#shakes him around in my head alright buddy what's the scoop What's the personality
celebellysfantrolls · 2 years
*Takes a bit of that old muse and put it in the pot, takes a bit of that muse, adds some new ideas as this muse starts to talk to me*
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dinogoose · 2 years
but this is getting good now
“Bucky… Psst… Wake up…” small hands are currently shaking him back and forth, jostling him awake. He immediately knows it’s Christopher, and despite being woken up so early, he warms with pure happiness.
He cracks an eye open, “What’s up buddy? Is something wrong?” Chris sits down on the edge of the couch, nestling into his warmth.
“…My leg hurts.” Hearing the way his voice trembles in pain causes Buck’s heart to crack. He wishes he could take any and all hurt away from Christopher.
(or, buck and christopher stretch, then make pancakes. eddie is in love.)
“Bucky… Psst… Wake up…” small hands are currently shaking him back and forth, jostling him awake. He immediately knows it’s Christopher, and despite being woken up so early, he warms with pure happiness.
He cracks an eye open, “What’s up buddy? Is something wrong?” Chris sits down on the edge of the couch, nestling into his warmth.
“…My leg hurts.” Hearing the way his voice trembles in pain causes Buck’s heart to crack. He wishes he could take any and all hurt away from Christopher.
Another part of him is glad Chris is coming to him about this. Buck had told him he was always going to be there for him, and he meant it. Buck would do anything for Chris.
“Okay. Sometimes my leg hurts too, the doctors told me the best thing to do is to stretch it out.” He turns to the boy meeting his eyes. “Do you want to do some stretches with me?”
Chris looks down at his hands before looking up, his eyes crinkled with sleep, his movements a little shy, then he nods.
Buck smiles, untangling himself from the couch that has been trying to swallow him whole all night. Standing up, his legs giving a loud pop! Chris giggles at the noise, some of his anxieties seeping out.
It’s never wrecking asking for help, but Buck wants to make it clear to Chris that he always can. No matter the time or reason. Buck’s there for him.
“Alright kid, I’m gonna move this table over, giving us more room to really loosen our bodies!” Buck wiggles around as he’s saying this, drawing peels of laughter from Chris.
He’s now aware that it's roughly five-thirty, and Eddie is still asleep after their long shift, so he carefully moves over to Christopher, pressing a finger to his own lips.
“Let’s play a game, whoever can do the stretches the quietest, gets ice cream today.” Chris mulls this over, stroking his chin in thought.
“Two scoops.” Buck opens his mouth to respond, “In a cone.” Buck loves the kid to death, but give him an ice cream cone and he becomes a monster of destruction. Buck chuckles, extending a hand out.
“You drive a hard bargain. Deal.” They shake on it, causing Christoper to laugh again, but Buck presses a finger to his lips and Christopher nods, understanding the game they are now playing.
Buck slides the coffee table over, mindful of his noise.
He sits down on the floor, patting the spot next to him. Christopher sits next to him.
They begin the list of stretches Christopher’s physical therapist gave to him. Hamstrings, wrists, his heel cord, quadriceps.
Buck does each of them with him, coaching Christopher through them, easing any pain or discomfort he has.
By the end of it, they’re both hungry, but feeling much better.
“I think that earned us pancakes.” Buck announces getting up. Chris reaches out a hand, allowing Buck to help him up.
“Thanks B-Buck. I feel super strong now!” Buck smirks at him, ruffling his hair.
“You’re the strongest person I know, Superman.” It’s the truest thing Buck has ever said. This kid is incredible, and Buck’s just lucky he met him at all.
“Come on Bucky, I’m hungry!” He whines, and Buck just laughs trotting into the kitchen.
He’s very comfortable in the Diaz’ home, especially the kitchen. It’s more his than Eddie’s these days.
He gets all his ingredients out as his Sous Chef bullies him for being slow. He’s whisking the batter, when footsteps pitter-patter behind him.
“Sleeping beauty is awake!” Buck exclaims, not even turning around. Christopher throws his head back in laughter earning the reaction Buck was hoping for.
The man behind him makes an offended noise as he steps closer.
“Why do you two have so much energy this morning?” Eddie rasps out, voice deep in a way that gives Buck butterflies.
“My leg hurt so me and Buck did stretches!” Chris tells his dad, kicking his feet from his spot on the counter.
“I’m glad you did your stretches, are you feeling better now mijo?” Worry bleeds into his words, a father caring for his son.
“Yeah! We’re gonna get ice cream!” Buck just knows Eddie raises his eyebrows at that. He can practically feel the burn of his stare.
“Are we now?” Chris rolls his eyes from beside Buck, making him laugh.
“Yes.” And that’s that. They’re getting ice cream.
“Sorry Eds. You know how it is.” Buck tells him, finally turning around.
Eddie’s gaze is way too intense for seven in the morning. Buck has to look away before it melts him.
“Yeah. I do.” Eddie says. The words whispered out- a confession. Buck feels wrong-footed, like he’s missing a major part of this conversation. And from the way Eddie is looking at him he’s sure he is. Maybe he blacked out.
“Eddie, can you set the table?” Buck asks, turning around again, facing the stove, escaping Eddie’s eyes.
He finishes cooking and they enjoy laughter and pancakes, before Chris has to get ready for school.
Buck cleans while Eddie rallies the boy into the car.
It’s incredibly domestic. Maybe Buck is getting too comfortable, falling into the ‘ready-made family’ thing that Eddie was so terrified of.
Buck should take a step back. He doesn’t want to hurt Eddie by overstepping. By being too needy.
He sighs, scrubbing away at the pan. He always hand washes the non-stick pans, believing it helps them last longer. Buck wants to give them that extra care. Plus doing the dishes has always soothed Buck.
The repetitive motions, the warm water, the feeling of success when you finally finish.
He’s so focused on his task he doesn’t hear the door open. Or the sound of Eddie toeing-off his shoes. Doesn’t even acknowledge the man until he’s sliding up behind him, breath fanning Buck’s neck.
Buck shivers, setting the pan down. He steps to the side- not wanting to give himself the chance to do something stupid.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asks, head tilted. None the wiser to Buck’s panic.
“Nothing. I should go, I’ve been overstaying my welcome.” Buck doesn’t want to suffocate Eddie. Exhaust the man just by being him.
“Overstaying? Buck you could never ‘overstay’. You’re always welcome here.” Eddie steps closer, hand placed on Buck’s shoulder, giving the blond a strange sense of deja-vu.
His eyes are intense again, reflecting the same emotions they were earlier. Buck still doesn’t know what to make of that.
“Thanks Eddie- it’s fine, I should leave already.” He tries to back away, but Eddie’s hand remains firm, holding him down.
“Buck. I want you to stay.” Buck’s eyes scour his face for any sign of a lie. He finds none.
“Okay.” Buck thinks there’s a lot more to this talk then just him saying, and when Eddie leans forward Buck knows he's right.
“I’m going to kiss you.” Eddie tells him, face inches from Buck’s.
Eddie cups Buck’s jaw before leaning in, head tilted to get the best angle. When their lips finally meet, it’s perfect.
Buck has imagined this moment a million times- although the real thing is greater than anything he could’ve ever thought up.
It’s fiery, it’s soft, it’s emotional, it’s love.
Love has always felt like, Eddie bumping shoulders with him. Smelled like aftershave and pine. Looked like brown eyes and brown hair. Tastes like pancakes in the morning.
Eddie backs up, not going far, just resting his forehead on Buck’s.
“You got up and did stretches with my- our kid this morning.” Eddie whispers, his voice reverent. Buck blinks.
“..yeah?” This makes Eddie laugh, tickling Buck’s face.
“Then you made us breakfast.” Buck is getting a little concerned.
“Yes. Are you okay?” Eddie laughs again, the sound bright.
“Yes. God- yes. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Has it always been this easy?
Eddie just leans in for another kiss, just a soft press of his lips to Buck’s.
“And I forgive you for promising Chris two scoops on a school night.” Eddie says right against his mouth.
Buck has never been happier.
(I quit whumptober. sorry. I’m never going to change. :])
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giant-sketches · 4 years
Tumblr media
Happy birthday @gentlegiantdreamer!!!  You are such a wonderful and inspiring person to me and I hold you dear to my heart! So for your birthday I made you this art and wrote you a little story to go along with it. I wish you a day full of fun and love! There is also a speedpaint!
I hope you can feel the effort I put into this and long hours of work too. I hope you and everyone enjoys my interpretations of Lilypadton and enjoy the story. Disclaimer: Almost Drowning/Cussing/Pain/Shouting/Monster Transformations
Word Count: 1746
At the start Patton was very active after his first transformation as Lilypadton. That may have been due to him going about the day believing it was a one time deal, but that wasn’t the case. From time to time the other sides would catch glimpses of his skin turning green around his hands and dark patches appearing on his neck. However, whenever the subject was brought up with the moral side he’d brush it off as a trick of the light or some kind of baking material he missed in his clean up. They all knew better though, especially his boyfriends Janus and Virgil.
“We need to go talk to him….TODAY!” Janus was pacing around Virgil’s room with his arms crossed, expressing his impatience with his partner.
Virgil thought it best to give Patton space, but his changes were becoming more frequent. Now things were even worse as their cutie had locked himself in his room for the past two days.
“I know you wanted to give him space, but now he’s trapped himself in his room. We’re the only ones on this side of the mindscape that can help him through this.” Janus hissed and cursed himself for not doing something sooner.
“Please calm down Jan.” Virgil got up from his bed to hold his boyfriend. “It’s going to be alright. Let’s go see him now and tell him about what’s happening to him.” He paused in thought. “Though, I never thought we’d ever have this kind of discussion with him honestly. To think he was like us this whole time.”
Janus touched his scaled face and looked at Virgil with soft eyes. “Are you going to show him? You know how h-” “Yeah I know...but I have to. It wouldn’t be fair for me to hide it when he’s going through something ten times worse.” Janus kissed Virgil’s cheek to reassure him.
Both left the room and slowly made their way to Patton’s door. Virgil tried the door knob, still locked. “Patton? Sweetpea we’ve come here to see how you are doing. Can you let us in, please?” Silence...no wait there was some kind of groaning sound coming from behind the door. “G-go away…” Was that Patton just now? It sounded like he was gurgling water while trying to speak.
“We can’t do that! We have something important to talk-or show you!” Janus looked to Virgil nervously. The former dark side nodded his head as Jan’s nails grew out to a point and sliced the doorknob off. “Excuse the intrusion.”
Both stepped into a darkened and rather humid room. Thankfully, both of them could see in the dark. In the corner they spotted Patton curled up and shaking, facing the wall. He visibly showed signs of changing with his green tinted skin and dark patches all over his arms and neck. “Pat?”
Startled, Patton sprang to his feet and turned to face them. They gasped at how their little buddy appeared taller now, his eyes now distinctly like a frog’s, and his hair showed faded tips of green. His eyes were filled with tears as he had to look down at his friends. He felt like a monster!
“No, no please….you have to LEAVE!” Patton’s voice croaked and boomed as he shot up another 10 feet and banged his head on the ceiling with a loud thunk. He groaned as he fell to his hands. The tears intensified as water seeped from the cracks in the wall and began flooding the room.
“Shit! Hold on to me!” Virgil clung to Janus for dear life as they quickly rose to the ceiling with the increasing water level. Patton was down below still weeping and expanding. His form pressing up against every nook and cranny of his tiny room. “Patton! Patton please! You need to stop crying or we’re going to- gurrglrrglr”
Time was up. The water had now completely filled the room as Janus and Virgil started sinking. Luckily, their froggy friend heard their pleas and snapped out of his distress. Quickly he expanded the room, changing it’s form as he scooped up the two tenderly in his webbed hands. With a kick of his strong legs Pat breached the surface. The room was now a large pond with only a small island in the center. The sun was warm and there was the sound of life all around them, but this was no time to relax.
“Virgil? Janus? Oh my gosh please, you have to be okay kiddos! Please!” Patton begged for his sweethearts to be okay as he set them on the soft grass. He poked at their stomachs as gently as he could.
*Cough* *Cough*
Oh thank goodness! Both were hacking up small volumes of water as they gasped for air, sweet-sweet air! “Patton?” Their vision was foggy from nearly drowning as they tried to focus on the green blob in front of them. Virgil raised up his arms, “A-are you okay?”
“What do you mean am I okay?! Are you okay? You two almost drowned b-because of me!” The big softie was on the verge of tears once again as he leaned in to nuzzle his dark darling with his nose.
“Woah...how big are you Patty?” Virgil giggled. He definitely wasn’t expecting to be cuddled by a gentle green snout of all things. “We’re okay Pat. Just a bit out of breath and-” Janus shivered, he had gotten too cold.
Virgil noticed as he escaped from Patton’s schnoz and immediately started cuddling up to his scaly boyfriend to warm him up. Pat climbed up onto the island, but at his current size of 100 feet he covered the majority of it as he scooped them up in his hand to hold them both closer to the sun. Jan was thankful for this as he hissed happily. His cold blood started to run warm again.
“Thank you darling! The numbness is fading now.” He lifted himself up to look at Patton with a warm expression. “Wow, look at you Pat.” “Yeah, Mr. Green right here.” They both joked to cut the tension. Patton laughed along with them as the ground shook, causing ripples in the water. His size really was something to behold. Still, their joy was cut short, “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have bottled up my emotions like that and hidden away. You two could have gotten seriously hurt.”
“Oh Patty! We understand…w-we have something to tell you.” Virgil looked to Janus hoping he would start. “That’s right Patton, Virgil and I have both gone through what you’re experiencing right now. Okay, maybe not the exact same thing, but something similar.”
Patton was surprised. “W-what do you mean?” Janus smiled flashing his fangs, “I’m sure you’ve already noticed my face, but have you ever wondered why it looks like this?” Pat shook his head, he always thought it’d be taboo to ask about. “It’s because of my monster side.”
Monster side?! What was that? Patton was obviously confused as Virgil spoke up, “Mhm...Janus, Remus, and I...we all have a monster side to us. Janus doesn’t hide his like I do though and Remus is always shifting so it just seems ‘normal’ for him. It was a huge surprise when yours was revealed. Honestly, I never thought you’d be like us Pat.” Virg was feeling anxious as he kept his head down while talking.
“B-but you’ve never looked like Janus at all Stormcloud. What does your monster side look like?” Damn...that was a question he really wanted to avoid. “Guess there’s no use hiding it anymore huh? B-before I show you, you have to promise me you won’t freak out...okay Pat?”
Virgil looked so serious as he stared at Patton. What was he so worried about? “Awe kiddo, you know I’d never be scared of you! I love you too much!” He beamed a smile that put the sun to shame at them as Virgil sighed feeling a bit more relieved. “Alright.”
Concentrating, he closed his eyes as eight pitch black spider legs spread out from his back starting from the spine. He winced in pain, it’d been a long time since he last transformed. A pair of sharp mandibles poked out from the corners of his mouth; four slits opened up underneath his cheeks in pairs, each containing a solid black eye with a hint of purple.
“Aaaahhhh!!!” Suddenly, Virgil screamed lightly in pain as the transformation came to end with his new set of fangs and claws growing to a point. Janus caught him as he slumped over, huffing from exhaustion. Weakly, he looked up to Patton trying his best to smile.
Patton was mortified as he watched Virgil writhe in pain in his hand. When it all finally came to an end he was looking eyes wide at a big black spider...fuck! His heart was racing as he tried to not physically throw his boyfriend into the pond. Wait! That’s right this was his little sweetie, his Stormcloud, Prince of Darkness, etc. There was no need to be so scared...he gulped as he reached down to stroke his loves face.
Oh! He was still so soft and honestly his spider legs kind of tickled. The fear in his heart dissolved instantly. Patton giggled at how nervous he was only moments ago as he pressed them both to his cheek. “So I’m not alone after all.”
God, Virgil was instantly healed by his Sweetpea’s warmth. He hugged into the green flesh happily. “Of course not Patton, we’ll both always be here for you!”
“I’m so happy right now! You two are the best boyfriends in the whole wide world!!!”
Patton slid into the pond once more as he laid on his back. He kissed his cuties to his plush lips and then placed them right on top of his chest as he floated along the water. All the while they laughed and smiled at their giant lovers' touch.
“This new form is scary, but at long as I have you two I think I’ll be okay.”
“We love you Patton and we’ll always love you no matter what you are.”
The couple laid on Pat’s chest as tiny frogs hopped up from the lily pads to play with them as they enjoyed their time together. All content in knowing that each of them had a little cute monster inside of them that made them special.
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-”First Love?” “No My Only Love”- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
       Kody: Got some angst for y'all because i’m a evil person, but hey it has a sweet ending so why not. Also i refuse to say that Draco looks like what he does in the 19 year timeskip. Just imagine Tom Felton please lmao.
       Summary: Draco and Y/n were lovers in school and he was forced to break up with her because his family arranged a marriage with the Greengrass family  and after the war he never saw her again until he takes a trip to Scorpius’s school.
       Warning: Will make you sniffle just saying. It’s angst as hell my guy.
        House: Slytherin, but your not in school anymore.
       “Father we are going to be late!” Yelled a very excited Scorpius. Draco laughed quietly to himself as he adjusted his tie in the mirror. He took one last look at himself before stepping out, shutting the bathroom door. 
        “Alright Scorpius the car is outside let's go” he called out and saw his son slide out of his room with a giddy expression.
        “You seem very excited” Draco looked down at the 12-year-old boy who nodded.
        “I am, I get to see Albus and Rose,” he says as both Malfoys walked out of the manor. Heading into the car, Draco opened the door for Scorpius to climb in before getting in himself. He closes the door and told the driver to head to Hogwarts.
        You might be wondering where the Malfoys are off to this evening. Well, it was professor, parent day. Where Parents can come back to their old school and meet the professors that teach their kids. It’s usually a great experience for the children. Draco was a bit nervous to go back to a school that he helped destroy in the past, not that he wanted to. Hogwarts was always his second home, but that wasn’t the only reason it would hurt to go back.
        As the car stopped, Scorpius flew out the car and ran towards a group of kids. He hugged both Rose and Albus who were equally excited to see him. Draco stepped out and shut the door. He saw Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron standing near the kids. He walks over to them and smiles warmly “Hello”
        “Hey Draco, surprised you came. We know how hard it is for you to be here” Hermione gives him a sympathetic smile. Everyone forgave him for his past mistakes and eventually became friends with the used to be ‘Golden Trio’
        “Scorpius really wanted to come and i couldn’t say no to him, trust me i’ve tried” Draco grins lightly, snickering at the thought.  The rest of them laughed as well before looking over at there kids. Draco gazed around until his eyes landed on a bench, his mind sending him into a memory.
        “Draco i swear to merlin, stop!” Y/n laughed as her boyfriend tickled her sides. 
        “Aw, but your laughing, love. Seems like you enjoy it!” he smirks as he continued to grab at her sides. She was able to break free from his hold and run away, but Draco was faster and scooped her up. He walked over to a bench and placed and sat down with her in his lap.
        A pout came across her face “You suck” she whined making Draco laugh at her child like behaviour. 
        “I love you too” He replied making Y/n smile before he leans into place a loving kiss to her lips.
        “Father?” Draco was brought back to reality and looked at his son who was tugging at his sleeve. He pointed towards the doors and the people walking in “We can go inside now” 
        Draco takes a second to recollect himself before smiling and heading inside with his son, he was surprised to see that everything was relatively the same. It gave him a feeling of nostalgia, but also a feeling of hurt. He’d walk these halls a million times with her. 
        Walking hand and hand Draco felt a warm feeling in his chest. Happiness. He had a stupid grin on his face, which Y/n had noticed “Why are you smiling so much?” she asked with a small laugh.
        Draco turned his head to face her “Because the most beautiful girl in the world is holding my hand of course” his reply made her smile and shake her head. 
        “Your a dork, Draco”
        Shaking his head Draco let out a deep sigh. This was way more difficult then he imagined. He tried his best to keep his composure for Scorpius. As they walked Scorpius turned to the trophy case “Hey father, look it’s your name!” he exclaimed.
        Draco smiles and looks over “Draco Malfoy, Seeker” he read the plaque out loud. He really did love Quidditch, flying high on a broom where no one can bother you was the best feeling ever.
        “Y/n L/n, Chaser!” Scorpius read with an excited tone. Draco felt his heart squeeze. Just hearing her name was almost to much. Scorpius turned to his father “Were you two friends?” he asked. Draco opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
        “Scorpius, how ‘bout you and Albus go see where Rose is?” HArry spoke from behind them. Scorpius nods quickly and runs off in the other direction. Draco felt his pulse die down.
        Draco turned towards Harry and nods “Thank you” he said. Harry nods and gives him a warm smile. Placing his hand on his shoulder.
         “It’s just hard to hear her name i guess” Draco chokes out before pushing past Harry to go find Scorpius.
        The next place they visited was the portrait to the Slytherin common room, which was now snape. He smiled as he approached it “Ah Mr. Malfoy and tiny Malfoy. This is a treat indeed” he says sarcastically. Draco rolls his eyes and chuckles.
        “It’s nice to see you too Professor” Draco smiles. Snape cracked a half smile at Draco. It was weird to see him in a portrait. He looked up to snape for protecting him when he was a kid, it was hard to swallow that he was really gone. 
