#sa treatment
er-cryptid · 2 years
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inu-jiru · 3 months
Jazz's "Apology Tour" ramble
Episode was trash, let's go.
First off, the whole "Fuck Blitzo" party is so stupid to me, like you're telling me this 30-something year old man had intimate relationships with ALL these demons and HE was the sole thing that ruined ALL of them?
And how did Verosika even find out about Stolas? Like I know Ozzie's happened, but how'd she hear about their "breakup" (they weren't together but whatever, show)?
Why the FUCK does Verosika care about Stolas being an uwu sad victim of mean old Blitzo aside from everyone being written to want to huff Stolas' sad boi farts?
Why is no one trying to kill Stolas like in Loo Loo Land, like suddenly we're just cool with the oppressive racist now (who am I kidding, the rank system doesn't exist anymore unless the "meanie supremacist" characters bring it up I guess)?
Don't think I'm trying to be "Blitzo's#1Bitch69" or anything, but Season 2 is just so gross in how they've written him. Either he's the big bully meanie for hating his abuser, or they've had him commit the most out of pocket atrocities (like possibly SAing Stolas since he was technically drunk or the circus incident or the shit he pulled with Verosika because what the fuck kinda trauma makes you steal someone credit card for horse riding lessons???) that they just gloss over because fuck having Blitzo actually progress normally or Stolas taking actual responsibility for his own actions, let's just speed through everything so it's back to Stolitz City, don't think about the implications. I just can't stand itttt, I still like and pity Blitz to an extent but his writing is killing meeee
Am I really hearing that people are hating the dude flirting with Stolas like come on yall STOLITZ IS NOT OFFICIAL YET CHILL
I've honestly started skipping through episodes, like I can't fucking listen to "WAHHHHH BLITZO I WANT YOU TO WANT ME" for the millionth time, I wish this episode could've just been Blitzo and Verosika facing their issues or something I just don't wanna see this owl loser act like a victim anymoreeee
Man really said "when have I ever been condescending?" SEASON ONE???? How about every time you grab his face and call him out of his name and watch him be shot at while demanding he come over one a month? Oh, but when Blitz starts doing it back it's "Oh I'm uncomfortable ooOoOoo stop it Blitz hnnghhh I don't like it :C :C :C", like whatever man.
The Striker comment was dumb and wrong but that's because Stolas is dumb and wrong
Honestly I feel like I'm repeating the same points I and others have made in the past so all imma say is, I hope Octavia and Stella are enjoying their off-screen and better written adventures together. I'm gonna draw some AU stuff now to give my eyes something better to look at.
OH I forgot to talk about Verosika, uh, she was there? I honestly think she should just get over herself at this point, idk when she and Blitz broke up but what the fuck is it about this clown that she was so enamored over where she's this hurt? I can get being mad about her credit card and Blitz being a lazy partner but if that's the case, I fail to see how they got to a point where she got his name tatted on her arm. Idk it's weird
The Mayweather shit or whatever her name is was pointless and made no sense, like "I want you to kill this woman who made me attempt to kill her and myself but now we're dating" like? Hey Vivzie if yall can callback to that why can't yall call back to Stolas being a creep huh?
EDIT: They really made that fuckass "it's hell" excuse canon, huh? Like, it doesn't even make sense in the context of Blitz saying that, like people say "it's hell" because Biblically speaking, it's where those who truly oppose God in order to live a life of wickedness go as just punishment. Blitz the equivalent of a regular guy in Hell unlike the Hazbin characters, he shouldn't understand that there's a better alternative to Hell because he's not human and never had any opportunity to learn about Heaven or God (unless it's just in their DNA or something idk who knows with this show)
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ciderjacks · 6 months
idk why ppl ignore that women, regardless of race or class, experience police violence for being female. Both from on duty and off duty officers. That 40% cops thing is thrown around a lot but no one acknowledges that as hate, that police officers off duty will often use their power as a man and as an officer to beat/kill women. Theres also the cases of police on duty using abortion as an excuse to brutalize and stalk women, police officers raping and murdering women using their power as officers to do it and getting away with it. and then also something no one talks about: the justice system unfairly punishes women if it can. The justice system hates women being free.
