#sc: grimm
midnightsun-if · 2 months
Random question author!
Out of all the Male ROs and characters you’ve revealed so far
Which of those can you imagine having a beard?
Out of the ROs? Any of the Male ROs could technically grow them, but actually keeping them? I could see Koda, Quinn, and Reginald doing so.
Just out of the characters in general? Grimm has recently shaved his beard, but he typically has a short one. Uncle Dimitri also has a beard. I could also see Theon, Calix, Christian, and Sasha growing one out.
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etruatcaelum · 11 months
On the Hound.
His name was Elah Revontulet, and even before he met Salem he was a fairly notorious figure among historians and classicists: a brilliant young man who had utterly ruined his reputation in the field by pursuing dangerous crackpot theories about a religious connection between ancient demes—the nomadic fauni communities of the Taiyin Steppe, in southeast Anima—and grimm. Following the exposure of his faunus status and his subsequent expulsion from Mantle’s Ambergris College several decades before the Great War, he disappeared into the disorderly ranks of conspiracy theorists, grifters, and dedicated mystics who comprise Remnant’s occult communities.
It was there that Elah first developed an interest in silver. In life, he did not have silver eyes—although his eyes were a striking steely color that caused occasional excitement in the occult circles he traversed—but his aura was silver, and his semblance, Giddy Flame, produced sinuous ribbons of greenish, cold-burning flame which seemed to both repulse and fascinate the grimm.
He used it to walk among them, studying them, learning them and being learned by them in turn. His early interest in ancient fauni worship of the grimm returned in force and became entangled with his philosophical thinking on the nature of silver to synthesize a new theory of metaphysical symbiosis between silver and grimm. After the passage of the Interdiction—Mantle’s brutally repressive ban on free expression—Elah left the city behind, built himself a camp, and began to live full time in the Coldfire Waste, the vast snowfields to the northeast of Mantle.
It was around that time that he began to consume atrum, and not long after that, the horde he had been studying—which had begun to see him as its person, rather akin to what a companion animal might be to a person—brought him to Salem’s attention.
She fascinated him; and the pair of them spent most of the fractious decades preceding the Great War and the war itself entrenched in the Coldfire Waste, collaborating on what might be delicately described as outrageously dangerous alchemical research. Just two years after the ratification of the Vytal Accords, Elah—who was by then nearly sixty, and quite ill as a consequence of having spent the better part of the last thirty years imbibing atrum—died. Salem buried him in the heart of his horde’s territory as per his dying request and returned to her home in Alukah.
A little more than a decade later, he turned up on her doorstep again—still evidently in his late fifties and in grievously poor health, but alive and no worse for wear for having been buried under the permafrost for thirteen years. The cumulative effect of their experimentation, together with the touch of the void in Elah’s aura and its interaction with the sheer quantity of atrum that had built up in his body over the years, had left him as mortal in death as he was in life; some disruption or another in the realm of the dead had ‘killed’ him there and sent his soul and self tumbling back into his body.
This made for a somewhat unpleasant existence, but there was really nothing to be done except live (and die) with it. Each time he returned again his eyes shaded closer to silver; beyond this, his peculiar form of immortality left no physical mark upon him. His body continued to age while he lived and—if not frozen—rot while he died; thus his physical condition deteriorated slowly but surely as time wore on.
By the present day, his body was in such poor shape that he would die again within minutes of revival, and Salem had resigned herself to keeping him in cold storage until the end of time. Then Cinder inadvertently gave her reason to question her long-held belief that silver eyes could only harm grimm and to make her first attempt at grafting grimm parts onto a human. The wheels began to turn; she hit upon the idea of providing Elah with a living body he could inhabit for more than a few painful minutes at a time.
Thus, the Hound came to be.
The experiment was not a complete success, but it will also not be the end of it: the Hound’s regenerative and transformative abilities are under Elah’s control, and once he gets the hang of it he will be able to rebuild himself, regrow the hound, and dig himself free of the rubble of Atlas.
