#same with the lavender and amber tbh
yappacadaver · 1 year
Top notes
Black pepper || Bergamot || Sandlewood
Middle notes
Liqour || Myrrh || Lavender
Base notes
Amber || Leather || Almond
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cherrywhipped · 2 years
Hunter x Hunter character scent hcs 🌬️
This is kinda for laughs but also I tried to make it reasonable, hope you enjoy♡
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XX Gon: maple syrup or a chuck-e-cheese playhouse. no in between
XX Killua: some fresh expensive laundry smell 🙄 (gain fireworks beads), or sweat + campfire/burning smoke⚡️
XX Kurapika: faint pine needles & vanilla (😀??) hard to tell but whatever it is always smells the strongest right below his ear towards the back of his neck kiss
XX Leorio: hot cologne I just KNOW bro smells MMMM (more specifically maybe a mahogany teakwood type of delicious 👏)
XX Kite: my beloved. His smell is so comforting, it’s like wrapping yourself up in a blanket of honeysuckle and dewy grass.
XX Morel: yes obvi smoke but tbh… a hot whiff of that rich & refreshing incense smell that makes your head all cloudy 😵‍💫 [China rain, anyone?]
XX Knov: defeat. Probably wouldn’t have a defining smell, maybe something really light like mint
XX Knuckle: manly, gotta be like sweat and old spice deodorant 🔥
XX Shoot: absolutely nothing. It is bizarre how scentless he is
XX Palm: an unsettling dark berry candle
XX Biscuit: marshmallow fluff
XX Melody: smells like a friend. A friend that smells of citrus fruit.
XX Illumi: I bet he smells intoxicating but it’s eerie, similar to how some people like to sniff gasoline. This is so specific but y’know the heat residue smell when you flat iron your hair or iron clothes? That plus a deep forest musk or red wine note idk it smells good but gives u the creeps
XX Hisoka: I can’t imagine him not smelling like blood or at least somewhat metallic underneath. But he covers it up with some flower bomb type of perfume 💀
XX Chrollo: god he smells sexy. Sandalwood, rose water, maybe some vanilla bean or cinnamon or other deep spice in there? It’s the perfect blend of sexy musk and spicy with a little sweet on top. scent will put u on ur knees
XX Feitan: straight up smells like Hot Topic. musky & musty <3
XX Nobunaga: smells cool tbh, reminiscent of stormy weather, or how hot asphalt smells when it starts pouring rain (I rlly like that smell)
XX Machi: very clean like white tea, lemon, or lavender. You have to be super close to her to actually catch a whiff
XX Uvo: weird. Not good or bad necessarily, just the combo he has going on isn’t working with him like ginger or black pepper and salty ocean body wash
XX Shalnark: kinda basic but at least it isn’t bad, smells like clean linen tbh
XX Paku: a refined, strong scent. Amber or black cherry balsamic vinegar (trust me) something unique and a lil sensual
XX Phinks: icyhot. The icy hot muscle pain reliever stuff. (Peppermint, menthol) and honestly… it smells pretty good
XX Shizuku: grape jelly. That’s it. Idk how she smells like she spilled the whole jar on herself every day but somehow she does.
XX Ging: ……… literally dust. I feel like he smells like whatever the hell he was around that day, (a swamp, animals, fish, the sewer 🗿) never smells the same two days in a row, even his sweat smell doesn’t repeat 😖
XX Pariston: Irish spring soap bc the best liars and manipulators I knew always used that shit LMAO but yeah pariston would smell clean + good as to not offend any nostrils unlike ging
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yagamisdiary · 1 month
yesterday i sent u something but im not sure if you received it?? my wifi was horrible and tumblr said there was an error so im gonna resend it, however if you did receive it feel free to ignore this message, its pretty much the same things i said yesterday and i just wanna make sure you see it iykwim
Basically i got a new cat and i dont know if you recall but a month ago an anon asked for your opinion about naming a cat lavender, the anon later on thanked you for your help and said that if they got another cat it would be named Mars, so anyway the point is that im that anon (tbh i make up like 60% of your anon asks, i have a lot of things on my mind) and i just got another cat and uhm her name is in fact Mars
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I realized yesterday that i cant send videos and i was devastated because this cat is always moving around and i cant get good pics of her, and unlike the video i planned to send, you cant rlly see her eyes well in this picture, but theyre an amber-ish color and theyre so pretty 🥲 ive had her for like a week now and her and my other kitten Lavender are warming up to each other and they give off mother and daughter vibes i love them so much 😭 i barely got Lavender and Mars within a 2 month difference so im not getting any other ones until next year but the trilogy WILL be completed!! Mars, Lavender and Andromeda (?) I was planning to straight up name my future cat Eldia but i had an epiphany while typing the previous message and Andromeda occurred to me and i think thats slightly better
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cherubinym · 1 year
Here's something that has been staying in my head rent-free for a long while now: Pokemon World Tournament.
Like,, who would get sent to participate from each region from the rebornverse (assuming that the limit of participating gym leaders is 8), how well would they do, who would they interact with from the canon characters, who would have the biggest beef with someone, etc.
Also if Reborn/Aevium/Ayrith had the chance to host the PWT (assuming that it changes location each time like the Olympics), which place would they choose? Like, there are some obvious picks like where tournaments were already hosted before, but still
Ooooo... ok thbis one is v interesting!!
Gonna go ahead and say. Spoilers for reborn postgame, rejuvenation v13, and deso e6 lmaooo.
Ok so PWT stuff. Starting with desolation we ummm kinda only know 8 alive gym leaders LOL. so the 8 from there would likely be Connor/Aderyn/Emily/Rosetta/Aaron/Garret/Reeve/Ava. Now there is Also a dragon leader mentioned too, so it's definitely likely for that one considering dragon typing's notoriety; however as we only have connection to 8 gym leaders (that are still kicking) at all in deso, it's safe to assume for now that those 8 would be the ones invited.
For rejuv? Im willing to go Venam/Narcissa/Valarie/Amber/Lavender/Talon/Saki/Kreiss for my picks. Just based on situation; though theoretically if this is in a true tl where all is peaceful then it shouldnt really matter. Regardless, Venam/Amber/Saki is a Do Not Separate kind of situation. They're all pt notorious in their own way lol and def more willing to be in front of the crowd. Narcissa and Valarie are performers too, and would be slay to see. Talon because of his sheer popularity despite not actually being ingame yet lol (thus my actual reasoning is also behind bars; but there is one.). Kreiss because I Said So. If not Kreiss, then Erick or Florin tbh. Valarie Could Also be swapped out for Florin or Adam. It kinda depends, but yuh.
Reborn . Saphira/Charlotte/Julia/Florinia/Ciel/Adrienn/Luna/Radomus. Belrose sisters, very notorious; v popular. This is counting as long as they have BEEN gym leader majorly at some point btw lol. Julia is just Happy To Be There and very energetic. Rini is there bc Julia is but also bc she's just v good. Terra isnt there because she's banned .
Ciel is also a performer-- i def tried to lean towards charas that would actually be more chill in a crowd. Which is immediately heel turned by Luna but whatever. Again an argument of popularity. Adrienn already goes all over to other regions; xe is the most solid "oh absolutely" i have when it comes to going to other region things.and Radomus is . Because I like him and he's cool. Aya is a perfectly viable swap for him tho considering she willingly became a reserve in a diff region anywy
Kreiss and Radomus would either get along very well or be Extremely annoyed at one another. No inbetween. Ava and Rini are shaking hands in mutual respect. Charlotte and Amber have a fierce rivalry but are absolutely hitting it off. I feel like Luna and Venam would actually get along rlly well :). Emily and Julia have to be kept separate because they get along too well and have the same ideas. Saphira stays as far away from Saki and Connor as possible. Reeve and Adrienn are absolutely vibing together; Rosetta is there, too. Ciel and Aderyn bond bc Flying types. Can see Talon getting along w Aderyn and all four Cellia ppl a lot. Saki Also has to Not meet Julia and Emily or hell ensues. She also reallyyyy gets along w Garret. Aaron and Aya beef; because it's funny. Connor doesnt want to associate w the other fire type users.
Locations tho. The obvious statements are Labradorra for Reborn, GDC for Aevium, and Cellia Central for Ayrith. Buuuuut. To choose a diff place (esp for reborn and aevium, since the safety of those are Questionable);
Opal Ward / Agate Circus for Reborn
East Gearen City / Teila Resort for Aevium
Cellia East / North for Ayrith ( i knowww kinda cheap but uh there's not exactly another place we know of yet that sounds good for tournaments w large amt of people lmaoooo. Mayyyyybe Sunshell but thassa big stretch... and blackview is a no go in its state )
So yeah!!! V interesting question, ty!! Sorry if i talked toooooo much lol
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ketchup-monthly · 2 years
Batfam members favorite/most used item from Bath and Body Works
with the help of @space-specs
Bruce- Car insert that the kids gave him. its in the Batmobile and its shaped like a dinosaur. the smell is apple :) (idk what kind of apple. it just smells like apple and Dick switches it out for a new one every few months. anyone who rides in the Batmobile that doesn’t know about the clip is so confused)
Dick- several one single wick candles in The Perfect Christmas scent that he uses year-round (fragrance notes: pine, cinnamon sugar,] toasted marshmallow)(the other batkids try to confiscate his candles when it isn’t the holiday season but somehow he always has more)
Babs- 3-wick candle in the Birchwood Forest scent that Steph got for her (fragrance notes: vanilla, white birch trees, bergamot)(it makes the clocktower smell so nice and that helps with the long hours of Oracle-ing. plus Cass says that the color of the jar matches the Oracle color)
Jason- Teakwood cologne that he wears in costume as well in his normal day (fragrance notes: mahogany, black teakwood, lavender)(when hes early on patrol, people are like "huh, the Red Hood smells weirdly good?" and he has to live with that)(no i totally didn’t make my fav batkid use the same cologne that i do shut up specs (totally lying) -ketchup)
Tim- Warm Vanilla Sugar wall air freshener that Steph got him that she moves and he has never been able to find and destroy (fragrance notes: vanilla, white orchid, sugar, jasmine, sandalwood)(we promise this was a Steph prank. neither of us can stand this smell -ketchup)
Cass- Black Tie 3-in-1 face, hair, and bodywash because she just doesn’t see  the practicality of using several different soaps, Babs (she also has a veritable army of single wick candles in her closet) (fragrance notes: sage, dark tonka bean, sandalwood)(Steph later introduced her to a better conditioner later, when she was first learning to take care of herself, the 3-in-1 soap was the best option)( @godlytomatoes​ contributed to this, as well as the army of candles idea)
Steph- the notorious Blueberry Sugar Pancake scent in a shower gel (fragrance notes: blueberries, sugar, pancakes, caramel cream)(this scent is so strong jfc)(unrelated, but Steph’s shampoo smells like strawberries)
Duke- giant bottle of Orange Blossom hand sanitizer that he's had since 2011 (fragrance notes: idk it smells like orange and orange flowers?)(tbh we know this used to be a scent bc specs’s grandmother had it and yeah. sunshine scent for sunshine boy!)
