#running away now n going to sleep before i regret putting this up lots of love xoxoxo
shiinata-library · 3 months
Imagine them telling you they love you
Thorin, Fíli, Kíli, Bilbo's reactions when they tell they love you
A/N: My imagines become more and more ficlets and we now have 4k words of it… Make you comfortable, and enjoy!
[ 📚 Main Imagines Masterlist 📚 ]
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On a cold winter evening under the lonely mountain, two princes are talking over an ale, one of them in a better mood than the other. “I should never have done that,” you hear Fíli sighs, his face hidden in his arms crossed on a table. “It’s too late, brother,” Kíli laughs as he drinks his ale.
It has been a while since you’re friends in this pub. There is only one pub since the rebuilding of Erebor was still ongoing. The place is busy, and princes or not, Kíli and Fíli drink here every Friday night. 
When you entered, you wanted to surprise them and you were waiting for the right moment to join them, but you didn’t expect they would talk about you. Especially about this subject…
“You were drunk, both of you,” Kíli resumes. Fíli gets his head off his arms and sighs again “Drunk or not, you don’t sleep like that with your…”. Someone shouts in the pub while he finishes his sentence. “As if you regret it,” Kíli laughs. “Stop that Kíli!” Fíli shouts seriously.
They should change the subject now, right? But, should you really join them after that? Then you hear “There are things I regret in my life, but this is the worst and you–”. A group of happy dwarves shout a new time their happiness while you freeze. Kíli is looking at you, as surprised as happy to see you. He speaks to his brother while you already start to run away. You don't see Fíli hit the table with his fist even less standing up so suddenly that he spills his beer all over his brother.
You literally run away until you're almost home. In two streets, you will be in the cosy place Thorin gave you under his mountain. Your steps slow down as you realise how stupid you are to think everything could be the same after àthat. You suspected that Fíli avoided you since you spent a night together, and you have your answer. It's clearly unnecessary to talk more to him. It was a mistake. Period. 
Maybe it could be different if you could have talked the next morning. If only he wasn’t a prince, he wouldn’t have early duties every morning. Especially when he was in your bed! Who sends a guard to fetch someone in the bed of his… his what anyway? You’re just his friend. Well, “was” now.
When you’re almost arrived at your place, you hear your name shouted from afar. You could recognise this voice everywhere, so you quickly hide in the first street you see. Except that before being a prince, Fíli was a warrior, and you can’t escape a warrior that easily… Even though you take another way to go home, someone grabs your wrist when you arrive at your front door. Of course, it’s Fíli. And not a happy Fíli. Everyone who’s walking in the street is looking at you since everyone knows Erebor’s heir.
“Listen Fíli. I don’t want a drama. Like you said, let’s forget. And if you don't want to see me again, well, I understand,” you say as you try to get back your wrist. “No. We need to talk. Let's inside,” he simply says as he opens your front door and leads you inside.
After lighting a few candles, you put the last one on the table. You barely turn toward Fíli that he is already in front of you, not leaving you the time to say anything. He clears his voice and you notice how he is nervous. You never see him like that. Not even when he speaks to Erebor’s people officially. “First, I’m sorry I didn’t come earlier to talk to you since that night. I had a lot to do but the main reason is I was ashamed.” You repeat the last word he said, unstable to keep your surprise. Yet, he continues, his eyes looking at the candle, “I should never sleep with you. We were drunk.” “Yes, we were drunk, but not enough not to know what we were doing,” you say seriously. His eyes turn now to yours, “Yes, maybe, but I should court you first.” He runs a hand on his face as if it could help him to breathe better while your heart starts to beat stronger. When his eyes come back to you, your heart stops beating. Were his eyes always so mesmerising?
“We, Dwarves, always court their One first. I know Men do differently, but I shouldn’t touch you like that. But your dress… Mahal, you were stunning in this dress that night. I behaved like an idiot… Mahal, I really do blame myself,” he pauses for a breath. A murmur escapes your lips, “their One?”. Something changes in his eyes. You swear they looked at your lips before coming back to your eyes. “Am I your One?” you eventually ask in a quiet tone. “Yes, you are. I have loved you since I saw you. But I also know Men’s mores and I don't expect anything from you,” he declares in a serious, almost sad, tone. “You love me?” you stupidly ask, still stunned by his words.
A smile appears on Fíli’s face. The first smile since that night. A chuckle escapes his lips as his fingers find your cheek, warming it with the memories of what they have done to you. “Are you just going to keep questioning me?” he laughs, his moustache’s braid bouncing. You laugh too, the whole tension vanishing. “Even if I’m of Men, I only sleep with the person I love,” you shyly say. That's all it takes for Fíli to kiss you, this time with  all the love he has for you.
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Since you joined Thorin’s company, you have made friends with Fíli and Kíli. The time you enjoy the most is after dinner. They tell stories about their childhood in the Blue Mountains or some anecdotes about everyone while you tell them about your world. Like them, you can’t stay quiet for a long time, so most of the time the others shout at you to go somewhere else to talk. Which you do. 
Fíli is always the first to go to sleep. That’s why the others don’t make fun of him when you barely can open your eyes in the morning when it's time to leave…
Talking with them at night has become routine and when you arrive in Rivendell, without having to worry about the next day, you spend your first sleepless nights with them. After some time, Fíli doesn’t stay with you late less and less since Thorin seems to need him more and more in the morning.
As the quest goes on, you can’t speak with Kíli in the evening. Fatigue, injury, watches, cold, danger, it seems that everything is trying to avoid you to enjoy your evening. Little by little, there comes a time when you can’t remember the last time you had a long conversation with Kíli and you miss it terribly. During the day, you make some jokes but it’s not the same.
So, as soon as you’re feeling safe, you can’t keep your tongue, you and of course Kíli. The first night at Beorn after Gandalf introduced everyone, you and Kíli spoke all night. So much time to make up! Fíli joined you for the first hour, but he quickly abandoned you.
The next morning, it takes you some time to remember where you are. You hear some voices from afar, but according to the bright sun, it must be late, especially since everyone is already up. Everyone except Kíli still sleeping next to you. Well… Behind you. His arm around your waist. His hand on your stomach. His head buried in your hair… He is too close, right? You can even feel his breathing in your neck. Should you stay like this? You definitely can’t move without waking him up, and you don’t want to wake up in this position. Especially with your cheek as red as a tomato.
But… Breakfast is calling you. As soon as you try to move his hand, his arm holds you stronger, your back pressed against his hard chest. He eventually grumbles, “Don’t move.” You chuckle, “But they won’t leave us anything to eat.” He laughs too, but doesn't seem to move. You wait, trying to find a good idea to wake him up until he says in a sleepy voice, “I want to wake up like this everyday…”. You stay still a moment before turning to him and joking, “Without breakfast?”. His answer doesn’t wait, “With you. In my arms. Every morning.”
Oh. Well. You want it too, but it sounds complicated, right? A woman of Men, a Dwarf prince. Plus, you’re poor. Oh and useless as well. You still don’t know what you’re doing in this quest.
Tired of waiting for your reaction or your answer, Kíli suddenly sits up, his arms crossed on his chest, his hair in a mess, but above all, his frowning eyebrows. “I was saying that I love you, you know?” he says in an upset tone. “Don’t joke with that Kíli,” you sigh, starting to feel hurt with a joke like this so early on a morning that was starting off so well. He already joked about this in the past, flirting with you randomly. He even already kissed you without saying anything afterward. Well, maybe because you almost died and you didn’t have the time to talk about this but…
“I’m not joking! I truly love you!” Now he’s not frowning, his eyes look sincere. You want to believe him. “But you always joke about that,” you grumble in a pouting face. “Not about this. Never. Amrâlimê, I kissed you after we ran from the gobelins because I was so scared of losing you. I couldn't see you and I thought you had stayed behind. When I saw you, I couldn't control myself…” You stop pouting, hoping he says the truth. “Really?” you ask in a shy tone. “Really,” he confirms, a smile widening on his lips. You can't resist a smile like that. “Because I love you too, and if you lie, I’ll–” Of course you can’t finish your sentence. As soon as Kíli hears your words, he leans over you and kisses you. He begins slowly, barely brushing your lips, but when you kiss him back, his ardour takes over. As one of his hands keeps him from falling on you, the other one begins to touch your hip. Even though you would love to continue, you were thinking of stopping him when the door of your makeship dormitory opens. “It's nearly midday! Time to get up, night owls!” Fíli exclaims until he sees what his brother is doing. “Alright, pretend I didn't come,” he says as he turns towards the door. “But I won't be able to hold the others back for long.” He closes the door behind him, leaving you and Kíli laughing like teenagers caught in the act.
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During the quest, you easily became friends with Bilbo. He is a charming person, and you and he have a lot of things in common. Little by little, you understand your feelings for him were more than friendship, but you stayed quiet about it, the quest was too important to think about anything else. After the success of Erebor's quest, Thorin, the new king, offered you and Bilbo to live under the lonely mountain. Bilbo missed too much his home to stay here. Yet, he promised to visit them one day. For you, the choice was harder. The mountain seemed great. You would be glad to help with the rebuilding, but without Bilbo, it wouldn't be the same. So you decide to follow him. 
It's obviously impossible for you to live in the Shire, so you have settled in the closest Men’s town: Bree. You have found a correct job and people are nicer than you would have thought. For visiting Bilbo, it's 6 days walking from door to door, but you quickly decided to use a horse. (You really miss trains and buses…) So now you live two days' ride, you visit him when you can. Bilbo offered to visit you in Bree, but with his ponies’ allergy, you prefer coming to the Shire. 
The Shire is beautiful, even more than all Bilbo told you during the quest. He always finds something interesting to show you. Hike, food, drink, festivities, landscape, market, watching the sky with Old Toby,... You enjoy every time you spend with him. At first, Hobbits looked at you strangely, but now, you could say you have drank tea with all of Bilbo's neighbours. Lucky for you, the closest inn of Bag End, the Green Dragon Inn, has one room at Men’s size, which you found weird until Bilbo explained it’s usually Gandalf’s room.
One summer evening, you’re dining in that very inn with Bilbo after a long hike in the east, on an outside table, the wind glowing softly on you. “I’m glad you’re here,” Bilbo says as he finishes his meal. “You always worked during the summer’s festivities and I always wanted to see you.” “Oh, no. Don’t tell me it begins tomorrow…  But I’m leaving tomorrow!” you sadly sigh. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” “I thought you knew,” Bilbo says as it was obvious. “It’s the same dates every year. And you saw the tent and everything under the Party Tree, didn't you?” “I thought it was over... Wait here, I'll check with Mr Whitfoot if I can stay in the room tomorrow night.”
Unlike usual, Bilbo is unable to read your face when you come back to your conversation with Mr Whitfoot, the innkeeper of the Green Dragon. “The bad news is I can’t have the room, but the good news is because Gandalf reserved it,” you smile bitterly,  already regretting not going to the summer festivities with Bilbo.
“You can stay at Bag End. I have enough room for you,” he said with a little nervousness in his voice. You notice his embarrassment and you don’t want to impose yourself at his home. “I don't want to disturb you, I’ll think of it tonight and I’ll answer you tomorrow morning,” you explain with a smile. “You won’t disturb me at all, but alright, we’ll talk tomorrow,” he says, finally smiling again like usual.
Of course, you accept to stay at Bag End. The festivities, Gandalf, sleeping in Bag End, just next door to Bilbo’s, waking up together, eating breakfast together, like a married couple. Alright, let’s stop now!
Gandalf is still the same. You spend a part of the night chatting with him and Bilbo, with some other curious young hobbits. At some point, after eating and drinking too much, you both decide to go back to Bag End. The night was very fun – despite Lobelia intervention when she learned you were staying in Bag End. In Bilbo’s smial, you still can hear the laughs and the music from the Party Tree. “You’re sure I can stay here? Your cousin, Lobelia didn’t seem happy about it,” you joke as you’re taking off your shoes. “According to the latest news, Bag End is still my home,” he grumbles as you’re unable to hide your smile, enjoying his reactions every time you talk about Lobelia. “She can say whatever she wants, it’s my home!” He could have grumbled a long time if you hadn’t burst out laughing. “Alright. I get it,” he sighs before laughing with you. You both are tipsy and you continue to laugh until you reach your room.
“If you need anything, I'm just in the room next door,” he smiles as you enter the guest bedroom. If you weren’t as tired and as tipsy, you would have noticed the room has changed. The room is at your size. Both the ceiling and the furniture. “You know your home by heart. I could make tea with my eyes closed!” you laugh, not noticing Bilbo’s cheek becoming pink at your words. “But thank you for letting me sleep here. Nights are not cold, but I never say no to a bed when I can have one!” “You’re welcome. Don’t forget to wake up early if you want breakfast,” he says, smirking. You can’t count how many times you miss the first breakfast in the Shire.
Do you wake up late? Yes. Of course. The bed is so comfortable, the room is so quiet, the smell is so good… with a little touch of bread, tea, jam, egg,... You jump out of the bed and hurry up to the kitchen. Bilbo is smiling, “Good morning.” Has Bilbo been waiting for you? It’s the first time you have breakfast with him since the quest is over, and something feels different now. The table looks so perfect. How many times have you dream of waking up here like that? 
“Do you want tea?” he asks as he takes the kettle off the heat. “Good morning,” you murmur as you sit down on a chair at your size. As you’re half-asleep, you don’t notice you’re still in nightdress, light for summer nights, but Bilbo did. Oh, he did, and that’s why he shakes his head as he repeats his question. “Yes, absolutely!” you exclaim with a broad smile. “I never saw a table like that for breakfast! So many dishes! Bombur would be jealous of your cooking skills! I’m glad to be hungry! Everything looks so good! Can I try each plate?” you ask with great enthusiasm, perhaps a little too much. “Oh, sorry. I’m very loud for a morning. It’s rude and annoying…” Bilbo sits in front of you with two cups of tea. Despite your behaviour, he looks happy. The morning rays of light gently illuminate his hair and face. You could easily get used to this every morning...
“Not at all. I've had mornings noisier than this,” he smiles as he sips his tea. “And yes, you can eat everything you want.” “Don’t say that or I’ll really eat everything,” you laugh as you spread jam on your buttered toast. “I don't even have a third of this table in Bree, when I have breakfast. I mean, at home.” You still don’t use to live in Bree as your home.
“I can make breakfast like this whenever you want,” he says in a too serious tone for a morning as you’re savouring one of his cheeses. “I’d love to, but I don’t think I can stay another night. I have to go back to work,” you say, a little sad not to enjoy another night here, and another breakfast. A long silence makes you feel that something is wrong. Bilbo is too quiet for such a morning. You raise your head from your plate to see him looking at his tea, turning his spoon in his cup endlessly. “If you stayed here, you could have breakfast whenever you like,” he says quietly. You’re about to repeat your former answer, but Bilbo doesn’t give you the time to do it.