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Also, “crime of passion” laws still exist, female murder victims and missing women (regardless of race, but especially native women) are rarely taken seriously. And let’s not even get into how women are treated in female prisons, male guards frequently use female prisons as his own personal brothel, and this behaviour is allowed for sometimes years. Oh, and shit let’s also not talk about how many laws are really only created to protect men and arrest girls. Let’s not talk about how many women end up in jail for minor things like drugs and property damage, compared to men.
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Let’s also not talk about how poverty and drug addiction connect, and how the patriarchy keeps women in poverty by intentionally underpaying female dominated fields, reducing wages on any field when it becomes female dominated, and underpaying the female workers who happen to work in male dominated fields to keep them poorer than their male counterparts. Let’s not talk about how keeping females and female communities poor is directly contributing to the kind of crime that women are then unfairly targeted for.
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let’s really not talk about how all these things connect, how the men in charge of society have set up a system that keeps women poor and trapped, then the men in charge of prison facilities setting up a system where women are locked up in places where they have no control for minor charges, then said men, who now have complete control over these women, use the women who’ve been trapped in these facilities (again, very often for things a man wouldn’t be criminally charged for) as sex slaves, even forcing them to get pregnant….yeah, let’s not talk about how all that connects.
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gemsarejustshinyrocks · 4 months
hey remember the time Talia slept with the teenage son of the man she has a child with how fucked up was that
Basically? An AU where where instead of going off to become the Red Hood and "punish" Bruce as Talia wished, Jason kills her.
It takes time, and training, and planning, and luck (and all the magic Robin was supposed to have) but Jason kills Talia.
Ra's is gone and Talia is dead. The League should be over, except-
Hello, there's a tiny assassin child trying to kill him.
His name is Damian al Ghul, and wow, he really looks just like Bruce, doesn't he?
(no more dead robins.)
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Let me tell you a little story.
A story about my ancestors pain.
in the 1800's (1831) the first residential school opened by the federal government of Canada and the Catholic Church.
They sent "missonaries" to aboriginal reserves and would take any child that would be school aged. These parents had no choice. It was give us the child(ren) or we will take them (which involved killing the parents).
Children in the schools were not allowed to speak their native language and were literally lashed every time they did not speak in English. They were forced to abandon their culture and beliefs for Catholic/ Christianity. They never saw their parents again. They were forced to stay in these schools until they graduated. They were beaten, they were molested, they were killed. Children buried in shallow Graves on the schools grounds.
in one school they found 200 dead bodies. Dead children...
and people deny this happened.
My grandmother was in a residential school. She was raped. She was beaten. Her knuckles were permanently messed up. She was in the school from the age of 4 to 16 I believe. She does not remember her native language or customs. I cannot speak for my grandfather, but my grandmother was a husk of a human.
This is reality. This happened. We learned about this in school.
Listening to aboriginal women talk about anytime they walked into a white town they would be mocked, beaten, raped, killed, or left for dead.
I had a few speakers in a class tell us their stories. One in particular, she was the oldest of the speakers. We all cried after her speech. There were three other aboriginal students and we all spoke to the woman and hugged her. We thanked her for being brave enough to speak to our class. We were proud she was able to rediscover her culture after her residential school experience.
Please stop erasing history because you; don't like it, because it makes you look bad, because it makes you sad, because it makes you angry.
That is what history is, we were supposed to learn from our mistakes.
So far, most don't even acknowledge the fact they learned nothing in multiple generations.
If you think this is "made up" or "fake", go fucking back to where you came from asshole.
You should fucking feel horrible. That's real history for you.
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onlyancunin · 5 months
Just read about another (old) drama within the fandom and damn. I was just speaking with a fellow tumblrer how delicate this fandom as a whole is, with opposite ends of varying spectrums trying to coexist.
I guess that's what you get in a fanbase of a pretty, but traumatized to the point of hypersexual numbness game character. Selective perspective at best, blatant distortion of the character at worst.
I literally cannot keep my dash clean of sexual Astarion content, which is something I never knew would be this difficult given the character's story.
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byler-alarmist · 1 year
If your support of Palestine includes apologizing for SA on the part of Hamas, you'd better block me before I come for your ass
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illarian-rambling · 4 months
Question 9 from that OC asks game?
