#sailor scouts x reader
cursed-blob · 2 years
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I have zero impulse control when I draw, send help.
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entername322 · 8 months
Her highness
Minji (New jeans) x Male Reader
Length: 11341 words
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“What do you mean we're not doing karaoke? It was your idea”, Things have been very fishy for you recently, at least according to Jin, “Yeah, I did plan that, but you know, life”, He glances around a little to look at Haewon who's passive aggressively staring at you. “Whatever the fuck is happening between you and Hae, you better fix it fast before this whole thing blew up”, With the frustration all over his face you didnt have the heart to tell him you're dropping off college soon. Nah just joking, “Jin, I'm dropping out soon”, Whatever you just said just send Jin to a cardiac arrest. “Are you shitting me?” You can clearly see he's boiling up, “No, dad's gonna get busy with honeymoon soon and-” The punch was quick, you can follow it with your eyes but you decided to just let him land it.
“What the fuck is wrong with you. Like what on earth did you do in the last few months? You know what? I don't care, fix it and get your shit back together”, Thankfully he still has the composure to keep his voice down, of course that doesn't mean nobody saw the punch. “Oi, what the fuck are you two doing?” Ren and the rest came to you and broke up the ‘fight’. “Ask him”, Jin glared at me, “Guys, I will have to drop out of college soon”, Of course this news silences the whole room. “You're joking”, Of course, they knew the answer, “Fuck then what about this? This whole fucking shit was your idea”, Being a leader is kinda annoying huh? You see Jin just slips away from the room.
Jin's departure slammed the door on whatever fragile camaraderie remained. Their eyes, once alight with shared dreams, glinted with cold betrayal. You felt the weight of their judgement like a physical blow, the respect you'd meticulously cultivated crumbling to dust in their vacant stares. "Can I go out first?" you asked, your voice surprisingly steady. "I have somewhere to be. Wouldn't want to make things awkward."
Awkward. A woefully inadequate word for the gaping chasm that had opened between you and your creation. Your band, cobbled together from dreams and desperation, now resembled a wreckage, each member a splintered piece of the illusion you'd woven.
Their silence screamed volumes. The air, thick with unspoken accusations, tasted bitter on your tongue. You remembered the meticulous courtship, the careful promises whispered like sweet nothings. You'd scouted them out, these talented yet directionless souls, lured them in with visions of stardom and the clinking promise of tuition fees.
Brotherhood, you'd called it. A bond forged in sweat and ambition. But it was all a lie, a gilded cage you'd built with your ill-gotten gains. You, the puppeteer orchestrating their dreams, the benefactor playing God with their futures. And now, the strings had snapped. The music, once vibrant and hopeful, had devolved into a discordant dirge. You weren't their leader anymore, just a faded mirage revealed in the harsh light of betrayal. Letting them go, scattering them back into the indifferent arms of life, wasn't a decision, it was an acceptance. This band, this fleeting experiment, was never meant to be permanent. A hobby fueled by boredom and an insatiable need for control, it had run its course. “I wish you good luck”
The sobs ripped through her like a rogue storm, each tear a glistening shard of her fractured trust. Minji clung to you with the raw desperation of a shipwrecked sailor, her body shaking against yours like a fragile leaf in a hurricane. You felt the tremors of her pain coursing through you, a dissonance in the carefully orchestrated melody of your scheme. Yet, beneath the icy satisfaction, a twisted kind of admiration bloomed. This volcanic eruption of her emotions, this primal display of possessiveness, was the raw material you needed to forge your queen. Minji, in her shattered state, was closer to your vision than ever before.
Her questions, choked with tears and doubt, echoed in the room: "Was it all a charade? Am I not your only love? Was there… someone else?" Instead of flinching, you met her gaze head-on, your eyes pools of icy amusement. "Hush, now babe", you murmured, your voice a soothing balm against the rawness of her storm. "There's only you. You're the sun my world revolves around, the fire that ignites my soul…. That sounds so fucking cringe", Your futile attempt at humour has fail to lighten her moods.
“You know I only got you babe, now and forever. That's what we promised right? That's why you buy those books to guide you through these trying times”, Your words, laden with a seductive truthfulness, were carefully chosen arrows aimed at the target of her insecurities. You knew her weaknesses, the fault lines running deep within her heart. And you exploited them, not with malice, but with the precision of a sculptor moulding clay.
"Perhaps, it's time for me to come out in the open”, You continued, tracing comforting circles on her trembling back, "Whatever I've planned for you, it's for your own good babe. I love you, more than you love me. So the same way you want me to be the best version of myself for you, I wanted you to be the best version of yourself for me too. I'm sorry that I have to put you through this, but this, this little dance that we do, it excites me. It's all just a little trial, so that you can be the perfect girl for me. Should I stop this babe, or should I continue this, and turn you into the perfect”, You leaned closer to her ears, “Wife?” The question hung heavy in the air, a challenge veiled in promises. You saw the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, the battle between fear and ambition raging within her. But you knew, you just knew, that the monster in her hungered for more than just affection. She craved control, a throne beside yours, a kingdom to share in the spoils of your deceit.
"But there were whispers," she whimpered, clinging to the last shred of doubt. "Haewon… she said…" You silenced her with a gentle kiss, your lips a whispered promise on hers. "Haewon is a moth drawn to q flame, babe. A jealous girl who'll never understand the dance we share. You, Minji, are the one that I only ever cared about. I want you, to turn as corrupt, as degenerate, and as starved as I am. In the end there will be no one else but us”, As her sobs subsided, replaced by a cautious, flickering hope, you knew you had won. You had steered her fear towards ambition, her jealousy towards loyalty. Minji, the tigress, was slowly shedding her kitten fur, her claws unfurling with every whispered promise, every seductive truth.
“I have you, I only have you since day one oppa, why are you doing this to me? Did I not show you my love enough?” She felt betrayed, yet again, it's not like there's anything you can do to make her leave, whether you like it or not. “Because I love you. You love claiming me, you love having me in this little world of ours and you want me to never leave. Yet I can't stay here forever, I love people, I love the crowd, the attention, the adoration, I love it when I walk into a room and have everyone bow to me in respect. So I have to break you down first baby, so I can mould you, to the perfect queen for me. I'm sorry that I hurt you this much baby, I never meant to ruin you, all I want to do is show you, that this is who I am. I'm sorry okay, I really do, but I'm doing this for our own good”
Yeah that's not very convincing is it? Yet, you both know Minji can't step out of this anymore. Entrapped, by her own ‘love’ towards you, the "why" wasn't important anymore. The elaborate justifications, the convoluted games, all dissolved in the face of your shared truth. Perhaps you'd hoped for anger, for defiance, even for rejection, something that would add more fuel to the chaos you've made. But instead, Minji's silence was a balm to the burning truth you'd laid bare. It spoke of understanding, of a recognition that mirrored your own, a whispered acknowledgment that this twisted symphony they danced to was somehow their anthem.
Her fingers tightened around yours, a silent pact replacing the unspoken accusations. This wasn't submission, not surrender. It was a meeting point, a crossroads where their paths, both paved with shadows, intertwined into a single, storm-swept road. "You're insane”, she whispered, her voice a feather-light caress against your cheek, "but so am I. And maybe, in this broken world, that's enough”, You've done it, you turn her into an emo girl. 
The statement, simple yet profound, hit you like a rogue wave. Her acceptance, so stark and unconditional, was the missing piece you hadn't known you craved. It felt like breathing after years of holding your breath, a rawness that simultaneously terrified and exhilarated you. Together, you sat in the quiet aftermath of your confessions, two sides of the same tainted coin, two halves of a whole sculpted from darkness. There would be no apologies, no promises of redemption, just the shared understanding that your dance, was theirs alone.
The silence that draped around you after your revelations wasn't heavy, but filled with future possibility. You scooped Minji up, cradling her close like a precious shard of the storm just weathered. In the hushed intimacy of the living room, bathed in the soft glow of a single lamp, you revelled in the newfound solidity of the bond forged in the crucible of truth. Her body, still trembling from the emotional storm, fit perfectly against yours, a puzzle piece clicking into place. You felt the warmth of her breath against your neck, a whisper of shared understanding. Gone were the accusations, the hurt, replaced by a quiet confidence, a dark symphony now playing in unison.
As you gently settled onto the couch, your gaze fell upon the abandoned book splayed on the floor, a silent witness to the whirlwind that had just passed. It was the one she'd thrown in a fit of anger, its pages splayed open like a dissected butterfly.
During this you noticed her book lay abandoned on the coffee table, a silent testament to the storm that had just swept through your living room. Minji, nestled against you, breathing in your comforting scent, slowly she notices a foreign smell, a sickening feeling starts to well up inside her. Minji’s playful mood slowly evaporated, suddenly the air felt thick with the cloying sweetness of cheap Jasmine perfume. It felt heavy, clinging to you like a second skin. It wasn't her scent, not by a long shot. Her nose crinkled, a storm brewing behind her bright facade. The smell of an old rival, a ghost that you've promised her to be exorcised from your heart.
"Trust and communication?" she scoffed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "This author must have missed the chapter where husbands spend half the night glued to their phones and come back smelling of a cheap whore’s perfume instead of cologne”, Right, you forgot that Haewon almost embraced you earlier, which is enough for Minji's nose to pick up her scent. “Oh, this?" You chuckled, feigning nonchalance. "Just catching up with an old friend, sharing some stories. Nothing to worry about, sweetheart”, Minji has grown a little more, she notices that you didn't really try to lie, you want her to dig deeper, which she did.
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Minji jumped onto your lap, grabbing your face, she bared her claws, digging into your cheek, her voice turning steely. "Sharing stories, huh? And sharing something else too, it seems. Tell me, babeee, does your 'friend' always wear perfume that smells like a used cleaning cloth?" The playful facade crumbled. You saw the hurt flickering in her eyes, the anger simmering just beneath the surface. Haewon's scent, a careless residue from a fleeting encounter, felt like a betrayal etched into the air. Minji, a defiant queen waiting for her answer, you smiled seeing this sight, such a beauty isn't she?
The playfulness was gone, replaced by a simmering intensity as Minji’s claws traced angry lines on your cheek. Her voice, sharp as broken glass, sliced through the tension-laden air. "Used cleaning cloth, huh? That's new”, A little smile forms on your face which you hide with your hand. “A fucking street whore throwing herself on to you at any moment possible. How is she there? You said she won't come”, Shame and remorse were strangers to you at this moment. This wasn't a confession dripping with guilt, it was a calculated provocation, a lit match tossed into the tinderbox of Minji's emotions. Every word, every flinch, was a brushstroke in the grand masterpiece you were composing.
"It wasn't like that," you began, your voice a feigned sigh of exasperation. "She was there at the performance, completely unexpected. We talked..." The air crackled with her disbelief. "Talked, you say?" Minji echoed, her eyes boring into yours like twin lasers. "And did this 'talk' involve her whispering sweet things on to you as you FUCKED HER behind my back?" The lie you'd woven about Haewon's absence evaporated in the crucible of her gaze. Denials would be futile, a flimsy curtain against the hurricane of her suspicion. So, you embraced the storm, your voice steady as you plunged into the icy waters of truth. "She said... she might be pregnant”, You admitted, your eyes carefully preyed upon her brewing madness.
The revelation hit Minji like a rogue wave. The fire in her eyes flickered momentarily, replaced by a chilling mix of shock and something akin to... fear. The claws digging into your skin relaxed, leaving behind crimson trails, a testament to the tempest that had just raged within her. Silence descended, the air thick with the weight of your confession. This wasn't just a betrayal of trust, it was a detonator, threatening to blow apart the twisted kingdom you'd built with Minji. But the tigress was no damsel in distress.
She pushed herself off your lap, her movements sharp and controlled. Her gaze, unwavering, held a cocktail of emotions - hurt, anger, and a flicker of something darker, something predatory.
Minji's claws retracted, not in defeat, but in a shift in focus. The fire in her eyes, previously aimed at you, burned brighter now, honed to a singular point – Haewon. The scent of the cheap perfume, no longer a mere annoyance, became a tangible object of her ire, a crimson flag planted in the territory of their twisted kingdom. "Pregnant, you say?" She echoed, her voice a low snarl, each word dripping with venom. "So, she saunters into your life, throws her cheap wares around, and now wants to play house with stolen goods?” You merely laughed at her oversight, “Babe, we just broke up like a month ago, maybe less, there's a chance it was from before you and me even a thing”, That's true, but in Minji's mind, you are her, regardless of the timeline.
The silence hung heavy in the air, a poison dart that had struck Minji right in the heart. That word, pregnant, rings countless times in her ears. Haewon, that vapid, spiteful creature, pregnant with what might be your child. Minji's claws, retracted a moment ago, dug back into your cheek, this time not in anger, but in a desperate attempt to anchor herself in this dizzying reality. "A month ago?" she breathed, her voice a fractured whisper. "You're mine oppa, I don't care if it's a month ago or a year ago, she stole you from me", The proclamations hung heavy, a storm brewing behind her fiery eyes. You met her gaze, a dark smile playing on your lips. "Alright, babe", you purred, your voice laced with a dangerous calm. "You and your... melodrama. But Haewon is just a little bump in our way, a fleeting distraction, a moth drawn to the flame only to get singed."
The truth, twisted and barbed, hung between you. A month ago, Haewon had been a convenient plaything, a diversion in the intoxicating madness that was Minji. But pregnant? That shifted the game in ways you hadn't anticipated, adding a delicious layer of chaos to the symphony you were composing. Minji, however, saw only one thing – threat. Haewon, not as a rival, but as a permanent stain on their twisted tapestry. The tigress within her reared its head, a guttural growl escaping her throat.
"Erase her," she hissed, her eyes blazing with a fire you found strangely beautiful. "Erase her from your life, from your thoughts, from every goddamn molecule of your body”, The possessiveness in her voice, the raw need to claim you as her own, sent a thrill down your spine. This, this was the Minji you craved, the one consumed by the flames of your twisted love, the one willing to dance on the edge of destruction for a taste of your dark symphony.
You leaned in, your breath ghosting over her ear. "That, my love”, You murmured, your voice dripping with seductive promise, "is precisely what we'll do. Together."
The pregnancy, that tangled mess of Haewon's moves, became the fuel for your shared purpose. Each whispered plan, each strategic strike against her rival, was a brushstroke in the masterpiece they were co-creating. Minji, fueled by righteous fury, became your partner-in-crime, her darkness mirroring your own in a mesmerising spectacle of shared chaos. You orchestrated a subtle but ruthless campaign, chipping away at Haewon's life until she was nothing but a hollow shell, clinging to a phantom hope. It wasn't just about erasing her, it was about painting Minji's name on your soul in bold, defiant strokes.
With each act of vengeance, Minji shed the last vestiges of the playful tigress, evolving into something darker, more primal. The pleasure you derived from it wasn't morbid, it was aesthetic. You were a sculptor, moulding her fury into a weapon, her possessiveness into a shield, her desire for you into an inferno that threatened to consume them both. In the flickering shadows of your twisted kingdom, where trust was a forgotten language and loyalty a weapon, you watched Minji blossom into the queen you always knew she could be. Her anger, once directed at you, had morphed into a shared crusade, a twisted tango where Haewon was the unwitting victim.
Exhaustion tugged at you like a riptide, pulling you under the velvet waves of sleep. You dragged Minji to bed, and in one quick sweep the fatigue almost took your consciousness away as soon as you dropped to the bed. Minji, however, remained a restless reef, sharp and jagged against your soft shore. The air still crackled with the aftershocks of Haewon's bomb, casting a long shadow of uncertainty over your twisted Eden. You tumbled into slumber, but it was a shallow haven, riddled with thoughts and plans for the final act you've set up. Minji, sensing your vulnerability, clung to you like a vine to a crumbling wall, desperate to anchor herself in the shifting landscape of your emotions.
As the night wore on, your sleep became a battlefield. Minji, a whirlwind of possessive fervour, left a trail of love bites across your skin – branding you with her claim, etching her name in the flesh you offered up as a canvas. Each mark, a crimson sigil in the flickering lamplight, whispered a silent declaration: "Mine” of course, she's very vocal about it as well. “You're mine oppa, I'm not letting any whore touch you again”, And, “That bitch won't be a problem anymore oppa, I'll make sure of it”, and some more monologue that tug you away from the warm embrace of rest. You stirred, half-awake, half-lost in the tangled web of sleep and desire. Minji's lips, hot and demanding, trailed a fiery path down your throat, her touch a desperate plea for reassurance, for ownership. You yielded, not unwillingly, but with a detached amusement. Her anxiety was your aphrodisiac, her possessiveness a twisted mirror reflecting your own desires.
The lovemaking was a dance of shadows, bodies entwined in a desperate quest for solace and control. Minji, no longer the playful tigress, was a predator defending her territory, marking her prey with the fierce beauty of her claws. And you, the ever-enigmatic maestro, conducted this dark symphony with a languid smile, your own desires veiled in a mist of shadows and calculated intent.
You closed your own eyes, the taste of her possessiveness lingering on your tongue. Sleep beckoned again, this time deeper, darker, pregnant with the promise of chaos. For in the kingdom of your twisted love, dawn was not a symbol of renewal, but a prelude to the next act, a twisted tango where trust was a weapon, passion a battlefield, and every bite, every mark, a declaration of war against the ghosts of yesterday and the uncertainties of tomorrow.
“Yeah, so what do I do now?” You are talking with your dad, about Haewon of course. “You got someone pregnant, to be honest I'm surprised it took you this long”, You can't argue with that one, “It's not my fault okay? She refused to take the pills”, Yes, you have contacted Haewon again, under the supervision of Minji, and she has taken a pregnancy test and shows that she's pregnant. “You know what you want to do already”, His eyes pierced through your deception, “Yes”, Moral is, a flimsy concept you like to dance around with, of course this trait is something you've gotten from your dad. “Is she rich?” You shake your head, “Does Minji know about this?” You nodded which made him frown.
“It would be troublesome if she finds out about your plan wouldn't it?” You shake your head again before telling him what transpired between you and Minji. Just the main part, the fact that she is just downright insane and obsessed with you, of course you take no blame for her transformation. “I knew you were a bad influence on her”, He's your dad, he knows your mind okay? “I plead innocence”, Do you have the right to do that? “Denied, we'll talk about that later. For now, deal with your ex, do what you must”, That's all you need to hear.
“Thanks dad, you're such a great father”, He doesn't even bother acknowledging your sarcastic remark as he leaves the house. Then Minji scurry off from the next room and jump to your lap. “Does he say yes?” She has such an innocent excitement on her, “Yes babe, we will ruin Haewon's life”, Which is so fucked up since the two of you are planning to rip apart Haewon. “Great, finally”, She nuzzled up to you, “I need to talk with Mina”, She immediately raised her head hearing a girl's name. “Who is that?” The new Minji isn't scared to bare her fang anytime she needs to, “Dad's assistant, also my mentor for the internship I have”, You pulled out your phone only for her to immediately snatch it away.
"Funny”, She breathed, her voice barely above a whisper, "you never mentioned her before”, The accusation hung heavy in the air, a barb aimed at your perceived deception. You could have easily backpedalled, spun a web of lies to appease her, but something rebellious stirred within you. This wasn't the Minji of old, the one who accepted your every word as gospel. This was a new Minji, born from the ashes of Haewon's betrayal, a tigress who demanded truth, who wouldn't hesitate to tear through the shadows if you dared to hide in them.
You could almost hear the gears in her mind turning, suspicion and jealousy swirling like a storm cloud. You weren't afraid, not in the slightest. This was just another act in your twisted play, a minor inconvenience that fueled the fire of her possessiveness. "Just a colleague, babe”, You drawled, a playful smirk dancing on your lips. "Helping me out with the internship”, You tried to take your phone back but she refuses to let go, "Conveniently absent from your usual repertoire", she quipped, her eyes gleaming with challenge.
You couldn't help but chuckle, a low rumble that vibrated through your chest. "Mina's not part of the story, darling. She's only a little cameo in our story, and I need her to finish our plans, so may I have my phone back?" The truth, of course, was more complex. Mina was a pawn in your twisted game, a piece to be moved across the board to elicit a specific reaction from Minji. Now that Haewon is being removed from the picture, you need a new doll, and Mina would be perfect for that. Minji's jealousy, a predictable yet volatile element, was the accelerant you needed to feed Mister Hyde.
But the act of pretending, of downplaying Mina's significance, was its own reward. The flicker of annoyance in Minji's eyes, the subtle tightening of her jaw, was a delicious confirmation of your power, of your ability to manipulate her emotions like a puppet with strings. "Oh, really?" Minji's voice dripped with scepticism. "Then why the secrecy, maestro? Why not introduce me to this… mentor of yours?" The challenge was implicit. A dare, a test of your commitment to this twisted game. You met her gaze, a mischievous glint in your own eyes.
"Fine, if you insist", You shrugged, a feigned sigh escaping your lips. "But be warned, babe, Mina's a bit… bland. Not something you would have fun meeting with”, So rude, however Mina is a silent type that just can't get along with you. You don't mind introducing her, you knew it would pique Minji's interest, fuel the embers of her competitive spirit. Minji thrived on being the centre of your attention, the object of your desire. Introducing a rival, even a fabricated one, was simply adding fuel to the fire.
“Mina, meet Minji, my new sister”, You stare Mina down, her pale figure seeming to shimmer in the shadows. Her delicate features, framed by dark raven hair, held the same unnerving stillness you once found captivating in Haewon. But Mina lacked the fiery edge, the malicious spark that burned beneath Haewon's surface. This one was a blank canvas, a porcelain doll waiting to be painted in the twisted hues of your desire.
The word sister in the air, a deliberate bomb dropped into the simmering tension. Minji, mid-sip of her wine, froze, her eyes flashing emerald fire. Sister? The possessive glint in them was replaced by a flicker of suspicion, the tigress sniffing out the absurdity of your claim. But before Minji could unleash her trademark hiss, you added another twist, your lips curling into a smirk. "And of course, my girlfriend, as well.” The room descended into an icy silence. Minji's jaw clenched, the wine glass held hostage between her white-knuckled fingers. Mina, however, remained unfazed. Her porcelain face flickered not even an inch, her gaze as detached as ever.