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vylithscat · 1 year
their colognes and smells - obey me! hcs
prompt: you’ve spent your time around demons, angels and even a human sorcerer so often that you've begun picking up the smells that signal they're nearby. genre: general, slight fluff, you/your pronouns pairings: bros, dateables (minus luke) & sides word count: 1.5k
Lucifer doesn’t pile on his cologne, he prefers a lighter one with faint traces of citrus and cedarwood. As long as the scent will get you clinging to his side and commenting on it, he’ll try it once. His chest puffs out slightly each time you do, a smile tugging on his lips as he mumbles a thank you. When he isn’t going out, and your face is buried into the crook of his neck as he works, you can pick up traces of the ink he uses and a faint hint of rose and lilac. It’s almost dizzying how well everything gently mixes together, and it helps you drift to sleep in his lap before he carries you to his bed.
Mammon’s cologne is the heaviest of anyone around you. You can tell when he’s approaching, and when he’s found his way next to you. He often prefers smells that are pleasing to you; warm and an after scent of spices like nutmeg and cinnamon. It compliments him well and doesn’t hurt your nostrils. Despite how much he piles on, when it finally begins to dwindle and you stuff your face into his hair, you can smell Grimm. It’s subtle, carefully acknowledging how much of his time is spent around the currency. The metal doesn’t burn, and the paper smell of it is all the more subtle, but you can still smell what he’s around the most, besides you.
Leviathan never really wears cologne. He finds it stupid and a waste of his time, adding some random scent to yourself. If you like it, he won’t care, but he’ll snip a comment about his brother’s cologne from time to time, especially if they pile it on and burn his nose. Since he doesn’t wear any, the only thing you can smell when you’re laying with him is shampoo. A gentle mix of hibiscus and mint greets your nose when you rest your head near the demon, the scent grows a slight bit stronger if you mess with his hair and his chirp of embarrassment sends a smile across your face.
Satan doesn’t care much about cologne and sticks to the same one if he likes its fragrance. The only time he’ll try something new is if you hum over a different bottle’s scent. It’s applied sparingly but you can tell when he’s around. He often prefers earthy, woody scents that carefully compliment each other. When it’s faint and the two of you are together, carefully wrapped up in blankets, you can smell his books and their papers gently wafting off of him. It was like waves, carefully cascading over you and helping you feel at peace as you nuzzled deeper into the blankets, stirring the demon next to you with a soft groan.
Asmodeus prefers perfume over the smell of cologne. The smell is more intense and concentrated, and has more pleasing scents to him. He prefers the floral scents, as they’re more common, but won’t hesitate to try something new or even lend you one if your interest is piqued. When he isn’t wearing anything, which is rather rare, he smells like a freshly run bath, the smell of eucalyptus relaxing your body as if you stepped into a spa. A faint trace of rose petals will often compliment it, the smells mixing together perfectly to help lure you to sleep.
Beelzebub rarely ever puts on cologne. He doesn’t mind it, but it’s not his thing in the slightest, but he doesn’t need it. When you’re walking, you can tell when he's soon to follow. A light trace of meats follows him anywhere. Anything he eats will often be picked up by him, and it will all carefully compliment each other throughout the day until he ends up falling asleep. Even as he sleeps, a new day of foods and sweets follows him, mixing to make the most delicious smelling meal you could think of.
Belphegor doesn’t wear cologne. Doesn’t care for it, never has. However, he doesn’t need to care about adding a scent onto him, as he always smells like fresh linen, a gentle trace of freshly cut grass and morning dew following. The smell is the strongest at his waist and hair, and if you were to bury your face in to pick up more of it, you would hear a soft giggle escape the demon’s lips before he tried to hold onto you. The smell helps you feel at ease and will make you sleepy, even more so if he curls himself around you.
Diavolo wears a lot of cologne, it overpowers those around him but its scent is lovely. It’s the scent of amberwood, carefully brushing against you when he comes up to greet you. When it finally dims, and the scent is faint, you can smell a mix of ink, tea and demonus. On some days, the ink and tea is stronger, and freshly out of a party, all you can smell is demonus. When all together, they come at you in waves, none too strong, but not too subtle. You know he was hard at work when ink hits you first, the scent stronger than anything else.
