#royal blood lyrics meanings
I’m only halfway through Royal Blood’s album (I know I should be better. I’ve been slacking music wise *sigh) and it’s so much softer sounding than their other albums. I haven’t looked up the lyrics yet since I usually like to do the first listen just as is. Idk how I feel yet, but I do know I Wish I Cared Less is absolutely due for an update. Especially since I have more songs now. I have a very clear ending and it’s been the same ending I’ve planned from the beginning. I’m just not sure how I’m getting there yet cause I’ve changed my mind a million times. And though I love this verse I really think it needs to end, I don’t like when things are dragged on too long (I’m looking at you Asian dramas cause is 100+ episodes necessary!?! But also det co. Just end so I can stop caring. End my misery and don’t ship bait me cause that fucking sucks ass. I’ve been betrayed before and I’m still bitter). I opened up the doc after forever yesterday and worked on it a little. Since I’m done with the September prompts early, I’m hopefully gonna dedicate the rest of this month to finishing at least the chapter. I feel like it could end in maybe two more? I’ll be one more step closer to freedom. But that really means I won’t feel as bad when I start posting the midnights album fic (which I still need to finish too… it never ends I swear *sigh)
Update: this new fic on ao3 just got me so bad. I have to lie down. I mean I’m already laying down but Omm. I need a moment. I’m telling you CoAi fics written in Chinese just hit different
Update 2: okay now that my Steelers have won and I’m done crying over the win, I can go back to reeling over CoAi. Or I guess shinshi. If you can read fics in Chinese, do yourself a favor and read the latest fic by EvaRosalene cause it is so good! I just finished leaving my comment after thinking about it the whole day after reading it and I’m just… honestly my comment cannot hold a light to the fic, but I had to gush. I pride myself on being a great commenter, even if it’s just me rambling a lot. But it’s always genuine and it’s always me getting in my feels. Especially my long comments, like sorry but I can’t shut up if I really like something. I will let you know it! But anyways, go read the fic. It’s so good!
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ladykailitha · 11 months
Royal Pain Part 24
All righty, folks! Before we get to Steve, we have the band on tour and Eddie is really, really gonna go through it this chapter.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 Pt 13 Pt 14 Pt 15 Pt 16 Pt 17 Pt 18 Pt 19 Pt 20 Pt 21 Meta Pt 22 Pt 23
Once they were on the road and the euphoria of getting the job offer of a lifetime wore off, a sense of unease settled in Eddie’s gut. He knew he should feel excited. He was doing the one thing he always dreamed about doing ever since his mom gave him his first guitar. A sweet little acoustic that he had written “This Machine Slays Dragons”. He still had it, but right now it was safe with Wayne.
But he didn’t. He just felt empty. Not good or bad. Just...empty. Like a bottle leftover from some party. Once part of a good time, now just an empty shell.
Eddie looked over at his friends. Jeff and Brian were talking, while Gareth was asleep. He pulled out his sweetheart. The way he always did when he got down.
He closed his eyes and began to play. The chords where slow and mellow. He wasn’t sure how long he played like that, just pouring his soul out into his music, but when he opened his eyes he saw that all three of his friends were staring at him open-mouthed.
“Holy shit, dude,” Brian said after closing his mouth with audible click. “Where did that come from?”
Gareth waved a piece of paper in his hand. “I wrote down as much as I could, because seriously, that was fucking incredible.”
Eddie ducked his head and blushed. “I guess I just needed to work out some shit.”
Jeff and Brian shared a glance and then Brian moved over and sat next to him.
“I think I know what you mean,” he said. “And I think you should write the lyrics too.”
Eddie looked up at him and then at Jeff and Gareth. They nodded.
“I just don’t know,” he said. “It all feels too personal to write down.”
Jeff scoffed. “And that’s exactly why you should. Because it’s personal. There’s a damn good reason that you’ve written ninety percent of our songs, man.”
Gareth nodded. “Because you’re fucking brilliant at it. Write the song. I think everyone needs to hear it.”
Eddie nodded. He got right to work on the lyrics. Taking what Gareth had transcribed and reworking the song with the lyrics. He was nearly done by the time they stopped.
Brian patted his shoulder. “Hey, man. Don’t worry, we’ve got this. You continue working on your song. I’ll send someone to get you when it’s time for the sound check, okay?”
Eddie let out a shuddering sigh. “You guys sure you don’t need an extra hand?”
Gareth laughed. “Fuck we need several, but don’t worry about yours. They’re doing the important part.”
Jeff nodded. “Yeah, we’ve got this.”
Eddie wasn’t sure how long he was lost in his head working on the song, but he had just put down his pen when there came a knock on the door.
He got up to answer it and saw a small Hispanic woman standing out there. “Yeah?”
“It’s sound check time,” she said. “And the drummer said something about a set of headphones or something?”
Eddie looked around and spotted the sound-canceling headphones by the table. He picked them up. “I’ve got them. I’ll make sure he gets them.”
He closed the door but it hadn’t closed all the way because he heard her say, “God, what kind of loser wears noise canceling headphones to a metal concert.”
Eddie’s blood turned to ice. He picked up his guitar and carried it out of the bus.
Thankfully she wasn’t around otherwise he would have blown up at her.
He made his way through the labyrinth that was the backstage to get to where he needed to be for the sound check.
Gareth came running up to him. “Oh thank god! I thought I lost them already.”
Eddie scoffed. “Nope, just left them on the bus like a dork.”
Gareth stuck his tongue out at him.
Eddie got to work setting up for his kit. He was almost done when a sound guy came up to him.
“We’re having trouble syncing our sound to your drummer’s headset,” he told him. “Does he need them for this?”
“What’s the problem?” Eddie asked. “They didn’t have trouble in Indy.”
The guy sighed. “Our system is newer and it’s causing feedback.”
Eddie pulled out fifty bucks from his wallet. “Go buy a pair that works. And if that doesn’t cover it, I’ll pay you back.”
The guy just rolled his eyes and did as he was told.
They played that night to a sell out crowd. They were only opening for Metallica, but damn the crowd got them going. Afterwards he called Steve and chatted about their day. His day was more exciting to be sure, but he loved hearing about the client that passed out at the sight of the needle. Apparently they hadn’t realized that tattooing in involved the pesky things and had an absolute fear of them.
Then someone was tapping him on the shoulder telling him had to go. He said goodbye to Steve and was rushed out the door.
Even though they only had three shows in those two weeks, they were quickly learning that playing wasn’t the only thing a band had to do on the road.
There were parties, and talk and radio shows, and photo shoots, and signings.
Sometimes he would get to speak to Steve, but most of the time it was leaving voicemail after voicemail.
All around him he kept hearing:
“Three weeks isn’t a relationship! It’s a fling!”
“He’s not a fan of metal? What is he a fan of?”
James came up behind Eddie and clapped him on the back. “Everything okay back home?”
Eddie stared at his phone. He had just left his third message that day with Steve.
“Yeah,” he said, voice shaking a bit. “It’s just we were so new to the relationship part, we were friends before that, that I worry being on tour has hurt us in someway.
James nodded. “It’s hard being on the road, away from family. It’s why most of us take them with us when we can.”
Eddie chewed on his lip. “It’s hard because he has his own tattoo shop and recently took on two apprentices so he’s like super busy.”
James pursed his lips. “That can certainly make it hard. What time is he off?”
“Tell you what,” he said. “Instead of doing on encore tonight, why don’t you boys bow out and spend time talking to your families. It’ll be good for morale all around, I think.”
Eddie sighed gratefully. “Yeah. I’ll bring it up to them and see what they say.”
James squeezed his shoulder and went on his way.
“If the drummer doesn’t like noise why did he chose drums as an instrument?”
“A drummer that startles at loud noises? Get a new drummer!”
Lars paused them on their way to the sound check in Houston. “Hey, I know you guys are only doing a couple more shows, but after that fiasco with the Chicago guys me and the boys decided to spring for everyone to get a set of these.”
He handed the case to Eddie.
He opened it up to reveal little black earbuds. “What are these?”
“It’s what all touring artists wear,” Lars explained. “They’re fitted to cover the full inside of the earlobe to drown out the sounds around you so you can hear your own music.”
“Oh wow, that’s neat.” Eddie put one in and was amazed at the quality. “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”
Lars grinned. “It’s mainly for your drummer. Everyone deserves accommodations for any kind of disability and if the loud noises bother him, it makes it hard for everyone else to concentrate because you guys are worried about him.”
