#second giving blue a piggy back ride is so cute
film-in-my-soul · 9 months
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nothing goes over his head | 1,494 | fmo / @fmowrites
Summary: In which Bucky gets knocked out briefly during a mission, wakes up fine, and then spends a day enduring strange hints, clandestine looks, and cryptic texts from his friends. Steve will never let him live this one down.
It Had to be You | 2,194 | AustinB / @cornerficus
Summary: "Heya sailor." By the grace of god Steve comes up with an immediate reply. "Marine, actually." James huffs. Steve's not quite sure what to make of that, but then he leans his elbow on the bar next to Steve, so close that Steve can smell his cologne and see the flecks of blue in his grey eyes. "Buy me a drink?"
A Handful of Hopeful Words | 2,498 | Deisderium
Summary: Bucky keeps leaving Steve notes. Steve sure wishes he could read them.
From Russia With Null Points | 2,586 | neversaydie
Summary: In which Bucky reps Russia with his emotional gothic rock, and Steve reps Ireland with his upbeat pro-LGBT message of love. They meet backstage. Leather and glitter have never looked so good.
Save a Horse, Ride a Captain | 2,708 | galwednesday
Summary: Bucky tapped him on the shoulder, swaying back and forth a little as he waited for the man to turn around. “Hello,” he said, and then promptly forgot what else he was going to say, because this guy was fucking beautiful. “Wow. Good face.” Two of the guy’s friends, a man wearing a suit that fit so well it had to be bespoke and a man with a cute little gap between his front teeth, started cracking up. The petite redhead sitting next to them cocked her head to the side and pulled her phone out of her handbag. Beautiful Face just looked kind of pained, so Bucky redirected. He was a gentleman. He could take a hint. No hitting on beautiful guys who were uncomfortable with that sort of thing, no matter how lickable their jawlines were. “Hello,” he repeated, doing his best to mind his manners. “I’m very sorry to bother you. Can I have a piggy-back ride?”
Please see below for more recommendations!
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Have a cup of cheer | 3,099 | relenafanel / @relenafanel
Summary: When Natasha took the time to look you up and down, frown with her eyes like you were lacking in some way, and then said “Down Under Coffee on Thursday at 6 pm. He’ll be wearing a festive red sweater with a reindeer. Withhold judgement until you meet him” you went to Down Under Coffee for 6 on Thursday and you looked for someone in a reindeer sweater.
hungry like the wolf | 3,764 | wearing_tearing / @wearing-tearing
Summary: One second, Bucky is kneeling beside Steve. The next, he’s flat on his back on the floor with Steve on top of him, his body giving off heat like a furnace, with Steve unceremoniously nuzzling at his neck. “What the fuck?” Bucky whispers as he stares at Steve’s ceiling, body sprawled on the floor.
Simple | 4,043 | Ellessey
Summary: Steve's holding Bucky's drink out to him and he's looking at Bucky in that way he does. It makes Bucky want to cover his face. It makes him want to peek inside of himself and see if he can actually spot the butterflies. "Here you go," Steve says. "Extra hot, so be careful, 'kay?" "Okay, thanks..." Bucky says. And then he has to swallow again, and his throat feels awfully tight but he practiced this last night and he can do this. He can. He opens his mouth again and adds, "Steve."
Ace Outside The Hole | 4,125 | attackofthezee (noxlunate) / @attackofthezee
Summary: “I don’t usually do this,” Steve says, leaning up to look at Bucky over the top of the table. “You mean scrambling around on your floor looking for your tinder hookups body jewelry isn’t your normal Friday night routine?” “No- I mean, I don’t normally do that either, but I don’t normally do this,” He says, waving a hand sort of vaguely between himself and Bucky, “and I’m sure everyone says they don’t, but I really, really, don’t.” It feels like an understatement, though it’s better than telling someone he’s had sex approximately 1 ½ times in the past 5 years because there’s been nobody he really wanted to do that with.
Steve Rogers Is (Not) A Good Influence | 4,181 | attackofthezee (noxlunate) / @attackofthezee
Summary: Steve’s left staring at the kid- Peter, his brain helpfully reminds him. The kid is staring back. “So, you’re, like, Captain America, huh?” Peter asks, and he looks a little starstruck but less so than he did when he’d stared at Tony Stark’s jet taking off. “Uh, yeah.” Steve says, staring hard at a spot just past the kid’s shoulder as he shoves his hands as deep as they can go into the pockets of his jeans. “Call me Steve.” “Cool.” Parker breathes, and Steve tries not to think about just how badly this is going to go.
Thursday Nights with Bucky Barnes | 4,662 | Ellessey
Summary: "You're… not Hal," Steve says when the stranger looks at him. He's probably close to twenty-five, the same as Steve. Tall and broad shouldered (not the same as Steve), with a head full of loose, dark brown curls. He's not wearing any kind of sweater, just a short sleeved t-shirt that seems significantly tighter than is necessary. If Steve's shirt were that tight his ribs would be visible. "Nope," the man says, leaning forward to rest one hand on the counter and hold the other out to Steve. "Bucky Barnes."
Never go to bed alone when you have a library card | 4,943 | relenafanel / @relenafanel
Summary: Tall, blond hottie (in a sweater) was back, staring at the wall of new and popular titles with a thoughtful expression on his face. He came in every Tuesday night like clockwork, read through the summaries on the back of a handful of books with his profile turned just enough towards the front entrance that Bucky could see the slope of his nose and take joy in watching those arm muscles minutely flex as he shifted the book in his grasp.
It's Like, The Tinder Of Cuddling | 5,508 | attackofthezee (noxlunate) / @attackofthezee
Summary: “Hi.” He says instead of ‘you are the most aesthetically pleasing human I’ve ever seen, please let me hold your hand.’ because that would be weird. Also he might possibly get to hold Bucky’s hand without having to say anything embarrassing, so y’know, he might as well just avoid that. “Glad to know you’re not a big burly serial killer hiding beneath the pictures of a Williamsburg hipster.” Is what Bucky apparently seems to think is a proper greeting. Steve’s weirdly charmed.
Something Beginning With… L | 5,840 | 74days
Summary: The telescope was just supposed to help him with the fine motor functions of his prosthetic - his (not that kind of doctor) Doctor had even suggested it. So when he looks through the scope and spies someone looking back at him... someone kinda cute... Well, it's not his fault if things escalate, right?
Aquired Taste | 6,446 | 74days
Summary: Steve Rogers isn't really quite sure what is going on, because one moment he's feeding Clint's dog a treat and the next the hottest guy he's ever seen is wiping blood from his mouth and accusing him of tasting bad.
Simple Braids for Single Dads | 6,464 | 74days
Summary: Steve needs help - his daughter Louise is being teased at school for her messy hair and he's completely clueless at how to do even the simplest of styles. Luckily, neighbour Natasha gives him a link to an online YouTube tutorial with the hottest dad on the planet...
It's A Kind Of Magic | 6,600 | attackofthezee (noxlunate) / @attackofthezee
Summary: Steve's a witch in need of a roommate, Bucky's the vampire who moves in... and starts giving him things? Featuring plants, gifts, and one (possibly demonic) cat.
You're a Peach | 6,615 | Deisderium
Summary: But before Steve can worry himself into a cinder or give himself an actual erection, the little dots appear again, and a moment later, a picture comes through, of Bucky standing proudly in front of a raised bed garden. Holding an eggplant. Steve wonders if it's possible to sink through the bed, the hotel floor, and into some dank hotel basement or laundry room where he can hide from the fact that Bucky, apparently, is still using emojis completely literally and he, Steve, is a fucking idiot.
Rescue Me and Hold Me In Your Arms | 6,793 | 74days
Summary: Bucky is on the worst date of his life, and what he really needs of for this waitress to get the message he's sending her with his mind to rescue him. She doesn't, but she does send someone to extract him from a night of torture...
a likely story | 6,990 | wearing_tearing / @wearing-tearing
Summary: Bucky blinks once, twice, three times. Then he pinches himself. “Ouch.” Steve snorts. “You’re not dreaming.” Bucky narrows his eyes at him. “You’re right. You wouldn’t be this much of an asshole if I was dreaming.”
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sad cat | 7,225 | wearing_tearing / @wearing-tearing
Summary: “Uh, hi? I’m here to volunteer at the Cat Loft?” Bucky almost brains himself when he pushes the back door open and hurries to the reception area, tripping over the new box of dog treats he hasn’t had the time to put away yet. “Hi,” Bucky breathes out, face flushing in embarrassment when Steve just blinks at him, confused.
Adventures in (sub)Contract Killing | 7,625 | obsessivereader / @yetanotherobsessivereader
Summary: killer1992: Looking to take out a hit on a guy. Easy job, no security to get around. 5k. Bucky looks around the cafe full of people, halfway convinced that the whole thing is a joke. But the only person who should have that email address is Nat, and even though that ridiculous username is exactly her kind of humor, she would never joke about something like this. He should delete the email, pretend he never saw it. But... Bucky: Are you fucking kidding me with this? Five grand? killer1992: I’m not kidding. It’s an in and out job. The guy won’t know what hit him, lives in an apartment with no security. You could do it with one eye closed. Bucky: So why don't you do it yourself? killer1992: Okay here's the thing Bucky's eyebrows shoot up. This should be interesting.
Hit The Ground Running | 7,777 | 74days
Summary: Steve's just walking home. At midnight. Alone and trying not to get mugged. The Zombie was unexpected.
A World That Makes Such Wonderful Things | 8,511 | attackofthezee (noxlunate) / @attackofthezee
Summary: “About that… This whole… gift thing? It’s you, uh, trying to date me? Right? That’s what that is?” Bucky asks and Steve can’t help it, the clench of his chest like maybe this is where Bucky politely declines, explains that he didn’t understand how this all works and he’d really rather not with Steve. “Courtship,” Steve confirms, nodding stubbornly instead of giving into the clenching in his chest and the swimming in his head. “Right. Okayyyy. Right,” Bucky says, and then he pauses for a moment, chewing on his lip in a way that’s definitely distracting but not quite distracting enough to erase the sudden feeling like a whole host of guppies has taken residence in Steve’s stomach. “On land we do that by going out on dates, y’know? You can pick me up at seven.” “Wait- what?” “I said pick me up at seven. I live above the shop, it shouldn’t exactly be hard to find.”
Cat Nap | 8,883 | galwednesday
Summary: Objectively, losing the Bucharest safehouse and its contents was the least of Bucky’s problems. The balding agent he’d seen directing the raid was apparently affiliated with SHIELD, which was a shadowy government agency that made representatives from other shadowy government agencies suddenly remember urgent appointments when Bucky tried to bribe, threaten, and otherwise shake them down for information on what the hell SHIELD might want with a former brainwashed assassin. Dodging SHIELD should be his number one priority. Subjectively, he wanted his fucking cat back.
It's Gettin Hot In Herre | 9,092 | 74days
Summary: Bucky Barnes is so over being hit on my every single Alpha in New York City, so when a friend gives him a number for CAP he jumps at the chance to get a fake Alpha boyfriend - and Steve Rogers might not be what he was expecting but he sure does the job - but one persistent Alpha doesn't seem to care...
Baseball and Inhalers | 9,465 | lillupon / @lillupon
Summary: Natasha misunderstands Bucky’s relationship with Steve, and now Bucky can’t stop thinking about it.
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Fantasmic! | 11,464 | mambo / @whtaft
Summary: It's Steve's second summer working at Disney World when he meets Prince Charming (aka: Bucky Barnes, college kid from Brooklyn whose ass looks absolutely devastating in his Prince Charming slacks) and maybe starts to feel a little Disney magic in his heart.
One Does Not Simply Walk Into JoAnn Fabrics (And other millennial lessons from The Winter Soldier) | 11,940 | attackofthezee (noxlunate) / @attackofthezee
Summary: What do you get when you mix one deprogrammed formerly brainwashed assassin who works at a craft store and occasionally saves the world on the side, and one chronically ill crafting youtuber who frequents his store? You get love, obviously. Though first you get some pining, some cat herding, and some teasing from your coworkers- both the super ones and the maybe possibly super on the side when they're not at the craft store with you ones.
The Road to Hell is Paved with Tony’s Good Intentions | 12,157 | lillupon / @lillupon
Summary: “You know what, Rogers? Fuck that guy,” Tony says. “I’m going to find you the perfect man.” And that’s how Steve ends up married to a 6-foot-something, 250-pound man with a cybernetic arm and a thousand yard stare.
My Big Fat Wolf Wedding | 12,509 | galwednesday & skellerbvvt & AggressiveWhenStartled & quietnight / @quietnighty & silentwalrus
Summary: “MARRIED?” “Basically married. Permanently engaged anyway. Weres have their own deal.” Natasha sounds much, much too gleeful about Steve’s rapidly expanding personal hell. “So you better wake your blushing bride and tell him the happy news: that it was an accident and you had no idea what you were doing.” “I,” Steve says, strangled. “I can’t do that!” “You can’t?” “He thought I was proposing! And he accepted!” “Wow, maybe he’s just as dumb as you are,” Natasha says thoughtfully. “I can’t just promise him a ring, take him home, drink from him three times in a row and then wake him up the next morning to say oops, just kidding!” Steve casts around, looking at his wreck of an apartment. “I don’t even have any good champagne!”
Every Tree That is Pleasant | 13,525 | spitandvinegar
Summary: “As near as we can figure,” Tony said, “we had two incredibly ridiculous things happen at once. The first was Cap and murderbot activated a device that was sort of the juiced-up remote version of the thing that they used to scramble Barnes' brains back in the day. The second is that Mad Madame Mim here panicked and tried to get the universe to move them out of the room, and instead accidentally sent them to outer space.” “To another dimension,” said Wanda, as if that was the point that made all the difference.
