe together after they graduate Hogwarts
Dom decides to get a tattoo while she's high and it ends up getting infected
Molly takes her to a Muggle doctor and the girls end up giggling over how cute he is
Molly is the same age as Dom, but she was born first
She is supper smart but never flashes it around
Organizes monthly girl's nights for all her cousins
Not all of them end up coming and that's ok, but they know the door is always open if they want to
If they do end up coming, she makes a bunch of 'junk food' like chips and chocolate chip cookies from scratch
She takes after her grandmother when it comes to cooking and the other girls love her for it
If Dom is the budtender, Molly is the bartender
She used to work at a bar and can do all sorts of fancy tricks when pouring shots or making drinks
One night when the girls are all together, she makes a mixed drink for each of her cousins and one for her sister and names them after each of them
The definition of the cool one
She's always off on some adventure or taking some cool vacation
She is six years younger than Vic, but they're still very close
She goes to Vic whenever she needs advice on anything from love to life to her career
The younger girls adore her and think she's the best thing since baked bread
She caught them doing weed (which they stole from Dom) once at the Burrow in the twins' old room and didn't tell the adults
Instead she grabbed them water, helped them add a little concealer so they didn't look so high, and reminded them that getting high with their parents downstairs was definitely not the best idea
Then she winked and was gone
Everyone is always shocked that Ron and Hermione produced such a chill kid
She's Healer so anytime that one of the girls end up with the slightest headache they call Rose
She pretends to be annoyed but she really loves it
She's the quiet one
Not in the shy way but in the if you interrupt me again, I'll cut your head off way
A total bookworm
And swears like a sailor
She's the most reclusive of the Wotter girls
She's the one who comes to their sleepovers the least, even though her sister hosts them
It's not that she doesn't like them or the girls, she just values her peace and quiet
She's is six years younger than her sister and eight years younger than Vic
If any of the girls were going to pull up to a fight, they're bringing Lucy
She is tiny but mighty
Loudest of all the girls and definitely the most likely to accidently break something
She's the same age as Lucy, but Luce was born first
She loves the chaos that is the Burrow when all of her family members are there
Is probably the easiest of the girls to talk to and the most outgoing
Like this girl's mouth does not stop moving for a second
Are we surprised that she's really funny?
No, no one is surprised by that
She is closest with Lily, but Vic is like an older sister to her
She and Lily hang out a lot at school and once they graduate, they move in together
They definitely spend those first few years partying way too much and getting high way too often
But they grow and mature together and they're closer because of it
If you took all of Harry's bad traits and all of Ginny's bad traits and mixed them in a pot, you'd get Lily Lu
She is sarcastic and always has a comeback ready
She can also be a brat and Ginny blames Harry for that
She is the last grandchild born, three months younger than Roxanne
She has green eyes not brown, and yes, this is a hill I will die on
Loves her cousins, but can find them overbearing at times, especially Vic
When she's feeling overwhelmed, she goes to hang out with Lucy
They both appreciate the quiet and downtime
She sites the fact that she and Roxanne both have annoying older brothers as the reason they're so close
Also a wild child, but in a much more self-destructive way than Molly or Dom are
She blows through boys like they're candy, and it's especially concerning to her cousins
She's loyal though and no one is going to say a word about her family without answering to her
You can think Becky (aka @harryissuchalittleshit) for these headcanons because she asked me for them! You should send all the love her way because she is awesome!
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paleyouthdragon · 2 months
Yup, exactly! And trust, there is no way Harry puts anybody before Ginny. It is very clear in the books that she is the most important person to him. In HBP when Ron is hanging out with them Harry wants Ron to go away and leave them alone. In DH he is with R/Hr 24/7 and pines for Ginny and yearns to talk to Ginny.
I guarantee when GINNY is by his side he is never pining for Ron or Hermione's presence lmao. Ginny is his favorite, it's clear.
The only reason she doesn't know anything about the horcruxes or the prophecy is because Harry wasn't allowed to tell anyone else. It was legit part of the plot that he couldn't tell anyone else and its brought up over and over in the last book. He says he's not allowed to tell anyone else. Dumbledore's orders!
Ron!stans just don't want to admit it because they want to live inside Ron's ass. Also, Ron!stans think Ron favors Harry over Ginny when that isn't true either. It's actually very clear in the last two books how much Ron loves and cares for Ginny. Ron turns on Harry and gets angry at him for exactly TWO people: Hermione and Ginny. Both are more important to him than Harry (but he still loves Harry).
ALSO - Ron never lets anyone disrespect or insult Hermione....except Ginny lol.
In HBP Ginny calls out Hermione and makes fun of her for not understanding Quidditch and Ron is right there and says nothing. THAT is so telling to me. If ANYONE else insulted Hermione (and Harry even comments that Hermione looked hurt and stung), Ron would have shouted them down or hexed them. Ginny insulted Hermione in front of Ron and Ron was totally quiet lmao. That is the only time in the books Hermione gets insulted and Ron is quiet! That shows so much loyalty to Ginny! Because at the end of the day? If his sibling fights with someone else, he is not going to get in the middle. EVEN IF THEY FIGHT WITH HERMIONE.
TL:DR Ron and Harry both care about Ginny more than they care about each other. Hermione is the love of Ron's life yes, but his sister is still very important to him and Ron shows loyalty to Ginny even when she fights with Hermione.
This is so true. I never thought about ginny and hermione' fight in HPB w.r.t. ron but this makes so much sense.
I absolutely agree some ron stans are so annoying esp. on quora. I know hermione had flaws (and Ginny too)but some people just put all the blame on Girls and Harry and behave like ron can never do anything wrong.
Ron is very relatable flawed character( that's why i love him) rather than acknowledging it, they just like to pretend he is perfect. And they can't understand a simple fact siblings can be jerk to each other, it does not mean they hate one another.