 “I wasn’t talking about tomorrow. I mean, yes, I’d love you to stay tomorrow, but I meant for all the mornings. I mean. Oh Yavanna, I’m ridiculous…” As he talks, he gets so upset that he gets to his feet and comes to stand in front of you, one fist clenched and the other hand pointing at you with his spoon. He breathes a last time before looking at you, his eyes eventually softening. “If you want to, I would love you to live in Bag End with me.”
You’re speechless first. Then, “I can’t. I mean, I’m of Men. No one wants somebody like me here,” you sigh as you look at your feet, feeling your tears welling up. “I want to,” Bilbo says, determined, as he takes your hands. “And I'm sure all the hobbits you know won't object. The whole Shire has realised a long time ago how I felt about you and they've all accepted you already.” “Your feelings?” you suddenly ask, your eyes searching for an answer in his eyes before his words. Yet, his eyes frown. “I wouldn't ask you to move to Bag End if I didn't love you. I'd even offer to make you a breakfast every morning, I don't know what more you need…”
At this point, you can't hold back your laughter. Before his upset face, you react quickly. Pulling on his hands, he steps towards you close enough to feel his fringe caress your forehead. “I need a morning kiss, and I’d stay here forever,” you murmur. His cheeks become redder than ever and his hands become sweaty, but when he decides eventually to kiss you, his lips are softer than you had imagined. Softer and sweeter.
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Tonight is the first night you spent with Men since Bree. Lack-town is still an unwelcome place for you and the company, but Bard and his family are very nice with you. With Sigrid’s help, you’re warm now and you don’t smell fish anymore. The children are already sleeping as some of the company. You don’t know how to thank Bard since you don’t have money like the others, so you offer your help in the house. After helping Sigrid with the dishes, you ask what you could do, and she explains they have some damaged clothes that need stitching and she has no idea how to do it.
So here you are, sitting in the corner of the table, in the light of a candle, mending some clothes. Everyone is busy with their own business when Thorin sits next to you. You first don’t notice him, focused on your task. He put a warm tea next to you before speaking. “Do you want to be my Queen?” he says, as serious as ever. No one reacts, pretending to be still busy. “Queen of what?” you chuckle, still focused on your task. “Queen of Erebor,” he answers after making sure that Bard was no longer there to listen in. You don’t notice how serious he is, all it takes for him to ask you that here, in front of the others. He is not the type of person who expresses his feelings in front of everyone, so you don’t take it seriously. “But there is no Erebor,” you say, not seeing how troubled he is with your answer. “Not now,” he continues after a long silence in which the crackling of the fire is the loudest sound. “But Erebor will be with us soon.”
A smile appears on your lips as you finish what you have planned before going to sleep. After you take the tea that Thorin gave you, you turn to him. Now you notice how serious he was, how sad his eyes are despite his calm behaviour. You take a moment to repeat the conversation in your head. He is about to stand up when you exclaim, “Wait, wait, wait!” You put your tea on the table, then raise your hands in front you.  “You want me as your Queen? Wait. But you. That what you said? But. I’m confused,” you heart is beating too fast to say a correct sentence. When Thorin sees that your hands are shaking, he hesitates to take them. “I know I’m good in organisation and papers, but that shouldn’t be a reason to title me as a Queen. Should you choose someone you love? I thought Dwarves only chose to spend their life with their One. Oh, maybe royalty doesn’t work like that.”
A laugh echoes in the room. Bofur gets Thorin's blackest look of his life. But for you, his eyes are sparkling and a smile eventually appears on his lips. A genuine smile. “That's correct. I want my One as my Queen,” he says, his eyes not leaving yours. Now your cheeks are burning and you stop breathing. Do you really properly understand what he is saying?
You try to say something, but your words are blocked in your throat. Staying with your mouth open makes the future king chuckling. At the end of the room, you hear two dwarves sneezing exaggeratedly, “Heiswaitingforananswer” then “Notinthreedays”. Fíli and Kíli earn the same look as Bofur, but you don’t see it. As you only realise everyone in the room is looking at you, you suddenly stand up. Understanding you, Thorin stands up too, takes your hand and leads you outside.
As it’s dark and late, no one would see you, but the most preoccupying thing is the cold. Before you say anything, Thorin puts his jacket on your shoulders. “Tell me if you’re cold,” he says seriously, but his jacket is so warm that you already forget about the weather. “Do you really mean it? Why do you think I’m your One?” you shyly ask as you close the too big jacket on yourself, taking advantage to hide your burning cheeks. When you look back to him, you’re surprised to discover a new facet of Thorin. An (cute) embarrassed Thorin is in front of you. “Mahal, how should I tell you?” he begins as he runs a hand on his face, stopping on his mouth. “I know you're my One because I love you. And this is why I want you to be my Queen.” He swallows his saliva with difficulty, waiting for an answer from you that doesn't seem to be coming. “But maybe my feelings for you are not mutual, and if I offend you in any way, I apologise,” he says as his eyes sadden gradually. 
“No!” you eventually cry out as you grab his hands, surprisingly warm. You already touch them a few times, but never like that. “It’s mutual. Your feelings. I mean my feelings,” you sigh, trying to compose yourself. “I don’t know why you’re telling me this in this Men’s town when we’re almost at Erebor, but–” He cuts you off, “I don’t want you to stay here with your kin. I saw how you look at the town and… that man.” You frown, firstly because he stopped you while you were talking, secondly because he doesn’t trust you. “What man?” “The one who lets us stay in his house,” he grumbles.
“If you let me talk, Thorin Oakenshield, you would know that I love you too, since the first time I saw you! About Lake-town, I know nobody here. They are not my kin. The company is my family now!” you hurry to say before the conversation takes a bad turn. You truly love him from the start, but you obviously never hoped for anything. “Are you sure I’m your One?” you ask again, making him eventually smile. He realises one of your hands to run his in your hair. “I've never been so sure of anything,” he tenderly says. As he looks for a place for a braid, you can’t remain motionless. A step is enough to access his lips and you take that step. At the beginning, you feel Thorin’s surprise, but it quickly progresses into a sweet, lovely kiss under a snowy night.
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andvys · 1 year
I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss | part 5
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Warnings: angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of cheating, heartbreak, lots of angst
Pairings: Steve Harrington x fem!cheerleader!reader , Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler
Summary: Everything comes crashing down on you and Steve.
Word count: 3.3k
A/N: @wroteclassicaly thank you for the angsty suggestion, I put it to good use hehe
series masterlist
You have been through so much pain in the past couple of weeks, heartbreak and sadness. Sadness that you have turned into anger because you would rather deal with that than with anything else that heartbreaks brings you. It was easy to pretend not to care about him any longer when you have settled for the anger that he brought to you.
You finally put those rose colored glasses down and saw him for who he really was all along. He was by no means a good boyfriend or a good guy for that matter, he hurt you and then he did the worst thing that he could ever do to you – he cheated on you. That was one thing that you have been so deeply afraid of. That was the only thing you had asked him not to do but he did it anyway. He kissed another girl, he would’ve done much more if she let him, you know it, you know him. And in the end he left you for her. 
He made you feel like your whole relationship was a lie, that the love he felt for you was never real. That you never mattered to him.
Weeks of self doubt, questions and what if’s haunted you. Crying yourself to sleep or drowning yourself in things that aren’t good for you have become your reality in the past few weeks. You were suffering but you wouldn’t let anyone see. You’ve put on an armor and found out that you should’ve done that a long time ago, it protected you from him and the things he still made you feel. 
You found peace in knowing that this was over, that no matter how much you love him, you could still let him go.��
You let him go. 
The walls have moved up higher and higher around you, despite the pain deep in your bones, you have started to feel stronger again. It took you weeks to get there. And it only took him a minute to strip you of the armor, to destroy the walls that you have struggled to build up. He took away all your power, all your strength with just a simple touch. 
The moment you feel his lips on yours, you push him away before it can fully turn into a kiss. A cold wave washes over you, your heart begins to pound faster than it did before. You feel so many things at once, shock, confusion, longing, sadness and anger. 
“What the hell, Steve?” 
He blinks and the softness in his eyes begins to fade away. His lips part and he frowns a little as he stares down at you. He takes in the angry look on your face – the tears in your eyes that he hasn’t seen in a long time.
“Get off of me!” 
Realization rushes through him, a shiver runs down his spine and the feeling of guilt and regret starts to take over. He moves away instantly. He sits back on your bed and runs his hand through his hair, not looking away from you. You scoot away from him and get off the bed, tucking your hair behind your ears, you cup your cheeks as you begin to pace around your room. 
“S-Shit, y/n. I’m sorry.” What exactly is he sorry for? For wanting to kiss you? For feeling like it was the right thing to do? 
“Y-You’re sorry?” You laugh, turning your back to him, you stare at the ground in disbelief. 
He is sorry, he is sorry for trying to kiss you the way he kissed her when he was still yours. 
You try to fight the tears but you can’t, right now, there is no fight left in you. 
Steve stares at you. His heart is pounding in his chest, dread begins to take over. Why did he do that? He gets up and walks towards you, he hesitates when he hears your quiet sniffle. He places his hand on your shoulder, instantly regretting it when you flinch at his touch. You turn around to face him. Your glassy eyes meet his, his breath gets caught in his throat. 
The last time he saw you like this was the morning after the Halloween party. Back then, his own feelings confused him, he didn’t know what he was feeling when he broke your heart. Now he realizes that what he was feeling, what he is feeling right now is sadness. 
“D-Don’t touch me, Steve!” 
Your words are out of anger but your voice is shaky and filled with sadness. 
“I-I’m sorry, y/n. I-I didn’t mean to upset you–”
“Why did you do that?” You ask. You step towards him. “W-Why did you try to kiss me?” 
He blinks and stares at you for the longest time. The room is silent, the energy is heavy. 
“It felt right,” he says without thinking. 
A laugh of disbelief falls from your lips, you shake your head. 
“Just how it felt right to kiss her when you were still with me?” You finally ask. 
He furrows his brows, his eyes flash with confusion. Shaking his head, he steps closer to you, “w-what?” He asks. 
If you weren’t so agitated right now, you would see the genuine confused look on his face. 
“Nancy!” You say. “You kissed Nancy a-and don’t even try to deny it, Steve! Billy told me that he saw you kissing her in your car!” 
Steve feels a little defeated when he realizes what you are talking about. He doesn’t even blame you for believing Billy. Steve had met up with Nancy at Benny’s Burgers to work on the group project, when they went back into his car later that night, she kissed him – he didn’t kiss her back, in fact, he was frozen in place when he felt her foreign lips moving against his. Steve had pushed her away when he realized what was happening. Billy must’ve seen them at a bad moment and of course he had to tell you. 
He closes his eyes for a moment, he pinches the bridge of his nose. He knows that whatever he will say won’t get you to calm down. You won’t believe him and he doesn’t blame you. 
“I didn’t kiss her, y/n. I swear to god, I didn’t.” 
This whole thing – this conversation is ridiculous, how he is standing in front of you, trying to make you believe that he didn’t kiss his girlfriend. 
“She kissed me, I pushed her away – I would’ve never done this to you.” 
“You – what?!” You scoff, shaking your head, “you would’ve never done this to me?” You ask and point to yourself, a look of disbelief crosses your face as you stare at him. He broke your heart, he told you he never loved you, he fell in love with her while he was still with you, he dumped you and now he is claiming that he would have never done this to you? 
You never wanted this to happen, you never wanted to show him how hurt you still are, you never wanted him to know that he still has so much power over you, you never wanted him to see how much you still love him. 
The anger and the heartbreak takes over you and you lose the control that you have had all these weeks. 
Why did he have to do this to you? 
“Y-You left me, Steve! You left me for her! You fell in love with her while you were with me a-and now you wanna tell me that you wouldn’t have done this to me? Y-You did so much worse, Steve!” 
Steve feels his heart dropping to his stomach. The tears that roll down your cheeks, the heartbroken look on your face and the pain in your voice makes him feel like he has finally crashed back into reality. These past few weeks have been a blur, it felt like he was in a constant state of haziness, like he wasn’t himself, like he wasn’t there. 
But now he is here and the realization of what he has done to you finally comes rushing in. 
“You said you never loved me, o-our whole relationship was a fucking lie a-and I knew it! I always knew it, you treated me like shit! You stood me up, you talked to other girls, y-you could be so fucking mean to me and I still stayed b-because I loved you – I loved you so much, Steve.” Your voice cracks and you have to take a deep breath. You don’t even see him clearly, your eyes are blurred with tears. “I-I hoped you loved me too because you were still with me, despite everything b-but then she came along a-and then everything got so much worse and I realized, you were never actually with me. You put a label on us but you never took it seriously. You took everything from me but you never gave me anything in return! I was yours but you were never mine.” 
Steve’s face becomes etched with sadness. He can’t remember what it feels like to have tears welling up in his eyes but he gets reminded again when he feels them, when his vision blurs the longer he stares at you and realizes how much pain he had caused you – how much he regrets hurting you. 
Your eyes are filled with betrayal and heartbreak. After all this time, you are still hurting, maybe even more so than you did when he left you. He remembers the shock on your face when he told you that he is not in love with you anymore or when he told you that he was never in love with you in the first place. What a lie. He always loved you, he never stopped loving you. 
“I-I’m so sorry.” Is all he manages to say. He doesn’t recognize his own voice, it’s shaky and filled with grief.
“Y-You’re sorry?” You whisper as you tilt your head. A single tear rolls down his cheek, the sadness in his features makes you angry. 
He takes a step towards you, close enough to reach out to touch you but you slap his hands away, “don’t touch me, Steve!” You snap at him as you place your hands on his chest and push him away from you. 
“Y/n, please – I-I lied to you, I loved you, I love you!”
For some reason, your heart breaks even more at his words. You stare at him, hoping to find the lies in his eyes but the worst part is, you can’t. You can’t find it – he is telling the truth and somehow that makes it all worse. He loved you, he loves you and that wasn’t enough. The one thing that matters the most in a relationship wasn’t enough for him. His heart chose you but he didn’t want you. 
You raise your shaky hand up to your face and wipe the fallen tears but the moment a sob breaks free, you begin to cry harder. Your chest aches more than it ever did. 
This is all you wanted, for him to love you but now you wish he never did. To know that someone loved you and still chose to break your heart and leave you for someone else hurts more than to find out that you were never loved in the first place, at least that would have made sense. 
Steve watches you, his bottom lip is quivering, his heart is beating wildly in his chest, tears roll down his cheeks. He regrets it all. He wants to pull you into his arms and comfort you but how can he do that when he was the one who put you into this place of pain and suffering? 
