#rwby volume 8 chapter 4
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Hello again!! Back with another episode of RWBY. Volume 4 Chapter 8: A Much Needed Talk
And based on the fact that Qrow seems about to spill the details of the secret war, I agree that this conversation is a long time coming. Also I’m still worried about him because he got STABBED BY A FREAKING SCORPION
But I’m sure that’s fine
Have I mentioned that I still love this intro?
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etinceelle · 1 year
Penny Polendina’s theme in V8 and V9 (RWBY)
Heyo !! I wrote this long analysis about Penny on Twitter and thought I could share it here as well o/
So this is a little silly analysis of mine about my feeling about how Penny was depicted in V8 and V9 :]
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NOTE : 1) Don't take all of that really seriously, this is simply a "fun" little analysis and my OWN view on the subject. This is just how I feel considering the infos we got on Penny during V9 !
2) This is also probably delusional AND I know it
3) So there's not need to come and tell me "shE Ain'T ComInG bAck >:[[[[[[", we can disagree but please give me your opinion and arguments if you'd like to discuss about it ♥
Anyway, for 2 years after V8 finale I felt probably like most people :  "Penny is gone for good, she ain't coming back, this is gonna be a big deal for Ruby in V9 but I guess that's it". I knew that Penny's 2nd death was going to be a big thing for Ruby and I expected it like everyone.
I rewatched Penny's death at the end of V8 and it truly felt like a farewell, a goodbye forever, I mean she got stabby stab from Cinder and chose to ask Jaune to kill her to give the powers to Winter. To me there wasn't any going back after that :[
And even when I'm writing it rn I feel like this thread is probably useless as I can feel how much of a goodbye it felt, and even more with the song "Friend" adding more pain :]] Especially with these lines :
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And with Penny's soul linked to the Winter Maiden powers, now linked to Winter's soul, I guess it felt like a point of no return. It *still* feels like it tbh.
But Volume 9 changed my view on all of that and that's not because I'm an Nuts and Dolts shipper aha. I'm truly trying to speak objectively and to take out my ship glasses-
I expected Penny's theme to be huge for Ruby, but I didn't expect it to be THAT huge and present throughout the entiere volume. Almost every chapter we got a reference, an allusion, an element linked to Penny, a vision, and finally an illusion made by Neo.
I'll try to list all of them :
Chapter 1 - It was pretty much expected, but Ruby learned Penny's 2nd death a this moment. The start of her true breakdown I guess-
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Chapter 2 - Basically the 1st Nuts and Dolts chapter of this volume lmao One of the main key of this episode was Ruby finding Penny's sword, which added to her pain even if she tried to move on pretty fast after.
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Chapter 3 - The guards tell about the swords, the Red Prince ditch the sword and Ruby's not okay with that-
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No mention of her during Chapter 4, so Chapter 5 - Ruby finds Penny's sword at the Blacksmith, and there's this weird line and moment I'll talk about later 
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Chapter 6 - Penny's reflection in the water, related to Jaune's guilt and trauma over her fate
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Chapter 7 - Ruby's PTSD striking while the Jabberwalker attacks her, and she sees a vision of Penny hacked at the Schnee manor, right before they helped her and executed their plan for her and Atlas (also, Jaune talked about his feelings about what happened with her)
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Chapter 8 - Penny illusion made by Neo, attacking and talking to Ruby And no mention of her in Chapters 9 and 10. So except for Chapters 4, 9 and 10, Penny was mentioned EVERY chapter.
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Now I know what some of you might think, this was mostly to set up Ruby's breakdown and make her spiralling because it's such a big deal for her, and you're totally right. Penny was used mostly to accentuate Ruby's pain.
And I know that I said (in another Twitter thread) that I wasn't fully satisfied with the finale because of that theme not being addressed after having her presence throughout the whole volume, I think I needed a reminder about production and budget. I think I'll feel satisfied with V9 finale if Penny's theme have some closure in V10 or V11 with Ruby, Pietro, Jaune and Winter in Vacuo. I imagine that with V9 finale this isn't just “everyone is so happy”, this is just the beginning of healing.
Anyway, if we don't have any closure in the next volumes THEN I'll say that I'm disappointed, but I doubt this wouldn't be addressed at all after such a volume and how much V8 finale was. But yeah, V9 finale had to focus on Ruby.
So, even if Penny's presence throughout V9 is mostly to add some layers on Ruby and Jaune's pain and trauma/breakown, I truly feel like the message from this volume is still in complete opposition with stuff we knew so far.
Tbh until V9 I really thought one of the main message of RWBY was that life AND death were important, and that death was inevitable and couldn't be avoided, like in our world. That death can be cruel and happen anytime to even the most precious souls. And it is in fact, keep moving forward aren't just some cute words, it's a true motto of the show. But the thing is that for Pyrrha, I never felt we had any hope or confirmation that she could come back, and we had a closure for her in Volume 6 with the scene at the statue. And by learning about the Gods in V6 as well, I thought that no one in this show was probably going to be back (except fo Ozma who reincarnates). 
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The thing with V9 is that we discover that the “Gods”, who set up their rules of life and death without any reincarnation and no dead can come back, aren't actually Gods but made by the REAL RWBY God, in a world where reincarnation is THE thing. 🫠
And again, I know that the theme of rebirth was focused on Ruby this volume, that she had to go through that journey to understand that she's human, she's not perfect, she's enough just as she is and can do her best.
But Penny's theme this volume still kinda unsettled me as I didn't expect it to be so present. Truly when you rewatch the Volume idk if it's because I'm biased or something but I see it everywhere. The thing again is that we didn't get any closure for her. We got so much references and scenes for her, and no closure (idk if it's because of budget or intentional tho).
There are a few moments that also seem pretty weird/confusing to me :
1) It was confirmed by the script that when Ruby wakes up on the Ever After, it was Penny's voices calling her 3 times. But those screams are different from the one when Penny and Blake see Ruby falling in V8 finale. I listened again and while one of them seems similar, the others are different. So are those screams we didn't hear as a viewer ? But it still feels weird to add them as if she remembered them when we never heard them. Maybe those screams were just Ruby waking up and her mind mixing everything, but it's still kinda odd to me.
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2) Another weird scene and probably the one that interests me the most, is when Ruby meets the Blacksmith in Chapter 5. I still don't really know how to fully analyse or understand this scene tbh-
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We know the Blacksmith is a "representation of the Tree", so why does she have Penny's sword ? How does she even have Summer's weapon ? Why does Penny's blade turn into Alyx' dagger ? Why does Penny's reflection seem real and Ruby actually sees it, meaning it's not just an effect to tell us that this sword reminds Ruby or her ? And most importantly, when Ruby asks her how she got Penny's blade, the Blacksmith answers : 
Why does Penny's reflection seem real and Ruby actually sees it, meaning it's not just an effect to tell us that this sword reminds Ruby or her ? And most importantly, when Ruby asks her how she got Penny's blade, the Blacksmith answers : "nothing, no one, is ever truly lost". Truly as a viewer and even when trying not to be a Penny or NND stan, I can't help but think that this opens a lot of doors for interpretation. What does that mean exactly ?