The way some fic writers writes "after war" stories is just weird like not acknowledging Ginny's trauma and her role in war.
Ginny running after harry and harry just ignoring her and only hanging out with ron and Hermione. Harry ignoring and treating ginny like a shit is justified because "he is been through alot" and ginny is selfish for demanding anything from harry.
If ginny ever complains her whole family will tell her to stop being childish. Also, molly who has just lost her son will be back and call of harry after the war.
Harry is my favorite character in the series but still isn't this too much?
There is also lots of mysogynistic undertone like molly and hermione manipulating ginny to have a baby because harry wants kids.
Sorry, for the long rant. These are just my pet peeves with fandom. Thank you so much for being so kind.
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dhaaruni · 9 months
is it just me or do white women get blamed a lot more for shit (on the left) than white men do? and i’m saying this as a black woman. i just had to scroll past a video where this white woman was like ‘more and more im starting to understand trump’ (which is, of course, insane and understandably made ppl upset) but then some white dudes in the comments were like ‘white women age terribly’ (which…what the fuck does that have to do with anything the white girl said about trump?) and someone called him out for the misogyny of it all and said ‘white men got critiqued, it’s time white women got critiqued as well’. and the comments were full of ppl (even other white women) being like ‘white women are the worst’, which is like. fine, some white women do deserve critique for their beliefs and values and the way they perpetuate racism, especially from women of color, but i can’t help but side-eye the people that do this all the time as if it’s ONLY white women that do so. like, did we forget that white men are also a problem?
i feel insane for even pointing it out but i even get uncomfortable with the way some moc talk about white women…idk it’s like they think that adding the word ‘white’ in front of women will shield them from misogyny allegations, as if misogyny is acceptable as long as it’s toward the correct target. i keep quiet about it because i don’t wanna get called a pick me or a traitor or anything but goodness! and it’s never done in good faith! i fucking hate seeing smug leftist white men get on their high horses and make videos about ‘the issues with white women’!
No you're completely right, I feel that way sometimes too.
I think that condemning white women for like, aging badly or other factors they can't control is easier than actually calling out racism or misogyny on an institutional level. You aren't doing a feminism by calling women ugly, regardless of their race!
I literally saw someone on Twitter call a Black woman a Karen the other day for side-eying Ron DeSantis like really? Can they hear themselves? It's actually totally justified to side-eye Ron DeSantis showing up at a majority Black event for hurricane disaster relief and espousing platitudes about racism when he personally said slavery was a good thing (even while the actual Florida history curriculum didn't go nearly that far). The word Karen simply has lost all meaning and if someone is using it unironically, I'm just assuming they hate women now because clearly it has nothing to do with racism anymore and is solely about like, unfuckable women existing in public and having opinions, which I'm not here for at all.
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
What is your opinion of the Ron Chernow book on Hamilton? I'm reading it now and it's informative but I don't know how I feel about it yet and we're already almost at Hamilton's wedding. Thoughts?
Oh boy, that book...
Honestly, I hate it but I also quite appreciate it. It's one of the only Hamilton biographies that goes so in-depth about Hamilton's life, and almost covers everything. Like, it's the size of a Bible for a reason and I really did enjoy the background checks on all the figures that were brought up (Like especially Faucette, or Maria). But also it's entirely bias, and filled with inaccuracies. I haven't read the book in a year, and no longer have it in my possession but here are a few things I remember that I hated about it;
Rambling — oh God, does Chernow have a tendency to go on and on and on. He often repeats the same thing several times throughout the book, especially in regards to praising figures in the book, but I'll talk about that and his glorification a bit later. I completely understand the habit to ramble on, but there is the opportunity to edit over your work. I swear after Hamilton did anything, Chernow would copy and paste the same sentence about how “hAMilTOn WAs JUst sUch aN InsPiRaTiOn wIth hIS iRrepresSiBLe pAsSiON aS An ImMiGrANt” I get it. I know. I would go on about how rising from your poor status wasn't anything new or unheard of, but I'll spare that for today.
Glorification — Chernow has a terrible case of glorifying the historical figures mentioned in the book, mainly Hamilton - as he is the protagonist, I suppose - but also Washington. He paints everyone else that is featured as these evil, big, bad villains that are just out to ruin poor, innocent Hamilton's life. And that if Hamilton did anything wrong; it was obviously all their faults and they somehow influenced him into this terrible decision. Chernow glosses over so many times Hamilton ruined other's lives, and throughout it portrays him as this inspiring hero.
Misogyny — you'll notice pretty quickly on; Chernow portrays all the women in the book as pathetic, (Or evil if they ever wronged Hamilton). He does a great injustice to Maria Reynolds, and makes out the affair to be all her and her husband's malicious influence. Because poor Hammy Ham, and not the oppressed woman getting abused by her husband, right? He even has the audacity to frame Elizabeth as a villain throughput a lot of it as well, claiming she wasn't doing her “wifely duties” and drove him to commit the affair (Jesus Christ). It's worse than the portrayal of these women in the musical.
Homophobia — Chernow quite often dismisses the homoerotic undertones throughout Hamilton's life. I'm not saying he has to do an essay on the plausablity of Troup and Hamilton having something more than friendship, but man, you could at least say anything but “lol but they were very no homo”. But the case that pisses me off the most is the complete dismissive attitude towards Laurens's and Hamilton's relationship. Chernow only scaps the surface of their relationship by quoting the April 1779 letter, and then shrugs it off and says that men just had those flowery - platonic apparently - sext letters during those days. Oh, but don't worry, he can dedicate half a chapter in regards to how true the debunked Angelica+Hamilton love affair was.
