#ryan lucan fluff
bambinella · 6 months
A/N: Back at it again with True Colors! My mind has not known peace since I fully discovered Life is Strange and I'm perfectly fine with that. Have another fluffy one! Enjoy!
Summary: It's been exactly a year since Alex arrived at Haven, and Steph and Ryan are deadset on celebrating
Warnings: Fluff and tickles
Word Count: 1768
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“If you think this is funny, you should see her drooling face!”
“Wouldn’t dream of missing it. And you get to witness this every day? As per usual, I envy you, Gingrich.”
“What can I say dude, I won the jackpot.” 
Two voices in her dream. One low, one higher pitched, and surprisingly loud and close to her. Huh, that was weird. Out of all the dreams she had had so far, this was by far the most realistic one. And the heaviest. Wait, heaviest? Alex groaned as she slowly started to wake up, trying to move. Nothing. Even weirder.
“Oh look, someone’s finally waking up!” 
That was definitely Steph's voice, she was sure of it. Why did it sound like it was coming from above her? With a lot of effort, she opened her eyes. At first she was greeted by the sight of her pillow. Then with the realization that her blankets weighed a lot more than they should.
“What the–” Alex mumbled as she lifted her head, actually waking up now. She was laying on her stomach, hugging her pillow with both arms. She looked back over her shoulder and– ah. That explained something. Steph was laying across her back, and Ryan was laying across her legs.
“Thought you’d never wake up. Steph was right when she said you’d sleep through a literal bomb,” Ryan teased with a grin. 
“Hey don’t bully her, only I can bully her,” Steph said while smacking the back of Ryan’s head, before continuing to play with Alex’ hair. 
“You guys… what are you doing here?” Alex asked with a yawn, half groggy, fully sleepy. She was always happy to see them, but she was slightly confused by their presence this early. And also by the fact that they were laying on top of her.
“We were waiting for you to wake up, of course!” Ryan smirked as he sat himself on top of the bed, next to her legs to make it more comfortable for her. 
“Let me rephrase that… why are you two here so early? Like, Steph being here goes without saying, but why both of you? And how did you even get in here, Ryan?” Alex asked with a chuckle. She tried to sit up, but Steph playfully refused to move from her position, so she was stuck. 
“I let him in, of course!” Steph said as if it was the most logical thing in the world. Well it kinda made sense, but still. “He’s here because it’s a special day!” She added.
“Is it?” Alex asked, wracking her brain to think of a reason. Nothing had been marked down in the calendar, so she didn’t have a clue to be honest.
“What day is it today, Alex?” Steph asked, a smile audible in her voice. Alex looked back at them over her shoulder again, and she could practically feel the joy radiating from her. She could also see that they expected her to know the answer by now. Alas, she didn’t.
“Ehm… tuesday?” She answered after taking a sneak peek at her trusted calendar in the background. This earned an eye-roll from her best friend and girlfriend, and it seemed they couldn’t hide it any longer, whatever it was.
“It’s the 28th of april!” Ryan said while waving his hands in the air. When it still didn’t ring a bell, both of them rolled their eyes at the same time again. 
“Oh my god, you really are clueless! It’s been exactly a year since you arrived in Haven!” Steph added with a wide grin, squeezing her girlfriend’s shoulders excitedly. Alex blinked, and then realized they were right.
“Oh! Ooooh! Wow, it’s really been a year already huh? Aww you guys remembered! That’s cute!” Alex gushed at them. Honestly these two were simply adorable.
“Yeah duh! We’ve been planning this day all week! We got people covering our shifts, so today we celebrate!” Steph smiled widely. So that’s why she’d been more sneaky the previous week. Now it made sense.
“You guys are sweet. And sneaky. Did your plans have to include waking me up early in the morning though? Because if I recall, that is still a crime,” Alex said while hugging her trusted pillow again with a smile. Steph playfully sighed while shaking her head.
“Alex, it’s 10am, we’ve talked about this. Waking you up at 10am is not early in the morning, and therefore not a crime,” She said, to which Ryan nodded in agreement.
“Hmm I’m not convinced. And I don’t know, what if I just want to stay in bed all day to celebrate, hm?” Alex questioned. She’d never actually do that, considering how they planned stuff for her, but she loved pulling their legs a little. Ryan gasped dramatically and put a hand on his chest.
“Are you telling me that you would actively not cooperate with us? After everything we’ve been through together?” He asked, even more dramatically. Alex couldn’t help but laugh at that.
“Maybe, waking me up early is a pretty big crime, and I’m still the Queen of Haven sooo,” She replied with a smug grin. Steph and Ryan shared a look, and grinned mischievously.
“You do realize that not cooperating with us is a bigger crime, right? And in this Queendom called Haven, if you commit a crime you get punished for it immediately~!” Steph said as she sat herself down on Alex’ lower back, while Ryan laid himself down on top of her legs again. Alex opened her eyes as she realized they were up to something, yet before she could even think about doing something she burst into surprised laughter. Steph’s hands lightly scratched at her ribs while Ryan squeezed the backs of her thighs through the blankets.
“AAHHAH! W-waahahahait!” Alex cried out, immediately trying to roll away from the two gremlins on her back. She reached backwards and grabbed Steph’s wrists, trying to pull them away from her body. Unfortunately for her, she couldn’t muster up any strength due to the position she was in, and because she was giggling like a fool.
