#season 1 is canon season 2 is fic
gun-chucks · 1 year
just finished good omens s2. okay. what. huh
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kang-yo-han · 21 days
The fact that the D.P. fandom is so small/inactive is going to be the death of me 😭 I really don’t understand why it’s not more popular on here. The themes and subject matter are so timely and are presented in such a powerful way. The entire cast is stellar. I’m surprised that Junho and Hoyeol’s relationship alone hasn’t drawn more people to it, honestly. And it doesn’t seem like one of those times where the fandom just died down after a show finished airing; it seems like it was just never that big in the first place (though I could be wrong). Idk, it just confuses me and makes me sad. I’m going to talk as many people as I can into watching this show.
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connecting-the-stars · 4 months
I’m like this close to trying cook up a story with Omega’s journey to bring her family back together.
S1 and S2 showing us this bright, optimistic young girl who loves her family, wanting to help others in the galaxy.
For S3 we have slightly older and a bit more practical girl who would do anything to protect her family.
What if when Omega breaks herself and Crosshair out, its years after their capture.
She’s still Omega, loves her family and wants to help those that are victims of the empire… but her grip on the things she loves leaves claw marks.
Taking some inspiration from The Last of Us as they bring Ellie down a darker path, a character that is critical to the shaping the world they live in. Omega lost tech, she lost her freedom, she is light years away from any resemblance of home, and even initially believing that hunter and wrecker are also at the mercy of Hemlock. (Asks Emerie where her brothers are).
Having this arc of struggling to find the light that used to sit warm in her chest, that is almost entirely drowned out by the absence of all she’s lost. Having her capacity for forgiveness tested by crosshair’s aura of guilt and self deprivation, his belief that her journey will lead them to answers they are better not knowing.
Would she be able to find her way back to the person she used to be?
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ineffable-doll · 11 months
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Remembering when I joined the fandom in 2020 and no one would explain where the whole South Downs thing came from
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keets-writing-corner · 5 months
personal head canons about lucifer lets GO
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idk I feel like compiling personal head canons about him that are canon to me until proven wrong by season 2 LETS GO
All powerful seraphim angel can't be harmed by anything other than those higher ranking than him? This means he can't get poisoned either right? If he can't get poisoned then he also can't get drunk. Like at all. I wanna see an episode where he just outdrinks every person there, surprising everyone cuz he so smol
this also means that meds don't work on him either. Poor dude
he and Charlie used to play "trapeze" when she was younger, aka that thing they did together in "More than Anything" cuz clearly she knew what he was going to do, she's been to that pocket dimension before, she's done it a million times
He made Lulu World for Charlie. Not just out of love but like, maybe also cuz he felt bad his depression was making him such a bad parent and he wanted to create of monument of his love for her. The fact that everyone else can go there too is just eh
Cuz of my dissociation headcanon for him (the one that the worse his depression got, the harder that it was for him to hear full conversations with his brain bleeping out large chunks of the sentences) Him agreeing to exterminations was entirely an accident
because of his meeting with heaven where he accidentally allowed for exterminations went so horribly because of his mental health, he developed anxiety about meeting with them at all, or just meetings in general. What if he agrees to something else that's terrible?? (He sent Charlie in to meet with Adam right RIGHT, IM NOT READING TOO MUCH INTO THIS I KNOW ITS CUZ HE WAS SCARED OF MEETING WITH HEAVEN AND ACCIDENTALLY MAKING ANOTHER BAD DECISION I KNOW ITS THIS)
part of the reason he was so hesitant to get charlie a meeting with heaven, wasn't just that he was scared for her, but because he was scared of talking to heaven again cuz of that anxiety ^
He knows he's been flubbing his words in addition to missing what people are saying, and he's over compensating hard
As an angel, his default is a Lover. He loved humanity. He loves his wife. He loves his daughter. He will do ANYTHING for the ones he loves, anything. *grabs you by your shirt* ANYTHING like pretty sure it's to an extremely unhealthy degree
I think maybe a huge part of his depression is justly because he's a lover at heart, and he's been living for thousands of years surrounded by the worst of humanity which shattered his ability to love them as he once did. It's not just disappointment and betrayal, it's a loss of a huge part of your identity. So now there's just this great big hole there that's he's desperately trying to fill in with things to love but uhhh his love for charlie and for ducks isn't enough, and he's trying to overcompensate SO HARD
(this one might actually be canon) because he's a lover, this means he's not naturally a violent person. It takes SO MUCH poking and prodding to get him to actually outright attack someone. Niffty literally scaled him like a tree and he just :\ Alastor was pushing all the buttons and Lucifer just toyed around with him for the most part (granted, Mimzy came in right when Alastor was about to get humbled HARD). Lucifer didn't even raise a finger against Adam until he stupidly tried attacking Charlie literally right in front of him
Maybe it's the shitty mental health and thousands of years of suppression, maybe it's cuz hell changed him, but he really enjoyed going ham on Adam. I think it was cathartic as hell for him. He probably had a lot of pent up emotions that he was just wailing out onto Adam
Lilith once tasked Lucifer of keeping an eye on young Charlie while she went out, and he thought it was totally an okay thing to teach an 8 year old how to summon fireworks. Lilith tells him to stick to the trapeze game...