Eddie smiled. “Thanks!”
“It’s a pity that tattoo will never be finished. I could give you the name of my artist if you want!”
“It’s a shame that your tattoo artist wasn’t good enough to finish the tattoo before you left, maybe you could get covered with something else. Something better than that.”
The band was admiring Eddie’s back tattoo.
“I’m really liking the details, man,” Kirk said.
Robert nodded. “Hell yeah. Who’s your artist? He does some really sick work.”
Eddie blushed, grateful his back was too them. “He’s my boyfriend, Stevie.”
“Damn, you’ll never have to pay for another tattoo ever again,” Lars said. “Lucky.”
Jeff laughed. “Nah, knowing Steve, he’d probably charge Eddie an extra mayhem tax.”
Kirk and Lars shared a look and then nodded unison.
“Fair,” the said together.
Eddie yelped, “Hey!”
He turned to Gareth and Brian, but they agreed with Jeff, too.
“And they said I’m the menace.”
“Ooh, honey, let me take you somewhere private. Your boyfriend will never know.”
“It’s a shame he’s gay, all the girls are just gaga for that doe-eyed look of his.”
Eddie turned down another request to share his hotel room. Never mind that he was sharing with all the other members of Corroded Coffin and wouldn’t have had any kind of privacy. Never mind he had a boyfriend back home. Never mind he was gay.
It didn’t seem to matter with these people. Hot rock star equals slut apparently.
“How the hell do you do it?” he asked James. “You have been married to the same woman for twenty five years and you still get women throwing themselves at you.”
“It’s hard,” James said with a shrug. “But she’s more important then any roll in the hay ever will be.”
Eddie nodded, pursing his lips. Steve was more important then any roll in the hay. He could hold on to that.
“I know he’s your friend, but maybe it’s time to get a touring drummer. He can still record with you or whatever. But he’s really holding the band back right now.”
Gareth isn’t just some guy. He was family. He wasn’t even Corroded Coffin’s first drummer that dubious honor went Kyle Creevy, a snot nosed, freckled kid whose arms were barely thicker than the drumsticks he played with. But he moved right before Eddie’s ninth grade year and Gareth just slid into their lives.
They may have been playing at the Nightmare Holes for seven years but the band been together for much longer than that. They had been playing for over a decade. And unless they had someone that could learn their music in mere months were Gareth had taken years...they could fuck off.
God, the members of Metallica had been playing together for forty years and the only change they’d made was when a member fucking died.
“That back tattoo of yours is really not a good look. It’s the biggest part and no one will ever see it.”
Eddie couldn’t make them understand the tattoo wasn’t meant to be seen, it was meant to be felt. To put to feeling growing up as a small town pariah and making it out. Not ending up in jail like his dad or dead like his mom. To be the Freak and turn it into something special. To finally find his wings.
Steve understood. God, he missed Steve so much and he felt like he was pulling away. It was like a rubber band being stretched. It might snap or might not, but whatever happened it would never be the same.
The members of the band’s team shooed these people away when it got to be too much for him.
“Fame and fortune wait for no man. It’s time to lose the dead weight.”
He came close to punching that guy. Some haughty agent they met in Houston.
It was thrilling to watch security throw him out.
“The long hair went out in the eighties, darling. I really think a half shaved look would be better for you.”
Eddie laughed at that last one straight in their face. Kirk fucking Hemmet still had long curly hair, they could fuck the fuck right off.
But then the tour was over. They were going home.
Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@bookworm0690 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @aizawa-emma @yikes-a-bee @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @archermightbegay @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella @jonesn4coffee @slowandsteddie @awkwardgravity1 @steaddie-on
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ateez-himari · 20 days
A dive into the members' lineage following their new song about royalty.
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August 4, 2024 (5:01PM)
ATEEZ recently released another collaboration with BE:FIRST titled Royal and it encouraged some netizens to conduct research on the lineage of the members, which led to the rather surprising discovery that the lyrics 'Check my Royal blood' were indeed true. While clans no longer hold any hierarchal power in Korea and are slowly fading into nothing more than history, it is still interesting to learn about the impressive gathering of nobility in one singular group.
The group's captain, Hongjoong, hails from the Gwangsan Kim clan which is a royal family as per its members' blood relation to the third son of King Sinmu of Silla, Kim Hung-Gwang. The eldest, Seonghwa, is a member of the Miryang Park family who held the title of royalty as well since they descend from 10th century Prince, Park Eon-Chim, the son of King Gyeongmyeong of Silla. Their stunning visual, Yeosang, belongs to the Jinju Kang clan which is an honorary military family, much like main rapper Mingi, who comes from the Yeosan Song clan, which is one of the oldest Korean clans. The Choi brothers, vocalists San and Jongho, descend from the noble Gyeongju Choi family, whose mottos as well as stanzas focus on being a genuine person and helping others. Two of the group's members, Wooyoung and Yunho, have not yet confirmed their clans.
The most impressive lineage however is their youngest, Himari, who has inherited noble blood from both parents along with direct descent from figures linked to the thrones of both Japan and Korea, which would now offer a different meaning to the nickname Hime (princess) that members often use. The maternal side of her family hails from the Konoe aristocratic family, whose parent house is the Hokke branch of the Fujiwara clan, a powerful family of imperial regents who sat on the throne for twelve consecutive years. Her family tree reportedly includes Konoe Sakiko, the mother to the 108th Emperor of Japan, Emperor Go-Mizunoo, the first to reign entirely during the Edo period.
The paternal side of her family hails from the Yeoheung Min clan who were granted the title of nobility and descends directly from Empress Myeongseong, who was the first Queen of Joseon assassinated by the Japanese since the foundation of the Joseon dynasty in 1392. It was known that she was more active in political affairs than the King himself and was the first Queen to have contact with the West, due to her reported outstanding diplomatic attitude.
The most notable example of people finding this royal link almost intuitively would be fashion designer Donatella Versace, who has mentioned several times that the vocalist seemed to have the grace of a princess, which is what drew her in. It has also been noted by people that she along with San seemed to have kept some of these noble mannerisms and could almost be mistaken as such at first glance.
After being recognized by the man named 'King of K-Pop' by the nation, one could argue that Himari is getting closer to sitting on a golden throne, though not ruling over a nation but an industry.
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thaywrites · 3 months
ᯓ★ PALAYE ROYALE PROMPTS, a collection of prompts / lyrics taken from palaye royale’s songs from their album, the bastards.
( mentions of possibly triggering subjects such as violence, self-harm, death and more. ) 
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i can’t take this. i’ve been a little patient.
i’ve got to get away a little faster.
run, you little bastards.
fake friends all around, they watch while i drown. no one is there to help me.
sometimes i’ve been losing my mind, running out of faith.
i’ve been feeling lonely, put me in my place.
so, fuck you — i don’t even like you.
no sleep, got another nosebleed. i can’t feel my face.
indecisions have been breaking my sanity.
retaliation when i’m full of anxiety.
a band-aid on a bullet hole that’s still bleeding.
numb you up until you can’t feel a goddamn thing.
a generation full of anti-sobriety. a generation that is full of anxiety.
all the voices in your head that keep talking.
all the blood on your skin that keeps crawling.
i was born to be anything i wanted to be, raised to be fucking mean.
i’m a masterpiece.
blasphemy meet again in a world so vicious.
mothers scream, fathers drink and all you bastards scream.
lonely, another day. drowning, please save me.
i am struggling in my own daydream.
i know i can’t live much longer, hear the angels sing.
could I be a prisoner to the voices in my brain.
my mind is gone to waste, can’t stand to look at my face.
all these thoughts inside my head will be silenced by the bang.
believe me when i say tonight is the night i die.
as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i look at you as i take my last breath.
as i die and fall to the floor, my pain and suffering is no more.
my life don’t mean that much to me so i’m living for you.
and you can’t stand the sight of me so what’s the point of this fucked up catastrophe?
i pop these pills to waste some time as i’m fading.
too lazy for a suicide, i just watch the days pass hoping to die.
daydreaming of my funeral — like who would show, bet no one would go.
hey dad, would you show up for me now? just to bury your little boy in the ground.
you broke my heart when you left me.
so sick and tired of being alone. so long, farewell — i’m on my own.
i dug this grave i call my home.
twist the knife just a bit further.
don’t look at me — i think about murder.
i think i’m about to explode. i think i’m goin’ to have a nervous breakdown.
start to feel myself panic again and all the blood rushes to my head.
you say you love me but you still left me — i guess that’s why i hate myself.
you say it’s over but you’re still calling — i guess that’s why i live in hell.
my brain has been fucked enough. please, stop wasting all my thoughts.
cut my throat and please let me go.
