#she also offers to take his place guarding the emerald so he can take a break
kidheart · 7 months
I've decided with my second run of Baldur's Gate 3 that I am using the two tav trick. Though I know they can't in-game react romantically, it doesn't stop me from interpreting and writing a building romance between them. So I'm experimenting with a journal shared between them.
BG3 Journal Entry 3
~ Heart 
After taking a short respite, we begin to acquaint ourselves with the tieflings, finding how they are refugees on the road to Baldur's Gate. They have taken shelter in the Emerald Grove, though much to the dismay of the druids that dwell here. Tensions rise with the mention of a ritual to move the Grove to a different realm, leaving the tieflings to the mercy of goblin attacks. Duke is trying to help buy them time, but even his charisma seems to be no match for the harsh outlook of the head druid.
When we found her, she was ready to take the life of a child she deemed a monster and a thief. Duke managed to talk her down and reunite the girl with her family. 
In the same afternoon we came across a captive goblin, and the guard that was ready to shoot her dead in her cage. 
Seeing this, Duke swiftly stepped between them, speaking up as he did, “This won't bring them back, an’ she's still a person.”
This proved enough for the woman tiefling to lower her crossbow and stepback. Though she was clearly torn, she yielded to Duke’s words and withdrew. Leaving us to try and make a deal with a rather surprised goblin. Perhaps she knows someone that can help us with our….condition.
There was also a bard among them, struggling to find her song as she sat overlooking the heart of the Grove. To which Duke offered surprising words of calm and advice. Helping her to work out the knot in her lyrics, and encouraging her to play her heart out for any that might hear. Though many would have likely told her to replace her lute with a blade, this warmed my heart to witness. Harsh words wouldn't improve anything. I'd nearly forgotten this, even as I stood witness to this surprising inspiration of hope playing out before me. 
Among the refugees we found an elderly human woman as well. With wrinkled skin and color muted strands of hair, it was no surprise she could tell something was off with our lot. She spoke so sweetly to Duke, as though she were greeting her own grandchild. Though it did surprise me that she knew exactly what I was, claiming to smell my dragon blood within my veins? 
We then came across the fighter from earlier, the Blade of Frontiers, known as Wyll. Duke tells me it's nice to have a face to the name he's heard of. It turns out he's a warlock that hunts the planes for a devil known as Karlach. He was pursuing the fiery foe when they both got caught up in the same situation as us. Then he lost her again upon escaping. He's sworn to find her as his patron insists, and Duke has offered to help. 
“It's been quite a day, let's get some rest,” Duke suggested after wandering the Grove a bit more, “It won't do us any good to exhaust ourselves.”
As we set up our camp for the night, I couldn’t help but feel a bit out of place. With an open sky above my head, and others to share it around me, I grew curious. So much so that I attempted to venture forth to try and visit with each of them. 
This brought me first to Astarion's tent, where I found the pale elf lounging back on his bedroll. He was gazing up at the stars when he noticed me walking up, as he said in a pleasant enough voice, “Such a beautiful night sky, isn't it?”
“They're beautiful,” I couldn't help but admit as I turned my gaze upward towards the heavens above.
“This could be our last night alive,” he mentioned.
“No, we'll find a cure,” I tried to assure us both. 
He got to his feet, a friendly smile on his face as he began to speak of how he was impressed with me. To which I felt a little unease at first, as I reminded him, “We barely know each other?”
He then shook his head, clearly teasing me, “Oh, you're no fun!”
Yet at the next tent, that of Lae'zel, I found myself freezing up. So much so that Duke slipped ahead to ask her a few questions. 
He asked her of her people, and then what she knew of our fate if we didn't find a cure. To which she began to describe our fate in excruciating detail, causing a panic in my chest to rise. While the rogue beside me assured us, “That won't happen! We're goin’ to find a cure!” 
Next we spoke with Gale, who seemed oddly withdrawn from speaking with me. Despite how friendly he'd been before. Though to Duke he opened up enough to explain he was in need of magical items to prevent some sort of condition of his from getting worse. In hopes of learning more, the thief agreed to try and find items for the time being to aid in this. 
Wyll proved to be fairly open to the both of us, though he seemed a little uneasy when I recognized what appeared to be a sending stone in place of his right eye. Though like the truth of his patron, he wished to keep this to himself for the time being. Not wanting to pay, I eased away from the topic and chose to listen to his tales of adventure from alongside Duke. 
Lastly I decided to head over to try and speak with ShadowHeart. Duke had apparently had the same idea, as they had a pleasant enough conversation regarding her singing his praises for saving her. There was some talk of how her secrets were meant to be kept as such for the time being. 
Yet as I curiously asked if I was holding up to her expectations, she narrowed her eyes at me. Then she scoffed, “Such a shame, you were off to a good start saving me back on the ship. I suppose you'll be a good body to soak up arrows slewn at us?” 
I wasn't sure how to answer this, rather taken aback at the bite in her words. 
She then asked, “What would you do if I were to become a mind flayer?”
Trying to think quickly, I replied, “I'd tie you up and try to find a cure.”
Only for her to scoff, “Oh? I'd just kill you.”
When I faltered from the icy bite of her words, she furthered, “Try not to fantasize about tying me up now.”
In response to this sudden shift, I couldn’t help but recoil. I was vaguely aware of Duke speaking up, “Heart's the one that got the pod open, an’ has been usin’ her magic to aid us. Why be so harsh?”
“It's fine,” I insisted, before withdrawing to my bedroll to try and elude further scorn. 
“Heart…?” Duke attempted, but I was already walking away.
As I lay there on the padded fabric of my bedroll, trying to eat something, I tried hard to chase out the echoes of voices planes away from me. Voices speaking similar notions that ShadowHeart could never have been aware of. Chilling hisses filled my mind, no matter how far I ran from them. 
“Heart?” Duke's voice made me sit up with a jolt, causing me to cough on my water I'd been sipping. 
The rogue was sitting down on his bedroll, his knee pulled up and propping up his arm for it to rest casually against it. 
“I didn't mean to startle ya,” he winced as I cleared my throat.
Tears blinked out of my eyes, I turned to look over at him. The loose linen of his white tunic hinted at his lean frame hidden away. The lacing of his shirt was united, showing his collarbone and a small bit of his chest. 
My own tunic was tied closed, though was of the same fashion as his. 
“Don't let that get to ya,” he then offered, “Everyone's had a long, stressful day. Not everyone can handle it as well as others.” 
“How are you so calm? With these things in our heads?” I asked him. 
“I guess I'm treatin’ it like anythin’ else. I live day by day, knowin’ any one could be my last. I'm a thief. Any day I could be arrested an’ then executed,” he gave a shrug.
“Besides, what good will thinkin’ about it do? We can't afford to panic,” he added.
“You're very brave,” I slipped before I could stop myself. 
His eyes, injured and working alike, widened at this remark. Then he shrugged as he chuckled, “I don't know about that?”
“I've seen you prove as much throughout the whole day,” I insisted, as I began to recall, “Facing foes on the nautiloid and getting us out of….” I faltered briefly, “Out of Avernus, fended off goblins. You stood between a crossbow and a caged prisoner, not knowing whether you could talk her down or not. And you saved that child.”
“Oh, speakin’ o’ which!” He reached into his pocket, as he produced a gold locket in his hand. He held it out to me, “Her parents gave this to me as a thank you, but I thought it might look prettier on you?” 
My eyes shot wide open at this quite sudden gift, as he offered it to me still.
“Y-You're giving this to me?” I asked, clearly perplexed by this notion. 
“I'd like to,” he smiled as he placed it in my now open hand, “Here, sweetheart.” 
“Th-Thank you,” I attempted to choke out words I'd barely ever had the chance to utter so genuinely.
As I hooked the chain behind my neck, I then remembered some of the loot I'd helped pick up from the slain goblins. Particularly a treasure I'd been surprised to find among them, that I now pulled from my pack and offered to him. A pair of gloves with a certain gleam of the weave about them, “Perhaps they would be useful to you?”
He looked to be just as surprised as I was at the exchange we were now taking part in. As he took them from me, he studied them each quietly and said, “Gloves o’ power nearly wasted on a slain goblin? Heart, are ya sure ya want me to have these?”
“I am,” I said with a growing smile as I watched him try them on.
He flexed his slender fingers, showing how they would only enhance his skill of sleight of hand. Then he too smiled, as he slipped them off to put right with his gear, “Thank you, Heart.”
I brushed my fingertips over the rounded gold locket now hanging around my neck. Why did my face feel so especially warm as I tried to repeat, “Thank you, Duke.” 
“I'm glad you're here, Heart,” he replied with that same sweet smile.
“Likewise,” I was delighted to say, even if it showed in a shy manner. 
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X!Knuckles shows SCU!Knuckles the Master Emerald
Nickname for X!Knux: Guard
When Guard offered to show Knuckles around Angel island, he was ecstatic! They can compare similarities, differences, and talk about what they’ve discovered.
When Guard first heard that Knuckles had left his Angel Island most likely for good, he was a bit sad. He doesn’t blame the kid, he found a home elsewhere. Plus no master emerald to guard at that specific place.
Knuckles takes a deep breath of the fresh air around him. It smells like home. “Your island is very beautiful. There are so many things to discover here, so much ancient relics I have not seen on my own island.” Guard faces his little self “why don’t you go check? And bring your brothers with you?” Guard has known this kid long enough to know that he doesn’t go anywhere without his brothers in tow. They are a package deal.
Knuckles looks thoughtful, then frowns “hm.. perhaps not. I do not know what secrets Angel Island holds and if they will have reminders of.. Longclaw. Sonics previous guardian. Or relics of the war between owls and echidnas. It was my kind that took away Sonics mother figure.” Guard chooses his next words carefully “…maybe you’re right. But still, even alone, it could be worth a shot.” “You are also right, other me. We are clever.” “Aren’t we?”
The two approach the ruins. As the Master Emerald comes into view, Knuckles is nearly brought to his knees. This is the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen. “It’s… ginormous!” He walks up to it, measuring himself against the gem. It’s towering over him. Guard chuckles, placing a hand on the young echidnas shoulder “that was my first thought too.”
Guard hoists Knuckles on top of the emerald before joining him. “This is what you do all day?” Knuckles asks. “Uh, yea, pretty much. Unless I’m needed to elsewhere. I can’t afford to take my eyes off of the emerald for too long.” Guard responds, sighing.
Knuckles raises an eyebrow “is your Eggman also after the Master Emerald?” “Yeah, kinda. He seems to be more interested in the Chaos Emeralds, though. There is a-“
“Ooooh Knuckie~!”
Oh dear god.
It’s her.
Guard stands up atop the emerald. Knuckles joins him, looking for the source of the voice. He spots a figure emerging from the treetops.
“Hello, Rouge.” Guard crosses his arms. Rouge comes into full view, grinning at him. Then she spots Knuckles. She blinks a few times in shock, and flies towards him to get a better look.
“Oh! Knuckie, you didn’t tell me you had a son~ he is such a cutie!” Rouge pinches Knuckles’ cheek. He is debating whether or not to bite her hand off.
“He is not my son.” Guard growls.
“Ah, I should’ve guessed, really. You couldn’t attract a woman even if you screamed her name for the rooftops.”
Knuckles is very confused by this banter “but.. Rouge, was it? You came here to see other me, did you not?”
Rouge blushes a little then starts laughing. Guard gestures to her “she’s what I’m protecting the emerald from. Rouge here is a jewel thief.” “Righto, darling~! Here’s my card!” Rouge hands Knuckles a purple call card. He’ll hang onto it..for now I guess.
Rouge perches herself on a stone and sits down “so, you’re both Knuckles?” “Yes. This one’s from another universe. According to him and his Sonic, they got here because their Tails built a portal gun.” “I see.”
Knuckles speaks up “this universe is much different than my own. The Sonic and Tails from my universe became my beloved little brothers after we got adopted by a nice human couple.” Rouge did not expect that “oh! A human couple? And the three of you are siblings? Huh! Wow. Do your parents treat you nicely, sweetie?” “Of course! Our parents are strong, respectful, kind hearted noble people. They opened their home to Sonic because he had nowhere to go. Then they extended that courtesy to Tails and I.” Rouge smiles sweetly “aww I’m glad to hear, Baby Knuckie~!”
Rouge came here for the emerald, but ended up staying for tiny Knuckles. LOOK AT HIM HES ADORABLE! And he’s funny.
Guard and Rouge tell Knuckles stories about their adventures with the emerald.
Knuckles wonders if there’s a Rouge in his universe… if so, he’ll have to keep an eye out.
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crackinglamb · 2 years
I'm late for Dragon Age Day (I'm sick, so I haven't been around), but in honor of it, here's some shameless self-promotion of the OC's of What a Wicked Game to Play.
Imogen McLean
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Without her, there would be no fic. MGIT, lover and agent of Fen'Harel, reluctant badass. A physicist from Earth, transported via an experimental accident and in full possession of all the spoilers from the games, Imogen knows what she needs to do, but is Extremely Tired of doing it. She hates being a killer. She is disdainful of the Chantry as a cult and singular influence of the current political landscape. She does NOT like Orlesians. Armed with her foreknowledge, her smartphone and her determination to get a better ending, she's chugging along breaking canon all over the place and saving as many people as she can. Yes, including that damned Dread Wolf.
Eliana Hawke
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The years have not been kind to the Champion of Kirkwall. She enters WG as a bitter, exhausted, terrified woman who is still grieving over Anders and everything that happened in Kirkwall. She copes with functional alcoholism. Imogen can relate. Their friendship helps smooth her edges, gets both of them in a healthier headspace and gives her the impetus she needs to finally go after what she always wanted: Varric.
Terisin Mahariel
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The Hero of Ferelden didn't want to be here. He had his own agenda he was working on that was abruptly waylaid by a higher power. His secrets have secrets, and what he's going to do about them is still unknown. Still, he got to reunite with his son Kieran and repair his relationship with Morrigan after years of estrangement. He is a stoic, intense survivor of all Thedas has thrown at him. He would like some peace and quiet, thanks very much.
(He also became something of a thirst trap for my readers. Smol and mighty, he is my offering to the buff elf agenda.)
Dogmeat (Aju'ithanun)
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A wolf inhabited by a spirit of Determination, now evolved into Hope. Aju'ithanun means to act with purpose, resolution and/or determination (crafted by me using Project Elvhen, yes I'm aware of the Problems). In day to day, he answers to Dogmeat, since in Cole's words: "To you it means devotion, trust and companionship. Franchise doesn't matter". He was a 'gift' from Wisdom, so that Imogen would have more help than just Pride at her side. He's very doggy, but he's also a stalwart companion and gives Imogen strength she didn't know she had. A Thedosian emotional support animal, if you will.
Honorable mentions:
Guardsman Meuric - a Fereldan born commoner who joined the Inquisition in Redcliffe. Serves as Imogen's door guard and often has the best gossip. He was supposed to be a one-off kind of character, but he's grown on me, and ended up having several appearances, including one during WEWH.
Amund Sky-Watcher - yeah, I know, he's a canon character. But I took what little we see of him in-game and expanded it exponentially. He has become a mentor and support to Imogen, and a love interest to Cassandra. He gave me a reason to bring Avvar lore into the fic early and was half the reason Imogen went to the Frostback Basin when she did.
Inassan of Clan Soran - a member of Hawen's clan. She went with Taven to the Emerald Knight's Tomb. Technically she's a canon character too (she's the one who tells you to keep your distance, or better yet, leave). She is a prickly woman, justifiably distrustful of shemlen, but a proud, adept warrior who is ultimately impressed with Imogen and her open-mindedness. They aren't friends, per se, but they are certainly not enemies. In writing her, I also gave the clan a name since one isn't mentioned in-game. Inassan uses a longbow in the fic, and gave me the headcannon that each clan has a specialty. Since the Dalish clans take their names from the Emeralds Knights, and Soran was an archer, it seemed fitting.
Malika 'Licker' Cadash - Varric's niece and heir. And daughter of Vera Cadash, who had been sent to the Conclave and died there. Mostly she serves as a bit of reality driving for Imogen, who makes the connection that if she had not interrupted Corypheus' ritual, someone else would have become Herald of Andraste. Making Malika Bartrand's illegitimate daughter, and thus Varric's only remaining blood relative, was just too fun to pass up. She shows up from time to time. Imogen does eventually get the story on the origin of 'Licker'.
Wisdom - anyone who's read the fic knows how much canon got yeeted here. She is equal parts maternal figure, mentor, friend and meddling in-law. Solas may be her closest friend, but Imogen is her beloved da'len, in all connotations of the word. Nothing more really needs to be said, I think.
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rosevolii · 2 years
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"Born on an island in the heavens, the blood of my ancestors flows inside me"
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dysfunctionalmaki · 3 years
To Realize
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Main Masterlist
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Stark!Reader
Summary: Natasha's been connecting all the dots about how she feels about you, it's up to her to how she'll handle the situation.
A/N: This was supposed to be a oneshot until... I wanted to base it on the whole Black Widow movie :"))
Warnings: none, let me know if there's any.
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Your last interaction with your father didn't go well, he simply told you that Secretary Ross is now after you and Natasha after helping Steve, and Bucky to get in the Quinjet while T'challa was after them.
Quickly tackling the king of Wakanda on the ground, while Natasha shot something at him to give Rogers and his friend time to take off, as soon as the jet flew away, you removed your arms that are restraining him.
"Your father will hear about this, and you too Miss Romanoff." The exact words that came out of T'challa, and now you're on the run with Natasha, considered as a global fugitive.
Your father looked at you with disappointment when he mentioned that Ross will be chasing you and the latter, you looked at Natasha before she took your hand and leading you out, taking you to who knows where.
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"You miss your daddy?" Natasha spoke while driving, you chuckle at her words then resting your head against the car window. "Hmm, kinda, so what are we doing here in Norway?" You ask the latter.
"Well, you've noticed that Ross is after our asses after assaulting the King of Wakanda, and helping Steve and Barnes escape the airport, I believe we should lay low, right?" She propped her elbow by the window, resting her head on her knuckle as she drives with one hand. "Oh? I didn't know that." You replied sarcastically, making Natasha roll her eyes.
"What I mean is, why Norway of all places?" Now you're kindly asking, arms crossed over your chest and slowly drifting off to sleep, exhausted after hours of traveling, without Daddy's private planes, sports car, and Quinjet also.
Natasha noticed how your voice softens, a long yawn coming out of your mouth, and quickly glancing at you. "Ross has no jurisdiction here, his boys would stay away from here for the time being." She answered, you softly nodded and replied with an 'okay' almost a whisper with how silent it was.
In a split second, you're already fast asleep at the passenger seat, both arms hugging yourself and your head resting against the window. Nat maintained her eyes on the road as she attempts to reach for a blanket she stashed in the backseat, after few shifts in her place, the Russian managed to grab the cloth.
She gently placed the soft blanket over you, and now focusing herself on driving, for some reason, she has always felt this warm feeling in her heart when she's alone with you, adoration maybe?
Your peaceful state while you're in deep slumber, and hearing your soft snores as she admires the view of the landscape, she would offer everything she has just to stay like this most of the time.
The thought caught her off-guard, why would she want to spend all of her time with her friend's daughter? She shrugged the thought off from her mind, she knows what love feels like, she felt it with Bruce until Hulk decided to drive off somewhere they won't find him.
She did get sad because of it, but she chose to move forward and move on, successfully removing any romantic feelings for Banner, focusing on her work as an Agent and an Avenger.
