#semi feral scratch
bennydwight · 1 year
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A dialogue snippet that turned into this:
Standoff (TGAMM Oneshot: Spoilers for season 2)
Summary: Half-feral, trapped in a snare barely big enough for his fluctuating form and Oliver Chen's gun trained directly at his head, Scratch is out of options.
So why isn't Ollie taking the shot?
Intrinsically, Scratch was a pretty simple, lazy guy. He liked an easy routine, a familiar path. The hardest work he did most days was figuring out how to avoid hard work. He didn’t have the patience for strategy (why, when cheating was faster and easier?) and trying to think in multiple directions at once just sapped his strength and made his head hurt. All that variety, all that junk humans did to ‘better their mind’ was just so hard.
Astonishingly, it was made ten times harder when he was near bursting out of a containment unit, a wide barreled gun trained directly between his eyes.
He couldn’t even pinpoint where everything had gone wrong, too much focus funneled into clamping down on a base instinct: trapped in a snare barely large enough for his normal size and his afterlife on the line, Scratch’s scare form had started to take over.
He strained against the effort of keeping his ectoplasm intact, phantom breaths coming in rapid huffs even as his teeth lengthened, spines burst from his arms, his shape swelled and pressed dangerously against unyielding steel and electrons. Somewhere, quietly in the back of his mind and underneath the screaming need to SCARE SCARE SCARE SCARE, he realized dimly that he’d never been afraid of being crushed until now, after he’d gained the ability to phase through objects at will. Well, most objects. Go figure.
So it was here, desperately trying to reign in his higher processes, that through an animalistic red haze Scratch glowered into the eyes of his captor. Ollie stood mere feet away, that biohazard-yellow gun a shield between him and his helpless prey, and Scratch acknowledged a terrible gleam of satisfaction as even now the weapon trembled in the boy’s hands.
Across the other side of the warehouse, behind the orangey shimmer of the Chens’s forcefield, Molly lay prone, the tiny movement of her breaths the only reason any of the Ghost Chasers were still alive. Esther knelt next to her, first-aid kit in hand, expression one of barely-contained terror. Not his doing, but he’d take credit. Maybe next time she’d learn not to chuck a knockout bomb at a child. Well, at him. Molly had taken the metaphorical bullet (not a pretty mental image, given the circumstances), and if anything happened to her then Scratch was going to make all their lives a living hell.
Provided he got out unscathed. Somewhere, out of the thick of battle, Andrea fought to take the snare’s electronics offline, and no doubt June was blocking every attack with equal fervor. And even with legs as long as Libby’s, it would take too much time for her to reach the McGee’s house and bring back Pete and Sharon. Time Scratch didn’t have.
Imprisoned, half feral with the urge to survive, and one finger twitch away from total erasure, Scratch was out of options. Just him and Ollie, and the trap and the gun.
And the father.
Ruben stood, face and hands pressed against the forcefield, vibrating with adrenaline. His attention laser focused to his son, caught on the opposite side with the enemy (that was Scratch, he had enemies now), the shouts of excitement and encouragement died at Ollie’s hesitation and veered distinctly into confusion and urgency.
“Finish it, Ollie, it’s trying to take attack form! End it before it escapes!”
Ollie’s only acknowledgement was the hitch of his shoulders, eyes locked with Scratch in a way that felt like he was missing context. Scratch had seen this boy’s hatred firsthand, he put things on the internet that should not be there, so what stopped him now?
A memory flashed to mind: Molly throwing herself in front of the knockout bomb, and someone shouting ‘NO’ nearby, and Scratch swelled painfully against the snare as a fresh wave of rage tore through his ectoplasm like the hiss from behind his fangs.
Ah. So now he knew.
“We’re so close, Ollie,” Ruben continued to not shut up, voice like fingernails down Scratch’s strained self-control. “Our family’s whole legacy has led up to this! You can give us everything we’ve ever dreamed, just pull the trigger!”
The monster was caged, and still fear shone like a beacon behind Ollie’s eyes. Everything they’d worked for at his feet and he still didn’t move. Didn’t look away.
Scratch was not a smart man on the best of days and now, claws scoring uneven grooves in the ground as their length oscillated with his concentration, he was grossly, hilariously far from his best. “Do it kid,” Scratch snarled, sucking harsh breaths from between gritted teeth. “You know what it’ll cost ya.”
“Do it, Ollie! This is our only chance!”
A long beat passed.
Ollie’s hands shook, but his trigger finger didn’t waver.
From outside, a roar, and then a scream. Good old Geoff. The Chens’s heads whipped towards the door, and their combined fear-smell nearly whited out Scratch’s mind for good.
“Go help June!” Ollie’s voice pitched high with terror, and something else that tugged Scratch’s mind back to clarity. Surprise registered through the darkness clouding his mind as his parents obeyed, gathering a limp Molly into their arms, and a strange quiet settled over the warehouse.
And then, there were two.
Most of the threat and the fear-smell were gone, but Ollie still had a gun to his head and Scratch was still angry. His hue shifted, deepening to a sickly green, mouth stretching wide in a grotesque grin. “So what’ll it be, Ollie? Gonna finish me yourself? Or gonna make your daddy do it for you?” The snare creaked ominously as his growth strained the limits. The ropes of plasma burned fierce red lines through the green, but he barely registered the pain. “Either way, she’ll never talk to you again. Won’t even look at you. She thought better of you, y’know. Tried her darnedest to change your mind. You want her to wake up and find out she failed?”
Ollie’s eyes hardened, and Scratch’s temperature dropped several degrees. He really should’ve known better by now than to make calculated risks, this one might’ve just cost him his life.
Ollie’s hand moved, and Scratch bit back a flinch before watching it dip into a pocket and emerge with a square device. As he pressed the giant, terrifying button right in the middle, Scratch braced for pain.
Instead, the pressure around him retreated, and Scratch floated up into the air. Free.
Free, and alone with the Ghost Chaser, who kept the gun trained on his head even as scared tears pooled at the corners of his eyes.
They stared at each other in a stalemate, Ollie unwilling to put down his weapon and Scratch wobbling between forms as he considered whether to put his uncomfortably pent-up scare energy to good use. Or at least entertaining use.
“Run,” Ollie whispered, and Scratch couldn’t tell if it was a threat or a plea.
The instinct-induced haze lessened. If Ollie took the shot, he’d be disappointing Molly. (Who was he kidding, life without Scratch? He’d be devastating Molly!) But if Scratch proved the Chens thoughts on ghosts right, he’d be doing the same thing.
Ollie hefted the gun higher, looking no keener to use it. “Run,” he repeated.
The easy way out. No lie, Scratch had considered it immediately. Molly was safe enough with the Chens, and all he wanted was to disappear into a dark corner and forget this whole nightmare ever happened. He could run, and they’d be more careful, and this whole debacle meant Molly would stop hanging out with Ollie, and Scratch’s life could go back to normal. Save being on the run. Forever.
(Or until the Chens died out, and with Scratch’s luck this would absolutely turn into a multigenerational blood feud.)
Facts were: he was outed, and so was Molly’s connection to him. They’d never be safe, not while the Chens were determined to cleanse the world of ghostkind.
Scratch took a deep breath and thought of his family, and the last of his spines smoothed and his colour returned to its natural blue and his shape stabilized. It might’ve been easier to go underground, but even these past few months of avoiding their (many, many) ghost traps had triggered an exhaustion that would’ve been called bone-deep if he’d had bones. He didn’t want to put his family through that, and frankly, Scratch was just damn tired. All he wanted was to sleep for a century.
He'd finish this first.
“Look, Ollie,” he started, relieved to find the bass in his voice had returned to normal. “As far as ghosts go, I’m a pretty lazy guy. Rather take a nap, y’know? All that exercise ain’t good for you.”
Ollie’s eyes darted to the side, face screwing up in that ‘um actually’ wince that Molly liked to adopt whenever she annoyed him enough to bring up the flat-earth theory. The first flicker of character he’d shown since this whole standoff started. “Not how that works, but what do you mean?”
Scratch smiled at his mortal enemy, and somehow it felt natural. “Means I’m tired of running, kid.”
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synchlora · 11 months
that one episode of scrubs where all three of their patients don't make it . yeag..
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evilminji · 4 months
Oh... oh no it's all coming together ( o.o)
Ya'll remember my Danny haunts Space Games post?
That but MORE SO. Harder. Like... ZONE GAME DEVELOPER PASSION PROJECT harder. Because? Special Interest chemicals go brrrrr~☆
And you KNOW... you absolutely FUCKING KNOW! That Danny was minding his business, going about his life, hyped as FUCK for the new Space Game 5 (a niche game but so what? It has REALISTIC physics! It's set on THE MOON!).
Has NOT stopped rambling on about it.
Been driving everyone insane, because it won't be out for MONTHS.
Youngblood, probably, goes "So what? That sound BORING. There barely anything to DO in that! Not like one of OUR Super Cool ZONE Video Games™. OURS are way better! And we gave LOADS more options then THAT! Now can we get back to-"
Freeze frame, record scratch.
Wait. WHAT!?
Danny is violently answers out of that eternal child faster then you can say "Dude! Chill!" Got them manic Obsession Eyes. Oops. Youngblood forgot Danny is Space Obsessed. But also PROTECTION Obsessed. Meaning he can't LEAVE where he is protecting.
You know.... FOR SPACE.
He needs a work around to feed his Obsession. Video games do it. Since he can go INTO them, but leave at a moments notice, if trouble happens. It's like being both IN SPACE but also AT HIS POST! Double Obsession Feeding! Happy chemicals! Mmmmm, content ecto-goo~
But now? NOW?! He's learning there is BETTER Space?!
WHERE IS THE BETTER SPACE?! *kicks open the portal*
It? Is a terrifying time for everybody. Thanks A LOT, Youngblood. It takes like... five Amazons and Pandora herself tackling the little menace, to get him still long enough to get a semi-coherent answer out of him. Stop him trying to shake down random ghosts for answers they can't GIVE.
Youngblood is grounded.
DANNY has an Obsession-crash headache, is really embarrassed, but honestly no one blames him. No one acts their best when they're Obsession gets suddenly triggered that hard. It was a poor man offered El Dorado, a scholar all the secrets in the world. He got swept up in it.
That SAID, yes, there IS a video game shop near here. There are, of course, countless such shops. It's the Zone. There are countless EVERYTHING. It's the nature of the Zone. Just don't harrass any of the developers and all will be well, Phantom. They're not afraid to put YOU in time out as well.
Deal! ( /☆.☆)/ *grabby hands*
There? Are so, SO many games. For systems Danny's never even HEARD off. Alien ones, new ones, long dead ones. Zone exclusives. It's less a shop and more a sprawling maze.
His grin is FERAL.
Space. Gaaaaaaames!!!
The more realistic the BETTER. Give him that living vicariously like an Astronaut DREAM. But fantasy maybe! Or in the future! Or deep space! Alien mayhaps! There are a few. The blended Obsessions that are kinda like his. Space and video-games instead of Space and Protection.
And? Oh~
Oh they are so SO realistic.
Impossible to play on any Earth computer, too. Not a single chance. Wouldn't even TRY and run. But! He is a Fenton! And he WILL have his Space Games! If his parents can make a portal in their basement? HE can make a Bank of Ectoplasmic Supercomputers in his spare room! Or Bedroom! Depends on renting prices!
He GUTS every landfill for MILES for usable parts.
"Liberates" parts from Rogues, left and right. Fuck their evil plans! He has computers to build! The Justice League? Baffled. Alarmed. Nooooot his problem!!!
He completes his works and? Oh~ the smile is both terrifying and fangy.
He starts College. On line, of course, he refuses to leave Amity. And Online can be done at his pace, at his hours. So? For once? He's actually doing WELL. Even BETTER? It helps him remember to leave them games every once and a while. Eat something. Be human.
But... well... it's like a slow flip of his Obsession starving. Now that he has all the Space he could ever want? He... suddenly finds Amity... peaceful? Which is GOOD! It's... it's GOOD.
.........just not for him.
He can almost physically FEEL him mind unclenching it's death grip on the town. Finger by finger. Hands releasing, letting go, as they... reach for something. As he starts taking NOTE of crime rates in major cities. Alien attacks and Rogues, Heros spread too thin, people getting HURT.
In need of PROTECTION.
He... he doesn't WANT to be that fickle. He LOVES Amity! It's his HOME. He wasn't protecting it just because he craved something to protect! In the end, he drags it out longer then he probably should, argues with himself, ignores the problem. Is STUBBORN.
It's only after Dani starts talking about coming back to Amity to stay with him, do the college thing like he did, that he realizes...
Amity's not his Haunt anymore.
They talk. She's excited to help him find a nice shit hole of a city to protect, but also worried because he looks really gaunt. He may LOVE Space... but...
It's the GHOST in him that loves Space. The Astronaut. The Kid who refused to die, who ate a PORTAL TO THE EVERYTHING and crawled out still exsistant, who told Death not only "not today" but "not EVER"? That kid had something to protect. Was and is and always will BE, protection. Himself, his friends, his family or the town. Doesn't matter WHAT it is.
He refused to go, so he could protect them.
The part that DID, though, was starlight. And yeah, he needs it. Feeds it desperately. But it... doesn't exactly support his human half, you know? Doesn't anchor him. Make him want to eat and sleep, be human and alive, connect with people.
Space makes him ghosty.
Dani ultimately convinces him, after spraying him down with a hose and shoving a cheeseburger down his face, to move to Metropolis with her. They get ALIENS! Have Aliens HEROS! BIG DESTRUCTIVE FIGHTS. With lots and LOTS of people who need help! Plus? Gotham is within a day trip!
And UNLIKE Gotham, the Ecto isn't RANK AF in Metropolis.
Seriously, it smells like a burst sewer pipe over there.
Danny agrees. Can totally afford a modest lil place thanks to some patents. Makes one HELL OF A SCENE moving in. With his giant, ominous, futuristic, weirdly day glow green glowing bank of super computers... in this, "we love our Alien Blorbo" Metropolis.
Cause Green and Glowing sure ain't welcome round these parts! No SIR! Somebody call the COPS!
Danny isn't even half way through, when Superman lightly touchs down, a forced grin plastered to his face. The "please, God, not another Rogue. Not a new one. Please!" all but RADIATING off him.
Danny... kiiiinda forgot not everyone was as "I see fuckin NOTHING, man" as Amity natives. Awkward. Welp! Fenton Oblivious Gene's, ACTIVATE!
"Oh, HIIIIIII~☆ Superman! What brings you round these parts? Gosh, it's an honor! Dani! Come meet SUPERMAN!"
Clark knows what he's doing. Danny knows, Clark knows what he's doing. They are both from the Midwest. They ain't gonna break first! You kidding? Clark still has to ask. Inserts himself by INSISTING on helping. A welcome to Metropolis! Ha ha! (How long we gonna lie for, kid? How long? I can do this all day.)
Clark? Learns that Danny has become ABSURDLY knowledgeable about terraforming, spacecraft, aerospace engineering and anything else related to Space Survival. Thanks to... his "games".