        “I remember you running in and out of this common room with that little girlfriend of yours, she was a lovely girl” Snape sighs. Draco felt his mind drag him into another memory, the worst one by far
        Draco was sitting on the sofa in the common room, waiting for his girlfriend to show up. Nerves nipped at his skin as he waited “Draco?” he looked up from his hands to see her standing there, she looked worried once she saw his frown “What’s wrong?”
        He gestured for her to sit down on the sofa with him and she complied. He looked at her and smiled lightly, he wanted to remember her like this for a second “My family has arranged for me to be married, to Astoria Greengrass.” he watched as Y/n’s face fell. A feeling of sadness taking over her.
        Y/n tried to hide her aching heart with a smile “We knew this would happen eventually, i just didn’t want it to be now, while this war thing is going on around us” she sighed and grabbed his hand “As much as i would like to keep you with me, i know how much your family means to you. I’d do anything for you Draco Malfoy, even if it means leaving you”
        A lump formed in Draco’s throat as tears threatened to spill from his grey eyes. “I wish it could be different my love. I really do, but at least i still get to see your face for the rest of the year” he says. Y/n’s smile faded and she looked away “Love? What’s wrong?” he asked, grabbing her chin to make her look at him.
        “My family is leaving, with the war going on they don’t think it’s safe here. I’m moving Draco. To America” A tear fell from her face as Draco let go of her. He could feel his heart tugging against his ribcage.
        “So this is goodbye then? Forever?” He choked out his words. All Y/n did was nod slowly. He broke down right then and there. All the tears he held in were coming out like a waterfall “I’m really losing you” he said in disbelief.
        “Your not losing me Draco, were just being seperated. I will always love you and cherish our time together. The cards are just stacked against us, darling” Y/n grabbed his hand and put it over her heart. He looked at her through his tears “If by some miracle we ever meet again. No matter what, i’ll come running in your arms”
         “Promise?” He asked and she nodded. He pressed a sloppy kiss on her lips as more tears ran down there faces. That was the last time he saw Y/n.
        “Wasn’t she your first love?” Snape asked. \
        Draco inhaled sharply and turns to see Scorpius walking away with Albus and Rose. He faces the portrait again and shakes his head “No, my only love” he said simply and headed down the stairs. He felt the familiar lump form in his throat just like the last night he saw her.
        “Father! I want you to meet my defense against dark arts professor, she’s amazing!” Scorpius shouts. Draco tries to choke back his sadness and smiles at him.
        “Sure let’s go”
        Scorpius led the way for his father and pointed to a door in the distance. He was about to read a name on the plaque when the door opened. He saw a shocked Hermione and Harry, they looked like they had seen a ghost “What’s wrong?” Draco asked. Hermione just looked at him and smiled before walking away.
       Draco was now even more confused and looked at Harry, who just patted his back “Good luck buddy” he says. Draco opens his mouth to speak, but was stopped by Scorpius, who was pushing him towards the door.
        “Love you father! Thank me later!” Scorpius laughs and shuts the door. Draco blinked a couple times as he looked at the now shut door.
       “Hello darling” A voice came from behind him, making his whole body lock up. No. It couldn’t be. This was another memory playing in his head right? He was too scared to turn around. He just stood there, frozen. “Draco? Can you turn around?” she laughed. 
       Draco’s body moved on it’s own and he turned around. He was faced with a sight he never thought he’d see again. Y/n. She didn’t change one bit. Still had her bright E/C eyes and H/L H/C hair. His throat felt dry and he couldn’t speak “I’m supposed to run into your arms, but i’m afraid i might tackle you to the ground.” she said nervously. He waited years for this moment and so did she.
       “Can i?” she asked, a little unsure. Draco just nodded slowly. Y/n walked from behind the desk and rushed into his arms, wrapping hers around his neck. Draco caved and hugged her tight against him, tears breaking free from his cold eyes.
       “Is it really you or a cruel nightmare?” he asked as he pulled away to look at her face, she gave him a bright smile and cupped his face. He leaned into her hands, sighing deeply.
       “Of course it’s me you dork” Y/n laughs softly and smiles at him. He leans into her, slamming his mouth onto her’s. Not caring about anything else other than the woman in his arms at the moment. She responds quickly and smiles into there passionate exchange.
         -1 year later-
         “So let me get this straight. Y/n becomes a professor and you three found out we used to date in school from snape and your first thought is to set us up again” Draco looked at Albus, Scorpius, and Rose who look at each other before nodding.
       “Yeah pretty much”
       “It was kind of easy”
       “It was super romantic!”
       Draco turns to face Y/n “And you” he started, making her laugh slightly “You went along with this, why didn’t you just come to the manor?” he asked.
       “Well what fun is that?” Y/n chuckles, making Draco roll his eyes. He wraps an arm around her shoulders and she leans into him. “aw you know you love me”
       “Yeah i do, both of you” Draco smiles as he tugs Scorpius into the hug as well. For the first time in a long time, he felt whole again.
        Kody: What in the hell did i just write exactly?
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inawickedlittletown · 3 years
Survivors - Buddie meta
Words: 3,112
I thought a lot about 4x14 since watching it on Monday and mostly buddie, and on my re-watch I had a lot of thoughts and since I can’t seem to help myself here we are again. And fair warning, this is very long. 
I think it’s fair to say that Buck is someone that cares a lot. I think it’s fair to say that his reaction to Eddie being shot would be the same if anyone else in the 118 was shot. That said, yes, the way that Buck freezes and the shock that sets in with him is jarring for a character that is always about the action and always about doing something. But then, he does finally get his bearings after being knocked down to safety and after holding eye contact with Eddie as Eddie is bleeding out on the ground, and Buck is the only one present on the scene to get to Eddie. Buck is the only one trying to get to the injured person despite the fact that there are plenty of other first responders around. 
This moment is a lot, and I think it does so much to reiterate and highlight the importance of Eddie in Buck’s life and the love that is felt between them. Up to this point, we cannot call that romantic love — or at least, acknowledged romantic love — but Buck does love Eddie. And vice versa. 
We see Eddie’s love shine through in the moments while they’re heading to the hospital and Eddie comes to and his concern isn’t for himself, but Buck. Eddie has been shot, and he’s well aware of that, and yet it is Buck who he worries about. He has to be sure that Buck is alright. And, well, Buck isn’t. He might be physically alright, but when he’s asked if he’s okay as Eddie is being taken into the hospital, he just says “no” and that is very clear to the audience in that moment and for the rest of the episode. 
The next time that we see Buck, he is still a mess and he’s stepping out of the hospital. He is literally shaking and he is so out of it and in a state of shock that he’s ignored phone calls not just from Taylor, but from Maddie, and likely anyone else that tried to contact him. I don’t want to spend too much time on Taylor here, but I do want to point out that Buck is at first suspicious of why she is present and barely acknowledges that she was worried about him and he also just doesn’t want to allow her to help him. 
Buck’s entire mind is on Eddie and on Chris and we’re aware from Chim’s call with Maddie that the rest of the team are at the hospital as well, and that enough time has passed that it’s likely Eddie’s grandmother and aunt would have heard about what happened, that Carla would have heard, and yet Buck feels like he’s the one of that needs to talk to Chris and no one refutes that. When Albert asks where Buck is later, Chim even says: “he’s got a harder job tonight” because they all know that it is absolutely Buck’s place to be the one to speak to Christopher.  
From the moment that Buck was aware of Christopher’s existence, he’s been involved. Christopher bonded Buck and Eddie in a way perhaps because of how much Buck loves kids, but certainly because Buck admired Eddie as a parent and Eddie’s devotion to being a dad. I think Buck similarly endeared himself to Eddie by making it possible for Eddie to get the help that he needed — namely Carla. But over the past few seasons we’ve seen the Buck and Chris relationship grow. Buck has been acting like another parent for a while and I think this season really took it over the top ever since Chris ran away from home and went straight to Buck. Making Buck his safe space over anyone else. 
Out of the entire episode, the hardest scene to watch for emotional reasons is Buck explaining to Chris that his father is hurt. Between the way that Chris asks questions to understand what happened, to the way that Buck just can’t keep it together. And then Bobby’s text comes in and Buck really cannot hold it in, to know that actually Eddie will be okay. The rollercoaster of emotions is so well acted, so well written, and there is no way to not feel that pain while watching it. 
This whole scene reads like a parent talking to their child about something difficult. It reads like a parent being aware of their own pain and still facing their kid because that’s important and necessary and as a parent it isn’t something that can be ignored. We can go further and parallel the scene to almost any important and emotional conversation between Eddie and Christopher, but especially what we got when Shannon died.It also frames Buck as family and as important in the lives of both Christopher and Eddie. It is difficult then to think about Buck’s place in all of this as only a best friend. As only a work partner. This is glaringly so when we think about Ana. (Also, we have to remember that Buck during all of this knows nothing about Eddie changing his will).
The episode makes it clear where Ana is this entire time because the few times we see her, she’s at the hospital with Eddie. As his girlfriend it makes sense for her to be there for him and yet that is all we are given when instead it would only make sense to use Eddie’s injury as a way to further and strengthen Ana and Eddie’s relationship. And from the last we saw of Ana, she clearly gets on with Christopher, enough that it would have made sense for Ana to step up and offer to care for Chris. It isn’t something that happens. But I think that their relationship would have shown as stronger and as more meaningful in the eyes of the viewer if we’d seen more of them together and certainly if we had seen Ana even just offer to look after Chris. 
Instead, it is Buck that sleeps on Eddie’s couch so he can be there for Christopher even though there are other options such as Carla. It is Buck that picks up the slack of looking after Christopher as worried as Buck is about Eddie and as worried as Buck is about everyone else in light of the firefighters being targets. The way that Buck puts Christopher first is so parental. It is something that Eddie has noticed long before this all the way back in S3 and clearly Buck doesn’t disappoint. And Buck doesn’t do it all alone, because obviously he has work and Carla is around, but he is going out of his way to be there for Christopher. 
The scenes are bittersweet in that there is a slight domestic/parental element to them, but then also the thrumming knowing that this is only happening because Eddie isn’t around. And yet Christopher is adaptable. It gets to the point where he is even joking around and teasing Buck in a very similar way that he does with Eddie. 
I find Buck’s journey through the episode interesting. One of the things about Buck is that he believes he is alone. He knows he has people, but he also realizes that he is alone, and that as much he means something to his team, to his sister, even to his parents, Buck also knows that everyone else has other people. During the sequence in which Bobby explains how things are going to change for them, we see flashes of scenes of the 118 getting ready to go into work with their new bulletproof vests and we see Hen with Karen, we see Chim with Maddie, and we see Bobby with Athena. Buck is on his own. 
Is it because Buck’s partner would naturally be Eddie? Or because Taylor and Buck just aren’t on that level (I mean at this point we’re pre-kiss). Either way, we get Buck on his own all while Bobby voice-overs how difficult this time will be on their family/loved ones who already see the job as risky and now it suddenly comes with possible sniper shots too. So is it a wonder that Buck, who already thinks much less of himself, would want to place more risk on himself than anyone else? Not to mention that there is definitely an element of survivor’s guilt at play. Buck was standing right there on that street with Eddie. Easily, it could have been him that was shot except that dressed as a civilian made him less of a target. 
Bobby tells him that he made himself a target deliberately and Buck has an answer. He can’t handle anyone else being hurt and that shows us the impact that Eddie being hurt has on Buck, the way that emotionally, Buck could not handle much more turmoil. 
About Eddie, Buck says, “I was just the guy standing there when it happened who couldn’t do anything to protect him.” And it is simply amazing how much that statement says about Buck’s state of mind. Add in Oliver Stark’s acting and we get to see so much of Buck’s love for the whole team, for Eddie. This moment comes after Buck’s scene with Carla presumably before he went to work, and in that scene Carla expresses her concern for Buck’s well being, but Buck brushes that off and I think it’s yet another example of Buck’s state of mind in that he doesn’t want to see himself as important, as necessary, as someone that would be missed if they were gone. 
We see Taylor again and I do want to say that I appreciate the role Taylor has played in this episode. Her first appearance has her worried about Buck and caring about that more than possibly getting a scoop for work — yet another instance of showing how much Taylor has changed from S2. Her worry then, and the way that she offers to help Buck continues to translate into her second scene in the episode where she’s also upset at Buck for the crane incident and the danger he placed himself in. I’ve loved the development of Buck and Taylor’s friendship as well as the many moments that we’ve gotten that show Taylor as a different person. The last few episodes have slowly hinted at them as a couple and I cannot be mad at how this was developed or how Taylor is very clearly unsure about how things might go. She is caught up in the moment and after she kisses him she even apologizes. 
Buck says they should talk about it, but Taylor decides to leave. Buck actually goes to say “wait” or to stop her and Taylor, as we learn later, expected or hoped for Buck to chase after her, but Eddie has excellent timing and has woken up. And Ana calls Buck at once. 
I’m curious about when Buck got Ana’s number and saved it on his phone. I’m curious about how Ana got Buck’s number. Before this, we haven’t seen them interact at all and unless Eddie being hurt was the first time they even met, who called Ana to tell her about Eddie? 
Either way, Ana calls him and Buck goes to Eddie. It’s a choice that Buck makes and I don’t think Buck even sees it as a choice. And from the way that Taylor mentions Buck not going after her, I just have to wonder about how Buck made it out of his apartment without running into Taylor on the way to his car to get to the hospital. From the way he was running, we know he didn’t wait to get over there. I also do have to wonder about Ana calling Buck and why she felt that he would need to be informed about Eddie being awake at once. Obviously there’s Christopher to consider, but Ana could have also called Carla. This feels like Ana knowing who she needed to defer to. 
Buck arrives and Ana is all smiles, but she steps aside so Buck and Eddie can see each other. (Me with my shipper goggles on: foreshadowing?) And then, the next thing we see if Eddie having a facetime with Christopher through Buck’s phone and Ana isn’t there? Did she step out to give them some time with the kid? Ana’s place in all of this just dwindles and dwindles and I’ll admit I never liked Ana...but that’s mostly because I was never given a reason to like her. Maybe I just feel ambivalent. 
Eddie asks Buck about how Chris is doing and Buck admits that actually between him and Christopher, it is Buck that is having a harder time. He admits that he lost it when he was telling Christopher and Buck is ashamed of it, of not being able to put away his emotions to focus on Chris. Eddie reassures him: “You were there for him when I couldn’t be. That’s what matters.”
Buck responds with: “Still, it might have been better for him if I was the one that got shot.” And that has been Buck’s state of mind this entire episode. That is what he’s been feeling. But no matter how many times Buck has been asked how he’s doing or been shown that others are worried about him, has he brought that up. It is only to Eddie that he can admit it.
The scene ends and Eddie is left thinking. He’s left considering what Buck’s said, but he’s also considering how he views Buck and how to best make Buck believe that actually he’s not expendable. Not to him or to Christopher or even to the rest of the 118. 
We get to the third Buck and Taylor scene and the first thing that is apparent is that Buck has not reached out to Taylor since the kiss. He hasn’t chased her. In fact, he didn’t expect to see her at his door. And it has been days since. This shows us that Buck while interested in Taylor, isn’t that invested. Taylor on the other hand is. Buck explains himself by saying that he’s done feeling like he isn’t enough and I like that self-confidence and the way that Buck makes it clear that he can’t be the one chasing anyone. 
To bring this back to Buddie, I do wonder if Buck saying this to Taylor isn’t also a statement about where Buck stands in general and how Buck is not going to be the one that pines or that waits for anyone. Not just Taylor, but Eddie. This could be subtle foreshadowing, aided of course by the next Buck and Eddie scene. 
Eddie isn’t someone that talks about how he feels. He isn’t someone that needs to express himself that way and we know this about him which makes this scene all the more poignant. And you can feel how Eddie isn’t too sure of himself when he asks Buck to talk. Not to mention that admitting to going through the trouble of changing his will so that Buck could be Chris’ guardian clearly isn’t something Eddie ever wanted to bring up or mention to Buck seeing as it’s been in his will for about a year. 
Eddie is just displaying such a level of awareness for his understanding of who would be best for Christopher, for the realization that no one else in his life cares for Christopher’s well being like Buck does. And they talk about Eddie’s other family and Eddie says my favorite line of the episode, “No one will ever fight for my son as hard as you. That is what I want for him.” Other than “You act like you’re expendable...but you’re wrong.” 
Eddie changed his will, not for Buck, but for Christopher. It is placing all his trust in Buck and making him in many ways the most important person in his life other than his son. But telling Buck is something that Eddie does for Buck. He does it so that Buck knows how highly Eddie views/values him and so that perhaps Buck begins to see himself that way too and so he can value his life if not for himself, but then also because it actually could affect Christopher and Eddie as well. It does make me wonder if during Eddie’s time at the hospital, he heard about Buck and the crane. 
There’s a welcome home party waiting for Eddie at home and Buck is the one to take him to it. The ending sequence is interesting in that everyone is split up by family. Unlike last season where we had everyone together at the end, this time everyone is with their family. In another moment that could have been used to cement Ana and Eddie, it is Buck that picks Eddie up from the hospital and Buck that takes him to the party. For some reason Taylor is there and I feel like that’s more about being able to put her somewhere, but we could have done without her. I wonder if Eddie already knows that Buck and Taylor are a thing by that point. And I wonder what Chris thinks of her. 
All in all, this was a fantastic episode. One of the best of the season and such a strong finale. And I don’t think it gives us any concrete information on if the show is going to actually do Buddie, but it leaves some sprinkling of things that make it a possibility. Most of that is to do with how little development we get out of Ana in any way or form as well as the display of importance that Eddie places on Buck as well as Buck’s emotions when it comes to Eddie being injured. I think we leave the episode on a high note and with a lot of hope that actually maybe something could happen. 
I don’t think I will ever be one of those people that are more than 50% sure it might happen, but this episode does make me question if that percentage shouldn’t be higher. It also cements my other thoughts on Buddie and I will reiterate it again because it’s so important, as it stands we are not in any place to call Buddie queerbaiting. We are, however, possibly in the midst of a slow burn. 
Tagging: @vivalabandoms @sevensoulmates @greenasher @whenyougoquiet-ihatemyself @seylaaurora @scifitheatre1995 @yramesoruniverse @laura2594-me @selfiethechaosfan @lilyemrys 
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awhitehead17 · 3 years
His Tiny Person
TimKon, Soulmates AU, Canon Divergence, Mini Soulmates, Humour, that “oh” moment, Realisation of feelings, Getting together.
Summary: "Kryptonian's have something called soulmates and every single Kryptonian has one. We know who our soulmates are because mini versions of them manifest to us. To begin with you won't recognise them, or even know their name, until you actually meet them in person. You will meet, you are destined to, but whether you get along or not is another story."
When Kon finds a tiny person hanging around him he's extremely confused but comes to adore him anyway. However its still a complete shock when Kon learns that he's known his soulmate for years and has just never realised it.
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D  
No matter what anyone says, Kon believes that the freak out he has is very much warranted.
After getting out of the shower, Kon wrapped a towel around his waist before entering his bedroom and without any conscious thought he goes through his routine of getting ready for the day. The last thing he had expected to see was a tiny person perched on a pillow on his bed.
In all of his glory Kon let out a yell and scrambled backwards in surprise, his back quickly hits a wall which stops him from going anywhere. The tiny person on his bed openly stares at Kon and it feels like he’s being studied or even judged by him.
Kon stares back completely bewildered at the sight. There’s a tiny person on his bed. How did he get there? Who was he? Where did he come from? Is this some kind of prank?
“Conner, is everything alright?” Ma Kent’s voice could be heard calling him from downstairs. “We heard a yell.”
Still staring at the tiny person Kon tries to get himself together. He shuffles to his bedroom door, never taking his eyes off the person, and opens it. Over his shoulder he calls down to her. “Sorry Ma, I saw a spider. It caught me off guard that’s all. It’s all sorted now.”
“Okay dear if you’re sure. Breakfast is ready when you are.”
“Will be down in a bit, thank you.”
Kon quickly closes the door and debates on what to do. He takes a moment to observe the tiny person. The tiny person is a boy, he has messy black hair, two blue eyes, thin lips, a small body lean body covered by a red t-shirt and black sweatpants.
Kon has no idea what this is, however, weirdly enough he’s feeling a pull towards this tiny person. He can’t describe what it is but Kon feels kind of protective over him, like he wants to just wrap this tiny person up and hide him away from everything. The feeling is completely irrational because Kon knows absolutely nothing about what this could be.
The tiny person stands up and makes his way across Kon’s bed until he’s standing near the edge of it. Kon couldn’t help but find him adorable, he’s so small! He’s not much bigger than his hand in size comparison.
Kon approaches the bed carefully and crouches down so he's almost eye level with him. When they make eye contact the tiny person smiles brightly and Kon feels another pull inside of him, this time its sharp and releases a sense of warmth through him. His heart melts even more for this little thing.
“Hi, do you have name? Where did you come from?” Kon asks softly. The tiny person shakes his head and Kon frowns. “Oh okay. Well I’m Kon or Conner, its nice to meet you.”
“Conner your breakfast is getting cold!” Ma Kent’s voice comes from downstairs again and Kon knows he really should get going.
