#said No......that box was left their in the hallway for hours with them just walking over it n kicking it around. my mother was the 1 who e
snowdropluck204 · 2 days
A Date With Death - Spencer Reid x Unsub Fem! Reader - Pt 2
Hiya my lovelies... It's been a while... Mainly because I've been trying to write an original book, but hit a snag, so I'm back to my criminal minds centre of my brain to try and get some inspiration, hopefully this works... Anyway! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Xxx
TW: Murder, gore, blood, mentions of rapists, paedophiles, abuse, y/n being mistaken for male, assisted suicide.
Tag List: @vexis-world @inexplicableeee @flowercrownsandtrauma @alysianc @btsiguess-kpop @devilslittlebabyxx @delusional-4-fake-people @mega-kittyglitter-1 @esposadomd
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(y/n) pov
I watched from around the corner of the hallway, waiting for Isabel Jackson to come home, waiting for her to stumble back to her hovel as she did most nights, either from her graveyard shift or from a night of drinking. This particular woman, wasn't as bad as a lot of the people I had previously disposed of, she hadn't killed anyone herself, but she was the reason for two young men, taking their own lives.
I sighed, thinking about the news articles, I remembered this case, it happened about two years ago and was thrown out of court. Because a woman couldn't possibly be capable of raping and abusing four, strapping young men? Could she? Granted the public believed that the person killing all these people was a man, probably not thinking anyone participating in such gruesome events could be a woman. I sighed once more. This was all for one purpose.
I watched, through the camera doorbell, as the woman came home, stumbling into her apartment and promptly passing out, as I could see all the cameras' feeds on my tablet. I waited, for around an hour, before walking up to the door, my mask on, I had decided to lean into the press and media, wearing a mask again, but this time, one of my own design. It was a kabuki mask, one of a skull, bright, innocent colours, like that of my original candy skull mask, but this one was mine. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a long, black rectangular box, a device I had invented, I waved it across the door lock, hearing the soft kachunck as the tumblers fell into place. I looked up at the camera, knowing that the police would be able to see me, I waved.
I opened the door and stepped inside. I took great care in disabling the security system, the cameras, the alarms, of course it wasn't difficult, I was the one who had designed the system, I had been the one to sell them to her...
3rd Person pov
The police, and therefore the BAU, had been notified of finding another body, matching the unsub's MO. A man had called the police, stating that he had just come off his shift at the graveyard, the same one the body was found, when he saw someone leaving, couldn't see a face or clothing, it was barely lit in the early morning. But he walked over, feeling the whole thing was rather sketchy, seeing a dead body just outside the gates of cemetery.
The victim still carried his I.D, whether it was left on the body by design or the killer had forgotten about it was unknown. The man's name was David James, he had been previously convicted of domestic assault, and later, sexual assault and paedophilia. Spencer called Garcia, asking for a background check on the latest victim and receiving a call, not two minutes later with what she had found.
Spencer put the call on speaker phone, holding it up awkwardly, so that Morgan and Hotch could listen into the call, "Go ahead Garcia," Spencer said, eagerly awaiting what she had found.
Garcia sighed, coming through the phone crackled and morphed, "This guy was creepy, not like Hannibal creepy, but just icky kinda creepy. He was arrested a few years ago, police having gotten a call from the neighbours that they heard screaming coming from his place, he was taken in by the police, his wife was bloodied and bruised, with broken fingers, obviously he'd beaten the stuffing out of her, poor woman. There wasn't enough evidence to make it stick, because without the wife's testimony, apparently the rest of the evidence was circumstantial... Morons." Garcia groaned.
"But then there was a sticking of one charge, being sexual assault and paedophilia... Ew... Apparently he molested his own daughter when she was ten... He spent only a year in jail, he made a deal and walked with no parole, that was about five years ago, and unfortunately his daughter couldn't deal with the trauma, she took her own life in a foster home, two years ago. Her mom ran away when she found out her husband was released from prison... She was found a year ago, overdosed, they were buried together at Linwood Cemetery." Garcia finished her deep dive, Spencer was intrigued.
"Wait, Linwood Cemetery?" He asked softly. Garcia confirmed. "That's where the body was found," He informed her. "So the killer knows the specifics about his crimes, knows where his family and previous abuse victims were buried and left him outside the graveyard?" Spencer asked, crouching down to look at the body, seeing a note on one side of the corpse. "That's new..." He said, wearing rubber gloves and picking up the note.
The note read, "No entry for sinners."
"A note from the unsub?" Hotch asked, looking over Spencer's shoulder.
"I don't think so," Morgan responded, "The guy who found the body works here, he seemed to be a pretty big fan of the unsub, he was wearing a pin that said "Don't fear the reaper." Like that song?" He said, "I think this is just that weirdo trying to get fifteen seconds of fame." Morgan rolled his eyes at the idea.
Garcia had been following the media response towards the unsub, most people were completely enamoured with him, that he was doing work that should have been taken care of.
Spencer leaned back towards the body, taking care to look through every aspect of the scene, the body was facing up, arms crossed over his chest, a white lily laced between the fingers, cleaned of most of the blood, which hadn't leaked much onto the ground where he was lying, so the unsub had cleaned up most of the blood at a separate location, most likely the victim's home, before bringing him here. This could have been a sign of remorse... Or a way of leaving less evidence.
The garrote was once again, wrapped around the neck, digging painfully into the skin, leaving deep, bloody grooves in the throat and the handle had the word paedophile carved jaggedly. The carving seemed different to the other victims, this one was angry and harsh, you could see just how much pressure was forced into the wood. Spencer's brow furrowed in concentration, "The unsub seems to have a connection with paedophiles, either they were assaulted as a child or knew somebody who was being assaulted and didn't do anything, that feeling of guilt probably followed them into adulthood and they're trying to compensate for their lack of power then, by forcing their will on these types of felons now.
This kind of unsub is especially dedicated, I doubt he'd stop until he's caught, there's only a finite amount of people he could kill, eventually the felons would become harder to locate, or the unsub would simply get too old... Either way, we need to catch them or he'll just continue..." Spencer finished, running a hand through his hair in frustration. Hotch looked on at him in worry, seeing him so befuddled was odd, to everyone on the team.
When they were ready, the team went back to the local station, ready to give the cops the profile they were working with. Standing in a circle around the group of desks in the bullpen, each member of the team filled in the police on what they knew. "We believe we're searching for a man in their mid twenties, not necessarily poor or well off, more middle class, probably has a job working with parts, computers, cars, something he can have control over." Hotch began.
Morgan stepped forward, to continue, "We believe something happened to this man in his childhood, either he was sexually abused or someone in his life was and he was powerless to do anything about it, now he's taking the law into his own hands to fix what he couldn't fix back then."
Elle began to speak, "He won't be open about his feelings on the news and the press, this isn't about fame and media portrayal, this is personal, he has a target in mind, we just don't know who that is yet, but we do know that he won't stop until this object of his obsession is taken care of, or until we catch him."
Spencer watched his teammates thoughtfully, he was conflicted about his feelings regarding these killings, it was obviously a horrible thing to have to look at the string of victims this unsub had left behind, but these were bad people, so maybe they deserved this kind of end? He stepped forward, "This unsub is most likely calm and collected, someone you could tell your troubles to, someone you can share secrets with, someone charismatic and easygoing. They might be religious, probably some kind of old druid or pagan religion, and they're the kind of person to feel deeply upsetting about hearing about the loss of a person, even if they didn't know them."
Spencer was frustrated with himself, most of the profile wasn't conclusive. The unsub might not be religious, they might have just been incredibly intelligent and throwing the police off by adding a religious format to the killings... They might not have been sympathetic towards their victims, but want to seem as though they are... Everything about this profile felt... Wrong...
One of the local cops came into the room out of breath, "Sorry to interrupt, we've found another body, almost half a mile away from the last..." He said anxiously, Spencer glanced at the rest of the BAU, Gideon meeting his tired eyes. Each time he thought they were getting closer, the unsub seemed to be at least three steps ahead of them...
They were probably on their next victim already...
(y/n) pov
Isabel Jackson, wasn't difficult to deal with, she was so wasted that she barely woke up before I slit her throat, the feeling of her blood seeping into my clothes made me feel ill, I couldn't help the shivering and retching as got back to my car. I sighed, realising there was still someone else I had to visit, someone who wasn't on my list necessarily, but was someone I genuinely did care about.
When I saw the text I was left, I couldn't ignore it, I drove to a suburb neighbourhood, mostly populated by elders, this house was no different. I stepped in through the gap in the back fence, walking through the backyard under the cover of night, I used my key to get into the house through the back door, walking through the house I'd known all my life. This house in particular belonged to a lovely old man named Reggie, he was just the sweetest old fellow, but now...
I walked into the room that was once a cosy living room, now it had been converted into a bedroom, after Reggie got too weary and frail to handle the stairs, the room was now filled with bottles of pills and ointments, heart monitors, IV drips and Reggie... Poor, poor Reggie.
Stage four, terminal pancreatic cancer, he'd beaten cancer once, when I was still small, but he was exhausted, too tired to fight, I stepped closer to the bed, seeing Reg, sleeping, even sleeping he looked tired, each breath looked like it was agony to take. I sat next to him, taking his cold hand in mine, "Reg?" I said softly, trying not to choke on tears and the lump in my throat.
He startled awake, seeing me, he settled back against the pillows. Being that I was inside the house, the curtains were closed, I had taken off my mask, showing my face, I probably looked almost as tired as he was. He smiled weakly, raising his hand from mine to cup my cheek, "Is that my little duck?" He asked, teasingly, that same glint in his eye from all those years ago that never seemed to fade. I smiled, nodding.
When I was a child, from when I was five til I was about eight, I had an obsession with ducks, I had shirts with them, I wore a onesie with a bill and duck tail, apparently I even spent a good few weeks quacking at people... Reggie never let me forget it, I remember when I was a teenager I would roll my eyes at his teasing comments, now, I couldn't even laugh. I leaned into his hand resting against my cheek.
Reggie took in my appearance, a small frown came onto his face, "Never expected my lil duck to become a murderer..." He mumbled. I sighed, nodding, even though it pained me to hear his comment.
"I know Reg... But I have to do this... for everyone that they hurt, or could hurt... For chick..." I told him, my eyes filling with tears, struggling to keep them from trailing down my cheeks. Reggie's eyes grew sad when I mentioned her, he knew exactly who I was doing this for. "When I got the text from your daughter... I didn't know what to do... I didn't know if I would be hearing your last words or taking them..." At that, I broke, leaning my head against his bed, soaking the covers with my tears, my chest sore from my sobs.
I felt Reggie's shaky hand rest on my head, I looked up at him, "You know what I want you to do, but don't feel you have to... I don't want this resting on your conscious." His voice was almost pathetic, quiet, he was simply ready to die...
I sighed, pulling open my bag, the kit I brought out was relatively lightweight, but the gravity of what I was about to do seemed to be pulling my down. I pulled out some syringes. "I got these from a nurse friend I have, they'll put you into a sleep you won't wake up from..." I told him, trying to be stoic, but I could feel myself breaking. This man was like a grandpa to me, to chicky... We would play here after school when our parents were working, hell even when they were, Reggie would chase us about, we'd play tag, hide and seek, and Reg would make us hot chocolate with a horrific amount of marshmallows and whipped cream as he'd tell us stories about monsters and dragons and princesses that were sick of being saved.
Reggie leaned back, closing his eyes, as I injected the serum, "Thank you, my little duck..." He whispered, as his eyes fell closed and his face went slack. I sighed, the dam breaking as I sobbed over the loss. After a few minutes, I laced the flower between his fingers, kissed his head and turned off the beeping monitor, I wiped my face, pulled down my mask and left the house, not even bothering to hide from anyone that could have seen me. I got in my car, and drove, I didn't know where I was driving until I got there...
I was in the field me and chick used to visit, meadow and streams everywhere, my knees began to ache, like they couldn't hold me up anymore. I fell to the floor and began to dig with my gloved hands, I felt like I'd been digging for hours, but I leaned over and screamed. I screamed and screamed until my voice was raw, all the sound being swallowed by this hole in the ground...
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Hope this chapter was okay, this was more about setting out a background for your character! Hopefully it won't take me too long to write part three, granted I say that every time... Wish me luck! Xxx
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chloe-skywalker · 3 months
Moving - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Stranger Things
Word count:1,190
Summary: Joyce waiting to move you, Jonathan, Will and El till Billy’s better for your sake. Billy decides to come with and live with you in California. But first he has to ask Joyce.
Authors Note: I love this. 
Stranger Things Masterlist
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“When are we going to Calfironia?” Jonathan asked his mom wondering how much more time they had left with their friends.
“Soon.” Joyce answered as they continued to eat.
“When is soon? I want to know when I have to say goodbye to the party?” Will pleaded for more of an exact answer.
“We aren’t going till Billy’s better and can leave the hospital.” Joyce told her boys.
“For Y/n’s sake?” Jonathan hoped they wouldn’t leave till Billy was better. For his sister's emotional health most of all. She wouldn’t be able to handle leaving Billy in his current state. The Mall accident was bad all around but Billy got the worst of it, but at least he was alive.
“Yes. For Y/n’s sake. Your sister loves Billy and I’ve seen his love for her.” Joyce nodded in confirmation. What happened to Billy affected him and her daughter the most. Joyce knows for a fact they love each other and seeing him almost die killed Y/n. She couldn’t take her away with Billy still in the hospital.
“I hope he heals fast. I hate seeing her so distraught.” Will nodded in agreement, it was hard seeing his badass sister so broken.
“We all do.” Jonathan reached over and squeezed his shoulder. Billy had treated a lot of them horribly but no one deserved what he did to save El.
^     ^     ^
“Hey” Y/n greeted Billy as she entered his hospital room. She never would’ve left but she wasn’t allowed to stay once visiting hours were over. So Y/n comes back every morning.
“Hey. Did you eat?” Billy questions, he noticed she had gotten thinner and it worried him.
“Yes, I ate.” she nodded, giving him a sarcastic smile, knowing he means well. Y/n to noticed her weight loss like she’s sure he did. But she was still eating, it must be stress.
“Just making sure you're still taking care of yourself.” Billy reached out to grab her hand in his.
“Your my priority right now.” Y/n looked into his eyes, squeezing his hand.
“I can’t be your priority if you end up sick and in the hospital right next to me.” Billy points out with a stern look in his eyes even though he wasn’t angry he’s just worried.
“What’d the doctor say?” Y/n asked changing the subject and hoping the doctor said he’s improving.
“That I can leave and be discharged in two days.” Billy smiled at her pulling her with enough force that she leaned on top of him.
“Thank god.” Y/n smiled, hugging him tightly.
^     ^     ^
“When are you moving?” Billy asked as they sat on her bed in Y/n’s room surrounded by boxes.
“Soon.” Y/n looked down, sadness evident in her demeanor. Leaving Hawkins wasn’t the hard part that made her sad, but leaving Billy? That did. “Mom says we’ll leave in the next couple days.”
The two stayed silent for a while not knowing what to say.
“Hey I’m gonna get a drink. Do you want anything?” After a while Billy spoke up having an idea but he needed to leave the room and if it didn’t go as planned he didn’t want Y/n any more hurt than she already was.
“A coke please.” y/n gives him a tight smile in thanks but still in a sad mood.
Billy walked down the hall into the kitchen and saw Misses Byers just who he was looking for.
“Hi Billy.” Joyce greeted upon seeing him come out of the hallway.
“Hey Joyce.” Billy greeted back as he went to the fridge and grabbed himself and Y/n;s drinks before closing the fridge, turning around and asking. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Sure.” Joyce nodds pointing to the table so they both could sit.
“Thanks for staying till I was healed. It means everything to me to have had y/n here for it.” Billy started off by thanking her, he knew they didn’t have to wait but they did and he appreciated it.
“Of course, Billy.” Joyce sent him a smile, it also felt kinda good and odd to hear him thank you. That's not something Billy’s known for. She also knew how hard it must be for him to talk to her like this. With his home life she knows he’s not comfortable around most adult’s.
“I know you’re all moving to California soon. I’m from there and I’ve missed it since the moment I was forced to leave. I don’t want to be seperated from Y/n.” Y/n was the only thing he liked about his time in Hawkins. He was glad in a way he had moved to Hawkins, he met y/n because of it and he wouldn’t have otherwise. “Would you mind if I come with you guys?” he asked nervously.
“Billy you're welcome to join us, and I think it would also be the best decision for you and y/n’s emotional and mental well beginnings.” Joyce smiled warmly at the young man that was going to fight to stay with her daughter. She couldn’t ask for better for her daughter. “You can stay with us as well. Till you find a job and get a place of your own.”
BIlly let out a shocked but relieved breath. Looking Joyce in the eye’s. He was grateful to her. “Thank you, Joyce.”
Joyce waved him off. “You're welcome, and thank you Billy. For the joy and happiness you bring my daughter.”
With the conversation done Billy headed back to Y/n’s room with their drinks.
“Took ya awhile. Thank you.” Y/n smiled, thanking and teasing him. She grabbed her coke, taking a sip all the while Billy walked around the bed to sit across from Y/n on it.
“No problem.” Billy wanted to tell her to badly to wait any longer. “I do have some news.”
“What's up?” Y/n sat up fully giving him all her attention.
“I talked to your mom just now.” he told her as they faced each other.
“Okay?” Y/n stretched out, raising a brow. ‘He talked to my mom?’ she thought, ‘what about?’
“I can’t wait to show you all my favorite places.” he smiled at her. Billy wanted her to figure it out, he watched her look confused for a few seconds before her face lit up and billy let out a laugh knowing she got it.
“You’re coming to Cali?!” Y/n exclaimed with a huge smile across her lips.
“Yeah I’m coming.” Billy nodded with a matching smile.
Y/n leaped across her bed and hugged him, the force knocking them both back so y/n layed on top of him. “Yes! Thank you.”
