#she was meant to just shrink and keep her tail
factual-fantasy · 7 months
Greetings as always Factual! Wanted to complement you on your food fight post from earlier- the way you draw the characters is perfection! Like some others said, if the whole movie was drawn in your style, I'd probably be able to look completely past the story! Wonderfully done!
Also, thanks for looking over my last Cookie run Ask- even if it was more of an info dump. Sincerely hope you enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun putting it together! Hopefully it didn't come off to rambly- and had some stuff you might find useful in the future!
As for my ask, I noticed an interesting answer from the last batch, in regards to Blue and Seafoam's relationship- where you pondered the prospect of one of them changing sizes. I just wanted to point out that in canon, the aquatic cookies of the sea, primarily the mer-cookies, ( who are all actually really nice aside from Black Pearl ) all seem to possess impressive magical abilities- with several individuals, including the aforementioned Black Pearl and Squid Ink Cookie ( who you've drawn before ) showcasing the ability to effortlessly shrink down to normal sizes!
So- while it's most certainly up to you to write the story- I don't think it would be too far fetched for Blue Whale, determined to be with her love, to seek out the mer-cookies- and either learn how to shrink from them- or acquire some form of magic to do so- even if it just lasts a day! But what do you think? Could it be possible? Would it last? And most importantly- how would Seafoam react!?
THEY CAN SHRINK??? Well I know what I must do now! XD
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Now I don't know if I'll make this a reoccurring power of hers or if this was just a one time thing. But at least for this moment she was able to scale herself down to be with her love 🥺❤️❤️
Seafoam's gonna need a sec to process this XD
Also thank you for the cookie run info, it was very helpful! And a BIG THANK YOU for compliments to my foodfight post!! :DD It really means a lot!! :}}
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moonstruckme · 9 months
i cannot stop thinking about oblivious reader and remus where she’s talking about how she’s never been with anyone before bc no one likes her so remus is like i like you!! but she’s like haha ok yeah bc we are friends!! and he has to be like no i like you but she just thinks he’s taking piss but he’s actually being real with her i’m so 🤧
Thanks for requesting :)
cw: mention of alcohol
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 870 words
“Ugh, they’re disgusting.” You take a sip of your drink, looking at James and Lily over the rim of your cup. Lily’s eating an ice cream sandwich she’d found in Sirius’ freezer, offering James bites while he traces lines between her freckles with his pinkie. “I want to be them so badly.” 
Remus hums. It’s the tail end of one of Sirius’ parties (or his soirees, as he insists upon calling them), and the atmosphere is heavy with a pleasant lethargy. The music is still playing from his record player, some slowish, bass-heavy rock, but most everyone has cleared out, and Sirius himself has fallen asleep on the opposite side of the couch from Lily and James, his mouth hanging open. 
“I wonder what it’s like to be in love,” you sigh. Remus turns to you, catching the longing in your look just before you hide it away. 
“You’ve never been in love?” he asks you. 
You give him a funny look. “No.” You shrug. “I’ve never dated anyone before.” 
Remus hadn’t known that. He has to remind himself, again, that he doesn’t know all that much about you. You’re new to their little group, a coworker of Lily’s that she’d started bringing around recently. Remus doesn’t know you very well, but he’s found the learning process surprisingly enjoyable. He likes being around you. 
“How’s that?” It slips out before he can think it through, brash and unlike him. He backpedals immediately. “Sorry, that was rude, I only meant that I’m a bit surprised. You don’t have to answer.” 
“No, it’s okay.” You give him a smile, infinite in your benevolence. “People just don’t seem to think of me that way. No one’s ever liked me.” 
You sound so casual about it, but Remus can’t help but think that must not be a nice way to think of yourself. He’s sure you’ve been considered romantically by plenty of people, even if they never had the guts to tell you about it. You’re lovely. You deserve to know it. 
He musters his courage. “I like you.” 