Eternal Flame | 14,388 | 74days
Summary: There's a bet at the Firehouse that Barton'll go for more than anyone else at the Charity Auction - and Bucky finds himself roped into the whole thing against his will. It's all fun and games until a mystery phone bidder pays waaaaay to much to get Bucky alone. He's gonna end up dead in an alleyway because of Barton and his stupid bet.
i have seen the sun shine without burning | 15,801 | bitelikefire (theoleo) / @deimoslunaa
Summary: It's an accident. Really, it is -- when Bucky’s baseball goes off target, and he watches in horror as it strikes the back of a blonde head. And he's broke as shit, okay? He can't afford health care for a concussion-- and races forward.
Beachin' | 16,126 | 74days
Summary: Steve's not too happy about his forced vacation - two weeks away from work at a secluded beach resort might be Sam's idea of bliss, but for Steve it's a nightmare. That is, of course, until the resorts personal trainer offers to give him one-on-one swimming lessons. Two weeks might not be long enough!
Are Your Paws Tired? (Because You've Been Running Through My Mind) | 16,499 | attackofthezee (noxlunate) / @attackofthezee
Summary: “You should tell me about yourself, since I’m apparently your soulmate and all,” Bucky says over the sound of clacking keys, “Where are you from? What’s your major? Any siblings? Or terrible mommy issues? Are any of the rumors about werewolves true? I’ve heard some interesting ones. These are all important to know if I’m supposed to be your destiny or whatever.” He says ‘interesting’ in a way that makes Steve blush and feel a little like he’s choking on air. “I- The rumors are- Well- We’ll get to those later.”
On a Pale Horse | 25,765 | leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)
Summary: Fast and fierce, the Horse Guard protect the Kingdom and its people, and they welcome anyone into their ranks-noble, commoner, or peasant-so long as they can ride a horse like they were born to it. Guard Barnes—Bucky—has come to the Kingdom's largest horse fair to find a new horse. He's supposed to choose from one of the approved horses; instead he finds himself buying a tall, skinny, angry stallion with the ridiculous name of Steve. Bucky can't leave him behind, but he's nothing like what Bucky's looking for and everything Bucky doesn't want. But Bucky's more right than even he knows because Steve's not a horse at all. He's a man under a curse, victim of a powerful sorcerer's temper and magic, and he's bound to never, by action or deed, reveal what he truly is. It's gonna be one hell of a ride.
Kiss the Cook | 28,230 | mambo / @whtaft
Summary: Former Top Chef contestant Steve Rogers opens a restaurant with his best friend, Sam Wilson. And everything is great, except for Steve's giant crush on their new bartender.
If Wishing Made It So | 29,656 | leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)
Summary: When HYDRA found the Tesseract they also found a genie in a bottle. Knowing a genie's wishes are a trap that will turn and bite you, they used the power of the Tesseract to enslave the genie. It cost them three wishes but it bought them an Asset with power greater than any human and for 70 years they used him to work HYDRA's will on the world. Until they lost him. His bottle washes up on a beach and he's found by a new Master, Steve Rogers. Steve, horrified at having absolute power over someone, has a very different approach to being in control of a genie. While Bucky waits for his new Master to show his true colours they're trying to work out how to live with each other. Bucky doesn't trust Steve, Steve's friends don't trust Bucky, and no one realises HYDRA has not let their Asset go so easily.
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spices-and-cherries · 4 years
SFW alphabet for James Bond
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As usual, I hope you guys enjoy this one! I have to say that I was more than a bit nervous about writing for James Bond just because of how hardcore the character is. He’s so different than either Benoit or Joe Bang that it’s a bit intimidating. So thank you to everyone who liked the last little headcanon I did for him!
Warnings: mentions of sexual activities and violence
A= Affectionate (How affectionate are they?)
Due to his job, he really does try to be as affectionate as possible to make up for the lost time. He always has an arm around you or is following you around like some lost puppy. It’s cute at first, but then he starts getting in your way just to be a pest. 
B= Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
It probably started like any other of James’ flings with the ever iconic ‘Bond Girls’, but there was something about you that clicked differently. Maybe it was the way you carried yourself, or how you handled things or your constant back-and-forth banter. If you ask James when he fell in love, he wouldn’t know - perhaps when he first set eyes on you?
C= Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He enjoys it from time to time, but he’d rather spend that time doing more rigorous activities if you catch my drift. That being said, he’s more willing to cuddle after an especially harrowing mission.
D= Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’d like to eventually. He moves from place to place so much that it’s like he can’t afford to slow down. 
While his cleaning is sub-par, his cooking is very good. Luckily, he’s tall enough that he can help you out when it’s time to dust or to grab things off of the upper shelves.
E= Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
You’d wake up and he’d just be gone. No note, no nothing. You’d probably figure that he was in a rush for a mission, but after a while, it didn’t seem like that anymore. You’ll eventually put two and two together.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’s married to his job, so thoughts of domesticity are more like post-retirement plans than anything else. If he were to propose, it would be absolutely out of the blue and completely unplanned on his part. 
G= Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Super gentle and understanding. He’s always very careful as so not to hurt you on accident. While you may not see it, others can tell from the look on James’ face when he’s around you that he would do anything just to see your smile. 
He can also be pretty sensitive when it comes to emotions - it comes with his training. He’s figured out the signs and tells and know just what to do to make you feel better. 
H= Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He won’t admit it, but he likes back hugs a lot. Regular hugs are fine, but back hugs? Ethereal. It feels nice to be a receiver, even if it’s as simple as a hug. 
I= I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He won’t say it for a long time. He understands the risks his job has, and while at this point he’s too far gone with you, he unconsciously sees the L-word as a promise that he can’t necessarily keep. 
J= Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Maybe not so much jealous as he is possessive. He finds that someone is getting too close for comfort, he’ll butt into the conversation with some witty remark that will likely embarrass them. Then, James will keep you at his side for the rest of the evening, refusing to let you out of his sight. 
K= Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Sometimes they’re slow and sensual and other times, hungry. Either way, things are going to escalate pretty quickly. The first time you gave him a kiss on the cheek he almost took you right then and there. In all honesty, he’s too horny for casual kisses of affection.
L= Little ones (How are they around children?)
He doesn’t have much interest in kids and they often find him intimidating. But if one daring one asks for a piggy-back ride the whole lot will be climbing all over him within seconds. He likes to joke that he feels more tired after being around kids than his missions combined. 
M= Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
Cuddles and sex.
N= Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Cuddles and sex.
O= Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
On the rare occasions that you have heart-to-heart talks, he’ll be somewhat more open about himself. He has so many walls up that he doesn’t even know that half of them exist. It’ll probably be after his retirement that he reveals everything (and even then, baby steps).
P= Patience (How easily angered are they?)
With you, he has all the patience in the world (unless you’re being a tease, in which case, watch out). 
Q= Quizzes (Who much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
His memory is impeccable in every way. He’ll know things about you that you may not even know of yourself. In your opinion one of the sweetest things he’s ever done was buy a couch that you said you liked months ago and personally carried it to your flat. 
R= Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Every single time he returns to you after a mission and sees the look of relief, love, and happiness on your face. 
S= Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Super protective and would rather be killed than to see you stub your toe twice on the same corner. Literally say goodbye to that coffee table, because it won’t be there the next day. He won’t let anything or anyone hurt you - if he can help it - and he will take every precaution to keep you out of enemy sight. 
T= Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
At first, while they were glamourous, you weren’t getting the feeling that the time you spent together was actually a date. Turns out, when it comes to serious relationships, James has little experience to go off of. It will take him a while to start to understand that going on a date doesn’t always have to be full of diamonds and champagne. 
U= Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His abysmal communication skills. He’ll just leave and you won’t know if it was to the grocery store or on a mission. You cannot count the amount of times you had leftovers due to him just disappearing. You did bring it up with him at one point, though, and he has tried to be better about it.
V= Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
Because of his years on the job, he’s grown to have a certain amount of appreciation for the finer things in life when he has a choice. Why settle for less when he can easily buy the suits he wants to? That aside, he thinks you’re amazing no matter what you wear. If it’s for a fancy dinner party, James will have some fun picking the perfect ensemble for the evening if you’ll let him.
W= Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
When he’s on the job, he can’t always afford to think about himself, but when his life is in serious danger, your face always flashes before him. On the rare occasions that he can take a breather, your missing presence becomes much more apparent. 
X= Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
If and when he can, James will bring back little souvenirs from the places he went during his mission. You now have an interesting assortment of little carved figures, shot glasses, and local candies (to name a few). He tries to get something different or unique every time. Once, someone broke the souvenir James had on him during a chase and sincerely regretted it moments after.
Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wants someone who can hold their own. He enjoys be able to protect you, but he would be more comfortable knowing that you can fight. James isn’t a big fan of blind followers or yes-men. Think for yourself and be yourself (and have an eye for fashion if you can).
Z= Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
He’s a light sleeper - another thing that comes with the job - and that doesn’t change when he’s around you. In fact, it just might be worse because he won’t know what will happen now that he’s with you. Of course, it’s not all that bad because it gives him the opportunity to memorize your features or gather evidence of your snoring. 
I have a couple more things planned for James Bond during the upcoming weekend and some more content for Joe Bang next week! Please feel free to send requests or comment! It’ll make my whole week! :)
- Simpy
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3rdgymbros · 5 years
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brothers x gender neutral! child! reader
in which the the newest exchange student to the devildom is a lot younger than expected . . .
inspired by this ask from @pridymcprideface​
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when you show up to the devildom as the newest exchange student, you’re understandably confused and scared, tears welling up in your eyes. everyone is also taken aback; they’d anticipated a much older student, and you’re a surprising, but not unwelcome sight. you’re immediately whisked off to the hall of lamentation, where you’ll be staying for the year.
you’re introduced to the rest of the brothers, and after interacting with them, you find yourself hoping that maybe the year won’t be so bad after all –
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───── ❝ lucifer ❞ ─────
he takes you along with him to student council meetings. diavolo enjoys having you around, and he will sneak you packets of snacks and cookies under the table. lucifer sighs, but lets it slide, claiming that you won’t be able to talk as much when you’re eating. privately, he finds the way your cheeks puff out when you eat cute.
you keep him company when he does his paperwork. a frown will mar your forehead as you pretend to do your own work; but you’re really just drawing on scraps of spare paper with your crayons.
you’ve fallen asleep in his lap more than once.
part of his office is now filled with your toys. plush animals, bricks, plastic figurines . . . you’re probably the most spoiled child in the devildom. lucifer can’t count the number of times he’s seen mammon trip over one of your block towers, but the sight never fails to make him snicker behind a gloved hand.
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───── ❝ mammon ❞ ─────
surprisingly, mammon’s actually competent with kids. he’s helped to raise his younger siblings, and he’s got centuries of experience under his belt.
have a scraped knee? he’s already whisking you off to the kitchen in search of the first-aid box. after bandaging your knee, and blowing on it like a stereotypical mom, you’re sent back out to do battle once more.
you have the great mammon wrapped around your little finger. you’re the only one he’s willing to spend money on; and that says a lot. all you have to do is present him with a quivering lower lip and wide, wet eyes, and you have him eating out of the palm of your hand.
you don’t abuse this. much.
mammon still hides behind you and uses you as a shield whenever lucifer so much as flares up.
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───── ❝ levi ❞ ─────
as fervently as he denies it, you steal his heart when you complement henry. levi leaves his room for a second to scuttle to the bathroom, and you’re curious as ever, peeking your head into the open door to see a room backlit with blue lights.
levi returns to find your face pressed to the glass of the aquarium, watching henry swim about. you immediately pepper him with questions, so many, that the poor boy is overwhelmed. he doesn’t have the heart to turn you down when you ask if you can come back tomorrow.
family-friendly anime marathons are common with him, but levi is always careful to keep to your imposed bedtime, personally bringing you back to your room whenever it gets too late.
the boy died the first time you fell asleep, curled up in his lap like a little cat.
whenever you hang out with levi, you bring juice boxes and snack packs in your little backpack of supplies, and his heart always melts when you offer to share them with him.
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───── ❝ satan ❞ ─────
satan is pretty much your personal tutor. he teaches you lessons about devildom history, and manages to dumb the information down enough that you can understand them. wonder of wonders, you’re even engaged, hanging on his every word with wide eyes, always eager for more.
you’re probably one of the few people who can successfully calm him down. his eyes can be glowing with bright green flames, he can be out for blood in his demon form, but you’ll tug on the hem of his shirt and reach up to hold his hand, and he’ll calm down instantly.
the brothers all come to tuck you in at night, but you like it best when it’s satan’s turn. you’ll pick out a book from his room, and he’ll read to you until you fall asleep. he’ll change his voice to match the characters in the book, and he can’t bring himself to turn down your sleepy request for ‘just one more story, please!’ as you stare up at him with lidded eyes.
satan also may or may not have found a new use for his cat toys; by using them to entertain you.
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───── ❝ asmo ❞ ─────
in the time since you’ve known asmo, your wardrobe has more than doubled. he always brings you along on his shopping trips, and the two of you always end up returning home weighed down with numerous shopping bags.
you also ended up buying your favourite stuffed animal during one of your shopping trips with asmo.
asmo finds child-sized clothing absolutely adorable. whatever outfit he buys, he’ll make sure to find something matching for you as well, so that the two of you can have coordinated outfits when you head out together.
he’ll also take you for spa days. you know those packages where kids can be pampered alongside with their parents? he’ll purchase one of those and spend the whole day with you, getting makeovers and getting pampered from head to toe.
asmo is also more than happy to come to your imaginary tea parties. he’ll pull out his best outfit and treats you like a princess the entire afternoon as he sips from a plastic teacup. beel can be expected to make an appearance if you bring real sweets to the tea party.
asmo is very touchy-feely with you. not that you mind. you’re more than happy to be picked up for a cuddle and a kiss to the cheek, and you always come running up to him with a pout if he’s forgotten to give you your daily dose of love.