He turns back to the tiny person. Should he tell Ma Kent about this or not? How would the Kent’s react to this? Kon is still rather new to the whole family thing, he’s only recently moved in with them and is in fact still adjusting to life in Smallville, would this freak them out? Maybe he should work out what this person is doing here first before telling them anything.
With that in mind Kon sends him a small smile. “I’ve got to go have breakfast now, but once I’m done I can work out what to do with you.” He stands up and heads for the door but is stopped short when he hears a small thump.
Kon looks over to find the bed now void of the tiny person, initial panic rises up inside of him though it’s quickly diminished when he feels a tugging sensation on his jeans. Snapping his gaze down Kon finds the tiny person insistently tugging on his jeans with a panicked look on his face.
For unknown reasons, Kon’s heart breaks at the look. “Hey, I’m not leaving. I won’t be long, I promise.” The person shakes his head and without warning starts climbing up Kon’s leg, grabbing fists full of fabric to help him on his journey and he doesn’t stop climbing until he gets to the pocket and climbs inside.
Kon’s not entirely sure on what to do with the tiny person that’s now curled up inside his jeans pocket. Obviously he hadn’t wanted Kon to go, or perhaps it was more of a separation thing and had panicked when he thought Kon was leaving?
Running a hand through his hair Kon opts to leave it for the time being, he’ll work it out later on. As he once again moves towards the door, he hopes that the tiny person is comfortable enough in his pocket until he returns to his bedroom.
Throughout the next couple of weeks Kon learns a lot about the tiny person.
He comes to notice that he has his own personality, he has his own quirks and things he likes and dislikes. While he doesn’t speak, the tiny person makes sure his opinion is heard. He likes to train and work out and he’s wickedly smart. He also loves to be held in Kon’s palm and to have his hair stroked.
Through some misunderstandings, Kon comes to realise he actually needs to feed this tiny person, he also needs to regularly clean him, exhaustion and not sleeping enough is certainly a thing, injuries too. The first time this tiny person hurt himself Kon almost had a heart attack in concern and panic.
It’s literally like he’s looking after another human being, only this human is super tiny and can easily fit into his pocket.
Despite all of this he still hasn’t worked out how this tiny person came to be. Anything he’s looked into has come to a dead end, he’s even explored scientific possibilities but it’s all come up empty handed. He’s still completely perplexed on this person’s existence.
When an unfortunate event occurred, Kon became aware that he can’t be too far away from this tiny person either, only because the distance causes them both physical pain. That alone makes Kon believe there’s more to this whole thing, he doesn’t know what it could be but there’s definitely something.
Other than that Kon really adores him. He’s gotten used to his presence now and how he happens to be there in Kon’s everyday life. It frightens him to no ends when a mission comes up or if Kon engages in a brutal battle because he could get hurt. Nonetheless the tiny person is always there for him, its like he’s got his own cheerleader.
A few weeks after the tiny person appears, Kon is meeting with Clark on the farm to catch up. Since the man had finally accepted him as a person and has even named him as part of the family, Clark’s been trying to put effort into getting to know him. Kon appreciates the effort and knows that their relationship is slowly healing.
When Clark arrives they settle onto one of the benches outside with some food Ma Kent had baked and were generally catching up. However Kon’s focus on the man’s words instantly die when movement in his peripheral catches his attention.  
Kon glances down at the ground and freezes when he spots a small woman walking around within the grass looking completely at ease observing everything around her.
Blinking Kon averts his attention away from the woman and back to Clark who is now frowning at him. How long had Kon not been listening for? Instead of saying anything Clark looks in the direction Kon had been and confusion crosses his face.
“What is it Kon?”
Kon waves a hand in the direction of the small woman. “Do you not see that? There’s a tiny person in the grass Clark!”
The man continues to stare at Kon like he's crazy. It makes Kon feel insecure. He wasn’t imaging this right? He’s got his own little dude hanging around him for weeks and now there’s a small woman too.
“Yeah… that’s Mini-Louis.” Clark says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Mini-Louis? As in your wife Louis?” Kon asks sceptically.
Clark pulls a face, clearly not understanding his confusion. “Yes Kon. My wife. She is my soulmate, therefore I have a Mini-Louis around me.”
Kon has no idea on what to say to that because what?
Realisation crosses Clark’s expression. He pulls back a bit, seeming surprised. “You don’t know about it?”
“About what Clark? What the hell are you on about?” Kon snaps.
Clark takes a deep breath and leans forward on the table using his elbows to prop himself up. “I’m sorry it must have completely slipped my mind. We as Kryptonian's have something called soulmates. Every single Kryptonian has one. We know who our soulmates are because mini versions of them manifest to us and these mini versions are attached to our souls. Once we finally meet our soulmate in person the bond between us is solidified.”
Kon blinks trying to digest that information. Soulmates. Soulmates are an actual thing and they appear in the form of tiny versions of themselves. Kon’s tiny person is in fact his soulmate. But he doesn’t know who his soulmate is, he doesn’t recognise him!
“Has your soulmate manifested Kon?” Clark questions after a long drawn out silence.
Instead of answering Kon carefully reaches into his jacket’s pocket and scoops up his tiny person. He’s been sleeping this entire time and Kon feels bad for moving and waking him up but he gently does so and places him on the table in front of him.
His tiny person looks disorientated for a moment. He sits down on the table, yawns and rubs his eyes with his fists as he wakes up. Once he notices where he is he looks alerted and sends Kon a panicked look. Kon reaches out a strokes a finger down his face. “It’s okay buddy, you’re safe. No one is going to hurt you. I’m finally learning about you properly.”
Kon glances up to find Clark watching him with warm eyes and a soft smile. Kon raises an eyebrow. “What? If you say this is my soulmate it would certainly explain why I’m protective over him. But why didn’t you tell me sooner? I don’t recognise this person, doesn’t soulmates work after you meet the one or something?”
“With Kryptonian’s, your mini-soulmate manifests when the younger one of the pair comes of age. Your situation is slightly different, thinking about it I could guess that your soulmate appeared once you were named as you were already of age.”
Kon nods to the explanation. He’s slowly understanding it. He’s still feels conflicted about it, like he’s afraid of the idea of it but he's also open to it…
“The idea is that you don’t recognise them, or even know their name, until you actually meet them in person. You will meet, you are destined to, but whether you get along or not is another story. You’re soulmates, but that bond can be either platonic, romantic, or even in some rare cases it’s a hatred bond. By the looks of it, yours is either a platonic or a romantic bond.”
Kon sighs, he guesses that’s better than it being a hatred soulmate bond. He thinks he gets on rather well with his little dude.
“As frustrating as this will sound, the main thing I can say is that only time will tell. When you meet your soulmate you’ll recognise them and then how your relationship with him progresses will depend on the two of you.”
After that they change topic of conversation, leaning more into Kryptonian heritage and ways of life as well as different battle strategies Kon could be using with his team. Meanwhile as they talk, Kon’s mini-soulmate joins Mini-Louis in exploring the wildlife together.
It turns out Kon has already met his soulmate. In fact it turns out he’s best friends with his soulmate. He’s known him for a couple years.
It turns out his soulmate is Robin and he’s only finding that out now.
Young Justice, or rather the newly formed Titans, are gathered together and spending the weekend at the Tower. They were about to start their movie night when Robin tells them he has an announcement to make.
In line with their new team development he wants to clear the air and start fresh, hoping they would all forgive him for certain things in the past. Robin takes his mask off and gives them his real name.
As Kon meets Robin’s – Tim’s – eyes his heart stops. Without the mask obstructing the top half of Robin’s face, Kon clearly sees the same face that his mini-soulmate has.
Robin is his soulmate. How has he never made that connection before? The resemblance is uncanny, he’s literally been carrying around a Mini-Robin for 6 months.
He’s been on a team with Robin for a couple of years now. When he first escaped Cadmus, him, Bart and Robin made a trio team and over time the others had joined them, therefore creating Young Justice. A couple years later here they are joining the Titans and Robin is finally sharing his identity with them.
To begin with he and Robin never got on, they were always at each other’s throats and never saw eye to eye but as time went on they both mellowed out and come to accept the others presence. Their friendship became stronger as they both matured over time. Kon had moved to Smallville and began to really learn what life is about, how there’s a life outside of superheroing, while Robin had moulded the legacy he carries into his own and has found the confidence to become his own person rather than trying to be someone else.
Either way, he immediately recognises Robin’s – or Tim’s – face and not because apparently he’s famous but actually because Tim’s face is the one his mini-soulmate wears. There’s no mistaking it.
His mini-soulmate is currently hidden from view inside his jacket pocket but Kon could easily feel the excitement rolling off the tiny person, he’s practically buzzing with energy. Knowing he’s going to have to try and restrain his mini from doing anything rash, Kon brushes his telekinesis over him in attempts to calm him down.
At Tim’s announcement there’s a loud explosion from the group which lasts for some time until everyone calms down enough to settle so they can watch the films they have lined up. No matter what they put on, Kon couldn’t focus on any of them. His mind is too occupied with the thoughts of Robin being his soulmate and what that could mean.
He begins questioning his entire friendship with the bat vigilante. Reflecting on everything from the moment they met to now.
What kind of feelings does he actually have for his friend? He cares for him, they trust one another (the whole ID thing was a different matter despite how many arguments there have been on that topic) and Kon can’t imagine his life without Tim in it. Even back when he loathed him Kon wouldn’t have imagine Robin not being there.
They balance one another out. Where Kon is reckless and is hot headed, Robin thinks things through and plans accordingly. Where Robin is uptight and too hard on himself, Kon is freewheeling and helps him to relax and unwind.
When he’s with Tim he wants his friend to be happy, he wants him to feel safe and protected. When things get too much Kon reminds Robin he’s there to talk to if he needs it. When Kon’s felt overwhelmed by his powers Tim is the one he turns to because he helps Kon to understand them without making it feel like he’s being judged. There’s been numerous of nights where they’ve sat together in silent company, both of them wanting to be alone but not at the same time.
Kon thinks about his smile and his laugh when he’s genuinely happy and not wearing that stupid asshole persona. He think about how when he gets invested in something he would passionately defend it. How there’s a shy and genuine guy behind that mask despite all the confidence Robin plasters on in front of them all. He recalls when Robin would walk into a room and how Kon’s mood would improve significantly for no reason.
Well shit… there’s a lot more feelings towards Robin than he ever realised. Is this still platonic though or is it the start of something romantic? Can Kon even imagine what it would be like to be romantically involved with Tim? To hold his hand, to cuddle, to kiss and then maybe more, to be seen in public with him, to lean on one another without fear…
Kon’s heart misses a beat when he realises that yes he can imagine all that. Now he knows Tim’s name and knows what he really looks like, Kon can see himself doing those things with Tim and even getting to know him better than what’s slipped through his persona over the years.
Tim is his soulmate, they’re bound to each other in some way. Why hadn’t he ever seen it before?
What is Tim’s opinion on all of this? Kon’s mind suddenly goes into overdrive when it clicks that since Tim is his soulmate, he has a Mini-Tim with him at all times, then that means Tim would have a mini-him.
“on? Conner! Kon!”
A sharp stinging sensation gets his attention and Kon blinks, his thoughts finally residing for now. Kon looks around to find everyone in the room staring at him with concern and how Robin is standing in front of him with worry etched all over his face.
“Are you okay? You completely spaced out on us.”
Kon swallows thickly and sends Tim, and everyone else, a tight smile. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry just got lost in my thoughts.”
Tim doesn’t look convinced and now that his mask is no longer on Kon could clearly see his expressions. Despite only seeing Tim’s face for the first time moments ago, Kon can already read his facial expressions because they happen to be the exact same ones Mini-Tim wears.
Kon reaches out and pushes Tim away from him to create room so he can stand up. “Seriously I’m fine. It’s just been a long week that’s all. I’m actually going to head to bed, I’ll see you all in the morning.”
Without looking at anyone Kon flees the room, trying to get out of there as fast as possible. He doesn’t stop moving until he gets to his assigned room where he promptly barges in and slams the door shut behind him. Unable to stand still Kon begins pacing the length of the room, his mind back to working on overdrive.
Its only when something starts moving against him that he breaks out of the cycle. Kon stops in the middle of his room and gently scoops out his mini-soulmate. From the centre of his palm, Mini-Robin looks up at him and scowls. Kon winces in both guilt and embarrassment.
He places his min-soulmate onto his dresser and instantly Mini-Tim turns his back on Kon and crosses his arms over his chest. Kon frowns feeling terrible, he didn’t mean to make him upset or angry. He can’t help that he's a little incompetent when it comes to these sort of things.
Kon goes back to his pacing, now talking to his mini as he does so. “I’m sorry okay. I didn’t realise, all of this time and you’ve actually been in front of me. How many missions have we been on, how many rooms have we been in together, how many hours have we spent in close proximity of one another? After all of that its only now I’m figuring it out!”
He glances over to find that Mini-Tim is still ignoring him. Kon huffs. “Well it’s not like it’s entirely my fault! Robin is as much as to blame as I am. At least I have an excuse, I didn’t know it was him because he had half of his face covered all the time. What about him? He’s probably had a mini-me this whole time and has never approached me about the topic, it’s not like I’ve gone incognito.”
When he stops talking the silence in the room stretches out. Even though its only Kon and his mini-soulmate Kon could easily feel the tension between them. He doesn’t like feeling like this, especially with his little counterpart.
Sighing heavily, Kon shuffles over to the dresser where Mini-Tim is still standing and leans in closely. “Please don’t be annoyed. It’s a shitty situation and my emotions are everywhere. The last thing I need is for you to be annoyed at me too…”
When Mini-Tim continues to ignore him Kon frowns and carefully reaches out to him with his TTK. He gently prods his mini-soulmate, trying to encourage him to loosen up and even look at him again.
Eventually his insistence must work because Mini-Tim turns around and stares up at him with wide-eyes and a pout on his face. Kon pulls back his power and reaches out to brush a finger along his tiny cheek.
“I’m sorry,” Kon whispers softly, “I’ll sort things out, I promise but it may take some time.” The wide-eyes and pout soon turns into a glare without heat and a pointed look. Kon understands his message though. “I will talk to him, soon okay. Just not yet, I need to get my thoughts in order first.”
A knock on his bedroom door breaks his attention away from his mini-soulmate. Kon sighs and is reluctant to open the door, fearing what’s on the other side of it. When a second knock happens, Kon forces himself to walk over to the door and pull it open.
As feared, Tim stands there in the corridor looking worried and lost in thought. He notices that Kon has opened the door and snaps back to attention. “Uh hey.”
“Can we talk?” Tim asks sounding unsure.
Kon sends him a tight smile. “Yeah.”
Tim enters his bedroom and Kon closes the door behind him. There's a pause between them before Tim turns around to face him wearing contemplative expression. “Your behaviour isn’t about my name and face is it?”
It sounds like he already knows the answer to that but Kon humours him by answering anyway. “No. No it isn’t, well, not the main part of it at least.” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. How was he supposed to talk to Robin that he's his soulmate? How was he going to explain that for the last 6 months he’s been carrying around a tiny version of him but didn’t know because he never made the connection until today?
In the end he shakes his head, he’s probably way over thinking this too much. Maybe he shouldn’t use words, perhaps using actions is the way to go?
Kon moves around the room and goes back over to the dresser, when he leans in close he finds Mini-Tim hiding away behind a deodorant spray. He lifts his hand with his palm facing upwards and waits to see if his mini takes the invitation. Mini-Tim stares at him suspiciously for a moment before coming out of his hiding spot and climbing onto his hand.
Kon carefully turns around and shows Tim his mini for the first time. Surprisingly yet unsurprisingly, Tim doesn’t look shocked. His eyes widen but that’s the only reaction Kon gets. Tim wordlessly reaches down into his jacket pocket and brings something out of it, Kon could only gasp when he sees a mini version of himself on Tim’s palm.
Before he or Tim could react their mini-soulmates both make an excited sound. Mini-Kon jumps up from Tim’s palm and flies straight for Mini-Tim. In return Mini-Tim jumps up with his hands stretched out and grasps onto Mini-Kon when they collide together. Mini-Kon carries them around for a moment before they land on the bed and separate. They use their little arms and legs to wildly gesture to one another about something lost to both Kon and Tim. It’s rather adorable to watch.
“I think that answers a few questions does it not?” Tim says amusedly watching the minis with a smile.
Kon huffs. “Some of them yeah. Look dude there’s a lot to explain about this, I get you must be super confused about how a tiny version of myself just suddenly appeared one day and I understand that -”
“I’m going to stop you there Kon.” Tim says firmly raising a hand up in a stopping motion, he’s now looking at him. “I know a lot more than what you think I do. I know what this is and what it could mean. If anything I’m the one that should explain some things to you, like why didn’t I tell you sooner for example.”
Feeling rather overwhelmed Kon shakes his head and moves to sit down in his desk chair.
Tim takes it as an opportunity to keep talking. “We’ve always had a strange relationship Kon. From the moment we met until now it’s been odd, but quite frankly there’s not a thing I would change. I know those minis represent that we’re soulmates. I have to admit I was rather confused when you appeared tiny in my bathroom 6 months ago, to begin with I thought you had shrunk or something but there was something telling me there was more to it than that.
I got my answer about a month later when I ran into Louis, she had been at the Manor talking to Bruce when I saw she had a tiny Clark riding on her shoulder. After a conversation she explained that her and Clark were soulmates, it’s all to do with because he’s a Kryptonian. Of course then it made more sense.
The reason why I never approached you about it is because I didn’t know what to do. I knew it was you, it’s kind of hard not to tell y’know,” Tim sends him a knowing smirk at that comment, “but since you never said anything about it I figured you didn’t know it was me. It’s only then that it clicked that I still hadn’t revealed my face or even shared my name with you.
It wasn’t my choice not to tell you, you know that, it had been Batman’s orders. For months I debated on what to do, even going as far as arguing with Batman to share my ID at least with you. In the end Batman gave in but only after I explained why I was so insistent about it. And well, here we are.”
Tim trails off into silence and he’s looking expectantly at Kon, waiting for him to respond to his side of the story. Kon could only blink at him and repeat his story in his mind. The minis are currently sat together side by side on the edge of the bed’s footboard, they were holding hands and swinging their legs together as they share a smile.
As much as Kon would like to be frustrated at Tim for what he did, he knows he really couldn’t be. Its not his fault that Batman put him in an awkward position. Kon rationalises in his mind that’s its all done and over with now, he can’t change it but from here they can at least go forward.
He glances up at Tim. “So what do we do from here? How would you like to go forward? Also I’m sorry that I put you in this position. It was as much as a shock to me as it probably was to you.”
Tim glares at him. “Don’t apologise Kon. It’s not like you had a choice in the matter and you know what, I’m glad its you.”
That gets Kon’s attention. He stares at his best friend wondering if he heard right. “What?”
The sigh Tim lets out sounds almost resigned. “Why would I be bothered by it? You’re my best friend Kon, of course I don’t mind being soulmates with you. I know we’ve had one heck of a bumpy road in the past but we’re here now aren’t we.”
Kon grins, unable to deny what Tim had just said. He looks back up, taking in how Tim’s eyes are focused on him, how they seem to shine when the light hits them, he takes in Tim’s relaxed posture and how at ease he appears to be.
A sudden urge washes over Kon and all he wants to do is crush Tim in a hug and kiss him. He has no idea when he started thinking about Tim in that way but he finds that he doesn’t actually mind. It’s just the case of whether Tim returns them or not.
Kon stands up and steps towards Tim, standing so close to him that he could feel the others heat. “So how do you want to go forward with this? When Clark told me about soulmates, he said there are platonic, romantic and hating bonds. Is there a certain type you want to be?”
Kon wants to smack himself in the face for how bad that sounds. What the fuck is he on about. Thankfully Tim seems more amused than anything else. A glance to the side shows both minis exaggerating an eye roll each, Kon opts to ignore them.
Tim steps closer, finally pushing their chests together, he has to tilt his head up while Kon looks down to make eye contact with one another. “I don’t know… I mean to be honest if I had to say one surely it would be the hatred bond? I can’t stand you, you know? You get on my nerves too much.”
Kon snorts and shakes his head. “Maybe once upon a time. Anyway you’re just as bad, you and that neurotic brain of yours.”
They both grin at that, shaking their heads at the ridiculous turn in the conversation. Opposite him Tim opens his mouth again but this time Kon decides to cut to the chase. He ducks his head and presses his lips against Tim’s. There’s a pause on Tim’s side but after a second he’s responding to Kon and pushing back against his lips.
Some sort of spark passes between them and suddenly it’s like something inside of him has clicked into place and now he feels complete.
He presses against Tim even more and wraps his arms around him, keeping them pressed closely together. Tim goes with the movement, reaching up to wrap his arms around Kon’s neck and even buries a hand in his hair.
When they part the two of them are sharing wide smiles. Kon huffs out a laugh and rests his forehead against Tim’s.
The only thing that pulls Kon away from Tim is a light slapping against his neck. He pulls back and looks to the side to find Mini-Tim now standing on his shoulder trying to get his attention. Opposite him, Mini-Kon is floating next to Tim’s cheek also getting his attention.
Tim and Kon take a step away from each other to look at their minis. Mini-Tim is grinning wildly and Kon could just feel the excitement and warmth radiating off from him. Kon smiles back softly and reaches up to stroke a finger along Mini-Tim’s cheek, even poking his stomach for fun. It’s a pleasant contrast compared to what he was like a little while ago.