“No, Y/n. Thank you.” Billy spoke softly, brushing her hair back with one hand and the other wrapped around her waist tightly so Y/n could go anywhere. They were never going to be separated again. Not if he could help it. She saw him for who he was under the asshole he betrayed, she made him a better man.
@padawancat97 @gruffle1 @starkleila @fandom-princess-forevermore @cherriebat
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agirlwhoisaphantom · 5 months
a little death - tom riddle x reader
summary: There is a new Defensive of Darrk Arts professor and something about you has captivated his attention
word count: 1635
warnings: age gap (all characters are 18+), taboo romance, teacher-student relationship, tension?, obsessive traits, Somewhat of a cliffhanger
author's note: Hello, it's been a while since I wrote anything, so bare with me. This has been a one shot that has been lingering in my brain and I'm excited for it to finally be out. Can we talk about how beautiful Tom Hughes is???? Italian Translation: Falena - Moth
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Pansy caught up to you as you walked down the hallway, holding your books close to your chest. “Have you seen the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor?” There was an eager tone in her voice, as if she was excited to share the news with you.
Looking over at her, you weren’t too excited, nor did you care about the professor, it was just another class to have to pass. You shook your head as you rolled your eyes. “I have not, nor do I care if there is a new professor.”
She smirked as she looked over at you, playfully bumping into you, which made you hold your books tighter. “You’ll change your mind once you see him.”
Walking into the classroom, you look around, trying to find the professor, but he is nowhere to be seen. Great impression for your first day, huh? You make your way to your seat, place your books on the desk, and take a seat, bringing your backpack onto your lap. You take out a notebook and a pen and set them down on the desk before putting your books away in your bag.
“Hello, class. My name is Professor Riddle, and I will be your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.” He said in a deep, honeyed tone as he walked towards the front of the class.
You place your attention towards him, noticing all of his features. His black hair fell in short curls, his face was beautifully structured as if it were a statue, and his strong features fell into perfect places. His eyes were ever so calculating in a marine blue as they looked around the room.
His gaze ends up on you, with curiosity evident as he crosses his arms and tilts his head. Tom looked at you as if he was trying to figure you out, and somehow, something about you piqued his interest.
Though he quickly started teaching the class, he continued to steal glances at you throughout the entire hour, his gaze often lingering on you.
You weren’t stressed about your potion exam the next day, but you still wanted to be prepared if something unexpected happened.
As you review your notes on the latest potions being tested, your thoughts drift away. Suddenly, you find yourself daydreaming about Tom. You knew having these thoughts about him was wrong, but you couldn't help but notice how beautiful he was. His deep blue eyes and chiseled jawline left you breathless.
Trying to push these thoughts away, your mind kept reverting to how he said your name. It sounded like he was reading from a poetry book, with a hint of admiration and warmth in his voice.
Standing up from your desk, you feel the need to take a break and clear your mind. You make your way to the door of your dorm and start to head outside. The cool breeze hits your face, and you take a deep breath.
Walking towards the courtyard, you noticed someone sitting on one of the benches reading a book. You were intrigued by how they delicately put down the book as they pulled a cigarette box out of their pockets and put it in their mouth.
You couldn’t tell the features of this person, and you wondered if they were new or someone you had never seen before. As you walked towards them, his features became more apparent, and you noticed it was Tom.
Out of all the people to approach, you are approaching the one person you have been trying to avoid having inappropriate thoughts about.
“Good evening, Miss.” he looks up at you, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and placing it between his index finger and middle finger as he notices you approaching him. “Did you need something?”
You shook your head as you held your hands together. “No, just wondering who was out here at these hours. I should get going- “
“I noticed you were struggling in today's class. I can tutor you so you can understand the material better,” he interrupted. He stood up and immediately towered over you. Looking up at him, you hadn’t noticed his height until he stood so close to you.
Him telling you that you were struggling made you upset. Why was he noticing that? Why didn’t he tell me he noticed that during class? All these thoughts were going through your mind as you furrowed your brows and gave him a crooked smile. “I wasn’t struggling,” you scoffed. "Don’t make assumptions about me if you don’t know me. Have a good evening,” you snapped at him as you began to walk away, crossing your arms together.
He started to follow you as he forcefully grabbed your arm, pulling you back and turning you to face him. “Don’t ever speak to me like that ever again.” That soft, honeyed tone disappeared as his voice turned harsh. His eyes narrowed as he tried to intimidate you, but you looked at him with a poker face.
You moved your arm away from his grasp. “What will you do? Fail me?”
“Precisely that,” he says, placing his hands in his coat pockets. A sinister smirk appears on his face.
Your eyes burned with frustration and anger as you stared at him silently. This wasn't how you envisioned your first out-of-class interaction with him. You had hoped for a more cordial and friendly exchange, but instead, you found yourself clenching your fists and biting your tongue.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you broke the silence and asked, "May I go now?" Your voice was cold and clipped, betraying the anger and disappointment that you felt.
He stepped closer to you, closing the gap between the two of you as he placed his middle finger underneath your chin with his index finger and thumb, tilting your head up, making you look at him as he smirked “You look so delicious when you are angry, Falena.”
“Fuck off, Riddle,” he harshly lets go of your face as he chuckles.
He starts to walk away from you and stops for a second. “I’ll see you around, Falena.”
Over the course of the following weeks, you found yourself struggling in class. It seemed like Tom had it out for you, as he was particularly harsh towards you. He gave you assignments that were much more challenging, and he even tested you on spelling that most students had never even heard of before.
There were days when you would lay in bed, feeling thoroughly discouraged and wanting to skip class altogether. But you knew that if you did that, you would be giving him the satisfaction of winning whatever little game he had placed between you.
You had to recollect yourself before knocking on his office door. Taking a deep breath, you knocked on it. Surprised, he answered quickly, “I was expecting you.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you into the office, closing the door.
“I’m not staying long.” You rapidly moved your hand away from his as you crossed your arms together. “What the fuck is your problem? What are you trying to prove with all of the shit that you’ve been doing?” You sounded agitated as you stepped back as you wanted to keep your distance between you and him.
“You are my problem,” he snapped as he closed the gap between you two. “I don’t know what it is from the moment I saw you. You are all I think about. You have invaded every single sense of mine. Whatever you are doing, make it stop.” He looked desperate, wanting answers you could not give him.
Your eyes widen as you shake your head, looking at him confused. “That doesn’t mean you get to make my life a living hell.”
“You already make mine feel that way.”
You felt confused and angry. You wanted to open that door and run back to your dorm, close the door, and never get out. Instead, you stood there breathing the same air as the person who has made it difficult to be around.
He takes a deep breath as he places his hand on your cheek. His gaze softens as his thumb grazes over your cheek. “I shouldn’t be feeling this way towards you. But I can’t help it. You are just so perfect.” That honeyed, deep voice comes back, and geez, how addicting it is listening to it.
You placed your hand on top of his as you leaned into his cold touch. Closing your eyes, you realize something that made you pull his hand away from your face.
“We shouldn’t be doing, Tom,” you whispered as you looked up at him, biting your lip. You take a couple of steps back as you place your hand on the doorknob. You wanted him to stop you from leaving, so why was he standing there staring at you as if he was starved from a touch that he has been craving.
He reaches out for you but stops as he flexes his hand on the side of his leg. “Whether you like it or not, falena, you belong to me.”
“I belong to no one. Goodnight, Tom.” You turn around as you open the door, leaving his office before he can respond.
Walking back to your dorm, you could still feel his hand on your face, as if it were tattooed on your skin.
What did I get myself into? A sigh escapes your lips as you lay down on your bed, staring at the ceiling.
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bueckersstrap · 4 months
paige b. x reader
masterlist + playlist here !
warnings : language, cheating
wc : 850-900
tags : @mayghosts
a/n : ok so idk this was really short so imma make it like a prologue if ya catch my drift 😉 hope yall enjoy, chapters will be longer ofc. lmk what yall do and don’t like 💘💘💘 xoxo - cel
0. told her i would call her back, i forgot to text her / PROLOGUE
paige : dude it’s literally not what it looks like chill tf out 😂 11:56 PM
you : chill out ..? ur out cheating and im supposed to chill out ? alr . go have fun w ur lil home wrecking ass friend. 11:58 PM
paige : i’m out tryna enjoy my time w my friends nd ur stressing me ? imma call u after tho , ight? 11:59 PM
paige : i didnt mean it like that ur not stressing me 12:00 AM
deadass i didnt ???
read at 12:02 AM
seriously y/n 12:09 AM
bro y ru acting like that
nah fuck u
wait yes
fuck you
read at 12:10AM
‘paige’ has been blocked by ‘y/n’
the loud knock that erupted on the apartment door must’ve rung throughout the empty hallways of paige’s complex.
nervously shifting her weight between her feet, holding the cardboard box — that was filled to the brim with all of paige’s stuff — was heavy of a weight enough and the extra anxiety wasn’t helping.
y/n felt like she must have been waiting at paige’s door for hours when it really was only a minute or so.
paige’s expression turned blank, not expecting to ever see y/n again after the incident.
“your stuff. i didn’t need it taking up space in my apartment anymore.” you said, shallow and shoving the box into her chest.
“I- uh. thank you?”
it seemed as if paige swallowed her pride and was going to say something but before she could you flashed her a tight lipped expression and begged yourself not to give in to her antics if she tried anything.
you two had been in this situation countless times, it always ended up in sex. but you didn’t want that this time. not yet, atleast.
it was the awkward silence that confirmed the end of you two was catching up to the years that lacked apologies and proper communication. there was nothing you could’ve done to stop it, what was done was done and paige’s actions couldn’t be controlled. that’s just how she is.
paige looked scared, almost. her expression was unexplainable and as hard as you tried to study the way her lips curled or the way her eyes scanned your own face; you couldn’t figure it out.
without saying anything more, you gave her once last look and walked away, completely shattered.
‘the incident’ that was referenced was the moments leading up to when you were sitting in your apartment, innocently and mindlessly scrolling on tiktok when you came across your girlfriends’ friend — ice brady’s — live.
you clicked to see them all out at a bar. this wasn’t unexpected as paige had already told you what her plans for the night were. you watched contently for a little bit, admiring the night your friends were having, that you weren’t invited to. it was weird to not be invited to a group hangout and not be asked to go with, not even by your girlfriend. it had already made you uneasy but it didn’t matter and you brushed your feelings under the rug.
ice shifted the camera to her left and for a split second the world stopped. you immediately recognized the blonde. the grown out roots with the slender hands that wrapped around presumably — from the back — her teammate, azzi fudd.
it wasn’t just a hug as you might’ve thought, her hands were on azzi’s waist and azzi’s hands were around paige’s neck. the distance between them was non-existent and very clear to everybody on live.
ice uncomfortably shifted the camera back to her, exchanging looks with her friend caroline. both the women’s expressions turned into ones of pure shock and slight panic as her and caroline tried to play it off as normal. nothing was normal about this, though.
“what the fuck?” you mumbled, furrowing your brows to try and capture the moment in your brain. it didn’t last as long as it felt though.
for a couple minutes you set your phone down, pacing around your apartment. too many thoughts you had to calculate came at lighting speed in your pounding head. at first, you tried to justify her actions, thinking, maybe it wasn’t what it looked like. but then you started thinking more rationally. you knew what you saw and there was no defending her actions no matter how much you tried. you attempted reading between the lines, trying to catch a loophole in which azzi and paige weren’t kissing within an inch of life between them but the hand placement was a dead give away. the realization made your blood run cold and gave you the confidence needed to say something, not wanting to silence you or your feelings anymore.
that’s how the whole text situation ended up happening because the pure shock turned into pure anger. you concluded that azzi fudd was a home wrecker, and paige bueckers was a lying slut cheater.
was it fair to label azzi that, just by seeing the live? probably not. but the heat that rose to your cheeks in your anxiety driven body made it hard for you to think straight. but this wasn’t about azzi, this was about paige and her extremely ignorant tendencies. especially her intoxicated ones.
it hurt but you knew it was a long time coming, anyway. the toxic relationship you two shared had been ongoing since your junior year when you hooked up at a halloween party and were on and off since.
you couldn’t tell whether knowing that the cycle between you and paige would continue until one of you broke— which wasn’t going to happen— brought you comfort or sadness. it was very unfortunate that you wasted this much time on paige, but considering your past and the very foreseeable future, it was hard not to. as fast as you tried to run away you knew you’d probably end up being caught up to sooner or later. until the pattern repeated itself, you’d try and heal like normal and be destroyed when she came back and ruined your life.
it was the circle of paige.
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princessbrunette · 4 months
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as ironic as it sounds, being shy was not for the weak.
sure, there was the obvious things like finding it difficult to make friends, feeling like you might pass out any time you have to order your own food, feeling deathly embarrassed for just doing simple things like wearing a new item of clothing or using an umbrella. all of those things accumulated from an amalgamation of anxiety ridden experiences that kept you awake at night — but the worst thing you found about being incredibly shy, was being unable to stick up for yourself.
it’s not like you didn’t have things to say, lord knows if you weren’t shy you would have torn these girls to shreds. however, any time you wanted to say anything, it was like you were frozen. like an evil villain from a storybook had stolen your voice box and left you defenceless against a huddle of evil stepsisters. you were convinced the girls in your ballet class were born evil. never taught right from wrong whilst you were forced into the corner of each session hot in the face and trying your hardest to concentrate whilst they loudly comment on you like you weren’t there.
“you know pope heyward pays for her dance tuition because she’s a pogue.”
“seriously? i’d be too embarrassed to even show my face if someone else had to pay my tuition for me. it’s not even that expensive.”
“right? imagine being poor, can’t relate. my friend said she saw her stealing from sephora last week, it’s like people don’t have shame anymore.”
“no offence but she shouldn’t even be in here with us.”
the catty laughter that followed only added insult to injury, and it continued on this way for the rest of the two hour session you were stuck with them for. by the end, you were ready to just leave that place and never return. perhaps you could simply find a way to pay pope off and go back to whatever it was you were doing before you joined the dance school.
a flood of relief washes over you when you finally return to popes student apartment, using the key he’d offered you to let yourself in— body slumped from exhaustion and sore from carrying your bags. you could see on the forecast there was a fifty percent chance of going non verbal tonight, just to recover from the day you’d had.
for a second the negative thoughts slip away when the door opens and one third of your trio is stood there bouncing a football off the wall. jj maybank, one of your two lovers turns his head and beams at you — and you don’t realise you’re crumpling into a sob until you recognise the crease in his brow and the way his smile slides off his face as quickly as it arrived.
“hey? woah, uh— let’s close this door yeah sugar? lemme get these bags. why’re you crying? c’mon tell papa j.” he’s doing everything at once — closing the door behind you whilst catching your trembling body and removing your bags from your grip.
“can’t do it. can’t do it anymore.” you wail into his chest as he pats your back in disorientation. jj was never the best at this kind of thing, but he was learning. at the commotion, pope comes strutting into the hallway in his rich-boy cardigan and slacks and you can’t even look at him. he’s everything you’re not.
“jj, please don’t tell me you made her cry two steps into this damn apartment.” pope deadpans and jj’s eyes widen at the accusation.
“wh— dude it wasn’t me! she just… walked in and started crying.” his voice softens and he cradles the back of your head, watching the way popes demeanour falters and he furrows his eyebrows, stepping closer.
“hey… did something happen? we need to know.” pope tries to get through to you, but you wrap your arms around jjs neck, hiding yourself from the world. the academic boy sighs, before nodding his head to jj to gesture to bring you into the living room. “i’m… gonna make you some tea. okay?” you feel the gentle touch of his hand on your back before he departs, leaving jj to lovingly wrangle you to the couch.
before long, you’re nestled between the two with your knees to your chin, allowing yourself to be coddled by your boyfriends.
“and — and then they said i’m poor and they saw me stealing… said i shouldn’t even be in the same room as them.” you tremble, staring ahead as pope mops up your tears.
“those little prissy bit—”
“jj.” pope warns before turning to you. “look, please don’t listen to them pretty girl. you belong there just as much as anyone else. more— even.” he shakes his head with wide eyes.
“no they’re right. i feel like a fraud even existing in the same space as them.”
“you got the whole shoplifting thing under control anyway so what’s their deal?” jj stands up, restless as he rips his hat off, running a hand through his hair before beginning to spin his cap around his fingers.
“i should have been more careful.” you squeak and jj sighs, coming back to you to stroke a hand lovingly over your head.
“forget these stuck up kook assholes, okay? no offence pope.”
“none taken.”
he cups your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. “you’re our little ballerina — and like, the best one i’ve ever seen. trust me, they’re mad ‘cus they’re jealous. i know that for a fact.”
“exactly. total case of jealousy.” pope chimes in, a hand resting on your lower back.
“so you’re not quittin’. you’re gonna go back to that studio tomorrow, with your head held high, and if you don’t tell them all to fuck off — i’ll come n’do it for you.” jj announces, loud and proud. you let a sniffly giggle slip, which relieves the two of them.
“jayj y’can’t do that.”
“okay — so i can’t come n’ tell them to fuck off but…” he leans in closer, suddenly dead serious. “i find out any of these chicks have brothers or boyfriends? they’re gonna have to answer to my glock. that should shake ‘em up.”
“yeah that’s smart. get kicked off campus.” pope sarks, the two of you knowing he would never actually do something like that — purely speaking out of emotion.
“for our girl? anything, dude.”
“okay well. more productively,” pope pats his thighs decisively before leaning forward to the coffee table and grabbing your mug of tea, placing it in your hands. “you’re gonna drink this, and then me and this thug are gonna make you feel all better. okay?” whilst you take a sip, pope presses a kiss to your forehead.
“feel better how?” you pout once you’d swallowed, holding your tea a little firmer as you feel jj drop carelessly into the seat beside you.
“i’m gonna massage out any aches and pains you may be experiencing from your dance class, and trust me i am well versed in the human body so i can really get in there.” pope explains, wrapping an arm around your waist and bringing you closer.