Which Clark is PRETTY sure? Are creatively set up, alien, training programs. Cause both of the Fentons are DEFINITELY at least partially non-human. But, eh. Who is he to judge? The "mad scientist" vibe, though... THAT is his to judge. Which he does.
Routine check ins!
And pasta bakes. Because good lord, Fenton, you are skin and bones! And? If it helps with both Watchtower maintenance AND some killer articles? Because Danny is a fountain of Space related knowledge who loves to share it? That's between Clark and the weird, semi-feral, gremlin he's adopted! (Yes, honey, he KNOWS Danny is a grown man. But I did it with BRUCE-)
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @legitimatesatanspawn @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @the-witchhunter
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lovelytsunoda · 9 months
i can't get no satisfaction // mick schumacher
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summary: camping out in the library after hours, and too stressed to retain information, the student librarian has an idea about how take all of that stress away. and it doesn’t involve reference books.
pairing: college librarian!mick x student reader
warnings: sex in a library, semi-public sex, this is so fucking filthy, mick is a sweetheart but he has a dirty fucking mouth. mentions of masturbation and sex toys. why does this man bring out the feral in me? the terms ‘librarian’ and ‘sir’ used in a sexual context (but in a playful way…for the most part)
authors note: now tell me why I can add a song here but tumblr won’t let me add ‘shallow’ as a song link to my angsty top gun fic and I had to publish it without?
there was a reason she always picked that table. a reason she’d started coming to the library in tight tops and cutoff shorts.
it gave her the prime viewing across the old library, beyond the green tiffany lamps, at the perfectly coiffed head of of blonde hair that rested behind the check in desk.
mick fucking schumacher. he was the reason most girls came to the library, if she was to be honest.
however, there was no time for that today, astronomy textbooks strewn across her table as she poured over star charts. she didn’t realize how late it had gotten, her test review notes only half filled out and an exam creeping up on her.
her ballpoint pen trailed across the computer paper as she recorded the names of the main theories behind how the moon formed, mumbling to herself in an attempt to remember the facts better. she had one Bluetooth earbud in, playing jazz music softly to prevent her mind from wandering.
it was all hands on deck if she wanted a chance in hell of passing her elective course.
two hands clapped down on her shoulders. she started, yelping as her pen trailed a thick black line across her page before clattering to the floor. heart racing, she yanked her headphone out, head whirling to see who had interrupted her.
“oh my goodness, I’m so sorry.”
mick. he stood behind her, clad in tight black slacks and and untucked dress shirt, the top few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to just before his elbows.
and, oh god, were her nipples perking up underneath her halter top?
“no, no, I should have paid more attention.” her voice was shaking, cracking slightly. “did you need something?”
“we closed like, fifteen minutes ago.” mick said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. “I didn’t want to disturb you, but I’m not getting paid overtime and I kind of wanted to go home.”
she sighed, massaging her forehead wrinkles with her fingertips. “yeah, okay. sorry, I didn’t realize how late it was getting.”
her stomach sank to the floor. she felt guilty for keeping him, and a sense of crushing dread when she realized how little information she really retained.
and under the student librarians gaze, his stunning ocean eyes boring holes into her skull?
she’d be damned to admit it out loud, but she felt horny as hell. she was so stressed with exams, and so wired from trying to study that masturbation was the only way she could get herself to go to sleep: tire out the body, and the mind will follow.
but her fingers didn’t cut it any more, nor did the tiny vibrator her roommate made her buy on a whiteclaw-fuelled trip to the local spencer’s.
“okay, just give me a second and I can help you put all of these away. I feel bad for keeping you now.”
mick helped her gather her things and tidy the table, offering her a metal shelving cart to load full of all the textbooks she didn’t need. they moved in an awkward silence as the blond reshelved the books and she pushed the cart.
“so, astronomy?” mick clicked his tongue, shelving a book on star charts.
“yeah, it’s a shitty fucking elective, that’s what it is. it’s causing me more stress than my actual subject major.” she snorted, sliding a few other books into the shelf. “I’m pre-law, but I’m not even sure if law school is what I want any more. right now, I just want to shut down, if I’m being honest.”
she stepped back from the shelf, moving to go around the cart when mick spoke up.
“so is that why you barely looked in my direction today?”
she stopped cold, her foot thudding against the side of the heavy metal cart. she bit back a curse, stumbling as mick caught her, pressing her body up against the shelving cart.
“I know you have a crush on me. I think it’s cute. you’re cute.” his voice was husky, and there was barely any space between them. her heart was beating faster, heat rising in her cheeks. “there’s a reason I always work at that desk too. seeing you makes my day.”
he was so close to her that she could have kissed him if he wanted to. all she would have had to do was press up on her toes to match his height, and gently touch her lips to his.
“don’t hide from me, pretty girl.” mick whispered. “I know how pent up you are, I can see it in the way your body responded as I ran my hands over your back. I want to help you. let me help.”
she swallowed, thoughts racing as she gripped his arms, looking up into his cobalt eyes.
she needed this.
needed him.
when mick kissed her, it felt like all the air was leaving her lungs. he was intoxicating, the heady scent of his cologne overwhelming her senses. she moaned into the kiss, aching and longing for human contact.
“my sweet girl.” he mumbled, trialing kisses up her jaw and over behind her ear, hands coming up to knead her sensitive breasts as she leaned back against the shelving cart. “when was the last time someone treated you right?”
“s-six months.” she stuttered, panting heavily.
it was pathetic, mick had barely even done anything and she was seconds away from whining for him.
he clicked his tongue, gripping her waist and pushing her back further against the cart. a few reference books fell to the floor, but neither student noticed. his breath was warm against her ear, the tip of his nose brushing her cartilage and making her shiver.
“that’s just won’t do. whenever you came in here, I bet you were thinking about sitting under my desk and using your cute little mouth the keep my cock warm.”
noticing how her body tensed up, the boy changed his tune. “or maybe you’re not into that. maybe you just wanted me to whisk you away to the rare book room and press you up against the bookshelf, have my way with you. our dirty little secret”
ah, yes. that was the reaction he was looking for, her thighs clenching at the thought as he slotted his knee on between her legs.
“that’s my girl.” mick cooed as she grinded against his thigh. “you just need my cock to fill you up, don’t you? those fingers of yours just aren’t the same, are they?”
she opened her mouth to respond, forehead resting against his, when she leaned back too far, the cart tumbling out from behind her.
mick caught her by the waist, smoothly spinning around and returning her to her feet, ignoring the toppled cart. nose to nose, the absurdity of the situation dawned on her.
and she laughed.
and he laughed with her.
that was what she needed from a man. someone who could laugh with her, even during their most intimate of moments, someone who let all the best parts of his non-bedroom personality shine through while also knowing exactly what she needed him to say to get her off.
a gentleman.
and that’s what mick schumacher was.
he carried her bridal style back to the long mahogany table, placing her down gently and sweetly before giving her a sweet kiss, his tongue teasing the seam of her lips.
“so, pretty girl, the ball is in your court now.” mick began, taking her warm hands in his cold ones. “whatever you need me to do, I’ll do.”
“I mean, I’ve heard the rare book room is super sexy. the smell of old books is like an aphrodisiac for me.” she said in a sing-song voice, thinking about his teasing from earlier. “then again, so are the vaulted ceilings in here.”
“I bet I could make you come so hard for me that you can see those stars on the ceiling fresco with your eyes closed.”
“wanna bet, pretty boy?” she was confident in her decision, but there was still nervousness behind her eyes.
she’d felt the way his dick pressed up against the seams of the zipper on his slacks. taking it was going to hurt.
he kissed her nose softly, fingers reassuringly rubbing circles on her skin. “I’ve got you, princess. you just need to relax and let me fuck all of that stress out of your pretty little head.”
she kissed him again, one hand on either side of his neck as she tried to press her body up against his, body flushed with need.
he gently turned her around, guiding her body so that she was bent over the table, the wood cool against her body.
mick playfully smacked her ass over her denim shorts.“such a pretty girl for your librarian, aren’t you?”
instead of the expected response, mick was delighted to get a laugh out of her. her giggles made him high, heat rising on his skin.
“was that supposed to be sexy?” she giggled, one hand reaching behind her to cradle his, thumb passing over his knuckles.
“maybe.” mick chirped. “baby, you’ve gotta let me have my other hand so I can get your shorts off.” she let go of his hand, allowing his smooth fingers to undo the button and gently draw the denim down her legs. “and for the record, I think that librarian is a damn sexy title.”
“but it’s not really a title.” she laughed, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her body, massaging the flesh of her ass before tugging her cotton panties to the side.
he smacked her ass again, cock perking up at the tiny moan she let out. “it can be whatever I damn well want it to be, princess.” his voice was playful, and it made her wet to no end.
she needed this adorable idiot to fuck her.
there was little warning as he slipped two fingers into her, the cold of the rings on his fingers making her squeal as he started to flex his digits.
his fingers were so fucking long. they felt so much better than her own fingers did, that was for sure.
“that’s my pretty girl, taking my fingers like a goddamn champion. you’re fucking dripping, princess.” mick cooed, moaning at the sight of her arousal running down his wrist, the sound his fingers made as he scissored them inside of her. “atta girl, so good for your librarian, aren’t you?”
“yes.” she panted, bucking her hips against his fingers with a cry, reaching back to grab his free hand with the hand that wasn’t holding her steady on the desk. “oh, fuck, sir.”
god, she needed this. and for a nerdy guy, he sure fucking knew how to use his fingers.
she felt his hand come down on her ass again. “what did you call me?” his voice was light, with the hint of a smile behind it. “I want you to say it again, princess.”
“mhm, yes sir, please, I need more.” she exaggerated the moan, a playful smile on her face as she played right into micks hands.
she liked this banter they had going, this carefree way of looking at something most people took so seriously. no, this was an experience that felt uniquely her whereas other guys she had been with just did what they always did, not caring about what she needed to get off.
but with mick, yes, that dominant demeanour was still there, but in a gentle ‘let me take care of you’ way.
and that was sexy as fuck.
she whined as mick withdrew his fingers, tapping her side with two of his fingers. “turn around, pretty girl. I don’t like not being able to see your stunning face.”
while her thighs tingled, her chest bloomed with affection and love at the thought that mick thought she was pretty.
and it was true. the library was dim, the warm lighting from the tiffany lamps framing the flyaways from her hair and the pink in her cheeks. the cupids bow of her lips, and that gorgeous fucking smile.
he was so down bad for her, it made his cock ache.
she perched on the edge of the desk, wincing and attempting to hide her embarassment at the wet patch she was leaving on the old table, the unshaven landscape of her thighs (and between her legs).
goosebumps rose on her arms as she watched mick lick her juices off her fingers, moaning at the taste like it was his favourite thing in the world. sensing the goosebumps, he ran his hands up her arms to warm her up.
“you decide how far we go tonight, love. how many orgasms do you want?”
oh fuck.
mick laughed sweetly, seeing the overwhelmed look on her face. he kissed her forehead tenderly, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. “how about we start with one and see you feel from there.”
“yeah. I’d like that.” she answered shyly, feeling the cold creep in.
the old library was drafty, yet kept to a very specific temperature. she expected to be overheating from how hot this encounter was, but alas, the air conditioning system just had to go and ruin it
“here.” mick said softly, undoing his shirt to expose the silver chain that rested below his sternum, a pendant with an orthodox saint carved into it.
he undid the shirt slowly, allowing her ample time to rake her prying eyes over every perfectly sculpted part of his body, right down to the tent in his pants.
sliding the shirt fully off, he used both hands to drape the soft fabric over her body. she swooned at the motion, letting him flip the collar up against her neck.
“don’t want you catching a cold now, do we, sweet girl?” he said sheepishly, his face flushed pink and a sheen of sweat on his abs as he cupped her face, leaning in to kiss her softly.
“mick.” she whined. “I need you now. I’m aching for my librarian to make me feel good.”
“I’ve got you, princess. I’ve got you.” he hummed, undoing the button on his slacks. he pushed down his boxers, erect cock springing to life.
“holy fuck.” she hummed.
his dick was impressive. all seven thick inches of it, resting against her thigh when she opened her legs and pulled him closer. she wasn’t even sure if it was possible for a dick to be pretty, but if it was, micks cock was the very definition of the word.
“so wet for me. I’ll slide right on home.” mick said, gripping his cock in one hand and running it all along her slicked up opening. now she knew her goosebumps weren’t from the cold, but from the anticipation of what was to come next.
“please, I need your cock.” she whined.
“whatever my girl wants, she gets. you just relax and let your librarian fuck all those little worries away.”
he slid in slowly, letting her adjust to take him inch by inch. the stretch burned slightly, and she found herself opening her legs wider with every inch. she had a white-knuckled grip on the table, her breaths coming out in a mixture of strangled moans and pants.
when he finally slid fully in, his heavy balls resting against her ass, she opened her eyes and changed a look down at where they connected, a moan leaving her mouth.
“that’s just what you needed, isn’t it love? a fat cock to fill you up and make you feel good.”
it was a question he didn’t expect an answer from as he started to thrust in and out of her, hands gripping her thighs to pull her in.
“oh, god!” she whined throwing her head back, breasts bouncing under her top as mick slammed into her. “feels so good, mick.”
“that’s my girl.” his voice was low and husky, but also soothing. his hands on her body was a grounding presence.
her fingernails scraped down his chest, leaving pink marks in their wake as she moaned, babbling incoherently about how good mick was making her feel.
it was heavenly. he overwhelmed every one of her senses. it was an out of body experience, if she was being honest. something out of her wildest dreams.
mick kissed her again, groaning into her mouth as he pistoned his cock in and out of her. she was practically dripping everywhere, but had no time or energy to worry about the mess she was making.
all she could think about was how good she felt with mick inside of her.
“just breathe, darling. you’re doing so fucking good for me.”
he shifted her position on the desk, maneuvering one of her legs over his shoulder. she yelped in pleasure, nails sinking into his shoulders as she screamed a curse.
“fuck, that feels so good!”
the new angle was dizzying, his length brushing up against her spongy walls with every thrust. her eyes rolled back and her vision went blurry from pleasure as she meweled under his touch.
“that’s it, pretty girl. come for me. come for your librarian.”
“oh, fuck, mick, I-“ her words tapered off into a hearty moan, micks shirt lying in a puddle behind her as she wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her head in his chest as she came with a cry of his name, tears leaking from her eyes. “mick.”
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you.” mick cooed, kissing her forehead as he slowed his thrusts, gently working her through her orgasm. “there we go, you’re safe here. just breathe with me, can you do that, princess?”
she nodded, out of breath as mick gently eased her achy leg off his shoulder and back down to the table. he slid out of her, and the empty feeling made her whine. he gently shushed her, covering her face in kisses.
“mick, you never finished.” she pouted
“don’t worry about it, princess. this was about you. all that mattered to me was that you got your earth shattering orgasm.”
she rolled her eyes, reaching for his still-hard cock. “let me do something nice for you, dumbass.”
and who was mick to complain when she was doing such a good fucking job stroking his cock? her hands were smooth and soft, and the angelic way that she looked up at him, that sweet smile on her swollen lips while her hands worked him to the edge?
within minutes he was bellowing, spurting thick measures of come over her hands and down her arm, his entire body shaking.