Minji, stare at you silently, “Don't you dare play this game with me”, You met her fury with a calm smile, enjoying the spectacle of her controlled outrage. "But babe", You purred, leaning closer, "It's only the truth. We may not share any blood but our name will be united soon, twisted to a lovely yet scandalous romance story”, You smiled innocently as you kissed Minji's cheek. “Twisted indeed”, Mina didn't even blink, her glacial eyes reflecting nothing but a cold amusement. “Sister and girlfriend, huh?" she finally drawled, her voice a silken blade. "Sounds like you've upgraded your moral compass from rusty to non-existent. Quite the family reunion, you'll be having soon sir", The barb stung, but you merely chuckled. You craved Mina's bluntness, her ability to pierce through your carefully constructed facade. Her lack of filter nor decency to not curse her own boss is something you always value the most.
“Come on now Mina, we're in love, haven't you ever felt young love before?” Her silent gaze answered it, “Don't make fun of our relationship, this bond is deeper than what you will understand”, Minji scoffed at Mina. "Oh, I bet," Mina drawled, her glacial gaze flitting between you and Minji. "Deeper than a Mariana Trench trench of red flags, perhaps? Incestuous entanglements spiced with a dash of public manipulation? Should I order a book called 'Ethics for Dummies' to fill your office bookshelf so that it can comfortably be placed alongside the other books you've never read before sir?” Quite the feisty one isn't she?
“Come on Mina, we're in a dog eat dog kind of world, nobody cares about this arrangement”, You shrugged, “Dogs with a penchant for family therapy, it seems”, She eyed Minji who just glared at her. “So my kind and ever so humble sir, is this 'sister-girlfriend' arrangement the only reason why I'm here? I believe I am quite a bad therapist, however if you do insist I do have a basic common sense so I believe I can manage”, You can't help but laugh, Mina is not a firecracker, she's an ice cold equivalent of that. 
“I have some issue to deal with, I believe dad has told you the details?” She shakes her head, “Of course, I expected that as well”, She doesn't even react, why do you even bother trying to fish some kind of reaction from her? Oh right, it's not her reaction you're fishing for, “Stop being such a flirt”, It's Minji's. “First of all, I had some complications, you see my ex has been found to be pregnant”, Oh, you got a little tug on the fishing line, Mina let out a little chuckle. “How many of them sir?” You laughed as you shook your head. “So blunt, it's just one Mina. And the problem is, she doesn't want to deal with this quietly”, Finally, some reaction from Mina, she tilted her head with some ‘amusement’ in her eyes.
“And?” You don't really want to answer Mina do you? In order to see your progress you need to see Minji take the initiative and spearhead this whole operation. “I want her dead”, There she goes, they grow up so fast don't they? “So crude, but how could I judge after the brother-sister relationship you two are having?” There is one elephant in the room, a question you really want to hear Mina answer. “Does dad deal with this kind of problem too?” She has no reaction at all, yet there's sudden understanding between the two of you that you happily acknowledge.
“What was that?” Of course Minji doesn't appreciate it, she doesn't see what you see in Mina's eyes but she can definitely tell something is up just by looking at you.
“Nothing, Mina come here”, Minji grabbed your arm and stood up with you, “Baby I need some time to talk okay?” That's a pathetic attempt and you know it. “I'm coming with you”, The queens demand it, are you gonna disobey your queen? “Just wait here okay? We'll be right by the door”, Her eyes burned through your skull to send you her ultimatum. “Thank you baby”, You gave her a kiss as she sat back down, Mina followed you to the corner of the room, completely disregarding Minji's presence. “Quite the specimen you had there sir, is she as morally corrupt as you?” Mina taunted you, “Not really corrupt, just, different. Anyway she's a psycho and she wants Haewon dead due to jealousy”, Mina had this very small and almost unnoticeable gloating in her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Don't act like you're free from the crossfire, look at the way she looks at you right now”, Minji's eyes are hollow and devoid of life.
“I am completely aware sir”, Mina said without turning to Minji, “So, I need you to make Haewon disappear, but not just that. I need you to make her death to be, ambiguous at best. Is that possible?” Mina silently stare at you, this time you can't seem to grasp what's in her mind. “Making people disappear without trace is possible, however I need some more explanation on how ambiguous you want it to be”, Should you tell her why? “Just, make sure that her body is never found. Minji is paranoid and has been thinking that I might have some reluctance to this whole operation. So it would be nice if Haewon's disappearance is all clouded in mystery. No missing person report, no dead body found, no trace of her disappearances or death”, Mina just shook her head. “That's our normal procedure for this sir”, Of course it is, how could you miss this part of the orientation. “Right, well sorry Mina it's my first time doing this okay?” She still looks at you with some disappointment before walking back to the table.
You just sighed and joined back with Minji, “So? How long?” Minji said impatiently, “2 weeks, it will be finished by 2 weeks, now if there's nothing else for me I'll leave you two for your family therapy”, Did Mina just make some porn jokes? “Well, that's all for now Mina, thank you for coming here”, Mina nodded before she stood up and left the house.
“So, what did you two talk about?” Minji said, ‘calmly’. “Haewon's parents, I felt for them, they're good people”, She slapped you for that. “They raised a whore”, Can't argue with that can't you? “Don't be too anxious now baby, I'm sure they never expected her to be like this. Now, we need some shopping for our parent's marriage, I was thinking about red as our matching colour”, She looks at you with some distrust but she nod, “No, let's wear something white, it's also signify our union”, Maybe Mina is right, you need some family therapy.
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“Sweetie, do you really have to wear some white dress?” Minji nods her head showing her determination, “You said that oppa and I can't have any official marriages so I want to at least have some resemblance to a wedding”, Your mom can only sigh in defeat dealing with this new Minji. “Here I thought you don't like being with people, this dress will put a lot of eyes on you, you know”, Yet there's still some happiness in her heart seeing jee daughter has finally broken out of her cocoon. “I don't mom, but oppa does and I will tolerate people for him”, Your mom smiled at her new daughter.
“Such a good wife”, Minji blushed a little hearing that from her own mom, “So, has that ex of his has been taken care off?” Minji frowned upon hearing that, “No, it's in one week and oppa has been keeping secrets from me again”, You can't just let Haewon die off screen can't you? “He's such a troublemaker isn't he? Sometimes I wonder if he's actually his father's son”, You are, your father has the same level of moral corruption but he causes less chaos than you. “I'm losing my mind mom, I loved him more than anything in the world and I want him to love me back as much as I do”, Despite her growth, there's still some childish innocence within Minji.
“Sweetie, life isn't a novel, sometimes all you can do is compromise. Your brother is a maniac with some split personality and you are an obsessed child who's guarding him like a dragon to its trophy. You both make compromise for each other, and sometimes that's good enough”
Minji frowned and couldn't comprehend how much you compromised for her, it's not that many to be fair. “I still don't like it, why does he have to be secretive about everything? I just want him to be open to me, is that so hard?” Minji just sinked her head into her mom's embrace. “Oh sweetie, if he's so secretive and you don't like it, maybe you should find someone else?” Minji immediately pulled away from the embrace. “Are you crazy mom?” Her mom just laughed and shrugged. “All I'm saying is, if he's not the one for you then find someone else. If you don't want to, then you need to change as well”, Minji sighed. “I want to change, I want to be able to pick apart his lies like he was a book I've read a thousand times. I need time for that mom, and until then I can only swallow my jealousy and study him”
Your mom took Minji to a hug, “Listen baby, I'm happy that you have grown like this. I would support you with all my heart, but I put your father over you from now on”, That's pretty fucking hard isn't it? “So if he breaks my heart you won't do anything?” Minji scoffed, “No, I would be furious, but I won't do anything to make my husband sad, you know how it is”, Like mother like daughter. “Fine, but I won't take this much longer, I need help in making sure that whore is dead”, Minji is making move my man, “I see, I'll see what I can do”, This does put Minji in a much more relaxed state, at least for the wedding. “Now, smile and have fun, it's your mother's wedding day”
“You're such a problematic child”, Always nice hearing your father losing his patience with you isn't it? “Thanks dad”, You smiled happily, “Whatever, hopefully that Haewon girl won't be the death of you. Mina said her family is quite influential and she is gonna need some extra time”, You frowned upon hearing that, some extra time might cause, unpredictable behaviour for Minji. “Yeah, what can you do? '' Unpredictability is just some fun in your book anyway. “If this marriage ceremony goes to shit just so you know your mom will kill you”, You don't, but it's nice of your father to tell you that.
“It won't dad, now come on it's your wedding day, smile”, He slapped your head, “Yeah thanks dad I'll be outside mingling with the guests”, You fixed your hair for a moment, “Don't cause trouble”, You shrugged without promising him anything. As you get to the venue you start mingling with your dad's business partners. Taking control of the room as you dance along to this social event. Time feels blurry for you as you keep jumping from conversation to conversation. Joining every circle like you belong there before leaving to join another one. This is your playground, you thrive in this place, yet, it feels old, meeting the same face again and again.
Then you look at Minji, coming into the venue, grabbing everyone's attention. Your gaze locked with hers and you sent her a smile. Walking towards her you can see she's imitating her mother's cold aura, although it's weak but it sends the signal that she's not talking to anyone. “You look great Min”, You smiled as you walked up to her, “Thank you oppa, you look great as well”, She smiled happily. “Now, I want to go around meeting your mother's business partners and introduce myself. Hopefully you're ready to just stand there and smile as I socialise okay?” She sighed feeling disappointed, she already expected that you wanted to do that, but she still felt disappointed.
“Okay oppa, lead the way”, Minji sighed, the sound barely audible, but her grip on your arm tightened ever so slightly. She knew the drill, the silent agreement you'd forged in this twisted love of yours. In public, you were brother and sister, an enviable pair navigating the gilded cages of high society. In private, you were something else entirely – something more, passionate and throughly fucked up.
With Minji clinging to your arm like a silent shadow, you began your calculated waltz through the traps of guests. Each introduction, each handshake, was a performance, a tune in the masterpiece you were co-creating. You revelled in the way your mother's associates fawned over you, their surprise of your confidence and eloquence while their eyes were seizing you for any possible threats. This battlefield is nothing but a source of distraction you forced upon Minji so she can take her mind off Haewon.
Minji, though quiet, was not simply a passive observer. Her icy gaze darted through the crowd, missing nothing. She noted the way women's eyes lingered on you, the envy simmering beneath their painted smiles, the subtle unease you evoked in certain men. She is your queen, even in silence, her claws hidden, her loyalty fierce. “You two look practically inseparable," one woman cooed to another, her eyes flitting between you and Minji. "Like siblings from birth”, You laughed at her comment as Minji felt tremor through her body, her grip tightened on your arm as she put on a forced smile. “Well, what do you think sis? Maybe we are separated  from birth”, You laughed, Minji internally cringed the moment you called her sis, “It wouldn't change anything would it?” Such a brazen comment, perhaps even if the two of you are blood connected she would still go after you.
After a while the ceremony finally starts, you and Minji happily sit at the front, side by side watching your parents being united. Her hand stealthily grabbed yours and intertwined your finger together. As your mother reads her vow you can hear Minji speak those vows underneath her breath, audible only to you. You can't help but laugh hearing this desperate plea from her, and as soon as your father read his vows you did the same thing. “I do”, you're not sure if you heard your mom or Minji say that, “I do”, You said as well the moment your father said it. 
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Seeing your parents kissing signifying their union you can feel Minji get restless, she wants to kiss you as well. Your parents smiled at the two of you, then Minji just pulled you away from the ballroom as the crowd was cheering for your parents. “So eager already?” You laughed as you followed Minji and brought you to a secluded dressing room. The crowd noise sounds distant and muffled, Minji locked the door before jumping on to you, pressing her lips to yours. Her body is pushing you to the wall as all her desire burns out of her body. “You're my husband now oppa”, A silent declaration in this empty room, is that how your wedding goes? “Baby, I want something a little more…… well more. But okay, we can pretend I'm your fiancé now”, That would suffice for Minji.
Her hands immediately grabbed your shirt and started unbuttoning it, “I want you oppa, we haven't had sex in the last 3 days because of this stupid rehearsal”, She growled before jumping in and biting your collarbone. “So naughty, you want to walk around our parent's marriage with my cum in your stomach?” Perhaps the fact that you said ‘our parents’ is already weird, no? “Those fucking girls, looking at you with lust, those old hags trying to sell you their daughters. I HATE THEM”, She yelled before biting down your neck. “That's gonna leave a mark”, You sighed before undressing your own sister. Unlike Minji you are doing it very gently, making sure you don't ruin her dress.
“Now there babe, don't ruin my pants please, I want to keep it clean”, She scoffed at you but thankfully she pulled your pants off gently. As soon as she pulled out your cock she immediately swallowed it whole. Minji has turned into a throat god as she has been milking you everytime you want to go out. “Fuck Minji, calm down there”, You groaned feeling how eager her tongue is moving. Her gag reflex is all gone as your cock easily passed her mouth into her throat. You can see your cock bulging through her little neck which is very hot. Her eyes look at you with a demanding look asking you to use her mouth like a toy.
You put both hands on her head, “Ready?” Useless question, she was born ready. Immediately you started to fuck her face mercilessly. Wet sloppy noise can be heard as she starts to drool on your cock. Her eyes start to water, ruining her mascara, such a beautiful sight. “Fuck your throat felt so good, sis”, That sounds so wrong yet so hot. Minji grabbed on your thighs for stability as you continued rocking her head up and down. Your hand went to slap her cheek making her let out a moan as you continued pounding her face. Feeling a little bad for her neck you stop moving her head, your hand held her hair gently before you moved your hips instead. 
“Fuck you're si fucking hot when you're like this Mini”, Ruined mascara, red cheek from your slaps and eyes rolled to the back of her head, she look so helpless. Minji loves when she's being used as your doll, being a little submissive girl just to serve her oppa. That's all she ever wanted, and also cutting off any girl who tried to talk to you. Looking down you can see her pussy starts to drip some liquid on the floor, “You like this sis? Being used like a toy?” You slapped her face again making her let out a loud moan as her leg started to squirm. “Fuck you're such a slut, I'm fucking cumming”, You shove it down to her throat as you pressed her head deeper into your crotch, your cock sprays down it's sperm down her throat into her stomach. You can hear her let out a scream as her leg starts to shake from an orgasm she's having.
Once you're done you let go of her hair and pull out your cock, Minji lay down on the floor panting hard as she felt like she might pass out soon. “Hey, you're tired already”, You laughed taunting her, “No, come on oppa, just fuck me already oppa”, She whined as her finger starts to prepare her pussy for you. “Don't need to tell me twice”, You laughed before laying down on her, your cock slipped into her pussy with ease, her pussy is already moulded to accommodate for your length. Your hand rests on her hips holding it tightly as you start to rock back and forth. “Ohhhhh fuck oppaaa”, Her moans echoes through the empty room as you starts to pick up your pace.
Minji's hand grabbed on to your back as her nails started to dig into it, “You're so big oppa”, Knowing full well the best way to arouse you is by stroking your ego. Your hip continues pounding her making a rhythmic slapping noise that fills up the whole room. Soon you can see her body starting to squirm and her nails starting to carve your back. “Cum oppa, pleaseeee”, She can't take it much longer, and her whimpering noises are music to your ears. You grabbed her body, forcing her to stand up and turn her body around. She leaned to the wall for support as you started to pound her from behind. “Ahhhh, oppa”, She moaned as you slapped her ass, “You like that you perv?” You laughed as you slapped her again.
“Oppa, please cum already”, Minji whined as she tried to hold her own orgasm. Your hand grabbed her hair into a ponytail gently before pulling her roughly. “Cum for me baby, I want to hear you scream”, Your other hand wrapped around her and pinched her nipple. You pushed deeper and harder, your hips crashed into hers, making every inch of Minji’s body shake and quake in pleasure until she felt her pussy explode with a mindblowing orgasm that forced her to collapse into the wall. The pounding did not stop with her orgasm, not even in the slightest. 
“I'm gonna fill this tight pussy up", You yelled as your hand gripped her hips and buried yourself balls deep inside her pussy. "Fuck, give it to me, cum in my pussy oppa" She yelled as her orgasm is still going on. Minji felt hot sticky ball batter streaming into her womb as you gripped her throat and choked her, laying over her back with beads of sweat pouring onto her hot body. Your ball emptying everything it has deep into her as Minji felt every twitch your cock is having inside her pussy. As the ecstasy passed you let go of her hand and she slumped down on the wall and sat on the floor, looking up to you with a helpless eye. Then she moves closer to you and starts to clean your cock from any sperm that still sticks on to it.
“Good girl”, You pat her head making her smile proudly, she kissed the tip of your cock as she finished her job before standing up to hug you. “I really want more oppa”, She whined, “That would be unwise baby, we still have a party to attend”, She clicked her tongue before looking at you with fiery eyes, “Once we're home we're gonna fuck and lock ourselves in the bedroom for three days”, Sounds like a challenge, “Okay baby, now go get dressed okay?” You kissed her cheek.
Thankfully her dress isn't ruined by any means, however your shirt was absolutely stained and ruffled by her earlier. “Thank god I brought some back up outfit”, Of course this is gonna happen, you expected this already. “Then let's go sneak back to the changing room oppa, I'm not ready to follow you back to the party”, You haphazardly used your shirt and tried to hide the stains with the blazer you're wearing. Then you and Mini stealthily get back into the dressing room where you change your outfit to a turtleneck and long overcoat. “You're sure you're not cold with that dress babe? It's pretty cold right now, you know?” You said as you fix your hair.
“Hmmmm, I want your coat oppa”, She tried to pull it off of you. “Oh no way lady, if you were more gentle with my blazer earlier I would've given you this. But now that you fucked that one up with your sweat I only have this coat”, She frowned hearing your rejection. That would be perfect for her, the blazer actually isn't totally ruined. There's some little wet spot in it and that's pretty much it. Minji pridefully wore it before posing in the mirror. Thankfully for her, her face would be enough distraction to make sure people didn't realise the little wet spot on the blazer. “Thank you oppa”, She smiled brightly, it's pretty obvious, she want to wear it as a warning for everyone.
“You two are so cute together, are you sure you're just siblings?” The effect is noticeable from your first encounter, “Please, we are also business partner, isn't that right Minji?” You smiled at Minji. “Of course, as the only child for each of our parents we've been taught to take our parent's company, now that they're married we have made an agreement to make sure some inheritance drama wouldn't happen”, Even Minji felt much more confident and chatty while she's wearing your blazer. “Ahhhh, hopefully you don't learn too much from your brother, otherwise you might start to get a lot of suitors soon”, Minji getting flirted on by other guys? Wouldn't that be….. an interesting way to play around with her obsession.
After chatting around for a while you went to the bathroom to just chill around from all the socialising you've been doing. Walking back to the venue however, you find a very interesting view. Minji is talking to a guy, young, a little short, very handsome. You stay silent and just watch her as she hasn't noticed your return just yet. The word talking is very loosely used to describe their interactions. The guy seems very adamant to try and get Minji to talk, yet Minji just smiled and laughed here and there without saying anything to him. Even a blind guy can see that she's highly uncomfortable with his presence. 
Then you see him slip something into her hand before walking away. Minji tried to open it before seeing you are watching her. She immediately ran up to you, “It took you so long”, She said seemingly forgotten about the earlier interaction. “Oh I was here for a while now, but you were busy with your friend so I was just watching”, Your eyes travel to the thing he slipped earlier, it seems to be a piece of paper. She also realised she was holding something, she threw it to the ground but you're fast enough to catch it. “Ohhhh? Isn't this interesting”, Just as expected, it was a phone number, “You should keep this Min”, You smiled trying to put on an angry smile as you gave it back to her.
Her face was filled with guilt and disbelief as you handed her the paper, “No I don't want it”, She crumpled it up before throwing it to a nearby trash can, she missed by the way. “Why not? You two seem to get along very well aren't you?” Her body is shaking as her eyes get teary, dear god it's so easy to tease her. “I'm not cheat-”, You immediately closed her mouth to make sure she didn't finish screaming that sentence. “Don't make a scene, and I need to talk with dad, so wait here”, You gave her an annoyed smile before walking away. 
Minji stays silent watching the wall, her hands tightened her grip and her nail sinks into her palm. You let her marinate in her own anger as you met your mom and dad. “Did you two have a fight already?” Your dad sighed, “Oh no, I was just teasing her”, Your mom looked at you with squinted eyes. “Sweetie, don't make a scene, also next time please try to find a more secure place to fuck, some people can hear you earlier”, Do you care? Does your parents care? “We do care if our special day is gonna be remembered as the start of a nasty rumour for your little endeavours”, Your dad easily read your expression. “Come on now, nothing gonna happen, nobody will know”, The two of them gave you a synced dissatisfied glare. “Okay, we won't be doing any of that, anyway me and Minji gonna go home earlier today okay”, You smiled innocently. “You should go home now”, Your mom said, “That would be bad sweetie, people will start to talk. Go home in an hour, and just sit on the balcony with Minji”, You bow your head in an exaggerated manner to them before walking off to the balcony.
Your eyes scanned the ballroom to see Minji is standing near the corner, her eyes filled with the void as she stares at the guy from earlier. “My sister is my girlfriend, and she's a psycho”, You laughed to yourself before finding Mina. She looks at you the moment you look at her, because she's creepy like that. You gestured to her to come and she silently joined you at the balcony. “Why the fuck are you asking for more time? Don't you always say that you can work efficiently”, She raised her eyebrow for a moment, “It's entertaining to see you panicking sir”, You just laughed at her. “It's amusing isn't it? Look at her, so innocent yet so corrupted already”, You nod at Minji who's watching you now.
“She is, how nice of you to find new toys to play with sir. I'm afraid I might be put in the crossfire now, aren't I?” You nod, Mina doesn't seem to be annoyed or angry about it. “I want to talk to her, Haewon”, What the fuck is wrong with you? Mina looks at you silently before speaking up, “I would say these are easy to manage, however I have a suspicion that you want to talk to her in person and not through a call”, You nod making her sigh. “I'll see what I can do sir”, She left you immediately without saying anything. You glance at Minji who's just staring at you with anger, disdain, guilt and jealousy. 
Then she walks to her mom, your mom, you watch them talk for a while before she walks to you. “I'm gonna kill him”, You're not really sure if that quick of an ending would be fun, “Me?” She shakes her head. “The guy who gave me his number. I'm gonna kill him, for you, to prove that I'm not cheating on you”, You giggled for a second. “I was just teasing you baby, don't get so worked up”, She moves closer to you which you immediately stop. “People are watching Minji, we can't just start kissing out here”, her face frowning even deeper. The two of you stay quiet for a while, she just stares at the floor, her shaking Jody tells you she's trying not to cry. “Let's go home, let's talk to mom and dad and say our goodbye before we go home”, She nodded without looking at you.