Kon turns back to Tim. “So, um, now that a few things are out the way, can I ask you out on a date? Lets give this a try?”
Tim gently nudges Mini-Kon away to stop him from prodding his cheek, he looks at Kon and nods. “Just text me the time and place and we’ll be there.”
It takes a moment but Kon quickly catches on that he means him and Mini-Kon. Of course, duh, if they’re going to be dating then by extension so are the mini versions of themselves. It probably should be weird but Kon finds that he doesn’t mind, in fact its cute and the fact that Tim doesn’t seem to mind either makes it better. He’s looking forward to the near future and what it could bring for him and Tim and their mini-soulmates.
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writingblock101 · 4 years
Puppy Dog Eyes (Jason Todd x Reader)
Word Count: 1,300
Tags: @idkmanicantenglish @mayahoelland2013
Request from Anon! Enjoy and I’m glad you enjoyed my stuff! 
Yeah, I’m surprised too. I was able to keep it gender neutral without it sounding awkward which I was very excited about. Enjoy! 
When you started dating Jason, you were very upfront with him about what dating you entailed because it wasn’t just you. As a single parent, re-entering the dating scene is daunting to say the less. You’re not only finding someone you’re compatible with but someone who also works with your 7-year-old son, Eli. While whoever you date could be the greatest person in the world, if they didn’t work with Eli, you’d kick them to the curb because your son is the priority. 
Many failed dating apps passed by because people didn’t want to be involved with someone who already has a kid. At first, it bothered you, but honestly, you get it. Committing yourself to someone else and their kid, it’s a lot to ask for. 
Ironically enough, when you met Jason, you weren’t looking to date. You’d figure you’d put the dating thing on hold for a while when starting a new job and getting Eli situated at his new school. Really, you met Jason by chance in the grocery store and only have Eli to thank. 
Eli had wandered away from you, as bored five-year-olds in the grocery store do. You eventually found him sitting in the skimpy book aisle, listening to a handsome, rugged man read The Giver to him. At first, you were a bit embarrassed by the unintentional babysitting, but the man smiled and introduced himself as Jason (and promised he wasn’t a creep). 
It turns out, Jason volunteers at local orphanages doing the same thing he was doing for Eli, so it was familiar territory for him. The longer you two chatted, the more smitten you found yourself. As five-year-olds do, Eli got bored again, so you needed to take him home, but you managed to get Jason’s number. Two years later, you two are now happily dating and raising Eli together. 
Things didn’t necessarily end badly with Eli’s other biological parent. They weren’t ready for parenthood, and Eli wasn’t planned. So you stepped up, became Eli’s primary guardian, and your partner signed over their parental rights. You split on relatively friendly terms, but it’s all in the past at this point. 
Current day, Jason has been such a huge blessing in your life. He makes you happy, and he’s fantastic with Eli, although he does tend to spoil him a little too much. 
“Please,” Eli begs, hanging on your leg as you chop vegetables for dinner. “Just one more!” 
“I said no, Eli,” You tell him, not even bothering to look down at his puppy dog eyes. 
“But I promise I’ll eat all my spinach!” He tries to bargain. “I just want one more! That’s it, I swear!” 
You roll your eyes and glance up at the bag of truffles, purposefully put out of Eli’s reach. You gave him one after school as a treat, and a few hours later, Eli got hungry again. Instead of any of the other snack options you offered, Eli decided he wanted another truffle. You told him no more until after dinner, but that went in one ear and out the other. 
“One more what, you little bugger?” Another voice cuts in, then suddenly Eli is being pulled off your leg. 
You look over to see Jason, who just got home, tossing a shrieking and laughing Eli over his shoulder. 
“One more truffle!” He exclaims, shrieking when Jason blows a raspberry on his stomach. 
“One more what?” Jason asks again, flipping him upside down. 
“Truffle!” Eli exclaims, happily swinging his arms as Jason holds him up by his ankles. 
“Truffle?” Jason asked. “Well, that’s gonna cost you something. Gimme all your lunch money, kid!” 
He shakes Eli a little as if he were a bully shaking down a cowering kid for money. It makes Eli laugh even more while he holds his shirt up so his whole chest isn’t exposed. 
“I don’t have any!” He insists through giggles. 
“You don’t have any?!” Jason questions. “You don’t have any money, but you want truffles?” 
Jason slowly lowers Eli to the ground headfirst until Eli is lying on the kitchen floor. 
“Please?” He asks, making his eyes big in a way that he has learned is Jason’s weakness. 
Jason glances at you, looking a little pleadingly. 
“Don’t you dare look him in the eye,” You tell him quietly, knowing Jason’s weakness for Eli’s puppy dog eyes. “I already told him no more truffles until after dinner,” You say loudly, looking down at Eli pointedly. 
“But that’s so far away!” Eli whines. 
“Ah, yes, a whole hour away,” You deadpan. 
“I just want one!” He begs, then sits up and grabs Jason’s leg, looking up at him pleadingly. “Please, Jason?” 
Jason looks down at Eli, his hand stroking Eli’s hair, then he glances at you, giving him a pointed look. 
“Not just one?” Jason asks. 
“Oh my gosh, you are such a sucker!” You laugh. “It’s those puppy dog eyes!” 
“I mean, will one more truffle really spoil his dinner?” Jason points out, not even bothering to try to dispute your claim. 
You look up at Jason. 
“No,” You tell him, then kiss his nose. 
Jason sighs and looks back down at Eli. 
“Sorry, buddy, the boss said no.” 
“Aww,” Eli exclaims loudly as he slumps dramatically onto the floor. 
“I know, your life is so hard,” You tell him, smiling at his antics. 
Eli doesn’t throw tantrums, so you know his act right now is him trying to be cute and make you laugh. (And it’s working). 
“Ah, come on, you drama queen,” Jason scoops Eli off the floor into standing position. “Why don’t we help with dinner. What are we making?” He asks you. 
“Parmsean chicken fingers.” 
“Chicken fingers!” Eli’s whole face lights up. 
Jason laughs, kissing the top of Eli’s head. 
“Alright, bud, go wash your hands, and you can help me bread the chicken.” 
“Okay!” Eli sprints off to the bathroom to wash his hand. 
“With soap!” Jason calls after him.
Eli shouts an acknowledgment back, giving you and Jason a moment of alone time. 
“Hi,” He greets, pulling you into a sweet kiss. 
“Hi,” You whisper back against his lips. “You’re such a softie,” You tease. 
“Yeah, he gets those puppy dog eyes from you,” Jason insists, pulling you against him. 
“Mmhmm, I’m sure,” You roll your eyes. 
Jason grins and leans down, kissing you again. As you’re about to deepen the kiss, Eli scampers back into the room. 
“Gross!” He exclaims at the sight of you two kissing. 
Jason breaks away with a grin, kissing your nose. 
“Gross?” He asks, stepping around you to scoop up Eli again, who squeals with delight. “Gross?” He exclaims again, blowing another raspberry on Eli’s neck, which makes Eli laugh loudly. “I’ll tell you what’s gross, not washing your hands with soap!” 
“I did!” Eli insists as Jason shifts him to cradle him like a baby. He holds his wet hands in Jason’s face. “See?” 
“You promise?” Jason asks.
Eli nods vigorously. 
“Alright, well, now that your hands are clean, let’s get them messy.” 
You smile fondly, watching Jason direct Eli in how to bread the chicken fingers. Eli loves the egg wash and in his excitement, he manages to spill it all over the counter.  Jason patiently teases him as has Eli help him wipe it up. 
As you continue getting dinner ready with Jason and Eli’s help, Jason leans over Eli’s head to sneak you kisses, each one met with loud exclamations by Eli. You and Jason just laugh, usually flicking something onto Eli to distract him from the grossness of his parents kissing. 
Your life hasn’t exactly gone to plan, but you’re okay with that. You have an amazing son and an incredible boyfriend. What else could you ask for? 
When you started dating Jason, you were very upfront with him about what dating you entailed because it wasn’t just you. As a single parent, re-entering the dating scene is daunting to say the less. You’re not only finding someone you’re compatible with but someone who also works with your 7-year-old son, Eli. While whoever you date could be the greatest person in the world, if they didn’t work with Eli, you’d kick them to the curb because your son is the priority. 
Many failed dating apps passed by because people didn’t want to be involved with someone who already has a kid. At first, it bothered you, but honestly, you get it. Committing yourself to someone else and their kid, it’s a lot to ask for. 
Ironically enough, when you met Jason, you weren’t looking to date. You’d figure you’d put the dating thing on hold for a while when starting a new job and getting Eli situated at his new school. Really, you met Jason by chance in the grocery store and only have Eli to thank. 
Eli had wandered away from you, as bored five-year-olds in the grocery store do. You eventually found him sitting in the skimpy book aisle, listening to a handsome, rugged man read The Giver to him. At first, you were a bit embarrassed by the unintentional babysitting, but the man smiled and introduced himself as Jason (and promised he wasn’t a creep). 
It turns out, Jason volunteers at local orphanages doing the same thing he was doing for Eli, so it was familiar territory for him. The longer you two chatted, the more smitten you found yourself. As five-year-olds do, Eli got bored again, so you needed to take him home, but you managed to get Jason’s number. Two years later, you two are now happily dating and raising Eli together. 
Things didn’t necessarily end badly with Eli’s other biological parent. They weren’t ready for parenthood, and Eli wasn’t planned. So you stepped up, became Eli’s primary guardian, and your partner signed over their parental rights. You split on relatively friendly terms, but it’s all in the past at this point. 
Current day, Jason has been such a huge blessing in your life. He makes you happy, and he’s fantastic with Eli, although he does tend to spoil him a little too much. 
“Please,” Eli begs, hanging on your leg as you chop vegetables for dinner. “Just one more!” 
“I said no, Eli,” You tell him, not even bothering to look down at his puppy dog eyes. 
“But I promise I’ll eat all my spinach!” He tries to bargain. “I just want one more! That’s it, I swear!” 
You roll your eyes and glance up at the bag of truffles, purposefully put out of Eli’s reach. You gave him one after school as a treat, and a few hours later, Eli got hungry again. Instead of any of the other snack options you offered, Eli decided he wanted another truffle. You told him no more until after dinner, but that went in one ear and out the other. 
“One more what, you little bugger?” Another voice cuts in, then suddenly Eli is being pulled off your leg. 
You look over to see Jason, who just got home, tossing a shrieking and laughing Eli over his shoulder. 
“One more truffle!” He exclaims, shrieking when Jason blows a raspberry on his stomach. 
“One more what?” Jason asks again, flipping him upside down. 
“Truffle!” Eli exclaims, happily swinging his arms as Jason holds him up by his ankles. 
“Truffle?” Jason asked. “Well, that’s gonna cost you something. Gimme all your lunch money, kid!” 
He shakes Eli a little as if he were a bully shaking down a cowering kid for money. It makes Eli laugh even more while he holds his shirt up so his whole chest isn’t exposed. 
“I don’t have any!” He insists through giggles. 
“You don’t have any?!” Jason questions. “You don’t have any money, but you want truffles?” 
Jason slowly lowers Eli to the ground headfirst until Eli is lying on the kitchen floor. 
“Please?” He asks, making his eyes big in a way that he has learned is Jason’s weakness. 
Jason glances at you, looking a little pleadingly. 
“Don’t you dare look him in the eye,” You tell him quietly, knowing Jason’s weakness for Eli’s puppy dog eyes. “I already told him no more truffles until after dinner,” You say loudly, looking down at Eli pointedly. 
“But that’s so far away!” Eli whines. 
“Ah, yes, a whole hour away,” You deadpan. 
“I just want one!” He begs, then sits up and grabs Jason’s leg, looking up at him pleadingly. “Please, Jason?” 
Jason looks down at Eli, his hand stroking Eli’s hair, then he glances at you, giving him a pointed look. 
“Not just one?” Jason asks. 
“Oh my gosh, you are such a sucker!” You laugh. “It’s those puppy dog eyes!” 
“I mean, will one more truffle really spoil his dinner?” Jason points out, not even bothering to try to dispute your claim. 
You look up at Jason. 
“No,” You tell him, then kiss his nose. 
Jason sighs and looks back down at Eli. 
“Sorry, buddy, the boss said no.” 
“Aww,” Eli exclaims loudly as he slumps dramatically onto the floor. 
“I know, your life is so hard,” You tell him, smiling at his antics. 
Eli doesn’t throw tantrums, so you know his act right now is him trying to be cute and make you laugh. (And it’s working). 
“Ah, come on, you drama queen,” Jason scoops Eli off the floor into standing position. “Why don’t we help with dinner. What are we making?” He asks you. 
“Parmesan chicken fingers.” 
“Chicken fingers!” Eli’s whole face lights up. 
Jason laughs, kissing the top of Eli’s head. 
“Alright, bud, go wash your hands, and you can help me bread the chicken.” 
“Okay!” Eli sprints off to the bathroom to wash his hand. 
“With soap!” Jason calls after him.
Eli shouts an acknowledgment back, giving you and Jason a moment of alone time. 
“Hi,” He greets, pulling you into a sweet kiss. 
“Hi,” You whisper back against his lips. “You’re such a softie,” You tease. 
“Yeah, he gets those puppy dog eyes from you,” Jason insists, pulling you against him. 
“Mmhmm, I’m sure,” You roll your eyes. 
Jason grins and leans down, kissing you again. As you’re about to deepen the kiss, Eli scampers back into the room. 
“Gross!” He exclaims at the sight of you two kissing. 
Jason breaks away with a grin, kissing your nose. 
“Gross?” He asks, stepping around you to scoop up Eli again, who squeals with delight. “Gross?” He exclaims again, blowing another raspberry on Eli’s neck, which makes Eli laugh loudly. “I’ll tell you what’s gross, not washing your hands with soap!” 
“I did!” Eli insists as Jason shifts him to cradle him like a baby. He holds his wet hands in Jason’s face. “See?” 
“You promise?” Jason asks.
Eli nods vigorously. 
“Alright, well, now that your hands are clean, let’s get them messy.” 
You smile fondly, watching Jason direct Eli in how to bread the chicken fingers. Eli loves the egg wash and in his excitement, he manages to spill it all over the counter.  Jason patiently teases him as has Eli help him wipe it up. 
As you continue getting dinner ready with Jason and Eli’s help, Jason leans over Eli’s head to sneak you kisses, each one met with loud exclamations by Eli. You and Jason just laugh, usually flicking something onto Eli to distract him from the grossness of his parents kissing. 
Your life hasn’t exactly gone to plan, but you’re okay with that. You have an amazing son and an incredible boyfriend. What else could you ask for? 
I’ve been trying to write this request for a while now and wasn’t happy with it then ran across a prompt list that gave me the perfect inspiration. I’m surprised by how quickly I was able to get a new fic out so we’ll see about the others. I’ll be posting an update about plans for the future rather later today or tomorrow!
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m4st4rd · 4 years
i would die for you, clint barton (clint barton x oc)
a/n: HI I’M BACK with a stupid little drabble. the talented @obwjam has reignited my love for comics!clint barton so i wrote a fic of him and an oc. i haven’t proofread it and the ending super sucks but i still managed to churn out about 1900 words so enjoy!!!
i’ll proofread/edit in the morning lol
brig is nb; they/them pronouns pls 
They’re scared, and Clint gets it. He’d be scared, too, if there was some weird giant searching for him. He’s no stranger to the feeling of fear. But when he’s the one causing it, it feels terrible. 
   Brooklyn is in shambles. A new supervillain group tests their weapons on a bank in Bushwick, the Avengers are on the case, a city block is engulfed in chaos and violence. And Clint Barton is searching for a 3-inch-tall person who’s hiding in the alleyway of a Dunkin Donuts.
   He sighs and kneels down, peering under the dumpster. Huddled in the dark is the shaking borrower, who stares back with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. They look like crap: covered in dried blood and dirt, their clothes torn and ratty. But the little guy is stubborn as hell, and hurls a pebble in his direction. They miss by a long shot. He would’ve laughed if the city wasn’t on fire.
   “C’mon out, bud,” he says. A faint boom! rattles the world behind him. “It’s not safe under there. Are you lookin’ to be caught? A rat, an alley cat… God forbid, there might be a human who ain’t as nice as I am.” With a nervous glance behind him, he sees Kate dart past, notching an arrow and letting it fly. “Not to mention that the city’s comin’ apart.”
   They shout something back, and Clint can barely piece together the words leave and alone. It’s not helpful, though, that they’re so small and covered in shadow. And the fact that he can see their teary eyes in the dark is not helping his conscience. Another explosion shakes the earth, and the borrower lets out a wail that he does hear. 
   They’re both getting frantic. He softens his face, puts a pleading look into his eyes. “Please,” he calls. “I can keep you safe.” 
   The borrower doesn’t get to respond. A scream rips through the air, and he’s made up his mind. He jumps to his feet and drags the dumpster back, only getting a glimpse of the sheer terror on their tiny face before he scoops them up in a fist and tucks them into a jacket pocket. It’s not ideal, but if it means they won’t be crushed or eaten, he’ll take it. 
   They’re writhing, and he ignores it. The feeling of them shaking against his chest forms a pit in his stomach. They’re scared, but at least they’re safe.
   The rest of the battle zips by like a blur. Clint spends it shielding the borrower, dodging rubble, and praying to whatever gods present for this little guy to not be so terrified of him. Their shaking has stopped for now, but they’re stiff as a board and flinching with every move he makes. When the fight dies down, he’s left nursing a wound on his shoulder and cupping his hand around his pocket. He’s gotta get out of there, and fast.
   His free hand finds his comms, and he sends a quick farewell message to Kate. She responds quick, familiar beeps filling his ears: Get home safe. See you soon, Hawkeye.
   The message brings a smile to his face, but it disappears when he remembers his job. His day isn’t over yet. 
   He runs his way home. 
   The apartment greets him with blinding fluorescents and a mess on his coffee table. Things that are normally hangover-induced nuisances are now pushed to the far corners of his mind as he limps to his counter. 
   His fingers dive into his pocket, and he does his best to be gentle, but with the little guy swerving away from his hand, he ends up tangled around their limbs, pulling them out in a quivering heap. They’re a pitiful sight; their tiny face is tear-stained, and once they lock eyes, the poor kid flinches back into their protective huddle. 
   They’re speaking, and fast. That much he knows. Their voice is buzzing away. But he can’t understand anything that's coming out. He gets the gist of what they might be saying: there’s a pleading look in their eyes, and their lip is quivering. He doesn’t like this feeling.
   “Hey,” he whispers, cupping his hands closer around the tiny body. “Hey. Look at me.” He nudges their shoulder. They’re practically humming with anxiety. “C’mon, calm down, buddy. You’re okay.” 
   They aren’t making any progress like this. Clint lowers his hands to the countertop and the borrower stumbles off, clutching their chest and scrubbing the tears from their eyes. “Look,” he says softly. “Not touching you anymore, see? You’re fine. You’re okay.”
   He watches with a pang in his heart as they cry for a bit, hugging their knees to their chest, and takes the time to look them over. Their hair is dark and matted, their clothes patchy, their face young, but thin and gaunt. This isn’t the same stubborn little guy he’d met an hour ago; this is someone who is absolutely-fucking-terrified of him. He can barely deal with crying people at his own height; he can’t even begin to comfort someone who’s three inches tall.
   Reasoning sets in as they clear their eyes of the last of their tears. Even if he was well-intentioned, he did sorta… take them. Grab them up and stick them in a pocket. If some giant had done that to him, he’d be pretty scared, too. 
   “Do you understand me?” he tries. The tiny head snaps up, and the kid babbles something that vaguely sounds like sorry and don’t hurt. “No, no, I promise I’m not gonna hurt you… Fuck. I was — I was just tryna keep you safe!” It’s hard to read lips on such a small face, but he gets the gist of it, and it hurts like hell.
   This isn’t working out so great. “Let’s start over, okay? I’m Clint. Clint Barton. And I — I can’t hear you all that well.” 
   That gets them to shut up. The fear disappears from their face, replaced by sheer bewilderment.  (Yeah. As if they’re the one that should be surprised.) They scrub their eyes and stare at him in awe, and Clint can’t help but chuckle. “Weird, I know. But we can figure somethin’ out, alright? You okay to talk? Or just… shake your head, yes or no.” 
   That gets a timid nod. “Great. Good. Not hurt, are you?” A shake. “Thank God for that.” Now we’re getting somewhere. But Clint needs to ask them questions, and he needs to get answers. How is he supposed to talk to someone smaller than his finger?
   His mind is racing. Sign language! It’s a long shot, but just maybe he can get through to them.
   “Do you understand this?” His hands move slow, just in case. But it doesn’t go the way he’s hoping. The borrower shrieks and falls back, and they’re both back to square one. “No, hey, wait! It’s okay!” He signs while he speaks, and the kid watches every move he makes with terrified eyes. “Look — it’s a language! My name is Clint. C-L-I-N-T.” Each letter is deliberate, and with each second, the little guy uncurls from their protective ball. “Now that I’ve told you my name, will you tell me yours?”
   They both fall silent. He holds his breath and watches the tiny face with a furrowed brow. It’s small, almost impossible to see, but there’s a hint of hope in their eyes. He’s so overcome with joy that he doesn’t notice them open their mouth.