“Jesus Christ.” he muttered. “you’re good at that.”
“when you hate giving blowjobs, you learn how to give a damn good handjob.” she smiled softly, unsure what to do with her sticky hands.
mick scooped her up gently, carrying her away from the desk and down the long hall to the staff bathroom. “come on, love. let’s get you cleaned up.”
after they were somewhat presentable (because, after all, there’s little you can do about the flushed skin and sex hair when you’re still in a public library), they gathered the last of their belongings and started to shut the library down for the day.
“what about the shelving cart?” she asked shyly, gesturing to the cart they had knocked over.
mick laughed. “I don’t work tomorrow, so it’s someone else’s problem.”
she watched with a soft smile as mick turned all the lights in the old building off, before he linked his arm with hers and they began the walk out of the parking lot.
“I hate to sound presumptuous,” mick began “but you’ve been here all day and I haven’t seen you leave to get food or anything. you must be starving. there’s an all night diner about two blocks from here, and I’d like to treat you to dinner.”
she smiled, kissing his cheek. “I’d love that, mick. thank you.”
and they both knew that this was going to be the start of something wonderful.
as soon as exams were over, of course.
the rest of the student body’s female population was not going to be happy when they showed up at the library and found that y/n y/l/n had finally captured their librarian’s heart.
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @diorleclerc @twinkodium @thatsdemko @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck
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onmyyan · 1 year
Ashley Hunt NSFW HC'S
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Man's is a service top through and through, he will have you cumming more than once it's just how he rolls.
Likes to tie you up but only with the softest, most expensive rope he can find, his touch is feather-like and leaves a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
This mf not only talks you through it, he coaches you.
"There we go, atta girl."
"Keep clenching that perfect pussy around my fingers sugar, make a mess f'me."
Cowgirl is one of his favorite positions cuz he gets to watch you fall apart on top of him.
He's a boob man, no matter the size, he worships your chest and loves leaving hickeys on them, sucking each nipple hard enough to have you mewling against him, your back arching into his touch.
He love, love, loves when you give him head but 10 times outta 10 he's pulling out before he cums, a choppy, stuttery chuckle leaves him, "Shit Darlin' that mouth of yer's is sinful." as good as you feel, he just has to pull out cuz he feels like with how good your pussy is, the only rightful place for his cum is as deep inside you as he can get it.
Breeding kink up the wazoo, the first time he came inside you he knew nothing else would ever compare.
Grunts and pants of your name, his voice hoarse and desperate for you, whispering praises in your ears, his lips on every inch of skin he can reach while he's pounding into your sweet cunt. The closer he gets to his end, he almost starts to whimper.
His body is strong, years of hard work on the farm have left him sculpted by the Gods and he uses this strength to manhandle you every which way, never hurting you, no he completely dominates you, covers you, he wants you to know exactly who's in charge.
"Use that pretty mouth and tell me what you want." His bedroom voice is enough to get your thighs trembling, there's this no-nonsense aura to it, his grin almost looking wicked as he stared down at you.
Please leave scratches down his back, he goes feral for them at the moment, his hips picking up their intense pace, and if someone happens to see/comment on said scratches the next day, he's as red as his tractor, his ears hot and he has to laugh, fanning himself with his hat as his mind is flooded with images of you.
Speaking of the hat, Ash likes to put his hat on your head when you ride him, his toned and strong hips buck into you with enough force to knock you off, but his rough, hot, big hands grip your hips hard enough to leave bruises, yanking you back into his thrusts with a devious little grin on his face, his canines bared as he growls against your heated skin.
"There we go, that's my good girl, you can do it, Mama."
Big into praise and worship, the most degrading you'll get is if someone manages to make him jealous enough to drop what he's doing, grab you by your arm, and fuck you against whatever surface is closest.
He doesn't even bother taking his pants off all the way, just unzips his jeans and whips out his 8.5-inch cock, already hard for you as he hisses, bucking the mushroom-shaped tip red up against your panty-covered core, he bunches your skirt around your hips, nearly twitching as he rubs the weeping head against the slowly growing wet spot on your clothed pussy.
He'd rip your underwear off with one hand, barely putting in any effort, his blue eyes intense as he glared down at you.
"Son'ova bitch thinks he can just oggle you like that? Bastard has no idea who he's screwing with, you know who you belong to, don't you pretty?"
He doesn't give you the chance to respond, all you can do is hold on for dear life as he teases your clit over and over, the intensity of his actions paired with the aggressive kisses and sucks he was leaving on your jaw and throat made it easy for you to grow wet, your thighs clenching together as he sucked your earlobe between his flushed lips, "I want to hear ya' baby, want everyone out there to hear you fall apart f'me."
Sucks two of his thick fingers in his mouth, soaking them in his spit before toying with your dripping center, his grin is almost malicious as he circles your clit, the bundle of nerves pulsing under his rough touch.
Your twitching pussy drips into his palm as he slips both fingers inside of you, he curls them upward fast enough to make the plush flesh of your thighs jiggle, his pace only increasing when he hears the airy moans slipping past your lips.
He's panting like one of his bulls when they're in a rut, his hard cock pressing against your exposed tummy as he makes you cum hard and fast around his fingers, your gummy walls sucking him deeper as he worked you through your first orgasm.
Before you can catch your breath he's sliding the thick, dripping head of his cock past your twitching hole, grunting as the fat tip slips through the creamy ring. He wastes no time, his hips set a bruising pace, fucking up into you with enough force to have the paintings on the wall jumping, each thrust into your gushing core threatening to send the frames crashing to the floor.
He has your thighs wrapped around his waist, his jeans becoming slightly soaked from how wet and sloppy your pussy was, you could feel him knock the wind from you with each pass of his hips, the way he'd grind his thick cock into you, how the rhythm grew messier and more feral.
"That's right pretty, make those noises for me, tell me whose sweet cunt this is." He said, his grin almost sadistic as he fucks his frustrations out on you.
Type of guy to make you squirt once and try to do it every time after.
Possessive, you can feel it in the way he fucks you, how he loves you, the way he buries himself so completely inside of you.
Type to dress you up in white, almost bridal-looking lace lingerie, just to see you ruined in it, to see your sweet face all fucked out and the once pristine lace covered in your shared sweat and cum.
Speaking of, he cums so much it leaves a puddle below whatever surface he has you against. Long thick ropes, it always makes you tremble when you feel his hot load spill inside you.
His pubic hair is kept trimmed, and his happy trail crawls deliciously up his navel.
He's uncut, his head is particularly sensitive, loves tapping it against your clit.
Loves eating you out, please please sit on his face, all your weight, no holding back just ride his tongue and you'll make him the happiest man alive, he adores how you taste, addicted to the way you cream around his fingers and tongue, the sweet whimpers and moans of his name only encourage him, more often than not you have to tug him away from you by his thick blonde hair.
"C'mon Darlin' don't run from me now." He likes to tease, whispering the words against your thighs as he nips and sucks the flesh, waiting for you to catch your breath so he can taste you again.
Has taken you outside on the farm before, but never when there's a chance someone would see you, he's far too possessive to allow that to happen, people can hear you two all they want, but that god-like sight of you gasping for air as you reached your peak was for his eyes only.
he already thinks of you as his wife, and sometimes, when he's really lost in the heavenly feeling of you gripping him for everything he's got, he slips up, mumbling frenzied fantasies against your mouth.
"My perfect fuckin' wife, gonna make you a mama' gonna stuff you full baby girl."
Likes to fall asleep cockwarming you, one, because the way your over-sensitive body twitches and pulses around his still throbbing cock was addicting, and two, it almost always ended with him waking up inside you, his hips would begin their firm but gentle thrusts, a fresh wave of arousal exploding in his tummy.
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blue-sadie · 1 year
Jealousy Killed The Girl
Neteyam x Girlfriend Reader
Summary: based off this post
Warning: semi public, jealous sex, aged up characters
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Yn/3rd person pov
You and neteyam have been together for a while and he's sweet and charming you couldn't ask for more but when he gets jealous and protective you get wet just at the thought.
Everyone in the village knew you were his and know went against him well except for aonung who is always around you when neteyam isn't and it's starting to get on neteyams nerves.
"I fucking hate him" nete snapped glaring in the direction of aonung and his friends "he didn't mean it nete please" I murmured laying my hands on his chest.
Neteyam sighed heavily before looking at me his eyes softening "you belong to me" he muttered putting his hands on my hips pulling me into him roughly making a gasp escape my mouth.
"I know neteyam" I giggled and pecked his lips earning a low growl from him as I squirmed to get out his hold "come on" I murmured looking into his eyes pleading".
"Fine" he said before he grudgingly let me go "thank you" I smiled and grabbed his hand and started to drag him down the beach "look at the shells" I squealed happily letting go of his hand running over to them.
"Their so pretty" I shouted bending down to pick a few up but screamed in surprise as I felt a sting on my butt "neteyam" I said turning to him angerly which just made him laugh more.
"What I couldn't help it" he defended himself making me roll my eyes and started to laugh with him in till we heard someone clear their throat.
"hi yn" aonung smirked walking up to us completely ignoring neteyam presence I glanced at neteyam who looked like he was about to murder aonung.
"What's up" I asked popping the 'p' "nothing just wanted to give you this" he grinned opening up his hand revealing a bright blue shell necklace that was surrounded by tiny pearls.
"Wow" I said looking between the necklace and him "but why" I asked "no reason just wanted to treat you like I treat any woman" he smiled giving me the necklace.
I put my hand against neteyams chest stopping him for going at aonung "Bye bye" aonung murmured before walking away.
Neteyam grabbed the necklace out my hand throwing it onto the floor before stomping on it, I quickly put my hand over my mouth to stuffle my laughter.
"What's so funny" neteyam growled pulling me into his chest staring down at me with a dangerous look in his eye.
"You look like a child throwing a tantrum" I said throwing my head in laughter but neteyam did not join me but instead dragged me over to a big rock and pushed me against it.
"Nete" I hissed as the rock slightly scratched my back "shut up" he muttered before roughly attaching his lips to my neck sucking and nibbling most surely leaving a mark.
"Fuck" I moaned out as he ran his tongue up my neck "your mine" he snapped grabbing my neck with his hand slightly chocking me "now are you gonna be good" he growled.
"I can be good, so good I swear" I whined staring up at him, his hands grabbed my ass tapping it to signal me to jump, as I did I wrapped my legs around his waist and settled comfortably.
"Good girl" he smirked and let one of his hands move to my front and moved aside my skirt and his loincloth clothe "neteyam here really" I whined squirming in his hold as I felt his cock run along my slit.
"Yes here and I want you to scream for you to scream so loud that fish tails hears us and knows your mine" he growled before thrusting into me making my eyes roll and a gasp escape my mouth.
When ever neteyam gets jealous it's like a feral beast takes over and it doesn't matter how many times you reassure him he fucks you and leaves you limping and covered in his marks.
"Fuck" I cried out as he started thrusting relentlessly and his hands moved around my body from ass to my breasts leaving slight scratch marks.
Neteyam started to growl and groan and smacks my ass as he started sucking on my neck again "neteyam" I yelled out in pleasure as I felt a wave of pleasure come over me.
"That's is that's is" he muttered and moved one of his hands to rub my clit making me moan louder the pleasure was becoming a bit much as the knot in my stomach began to tighten "cumming" I whimpered as my body shook.
But he didn't stop he never does "neteyam" I cried as he started over-stimulating me "shit" he cursed as I started clenching around hin "please" I begged as I started to hiccup his hand never stopped rubbing my clit.
"Not in till you scream" he groaned thrusting faster "I'm yours neteyam" I screamed out in pleasure cumming for the second time.
"Fuck I'm gonna breed you so everyone knows" neteyam growled as he finally released inside of me he breathed in heavily as he glared up at me but he wasn't angry at me "your mine and mine alone".
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gremlingottoosilly · 5 months
Tsundere reader becoming a lot more loving after the leaving incident, still a bit bratty but she always apologizes with kisses and love and some special treats ;)
Konig asks if you want snuggles since you have been sitting in one position for an hour already, and he gives him pointed stares whenever he shifts his position. Konig asks if you want some snacks since he just recently came from a grocery store and you weren't that much of an eater during dinner. Konig asks... You tell him that you don't want to talk to him. He nods, agreeing. It's a very normal position to have regarding your relationships, and he still has you chained up to the couch since you can be such a fussy girlfriend who tries to attack him. He sighs, turning away - not catching the way your expression changed immediately, getting almost scared. Almost terrified and confused, you immediately scooted over to his lap and press your face into his chest. You whimper like a silly darling you are. He gently pats your back, allowing you to settle on his lap. Doesn't say anything because he knows you're like a cat - once he tries to get all soft and adorable, you will scratch his face and run to the furthest lengths the chain allows you to. He just plays with the meat of your thighs, squeezing the soft flesh in his hands - doing his best to settle you in. To calm you down. His domesticated girlfriend is still semi-convinced that he is going to just step up and leave her, and he doesn't really want that. His little voyage for the mission without warning did give him a very loving and gentle girlfriend - but it also kinda broke your ability to trust him whenever he would say he was just going for a quick mission. He seriously considered retirement at this point - but you're like a cat, bouncing back to being all feral and aggressive as soon as he settles in a comforting routine. He scoots you closer to press little kisses all over your face, and he can hear you cringing at the sensation. You kiss him back almost at the same time - you press little pecks all over his face. Embarrassed as you are, you are a snuggle bug. His perfect, pretty girlfriend. God, what wouldn't he give for you to finally settle in something regular between hating him and wanting him.
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anemptypuddingcup · 5 months
Wishes aren’t real.
Samurai Zoro x Female Maid Reader.
You were saved and swept up and out of poverty by a loyal and thoughtful samurai. Eyes filled with admiration and gratitude for him blinds the things that may need to be seen.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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Contains: Non-consensual to consensual fingering & pussy eating. Semi-public fingering & oral. Face-riding. Reader squirting for the first time. Guys Zoro has to have a long tongue in this fic idc what ANYONE says. Zoro does not know how to express love without forcing his affection onto Reader. Zoro genuinely loving Reader. Zoro obsessing over Reader’s body. Zoro obsessing over taking Reader’s virginity. Reader being patient with Zoro. Reader is allowed outside of the estate and in the backyard. Reader and Zoro drinking and talking. Intoxicated Zoro & Reader. Kinda gets heartwarming in this one. A bit of time-skipping.
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The feeling of soreness ran throughout the lower half of your body and slowly began to wake your body up as you slowly turned over onto your side. Your brows furrowed as you mewl and groan out sleepily, your eyes slowly opening and your vision blurry but still catching the tall and large frame of your master Zoro. A heavy sigh left your lips as you groggily prop yourself up onto your elbows, your head slowly raising as you struggled to get the sleep out of your eyes.