Damian- White Tea and Sage foaming hand soap that he keeps in his personal bathroom for when he just needs to wash his hands during the day (fragrance notes: tea, lemon, herbs)(he has other soaps for after he uses the restroom or for when he washes his paintbrushes, but the foaming soap is for just washing his hands when he feels that they're dirty)(is this giving us the hc that Dami is a bit of a germaphobe? yes. and we wholeheartedly accept it)
Cullen- Rainbow Waves pocket hand sanitizer in the crab case. its attached to his lanyard (fragrance notes: sangria, melon, misty waters)(its gay and was a gift during pride month and it smells very good)
Harper- Dark Kiss body mist for date night *winky face* (fragrance notes: black raspberry, burgundy rose, bergamot incense, dark vanilla bean, plum musk)(it sounds like it smells so freaking good and its purple and shes purple. it fits)
Kate- Pure Wonder body scrub bc it makes her sparkly and is great before a night of patrol or date night (fragrance notes: rosé, star jasmine, white amber)(she prettyyyy and deserves a pretty and sparkly body scrub to clear her skin and stuff. smell nice and sparkly)(like a vampire)
Alfred- wall plug from Jason in the shape of an old fashioned lantern in his personal quarters with the scent Laundry Day (fragrance notes: fresh air, eucalyptus, lavender)(his rooms smell so clean without him needing to constantly clean them. the scent is also particularly relaxing, and is stress relieving!)
Terry McGinnis- he carries around Sunshine and Lemons hand sanitizer spray on patrol as Batman but also for Matt (fragrance notes: yuzu, grapefruit, sunrays)(what do sunrays smell like??? idk but Batman just whipping out citrus hand sanitizer spray to clean things is funny)
Matt McGinnis- Salted Butterscotch single wick candle to annoy Terry (fragrance notes: warm brown sugar, sweet cream, sea salt, melted butter)(it started as him being a little brother pain in the ass, but he does eventually grow to like the smell, even though it kinda makes him hungry)
Jarro- Vanilla Bean Noel lotion (“what else would an alien starfish possibly need???” -specs)(fragrance notes: vanilla bean, caramel, sugar cookies, whipped cream, snow-kissed musk)
Drake Winston- Ocean in a lotion because working at the garage is tough on his hands :( (fragrance notes: blue cypress, vetiver, coastal air)(this smells very fresh, but he only uses it after a day of work and/or patrol, when hes going to go to sleep so the texture doesn't bother him bc BaBW is notoriously oily, at least in my opinion -ketchup)
Carrie Kelley- Black Chamomile aromatherapy bubble bath (fragrance notes: chamomile, bergamot)(its calming, and after roaming Gotham with only a slingshot for protection, she really needs it, and bubble baths are so fun!)(if someone says that you're too old for bubble baths, they're dirty rotten liars and have no joy in their lives. bubble baths are for everyone! -ketchup)
Jim Gordon- Babs got him a wall plug with the Smoked Vanilla Whisky scent for Christmas two years ago, but somehow the scent hasn't gone away yet (its a night light shaped like the bat signal) (fragrance notes: dark oak, bourbon, smoked vanilla)(the night light plug is specific to Gotham and shines a little bat signal onto the ceiling)
Bette Kane- Orange Ginger lotion bc it smells good and moisturizing is important (fragrance notes: orange, ginger)(smells nice and is energizing, which is a great pick-me-up in the morning when she needs to get ready for school or work)
Luke Fox- Vintage hand soap bc smell good :) (fragrance notes: blue lavender, pepper, vintage woods)(idk ive never smelled this but i want to so bad bc they sound like they would smell so good together and BaBW usually hits when it comes to the men’s fragrances -ketchup)
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Just for organization (and funsies because it's only 1 am and I'm bored) I wanna make a list of all the (magic) characters I have so far for this unnamed magic school story. Also idk if bullet lists are a thing on tumblr so like don't judge me if the format is weird jfshfjjsjs
-Claire Celeste Estrella, the Amber Star Witch (the main character, 1/3 of a prophetic trifecta of witches, the character my friends ask me if she's written on purpose to be autistic, to which I say idk I write her like I'm writing myself so like)
-Heather Dean Forester, the Limelight Hydrangea Witch (Claire's best friend, he calls her by celeste, honestly he's kind of a boring design but I'm in love with him he's literally Just a guy who likes plants)
-Nova Éliane Jones, the Pink Sun Witch (lowkey starts off like she's the Mean Popular Girl trope but that's only because she's another 1/3 of a prophetic witch trifecta and she's charismatic and tbh just has great fashion sense, and Looks Like the queen bee of her friend trio,, tl;dr she's intimidating because she's popular but she's actually nice)
-Pippa Jane Owens, the Dandelion Witch (my DAUGHTER, in my top 3 favorite characters even though I haven't even written her yet, I just think she's neat. She's in Novas friend group, and I'm considering the idea that she somehow went to preschool or elementary school with Heather and Claire)
-Halia Ka Hiwa Kapule, the Red Hibiscus Witch (the third member of novas trio, if the Heathers were nice then Nova would be chandler, pippa would be mcnamara, and halia would be Duke. Not toxic, just in the sense that she's extremely perceptive and smart and easily on par with nova in popularity and intimidation from it. Idk I really like her outfit, leather coats over sweaters look DistinguishedTM)
-Divya Deshmukh, the Hourglass Witch (hrngh purple and gold color palette,, them and another character are the rebellious seniors who know all the Campus Secrets and Gossip, I love them very dearly, and their existence provided me a neat piece of worldbuilding so I appreciate that)
Non-humans (people native to the ~other world~ that the school takes place in; if not specified, assume they're an ElfTM):
-Daphne Rosa Clover, the Lilypad Witch (Claire's love interest, one of the few people in this world that is interested in the science behind magic rather than just what it can do. I love her dearly, pastel green and pink is one of my favorite color palettes)
-Sock Elm Dragonfly, the Feather Witch (the other senior that messes with freshmen alongside Divya. They're lowkey dating, idk. This is the one character I didn't name myself, but Sock is a better name for them than I probably could've come up with, I likely would've defaulted back to plant names since THEYRE ALL UNISEX TO MEE)
-London River Knight, the Lavender Moon Witch (the last 1/3 of the prophecy, also he's a werewolf? I haven't actually decided whether he's a Classic Werewolf or just a kemonomimi like some other characters. He's a pale lanky emo boy with grey hair idk what else to say, I just think he's neat, one of my favorite characters fjshhfsh)
-Serra Mun, the Cherry Witch (the VERY FIRST character I created for this story like 5 or 6 years ago. He's a catboy, of course. Frenemies with London, and as much as I want to ship them I fear the cliche of cat x dog but god dammit it's funny watching the way they bicker, especially since that's their first introduction from the pov of Claire and heather as their roommates, another one of my absolute favorites <3)
-Welwitschia Gloska, the Teapot Witch (well this is interesting. According to the laws of symbolic magic, she shouldn't exist, since a student by the same name and symbol just died the previous year. Perhaps there's more types of magic that can touch the soul, where symbolic magic cannot?)
-Bela Briar True, the Wisteria Witch (at the time of writing this, the most recently created character. They also probably shouldn't exist according to what people believe they know about souls, death, and the recycling and reincarnation of symbols. People tend to think of their existence as world breaking. It'd be like if it was discovered that gravity wasn't real and everything we know about modern science was completely wrong. They fully lean into this reputation though, and purposefully sneak around and generally act like a freaky little gremlin)
-Professor Adriata Sweetweb, the Lavender Witch (the underworld necromancy teacher. I'm going to put it here first that every professor is a huge weirdo, so just imagine every professor I mention unless otherwise specified as being balls to the walls Extra in design and personality. As eccentric as humanly possible, and then more because none of them are humans)
-Professor Edith Dire, the Purple Foxglove Witch (the kitchen witchcraft teacher. It's basically a cooking class but with magic food, drinks, etc. She had her entire body turned into a wooden puppet so she could consume magic food containing her own symbol of a Foxglove, because otherwise it's poisonous.)
-Ewa Gloska, the Silver Moon Witch (1/3 of the previous prophecy 400 years ago, believed to be deceased)
-Ursa Elara, the Golden Sun Witch (1/3 of the previous prophecy 400 years ago, deceased)
-Altair Tahtinen, the White Star Witch (1/3 of the previous prophecy 400 years ago, deceased)
-Prastopé, the Lamb (one of many deities of the underworld. Also one of the friendliest ones, as her domain in the underworld is a vast meadow under pink skies, full of lambs that act as her eyes and messengers, meant for the souls of children. Underworld necromancers that wish to enter the underworld or simply speak with any deity tend to aim for Prastopé, as she has a reputation for being the most understanding and the least wrathful)
-Flutyx, the Ferrywoman (every underworld deity has at least one ferryman that brings the right souls to their domains in the underworld. Flutyx is the wife of Prastopé, and her only ferryman. While not as visibly soft and bright as Prastopé, being draped in black fabrics and dark colors, souls tend to feel at ease in her company. If Prastopé is the shield for the souls in her domain, Flutyx is the sword.)
-Paris insert last name (the actual first character I made, but he wasn't made FOR this story and is really just a super old character I completely forgot about and suddenly remembered and wanted to bring back. Anyways he's like in charge of what is essentially TSA for interdimensional travel lmao)
Characters I need to make but haven't yet
-all the other professors, too lazy to copy paste the list of classes I made rn
-more deities for both the underworld and over-overworld
-way more students as side characters but I unfortunately get way too attached and have to give everyone a Story
-the non-magical characters like yknow. The FAMILIES of the students lmao
-the Principal? Headmaster?? Of the school. And the one before them because it's important for the Lore
-some more characters related to the folklore of the world because history is a big aspect of this story and the characters arcs
-there's a character I accidentally retconned out of existence who was once named Barley and I really want to find a way to implement him back into the world because Heather deserves a love interest tbh, also it's needed for his ArcTM
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nosignalformiles · 2 years
I blame @seudxnimx
Yes it’s the hair and body products of the muses.
While I will name some brands, mostly going to give basic concept/ideas cause Wellspring exists in a nowhere space, and they can buy products from anywhere around the world relatively easily.