Lucifer and Sera have an intense history and know each other very well. Neither of them like each other
I can't explain it but, Lucifer and Emily have never met, and while this is more of an Emily headcanon, she cannot recognize him on sight. If they ever were to meet, he'd assume she knows who he is, and she doesn't and he'd have to introduce himself and she'd be so HYPE instead of scared and full of questions for him. He'd probably like her
tops men, bottoms with women, granted it seems so far his preference is for women (but I enjoy all the lucifer ships, ngl)
Keekee used to be his pet and he gave her to Charlie when she asked for the "family building" (the hotel)
pretty sure he never wanted to be king, it's just something he got saddled with
shoot I was rereading and I had one more I wanted to put in here but I forgot like .5 seconds after I thought of it. Oh well this list is plenty long anyways
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madhyanas · 2 months
does anyone know how old fennec shand is
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conetic · 3 months
It Can't Be
(A Young Royals Fic)
this fic is alternating povs, starting wille.
aged up characters
after season 2, post-speech (started writing before s3 aired)
originally posted and updated on archive of our own.
Ever since Prince Wilhelm graduated Hillerska; it was assumed by almost all of his then classmates he would go back to his duties as he was suddenly intended to pursue earlier in his years. The video, the ongoing battle with hiding, and everything in his heart told him to do anything but. So he cut ties. For himself…and Simon. 
Simon was…everything. To Wilhelm. And in his years of knowing him, he knew that he always would be. Nothing in the world would let him forget the incredibly golden, kind-hearted, generous human that is Simon Eriksson. 
It wasn’t easy, with the endless messages from Kristina and Ludvig, but he got his own place with the money he had at the time. He’s content. Still in Sweden, just in a normal neighborhood since no one would expect him to be in a place like that. Luckily, he hasn’t heard anything from either of them. 
He blames himself a lot for the events of Hillerska, dwelling on things he could’ve avoided. Things he could’ve saved Simon from. Maybe it wouldn’t have gotten so out of hand if his mother would’ve been one; instead of acting like his boss at a major company. The aftermath of everything still haunts him at night, keeping his anxiety high and his guard overwhelmingly more visible than he’d like. It’s much harder to make friends, especially since not only the video, but now the speech, had both gone viral. Everyone knew. Everyone knew, and Simon got out. Wille was happy for him, if anything. 
But he misses him.
Since Wille had cut ties, he had no real reason to not contact Simon. He always thought about it, but he didn’t want to reopen a wound that he knew he would inevitably let bleed. Instead, he ends up spending his days talking to his long-time friend Felice. Since Hillerska, she’s now a successful businesswoman. She says all the time that the reason she’s so successful is because she put Wille down as a reference; he always laughs about that. The truth is though, she works her ass off. Ever since he met her, she’s been the most loyal, most determined person he’s known when it came to how she wanted to grow up. She always knew. Sometimes Wille wishes he knew what he wanted to be earlier in life. But he knows it’s a waste to think about it all the time. 
His therapist, Boris, had been helping him with his anxiety, depression and had been talking to him regularly through text message since graduating. Wille found himself talking about August and his family’s views on what he did more than he’d like, and Boris can tell it still affects him greatly. He’s more guarded. More scared. He doesn’t like going out much anymore, and orders in when he doesn’t feel like cooking. Felice has offered to cook for him many times, but he won’t let her, since it reminds him too much of his time at the palace. He’s on some medication now, and sometimes he forgets to take it, and sometimes he doesn’t. Lately, though, he’s been doing good with it. The only thing is he has to eat before he takes his antidepressant and if he’s honest, it hasn’t been helping either way. 
It’s been 30 minutes since Wille’s woken up, and he’s been trying to cook himself breakfast. His apartment is cozy, it’s small, but that was intentional when he saw it. It makes him feel more normal. His kitchen is white with a dark blue tile backsplash and a medium length island with two chairs on either side of it. Across from the kitchen is a small living room with a beige couch along with a matching coffee table and a tv in front of it. It’s not much, Wille wishes he knew how to decorate better, but he thinks plants are all he can handle for right now. No one’s coming over anyways. He thinks. 