Barbatos wears colognes that are heavy but refreshing when he passes by. He prefers those that smell like citrus and fruit, his favorite is a careful blend of apple, lemon and plum with a gentle amount of floral following it. When it becomes faint, it compliments the teas he owns that he picks as he goes about his day. The occasional day where he’s in the kitchen, cooking his heart out, his cologne manages to mix together perfectly with his food, especially those of the sweeter kind. When you’re able to huddle close to him, every scent will fill your mind and make you forget what you were doing for a second, until he coaxes you to a seat to serve you, even for a brief moment.
Simeon wears his cologne very sparingly. His preferred type smells the most like sage and rosewood, and it compliments the smell of bread that often follows him. Considering where he lives, it’s not much of a surprise he smells like food. Although bread is the strongest, focusing in and nuzzling your face into his side brings out the sweeter, gentler scents. He may smell like a freshly baked pie or a cupcake depending on the day, but they all manage to mix together into the perfect combination.
Solomon has been through a dozen different colognes throughout his life, and he’s managed to settle on one that’s gentle on those around him. Its strongest scents are cucumber and camelia, carefully mixing together to compliment each other. When it dims and you’re curled up studying with him, he smells like a different mix of woods, almost like you had stepped into a forest. In the morning, if you stayed with him overnight, you can often smell coffee and caramel wafting off him. The woods are still there, making you bury your face into his shoulder to mix everything together into the perfect cabin getaway.
Raphael’s cologne is another of the lighter scents. He doesn’t pile it on, which makes it hard to pick up the amber and citrus from him, but if you’re able to get close enough, it’ll all mix together nicely. Coming by to visit him at night will greet you with a gentle lavender scent, if he’s freshly out of the shower, it’s even stronger. Messing with his hair will have you hum as it rolls off a little stronger than before. He often gently grumbles and glances at you, asking if you’d like to see what he uses. Aside from his hair, it’s subtle on his shoulders and back, making it a little easier to catch the scent.
Thirteen has never worn perfume or cologne, she finds putting it on a little stupid. The only way to convince her is during some big event, and even then, she may not agree. In general, she smells like a field of grass and flowers, almost like she had just walked through one. When you first met her though, she smelled like nothing. A faint trace of iron and sulfur floating around her, but not overpowering any earthy or rock smells from her cave. She’s always a dice roll on what she could smell like, day after day, you’re greeted with something new, but you always smell a subtle amount of grass when near her.
Mephistopheles wears a heavy amount of cologne that it burns ever so slightly. His favorite smells strongly of oakmoss, cedarwood and musk, and it overpowers other smells around you when it’s fresh in the morning. As the day goes on, and his cologne is barely clinging on, when you get closer to him a trace of demonus brushes your nose and sends you looking back at him. He may snap at you when you stare for too long, but the prideful look on his face when you compliment his cologne sends a smile to your lips. The strongest scent of his cologne and the demonus can be found at his jaw and crook of his neck, but good luck getting that close out of nowhere.
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ruhorih4ra · 9 months
Heeey!! It's been a while uh part. 9 ʕ⁠ノ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠ノ So, this chapter it's a flashback (most of it) to explain what happened during the week and how Mc gain another little D.
I had to split the chapt because it was longer than I thought (again).
Get out of my way 🌈
A week has passed since last time and things had certainly changed. “Don't worry, Lilith. That won't be necessary, Lilith.” The former angel was furious, however you couldn't really concentrate in her words.
“Look, man, I don't want to brag but this one is the Future King of the Devildom’s fountain pen,” a Little D. with yellow horns and gold chains declared, he was surrounded by the other Little D.'s “and I'm asking the reasonable price of 100, 000 grimms.”
You snorted, “I don't have enough.” while you checked your wallet Lilith rushed to your side with an expression of incredulity. “Is that what you’re worried about?!” “I need to return that, otherwise Lucifer's gonna kill me.” Lilith massaged her temples. “Lucifer, the one who let you skip a week of school so you could look for 'something'?” “He did that because he felt guilty!”
“He also took your council work out of guilt.” “Yes.” You answered without hesitation. “He plays your favorite song on the piano every night for the very same reason.” “Well...” “He's been moving his agenda to invite you out because of...” You stopped Lilith, frantically moving your hands in front of her to refrain her from talking further.