But why is she feeling this way with you? Her heart melts when she sees you getting all excited when you've successfully upgraded your techs, how she would automatically smile when her eyes would catch you smiling, and how she feels warm when you're there to ease her mind when a mission didn't go as planned.
She's now connecting the dots, using the silence and peace surrounding her, she got time to think about herself and her feelings towards Tony Stark's daughter.
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After half an hour of the drive, you slowly wake up from your nap, looking around the surroundings you're in the middle of the woods, Natasha's still driving. "Good uhh... Evening?" You greeted Nat with your groggy voice.
Natasha stopped the car beside the safehouse, which is a caravan and you don't mind, you can't really call your father to get you a 5-star hotel to stay in. "Did you manage to replenish your energy?" She asked, unbuckling her seat belt and you did the same.
Getting out of the car, she has her gun out and you also have one on your hand, staying alert until both of you heard a loud snore in the room. Natasha immediately returned to her relaxed posture before heading into where the sound belongs, and she found her contractor sleeping.
Kicking his foot that is off the bed, the man immediately woke up. "You're sleeping in my bed." Natasha commented, "I'm not even under the covers." He replied, then his eyes trail at you, awkwardly looking away noticing that the two seemed close.
"I've got what you asked for, fake IDs, drivers licenses, and some VISAs, also for Miss Stark too, just like what you've told me to do." He says as he handed out the fake identifications to Natasha, while reading, the Russian frowned upon what she just read. "Really? Fanny Longbottom?"
"That is a legitimate name." He defended himself, them Natasha handed your fake IDs, taking a good look at them and you're amazed about how real they seem to be. "Thank you...?" You softly spoke.
"Rick, Rick Mason." He introduced himself, and you shook his hand also introducing yourself, with little chit-chat soon after the man left leaving you and Natasha alone.
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An hour has passed it's already dark out, you're currently sitting by the front door, knees up to your chest, and you already felt homesick, Natasha's company is nice honestly, but the feeling of being far away from your father and home sucks.
Natasha looks at you while you're way too busy gazing at the woods, she knows you aren't used to this type of setup, running away from authorities, and far from home, she felt bad for you.
She walks up behind you, making sure you're aware of her presence before placing a hand on your shoulder. "I'm going to watch a movie on my laptop, feel free to join me, I'm also eating the ice cream we bought at the convenience store earlier." She softly spoke before leaving you alone.
Minutes after, you finally stood up from where you are sitting and closing the front door, almost dragging your way to Natasha. Two bowls of ice cream in front of her, and her laptop already on, she was waiting for you.
You placed yourself beside her, head resting on her shoulder then she plays the movie on the screen, lazily taking a spoonful of the cold treat in your mouth, and eyes glued on the screen, but you weren't paying attention to the movie, you're spacing out.
"Hey, Y/N? Are you okay?" Of course, not, Natasha knows damn well you aren't okay, she thought that it's a dumb question. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" You answered just like your father, she paused the film and causing you to look at her. "No, you're not okay, and that's okay." She says before taking you into her arms.
You're surprised actually, Natasha isn't usually the one who initiates physical contact but here she is, her arms wrapped around your body. You needed this, you needed to feel home and somehow being hugged by Natasha feels like it.
Burying your face at her shoulders then you knew you're melting in her arms, it almost brought the tears out of you, as if her touch is enough the lift the burden you've been feeling.
Natasha feels like home.
You try not to think anything about the affection she just gave, but damn, you think you'd go batshit crazy if you won't get to experience this again.
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Let's be clear here, you've had a crush on Natasha while she's still Natalie, then as soon as Fury revealed that she is some secret agent, you were so amazed that you started liking her, though she didn't contact after that.
You weren't part of the Avengers initiative, but you did join them in the battle of Sokovia, but she and Banner have a thing going on, so you've decided to set those feelings aside. Which you successfully did for a few months, and after Bruce flying who knows where maybe you can make a move?
So you did, you would jokingly flirt around Natasha, and your father would give a questioning look then you slowly back away, but you were also a great friend to Nat, it's just that you can't seem to get all romantic with Natasha.
Just as much of a playboy your father is, that's all his, you suck at this type of thing, so Nat probably thought you're just a caring and affectionate person.
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You gently pull away from Natasha's grasp, and she looks at you with her emerald eyes. "Better?" She asked, placing a hand on your cheek softly caressing your skin. "Much better, thank you." She smiled with your answer, the next thing you know is that you're way too close to her, and you're looking at her plump lips.
This would be a perfect time to make a move.
You hold the back of her hand that is on your cheek, slowly closing in, and Natasha is leaning closer, so near that you could feel each other breathing, just when your lips were about to touch hers... the power died.
Nat cleared her throat and awkwardly moving away, removing her hand away from you and she stood up. "I'm just going to check the power generator." She says before going outside.
Her face turned red as soon as she was out of your sight, she got way too vulnerable with you, she almost kissed you but she sure knows she's going to like it but no, not at a time like this.
She tried to get the power back on, only to find that there's no more fuel in the generator, she came back inside finding you eating ice cream in the corner, and probably waiting for her to come back.
"I'm going to a gas station, do you want to come with me?" She asked, you nodded before getting off your ass and bringing yourself into her car, there's this awkward tension between the two of you, and as soon as she started driving, the silence swallowed the two of you.
"Can I turn the radio on?" You asked her, she simply nodded while eyes fixated on the road, you played the radio, and Sia's Cheap Thrills came on. "Damn, even here? When is this song going to die?" You commented.
Natasha taps her fingers on the steering wheel according to the beats, despite hearing the song over and over whenever you would turn on the radio, you still liked it.
Midway through the song, you felt chills on your body, and as soon as you look at the window beside you, suddenly you see an RPG heading towards the car.
"Nat—" Before she could react it has already hit the car causing an explosion, now the vehicle is hanging on the edge of the bridge, and with one wrong move it'll head straight down to the water. "Ooh, fuck that hurts." Hissing as you try to collect yourself and trying to fight the headache it caused.
Natasha on the other hand is in pain and boy, she's mad. "I'm pretty sure Ross has no jurisdiction here, and you should know that I'm a better shot when I'm pissed off," Nat spoke before firing few bullets at the person, you look at her and biting your lip, finding her hot.
"Wow, that's hot..." You spoke under your breath but Natasha heard, glaring at you. "Really? At a time like this?" She says, before heading out of the car when you tried to get out Nat stopped you. "How long can you hold your breath?" She asked. "Last time I beat Sam it was a good 4 minutes and a half."
"As soon as this psycho comes close enough, I'll push you into the water, it's not after us." She says you look at her as if she's speaking lies. "Nat, I'm not leaving you here–" before you could protest, you felt her lips against yours it was quick but you know damn well, that Natasha kissed you.
"I'll meet you down there, I promise." She says before a shield comes charging towards her, and managed to avoid it, yet it hit the car, now you're falling off the bridge and you suddenly noticed a small case on her hand.
You quickly got out of the car before it could hit the water, then you swam heading to safety where the one who ambushed wouldn't see you.
Closing your eyes hoping that Nat would come back to you in one piece, there's no way you'll let her die after kissing you, of course, you wanted to fight but your body just wouldn't.
You can't risk losing Natasha now.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
Next Part: To Remember
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itstimetotheorize · 2 years
Hunter’s next move
Poor hunter, given everything he’s just seen within the emperors mind, it makes sense he would be in a very fragile state and run off, but now comes the hard part which is that Hunter cant be all alone out in the forest now that he has realized he cant go back to the emperors castle. Near the end of the episode ”Hollow Mind”, as Eda sees hunter panic and yell out that he cant go back, it doesn’t take much for her to realize that whatever he saw in the emperors mind was enough to make him feel fearful of returning to the emperors castle, knowing this and knowing the true nature of the emperor,  Eda reaches out her hand trying to offer Hunter a safe place with her, but due to him realizing that everything he knew was a lie and that the emperor will show no mercy to him in the same manner he did to the previous golden guards, Hunters mind remained in a panic, leaving him to feel compelled to run.
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Hunter needs to go back to the owl house, but he needs someone to help him through his crises and persuade him to willingly return to Eda. As for who will be the one to help him through his crises, well, given Hunters position as someone who has always maintained loyalty to someone of power and leadership, its likely he will need someone with a similar role/title in order to help him and be someone he can easily listen to and given his behavior, he will only listen to someone he knows and has garnered respect towards. At first some of us hoped it would be Darius, but he alone is in a very complicated situation where he is involved with other coven heads in a rebellion against the emperor. Finding Hunter will help, but given Darius position, he is at risk of putting the both of them in danger of being discovered, but who else could help Hunter? well, the only other person he has shown a closeness to, who has garnered his respect and is in a position of leadership....is Willow.
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In the episode “Any sport in a storm”, Hunters opinion on Willow alone in terms of how much she was able to break his doubts, prove him wrong and exceed his expectations  to the point where she managed to get him to agree to compete against the abomination teacher Hermonculu, lead him to look at Willow and refer to her as “captain”, meaning he has developed respect for her and identifies her as a leader. And considering he now knows Willow is a half witch just like him, Hunter has effectively found someone he can identify with and relate to, meaning he will value her word and trust over others as she is the only person who can speak to him on equal grounds.
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 As for how she will find Hunter, well, he might go to her or she might find him, but thankfully Darius gave Hunter a scroll so it shouldn’t be to hard to contact him. Near the end of “Any sport in a storm”, Hunter uses the scroll Darius gave him to create a pinstagram and immediately messages Willow. 
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In “Reaching out” when Luz attempts to contact Hunter for information on the emperor, he tells her to leave her alone then accidentally texts her a picture of Flapjack, the picture was not for Luz to see and judging by his words stating he sent it to the wrong person, it doesn’t seem like he was sending the picture to a group, but rather a single person, and odds are that person was Willow, now... what does this mean?, 
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it means Hunter has maintained contact with Willow ever since the events of “Any sport in a storm” and if he’s been in contact with her, then odds are he’s also been in contact with the other Emerald entrails, meaning he should have a good support group coming his way. If either Willow or Darius can help him figure out his options and help him realize he needs to help stop the emperor then this would mean the team fighting against the emperor will have official gained its missing piece.
The only question now is, how will hunter help stop the emperor? well, given how much he talks about how he has studied wild magic and has access to knowledge very few have access to, he may be the only one who can help Luz figure out a way to create a new door now that she knows it was him who helped the emperor build his door. And given Luz still needs to persuade the towns people about the emperors true intentions, Hunter maybe the only one whom they may consider listening to once the Darius, Eberwolf, and Raine Whispers reveal themselves as traitors to the emperor (and that’s just them, who knows if any other coven heads are on their side), but more than anything, Hunter may help Luz figure out the glyphs to help stop the emperor by providing the valuable classified information he said he read about in “Hunting Palisman”, but hey!, its just a theory, an Owl House theory!
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anactualfuckingnerd · 2 years
you're just gonna say you made sonic oc's and not share them with us??? /lh /nm /np
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ok so this is rocky the rabbit. hes based on early concept art of sonic that depicted him as a bunny with a 90's cartoon art style. his pronouns are he/him and he is bisexual :)
he lives on the lost hex from sonic lost world and is the only anthropomorphic animal on it, with everything else either being genesis style critters, real life animals that have some sort of twist like the manta rays who spit fire, and the zeti. my interpretation of zeti can be a whole other post.
hes the most isolated out of my ocs, and lacks the most social skills. hes very blunt and swears a lot, something he learned from the zeti growing up. he very rarely takes things seriously, much to the chagrin of the other two.
his favorite food is apples and hes basically the sonic out of my ocs, ie hes the fastest. not as fast as sonic himself but god damn close. he can use the super peel out from sonic cd and he can homing attack and rail grind. the former has an arch to it like in lost world, as opposed to every other sonic game where his homing attack literally straightforward.
he basically treats the entire hex as his neighborhood, frequently visiting all the different environments and ecosystems just for fun. my friend @sappys-art-blog actually drew a couple sketches
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onto the next one
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so this is ruth the wolf, who was supposed to be a rival to rocky in the same vein as metal sonic. it was also supposed to be a play on the predator/prey dynamic wolfs and bunnies are often depicted with. her pronouns are she/her and shes panromantic asexual
she lives in "the city" from sonic forces (lets just say the actual name is sunset heights) and was part of the resistance against eggman empire. she grew up around other anthro animals, so shes a lot better with social stuff than rocky. however, she also never met another human until eggman took over most of the world.
she was drafted into the resistance in her mid teens and stayed even after eggman was defeated, as the resistance became part of sunset heights defenses, just in case something like that happens again. this makes her the most skilled fighter out of the three, and is actually able to harness the power of wisps/wispons such as drill and burst.
shes definitely the straightman in the trio, usually to balance out whatever bullshit rocky pulls off. also, it took a little while before i realized that her design in this picrew is extremely similar to shadow, which was not intended but is still welcome.
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finally, this is randall the horned lizard. he's based off the little guy from spelunky 2 (below) and takes the place of knuckles. his pronouns are he/him and he is pansexual
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thanks to the picrew, he looks more like knuckles himself than id like. the design is supposed to look more like mighty the armadillo, hence the black skin. just imagine if he had a shell, like mighty, that had yellowish spikes.
his backstory is interesting because hes the only one who interacted with humans at a young age. he was adopted by a man named trevor (iykyk) who took randall with him to explore what mobius had to offer. they were like father and sun, until they came across angel island.
there, they meet a tribe of echidnas who believe that randall is prophecised to be the guardian of the master emerald. the tribe forcefully seperated the two, as randall was dragged deep into the island, where the massive emerald awaited. the last thing he ever heard from trevor was "ill come and get you, okay? i just need to explain the misunderstanding!"
randall doesnt know what happened to him after that. trevor never actually came back, and randall simply sat there, guarding the emerald and waiting to be found. and then eggman crashes onto the island or something.
unlike knuckles, randall isnt convinced by eggmans story that rocky and ruth are the evil ones who are looking to steal the emerald. but randall senses them entering the island, and pretty much runs off to deal with them.
randall almost kicks the shit out of the two before eggman sets a good chunk of the island on fire. from then on, randall's juggling between stopping eggman from fucking up angel island, and kicking the other two out entirely.
im actually running out of steam so im gonna go over his Powers and Abilities before going to bed.
he can somewhat control the position of his spikes like a porccupine, and can either flatten them or make them puff them out as defense. he can also camoflauge like some irl horned lizards.
after years of exposure to the master emerald, hes able to subconsciously make himself far stronger than he looks, basically using the power of belief or whatever. im getting tired.
finally, his last ability is based off of the werehog gimmick from sonic unleashed. its also based off of ths wereskunk episode of regular show. basically if hes panicking or just insanely pissed, he grows quite a bit bigger and becomes a lot more feral. his arms cant stretch like the werehog but his boosted speed and strength more than makes up fod that. hes about the same size as the death egg robot from sonic 2, but usually moves around on all fours like an actual lizard.
ill maybe reblog this tomorrow with more info but rn im pooped. gnight
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Sacrificial Bride Part 1//Twisted Wonderland X Reader//
Alright well, that's enough writing for the next few days if you excuse me I'm going to go sulk in my corner. Huge thanks to @softyswork​ who’s story about reader being sent to Malleus as a bride inspired this series. Also, I REALLY want to make some sort of modern-day Frankenstein it would be an amazing scientific breakthrough! You'll understand what I mean when you get to Idia's part lol.
💚🐉Malleus Draconia🐉💚
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It was a common rumor around your village that ever since the death of the sleeping princess your settlement had never been the same. For you, this was nothing more than a fairy tale meant to spark a scrap of hope in the hearts of naive, suffering children who were still too young to fully understand why their fathers never returned from their hunting trips or why there was barely anything to eat for dinner.
Every time you heard this dreaded tail, you couldn't help but scuff. For as long as you've been alive your town had been in utter disarray and chaos. Monsters from the woods -what the town's folk called "fae"- attacked the village daily. Stealing jewels, destroying homes, sometimes even swallowing children or sucking the blood of the dormant. There was also the looming threat of the green flames. Blazing emerald fires who couldn't be subdued by neither water nor dirt. They advanced further into the territory of the village by each full cycle of the moon. Leaving behind in their trail, thick impenetrable thorn bushes that had taken the homes of many and the lives of many more.
Awful, dreaded creatures those fae where...
But alas you did not yet know just how cruel they could be.
On another periodic morning, your younger sister jolted you awake, dragging you to the town center before you got a chance to change out of your nightgown.
In the center of the square was short man..no...not a man you noticed his pointed drawn back ears. "Fae" you gasped under your breath. But unlike the monstrous fairies that ravished your town taking on the appearances of trees and woodland creatures, this one resembled a boy of 15. The young-looking male began to speak, his voice was clear like crystals, and to his tone bats began to flock overhead. "Truly dreadful, these fairy folk are" your sister uttered in terror as she buried her face in your side.
"Heed my words, mortals. The young prince of thorns has decided to take a wife. By the setting of the sun a full day from today, two of his guards will come to collect your offering. If you chose to disregard this Wa-- friendly advice, then what is left of your town will be decimated before the end of summer. Your children eaten, wives imprisoned and husbands killed!" An unsteady hush rippled through the crowd. Some hothead youths began to throw rocks at the stranger only for the bats hovering above to shield him from the stones. Mothers hugged their children close begging for the man to "just leave".
"If" the man's voice rose once more like a cadaver emerging from the grave " my young master is pleased with your sacrifice than we shall reward you! Bring good health and prosperity to your otherwise sick and decaying village." His last words melted into the open air before he vanished in a cloud of squealing bats and ebony smoke.
The town's folk erupted in screeches, cursing at their deities while simultaneously praying to any god that would listen.
"Help us!"
"save us!"
"Don't let them take our daughters!"
The screams escalated to the point where you had to cover your ears with your shaking hands. Your eyes scanning each of the villager's faces, a pathetic lot they were, you thought to yourself. Scared by the words of a young magician. In a flash, your heart sped up, adrenaline pumping through your veins, as you marched to the center square where the boy had been mere moments ago. You stood tall, cupping your hands over your mouth.
"Listen well you disquiet, mindless lot!"
All eyes turned to you. Some holding looks of confusion, whilst others harbored glances of hope.
"This fae is lying! No way will they be satisfied with just one measly girl! No matter who we sacrifice to their so-called master, they'll still come after us! They'll still destroy our village! Let's not be stupid! Let's find a way to barricade the city instead of arguing over who to sacrifice!"
For an endless second all was quite. It was like the world had stopped turning, frozen in its place in the universe trying to decide what to do.
Then it happened,
Chants reverberating through the air
"Sacrifice her!" "Sacrifice her!"
"Sacrifice her!" "Sacrifice her!"
"Sacrifice her!"........................
The crowd started advancing. Eyes locked on your figure like those of a leopard on its prey.  Their mouths were all a gap, chanting the words "sacrifice" over and over again. From behind the mob, your eyes locked with your sister's. You could practically feel the despair rolling off her figure as she covered her eyes and fell to her knees, her whole body rattling with a sort of distant rage...
A full day....it's funny how time passes all so quickly no matter what you do. Day in and day out nothing changes, pain is still pain, laughter is still laughter. Time just keeps slipping from between your fingers like sand. Even in the direst of times, Time doesn't show mercy, never once does it cease. It just ticks and ticks away until the inevitable moment arrives.