For his breakfast, he tries to make a simple piece of toast spread with butter, topped with an egg and cheese. When the egg is heating up on the stove, he wishes Simon would have written some of his household recipes down while he had the chance. Wille hadn’t cooked for himself much but at this rate, he even overcooks pasta. He always thought the spaghetti with pasta dish Simon always liked was… interesting, to say the least. Maybe if he cooked it right it wouldn’t taste so bad? Smoke is suddenly in the air and the egg is burnt. Of course. This would happen while drifting into Simon-Land. After one more long attempt he finally got his breakfast. Thankfully the only thing he had to recook was the egg itself. 
Wilhelm sits on his couch and turns on the news. The top story is apparently about how August had now become the crown prince. Who actually cares? He rolls his eyes as he takes a bite of his breakfast; now realizing he should’ve made himself a coffee.
His phone dings.
Let’s go out tonight.
But I’m tiredddd.
You’re always tired, Wilhelm.
Besides, there’s this new bar I wanna try.
What time?
9:30pm, I’ll pick you up.
See you thennn x
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The bar is nice, the glow of the multi-colored lights give it a nice ambiance and the music isn’t extremely loud like most bars. The bar counter is at the very back, and the wall behind it is filled with various different spirits; and Wille wants to try them all just to see if he could become normal overnight. He’s wearing a silk black long sleeve button up, with some black fitted pants and some shoes to go with it. After looking at the others, it seemed like he overdressed just a little bit. It was busy, and the ceiling was painted with some mural he couldn’t make out. Two angels reaching for one in the middle. He never understood art, but this one seems targeted in a way. Kristina and Simon; both reaching for him. Crown prince or Simon? His lie or his truth? He doesn’t want to know. 
Felice sits next to him on a bar stool, and Wille thinks watching the bartender working so fast is impressive. No way could he memorize all of the drinks.
He looks around as the silence breaks suddenly, “okay, yeah, I like this place,” Felice says. She looks stunning, he thinks. She’s wearing a burgundy dress with her hair in a low bun and minimal makeup. He assumes it’s because last time they went out she always had to re-apply her lipstick, so she got sick of it;
“but it’s so annoying!” She whines, Wille rubbing his hand slightly on her shoulder as an act of reassurance.
“it looks pretty though,” he spoke softly. “Do what you’re comfortable with, that’s all that matters.” His uplifting grin reflecting onto her.
Wille scans over the drinks menu as he responds, “I need to be here a while to actually have an opinion on it I think,” “mmm” Felice hums, mid-way sipping her already ordered drink. Eyes widened, “we’ve been here for 10 minutes, how do you already have a drink?” “I already have a drink because we’re sitting at the bar… right in front of a bartender… whose job is to make people drinks.” He laughs, scanning over the menu once again, his mind contemplating between something sweet or something bitter. After some thought he goes with a glass of cider as he calls over the bartender and quickly gets the glass soon later. He really is good at what he does. He takes a sip, he wants to start slow, he’s a lightweight after all. 
The music is some sort of EDM music, and Wille can’t make it out, like most things. He’s here for Felice. If it wasn’t for her, he’d probably be home watching Law & Order trying to see if he can figure out the result of the crime before the characters do; but alas, he’s here.
He needs to get out of his head, “How are things?” He says, taking a much bigger sip of his drink than anticipated; “Things are good, I just got promoted to chairman of the board, which I think is funny because there’s no such thing as chairwoman, so basically, I’m making history.” she laughs, she has a reddish looking drink with sugar on the rim, Wille assumes it’s some kind of cherry margarita. He’s proud of her, he really is. “Felice, that’s fucking amazing! You deserve that more than anyone,” “Wille, you didn’t even know my competition,” He smiles, “you still deserve that more than anyone.” He drinks; “your turn, how are things?” And he’s silent. What does he say? He’s been isolating. Sleeping too much? Too little? Can’t stop missing Simon? “Things are fine,” he settles on, “fine? Really?” she says sarcastically, “that’s all you have for me?” Her drink gets refilled.
Wille sighs, he should just tell her, “I just…” hesitating, “It’s Simon, I miss him,” “Oh, Wilhelm, he’ll come around,” And he knows he won’t. He really messed it up this time. Her hand falls onto his shoulder, comforting him. Honestly, there’s nothing he could do; and he doesn’t want to pressure Felice to ask Sara if he’s been okay, let alone happier. The urge is definitely there, but maybe at a later date. 