“There’s that laugh! C’mon Alex, we both know you’re too ticklish to win against us, so all you gotta do is agree with whatever we have planned for you!” She teased with a wide grin while continuing to gently shake her hands into her ribs. 
“We promise we definitely didn’t plan anything embarrassing for you at all,” Ryan added with a giggle of his own, reaching under the blankets to tickle the backs of her knees. Alex thrashed as much as she could with two grown-ass adults laying on top of her, which wasn’t a lot.
“Guys! Stohohohoop! Nohoho tickling! NOHHOHO WAIT STEHEHEPH!” She squealed with laughter as her girlfriend’s nails moved under her shirt to flutter all over her upper back and neck. Of course Steph would go for one of her worst spots, Alex realized as she pulled her pillow over her head in an attempt to hide. Sadly for her, Steph was determined to make her surrender.
“Aww you really thought that’d work? How cute! Just give in, because I can do this aaaall day,” She laughed evilly while fluttering her nails up the sides of Alex’ neck, all the way to her ears. Ryan smiled and shook his head as he looked at his two best friends. He knew exactly how ruthless Steph could be in tickle fights, and how doomed Alex was if she remained stubborn. He’d been in that position countless times before.
“You better listen to her Alex, she’s not bluffing,” He said, suppressing a shiver as Steph looked back at him with a knowing grin. Deciding to step it up, he sneaked his hand further under the covers until he reached one of Alex’ feet, quickly raking his blunt nails up and down her sole. Alex was sure her soul left her body in that very moment. And that the entire town heard her squeal.
“OKAY I’M UHUHUHUP! I’M AWAAHAHAKE!” She roared with laughter, almost glad she couldn’t move her legs because otherwise she definitely would have kicked Ryan off the bed, with the possibility of a bloody nose. Ryan smirked and pulled his hand away immediately, yet Steph only grinned at her.
“Aww are you sure? Don’t you want five more minutes?” She asked teasingly, lightly running her nails up and down the back of her arms. Alex shook her head and pulled her arms up as far as she could, burying her face into one of them to smother the hysterical giggles. 
“Steph I sweehehehear! I’m gonna peeehehehehehee!” She was too busy giggling her head off to really notice Ryan dragging Steph off of her, but she did realize they’d stopped the vicious attack and moved off the bed since she could properly breathe again.
“Okay I think she’d had enough for now, before she actually pees herself. Which reminds me, Alex, I got a funny story about Ste–” He said, yet quickly got cut off by a series of jabs into his sides.
“Alright enough of that! Get out right this instant! And you,” Steph said with a laugh as she pushed him out the door before turning back to her girlfriend, pointing a finger at her. “You better be downstairs in half an hour at last. If not…” She added, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously before leaving through the door as well. Alex, who had finally caught her breath again, felt very breathless at that moment. She remained in the same position for a little longer, giggles still spilling from her lips as she thought about what had happened just now. She really loved these two dorks. Her dorks.
“Well, you heard the lady, better get ready before she storms back in,” Alex said to herself with a chuckle, dragging herself out of bed towards the bathroom to get ready. To say she was excited was an understatement. About half an hour later she finally came downstairs, looking around for Ryan and Steph. Easily spotting them at one of the tables, she made her way over with a huge smile.
“You ready for the best day of your life?” Steph asked with an equally big smile as she stood up, softly bumping her shoulder against Alex’. The younger woman could only nod at that. 
“Let’s do it,” She smiled, playfully bumping her hips against Steph to return the favor and push her towards the door. The three of them headed out of the Black Lantern, and Alex was ready to start whatever activities the duo had planned for her.
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meg-noel-art · 2 years
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I have not written in forever!! Please enjoy some Chenrich 🤲
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ruewrote · 2 years
𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑙𝑦.
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PAIRING: ryan lucan x fem!reader WARNINGS: strong language and a lot of crushing GENRE: fluff SONG INSPIRATION: kiss the girl from the little mermaid WORD COUNT: 500+
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saying you liked ryan was the understatement of the year.
you had a crush on this man as soon as you got to Colorado.
when you first met him, it felt like a breath of fresh air.
this man one hundred percent gives off golden retriever vibes.
it doesn’t help squash your feelings on how good of a person he is!
him helping out steph with the record store when she’s stressing,
helping old ladies cross the road.
he’s a park ranger for god sakes.
you can’t lie and say that he wasn’t the cause of you running purposefully near the park every other day because he was. you never even thought to pick up a pair of running shoes until you found that out.
yeah, you might not ever be able to have him, but you could at least admire him. he’s just so pretty to look at.
 you decided to leave a little flower at the bench he’d rest at half way through his shift. it was worth the smile it put on his face, jogging away when he had received it.
more recently you wrote little affirmations on a piece of paper tucked away with the flower.
now? you were sat on the record store counter keeping stephanie company as she did inventory, talking her ear off as she flicked through some of the vinyl’s. her eyebrows furrow concentrating on what she was doing but not hard enough that she could still hear you loud and clear.
your legs swinging back and forth sighing happily at the groovy music that ran throughout the place. that’s when the bell rang, it was ryan. he looked heated, but polite enough to say hi to her as he walked in.
walking straight for you, gulping as he got closer. legs stopped kicking when he got so close that you were faced to face. both of his hands were pressed either side of you cornering you, to do nothing but just look at him.
“i got your flowers and your little notes.”
oh fuck. you had been found out. maybe you could play it off?