“Okay, okay. I get it, poor Lucifer, nobody loves him.” You mocked Lilith and she glared at you. “What I want to know is why? Why is that Little D. here?” The eyebrows of Lilith arched and she smiled ironically. “You're kidding, right?”
“What? No! Of course not! What have I done to be considered greedy? Nothing!” Lilith raised her hand and moved all her fingers playfully before lowering all but one.
After the fight and what felt like the most tense breakfast of your life, you decided not to push your luck any further and attend your classes as you normally would. That hadn't changed, you still share each class with at least one brother.
It was driving you crazy, you felt a pair of eyes constantly stalking you and every time you turned to see you would find the pitiful gaze of one of them. “Poor Beel! Look at him!! Look!! Oh no!!” now you had to endure not only the puppy eyes of the seven demons but also the constant words of Lilith pitying them.
Your last class was Curses and Mammon had decided to sit beside you. “M-mc, Would ya lend me your pen?” “Sure.” you passed him the pen without sparing a glance. “T-thanks.” After less than five minutes he spoke again. “Mc... would ya lend me your eraser?” “Here.” Same as before, you passed the eraser without looking at him.
“Uh, Mc?” You sighed, rubbing your face. “What is it this time, demon?” You waited but there was no response until you turned to look at him. He seemed afflicted, your first impulse was to ask if he was okay, if something had hurt him.
He said something unintelligible and so you leaned closer to hear him. “What?” “Please, treasure. Please call me Mammon.” He smiled, it conveyed pure sadness. You quickly turned away and averted his eyes. “...”
By the time the class ended you had everything ready to walk away as fast as possible. “Mc!” “What do you want?” Mammon had recovered a little and seemed much happier. “Let's walk home together.” “No, I'll just teleport.” He looked at the floor, trying to come up with an excuse as to why he needed to go with you.
“Pleaseeeeee, Mc??” Lilith clasped her hands together and blinked repeatedly until you sighed and extended your hand to Mammon. “Fine.” You were taken aback, he seemed as happy as that time you gave Goldie back. He took your hand and got closer to you, still smiling. “Why are you so happy?” Unexpectedly Mammon answered you without his usual nervousness. “Isn’t it obvious? It’s ‘cause I’m with you.”
“Isn't he in charge of Sc?” You heard the muffled sound of the Little D.’s voices and your smile faltered. “Where is she?” another small demon whispered. “Ugh! Stop!” Lilith tried to silence them but your demons were too loud. You put some distance between you and Mammon, but he pretended not to notice and closed the gap again. “I am the magician, Mc…Heed my words! Open the way forward and create a path where there was none!”.
The house of lamentation stood tall before you. You'd to remove Mammon's hand since he was reluctant to let you go. “This was a one time thing, okay? Do not ask me to do it again.” before you could go, he grabbed your arm and forced you to see him. “Punish me.” His demeanor was serious, there wasn’t a single hint of mockery.
The air was cold and strong, dancing around the bushes and sneaking in through your clothes. The only sound coming from the crickets. “What?” “Punish me.” You shook your head. “I am not Lucifer, Mammon. This is ridiculous.” You couldn't leave, Mammon's grip prevented you from moving. “I'll accept everything.” “Everything?” He nodded, eagerly and solemn. “Let's break our pact.”
You saw how his face gradually changed, from shocked and confused to panicked and devastated. “Treasure...” There was a questioning tone in the nickname. “You said you would do everything.” he couldn't hold back anymore, tears streaming down his face one after another. The sight broke your heart again and your hand itched as you fought the desire to wipe away his tears. “I don't want to do that, please.” His voice cracked and you bit your lips, trying hard to maintain your face dry. “Please.” He hugged you, putting his head in the crook of your neck. “Please, Mc.”
It wasn't your intention to go that far, breaking the pacts would affect you too. The mere thought of doing so terrified you, but that's why you knew the effect your request would have on them. “It doesn't matter if it hurts you, if it hurts them too.”