Inaccuracies — I don't know what I was expecting from a guy who has a very questionable education, but Chernow makes many inaccuracies throughout the book. I can't name them all off the top of my head but; he claims Jefferson said nothing on Hamilton's death when he did, he got Hamilton's children baptism dates wrong, made the same stupid mistake of calling William's portrait as actually Philip's, and misinterpretades many letters. If you want more on the subject, @runawayforthesummer literally has a tag called “Chernow was wrong”. And speaking of villianizing, I urge you to read about Burr outside of Chernow because that is the worst portrayal you'll read him as. Chernow made up this whole betrayal backstory for Burr and Hamilton, when they were actually never friends, or anything beyond acquaintances or political rivals.
Chernow isn't a historian — he's a journalist and a biographer. But biographer doesn't necessarily mean he has taken any studying in regards to being a historian. I'm not staying if you didn't go to college for a four year institution, that you're immediately unqualified to write a biography. But. You should take some initiative to get some education in that matter. Because we have things like this where Chernow makes glaring mistakes.
Phew, okay, that's a rundown of everything I found wrong with it. I'm sure I'm missing other things, but these were the major issues in my opinion. I mean, if you've gotten that far in the book, might as well finish it. Just remember to do your own research, and fact check before you take someone else's claim on something. Once again, Chernow's biography has some good aspects, like how detailed it is. Just remember his major flaws with it too.
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nelweensfic · 2 years
This is for @drarrymicrofic prompt : Bergamot. Thank you @cluelesspigeons for beta reading 😊
Draco sighed when he saw the Gryffindors fighting during their Herbology class. Why did Finnigan find it funny to throw bergamot juice on Potter? The room was now filled with that citrus perfume and some students left to go outside, not being capable of breathing properly. 
When the bell rang, Draco took his stuff quickly, not wanting to be close to that stinky, beautiful, dark haired golden lion a minute more. Harry was smiling after the fight like he didn't care people could smell him from a mile away. Draco gasped  when their shoulders hit together. He had been staring at Potter again.
"Malfoy, stop blocking the way out!" Weasley hissed.
"It’s okay, Ron. Don't be that harsh," Harry said calmly. "Sorry, Draco." 
Draco only gulped, not trusting his voice. Since when was the Savior of the wizarding world being nice to him? Since when did he call him Draco? Draco ran away to his Divination class, knowing fully that the Gryffindors were going to the Quidditch pitch for practice. 
Pansy was bouncing, talking about how her date with McLaggen the night before ended but Draco wasn't paying any attention to it. He didn't even see the time passing by at all. All his thoughts were on a certain boy. He thought about how Harry's body moved during his playful fight with his friends. Draco started imagining the juice of bergamot all over Harry's body and how he could lick all of it away, tasting that fit chest to his strong neck, pulling him closer by his hair for a passionate kiss. 
"Draco, darling?" Pansy asked, snapping her finger to have him back to reality. 
"Class is over. We need to move for Potions."  
Draco grunted. The two hours of Divination passed so fast and they still had one hour before lunch. He used to like Potions with Snape but Slugorn was too weird for his liking, and today's potion was about making an antidote for a love potion. Draco prefered to learn more about useful potions, but Pansy had said it was useful because people got drugged a lot more lately with love potions and knowing how to help was their mission. Draco didn’t dare tell her that she sounded like Granger.
They met the Gryffindors again in the hallway.hey were still fighting playfully with each other. They were loud and Draco could see the girls being distant, not paying much attention to the Quidditch debate here. 
"Ah, dear students, come in, come in!" Slughorn said enthusiastically. 
The Slytherins let the Gryffindors enter first, Pansy rolling her eyes when Ron and Harry looked at them after Seamus told something to both them. 
"I will screw up my antidote, give them that damn love potion and send them to the hospital wing if they dare say anything bad to us." 
"Pans, they're not worth your talent in potions," Draco snorted. 
"But they still hate us." She huffed, making her way to the classroom.
"You tried to sell Harry to Voldemort last year." 
"Don't tell me no one thought about it. It's called surviving." 
"Yeah but we're not exactly the type of people to—" 
Draco stopped mid sentence as he entered the room. The smell was strong but he couldn't identify the source. His eyes immediately landed on Harry and then on the cauldron. The smile was spiraling in an uncommon way. A strong smell of sweat, fire but also.. bergamot scent? 
"Professor?" Harry said, his gaze still on Draco, who gulped when he turned his head toward Harry. 
"Yes, Mister Potter?" 
"What kind of love potion is it today?" 
"Amortentia. I recall you already know the antidote to the love potion." 
"Well, I can't smell anything," Pansy snorted, knowing fully the capacity of the potion. "Only Seamus' smell from the Herbology fight." 
"What do you mean?" Seamus asked, surprised. 
"Well, you smell like  bergamot and fire and sweat. You could take a shower after Quidditch, seriously!"
"What are you talking about?" Draco choked. "All I smell is Potter and it's the same thing!" 
The whole classroom went silent and looked at the Slytherins then the Gryffindors. Even Slughorn kept quiet, loving the little drama going on. Draco looked at Pansy, then Seamus and then Harry. Everybody was staring at the cauldron and at each other. 
"We both took showers after practice," Seamus said softly, looking with fear at Harry. 
"What do you smell, Seamus?" Harry asked genuinely. 
"Violets, cigarette smoke and Chanel n°5 perfume." 
Draco looked directly at Pansy. It was her smell. She'd been smoking a lot since the end of the war and her favorite perfume was exactly this one. No one could have known unless they were a Muggleborn. 
"What about you, mate?" 
Draco swallowed hard when Ron asked Harry about his smell. He couldn't possibly smell Draco. The odds would be close to zero, like the chance for Pansy and him to smell exactly the same thing but not for the same person. 
"Old books, forest pine and citrus." 