“Mom, dad, we are going home. Minji is feeling sick”, You put your hand around your sister as she's still looking down, “Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”, Your dad sighed. “That's quite long dad”, He shake his head, “I can't deal with you anymore. That's it you're out of college from now on, you make her this way you're fixing her”, You see Minji immediately raised her head. “There's nothing to fix, right mom?” You smiled innocently, “He's right dear, my dear Minji is perfect, it's your son that's the problem here”, Your dad nodded. “You're fixing your nasty personality as well. The two of you will be going to a couple therapy”, Don't say it, don't say it, “A family therapy?” The three of them clicked their tongue and rolled their eyes. “Alright see you later mom, dad, don't look for us for the next week okay?” You winked at them before leaving.
On the way home Minji starts to kiss your neck out of anxiety, “What are you doing?” She just moans and continues biting your neck. “Hey, stop that”, She scowls and stops biting your neck, but she continues hugging you. “I will make sure nobody dares to come to me again, oppa. I'm sorry, please don't be mad”, Her apology was sincere, her anger towards that random guy is also sincere. “I was just teasing you back then so calm down. Also you should just leave him alone, his family can get cranky if something happens to him”, She frowned and nodded. This however, is a turning point for Minji, as she disregards your words and goes behind your back.
“Minji”, You sighed while glaring at her, *What's wrong oppa?” She smiled innocently as she kissed your cheek. “Did you kill him? After I told you to leave him alone?” She just shrugged before hugging you, “I don't know who you're talking about”, An innocent smile plastered on her face. You stare at her for a few moments as she continues kissing your neck. “I don't appreciate your disobedience Minji”, You frowned at her, “Oh don't be such a party pooper, I did it for you remember?” You sighed. Of course there's nothing you can do now, you reap what you sow after all. 
“I need to go today, I have a business meeting to follow dad so don't make any trouble”, You decide to drop the subject for now, “Okay, don't come back home late oppa. Don't flirt with any girls okay?” She kissed your cheek before happily walking back to her bed. Something is up, she's been pretty calm after the wedding yet she has never been this calm. You went to meet your dad anyway, what's the worst that could happen? “What are you distracted with?” Your father immediately sees through you. “Minji is being off again, can you tell mom to watch over her?” He shook his head, “I swear to god the two of you are gonna drive me mad. Fine, I'll make her take care of her, now go and be ready for your presentation”, You leave Minji in the back of your mind for now. However problems arise when you finish the presentation and get a call from Mina.
“She's gone”, The first thing you think is that Minji has gone somewhere, then you realise, Mina was tasked to deal with Haewon, not Minji. “Haewon is gone?” It's Minji, of course it is, “Correct, I'm afraid it's your sister-girlfriend sir”, It seems like you might have grown a little too fast. “Fuck”
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Once you get home, you find Minji just chilling on the couch, acting clueless while she continues reading her book. The moment you walk in she smiles at you, “How was the meeting oppa?” You stare at her coldly, “Did you do it?” She raised her eyebrow, she's not very good at acting. Perhaps, she doesn't really try to hide it, maybe she got that one from you. “You need to be more specific oppa”, Since when is she this sassy, “Did you, clean up Haewon the same way you clean up your charming suitor”, She frowns a little hearing you call that side character a suitor. “I heard your tutor, Mina, can't seem to do her job properly. So I asked mom”, Aren't you proud? Your little girl is all grown up now.
“Mom can handle these problems better than dad?” Minji just shrugged, “Mom has her ways”, You smiled, my god you are proud of her. “Well, now all is well isn't it?” No, holy fuck no, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You've never seen any proof, but Minji definitely has her twisted tendencies from someone. Who could it be? Could it be her mysterious dad? Or is it her mom, your mom? Could her mom…….. treat your mom as her Haewon? “Oppa? What's wrong? You're happy right? Now there's no one between us anymore”, Minji smiles as she hugs you, her eyes devoid of happiness. They're just inspecting your face in case there is any disapproval.
“What a fucked up finale”, That hits pretty close to home, “Hehehehe, now you're mine oppa, fully”, Minji's hand starts to unbuttoned your shirt. Her lips touched your neck before she sank her teeth deep into it. Look at her, look at what you've made, isn't she beautiful. “Fucking he'll Minji, you're a maniac”, You grunted as your hand grabbed her tits. “Ahhhhh, you love me because of that”, Minji moaned before she continued biting her neck. Her hand finished unbuttoning your shirt and started to unzip your pants. “Should we go to the bedroom first?” Your question was answered by her body that pushes you to the wall. 
Your pants fell off to the ground, her slender hands grabbed onto your cock as she pressed her lips onto yours. She let out moans as her hands are jerking you off. For once she took control of you. It felt good, didn't it? Having her hand aggressively jerk you off as her tongue is exploring your mouth. Your hand went under her sweater and started to fondle her breast, “Pinch it oppa”, She whimpered before continuing her exploration of your mouth. 
Her mouth then starts to lower down and kiss your neck, her hand starts to stroke you faster and faster. “Fuck Minji, you've become such a slut”, She giggled and stop bitting your neck, “I did it all for you oppa”, She whispered in your ears. “Fuck baby, I'm gonna cum”, The moment she heard you Minji immediately drop to her knees. She pulls your tip to her mouth as her hand strokes you even faster. “Fuck”, You let out a grunt as you cum into her mouth. “Mmmhhhmm~”, Minji let out a moan as she felt those thick warm cum starts to fill her mouth. Despite her best effort to swallow it all, some still manages to drip out of her mouth, forcing her to use her fingers to wipe it before licking them clean.
“There better be more oppa”, She looked at you using her puppy eyes as she licked her cum stained hands. “Hehehe, get on the couch baby”, Minji stood up and turned around, making sure to poke out her ass towards you. Minji gets on the couch, kneeling on it as her body leaned towards the backrest. “Come on oppa, fuck my ass please”, She wiggle her ass to invite you. You walk closer, your hand grabs her yoga pants before pulling them down, revealing her bare ass. “You're ready baby?” Your finger teases her tight entrance, “Oppa, just fuck me already, fill my ass up daddy”, Did she figure out your kink already? 
Your cock rests in between her cheeks, “You're so desperate already? Tell me first Minji, what did you do to Haewon?” You rubbed your cock between her ass making her feel frustrated. “Stop talking about her already, it's just you and me from now on. Forget about her, and just focus on me, daddy~”, Now how do you deal with her teasing? “Ahhhh, again daddy, spank me harder”, Well, spanking hasn't been a punishment for her anymore. You raised your hand and slapped her ass making her let out a moan, “I told you I got Haewon covered, but you just won't listen do you?” Minji bit her lips and nodded. 
“I can't wait any longer daddy, I hate her, I hate her so much. I want you, I want you to belong to me, forever. Fuck me already daddy, I can't wait for you any longer”, She whined as she wiggle her ass. “Bad girl”, You spank her again making her moan, “I hate it when you won't listen to me”, You spank her again. “I'm sorry daddy, but I can't let her take up a place in your mind anymore. You belong to me, now and forever”, She grunted. That's it, no more waiting, “Aggghhhh, fuck daddy”, Maybe you can penetrate her slower though. “Fucking slut”, You spanked her again making her moan, “Yeah, I'm your slut, fuck me harder daddy”
How is a gentleman supposed to say no to such a kind request? You pick up your pace and pound her even faster. Your hand grabbed on to her hair and pulled her up, “Ahhhhhh, fuck, you're so fucking big daddy, you're breaking me apart”, Minji is filled with ecstasy, and your cock. Your hips starts to live by itself, pounding her mercilessly as her ass jiggle from the impact and your spanking. “Fuck, fill me up daddy, pleaseee”, Her words sends you over the edge, you grunted and pull her hair even harder as you empty your load inside her. “Hhhmmm, that felt good daddy, hopefully you still have some more to give me because my pussy is still aching for you”, Minji moaned as you pulled out your dick, your cum started to overflow and dripped down her ass. 
You sit down on the couch next to her to catch your breath for a second, then Minji jumps on to your lap and starts stroking your cock. “I should stop drinking those pills oppa, because it's time to make you a real daddy”, She kissed you as your cock sprung back into action. “Hopefully, this time you didn't end up like the last girl I impregnate”, She smiled a little before leaning down and whispered in your ear, “Don't worry oppa, nothing will distract you ever again. It's just you, and me, now and forever”
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stevesgother · 12 days
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Savior Complex - S.H
Paring - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
WC - 1.9k
Warnings - Blood. Mention of vomit. Partial nudity. Let me know if I missed anything!
Authors note - This is my first fic...ever. Constructive criticism always welcome but pls be nice. Takes place directly after the events of S3. Hurt/comfort, angst, acknowledging Steve’s trauma bc damn.
Summary: ANGST, hurt/comfort, happy ending but not a lot of resolution, friends to ? lovers? idk its up to you!
Inspired by my favorite poem of all time, that has always reminded me a little bit of Steve.
“In this space right here that we have made for each other, you can say anything and I will not abandon you. Unwrap the worst things you have done. Watch me hold them up to the light and not even flinch”
The air inside Steve’s car was heavy with tension and the thick July heat.
You sat parked in his driveway, the rest of The Party having dispersed to their own homes; their parents waiting for them with open arms and misty eyes. 
Not you. 
And Certainly not Steve Harrington.
You and Steve weren’t what you would call “close”. Until now, that is. Shared trauma tends to have that effect. He knew you had a tumultuous relationship with your parents, and it didn’t take much deducing to realize his parents weren’t in the picture. Barely in Indiana, let alone spending anything close to quality time with their only son.
The idea of spending the last few hours of this nightmarishly long day in his big, empty house was sounding lovelier by the minute. On the grounds that it ‘wasn’t safe to be alone right now’. You didn’t read too much into it; he was right, after all. Part of you wonders if he just didn’t want to be alone. Sluggish, and noticeably more bloodied than you, Steve made his way to the front door with you in tow. His house was silent; eerily so. Everything pristine and well manicured, as if no one lived there at all. 
“There’s a guest bedroom upstairs, and a bathroom down the hall, to the right. Towels in the cabinet next to the shower.” He doesn’t even look at you as he says it. You try not to feel like you’re burdening him, blaming his avoidance on the exhaustion and not the unwelcome presence of you in his home.
“What about you?”
“What about me?” He finally meets your gaze. The shiner he sports on his left eye is still swollen, but less so. The front of his sailor suit you once thought so endearing, is now stained with blood and vomit.
“You’re bleeding.” You say quietly. “You have -” you wince, “- open wounds on your face Steve. Probably a concussion too and that’s if we’re being modest.”
He wears a tight-lipped expression you can’t quite read. You can tell he’s frustrated, and his exhaustion is bone deep. It nags at your heart. Maybe that’s why you don’t just drop it when he answers you.
“Not my first rodeo, I’ll be fine just-” He pauses, “go shower, and get some rest. God knows this shit won’t just be over come tomorrow.”
You take a tentative step forward. “Please just…just let me help. I can disinfect the cuts around your eye. I was a girl scout! Though in hindsight I realize how useless that sounds and-” you’re rambling now; nervous.
“Stop.” You’re taken aback slightly by his tone, you haven’t known Steve to act hostile. Not in a long time. “I don’t need your help, and I certainly don’t need your pity.”
“It’s not ‘pity’ Steve! Why is it so hard for you to believe someone might want to help you?” You take a step forward from where you stand a few feet from him. You reach up to touch his forehead with the hope of better assessing his injuries.
‘Enough!” He swats your hand away, “God, I should’ve never offered for you to stay here. You think you’re some type of savior, but you’re not.”
His words feel like a knife to the chest. You knew what he was trying to do, you knew he didn’t really mean the things he said. Not when he’s like this. For the first time since you arrived tonight, you thought of how many times he’s had to come back to this empty, soulless house all alone. Damaged, emotionally and physically. Wounds he’s had to patch alone. No gentle caress of another’s hands. Just the stinging of antiseptic in his nostrils, and the heaviness of everyone he’s ever loved abandoning him.
“You don’t mean that.” You say, shaking your head in a disbelieving way.
He laughs, humorless, “Yes I do. I really, really do.” A bitter sharpness to his words. It burns like liquor washing down your throat. “Go.” 
“No!” Now you’re the one raising your voice. “Being stubborn is for when someone is haggling you at a flea market. Not when someone is trying to love you.”
Love. You realize what you’ve said a beat too late, but you stand defiant despite it. You do love Steve. This fact, collecting cobwebs in the back of your brain for months, being spat out onto the floor in front of you both is what compels you to what you do next.
Steve, who was previously standing with this index finger and thumb pinching the bridge of his nose, is now staring at you like a deer in headlights. Before either of you can blink, you’re closing the gap between the two of you, sure of yourself. You wrap him in a suffocating embrace and he struggles against your grip.
“Stop! Please I don’t need you-” He all but shouts. Still, you sense a dent in the armor.  A crack in the wall he’s spent so long building to keep you out; to keep everyone out.
Eventually, he stops struggling. His knees give out from underneath him as the trauma and the pain and the events of today catch up to him. But not just today; a year ago when his girlfriend broke his heart at Tina’s stupid party. When Michael Harrington cut him off on the grounds of him being a disgrace to the family name. Everything flooding back to him all at once. Everything he’s spent his youth avoiding.
You sink to the ground with him, still holding him tight. He stops making an effort to hide his sobs, but instead clings to you like you’re the only tangible thing keeping him here. You sit beside him, with one arm wrapped around his shoulders and your free hand cradling his head to his chest so he can hear your heartbeat. A heart that finally beats for him.
“I know.” You soothe. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.” The hair you’re gently stroking, which is usually so voluminous and perfectly styled, is now dampened with blood and sweat.
“I’m sorry-” He sobs, “I'm so sorry.”
“Don’t be. I don’t want you to be sorry. I’m not sorry.” 
He cries harder at that. Shoulders shaking and breath shallow, he looks at you. You cradle his sweet, bruised face in your hands. You think, like a pomegranate, Steve Harrington is beautiful, and worth the mess. Wiping his tears with your thumbs and careful to avoid the cuts and swelling that decorate his face, you give him a smile. Shy, but earnest.
“Can you take me to bed?” He asks you, eyes bleary.
Neither of you speak as you turn on the faucet and watch the porcelain tub fill with scalding hot water; still not hot enough to wash away the memories this day has tainted you both with forever. Tentatively, you lift your shirt over your head, and slip your shorts down your scraped legs, revealing your mismatched bra and underwear. A pang of guilt washes over you when you look down and realize Steve took the brunt of the Russian soldiers. He was the bravest and most selfless person you had ever met.
You give him a look that asks “is this okay?” as your fingertips brush the cotton of his ruined Scoops uniform. You aren’t sure what the boundaries are anymore. Momentarily Steve worries this will irreparably change things between you two. He nods anyway. You lift the shirt over his head, catching a glimpse at the real extent of his injuries. His ribs were badly bruised, and he had clotting cuts all over his abdomen. Something swirls in your stomach at the sight of his chest hair. You wish the circumstances of this moment were different.
He pulls his own pants and socks down with a hiss, eyes screwed shut, leaving you both in just your undergarments. He steps into the tub and slowly sinks beneath the hot water. You step in behind him, and he looks over his shoulder at you, a look of confusion contorting his features. You don’t bother to explain, for the fear that speaking would break the trance you both seemingly were under. You had built a space here for each other, one you didn’t want to leave just yet.
Sitting behind him now, you wrap your arms around his chest and pull him flush to you. You rest your chin in the space between his shoulder and his neck, and close your eyes. You can feel how he tries to match his breathing to yours; slow and rhythmic.
You reach up to the hanging shelf on the wall above your head, and grab the cedar and sandalwood body wash. The second you open the bottle, your senses are flooded with him. Only in your wildest dreams did you think you’d ever get to smell his scent in any way other than passing. A slight brush of shoulders in the hallway; a friendly hug when you’d gotten back from a month long vacation.
With a dollop of body wash on a washcloth you found on the edge of the tub, you gently start to scrub the blood and grime off his freckled skin. Like this, you can see every birthmark, every scar, the way the hair at the nape of his neck curls up around his ears in the damp bathroom air.
Steve rests his calloused hand on your knee and squeezes. A silent reassurance that what you’re doing is okay, that he’s okay, that he’s here. Everything feels overwhelmingly intimate as your hands explore his body. You lather his thick, brown locks with the shampoo you found next to the soap. With a heavy sigh, Steve allows his head to fall back into the crook of your neck. He doesn’t tell you, but this is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for him.
You’re not sure how long the two of you sit in the tub together, but at some point he turns to face you, cupping your jaw in his larger hand. The look he gives you is so tender, you think you might cry. His caramel eyes flicker to your lips and back up to your eyes, so fast you would’ve missed it if your senses weren’t dialed up to 11.
With the delicacy of someone touching a flower petal, he closes the gap and presses his cut lips to your soft ones. Hesitant at first, giving you the option to pull away. He fears he may have misread the moment when you separate from him, a look in your eyes that he can’t read. His worry dissipates as you take his face into both of your hands and kiss him deep and slow. You only break when the air feels too stiff to continue, the water droplets accumulating in the air and Steve's kiss making it difficult to catch your breath. His hands slide from where they were grasping your hair, and down to your neck where they stay.
“I love you, too.”
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urbandeity · 7 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
uwahh what a sweet question Sailor! Lemme dig through my masterlist >:)
Magnolia [ Erwin/Levi | 24k+ words | Ongoing ] Victorian Era AU in which Levi becomes a prostitute under the management of Erwin. Easily my favorite right now, I love building this world and exploring an Eruri dynamic.
His Wounded Heart Beats For One [ Levi/F!Reader | 180k words | Completed ] Canon-verse Scout!Levi x Nurse!Reader. Ofc I love this one and I'm very very proud of it! I think it encapsulates my writing style very well (and proves i do write more than filthy smut sometimes lol)
The Ripper's Prey [ Erwin/Kenny | 13k words ] Whump, DDDNE. Graphic encounter between Erwin and Kenny in canon-verse. Horrible, evil, really dark. But a testament to my love for dark content and a piece I put a surprising amount of thought into.
Exsanguination [ Erwin/Levi | 3.5k words ] In which an obsessively devoted Levi is manipulated by a cruel, heartless Erwin. Another dark piece, but my personal favorite of what I wrote for Dark Eruri Week 2023.
No Surrender [ Erwin, Levi, Miche, Reader | 16.6k words ] The three hunters, your partners, chase down the lone prey, you. If I had to pick just one entry from RDOTES, I'd probably suggest this one. The first installment ever published, and still the best at demonstrating the relationship dynamic and personalities of the four main characters.
Thank you for the ask!! Warm wishes to you my friend <3
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bangtanwritershq · 10 months
BangtanWritersHQ Presents: “Golden Works of Art" Masterlist
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For November 2023, we assembled a masterlist collection of fics to showcase the number 7 for Bangtan and Jeon Jungkook, and the release of Golden, Jungkook’s first album! There are many different AUs, genres, and pairings featured! So, if you're in the mood for all things SEVEN & GOLDEN, this masterlist is for you! Note: All fics are OVER 7k in length, and many feature Jungkook as their focal point but are not limited to being Jungkook-centric
Browse at your leisure and ENJOY!
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🔞 - nsfw (mature themes) ✅ - sfw (no warnings) 💖 - smut ⚠️ - other warnings
SET UP - emojis: Title (if link is to another platform) | Author [parts] pairings, genre/aus, rating, word count
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🔞💖⚠️ Promises, Promises (Ao3) | @downbad4yoongi [1/1] Pairing: Jimin x Jeongguk AU Type: Mail Order Husband, S2L | fluff, angst, mild smut Rating: MA WC: 11,280
🔞💖⚠️ Make You Mine | @colormepurplex2 [2/2] Pairing: Alpha!Jungkook x Omega!f.Reader AU Type: A/B/O, E2L | angst, smut Rating: MA WC: 11,231
🔞💖⚠️ Lights, Camera, Action | @colormepurplex2 [3/3] Pairing: Actor!Jungkook x Artist!Reader (ft. Director!Namjoon x Artist!Reader) AU Type: Poly/3way Relationship, Coworkers/Strangers to Lovers | smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 22,484
🔞💖⚠️ Slow and Steady | @yoonia [1/1] Pairing: Jungkook x female reader/Jungkook x female OC AU Type: Art | smut, angst Rating: MA WC: 7,137
🔞💖⚠️ Mirrors: What Becomes of Us | @yoonia [1/1] Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader AU Type: Friends w/Benefits to Lovers | smut, angst Rating: MA WC: 8,454
🔞💖⚠️ In Motion | @yoonia [14/14] Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader AU Type: Sex Club | smut Rating: MA WC: 175,587
🔞💖⚠️ Song of You | @bethschamberoftales [1/1] Pairing: Jungkook x Reader AU Type: 1930-40s Romance | smut, angst, fluff Rating: MA WC: 8k
🔞💖⚠️ Let Me Heal You | @bethschamberoftales [1/1] Pairing: ex!bf Jungkook x reader x lawyer! Taehyung AU Type: Coming of Age, Infidelity, Crime, Thriller | angst, smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 26k
🔞💖⚠️ I Put A Spell On You | @colormepurplex2 [2/2] Pairing: Demon!Jimin x Witch!f.Reader x Vampire!Jungkook AU Type: Demon/Witch/Vampire Halloween | angst, smut Rating: MA WC: 9,257
🔞💖⚠️ Chasing Shadows | @colormepurplex2 [4/4] Pairing: Sherlock!Jungkook x Journalist!f.Reader AU Type: Modern Day Sherlock Holmes | angst, smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 21,511
🔞💖⚠️ Flowers of Fate | @colormepurplex2 [4/4] Pairing: UnseeliePrince!Yoongi x Human!f.Reader (ft. x UnseelieGuard!Jungkook x SeeliePrince!Jimin x WoodNymph!Namjoon) AU Type: Strangers to Bonded Mates | angst, smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 56,072
🔞💖⚠️ On Wings of Mist & Memories | @colormepurplex2 [3/3] Pairing: DragonRider!Jungkook x FieldScribe!f.Reader AU Type: Enemies to Lovers, Exiled Royalty, Fantasy | angst, smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 39,753
🔞💖⚠️ Seeds | @downbad4yoongi [1/1] Pairing: Persephone!Yoongi x Hades!Hoseok AU Type: Modern Greek Mythology, Strangers to Lovers, Mafia | angst, smut Rating: MA WC: 7,902
🔞💖⚠️ Lifeline | @downbad4yoongi [1/1] Pairing: Namjoon x Reader AU Type: First Responder | smut, light fluff Rating: MA WC: 7,157
🔞💖⚠️ The Agile Fox | @yoonia [1/1] Pairing: Jungkook x OC (named female character) x Yoongi AU Type: Shifters, Werewolf | fluff, angst, smut Rating: MA WC: 51,966
🔞💖⚠️ Bad For You | @yoonia [1/1] Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader AU Type: Stripper | smut, angst Rating: MA WC: 11,340
🔞💖⚠️ To All The Men I’ve Fucked Before | @hisunshiine [1/1] Pairing: Jungkook x Reader AU Type: tatbilb!au fake dating!au | angst, smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 30,586
🔞💖 Laundry Love | @hisunshiine [1/1] Pairing: Jungkook x Reader AU Type: s2l, non-idol au | smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 9,983
🔞💖⚠️ Bangtan Scouts | @hisunshiine [20/20] Pairing: Jungkook x Reader AU Type: sailor moon au | angst, smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 48,937
🔞💖⚠️ College Nights, Diner Fights | @hisunshiine [1/1] Pairing: Jungkook x Reader AU Type: e2l, diner au, college au | angst, smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 9,841
🔞💖⚠️ Seven Days | @hisunshiine [7/7] Pairing: Jungkook x Reader AU Type: f2l au, fwb au | angst, smut, fluff Rating: MA WC: 34,607
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All stories copywritten of the specified author. The authors provided consent for their stories to the network to be shared by submitting their stories. Stories posted in the order of submission to the event.
