#she supported her unconditionally unlike her parents
arisu-alisa-alice · 8 months
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𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓪.𝓴.𝓪 𝓐𝔂𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓾 - အေးစု
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bartxnhood · 2 years
all the stars | atwow
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| sully!family x fem!sully!reader
summary: based on this request.
warnings: reading feeling insecure, crying, jake and neytiri being the best parents to you
word bank: skxawng- idiot. ite- daughter. sa’nok - mother. itetsyip - little daughter(endearing). mawey - calm.
a/n: hi my lovies !! this is my first ever avatar piece so i’m so very sorry if it isn’t entirely accurate. i also haven’t seen twow yet (but i’ve basically had the entire movie spoiled so😭) so, im always open for criticism and feedback. also this didn’t go in the direction i wanted it to but i still hope you all enjoy this one <3
not proofread
requests open
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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growing up as a sully had its hardships. you were different from the other na’vi people because of who your father was. they saw you differently, you had an extra finger, and you were slightly shorter than your siblings and the people in your village.
but, it never stopped your family from loving you unconditionally. jake was your number one supporter, as his firstborn daughter he was highly protective of you but he gave you the freedom you deserved because he knew you could handle yourself and he always kept an eye out for you.
neytiri, your mother was strong, brave, and capable of anything she had to do. you took a lot after her, you were skilled when it came to hunting. she taught you everything you knew. she was so proud to be your mother, to have you as her daughter. you were the most beautiful thing she had done.
you were very close with your siblings. growing up, you were still young with lo’ak was born but with kiri and tuk you would always play with them, you were the big sister everyone dreamed of.
with neteyam, it was different. sure, he may be older but you were always a helping hand if he needed you. or, if he was having a hard time he always came to you. he took care of you as an older brother should, but sometimes he just needs a shoulder to lean on.
“y/n!” tuk cheered as you walked back to your home, you had gone out with kiri for a while to enjoy nature and help your sister find some items for her jewelry making. “tuk-tuk!” you beamed as she ran into your arms. “i made you something!” she handed you a piece of jewelry she had made, “oh my, ewya, this is gorgeous!” you grinned, “thank you” she watched as you put the piece on and she giggled. “so pretty!” tuk left your embrace, leading you back home where you were met with the rest of your family.
on one occasion, lo’ak, neteyam, and your father went out to hunt for a while but when they returned you knew the atmosphere was dull. mostly coming from lo’ak, you felt his sadness. “did he yell at you again?” you pulled lo’ak to the side he nodded, hanging his head low. “i’ll talk with him, okay?” you smiled, bringing your younger brother into a hug. “stay out of trouble, skxawng” the both of you laughed.
you were the daughter and sister they adored.
though, when you arrived at the metkayina clan things shifted. you weren’t as happy as you used to be, and it was hard adjusting to the different lifestyle. it didn’t help how the people saw you as a demon, often making comments on your appearance.
of course, you changed. you were slowly beginning to hate yourself.
“ma ite” your ears perked up, whipping your head around to find your mother who was approaching. “sa’nok” you answered, looking down at the sand. “what is wrong my child?” she questioned, coming by your side. it was late into the night, you weren’t able to sleep. you were tired of being alone with your mind so, you decided to get up and sit for a while in attempts to clear your head.
your family had moved to the oceanside in hopes of refuge. unlike the others, you felt alone. compared to the forest this was all so different, you missed playing in the trees, laying in the lush forest grass with your siblings. getting used to the sand and water was different, but oh was it beautiful.
the others noticed how you were different they’d poke fun at your height, your hands, your fingers, and your hair. it hurt, you’d stay up every night wondering if you were the problem.
were you that much of a disappointment to your family?
you shrugged, turning and facing the sea. “i don’t know, mother” you lied, fidgeting with your fingers. “just could not sleep” you felt her hand rest on your shoulder, of course, you knew that she knew something was wrong. it was your mother, she knew everything. “something is troubling you” you nodded, pursing your lips. “what is it, my child?” tears welled in your eyes, ears flattened as you looked at your lap. “i’m alien. everyone hates me.”
neytiri felt her heartbreak, seeing you like this and thinking people could hate you. how could anyone hate her special girl? she pulled you close to her, resting her head on yours as you quietly sobbed into her chest “oh..itetsyip” she cooed, brushing your hair behind your ear.
“what’s going on?” jake emerges from the hut after hearing a bit of commotion. you both raised your head turning back to find your father. his eyes scanned you, and seeing your puffy eyes he went into full dad mode. then, he looked at neytiri and they held eye contact for a moment.
you weren’t okay.
“what’s wrong, babygirl?” he asked, coming to your side. you felt a lump in your throat when he asked, all this time you had been bottling it up and now, you were about to explode. “i’m so tired” you cried, falling into his arms. jake held you tightly, neytiri rubbing your back gently, “shhh, mawey mawey.” your mother hushed your cries.
“i’m sorry if i’m a disappointment, father. i’m trying my hardest” you cried into his arms. you weren’t able to take the pain much longer. you began to hate yourself. “look at me.” he pulled you from his embrace, holding your face. “you are not a disappointment. i don’t want you to ever say that about yourself again, okay?”
as a father, you’d never want to hear your children say they were a disappointment. you were the greatest thing jake ever did. “yes sir” you nodded, wiping away your tears. “my daughter.” neytiri grabbed your attention, wiping away your tears. “ewya blessed me with the honor of being your mother.” she smiled sadly, “more than all of the stars in the sky, you are so loved. ma y/n” she pressed a kiss on the top of your head.
“let us go to bed now, it is late.” she stood up, reaching for your hands and jake followed suit.
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hyperactivewhore · 8 months
In your opinion who is the best mother in the TVD universe? I think it has to be Hayley. She had made a lot of mistakes, but at the end of the day, Hope has never once doubted that her mother truly and unconditionally loved and supported her. Hayley practically raised Hope by herself. All Hayley wanted is for Hope to have a normal, happy childhood. And unlike many people I don’t think she ever abandoned Hope. Yes, she sent her away to the Salvatore school - but I think that’s because she knew that Hope couldn’t live a normal life in New Orleans and she thought that the best chance of Hope having a semi normal childhood is if no one knew who she was. And in legacies, it’s said that she still visited Hope at school frequently.
Hayley Marshall without a doubt was the best mother in tvdu, especially considering the events regarding her pregnancy, daughter and her daughter's family.
Hayley loved Hope from the very beginning, don't bring up how she tried to abort Hope because that's just rubbish: she wanted to do it because it would be better for both of them, but ultimately couldn't bring herself to do it. Claiming Elijah was the first person to care about Hope is so wrong, he didn't give a damn about the fetus but what it could mean to Klaus and his fucked up family at the beginning, he only saw his niece as her own person when she was fifteen years old.
Motherhood was forced upon Hayley and she had no other choice but to accept it, Klaus and Elijah made that very clear and it sickens me how people brush over Hayley herself saying how terrified and scared she was during this period of her life. She was barely an adult, thrown into the most dangerous family to ever live just because she happened to carry a baby and was killed twice because of that same family.
Saying Hayley was a bad mother is crazy, she loved Hope and put her above everyone almost always (I won't praise her for this, though, loving your child is the bare minium a decent parent should do) even if it was above people she cared about. People always bring up how she "stole" Hope in season two to try to put her in a bad light and it's embarrassing every time.
Was it a dangerous and risky choice? Obviously, yes, but Klaus, the father of her daughter, was jeopardizing Hope at the time with his paranoia and refusal to trust his family, and at the time everyone believed he had killed Aiden, a member of Hayley's pack, of course she would panick and run away with their kid. It was wrong nonetheless because she was putting in danger her whole pack, her husband, her daughter and herself, but I'll never blame her for it considering how much shit she went through only because of the Mikaelson.
Like Klaus, Hayley was scared too and this is often "forgotten" by the fandom: like him, she never had any good parent, but this didn't make her stop talking to Hope suddenly. The fandom often justifies Klaus abandoning Hope because he had daddy issues and because of The Hollow, but was it that hard to write letters, answer her phone calls? He ghosted his own daughter when she was nine because she saw him murdering someone, but somehow Klaus is the better parent in tvdu and the one Hope loved the most. Make it make sense.
Caroline was away too from her daughters, but she didn't ghost them the way Klaus did. Hayley was co-leading New Orleans, a whole city full of supernatural creatures, but she didn't abandon Hope either: as you said, Josie herself said she used to come to Mystic Falls frequently just for her daughter. Sending Hope away to school after nearly dying and losing her father was too soon, and while Legacies made everything they could to make these women look like bad mothers (Hope being basically depressed as a child, wanting to belong into the Saltzman family, her line in season three "my mom and dad will come back for me" - though I'm not sure if it should consider it proof, considering it was a weird Star Wars episode -, Lizzie feeling neglected by her mother, etc) they simply weren't.