You slowly sit up and yawned, your hand unconsciously lifting the quilt to cover up your breasts from Zoro. Zoro looks down at you and smiles before moving down and peppering a kiss onto your temple. The feeling of his slightly-chapped lips touching your skin gives you a sense of warmth as you smile at his warm and loving kiss.
“Good morning sweetness.” He says, a loving sigh leaving his lips as he stared down at your smaller frame for a while. You sleepily look up at him before sighing out, your mind and body both mentally and physically exhausted from last night. “Good…Good morning.” You respond, your body wobbling a bit unconsciously as it begged for you to lay back down into Zoro’s futon.
“I see you’re not as energetic as you usually are. I’ll be tending to you today, so you don’t have to worry about doing any chores today.” Zoro’s groans out, his hand trailing up to his disheveled and unkept mossy strands before he scratched at his head. You whine out and slowly slide back into his futon, pulling the blankets over your body and huffing out in exhaustion.
Zoro stared down at your now frozen frame for a moment, his eye studying your body as it slowly rose and lowered from your breathing. He feels his heart beginning to pound again as he watched you fall back asleep, his body and mind growing feral and hungry for that feeling again.
That feeling of his hands and his mouth against every part of your body. Every orifice, every appendage. Every single detail on every inch of your goddamn skin. He wanted to tear you apart again- He wanted to break your body down into pieces just as he did last night. He wanted to hear those broken yet pleasured cries tear past your lips.
Fuck, nothing come compare to how bad he wanted to tear into you. How bad he wanted to just tear that hymen to pieces and make you bleed all over him. Taking away your pureness would be absolute love to him. Knowing that he’s the one to take you and have you for his own and not anyone else is what makes him so high and hot.
He couldn’t wait much longer, just a slight thought already had his cock so erect to the point where he felt his shaft hurting and begging to be inside of you. His breaths began to grow heavy yet shaky, and he could feel his body beginning to tremble and lose its balance.
He reaches a hand out to your body and grabs the quilt before slowly peeling the blankets off of your body. Your body shudders at the feeling of the blankets sliding off of your body, and you slowly peek over your shoulder to see your dearest master…staring down as you like a demon wanting to tear into your skin.
Your body unconsciously shoots up from the futon and you slowly scooted back and away from him. He moves in closer and reaches his hands out to you before grabbing your face and pulling you closer to him. You shut your eyes tightly and trembled in fear, afraid that he might hurt you or maybe even worse.
He peppers a kiss to your lips and huffs out, his thumbs caressing at your cheeks while you trembled in his hands and whined out shakily.
“I’m sorry…” He says, his thumb tracing over the softness of your lips.
You eyes slowly opens and widens in response and you could feel a bit of warm tears brew at your eyes while he tried to wipe them away.
“I…I know I had hurt you for my own selfish gain…and disregarded your feelings in the process…I can’t say I didn’t mean to but…I apologize deeply for my behavior…” He says, his hands pulling away from your face and lying down flat to his lap. He bows down low to you, biting his lip while his brows furrowed.
He was genuinely struggling to keep his composure with you and you could see some of it.
You sat there in silence, staring at him while tears continuously ran down your face. Sniffles had left you as you repeatedly wiped away at your endless tears, struggling to hold them back and yet feeling so much…relief.
At least he understood that what he was doing was wrong…
You press you hand to his head and he could feel how hard you were shaking. He was sure that he had scared you well enough, enough to the point where you’d flinch no matter what move he made.
“P-Please…You…You don’t have to bow…” You say, your voice slightly obscured by your sniveling. Zoro’s slowly raises his head and he sighs out before grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to it. His hand cups your face once again and he wipes your tears away before pressing smooches to them.
“I just…I can’t express myself to you correctly.” He admits to you, pulling away and crossing his arms before looking away from you. “What…Whatever do you mean sir?” You asked him, looking up into his eye while he huffs out in response.
“I have…I…I share deep feelings for you…you and your delicate body. Your body that’s pure and hasn’t been touched by anyone else other than my own hands.” Zoro admits with honesty, his voice empowering and emphasizing such obsession for your body and you.
You couldn’t help but to blush at his words.
“I’ve never really went deep into dating anyone, let alone touching someone…I didn’t expect myself to encounter someone who’s precious as a gem and yet still hasn’t blossomed to the fullest.” He continues, his face now growing flustered as he spoke out his feelings towards you.
You were swooned by his words yet still nervous. It was obvious that this man liked you and yet you couldn’t act like you didn’t like him either. Even if you wanted some type of relationship with this samurai, this just wasn’t the right approach. It wasn’t a good start.
“Zoro…” You spilled, your body uncurling and stretching your arms out to him for hug. His brows raise in response and he sighs out heavily as he held back the urge to just…snatch you.
He slowly yet shakily wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you into his embrace while he inhales your scent and adored the feeling of his fingertips against your skin. “I…I like you too. I’m willing to be patient with you, Zoro.” You whisper to him, giving him a warming smile while he smirks back before blushing softly.
“Thank you…”
Zoro was there on his knees, crouching down as he slid his hand along the warm and minty fresh-scented waters.
“I’ll be doing everything today. You don’t have to do any chores or anything for the day.” Zoro says to you, his eye peering behind him so see you sitting there on the stool, your body uncovered and naked on the wooden stool. You nodded and watched as stood up to his feet before staring down at you.
You stood up off of the stool and gripped his hand tightly, hissing in slight pain due to the soreness in your lower body. He slowly slips you up off of your feet and walks you over to the tub before gently setting you into the warm water. You sigh out in relief as you sink down into the water, your body loosening up as you began to relax and enjoy the temperature.
Zoro slowly steps into the tub and sits beside you before huffing out, his arms crossed as he sat there and enjoyed the warmth of the water enveloping his lower body. You shut your eyes and mewl out in relaxation, your body not moving an inch while you lied there. You prop your legs up against his stronger thighs, and you stare up at him before blushing a bit.
Zoro quirks a brow to you before looking away, a groan leaving his lips as he looked around for his washcloth. You grabbed yours and dug around for the soap, looking around for it in the water while Zoro watched. “W-Wh- Where’s the soap? I can’t find it…” You asked, looking up at Zoro with cute and sweet doe eyes. Zoro bit his lips and sighs out before handing you the soap, watching as you slwoly took it from his hands and began using it on your washcloth.
Zoro was already struggling to sit in the bath with you and watching you bathe really just made everything worse for him. Watching the soap-covered rag coat your body in soapy suds made him growl out lowly to you. Your body was so defined, beautiful with a bit of shape that Zoro was attracted to.
You slowly stood up out of the water to wash in between your legs and Zoro groans out in aroused irritation, his hand playing softly at his tip as he watched you scrub along your inner hips and in between your legs followed by your inner thighs. Zoro turns his head and waited for you to finish, his hand softly playing at his cock while he waited for you to finish bathing.
“What would you like for breakfast?” Zoro asked, looking down at you while you stood there all sweetly. “It doesn’t matter…Whatever you’d like I’ll eat it.” You say smiling to him, your hands reaching out for the tea-pot full of hot tea. “Alright, just take the tea to the tea-room and I’ll bring the breakfast in there.” Zoro responds, looking back to you and watching as you nodded.
You look around in the cupboards and grabbed two teacups before placing them onto the tea tray and walking down to the tea-room. Your body took slow and careful steps but you begin to hiss out suddenly as the soreness quickly began to kick in again. Zoro turns over to you, looking over his shoulder while he saw you just standing there.
“Everything alright? You stopped walking.” He asked you, his hands now slicing at some vegetables while he continuously stopped to dig around for his rice-cooking pot and wok. You turn over to him and smiled, hiding your pain or at least trying to cover it up from him.
“Y-Yes sir! I’m fine!” You responded before quickly walking off and out of the kitchen. Zoro watched as you make your way around the corner before he sighed out, shaking his head while he continued slicing at some vegetables.
You walked down the corridor in silence with only your thoughts making it loud. It was a bit of a walk down but you make it to the doors of the tea-room, a little sigh leaving you as you slowly slid the doors open and stepped inside.
You set the tea-tray down and walk over to the sliding doors that lead to outside before sliding them open, your eyes glimmering as they landed on the beautiful scenery outside. “So beautiful…” You hum out to yourself, admiring the stone pavement, soft gravel and the beautiful garden of flowers. The Sakura tree’s petals flowed along with the wind and you watched as they fell into the river.
It was such a beautiful scene…it almost made you forget that…you couldn’t even go outside anymore. A sigh leaves your lips as you slowly turned around and freeze as you notice Zoro’s frame standing there, watching you stare outside. “S-Sir! I didn’t hear you come in..” You sigh out heavily, holding your chest as your heart fluttered slightly from sudden shock.
Zoro smirks at you before walking over to the low table, his hands carrying two plates for both you and him. “I thought you were supposed to be pouring my tea.” He chuckled to you, slipping his shoes off and setting your platters onto the table.
“Y-Yes sir!- S-Sorry!” You apologized, rushing back over to him and giving him a nervous smile. You make your way over to the low table and slide your geta off before sitting yourself down onto your cushion, now getting a good whiff of what Zoro had cooked you both for breakfast.
Your stomach growled as the scent of your breakfast fills your nose, a hum leaving you as you reached out for the teapot and pours you and him some tea. “Breakfast smells wonderful! What did you cook?” You asked, a bit of curiosity prickling at your mind as you stared up at him.
Zoro finally sits down before you and lifts up the tops covering your plates, revealing omurice alongside some rice balls. Your eyes sparkled at the food, there was so much on your own plate and his.
“Omurice. I added a few more meat and vegetables along with the rice to give it a bit more protein I guess.”
You scoop a bit of the fluffy egg and loaded fried rice onto your spoon and blew on it a bit before taking a bit and moaning out at the taste.
“So good!~” You whimpered, covering your mouth while you chewed and enjoyed the flavors that melted and merged in your mouth.
“Thanks…I learnt it…from a friend. I stir-fried the rice in some butter and added a bit of MSG. That’s my personal touch though…” Zoro sighed out, his face beginning to burn a deep shade of red as he grew flustered.
You smiled and giggled to him before taking another bite of your breakfast, humming out at the taste and adoring how every bite was full. You turn over to Zoro and noticed that he was staring outside, listening to the beautiful noises of nature and the sound of birds chirping outside.
“Is there something wrong?” You asked him, looking up to him. Your voice catching his attention and making him gaze towards you. “Mmh? Just thinking is all.” He sighed out, his head resting both of his palms as he turned his head back towards the scenery. You look down at his plate and realized that he haven’t even took a bite at his food yet.
“Aren’t you hungry?” You asked him, pouting a bit as you stopped eating and turned over to him. He doesn’t answer you and you watched as he slowly stood up from his cushion and walk over to the outside doors of his tea-room. “Zoro…?” You called out to him, setting your spoon down and rushing up off your cushion and over to him.
Zoro stood there with his arms crossed, inhaling the fresh breeze as the wind blew and kissed his skin. “It’s been a while since I’ve been outside my backyard…Everything still looks as beautiful as it always did before…” Zoro says lowly to himself, staring outside while you stared up at him.
“It is pretty outside…I’ve never seen such a nice yard…” You responded to him, smiling as you watched the Sakura petals flutter in the wind.
Zoro looks down at you before looking back up and out his backyard.
“Would you like to go out there and have a drink with me? We both need some fresh air and my backyard is rather large for you to explore.” Zoro asked you, looking down at you while you stared up at him with widened eyes. “Y-Yes! I’d love to! I would love to go and sit outside with you Zoro!” You beamed, a smile appearing across your face while you stared up.
Zoro chuckles and walks away from you. “Cover up our breakfasts then and I’ll go get my sake.” He said, slipping his shoes back on before he walks over to the shoji doors leading back to the hallway. You stared at him for quiet some time and he smiles to you before walking out of the tea-room.
You sighed out and ran over to the low table, placing the tops back onto your plates before slipping your shoes back on and turning over towards the outside door. You ran back over to the outside doors and stared outside while you waited for Zoro.
He came back shortly with a large bottle of sake in his hand, his body trailing over to yours as he grabbed your hand. He steps down from the porch and guided you down, watching as you took your time and stepped down onto the soft gravel below.
“Come, it’s safe to walk around here.” He says, giving you a little smirk as he pulled you along and guided you throughout his backyard. You observed his beautiful backyard, noticing all the colorful flowers and the Sakura trees flowing with the wind and leaving their petals behind. “So beautiful…” You hummed out in awe, walking with Zoro while he looks down at you with a smile.
“I didn’t necessarily worked on the garden that much, I’m surprised it turned out so beautiful.” Zoro responded, his frame halting before he slowly got down onto the gravel and sat there comfortably. You followed and lowered yourself down beside him, looking up at him while he pulled two small cups from his robe.
He hands you one and opens up his sake, pouring a bit into he cups before he lifted his cup first. “Cheers?” He asked you, holding his cup out to you while you stared at it for a moment. You gave him a little smirk before lifting your glass as well, making him smirk to you.
“Cheers, Zoro.” You said to him sweetly.
You both clicked your glasses together before downing your drinks in one sip, a heavy yet refreshing sigh leaving the both of as you sat there in silence for a little bit.
Zoro pours himself another cup before he turned to you, his smirk still spread across his face while you reach your cup out to him once again.
“I had more fun days when I was younger in my mid twenties. It’s so boring nowadays.” Zoro sighed out, a chuckle leaving him while he stared down at your gleaming face that shined in the sunlight.
You both had been sitting there for a few hours, talking and ranting about things that not even you had talking about with anyone. You giggled to him and took another sip of your sake, the alcohol clouding your mind though still a bit intact.
“I never had a lot of fun moments in my life…I’ve had more fun back when I was a kid but…if I had to be honest…I’m enjoying my time with you Zoro.” You admitted to him, looking up into his only eye while yours grew half-lidded.
Zoro smiles down at you before moving down to you, his hand cupping your face and caressing your soft cheek. He moves in and presses a smooch to your softer lips, the taste of the alcohol lingering on both of your lips.
“Well I’m happy you are…I’m enjoying my time with you too~” He hums out before pulling away from you, his hand moving away from your face while you gave him a bit of a pout.
You look away as your face grew a deep shade of red, the alcohol making you yearn for more of his affection.
You reach your hands up to his face and pulled him back closer to you, opening your mouth slightly before pressing your lips deep against his. A moan leaves your lips as you felt him sigh out before he’d softly wrapped his arms around your small and fragile frame. He groans out and pulls away but you pulled him back into your lips, startling him and making him groan out shakily.
He could tell that the alcohol was clouding your mind, but you couldn’t have been that drunk. You didn’t drink that much so he’d just assume that maybe you were just yearning for some of his affection. Or maybe this was probably your first time handling alcohol…
With your lips against his, he softly slid a rough hand up your leg which causes you jolt and pull your lips away from him so suddenly. You looked up into his eye before looking away and that was when he could tell that you were probably still scared of him.
He grips your leg and pulls you closer to him, making you struggle against him before you fell down onto your back. You look up at Zoro and watched as he spreads your legs open before lifting them up, making you whine out shakily to him.