"What the—" Ron started to say, angry by the answer. "You told me you didn't like Hermione that way!"
"Ronald!" the girl shouted, surprised by the statement. 
Draco looked down, already disappointed by the answer. Of course Hermione would be a choice. They grew up together.  They were best friends and they were really close. Though he thought Harry  would smell that Weasley girl instead of Granger…
"It's not about her, you idiot!" Harry said, walking toward Draco. They looked at each other when Harry put his hand on Draco's chin to make him look into his eyes. "Who do you think I've been obsessed with for years?" 
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mollymauk-teafleak · 1 year
top gun/daisy jones and the six au
So like the little magpie I am, I have once again stolen one of my lovely gf's hyperfixations in a piece of media I haven't even consumed. Because what better way to consume media than just having your gf @hangsters tell you all the best bits and then help you make a top gun au?
So there is an up and coming rock band in the 70s music scene called Top Gun, consisting of Nicholas 'Goose' Bradshaw on drums, Ron 'Slider' Kerner on bass and Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky on lead guitar and vocals. They've recently added a relative unknown called Alice Duong on keys to round out their sound (who keeps drawing the eye of their bassist) but they're struggling to climb the charts.
Their success and their struggle is all down to their lead and originator, Iceman Kazansky. Fellow musicians can't stop raving about the technical flourishes in the songs, the skill and effort put into every solo, the way Kazansky seems to live and breathe music. But that experimental nature is struggling to capture people who'd just be listening to the radio on their way to work.
So their manager has an idea. Guess who he also represents, whose was a massive hit before the drugs and alcohol and partying caught up with him, who works a crowd like no one else and just oozes raw charisma and just got out of rehab and needs a comeback? Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell. And he could be just what Top Gun needs.
Instantly, Mav and Ice struggle to get along. Mav comes into the recording studio like a hurricane, messing up Ice's perfect riffs and technical genius with improvised solos, lyric changes and a general disregard for anything Kazansky (or anyone who ins't him) has to say. The rest of the bad worry that this could wreck the band entirely rather than save them. But the songs that come out of this battle are genius and sell like gangbusters.
So they tour and Ice and Mav are still butting heads but it seems to have...shifted. Like they hate each other but they love it? So no one is really surprised when one of their arguments over a song turns into the hottest sex.
But there's a problem. Maverick has never ever had a relationship like this where it's with someone he actually might love? And he panics about not being good enough, about letting Ice down and the pressure of having a gay relationship in the 70s. And yeah, he's always bucked gender roles (he's trans but not out publicly) and played with sexuality in his music but Ice feels real and he's so scared.
So one night Ice finds him high and shaking in the bathroom after a show. And he just helps him into the bath, washes him, gets him to drink water and takes care of him. But he tells him 'you have until December 1st when the tour ends and then you're done with this. you're going to get clean and be a good man for me'. And Maverick does.
Meanwhile, Goose is struggling being away from his high school sweetheart and love of his life Carole. They get the whole adorable 'if I say I have a record deal will you marry me?' thing and they have a cute backyard wedding when they realise she's pregnant and then along comes little Bradley who Goose loves more than anything (I have hangster stuff in this AU also but this post is getting long)
And eventually, after show after show of Slider staring at her, Alice finally confronts him. She's met guys in this industry that see her as a muse, see her as a skirt and nothing else and she's so done with all that. She just wants someone who treats her like a person and if Ron's gonna be that person he'd better hurry the fuck up and kiss her before she gets sick of waiting. And slider was just scared to be like one of those guys so he was holding back but now he has the go ahead he's kissing her like there's no tomorrow.
But yes I'm so deep in this AU it's not even funny and I'm looking how I can get some fics or maybe even a multi chapter thing out of it so! Ask questions, send requests, please enjoy!
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biirbi · 1 year
Dndads season 2 expectations :3
Frankly I do not really know how tumblr works; just posting this to keep track of it! I just finished season 1 of dungeons and daddies a bit ago and am starting the next one soon! Here are my current thoughts/expectations:
ummummmm honestly I have no clue what's going to happen in S2- I know the premise is the doodler has returned, but besides them trying to defeat it probably, no idea. I'm excited to hopefullyy see some of my favorite s1 characters again (I am pretty much exclusively talking about Erin and Scam)! If willy shows up again im going to leave. forever. he doesn't get to be an antag for two seasons.
AND ALSO IM GONNA BE. VERY UPSET IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO THE STAMPLERS. I know scary isn't a stampler technically but I'll still refer to them all as that. but I care them so hard im gonna be so mad. all in all I just want the stamplers to be ok. and scam and erin. Also speaking of erin I hope vince dies she deserves someone with more dimensions (me)
The kids as dads!:
Honestly, I love all the kids- I cannot see them being that bad of parents (but apparently I'll find out soon!)
Adulthood clearly fucks them up SOMEHOW bc idk how they could be so awful but Sparrow (My favorite kid as of now :3) would probably just be. kinda like henry but I still think different? Like Henry is probably more protective than I imagine sparrow would be; aloof (p.s. I had a different idea of what aloof meant but I can't think of a different word so. oh well just use your imagination LMFAO) though he still is very loving! And does his best to sprinkle in life lessons even if they're not. that great. Like I'd think the worst he could fuck up his kid is not really teach him any particularly valuable life skills
Terry Jr! I love him, I'm very glad he and Ron are doing well as of now. I think he's a great kid that would make a great step-dad, especially considering the fact he knows what it's like to 1: lose his dad and 2: have an emotionally distant step-father. You'd THINK he wouldn't want a kid to also go through that but who knows I guess.