Caroline and Hayley were both forced to be mothers and both proved to be better than everyone in the series. People should start criticizing the actual bad parents in this show instead of them.
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
bella i need the faith of the seven parallels with the targaryen parental figures IMMEDIATELY
…I admittedly put way too much thought into this, but I will seriously never tire of the religions themes/parallels in Stormbreak. Plus, there's about to be a ton of religious stuff happening in upcoming chapters, so it's just on my mind. So here are all seven of the parental figures of Team Black & Green, as members of the Seven!
The Father- Aemond Targaryen.
The Father Above is known for being stern, but not unnecessarily so. He has a strong sense of justice, and considers it part of his duty to enact said judgment. At the same time, he's a protector, particularly of children. Aemond is similarly very reserved and righteous, but is deeply protective of children in every possible way (physically, but also mentally and emotionally).
The Mother- Rhaenyra Targaryen.
The Mother Above is known for being very loving and merciful. She's strongly associated with families and motherhood. Rhaenyra is a kind parent who can sometimes coddle and shelter her children. She's probably the best example of a Targaryen parent who loves her children unconditionally. Despite initially being wary of motherhood, she genuinely comes to love the act of building her own family, her own little clan.
The Warrior- Daemon Targaryen.
The Warrior is a study of opposites. On the one hand, he is associated with the most violent aspects of humanity, such as bloodshed and battle. But on the other, he is also one of the most compassionate faces of the Seven. He is the one who brings peace to the souls of those slain in battle, and who comforts the grieving loved ones left behind. This suits Daemon so incredibly well; he encompasses both of these extremes perfectly. It's also very clear that he identifies himself as a protector of his family, in part specifically because of his battle prowess.
The Smith- Alicent Hightower.
The Smith is, at his core, the mender of broken things. His entire purpose is to fix, to repair, to heal. Because of this, he is associated with incredible inner strength and selflessness. Alicent spends her entire life desperately trying to solve the problems of everyone around her. She is a natural caretaker and feels personally responsible when members of her family are unhappy.
The Maid- Criston Cole.
The Maid is associated most strongly with innocence and virginity. She embodies the value of chastity, and is also connected to children and marriage. Criston is a very religious and conservative man who views everything through this lens of righteousness and purity. His downward spiral after he sleeps with Rhaenyra and his devotion to Alicent are both directly related to the violation or fulfillment of this value. He also falls very naturally into a nurturing and guiding role for Alicent's children.
The Crone- Helaena Targaryen.
The Crone is associated with unparalleled wisdom. She is the one who knows the path ahead, and guides those around her along that path. There is an element of mystery to her; the idea of forbidden or secret knowledge. Helaena, as a very powerful dragon dreamer, has access to information about the path ahead in a way that no other Targaryen does. And we see her use this knowledge to influence the directions of those around her, always trying to nudge them towards the right path.
The Stranger- Aegon Targaryen.
The Stranger is part of the Seven, but is simultaneously completely unique. Unlike the others, they have no gender, nor do they have a face. They are the outlier, and this makes them the patron saint of outcasts. They do not decide where the souls of the dead go, but they lead them to their final resting place. Aegon feels isolated from his family, as if he is the lone black sheep within the herd. He distances himself from the other members of his family, and from his Targaryen heritage. He wants to support his loved ones, but thinks it is no one's place to decide or influence another's path.
Hope this fulfilled your brainrot the way it did mine!
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sigyn-foxyposts · 28 days
"Smite!Sigyn relationship chart"
I can't stop myself from these charts and my variants! Base made by @atreyushortcake💚
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Relationship info ⬇️
Before the traumatic events Loki was a playful, loving and passionate lover that tried his best to be a father despite the issues he constantly found himself in. He really appreciates Sigyn for always being there to support him, even after he was the final blow to their family that already suffered so many looses. He feels like he did one thing right and that was choosing Sigyn as his second wife, secretly admiring her ability to go through so much and still be standing up straight. He would know that first hand.
These days, he is aware of how he has changed to be a little unhinged and that he can be a bit rough in nature. Sigyn even though she deeply misses the man Loki once was, could never stop loving him even when he turned out the way he did. She understands Loki better than anyone because she saw how he changed, she saw how cruelty made a monster out of him. But when he gets out of line she isn't afraid to voice her opinion either, even if it gets to the point of physically having to stop him in doing something stupid.
Sigyn's relationship with Hel has always been very good from the start, since Hel desperately needed a parent to support her during those early years. Which Loki sadly wasn't able to do at the time, being a single parent with three kids, grieving over his previous wife. Sigyn was always there to teach, comfort and play with Hel whenever she needed it, causing the young girl to see her as a role model to the point she dyed her hair blonde when she got older to look like Sigyn's biological daughter.
After Hel was cast down to Helheim and forced to rule as it's queen, she remembered Sigyn's ways and used them with the same compassion and love to her people. Sigyn is also the reason why Hel enjoys baking cookies so much! Sigyn always saw Hel as her own daughter and is constantly proud of her, unlike Loki when she uses her abilities for good. Even though they both have soft spots for each other Sigyn is not afraid to deal with Hel's more darker side when necessary.
Fenrir doesn't like to admit that he has feelings for anyone, but secretly that's not true. He was always distant and trying to act tough even as a pup. Despite this Fenrir is very protective of his step-mother and even the younger siblings she gave him. After all she was there for him and his siblings, always able to feed him and cuddle when he needed it. Which ironically is what fenrir prioritizes more than anything, eating like a king. Sigyn admittedly, while she finds Fenrir adorable even as an adult has to scold him a lot when he acts out (its not like everyone does that) but does tend to spoil him with his favorite dishes.
While Sigyn didn't get to know Jormungandr that well compared to his other siblings after he was cast away by Odin as a little baby into midgard. She still loves the big guy unconditionally and remembers him fondly as her son. Jormungandr in return does the same, recalling what little memories he has of their time spent together. He also recognizes Sigyn as family, despite his negative feelings towards the rest of his family (aka Loki.) While the giant snake often finds himself a bit jealous or upset that he never got to experience growing up with a mother like her, Sigyn tries to make up for it with the best of her abilities today.
Narfi and Vali:
Obviously Sigyn would be close with her two youngest sons, Narfi and Vali. They were her little miracles from the moment they arrived into the world. She spent a lot of their childhood caring for them and the boys really saw how much she tried, especially when they struggled. They appreciated their mothers efforts in making life easier and better for them. Even more so after their shared traumatic experience in..the cave. When Hel reunited Sigyn with Narfi she got very attached to her ghostly son and kept Vali around despite him being stuck in wolf form. The children feel the same way, not able to leave their mother's side and barely trusting anyone but her, they're very protective of each other.
The Morrigan:
Sigyn doesn't know The Morrigan on the same level as Hel does but sees her as a very good allay to keep around, especially during battle. After all she is a goddess of war! Sigyn is also admittedly quite charmed by the phantom queen. As weird as it may sound, she is able to see a lot of similarities between her and Loki, such as their ability to shapeshift, trick people and be charismatic little things. She and Hel must have a type!
Chang e:
It might be a bit strange for someone like Sigyn to befriend Chang e out of all the goddesses there are out there. But they're almost exactly the same in personality, if we look away from Sigyn's unhinged side. They're both lonely women, isolated from everyone and just want their husbands back into their lives. Specifically before things went eouth and changed. They find comfort in each others company and often see each other just to gossip and in general talk. Also Jade is a great therapy pet, even though Sigyn can barely feel her hands she loves petting him!
It's truly not everyday you see half of your families first ancestor now is it? She hasn't spoken to Ymir too much because of his lacking vocabulary. But that doesn't stop her from finding his innocent and naive personality hilarious, she laughs and finds it very enjoyable in the highest respect! Ymir isn't really offended by it, neither does he really understand it or who she is to him. So often you'll hear him refer to her as "bowl woman"
"Bowl woman put food in bowl?"
"No Ymir, it's to throw poison at you-"
Ratatoskr and Sigyn love gossip and when she isn't on the battlefield, instead wondering what's going on in the world.. Ratatoskr will happily be at her service and report back if she has something scandalous about the norse gods. Obviously being the wife of the trickster god, Sigyn would know a few good tales that would surely embarrasse the whole all of Valhalla. There isn't really anything more to their dynamic other than Sigyn teasing Ratatoskr, treating him as her little messenger boy. In return he leaves making a fuss, finding Loki to report back on everything she told him just to spite her. Why wouldn't the most mischievous squirrel in all the nine realms be friends with the mischief maker and his wife?