Issa - He’d always go for something natural and locally made if he can. But always sulfate free, and very moisturizing and preferably with some detangling stuff. Natural non-floral scents - coconut, avocado, argan oil etc. Has a couple of different routines depending on what he’s doing. Occasional deep condition and taking some time to define curls. So good products for all that stuff. Might go for an oud, amber, or patchouli occasionally.
Nish - No matter what he does, he’s going to smell like moss and forest floor. Makes his own. It’s simple and non-scented. Same with soap. Shampoo bars, does not condition. Doesn’t bathe that often either tbh. He’s kinda crunchy.
Aster - Drug store brand everything. 100% an Axe body wash and deodorant user. Was told to use conditioner when he was a child and now still does, but never learned how to properly use it, so he uses way too much, in every wash, and it leaves his hair kinda heavy and gets greasier quicker.
Cyren - It’s not SUPER necessary for him, he’s not technically real. He can physically exist, but he’s basically a ghost. He’s also a wolf outside of that, so being grungy is just something he’s comfortable with. Sometimes, however, he gets grody, and then told to wash his damn self. Then he uses one of those awful combination washes that are shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. It’s an improvement, before Nish was living with him, Cy was just using washing up liquid.
Tadhg - Someone give him shampoo for curls please. He doesn’t know. He just uses whatever’s cheap and doesn’t smell too strong. Despite it not working like real lavender will, he does like lavender and tea tree scented things. His entire body is fur. He uses shampoo all over. Oriol has taken to picking up mane and tail or an oatmeal scented deep clean dog shampoo.
Oriol - Likes coffee and cinnamon and spicy warmer smells. Likely swaps between a few products within that sort of ‘mid-range wildly available drug store/grocery store’ range. Is a bath haver. It’s a new novelty and one he’s starting to like since borrowing Valentine’s products. Bath melts, oils, milks etc.
Valentine - Does not shampoo or do a full wash all that often, hair dries out if he does. Likes rich or more fruity scents, most floral and light he’ll go is like a neroli oil. Leave in conditioners, detanglers. If possible, he gets stuff from his court, but it’s not always an option to go back to that place for something that seems trivial to him.
Felix - Lush bitch. I don’t know why. I just get the vibe.
Finch - whatever Aster is using, he asks when they’re in town and grabs some. It wasn’t really something he had to consider before, Wynn and him would make soap but it would kinda smell gross. It got him clean, but he didn’t want it in his hair and would complain. Still sometimes just washes with water and some kind of oil.
Wynn - Okay. So. He’s a bird, so he doesn’t really bother with caring about his glamoured human appearances hair. He just gotta preen.
Jay - hotel products. The little bottles and mini bar soaps. All stolen from unguarded maid carts. No care at all about what they smell like or how they feel.
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feynavaley · 5 years
Something that drives me crazy in Hetalia is how Himaruya was never consistent with the colour palettes of his own characters. Maybe it’s just me, but I need to have a very clear picture of how characters look like – and this includes their colour scheme. I don’t mind unnatural colours/shades; after all, these aren’t even human beings and I fully embrace suspension of disbelief with this stuff anyway. However, I do need some consistency. That’s also why I tend to incorporate the anime (after the art style change) in my headcanons; at least, it’s more regular. So, these are some headcanons I have:
America: Bright, very intense cornflower blue eyes; dark golden blond hair (golden as in – even without having any hint of red, it’s more on the warm side of dark blond, not dirty/ash blond. It naturally has some golden blond highlights and can look golden blond with some light conditions, too); white-skinned but with a warm golden undertone and always a bit tanned, even in winter.
Canada: Pale lilac eyes (tbh, I would have headcanoned him with pale blue eyes that look lilac only with certain lightings, if I had seen Himaruya’s artwork of vol. 4 – in which he’s blue-eyed – but that got published after I had already started writing fics and didn’t want to go back to change all the descriptions, lol. So, it stuck.); strawberry blond hair (by which I mean a very warm shade of golden blond with an almost orange-reddish hue and highlights, but still closer to blond than ginger); extremely pale-skinned, with a rosy undertone.
France: Periwinkle blue eyes; ash blond hair; light-skinned but not too pale, with a neutral undertone.
England: Lime green eyes; wheat blond hair; extremely pale skin with a cool undertone.
North Italy: Honey-amber eyes; auburn hair; pale-skinned (especially in winter) but with a distinct warm undertone.
South Italy: Hazel-green eyes; dark brown hair (without any hint of red); olive skin that is always tendentially tanned and easily gets quite dark under the sun.
Belarus: Light blue-grey eyes; platinum blonde hair; extremely pale-skinned and with a cool undertone.
Belgium: Light green eyes (not a shade so intense as England’s, a softer colour); light cinnamon brown hair (such a light shade that it’s almost a dark strawberry blonde); rosy skin.
Finland: Lavender eyes; light blond (a shade very close to platinum, but darker) hair; pale skin with rosy undertone.
Ukraine: Bright light blue eyes that can have a slightly green hue under certain lightings; blonde hair (normal blonde. Not as bright/warm as golden blonde but not a cool shade, either); slightly less pale-skinned than Belarus and with a peach undertone.
Russia: Violet eyes; light silvery blond hair (it’s so light it’s very close to white, but with a greyish/ashy hue instead of the faint golden hue of Belarus’s hair); same skintone as Belarus.
Norway: Navy blue eyes (tendentially dark, dull blue. Under certain lights, they can almost look purple); light ash blond hair; pale skin with a cool undertone.
Iceland: Light violet eyes; very light ash/silvery blond hair (just a bit darker than Russia’s, to be clearer); same skintone as Norway.
Monaco: Periwinkle blue eyes (exactly the same shade as France’s); light brown hair with an ashy hue; she has the same skintone as France, too.
Latvia: Medium blue eyes with a tendentially dull hue that almost looks dark lilac under some lighting; sandy blond hair (not a bright/warm shade of blond, but warmer than ash blond. Not a light shade either); very pale-skinned and with a neutral undertone.
Liechtenstein: Teal eyes; dirty blonde hair (by which I mean a dark blonde with an almost ashy tone); rosy skin. 
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batgirl-87 · 6 years
Hogwarts Mystery Gang: Signature Scents
So while making the Amortentia post for the HPHM Gang I did a lot of research with perfume/cologne notes which inspired this post which is purely just for fun ;) I may even do more, who knows?!
I had a lot of fun making this and I have to say I’m actually rather proud of it. Enjoy =)
(If you want to reblog with, or make a post about your own MC’s and/or Jacob, please do so and tag me =) Images ended up larger than intended...)
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My MC - Adelyn-Keira: Black Opium - Yves Saint Laurent  
“A rock ‘n’ roll interpretation of the classic that should highlight the dark, mysterious side” “Fascinating and seductively intoxicating, the opening notes of adrenaline-rich coffee and the sweet sensuality of vanilla recline into the softness of white flowers for a modern, young, and vibrant interpretation of addiction.” “A haunting kind of innocent sweet creamy dream” “Intoxicating, warm and cozy, alluring, sexy and beautiful” “Sweet. Warm. Sexy. Beautiful. Sophisticated.” “Fall in a bottle” “Dark. Sweet. Sexy. Spicy. Enticing.” 
Notes: Coffee, Vanilla, Warm Spice, White Floral, Pink Pepper, Patchouli, Pear, Jasmine, Orange Blossom, Bitter Almond, Cedar, Licorice, Cashmere Wood
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Rowan: Vert d’Encens - Tom Ford (unisex)
“Represents the scented interpretation coast of Corsica, sophisticated, aromatic, and wild” “Smoky incense, pine resin, and fir balsam evoke the sense of a dense forest and rugged peaks, while delectable heliotrope and woods heighten the grand atmosphere of sea and shadow.” “[This] is what promiscuous forest Nymphs would smell” “A walk through a warm forest” “Beautiful green earthy incense” “Aromatic. Distinguished. Epic. Wild.”
Notes: Woodsy, Balsamic, Aromatic, Wood Resin, Pine, Incense, Balsam Fir, Heliotrope, Fresh, Green, Smoky
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Ben: Cool Cotton - Clean (unisex) 
(Or Blur - Maison Martin Margiela [I thought the name of this one was also perfect =p])
“A citrus aromatic fragrance for men and women” “Clean, fresh, simple” “Like freshly laundered cotton sheets” “Clear blue skies, beaming rays of sunshine, and the soothing texture of soft cotton” “Reminiscent of Spring” “Subtle and calm, fresh and crisp”
Notes: Cotton, Citrus, Mint, Musk, Amber 
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Penny: Beautiful - Estée Lauder 
“A romantic, light bouquet of a thousand flowers, combined with citrus on the top and warm, woodsy notes in the base.” “Intensive floral heat is sweet...the base notes are warm and elegant [creating a] creamy, vintage, rich floral chypre” “Intoxicating,classy, elegant, complex, fresh, and feminine.” “Romantic. Feminine. Memorable.”
Notes: Floral, Aromatic, English Marigold, Rose, Carnation, Tuberose, Jasmine, Mimosa, Lily, Orange-Flower, Ylang-Ylang, Lilac, Chamomile, Freesia, Sandalwood, Amber, Violet, Vanilla, Mandarin Orange, Fruity Notes, Black Currant, Bergamont, Green, Vetiver, Sage, Neroli, Cedar 
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Bill: L’Homme Intense - Prada for men
(TBH I almost went with Fahrenheit Absolute by Dior which is a smokier, more intense, “darker” version of Fahrenheit, with amber and myrrh, described as “leaving an impression of adventure” because I thought while Bill had this one, Charlie liked it but it was a bit too much for him so he went for the Fahrenheit version instead which is woodsier. So... alternative? Options?)
“High quality, expensive, cool, smooth, seductive, mature” “A multi-layered experience...to evoke the elusive nature of the multi-faceted Prada man” “Imagine a gentleman wearing this scent in the Fall/Winter, well dressed, having a glass of wine with an attractive woman on the couch in front of a fireplace (Fleur =p)” “Familiar and comforting” “Soft and playful but also elegant, classy, and sexy” “Sweet and spicy” “Masculine. Sexy. Alluring.”
Notes: Leather, Amber, Iris, Tonka Bean, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Myrrh 
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Barnaby: Boss Bottled - Hugo Boss for men
“Warm, sweet, inoffensive, subtly sexy” “Classic, manly, elegant, and cozy”  “The fragrance is fresh and sharp with a woodsy base. A fresh and fruity  blended with floral and spicy heart with a masculine base.” “Smooth, creamy, masculine, and seductive” “Soft, elegant, and sweet” “Woody, warm spices, masculine citrus, fresh...A calm scent, gentle, sparkling like a stream in the sunlight” “A loveable scent with a simple agenda” “Like an inviting, sensual apple pie” “Fresh. Sweet. Spicy.”