“mhm…” you encourage him to continue, already melting into the relaxation.
“and then, me and jj are gonna make you cum. a lot. many many times.” he states matter-of-factly, shooting a tingle through your body like he did each and every time he made a filthy promise like that. although you’re not looking at jj, you feel his hand raise in the air as he leans back on the couch.
“now that i can get behind.”
maybe you’d be okay after all.
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(2) TENDER LIKE A BRUISE ─── ethan landry 𖦹
ೃ⁀➷ “No other word makes my mouth as tender as your name.” — ‘Soft Human’, Emery Allen
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pairing. spiderman!ethan landry x reader
warnings. swearing, mention of blood + death, mildly suggestive
summary. after that first night, ethan and you have acquired an unspoken bond. your friends sense this bond, but, unfortunately, think it’s something else entirely. (1) (2) (3) (4)
a/n. more spiderman!ethan. im really loving this au, but i also have no idea what im doing. expect some more fics, though not entirely in chronological order.
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The rest of that night went like this: you ordered pizza, but by the time it got to your apartment, Ethan fell asleep on your couch. 
So you forced him to wake up, all but shoved three slices of pepperoni pizza down his throat, then locked him in your room and made the boy rest. 
(Waking him up was far harder than you thought it would be. He slept like the fucking dead, and looked like it too, hands perfectly by his sides, staring straight up at the ceiling.)
You were cleaning up the boxes in the living room when you heard a commotion in your bedroom, alongside Ethan’s familiar, profuse apologizing. 
“Ethan?” You called out, walking down the hall. “What’s going—“ 
Suddenly, the door to your room opened, and out came Ethan, hair messy from sleep, being pinned against the hallway wall by Mindy. 
“What the fuck were you doing in—“ Mindy said furiously, her hand balling up the fabric of your (Ethan’s) shirt. 
“Hey- Hey! Mindy, put him down! I’m right here,” You said, wide eyed. You could see the pain blooming in Ethans side as Mindy man-handled him, his brows twisted taut, eyes squeezing shut. 
At the sound of your voice, Mindy let go of Ethan immediately. From your room behind her walked out Annika and Tara, who were cautiously stepping away from the two of them. 
Ethan’s hands held his bandaged side subtly, leaning against the wall like he had when you first let him into your room. 
The guilt churned in your chest — how could you not think about your friends entering the apartment with him in there? Of course Mindy would be hostile, for Ethan had never come over if Chad wasn’t there first. 
Without thinking, your hands graced both of Ethan’s arms. “Are you okay?” You whispered in his ear, and waited for his curt nod before turning to Mindy, Annika and Tara’s prying eyes.
“I’m— we—he came over to study, and he fell asleep so I…” You racked your head for a plausible excuse, so you didn’t have to tell everyone he was fucking Spiderman and that he almost bled out in your shared bathroom just three hours ago. 
“Study?” Tara cut in, raising an eyebrow. “Weren’t you at the party?” She gave Ethan a pointed look. 
Ethan opened and closed his mouth, looking between you and the rest of your friends. “I left, like, an hour in. I have Econ tomorrow, so I needed to - to study.” 
Mindy took a deep breath in, then flared her nostrils, letting the air out. “Okay. Okay, I’m sorry,” She backed away, hands in the air like she was getting arrested, “just wanted to know why this dude you don’t even talk to was sleeping in your room.” 
Then, she walked off, down the hall into the living room, hands still in the air. Annika and Tara slipped away similarly, but Annika gave the both of you a particularly long and suspicious look. 
You looked at Ethan. Ethan looked at you. 
“How’s my stitch work?” You said lightly, trying to break the silence while gesturing to his side. 
A small smile broke on Ethans face. “I think my head needs the concern more,” he said, rubbing the part of his head that hit the wall. 
“Well, I’ll get you an ice pack if it's that bad. Now sleep. I’ll wake you up when you need to leave - if Sam catches you in here, it’ll be a repeat of last time.”
Ethan grimaced, touching his nose nostalgically. “Noted.”
After Ethan entered your room, stretching and letting out the yawn he had been holding in, you closed the door, and made your way to sleeping in the living room. Any looks you got from your friends, you ignored. 
This knock-on-your-window-patch-Ethan-up-let him sleep-over-situation repeated several times.
It wasn’t one you particularly liked, however. Over time, you and Ethan grew closer. It's a little hard not to get to know each other when one is saving you from near-death, and knows your biggest secret. 
You found out how sweet Ethan was, his consideration far more than mere politeness. He was a good person, one who often put his life on the line for people he didn’t even know. So, seeing the boy in pain every time he snuck in tugged at your heart-strings. 
You didn’t exactly… know why Ethan was so good. Any time he talked about becoming Spiderman, he seemed so tense, so guilt-ridden. His voice had an intonation of loss, of pure grief that he wouldn’t let anyone touch. 
(If anything, that grief was hurting him more than the injuries you were patching him up for.) 
Besides that, even now, you two had never hung out in normal circumstances, and most times you saw Ethan, he was clad in that red-and-blue latex suit. 
It had you wondering what exactly you two were. A walking first aid kit and the hero? Or friends?
It's not like you didn’t understand - becoming so close so quickly would make everyone suspicious, so keeping this relationship on the low was absolute key. 
(But that didn’t mean it didn't hurt a little.)
Ethan coming over in secret like this had now been happening at least weekly for five months straight. During that, the nature of your relationship evolved: sometimes, Ethan’s injuries were bearable enough that he swung back out your window (to your adamant behest), or, he was awake enough to watch a movie with you in the living room, or even just knocked on your window during his patrols to say Hi.
One night, you forgot someone was home. You’d done up a nick on Ethan’s neck - a place he couldn’t reach by himself - and you’d forced him not to swing back to Brooklyn, even if his police walkie was rattling off several alarming police codes. 
“Ethan,” You said, holding the walkie up. “This is going to get you killed.”
“I’m fighting crime! Of course I’m going to get hurt.”
“And I would much rather you didn’t get hurt.” 
“Am I cutting into your study time?”
“No, dumbass, I just don’t want you to swing injured. I care, you know? About you.”
Ethan paused at that, looking at you carefully. “I — um,” his face was pink, “okay, fine. I’ll… stay. But just for tonight - next time, I’m going no matter what you say.”
“Just promise me to stay safe, alright?”
Ethan nodded, slightly hesitant. “I’ll try.” 
“Good.” You pressed the walkie talkie into his chest, “So, Chinese or Thai tonight?”
“I’m thinking Indian, actually,” Ethan said, trailing behind you into the living room. “Do you remember that place from last time? They made the best—“
Then, catching the both of you completely off guard, Quinn’s door swung open wide. 
Out came another one of her regular hookups - the prison suit guy, whose forehead stitches were now a light scar - who looked shocked at the sight of you guys and quickly scurried out. Then, out came Quinn herself, who waved the guy goodbye. 
Quinn almost ducked back into her room without saying a thing to you guys, obviously ridden with fatigue, but quickly spun back.
Quinn blinked, rubbed her eyes, then blinked again. 
“Are you two —“ She pointed to you two, jaw dropped, obviously wrong thoughts in her mind, and you were both quick to correct her. 
“No! No — we,” Ethan started and stumbled, looking at you for help.
“Econ! He came over for econ help.” You finished for him, placing your hands on your hips.
Ethan nodded vehemently, “I’m hopeless at the statistics.”
“Didn’t you ace stats in highschool, E?” Quinn said pointedly, quickly sobering. 
“Well, these— these ones are harder, okay!”
“It’s really hard,” you tried to convince her. “Everyone is almost failing this unit. I’m barely getting by with the extra textbooks I had on the subject.”
A beat passed. 
And then Quinn seemed to consider this, leaning her head against her doorframe. “Well, whatever. Now go bang or study stats, I don’t care, just be quiet. I’ve got swim practice tomorrow.”
You and Ethan both gave her a perfect, agreeing smile, and she disappeared into her bedroom. 
“Oh my god,” You whispered to Ethan first, “She thought we were—“
“She thought we were…” He repeated, eyes wide, finger tugging at one of his curls. 
“That is the funniest thing I’ve heard this week, my god.” You shook your head, flopped on the couch, and that was that. 
(Inwardly, your reaction stung Ethan a little. 
Was it really… really so implausible that you two would be, well, together?)
And about the misconception of being together? Your whole friend group believed what Quinn did, too. 
One similar night, after Ethan changed into a pair of his clothes (after the first few instances of patching him up, he began keeping clothes in your room) and you were about to put a movie on, you two had  walked into the living room, and found your entire friend group waiting for you there. 
Sure, dressing Ethan’s wounds happened often enough that they were home and asleep while you did so, but you didn’t think you two were that loud. At least, loud enough to wake the entire house. 
It was early morning, 2-am or something, and Ethan had been texting back his dad, pretending he was just coming home from a party. Ethan had to regularly assure his father that he was indeed safe and sound, something you weren’t exactly privy to the origin of. 
(There was a cloud of mystery concerning Ethan becoming Spiderman, his family’s undue concern for him, and his and Quinn’s deceased brother, Richie. You couldn’t put a finger on it, but you just knew it was all connected.)
Ethan was just behind you when you stopped at the sight of your friends in the living room, your jaw dropped. Ethan bumped into your back, stumbling and apologizing, until he saw what exactly had made you stop. 
“What the — what are you guys doing here?” You said first, at their piercing gazes. 
“We’re staging an intervention,” Quinn said, trying to be serious, before breaking and letting out an ungodly laugh. “Oh my god, you guys need to stop fucking in the bathroom!”
“What?” both of you said in shock. Your face burned red, as did Ethans, who looked at you. 
“E, I am so proud of you man, but you guys gotta be normal about this shit,” Chad said, scrubbing his face. 
“Why the bathroom, exactly?” Tara leaned back, eyes red with sleep, like she had been waiting for hours and was slowly succumbing to the fatigue. 
“Just! Hol— hold on, a sec. We aren’t fucking in the - in the bathroom, okay?” You said, arms gesturing wildly. Your face was practically on fire now, the whole room feeling a touch too warm. 
“We aren’t even together!” Ethan added on quickly, though shying further behind you. 
Annika snorted, then leaned her head on Mindy’s shoulder. “You guys don’t have to hide it. You do know we can hear you in there, right?”
What? You weren’t making any undue noise in the bathroom, you had made sure of it. Any possible noise they could hear would just be the dry bandage and Ethan’s overdramatic whining, which—
Ethan’s whining. 
“Oh my god,” you whispered under your breath, brows becoming permanently furrowed. You jabbed Ethan lightly in the side, “This is your fault, you know?”
Ethan spluttered, “How is it—“
“You’re always so loud in there, and I keep telling you to—“
“And that!” Mindy cut in, pointing at you two. “We cannot forget to mention that.”
“‘That’ what?” Your head swiveled to Mindy’s pointed finger, letting go of Ethan’s sleeve that you hadn’t realized you were holding. 
“”’That’ what”’?” Mindy mocked in an (incredibly inaccurate) impression of your tone. “Jesus, I mean all the arguing and the teasing and the touching!”
Everyone nodded simultaneously, as if your (not real!) predicament was extremely easy to notice. 
You blinked rapidly, looking at your friends then back at Ethan. “This is - so ridiculous,” you said, under your breath. 
“Is it, though?” Ethan shrugged, head tilted and considering the facts against you two. “I mean,” he explained himself, “all of a sudden I’m always over “studying” and you’re sneaking me around the house instead of letting everyone know I’m here. We spend a little too long in the bathroom together, you keep your window a smidge open for me, and you keep my clothes in your closet.” 
Well. With all that splayed out on the table, it did sound like you were hooking up. It was a great cover, if you were being honest, if only it didn’t make things so damn awkward. 
Suddenly, as if Ethan knew what you were thinking, his arm snaked around your waist and pulled you close to him. 
“Okay, fine,” Ethan started, looking at your group of friends. “You caught us. We’re, well, dating. Surprise?”
Through Chad’s cheers and everyone else’s relieved sighs (that of which they didn’t have to painfully watch you and Ethan sneak around the apartment together anymore) Ethan whispered to you, disguised as a kiss to the crown of your head. 
“This fake dating cover is gold. The perfect excuse. You’ll help your friendly neighborhood Spiderman, right?”
In response, you nodded your head slightly, then looked up at him with a plastic smile, talking between it. “Thanks, babe. I’ve become your personal nurse.”
“I was thinking more along the lines of my sidekick.”
“Just don’t ‘Death in the Family’ me, Landry.”
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taglist: @iloveneilperry @backtotheshitshow @hazehepburn @powowowy @ifilwtmfc @oscarisdaddy69 @al1v3cvp1d2@bloodyeverything @l5byrinth @gojosbucket @diamondci1ty
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wannabeschyulersister · 5 months
so long, chicago
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Without the warmth of your things in the apartment, it looked sad and cold. The boxes that you packed were stacked along the hallway. Movers were scheduled to help you in the next hour.
Your belongings would be traveling across the country with you following.
After one last sweep of the apartment to make sure you weren’t forgetting anything, you stood at the large bay window facing the city. A city that you once considered home.
You’d miss Chicago. You’d miss the people that you’d met. The connections that you formed. The memories. The laughter.
The sound of the front door opening snapped you out of your thoughts. You turned and saw Carmen walk in. You didn’t expect for him to be home anytime soon. You’d hoped that you could avoid the last interaction.
“Hey.” You said softly.
He nodded, “I thought you’d be halfway outta town by now.”
“The movers should be here any minute.”
Carmen took off his coat and placed it on the right hook near the door. Yours would normally go on the left but it was currently sitting on top of one of your suitcases.
“Richie said you stopped by the restaurant last night.”
“Yeah, I wanted to tell him goodbye.”
“I guess that’s nice.”
“You guess?”
“What do you expect for me to say, (Y/n)? I love that you’re abandoning me and everyone you’ve met here?”
“Abandoning you?” You couldn’t believe that he really said that.
“We’ve been together for six fuckin’ years! One day you wake up and realize you don’t want to be with me anymore out of the fuckin’ blue!”
“Out of the blue?,” you raised your voice, “Carmen, I dreaded making that decision for months! You were so out of touch that you didn’t even realize that we had stopped acting like a couple long before I ending things.”
Carmen chuckled bitterly, “That’s not true.”
You hadn’t planned on leaving on ugly terms with Carmen. If anything, you wanted it to be civil. You were huge parts of each other’s lives. Under all of the pain and heartbreak, there was love.
“I was the only person trying in this relationship. You would get home at one or two in the morning and I’d try waiting around just so we can have a conversation after not seeing each other all day. I planned date nights and tried to pry you out of that kitchen to notice that I was practically falling apart at the seams!” You confessed. It hurt you that he hadn’t even noticed.
“Relationships are hard! That why you have to make them work!” Carmen was visibly upset at how the conversation was going.
“I was the only one fighting for this, Carmen! When was the last time you bought me flowers or texted me to see how my day was going? I barely even heard an ‘I love you’.”
“I do love you. So much that I don’t want you to go and move to San Diego. You belong here with me and- and with your friends. People that care about you!”
“Sometimes love isn’t enough. I’m tired, Carmen. Tired of feeling like I don’t mean shit to you. I need to be with someone that wants to be with me. I want someone that won’t make me feel alone when we are together.”
Carmen closed the space between you two. It was the closest he’d been to you in days. He still smelled of the cologne that you bought him for Christmas with a faintness of the cigarette he must’ve smoked before.
“I thought we’d spend the rest of our lives together.” He said softly.
“If you thought so, then why aren’t we married? I’ve had friends in shorter relationships that have taken the next step. I’ve waited for so long for you to ask me to be your wife and every anniversary that passes, I know that it’s not going to happen. I don’t want to leave. I really loved living here. This felt like home more than any place I’ve lived in, but I can’t stay here.”
“I’ve been a fuckin’ selfish asshole. I’m sorry. You don’t know how sorry I am. Please, I’ll make things up to you. I’ll change.”
“And when things get hard? When you get busy and stressed at the restaurant, then what? It goes back to how things were? I can’t put myself through that. I can’t take that chance.” It killed you seeing him so upset but when you broke up with him, it was like you could breathe again.
You were becoming the person that you used to be. You didn’t want to sacrifice yourself for someone else that didn’t give you the time of day.
Three knocks to the front door made you step away from Carmen. You opened the door and saw the movers with a dollie and a couple of extra boxes.
“Excuse me.” You felt Carmen grab his coat and brush past you. Part of you wanted to chase him down and wrap your arms around him. You didn’t want the last image you had of him to be so hurt.
As you watched the movers grab your boxes and take them down to the awaiting truck, you grabbed the letter that you wrote for Carmen. You planned to leave it on the kitchen counter.
You didn’t know if he’d even read it. Maybe he would rip it up into tiny pieces. Maybe he would read it over and over again.
It wasn’t up for you to wonder. You were at peace with your decision and that’s all that mattered.
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zepskies · 1 year
Break Me Down - Part 17
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Female Reader
Summary: You’re a private investigator by trade, but now you happily sit at a desk — leading a surveillance team at Supe Affairs. After managing to end Homelander in New York, Soldier Boy escapes custody. You are recruited for the manhunt, joining Butcher’s team.
Truly, you joined the S.A. for the right reasons. But after you become his accidental hostage, Soldier Boy will break down every single one of them…
💚 Break Me Down Masterlist
AN: *Gives you a box of virtual tissues.* Just in case. 😘
Word Count: 6,000 Tags/Warnings: Macho angst ahead, hurt/comfort, major, major fluff…
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Part 17: More Than Words Can Say
Mount Sinai Hospital was one of the largest private hospitals in the city. 
Fortunately, it was also the closest to Vought Tower, or what once had been the focal point of the superhero industry. It had been reduced to mere rubble and whatever dilapidated parts still stood. 