’cause i’ve been craving your sweet haven.
so i keep turning while your body burns to the ground.
don’t try to tell me that i should go softly.
just look me in my eyes and feed me your sweet lies.
i’ll cut through your alibis.
hang a cross upside down. your church is burning down.
just take me for the night.
do you see what i’ve become? why are you still holding on?
something lingers in my veins, that’s telling me i’m not the same.
i am sinking now. the water’s over my ears and i can’t hear no sounds.
scream out or drown — can you hear the voice say now?
go home and back to sleep, and count the black sheep. 
go on away from me, i am the black sheep.
you said it’s all in my head, you said it’s all in my brain.
there’s nothing left that you can say to me.
i am everything you hate.
i am unwanted, i’m not the answer. you were hoping that i’d change.
you push me down once again because i seem different.
i see you for what you are
it’s something in your eyes that look past my scars.
where do you go when you leave in the night? ‘cause i see those teary eyes.
i am the only hope for you and you are the only hope for me, too.
i just wanted you.
so stay this time. don’t go away.
the end is near, i really don’t want to know.
it’s haunting me to watch you go.
can’t you see that everyone is dying?
the animals are crying, religions are dividing as my family keeps on fighting.
now i’m caught in something — my eternal suffering.
looking for the meaning of it all but i got nothing.
don’t know where i’ll go when i die, must be better than this.
ain’t it sad when you got nowhere to go? got no place to call your home. burden to everyone you know.
i try just not to think about my life so i do another line. it keeps me numb just for the night.
and i’m here just waiting for you to come home.
and i’m screaming all on my own with the revolver and a note.
will you please pick up the phone? will you please come back home?
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bluelotuswrites · 8 months
Red is the Color of Sinners playlist
Welp. It's official! Red is the Color of Sinners was posted one year ago today! I unfortunately don't have a new chapter for the anniversary because life is a bitch. So have this playlist instead.
Feel free to add on in comments or tags what songs you think fit the series. Also, pay attention to the lyrics. Some of them may or may not be hints to future fics ;)
(All of these are on YouTube BTW because I don't have Spotify)
The End of Jason Todd- the Smyrk
Red Hood's Titans Theme
Blossoms- The Amazing Devil
Bottom of the River- Delta Rae
Ain't No Sunshine- Bill Withers
Daredevil Rock Theme- KillSwitch
A Sadness Runs Through Him- The Hoosiers
Sinners- Barns Country
Climbing the Eyewall- Diablo Swing Orchestra
Religion- Isak Danielson
Little Lion Man- Mumford and Sons
Remedy - A rock song about existential crisis- Some Fish
Church- Fall Out Boy
Somehow You Know What I Mean- The Bohicas
Hell to Your Doorstep- The Count of Monte Cristo Musical
Tongues and Teeth- The Crane Wives
Snake Oil Baptism- Diablo Swing Orchestra
The Garden- The Crane Wives
New Invention- IDKBTFM
Funeral- Neoni
Red Hood Theme- Blush
Angry Too- Lola Blanc
Human- Rag'n'Bone Man
The Jesuit Blues- EXORCISTIC Musical
For the Departed- Shayfer James
Arsonist's Lullabye- Hozier
Moscow- Autoheart
Future- Mystery Skulls
Stalker's Tango- Autoheart
Hayloft PT II- Mother, Mother
Paint it Black- The Rolling Stones
Tamer- Beautiful Crime
Trouble's Coming- Royal Blood
This is Gospel- Panic! at the Disco
Bury a friend- Billie Eilish
Heathens- Twenty-One Pilots
Too Sweet- Hozier
Horns- Bryce Fox
I See Red- Everybody Loves an Outlaw
Bleed- Xabien
The Waking Nightmare- Frakenstein the Musical
Thanks @speaching for the Isak Danielson song, it fits very well
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sloshed-cinema · 11 days
Robin Hood (1973)
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There's something to be said for brevity.
The Disney imagining of the Robin Hood tale cuts right to the chase, trimming fat with a blade even more accurate than our favorite charitable outlaw with a bow and arrow. Oh, Robin Hood and Marian need to get hitched by the end? Well, there’s nothing like a classic childhood crush background to fast-track that particular plot thread, and when in doubt a quick shot of them giving each other fuck-me eyes to rival those of Nala in The Lion King can help eliminate confusion. Know that there’s a famous contest where Robin Hood wins a golden arrow while in disguise? Let’s just skip to the good stuff. King Richard shows up at the end to set everything aright? If anything, this is the most honest adaptation in that it makes no bones about how arbitrary and ludicrous the ending is: one scene Robin Hood is bedraggled in a moat, the next we’re seeing his wanted poster being exonerated. King Bro shows up, kicks out John, and lets Robin Hood get hitched with Marian, bada bing, bada boom. Does it give big “oops we ran out of budget” type of energy? Sure. But it gets us through. Far more focus is lavished on sight gags and endless chases (which are recycled in the opening credits), but you know what? We’re here to see silly animals whack each other and possibly experience strange feelings about that rakishly handsome fox, so it’s all good here.
Little John pulling on bloomers while getting into drag for the opening fortune teller scam against King John somehow makes the movie’s Winnie the Pooh wardrobe situation all the more horrifying. When dealing with cartoon anthropomorphic animals, a certain degree of outfit ambiguity can be expected. But it’s when there are wild variations or deviations that that movie can give one pause. Some citizens of Nottingham go without trousers, others seem to favor an open-front concept. I suppose in a world where Sir Hiss can don a little capelet and nothing else and still be royal advisor, all bets are off. One thing’s for sure, though: the traveling minstrel Alan-A-Dale is definitely winning the Best Dressed contest, iconic tunic of our hero notwithstanding. Though aside from his opening ballad, he really ought to up his lyrical effort.
Lackeys of King John shooting at children in cold blood aside, there lurk some shockingly metal moments at the heart of this otherwise lighthearted and charming affair. Upon our introduction to Marian and her handmaid, the women’s first act is to role-play fucking regicide with the random kids who showed up in their garden. I mean, don’t mince your words about how you feel about your uncle and all…
Someone says 'tax'.
Sir Hiss sustains what should probably be a fatal injury.
King John calls for his mother.
Robin Hood dons a new disguise.
Sir Hiss emulates arms with his snek body.
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analiaink-12 · 6 months
Everyone, bow to one of the very first royal members of Melodia
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Introducing, PRINCE LYRIC!! A mischief, kind, gentle and charming Prince from an old kingdom
which name is unknown for now...
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This young prince had the blessing ability of healing and change the mood of the kingdom with his sweet and melodic voice
Powerful blessing that has been inherited from generation to generation by the royal blood
Although, that doesnt mean he wont take the chance to have fun with such power, of course
The oldest between his other two siblings, with the responsibility of the future king of the kingdom and bringing peace to all
Unfortunately... Destiny had other plans for him. After a great and wild war with a weird race of creatures called "Noizoids" the poor prince disappeared, without leaving any trace
In the days where Symphony City rised as a new kingdom, the tale of the prince was the talk among the citizens, but with the pass of the years, it was something only royalty knew about
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🦇 We Free the Stars Book Review 🦇
❓ #QOTD What's your favorite found family story? ❓ 🦇 Zafira and Nasir return to a ghostly Sultan’s Keep, low on resources and allies alike. The dark forest has fallen, but the kingdom teems with fear of the Lion of the Night’s return. As Nasir fights to command the dark power in his blood, Zafira fights against a very different darkness festering through her bond with the Jawarat. Can they defy the darkness surrounding them to find the light?
💜 My lovely romantasy readers. While we're all waiting for a certain dragon book, why not slip into a rich, vivid, Arabian-inspired epic fantasy that will HAVE YOU ON YOUR KNEES for an intense, slow-burn, enemies-to-lovers ship? We Free the Stars (the second book in the Sands of Arawiya duology) provides all that AND SO MUCH MORE.
💜 Hafsah Faizal is an absolute MASTER at intricate, eloquent, powerful prose. Between the stunning setting, realistic characters, and absolute wit, you'll remain enthralled with every page. As our rag-tag found family "zumra" races to restore magic, you'll remain seeped in Arawiya's world and Faizal's spell-casting language. It's lyrical, action-packed, full of longing and loss. As captivating as the world-building and attention to detail are, it's the characters that bring this story to life. Many romantasy stories focus solely on the main ship, but Zafira's relationships with her sister, best friend, a daama book, and those she's lost weigh on her heavier than her father's cloak ever did. Those relationships are meaningful, still growing, capable of shattering with a single mistake--much as real relationships are.