Notes: Woody, Vanilla, Warm Spice, Fruity, Apple, Cinnamon, Sandalwood, Bergamont, Plum, Vetiver, Mahogany, Oakmoss, Cedar, Carnation, Geranium, Olive Tree, Musk
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Andre: Touch for Men - Burberry 
(or L’Homme Ultime - Yves Saint Laurent - it was almost this one but Andre and Burberry are a match made in heaven. I almost gave him two signature scents because I had such a difficult time deciding between this one and Touch for Men - or Mr. Burberry Indigo - other options/alternatives) 
“Sophisticated, confident, sexy.” “A clean fragrance created by fairy dust. From a magical wish to the physical realm... Captivating and addicting.”  “Versatile - can be dressed up and be formal and classy or dressed down and casual” “Beautiful, intoxicating violet leaf gives off a powdery vibe accented by clean musk and spicy pepper and cedar” “Subtle fragrance that makes you feel clean and sophisticated”  “Classy and fresh” “Soft and refined, unique and classy.”  “Dressy casual” “Classic representation - a gentleman” “Unique, sexy, fresh, energizing” “Fresh and elegant” “Sophisticated and comforting” “Elegant and creamy” “A gentleman’s cologne” “A versatile, wearable fragrance that is welcoming but rich in contrast”
Notes: Fresh Spicy, Ozonic, Musky, Woody, Aquatic, Aromatic - Violet Leaf, White Musk, White Pepper, Tonka Bean, Cedar, Nutmeg, Vetiver, Artemisia, Mandarin Orange 
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Tulip: Byzance - Rochas
“Floral, aldehydic, vintage, woodsy-spice” “Unique, strong, beautiful” “Very strong and complex with a dark mysterious vibe” “80s vibe” “Conveys the message ‘I know what I’m doing’ without being domineering or a know-it-all” “Oriental-floral and warm spice that reminds one of Turkey”
Notes: Warm Spice, Floral, Woody, White Floral, Tuberose, Aldehydes, Turkish Rose, Carnation, Spices, Ylang-Ylang, Sandalwood, Cardamom, Jasmine, Heliotrope, Amber, Vanilla, Musk, Anise, Basil, Lily, Mandarin Orange, Green Notes
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Tonks: Rock Angel - Oriflame 
(And maybe later Roses & Chocolate - Mancera ;p)
“Fragrance for modern women inspired by rock music and youthful rebellion as well as tenderness and elegance that are symbolized by an angel. This fragrances tends to illustrate and distinguish the two sides of a woman - the temperamental and strong side and the gentle and subtle side. ‘Destroy stereotypes, redefine the boundaries, show the world your unique combination of gentleness and power’ it demands.” “Definitely one with a strong personality”
Notes: Fruity, Sweet - Bergamot, Pear, Red Apple, Peach, Praline, Grapefruit, Gardenia, Rose, Vanilla, Violet, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Musk, Cedar, Tuberose
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Charlie: Fahrenheit - Dior 
“A woody, floral, musk fragrance for men” “A resolutely contemporary fragrance characterized by a meeting of extremes. Fresh, elegant notes blend in perfect harmony with bolder, more virile overtones to create a scent that is warm, subtle, and distinguished.” “Represents the ‘perfect man’ - Classically masculine [while] unafraid to show a softer side. Doesn’t mind getting their hands dirty as long as the job gets done but cleans up nicely. He’s fun, can laugh at himself, has manners and class. A true gentleman who treats his date with respect yet a sexual stunner when appropriate. Showcases his intellect without being pretentious or condescending. Knows his strengths without being arrogant.”
Notes: Leather, Fresh Spice, Aromatic, Woody, Ozonic, Honeysuckle, Nutmeg, Vetiver, Violet Leaf, Musk, Lavender, Cedar, Sandalwood, Amber, Patchouli, Hawthorn, Tonka Bean, Bergamont, Jasmine, Mandarin Orange 
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Jae: Intense Oud - Gucci
“Simple elegance, smooth, refined, rich” “Dark and warm” “A cleverly crafted fragrance” “Deep and richly layered character” “Simplistic Elegance. Daring. Subtle Sophistication. Warmth.” “Manly, sophisticated, comforting, irresistible... Not overpowering, bold, or loud in the face [but] smooth, smoky, warm leaning towards a “modern” masculine” “Extremely luxurious Oriental fragrance - smells like you’re a billionaire”
Notes: Balsamic, Smoky, Oud, Incense, Olibanum, Saffron, Amber, Pear, Raspberry, Bulgarian Rose, Orange Blossom, Woody notes, Patchouli, Musk, Leather 
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Badeea: Portrait of a Lady - Frederic Malle
“Elegance personified” “Vintage and modern at the same time” “Consider perfume a portrait of its wearer: the sound of her voice, her gaze, the way she plays cards. At once timeless and resonant with today, here is a scent that speaks of her innate sophistication. Charm that emanates from within, boldly depicted without; an expressive portrayal of modern grace.” “Consider perfume a portrait of its wearer: the sound of her voice, her gaze, the way she plays cards. At once timeless and resonant with today, here is a scent that speaks of her innate sophistication. Charm that emanates from within, boldly depicted without; an expressive portrayal of modern grace.” “Portrait of a Lady is more like portrait of perfection. It smells like fantasy stories, mysterious and deep.”
Notes: Warm Spice, Balsamic, Rose, Patchouli, Incense, Clove, Sandalwood, Raspberry, Black Currant, Cinnamon, Amber, Musk, Saffron, Benzoin
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Liz: Philosykos - Diptyque
“Fresh. Green. Juicy.” “Humid. Juicy. Watery. The dampness makes it feel alive, like it just rained and now it’s sunny.” “ Like you’re walking through fig trees in mid-August.” “Scent of a snapped twig of a plant full of sap” “A green scent with a hint of warmth.” “Imagine cold Indian summer morning, sun slowly rising, a woman is drinking her hot tea with coconut milk watching the sunrise through an opened window, while a cold breeze brings in the smell of freshly cut moist grass.”  “Natural smelling” “The memory of a Greek summer at Mount Pelion. To get to the sea, there was a natural grove of wild fig trees to cross through. The sun at its zenith heated the earth, the dry wind carried the scent of the trees and their fruit. Philosykos is an ode to the entire fig tree: the green freshness of the leaves, the density of the white wood, the milky flavour of the figs.” “Creamy. Green. Woody. Earthy.”
Notes: Green, Woody, Fresh - Fig Leaf, Fig, Green Notes, Fig Tree Sap, White Cedarwood, Woody Notes, Musk, Coconut Milk 
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Diego: 1 Million Intense - Paco Rabanne 
(there are so many Paco Rabanne fragrances that would work for Diego - think we found his brand =p)
“This high-impact fragrance creates a multifaceted signature of masculinity. Freshness, striking and assertive, refined yet virile, elegant, and one of a kind.” “Very sweet, intoxicating, warm and spicy - definitely attention grabbing.” “A nice, strong, and deep sweet masculine scent” “Strong and intoxicating but playful.” “Darker, spicier, and smoother...less loud, more interesting” “Modern, irreverent, provocative, and charming.” “Intoxicating sweetness, spicy musk, seductive, and rich.” “Warms the senses” “Fresh. Spicy. Vibrant.” 
Notes: Warm Spicy, Cinnamon, Rose, Blood Mandarin, Cardamom, Saffron, Black Pepper, Sandalwood, Neroli, Patchouli, Leather, Iris, Orris Root
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Talbott: Rocabar - Hermès
“A unique smelling scent which captures the feeling of  the great outdoors perfectly. Pine woody notes combined with citrus and vanilla notes gives this scent a freshness and lightness but there remained a beautifully earthy feel to the scent.” “Opening briefly with sharpness, dries down to be warm, cozy with a touch of cool majestic” “Strong silent type with wisdom in his eyes” “Manly but soft around the edges” “A mixture of chypre with a dry resinous and spicy oriental feeling, something able to transmit a rough and at the same time velvety” “He is down to earth and rough, but kind hearted and refined.” “Whispering gentleness and intelligent manner.” “The man who knows but remains silent.” “Reflects a man who is calm, assured, and kind.” “It seems to breathe in the fresh air of a pristine forest” “Elegant. Reserved. Alluring.”
Notes: Woody, Aromatic, Fresh Spicy, Warm Spicy, Balsamic - Juniper, Coriander, Bergamont, Lemon, Cedar, Canadian Balsam, Benzoin, Vetiver, Italian Cypress, Cardamom, Vanilla, Violet, Carnation, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Fir 
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Chiara: Balenciaga L’Essence - Balenciaga
“Possesses an ethereal quality” “Opens with an ozonic feeling in the air on a summer day when it’s about to storm. It has a perfectly gentle, vague woody base that is warm but not heavy, nothing sharp or intense... just grassiness in a lush garden.” “Green, wet, lush, and juicy while soft and powdery.” “A natural, fresh, forest scent” “Lovely creamy green scent” “A dark mysterious forest after it’s rained, out of a fairytale” “Calm and confident but not boastful, kind, a little playful, and friendly.” “Light and airy and soft...like a whisper in paradise, a dream that lasts only for a second. Makes people curious with its enchanting quality” “Charming and loveable scent” “A really beautiful forest floor scent - shaded trees, cool air, violets everywhere, and unicorns!” “It’s like inhaling all the greens of a deep wood with a very shy sun gently caressing the trees, yet heavy grey clouds are still present and the moss and grass are still humid after a short and light rainfall; flower beds of wild violets - you are alone and introspective”  “Lovely, quite melancholic, energetic yet meditative, subtly sweet”
Notes: Green, Woody, Aromatic, Ozonic, Powdery - Green Notes, Violet Leaf, Violet, Vetiver, Cedar, Sandalwood, Patchouli
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Merula: Midnight Poison - Christian Dior
“A bewitching scent” “Empowering” “Thick sweet woods dripping in amber and spicy dark rose” “A dark potion of almost black roses and earthy bitter patchouli. Spicy, sexy, intriguing. No softness, no sweetness. Unapologetic and fierce darkness.” “Brooding patchouli and sinister spice...Dark, spicy, and woody.” “Maleficent” “Seductive and intense. Makes one feel confident” “Opens sharp and overpowering but dries down, mellows out, to creamy and sweet.” “Feminine with a gothic edge” “Gothic dark beauty” “Mysterious and seductive yet there is a strange innocent quality” “Smoky and sultry with subtle sweetness and softness” “Strong and dynamic - demands attention” “A magic elixir dark witches brew to entice and enchant” (need to get my hands on some of this! My MC would also rock this - she’s going to “borrow” some from Merula =p)
Notes: Patchouli, Rose, Amber, Citrus - Bergamot, Mandarin Orange, Warm Spice - Vanilla
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Ismelda: O - Blood Concept
“Unique and enigmatic.” “Weird, sharp, and unique.” “Cruel leather with metallic notes... a predominant kick in the nuts” “Up close has a softer presence, more pleasant and actually comforting” “Smokey, strange, bitter” “A bizarre combination that is pleasant despite its strange quality. Powerful, direct, and confident. The composition is modern, minimalistic, edgy, empowering, and unisex. Aromatic and spicy...strong...projecting power and confidence.”  “And interesting fragrance that can come off as cold” “I could see Lestat wearing this” “Smoky, intense, earthy, and definitely bizarre” *Others have said this scent has made them physically sick (well with Ismelda’s unwashed hair...maybe it’s not that, maybe it’s this!)