All the news outlets were covering the tower’s collapse, and speculating on what could’ve created the blast that made the entire city tremble—not unlike last year’s incident, when Soldier Boy killed the most powerful supe in the world.
In the hospital, M.M. walked through the Emergency Department until he found Yvette and her son, Devon. They sat beside each other on a single cot, now joined by Yvette’s husband Chris while she signed her discharge papers. She’d gotten off with a minor concussion and a bandage over her temple. 
“Just checking in on you guys,” M.M. said. Yvette smiled, but she asked about you. 
“She’s in surgery,” he told her. 
Yvette nodded, though tears welled up in her eyes. Chris rubbed her back and held his son’s shoulder. 
“Please call me with any news on her,” Yvette asked. 
“You got it,” M.M. said.
“And please,” she said, holding her son. “Thank Soldier Boy for us.”
M.M. paused at that. 
Seeing the family was well in hand, he returned to the trauma wing. There in the waiting room sat the whole team, minus Butcher, who’d been admitted to the hospital as well after the ED doctors didn’t like what they’d found on his lab reports. (But M.M. would look into that later. Hughie was with him now anyway.)
That left Frenchie, Kimiko, and Annie to wait for any news on you. Even Grace had arrived an hour ago. 
But M.M.’s attention was drawn to the dusty motherfucker standing near the hallway. 
Soldier Boy leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. The collar of his supe suit was undone to give his neck and chest some breathing room. He’d removed his gloves, and an empty gallon jug of water lied at his feet. 
He was covered in a fine layer of soot and grime, though he’d since washed his hands and face to the best of his ability. He was also flanked by his two hired men, Frank Cardoza and Lorenzo Rivales. 
Grace had run a quick background check on both, and as M.M. had learned, they were ex-Marines Soldier Boy had picked up in Colombia, while he was busy infiltrating a drug cartel.   
Fucking figures, M.M. thought, shaking his head as he watched the man. Grace stood and joined him.
“He’s not just gonna fuck off back to South America,” he told her. “You realize that right?”
She considered that with a tilt of her head. “Let’s just see what happens here.”
As if right on cue, your surgeon made his way down the hall and over to the waiting group. Ben pushed off the wall and went to meet him, as did Grace, Annie, and M.M. 
Annie and Ben eyed each other with mistrust and annoyance, respectively, but then he ignored her to regard the surgeon with a terse, expectant gaze.  
The doctor was a graying man in his fifties. He seemed to internally brace himself before he spoke, glancing at Ben first before the others. 
“We’ve repaired the damaged muscle around her right leg. The femur is broken. We also addressed the wound near her shoulder,” he said. “However, the rebar did nick her heart. She’ll need additional surgery to repair it.”
Ben sensed a but coming. He crossed his arms. “Okay, what’s the problem?”
The doctor gave a nod and a short sigh. 
“She’s lost a lot of blood,” he explained. “We’ve given her a transfusion, of course, but she’s in a delicate state right now.”
“So why’re you wasting time? Do your fucking job,” Ben snapped. Grace shot him a glance, but addressed the doctor herself.
“What are her odds, doctor?” she asked. Ben eyed her with a glare. She ignored him for the time being. 
“She needs this now. But, there is a chance she won’t make it out of surgery at this stage,” the surgeon replied. “The OR will be available in thirty minutes…so this would be the time to be with her, just in case she’s unable to get through this.”
“Excuse me?” Ben said. 
His tone was dark and deep with grit, and the doctor stepped back. No one dared attempt to hold Ben back, but Grace quickly thanked the doctor and urged him to move forward with prepping you for surgery. 
Loco shared a saddened look with Frank, who watched their boss with a deepening frown. 
Annie turned to Ben with a measure of sympathy, hidden underneath her irritation at his attitude and her worry for you. You were still her friend, and she felt guilty for how cold she’d been treating you lately. And she could see, at the very least, that this man cared about you. 
“Look, can you just calm down a bit? We’re all here hoping she pulls through,” Annie said. 
M.M. stood behind her, silent, supportive. But Ben just ignored her, and everyone else for that matter. 
He stalked down the hallway. And when he turned a corner, out of eyeshot, he growled and punched a hole deep into the closest wall.
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Hughie perked up when Butcher finally started to rouse in his hospital bed. They had him on a hefty dose of morphine. 
He blinked his weary eyes, his head rolling over on the pillow. His lips quirked when he noticed Hughie, who was glaring at him. 
“Watching me sleep now?” Butcher remarked. “Pretty fuckin’ creepy, Hugh.”
“You’re such an asshole,” Hughie said. 
That was something Butcher couldn’t refute. He nodded. “I see they told you.”
“When were you gonna say something?” Hughie said. “When you fucking dropped dead?”
“Probably not even then,” Butcher teased. But when he took in the younger man’s face, all he saw was his little brother, Lenny. Butcher sighed. 
“Ain’t nothing any of us can do about it.”
“Fucking cancer?” Hughie said incredulously. “You could’ve gotten treatment.”
“Would’ve bought me a few more months, maybe,” Butcher admitted. That fell between them for a moment with stony silence. 
“It’s all right,” he added. “I’ve had my fucking time. Got to see the life drain from that golden cunt’s eyes…got to let my girl rest easy.”
Hughie didn’t buy that. Or maybe, he just didn’t want to. His eyes burned, both with emotion and determination. He stood from his seat and set out to find Grace. If there was anything that could help Butcher, she would know. 
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While the others went down to the cafeteria for a bite to eat, Frank sat in the waiting room with Loco beside him and Dr. Baker’s briefcase on his lap.
He was sorting through its contents while Loco sat with crossed arms and slumping shoulders. He looked over at Frank’s stoic profile with a frown.
He was older, but not by much. They’d gone through one fresh hell after another together, and somehow, Frank always managed to pull their asses out of the wringer. It seemed Frank was trying to do the same for their boss. 
It was funny, actually. Soldier Boy wasn’t their first contractor. You were their first kidnapping though. Neither he or Frank had felt good about it when Antonio brought you back to the mansion in Medellin, but they’d agreed to do a job. Guarding you became part of that job. 
And yet, you had somehow reminded both Frank and Loco that they used to be respectable members of society. They used to have families, friends. They had once been soldiers. Good men. Maybe that was why they’d grown fond of you over the past few months. 
And Frank…well, Loco knew the man had his reasons for wanting to be done with this work. Loco couldn’t blame him; he was feeling tired himself. 
“Found anything good?” Loco asked in Spanish. Frank’s dark brows had drawn together in new interest.
“More than good,” he said. He looked up, but didn’t find Soldier Boy in the waiting room. “Where the hell did he go?”
Loco pointed to the reception desk. “Try asking someone.”
With a sharp sigh, Frank gave Loco the briefcase. “Guard that with your fucking life. Don’t let anyone from the CIA take it from you.”
Loco gave him a look of offense. “It’s like you don’t know me at all, bro. Fucking hurts.” 
Rolling his eyes, Frank got up and went over to the reception desk. 
“Excuse me,” he said. There seemed to be no one at the reception desk. Granted, it was late at night, and they technically weren’t supposed to be there. Grace Mallory had worked out an agreement with the hospital to allow them all to stay overnight. 
He didn’t have to wait too long though, as an on-duty nurse came over with a clipboard in hand. Her red hair caught his eye, along with her pretty smile. 
“Hi there. Can I help you?” she asked. 
Frank faltered, just for a moment. But he cleared his throat and met her eyes. 
“Did you happen to see which way Soldier Boy went?” he asked.
She gave him a wan smile and pointed down the hall, to the left. “That ‘a way. Think he had an argument with the wall over there.”
Frank followed her gaze and caught sight of the hole in the wall. He frowned. 
“Sorry about that,” he said. 
The nurse gave him a sideways look. “No worries, hun. It’s not your fisticuff outline in the wall, now is it?”
Once again, Frank didn’t know quite what to say to her slightly teasing smile. But he returned it, more reserved, but genuine. 
“Thank you,” he said, with a nod. Then he remembered then what he needed to do. 
And he took off brusquely down the hall. 
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It took him a few minutes to pull his head together, but Ben eventually worked up his nerve to go and see you. 
You were still drugged out asleep, of course. He stood outside the large window of your private room in the Intensive Care Unit. He wouldn’t go in though. Part of him refused to believe it had gotten to this. 
And the reality, that this was his fault. He’d caused the blast that destroyed the tower. His fault he hadn’t gotten to you sooner.
“You are the reason I needed saving,” you’d told him once. 
You were right then, and it still held up now. 
So, no…he wouldn’t go in there, into your room. The truth was, he couldn’t. 
But Ben’s awareness prickled before he noticed, Frank had joined him. Ben tolerated it. While he wanted to be alone, maybe part of him (one he wouldn’t acknowledge) craved some kind of company. 
“You’ll get paid, don’t you fucking worry,” he said dryly. 
“That’s not the only reason I’m here,” Frank said. 
It felt like a confession. Ben didn’t reply though; he was focused on your pale face, covered by the breathing mask. Shallow puffs of air fogged the inside of it while your heart monitor clipped on.
“There’s another solution here,” Frank said. 
Ben gave him a cursory side glance. “She wouldn’t take Compound V. Not even to save her fucking life.”
“That didn’t stop you before,” Frank mentioned. 
Ben didn’t answer, but he’d been internally debating it ever since he’d spoken with the surgeon. 
“All right, get it over here,” he said. “The temporary stuff.” 
Frank rose a brow. He’d been curious enough to try testing the man. But now, he frowned.
“She won’t forgive you,” he pointed out. 
“What’re you, devil’s fucking advocate? She’ll get the fuck over it,” Ben snapped. 
But after his initial anger subsided…he knew his subordinate was right. 
“She’ll be alive to hate me,” he said, more honestly.  
Frank inclined his head. “There could be another way.” 
Ben glanced over at him. 
“She lost a lot of blood,” Frank said. Ben frowned.  
“They’ve given her fucking blood transfusions—” 
“Yeah, normal blood. A supe’s blood is stronger. Yours could probably heal her,” Frank said. “But, the only one who can break your skin is you.”
Ben eyed him in suspicion. “Who told you that?” 
“Read it somewhere,” Frank said evasively. 
Ben huffed in response, but as that realization truly sunk into his mind, his lips pressed together in new determination. He left Frank to start a brusque pace down the hall. 
He ignored the red-headed nurse calling at him at the reception desk when he shoved through a locked security door, into the OR unit. He searched until he found your surgeon and pulled him from the sink he was washing his hands in.
The man gasped with fright, though he tried to hide it looking up at Ben. “What the hell’re you doing?”
“I’m making a donation,” said Ben. He raised a blunt nail to his wrist. “You better hurry the fuck up, because I’m about to open a vein.”
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It was morning by the time another doctor returned to deliver an update on your progress: the “treatment” was working. Your wounds had knitted closed within an hour following the blood transfusion, and you no longer needed surgery. They had also x-rayed your leg and found that the bone was whole once again. Even your broken ribs had healed.
Ben nodded at the news. He didn’t respond, and just started walking down the hall. Grace, Annie, and M.M. stared after him with mixed reactions of confusion and curiosity. 
“Where are you going?” Annie asked. She was exhausted; all of them were. 
The supe ignored her though. M.M. shared a look with her before he decided to follow the man. 
Meanwhile, Ben once again stopped in the middle of the hallway when he was out of view. He took in a slow, steadying breath of relief, his fists clenching at his sides.
“Congratulations. After today, you’re gonna get your statue put back up,” M.M. said.
Ben turned around to stare back at the man, schooling his face into a stoic frown. 
“Yvette and her son are going to be fine, by the way,” M.M. added, as he crossed his arms.
Ben paused slightly at that, filing that information away with secret satisfaction. 
To M.M., he merely raised a brow. “You got something to say, or are you going to keep wasting my fucking time?”  
“You think saving one black kid makes you a hero?” M.M. asked, point blank. “Taking down Vought. Saving her. What does that all mean to you?”
Ben frowned in irritation. “Why the fuck do you care?”
“Just answer the question. Be honest for once in your motherfuckin’ life,” M.M. said. “Do you really think you’re a hero?”
Silence fell between them. 
Ben didn’t know what it was about this guy. Maybe it was his persistence, or the fact that he’d pulled you out of the rubble and got you to a hospital in time to save your life. 
But Ben actually considered the question.
Killing Stan Edgar and Black Noir. Saving you. He’d done it all for selfish reasons. The kid…that was something else. His face stuck in Ben’s mind, how he’d trusted the superhero, like dumb kids were supposed to do.
But in that moment, carrying the tower on his back and knowing he was the only barrier between a mountain of hot rubble and this one kid…Ben hadn’t wanted to fail. 
And still. You are the reason I needed saving…
It wasn’t really saving the fucking day if he started it, was it?
Ben’s lips turned on a humorless smile. Still, he had saved the kid. And his mom. And you. For now, that was enough.
“Looks like I am,” said Ben.
But he met M.M.’s stare, briefly allowing him to glimpse beyond a wall of arrogance and pride.
And Ben walked away. M.M. watched him go in silent contemplation.
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Grace intercepted Ben before he could visit you in the ICU. 
Christ. What the fuck now? he thought sourly. 
She gestured for a word, and with an annoyed look, he followed her down the hall.
“I’ll get to the point,” she said. “Butcher is sharing a floor with your girlfriend, down in Oncology.”
Ben raised a brow. That prick had cancer? Par for the fucking course, if he said so himself. 
“So?” he remarked. 
Grace sighed. She’d expected that reaction. “They’ve given him weeks, but the way he’s been pushing himself, more likely it’s days. Taking the untested Temp V long-term has had its adverse side effects…if you were to make another blood donation, I’ll make it worth your while.” 
So now his blood was some fucking wonder drug? Hell no, Ben thought. 
“You’re asking me to save the guy who’s double-crossed me, tried to hunt me down, tried to end me?” he said, with a dark, incredulous chuckle. “You can fuck right off, sweetheart.”
She grated at the sweetheart remark, but Grace leveled him with steely blue eyes.
“If it weren’t for me, you’d be on ice right now,” she pointed out. 
Ben’s lips pursed. He’d really like to snap this bitch’s fucking neck on principle…but then he thought about it. He could work this into his favor. 
“You know what. I’m having a good day, so maybe I’m feeling fucking generous,” he said. His mouth edged into a smirk. “But I think it’s time we renegotiated our contract. Don’t you?”
Grace stared up at him, and she inhaled a deep breath. 
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You slowly woke up in a hospital room, in a paper gown with an IV drip and a heart monitor. Which made sense, as the events of yesterday came back to you in a rush. 
But beyond feeling relieved to be alive, you also felt extremely well-rested. You didn’t feel like a building fell on you. 
What kind of masterful drugs are they giving me? You tried to read your chart on the wall, but you didn’t see any pain medication on there. 
Annie popped into your private recovery room. Her face brightened when she saw that you were awake. 
“Hey, hun! How do you feel?” she asked, lowering into a chair at your bedside. You wouldn’t know that this chair had been occupied by various members of the team over the past few hours, including M.M., Frenchie, Frank, and even Grace. 
“Great, actually,” you replied. But now you frowned. “I shouldn’t feel great.”
You remembered nearly being crushed under a pile of rubble. You remembered falling on a piece of rebar, and unable to move your crushed leg. You remembered the worry in Ben’s eyes… 
And panic stung at yours.
“Did they give me Compound V?” your voice shook when you asked. Annie calmed you down with a shake of her head and a reassuring hand on your arm. 
The door to your room opened once again. Ben’s frame filled up the doorway. When his eyes met yours, your breath caught in your throat. He was still in his supe suit, and with his hands resting on his belt, he strutted inside the room. 
M.M., Frenchie, Frank, Loco, and Kimiko came in behind him and at least looked showered. Ben looked like he hadn’t even done that much, nor slept all night.
“It wasn’t the V,” he said at last. “Just a little blood donation. Seemed to work like a charm.”
His resulting grin had a bit of charm in it as well. Your head tilted in confusion.
"Whose blood?" you asked.
"Mine," he said. His expression faded, slightly more serious.
You found yourself slowly smiling, though your brows still furrowed in surprise. He gave me his blood…instead of Compound V.
While you tried to wrap your mind around the gravity of that, you reached for the pitcher of water on the rolling tray beside you. You grasped the pitcher, but the plastic actually crunched in your hand. You gasped and moved your hand over so the water inside wouldn’t spill all over you.
Ben raised a brow. 
The room fell silent as all eyes stared at you. When the water finished pouring out onto the floor, you gently set it back down on the tray. 
“Seems you got some of his strength in the deal,” Annie remarked. 
“Great, there’s two of them,” Hughie quipped with a grin. 
“Well, that’s probably just temporary,” M.M. sighed. “Hopefully.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, and it brought a slight grin to Ben’s lips. 
After a bit of well wishing, everyone cleared out of your room to let you rest up…except for Ben, Frank, and Loco. 
“What are you guys going to do now?” you asked of the latter two. Loco cracked his knuckles. 
“Got another job lined up in private security,” he revealed. “I’ve lost the taste for drug running. Nearly lost a damn toe on the last one.”
You laughed. “Well, thanks for doing one more job here.”
“Anything for el Capitán,” Loco said, giving Ben a respectful nod. “He pays exceedingly well.”
You raised a brow at Ben, who shrugged with a cocky grin. Smiling, you turned to Frank, who was sitting in the chair beside your bed. 
“And you?” you asked. Frank gave you a rare smile. 
“Going home,” he said. “To my daughter.”
Your eyes began to sting, but you tried to blink away the beginnings of tears. You nodded and squeezed his arm. 
“Give her a big hug for me. And thank you again…for everything,” you said, even though you realized that thanking your former guard keep was strange. Still, there had been no part of your kidnapping that was normal in the least. 
Frank hesitated, but he covered your hand with his. 
Though he caught the way Ben’s face tightened, and Frank let go of you. He stood with Loco, giving you and Ben a final nod. Then the two men left your room and disappeared down the hall.