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───── ❝ beel ❞ ─────
best big brother ever.
beel gives the best piggy-back rides. perched atop his shoulders, it feels as though you’re flying, and you can see the whole world down below. you laugh and laugh, but you’re never afraid of falling, because beel will always keep you safe.
his hugs are the best. he just radiates warmth, and it’s like hugging your very own teddy bear.
you’ve got him wrapped around your finger as well.
he’s the most likely to sneak you food before dinner. he knows what it’s like to be hungry, and he doesn’t want to see you hungry. so it’s with a finger pressed to his lips that he secretly passes you a bit of biscuit, or a chocolate bar to tide you over until it’s time to eat.
going out for food with beel is common as well. he’ll bring you to all his favourite restaurants, and if the two of you can’t decide what to eat, you’ll end up ordering half the menu, and sharing whatever you order. the food always tastes yummier this way.
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───── ❝ belphie ❞ ─────
nap times are reserved solely for the avatar of sloth. predictably, his favourite activity to do with you is napping. you don’t complain on the days that the brothers have worn you out. you’ll retreat to his bedroom and curl up with him on his bed, snoozing until it’s time for dinner.
you’re also fairly mischievous; whenever belphie ignores your pleas to play in favour of catching ten more minutes of shut-eye, you’ll find asmo’s makeup kit and practice your makeup skills on his face.
if you ever get nightmares, your go-to person is belphie. his bedroom walls are plastered with glow-in-the-dark decals, and he always seems to instantly rouse to wakefulness when you wake him with a tremor in your voice. he’ll lift you onto his bed and wrap you under mounds of blankets, until you’re swimming in fabric. he’ll pat at your head and hum mindlessly until you fall asleep again. the nightmares never bother you when you’re curled up with belphie.
another of his favourite activities to do with you would be to take you to the planetarium to star gaze. he’ll spread out a blanket, along with a hellfire-baked chocolate cake that he’s stolen from the kitchen, and the two of you will spend a quiet evening watching the stars. you’ll have naming competitions as well; whoever comes up with the more ridiculous names and stories is the winner.
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vintage-writes · 4 years
Six Shots Later Tomura Shigaraki x Reader
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Word Count: 1 728
Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki
Summary: The League of Villains decide to go bar hopping one night and Shigaraki boasts about his impressive tolerance. Impressive indeed, six shots later and he is literally barely able to function. It is now Y/N’s job to see him home safely.
Warnings: None, It’s all fluff. He’s literally an angel. 
The dingy hallway stretched forward in a rather bleak manner. The air feels musty. The lighting is terrible. Most bulbs have burnt out already while others flicker insistently. The paint is peeling off the walls and the distinct smell of urine wafted in the air. The apartment building is absolutely disgusting but funds were low and it is rather inconspicuous. The heroes most probably won’t have the stomachs to search the building or will assume the League of Villains would have more class. Whatever the case, this disgusting sack of bricks is the current residence of the most feared villains in Japan, and it’s ironically fitting. The upside to a building this disgusting is that there are barely any other tenants, and the few who remain in the building tend to mind their own business. Which is exactly what you need right now.
“Move Faster!” shouts Tomura Shigaraki, the head of the League of Villains.
“ ‘I don’t get drunk easily’, he says", You mutter under your breath. Yes, clearly Shiggy has the amazing tolerance he so desperately claims he has. Six shots later and he’s stumbling around the street yelling Christmas carols at random passers-by and claiming that they have no Christmas spirit. He then proceeded to wave using his father’s hand, which effectively created a lot of chaos. You are praying to God that no one who saw thought calling a hero was necessary.
Shiggy moves around trying to get more comfortable on your back. Of course, being the girlfriend, you now have to lug him back to his room while everyone else moves on to the next bar. You can now cross, giving a Villain a piggy-back ride, off your bucket list. Shiggy shifts again and yells out more words. You have no idea what he’s saying.
You finally see the door leading into your shared apartment, you adjust him on your back as he flops forward causing you to stumble into the door.
“Babe?” You ask.
No response. Maybe he knocked himself out. 
After fishing around for the key you’re able to get into the apartment, lock the door and enter your room. You shift Shigaraki onto the bed and he flops onto his back. You can’t help but give a quiet chuckle at his starfish shape. Cotton Candy hair framing his peaceful face. The bags under his eyes are still prominent and yet he appears to be comfortable. The air in the room is peaceful, a rare moment for the villain haunted by his nightmares. His chest rises and falls steadily and his eyelids flutter slightly. 
You leave quickly to fetch a wet towel and upon return you see that he is sitting up. He sways slightly on the bed. His clothes are ruffled and his hair sticks up slightly. His eyes are barely staying open as he rubs at them like a child. The soft expression on his face doesn’t quite surprise you, over the past few months he has slowly but surely opened up to you. His soft nature is often overlooked due to his criminal persona, but it’s always there. Tomura never yells at his comrades, always treats them nicely, and remembers small things about them. A memory pushes its way to the surface of your mind. Three weeks ago, Tomura ordered food for all of you while you were out on a job. It was only him at the warehouse and when you got back you were starving. You fully expected him to just order a few pizzas but what awaited you was a variety of your favourite dishes. Not a single person said it out loud, but you felt it. You all came to a silent agreement. This man is an Angel and you would remain loyal until the end.
If the world could see the Tomura that you see, they would understand. You see it, even now, how delicate he looks lying on the bed. You could blame it on the alcohol for stripping away most of his walls, but this person in front of you doesn’t want to harm anyone, he is vulnerable. You take a tentative step forward and lean down in front of him. Crimson eyes study you gently with vague recognition. You take your cloth and gently wipe across his eyes. 
His nose.
His cheeks. 
His Jaw. 
You pause and breathe in slowly. Strong alcohol permeates the air around him. His clothes also look uncomfortable. Although the material looks soft, it is rather thick. Possibly too warm for the night air. In the past few weeks, you have crossed a lot of boundaries ,respectfully, in this room and on this bed. Surely, he wouldn’t mind losing a few layers of clothing for a short while. 
You move to grab another shirt from the cupboard before settling in front of him again. You blush as it occurs to you that your are Kneeling directly in front of him.
No No No. He’s drunk, pull yourself together!!
You clear your throat. 
“Just Breathe”, you remind yourself. You reach for the corner of his shirt and tug gently.
“Tomura? Hey Baby, I need you to let me take off your shirt.”, You say as you tug again.
He throws his back and lets out a weird whine. You freeze and immediately let go. Crimson eyes stare at you again, however this time, it is not gentle. His expression has completely darkened. You lean away from him and watch as he holds up both hands.
“I..”, he says, but doesn’t finish his sentence. His mouth gaping open and closed like a fish.
You hum gently and watch carefully as his words fail him. He looks like a small child about to throw a tantrum. His face twists as his mouth struggles to form words. Weird huffing noises escape him. For a second, you wonder if he might actually lose his cool and yell at you. Perhaps, you overstepped?
“I Have a GIRLFRIEND!!”, He shouts suddenly. The word Girlfriend is drawn out slowly as if he were talking to a child. You freeze before your lips move on their own. A smile has officially wormed its way onto your lips. You swallow hard.
Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Even though he is so cute right now. His lips have morphed into a pout. His childlike expression throws you off guard. Your breath catches and his eyes scrunch. How can someone with so many crimes be so adorable? How is he so beautiful? Red eyes glow in front of you, completely incandescent. This villain may kill you by looks alone. You look away feeling flushed.
“Baby, I am your girlfriend.”, You offer gently, “It’s me, Y/N”
“I’m here”
His eyes light up slightly, his expression calm once again. Until his eyes narrow at you. He’s studying you, you can feel his gaze searing into your skin as he analyses every nook and cranny of your body. His eyes seem half satisfied before he blurts out.
“You’re also very pretty. My princess is so beautiful. She’s stunning. She’s my light. I like the light.”, he babbles. His voice is surprisingly smooth. Your heart leaps forward. He’s going to be the end of you. You suddenly feel the need to hold him. To hear his heartbeat and to feel his breath against your ear while he whispers gently, the sweet sayings that can comfort you in any tragedy. His warmth, that glows strongly in someone that the world has cast away. You reach forward to grab him again but he jerks away again.
He whines again. His hands ball into fists as he raises them. His eyes are wide open. His mouth tilted into a frown. 
“I don’t want you to die.”, he admits softly. 
“You’re not going to hurt me.”
You reach forward again, this time your aim is directed to his jacket but he evades again. He appears more desperate now. His hands are even higher, as they wave around.
“Baby, please trust me.”, you say gently as if talking to a wild animal ready to bolt. He tilts his head and looks at you again. His face blanks. Void of any emotions, his face tilts in the other direction. He huffs out a breath before allowing the faintest smile to grace his chapped lips.
“Ok Y/N, I trust you.” he relents and lowers his arms slightly. The initial wariness has not left him though. You reach again for his jacket and extract his gloves. You gently raise your hand and curl your fingers around his left wrist. You whisper some words of encouragement and slip his glove on. You then reach again for his right wrist and slip that glove onto his other hand. He wiggles his fingers within the gloves.
You burst out laughing at his innocent action. His fingers wobbling about as his face shapes into the brightest smile. It overtakes the room and any uneasiness fades away. He too lets out a low chuckle and throws his head back. It’s surprisingly soft. He leans forward unsteadily and looks you dead in the eye. His right hand lifts ever so gently before running a gloved finger over your head and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He smiles again, this time, it feels softer, more intimate. His eyes have drilled their way into your soul. The glow of fireflies entrap you into his world.
“Now I can’t hurt you.”, his voice flutters against your ear. His breath is hot. Heat spreads across your face and your tiny voice of reasoning begins to soften ever so slightly. He pulls back slightly and your eyes immediately lock onto his lips. Chapped ever so slightly but full and soft nonetheless. 
Shiggy’s head sways forward, forehead resting against your own. Powder blue hair curtains around us. His breath fans against your face, fluttering against your lips. Mouth only inches from my own. Your lips part. You’re ready. Heart Beating. Head pounding. Blood rushing.
“Goodnight Love”, he whispers, before turning away.
He flops onto the bed. Head first and still shirtless. 
Are you kidding right now? He proceeds to bury his nose into the cushions and before you know it, he’s fast asleep. 
Did he just?
Sure whatever.
You climb onto your feet and hop onto the bed next to him. It’s fine, You’ll get him in the morning.
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2ynjns · 4 years
when their fem!friend turns into a 5-year-old || tomorrow x together
scenario: you turned 18 years old a few months after huening kai did and one day you woke up into your five year old self. having to live alone away from your family, you didn’t know what to do so you decided to call your best friends and told them to come to your place as soon as possible.
as soon as he arrives at your place, he is shocked
but lord knows how this man loves kids
“no mf! it’s me! y/n! in my 5 year old self”
he would NOT question how why what where and when
he’s just be like “AWWEEEE Y/NNNNN SO CUTE” and hugs you
would take care of you
he’s going to *try* to help you go back to your normal form
but he’s lowkey praying inside that you’d stay as your 5 year old form
you’d be like >:(( HELP ME PLEASE
and he’d just be like cooing at you
“aweee little baby” “don’t be upset! you’re cuter this way.”
and you’d be like (- _ -)
eventually you would give up asking for his help
so you’d just sit on the couch alone pouting with crossed arms
he’d giggle at the sight and take a picture of you and would send it to the other boys
but he’d cook food for you so you won’t be upset anymore
“do you want some ramen?” and you would be nodding furiously
you’re one hungry babie
then after he cooks you would try sitting on the dining chair but it’s too high
so he’d giggle EVEN MORE and help you up
he would carry you everywhere with any way possible
he’d carry you like a sack, or like a newborn, or like a toddler
he’d most likely follow you around to watch you, like a kid, well technically you are
he would also hold your hands everywhere you go
“jjun, it’s still me, just even smaller.”
“well i still need to follow you around, what if you need help? what if you hurt yourself? look at you and your tiny self.” and he’s gonna shake his head
you took a nap with him on the couch, your tiny form laying on top of him like a baby
then you woke up and you realize you’re at your big form again
BUUUT yeonjun, instead, is in his 5 year old form
mans is whipped as hell
without question, he’d know that small child inside your house alone is you
he wouldn’t even question if you were another kid or what, he just knows it’s you
not to help you, but to tell you how adorable you looked
he would dress you up and do your hair
he’d treat you like a literal kid
he would dare to help you because he’s enjoying taking care of you
chile- you’d look like his kid no cap
he’d quickly go to the store to buy a cute dress and cute hair accessories
then he’d dress you up and put clips on your hair
“do you also want toys? i’ll get you some.”
you were like “well if you help me get back to my old form, i’d very much appreciate it.”