Notes: Leather, Metallic, Sweet - Raspberry, Smoky, Woody - Birth Tar, Virginia Cedar, Caraway, Rose, Cyperus Esculentus
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Jacob: Olympic Rainforest - Olympic Orchids Artisan 
(and Narciso Rodriguez for Him - Narciso Rodriguez - probably wears this darker fragrance more after the Vaults and Cult experiences, but the Olympic Rainforest reminds him of living in Canada, being in the great outdoors, and provides him a sense of peace and comfort)
“Explore the mysterious, lush, mist-shrouded rainforest of the Pacific Northwest where everything is constantly green, every surface dripping with water and covered with life in the cycle of growth, decay, and rebirth.” “Like hiking through a recently burned forest to the untouched forest beyond.” “A touch of sweetness underneath the woody, rustic smell.” “Opens very dark but soon dries down to some sweetness and warmth.” “The forest is alive and dynamic.” “Something soothing yet daring - takes great risks” “Phenomenal, sublime, majestic, embracing.” “The change from the cool, wet pine through the floral heart and warm honeyed wood is like the passing of a summer’s day in the forest.” “Bitter, dark and cool to warm, soothing, slightly sweet.“ “Spicy, resinous, mossy, fresh, rich, natural” “Lovely, therapeutic, calming yet playful.” “Has a pensive, calming, almost therapeutic quality”  “Like hiking through the forest after it rains”
Notes: Woody, Balsamic, Earthy, Aromatic, Woody Spice - Canadian Balsam, Port Orford Cedar, Oakmoss, Sword Fern, Myrrh, Boletus Edulis (Forest Mushrooms), Black Spruce, Beeswax, Wildflowers, Rhododendron
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nylonsandlipstick · 7 years
lala my babe what are your unpopular opinions about the harry potter fandom?
omg. what aren’t they? nina, you know the right questions to ask. i’m literally so salty about everything in the books. tbh this is gonna turn more into an anti jkr post so if anyone is sensitive about rowling hate, scroll down.
jkr is such a terrible “feminist” as she calls herself, because she treats her female characters so poorly.
cho is just basically treated like shit because she’s soft and gentle? like, way to be a hypocrite, rowling (she called lewis a sexist for his treatment of susan and hasn’t even read the books and she’s literally doing the same exact shit).
she didn’t bat an eyelash when lavender brown, a explicitly described as black, was whitewashed in the films, it’s not like she treated lavender any better as she killed lavender off in the battle of hogwarts but there you go.
she hated and mistreated pansy just because she’s a nasty slytherin girl, like, that’s a child, have her grow up, have her learn from her mistakes, have her develop, who the hell hurt you so much that you can’t give a girl like pansy a redemption arc???
tonks deserved so much better but the fuck with that incest shit with her crushing on her cousin (in a pottermore story)?? like, damn, guess i know now where cc came up with her incest obsession.
the patil twins are basically ignored by rowling. they’re kind of there for woc brownie points but rowling couldn’t even be bothered to confirm whether the twins died or not at the end of the battle of hogwarts.
hermione is literally the worst. i hate hermione so much. she’s just so annoying and so high and mighty and it’s like, fuck off, nobody cares.
in the entire series there are about 15 poc characters (angelina johnson, alicia spinnet, bane the centaur, blaise zabini, cho, dean, duncan inglebee, fred weasley ii, gweong jones, kingsley shacklebolt, lavender brown, lee jordan, padma and parvati patil, and roxanne) and only a handful of them even have speaking lines. there are a total of 772 characters. only 15 have been worth being mentioned as poc, even less than that even have speaking roles. gonna let that speak for itself.
rowling literally fucking apologized for snape’s death and i’m like, the death of a white supremacist parallel, bullying, prejudiced, narrow-minded man who fucking hated kids that he worked with and didn’t give a damn about the child of the woman that he was fucking obsessed over (do not give me that “but he was james’s son so snape wasn’t obligated to like harry” bullshit, snape could totally have had harry close to him as his last tie to lily and could have tried to protect harry as that would have been lily’s wish). i understand that it’s tradition to apologize for some death on the anniversary of the war or whatever but maybe you should apologize for deaths of characters that weren’t such assholes???
also, the fact that rowling could give such a shitty guy a redemption arc (that a lot of people in the fandom fawn over!!!) yet draco, a child, was mistreated and straight up hated by rowling just because he grew up in a bigoted, close-minded household and didn’t know any better and ended up in slytherin and only continued to follow voldemort out of fear for voldie and his father and he’s such a great and three-dimensional character yet rowling constantly hates him for ????? being a slytherin???
which, like, what the fuck is up with rowling and hating on slytherins?? she acts like they’re terrible people yet gave us some pretty complex characters coming out of that house and it’s like, if your intent was to make us hate slytherin just because you do, it didn’t work.
the goblins are heavily coded as jewish and just the fact that literally the only jewish rep in the entire series are a bunch of goblins that work in banks just blows. my. fucking. mind. wow. as if jewish people haven’t experienced enough antisemitism in europe as it is now they’re gross and greedy goblins. yup. rowling is great.
how is it that draco, a child who is so very obviously suffering from depression, is seen as evil and terrible because of his mental illness (because his depression is what makes him “go crazy” and paranoia is a punchline to rowling) yet everyone who had to spend 12 years in azkaban (who all happen to be her favorite characters) and had to go through a shit ton of terrible crap somehow come out perfect and unaffected. like, not only is that a gross display of ableism but an insane lack of understanding of anything psychological. and, sirius, the only person who even displayed a small amount of mental instability was killed off so. ableism.
i am so mad about dumbledore. what the fuck, rowling, what the fuck? rowling is nowhere near being an ally as literally her only hp books character (i’ll talk about fantastic beasts in a mo) that’s confirmed as gay was confirmed so several years later in an interview (as if rita skeeter wouldn’t have figured that shit out asap??) and he’s an evil dude because of the fact that he’s gay and rowling explains his rejection of his homosexuality as being asexual and like, that’s not how it fucking works, rowling. first, you can’t turn off your sexuality like that, and second, asexuality isn’t just what you call being celibate or whatever.
the fact that werewolves are supposed to represent hiv+ gays. oh. my. g o d. wha t  t h e  f u ck???? what the fuck is that? oh my g o d. i can’t even handle this. i’m going to the next bullet point because the homophobia is destroying my soul.
gonna continue with the homophobia with the fact that rowling has a gay character in fantastic beasts that’s a fucking piece of shit and a total abuser and oh, look at that, played by an abuser. and little miss “i don’t support aggressors” literally supported an abuser playing the character. like. oh my god. look, i never gave a rat’s patootie about johnny depp or amber heard before the abuse allegations came out but olivia benson taught me better than to veer on the side of the alleged abuser just because he’s famous and the victim is bisexual and settled the court case with money.
eurocentrism is a real thing and rowling just seems to love to show that off. how the fuck are you gonna tell me that in the entire world there would be 11 wizarding schools and 3 of them would be in europe?? you know what, how the fuck are you gonna tell me that europe itself would have only 3 schools??? do you not understand that europe, the home of nationalism, would have almost one school per fucking country?? do you not understand that most of the european countries turn their nose in the air to each other because they all think that they’re better than each other and that they wouldn’t all totally have their own schools??? maybe benelux would share their own school, the uk would share their own school (although don’t doubt that the scottish would say a big fuck you to england and block all of the non-scottish kids out of hogwarts and force the rest of the uk to make their own new school at some point), and a few other places would share but literally do not tell me that spain, who cannot stand france, would share a fucking school with the french. like, i know a lot of hp fans are american but xenophobia in europe is a big thing.
but, on to the other wizarding schools. don’t tell me that latin america would have one fucking school for all of latin america. like, do you not understand that latin america is a mix of spanish, indigenous, african, and asian with different forms of ancient practices and brujeria that wouldn’t mix well with each other??? brazil doesn’t even fucking speak spanish!!!!!! brazil, with it’s large ass population of portuguese-speakers would need their own school while the caribbean would need their own school (if not two, because don’t tell me that a school full of cubans, puerto ricans, and dominicans wouldn’t be fucking insane and need to be divided), mexico would probably need their own school, and central and south american would need at least two other schools. and that’s just latin america. you can imagine how many schools asia would need what with most of southeast asia not being able to share a school (china and north korea would definitely have their own schools, don’t fight me), south asia having completely different practices than southeast, and the middle east would have to divide several schools between each other. and africa would need several schools. and australians??? jk never even mentioned them if i remember correctly????
eurocentrism mixed in with cultural appropriation and straight up racism is what i call ilvermorny. how the fuck are you gonna tell me that white racists are gonna be okay with sending their kids over to a school of native american magic. no, actually, how the fuck are you gonna tell me that native americans are gonna be okay with sharing their magic? magic that is so sacred and has so many rules and isn’t some fucking fictional fantasy to actual native americans but is complete reality to them??? and they’re going to be totally okay with a bunch of white people (people who’s ancestors committed mass genocides full of native americans because they wanted fucking land and power and gold and gave no fucks for the real human beings that were the natives because they weren’t apparently civilized and therefor weren’t real human beings) coming and putting a school where sacred native magic is taught in boston of all places??? rowling, you didn’t even try to research this shit.
boston wouldn’t even be where the new england wizarding school would be in. it would be in fucking salem, massachusetts. fight me if you disagree but i will fight back so hard on that shit. midwest would have its own school. the south would have one. texas would have its own school because fuck texas, nobody wants them. and florida would have its own school because where the fuck are we in?? the south?? north cuba?? who fucking knows. and let’s not forget louisianna would have its own school and the african americans in the north would have their own school too and asians in the u.s.??? their own schools. and the native americans would have a shit ton of smaller schools because there are different tribes with different histories and some wouldn’t be able to share a school because of those differences like in asia.
and canada would have two schools because fuck you if you think that french canadians (read: quebec) would willingly share a school with english canadians and don’t tell me that canada wouldn’t have tried pushing everyone into one school where the question of “what about french-speakers? what about us catholics? we’re magicians but we’re still good french catholics and we’re sure as hell not practicing protestantism”. and actually, i’m wrong. it would be three schools as indigenous people in canada fucking exist.
i’m done with the school shit (not done but at least on this post). like, okay, tell me how the fuck fantastic beasts takes place in harlem yet even the fucking extras are a bunch of crackers? i’m sorry jk, i didn’t realize that the jazz age wasn’t led by black people and that harlem hasn’t been hsitorically black. thank you, a white english woman, for teaching me that. thank you very much.
how the fuck is it that we have native american-based magic being used and yet not one single fucking native american in the entire movie? tell me. i want a good ass explanation for that shit because so far the only one i’m thinking of is that rowling just supports cultural appropriation.
how the fuck is it that newt schammander is seen as an angel when he literally was the one to begin werewolf oppression? oppression of the people that are supposed to be hiv+ gays??
an abuse victim is literally turned into a fucking monster and then killed. i cannot fathom this shit.
the film is supposed to be a parallel to racism yet cracker cast.
i think i’m done for now. now excuse me as i go scream because i just can’t. fight me on anything but i swear to god i am pissed and i will not be kind. i am done with jk rowling’s horseshit. absolute horseshit.