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writing-fanics · 9 months
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☽。⋆cream puffs and roses ☽。⋆
Endymion/Mamoru Chiba x F!Reader
[summary: a sweet and forbidden romance sweet like cream puffs that ends in tragedy]
'Denizens of the Earth and Moon Kingdom are forbidden to fraternize. That is the god's law.' 
"Princess Celeste!" Venus shouted, catching the princess as she snuck down to Earth. Celeste stopped in her tracks and stuck out her tongue. "Princess, I would expect this kind of behavior from Serenity, not you," said Mars. Celeste folded her arms across her chest. "Is it so wrong that I'm merely curious?" asked Celeste. The Sailor Guardians looked at her sternly.
"And it's such curiosity that will get you hurt or worse," said Jupiter, and the princess pursed her lips. "Did anyone see you?" asked Venus, and the princess pursed her lips. "No." She said, lying. "Now, back to your studies," said Mercury, causing the princess' eyes to widen. She slowly backed away, from the guardians and ran down the hallway. 
"Celeste!" a voice called out, and she closed the book and placed it on her bed. Romeo and Juliet. She looked out her window and her breathing stopped, "W-What're you doing here?!" asked Celeste, looking down and seeing Endymion looking up at her from her balcony. 
"I had to see you again. You dropped this," said Endymion as he reached into his pocket, revealing the bracelet she had dropped. Her cheeks turned red. "How can I trust you?" she asked, unsure.
"I promise I mean no harm," he said, and she gazed down at him. His eyes sparkled like the crystal blue oceans she had seen from above on Earth."
"I'll be right down," she said and quickly left her room. She peeked her head out, looked around to make sure the coast was clear and then made her way down the stairs and outside.
Endymion came out of the bushes and spoke apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The girl looked at him nervously as he slowly approached her. He held out a bracelet, and she cautiously reached out to take it from his hand.
"Thank you," she said with a soft smile. "I also brought you this," he said, presenting a beautiful red rose as an apology for having frightened her. Her cheeks turned beet red as she looked at him, and she smiled while taking the rose from him. "Thank you," she mumbled under her breath. Their eyes met, and they smiled at each other as they sat down on the grass, talking to each other as if they were in a world of their own.
Months went by and a friendship blossomed between the two. The Sailor Senshi and Serenity watched as it unfolded from afar, "She looks so happy," said Serenity, noticing the smile on her cousin's face as she talked with Endymion. Celeste never talked much and was always quiet, whenever she didn't have any studies. She used to stay in her room reading whatever booked peeked her fancy. Until one day, her curiosity to see Earth became far too strong for her to push away. So she snuck down to there. 
"I can't believe this is happening," said Mars. Serenity looked at the scout and crossed her arms. "Unfortunately, it is," she replied, smiling as Celeste laughed at something Endymion said. "Please don't mention this to my mother," Serenity added, gesturing towards Endymion and Celeste who seemed very happy together. "They look so happy," she remarked, glancing at Celeste once again.
"And sneaking out more often," Mars mumbled, causing Serenity to chuckle. "Yes, besides, I'm going to fix that silly law when I become queen," said Serenity, happy for her cousins' budding friendship and possible romance with Endymion.
Venus gazed at the young princess and replied, "It's not as easy as you think." Serenity looked back at her and responded, "I don't care. When I become queen, that law will no longer exist." Her determination was evident. Suddenly, Endymion and Celeste intertwined their fingers and gazed down at the Earth, causing Serenity to let out a sharp gasp. 
"Love is in the air~" She cooed, giddly. The Sailor Senshi sighed and decided to give the two some space. Yet, the Sailor Senshi stood at a safe distance, their eyes fixated on Endymion and Celeste. They had been watching their friendship grow for months, and now, it had blossomed into something more beautiful and alluring.
"Yeah, I couldn't stop laughing when that happened." Celeste exclaimed, as she looked over at Endymion smiling, as they shared stories. Endymion smiled, as he listened to her stories and about her struggles of loneliness.
"I love Serenity I do and the Scouts but.." She brought her knees to her chest hugging them. "I still can't help but feel lonely." She said sadly, looking out at the Earth.
"So most of the time, I stay in my room reading whenever I have a break from studies." She said. He scooted closer to her, "Or sneaking down to Earth." He adds, and she chuckles softly. "Yeah, that too." She said, looking at him smiling. "There's going to be a morning market tomorrow," He said, looking at her and she looked at him. "Would you like to go?" He asked, and her eyes lit up and she nodded in response. "I'd love to. I'll use Serenity as a distraction." She joked, causing the two to smile at each other.
Celeste's eyes looked curiously at the various food stands and shops, in the market. The smell of something sweet wafted through her nose, and her stomach growled in response. She started sniffing the air like a dog sniffing for food. Until her nose pointed in the direction of the stand, where the scent was coming from.
She rushed towards it. Endymion could only smile softly in response as he followed after her. Her eyes sparkled like stars seeing the delicious cream puffs, some filled with whipped cream and others custard or pastry cream. Endymion paid for the sweet confectionery.
Her eyes widened, and she placed her hand on the right side of her cheek and hummed in delight. “So good!” She mumbled as she savored the delicious treat.
Her cheeks flushed, “Sorry, I’m being impolite.” She said, embarrassed looking away from him. “No, I’m happy you’re having fun,” He said, and she looked at him and smiled. He noticed the little bit of chocolate on her cheek, he brought his hand to her cheek and with his thumb, wiped away the chocolate on her cheek. 
She looked away sheepishly, as her heart pounded against her chest. "I should be heading back," She mumbled. He removed his hand from her cheek understanding but upset that their time together was already ending. "I'll escort you," He said, and she smiled. Her eyes landed on a stand selling necklaces, and couldn’t help but stop to look.
As she walked down the street, her eyes caught sight of a beautiful necklace with a gold chain and a jeweled rose at the bottom. Endymion walked up behind her and noticed her staring at the necklace in awe. Without any hesitation, he paid for the necklace before the young princess could even object. "H-Hey, you didn't need to buy that for me." She said as they walked towards the palace. 
He looked at her and smiled, "Why not? You're my guest." He said, and her cheeks turned bright red, "Besides a beautiful necklace should be worn by a beautiful princess such as you." He said, and her cheeks turned beet red. Her heart skipped a beat as her breathing hitched, "I-I um.." She mumbled, under her breath. 
Her heart raced as he held her hand, intertwining their fingers. She looked into his blue eyes, which sparkled like crystals in the sunlight. "Celeste" He whispered, her name rolling off his tongue so easily. 
‘Dont fall in love’ 
‘Don’t fall in love’ 
As he leaned in, she could feel his warm breath on her lips. His lips were soft and gentle as they met hers, sending a shiver down her spine. She couldn't help but melt into the kiss, her hand instinctively reaching up to caress his cheek. His hand moved to the back of her neck, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. At that moment, the world around them seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in the intensity of the moment.
‘Too late’ 
She paced her room still able to feel the warmth of his lips, and she couldn't stop touching them with her fingers. She missed the softness and sweetness of his kiss already. As she walked towards her window, she looked longingly at the Earth. "My Endymion," she sighed, placing her hand over her chest. 
Celeste was lost in her thoughts when she heard a knock at her door. "It's me," Serenity said from outside the bedroom. Celeste opened the door and pulled her cousin into the room before closing the door behind them. "What happened?" asked Serenity, taking Celeste's hands. "You've been quiet," she continued, and Celeste looked away sheepishly.
"He kissed me," said Celeste. Serenity's eyes widened in shock. "And I kissed him back," Celeste added. Her cousin gasped in shock before smiling and squealing, "Oh, I'm so happy for you!" squealed Serenity, then Celeste placed her hand over her cousin's mouth. 
"Celeste!" a voice called out. She walked towards her balcony and saw Endymion looking up at her. "Endymion!" she whisper-shouted, excitedly. "I'll be right down," she said, sending him a smile. Serenity looked at her cousin and smiled, "Go on!" said Serenity, patting her on the back. Celeste had a smile on her face as she gave her a thumbs-up and exclaimed, "Go get 'em!" Serenity shoved her outside of her bedroom door.
"I had to see you again," he confessed. Her smile grew as she ran down the stairs towards him, wrapping her arms around him. "Endymion," she whispered, looking up at him. 
He gently placed his hand on her cheek, and she leaned into his touch. She smiled softly and said, "When I'm with you, it's like my heart becomes transparent! Energy wells up within me!" She paused for a moment and then looked up into his eyes. "I want to be with you like this forever," she whispered, feeling her heart swelling with emotion as she leaned her head into his chest and felt his strong arms around her. He looked down at her and smiled.
With a gentle sigh, she whispered his name under her breath - "My Endymion." He leaned down towards her and their lips met in a soft and tender kiss, their bodies drawn closer together. As the kiss deepened, he placed his hand on the back of her head, gently pulling her closer to him. With every passing second, the intensity of their embrace grew, their passion burning brighter and brighter until they were both lost in the moment, lost in each other.
๋࣭ ⭑"My Starlight." ๋࣭ ⭑
A dark cloud seemed to loom over the Earth Kingdom, a rebellion seemed to be brewing. Endymion and Celeste, were seeing less and less of each other. She knew for them to be seen together especially now, would mean war and could even make the situation even worse.
She looked down at the countless letters that they've been exchanging during this time, "Oh, Endymion." She whispered. Missing her lover dearly. She heard rustling from outside, and walked towards her balcony. "Serenity, knows not th-" The figure revealed himself, and her eyes widened with joy.
"Endymion!" She whisper shouted, and quickly ran out of her room towards him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, as his arms snaked their way around her waist.
"Endymion," She whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. She looked up at him, "I don't mean to sound dark but." She mumbled under her breath, she intertwined her fingers with his. "If anything happens, I hope we find each other in our next life." She said, looking at him biting her lip nervously.
Endymion placed, his hand on her cheek. caressing it with his thumb. "Of course, everything is going to be alright." He said, leaning down to press a kiss onto her lips. "I promise," He said, placing his forehead against hers. "I'll protect you no matter what." He planted a kiss on her forehead, and she placed her hand over his.
"I'll protect you, my Starlight." He whispered. She wrapped her arms around him as if her life depended on it. Tears brimming her eyes and she nuzzled her head into his chest. He pulled back and cupped her cheeks, "Someone like you shouldn't have such tears," He said, gently wiping them away. She placed her hand over his leaning into his touch.
"We will take the Kingdom of the Moon and make it ours!" 
"The Legendary Silver Crystal will be mine!" 
"Prince, will you be a traitor to Earth?" 
"This is all for Earth's prosperity!" 
"Stop! Lay down your arms! Stop this futile war!" shouted Endymion, standing in front of his beloved Starlight protectively. Celeste stood behind him scared for her life. Beryl's eyes landed on her eyes filled with hatred and jealousy, "So, this is the wench you betrayed your kingdom for!" shouted Beryl; raising the sword above her head and running towards the princess. 
"I'll end you!" shouted Beryl, running towards the princess sword raised; above her head. She felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her protectively. Followed by a pained scream and blood staining her hands. Her eyes widened in horror seeing her lover protect her from the sword; getting himself impaled in the process. 
Celeste let out a blood-curdling scream, "Endymion!" as she watched him fall to the ground his body lying in front of her feet. Falling to her knees in shock, as she brought her hand to her mouth.
She couldn't breathe. Her entire world seemed to crumble around her, "Endymion!" her anguish cries echoed throughout the kingdom Her eyes drifted towards the sword lying on the ground. With eyes devoid of emotion she reached; towards the sword lying on the ground. She couldn't make a wish or pray everything was gone, nothing could fix this nothing could bring him back. Once again she was alone. Alone.
"Princess?" whispered the sailor scouts. Celeste, tears in her eyes and immeasurable grief in her heart gripped the sword with both hands and plunged it between her breasts. Her body fell to the ground lifeless beside Endymion, her beloved. Her hand clasps over his in her final moments. The Sailor Scouts let out a horrified scream, "Princess!" watching as the princess took her own life. Her body lying next to that of her beloved, like Romeo and Juliet. 
"I cant seem to stop eating theses for breakfast and lunch." She exclaimed, as she walked down the sidewalk. Just as she was about to take her first bite of her third cream puff. Someone bumped into her, causing her to drop the cream puff on the ground.
"Wahh! My cream puff!" She exclaimed, looking down at her ruined lunch. "Hey!" She exclaimed, her cheeks puffed as she looked up at the guy.
She looked at the guy in front of her his hair was black, and he wore shades and a tuxedo? He almost looked familiar. "You made me drop my lunch." She pouted, looking at him. He looked at her through the shades.
He couldn't help but tease her. "You keep eating like that, and you'll turn into a cream puff," he said with a grin. She looked at him, furrowed her eyebrows, and pursed her lips.
"Excuse me?!" She scoffed, folding her arms across her chest as she looked at him. "Hmph, mind your business!" She growled, as she picked up what was once her breakfast and stormed off.
"Pretentious jerk!" She mumbled under her breath, as she turned back to look at him before continuing on her way. Looking down at her watch, causing her to shout and pick up the pace. "Oh, I'm late!" She shouted, and he watched as she ran off in the opposite direction. Running towards, her extracurricular activities. .
a/n: I hoped you enjoyed this! Should I make a part II? Mamoru definetly owes her some fresh cream puffs don't ya think?
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st-armand · 1 year
Author’s Notes: Earth-138 & 138B are the same, Hobie lives in New London (NY after British V.E.N.O.M associates take over the city alongside NYC Venom affiliates).
The magical girl references in this head cannon are Sailor Moon after the final season; Post Sailor Galaxia, technically from a worldbuilding head canon I have of the scouts after Neo Tokyo.
Hobie Brown x Magical Girl!Reader Headcanons Part 1
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This one is for all my hobie lovers, feast well.
Tags: Fem implied reader with the term ‘magical girl’, Reader is portrayed as Sailor Saturn, black reader but can be read as any and all
Warnings: Magical girls are scary, Mentions of Violence, Political Ideologies, Light Gore, LONG ASF
• Hobie isn’t naive, he lives in a multiverse with infinite possibilities and circumstances, even in his own earth and its surrounding universe there exists mutants, heroes, chaos and beings of extraordinary skills and abilities.
• So its safe to say he isn’t necessarily surprised, but he is amused by the prospect of worlds where the boundaries between reality, the alchemical, and the magical are thinner than what most would even be able to theorize it to be.
I have two ideas of how Hobie meets you:
1. He meets you through another spider—Senshi Araneus aka the Red Spider Nebula one who instead of a traditional spider suit, they have a transformation-based suit, so they’re more likely to be seen out of transformation than in it, since it’s an almost instantaneous change.
So let’s say there’s a dangerous anomaly running amuck in the magical spider’s universe, which is where he meets their friends, comrades, and you.
• The Spider team all have this collective idea that the world where you come from is filled with childlike wonder, and merriment, due to the kind, accommodating and just nature of Araneus, are shocked upon arrival.
(For now at least) it is similar our current world set in an unknown future timeline, the world is amidst a revolution for the fall of economic systems and classes to one founded by the people under a magical galactic ordinance.
New York and Japan are the largest ungoverned magical cities renamed Millennium Lenapehoking and Neo Tokyo.
• The politics of your world fascinates Hobie. You exist in a timeline ripe for molding society into the shape of liberation, and to do so taking up a mantle to fight oppression on earth and across constellations, this ABSOLUTELY riles Hobie up.
He lead a liberative revolution in his own world, and still has to fight fascists to keep peace within his community, so he sees the mantle that magical people uphold on a galactic scale, he empathizes and genuinely respects your fight and struggle.
• The more time he spends in your world, the more he falls in love with it— from the crystalline structures, to the modes of space travel, and especially the clothes that are made to replicate the fashion eras of planets, he finds it especially amusing that punk is classified as a vintage, but he is enthralled at by the future of punk and how the style evolves to match the magical and futuristic styles of the people and aliens on the planet.
• CONSTANTLY asks Senshi Araneus for weekly correspondence between the two of you, it starts off sweet with exchanging gifts from each other’s worlds, then evolves into having whole conversations with Araneus being the messenger between the two of you.
They get annoyed with it quickly, and opts to give Hobie an unlicensed multiverse communication device from your world, he uses it, but shrugs his shoulder languidly and says something along the lines of, “Don’t need it mate, jus’ made my own.”
• Has a group chat with Araneus, you and some other Senshi where you all listen to him complain about Miguel and talk about how terrible his politics are, recently Hobie spends HOURS complaining about the Miles incident (it’s still a sore spot),
but you all like to spam Hobie with photos of creatures and other beings yall meet, your private messages consists of selfies of your mundane days, your day job, updating him on the fun you have with other senshi, but his favorites are the photos you take, face sweaty, styled hair ragged, and your uniform in tatters after a particularly hard battle, flecks of magic flittering in your determined eyes you remind him of a predator, confident in its stride after a good hunt.
2. You also live in Earth-138(B) and while the public information around Magical People is limited to anecdotes from people’s experiences with magical girls, or comics around those who’ve seen them in action, little to none is known about the pretty vigilantes plowing through villains, criminals, corruption, slavery, and fascists.
• You live in New London, your family lived there before the British occupation when NYC became NL.
It was essentially the same, but the difference can be spotted between residential slang, and state sanctioned zoning.
• You’ve been a magical girl since 12, you spent your entire life fighting monsters, corrupted humans, other magical peoples, cops, government spies, you name it, and you’ve fought it and lived, you’re quite privileged in that aspect
• You became a senshi after a traumatic event, cornered in an alley, moments from death, or whatever gruesome ideas your assailant could think of, your body couldn’t handle the stress and anxiety, your star crystal was activated to protect its owner.
When you came to, all that remained were disintegrated bodies and chunks of flesh.
• The first time Hobie meets you, he’s an older teen, mostly accustomed to his duties as Spiderman of his world, and New London, aiding him in the fight against a beast, a V.E.N.O.M synthesized Chimera, in all of its many headed and limbed glory, had attacked the city.
Hobie did his best to contain it, but a monster with few weak points and unpredictable strikes, his spidey senses were a bit overwhelmed.
• Just as he is in the most compromising position battling the enemy, having no aid, and focusing on keep bystanders safe, you came down upon him like a rapture, a visage of death amongst its ghastly horse.
You take down the Chimera with an earth-shattering blow, severing its head with an immaculately clean cut.
• To Hobie you are the visage of destruction, the essence of a vengeful deity that graces its people with salvation, but severs those unworthy of it.
He is enamored by your strength, adoration graces his masked face, but before he gets a quip in to break the ice, you depart—fly really, leaving him with the carcass.
• Hobie only ever sees you in your senshi uniform during fights with extraordinary powers and abilities, or public demonstrations, keeping protestors safe, killing off cops, and helping to rebuild infrastructure in NL.
• Hobie does see you often out of uniform, specifically at a store ‘Clash & Kill’ where many punks go to craft, and barter for accessories.
He always sees you admiring the leatherwork of the items, even smelling them, he learns later you do this to verify if its real leather, this always makes him laugh, he loves to tease you about it too, “You smellin’ the wares again, huh?���
• He won’t know your identity as a magical girl until he’s transparent about his role as Spiderman, this will cause clashes in the relationship that’s fostered between the two of you, but love is a work in progress right?
Comments, Questions, Criticisms?? Im still getting used to formating on tumblr posts so im always down to listen to tips and advice
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anxi-aashi · 7 months
high seas and gnoses (pt 1)
tartaglia x gn!reader
words: 1.9k
warnings: cursing, scary tagtag, thats pretty much it tbh
summary: somewhere out there is a dragon that thinks you stole its treasure. who better to help you return it than a pirate captain with an addiction to adrenaline?
a/n: this is the 1st chap of a series i came up with while watching a youtube vid on pirates of the carribean and i remembered how much those movies slapped and thought "what if i slapped genshin on this and made it even better" so here's the beginning to a pirate au you didn't ask for but I'm delivering anyways. super exited to see where this goes, i have some ideas for how its gonna work out already!! maybe smut later on but i haven't decided ;);) didn't proofread this so good luck lolololol
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They came at the crack ass of dawn.
As you slept (read: tried not to throw up and embarrass yourself) on the damp floor underneath a stranger who was practically sweating through his hammock, the scout above deck screamed his warning:
The crew around you burst into action as if none of them had been snoring loud enough to rival a warhorn just seconds before. A menacing alarm bell pierced the frenzy of orders that suffocated everyone below deck. What remnants of drowsiness you had were officially gone. 
Pirates. You hadn’t even been on sea for a full 24 hours and you were already being raided by pirates. They couldn’t have at least waited to board and slaughter you all until you’d had some breakfast?
The men and women of the Alcor scrambled about. Your hand flew to your trouser pocket – it was still there. With your conscience slightly eased, you grabbed the shoulder of a young girl as she rushed past you. She turned, clearly a bit irritated at your interruption; you were only a passenger, of course. You weren’t one of them. “Can you –” she began.