Part of you felt melancholy, like chapters of your life were closing. But you also felt like new ones were waiting in the wings.
Your gaze turned to Ben, who stood near your bed.
He was looking over your chart to see if the doctors needed anything else before you were discharged. But your soft voice called to him, earning his attention. You beckoned him closer.
He went over and sat down on the edge of your bed, laying a hand on your thigh. You reached out for his arm. 
“Thank you,” you said. 
Ben scoffed, though a hint of humor glinted in his eyes. “For what? Saving your reckless ass for the millionth time?”
“For saving Yvette and her son,” you replied with a smile. “And yeah, all that other stuff.” 
Your hand slid down his arm and slipped into his hand. Your fingers curled around his palm. 
“Really. Thank you…” 
Tears welled up in your eyes again. You still couldn’t fucking believe he opened up one of his own veins and gave you his blood. He gave a public hospital his blood in order to save you. 
He could’ve easily slipped you V24 again, or worse, the permanent stuff. But he didn’t just save you. He’d respected your wishes. 
What you wanted to say next got stuck in your throat.
Ben had something hiding behind his eyes, like he was reluctant to show you his real emotions. But when he focused on your face, his hand tightened on yours. His jaw clenched, but he didn’t speak. He only let go of your hand to brush a falling tear from your cheek. His lips twitched at a smile.
“Come on now, baby doll. You’re tougher than that.”
You choked on a laugh as more of your tears slipped down your warming cheeks. “Nope. I’m actually not.”
“Hmm. Could’ve fooled me,” Ben said. You matched his grin with a beaming smile of your own.  
Slowly, you pushed yourself up and took his dirty face in your hands. You guided him down to you, and you pressed your lips to his. 
He allowed it with his usual demanding, fervent kiss. But then it slowed. He held your wrist to keep your hand in place on his cheek, and his thumb drew bath and forth over your skin. 
You parted from him, pulling back enough to see his face. There was so much you wanted to say…but maybe right now, it was too much. 
You met him with another tearful kiss.
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Before you were officially discharged from the hospital, you had one more visitor. 
Grace was once again there to debrief you. This time though, Ben sat at your side on the bed, a silent statue who regarded the woman coolly. He seemed to be tolerating her presence with more ease than usual, and you wondered why.
“You’re going on medical leave,” she informed you. “For three months, and then a psychiatrist will need to clear you for duty.”
Part of you wanted to argue, considering you were completely healed of your injuries. But you knew you needed a break from the S.A.—from all of this. 
“Your mother and sister will be brought out of witness protection soon, after we determine that the threat is sufficiently neutralized,” she said. “You can return home today as well.”
You could finally go back to your apartment…though the thought didn’t call to you as much as it should have. You glanced over at Ben.
“Is this the part where you try to ship him back to Colombia?” you asked. 
“That was the agreement,” Grace said wryly. You frowned, trying to blink away the tears forming once again in your eyes.
You didn’t want to lose him, but you also didn’t want to give up your life here. You didn’t want to leave the S.A., or your family, or your friends. Ben put you out of your misery, however.
“We renegotiated,” he said. 
Your eyes widened. “What?”
Grace explained, “In exchange for his assistance in another case, he can stay in the U.S. on a trial basis. As long as he agrees to live within the law.”
You didn’t entirely trust Grace. Ben would be watched at every moment. That was a given, but considering he still didn’t have full control over his nuclear power, you were surprised Grace would allow him free roam within U.S. borders. 
“And, provided, he agrees to a relocation. Preferably not in a densely populated area,” Grace added.
There it is, you frowned. You shared a look with him, and you could see he wasn’t entirely on board with this. You had no doubt he’d agreed to her demands by lying through his teeth. 
You turned back to Grace.
“What if he becomes a contractor for Supe Affairs,” you proposed. “There may be some fallout after Vought’s collapse, and more of their records to go through. Other labs to clear out. Ben would be a lot of help, if he’s willing.”
You glanced at Ben again. He met your eyes, then Grace’s, and he nodded marginally. He was getting bored of the heat in South America anyway. 
Grace heaved a sigh. Ben’s lips formed a smirk. 
“Oh, relax. I just ended Vought. You’d be an idiot not to cash in on that PR,” he pointed out. 
“Need I remind you that you caused the tower’s collapse?” Grace said tersely. “And you did not end Vought. There will be repercussions to this, believe me.”
Ben’s face tightened, but you grasped his hand. 
“But he fulfilled the mission,” you said. “He took out Black Noir…and Stan Edgar in the process.”
“The idea was to arrest him, but I get your point,” Grace said. Her hand raised to cover her mouth as she thought about your proposal.
Eventually, she spoke. “If you can play by our rules, then we’ll contract with you. But until you get that atomic bomb under control, you can’t remain the city. Upstate is the best I can do.”
Ben chafed at being told what he couldn’t do. What the fuck was he going to do in Upstate New York? Slowly rot to death in dusty-ass suburbia?
You shot him a knowing look, raising a brow. 
“It’s a fair offer, Ben,” you pointed out. His lips pursed in annoyance. But he glanced at your hand in his.
Then he looked up at Grace. “Fine. But first, unfreeze my fucking bank accounts.”
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Ben later led you out of the hospital. There was a car waiting outside, and he got in to drive, despite you offering. He must’ve been going on very little sleep, if any over the past two days. 
And of course, he’d refused to be seen at all medically, saying he was fine. You were still concerned about that destabilizing gun Black Noir had shot him with. 
“I’m fine,” Ben had claimed. “Just need some sleep, that’s all.”
You watched his profile for a moment, and a smile started to raise your lips…until you finally remembered something that felt like a heavy stone in your stomach.
“Um…” you said, earning Ben’s attention. You looked up at him. “My father’s dead…”
Good fucking riddance, was Ben’s initial reaction. Followed by a frown, as he now realized he would never get the pleasure of choking the shit out of Jon himself. 
Ben had been fucking livid to learn from Frank that you’d been left alone in the Tower with your father while it was coming down (and Ben was petty enough to dock that little slip up from Frank’s pay). Had that asshole lived, Ben wouldn’t have put it past him to try and take you with him after escaping the building. The mere thought grated on him. 
“Black Noir killed him,” you said, heaving a shaky breath. 
That cut through Ben’s thoughts. He glanced over, watching you fight some conflicting emotions. 
“…Punched a hole straight through his chest,” you added.
Ben hummed in acknowledgement. You turned to him with a raised brow and glassy eyes. When he realized you were expecting a bit more from him, his lips pursed.
“Well, he got a quick death,” he said. “Better than he fucking deserved, far as I’m concerned.”
You sighed and leaned your head back on the head rest. Your eyes closed. 
“Goddamn it, Ben.”
Ben eyed you with a deepening frown. “What the fuck do you expect me to say?”
“How about some decency?” you asked, as a tear fell down your cheek. “He tried to apologize. But I wouldn’t let him.”
He paused at that. While he thought you were being unreasonable, it begrudgingly dawned on him what you wanted, and maybe, what you needed. He sighed through his nose. Even now, you were a handful.
Ben reached over, taking your hand from your lap. He pressed the back of it to his lips, earning your mild surprise.  
“That’s not your fault,” he said. And he briefly took his eyes off the road to look into yours. “None of it was. You understand me?”
Your face softened. Though you tried to blink away your tears, a few of them still fell. You wiped at them with your free hand, while the other squeezed around his fingers, resting against your thigh. Despite how you were fracturing inside, warmth still kept you afloat. 
So you looked up at Ben, and you nodded. He seemed satisfied by your answer. He turned back fully to the road, but you kept a tight hold of his hand. He allowed it.   
“We’ll have to go to the safe house to get our stuff,” you said eventually, with a small sniffle.
“No need,” Ben said. “That’s taken care of.”
That confused you. Was he taking you to your apartment then? 
But instead, he drove you out of the city, and an hour upstate into Scarsdale. You’d never been there, but you knew it by reputation—as one of the most affluent towns in the state.
You were even more confused when he drove down a street flanked by tall hedges within a private community. He pulled into a circular driveway in front of an immense white house, with a red brick roof, colonial architecture, a manicured lawn, complete with matching fountains lining the front door.
Ben parked the car and encouraged you to get out with him. You followed him up to the front porch, expecting an old billionaire to pop out of the tall bushes at any moment to chase you away. 
“What’re we doing here?” you asked. His hands fell to the belt of his supe suit as he surveyed the stood, the door, and the walls for anything amiss. 
“I’m looking into buying it,” he revealed, as if he’d just told you, It’s pretty fucking sunny today, huh? 
“Our stuff is ready to be shipped out when the deal closes with the owner,” he added.
Your eyes flew wide. “What? When did you have time to scope out houses?” 
You’d only been discharged about an hour after the conversation with Grace. 
“I had Frank look into some shit. He found this one,” Ben shrugged. “Could use some work, but not bad.”
Our stuff, you repeated in your mind. This house…was he trying to recreate what the two of you had in Medellin?
And more importantly, was this his way of asking you to move in with him? 
Well, there’s not too much asking going on, you thought in annoyance. And yet, you blushed; the sentiment in itself was enough to warm you. 
You brought Ben back down to Earth by grasping his hands, earning his attention from the old grout in the tile.
“Ben, this place is amazing,” you said. “But I don’t know if I’ll be comfortable living like this.”
He frowned down at you. “What the hell do you mean? You could have anything you want here. It’s safe. Got plenty of room—”
“A bit too much room,” you said, holding up your thumb and forefinger a couple inches apart. 
He looked adorably grumpy. You smiled and squeezed his hand. 
“Did you really feel cozy and at home in that mansion with fifty rooms and nobody in ‘em?” you asked.
He didn’t answer you, and he didn’t seem happy either. You didn’t want him to take this as a rejection. 
“If we’re going to do this,” you said, “then can we start a little smaller? Somewhere that feels like home to both of us?”
Ben stared back at you in annoyance. “You need to broaden your palate.”
You just managed to stop yourself from laughing.
“You haven’t had a normal home in a long time, Ben,” you replied. Maybe ever, you realized. “How about you trust me?” 
He gave you a dubious frown.
“What about this,” you tried. “Let’s pick it out together! If in a few months you still hate the new place, we’ll try it your way.” 
“You’re assuming we’re gonna make it that long.” Ben was starting to wonder if this was going to work after all. The two of you were from very different worlds. 
You offered a cheeky smile. “I’m optimistic.”
He huffed. “Sure.” 
You reached up on your toes, and gripped the front of his suit when you leaned up to kiss him. His hands rose naturally to hold you, resting on your jean-clad hips. He followed your languid kiss, his furrowed brows relaxing when you touched his cheek.
When you broke from his lips, his eyes opened to find yours. 
“I am, Ben,” you said more seriously. “I’m not playing games. This is real to me, and I want to be with you.” 
But then you hesitated. You lowered back down to your feet. 
“But if it’s not to you…if you’re just passing time with me, until you get bored,” you said, “tell me now. Please.” 
It was Ben’s turn to hesitate. It was the please that got to him, along with your downturned gaze. He captured your chin between his fingers and raised your face up to him. 
“I’m not fucking around,” he said. “I want you to live with me.” 
Your smile was soft and bright when you took his hand. Ben wouldn’t admit it, but something in his chest stuttered to life then.
“Okay,” you said with a nod. “Let’s do it.”
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AN: *squeals* It's happening! We've really gotten here, folks. How'd you like how it all wrapped up with Grace, M.M., and even Butcher?
But we're not quite there with these two yet...
Next Time:
“Why’re you nagging me like a goddamn wife?” he snapped.
“Wife?” you scoffed, crossing your arms. “You don’t even call me your girlfriend.”
But God forbid another man even smile in your direction. Ben was possessive, protective, and claimed with all but words that you were his. And yet, he wouldn’t say it.
You shouldn’t have been surprised that he was afraid of commitment, but you’d been living together for six damn months.
Keep reading: THE EPILOGUE
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chlobliviate · 15 days
Wolfstar Microfic - Wand
Words: 409
It had been three days since they’d caught Peter in the Shrieking Shack and handed him over to the Ministry. It had been two days since Dumbledore requested a formal pardon for Sirius and just over two hours since it had been granted.
“I suppose I’ll have to go back to Ollivanders and get a new wand.” He said, lazing in the chair opposite Remus’ desk. “I hope it’s as pretty as my first wand.”
“I have your wand,” Remus said quietly. Sirius stared at him, “When you were taken to Azkaban, the ministry sent me your wand, wallet, keys, and clothes. It was a bit of a kick in the teeth at the time, honestly.”
“You… you still have my wand, Moons?” Sirius’ eyes were watery. “You kept it?”
“Of course I did.” He said, “How could I not?”
“Even when you thought I did it?”
Remus shrugged, “There was always a part of me that hoped they had it wrong somehow. I kept a box of stuff, just in case, I suppose.”
“Here?” Remus nodded, “Can I see?”
Remus led the way to his quarters, trying not to react when Sirius slid his fingers in between his as they left his office. Walking down a hallway in Hogwarts and holding hands with Sirius was some major deja vu that he was thoroughly unprepared for.
When they got to his room, he pulled a fairly large red box out of his trunk. Sirius looked at him questioningly and he rolled his eyes. He’d missed being able to have a whole conversation with someone, ok, with Sirius, without uttering a word.
Sirius sat, cross-legged, on Remus’ bed and took the lid off. He covered his mouth as he took in the contents. First, he took out his wand, sending purple sparks across the room, just because he could. Next was his wallet, inside was his very expired muggle driving license, forty quid, and several pictures of him and Remus. The picture of the two of them with James and Lily was missing.
“I sent it to Hagrid to put in an album for Harry a couple of years ago,” Remus explained.
Sirius nodded, “I think... I never really considered what it would be like for you. To be the only one left.”
“Lonely, mostly,” Remus admitted.
Sirius hummed in agreement, before gasping. “Moony!” His eyes gleamed as he pulled out his leather jacket from the bottom of the box.
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minawritesfanfic · 14 days
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You are who you eat
Dexter Morgan x Reader
Word count: 2k
Summary: You thought you were the only rational serial killer in maimi but when you walk in on a certain someone from work, you realize you’re view of the world was very shallow.
Part 1
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I hummed to myself as I walked into work, Miami Metro Police Department. In one hand was four cups of fresh coffee and in the other a donut that I’d bought for myself, I greeted the girl at the front desk, Alissa, we said a quick hello and exchanged pleasantries before I continued down the hallway towards my office. I greeted nearly everyone I saw as I passed them making idly plans to visit this person, go to that persons birthday, and go swimming with another. After three more invitations I finally managed to make it to my sweet corner of the station and was greeted by familiar faces, only Jackie looked up at me with a smile. Sterling and Josefina l exhausted after pulling an all nighter.
“Good morning, you guys look like you need this.” I set down the coffees on their desks and looked up gratefully.
“You’re a godsend mi vida, you’re the reason I live.” Josefina said as she sipped away at her coffee and I just laughed as I set down my own coffee.
“You’re welcome, how come you guys are still here?”
“I’m still finishing my report but then I’m leaving.” Sterling said stretching his arms for a bit before grabbing his coffee.
“I was on my way out, just waiting for you to get here. These are for you to give to homicide, while I am going home to sleep for five days straight.” She grabbed a box off the floor and handed it to me.
“Uhh what’s this?” I asked as I damn near dropped the box from to how heavy it was, inside there were various old looking laptops.
“These are all the new computers that need to be distributed to the homicide department, but first we need to make sure they’re all using the correct and up to date software. Heads up most of them don’t.”
“So this is what all the approved overtime was for, just great. Alright I’ve got it from here, I’ll see you Thursday Josie.” I said as I set the box on the floor beside my desk.
I waved to Josefina as she left before sitting down at my desk, I booted up my computer and checked my email for my assignments for today. There were only three thankful so I decided to get those out of the way before starting on the computers for the homicide, I sent a quick reply and stood. I grabbed my coffee and took a sip as I stepped out the office, first on the agenda was a blue screen in one of the departments upstairs. I happily sipped at my coffee as I made my way to the elevator and as I pressed the button for the next floor I heard someone call out for me to hold the elevator. I did and a guy I had seen around a few times stepped into the elevator with his bag and he thanked me smiling politely. The elevator stopped at the next floor and we both stepped out, the man went straight ahead to homicide and I watched him for a moment before heading to left to internal affairs where I’d been requested and went to see what the issue was.
Thankfully I managed to finish all my assignments and with the computers for homicide at a reasonable hour, so I still have time to start preparing for my next meal, pot roasted Roger Hicks. Full time car salesman part time scum bag, he came on my radar after his name popped up in an ongoing case. After meeting with him in person and visting his home it was clear that he was exactly the kind of scum I thought he was, and tonights was the night I take him and turn him a more refined dish. I decided to stake out at the car dealership, wait for everyone to leave then strike him just as he’s leaving.
Finally the sun had set and I knew it was time as I saw Roger leaving the office, he had his bag over his shoulder and seemed to be in a good mood. I quietly got out of my car, I doubled checked my surroundings and started to cross the parking lot towards him when he suddenly turned around. I ducked back where I was and hid behind one of the show cars and realized that there was someone behind him, I peeked out from my hiding spot planning to hide until they left Roger alone but to my surprise they started to strangle him with something I couldn’t make out from afar in the dark. I was baffled and frustrated as I couldn’t even make out the other persons face as they had their back to me, all I could do was silently watch as the took the now collapsed Roger and rolled him into their van. I was speechless and frozen in place but composed myself as they got into their car, I had to find out what they were going to do to him. I got back in my car and watched as they high tailed it out of the parking lot, I turned my car on and followed them out.