Knowing the nature of the Ever After, does she mean that literally ? That Penny's not lost as we all thought in V8 finale ? Or is that metaphorical ? She then says "And you, are you lost ?" so it feels like the first answer wasn't supposed to be about Ruby but about Penny's sword. Before the Blacksmith asks Ruby if she's lost, Ruby looks at the sword in a pensive expression and she sees Penny's reflection. Almost as if she was thinking about what the Blacksmith just said.
But what is the use of these reflections ? If it's not just an effect for the viewer but also something Ruby can see, what does that mean ? There is obviously a link between weapons and identity/characters here
Another thing that confuses me too is the fact that Penny's sword is changed into Alyx' dagger. So were these weapons only illusions ? Does the Blacksmith really have Penny's sword, of even Summer's axe ?
3) Another thing more subtle that apparently not everyone catched, is the leitmotiv from Ruby's talk about Penny in Chapter 2 that comes back during the finale when Ruby choses herself. I edited the 2 scenes so people can hear it and compare, here’s the link to the video on Twitter :
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Why this OST in particular ? We know that Penny is linked to the themes of hope but also choice/freedom. Maybe this is how it is supposed to be a parallel for Ruby choosing to keep her hope and to do her best. But I can't help but think that it is still a bit sus to hear this leitmotiv again in such a big moment during the finale. Especially when we got no mention or vision of her for the last two chapters.
We also had themes that are related to her a lot such a friendship and kindness with Little, souls moving on to their next life (Penny has a soul, "her soul is who she is"). 
I just have this feeling that so much is related to Penny this volume, it feels like it's on purpose so the viewer is grieving her as much as Ruby does :')) But nothing really felt "conclusive" in the end. Again maybe this conclusion will be for later, once Ruby is able to talk with Pietro, since we know he most likely got to Vacuo with Maria as Amity appeared to be fixed and floating in the sky at the end of V9.
But again it links with other thread I've done about Pietro (I’ll probably post it here too on Tumblr) : what about him ? Would he be able to grieve Penny a second time ? How would he handle the 2nd time losing Penny ?
I'm not necessarily saying that Penny will come back blablabla ‘(still praying and high on hope and copium tho), but it's STILL a feeling and I hope that I get after watching Volume 9 when I basically accepted the fact that she was dead in V8 :'))
After V8 I was (and I'm still in someway) part of those who thought that she shouldn't come back a 3rd time, her arc was completed, her death made sense, she made a choice. Truly I couldn't see how her being back would be a good thing. Most importantly, I was scared that her being back again would invalidate everything that happened during V8 and the fact that she chose for herself. It's still one of the reasons for why I'm conflicted about this whole thing :')) 
Depending on how it's done with the writing, NOW that we know what we know about the RWBY lore, the origins, the Tree, the Ever After, the Blacksmith, Ascension, I *could* see it happen. Of course my fan side is like omg yes I'd like her back please please. My writer side before V9 was like "no I love her but it's a bad move". Now I'm more like depending on how it's executed, I might accept it.
I mean, her being back in V7 didn't erase all the pain, suffering and mourning we (as viewers) had to go through with Ruby and other characters. It worked and kept intact all the time we spent asking if she was going to be back or not.
 Knowing how much the theme or reincarnation/rebirth is everywhere in the Ever After, it changes my view on the RWBY universe because life and death aren't just the only options there. There are different rules
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She might come back, she might not come back, I just wanted to express how this volume made me feel about this specific theme. It gives us such a different message compared to Penny's death in V8 :']]
I mean of course this volume is brighter than V8 but after a volume where a character just can't escape death even after fighting for SO LONG, we finally have some light and hope about a possibility of MAYBE her being alive could happen.
(Just my own feelings again) From the start during her Atlas arc, Penny :
 - got framed
- was forced to take the Winter Maiden powers she didn't want
- was attacked by Cinder
- was forced to leave her friends to do things she didn't want to
- was hacked by Watts
- was killed again
Her ENTIERE ARC was tragic and even if Penny's character is optimistic, joyful, friendly, she's a fighter and she has hope, she sees beauty in a lot of things, she *still* never got the chance to truly live the life she wanted to live. So with what we got from V9, I see only two options :
- she's revived SOMEHOW and finally get the chance to live as it was kinda implied in V9
- she stays dead and her character stays so tragic and painful aaaah-
As for *how* she could come back at some point, I have my few ideas but I don't really want to get into that rn, it was mostly about how everything about her felt odd in V9 compared to V8 truly.
To finish on a hopeful and delusional word : "things always come in threes" :p
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invincibleweasel · 9 months
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armed-and-rwby · 1 year
So, and I know this is kind of bad timing in June, but I can't deny any longer than Yang's character was seriously compromised after V5
This isn't really a scripted thing and I've not written analysis in a while, so forgive the loose formatting here, just something I needed to get out.
I think the overall issues can apply to more of the MCs than Yang, which I'll bring up later, but RWBY has an unfortunate tendency of resolving character arcs without much overlap with the plot, and Yang definitely gets it worse than most (and she's my favourite).
Back in V5, Yang was exploding with directions for her character and I think the writers worked hard to touch on all of them, from her recovery, to her growing mistrust of authority, to her issues with her mom, to her reconnecting with her team (and of course the deeper angst with Blake in that), but resolution for all of these largely fell short IMO. The last time she's even talked about the scheming of Oz was in V6 when she called him a bastard, Raven has never been mentioned or some up since V5, and I don't think she's even spoken to Weiss since their heart to heart in V5 outside of plot functional dialogue. The same can be said on her relationship with her sister, which, beyond her sacrifice in V8 and an unresolved conversation earlier in the volume about Salem and their mom, also haven't actually interacted with each other. The only thing really addressed was her lost arm, which was an extension of Bumblebey and closed off when they killed Adam in V6, a great fight with very little to do with the actual plot.
In V7 and 8, she's a complete third wheel, she talks with Robyn and fights the Ops in 7, and doesn't even get a fight in V8. Weiss certainly got it almost as bad, she was a bit more involved, but still not much given how this is her kingdom and her family that was so central to the plot. It's a condition of a bloated cast, which they've addressed a couple times, such as the start of V6 and all of V9 (though with their various guides, the girls don't make a lot of relevant decisions on the flow of that story either). It really did suck that we got to see Ruby's suicide through Yang's eyes, only for us to not see any of their reactions, and even when they see her it's all pretty surface level stuff (Yang even just repeats what Weiss tells her about Ruby).