“Mmgh- Z-Zoro- P-Please Zoro!” You say frantically, inhaling deeply as you began to panic and flail around suddenly. “Please…Don’t be scared of me. I just want to…touch you.” He said with honesty, his hand shoving your kimono up which revealed your bare cunt to him. You stared up at him as you let out shaky breathes, turning your head away as you felt him touching pussy.
Running his thumb along your clit, he pulled it away and watched as a string of slick followed after. You were soaking…dripping for him in fact. He couldn’t tell if this was your genuine feelings or the fact that the alcohol was staining your system. For all he knows, your cunt could just be soaking from the previous night you both had. “You’re soaking…is that because of me…?” He asked you, his eyes gazing up to you and your fearful expression.
You didn’t answer him but he smiled to himself, happy that he had done something to make you feel this way. He teases at your slit to try and get your attention, a shaky sigh leaving your lips as your hips began to squirm beneath his hands. One of his larger hands gripped at your hip while the other teased at your pussy, trying to just get you to look at him while he’d please you.
He dips his head down between your thighs, pressing his lips against your slit before running his tongue through your folds. You moan out suddenly and turned to him, staring down at him while his emerald eye stared deep into yours. “Z-Zoro…Ahhh~” You mewled out to him and jolted from the sudden pleasure, feeling his tongue run against your clit.
You feel him slide two of his digits past your entrance, the feeling of your wonderful velvety walls suck his fingers in. God, you were so warm inside. Just feeling your walls tighten around his fingers made him grow an erection damn near immediately. His tongue began to swirl at your sensitive pearl before he’d move his tongue all along your labia, savoring your flavor and yearning for more of you.
You lied there beneath him, gasping and mewling out for him while he’d pleasure your pretty yet innocent pussy. He was surprised that his fingers hadn’t stretched you out and tore your hymen yet. That’s all he wanted, he just wanted to deflower you and take his innocence away from you so badly. You were someone that he wanted and needed, and even when he does deflower you he’s not just gonna ditch you afterwards.
He adored you too much to do so.
A moan leaves you as he began thrusting his digits in and out of your pussy, his fingertips repeatedly kissing your sweetened spot while you couldn’t help but to squirm and melts beneath his grasp. “O-Oh~ Oh god~ Z-Zoro~” You moan out his name and reached out for his green mossy strands, pulling his head farther into his cunt while you whine out to him.
“M-More~ P-Please g-go faster~” You gasped out so sweetly to him, your words making his eye widen in response. His brows raise as he lifts his head to look up at you, his eyes staring down into yours while you stared back to him with a needy expression written all over your face.
“M…More…?” He asked, staring at your pretty face while you nodded in response. He wastes no time dipping his head back between your thighs, a moan leaving you as you felt him slurping at your cunt while he thrusted his fingers faster in and out of your pussy.
“Oh! R-Right there please Zoro!~” You whine out, biting your bottom lip rather hard while you arched your back. Your geta had slipped off of your feet as your toes curled, your hips thrusting up and rather hard against his mouth. “Mh- Wait! Wait…Hold on.” Zoro groans out and pulls away before rolling over onto his back, his fingers sliding out of your pussy before he suckled on them and indulged in your flavor.
You sat there and stared at him for a moment and realized that he wanted you to get on his face. “Come on, I promise I’m going to be okay. I just…need to feel you against my face.” He says, huffing out to you while he lied there. You nodded and moved over to him before holding your hips over his head, your cunt dripping a bit of slick down into his lips.
He licks his lips and huffs out before his hands gripped your hips, a groan of ecstasy leaving him as he watched you lift your kimono up for him. “Fuck please, please ride my face. I need your pussy against my lips.” He huffs out, his face giving off a look of pleasure as he stared up at your leaking cunt for a few minutes.
You sigh out and slowly lowered your hips but Zoro slammed them suddenly onto his lips before he began suckling at your cunt again. A moan leaves you as you felt him shove his tongue past your entrance and into your pussy, feeling around for your g-spot whilst still stimulating your walls.
“Ah~ Z-Zoro~” You mewl out and roll your hips against his mouth, your clit occasionally bumping up along his nose while you grind your hips against him. Zoro held on tight to both of your hips while you held your kimono up for him, his hands pulling and sliding your hips repeatedly against his face so roughly.
You breathe out heavily and arched your back as you grind up against his tongue, trying to to find a certain angle to feel his tongue kiss your g-spot. A gasp leaves you as Zoro lifts and slams your hips against his mouth, your body shuddering as you felt your lower tummy starting to tighten up.
“Ah! I-I’m close Zoro!~” You whined, your hips growing more frantic as you ride his face with desperation. Zoro groans out and lifts your hips before gasping out slightly. “Cum on my face baby, just fucking cream on my face.” He groans out, his hands pulling your hips back down as he now focuses on your clit.
You whined out and gripped your kimono linen tightly, gasping out angelically as you grind yours hips against him a few more times. “Hah!~ I-I’m cumming!~ F-Fuck Zoro I’m cumming!~” You whine out and arch your back, your face scrunching up in adoring pleasure while your eyes rolled up uncontrollably. “F-Fuck, Fuck!~” Your mouth opens and releases a silent moan, your body shuddering heavily against Zoro’s face as you squirt onto his tongue with a deep and heavy gasp.
Zoro holds your hips still against his lips and he suckles at your pussy, lapping at your juices while your pussy continues to gush against his tongue. Warm tears brewed up in your eyes and began running down your face while a bit of drool unconsciously slips down to your chin, your face all sticky as you struggled to handle your orgasm.
You struggled to lift yourself off of his face but when you do, you fall down onto the soft gravel and lied there limp for a few moments. Zoro lifts his head and looks around for a napkin and shrugs, just settling on leaving his face dirty and sticky for the time being. He turns over to you before shifting over, his eye looking down at you.
“Oi, are you alright?” Zoro asked, staring down at you while you breathed heavily and struggled to keep yourself together due to your orgasm.
“I-I’ve…I’ve never squirted b-before…t-that was my first time…” You gasp out shakily, wiping your tears away as you body fell weak and frail. Zoro holds your body in his arms and presses his sticky lips against yours, sighing out as he pulled you close and held your smaller frame against him.
“Did you feel good?” He asked you, his face softening as he stared down at you. You smile sweetly yet weakly to him. “Of course I did…I…I liked it this time…” You admitted, reached your arms out to Zoro and wrapping them around his neck. You pepper a kiss to his cheek before he turns over and kissed your lips once again, a groan leaving him as he pulled away and licked his lips.
He slowly stands up with you in his arms and sighs out, his frame turning around back over to the tea-room before he looked back down to you.
“I guess we’re gonna have to freshen up again.” He sighed out to you, giving you a little smile. “I’m…I’m fine with that, Zoro.” You replied to him, holding on to him tightly while he held you close to his frame.
Finally, you were overcoming your fear of him. Fuck, as much as he wanted to tell you he couldn’t…but he’s so…so proud of you, for trying to grow over your fear…your fear of his affection.
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bangtanintotheroom · 7 months
Plug & Play (M)(Teaser)
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• Pairing: Guitarist!Hongjoong x (F)Reader
• Genre: Non-Idol!AU, Rock Band!AU, Smut, Strangers to Lovers
• Rating: 18+
• Words (teaser): 742
• Summary: Tonight is the night that you quit being a bystander and make a move towards the guitarist on stage with the devilish smile.
• Warnings/themes: a rock show! 🎸, swearing, drinking, pining, Y/N is a horny bean, Hongjoong and his dangerous smiles 🫠, Yeosang the wingman, flirting, making out, semi-public sex, oral (f. receiving), dirty talk, fingering, hitting it from the back, fingers in mouth, finger sucking, protected sex (be responsible!), clothed sex, multiple orgasms
• Notes: Welp, it’s happened; I fell for yet another leader 🙃 which culminated in me going feral over his recent guitar solo and needing to write something related to it. So here it is! I should have this uploaded by Thursday morning, the latest, since I’ll be out of town for a few days. We’re trucking along pretty quickly, so I have faith! 💕
• Teaser Notes: Teasers are a WIP and will not fully reflect the final draft, warnings and themes are subject to change. If you want to be tagged when the final draft is released, either leave a reply or shoot me an ask!
• Taglist: @minttangerines @minisugakoobies @firesighgirl @swga-ficrecs @hyunjinsjeans
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“I’m gonna fuck him.”
Yeosang stared at you from behind the counter, wondering if he heard you right amidst the clinking glasses and rock music.
“Excuse me?”
“I said, I’m gonna fuck him, Yeo.”
You rolled your eyes, rotating ninety degrees to point at the object of your desire on stage.
There was little surprise on your end at the scoff you heard from behind.
“You’re still on that mission?”
Your head whipped around incredulously. “Yes! Why are you shocked by this?”
Yeosang’s expression reeked of indifference as he wiped some bottles down.
“Because I thought you would have given up by now.”
“I don’t give up easily, dude—” Your eyes watched as a certain someone tuned their guitar strings. “—especially when I really want something.”
And you really wanted the man you had in your sights.
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“Here you go.”
“Thanks. Are you new here?”
Your head shook at Seonghwa’s question. “No, I don’t even work here. Just helping my friend out while he gets slammed with customers.”
The pretty guitarist smiled softly.
“That’s very nice of you.”
Your cheeks couldn’t help but warm a tiny bit, shooting him the same look. “Thank you. He has to listen to enough of my ranting at home, might as well ease his pain somehow.”
Yunho blinked curiously before asking, “You’re roommates?”
He made a sound of understanding, yet another voice cut in before he could say anything.
“Thought you looked familiar.”
You focused your sight on Hongjoong, recognition on his attractive face that had your heart beating a little faster.
“Yeah—” His mouth quirked. “—thought I saw you hanging around Yeosang the last few times we were here.”
Oof. You weren’t sure how to react to him basically saying that he recognized you from afar. It wasn’t a bad thing, at all, considering your end goal, but you were surprised he even remembered with the amount of people in this building.
All you could muster was a scratch of the back of your neck, trying not to fluster further under his gaze.
“Haha, that’s me, always bugging him.”
Hongjoong gave a soft laugh, eyes scrunching in humor. It only made you more bashful, trying your best not to rub the toe of your boot into the ground.
Noticing that Yunho was roped into a conversation with the others now, it just left you alone with the lead guitarist.
A window of opportunity!
But for some reason, you couldn’t muster the words to continue speaking with him. Even though he continued to acknowledge you with his gaze, your eyes averted to watch the stage behind the dining tables.
Your ears perked up, looking up to see Hongjoong eyeing you with curiosity.
“What’s your name?”
A lifesaver.
You had to hold back the large grin you wanted to give, settling for a polite smile instead.
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You turned around, hearing the door shut and lock before Hongjoong approached you, lips curled akin to someone ready to indulge in the sweetest dessert of their life.
“Is this a much better spot?”
Your mouth twisted in humor, nodding as you replied with delight, “Much better.”
The both of you looked into each other’s eyes, bodies thrumming with energy that was ready to be unleashed at any moment. Although, no one made a move for a moment.
That is, until Hongjoong chose to take a step forward, leaving the tiniest of spaces between you two.
Having him so close directly in front of you had even more of an effect than before, his fresh scent invading your nostrils while your heart pumped faster. It got worse when a hand came up to brush some hair behind your ear, his touch making you bite your lip.
Hongjoong noticed your shift and chuckled, “Nervous?”
You shook your head.
“No, just…excited.”
His grin only widened at your admission, sliding his hand down gently cradle your jaw.
“Same. Didn’t think I’d ever get to be up close and personal with Yeosang’s pretty friend.”
Although you were melting inside at the compliment, your eyebrow raised in amazement.
“So why didn’t you make a move first?”
You hoped to trip him up, but the guitarist didn’t seem fazed, straight teeth almost blinding you.
“I wanted to see how badly you wanted me.”
His low response brought a mixture of exasperation and lust to you, your eyes rolling as you huffed, “You rockstars and your egos.”
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©bangtanintotheroom, 2024. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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delopsia · 8 months
Wolfish | Bob Floyd x Reader
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Word Count: 3,800 Cross Posted on AO3 Warnings & Notes: AFAB!Reader, werewolf! Bob, implied werewolf hunter! Reader, unprotected sex, Bob has an undiagnosed praise kink, brief over-stimulation, size kink if you squint, sex against a wall, werewolves doing...werewolf things. Brief Summary: You can't seem to keep your hands off each other today. My late entry for @attapullman's International Bob Floyd Fucks Month!
Your back slams against the locker doors. Metal clatters so loud that it echoes. Bouncing off the walls, rattling around inside of empty crevices, and squeezing through the crack in the door. Had ought to rumble its way across the building, down the street, and right into the unwitting ears of your team. Freshly deployed. Chasing the false scent of the very man between your legs. 
Sure wonder what they would think if they walked in and saw this.
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The obscene pressure of a werewolf's hard cock, straining against his sweats, pressing deliciously against your fluttering cunt. Your legs coiling impossibly tighter around his bony waist, sharp hip bones digging into the plush fat of your thighs, fingers trailing up the back of his neck, across short-clipped hair, to tangle in the longer strands at the top. 
His warm nose bumps against your cheek. Blindly guiding himself back to your mouth, sloppy and lazy, little wet noises punctuating every motion, razor-sharp canines nipping at your bottom lip. Such an otherworldly sensation that has your head spinning so fast you fear you'll fall, arms tightening around his shoulders.
"Four times has gotta be some kind of record," Bob's tone rumbles through you like thunder, shaking your bones like fragile leaves in the wind. The cold rims of his glasses bump into you as he draws away, darkened eyes drinking you up like a glass of water in the middle of a sweltering desert.
Your head falls back against the locker, sucking in a breath. "Maybe for you," squirming. Grinding down into the bulge of his cock, absolutely and unequivocally unashamed of putting on a show for him. 
"Keep telling yourself that," stupid wolf with his stupid, dumb head tilt. You can almost picture the puppy ears flopping over, begging for a good scratch. Part of you wonders if his leg would twitch if you found the right spot.
But you certainly don't mean to actually let your fingers slide from his hair and behind his ear. Blunt nails scratching at the skin there, blessed by the sound of his soft inhale. Eyelashes flutter. A boot kicks the floor. Defiantly holding himself together. 
Those sharp teeth glint in the moonlight as his mouth opens. "Gonna be in so much trouble if they catch us."
Funny, you very nearly forgot about them already. Jake, Bradley, Nat. All chasing down a scent you massaged into the fur of a semi-feral feline last night. They'll find the little calico here soon. Jake and Bradley will start arguing over who's in the right; Nat will get fed up and call for backup. If there's anything you know about Javy, it's that he'll be up and have the cat found before the spat is settled.
You only have so much time before they return, badgering you about another bad scent. Even less time to get this wild-eyed werewolf in you. Devilish, you draw yourself closer to him. Nose to nose. Legs so tight around him that your bones ache. "What, not keen on telling a group of werewolf hunters you're a—fuck,"  it hasn't even been that long since the last time you felt his cock twitch into you. There's no reason it should have you getting wet like this. "Werewolf?"