Sigyn and Nike are both victory goddesses and while Sigyn is the more introverted type between the two. Nike is very respectful and understanding towards what the poor woman and what she went through, when she heard what had happened. When they first met it was out on the battlefield and Sigyn was the first to start mocking her, it being very tense since they we're hunting each other down. Eventually it turned into playful banter and when they met a few times, they both love making it into a competition to settle who is the better victory bringer.
They know each other and unlike Loki, Sigyn isn't Heimdallr's enemy. No matter how many times her husband complains about him, to convince Sigyn to hate him as much as he does. Sigyn at least tries to stay out of their bickering for her own sanity and often makes fun of them for it. Loki doesn't take this as humorous as Heimdall does if he is there to hear it. All in all Sigyn and Heimdall respect each other, to the point where Heimdall sometimes finds himself hesitant to attack Sigyn on the battlefield.
Sigyn's relationship with Freyja is complicated, not because she is her mother and sometimes a daughter can fall out of touch. It's the fact Sigyn is married to Loki, someone the goddess is famously known to despise for his antics. Even worse, Freyja isn't happy with what her daughter went through but then again didn't actively try to stop it from happening or offer her support. Though she might've had her reasons not to interfere when things went down. This in return has made Sigyn feel like she can't trust the woman she calls mother and is very distant. You can imagine how awkward things are during family gatherings..
Initially, Sigyn didn't hold any resentment towards Skadi for marrying into her family through her grandfather, Njord. Sigyn could not fault Skadi for seeking vengeance and eventually finding a place among them. However, everything changed when Skadi, in an act of unforgivable betrayal, hung that cursed snake above Loki during his punishment. The same one Sigyn has now turned into her weapon. The goddess had hoped that Skadi saw them as family and Loki as a friend for making her laugh so many years ago.
To her, the respect she once held for Skadi evaporated instantly. The cut so deep, turning any lingering feeling into a burning desire for blood. If Sigyn were to encounter Skadi on the battlefield, there would be no hesitation in hunting her down. On the other hand, Skadi views Sigyn's loyalty to Loki to be foolish. She cannot fathom why Sigyn would choose to remain by Loki's side, enduring torment and suffering for a being she considers irredeemable. In Skadi's eyes, Sigyn's hatred is misplaced, her judgment clouded by a misguided sense of loyalty. They're far from fond of each other!
Sigyn harbors deep hatred for Odin, not just because of his past wrong doings against her family with Loki, but because of the ultimate betrayal he inflicted by taking away their remaining children, the ones Odin considered "normal" enough for them to keep til the very bitter end. Odin's actions led to the death of one son and the disappearance of another, leaving their blood on his hands. While Odin might feel some remorse because they were innocent young children, he remains set that he made the right decision. In his mind, punishing Loki for Baldr's death was worth any price, even if it meant shattering Loki's sanity and destroying what little family Sigyn had left. He doesn't feel bad for the couple, blaming them for the way they turned out in the end.
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coffeeandmagicaltales · 4 months
Spare some lore about Selina and Sting Sharp and their parents? It’s been a stupid 2 days at work and I think they’re so cute 😭. That sketch you did of them all made me so happy!
If not no worries! Just wanted to drop in and say your OCs always pique my interest!
OHHH I feel so honored <3 I'd love to answer <3
Spoiler free (I still haven't finished writing my fics)
Sharp Sisters
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Lets's start from the oldest- "Sting".
She's about 6 in the drawing. Adventurous, curious, pretty mischievous, and very brave... Also getting into trouble a lot. A LOT.
Both of her parents work at Hogwarts, so she spent her childhood in the castle (when possible), sleeping in her parents' chamber or at her Muggle and magical grandparents' house.
She got sorted into Hufflepuff and immediately fell in love with Quidditch, becoming the youngest beater on the team. That's where her nickname came from - dressed in Hufflepuff black and yellow colors, flying recklessly and incredibly fast, giving hard blows to opponents, she looked like a dangerous little bee.
(below how I imagine her in my delulu land in my head)
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She spends lots of time in detentions at Hogwarts due to the crazy ideas she comes up with (that make her parents roll their eyes and just say "ugh, again"; they've become so done with it, they just don't care anymore, and the only thing they ask is: "Is she bleeding? No? Oh, well, just take as many points from her as possible."). She's a free spirit who doesn't like being closed in between walls and loves to explore the world on her own, unlike her younger sister, who prefers to study in the library.
Her relationship with her sister is very profound, and even though they are like fire and water and sometimes disagree, they love each other unconditionally. Sting spends lots of time with Selina and gives her support. She deeply worries about her little sister's timid nature and gets into fights each time someone calls little Sharp "a weirdo".
Her relationship with her parents is pretty complicated. It was really wonderful until her 6th year at Hogwarts when she decided to become an Auror despite her... well... certain health issues. Aesop argued with her many times, trying to convince her to find a less dangerous job, but she already set her mind and was too stubborn. It is said that Sting was the only person Aesop ever raised his voice at, too scared of her being injured just like him, or even worse. But, as a rebellious 17-year-old, she did what she wanted to do, ignoring her father's plead. Her mother, Morana, was more optimistic about her life choices (Sting was a Sharp for Merlin's sake!) and convinced Aesop to train her as best as he and her could, preparing Sting for the worst.
She became an Auror, one of the best in history, duh! If you were a criminal and somebody had spilled the tea that Sting Sharp is investigating your case, well, better head to Nepal and intend to live as a goat... But! She didn't like this job at all. Ministry's orders, things against her moral compass she was told to do frustrated her, and after a few years, she quit. Waiting for Aesop's retirement, she took many part-time jobs, also helped her godmother Poppy to catch poachers, and when her dad was finally retired, they both opened a private detective office, also working with Morana and Selina.
Lesbian, she married a long-time girlfriend of hers, had no kids.
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The youngest Sharp- Selene (sometimes written as Selina, more Slavic version of that name, as she is half British half Slovakian)
This little grumpy pumpkin, about 1 in the drawing, was literally born at Hogwarts and spent her time close to her parents. Sometimes with daddy: sitting on his desk, incredibly interested in classes, lulled to sleep by his lectures, or playing with vials (unbreakable) filled with glitter and colorful water. Sometimes with mummy: sleeping in a scarf wrapped around her body during her lectures. Sometimes with her many teacher aunts and uncles, who loved to take her to their classes (especially Ronen and Garlick).
Her interest in potions was obvious from the beginning, but soon Aesop discovered that, in her case, there was a thin line between genius and obsession, and she preferred to experiment rather than play with her peers. Only her older sister seemed to understand her and accept that Selina is a bit different than other kids her age: always gloomy and avoiding anyone's company. She stood out from the crowd also thanks to her dad's tall genes, his grumpy and dreamy nature and, well, his look in general, along with dark eyes and hair, crooked teeth, big nose. She was never considered "pretty", often being compared to her father. Other kids giving her unpleasant comments like "I wouldn't date old Sharp's lookalike".
(below how I imagine her in my delulu land in my head)
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Other kids hated the fact that she's two teachers' daughter (and other teachers are her aunts and uncles) and bullied her a lot, calling her "a weirdo" or "a teacher's favorite" (Sting, ironically, never had that problem). Her parents and sister tried their best to make amends with anyone who dared to hurt Selina, but she felt sad and lonely anyway. She was often found hidden somewhere behind dad's cauldrons in his class, crying. Her situation was breaking Sharps' hearts, and they came up with an idea to sign her up for an internship at Parry Pippin's shop during her 3rd year. That was a jackpot; Selina made friends with adult potioneers, no longer feeling alone, and her talents began to thrive. After Pippin's death, she, not his children, became the shop's owner and one of the best healers in Europe, working occasionally at St. Mungo's or giving lectures at Hogwarts when Aesop was not feeling well.
Her relationship with her sister is stronger than diamond. She supports the sometimes annoyingly talkative and loud Sting and is always ready to help her. Their hearts were both broken when Selina got sorted into Slytherin, away from the older Sharp.
She's a daddy's daughter, and, no matter how much she loves her mum, it's Aesop she runs to first and clings to his jacket. She preferred to spend time with him as he was quieter and calmer than Morana, who loved wild adventures, that, on the other hand, Sting preferred more. Morana sometimes felt guilty that she couldn't approach her youngest daughter as well as Aesop, but she found out that they both enjoy slow hikes and exploring the calm Tatra Mountains in Slovakia. Selina anticipated those even few weeks long lonely trips with her mother.
She met her husband in Pippin's shop (Selina and Aesop both found a cure for his quite rare sickness), Garreth Weasley's son, who later took Sharp's surname. They had a beautiful red-headed son - Aesop Sharp Junior.