My favourite scene in the whole show was her confronting her mom, I thought that was such a perfect direction for her character, tying together both her conviction to her family with her backstory of her mom to drive her arc forward in some unique ways, only to be sidelined in following chapters as her ship left port. And while this post isn't here to bash Bumblebey, I guess there's a bit of a warning that, since that was almost all of her drama and driving force for the last 4 volumes, with it canonized, I worry she'll only drift further away from the plot and her own unique character moments.
Wish I had some gifs or something to break up these paragraphs, but I'm just kind of vomiting out all these nagging issues that've been building up these last few years. Really does hurt to love a character like that and not see them utilized in the show
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
One thing to note about RWBY is that it REALLY "grew the beard" over the course of its runtime.
Volumes 1-3 were animated in Poser (software that wasn't intended for use in animation), with rougher backgrounds and more simplistic writing related to complex themes. They were also only ever intended to be an extended prologue to the ACTUAL show, with the Big Twist of the Volume 3 finale being that the climax was actually just the inciting incident to the show's ACTUAL conflict.
Starting from Volume 4, the crew switched to Maya (software that's intended for use in animation), got better at writing more complex topics (the White Fang is treated more sympathetically than in the "Beacon Arc"), and Jaune was actually an interesting character for the entirety of the "Anima Arc" that lasted from Volumes 4-6.
Volume 7 is probably the best season of the show (I don't have a Crunchyroll account and so I haven't had the chance to watch Volume 9 in its entirety yet, even if I know what happens there). It deconstructs the whole "America Saves the World" trope with Atlas, and has some pretty good political satire that wound up being eerily prophetic. Also, Robyn Hill is one of the best characters the show has ever introduced.
Volume 8 contains both the best and worst moments of the series. V8C1-V8C11 features some of the best storytelling and most tense action from the franchise ever, but V8C12 has the overall message of "Okay but, the people who dehumanized Penny over her mechanical body KINDA had a point, let's fix what isn't broken!", V8C13 is a pretty descent villain episode, and V8C14 is by far the most offensive piece of media I've ever been subjected to. But still, up until those last three episodes, it was basically flawless.
I've heard Volume 9 is pretty good, but I'm side-eying everything involving Jaune because I honestly DESPISE the direction they took his arc in. But if we ignore EVERYTHING related to Jaune's role in the Volume, I like basically everything I've heard about it.
RWBY: After the Fall is a very good spin-off novel focused on popular side characters Team CFVY and shows what they've been up to since the Fall of Beacon in Volume 3. it also has a really interesting gimmick, as every other chapter is a flashback to something that happened in Team CFVY's past, further fleshing out their minor roles in the show.
RWBY: Before the Dawn is actual garbage. Sun's character arc (wherein his hypocrisy from the show is actually acknowledged and challenged) and Coco's and Velvet's shiptease are probably the only redeeming qualities. Taking this book into account actually makes Ironwood's reluctance to call Vacuo for help look REASONABLE. 2/10.
RWBY: Roman Holiday is a prequel novel focused on Roman and Neo, but Neo is the true protagonist here. The first few chapters leading up to their first meeting alternate between their perspectives, with the book being largely Neo focused after they finally meet.
RWBY: Fairy Tales of Remnant is an anthology of in-universe fairy tales. You can read it at any point in the series, but the further into the series you are when you read it, the more hints to RWBY's overarching plot you'll notice. While all of the Fairy Tales are works of fiction, some of them are dramatizations of actual events in the shadow war that RWBY's plot revolves around.
RWBY x JL: Super Heroes and Huntsmen is a 2-part film series wherein Team RWBY teams up with the Justice League. Part 1 features the Justice League visiting Remnant (kinda) during the events of Volume 7, and Part 2 features Team RWBY visiting DC Earth after the events of Volume 9.
There's also some ambiguously canonical comics published by DC, as well as 2 explicitly non-canon RWBY/DC crossover comic series. One features alternate versions of the Justice League cast who were born on Remnant, another features Remnant and DC Earth fusing due to Salem tricking Lex Luthor into helping her by playing off of his hatred of Superman. Neither of these crossovers are in continuity with the crossover movies.
Fascinating actually
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bardock1991 · 1 year
Fun ask: What are your favorite weapons in RWBY and in what order?
This is actually a pretty easy for me. I'll talk about 4 (see what i did there?) in particular from my least favorite up to my favorite.
Ember Celica: One of the few Gauntlet Weapons in the show & in my opinion, it's the best one. First of all, i like the design. A pair of golden bracelets that can turn into bulky, yet cool looking Gauntless that shoot shotgun rifles by THROWING A PUNCH! (well, until V6, but we don't talk about that scene in the end). I think this is a great representation of Yang's personality & it goes well with her Semblance. If she has to use her BODY to take hits, then she'll use her FISTS to deliver even STRONGER hits. It's a pretty good use of the "The best offense is a good defense" trope, which i appreciate. It's also a good way to show how smart Yang is since SHE'S the one who build it, imagine how much time & effort Yang had to put into making this weapon considering how dangerous it actually is?
Ozpin's Cane (which doesn't have a canon name as far as i can remember): Despite it's simple design, i like the way it's used like a rapier most of the time & above all else, the lore & history behind it. As Ozma passed on from host to host, he imbued his life force into the cane so that when the time is right, he'll use its true power... & BOY, did Volume 8 DELIVER on that front.
Crescent Rose: This probably wouldn't been as high as it is now for it not for V9, especially in the last chapter. I definitely LOVE Crescent Rose, it's an incredible design that's iconic. It made a Scythe that's also a Sniper, 2 things that SHOULDN'T work together, ACTUALLY work. But then we go to Volume 9, where it's used as a way to challenge Ruby's idendity, which i LOVE. I can't wait to see what the rest of V9 has in-store for her, especially Casey's recent tweet about next episode being "Edge City"... Oh boi...
Harbinger: This is LITERALLY Ragna The Bloodedge's Weapon, but with a Shotgun feature, how can i NOT love it?! Whenever i see Qrow fight with it, i ALWAYS think to myself that the writers (especially Monty back when he was alive, RIP) played A LOT of fighting games when developing some RWBY characters & their weapons. Look at Penny for example, she's a CLEAR reference & homage to Nu-13 from Blazblue. Can't say i blame them for it, this shit is lit! I also like how the scythe form of Harbinger itself is rarely used in the show, as if it's only used when Qrow is going to fight seriously, which is always hype. It's not as plot thematic as the last 3, but it's definitely the coolest & most fun to watch out of these 4 weapons i mentioned... & Now i want a scene where Qrow & Ragna are shooting the shit in a bar. Someone write a fanfic about that, i'd read it! XD
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abysskeeper · 2 months
WHABAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
Yay, thank you! Ok, I'm back from a weekend trip now and can pick 5 I think. I'll mix it up for fandom and go in order of publication.