What is your character's trigger point? What makes them angry, sad, or makes them go off?
Let's do the whole crew for this one!
Izjik’s trigger point is pretty hard to get to. She's generally laid back and words roll off her like water. Any snide comments about her friends are sure to get her in a fighting mood though. Any mention of End will cause her to withdraw.
Sepo’s trigger point is not hard to get at whatsoever. Touchy subjects include his brother, religion, and anything remotely personal really. He's more lax with this around his friends, but even Djek knows not to joke about Saius, especially when Sepo is already wound up from overstimulation.
Twenari’s trigger point is when people compare her to her mother. There are similarities; a commanding presence when necessary, a mind for business, and an ability to detach oneself from one's emotions. However, these already weigh on her mind enough as is, so anyone pointing them out causes her to get upset.
Djek’s trigger point is any mention of his family. This doesn't happen often, as he doesn't talk about it really, even among his friends. Memories of that make him convinced he's just waiting to be abandoned once again. Also, he'll joke about Tyche betraying him, but it's more a way of trying to convince himself it didn't hurt as much as it did.
Astra is just about a five foot nothing bundle of trigger points. She gets angry and up in people's faces at any mention of her subpar education or her parent's debt. She's especially mouthy in defense of Mashal. The only thing that turns her anger quiet and inward is when her magic is implied to be of poor quality, as deep down, she sees herself as a fraud in a fancy coat.
Mashal's trigger points are dramatic and violent. Zero to sixty. He doesn't quite remember what happened to make him so distrusting and frightened of magic, but his first instinct is always to destroy the source. Any mention of his loss of capabilities tends to put him in a gloomy mood as well. If he thinks too long about the robotic body he's in, he might very well start to panic.
Ivander tends to be very blithe about things that hurt him emotionally, or just keep them so secret no one ever brings them up. The sight of his family's banks or a temple to Timaz will put him in a quiet mood. The thought of mortality does as well. He doesn't do well around depictions of sinners dying and being condemned to hell.
Elsind gets triggered around alcohol. When they were enslaved as the court freak of Marquis Sunflight, he would force them to drink large quantities of alcohol to the point of sickness, as the nobles thought watching a changeling struggle to hold its form while drunk was hilarious. She also gets triggered around physical intimacy, as the nobles found other uses for changelings too.
Avymere's trigger point is kept very secret, but assassins terrify them. Their mother was assassinated when they were a child, and they've prevented several more from getting close to their father. They do their best to keep quiet the fact that every figure in the dark sends a bolt of panic through them.
Damn, these people need therapy. Anyways, thanks for the ask!
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heres-the-marvel-tea · 7 months
I’m not sure there is a single person in the DC universe who deserves Dick Grayson
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lisablack000 · 3 months
Paris Hilton spoke before a House committee, testifying about the traumatic abuse she suffered during her time at a residential youth treatment facility.
On June 26, Hilton spoke before a House committee, testifying under oath about the traumatic abuse she suffered during her time at residential youth treatment facilities, urging lawmakers to institute laws that would protect vulnerable children sent to these types of places.
Hilton recounted how she was “ripped” from her bed in the middle of the night at 16 and transported to the first of four facilities.
“I was force-fed medications and sexually abused by staff. I was violently restrained and dragged down hallways, stripped naked and thrown into solitary confinement,” Hilton said.
At the time, Hilton was struggling with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, getting poor grades and skipping classes. Someone recommended to her parents that she be sent to a treatment facility for kids.
“My parents had no idea; they just thought it was going to be a normal boarding school," she said.
“And when I got there, there was no therapy. We would just constantly be torn down, abused, screamed at, yelled at. No education whatsoever. I learned nothing there except trauma.”
“I am here to be the voice for children who currently do not have one, while this committee has the responsibility to move bipartisan solutions forward to protect them,” she told lawmakers.
“For children who do end up in foster care, we cannot allow them to grow up in cold facilities that act like kid prisons,” she added. “The treatment these children have had to endure is criminal. These kids deserve to grow up in safe, family-centered environments.”
“If you are a child in the system, hear my words: I see you, I believe you, I know what you’re going through and I’m not giving up on you,” Hilton said.
“You are important, your future is important, and you deserve every opportunity to be safe and supported.”