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I hope you enjoed this little spoiler free backstory of my characters <3
It was hard to find a NPC mix of Morana&Aesop but this one is the best option:
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Sad dark eyes, dark brown hair, high cheek bones, bushy arched brows, big nose, upper lip shape- Aesop
Tanned skin tone, 10K freckles, round face- Morana
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darkwitch1999 · 5 months
Ronan Odeja OC Headcanons
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Ronan Odeja
Age: 40s
Ronan is the father of Michael, Noelle, and Anais Odeja.
He has been happily married to Alyssa Odeja for over 20 years.
Ronan is a photographer who owns his own photography studio. He is well known in his profession for taking pictures that reflect "absolute perfection" by revealing the truth behind each photograph.
In other words, Ronan has a talent for telling whether a picture reflects genuine emotion or fake.
He has spent his lifetime taking pictures of perfect happy families. Ironic given that his own family is nowhere near happy.
Ronan does photography work for Gabriel from time to time. He's taken every family portrait of the Agreste family since Adrian was born.
Ronan is a kinder, more loving parent who loves all his children unconditionally.
Unlike his daughter, Noelle, who has no problem with blood and gore, Ronan cannot even endure talking about such graphic details let alone the sight without becoming nauseated. He still tries to support his daughter's interests by asking her about them even if he ends up feeling sick to his stomach.
Has an amazing singing voice. He always sang lullabies to his children when they were younger and still sings to them whenever they are sad or having night terrors.
A combination of stimuli such as flashing lights and loud noises causes Ronan to have panic attacks.
Ronan is old friends with Gabriel Agreste (Gabi Grassette), André Bourgeois (Anaximandre Bourgeois), Harry Clown, and Emilie Agreste.
During his freshman year at university, he met Alyssa at a party, and they both had a drunken hook-up, which resulted in Alyssa getting pregnant with Michael.
Not wanting to abandon his child, Ronan thought that the "honorable" or "right" thing to do was to marry Alyssa, a decision that his friends were strongly against (they had only met her once at that point and they could already tell she was a huge bitch).
They tried to convince him to not go through with it and to think about if marrying Alyssa was what he truly wanted. Gabriel, of all people, even made a big speech about how Ronan should marry for love and not out of obligation.
Despite Gabriel's speech speaking volumes, Ronan had already made up his mind to go through with it, even if he would end up regretting his decision for the rest of his life, he wanted to give his child a chance at a normal childhood.
Despite being in a loveless marriage, Ronan did everything he could to make their lives "comfortable" for them, even if it meant having to put up with his wife constantly berating him.
Tensions began to rise higher in their marriage when their son, Michael, came out as a boy. Ronan was supportive of his son's gender identity, but Alyssa was beyond pissed.
He paid for Michael's hormone therapy and had his name legally changed.
Took Michael to have gender-reassignment surgery at the age of 18 behind Alyssa's back. This act led to a MAJOR fight between the married couple, resulting in Alyssa nearly blinding Ronan with a glass vase that she threw close to his eye and kicking Michael out of the house.
Ronan continues to support Michael and help him through his struggles with depression and pill and alcohol abuse.
Had an affair with a family friend on Anais's last birthday, who also happened to be the widowed father of one of Anais's friends. Noelle witnessed the affair and called for her mother without even thinking first due to the shock.
Their marriage became unbearably worse after that day. Alyssa brings up the affair at every chance she is given and torments and berates Ronan even worse than before.
The affair is still ongoing; they just think that they are doing a good job at keeping it hidden.
The word about Ronan's affair had gotten around at Noelle's old school, which led to the bullying that she was already dealing with becoming worse. This also led to the decision for Noelle to transfer to Dupont.
While Ronan likes Noelle's new friends, the only friend that he doesn't completely trust Lila Rossi. In his words, "There's just something not right about that picture".
Despite his miserable and depressing home life, Ronan has yet to become akumatized. Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch is lying in wait for the moment that Ronan reaches his "breaking point" and is at his lowest.
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malklavian · 6 days
Finally moved into our new apartment and our cat is with us too, she didn't make much of a fuss at all bc most furniture smells like her still lol she just lost her voice recently but hopefully it comes back in a few days BC she's otherwise fine, else I'm gonna call the vet
When my parents came to visit the place they were quick to have unnecessary comments like 'oh it's so small?" or "you should've asked around more before buying it" about an issue we've encountered (that will be solved in due time ofc) and I immediately felt rage building up inside me, like no wonder I felt so trapped when i lived with them when they always have something negative to comment about everything, unlike my bfs parents who are so unconditionally supportive and accepting, like no wonder my bf is such a good person and has the patience for my temperamental self
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practically-an-x-man · 4 months
1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 for Kestrel and Quinn?
Thank you so much!!
Pride Themed OC Ask Game
1. What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender?
Kestrel: Genderfluid, and sees it as an inextricable part of themself. They're very comfortable with their gender, even when they get insecure about other parts of their identity.
Quinn: Transgender woman - technically she could call herself a demigirl since she uses both she and they pronouns interchangeably, but she personally doesn't feel as comfortable with the microlabels. She's a woman! Simple as that. Dysphoria comes and goes, but for the most part they're comfortable with who they are.
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
Kestrel: Always knew. The "default state" for a changeling is to be genderfluid, since every part of their identity is naturally fluid, and Kestrel has always known that they were a changeling.
Quinn: Discovered herself while in uni. She'd gone to a drag show with a couple of queer friends, and from there went from "oh that looks fun" to "I really like being perceived as a woman" to "holy shit I think I am a woman" with the support and encouragement of her friend group.
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
Kestrel: Literally cool with anything. Will accept any label they're told unconditionally and without question. This has the benefit of simultaneously making fellow queer people feel comfortable and pissing transphobes off like there's no tomorrow ("And what are your pronouns?" "My pronouns are beep/boop" "Oh yeah, beep was just telling me-"). For themself, they tend to stick to simpler labels, but they're accepting of all queer folks.
Quinn: Kind of a similar story, honestly. She tends to stick to simpler labels and doesn't feel the need to label every intricacy of her identity (see answer to question 1), but she's absolutely cool with others' labels. Like Kestrel, she'll accept any pronouns she's given as a subtle fuck-off to transphobes; but unlike Kestrel, Quinn will straight-up punch a TERF in the face if the situation presents itself.
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
Kestrel: Their identity as Kestrel? Absolutely. It's not set in stone and doesn't feel innate to them, since changelings are made to be creatures of completely fluid identity and sticking to a particular persona/identity is a little unheard of. But in terms of their genderfluidity specifically... no, not really. They're more than comfortable with that aspect of themself.
Quinn: Oh, she's had a lot of ups and downs. First it was when her parents disowned her, and she wondered if it was worth "just being a boy" so that it would be easier. Then it was when she started experimenting with her style and presentation and wondered if she was "really female" when she didn't want long hair, didn't want to dress feminine, didn't want gender reassignment surgeries or hormone replacement, etc.. By now, she's comfortable with who she is, but it took a lot to get there.
9. Are there cultural or lore specific aspects to their identity? If applicable, does their species affect it?
Kestrel: As a changeling, their genderfluidity is inextricably tied to their identity. If you read Taking Flight, you'll notice that most (but not all) of Kestrel's gender shifts occur during or after them transforming into another type of animal - metaphorical, yes, but also showing how their fluidity is linked to who they are. I'm actually really proud of how I've put together the whole changeling species, language, culture, etc.. Exploring Kestrel's background is a big part of Taking Flight.
Quinn: Not really? She's a white girl from London, middle-class (at least until her parents disowned her, then she was effectively homeless), and not from a strongly religious family. Any cultural views on her identity probably came when she first joined the quote-unquote "wolf pack" after Billy found her - that little band of thieves had its own sort of culture, made up of a lot of poor folks from various backgrounds and minority groups, and it helped Quinn adopt a generally very open-minded view on culture and identity.
10. Does your oc celebrate Pride? How?
Kestrel: Not really? For one thing, they don't necessarily perceive their genderfluidity as a queer identity the way a human person would, so they don't entirely understand the desire to celebrate it. For another, they do a lot of travel for their job, and that usually doesn't like up with the schedules of Pride festivals and events, so they don't usually get the chance to attend even if they wanted to. I could see them enjoying a Pride festival if they did go, they just haven't really been introduced to it yet.
Quinn: She's attended a few Pride festivals while in uni, but hasn't been to any since she started thieving. First she was worried about cops at Pride, then she was just too busy with thieving jobs, then it wasn't worth the pain of standing and walking all day. They'd like to go to another festival someday, though.
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ailendolin · 2 years
ThemThere Thursday - 02 - BBC Ghosts
Title: Certainty [AO3]
Characters: Thomas/Nigel, Mick
Idea: After the panto, Nigel wishes he could have shared a dance with Thomas. Mick takes it upon himself to help him make that dream come true.