It feels like he has just woken up only to find himself in a nightmare. What has he done? He did the worst thing that he could do to you. Your quiet sobs break his heart. He did this to you. 
“I hate you,” you whisper through the tears, “I hate you so much. I hate that I love you.”
He feels like the worst person alive. He feels miserable. 
You keep wiping your tears away, as though it will help. You shake your head. Your eyes meet his glassy ones. 
“Why are you crying?” You ask, angrily.
His shoulders slump as he takes a step towards you, “p-please forgive me, I never wanted to hurt you–”
“Fuck you!” You cry, “that’s bullshit, Steve! Everything you do, everything you say is bullshit! Y-You’re bullshit!” You place your hands back on his chest and try to shove him out of your room and he lets you, he doesn’t fight back. 
Your words cut him deeply. His throat thickens and feels like he is about to break down in front of you. 
He whispers your name when you stop pushing him. He takes hold of your wrists and for a moment, you let him. 
His hazel eyes are filled with pain, regret and sadness. He is crying and even through the hazy anger, you realize that you have never seen him cry before, not in all those years you have known him. It hurts to see him like that – after all, you still love him. 
“I regret you, Steve,” you whisper, not looking away from his eyes, “I regret you all the time.” 
“If I could turn back time, I would’ve never fallen in love with you, I would’ve never given you my heart, I would’ve never slept with you.”
He shakes his head, more tears brim his eyes. 
“I want you to leave me alone – I want you to forget that I exist. You got what you wanted, you got her, the girl you love. Now get out of my life and don’t fucking look back, I want nothing to do with you.” 
Your words may come from anger but he will never know how much it hurts you to say them.
“You did this. You wanted this, remember? You threw me away, you threw us away.”
He holds your wrists tighter as though it will get you back. He shakes his head, “please..”
“You’ve done enough, asshole. Now get out of my life, I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want anything to do with you,” you spit, ignoring the tears that stream down yours and his face. “Just leave, I’m done with you.” You say and finally rip your hands free. 
Steve feels like falling to his knees and begging for forgiveness but the damage is done. He ruined everything. He ruined the only real thing in his life. He ripped open your wounds that have just begun to heal. 
He looks into your eyes and finally everything begins to make sense. Why he can’t get you out of his head. Why it feels so wrong to be with her. Why he thinks of you when she lies beside him. He is in love with you, he always was, he just didn’t understand it. You have always been there, you have always been the one. 
But he broke you, he broke what you two had. He did this. And he only sees it now. There is no apologizing for what he did. There is no making up for it. It’s too late for it all. 
There is love in your eyes but there is also something that tells him that it’s all over. You have let go of him a while ago, you draw the line that can’t be crossed anymore. Whatever he will do, won’t be enough to get you back. 
It’s over. 
You still love him and the look in your eyes tells him that you always will but that doesn’t mean that he will ever get a chance again. You closed the door, you locked it and destroyed the keys. There is no way back for him. 
He can see that you are barely holding yourself together, you are shaking, your bottom lip is trembling and the tears continue to roll down your cheeks. The urge to pull you into his arms and comfort you in a way he never has before is so strong but he knows that he will only make things worse if he tries to touch you again. 
He lifts his hand towards his face and wipes away the tears that you would have kissed away if things were different. Your heart jumps in your chest when you notice the hair tie around his wrist, it belonged to you. 
“I’m sorry, dolly.” He whispers softly, using the nickname he used to call you when you were children. He turns away from you and unlike the last time, it hurts. Because back then, he never truly walked away from you, he left his heart with you, he never took it away, you always had it. He never truly knew how deeply in love with you he was but now he knows, now that he has to walk away from you. 
And he doesn’t know how much it hurts you to see him walk away again. Despite the anger inside of you, it hurts you more than it did last time. 
You slam your door shut and place your palms against it. You close your eyes and try to take deep breaths. Don’t cry, just stop, stop crying. You don’t listen to the voices in your head, you don’t bother to. You are so sick of it, of crying but you can’t even stop yourself from breaking down again. 
You have let go of him, you have come to peace knowing that he never loved you. Why did he have to do this? 
You turn off the lights and walk towards your window nook, you sit down and make the mistake of looking down into your driveway. He is still here. Standing by his car and looking down at the ground. 
Your heart longs for him. 
His heart longs for you. 
But everything is too late now. 
Steve had never felt heartbreak before, this is the first time and he knows there is no one to blame but himself. He ruined the best thing that he had. 
He can’t fight the tears away, he can’t stop himself from crying. Not on the drive home and not when he walks into his house. He drags himself upstairs and the moment he takes a seat on his bed, he breaks down and he hates himself for it, he hates himself for feeling so sad and broken knowing that it was him who did all of this. 
He never felt that tight feeling in his chest, the emptiness inside of him that begins to eat at him as he sobs into his hands when he thinks about you, about what he had let go off. What he had ruined. What he had lost. 
It’s not just his pain that is making him cry, it’s also the regret and the guilt of hurting you. 
When he left you, he kept thinking about the tears in your eyes, the shocked and hurt look on your face when he told you that he never loved you, it made his chest hurt but he distracted himself with other things so he wouldn’t think about it, but now it all hits him. He will never forget the look on your face, the tears of heartbreak and anger. The thought of what he had done to you. 
Your words cut deep but he knows he deserved it. 
He deserves so much worse. 
While you regret him – he regrets her. He regrets everything. 
The next day at school both of your seats stay empty. 
next chapter
This was a bit of a short chapter but I feel like it was the right moment to wrap it up.
@wroteclassicaly @corrodedseraphine @corrodedcorpses @mysticmunson @screammunson @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @sherrylyn628 @somethingvicked @nemesis729 @taintedcigs @hellfire--cult @take-everything-you-can
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natailiatulls07 · 3 months
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Mafia boss!Carlos Sainz x wife!reader
Summary - All this time she thought he worked in finance but turns out she had been sharing the bed with a dangerous man for just under a decade
Warnings - One gun, swearing, one death, kind of kidnapping??
A/n - This is a dark one for me honestly, don't know where it came from but I hope you like it lol
He had spent just under a decade masking his career to his partner, saying that he worked in finance. He was doing it to protect her; she needed to be protected. She hadn’t meant to see it honestly.
“I’m gonna ask you one more time, who do you work for?” The Spanish accent echoed through the basement, completely concealed from the lushest mansion above. Carlos was sat in his chair with cigarette femmes surrounding him. In front of him sat a scruffy and trembling man, someone who was found to be dealing information to a rival mafia.
A few moments passed, and the man was becoming an irritation for Carlos. And with a sigh, he held out a hand for his gun before Charles placed it in his hand. “You have one more chance..”
It all happened so fast, one second he was so engraved in serving the man his final seconds and then next his eyes snapped up to the sound of a gasp. At the bottom of the stairs stood Y/n, a hand hovering over her mouth in shock.
And then he saw the terrified eyes not even glancing away from the lifeless body on the ground, that’s when he knew he had messed up. “Y/n…”
His voice broke through the silence, grounding the women back to reality. A beat passed before her feet quickly carried her back upstairs, subconsciously running away from him.
Back in the basement, the sound of metal echoed the walls as Carlos dropped the gun and took off after her. He knew what she’d be doing and that’d put him straight to jail, ending his career in the mafia imminently.
Luckily for the mafia boss, he was a lot quicker and it was easier for him to catch up with her. Wrapping his arms around her waist just before she could get to the front door.
Of course she struggled against his strong arms. Screaming and crying from a mix of fear and betrayal. And it absolutely broke Carlos’ heart.
He lowered his head to whisper in her ear vehemently. “Darling, calm down shh it’s okay..” Normally his words would fill Y/n with comfort and warmth but it was the complete opposite now.
“No!” Weakly she punched and hit the toned arm wrapped around her stomach, hoping he’d yield and let her go. But nothing ever stopped his strong arms.
It wasn’t long before Carlos slowly lowered the pair to the marble floor, he could feel and see her strength deteriorating. He watched as her eyes slowly fluttered shut, the exhausted from aimlessly fighting and screaming finally taking over.
Once the man knew it she was fully asleep, he picked her up bridal style much like he did their wedding night. Carrying her sleeping body through the white halls of the mansion to their bedroom.
Settling her down in the king sized bed was easy and gentle, covering her body with their high end sheets and resting her head on her silk pillow.
Stepping back towards the door to the bedroom, Carlos let out a deep sigh. This wasn’t how he wanted her to find out, he wasn’t sure he ever wanted her to find out. And to keep her as his own, he’d have to go to great lengths which is why he had no regrets with locking her in.
In his head, she’d be getting the best treatment so locking her in their room would be justifiable. He’d deal with her little outbreaks, each time breaking her down to be his perfect brain washed trophy.
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cherryobx · 3 months
congratulations on 2.4k followers!!🤍💐
turn the radio up! can i please get a rafe cameron fic based off of the song, work song by hozier, please and thank you!!☺️
Work song
a/n: thank you sm rach! hope you like it!
pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
summary: Rafe cuts his business trip short because he can't stand being away from you
warnings: like 1 bad word lmao
wc: 0.8k
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“I’m not coming home just because you miss me.” 
“Why not?” you whine over the phone. Rafe is on a trip with his dad and has barely been away for a couple of days.
“Because I have shit to do here. I can’t just leave,” he scolds and you can picture him frowning and his eyebrows furrowed.
You pout. “Come on! Please, for me?”
He sighs before he gives you a negative answer. “It’s just two weeks. You can handle not seeing me for that long. Yeah?”
“I can’t, Rafe. I’m dying over here.”
“You poor thing,” he mocks. “You’ll be fine.”
“Okay, I get it. You don’t love me anymore.” You throw yourself on your bed, holding the phone to your ear and staring at the ceiling.
Another sigh, and probably an eyeroll. “Of course I still love you. I just have business I need to take care of here before I come back. Just two weeks.”
Just two weeks. Rafe has been telling himself that every time he’s thought of you during this trip. Which has been a lot. He can’t seem to focus on anything else really. Never before has a girl been on his mind like this.
He’s obviously been in relationships before. He’d rather categorise them as situationships but he’s not so sure about his ex-girlfriends.
Rafe feels like he’s going crazy. He can’t focus on the task before him, his mind drifting off to you. He’s wondering what you’re doing. If you’re at home or hanging out with your friends. He once caught himself thinking about what you had for dinner. Who cares about things like this? Him now apparently.
“Rafe!” His father says loudly. “Stop daydreaming for once and listen.”
“Yeah, sorry,” he mutters and physically shakes his head in an attempt to get the thoughts of you out of his head for a second. It’s almost impossible. 
He checks his phone every time it lights up in hopes that it’s you. He likes getting texts from you, updating him on how your day’s going. When it’s not you, he’s disappointed.
When it’s time to go to sleep, he just can’t. He tosses and turns all night. It drives Ward crazy and he regrets getting one room instead of two at the hotel they’re staying at. Rafe’s so used to another body being next to him. He’s accustomed to having you in his arms and it’s weird and unfamiliar when you’re not there for him to hold.
Rafe held out for five days before he packed his bags in the middle of the night and got on the next flight home. His father left 12 missed calls and even more messages when he woke up but it’s too late now. Rafe has already landed and is driving home.
It’s 6am when he furiously knocks on your front door. 
“What the fuck?” you groan and put on a bathrobe before dragging yourself to the front door. It’s way too early for any human interaction, you think.
You open the door and there he is in all his glory. He looks exhausted and his hair is a mess, probably has been running his fingers through it in stress.
“Well look who it is. Mr. I’m-not-coming-home-before-the-end-of-this-trip Cameron.” There’s a smirk on your lips. You never thought he’d be the one to cave in like this.
“Shut up.” He steps into your home and closes the front door after him, locking it too for good measure.
He wraps his arms around you and holds you close, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling your sweet familiar scent. You smell like home. He feels better already, the stress immediately leaving his body.
“Come on.” You take his hand and pull him into your bedroom. 
You take off your bathrobe, revealing his own t-shirt underneath which you wore to sleep. 
“I was looking for that shirt.” He narrows his eyes at you.
“And now you’ve found it.” You plop onto your bed and hold open to cover for him so he could crawl under them with you.
He makes quick work of removing most of his clothing before joining you. His hands immediately find you and he pulls you flush against him. You place one of your palms against his chest and feel his heartbeat.
He places a soft kiss on the top of your head and then keeps his lips there. “I’m gonna marry you,” he mumbles into your hair.
“Be quiet.”
Before you know it, soft snores are coming from the man next to you and you smile, your heart aching from the love for him. He’s so smitten. But so are you.
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bigtreefest · 5 months
A What in Church?
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x reader (can be read as a continuation of Meet The Parents or alone)
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Summary: Ransom comes with you and your family to church…and then comes with you at church 🥴 (I’m sorry, but I had to)
Word count: 2,728
Content/warnings: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI, SMUT, near-fingering, p in v unprotected sex (pls, for the love of all that is holy, wrap it up), sex in front of a mirror, sex in a church😬, creampie, established relationship, swears, Ran is a sneaky li’l gaslighter but not towards you, lying in Church?, kissing, pet name usage, choking on one’s own saliva, implied female reader, li’l belly bulge
A/N: I hope God forgives me for thinking this up during church…
This is for the Cum Together: A Community Revival Extravaganza set up by @labella420 and @stargazingfangirl18 with the prompts of characters cum together at the same time and praise.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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It was early Sunday morning when you dragged Ransom out of bed.
“Hugh Ransom Drysdale, come on. You have to get up. We’re already running late and I’m not dealing with disapproving looks from my parents for punctuality. It’s already bad enough every time the church ladies give me a side eye when I show up.”
He sighed as he rolled over in his high thread count sheets, the sunlight now hitting his face causing him to squint. He looked at you through one open eye as he made a light scowl.
“Sweetheart, come back to bed. It’s too early. I promise I’ll make it worth it.” A sly smirk crept onto his face as he reached out and pulled your hips closer to the bed.
You put a hand on his forehead, trying your best and failing to push him away. “Ransom, no. The only reason I stayed over was to make sure we got there on time. My parents think you’re picking me up right now and neither of us are even showered. If you get up now, maybe I’ll let you join me. Then we can get going.”
His arms snaked from your hips and around to give your ass a squeeze. “Hm….deal.” He rasped out in his groggy voice before shifting to get up.
“Whose idea was it to join your family at the 8am service of church this week, anyway?” Ransom threw the covers off the side of the bed in a mini tantrum before rising on his knees on the mattress to be face-to-face with you. You ran your fingers through his hair, slightly smoothing out the bed head before giving him a peck.
“Yours, baby. That’s what you get for trying to impress my mom.”
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You fixed your makeup in the mirror of Ransom’s Beamer and smoothed down your baby blue linen dress after Ransom parked in the church parking lot. You turned to look at him as you straightened the collar of his shirt that peeked over his sweater.