   He freezes. “Sorry, what?”
   They wither back. “Brig,” they say, louder this time. Their voice is muffled and nervous, but it’s there. And Clint can’t stop himself from smiling. 
   “Brig,” he repeats. “That’s B-R-I-G. See?” He grins. They’re still cautious, but they watch his hands with curious eyes as he signs their name. “It’s nice to meet you, Brig.”
   Good! This is good. Clint can see them coming out of their shell, little by little. They look unsure, but their hands twitch in time with his. “There’s so much you can say with just your hands! This is hello, and this is goodbye. Yes, no, please and thank you— I can teach you, if you want!”
   The magic is gone, and Brig snaps back into their defensive huddle. “T-teach me?” they squeak. “But… would mean…” They glance around the kitchen, eyes widening as they take in the sight. They’re so small compared to everything else. “What about… home?”
   He’s overstepped his boundaries. He kneels to get closer to their level. They reel back, a gesture that goes unnoticed in his concern. “Was that where you live?” he asks. “Near where the fight was?”
   They’re quick to nod. “Left… a bit,” they say. “Rats.” The last syllable is loud, clear, and bitter. “Got caught… the fight.” Brig shrugs, looking nervous and embarrassed. “And by you.”
   Clint frowns. A place like that is dangerous for someone of their size, but he’s in no place to argue. “Is there anyone you stay with? Any family or friends you can go back to?”
   Now they’re silent. His heart plummets when they grimace and look away, a sadness creeping into their eyes. Realization crashes over him when they shake their head.
   He hadn’t thought of that. 
   “You don’t have to stay,” he says gently. Guilt lingers in his chest as he leans back, too, suddenly self conscious about his hands. “I-I can get you back home if you need me too — I can’t imagine it’s all that safe, but if that’s what you want…” The borrower is tense, and Clint is cursing himself for being so hopeful. 
   Finally, after a minute of mulling it over, he gives a resigned sigh. “Damage Control is cleaning the place up,” he tells them. “They should be done in a week or two, okay? You can stay with me, but when they’re done… I’ll bring you back.” Every word hurts more than the last. “Only if you want to. How’s that sound?”
   The kitchen falls silent. Clint’s heart is beating fast, and he bites his tongue as conflicting emotions flicker across the tiny face. “I-I can bring you back now, if you like,” he stammers. “Ya don’t have to stay. A-and you don’t have to tell me exactly where you live, but I can just drop you off and you can be on your way and we’ll b —”
   “I’ll stay.” 
   This time, the little voice comes out strong. “You — you will?” he says.
   They nod shyly in response, and he can piece together what they say next: “Just… back… my feet.” Just until I’m back on my feet. 
   He can live with that.
   Clint’s heart swells with triumph. He can’t remember the last time he was this happy. There’s no explaining why he feels this way. “O-Okay. Awesome. Welcome home, Brig.”
   He glances back at the mess in his apartment, then to the mess of his clothes, too. They’re both covered in dust and blood, but neither care about it as Clint laughs. “We should probably get cleaned up first, though. What do you say?”
   He’s smiling. And for the first time all day, Brig is smiling, too.
   They’ve got a lot of work to do.
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 15
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1841
Warnings:  Pregnancy
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 15: First Day
“El, honey, time to get up.”
It took a moment for Steve’s words to seep through into my sleeping mind and when they did I became more aware of my nausea than of the sun coming through the window, how cozy and warm I was, or the press of Steve’s lips against my forehead and the touch of his hand on my arm.
I squeezed my eyes tight and curled up into a ball groaning.
“I know, sweetheart,” he soothed, rubbing my arm.  “Everyone is up and eating breakfast.  Do you want me to help you to the bathroom?”
I nodded my head a little and he scooped me into his arms and carried me to the bathroom.  “You gonna throw up?”  He asked.
I nodded and he placed me on my feet in front of the toilet.  I stood staring at it for a moment as he gathered my hair back and rubbed my back soothingly.  My stomach churned and I dropped to my knees and heaved into the toilet bowl, emptying my stomach.  Steve stayed with me, rubbing my back and holding my hair off my face.  When it seemed like my stomach was empty he flushed and helped me to my feet.
“Here’s your nausea medication,” he said, taking the lid of a bottle.  I held out my hand and he shook a pill out into my palm and poured me a glass of water.  As I took it he turned on the shower.
“Alright, sweetheart,” he said, pressing another kiss to my forehead.  “Take a shower and get dressed.  We’ll have toast and your vitamins ready for you so we can take the kids to school.”
“Thank you, Steve,” I mumbled.
“Of course, honey,” he said.  “We don’t want you to miss this.”
He left the room and I showered as quickly as I could.  When I was done, I dressed in a simple dress and braided my hair before heading downstairs.
“Mommy!”  The twins squealed, running over to me and slamming into my legs.  They were wearing matching blue gingham shirts and dark blue shorts.  Riley had her hair in pigtails, while Pietro’s sat in wide curls.
“You dotta hurry, mommy,” Pietro said.
“We dotta doe to schoowl,” Riley added.
“I know, babies,” I said. “We can go.”
“Come drink some ginger tea and eat some toast,” Natasha said.  “We have time.”
“Mama,” Riley whined.  “We wanna doe.”
Natasha started laughing.  “Riley,” she whined back.  “You have to be patient.”
I chuckled and took a seat, and took my vitamins as I sipped the ginger tea Wanda had poured for me.
“How are you feeling this morning?”  Bruce asked.
“Getting there,” I said.  “Pills have started kicking in, so that’s good.”
He rubbed my back with one large hand and I smiled at him.  “You’re going to be very popular at the school.”
He chuckled.  “Yeah, I considered pushing into just Bruce so I wouldn’t draw attention, and you know, maybe I’d fit through the door easier.  But Hulk wants to be there.”
“Yeah, I’m not surprised,” I said and finished my piece of toast.
“Weddy now?”  Riley asked.
“Yeah, bug,” I said.  “I’m ready.”
“Alright, family,” Steve said, getting up and moving the puppies into their playpen.  “Assemble.”
We all got up and went to the elevator riding it down to the lobby.  We left through the back entrance and Natasha engaged her powers, cloaking our very large group as we walked to their preschool.  Wanda used her powers to make sure no one accidentally walked into any of us.  Riley and Pietro were buzzing the whole way there, babbling happily about making friends and reading books.
When we arrived, Natasha lowered the cloak surrounding us and we checked them in.  We immediately started drawing looks.  Even the staff who had been prepared for our arrival kept glancing over.  It was easy to tell that the parents in the halls were holding their kids back from approaching us.  That all went out the window when we entered the twin’s classroom.
It was full of kids with their parents doing various activities.  Some were looking for their desks, some were reading in the corner on the comfortable couches, some were hanging up backpacks, and some parents were soothing their crying children and assuring them they’d have fun.
When Steve and Tony entered the room some kids looked over.  They all wrinkled their brows like they were trying to work out how they knew the two men at the front of the group.  When Thor came in, more kids looked over and understanding started to dawn on some of the kids and a couple made happy squeak sounds.  It wasn’t until Bruce ducked through the door that they all broke.
They all squealed and ran over, little groups of kids choosing their favorite Avengers to speak to.  They all crouched down to get on the level with the kids as they were inundated with questions from the class.  Riley and Pietro looked confused and Pietro ran over to my side and tugged on my hand.  “Mommy…” he whined.
I picked him up as the headteacher approached.  “Hello!”  She said warmly, extending her hand to me.  “I’m Alicia.  You must be Elise.”
“Yes,” I said, shaking her hand.  “Sorry about the chaos.  We all wanted to see them off.”
“It’s fine.  The first day is always a little chaotic, and this gives them all something exciting,”  she said.  “And who are you?”
Pietro hid his head in my chest and Riley grabbed my free hand and began tugging on it.  “I don’t think they’ve seen their parents get mobbed by fans before,” I said.
“Plus I’m a new person,” Alicia added.
“This is Pietro,” I said, bouncing Pietro on my hip.  “Piet, this is your teacher, Alicia.”
“Hello, Pietro, welcome to the class,” she said, before crouching down to Riley.  “And I bet your name is Riley.”
“It is!” She squeaked, like her teacher had just done a particularly amazing magic trick.
“How about you two find your bag pegs and your desks?”  Alicia suggested.
“Daddy…” Pietro whined, looking back at the group of kids who were swarming around the others.  Clint managed to pull himself out of the pack and took Pietro from me.
“I got you, buddy,” he said.  Pietro scrambled up onto Clint’s shoulders and we took the twins into the nook that had the kids bags.
“Why dose kids do dat?”  Pietro asked as Riley tried to find her name.
“Well,” Clint said, and looked over at me, with his helpless puppy expression.
“Remember when we were on Asgard and everyone knew who you were and they were very nice to you?”  I asked.
“Yeah, dey cawled me a pwince,” Pietro said.
“Well, it’s a bit like that.  Mamma, Daj, and all your daddy’s are very well known because they go out and save the world all the time.  People like them.  Especially kids.  So the kids are all just excited to see them because they like them so much and they’ve never seen them before,” I explained.  “You’re gonna see some will have pictures of them on their bags and lunch boxes.”
“Pied!”  Riley called.  “Wook - dares daddy Steeb.”
Pietro began to wiggle down and Clint put him on the floor and the twins went from looking for their pegs to looking for their parents’ pictures on the other kid’s bags.  In the end, they found two daddy Steves, three daddy Tonys, a daddy Bruce, a daddy Thor, Two mamas, one Daj, and a daddy Sam.
“Aww, man, no me,” Clint complained.
“Well there’s no me either,” I said, nudging him.  “Or Bucky.”
“Damn, poor Buck,” Clint said.
I shrugged and looked out through the door.  “He’s got a bunch of kids looking at his arm.  I bet tomorrow there will be a tonne of Winter Soldier Merch.  Plus you’re all gonna be invited to every kid’s birthday party now.”
“Sweet,” Clint said.  “I love cupcakes.”
“Mommy, how come day don’t tawk to you?”  Riley asked.
“Oh,” I said.  “I’m not an Avenger.  That’s all.  I never did any saving the world.”
“Well, that’s not technically true,” Clint corrected.  “Your mommy definitely did.  But we kept it a secret.  So the kids don’t know her.”
“Oh…” Riley said, putting her finger to her mouth.  “Is a secwet.”
I laughed and rubbed her back.  “Did you find your peg?”
Riley bounced over to the peg with her name on it.  “Hewr.”
“Hang up your bag then, bug,” Clint said.
Both Pietro and Riley hung their bag up and we went back into the main classroom.  “Alright, class!”  Alicia called.  “Let’s all go to the story area and we’ll do some introductions.”
All the kids reluctantly pulled themselves away from the Avengers and took seats on the couch and little cushions in the reading area, while the parents stood around the area. Alicia took a seat in the sofa chair.
“Everyone’s moms and dads will be going home or to work soon and they’ll come back at the end of the day.  We’ll play an introduction game when they’ve gone,” Alicia explained.  “But there’s a special situation today.  You’ve all been talking to the Avengers, haven’t we?  Do you know why they’re here?”
Pietro and Riley started bouncing up and down on their cushions and Pietro put up his hand.  Alicia laughed.  “Yes, I know you two know,” she said.  “You see everyone, Riley and Pietro have seven daddies and three mommies.”  There was a group gasp around the room.  None of the parents really reacted in surprise.  The news that we were in a ten-person polyamorous relationship was old now.  It was probably more of a shock just seeing Steve walk into the room in the first place.
“So you’re going to see them all around a lot more, just remember they’re here because they’re Riley and Pietro’s mommies and daddies.  You need to remember how when you’re tired or upset you might want to go straight to your parents.  Riley and Pietro might need that too, and even though you might want to talk to Iron Man, he might just need to cuddle with Riley and Pietro or take them home.”
“Did any of you kids have any questions?”  Steve asked.
There was a little while where the kids asked questions.  There were a couple related to how a kid could have ten parents but most were just questions about the Avengers or asking them for hugs.  It was pretty cute and eventually, Alicia called for the last questions.  All the kids said goodbye to their parents and we were all shuffled back out of the room.
“You think they’re gonna be okay?”  Bruce asked, looking back over his shoulder.
“They will be fine,” Thor said.  “I am sure we will all be regaled with stories when we retrieve them.”
“Now,” Sam said, wrapping his arm around Steve’s waist.  “We have four hours with no kids.  What trouble shall we get up to?”
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silvercrystalwhump · 3 years
New Home
Meet my Box Boy Kai. Thank you, @ashintheairlikesnow, for inspiring this character and just my writing in general. You are one of my idols in all things whump.
CW: selective mute character, implied child abuse, implied past violence, implied noncon, implied past noncon, self-depreciation, traumatized character, human trafficking/slavery, overall box boy universe content, homophobia,
Please don’t! I’m sorry. I’ll be good. I’ll behave. Please, I don’t want to! I don’t wanna- please!
650439, you opened your mouth and spoke, fucktoys don’t speak. Stay still!
Kai wakes up with a jolt. He sits alone, in a box shivering and cold, memories of the nightmare already receding into the depths of his mind. It has been four periods of sleep since the handlers aggressively shoved him in this tight box, only allowed out every so often. The air is stiff and still; it is almost choking. He reaches up and traces his finger around the three air holes in his box.
He’s scared
Then, with a lurch, his box moves. He yelps in surprise as it lands on the ground. The handler’s voices echo around him like vultures over a carcass. The sound of a door squeak open. His box lifts, and he curls into a ball; he hates when he moves because the handlers love to slam him around and laugh at his whines and cries.
A soft voice, calmer and more patient, speaks with one of the handlers. Nothing Kai could make out by all the shuffling about the others were doing. So, he tries to lean in and glean anything he could from that gentle voice, anything that could possibly tell him where he is or where he is going.
“Thank you sir,” one of the handlers says, loud enough for Kai to hear, “Remember the three month return period starts today.”
“I am aware.”
“Thank you, enjoy him.”
No response but the footsteps begin to fade. The heavy footfalls walk away, and soon only the sound of a pair of soft padding feet are discernible. Kai did not recognize the footsteps; they are not hard enough to be his primary handler but not light enough to be another pet. Who is this?
A drawer opens, and objects fumble around outside of the box. Light trickles through the holes in his crate. He does not dare peek out them again since last time, one of the handlers almost poked his eyes out with a pencil. Kai curls into a ball, shivering through the thin fabric of his bare-end clothes.
Something stabs through the top of the box, sending Kai scrambling back into a corner of the box. He trembles, fear eating at his eyelashes, and droplets of terror start to fall freely. Kai stays impossibly silent. I don’t wanna get hurt again, please. The blade rips through the top of the box and then down the sides. The tearing of reinforced cardboard is too loud; it echoes in his head lie firecrackers in trash cans.
A pale hand fulls away the front. Life spills into Kai’s box, and he covers his eyes quickly. Then, slowly, as he pulls his hands from his eyes, he sees someone sitting cross-legged on the floor. Kai recognizes him as the same man that his handlers tapped pictures of in the walls of his room, the same curly brown hair, the same silvery grey eyes, the same face. Everything is the same.
“Hey bud,” he says softly, “You alright?”
Kai watches him from the corner of his box. When he extends a hand towards Kai, he curls further back into his corner. Kai’s gaze locks onto the box cutter in the man’s off-hand. Fear coils around his neck.
He seems to notice the fear, and he tosses the blade away from him. Then, he speaks, with a soft and gentle voice, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Kai, watching with wide and fearful eyes, leans toward and sticks his head out of the box. Flynn, Kai thinks, That’s his name, that my owner’s name. Flynn keeps his hand extended toward Kai. The box boy rubs his head against Flynn’s hand. He looks at Flynn with less fear and more curiosity. Flynn has yet to hurt him. It’s only a matter of time.
Flynn gently guides Kai out of the box. He tries to stand and slowly as possible to not spook the little guy. Guilt, a swarm of tadpoles in the still pool of his mind, swims and circles around his thoughts. Flynn’s hand slips off Kai’s face as he stands. Kai continues to sit on the floor, watching him with wide eyes.
This is… this is wrong.
Flynn stares down at Kai, who is slowly coming to his surroundings. Wide dark eyes flitting about the living room, each taking it all in.
“Are you hungry?” Flynn asks.
No answer. Kai just looks up at Flynn with doe eyes. Flynn takes one sweep of Kai’s body and notices the chapped lips and gaunt face. Flynn just breaks on the inside. What did they do to make a person this… scattered.
Flynn turns for his room, scooping up the pamphlet and box cutter from the table. He tosses the box cutter back into the kitchen drawer with a clatter. Then, after filling a pot and setting it on the stove to boil, he opens the door to his room. Looking over his shoulder, Flynn sees Kai. He had not moved a muscle from where Flynn guided him.
“Kai,” he softly as he gestures his head towards his room.
Like a computer program, the input is given, and the output follows a heartbeat later. Kai stands to his feet and trots over to Flynn’s side. Flynn, with a pang of guilt in his chest, steps inside with Kai at his heels.
Before today, Flynn went out and purchased a mattress and blankets for Kai. He tried his hardest to give Kai his own little space. Also, he attempted to make Kai a little canopy; however, after he set it up, both Flynn and the fabric were ripped away from the wall and torn to bits.
I didn’t pay 30 fucking grand for you to just watch him while you fucking go around and turn some good man’s son into a fucking queer!
Flynn winces at the memory and tries to keep it hidden under his skin. “Here,” Flynn says, patting to the mattress, “This is yours.”
Kai looks at him, confusion draped across his face like light spots on a rose. He cocks his head to the side, and his eyes go to the little makeshift bed. Flynn pieces his lips in mild frustration.
“You sleep here, okay?”
Kai gives him a tiny nod and sits on the mattress. Once he sits, he looks back at Flynn with eyes that would look like they had no thought if Flynn hadn’t known better. Flynn stands up and steps towards the door. A weight pulls his shoulders down along with the ton and a half of stress from school and work, not including the two hours his Dad was home.
“I’m going to make some tortellini, do you want some?”
Doe-eyed Kai says nothing but just gives him an innocent little shake. Flynn gives him a small smile before walking into the kitchen to make them some food. Yet, even as he stirs the pasta around, he can’t stop thinking about Kai. What did they do to turn an entire person into just a complacent, empty-headed body? Bile rises in his throat; the concept of box boys always was off-putting but now, seeing one in person made him want to puke. Flynn keeps glancing into his room, and Kai simply won’t move.
He finishes boiling the pasta; thankfully, it was Friday, so his father wouldn’t be home until long after two in the morning. So, he only pours enough for him and Kai. Then, he steps into his room and hands Kai a bowl and fork. Kai, gingerly, takes it and simply holds it.
“That’s yours, you can eat it,” Flynn assures Kai as he takes a bite of his own pasta.
Kai looks at it, looks at Flynn, and starts to snarf the food into his mouth.
“Heyheyheyheyhey buddy, slow down!” Flynn stampers, “You’re gonna make yourself sick.”
Kai immediately stops eating and puts down the bowl. His gaze turns to the floor, and he looks both apologetic and terrified.
“Kai you can still eat just don’t inhale it. Eat just don’t eat so fast,” Flynn says as he hands Kai’s food back to him, “Nobody's gonna take your food.”
Kai, with shaking hands, takes food back and begins to eat at a regular pace.
Flynn smiles at him and says, “See it’s okay.”
Kai returns to smile for a fraction of a second. Flynn relaxes and leans back onto his bed, thinking about grades and work. His usual thoughts around this time. Everything seems okay right now. Pleasant, almost.
That’s when he hears the front door open.
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puppypeter · 4 years
1999 words Stucky prompt? *sorry*
Ok so I couldn’t go to sleep last night because I kept thinking of this Stucky AU where Steve is an ex-military medic who is now retired because his wife passed away and he has to look after the family. He has like 10-12 kids between his own and adopted, big family, big house, a dog. The kids range between barely 1 year old set of twins to grumpy teenagers. He had to come back from war when his wife sadly passed away while giving birth to the twins and so he didn’t really get any time to re-adjust and he lives with the regret that he wasn’t even there for her when she needed him. He is struggling a lot, but tries to hide it for the sake of the kids. He runs the house a bit like a military base, there’s time tables, bathroom times, meal plans and menus, budgets etc wakes the troops up early in the morning to get them ready for school (he still struggles in the kitchen cause he’s barely used to having decent food again himself, let alone make something all kids eat!!), the oldest have to help with the youngest etc a big chaotic disaster of a family, but he’s trying. The kids miss their mom too, but it’s been a year now and daddy is still sad. He doesn’t know that they know he is. They see him stare into nothing at times, they know Sunday mornings are the day nobody is to bother daddy until he comes down for lunch (which he prepared on the Saturday already) because sometimes daddy finds it hard to sleep and other times he finds it hard to get out of bed. He always wants them to eat their greens, yet standing on the staircase late at night they’ve spotted him sitting on the couch eating ice-cream straight from the tub and weeping over Disney movies. And that has happened more than once.