I love Grant too, and I know I've said this for all of them but honestly I have no clue what tf they do to him to possibly get him to be that bad of a dad. He was definitely traumatized by murdering that thing so I get him maybe like being emotionally distant. and like overbearing at the same time. but I wouldn't really call that being a poor parent,,,
Nicky uhhh. He confuses me I don't really know what he's like anymore since he was Glenn's kid. then Jodie's. now kinda both so honestly I've no real idea of what he's gonna be like but I still can't see him being that bad.
AND THAT REMINDS ME if hermie is presumably a grandkid of one of the preexisting s1 characters I can not figure out WHO tf might be the one that fucked him up that bad. I don't really know anything about him but it's soo obvious that he is Not gonna have a Good Time. I don't even know if he's a normal guy (normal hehe) or from the forgotten realms or>?????
Characters I'll probably get attached to
Honestly, as far as I can tell abt hermie (which I'm not really supposed to know about yet but whatever) he does seem like a character I will get attached to. And hopefully not empathize with cause that won't help. He just looks like he's designed to hold SO much trauma.
*slaps roof of hermie*
This baby can hold so much trauma in it.
I don't really have any clue abt him but. I can tell it probably won't go well for him! Also he kinda? ?? looks like an antag but also doesn't? Idk maybe an antag because of a forced hand, or more along the lines of an anti-hero? I've no idea.
Scary! She seems likeable in an. unlikeable edgy way. She's played by Beth so it can't be that hard to like her (Which I recently met someone who DOESN'T like beth!? He just hates to see a funny woman...), plus I'm a sucker for edgy emo characters. She's not actually related to ron but yknow terry's her step-dad and that's close enough.
Honestly I don't particularly take to very chipper and upbeat characters (which I'm just assuming Normal is, I could be wrong), so no clue if I'll like him. I at least probably won't dislike him as long as he's not annoying abt it.
And I have no clue what Taylor's gonna be like so really I can't say anything. He's kinda sorta related to Glenn? kinda????? and I didn't like Glenn very much at first, he did grow on me a little but idk- we'll see
I totally forgot to put lincoln in here. idk ANYTHING about him so uhh we'll see!
ermm I think I had something else to say but I forgot- I'm going to start dedicating the next 10 days while I'm by myself to probably binging all of s2. Uhhhh wish me luck!
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duckies27 · 2 months
More Groethe x DnDads au
Minor spoilers for DnDads (like so minor, it doesn't even matter but I wanna be safe :))
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Ellga takes a lot of classes like baking and sewing because she thinks it's fun to beat up food and clothes instead of people. She's strangely very calm most of the time. Barbarian, yes, but she just takes it out on other things :)
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She still has her axe but it's tinyyyyyy
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Ellga is also bullies for both having braces and an accent and the twins DO NOT TAKE THAT LIGHTLY
They will commit murder for her
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Chip says he was in a gang to explain away his murder experience, Glen does not believe him in the slightest but the other dads are like "sure"
He hates Jodie with all his being cuz cop
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He works from home but can't do literally anything, Ron has to come over a lot to help
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Local man cries over being called "dad"
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Mathide takes Grant weekly, they're mega close
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They forget they aren't a ghost anymore and keep running into walls + ellga being in goalie wear
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A wild Barney Farney! He loves his current position as a carpenter, and he's in better shape than he ever has been (cure wounds does a lot of lifting)
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Two old men hanging out :)
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anne-the-insomniac · 7 days
More plot bunnies by I, who hasnt succumbed to the temptation of being a writer.
There is no set limit of fandom. I just go blink and it is here.
The bunnies.. oh god.
1. Chuuya as Cale.
- rather than KRS within it is Chuuya inside of Cales Body or sharing the same body like halfsies of the time within the body.
- At day its KRS at night it is Chuuya! Maybe..
- Both likes alcohol? Yes.
- Both red heads? Absolutely
- Both rich? Verily.
- You can mix in a Dazai in there... Maybe as Alver? Or as Barrow...?
2. Percy Jackson Harry Potter
- Child of Death (Thanatos) or Child of Magic (Hecate) Harry Potter.
- Main cast of Percy Jackson in there but with the addition of Harry Potter.
- Maybe with Ron and Hermione in the story.
- Child of Athena or maybe Child of Coeus Hermione?
- As for Ron I don't wanna change anything since the weasley family is great and the fact I seemingly can't decide a God that may fit in the moment..
3. Fullmetal Alchemist & Harry Potter crossover
- Ed somehow someway gets in the harry potter universe but during the time of Tom Riddle.
- Maybe through a deal with Truth or Amestris being a some type of undiscovered country.
- Ed may help Tom by stopping him with making horcruxes with Tom having a fascination with Ed because HE CAN TECHNICALLY MAKE HIM IMMORTAL.
- Make them rivals? Friends? LOVERS? FRENEMIES??? Any of these can fit actually.
- Rivals due to Ed being able to learn anything in a couple of months so him challenging Riddle with the golden good boy spot.
- Friends with them both being research buds. Ed is still rude and Tom still just wants knowledge from Ed. ( i dont think this is even friendship but sure.)
- Lovers two intelligent bastards with one of them wanting to be a inmmortal politician and one is a military man. Lovers out of convinience or actual romance? Who knows maybe Tom is using Edward as basically a way of gaining popularity within amestris and Ed using Tom as a way to learn more about the wizarding world.
- Frenemies with them equally hating eachother and will attempt to outsmart eachother but will assist when needed. Need a giant snake to get rid of a asshole sacrifice the said asshole to the basilisk call your good great annoyance Tom. Need knowledge to make yourself a immortal politician with power? Call Edward and hope he teaches you. (He will mostly likely wont but if he does you probably wont need to split your own soul.)
- Grindelwald is also yknow still there so maybe him and Dumbeldore as the main antagonists with minor ones called wizard racism.