“uuhmmm… no.”
he would be forgetting your actual form and you’re mentally 18 years old
so when he makes you shit on his lap and play with you like a kid, you’d be like “bro i’m 18”
he’d stop working and stare at you
error 101
“oh yeah huh.”
he loves playing with your hair
treats you like his daughter
just like with yeonjun, you would give up and just let him do whatever he wants to do with you
he would brush your hair and tie it into two pigtails and put two big bows
soobin your hidden infantilization kink is showing LMAO
anyway, you’d need cuddles
so he’s be sitting on your couch and you’d be sitting on his lap, facing him and your face against his chest
rubbing your back and tapping your buttocks like a kid
you’d fall asleep, snoring lightly
few hours later you’d be waking up on the floor, in your normal self
you got up happy
and once you saw a small body laying on your couch, you’re like
(O . O)
this mf
as soon as you explain to him that you transformed into your younger self….
would make fun of you
and laugh at you
you’d cry, you really didn’t want to make fun off most especially you’re way smaller now and you can’t hit him
so he’d stop and say sorry
he wouldn’t help you either
not because he doesn’t want to, he just don’t know how to
so instead, he’d take you out on an amusement park
and he’d make you have fun in your little self
“do you wanna ride the carousel?”
you’d look at him weirdly while you waddle away from him
“sure i guess.”
you got in the ride and chose the light blue horse
but guess what, because you’re tiny you can’t get on the horse
so he’ll carry you up
and poke fun of you again
“aigoo wittle y/n is even wittle”
then he’d crack a laugh
you’d get upset and pout, then you’d look away
throughout the whole ride you would be looking away from him
not paying attention on what he’s babbling
once you leave the ride he’s kneel in front of you
“did i make you upset? awe i’m sorry” :(
then he’d pat your head
and hug you
you’ll be hugging him back, wrapping your arms around his neck
then, he’d just carry you, legit
and next stop is the ice cream stall
still carrying you
“why did you carry me?” “you walk slow,” you’d roll your eyes
the worker would coo at you and beomgyu
“awee your sister is so cute! here you can have this strawberry ice cream for free!”
then eat it in one bite, “beomgyu, i want more”
the worker is like o.O how??
anyway you got your second ice cream
at the end of the day, beomgyu slept with you in your bedroom. he’s cuddling you as if he’s protecting you from the monsters.
the next morning you felt small hands wrapped around your waist
so you opened your eyes and looked down
“omo. gyu wake up! i’m big now and you’re the small one!”
taehyun taehyun tsk tsk
he’s the most rational one
at first he wouldn’t be convinced that it’s you, that you’re the kid
so he’d search for big y/n inside your place
to find out there’s no big y/n around and realizes that the small y/n is the big y/n in the small y/n form
if that makes sense
he’d sit on the couch, then he’d also sit you on the couch
examine you from head to toe
then he’d just smile widely and lift your small feet
“hehehe so smol”
You: >:(((
he’d pull your hair playfully to annoy you because this man is secretly whipped for you
he just keep on denying it
he’d also take a lot of pictures and videos of you
mostly to keep it and blackmail you with it
he’s the only person who’s gonna try to help you go back to your normal form
although he doesn’t want to, he’d still help you
“how did you turn like... this small?”
you blinked and sipped the chocolate milk that he gave you
“i woke up like this.”
(-_-) “y/n you’re not beyonce”
>>:((( “i’m not lying! i literally woke up and i’m 5 instead of 18!” you fought
you crossed your arms which made you spill the chocolate milk on your shorts
*shakes head*
he’d try to look for clothes in your closet that would fit your small body
but no clothes meh meh
he’d quickly run to the nearest store and get you the cuTEST jumper set and headband
he just found it cute, d w he doesn’t have a bad dollification/infantilization kink unlike soob
he’d also grab some tteokbokki on the way
lowkey worried if you were doing okay alone at your place
but like even though you’re mentally 18, you’re still physically 5 so for some reason he thinks you’re lowkey incapable not in a bad way tho
my god you would devour the tteokbokki
“jeez, don’t eat like a kid.” and wiped your mouth
you sitting in the chair with stacks of pillow to boost you up, also waddling your feet since it doesn’t reach the ground
“technically, i AM a kid.” *munches on tteokbokki*
while you’re bored on the floor, laying on your stomach, taehyun is just on his phone
you had no idea but he’s quietly searching about your situation
you suddenly fell asleep
he heard your snores
he cooed and guess what
more videos!
he also fell asleep on the floor, both of you laying on your stomach and facing each other
around midnight you felt a sudden urge to drink water
so you opened your eyes
huening kai
this loud mf will scream once he steps inside your place to see a child sitting on the floor holding your phone
“shut up! i’m y/n! get your butt over here and help me!”
he was lowkey scared to be near you
but he’s be sniffing you, lifting your arms and legs
then he’d giggle
“heh you’re cute.”
he’d take you to his dorm actually
although all the boys are there cooing at you and babying you, you’re just in kai’s room mostly
he’d give you all his plushies
compare your size with his plushies’ sizes
then he’d giggling some more
once you felt a little tired you laid in his bed with arms open looking up in the ceiling
“being a kid is boring.”
next think you know he’s rubbing your belly
okay but you know how kid’s bellies are usually rounded and not flat?
that’s why kai loves to rub your belly
he’d give you piggy back rides
don’t really know how to baby you because he’s a baby himself
but he understand your baby nature
babies unite!!!
he’d let you braid his hair or tie it
you’d be sitting in the couch and him on the floor while you put random clips on his hair
then the other boys would videotape it
“look at both of our babies… aigooooo!” -txt
would make cupcakes together
your little self would just be passing the ingredients to him while he does all the work
but hey it’s still teamwork yk
after both of you would be high of sugar
very very energetic
also is obsessed with your laughs
the pitch is higher and cuter
so he’d purposely make you laugh
and he’d be clapping bc of how adorable you are
would ask the older boys to order you food just for you too
“c’mon hyung, little y/n is hungry”
“just tell us that YOU are hungry”
still ends up ordering a lot of food
you’re slurping the jjajangmyeon and he’s be hella ready to wipe your mouth for you
would also clip your hair back
but he’d accidentally pinch your scalp instead
“kai, that hurts!”
“eeehhh sorry :””(“
after eating all the food
you’d be knock out on his bed
then him next to you
both of yall cuddling a plushie each
he wakes up first tho
“y/n wake up! you’re normal!”
you opened your eyes to see a 5 year old kai
“am i dreaming or you’re 5?”
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Romanced companions reacting to Sole sneakily jumping on their backs for a piggy back ride?
(Enjoy! Thank you for your patience 😘)
“Hey there! If ya wanted a ride you could’ve just asked..heh”
As if by instinct, she bent and hooked her strong hands under your thighs. With a laugh she’d start walking, looking over her shoulder to coax you to kiss her cheek. Consider it payment. She thought it was kind of funny actually, but you better expect that she’ll repay you when you least expect it.
“Oh! Goodness, are you..are you hurt, my love?”
In hindsight, it likely wasn’t the best idea to hop on top of your petite synth girlfriend. For starters, she didn’t even know what to do. The second you made impact, she squealed in surprise- raising her hands up in the air in surrender from her unseen assailant. Once she heard your body drop and the pain groaned that followed, she spun around with enough force to make her crisp lab coat swirl.
Putting her hands on her face, she’d gasp- spewing her apologies and desperately trying to help you up.
“Woah!..you know, if you’d let me equip my power armour I could give you a ride on my shoulders...eh, never mind that. Hold on.”
Even though he was considerably surprised, he practically “squees” when presented with an opportunity to show off his strength in front of you.
As such, he’d gather his bearings and lift off from his kneeling position- giving you a ride with a smug grin lacing his stubble ridden face. However...even if you didn’t necessarily react to the power armour proposition, he’ll surprise you by following through when you least expect it.
“Okay fine, but I get a turn too!”
Honestly, you didn’t surprise him. He knew you were coming just by the sounds of your footfalls. It’s hard to get the jump on a spy.
Either way, he smiled wide and somehow perfectly caught you. He’d then proceed to parade you around the dusty corridors of HQ before abruptly stopping and playfully demanding you repay him for his “transportation services”.
“Is this going to become a thing boss? I’m up for it, just give me a heads up before you jump on.”
Thankfully he was able to suppress the outward expression of his reaction to you startling him. So instead of screaming like a little girl, he just merely jumped. However he didn’t allow you to fall, grabbing handfuls of your thighs before urging you to wrap your arms around his neck.
Despite what you might’ve expected, he was more than happy to give you a ride.
“Where to? Wanna maybe go pay Kleo a visit? Your wish is my command.”
He might have a slightly smaller form but somehow he was able to support you effortlessly, with a grin as a matter of fact. He’d be pretty enthusiastic about it, thinking the gesture to be silly and lighthearted while also sending the message to any onlookers that you and him were a pair. As such, he’d be more than happy to parade you around Goodneighbor.
“You’re heavier than the ones I usually end up giving piggy back rides to. Wait- shi....shoot, that’s not what I meant! I-I meant Duncan and Shaun..sorry.”
At first he was perfectly fine carrying you around....aaaaand then he just had to open up that treacherous mouth of his. After he made the comment he turned blood red, looking over his shoulder only to see you laughing at him. He may have made an ass of himself, but he would make up for it by being sure to give you an extra long ride.
“Good to see your usage of power armour hasn’t done anything to hinder your mastery of stealth.”
Thanks to his strict training regiment, he has no problem holding you effortlessly! He even comes out of the “professional elder bravado” and shows that cute boyish grin you loved so much as he carts you around the old airport with ease.
“Don’t think I even need to turn around to know who you are, heh, hello darling. Just let me go tell Ellie to hold the fort and I’ll give you a ride.”
True to his word, he’d walk right up to his sweet secretary and notify her that the two of you were going to preoccupied before bending down and beckoning you to hold right on. It probably was one the weirdest things the residents of Diamond City ever seen but..you didn’t care.
Old Longfellow:
“A little heads up would’ve been nice, these old bones can’t take it.....im just messing with you! You should’ve seen the look on your face!”
Horror flooded your veins when you heard him “cry” in pain. He..he was old but..you’ve seen him break handcuffs?? Surely he wasn’t so feeble righ-
Before your mind could race anymore he started laughing, hoisting you up with almost no effort and proceeding to give you ride.
“Gosh blue! That’s one way to ask..”
She’d pretend to be exasperated, groaning and “struggling” to hold you before just rolling her eyes when you pressed a kiss to her cheek for motivation. Afterwards she’d still have pretend to have a little trouble, but nonetheless she’d give you a ride. Beware, she’ll get you back.
“Babe, what a surprise! Heh, I’ll be happy to give you a ride *wink*.”
Even though the objective was to make him flustered, the tables turned on you before you knew what was even happening. Of course, Preston being Preston, he acted innocent after his clearly not so innocent comment- a big smile on his face as he carried you around the perimeter of The Castle.
“Hey sugar, couldn’t wait until I finish tightening up this bolt? No worries, I can always make time for you.”
He’d just laugh, wiping the dark grease stain off his forehead before standing up with you secured safely in his grasp. He didn’t expect it, so yes, he was surprised..but like he said, he can make time for whatever shenanigans you might have in store with a smile on his face.
“Was that an attack attempt, sir/ma’am? I’m just kidding, of course.”
Upon “landing”, he was rigid. Like your body hitting him did nothing to even move him. Thank goodness he put his hands in just the right place so you didn’t fall. After teasing you, he’d end up surprising you by simply refusing to put you down as he continued along his merry way.
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agerefandom · 4 years
Quiet Days
Fandom: Marvel/Avengers/MCU
Characters: Natasha Romanov & regressor!reader
Words: 850
Content Warnings: cglre terms (Mama Tasha), a little moment of tears, but it’s just a sweet little scene of a story!
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There’s only one thought in your head when you wake up. It’s quiet day.
You don’t get to be quiet very often, because Mama’s always away. So you work and you work and you’re a good big person and you make yourself dinner and you’re so very tired.
But today that doesn’t matter. Today you get to be yourself, free and taken care of. Today is the day that you’re quiet.
You get out of bed and snag one of your favourite stuffed animals from their resting place, jumbled and leaning together. You make your way down the hallway in the dark and push open Mama’s door. She’s sitting up already, her arms open for you.
“Hi Tasha,” you say shyly. You cuddle your stuffed friend close, using them to hide your face a little bit. Mama shifts over in the bed so that it’s easier for you to climb up beside her and fall into her open arms. She holds you close.
“Good morning, малышонок. How is my little one today?”
“Tired,” you say, snuggling closer to her side. She laughs a little bit.
“I missed you,” Mama whispers. You missed her too. She came home last night, and you talked to her then, but that was different and adult and responsible. It’s been so long since you were quiet together. Mama’s hair is red and soft and it smells like home. She holds you tenderly. “It’s good to be home with you.”
“Can we have pancakes?” Mama makes the best breakfasts, with lots of fruit and funny faces and she hums in the kitchen.
“Of course, малышонок. I can make pancakes while you watch your Blue’s Clues, hmm?” She places you gently on the bed beside her, untangling herself from your arms. She kisses both of your palms and then your forehead, folding your hands to your chest so that they cup the kisses she’s given you.
“Blues Clues, Blue’s Clues,” you sing quietly to yourself as Mama gets ready. She’s very fast at putting clothes on. Her dress is soft and green and pretty.
Mama scoops you out of bed and carried you downstairs, your thighs supported by her arms. It’s almost like a piggy-back ride when she carries you like this, except you’re on her hip. A piggy-side ride­, you think to yourself, as you lay your head on Mama’s shoulder.
Your apartment is bright with morning sun, and your toybox is beside the TV. It’s been closed since Mama left, but today it will be open. Bath toys and cuddly things and rattles and blocks, all for you to play with.
Mama lets you down on the couch and gets you settled against the pillow, draping a soft blanket over your legs and making sure your stuffed animal is safe in your arms. Blue’s Clues is already loaded when she turns on the TV, and she presses play before kissing you again and sweeping into the kitchen.
Blue is hiding and Steve can’t find her! You point and mumble your answers, rubbing your cheek on the soft blanket. Steve is silly.
Mama comes in and gives you juice in your favourite sippy cup. They’re trying to solve a problem and you help them find the right shape. Steve always needs help, it’s a good thing you’re here. You drink some of the juice.
Blue is so cute, you wish you had a tail like her. You can tilt your head from side to side like her, and you can bark bark like her, but you can’t wag your tail.
You decide to try: pushing the blanket off, you wiggle your butt around, trying to imagine what it would feel like to have a tail. It’s so much fun wiggling around that you fall off the couch.
“Ow!” It didn’t really hurt, but it was so fast! You’re on the floor and one of your legs is tangled in the blanket. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Maybe it did hurt after all. “Owww!” You can feel the tears already stinging your eyes.
Mama is there in a second, scooping you up and rocking you gently. “Oh, малышонок, did you take a fall? There, I will kiss it better.” She kisses your hands and they stop hurting. Mama is magic like that. She kisses your cheeks one by one, and it kind of tickles. You try not to laugh but a little bit comes out. It makes Mama smile.
She kisses your cheeks again, and you laugh, squirming in her lap.
“Stop, Mama!”
“Okay, okay.” She draws back, resting a hand on your cheek as she checks you over for any more ouchies. “I love you very much.”
“Love you too, Mama.”
She looks happy, and that makes you happy. You love her, and you love her smile, and when Mama is happy everything is good. She’s holding you, and nothing else matters.
