#see it would have been much better if my goal was just to spend 2 hrs outside đŸ€§then I wouldn’t be so sad abt it
ibyul · 2 years
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aiming high is good but sometimes it makes you forget to celebrate the small victories
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disneyprincemuke · 3 months
banana cue + oscar piastri!!
beer * op81
word count: 979
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oscar bites down on his tongue, your name still on his tongue. as of right now, he's only got one goal in his mind and that's to get drunk – like he's never experienced in his life. while he prides himself in controlling his alcohol, he simply couldn't see himself doing that tonight.
in the back of his mind is the pot of roses on the window sill, returned to him the day you'd solidified your breakup. he can barely look at it, much less think of the way it's still living and breathing in the same vicinity as him.
in his fit of rage the other day, he'd poured the remaining quarter of his beer pint into it hoping that it would somehow wilt the next morning.
you can only imagine his dismay when he woke up and the roses were still standing tall.
"i hope she doesn't forget," he says in a sad grimace, leaning forward on the table, cheek resting in his palm. his other hand drags the water droplets that's formed on the surface, tracing your name out.
lando, sitting next to him, raises an eyebrow in curiosity. "is everything okay? forget what?"
it's not lando's fault that he's clueless. oscar has yet to admit to his older teammate that he's parted ways with you, the girl he'd sworn he'd marry and live happily ever after with.
the kids he'd planned with you and the house you'd supposedly have built together in the suburbs to fall back on in the future.
that's all gone.
"mate," oscar whispers. he picks himself from the table and leans towards lando, head hung low with an arm loosely slung over the brit's shoulder. "i need you to promise me one thing tonight."
lando hums with furrowed eyebrows, truthfully still not knowing what the australian is rambling on about. “alright?”
“you need to make sure i get super drunk tonight.” he tears himself from lando and drops both hands on the table with a soft thud. “we broke up.”
he takes a swig of his beer pint and hisses at the taste as lando opens his mouth to respond. lando flinches slightly when oscar turns to him with a small grin. “this beer tastes amazing. good choice.”
“thanks?” lando tilts his head. he shakes his head. “what do you mean you broke up?”
“we had to break up,” oscar mutters.
oscar had been mourning your relationship is silence for the past 2 weeks. he hadn’t really known who he could turn to, really.
especially when the breakup had been prompted by his shortcomings, finding his schedule slowly getting harder to fit you into it. he doesn’t blame you for not wanting to stick around for it to free up — you deserve to not be in the backseat.
“she doesn’t want to wait around for me, you know? i’ve barely had the time to be with her,” oscar shakes his head, his hands balling into fists as the day you’d brought up the breakup vividly replays in his mind. “different stages of our lives or something like that, she said.”
he remembers the way you’d cried to him, confessing how much you’d miss him every single time he was away. admitting how much you wished that he hadn’t pursued racing because it was slowly getting tougher to spend so much time away from him.
you’ve got your whole life ahead of you and he couldn’t bring himself to blame you for not wanting to wait around for him.
graduation is right around the corner and life is just about to start for you.
his had already started the moment mclaren signed him into f1.
he takes another big gulp of his beer after he hears your whimper in the back of his mind, telling him that it’s just not the right time to keep the relationship.
“take it easy,” lando pleads, snatching the pint away from oscar gently, rubbing circles on his back. “the beer won’t make you feel any better.”
oscar hums and reaches back out for the pint that lando’s holding away from him. “maybe the beer will help drown my heart then i’ll stop missing her.”
lando scoffs, a hand coming up to try and swat oscar’s hand away. “possible alcohol poisoning won’t help you, i promise.”
“you don’t know that,” oscar hiccups. “the beer is so good, and not strong. my won’t really drown with that.” he drops his head. “but i sure hope it does.”
beer has never been oscar’s favourite drink. he’d found that the bitterness of the drink really helped to encapsulate how he’s truly felt over this entire situation.
he knows that it’s impossible to make it work with you. the vast difference in your current stages of life made it so difficult to connect at times; he’d felt you slip out of his grasp the moment he found success in his sport while he’d left you behind while you were still planning out your own future.
“you take a break after this pint,” lando grunts, putting the pint back down on the table. he inches towards the end of the booth they’re sitting in. “don’t go anywhere, mate. i’m going to get you a glass of water, alright? i got you.”
oscar watches with downturned eyes as the older man slips out of their booth, leaving him with his thoughts. he glances at his phone on the table as he takes another swig of his beer.
now he needs to decide: to continue drinking this god-sent beer, or tell you that he misses and loves you.
celebrate 4k with me!
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@33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore
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Am I the asshole for calling a (now ex-) mutual a stingy asshole?
So to start, I (NB20) am in a pretty rough situation, I'm facing homelessness soon, transphobia at home and work and my hours have been getting cut resulting in me making even less money that can sustain me. I have a toyhou.se forum post up stating I have emergency commissions open to help me out and to please support me if you can. This is where the situation begins. I have a mutual on toyhou.se who I'll call Apple (MTF22) I talk to sometimes to the point I'd say we are friends, not super close but friends nonetheless. She made a bulletin telling people about my commissions and to please comm me if they could which I'm very grateful for since I did get a few customers from her because of that. The thing is, a few weeks later, she made a bulletin talking about how happy she was so many commissions she bought were finished around the same time and posted all of them with the artists tagged in the post. It was honestly... quite a few, I'm talking like 9 pieces of art of her fursona and even a custom vtuber model she got of her sona. I was going to reply all happy for her, but it made me think... how much did she spend on those commissions?? So I went through all the artists socials to find their commission prices and came to a total of fucking $385!!! More than half of my current goal I'm trying to make through commissions to stay out of homelessness!! So I messaged Apple saying since I saw she bought a few commissions if she was interested in buying a comm from me. She replies saying "Ohh! I'd love to <333 but im just not in a place to buy any more comms right now :< sorry >.<!!" So I casually reply really? because it seems like your in the perfect place to help me out after already spending over $300 in commissions. She tells me she's sorry and really wishes someone would be able to help me out but she just wasn't that interested in my art or a custom to which I tell her she could've easily donated to my ko-fi which I have always had since she clearly has money to spend? To this, she straight up IP blocks me. So still fucking annoyed, I vented in a discord server I share with a few friends from being in a few shared CS together, saying how annoying it is rich assholes like her would drop half a thousand for a picture of their fursona but don't even blink twice at their so called friends. anyway, one of my friends takes a look at Apples th profile and notices she has a new bulletin up and sends me a screenshot, but anways the bulletin reads like "hey!! just saying, but please dont come into my dms acting like you know my financial situation better than i do, just because i buy a lot of commissions doesnt mean im made of money! and please dont think that me commisioning artist 1 means i hate artist 2? thats so weird, thanks!!!!!" and seeing all their subscribers just kissing her ass pissed me off so i made my own bulletin that just stated "i thought it was pretty fucking weird to know how bad ur friend's situation was and to go buy a bunch of comms instead of buying a comm from or even throwing a buck to help me out? like yeah im gonna think i know ur situation better than u, you stingy fuck!!!" Anyway, she mustve been block evading (which I reported her for) since she unblocked me, took a screenshot of my bulletin, then went on about how she lived in an abusive household; her dad had thrown her into a sink and chipped her tooth, bruised half her face and scarred it pretty badly. She bought a bunch of commissions immediately afterwards in a panic to make herself feel better, paying everything with her savings. Which to me.. isn't an excuse. Ive been hit and abused and still found scraps of money to pull together to give to mutuals who need it and Ive been bumping my own post like crazy and she had literal weeks to donate or comm me. Not to mention Ive had exmutuals of hers come to me saying that shes never donated anything to them either despite advertising their posts but always had money for plushies, comms and other crap, meaning Im not alone in thinking shes a stingy asshole. This is getting long, so here, tumblr AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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nanowrimo · 8 months
Write Meow! 4 Writing Tips Cats Teach Us
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Did you know cats have a lot of wisdom about the writing process? It's because of their cat lifestyles! NaNo Participant Megan Jenkins lets us know what our wise cat friends can teach us about writing.
“Cats are too human-like,” my friend complained while explaining to my cat-lady-self why she’s a dog person. I laughed, but after pondering my cat’s behavior, I realized just how much cats can teach us about becoming a better human, and more importantly, a better writer. (Arguably.)
Here are a few writing lessons we can learn from cats.
1. Have a Routine
As someone who rolled her eyes at this advice for years, I still cannot believe that my cat hoodwinked me into a morning routine. 
My cat was right though. 
Writing for 15 minutes during my cat’s breakfast has me writing more than ever before. While 15 minutes may not seem like a lot, giving yourself prompts for the next session and having consistent sessions helps you accomplish more than you would think.
Also, cats are great accountability partners. If you stray from their routine, they will meow loudly and slap you with their paw. (Or is that just my cat?)
2. Take Breaks
Before my cat, my writing process was to write for hours at a time on a random weekend day. This process was exhausting and made me feel like I had to block an entire day for writing, which is becoming increasingly impossible. 
However, cats inherently know the importance of taking breaks and stepping away from screens, which is why they sit in front of our keyboards and computers when we spend too much time on them (I assume). 
One way to remember to take breaks is to participate in writing sprints, in which writers write together for a set time. 
For any fellow introverts, the Pomodoro Technique, in which you work for 25 minutes then break for 5 minutes with a longer break after four rounds, has been shown to increase productivity. 
You might hesitate to try sprints or Pomodoro like I did because you love to emerge yourself in your writing for hours. However, I have found that both methods have built my endurance, allowing me to write longer. 
Plus, the frequent breaks to entertain my cat prevent her from hijacking my keyboard. 
3. Prioritize Meals
Cats are grazers, meaning they eat several small meals throughout the day, which they do not like to miss. 
Unlike my cat, I skipped meals all the time. I couldn’t be like Pippin in The Lord of the Rings asking for second breakfast while on an important quest!
However, modeling my cat, I now prioritize my eating. While it may not work for everyone, eating throughout the day gives me energy to write after work, not just rewatch The Lord of the Rings.
Since you are likely not on a quest to eliminate all evil, try prioritizing eating, like cats (and hobbits) do, and see how it impacts your writing. 
4. Focus on the Present
Do you sometimes focus so much on the past or the future that you forget about the present? I do. With NaNoWriMo especially, I tend to over-plan and dwell on any minor failures. 
Cats don’t do this. Cats live in the present, and while cats learn from their past, they do not dwell on their failures or worry about the future. Instead, cats deal with problems when they arise.
Similarly, do not torture yourself if you have a bad writing day (or week or month) or worry about every what-if. Instead, use the past to improve your current writing session.
As NaNoWriMo begins, I hope what I have learned from cats’ behavior helps remind you to have a healthier relationship with writing, which is ultimately the goal of NaNoWriMo. Besides the 50k.
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Megan is a business risk and control advisor at a financial institution. The rest of her time, she spends dreaming of fantastical places. Her love for language led her to obtain a BA in English with a concentration in professional writing and an MA in Technical Communication and Rhetoric. When she is not writing, reading, or editing, she also enjoys traveling, watching movies, and spending time with her family and cat, Sophie. Connect with her on Linkedin or Goodreads!
Photo by Pixabay
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
2024 Villain’s Festival: Jude Jazza Bonus Story Part 2 ♛
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. *I don't know what happened today, but I was exhausted and for some reason, part 2 was extremely difficult to translate. I had to edit the entire thing three times, so I apologize if the translation isn't as smooth as it could be. But I hope you still enjoy our sadistic fairy in part 2 ♄
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In the meantime, Jude and I decided to have breakfast, so we visited a nearby park.
I sit down on the grass with a good view and take a bite of the bread that was just handed to me.
Kate: Mm
Kate: The bread served at Crown Castle is good, but I like the buttery flavor of the bread here!
Jude: Well, good for ya.
Kate: By the way, Jude, you know a lot about the bread I like, don’t you?
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Jude: It's a basic part of business to learn people's tastes and preferences. Ya were just in my head because ya were being so loud.
Jude: Instead, there's no hope for ya, I'll take ya around on my own today.
(Jude is willing to spend time with me, even if it's for money.)