Suddenly, his drink is nearly gone, “He’s not coming around, Felice.” He says, more angrily than he expected. Maybe it’s the alcohol kicking in, or maybe he’s bitter. He can’t stand having no contact with Simon. Does he still live in Bjärstad? Is he on his own? Does he have a partner? Is he happy? He practically downs his 2nd drink of cider, not remembering that he ordered one in the first place, and Felice looks worried, “Wille, slow down,” she tries taking the drink from his hand but fails due to its emptiness. The bartender is cute. He thinks. His dark slightly curly hair just under his ears with a half bun and his tan golden skin. His arms strong and his memorization impeccable. Studying him, his laugh is like medicine, and his smile reflects on everyone else in the room. He looks like he irons his clothes, “Wille?” Felice snaps her fingers in front of him, “Get your shit together, here, drink some water,” a glass slides to him, he does what she says. Eventually, he drinks the whole glass, and now his plan of getting drunk until he can’t walk is wearing off. The bartender glances at him as he slides him his now third glass of cider. Wille runs his fingers through his hair as he gives him a half smile. His blonde hair is much longer than usual, he needs a haircut, but he can’t be bothered. Looking back at the bartender, he knows why he can’t stop looking. He looks like Simon. And he knows it can’t be him. Simon wouldn’t smile at him like that, not at a bar, he wouldn’t not acknowledge him… would he? He drinks half the cup and puts it down, “Felice, that’s not him, is it?” She looks confused, “Who are you looking at?” “The bartender,” and she glances slightly, it does look like him, she can see that but since they’re both intoxicated there’s no real confirmation.  Taking a sip of her drink, she calls over the bartender to order her third drink as well, “should I ask him?” And he panics, “Wille if you don’t decide I’m going to have to, you have 5 seconds,” and Wille can’t think for any of them. She stops the bartender for a second, “Hey, can I ask you something?” Wille looks away embarrassed, like the man is medusa and he’ll turn to stone if he looks him in the eye. The bartender stops suddenly, turning his attention to Felice, “Yeah, what’s going on? Is something wrong with your drink?” He even sounds like him, “Yeah, everything is perfect, the place is lovely; it’s just,” He raises his brow, “It’s just…?” “What’s your name?” And Felice feels stupid. How could neither of them tell if it’s Simon or not? If it is then there’s no way he’d want anything to do with Wilhelm if he blatantly forgets him. Forgetting him like he forgot to tell people it was him in the video, how he forgot to tell him about August, about how he forgot to do so many things. The bartender looks over at Wille, still hiding his face, “Simon,” and everything clicks.
thank you if you read this far! please vote on the poll below. <3
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lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
Calculating characters’ ages so they fit into the timeline of the fic my beloathed.
#Personal#Was Born To Lead#OKAY#If I calculated everything right Felicia might appear in the flashbacks or at least be mentioned in one of the next chapters of WBTL#I pretend she was Elena’s peer or 1-2 years older/younger than her so she’s around 60 years old in season 3#I need the period of her life when she still danced aka when Ricardo was still alive#And I pretend he was around 30-35 when it happened because he actually looks pretty young#Anyway if he was older that’s not super bad because I can easily adjust my characters’ ages a little#unless he was older than forty tho#And if he was younger it makes things a lot more complicated#Ugh integrating your own characters and the ideas you have for them into canon and make them interact with the canon characters is hard T_T#(only if you care about canon otherwise you can easily screw everything up and be happy)#Honestly I didn’t even think of including Felicia but I recently rewatched all the Spirit World episodes#because I need to remember more of the Spirit World lore#(for reasons~)#and I realized that she might complement one of my characters’ arcs quite well#Complement not expand#And generally I’d like to have more canon characters in my fic even if they’re minor#Ajshdkkd and about Flower of Light again#You’re gonna hear the story of my stupidness#So I needed to find a Latin American dance that wouldn’t be a partner dance because I needed one of my characters to dance it alone#And oh my goodness I found zapateado!!! I spent so much time for that and felt so so smart and proud then!#And then I rewatched Flower of Light#Ricardo and Felicia danced zapateado the exact same dance that I found#I completely forgot they already had this dance in the show#I could easily save the time I spent for searching by just rewatching the show T_T#I felt SO stupid then really :’D#I just should rewatch the entire show to pay more attention to all the little Latin American things they put there#It will make my writer’s life significantly easier
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dbphantom · 1 year
Thought process: wow I have so many tabs open on my Firefox what the hell was I do-
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Carry on.