“uh- what flowers?” you could feel your face flush. so much for playing coy.
“nu-uh you know exactly what i’m talking about.” his face was so close to yours, wondering if itd even help leaning back right now, just closing your eyes hoping the floor would swallow you whole right now.
“fine it was me, you happy?” closing your eyes scared of his reaction.
that’s when everything went quiet, the song changed in the shop and the melody of ‘i was made for lovin’ you’ by kiss played.
steph trying to wingman for you in the radio room.
eyes still closed a giggle left your mouth, but stopped when you felt his lips on yours, tensing up but almost immediately melting into the kiss. wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer to deepen it.
hearing a door shut and the girl in the corner cheer, making the two of you pull away laughing.
“i was hoping it was you.”
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© ruewrote.
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nancbyers · 2 years
Hii :) could you do some hcs for Ryan from life is strange true colours with an s/o who he meets bc they're like a hiker and they manage to get lost in the forest around Haven Springs and they get into the mines and when he finds them they're just super shook etc.
If that's too specific then no worries!!
a/n: hello! thank u for the request, i love ryan with all my heart 🥺💖 idk anything about actual hiking so please forgive the inaccuracies :3
pairing: ryan lucan x gn!reader
warnings: none, its all fluff
word count: 500+
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ryan with a hiker s/o - headcanons
alright, so you aren’t from haven springs but you decide to hike out there one day because you’ve heard how beautiful it is
you’re relatively experienced so you feel comfortable out there alone - and for most of the hike you are
but then you discover an entrance to the mines
and you know its a bad idea to enter, what with all the ‘no trespassing’ and ‘danger: keep out’ signs everywhere (not to mention your own common sense)
but you think hey, what’s the worst that could happen?
you’re lost
like, lost lost
and you’re kind of freaking out a little because you swear you remember where you came in but you just can’t find the exit
but mostly you’re mad at yourself for letting your curiosity get you into this mess and now you have to radio the local parks station for rescue and god you are embarrassed
you reluctantly radio in and are met with perhaps the most delightful-seeming human you have ever spoken to:
‘haven springs ranger station, this is ryan!’
‘hi ryan, i um, this is a little embarrassing but, im kind of lost?’
‘oh don’t be embarrassed! happens quite a lot out here. can you see any distinct landmarks around you, like a weird boulder or fancy tree?’
‘well, uh- i was hiking a trail heading north, but i sort of stumbled across this old mine and um…’
ryan seems a little freaked out but he explains he will be up there asap to come get you
when he finds you, you’re more than a little tongue-tied because he’s really cute
he guides you out of the mines in a bit of a rush because bad memories and once you’re finally out he takes a proper look at you and is like,,
whoa,, this person is really cute
so now he’s all flustered as well
it takes a hot second for conversation to start flowing but as you both trek down to Haven Springs (‘i need a drink after that,’ you say), you talk about absolutely everything
by the time you rock up to the bar you’re both absolutely smitten
alex is working the bar and notices IMMEDIATELY that y’all are ~vibin~ so she slips you two beers on the house and absolutely eavesdrops on your conversation whenever she’s not busy
you talk and talk until you realise you’re the only two left in the bar (apart from alex and steph who are not-so-subtly watching you both from the other end of the bar: ‘who is that??’ ‘i’ve never seen them before’ ‘are they on a DATE??’) and ryan realises that its way past closing
he leads you out the door (shooting a glare at the girls who giggle and wave as you leave) and nearly misses it when you ask for his number
‘in case i get lost again’
‘o-oh! yeah, yeah of course’ he’s blushing
‘or maybe a drink?’ you’re blushing
‘yes! i mean- yeah yeah that’d be nice’ you’re both blushing so hard
when you finally part ways neither of you can wipe the lovesick grins from your faces
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writing-fanics · 3 years
Okay okay for YALL Ryan Lucan lovers here’s one for y’all I’m working on
Ryan and Y/n childhood best friends obviously have a crush on each other. The whole town can tell it’s that obvious.
And whenever they’re in the room together the sexual tension is high. Gabe would tease them.
Alex and Steph try and y/n and Ryan up together...
During the Spring Festival they were about to give a rose to each other...
I don’t wanna spoil the twist of the game but that happens to her as well, cause she also was helping Alex figure the truth and what Typhoon was hiding...
It plays out like the ending of episode 5 and they finally give each other their rose y/n’s was broken of course and it’s happy ending for everyone.
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lilradridinghood · 3 years
ace ryan ace ryan ace ryan
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elliebean714 · 3 years
☆What I write☆~
I write character x character, character x oc and character x reader.
♡Romantic♡, ◇Platonic◇, whatever.
Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Yandere, Poly Relationships, Character Reactions, Character Diary Entries, Light Nsfw, My Oc's, Female, Gender Neutral And Male Readers/Characters/Oc's
♡Gay♡ and ☆Not Gay☆
Headcanons, fics, one-shots, maybe Au's....
Fandoms I write for. (It's all games. I'm not sorry.)