A/N: This is a very self-indulgent Norne sequel to the 2022 Christmas Special that I've been itching to write ever since the special aired. I hope you (aka the 2.5 people out there who enjoy my Norne fics - love you!) will like this fluffy Christmas story.
Prompts are open, so if you want me to write a story for you just send me an ask with the fandom, characters and your prompt. I’m writing for Ghosts, Yonderland, Horrible Histories and Bill at the moment.
“He looked lovely up on that stage, didn’t he? So … charming! I wish I could have shared a dance with him.”
Nigel’s wistful sigh was met with several groans.
“Are you still going on about that good-for-nothing poet?” Geoff’s wife asked him with a roll of her eyes that rubbed Nigel the wrong way.
“So what if I am?” he asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Need I remind you that only a few months ago, you were fancying him too?”
Geoff’s wife stopped so abruptly in the middle of the stairs he nearly ran into her. She turned around to level him with a look. “Yeah, but unlike you I grew out of it.”
With that, she lifted her nose a little higher and continued on her way. Nigel stared after her while the others shouldered past him. Some, like Jean, were giving him pitying looks as they walked down the stairs; others muttered in not so subtle annoyance about him being in their way. None of them stopped except for Walter, and he only paused to look Nigel up and down and say, “No offence, Nigel, but you’re not exactly Cinderella material. Thomas probably doesn’t even know you exist.”
He huffed out a laugh that held no warmth, amused by his own words, before he followed the others down to the basement.
Nigel let his arms fall to his side and remained where he was: standing in the middle of the stairs. He suddenly did not feeling like going down to the basement anymore. It wasn’t anger that made him ball his hands into fists, though; it was disappointment. Was it really too much to ask of his mates, his family for all intents and purposes, to support him? He didn’t need Walter to know he would never have a chance with someone like Thomas. Nigel was very much aware of his own deficits. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t dream, did it?
And how he dreamed. The others had no idea what it was like to spend not only their lives but also their deaths – literal eternity – alone, always on the outside looking in. They’d all had husbands, wives, children. Some of their loved ones might have already moved on but that didn’t change the fact that all of them had once been loved wholeheartedly and unconditionally by someone else.
Nigel had never been loved like that. He’d had exactly one single drunken kiss behind the tavern once before fear of discovery had forced him and the other man apart and to hurry to go on their separate ways. Under different circumstances that kiss might have blossomed into something more but it hadn’t. It had barely scratched the surface of what could be, barely satisfied Nigel’s curiosity, and the need it had been meant to satiate had only grown worse after that. Dying had not changed that in the slightest. On the contrary, it had made him even more desperate to experience what seemed to come so easily to everyone else. He wanted someone to look at him like Jean and Geoff looked at each other when they thought no one was watching them. He wanted the kind of love that Alison and Mike shared, a love so deep it allowed them to be silly around each other without fear of being judged. He wanted to fall asleep the way his parents used to, with a kiss goodnight and the promise of a kiss good morning when the sun rose.
He wanted so much, and he wanted it all with Thomas.
It was a recipe for heartbreak and disaster – Nigel knew that – but the heart wanted what it wanted, and his was set on Thomas. It had been for a while now. The portrait situation might have just been a passing fancy for the others but for him, it had opened a door to a deeper yearning, one that went beyond soft locks and pretty brown eyes. He longed to spend time with Thomas, longed to get to know him, to understand how his mind worked and make sense of the poems he liked to recite so passionately.
It would always remain just that, however: a longing, quiet and unfilled. Some dreams just weren’t meant to come true and Nigel’s had always firmly fallen into that category. It was something he had made peace with a long time ago.
A light touch on his shoulder drew him out of his thoughts.
“For what it’s worth I think Walter’s wrong,” Mick told him softly, his lips pulling up into a smile. “You’d make a fabulous Cinderella.”
Unexpectedly, Nigel felt his eyes burn. “Thank you, Mick. That’s very kind of you to say.”
“I also think you should ask Thomas for a dance,” Mick added. When Nigel blinked at him in stunned silence, he shrugged and said, “How is he supposed to know you want to dance with him if you don’t tell him? You’ll never have a chance to win his heart if you stay in the basement all the time and refuse to talk to him.”
“I’ll never have a chance either way,” Nigel muttered, looking away.
Mick tilted his head in confusion. “Why not?”
Nigel gave him an incredulous look. “Have you looked at me lately? I’m riddled with plague sores, Mick. And even if I weren’t – I can’t even share Thomas’s biggest passion with him because I can’t read. Thomas would never be attracted to me.”
That’s what he told himself at last, every time he felt the tiniest bit of hope flare up in his heart lest it turn into a devouring flame.
“You could learn to read,” Mick said, eternally optimistic. “Alison helped Mary, didn’t she? She could help you as well. Oh, or Thomas could! You could ask him!”
Nigel shook his head. “I’m not going to ask him anything, Mick. I’m going down to the basement, get some sleep and forget all about this silly dream of mine.”
Mick frowned. “But … don’t you at least want to try? I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?”
He might say no, Nigel thought. He will say no.
“He’s not going to laugh at you if that’s what you’re worried about,” Mick went on, unaware of his thoughts. “He knows what that feels like and wouldn’t do that to you.”
“You sound awfully sure of that for someone who doesn’t even know him,” Nigel pointed out.
Mick shrugged. “I see and hear things, you know? When I go upstairs to talk with the Captain.” His eyes suddenly widened in a way that told Nigel he’d just had an idea that probably wasn’t going to bode well for him. “That’s it! I’ll come with you! Help you find him and be your wingmate or what’s-it-called!”
“Oh, no,” Nigel said, shaking his head and instinctively taking a step backwards, nearly sending himself stumbling down the stairs. “Definitely not.”
But Mick only nodded more excitedly. “Yes! I’ll help you get your dance with Prince Charming tonight! I’ll even ask him for you so you won’t have to.”
Before Nigel had a chance to protest, Mick grabbed hold of his wrist and pulled him back upstairs to the room with the stage. When they found it empty – thank god – Nigel breathed a sigh of relief. Mick, however, didn’t let that deter him. “Mhm. They said something about presents, didn’t they?”
“Which means they’ll probably be busy, Mick,” Nigel tried to intervene again. “It might be better if we came back tomorrow and–“
Mick let go of his hand and turned to face him. “Why are you so against this?”
Nigel heaved a heavy sigh. “Because right now, I can at least still dream about this. About him and me. About a dance. Tomorrow, I might have nothing.”
He let his head hang in defeat
“You’re wrong,” Mick said quietly, causing Nigel to look up at him. Mick’s face was more serious than he had ever seen it when he said, “You won’t have nothing. You’ll have certainty, and that’s worth an awful lot, Nigel.”
Unable to hold his gaze, Nigel dropped his eyes back to the floor. Mick wasn’t putting it into words but Nigel knew exactly what he was referring to. They had all been there that day when Mick’s younger sister hadn’t come home from picking berries, had all helped him and his family search the woods and meadows and even the neighbouring villages for her to no success. She had simply disappeared. Mick had spent a whole month searching for and ended up finding not a single trace of her anywhere, not even one tiny clue as to what might have happened to her. A bear or a pack of wolves? An abduction? An accident? Mick and his family never found out and Nigel knew it drove Mick crazy to this day.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured softly. “I didn’t mean to–“
“I know,” Mick sighed. He placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, always quick to forgive. “I just – I don’t want that for you, Nigel. The constant questioning. The what-ifs. Having to settle for dreams. You deserve more than that.”
So do you, Nigel thought sadly, knowing Mick had no hope of ever getting that. He, however, had, for better or worse, and maybe – maybe Mick was right: maybe it would be better to know, to make his peace with the inevitable rejection and move on.
Nigel exhaled slowly and managed to give Mick a small smile. “Where shall we look next?”
Mick beamed at him before he began pulling him through the house in search of Thomas once again.
It was the soft sound of humming that eventually led them to yet another beautifully decorated room, and to Thomas standing under a pair of headphones, gently swaying and humming along to some music Nigel and Mick couldn’t hear with his eyes closed in bliss. There was no one in the room with him, and he looked so relaxed and at peace, lost in his own world of sound, that Nigel found himself – not exactly getting cold feet, but rather not inclined to destroy what looked like a perfect moment with his selfish request.
“We better leave him be,” he whispered, turning to look at Mick – who was already crossing the room towards Thomas. Before Nigel could hold him back, Mick reached out to tap Thomas’s shoulder. Thomas, unaware he wasn’t alone anymore, jumped in sudden shock and instinctively covered his wound with his hand as if he had just been shot again.
“What do you think you’re doing, sir?” he rasped out, looking so badly shaken that Nigel winced in sympathy as Thomas flinched away from Mick’s touch. “Going around scaring people like that – on Christmas Day, nonetheless!”