So one day they’re at the park. Steve is laying down on their red and white cloth on the ground with all the food bags and the tiny twins next to him. They’re so cute, wiggling around at all the sounds and colours, he should want to play with them but all he feels is tired. The other kids are scattered around the park, between playing ball and looking at insects and on the swings. The younger kids have been talking about what they should do to make daddy happy. That’s when little Mary spots two men sitting on a bench. One of them is playing with a leash, probably of the big dog that’s just sitting at his feet, not even caring about going far. The other is wearing a leather jacket, slightly unzipped and a white furry kitten head pops out of it. “Which one of them do you think?” Peter asks. “That one!” Mary shouts just pointing at the guy with the kitten “look at his hair! he looks like a disney price, dad will love him!” (they don’t even know their dad is bisexual, bucky is just pretty so they’re confident he’ll like him).
So her and some of her siblings make their way over to the men and start asking them questions. Their names are Sam and Bucky (“That’s a weird name” Mary says). Sam teases Bucky by calling him prince charming, having heard the previous comment, and Bucky’s cheeks go pink. This little boy with his thick glasses on gets overly excited when he sees that one of Bucky’s hands is made of metal “So cool, like a robot!” and asks if he can touch it (cause daddy thought them it’s important to ask before). And Bucky just feels overwhelmed. He hasn’t been around this many people since he came back, the most people he’s had around were a bunch of doctors when they operated on him roughly a year and half ago, but he was sedated and unaware. He struggled for a while to get out of the house, to accept his disability, accept having a prosthesis he can’t really do anything with, having to learn to do everything one handed (he only ever wears it outside the house cause he doesn’t want people to stare at his empty sleeve, but the moment he’s at home he likes to give his shoulder a break). 
Sam, he works as a counsellor at the VA has helped him a lot, and now they hang out together, but not in crowded places. This is why they like coming to the park. But now there’s a bunch of kids in his face and for the first time he doesn’t mind having many people around. Maybe because they’re little people and he knows they won’t hurt him. Maybe cause one of them is geeking out about his prosthesis he always felt self-conscious about. Mary invites him over to meet her dad (Sam cackles), but Bucky is definitely not ready for any form of relationship, let alone a romantic one. So he blushes and declines. 
The kids leave a bit upset. After a while Mary comes back saying she’s hurt and lost. “You look fine to me kid!” Sam replies. So she dramatically throws herself on the grass and big fat tears start coming out of her eyes. After they laugh at her overly dramatic attitude, she stands up huffing and puffing and leaves clearly kicking her feet in the ground. “I mean maybe you should go for it!” Sam insists “It’s not like you have to marry the guy. You’re just meeting a new person, nothing has to come of it. Maybe you’ll make a friend, maybe you’ll never see him again, but you’d talk to someone that wasn’t me or the cashier at the deli by your flat”. Bucky knows that’s true, but he really can’t bring himself to. He still hasn’t talked to his family since he’s been back. Something about getting your arm blow off and seeing your mates blow up when it should have been you instead makes it difficult to relate to normal people.
It’s only maybe 20 minutes later when a blur of blonde hair and orange dungaree comes rushing towards them crying. “It ain’t gonna work missy!” Sam jokes. But Mary looks clearly upset. “Help my daddy please!”. They doubt her for a second, thinking it’s her amazing acting skills and they’re gonna go there and her dad is gonna be fine. But her lower lip is wobbling and she sounds seriously distressed. Plus they all see a bunch of kids clearly surrounding someone sitting on a blanket. So they follow her, cause that’s the right thing to do. When they get there they see this big burly man folded in half on himself with his hands in his hair, gripping at it, shaking, panicking. Sam immediately drops on his knees, but doesn’t touch him yet. Bucky has seen him do it plenty of times with himself, when he barely got out of bed to finally have some food and then started crying if he dropped a spoon on the floor or spilled a bit of coffee. He would be forever thankful to have had him as a counsellor and now as a friend. 
Bucky steers the kids a bit away, asking the older ones to give them some space to help their dad. Together with a young woman, he scoops up one of the two babies in onesies that were on the blanket and leans one up on his chest. He can’t really do much with his metal arm, but geeky kid is currently holding onto it. After they move a bit further away, he passes on the baby to another older teenager and goes back to Sam. He sees that he has managed to get the man to unclench his fists from his hair and sees him panicking when he can’t see his kids. “They’re alright, they’re ok, they’re all together”. 
And so that’s how they meet and they all go to a diner to get food (taking over like 4 different booths). They find out Steve is ex-military from the dog tags shape Bucky sees under his shirt. Steve has apparently had the ability to lie his way through his psych test coming back from the war simply because he knew he would lose his kids if he admitted how he was truly feeling. He is struggling with depression and has PTSD, but he’ll never admit it out loud. He has a family to care about. He says none of that, but Sam knows. He invites him to the VA, “just to talk, we’re not gonna call anyone on you my man, and it seems like you’re doing an amazing job considering you got a whole football team”. 
The following week Sam and Bucky go over to his house for a bbq, bringing dog & cat along for the joy of the kids. It’s loud and it gets a bit much for Bucky at one point so he sneaks out to have a second of quiet. Steve finds him and they get talking. At some point Sam has to leave, an emergency with one of the veterans. But Bucky stays a little while. 
He says he can leave when Steve calls out bed time for the youngest, but Steve asks him to stay, if he wants, it’s not gonna take him long, have a beer. Bucky glows seeing how Steve runs the bedtime routine for 10 kids, the older ones helping the younger ones to get to stay up a little longer. When he comes back they sit out back on the porch, sharing a cigarette and having a couple of beers. It’s quiet, they don’t talk much. Bucky’s shoulder is starting to ache a bit so he keeps rubbing it. They get talking about that, well.. the most that Bucky can say (how it happened, where it happened, then blackout. He can’t go into his feelings about it). “You.. you were from that unit?” Steve asks seemingly speechless. “That’s, that’s where I was operating. We rescued 3 people but we couldn’t get to everyone on time. There was someone closer to the explosion and their arm was….” he cuts off. “Steve” Bucky looks at him unable to breathe “are you telling me that you’re the one that rescued me from under the tank?” ((and it goes from there. it takes awhile but they get together and smooch (Mary acts like she’s about to throw up “But not because you’re two guys, just cause that’s daddy!!”). Bucky learns to open up and getting more comfortable around Steve without the prosthesis on. Steve still cries at Disney movies while eating ice cream, but this time every other spoonful goes to Bucky’s, whose arms he’s wrapped in on the couch. Steve starts going to see Sam at the VA and deal with his issues, because he wants to be there for his kids as they grow up, he doesn’t want to give up on them or himself. He deals and accepts what happened with his wife. He gets to grieve and heal. Sam comes over to their house so that his Missy (his dog) can hang out with her new buddy Dodger *wink wink* and because since starting to deal with his issues Steve has made an effort to reconnect with his friends and there’s a very beautiful redhead that hangs around his house at the weekends... Sam wouldn’t mind spending more time with her. A few more friends from the military come back into his life too - Clint, Thor, Maria, Sharon - and the kids have now a bunch more aunties and uncles to play with. At some point in the distant future, Bucky moves in. He never thought he’d get to have that. A big family, animals, a house. Maybe they have more kids at one point? Bucky reconnecting with his family? & lots more smooches and cuddles!!))
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cal-tries-to-write · 4 years
Chris’s not so imaginary imaginary friend
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A/n I know a lot of the firefighting stuff I say is extremely incorrect but for the sake of the story it needed to happen also to be in true 911 fashion. So I am sorry for anyone who can’t read this because of the in accuracy’s I feel for you I do. Also if your wondering why I picked the shows I did I just said whatever was playing in the background when I was writing. (Just a little fun fact I do that a lot)
“Has Chris ever mentioned a imaginary friend to you?”
Eddie turned his head from his son to the therapist next to him. “Why do you ask?”
“Ever since the tsunami Chris has been drawing pictures of himself and this person he calls Buck.” The therapist handed him a drawing, it was of a little boy with Chris written above him and he was holding someone’s hand. The person next to him was taller with blonde hair and blue eyes, he also had wings and what looked to be a crown on his head, above it written in black crayon ‘Buck’.
“No he’s never mentioned any imaginary friends or anyone named Buck either.”
“So he doesn’t know anyone with that name.”
The therapist nodded.
“So I shouldn’t be worried?”
“As far as I can tell no. Though I do encourage you to talk to Chris about this Buck person and maybe find out more. That may help figure out who he is and why he showed up now.”
Eddie thanked the doctor as Christopher came out of the room and towards him. Telling him he was ready to go home.
Later that night when Eddie went to put Christopher to bed he saw him drawing again. The same person from the picture he had seen at the therapist’s office, except this time he was pointing to someone on a rescue boat.
“Hey,” Eddie leaned on the door frame, “what are you drawing?”
“Me and my friend Buck.” Chris put down the crayon to smile at his dad, “he saved me. Helped me find you.”
“Really? Can I meet him.”
“No.” He answered bluntly before going back to working on his drawing.
Eddie moved so he was now sitting next to Chris, “How come?”
“He’s shy. He’s also worried he’ll scare you.”
Eddie though for a moment before replying, “Well how bout you tell him that I’m not scared of anything and that there’s no need to be shy.”
A smile spread across Chris’s face as he looked up from his drawing, “Your scared of Santa.”
Eddie let out a small laugh, “Your Abeula told you that story.”
“Well I’m guessing she left out the part that i had the flu.”
“She said you say that to make it seem less worse.”
“Does she now? Well just for that,” Eddie stood up scooping Christopher up in his arms, “it’s time for bed.”
“Noooooo!” Chris turned into a ball of laughter as Eddie put him down on the bed and pulled the covers up tucking him in.
“Good night buddy.” He kissed the top of his sons head.
“Night dad. I love you!” Chris called as Eddie walked over to the door.
“I love you too.” And with that Eddie turned off the light and closed the door behind him.
Walking over to the couch Eddie sat down and turned on the tv absently scrolling through Netflix trying to find something to watch. Though his mind kept wandering to Chris’s imaginary friend. How come he did tell him sooner? Was he worried that he’d say that he was to old for imaginary friends? Did he talk to anyone else about Buck? Was this an actual person that he had met an was misremembering how he looked? Was it just someone who helped him and now he had become attached? Was Chris lonely? Realizing he was overthinking he finally redirected his focus to the tv, realizing that he had stopped scrolling in the middle of his over thinking. Netflix started playing the show that he apparent stopped on,Supernatural, he remembered Bobby talking about the show one time, apparently May really like it. She even went to comic con to meet the actors. Deciding he didn’t have anything better in mind he put the remote down and let the episode play.
Eddie groaned as he slowly opened his eyes trying to wake up. He looked around and saw he had passed out on the couch, there was a pillow under his head and a blanket over him yet he didn’t remember grabbing a pillow or blanket the night before. He was for once thankful that he had the second late shift because that meant he could spent time with Chris because it was the weekend and have some time to actually wake up before heading to work. He bolted up when he heard a crash come from behind him.
“Sorry.” He realized it was just Christopher who had dropped something on the ground.
“It’s alright,” Eddie walked fully into the kitchen now, “what are you doing?”
“When I woke up you were still asleep on the couch so I decided to make you breakfast.”
“You were? Well that very nice of you. How about I help you though?”
Chris looked at him and contemplated it for a brief moment, “ok.” He smiled picking up the bowl.
“Ok.” Eddie smiled back as he headed to the pantry to grab the ingredients they would need.
“Hey dad,” Chris had finished his pancakes and was now looking at Eddie who was still eating.
“Yeah,” Eddie put down his fork to look at his son.
“Did you know Buck has a sister?”
“I didn’t.” Eddie was glad that Chris at least seemed more comfortable talking about Buck now that he knew Eddie knew about him.
“He does. Her names Maddie she’s Chimney’s guardian angel.”
“I’m pretty sure Maddie is Chim’s girlfriend bud.”
“I know but she’s also an angel like Buck.”
Eddie some how manages to be running late even with the fact that both Carla arrived early to pick up Chris and he managed to leave his house early himself. Damn LA traffic. When he finally did get to the firehouse his team already left on the first call of the shift. He knew he wouldn’t hear the end of this from Chimney, he’s been living in LA for almost two years and yet he still seemed to forget about midday traffic. Deciding the best thing to do would be start his chores and pray that that getting them done would at least help Bobby forgive him for being late he headed to the locker room to get changed.
“Eddie did you forget about traffic again?” Chimney walked up behind him slapping his back.
“No I actually left early.”
“Yet you were still late.”
Eddie shook his head ignoring Chimney’s remark and faced at Bobby, “I really am sorry about being late, I did get my chores done for the day though while you guys were at the call.”
“I’ll let it go this time because I’m pretty sure this is the first time you’ve been late since you started here. Just don’t let it happen again.”
“It won’t.”
The day was fairly slow after that, meaning everyone was just sitting around at the station. Bobby was baking, Hen was next to Eddie reading some medical textbook while Eddie was catching up on the news, and Chimney was playing pinball trying to beat the record Hen had set. The peace and quiet was suddenly interrupted by the bell going off signaling for an apartment fire.
When they arrived to the building other teams where already working on getting people out. Bobby headed straight to fire chief to find out what his team needed to do. She explained that stations 19 and 144 were clearing floors 1-10 so his team needed to clear floors 11-15.
Heading back to his team he relayed the information and assigned one floor for every three people so one truck could hold take two floors. Hen and Chimney were paired with another firefighter while Eddie was partnered with Lewis and Anderson, two paramedics that he knew somewhat well, which was a relief.
After clearing their floor, 13, Eddie, Lewis and Anderson heard Bobby called over the radio that everyone needed to get out, the building was going to collapse soon. As they walked down the hallway to the stairs Eddie swore he heard someone yelling but when he asked the other two about it they said they didn’t hear anything. As they reached the stairs Eddie heard the yell once more and not being able to leave the building knowing that their might be someone calling for help he told Lewis and Anderson to go while he double checked the room he thought the yelling was coming from. They both gave him a look and said that the building wasn’t stable and they needed to get out. He reassured them he’d be right behind them.
As he entered to room he was reassured in the fact that someone was calling out. He walked through the living room calling out to them trying to get another response. After clearing the living room and kitchen he headed to the two bedrooms. Grabbing the door frame to the master bedroom he felt the building shake, he was running out of time. He then saw something move in the corner of the room. He called out one final time and finally got a response a weak one but a response none the less. It was a little kid no older than 7 curled under the bed looking terrified.
“Hey, I’m here to help.” He walked over and knelt down, “Can you come out. Then we can get out of here together.”
The kid slowly crawled out from the bed and grabbed Eddies hand. As soon as he was out Eddie picked him up and ran out of the room, out of the apartment and into the hall, knowing he was going to be out of time soon. As he was halfway down the hall he felt the building shake and the floor give out beneath him. He held the kid closer, closed his eyes and waited for the impact of hitting the floor beneath them, but it never came. Instead when he opened his eyes he was outside the building. He was in the alley next to fire escape. Slowly he set the kid down try to process what had just happened, he looked around thinking maybe he passed out when he hit the floor and someone dragged him to the fire escape? But then someone would have been around. He shook his head, what had just happened he could try to figure out later right now he needed to get the boy to Chim and Hen so they could make sure he really was ok.
“Hey buddy,” He took off his helmet and mask so he could talk easier, “you alright? Can you walk?”
“I think so?” The kid mumbled looked confused himself.
“Alright follow me. I’ll take you to the ambulance where my friends can check you out and make sure you’re not hurt.” He took the boys hand once more and lead him out of the alley where he saw his team looking at the building collapsing in on itself.
“Hen! Chimney! I got a kid I need to to check out.” He called waving to get their attention. As soon as their heads turned they, and Bobby, started running over.
It was 4pm by the time he got home which wasn’t late which wasn’t late enough for him to just go to bed even though he was beyond tired. Even though he just got off a 24 hour shift he really didn’t feel like messing up his sleep schedule more than it already was. Instead he compromised with sitting down and relaxing that way he didn’t have to do anything but would still sleep tonight. The only downside was Christopher was hanging out with his aunt meaning that if he did fall asleep no one would wake him up. But he could stay awake so that wasn’t a problem, pulled up Disney+ this time and put on the Simpsons, not really paying attention he drifted off to sleep half and hour later.
Once again he was awoken by the noise of something crashing this time it sounded like multiple cookie trays had been dropped, the loud noise was followed by a quiet “shit!” It’s takes Eddie a moment to realize that he’s supposed to be home alone and the second he does remember he’s up off the couch and quietly walking towards the kitchen trying to see who or what made the noise. As he gets a clear view of the kitchen he sees a man with dark blonde hair mumbling to himself holding a recipe book. Normally Eddie would be confronting the man asking what he’s doing in his house, or he’d be moving to make the better move, calling the police. Yet he just stands there frozen because from where he’s standing it looks like the man has soft barely blue wings and a glowing golden halo around his head. Eddie just froze, he finally shook his head and rubbed his eyes but nothing he did changed what he saw.
“Kära gud,” Eddie breaths out, he realizes he said that aloud when the man turns around and drops the book as his wings flair up. Eddies first thought is he looks like a big chicken ready to fight. When Eddie looks from the mans wings to his eyes he’s meet with the beautiful blue eyes it hits Eddie who this person in his kitchen looked exactly like,“Buck?”
A/n that last thing Eddie says is Dear god in Swedish and it was Spanish but I changed it because I saw a post about him also muttering under his breath in Swedish.
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megalony · 4 years
Teacher’s Pet- Part 12
I hope you all like the next part in my dad! Ben Hardy series, thank you all for the amazing feedback so far and I have a lot planned for you all.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​ @rogermeddow @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @rogahs-drowse @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @peterquillzsblog @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh
Series taglist: @im-an-adult-ish​ @gwilymleeisbae​​ @k-k0129​​​ @haileymorelikestupid​​ @glittrixvibe​​
Series masterlist
Summary: Gwilym sets Ben up on a date with (Y/n) who teaches at the school Ben’s kids go to. But Ben is hesitant in the relationship, desperate not to make the same mistakes and needing to put his kids first.
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"Will you pick me up in the morning?"
Ben tilted his head down with narrowed eyes and a small smile as he looked at James who was clinging to his legs like a baby monkey. Today was the first time in nearly three months that James was going to be staying overnight with his mum and it was the first time in two months he would actually be seeing her. But the way James spoke made it clear he seemed worried about something and that made Ben uneasy, he didn't like any of his boys being worried.
"I thought your mum was dropping you off sometime tomorrow? Don't you want to spend the way with her tomorrow too?" Leaning down, Ben hooked his hands under James' arms and picked him up so he could sit him on the kitchen counter in front of him.
"But we always play football on Sunday." The way James looked between his hands and Ben's eyes showed there was something on his mind and it wasn't just because of playing football. Ben turned his head to look at (Y/n) over his shoulder who put her drink down before making her way over to them. She leaned against Ben's side with her hand on his arm and she reached over to rub James' shoulder to try and calm him down when he looked slightly panicked.
"Honey, are you worried because you haven't seen your mum in a while?" (Y/n) couldn't help but wonder if James was getting anxious because he hadn't been around his mum in over two months now. He was in a routine with Ben and his mum was going to shake that up and she knew from experience that when children got used to living with one parent, being with the other made them feel unsettled.
Ellie might not know what James preferred to eat or what he liked to do, when he went to bed, what he liked to watch or where he liked to go. If she guessed with everything or did something that made James uneasy or something he didn't like it would make him desperate for Ben to take him home. Then he would be even less likely to want to go out with his mum. He was always desperate for her to make the effort and be in his life and actually want him around but the longer she left it, the less he actually wanted to go.
"Buddy, talk to us. Don't you want to go out to your mum today?"
"I... I don't like staying over at mums house. I like my room here at home and I like what you and (Y/n) cook and I want to go out with you tomorrow, not mum... a-and Carter calls you mum and I want to do that too but then my mum will be mad at me."
As James started talking faster tears started to fall from his eyes and he tried his best to hold back a sob. He didn't want to tell his mum that he didn't like staying with her because she made him feel awkward, nor did he want to tell her that he wanted to call (Y/n) his mum just like Carter did. He didn't want to hurt her feelings or upset her in case she got mad with him and decided not to come and visit him any more when she barely visited him as it was.
"Oh buddy, hey it's okay, it's alright." Ben wrapped his arms around James' waist and gently scooped James up and set him on his chest.
"James, honey, it's okay if you don't want to stay over with your mum, no one said you had to. If you want to stay home she'll understand she won't be mad at you for that and if you really do want to call me mum, then you can and just call me by my name if your mum is around so we don't upset her."
"She'll be mad at me."
James buried his face in the crook of Ben's neck and it made Ben shiver to feel his boy crying into his neck. He hated when any of the boys cried but knowing James was crying because of Ellie made Ben feel so much worse. He was used to Carter crying and screaming because he could no longer see Jamie, he was used to Finn having nightmares and being in fear of ever seeing Lucy again. But with James Ben had been praying that it would be different, he wanted James to be able to see his mum and have one of his boys with a good relationship with his mum.
But James barely got to see Ellie anymore and as much as he didn't think on it too much, when he did get to see her he overthought everything now because it was unsettling for him.
The only good thing about all of this was that (Y/n) was here and she was providing all the boys with a mother figure and a sense of stability and a routine that they all needed.
"She won't be mad at you buddy because when she comes to pick you up, I'm gonna tell her that she needs to bring you home tonight because we're going out early tomorrow so you need to come home. Your mum won't know you don't want to stay I promise, she won't be mad at you and you can sleep in your own bed tonight and come out with us tomorrow. It's all okay you don't have to be upset."