It was a short drive but I made sure to be careful that whoever this was didn’t catch me followikg them, and I watched as they pulled into the driveway of a house I recognized. One of the victims houses, Ann Cohen, a chill ran down my spine as I drove past the house and parked further up the street. I got out and walked back to the house sneaking up on the side, I tried peeking in through the windows but I couldn’t see much of anything. I was going to have to break in, I sighed and went around to the back door which to my luck was still unlocked. I was thankful I wouldn’t have to lock pick anything because I absolutely sucked at it, I entered the house quietly and shut the door behind me. The house looked relatively untouched beyond some of Ann’s things being packed up in boxes, it was saddening knowing someone so full of life had it snuffed out and tainted. The thought revived my anger reminding me why I had chosen Roger for my next meal, I should be the one killing him not doing whatever this weirdo was trying to do.
I froze as I approached the living room and saw what this mystery person had done to it, it was covered in plastic and as I stepped closer I could see pictures on the wall that I realized where Roger’s other victims. Most notably though was Roger fucking Hicks laid out bare on a table covered in plastic wrap, I crouched down and decided to watch before doing anything rash. I watch through the plastic as this mystery man talked to Roger, I still couldn’t see his face as he had again had his back to me but as he began to walk around I saw him.
“Looks different under plastic but you spent an evening here… with Ann Cohen.” He said pointing to the corner of the room, “You took her last breath from her right over there. You remember?” I barely managed to supress my gasp of surprise. I know this guy, I work with this guy.
“No! You’re- you’re wrong, I couldn’t.” Roger denied adamantly and clearly confused.
“Well you would and you did, and you were about to do it again. That’s why we’re here.”
“No, this is insane. You got the wrong guy I-I sell cars, for godsake. I’ve never hurt anyone in my life- definitely not a woman.”
“Why can’t I do that?” The man asked ignoring all of Roger’s pathetic excuses.
“Do what?”
“Lie like that. I mean I thought I was good, but you, it’s.. mwah.” He said walking away to the other side of the table grabbing something that I wasn’t able to see.
“I don’t lie!”
“Okay, that one was weak.”
Roger started to try and buy his way out offering the man but he had a rebuttal to everything he said, it was almost funny watching their interaction. Roger trying everything he could but nothing seemed to work on him, as he so easily saw through his lies. Though as Roger brought up his girlfriend things seemed to take a different turn and he had the man’s full attention, even though his words were uncaring but his body language portrayed a different picture. Roger didn’t see what I saw though and started an angry tangent about how awful women were but he wasn’t rambling on long before the man stabbed him in the chest. I took that as my cue to leave, I knew who this guy was and what his intentions are but I need to learn more I do anything rash. I stood up but my legs were weak from being on the floor for so long, I reached out to the thing neared to me and accidentally knocked over a lamp.
I turned and saw him looking directly towards me but I figured he couldn’t make out my face in the dark, I bolted out the door and back around the house. I could hear him scrambling out to follow me but he didn’t follow me for long, I figured he thought it was better to clean up after himself than chase me. I sighed and got back into my car, driving off without giving it a second thought. My heart was racing and adrenaline pumped through my veins, I had seen a lot of things as a serial killer but never something like this. Sure I’d seen organized and carefully killers before but never like that, that was the king of kill room where nothing was left behind. It was the perfect crime scene, part of me was jealous I hadn’t though of it first it was so much smarter then staying in one place where I could be found. Not that I was going to give up the cozy spot that was my morgue kill room, it was like a third home to me but I couldn’t still admire this guy’s dedication to the craft.
The drive home was quiet, I was so consumed in my thoughts I hadn’t even bothered to turn on the radio. I just couldn’t get what I saw out of my mind and all yhe anger I felt over having my target stolen simply faded away, I was enamored and fascinated by him. Though I needed to do some more research as he may be another person I need to add to my grocery list, I hoped I wouldn’t have to. From his words it seemed like he had targeted Roger specifically because of what he had done to both those girls and was planning to do to another, maybe he killed murders and serial killers like me. Maybe that was me jumping the gun, but it was nice to hope because that definitely wasn’t his first time killing. My mind wandered on and on even as I started unlocking my front door, I pulled out my key and swung the door open before shutting it behind me. I carefully took off my shoes at the front door and proceeded to plop down onto my couch, a wistful sigh left my lips as I started up at the ceiling. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come as it would give me the chance to find out who this mystery guy was, for now all I knew was that he worked in homicide. Which was likely where he found Roger, I managed to get a glimpse at the case when I was restoring some files on one of the detectives computers. I wondered what he kept as a trophy for his kills, maybe he photographed them like me. After every meal I turn my victims into, I scrapebook it. Its perfectly inconspicuous and allows me to broadcast it to the whole world with no fear of someone questioning, because without context its just a compliantion of dishes I have made. Regardless it was getting late and I had work in the morning, with a groan I rolled off the couch and disappeared into my bedroom not even bothering to shower before bed.
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ghostlynachopanda · 1 year
Till Next Time
a/n: did I come back from the dead just to drop this trash? yes. will I continue to give y'all the weirdest pics? also yes. enjoy pals
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
words: 1.5k
summary: school is officially over. it's time to say 'see you later' to Wednesday
The school year has officially come to an end. All the students at Nevermore are in various states of packing their things — some have already said their goodbyes and gone home while others are procrastinating or waiting for their families.
You had finished packing your things. It was a slow process, it seems you ended up with more things than you started with. It took you a couple of hours to decide which box to put things in. You were done though, finally able to relax and take in your surroundings. Your roommate had gone home two days ago, leaving their side of the room completely bare. Yours is much the same, only littered with a few boxes and suitcases.
A familiar vibration from your phone drew your attention. Reaching into your pocket and looking at the text from your brother, informing you he'll be there soon and to start bringing your things down. It would take a couple of trips, but it could be done quick enough.
Wednesday is currently awaiting her parent's arrival, having finished packing her belongings an hour ago. She looked across the room and saw Enid trying to cram all of her stuffed animals into a box that was easily too small. Wednesday grimaced, the atrociously colored monstrosities were starting to hurt her eyes. Deciding anywhere would be better than her dorm, she went to look for you. She thought about what you were doing and if you needed any help.
The hallways were crowded, echoing footsteps and loud chatter. Everyone seems to be in their own bubble, not paying attention to anything around them. You thought it was nice, Wednesday thought it was horrid. The hallway you needed was crowded enough for you to take a different route, unintentionally missing Wednesday.
Wednesday had knocked when she made it to your room, negative thoughts quickly filling her head when you didn't answer right away. Wednesday was not known for her patience, especially where it concerned you. Wednesday knocked one more time and called for you, only for you not to answer. You wouldn't leave without saying goodbye first, right? No, you wouldn't. At least, she hoped you wouldn't. She decided to let herself in, she'd pick the lock if she had to.
She pushed the door, not only finding it unlocked but also already partially cracked. How she had missed that before is beyond her, if anyone asked she'd blame you. When she walked in, she was immediately overcome with a familiar feeling. A feeling that she used to be fond of morphed into an uncomfortable pulling in her chest.
The more Wednesday looked around the tighter the uncomfortable feeling became. She looked to your side of the room to see nothing that resembled you. There were no hints of your personality in the room, the room stripped down to what was there before anyone moved in.
Wednesday moved to your side of the room and started looking around, hoping to find some form of evidence you were there. Maybe if you had left something behind she could return it. The first drawer she pulled contained one thing, the knife she gave you to protect yourself in case she could not. Did you leave it on purpose? 
The uncomfortable feeling in her chest became almost unbearable. There was an urge to stay in the room and count her losses, but there was also an urge to go and find you. Wednesday reached down to pick up the knife, letting every possibility of why run through her mind — silently willing you to come back.
"Wednesday, what are you doing here?"
Wednesday whipped her head around at the sound of your voice, relaxing at the sight of you. She had never felt the need to hug someone before, the pull in her chest alleviated slightly, "I thought you had left."
"Nope, not yet, I am about to though. I came to grab that," you said, pointing to the knife while walking to grab it.
"You would've left without saying goodbye?" she asked, watching you meekly reach for the knife in her hand. Her chest starts to tighten again, negative thoughts filling her head again.
"No, of course not, I already said my goodbyes to a couple of my friends. You were the last one on my list, though if I didn’t you probably would've found a way to exact your revenge." you laughed, stuffing the knife in your pocket. Knowing you wouldn't leave without a proper goodbye put Wednesday at ease.  
"That's correct," she nodded.  
"Should I be expecting any letters this summer?" you inquired, changing the subject.  
"Actually, Xavier gave me this last semester," Wednesday replied, pulling out a phone, "I don't use it much, but put your information in here."
Wednesday enjoyed the disgruntled look on your face at the confession. She hadn't told anyone, there was no need to since she doesn't use it. This however seemed like a good opportunity to bring it up. She's unsure if she could go all summer without hearing your voice.
"You want me to put my information in a device you don't know how to use?" you ask, a teasing grin stretching across your face. You decided to ignore the fact Xavier bought her a phone.
"Who said I don't know how to use it? Are you doubting my skills?" she asked sharply, her glare enough to have you cowering.
"No no, I would never," you said defensively, bringing both your hands up to show defeat. You reached for the phone and added your contact, "Though, I can assume you'll write letters if it gets too complicated?"
"Letters are preferred, but if the need arises, yes" she admitted begrudgingly. 
"Perfect, I wouldn't want you becoming a stranger. Now," you lightly clapped your hands together, "I know you don't want to be a slave to technology but I'd be happy to teach you how to use it. It'd be nice to see your face more often than not"
"How would-"
"In due time, my dear Wednesday," you said, winking at her with a lovely smile sporting your face. She had to look away to hide her rapidly reddening cheeks. Taking a breath to calm herself, she cleared her throat,
"Kiss me,"
You tilted your head and raised an eyebrow, aiming to tease her. Seeing just how far you can stretch her patience, "Not asking but demanding for physical affection now? Who would've thought?"
"I won't ask again,"
"Yeah?" you whispered, leaning more into her personal space. The feeling of her breath fanning across your face sent chills down your spine, "And what're you gonna do about it?"
She continued to stare at you, not moving you out of her personal space. Her eyes scan your face, taking in every detail she could before settling on your eyes. Your gaze is soft, something Wednesday thought she'd never get tired of. Her eyes settled on your lips next, gaze lingering there longer than she'd like to admit.
You let out a shaky breath and looked down, the intensity of her stare making you nervous. Wednesday gently places her hand on your jaw, tilting your head up to look at her. Your lips parted slightly, wanting to apologize for the situation. Any thoughts in your head are silenced by her tenderly bringing your lips to hers.
The soft brushing of lips makes her hum, ever so slightly vibrating your lips. Wednesday would never tire of this, having you so close and intimately. She pulls you closer, effectively pushing out any space between you two. Instinctively putting your hands on her waist to bring her even closer, allowing the kiss to deepen.
A vibration force you to pull away. You rest your forehead against hers, taking a moment to calm down before pulling out your phone to look at the text. Wednesday lets her eyes scan your face again, admiring the flustered look you wore. The peaceful air is disturbed when you sigh, "I'm sorry, I have to go."
Wednesday unintentionally tightens her grip on you, not wanting you to pull away. You look at her through your lashes and quietly sigh, not exactly wanting to move either. You pull away slightly to plant a kiss on the top of her head.
"I'll miss you," you stated gently, pulling her closer to wrap your arms around her, inadvertently making Wednesday fluster.
"I would miss me too," she replied, trying to direct your attention away from her red cheeks and arms coming to wrap around you. You laughed at her comment. Wednesday could feel the vibrations of your laughter more than hear it. Both of you, are strangely content with staying like this. Amid your laughing, she whispered, "I'll miss you too, mi amor"
You smiled at her gently, not expecting her to say it back. Not wanting your time to end so soon you ask, "Walk with me?"
"Of course," unbeknownst to you, Wednesday is already planning the first get-together, text, and letter in her head. 
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tags: @alexkolax @rainbow-love4ever @o638 @tundra1029 @the-lazy-turtle
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maremartinelli · 4 months
Sírius Black X Potter!Reader
Summary: When Y/n gets a trail motorcycle from her father and her boyfriend had no idea she rode it.
Words: 1.3K+
Warnings: Y/n being James's twin sister, mentions of Walburga's shit, Effie cooking, mention of marriage, if you squint, mentions of sex and finally, VERY happy couple.
Author: Sorry if there are any writing or typing errors, English is not my first language. Sorry. And finally, enjoy the story and when you're done...visit my masterlist or You can go to my profile and go to my question box, request a story you wanted to read by Sirius, Ben, Edmund, Caspian, Joseph Q or Andrew G.
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The Potter's house in the summer was practically an inn where all of James and Y/n's friends attended.
Peter, Remus, Lily and of course. Sirius Black.
It was the summer of 1977, just before senior classes were supposed to start. The sun radiated comfortable heat, while birds flew in flocks.
James and Y/n had called their friends to come home as soon as last year's classes ended. And now, a week later, the rooms were on their way to the Potter's house.
"Hey, hey!! Aren't you going to help me organize the rooms?" James asks, when he sees his sister coming out of the room in a lilac helmet and trail gear.
Y/n turns to her brother and sends a smile without showing her teeth.
"No!!" She places the helmet under her left arm. "I already helped mom organize downstairs yesterday, today you stay up here. ALONE. Since you didn't help organize with us yesterday" Y/n says and walks to the stairs. "If anyone calls me, tell them I'm back there hiking"
James just rolls his eyes before walking into the guest room and mumbling:
"That's if anyone misses you here" he complains and then goes into the room to leave some pillows and change the sheets.
The hours passed and every now and then an owl or other arrived, saying that their friends were almost arriving at the residence.
With that, James had finished organizing the top part of the house, while Euphemia finished baking a pie and Y/n was still behind the house riding the motorcycle that James hated.
He swore he would set the machine on fire as soon as Y/n stopped riding it.
However, Y/n is always one step ahead. He said he would burn all his Quidditch stuff if he did that. Which resulted in James not being able to do anything about his sister's motorcycle.
Which he found super noisy.
"Jamiie!! There's someone at the door. Please go and answer mom." Euphemia says from the kitchen and James, who was on the back porch of the house watching his sister, gets up and walks to the front door of the house.
When he opens it, he sees a somewhat happy Sirius with a bag on his back.
"Hey Pads, come in man" James says cheerfully and Sirius enters quietly. "Something happened?"
"It's okay. Just the shit Walburga told me before leaving. But just don't pay attention and it'll pass" Sirius smiles and James pats his best friend on the shoulder.
"Alright then. Come, my mother made pie for us. It must be cold to eat now" James puts his arm around his friend's shoulder and leads him to the kitchen.
Sirius smiles and leaves his backpack in a corner of the hallway, walking alongside James to the kitchen.
"Sirius, my boy. How good it is to see you" The twins' mother says and Pads smiles and goes to say hello. "How are you?"
"Hi auntie, everything is going. But thanks for asking" He smiles and Euphemia hugs him before returning to the sink.
Sirius smiles friendly and then James gives him a piece of strawberry pie, before heading out to the back porch. With Sirius always behind him.
"Where's the rest? Moony, Peter and your girlfriend?" Sirius asks before taking a bite of the pie.
He sits on the porch floor, with James by his side and then looks out at the vast yard behind the Potter's house.
In the background, he could see someone riding a trail bike. He squints his eyes and can't make out.
"Ah, them!! Lily said she was leaving the house about 20 minutes ago, Moony should be here and Peter couldn't come. His father's cousin passed away yesterday" James says, finishing your pie and shaking the crumbs in your hand.
"Dude, who's that one with the motorcycle coming?" Sirius, still not knowing who, asks James.
"It's your woman" James says without concern and rests his left hand behind his body.
"WHAT? S/N?"
"Yes. Or do you have another woman besides my sister?"
Sirius just holds back his laughter and rolls his eyes.
"Obviously not" he says and then stands up. "I just didn't know she rode a motorcycle. Even more so, trails."
"Yeah. She learned it last summer from Uncle Jack and then our dad had the brilliant idea of giving her a motorcycle this summer." James says without much importance, standing next to his best friend and watching his sister approaching with the motorcycle. "I even thought about setting it on fire, but she threatened my Quidditch items."
Sirius looks at him.
"You're crazy. Don't do that!! That's so hot" Pads says and then approaches the fence, going over to his girlfriend.
James makes a vomiting gesture and walks behind Sirius.
Y/n had just approached the fence Sirius was approaching with the motorbike. She takes off her helmet and runs her hands through her hair, before looking at her boyfriend.
"If I ask you to wear these clothes to bed, will you accept it?" Sirius approaches his girlfriend, looking her up and down. "That's very sexy"
Y/n glances at him quickly and then softens her face when she sees it's him.
"I'm all your order" she says winking with one eye and getting off the bike.
"I'm glad it's ONLY mine" Sirius goes over the fence and pulls his girlfriend by the waist to greet him with a kiss.
"Heavens, I still have to hear this," James says as he approaches, arms crossed over his chest.
Y/n distances herself from Sirius and smiles at her brother's comments.
"Be thankful you have ears then" She laughs and Sirius smiles, still with one hand on his girlfriend's waist. "Where are the rest of the people?" She changes the subject.
"Moony and Lily will soon arrive and Peter can't come" James gives a summary, as he climbs the fence to sit in front of the couple.
Y/n just nods and looks at Sirius.
"Wow, you fell in love with me in this outfit, right?" Y/n questions him. Because she was wearing protective clothing, boots, vest, helmet and trail pants.
"I can't take my eyes off" He kisses her neck and smiles.
"Want to go for a walk with me?" Y/n asks, smiling electrically.
"Obviously. Why wouldn't I ask a question like that? If I love it when your hands are on my waist"
"FOR MERLIN" James jumps off the fence and turns around. "I'm going to go back and help mom, at least there weren't couples almost eating each other there" James says leaving the yard and Y/n and Sirius laugh loudly.
"IT'S NOT YOUR FUNCKING BUSINESS!!" James shouts back, however, more distantly, but without turning around to see his best friend with his sister.
Y/n breaks away from Sirius and gets on the bike again.
"Come here, kitten" Y/n says winking exaggeratedly and Sirius laughs.