Until Dawn~
Josh Washington
Chris Hartley
Ashley Brown
Sam Giddings
Mike Munroe
Jess Riley
Emily Davis
Matt Taylor
Beth Washington
Hannah Washington
The Quarry~
Jacob Custos
Emma Mountebank
Nick Furcillo
Abigail Blyg
Max Brinly
Laura Kearney
Kaitlyn Ka
Dylan Lenivy
Ryan Erzhalher
Travis Hackett
Chris Hackett
Bobby Hackett
Life is Strange~
Season 1~
Max Caulfield
Chloe Price
Warren Graham
Nathan Prescott
Victoria Chase
Kate Marsh
Mark Jefferson
Before The Storm~
Chloe Price
Rachel Amber
Steph Gingrich
Nathan Prescott
Samantha Myers
Season 2~
Sean Diaz
Daniel Diaz
True colours~
Alex Chen
Steph Gingrich
Ryan Lucan
Gabe Chen
Charlotte Harmon
Jason Pike
Five Nights at Freddy's~
FNaF 1 ~
Golden Freddy
FNaF 2~
Toy Bonnie
Toy Freddy
Toy Chica
Withered Bonnie
Withered Freddy
Withered Chica
Withered Foxy
FNaF 3~
FNaF Sister Location~
Circus Baby
Funtime Freddy/Bon Bon
Funtime Foxy
FNaF Pizzeria Simulator~
FNaF Security Breach~
Glamrock Freddy
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
William Afton
Michael Afton
Henry Emily
Note~ Unless specifically requested otherwise all animatronics will not have the children's souls inside them, if you want the soul inside the animatronic it will automatically be platonic (Springtrap is the exception)♡
Bioshock 1~
Jack Wynand
Frank Fontaine
Bridget Tenenbaum
The Little Sisters
The Big Daddies
Bioshock 2~
Subject Delta
Augustus Sinclair
Eleanor Lamb
Sophia Lamb
Grace Holloway
Stanley Poole
Gil Alexander
Mark Meltzer
The Big Sisters
Bioshock Infinite~
Elizabeth Comstalk
Booker DeWitt
The Walking Dead: Telltale~
Season 1~
Lee Everett
Ben Paul
Season 2~
Season 3~
Javi Garcia
Kate Garcia
Gabe Garcia
Season 4~
Detroit: Become Human~
The Last Of Us~
Part 1~
Part 2~
Drake's Fortune~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Among Thieves~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Chloe Frazer
Harry Flynn
Drake's Deception~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Chloe Frazer
A Thieves End~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Sam Drake
Rafe Adler
Nadine Ross
Death Stranding~
Sam Porter Bridges
Higgs Monaghan
Amelie Strand
Dr Heartman
Clifford Unger
Doki Doki Literature Club~
Obey Me!~
☆Overall Note☆~ All Under 18 Characters Will Be Platonic, Unless Shipped With A Character/Oc Of The Same Age.♡
♡Protect the Children♡
◇What I won't write◇~
Heavy Nsfw
Non-Con/ Dub-Con
Self Harm
Big Age-Gap Relationships
Other people's oc's
Cheating (Except Comfort)
Send Requests, I'm Depressed💐
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2dmenenthusiast · 3 years
“I’m not even sure if that’s a real species.”
(Ryan Lucan x GN!Reader)
this didn't turn out as great as I wanted it to cuz I'm absolute shit at writing fluff but I already have another Ryan fic in the works to make up for it (that break shit was apparently a lie) I hope ya'll enjoy anyway.
Reblogs are always appreciated!
Summary: Between shitty drawings of birds and struggling with your feelings for your best friend, Ryan is determined to make your birthday one to remember
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings/other info: major spoilers for LIS: True Colors, swearing, shitty pacing, my mediocre attempt at writing fluff
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“Are you done yet?”
Your feet skidded against the floor, the rubber soles of your shoes creating a loud squeak as you stopped the chair from rolling forward. Spinning to face Ryan, you give him a wide grin.
He shakes his head and leans forward in his seat, looking over his work as he lets you continue your antics.
It was a beautiful day in Haven Springs, the sun shining in the bright blue sky, a comfortable breeze shaking the leaves. Most people in town were probably going hiking along the trails. You? Well, you couldn’t think of a more perfect time to bother your dear friend, Ryan, at his place of work. He wasn’t surprised to see you walk into the ranger station with two cups of coffee and a box of takeout from the bar, used to your random visits. But he told you with a guilty expression and those familiar puppy dog eyes that he had too much work to take a break with you. You had waved him off, letting him know that it was okay and you could just hang around to keep him company. Though, he didn’t think agreeing would mean you acting like an absolute menace around him.
Rolling over to the other desk, you began looking through the drawers for something to fidget with when you found a walkie, smiling to yourself as you clicked it on and held down the button.
“... Lookin’ good over there, mountain man.”
Ryan let out a soft curse and flinched when he heard his own walkie go off next to him, grabbing it before turning towards you with a narrowed gaze. “Really?”
“Ah ah! You have to talk into the walkie. Over”
“I’m not speaking into the-”
“I’m sorry, I think I’m getting a little static, can you repeat that? Over.”
Letting out a sigh, he couldn’t help but smile as he brought the walkie closer to his face. “You’re ridiculous.”
“I’m what? Over.”
“You’re ridiculous! Over.”
A wide smile broke out on your face as Ryan let out a soft chuckle, and you placed the walkie back inside the desk drawer before rolling over to him and lightly nudging him with your chair.
“What’s got you all stressed out? You’re usually more easy going than this,” you asked, taking a glance at what was on his desk.
He shrugged. “Just- you know, new regulations and things to go over. It’s no big deal. Just not the most fun part of my job, I guess.”