💜 Zafira and Nasir have suffered so much, but still find one another in stolen moments that can steal your heart just as swiftly. The build from enemies to allies to the possibility of more is authentic, never rushed, leaving you craving more with every page yet never denying readers too long. The development is authentic; a dizzying, delightful slow-burn that never steals from the main story.
💙 Unfortunately, the second half of this duology relies deeply on miscommunication. Again, the characters internalize a LOT, causing the pacing to drag at certain points. Some points of conflict were avoidable, if only the zumra spoke to one another (instead of Zafira talking to a daama book that sasses back). The third part of the book, while sweet, felt a little unnecessary, dragging out scenes that could have been collected into an epilogue.
🦇 Recommended for all romantasy fans, namely fans of Ember in the Ashes, Rebel of the Sands, The Wrath & the Dawn, Spice Road, and The City of Brass.
✨ The Vibes ✨ 🌙 Young Adult Epic Fantasy 🧭 Sands of Arawiya Duology 🏹 Magic ✨ Assassin/Huntress Enemies to Lovers 🌙 Lyrical and Spellbinding 🧭 Arab & Muslim Inspired/Writer 🏹 Triple POV ✨ "I came to kill you but fell for you" 🌙 Found Family 🧭 Royal Court/Political Intrigue 🏹 Slow Burn & Super Angsty
💬 Quotes ❝ “You seem to have no trouble being the end of me.” ❞ ❝ “Habibi. Hayati. Roohi. My love, my life, my soul, the words meant, but their meanings went deeper than that. Habibi was for friends and love that was real enough. Hayati was when love became an all-encompassing thing. Deeper and deeper, until one became the others life. Roohi was when a soul twined with its match and loved with the force of a thousand suns. When it slipped beneath the heart and tangled in the very fibres of an existence.” ❞ ❝ "You’re like a room full of books. Every time I see you, I discover something new.” ❞ ❝ They suffered alone. Quiet and brave. It was easy to believe that anyone who did not speak of suffering did not suffer. ❞ ❝ My bladed compass, sheathed in starlight. ❞ ❝ His compass. His queen. His life. ❞ ❝ He had been the Amir al-Maut until she had come and torn the monster to shreds with sharp words and coy glimpses. ❞ ❝ You’ll have me. No matter how thick the night, I will always be there to light your way. ❞ ❝ "They say the soul cannot rest until it finds its match. Then it ignites." ❞ ❝ “Do my people not deserve the freedom of yours? Do you know how it feels to stand beside others forged of the same flesh and bone and still be treated as inferior? As someone undeserving?” ❞
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The Impossible Choice Series
✨ Music Themes Moodboard ✨
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If you want to feel musically how these series and characters feel, then I invite you to listen to the songs, that I associate with them - it's not even about the lyrics, but just the vibe!
Series Main Theme
Hurts - The Road
Aemond Theme
IAMX - I Come With Knives
Prince Aemond terrified everyone and most of the court kept their distance from him. He didn't talk or discuss with anyone, he only practised and fought with Criston Cole and made no friends. He seemed a cold, stone-faced, haughty man without a heart and without his ground, which is why, along with being called a one-eyed prince, he was called the prince of nothing.
Lady Baratheon Theme
A-ha - Minor Earth, Major Sky
From childhood, Lady Baratheon was regarded as an extension of her father and brother, and although she herself was not taken seriously, her father and brother's attachment to her was genuine. They saw in her an ease with the sword, an understanding of battles and the affairs of men, that her sisters shunned. This led to a situation that, although happy, Lady Baratheon was not well prepared for what awaited her at the royal court, a loneliness and cool politeness that had nothing to do with sincerity.
Aemond and Lady Baratheon Theme
U2 - Electrical Storm
There was a perception at court at the start of the prince's marriage to Lady Baratheon that he had subjugated her, treating her objectively like just another servant. As Lady Baratheon made it clear, that she had no intention of befriending the ladies of the court, and as the affections her husband had for her grew, the women began to refer to her derisively as 'the princess'. To the ladies of the court their love seemed animalistic and brutal, the prince being able to grab her suddenly by the cheeks or neck in front of everyone gathered. Their servants strolling past the prince's chamber at night, reported to their ladies the sounds as if of pain and pleasure that came from there, certainly belonging to the married couple.
Aegon Theme
Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again
Aegon knew that his younger brother had everything he needed to be a good king - patience, self-control, determination, a thirst for knowledge, perseverance in training and combat. Despite his jealousy, he never refused to use his skills, seeing him as the only valuable adviser, not believing and not trusting his grandfather and father.
Helaena Theme
Enya - Aníron
Helaena has always shown incredible sensitivity and closeness to the animal world, which is why she easily tamed her dragon, astounding her brothers. She was haunted by dreams and visions, words the meaning of which she did not understand, which then found reflection in the future.
Daemon Theme
U2 - Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill me
Daemon was a child, and then a young man, wild, uncouth, unstoppable. His bond with the dragon was incredible, they were connected by fiery characters. He was famous for his explosiveness and mood swings, thrown into madness, overwhelmed by an excess of emotions, pushed aside as a second brother, a non-heir to the throne.
Alys Theme
Garbage - The World Is Not Enough
After her half-brother Larys Strong took over, she knew, that she had to act quickly. She saw blood in her dream, she saw a rose bush without flowers, full of thorns. She knew what it meant, she knew, that evil would come with him. She avoided him as much as she could, hiding in the shadows, wrapping his guards and fellows around her finger. She saw the way they looked at her, knew what to do, how to make them want her. She didn't impose on them, merely showing them what they could have, her gaze was enough to make sure, that they couldn't forget her.
I'll probably add some more songs in the future, so stay tuned! I have a lot of memories with all of this songs but Electrical Storm is one of my favorites love songs and it's fit it here perfectly, if you didn't ever hear it before, do it now!!!! Remember that all fanarts and music videos are welcome, I love your involvement in this story!!!!
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nematanthus · 26 days
Album Review: For Those That Wish To Exist- Architects
In collaboration with @arfarfblegh
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Release Date:
February 26, 2021
Do You Dream Of Armageddon?
Black Lungs
Giving Blood
Discourse Is Dead
Dead Butterflies
An Ordinary Extinction
Impermanence (feat. Winston McCall of Parkway Drive)
Flight Without Feathers
Little Wonder (feat. Mike Kerr of Royal Blood)
Goliath (feat. Simon Neil of Biffy Clyro)
Demi God
Dying Is Absolutely Safe (feat. Liam Kearley of Black Peaks)
Favorite Track:
Black Lungs
Least favorite track:
Giving Blood
Album art opinions:
The album features an astronaut in a white space suit standing in the middle of a church chapel illuminated by the light from some large stained glass windows (only one of which is visible) and some electric lights on sconce-like fixtures. Aside from being a striking image, it illustrates the albums themes of religion and environmentalism. A picture is worth a thousand words, and this cover tells a story in and of itself.
Color: 7/10
Recognizability: 6/10
Vibes: 10/10
Total: 8/10
Music opinions/notes:
I had a very difficult time picking a least favorite for this album. Everything was well done. The instrumentals, the vocals, lyrics, and the overall theme. There was a clear direction for this album, and it was executed beautifully. Stylistically, we've reached the full influence of guitarist Josh Middleton, which means another new style of modern Architects, both continuing on from the base built with Holy Hell but also something refreshing and new.
Mix: 9/10
Lyrics: 8/10
Instruments: 8/10
Vibes: 9/10
Total: 9/10
Total Score: 9/10
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roblingoblin285 · 2 years
Rob's Corner Masterlist!
welcome to Rob's Corner! asks are always encouraged, and I love to interact with people :)
stuff i write:
wing whump, superhero whump, parent figure caretaker + whumpee, child figure caretaker + whumpee (depends on the series), pretty much anything i damn well please.
ask games:
rob's corner whump asks (status: active)
Millhaven (main universe, whumpees and caretakers switch around a lot. they're all sad.)