“Now there is only empty space where my love used to be.” the phrase came back to you, brought you back to the moment and let you reevaluate your actions. Hesitantly you caressed Mammon's hair, he hugged you more but neither the sniffling nor the begging stopped. “Stop crying, Mammon.”
“Take my kitchen duty for three months.” You finally said. He abruptly stopped and stood up straight, looking at you. The light was slowly returning to his eyes. “Yes, don't ya worry!”
“That’s all?” The Little D. of envy seemed personally offended. “Pathetic.”
In a swirl of black mist, the little D. of pride transformed to personify Lucifer and theatrically spoke. “Ask for more!” You hummed. “Bathe Cerberus for me.” Mammon didn't hesitate, nodding and playfully saluting like a soldier. “YES, SIR.”
“More!” the smile of the Little D. of wrath widened. “Shut up!!!” Lilith tried to stop them but they quickly ran away from her. “Give me your credit card.” you said nonchalantly, extending your open palm towards Mammon. “Go-Goldie?” Mammon said. You faintly heard Lilith’s reprimand too.
“Yes, Goldie.” you rolled your eyes. The Little D. of Envy was giving you a shoulder massage while the Little D. of Gluttony murmured words of encouragement. “Ask for more, you deserve it, go for it.”
“He-Here.” Mammon handed you the credit card, a little bit reluctant. You took the card from his hand and smiled to him, but the smile he returned was somehow strained. “What? You don't want to?” you asked.
Lilith stood in front of you. “Mc! That's enough!” unfortunately, the Little D. shaped as Leviathan took her wrist. “Get lost sweetheart. They decide when it’s enough.”
“Bah! Of course I want to!” Mammon said. You started playing with the credit card, folding it carelessly. He made the gesture of taking it, but stopped when he saw your face. “Just take care of her. Y-ya know she’s kinda fragile.”
“More!” “You deserve more!” “Remember what he did! How he treated you!” The chorus of the little demons continued. Something wrong was happening, you felt the influence of those small monsters on you, but more than that, you felt empty. “Hurt him as much as he hurt you!”
“Sell your car.” your voice was cold and apathetic. “My... my car?” you knew the sentimental value it had, the effort he did to get it. “Your Demonio 666 Lexura.” You emphasized every syllable. “It’s either that or breaking our-” “No! I'll sell my Demonio.” He seemed frightened, nervous to even consider the option of letting you go.
Tears started gathering in your eyes, you didn't understand why? Why was the void growing? No matter what you asked for or what he gave, you were not satisfied. “Mc? Why are you crying?” he tried to touch you but you brushed his hands off. “No! This is your fault! Nothing you ever do will make it up to me! Can’t you see?” you brought both hands to your chest, where it hurt. “Treasure?”
“Don't call me that!! I want you to lose everything, I want you to sleep in the streets without shelter from the rain! I want you to be the lowliest fucker in all of the Devildom. I want you to go bankrupt, to beg for even a single grimm!” You screamed so fast and loud that it took you a few minutes to control your breathing.
Mammon was speechless, his eyes wide open, the only sound he could hear was the beating of his own heart. “Get out of my way, demon!” you pushed him aside but he remained the same. “What have we done?” he thought, still processing what he had seen.
Mammon gulped, something had caught his eye, something that felt like a punch in the stomach. Like walking barefoot on broken glass. Was it his imagination? It had to be, you're so kind and forgiving. You're like an angel, so pure. Then again, he recalled the cloudy light he had seen in you.
A moment ago, didn't your soul seem... corrupted?