A Thousand Ways to (Never) Say "I Love You" - Baldur's Gate 3, Gale/Tav (Named F!Tav), act 2, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff with a sad ending Gale hasn't been the same since Elminster delivered the charge from Mystra. Nox has finally figured out how to offer a distraction, at least for a few hours. It does not go quite according to plan. Please read this. I understand it's a 13.5k one-shot but I poured a lot of heart and time into it. It's spawned a 6 part series dealing with act 2 and I'm simultaneously working on parts 2 and 4 because I'm so incredibly normal about wizards.
Just You, Just Me - Baldur's Gate 3, Wyll/Tav (Named F!Tav), act 3, childhood friends to lovers, fluff Late one evening on the road to Baldur's Gate, Wyll is pulled away from camp by the sweet sounds of a violin. The woman he finds playing is familiar; unfortunately, he had hoped to never see her again. Result of my first Tav. Unlike the 30-something wizards above, Fi and Wyll really are just two kids trying their best, and I should write more for them.
Exit, Stage Right - The Great Ace Attorney, Herlock Sholmes/Mikotoba Yujin, Herlock Sholmes & Iris Watson, canon compliant, fluff and hurt/comfort A proper homecoming, a precious hour and a half before they needed to step on stage for the final act, and more than enough of a fool's notion of sentimentality. Herlock Sholmes was set to enjoy what little time he had with his partner before the grand finale of their ten year dance. It was a shame, then, that he had to ruin it. 3 months and nearly 20k words for a hyperspecific headcanon that maybe one other person has and appreciates. Also one of my most favorite things I've ever written.
Rebirth (oh cursed cycle that you are) - RWBY, Oscar Pine & Ozpin, volume 8 canon divergence, character study There's a fullness in his mind that's ready to burst at the seams. There's a clawing in his heart searching for the presence now missing. When Oscar said he didn't want the merge to happen, he didn't realize how close he really was to having everything he never wanted. Tied for first as my favorite thing I've ever written for RWBY*, and easily one of the top five things I've ever written at all. Weird and speculative are what Oscar deserves for his situation.
Under Guise - SWTOR, Jedi Consular/Cipher Nine, OCxOC, fluff, Tumblr prompt fill A night at an Alderaanian ball is not exactly how Trick wants to be spending her time. Pestered by a man she has a distaste for even less so. Until suddenly, it was exactly what she wanted. Beloveds having fun. For as much as I dislike looking back and editing some stuff, this has really withstood the test of time, and I had an absolute blast writing it.
*(Bonus shout out to Chapter 4: Interlude: Children of Fate of my fic A Funny Little Thing Called Trust. I can't recommend the whole fic because I do someday want to go back and edit it up to my current standards, but the chapter itself is the other thing tied for first as the best thing I've ever written for RWBY)
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Reaction to RWBY Crew Commentary V9
Alright, as is tradition at this point, got my copy of the Blu Ray so let's get started.
Okay, first of all, before I even hop into the commentary, I love that the title screen for the menu is Ruby falling through that mural in the OP. That is... That is so cool man! Whoever thought of that... I love you. You're a genius.
So we start off with Kerry, Eddy, Laurie (hope I spelled that right). And addressing how they had to work mostly from home on this volume and the challenges that caused.
Yeah, quick reunion was the right call. I mean, we did the Team RWBY split for two volumes (4 and 5) and then again in V8. Don't keep the girls apart again.
Little origins! Give me! Someone that starts how Ruby started...
I mean... yeah, I assumed Ruby knew about Penny from Weiss. Like... duh.
Same peeps for episode 2 but also with Paula? Again, I hope I heard that right.
Return of Blake the Book Nerd.
Yang and Blake kind of dig the Ever After, Weiss hates it, and Ruby is lost in her thoughts.
Luci improvised Little's little song.
Oh, Yang might still think this is a dream so nothing here matters... That's an idea. Everyone grieves differently...
Man I love Weiss in this episode.
"We can't have her be the butt of every joke." .... I want to see what they cut.
Episode 3! We've picked up Conner, Dustin, and Kiersi! Lost Laura and Paula.
The animation is so good man.
Putting away depression to help her friends.
Prince Trauma(TM)
Neo Scary.
Episode 4. Kerry, Eddy, Miles and Dustin.
Curious talk.
Self critic!
"She learned her lesson in the end, right?" "Oh, I'd certainly say so."
"If there's something Ruby can blame herself for, do it!"
"Cat wanted to scope out which one of the girls was weakest."
Shout out to the VAs!!
Chapter 5: Kerry, Eddy, Paula, Kiersi!
Cat is dismissive of WBY. Focuses only on Ruby.
The Blacksmith: The Ever After itself is now reaching out to Ruby.
Walking the line between the audience knowing that Ruby needs help and WBY not quite understanding how bad it is.
Making sure the emblem wasn't on Ruby's model after was a pain.
"Oh no, he's hot."
Episode 6: Kerry, Eddy, Yssa, Laura.
The difference between Jaune having already lived for many years with this guilt in the Ever After and RWBY who are still fresh.
How protective Kerry is of the Bee scene is amazing.
There was an idea that the vision Alyx saw was that she saw that someone in her party was going to keep her from returning home, and it ultimately is herself before the Cat kills her.
Ya'll have already seen other posts about Kerry and crew's thoughts on the Bee scene and what it means for the Yang and Blake so I won't go into all that because, yeah, can't say it better.
"They were actually in front of each other the whole time." Excuse me!
"Now she has to step up again." ....Ow.
Episode 7: Kerry, Eddy, Miles, Dustin? I think that's what I heard.
How the meeting went: "Well he can't have been doing nothing, that would be really disappointing." *Beat of silence* "Oh, that would be really disappointing." Evil geniuses.
Stuck in the pattern of trying to be the hero. Both incredibly busy and doing nothing.
"He's more lost than ever."
Fighting on a hill. I'd never considered the complications of that either.
Miles and Lindsey kill this scene man. It's so good.
Episode 8 (oh boy): Kerry, Eddy, Miles, Paula, Kiersi.
Had to cut an episode due to scheduling and budget. Scary to have to rework that.
Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
The flowers on the Tea Cups are Forget-Me-Nots.
Imposter Syndrome.
Neo landed on the Brother's Acre.
"Neither one of them won that fight." Neo and Ruby.
Episode 9: Kerry, Eddy, Yssa, Dustin, Kiersi.
Blacksmith is a therapist.
Weiss is the best, true.
What do the characters want?
Episode 10: Kerry, Eddy, Yssa, Kiersi, Dustin.
Aw, their kids contributed some of the background drawings for Yang and Ruby's room.
Furious Cat.
"She's the self that chose herself." "She emerges herself but different."
"I'm so happy." I love how much they love this show.
"How do we not redeem her but give her this sort of neutral path?"
Oh man, I'm tearing up before Somewhat even shows up.
Somewhat is no longer defined by having one purpose.