Your sister and aunt -the only two relatives that you hadn't lost to the fae- were in charge of preparing you for your so-called "wedding". Since your town was poor and isolated from other civilizations there wasn't much they could do to enhance your beauty. Smashing some berries to add color to your lips -and fervently ravishing the remains- using some coal to add shade behind your eyes, as well as around them and patting the dust of rose petals against your cheek. By the end, you hardly recognized the person staring back from the mirror. Sure the adjustments were minor but this was the most stunning you'd ever looked. "Is it almost time" your voice quivered, failing to hide the tears that began to fall. "Please don't cry sweetheart, we don't have any more coal to fix your eyes with." Your aunt's tone was monotone almost bordering on heartless. You couldn't really blame her, she'd gotten so used to having her loved ones plucked from her. One more would be no different. Sniffing as to keep the tears at bay, you nodded slowly. Your glossy eyes locked with your aunt's you could see the same fear and exhaustion in her fading irises as the night her son was slaughtered in front of her.
"Just a few reminders" your sister's voice was cheery like the chirping of early morning birds, but her face mimicked that of a kicked puppies. "Remember when the prince...fae...when he..you know...Oh, Lord please tell me he won't" She was shivering again. Her face twisted in horror. You knew what she was thinking, she was imagining you laying in the bed of that...that thing. She was imagining him entering you, kissing up and down your neck. Leaving patches of red skin over smooth flesh, bruises wherever his clawed hands touched you. She was imagining what was no doubt going to happen to you tonight...
the mere thought made bile rise to your throat.
"Darling, just keep saying how much you like it. It's all any man wants to hear." again your aunt or rather her lackluster form of speech was the rope binding you to your sanity.
"Do fae even have...those parts like humans do?" Your sister asked, only to be met with a glare from your aunt. "Stop wasting time on pointless questions! Hurry up and see if this dress fits your sister."
Sure enough, as you were escorted to where the thorn bushes met the village, two men, one standing tall and proud, whilst the other looked like he may topple over from fatigue at any moment, were awaiting you.
The green-haired man let out a haughty laugh, his blazing eyes scanning you from head to toe. "She's hardly worthy of the young master!" His dreadful voice was like the booming of thunder clouds. "It doesn't matter, Malleus-sama needs to be wedded off quickly so he can produce an heir. None of us are getting any younger by standing here debating the "worthiness" of yet another measly human" the silver-haired male's voice was the exact opposite of his comrades, his voice was soft and breathy like light drizzle after a storm.
The green-haired man looked ready to argue once more, but before he could open his mouth, his violet-eyed counterpart waved something thin in the air casing a pathway to open between the hedges.
It was dark between the brambles. The air was thick, stuffy, every breath was a struggle. Although it seemed neither of your traveling buddies minded the discomfort. Did fae even need air to survive?
After what could have been no less than a couple of hours, your small group made it to a large clearing where only a few rays of the sun leaked through the thick smoky clouds. Miss matched flowers in shades of grey littered the rocky barren ground. Maybe at some point, this place had been beautiful, stunning even...but whenever that time had been it was long gone now.
As you ventured farther into this monochrome land of loss and sorrow, the three of you approached a castle. It towered over everything else, grim in all its glory. "Young master Malleus is awaiting you inside..." The green-haired male's voice trailed off as his speech was interrupted by the deafening creaking of the doors parting open. Without another word the two men dragged you inside, pushing you through spiral staircases and long bleak passageways. Until you arrived at a lavish-looking room, a large throne sitting smugly in the front of the room. It's black, spiked appearance was enough to make you gasp in horror, you didn't desire to meet the monster that perched atop that throne. "Don't be so afraid." the silver-haired man whispers, his head is almost resting on your shoulder. "Malleus-sama is kind and fair. He is sure to love you better than any human ever could." you catch a hint of nostalgic sadness in the last part, like a long lost part of the lavender eyed boy's past caught in his throat like a glass shard.
Trumpets roared through the room blaring as two men, one short and fickle whilst the other tall and brooding walked in. "Malleus~" The short one sang as they both stopped in front of you "Say hello to your lovely new wife." the tall man's emerald eyes landed on you. His lips parted in a threatening smile...or maybe it was a smirk? He didn't seem to be too good at displaying emotions. Slowly he descended onto one knee, slipping your hand into his and kissing the top lightly.
"Hello, my darling little wife."
🧡🦁Leona Kingscholar🦁🧡
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The After Glow Savanna was an absolute hell to be born in if your family did not belong to some royal inner court class. The endless days spent scavenging for scraps of food, walking miles for a simple glass of water, had become a sort of broken, habit beaten into the residents of the smaller less fortunate districts.
Eventually, you too would follow in your parent's footsteps, working odd jobs around the neighborhood, getting married to some guy, having kids, and giving them the same dreary life your parents had given you. It was simple -miserable- but simple never the less. In an odd way, you found a sort of comfort in how everything was set in stone. How you'd suffer through a few years then die of starvation or some disease in your husband's arms.
But little did you know that the only comfort you had in your horrible life was also going to be swiped from you.
When Ruggie, a dear childhood friend of yours returned from his prestigious school for the winter holidays you were overjoyed! A week with your best friend was the greatest gift you could ask for! But that excitement soon dulled when he announced to the neighborhood what the royal family had planned for the underdeveloped parts of the country.
"They want to demolish the homes and build parks and shopping strips instead"
The people of your tiny community gasped, shock and hopelessness mixing over their dirty, worn out faces. Some older siblings shielded the ears of their younger kin, some mothers hugged their children closer to their chests. "They can't do that to us!" Your voice was like a beacon through the thick fog of confusion. "We can't let them!" You turned to Ruggie who was seated next to you. His blue-grey eyes held a foreign sadness that you had never seen before. He was hiding something...something so grim that he was forced to shove it into the depths of his soul, locking it up and throwing away the key.
"There is a way..."
For such a hopeful phrase, Ruggie's tone harbored no happiness. You could practically see the tears that were clouding his beautiful eyes. "Tell us" someone from the crowd demanded, others soon joined in with their own chants. For a long moment, Ruggie said nothing, the shouts of despair falling on deaf ears.
"If.." his voice trailed off, as his gaze grew distant.
"If someone from the neighborhood were to marry the second prince..." Gasps of fear filled the air. Even the mere mention of the second prince's name was enough to send chills down people's spins.
"Then they could, as the newly appointed  princess, convince the royal family and counsel to scrap this monstrous plan." No one uttered another word. No one was brave enough to face the man who could destroy anything with a simple touch.
But the sake of these people, people who had nothing but their families and a muddy roof over their head was on the line.
Do something, a tiny voice in your head screamed, save them, it begged. You shifted your head so to get a glimpse of Ruggie's face. "I-" you began but were cut off before you could even finish.
"I know you would say that."
His voice broke over every syllable. He knew you would give up your depressing nostalgia for the sake of others. Life in the castle would be hell, being married to that monster would be something worst than the dwellings of the devil.
It was a speedy arrangement, so fast that your head didn't have time to process anything. In the end, it almost seemed like the royal family was desperate to find a spouse for their youngest son.
Just marry him! Was what all the absentee looks told you.
Early that morning, Ruggie had dragged you to the castle, all tears, and grumbles. The palace guards let him in with no restrain, it almost felt like he'd been here before. Your childhood friend led you to a room in the further corner of a grand hall. He told you to stay outside as he went in to chat with the prince. Moments later the newly appointed king and queen came to usher you into a privet room and discuss the marriage. Not an hour later your fate had been sealed, you'd be married off to prince Leona tomorrow at sunrise. For "historical purposes" your neighborhood would be preserved and even taken care of. 'Historical purposes' you thought 'more the like a bribe to get you to marry this beast.
that night you were dragged this way and that by the queen herself. Taken for fitting after fitting. Trying on hundreds of wedding dresses who's prices could feed every mouth in your neighborhood for months! "Leona isn't very classy" the queen sighed in disappear. "He would probably prefer you to be in something laxer, shorter if you will" the tailors ran around trying to find something that would fit her vague description, as you stood facing her royal highness.
"What's he like?" you asked soullessly
"Spoiled, although not as heartless as the rumors make him out to be"  She didn't seem to like giving straight answers
"will he harm me? It was an honest question, although the lack of thinking it took before the queen replied made your heart skipped a beat.
"Quite possibly, he is rather...aggressive at times. Just don't let his degrading comments get to you. He's not used to being around people"
The more she described the second-born prince the more it seemed she was actually speaking of some feral dog that had raised in isolation.
Oh, how doomed you were.
The wedding was even faster than the preparation. Ruggie walked you down an aisle of flowers, walking over the petals, killing them once and for all, ending their pointless existence. You stood by your self at the altar awaiting your husband to be. It took a rather long time before the doors were flung open and the king waltzed in carrying his struggling brother under his arm. "No need to worry, Leona was taking one of his catnaps again and forgot about today's events" the king announced, in what could only be described as a mock lively tone.
How on earth does someone forget their wedding! This prince really wasn't a typical human...heck you where beginning to think that the feral dog would have made a better groom.
snap, snap
A few magazine pictures here, a couple of family photos there...
Everything was so bright and loud...
right before you and the second prince were thrown into the darkness of his room. In the obscurity, you could ONLY make out the glowing of his emerald eyes.
You could feel him shifting closer, all the while you took shaking steps backwards. " I thought wives were supposed to leap into the arms of their husbands? Tell me little herbivore do I frighten you?"
Your voice refused to leave your throat, too afraid to come into contact with the prince.
"What's the matter? Did they not teach you to speak in on the streets you grew up on. Poor thing~"
Leona pounced across the room, tackling you to the ground. His sheer weight pinning you to the carpeted floor. The sound of fabric tearing echoed through the silence.
How careless these royal were was the only intelligible thought that came to your frenzied brain.
Goosebumps littered your skin as Leona's claws cut into your flesh. His lips kissed over each wound as he made his way up to your cherry painted lips.
"You look so cute, you know, like a little mouse about to get devoured by a starving lion."
💙💀Idia Shroud💀💙
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The rhythm of his heartbeat was slowing down, it felt like the patter of ants atop one's flesh. He was dying...this was an irreversible fact. The love of your life was dying and there was nothing you could do but sit idly by and watch the life fade from his pale bruised face. Your thumb ran over his knuckles in robotic-like strokes. Hours had passed, you'd shed all the tears that you had. He was gone...that was all there was to it.
For a hopeless second, you flicked your eyes to the open window on the opposite side of the room, There was never any sun on the island of lamination but regardless today seemed brighter than any other day. "How cruel" you muttered in a deadpan voice. Outside something...or better yet...someone was running through the fields, chasing what looked like a butterfly. The young child had blazing blue hair a symbol of the Shroud family...
Your breath hitch in your lungs, your heart began to pound furiously in your chest. They could help you though hopefully. There family where distant relatives of the god of the underworld and a few years back -to your regulation- the hair of the family had been able to semi revive his younger brother. If he was able to bring back a child from the dead than surly they would have no problem returning your lost lover to you.
Your eyes waltz over his dormant face one last time before you got up and ran for the door.
"This is all for you my love, all of this is for you"
The Shroud family mansion was located at the top of one of the many hills that plagued the island. It was a dark grisly building that resembled the castles from old tales, where monsters laid dormant. Rumors spiraled around the rural civilization, some saying that the family was cursed by the lord of the dead, whilst others claimed that the shroud family were the long lost descendants of the lord of the dead and the maiden of spring. The curse had been placed on the family by the temperamental mother of the maiden of spring, anathematizing the family to be plagued with death and disappear for the rest of eternity.
Regardless of what their misfortune was, they may very well be the last people on earth who could help you. Surely if the family had brought back their youngest than they could bring back your lover!
You knuckles tapped furiously at the old metal doors of the frightful residence. The rhythm was unkept, unsteady, it's mere sound radiated urgency.
Your throat burned as you screamed out those three lousy words.
After what felt like forever, the doors cracked open, revealing a tall man obscured by the shadows. Any light that touched the interior of the house seemed to die acidity, making peering inside nearly impossible.
"What business do you have?" The man's voice was croaky as if his vocal cords hadn't been used in years. For a split second, you closed your eyes, trying to organize the thoughts in your head. "My...my...h-hus...lover, my lover is d-dead...o-or rather he is dying....probably fully gone by now..." despite the mess of stuttered letters and mixed-up words, the man seemed to understand your situation. With a long sigh, he pulled you into the somber house.
Fingers still wrapped tightly around your wrist he pulled you around, guiding you through the darkness until you reached a large room lit only by the mysterious blue flames of the fireplace. Sitting by the warmth was a...well it was hard to tell, her face -despite it displaying every bone of her visage coupled with dark sunken eyes- resembled that of a woman no older than thirty, whilst her body resembled a decaying skeleton. What was she? Was she the lady of the residence or yet another monster this bizarre family had created.
"My, love" the man began to speak, his voice was somehow cleared like it had been given some sort of jolt. "This young lady needs Idia's help, she wants to bring back her lover from the dead."
The woman said nothing, her eyes staring ahead, burning a hole in the wall right by your head. "What will she give him in return" despite her "deteriorating" appearance her voice was like soft silk on one's skin, melodious and fair.
"Why herself!" This time the man's voice boomed across the house, echoing through the hallways and falling on you like a cave in.
"M-myself! What the hell do you mean!"
"It sounds fair" the women agreed "my darling sweet son saves your lover and instead you agree to marry him! Oh how wonderful, just like in the tales about grandfather Hades!"
She seemed too thrilled about this, her snow-white eyes gleaming with a sort of delusional passion.
"Idia! Idia honey! Come down your father has a surprise for you!"
The hollow sound of footsteps soon filled the quiet air. Followed by another soft blue glow.
Was there no normal fire in this house?
But it wasn't fire, not exactly. When your eyes fell on the heir of the Shroud family, you suddenly felt a nervous wave crash over you. There was something -even more- unsettling about him, he looked nothing like his charming little brother. For one his hair wasn't...well hair! Sure you'd expect a small batch of blazes heading upwards but this was something else entirely! It resembled a large bonfire that floated towards the ground, rouge sparks falling in every which direction, sizzling and then dying abandoned on the floor. And his eyes, Miosis like pupils floating around in a pool of lemon yellow.
But all the physical appearances aside, the most unsettling thing about him was the gloomy aura that leaked off him, suffocating anyone in his presence. Nervously you took a step back only to be yanked forward again by the taller man.
"Idia baby!" His mother ran over to him, cradling his hands in hers "This cute young lady has agreed to marry you if you can save her lover, just like in that old tale about your great grandfather! Oh, my this is all so romantic!"
It seemed like no one here understood that you were in love WITH SOMEONE ELSE! Or maybe they did and chose to disregard it. Instead, using the bits they retained as kindling to feed their raw excitement. You shifted your gaze back to Idia's face. To your utter terror, he was...smiling? Could that...look...even be called a smile? It seemed more like the way a shark would bare its teeth at a defenseless seal! Oh, gods please don't let this...thing...be your future husband!
"It should be easy enough," His golden gaze landed on you "W-when did...did he die?" it took a few moments before you register that he was talking to you or technically asking you something. "A...A  few..." your voice cracked, tears streaming down your eyes.
"So recently...okay that shouldn't be a p-problem." He turned on his heels and walked back into the seclusion of the halls "I'll grab some things and meet you by the front door"
A few things ended up being a pile of wires and bolts. Something that looked like a light blue ball of energy and so many tools whose names seemed to go over your head.
Idia was kneeling by your lover's bed, pulling apart the skin and fusing metal in its place. Your darling's chest was cracked open, his ribs poking out towards the sky as if praying for life from the lord of the sky. Every once in awhile Idia would pull out a long tool with smoke floating from the top. He'd lay it on an organ watching as the tissue fiber sizzled away under the heat. He would then tie wires and small circular batteries inside.
"His heart stopped working, I'm guessing from some sort of shock"
You just hummed in response, too caught up in how the man you loved was beginning to look like a modern-day Frankenstein rather than a human being.
The sun had long since faded when Idia finally got up from his spot. His bones cracked and screeched at the sudden change, his muscles giving out halfway leaving him to rely on the wall for support to stand. Your lover's chest had been sewn back and covered with a silver piece of metal. His neck was wrapped in the same sort of alloy. His left arm had been cut open so Idia could shove the energy ball inside than cover it, leaving a small enough gap for wires that stretched from his chest to weld into the ball.
"He just needs a boost" Idia murmured that shark-like grin overtaking his pale face once more. From the side table, he plucked up to jumper cables and clipped them on either side of his neck. Jolts and crackles filled the room and sparks flew in every direction, the once-dead body shuffled around, arms and legs moving at random. You shrieked and duck behind Idia.
Only then did he pry the clips from his neck.
for too long nothing happened... then there was a slight wiggle in one finger, then another. His eyes slowly began to prey open, looking over his surroundings. The moment his confused gaze feel onto you. Idia turned you around to face him, clumsily smashing his blue chapped lips onto yours.
From the corner of his eyes, Idia watched as the other man began to understand what was happening...even if he was just resurrected there was still agony at the sight of his lover kissing another...
Good! That should show him who you belonged to now!
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Prompt: Inspired by the song: To Catch A Thief by Lovage
Word Count: Really Long, girl 😩
Pairings: 1930’s Mob! Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, smut (implied), murder, manipulation.
Tagging: @ziasaph , @marlananicole , @akiko-tanaka , @nicolewoo , @saccreigns , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @auawdo , @lustyromantic , @babydee17 , @yungbludjazz360
Notes: As cliche as it sounds, I’m a truly lover of music and love different genres. I love to be able to show different types of bands/ projects/ music that sometimes people might not even know exists. So this little fic is inspired by one of my favorite music projects EVER: LOVAGE (it has Mike Patton on it, so of course I would love it! The man has been my musician crush since I was 9 years old! And he’s amazing, so). Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) You can check them out on my Masterlist. Okay,now let’s get to the fun part, shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
Of course I’ve heard of them and of course they’ve caught my interest! The Reigns’s and Uso’s were one of the biggest gangsters families among the USA, who were responsible for the biggest robberies across the country.
The current rumors spreading around the neighborhood swore they were here, hiding from the authorities, in our small little town.
And I would give anything to meet one of them. As the daughter of a prostitute, my only fate was to follow my mother’s footsteps but I am more ambitious than that! The only way to prosper in life is to be completely feared. Be feared not respected as Machiavelli himself taught. And I know, for a fact that, that is completely true! Growing up in the red light neighborhood had proved to be quite the life lesson, actually. ‘Don’t trust the police’, ‘Make alliances with criminals’, ‘Trust no one’, ‘Don’t snitch’, ‘You never hear or see anything’, ‘Mind your own business’, ‘Don’t allow people to mind YOUR business’, ‘Show no emotions’, ‘Always be smarter than your enemies’, were a few of those rules. People think that, for a woman to be perfectly successful in the 1930’s she needs to be a trophy wife, nothing more than a beautiful face with zero brains and a pair of open legs to a rich husband. But they are wrong! You see, any woman can use her beauty and charm to manipulate and conquer whatever she wants, but she can only maintain that manipulation power if she’s smart enough. I’ve had the town mayor, Mr. Heyman, gift me a beautiful diamond crown (that originally was meant to be his wife’s birthday present) just with some charm and sweet nothings whispered to him. I didn’t needed to warm his bed for it, I just had to be smart enough to understand his weaknesses and say the right words! I know what I want, so I get it, and believe me when I say: I will have Roman Reigns all to myself.