“Sorry,” Mick mumbled apologetically. He lowered his head for a brief moment before he barrelled on, completely unperturbed. “Can I ask you a question?”
Thomas gave him a pointed look.
“You just did,” he pointed out. When Mick continued to stare at him he rolled his eyes and, waving his hands about, said, “Fine, fine. Go ahead.”
“Would you dance with Nigel?”
For the first time since they’d entered the room Thomas’s eyes flicked over to Nigel. Nigel shyly waved at him and breathed out a hoarse little, “Hi,” somehow managing not to fidget nervously under Thomas’s stare. There was a furrow between Thomas’s brows as he looked at him, as if he couldn’t quite figure out why Nigel was here or why Mick had asked him such a peculiar question. Then his eyes suddenly widened in understanding.
“Oh, you want to learn the steps so you can ask Kitty for a dance!” he said with a knowing nod. “Taken a fancy to her, haven’t you? Can’t say I blame you. She made a radiant Cinderella.”
He smiled at the memory of the panto and Nigel exchanged a panicked look with Mick. He’s got it all wrong! What am I supposed to do now?
He should have known Mick’s solution would not be helpful.
“Nigel would make a wonderful Cinderella as well,” Mick said, only too happily.
Thomas went very still. He blinked at Mick for a very long moment, and when Mick eagerly nodded in Nigel’s direction, Thomas turned to face him once more. The wide-eyed look on his face made Nigel immediately wish for the ground to open up beneath him and swallow him whole.
“You … want to be Cinderella?” Thomas asked slowly as if he wasn’t quite sure he had understood Mick correctly. “And you want to dance … with me?”
His disbelieving tone made Nigel glance guiltily at his shoes – a confession in and of itself.
“Oh,” Thomas breathed out softly. “So it isn’t Kitty who has caught your eye. It’s–“
Unable to hear the truth put so plainly into words, Nigel interrupted him. “I’m sorry. This was a mistake. Mick, we should go.”
Ignoring Mick’s protests, he grabbed him by the arm and began to pull him out of the room. They should have never come here – that much was very clear to him now. Only an idiot would have let Mick – someone who tended to be hopelessly optimistic about these things – talk himself into this foolish plan and risk everything on romantic hope. Walter had been right all along. Nigel was not Cinderella material, wasn’t even worth a second glance, let alone–
“Wait,” Thomas suddenly called from behind him. Nigel’s spiralling thoughts came to an abrupt halt and he froze. “Please, Nigel, just … wait.”
Nigel had never heard his name spoken by those lips before. The sound, painfully soft and vulnerable, made his heart flutter so desperately that he found his legs trembling under him as he turned to face Thomas. He was barely aware of Mick twisting himself out of his grasp and slowly backing away through the door to give them space as he took in the lost expression on Thomas’s face.
“I don’t understand,” Thomas admitted after a beat of silence, sounding just as lost as he looked. “You … you did not like my poetry. Why would you want to dance with me and not Kitty?”
“I didn’t understand your poetry,” Nigel corrected him gently. “But I wanted to, Thomas. Very much so.”
“Oh,” Thomas whispered. “I … I thought everyone’s infatuation was just about my–“ He gestured at his face, the message clear. Then his shoulders fell and he looked away. “Not that I would understand that either, what with my–“
He left that sentence hanging as well as he self-consciously covered his wound once more with his hand. Nigel didn’t know what exactly he’d expected Thomas’s reaction to be to his feelings but it certainly wasn’t the revelation that Thomas believed himself to be both unattractive and unloveable. It broke Nigel’s heart – even more so when he realised that he too had played a part in that by allowing himself to get caught up in everyone’s frustration during the recital. In hindsight, it seemed awfully clear now that Thomas had been desperate for someone to appreciate him when he stood in front of them and performed his poem, to appreciate the parts of him that everyone else, himself included, deemed unworthy. It made Nigel wish he had reacted differently that day.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, taking a tentative step closer. When Thomas glanced up, a questioning look in his eyes, he said, “I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.”
“I would still only see a man who thinks himself a poet but has never been anything else but a fool,” Thomas said quietly, unable to meet his gaze.
Nigel shook his head and took another step towards him. “No. You’d see a man who doesn’t give up, no matter how cruel the world is to him.”
“So a man who doesn’t know when to stop, then.” Then Thomas added bitterly, “You know what Julian and the Captain would call that? Pathetic.”
“I was rather thinking he was very brave,” Nigel whispered.
Thomas met his eyes.
“Brave?” he hesitantly asked. When Nigel nodded, he let out a nervous chuckle. “No one’s ever called me that before. I … I suppose you do like me?”
He phrased it as a question, so trembling and hopeful that Nigel couldn’t lie to him, even knowing that the truth might cost him his dreams.
“Yes – very much so,” he admitted, unable to stop nervously fiddling with his hair. “And in case it wasn’t clear: I think you’re quite handsome, too. Wound or no wound.”
Two spots of colour formed high on Thomas’s cheek. Slowly, his eyes never leaving Nigel’s face, he lowered his hand from his wound. When Nigel offered him a reassuring smile, Thomas’s lips twitched up into a shy smile of his own and oh, Nigel thought as his heart quickened its pace. That smile was just for him. No one had ever looked at him like that before, all soft and gentle and like the sky was in his eyes. It felt wonderful.
Then, to his surprise, Thomas bowed before him and held out his hand. “May I have this dance?”
For a moment, Nigel forgot how to breathe. Feeling his own cheeks burn, he placed a shaking hand in Thomas’s. Thomas’s fingers wrapped around his with infinite gentleness, effectively stilling the tremors with his touch. His skin was warm – something that shouldn’t be possible since ghosts could feel neither heat nor cold, not like this – but before Nigel could revel in the sensation Thomas carefully pulled him into the middle of the room where he guided Nigel’s other hand to his shoulder and wrapped his own arm around Nigel’s back in a secure hold. Warmth bloomed all over Nigel’s body. He couldn’t actually remember the last time he had felt so alive.
“Is this all right?” Thomas whispered into the small space between them.
Nigel breathed out a laugh. “All my dreams are coming true right now – of course it’s all right!”
Smiling, Thomas bit his lip. “We haven’t even started dancing yet.”
So they did. The steps were easy enough to follow: take a step back with the left foot, step to the side and bring both feet back together. Then do the same forward, starting with the right foot this time. It didn’t take long until Thomas had them dancing around the room in gentle circles that started to feel so natural after a while that Nigel stopped worrying about his feet and gazed up at Thomas’s face instead to enjoy the moment.
“I actually feel a bit like Cinderella right now,” he admitted, unable to stop smiling.
Thomas’s hold on his hand tightened in reply as he twirled him out of his arms and pulled him back in a moment later. Nigel laughed and missed a step. Stumbling against Thomas, he suddenly found himself looking up at crinkly eyes full of warmth. “You’re a natural.”
“Clearly,” Nigel snorted, and they began anew.
He couldn’t say afterwards when exactly Thomas had begun to hum a gentle waltz for them to dance to or when he himself had closed his eyes and let himself to be guided by Thomas’s hands and voice alone, but he knew the spell was broken when the old grandfather clock downstairs chimed midnight. They slowly swayed to a stop in the middle of the room and, after a slight moment of hesitation, awkwardly stepped out of each other’s arms.
“Bit cliché, really, to stop at midnight,” Thomas noted quietly.
“Well, you wouldn’t want to see Cinderella in her peasant rags,” Nigel said softly, only half-joking.
For the first time since his earlier confession, the smile fell from Thomas’s face. His eyes dropped to Nigel’s cowl before he said, very quietly, “You know I don’t mind that – the class difference – don’t you?”
“I – I wasn’t sure,” Nigel answered truthfully.
“Well, I don’t. Not at all,” Thomas said. He took a deep breath, looking nervous all of a sudden. “I also wouldn’t mind sharing another dance with you.”
He sounded hopeful – actually hopeful – and for a moment, Nigel could do nothing but stare at him in stunned silence. His dreams had always ended at this point: with a dance, a touch and, if he felt particularly lonely and in need of comfort, a kiss goodbye. He’d never dared to dream of more and here Thomas was, offering him exactly that: the chance to get to know each other.
With his heart in his throat, Nigel managed to smile up at him. “Neither would I.”
“Good,” Thomas said, looking relieved. “That’s … that’s good.”
Nigel’s smile softened. Gathering up his courage, he asked, “See you tomorrow, then?”
Thomas nodded. “Eight o’clock? Same place?”
“Perfect,” Nigel breathed. “Well, I better get going, then. The others will be wondering where I am.”
“I imagine they will,” Thomas said softly before he bowed once more. “Goodnight, Nigel, and thank you for the dance.”
“Thank you for indulging me,” Nigel smiled. “Goodnight, Thomas.”