Thanks for reading!! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Taglist: @yuumaofc @kodasstar @asmolover1234 @gallantys @prefesro @urminebutidontwantyou @fiveofspades @owl778 @unknownbish101 @sadlily1
I don't know why but I couldn't tag some of you, sorry! :(
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geminired · 1 year
The Splat Chat and Other Stories
Main Fic:
The Splat Chat (incomplete)
Q&A Events 1 and 2:
Splat Chat Q&As (complete)
Multi-Chapter Side Stories:
Raid Under Storm and Stress (complete) *READ BETWEEN CHAPTERS 29 AND 30 OF THE MAIN FIC*
Agent Four the Comedian (complete)
Amaranthine (complete)
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust (in-progress)
Triple Tempest (in-progress)
SC Ficlet Collection (in-progress)
Canon One-Shots:
Proceed With Caution
Suds of Love
Big Run
Alias Grimm
Reaching Into Empty Air
The Wrath of Momarina
Thou Shalt Not Squidbag
And I’m Not Coming Back
The Octarian Support Group (considered canon for now)
Dear Zenni
Cold Feet
Still a Kid
Two Shadows in the Sun
Non-Canon Stories:
Bad Ending
No Escape (Bad Ending #2)
In Another Universe… (We’ll Still Find Each Other)
Someone politely requested that I do this because there are a lot of characters in the Splat Chat, so here you all go. Let me know if you want any other information about the characters or some of the characters that I left out added onto this post. It’s my first time doing one of these so it’s not like I really know what to put on here lol. Hopefully it helps!
Captain 3 (Former Agent 3)
Name: Aspen Arbor
Chat ID: CapIII
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 21
Hometown: Great Barrier
Agent 8
Name: Solace Houzuki-Ida (Bi’terives Sovachi)
Chat ID: Agnt8
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 21
Hometown: The Domes
Agent 4
Name: Zenni Vortex
Chat ID: 4gent
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 19
Hometown: Sterling Butte
Neo Agent 3
Name: Yasmín del Mar
Chat ID: Neo3
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 14
Hometown: Valle del Sol
Non-OCs: Callie, Marie, Sheldon, Pearl, Marina, Shiver, Frye, Big Man
Name: Bines Fucholn (Bi’nes Fucholn)
Chat ID: Carabine
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 22
Hometown: The Domes
Name: Juno Viles
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 21
Hometown: Headwaters
Name: Trevix Saltstream
Chat ID: Trip
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 19
Hometown: Inkopolis
Name: Rifa Saltstream
Chat ID: Rip
Pronouns: She/they
Age: 19
Hometown: Inkopolis
Name: Sparky Joy (Harthekao os Hinido)
Chat ID: Sparks
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 18 Hometown: The Domes
*There’s a lot of them so I only did the most important ones*
Name: Evergreen Arbor
Pronouns: She/her
Relation to Aspen: Sister
Age: 28
Status: Dead
Name: Ash Arbor
Pronouns: He/him
Relation to Aspen: Cousin
Age: 27
Status: Alive/In custody
Name: Sycamore Arbor
Pronouns: He/him
Relation to Aspen: Cousin
Age: 20
Status: Alive/On the run
Name: Crystal-Jade “CJ” Lepa
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 22
Who: Bines and Juno’s friend, captain of the Man I Love Flingzas (TWSH’s friendly rivals)
Name: Kia’tana Etho (Kia’tana os Etho)
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 15
Who: Neo’s friend from back when she was a Splatlands wanderer
Name: Tycho Finch
Pronouns: He/they
Age: 18
Who: Another one of Neo’s old friends from the same Splatlands alliance
Name: Lourdes Sorbete
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 42
Who: Chief of Splatsville security, someone give this woman a break
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bestworstcase · 2 years
thinking abt sc searching for the relic at beacon is also hilarious bc it’s. like
i wonder if this random little circular ruin in the middle of the grimm infested forest where ozpin sends first year students to choose “relics” that not so secretly determine the composition of their teams might have something to do with where he’s hidden the RELIC of CHOICE
(bonus points if those ruins are ruins of the ozlem kingdom and ozpin buried the crown there for the symbolism of it all.)
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defensivewall · 1 year
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THOMAS MÜLLER & JAMAL MUSIALA - SC Freiburg v FC Bayern München - Bundesliga - April 08, 2023
Photo by Alex Grimm
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xamassed · 1 year
⟬ @fyrewcrks / sc. ⟭
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"You here for the answer sheets too?" He had folded himself into a corner, those that were desperate to ace their oncoming exams flocking to him with grimm ready in their hands. "It'll be 1,500g per sheet, ain't negotiatin' the price."
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thefallenpetal · 10 months
The Fallen Petal
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Hello, and welcome to The Fallen Petal, otherwise known as Dr. Rose's House of Macabre.