Things were disappearing in my neighborhood
Once again somebody was up to no good
I saw that you were wanted, but not like I wanted you
And that's when I knew I had to be with you
And that's when I knew if I didn't, I'd be through
To end my grief I'd have to catch a thief
Your love was my relief my love is your release.
Ah! Mayor Heyman’s high society ‘charity gala balls’ (aka meet your husband’s new mistress), were the most futile yet amusing events of this town. I wasn’t a high society woman, economically speaking but again I’m good at saying the right things to the right people. So it’s no surprise to see my name in the mayor’s guest list.
I entry the big doors of the city hall wearing my most recently acquisition: an emerald green velvet dress (gifted by the Senator John), my high heels (Another gift from Mr. Smith, the banker) and my hand purse (from the all so lovely Mayor Heyman)...Speak of the Devil.
“Y/N” He greeted
“Oh, Mayor Heyman. What an honor” I smiled sweetly
“Believe me, it’s my honor, dear” He kisses my hand in an flirtatious way. And it’s a good thing I’m great at keeping my gag reflex in control.
“Oh please, I’m the one who has to thank you for always reminding little old me for your tremendously chic events. I can’t express my gratitude enough for you always having so much compassion in your heart!” I scoot closer to him, slightly fixing his tie “It is such a shame that you’re a married man, mayor Heyman, I would have loved to be your wife” I whispered softly
He gulped “I can change that” He smirked
“Oh please, mayor!” I stepped back with a offended look on my face “As a Christian woman, I cannot support divorce! That is some type of thinking that will lead us directly back to sodom and gomorrah! I can’t believe you just said that to me” I make the sign of the cross
“I am so sorry, Y/N it was not my intention-“
“I am not a prostitute or a home wrecker, mayor Heyman! I am a woman devoted to the Lord and I will not accept or tolerate that type of language or insinuations towards me!”
“I am deeply sorry Y/N, I truly am! Let me make it up to you. Here” He fastly signed a blank check “Please take this”
“I can’t” I whisper, pretending embarrassment
“Please, Y/N! It’s the least I can do. You can use it for whatever you want, no matter the price. I could never offend you! You’re such an amazing woman. Please accept it!” His pleading eyes let me know I had him hooked.
I ‘reluctantly’ accepted “Well, thank you, so much” I murmur with tears upon my eyes
“No, I’m the one who has to thank you, for dismissing my ogre behavior” He smiled “I’ll leave you now, so you can fix your makeup”
“Thank you, mayor Heyman”
Once he’s out of my sight, I can drop the naïve girl routine.
“Impressive” A deep male voice spoke from behind me
When I turn around, my knees almost failed me... it was him.
“I beg your pardon?” I ask
“The little stunt you just did with the mayor, was truly impressive. I swear that if I didn’t saw you get out of your naïve christian woman character I would have one hundred percent believed too” He smirked
“Mr. Reigns. That’s a compliment coming from you”
“You know who I am”
I shrugged “I’ve heard a few things here and there”
He gets closer to me, until our faces almost touched
“Yeah? Tell me, Y/N. That’s your name right?” He asked and I nodded
“What have you heard, Y/N?”
“How your the head of the table on your family’s business” I mumbled
“How does a woman like you, know about my family’s business, Y/N?” He walks forward, making me step back until I my back reached a closed door.
“I was raised on the streets”
Roman’s eyebrows raise in surprise “Really? You don’t seem like the streets type” He said, caressing my cheek.
“I had to learn how to be more polished if I didn’t wanted to become a hooker”
“I see” He buried his nose on my neck, inhaling deeply my perfume as his hands rested on my waist “And I imagine your perfume is also a result from a similar scene with the mayor” Roman whispered in my ear
“The senator not the mayor” I cackled
He amusingly laughs on my ear “You have friends in high places, huh?” His hands moved up, cupping my breasts through the dress
“People use what they have, Mr. Reigns” I look into his eyes “You use you intimidating strength” I squeeze his biceps “And I use my womanly charm” I batted my lashes “They’re both means to an end”
Come into my window
It's open every night
That's where I'll be waiting
I'll keep off all the lights
I'm lying on my bed
Crown jewels on my head
The loud knocks on my front door made me quickly get up. Going down the stairs I can see a tall manly figure waiting for me to come and answer. I grab my Colt 1908 Pocket Hammerless gun from the little drawer on my cupboard.
Placing my finger on the trigger I opened the door.
“Yes?” I ask harmlessly
“Mrs. Y/N?” The tall Samoan man asked
I nodded once
“My name is Jey and I’m here in behalf of Mr. Reigns”
I nodded again
“Why don’t you come and take a ride with me?” Jey coldly smiled
I'd never give you up
So come in from the cold, let your guard down
I'd hide you from the cops
Don't be frightened now my love
I'll take the life of crime, all to make you mine
The hotel room is big, fancy and very expensive by the looks of it. If I had to take a lucky guess, I would say that he’s not paying for anything in here, it is all a curtesy from the mayor.
“I’m glad you came” Roman smiles
“Did I had a choice?” I tilted my head
“No, you didn’t” He chuckled “Can I offer you anything to drink?”
“Are you going to drug me if I say yes?” I joke
“Depends on your answer to my proposal” He smirked
“Yes” Roman got up from his chair coming to stand in front of me
“You see, Y/N. You’re a very, very interesting woman. Ambitious, smart, charming, intelligent and gorgeous. You’re not easily scared, in fact, it looks like you enjoy danger” He pulled me closer to him, until our bodies were pressed together “I could use a woman like you in my business. At the gala ball you told me about your goals in life and I could see with my own eyes you successfully work your magic on every men in that room. So, what I propose to you is: come with me, I’m leaving town tomorrow and I would like for you to come with me, be a part of my team, use your looks and your brain to our favor.”
“And what’s in it for me?” I asked
“Money, power, jewels...Anything you want” He sincerely said
“What if I would like to add you to that package?” I whispered
Come in off that roof top
You're so handsome dressed in black
See you in the shadows
I'd like to see you on your back
Take this precious treasure
And I will treasure you
Roman smirked “So be it! If you want me too, then you can have me”
He leaned down, capturing my lips in a famished kiss. Pushing me down on the bed, his broad body hovering over mine, grinding, kissing, biting, panting, pounding and moaning until the first rays of sunshine from the next day peaked through the curtains...
“What do you say about we take a drink, Mrs. Reigns?” Tony, my husband’s arch enemy and Capo of the Italian Mob asked
“I would love to” I smile sweetly as I hook my arm in his. Going to the back alley.
“I figured it was already time for you to leave that husband of yours for a real man, you know? And I knew you would come to me, sugar” Tony winked
“You’re right, Tony. I do need a real man” I smirked to the shadows when the gun fired.
Tony’s body fell down by my side on the dirty alley street
“But you didn’t thought you were that man, right?” I cackled
Roman’s arm circle around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
“Hello Tony” He smiled “Did you really thought you could have her?” Roman chuckled “C’mon, we both know she’s too much of a woman for you! You can’t handle it! I bet you’re regretting to have thought with your dick now, don’t you?”
“She will leave you eventually Reigns. Just wait for it!” Tony spat
I pressed my high heel on his chest wound, pressing it down and making Tony scream in agony
“You watch your mouth, you fucking fat pig! You know nothing, you ARE NOTHING! I would never leave Roman for you” I laugh “I will never leave him for anyone” I smile at him, aiming to his head and pressing the trigger right afterwards.
We'll run away my dear
Some place special have no fear
We'll even change our names
We'll be kinky, we'll be strange
I'll take the life of crime, all to make you mine
All to catch a thief
Your love is my relief, my love is your release
Your love is my relief, my love is your release
All to catch a thief
“You are perfect” Roman whispered, kissing me vigorously in front of Tony’s dead body. “C’mon. Let’s get out of here” He opened the passenger door of his Rolls Royce and I enter it.
Once we’re driving through the highway he says
“I can’t wait for us to get to the hotel” Roman kisses my hand, intertwining our fingers “I’m going to fuck you senseless” He growls
And I can’t help the happiness smile that spreads on my lips..
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geminidentitycrisis · 3 years
The Scent of Leather and Hairspray
Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x F!reader ONESHOT
(WARNINGS! - swearing)
Sooooooo, I have a new favorite Pro, I guess haha
I hope you enjoy, and if you're underage, pretend you're older because I get it, I'd be Hot For Teacher too, but he's not a pedo sorry......
You sighed as, upon exiting the store where you just purchased a frozen drink, the men you passed to enter that store started catcalling you. Just what you needed at the end of a rough day...
"Hey Honey, you'd be cuter if you smiled...!"
"Don't listen to that shit, babygirl, you're sexy as hell, c'mere and hang out a while...?"
Ignoring them the best you could, you kept walking, but they didn't take that very well. "You think you're too good for us, that it, stuck up bitch? Where you think you're goin'?"
You could hear their footsteps approaching behind you and turned to face them after sipping from your drink.
"Guys, please, I've had a hell of a day today and my quirk would probably scar you both for life and what do you say we just don't do this, huh?"
They exchanged glances before fixing you with threatening glares. "You think you're tough, babygirl? We'll see how tough you are when we get through teaching you some respect..." the first one said.
A voice called from behind you and suddenly an arm was draped gently around your neck. You froze, being caught off guard tended to prompt a panic response when you were so tired.
You smelled leather and an overwhelming scent of hairspray.
"What's the trouble, my homies? Pretty sure ya heard the lady, she ain't jammin' to the vibe ya layin' down, ya dig? Beat it."
Heart skipping a beat or two, your eyes grew wide and a blush flooded your cheeks. "That voice...?!"
You whipped your head up to see the one and only Present Mic.
"Ah! I knew it! I knew I recognized your voice, I catch your radio show every day! You're the Sound Hero, Present Mic!" he flashed a grin down at you, winking.
"Oooh, you've got good ears, Listener! Thanks for Hypin' me up like that! Always great ta meet a FAAAN!" he responded in his commentator voice.
One of your would be tormentors interrupted angrily. "Hey, peacock head, why don't you mind your business?"
"PEACOCK...?! You boys best get ta steppin', aight?! Don't make me beat you up in fronta this pretty girl!" he replied in annoyance after his attention was so aggressively stolen from you.
The blush came back in full force and you couldn't contain a dreamy sigh as your lashes fluttered, eyes lidding contentedly now that you felt safe again.
*he said I was pretty~!* you thought.
"You believe this banana hair lookin' motherfucker? You're about to get your ass whooped, fruity!" the other threatened.
"Hey bro, watch your language! There's a lady here!" with the arm around your shoulders, Mic carefully raised it and guided you behind himself as the two started walking towards you both.
Another voice came suddenly from the other side of the parking lot and everyone, with the exception of the blonde who was guarding you, turned to see Eraserhead.
Suddenly these jerks weren't so confident.
"Get lost, both of you, and go straight home or I'll bring the two of you in right now for loitering and harassment." he said calmly but with deep authority.
Mic crossed his arms, glaring at the duo as they ran off after a mere moment of hesitation, his cheeks puffed out slightly. "What a couple creepozoids! You okay, Pussy Cat...?" he quickly spun around to check you out, striking a dramatic pose while pointing at you, the trademark grin already back in place.
You smiled up at him with admiration sparkling in your eyes, clasping the cup you held in both hands and tight to your chest, stepping closer to him.
"Yes, thanks to you! You're my Hero~!"
Mic felt his own chest swell with pride a bit, the grin on his face getting bigger as he relaxed his stance and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets.
Usually by now the damsel has already flung herself on Aizawa, but not only were you praising him, you recognized him from just his voice and he was impressed at that.
"I can't believe I was just rescued by my favorite Pro, I am your #1 fan! Please, are you patrolling the city tonight? Please let me buy you a coffee or tea or something?? Just as a thank you...?"
Hizashi laughed rather loudly, one hand emerging from his pocket to be placed over his chest.
"HAHA! Aaaww, how can I say NO when you ask so sweetly?! Coffee sounds like a rockin' idea right about now!"
"Ugh, we don't have time for this, Mic..." Eraserhead complained tiredly.
Eyes rolling in exasperation, the blonde groaned twice as loud. "ugGHHH!! Don't be such a buzzkill, yo! I'll get you one, too, just chill!" with that, he trailed after you back into the store.
You watched as he doctored up the coffee you poured for him, blushing again when he threw a hint of a smirk your way, using the tip of his finger to lift the gold tinted shades he wore and showing you his emerald green eyes. "Don't worry, I'll pay for my boring friend..."
Smiling, you bounced on your heels. "Damn right you will, I'm not HIS fangirl, after all..."
This promoted a slight blush to his face, but he maintained that knockout grin. "Ha! Well, good thing his best friend is here at least, lucky for him I tagged along tonight, huh??"
"Lucky for both of us..." came your soft reply from over your shoulder as you turned to walk away, your hips swaying temptingly had definitely not escaped his notice.
He followed you to the checkout counter and placed some money beside yours, his ungloved fingertips brushing against your own when he does. Leaning down closer to you, he cocked his head, pushing his shades down his nose this time and raising a brow.
"Does my #1 fan have a name...?"
Your smile bloomed again, blushing up at him. "It's  _______...but I might prefer you calling me Pussy Cat...~"
Saying that last bit, you applied a sensual undertone which he picked up on instantly, making his blush spread over his face and grow darker as he chuckled in amusement.
When you guys walked out the door, you noticed Eraserhead seemed really annoyed but tried to ignore him, looking up at the Voice Hero hopefully.
"Listen, I know you're both busy, but if you have just one more second to spare, I can't tell you how much it would mean to me if I could get your autograph..."
Looking away awkwardly, he made a pained expression. "Aw, man, I dunno, we are kinda in a hurry here and stuff..."
You felt your heart sinking when he startled you with another loud laugh. "Hahaha, gotcha! JK! Of course I will, I ain't gonna leave ya hangin' like that, no way, that ain't my STYYYYYYYYLLLE!"
Giddy with excitement, you let out a tiny squeal, quickly fishing out a small notebook and pen from your purse as he set the cups down. When you handed it to him, his fingers brushed yours again, making you bite tenderly at your bottom lip.
They were so warm and soft...
He had started to whistle a cheerful little tune as he spun the pen between his fingers before starting to write in your book, it took longer than you expected, clearly longer than Eraser expected, too.
"Say goodbye to the girl, Mic, it's time to keep moving!" he didn't yell, exactly, too lazy, but he had raised his voice since last.
"YEAH, YEAH, I HEARD YA!!! Gimme a sec, ALRIGHT?!" the volume of the blonde's reply actually made your eardrums flinch and quiver this time, but you smiled anyway as he defended you again.
"There ya go! And hey, just to spite my buddy over there, I wouldn't mind walkin' ya home ta make sure ya get there safe."
The blush came right back, clutching the book to your heart, you gave a weak smile. "No, no, it's okay, really...I took up too much of your time already, and I only live around the corner from here..."
Eyes closing momentarily while you gathered yourself, you took a deep breath before confessing. "...I cannot express how grateful I am for you...not just for saving me tonight, but also for your talk show, hearing your voice over the radio gives me strength and motivation every week...it means the world to me...thank you..."
Beckoning him by flexing a finger, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss against his cheek when he leaned in curiously.
Eyes widening, his whole face became scarlet red and his grin stretched from ear to ear. "AW, YEAH!"
He jumped, pumping his fists in the air and then proceeded to shoot you with his finger guns while  winking again. "Listen, I dropped my digits on that piece'a paper ya got there, Shawty...hit me up sometime if ya wanna chill! I'm down for whatever!"
You were caught off guard by that and checked the page he signed for you, finally reading what he wrote down as he rambled on as background noise about how he wasn't a creep like those other guys and you could say no without worrying about him making a scene, he just had to shoot his shot, I mean you DID kiss ME first ya know...
"For my #1 fan, _______...Thanks for the coffee and stay outta trouble! ...and maybe call or shoot a txt, if your feelin' this funky vibe, too? Live loud, Pussy Cat ;) don't ever let anyone try an put the mute on ya! XOXOX PRESENT MIC!!!"
Followed by his phone number, and there were little hearts drawn around the page.
You were already blushing when he surprised you again by returning your gesture and swooping in to plant a kiss on your cheek this time.
Reaching up to touch the spot, you smiled up at him shyly. "I can't wait...please be safe out there..."
"You got it! SEE YA SOON!" The Pro nodded vigorously, giving an enthusiastic wave of goodbye before grabbing his and Eraserhead's drinks, practically bouncing with every step.
It made you giggle, but you were trying not to get your hopes up too much. For all you knew, he gave his number out to every girl that asked him for a signature.
"Are you happy now...?" Shouta grumbled, taking the cup being offered as he turned to resume patrolling. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HECK YEAH I AM! I'M ON CLOUD NINE RIGHT NOW, I JUST MET MY FUTURE WIFE!!!!!!!!"
You heard him very clearly, the blush traveling all the way down your neck this time, and you couldn't help another small giggle, your heart fluttering with happiness like the wings of the butterflies in your belly.
He just had that effect on you.
Glancing down at the notebook in your hand as you sipped your quickly melting frosty, you noticed in the bottom right corner was a little arrow, below which was written the word "flip".
You looked up again but the two Pro Heroes were already gone.
Curiously, you flipped over the page.
a. YES!!!!!
b. a
c. b
That smooth sonuvabitch had you blushing and giggling all night.
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malleux · 4 years
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☆ Day 1 - Prince Zhongli ☆
-> zhongli x fem!reader | royalty!au
-> fluff, conflict
-> warnings: mild cursing, fighting and blood, talk of human selling
-> “pick a prince” masterlist
a/n: day one! how’s everyone feeling about mr. zhongli? personally, i’m rather intrigued 👀 i hope you enjoy! sorry this is posted a little late at night, i didn’t realize how busy this week would be when i scheduled my event!
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The library was somewhat of a safe space for you. It was where you ran when the burden of an entire country rested heavily upon your shoulders, giving you an outlet to simply live.
After the slightly traumatizing dinner your father had hosted with your seven suitors, you ran to the library. You knew your mother, who was also rather uneasy about the entire arrangement, was there and that provided yet another layer of comfort that you so desperately needed.
Your mother read stories to you that night- uplifting tales that did at least a little bit to lighten the mood you were in. She read book after book, not once stumbling over her words despite your tears staining the paper and making the words smear across. It was as if your mother had read these books to herself numerous times before, trying to comfort her own mind when she was put through a situation similar to your own.
She didn’t put down her books until you had cried yourself to sleep. Then, your mother gently laid you against the plush velvet of the couch, draped a light blanket over your form, and kissed your forehead, bidding you goodnight and wishing for a better tomorrow.
☆ ☆ ☆
“Um, excuse me?”
You scrunched up your nose and huffed, pulling your blanket closer.
“Princess? It’s well past morning. You may need to get up.”
Who the hell was talking to you?
Albeit reluctantly, you yawned and opened your eyes, sitting up to stretch. Suddenly, you were looking into a pair of amber eyes. They seemed to glow in the dim light of the library, looking at you with slight concern.
“Wh- who’s there?” You mumbled, scooting back on your seat to shy away from the man’s gaze.
“It’s- it’s Zhongli. Just Zhongli. We didn’t see you at breakfast, your father is a little upset.”
“Shit- I missed breakfast?” You were wide awake in an instant.
“Such language is rather unbecoming of a princess, don’t you think?” Zhongli’s smirk gave away his playful comment, and you couldn’t help but laugh a little as well. “Anyways, as far as your father is concerned, I saw you earlier this morning. You weren’t looking too well so I sent you to take a long bath to relax. After breakfast, you showed me the library, which leads us here.”