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squadxx4392 · 1 year
Harry: *hitting Draco on the head* I want chicken nuggets and fries and sprite
Draco : *rubbing his head* oW-
Hermione : I want a chocolate milkshake and a large fry
Draco: I want to go home *gets out*
Theo : Wingardium Leviosa; FUCKING HELL
Pansy : Because you're never escaping! Now then, I want twenty nuggets with Honey Mustard to dip, a sweet tea, a large fry, and a mcflurry
Ron: Fine leave walk home no one likes you not even Harry shoo shoo
Harry : I will stab you in your sleep, Ronald. We share a room. Draco, istg if you get out this fuckin car-
Draco: *tearing up*
Ginny : Why are you crying-?
Blaise: God damn it Ronald. Look what you did you ginger prick.
Draco: Harry dOesnt Like meee 😢😢
Harry : *Giving Ron a death stare* wait- Love that's not TRUE- RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY ISTG-
Draco: *crying 😢*
Luna : *fed up* EVERYBODY SHUT UP!
Draco: *sniffle* *cry cry* *sniffle*
Hermione : Ronald apologize. Right fucking now.
Ron: No he was being a spoiled brat
Blaise : Fine. No McDonald's for you, then
Blaise : You really are pushing your McDonald's privileges
Pansy: He hates road trips with lots of people that's why he wants to leave -
Ginny : Nobody's going anywhere, we're leaving after we burn a few houses down. Hurry up and order, we're on a tight schedule here, Blaise!
Blaise: Draco, do you want anything?
Draco: *currently still crying*
Draco : *sniff* I want a large sweet tea and a mcflurry
Draco : *sniff sniff* make it four mcflurry's
Harry: Jesus Ronald, apologize.
Ron : Fine! I'm sorry, Draco!
Draco: *still crying 😢*
Cashier : What the- okay, what are you getting?
Blaise : uh yeah give me *gives all orders bc I'm not typing that shit*
Blaise: Damn and I thought my boyfriend was fat *handing the food to Pansy and Draco*
Ron : I'm not fat! Prude
Blaise: Yeah the way Draco and Pansy eat I shouldn't be calling you fat
Draco: *cries more* Now I don't feel like eating 😢😢
Hermione : Eat your mcflurrys! Blaise, drive! Get to the first house! Draco gets first burn down!
Blaise: *speeds to the first house*
Draco: *slowly eating mcflurries*
Harry : Here's the gas and here's the matches! Burn it down, babe!
Draco: *pours gasoline and lights the house while eating a mcflurry* Fire
Hermione : No no no, you're saying it wrong! It's FIYAHHH not Fire!
Draco: *walks towards it*
Blaise : Wingardium Leviosa; DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!
Harry: He'll be fine, he likes watching closely at the things he burns down
Harry: Reminds me of Bellatrix ngl-
Luna : No he was about to jump in the fire!
Draco: So pretty, I could just touch it
Hermione : *spraying Draco with a water gun* No! Bad ferret!
Draco: *gets really close staring at the flames*
Draco : *reaches a hand out to touch the fire*
Luna : ACCIO DRACO MALFOY! God damnit, Draco! Don't do that! Get in, I hear the cops coming! BLAISE DRIVE!
Blaise : *starts driving 300 mph*
Draco: *opens the door*
Draco: *jumps out*
Draco : *zooms into his seat*
Neville : *ties him down to the seat where he can't move at all*
Harry: Okay was tying him down necessary
Ron: *mumbles* Stop acting like you like him we all know you don't Harry 🙄
Blaise : He's tried to jump out the fucking car SEVERAL TIMES! YES IT WAS NECESSARY!
Seamus : *materializing from thin air* SHUT UP RONALD *disappearing into thin air*
Luna : Did I smoke too much weed- wtf-
Ginny: What in the world-
Hermione : Shit I need to lay off the weed-
Harry: *unties Draco* Be good. Understand.
Draco : *attempts to jump out again*
Harry : NOPE *ties him back down*
Draco : FUCK
Ron: This is why Harry doesn't like you
Dean : *materializing out of thin air* SHUT UP RONALD *disappearing into thin air*
Neville : I am going to fucking kms, istg-
Ginny: Oh it's just Dean and Seamus
Ron: Anyone else want to slap Draco
*Somewhere in Hogwarts*
Severus : Yes
Remus : Absolutely
Sirius : Of course!
Severus: Lucius let's Draco do all sorts of stupid shit mainly burn himself
Friend : NEXT EPISODE HOE!!! 😔
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Hi this is "severitus with alive Jilly au, unboxing horcrux gone wrong". I'm not going to write this because it will take time and those ideas are basically my good bye letter to this fandom. It's a little painful for me but I know I cannot stay in this fandom anymore. There are obviously more reasons but the main one is because this has been a central part of my childhood and I feel like I just cannot let it be a part of me for an unknown amount of time. I might return to it later in life but this is technically my goodbye to my childhood and me saying hello to adulthood officially (this is also why I'm staying an anon, I don't want to be associated with this fandom anymore, I want a clean break). This took a sad turn, but anyways, returning to the au.
You know the drill, I might also drop in
Bellatrix has a knife to my throat, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to say, I guess I don't have to say anything cuz Ron starts screaming
The rest of the week is kind of a blur everyone is panicking, we're sleeping in the Great hall, my parents come over and for some reason my dad asks what did I do to scare her off and is disappointed to find out I didn't do anything, she just kinda ran away after hearing Ron. My mom is kind of silent, she doesn't say anything, just asks if I got hurt "or something" (why did she say it like that does she not love me anymore?) and they just kind of leave after that, not making sure I was actually okay I wish Auntie or Peter were here instead of them
Snape did make sure I was okay, he gave me a cookie and a awkward head pat. Professor Lupin actually tries to talk to me, I appreciated that, he even offered to tutor me in any spell I wanted and I don't think any of us was expecting me to take up that offer. I had a dream where I couldn't cast a spell, it was called a Patronus and it apparently works against dementors, considering I still can't go outside without hearing children being tortured by a woman in a orphanage (I asked Tom about it and he apparently did grow up in an orphanage and we're his memories, I'm still not sure why am I hearing them but okay, sure, normal Tuesday shit for Harry Potter), I also know that Tom approves of this choice my soul was warmer that usual
Things go of as usual, aunt Petunia actually sends me an owl and that is a big step because usually hates owls.