He was almost at the door when Thomas addressed him once more. “Nigel?”
Nigel turned around. Thomas looked so lovely in the warm glow of the Christmas lights that he feared his heart might beat out of his chest. “Yes?”
“Merry Christmas,” Thomas said shyly.
“Merry Christmas, Thomas.”
It took all of Nigel’s willpower to tear his eyes away from Thomas’s face and not skip out of the room in the same manner his sister had when her not-yet husband had kissed her for the very first time. Mick was waiting for him outside in the hallway, an expectant look on his face. When Nigel smiled and nodded, Mick grinned and pulled him into a heartfelt hug. “I told you Walter was wrong!”
Unable to hold his joy inside any longer, Nigel laughed.
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tinky-dinky · 3 months
there's so much going on with Ursa hate too, like imagine blaming Ursa for scolding azula and getting mad at her for abusing turtleducks and bullying zuko. that's being a normal parent because Ursa knows what's right and wrong unlike ozai who ignored or even enabled azula's atrocious behavior. Ursa also isn't obligated to forgive and love azula unconditionally because her child hates her and tried to kill her, especially when she was an amnesiac and in front of her second family in the comics? kids can hurt their parents too and azula isn't a good person because a good person wouldn't try to kill their own parent.
Oh don’t even get me started on the way Azula stans are about Ursa! They take what Azula said about her as truth, even though Azula clearly isn’t a reliable source at all and therefore they’ve decided Ursa played favourites and hated Azula and viewed her as a monster because…she scolded Azula for abusing animals and bullying her brother. When that’s just normal parenting, and if anything Ursa was going easy on her. If my child abused animals or bullied their sibling, there’d be more than a scolding heading their way. Oh, and they love to claim she’s a terrible parent for abandoning Azula. Even though she left Zuko too and she had no choice.
It’s yet another way that everyone around Azula is made into a big nasty meanie so poor wittle Azula is just a victim and that means she can’t be blamed or held responsible for the multiple murder attempts, gleeful support of genocide, colonialism and imperialism and generally terrible behaviour.
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coleas97 · 8 months
Monday, the 22nd of January
Completing my prompt for February early, as I am unlikely to have the time to complete it at a later date. Is planning this early problematic? Potentially. Anyway. February, the month of love. Some sentences are choppy; I have little to say about some of the sub-prompts. Cheers
February: What is your first memory of being loved and how has that challenged or supported your idea of love today?
As a first memory of being loved, the easiest and most obvious answer is the love I unconditionally received from my late mother. She was strong and selfless and put everything aside to make others feel better. Going through the heartbreaking times that she did, she never once showed a sign of weakness or helplessness. She was my perfect example of love. At first, losing her felt like the love I had received throughout my younger years was for nothing. I remember feeling new emotions of hurt that I did not even know was possible for a human being to feel. After time, I was able to hold on to the love that she gave me and take it not as a thing of loss, but an example of how it is of vital importance to put your entire heart into something or someone, as it or they can be taken away from you in an instant. Everyone who I choose to have in my life gets 110% of me regardless of the fear I have that they may eventually leave.
From my father, I felt love at times and in other times, did not at all. It was given to me then taken away, sometimes in the span of minutes. He taught me that love can be dishonest and manipulative. Apologies were in the form of new toys, or "man-to-man secrets," which I would later know was just his manipulative way of teaching me that if he sneaks a woman into the house, it's okay not to tell my mother. Love from my father was and is something I choose not reflect on often. I do not think highly of him and for many years, did not think of him at all. I always say that I was born knowing what it was like to have a dead parent, as my brain never registered him to be a care-giver, or a friend, or a provider. Although physically present, he was absent-minded. A ghost, really.
As for romantic relationships, the first time I felt love was with my first ever girlfriend, who for privacy will be referred to as "N." She was beautiful, kind, and heavily reassuring. Our relationship took place in a time when we were both naive and focused on the wrong aspects of life (wrong to me, at least). N was my first experience with many things and was with me until a bit before my mom's passing. As time went on, I began to take interest in the more emotional aspects of being a relationship vs. the physical and materialistic. After losing my mom, I needed emotional support and I often felt "too much" for another person to handle in a romantic setting - which at the time, I believed was meant to be all fun and enjoyment. I shy away from temporary romantic situations with women; I shy away from temporary friendships with anyone as well. I do not feel loved in temporary situations.. in fact, I feel afraid, insecure, and frankly (and perhaps harshly) disgusted. I appreciate and require all relationships with people to be long-term and goal-oriented. To become my friend is to be there for each other forever, to date me is to marry me. My ears shut off after anything that mirrors the phrase "go with the flow." I am painfully structured and organized, and to say it plainly, I need to know where things will go in any and every situation. A control freak, maybe. My relationship pattern is to be intense and codependent, but full of love nonetheless. I would say I am successful at acquiring relationships with others and unsuccessful at maintaining them. Those who last long in my life are often those who struggle to let people go, not that they would want to leave.. or perhaps they would? I try not to think about those things often. Not sure what to say.
Parents and romantic relationships aside, nothing will really ever compare to the love I receive currently from my son, Axel. He has so much personality, humour, and intelligence, at his young age. He cries when he is happy, he smiles at strangers, he looks up at me with so much admiration.. I truly want to be the best possible human being for him. I want him to live his life fully free of pain, although I know that is unrealistic. I suppose all that matters is that he knows that I'm there for him. He recognizes that he has a mother and father who love him unconditionally and that is all I could ask for, really.
Overall I reckon I've given love more than I've received it (although my son most definitely makes up for any losses). I am self-admittedly a love addict and hopeless romantic. Love is one of those aspects of life I continuously seek and once found, latch onto. I struggle to know if this is a negative or positive thing. For now, it can be a positive.
So after all that, I don't know that I answered the question. Fingers crossed that this is good enough for my therapist to dissect come Thursday morning.
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skeksha97 · 2 years
About SkekVrie:
In this blog I will be talking about the second skekling from SkekSha’s and SkekSo’s brood; SkekVrie.
Where SkekZi looks so much like SkekSo it scares the other skeksis at times SkekVrie looks like their mother; SkekSha. She shares her facial features and her mother’s beautiful Green eyes. She wears green robes with golden tassels.
While her older sister sometimes has a tendency to have their father’s aggressive and spiteful personality (given her birthright claim to the throne) and yet a bit of their mother’s personality as well SkekVrie is much more like their mother and is very down to earth. Despite her later position being The Duelist in the Skeksis ranks she honestly doesn’t like violence at all. She even tries to speak against draining Gelfling of their Essence until their mother is taken hostage (read my fanfic to find out more about this) which turns her world upside down and makes her regret her attempts to do so. Sometimes she feels alone as she very rarely gets her father’s approval unlike SkekZi and SkekVek who almost always get it no matter how much her mother tries to reassure her that she has a purpose in life just like the others do and usually goes to her mother for advice as she really only trusts her with personal matters. It’s SkekSha’s kindhearted and wise nature that saves her at one point in her life where she nearly ends it all after feeling like everyone else is against her for so long.
Since SkekSo viewed SkekVrie more of a weakling, SkekVrie didn’t spend a lot of time with him. Everything she knows she learned from her much more dedicated and loving mother SkekSha. SkekSha taught her how to hunt prey for herself and yet also to respect the creatures of Thra as the Skeksis were never meant to live there. She is the reason that SkekVrie was so against draining Gelfling as she actually made quite a few Gelfling friends and didn’t want to see them die in such a torturous way. She just hates watching anything suffer to be exact just like her mother. SkekSha also taught her how to track both prey as well as the footprints of other Skeksis.
Favorite Parent:
There’s already no doubt who her favorite parent is. SkekSha has always supported her unconditionally. This was especially the case when she discovered she was interested in other Female Skeksis. It was also SkekSha who talked her out of ending her life when she felt alone. If it wasn’t for her SkekVrie might not of had the courage to continue on with her life when she felt like almost everyone except her mother and siblings abandoned her. You know what they say, the bond between a mother and her daughter is very strong and can never be tested.
Closest Friend:
She actually has multiple close friends. Those being her siblings SkekZi, SkekNi and SkekVek. While SkekSo might view her as a weakling due to her views her siblings have always had her back no matter what. SkekZi and SkekVek have even attempted to stand up to SkekSo for her as they know she too tries her best to please him but never gets the chance like they do. They all also accept her being Lesbian and in fact they think it’s pretty cool since none of them have thought about the possibility of liking another Skeksis that is the same gender as themselves before. All in all these four Skeksis are bonded for life.