You sighed in relief, thankful that Zhongli had practically saved your ass from a long lecture. He outstretched his hand and you took it, allowing him to help you stand up fully.
“Why don’t we take a walk through the market? You can tell me more about yourself and spend some time away from the stressful castle life.” Zhongli offers.
“Gods, yes, please.” You agreed, and allowed the polite prince to whisk you out of the castle.
The market was bustling at this time of day. It was early enough for the sun to warm the faces of your citizens, but cool enough to not scorch those who may venture away from the shaded roofs of the market stalls. You held tightly onto Zhongli’s arm as he browsed the goods your kingdom had to offer.
“This is a beautiful necklace, Princess.” He held up a dainty neck piece, the emblem of your kingdom hanging delicately off of a small golden chain.
“Buy it then.” You mused. Zhongli had been window shopping for a while now, and yet you hadn’t seen him buy a single thing he claimed to like.
“Unfortunately, that’s not possible.”
“Uh, why?” You quirked an eyebrow. With how Zhongli acted and dressed, you were sure he’d be able to afford everything in the market twice.
“I, um, seem to lack the funds.”
Maybe not.
“Aren’t you a prince? Shouldn’t you have money?”
“I suppose- anyhow, look at the gems over in this stall. Do you believe they’re real, or are your citizens being scammed by a merchant?”
He was avoiding the question.
You didn’t understand. If he was a prince, then his financial situation should be rather promising, right? What was there to hide? Unless, he wasn’t actually a prince?
No, you shook your head. Your father wouldn’t have invited him to the castle if his background was even slightly sketchy.
Where did he go?
Zhongli had disappeared from the gem stall he was at previously. You looked around the area, trying to scout him out. He should have been easy to find, standing out amongst the rather bland clothes of your citizens, but you saw nothing.
You began getting a little worried. You were dressed down, wearing a cloak and a hood that shadowed your face from most people’s views, but you were still a beautiful young woman. Even your lovely kingdom wasn’t a stranger to crimes.
Pushing forward, you started to make your way through the crowd. You considered just going back to the castle, but Zhongli didn’t know his way back. You had to find him. The only way he could’ve gone without you noticing was forward. Your forcefulness while moving through the market streets didn’t go unnoticed as people began giving you glares, whispering harsh comments as you shoved past. You couldn’t care less, you were on a mission to find Zhongli and go home-
You cursed as arm shot out and grabbed your bicep, yanking you between two stalls and into a narrow alleyway. Even more hands grabbed at your clothes and mouth, trying to keep you from yelling out.
“You look like you’ve got it real good.” A harsh voice spoke against your ear. You shuddered. A cold object rubbed against your cheek and you felt a contrasting warmth trickle down to your chin. Whether it was blood or the tears you were trying to hold back, you couldn’t tell.
“What’s in that nice little sachel you’ve got there?” Another hand grabbed at the bag around your torso. “I bet you’d be just fine without it.”
He pulled it off of you and threw it to the ground, letting a third man rummage through it. You stayed quiet, afraid to let out even a whimper as the first man pulled the hood of your cloak back. You heard his breath hitch a little bit.
“Now this is a sight.” You could hear the smirk in his words. “The little princess, all alone, with no knight in shining armor to help her. Forget the bag, she’ll go for a pretty penny worth way more than anything in that shitty old thing. C’mon, Princess, let’s get movin’.”
“You’ll have to get through me, first.”
Tears of relief fell from your eyes now at the sight of the very man who had inadvertently gotten you into this situation in the first place. He stood in the entrance of the alleyway, the sun shining behind him as if he were some god, appearing for the first time to come save you. Some broke, secretive, oddly polite god.
The first man sneered. “Yeah? What are you gonna do? Can’t get that dandy little suit of yours dirty.”
Zhongli practically scoffed. “I could deal with you lot without even wrinkling it.”
He rolled his sleeves up. “Let’s see about that.”
He charged at Zhongli, swinging his fist wildly at the prince’s face. Zhongli dodged the punch, stretching his leg out and sweeping the man’s legs out from under him. He fell to the cobblestone beneath him and Zhongli stepped on his chest, pressing his weight onto his body until he was gripping his ankle, begging for a break.
The second man came next, leaving the third, scrawniest man to try and hold you back. While Zhongli was dealing with him, you snapped your head back and smashed into his nose. The guy let go and grabbed onto the definitely-broken cartilage, practically helpless as you swung at his face again.
You backed up from him and ran into someone’s chest, jumping when their arms wrapped around your shoulders once more.
“Easy, Princess.” Zhongli’s deep voice immediately soothed your guard. “I apologize for losing you.”
You turned around. “I lost you.”
“No, no,” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small bag, handing it to you. “I thought you were occupied looking at the gems, so I snuck away to get this. I didn’t realize you’d go all over looking for me.”
Zhongli placed the bag in your hands and you opened it up. In it, the necklace he had shown you earlier. You smiled at him and held it out to him, turning around so that he could put it on. The feeling of Zhongli’s fingers against your bare neck sent a small shiver up your spine- one you wouldn’t mind feeling again.
“Thank you, Zhongli.” You smiled at him, “But, if you didn’t have any money, how did you get this?”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” The prince replied. “Come, you’ve had an eventful day. I think tea and a nap is in order.”
He held his arm out for you once more and you took it, leading the way back to the castle. You couldn’t help but gaze at the man through the side of your eye, grateful for the sweet gift.
You quit wondering how he bought it when you noticed that he was only wearing one expensive earring, as opposed to the two he had started out his day with.
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fanartfunart · 3 years
More Time & Time Again/ OoT Timeloop. (I think this is just a multichapter fic now) Link is helping his younger self out when the boy asks about his own adventure. Link recalls how he failed to change the future. (Tw for death mentions/implied death, fire/destruction, injury and angst.)
Time & Time Again & Part 2
"How do you know all this?" The Kid asked, holding the Megaton Hammer uncertainly.
Link just smiled, "I went on a journey like yours a while ago....In retrospect, the hammer wasn't too hard to use compared to this one sword that was like, twice my height at the time."
The Kid glanced at Navi with wide, excited eyes. She frowned, "No."
"If I found a sword that big though-"
"Stick to the hammer right now," Navi sighed, giving Link a side eye.
He restrained a chuckle and leaned over to his younger self. In a low whisper he said "I'll give you a tip to getting a sword from Biggeron when she isn't watching."
The Kid pumped a fist and Navi zipped over to gently bop Link's head. "Don't give him ideas."
Link laughed, "I'm not! The idea is all his!"
Navi glared. Probably internally cursing the technicalities of them being the same person.
"Actually though, can you tell me about your adventure?" The Kid asked, tilting his head.
Link frowned. (He was small again, placing the Master Sword back in it’s pedestal. His legs still felt shaky from finally, finally having defeated Ganon.) "Maybe later. ...Besides, you still need to practice with that hammer. You do not want to pull a muscle using that thing... Trust me."
The Kid hummed, and shifted back into a readied stance with the hammer. He grinned "If I win will you tell me?"
"Who said anything about winning? It's practice, not a game."
"Sounds like you're scared you'll loseee, Grasshopper."
Link's eyes narrowed and he grinned, "Oh its on Shrimp."
"Wha- We're the same height!"
Link could’ve sworn he’d rigged this game so he wouldn’t lose. Link guesses he’s always had a habit of succeeding despite all logical odds out of sheer determination. He also blames the fact that Navi was helping Little Link and that was just unfair. He sighed as he stared up at his younger self’s near manic grin, laying on the ground.
“Story time!” the Kid said, putting the hammer down and holding out a hand to help him up.
Link accepted the boy-teen’s hand, defeated. He walked over to a nearby crate and hopped up to sit on the edge. The Kid followed and plopped himself in the grass, watching attentively.
He couldn’t tell the Kid his actual story, so he’d have to make up something. He hummed, “...Where should I start?”
“The beginning?” The Kid offered, laughing.
The beginning of his real story was complicated. Was it when the Great Deku Tree sent Navi to him? Or, with that adventure a closed book, was it when he returned to his time, to grow up as he was supposed to?
“Right... Well, when I was younger, I knew a princess in Termina... She saw that an evil man... uh, her uncle, would be king soon and no one believed her... She had asked me to help her.”
He skidded to a halt as he spotted the King and...Ganondorf. His heart pounded in his chest as he stared at the Greudo King. Images of his beastly transformation overlapped with the man currently in front of him.
Link dashed forward, past the guards and into the castle itself. He heaved his breaths as he took the most obvious path to the main hall. He didn't even stop to admire the original architecture of the building that would be transformed into Ganon's Castle.
"Who let this boy in?" The King asked, gesturing at him. "This is a private meeting."
Link swallowed, "Where’s Zelda?"
"Are you one of her playmates? Are you lost?"
He shook his head. He stared at the man, balling his hands into the skirt of his tunic.
"He appears overwhelmed," Ganondorf said, oddly soft, "Let him gather his thoughts."
Link shrunk away from Ganondorf’s full attention. He partly expected Navi to start speaking for him... The silence of her absence echoed like the quiet before Ganon burst from the rubble of the castle. His heart began a drum beat of “Danger, danger, danger,” in his ears.
He ran. Link ran past the crackle of fire echoing in his mind and behind his eyelids. The distressed shrieks from Zelda, unable to help, ringing in his ears.
“I stood in front of the current King, with evidence of the man’s plans in hand, and explained what I knew...” Link said, wishing that had been true.
“What? Already? You didn’t even get the big sword yet!”
“Oh, but you see...The King didn’t believe me. Put under a curse by the evil man. He was merely a puppet... But the evil man wanted more than the throne.”
He took in panting breaths as he stood in front of Zelda. The royal garden a soft earthy type of quiet. The twitter of birds promising calm. He closed his eyes briefly.
"Link? You're back already?"
He nodded and gasped for breath, "Ganondorf... is going to... get into the Sacred Realm."
Zelda's eyes widened, "Are you sure.... Oh... The Ocarina?"
With a nod, he let gravity take him and he plopped onto the ground.
"We must stop him then!" Zelda announced with determination.
Link smiled warily.
They had sat for hours. Zelda planned out how to deal with Ganondorf with the little information Link had been able to provide the words to explain. Exhaustion catching up with him, Link eventually fell asleep. His head on her shoulder. Her voice guiding him to kinder dreams than he'd had in a while. Even before starting his quest.
“The princess allowed me to sleep in one of the rooms in the castle. Although she probably didn’t need to since I usually ended up sleeping outside anyway... Got used to it. Sleeping in the big bed just felt too strange.”
“The princess seems really nice.”
Link nodded, “She is....” he sighed, “But, before we could implement our plan-”
He woke up to a muffled thunk. Link sat up and groggily wandered to the noise. He hadn’t thought about picking up his sword. He faltered as he noticed Ganondorf and a Gerudo woman bringing in a set of barrels.
Ganondorf turned to look at him and raised a brow. "Child. What are you doing up?"
He pointed to the barrels, brows furrowed.
"Ah, they are a gift to your King."
"It's night," Link forced out. Voice raspy. His glare strengthening.
The Gerudo King walked over to him, dramatic strides intimidating and imposing. Link scrambled to stay out of arms reach of the man. Ganondorf halted. "I get the sense you and the Princess don't like me too much."
Link distinctly regretted not grabbing his sword. His hand itched for something to hold, to protect him. "You're going to hurt people." He said in a harsh whisper, curling his fist.
"You sound so sure.... Why?"
Link looked away and took a step back.
"I don't intend to harm you, child."
"You killed the Great Deku Tree." Link hissed, feeling tears prick at the corners of his eyes.
"Ah. I didn't expect one of you to come out of that forest. Do you plan on speaking to the king? Tell him I killed a tree? I don't think he'll quite believe that... And if he did, it was one tree, do you think he'll care?"
"I'm not going to let you get into the Sacred Realm! You won't get Zelda or I to open the doors for you-"
"The Princess can open the doors?" Ganondorf grinned, "Thank you, young one, for that insight. I would have thought that particular goal lost without the Kokiri Emerald.... Now I can simply move on."
Link's eyes widened, he turned to run to Zelda. To get his sword. To do something. Ganondorf was fast. Especially so now that Link was small again. He never hated being small before this moment. He writhed against Ganondorf's grasp on his arm. He yelled and twisted and kicked.
"Stop it. You'll wake everyone up." Ganondorf snarled. He huffed, "I do hate doing this to a child but you give me no choice." He spoke in a language Link didn't understand. With a sharp jolt in the back of his head, he felt the energy sapped from him. He dropped to the ground. He felt wooden. Like a doll.
Ganondorf picked him up with ease. Dropping him over his shoulder. "It shouldn't kill you. Don't be alarmed. It took significantly more work to kill the Great Deku Tree."
Link's eyes widened. He hit Ganondorf weakly, struggling with the rest of his might. Ganondorf gave him a curious look, seemingly surprised he had even this much fight in him.
He was deposited in the bedroom the princess had given him. "Do try to get some rest, boy.... You'll need it." The door shut and locked.
Slowly, everything went dark.
"He cursed you?!"
Link nodded, "I later would realize that the reason I managed to stay awake as long as I did was because I had my own magic.... I had learned some spells before, but found out I could no longer do them."
The Kid frowned, "That's terrible!"
"I learned more later, it didn't entirely sap my aptitude for magic." Link glanced at his own hands. "I don't know... I don't need them as much anymore."
Zelda shook him awake. She shoved him to the floor in her urgency.
She pulled him up and before he was truly aware of his surroundings, he was being lifted by hands much stronger than Zelda. Link squirmed, the sleepiness draining from him quickly.
"Link wake up! Please!"
He groggily reached out to her. She gasped "Oh thank the Goddesses."
"Impa!" Zelda cried out. "My father! Where is he?"
"We don't have any more time to spare. I'm sorry Princess. We must leave. Now."
Link gasped. No no, this shouldn't be happening. It shouldn't be happening at all.
Impa ran. She remained surprisingly dexterous and agile despite carrying both children.
Link watched over Impa's shoulder as Ganondorf appeared from the door. His sword was stained red. He grinned and took large, striding steps after them. Impa threw Zelda up onto a horse. Link squirmed out of her grasp before she could toss him up with her.
"Link!" Zelda shrieked, "What are you doing?"
He took out his sword and gestured towards the gates.
"You can't!" She cried, reaching towards him. "You... you could-"
Impa spurred the horse on before she could finish. Link closed his eyes to dash out the image of Zelda's panicked face.
"I... never saw the Princess again for a long time after that."
Link nodded, "Eventually."
The Kid stared at him with a deep sadness. He knew he probably resonated too deeply into truth. He would have to change more in his story.
"But you did see her again. Right?"
Link tumbled to the ground, ignored. Ganondorf grabbed his own horse. Link roared in fury and made a leaping strike.
Zelda's scream echoed in the distance as Ganondorf clashed against his sword, creating a slash across Link's arm.
Ganondorf pushed him back before he could complete his attack. Knocking him several feet back. He scoffed, "I don't have time for you, child."
Link winced as he scrambled to a stand, listening to the clop clop of hooves. Legs shaking, he raced to the Temple of Time. He knew Ganondorf would be back. He hid behind a pillar, and waited. He could still stop it. He would just have to stop his past self from opening the doors! That could work.
"I ran to get the King's Mask before the evil man could. With that, he could rule the kingdom as he saw fit. Masks have great power in Termina, as symbols and sometimes magical items." He explained.
"Oh cool." The Kid leaned forward, "I wonder if any of the masks I had as a kid would be important to people in Termina..."
Link looked down with a soft smile, "Some of them, maybe. But anyway.... the mask was... gone, by the time I got there."
The boy ran in just as he expected, the Ocarina of Time still gripped in one hand. Link attempted to dash after him, only to he grabbed from behind. A large hand muffled him. He kicked and squirmed and bit. All it got him was a tighter hold.
“I should’ve known the royal family would send someone through time to stop me.” Ganondorf whispered to him, “I didn’t expect a child. Although, perhaps that’s all they have left.”
Link growled and knocked his head back, hitting Ganondorf’s chin. He was dropped unceremoniously. Scrambling to a stand, Link readied his sword, glancing at the spiritual stones in their places.
“Really?” Ganondorf huffed, “You think that little tumbtack will stop me?”
Link glared.
Ganondorf summoned his magic and Link dodged out of the way. “Hm, you learned. Good to know.” Ganondorf walked past him, and Link ran forward to attack, but was yet again thrown back by a dismissive smack. Everything after that was a hazy blur.
Link woke up to the crackle of fire and a burning sensation on his left hand.
Link was quiet for a moment, feeling the oppressive smoke and heat suffocating him. Imagery of Castle Town on fire flickering behind every blink.
The Kid frowned at him, "Are you okay?" He whispered.
Link nodded, tracing the shape of the triforce of courage on his hand. He didn't quite know how the time travel worked with the sacred relic. He glanced at his younger self. He had it too, didn't he?
Link took in a breath and straightened his posture, "Right. Right. I'm fine. But um. Can we finish this another time?"
The Kid nodded. He stood and stretched. "...Um, quick question... If you don't mind... Why did you leave Termina? You grew up there. And you said it's doing fine now-"
"I was looking for an old friend... Now I just want to help people here."
"Oh. You're a nice person." The Kid concluded.
"...I've been told that." Link said softly. He ruffled the Kid's hair because he knew it would annoy him. "But! It's getting dark and if you don't go back home and rest, I'm gonna go find Sheik and he'll make you sleep."
The Kid gasped in indignation. Then blinked. "Wait you can find Sheik? Really? How!?"
"Oh my Goddesses, go sleep!"
"Is he here!? Is he following me or is he just going to places I need to be before me?"
"Forget Sheik, I will drag you to the forest."
The Kid laughed, "Okay, okay."
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mrsgiovanna · 4 years
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The confession (Don Giorno x Fem! Reader
A cute request from a nonnie mouse, I hope this is what you were looking for my sweet 🥰💭💜🐞
No warnings, just fluff
Word count: 1506
“Buongiorno, Gio, I have the documents you requested yesterday,” you greeted the young mafia Don with a sunny smile as you handed the envelope to him.
“Buongiorno (y/n), thank you so much for getting these to me as quickly as you did, I really appreciate it. I’m sorry for just springing this on you as well,” Giorno apologized, returning your smile with one of his own.
Ever since Giorno had taken over Passione, you had been his support structure, whether it was help with the copious amounts of documentation he had to go through or intricate missions that he trusted nobody other than you with, you were always ready to serve your Don. Similarly, you could always rely on Giorno for anything. Everything you both did was aimed at protecting each other, and there was nothing that you wouldn’t do for each other. Mista Fugo and Trish always commented that you and Giorno always behaved like a couple, earning dismissive laughs from you both. Sure, you both cared deeply for each other, but a couple? No, you were certain he didn’t think of you in that way.
Just as you turned to leave, Giorno had called you back, asking you to stay for the meeting he was going to have with the Capos and Mista. No sooner had you taken your seat, had Mista brought everyone in. You sat quietly, offering your input when requested, keeping your game face on for the duration of the time. There was one Capo however, that took advantage of every opportunity he had to address you, either directly with his questions or indirectly with his flirtatious glances.
You had only encountered Lucian a few times prior to this, each time proving to more difficult than the last, however, he has never openly behaved this way in front of Giorno before. You wished they would conclude their agenda so you could escape his piercing gaze.
“Well, if that’s everything, this meeting is adjourned,” said Giorno, almost as if he was able to read your mind, bringing the meeting to a close.