I may not like being treated like I'm made out of glass by the rest of the school but I gained a new friend, Hermione, she is a little condescending and a little bit too nosey but she is super loyal and is willing to talk about things that Ron isn't ready for yet, like politics and bullies and the unfairness of being put a label on and being expected to act a certain way and how the wizarding world treats those they deam beneath them and how cute Blaise Zabini is and how hot Lavender is becoming. Though she is weirdly against dark magic and I am too, I think, but she takes it to a whole new level and now we are researching dark magic and how negatively it affect our society. I win three to one pro-dark magic.
School goes on and I have a bet with Ron and Hermione about the date of Snape and aunt Petunia's wedding because Spane handed me a letter from my aunt one morning and the Weasley twins said they saw a hickey of Snape's neck. I bet around summer after fifth year and summer before the forth year. Who cares I wasted twenty galleons, I'm rich, especially after my godfather dies.
I master the Patronus charm and leave everyone flabbergasted when I used it spontaneously on a dementor on my way to Herbology.
Somewhere in a tower towering over the school a batty old teacher named Trelawney said in a thousand voices that weren't her own but were: "That boy might as well save himself for Death if he is going to provoke him so, Death always loved a challenge." To bad the only person there to witness that didn't have any idea what that meant and thought that Trelawney was high and made a sexual joke so he laughed, like any 14 year old would, and went back to cleaning fake cristal balls.
The year ended so we went back home and I will spend the first month with my aunt and then head back to my parents. A scream is heard along the train and then another one and another one. Students are running along the hall so I get out of the compartment to see what's going on and a decapitated head (a boy in the year above me, a Hufflepuff), drenched in blood, lands at my feet (the only person who remebers what happens when you peak Death interest the only person who can begin to guess Harry's fate) with a a loud smacking sound and I look up from the blood filled floor and look into the eyes of a faded beauty, Bellatrix fucking Lestrange, in all her twisted glory.
The smiles at me, it's a gentle smile, it's the smile that a mother gives her child when their being endearing or funny, it's surprisingly... fond. "I finally found you again, my beautiful little doll." He grabs my collar with surprising force and forcefully drags me to a corpse filled compartment and the last thing I see before the window shatters behind me is her motherly smile.
'At least I can't lose the bet when I'm dead' is my last thought before pain erupted from my head and my back as hundreds of glass shards find their painfull home in my back.
Sorry for the wait, it took me 45 minutes to write this to make it quality to make up for my drunk ramblings last time, and don't worry, despite the cruelty I'm putting Harry through, he'll survive it somehow, he's a though little cookie.
Love you and your blog! Say hi to your wifey for me!
Oh! Well I’m proud of you for letting go! I’ll miss your asks!
Your idea is so good and I adore it!!! It was great that you put it out there before leaving! It’s very well thought out and I love the plot! You put some good thought into this.
You guys really inspire me to write.
“Thought that Trelawney was high and made a sexual joke, so he laughed” 😭😭 relatable
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This ^ had me in tears ngl 🤣🤣🤣 Blaise is cute…and Lavender is hot…no lies here
@moonlightdancer26 my anon says hi ☺️
Miss you 🥹
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chano4kauwu · 6 months
Maybe drop some oc lore? Like what they're like, interests, that kind of stuff? :0
Thank you for such a question/request! I am pleased to hear that someone is asking me about my OC :") I will try not to stretch this post by millions of letters. I have nothing to say anything definite about the characters, because all the action takes place in a world like ours. In America. About the characters, I will tell you a basic little information about each : ") I have 19 of my characters.
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Here I showed their physique and height. Plus I only needed the base colors of each character.
I'll start with the main three characters that I most often draw:
Fritz Hagen. He is 22 years old. He's German. He's a biology teacher at school. He is not a serious person at all, he constantly jokes stupidly and tries in every possible way to make amends to his ex-boyfriend, with whom they met - with Ron. He killed his parents as a teenager, so Ron has been afraid of him ever since, that he might kill him too. Fritz and Ron broke up two years ago. And Fritz can't let go of their breakup in any way, wanting to meet Ron again.
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Ron Williams. He's English. He is 25 years old and works as a chemistry teacher at the same school as Fritz. Ron is a terribly hot-tempered, dissatisfied person. He is well able to pretend to be an intelligent, well-mannered person - but in fact he swears most of all. He tries to avoid Fritz. But Fritz comes to him without asking. Deep down, Ron still loves Fritz and worries about him. In this world, the main role is played by the pupils in the eyes. His pupils are the same in his eyes, so he is gifted in the exact sciences, he has an excellent memory, logic, thinking. He had already had some knowledge of chemistry since he was 4 years old. He is also an albino.
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3. Ben Summers. He is an American and he is 17 years old. He goes to school with Ron and Fritz. They are his teachers. Ben was born with his Siamese twin brother. His brother died at the age of 5. He got a small and unhealthy heart, which could not stand it and stopped. Ben has been suffering from amnesia related to his parents since childhood. All his childhood he could not remember either their names or their faces. He was often scared of them because he saw them "for the first time". His mother died of an illness and his father crashed in an accident. He still doesn't know about it. His parents died when Ben was 10. He lived for some time with Fritz's family, who sheltered him. Ben also happened to witness the murder. Fritz knows Ben saw it, but he threatened him - if anyone finds out about it, Ben will face the same fate. He has been friends with Ron and Fritz since he was born.