Dude, they keep talking about not wanting this to be filler so they had the backstory of the Brothers but I will always stand by that if the characters learn and grow as people then it will never be filler. So from the beginning this was never going to be filler.
"One small kindness, in one small moment, led to such a marvelous transformation." That line always destroys me.
Whelp, that's a wrap on the commentary for V9. Now... we wait.
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calliecat93 · 2 years
So here is my silly little prediction regarding Ruby storyline for Volume 9.
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To say that Ruby has had it rough would be an understatement. The past two volumes really pushed her. Those coming after Volume 6, the volume that really cemented her strength and hope, are not a coincidence. We’ve been waiting for the ‘Ruby breakdown volume’ for a LONG time now. I’ve been waiting since Volume 4 for it. And going off the first chapter, the trailer, and the opening I think I have a good idea of what to expect.
We know that RWBY is in Remnant’s version of Alice in Wonderland, which was referenced in Volume 8. As in they are in the actual story somehow. It might be why it looks like Blake's going to be taking the lead. While all four probably know the story, Ruby and Blake are probably the most familiar considering their love of books but with Ruby out of it, Blake's the one who knows what direction they should go. It also shows how for the most part she, Weiss, and Yang are in better mental states. They certainly have things to address, but they've already confronted and bested their pain and gone through their breaking points. Whatever they have to face they can do so.
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Ruby though? She hasn't. She's come close to breaking, but she always managed to just pull herself back. That was her greatest strength. That's why she was the only one on her team who kept going after the Fall of Beacon. It's why she didn't fall into The Apathy like the others in Volume 6. It's why she inspired everyone around her since the start. Even Oz noted it in Volume 5. But Volume 7 and especially Volume 8 have broken her down. Atlas has fallen. The Relics are lost. No help came when she was so sure that her message would work. And worst of all Penny, someone that Ruby cares for so much and went so far to help, has died. That hope and optimism ultimately failed her. She is NOT okay. She's going to try and press on, but she can't this time. She can't push back her emotions, especially in a world where her emotions affect the environment around her. She doesn't want to address her issues and emotions, wanting to just smile and bear it. But that's not going to work this time.
Going off all that we've seen, the Ever After will NOT let you leave unless you confront your issues. The first line is literally an excerpt about a girl 'with a lot of issues'. As I said WBY has dealt with most of theirs and whatever remains they can and will face. But Ruby has spent so much time internalizing it in favor of focusing on what's before her. In a world where she HAS to confront it in order to leave? Nope. She can't do it. She doesn't want to do it. So then what happens if she can't? Well going off certain context clues in the trailer and opening...
Some others have also pointed this out but I think the longer you remain the Ever After and refuse to face your demons, the more you become assimilated into it. In the trailer, we have someone telling Ruby how she can leave Ruby Rose behind and asking what'll happen if she doesn't. We have the girls having to follow the fairy tale and the figure of the Alice character (Alyx apparently is her name?) in the opening. We have lines in the opening like "What I'd give in exchange/To be happy without trying" and "I've gotta let go but could I lose my mind?".
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We also possibly have Jaune in some kind of knight get-up. If it is in fact Jaune it may very well mean that he's already assimilated or is going to due to what he had to do and not having any support like Ruby at least does. He left Jaune Arc behind and become The White Knight. Maybe some of the other characters like the Jabberwalker ended up the same way. It's probably gonna be a pretty nasty reveal for RWBY and what's in store if they don't get out. What will happen if Ruby leaves Ruby Rose behind? Will she become Alyx? The Red Queen maybe? Something else? Who knows? But simply put she will succumb and never be able to leave.
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This is probably where the scene with her talking to her younger self comes in. It's either going to be a bad thing that pushes her even more into despair. Or it's the reminder that she is going to need. Of all that she believed in. Of her belief in those fairy tales and in helping people. Of the hope and determination that she's always carried with her that has pushed her so far. She needs to break, but then she needs the reminder of who she is. Yes, she failed. Yes, she may fail again. Yes, she's lost so much and gone through so much and that's not going to just stop. But she can't keep masking it. She has to accept that it hurt and let it out. Then she needs to pick herself up and go forward. Only then will she be able to reclaim Crescent Rose and likely pull Jaune back if this is gonna go like I think it will. She'll be able to re-ignite his hope just as she has done for her team. Thus they'll all be permitted to leave (IDK about Neo, maybe she'll finally find out what actually happened with Roman, we'll see) But first Ruby has to reignite it within herself, by far her greatest challenge yet.
...or I could be thinking WAY too much about this. Like I said I've been waiting for this for so long and it's finally happening.
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hamliet · 2 years
This may be a touch rambling, and I apologize.
I’ve been rewatching Volume 8 of RWBY, and have just gotten through Chapter 4, ‘Fault’, with the hoverbike chase.
On an earlier rewatch, I’d noted the foreshadowing of Yang and Jaune going over the cliff, with the two of them being the first and last to fall into the between (ahem, ignoring those pesky extras that Cinder blew off). But this time I took note of Jaune’s blink-and-miss-it position after Ren snags them.
He’s suspended much in the manner of the Hanged Man, by one ankle, the other leg bent behind. Ultimately, he is being held by his sword, which will later break. A sacrifice of an object very much tied to his identity, immediately after his participation in Penny’s sacrifice, which may further lead to a sacrifice of some degree of self, if the Volume 9 trailers mean anything.
While all of this may obviously be coincidence, I’ve enjoyed your alchemical and tarot essays, and wanted to lob this in your direction. : )
Hi! I don't think you're reading too much into it; that's probably a direct allusion. At the same time this happens, Ruby, Weiss, and Blake fall while fighting the Ace Ops. It's pretty clear that they foreshadowed early on who would fall.
Tarot does employ alchemical imagery for sure, and the Hanged Man applies to Jaune's position in the story in a certain way. He has lost a part of himself in Penny's death and the sword shattering, and I've no doubt this volume will explore that (the ominous trailer seems to have confirmed this).
I've talked before about how Jaune needs to reinvent himself, and I think that's his main arc in the story: from zero to hero, from moon to sun. I also wonder if this arc will explore The Juniper Tree fairy tale, which seems to loosely symbolically apply to Jaune's arc. It's a very alchemical fairy tale, so we'll see. (No, I don't think Jaune was abused, but I think the weight of familial expectations haven't exactly contributed to his wellbeing. My guess is that at the end of this volume, he will emerge like a phoenix from under the tree--into the real world again.)
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everafterfrisk · 2 years
Are the RWBY Mangas Canon?