Jude would be able to forcefully take the necklace from me.
But instead of doing that, he is following the rules and trying to steal my heart.
(Jude is a man who keeps his promises, no matter what they are.)
Kate: Jude, I'm going to make some  conditions for you to take my heart.
Jude: Conditions? You're so high and mighty, tellin’ people what to do. Since when did ya become such a big woman?
Kate: Because the heart is invisible, so I think it's better to have some kind of clear goal.
Jude: Tell me.
Kate: Food that I will never forget, food that I’ll truly enjoy, and will want to continue to eat. 
Jude: Find this

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Jude: That’s too many conditions.
Kate: Because with fewer requirements, you would find them too quickly Jude.
Jude: Tch
..Let’s go.
From then until sunset, Jude took me around to various shops.
Jude: Oi
. You've got to stop this. Why can’t I pass the review?
Kate: Jude, It's true that the food at the restaurant you introduced me to is delicious, right?
Kate: However, if you ask me if I would go there myself, I would say...
The shop Jude introduced me to has slightly higher prices than the shops I usually go to.
Of course, the taste is guaranteed to be worth the price, but it's difficult to buy it myself so often.
(However, since he spent so much time introducing various things, I guess it would be better to let him pass the review...)
(It's already late and I'm getting full from eating so much...)
Kate: Jude, thank you for your time today.
Kate: Well, as a thank you for keeping me company all day, I'd like to give you the necklace... ....
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Jude: That’s different from the first condition. There's no point in acceptin’ it like that.
Surprisingly, Jude did not accept my necklace.
Jude is very rule-abiding and disciplined.
(But I'd like to give something back
.that’s it.)
Kate: Jude, we've been walking a lot, so why not have something cold to eat at the end? My treat. 
I told Jude to wait for me and bought some ice cream from the street corner.
Kate: It's much cheaper than the food that you introduced me to today Jude, but...
I handed one to Jude, who accepted it without a word.
Kate: Hm
delicious! After a long day of walking, something cold and sweet hits the spot. 
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Jude: Well, that's about right.
When I was looked at Jude from the side, our gazes collided with each other.
Jude: Isn't it bad manners to stare at other people eatin’?
Kate: Because I was so happy to see your ‘it’s delicious face’ that I just couldn't resist, Jude.
Kate: It's cheap and easy to buy, so you can eat it like this over and over again.
Kate: Next time I eat it, I will surely remember today!
Jude: You're such a long-winded princess, aren'tcha?
Kate: What?
Jude: The conditions have been met.
I didn't mean to say much, but Jude chuckled.
Jude: Food that you’ll never forget, food that you’ll truly enjoy, and will want to continue to eat.
Jude: I've met all three. I wasn't told it was my job to find them.
Kate: Haha

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Jude: There's nothin’ to laugh at.
Kate: When we first met today, Jude had changed the way he spoke, and I felt very uncomfortable.
Kate: Just
.I'm so relieved to see that you're your usual self Jude.
Victor declared, "The supreme evil that steals her heart will be the winner.”
The title of the greatest evil is worthy of the current Jude, who never gave up on winning until the very end.
Kate: Please. It's the necklace I promised you.
Jude: Hah....... I can't believe it took me this long to get here, I didn't attack this right the first time.
Jude: Ya weren't satisfied with the kind young man you see in romance novels.
Jude: You'll be happy if I torture ya like I always do, won’tcha?
Kate: That’s an improper expression!
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Jude: There's no such thing as an improper expression, is there Princess?
Kate: It’s differ
I hastily swallow the denial that almost leaves my mouth.
(Because if I deny Jude's words now.

I was satisfied, not because I like to be tortured)
(I liked Jude as he was, not as a nice young man.)
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Jude: I knew it.
Mr. Jude throws a ridiculing look at me as I remain silent.
I gave my heart to an arrogant fairy who shot me with his gaze.
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woozvc · 9 months
notice you
1.0 (season finale)
word count - 1.8k ish
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you keep your phone down for a while. me and vernon replays in your head. maybe it's the stress from the interview being released or maybe it's something else, suddenly you're laying in bed like a motionless doll staring at the ceiling. events from your meet up with vernon replay in your head.
how when he saw u walk over to him he broke out in the biggest smile ever. how he didn't immediately hand you your wallet, instead took his time to ask how you were and if you had eaten. when you said no he responded
" I know a place nearby let's go"
"oh it's okay we don't have to I've already made u come all the way here just to give me my wallet"
"I want to hang out with you let's go"
I want to hang out with you. he wanted to spend time with you with or without the wallet. but surely it didn't mean much?
you guys stop by a nearby cafe, it's small with no one around. the smell of freshly made ramen fills your nose as u remember you hadn't eaten at all.
both of you sit down and make small talk about life, goals, the future and what not. vernon is genuine in his answers, that's something you admired about him since the first time you both met.
admire, that's the word u use when u see vernon.
admiration fills your eyes when he talks about his love for music and his passion.music has been your life goal since forever, and you wouldn't give up being an idol for anything. it was nice knowing that someone you look upto also feels the same. it felt comforting that he also felt the effect of music.
admire, that's the word you use for vernon when he offers to take a walk around the river after you finish eating.
he's a bit awkward, it's very evident. both of you clueless as to if this is okay, adrenaline pumping in your blood at the thought of being caught. but for some reason you didn't care, not when you're with him.walking around with him felt natural, something about him feels familiar, it feels comfortable.
admire, the word both of you use when you finally say goodbye.
it's around midnight and the river area is getting crowded with college kids having picnics with their friends. that's when you both decide to head home. it's comfortable, but there's a feeling of longing. you want to stay there with him but you know u can't. "I'll see you around" leaves your lips as u walk away, clutching your wallet in your hand.
admire, that's the word vernon used for you when he saw you debut showcase for the first time on his YouTube for you page.
he was bored, he has nothing else to do. autoplay helped though, he heard an unfamiliar melody fill his ears and suddenly he was watching all your videos on your channel for the next 2 hours.
admire, the word vernon uses to hide the fact he didn't just notce you, he admired you.
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"sometimes things are better left unsaid" you both think as you turn your phones off, last texts never getting sent.
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synopsis - you get invited to your first MAMA awards after debuting as a soloist. a dream come true for u. your fans are ecstatic but they can't help but notice how this one idol keeps stealing glances at u......and you can't ignore it either.
pairing — vernon x gn!reader
genre/s — smau, idol au, fluff, minor angst
warnings — a lot of cursing
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note — Y'ALL I'M SORRY FOR MAKING THE FINALE SO ANGSTY BUT I PROMISE SEASON 2 WILL BE BETTER PLEASE FORGIVE ME. but yes omg we finally ended season 1!! I didn't know this series would blow up as much as it did and I'm so grateful. this series will be on hold for a while, I'll focus on my other series which is coming up and more one shots but this WILL RETURN!! thank you for loving notice you as much as I do <3
anyways as always id love to know your thoughts on this chapter!
tags —
@spilled-coffee-cup @atinytinaa @matchahyuck @wonwoos-wineparty @kawennote09 @weird-bookworm @idkwwhatimmdoiing
@maiamorrrrrrrrrrrr @thehao8 @blurryriki @atinytinaa @delicatewinterenthusiast @stqrrgirle @cloelinnnnn @sp1ng @venusprada @hellohannie
@ddokye @jeonghansshitester @cienlvrs @vernyangel @thefroggybazaar @wondering-out-loud @mxnhoeuwu @ahuihoeeee
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reo-kisser · 1 year
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reo, nagi, chigiri
gn!reader, fluff, hcs
"my love" used once in reo's part. soccer used instead of football.
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Life with Reo is oddly peaceful and chaotic all together. There's so much going on, but somehow, there's always some down time for you to spend together- he makes sure of it. While the eyes of the public will never, ever, go away completely, he does all in his power to control where they look (for your safety and comfort, which is also partly his).
Reo is quite the fan of hugs from behind. Even better if you don't notice beforehand, his arms come around your waist as his head rests upon your shoulder. Whenever he sees you, a smile rests upon his expression. Every moment he was away, he missed you, and being able to see you again is his freeing of the cruelties of life. He never fails to give you a kiss, no matter whether it's been 2 minutes or 2 weeks. Just being able to feel you, to have you in his arms (or, perhaps, he in yours) was the antidote to fatigue.
Even though Reo runs towards his dreams, goal in front of him and his eyes locked onto it, he's learned how to take a step back and enjoy a moment of rest- especially with you. As much as he's involved in work, he always tries to put you first, when he's on vacation with you. There will always be calls and emails and unexpected emergencies, but as much as he can, he's there with you. After all, he set away this time for you, not for everyone else who "needs" him.
Let your dreams run wild. If he can, he'll grant it. After all, his motto is "Get everything you want"- and he'll get it for you. You, whom he found meaning in life in, will receive everything you wish for. (If you want it easily, he'll give it to you. If you want it from your own power, he'll let you have that too. After all, he knows all too well the emptiness of no ambition.)
Reo is always a bit "too much"- endearingly so. His words are always just a little bit flowery, a little bit teasing- but it's easy to know he's earnest about it. Whether he calls you, texts you, or is right there by you, it's second nature to him to be full of love for you. He does a lot, but it's because it feels right to him- and it didn't ever take long for him to find what felt right for you too. After all, what's right for you is right for him too.
It is always at the end of the day that Reo is able to finally relax, to move from the constantly moving world into a time of bliss, accompanied by you. This is the time of day he gets to nuzzle his face into your neck, hold you tight, giggle as he whispers a hundred different ways to say "I love you".
You first, always. The first scene that reaches his eyes in a day is you, and he wouldn't have it any other way. Reo is always, always content to be able to feel your breath tickle his skin, as his thumb rubs circles on your cheek. He hopes he doesn't wake you up, but he just can't help it. He feels nothing but love, admiration- and if you're partial to teasing him, now would be the best time.
If possible, he'd love to be next to you when your eyes open to see the world too. He often places a kiss on your forehead, and your ears catch a "Good morning, my love."- whispered, fully for you. At this time, he still feels dreamy, floating on clouds. He giggles from happiness, and he doesn't want to get up. Not yet. The goals won't go anywhere. Nor will you, but he simply just wants to bask in the moment.
Reo adapts quickly. He's aware, he's observant. He knows that the eyes of the public are everywhere, and at this point, he's almost drowned them out- but if you want, he'll keep his ear out, he'll cover you. You're his and his only, and as much as he wants to brag about his wonderful lover, the only who has captured his heart so, your safety and comfort is always at the top of his priorities. No matter what, he wants to bring you happiness, and he'll go through any efforts to do so.
Sometimes, Ba-ya comes over. Now, she knows little Reo has grown into big boy Reo with stable income, independent life, and a wonderful lover, but sometimes, she'll come over to visit, fix up a few things here and there and make something he likes. She enjoys your company too, and even though Reo asks her to leave most of the time, so he can spend that time with you, but he's always grateful that she's fond of you too.
Just because you're married, it doesn't stop him from taking you out on dates. The ring doesn't mean "I'll stop dating you", it means "I'll be together with you forever." Dates on a whim, dates planned, dates you knew were coming, dates you had no idea about. If life was about passion, spending time with you was a big part of it- and that won't ever change.
Sometimes, both you and he didn't know you were going on a date. Sometimes, dates just happen like that, on a whim- not that was ever a bad thing. It isn't always fancy either- maybe he takes you on a stroll through town and you discover things you've never seen before. Maybe something catches your eyes and you decide, on the spot, "let's go there." His hand is always intertwined with yours, as to never lose sight of you.
Reo loves going above and beyond. After all, he dreams big, and he gets what he wants. (Reminder: what you want, he also wants!) If you want, he'll bring you to the fanciest places- Michelin star restaurants, exclusive sights, seven star hotels. He'll plan it perfectly, and the outcome will be perfect. There is nothing he won't do for his beloved.
There isn't a year that Reo doesn't celebrate your anniversary. How could he forget the day you were wed to him? He always is able to take the day off from work to bring you somewhere nice, and every year is nothing short of magical. In fact, if the two of you have time, he'll take a week off and bring you somewhere on vacation, an unforgettable experience.