#The other 7 tabs were also H2O related. Namely Max and Gracie's pages as well as Charlotte's#I also had a really funny page open that described mako island completely incorrectly? Describing lost ruins from a bygone civilization#Scattered across the island. Which I guess could technically be from Mako Island of Secrets (with the merman chamber) but like...#The images they attached were of old decaying bridges and temples so I don't think so!#This fic has been a journey and a half#Season 2 is suddenly at least 5 episodes longer#In my defense I really think it'll be worth it for the payoff at the end. I hope.#I'm giving the girlies (me) everything they've (I've) ever wanted#Cruddy rambles#... It is essentially just the show but Lewis is a fish now#I love all the other merman Lewis fics too but they do tend to deviate from canon a lot. Which isn't a bad thing!! Just not what I'm vibing#With atm so I'm writing what I want#I mean it is a whole rewrite so deviating from canon is implied but y'know what I mean? I just want s2 but with a few tiny details changed#A lot of them tend to be removed from the '[generally] slice of life but with mermaids' style of canon#Which is what I'm really vibing with atm as I'm currently in a tumultuous period of my life#So like absolutely no hate to those styles. I fucking adore them (and am heartbroken one author who posted recently never came back after#I posted a comment on their work talking about MA Zewis 😭😭😭) because holy shit their stuff slaps hard as hell and I love all of them#I'm the number 1 merman Lewis fan#I Stan every single person who has posted art or writing for that style of au#Just to make it absolutely fuckin clear that I mean no hate whatsoever. I just wanna throw my own hat into the ring yknow?
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olliedollie1204 · 1 year
i have been fighting for years to find a ship that fits "the devil's backbone" because it's a fantastic song that i KNOW has a lot of potential on a ship playlist but after 7 years it still fits diore the best. fuckers
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acearcane · 2 months
As I’m trying to come to terms with whatever the fuck that was, I’ve decided that:
Seasons 1 and 2 are peak. Absolute masterpieces. Canon.
Season 3 can be taken or left. Has its moments, but overall not as good as the first two. Canon, but only if you want it to be.
Season 4 is a fucking crack fic written at 2am that the author rereads at a later date and decides to delete. Absolutely not canon.
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26 Years- Chapter 1: Prologue (part 2, because Tumblr won't let me post it as a whole)
Check out part one for the first half of the fic
check out part 1 here
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as usual the gif credit goes to @shannyfishwriter because like I said in my last two post of my fanfics it's from their blog where I save the gif and my I add a whole heap more the the three seen so far
In 2009 Jack and Clara had another baby boy who they named Rillie Jacob "RJ" Garrett. The next year was full of stress because first Strauss was killed and Matt became Section Chief then Jeanna Lewis who was their Technical Analyst retired, and their secret almost came into the light while doing a job interview with one of the applicants and almost told the media because she got rejected. And all of that happened in just the first quarter of the year. Later in the year, Clara gave birth to her and Jack's youngest child and daughter, name Emma Rose Garrett.
In late 2020 Clara's brother Brad died in the line of duty and she went on a 2-year bureau sabbatical to clear her head but stayed in touch with her family and kept them updated on her location. The following year Emma joined the FBI's Junior Special Agent Program and later decided that she would join would be the IRT and follow her parents foot steps. Through the program, she met Lisa Garcia a Filipino-American girl who would later be her partner in the field. In 2022 Clara rejoined the team after their case in Thailand where she just so happens to be at the time.
Now it's been almost a year since Clara's return and almost 25 years of hiding the fact that they're married. Ryan is now an FBI agent Jack jr. is in the Marines, the twins are finishing college, and RJ and Emma are starting Junior High. But after this year's events, how will Jack and Clara keep everything a secret from the team now? Questions will spark that sooner or later they need to answer. How will their lives change in the aftermath of a disaster that affects more families than just the Garrett family?
A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed the story. I don't know when I'll be able to update this story since the school year just started last month where I live, so it's still unclear to me when I'll be able to update it.
A/n2 : When Emma joined the IRT she used the surname Rubirosa which is Clara's true maiden name (a one shot about that will hopefully be uploaded soon) and to also distinguish her from her Jack.
A/n3: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7359148/1/29-Years - this is the link to the fanfic "29 Years" where I got the inspiration for this fic/chapter came from
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mangoshorthand · 1 month
Five Hargreeves Meagalist
I've realised I need to rejig my pinned post, so here we are. Hello, I write aged-up Five Hargreeves smut. Sometimes also not smut. But mostly smut. This is a compendium of my work.
