#self q
rivers-for-me · 4 months
smile lines are constellations to me
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seagullfeather · 9 months
Being a woman is holding centuries of unsaid grief in your palms. Being a woman is laughing like the wind. Being a woman is raw mud and the blood of creation. Being a woman is the softness of fruit skin. Being a woman is dancing fire of the swamp. Being a woman is honest laughter around girls, but girls only. Being a woman is hiding your heart from the ones who should hold it most gently. Being a woman is silent screaming at night. Being a woman is the most beautiful pain you can endure
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femmefatalevibe · 9 months
Femme Fatale Guide: Signatures To Discover For A Stronger Personal Brand
Personal brand colors (for your outfits, makeup, nails, socials, office supplies/decor, etc.)
Signature aesthetic choices (could you be identified as the woman always in a leather jacket, wearing red lipstick, always wearing crystal hair clips or full ear stacks, etc.)
Signature jewelry pieces
Go-to nail color/shape
Signature drink (alcoholic or not)
Personal sayings you're known for in your social group
Signature scent
Unique talents/hobbies/skillsets (Painting, cooking, computer skills/programming, negotiating, writing, etc.)
Your go-to restaurants, shops, etc.
Signature meals/particular food choices
Signature hostess gifts
Specific leisure priorities (she's the woman you'll always find at the Opera, contemporary art museum, dog park, watching Alfred Hitchcock movies, etc. in her free time)
Areas of life where you give the best advice
Causes/organizations you care most strongly about
Your greatest social competency (Telling the best stories, being funny, asking great questions, making everyone feel welcome and included, negotiating, planning the best trips/parties, being a social connector, etc.)
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51ft · 8 months
U don't have to write dialog if their kissing 👉👉
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rotruff · 2 months
oughhh ..... waking up in the middle of the night or just a little too early and your f/o groggily tugging you back into place with some little half-coherent words of encouragement. call them selfish, but they'll take the label with no complaint if it means they get to have you lie down at their side just a while longer. the tired little motions they go through to try and make sure that you're able to fall back asleep before they let themself do the same, whether that be tracing shapes along your skin in gentle little gestures or even humming, they're putting the effort in even though sleep might be clinging onto them like a 2 ton weight.
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shitouttabuck · 2 months
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for @onward--upward, who texted me screenshots of this scene at 3am the night before 7x03 dropped
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qcomicsy · 10 months
I don't think Bruce is ever angry at Jason. Frustrated? Yeah. But never angry. I think he's angry at himself. How can you hate the child who shoots blindly if it was you who taught them how to hold a gun?
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You're allowed to be proud of yourself
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shisasan · 10 months
I am going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life.
Elsie De Wolfe
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rivers-for-me · 4 months
what is girlhood if not threads of divinity begging to be unraveled
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felixcarlucci · 5 months
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Baldur's Gate 3 (2023) dev. Larian Studios
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kankuroplease · 5 months
Congrats on 5k!! You deserve it and your art is amazing. May I request spicy naruhina if you’re up to it?
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Thank you! I had to sort of au it to trick my brain out of NaruHina fluff, hope you like it!
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agirlwithglam · 25 days
How do I stop comparing myself to others and how can I feel fulfilled on my own without needing anyone else's validation?
hiii<3 i feel what you're going through, trust me i do. here are some of my tips that specifically worked for me + at the end i'll include some more recommended things to read/ watch.
how to stop comparing & feel fulfilled without needing anyone else's validation
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how to stop comparing yourself:
start focussing and thinking about yourself more. lol ok i realise that may sound like "become self absorbed" but i suppose, to some extent, that is what im saying. you're becoming too interested in others' life around you if you find yourself comparing. its time to focus on you and up levelling yourself to the best version possible.
comparison = wanting their life style, yes? so when you find yourself comparing to others in your life, realise that its because you envy something that they have. maybe its money, popularity, prettiness, intelligence, etc. so its like a signal in your brain which is telling you: "i want this. but i dont have it." so now what can you do, work hard to get it.
focus on what you have. i read a quote once (i think its by Oprah Winfrey) and it goes: "if you focus on what you don't have, you'll always have less. but if you focus on what you do have, you'll always have more." instead of looking at other's lives and thinking "i dont have this, i dont have that", look at your own life and think "i have this, i have that."
feeling fulfilled without needing anyone else's validation:
self love. self love. SELF LOVE. self love will ALWAYS be the answer to this. learn to LOVE yourself. and if you dont, ask why!! i have a whole guide on how to develop self love HERE. Stop looking for love in others, GIVE YOURSELF THE LOVE FIRST!!
It’s you over them. Always. Always always always. Always choose you over them. If they want you to do something but you don’t, then you say “no. I will not do that” it’s scary? Oh boohoohoo, suck it up. Because if you are constantly doing stuff that others ask you to just for the sake of pleasing them, you are disrespecting yourself in the worst way. You are basically saying that what they want is more important than what i want and need. Ew. Don’t do that.
extra resources:
a guide to develop self love & confidence (by me)
vanilla's opinion🍰 edition 1: dealing with hate & not caring about what others think. (by me)
ways to stay unbothered (by @pastel-charm-14)
Self validation (by @prettieinpink )
Tam Kaur's youtube channel
Thewizardliz youtube channel
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femmefatalevibe · 6 months
Hello! I have a lot of some for solo dates outside home, but I don’t have many solo dates ideas to do at home. Can you share some ideas for both options, please? Thank you 🩵
Solo dates outside of home:
Sitting in a park/on an outdoor bench with music + a coffee and/or a book
Going for a solo coffee or drink date (bring a book if you want)
Getting your nails done
Getting a massage
Taking a long walk
Going to the movies/live music show alone
Go window shopping
Take a tennis or other solo sports class
Go to a ballet, concert, etc.
Attend a jewelry-making, candle-making, perfume-making, mixology class
Solo dates at home:
Have a "spa" night with a full exfoliating shower, face mask, etc.
Have an at-home movie night
Bake or make your favorite meal with a great playlist in the background
Read a book in a relaxing bath
Draw, write, read, or create something that brings you joy
Take a virtual cooking, mixology, dance, or language class
Have a dance party in your room
Sleep in with zero alarms or responsibilities for the next 24 hours
Hope this helps xx
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kermitgotlost · 2 months
happy autism acceptance month and a reminder to my fellow autistic self shippers that your f/o would never make you feel lesser for being autistic.
proship dni !
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389 · 6 months
In order to be free, you simply have to be so, without asking permission of anybody. You have to have your own hypothesis about what you are called to do, and follow it, not giving in to circumstances and complying with them. But that sort of freedom demands powerful inner resources, a high degree of self-awareness, a consciousness of your responsibility to yourself and therefore to other people. Alas, the tragedy is that we do not know how to be free — we demand freedom for ourselves at the expense of others and don’t want to waive anything of our own for the sake of someone else: that would be an encroachment upon our personal rights and liberties. All of us are infected today with an extraordinary egoism. And that is not freedom; freedom means learning to demand only of oneself, not of life or of others, and knowing how to give: sacrifice in the name of love.
∆ Andrei Tarkovsky, Sculpting in Time
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