Day 17: Abandoned
Day 27: Wiping away tears
Fall From Grace (superhero au: winged parental villain whumpee, ex-hero caretaker, hero whumper)
Character picrews + Character Sheets
Song lyrics (ask)
💜 anon Ask 1
Day 1: Going into shock
Day 2: Helping an escape
Day 3: Gentle wound care
Day 4: Walking them home
Day 5: Lies
Day 6: Failed escape
Day 7: Hair pulling
Day 8: Losing grounding in reality
Day 9: Offering a hand
Day 10: Watching TV together
Day 11: "I know exactly what you need"
Day 12: "There's nothing to apologize for"
Day 13: "Do you have any idea what I've done for you?"
Day 14: Stumbling
Day 15: Dislocation
Day 16: Knees buckling
Day 18: "I didn't mean to, I'm sorry"
Day 19: "Please don't touch me"
Day 20: Gaslit into doubting reality
Day 22: Toxic
Day 23: Brutal breakdown
Day 24: Defiance
Day 25: "I would say I'm sorry, but I'd be lying"
Day 26: Painful wound care
Day 28: Anger borne of worry
Day 29: Presumed dead
Day 30: "Missed me?"
Fall From Grace masterlist continued here
Scientia et Labor (winged lab whumpee, scientist caretaker)
Day 21: Heavy shackles
Day 43: Impaled
May I Come In? (human whumpee, winged vampire caretaker)
Day 47: Tied to a pole in the sun
Out of Their Element (very young (about 13) servant whumpee, parental winged royal caretaker)
Day 46: Whipping
Day 95: Muffled screams
Day 101: Bedside vigil
Day 107: Waking up disoriented
Day 108: "Please, sit down"
Day 109: Strangled
Day 112: Denial
Day 113: Hypothermia
Day 114: First time being treated for wounds
Day 116: "You're making a mess"
Day 117: Reverting back
Day 120: "I didn't know you felt that way"
Day 121: Blood-covered hands
Beretta (henchmen whumpee(s), boss caretaker (+fellow henchmen caretaker)
Day 45: Taking bullets in their place
365 day writing challenge taglist: @stabby-nunchucks @whumpdreamz
Fall From Grace (+adjacent) taglist: @thekittyburger @whumpdreamz
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okwonyo · 5 months
right right, wonyo’s grown up in Atlanta so she’ll obvi be good with lyrics, but even the songs where she didn’t write the lyrics are app good? blue blood kinda of shocked me at first because the whole concept of it is that back in olden times europeans believed that only royals had blue blood…and that being translated into a k-pop song was mind blowing for me ngl
yesyes ! they put a lot of efforts in the lyrics and it’s meaning >< that is what i love about ive music, it’s beautiful and very meaningful keke
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accidentalbi · 7 months
a small assortment of lyrics from my playlists, 4 - ?
" Livin' like kings comes with a price, don't it? "
" Funny how it all works out in the end. "
" You're playing with fire. "
" You're playing with fire, living in sin. "
" Nothing's ever free, is it? "
" When the big bad wolf comes running around, you better get yourself right out of town. "
" Royal hearts are meant to break. "
" Everybody's got a big debt to pay. "
" Some lost souls never get found. "
" Dance with the devil and you lose your head. "
" With the dice in my hand, I'll put the devil away. "
" I can feel you. "
" I can hear you howling in my bones. "
" There's an evil lurking in the dark. "
" I can't tell where you end and where I start. "
" A ferocious diagnosis under moonlit hands. "
" Will the man become the monster, or the monster become man? "
" It's fight or fright in the full moonlight. "
" You can run, but you can't hide. "
" No one can break my heart like I can. "
" Smile for the camera, but don't flash your teeth. "
" Everybody loves a mystery. "
" Seductively destructive, we are true romance. "
" A beast who's burdened by his bite. "
" Nothing lasts forever, even guilty pleasures. "
" Who's that knocking at your door? "
" You've got lots to answer for. "
" Cross your heart and hope to die, swear that you won't tell no lie. "
" You got problems now, my friend. "
" The truth's gonna come out someday. "
" It's gonna wipe that smile right off your face. "
" You saw things that shook your core. "
" You've got no one you can trust. "
" Point your finger and deny. "
" It's an old scar. "
" And it's my whole heart, deemed and delivered a crime. "
" I'm on trial, waiting 'til the beat comes out. "
" Who's a heretic now? "
" I'm not beaten by this yet. "
" You can't tell me to regret. "
" Set fire to the roses on my grave. "
" My soul ain't yours to save. "
" When the reaper comes knocking at my door, we'll be going twelve rounds. "
" Tell the devil I'll be comin' back for more. "
" I'm meeting all my vices in the ring. "
" Step inside, I ain't afraid to bleed. "
" I ain't afraid to bleed. "
" There ain't a casket strong enough for me. "
" I'm black and blue, my back's against the ropes. "
" Who's gonna listen when you run out of lies? "
" Who's gonna hear you when your words seem worthless? "
" Who's gonna save you when you're out of time? "
" Who's gonna want you when you're on your knees? "
" Please take me at my word, I'm desperate. "
" I swear I never meant to hurt no one. "
" Please stay for what it's worth. "
" You're on your own. "
" You should've known that you've been dancing with a wolf. "
" I'm not your friend, you burned that bridge. "
" There's no love for a liar. "
" Fool me once and shame on you. "
" Fool me twice and let the wolves come crashing through. "
" Heaven need a sinner. "
" You can't raise hell with a saint. "
" Came to start a riot. "
" Heaven hate a sinner. "
" We're gonna raise hell anyway. "
" Baby, sell that soul. "
" Heaven, fare thee well. "
" Stand and deliver. "
" Everybody wants to know if we fucked on the bathroom sink. "
" And how you laughed when you said my name. "
" And how you gripped my hips so mean. "
" We wrote a story in the fog on the windows that night. "
" But the ending is the same every damn time. "
" I don't have to fuckin' tell them anything. "
" That's the beauty of a secret. "
" That's the beauty of a secret; you know you're supposed to keep it. "
" Everybody's waiting up to hear if I dare speak your name. "
" Everybody's waiting up to hear if I dare speak your name, or put it deep beneath the track like the hole you left in me. "
" Everybody wants to know about how it felt to hear you scream. "
" You walk like you're a god. "
" Can't believe I made you weak. "
" Take me to the good times. "
" Don't forget what you told me. "
" I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing. "
" There's no escaping. "
" My blood's pumping. "
" Devil's in the details. "
" I can see the future. "
" Ain't nobody gonna fuck with me. "
" I never felt so low, but I love the way I look with this bloody nose. "
" Look how many hits it took ya. "
" I mix pain with a little satisfaction. "
" They go together just the same to me. "
" I'm just trying to stay ahead of the action. "
" My smile still shows through my bloody nose. "
" I smile, but there's blood in my reflection. "
" There's violence in the poetry. "
" When it's over, there's no resurrection, at least for you and me. "
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my-st0ff · 1 year
Something Soft and Delicate
Chapter Four
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Cullen Rutherford x female reader
Song: Drain You - Nirvana (lyrics in bold)
It had taken you until you were returned to Skyhold to fully render that it was now nighttime of the same day you had experienced this morning. This bewildered you. You sat beside Cullen on your royally lengthy dining table and did your best to chew and swallow the grossly red slab of meat that spoiled your otherwise pristine and expensive-looking china plate. It expelled runny juices that were too watered down to be identified fully as blood yet too crimson in colour for your mind to associate it with any other liquid. All the while you attempted to ignore Cullen's edgy eyes continuously flickering between his own food and your trembling hands that floated above yours with a knife and fork.
Cullen: "It's okay, y/n. Your home now and I'm here"
You remain unreactive as he slowly moves in to kiss your temple and then gently move your chin to face him with his index and pointer so that he can press his forehead to yours.
Cullen: "I'm so sorry, y/n. I can never forgive myself for letting this happen to you."
You watch his eyeballs twitch below their lids and his brow furrow as you keep your eyes open during this intimate moment.
Cullen: "I swear to the maker I shall never again allow any single soul to harm you"
He affirms to you in a low almost whisper of a voice. He finally pulls away and it feels as if you can breathe again. Cullen smiles at you.
Cullen: "Right, it is now my duty to completely drain you of any hurt you have in your soul and see to it that we can commence our "honeymoon""
Your face has contorted into a confused and slightly agrovated look. 'I haven't spoken a word since I've returned... how is he so eager to put this to rest, this is important'.
You: "Huh?"
Cullen's face lights up when the tiny noise escapes your mouth after over an hour of quietude.
Cullen: "Huh... what?"
He eagerly pushes you on to expand upon yourself.
You: "We cannot just lay this to rest... have you no concept of morality"
You reel back in shame and distress as you speak.