Going over stuff like the Ice Queendom Manga(2022),RWBY Anthology Manga(2017,RWBY Manga(2015) and Finally "RWBY Official Manga(2018)"
I'd say despite minor changes here and there
They are overall canon to the series
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"RWBY Manga(2015)"
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-Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross were involved with this Manga's Development
Ambiguously canon(described by Rooster Teeth as being "not non-canon" and "canon until it's not")
- Ruby's Fight with Cardin emphasizing a flashblack to Ruby's past when Yang had to protect her from the Grimm at a young age which is reflected by Volume 2 Chapter 6 Burning Candle
Yang: (off-screen, while her younger self looks petrified) "There we were: A toddler sleeping in the back of a wagon and a stupid girl too exhausted to even cry for help. We might as well have been served on a silver platter. But, as luck would have it, our uncle showed up just in time".
As the Beowolves leap into the air to devour their young prey, the familiar sound of a gun-scythe follows the sight of them all being cut into pieces by a caped warrior. His bird-haired silhouette fades away to present day, where Yang has just finished drawing a clockwork eye.
-Chapter 3 has Weiss fighting the Arma Gigas and claiming that her father only got her into Beacon due to her proving her capabilities
-Chapter 4 Jacques is confirmed to have faced threats of white fang terrorist activities
☆Weiss highlights this notably in Vol 1 Chapter 15
-Chapter 5 highlights the Black Trailer with Blake and Adam going their separate ways
Chapter 6 has the team being visibly aware of Blake's Ears making this take place at the end of Volume 1 to the start of Volume 2
Chapter 7-8 had Yang's Fight with Junior like the Yellow Trailer
Chapter 10 provided more Blake and Ruby bonding moments like
☆Blake encouraging Ruby's interest in Weapons during their fight against the Eight Headed Grimm Snake
Rwby "Official Manga"
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- Glinda saving Ruby during her encounter with Roman & Cinder
Just like in V1 Chapter 1 "Ruby Rose"
- Chapter 4-5 Team Rwby & JNPR worked together against the Grimm Bird like the Chess and pieces episode
- Chapter 6 Encountered Sun Wukong in the same way as like in "The Stray"
Rwby IQ Manga(2022-)
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- ^ Chapter 1 gives insight of the Creation of Crescent Rose prior the beginning of the series alluding to Volume 1 Chapter 3 "The Shining Beacon"
Ruby: (giggling)"Well, I'm kind of a dork when it comes to weapons, sooo... I guess I did go a little overboard when designing it".
- Ozpin's Mention of Ruby's silver eyes as well as expanding on that scene
How there were Silver Eyed Warriors in the past who have been legends and expressing a similar line in Canon that Strength alone doesn't guarantee Victory
- Expanding on Yang & Ruby's Home life with Taiyang as well as Tai & Oz having some sort of history together[Alluding to his time as Team STRQ]
-the Appearance of Zwei,Ruby's dog, lives with them at home
Reference to Volume 2 Chapter 5 Field Trip
Yang: I don't know yet. Dad sent it to us. I thought we could open it together!
Ruby: Ooooh! Something from home!
Ruby zooms over to Yang and wraps herself around Yang, trying to take the cylinder from her. The package opens, and another cylinder, hairy and black, falls out onto the floor and starts to shake. The object suddenly transforms into a corgi. Team RWBY leans in, staring at it.
The animal barks twice. While Weiss and Blake continue to react with great shock, Ruby and Yang react excitedly, with Ruby jumping in the air. Ruby, still airborne, is depicted among a changing blue background and four shots of the dog, two full body shots and two headshots. She then poses as she shouts the dog's name.
Ruby: Zwei!
Blake: He sent a dog?
Weiss: In the mail?
- Chapter 2 has Weiss fighting the Arma Gigas just as she's done in the White Trailer and within the Icequeendom anime
-Adds onto Weiss's Rocky relationship with Whitley [Whitley making fun of her for failing to live up to expectations during her Arma Gigas]
-Weiss's/Ruby's argument are more or less the same
-chapter 3 has Weiss doubt Ruby's leadership skills like in the OG & IQ series
Rwby Anthology (2017)
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stated, by Kerry and Gray, to be "very much in tune with the show" and that "very minimal feedback had to be given on canon stuff".(26:15)
As well as side stories they didn't have time to put into the show
Red like Roses: Volume 1
-in the "partner" side story,Roman was taken into custody and RWBY & Co are at the school dance
☆Referencing the Episode "Dance Dance Infiltration"Vol 2 Chapter 7
In the "Just trying to help" side story, Weiss confirms that Ruby and Cardin has fought before
☆ Referring to the Cardin v Ruby fight from the (2015) Manga
Mirror Mirror: Volume 2
- in "Snow White's Melancholy" & "The princess, Showcases Weiss's Neglection from childhood
- in the "Who is the Ice Queen meeting?" Side story, Weiss is shown training in secret so she wouldn't be considered a liability due to her loss against the White Fang Grunt
☆Referencing Vol 2 Chapter 11 "No Brakes"
- in the "Soft Warm Ears" side story,Weiss is still adjusting to the new change that Blake was a faunus and at the end she begins to embrace it freely (touching Blake's Ears).
☆Takes place after the events of Vol 1 Chapter 15 "The Stray"
-In "The Moon" side story, Weiss has a talk with Winter about her training and making connections
☆Referencing Vol 3 Chapter 3 "It's Brawl in the Family" & Chapter 4 "Lesson Learned"
From Shadows: Volume 3
In "the Monster" sidestory,Goes other Blake's Grim past as a white fang member with Adam remarking Faunus as Monsters
It also expands more on Ruby's & Blake's relationship
+Where Blake recalls her convo with Ruby in Vol 1 Chapter 3 and wanted to learn me about Ruby's way of thinking as she believed that just this once
A Fairytale can become reality.
In "Friend" Blake connects with a lost cat and ended up happily crying after he found his new home
+Which could parallel how Team RWBY became Blake's "new home"
In "Curosity killed the Cat" side story, Weiss mentions a train accident
☆Most likely alluding to Volume 2 "No Brakes"
In "Proof of a Black Cat", Yang provides Blake a way to open up more leading to Blake to be a bit less pessimistic and welcoming her as a teammate [Seemingly after Burning Candle]
I Burn:Volume 4
In "You can't have that bear", Yang battles and is fully aware of Melanie & Miltia
☆The Twin sisters she fought against in Junior's Bar during the Yellow trailer
In "Semblance Challenge" Ruby points out that Yang destroyed Roman's Paladin
☆ Notably referenced from Vol 2 Chapter 4 Painting the Town
In"The Reader" side story, it plays on Yang's perspective as a child dealing with her harsh reality of responsibility after summer never came back.
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psyga315 · 1 year
Revisiting Ever After and the Girl With a Lot of Problems, A Rewrite of RWBY Volume 9 Chapter 1: A Place of Peculiar Perception
So, a while ago, I’ve been seeing a lot of talk regarding Volume 9 resurface and, after mulling over the events, I decided, “no, fuck it, it needs a rewrite”.
And while I have already started a rewrite of Volume 9 a long time ago, it was back to even before Volume 9 even came out, where it took the events of another rewrite that I did of Volume 8 and picked up where it left off.