Ben knew Ellie well enough to know that she wouldn't be too disappointed if she couldn't have James stay with her tonight. It wasn't as if they had scheduled visits anyway, she came to pick James up whenever she had the time off or whenever she could be bothered. If she complained Ben could simply remind her she couldn't make the rules when she couldn't stick to looking after her son more than once every three months.
If James was too scared to ask to come home Ben would tell Ellie she had to bring him home and make out that it was Ben's idea and therefore his fault so James didn't get unsettled.
"No more tears honey, you'll be home for tea time and we don't want your mum to see any tears, do we?" (Y/n) brushed her finger over James' cheek to wipe away the tears when he lifted his head to look over at her. Ellie would be here in a few minutes to come and get James, they didn't need her wondering if he was okay and what was wrong.
(Y/n) handed James his cup of juice to try and help him calm down before all their heads turned in the direction of the hall when the doorbell sounded.
"Come on, let's go see her." Ben set James down to his feet and moved to follow him into the hall.
"You're gonna answer the door in your boxers?"
"Yeah, why? She won't be coming inside and it's not like none of you have seen me like this before." Ben looked down at his limited attire with a smile before he moved towards the door again as James sat on the stairs to put on his shoes. Ben was only wearing his boxers but it wasn't as if Ellie would be coming in the house, she never did she waited on the doorstep for James and she had seen him answer the door like this hundreds of times before. All the boys were used to Ben wandering the house like this.
When (Y/n) moved to try and go upstairs Ben hooked his arm around her waist and pulled her back, knowing why she was trying to run off.
"I'm in my pyjamas."
"Yeah, you look sexy. Don't try and sneak upstairs so she won't see you, James talks about you all the time you don't have to hide away or feel awkward. Your more his mum than she is, don't be ashamed of that."
Ben knew (Y/n) didn't want to be around right now because she had never met Ellie before and she didn't want to. From what (Y/n) had picked up on and what she had heard, Ellie wasn't going to win a mother's award anytime soon and that annoyed (Y/n). But she didn't want to be in an awkward situation if James did talk about her a lot and she made Ellie feel annoyed or threatened or Ellie became snarky or something like that.
(Y/n) wasn't actually James' mother and he was the only boy with his mum actually hanging around right now, (Y/n) didn't want to step on Ellie's toes and push her away when she was the only mother giving a shit in the boy's lives. James had a mother, (Y/n) couldn't wade in and be his substitute mother if he didn't need one like Carter and Finn did.
"Hi mummy."
(Y/n) didn't know what she was expecting when Ben opened the front door to reveal Ellie, but the person she was faced with wasn't exactly the person (Y/n) thought she had been expecting. Ben talked about Jamie when he tried to explain Carter's childhood and how Jamie had affected him by not being there, he didn't talk about Lucy at all. But when he talked about Ellie, the impression (Y/n) got was a business woman, someone who took pride in their job so much that the job came first before her only child.
She went away for conferences and meetings, she worked late, she didn't use her days off to see James and she barely called him because she was 'always busy.'
Ellie was the kind of mother who only became concerned and interested in her son's life when she thought that he might be in danger of being hurt such as with Lucy. Other than that, any achievements James made at school or anything he did socially wasn't of much concern to Ellie.
It made (Y/n) wonder why she even had James in the first place if the best she could do for her son was to give birth to him.
The image (Y/n) had in her mind was a tall woman in her late twenties or maybe early thirties with broad shoulders and long dark brown hair and piercing eyes. She thought of a woman who wore heels even though she was tall and who wore business suits (which Ben had said she did wear to conferences).
Ellie was nothing like (Y/n) had pictured her to be. She was a short woman, barely reaching five foot one at a push. She had very long natural blonde hair that swept down past her shoulders in long curls and she had pale blue eyes that weren't very captivating or shining. Her nose was small but curved at the end in a funny fashion, she had small shoulders an a generally small frame which made (Y/n) look at Ben for a moment. If Ellie and Ben were stood side by side they would look rather odd with how tall and broad framed Ben was and how petite and compact Ellie looked.
James took after Ben in almost every aspect, he had Ben's eyes, his hair and the shape of his face. He had Ben's height because he was already creeping up to match Ellie's height but he did have her slim shoulders but in every other way he was Ben's child and didn't look like he resembled Ellie at all.
Ellie wore very small converse that showed how small she was and how small her feet were. She had leggings on that were a bit too long for her short legs and she was wearing a white baggy t-shirt with red writing across the centre. (Y/n) had been expecting her to wear jeans or a jumpsuit or just something that showed she was a business woman but she was dressing rather casually and it didn't fit (Y/n)'s image of her at all.
"Hey champ, you ready to go?" Ellie's voice was loud and strong, contrasting to the petite image she gave off.
"Can you bring him back tonight please, we're off out early tomorrow so I need him home tonight." Ben rubbed his hand over James' back to try and keep him calm and show him that Ellie wouldn't be mad or upset with him for this.
"Oh, yeah sure I'll have him back by seven. How's Carter by the way?" Ben's words clearly confused and annoyed Ellie, her expression looked deflated and she held back a sigh at the change of plans but she wasn't going to complain. All three adults knew she was in no position to quarrel about this when she barely made an appearance in James' life so far.
"He's doing really good, he's asleep at the moment."
"Asleep? Wow, he is doing good if he's sleeping. I assume your (Y/n) who James keeps telling me about?"
A look of surprise flooded Ellie's face at the notion that it was eight in the morning and Carter wasn't bouncing around the house, he was actually asleep for once this late into the morning when he was usually up all night. When her eyes floated over to look at (Y/n) she smiled warmly which made (Y/n) hopeful that there would be no bad blood between them. After all, she had seen Ben get into another relationship and have another child with someone else so seeing him in a different relationship again wouldn't be anything for her to be angry about.
"I am, it's nice to meet you." Something inside (Y/n) told her that it wasn't that nice to meet Ellie because it had taken this long for them to meet and for Ellie to actually want James to come round. If she was more of a mother or a stable figure for James then (Y/n) would have been happier to meet her because James wouldn't be as panicked as he was earlier or desperate to call (Y/n) mum instead of Ellie.
"And you. Come on champ, we'd better head off." 
"See you tomorrow buddy." A soft smile formed on Ben's lips as he brushed his fingers through James' hair to ruffle it up causing James to shake his head with a giggle. He pulled away from Ben, briefly darting his eyes over to (Y/n) and he smiled brightly before he headed out the house knowing he was going to be back home later where he felt most safe.
"She doesn't even come up to your shoulder." (Y/n) commented quietly and slowly tilted her head to look at Ben whose brows shot up and he smothered a smile.
"Not even when she wears heels. Aren't you glad James takes after me?" It was a trivial thing to think about but Ben did think about James taking after him in his height and sometimes in his looks. If James took after Ellie then it meant Ben would be tall, Carter would be tall because he was Ben's double and Finn was undoubtedly going to be tall too since Lucy was Ben's height as well. If James was under five foot like Ellie it would be a bit weird with the boys growing up.
(Y/n) bit the corner of her lip to stop herself from smirking before she moved to head upstairs. It was still early but she wanted to get dressed and ready for the day.
A gasp left (Y/n)'s lips when she moved to head to the bedroom but got stopped by Ben's arm hooking around her waist and pulling her back to his chest. She froze for a moment, smiling despite the confusion of wondering what he was doing and she leaned her head back on his shoulder to look up at him. The soft smile on his lips and the certain look in his eyes both melted her heart and made her unsure what was going through his mind right now.
"Let's do the test now."
"Now? W-why now?" (Y/n) couldn't hear her own voice but she could hear the deafening sound of her heart thumping erratically against her ribs to the point it felt like the organ was going to combust in her chest.
For this past week the subject of doing a pregnancy test had come and gone frequently but it never happened. (Y/n) herself was nervous to find out the results but she knew Ben was even more so. He didn't want to be in a bad or stressed mood and do the test in case it affected how he reacted because that wouldn't be fair on (Y/n).
Not knowing seemed easy at the moment because he could forget that it was a looming problem just for a while. But when it did play on his mind it never left. If they were having a baby Ben didn't want it to turn out like it had the last three times, he wanted just for once, to have a baby with someone he loved and have it work out. For them both to love their child and not have the relationship break down and shatter into fragments Ben could never piece back together again. He wanted it to work and to be right and have no issues whatsoever.
And he knew if they weren't having a baby the subject of kids in the future would be confusing and taboo because of how he had reacted at the mere thought of a possible pregnancy.
"Right now because each time I've sat through a pregnancy test I've been scared to shit. I knew Jamie wouldn't cope with a baby but she wanted to go ahead with it and that turned out bad, Ellie was always gonna put work before James and that frightened me. And Lucy seemed too good to be true and they all left me and the boys. But you... you love all of them like they're your sons and you're not unable to cope or scared or putting work first and there isn't a mean streak in you I don't know about. You're perfect to all us boys and I don't want to be scared this time."
Ben and Jamie had been eighteen when they had Carter and Jamie's mental health and always been fluctuating but she mistakenly thought having Carter would help. She could cope with Carter as a baby and toddler but when his needs and problems became apparent she couldn't cope and she left.
Ellie was determined and skilled and as much as she wanted James, he was a distraction that got in her determined path and she couldn't have that. Ben knew from square one that it would be complicated with Ellie and he knew for certain James was the only child she was ever going to have.
Something told Ben when he was with Lucy that she was too good to be true because she was great with James and she tried with Carter even when he was at a bad stage in his attitude and his outbursts. But he was still nervous when she got pregnant because experience told Ben that having a kid didn't work out for him and Finn got the brunt end of fate. None of those times had gone smoothly or been easy for Ben or his boys and he didn't want to repeat that yet again.
But with (Y/n) it was going to be different because she had a connection with the boys, she loved them all and treated them like they were her children. And there was no dark side to (Y/n) that Ben hadn't seen yet. If they were having a baby it would be loved and not hurt or broken or left to be cared for by Ben alone.
"Let's find out."
(Y/n) breathed through her words that made her feel lightheaded because she didn't think this moment was going to be a very happy one to remember.
She watched with fond eyes as Ben peeked into Carter's room to check he was still asleep before he followed her to the bathroom. Finn was still in bed since he was a late riser, Carter went to bed at five this morning so Ben was leaving him until at least twelve so he got some sleep. And now James had gone out so they had the time alone to do this and talk about it before the boys got up and demanded attention.
The waiting wasn't nice.
When (Y/n) used to think about her life and try to plan it all out, she always imagined going to the doctor or holding the test in her hands with her husband waiting to see if they were expecting a baby or not. She never thought about how nervous she would feel sitting on the toilet looking at Ben leaning against the sink as they waited until it was okay to check the results.
The moment Ben checked his watch and silently nodded his head, (Y/n) stayed tense and unmoving until Ben got the hint that she wanted him to do it instead. She was too nervous to look, she wanted to be told the news and she figured the last three times Ben didn't get to check the results first, he got to see after he had been told if they were expecting or not. This could be his moment.
For being anxious about this moment (Y/n) noticed that Ben looked oddly calm, he wasn't tapping his foot like usual or scratching at his neck or arms. He wasn't biting his lip or frowning or raising his brows in surprise and he wasn't letting the result show on his expression. Even when his eyes moved to lock with her own, he wasn't giving anything away.
"We're having a baby."
(Y/n) turned her head to the left to look over at Carter and she smiled whilst pressing her finger to her lips, trying to be gentle when asking him to be quiet since he was usually rather loud when he spoke, especially when he was overexcited or angry. Her eyes darted to look over at Finn who was laid between the side of the sofa and Ben, fast asleep with a blanket draped over him. It was best not to wake him right now when it normally took a while to get him to sleep.
"What's up honey?" (Y/n) noticed the way Carter was darting his eyes around, unsure where to look meaning it wasn't anything exciting or something he was happy about. But his expression was placid and neutral so he wasn't unhappy either.
"James is crying, he spewed on the bathroom floor."
(Y/n)'s shoulders deflated and she pursed her lips before turning to look over at Ben with furrowed brows. James had been back home for just less than an hour and he seemed tired but he didn't look ill. And he hadn't eaten anything since being back that would make him sick, nor had Ellie said he had been ill during the day.
"Go back to your game buddy, we'll go see him." Ben slowly uncurled his arm from around Finn before he and (Y/n) hurried upstairs after Carter who wandered back to his room. It wasn't too surprising that Carter didn't react to this quite like he should, if he didn't know how to react or it wasn't something that really bothered him he just seemed like he was in neutral.
The pair of them barely got up the stairs before they saw James hobbling out of the bathroom with his arms around his stomach and his body doubled over like there was a crippling weight on his back. There was almost no colour to his cheeks either, he looked pale to the point of being see-through.
"I- I didn't m-make it to the toilet." It seemed like talking was hard for James who sounded like he was about to throw up again but was trying very hard not to.
"Don't worry about that baby, better out than in. Let's get you in bed and I'll go get you some medicine." (Y/n) reached her arms out for James but the moment she held onto him he shook his head before he slumped down to sit on the floor, curling his knees up to his stomach before a sob left his lips.
"I really think we should get you in bed with the sick bucket." Ben pressed the back of his hand against James' temple for a moment before he wrapped his arms around him to try and calm him down. He didn't have a temperature but he clearly wasn't well at all. When Carter was ill he got grumpy and angry but when James or Finn were sick or unwell they didn't know what to do and broke down in tears if it was bad.
If any of the boys were sick Ben settled them in bed and gave them a plastic bowl they used so the boys didn't have to stumble out to the bathroom if they were really ill. They could just lean over and throw up into the bucket, Ben found it saved a lot of washing and cleaning up the carpets or bathroom.
Ben was just about to wrap James up so he could carry him to bed but he stopped when James tensed and pressed his arms into his stomach that made a worrying gurgling noise.
"James, what have you eaten today?" Ben's words were cautious but his eyes were a darker shade than before and it made (Y/n) worried.
"Fishfingers for d-dinner... biscuits, a-and mum made a funny pie thing w-with a weird name, Ki... something. S-she got me a milkshake but you said I can't have them anymore."
Ben pulled his arms back a little when James groaned before he turned and flopped down so his head was pressed into Ben's legs and he was curled up against him like he wanted to disappear. He rubbed his hand over James' back for a few moments but the look on his face was outrage. When he locked eyes with (Y/n) it was clear that she was on the same page as he was and that made it even worse. (Y/n) remembered that James was lactose intolerant right now but Ellie either didn't remember or didn't care and Ben didn't know which was worse.
"Did she make a quiche?"
"Hmm." James nodded into Ben's legs, knowing the name of whatever he had eaten had been a funny one he couldn't say or remember.
"That's got cheese and a lot of milk in it buddy, you can't have dairy stuff like that it makes you sick. Come on, I'm gonna take you to bed and get you some Calpol." Ben's jaw clenched but he tried to stay calm as he picked James up because he didn't want James thinking he was mad at him because he wasn't.
James didn't know what quiche was, Ben had never made it or given it to him and when he found out James was lactose intolerant Ben cut out all dairy stuff from his diet. A little bit of milk now and then was okay but James had it bad and it really messed with his stomach. What made it worse was that there was no specific medication for this, Ben just had to give him Calpol for stomach ache and sometimes paracetamol if it was really bad. James just had to wait it out until it went away and that made Ben hurt.
But he had told Ellie time and time again that James couldn't have anything with dairy in, not even a small slice of quiche because it would still upset his stomach. James loved milkshakes but Ben had to say no because it was only going to make him sick.
The moment James was tucked up in bed and Ben left the room (Y/n) could see his face of thunder.
"I told her when I took him to the doctors that he couldn't have dairy and she didn't fucking listen and now he's crying." Ben knew it wasn't something as bad as an allergy or James having a medical condition but it was still something serious for him. It gave him horrible stomach cramps, it made him sick and it upset him to be hurting like this. That was pretty damn important to Ben that James didn't have to go through this and Ellie should have listened and took more notice of what Ben was saying.
"You did say that James wasn't her top priority..." (Y/n) didn't know what she was supposed to say to that because Ben was right and it wasn't okay to do this to James. It was bad enough he didn't feel okay around her but to make him ill like this was even worse.
"What if he was allergic to anything and she didn't listen? I'm calling her first thing tomorrow, if she wants to see him again she has to make a fucking effort and actually take care of him."
Ben ran his fingers through his hair but stopped tugging at his hair when (Y/n) curled her arms around his waist and looked up at him with a soft smile.
"I agree, but she isn't around that much anyway and he wants to be home with you because he knows you take care of him and you know what he needs and what he likes."
"But she's meant to be his mum-"
"It's a good job he sees me as a mother then, isn't it?"
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franklyshipping · 4 years
When The Past Comes Back To Tickle ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @warden-the-ultimate-ler 
Warden Murder-Slaughter could not have been happier right now, because what he was seeing right now was something he had never thought would happen, even though he had always hoped it with all his heart. Despite his brash exterior and the fact that he could be stern, at heart he was kind. He had to be stern, he was the warden of a strict penitentiary after all, but he couldn’t help but become invested in the lives of everyone who ended up living behind his bars. And one person he became particularly invested in, was Yancy. Yancy at first had tried to present himself as a tough cookie, but underneath all the sass and the tightly-folded arms was a kind-hearted, musically talented man with aspirations of a better, prosperous life….and it was one of the best days of the Warden’s life when he got to release Yancy and get him towards that life.
It had been a long while since that fateful day, and now the Warden was excited beyond belief because he was going to see him again! Yancy was settled in some kind of manor with a myriad of others, a “slap-dash family” Yancy had called it, and he’d invited the Warden over with great excitement because he wanted to show him everything he’d accomplished. So now the Warden was knocking on the door, and when that door was opened by a brightly grinning, tattooed man with a gleam in his eye and his hands settled boldly on his hips….the Warden knew he was going to feel so proud.
‘My God Yancy….you look so damn well!’
‘Hey as do yous Warden, as do yous, c’mon in c’mon, I’ll show ya round, give ya the grand tour!’
Yancy was like an excited kid as he showed the Warden around the manor, especially when it came to showing him the dance studios that he worked in. The Warden felt his heart warm with pride as Yancy told him all about how he was a choreographer, working alongside Wilford Warfstache and Bim Trimmer with their productions and TV shows. The Warden met them both too, and they both seemed perfectly eccentric and just the type of people the Warden had imagined Yancy getting close to. Eventually they sat down together in one of the living rooms, slumping on the couch, and the Warden grinned at Yancy.
‘Yancy, buddy, I gotta say…..I’m so damn proud of ya. You’re finally settled, with a strong, free community all around ya…..it’s incredible.’
Yancy beamed, and was so happy at seeing the Warden so happy, because to him, the Warden was family. Of course though, in this new environment Yancy had been granted time to develop a new confidence and cheekiness, especially with there being no-one to reprimand him. He nudged the Warden as he replied playfully.
‘Oho don’tcha get all soft on me now Warden, don’t want those back at the penitentiary thinkin’ you got a tender, emotional little heart in there.’
Yancy poked the Warden’s chest with a chuckle, making the Warden narrow his eyes playfully at Yancy as he smiled. He was glad to see this confident side to Yancy, however, that didn’t mean he was just going to let himself be teased.
‘Now, now Yancy, ya may not be in my establishment anymore but that don’t mean ya can get cheeky with me.’
Yancy grinned even more, because from his perspective he thought that he could be as cheeky as he damn well pleased.
‘Oh but I can Warden, you’re in my digs now after all! Bless your sweet little loving heart!’
Yancy winked at the Warden with a bright laugh, and the Warden pursed his lips a little out of embarrassment….but it didn’t take him long to have a little epiphany as he thought back on when Yancy was in his penitentiary. Now the Warden smirked, because he knew just what to do to remind Yancy about good manners. He stepped his hands on his knee now as he looked at Yancy, his smirk sly.
‘Y’know, this confidence of yours reminds me of when ya first came to my establishment. So sassy and cocky….d’ya remember what we used to do to ya down in solitary to help you get a more polite sense of propriety?’
At the Warden’s words, Yancy felt his confidence diminish, and he gulped….because oh yes, he remembered all too well. He tried to maintain a calm façade as he replied.
‘Yeah, well, I don’t see why yous gotta bring it up-‘
‘Oh I’m bringing it up, Yancy, because I think you’ve slightly forgotten about those good manners we taught you…..and I’m in just the mood to remind you.’
Before Yancy could react…..the Warden had him. Just like when he’d gotten dragged off to solitary. The Warden had him pinned down on his back, and was digging his fingers ruthlessly into his ticklish belly. Yancy let out a shocked howl of laughter, his limbs immediately flailing as he was reminded with a shock of a) his ticklishness, and b) the Warden’s proficiency at tickling.
The Warden chuckled that deep, sinister chuckle of his as he kept on tickling, grinning wolfishly down at Yancy as he replied gleefully.
‘Heheh, still ticklish as hell huh? Y’know, you’re still the most ticklish person I’ve ever met.’
Yancy immediately blushed, whacking at the Warden’s arms as he tried to curl up his sensitive body, yelling with adorable desperation already.
The Warden simply laughed, and made Yancy snort by squeezing his lower stomach as he taunted.