Cullen: "I... I don't understand, my love"
You: "You killed a man today"
You hiss. Cullen appears dismayed and offended.
Cullen: "A man who was holding my wife captive"
He gets progressively louder yet keeps a calm tone to his words to reassure you he means you no threat. You shake your head and fold your lips inwards in an attempt to protect them from trembling.
Cullen: "I'm sorry"
He retreats, twisting in his seat so that he can pull your cold hands towards him and clasp them within his, his thumb rubbing back and forth gently onto the back of one of the them.
Cullen: "You shouldn't have had to see that"
You turn your head to meet his eyes.
You: "I've seen- no I've killed plenty, Cullen. I fought in a war. But I have never killed an innocent individual, never"
Your words with an edge like a razor blade.
Cullen: "I cannot say the same... you knew that... but who I put an end to today was a vile, evil man"
You all of a sudden bring yourself to your feet and begin pacing to the hall door with your head down and arms folded in a clear display of weakness.
Cullen: "Where are you going?"
He demands.
You carry on walking in silence, hearing the squeak of a chair being forced along wooden flooring as Cullen stands.
Cullen: "Come back and eat, don't act so childish"
His words manifest a tense and angry atmosphere. Cullen paces after you but you stop him in his tracks by spinning around to finally face him.
You: "Don't follow me"
Cullen: "I need to know whatever it is you mean, please"
You: "That man's daughter died because of me... because of my petty, pathetic crimes as a young woman and he thought he'd find some closure in knowing I was punished for what I've done. He just wanted his daughter back, Cullen... we were leaving for Skyhold when you burst in, I was going to help him make a better life for himself"
Towards the end of your sentence your eyes and nose start to run with emotion. You bring your hands up in an attempt to conceal tears. Cullen stands speechless.
You: "Maybe if you weren't so fucking dependent on me!"
Your throat sounds raw as you cry out your hormonal words.
Cullen: "I... what is that supposed to mean"
His gaze focuses on the floor beside you in shame and his words are mousy.
You: "You practically sent out an army the moment I wasn't in Skyhold!"
Cullen: "You were gone for hours and I couldn't find you in town"
His expression suggests begging and his tone makes it evident he himself is doing all he can to not cry. You turn to go again but stop when you immediately hear scurrying footsteps after you and turn back.
You: "See! Dependency! You want me to chew your meat for you as well!"
Then, under his breath, he speaks under gritted teeth.
Cullen: "So grateful"
You open your mouth as if to speak but lose the idea of speech all together, surrendering with the simple action of walking away. Retreating to your room to do nothing other than sit on the edge of your bed with a bouncing knee and a woozy headache. You managed to direct your attention aventually to the desk and chair that sat against the wall opposite you. You push yourself up to your feet and stand still for a moment so you can focus on keeping yourself steady. Once stable you trot over to your desk and collapse into the chair in such a literal sense that the wooden legs of your desk bend and skid across the ground a bit with the force of your push on it when you sit. After adjusting yourself to get as comfortable as possible you open a draw on the table to retrieve a piece of paper and then a quill and small glass pot of black ink closed with a loose cork. You twist and pull the cork and gently place the pot. You dab the quill an unsure amount of times, letting out an agrovated sigh realising how disconnected you've been since the war - not even remembering how many times would be appropriate to dip your quill. You take three deep breaths and set ink down onto the course paper.
Knock knock
"You awake in there? Can I come in?"
A raspier version of Cullen's voice asks politely through the thick wood of your bedroom door. You lay fast asleep with your head flopped onto the rough scratchy surface of your desk. A quill next to your hand with a few dots of stray ink surrounding it that had sunk into the wood as well as an extensive, spruce letter of sorts. Once Cullen had brought it upon himself to let himself in he saw all of the above. He came to your side and crouched, stroking a few bits of your tangled hair behind your ear so that parts of your face were revealed.
Cullen: "I love you... my y/n"
His eyes rapidly jump around taking in all of your physical attributes that complimented your face.
Cullen: "You taught me everything I know about love. I hope you know all I do is out of love for you"
His hushed speech is accompanied by a sigh before he stands himself straight and cautiously pulls your chair out so that he could lift you into his tensed arms. Waking you to his dismay. Your hazy state leaves you only producing a small 'hm?' before bringing your hand up to clasp your head - quickly realising that in order to keep yourself upright, you had to grapple onto what was holding you up. The warm, comforting embrace of your husband automatically bringing you great content. You snuggle your face into his chest in your half asleep state. Cullen smiles widely whilst taking a deep stuttered breath through his nostrils to ground himself, getting emotional from seeing you so pure after your and his previous outburst. Soon enough you were fully unconscious again, your sleeping body wriggling deeper within the duvet Cullen had wrapped you in.
Your eyes flutter open and are gradually met with increasing stinging as the raw daylight squeezes through the gaps of your royal drapes and dabs drops of salt-like sun into your eyes. You groan and flop a hand over you eyes. You move one finger to peek through, with a half lidded eye your met with a shirtless Cullen laying on top of the duvet beside you in his pyjama bottoms with one arm folded over his eyes/head and the other by his side with his hand placed on his peacefully rising and falling stomach. Memories of the previous day and night flood back like a natural disaster in your mind, making you grimace as what feels like a rock forms in your stomach - rattling around your sickly gut. You waste no time in bringing yourself directly back over to your desk, holding a blanket coated in long fur-like fluff around your shoulders. You collapse to the seat similarly as you did last night. You read the letter thoroughly, you'd demanded Skyhold build another wing for those without housing, welcoming all. You explained your reasoning thoroughly and with just enough personal experience to make a clear and convincing argument and planned to send it straight to Josephine. Yet now you read it through it came across a little aggressive and you found yourself embarrassed to send this to your friend where you could simply speak to her. You eventually settled on bringing yourself to her office this afternoon to present your ideas with the letter as support. But for now all you wished to do was to make amends with your dearest. How to do so you took time to ponder, sitting lost in thought, head in hand. Your pupils expanded to their limit as your vision became milky so that your minds eye could take forefront. You swiftly become aware of your surroundings when a hand carefully glides up your back and rests on your shoulder, the thumb of which rubbed gently back and forth.
Cullen: "Goodmorning"
A weak and unsure voice began. You reassuringly twisted your head round in attempt to see him but could only manage getting his middle into your peripheral.
Tou: "Did you sleep well?"
You ask with a desired amount of politeness but a level of formality that left you regretful.
Cullen: "No matter. Did you?"
You curl up your lips to the middle amount of which they could be lifted to show appreciation.
You: "I did. Thank you for taking me to bed"
You sheepishly bring up your hand to meet his on your shoulder and grasp it. He understands and returns your concealed desperation for one anothers affection and squeezes your fingers.
Cullen: "Maker, my morning breath"
He laughs with might and nerves before sliding his hand off your shoulder and heading to your shared bathroom. You follow after, fidgeting with your own fingers in a state of unease.
You brush attentively in front of the oval mirror above your sink, noticing pigmy blemishes and bumps upon your skin you never usually pay attention to until your put infront of a mirror for an extended amount of time either to wash your face, brush your teeth otherwise. Your drawn out of your self criticism when Cullen, who is also brushing his pearly whites beside you with no mirror as you have taken the spot to use it, mumbles something through all the minty foam that filled his mouth. You blabber back a 'hm?' through your own filled mouth.
Cullen: "Sink"
Or something like that. The 's' sounds a lot more a 'sh', which you can't help but be silently amused by. You scooch along a bit so that he could get some time in front of the mirror to analyse his own face - though you couldn't put your figure on what he could possibly find unpleasant about his chiseled bone structure and smooth skin only disrupted by perfectly lengthed stubble. You let him proceed anyway. Your bodies move in a way you could imagine the humorous appearance of as you give eachother an unspoken fair amount of time with the spot of the mirror. You pass it back and forth between you before Cullen spits first. Bringing what he has to tell you to the forefront of his priorities rather than washing out his mouth, a small gesture that shows his desire to make sure your comfort is intact before even considering his.
Cullen: "I am... sorry for disregarding your feelings last night"
Your eyes widen just a little but you can't bring yourself to speak about something you should be taking seriously through the muffling foam in your mouth. You prematurely spit out your toothpaste and take the quickest swill of water to gargle you can before whipping your head back up. Rather than making eye contact you stare straight back at yourself in the mirror, Cullen's saddened eyes watching your face through the mirror is available to your peripheral vision.