He stumbles forward. Knocking you into the lockers again. Big hands squeezing greedy handfuls of your ass. "Call me a prude, but I ain't much for being hunted, honeycomb." 
On their own, his hips roll forward. Impossibly strong arms working double time to draw you into it. And you're so, so certain that there's a wet spot staining your shorts right now. A sick mixture of your own wetness and his cum dripping out of your abused cunt, damn near sore from how many times he's filled you up today.
And yet, it's still not enough. "You really think they'd hurt you?" Your voice almost strained. Weary hand reaching between your heated bodies. Sliding those flimsy shorts out of the way, relishing in the hitch of his breath, all over the sight of your pussy.
"I don't wanna find out," he grunts, and for a second, you think he's gonna drool.
Your index finger slips between your folds. Gathering up your wetness, skin glistening with it, as your hand rises to his mouth. You don't need to ask for him to part his lips, letting two of your fingers slip past. His hot, wet tongue is so, so soft compared to the canines that brush against your knuckles. Sucks on them a little too eagerly, so content with your taste that his eyes fall shut. 
"Then you'd better hurry up, puppy," you murmur, catching his tongue between your fingers. He can get away at any moment, and yet, he makes no move to. 
Far too gentle, compared to the out-of-control, bloodthirsty werewolf stereotype. 
"Quit calling me that," his speech is a little garbled, talking without a fully operational tongue. But he's reaching down, pushing at the thick band of his sweats, heavy cock damn near falling out of its confines. So flushed and swollen that you reckon it's gotten bigger since the last time you saw it. Audibly slaps against your cunt, between your parted folds, right where he ought to stay for the rest of his life. 
Or, rather, where he ought to stay after he's done with you. 
Bobby has to draw himself back by a damn mile to stroke his big, blunt head down your core, nudging politely at your entrance. You're still so loose, opening easily as he presses into you. Thick, pink tip stretching you wide, bullying his way back into your overfucked, needy pussy. 
A noise draws out of your lips. Starstruck by the drag of his cock, big enough to make the dry, unlubricated glide feel like it's going to split you open. Would hurt if you weren't dripping around him, an obscene mixture of lube and cum spilling out of your pussy, coating him once more. 
"That's it," you breathe, head tilting back, "good boy."
A pitchy whine slices through the air.
You haven't heard that one before. 
Opening your eyes is damn near impossible, and yet, you're finding the strength to force them open. Immediately focusing on his flushed face. "What?" Your giggle is strained. Lungs suddenly too tight. "You like it when I call you that?"
He nods a little too eagerly. "Uhuh."
It's not fair.
Truly, it isn't. He shouldn't be allowed to bat those long, innocent lashes at you. Not when his oversized cock has your pussy aching as he sinks into you. It's a damn wonder he's fit the past three times because he's barely halfway in, and you're already struggling. Hands scurrying behind his neck, nails biting into the lithe muscle of his shoulders. Lungs seeming to shrink with every inch you take of him, running out of space for oxygen.
"'m I hurting you?" He whispers in that fragile tone of his, glasses glinting as he tilts his head forward. 
Your head is shaking before he can even begin to stall his hips. "N...no."
"Your nose is scrunched like it is," and as if you could have possibly forgotten where it's located on your face, Bobby leans in and bumps his nose against yours. So damn warm compared to this chilly little locker room; feels like you've cozied up to a furnace rather than a man. 
Defiant, your head tilts forward, foreheads knocking together. "Because you're big, dummy." 
His eyelashes flutter. "Oh." Struck dumb. 
As if he possibly could have deluded himself into believing that every man on this planet walks around hung like a damn horse. Even you had known it. Could see the fat outline of him in those thin sweats he loves. Blissfully unaware of the way his cock makes its presence known as he walks. 
But he's finally, finally bottoming out in you. Not a damn millimeter of space left for him to fill, sweaty skin flush against your ass. It's a damn wonder that you haven't started waddling from the amount of times you've felt this very sensation today. Once in the comfort of your bed. Again, in the break room, after you got the call that everyone else would be late. And when you'd dared to venture into Bob's office, perching yourself in his lap, kissing beneath his ear until he cracked and let you ride him.
Fatigue has only recently started to settle into your bones, and by the looks of it, Bob is feeling it, too. Pretty eyes closed, completely and utterly uninterested in moving. You'd think he was asleep if he didn't suck in a breath when you involuntarily clench around him.
"Too tired to fuck me, Robby?" You murmur, raising a hand to comb through his messy hair, ruined by your own doing.
He hums, twitching out of you a little, only to push back in just as lazily, "thought ya might be sore." 
"What," stars sparkle behind your eyelids; he's rubbing against that overworked bundle of nerves on every slow pass of his cock, "makes you think that?"
"Earlier," pumping into you a little faster now, finding that same old rhythm that never seems to lose its dizzying charm, "you were muttering about me bruising your pussy."
"You heard that?" You could have sworn you'd muttered that while you were cleaning up last time. 
When he was on the other side of the room.
"I hear a lotta things," chirping, all too friendly. There's no reason why a man should smile so innocently while his hips are smacking into your ass, "like you whining my name in your hotel room last Tuesday."
Images flicker through your memory. The coziness of an expensive hotel bed. Soft blankets and an even softer, golden glow of the bedside lamp in a room all to yourself. Wrapped up in a false sense of privacy as your hand ventured below your waistband.
He'd heard you through the damn wall?
But you can't even be mad because he's squeezing you a little tighter. Every thrust of his hips bounces your body further up the lockers. Knocking the breath out of your lungs. A weakened whine twisting through the quiet air. Too intimate of a sound to be in a communally shared room. 
"And you wonder why I hate most werewolves," writhing. Arms tightening around his shoulders. Heels digging into the meat of his ass. "What else can you do? Smell when I'm turned on?"
"Uhuh," his obedient head nods. Such an unassuming motion that has you clamping down around him. Rips a groan right out of his broad chest. 
His hips shift. The slightest change in angle, and yet he's driving right up into those nerves. Plush tip massaging them head-on. Has you fluttering around him like a damn butterfly. Sent into a never-ending spasm.
"Fuck," you wail. Nails biting into his soft neck. "Bobby!"
And you're vaguely aware of the way he's looking up at you. Big puppy eyes, in utter awe of the sight before him. "There?" 
You're nodding before you've even recognized what he's asking. Clinging to him. Squeezing his big, overheated body to yours like he'll vanish if you don't. Worst of all, he lets you—pretty face nuzzling into the crook of your neck, the rims of his glasses digging into your flesh, where you can hug him even closer. Your cheek squishing against the side of his head.
"Good boy," gasping into his ear, "keep doing that."
A shiver races down his spine. Mouthing at the side of your neck. Whimpering beneath his heaving breath. The oversized palms that cling to your ass beginning to shiver. Slippery with sweat and struggling to maintain his grip. Growling low in his chest, suddenly sharp nails poking and prodding against your flesh as something within him switches gears.
You know it has because the tips of his ears are growing unnaturally fuzzy. Pointed. And in the time it takes for your hand to reach them, they've already turned. Looks as if the ears of a wolf have been glued to the sides of his head. Twisting and turning, sensitive and reacting to every involuntary noise that falls off your tongue.
"Bobby—" you choke. Squirming. Fighting for a glance at his flushed face. Have to tangle your fingers in his hair and yank his face right out of your neck. And he's...
Glasses smudged by spit and sweat and hopelessly fogged. Strands of soaked hair cling to his glistening forehead. Mouth agape. Impossibly sharp canines glint in the poor lighting. Pink tongue on the verge of lolling out past his lips like a damn domesticated dog, panting in the summer heat. 
And yet, as you push his glasses up to rest on the top of his head, you find that his eyes are the same shade of sky blue. Wide and so, so eager. 
His feet shift, leaning away. You back presses harder against the lockers. A gap forms between your bodies. Just enough for your hand to let go of his hair and dart between. Diving past the hem of your shirt, clinging to your clammy skin, stopping just above his pistoning cock, to find your sore and overused clit. A tingle bolts up your spine.
"Fuck, you're—" Bobby's eyes screw shut.  Grunting low in his chest. A guttural, animalistic noise you've only heard him make once. "Clenching around me so fucking...mhm, shit." 
You reckon he can feel your sudden contraction as well as you can feel the fat swell of his cock head. Driving into you impossibly deeper. As if this sudden wolfiness has made him larger than he was before. His angle hasn't shifted, but his oversized tip rubs right into your g-spot with a vigor that makes your legs tremble around his hips. Head spinning. Tipping back to hit the locker door.
"Robby, Robby, keep, keep—," babbling. Cut short. He's listening. He's listening. Rubbing right into those little nerves over and over and over. You're not sure if the heat coiling in your belly is from his cock or your fingers. "Fuck, good boy."
"You gotta quit calling me that," he pants, sentence fractured by a choked moan, "gonna have me following you like a lost puppy for the rest of your life."
He'd look cute with a little blue collar that matches his eyes. But you can't hang onto that idea for long.
"I don't mind the," gasping, "idea of that."
Your body is beginning to tense. Too hot for this little room. The coil in your belly winding tighter and tighter with every thrust of his cock. Pussy squelching with the motion of him, so damn wet that you fear you're dripping onto the floor below. And Bobby is whimpering again. Pitchy little noises that you can't believe are coming from your cunt being wrapped around him.
His pretty mouth can't stay shut. Already opening again. "I'm...I...I'm—" 
"Uhuh," is all you can manage. Struggling to keep your eyes open. Legs growing tighter and tighter around him until, until, until—
Your back arches off the lockers with a silent cry. Thrust up into the clouds. Head spinning like a top. Spasming and cumming around his big, oversized cock without another warning. And you're only vaguely aware of the way he cries out at the feeling. Hips stuttering to a halt. Filling your well fucked pussy with his cum for the fourth time today. Twitching inside you. His head falling back into the crevice between your neck and shoulder. 
It may not have been your most intense orgasm of today, but it does take you some time to come down. Brought back to earth by the kisses against your clammy skin and the nimble fingers that massage the plush swell of your ass. 
Bobby looks normal again. Not a single wolfish feature to be found. Back to your same old, soft-eyed tech guy. The one who has deceived you into thinking he was human for so, so many years. Probably would have been able to keep up the act, too, had you not crossed the boundary between friends and lovers. 
Abrupt, his head snaps up. Those wolf ears are back. Twisting and turning like little radar dishes. 
"Shit," he snarls, and before you're even ready, he's sliding out of you. Cum already beginning to spill down your thighs. 
"What?" You're helpless. Don't realize you've been placed back on the floor until he's led you halfway across the room. "Bobby, what is it?"
"Jake. Bradley." Short. Straight to the point. "Down the hall. Coming this way."
There's a tiny janitor's closet in the corner of the locker room—barely big enough for one body to fit inside of it, never mind two. Not the ideal hiding spot, but with no other exit, you've got no choice. It's either hide or be caught.
You can only hope that there isn't a noticeable mess on the floor. Or, worse, a trail leading all the way to the door. 
The door to the locker room squeals open just as the closet closes. Your weary head struggling to catch up to speed, still processing the drop to the floor and the the things Bob has just said to you. Hell. The only reason you notice his arms are around is, is because of the wayward finger that dips beneath your shirt, stroking your skin.
Jake and Bradley are talking. The rumble of the voices is clear, but you can't make out a word that they're saying. It must be something funny because they're laughing. All too loud, uncaring of who they may disturb with their volume or where their voices may wander in the building.
For a moment, you're afraid to breathe. Worrying about the hammering of your heart. As if they could possibly hear the tiny thump of it in your chest.  
Bob's spent cock bumps into your hip. Still free of his confines. Wet with an obscene mixture of his cum and your wetness. Proof of your rendezvous. Frankly, you couldn't bring yourself to go another round, even if you got your hands on a magical reset button. But you can't help but notice that you haven't felt the glide of him against your tongue in such a long while...
Surely, Jake and Bradley won't hear if you...sink to your knees, here...just for a minute or two...
"What are you doing?" Bob whispers, barely audible, even to you. Eyes wide as you reach for him. "You can't—are you serious right now?"
But kicking up a fuss will get the two of you caught. A risk he can't afford to take. Not with those big, wolfish ears still twisting and turning on the sides of his head. The very thing you've all been gathered here to eliminate. 
Daring, your tongue pokes out of your mouth.
The slam of Jake's locker washes over Bob's sharp inhale. Too sensitive for the hellish sensation of your hot tongue dragging against the underside of him. 
His hands rise. Both of them clamping down over his mouth. Eyes screwed shut.
There's a tremor to him that wasn't there before—shaking like a lone leaf in the wind. Helpless to do anything but let you keep licking at him. Long strokes of your tongue. Gathering the sweet mess that clings to his cock. Who could have thought that an identifying characteristic of North American werewolves is sweet cum? You sure didn't until he'd cum in your mouth that first time.
Hell, he didn't even know. 
It's too dark to see his face, but you can feel his eyes boring holes into your shoulders. Hips twitching away, but never making the move to push your head away. Helpless to let you clean his pretty cock with your tongue, from base to tip. 
If there was light in here, you're certain he would be shimmering with your saliva by now. 
Whatever it was Jake and Bradley needed to do, it didn't seem to take them long. Their boots clomp across the floor. Lockers slamming shut. Loud, muffled voices grow faint as they meander down the corridor, surely heading to their vehicles, looking forward to a well-deserved day off tomorrow. 
You suppose Bob has heard the back door chime because his hands fly off his mouth. 
He's fortunate that you're too tired to push him much further. Gathering up the last of him. And just for extra measure, you allow yourself the simple pleasure of wrapping your swollen lips around his tip. Teasing his slit. Sucking gently. 
"You can't just," he babbles, sweaty hand pawing at the side of your face, "baby, baby, 's too much, it's too—"
His cock twitches. A splash of cum hits your tongue. A heavy puff of breath sounds from above.
He's pushing your head away before you can even begin to do it yourself. 
"Monster," his chest heaves as he tucks himself back into his pants.
"I could say the same about what you just put away," you grin. Rising back up to your feet. He wipes that expression off your lips with a big, wet kiss.
His ears are back to normal, much to your dismay. No fluffiness present to greet your fingers as your hands cup the sides of his face, bringing him back in for one, two, three, four more kisses.
And as you slip back into the locker room, you're greeted with a sheet of printer paper taped to the lockers. And in big, messy handwriting, it reads, "Who's been fucking in here?" With a list of possible culprits at the bottom. Their votes have already been cast, accusing Mickey and Rueben by leaving scraggly check marks next to their names.
"Damn," Bob's brows furrow, incredulous, "my name didn't even make the list." He grumbles, already reaching for the discarded pen. 
You can hardly swallow down your giggle. "That just means there's more for us to get away with, my dear." Speaking as innocently as you can. Batting your eyelashes at him. 
His eyes roll.