You nodded, spotting a yellow notepad and sliding it towards yourself before grabbing a pen. He watched as you drew a quick doodle of a bird, and you propped it against the lamp on the corner of the desk.
“There, now you have a feathered friend to keep you company while you're inside.”
Ryan tilted his head, examining the drawing. “I’m not even sure if that’s a real species.”
You scoffed, smacking his shoulder as he laughed. “Oh, whatever. Next time draw your own damn bird.” Standing up, you fished your phone out of your pocket to check the time. “Oh shit, I’m gonna be late. I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Yeah, and don’t forget to meet me at the Lantern tonight.”
Nodding, you gave Ryan a quick hug before racing out the door and driving to work. Ever since Riley left, you quickly took over her position at the flower shop so Eleanor wouldn’t be managing the store alone. You could tell she needed the help, no matter how often she told you she was fine. Luckily, she was getting more used to accepting your help as time went on.
You stepped into the flower shop with minutes to spare, letting out a breath as you walked into the back office. Grabbing your apron, you tied it around yourself before clocking in, and as you stepped out of the room, Eleanor came out of the greenhouse with a bundle of flowers in her hand.
“Oh! Dear, what are you doing here?”
“Uh, working my shift?”
“Oh. I was sure I had you scheduled off for today,” Eleanor said, walking into the office to check your schedule.
You looked at her with your eyebrows drawn up in confusion. “But, I usually work today, don’t I?”
“Well, yes, but I assumed you didn’t want to spend your birthday working.”
Your eyes slightly widened before your expression fell and you let out a sigh. “Shit. I’m sorry, Eleanor. I’ve been so busy, I guess I just forgot.”
“Oh, I understand, dear. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t forget important things, too. Do you wanna go home?”
You shook your head. “No. No, it’s fine. I’m already here, so, might as well get some work done.”
Eleanor nodded, handing you the bundle of flowers before walking back into the greenhouse. A quiet sigh left you as you walked behind the counter and wrapped up the bundle of lilies, taking them over to the case of flowers. It didn’t surprise you that you forgot. In the past, your birthday had never been something you made a big deal about, so why should you now? The most you ever did was watch movies and have a few drinks with Ryan, Steph, and Alex, and there was nothing you enjoyed more than hanging out with them.
Steph and Ryan had been your best friends ever since you could remember, along with Gabe. When Alex came to Haven, she fit right in with all of you. And when Gabe died… well, safe to say it was hard on all of you. Like a piece had been ripped out and replaced with a giant hole. You made sure to be there for each other, especially when all the drama went down with Typhon and Jed. And when Ryan found out about his father, you could only imagine how he felt.
You remember countless nights staying up with him as he yelled and cried and questioned how his father could do such a terrible thing. There was nothing more you wanted to do than take his pain away, but all you could do was be there for him, and let him know that the people around him loved him.
You felt your face heat up when you recalled the nights he fell asleep on your shoulder after staying up late and filling up on takeout, and you shook your head as you walked back behind the counter. You knew your feelings for Ryan went way above platonic. The way he smiled, his laugh, that puppy dog look he gave you when he was confused or flustered. Everything about him made your heart flutter. And the way he would light up when he talked about his job or listed off random facts about the birds he saw when you two went on hikes, it all just made you fall for him even more.
Though, there was something nagging at the back of your head. If it was your birthday, why didn’t Ryan say anything to you earlier? You glanced up when you heard the bell above the door ring, and Alex greeted you with a small smile and a wave.
“Hey! How’ve you been, Alex?” you asked as she walked up, placing her hands on the counter. She shrugged her shoulders.
“Just came to pick up some flowers.”
You nodded and gestured over to the cooler, and she took her time as she looked over them, seeming to look for something specific. She finally reached in and pulled out a bouquet of roses, and you raised your eyebrows with a small smirk as she placed them in front of you.
“Ah. Special night with Steph?”
She shifted her gaze for a moment and let out a small laugh, reaching a hand up to rub the back of her neck. “You could say that. Oh, happy birthday, by the way.”
You smiled as you rang her up. “Thank you. Seems like everyone’s remembered except me. Well, and Ryan.”
Alex tilted her head as her brows furrowed. “Did he not say anything?” she asked, able to pick up the disappointment in your voice.
“No. But he was busy and seemed distracted when I saw him, so I don’t blame him.”
“I’m sure he’ll make it up to you.”
You nodded, and she gave you a reassuring look before grabbing the flowers and leaving, the jingling of the bell ringing loudly in the empty room. Fingers gripping the counter, you let out a shaky breath and dropped your head, trying to calm down the rapid beating of your heart. You felt pathetic. The mere mention or thought of Ryan seemed to make your heart race these days. It was a miracle you could even keep your composure around him. After being friends with him for so many years, you guess your conscience just couldn’t take it anymore.
But how could you ever confess to him? No, you couldn’t ruin your friendship like that. Ryan was one of the best things in your life, and you wouldn’t risk it for anything. Even if it meant keeping your feelings hidden.
“Hon, are you okay?”
You jumped when you heard Eleanor’s voice, looking up to meet her concerned gaze. You gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded.
“Yeah. Guess I’m just in my own head today.”
She hesitated before nodding and leaving you alone again, and you huffed as you placed your elbows against the counter. Today was going to be long.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay a little longer? I know there’s more to be done.”