If there's one way to describe life with Nagi, it would be comfort. There's one truth in life, and that was that Nagi is, and will forever be, in love with you. That is the one, undisputable fact of the universe. Nagi finds comfort in knowing that you love him too, and that's enough for him- of course, there are things he wants, but he's okay just knowing that you're in love with him too.
Nagi never wants to get out of bed- especially in the mornings. Even if he has soccer to practice, it doesn't hurt to stay in a little bit longer, right? He clings to you, just a little. He doesn't want to move; to him, time's almost stopped, as it's not a time of reality but rather a time of bliss for him.
Somehow, you've found yourself with an increasing amount of plants in the house. First, choki was already there. Then, there was another. And another. And until the windows were filled with plants, it was hard to notice just how quickly the plants seemed to multiply. Just one more, that one would be cute, let get that one- they added up, not that Nagi ever minded. It was somewhat like a family- maybe you and Nagi had become plant parents.
Nagi could be with you forever. And that's why he made that promise, but there's rarely ever a moment he doesn't want to be with you. Even if he's playing soccer, he's just as happy just being with you, no matter what he's doing with you.
Even if practice is intense, Nagi always makes sure to come home on time. There are priorities, and while soccer is important, being at home with you is more important. He needs his daily dose of you, and whenever asked, his answer would be, "I can't play soccer unless I go home tonight."
On break days, he's home all day. His mere existence is a constant reminder of "hey, I'm here". His hands might be playing games, but his head rests on you, snuggled against your body. He needs you, he needs to feel you. He feels his ego when he plays soccer, but with you, he feels at peace.
Nagi isn't one to go all out and extra, but on important days, (like your anniverary) he'll do anything you want to do. He always takes the day off, no matter what. (His motivation magically disappears, oddly. He has one priority on those days, and that's spending time with you)
In terms of house chores, Nagi doesn't mind doing it, but he isn't insistent on doing it either. He's rather familiar, especially because he's lived alone for a long time. He'll do whatever you don't want to do, so you have full reigns. Though, if he finds that you're doing too much, he won't think twice before doing some of that himself.
Despite him not having said much at all about being married to you, everyone, even people he had recently met, know he's married to you. Not just because he was famous (and by extention, so were you) but also because no one can deny the absolute affection he shows. It was simply so clear that he was in love with you, not just from his eyes but also the way he sought to simply be by your side.
In the moments that you're alone with him, Nagi always buries his head into your shoulder. It's almost like his resting place, with his arms around you and mumbles escape his lips. His eyes close too, but he doesn't always fall asleep- that wasn't the plan. After all, in what other position could he so easily reach your lips- your cheek and neck too, even your hands?
It's oddly stable- living with, married to Chigiri Hyoma. Even if he could run the fastest, he kept pace with you, always- your hand intertwined with his. After all, he'd stay wherever you go. It was the sense of consistency, a constant peace that was surprisingly difficult to break.
It was assuringly routine - get up, get ready, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, eat dinner, relax, and fall asleep. Although quite standard, and for some, mundane, it was also special. After all, Hyoma was there, too. There was nothing like hearing his voice at any time of day, intertwining your hand with his, sharing a quick kiss- there was nothing at all comparable to that.
Hyoma has a habit of kissing your wedding ring. It's especially often when he won't see you for a bit, but there really is never a day where there isn't at least one kiss. It's always as calm as ever, but if you look closely, you can see the smile on his lips. His lips are soft- they always are- and it's so easy to feel it as his lips brush your fingers.
You can always sit by him while he does his hair care routine. He'll save a spot for you, scoot over a little when you come to sit. He didn't mind at all; actually, he'd been waiting for you. Even if you simply sit there with him, doing your own thing, or talk to him about anything, he enjoys this time with you, no matter how you spend it with him. It's less lonely; from a time of being alone, which isn't a bad thing in itself, it's more often that he finds himself comforted by the fact that you're there with him. Just that makes it better.
He always lets you know when he's going out of the house. It's like a greeting, always a little "I'm going out to practice" or "I have to get to work", and if possible, he'll leave a little kiss on your forehead and a little smile, especially when you give him a little kiss back. He'll be thinking about you all day, until he can see you again.
Nightly routines are commonplace with Hyoma. He has his self care routine to make sure he's in top shape to play soccer, and he loves doing that together with you- even if yours isn't the same as his. It adds another element to his routine, that it's not just a thing for himself but also time to spend with you.
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gimme-tea-bitch · 1 year
The Kiss and All Their Growth
Holy shit what a day it has been, the bees kiss has left me rambling like a madman and spending half my shift in a stupor.
But, a friend of mine let me ramble in her DM’s about this scene and now I wanted to do a rough run down of the ways their confession hit on so many major points of trauma for the both of them, so get ready for a run down!
Starting with the way that Yang asks Blake if she’s okay, Yang in just as much danger, just as stuck and checking in with Blake, and Blake on the other hand “I’ll feel a lot better, when we’re together on that platform.” which just is such a perfect example of exactly the things that they’re about to say to each other. Yang being brave, caring, Blake knowing what she wants, Yang.
And then Yang, not getting anywhere, defaults to supporting Blake. Trusting that Blake will figure out the puzzle here, because she’s smart, which Yang says in her trusty dorky humor, lightening the mood on top of lifting up Blake.
And then Yang with that loud ass “You have cat ears” and the doofy smile, and holy shit I only just noticed but one of Blake’s ears literally flicks toward Yang after that line. But then Yang much gentler saying “I think your cat ears are cute.” Because she’s not trying to lighten the mood this time, this one’s real.
And then when Blake figures out what it is, saying thing’s they’ve never said, Yang defers to her, she doesn’t do the expected thing of saying a silly line, she gives Blake the room so to speak. Immediately trusting Blake’s judgement here and maybe more importantly, letting Blake set the bar for just how deep this would be.
And this is where it starts fucking me up, Blake’s start is an immediate shot through the heart. “I think you’re an extraordinary person.” We see Yang’s face go from her usual playful smirk to genuine surprise. And it reminds me so much of Yang’s answer to Oobleck back in Volume 2. Yang heard what her team’s goals were and she found herself lacking. Ruby wanted to be the hero who saved people, Weiss wanted to bring back the honor of her family, Blake wanted to help her people, and Yang, Yang wasn’t any of that, she didn’t have a noble goal, she was, just Yang. For Blake, someone that Yang has admired and loved for so long to say that she’s extraordinary. It runs so counter to how she’s always seen herself.
And Blake keeps going, “always the first to lighten a situation, you act bravely when you’re afraid.” Two more huge points. Because this is who Yang has always been. The jokes and the bravado, it’s a nice mask to hide behind but these traits Blake points out, is possibly the first time anyone in Yang’s life has ever actually seen her. When Summer died, when Raven left, when Tai fell apart. It was just her and Ruby, and what did Yang do? She put on a brave face, she made jokes and played games, and filled Ruby’s life with as many moments of joy as she could. Because Ruby deserved a happy childhood. Because Yang is above all else, brave and kind. And then Blake finished with “you do what you say.” and this one is personal to her especially. Blake who’s been manipulated and deceived so many times, for some many years by someone she thought she could trust. And this time, Yang is what Blake thought Adam might be at the start. All those ideals and manipulations he used to make himself look better than he was. Yang just is all of those things.
And then, as others have pointed out, Blake’s “Try to keep up!” doing for Yang what Yang always does for others. Lightening Yang’s load this time.
Yang’s response “I like that you’ve never been intimidated by me.” Yang who’s always been too, who obscures piece of herself almost instinctively. Who’s had so much anger in her that it feels like too much. Not with Blake, never with Blake. Blake who’s seen Yang truly get angry, and still trusts her, isn’t afraid because she knows Yang. Even in the emerald forest. And then Yang bringing up how Blake doesn’t give up. Blake who spent so much time hating herself for running, being a coward. And Yang who even at the beginning said things like “you’re not one to back down from a challenge.” Because even when Blake was still so scarred by her trauma, Yang saw who she really was, someone who doesn’t give up. “You know what matters to you.” and god just, the way that Yang is so spot on but so blind, that she doesn’t see how what matters most to Blake now, is her.
And it’s insane to me because Yang has spent her whole life putting herself last. Always putting those around her in front because they’re all incredible and she’s just Yang. She never saw that Blake picked her in the Emerald Forest, that Blake carried her through the ruins of Beacon, that Blake was so sorry that Yang got injured. She didn’t see what a broken down mess Blake became after.
And then they stare at each other so lovingly, so tenderly, god it makes me insane. And Yang is so scared. Yang’s so used to acting when she’s scared, but that’s always been in times of danger, not with her emotions. She’s spent her whole life bottling those up and locking them away so no one can see the deepest parts of her.
And then the way that CRWBY so perfectly gave Blake the initiative, but had Blake use to nudge Yang to finally say what she feels, for Yang to finally let her wants and hopes be spoken, to not have to hide herself anymore. And Yang still so terrified “I think i’m in love with you.” Saying it like she’s giving Blake an out, like she can back out of these feelings or something. And it’s crazy cuz it’s Yang saying what she feels but not pushing, never pushing. Blake who’s spent so many years being pushed around and controlled and told what to do. And Yang who has never ever pushed her, never forced her to do things she doesn’t want to or be someone she doesn’t want to be, even now, even when all Yang wants is Blake, she still refuses to push any of it on Blake. And Blake, fuck, Blake knowing, knowing how terrified Yang is, how even now Yang is still so patient, so held back, saying “I love you too” almost before Yang’s even finished. Because she doesn’t want to give Yang even a second, not even a fraction of a moment to think that Blake might not love her back.
Yang’s stunned because how could this be real. Yang who’s spent her whole life being left behind, finally finding someone who wants her just as badly and she wants them. They lean in and you can see on Yang’s face how she’s still so stunned, but every motion makes it more and more real and then they’re kissing, and they’re so close together and Yang pulls her closer because it’s not close enough and GOD I’M INSANE ABOUT THEM!
But yeah, that’s all I got, i’m sure there’s plenty of things i’m forgetting that also apply in this scene, but just, so many parts of this confession and kiss reminded me of their past and how much they’ve grown since then and I couldn’t help but point them out. Thank you for reading!
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Admiral, my Admiral (1/2)
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x [gender neutral] Admiral! Reader Words: ~ 2 500 Summary: An unusual relationship that starts with a deal. Tags: no talk to him (ace) he angy / he gets to be babied tho / um, there's angst if you don't mind
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‱ Ace could remember passing out during a fight. His division wasn’t able to defeat the marine because they happened to run into a fucking strong division
‱ He tried his best to fight, but he just ended up getting weak when the spear of Sea-prism stone touched his chest and there was nothing else he could do, not even burn the ship so he would die uncaught, in the bottom of the sea; the last thing he could see was the fucking admiral walking towards him before he passed out. Where did the admiral come from, anyways?