How She Realized She Was Interested in Female Skeksis:
SkekVrie honestly idolized other female Skeksis since she was young. From her mother to her sisters. However as she grew up she started having feelings for the Mariner; SkekSa. She loved the fact that she was able to break away from the laws of the Crystal Castle and be her own person. When they once met for the first time SkekVrie instantly felt a connection and eventually the two started talking more and fell into a relationship. Constantly writing letters to each other and trying to meet up. Like her older sister SkekZi it seems that SkekVrie has a forbidden relationship of her own since she knows SkekSo would never approve such a thing which would also add onto SkekVrie’s and SkekZi’s strong sibling bond.
I hope you all liked this little info on SkekVrie. Please check out my fanfic to see her in more light.
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Lucifer and Caeruleum
- I know Satan’s pet is the one who’s meant to be catlike but honestly it’s more Caeruleum. He just acts like a cat, especially in how he thinks he’s better than you. Prideful little goblin.
-Caeruleum 100% takes after Luci and tries to boss the other pets around. He only gets away with it cause of how powerful he is. He was raised to be smart and strong and he puts it to good use.
- He’s prideful but will do that cat thing of ‘fine I’ll let you pet me peasant’.
Mammon and Lucky
- Two troublemakers who pretty much only listen to you. What could go wrong? So many things. Y’know how Lucky can sniff out anything valuable? He considers literally anything you own valuable. He’ll be dropping your favourite t-shirt at Mammon’s feet with his tail wagging. Also Lucky is a really good pickpocket but his favourite person to pickpocket is Mammon. He’ll drop Mammon’s rings into your hand and will give you puppy dog eyes until you take them.
- Lucky wants so many cuddles. Mammon also wants so many cuddles. Solution? Cuddle party.
- He only listens to you except for when he feels like agreeing with Mammon. So Mammon is constantly dragging you to his room with the excuse of needing someone Lucky listens to.
Levi and Jerry
- Jerry is like Levi without the crippling social anxiety. If he could talk, he’d be re-enacting the TSL quiz with Levi but about you. They both claim they’re your No1 fan. Literally every brother disagrees.
- Jerry understands what you say and so he’ll pull you to him when he overhears you talking about hanging out with another magical creature. You’re his favourite damnit, nobody else gets you.
- Levi literally says he worships the ground you AND your creature walk on and he’s backing it up with actions. He wants to dress your creature in a Henry cosplay and his in a Second Lord cosplay.
Satan and Fabula
- Fabula refuses to go outside unless he’s snuggled up to Satan or SOMETIMES you. It took him a while to warm up to you but once he did? You have a cute feral cat ready to defend your honour at any given time.
-Fabula also likes it when you turn the pages for him when he’s reading, or even better read together! He doesn’t like to spend time with you alone though, unlike the others. He needs Satan to be there too.
- Satan absolutely loves the feeling of unconditional and unshared love that Fabula gives him and he loves even more having the two people who he feels love him unconditionally with him.
Asmo and Bella
- Bella is the prettiest magical creature in the Devildom. Asmo’s getting her to tag along with you guys to beauty treatments. He also likes hairbrushing trains. Bella knows her way around a hairbrush well enough to brush your magical creature too.
- He wants you to all match outfits, this isn’t an optional thing. You will look cute together, damnit.
- Bella is super affectionate, she’s clinging onto you or Asmo constantly. She also brushes her brothers.
Beelzebub and Pom
- He’s enjoying eating with his two favorite non-demons. Pom’s rambunctious and considers it a great honour to defend you and your creature. All he asks for in return is you hand-feeding him his favourite treats.
- Pom likes to sleep in either you or Beel’s arms.
- Beel’s big brother instincts are activated looking after Pom and he especially adores looking after Pom with you! It makes him all mushy and sappy, it’s so cute.
Belphie and Sleepy
- Two sleepiest mfs in the Devildom. And both of them have an iron grip you aren’t getting out of anytime soon. The both of them will use you as their pillow and stargaze with you.
- Belphie is a fairly lackluster parent, he’s supporting Sleepy from afar. Beel makes sure Sleepy gets fed but you may have to walk him to make sure he doesn’t end up with muscle atrophy.
- Your poor creature is also getting affected by Belphie’s naptime vibes so they’re asleep too and Belphie 100% uses that against you (brat) like ‘MC you wouldn’t ABANDON your creature now, would you?’
AN: I kinda imagine my magical creature to look like Toothless from HTTYD or a tiny chubby dinosaur, idk. Reminder requests are open and comments are appreciated. Also any ideas or requests for my 100 followers event, which is insane to me cause it’s only been three weeks.
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Can you write something about cassie getting an abortion in s1? maybe she's dating reader but the baby is her ex's
I'm very uncomfortable with pregnancies or anything baby related, so I made this into a blurb
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''I think I'm pregnant- no. I am pregnant.''
The words that left your girlfriend's mouth had you blinking twice.
Cassie was pregnant.
Her big, blue eyes were red and teary, telling you she had been crying. ''No one can know about this, Y/N.''
You nodded. ''Is it...''
''McKay's? Yes.''
''Does he know?''
Cassie nodded slowly. She pulled her legs to her knees, sitting beside you on the couch in she and Lexi’s shared bedroom. ''He came over last night. He...he was a complete ass about it. He acted like he wasn't responsible for this, as if it was all my fault. He talked about himself and how he was in college and about football and his parents and-'' A tear slipped on her face and it angered you.
Although McKay was Cassie’s ex, you never had a tooth against him. He was an ass and cared more about his friends’s opinions than his girlfriend’s feelings, but he wasn’t a terrible person. 
''What a fucking asshole,'' you said, your opinion changing.
Cassie sniffled and wiped her tear. ''He told me to get an abortion.''
''Is that what you want to do?''
''Yeah.'' She laughed dryly. ''I mean, do I even have a choice?''
''Yes,'' you replied. ''You don't have to do what McKay say. The baby might be his, but you're the one carrying it. He's allowed to not want to be involved, but he doesn't get to tell you what to do. It's your choice, Cassie.''
You were going to be supportive regardless of her choice, but you didn't want her to feel forced to do as McKay said just because he was the father. Abortion is a big decision. You didn't want Cassie to follow a decision she didn't make herself and regret it for the rest of her life.
''I'm with you whatever you decides,'' you added.
She took a moment to think, pressing the pros and the cons in her corner. 
''I love the idea of becoming a mother. I think I've been secretly dreaming of it.'' Cassie smiled, thinking about how amazing it would be to have and raise a little baby, a small being you love unconditionally. Reality caught her and her face fell. ''But, having a baby wouldn't be a smart choice right now.''
''This is just bad timing. I'm sure you'll be an excellent mother, but not now.'' You kissed her temple.
She nodded. ''I got an appointment tomorrow at the clinic. My mom is coming with me. Can you...can you come too?''
''Of course, Cas.''
Unlike McKay, you wouldn't let her go alone. You never got an abortion, but it sounded scary must be an horrible and traumatizing experience to go through alone.
Tag-list:  @milkiane  @euphoricfeminine
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Zachary Zatara hcs?
Ah yes, my favorite disaster
In the same breath, he will call Connor his best friend and the bane of his existence.
YJL once asked if he’d gone to a magic school. He thought it would be funny to describe Hogwarts and see how long it took them to realize it. (Answer six months and Sin was the one who pointed it out)
Of his teammates, he uses technology the least. He has a phone and all, just prefers the unplugged version of tasks.
Sebastian Faust and Zachary were good friends growing up. When YJL first met him, in a graveyard because why not, Sebastian announced his presence by asking Zachary “Is your dad still the cocky Magician that bottomed for Satan?” Zachary had only one response “Yours still a misogynist arsehole with a jewelry problem?” They laughed and hugged, leaving the team bewildered 😂
Jania occasionally hears him singing alone in the living room. Depending on the song, she might leave him alone or might cuddle him (if it’s a bad day/sad song)
Bit of a multipart one here:
Some hero tried to be an asshole at the other YJL members by saying “Zachary’s parents were the only ones that raised him with the proper values” (aka he’s straight and cis, unlike most his team)
In response to that, Zachary started laughing.
“Sorry, have you met my mum and dad?! I was the product of a drunken one nightstand, my parents aren’t married and regularly shag other people, my dad took me too demon deals as a baby, Mum left me at home with a demon babysitter, the word “slut” is practically a pet name between my parents, Satan has literally fucked my dad—BUT! Because I have a dick, identify as a boy, and like vagina, I’ve got proper values?”
Person tries to backtrack and Zachary isn’t having it.
“Ceridian’s dads were married when they had him, have raised him to be one of the most loyal and honorable people I know, and just started fostering a littler girl. One of Lucy’s mums basically adopted her and has been an active role in her life, both her moms making sure Lucy knows what a healthy relationship is like, and are breaking cycles of abuse. But because they’re same sex parents they’re ‘bad parents’? Or the others parents who accept their kids as they are and support slash love them unconditionally? Get the fuck out of here.”
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