You: "It's okay. I can't expect anyone to know how to react to such a situation... I was scared, very scared"
Your gaze flickers down for a moment and then back to eye contact with yourself.
You: "And for a moment, I was a little threatened by you. You killed a man I had become ever so strangely acquainted with in front of me and I was understandably distraught and... traumatised I suppose... but I too am sorry, Cullen. I never meant to undermine you, and I know for certain I would have done the same if it were you."
You turn around finally to meet his gaze, your bodies close.
You: "You protect me every day in every way you can, it doesn't go unnoticed Cullen. I'm lucky to have met you, very lucky"
Your gaze is sincere. Cullen's eyes beg for your hold and you need it too. You bring yourself close to his chest and melt into his embrace. Once you've sighed deeply and held your eyes shut for a while with your head rested against him, you pull back to meet his adoring stare. His perfect face portraying a half smile, to which you peck. Cullen bows his head after your quick endearment, so that he can take you in a passionate kiss. You giggle into his thin lips and he reciprocates your joy promptly. His laugh never failing to bring warmth from your stomach to your fingertips. You force only a tiny few centimetres between your starved lips to laugh the word 'minty' with a beaming grin, you both laugh quietly at the comment before continuing in your affection.
Noon had set in, and so had your plans. Josie had listened intently to your points and read through your direct paragraphs with a twinge of bias since she was your friend, after all. But none the less she found all that you had to say a matter of great importance as well as she thought the concept would bring great respect to The Inquistion. All this had led you to an old beaten up garden area that was once bustling with conversation and tweeting birds, a place of refuge during the war on a small scale. But refuge none the less. You analysed the space with a clipboard, jotting down the not so obvious improvements that had to be made. You found yourself becoming agrovated with the state of the area as if it was already being worked on and not yet to be pursued.
You: "The water is so yellow"
You whine, running a long-headed tap that stuck out of a stone wall of the main palace. Presumably for filling pales.
Josephine: "Acceptable water quality will be... expensive, y/n"
You: "As it will be when this water ends up in an infection and the whole wing becomes sick"
Josephine: "Wing?"
She tilts her head.
You: "Well of course we'll need wings for kitchens and beds and bathroom areas, etcetera"
Josie looks upon you with a proud smirk.
Josephine: "I've become your pupil when it comes to impressing people, y/n"
She smiles. You laugh humbly.
You: "Please, Josie"
Josephine trots over to where you stand, hands on hips, and brings and arm around your shoulder to successfully sooth your tense stance.
Josephine: "I must say, I like you when you get all determined like this. Always have, it's what people find so inspiring about you, ma'am"
You huff in laughter at her callback to how she had always addressed you until not so long ago, when she finally realised you were speaking to her because you enjoyed her company and not because she worked for you.
You: "Please, come back for dinner, Josie"
Josephine: "Oh, I don't kn-"
You cut her off.
You: "Josie, it's time to come to terms with having done all your work and having free time"
You smile and laugh, bringing a beaming smile to her rosy cheeks.
Josephine: "I would absolutely love to"
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jamesunderwater · 11 months
2, 8, 17, 21!
02: Lyrics from the most recent song that made you think of a Marauders Era character
Last night I was listening to July by Laur Elle (who is amazing btw and just put out a new album) and the lyrics below made me think of Sirius and the self-loathing of his teen years that he just...completely keeps to himself.
One step forwards, falling backwards I just wanna prove that I'm worth More than what my head tells me that I am I'll try again How do I fake a smile and feel the tension? Wait, I'm moving too fast in the wrong direction I've been running around in the dark with no light But I can't stop staying up looking for signs
08: Lyrics that make you FERAL about your favorite character
Muahaha I get to do another one >:) Okay so technically this is a prongsfoot song (or wolfstar if that's your vibe) but oh my FUCKING god I feel like Sirius Black wrote it and I scream and cry in the car to it and it tears me in two, so, uh, enjoy (giving you both the verses and then the chorus which is essentially the whole song but it's worth it).
[verse 1] Around the sun and around again You seem to look right through me Another year being your best friend Feels like you always knew me And I'm so proud to call you mine Feels like I know you from another life [chorus] [verse 2] Around the clock, we can talk for days 'Bout how we saw it coming Another sign written on my face 'Cause now my blood is pumpin' Can you just hold me for a little while? My skin is crawling, I feel vile [chorus] But what if it doesn't end well Would you still stay? What if I fuck it up like I always do And my shit gets in the way? What if it doesn't end well Would we still be fine? When the world is over and we go under Would you still be mine?
17: Lyrics you think perfectly describe Remus Lupin
Oh, the entire song Half a Man by Dean Lewis, hands fucking down. But here are the beginning lyrics. I mean ugh he literally believes he's half a man; the second line could refer to him telling Tonks things are over with him and Sirius when they're not. The rest needs no explanation imo. I mean, it's just. It's perfect.
I was wrong to say I loved her, I was wrong to think I'm right When I told her it was over, oh my darling I had lied I've been running from my demons, afraid to look behind I've been running from myself, afraid of what I'd find But how am I supposed to love you when I don't love who I am? And how could I give you all of me when I'm only half a man? 'Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning, so let go of my hand Oh how can I give you all of me when I'm only half a man?
21: Lyrics from a song you think the Marauders Era girlies would perform if they were an all-girl band (+ tell us what their performance would be like)
I fucking love that several people asked about this one. Hot of you all. Okay first of all I need to say imagining Lily Evans as the leader singer of an all-girl band is.......one of the hottest things I've ever thought of, jfc. Okay but um anyway I LOOOOVE this song for Lily, and I think it applies to all the first war Order girlies, who were FUCKING BAD ASSES and probably disappointed people by not being the same old girls they used to be. So please enjoy a snippet of EAT ME by Demi Lovato, feat. Royal & the Serpent.
Is this what you'd all prefer? Would you like me better if I was still her? Did she make your mouths water? Ugh I know the part I've played before I know the shit that I've ignored I know the girl that you adored She's dead, it's time to fucking mourn I can't spoon-feed you anymore I can't spoon-feed you anymore Dinner's served, it's on the floor I can't spoon-feed you anymore You'll have to eat me as I am You'll have to eat me as I am
Lyrics Ask Game: Marauders Edition
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cipherdragon · 1 year
talking about oc's yippie
so lyric and kymiz are oc's that i created in the end of 2021 or so and i never finished fleshing out their story but i'm hoping to do that soon
lyric is a drake (lizard people i made up. they can stand on two feet or four) and has emerald colored scales here's an old image of him
Tumblr media
image id//
a drawing of lyric with text around it. top right corner has lyric’s name “Lyric”. the bottom right corner has a simple drawing of lyric. a thought bubble is in the top right corner and says “plans to make kymiz’s life miserable just for fun”. in the bottom left, there is a description of lyric that says “humanoid drake who prefers to walk on 4 feet” (four)
//end id
(this is also in the alt text)
he's the villain of the story
but more of a playful villain who has good morals but their goals are "evil" kymiz is a young elf just out of their teen years and was wandering around the
"forbidden kingdom" when they came accross lyric
lyric is in his late thirties (drake years, so like a few hundred in human years) while kymiz is just about a hundred years old (twenty if converted to human) and kymiz was how i realized i only write male or nonbinary characters uh kymiz's name i just pulled out a generator for fantasy names and switched a few letters
it doesn't mean anything
anyway kymiz uses they/them but they have like... a shadow self who uses he/they/ neos
uh this part is a reason why i dropped this story because it felt too close to me but i'm changing it to they're siblings and not the "same character"
shadow's now an elf connected to the dark while kymiz is connected to light shadow's now no longer kymiz's "evil self" haha
anyway kymiz and shadow have this bond where they can share a body and lyric find this very weird (he calls shadow "the shadow", which gave shadow his name)
uh so kymiz was originally a prince (gender neutral) who killed their whole kingdom from power overload but i don't want that anymore because that left the parents (the king and queen) dead
so now kymiz is just a naughty elf who went to the forbidden kingdom and is still royality but not by blood (parents married into the crown) and shadow's uhhhm shadow is older than kymiz by a few years and is way better at keeping himself safe and stuff kymiz SUCKS at this anyway shadow knows about kymiz but kymiz just knows they have an older brother who their family doesn't talk about much
um their parents love them a whole lot and care for them but they want to keep kymiz safe so they say "stay away from the wild infested forests and the broken kingdom" of course kymiz being kymiz went to the exact forbidden kingdom and got captured by their older brother who rules over the broken kingdom (which isn't much)
shadow's more powerfuller than kymiz but only because they found an amulet to boost his powers otherwise his powers are as weak as kymiz (meaning just having control over respective element)
in the elf culture for my story kymiz is a young adult and shadow is a full adult um they (kymiz) make some human friends but because of how long elves live the humans are old (human years)
ummmm i don't know what else to write
please send in asks about my oc’s i’m desperate to talk about them
story bits of writing below
lyric glances over at kymiz, who was once again climbing that stupid tree.