‱ He woke up in a room he didn’t recognize, but could feel the familiar movement of the sea under him, so he was a little relieved he hadn’t been taken anywhere on land. Or maybe it was actually worse, if he thought well
‱ The whole place was too... patterned. Minimalist. It seems like a guest room and, when he leaves the room, the place keeps the same dark gray, white and blue colors. He keeps going until seeing a sign with the Marine symbol on it makes him shout and try to start lighting everything on fire until he notices the anklet on his leg and it is made out of that goddamned stone
‱ It is stupid, but he still jumps on you in an attempt to kill you with his bare fists at the moment he finds you at the desk only to be sent flying into the sea with a kick and rescued by your subordinates
‱ Ace is so full of anger, so small compared to you as he stands on the deck and stares at you—if only looks could kill...—while you don’t even bother to order him to be chained or anything. He feels like he will combust when you look at him and have the audacity to grin
‱ Your subordinates seem to know something that Ace doesn’t, but none of them pipe a word about it, all of them always talking the minimum possible with him and ignoring his comments whenever they get him food. He almost feels like when he was taken in by Whitebeard all over again, but this time, the feeling isn’t exactly welcoming because the only one being nice to him there is the fucking admiral, even if you can get on his nerves with your sarcasm and superiority complex. That is living hell
‱ At first, he thinks you will execute him—doesn’t happen. Then, you’re probably taking him to some headquarters to make him prisoner or something—also wrong. He tries to bribe one of your subordinates into telling him, but it never happens; not like he has anything that may interest them
‱ All he needs to stop fussing around so much is a letter from Garp telling him to trust you; not really the most convincing thing, but surely does leave a thought in the back of Ace’s head
‱ If you don’t kill him and have a goal, then the logic is simple; you need Ace alive, so you won’t kill him even if he’s the most insufferable fucker in the whole world
‱ Spending a few weeks on your ship does make Ace soften, though. He ends up finding himself in late night talks with you on the deck because, as much as he doesn’t want to chat, your sweet talk does keep him going. Not to mention the way he finds comfort in you, somehow
‱ Ace softening up doesn’t mean peace. His way of showing he is more comfortable around you resolves itself around Ace suddenly falling asleep in the most inconvenient spaces and following you around while making the most annoying comments. It doesn’t matter that you’re an Admiral and the power you have—he will get on your nerves because that’s just how he is, even more knowing he won’t get killed no matter how much he annoys one of the strongest, best known marines and warriors out there
‱ “What’re you doing?” “...Paperwork.” “Well, that I can see. What’s it about, though? Can I see the files about me? You better have everything right. I’m sure my bounty would be higher if you knew everything I’ve done!” “Why don’t you go take a nap or something? Leave me alone, fire boy.” “You’re so annoying! I can’t even—” You look up from your papers and he is... sleeping again. Okay.
‱ “You must be receiving a great amount to be taking care of me.” “Oh, I wish I were...”
‱ The relationship between you two turns into something like; Ace: Yo, I’ve broken about 20 important things, almost sank your ship again and made one of your subordinates almost give up on being a Marine You: I know this and I love you
‱ Ace is a little suspicious if you really have any real destiny—you’re sailing without stopping at any island for longer than a couple of days and never going to any of the headquarters. Are you going against the rules and acting in secret? Really??? For real??? Damn it, someone for once should tell Ace a word about what’s going on. Not only would half of his doubts go away, but also something interesting would happen in that godforsaken ship before he went crazy
‱ Although, watching the admiral is quite interesting. Well, the admiral is quite interesting...
‱ He grows quiet for a while, spending some days processing how you are always checking on him every morning and every night before he goes to sleep, sometimes bringing you food in person and spending some of your time with him
‱ Why do you want to know if he is emotionally okay and has everything he needs? It's almost like you care
‱ Then there are those long, uncomfortable silences in which he doesn't know what to do because, maybe unintentionally, those little comments of yours and light smirks have his face turning bright red and something stirring inside his chest
‱ How did he even allow the admiral to get into his head like that? He can't let it continue this way, though
          “(Y/n)!” Ace whined as he walked into your office and didn’t even care about what you were doing before he threw himself on your lap, holding onto your shoulders as he dramatically leaned back.
“I am afraid I am about to die! Your ship is so, so boring and your subordinates never talk to me!” He closed his eyes, making a face as if he were under a lot of pain—or at least trying to—, with no regard for the documents he almost made you ruin. “Like, why can’t they give me the combination to the vault? Or let me mess with the sails? That’s no fun!”
You would’ve chuckled if Ace weren’t being so obnoxious, so you just leaned back on the chair and observed him; he pouted at the silence and sat up properly on your lap. He takes in a breath, but you never allow him to voice whatever it is.
“Look, I am throwing you in the sea if you continue like this!”
“As if!” Ace chuckles. “You can’t k...”
Oh, it can’t be. Still, the soft snoring that comes from Ace confirms your theory and you roll your eyes, bouncing your leg lightly.
“Oi! What do you think you are doing, Ace?” You finally let go of your pen and your papers, shaking Ace a little. “Get lost, fire boy! I already forbid you from interrupting me while I’m on my paperwork! Why don’t you go read the books I lent you, hm? Go sleep in your room, at least. In the kitchen. I don't care.”
“It’s no fun without you.” Ace groaned, and you couldn’t help but to smirk and raise an eyebrow; a red tone took over his cheeks. “I—I mean, you’re the one who—”
“The one who?” You nodded for him to continue, resting your cheek against your palm. “Go on.” Ace exhaled, pressing his lips together as he looked away, and the lack of answer made you chuckle while wrapping an arm around his torso. “Oh, you don’t know what to do now that you have my full attention? Just wasting my time? I gave you rules to stay on my ship, Ace.” Your fingers held onto his jaw so he would look at you. “And I—”
Lips pressed to yours interrupted your words. Ace’s lips. You couldn’t help but to kiss back because he kept pressing his lips to yours for a few seconds, dismissing your hesitance, and even daring to hum softly once you started to kiss him back.
None of you stop. It started a chain of kisses that was enough to make you forget about your paperwork, lost in kissing the lips of a filthy pirate that fell in your hands because of a deal. Both of you had this same feeling; the spark of knowing that this was wrong and forbidden was what ignited your feelings for each other. Ace’s lips tasted like the sea, like the sweets he was eating earlier, but also tasted like freedom. A little bit of power that you had over the Marine and the World Government because no matter what you did, you knew no one would agree to have you dismissed from the Marine and they couldn't control every single action of yours.
Your fingers hooked with the hair on the back of Ace’s head to pull him away from the kiss a little. “You are down bad,” you mumbled into his ear.
‱ Once, Ace hears you talking to Sengoku. He sees you in your office, back to the door and with a den den mushi in hand. Your voice is calm, but not the sort of calm like you are when you raise an eyebrow at Ace then shrug in dismissal before you tell him to do whatever he pleases, no; it is the type of calm when your subordinates do something you don’t like, so you suppress your annoyance to long glares and pursed lips
‱ “No...” You say to the snail, “I am busy. I won’t be there for the next meeting. You already know my position in this. It is the same as Garp’s. And you know I haven’t seen Fire First. I would’ve reported already. Has he disappeared or something? You haven’t heard a thing about him for weeks.”
‱ And he doesn’t listen anymore. He doesn’t want to. Either way, it is enough to change the context again, from “stop locking me here” to “thanks for keeping me safe”
‱ You don’t understand what’s up with Ace being softer around you, but it is well welcomed. There’s something sweet about how he places a chair next to your desk and folds his arms over the table with his head on them, quietly observing you work until he falls asleep
‱ Actually, one night, Ace knocks on your bedroom’s door. He just walks past you and collapses on the bed at the moment you open the door. And fuck. That boy’s audacity. Whatever. It’s nice to hold onto something while you sleep
‱ And the fact your subordinates will walk into you making out with Ace on your lap while you’re in your office and just ignore what is happening is just... Hell, you love it
‱ There’s a whole new routine with Ace by your side
‱ The moment Ace has to leave comes quicker than you expected. It’s already time for you to return to your usual admiral duties and also for Ace to go back to the sea because there’s no longer a threat
‱ He can’t believe that keeping him was a whole plan to keep him safe while you, Garp and a few others did your best to convince the Marine that Portgas D. Ace was not a threat, so he shouldn’t be executed
‱ Ace is at loss of words, unable to formulate a thanks that’s genuine enough and expresses all of his feelings because you only fucking let him know about it when you’re dropping him at an island where Whitebeard already awaits for him. He wants to cry, to hug you, to kiss you, to ramble about how thankful he is, all at the same time—but he can’t
‱ You chuckle at how lost he seems, grinning happily and telling him he can go because he is safe now
‱ Ace doesn’t leave without giving you a kiss, a deep one
‱ What seemed to be a short-term thing, ends up leaving your hearts aching for more once you’re away from each other, in the sea. It is risky, it is dangerous, difficult to manage, even, but you’re picking Ace up in a random island to spend the night with you whenever you are able to, with excuses to the marine that you ended up letting him escape because your priorities were others. Sometimes he will just show up randomly with that devilish smirk on his face
‱ As much as you’re an admiral, your little relationship does reach the Marine’s eyes and ears, and it doesn’t seem to help them in the slightest bit because you’re not only with one of their highest potential enemies; your behavior also encourages other pirates a little too much, as if it gives them some sort of excuse or extra freedom. You’d always been a little rebel considering the Marine and World Government’s rules, so maybe you’ll go a little too far soon—if you haven't already
‱ Getting rid of Ace wouldn’t mean just getting rid of a big threat—it also would have you under the Marine’s control once for all
‱ First of all, the Marine can’t get rid of an admiral so powerful like you, so it isn’t a choice to dismiss or execute you, so that leads to Ace. Given the way you are lovesick, getting rid of Ace will teach you a lesson—and a lesson to every other marine and pirate as well—, and your head will be focused on doing your job. You won’t rebel against the only people who know your weaknesses and help you be stronger
‱ The new census doesn’t need you and Garp to vote; it doesn’t matter what a small biased minority things about such a threat
‱ You already suspect what's going on when they send you across the ocean, and it gets worse when they start to guide you to a weird island you’ve never seen before
‱ Held. You’re being held across the ocean because they know you can save Ace if you have the opportunity, because you’re too precious to be wasted for such an insignificant matter. You’ll just be force– I mean, invited to a confidential meeting later to establish that your relationship with Ace will be forgiven and forgotten since they know it won’t happen again and you’re such a great admiral that they can’t risk losing you. You will have to sign a few documents and be under constant watch for a few months after it
‱ For now, you will just sit in this cold cell knowing your love is being executed
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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lyralit · 6 months
4.1.24 - the importance of learning new things
As much as I think academic & work focus is incredibly important going into the new year, one of my other goals is to practice doing more: to learn all of the things I want to do, in addition to work, in addition to writing. I want to know how to do thousands of little things, and I think the longer we wait, the less likely we are to do them.
Picking up a new hobby doesn't have to be buying a dozen textbooks and spending hundreds of dollars on lessons because you might have the slightest interest: it can be from whatever you have here, now, and you'll never learn if you don't get started.
Some of the things I've been getting into (as I've mentioned before) are baking & crocheting. it just feels so cozy and nice & I love the idea of comfort.
here is a list of things I want to / you should try that's new!
learning a new language. fifteen minutes a day, I kid you not. I'm learning latin on duolingo and I don't ever think about it, but when I do it (25 day streak đŸ’ȘđŸ»), I'm starting to notice my improvements
consuming good media. and that's not scrolling for half an hour on tumblr. it's books—deep ones and silly ones and ones about romance and dragons and apocalypses. it's movies! I watched keira knightley's pride and prejudice twice in the last few months, and also three men and a baby which is something I never thought I would watch, but it was quite funny I think. and I learn from it: I cannot write humour or romance for the life of me, so it's basically studying to write (is the self-gaslighting too evident?)
learning to crochet. I made a silly little headband today, after scrolling through pinterest and desperately wanting one. I started crocheting in december to give as gifts (I completed none of my wips, much like when I write) and used the tools I had around me: an old rainbow loom hook and whatever string I could find. now I'm proud to say I can read somewhat fluently crochet acronyms.
baking. I keep saying this. I know. but when I tell you a two years ago I was exploding cupcakes in the oven and last month I made bakery-style cookies...I made bread! a loaf of bread! (in a bread machine, but it's so good and I instantly made another. there is one in the bread machine right now). honestly it just made me feel that much better about improvement, and trying new things, and that is the mindset I want for the new year.
learning to code. in all honesty, I never thought I was a compsci - engineer kind of person. then this year, out of sudden (masterminded) urges, I joined a bunch of tech and robotics initiatives, and maybe it's the sense of community (I can rejoice in finding another nerdy group) but now I am happily chauffeuring myself to these meetings 4h a week. I'm looking into pursuing more into the fields of eng and science. and I'm learning some code from one of the friends I've made!
starting a blog. ...I know most of the people who linger around my blog stay for the writing content (the last posts have turned this writerblr into a digital diary, and I'm only half sorry for that). but since I've joined tumblr (almost three years ago now!) I've got to meet so many wonderful people (including you!) and want to try so many things.
and I get it. it's overwhelming. so here are some starting goals that maybe I'll try also.
start doing art. -> make a card for someone as a gift.
learn a new sport & start exercising. (I'm trying out track & field in the spring, so stay tuned to figure out how that goes) -> see if someone will come play ball with you. do 1 or 2 youtube workout videos a week.
film videos of your daily life. it doesn't need to be for posting! -> edit together clips you've taken for a last year recape.
start a scrapbook. -> print out photos and dig up construction paper. decorate a page.
make a poetry journal. -> go on pinterest to read poetry! pin styles you like and set fifteen minutes to writing.
make a regular journal! -> write once a day. just try: goals for the day in the morning, or a recap at night.
try your hand at gardening. -> research plants that grow well in your region. see if any of the seeds you may have at home are useful. water your lawn. buy a plant and try to keep it alive (set reminders, leave it in front of your sink)
learn to make candles. -> watch a youtube tutorial. see if you can play around with candles you already have.
play chess. -> see if someone will play chess with you. no? chess.com is right there. go make an account. go find a stranger.
learn to play an instrument off youtube. -> maybe you have a piano sitting around, or a guitar you've never touched. you don't even need to master it. pick a song you like and google that. no instrument? maybe there's a way to play drums with home items.
go for a run. -> once a week. a set time. just shoes and the outdoors. too cold? go to a gym and use a treadmill. maybe that's not possible? skip rope.
start / join a book club. -> just you, or some close friends, or people online. a book a month. talk about it.