“Come on, little one, our pancakes will burn.” Mama slowly helps you to stand, her arms supporting you the whole way up. She takes your hand and walks you towards the kitchen. “You can help me put the chocolate chips in, right?”
You can help her do anything.
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“imagine me and you? I do. I think about you day and night, it’s only right, to think about girl you love and hold her tight, so happy together.” 
jealous! shigaraki tomura - MY HERO ACADEMIA 
note: still looking for more characters to write for! leave me some suggestions! look at my post underneath this please! 
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you were sitting at the bar with Toga and Dabi. being that the two of you were seemingly the youngest in the league, the three of you strayed towards each other for company. 
“are any of you going out of the hideout tonight?” Dabi asked before taking a sip of his drink, “I might! I wanted to go to the mall and the grocery store to pick up a few things for the next few days. you know Kurogiri has been bitching about us leaving so often that we might get caught so I don’t wan to leave for the next for days just to shut him up,” you responded. 
Dabi hummed in response as Toga pondered on coming with you, “are you going alone?” she asked. you thought for a moment, “I think so. I know Shiggy wanted to come along but he hasn’t mentioned it to me again so I don’t know if he actually is or not.” 
“well let me know! I don’t want to ruin your date with Shiggy,” Toga exclaimed as you gave her a look, “who the hell said it was a date?” you asked as the two of them started laughing. 
“it’s obvious the two of you are like in love!” 
“stabby here is right. he’s like in love with you.” 
you rolled your eyes at what they were saying but remained silent, “shut up, I’m leaving now. I’m going to see if Shiggy wants to come along or not and I want to get back before it turns dark,” you told them before chugging the rest of your drink before slamming the glass and leaving. 
“they totally like each other!” Toga told Dabi as he nodded, “it doesn’t take an idiot to see that,” he replied. 
you made your way back to the hideout to find your blue headed best friend engrossed in a video game. you went to hug him from the back and embraced him, “hey,” you whispered into his ear, “I’m heading to the mall, you coming?” you asked. 
Shiggy sighed putting his controller down before looking at you. it might not have been obvious to you but Shiggy was actually head over heels for you. 
he knew of your past and how popular you were at school before you dropped out. you were cute, way out of his league, and if he was honest, he pictured you with someone more like Dabi. 
“sure,” he mumbled as you gave him an excited smile before grabbing your Converse and putting them on. Shigaraki couldn’t help but watch you bend down to tie the shoe and bite his lip at the show, “lets go, Tomura!” 
you grabbed your bag as he followed behind. even though it was the dead of summer, he still had to remain unidentified and by that, he was wearing black jeans and a black hoodie. 
you on the other hand were wearing something a lot less covered up. being that you and Toga were the only girls in the league, you two kind of matched in uniforms. the only difference was that your clothes was just a different color. 
“Shiggy?” you said with a sing-songy tone of voice, “can you give me a piggy back ride? my shoes are hurting!” you asked as you watched him slump down before bending his knees a bit for you to get on. 
you smiled before jumping on his back and holding on tight. the walk to the mall wasn’t far but he didn’t want it to end. he enjoyed you holding him so tightly and before he knew it, you were playing with his hair underneath his hood. 
“did I ever tell you how soft your hair is?” you told Shiggy as he shook his head no, “it’s really soft! I should use your hair regiment,” you joked as you gave him a kiss on the top of the head. 
he stopped dead in his tracks at the sudden affection making you hit him on accident, “jesus Shiggy! watch it!” you exclaimed as he muttered a sorry before continuing to walk, “how far are we?” he asked as you looked to your phone, “like ten minutes away. why, are you tired?” you asked as you tried to shimmy off of him. 
“no, stay,” he replied as he held you tighter, “aww, thank you Tomura,” you said giving him another kiss on the head. 
he didn’t say anything until the mall came into view. you finally got off of him before holding his hand. Shiggy made sure that whenever he was with you, he wore gloves in case you wanted to hold his hand. 
you ran your thumb over the top of his hand before dragging him to the entrance. your first stop was at the candle store. you tended to buy a lot candles for your room and even a few for the living room so it didn’t smell so awful all the time. 
just as you entered the store, Shiggy told you he would wait in the front while you shopped. he claimed that smelling all the scents would trigger his allergies. you nodded as you made your way inside of the store and grabbed a decently big bag. 
you smelled all the candles that caught your attention before dumping them into the black reusable bag. Shiggy could notice the few guys that were inside of the store watching you. even if they had their partners with them, they would stare at you whenever you bent down to smell one of the candles and if he was being honest, he wanted nothing more than to take his gloves off and turn all those men into dust. 
once he had enough, Shiggy walked inside of the store and walked towards you, “hey Tomura! I thought you didn’t like coming in here,” he didn’t say anything before grabbing your bag and holding it, “I’ll hold it, it looks heavy.”
you gave him a smile before giving him a peck on the cheek before continuing your candle hunt. that was the reaction he was hoping for as he glared down the very same men that were giving you looks before. 
“okay, I think I’m done,” you replied grabbing the bag and hauling it over to the cash register, “just because we’re villains doesn’t mean we won’t support local businesses!” you whispered to him making him chuckle. 
the cashier rung your candles as you gave her cash. after you left the store, you knew that you at least had to bring Shiggy to the game store after enduring your candle endeavor for what felt like two hours. 
“just for your troubles, you can buy one game,” you told him as Shiggy instantly lit up, “seriously?” he asked as you nodded. 
Shiggy immediately dragged you to the nearest Game Stop and ran over to the PS4 games. you weren’t much of gamer yourself but whenever Shiggy asked you to play or noticed that the game he was playing looked like it would be more fun with a second player, you offered to be his player two. 
now that you were thinking about it, maybe Toga and Dabi were right. the two of you did look like a real couple and there were a few instances where you did you things that made it seem like you were together. 
“I’ll wait for you when you’re done!” you told Shiggy as you found the nearest bench and started to smell the candles you just bought again. 
you knew that Shiggy took forever to find a game but you didn’t mind. being the leader of the League of Villains did drain him and you liked seeing him happy, even if it was for a few minutes. 
you heard the music from outside of the store playing and you couldn’t help but dance in your seat. the one thing you did know was that you were probably one of the most attractive people inside of the store so you dancing did turn a few heads. 
“hey, what’s a pretty girl like you doing in this store?” one of the guys asked as you felt yourself rolling your eyes, “waiting for the person I came with to finish their shopping,” you replied with absolutely no sense of emotion. 
the man laughed as he bent down to your height and even went as far to touch your knee, “get your hand off of my knee,” you whispered, “the person I came with won’t take to kindly to your action,” you added on. 
“sweetheart, you can just admit that you’re by yourself, I can buy you whatever it is you want,” he said completely dismissing your entire point, “please take your hand off me. I really don’t want to cause any harm to you but if I won’t, I won’t hesitate to kill you right here. this is your final warning,” you said again as you grabbed your knife from your back skirt pocket. 
you didn’t even get the chance to do anything when you noticed Shigaraki do the very same thing he did to Midoriya when they first encountered each other. his four fingers were wrapped around the mans throat as his fifth stroked it slightly. 
“leave her alone or I will kill you and it won’t be quick. I will torture you until you realize that even thinking of touching her was okay. plus, for your benefit, you really don’t want the entire League of Villains after you.”
you gave the man an ‘I told you’ look as you finally looked to Shiggy, “don’t, it’s not worth it. let’s buy your game and head out. I still need to stop at the grocery store,” you told Shiggy as he nodded and shoved the game into his back pocket. 
just because you liked to purchase things the legal way didn’t mean he did.  
“you guys are weirdos!” the man screamed as he jumped off the floor and ran to the exit. you couldn’t help but laugh as you and Shiggy made it out of the store, “you didn’t buy the game, did you?” you asked feeling the game in his back pocket. 
Shiggy the entire way to the grocery store remained silent. you grabbed his hand in a way to comfort him but his grip on your hand was tighter than usual. 
his mind couldn’t stop thinking of your interaction with that bastard at the game store. the last thing Shiggy wanted to do was place the blame on you but now that he was looking at you, he couldn’t help but look at your clothes. 
your skirt was undeniably short. the top covered what it had to but regardless, he thought your bottom was the issue. Shiggy wasn’t going to make you change it but maybe if you made it even a tad bit longer he’d be fine. 
by the time you were paying for all your items, Shiggy was pissed. he knew it wasn’t exactly like him to do what he was planning doing as soon as you both made it an alleyway but if he didn’t do it before he got back to the hideout, he wouldn’t do it at all. 
you were carrying the food for the week in the bag as you turned the corner to an empty alleyway. you immediately felt Shiggy shoving you against a wall as his hands roamed your thighs. 
“Tomura, what are you doing?” you whispered as he chuckled, “that little stunt at the video game store really pissed me off,” he mentioned as his face was shoved inside of your neck, “I know it wasn’t your wrong doing but it still pissed me off,” he murmured before biting down on your neck. 
you let out a mixture of a moan and a gasp as he sunk his teeth to your neck, “maybe this mark will show everyone to back the fuck off,” he said looking at you through the strands of his baby blue hair. 
you ran your fingers through his hair as he continued attacking your neck, “Shiggy, all you have to do is ask me out and I’ll be yours forever,” you responded as he laughed, “it’s more than that now. someone thought it was okay to touch you so the only way I know how to fix that is to make a mark,” he said as his tongue grazed the bite mark. 
you let him continue his little game until you realized that it was getting a lot more steamier and you really didn’t want to fuck Shiggy in a public alleyway. 
“if we sneak back into the hideout through your room, you can put any marks you want to leave on me,” you said seductively into his ear before nibbling on it, “just carry me back home.” 
Shigaraki did just that and pulled you on his back before booking it back home. during that time, you were leaving small hickey’s on his neck as he tried to run as fast as possible. 
maybe Toga and Dabi were right. maybe it took one action of a man to release the monster that Shiggy had inside of him. whether his intentions were romantic, completely sexual, or both, he was glad you were on board. 
Shiggy wouldn’t know what to do if he had to continue watch you walk around the hideout with that short skirt of yours and not be able to do anything about it. 
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Skater kid!Todoroki x reader
Hey guys this is the beginning of my bnha skater au! I hope you guys enjoy!
(FYI this is also my 1st ff so pls don’t come at me ;-;)
(tw: swearing)
You never thought you would ever ride a skateboard in your entire life, that is, until your boyfriend Todoroki offered to teach you how to skate. He was pretty experienced, at least in your perspective, but he never thought of it as a big deal. You didn’t even think he even told anyone about his talent. These were your inner thoughts while you dressed up for your skate park date. You were dressed in a blue hoodie, adidas joggers and a pair of old skool vans.
As you were scrolling through Instagram, Todoroki sent you the text that he was in front of your house. Shit, you thought, as you rushed down the stairs and put on your shoes. Once you opened the front door, there was Todoroki in a black hoodie, black jeans with a chain on it, and a pair of busted up black slip on vans. He was also holding his skateboard. As you walked towards him, he gave you his little grin that you so loved. “Ready to go baby?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you replied, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. He quickly relaxed into the hug and wrapped his arms around your waist. After you both pulled away from the hug, Todoroki set down his board and held out his hand for you to grab onto when you stand on it. “Todoroki, I will literally fall if I step on this.”
“And this is why we are going on this date, love. I’m teaching you how to ride.”
“Yeah yeahhh.”
You then placed your left foot onto his board, right near the center of the board. Then Todoroki, while still holding your hand, guided your foot, to the point your foot was covering the screws at the front. You then clenched his hand harder as you lifted your other foot and placed it on top of the screws on the other side of the board. Your boyfriend then looked at your stance as you struggled to stand on the skateboard alone. “You need to find your center of balance. Try leaning forward a bit.” And that’s exactly what you did, and to your surprise, it was working.
“Heh, you see this Todoroki kun? I’m doing it! I’m standing!”
“Yeah, with my help.”
“S-shut up icy hot idiot.”
“I-icy hot?”
You let out a chuckle at his slightly clueless nature. He then grabbed your hand harder and he proceeded to pull you while you were still on his board. That’s when you started to lose balance. “Just hold on to me, and I’ll pull you all the way to the park. To turn right you lean forward, and for left you lean backwards, but not too much.” You nodded and that’s exactly what he did. You continued to hold his hand and listened to his advice, moving towards the right when there was dog poop on the ground and moving to the left when the two of you had to move for an elderly couple going out for a stroll.
When you arrived at the skate park, you hopped off the skateboard and let go of your boyfriend’s hand. Todoroki seemed relieved that there wasn’t anyone around, so he got on, pushed off with his right leg, and rolled down the cement bowl like a pro would. You watched in awe as he did all those tricks flawlessly. He then stopped and ushered you to come down towards him. Once you reached him, Todoroki held out his hand again, and helped you mount his board. “I’ll teach you how to push off. You don’t have to push off a lot, but just enough so that you go somewhere.” You took your right foot off the board and placed it on the floor.
That’s when you heard yelling and laughing from the other side of the park and when you looked to see where they were coming from, you saw some familiar faces. Way too familiar. And they noticed you as well.
“Ayyyyy y/n! Todoroki!” Kirishima yelled as the hopped on his own skateboard and skated over to you. Behind him, Mina, Sero, and Denki followed.
“Yo!” You responded, then you looked at Todoroki. He didn’t show any emotion like usual however, your eyes focused on that bead of sweat that formed ever since he saw the all too familiar Bakusquad. It seemed like your previous thought of him not telling anyone he skated was actually true.
“Y/n!” Sero called, “is Todoroki teaching you how to skate?”
Todoroki let out a sigh, signaling me to just tell the squad the truth. “Yeah, he’s teaching me how to skate.”
Mina’s eyes lit up from the statement, “OH MY GOD THATS SO COOL! Todoroki! I didn’t know you skated!”
“I don’t think he told anyone about this.” Kirishima stated. “If he did, then we would’ve invited him. Ehh, he must’ve had a reason why he’s been hiding his talent. Yo Todoroki, wanna show us what you’ve got?”