And more importantly, back before a lot of shit happened in Volume 9 that just went unaddressed and lord knows Volume 10, if it ever happens, will either pretend half those issues don’t exist or just have the characters laugh it off over a comically large bowl of noodles. So, I decided, fuck it, clean slate. Everything that happened prior to this Volume rewrite happened. Everyone who died in canon is dead, everyone who lived in canon lived, and all the plot developments, including the controversial ones like Ironwood and Penny’s handling.
I’m just taking the methylamine-loaded trainwreck and trying to make sure it doesn’t collide into the Mental Health clinic that is Ever After. So, we’re starting right where Volume 8 ended and having RWBYJN falling into the pit, Atlas blowing up with Mantle, and Salem making off with the Relics.
“I Love You, Just Not the Way You Are”
So, before we begin this rewrite, I’m going to make a disclaimer. Despite a lot of the problems that I have with Volume 9, I do find it’s one of the better written, if not the best written, Post-Beacon Volumes of RWBY. For a good chunk of the Volume, it really leaned into what worked for RWBY: establish a good balance of character growth, story development, and combat set pieces while also sprinkling in tone setting. As a result most of what happened in Volume 9 is going to stay as untouched as possible.
Where it failed though, and where a lot of the rewrite is going to be focusing on, is how the theming got executed, something that is recurring throughout RWBY. Volume 4 is about picking up the pieces from where you fell, but only Yang and RNJR managed to do that. Volume 5 was supposed to be about screaming “we’re not done yet” in the face of despair, and yet most of the Volume is spent loitering around until the villains shoot themselves in the foot and even then, the “victory” is just despair masking as a win. Volume 6 is about growing past your mentor but the heroes still decide to follow said mentor’s instructions without any hint of irony or even a justification. Volume 7 is about trust but no one values it enough to lend it for a good chunk of the volume or they trust the wrong people. Volume 8 was all about taking risks but really, it was about serendipity and how we could have spotted solutions to the problems in our lives sooner had we not pointed fingers at each other.
Almost all my Rewrites had been about addressing the themes of these Volumes or changing the theme to better fit the narrative. Case in point, my rewrites for Volume 8 changed the theme to be more about how, once a house is divided, it’s easy for things to fall into chaos and then, well, chaos wins.
According to RT, the themes for Volume 9 are trauma, therapy, imposter syndrome, and emotional growth. A lot of this is targeted towards Ruby Rose, who was sorely lacking in the character development department in recent Volumes only learning a small lesson here and there while side characters (Jaune especially) got arcs spanning across entire volumes.
However, it didn’t really execute that theming well and while it turned into an extended rant. Even the theme the show actually went which, summarized at the end with this exchange:
Curious Cat: You’re broken! You break everything you touch! I call Humans… weak! Confused! Incomplete!
Weiss: No, you’re wrong.
Yang: She’s never been any of those things.
Blake: That’s why we follow her.
There are similar points too, like how Weiss says how failures don’t define who they are or the famous “I love you just the way you are” line, but because of how rushed everything was (with or without the extra two episodes, since it’s implied from RTX that they would have just kept it the same pace just with the final episode having that Vacuo epilogue), it comes off as the memetic “we’re perfect, deal with it” Aesop that so many RWBY critics fall back upon.
And I realize why that’s the case: Because it focuses so much on other things that don’t naturally tie into that theme. As controversial as Ascension was, as impactful as the Bee kiss was, and as mystical as the Ever After was, they all never tied into that moral of self-acceptance despite failing, so when those morals start cropping up immediately after the darkest episode in all of RWBY (as well as the darkest Volume of RWBY where the ‘failure’ meant the bad guys are about 70% of the way to completing omnicide), obviously people are going to think that the cast just think the moral for Volume 9 is actually that RWBY’s perfect and they don’t need to improve themselves.
So, how about instead, we shift priority to what it’s actually supposed to be about, something that would apply to all six of our main characters: “picking up from your failures”.
With this in mind, we can discuss…
Building the Ever After
The first thing that needs to be established is how I’m going to do the Ever After. I’m going to go about it in a two-pronged approach. I’ll say what separates it from normal Ever After at the first glance and then, as the plot goes on, reveal the bigger twists with them because there’s going to be some changes that I’ve made with the place that if you know the criticisms levied on this realm, you know what I changed.
Geographically, Ever After still operates on hexagonal-shaped Acres, which all have a fixed size of 6x6 square areas. in which there’s usually a theme attached to each one. There is no set “end” of the world or even a set axis. If you go in one direction, you’re gonna keep encountering new Acres forever. This is the only consistent rule of the world as everything about the Ever After feels weird, disjointed, and even decayed. Like an old, broken toy…
But enough foreshadowing, let’s get right into…
Chapter 1: A Place of Peculiar Perception
A lot of this chapter stays relatively the same, though we have our first divergence with Little asking Ruby what her purpose is, as we visibly see that unsettles Ruby. Another divergence would be that Blake and Weiss’ scene would be them encountering each other and realizing that they’re not dead. This gives Blake some hope that Yang isn’t dead, though this also brings her to ask Weiss what happened at the bridge, though Weiss doesn’t say.
Blake, concerned with what happened, presses Weiss further and Weiss’ tightlippedness causes the very plant life itself to capture her. Her yelps, however, get Ruby and Little’s attention as they go over and try to help. However, their combined struggle to pull Weiss out of the vines only make the vines tighten. Little notices the vines and says how they constrict people who have something to hide.
However, Blake manages to find Gambol Shroud entangled in thorny vines and tries to pull it out. She struggles a bit, some even trying to reach her as well, but manages to break it free, implying she too has something to hide, but unlike Weiss, it’s more or less an open secret (hint hint). With it, she hacks it away and breaks Weiss free, taking her out of the jungle before more vines grab her.
RWB recover from that and discuss what happened, coming to the conclusion that something happened on the bridge that Weiss isn’t telling them. Ruby tries to confront her on the issue, but Weiss brushes it off. Just as Ruby was about to use her authority as team leader, suddenly they hear someone approaching them…
The Jabberwalker, though one additional feature being that its skull-like head has hare ears. You’ll know why soon. Also, it would have wings to closely resemble its Lewis Carol counterpart. Another key detail is that while it still has its trademark growls, its voice actor is Jason Liebrecht. It’ll be very important later on, but for right now, it’s giving Ruby very early onset PTSD.
The battle with RWB (or rather WB against the Jabberwalker) turns south really quickly in terms of raw power output as it primarily targets Ruby, the only one unable to fight. However, just before it’s about to finish off Ruby.
“I said I wasn’t done with you yet!”
Yang steps in and punches the Jabberwalk right into the trees, causing it to explode (though it’s ambiguous of whether it truly died). Yang then looks over to Ruby, realizes what happened, and first, she’s angry she came (not realizing Ruby flinched), but then calms and remembers she just saved her sister from getting mauled. Right before she asks if she’s okay, though, Blake tackles her and we get Bee Moment #1. Ruby will remember that.