“What do you need me to do?” Your voice shook while you said it. You weren’t even sure if she could hear you over all the noise. But you knew if you sat still long enough, the panic would take over and devour you whole.
Her gaze softened a bit. “Follow me.”
It was in the middle of lugging a cannonball under the young girl’s instruction that you were caught.
A large hand grabbed a fistful of the back of your shirt, forcing you to drop your load. It slammed into the wood boards below you, narrowly missing your toes, and forming a little crater in the floor. 
You tried to wiggle out of the stranger’s grip. “Hey! Get the fuck –” 
A slap, and suddenly your head was turned to the side, your cheek tingling. Your jaw hung open in shock. “Stop squirming,” your captor grumbled. He was a large, heavy-set man, his face almost completely obscured by a mask and hat. 
To your left, the young girl hung over the shoulder of another pirate, dressed and built similarly to the one that handled you like a mother cat to her kitten.
The both of you were carried to the top deck and plopped unceremoniously in line with the rest of the crew. On the horizon, the sun peeked above just enough so that its rays shone directly into your eyes.
You squinted and hung your head down to let your eyes adjust. A few of the pirates muttered amongst each other while the rest carried crate after crate of food and valuables from the ship's hull. Their heavy footsteps creaked on the deck. It only made the silence of the sea that much more deafening. 
You took a deep breath. Focused on a hole in the wooden plank below you. Though you weren’t a sailor by any means, the gentle swaying of the ship managed to calm your nerves a bit.
As your eyes adjusted, your eyes settled on the stone narwhal heading the massive vessel. It formed a majestic arch, its horn pointing proudly at a perfect 45-degree angle. 
Your heart sank. The relic in your pocket suddenly felt infinitely heavier. Of course, the first pirates you ever encounter are the crew of the Childe of Abyss.
“Fantastic! Is that everyone?”
The cheery voice ripped you from your thoughts. You glanced to your left. The crow’s nest scout, Kazuha, kneeled next to you; a few people down from him, the Alcor’s captain, Beidou. She glared up at the man who stood in front of her.
At first glance he was short. He was a short man with obnoxiously orange hair that you quickly realized was natural and not dyed. But then you took in the way he leaned over Beidou, towered almost, and it dawned on you that this man was not short, the rest of the crew was just freakishly tall. 
And when Beidou aimed her angry, “Fuck you,” at the lanky ginger, it clicked that this was his crew. 
He let out a laugh that almost sounded genuine. “You’re not my type but I appreciate the compliment! Now,” he scanned over you all and placed his hands on his hips, “empty your pockets.”
“What, are the three chests of gold you dragged up not enough for you?” Beidou snarked. 
No one moved. A pirate sporting a hood and mask that covered the bottom of his face had his dagger at her throat in an instant.
The ginger chuckled and placed a hand on the man’s arm that held the dagger. Slowly, the dagger was put away. “A bit antsy today, aren’t we?” He cocked his head. “Normally I’d love to fight this out with you, comrade, but unfortunately, I didn’t sleep too well last night. Why don’t you take a look around you instead?” 
Beidou held her glare, then glanced around at her crew. When she looked at you, a twinge of remorse appeared. 
The ginger bent down to catch her eyes. “You’re a good captain. I can tell you care for your crew. You want what’s best for them.” He straightened up and crossed his arms over his chest. “And I want what’s best for mine. And I’m nothing if not a thorough captain.”
The captain of the Abyss didn’t reiterate his command, but it went unsaid. Beidou gave a short nod, almost imperceptible if you weren’t looking for it, but it was all her crew needed.
Everyone shoved their hands in their pockets, dredging up the last of their wares for the awaiting hands in front of them. Lockets, trinkets, crumpled pieces of paper – Kazuha even produced a pendant and a blunt.
You, however, were frozen. You only had one thing in your pocket, and it was something you could most certainly not give up. 
The pirate in front of you brandished his gun at your forehead. You tensed, but kept your gaze forward. 
“Pockets,” he repeated. 
“I don’t have anything. I’m a civilian.” It was only half a lie.
He cocked the gun’s hammer.
“Ah, a stubborn one so early in the morning?” 
Your eyes flicked up to see the captain resting an elbow on his subordinate’s shoulder. It was a little too high up for it to look natural. Despite the gun to your head, you couldn’t help but let out a quiet laugh. 
The captain cocked an eyebrow. “Somethin’ funny?”
You averted your gaze and shook your head, smile fading.
He crouched down to your level. This close, without the sun as a backlight, you could see him better. A red earring dangling from his left ear. Freckles blooming across his face from hours spent in the sun. Eyes like the ocean; deep, dark, and holding secrets you probably didn’t want to know the answers to. 
He held out a gloved hand. 
You held his stare. Your hands stayed pressed to your clothed thighs. 
He frowned, no, pouted as your defiance, then stood up. “Kill her.”
“Wait!” you blurted out. “I –” You looked to everyone surrounding you, enemy and ally, then back to the captain. He held a hand up to the man holding the gun, looking at you expectantly. 
“Can I speak with you? In private?” you asked. 
The captain sighed and thought on your request for about .7 seconds. “Okay.”
And strutted off to the captain’s quarters without a second look. 
You blinked and shot a glance at the man still holding a gun to your head. He shook his head in a way you’d only ever seen tired dads do around their rambunctious toddlers, but holstered his gun. You took that as your cue and dashed after the man who held your life in his hands. 
When you opened the door to Beidou’s quarters, the captain was waiting for you, leaning against the desk that centered the room.
The door automatically closed behind you with the motion of the ship, making you jump.
The captain watched you curiously, but the way his fingers drummed against the rim of the desk told you his patience wouldn’t last forever. 
You steeled your nerves and reached into your pocket, hesitating.
The captain huffed out a laugh. “Jeez, you really know how to up the suspense, don’t you?”
You glared at him. “I’m nervous because I know you’re probably going to think I’m crazy when I tell you what I need to. And my life quite literally depends on whether you do or not.”
He held up his hands in mock surrender, but his amused smile didn’t fade.
You pulled the relic from your pocket and showed it to him.
He stared blankly at the golden chess piece in your hand. “What the fuck is that?”
You ignored him. You expected this. “Do you know what a gnosis is?” you prompted.
He snorted. “You think I've managed to live my entire life as a pirate and not know what a gnosis is?”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s a yes or no question.”
“Fine. Yes.”
“Great. This is the Geo gnosis.”
The captain stared at you in what could only be described as bewilderment. Then a laugh bubbled out of him. His shoulders shook as he dragged a hand down his face. When his laughter subsided, he spoke. “What’s your name?”
Your eyebrows furrowed. Did this mean he was going to let you live? “(Y/N),” you replied.
“(Y/N), sweetheart, that is a chess piece,” he concluded.
Before you could launch your tirade, he cut you short. 
“A very fancy chess piece, I will say! But, still a chess piece.” Pity was written all over his face. 
You collected yourself. The last thing you needed was to piss him off while trying to convince him to keep you alive. You clutched the gnosis with an iron grip. “Don't patronize me. Whether you believe me or not, the point is, I’m not supposed to have this. And there is someone – some – the owner of this chess piece,” you spat out, “is looking for it. I’m trying to return it before they find me.”
The captain reached up to scratch behind his ear, making the red stone in the earring flicker in the dim light of the cabin. “And what does this have to do with me not killing you?”
“The owner of this… relic is very, very rich.” Not a lie. An estimation based on what had read about dragons. “Personally, I just want to drop this thing off and be rid of it. Which means if you take me where I need to go, whatever treasure we find is yours for the taking.” A lie. You had spent all you had on passage aboard the Alcor, which was now in the hands of one of the worst pirate crews in Teyvat. You would be taking at least one thing for yourself. 
The captain takes a moment to assess you. Then, “Okay.”
Again? “... Okay?”
He nodded, apparently not seeing the problem with his quick decision-making. “I don’t have any thieves on my crew. And you’re interesting. That’s hard to come by on these waters,” he laughed at his own joke.
“I –” You didn’t steal it. That’s what you were about to say. You got it from someone else. Were they the thief? Maybe. Or maybe it was the person who gave it to them. You didn’t know how far the trail went back. But if you said that, you’d be throwing away the only leverage you had on your life. 
“Somethin’ wrong, comrade?” And he was very close to you now. 
You avoided his eyes, afraid they might somehow see your thoughts, and answered. “No. Sorry. Thank you, uh… captain.”
A grin stretched across his face, revealing faint crow’s feet at the corner of his eyes. “Tartaglia,” he winked. “Welcome aboard.”
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gayboyasher · 11 months
Rottmnt x child sibling reader platonic (reader’s about 7-8) who’s OBSESSED with magical girl anime’s
just some fluff moments
sorry if you this is the first kind of request you got, but if you saw my name am a huge magical girl fan😅
OH my god. Literally I understand I understand.
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Honestly you’re telling me Leo wouldn’t watch sailor moon with you!?!?!
He’s so into everything. Merch, matching costumes, trying foods from the anime, the whole shabang!!
He’d so find shows for you guys to watch (stuff that he’s totally watched before) and he’d have to tape his mouth shut because he talks during shows and he doesn’t know how you feel about that.
He’d totally spoil the show tbh…
“Oh is That Ursula? Oh my god I loved the reveal that she was shiny chariot.”
You stopped talking to him for HOURS.
It takes so much for you to forgive him. He’s willing to do ANYTHING for his little sibling. He’s promising food, snacks, re runs, walking you to and from school in broad daylight knowing the risks, anything. He loves you too much, he can’t have you mad at him! It’d break his heart.
Eventually he’d be forgiven, you guys would be chilling in a blanket and pillow fort (that you forced him to make) along with all of your favorite snacks (that you forced him to buy), and matching outfits (that you forced him to wear), you guys are enjoying everything!
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Arguably the best person to watch with.
I’m not gonna lie, he’d prefer you watching Mickey Mouse or something because he thinks they’re a little too violent. (NOTHINGS TOO VIOLENT RAAAHHHHH!!!!!)
Anyway, he’d make small comments and probably like the more sweeter characters. He also thinks sailor moon is a bad influence believe it or not.
He wants to watch a lot of the shows with you, but he can’t because you’ve already watched them all with Leo. He just wants one show for you two to watch to himself, for it to be your guys thing.
Not gonna lie to you, you guys almost did, for a week until LEO ruined it.
It made him so upset, it wasn’t the same having to re-watch a show with you knowing you’ve seen it with Leo before him. But like the best oldest brother he is, he SCOUTED. He found one that Leo didn’t watch and one that wasn’t too violent for him!
SMILE PRECURE! (Not the Netflix adapt, THEE Smile PreCure!)
“Hey, Are you sure you didn’t watch this with Leo? Yea? Okay! Good!”
Oh my god he was estatic, he had no issues (he had to fight Leo over this) and you loved the show! Win win! (His Favorite character is definitely Candy.)
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Oh my GODDDD he loves watching any show with you!!
It doesn’t matter if it’s sailor moon to princess tutu, he is watching ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING EITH YOU!!
Mikey don’t care. He literally will watch any show with you, even if it’s something you’ve watched before with Leo or Raph, or something you’ve never EVER watched before.
He’d genuinely make you free fan art and some nice cute foods from the anime. He just genuinely LOVES getting to spend time with you and blending your interests and his together.
“I made that one dish we saw in little witch!”
Tbh, I don’t see him really liking this type of anime. I just feel like he watches it for you. He wants to see YOU smile. You are his little sibling, the one that’s younger than him, and he’s the youngest!
He really likes to watch some of them for art inspiration. He really likes sailor moon Crystal for some reason. But he also doesn’t because he believes that it’s like a remake/reboot.
He’s just a little picky, but he’s doing his best!!
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Im gonna be honest with you. He will NOT watch it with you.
He doesn’t like those shows, he doesn’t like the magic at all, he is VERY political about this, he will stand by it.
Though, he will make you cute little trinkets and just support you watching the stuff. After all magic is not real in his eyes.
“I know you love that show, but magic isn’t real. Magic is within the science.”
He immediately regretted saying that after you took his stuff and tried to get “magic” out of them. So many things broke that day…
Donnie tried so hard to not lose it on you because your his baby sibling, but he’s also beaten up the other 3, but you’re like actually a baby…
He’s conflicted. He eventually does get over it, fixes everything, and he watches ONE episode of any anime you want. He’s barely paying attention and gives you a critical response and analysis of the show (you do NOT understand what bro is yapping about)!!!
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Hobie can't find Diane. He hasn't seen her in days. And sure, he's not one to worry. But how could he not? He checks everywhere, and then as a final resort - he asks Miles.
"You've seen Di?"
Miles gives him a sympathetic look. "Hobie, I'm really sorry." He says, and for a second Hobie thinks something is wrong. But no, it's even worse than he can imagine.
"I...I got her into this anime and now... I don't know man."
Miles introduces Disco-Spider Diane to Anime
[Aka Diane loves Gojo and writes smut on the DL]
Now Hobie has NEVER been jealous in his life. He'd be damned before he lets himself get jealous.
But when your girl is laid up on the couch watching JJK for two weeks straight and you walk in on her staring at this on the screen???
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Going "Gojo~ 🥺 ... Sigh..."
When she starts watching BNHA, it's game over.
She's always talking about how cool Dabi is and how she wishes she had a hot morally questionable superpowered boytoy to squeeze.
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Meanwhile Hobie is sitting besides her like 'I guess I'm just chopped liver, ain't I 😭. Might as well take this bloody guitar and end my misery, why don'tcha?'
She sees one photo of Mirko and goes 'Oh my god, Bie. She's literally just like me right? Babe, she's just like me? I remind you of her right? We like.. the same person 🥺'
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And then THE COSPLAY BEGINS. Not that Hobie is complaining about Diane walking around in sexy cosplay outfits. It's just weird when he compliments her outfit, and she's like "Thanks! I got it from-"
And then proceeds to show him the most ridiculous anime character ever.
It starts leaking into real life.
They're in the middle of fights and whenever they win she stops to do a Jojo pose.
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She wears Sailor Moon cosplay to Spider Society HQ and loudly proclaims "I'm a Sailor Scout. Not a Spider-person."
(Spider-Scout, the half Sailor-Scout, half Spider-person is not amused)
She says very loudly during a meeting "OMG isn't Miguel like, Levi from Attack on Titan but tall? Like he has to use the lazer webs to fly in the air the same way Levi needs the wires to kill Titans and-
And everyone is like GIRL WHAT and Gwen, the only other person who has ACTUALLY seen AOT is like "No?? Diane. What are you talking about??"
It all comes to a head finally when one day Hobie comes to eat lunch with Diane.
He's always fashionable late within reason, but he walks into the cafeteria to see Diane hunched over a notebook, writing away.
That's rare.
With her dyslexia, Diane hardly ever writes - typically Hobie reads books outloud, recording them on cassette tapes for Diane to listen to later. But here she was, scribbling away.
And even in her twisted tiny handwriting he could make out the words
'Gojo x Black!Reader: Eyes like Oceans'
Hobie has no idea what the word 'Smut' means, but she's written it all over the page with the words "MINORS DON'T READ!!!!"
When he asks what he's doing, she jumps out her skin.
Hobie fights back a smile. And maybe even a laugh. "You writing fanfiction?"
"Maybe. No. Yes."
"What? You think Imma tease you? Can't be that bad can it-"
Cue Hobie reading most raunchiest, detailed, hoe-ish Gojo smut imaginable while Diane sits there like
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Meanwhile Hobie side-eying the hell outta her 😭😭
She's like "We don't need to talk about the blindfold part-"
"And the part with the spankin-"
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Finally, after weeks - Hobie caves.
He agrees to watch ONE anime with her and Miles, cause he wants his girl back wth 😭😭
Miles gets to choose - and he chooses one he thinks Hobie will like: Death Note.
Hobie doesn't just like it - HE LOVES IT.
"Oi, why's this L coming after Light? Mans is in the right."
"Uhhh?? No??? He's killing people with a magical notebook. L is in the right."
"And I kill people with a guitar, ain't no difference."
"Yes there is-"
"Oh but when Jogo kills people it's fine but when I-"
"FIRST OF ALL his name is Gojo and second of all Do NOT bring up my man. Hobie we will get to brawling right now, don't test me-"
Meanwhile Miles is like "WILL THE TWO OF YOU SHUT UP 😭😭😭😭 GODDAAAMMNN."
.... They agree to disagree. And Miles regrets his decision.
Now Everytime Hobie catches her watching anime Hobie will point at the screen at Diane's character crush and go "Bet I could beat his arse" - just to establish dominance.
Is he jealous? NO! Is Gojo his mortal enemy because he stole his girl without even being real? YES!!!
It's okay Hobie. Just cosplay as Sasuke Uchiha and you'll have her back right away. Maybe.
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docwritesshit · 1 year
Could you make a Swk macaque and mk x magical girl reader (separately)
They're super surprised because Reader is cute and doesn't look like she could harm a fly but really breaks villians back all the time?
Hmmm... Sure!
Let me be real here
Mfer is not fazed at this
He fought against a literal 12 year old and saw how strong he was
No doubt he saw you fighting someone and was like
"huh, welp. Never getting in their bad side then!"
But he is surprised at how well and adept you are with your abilities
You have a decent amount of power, and you know how to use it well
And can dispatch villains pretty easily
So every fight he witnesses with you in it
He falls a tiny bit more
Ok he is a little more surprised
He is not one to judge books by their covers
The way you carried yourself gave away your confidence
He knew the cute bubbly was an authentic side of you, but he knew you were hiding something
He didn't think the something was this though
He knew you had a power
He didn't know you could cultivate like this
He will tease you a bit though
"awww, is my sailor scout on their way to save the day again?"
Shit like that and stuff
You just roll your eyes and continue on
Oh that naive little boy
Didn't see this coming
His sweet little crush who acts so bubbly and kind to everyone just kicking villains ass on the daily
He fan boys a bit
And draws you in your little outfit
They like to use you as their model alot lmao
"OOOHHH can you do that cool pose again? I wanna draw it!"
And who are you to say no?
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arminsumi · 1 year
Armin x fem!reader
Chapter index / Chapter Ⅳ: Farewell
Overview; the eve of the Scout's farewell party. Contents; 1940s au, fluff, romance, drama
Warnings; angst, tragedy
TAGLIST; @sad-darksoul @crazychaoticizzy @ringsofsaturnnnn
DM in my askbox to be added to taglists! 💕
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Asking you to attend the Scout's farewell party was incredibly bold and risky, given the circumstances between you and Armin as well as the turbulent climate between Eldians and Marleyans at the time.
But the Lieutenant was excited – boyishly excited. His eyes had a sparkling quality about them that had once been lost.
When the eve of the Farewell party came, Armin craned his neck around searchingly; all the graceful dancers and tumbling drunkards created a loud and inviting atmosphere in the Scout's old headquarters. What better place to have a party than an old, grand castle?
The splendorous environment was wasted on the Lieutenant, who longed for the company of a particular nurse...
"Armin," Eren spoke to get Armin's attention, "Stop extending your neck like a goose. The Commander is approaching us." he said. "Right, sorry." Armin replied, ceasing his futile search for your face in the crowd.
"Not fond of dancing?" the Commander asked as he approached them, Levi at his side. "Not really, Sir." Eren replied.
"But young men like yourselves should be dancing the night away. Save your seriousness for the frontlines." the Commander said. Eren only shrugged, and Armin only wanted to dance if it was with you.
They held simple conversation with the Commander and the Captain, but Armin's attention was snatched by your entrance. You strode into the party from across the room, arm-locked with Maggie, clad in a dress that drove Armin's senses wild. He had to draw in a steadying breath.
As you wove through the crowd to the place where Armin and the others were gathered, Armin overheard a snippet of your banter with Maggie that amused him.
"Y/n, don't pull that expression!"
"What expression?"
"The expression of an old woman who's yearning for her doting Lieutenant."
"An old woman!? Oh, Maggie, with how much you insult me, it's amazing that we're still friends."
Armin smiled.
Commander Erwin noticed Armin's lacking attention. "Lieutenant, has something distracted you?" he asked. Armin nearly jumped.
"No, sir!" he replied quickly.
Erwin knew exactly what had caught his soldier's eye. "Don't just stand and stare; go ask the young miss to dance." he said.
Armin acted a fool, "The young miss?" he questioned.
"The one you have eyes for." Erwin said, "Nurse Y/n is her name, am I right?"
Armin went pink. "Yes sir, she is Nurse Y/n."
Connie laughingly ragged on Armin about embarrassing himself with the Commander. "You thought you could fool the mastermind?" Connie pointed out. "Anyways, who is this young miss that you have eyes for?" he teased Armin.
You had already taken to the dance floor with Maggie. Armin waited, wading through the partiers, looking much like a sailor lost at sea. His eyes lit up when you emerged, breathlessly, with Maggie from the dance floor; "Lieutenant!" you called for him, immediately joining his group of Eren, Connie and a famous soldier who you had only known by name before: Mikasa.
Armin fell into your charm right away. "Nurse Y/n – and Maggie – I'm so glad to see the two of you here tonight." he said politely, trying not to give your dress another desirous look-over.
Though Armin was eager to swing onto the dance floor with you, he patiently participated in a long and arduous group conversation. Finally, Maggie piped up, "Lieutenant, why are you not dancing? You have the perfect partner standing right next to you, and she seems bored stiff."
You stuttered and scolded Maggie for being too forward, but Armin felt immense appreciation for her forwardness; he couldn't have asked you himself. He felt too boyish about it.
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Just before he took to the dance floor with you, he caught a snippet of a conversation between the Commander and the Captain who were idly drinking champagne nearby;
"Levi, don't be like that. They're just young lovers sharing one last night of bliss. Let them have it."
Armin felt his heart panging in his chest.
For you and Armin, at the time, it was frowned upon to hold hands, yet he held yours tight. It was frowned upon to dance, yet he swayed with you. It was frowned upon to be too close to one another, yet you and him were cheek-to-cheek.
Maybe those reasons made it all the more exhilarating.
In a book written about you and Armin decades later, Mikasa wrote; the Lieutenant and Nurse Y/n were forbidden from loving each other, yet there they were that night; looking at each other with a shared tenderness. It was beautiful to witness their love before it was tainted with shame and tragedy.
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"Oh, Eren! Why are you not dancing? It's so much fun." you asked, as you and Armin emerged from the dance floor.