"You don't need to ask again" Sirius approaches his girlfriend and then she leaves with the bike again. But now with Sirius on the back.
Euphemia, who was in the kitchen, smiles when she sees the two having fun in the backyard.
James soon arrives and looks in the same direction as his mother.
"They're still getting married," James says, with a half smile.
"I feel like by graduation day, they're engaged" Euphemia says with a goofy smile on her face.
"I think he asks her after graduation." James sits on the stool next to his mother.
Euphemia looks at him amused.
"Oh, how about it mom!! We can make a bet!! If I win, I'll get the apartment in the center, if you win, you can give it to Y/n and Sirius" he says excitedly.
Euphemia laughs loudly.
"I'm not going to do that" The twins' mother says happily. "Your father and I already have a plan for this"
"Oh, oh. Tell me!!"
"James Fleamont Potter!! Stop being so curious and help me here at dinner" she smiles at her son.
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Author: If you like my stories, like, reblog and share!!
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roostersbby69 · 3 months
0.1 | Brothers best friend
Summary: You’re Jake’s little sister, you’re 19 and Bradley and Jake are 23, you all share a house and are currently in college. Jake has made it known that you are off limits to all of his friends, especially Bradley. But Bradley is a very cute guy and it is hard to stay away from someone like him.
Multiple part story
Warnings: This is a mature storyline so just expect everything so I don’t have to write every little warning :)
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(Gracious that nose is making me fereal)
You hauled the last boxes into the U-haul, that Jake rented to move y’all’s stuff into the house you were moving in, as Jake hauled the last of the boxes and bags in the truck. Your mom came to you and crossed her arms over her chest.
“You know how far away you’ll be, right?” She asked with a raised brow. Your mother was a stubborn lady, she didn’t think very highly of you.
“Yes, mom. I know. It’s only three hours away.” You shrugged, “I’ll be fine.”
She hummed, unamused. “You won’t make it.” She shook her head.
You sighed, defeated by her words. You knew you would make it, you didn’t need her. You would be living with Jake, and he mentioned his lifelong best friend, Bradley, would also be staying in the same house.
She walked off to Jake and brought him in for a hug, “Bye my baby.” You rolled your eyes at her. “If you need anything, call me.”
He nodded his head and looked at you apologetically. “Yes ma’am.”
“We need to get going, Jake.” You called out to them, interrupting their moment. You didn’t care though, you were ready to go.
“Yeah, right.” He mumbled before pulling apart from your mom. You went and hopped into Jake’s truck as he checked the hitch to make sure it was secured to the u-haul properly. He got into the drivers seat and started the engine as he pulled his seatbelt on.
“Ready?” He asked and looked at you.
“I was born ready.” You said without turning your head to look at him.
After the three hour drive of listening to Jake’s horrible music taste, you finally pulled into the driveway of your new home. It was somewhat in the middle of town and had three rooms and two bathrooms. You made a mental note of calling dibs on your own bathroom later.
You unclicked your seatbelt before hopping out and shutting the door, making your way around the truck you grabbed the keys from Jake and made your way to the front door.
The door creaked open until you stepped inside and you were met with the living room. It had a small window and the kitchen was connected. There was a small staircase that led upstairs so you you followed it and were met with a two way hallway.
To the right was one room and a bathroom and to the left was two bedrooms and one bathroom. Nice.
You would be taking the right bedroom and bath.
You decided to walk back downstairs to help Jake unload the truck. And you wanted to make sure that you would have a bed to sleep on tonight.
“Finally decided to help?” Jake grunted as he set two boxes down.
You hummed as you grabbed one and took it inside and set it on the ground.
You walked back outside to see a blue bronco pulling in beside Jakes truck. It was Bradley, who couldn’t recognize that vehicle. He got out and greeted Jake with a handshake and they talked for a second, you took in his appearance and saw he was wearing blue jeans with boots and a grey UVA shirt. He looked different from the last time you’d seen him. More manly, more…grown up.
You decided to walk towards them but not directly to them, you took a detour behind Jake and grabbed another box and lifted it up. You began to walk inside before Bradley called your name.
You turned around and locked eyes with him, “Hi, Brad.”
“You’ve grown up.” He looked you up and down. He thought about how much you’ve grown in…places. Not much grew in your height, your hair was longer and your face looked more mature.
“So have you.” You nodded, “Nice to see you again.” You said as you continued your mission into the house once the box began to get heavy.
Him and Jake grabbed boxes and followed you into the house. Bradley had two in his arms and set them down on the floor beside the pile you started.
“Nice place.” Bradley said as he set his hands on his hips and admired the room.
“Yeah, found it a week ago and figured it would work best.” Jake agreed, copying his motions.
You walked past them and headed outside to grab the rest of the things.
“What’s up with her?” Bradley asked Jake and jerked his head in your direction.
He shrugged, “Beats me, probably something to do with mom.”
Bradley nodded, he knew your mom didn’t treat you the same way she treated Jake. He noticed that the first time he came over in the 8th grade. He did feel bad for you and wanted to talk to you but he never got the chance.
“She’s got to stop letting her get in her head.” Jake continued.
Bradley nodded and noticed you walk in with another box and ran over to grab it from your hands.
“Thank you.” You looked up at him, you watched his biceps react to the heavy weight of the box and watched as he set it down with a grunt.
“What do we want for supper?” Jake turned to you and asked.
“Pizza?” You shrugged, “Easiest thing.”
“Pizza sounds good.” Bradley patted his stomach.
“Great, I’ll go grab pizza and you two finish up moving things in, the guy who is delivering the furniture should be here in an hour.” Jake said and grabbed his keys from his pocket.
“Really, Jake?” You looked at him. “You lazy, good for nothing, brat.”
He grinned, “Love you too, sis.” He said as he shut the door.
You sighed as you stared at the pile of boxes in front of you. The silence was a bit awkward so you looked at Bradley who was already looking at you.
“So…what room are you taking?” You asked.
“I figured i’d be a gentleman and let the lady decide which one she wants first.” He shrugged.
“You’re in luck, I already picked my room.” You smiled.
“Well in that case i’ll pick my room before the biggest lady in this house.” He said with a laugh as he headed up the stairs. “Which one did you call dibs on?” He called from up the stairs.
You walked up behind him and pointed down the hallway to the right, “That one down there, and the bathroom.”
“You’re making me share a bathroom with Jake? What have I ever done to you?” He smirked down at you.
You got a good look at the scars on his face and the few moles that pricked his cheeks, Bradley was a looker without a doubt. But you knew better. Your brother would be furious if he found out you thought his best friend was attractive.
“Your fault for being a gentleman.” You shrugged. He smiled at you and recalled all the past moments he’s had with you that were alone, which wasn’t many. He was surprised Jake even left you alone with him, though he’d never do anything to hurt you and would always protect you, he was still surprised he did it.
Your moment was ruined when your phone began to ring in your pocket. You grabbed it and saw it was Jake, “Hello?”
“Hey, I just got a call from the guy who’s hauling out furniture and beds and said he won’t be here until Tuesday.”
“You’re kidding.” you groaned. “What?” Bradley looked at you. “So what are we supposed to do?” It was only Saturday and you did not like the fact of sleeping on carpet for three days.
“I have no clue, I just got to the pizza place so talk to Brad and call me back.” He said. “Okay, Love you.” You sighed. “Love you too.” He said and hung up.
“Fuck.” You groaned as you turned and headed down the stairs to the living room.
“What’s wrong?” Bradley called from behind you.
“Jake just called and said the guy who’s bringing our furniture and beds won’t be here until freaking Tuesday.” You both made it down the steps as you sat down on the floor.
“Shit.” He sighed, “I mean we can get a hotel.” He suggested. You did not want to do that. “Well, we can go back to my place. My parents are out of town for an anniversary trip, they wouldn’t mind. We’ll take a few boxes of things we need and head back to my place. I’ve got two bed rooms, it won’t be long when we stay there.”
That actually wasn’t a bad idea, “Are you sure?” You looked at him. He nodded, “Yeah, I don’t mind.”
“Okay, only if you’re sure.” You checked your phone and saw it was 7:37. “It’ll be at least eleven before we get to your house.” You sighed and shoved your face in your hands.
He sat down in front of you and sighed, “It’ll be okay.” He reassured you. He watched as you sat there for a minute and collected yourself before you removed your face from your hands and looked up at him.
“So, how are your parents? I haven’t seen them in a while.” You asked to ease the moment.
“They’re good, they’re currently on their 24th anniversary trip.”
“Oh, nice. I sure do miss your mom.” You smiled at the memory of her braiding your hair and picking you up after school as she also picked up the older boys.
“She loves you.” He said, his eyes never left your figure.
You smiled, “How have you been?”
“I’ve been good, been working and saving up for college. Trying to make my parents proud.”
“You are, I know they’re proud of you.” You nodded.
“I sure hope so.”
Jake got back with the pizza and you immediately figured out the plan. You would pack boxes into the car of things you’ll need and hit the road for Bradley’s place.
You ate the pizza while it was still warm and packed the boxes into Jake’s truck until it was full. He had dropped the U-Haul off since the rental hours ended, and packed his truck full of the stuff.
“Alright, ready to hit the road?” Jake clapped as you all stood outside the house.
“The house locked up?” Bradley asked. Jake tossed him the keys and looked to you as Bradley walked off. “What?” You asked. He said nothing as he squinted harder at you. “Just making sure.” He said and nodded. You looked at him like he was crazy as Bradley came back to y’all.
“Let’s go!” Bradley whooped as he got in the Bronco.
You started to walk to Jake’s truck until he stopped you, “Oh, you’ll have to ride with Bradley, my truck is full.”
You sighed and nodded as you made your way to the passenger door.
“You riding with me?” Bradley asked as you got in. “Yeah, unless you want me to ride on the roof.” You said as you closed the door and buckled your seatbelt. “I guess you can sit with me.” He said with a smile.
About two hours into the drive Bradley noticed you had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position, he slid his arm over on the console and helped you rest your head on his arm and noticed you stopped stirring as much. He turned the music down a little bit to let you sleep. And continued to drive down the road with Jake following behind y’all.
Yay! First chapter done!!! Just for future references I love visualizing and making outfits but you can totally ignore them if you don’t like them, no worries! Happy reading!
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roosterforme · 3 months
Would you graciously give us a glimpse at what it was like the first time Maria invited Bob to her room ?
*loud screeching* *screeching intensifies*
Maddie, I would love nothing more. When Bob first moved in with Maria, he mostly kept to himself. Maria thought he was quiet and reserved, but not in a bad way. He had an adorable smile that he always seemed to bestow on her when they were in a room together, and he smelled good. Like really good. One evening, she found him sitting on the living room floor, his long limbs comically large compared to the sets of Dungeons & Dragons dice he was sorting into organized piles. She watched him from the doorway for a moment, a smile finding its way to her lips, before she made her presence known....
"Hey," she said casually, even though she wanted to moan when she walked close enough to be able to smell his shampoo. Or his laundry detergent. Or whatever it was that she liked so much.
"Maria," he replied, flumbling some of his dice as his cheeks turned a little pink. "Hi." He started to quickly sweep his dice into the tray near his knee with his big hand. "I was just... actually, there's really no cool cover story here. I'm sorting my dice by color like an absolute dork."
She laughed which made him smile as she waved him off like it was nothing to be embarrassed about. "Don't let me stop you. Actually... can I help? It looks kind of fun."
Five minutes later, they had opened a bottle of wine which was sitting on the table with two glasses, and Bob was telling her about his new character while she helped him organize his dice.
"I like this one the best," she said once the bottle of wine was empty. She was poking a sparkly orange d20 with her index finger, and for some reason, Bob leaned in a little closer and pushed a few strands of her hair back from her face.
"You can have it," he told her when her gaze snapped up to meet his. "Since you like it."
Her eyes were wide, and her lips were parted as her tongue darted out to wet them. "Thanks," she murmured softly, wrapping her fingers around the die and taking it to her bedroom with her for the night.
Bob was still thinking about how soft her skin was when he got home from work the next day. Maria was already there, opening her mail. "This one came for you," she told him with a smile, sliding a box across the coffee table.
Part of him was nervous to open it in front of her. She was going to think he had some sort of shopping addiction at this rate. When he unboxed another new dice set, he winced in her direction, but she just laughed in response.
"Should we go ahead and sort them into your collection?" she asked, holding out her hand to look at them. "We could open another bottle of wine."
Honestly, nothing sounded better to Bob. He poured two glasses once again, and they sat on the floor together. As soon as Maria added his new dice to the appropriate color pile where they left them on the living room shelf, she crawled back toward him.
"I kind of wish there were more to put away," she told him. "Hanging out with you is fun."
She looked and sounded sincere. He wanted to touch her again. But this time she beat him to it, crawling right into his lap, letting her fingers brush through his hair.
Maria kissed him, and she tasted like the wine. Her body was soft and warm against his, and when his hands made their way to her hips, she encouraged him to keep going. When he touched the bare skin of her lower back, she stroked his tongue with hers.
"I have an idea," she whispered, nipping at his lips while the combination of her voice and the wine started going to his head. "Why don't you come to my room and see where I put that orange die. It's very close to my bed," she told him as she pulled her shirt over her head.
He was on his feet, helping her up immediately. Maria and Bob stumbled down the hallway to her bed, making out and leaving a trail of clothing along the way. It was a few hours before he took the time to locate the d20 on her nightstand.
The Bradley Bunch
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whatitsdecending · 1 year
Vessel x Reader x Noah Sebastian
Something you never expected to find yourself in was a threesome between a man you were casually having sex with and someone you’d never met before.
A/N: if people like this I have ideas to continue it, so do let me know;)
Word Count: 3.7k
Content warning: voyeurism, threesomes, domination, exhibitionism
The day had gone by slowly, another festival built-up in the middle of nowhere housing thousands of people that attended. It was hot, hotter than normal for this time of year. At least you think it was, you weren’t exactly from Virginia and this climate was a little different from what you were used to.
You did your best to ignore the blistering heat beating down on you from the sun as you worked on unpacking the stage equipment for the band you were a roadie for; Bad Omens, a group of four guys who make some of the best damn music you’ve heard in a long time.
You enjoyed your job, being able to travel around and get exposed to new music or the same stuff you’ve loved for years. There were times where it made you debate whether it was the right fit for you or not, but usually those rough patches turned into the best thing you could ever imagine.
The band quickly befriended you, as they did with the other roadies, but one member was particularly fond of you. Noah Sebastian, the lead singer of the band. He had the voice of a siren and the presence of a lion on stage, but behind the scenes it was a much different story. Behind that stage presence was the kindest man you know, a man who’s been taking care of you, mentally and physically.
It wasn’t anything serious between the two of you, just quick hookups here and there that took care of any built up tension you had. He was good at it and has learned every little thing that makes you squirm beneath his touch, he had your body mapped out in his mind by the second hookup. Watching him on stage always did something to you, the small heat built up in your stomach and a blush rising to your cheeks every time he’d sneak a glance over to you on the side of the stage.
You weren’t sure if anyone had caught on yet, you’d nervously laugh when someone made a joke about you and Noah but it’d always end there, never going further than just a joke to them. And that’s exactly how you want it to stay.
“Working hard or hardly working?” The voice you’d come to be absolutely enthralled with broke through your thoughts. He towered over you, blocking the sun that had been shining down on you for a while and casting his shadow over you.
“I’ve been working hard for too long, actually.” You respond with a sarcastic smile, grabbing the next box to bring over to the techs. He trailed after you and said a quick hello to the techs getting Jolly’s gear prepped early.
“You got time to sneak away for a bit?” Noah whispered as you walked back towards the trailer that held all the equipment. Your heart skipped a beat at his words, it’s been a while since you and Noah were able to sneak away from everyone, and you had to admit you were due for alone time with him.
“I think I’ve done enough, not much left to unload anyways.” You say, motioning to the much smaller load of equipment left in the trailer than what had been there two hours ago.
“Perfect.” A smile tugged at his lips as turned around and walked towards the building that had the dressing rooms set up inside. The chill of the AC on full blast sent a shiver through your body, goosebumps rising on your skin as you entered the building. You followed Noah through the building, admiring the different band names plastered on different doors or on a makeshift tent in the building. You hoped he wasn’t taking you to a random tent that looked like it would fall over in two seconds.
The breath of relief that left your body when Noah stopped outside a door with the band’s name on it, right at the end of the hallway and was in a bit more of a private area than the rest of the rooms. He slowly opened the door, taking a quick peek inside and then motioning for you to come in.
The room was empty besides two couches and a mirror on the wall set-up as a makeup station for performers. It wasn’t that large of a room, just enough to fit the necessities for a dressing room. But it would do.
“Not that bad compared to other dressing rooms you’ve had.” You broke the silence, leaving Noah to snort in response. “Now we gotta make this pretty quick, I got in trouble last time we snuck around.”
“You know I can get you out of any trouble with the crew, right?” Noah’s voice was low as he came up to you, resting his hands on your hips.
“I’m aware, but I don’t want you to keep pulling favors out of your ass for me.” You say as his face lowered down to place gentle kisses along the exposed skin of your collarbone.
“I don’t mind,” he says between kisses. “Besides, it lets me take care of you for longer.” His hands slowly glide up along the curves of your waist, gently moving your shirt up and exposing your skin. His touch warmed your now freezing body, the sweat from before now dried and left you to shiver in the cold of the room. “You’re so damn beautiful.” He muttered softly as he kissed up your neck, trailing slowly to your lips.
Noah’s lips made contact with yours with a soft intent, not wanting to push you into anything too aggressive right away. He knew what worked best for you and letting it build was the way to make you as aroused as possible. He slowly turned you to now face the opposite direction, assuming he was going to use that to push you into the wall.
He slowly parted away from your lips, smirking as you whined about the loss of contact. His eyes sparkled as you stared up at him, wondering what exactly was going on in that beautiful mind of his.