** on that note, would anyone like to join a tumblr book club? slide into my asks and maybe we can get a blog list!
thank you for reading again <3 until next time.
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thecherrytarot · 1 year
𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 đŸđ«đšđŠ đČđšđźđ« đŸđźđ­đźđ«đž đŹđžđ„đŸ :
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pile 1 → pile 2 → pile 3
pick the pile that you feel the most drawn to and please remember that this a general reading so take whatever resonates!! make sure to check out my other works!
đđąđ„đž 𝟏:
your future self wants to tell you, "the storm is over. we survived and now you just have to be strong enough to take that responsibility and move forward because now you have nowhere to go but up. there may be times when you don't feel so sure of the path that you are taking but trust yourself and learn to take authority over your actions and decisions. dealing with the aftermath will be hard but I trust you, I trust myself that we will be able to make it."
The 'storm' whatever it was for you  (getting a strong message of leaving a toxic family/ relationship) has left you with some trauma but your future self wants you to tell that it's gone and the sun is shining again. Some of you, you may have felt trapped in a certain situation and it was draining you, you didn't have any control over your decisions. You are advised to set certain firm boundaries because only then do you feel secure. Also, speak up for yourself because when you don't, you are giving others a sign that tells them they can take control of your life and its direction. there is no need to crumble away, things will change when you bring the change.
đđąđ„đž 𝟐:
your future self wants to tell that, "notice any recurring signs or symbols you are receiving and be aware. don't be foolish and listen to your gut instinct. don't waste your time and focus on your goals. bring structure and meaning into your goals and dreams. stop living in your head so much and go out and understand how the world works around you and beyond that. soon it will be time for you to be an adult so practice some discipline for yourself, stop with the procrastination, and don't spend too much money, especially on the things that aren't even needed just because it looks pretty doesn't mean that we have to get it, eat properly and be healthy, study and work hard, we'll see each other after the doom and gloom is gone."
Some of you might be in university or starting university or feel like the path to new beginnings is blocked for you. You might have trouble seeing the world with "fresh eyes". I keep getting this energy that the majority of the people that selected this are teens or in their early 20s trying to find a new mature way of looking at life (moving out to go to college or something and learning to live on your own) but feeling like they are somehow failing. Don't worry your future self wants to tell you that the answers will be found within you and the Universe is providing you with clues in the form of recurring signs. You might have to broaden your horizon and move towards your dreams. When I was writing the message it felt like the experienced version (your future self) was giving the inexperienced version (your current self) a long overdue reality check (very earth sign energy, Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo). They want you to have some discipline in your life so that it will be easy for you to take responsibility and find your strengths and limitations.
đđąđ„đž 𝟑:
your future self wants to tell you that "put your creativity into your work. don't be afraid and no you are not an 'imposter' anyone can be creative. Do them because you want them with happiness and affection, and don't let materialism and capitalism ruin your art that represents your attitude and approach when you look at things. this passive energy will not help us so have the courage and we'll be able to go through this rough period that you are currently in. step out of the shadow and come back into the light. Everything is going to be okay."
many of you could be struggling financially (bills, debts etc) and you might be afraid that you might face bankruptcy. You may have gone and followed your passion as your profession and now you may feel like maybe going for a traditional 9 - 5 would have been better for you and for some of you, you are afraid that something like this will happen to you. you may often question yourself "Why is this happening to me?". Your future self is here to tell you that you will be going through a personal transformation no matter how much you try to avoid and deny it. After this, worries will slowly start to fade away. There is hope and even though you might feel like there isn't any right now don't need to worry, the Universe will make all things grow with the power of gentle patience, at the right time. Do not fear what is changing right now.
Take care and have a nice day!!
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taystarotoverload · 1 year
how to properly heal
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~ my comeback post !! please pick one pile :) ~
pile 1
the magician - queen of wands - the high priestess - 10 of wands - 9 of pentacles - 10 of cups - 4 of cups
really quickly my lights flickered extremely fast that may or may not be a sign? pile 1 you are a very resistant group at times. you WANT change you WANT to move on from this and get better but there’s fear. there’s a sense of anxiety when it finally comes to actually changing. you are a very strong pile mentally but your battle cry is terrifying. i see you may be someone who carry’s a lot of burdens and for a lot of you i’m seeing this being from family. lots and lots of family trauma in this pile. pile 1 you are a very psychic pile as well. speak to the universe. let them hear what you really want don’t hold back. you can receive anything you want. but? take that brick off your chest. untie those sandbags that weigh down your shoulders. you didn’t put them there in the first place so WHY should they stay? some of you may be sooo scared of spending too much money. go on a shopping spree. go crazy. text up an old friend. one you haven’t talked to in a while. text a grandparent of yours. they would love to hear from you right now. pile 1 you’re very resistant right now but you know if you move on your life will become better. so why are you holding back? don’t let this life changing moment go away. snatch it up. don’t let it go. it’s meant to be yours so let it be yours. if you look away from this you won’t see another just as amazing as this one. pile 1 you want to properly heal? change how you live. life feel like it’s repeating? don’t let that make you lose your sanity. one small thing you change day to day will make you feel human again. pile 1 i’m seeing that if you just change how you live for yourself and not for others you could heal. smoother and more balanced. you will come out of this feeling like you’ve accomplished more goals in your life then ever before.
(as i’m typing this i saw 222. this is a sign.)
pile 2
death - the emperor rev - 2 of pentacles - 3 of pentacles rev - the star rev - the chariot - 7 of swords - 10 of swords - queen of wands - 2 of wands - ace of wands - temperance - 2 of swords
getting rid of old habits. i heard old habits being people. getting rid of things that no longer serve you for good. finding balance in your day to day life with things you ACTUALLY enjoy. you’re too bored constantly. you feel so slumped and angry and bored because your environment is just one big dump. get out of there fast! go outside go see a friend go out to eat. do something other than being THERE. (this can also refer to thinking differently. get out of that gloomy mindset. think about things that actually matter.) you feel so tired right now. go get that rest. you’ve been sleeping too much? get up and do a walk around wherever you are. stretch your legs. pick up the things in your life that offer you a good future full of abundance and clarity. leave what DOESNT!!!!! oh wow some of you really need to kill of that old you. the death card and ten of swords are screaming START OVERRRR. really think this time. what do you want to do with your life and how do you want to live it? where do you want to go in the future and what will you do to reach those goals? the universe is offering you out a hand an offering. take this as a time to really sit and think. think about yourself. you’re mostly in a battle with yourself at this time. it doesn’t have to stay this way forever. start living a life where you’re in control and not living by others rules. you’re in control. take back the life you always deserved to live.
pile 3
4 of wands rev - 5 of swords - knight of swords rev - knight of wands rev - death - page of cups rev - 6 of cups rev - the moon rev - 6 of pentacles - 7 of wands rev - 8 of cups rev
soooo many reversals for this pile o.m.g. pile 3 not even a hug can fix your wounded heart. lol in all seriousness. pile 3 recently you’ve been in a LOT of conflict. and some of you hate to admit it
 you’re the ones who start it a lot of the time. this doesn’t mean you WANT conflict hearsay. but you are someone who is a force to be reckoned with at times. take what i say personally because this is a biggggg wake up call to some of you. there are people in your life who love love love to see you fail. they crave the validation of watching you mess up in life. don’t believe me? how many so called friends actually are worried about how YOU feel? if you haven’t been able to open up with somebody due to fear or someone’s lack of interest they are NOT your friend. they’re an energy vampire. get rid of these people immediately. you may also experience a lack of focus recently followed with extreme frustrations. do some shadow work. why are you feeling these emotions? they’re not just showing up out of thin air. where are you when you feel these emotions? at home ? with a friend ? at work ? etc. what is happening in this setting that is making you feel such frustration? somebody talking too loud ? a loud chewer ? or just merely being there in the first place ? figure out what this reason is and try to understand it. maybe if your willing copy that thing. does it feel good to do? or does it only make you angrier? a lot of you cannot move on and properly heal because you’re stuck in the past. something has hurt you in your past badly but you can’t seem to let it go. you feel fearful? you’re very similar to pile 1. you’re afraid of change? some of you have become very very comfortable in this dark part of you. you’re afraid of leaving this headspace because you’ve lived in it for so long. start giving to others more? ask people how they’re feeling and about their day. soon enough you’ll see a change. more interactions less frustration. but don’t just ask other people, ask yourself. how are you feeling today? are you comfortable right now? what are you feeling is yummy for lunch/dinner? etc. do NOT by any means get up and walk away from this. you are capable of becoming that desired you. don’t let these thoughts interfere with your way of life; you are worth it.
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cherrycola27 · 11 months
false god
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Series Warnings: Mythology!AU. Language, alcohol, drinking. Military inaccuracies. Mutual pining, unrequited love. Allusions to and eventual smut. Minors DNI. 18+. Individual chapter warnings will come as needed. Banner Credit @thedroneranger
Masterlist Previous Part Next Part
Chapter 2: You Should See Me In A Crown
The rest of your first week with the Dagger Squad is spent working on team building. You spend the week being professional with them, especially Rooster. In your time, you've learned it's better not to make friends. It saves you from getting hurt.
That doesn't mean they don't try, though. Every time they go out, they invite you with them. You turn them down each time, a new excuse fed to them that seems to satisfy them.
It's been a month since you've been working with the Daggers, and you've settled in nicely. This week, you've been working in the classroom with Maverick. It's a nice change of pace and gets you far away from Rooster.
He's been nothing but nice to you this month, and you aren't sure how someone who's faces so much loss in his life can be so kind. You've never seen him be anything but kind to his teammates. Sure, he and Jake shoot the breeze and tease each other relentlessly, but there's no animosity behind it.
When the squad is at the Hard Deck, it seems like he knows everyone. People are just drawn to him. He has a light that shines from with in, just like—
Stop, don't go there
When Friday comes around, you're scheduled for an early morning hop with Hangman and then an afternoon one with Rooster.
As much as you don't want to be, you're excited to fly with Bradley. It scares you, if you're being honest.
It would be so much easier for you to deny the feelings you have for Rooster if he acted like Jake did.
Unfortunately, he was just shy of perfect. You knew that Aphroditie had to be pulling some strings and laughing as she watched you try to resist.
Bradley was kind, smart, and had an infectious personality. He was a ray of sunshine. A golden boy who rivaled Apollo himself, and you—you were darkness, chaos, death. You were a monster. And he needed to be protected from you and the pain you would inevitably cause him.
He's too good for you
You shook the thoughts from your head as you geared up to fly.
You would be working against Bob, Phoenix, and Hangman. Your goal was to take them down, theirs was to take you down.
In theory, they should have been able to do it. Two against one seemed like pretty good odds. However, Jake still had a lot to learn about teamwork. From what you've been told and what you've read, he'd gotten better at it, but when it came down to it, he was still self-centered. Today was going to be a good opportunity to teach him a lesson.