“You look absolutely dapper. The church ladies are gonna love you. Probably enough for them to keep their judgy eyes off me. Now let’s just hope they don’t start asking my mom about a wedding date.” You grumbled the last part as you brushed imaginary dust off his shoulders before leaning back towards your own seat again and placing your hand on the door handle.
Ransom didn’t move a muscle as he sat there, leaning over the center console, with a look as deep at the ocean. That was weird. You’d expected him to have his cocky game face on, which he did, but his eyes showed something different.
“What? Is something wrong? Do I not look okay? Are you regretting agreeing to come along today?”
He sighed and shook his head before holding out his hand for yours. “No, you look heavenly. I am regretting sleeping in because if I wouldn’t have, maybe you would’ve actually let me touch you in the shower. I thought a shower with you meant with you, but you tricked me, you minx.”
You softly smiled at the beginning of his statement, placing your hand in his. As he kept going, you rolled your eyes before playfully shoving his shoulder. “Oh please. You and I both know you wouldn’t have gotten up for anything else. And if I would’ve let you touch me, we’d still be at your place.”
He shrugged before pulling you closer for a final kiss before heading in. It was the kind that left you breathless and speechless, and a little dizzy when he pulled away, but that could have been due to skipping breakfast, too. Your eyes were still closed when he spoke against your lips. “Don’t think you’re getting away with this that easily, though. Now stay here while I get your door. Gotta make sure the church ladies see me treating you well.”
Your jaw dropped as he gave you a smirk, fire rising in his gaze as he slipped out of the driver’s side and over to yours.
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Ransom held your hand as he walked into the church, sliding into a pew near the back where your family had saved the two of you a seat. It was just in time for the service to begin. You were simultaneously filled with relief for not being late, but also anxiousness. You knew that when he held that look in his eye, Ransom was up to no good.
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If someone had asked you what you’d gathered from the sermon so far, your answer would be ‘jack shit.’ You were too focused on Ransom, and the way his hand was creeping up your leg as he stared straight ahead. He looked enthralled by whatever the preacher was dragging on and on about, but you knew better from the way his lips curled just slightly at the corners and his ringed pinky finger was sliding under the hem of your dress. The cool metal gave you chills. Your breath hitched, just as you were salivating, imagining what Ransom could possibly have in store for you. Unfortunately, that didn’t make for a good combination, as you choked on your own saliva.
You tried your hardest to hold in your coughs, eyes watering, until you couldn’t take it anymore. They burst out of you and the sound of your coughs, one after another, echoed through the nearly silent room as you scrambled to get up and into the hallway. Ransom shot your parents a sympathetic look before wordlessly gesturing that he was going to check up on you. They nodded in response, glad you had found someone so caring and responsible.
You burst through the doors at the back of the room with Ransom hot on your heels. You fast walked into the family restroom and Ransom slipped in behind you. He locked the door and made his way to your hunched over form, your arms bracing you against the sink as you continued coughing and heaving, trying to catch your breath. Ransom rubbed your back in soothing circles until you took a final gasp for air and looked up at his reflection in the mirror with a scowl.
“You did this. This is your fault, Mr. Handsy.” It came out with the slightest rasp. Ransom’s face morphed from slight concern into suggestion. Now that he had made sure you were okay, he was more than happy to have you exactly where he wanted you all along: alone.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not the one out there snorting my spit. I could probably successfully swallow, unlike you.” He knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to rile you up so you’d give in to him now since you didn’t earlier this morning. You’d never outwardly crumble that easily, though. Where was the fun in that?
“First off, you should be the one to know I’m great at swallowing. And secondly, if you believe you did nothing wrong, I think we should find you a neurologist for those wandering hands. Maybe the rings are causing nerve damage and cutting off the feeling in your fingertips.” Ransom couldn’t help but let out a small chortle at that. Good one, babe. But he knew what could push you a little farther. He knew how much you really did love the way his hands wandered, even if you’d say otherwise. He could tell right now even, as he shifted to stand behind you, soft fingertips tracing up the front of your thighs and under your flowy dress. His hand was in between your thighs, creeping dangerously close to your cotton panties. He used his grip to pull you back against him, eyes never leaving yours in the mirror.
“Oh honey, I don’t have to be able to feel my fingers to know how good they make you feel.” He ran his fingers over the dampening fabric as your breath hitched. Finally.
His grin grew wide as he slipped his pinky finger under the gusset of your panties and pulled it to the side, exposing your glistening folds to the cool air.
You hissed at the sensation as Ransom began running a finger through your wetness. If you were anywhere else but a church bathroom, he would have worked to pull even louder sounds from you than the tiny breaths and moans you were already making, but that’s not something that could be afforded right now. As his one hand continued to tease your entrance, the other moved to cover your mouth.
“Quiet, Sweetheart. You make a noise and I stop. Don’t want anyone to find out what’s going on in here.” You nodded in acknowledgment and Ransom was satisfied with that response, kissing your temple that was collecting a thin shimmer from sweat already. Just as he was about to dip a finger in, though, the two of you heard music start. That meant service was almost over. They would play a few songs, and then everyone would rush out the doors, making it impossible for the two of you to leave the bathroom undetected and unsuspected of what was going on right now.
Ransom didn’t waste a second, though, pulling his hands off you to unzip his slacks and pull them down just low enough. His eyes locked in on yours in the mirror again, deep blue irises thin around lust and mischief-blown pupils.
“Sorry, sweetie. Don’t have time to prepare you. But you can handle that, right?” You didn’t have a chance to reply this time, as his hand found it’s place over your mouth again at the same time he fully sheathed himself within you.
The little squeak you made into Ransom’s hand when you were trying to hold back was music to his ears. Oooo, he liked that. He was gonna make sure to do whatever he could in the future so you’d make it again, but he didn’t have the time for it right now.
His hand that wasn’t over your mouth snaked to your tummy from where it was gripping your hip. Ransom could just barely feel the bulge pushing against your softness with each thrust and it drove him wild, as he sped up his thrusts and babbled into your ear.
“Yeah you can. You can take it. Look at you. Taking this so well. Being so good for me. I’d say you were an angel if we weren’t fucking like two whores in church right now.”
His vulgar words always did something to you, causing your eyes to roll back and your pussy to clench. That was Ransom’s favorite, especially when he found it out that his sharp tongue was something you actually enjoyed and rewarded him for, instead of punished. Despite his hand on your mouth, you were still working hard to keep yourself quiet, only letting out a low moan in response.
“Fuck, so good. So, gah-tight. You’re so perfect. I’m gonna take my hand off, okay? You gotta keep it down and I promise I’ll make you feel good.” You gripped harder against the sink as Ransom removed his hand, using it to hike your leg up on the edge of the counter, his hand that was previously on your stomach moving to rub your clit.
You gasped for air, before moving your own hand to your mouth. If you were at home, moans and curses would’ve been profusely spilling out of your mouth with how near your were to the tipping point. Ransom’s grunts in your ear we’re pulling you even closer to the edge when he licked your neck, the sweet taste of your perfume mixed with salty sweat hitting his tongue, and the debauchery of the gesture tossing you over the edge of your orgasm. Your knee gave out as you came, Ransom’s strong arms holding you up against the sink as you felt him swell and release in you at the same time, still rubbing your clit and shallowly thrusting for both of you to come down from your highs.
“That’s it. That’s it, sweetheart.” His breath was hot against your neck, but you were both pulled out of the post-orgasmic bliss by the sound of the music changing. The last song of service was playing and within a few minutes, everyone would be emerging into the hall.
Ransom pulled out of you faster than he had before, both of you moaning with oversensitivity and the abruptness of the action. You gained composure on your jelly legs before pulling your panties back into place and doing your best to fix your makeup in the mirror. Luckily, the smudges could be attributed to your coughing fit earlier, but Ransom’s rogue hairs that had flown forward and stuck to his forehead couldn’t. You quickly pushed them back into a decent position and straightened his collar before rushing into the hallway and taking a seat at an old pew that was next to a table with water bottles and cookies on it, set out for the social hour that always happened after service. Ransom grabbed a bottle and quickly chugged it down halfway, handing it to you just as the last song was ending.
“Here, hunch forward like you’re still recovering. And take this.” He was too good at convincing people of the scenes they had walked into. But how could you complain when it had gotten you out of trouble with the cops more times than you could count? Including after the two of you had been parked somewhere a little too long having car sex, or when he had driven just a little too recklessly while fingering you in the passenger seat. He always knew exactly how to manipulate the scene in his favor, convincing others to not believe their own eyes, but the stories he presented them instead. But he didn’t do it to you, never to you. He learned that the hard way, it’s better to be honest and do it with you. You were his teammate, who better to use his skills for than the one he loved? Bring it up though, and he’d deny it.
So you and Ransom sat there, your elbows on your knees and him rubbing circles on your back with his large, warm palm. Sure, it was performative, but it was also extremely comforting and reassuring, especially with the way he just rocked your world in the bathroom.
The church-goers began to file out of the double doors and into the hall. You looked up through your eyelashes to be greeted by your parents. They looked at you with confusion and a hint of concern when your dad crouched in front of you and your mom sat next to Ransom.
“Everything alright?” Your dad looked up into your eyes and you managed a nod, taking a sip from the water bottle and clearing your throat.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Got into a coughing fit and couldn’t shake it. Much better now.”
Ransom heard the clarity with which you spoke. If he really wanted to be convincing, he should’ve had you suck him off. There wasn’t really the time for that, though. As much as he loved watching your lips wrapped around him, he came way faster inside you, and how could he allow for the evidence of scuffs on your knees when you were wearing such a pretty dress? Maybe next time, when you were in jeans.
Ransom was pulled out of his thoughts when your mom and dad spoke, thanking him for checking up on you.
“Oh no problem, don’t worry, I took good care of your girl. I always will.”
They smiled, and must’ve believed the scene in front of them, as the topic swiftly changed to what they wanted for brunch plans. Ransom met your gaze, giving a quick wink for only you to see before kissing the top of your head and giving his input to the conversation.
That was the last you saw of him for half an hour, though, as the church ladies descended, squeezing themselves between the two of you, oohing and ahhhing over your sly boyfriend. Every now and then, as they’d ask him a tidal wave of questions, his eyes would seek you, full of fire, secrecy, and love, paired with that signature smirk on his face.
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Bonus A/N: I think something that this extravaganza has taught me is that I have a thing for mirrors….and that scares me. It’s so hot in fics, and sure, every time I walk past a mirror in real life, I’ve been told I stop, but I wasn’t aware of what a dangerous combination that made until now. Lord save me, but he’s probably too angry at me now bc I wrote this.
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angelicsoka · 5 months
THE MOVE, l. hughes
part one <3
word count | 0.8k
pairings | luke hughes x best friend!reader, platonic!jack & quinn hughes x reader
summary | its time for you to leave for college, and time for feelings to be revealed
warnings | not proofread. no use of “y/n”. lowercase intended. this is a work of fiction, i am by no means saying this is how they act in real life.
a/n | and here is the highly requested part two to prom night!
the day you had been dreading for months was approaching, leaving you strung up with anxiety. it was the day you were set to move from michigan to indiana to attend the university of notre dame. you had spent the last week packing everything you had planned on taking with you, going through clothes and pictures. you had spent a lot of that time, crying and reminiscing. you were beginning to regret committing to the university, your nerves taking over. 
when you weren't packing, you were spending time with luke and your mutual friends, hoping to settle the pit in your stomach. luke was not doing any better than you, only he hid it better. he had been plucking up the courage to admit his feelings, only to be brought down by the thoughts of you being so far away from him, surrounded by fraternity brothers and sorority sisters. he feared the rejection that may come and he feared having to see you with somebody who wasn't him. 
it was the night before you were set to leave; luke had brought over take out, the two of you set to have a movie night. you two were no longer paying attention to the movie, too focused on chatting, reminiscing. “lukey, can i tell you something?” luke nodded, his attention entirely on you.  “i’m not sure i want to leave. this last month all i have felt when i think about leaving is anxiety. what if i’m making a mistake?” she tried to ignore the quiver in her voice, willing the tears to not fall. luke, who was the king of being oblivious, noted the quiver and tears, pulling you into a hug.
“it’ll be okay.” the dam broke, tears silently streaming down your cheeks. “you’ll have the time of your life! plus, if you don't like it, you can always transfer to umich!” luke felt you laugh; he had been trying to get you to go to umich since you had gotten the acceptance letter but notre dame was your dream school. “i’m always a call away.”
you smiled, coming to rest against luke’s chest. you didn't even try to fight off the sleep, finding comfort in your best friend’s arms. luke, however, was not able to sleep that night. instead he laid there, trying to hold onto the content he felt with you in his arms. trying to get the courage to tell you the truth, preferably while you were awake. 
luke helped your father carry your boxes to the car as you fought jack who was attempting to steal one of your many funko pops. “jackson rowden hughes! that is my funko pop! put it down!” you gave chase when he took off running, grabbing the water hose, aiming and firing at him. he shrieked, dropping the figurine, a shocked look on his face.
“how dare you!” you could hear ellen and your mom laughing, jack stalking toward you with a cheshire smile on his face. you held the hose up again in defense, but jack still ran at you. you dropped the hose, barely dodging jack as you ran to luke for protection. luke stood in front of you protectively, jack standing with his hands on hips when he realized he wouldn't be able to get past luke. “of course! running to your boyfriend to protect you.” he smirked devilishly, heat spreading to your cheeks. your mouth was agape, shocked at jack’s words. you began to stutter out a response, backing away from luke. 
“well, someone has to protect her from your dumbass.” luke stated simply, turning to put another box in your car. by now, it was just you, luke, and jack outside, leaving you to be openly shocked. he didn't deny it. you didn’t see jack sneak away to grab quinn. 
“lu?” you questioned, luke avoiding your gaze. “luke warren hughes, look at me damnit!” luke sighed, turning to face you. “tell me that was nothing. tell me that you didn’t deny it because it was just a stupid comment.”
“well, then i’d be lying.” you looked at him with confusion. luke stepped toward you, closing the gap between the two of you with a feverish kiss. as quick as it started, it was over. luke went to apologize, but you simply gripped his collar, pulling him back into the kiss.
“goddamnit!” you broke the kiss, turning to see quinn pulling out his wallet and handing jack a hundred dollars. “i’m disappointed in you.” quinn pointed to you.
“you were betting on us?”
“we weren’t the only ones.” jack motioned to you parents who were receiving money from jim and ellen. luke laughed at your shocked look, turning your head to kiss you once more.
“okay, okay, that's enough! get a room!”    
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dirtyvulture · 1 year
Peeping Kate Bishop - Part 9
Possessive!Natasha Romanoff x Beefy!Fem!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Word count: 1604
Summary: Kate gets caught in an awkward spot.