“Oh stop it, you. I can take care of it. Go enjoy the rest of your night,” Eleanor said, practically pushing you out the door.
You sighed and reluctantly walked out of the shop, waving at her through the window before adjusting your bag on your shoulder and walking to your car. You were about to get in when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, and you took it out to see that Ryan texted you.
-6:11 Ryan:
Remember. Black Lantern after your shift.
You chuckled to yourself, quickly typing up a response.
-6:12 You:
Yes, Mister Park Ranger, sir
Har har. Just get your butt here.
-6:14 Ryan:
But not the rest of me? Idk if that’s possible, Ry.
-6:14 You:
You’re ridiculous.
-6:15 Ryan:
So you’ve told me. Be there in a few.
-6:16 You:
Pocketing your phone, you locked your car before walking down the main road towards the bar, wondering what Ryan’s urgency was. If it was to try another experimental drink, you were going to kick his ass. Last time that happened, you ended up throwing up your lunch. You arrived at the Black Lantern in just a few minutes, but when you opened the door and all the lights were off, you wondered if Ryan made a mistake.
“What the hell-”
The lights suddenly flickered on as people jumped up from where they were hiding, and Steph walked over with the biggest grin on her face as she blew into a noisemaker and threw paper confetti into the air.
“Happy birthday, loser.”
You scoffed, still reeling from the surprise before reaching up to pull a few pieces of confetti out of your hair. “You’re helping me get all this out later.”
She just laughed and threw an arm around your shoulders, leading you further into the bar. Everyone that you passed wished you a happy birthday, and you smiled and thanked them all, even accepting the hug Duckie gave you before you could walk past him.
“You guys really didn’t have to do this, you know,” you muttered, stopping at the bar when Steph went to grab a few beers.
“Nonsense! You never let us do anything special for your birthday. At least let us spoil you a bit this year.”
You sighed, shaking your head with a smile before looking down when you felt someone poke your arm. “Ethan! See, I knew the life of the party was here somewhere.”
He gave you a toothy grin before reaching behind him and pulling out one of his comics, nervously holding it out to you. “I uh, I wanted to give you something for your birthday. It’s an early copy of the newest volume I’m working on. I wanted you to get the first look at it.”
Your eyes slightly widened as you looked at the beautifully drawn cover, gently running your fingers over it. You had to admit, Ethan was crazy talented for a kid his age.
“Thank you, Ethan. I’m sure I’ll love it,” you said, and the boy nodded excitedly.
Hearing someone call your name, you looked up and saw Steph waving you over, Alex sitting with her in the booth. Taking a seat across from them, you narrowed your eyes as your gaze shifted between them.
“Alright, whose bright idea was this?”
They gave each other a look, trying to hold back their smiles as you heard someone behind you clear their throat.
“That would be me, actually.”
Turning in your seat, your eyes landed on Ryan standing behind you, a nervous smile on his face and his hands behind his back. Of course.
“Why am I not surprised?”
His grin widened for a split second before suddenly dropping, looking down at his shoes for a moment. “Um, can we talk outside for a sec?”
Nodding, you stood up from your seat to follow him, but you didn’t miss the giggles and quiet hushes coming from the two girls. You only got to glance back at them for a second before Ryan was placing a hand on your back and leading you out of the Lantern. The sun was almost finished setting, barely peeking out from the mountains in the distance as the water reflected beautiful oranges and yellows. No matter how long you lived in Haven Springs, you didn’t think you’d ever get used to how beautiful the sky was.
You and Ryan walked to the end of the dock, looking out at the water and mountains before you stole a glance at him. The way the light shone on his face, accentuating the curves and sharp lines of his features and reflected off his blue eyes- god, how could a man be so fucking pretty?
You quickly looked away before he could catch you staring, swallowing down the lump in your throat before you eventually turned your body towards him.
“Y’know, you didn’t have to-”
You could barely get your sentence out when Ryan was suddenly holding a bouquet of roses towards you, and you looked between his anxious expression and the red flowers for a moment before something in your head clicked.
Oh. Oh.
And then you were laughing. Ryan released the breath he seemed to be holding, his expression morphing into one of confusion before he let out a quiet chuckle of his own. “What’s- What’s so funny?”
Reaching out, your fist lightly punched his chest before you carefully took the flowers out of his hand, your laughter dying down into sporadic giggles.
“Nothing, just- wow. You’ve really outdone yourself, Lucan. Sending Alex to do your dirty work?”
A look of realization flashed across his features before he smiled and reached up to rub the back of his neck, face becoming flushed. “Uh, yeah. I didn’t want you finding out before the surprise, so…”
“Find out what?”
You could tell he was trying to come up with a proper response before he gestured towards the bouquet, and you took your time as you looked down at the beautiful arrangement. Roses. Red Roses. Flowers that made a very specific statement. And Ryan was giving them to… you. Disbelief filled you as you felt your heart suddenly jump up into your throat, and you looked up at Ryan with wide eyes.
“Ryan. I…”
“You don’t have to say anything. Just…” Taking the flowers from you, he carefully set them down and hesitantly reached out to grab your hands, the rough pads of his fingers brushing over your palms before your hands were entirely enveloped in his. “I… I don’t know if I can keep this a secret from you anymore.”