Yang took a moment to come to the conclusion that things have gone south up at the bridge. Weiss tries once more to not say anything only for the vines to come out. Yang blasts them and then brings up how they held her down too. Little brings up once more about the vines and then explains the nature of the jungle, that it’s entuned to emotions of denizens inside the acre. He then points to a fire as he brings up an example of how an angered person would spark a wildfire… Then realizes “oh shit, a wildfire!” Yang then realizes “whoops, must have set those vines on fire when I was getting frustrated getting out of there.”
So, they get as far from the vines as possible. Though, unfortunately, the vines keep chasing them. Little decides enough is enough and tells Weiss that whatever she’s hiding, she needs to fess up. And so, Weiss cracks and spills almost everything she knows about the incident, including Penny’s death, which causes Ruby to faint. When she comes to, she notices WBY seem to have practically ignored her while it’s Little who is taking care of her. Ruby will remember that.
Eventually, though, they all come to the conclusion that they’ve landed in a fairy tale. Roll the opening.
And that’s where we’ll end this rewrite for the time being. I decided to do an esoteric route and do these rewrites chapter by chapter rather than dumping everything in one post, as I think it will allow for both me to better write future chapters without that overwhelming sense of collapsing in on myself and will allow an easier flow of interaction if things are posted chapter-to-chapter.
Hope you enjoyed this rewrite. See y’all at the Auction Acre.
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a-mellowtea · 2 years
In the spirit of Nitpick November, I charge you to nitpick your favorite thing about the show: the music!
Nonny, how could you? I have been betrayed! Bamboozled!
... Okay, but I do actually have a couple I can offer. Much as I love the music in RWBY, it is also on occasion hit-and-miss, but music being subjective by nature means that these are all purely nitpicky quibbles.
In no particular order:
· If Weiss gets one more mirror-related song that reiterates the exact same thing, I might lose what little is left of my sanity. There is very little variation in her lyrical tracks and it's frustrating as hell.
· Please, for the love of god, give your titular character (Ruby) a proper solo song. It's been nine years since "Red Like Roses Pt. II". · I really don't like Lamar Hall's rapping. It was fine and good in "I Burn" and a track like "Celebrate", but more and more it just feels like a jarring, unnecessary thing used to spice up songs that don't need it. · The worst piece of score in Volume 5, and dare I say all of RWBY, is the music under the talk about Semblances in Chapter 4. It's a stock drum beat with a painfully generic pop piano melody overtop, and it reeks of a low-effort last-minute "we need to fill dead air" inclusion. We all know Jeff can do better with his non-lyrical music. · I wish the leitmotifs for the specific Kingdoms had been written at the outset, and not for Volume 4's World of Remnants. This is a "hindsight is 20/20" nitpick, but Mistral's gets some good love in Volumes 5 and 6, we hear Atlas' now and again, but I'm not sure whether we'll hear that thematic material at all for Vacuo/Vale. It's a shame, 'cause they're really lovely melodies unique to each major location (besides Menagerie...). · Volume 8's album is a mess. "The Truth" should not have been its own track, "Awake" being rereleased under the RWBY label is a bizarre choice that was likely only done to add a seventh song, and there was a major missed opportunity in not having "When It Falls" be the album's acoustic track. In fact, there is no acoustic track. · Jumping off that last nitpick, the mix quality of the Volume 8 album is painfully subpar when it comes to the score, nevermind that it was barely edited and I am fairly certain the automation tracks weren't removed. There are some tracks that are more egregious than others, but the example that immediately jumps to mind is 3min 55sec into "The Final Word Pt. II". You can hear the fuzzy compression distortion on the drums. It ain't good. · I wish Erin Reilly had been invited to do the "I May Fall (Acoustic)". She did the original arrangement and vocals years ago. In a Volume with so many guest vocalists, she should have been allowed to sing what was, by all rights, her version of the song. She's not even credited in the digital release. · On that note, I really wish they did more collabs. Volume 7 was a breath of fresh air with the likes of Caleb Hyles, Adrienne Cowan, Dawn M. Bennett, Erin Reilly, Santi C etc. It doesn't have to be to that extent--from what I've heard, getting all that done was a hassle--but one or two per Volume to switch things up would be lovely. · I'm going to wait to hear what it's like, but I'm not really digging the sparse, synth-heavy nature of the back half of Volume 8 and what we've gotten of Volume 9. I do like that type of music, but it's so off the rails of RWBY's until-now orchestral-focused score, it's jarring. The last cue of Volume 8 comes to mind as feeling too synthetic, cold and disconnected. Which was maybe the point? If it was, I certainly don't think it worked.
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invincibleweasel · 8 months
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walpywalpy · 1 year
I feel like finishing RWBY but i had everything spoiled for me up to chapter 8 but am going to enter Volume 9 spoiler free i seen Voliume 1-4 should i continue
I’m not going to force you to do anything, but I do recommend you go on. Volume 9 is one of the best volumes. Overall, RWBY is still fun throughout.
Give it a try. Please :)
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dreamer213 · 2 years
Hello everyone this is Dream with the announcement I warned about a few weeks ago. I know we just wrapped up the last chapter of this fic but I’m happy to tell you that the story is far from over. Book Two: Between The Shadows, will start in May with a one to two chapter upload per month schedule. This book will be around half the length of the first with Whitley as the leading man character for the most part. This book will focus on the established but still, new romantic relationship between Whitley and Penny and the lead-up to a Volume 7 & 8 rewrite by yours truly.
I hope to finish this book by 2024 then if it's well-received continue with the last book: Warring Light.
This will be a big twist of cannon and many elements from RWBY proper with the points of view coming from the people in Atlas and Mantle over Team RWBY and co. The maiden powers, Ironwood’s actions, The people’s reaction to the campaign party massacre, Robyn’s true nature, and more will be changed to suit with this story's canon and character writing. Warning now: There will be callouts made to Team RWBY. The last book will not shy away from the tragedy, death, and suffering war brings anywhere it happens. This will be a tense book for every characters which is why book 2 is where it is. It is set to and the last bit of fluff before shit gets real. Enjoy it while you can.
One last thing, since this story has gone on for so long l would like to ask for links to any fan art any of you kind readers might have seen or made since the story began as I’d like to make a collage out of it as a thank you. I will also choose one artist at random to write a short fic on this ship in any theme they choose. Please leave your links in the comments.
Rules for the artist raffle:
1. No NSFW
2. No Death or Violence Between The Main Ship Or Allies
3. No Tracing Or Claiming Others Work As Your Own (I will reverse image search every piece I receive) 4. Must be a scene from the story.
Thank you for reading and coming along on my writing journey. Please stay tuned for Book 2.
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