AN: Our favorite peeper is back! Check out the other parts here. Enjoy!
“Can I borrow your vest?” Kate asks, skipping over to Yelena in the kitchen.
“What for, Kate Bishop?” Yelena responds, not even looking up at her to focus on lining up the banana slices on her peanut butter sandwich.
“Clint’s taking me on a mission with Steve tomorrow. He said to pack light, and I know your vest has a lot of pockets to make things easier to carry,” Kate explains.
“Yes, that is the purpose of the pockets.”
“So can I borrow it? I’ll make sure to clean it before I give it back,” Kate says.
“I didn’t think green was your color,” Yelena comments.
“The color doesn’t matter,” Kate exasperates. “Please?”
Yelena pauses like this is an extremely important decision she’s about to make. “Sure,” she finally says. 
“Yay! Thanks, Yelena!” Kate disappears towards the bedrooms, but comes back a minute later empty-handed. “Where’d you put it?” she asks Yelena.
“What do you mean?” Yelena takes a big bite of her sandwich.
“Where’s your vest?”
“Is it not in my closet?”
“Nope,” Kate responds.
“Oh!” Yelena swallows. “My sister borrowed it last week. It’s probably still in her room.”
“H-Her room?” Kate had basically self-banned herself from going into Natasha’s (and yours) room after the amount of times she had stumbled in on the two of you in what should have been very private moments.
“Her and Y/N are still coming back from a mission,” Yelena says dismissively. “Just be quick, Kate Bishop.”
“Right, right.” 
Kate wanders down the hall, her heart beating in anticipation. She stops at Natasha’s door, knocking several times and waiting for a response. When she gets none, she pushes the door open slowly, completely relieved to find it empty. She goes into the closet (which she’s envious to find is almost as big as her entire room) and starts pawing through the clothes, embarrassed to recognize which ones are yours just from the scent lingering on them.
She fights the urge to bury her nose in one of your hoodies, hunting around for Yelena’s vest. It doesn’t seem to be anywhere, and she goes through the clothes on the hangers one at a time, hoping to find it.
Suddenly, Kate hears voices and runs back to the closet door, but is too late and sees you and Natasha walk in. She gets tangled in a pair of sweatpants on the floor and nearly falls through the door, but catches herself on the frame just in time. Natasha’s eyes sweep past the ajar door, but Kate shrinks back and holds her breath. Natasha gives her no second glance.
“I’m ready to sleep for a year,” you announce, dropping your bag with a loud thud by the door and throwing yourself onto the bed. Natasha jumps on your back with a giggle, and Kate’s heart pounds in her throat. She has to make her presence known now, or she knows she will severely regret this moment for the rest of her life.
“You can’t sleep now,” Natasha pouts, as you roll onto your back and let her lie on your chest.
Kate puts her hand on the door and starts opening it–
“You have to fuck me first.”
The blood drains out of Kate’s face and she shrinks back. She can’t leave now. 
“You think I didn’t feel the strap you’re wearing?” Natasha says, aggressively rocking her hips against yours and you moan. Kate feels a jolt go straight to her core when she hears you, and she kneels down, cupping herself between her legs and trying to will away her arousal.
“The mission kind of tired me out,” you admit.
“Well, you can just sit back and let me do the work,” Natasha smirks. It still surprises you sometimes how horny she can be, but you would never deny her.
“Sure, baby.” You scoot up higher on the bed, taking off your clothes and throwing them to the side haphazardly, letting Natasha grind on your strap. 
Kate inhales sharply and slaps a hand over her mouth to hide her awe. Even though Natasha is blocking most of her view of you, Kate still thinks that you are the most beautiful specimen she’s ever seen. Your body looks like it was sculpted by God himself, your muscles perfectly proportioned, the features of your face set in the most attractive way Kate could even think of. Kate is pretty sure she’d be willing to commit murder if it meant getting her hands on you, even for a few minutes. But since that possibility would never happen in this universe, she had to settle for the next best thing: watching you with your actual partner and pretending it was with her instead.
Natasha strips off her clothes and continues grinding against you, placing her hand on the center of your chest and pushing you back against the headboard. Kate can hear you panting now and her own heartbeat picks up and she surges forward until she almost hits her head on the door. 
“You’re so beautiful, Nat,” you say, and Kate pretends you’ve said her own name instead. 
“Just relax, baby. I’ll handle this,” Natasha says. Still, your hands wrap around her thighs, lifting her up just so Kate can see the bottom of the strap you’re wearing and the filthiest thoughts flood her head. Natasha sinks down on your strap and moans. You start to rock your hips, and Kate has had enough. 
She hastily unzips her own jeans, a mix of embarrassment and shame filling her at what she’s about to do, but then she hears you moan again and watches as your girlfriend rides you roughly, your muscles flexing as you keep both of your bodies upright. Kate slips her hand past her panties, pushing two fingers into herself, shocked at how wet she already is. She wishes it was your fingers instead, clenching hard around herself at the thought. She wishes she could have you pinned to your bed, her hands holding onto your biceps, rubbing her center against your rock-hard abs until she cums over and over.
“Fuck, you fill me up so well,” Natasha moans, bouncing on your lap. Kate pumps into herself harder, swiping her thumb over her clit and her legs tremble at the extra stimulation.  
“Cum all over my strap,” you tell her, and Kate wants to scream that she would do anything for you. She’s soaking all over her hand and she bites on her bottom lip to stop herself from making any noise. She has never reached an orgasm so fast and doesn’t even notice that Natasha’s finished and climbs off your lap, taking your strap off before dipping her head between your legs.
“Oh, fuck. Right there, baby.”
Your voice makes Kate peek out the crack of the door again. She wants to faint now at the sight of you flat on your back, your chest and stomach heaving with Natasha’s mouth attached to your center. 
Kate’s mouth practically waters as she wonders what you would taste like, how the weight of your muscular thighs would feel in her arms as she tries to keep your legs apart, but then she’ll give in so you can wrap them around her head to draw her closer to you. Again, Kate starts fingering herself, still frustrated at how close yet far she is from you. She closes her eyes to properly imagine being between your legs and bringing you to a blissful high, pretending that it’s her name you’re moaning instead of Natasha’s.
Your hand threads into Natasha’s hair as another obscene moan escapes your lips. You’ve already cum twice and Natasha seems to have no intent of stopping any time soon. Her lips close around your clit and suck hard, and you’re gone again. But after the fog clears from your head, your legs trembling uncontrollably and your skin covered in sweat, you finally push Natasha’s head away from you.
“Okay, okay, I’m done, baby,” you say, feeling like she’s literally drained the life out of you.
“That enough for you?” Natasha says, winking as she sits up and wipes her mouth.
“Yeah.” You flop back on the pillows, panting.
Natasha gets off the bed, grabbing the bathrobe hanging behind the front door. You lift your head enough to watch her lazily. She comes back to the bedside, reaching under the nightstand into the mini fridge and taking out a bottle of red Gatorade.
“Stay hydrated, baby,” she says, giving it to you with a kiss.
“Thank you.” You open the bottle and offer her the first sip. She smiles as she takes it, then moves to throw the blanket over you. You’re too tired to question her, taking the Gatorade back and chugging it. 
Natasha goes to stand in front of the closet, which is slightly ajar. She crosses her arms and says, “Kate Bishop, get out of the closet.” Your eyes widen as the door seems to open on its own and Kate Bishop emerges, shuffling forward uneasily with her hands buried in her pockets. Her zipper is down, but no one comments on this.
“I am not going to ask, just get the hell out of our room,” Natasha growls.
Kate nods, her face redder than you’ve ever seen before, and waddles out of your room.
“Did you know she was in there?” you finally ask after a few moments of silence.
Natasha smirks at you.
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todoroki-waifu · 1 year
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Rei x Reader
Warning: Female reader.
Scenario: Not even an argument could keep Rei away. 
Genre: Very light angst, but fluffy ending.
Word Count: 1,343
"You're not sleeping over?" Miri frowns as she sees you putting on your shoes by the front door.  "No, sorry, Miri-chan. Not tonight." 
"Tomorrow?" "Not tomorrow either. I'm a bit busy, but I can still see you during the afternoon when you're finished with daycare." You squat down to her level as she continues to pout at you. "You haven't sleeped over in forever!" "It's slept. Not sleeped." You corrected before embracing her. "It's only been a few days. Maybe soon I'll sleep over again. Just right now, I have a lot to take care of first, okay?" "Okay." Miri lets out a loud sigh after you let her go and stand to put on your jacket. "Let us know when you get home." Kazuki says before you completely leave the house. "Yeah, I will. I'll see you all later. Good night!" Once you exit through the door, Kazuki tells Miri to get ready for bed. The blonde male then looks to his dark haired roommate, frowning at how glued he was to his game. And it seems like he wasn't really paying much attention to it either based on his lack of wins. "You really should've walked __(y/n) home." "She didn't want me to." Rei answers back. Ever since you and Rei had an argument a few days ago, you two stopped talking. You only interacted just enough to avoid any questions from Miri. Other than that, Rei kept quiet and you and Kazuki did most of the talking. You didn't stop coming over to their place for Miri's sake, but you didn't feel like staying the night. If this fight continued, you were considering slowly coming less. It was painful to be around Rei at the moment. "It's going to be day four of you two being like this. Don't you think you want to talk it out?" Kazuki could feel the tension whenever you both were present. Rei only grunts in response, applying just a bit more pressure on his controller buttons. "I just don't want you regretting anything." Rei ignores Kazuki, trying to focus on the race that he's been trying to win for the last five rounds. ----- As usual, Rei is still up, immersed in his video games. His ears pick up a door being opened followed by heavy footsteps down the hallway and onto a few steps of the staircase. "Hey, Rei. Have you heard from __(y/n), yet?" "No." Rei pauses his game to raise a brow at his friend. "Why?" "I texted in our group chat asking if she got home, but she hasn't answered. I even called her, but her phone is dead." Rei checks his phone for any messages or calls from you. None. "It's been over two hours now. I'm getting worr-" "I'll be back!" Rei quickly abandons his game, running towards the door while grabbing his jacket. His heart starts pounding at all the negative thoughts pouring into his mind. Even if you both were arguing, you typically told someone that you arrived home safely. And your place wasn't far from his so you should have already been home. Rei is zipping through town, searching for a woman with __(e/c) eyes and __(h/c) hair. Not normally his style, but he then resorts to yelling your name. He tries your number again and immediately is transferred to your voicemail. He had hoped to hear your voice, even if you probably wouldn't sound too happy to see him calling. Finally, he spots you exiting a tavern, adjusting the bag on your shoulder. Suddenly, he sees a tall male in black standing in front of you, blocking his view. The man looks horrifyingly familiar. He's reminded of Ogino, a terrifying killer from the organization. And he's right in front of you. Rei wastes no seconds, dashing towards the broad man and looping an arm over his neck. "Run, __(y/n)!" "R-rei!?" You're surprised by his abrupt appearance. You didn't see or hear him at all! You see your boyfriend choke holding the man in front of you and you quickly pull at Rei's arm to loosen the grip. "Stop! Stop! What are you doing?" "He's going to kill you! Run! I'll catch up!" "Wh-what? No! He was just asking directions! Let him go!" You knew of Rei's occupation so you understood his paranoia, but you also knew that this older male was innocent. Rei glances at his victim and his eyes widen at an unfamiliar person. He may be tall like Ogino, but his facial features did not match. At all. You apologize immediately to the older gentleman, forcing Rei to bow with you. It was hard trying to explain Rei's behavior, but you two got lucky that the stranger didn't press charges nor did he ask any further questions. "Rei, what the hell was-" Your sentence gets swallowed by Rei's lips, his hands gently cradling your face. He doesn't breathe, only deepening the kiss further. All frightening thoughts of potentially losing you and his regrets slowly dissipate. When he sees your confused yet angry face, he still makes a move to hug you. He knows you're upset at him and he doesn't care if you yell or push him away, he just needs to feel you. Rei leans down to rest his chin on your shoulder, arms coiled tightly around you. "What is going-" Again he cuts you off. "I'm sorry." Kazuki was right. Rei felt stupid to let an argument get in the way of the time that you could have spent with each other. He wouldn't know what he'd do if his nightmare came true. "I'm sorry." He says again and your eyes continue to widen. You weren't expecting your night to turn out like this. The sincerity and the shakiness of his voice leaves you a little less angry and compelled your arms to return the embrace. "I'm sorry, too." You knew you both were wrong for the bickering and needed to open the communication lines. Your hearts yearned for one another. "You don't need to apolo-" Now it was your turn to not let him finish. "Yes, of course I do. We both said some things that weren't nice and I'm not letting you be the only one apologizing." That's what he loves about you. You were so reasonable, patient, and understanding with him. A person who didn't understand much emotions or how to approach them. "So, what was choking that poor old man about?" You both give each other a little space. "You didn't say that you were home and when we called, your phone was dead. I thought something had happened." You looked through your bag and found that your cell was out of battery. "Oh. I had no idea. I wasn't ready to go home yet so I stopped by this place to grab a drink. I'm sorry for worrying you." You felt better knowing that Rei still cared about you even if you weren't speaking to each other. You were glad he wasn't that stubborn. "It's okay. Not your fault. Just glad you're safe." The hitman fills the space between your fingers with his, lifting your hand high enough for his lips to touch. "Let me walk you home." "And spend the night with me? If you're okay with that." You didn't want to force him into something he wasn't ready. You both just apologized so you weren't sure if he was still trying to work out his feelings. You two rarely get into altercations. "Re-really?" His face looked like you just gave him the new Morio Kart game. He was just too cute. “Of course. Just because we weren't talking didn't mean I didn't miss you." "I missed you, too. The bathtub is cold without you." "Well, my bathtub isn't big enough for us to sleep in, but I still got my bed." "Perfect. I don't care as long as we're together...and talking again." "And cuddling?" You laugh lightly, leading him to the street where you lived. "That's a must."
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Sugar & spice
• What was the first reaction of the other members (we all know already what Namjoon thought 🙄), when they found out about Y/N or when they met her for the first time?
I mean yeah, Namjoon is kind of.. 🤧 I'll still include him tho lol
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"So what you're saying is-" Namjoon says, trying hard to stay composed. "-You've been hiding the fact that you adopted a fucking hybrid three years ago? And you didn't think once about telling me, or us in general?" He says, shaking his head. Jungkook is standing in his studio with his arms crossed, having somewhat expected this reaction from the leader. "She's not going to be able to handle your career-"
"You didn't even meet her yet, I've handled it fine until now-" jungkook argues back, but Namjoon won't let him.
"She's a hybrid!" He barks out, successfully shutting the younger idol up. "I.. need time to think about this." He says, and Jungkook gladly leaves his studio-
Because he's sure, otherwise he might've done something he'd regret later.