Armin chuckled, "You will never get him to dance." he said. "Is that so?" you looked at Eren.
Maggie piped up, "How miserable! You have the opportunity to dance with a dozen different beauties tonight, yet here you sit?"
Eren bore a stony expression at her, so Armin parroted the Commander's words to him; "Save your seriousness for the frontlines and have some fun tonight, Eren."
"Yes! Come on, join us." you encouraged him, adding: "You need to make good memories while you have the chance."
Armin contemplated why you might have said that. And then he responded, "Exactly, we need memories of a heavenly night like this to reminisce on when we're thrown into hell."
"That's true." you looked at him meaningfully.
He looked at you with a sort of glad melancholy that only a soldier could have at a farewell party.
Just before going to dance, Armin heard you let out a dreadful gasp.
"My father! Oh, what is he doing here?" you panicked, wringing your hands anxiously. Armin felt the urge to reach out and hold them.
Perhaps it was scandalous – even a bit cowardly – to grab your arm and make a break for it across the crowd. "Let's go." he said. "Let's 'go'?" you questioned.
In a flash of childlike naughtiness, the two of you escaped your approaching father; he did not even see a strand of your hair as you snuck away right under his nose with the Lieutenant.
The forbiddingness of it all made it all the more exhilarating, though neither of you addressed nor admitted it to yourselves or each other.
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"I must say, it's quite unbecoming of the Head Chief's daughter to be running away with the Commander's best soldier." you laughed breathlessly.
You and Armin panted after running out the castle to the courtyard fountain. A long path stretched out to meet an overgrown garden.
"Soldier?" Armin teased you, "What happened to 'Lieutenant'?"
Your eyes glittered at him. "I'm sorry, my Lieutenant." The moon made you two feel drunk, or maybe it was just the aftereffect of narrowly escaping your condemning father.
From afar, you could hear the ballroom resounding with joy and laughter. It faded away, the symphonic night creatures overriding it. The both of you quietly marveled the entrance to the garden; it was like a labyrinth made just for lovers who needed privacy.
"This castle used to be the old Scout's headquarters." Armin told you as you and him entered through the rusted gates. "My first mission as a Scout was to clean the whole damn thing, head to toe."
"Really!" you laughed, "That sounds like a dangerous first mission for a kid to take on." you teased.
Armin nodded, "Yeah, it was quite frightening."
The two of you found a spot under a wildly growing oak tree; the overgrowth of daisies caught Armin's eye, and he went over to them to pluck one for you.
Armin wasn't a confident man, not even in his prime; he realized in old age that he really just faked his confidence until he believed he was confident. A forced courage ran through his veins on the eve of the Farewell party, because he thought this was the last night he would see you in months, maybe even years. Of course, it wasn't, but you have to understand that at the time, when war was knocking on the doorstep, everything felt hopeless and bleak, even during moments of bliss.
Though time was flowing as fast to him as it does when observing an hourglass' sand running down, Armin tried his best to savor every moment. He let nothing take his eyes off of you.
"Lieutenant, I'm disappointed. You've been staring at me all night and yet you haven't made one comment on my dress." you teased him.
He held back a smile in a futile attempt to remain somewhat soldierly and formal. "Well, all night, I've been wondering how I should tell you that you look divine." he replied truthfully.
You felt warmth across your cheeks, tingling on the crown of your ears.
A small silence passed.
"Maggie and I spent a whole day resewing them. Ah and for what... it doesn't frame my figure well at all." you said dejectedly.
"Actually, I think it frames your figure perfectly." Armin said, voicing his mind.
You stuttered. "Oh my..."
He went pink in the face. "I'm sorry! That was too forward of me..." he said and shamefully lowered his gaze.
"It's alright." you smiled at him.
Something in the air changed. The privacy of the garden brought an intimate stillness over the two of you.
A long silence passed.
"My father didn't want me to come tonight." you said quietly, lowering your head in shame.
You and him drew as close to each other as you desired. No prying eyes were there to judge.
You added, "He and I had a fight this morning. My father's completely condemned us." you said, emphasizing 'us' enough for Armin to understand.
He heard how your throat constricted as you spoke. There was so much he wanted to say but either he couldn't or he didn't know how to.
"Lieutenant..." you whispered, stifling a small sob. He brought you closer, damning your father in his head – never aloud, he had too much respect to speak ill of him to your face.
"It's okay." Armin reassured you, drawing closer to your wettened face. "We'll keep this a secret." he said, and stroked stray tears off your cheeks.
His touch was a cooling contrast against your hot cheeks; it reminded you of dipping your hand in a river during hot Marleyan summers as a child.
You laughed through your tears, "Oh, Lieutenant, I really shouldn't let myself be enamored by you. What if you die out there? Would your soul even be able to rest peacefully?"
Armin looked at you contemplatively, remaining silent for a while before speaking again. "If I die, it will be alright, because I will die with this memory of you. And that's all I could want."
He pressed a kiss to your quivering lips.
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Dirty Rat: Micah Bell X Male Reader
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’, ‘man’, and ‘mister’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, Language Warnings: Micah Bell is his own warning, unestablished relationship, handjob, sex in water, sex in a lake, washing/bath, mild dirty talk Summary: Some of the men in camp don’t listen when Miss Grimshaw tells them to bathe. She asks you for some help in making sure they are somewhat clean.
Helping Pearson is a roulette. Whoever gets stuck with it is the unlucky one that has to listen to him tell his Navy stories and gripe about how the vegetables need to be cut evenly. Today that is you and you are closer to cutting his fingers off than ever before. It seems that no matter how you do it, it’s wrong to the old sailor. He takes pride in his work, nothing wrong with that, but it’s getting on your nerves when coupled with the heat of the day and the looming threat of Pinkertons. So when you’re done, you walk away fast.
“Mister, could I have a moment of your time.” Miss Grimshaw stops you before you get very far.
You take a breath, not wanting to lose your temper in front of the woman that keeps everyone’s shit together. “Yes, Miss Grimshaw. You need something?”
“Sorry to disturb you.” She folds her hand in front of her. “I was hoping you could speak to a few of the men for me.”
Your face twists into confusion. “Why?”
“They tend to listen to a man better than a woman it seems.” She sighs. “They are gettin’ too filthy to stand. They need baths and you seem to manage to wash yourself well enough.”
“You want me to handle that?” You ask.
“Just a few ‘a the boys that I missed.” She waves her hand dismissively. “The more stubborn ones.”
“Who are the stubborn ones?” You ask, rubbing your eyes.
“Mister Macguire, Mister Marston, and Mister Bell.”
You can’t help but laugh a little. “Sean? I might be able to get Sean, but John and Micah?”
“I can only mother ‘em so much, I think they need another young man to tell ‘em.”
You shake your head. “I don’t know, Miss Grimshaw.”
“You cannot tell me you wouldn’t appreciate them lookin’ a little more clean.”
A heat comes over you. “Now, Miss, I-”
She raises her hand to silence you. “I expect those boys to be clean by tomorrow, or I will be speakin’ with Dutch about that train job he’s been plannin’. I think he will find that he needs one less gun than he thinks.”
You bite the inside of your mouth, thinking. You like train jobs. Everyone likes train jobs. “Fine.” You say. “I will speak with them, Miss Grimshaw.”
“Clean.” She warns. “By tomorrow.”
She walks off towards the campfire, leaving you to wonder how to go about this. You decide to start with Sean, he’ll be the easiest to convince when you remind him that people are much more likely to be attracted to him when he’s clean. It works, the beers help. He wastes no time and jumps straight into the lake, clothes and all. No soap, but better than nothing. John is next. After some deliberation you opt to trick him, leading him to the lake with a story about a baby-eating monster that only a gullible John would believe before pushing him in and throwing him a bar of Strauss’ homemade soap. He tries to leave, but you manage to push him back into the water until he stays put and sheds some of his clothes to clean himself. You leave him be, asking Abigail to keep an eye on him. She gladly does.
Lastly is Micah. He is a generally greasy man, but you can see what Miss Grimshaw means when you catch him by the scout fire. His hair is so dirty that it looks brown rather than the usual blond and you can barely make out the ever-present dark circles under his eyes compared with the dirt on his face. He doesn’t seem to care as he sits and sharpens his knife like he always does.
“Hello, Mister Bell.” You say, sitting across the fire.
He mumbles your name in greeting, focus still on his knife.
“I will be truthful with you.” You sigh. “Miss Grimshaw is making me convince a few of the men to bathe.”
He looks up at you, peering from under his hat. He’s stopped sharpening the knife and sits very still. You feel the silent threat he puts in the air and it sends a shiver up your spine.
“She’s gonna make Dutch take me off the train job if you don’t.” You take a somewhat shaky breath. “I’m usually the one covering you, you wanna get shot?”
Micah shakes his head, chuckling darkly. “Oh, I’ll do it, cowpoke. If ya come with me.”
Confusion comes over your face. “What?”
Micah puts his knife and sharpener away, leaning forward in his seat. “Ya heard me.”
The smirk on his face is wicked and his face is lit up by the fire in an accentuating glow. Your muscles are tense and your stare fixes itself on the fire. You really want to go on this train job and if Miss Grimshaw gets far enough into Dutch’s ear, you’ll never have a chance. Micah is an asshole, a sleazy one at that, especially now. But damn if he’s not attractive, damn if seeing him spin his guns around doesn’t make something pool in the pit of your stomach.
“Fine.” You nod, coughing to hide the slight waver in your voice. “Fine.”
Micah stands, the glow from the fire leaving his face as he walks towards the lake. “Come on then, cowpoke.”
You feel the hitch in your breath and the tightness in your stomach as the details hit you. Micah, lake, bath, general lack of at least a few articles of clothing. You stand, legs a little shaky, and follow Micah down to the lake. It’s a spot most people use for bathing because it’s out mostly out of sight from camp but not so far away that you might be caught off guard by outsiders and there’s not so many fish.
Micah stops at the shoreline, his hands resting on his gun belt and his eyes raking over you. “You first.”
You meet his eyes for a second, unable to hold it with the embarrassment. You look out to the water and shake your head. “It’s you that needs it.”
“You ain’t got the power here, cowpoke.” Micah says, rocking on his feet. “I ain’t doin’ anything without a little show for my troubles.”
Shivers fill your body when you watch his eyes roam over it. It’s not a bad shiver, but not quite a good one. Micah is unnerving, handsome, but unnerving. You take strained breaths, working up some nerve. “I’m not putting on a show.”
Micah walks towards you, stopping just a few inches away. “What if I help ya?”
He reaches out and knocks your hat off of your head. It falls behind you on the ground with a soft thump. Micah returns his hand to his belt and stands relaxed, waiting for an answer. Your eyes jump around as you think, then you nod and it takes Micah less than a second to step in and bring his hands up to unbutton your shirt. You stand still, heart beating so much you’re surprised he can’t feel it. When his fingers brush against your bare skin you can’t help but to look up at his face. He’s focused, watching every inch of skin he reveals in taking off your clothes.
Micah glances up and catches your eyes, that wicked smirk coming back to his face. “I ain’t the only one wantin’ this, am I?” He leans in close enough to whisper. “I seen you stare, cowpoke. Ain’t nothing ta be ashamed of.”
He dips his head and presses a featherlight kiss to your neck that makes the shivers return in greater numbers. Your hands timidly go to his shirt, undoing the buttons as he presses more kisses along your neck. It’s not long before Micah fumbles with the fastening of his pants, the last thing separating you. You dig the soap out of your pocket as he does. When you turn to face him you let your eyes run over every inch that you’ve never seen. He seems to be doing the same with you as he comes close and takes the soap from your hand. You follow him to the lake, still feeling the intense beat of your heart as the water reaches above your waist.
“Do what ya came here ta do, cowpoke.” Micah whispers, pressing the soap back into your hand.
You hold the soap in your hand for a second, staring at it, still baffled by what exactly is happening. Micah traces his hand over your bicep, watching you closely. You slowly press the soap in your hand, getting enough of it to use. Then you start with his hair, trying not to look at his face because your knees might give out if you do. You use your hands to scoop water over his head and scrub the dirt out. He watches your every move, only closing his eyes momentarily to avoid the soap. You scrub until his hair looks blond again, then move to his face. You’re less nervous now, having the task to distract you from the other details. Micah’s face is what you’d expect of an experienced gunslinger. He has deep scars and years of wear and tear that fail to overshadow his handsome features. You pay close attention to his facial hair, making sure it’s just as free of dirt and returns to the same blond as the hair on his head.
Micah reaches up and grabs your wrist, making you freeze as you remember the details. He moves your hand down, making room for him to lean in and press his lips to yours. His freshly cleaned mustache brushes against your skin and he comes closer, pressing his body against yours. Your dick twitches when you feel his own brush against it. Micah’s hand reaches down between you, wrapping his hand around you.
“Ya better finish yer job before I’m done.” He whispers against your lips as his hand gives a gentle squeeze.
You have to lean on him to stay standing when he starts, running his thumb over the tip. Once he starts a slow pace you’re able to gather a single thought. You grip the soap bar as if your life depends on it and straighten up. You run the soap over his chest, trying to focus on getting the dirt off. Micah’s hand picks up the pace and he chuckles when you stumble a bit, leaning on him again for support. A sound escapes your mouth and you bury your face in his shoulder to stop from making any more.
“Look at ya, comin’ undone this easy.” He whispers. “How many times have you thought about this, huh?”
You squeeze your eyes shut, burying your face further into his neck as he adds a slight twist to his motions.
Micah chuckles darkly, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “I bat ya think about it every night, huh, cowpoke.”
“Micah.” You breathe against his skin. “Shit, Micah.”
He continues his motions as you release into the water, only stopping when your breathing evens out again. The soap in your hand is crushed, deep indents where your fingers are with very little left to the bar. Micah holds you steady for a moment before he takes it from you.
“Go get dressed.” He whispers, running a hand down your back. “I ain’t done.”
He lightly pushes you back and you stand on your own, watching him run the soap over himself for a moment before you follow his instructions and return to the shore. Your legs are shaky as you gather your things, your pants are particularly hard to pull on. You ignore the splashing sounds as Micah comes out of the water and reaches for his clothes. Your hands fumble with your gun belt when he comes up behind you. He turns you around and fastens it for you, already fully dressed.
“I been waitin’ fer this, cowpoke.” He says, pressing a kiss to your lips. “Ya ain’t disappointed so far.”
He reaches down and grabs your hat from the ground. His other hand grips at the fabric of your shirt and pulls you along, walking towards your tent. Your legs are willed by the promise of what’s to come despite the shakiness you still feel in every step. Not only did you complete Miss Grimshaw’s task, you got much more than you thought you would.
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fandom-go-round · 5 months
Hello, its me again. Here for another Youma S/O x Minako Aino. this one is basically a follow up of the last one; Youma S/O throws himself into danger to save Sailor Venus from one of his former comrades, despite not having fully recovered much to everyone’s concern, especially Minako’s. Act might cement S/O’s place as an ally for the sailor guardians and could win back mina’s trust in him. (God i just love this ship. Might have made a youma OC based on the concept. It’s crazy.)
Youma! Reader x Sailor Venus Part One
I say go for it! OCs are wonderful and if they help you complete a story, even better!
Warnings: Blood, Almost Character Death
You don’t think about it. Your body reacts on instinct and want. You can’t have Minako get hurt. You won’t let her get hurt, as long as you can move. No one has time to try and stop you. Minako watches as you crumple onto the ground in front of her, blood pooling beneath you. She swallows back her scream, glaring at your old boss and vowing to stop her once and for all.
The rest of the scouts rush in to fight and try to save your life. Even after the fighting is over, the stress doesn’t stop. You end up getting rushed to the hospital, something that takes a lot of convincing from Minako. Usually, they try to sort things out without bringing in normal people. You need the support and Minako doesn’t leave your side.
There are a few moments where you’re touch and go, Minako not knowing if you’re going to survive. Your relationship had been rocky but she doesn’t want you to die, never this. All the scouts come and visit, much to her surprise. Usagi eventually lets her know that they all met and would be officially protecting you as long as you wanted to stick around. Minako is touched and thankful, even to a greater degree than she thought she would be. It raises a lot of questions that she has to think through while you recover.
The first thing you see when you wake up is her. Minako is sitting in a chair next to you, sleeping with her head leaning back. She looks exhausted and you scowl; you had been trying to protect her, not make her worry. As if sensing your eyes on her, she wakes up and starts to tear up. You aren’t able to move very well but offer her a smile and Minako leans over to kiss you. You aren’t sure what you’re going to do now but Minako is going to stay by your side and that’s enough for now.
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couturelove · 5 days
Hello! I'm Foreveryung (Forever young), I'm 18, amd a anime fan.
I enjoy watching things like Jennifer's Body, Mean Girls, Bring it on, Nightmare before Christmas, Bananya, I spit on your grave franchise, Demon Slayer, Blue Lock, Black Butler, Sailor Moon, Case Oh, Kubz Scouts, CoryxKenshin, Layze, Film Cooper, North of the Border, and LaurenZside, etc.
I enjoy reading things in Monster x Human, oc x reader, etc..
I like meeting new people and I hope to find people who share the same interest as me.
I also may try writing on here in the future.
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hippiegoth97 · 10 months
Diary of a Hawkins Hussy: A Stranger Things x Reader Anthology
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Banner by me :)
Master List
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: smut, swearing, heavy kissing/groping, mentions of heartbreak, light crying, oral sex, unprotected sex, lots of praise, dirty talk, fluff
Word Count: 10.9k
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
Diary Entry #7: Steve Harrington
May 30th, 1985
Dear diary,
Today is the grand opening of Starcourt. The whole town has been buzzing about it for weeks. Even Alex and Julie are excited to check it out, despite hearing my numerous diatribes about how malls kill small business. But I suppose that's just how things go. Everyone likes the shiny, new things. Long-term consequences be damned.
The store is completely dead today. Hell, most of downtown is quiet and empty. I only hope the novelty of Starcourt will wear off soon enough, and people will realize where quality product and exceptional customer service truly comes from. A true, personal touch is what keeps people coming back, not some corporate-mandated mannerisms and brain-dead training videos. Just you wait and see. In a few weeks, they'll be back.
June 7th, 1985
Dear diary,
I decided to bite the bullet and check out the mall. I figure it doesn't hurt to get an idea of what I'm up against. I had no intention whatsoever of purchasing anything, mind you. Except maybe a snack. Sleuthing tends to work up an appetite, you know. I drove over there in the early afternoon, and it was exactly as I'd expected. A huge, hulking building with a ridiculously large parking lot. It was almost completely packed outside, which tracks for a Friday at the beginning of summer. Well, that, and the fact that the mall has only been open for a week.
When I walked inside, I was honestly shocked to see just how clean and shiny the whole place was. Two stories hosting an endless array of shops and restaurants, the first sets of escalators to ever grace our sleepy little town, even a fancy water feature. It was worse than I thought. And that was before I even scouted out my direct competition. Sam Goody. Ugh, it was awful, diary. They must've sent a spy to my damn store, because all of their records and cassettes just barely undercut my already measly prices! I have no idea how they make a profit like that, they were practically giving the shit away!
I couldn't bear to stay in what essentially is a death sentence for Waxed Out, so I left the store and walked around the mall aimlessly for a while. I felt helpless, honestly. There's no way I can feasibly compete with them, it's only a matter of time before I'm out of business. I can't believe I went all in on this damn shop. I can't believe I talked myself out of taking the Mayor's deal. But who am I kidding? That deal could've been complete bullshit anyway, that man is not to be trusted.
After what felt like hours of walking, though I'm sure it was only a few minutes of moping, I happened upon the foodcourt. 'Oh, yes', I thought to myself. 'Some fattening food ought to drown my intense dread and sorrow'. I looked around at the choices, letting my stomach make the decision for me. Imperial Panda, too salty. Hot Dog On a Stick, too greasy. Orange Julius, too citrusy. And then my eyes fell upon a nautical-themed ice cream shop. Scoops Ahoy...
Bring on the empty calories, you think to yourself as you approach the rather long line at the ice cream parlor. It's a cute place, with the employees dressed in sailor outfits and particularly nautical sounding music playing over the speakers. You get behind the mass of ten people waiting to be served, allowing yourself to space out while looking at the menu. You're thinking a USS Butterscotch sounds nice. A big, messy sundae to stuff your sad face with and forget all about your troubles for a little while. The line moves pretty quickly, thanks to the two young kids scooping their butts off behind the counter. Your eyes wander, noticing there's only a couple people that have gathered behind you now. You suppose the lunch rush is beginning to die down.
It's eventually your turn, and you find yourself face to face with one of the prettiest young men you've ever seen. He has fluffy brown hair, slightly smushed and pushed outward by the white sailor hat on his head, embroidered with the word 'Ahoy' in blue thread. Well-groomed brows rest casually above his gorgeous brown eyes. He's got a strong nose and jawline, and plush, pink lips that almost shine in the fluorescent lights above you. His skin is fair and healthy, with a few small beauty marks gracing his flawless complexion. In one word, he is hot. You notice those kissable lips of his moving as he speaks, but don't you register a single syllable. You're too focused on admiring his handsome face.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" You ask dreamily, snapping yourself out of your trance. A light blush creeps up your cheeks for ogling in the middle of the line.
His smile grows from your reaction, finding your attraction rather flattering. He repeats himself, no doubt speaking in a more flirtatious tone this time. "Ahoy! What can I get for you?" He asks cheerfully, giving you a subtle once-over with his eyes.
"Uh..." You start, cheeks growing redder by the second. It's not like you to be so bashful. Usually, this kind of interaction goes the other way around. You suppose it has been a while, though. You've been avoiding dating and hook-ups like the plague ever since Scott ended things. "Sorry. Um, I'll have a USS Butterscotch, please!" You finally get the words out, though they spill out of your mouth in a rushed half-yell. Jesus christ, what is up with me today?
"Of course. Is there anything else I can get for you?" The young man says with a chuckle.
Your phone number, you think, but don't dare say. You doubt he'd be interested, he's far too attractive to waste his time on the likes of you. Plus, he's busy working. You don't want to hold him up. "N-no, thank you. That's it for me." You answer nervously, reaching for your wallet inside your purse.
"Aye, aye, Captain." He says, giving you a playful salute and a wink while he punches in your order. "That'll be $2.50."
"Here's five. Keep the change." You give the crisp bill to him, your hand trembling slightly. You really don't know what's gotten into you, but you're making a total fool of yourself.