Todoroki looked at you, probably wanting some reassurance, but all you did was give him a smile and a thumbs up. He sighed, looking back at the spikey redhead. “Yeah, sure.”
“Actually, I think y/n was the first one to see him skat-”
“Alright, Denki, I was just saying,” Sero shrugged.
As you laughed at their argument, a familiar figure zoomed past you and the bakusquad. It was Todoroki, rolling back and forth on the steep half pipe. Now everyone was watching in awe while he did a sweeper, and many other tricks that you weren’t familiar with.
After doing some more tricks he left the half pipe and skated over to you and the squad.
“I-I can barely do an ollie...”
You patted Mina as she started to fake cry and gave your tired boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. Todoroki blushed at your gesture and ushered you once more to his skateboard and this time, you didn’t take his hand and instead you tried to push off on your own. Surprisingly, you were able to balance, at least, for about five seconds, until you fell onto the hard cement.
“Y/n!” Todoroki called as he rushed over to your fallen state. You grunted at the slight pain you felt on the arm and foot you used to support your fall. The half white half red haired boy checked the leg you fell and sighed in relief, seeing that you weren’t in too much pain and didn’t find any serious injuries, only a bruise on your knee. He used his quirk to make an ice pack for your bruise and hoisted you up on his back, giving you a piggy back ride.
“GAH Todoroki! I’m fine! You can put me down!”
“Ok, if you say so.”
He lightly placed you down but once you put support on your injured foot you winced, which unfortunately Todoroki saw.
“See, come on, we’re going back to your place.”
“We can stop by the store and buy some ice cream.”
You hopped on his back and while he supported you with his right arm, he grabbed his skateboard with his left.
“Aww, you guys leaving now?” Denki complained.
“Dipshit, y/n is hurt!”
You and your boyfriend laughed at the two of them arguing and waved goodbye to the others.
Even though it was a short way back home, you felt bad that Todoroki had to carry you all the way back, but what could you do? He doesn’t seem like it, but when it comes to the people he loves, Todoroki Shouto becomes really stubborn, and to be honest, you found that really cute.
Once you reached your place, you gave Todoroki your key and he placed you down so that he could unlock the door, but he also made sure you were only getting support from your uninjured foot. After he successfully unlocked the door, he carried you again and laid you on the couch and left to get spoons for the ice cream. He gave you a spoon and watched as you immediately opened the ice cream and devoured it like it was your last meal. Of course, you saved some ice cream for him, because why wouldn’t you? After you two finished the ice cream, you rested your head on Todoroki’s shoulder.
“Heh, even though I’m technically crippled now, I had a fun time, thank you Shouto.”
After hearing those words, your boyfriend kissed the back of your hand, and then your forehead.
“Of course baby.”
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shoot-the-oneshot · 4 years
Requested by @amisutcliff
#12 “am I your lock screen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
Bucky Barnes x reader
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Everyone knows about the avengers. Captain America the golden boy, Iron man Aka Tony stark the millionaire play boy, the deadly Natasha and the Winter Soldier whos name speaks for itself. of course you knew him as Bucky. But there’s a side to the female avengers that no one else got to see, and that was your weekly girls night. You, Nat, Wanda and sometimes Pepper would join when she was around.
Gossip was a big part of girls night, Natasha was giving you her best death glare to get you to spill, which would normally work but with the panda bear face mask she has on makes it nearly impossible to take her seriously.
“Come on Y/n, just tell me! How is he in bed?”
Playfully groaning throwing a piece of popcorn at her.
“Wanda, help me!”
Sticking out your bottom lip giving her your best puppy dog eyes.
“Honestly, I’d like to know too. Is the arm a turn on?”
Nat, jumping up to give Wanda a high five thankful for the back up. Well now you’re out numbered and they know it. Sighing in defeat as the girls start uncharacteristically giggling.
“He’s definitely a super soldier that’s for sure.” Smirking at the collective screams they let out “I knew it!” “Yes!!!”
Leaning back on the fluffy couch Tony bought for the living room, easily the best spot in the tower, we’re just not going to tell Bucky that. Stealing a few cucumbers from Wandas snack bowl to put on your eyes, your quick reflexes saving you from the smack she was about to deliver to your hand.
Their squealing starts up again when your phone dings, you ignore it knowing they’ll tell you who it was.
“Awe it’s lover boy, he misses you!”
While they are swooning over how cute you and Bucky are, you think back to when you met. It wasn’t always innocent kisses and dates going dancing. You met after Steve found him again. He was no longer the winter soldier, he was Bucky Barns again. Although the mind control reversal wasn’t fool proof and sometimes he reverted.
Never fully into the Hydra assassin, but close. He wasn’t going for the kill every fight he got into when an agent tried to slow him down. And he came out of it a lot faster then before, you called it the tightrope syndrome. Balancing on the line between the Winter Soldier and James Buchanan Barns.
It’s was during the tightrope time that you met. He was prowling through the tower, his almost indestructible vibranium arm on show. He already threw Tasha through a wall, now it’s your turn.
He looks beautiful, deadly but beautiful. His dark hair framing his face accentuating his striking blue eyes. You were so distracted you didn’t notice he was right in front of you untilit was to late.
Blocking the late punch you threw at his jaw, lifting you off the ground by your throat. Your nails clawing at the metal arm doing nothing to stop him.
Pinning you to the wall, still squeezing your neck. You can see the gears turning in his head trying to figure out if you’re a threat or not.
You coughed out around his grip, loosening his hold as he rapidly blinks after huffing out a laugh. Slowly setting you back on your feet. Tony jokes you’re the only person to face the winter soldier and come out relatively unharmed.
“I’m sorry, I’m Bucky.”
He said, his voice gruff and soft at the same time, holding out a hand for you to take very shyly I should add.
“I’m Y/n”
I don’t think he’s forgiven himself for that, it was almost as if the more he fell for you the worst he felt about your meeting. Of course you forgave him instantly, but if asks it’s when he stuttered over his words when asking you out for the first time.
“Hey doll,”
Coming out of your thoughts when that same gruff voice whispers. Your eyes meeting the blue eyes you loved so much as he hovers above your face. Leaning over the back of the couch looking as if he was upside down.
“When did you get here?”
Girls night was strictly girls, when working with men everyday girl time was needed.
“After I texted you we decided to crash your little girls night.”
Nodding his head to the other end of the couch where vision was talking with Wanda and Nat was cuddling with Bruce, So much for no boys.
Speaking of Nat, the second she saw you and Bucky quietly giggling with each other as he tells you about the memes he saw that day, she had to cut the moment short.
“Soo Barnes, guess who’s your girls background on her phone.”
His brows tightening in confusion before turning into a look that’s a mix of tired and annoyance.
“Is it Tony again? Doll, I said that wasn’t funny!”
Rolling your eyes at his reaction. He was wrong on many levels firstly, It was hilarious the only person who laughed more than you and Wilson was Tony himself. Instead of defending yourself you just hand him your phone for him to see.
Taking your phone clicking it on, starring at the screen unmoving, looking almost in shock. Your main man Bruce coming to your rescue when he saw Bucky staring at you phone thinking he saw the birthday gift you were planning to give him, he yells out. “You weren’t supposed to see that!”
Ignoring the hulk Bucky asks.
“Am I your lock screen?”
Seeing the picture taken after one of your missions together. Both of you were still in your tactical gear, he was giving you a piggy back ride to the quinjet, the cheesiest smiles on both of your faces looking at each other. It was one of your favorite pictures.
“I didn’t know you liked me that much,”
“Bucky!” You laughed, “we’re married!”
He drawls trying to defend himself against a roomful of laughing people.
“Yeah Buck, I should probably tell you we’re just friends.”
You teased, as he came around the couch to sit next to you. Shoving you gently, shaking his head with a small smile.
“Shut up.”
Taking you under his arm, pulling the blanket tighter around the two of you as Wanda puts in a movie. Whispering how much he loves you when everyone else is preoccupied with their own partners.
Maybe the boys crashing girls night wasn’t a bad thing after all.
!!hope you guys like it, if you did head over to my page and send in a request for one of your own!!
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grey-eyed-menace · 3 years
Like A Dame (Snapshots)
Mammon: *trying his best at being casual* ...so, uh, why're you and Flower-Girl in suits?
Sora: *looking down at her watch in vague interest, frowning at the time* Diavolo provided our outfits for the evening, I complied, Mio guilt tripped Lucifer and Satan into providing a mishmash of their clothes.
Mammon: *visibly disappointed* Don't ya still have a bunch of leftover dresses from the other times?
Sora: And deal with Asmo's appraising glare? No thanks, I get enough flack from him as is about my lack of taste in fashion. I mean, fuck the rest of the Devildom, but I live with Asmodeus. I have to deal with that shit, I'm not Mio, I can't just zone out.
[Pan behind the refreshments where Leviathan, Mio, and Beel have decided to hide out for the night. The latter two of which are currently splitting what looks like to be an entire raspberry cheesecake, and the former seems to be playing a Gacha game on Mio's phone.]
(Luke stumbles upon them, wearing a rather pretty sailor dress, with his hair done up in pigtails. He puts his hands on hips, frowns cutely, and looks down on them in disappointment.)
Luke: Is this really how you spend every event? No variation?
Mio: *casually fork wrestling Beel away from her three claimed slices of cheesecake* Not every event, no. Sometimes, Belphie or Satan join us, other times Levi and I shack up in the coat room, or Beel decides too safeguard the entire refreshment table. There's plenty of variation.
Luke: That's not what I meant and you know it.
Mio: And you're hiding from Phenex, aren't you?
[In the distance, a rather high pitched call of 'Luke!' can be heard as an incredibly pretty female looking aqua haired demon traverses the dance floor.]
Luke: ...*sighs* Can you slide over?
Sora: So that was Marchosias?
Satan: Yes, unfortunately, it seems she's not incredibly fond of you.
Sora: *blinks stupidly* Not fond? She's my lab partner. If anything, she loves me. It's just... Well, I'm hanging out with the guys she kind of... You know, followed into hell? It's awkward dude. Like... I think I've seen her vault out a six story building just to avoid Beel.
Satan: Truly?
Sora: *shrugs* Hey, a large majority of people avoid their family like the plague, others try to stay connected, and some, like Phenex, decide that they're gonna be said families problem. Whether they like it or not.
Satan: And you? What's your category?
Sora: *without so much as pausing to think* Reluctant orphan adoptee with five siblings, three cousins, and a really fucking weird extended family.
Solomon: Ah, Diana!
[Solomon rushes over to his old student with a bright smile, clad in a black form fitting dress with white accents, paired with a gold sash, and silver heels. He also, rather inexplicably, has a rather modest set of breasts.]
(Diana, by comparison, is dressed in a rather oversized midnight blue tux with a grey bowtie, and a white sash around her hips, a large spade sewn over her heart.)
Diana: *blinks tiredly, presses a hand to her face, and sighs, preparing herself for an oncoming clusterfuck* Yes Solomon?
Solomon: *grin persisting* I'm calling in a favor, I need you to help me with something.
Diana: *closes eyes, breaths in, and then exhales* ...next time, next time, I'm taking Bridget and Eirny up on that fourth honey moon.
Spade: Has anyone ever told you that you're infuriating?
Phenex: *humming as they drag him around the dance floor* Constantly, you?
Spade: Only my children.
[As the party begins to wind down, Mio has decided to briefly venture out from behind the refreshments table, only to come upon a staring contest between Phenex and Simeon.]
(Simeon looks incredibly uncomfortable. Phenex is simply Smiling, it's not a pretty smile, no, it's the smile that got Diavolo to back down from including them and Luke in the butler fiasco.)
Mio: ...do I want to know?
Simeon: *still uneasily meeting Phenex's gaze* No.
Phenex: *still Smiling* It's just drama between siblings, you understand don't you Mio-chan?
(Mio raises an eyebrow at Simeon, then turns to Phenex, and back to Simeon, before casting her gaze to where Luke and the others were at before sighing.)
Mio: Right, uh, well, I'll be leaving then, see you guys at R.A.D. tomorrow, I suppose.
(Mio proceeds to speed walk back to where Beel, Levi, and Luke are without a second thought.)
[By way of an escaped Lucifer, the Ubuyashiki-Shibata cousins are currently dancing with one another.]
(Mio is leaning against Sora's shoulder, as the latter leads her through the steps of a butchered slow waltz.)
Mio: How's day been so far? Well, I know mine hasn't been the best, Levi stole the last cupcake.
Sora: *sighing* I see you've been dreadfully bored.
Mio: Bored doesn't begin to cover it, I miss the more... Nerve wracking events!
Sora: Mio, we nearly die everytime those events happen.
Mio: Not always! Sometimes I get lucky! I got to hold Mammon's hand during that room by room puzzle!
Sora: ...Lord above *pointedly ignoring the scandalized gasps from passing demons* you two are pathetic.
[After what seems to be an eternity, Diana and Spade join together on the dance floor.]
(Sora and Asmo watch from by the refreshments opposite to the one Beel, Levi, and Mio are hiding behind, Diana and Spade gliding right by them, completely ignorant of their presence, only focused on one another.)
Sora: *eyes following them* Please tell me you feel like your intruding, please, I don't want to feel alone.
Asmo: *humming, already going about fixing Sora's bun* I don't know why you're hoping to find solidarity with me Sora, I mean, it's cute, but honestly? This just excites me. To see something so intimate and gentle... Ah, it makes me ache for simpler times.
Sora: *whimpers*
Asmo: *pats her shoulder reassuringly*
[It's the last dance of the night, and the Ubuyashiki-Shibata cousins are each dancing with their own prospective partners completely stone-faced.]
(Sora, dressed in a silver suit and black tie, with her hair up in a braided bun reminiscent of Arturia Pendragon, is dancing with Mammon.