“If that’s all, (y/n), would you mind walking with me, there’s something I’d like to speak to you about, I won’t take too much of your time,” said Lucian to you.
You wordlessly looked towards Giorno, and sought his permission to leave, which he gave you with a curt nod, as his intense eyes followed you until you disappeared out the door.
“You’re scowling Giorno,” Mista was somewhat amused but he actually felt bad for his friend. Whether it was confusion or just awkwardness regarding these matters, you and the emerald-eyed man have been dancing around this issue for the longest time. It was becoming tedious to watch. Perhaps the threat of another person potentially taking you away would force Giorno to give a definition to his feelings.
Mista watched him intently, deciding to speak frankly, “You know you’re in love with her… and you know she loves you too. I don’t know what it is that’s tripping you both up, but I know you can’t keep doing this forever. She’s young and beautiful and will attract the attention of others who will be more brazen in their approach. If not Lucian, then someone else will take her from you.” The gravity of Mista’s words hit Giorno all at once. Before he could say anything more, Mista had returned his attention to what he was reading, and you had returned to the room with a soft smile on your face.
“What was that about?”
“Oh, he just needed my input on one of new territories he’s taking over, we’re meeting for dinner later,” you explained nonchalantly, unable to pick up on Giorno’s discomfort.
“Dinner? Like a date? Pried the young Don, trying to think about how best to thwart these plans.
“No… yes… I guess it is a date. He seemed excited enough…”
“I see…”
“You two are beyond frustrating, I’ll see you later,” with that Mista left in an exasperated huff.
You looked at Giorno, wondering what annoyed the gunslinger to that extent, but he just shrugged it off.
The rest of the day was spent quietly working, and the hours passed by faster than you would have liked them to.
“I think we’ve made good progress today, is there anything else I can do for you before I leave?” you ask as you start gathering your things to make your exit.
“Thanks, I think we’ve covered everything… can I send one of the drivers with you? Oh, I’ll send a guard too, I’m sure none of them would mind, they’re all very fond of you and…”
“Giorno, it’s fine, it’s not such a big deal, just dinner, and I can take care of myself you know. Or have you forgotten the times I’ve beaten you while we were sparring?”
“Beat me? I let you win… I… I miss those times…” The sad smile on his face mirrored your own feelings, this nostalgia was bitter sweet.
“Me too… we should make time to do those things again… well I should go now, see you tomorrow Gio,”. Giorno sadly watched as you exited his study for the second time that day, feelings of guilt and jealously overtook his senses in waves. He wanted you to be happy, but he could no longer ignore the glaringly obvious fact that he wanted- no, needed- to be the one to make you happy.
You decided to stop at Mista’s house before going home. You wanted to make sure he was okay after the way he left earlier.
“Hey Mista,”
“(y/n), what are you doing here? Did something happen?” said Mista in a concerned voice as he stepped aside to let you in.
“No, no, I came to see how you were doing… You were acting a bit weird this morning, is everything okay?” you ask as you walked in. You always thought of Mista as an older brother, he messed with you incessantly, but you could always talk to him about the things that mattered.
“Ah, haha, I’m fine, you didn’t have to come all this way, don’t you have somewhere to be?”
“You creep, I came all this way to check on you and you sound like you want to get rid of me,” you said, playfully punching him on the arm.
“Whatever, gallinella, so is everything okay with you?”
As you and Mista spent some time chatting in general, you felt a sense of calm slowly permeate your mind. With this clarity, you also realized you forgot to tell Giorno about a very important meeting he needed to be at early the next day. Just as you fished out your cellphone to call him and let him know, Mista’s phone rang.
“Oh its Giorno,”
“Perfect, Mista can you place the call on speaker please, I need to talk to him really quickly,”
With a nod, he answers the call, “Hi Giorno, listen (y/n) is…”
“You were right Mista, you were right about everything. I’m completely in love with (y/n) and I don’t know what to do. Should I just pretend? Should I tell her?”
“You just did… I was going to tell you that I put you on speaker because she was here and wanted to talk to you, but you just kept talking…”
“Goddammit Mista!”
“Hey don’t blame me, anyway , I think you should call her…” suggested Mista as he gave you some space to process the information you had just become privy to.
Your eyes grew larger than saucers and your breath hitched in your throat, you couldn’t believe Giorno felt that way. No sooner had he hung up on Mista, did you see his name popping up on your caller ID.
“(y/n), I suppose you heard all of that… even though I didn’t want you to find out like this, I meant every word. I know you have other plans tonight, but can we please talk about this tomorrow?” explained Giorno.
“I did… I heard everything. I’ll cancel my plans tonight, I can’t go with him in good conscience after all of that, it’s not fair to anyone,”
“I won’t tell you what to do, and I’ll be respectful of whatever you decide, I just feel we need to talk…”
“Thank you Gio, and yes I agree, we’ll talk when I see you tomorrow…” you respond, the smile on your face was almost audible in the happy lilt your voice carried.
“Alright then tesoro, well, have a good evening, be safe on your way home.”
After saying goodbye to Mista and driving yourself home, you had the awkward task of calling Lucian, who was more understanding than you gave him credit for. For the rest of your night, your thoughts kept returning to Giorno, and it was then that you realized exactly how deep your feelings for him ran. With those sweet feelings effervescing in your chest, you went to sleep with a smile on your face, dreaming about what the future might hold for you both.
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angelic-kisses13 · 4 years
Claiming Part II
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Authors Note: I’m sorry it took so long to write this! But I’m glad that I finally got it out to you guys! Happy Valentines Day everyone! 
Summary: Charles and his sacrifice finally arrive at his castle. 
Claiming Part I 
A few hours later, and they had arrived back to King Charles’ kingdom, the palace was even grander than King Indulf’s. It seemed to tower above the clouds, and he watched as her features went from hostile to pure awe. Her hands made quick work of the window, and she poked her head out, trying to see every detail of the kingdom from her vantage point. 
He smiled indulgently. Yes, he had made the right decision. She was going to make the perfect sacrifice. “Little lamb,” He reached out and grabbed her waist, his hands spanning across her curves and full stomach easily. He brought her down to his side, “You will be able to see it better when we are closer.”
His sacrifice pouted, and he rolled his eyes as he reached out to shut the carriage window. “Don’t pout, now. It’s unbecoming.” She snorted and turned her body to face away from him. They continued to ride in silence, the carriage rocking from side to side as they turned bends and ran over loose bricks in the road. 
“Why haven’t you sucked me dry yet? Isn’t that the point of a human sacrifice? To become your food source?” 
His head tilted to the left in amusement. Charles forgot that the poor human wasn’t coached on what being a sacrifice entailed. He would have fun with this one. Something told him she wouldn’t take kindly to the future proceedings. 
“You are adorable Little Lamb. You will be a perfect sacrifice for my people. A few more hours and I will give you what your heart desires.” 
She scoffed and turned her head from him. Her pulse was hammering in her delicate neck. The rapid blood flow causes his fangs to ache. He knew she could feel his gaze on her, yet she stayed turned away. She was effectively cutting off the conversation. Charles should feel annoyed at the blatant act of disrespect. His little human, however, managed to chip away at his walls and self-control slowly. 
Soft but firm words had Charles’ spine-tingling, and he blinked as they echoed around them. “I do not desire to have you drink from me, ‘Your Majesty.’” The venom laced tone had Charles’ spine-tingling, and his beast was prowling in a possessive manner. Charles was taken aback at the level of possession he felt growing in him. 
“Not yet.” The words were spoken to remind himself not to reach out and claim her. There were rules and procedures in place, yet her blood and fiesty nature had him cracking around the edges—his once cool and collected demeanor nothing more but a crumbling avalanche of stone. 
It appeared that she had taken the words as a challenge. Charles was momentarily distracted by the sight of her head snapping around quickly; he was surprised she hadn’t broken her neck at the movement. Her eyes were wide, and the passionate flame he had noticed in the courtyard and throne room was resurfacing. He needed to placate her before he had her trying to claw her way out of the carriage. 
That was when his eyes fell on her busted lip and swollen cheek. He would have to heal that before the ceremony commenced. Charles’ finger itched to reach out and soothe the pain. He thought better of it, though, and curled his fingers into a fist. “How is your cheek faring?” 
She blinked before her hand rose and softly brushed across the swollen flesh. “It has been better.” The words were lispy, but it wasn’t to the point where he couldn’t understand her. 
“Once we get to the Castle, I can find some comfrey to help the swell.” Charles was confused when he saw her body tense. 
Her eyes were guarded as she stared at him. “I don’t have anything to offer you in thanks.” 
Ah, so that was what had her so tense. The poor lamb probably never had anything nice given to her without numerous conditions. Charles waved his hand, dismissing her words, “I do it because we need you in mint condition. A sacrifice is not very fun to play with if they are not in good health.” 
Her eyebrows wrinkled, the lines on her dirtied forehead more prominent with that gesture. “I hardly see how a bruised cheek and busted lip would make me unable to play the part.” 
Charles hummed as he reclined in his seat, his blue eyes taking her in. “Vampires pride themselves on perfection. Anything less is beneath us. I will not have our first sacrifice -in many centuries- look like she was in a brawl.” 
The woman sniffed before turning away, her body hunching in on itself. It seemed that the closer they got to the castle, the more she lost her spirit. Interesting. 
“You are scared.” 
Charles was amused by the scowl the girl shot him. 
“I’m not scared... just weary.” 
“You aren’t afraid to die?” 
The woman laughed, but there was no amusement in her tone. “I have been dead for many years, your majesty. Being a sacrifice just makes it more official.” 
Once again, the mortal had a way of surprising him. “You will be honored. You won’t be just a nameless lamb led to slaughter.” 
“I do not need to be honored. I have never been in my life and I don’t need to start now.” 
Charles didn’t have any words to offer the human, so they remained in silence as they pulled up in front of the castle. He tried to refrain from growling as he noticed several council members standing outside, waiting for his return. 
His little human frowned as she took in the sight. “Are they here for you or me?” Her fingers were clenched together, her thumb rubbing vicious circles into the flesh between her thumb and forefinger. 
“I believe it’s a bit of both, little one.” Charles composed himself, his cold mask falling into place. Once the carriage came to a stop, he waited until the footmen came down and opened it for him. 
He saw movement out of the corner of his eye. His little human was shifting in her seat. He breathed deeply and caught the swift scent of fear. Usually, it would have been a sensual scent. Fear always made the blood taste better. But she didn’t have a reason to be scared. Anger grew in his chest; what was she fearing? Was it him? Was it the situation she had found herself in? 
His jaw tightened, and he closed his eyes before stepping down and holding his hand out for her to take. He could hear the counsel members murmur amongst themselves. Their delight at having the human here was palpable. Charles wasn’t going to have a moment’s peace until the ritual was completed. 
Charles heard several gasps from behind him, and his lips twitched when his little lamb knocked his hand out of the way and climbed down herself. Standing in the light of the torches, her form was more pronounced, the dirt covering her skin was smudged, and her lip and cheek made her features a lump of swollen flesh. Easy to say, she wasn’t much to look at. 
Before his counselors could speak out about her, Charles began moving towards the Castle doors. A gentle tug with his mind and the oversized doors opened on their own. He heard a startled squeak sound behind him, but he paid it little mind. “Come along, little lamb. We must get you situated so we can discuss the ceremony.” 
“Why do you call me that. I am a person; I do have a name.” She snapped as she struggled to keep pace with his long stride. 
Amusement bubbled up in his chest, and he struggled not to let his counselors know how much the little human was affecting him. She was something else, an enigma that he would never tire of trying to figure out. If the ceremony went well then, he would have the rest of eternity to spend with her. 
“Are you going to share it with me or leave me in suspense?” He teased as he slowed his stride down enough for her to catch up. He was momentarily startled when he felt a hand wrap around his arm and a warm body press against him. 
He raised an eyebrow as he took in the marveled awe written across her face. Her eyes sparkled as she took in the tapestries and portraits that lined the stone walls. It appeared she hadn’t been listening to his question, so he let it drop. Her name wasn’t necessary, not until the ceremony, and he was old fashioned. He preferred to voice her name at the altar than in the ever-watchful halls.
“Sire, the room is this way.” One of his followers called out as Charles continued past the corridor his little lamb would be staying in and instead headed towards the infirmary. 
“I’m quite aware, Andrews. Why don’t you and the others go and see the ceremony preparations? We won’t be long. See that you send a couple of handmaidens to start a bath for my sacrifice as well.” 
Charles didn’t bother turning to see if his followers had heeded his words. He trusted the men to do what was asked and with little questions. He heard the soft rustle of clothes as the men turned and left. His little human jumped when she turned to see nothing but open air and a long empty corridor. 
“Oh heavens, that's not creepy.” She whispered to herself. 
He stood in front of her, his chest heaving, nostrils flared as he watched goosebumps appear on her skin. She was everything he had ever wanted, and she knew how to put him in his place when he needed it. 
She was also the only one who could ever make his heart thunder in his chest, and his hands shake with the effort from holding himself back. She was his for the taking. She had dressed in all his favorites, a dark red dress with gold lacing around the bodice and sleeves. At her neck sat a cascade of teardrop emeralds. It highlighted her collarbone and pulse perfectly. With each thud of her heart, the necklace would pulse with it. 
It was enough to have his mouth-watering; her blood was calling to him, begging for him to claim it as his own. 
Claim her. 
His mind shouted as he wrestled with his self-control. It wouldn’t do good to scare her away. He needed to execute this perfectly. 
He took a deep breath as he watched her move around the room, her skirt rustling against the stone floor. Her fingers ran along the spines of the books, her eyes flitting from one place to another. She was comfortable in his presence, her peaceful continence allowing his inner beast to relax. 
“You’re very calm about this situation.” His voice floated across the room. He watched as her body stiffened at the sound—fingers stilling as she took in his words. 
“Will you treat me the way that the villagers did?” The question was innocent enough if he didn’t know the whole story behind her words. 
“I will treat you infinitely better. You are my mate, the necklace around your neck, and the ring on your left-hand claims you as such.”
“But there is more, is there not?” 
He waited until she was facing him before he spoke. “There are several things that have to happen to finish the ritual.” 
Her eyes flickered at his words, but she stepped forward, her hands clasping in front of her. “What do you need me to do?” 
A swirl of pride ran through his body, and his beast purred in delight. His mate was willing to do the impossible, and he would treasure and value her above all else. She was his. 
“You need to transform before we can move on. Once that is done, we will proceed with the claiming ritual.” His words were matter-of-fact but held a depth of concern for the young woman. 
“What does the transformation entail, exactly?” 
“You and I have to exchange blood; once the blood is shared, your body will begin to change. It will be painful for a few hours, and your body will shut down—first the limbs, then the heart, and finally your brain. When you come back, you will be part of the Vampire realm. You will be my Queen and me, your King.” 
There was a long moment of silence, both standing in front of each other, gauging the other’s reaction.  
“You will not leave me to suffer alone?”
He stepped into her personal space, her scent invading his senses. His eyes closed for a few seconds as he acclimated himself to her. His hand lifted, and he finally allowed himself to touch her skin since the exchange of vows. It was rough beneath his fingertips; the weather had not been kind to her. 
Up close he could see the chapped lips and red circling her eyes, attesting to her long nights without sleep. He swiped his thumb across her cheek, relishing in the feeling of the blood rushing through her body. He watched enraptured as her pupils dilated and her pulse fluttered beneath his caress. His eyes were drawn to her lush mouth as her breath stuttered. 
“I will be by your side the whole time. I will never leave you to suffer, I promise.” 
Her eyes shifted to meet his, and he caught just a glimpse of fear before she shut her eyes, trying to hide from him. “I’m ready.” 
He nodded his head before stepping away from her. Turning, he walked over to a goblet on the table, a small dagger resting beside it. He grabbed the blade and reverently traced his fingers over the jeweled handle before opening his left palm. He held the dagger out to her with a flourish. She looked from the weapon and back to him. 
“You’re going to need to cut my palm for the ritual.” 
Her breath stuttered, but ever the fearless little lamb, she slowly shuffled over. Her hands shook as she took the dagger, her fingers clumsily holding the hilt. His lips twitched at the sight. Even with all the bravado out in the courtyard this morning, she was still a human that was terrified of becoming a vampire king’s sacrifice. 
“Are you okay?” Charle’s words were hushed. 
“I’m fine; just tell me where to cut.” 
He peered at her, gauging her reactions to her words. She was far from fine, but he wasn’t going to push just yet. Soon she wouldn’t be able to hide from him, and then he would figure everything out. But, in the meantime, he would continue. 
“You need to cut from the bottom of my left ring finger to the end of my palm. Once that’s done, you’re going to cut from between my index and middle finger down towards my pinky, it should make a symbol of a Cross once you’re finished.” 
Her eyes widened in alarm. “You will die if I carve a Cross into your palm!” 
Charles chuckled in amusement. This little lamb was going to be a fascinating fit for his life. “That’s a common misconception; the wound will never heal right, so it will scar, but that’s the point of the ritual. It is to show that I am claimed. Think of it as your claiming mark, little lamb.” 
“Don’t call me that.” Her lips fell into a deep scowl as she glared up at him through her lashes. His inner beast rumbled at the sight; she was breathtaking and all his. He couldn’t wait to claim her, have his blood running through her veins, his mark covering her body. 
“What would you rather me call you then? My little sacrifice?” 
“My Queen, will do just fine.” The amount of sass made Charles preen. She was his Queen, wasn’t she? The emerald ring on her finger attested to that, but to hear her claim herself as such was enough to make his cock twitch. 
Charles closed his eyes and took a deep breath, grounding himself. He couldn’t lose control just yet, and her body was too weak to handle him right now. She needed to transform first. Soon. 
He was snapped back to himself when he heard his given name fall from her lips. The way her tongue weaved the syllables of his name was enough to ignite his blood to a boil. 
“You need to cut now; I don’t know how much longer I can hold myself back, little lamb.” 
With one last curious gaze, she swiftly sliced his palm open, the Cross taking effect immediately. Charles swallowed down the hiss as he clenched his hand into a fist and raised it over the goblet, the two of them watching as the black blood trickled down with soft plunks. 
It took them a couple of times to get enough blood into the goblet, but all too soon, it was time to add her blood to the mixture.
Taglist: @agniavateira @cavillanche @cavillunraveled @creepingfromthecorners @dreamwritesimagines @fangirlings-things @ficsandcatsandficsandcats @hlkwrites​ @hnryycvll @honeydulcewrites @iloveyouyen @johnmotherfuckingfrusciante @keiva1000 @ladyreapermc @laketaj24 @littlefreya @ly--canthrope @mary-ann84 @mrsaugustwalker @ohvalleyofplentyyy @omgkatinka @sciapod @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @supersweetstache @thethirstyarchive @the-winter-witcher @thegreattodd @titty-teetee @tumblnewby @viking-raider @wednesdaybraids @wendimydarling @white-wolf-of-rivia @witcherwrites​
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The Rose Emerald
I got bored and I hyperfixate so this is based on the Chaos Emerald Filmverse Theory and Potential Roster
What was left of the Chaos Emeralds were split across the universe after the loss of the red gem. None of the selected planets for safekeeping were allowed to know where any emerald was sans theirs, and most of the emeralds were kept under heavy guard, heavy security, and intense secrecy.