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Ben (right) and his brother Al (left) 4. Claire Taylor. He is 27 years old. American. He works as a physics teacher at school with Ron and Fritz. He was called by a female name because the family was expecting a girl, but a boy was born. His mother bought a lot of things for the girl, and until the age of 7 he went in dresses, played with dolls, addressed himself in the feminine. He is a very touchy person. Manipulator and he is very jealous. He is also an owner. He dated Ron for a while. Until he found out that Ron was also dating Fritz at the same time, whom he hated. He hates his younger sister Margo more than anyone else in the world. Claire is the heaviest, nasty-looking person. nobody wants to have anything to do with him. Some are even afraid of him. There is also a pendant hanging around his neck. It's a gift from his girlfriend who died in a plane crash. She was the only one who could see a good person in him.
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Ron, Claire and Fritz/Claire and Edith are stuck together in an elevator.
5. Margo Taylor. She is 17 years old. American. She's a classmate with Ben. She is most afraid of her brother Clare. Especially at home. At school, she is the most beautiful girl, she wins many competitions wherever she participates due to her appearance. But in fact, she is a quiet, not noisy girl who only plays a role in public. She understands that many friends will turn away from her if she shows herself real.
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6. Edith de Fleur. 29 years old. A Frenchwoman. She is a French teacher at the school where Fritz, Ron and Claire work. She was most unlucky with relationships. Men do not look at her, considering her boring and not very interesting. She is a quiet, modest girl who has a personal home library. Her twin sister was married twice and she had many partners. She is madly in love with Ron and shows it to him in every possible way. But he doesn't seem to see it. At the same time, she does not notice the courtship from Claire, who already loves her, but she does not notice him already. Also, Edith's whole body is covered with many different freckles. Especially a lot of them on the face, shoulders, hips.
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7. Rick Evaco. 27 years old. Brazilian. He was born in the favelas of Brazil and lived for a long time in the poorest family. He is the oldest child. There are three children in their family. His father became very good friends with one of the influential people on the black market. He earned enough money so that Rick could leave Brazil and move to a prestigious place. He moved to Spain, where he was able to pass the exam and go to college. There he was able to show himself, his knowledge. Rick turned out to be not the stupidest, on the contrary - one of the smartest students. During the summer holidays, he visited America and became friends with Ron and Fritz, who helped Rick a little with money. Now he is a successful businessman who has two companies in Spain, one in Brazil and one in America.
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Rick with his sister. 8. Ines Sarto. 25 years old. Italian. A sweet, calm, quiet girl. She was in the same class as Ron at school while she was living in America. In Italy, she met Leah in a cafe. At that moment she was working as a waitress. Now Ines is engaged to Leah after a long relationship. Inez still communicates with Ron on the Internet. She often uses a translator, since she began to forget English.
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Ines and Leah 9. Leah Gentile. 26 years old. Italian. She was born in a large family. She is the second oldest child. There are 7 children in her family. Leah's parents are terribly religious people. She ran away from her family at 17 and stopped communicating with them at 20 when she said she was dating a girl. She smokes a lot, is a rude and tough girl. She protects Ines and worries a lot about her if she goes somewhere alone. She often swears and does not behave culturally in society. But not in front of Ines.
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10. Engel Weber. He is 26 years old. German. He is rude, not polite, harsh and uncomfortable person. For a long time he was close friends with Fritz. They were friends until Fritz pushed Engel's sister into a pit with iron bayonets. When Engel found out that Fritz had killed his sister, he swore revenge on him. But by the time he realized, Fritz had moved to America. Due to the loss of a loved one, Engel stopped caring for himself, he gained weight, he has mental and not only health problems. His hair was dyed gray with white tips. The only goal left was to take revenge on Fritz for what he had done.
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11. Josh Carter. 30 years old. American. He works as a teacher of several foreign languages at the same school as Fritz, Ron, Claire and Edith. He's a terribly deceitful, cunning man. He is never interested in the affairs of another person. If he asks something like that, it means he needs something. He was in three relationships, and only the last girl was able to injure him. There's a burn on his left side of his body. His ex-girlfriend threw a kettle of boiling water at him in the hope of killing him. But it didn't work out. He realized that all girls are fools and he remains single. The only one who really matters to him is his friend Henry.
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Josh and Henry 12. Henry Gate. 30 years old. American. He works as a psychologist at the school where Fritz, Ron, Claire, Edith and Josh work. He is a terribly sentimental, empathic person with weak nerves. For a psychologist, he takes everything too close to his heart. He often tries to help everyone to his own detriment. The only person who is particularly important to him is Josh. It is still a mystery to everyone how they were able to make friends. He is terribly fond of collecting books and drawing. Especially landscapes.
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13.Ed Ryder. 17 years old. American. He's a classmate with Ben and Margot. Ed lives with one father, his mother left them when Ed was 9 years old. My father's salary is not enough for normal living, and sometimes not enough for normal food. Ed is endowed with a slightly feminine physique and appearance. Therefore, he followed in his mother's footsteps and went to earn money through prostitution. So he was finally able to provide for himself on his own. Despite his position, he remains optimistic and often jokes. Especially on sexual topics.
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14.Amintas Exarchidis. 31 years old. Greek. He works as Rick's bodyguard. They became good friends, despite the closed and not verbose nature of Amintas. Aminats has three younger sisters and one older brother, who provided great support in his youth. He, like Rick, lived in a poor, not rich family, so they quickly found a common language. Despite the numerous scars that are on his body, he still tries to resolve any conflicts peacefully.
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