The way he was touching you was sending pulses up your arms, and you felt like you could barely breathe with how fast your heart was beating. “Ryan-”
“Please, just let me get this out. Then you can do whatever, walk away and never talk to me again if you want. I just need you to hear this.” You nodded, and he let out a breath as his grip on your hands tightened. “We’ve been friends ever since I can remember. Doing everything together, telling each other our deepest secrets and our greatest fears. I’ve told you things I’ve never told anyone before… And, I can’t exactly pinpoint in all that time where I fell in love with you, but I know it’s been a while since then.”
It was like the ground had just been taken out from under you, Ryan the only thing keeping you from falling as his confession slowly sunk in. He… loves you?
Holy fuck. Ryan loves you??
“I guess I just wanted today to be special for you, to show you how special you are to me. You’ve been with me through everything, seen every side there is to me. And the only person I can imagine having any type of future with… is you.”
The chirping of the crickets quickly filled the gaps of silence, the noise almost getting louder after Ryan stopped talking, and you could barely think about what he said when you had so many thoughts racing in your head. Shit, what were you supposed to say?
“Um, if you want me to leave-”
“No! No, um, I just need a second to process-”
“Oh! Yeah, no, totally. Uh, go ahead,” he said, letting go of your hands.
God, you were both fucking wrecks of human beings. You could mark off Getting a confession of love from your childhood best friend from your Shit I Never Expected to Happen list. Taking a deep breath, you stepped closer to Ryan and took one of his hands in both of yours, giving him a small smile.
“Listen, Ryan. I don’t need flowers or a surprise birthday party to feel special. I… I always feel special when I’m around you.”
“Sooo that means?”
You rolled your eyes, your smile growing. “It means kiss me, you dork.”
He didn’t waste any time as he carefully held your face in his hands before connecting your lips to his, and you smiled into the kiss as you wrapped your arms around him. You could mark kissing Ryan off that list, too. His hands moved from your face to wrap his arms around you, holding you close to his front as your hands came up to weave your fingers through his hair. As you leaned further into him, you heard a soft crinkling of paper, and momentarily broke the kiss so you could reach into the pocket of his flannel. Pulling out a piece of yellow paper, you unfolded it to reveal- Oh, jesus.
“Oh, my fucking god. Are you kidding me, Ry?” you laughed, turning the shitty sketch of the bird you’d drawn earlier towards him.
He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “I thought it could be a good luck charm, you know? Maybe while I’m out, I’ll actually find a rare species or something that looks like that. Could make you famous one day.”
You just shook your head as Ryan laughed, the sound causing a warm, fuzzy feeling to bloom in your chest.
“Who’s the ridiculous one now?”
“Oh, I think we tie for that one.”
Ryan cut your laugh off with another kiss, and you practically melted into him as that warm feeling spread throughout your body. It goes without saying, this was the best birthday ever.
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michelleinterrupted · 2 years
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No racism, homophobia, transphobia, pedophilia, etc. You will be blocked and reported !
I will not write about certain kinks/fetishes, including; non con, ageplay, SA/rape, etc.
I write nsfw and sfw (some characters may be sfw only if they are a minor)
Active SH, SA, etc. I'll write about a pass experience but will not write about the event itself
Please be patient if I do not write your request right away!!
In your request pls say whether you want it as fem!reader, gn!reader, or male!reader
pls say if you would like it to be fluff, smut, angst, etc.
Rue Bennett (wlw only)
Jules Vaughn
Kat Hernandez
Maddy Perez
Cassie Howard
Lexi Howard
Nate Jacobs
Ashtray (no nsfw)
Gia Bennett (no nsfw)
Isabel (Belly) Conklin
Steven Conklin
Conrad Fisher
Jeremiah Fisher
Stevie/Sunburn (no nsfw)
Ruben (no nsfw)
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher (mlm only)
Debbie Gallagher (wlw only)
Carl Gallagher
Liam Gallagher (no nsfw)
Veronica Fisher
Kevin Ball
Mickey Malkovich (mlm only)
Mandy Malkovich
Billy Loomis
Randy Meeks
Stu Macher
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Tara Carpenter
Charlie Walker
Chad Meeks-Martin
Ethan Landry
Amber Freeman
Jill Roberts
Chole Price (wlw only)
Rachel Amber
Drew North
Mikey North
Skip Matthews
Max Caulfield
Nathen Prescott
Steph Gingrich
Victoria Chase
Sean Diaz
Kate Marsh
Warren Graham
Dana Ward
Jacob Hackerman (mlm only)
Finn McNamara
Esteban Diaz
Daniel Diaz (no nsfw)
Ryan Lucan
requests are open ! thanks for reading <33
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divinegrey · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Life is Strange: True Colors (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Chen/Steph Gingrich Characters: Alex Chen, Steph Gingrich, Ryan Lucan Additional Tags: steph surprises alex but also bargains with ryan, Kissing, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff, the gays talk about their trauma and where it took them Series: Part 2 of a couple more years (then we'll hit the road) Summary:
steph makes a plan for her and alex's four month anniversary. it ends up going pretty well.
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Prompt requests!
Ask box and messaging is open!