You were cruising along under them when a wicked idea came to mind.
"Hey, Hangman, what do you say we make a little wager?" You purred into your headset. "Oh, you know I'm a betting man, Hades, what do you have in mind?" He asked you.
"You take me down, and I'll let you take my Rover for the weekend. I know you have a giant hard-on for it." You goad him.
"Ohhh, I like that idea. Now if by some chance I don't, what do you get out of this?" He shoots back. "You have to stop hitting on me, because it's never going to happen." You state.
You'd rather swim in the River Styx
"Deal." Jake answers quickly. "Perfect." You reply.
God, he was making this too easy
"Fights on!" You tell him and Phoenix before popping out from under them.
"Hades? In front of us? Really, you're making this too easy!" Jake snickers.
You smirk to yourself. You've got him right where you want him. You quickly change gears in your jet and take off, leaving both of the other planes in the dust.
Jake follows hot on your tale, leaving Phoenix and Bob behind. You can hear both of them swear at Jake. You quickly break right and circle back to them.
Phoenix tries to shake you, but it's no use. "Sorry, Nix and Bob." You tell them before tones ring out.
You can hear the radar warning that Jake is on your tail. He thinks he's got you, but boy is he wrong.
You swoop left and right again and again. Jake can't get a lock on you.
You quickly climb up towards the clear blue sky.
"Phoenix, I can't see her! How close am I?" He asked her. "Phoenix?!"
"I'm dead, dick head." She calls back to him.
You laugh to yourself. This is exactly what you planned. You invert your jet and double back over his head. The glare of the sun provides a cover for you as you level out and drop into the pocket behind him undetected.
Hangman is good. You'll give him that. But you weren't just the queen of the Underworld. You were the queen of the skies, too.
"Hades! Where the fuck are you?" Jake huffs out.
Jake struggles in the sun and levels out. You take the chance to pop back up behind him.
"Right here!" You shout as you pop up and light him up with tones. He lets out a string of curses before banking left and heading into land.
You don't see him, but Bradley is in the rec room listening in on the exercise. He beams with pride when he hears you take out Jake.
"See you in the afterlife, Bagman." Bob chuckles.
"Alright. That's enough for now. Let's bring it in." You say.
As soon as you get out of your jet, everyone starts to high five you for besting Jake. You all break for lunch, groups heading off in different directions to eat.
You grab your lunchbox from the fridge and a book from your locker before heading to the rec room which is thankfully empty right now.
You'd just sat down and cracked the cover of your book and kicked your feet up in a chair when you heard the door open and a set of heavy boots on the floor. You don't look up. You already know who it is.
"Can I help you with something, Rooster?" You ask, eyes not leaving your page. "I was hoping I could have lunch with you?" He asks.
You sigh and look up from your book. He's standing there with his lunch box in hand, looking at you with those damn baby-cow eyes and a small smile. You can't help but give in.
Good Gods, why did he have to be so handsome?
You take your feet off the chair and nod that it's okay for him to sit. You bookmark your page and set it to the side. He smiles bigger before sitting down and looking at the cover of your book.
Maybe he won't talk to you
"A Good Girls Guide to Murder?" He asks you, looking at the cover with a quirked eyebrow.
"I love a good murder mystery. I like trying to figure out the ending before the author reveals it." You shrug before taking a bite of the wrap you packed.
"Why do you try to do that?" Bradley asks you as he pulls out what is supposed to be a sandwich, but looks more like a toddler's art project.
"I don't like surprises." You tell him honestly. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to come off harsh, but Rooster, what the fuck is that?" You ask as you point to his pitiful excuse for lunch.
He laughs and rakes a hand over his face. "'It was supposed to be a club sandwich, but I was in a rush this morning, and I may have accidentally set my gym bag on my lunch box during my drive here, and so now it's— I don't even know. If you think this looks bad, you should see pretzels."
You can't help but snort out a laugh at his misfortune. You watch him struggle to separate the layers of his sandwich from the plastic wrap. You give him a few minutes before taking pity on him and snatching it out of his hand and tossing it in the trash can.
"Hey! I was going to eat that!" He jokingly scolds you.
You roll your eyes at him before unzipping your lunch box. You were sure you'd regret this later, but you needed him properly fueled up for flying with you, that's why you were doing this.
Maybe a friendship wouldn't be so bad
"Here," you say as you extend the extra wrap you had packed towards him.
"Thank you, but I can't take your food." Bradley politely declines.
"You can, and you will. That's an order from your superior officer. Can't have you flying with me at anything less than you best." You firmly state.
"Yes, Ma'am, Commander." Bradley relents. There's an edge of something in his voice when he calls you by your rank. It's smoother than how he normally addresses you. If you didn't know any better, you'd say that there was a hint of desire in it.
No, don't go there. He's just messing with you
He leans forward and takes the wrap from your hands. His eyes linger on your for just a moment linger than necessary. You can feel a flush creeping up your cheeks. You quickly settle back in your chair and clear your throat.
"It's spicy." You blurt out. Rooster looks at you confused. "The wrap. It's spicy. It's buffalo chicken. Sorry, I should have told you that before." You shake your head.
"No worries. I love spicy things. The hotter, the better." You winks at you. He honest to gods winks at you.
Is he flirting with you right now?
You open your mouth for a witty comeback, but you can't think of one. You're too focused on watching him take a generous bite of the lunch you've offered him. You transfixed as he lets out an appreciative groan.
"'Holy shit, this is fantastic. You make this yourself?" Rooster asks you after he swallowed another bite.
"Yeah, I love cooking." You spit out. His happy little sounds he makes when he his eating has you flustered for the first time in a very long time.
You haven't felt like this since you were a young God, lying in a wildflower field, your head in Persephone's lap as she braided poppies in your hair and hummed under her breath. It makes your heart ache that he's so much like her.
For a fleeting moment, you wonder if she knows about Bradley. You wonder if she sits on her flower throne and looks down upon you to see what you're up to. You wonder if she misses you.
But then you think better of it. She has no reason to miss you. Not after—
She doesn't miss you
No one does
"Hades, you ready to go?" Bradley asks as he pulls you from your thoughts.
"What?" You ask him, not sure what he just said.
"Our hop is in forty-five minutes. We might want to suit up." Bradley tells you.
"Oh, yeah." I'll meet you in the hanger." You say before quickly gathering your things.
"Thanks again for lunch!" Bradley calls behind you as you bolt for the locker room. Thankfully, it's empty when you go in there. You shove your belongings away before dashing over to a sink and splashing some cold water on your face. It sizzles and turns to steam in an instant.
"Stop it!" You yell at your reflection in the mirror. "Stop letting a silly mortal throw you off." You say to yourself. "Feelings are for the weak. Love and desire will only hold you back or hurt you." You say before shaking your head. You splash some more cold water on your cheeks. As much as you want to give into the desire that is sparking, you know it's a bad idea. You gave in once, and look where that got you.
But you like the way he makes you feel
You like that he isn't afraid of you
You roll your shoulders back and compose yourself before heading out of the locker room. Your sleek black helmet with neon blue flames and letters bearing your call sign is tucked up under your arm.
Rooster is chatting with Maverick inside the open hanger when you meet up with them.
"You ready for this test run? You and Rooster will be working together to try and take me down." Maverick says.
"I've been told no one has been able to take you out, sir. I hope you're ready for that winning streak to come to an end." You tell Maverick with a serious look. He laughs at your enthusiasm.
Before the three of you head to your planes, you quickly blink three times to make their lifetime counters appear.
Maverick's is unchanged from the last time you saw him, but your heart drops when you look at Bradley's. The nearly fifty years he had this morning had now been replaced with a little over an hour. That meant something was going to happen during your hop.
No. You couldn't let that happen
"Wait!" You screech. Both men turn to look at you. "I haven't done my preflight check. Have you?" You ask them.
"'Lieutenant Myers, from mantanince gave them a once over for us during our lunch. We should be fine." Maverick assures you.
"Still, I think we should go over them again just to be safe." You try to persuade them as you watch Bradley's timer dwindle.
"Hades, Lieutenant Myers knows what he's doing." Rooster tries to convince you.
"I—I just have a gut feeling. Call me crazy. I'll make you a deal. We do a deep check on the aircrafts. If everything is fine, drinks are on me tonight at the Hard Deck. If something is off, we can prevent anything bad from happening." You say.
"Fine. I guess double checking couldn't hurt." Maverick reluctantly agrees.
The three of you spend the next half hour going over your jets. Well—you pretend to be. You're more focused on Rooster's time clock. It still hadn't gone back up. If it didn't before the flight, you'd have to be extra vigilant during the hop to make sure nothing happens to him.
You're checking some gears when you hear Bradley call out. "Oh shit. That's not fucking good."
You and Maverick both cone around to see what he's talking about. You don't really care what it is. You're more concerned with his clock. You turn the corner of your plane and see that his timer has gone back up. You breathe a sigh of relief.
"What's wrong?" You ask him.
"The fuel line is loose. If I had taken this in the air, it probably would have detached, and I would have been screwed. Mav, you need to talk to Lieutenant Myers and make sure he knows what he's doing." Bradley says as he stands there with his hands on his hips.
"Well, Rooster, you're definitely grounded for the rest of the day. It looks like we will have to reschedule the software test because it's a three pilot job." Maverick sighed.
"Damn, I was really looking forward to Hades and I kicking your ass old man." Rooster laughs.
"Well, we still have the range for the rest of the afternoon. Are you two up for something fun?" Maverick says in a low voice with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Define 'fun'." You say as you turn to him. "I was thinking a little ace versus ace action Hades. You and me, first one to get missile lock on the other wins. I've seen you fly. I know you're good, kid. But I want to know if you can beat the best." Maverick smirks at you.
"What's the wager?" You ask him.
"200 push-ups and bragging rights?" Maverick propositions you.
"500, bragging rights, and a joyride in your P-51 I've heard so much about." You counter.
"Deal." You and Maverick shake hands.
"What about me?" Rooster throws up his hands before putting him on his hips and staring the two of you down.
You pause for a moment and look around the hanger before your eyes land on Phoenix and Bob's plane. A devilish grin spreads across your face.
"Rooster, have you ever been a back seater?" You ask him with a Cheshire smile.
"Oh no, Hades, I don't like that look." He shakes his head, knowing exactly what you're thinking.
"Too bad, it's the only one I've got." You shrug before taking off towards the two seater aircraft. Bradley follows hot on your heels.
You climb into the cockpit, and both of you go over your preflight checks. "Hades, you know I'm fucking clueless back her right? My dad was a RIO, and I did not inherit his skill set." Rooster tells you as he fits his oxygen mask to his face.
"Don't worry, Roo. Just buckle up and enjoy the ride." You tell him as you head down the runway.
Wait. Are you flirting with him?
Moments later, the two of you are airborne and on the hunt for Maverick. "As far as I can tell, nothing on radar, and I don't see him." Rooster reports as he scans the sky. You acknowledge him as you do the same.
"Come on, Maverick, where are you?" You mumble. You think back to your training. If he's not on radar, he's either too far away or directly under your or above you. You doubt he is above you, so your best guess is he is flying under you just out of sight.
Trusting your guy, you climb higher. "Holy shit. Hades, what are you doing?" Rooster asks you, startled by your sudden movements.
"Trust me," you say. Once you're high enough, you invernt and, bingo. Just like you thought, Maverick is below you.
"Hang on, Rooster. I've got him, " you say before dropping down straight for Maverick.
The glare of the sun helps hide you, but Maverick is smart and sees you coming. You drop in behind him.
Rooster is shouting directions at you trying to help. He's known Maverick longer and knows his tricks.
Soon, the two of you are locked in a battle of wits. Maverick can't shake you, but you can't get a lock on him.
"I need to get him to a higher altitude. Any ideas?" You ask Rooster. "One, but you aren't going to like it." Bradley chuckles before telling you his plan. He was right, you didn't like it, you loved it.
You rose and hovered over Maverick, inverting and keeping pace with him before forcing him into a climbing cobra spiral. The two jets danced across the sky, higher and higher.
"Alright, Hades, you put us here. What's your plan?" Maverick asks as he matches you, turn for turn.