"I'm gonna dress as an old lady and eat you if you keep quoting that darn fable," but he's laughing. Tossing that pen back where he found it. Already reaching for your hand, squeezing it in his own. And with a limp in both of your steps, you venture back into the hallway and out into the parking lot. Already conjuring up your next big escapade before you can even tumble into the front seat of his truck.
This time, you reckon that you and he should go chasing a false werewolf scent for some fun in the woods. You've even got the little red coat to fit the occasion. The exact same shade of Bob's cheeks as you reveal your idea to him.
And in two days' time, when you all flood into the locker room to change, Jake will point at the tiny, squished inscription of Bob's name on the list and laugh. How funny is that? Somebody really thought their quiet wallflower tech guy was the culprit! 
All Bob can do is look your way and flash you that big, wolfish grin. Unusually sharp canines and all.
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charliemwrites · 9 months
woof woof ghost got me thinking about a grizzled old mutt price showing up that promptly makes himself at home and doesn’t leave out from in front of our fireplace except to trot off into the woods after bonnie johnny and pretty boy ghosty AND THAT got me thinking about semi-feral tomcat gaz showing up and scratching and gnawing on every piece of furniture we have but also kneading our tummy and purring so loud we can’t hear our own thoughts
Ooooh maybe maybe maybe
I love that everyone thinks price should be an old man dog but in canon he’s really not that old lmao
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frownyalfred · 5 months
You're so right, they need to be able to bite. How else do they display their feral tendencies if they can't bite???? Scratching at the walls? Not good enough. They need to sink their teeth into flesh on a semi regular basis or they'll go stir-crazy
(jkjkjk the bats don't have to bite, but they're def all biters even cass)
if you're in a fight, you need every trick and tool and fallback at your disposal, just in case. teeth are really important!
with teeth out, you can:
bite people
chew things (like the knot on the ropes tying you to a chair)
hide things in/against your teeth
spread infection
break down something (like paper) so you can swallow/hide it
bite off things you want to keep later
bite people (but in a sexy way)
eat/drink things easily and quickly
test the hardness of something (or if, for example, the pearls you're looking at are real)
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604to647 · 11 months
2.7K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: Din shows you how he feels about lingerie.
Warnings: 18+ content (MDNI please), fluff with smut, established relationship, semi-public sex (people are downstairs), fingering, oral (f receiving), body worship (like in the lingerie), maybe a little degradation kink (whore/slut, affectionate), a bit of daddy kink, dirty talk, lots of pet names (pretty bird, baby, bunny, pretty girl, etc.), no implied age gap
A/N: Another one shot in the same modern AU where Din is a retired mob enforcer and now owns/runs a boxing gym where the mob guys hang out - this one takes place at the gym! I'm almost done the first two chapters of the "main" fic and hope to start posting soon. The chapters are kind of a slow burn as reader and Din meet, date, etc. so these one shots where their relationship is established is where all the smut is at for now - hee hee! 🤭 (Series Masterlist)
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“I think it’s kind of a waste of money?”
“…and time? Like you’re just taking it off.  Too many snaps and stuff.”
“I dunno.  Maybe it sets the mood or something.”
“Well, she was pissed.  Got dressed and stormed off and now I think I’m supposed to apologize?”
“Dude, forget her!  Imagine getting pissed about underwear.”
This gets the group laughing and Din looks up briefly from his paperwork at the guys sitting around the boxing ring, relaxing after a long day of work and work outs.  One of the younger guys that’s only been working at the gym for a few months catches his eye and calls over, “Boss!  What do you think? Lingerie – worth it?”
Din shuffles his papers into a neat pile and takes off his glasses before walking over to join the group.  The truth was, before you, he hadn’t really given much thought to lingerie.  If a partner wore something lacy and matching, it was nice but not really a must have.  Before you, he might have agreed: lingerie was just something to take off.  But on you.  Lingerie on you made him feral.  Din knew that you loved your matching sets and that you wore lingerie mostly for yourself, but that just made it hotter – knowing that you had a little racy secret that wasn’t meant for anyone else drove him crazy.  And somehow, the lingerie you wore only accentuated your loveliness - you never wore anything overly complicated; just soft lace resting against your already soft skin, pretty bows decorating your pretty curves.  He might have inadvertently drooled on more than one occasion upon undressing you.  For those few times you had worn something especially for him, he had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming – what had he done to deserve you wrapping yourself so delicately and offering yourself up to him like a present?  His mind flashes to soft lace cups barely covering your nipples.
The snapping of an underwear band against your hip.
See-through mini dresses that flutter when you bounce on his lap.
Panties made of thin material with enough give to accommodate his whole hand.
Delicate satin straps slipping off your shoulder allowing the attached fabric to fall, revealing your breast. 
He loved lingerie on you, and found that more often than not, he didn’t take it off completely when he fucked you.
Din finds himself starting to get hard just thinking about your body barely covered in something flimsy and sheer, and he has to remind himself that he’s still at work.  Chuckling, he says to the group, “I think, if you’re lucky enough to undress a girl, Brian, you should be worshipping anything she lets you see.”
The hoots and hollers that follow are briefly interrupted when the front door of the gym opens and the unmistakeable pitter patter of canine feet approach the men on the gym floor.   The dog makes a beeline for Din; he greets the pup with enthusiastic scratches, with the rest of the guys coming over to get their share of doggy love.  Din looks up to see you following, carrying pizza boxes and an assortment of takeout containers and he can’t help but grin widely.  He leaves the dog to the guys’ choruses of “Who’s a good boy?” and comes over to help you. He had texted you earlier to let you know he was working late tonight finishing up month-end tax forms, and even though he had said he would just grab a bite to eat while he worked, you knew he wouldn’t. Missing him after your own long workday, you decided to pick up some food and take a cab over to surprise him.
Din takes the food from you with one hand and put his other on the small of your back, using it to pull you in firmly for a deep kiss.  You brace your now free hands on his broad chest as he presses into you and wonder what’s got him so riled up.
The pizza boxes and take out are deposited on a table and the guys make their way over, offering their profuse thanks before diving in to the boxes.  One of the bigger boxers, Chris, turns to you, but avoiding Din’s eyes, asks, “Do you mind helping us with a lady question, ma’am?”
Ma’am?  You giggle to yourself, that’s a new one; you decide that the moniker is a sign of respect for Din and not any commentary on your age so you smile, “Sure, what’s up, boys?”
“Is it okay if a man doesn’t care about your lingerie?”, he continues quickly, “I mean not your lingerie!! Hypothetically… I mean, um, that is…. Um, in general like, if a girl is wearing lingerie, do you have to pretend to like it?”
You must look so confused because Din steps in and explains, “Brian’s girl wore something nice for him and he told her he didn’t care about lingerie, so she left and now she isn’t speaking to him.”
Din looks thoroughly entertained, but Brian looks both so mortified and curious from where he’s standing a little further back that you decide to take pity on him and try to keep your expression thoughtful.
“Here’s the thing, guys, we don’t wear it for you or anyone else; lingerie is for ourselves.  To make us feel any number of things: sexy, confident, soft, sweet, powerful, whatever.  So please don’t tell a woman you don’t care about her feeling good?” There’s a chorus of “Ohs” and some nodding among the crowd.  You start gathering the boxes that hold Din’s dinner as you continue, “And in general, I think effort should always be acknowledged?”
There is a murmuring of consensus and you mouth to Brian, “Call her” before you head up the stairs to Din’s office; you feel Din’s foot steps close behind, and behind his, the dog’s.
Once in the office, the pup plops himself down on the dog bed Din keeps under his desk, as you lay out Din’s dinner in front of his computer.  You realized you never asked if he wanted to have dinner in his office, so you quickly confirm, “I didn’t mean to assume you wanted to eat up here!  Did you want to or do you want to go back down to the group?”
Din loves your thoughtfulness, but the idea that he might want to spend time with a bunch of gym rats instead of you is laughable.  He takes your hand and leads you over to his small office couch; sitting, he pulls you down on top of him so you’re straddling his thighs.
“Pretty bird, nowhere I would rather be than right here.”
Your lips meet his for an eager kiss, and your hands automatically reach up to run through Din’s hair as his roam your back and knead your ass.  When you pull back, you see he has a lazy grin on his face; he really can be so adorable and you give him a little peck on his nose before asking playfully, “So, did they ask you what you thought of lingerie?  What did you say?”
Din laughs, “I told those youngsters they need to appreciate how lucky they are that any beautiful woman would let them look at her, never mind in her underwear.”
You chuckle and lightly kiss his nose again, “What about you?”
“Me? There’s only one beautiful woman I see in underwear and I appreciate her very, very much.” Din punctuates his last words with a light spank to your ass causing you to give a little yelp in surprise.
“No,” you continue, almost shy, “do you… like it?”
“Like it?”, Din kisses your neck as he continues, “Baby, your lingerie drives me fucking crazy.”
He doesn’t stop kissing your neck, but does move his hands to untuck your shirt and slip his hands underneath, lightly running them up and down your bare sides.  Whispering hotly in your ear, he goes on, “Always, so fucking sexy, bunny.  You’re like a sweet little present ready for me to unwrap.”
His hands have moved up to your breasts, thumbs running over the tops of your bra lace before dropping slightly to rub over your hardening nipples through the fabric.  Kissing across the column of your throat, his voice low when he reaches your other ear, “Love the way your tits spill out of your bras and the tops bounce, right into my mouth. And these…” Din rolls your nipples between his fingers as he speaks, “I love I can still get your nipples hard even through this pretty lace. Fuck you’re always so pretty in your pretty lingerie, baby.”
Din has his mouth buried in your neck, but you can still hear his dirty words and they’re making you moan, “Pretty sounds too, bun.  You always make the prettiest, sluttiest noises for me when you’re all wrapped up.  Drives me insane.  Sweetheart, love sucking on your tits through the fabric, getting it all wet.  Have to stop myself from biting down and ripping it off with my teeth, you get me so hot.  And your panties, fuck, baby…”
You whimper as Din growls, “Fuck.  So pretty, barely covering your hot ass and sweet pussy.  Goddamn, I love how soaked they get for me.”  He takes one hand out of your shirt and snakes it up your skirt; just brushing the front of your panties with his knuckles, finding them wet, “…like this. Fuck yes, pretty bird.”
By now, you’re making little movements to grind against Din’s hand, hoping to find the delicious pressure you need. You kiss him hard and he uses his other hand to lift and bunch up your shirt just above your bra; he leans back to admire your lingerie choice today: mint green and sheer, with embroidered floral lace covering your most delicate and delectable parts.  With the slight up and down motion you’re making, your breasts are already bouncing and Din cannot take his eyes off of you, “So soft, pretty girl.  And.. there we go, right into my mouth.” He dives in, taking as much as your breasts in his mouth as he can and sucks, causing you to let out a throaty moan.  You clasp both your hands over your mouth to muffle the sound, and in that split second have a moment of clarity. “Din!” you chastise, as you gently push him off your chest by his shoulders, “you haven’t had dinner yet! You’re supposed to be eating.”
Din flashes you the biggest smirk before pulling you down by your hips and turning you so you’re laying your head at one end of the small couch, “Oh, don't worry your pretty head, bunny. I plan on eating.”  You can’t help but giggle as he starts to move down your body.  Down your chest, mouthing each lace covered breast before moving on and peppering your stomach with kisses.  Din leans back and lifts your skirt until he sees your matching panties, not missing the way a spot is darkening on the fabric. “All this for me, sweetheart?”
“Y-yes,” you moan quietly, closing your eyes in pleasure.
Din reaches forward and starts to rub your clit through the fabric, earning him a louder whine, “Please, Din… please.”
Without stopping his slow circles on your clit, Din shifts back on the couch and crouches down to face your cunt, “Love how wet you are for me, pretty bird.  Looks good enough to taste.”
He uses his free thumb to hook the gusset of your panties and pulls them aside; the cool air hits you right away and you have a moment to enjoy the chill against your wet core before Din dives in.  He starts by licking a stripe up your seam, and repeats this with increasing pressure while putting more and more of his mouth on you.  Your head falls back and you cry out in pleasure with every pass of his tongue over your hole.   Head now cloudy with desire, you use your hands to pull down the cups of your bra, freeing your breasts so you can grab at them and pull on your nipples; when Din sees this, he groans into your pussy and the vibration makes you whimper.  Taking this as encouragement, Din licks up and begins sucking on your clit while he teases your slit with his fingers.  Your slick having now coated two of his fingers, Din plunges them into you in one smooth motion, all the way in to his first knuckles causing you to let out an obscene moan from the stretch.  You once again clasp your hands over your mouth to muffle your sounds, but Din uses the hand that isn’t pumping in and out of you to pull your hands down by the wrist and place them back on your breasts, “Want to hear you use your whore mouth, bunny,” he mumbles as he nips at your clit.
“But what if someone hears and comes up?”
“Not even those knuckleheads downstairs would be dumb enough to come in,” Din chuckles, “Let them hear you, baby.  Let them know how good their boss makes you feel.”
Din’s right, none of the guys would come up and bother Din while you were here, but for a moment, you imagine what it would look like if one of them did open the office door right now: you splayed out on the couch, with your top pushed up and your bra pulled down, tits hanging out while their boss has his fingers deep in your cunt and his head in between your legs.  The whole image has a fresh wave of arousal leaking out of you while you clench hard on Din’s fingers.
“Oh, did my little slut like that?  Does it turn you on, the idea of other guys seeing me wreck your pussy?”
“Oh, g-god. Din, no…I-“
“Don’t lie, pretty girl. You’re a filthy slut, aren’t you?  Want other guys to see your pretty tits and wet pussy, knowing they can only look and they can’t touch?”
“Yes, daddy! I’m such a fucking whore for you.  Only you can touch me like this… feels so g-good.  Oh yes..yes!” You’re babbling now as you start to feel a familiar coil tightening below your stomach.
Din knows your body well, so he doubles down on your clit, sucking and toying with your nub like a man on a mission.  He adds a third finger and keeps up a steady rhythm that has you hurtling towards the edge. 
“I’m close!” you gasp, your eyes are closed and your hands pulling and rolling your nipples so hard it hurts just the right amount to add to your overwhelming pleasure.  The squelching coming from Din’s fingers fucking your pussy mixed with your and his filthy noises are pushing you further and further towards your climax; you’re almost there when Din growls into your cunt, “Come for me.”
And you do.  You come hard on his hand and mouth, crying out so intensely that ironically, no noise comes out as you shudder and arch your back off the couch.  Din slows down his hand and slowly fucks you through your high while he continues to lightly kiss you all over your mound.
When you’ve come down from your climax, Din removes his fingers from your dripping hole; you pout a little from the loss but gladly open up when his brings his fingers up to your mouth, taking in all three fingers and sucking them clean.  With his hands clean, Din straightens you up, adjusting your panties and bra so everything is sitting on your body pretty again and pulls down your shirt and skirt.  You can still taste yourself on him when he kisses you tenderly, “You did so good, pretty bird, coming so sweetly for me.  Did that answer your question about how I feel about your lingerie?”