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Request status: Closed
One + Twoshots
Not Smut (G-M rated)
Tickle War | Five Hargreeves / GN Reader (Fluff)- Words: 1.5k
Dickhead Sugar Daddy | Five Hargreeves / GN Reader (Angst/Fluff)- Words 2.8k
Two Old Men | Five Hargreeves / GN Reader (Fluff)- Words 3.3k
No Blinking! | Five Hargreeves & 3 y/o daughter (Fluff) Words: 3k
Twelve Feet Away From the Mistletoe Part 1, Part 2 | Five Hargreeves / F Reader (Fluff, angst) Total words: 5.8k
Senseless | Five Hargreeves/ GN Reader 1.3k words, Rated T/M (Angst + steamy)
Strings Attached | Five Hargreeves / F Reader (Steamy angst)- Words: 4.8k
Smut (E rated/18+)
NSFW Alphabet | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader - Words: 2.4k
Two Items of Business | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader/ FReader- Words: 2.1k (kind of a crackfic. Not my best.)
Goddamn Darling | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words: 2.1k
If Tonight Were our Last | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words: 2.4k (mild smut, probably between M+E ratings)
Boy Wonder | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words: 2.7k
Lucky Fucking Pillow | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words: 3k
In Your Hands | Five Hargreeves / GN Reader - Words: 3.1k
The Birthday Boy | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words: 3.8k
Your Desperate Man | Five Hargreeves/ GN Reader- Words 2.8k
Venus and Cupid | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words 4k (inc. fluff, romance, hurt/comfort)
The Birthday Girl | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader- Words 2.8k
The Pandas and the Conservationist Part 1, Part 2 | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader - Words 11.8k.
My Kind of Deli | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader - Words 8k.
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Series + Multichapter fics (best read on AO3)
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Hard Feelings (E rated/18+) : 6 parts
You're Five's latest assassination target, but things don't go to plan and now he wants you as his fuckbuddy. What starts as a casual relationship soon comes to mean everything to him, but what can Five bring to a relationship? After 45 years alone, (or almost alone), how do you rebuild your understanding of partnership? Five has to listen, learn and face the future as well as his past. READ ON AO3 READ ON TUMBLR
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The Neurosis of Five Hargreeves (M/E rated): 2 Parts
Covering Five's readjustment to society post season 3. This series uses prose, monologues, transcripts, and case notes to explore Five's mental health demons, delusions, and recovery from decades of apocalypse trauma.
Not canon compliant. In this household, season 4 never happened.
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The Moth and The Spider (E Rated): Please heed tags.
Maybe it was the booze, maybe it was the fear, or maybe some sick, twisted part of him was titillated. Even looking back, he never knew. In the dark of nights years in the future, he couldn’t help linking how it turned out to this one mistake. Perhaps if he’d fought her just a little longer, it might never have turned into what it did- perhaps it would never have gone beyond that first night. In fact, it seemed likely: that’s how he knew it was all his fault really.
The Handler knows Five will be a difficult agent to control, but she also knows how to exploit his weaknesses.
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Usually based on Tumblr asks:
SFW headcanons because I am capable of them y'know
'Not like other girls' girls
Five hates himself
Five as the father of a son
S4 speculation
My dreams for Five in S4 (boy, was I disappointed)
Why Five's favourite word is "shit!"
What would Five look for in a partner?
Would Five be ok with not having kids?
A guide to flirting with Five
Five and Wordle
What did Five do in the apocalypse? (mention of masturbation- not graphic)
Five's enjoyment of murder
S/O stealing Five's jackets.
NSFW headcanons ah, safely back in my lane
NSFW alphabet
Five's relationship with the Handler (triggering content)
Five with a menstruating S/O (NSFW only because references sex)
Five + submissive pillow princess
Hargreeves brothers sharing sex tips
Five and flirtatious jokes (mild)
Mannequin banging: part 1 , part 2
Apocalypse sadwanks
Five eats pussy like a madman
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ditch-lily · 3 months
Devil's minion fic rec list!
these are just a few recs I was putting together for some friends. this list isn't exhaustive, it's just what I've clicked on and enjoyed so far. the tag is updating at lightning speed right now (bless you all) so there is absolutely a bunch of amazing fics I haven't read yet!