“Have you ever met my friend Vessel before?” Noah’s voice was low as he nodded beyond your shoulder, causing you to take a glance at the man who had been standing behind you. Vessel, you knew he was the singer from Sleep Token, yet the man who stood behind you was not the man you would’ve recognized to be Vessel.
He stood leaning against the wall, his arms crossed against his bare chest. You didn’t recognize him at first because he was out of character, no mask, hood or black paint to disguise himself from your eyes. He was breathtakingly beautiful, someone you certainly didn’t expect to see at this time.
“Keep going darling, I’m just here to observe.” His voice was deep and thick with the British accent everyone knew he had, but had never heard it before. The way he spoke caused you to turn back around to face Noah, who has taken the opportunity to push his lips back against yours. The small fire that burned deep within you had suddenly turned ablaze, the idea of Vessel just watching as Noah dominated your mouth with his.
You could feel yourself grow increasingly wet as Noah’s hands rested on your hips, pulling them closer to his body until you were pressed up against him. The feeling of his hardened cock pushing against your abdomen through his sweats almost made you drop right then and there, but something made you stop.
His hands started on the small of your back, slowly feeling their way along the curves of your body. The feeling of his breath dancing across your skin made you shiver, his hand moved your hair away from your neck and he began to lay gentle kisses along the nape of your neck.
A small moan escaped from your lips as Noah began to leave the same small kisses along the other side of your neck. Vessel’s hand found its way to rest just underneath your breasts, using that leverage to push his body against yours.
There you stood, pressed between these men who will soon have all the access they want to your body. A small uncertainty crept through your mind despite how desperate you came out to be for the two of them. This small uncertainty made you squeeze Noah’s arm softly, indicating you needed him to stop for a moment.
“Everything okay?” He asked softly, his eyes filled with slight worry. You felt Vessel pull back and take a small step away from you, no longer keeping you pinned against the two of them.
“I’m fine.. it’s just-” you stared at Noah’s hand resting on your hip. “What exactly are you two thinking of doing with me? Is there something new I should prepare for that you and I never do together?”
Noah glanced at Vessel, then back to you. “I genuinely thought it’d be a little more fun with another person joining us, I realize now I definitely should’ve asked you beforehand.”
“I can leave now if you’d like, Y/N. No worries darling.” Vessel spoke, placing a kiss on the back of your head. Before he could get out of your reach you swiftly turned around and grabbed his hand, pulling him back to you and pressing your lips against his. “Your mind seems to change very quickly.” He muttered into your lips, tangling his fingers into your hair and pressing your lips against his once again.
“Well, I guess I’ll just take a seat. Y/N, show Vessel what makes you so addicting.” Noah’s voice trailed away as he sat down on one of the couches. A small moan rumbled from deep in you, vibrating against Vessel’s lips.
“I like to be in control love, I hope you don’t mind.” His voice was a gentle whisper as he pushed your bangs behind your ear. His fingers brushing against your skin allowed goosebumps to surface and sent a shiver down your spine.
“That’s just what I like.” Was all you mustered before Vessel had his hands on the underside of your thighs and lifted you up. Your legs instinctively wrapped tightly around his waist as he carried you to the counter, the clanging of items falling to the floor as he swiped his arm to clear space for you.
He placed you on the counter, pressing his body into your core so your legs stayed apart. His lips attacked your neck like a hungry animal, nipping around every once in a while eager to leave his mark on you.
You glanced over to where Noah sat, his eyes were fixated on the performance in front of him. You could tell how turned on he was by the obvious outline of his cock against the material of his pants. As you stared, you waited for his eyes to connect with yours, that thought alone made you even more wet.
“God I need these off.” Vessel groaned, snapping your attention back to him as he pulled at your shorts. You lifted yourself up a little to allow him to pull the shorts off your body. He kept himself sat on his knees after taking them off, glancing at you with eyes that almost seemed to be begging you to let him fuck you like a toy. His hands slowly roamed around your legs, traveling upwards to your center. The anticipation made your heart race more and more every inch.
His lips pressed gently against the inside of your thigh as he kept his eyes on yours. The way he looked at you as if you were his prey and he’d finally caught you, planning his next move with every waking moment of time that passed by. He wanted you, he was desperate for you.
His fingers trailed along the fabric of your panties, toying with the edge of the material against your skin. You hissed every time his fingers dipped underneath them and brushed against your slick, receiving a low chuckle from him each time.
“You desperate girl, how long has it been since Noah has touched you?” His fingers traced along the inside of your thigh, teasing you once again.
“A week?” The answer escaped as a moan when the cool breeze of the AC hit your wet core and Vessel’s thumb pressed against your clit. “Oh my fucking god..” He deepened the pressure and started slowly moving his thumb in circles, the low wave of pleasure hitting your body. He noticed how your body moved underneath his touch, making sure to memorize every touch that made you squirm.
His large hands wrapped underneath your thighs and gripped them tightly, pulling you closer to his face. His breath moved gently against your slick skin as he drew closer to closing the space between your bodies. His large eyes were fixated on your face, watching every expression that came across it as his lips made contact.
“Doesn’t she just taste wonderful?” Noah’s voice broke through the sounds of your moaning, bringing your attention to him. It didn’t last long before Vessel vibrated his response directly onto your clit, his head nodding to add to the sensation. You moaned loudly and it echoed around the room, Vessel’s way of eating you out was so much different than how Noah did it. This new method being used on you was driving you insane, Noah was a bit more gentle and slow with you, only picking up his pace when you begged for it. But Vessel? It was more animalistic how he ate you, his tongue and lips coordinated well together to stimulate your clit and send you into overdrive.
“Holy fuck, Vessel.” You groaned, the familiar pit building in your abdomen. “I’m going to c-“ He moved his face away from your core right as you said that, a whine escaping from you. “What was that for?”
He smirked at you and wiped his face. “Just warming you up darling.” He glanced over his shoulder at Noah, getting a nod of approval from him. There must’ve been some kind of agreement between the two of them for all this, something that definitely took a little bit of planning by the way they’ve become so coordinated through this experience.
“Turn around for him baby, keep your eyes focused on me in that mirror.” Noah says in a demanding tone. You followed exactly what he said, your eyes never leaving him in the reflection of the mirror. Vessel’s hand pressed on the middle of your back, pushing you forward so you were now bent over the counter. The feeling of his tip sliding between your folds and through your slick made you place your hand against the mirror.
“You should probably keep your hand there darling,” Vessel says as his cock pushes into you. “Wouldn’t want you to go against Noah’s wishes.” The feeling of him stretching your walls was intense, his cock was similar to Noah’s but had a bit more girth to it. “Fuck you’re so tight.” He grunts as he begins to thrust slowly, the movement leaving your jaw slack and tears forming in your eyes.
“God you look so beautiful like that baby, taking Vessel’s cock like the good girl that you are.” Noah spoke as he watched your facial expressions through the mirror. His hand hesitated around the outline of his cock, seeming to want to relieve himself as Vessel pleases you. But he never ends up touching himself.
Vessel’s hands gripped tightly on your hips as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. He wasn’t wrong about needing to keep your hand on the mirror, it really helped you to keep the focus on Noah while he pounds you from behind. The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping together, the cry of moans coming from you and Vessel was harmonious in a way and a beautiful sound to your ears.
The pit was forming again and you wondered if he was going to let you cum this time around. “Vessel you gonna let me cum now?” You breathlessly ask, hoping he’d start thrusting even harder into you to send you over the edge.
But he had something else in mind.
He stopped thrusting into you and wrapped his long arms around your waist, picking you up and carrying you over to the couch. Noah was now standing, his eyes entranced on the sight of you in the grasps of another man. Vessel laid back against the couch holding you tight on his chest with one hand while the other moved to put his cock back in you. This new position allowed for him to reach your g-spot, the pleasurable ache that ran through you each time his cock hit it was enough to make your body squirm.
“I cannot resist myself anymore, Y/N. You’re too damn addicting.” Noah says kneeling down onto the floor, his face only inches away from your pulsing core. “I just… can’t keep watching…” He planted kisses around your clit between his words, your hips buck at every touch his lips left. “Vessel treating you good baby?” You nodded. “Are you desperate for my touch now?” A whine escaped your lips as you nodded again. He chuckled, knowing if he had the control left he’d sit and watch you beg for him, but at this point he needed to taste you.
His lips pressed onto your clit, parting to let his tongue roam around the bud. It was so sensitive from the stimulation happening below, that Noah adding his tongue to the mix made you feel insane. “Oh my fucking god!” You cried out, gripping Vessel’s arm that he kept wrapped around you. “I’m going to cum guys, I can’t-“
“Hold out a little longer darling, let's cum together.” Vessel whispered in your ear, his thrusts hitting you at a quicker pace than he’d been doing.
“I can’t, fuck!” Your hand found Noah’s hair and gripped tightly.
“Yes, you can.” Vessel’s voice was becoming breathy as he drew closer to his release. “All the pent up orgasms from before, you’ll be able to let them go now, let it go darling.” His permission granted you to finally let go what you’ve been needing, the waves of pleasure practically blinding you. You moaned loudly as your legs shook like mad, this was an orgasm you’ve never experienced before. The warm feeling of Vessel’s cum filling you as your orgasm hit its peak was a kind of sensation you’d never had, but certainly one you’d want again.
As you came down from your high you opened your eyes to see Noah staring at the two of you, a look of admiration in his eyes. “You did so good, baby.” He placed a gentle kiss on your inner thigh, pushing himself off the couch to grab a towel. Vessel lifted you off his lap and set you down on the couch, taking in the mess he made.
“You alright, darling?” He chuckled lightly. “A lot just happened all at once huh?”
“I think I need a nap.” You managed to muster out, watching Noah as he came back with the towel he’d dampened with a bottle of water. He gently cleaned up the mess between your legs left by Vessel, letting the cool towel relax the intense sensation leftover.
“I’d love to stick around for that, but my band is probably wondering where I’ve wandered off to.” Vessel said as he put his clothes back on, a smirk creeping on his face. “Hopefully your nap doesn’t last too long, I’d love to see you side stage for my set later.”
“Oh I’ll definitely be there, just let me rest my legs.” You sighed as you were still trying to process everything.
“Right.” Vessel leaned down and kissed your forehead. “Get some rest darling.” You watched as he exited the room, Noah closing the door behind him. He searched around for your underwear and shorts, eventually finding them and helping you get dressed.
“You don’t have to help me, you never put my clothes back on.” You say as he finishes buttoning your shorts back up.
“I know, I just felt like I needed to give you a hand after all that.” He smiled. “Thank you for agreeing to it, that’s something I kind of always wanted.”
“Really? You like to watch other men fuck your own fuck buddy?” You placed your hand in your back pocket, feeling a piece of paper that wasn’t there before. You already knew who left it so you decided to keep it there until you were alone.
“You can say that I guess.” Noah chuckled. “Well, I gotta go start warming up. Are you gonna take a nap here or on the bus?”
“Mm, probably here I am a little exhausted from that. Plus my hips hurt.” You laid back on the couch, feeling the warmth leftover from Vessel’s body laying there beforehand.
“Okay, I’ll see you later to catch Sleep Token’s set. Have a good nap.” He began to leave but stopped in his tracks. “I’ll just let the crew know you’ve got a migraine from the heat and that’s why you’re not helping for the show.” You gave him a thumbs up and he returned the gesture. He left the room, the sound of his footsteps echoing down the hallway as he walked away. You reached into your pocket for the piece of paper, unfolding it quickly as curiosity racked your mind.
Vessel left you his phone number and a small note that read:
Darling, please give me a call whenever you get the chance. Would love to have a one on one with you sometime, call me and we’ll make arrangements for that.
The idea of being with just Vessel made your heart race in excitement. You quickly added him to your list of contacts, waiting to call him later since he was busy now. You wonder what Noah would think about this, if he’d get jealous or not care that you would hook up with Vessel again without him there.
Whatever he’d think, you couldn’t care less. It was just absent minded fucking, right?
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l-starlight-l · 7 months
The love of a hero
Wash & Dry
Master list
Part one
A/N: I’ve pre written all of these so they’re coming out back to back to back. I hope y’all like these better than the old one
Description: you finally get to move into your new apartment complex and decide to do a load of laundry after unpacking. While roaming around you run into your very handsome neighbor twice.
Warnings: none really
Paring: Jason Todd x Reader
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You had finished your first shift at Arkham Asylum around 6pm, which meant you had been there for twelve long hours. You wished you could just go to your new apartment and sleep forever but you couldn’t. You hailed a cab to take you to your new home. On the way there your sweet old landlady send you a warm welcome text telling you how to get into the building. You had never met Mrs Whelms but you knew she was going to be a kind landlady already. The city flew by as you watch out of the tinted window, it seemed gloomier than you remembered. It had been years since you’ve been to Gotham. Being raised in metropolis was very different from here, but you had friends who grew up in the city and they were happy people. You hadn’t seen these friends since you guys were young teenagers and of course they were all too busy to help you move in. So you were all on your own the first day in this big city.
When you finally reach your building it’s just as dreary as the city. You thanked the driver and made your way up to the top floor. All your stuff had been shipped before hand so it wouldn’t be such a hassle moving in. When you got to the top floor it was a slim hallway with five doors. Two on each wall and one at the end of the hallway. Your shoes creaked on the old wooden floor as you walked up to door 204. The key slipped into the lock and you began to turn. You got half way there but it wouldn’t budge. You rattled with it for a few minutes until a tall, dark haired man walked past you. He watched you struggle for a few moments and then walked over. “Do you need help?” He questioned.
Embarrassment filled your body when you jumped at the sound of his deep voice. Was this actually happening you thought, this has to be the worse first impression as a neighbor. “Oh, the lock isn’t working I think” you squeaked out. He smiles and walked over to you, taking the keys out of your hand. Carefully examining them for a moment and then walking over to the door to the right, sticking the keys in and unlocking it.
“Your apartment 206 not 204” he laughed and something clicked in your mind. His laugh sounded so familiar. But you didn’t dwell on this because you were so embarrassed, you thought about moving out right then. “Cranky, old, Mr. Scott lives in 204, you’re lucky he’s not home or you’d hear an earful about messing with his property” he added as You slowly walked over to him. You thanked him without looking him in the eyes. He laughed making the color in your face deepen, “you’re a funny girl” he said as he handed you the keys. “I live right across from you” he pointed to the door on the other side of the hallway, “Names Jason” he held out his hand waiting for you to shake it.
You shook his hand finally looking him in the eyes, you gave him your name and thanked him again. He took your breath away, he was the most gorgeous man you had ever seen. “Honest mistake, I’m sure you’ve had a stressful day” he said like he knew what you had gone through today, he winked down at you before turning to go to his apartment, “I’ll probably see you around. It was a pleasure meeting you neighbor” he then disappeared into his home.
You were relatively settled in, most of the boxes that scattered the floor this morning were unpacked and put away. Some old clothes that you hadn’t gotten a chance to wash before you left were sitting in a bag by the door. The apartment was nice and very spacious but it lacked a washing machine. Lucky for you there was a laundry mat on the first floor. Wanting to be productive you grabbed the bag and headed down stairs.
It was a decently nice laundry mat, new machines plus it was all free. You started a load, set a timer and went back up stairs to finish unpacking. You didn’t own a lot of stuff since black-gate had assigned furnished housing. You wanted to stay in Gotham and in this nice apartment for a good amount of time. Your first day at Arkham had went good, well better than you thought it would. This was a new chapter in your life, a better one. No one knew you in this city, this was your fresh start.
Your timer went off after about thirty minutes. When you got back down stairs there was still a little time before you needed to switch loads so you waited. Pulling out a book and sitting on the machine trying to relax. The washer slowed to a stop, meaning it was finally time to switch. Quickly you swapped them and reset your timer. You were planning on going back up stairs and making something to eat when your handsome neighbor walked through the door with an empty laundry basket on his hip. You both looked caught by surprise but he looked happy about it while you were mortified.
“Well hey there neighbor” he greeted you with a smirk, “look at you already doing laundry”. He set down his laundry basket and started unloading a dryer full of his clothes.
“I like to be on-top of my chores” you admit carefully watching him and debating whether or not to sneak away. His pile of clothes grew as he piled them onto the counter. “You have quite a mountain of clothes there” you teased.
He looked embarrassed as he answered, “I put off laundry day, it’s not my favorite thing to do”. He rubbed the back of his head as he looked at the big pile of clothes.
You laughed softly, “do you need some help concurring this monster of a pile?” You asked and immediately regretted because it was the dorkiest thing you could have said.
“I wouldn’t want to bother you, I’m sure you’re busy with unpacking and everything” he said shyly as he started to fold some of his clothes.
“Oh no I’m already unpacked” you said nonchalantly, he nods his head and moves over so there’s room next to him for you. You take that as a yes and start to help him. You enjoyed folding clothes so it was too much of a bother.
“So….” He said trying to break the awkward silence, “how are you liking Gotham?”.
You let out a breathy laugh, “it’s different then I remember but that’s not bad” you say with a forced smile
“You say that like you’re trying to convince yourself” he looks at you with a warm face, a comforting, kind face.
You let out a sigh and your whole body shifts, relaxes. “I don’t know” you start, “I like it here so far, and it’s only been one day, but it just feels so strange, so unfamiliar”. Tears prick your eyes as you take a deep breath.
He smiles down at you, his hands still. “I understand being in a new world can be difficult, if you ever need someone who knows their way around you can call me” he says handing you a paper he had just written his number on. You hesitated looking up into his bright eyes, taking the note and putting it into your pocket, you didn’t say anything but shook your head in gratitude. A timer when off and you started to unload the dryer full of your clothes. “I guess its my turn to help you” he laughs and starts to fold some of you clothes. Having someone in the city made you feel more comfortable, more safe. You had a good feeling about Gotham. Especially now that you were making friends.
Word count: 1 332
Tag list: @mxtokko @princessbl0ss0m @atadoddinnit
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