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"You're awfully curious about her." Jungkook notices as Jimin watches you sleep with your head on his thigh.
"Hmhm. I.. have been thinking about, you know, something like this as well." He explains, watching you snooze away while Jungkook runs his hand over your hair. "When I donated to the Busan Carecenter for the first time, last year- there was a hybrid who I've been told had been there for six years." The singer softly says, remembering the situation. "All because she doesn't talk. She uses sign language instead." He says. "Its honestly cute. Like, she signed this-" he demonstrates with his hands, "to tell me I'm handsome. So bold!" He laughs to himself, and Jungkook grins.
"Why not do it?" He asks. "I mean, it works out for me. And you're a good person, hyung."
"What if I like her too much?" Jimin quietly asks, and Jungkook shrugs.
"They're not stupid. I mean, look at us both. It's all consensual, we talked about it a lot before anything happened, and that's what's most important."
"Wait, youre-" jimin asks, and Jungkook nods, shrugging.
"We are." He simply says. "And I wouldn't want anybody else than her."
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"She's adorable, really.!" He laughs from his spot, watching how you run back to both Jungkook and him with your and Jungkooks jackets. "You're so fast too!" He praises, and you smile, before giving Hoseok something he receives with wide eyes. "Where'd you find that?" He asks astounded, having searched for that bracelet the entire day. You simply point towards a chair way further back, and Jungkook smiles.
"She's like a police dog in that department." He comments. "No idea how she does it."
"Sounds incredibly helpful." He laughs, smiling at you, who rather hides a little behind Jungkook who instead occupies your attention by helping you into your coat. "She's super shy, isn't she?" He says more calmer now, and Jungkook nods.
"A mix of past trauma and her general character I believe." He shrugs, putting on his own coat. "The more you get to know her, the more she'll open up, promise." He reassures, and Hoseok nods.
"Even if she stays quiet, that's fine." He says, before he looks at you. "Dont ever let anyone force you to be someone you're not." He says, and you nod.
Taking that suggestion to heart.
Taehyung & Jin:
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"Well, that's certainly not something I thought to witness." Seokjin says, standing in the entryway together with Taehyung, both idols looking at the chaotic scenery in front of them.
"I'm sorry- I wanted to tell you, I promise- no wait stay still, please baby-" Jungkook struggles, holding your head still to access the damage that had occurred earlier. Vote idols had caught the singer off-guard; causing you to run a bit too fast over the tiled floors, slipping and subsequently hitting your head on the edge of the living room table.
"I- who is she even? Are you looking after someone's hybrid?" Seokjin wants to know, but Taehyung taps his older bandmate's arm, pointing around.
There's clear signs of a hybrid living here, long term, and it gets clearer the further they step into their bandmate's home. Food additives and supplements in the kitchen, a nutrition guide on the fridge, multiple coats and shoes nowhere near Jungkook's size in the entryway. You're not someone's hybrid. You're his hybrid.
"Do you feel dizzy? Sick? No?" Jungkook asks, making sure you didn't sustain any serious injuries from your fault- before he holds you close while you cry from the shock of the accident. "I'm.. really sorry. This isn't how I wanted you to find out."
"Man, I'm impressed if anything. So that's why no one's allowed to visit you?" Taehyung wonders, and Jungkook nods.
The singer had wanted to pick something up from Jungkook on his way to his own home- and Jungkook had agreed, having intended to just give it out by the door, having you hide somewhere so it wouldn't come out.
"Well.. I mean, if you're not ready to share it with the guys yet, I won't tell." Seokjin shrugs. Taehyung next to him nods as well.
"Did she hurt herself bad?" Taehyung wonders, stepping a bit closer to where you're hiding in Jungkook's chest, and the singer who's holding you shakes his head.
"Luckily just a bump on the head. Just the shock, really." He says, and slowly, you lean back, looking at the stranger with tear stained cheeks and glistening eyes.
"I'm sorry we scared you. Let's meet some other time instead, okay?" Taehyung offers, and Seokjin smiles as well- and you nod, before looking at Jungkook.
It's not how he wanted anyone to find out- but he knows to trust his hyungs. They'll keep it secret until he's ready.
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"Thats a lot of supplements." Yoongi comments on, looking at the small bottles of food supplements that are in Jungkooks kitchen. The singer next to him nods.
"She can basically eat anything, but I like to make sure she gets all she needs." He says, flipping the piece of meat in the pan. "Some might think I'm a bit too picky with what she gets to eat. I think I actually am." He chuckles.
"Nah, it's normal to be so aware, I guess." The rapper shrugs. "They're dependent on us to a certain degree, after all." He mumbles, watching the younger idol plate up your portion of dinner. "Is she always this calm?" He wonders, looking over at you quietly watching TV while both he and Jungkook reside in the kitchen.
"I mean, yeah? She gets her days where she's a little hyper, but a lot of people have told me she's really calm." He says. "Many just think hybrids are either eternal children or full on pets. It's infuriating, really."
"It really is. But they're just different." Yoongi shrugs off, turning around to get cutlery. "It'll get better one day, I hope. People like Namjoon just.. haven't really looked into it enough to understand it." He explains.
"Still... it upsets me that he's acting like she's some alien that's gonna ruin everyone's life's now." Jungkook sighs.
"Oh, that was to be expected, though." Yoongi laughs. "There's a reason some of us don't tell Namjoon everything that's going on in our lives." He laughs. "He'd lose his mind if he ever got wind of some of the shit we do in our private time." He jokes.
"I mean, there's hardly something worse right now than one of his bandmates owning a fucking hybrid." Jungkook jokes, and Yoongi simply turns towards him with chopsticks in hand.
"Oh there is." He says, grinning boyishly. "Two of his bandmates owning a hybrid."
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andorskenobi · 2 years
Breathe | J. Seresin
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Jake Seresin x F!Reader
Summary: After a particularly rough mission for Jake you realize that the feelings you have been harboring cannot wait any longer and that you may not have forever to tell him how you feel.
Warnings: slight angst, fluffy Jake, no use of y/n
A/N: I have been watching a lot of Grey's Anatomy, in fact I was watching it while writing this, but it basically inspired me to write this. If you've seen Grey's then you know the Mark and Lexie scene where she tells him how much she loves him so this is just that scene but Hangman.
The feeling didn't truly hit you until you had gotten home that afternoon, he had almost died. Your best friend almost didn't come home to you.
When he showed up at the Hard Deck your heart dropped to your toes, there was a bandage on his forehead and you could see the bruising peaking through the collar of his shirt.
You turn to Penny who already knew what you were about to ask and was already nodding her head. You place the glass you were drying and made your way out from behind the bar. Jake was the only thing you saw, it was like you and him were the only people in the bar.
"Well if it isn't the one and only," you say, a smile written on your face to hid the concern in your tone. Of course Jake knew you better than that and could hear the concern from a mile away.
"I am fine, before you even ask. It was just a system malfunction, the plane went down but I am fine." Jake pulled you into a hug and you relax into him.
"You didn't tell me you were back, I was worried about you."
"How sweet of you."
You were laying in your bed thinking of all the ways that Jake could possibly get hurt or how life would be if he never made it back home. Suddenly you were out of bed and in your car.
Now here you are standing on Jake's doorstep waiting for him to come to the door. You had everything you were going to say planned out in your mind, but that all left you when you came face to face with an exhausted Jake.
"Sweetheart, it's late what are you doing here?" You just stared at him, and him at you.
"I love you." It just slipped out, shocking both you and Jake, "Oh god, oh my god. That just came flying right out of my face."
He wasn't saying anything, just giving you that dumb look he gives you when you say something he doesn't understand. Which made this so much worse for you.
"I love you. Oh god I did it again. I love you."
You run your hands through your hair and push past Jake into his house. Yet, still he just looks at you not saying a thing.
"I do. I just, I love you. And I have been trying not to say it. I have been trying so hard to just mash it down and ignore it and not say it. I am so in love with you. You’re in me. You’re like — it’s like you’re a disease. It's like I am infected by Jake Seresin and I just can't think about anything or anyone," You pause and release a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. Jake had gotten closer and closed the door at some point, his hand reaching out to wipe a stray tear from your face.
"I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't breathe, and I love you." You finish tears pooling in your eyes. "Please, Jake, say something."
He just stared, his hands cupping your cheeks.
"You love me." It came out as more of a statement than a question. You just nodded your head in response. "You love me."
Jake was smiling now, "Did you not get that from the first three times I said it?"
"Oh I definitely did, you love me." He said, putting emphasis on the 'o' in love.
"I regret telling you now." A smile spreads across your face as you shook your head. You looked up at him, putting a hand on his cheek and pulling him down to connect your lips.
"You love me." He smiles into the kiss before pulling you further into the house.
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artaxerxesthegreat · 2 years
Secrets and Trust
A/N: This is my first ‘song fic’, and boy was it a rollercoaster of emotions. Not sure why I wrote this, and I’ll probably delete it later, but for now I’ll share it with the masses. Please note, this is kind of sad and horribly written.
Warnings: MDNI, 18+ only, reader is the middle sibling of T'Challa and Shuri, Song fic [Lift me up], not alpha/beta read, angst, a lot of angst, sadness, so much sadness, in universe death, BPWF spoilers, non-gender specific, one curse word, mild gaslighting (?), alludes to drowning, implied smut, T’Challa might be OOC, K’uk’ulkan might be OOC, family hurt, slice of life (?), enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers. Again(?), I used the original script for some parts
A/N2: If I missed anything, just let me know. I usually write WOC fics, so this is my first non-gendered fic, I hope I did alright.
A/N3: All rights to Ryan Coogler and everyone that helped him make this wonderful movie. Song credit to Rihanna and co.
K'uk'ulkan/Namor x POC!Sibling!Reader
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“No matter what happens, I will always be with you.”
That’s what my brother said— that’s what he’s said since the day I was born. A promise he has kept, no matter what.
Lift me up
Hold me down
“Come, jump in! I will catch you, I promise!” 
His smile— bright, shining, radiant, warm… full of mischievousness.
“You are lying, T’Challa!” I shout back, a smile ever present on my face.
“Aye, what are you talking about? I would never, scout's honor.” He salutes me, standing up straight, but I just shake my head.
“You have never been a boy scout, T’Challa!” 
The river we were swimming in was full of joy and laughter. 
My heart never felt so full.
Keep me close
Safe and sound
“It’s okay, it’s alright.” My brother holds me closely as the realization of our Baba’s death finally takes its toll on me. I was so strong for so long, fighting the pain I felt— being the emotional rock for our baby sister, but seeing his sarcophagus being taken from us to the Hall of the Kings, sent me over the edge.
I cried for days.
Burning in a hopeless dream
Hold me when you go to sleep
Keep me in the warmth of your love
When you depart, keep me safe
Safe and sound
“Are you alright?” T’Challa’s soft voice breaks the silence that I’ve been trying to hide in. When I don’t answer him, he turns me over to look at him. Tears, still running down my face, tell him all he needs to know. Wrapping me in a tight hug, he lets me cry until I can’t cry anymore.
It feels like hours go by before I finally speak.
“Is it really true?” My voice is hoarse, tears dried on my face.
“… It is.” His voice is as soft as ever.
“And you are sure there is no cure?”
He doesn’t answer right away, only sighs, staring up at the ceiling as we lay side-by-side. That’s all I need to know, I can feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes again.
But I fight them, clearing my throat, I ask the question that tips the scales.
“And you want me to keep it a secret?”
Now he looks at me, sadness in his eyes, regret in his body language.
“It is wrong for me to put such a burden on you, but mother and Shuri are not ready for this. They will never rest to fight this illness, and I will not live the rest of my days in a bed. I am the Black Panther— and I will be the Black Panther until I cannot. My duty is to my country, my people, and my family. One little illness— curable or not— will not change that fact.”
My lip quivers, as a tear rolls by, wiping it away fiercely I ask, “How… how long?”
“About a year.” 
The tears all but gushed out my eyes as I hugged him tightly, all the jokes we’ve made about him losing weight, being the skinniest Black Panther to have ever lived. Even about M’Baku using him as a toothpick after he is done eating his vegetables, all came rushing back as the news of his illness hits me twice over. 
“I am so sorry, my brother.”
“What for?” He pulls back with a confused smile.
“All the insensitive jokes we’ve made. They were wrong, uncalled-for, and I am sorry.”
“Don’t be.” His smile— as bright as the sun, as calm as the sea.
“… We only have a year?”
Nodding my head, I look at him with conviction, “Then let’s make the most of it.”
Lift me up
Hold me down
Keep me close
“You should be resting!” I hiss at him, but he just smiles, leading me to a small house.
“There will be plenty of time for that, but first you must meet someone— someone important to me.” Again with that warm smile, I simply smile back as we walk into this unknown house, “What does a man have to do around here to be welcomed?”
“T’Challa, what are you—” I start to chide my brother, when the sound of running feet and a child’s voice interrupt me.
A small boy runs into my brother’s arms, hugging him tightly. Shocked, I simply stare at the two, and when they look at me… it’s the same smile, the same eyes, the same warmth.
“Oh… T’Challa.”
Safe and sound
…“You said, ‘no matter what happens, you’ll always be with me’… but I can’t feel you anymore, brother. Your warmth is gone, your family is lost without you, your mother and baby sister are full of regret and guilt because of your secret. Your smile is gone, your soul is gone, and I don’t know what to do. How am I supposed to go on, when you never told me what to do when you are gone?! How am I supposed to be strong?! That was you, I, I can’t do this on my own… I need help, T’Challa. Please, bring me a sign— a sign that tells me you are here with me, guiding and helping me. I beg you, brother, do not abandon me.”… 
The cool night air hits me, making me shiver as my small fire has died down. I made my way to a secluded part of the river tribe, trying to understand why my brother did things the way he did; from keeping his illness a secret, to his son. 
I know why, but… why? 
Why have me keep all these secrets, why put that much faith and trust in me? Why leave me so soon? Why couldn’t we have more time?! Why was he taken from us?!
“WHY?!” My scream travels across the water, my knees give out as I sob on the shore.
Then there’s a sound.
Bird wings…           
“…what…” Looking up, I see the bird—well, it's not a bird. It’s a man… a man with wings on his ankles, “What…?”
I should be worried, I should be terrified, I should be calling for the Dora Milaje, but I don’t. I stare at this man, this otherworldly being, with confusion and wonder. Who is he? Where did he come from? — He’s wet, did he swim here? Is he a fish? —A fish with wings? Are there others like him? Is he alone? Why are his clothes so ancient looking?
Then he laughs.
Realization sets in, I’ve said all this out loud.
Embarrassment takes hold of me, I cast my eyes to the sand beneath me, “I am sorry, stranger.”
“You are not at fault, Querido.” (Dear one) His voice is a calm baritone, his eyes as dark as onyx, his smile… as radiant as the sun.