“kymiz. get out of the tree!”
kymiz, startled from lyric’s shout, unceremoniously drops out of the tree and fidgets with their robe.
lyric shakes his head. they need to stop getting distracted.
Unedited version. Shadow is not yet kymiz’s brother in this version.
Kymiz hissed, annoyed that Lyric had snuck up behind them.
“Lyric! I told you to warn me! You know how jumpy I am!”
Lyric just smiled a toothy grin.
“I enjoy seeing you jump…"
Kymiz, annoyed at Lyric, spun around and ran in the direction of the ruins.
Lyric ran after Kymiz, shouting for Kymiz to wait. Kymiz ignored Lyric.
Kymiz stood in the entrance of the ruins. A few seconds later, Lyric, out of breath, stood next to them.
“Kymiz, you really need to wait for me. I’m not as fast as you.”
Kymiz didn’t respond to Lyric. Kymiz was staring into the ruins, a vacant expression on their face. Lyric smirked and slapped Kymiz with his tail. He had always wanted to do that.
Kymiz yelped from the sudden pain and rubbed the spot Lyric hit.
“Lyric! Why did you smack me? Ow!”
Lyric chuckled silently to himself and pretended to be scared. “Kymiz! This place creeps me out. We should probably go… Ruins can be dangerous…”
Kymiz shook their head. “Lyric, I’ve been here many times. It’s perfectly safe.”
Lyric, now fully into his ‘super-scared’ act, whimpered and hid behind Kymiz. Kymiz groaned and shoved Lyric away from them.
“Lyric! Get a grip! If you really believe this place is dangerous, then leave me alone. I don’t even know why I put up with your whining.”
Lyric tugged on Kymiz’s hands with his claws. “Kymiz! What if this place is haunted?”
“By who? My ancestors? Ha. Ghost’s aren’t real, Lyric. You should know that.”
Kymiz shook off Lyric’s claws and ran off into the castle ruins, leaving Lyric behind at the entrance.
Lyric smirked, dropping their act. Kymiz had gone exactly where he had wanted Kymiz to go: walking right into Lyric’s trap.
Kymiz wandered the dusty halls of their past. The cracked walls and floors were cluttered with broken objects no longer recognizable. A faint voice echoed through the halls as Kymiz walked. The air grew colder. Kymiz shivered. The voice grew louder as Kymiz kept walking.
“Kymizzzz… Kymizzzz… Come to usss… Come…”
Kymiz ignored the voice and kept wandering the halls. The voice grew so loud that they had to cover their ears.
“Do not ignore usss… Or you will pay…”
As Kymiz blacked out, they were sure they could hear Lyric cackling in the distance, though they weren’t certain.
Kymiz woke in an empty prison cell made of stone. A spirit formed in the entrance of the cell. The spirit seemed to be laughing at Kymiz.
“What do you want, Shadow?” Kymiz hissed.
The spirit, named Shadow, pretended to be hurt by Kymiz’s harsh tone. “You wound me with your hatred.”
“Drop the act, Shadow. You captured me for a reason. What is it?”
Shadow laughed, his ghastly red eyes glowing under his black hood that contained his soul.
“Do you not feel it? Something sinister has awoken. I can help you Kymiz if you would allow us to be one once more. Do you not remember our power? The chaos? If only your idiot parents had not expelled us, discarding us like trash! They were fools to separate us. You cannot deny who you are, who we are! We are one!”
Unbeknownst to Kymiz, Shadow had been trying to use his magic on Kymiz. Both Kymiz and Shadow screamed as the spell took place.
“Shadow… Don’t— don’t do this— AUGH!”
The spell finished, and Shadow and Kymiz screamed in unity and blacked out from the pain.
Lyric grinned at the sight before him. He poked Kymiz roughly with his tail but yanked it back once he noticed Kymiz’s unnatural shadow.
Kymiz sat up, groaning from the movement and kept their eyes closed.
Lyric faked worry. “Are you okay, Kymiz?”
Kymiz sat there, clutching their head, unresponsive to Lyric’s question.
Then, in one quick motion, faster than Lyric could process, Kymiz let go of their head and opened their eyes. Kymiz’s amethyst eyes flashed a bright red as they yanked their arm into the air, forcing Lyric to the cold stone floor of the prison with a wave of their hand.
“Kymiz! Why are you doing this?” Lyric unwillingly screamed from the intense pain.
Lyric’s scream broke whatever spell Kymiz was using, causing Kymiz to collapse under the sudden recoil of the broken spell.
Once the pain faded, Lyric examined Kymiz, suddenly worried for the elf. Lyric sighed from relief. Then, realizing that he had showed affection for Kymiz, a look of pure disgust spread across his face.
Lyric shook his head, abandoning Kymiz to their fate out of fear of his actions. He decided that he needed to reexamine his thoughts, morals, and intentions — without any fear of himself or his actions.
Either a previous draft or the edited version. I don’t know.
In the edges of a ruined kingdom, there was an old willow hanging over a cobbled path. In the willow was a young moon elf known as Kymiz. A sudden breeze shook the hanging branches of the tree, tossing Kymiz off their perch and onto the rough cobbled ground. As Kymiz laid there on their back, the wind knocked out of them, a figure stood over Kymiz.
“Kymiz, you didn’t have to fall out of the tree to get down.”
The figure was smiling.
“I didn’t mean to fall, it was the wind,” Kymiz said, slightly annoyed. “As you likely know, I can’t control the weather. Now, can you just help me up?”
“You forgot ‘please’.”
“Just help me up.”
The figure laughed and helped Kymiz stand. The figure then pulled off their cloak’s hood, revealing themselves to be a drake. This knowledge didn’t surprise Kymiz, for drakes weren’t uncommon in the ruined kingdom. What was surprising was the drake’s scales.
“Your scales— they’re green.”
The figure smiled a toothy grin. “Indeed. I am of the Emerald Tribe. My kin don’t normally leave our homeland, so us meeting must be a shock for you. Anyways, what were you doing up in that tree? Other than falling out of it, that is.” The drake leaned up against the willow, waiting for Kymiz’s response.
Kymiz fidgeted with their fingers as they thought of what to say. “Firstly, you haven’t told me your name. I won’t tell you anything before you answer that. And how do you know my name?”
The figure examined their claws. “Name’s Lyric. Your name was given to me by a group of humans who live in a village just outside the ruined kingdom. Good for you to be wary. The ruined kingdom isn’t the best place for idiots.”
Kymiz shook their head. “Fine. If you really want to know, I was observing the ruins. If you sit in the tree that you’re leaning on, and look north, you can see it from here. This path leads to it.”
Lyric nodded and looked Kymiz in the eyes. “I would very much like to know why a skinny moon elf who likely has never even held a weapon before is even thinking of entering the ruins.”
Kymiz decided that their feet were more interesting than the glare Lyric was giving them. Lyric pinched the bridge of their snout, a very humanlike gesture for annoyance. “If you were to head there, unprepared, you would die in an instant.”
“Have you ever been inside the ruins?”
Lyric grinned, annoyance disappearing in an instant. “Indeed. The ruins are a sight to behold. From your excited look, I’d assume you’d want me to escort you there?” Lyric didn’t wait for a response and started off on the path.
The duo eventually reached the entrance to the ruins. An ominous feeling hung in the air as they walked closer. Lyric suddenly jolted to a stop, causing Kymiz to run into Lyric.
“Lyric, why did you stop?”
Lyric held up a claw and motioned Kymiz to be silent.
“Don’t. Move.”
As Lyric crept forward, a dark shadow launched out at Kymiz.
Kymiz cried out in shock as the shadowy being grabbed them. Lyric spun around and ran to help, but was too late. The shadow had disappeared, taking Kymiz with it.
Why do I even care about what happens to that idiot elf? We only just met! I can’t believe myself! Lyric groaned and ran into the ruins, knowing Kymiz wouldn’t last long alone. Lyric ran through the cold stone corridors, dodging fallen bricks that littered the floors.
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