"A magician never reveals all her secrets." You tell him as you narrow your eyes.
"Now, Rooster?" You ask Bradley for confirmation.
"Now!" He confirms. One his signal, you let up of the thrust and break out of the spiral before dropping into the pocket behind Maverick. He wasn't expecting the sudden change, and it throws him off. Maverick quickly corrects himself and attempts to evade you, but it's no use. You have him right where you want him. For the first time in a year, Maverick hears the missile lock tones ring out in his head set.
"Holy shit! You got him!" Rooster cheers as he celebrates in his seat.
You wish you could turn around and see what he looks like right now. You're sure a bright smile is spread across his face just under his oxygen mask. You bring the plane in for a landing as he continues to cheer. His joyfulness is infectious.
Just like hers was.
When your boots hit the tarmac after landing, you're prepared to head to the locker room. You're making Maverick save his push-ups for Monday so everyone can watch. Rooster is itching to get to the Hard Deck to tell everyone about today, and he's eager to see you outside of your uniform.
What you weren't prepared for, however, was for Rooster to wrap his arms around you in a crushing bear hug and for him to spin you around while praising you.
You face smooshes into his chest, and you inhale his scent. He smells like jet fuel, sunshine, and poppy.
You want to fight the hug, but at the same time, you want to lean into it.
He's so warm
Something about him feels—safe
When his brain finally catches up with him, he quickly puts you down before taking a step back and looking down.
"Sorry, I—I shouldn't have done that." He apologized, scratching the back of his neck.
Do it again
"'It's fine. You were excited. No sweat." You brush him off. He sighs out an agreement, and you see the flash of hurt across his eyes.
"You were really something up there, Hades." Bradley remarks as the two of you walk towards the locker rooms.
"But, I gotta know. How did you know something was wrong with my plane?" Rooster asked you. "I just had a gut feeling. Something felt off." You shrug.
"You basically saved my life. If I'd gone up with that leaking fuel line, who knows what could have happened." Bradley said.
You know what would have happened.
"Maybe we should start calling you Angel instead of Hades." Bradley chuckles. "Seeing how you were watching out for me, it fits." You pause and stare at him.
"You know, because Hades is the God of death, but you were like a guardian angel looking out for me today." He tries to explain to you.
"Trust me, Roo. I'm no angel." You say with a hint of sadness in your voice.
"Too late." Bradley fires back. "I've already decided, that's your new nickname. Now, I will see you at the Hard Deck so we can rub it in Jake's face that you were the first one to take down Mav—Angel." Bradley smirks at you before disappearing into the men's locker room.
You shake your head
If only he knew
You quickly shower and change. You knew you were going out with the team tonight, so you remember to pack something nice to wear. You slip into a black body body suit that has a tasteful amount of cleavage that is accentuated by the lace of the bralette you have on underneath it.
A dark pair of ripped jeans and black ankle boots complete the look. You tie a flannel shirt around your waist just in case it gets chilly this evening.
You pull half of your hair up away from your face before applying some very out of regs make-up. Just because you were going there to keep up appearances didn't mean you had to look like a slob when doing it.
There was something about fashion that made you feel powerful. And if Bradley just so happened to like it and give you a little extra attention, what was the harm in that?
"And Aphroditie thinks she's the pretty one." You chuckle to yourself after you swipe your final coat of lipstick on.
Jake let's out a low wolf-whistle the second he sees you approaching the corner pool table that the Daggers take up residence at every time they are at the Hard Deck.
"What do we have here? If it ain't Hades." He calls out as you approach them. "And here I thought I we were the good-looking ones, Coyote." Jake chuckles as he approaches you. You roll your eyes and grab the pool stick out of his hand.
He goes to protest, but you don't pay him any attention. You line up a shot and look up just in time to lock eyes with Rooster. You hold eye contact with him and give him a crimson smile as the ball drops into the pocket.
"Eat your heart out, Bagman." Jake stands there looking at you bewildered with some shot glasses in his hand. You take one and down the liquid before handing it back to him. "While you're doing that, I think we all could use another round. Why don't you be a dear and grab it for us. "You wink at him as you make your way around the table to Rooster.
"You sure know how to make an entrance." Bradley says as you walk up to him. You don't miss the way his eyes linger on you as he takes in your form. "You look—good." He tells you.
"Maybe if you wore something besides Hawaiian shirts and shaved that dorky mustache, you'd look good too." You tease him. A wide smile spreads over his face.
"You are something else, Angel." He laughs.
"What did I say about calling me that?" You say, putting your hands on your hips.
"And I already told you, I didn't care. What are you going to do? Pull rank on me again to get me to stop?" He states as his voice drops and octave.
You stand up on your tiptoes and whisper in his ear, "You'd like that, wouldn't you, Lieutenant Commander?" A teasing smirk tugs at the corner of your lips when you settle back down.
Okay, you were definitely flirting
Rooster cocks his head to the side before settling a hand on your hip and drawing you closer to him. You let out as surprised gasp as you feel the hairs of his mustache prickle against your ear. "Maybe I would. What are you going to do about it?" He breathes out before walking away like nothing happened.
It takes you a minute to reset your brain. You can't believe he just did that.
Oh Gods
You were fucked
Later that night, you stroll down the hallway to your apartment. You fiddle with your key and unlock the door.
"Cerby, Hydra, I'm home!" You call out to your pets. Normally, your dog and cat both rush to greet you at the door, but tonight they don't.
You flick on the hall light and kick off your shoes before calling out to them. They still don't come. Your apartment is quiet—too quiet. You stay still and listen.
You run your right hand over your left forearm and pull out the dagger for your rose and dagger tattoo. The ink materializes into heavy iron and steel in your hand. You hear a commotion in the kitchen.
You stalk silently towards the room, ready to attack whoever is there. You take a deep breath before popping around the corner.
But once you do, you stop in your tracks.
"Minthe?" You ask as you see her standing in your kitchen with Cerby and Hydra.
"Hades, love, I'm so glad you're home! Why don't you take a seat. We need to talk.
Taglist: @thedroneranger @roosterscock @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @mayhemmanaged @wkndwlff @roosterforme @daggerspare-standingby @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @hecate-steps-on-me @cassiemitchell @na-ta-sh-aa @milestellerlover @katieshook02 @mak-32 @je-suis-prest-rachel @soulmates8 @sometimesanalice @diorrfairy @eli2447 @xoxabs88xox @djs8891 @roosters-girl @sebsxphia @rosiahills22 @dempy @callsign-magnolia @alchemxx @gretagerwigsmuse @sunlightmurdock @withahappyrefrain @lt-spork @multifandomlover4life @lewmagoo @bradshawsbaby @seitmai @kmc1989 @bcarolinablr @roosterisdaddy36 @itsdesiree86 @waywardhunter95 @hisredheadedgoddess28 @whatislovevavy @asshlyyyy @inkandarsenic
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solselah · 2 months
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Hey Beautiful peeps , here’s a pick a card for you all. Don’t forget to meditate on your pile :)đŸ§˜đŸœâ€â™€ïž
PILE 1 :
Wow so this is what I would classify as pretty raw !! This person is bothered by your lack of being goal oriented!! I see that some of you often may cancel plans or Kind of ghost them. Now there could be true reason for such thing but they feel like your broke or that you just don’t have the funds ! Which to me is like BS because there are so many things to do outside of having to spend loads and loads of money! You could simply go to a park or On a hike maybe a local museum! So to me it just feels like this person is bothered because they give up and don’t seek alternative plans or even tap in to see if emotionally you’re okay! They kind of rather judge you than to help. So to clarify what bothers them is the lack of balance in the dynamic. Simply speaking. This may not be an “equally yoked” situation.
Also side note : if they have a car and have to pick you up “all the time” (it bothers them ) even if they don’t say it to your face.
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Okay so what’s bothering them is them.
Lol they literally are mentally going back and fourth in their head about how they feel about you! Like they have such a high regard for your style and your energy they love love you! But something in them influences them to kind of run away from you!! As much as I hate to define relationships it seems to be some form of
Chaser & runner vibes (twin flame energy)
Like they are hooked on your energy and the feeling that you bring to them , And it bothers them! But this has nothing to do with you , you’re just being yourself. They just have a tough time understanding what this relationship is and if it’s something that would have longevity. Outside of this everything is amazing! for some this person has some MONEY & although it’s a great problem to have. for them , it’s been stressful with what to do with it & how to maneuver with money! They could be someone who just graduated (or you lol) and they feel that they have to learn how to adjust their life to more of a wealthy mindset! I hear for some this could’ve been your childhood friend like I’m talking 7 years old! And the universe just brought them right back in for you. I also see that one of you could have a Drinking addiction or have dealt with substance abuse (HARD DRUGS)
I’m hearing for some it could have been or be a parent & that’s for another reading but sending my love and support to you! That could bother them seeing how torn or hurt you are about your parent & the uncontrollable “devil” of substance abuse! This person could be your ROCK and vise versa. I just think that open communication is important so that you wouldn’t have to find out these emotions here but rather it’ll be confirmation from a convo you’ve all had together!!
*If this is confirmation from a previous convo even better* 😉
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Immediately they HATE how independent you are !! Now I get two scenarios one is that it’s so sweet & they literally hate how you want to pay for everything or take care of everything they want you to sit back and realize you have someone to treat you like a queen or king !! To them your like royalty so they don’t want you doing everything or feeling like you HAVE TO ! Now you personally are most likely just being YOU lol but to them it’s like damn they are hyper independent! And that could be from your childhood it could just be something that makes you feel goood. But for them it’s like how dare you open that door lol how dare you not let me pull your seat out haha like they are romantic and want to be that person for you. Now for the second scenario I see that they are JEALOUS ASF! They hate how Independent you are! Like you may even see it and question like
“what’s up with that”
I’ll tell you !
Their energy is bothered by what they feel they don’t have. So if this person wasn’t as independent growing up or even in adulthood they hate to see you so independent but still so down to earth. Very jealous energy and quite frankly it’s like the worst
 completely an Evil eye!
Keep stepping into your power but if this is your scenario (2) then you need to run my love !!! It only gets worse from here. Even if it’s not as apparent. Unfortunately I’m seeing for some if you have a kid like they literally get jealous sometimes like it’s ridiculous! Very sad. So be the Queen/ king you are energetically and cut that chord âœŒđŸŸ
(You guys could be in NY or be in a pretty big city)
I’m also hearing random locations :
North Carolina đŸ‡ș🇾
NY đŸ‡ș🇾
Chicago đŸ‡ș🇾
Venezuela đŸ‡»đŸ‡Ș
Egypt (Cairo) specifically đŸ‡Ș🇬
Senegal 🇾🇳
Tokyo đŸ‡ŻđŸ‡”
Morocco đŸ‡Č🇩
Armenia 🇩đŸ‡Č
Also Thailand đŸ‡č🇭:)
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Omg so they are bothered by your
“Clout” on the internet even if you just have like 100-300 people liking and commenting they are so blown by that. They feel like you crave attention and you flex just for the camera! They are bothered by that when instead maybe they should boost their interactions đŸ«Ł
They literally fish for a fight (pink - SO WHAT) You could have been recently divorced or been broken up from someone for a little minute & I believe you need some time still. Because the energies you’re attracting are so intense and negative for you. These people or person may be the type to threaten you with leaving you.
if you dont stop acting so
“Pre Madonna “ is what I hear. Almost always my PAC are gender neutral or either really specific and for this one. I totally feel like it’s a masculine to a fem however that manifest in your life :)
They rather you be broke , no self esteem and at your worst so they can take credit for your come up. Leave & boss up! That’ll be enough mainly for you. But it doesn’t hurt to say “fuck you watch me succeed” from the sideline of course!!
Also I think you have a little crush ,you may know this info above already! Universally things will move as it should.
Adele - I found a boy
Ruth b - Lost boy
444 angel number
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If your interested in more of this topic , simple Guidance or questions , I offer $10 full in depth written readings with a free follow up question đŸ„°
feel free to drop your question privately or (right bellow)
if your comfortable.
With your birthdate & of course your question ! Once your payment is received I’ll go ahead and channel for you !