First and foremost, I must warn you that this blog will have eyestrain at times, it will contain references to/images of blood, gore, violence, knives, needles, surgery, medical topics, drugs and many other macabre things, though I will be tagging things with certain categorical tags. I may forget to do so at times, but it will merely be a mistake and/or slip of the memory.
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#night job - These things will reference my night job in some way, which means they will be related to/about blood, gore, violence, etc. of some type.
#source related - These things will be things that remind me of where I came from. These could also be related to/about blood, gore, violence, surgery, medical topics, etc.
#day job - These things will reference my day job in some way, which means they will be related to/about drugs, medical topics, surgery, etc.
#ttrpg interest - These things will be related to/about table top roleplaying games, as this is one of my special interests.
#rat faunus - This is the tag I use for rat-related things, since I am a rat faunus.
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With all that being said, I am Dr. Rose, as the title implies.
I am an intrvario Citizen of @societygrimm
By day, I work as a doctor in The Fallen Petal, which is an SCS, or safe consumption site, for people with Zydrate addictions.
By night, I am a surgeon and Repo Man contracted and licensed by GeneCo to repossess organs from people who have not paid their medical bills.
Sometimes my day and night jobs coincide.
I am also a rat faunus, scalpel gender, objectum lesbian, and go by he/slice.
If you have any questions regarding anything about me, do feel free to ask so long as you are respectful. And if you recognize my source, you are also free to talk to me about it, as well. I would be thrilled.
As for any DNI criteria, I would prefer if anti-endos/sysmeds/endo neutrals did not interact with me. My system and myself are supportive of all system types and origins and don't waste time getting into syscourse, so you will be blocked on sight.
As for the themes and topics of my blog, and in relation to that we are bodily an adult, I would also be more comfortable if minor-bodied people did not interact.
Exclusionists of any kind are not welcome, either, as my system and myself support the right to self expression, good faith identities, conflicting/contradictory labels, MOGAI, xenogenders, neopronouns, mspec gays/lesbians, etc.
Bigots, racists, nazis, ableists, classists, etc. etc. etc. are *not* welcome here, either.
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Relevant blog tags under the cut, along with blinkies and userboxes I find relatable.
Collective: @societygrimm
Follows from: @society-grimm
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Here is where I will be putting blinkies and userboxes I relate to.
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nokzeit · 1 year
Gabriel Ramierez bleibt SCW-Trainer
Gabriel Ramierez bleibt SCW-Trainer
Unser Bild zeigt Micheal Bürkle (Spielausschuss) mit Co- Trainer Patrick Grimm (Mitte) und Trainer Gabriel Ramirez (re.). (Foto: privat) Spielender Co-Trainer Patrick Grimm verstärkt Kreisligist Weisbach.  (pm) Der SC Weisbach und Trainer Gabriel Ramirez haben sich auf eine Fortsetzung der Zusammenarbeit in der Saison 23/24 geeinigt. Trotz der schwierigen sportlichen Saison, mit einer langen…
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midnightsun-if · 2 months
Hello! I would like to request number 13."What makes your OC feel safe and secure?" for mr.Grimm if possible?
What makes your OC feel safe and secure?
Grimm feels safe and secure in two places. The first being Fire & Brimstone, as he knows, despite Cinder’s prickly exterior and harsh words, that she’d never let anything happen to him, he always likes being near all that warmth and activity — the sound of Cinder’s muttered curses, the clang of metal on metal, and just typical ambient noises — make him feel at ease.
The other is in his house, curled up with his cat, on the sofa, reading a book with a cup of tea beside him. It’s his own area, his own favorite activities, and that makes him settle when he doesn’t feel like interacting with the outside world.
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phoenixsynnn · 2 years
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-🖤Grimm The Reaper https://www.instagram.com/p/CkcJOwEL-SC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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samuraiisms · 2 years
Mifune: RWBY Headcanons
These are going to be headcanons regarding Mifune in the RWBYverse, as well as headcanons regarding his village of Tetsukubi in Mistral.