Mio, by comparison, dancing with Belphie, and therefore helping support him, is dressed in an odd mishmash of Lucifer, Asmo, and Satan's clothes. A pair of navy blue slacks, a black dress shirt, dark pink tie and white blazer. Her hair is gathered into a short ponytail at the base of her skull, tied off with a red ribbon. Asmo is distinctly glaring at her from where he's dancing with Diana.)
Mammon: What's got you pissed off Girlie?
Sora: *still completely stone-faced* Fate, the world, Phenex's continued existence, an array of things. Most glaringly, perhaps it's the fact that you couldn't ask my cousin to dance so you stole me away from Beel and Belphie?
Mammon: *clears throat, as Sora leads him into an awkward dip* ...right, got me there Girlie.
(Across the floor, Belphie stirs enough to ask a question.)
Belphie: Why're you so stiff? Actually, why aren't you Sora, and where is Beel?
Mio: *pointedly smiling at Asmo as he passes by with Diana before answering* Mammon's a coward, and Lady Rose is genuinely convinced I'm a man.
Belphie: *already drifting off again* Got it...
[After the ball ends, the brothers and the Ubuyashiki-Shibata cousins proceed with the trek home.]
(Beel has taken to supporting Belphie with his left arm, while Sora, on his right, proceeds to routinely supply him with snacks.
Mio has taken to trying to convince Levi to give her phone back before they arrive at the House of Lamentation, while riding on Mammon's back piggy back style, grin plastered on her face, with Levi arguing hotly about being in the middle of raid on a mobile dungeon game of some sort.
Asmo is on Mammon's left side, mumbling obscenities about Mio's fashion choices.
Meanwhile, Satan and Lucifer are at the back of the pack quietly bickering about something or other.
Phenex, as usual, is stocking the poor 'family' of nine from the shadows.)
Sora: It was a good night, you know.
Beel: *chewing around a candy bar of some sort, and shifting Belphie's weight slightly* Yeah, it kinda was, wish there was more food at the refreshments table though, it was good.
Sora: Meh, I'll take your word for it, all I had was some of that Blood Punch, which... Yeah, not really for me, I think Solomon spiked it with something for the lesser demons.
Beel: Is that why Diana looked like she wanted to drop dead every time Diavolo came by for a drink?
Sora: Mmh, that and I think it was because she was forced to dance with Phenex for most of the night, she and Mister Spade only danced once, even if lasted the rest of the night.
(They silent the rest of the way to the House of Lamentation. At which, they all separate, undress, and promptly pass out, well, except for Levi, who remains with Mio's phone held hostage well until early morning.)
[The next morning, the household is rather groggy as they make their way down to breakfast.]
Mammon: Last night must 'ave been something else, my feet freakin' hurt.
Beel: You're one to talk, I feel like my ankles are planning a mutiny.
Mio: I woke up in a binder, guys, a binder. What the hell? I thought I wasn't going to be the Dame!
Sora: At least you didn't feel like you were suffocating the entire night, my chest still feels like it's about to cave in, fucking hell...
Levi: *shrugs* I'm actually fine with whatever happened.
Belphie: *head thunks against the table*
(Several moments later, there's an array of notifications from Asmo's phone. Loud shrill beeps are all that make up the next two or so minutes.)
Lucifer: *sighs* ...It seems I forgot about the social media ban, lovely.
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veenussposts · 5 years
Yukhei as a wizard (and your boyfriend)
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If something broke in the castle or the teachers ran to a specific place it was only for a reason, Wong Yukhei.
He was the mastermind behind almost every joke in the castle as well as being the cause of the headache of all the Ravenclaw students. The tall Gryffindor was truly a mess and he hit anyone's nerves with his wild ideas.
And you weren't the exception, you were the Ravenclaw student who suffered the most since you were his tutor.
"What's the answer, Yukhei?"
"Merlin's ass"
"I'm going to curse you I swear..."
He loved to tease you. He loved to see your frown and your nose wrinkle when he answered your questions wrong. He loved hearing you scream when he hid your things away from you or when he threatened to fold the pages of your books if you didn't finish explaining a spell to him quickly.
Basically you two were like cats and dogs.
But as the years passed, new students came to the castle, and new challenges arose, Yukhei learned to love more things about you, things he never would have thought of.
From the fourth year on, your smiles left a warm sensation on his body, your attention became addictive and the way you jumped to retrieve the books he put on his head only caused him tenderness.
By the time fifth year came, Yukhei had such a huge crush on you.
Every time your hand brushed his when you explained a complicated spell to him, his heart raced like the first time he flew on his broomstick. Next to you he became more funny and said more stupid things than normal, but not because he wanted to tease you but because he was nervous. Your fierce gaze made him shiver, and despite your low height, when you were angry Yukhei felt intimidated.
In the sixth year he tried for the first time to confess his feelings for you, which resulted in a monumental failure.
"Have you ever fallen in love with someone?"
"I can't even fall asleep"
After that Yukhei lost hope and preferred to stop insisting but the reality was completely different.
You were whipped for him too, really really whipped.
Your brain stopped working when his big hands grabbed your waist, your heart beat fast when he stared at you during your private lessons and your hands trembled like jelly when his face got too close to yours.
Things continued that way until winter came to reveal your hidden feelings during all these years.
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Your bones were beginning to freeze little by little and your entire neck to your nose were hidden in the heat of the great scarf that your father gave you. Outside the corridors, inside the garden, small snowflakes fell decorating everything in white while some students ran quickly to take refuge from the cold. But you couldn't run because you were carrying a giant pile of books in your hands, you could hardly see your feet and where they were moving.
"You look like a Niffler"
When you heard that voice you stopped walking and slowly turned on your heels to meet Yukhei.
"You look cute, really cute"
The heat began to rise up your cheeks and they quickly turned red, in your mind you prayed that he wouldn't notice.
"What do you want Wong? I'm busy"
"I see" His hands moved to yours and took each and every one of the books that were in them. When your hands brushed his you could feel their warmth and for a second you wanted him not to move away. "That's why I want to help you"
Now with no books to block your view, you looked at him. His hair was perfectly combed back, his cheeks and neck a little red from the cold while his legs trembled a little.
"Why are you so careless? Why don't you have a scarf or gloves?" You said as you unwrap your blue scarf from your neck.
"I only saw you through the window and I came to help you"
"You're going to catch a cold for acting without thinking" You stood on tiptoe and quickly wrapped the scarf around his neck while you looked at him, he had a smile from ear to ear.
"Are you worried about me?" Yukhei said with a smirk.
"Me? Worried about you? In your dreams Wong"
"Yes, you're worried about me"
"No, I'm not"
"Yes, you're"
"Ye..." You rolled your eyes and gripped the corners of the scarf tight to draw him toward you. Your lips collided with his, surprising him. The kiss was so quick and explosive that Yukhei didn't have time to close his eyes, he just stood there.
"You can't keep quiet, right?" You finished wrapping the scarf around his neck, covering his mouth with it. Before you walked away you gave him a kiss on his cold nose. "Now let's go inside before you get sick, baby"
"You called me baby..." He said smiling, remembering the feeling of your lips on his. "Hey! Wait for me! You can't kiss me and go!"
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He's happy as long as he's with you.
"The happiest I've ever felt was that moment I discovered you loved me too"
He gives you piggy back rides.
Once a group of new students thought you were from Gryffindor because you were wearing a Yukhei's big sweater with a lion in the middle.
As much as you don't want to, Yukhei always drags you with him when he is going to do something crazy.
"There is a 99.12% chance of getting hurt"
"I guess we just have to be the 0.88%"
"That's not how..."
"Too late baby"
He uses your head as an arm rest.
Every time he has a chance he buys you chocolate frogs because he knows you love them.
Sometimes you guys argue because Yukhei behaves like a child or because you don't pay attention to him but both of you can't be without each other so you both leave your pride aside to apologize.
Respects you more than anyone else and he will stand up to anyone in order to defend you, even his friends.
He tells everyone that you're his boyfriend.
Yukhei loves the way your little hand fits into his and you love to hear his heartbeat every time you hug him.
He can't hold himself when he wants to kiss you.
Says "I love you" more than "hello".
"No matter how much I say I love you, I always love you more than that"
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jjbaebank · 4 years
Admitting Your Feelings
Word count: 1.25k, sorry this is a little shorter than my most recent!
A/N: This is my third JJ imagine! AAAH I like writing for him so much! I’m convinced that JJ is secretly so romantic (or at least tries to be) and he would be the best boyfriend <3
“Hey, Y/N. Wanna go for a walk with me?” JJ asked somewhat nervously, his hands fidgeting.
“Of course, JJ. Let’s go!” You said happily, reaching your hand out so he could pull you up from where you were sitting on the beach with the other pogues. JJ looked down at your outstretched hand and after a second of hesitation, gripped it tightly. He pulled you up but his hand still remained wrapped around yours for a few seconds too long. Not that you were complaining. Suddenly, he cleared his throat and dropped your hand. 
As you walked alongside JJ, the breeze blew and the view was so spectacular. You ran up ahead a little and did a cartwheel, your shirt falling down in the process and exposing your bare midriff.
“Wow, Y/N, already trying to take your shirt off for me?” JJ teased with a grin, poking your side when he caught up to you.
“Oh, you wish,” you said in response, your face flushed from his joke. Which was maybe a little true. To hide your embarrassment, you jumped up and stole the snapback off the top of his head and put it on your own.
“Oh, look at me, I’m JJ! I wear baseball caps and I smoke weed and all the girls LOVE me!” You deepened your voice into a more JJ like tone and put your fingers into peace signs.
“I’m gonna get you for that!” JJ said and lunged at you, his hands wrapping around your waist. He began to pull you closer to him in an attempt to tickle you. You squeezed out of his grip and began to run around the beach, dodging him as he chased after you.
Finally, he caught you and threw you over his shoulder, your cheek pressed against his lower back and your legs against his torso. One of his arms wrapped around your legs, stabilizing you, while the other flew out as he spun you around.
“Ahh!” You giggled as he spun faster and faster, then changed positions, now holding and spinning you bridal-style. When you were out of breath and dizzy, JJ fell to the sand with you still in his arms, so you landed sprawled across his body. His wide eyes looked up at you and you brushed a lock of golden hair out of his eyes before climbing off him to sit next to him.
“So, do all the girls actually love me?” He asked with a smirk.
“JJ,” you groaned but you still had a smile on your face. You pushed his shoulder jokingly, and then leaned back on your palms. You ran a hand through your hair and then looked back at him, only to notice him staring at you.
“JJ? Why are you staring at me?” You asked, confused. You waved a hand in front of his face and he seemed to become present again. 
“You are so goddamn beautiful,” he said, almost in disbelief.
Your breath caught in your throat. You’d liked JJ for a while now, and you wanted to hear those words for a long time.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something. I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while now, and I need to do it now otherwise I never will. Wow, this is scary to say. I...I...”
You could tell he was struggling to find words so you sat up and placed a finger under his chin, tilting his head up so he’d look at you. “Take your time, JJ, I’m listening. I’m here.”
“Y/N, I- I can’t.” As he said that, he began to cower, hunching his back and turning away from you. You knew he had trouble trusting people, letting people in, and it was all his dad’s fault. He was afraid that if he got too close to someone, they would betray him, hurt him. You had gotten to the point that JJ trusted you unconditionally, but when it came to talking about emotions, he could still become a little closed-off.
“JJ, if I tell you a secret, will you tell me yours?” You asked him, putting a hand on his arm and rubbing it soothingly. 
He nodded, his head still buried in his arms.
At this point, you had a decent guess about what JJ’s secret was. But you couldn’t be sure, so you decided to take a leap of faith. You’d kept your feelings inside for far too long. 
“I like you, JJ. In a more-than-friends kind of way.” As you said it, you squeezed your eyes shut but then opened them slowly once you finished.
JJ’s head immediately shot up, his blue eyes boring into you. “Are you serious?” he asked.
You nodded in response and bit your lip, hoping that he would have a good reaction. 
Seeing your nod, a big smile spread across his face and he surged forward, connecting your lips in a kiss. When you broke apart, he rested his forehead on yours, your noses touching, and you just looked at each other, breathing heavily. 
“I like you too. In a more-than-friends kind of way. In case it wasn’t obvious.”
“You’re so cute, JJ, oh my gosh,” you giggled and pulled him in for another kiss. Then, JJ scooped you up into his arms and began rolling around in the sand, not caring about his or your hair getting sandy. His strong arms were locked tightly around your waist and you curled up against him as you rolled around. When he calmed down a bit, you snuggled down into him, his arms still wrapped around you, and breathed him in. You pressed your nose to his shirt and he rested his chin on top of your head, pressing kisses there every so often. One of your hands rested on his chest while the other snuck under his shirt to gently caress his side, your thumb rubbing back and forth.
Some amount of time later, what felt like minutes but could’ve possibly been hours, you sat up on top of JJ.
“JJ, look. The sun’s setting, we should probably head back. The others are probably wondering where we are, if they haven’t left yet,” you reasoned though you didn’t actually want to. You played with a lock of his hair with one hand and brushed his cheek with the other as you spoke.
“No,” JJ whined, pulling you back down to lay on top of him, “Now that I have you, I’m never letting go of you again.”
You sighed and pressed a kiss to his chest before gently untangling his hands from your body and standing up. Grumbling, he stood up again and put his baseball cap back on. He turned away and did something with his hands, picking something up from the sand, and when he turned back you noticed that he had a little *something* in his shorts area.
“Oh my god, JJ!” You giggled and pointed to the pointy bulge. JJ looked down, concerned, but he began to laugh when he saw what you were talking about.
“Relax, Y/N, it’s just the gun!”
“You’re such an idiot!” You pushed him playfully and shook your head with a smile on your face. 
He grinned back and crouched low, allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist from behind so he could give you a piggy-back ride. He gripped the back of your thighs and you wrapped your arms around his neck, being careful not to choke him. You planted a kiss on his neck and then rested your cheek on his shoulder as he began to walk back.
“Yeah, but I’m your idiot.”