When the fifth emerald was given to the Voxai, it was a shining green- some said brighter than the Master Emerald itself. The Voxai, of course, took their duty to guard the emerald as seriously as they could; the Overmind gave suggestions on how to build its safe place, how to keep it from those who would use it for destruction. For decades, it sat untouched in a glass chamber, inside a temple hidden amongst the Beta colony.
The second guard of the emerald, after the death of the first, was Thebes, and he’d been very nervous about his job. He’d been especially nervous when he reached the emerald and it was no longer green- the psychic energy that emanated from not just the Voxai, but from their planet itself, had leaked into the gem, regardless of their best efforts, and now it was a pale, shining pink. Almost the same color as the markings across Thebes’s translucent shell.
Not too soon after Thebes had begun his guard duties- checking on the emerald and the temple, keeping it clean and stable, making sure nobody else had broken in- the emerald started doing strange things. Glowing, rocking gently in its enclosure, seeming to breathe. The Overmind hadn’t heard of such behavior from the previous guard, and Thebes was getting quite concerned. First it changed color, then it started doing... this.
One day, he came into the temple, floating along the light, icy air of their home planet, but when he looked upon the glass case, he saw no emerald. Instead, there was a small creature- strange, not like the Voxai at all. There was no shell, only some kind of spikes along its skin, and four thick limbs waving in the air. It had a hole in its face, which it was using to make loud, angry noises. The only thing recognizable was the shade of pink. The emerald’s shining pink now coated the creature- no, the child. It was an infant. A baby.
Thebes had to be careful bringing it to the Overmind, not wanting to leave it alone but also not wanting to drop it as he flew. But without an extensive tail (only a puny one), and without familiar limbs, it was hard to even figure out how best to pick it up. Eventually he managed to use his left wings to hold it to his chest, but then it kept screaming and spitting some kind of liquid onto him, which was very unpleasant.
He finally got it to the Overmind, and after several hours of confused discussion, a deep dive into the nearest library, and frantic scrambling to get some kind of nutrients for the infant to get it to stop crying, they finally had information for Thebes. And instructions.
“It’s a Mobian- the kind of alien that held the emeralds first.” Overmind Leucosia explained, as a carrier was tied to Thebes’s shell. “It seems that the Chaos Emerald has shifted into an infant mobian- we must do further research to determine what this means. In the meantime- you are the emerald’s guardian still. So guard the child.”
Thebes had very much not wanted to hear that. He had enough anxiety as it was, he couldn’t add a child on top of that. He didn’t even know how to take care of Voxian children, and they were easy- just a few mental outbursts here and there. And now he had to care for an alien child with needs he couldn’t understand and with the strangest appearance he’d ever seen, and...
Overmind Riadne seemed to sense his fear, and reached out to him, sending a gentle wave through his mind. It calmed him, the comfort she was offering him leaking into his body, his wings flickering slower and his tail swooshing from side-to-side.
He finally moved his gaze downwards, to the carrier strapped to him. Inside of it, the little baby Emerald was curled up, its tiny hands clutching onto the material, rubbing its face against it. It had stopped crying, and instead just looked peaceful. Happy.
The Emerald had given itself life. And it was now a little mobian, crawling across the floor, putting its mouth on anything it came across and falling over with the slightest breeze.
Mobians were very different than Thebes had ever thought. Only a few of them could fly, and they saw with what Thebes had thought were simple markings on the face. They often had differing skin, differing heights and weights, and very strangely, differing minds. Voxai could be individual, yes, but they had a hivemind to connect them, to make them part of each other. The Mobians had no such connection, leaving them all alone to think on their own. How lonely that must be, Thebes thought. To not be able to calm another’s fears, or cheer another on in such a simple, yet intimate way.
The Overmind’s research had yielded nothing. No tales of the emeralds taking form, no tales of any changes in the stones... Thebes wondered if it was his fault, but he couldn’t think of anything at all out of the ordinary he’d done leading up to the transformation, nor could anyone else. But nevertheless, the Emerald didn’t seem to be turning back, so they just had to work with what they had.
Thebes floated to the child, brushing it with a wing. It felt him, and looked up, letting out a loud noise that Thebes had discerned to be laughter. It reached up its arms, trying to grab his wings and lift itself high into the air.
It will need a name, Thebes thought. If it will stay mortal.
The child lifted its arms again, its fists opening and closing, trying to grab onto its guardian. “Up-mi!” it called- it had recently begun attempting to communicate, though its words made little sense. “Uh-mi!”
What is that, little one?
“Uh! Mi!”
Amy. That was a name that meant beloved.
That was fitting.
Amy had moved into childhood, and she still would not stop getting into trouble. She climbed on everything she could, trying to get high enough to jump on a Voxai for a surprise ride. She would grab small objects, swinging them around as some kind of game. She poured through tablets, her eyes faster than light as she absorbed whatever information she could get her hands on. 
“Thebes, what does ‘sy-kick’ mean?” she asked.
(They had found that while she could connect to the hivemind, it was a very weak link, and so it was easier for her to speak aloud, and for the Voxai to respond in their normal way.)
“Psychic, Amy.” Thebes replied, floating beside her. “It is a word often used to mean one who connects to another’s mind- or sees forward into the future.”
“Like you!”
“Like the Voxai, yes.”
“Am I psychic?”
“A little. We’re not entirely sure what the expanse of your abilities is.”
“I dunno what that means.”
Yes, it took her a bit longer to learn larger words than it would the average Voxai child. “We don’t know what you can do.”
“I can do this!” Amy jumped, grabbing onto his wing and swinging back-and-forth. “Whee, whee, whee!”
Amy was certainly a strange child. She shouted, she cried, and she had to always be moving. She didn’t seem to have an appreciation for stillness whatsoever, and instead needed to run, or jump, or climb, or swing. She could not fly, was barely connected to the hivemind, and was always being loud.
She was a strange child, and she was the Voxai’s child. 
It had taken them quite a while to get used to her, but by the time she seemed to gain sentience, the whole colony had gotten into the swing of letting her run and play in her own way. And it wasn’t as if she wasn’t like them whatsoever- it barely mattered that they couldn’t connect to her thoughts, as she always spoke them aloud. She would try to help as much as she could, using her strange limbs to carry materials to and from construction sites, or help garden the small, sparse patches of land that could produce nutrients. She would watch the Voxai children play their own games, and join in when there was a game that didn’t require wings or an intense connection to the Overmind. If she couldn’t join in, she would cheer everyone on, or find a way to play referee, so it was never like she was lonely or left out. 
She had a strange way of showing physical affection, too, but they accommodated her as best they could. While Voxai would usually show affection via their hivemind- or, if they had to be physical, by brushing wings or tails- Amy was always grabbing onto some part of them. Forget simple brushing, Amy would climb up their tails, swing on their wings, and cling to their backs, leaning against them and just feeling them breathe under her. At first, it was strange, but it seemed to help her- the more physical affection she got, the more comfortable she seemed, so soon the Beta Colony was used to treating her a bit differently, in pretty much every way.
Yes, she was a strange child, and she was the Voxai’s child. But most importantly, at least to Thebes... she was his child.
He had been there when she learned how to walk- he’d studied for months on how mobians moved so he could best help her amble along. He was there when she picked out what nutrients she liked to eat and would throw the others on the ground, and he would teach her that was rude and she really should have just expressed that she didn’t want them. He was there when she started to speak, learning along with her how best to communicate. He was there when she fell asleep against him that first night, curling his wing around her like a blanket, and he was there, teaching her how to spell and count. He took her to the library to study whatever languages they had, fascinated with how quickly she picked them up, feeling intensely proud of her for running to the nearest librarian to practice her sentence structure. He was there when she scraped her knee and began to cry, and they figured out how to make it feel better. He was there when she’d cry again, reading a sad book, and he was there when she’d run to him, reciting quickly something funny she’d read in a different story in hopes that he would laugh, too, at least in his own way.
Whenever he expressed how proud he was of her, he could see her eyes light up, and then she’d shut them tight and wiggle her nose a little, her smile brightening even the darkest of nights. If he had to express disappointment- if, for example, she said something unnecessarily cruel to another child, or she hid the scroll she broke instead of admitting to it, she would get very upset, leaking water from her eyes, and she would promise to never repeat the behavior, knowing now that it wasn’t right. Thebes hated seeing her upset, but then later, when she did the right thing instead of repeating wrong behavior, he got to be proud of her again, and see her bright smile.
She wasn’t perfect, by any means. Mainly, she had some issues expressing her anger in a healthy way. More than once he had to show disappointment in her breaking something in a fit of fury- though, honestly, he wasn’t quite sure if her way of breaking things was normal for a mobian or not. She would kick a rock and watch it shatter into pieces, or punch a wall and create a gaping hole. He didn’t think mobians were supposed to do that- and it got even stranger when she would stomp on the ground during a tantrum and create a crater, or lift up an entire house to grab a lost toy. Most worryingly, when she was angered, her normally green eyes would spark with energy, glowing the same pink as her quills. He knew that most Voxai couldn’t do these things, certainly, and though she was clearly not a normal Voxai, he wasn’t sure if she was a normal mobian, either.
He also wasn’t sure if that was good or not.
Once every cycle, Thebes would take Amy to visit the Overmind, so they could check on her progress. Afterwards, she would play with a toy they’d found for her, while the adults would discuss their research. Since she’d started talking, Amy was always very well-behaved when with the Overmind, addressing them by name and asking them how their cycle had been, answering all of their questions with a smile while bouncing on her paws and letting her tail wag back-and-forth. Then she’d go play, oblivious to whatever discussion was happening around or about her.
That started to change as she got older, though, and it was because of Thebes, unfortunately. Thebes had been unable to hide his discomfort at times, and though he’d told a questioning Amy that nothing was wrong, really, she could sense that something was troubling him.
Indeed, as the years pressed on, he felt that the Overmind was... becoming strange. The hivemind was meant to encourage them all, but sometimes he’d hear whispers of the Overmind being too pushy, sending out instructions that some Voxai couldn’t make themselves disobey. He’d never experienced it himself, but the more he visited with Amy, the more he started to see signs of something strange going on with them. He didn’t know if it was the stress around the lost Chaos Emerald, a corruption of power, a new behavior they’d picked up from another planet they’d trade with, or a combination of all of it, but they were, indeed, getting pushy. They’d ask him questions that were normally considered impolite, about himself and about Amy. At times, they talked about her as if she wasn’t at all alive, as if she were still an emerald locked up in a hidden temple. That above all made Thebes angry. She may have once been that emerald, but now she was Amy, his Amy, who loved to read and play in the garden and climb on whatever she could find, who was curious about this world and any other world she researched.
It worried Thebes, but not enough.
One cycle, when Amy was about eight or nine years old, the Overmind stated that in their research, they thought she may be able to summon things with her mind. Bring items out of nothing. Thebes thought this was ridiculous, but he agreed to try with her.
It took several weeks of work, of Amy sitting on the ground, imagining items she’d want to create, and then growing bored and wandering to the garden. Thebes would help as best he could, but in her natural Outermind state, as well as the strangeness of the situation, he couldn’t do much.
One day, she sat with him on the floor of their home, and said, “I don’t know what they want from me, really. What would make them proud of me?”
Thebes sighed, and brushed her with his wing. “Don’t think about that, Amy. What matters is I am very proud of you for trying. You don’t need to succeed if you cannot do it.”
Amy smiled and wiggled her nose at his praise, but then said, “I think I can. I really do. But I keep changing my mind on what I should bring about.”
Thebes considered. “What about those tools you use to help us build our homes? We only get those during trading periods with other worlds- wouldn’t it be useful if you could get them whenever you wanted?”
“That would be nice.” Amy nodded, considering. “I’ll try that.”
It took much longer, but she seemed more focused after that, sitting and humming and trying to make things out of thin air. But Thebes could sense her getting frustrated every day she failed, and though he assured her she didn’t need to do anything she was incapable of, it seemed every day she wanted more and more to do this magic.
Finally, one day, in the garden, she’d sat down among the stones to try and summon something. Then she stood, angered, and stomped a stone into shards. “This is awful! I can’t do it!”
“You don’t have to--”
“But I should be able to! I should be able to do anything with my head, like the rest of you! But nooo, I can’t even do anything normal! I don’t even look normal!”
"Amy.” Thebes said stiffly. “You are normal for your species.”
“Pfft, as if! I’m pretty sure most mobians don’t form out of magic emeralds!”
“Amy, please keep yourself controlled.”
“Why does it matter? I can’t even be like you!” Amy huffed, tears springing to her eyes. “How can I be anything special if I can’t be normal first? No, I’m just weird little Amy! Strange little Amy! Dumb little Amy!”
“Nobody thinks that.”
“They should! Cause that is who I am!”
In her fury, Amy turned towards the large stone behind her, and acted instinctively; what she had wanted to do was punch it, get some of her anger out by destroying the rock she’d sat against. Instead, her hands reached up behind her, in a position not very equipped for punching. And to both her and Thebes’s surprise, in the few seconds it took her to swing, a colorful, extra-large hammer appeared in her hands, and she brought its face to the rock. The impact turned the rock to an explosion of dust.
When the cloud settled, both Thebes and Amy stared in shock. Then, slowly, Amy smiled, and laughed, looking down at her hammer. Then she spun, laughing harder, beginning to dance. “Thebes, look! I did it! I did it! I made something! I made something! I did it right!”
It turned out she didn’t need to think like a Voxai to do it- to retreat into her mind, to focus on the energy around her. What she had to do was think like Amy. To think with her heart, her feelings.
Of course, Thebes was proud of her, but he also had a heavy heart at her previous words. After she’d calmed down, she threw the hammer into the air, making it disappear. And once she’d calmed from that action, which she thought was equally impressive, Thebes took her inside and sat her down.
“Amy, do you really think you’re incapable? That you’re... what was the word?”
Amy curled in on herself; it was an action she did when she was embarrassed, or upset. “Weird? Strange?”
“Amy, you’ve never been like that.”
“Don’t lie.” Amy sighed, glancing up at him. “I know you all just put up with me. I don’t act like a Voxai, and whenever I try, it feels wrong. I have to climb things and touch things, I can’t fly or lift things with my brain, I can barely even hear the hivemind. I’m just a weird outermind.”
“Has anyone told you this?”
“No... but I can tell.” Amy sighed. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed that I have to have you fly me up to certain areas, cause nobody thought they’d have someone who couldn’t fly wandering around. Or that there are games I can’t play, or that I don’t have wings and my tail is too small, and I have these legs and arms that none of you know what to do with. I can tell I’m... different.”
Thebes floated beside her, and then curled against her, draping his wings over her like a blanket, as he had when she was just an infant. “Different does not mean wrong, Amy.”
“But it makes it harder on all of you.”
“And we don’t mind.” Thebes brushed against her again. “Do you remember when Croesus’s family’s home was destroyed in that quake, but you ran there before everyone else at night, before we could rebuild?”
“And you figured out that it was a location very sensitive to quakes, so you found them a better spot and started building on your own?”
“That was all you. You used a Voxai sense, to feel the world around you, and your own research to figure out what was wrong with the location. And then you used your strength to begin building.”
“I guess.”
“Amy, you’re not a Voxai.” Thebes said quietly. “But I don’t think you’re quite a mobian, either. And you’re not a simple stone, locked away without a mind. You’re Amy, the Rose-Colored Emerald who became the Rose-Colored Hedgehog. You’re a curious girl, a temperamental girl, and overall, a kind girl who wants to do no more than help those around her. And that is not ‘weird’ or ‘strange.’ That is not even ‘normal.’ That is special. You are special, to me and to everyone in this colony.”
For a moment, Amy was quiet, and Thebes was worried he may have made things worse, due to the tears that returned to her eyes. But then she leapt up, clinging to him as she always did, burying her face against his skin, and he knew she was going to be alright.
Unfortunately, that didn’t last long.
Their next appointment with the Overmind, Thebes was under the impression that Amy was simply playing in the other room. He would discern later that she, instead, sat there, eyes shut, doing her best to connect to the hivemind, to listen to what they were saying, to figure out if they were proud of her for her summoning- which she’d been practicing since her first victory- or upset at her for doing it in a strange way. There was more she’d wanted to know, too- she was curious as to what they talked about when she was busy, fearful that they were saying bad things about her, and... well, recently, she’d become concerned about Thebes’s occasional worry, his distance when thinking about the Overmind. Thebes could tell that Amy wanted him to stop being scared, he just never thought she’d stop her playtime to figure out what was worrying him so.
Unfortunately, this was just about the worst time she could have listened in.
The Overmind had compiled their years of research on Chaos Emeralds, mobian culture, and Amy’s own behavior, and concluded that her magical abilities were powerful beyond their imagining. Her fits of strength, her glowing eyes, were all things that they’d never heard of any species doing, let alone mobians. The summoning only confirmed what they thought- her origins as an emerald had given her not just power, but what seemed to be an unlimited power.
Thebes stayed quiet as they presented this, but then their words turned to what they could use her power for. It was, again, as if she were a simple stone again, one that had been locked away to prevent those from using this power in the way the Overmind was discussing. They brought up how her strength could be used as a weapon, her energy to summon great things for the Overmind and terrible things for their enemies.
“What enemies?” Thebes asked. “We have always been a peaceful society.”
“But with this power,” they tried to say, “We could have a better planet, one without seas of rocks, without quakes.”
“We are fine with the rocks. We don’t need a planet of branches to get tangled in or dirt and water to drag us down.”
“You are not thinking clearly, Thebes. Just because you are used to what you have doesn’t mean you can’t want more.”
“You are trying to use her for battle, something that we hid the emerald to prevent from happening. But now you know what she can do, you want to use her for violence. Have you thought about what she wants to do with her power?”
“She is one of us, and thus in service to the Overmind. So she will be happy to do what we tell her.”
“That is not what your power is supposed to be used for.”
“Perhaps it is. Perhaps we should encourage you to think so, too.”
That must have been when Amy broke; Thebes had a strong will, she must have known, and would have resisted the Overmind trying to force him into something he didn’t want to do. But she had fear, the fear that he would be forced into a shell of himself, that the Overmind would take her away from him and use her in a way that wouldn’t make him proud.
She burst into the room, screaming for them to stop, to leave him alone, and her eyes were glowing pink, her body sparking with that intense energy. They turned to see her, and she raised her hands, wanting to simply express her anger. But again, she acted instinctively; her hands formed around the summoned hammer, and she slammed it into the ground.
The energy that burst up caused chaos. Everyone in the room with Amy felt their connections to each other severed as they were thrown back, into the wall, thudding against it as the child screamed. A blinding light seemed to burst from her, flowing into the sky and across the colony. For a few brief seconds, there was no hivemind, and everyone was alone, and began to panic. Even when it returned, there was that fear, that horror that it might happen again. The blast of energy also hit several stones, several homes, causing them to shake, a few to burst.
When Amy came back to her senses, her eyes widened with horror, and she dropped the hammer, causing it to disappear before it hit the ground. She stepped back, looking in fear at what she’d done, and then she ran.
She couldn’t get far before Thebes caught up, curling his tail around her to carry her to someplace safe and calm. But she screamed as he lifted her, kicking and screaming for him to let her go, to let her get away from him, and the Overmind, and everyone. He could feel her energy as she screamed- she was not angry, but she was terrified, a level of fear he’d never thought her capable of.
He took her to a quiet cave, and when he dropped her, she curled into a ball, crying and screaming ot herself.
“Amy,” he said.
“Don’t touch me! I’ll hurt you again! Don’t touch me!”