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trendsdresscom · 4 years
In the same way one might not feel fully dressed without putting on perfume, holiday decor isn’t complete without a few seasonal scents. Here, five options to complete your festive ambiance – and bonus: these scents will subtly extend the spirit of the season once all the ornaments are safely back in their boxes.
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Scentuals Winter Wonderland Ambiance Mist
Canadian natural brand Scentuals’ Winter Wonderland Ambiance Mist ($12.95 CAD and $9.85 USD at scentuals.com*) is an evocative blend of cedarwood, juniper, berry, fir needles and cypress essential oils for a realistic, fresh-cut greenery scent without shedding needles that need constant vacuuming. And a spray is a speedy way to banish stale air. 
L’Occitane Cocon de Sérénité candle
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If you’re looking for some olfactory counter-programming, a sunny herbal stroll through the south of France courtesy of L’Occitane, their Cocon de Sérénité candle (from $34 CAD and $29 USD at loccitane.com) will lighten your mood with lavender, sweet orange, bergamot, mandarin and geranium.
Goutal Une Forêt D’Or candle
Goutal Une Forêt D’or ($94 CAD at holtrenfrew.com* and $72 USD at saks.com) is gorgeous in its faceted vessel, its pine branches and orange rind scent so refined and subtle — much better than many Christmas candles, which, TBH, smell like the mall at Christmas, not actually Christmas.
Bath & Body Works Winter three-wick candle
Bath & Body Works Winter ($25.50 CAD at Bath & BodyWorks and $24.50 USD at bathandbodyworks.com) is the (much easier) candle version of the old trick of keeping cinnamon and orange slices simmering on the stove. And how beautiful does this vessel look, no matter your colour scheme?
Nest Birchwood Pine Liquidless Scent Diffuser
Nest Birchwood Pine Liquidless Scent Diffuser ($84 CAD at sephora.com and $60 USD at nestfragrances.com) with its seasonal woody notes layered over a musky and amber base is a graphic an sculptural addition to any room and is also spill-proof if you want some scent without the risk of someone toppling an oil-filled bottle of a traditional diffuser. 
over to you
What’s your favourite holiday home scent?
Are you a candle, room-spray, or diffuser person? Potpourri, perhaps?
Does anyone else’s husband like to use expensive perfume as room spray?
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The post ROOM SCENTS TO ENHANCE YOUR HOLIDAY CHEER appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/room-scents-to-enhance-your-holiday-cheer/
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noxian-rose · 7 years
Here, have a small drabble with two intellectuals vying for control and generally nothing happening! I finally finished this after ten million years of procrastination and no time so have fun with it. Completely safe for work this time around, don’t worry.
Dedicated to my darling @artistic-lament ( There’s more after this though, tbh. Part 2: The Jhin Strikes Back. This is like the prequels no one likes to discuss.)
                                                          .T H E   G A M E .
There were few things the Deceiver could admit herself to say and naturally, there were little exceptions for such things. He was one of those.
Khada Jhin was an investment, an instrument that orchestrated the same chords she strummed delicately with precise care; the silver linings of a playbook, and the lone wanderer in constant longing of his muse.  Simply put, he was a man she could readily confess to finding fascination in, with every word and fluid movement unparalleled to even those of well-spoken poets and ruffled swans.
His initial search fascinated the mind, daringly seeking her name through the waters of the criminal underworld and only going forth to boldly forge an association with her organization.
Even now in her parlor with the sun lazily setting past the towering concrete of the Immortal Bastion, LeBlanc had hummed with satisfaction with the way the light reflected upon her companion’s face. A visage that was no more of a masterpiece than the tales of the works he had created, features that so happened to appeal to her high-held palette. And then his voice, low and grainy with the faintest whisper of the danger his person held as he spoke with an eloquence and intelligence foreign in most men she met.
But he wasn’t most men.
And she indulged in it all.
Their first encounter in an abandoned home located in the countryside of Ionia  (by his invite nonetheless) only served to heighten her thirst to know more. They had met in eccentric places since then, from her teahouse in the most secluded area of Noxus, cafes and taverns in nameless towns, and eventually in one of the Black Rose’s private housings. They had spoken of their grand views– each to their own– from everything between the blindness of the Ionian elders to Noxian ideals and philosophical musings, all of those and more which were shared between them like a captivating book.
It was in those sunset kissed afternoons LeBlanc could genuinely admit she had found true solace.
Her head leaning unto her hand, golden irises met his ever elusive set of eyes; one leg crossed over the other whilst swinging back and forth lazily beneath their table and daringly brushing her leg against his. How scandalous it all was, had it not been such a temptation for her ever seeking mind. Jhin would only lock their stare in place with a twinkle in his mesmerized gaze. She tapped her manicured nails unto the wood.
“Would you care for more sugar, my dear?” He would inquire, the intricate carvings of a enigmatic smile on his mask only serving to accentuate his allure. She would have found it charming, were she not one to taste the honeyed venom dripping from his lips– acidic and so sweetly promising for more. A simper lays across her features as LeBlanc taps her rosy cheek, fingers folded beneath her chin, porcelain features cradled gently.
“I’m sweet enough as it is.”
The Virtuoso let himself have the liberty of a half chuckle at her words-- most likely out of pity for her half-hearted attempt at humor-- though he continues to mix the sugar with the steaming liquid.
“Delightful, as per usual Matron.”
He sets aside the spoon he had used to stir his own tea, the tip still holding remnants of sugar crystals, prompting the Deceiver’s interests as she leans forward more on their table, her aura radiating only the utmost confidence and nothing more.
Smooth brushes, still holding their paints lay on the table though common during their meetings. Jhin had reasoned that beauty could be found in even the most simplest of matters, even objects that have been used for his own works.
“You never taught me to paint, even after all this time. Believe me, I’ve been patient.” LeBlanc suddenly muses, tracing an imaginary image on the surface of the table with her finger. It was a rose, atleast to her. Interest taints his gaze for the seventh time since he had arrived.
She smirks.
“Oh? You never cease to surprise, one would think a woman like yourself would have already learned the finer arts.” He lifts his pearly mask enough to reveal his smooth lips and sips his tea for a moment. She hoped it scorched the skin. “But alas, I do assume slightly,  I’m certain you of all individuals would know that everything comes at a price. It is only through sacrifice that we truly learn, yes?” He tilts his head inquisitively at her.
LeBlanc flutters her eyes closed by the slightest, a soft hum leaving her  “Mm, indeed. But here we are with your hands upholding cards and seeking fortune with me despite your knowledge and your inhibitions. You disregard the words, the blurring line between the truths and the ...” She had no need to finish the sentence, he would know it as well as she did. Jhin’s fingers pinched the handle of his teacup tighter. The air around them closed in to the confines of their small space.
In the distance, the sun had finished its descent, leaving final strokes of amber across the canvas of the heavens and making way for twilight.
Jhin could only give another breathy chuckle “Matron, must we be so brash?” He took one of the brushes laid out across the table and slowly moved the hairs of the tool across the blank linen, leaving a mixed trail of fuschia and navy blue behind.
“I like to gamble my chances at points, and you my dear are most certainly worth such a risk. Your organization intrigues me as is, your inner workings, the intricate planning of your plots. With fair trade of my talents, unless of course that in itself is not enough of a fair exchange for your standards?”
At that, LeBlanc paused. The finger that drifted across the surface of their table coming to an abrupt stop. He had caught her there, locked between upholding her stoicism and the temptation Jhin so readily offered and wholeheartedly knew wasn’t up for denial. Those mismatched orbs peeking through his mask eyed her in anticipation, eager to see her stumble at his offer just as LeBlanc had wanted to him to be.
So shall the cat begin the chase for the mouse.
A pensive hum, leaves her as  the Matron splays her fingers out across the table, fine nails nearing the porcelain saucer of her teacup. She readily ignores his previous words “Now, now, with relations as they are between Noxus and Ionia?” LeBlanc takes a moment to chuckle “You speak in delusions of grandeur.” She waved her free hand dismissively, sipping her cooled down tea; ever watching, ever calculated. Jhin visibly bristled, shoulders uplifting by the slightest and the fine trail of his brush swaying out of it’s artistic haze.
“They are a far cry from delusions, Matron!” He proclaimed suddenly, throwing his arm out towards her in a burst of impulse. The brush was clasped within the clutch of his fingers, never leaving his grasp for even a moment as he continued his passionate outcry “ City state relations mean nothing when we are our own catalysts for change.” His gestures flicked splatters of mixed fuschia and navy unto the porcelain of her cup, now a soft lavender tainting it’s surface.
LeBlanc merely continued to listen.
“There are visions to be wrought upon, multiple performances left to revel in! We can make all of them sing.”  Upon his last words, Jhin closed his augmented hand into a fist all the while  traces of a triumphant smile shone from beyond his ornate mask. The Virtuoso nearly radiated with his pride and LeBlanc chuckled, lazily drawing circles on the table with the tip of her finger. 
A soft sigh accompanies the subtle ring of her amusement at his tirade.
“Mm, if only I was impressed.” She stands up silkily from the metal seat , lithe fingers smoothing out the creases of her well adored cloak. The mirror shatters, Jhin’s previous stagelight dims as quickly as it had. He sits as still as she had moments before.