"Thanks. It'll be right up." He gives you a charming smile.
"Thank you...Steve." You say, pausing to read his little red name tag. You step off to the side, waiting for your sundae to be ready. The girl working with Steve, who's own tag says 'Robin' calls out your order a couple minutes later. You grab it and a red plastic spoon, and take it over to one of the booths inside the shop. You sit down on the leathery cushion, and finally feel like you can breathe again. You're thankfully facing away from the register, hiding yourself as your flushed face falls into your hands for a minute. You feel like an absolute idiot for being so bumbly and flustered. You sigh deeply, raising your head and letting your arms fall to rest on the table.
What a day it has been. You've found out just how bad things are truly going to get for your store, and you managed to look like a complete ass in front of a cute sailor that sells ice cream. At this point, all you want to do is gobble down your rapidly melting snack and get the fuck out of here. You pick up your spoon, and dig into the ship-shaped sundae. You lift the messy bite of banana, whipped topping, and butterscotch ice cream to your lips, and take the whole thing inside your mouth without another thought. It's cold, and sweet, immediately sending all your woes running for the hills. You moan quietly in satisfaction as you swallow, ready to dive in for another bite.
"That good, huh?" Steve says, suddenly taking the seat across from you in the booth.
"Uh, yeah. It is. What are you—" You start to ask what he's up to, wondering why he isn't helping his rather surly-looking coworker.
"I'm on break, don't worry. I noticed you were a little flustered back there." He cuts you off, leaning back into the seat to get comfortable.
"Yeah. Sorry, you're just...um, really— cute. I guess." You explain clumsily, your ears and neck heating up along with your face this time. You stare at your ice cream, unable to meet his eyes.
"Thanks. So are you." Steve replies, like it's nothing at all.
"Thank you." You say meekly, absent-mindedly picking at your food.
"You might want to eat more of that soon. It's gonna melt." He says, encouraging you to take another bite. You do, scooping up another hearty spoonful. And once you take it in your mouth, chew, and swallow, you feel far more in your element.
"Sorry." You lift your head up to finally meet his gaze. "I'm not usually like this. You know, all blushing and...sweaty." You laugh at yourself, finding an amused look on his face. "It's just been a while since I've put myself out there." You say honestly, though you're unsure Steve wants to hear about your personal problems.
"It's alright, really. I think it's sweet. I haven't really been 'out there' much lately, either." He replies, which surprises you.
"What? A total dreamboat like you? No way!" You giggle in disbelief, but his face falling makes it die off. "I'm sorry. Bad breakup?" You tut, reaching your hand across the table to put it over his.
"Yeah. You could say that. You?" Steve says with a sigh, warming slightly at your touch. It's been quite some time since he's had a girl touch him, in any capacity. A couple stray butterflies form in his stomach, flapping anxiously against the internal walls.
"Same. I..." You trail off again, wondering if it's a good idea to tell him what's on your mind. "...I thought he could be 'the one', ya know? But life got in the way, and—" You stop again when his eyes meet yours, widened in understanding. It's like you've told him everything, without really saying a word. He knows how you feel, because he's been in a similar place himself. "Well, anyway. You get it." You brush off the subject, pulling your hand away.
"Yeah. Yeah, I really do." Steve says, laughing dryly. "Shit, I gotta get back. But lemme give you my number." He says, pulling a napkin out of the dispenser on the table, and a pen from the pocket of his apron. He scrawls his number down on it, sliding it over to you. "Maybe we can help each other get over our exes. Or, whatever." He shrugs, still trying to come off casual.
"Sure. I'd like that. Or whatever." You tease, mimicking his shrug with a laugh.
"It was nice meeting you, uh..." Steve pauses, searching for the name you didn't give him.
"Y/N." You answer, and he nods.
"Y/N." He repeats, finding it to be a very pretty name. "Great. Well, enjoy that sundae, and call me. I'll see you around." Steve says, walking backwards towards the counter. You can't help giggling when he almost slips on a spilled glob of Cherries Jubilee, his shoe squeaking loudly against the tile floor. He barely catches himself by grabbing the edge of the counter, his chest heaving. He straightens himself out, and gives you a small wave. His cheeks burn bright red, which only makes him look cuter than he did before. You wiggle your fingers back at him, and turn around to finish your treat and head home.
June 8th, 1985
Dear diary,
As much as my trip to Starcourt left me feeling really gutted about where Waxed Out is probably heading, it was nice to meet Steve. I didn't catch his last name, or learn very much about him at all. But I've still got the napkin with his number written on it, and I fully intend to use it. I think I'll wait until after the mall closes, though. Just in case he has to work the evening shift. Plus, late-night conversation tends to be far more entertaining.
I'm not saying I want to know everything about him, just the basics. This feels like a rebound right from the jump. But I don't mind. I need this, diary. I need one good fuck to get over Scott, it's been so long since I've brought anyone into my bed. Or been in anyone else's bed, for that matter. I feel so cold and lonely at night, despite the summer taking a firm hold on Hawkins. And even though whatever is going to happen between Steve and I will surely be a one-time thing, I know we have one thing in common. Heartbreak. We can talk all of our shit out together, and then kiss it better. Well, hopefully more than just kissing. But you get the point.
June 9th, 1985
Dear diary,
I called Steve last night. It was really nice talking to him. He's very sweet, and funny, too. We talked about our exes, and got to know each other a little bit. We also made plans for him to come over tomorrow night after his shift...
You carefully read the crumpled napkin in your hand, punching the digits into the phone. Once you've pushed the final number in, it starts to ring. It takes a couple rounds of that vibrating tone for your call to be picked up, possibly catching Steve right as he walks through the door after work. There's a small crackle on the other end as the call is accepted, and the sound of someone clearing their throat before speaking
"Harrington residence." You hear Steve's voice say in his usual cool tone.
"H-hey, Steve. It's Y/N, from the other day?" You reply nervously, hoping he remembers you.
"I was wondering when you'd call. Had me worried for a minute there." He says smoothly, and you can practically hear his smirk through the phone.
"Well, I-I didn't wanna seem too desperate." You laugh, causing him to chuckle too.
"It's not desperate at all, Y/N. I gave you my number, remember?" He reminds you, putting you at ease. There's no need to be so nervous. He likes you, he wanted you to call him.
"No, I know. I just...well, I—" You struggle to find the words to explain why you waited, but he finds the answer for you.
"I know. It's that whole 'putting yourself out there' thing." Steve says calmly, finding your fumbling rather sweet. It's been a very long time since he's made a pretty young thing like you get so out of sorts.
"Yeah." You sigh, rolling your eyes at your continued mess-ups. You used to be so good at this. It used to be second nature to you. But your confidence has been rocked to its core, and it'll take far longer than you'd like to build it back up again.
"Just relax, Y/N. Let's start with the easy stuff, hm?" He suggests, and you nod. Easy stuff, that'll work.
Realizing he can't see you bobbing your head like an idiot, you speak up. "Sure. You first."
"Where do you work?" He asks, getting right into it. You don't mind that one bit, though. This'll surely become easier as the conversation goes on.
"I actually own Waxed Out Records downtown." You answer, leaving out the part where the mall is going to put you out of business. There's no need to be negative right now.
"You own it? That's awesome!" Steve lights up, very impressed by you.
"Thanks, I appreciate that, Steve." You chuckle, glad he finds that interesting. "My turn. How old are you?" You ask, biting your lip. You feel like a silly teenager again, twirling the cord of the phone around your fingers.
"Eighteen. Just graduated in the spring. What about you? You seem pretty young to own a store all by yourself."
"I'm twenty, getting pretty close to twenty-one. I started working at the store after I graduated in '83, and quickly worked my way up. Music is my passion. Well, listening to it, at least." You explain, ending on an amused giggle.
"That's really impressive, Y/N. I'll consider myself lucky if I can move up one rung of the Scoops Ahoy corporate ladder." He jokes.
"Oh, I'm sure there's something else you wanna do with you life besides scooping ice cream. Isn't there?" You ask, noting the tinge of sadness in his voice.
"I honestly have no idea. Everyone else seems to have it all figured out. But, me? I couldn't even get into a goddamn community college." Steve says bitterly, making your heart sink.
"Trust me, Steve. No one has it all figured out. People make it look like they do, because they're thinking the same thing you are. That's all." You try to comfort him, though you aren't sure the words from almost a complete stranger are going to help much. "What do you like to do? What's something that sounds like fun?" You question, thinking maybe turning the subject more positive will be useful to him.
"I dunno, Y/N." He says quietly.
"It can be anything. Doesn't matter how unrealistic you think it is. Just blurt it out." You insist, and he thinks on it for a moment.
"I guess, I like kids. Or, more like kids like me. So...maybe a teacher, or something?" Steve answers with uncertainty.
"That sounds great. What kind of teacher?" You press on, thinking you're getting somewhere.
"Oh, gym, for sure. I'm very athletic." He replies cockily, which makes you smile.
"Yeah, I can tell. That cute little sailor outfit of yours doesn't leave much to the imagination." You tease, recalling the blue shorts he was wearing that showed off his thick thighs and perfect ass. Your mouth waters at the thought, and your thighs rub together on the couch.
"You like that, huh?" Steve asks lowly, his tone sending a shiver up your spine.
"Normally, I'd think it's pretty dorky. But it looks really good on you." You reply, trying your best to keep things playful and light. For now.
"Thanks." He brightens at your compliment. He himself hates that uniform. But to know that you like it, that it shows off his assets, it makes him dislike it a little less. "Did you wanna talk about your ex?" Steve says abruptly, immediately wondering if he's just blown this whole thing.
"Sure. I'll show you mine, you show me yours." You say casually, and he hums in agreement. This is technically part of your little arrangement, painful as it is. He'll heal your broken heart, and then you'll do the same for him. "His name was Scott...Clark." You start slowly, hating to say that name out loud again.
"The science teacher?" Steve asks in shock. He has no idea what a beautiful young woman like you would see in an old dork like that. He also finds it hard to believe that such a non-threatening man would dare break your heart.
"Yes. He really was sweet, and kind, and smart." You say softly, tears pricking your eyes at the memories you made together.
"But he's old." Steve interjects, crinkling his nose.
"I don't care about stuff like that, Steve." You sigh, rolling your eyes at his rather rude comment. "And mid-thirties is not that old. But that's beside the point. We really cared about each other. I loved him, and he loved me too. But then his aunt got sick, and he had to leave town to take care of her until she died. I would've gone with him, if he would've let me." You finish, sitting in uncomfortable silence afterwards. You're a bit worried Steve hung up on you, until he pipes up again.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have said that. It sounds like you two had a good thing going, and I'm sorry he left you behind." Steve says sincerely, feeling extremely bad for his comment. You're clearly more mature than him, he could probably learn a thing or two from you.
"It's alright. You're still a kid, you don't get it yet. But you will." You sniffle lightly, wiping your eyes. You hope Steve doesn't hear the sounds of your gentle crying, it would be rather embarrassing. "Alright. Your turn." You exhale shakily, trying to ignore the pain you still hold inside your chest.
"You got it." He says kindly, preparing to pour his own hurt out on top of yours. "Her name was Nancy Wheeler. We dated in high school for a couple years, I was a year ahead of her. God, she was perfect. Smart, beautiful, everything a guy could want. I thought we were happy. Maybe we were, for a while. But then she said our relationship was bullshit, essentially. She didn't love me. I think I was just the first guy to give her any real attention. I sure as shit loved her, though." He ends on an unsteady breath, putting himself in the exact same position as you are. Still so deep within the pit of yearning and despair. It appears you need one another more than ever now.
"Oh, Steve. That's terrible. I'm so sorry." You tut, unsure what else to say. You're definitely familiar with Nancy, you've seen her around town with Jonathan Byers. You never got the impression that she was such a heartbreaker, though.
"Yeah, well, thanks." He scoffs, running his hand through his mane of hair. "Guess we both kinda suck at love, huh?" He asks with a laugh, pulling one from you as well.
"You can say that again." You giggle, the sorrow in the air beginning to dissipate. It feels good to talk to someone about all of this, especially someone that understands your situation so well. You haven't really kept any friends from high school. Everyone either moved away, or left you behind to pursue more lucrative social circles. So, you end up spending most of your time alone. "So, I'm guessing you didn't give me your number just to talk. Right?" You ask cautiously, not wanting to mess up the nice thing you seem to have going here.
"Uh, no. I was thinking that we could, ya know..." Steve trails off, attempting to put this delicately. But there's really no need for that.
"Hook up?" You finish his sentence for him.
"Yeah." He agrees, swallowing thickly. "Is that alright?"
"That's fine. Not a date, though. I'm not looking for anything serious." You make it very clear to him that you're only interested in keeping this casual.
"Me either." Steve replies shortly. "So, when should I come over?" He asks, becoming very eager to spend a night with you.
"How about tomorrow night?" You suggest, hoping that works for him
"Sounds good. It'll be a little late, though. I've got another closing shift."
"That's fine, Steve. I'll be up. And could you..." You start to ask him another question, but you're unsure you should.
"Could I what?" Steve asks, your apprehension piquing his interest.
"Could you...wear the uniform?" You get the sentence out, wincing once the words leave your lips. He probably thinks your a total freak now.
"Sure thing." He chuckles darkly.
You finish the phone call, giving him your address and setting a time. And once you both hang up, you're overcome with a intense feeling of excitement. This is exactly what you need after such a long period of solitude. You can tell, you're finally ready to get back out there. To continue one of the few life missions you've set up for yourself: to enjoy as much mind-blowing sex as you possibly can.
June 11th, 1985
Dear diary,
Oh my god, last night was just what I've been needing! Every single moment was perfect. Steve was so sweet, and careful, it was everything. I think I'm finally over this slump, and I can move on with my life...
Knock. Knock. Knock. You hear rapping on the door just as you've finished getting ready for tonight. You're not wearing anything all that special. Just a matching bra and panty set under some casual clothes, jet black lace that compliments your body perfectly. You leave your bedroom and go to open the door. You turn the knob and pull it open, finding Steve standing in the doorway.
"Ahoy." He says with a wink and a smile as he leans on the doorframe. He's dressed in his Scoops uniform, sans the apron. His hat is tipped to the side cheekily, and his eyes give you a once-over as he waits for you to let him inside.
"Ahoy there, sailor. Come in." You step back to let Steve inside, watching his ass as he walks past you. You bite your lip at the sight of it, so perfectly round in those little blue shorts. "Did you want a beer or soda, or something?" You ask once you close the door. You yourself have been indulging in a couple glasses of wine this evening, trying to calm your nerves for what you plan to do with your guest.
"Beer's fine." He replies casually, taking a seat on your couch and kicking off his shoes. He removes his little sailor hat, tossing it on the coffee table. A large hand runs through his hair to fluff it back up. You can't help staring at him for a moment as he does so, seeing the full volume of his chocolate locks only adds to his attractiveness. "Everything okay?" He asks with a grin, very amused with the needy look on your face. You've got it bad, and although Steve hides it better, so does he.
"Y-yeah. Sorry." You snap out of your trance, and quickly retrieve Steve's beverage from the fridge. "Here." You hand the can over to him, and he pops the top open to take a large sip. You take a seat beside him, leaning your elbow on the top of the sofa and sitting sideways to gaze at him some more. He's just so pretty, prettier than any man you've ever seen. You can't help sighing dreamily as you take in his beauty, admiring the way his lips hug the rim of the can, his eyes falling closed to reveal long lashes as he swallows. The bob of his Adam's apple as the beer washes down to his stomach, the satisfied sound he lets out as it cools him down on this rather hot night.
"You know, it's a bit rude to stare, Y/N." Steve teases, turning his head to look at you. He sets his drink down on the table, scooting closer to put himself right next to you.
"I know. But I can't help it. Have you looked in the mirror lately? You're gorgeous." You almost whine as you speak, acknowledging how much you're devouring him with your eyes, while also needing him to know just how handsome he truly is.
"Thanks. You're really beautiful too, ya know." He replies softly, the apples of his cheeks tinging pink.
"You really think so?" You ask playfully, reaching a hand forward to toy with the ends of the red neck tie on Steve's uniform.
"Oh, please. You know how attractive you are." Steve scoffs, lifting a hand to cup your face. He gives you a meaningful look, speaking again. "Everything about you is perfect. Your eyes, your smile, and that body...you're essentially sex on legs." He says honestly, feeding your confidence everything it needs to pull him towards you and press your lips to his.
"Mmm." You immediately melt into Steve, his own mouth quickly taking the lead. He brings an arm around you to pull your body towards his, and you crawl over to straddle his lap. His hands meet your ass, squeezing the cheeks roughly in his hands. You moan against his lips, rolling your hips to grind against him. He grunts at the friction, slipping his tongue inside your mouth to tangle with yours. He tastes like beer, and mint, and the slightest hint of...cherry lip gloss. You'd wondered what made his lips look so damn plump and kissable, and now it appears you've figured it out. "You taste really good, Steve." You pant between passionate kisses.
"Thanks, so do you." Steve replies hastily, unable to get enough of you. You're so fucking beautiful, he can't believe he's got you grinding in his lap and making out with him like your life depends on it. You're completely ravenous, all previous jitters having been thrown out the window. It becomes clear to him that this is your true self, a confident young woman that takes what she wants. And he finds it absolutely intoxicating.
You continue to moan and grind on the sofa for what feels like hours. Steve gently bucks his own hips up into yours to give you both even more friction. His hands keep a firm grip on your ass, not wanting to let go for a single second. Your own hands have weaved into his beautiful hair, which is so unbelievably soft to the touch. Steve's swollen lips break away from yours, rushed breaths escaping your mouths as oxygen fills your lungs again. His head lowers to kiss your neck, nipping ever so slightly to give you teeny tiny love bites. "Steve." You moan, so very wet inside your shorts. The fabric of your panties slips all around your pussy in the constant rocking of your hips. You imagine you've already made a wet spot on Steve's uniform by now, wondering if he can feel how much you want him.
"Can I take this off, baby?" Steve asks, ceasing his searing kisses on your throat and lifting his hand to tug at the hem of your shirt.
"Yeah." You swallow hard, your mouth has run dry from panting like a dog. You let him remove your shirt, tossing it away to the floor to reveal your bra.
"Damn." He chuckles at the sight of your tits in the luxe fabric, his large palms raising to cup and press them together in curiosity. You sigh lightly at his touch on you again, carefully reaching your arm behind you to pick up your wine glass. You bring it up to your lips, finishing the rest of it to rehydrate your mouth. You set the glass back down, and watch Steve play around with your boobs for a little while.
His hands move slowly and gently, his eyes glued to your chest as he melds your supple flesh in his grasp. He's completely mesmerized by you, admiring every slight wrinkle his movements make, the jiggle that occurs once he lets you go again. He's always loved tits more than anything else, though he's unsure why. There's just something...special about them. No two sets look the same, they come in all manner of shapes and sizes. He loves every single pair he's had the pleasure to see and touch. Big or small, squishy or firm, light and pink, dark and brown, everything in between. He adores them all in their uniqueness, along with the pretty noises that come out of whichever girl he's appreciating in this way.
You reach around your back to undo your bra, assuming Steve will be even more enamored if he can fully see the swells of your chest. The straps go slack on your shoulders, and his hands move out of the way for a moment so you can discard it altogether. It joins your shirt on the carpet, and his eyes widen as he lets out an appreciative groan.
"God, you're gorgeous." He says softly, his eyes flicking to meet yours for a moment. You give him a kind smile, reading the neediness in his pupils to fully feel you. His hands wrap around your back, pulling you closer to him. His head meets your chest, plush lips sucking on the bottom of your left breast.
"Fuck." You whimper, grinding against him a little harder now. His large fingers spread along your back, holding you tenderly as his mouth and teeth and tongue do their very best to worship every inch of you they can reach. He suckles dark hickeys on your sensitive skin, drawing moans from you and groans from him with every one. He eventually closes in on your nipple after making quite the mess of gloss and saliva all over you, nibbling the hardened bud between his teeth. "Feels so good, Steve." You praise breathlessly. You've never had anyone be so entertained by your boobs, let alone take the time to show every bit of them so much care and attention.
"Mmm." Steve grunts as the friction you're still creating against him is becoming unbearable. He wants to take his time with you, to enjoy every single second of this night. "Slow down, honey." He gently requests, bringing his lips to yours again for a moment. The kiss is so tender, making your heart burn inside your chest. It sends the message that he'll give you everything you want, that he won't leave until you're fully satisfied. But he needs you to stop rushing, because he wants this to last as long as possible.
"Okay." You reply once he pulls away. You still yourself over him, fully allowing him to take control of the situation. He knows what he's doing, he won't leave you disappointed. All you have to do is trust him.
"Lay down, baby." Steve says in that same kind tone, gazing deeply in your eyes. You nod, sliding off his lap and lying down onto the couch cushion. He carefully puts himself over you, cupping your face and stroking your skin with his thumb. He gives you another heart-melting kiss, though he doesn't stay there long. He gradually makes his way down your body, blazing a trail along your neck, chest, and stomach. He sits back on his knees for a moment, lifting his shirt over his head. Steve reveals his toned chest, and you can't help gasping at the sight of his pronounced pectorals and thick, dark body hair. He's left in just his shorts now, a very noticeable erection forming an imprint in the fabric. "Eyes up here, honey." He teases as he's caught you staring again.
"Sorry. You're just...fuck, you're so hot!" You babble breathlessly, giggling as you're unable to think straight. You just cling to the only idea that's able to stay coherent inside your mind: You want him.
"So are you, Y/N." He repays the compliment, chuckling at your giddiness. You're already so fucked for him, and he can't wait to make you a total mumbling mess. Steve leans over your lower half, reaching a hand down to your belly to undo the button of your jean shorts. He slides the zipper down its track, your breathing picking up in anticipation. You lift your hips up to help him as he pulls them down your legs, leaving you in your matching panties when you lay back down. "So beautiful, baby." He coos, smiling at how soaked the fabric is. He kneels before you, bringing his head down to kiss your hips through the lace. You watch as he slowly trails downwards, inching closer to your clothed heat. His lips press against your pussy, trying their best to feel you through this thin barrier.
"Fuck." You whine at the contact, which feels so good, while also not being nearly enough. Steve presses on, locating your swollen clit and sucking it and your panties past his lips. "Steve." You whimper, bucking your hips towards him. He presses a hand down on your stomach to hold you still, keeping up his suction. He moans at the taste of your arousal leeching out of your underwear, his eyes meeting yours as he teases you. "Please, baby. I need you." You beg for him to move things along a little bit, to fully put his mouth on your throbbing pussy.