Awestruck, I simply stare up at his man. His smile widens, and I have to look away, remembering myself.
“I’m sorry.” Bashful, I cover my face.
“Again, you did nothing wrong.”
A sense of peace fills my spirit, one I haven’t felt in a long time; all thanks to this stranger, I finally feel safe.
Drowning in an endless sea
Take some time and stay with me
Keep me in the strength of your arms
Keep me safe
“Really?! Threats! That’s how you introduce yourself to my mother, are you crazy?!” My voice echoes off of the cave walls. I know full well that Attuma and Namora are standing right outside his hut, but I couldn't care less, “My mother, my sister– hell, even the council are losing their minds on what to do about you!”
He had been silent the whole time I was ranting— a good 5 minutes— but at the mention of the council, his eyes burn.
“My instructions were simple.” His voice is calm, but there’s an edge to it that angers me further, “This proves that Wakanda cannot be trusted.”
“Trust?!” My anger spills over, “How can you speak of trust when YOU threatened MY family, and my country?! How can you sit here, in your hidden little hut, painting your little pictures, living in your perfect little world when you barely give my family time to process the existence of a whole civilization living underwater?! You speak of trust, but show none— you haven’t given us a reason to trust you?!”
Not missing a bit, he replies, “Have I not trusted you? Did I not bring you here, to my people, my kingdom, my home— treated you with the utmost respect, deserving of a god, sheltered you when you needed an escape from your ‘home’? Tell me, In yakunaj.” (My love)
I see red, “This coming from the man who still has not told me his name.”
“I have told you—”
“—No,” I hold up my finger, stopping any more words from falling from his lips, “No, you told me what your people call you, what your enemies call, but never have you told me what your friends call you— what your mother called you.” 
My voice grows soft towards the end, but where I’ve calmed down, he’s picked up; a blind man can see the anger in his face. I’ve stepped too far over the line, and the caves are quiet, too quiet. No one says anything, no one breathes too loudly. As time stretches on, it dawns on me that I was never meant to know his name. 
Casting my eyes to the ground, I nod in understanding, walking to the hut opening. Looking over my shoulder, I hold my head up high, fighting tears.
“I’m sorry.”
This time, he didn’t forgive me, this time he didn’t stop me.
This time he didn’t save me.
Safe and sound
… Sirens, singing, floods, screams, pain, panic, death— all of it surrounds me, all of it chases me.
There is no escaping it.
No Black Panther.
No warriors.
No winged god to take me away.
Just fear, snaking round my throat, closing tightly around me until I can’t breathe. 
Right when I think I’m going to pass out from the shock of it all, he shows up.
Still as breathtaking as the day I met him— still as deadly. 
And his eyes.
Vengeance, revenge and… regret…?
My mother stands tall, Riri is scared, I… I don’t know what to feel.
… Water, screams, broken glass, cold water, no air… it’s too much
And yet.
Not enough…
… Opening my eyes, I cough, spitting out copious amounts of water. It burns so much, my eyes are stinging, my ears are ringing. I hear Shuri screaming, but I’m too dazed to process it; until my vision clears, landing on our mother.
“You did this!”
“It could have been different.”
“Bury your dead, mourn your losses. In one week’s time, I will return with my entire army.”
“Where are you, T’Challa?”
Lift me up
Hold me down
Keep me safe
Safe and sound
“Wakanda only needs one Black Panther, and you made it, Shuri.” My sister looks at me shocked, “If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have this, you take it.”
“But… but how can I be… You are next in line.”
“And as the next in line, I am telling you to take the herb, take up the mantle of the Black Panther, protect our people because I cannot.” Fighting tears, I push the herb in her hands closer to her, “There is too much— too much you do not know, and I cannot with good conscience take this herb. Please, sister, do not make me take it.”
Shuri can see how difficult this is for me, and nods, assuring me that she will do her best.
“That is all I ask for, my dear sister.”
Burning in a hopeless dream
Hold me when you go to sleep
Keep me safe
We need light, we need love
The sound of the battlefield was all I could hear; that and the pumping of my blood  in my ears. I’ve always known the Talokanil were skilled fighters, but never did I think I’d be fighting against them. Many I’ve clashed my blade with were friends of mine, but in war, there are none.
We are enemies… oh how I wish it were different. This is not how it should be.
Then my sister’s Sunbird comes by, her helmet is off, her stance is strong.
And next to her… is him.
“Talokan, retírar a! Volvamos tin wotoch. K ba'ate'lo' waye' ts'o'ok u beetik.” (Talokan, stand down! Let us return home. Our fight here is done.)
A feeling of relief washes over me, I look at my sister as she salutes us, “WAKANDA FOREVER!”
“WAKANDA FOREVER!!” We echo back victorious. Our enemies— no, our new allies make their way back home, and I’m left feeling empty. Their king is the last to leave, our eyes never meeting, words never exchanged. My sister knows something is wrong, even when we get back home.
Then I tell her.
I tell her everything.
From T’Challa’s secrets, to my affair with the underwater king.
She leaves… angry, confused, sad, and feeling very much alone.
I thought it best that I leave Wakanda for a bit, but where would I go? My life is here, and yet… it doesn’t feel like home anymore.
Nakia offered me a room in her house in Haiti, but I couldn’t go there, not while my sister is clearing her head there.
So I begin walking along the riverbank, I watch the sunset, feeling a rush of emotions— good and bad.
…“Brother…” My eyes are closed as I feel a breeze blow by, “Thank you. Thank you for your protection, your love, and for keeping your word… I was too focused on my anger and pain to realize that you were here the whole time. You have guided me, challenged me, and made me strong— stronger than I could ever imagine, and for that I thank you.”
Sitting down in the sand, I dig my toes in it, drawing nonsensical patterns, “My days seemed so grim and dark without you here, but I finally am starting to feel the sun again. It’s light, finally making these bones warm again… I do hope you forgive me for telling Shuri everything, she was less than pleased, and rightfully so. I wish you could have met… him, though. If you were here, there may not have been a war to begin with… I miss you, T’Challa, and I miss him.”
Bringing my knees to my chest, I cry.
I’ve been doing so much of that lately, it’s annoying, it makes me angry— it makes me feel weak.
And yet I cannot stop.
I’ve heard that crying is supposed to be therapeutic, that it makes you feel better afterward, but I only feel sad and foolish.
Only my brother wiping away my tears, telling me everything is going to be alright made me feel better, but he isn’t here anymore.
So I cry more.
“I-I know… I have to move on, I have to let you go but—” The warmth of the sun is gone, and back is the darkness that has had a hold on me creeps in, “I need help, I need strength… and forgiveness.”
“You have done nothing that requires forgiveness, Ch'ujuk.” (Sweet one)
My head snaps up at the voice, the voice I’ve heard more times than I should have. The voice that made me cry with laughter, and cry with anger and hate.
He sits next to me, staring out at the water; his clothes are that of a poor man, bandage on his foot from where my sister clipped him.
“My, how the mighty have fallen…” I couldn't help myself, and he doesn’t say anything. Just glances at me, giving me a weak laugh, “… I’m—”
“I swear, if you apologize one more time, I—” Now he turns to me, annoyance in his features as I snap back, because I want him to finish his sentence.
“—You’ll what, fishman?”
A challenge is what I’ve presented him with, one he’s faced many times before, all ending the same way.
Me beneath him, in the best of ways… but that was before.
Now we stare at each other, debating on what to do next. Do we give in? Do we act as if that war from a few weeks ago never happened? The words that were said… the actions, and consequences of those actions.
It won’t ever be the same.
And it will only get harder. 
“… I should have listened to you.” His voice and words catch me off guard, “There was a better way to make myself known to your people and your family. It never should have gotten that far, and I…”
I watch him closely, waiting to hear the words, so I can tell him to fuck off and dry out on a beach somewhere, but as the seconds tick on it gets suffocating. 
Tears are in his eyes, “I am sorry, U Majestad (Your majesty). I was scared, rash, and reckless. I should have consulted you— shown you trust…”
lift me up in your arms
“It doesn’t matter now, does it… Namor?”
The pain etched on his face at the use of that name riddles me with guilt. But he deserves it, and he knows it.
(Hold me down) I need love, I need love, I need love
Lifting an arm out to me, he watches me with bated breath, hoping I’ll accept his side hug.
And against my better judgment, I do.
(Keep me close) hold me, hold me
Warmth, safety, sunshine— sunrise and sunset.
(Safe and sound) hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
More tears. More crying.
But this time… comfort.
(Lift me up) hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
“You can hate me for all eternity. I deserve that, and more— but please… do not call me that name.”
I nod, trying not to sob uncontrollably, “What should I—”
I’m silenced with a kiss, a soft one that turns mournful and needy rather quickly. He kisses the air out of my lungs, and I have to push him back to take a much-needed breath.
A sound of discontent leaves him, but he kisses the tip of my nose, resting his forehead against mine.
“Ch’ah Toh Almehen.”
(Hold me down) hold me, hold me
“What?” I say breathlessly.
“My name.” He runs his thumb across my cheek, “Ch’ah Toh Almehen.”
I place my hand over his, pull my head back, staring at him, completely beside myself. After a year of being with him, telling him my heart's desires, my hopes and dreams, never did I think I’d hear him tell me his name.
His name.
Smiling, tears run down my face again as I hug and kiss him.
“I like it…”
His smile is bashful, warm and inviting. Leaning in to kiss him again, I whisper.
(Keep me safe) we need light, we need love
“Ch’ah Toh Almehen.”
The end (Horrible, I know)
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verxn · 1 year
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Description: you guys go on the trip to Italy but it doesn’t end very well
Pairing: Peter Parker x black fem reader
It’s been a while , I didn’t know what to write about please don’t get me 😭 - v
They were everywhere…literally everywhere, i couldn’t even turn the corner without seeing them smooching off of each other
We are currently in Italy for a school trip and I kinda regret coming, there’s so much couples everywhere and I cannot seem to escape
Plus looks like Peter is hopping in the bandwagon right behind ned with trying to get with MJ
“What happened to being American bachelors in Europe” I heard peter say to ned
“Dude I’ve changed those were words of a little boy, I’m a man” Ned said to peter
“Jesus Christ Ned you just get a girlfriend now your acting like your some kinda of saint” I said flipping through my engineering book
“Y/n- you weren’t even in this conversation” Ned replied frowning a bit “she’s kinda right through” Peter said to Ned
“Peter you still trying to do that plan?” I looked at him “yeah hopefully I can go through with this without any problems ahead” he said
“When is there never not a problem Peter? Guarantee you might have to pull out the suit” I whispered to him “but anyways enough with the couple talk I can’t stand it” i put my book back in my tote bag
I wore a green tan and brown striped shirt , black slacks with checkered print vans, I put my dreads in a lazy ponytail and I had glasses on even though I could see perfectly fine I just wanted to wear them with my outfit
“Y/n your style is weird” Ned said, I looked up at him “whaddya mean?” He thinks for a moment “I don’t know it’s lazy yet so professional” he added
“Lazy yet so professional? Hm I’ll take it” I said smiling at him “how did you even come up with this style anyway?” Peter said I looked up at him “oh I just had inspiration from certain people” I nodded to myself
“That’s cool, who are those people?” He said curiously “uh- favorite artist like people I listen to” I said to him it was a bit awkward probably because I confessed to him 5 months ago and he sadly turned me down but I moved on …..kinda?
“oh nice nice” he said to me I nodded and folded my arms “well long trip ahead I better go get some snacks” I said to the two and walked away
While I was walking away to one of the random stores I heard “WAIT” I turned around and saw peter running towards me “what the..” I mumbled confused on why he was running towards me
He stopped right in front of me out of breath “are you good?” I said to him “y-yeah I’m fine you just walk really fast” he said to me still out of breath
“yeah I get that a lot” I chuckled to myself “but why did you run over here for ?” “I needed your advice about my plan-” I shucked my teeth and walked away “nope I don’t wanna hear about couples”
We arrived at the hotel and everyone else left but, I didn’t feel like going out so I stayed in, plus all that lovey dovey would rub off on me
I sighed and pulled out my phone and started scrolling through social media, but it was filled up with couple posts and pictures of our classmates on the trip
I groaned and turned off my phone “let’s just take a nap” I said to myself, I laid down and got comfortable and drifted off to sleep
Knocking woke me up from my nap, I sat up rubbing my eyes “just a moment” I said getting off the bed “what the hell” I said to myself
I opened the door and found peter and Ned standing there “what?” I said clearly tired Ned opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off “wait wait wait, before you start if it has to do with anything couple related I will shut this goddamn door on your face” I said now fully awake
“We got attacked” Ned said “attacked how what?” I said confusedly “actually wait come in” I said opening the door wider so they can step in the hotel room
“What happened?” I said with my arms crossed “some big water giant attacked us” Ned said “thank god that guy was there, without him we’ll be toast” he added
“You got Spider-Man right there what you mean?” I said pointing to peter “did you do anything peter ?” I turned to him
He nodded “yeah I webbed up some buildings so they wouldn’t fall and also held up a tower but it fell” I nodded “okay at least nobody is hurt” i said while sitting down
“But what do you want me to do about this? You guys had to come to me for something” I said looking at the pair
They stared at me
“What…?” I said shifting uncomfortably
“Y/n….can you…”
“Don’t tell me you want me to upgrade your suit” I said grabbing my brown coat
“Listen…I know you only do that if it’s necessary but I really need it” Peter said desperately
I looked at peter “look…I’m sorry but, I have no lab to work in and I didn’t bring my materials with me…I’m sorry Peter” I said looking at him sitting on the bed next to ned
Peter nodded and got up while leaving the room , ned slowly looked back at me and mouthed ‘sorry’ and closed the door behind him
I then plopped down on the bed and held my hands to my face “why the hell would I do that”
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stonerwitch · 10 months
i didn’t know if you’d care if i came back (i have a lot of regrets about that)
summary: kate can’t leave seth, even if he wants her to.
a/n: this is also available on my ao3 and i would worship the ground you walk on if you commented or gave me a lil kudos over there https://archiveofourown.org/works/51804403
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Kate had been driving for a whole day before she slams her foot on the break, angrily sighing and putting the car in reverse. She makes her way back to the motel, thumbs nervously tapping the steering wheel and blood still caked onto her face.
He’s probably not even there anymore, she thinks.
Before she knows it she’s pulling up to their room. The light’s still on, so Kate’s hopeful that he’s still there. She grabs the bag of money Seth rudely shoved into her arms the day before and uses the room key she still had to get inside. Surprisingly, he’s still there. He’s passed out—high as a kite, but he’s there. She locks the door behind her and closes the blinds, sets her bags down on the table and makes her way towards Seth.
Seth. The name sounds bittersweet on her tongue.