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ikesengoficss · 5 years
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tehe I liked this one
Jonah, Sirius, Edgar and Harr giving you a piggy back when you break your ankle and he needs to get you to the doctor!
Sirius Oswald
oh dear, he thinks the second he hears the pop, then the crack admit from your ankle. And his heart is breaking when your face suddenly crinkles in pain, and you’re biting your lip to stop yourself from calling out and crying. 
“Where does it hurt?” he asks, gently inspecting your ankle. It’s swelling, and turning an awful black and blue.
You put on a very brave front, even laughing a little at your clumsiness, but he can see by the way you every so often blink rapidly, you’re trying to push back tears and hide the pain. 
Sirius chuckles as he cups your cheek. “What am I going to do with you, little lady?”
You’ll be confused at first when he bends down in front of you, until he finally tells you he’s giving you a piggy back ride. 
A piggy back ride from Sirius is something you’d never refuse, even if it’s in unfavorable circumstances. 
He has nice, long legs, so he gets you to the infirmary very fast, but the whole time there, he’s talking to you to keep you distracted from the pain.
“Luka taught me how to make cookies today.”
“Would you like to hear something ridiculous Fenrir and Ray did earlier?”
“Did you know flowers have a language?” 
Your whole healing period, he is very attentive towards you, always making sure you are comfortable and that your foot is elevated, being iced or heated when necessary. 
At night, when the two of you are alone, he’ll hold your foot and press little gentle kiss to where it’s bruised from the break, his lips lingering just a little.
Jonah Clemence
the darling queen is a panicking mess when he hears the defining crack of your ankle snapping when you trip down the stairs, 
your ankle twisting from slipping in your heals, being the cause of it. 
And he is horrified with himself that he didn’t catch you in time, or even just grab your arm to stop you from falling down.
In retrospect, your injury doesn’t come from falling down the stairs, actually, but the twist in the heal itself. Either way, he is blaming himself and truly mortified as he thinks, what kind of a boyfriend am I to not stop my own girlfriend from breaking her ankle?!? 
He wipes at an involuntary tear that slips down your face from the stinging pain. You’re not far from the castle, but waiting for a carriage will only add to unnecessary waiting whilst you’re sitting in pain, and he could easily get you there quicker by carrying. 
“Come on, get on my back!”
“Wha— Jonah!”
“Let me carry you! I promise I won’t drop you, so just do as you’re told.”
You roll your eyes, but give in to him, carefully getting onto his back as he kneels down for you. He wraps his arms around your legs and makes sure you’re holding on tight.
He’s not really running but he’s walking at a very quick pace, a look of determination amongst his doll like features. You rest head against the crook of his neck.
Though these are certainly not favorable circumstances, it feels nice to receive a piggy back from Jonah, something you don’t see him really ever offering. Even with how eccentric he is.
A bright, pink blush tints his cheek as he feels your soft lips against the bare skin just below his ear, and your warm breath as you whisper a simple, “Thank you.”
“Hmph— no need to thank me!” he says, bouncing you a little more up his back. The castle is just ahead now. “I’m only doing what a man must do for his lady!” 
Edgar Bright
Edgar wasn’t there when you fell and broke your ankle. It was one of his men who came rushing to him he was taking a leak and asked that you were to be watched, panting and frantically telling him what happened.
And let me tell you, he is fuming— not at you, but at his men for not keeping a better eye on you, as he specifically said to watch you while he’s gone for a moment. Poor man thinks I can’t even go to the bathroom without something happening.
He has a rather sadistic smile on his face as he tells the soldiers he will see to them momentarily. 
With help, he’s getting you situated on his back, and he’s booking it to Kyle. He can tell you’re in a lot of pain, though you try to hide it by burying your face in his back. But Edgar isn’t dumb,
and besides, he can feel the little bit of bare skin on his neck becoming damp. his poor, precious girl
“What am I going to do with you, silly girl,” he chuckles to lighten the mood. “Hold on tight, MC, we’ll be there soon. Just hang in there!”
He holds your hand the whole time as your foot is getting wrapped up. He can see the sorrowful look on your face; the way you mourn the freedom of your movement is… cute to him, though he feels terrible. 
He chuckles and ruffles your hair before pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “Don’t fret, MC, you’ll be up on your feet and injuring yourself even more in no time!” 
Harr Silver
Oh boy. Oooohhh boy. Oh fucking boy. Harr was not prepared for this. And like Jonah, will be absolutely kicking himself for not keeping a better eye on you. 
I mean, you’re an adult, he doesn’t need to— but you were climbing a tree in attempts get closer to a birds nest, he should have probably been watching instead of letting his focus stray elsewhere.
Now you were in a heap on the ground, your dress a over your head, torn and dirty, and your ankle horribly sprained.
Using magic on injuries can be dangerous at times, so though he contemplates using it to heal you, his intuition tells him it’s best to get you to the doctor at the red army instead then trying to cure it himself. 
Chances are you got a concussion too after your fall, you’re a little dizzy and very out of it. “MC. Wrap your arms around my neck.”
He carefully lifts you from the ground, slumping over slightly to properly situate you on his back. He takes a careful hold of your legs, keeping them wrapped around his torso. “Don’t let go, ok?”
The whole way, he’ll be constantly asking if you are ok. He’s really concerned for you, and worries this might effect whether or not you’ll want to come back and visit his home—though of course it won’t. 
And once he has finally got you to Kyle, he’s going to be holding your hand blushing furiously because of PDA and trying to comfort you as you’re getting your foot wrapped up. So expect some awkward pats on the head, or looking into your face to ask, “You’re not in any more pain, right?” blessed boy, best boy
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Aww I'm sure whatever you choose will be the right choice. They're both such great options!! I'll be cheering you on either way, or even if you choose something completely different. It's cool that you've done uni research too. I haven't. I've only researched one 🙃
ikr!! Honestly tho, if I could meet a Haikyuu character for a day, (with the exception of Tooru, because he'd be my first choice🥺🥺) I'd probably choose Kuroo. His science jokes would be top-tier istg :> what about you?
yeah it's really dangerous. They'll probably have a strict lockdown soon, too. Is everything okay over there? Or are the cases high too? :( If they are, please stay safe 🥺🥺)
ooh what cuisines do you mix?? :D I'm sure there's french in there (because of your adorable love for quiches) and maybe some East Asian (because of the noodles?)
Aww that sounds so frustrating, I wish you all the best, bae. I hope it won't bother you in the future, you've got through this!!
KSJDJSHSJ I'm melting your expressions must be really really cute. I'm usually just smiling like a dork, and that smile stays with me even after I reply. my brother once asked me why I was smiling into my maths book. (maths does not spark joy).
omg yes yellow and blue are a really good combination. They're my school colours too. And the Swedish flag colour :D what's your favourite colour btw? Is it white? 😝😝
Yeah I saw a peak in the numbers today. English is second highest so wohoo!!
oh I didn't mean to overwhelm you 🥺🥺 but I'm glad you know I care. I love you, Cookie, I truly to :)
I mean yess?? (Catboy Chishiya was second best) but that drawing you did of us is first :D Speaking of drawings; I'm so soft that drawing of tiny Tooru in the board and his smile was so sweet. thank you, so much!!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 You're the best >.<
Heyyy I'm sorry for not answering earlier again😭😭😭 how was your day? I'm hoping it was alright!!! Mine was pretty good, still kinda tired but I feel better~
Thanks so much!!! It means a lot<3 I didnt really do the research, my teacher did... she really has big expectations of me, it's scary xD One is still something!! To be honest I did ones well and it's not really easy cuz I need to know everything cuz I'm paranoid like that😝
Ohh Kuroo is a great choice😩 he acts like an old man which is probably my second favorite thing about him, right after his chemistry obsession sjdjjwjfkskx
NOOOO that's a very difficult choice.... to be honest I would say Shoyo but I wanna meet everyone else too???!? Like maybe Ukai or Daichi because I need more advice on how to take care of myself physically💀 but if we're talking just someone to hang out with, without anything to worry about then yeah, probably Shoyo. He's so damn small I wanna give him a piggy back ride anywhere we go😩😭
Yeah, it's really the best choice:( I think situation in our place is moderate? I mean, theres less rgan 1000 cases per day in the whole country (?), I dont know if that's moderate, but that sounds better than if was at first😖
Theres a lot, really, we mostly have west and east asian foods? And a few Russian dishes, like pelmeni and vareniki <3 I especially love the potato ones, the cottage cheese ones arent my style😔 well, at least those are the ones we make here hehe~ The quiches I make are actually just something I found because of a game, which is funny but true XD ever since I tried making one with my ✨secret recipe✨ I couldnt stop. Barely anyone even knew that thing existed before I brought it into the picture XD
AWHH you're literally the cutest😭 I make you smile even though maths... that's a huge honor, ma'am. I'm proud😭😭💕
Ohh that's so cool!! That's our country's flag color as well hehe. You guessed it right😝 its white~ but I also really like muted brown and yellow. They're so comforting, you know? Kinda the colors of pastries <3
Ooo!! That's so cool omg, I'm very happy for you🥺
Heheh don't worry!! It still felt nice😋💕💕
Seriously, two of my children are your top two??? I'm in tears, you're giving me goo much credit😭🤍 I'm very glad you liked them, though, I was very happy drawing Tooru and mini Tooru for you hehe😙💕 Love you so much!!! Hope your day went great♡
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What's something you've always wondered?  The meaning of my life/what I’m meant to do. Are alligators pink?  Uh, no. Why is the sky blue? Something about colors scattering and wavelengths. Why are smurfs blue?  Apparently, blue looked best. Why is there always white in asylums?  I think it’s intended to be plain and calming, but seems like the opposite to me. When I was a kid I spent a lot of time at the children’s hospital and there it was very colorful and inviting and I think that really made a difference. 
Do colorful things make the crazy high or something?  I wouldn’t say that, but perhaps certain colors provoke bad feelings or emotions or something. *shrug* What's the prettiest place you've ever been?  Various beaches and mountainous areas. Do you have gunk in between the buttons on your remote? No. What's the dustiest thing in the room your in right now? I admittedly have some stuffed animals that have sat on top of my bookshelf for several years and have collected a lot of dust in that time. :X  Do you like to wear dresses?  No. Did you ever make something out of popsickle sticks?  Yeah, when I was a kid. Ever had a canker sore in your mouth?  Ugh, those are horrible. What's your current favorite song? Hmm. Don’t have a particular current favorite song at the moment. I haven’t been listening to music much lately. What's your favorite button on a calculator?  I don’t have a favorite button. Have you ever gotton an F on a report card? No. If you could live in any state, which would you chose? I’d like to stay in this state, just a different city. Would you ever live in New York City? No. What do you like the most about the place you live? My family is here. That’s really the only thing I like about it.  Do you like the way it smells after its rained outside?  Yes. do you think there's really a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Uh, no. Do you know what colors are in the rainbow? ROY G BIV.  Would you like to ride a rollar coaster on the rings of Saturn?  Noooo. I have no interest in going to outer space for one, that sounds terrifying in itself. Second, I don’t do roller coasters, but one on the rings of Saturn??? Nah. Take a piggy back ride threw the eye of a hurricane?  Nooo. I’ve never experienced a hurricane, but if I ever did I certainly wouldn’t be out in it. Have you ever seen a tornado up close in person?  Nooo omg. I’ve never experienced one of those either, thankfully. Would you help the kids in Africa?  If I could, yes. What's on your dream pizza? I’m pretty simple just give me feta, ricotta, spinach, garlic, and crumbled meatballs with olive oil and pesto drizzled on top. Have you ever told a pizza man he was cute?  No. What's your favorite board game? I enjoy a lot of board games. Did you play this game as a child? I played a lot of board games as a kid, yes. What's your best child hood memory? Sigh, just being a kid. Worst?  The hospital stays. Do you find Andy Warhol's art weird or beautiful?  I think it’s cool. If someone made a movie about your life what do you think it'd be called? I’d do something with a play on words with my last name.  Do you celebrate Darwin's day?  No. Do you even know what that is? A day to celebrate Charles Darwin?  Ever ate green eggs and ham?  Yeah, in elementary school they did that on Dr. Seuss Day. Do you remember the name of your kindergarden teacher?  I do. Do you give money to the homeless? I have. What would you do if you or your family became bankrupted?  I honestly don’t know.  Do you want to sleep and take your fix to bed?  “Take my fix to bed”? Never heard that saying. Anyway, I do need to sleep it’s almost 8AM. Have you ever taken a whole bottle of pills in one day?  No. Does this rollar coaster still exsist today?  Huh? What's your favorite thing about Bzoink? I don't use Bzoink. Have you ever been inside the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?  No. Are you a fan of musicals? Some. What's your favorite musical? Sweeney Todd. Ever read Shakespeare?  Yeah, in high school. What's the last song you downloaded illegally? I don’t recall, it’s been several years now since I last did that. What's the last song you downloaded legally? Same answer ^^^ I’ve used Spotify for quite awhile now. Have you ever had a dream where no one in the dream seen you?  Hmm. Not that I can recall. What's the weirdest dream you've ever had? All my dreams are weird. Do you believe dream interpretations?  I think they’re interesting and some I think do make sense. What if there was such a thing as killer hot dogs? Wtf. Where do hot dogs REALLY come from? Blech. What's your favorite kind of cheese?  I love various kinds of cheese. Do you like pepperjack cheese? I used to, but I can’t have spicy food anymore. How about colby? Yes. What's your favorite flavor of yogurt?  I don’t like yogurt, it’s a texture thing. Do you drink milk often?  I don’t drink milk ever. Are you a fan of spring time?  No, cause it starts to get warm and summer is around the corner. Isn't it so pretty when everything is in bloom?  Yeah. What's your favorite kind of bird? I don’t have a favorite bird. What's your favorite animated movie? Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, and Toy Story are among the top. What's your favorite magazine?  I don’t have one. I haven’t read a magazine since I was in high school. Are you an avid reader? Yes.
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