btw these are majority show canon. I haven't read the books. also I made categories that made sense to me, if they don't make sense to you don't worry about it just ignore them lol
Post season 2
Dubai penthouse immediately after (turning daniel)
hold me like water (christ, hold me like a knife) by sahwen (6.7k) the vulnerability of armand in this one is so intriguing. I really loved it
in the detail(s) by infinitevariety (6.7k) a favorite line so far ‘armand curled up like a dying spider’. that's exactly him right after louis leaves
The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning by trinityofone (1.9k) daniel gets turned, but with an added power
Post turning daniel
two truths and a liar by andrealyn (9.9k) daniel goes on a book press tour and armand turns up
what's it called when a young guy pays old men for their company by chaosandteo (1.3k) daniel's daughters find out he's a homewrecker 
Couch Surfers' Honor by tihsho (1.3k) two things in my head: 1. armand curled around daniel like a creature 2. the way daniel stops drinking to bitch at armand I'm shrieking 
During s2 (alternate canons)
how memory makes monsters into myth by blueskiddoo (5.9k)  alice is armand theory, wip but I'm BIG EYES over it. I love the set up so far
the spiral is unspooling by reedroad (60k) wip but pretty hefty already (60k!). the devils minion chapter incorporated into the past of the show, with daniel uncovering his memories of armand. very good read with lush world building. my fav thing in this is how daniel is written, and his daughters popping up in the fic. 
Past hijinks (post s2 canon)
you're sharp alright by LuckyDiceKirby (4.4k) mid 2000's daniel gets picked up by a weirdo at a bar :) it's a pattern
Post season 1 (before s2 came out)
outcast of all this night by gaypiratedivorce (37k) long and fun, armand follows daniel back to new york and stalks him while he writes this book. "Please don't tell me Louis dumped you and now you're fucking with my work to get back at him."
icarus' life has only just begun by andrealyn (15.9k) daniel gets de-aged (on purpose by armand) he wants to live a life with him from the beginning again 
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morning-star-joy · 1 year
a stranger's heart without a home masterlist
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Pairing: rivals to friends with benefits slowburn Joel x F!Reader, Post-Outbreak
Fic Summary: Sleeping with Joel Miller was supposed to be a one time thing. When the older brother of your closest friend showed up in Jackson, you hadn't expected him to stay more than a day. You'd both given into a brief moment of passion before he left, and that was the end of that. It didn't matter, you were never going to see him again. Then Joel returns a few months later, and screws up everything about the comforting life you had established in Jackson.
Fic Tags: One Night Stands, Rivals into Friends with Benefits, Emotional Slow Burn (really slow), Eventual Romance, Mutual Pining Idiots, Angst & Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family (lots of Tommy & Reader and Dina & Reader friendships), Long Chapters
Fic Warnings: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader around 30, Joel 56) Themes of Grief/PTSD/Depression with mentions of death (family members, both Reader and Joel) that can be heavy at times, Specific Warnings in each Chapter
Status: Complete
ao3 link
official art by @cynibuns
tribute edit by @dundienominee
moodboard/graphic by @planet-marz1
Reader fanart by @mydzygro-art
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chapter 1: I am not the only traveler
chapter 2: the holidays linger like bad perfume
chapter 3: do I wanna know if this feeling flows both ways (18+ Smut)
chapter 4: there it is again, that funny feeling
chapter 5: break the silence; damn the dark, damn the light
chapter 6: and I'll never see you again if I can help it (18+ Smut)
chapter 7: look at us, you and I, back at it again (18+ Smut)
chapter 8: maybe I don't quite know what to say, but I'm here in your doorway
chapter 9: I thought that you’d be here by now (18+ Smut)
chapter 10: can the killer in me tame the fire in you?
chapter 11: this slope is treacherous, this path is reckless (18+ Smut)
chapter 12: you take what you get, and you turn it into honesty
chapter 13: burned out flames should never reignite, but I thought you might take me home (18+ Smut)
chapter 14: he built a fire just to keep me warm
chapter 15: speak to me until your history’s no mystery to me
chapter 16: and it feels good to be known so well (18+ Smut)
chapter 17: baby, it's Halloween, and we can be anything (18+ Smut)
chapter 18: yes, I'll admit that I'm a fool for you (18+ Smut)
chapter 19: either I'm careless or I wanna get caught (18+ Smut)
chapter 20: with your boots beneath my bed; forever is the sweetest con (18+ Smut)
epilogue (18+ Smut)
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(listed in order of how they occur after the main fic)
morning after chapter 20
waking up to oral (18+ Smut)
painfully domestic (kisses to get their attention)
lingerie & breeding kink (18+ Smut)
(epilogue takes place here)
half-asleep, half-awake (Joel POV companion piece to main fic)
not much I need (nonsexual intimacy)
kissing scars
easy, plaid-shirt mornings (18+ Smut)
would it be enough if I could never give you peace? (Reader's anxiety)
a feeling so peculiar (seasonal depression)
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chapter 13 sneak peek (Jealous!Joel's POV Date Scene)
chapter 13 scene (Jealous!Joel Smut after Date 18+)
chapter 13 cut endings (Angst af)
chapter 14 sneak peek (Reflection Joel's POV)
chapter 15 sneak peek (Totally Casual Drinks Between Friends)
chapter 16 sneak peek (Dina and Ellie Plan)
chapter 17 sneak peek (The Dance)
chapter 18 sneak peek (Joel Pines for You)
chapter 18 secret scene (Tommy finally fucking figures it out)
chapter 19 sneak peek (Tommy and Reader)
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fic playlist
MC playlist
Taylor-coded MC playlist (for my fellow Swifties!)