The Department of Health and Human Services inspector general’s office said in a recent report that many states are failing to track how frequently children in foster care facilities are abused, sexually assaulted, or improperly restrained, leaving them vulnerable to mistreatment.
Billions of federal taxpayers’ dollars go to foster care for thousands of children around the country. And while some of those children are placed with families in homes or with their relatives, others who may have complex medical or behavioral needs, are sent to residential treatment facilities.
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e17omm · 1 year
Do you think Vita was lying the entire time or some of the time?
No it feels like she was lying the entire time. Or more accurately; she was not telling the whole truth and definitely withholding information.
That she's traveling from world to world, always being "lucky" to be the only surivor? That is true, from a certain point of view.
Like, I dont feel like its a Kiana/HoV situation where HoV blows up their house and takes off Ziggy's arm, and Kiana has no memory of it because her evil twin did it. I feel that its more that Vita has obligations she has to do and while she isnt enthustiastic about it, she is also not against doing them. How do I put this...? Like knowing you have to take out the dishes from the dishwasher. You dont feel like doing it now, but you know youre going to have to do it later.
I feel like Vita is that, but about destroying bubble worlds.
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llycaons · 2 months
at about an hour in, mistborn appears to be a competently written and exciting but thematically basic and occasionally pretentious action fantasy series. I couldn't be more satisfied, this is exactly what scratches the itch. I don't think I'll have much more commentary on it.
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dilfdoctordoom · 3 months
diversity win! you’re a rape apologising little bitch
Come off anon thebisexualbatman we all know who you are
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gladiatorcunt · 5 months
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nyxdimandis · 6 months
with the full disclaimer that i might be missing some context or significant piece of information & am fully welcoming anyone to inform me, i feel like. it really just doesn't seem like a huge deal that one of the "poison" storyboard artists is into "dark" kink. like this really feels like a non-issue to me
#tw sa mention#<- this is the only tag im putting on here cause i dont wanna get jumped#but like. idk. i feel like this is really just coming from people who don't..... understand how kink works?#and to preface im ace im not into kink im DEFINITELY not into hard/dark kink#but like ...... noncon is a whole genre of fanfic. cnc isn't an unpopular fetish. people who are into either of those things aren't#saying they find real life instances of assault to be hot. its fiction. its a fictional fantasy that in plenty of contexts is being#projected onto exclusively fictional characters#it sits super badly with me that people say 'you shouldnt let people with these kinks work on this show/hire these people' because#the sex lives of your employees being a deciding factor in what you allow them to work on seems. hm. really fucking weird ??#and ALSO also this person was JUST a storyboarder. they literally cannot be 'glorifying' or 'romanticizing' or whatever because#they are only STORYBOARDING they do not control the actual writing direction of the issue or#how it is framed by the narrative or handled within the writing#and the writing of hazbin hotel very clearly and repeatedly says 'hey this is a really bad thing that impacts angel super negatively and#he is all but verbatim saying he hates it and it is destroying him from the inside out'#and again i AM open to being corrected on this if there's some crucial info i'm missing or whatever and i DO think#there ARE glaring issues with the treatment of the subject of sa/harassment within the show#im not even going to get into the viv drama on twitter about this because. jesus christ#but. idk. i feel like this detail gets dragged on SOOOO fucking much when there are MUCH more productive discussions we could be having#mine
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loverboy1717 · 6 months
Just finished Dragon Keeper and now with four books of buffer between where I’m at and Liveship Traders, I feel comfy admitting that I don’t care what has happened to a character in their past or what trauma they have experienced or been victim to if it’s used as a reason to excuse their evil behavior. Once they SA a somebody they lose all right to be redeemed or humanized or empathized with. And yes that DOES include Kennit. I don’t care at all about how he relates to Paragon or the bloodline of Liveships. I hated how people celebrated him as a good dude after his death. Literal family members of his victims were like “shrug he was complicated but also a good man” no fuck you full and total offense intended.
I liked Liveship Traders well enough as a whole, but 90% of the characters were supremely unlikable, annoying, or just plain bad people. I was worried going into Rainwild Traders that that theme would continue and thank goodness it only kinda did.
Hest can eat shit and die but at least we have some compelling heroines and a bunch of dragons.
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