“What your performances are composed of can be summarized simply as puerile, mere blindness that sparks in a single moment before being forgotten-- insignificant, impractical.” LeBlanc continues, turning to what little was left of the sun that shone through the glass walls, a multicolored shadow painting itself unto the floor of her teahouse like a child’s watercolor palette. 
“You claim yourself a virtuoso, an artist.  A tragedy that you can’t paint the bigger picture ” 
And with a singular flick of her hand, violet smoke engulfed the Deceiver’s being, soft clouds entangling around her body and leaving no trace of her existence behind. 
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harry8673-blog · 6 years
Things We Finish: Winter 2019
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Very little tops a perfect night out. Your energy level is inexplicably high even though it's well past your circadian rhythm-dictated bedtime; you've sustained the right level of buzz without passing straight through to 'public intoxication'; the function is chill/bumpin'/air-conditioned [whatever floats your boat]. All in all, you're having a great time.
The one thing that might rank as just a smidge more fun than that ideal night out comes right before the ideal night out: It's the absolutely fabulous, very glamorous, yet strangely relaxing "getting ready" session. Lights dimmed low—except for around your bathroom mirror—and music tuned to these sweet beats. It's all very vibe-y and very cool (as long as you're into 'cool'— please see a meditation on that word right over here). So now that you're in the mood, which products do you pull out? Well, these of course!
Maison Balzac Candle First things first, scent sets the tone. See a candle as your hourglass for getting ready: Light up with enough time to let the whole top liquefy—by the time your burn is even, you'll have had enough time to redo your cat eye at least two or three times. Currently burning at ITG HQ is Maison Balzac's La Rose, acquired immediately after summer's signature La Plage extinguished itself.
Chanel Hydra Beauty Gel Yeux Everyone loves Coco, it seems. French undereye gels are not new and not hard to come by, but these say Chanel all over them so that's chill. Nothing livens up a party like a de-puffed face. Pairs nicely with your very fancy, not chill at all jade roller.
Caudalie Beauty Elixir If undereye gels help you chill at home, this facial spray will help you chill on the go. Buy the travel size to refresh halfway through the night—both with scent and hydration.
Lucas Pawpaw Ointment Skip the lipstick. It's great for a seated dinner with a designated start and end. But that's not what tonight is. No, tonight doesn't have an RSVP. And there might not be mirrors. Or time to touch up. There might be shots, though. So grab a tube of hydrating, glossy balm and call it a night...eventually.
Ellis Faas Concealer Similarly, skip the foundation (unless there's a step-and-repeat). Grab a concealer with good coverage and an attached application device. No time for extra brushes or fingers. Apply directly to the face where you need it.
Tom Ford Shade & Illuminate A two-in-one! And you never thought those could be chic. Yet here we are. Life is funny that way. But really, this is a truly glamorous product if you're going to invest in one thing.
Marc Jacobs Under(cover) Perfecting Coconut Eye Primer The Marc Jacobs Beauty team can make anything cool—including primer, which is an essential product, but not necessarily very cool. Now it is. The nude-ish formula helps bright the lid and hold on to whatever you put on after. Which could be...
Glossier Lidster Glimmer made simple. Swipe on with the doe foot in any one of the easy-going, flattering colors (or mix together! That also works!) and tap until you've got the shape you want. It sets in about 10 seconds and stays put. Partially thanks to the primer. Dance for hours crease-free. If only they made slip dresses with the same properties.
L'Oréal Voluminous Lash Paradise Mascara Mascara does not have to be expensive. In fact, it shouldn't be. L'Oréal's formulas are great across the board and available literally anywhere.
Ricky's NYC Hair Clips A little weird, but it works. These clips are meant to keep hair away from the face and bend-free while you attend to the face. But what if you wore them out and about? That would be kind of groovy, no? Take them for a spin and report back.
Maison Louis Marie Perfume Oil At the very last moment, roll this on (No. 4, bien sûr). The most personal way to wear fragrance isn't sprayed; it's rolled, tapped, dotted. Feels small, but it'll grow throughout the night. You've got plenty of time.
Diptyque candles! Those beautiful French jars of wax that communicate “bougie,” literally and socially. ITG loves ‘em, repurposes ‘em (exhibit A), and can hardly pronounce ‘em, let alone read ‘em. But the French language and unusual typography can only hold back a trio of New Yorkers with questionably fragranced apartments so far. In fact, Emily, Ashley, and Utibe were emboldened, and embarked on a mission: to rank every single Diptyque candle. All 45! A tough job for a group who only knows how to spell “Diptyque” by internally clocking “dip-tee-cue.”
We locked ourselves in the beauty closet for hours to complete this task. There was note-taking. There were metaphors and various analogies. Snacks and mediocre cappuccinos were consumed. In the end it was all worth it. A consensus was reached! And now behold: every Diptyque candle currently on the market, ranked.
44. Ambre: Woody, earthy, flowery, spicy. The opposite of the Coco Chanel maxim; definitely puts an extra thing on before leaving the house.
43. Santal: Surprisingly sweet. Santal 33 has requested a DNA test for authenticity purposes.
42. Chêne: Damp wood. Like walking into a house that’s been uninhabited for months.
41. Coming: Not-so-saccharine bubblegum.
40. Mimosa: A faint whiff of sea salt. Or unscented, depending on your proximity to the flame.
39. Coriander: Not as sexy as cilantro tbh.
38. Aubépine: Powder snow mixed with...earth? Dried flowers? Regardless, Ashley keeps calling this Au Bon Pain.
37. Thé: Smoky citrus. Points for label readability.
36. Noisetier: Mildly spicy nut milk. Yes, yes—oat milk is preferred.
35. Tubérose: Creamy, funky floral. Mocks flowers that are “commercial.”
34. Benjamin: Dark, earthy, and sweet. The Werther’s Original of candles.
33. Menthe Verte: Minty, but not bright. Think about it.
32. Géranium Rose: Ooooh, so that’s what geranium smells like!
31. Roses: Smells like how roses taste. Begging to go in a powder room.
30. Music: Boss baby smell. Famously voiced by local celebrity, Alec Baldwin.
29. Feuille de Lavande: Dryer sheet lavender, but longer-lasting.
28. Violette: Floral, just like the name suggests. Good, but not an instant love, hence the ranking.
27. Jasmin: White floral. Described as voluptuous by Diptyque. Knows how to make an entrance either way you slice it.
26. Verveine: Classy lemon. Communicates the illusion of newly cleaned floors. Nice knowing ya, Swiffer!
25. Opopanax: They say balsamic. We say carbonated soda. Salads must taste like a party in France.
24. Cannelle: Cinnamon. As straightforward as it gets. Tied with Pomander.
24. Pomander: Potpourri. Who potpourri-ed in the bathroom?!?
23. Bois Ciré: Woody. The best part of yoga class: the end when the incense starts burning.
22. Mousses: Moss and wet concrete. You know what they say about mousses in your house. There’s never just one…
21. Foin Coupé: Soapy, with a whiff of grass and earth. Something Donatella Versace would wash her dishes with. Just kidding, Donatella doesn’t do dishes, silly!
20. Maquis: Wood and citrus. This is a pleasing scent, but it blends well into the background. Soundtrack, but make it olfactory related.
19. Patchouli: You’ve got an ad job! A classy patchouli to fragrance your mid-level executive apartment.
18. Muguet: Lily of the valley, which is a poisonous plant. Three points for drama!
17. Oranger: Orange and star anise. For the people who gift oranges in Christmas stockings...
16. Genevrier: Woody juniper. None of us really knows what juniper is though… Fresh laundry meets Vick’s Vapor Rub? Good enough.
15. Vétyver: Cedarwood and slightly floral. Cozy firewood, but not but not burn-your-house-down cozy firewood. 9/10 firefighters approve.
14. Cuir: Fancy leather. Like walking into my Hermès closet! —Lisa Vanderpump, probably
13. Choisya: Ashley says confidently, “This is tuberose.” (We looked it up, it’s orange blossom.)
12. Vanille: Very creamy, a little nutmeg, a little smoke. Unfortunately not fit for human consumption.
11. Babies: “It doesn’t smell like berries, and I deduct points for liars” —Emily “But we love it!” —Everyone else
10. Oyedo: Citrus. Grapefruit meets Mike’s Hard Lemonade. Refreshing!
9. Freesia: “Do I smell freesias? If I see freesias anywhere...” (Name that movie.)
8. Gardénia: Another white floral. Smells like fresh cut stems. Now isn’t that nice?
7. Eucalyptus: You’ll never guess what this one smells like…
6. Cyprès: Warm honey. Smells like how wearing a Rhode Resort dress feels.
5. Myrrhe: Amber resin. Now sing it with me: “I said now myrrhe, it’s cold in here, there must be some amber in the atmosphere.”
4. Oud: Your middle of the road oud. If you like it, you like it, if you don’t you don’t.
3. Figuier: Subtle fig. The scent of 8/10 beauty editors.
2. Tilleul: From the Linden tree, which is native to Tulum or Capri, probably. Oprah’s got this burning in her solarium as we speak.
1. Feu De Bois: The one and only. Burning logs that don’t smell burnt. Warmth in a candle. The inventor of winter. December through February wouldn’t be the same without it.
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winterymute · 7 years
Tagged by @doomedavocado
Name: Joshua Winter
Nicknames: Keen Josh, Splosh, Winter, Fuckin’ Ner
Height: 5′11″
Ethnicity: White British with a pinch of Indian (like 25% but it really doesn’t show)
Favourite Fruits: Tomatoes, Peppers and Pumpkins cos fuck typical fruits
Favourite Season: Autumn
Favourite Artists: idk if this is supposed to be actual artists or musicians but the latter makes more sense so... Los Campesinos! The Front Bottoms are solid also.
Favourite Books: The Amber Spyglass by Phillip Pullman, The Stand by Stephen King, American Gods by Neil Gaiman, The Long Earth By Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter and The Man in the High Castle by Phillip K. Dick
Favourite Characters: Lyra Belaqua (His Dark Materials Trilogy), Aziraphale (Good Omens), Brienne of Tarth (ASOIAF), Makise Kurisu (Steins; Gate) and Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter) although honestly I could keep expanding this list forever (same with the previous one).
Favourite Flowers: Lavender, Edelweiss (or tbh any other alpine flowers) and Foxgloves
Favourite Animals: Pangolins, Fiddler Crabs, Rough Scaled Bush Vipers, Kingfishers
Favourite Beverage: Idk like Ice Tea I guess... Coffee is good also :)
Number of Blankets I sleep with: 1 I’m not a philistine
Dream Trip: Japan because I was and still am to a greater extent than I like to admit a bit of a weeb...