-The city state of Tetsukubi was said to be founded over 1000 years ago by a group of warriors who left in self-imposed exile after being humiliated by the former Emperor of Mistral. Though it initially only began as a campsite to watch out for incoming Grimm, the warriors soon were joined by other refugees of the Emperor’s ire, who soon found iron and Dust deposits in the mountains. An agreement was made, and the warriors developed an electoral Shogunate where the warrior class would choose the strongest among them to be their leader.
-Despite being claimed as part of the Mistral Nation, Tetsukubi does not recognize the authority of the Four Kingdoms. This is mostly due to generational harassment over the resources in the area, and the warriors have been able to develop into fierce fighters thanks to regular conflict with both the Grimm and invasive neighbors.
-Though the samurai class have access to advanced blacksmithing techniques for superior swords, they openly choose to live a rather old-fashioned lifestyle, cutting lumber for homes and cutting stone from northern quarries to build their walled city, as well as hunting wild game and riding from place to place on horseback. This is due to a general respect for the natural environment, and a discrimination against modern kingdoms as being overly consumptive.
-Mifune was born into a samurai family, albeit as the son of a lesser samurai who held less importance. He spent the early days of his life in Tetsukubi, educated by older samurai, trained in the martial arts and swordplay, as well as spending time with his older brother and younger sisters, who were likewise expected to become warriors themselves.
-Mifune lost his entire family by the time he was 13 due to a series of devastating losses. His father was killed fending off Schnee Dust operatives seeking to claim land for mining, leading his mother to later commit suicide. His brother soon fell into a deep depression and became addicted to alcohol, which led to him burning the family home down with himself and his sisters inside. Mifune had been away from the house when it happened, but was naturally devastated. He ended up choosing to see the world as a means of processing his grief for the next three years.
-When Mifune returned, he joined the militia and soon began to rise through the ranks through hard work and effort. As he was the surviving son of a samurai family, he was expected to marry and produce offspring very young, but instead he chose to foster children of non-samurai based families in order to give them a better life. He continued to do this, and had many “apprentices” in his lifetime.
-Mifune’s sword Kurosawa, was not like the swords meant for other samurai. While most samurai warriors boasted their family sword, full of history and experience, Mifune chose a blacksmith apprentice just starting out to make his blade. Though Kurosawa was not yet reknowned, it became more and more durable and powerful as it was broken, repaired, and saw combat.
-Tetsukubi is not against trading with outsiders, and will often come to see who wishes to make exchanges in the southern village of Hoori. Though it’s less of a town and more of an outpost, the samurai often bring sleds full of handcrafted goods, made of iron, pine, or furs from wild animals, and Dust deposits.
-There is in fact one specialty of the region that is forbidden from being sold to outsiders; white iron. Believed to be blessed by the gods, the samurai covet it as the ultimate metal for forging swords. The rules to allow it to be used are strict, as only master blacksmiths trained by those who have forged with it before are allowed to make blades from it. All white iron is to be sold directly to the Shogun, and even a small amount is worth a fortune. Only five grams of it have ever been sold outside of Tetsukubi, and scientists who examine it believe it to have been the result of Dust fusing with iron over prolonged periods of time. Swords made from white iron are also difficult to use, as it requires a great deal of restraint to prevent from doing too much damage.
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whattolearntoday · 2 years
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A bit of December 20th history...
1606 - The English colonial expedition to America departs London to found Jamestown, VA
1803 - French flag lowered in New Orleans to mark the formal transfer of the Louisiana Purchase from France to the US for $27 million
1812 - “Grimm’s Fairy Tales” or “Children’s and Household Tales” by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm is 1st published 
1860 - South Carolina declared an “independent commonwealth” and secedes from the Union - 1st state to do so
1922 - 14 republics form Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics (USSR)
1990 - The world’s 1st website and server go live at CERN
2007 - Queen Elizabeth II becomes oldest ever monarch of the UK, surpassing Queen Victoria who lived 81 years
2019 - United States Space Force founded, an armed forces branch dedicated to space warfare (pictured)
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defensivewall · 1 year
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THOMAS MÜLLER - SC Freiburg v FC Bayern München - Bundesliga - April 08, 2023
Photo by Alex Grimm
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