 Hi! I’m taking short requests, they can be pretty much anything: fluff, angst, AUs – you betcha. Rating from general to mature (spice level is up to what I’m feeling for the prompt given to me) 
Platonic is totally fine as well! It doesn't have to be only shippy: want Palamedes and Gideon to have a heart to heart? Free therapy for the Mighty Nein with Caduecus Clay? Claire and Ada's first meeting? Sounds good to me
I won’t do: Explicit smut, character death (open to negotiation though), SA or anything in that area, omegaverse
If it says on your blog you are a minor I will not write anything past a pg-13 rating, I can't stop what you read but I will not write that for you
It's ultimately up to me whether or not I fulfill a prompt, submitting something doesn't mean I am obligated to complete it. There is no set turnaround time though I will try to get it out as soon as I can. This is for fun :)
- Resident Evil:
Cleon (Claire Redfield/Leon S Kennedy)
Valenfield (Chris Redfield/Jill Valentine)
Shake (Sherry Birkin/Jake Muller)
Reilly (Rebecca Chambers/Billy Coen)
- Critical Role:
Vaxleth (Vax’ildan/Keyleth)
Vexleth (Vex’ahlia/Keyleth)
Widobrave (Veth “Nott” Brenatto/Caleb Widoghast)
Beauyasha (Beauregard Lionett/Yasha Nydoorin)
- Life is Strange:
Marshfield (Kate Marsh/Max Caulfield)
Luchenrich (Ryan Lucan/Alex Chen/Steph Gingrich)
- The Locked Tomb
Griddlehark (Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus)
Harrianthe (Harrowhark Nonagesimus/Ianthe Tridentarius)
Campal (Camilla Hect/Palamedes Sextus)
- Misc:
Dina/Ellie (The Last of Us part 2)
Claurenz (Claude Von Riegan/Lorenz Hellman Gloucester; Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Leomari (Leonie Pinelli/Marianne Von Edmund; Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Reddie (Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier; IT)
Benverly (Beverly Marsh/Ben Hanscom; IT)
Jillian Holtzmann/Patty Tolan (Ghostbuster 2016)
If a ship isn’t there that you’re looking for, I’m sorry, it’s most likely that I’m just not interested OR that I didn’t feel that I could do them justice. 
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x-v4mp3y3lin3r-x · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Life is Strange: True Colors (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gabe Chen/Ryan Lucan Characters: Ryan Lucan, Gabe Chen, Steph Gingrich Additional Tags: Hurt No Comfort, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Fluff and Angst, Not Beta Read, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Flashbacks, Blatant Overuse Of Ellipsis Summary:
It was almost ironic how all of Ryan’s time this past month has been spent reliving Gabe’s final moments. Wondering, if Ryan had done things differently, would Gabe still be here with him? Was he the one who really killed Gabe? It felt like it. He did cut the rope.
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nancbyers · 3 years
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nancbyers' navigation
request | masterlist
hello, im bambi ! i write reader insert fluff/comfort fics for various characters (◕▿◕✿)
i write for:
marvel- bucky barnes, peter parker, thor odinson, carol danvers, sam wilson, maria hill, wanda maximoff, valkyrie | will write others platonically, just ask!
stranger things- steve harrington | will write others platonically, just ask!
lord of the rings- legolas, aragorn, faramir, eowyn, boromir, eomer, tauriel, kili, fili, thorin | will write others platonically, just ask!
harry potter- fred weasley, ron weasley, ginny weasley, charlie weasley, cedric diggory, hermione granger, dean thomas, angelina johnson, katie bell | will write others platonically, just ask!
dragon age- alistair, leliana, anders, carver, isabela, fenris, merrill, sera, cullen, josephine | will write others platonically, just ask!
life is strange: true colours- alex chen, gabe chen, ryan lucan, steph gingrich | will write others platonically, just ask!
heroes of olympus- percy jackson, annabeth chase, leo valdez, piper mclean | will write others platonically, just ask!
atla/lok- katara, sokka, zuko, suki, bolin, asami, korra | will write others platonically, just ask!
please read my rules before requesting!
i do not write smut, but implied smut is fine
i do not write heavy angst, and i won’t write anything that doesn’t end happily. i write fics for comfort, so go elsewhere for sad fics!
i only write adult readers - meaning the reader (you) will be depicted as an adult in my fics, with few exceptions. this means that characters the reader is paired with will be of age as well! for example, if a ginny weasley x reader fic is requested, it will be set post-hogwarts. i will only write underage characters and reader platonically!
if i dislike your request, i am not obligated to write it, nor do i owe you any explanation as to why. i do this for fun!
i write headcanons, blurbs, one-shots, multi-part fics, and social media aus (๑╹ω╹๑ ) just hit me up with your request and I’ll try to make it happen
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lilradridinghood · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Life is Strange: True Colors (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Chen/Ryan Lucan Characters: Alex Chen, Ryan Lucan Additional Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, i love hatoful boyfriend Summary:
Alex and Ryan play a bird dating sim.
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divinegrey · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Life is Strange: True Colors (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Chen/Steph Gingrich Characters: Alex Chen, Steph Gingrich, Ethan Harmon, Charlotte Harmon, Ryan Lucan Additional Tags: Fluff, girlfriends being girlfriends, alex needs love and appreciation, and steph has it for her, i love them so much you guys don't even understand Series: Part 1 of a couple more years (then we'll hit the road) Summary:
in the aftermath of typhon and gabe’s death, alex and steph share a moment— through sound, through heart, through music.
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lilradridinghood · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Life is Strange: True Colors (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Chen/Ryan Lucan Characters: Alex Chen, Ryan Lucan, Steph Gingrich Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst Summary:
He didn't believe her. She didn't forgive him. And when all was said and done, she left.
A year later, Alex and Ryan find each other again.
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