CA- $Theartgeneral
Hope you Enjoy ✹
IG: @ soleccentric
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munson-mayhem · 1 year
For a reason I don’t understand y’all seem to like my writing or at least the story but as long as you guys want to read I’ll write stuff ! And thank you for all the support !!! I still don’t know how to link things or add pics or anything but I’ll figure it out at some point
Part 2
Ever since the day I kicked Ao’nung in the face life hasn’t been as horrible and empty I’ve even become closer with Ao’nung and Rotxo. Things will never be as they once were but I think Neteyam would tell me to stop being a skxawng, to stop waisting my life. All life is a gift from Eywa and should be treaded as such, every year every day every hour every minute every second is a gift so I should do something with it. At least that’s what Lo’ak in all his infinite wisdom said to me one night as I sat alone on the far side of the island. Watching him March up to me that night and tell me this isn’t what Neteyam would want for me I couldn’t help but smile and tell him in that moment I saw his brother in him and that Neteyam would be very proud of the man he was becoming. We both cried that night sitting together and talking, it’s the night I admitted to Lo’ak that I feel I’m close to losing myself and I promised I would try to live not only to honor the memory of Neteyam but for my family for the sully’s. It took some time but after a few weeks I find myself sometimes spending the day with Ao’nung and Rotxo and some of their friends or I even spend time with Tsireya and Kiri, I’ve even been asked to join the Tsahik lessons they receive when Kiri spilled the beans that I had been unofficially training with Mo’at before we left the Omatikaya clan. The current Tsahik Ronal will train Ao’nungs future mate when the time comes but until then she wants us to learn what we can that way when she has her baby there will be a few of us that can help around the village with simple things. When I wasn’t with them I spend days with Jake, Lo’ak and spider we run missions and ever now and again we go to the forest to meet up with Norm and the clan to plan battle strategy, other days I spend with Neytiri and Tuk going around the village helping with any stray task or even helping Tuk with lessons. Ao’nung has been helping me learn to use a spear how to dive better how to learn the way of the water,at one point I thought about asking Tsireya but I know she spends her spare time with Lo’ak and I’d never take that time together away from them but I also wasn’t comfortable asking someone I didn’t know so I asked Ao’nung. Who better to teach me the ways of the clan more than the future Olo’eyktan himself even if he is a skxawng sometimes. Once a week Ao’nung, Tsireya, Lo’ak and I would go for training with Lo’ak’s spirit brother payakan seeing as we are the first 4 that will be preforming our Iknmaya, the three of them only have to bond with a Tsurak. I however still need to bond with a Tulkun preform all the tasks and then bond with a Tsurak too. It was during one of our days like this that all of our lives changed.
The way the light catches on the water is mesmerizing the flickers of animals shadows as they swim by distracting me slightly but the biggest shadow is that of the Tulkun that swims above Ao’nung and I, we can see the small silhouettes that belong to our respective siblings as they swim with payakan holding his fin. I must have been distracted for to long because Ao’nung flicks a shell at me and begins signing that I need to focus on my task, I nod and begin swimming just above the sea floor far deeper than I’d been able to just a few months prior. My goal to stay under water as long as I could, my ability to hold my breath under water has been getting much better. I’ve taken to reciting the mantra of the Metkayina in my head but as I’ve gotten better at holding my breath Iïżœïżœïżœve taken to learning how to sign it, Ao’nung sits in front of me in the sand under the waves. Looking at Ao’nung I begin to sign
“The way of water has no beginning and no end.The sea is around you and in you.” The first two lines were easy enough they were all motions I’ve seen before or even used myself. “The sea is your home, before your birth and after your death. Our hearts beat in the” I’m able to sign but the next word womb I pause I’d never seen anyone sign that before so I look up to Ao’ nung and motion the word “help.” He nods at me and smiles positioning his hand about three inches below his navel where a woman’s womb would be and made a circle motion. When I try to copy the motion I must do it wrong because he makes a sound of disapproval and gets up to swim towards me. I’m sitting cross legged on the ground as he swims behind me and while he’s still in my view he motions for me to kneel. Once he’s directly behind me he kneels his chest presses into my back as he leans forward to wrap his hand over mine, once he has it he flattens my hand over my womb his pressed firmly into mine and moves my hand in a clockwise motion. It takes a few moments but when he releases my hand he doesn’t back away instead I see him reach both arms around me and motion for me to “try again.”
Taking care to slow my heart I try signing the entire line again “Our hearts beat in the womb of the world.” I successfully Finnish the line. When I’m done I spin around quickly and throw my arms around Ao’nungs neck making him let out a startled noise and a few bubbles. You can’t really fall when you’re under water but with the weight I threw into this hug we hit the sea floor. There’s sand everywhere, as we try and twist and get away it just kicks up more I can’t see anything can’t tell which way is up or down. What I do feel seconds later are large hands grabbing my one on my waist the other on my neck then I’m pulled into a chest. When I try to move Ao’nung holds me tighter to his chest so I stop. It’s been a minute or two according to the count in my head but my neck if starting to hurt from holding it at an odd angle for so long so I decide to lay my head on his chest. Once I do I feel him relax a little and thread his fingers into my hair. It takes a few more minutes for the sand to finally settle but when it does I look up to Ao’nung and smile then place my head back where it was for just a few moments longer.
The way of water has no beginning and no end. The sea is around you and in you. The sea is your home, before your birth and after your death. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world. Our breath burns in the shadows of the deep. The sea gives and the sea takes. Water connects all things. Life to death. Darkness to light.
It’s been a few days since the under water sand storm incident and I’ve been avoiding Ao’nung because of it, not entire sure now to deal with the fact that I’m pretty sure I have feelings for the young man. I find myself on the same deserted part of the island I practically lived at for the first few months after I lost my first love.About 6 months had passed since we lost Neteyam and I know he would want me to live and be happy but I still feel like I’m betraying him by caring for Ao’nung.
“Sis” I hear a voice I’d know anywhere say. When I whip around and see all of my surrogate siblings Lo’ak leading the party.
When the entire group reaches me they all take a seat Lo’ak right across from me Kiri and Spider on either side of us and Tuk sits right in my lap giving me a hug as she does.
“How we can help?” Kiri asks giving me a soft smile while taking my hand. Squeezing her hand I smile back and sigh I take a look at each person here starting with Kiri then Lo’ak, Spider and finally Tuk, she smiles and nods for me to tell them.
“Would you hate me if I cared for Ao’nung” i finally mutter after several minutes
The three older kids look like they’re all about to start saying things at once and i wince but little Tuk beats them to it
“Y/N we could never hate you, not for anything your just as much a sully as we are and sully’s stick together you grew up along side each of us you are our sister with or without having mated with Neteyam.” She pauses to take a deep breath and sees I’m about to say something” I’m not done!” She giggles. “Neteyam would want you to be happy like he would for all of us, We want you to be happy too so do mom and dad.” Before I can say anything Kiri speaks next.
“ it’s not like your forgetting him or disrespecting his memory by loving someone else. Wouldn’t you want him to move on at some point and be happy too if it had been you that we lost.” I nod as Lo’ak starts speaking
“I said my peace a few months ago but what I will say is let us be here for you ok you skxawng.” I laugh out as I cry quietly we all look to spider but he’s quiet for a moment or two.
“ I’m not the same species but I am one of you and that’s because you always treated me like the sully kids, you taught me the same things you taught them, helped me with anything I needed just like you would them, you even stood up for me at times when others didn’t, you were the one that tried to fight my dads unit to get me back in the forest that night.” He pauses “ you have always been and will always be my big sister and you deserve all the happiness in this world.” He finishes speaking and looks up at me. They all look at me and I’m not entirely sure what to say. It takes a few minutes for me to stop crying but once I do I get a genius idea. Without waiting I launch from my spot on the ground onto Lo’ak and lay across his stomach and yell “ DOG PILE !” the other three scramble up to join in all of us laughing and making comments so loud that we don’t hear Jake and Neytiri walk up with with Ronal, Tonowari, Ao’nung, Tsireya, and Rotxo. Everyone but the Sully parents look at us like we’re crazy. When Ao’nung and Tsireya look at each other they smile and acknowledge the love they both share for a sully sibling. When we all finally untangle from the dog pile still laughing we start to help each other up and wave at the group looking at us. We end up making a bonfire on the beach and sitting there as one big group laughing and taking together and sharing fun stories for what seems like hours. After awhile I find myself next to Ao’nung and after slightly longer I rest my head on his strong shoulder he brings one hand to my hair and plays with it everything is amazing until we hear someone scream
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daydreamingoncloud9 · 2 years
The fact that the "Yoo Joonghyuk from the 0th turn was willing to go through 1864 regressions solely to see Kim Dokja again" notion is so popular kinda irks me because of how it 1) strips YJH of any nuance in his character by reducing him to a pining lovesick man 2) kinda disregards an arguably more heartfelt reading of the scene
To clarify, I'm not gonna argue that YJH did not consider KDJ in his decision to regress, he evidently did, but it drives me nuts when people act like that's the only reason why YJH regressed.
Now granted, YJH did kinda start this whole conversation with "If I choose you as my Constellation sponsor, will I finally get to meet you?" and so I understand when people think that meeting KDJ face-to-face is the reason why YJH chose to regress despite the slim chances but I also want people to consider one of YJH's enduring characteristics.
YJH has always been portrayed as wanting to know the truth of the world he lived in and wanting to understand his origins. He seeks to reach the conclusion because he wants answers for his suffering and the hardships he went through. Hell, one of the things he says to KDJ during this scene was "Who am I?" and then he goes on to ask whether "the secret of this world lies beyond the wall, where you are?"
YJH of the 0th turn has reached a point in his life where he is happy but he says that it's because of that that he's "even more curious about what lies beyond the wall". He wishes to take the time to understand himself after achieving such happiness and this really feels like an example of someone seeking self-actualisation.
And this also ties into my second point because understanding YJH's (imo) primary motivation ultimately frames this scene as one where two individuals who deeply love each other have to separate because one of them has decided to dedicate their life to a certain goal while the other (reluctantly) accepts their decision because they understand that it would make their loved one fulfilled.
It's a different flavour of bittersweet from the popular reading because what separates them is ultimately YJH's desire to reach self-fulfillment and KDJ accepting his desire even if it he thinks YJH is a "dumb bastard" for doing so.
After spending so much time with YJH, both as a character and as a companion, KDJ understands better than anyone that this is what YJH needs to do. And so he lets him go.
Even if it hurts. Even if he knows that YJH would eventually resent him for it. Even if he thinks regressing will just make him miserable. He lets go because he knows that this is who YJH is and he would be remiss if he let his own personal feelings get in the way of respecting his agency.
And yes, this sucker punching line right here "Tell me, you fool. If I continue to regress, will I ever get to meet you again?" does imply that half of his reason to regress is to meet KDJ irl but! I also wanna point out that KDJ never really confirmed to YJH that he could meet him again. And taking that into consideration alongside YJH's final words to KDJ, "I shall pray that you may continue to exist somewhere too" and that he still didn't stop to second-guess his regression, you're kinda left with the impression that YJH would have still gone on this journey even with the possibility that KDJ may never show up again in the future. He regresses with the small hope that they will meet each other again but he doesn't move forward solely because of that small hope.
I like to think that it's because in the 0th turn, YJH already considers them to be companions and even if he doesn't meet KDJ again, that doesn't mean their bond didn't exist.
Because, as he said about his other companions, "Just because I will forget about them, doesn't mean they'll suddenly stop existing".
Much like how the Demon King of Salvation won't stop existing even if he forgets him.
But like, regardless of whether my interpretation is right or not, I just think that YJH going forward for his own truth rather than just a desire to see KDJ again makes for a sweeter narrative after the bittersweet ending of the 0th turn.
Because as luck would have it, KDJ would once again guide YJH towards the end on his 1864th turn in the future/past, just like how he did during the 0th turn.
Regardless of YJH's personal motivations and KDJ's personal hangups, the two are irrevocably linked and that small hope from seemingly aeons ago finally became reality after countless lives.
Maybe this is why they are called "Life and Death Companions".
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