Blog created: not sure and can’t figure out how to find out but like roughly 4 years by this point have not used it for most of that time
Followers: 27 of which a solid half are porn blogs
Aight I push @itsmangamaia, @droverie and @dropitdoeeyes under the bus lol
No obligation to actually do it tho dw xox
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bennet-darcy · 7 years
do all of the asks if your up for it !
I’m putting this under a read more because wow, it got long. 
Sunrises: What is something you are looking forward to?
I’m really, very excited to have my exams over with, and to have finished my first year of uni! My last exam is on the 30th, so I’ll be done soon, yay! 
Also, once I’m done with exams, I’m going to be going home to California for a bit to visit family, which I’m very excited about! Then after that, I’ll be going to Colorado to see my friends and family there, which I am also very excited about! 
Honeybees: What is something you have done recently that you are proud of? It can be anything at all, even just waking up every morning.
Since I’m getting ready to move back home to the US, I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on my time here in the UK, and I feel really proud of myself for what I’ve accomplished in this amount of time. Moving to London, I had no connections. No friends or family here to make the transition easier. I was 5000 miles away from everyone I knew. The first few weeks living here were really rough, and I was constantly homesick, and fearful about the simplest things: going to get groceries, going to class, etc. 
After about 2 months, though, I made some really great friends and developed great connections with lots of people at my uni, and a few from outside uni, as well. I feel really comfortable with living in London, and being on my own, and taking care of myself, now. It’s been a huge learning experience and I’m really very proud of myself for developing sort of a life for myself here. 
Okay sorry for that novel, but yes. I’m proud of myself for what I’ve accomplished in the past 9 months, living in London. 
Roller skating: What are your hobbies?
Recently, I’ve been taking dance fitness classes that are really a lot of fun. I’ve been enjoying that, a lot. I sometimes take random walks throughout the city, and check out local landmarks. When I was living at home, I played the violin every once in a while, but I’ve been out of practice for so long at this point, I probably don’t know how to play anymore, tbh. I also enjoy reading and cooking/baking (but with cooking/baking, I have to be in the right Mood to enjoy it?) Yeah. 
Stars: What are your favorite blogs?
Poppy flowers: What are your favorite flowers?
This…. I can’t.. Please don’t do this to me. I have way too many favorites, I cannot choose. Some of my favorites in no particular order are: roses, peonies, tulips, daisies, lavender, sunflowers, and carnations  
Lemonade: What is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you?
!!!!!!!! warning: gay screaming ahead !!!!!!!!
Okay so. At this point, you all know that uh, I’m gay, and that Devan is incredible and so lovely and a very important person in my life. 
So. For Valentine’s Day, she made me a video thing? It was a compilation of clips from movies/tv shows that, all held some significance to either me or her, or both of us. She included clips from Love Actually (which is a fave for both of us), Ghostbusters (the first movie we had gone to see together), Pride and Prejudice (my favorite movie in the world), Moulin Rouge (another movie that we had watched together), The Office (a show that we both enjoy) and Sherlock (because sherlock and john are gay and in love and lovely, also Devan and I sort of began talking with each other because of Sherlock so :’) ) 
But yes, that was probably one of the sweetest things that anyone has done for me. It was just !!!! so customized, and each clip had special significance, and I can tell she put a lot of thought into it, and I cried so much when she sent it to me, and it still makes me tear up when I watch it. Wow. Literally just. Wow. Have I mentioned that she’s incredible? Oh my gosh.
Okay, gay screaming over. Sorry for being a sappy mess. 
Dogs: What do you look for in friends?
Usually it’s important to me that the other person and I have at least a few things in common with each other, such as a common interest. I think that’s what the majority of my friendships have been based on. 
Other than that, it’s really nice when I find someone that has the same sense of humor as me. 
Painting: If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?
I’ve always thought pastel colored hair is soooo pretty and cool looking! Light purple and light pink hair, especially. But I feel like I really would Not be able to pull it off. So uh. I’ll stick with brown hair, thanks. 
Smiles: What is the greatest compliment you have ever received? What is a compliment you wish someone would give you?
Okay so I don’t know if this is the greatest compliment I’ve ever received, but this is the one that’s most current and fresh in my mind, so I’ll share this one: 
On Thursday, I went to my last class of the year, which was my “Counselling Psychology” class. My teacher for that class, Augusta, is my favorite teacher I’ve EVER had. I really admire her a lot, and she teaches really well, and just has a great personality. 
Anyway, I was a bit early to class on Thursday morning, and it was just her and I in the classroom. So during this time, she says, “Amber, I just wanted to tell you, I’ve just finished grading all of the coursework for this class, and your presentation as well as your reflective essay were incredible. You’re very good in this subject, and I can tell that you’re passionate about it. I hope you continue to study psychology because I know you would do well in this field. You’re a very bright young lady.” AND I LITERALLY JUST ABOUT DIED! (And I low-key cried a little bit.)
I just !?!??!??! Coming from her, that meant SO much to me, because I admire her so much, so to hear that was just so meaningful and great. 
Fairy lights: If someone wanted to get to know you, what should they read/watch/listen to?
Read Pride and Prejudice, watch Pride and Prejudice, and listen to the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack. jkgsjkghsjg. I’m (kind of) joking. Umm?? I don’t know. I think my “Top 25 Most Played” playlist on my itunes sums me up pretty well. It’s a mix of Classical music, Ed Sheeran, Phantom of the Opera, Enya, Christmas music, and Pride and Prejudice. 
Dancing: Describe your dream date.
Fun fact (or, a rather depressing fact): I’ve actually never been on a proper date, so this is all brand new to me, and I’m basing this answer on theory, rather than previous experience.
But um. I feel like I’m pretty low maintenance, in this regard. Cuddling and watching movies with someone sounds ideal, honestly. Or just like. Taking a nap. fjksdhgkj. Other than that, like if we’re actually GOING somewhere, maybe like? A museum or art gallery? The aquarium, maybe? I don’t know jdgksghk. My lack of experience with this is really showing, oops. 
Rainbows: What always makes you feel better when you’re sad?
I call my mom and tell her what’s going on, and she’s always able to help me feel better about basically anything. I love my momma. 
I also like watching comedy movies/tv shows when I’m feeling sad. I’ve been watching a lot of Brooklyn 99 lately. 
Beaches: If you could go anywhere in the world, right this moment, where would you go?
Right this moment? Nowhere. I’m comfortable in bed, and I don’t wanna move. 
Cats: What do you like to do on lazy days?
Sleep in as late as possible, stay in pajamas all day, bake cookies/cupcakes, watch a movie. Something along those lines. 
Sunflowers: What do you want other people to think of you?
Umm.. I hope others think of me as being a kind, trustworthy, caring person. That’s so cliche and cheesy, but that’s really what’s most important to me. 
Laughter: List 5 things that make you happy.
Watching my favorite movie
Sleeping in late
Spending time with people I love 
Eating my favorite food 
Petting cats and dogs 
Balloons: When do you feel most like yourself?
I really enjoy traveling. It’s a really exciting, fulfilling feeling to have the opportunity to travel to places I’ve not been before. I feel most like myself when I’m wandering around a new city/country, trying to understand the geography, the language, the culture, etc. 
Daisies: What is your favorite quote?
“You must know, surely you must know, it was all for you. You are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my aunt last night, and it has taught me to hope as I’d scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I would have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love… I love… I love you. And I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.” - Mr. Darcy 
Trees: Name one thing you have learned this past year that has made you a better person?
I have learned that my life and my decisions are not dependent on anyone else’s opinions or expectations. It’s up to me to create a life that I feel satisfied with, regardless of how it makes other people feel. 
Polaroids: What is your favorite thing about yourself?
I’m a very dedicated person, and a very hard worker. I’m confident in my abilities to achieve the things that I want. 
Sunsets: If you could paint the sky any colors, what would they be?
I love when the sky turns that pink/purple color during sunset! It’s so nice, and I wish it would stay that color forever. 
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bonniejstarks · 4 years
In the same way one might not feel fully dressed without putting on perfume, holiday decor isn’t complete without a few seasonal scents. Here, five options to complete your festive ambiance – and bonus: these scents will subtly extend the spirit of the season once all the ornaments are safely back in their boxes.
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Scentuals Winter Wonderland Ambiance Mist
Canadian natural brand Scentuals’ Winter Wonderland Ambiance Mist ($12.95 CAD and $9.85 USD at scentuals.com*) is an evocative blend of cedarwood, juniper, berry, fir needles and cypress essential oils for a realistic, fresh-cut greenery scent without shedding needles that need constant vacuuming. And a spray is a speedy way to banish stale air. 
L’Occitane Cocon de Sérénité candle
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If you’re looking for some olfactory counter-programming, a sunny herbal stroll through the south of France courtesy of L’Occitane, their Cocon de Sérénité candle (from $34 CAD and $29 USD at loccitane.com) will lighten your mood with lavender, sweet orange, bergamot, mandarin and geranium.
Goutal Une Forêt D’Or candle
Goutal Une Forêt D’or ($94 CAD at holtrenfrew.com* and $72 USD at saks.com) is gorgeous in its faceted vessel, its pine branches and orange rind scent so refined and subtle — much better than many Christmas candles, which, TBH, smell like the mall at Christmas, not actually Christmas.
Bath & Body Works Winter three-wick candle
Bath & Body Works Winter ($25.50 CAD at Bath & BodyWorks and $24.50 USD at bathandbodyworks.com) is the (much easier) candle version of the old trick of keeping cinnamon and orange slices simmering on the stove. And how beautiful does this vessel look, no matter your colour scheme?
Nest Birchwood Pine Liquidless Scent Diffuser
Nest Birchwood Pine Liquidless Scent Diffuser ($84 CAD at sephora.com and $60 USD at nestfragrances.com) with its seasonal woody notes layered over a musky and amber base is a graphic an sculptural addition to any room and is also spill-proof if you want some scent without the risk of someone toppling an oil-filled bottle of a traditional diffuser. 
over to you
What’s your favourite holiday home scent?
Are you a candle, room-spray, or diffuser person? Potpourri, perhaps?
Does anyone else’s husband like to use expensive perfume as room spray?
shoppity shop-shop
PRsamples✓ affiliatelinks✓ *scentuals.com, holtrenfrew.com, bathandbodyworks.com is a non-affiliate link ©2019BEAUTYGEEKS imabeautygeek.com
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The post ROOM SCENTS TO ENHANCE YOUR HOLIDAY CHEER appeared first on Trends Dress.
from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/room-scents-to-enhance-your-holiday-cheer/ from Trends Dress https://trendsdresscom.tumblr.com/post/613857388226887680
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