Seth. The man who kidnapped her and her family. The man who had a gun pointed at her head, more than once. The man who hijacked her family vacation. The man who protected her from monsters. The man who came back for her and her daddy even though he didn’t need to. The man she ran away with. The man who aggravates her to no end. The man who makes her feel safe and not alone. The man who holds her late at night, whispering words of comfort as she falls asleep.
Kate doesn’t really understand how Seth can be all of those things to her. How can the man who took her hostage be the reason she’s able to sleep at night? She doesn’t like to dwell on that thought, likes to file it away in her mind and do her best to ignore it.
She’s tucking pillows on either side of him, something she started after Seth shot up and almost choked on his own vomit. Once Kate is done, she grabs her bag and walks into the bathroom. She turns the shower to the hottest setting it has and starts to peel off her bloody clothes, which now feel like they’ve grafted to her skin. The shower lasts until the hot water runs out, scrubbing her face until it’s red and the skin is irritated. When she’s done, she decides to forgo her own dirty clothes, instead choosing to steal one of Seths undershirts and putting on a clean pair of underwear. Kate knows he’ll be knocked out for at least a few more hours, so she settles on a chair at the table and flicks through the channels on the tv mindlessly until she finds something decent to watch while she waits for him to wake up.
The first Lord of the Rings movie had just ended and the second one was beginning. It was in Spanish but she’d watched the series enough to know the words well enough in her head. When she hears Seth waking up, she mutes the tv and kneels on the ground in front of the bed where he’s laying, her hand finding its way to his cheek.
Seth smiles when he opens his eyes, thinking he’s hallucinating. When he sees the concern on her face, he realizes he’s not hallucinating at all. Pushing her away, he staggers to the other side of the room and rubs his eyes with the heels of his palms. “Thought you left.”
“I didn’t leave.”
He tilts his head, “You literally drove away.”
“Yeah, I did. After you stupidly gave me your half of the money. And, you know, after you literally walked away from me?”
Seth thinks he might be going insane. “Are you actually here right now? I’m not still high? Or dreaming?”
She’s taking small steps towards him now, her hands balled up into fists like she’s trying with everything she has not to knock him out for being so stupid. Instead, she softly replies, “Yes, I’m really here.”
There’s a pregnant pause, like he’s trying to figure out if he believes her. “Why?”
“You’re all I’ve got, Seth. And maybe it’s fucked up but, I care about you.”
The confusion on his face is evident, because Kate Fuller is too good for a common thief like Seth Gecko. Why the fuck would she come back for someone like him? He doesn’t think he’ll ever understand it, but he’s grateful for it. Doesn’t even think he can manage a coherent response. Instead, he pulls her in for a hug, his neck craning down as he settles his face into her neck, breathing in her scent. Strawberries and peaches. He lets himself enjoy the one-sided hug for another moment before he pulls away.
“That is pretty fucked up.” He’s trying to ease the tension, he fucking hates emotional talks, but even he can agree that that was probably one of the dumbest responses he could’ve come up with.
Kate just wordlessly glares at him.
Seth sighs. “Jesus…I’m not good at this.” A beat. “I’m sorry. For everything. I didn’t mean what I said back there. I was pissed and I took it out on you. You were in danger because of me, almost died again because of me. I thought you’d be better off.”
“I’m alive because of you. If you weren’t there, I’d be dead.”
“Rafa saved you.”
She sighs, “He’s dead, Seth. Do you really still need to be jealous of him? You’ve saved me other times and you know that. If the danger of being with you scared me that much then I never would’ve asked to come with you.”
“I’m not—”
Kate raises a brow, telling him I know you’re lying without saying a word.
“Christ… Okay, maybe I was. That’s not– that’s not the point. You’ve been put in so much danger since you met me. Doesn’t that bother you? I literally kidnapped you and got your family killed. Why are you even still here?” Seth questions, still in disbelief that an angel such as Kate Fuller even wants to talk to him, let alone have any kind of relationship with him.
“Of course it bothers me. You can’t even begin to understand the weight of this, of how I feel. Like I’m betraying my family. What happened isn’t your fault, I know it would’ve happened whether you took us or not, but I still feel guilty. Still feel like I’m betraying them. And more so I feel insane for finding safety and comfort in the man who took me as a hostage.” Kate can still see the confusion on his face and sighs, dragging him to the bed. She settles herself on his lap and places a gentle hand on each side of his face, forcing him to look her in the eye. “I don’t fully understand it, maybe I never will. But I can’t imagine my life without you and I don’t want to. Maybe that’s just how you know you love someone, but we’re in this together whether you like it or not.”
Seths entire body stiffens, his hands placed firmly on Kates hips. “I don’t–I don’t understand.”
“Seth Gecko, listen to me very closely. I love you. And I know you probably think that’s naive and crazy and I probably have stockholm syndrome and how could I possibly love someone who took me hostage but, I do. I love you. Like, really love you. And whether you admit it to me or not, I know you feel the same.”
A few minutes pass and he finds himself staring at the muted tv in front of them while Kate fiddles with the hem of Seths shirt. He knows he feels the same. He’s known it for months. He also knows he’s a bastard and a bad man and everything Kate shouldn’t love. She’s an angel and he’s an old man who drove away with her. He took her because he wanted her and ended up ruining her life, her family. Her fathers dead and her brothers a blood sucking monster just like Richie. It’s all his fault even though she’s constantly telling him it’s not. But he’s selfish and always has been.
He doesn’t deserve her or her love, but he takes it anyway.
Because that’s just who he is.
He takes and takes and takes.
And Jesus Christ he loves Kate Fuller and doesn’t think there will ever be a time in his life where he doesn’t. So, he swallows what pride he has left and tells her because she deserves to hear it; whether he’s ready to admit it or not.
“I’ve never loved anyone more.” And it’s true. He hasn’t been in many long term relationships, and even though he used to try and convince himself that he loved Vanessa, he didn’t. Not really. Especially not like this. Not like the blooming he feels in his heart when Kate so much as looks at him. With both hands cradling her face, he spills his heart out to the girl in front of him. The girl he loves. He thinks it’s weird to say out loud. Hasn’t said it (and meant it) to anyone but his brother in years. He thinks it’s kinda liberating.
Kates heart skips a beat, her eyes widen and she lets a soft gasp escape her lips. “Really?” Seth nods, pulling her arms to wrap around his neck while he hums in response. “Wow. I must be pretty special, huh?” The brunette smirks at him, teasing.
Seth chuckles at her joke, “You’re somethin’ else, you know that? Yeah, angel, you’re pretty special.”
Kate just fucking beams at him. Pearly whites sparkling in the moonlight that spilled in through the curtains, her dimples making her look absolutely adorable.
They bask in their confessed love for a moment, a pink hue finding a home in Kates cheeks–giddy with happiness. She leans in to whisper, voice filled with nerves. “Does that mean you’ll finally kiss me?”
Seth scoffs, cause what kind of fucking question is that? “Princess, I thought you’d never ask.”
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xxlynxxx · 2 years
With me- chapter 12
A/n: I think I’ll upload a couple more chapters for this story bc I have some stories I wanna put out for a couple aot characters and some different fandoms 🥰 enjoy! Xoxoxoxo
You let yourself out of the truck without waiting for him to open your door like usual. Unfortunately for you, the front door was locked, and you had to wait for Reiner to open it. He cautiously walked behind you, keys dangling as he nervously looked for the one belonging to the door. "Sorry," he mumbled, accidentally rubbing up against you. You just nodded as you walked into his foyer. "Y/n.. please let’s talk," he said before you reached his staircase.
"I don’t want to argue with Rei." I kind of just want to nap and then head back to my place. "I still have a painting I need to finish." You said you were turning around to head up the stairs. "Yeah, well, this sweeping things under the rug and waiting until later to talk isn’t me. "I think you owe me just some sort of explanation after everything we’ve done."
He was right, but at this moment, you were so angry at Zeke and at yourself that Reiner was an easy target for all the anger.
You were never one for confrontation and you were never good at speaking your true feelings. No man ever wanted to with you anyways. "What explanation? What do you want to hear from me Reiner?! Yes we fucked and yea I cheated on Zeke and yes I’m feeling guilty because this isn’t me but part I don’t regret it because." You could finish the sentence. Only groaning in annoyance and stomping up the stairs like a child. You didn’t know who you were at the moment. Why was this so hard? Why couldn’t you just put your big girl panties on.
Reiner quickly chased you up the steps and into his bedroom, where he caught the door before you could slam it. "Y/n, please take a breath and just talk to me." "You know you can talk to me." He pleaded with you as you paced back and forth in the room. Pacing—it felt like you were doing that a lot lately.
  "Why Reiner? "Why do you care?" Your voice broke on the last word. Biting your bottom lip to keep it from quivering "No more breakdowns, yes or no." Be a big girl and feel everything. Just let go. You thought to yourself.
"If you think I did all of this for a meaningless fuck," He closed his eyes, taking a breath. "Zeke doesn’t care about you, y/n." You know that. Jesus Christ, everyone can see that! Reiner didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but he needed you to open your eyes. to be real with yourself.
"I’m leaving," you said, walking past him. Halfway out the bedroom door, he grabs your wrist.
"No. Stop running from me. "Y/N..I would do anything to..."
"No! What makes you any different than every other man who’s used and abused me? "I'm damaged goods." Tears fall down your cheeks as you jerk your arm away from him and make your way downstairs. "Y/n baby, please listen to me."
He’s running down the stairs now, trying to reach the front door before you do.
As if some divine being heard his inner thoughts and felt his desperation, thunder sounded from outside. Rain is pouring down hard. You sighed as you looked out the window. "Look, it’s a mess outside." Let's just sit down and talk this out. "Tell me what you’re feeling so I can figure out what I need to do to make it better."
   Right In front of you was a man who told you things you weren’t used to. Because he was willing to put whatever he felt aside to understand where all this emotion was coming from. All he wanted to do was comfort you.
 That night you poured everything out to him; he sat quietly and listened, holding you and wiping your tears. He reassured you that he would be by your side and wanted you to go at your own pace, but at the same time he knew you would be his and only his. You told him you wouldn’t sleep with Zeke, especially now that you feel your body belongs to Reiner. You just needed to get the courage to break it off with Zeke.
Chapter 13.
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hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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Chapter Sixty Four
Luctus Aglais Io
Pairing: Haikyuu!! x Fem!Reader
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"What do you want?" Suna asks the man. "Money? Drugs?"
"Like you've got any of that anymore," he scoffs. "Why do you want to leave here anyways? You're gonna be screwed if you leave, too, you know. No money. No home. Nothing. Don't act like your little girlfriend here won't leave you for someone else in the blink of an eye on the other side."
"There's more of us, you know," Suna then explains. "Fourteen to be exact. The odds are not in your favor, my friend."
"Yo!" Hinata's voice suddenly calls out. The rest of your group is walking over.
"What good timing," Suna smiles. "Did I mention most of us have guns, too? Pretty large ones, in fact."
"Go away. I have nothing," the man sighs, closing his eye again.
You and Suna exchange a defeated look before turning back to the others who are now approaching. Hinata, Oikawa, and Kenma get the closest and look behind you to see the sleeping man nearby.
"Oh shit," Oikawa whispers when he sees the fake sleeper. "Hajime?"
When you turn around, the man now has both of his eyes open looking past you toward Oikawa. "Fucking hell," he whispers to himself as Oikawa walks around you to get toward the stranger.
"Do you know him?" you ask, unintentionally ruining their reunion.
"This man was the co-owner of the casino I used to, well, co-own. Iwaizumi." Oikawa whispers in disbelief. "Hey, Hajime, do you really have a way out of here? You used to have a plane, didn't you?"
"You never shut the fuck up, do you?" Iwaizumi groans. "Yeah, I have a plane, but don't get your fucking hopes up. It's been broken. Why else do you think I'm hanging around this shit hole?"
"Dunno, maybe you were waiting for me," Oikawa grins hopefully. You've only seen these two talk for a few minutes, but you can already sense some kind of tension between the two of them.
"How 'bout this then," you begin to negotiate. "We'll help you with your plane, but then you gotta fly us out with you."
"Don't think I've got much of a choice between your guns and Oikawa's big mouth," he chuckles. "Alright, fine, but it's going to take some time even with the extra hands."
"Thanks, Hajime," Oikawa beams. "You won't regret it."
"Yeah, well, it's not like you'll last long. There's no food left. Not in the whole fucking place."
"That's fine, we got a bus and two cars," you interrupt. "Kenma and I will go get food. We can all share. Sound good?" you ask, turning towards Kenma.
"Fine with me," he nods back.
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About a week later, you and Kenma head out on your last food run before finally departing from the airport. It's his turn to drive Yamaguchi's car, so you sit in the passenger seat beside him and watch as he puts the key in the ignition and places it in drive.
"You alright?" he asks as he drives out of the lot, heading toward the grocery store the two of you had discovered last week. "You look a bit out of it today, Y/N."
"I'm fine. Just a bit worried, you know. Like when we first got here, you weren't there, but Iwa said we'd be screwed even if we got out. All we'll have is ourselves. I don't know if Rin... if we'll..."
"All we can do is hope things work out," he tells you as he speeds down the road. "Suna cares about you. Everyone sees that. I don't think he'd leave just 'cause you're on the other side of the world together."
"Thanks, Kenma," you smile softly. "I used to think the same thing about you and Kuroo. I can tell how much you care about him. I mean, I don't think you'd still be here if it weren't for him."
"I don't think I'd be here at all," he nods in agreement. "But I'm glad that I am. God, he was a piece of work but my stomach still hurts every time I think about him."
"I'm sorry that it happened," you express as he turns into the lot of the grocery store. "He was a good person. He never wanted to harm or bother anyone. Shit, whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?" you shake your head.
"You know that wasn't your fault, right? None of them. You aren't responsible for any of their deaths. Only Bokuto is to blame," he explains to you. "He was all kinds of fucked up in the head. You tried to help. It isn't your fault."
"He told me he wasn't going to leave," you whisper to Kenma as your eyes begin to fill with tears just like every other time you think about them. "He promised me that he'd stay."
"Promises and hearts have that in common," he sighs. "They're both meant to be kept, but end up being broken instead."
"You think we'll all make it out?" you ask him genuinely.
"I think," he begins as he looks out the window, "those of us who were meant to travel into the next world, will, and those who aren't, will stay behind."
"And you? Will you make it out?" you continue to question.
"Take it one day at a time, Y/N. We've still got a day or two before we actually take off. Let's go get food before the others get hangry, okay?"
"Sure," you nod as you watch him step out of the car and shut the door behind himself. Note to self: keep an eye on Kenma.
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loverscrossmp3 · 2 years
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lily’s learned many lessons in seventeen years. the first is this: no one is coming to save you. you have to do it all yourself.
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