Smiling, you nod, still a little light headed from your orgasm, “What about you, Din?” You run your hand gently over his crotch, feeling his hard cock strain against his pants; you look up at him with want in your eyes.
Din smirks.  “Don’t you worry, bunny.  When I’m done this paperwork, I’m going to take you home and soak that pretty bra and panty set in my cum.”
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writingchalamet · 7 months
Ross had me going feral at my show so here’s an after show sex with Ross 💀😛 pretty much porn with a plot sorry not sorry.
Warnings: oral ( m receiving) semi rough sex p in v, no contraception because these people are horny
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You could tell he was rilled up from the way he kept staring off into the distance, and the harsh plucking of the bass strings. Before he had gone on stage he knew he was done for, seeing you in your tiny black mini skirt and an oversized button down of his, left him feeling nothing more but primal. Seeing the full length of your legs shine under the light with every step you took towards him, and how you scented his shirt with your fragrance drove him crazy. He couldn’t wait to finish the tour to spend months plowing you into your mattress.
Now you stood at the side of the stage jumping around with Gabbriette, skirt inching up every time you bounced, steering Ross’s attention away from what should be an easy task for him. He could feel himself growing more frustrated as the night progressed, watching you have so much fun and look so good, he wanted nothing more than to pull you out onto the stage and show you off for all to see. Maybe even take you on the fucking sofa and have the camera man filming project it to the big screen for the thousands in the back to get a clear enough view. Ross had never been more relived to finish a gig in his entire life, the sprint back from B stage should have been enough to wear him down a little, but it seemed to only fuel his fire.
You were waiting, unknowing of his current state, with a huge smile on your face, already hugging and congratulating Polly on a great show, when he appeared. His brooding figure drew closer, pulling away from Polly, you skipped towards him leaping into his arms, laying your head onto his chest. His own arms encase your waist pulling you in tight. "You were amazing babe, as always" You beam up at him, standing on your tippy toes, to reach his lips, softly pushing against his own. "And you were a complete distraction missy, jumping around in that tiny skirt, I could hardly concentrate" Ross whispered as he bushed his lips against your own, your nose twitched shaking your head side to side slowly. One of his hands dragged down your body making its home on your bum, giving it a gentle squeeze, his lips move to brush along the shell of your ear speaking in hushed tones “I want you back in my dressing room for me, on your knees like a good girl” he felt your breath gasp against his neck, your body going rigid. His hand leaving you for a split second to lay a smack on your backside once more, “go” he nods his head, cocky smirk plastered on his face as he watches you stumble away from him.
When Ross eventually finds his way to the dressing room, albeit 15 minutes after he sent you on your way, he wanted to build up your anticipation so made sure pat each member of production giving them a ‘well done’ on his journey. Stopping to have a brief chat with George and John before finally landing at his dressing room door. When he entered the room was dimly lit. And there you were, kneeling in the middle of the room, half the buttons of his shirt unbuttoned exposing the lace of your bra and the delicate R necklace that always hung around your neck. Your skirt had ridden up sitting around the very top of your thighs no doubtably where you had been shuffling around in discomfort. He stood in the doorway just admiring you for a moment before stalking towards you, when he reached you he noticed how you instinctively straightened your back, rubbing your thighs together in anticipation. One of his hands gently caressed the side of your face, scratching backwards through your hair, pulling it away from your face, you gasp at the harshness of the tug, looking up at the man you knew you would give everything to. “Beautiful” his words are barely audible but you hear them nonetheless.
The hand tangled in your hair slowly but harshly balls the hair and draws your neck backwards as far as it goes, his other hand warps protectively around your neck, thumb stroking along your jaw as you look up at him with hazy eyes. He leans down brushing his lips across your own in a teasing manner, never fully pressing a kiss upon them. “I’m gonna fuck this pretty little mouth of yours, I want you to be a good girl and take it” you can’t help but nod instantly, the thought of having his cock inside you has your mouth watering. “Now open up” almost like a second nature your mouth opens at his command, you hear the swill of spit he’s conjuring inside his mouth as you lay your tongue out flat in front of him. Ross leans down close to you and spits on your tongue, lubricating it for you, before returning to his full height. He doesn’t play around any longer as he unbuckles his belt, and unbuttons his trousers, it’s now you notice the bulge laying straight in front of your face. You gently place your hands over his, placing a kiss above the button of his trousers before letting them fall down his legs, you snap the band of his boxers looking up at him giving him a wink just to be cheeky, palming him through the soft fabric, you can feel the predicament he’s been in, he’s throbbing in your hand, you give him a few squeezes before releasing him from his cotton confinements. As soon as he’s free, one hand wraps around himself and the other finds its way to the base of your neck. He pumps himself a few times biting on his bottom lip, making unwavering eye contact with you, he can’t help but love the way you lick your lips as you watch him throb in front of your face, he would never find anyone half as perfect as you, that much he was sure of. He lines up his member at your mouth sighing as he watches you swallow him inch by inch like a pro. “Fuck y/n” he pulls back slowly, allowing you a second to take a breath before shoving himself back in, more forcefully this time, enjoying the little squeak your throat let out muffled by his dick.
Your hands made their home on his hips, steadying yourself, you bobbed your head trying to keep up with his ever growing pace, fingernails piercing the flesh of his hipbones when his thrusts become more vigorous. One of Ross’s hands stroke along your face a jaw, a sign for you that you were doing a good job, although he was picking up pace, you could tell he was holding back, the sight of concentration on his face, brow lowered and eyes screwed shut, you wanted him to reach his full potential, you always loved it when he completely let go. Pulling back away from him with a pop, his eyes snap open, both hands caressing your cheeks afraid he’s done something to hurt you. “What’s the matter baby, are you okay?” Ross rambled words falling over each other. “I’m fine, more than okay, I want you to use me Ross, just let go” you pressed kisses along pubic bone stopping to look up at him before taking him back into your mouth again, “Christ I love you” he mumbles, head facing the ceiling, his fingers tangle in your hair again as he sets a new bruising pace.
Anyone walking past the room would be sure to know what was going on with how loud Ross was moaning and wet sloshing sounds coming from your mouth. You tried your best to breathe through your nose as he plowed into your throat making sure to bruise your oesophagus, your eyes streaming as you looked up at him with admiration. The ache in your throat being numbed out by the sounds coming from Ross, you loved it when he was vocal, it lit a certain fire within you, something you just couldn’t hold off any longer, your own hand slipped from his hip down the front of your body and under your skirt, only able to relieve the pressure for a mere moment before Ross caught wind of what you were doing. You felt the sting of his hand clapping against your cheek, before he pulled ripped himself out of your mouth, pulling you to your feet. You stumble from being on your knees for so long, Ross’s arms secure themselves around your waist and hoist you up off the ground, walking backwards until you are perched on his dressing table. He stands back a few steps, admiring the way your legs stay spread and the way your underwear were soaked through. “Did I say you could touch yourself?” His voice rough, demanding. You shook your head slowly, his fingers reaching to lift your head so you met his eyeline. “Words” leaving his touch there. “No sir” your voice was hoarse and sore to use, a true testament to his power. He steps forwards once more, standing between your legs spreading them further. Your head lulls back resting on the mirror as his lips brush the base of your neck, littering the skin with light kisses. Small gasps escape your lips as his fingers drift their way across your torso, finishing your work of unbuttoning the shirt adorning you, pads of his fingers trailing down your stomach, slipping over the fabric of your skirt, bunching it up further until it sat around your waist like a belt.
His hands land on the back of your thighs, pulling you in until you’re flush with his own chest. “Now tell me, what happens to girls who break my rules” his words were hot in your ear as he continued peppering kisses along your neck and chest, fingers tickling your skin, riling you up even more. “They get punished” he nods, hand moving from your thigh, hovering over the place you needed him the most. “That’s right angel, now tell me, if I fuck you’re pretty little brains out, because I don’t think I can hold out much longer, are you gonna do everything I say?” You practically mewl at his words, leaning into his touch. The rough pad of his thumb draws circles on your clit, finally touching you. His fingers dip into the side of your underwear, pulling them away from your centre, he watches the sex glitter under the light for a moment before a dipping two fingers inside, enjoying the warm and welcoming feeling of you drawing him closer. Your eyes meet and you can feel the intensity in Ross’s eyes, his pupils blown out, looking all over your face. Your lips meet in a feverish kiss, tongue practically prying your mouth open feeling every crevice, and receiving all your gasps and pleas as his fingers continue to penetrate their way inside you. “Ross I need you now” you pant into his mouth. He hums in return, reaching for his cock, fisting it a few times before running it through your folds letting the tip become slick with your wetness. A groan passes his lips as he pushes himself in inch by inch until he’s fully seated in your warmth. You moan leaning your head back against the mirror once more, relaxing into him. Ross gives you a moment, pulling out fully before pounding back in. He sets a ruthless pace, hands coming to hold the backs of your knees spreading your legs wider for him to fuck into you deeper. Your hands clasp around his shoulders coaxing him closer to you, planting your lips on his, the combined sensation of his lips on yours and him pounding deep inside you has you dizzy, you clench around him, walls fluttering at his incessant pace, Ross’s lips leave yours to plant kisses along your neckline, teeth nipping at the skin, he licked the sweat as it formed along your neck and chest.
His pace increasing hitting that perfect spot inside you again and again, one thing about Ross was that he never tires, his hips smack into your own chasing the high he was so close to mere moments ago. He looks down peering to where the two of you were connected, enjoying the view of your wet hole enticing him inside, his brow furrows in concentration, thrusting upwards sharply making sure to hit the sweet spongy spot that makes your head spin continuously, “come on sweetheart, I need you to be a good girl for me right now” your legs wrap around his middle, entrapping him with your entire being, you moan his name for all to hear when his calloused finger starts caressing your clit once more, begging for your release. You move your hips in tandem with his own, the melodic sound of your moans and skin slapping filling the room. He perfected his movements on the small bud eliciting a squeak from your mouth, feeling the build up of your high, you kissed along his chest and pulled the hairs at the nape of his neck while he pounded away at you, feeling your walls constricting around his length, your breathe grew tight as he fucked into you at a ruthless pace, your entire body feeling like it had been set alight, “that’s right sweet girl, cum for me” he kissed under your ear as he spoke the words. Hand wrapping around your throat cutting off your supply to oxygen making the feeling even more euphoric. As the band snapped his thrusts grow more sloppy, eventually going rigid, releasing his load all over your walls, feeling warm and full.
He stayed still inside you smile plastering his face, as you giggle, clinging to him some more, you trace his back with your fingers feeling the shirt stick to his sweaty skin. “Fuck I love you so much” he smiles leaning in for another kiss, more sensual this time, taking his time to kiss both your top and bottom lip. “I love you too Ross” you hum back relishing in the feeling of his soft touches, one of his hands places a light smack on your thigh as he pulls out slowly, “right missy let’s get you cleaned up”
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sev-on-kamino · 11 months
friend!! for those smut sentence starters, I'm foaming at the mouth for Fox with either "you can call me whatever you want, baby." or "be good, and i'll fuck you / let you fuck me."
the way you write him always makes me feral as hell so I'm excited to see where this takes you! ❤️❤️
Hello there~ First and foremost that is the sweetest compliment, and it has made me so soft 🥺 Please enjoy this spicy lil snack 🥰 Prompt is highlighted in red ❤️🤍
Warnings: teasing, light bondage, afab!reader, fingering, oral (f receiving), semi-public sex, MINORS DNI
Word count: 337 (I’m shocked too)
dividers by the bestest to ever do it @dystopicjumpsuit
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It was always a battle of wills with Fox. The need to challenge him, to make him show you how badly he wanted you was irresistible. That’s how you ended up in your current predicament.
Your wrists in binders, pants dangling precariously from one ankle, one foot propped up on the arm of the commander’s chair.
His face is pressed against your inner thigh. Three days’ worth of stubble scratching the sensitive skin, and driving you crazy with the sensation. His breath fans over your exposed cunt, causing your back to arch, and a desperate whine to leave your lips.
“Not too loud, vixen. The door’s not locked,” He warns with a devious little smirk.
“Stop teasing me then!” You blurt out, exasperated and needy.
“Oh, but you were teasing me, weren’t you?” He lightly ran his tongue through your silken folds, stopping just before reaching your clit.
“Fuuuuuck you,” you whined softly
“Be good, and I’ll fuck you,” he replied before tapping your lips gently with gloved fingertips. “Take it off.”
You caught the tip of his glove on his middle finger with your teeth and tugged until his hand was free. Your eyes, hooded and hungry, watched his lightly scarred hand, as it traveled down your body. You held your breath while he circled your entrance, causing the muscles to twitch in your thighs.
He tilted his head at you, the silver in his dark hair catching the light, and making your fingers clench with the urge to bury your fingers in it.
“Please, Commander,” you whispered, “I’ll be good.”
He grinned like the tooka that got the cream.
“Was that so hard?” He asked, as he pressed two of his fingers inside you, and lowered his head to let his tongue work over your clit.
Your smart retort died on your tongue, as you lifted your bound hands to play with his hair and a satisfied moan left your lips. As he built you up to your first orgasm, you decided winning wasn’t everything..
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taglist: @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @dukeoftheblackstar @wolffegirlsunite @808tsuika @sleepingsun501 @starrylothcat @ladyzirkonia @wings-and-beskar @pb-jellybeans @clio3kantarella @stardusthuntress @idontgetanysleep @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @anxiouspineapple99 @littlemissmanga @mandos-mind-trick @amorfista @kimiheartblade @freesia-writes @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @multi-fan-dom-madness @mooncommlink @1vlouds @moonlightwarriorqueen @starqueensthings @dangraccoon @idoubleswearimawriter @wizardofrozz @trixie2023 @dreamie411 @nunanuggets @foodmoneyandcats @cdbkake1565
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detentiontrack · 2 months
cats dont need baths…. why are you bathing him?
We have been over this many times!!!
1. I am ALLERGIC to cats. I didn’t plan on adopting a cat, but I fell in love with him and kept him after I rescued him. If I give him a bath semi frequently, I’m a lot less allergic to him and he can cuddle with me (something he loves to do)
2. Today he knocked over an entire can of full sugar soda and it spilled all over him. I didn’t want him licking it off of himself because of the sugar and caffeine, so he needed a bath.
3. I used chemical free, gentle shampoo on him. I have tested this shampoo on him before and it does NOT irritate his skin or cause him any harm. Even if he drank the whole bottle for some reason, he wouldn’t be harmed.
4. He’s FINE. He complains a lot and tries to scratch me, but I challenge you to find any semi feral unsocialized ex homeless kitty that genuinely enjoys baths. He complains and gets angry, but he’s just dramatic and he’s not actually getting hurt.
5. I wash him every 1-2 months or as needed/whenever my allergies act up. This is not a daily or even weekly thing.
6. I know my cat!! I know when he’s in genuine distress or in pain!! I would never do anything that would actually harm him. Him being a little uncomfortable for a few minutes so he doesn’t ingest an entire can of soda or not be allowed on the bed/to cuddle with me, is NOT the end of the world!!!
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