"Mm-mm." He hums, shaking his head in disagreement. He continues his exploration along your soaked slit. He drags the flat of his tongue along your covered folds, driving you insane when he goes so far as to push inside of you.
"Jesus...fuck." Your hands fly into his hair, hips rolling into the sensation. He pumps his tongue into your soaked hole as best he can, though your panties prove it to be a bit of a challenge. Despite this, you're still coming undone under his touch. Moaning and squealing, completely drunk with lust. He pulls back after a little while, much to your dismay, fingers looping in the waistband of your underwear. He yanks them off in one fluid motion, spreading your legs wide to get a real good look.
Your silk glistens in the light with sweet, messy juices. Steve licks his lips at the sight, eager to have a true taste. "Such a pretty pussy, baby." He compliments, returning to his position. He inhales your scent, his head dizzying at how delicious it is. He starts off by sucking your clit into his mouth again, moaning at the musky flavor finally meeting his tongue for real this time. He works your bundle of nerves between his plush lips and teeth in a slow, steady rhythm. His tongue swirls around it in broad circles, making your eyes roll back into your head.
"Feels so good, Steve." You pant, holding his head between your legs as he works you over. His arms creep under your thighs, reaching around to take hold of your breasts as a way to hang on while he eats you out. He rolls your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, dialing up the sensation.
"Your pussy tastes so good, so fuckin' sweet..." Steve mumbles against you, his cock straining inside his shorts. He loves what a mess you are for him. Your thighs twitching at his purposeful movements, the filthy noises fleeing your lips, the fucked-out look on your face. It's all so beautiful, like a vulgar work of art. He decides to up the stakes, angling his head sideways a little to basically make out with your cunt. He leaves your bud alone, kissing your second set of lips, rolling his tongue in repetitive strokes.
"Holy shit..." You've never had anyone do this to you before, but it feels fucking incredible. Every last bit of your pussy is attended to, pushing you far closer to the edge than you expect. He continues with this method, the tip of his tongue dipping inside your entrance every so often. Your nails dig into his scalp, and his hands knead your tits to bring you nearer to your orgasm.
"Mmm." Steve hums against you, drinking up what he can of your slick that's drenching his cheeks and chin. His nose nudges against your clit as he turns his head the other way, making you twitch in response.
"Keep going, baby. You feel so fucking good." You encourage him as the end draws nearer for you. You focus on the sounds of his wet kisses and slurps, and the satisfied moans escaping him as he painstakingly devours you. It all sounds so dirty, but in a most favorable way. You're soaked for him, and he's drunk on you. And neither of you would have it any other way. "Don't stop, Steve...g-gonna cum." You warn, your voice broken and unfocused.
"Mmm." He hums to assure he's heard you, keeping up his pace and intensity. He can't wait to see you cum.
"Oh, god...fuck!" You cry out as bliss finally washes over you. Your thighs tremble, scorching heat setting you ablaze. You tug roughly on Steve's hair as you cum hard on his face. He grunts at your release splashing warmly into his mouth. He swallows what he can, lapping at you until your high subsides. "Fuck." You exhale once Steve pulls away from you to sit back on his knees. You meet his gaze, finding his gorgeous face shining with your arousal. "That was amazing." You praise, sitting up to put yourself level with him. You put your hands on his broad shoulders, giving him a thankful kiss. You moan at the taste of yourself on his lips, taking the lead this time and slipping your tongue in his mouth.
"Mmm." Steve hums into you, letting you lead him to lay down on the other side of the couch. You kneel above him, lowering your lips to kiss his neck. You bite down on his tender flesh, just enough to leave a faint hickey behind. "Y/N." He moans your name at the welcome sting, getting the idea of where this is going.
"You ate my pussy so well, baby. No one's done it that way before." You say lowly in his ear, nibbling on the lobe afterwards.
"You really liked that, huh?" Steve asks, grinning in self-satisfaction at the knowledge of pleasing you. As if your rather loud orgasm wasn't enough indication.
"Mmhmm, it was perfect. And I'd like to return the favor." You lower your hand between his legs, grabbing hold of his erection. You can feel how big he is through his shorts, and your pussy throbs at the needy sound you pull from him as you squeeze.
"Knock yourself out, honey. I'm dying to see what the pretty mouth of yours can do." Steve says, aching to feel you on his cock.
"Oh, believe me, it can do a lot." You giggle excitedly, giving him another brief kiss before positioning yourself between his legs. You pull off his shorts, leaving him in his boxer briefs. You bend down to lay your lips on his stomach, just above his waistband. He sighs quietly at the contact, watching your every move. You press your lips to his clothed erection, noting the damp spot in the fabric where his precum has soaked through.
"Y/N." Steve moans at your teasing, propping his head up with his arm to observe you. You continue to mouth his cock, your saliva forming wet circles in the dark material. Hushed whimpers escape him, he's getting more wound up by the second. You usually don't take so long to go down on a guy, but you figure it's only fair you repay him for giving his all just moments ago. You reach for the hem of his underwear, sliding them down his thick thighs and releasing his stiff dick. It springs free, smacking loudly against his stomach. The fat head is red and swollen, leaking precum profusely.
"Damn." You murmur at his size, unable to look away as you finish removing his boxers. You grab hold of his cock, stroking it firmly to make more pearly fluid leak out of his slit.
"Fuck, baby." Steve moans, hips bucking slightly at your touch. You lower your head to lick up the mess, slowly dragging your tongue in a wide circle around his tip. Your eyes are locked on his as you do so, unbridled lust burning in your pupils. He tastes warm, and salty, even a little sweet. You press wet kisses to his slit, gradually moving down his length as you lazily pump him. More pretty noises leave Steve's lungs, fueling your desire. You drag the flat of your tongue up and down his shaft, watching every small expression that crosses his face. His mouth falls open repeatedly, his brows scrunching in pleasure again and again.
"Havin' fun, Steve?" You ask, spitting on his length to stroke him easier.
"Yeah, feels really good." He pants in reply, eyes rolling back a little at the wet warmth of your saliva. You take him by surprise when you suck one of his balls into your mouth. "Holy shit..." He groans, his free hand gripping the cushion of the couch. You roll his lump of flesh around with your tongue, switching to the other one after a while. You want to tend to every inch of him, just like he did for you. Steve feels so close already, and you haven't even taken his cock all the way in your mouth yet. You work your way back to the main attraction, kissing a blazing trail from his inner thighs to his hips, inching closer to his throbbing length. Steve whines every time you move nearer to where he wants you most, his breath coming out quick and labored.
"You want me to suck your cock, baby?" You ask seductively as you kiss the spot right beside his shaft.
"Yes...fuck, please." He begs, growing more impatient by the second.
"So needy." You chuckle darkly, before taking his entire thick length inside your mouth in one swift motion.
"Fuck!" Steve cries out, his fingers digging harder into the sofa. He's so deep in your throat, he can feel you clenching around him as you gag and attempt to swallow. "Jesus christ..." His knuckles go white as he clings to the couch, eyes squeezed shut so tight as the pleasure is almost unbearable. He won't last much longer, his hand that's propping his head up quickly leaving to grab hold of the armrest.
"You like it when I take your huge cock deep down my throat, Stevie?" You ask, drawing off of him for a moment to breathe. You'd kind of jumped the gun there, almost choking yourself to a point where all that wine would make a reappearance. You couldn't help yourself, you were just so eager to take every last inch of him at once to blow his mind.
"Yes, please don't stop, honey. That felt so good, I almost came." Steve whimpers, forcing his eyes open to beg you to keep doing what you're doing. Just as he's taken you by surprise with his oral skills, you've brought him to once-unknown places with your own.
"You got it, baby. Can you try to hold back for me? I wanna make you feel so good." You offer him this small challenge, wondering if he'll be up for it. But you can guess just how toe-curling and amazing it could be for him if he takes it.
"I-I'll try." He nods frantically, breathing so hard as he longs to feel your hot, wet throat again. You don't say anything else, resuming your previous position. You take him in slower this time, breathing through your nose so you don't yak on him. "Fuck, baby." He moans once your nose brushes against his mound of hair. You suck harshly around his length, swirling your tongue where you can reach as you keep your head still for a moment. Steve mumbles various swears and all the sweet little names he's been calling you, utterly entranced by your seemingly bottomless throat.
"Mmm." You hum quietly as you start moving, a muffled moan as you witness his complete undoing by your own hand. Or lips, more like. He's such a fucking beautiful mess. His mouth running a million miles a minute, shimmering sweat forming on his face and chest, his large hands holding the couch for dear life. You've never seen a man so unraveled, and it's making your pussy drip all over the cushion beneath you. You raise your hands to drag your nails down his chest, bobbing your head at a steady rhythm, taking every last centimeter inside before carefully slipping back off again.
"Jesus- shit- fuck! Your mouth is so damn good, honey. Gonna make me cum so hard down that tight throat of yours." Steve spouts off in a whiney mumble, unable to control himself at this point. His brain has melted into soup, a lusty stew that his mouth frantically serves up to your starving ears. His fingers begin to slip from sweating so damn much, his grip tightening regardless. His body trembles the way he's seen so many girls do before, feeling his high fast approaching. His breath shudders, coming out hot and thick. "Best fuckin' head I've ever had, baby. Such a sweet girl for me, suckin' me so good." Steve continues on like this, every new phrase turning you on more than the last. He's got one of the dirtiest mouths you've ever heard, and that's saying something.
"Mmm." You moan in appreciation of his filthy exclamations. If you weren't so engrossed in watching him lose all semblance of control, you'd lower a hand between your thighs to touch yourself. But it's his turn right now, he needs your skilled mouth to give him the climax he's undoubtedly earned.
"I'm gonna cum, honey. Fuck, it's gonna be so much, fill up your throat with every last drop. Please, I gotta- fuck. Can I cum, honey?" He asks, eyes locking into yours for a moment as he waits for permission. It's been taking everything in him to hold back, it sounded like such a fun idea. But now, he's worried that his cock might actually burst.
"Mmhmm." You nod gently as you keep going. He holds your stare as a shaky gasp leaves him, mouth fallen agape in the prettiest 'o' shape imaginable.
"Oh my- fuckin'- ahh..." He can barely form a sentence as his orgasm takes over his entire body in a flash of blinding white. He groans loudly, hips stuttering and toes furling as his load spills down your esophagus. You swallow every last drop, some of it slicking his length as you continue to suck him through his high. You clean him off with your tongue, not wasting any of his mouth-watering release. You pull away afterwards, letting him lie there panting and struggling to catch his breath. His arm falls across his eyes, trying to block out the bright white that still hasn't left him. "Jesus." He exhales, finally coming back down to earth after a couple orbits around the sun.
"Did you like that, Steve?" You ask, carefully crawling over to lay over his still-trembling body. He senses your weight and warmth on him, wrapping his arms around you as your head meets his chest. His eyes are still closed, but he clears his throat to speak.
"Yeah. Fuckin' loved that, honey. Definitely never had anyone blow me like that before." Steve chuckles, drawing a pleased giggle from you as well.
"Glad I could blow your mind, baby. No pun intended." You both laugh a little harder, unable to help yourselves. It feels so good to do this with someone again, even if it's just for one night. The laughter dies down after a while, the both of you lying in comfortable silence. That is, until you open your mouth again. "He used to call me that, ya know." You say aloud, the thought's been swirling in your head for quite some time now.
"What?" Steve asks, knowing who you're referring to.
"'Honey'. And I called him 'baby'. It was like, our little thing. Simple, and sweet." You say softly, unsure why you're telling him this. You don't expect him to care, or understand. You're probably killing any potential second boner of his, if anything.
"I get what you mean. Me and Nance did the same. Everything else just sounded..." He trails off, looking for the word.
"Corny?" You both say at the same time.
"Yeah, that." Steve laughs lightly at your similar minds. It doesn't surprise him much, though. You're both in the same boat, sailing on the ocean of heartbreak. That's part of what this night is all about. Working through that leftover pain. Together. "It's not weird, right? That we're calling each other that, I mean?" He asks, feeling a little unsure now as you've gone a bit quiet.
"No. I don't think so. At least, it shouldn'tbe. They're pretty common words." You shrug, looking up to find his kind eyes gazing at you.
"They sure are." He smiles, and you can't resist returning it. "Wanna take this to your bed, baby?" He asks, changing the subject.
"That sounds perfect." You gently nod, standing up off the couch and leading him down the short hall to your bedroom. You both crawl under the covers, tangling your bodies together. Your leg rests over his, and your arms are wrapped firmly around one another as you start to kiss heavily again. "Mmm." You moan against Steve's lips are your tongues roll against each other. You can feel his cock poking into your inner thigh, a small streak of precum wetting your flesh. You leave it alone for now, you want to enjoy this as much as you possibly can.
Steve rolls your both over to put himself on top, your legs wrapping around his lower back to keep him close to you. "You're so beautiful, Y/N. You have no idea." He compliments, lips lowering to your throat and hands grabbing hold of your supple breasts to warm you up for him.
"Oh, Steve." You moan breathlessly at his searing touch.
"Such gorgeous tits, they feel amazing in my hands." He says lowly against your neck. "And your sweet little pussy, so wet and sticky for me. I could eat it all night if you let me." He continues, lowering a hand between your thighs to rub two fingers against your clit.
"Fuck, baby. I want you...want you so bad." You whimper, grinding yourself upwards to create friction with his fingertips.
"Yeah, honey? You wanna feel my cock inside that perfect little pussy? Have me fill you up, make youscream for me?" He questions seductively. There's no teasing in his tone, he's genuinely asking you what you want him to do. He's hell-bent on making you feel good, no matter what it takes.
"Yes, Steve. Please, fuck me, baby." You beg, rolling your hips more to get your point across.
"You got it. Just relax for me. Don't wanna hurt you." He says calmly, his hands going to your waist to still you.
"Okay." You slow yourself down, taking a deep breath.
"That's it, sweet girl. Gonna take real good care of you." He presses a final kiss to your throat, soft as silk. He raises his head to look down at you again, taking hold of his stiff cock to lead it towards your entrance. His tip meets your needy hole, making you whimper at the light contact. "I know, honey. I'll give you what you want." He coos, slowly pushing his thick length inside of you.
"Fuck, baby." You moan at the stretch, welcoming every inch of him inside your slippery walls.
"Shit, you're soaked. So tight, too..." Steve groans breathily, working himself inside your taught cunt until he eventually bottoms out. "There we go." He sighs, relieved that he's fit in you so completely.
"You're so big, Steve." You murmur as his tips rests at your cervix, filling you up just the way you like. Your insides clench around him out of reflex, drawing a quiet whimper from the both of you. "You can move now, baby." You say softly, cupping Steve's cheek as he looks down at you. His eyes are blown wide, mouth sitting open as he's stuck in this moment. It's been so long since he's been inside anyone, and he's overwhelmed by the reminder of how good it feels. "Hey, you okay?" You ask, drawing him out of his frozen state.
"Yeah, I'm good. Just...been a while." He laughs lightly, shaking his head to set himself straight.
"It's okay, I'm in the same boat. Just take your time, have fun with me." You reply kindly, bringing his head back down to give him a tender kiss. You wrap your arms around his back to keep him close. "Fuck me, baby. I want you..." You speak against his lips, pressing your heels into his back to coax him into moving. He does as you ask, keeping his bruising lips connected to yours as much as possible. Steve slowly pulls out, and glides back in with ease. He does this a few more times, allowing you to get a real feel for each other.
"God, you feel so good inside, baby. Like goddamn velvet..." Steve groans lowly, carefully sliding his hips back and forth. You're soft and wet around him, keeping his cock nice and warm. He can't get enough. He just could stay like this, thrusting so very slowly into you all night.
"And you're filling me up so well, Steve. So fuckin' deep, but I want more, go faster." You reply breathlessly, needing him to pick up speed and force.
"Sure thing, honey." He says softly, setting a steady pace now. His dick slips against your g spot, making your back arch off the bed. Steve slides his hands underneath your back, wanting to hold you close as he thrusts into you. He's still taking his time, making sure you can feel every curve and vein of him, while taking in every last ridge and squishy spot inside of you at the same time.
"Feels so good, baby. Keep fucking me just like that." You moan, desperate to tell him how well he's doing.
"Yeah? You like that, honey? Am I hittin' that perfect little spot for you?" Steve asks through his groans, kicking up the pace just a tad.
"Yes! Fuck, right there, Steve!" You cry as his cock reaches your g-spot quicker and harder than before. He's so far inside you, you swear he's in your stomach. It's so good to feel this full again, driving you towards an unbelievable high.
"That's it, sweet girl. Takin' me so good, makin' such pretty noises. Music to my ears, baby..." He chuckles against your throat, his head fallen down to focus on his thrusts. You're drenching him with every stroke, making such a mess between your thighs and his own. And the moans and gasps you let out as he fucks you are making him crazy, motivating him to keep giving you what they're so clearly begging for. He kisses your flesh wherever he can reach, your neck, your cheek, your lips when he can bring himself to lift his head. He wants to devour you, to drag you down into a pit of passion and ecstasy with him.
"So good, Stevie...so, so good...don't stop. Don't ever stop." You whimper and whine helplessly as he strategically pounds into you. He punctuates his thrusts every so often to make your muscles clench around him, dialing up the pleasure for you both. And his plush lips finding every part of you possible, marking them up with tender kisses and hickies. It's all so perfect, just what you've been missing these last few months.
"I won't, honey. I'm not goin' anywhere." Steve coos, watching you melt into a simpering puddle beneath him. Your nails are digging into his back, clawing to hold him as far down on top of you as you can. His lips find yours again, his tongue quickly slipping inside your mouth. He rolls his hips a bit now, hitting a different angle inside you.
"Oh...Steve." You whine between clumsy kisses as his new technique is truly blowing you away. You're getting very close now, and you look forward to letting it all go for the gorgeous man above you.
"Mmm, even better, baby? That feel good?" He asks, taking the hint from your moans growing in volume. He knows exactly how to drive you wild. The optimal speed, the right tempo, all of it, culminating in fluid movements that feel totally unbelievable.
"Yes, I'm getting close..." You answer him, breathing so hard your lungs are starting to burn.
"Me too, honey. You're squeezin' me so tight." He groans as your walls begin to flutter around his length. He pushes himself to go faster, overloading your senses for the big finish. Steve grunts loudly as he plunges into you, still grinding his hips as he moves to leave no crevice of flesh untouched.
"Fuck, Steve...make me cum." You beg as your orgasm rapidly approaches, the knot deep within your belly ready to snap. You dig your hands and heels into him harder, forcing him as deep inside you as he can be. He moans at the sting of your nails leaving dark scratches on his flesh, giving you his cock at full force to seal your fate. "Oh god, Steve...I-I'm cumming— FUCK!" You almost scream as your bliss finally takes hold. Your thighs tremble, and your back arches as your eyes roll back into your head. Your insides snap closed around his dick, making it difficult for him to keep thrusting. Your release spills messily on him and the bed below, hot, sweet, and sticky.
"Shit— Y/N..." Steve groans as his own high washes over him, his breath shuddering as his hips buck sloppily. You feel his cum pump into you in thick white ropes, his cock still sliding in and out to keep it all inside. He eventually comes to a stop, his body collapsing on top of yours. You both breathe heavily for a good while, lying together in your messed-up bed in the glorious afterglow. "That was so good, Y/N." Steve hums as he pulls out of you, giving your sweat-slicked shoulder a kiss before rolling over onto his back.
"It really was." You smile in satisfaction, turning your head to look at him. "Thank you." You say softly, lying still as your mixed release oozes from your cunt. You don't have the heart to ask him to grab you a towel, you're sure he's just as tired as you are.
"No, thank you." He shakes his head. He doesn't feel like he's truly done all that much, but you...you've made him whole again. He's got his game back, and now he's ready to look for someone new. Steve leans over to give you a gentle kiss on your lips, and climbs out of your bed.
"Where you goin'?" You ask, hoping he isn't leaving so soon. Although, you suppose he's served his purpose now.
"Relax, honey. I just wanna clean you up." Steve chuckles at the fear in your voice, the worry that he's just gonna fuck you and leave. That's not his style at all. He fully intends to stay over, and give you a little more fun in the morning. He likes you, you were incredible tonight. You both know this isn't going to happen again, so it would be a shame not to make the most of it. He leaves the room to retrieve a damp towel from your bathroom, and carefully crawls back into the bed and pulls the covers away to look at you. He finds a shining, pearly mess leaking from your folds, and his cock twitches at the sight. He's so tempted to lick it all up, but given how puffy and spent your pussy looks, he decides to let you be.
"You're too sweet, Stevie." You coo as he gently swipes the cloth between your legs. He goes nice and slow, carefully catching every last drop while making sure he doesn't rub you raw. You've never had this feel so...tender, like it's all part of the act. Most times it ends up pretty rushed, or you just do it yourself.
"It's the least I can do, Y/N. I made quite the mess." He chuckles, surprised that you're so enamored by his meticulous cleansing. He pulls the cloth away once you're all pretty and pink again, smiling at his handiwork. "There. All better." His eyes flick to yours, an almost heartbreaking amount of adoration in his expression. You can't help but wonder if he's like this with all the girls. You hope he is, anyway. Because if so, any woman would be lucky to have him. Steve returns the towel to the bathroom, and joins you underneath the covers again. "C'mere, baby." Steve says sleepily, holding his arms open for you to put yourself between them. You insert yourself in his hold, nuzzling into his chest to get comfortable. You can smell his cologne mixed with sex and sweat, the scent lulling you into a content state as your eyes flutter closed. You feel Steve's lips placing a kiss on the top of your head, and say something along the lines of 'goodnight, baby'. You aren't too sure, though, you're already well on your way to dreamland at this point.
...Steve held me close all night long, and this morning was just as mind-blowing as last night. He woke me up to see him chowing down between my thighs again, his hair all messy and his hands gripping my thighs for dear life. We took a shower together after that, having another round of unbelievable fucking as the hot water cascaded over us. If I hadn't promised myself not to get attached, I might've convinced him to stay even longer.
But all good things must come to an end. Steve was a rebound, that's all. A much-needed rebound, sure. I'm sure I was the same for him, and that's perfectly fine. I feel far less lost now, able to open myself up to any and all possibilities. Love is still so far off the menu for me, it's served at a completely different restaurant. But sex, all kinds of sex, is more than welcome.
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