Joel POV playlist
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cyjammy · 8 months
Vox and Alastor’s Dynamic is so FUN
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Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Episode 2 Spoilers ahead!
I have to talk about Vox and Alastor’s “rivalry”. I love how Alastor just couldn’t care less, he’s witty, he’s emotionless and that makes him all the more powerful.
Well, not emotionless since he does express outward disgust towards anything digital, but the fact he can keep himself composed because he knows he is the shit and that’s what makes him my absolute favorite.
That showed through in the pilot and the show didn’t fail to deliver. I love how he’s handled. Viv’s characterization is wonderful.
Most fics I have read with Alastor have shown him as vunerable despite the story never alluding to that and it’s such a breath of fresh air to have canon content of Alastor being his authentic self.
My god do I love a character that’s strong and not swayed by emotion, but they can be handled well too. I.E. VOX oh my god. Every fanon had him pegged down as the victim to Val’s wrath, but he’s the mastermind behind the scenes. A complete subversion of everyone’s expectations. And that’s for another post I’m about to go crazy on, but I digress.
Vox is a man up in his ivory electronic tower with villainous intentions, but he falls short because of emotion!
Handling Velvet’s demands to get Val together? A quick pep talk with himself and he’s got it.
Addressing unforeseen circumstances with concerned sinners? Easy.
But Alastor?
He sees RED. He let Valentino have it when he even thought about going on a rampage over a sinner under his thumb.
When it comes to Alastor, Vox goes on a hate campaign and makes a fool of himself.
Meanwhile, Alastor was minding his business, and Vox couldn’t deal with that.
So much so he causes a blackout in the Wrath ring!
Why? Because of his rejection sensitivity.
He is this all powerful overlord with companions in his rule and when he asks someone of similar station to become his equal he gets rejected.
It’s unheard of for him. He cannot fathom it.
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Because that makes Alastor a factor he cannot control.
Val says that Alastor “almost beat him”. Val may not have witnessed that fight and Vox spun it around to claim he came out on top.
But if he did, he definitely wouldn’t let Alastor get away.
Valentino and Vox have known each other for a long time, as shown in a photo in the background in the episode.
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So either this spat began before they had met and Vox lied or Valentino witnessed it. I'm excited to see which way that goes.
In terms of influence, Alastor seems to win that battle. Vox is in charge of electrical currents and anything in the digital space.
Alastor is so far removed from that Vox has no influence over him. He refuses to be involved with new technology.
But with Vox having an army of sinners under his wing through subliminal messaging, he had security and power.
With Alastor’s return he brings CHARISMA and he’s doing it SO FUCKING WELL.
This is not a battle, it’s a slaughter, and Alastor is WINNING. With television there are so many ways to captivate a viewer but with radio all the host has is their voice and personality. It all has to be shown in a medium that doesn’t have many options for uniqueness.
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Alastor defends himself with grace. He throws out compliments to his fellow overlords while still having it be a slight to the man who began the fight.
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It's night and day, but that's probably because Valentino and Velvet are tired of Vox's shit. I love this parallel so much!
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Vox needed to be the person he was with Valentino at all times if this is a battle he wants to win, but he’s so bitter he will never see that.
He’s stubborn and that’s his main flaw.
And I fucking love it.
Alastor knows what he’s thinking and how to avoid it.
Always a step ahead. And their duet showcases that perfectly.
Alastor uses his opponent’s power against them, seeing the slanderous TV campaign and immediately going on air.
He does that in the pilot as well and seeing that this has become a habit for him is so fun to see.
Alastor is not to be messed with and I feel like people decided to gloss over that. But it’s so in your face you cannot deny it.
Alastor is TERRIFYING with a chilling deposition that will give you nightmares if you dare cross him.
Give him the respect he fucking deserves.
And the music and the visuals of the song — A whole fucking masterpiece.
I’m in love with their dynamic so far and I can’t wait to see where it goes.
So far Vox is the obsessed fanatic that couldn’t handle rejection.
There has to be more than that.
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