He realized that he would not be able to reason with her in this state, and that made him fearful- reason was what he knew best, after all. But he had to remain strong, remain calm, to keep her from panicking farther. So he floated back, and for a long, long, while, let her get her emotions out. She screamed and sobbed, pounding her fists against the floor to make small craters, slamming herself into the wall to cause it to rumble... it was terrifying, how much the small child was capable of, and how she didn’t seem to care if she hurt herself in her breakdown.
But finally, finally, after what felt like forever, her cries quieted, and she stopped slamming against the stone, and instead curled up into a ball, finally calming herself. Slowly, Thebes approached, though he kept at a distance in case she did not want to be touched.
“Amy.” he said again. Then, when she did not respond, “Amy.”
He sighed and floated beside her, brushing her quills with his tail. “You are not to blame for what happened. You didn’t know that was possible.”
“But I hurt you.”
“I’m alright. I’m more concerned about you.”
“I’m a monster.”
“Never.” Thebes lowered himself, so that he was covering her with his wings. “It is like I said. You are Amy.”
Amy slowly unfurled from the ball, and then climbed onto his back, wrapping her arms around him in an embrace.
“Are the Overmind gonna take me away?” she sniffled.
“I would never let them.”
“I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
“I know.”
“I like it here. I don’t want another planet.” Amy pressed herself farther against him. “I don’t even want Mobius. I just want to be here, at home, and make everyone happy.”
Thebes felt his heart swell. “Then you shall stay. Amy, my Amy, you make us happy just by being here.”
“What if I just ruined it? And everyone’s scared of me?”
Thebes considered, and then said, “I know I would never be.”
Amy sighed, and then embraced him tighter. “Then I guess it’ll be okay. So long as you’re still here.”
Thebes had to smuggle Amy back to the house, fearful of questions or some kind of repercussions from the Overmind. But when they were finally back in their colony, at their home, Amy quickly scampered into her makeshift bed, curling beneath the blankets that had once been the sling Thebes used to carry her as an infant, and soon was snoring soundly. Thebes wasn’t quite sure what to do while she slept, so he tidied the house, and then sat at the window, staring out into the sky. He thought it best to let Amy sleep, to let her dream of a place without trouble.
What he didn’t know is that that would be the last time she’d have that luxury for quite some time. 
Amy awoke to the rumble of the ground, and the sound of screams.
Thebes flew to her as fast as he could, and saw her rubbing her eyes, having momentarily forgotten what had happened the previous day. She blinked up at him, sleep still a distant glimmer in her green eyes- he realized, only now, with a heavy heart, they were the same green that the Chaos Emerald had been before it changed. The emerald within her soul.
“Wha’s going on?” she asked blearily, as Thebes swept her up in his wings.
“We’re under attack.”
“What?” That was almost a foreign concept to her. Then she blinked away her exhaustion, and began to tremble. “The Overmind?”
“Wh- what’s--?”
Amy soon found out, as Thebes swept her onto his back and began to fly as fast as he could. Amy began to shake, letting out startled cries, as she looked to the sky, which had turned blood-red, something dark and looming floating above them and blocking their light. Around her, Voxai were scrambling, panicking, their thoughts a jumble bursting into a confused hivemind. They flew as fast as Thebes could manage, but even in the quick movements, Amy could see the shadows of creatures, strange creatures she couldn’t recall reading about, leaping onto Voxai, smashing them into the ground, screeching and roaring.
“What are they?”
Thebes was hesitant, but then he said, “They’re here for you. So we have to get you safe.”
“They must have sensed that explosion of Chaos Energy. So they want your power- and trust me, what they could do with your power is worse than anything even the Overmind, even in this state, could imagine.”
Amy grabbed onto him tighter, shutting her eyes and trying to think of something, anything else, to block out the screams, the crashes, the roars.
When Thebes began to slow, Amy opened her eyes, scared he might have been cornered. Instead, she saw them floating in front of some tall, elaborate building- far more decorated than any other practical Voxai residence.
“Where are we?”
Before Thebes could answer, they heard more screams, more screeching- and then, a horrifying hiss. They turned behind them, and Amy whimpered as they saw a thick gas spreading in the area behind them. As they watched, every Voxai that came in contact with it completely froze, unable to move. Their screams, however, could still be heard in the hivemind- they were conscious, but unable to move at all, leaving them ripe for the taking of the invading monsters.
Amy finally let out a terrified scream, and that pushed Thebes fast enough to act. He took off flying again, into the temple, the one where Amy had been born so long ago. He could only hope he could outrun the gas for long enough to save her.
He burst through the temple, only slowing whenever it seemed that Amy was slipping. He could feel her tremble against him, looking up and around at the temple halls, curiosity and confusion bursting into her fear.
Thebes had not been in the temple for about a decade now, but he still knew the pathways, every nook and cranny, and before long he was able to get them to the chamber that had once held the emerald that became the hedgehog clinging to him now. Once there, he let Amy slide off his back, and flew to the wall, counting the bricks.
“What are you doing?”
“Only the Overmind knew we had one of these,” he said, “and only the guardian of the Emerald’s Temple knew where it was. And... here! Amy, move this stone.” 
“The Emerald’s Temple?” Amy asked, realization dawning on her. Then she ran over, pulling a loose stone from the wall as Thebes said. There was something behind it, and she reached inside, pulling out...
“A ring?”
“It’s a teleporter.” Thebes explained. He hooked it around his tail, taking it from her. “It will take you far away from here, where they won’t be able to find you.”
They heard roaring, then, echoing through the temple halls.
“They’re inside.” he said, almost disbelievingly. Then, he shook his head. “You have to leave, before that paralyzing gas reaches you and you can no longer escape them.”
“But you’re coming too, right?”
Thebes took a deep, steady breath. “Those monsters will be here before long. I will not let them follow you.”
“What does that mean? Thebes?”
Thebes then flung the ring into the air. With a jing sound, it expanded, opening up into a huge, dark portal. On the other side was a world Thebes knew Amy had read about, one where she’d be able to survive until she found someone to care for her.
“Listen to me. Your power is unlike anything we could have imagined. That means there will always be someone looking to use it for evil. Do not let anyone use you. Your power is yours- which means it is something beautiful.”
“What are you saying?”
“You must hurry.” 
“No!” she stomped her foot, causing a floor rumble. “I won’t leave you! I’ll fight them, I’ll protect you! I’m not leaving!”
There wasn’t time to argue, and Thebes knew it. Even with her strength, he doubted a child as young as she would be a match for the invading creatures, especially with their paralyzing agent. He couldn’t let them use her for their dark ends, hurt her for their horrible means.
He wrapped his wings around her, as he had when she was a baby. Then he spun, and flung her into the ring.
“Thebes!” she screeched, and he watched his daughter disappear into the ring portal, and, as best he could, sent her a calming wave of energy before it could close and the aliens could reach him.
Amy ran to where the portal had been, clawing at the air, then the dirt beneath her fingers, much more dirt than she was used to. “No! No! Thebes! Thebes, bring me back! Dad! BRING ME BACK!”
Her eyes sparked with that pink energy, tears flowing from her and landing on the ground, before turning into steam from the magic within her. It finally hit her that the ring would not open again, that Thebes had sent her away, and that... that Voxai... they must all be...
She sunk to her knees, unable to hold herself up any longer. She stared into space, letting the strange wind hit her, feeling the strange plants under her, and letting herself cry.
This was her fault.
But it is. They were after me. My power.
Amy hugged herself, despair overwhelming her.
Then, slowly, Thebes’s words entered her mind. “You are not to blame for what happened. You didn’t know that was possible.” 
But if it wasn’t for me, they wouldn’t be dying right now.
What would Thebes say to that? “It doesn’t matter. It happened, and you must go on.”
How could I go on without my family? My home?
“That is for you to decide.”
She shivered, hugging herself tighter and curling into a ball, hearing those last words in her head. “Your power is yours- which means it is something beautiful.” 
Right now, it sure didn’t feel beautiful.
But after a while, she sat up, the words ringing in her head. Thebes sent her away, but not out of fear of her. To keep her safe. She couldn’t let that be in vain. She couldn’t sink into despair in the middle of this strange place. That wasn’t what Thebes would want.
She struggled to her feet, taking a few steps before sinking again. And then she got up, and took another step, and another, focusing on making her way across the unusual terrain.
She walked for what must have been hours, the sky above changing from its dark black to a bright blue. It seemed strange, that the sky could brighten when her home was gone, that anything could be light ever again. She felt heat against her quills as she pushed through tall plants- trees, she thought, from her reading. She found a long trickle of water- a river. It was strange, seeing one of those- usually on Voxai, their water was extracted from the small plants that survived on the stone. It was amazing that someone could have so much water it flowed across the land.
There were stones in the middle of the river, and as she hopped across them, she felt a brief flash of home- except these rocks were wet, and slippery. It was almost like a taunt, reminding her she would never be home again.
But she followed the river. Most species needed water to survive, so she’d find someone. As she walked, she wondered if she wanted to do this at all- what if they wanted to hurt her, too, and Thebes’s sacrifice had been for nothing? But then, what if she wasted away in the woods, dying because she didn’t understand how this world worked? No, she had to at least see who lived here. This had to be a planet she read about, right?
She’d been walking for so long her legs ached, but she kept pushing on, until she finally reached the river’s end. She looked up at a huge waterfall, amazed by the roar it produced, the droplets flickering onto her. She’d never seen anything like it.
There was a rustle behind her, and she jumped, turning. On instinct, she pulled the hammer, again, out of air, in case one of those monsters had followed her.
Instead, something flew at her, too fast for her to react. But when it stopped, right in front of her face, she saw it was something organic, something alive. A bright teal creature, flapping with tiny pink wings. It had legs and arms like her, and blinking eyes, these a dark blue as opposed to her green. It stared for a long while, and she stared back, the two of them trying to figure each other out.
She heard a rustle again, and the creature retreated a little bit, turning to look. Amy’s stare was then directed at what emerged from the plants.
A mobian.
She was small, miniscule. A little girl, with the same body shape as Amy, the same head, limbs... but she wasn’t a hedgehog. She had long ears, so long that she tripped over them as she waddled over, and a puffy, bushy tail.
“Hi!” the creature said, in the Mobian language. “I’m Cream, and this is my very best friend, Cheese. What’s your name?”
Amy kept staring.
“Maybe you cannot talk yet.”
Amy swallowed a cry, and then carefully said, “I’m Amy.”
“Oh! You can talk! I’m so glad. A lot of people don’t visit the garden, mama says. I bet she wants to meet you. We take care of the chao, like Cheese. Do you like chao? Do you want some food? We have cookies--”
She sure talked a lot for someone who was so young- barely past the toddler stage, probably. At least, Amy figured. She didn’t know how fast mobian children developed. All she knew was... herself.
Amy turned to river, watching her rippling reflection. She was filthy, with red cheeks and dark circles under her eyes. But she looked mainly up at the quills on her face, which pointed outwards, spiking like jagged stones.
Slowly, as the rabbit talked, she reached up, pulling her quills down. If she pulled them to point down, against the sides of her head, it almost looked like a Voxai shell.
“--my house is back this way. I bet Mama will be real real happy to see you, we like having visitors. And we have pretty pretty flowers! Do you wanna see?”
Flowers. Amy had never seen one up close before. She wondered if there’d be one the color Thebes had described her as. The Rose-Colored Emerald, he’d said.
“Okay.” she said, and followed the rabbit through the garden.
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zephyrcove · 4 years
Prompt: James and Lily at Slughorn's shit party and then they sneak off to snog cause James is irritated and Lily is annoyed about Snape
read on ao3
“Right then, have fun at your boyfriend’s party Evans!” Sirius called over his shoulder as he left the two of them outside Slughorn’s office, strutting back down the stone hallway whistling a muggle rock song. Having insisted he ‘needed the exercise’, Sirius had escorted them to their party for no apparent reason other than bothering her.
Lily narrowed her eyes at his retreating form and held up a half-hearted middle finger as James chuckled lightly beside her. His warm hand came up to caress hers, pushing down the offensive finger and gripping her palm so they were holding hands. She let out a huff as she stepped closer to him, took his other hand in hers, and tilted her head up towards him, resting her chin softly on his chest as she pouted. 
“Come on love, can’t be the teacher’s pet and not show up to his exclusive dinner. You’re practically the guest of honor. Plus I’ve got to go in and remind Sluggy that you already have a boyfriend. I hear he’s very handsome and good at quidditch AND completely age appropriate.”
“Mm, and humble too,” Lily mumbled into the fabric of his dress robes, feeling his laughter rumble in his chest as he brought a hand up to stroke the back of her head, careful not to tousle the half updo she had coiffed her red curls into for the party. Pressing a kiss to her hairline, James pulled back and tugged on their joined hands, leading a begrudging Lily into Slughorn’s expanded office.
Passing under a sheer drapery, the couple entered the warmly lit room bustling with party-goers. Before the fabric had even settled behind them, shuffling footsteps brought Professor Slughorn to their side.
“Miss. Evans! Thank Merlin you’re finally here. I love getting a moment to chat potioneering outside of class, but it's so terribly dull without a worthy conversationalist such as yourself.” Slughorn resituated the small hat on his head before his eyes fell on James, smiling patiently at Lily’s side.
“Ah, and of course Mr. Potter, good to have you here as well. You are also not too shabby at discussing potions, must be the genes! You’ll have to give your father my regards of course, let him know his products still have my stamp of approval”
James chuckled politely, ruffling his hair and assuring the rotund man that he would pass along the message. “If you don’t terribly mind Professor, I’m going to steal Lily away to grab some refreshments.” 
“Of course, of course, help yourselves! Eat, drink, be merry! Miss Evans–– I expect you to circle back to me later this evening so we can have that scholarly discourse!” Slughorn gave her a mock stern look before returning to his jolly smile.
Lily nodded and smiled back at their teacher as James gave a small wave and began leading her through the room towards a table of hors d'oeuvres. The two of them piled up their cocktail plates with finger food, poking fun at the slightly pretentious offerings as they went along the small buffet, and Lily’s slender fingers darted out to steal the last puff pastry from James’ plate. She popped it into her mouth when he turned back from reaching for the mini tarts and he scoffed playfully at her, eyes glinting as he snatched a fancy looking mince pie from her stack. 
Moving away from the food spread, the couple stationed themselves at one of the high tables draped in mauve fabric and munched on their snacks.
“Lil, I’m going to grab a spot of butterbeer, need a drink?” James slid his plate towards her for her to guard and she smiled back at him.
“Butterbeer sounds brill, thanks.”
He leaned in to press a quick peck on her cheek and headed off, “Back in a mo’!”
As she waited for James to come back with their drinks, Lily took a moment to observe the event. She hadn’t really wanted to go tonight, having been to so many of them over the years and now having a much better option for spending a Saturday evening, but she had to admit there was a certain comforting ambiance to the warm tones of the evening. The firelit room held passionate students and talented witches and wizards and this mix of people was something special and fleeting, especially as graduation approached. She stood leaning her elbows on the raised cocktail table, taking small bites of her tarte and allowing herself to feel the bittersweet reminiscing that had accompanied all of 1977. 
She was shaken from that feeling as she sensed an uncomfortable burning into her from behind. Fisting her hands on the tablecloth, she stood straight, preparing for the worst. Severus inched closer, surrounded by fellow Slytherins and giving her the most confusing look of disgust and concern.
“Snape,.” Lily spoke tersely as he came up to stand across from her.
“Lily. No surprise to see you here, though I could do without your,” he sneered and looked away from her, “companion.”
“Who I associate with is no longer any of your concern Severus. I am not your concern.” She said his name as if it was venom on her tongue. “You made that perfectly clear two years ago.”
“Lily if you would just––”
“If you’re looking for an autograph, Snivellus, I’m afraid you’ll have to move along. It’s my night off.” James’ stony voice carried from behind her as he came up to her side, placing the two butterbeers on their table. His right hand came to rest protectively on the small of her back.
The disdain on Snape’s face looked almost painful as he cast his gaze back at Lily. Her eyes were cold and downcast, no longer deigning to meet his stare. He grunted as he hunched his shoulders and crossed his arms, crumpling the velvet of his slightly outdated dress robes.
“And besides that, I don’t believe Lily has anything to say to you so you should be moving on anyway Snape.” James wrapped his arm around her shoulders as his glare put a crease between his eyebrows.
Snape stood still but his shoulders slumped just slightly, his stare slightly more pained than it had been.
“Hope you enjoy taking out the trash, Potter…” Mulciber spat venomously as the Slytherins continued on deeper into the party. James’ eyes darkened and he moved to step forward, but Lily’s fingers gripped into his forearm and held him in place. Severus trailed behind the other boy and Lily glared at him, her emerald eyes glistening with pain and resentment. He looked to James and spat at his feet before turning to follow his housemates.
James and Lily both let out the breaths they hadn’t realized they’d been holding as the green robes disappeared in the crowd. He pulled her into a tight hug and kissed the top of her head before she pulled back. She glanced at the full cups of butterbeer and in the direction they’d left Slughorn before meeting James concerned, hazel look.
“Hey, you want to get out of here?” James asked tentatively, leaving one arm looped behind her and picking up the butterbeer with his free hand. Lily took a deep breath before allowing the corner of her mouth to twitch upwards. She reached for her glass and clinked it against his, meeting his eye as they chugged down the frothy drink. He smiled his patented grin as he intertwined their hands and sped them towards the exit, stealthily avoiding Slughorn, who was deep in conversation with a willowy, older witch right by the door.
As they tumbled out into the corridor they both laughed breathily and Lily’s slingback heels clacked on the stones as they tore away from the office, still holding hands in the candle-lit hallway. Following James’ calculated twists and turns, tethered by her hand clenched in his, Lily followed until she was tugged abruptly into an alcove she hadn’t been aware of.
A single white candle illuminated the small room behind the tapestry, woven in Ravenclaw blue and blocking James and Lily from the main hall. Her back met the cold wall as James perched over her, his forearms pressed to the stones above her head. Their breaths mingled between them as they slowly inched towards each other and their lips crashed together. Biting her bottom lip gently, James coaxed a sigh from her and Lily smiled as she reached one arm up to wrap behind his head, fingers curling into his hair. James hummed against her mouth before moving downwards to give the dip between her neck and her shoulder some much appreciated attention. 
“James,” she breathed out as he nibbled lightly on the side of her neck. “James.”
He pulled away just slightly so he could meet her eyes, his face flushed and his eyes glinting. Lily brushed his cheek with the tips of her fingers and looked back at him, her gaze all-consuming. “I–Thank you.”
James chuckled and his glasses slid just barely down the bridge of his nose as he shook. Crooking an eyebrow playfully but with a sincere question in his eyes. “For what?”
Her eyelashes fluttered as he exhaled breathily against her cheek. “For… for coming to this stupid party with me. For not starting anything with Snape. For sneaking me away from the party. For… everything, really.”
Lily pressed a soft kiss to his lips, whispering, “You’re just my favorite person. So thank you.”
James wrapped his arms around her so his hands overlapped behind her back, pulling her tight to him. Her cheek pressed into his chest as she tucked into his embrace. “I lo––” he started but then paused and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Don’t tell Sirius, but you’re my favorite person too.”
“Well I rather hope so,” Lily replied, cheeks flushed from the words not yet said and voice slightly muffled by James’ robes. “Wouldn’t want to be snogging someone in a secret room who only thinks I’m so-so.”
The rumbling in his chest was warm and familiar as he laughed with her sharp retort. James tilted her chin up with his knuckle and replied, “Nah, Evans. You’ve always been extraordinary.”
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