‘Ihis that all the beggin’ you got? It’s gohonna take more than that to get to me to have mercy, you should know that Yance.’
Yancy threw his head back with mirth as he writhed, the memories flooding back. Sometimes the guards would hold him down as the Warden tickle-tortured him in solitary. Yancy had always had to beg and beg and beg for mercy, the Warden was a classic sadist. Although….since it was tickling, Yancy had never actually minded. Nor did he mind now.
The Warden raised an eyebrow at the insult, before smirking. His memories kept flooding back too. They’d never talked about it explicitly, but the Warden had always known that Yancy loved to be tickled….and when he wanted more, he always got sassy and insulting. Well, who was he to deny his ex-prisoner what he wanted?
‘Ohoho you think I’m evil now?’
Yancy gulped, and yelped when the Warden took his flailing hands and pinned them above his head with only one of his own hands. Yancy then started to tremble and giggle nervously as the Warden loomed over him, always so intimidating.
‘Clearly you really need reminding of just how evil I can be….’
Yancy then gasped, and let out a strong of embarrassed whimpers as the Warden’s fingertips started tracing slow, light circles in one of his bare hollows. His face burned red as he spluttered.
‘N-Nohoho ohoho f-fuhuhuck nahahat thihihihiiiiis!’
‘Ohoho yes this, you just can’t handle your poor pits being played with like this, can you?’
Yancy shook his head frantically, gritting his teeth as his giggles got more and more high pitched; gentle tickling like this was torture for him.
‘Ihihihit’s fuhuhuckin’ t-tohohorture! Ohoho gahad c-c’mahahan!’
The Warden leant in, cocking his head at Yancy and getting right in his face as he gleefully teased him.
‘Awww c’mon what, huh? I’m barely touchin’ you and you’re goin’ crazy…..say, do your new buddies know how ticklish ya are? Maybe I should tell ‘em, maybe I should show ‘em.’
Yancy let out a legitimate flustered whine as shudders went down his spine, imagining with embarrassed horror all the egos finding out about his ticklishness. He struggled adorably, letting out more and more whines and squeals as the Warden traced his other armpit now.
‘NOHO! Y-Yohohou c-cahahan’t! Thehehey’d g-gehet mehe Ihi’d fuhuhuckin’ dihihie!’
The Warden chuckled in amusement, fluttering his fingertips all over Yancy’s hollow as he teased.
‘Then you’d better get to beggin’, cuz otherwise I might have to get ‘em in here to give me helping hand….or twenty.’
Yancy was shaking his head as he got teary-eyed and adorably frantic.
‘N-Nahaha yahaha cahahan’t! Plehehease yahaha cahan’t!’
The Warden smirked, and then buried his face in the crook of Yancy’s neck so he could rub his evil bristles against the sensitive skin. Meanwhile, he released Yancy’s wrists so he could scratch both of his armpits at the same time with his blunt nails.
‘C’mon Yance, beg for me.’
Yancy’s eyes nearly bugged out of his sockets as he shrieked with laughter, batting at the Warden brightly; he certainly needed no further prompting. His laughter was loud and boisterous and oh so happy as he cried.
The Warden chuckled, really enjoying getting Yancy like this. He growled into his neck.
‘Tickle-tickle-tickle Yance, kitchy kitchy coo!’
Yancy wailed, the baby-voice and the cooing combined really breaking him down and making him cry out amidst all his cute laughter.
The Warden smirked brightly, it had been too long since he’d heard those adorable words from Yancy. He let out a musing hum as he listened to Yancy’s mirth for a few seconds more, before rearing up and having mercy on him. Yancy was left gasping and giggling residually as the Warden replied to him warmly.
‘Alright, I think you’ve earned my mercy….for today.’
Yancy kept giggling, and hid his face in his hands as he curled his body up, making the Warden chuckle fondly. He ruffled Yancy’s hair, making the ex-prisoner grin and peek through his fingers at him, and the Warden felt his heart warm when Yancy mumbled.
‘I-Ihi’ve reheally missed ya…..’
The Warden grinned, and scooped Yancy up into a fierce bear hug, which Yancy instantly reciprocated as he buried his face in the Warden’s chest.
‘I’ve missed ya too, ya cheeky buck.’
Yancy giggled again, and the two of them just basically hugged it out for the rest of the day. You know you’ve got a real connection with someone when, even after so much time apart, even after so much time not talking or touching….the moment you’re together again, it’s like nothing has changed. And even though Yancy was a free man and so much had in fact changed….their friendship most certainly hadn’t.
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yourlocalauthor · 4 years
What Comes Around Goes Around
Chapter Two: Coincidence?
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Pairing: Topper x OC (eventually?)
Warnings for this chapter: Cursing, stalkerish behavior and I believe thats it?
Word Count: 2k+
A/N: Here’s chapter two! A little boring but I swear I’m building up.
Jo stared at the name flashing across her screen, her face riddled with confusion, and an uneasy feeling bubbling inside, even after her phone went dark. What was his deal? First he storms off, and then he just adds her on snap? Typical Kook mentality being an ass and then expecting forgiveness. He had some audacity, two years of shitty treatment, and just because he helped Sarah and John B, and gave them a ride, he thought he could just what? Be all buddy buddy?
“Jo, who was it?” Elle repeated shaking her friend to get Jo out of her trance.
Jo placed her phone on her nightstand, shaking her head. “No one important, go to sleep you two I don’t want you waking up at noon.”
“Yes Mom,” Jess groaned half asleep. All three girls began laughing, as they settled down into some much needed rest.
Jo’s hand instinctively reached for her phone, hitting it until the alarm stopped. Her head pounded and she felt even worse than last night. With a groan she peeled her bed sheets off, and managed to successfully make herself get up. Fishing through her closet which was basically just shorts and bikinis. She hardly ever wore a shirt, there was just no need to when she had her bikini top on. Instead she chose to keep a few in her car, just in case she’d actually need it. She walked over to the bathroom taking a quick shower to wash off yesterday’s party. She came out of the bathroom, dressed, cleaner, and not as groggy. She made her way into the kitchen making herself a light breakfast of yogurt and granola and making her secret hangover cure. The recipe came from her mom’s boyfriend, Justin. It was a long story but basically he let her and Elle crash at his place, after one of the first parties they went to. The morning after Jo woke up with what was probably the worst hangover of her life, and he gave her the recipe.
Jo ate quickly and left the pitcher in the fridge, leaving a note for Jess and Elle and walked outside taking in the morning. It was cool, with a warm breeze, Jo’s favorite type of morning. She loaded up her gear into her truck, shutting the back a bit harder than she meant to, scaring some birds.
She slipped into her truck, starting it up fast and reversing out of her driveway. She loved getting to the beach as soon as possible, before any tourists or locals were there to crowd up the parking lot, and the beach. Plus it was nice being out there alone, having her mind clear, just her, the waves, and whatever lay beneath them. The water was beautiful in the morning, the sea salt smell and cold water was the perfect way to wake her. Typically she never went alone, but with no one seeing JJ in weeks, Kiara stuck with her mom, and Heyward not letting Pope go anywhere it was pretty much her only choice. Not that she blamed any of them… they all had other things to do and things just weren’t the same. Jo turned on her radio, the sound of Ryn Weaver’s ‘Pierre’ filling her car. She pulled into the parking lot as the song finished, greeting Snappy, the toll collector, and one of Jo’s favorite people on the island. He was a fifty year old, slightly pudgy Asian man who’d been working the toll booth since forever. His name wasn’t actually Snappy, everyone just called him that because when he had just started working the booth at 19 he saved a bunch of tourists from a snapping turtle that was stopping them from getting to the beach. It cost him his pinky finger, and gave him this gnarly scar in the words of John B on his hand. John B was actually the one to tell her the story the first time he took her to this beach. Smiling sadly at the thought of her friend, Jo pushed the gas rolling forward as the gate lifted.
“Be safe Jo, the waves look a little stronger today.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine Snappy take care.”
“I never doubted, just part of my duty to warn you. Ooh and tell your mother I said hello.”
“Will do,”
She shouted as she pulled into the nearest parking spot, laughing. Snappy was truly the best, and always let her in no matter what. Plus he was one of the few adults that didn’t seem to be bothered when she and John B and everyone else came around. At least when they used to...
Jo hopped out of her car, unloading her board and her bag, the salty air filling her lungs again. She made her way down the wooden path, of course being the first one at the beach. The beach was beautiful being the only one, not a blanket, tent, or umbrella in sight, perfection. Jo kicked off her shoes, letting her toes wiggle in the sand, setting down her bag with a dull thud on the sand. She stripped herself of her clothes, standing in her black bikini soaking in the early morning sun. She stretched out like a cat, smiling before sprinting with her board to the water. Met with warm water, setting her board down Jo began paddling out. Once she was out far enough, she stopped waiting for the perfect wave.
It was a ritual, Jo lived by the idea that the first wave would determine how good her surf would be. She would always try and wait for which wave felt right in her bones to be first, something JJ and Pope would tease her all the time for. Smiling fondly Jo readjusted her focus, trying to feel the energy of the waves. The feeling of the water rocking her, soothing her. She took a deep breath watching, until she spotted it. To the left of her, a wave had begun to form and she knew it in her bones it was perfect. She paddled over to it, and managed to catch it just in time. Pushing herself up and taking in the beauty of the moment. She was right, this was the perfect wave. She looked across at the beach, and was surprised to see a figure heading to the water. Not many people came here early in the morning, even if so they typically weren’t alone. Said person was nearing, and as they entered the water she was quick to recognize the frosted tips. Topper… Her mind thought about last night and the snap request. It was just a coincidence right? This was a popular surf spot… on the cut. But it was probably just a coincidence. She shook the thoughts from her head trying to regain focus on herself and the board. But no matter how hard she’d try to refocus, she kept glancing over at him. Her lack of focus was getting to her, she felt herself wobble and was desperately trying to regain her balance, but it was no use. She felt herself slipping and soon she plunged into the water with a loud splash. She wiped out hard, her whole backside stinging from the impact. And just as quick as she had been sucked in below, she felt two arms scooping her out. She flailed around knowing exactly whose arms were wrapped around her, sending a pit to her stomach. But the salty air began filling her lungs again instead of the salt water, no matter how badly she wished she’d be left alone. She coughed and sputtered looking up at the figure holding her. There stood Topper, holding her bikini clad body like some hero. God this was so much worse than a nightmare
“Jo are you-“
“I’m fine,” she said with a small cough, already wiggling out of his grip.
“I just watched you-“
“I said I’m fine,” She snapped, pushing him away from her. “I was just leaving anyway.” She unhooked herself from her board, and grabbed it walking as far away from him as possible.
“If you think I’m just going to let you storm off like that after a nasty wipeout you’re cra-“
“I’m what?” She said whipping around, almost hitting him with her board. “Crazy for thinking you’d leave me alone because I asked? Or do you want me to suck you off as an award?”
Topper looked stunned for a moment, mouth agape and all. “What? No, I just thought you needed-“
“What I need is for you to leave me alone,” She interjected, looking at him with fire in her eyes. “Look I’m thankful for what you did last night, but let’s just go back to before.”  She looked up at him waiting for a response, but he just stood there mouth open like an idiot. Jo scoffed turning back towards the beach, and just when her feet were about to hit the dry sand, Topper called out to her.
She ignored him, marching herself to her stuff, collecting her shoes and bag and walked back up to her truck. When she pulled up to Snappy, he was quite shocked she was leaving so soon.
“Everything alright Jo? Did that blonde boy do anything?”
Shaking her head, Jo reassured the man not wanting him to worry.  “No Snappy, it’s fine. Have a nice day. I'll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay… Just if anything happened, if you’d want I can have him banned from this beach.”
“You guys can ban people?”
“No, but he doesn’t know that.” A smile tugged at his lips, as he hit the button letting the gate up for her.
“Thanks for the offer Snappy, but I’m fine thank you.” She rolled forward pulling out of the parking lot, the sound of Flo Milli’s ‘Not Friendly’ playing in the background.
It had only been a week since the beach incident, and Jo could not stop seeing Topper. He was practically everywhere, at the hotel when Jo would go visit her mother, or walking out after hooking up with a tourist, the beach when she was working, the country club when she was picking Justin up after work, and even The Wreck. Everywhere she was, somehow he always managed to be there. The last straw was when she was at the mini mart. She was picking up some food for herself after her surf, and when she shut the fridge and when she turned around, she ran into him, literally.
“Fuck,” Jo said as everything in her hands dropped, including the glass bottle of lemonade that now was shattered and around her feet. Topper was quick to get on his knees and help but there wasn’t much he could do.
“I’m so sorry, I’ll pay for it… All of it, I seriously didn’t mean to-“
“It’s fine,”. She said, kneeling down and collecting her bag of chips and granola bar.
“I’m serious I can pay for it,”
“That was never a doubt in my mind,” She said quietly, already turning around to leave.
“Nothing, just can you stop stalking me?”
“I’m not-“
“Right so we’ve just happened to be in the same place all week? Look stalker or not, they have restaurants and mini marts on the figure eight, there’s no need for you to be around.” The two stood there in awkward silence, Jo waiting for him to speak and Topper waiting for who knows what. And just as she turned away, he spoke.
“Look Jo, I’m sorry…. For everything, and I just…. I don’t know.”
“Of course you don't,” Jo scoffed, finally walking away to the front counter. She paid, and walked out to her truck. Topper had some nerve, who was he to just try and apologize after everything? Like he and his buddies didn’t torment her and her friends for the last two years? Men had some fucking audacity that was for sure.
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katsuukiwii · 4 years
Proud- Levi X Reader Chapter Ten
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Chapter 10: “New Behavior” Chapter Warnings: Language, suggestive material, teen (OF AGE) working in a sex shop, sex toys mentioned, mention of sex
I provide definitions for sex toys at the end so you don’t have to look them up!
Spoiler (check after reading chapter): Based off of this post that I REALLY REALLY LIKED
Also I have three reqs that I will be working of after this! I go latest req to most recent req
He walks down the hall, knocking on Liam’s door, checking if he’s awake. After getting no response, he opens the door, seeing the brunette lying in bed, asleep. Levi walks over, placing a hand on the boy's small shoulder and shaking him softly, he speaks in a low, gentle voice, “Liam? It’s time to wake up buddy, you have school today.” The boy grumbles, sitting up and looking at Levi angrily. Any other parent would be upset, but waking up extremely pissed off was a normal Ackerman thing, and spending the rest of the day LOOKING pissed off, was also an Ackerman thing. 
He gives the boy a kiss on the cheek before telling him to come downstairs for breakfast. Levi walks down, setting some pancakes on the table with two pieces of bacon and some scrambled eggs. Liam woke up every morning with a proper, healthy meal! Levi, woke up with toasted pop tarts and tea. He turns to look at the doorway as Liam arrives. He sets a plate on the table and the boy hops up, taking a bite of the pancakes happily! “Thank you Papa,” Levi raises a brow as he notices the boy mutter the same words under his breath, “You’re welcome bud.” He smirks, knowing that he’s never seen Liam do that before, but he brushes it off, ‘It’s probably just one of those weird things that kids do.’
So, he goes back upstairs, gets a shower, gets dressed, and grabs his phone, messaging Mike.
Levi (6:46am)
“Hey, wanna go to the gym later?”
Mike (6:48am)
“Sure! But I thought we just went 
the other day?”
Levi (6:48am) 
“Yeah, but it’s boring here. I was 
thinking maybe I’d let (Y/N) 
meet Liam?”
Mike (6:49am)
“Awww, you have a crush”
“She’s really nice and keeps her 
house clean so i thought u 
would like that lmao”
Levi (6:49am)
“You went to her house?”
Mike (6:49am)
“Shit, that sounds bad-”
“Me and violet hit it off, so i 
went to hang out with her”
And they were roommates
Levi (6:50am) 
“Jesus fucking christ i hate you.”
Mike (6:50am)
“See you at the gym”
Levi (6:50am)
“See you”
He puts his phone in his pocket, grabbing his gym bag and walking back downstairs, seeing Liam’s now empty plate at the table. Putting the plate in the sink, he steps into the living room, chuckling at the small boy watching cartoons and giggling. He scoops Liam up in his arms, causing him to squeal, “Papa! Put me down!” Despite his words, he giggles as Levi spins him around once, kissing both of his cheeks, his forehead, and his nose before sitting him back down, “Okay, okay. There you go.”
The boy gives him a hug before they get ready to leave. He hands Liam his coat, letting him put that on while Levi tosses on his own, lifting the warm hood over his head before wrapping Liam’s scarf around him carefully. The snow had started to really come down, so he had to make sure his son was warm. “Okay, go grab your back pack,” Liam goes upstairs, coming back down a few minutes later with his bag. 
He sets the boy in the car that was already warm (he lets it run for a few minutes) and tosses his gym bag in the back next to Liam. After that, he grabs his own backpack and sets it on the floor of the car. He hops in, putting the car into reverse and pulling out of the driveway before finally rolling down the road. 
Levi had just dropped Liam off at Erwin’s and was now about to start work, he looks at the time, 5pm, knowing that it’s finally time to start his shift. He walks out to the front counter, checking around the shop and making sure it all looked clean, after about 15 minutes of that somebody walks in. 
“Welcome to ‘Does Your Mother Know?’, what are you looking fo-”
Levi stops mid sentence, the woman stares at him, before looking over at the sex toys on display, then to the racks of porn flicks and lingerie, then back to him, “Uhh...Hi, (Y/N).”
“I didn’t know you worked here! Do you get discounts?” Levi’s eyes widen, confused as to why she wasn’t mad, “Yeah, I do...Why do you wanna know anyway?” Levi smirks as (Y/N) shakes her head, “I just wanted to. Might come in handy one day. ANYWAY-I was gonna let whoever was working here know that I’m about to install the Christmas decorations!”
Levi raises his brow in acknowledgement, “You’re doing the installation?” She nods, “Mhm! I’m a landscaper, but you can’t really do that in the colder months. So near Christmas time I go around and hang up a bunch of decorations!” He smiles at her enthusiasm, taking her hand and spinning her in a circle as she giggles. 
“Okay then. If you need any help let me know.” She turns, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “This is my job, I bet I could do better than you.” He hums in agreement, hugging her before letting her step outside, the sky already getting dark, illuminated by the street lights and signs that are lit from the shop.
It doesn’t take long until Levi steps outside, the snow falling heavily as he noticed (Y/N) on a ladder, hanging decorations, “(Y/N)!” After hearing him shout up at her, she looks down, them shouting back and forth at each other, “What?”
“Do you need more light? If you want, you can take a break! After my shift ends I’ll help you out!” She smiles, covering the lights from the snow and stepping down carefully, quickly moving into Levi’s arms where he takes her into the shop to warm up. “Thank you...When does your shift end?”
“About ten. It’s eight now, but I assume it takes a while.”
She nods her head, “It does. Thank you baby.” He suddenly noticed the nickname, his face now turning a light shade of pink, “Uh, yeah...No problem. Do you wanna go get a drink? There’s a Olive Garden down the street, you can go get something to drink, maybe some breadsticks, and then come back?” (Y/N) nods, giving him yet another hug before exiting happily, past another person who was entering, “Oh, hi Mike!”
“Well, well, well. What are you up to here?” Mike smirks as Levi rolls his eyes, “She’s the one installing the Christmas lights, dude. Why are YOU here?”
Mike giggles as (Y/N) leaves, getting into her car and driving over to the Olive Garden, “Well, I do need a new fleshlight BUT THATS NOT WHY I’M HERE. I wanted to ask when we’re gonna go workout, because I know it’s not tonight.” 
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I thought we’d be able to, but I’m working late. But I am off tomorrow, so we can go whenever you want,” Mike nods before looking around the shop, grabbing a fleshlight off of one of the shelves and setting it on the counter, “That’s 75 dollars. Pay up.” Mike hands him the money and he sets in the register, “Alright, there’s your fleshlight, freak. Get out.” Mike laughs, knowing the Levi’s joking.
Anybody else would think he’s being serious, but in reality, he couldn’t care less, and that’s why he worked in a sex shop. There was no shaming people, even if he didn’t like it. To sex shop workers, it was simply buying what you needed to get off, and it was far better than buying toys online. That way you could actually see and feel to make sure it suited your preferences and tastes! Most people thought only creeps worked there, but truthfully, you needed to have very good people skills, and be willing to openly talk to people about something so private.
The lights were finally up, with Levi’s help! Of course, (Y/N) did do most of the work, but regardless, she was grateful. The two hold each other, looking up at the bright decorations and lights, “Y’know...For a sex shop, you gave it a really good look.” She swats his arm playfully before looking into his eyes. They pull each other closer, sharing a soft kiss and pulling back, just barely, before deciding they both wanted yet another one, making this one a bit longer. 
They finally pull back, panting slightly, before (Y/N) speaks, “How much time do you have until you have to get home?” Levi checks his phone, setting it in his coat pocket, “Maybe half an hour, why?”
“....A quickie?” Levi smirks as he feels (Y/N) fingers run over his undercut, sending chills down his spine, “I’m trying to show you I’m better than that! I think your genuinely nice, and I don’t just wanna fuck you.”
“So...That’s a no?”
“It’s a yes, I’m just saying-”
And so, they spent those thirty minutes in the back of Levi’s car, hidden behind the store. What a night.
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