You laugh, and he thinks Sirius is going to have to mop his self-esteem up off the floor tomorrow morning as part of his party cleanup. 
“Thanks,” you say, “but you don’t count.” 
 Why the hell not?
“I mean, I’m glad you don’t mind me,” you go on, taking another sip of your drink, “but it’s different when you’re friends. I meant that nobody’s ever liked me, like, romantically.” 
You go a bit shy at the last word, self-consciousness pulling your shoulders almost imperceptibly upwards. Remus forgives your oversight instantly. 
“Do you really think it’s so unlikely that anyone could like you romantically?” he asks, refusing to lower his gaze even when you shrink a bit at the question. “You’re a catch, love, trust me.” 
You shake your head and smile, frustratingly good-natured. “Easy for you to say, you don’t have to date me.”
“Have to?” Remus’ voice rises incredulously. He glances towards James and Lily on the couch, lowering it. “I would love to.” 
“Ha ha,” you monotone, rolling your eyes and raising your cup to your lips. 
He can’t believe you think he’d joke about this. He can’t figure out what’s more cruel, the way you keep inadvertently shooting him down or the fact that you seem so heart-wrenchingly prepared to be made fun of. “I mean it.” Remus lets his voice drop into a more genuine register, and something in your look softens. “I would date you. I want to, if you do. You’re far from impossible to like.” 
Your lips actually part in surprise. “Seriously?” 
“Yeah, I…” He looks over at the couch, but James and Lily are effectively as dead to the world as Sirius, and at the volume you’re both speaking he doubts they’d be able to hear you over the music anyway. “I think you’re really lovely. I’ve been meaning to do something about it, I just…I didn’t know how. But would you want to?”
“To go on a date?” you ask, looking a bit dazed. Remus smiles, but before he can confirm you laugh at yourself, the sound rich and sweet as dark chocolate. “Sorry, that might be a stupid question. I haven’t done this before.” 
“I can’t believe that.” He shakes his head, astounded. For a girl like you to never get asked out? Well, it makes things a bit easier for him, jealousy-wise, but objectively it’s criminal. Remus supposes he’ll have to make up for it himself. “But yeah, I’d like to go on a date.” 
You nod, smile sticking on your face. “Me too. I’d like that.”
“Good,” he says, finding that your smile seems to have stuck to him too. “Tomorrow, maybe? We could go for coffee.” He looks out the window behind you, where a faint line of gold on the horizon shows promise of sunrise. “I think we’ll both be needing it.” 
You laugh again. Remus decides that he likes it better than any song Sirius has played all night. “That sounds perfect. Thank you, Remus.” 
He’s not sure what you’re thanking him for. He’s the one who gets to take you to coffee tomorrow. He ought to be thanking you.
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sio-writes · 2 months
Sacrifice Chapter 10
<Chapter 9
<<Chapter 1
Tags: NSFW - PIV sex
Given Aurelius' size, I'd assumed Dachaigh would've provided a bigger tub, but she's not only made it smaller, it's now free-standing and in the middle of the room. Gone is the wooden tub where I could think or plan or cry, replaced by a large stone basin made of white stone.
"Ugly," I murmur under my breath as I frown. I'm temporarily caught out by my own callousness, my ungrateful impression of what possibly took a great deal of energy and magic to make.
Behind me, Aurelius chuckles to himself. "Dachaigh, why did you shrink the bath?"
One of the shutters on the window shuts suddenly, making me jump but making Aurelius laugh. "Aha! I knew it. She says it's meant to be snug."
I roll my eyes, but I'm smiling. "Snug?"
"Comfortably arranged," he starts, resting his large hands on my shoulders. He bends down and warm air ghosts over my cheek as he says, "Closer together."
I shrug him off, feeling indignant. "I know what 'snug' means. I'm not that uneducated."
"You're not uneducated at all, dearest, you simply know things differently."
Know things differently, huh. I hadn't thought of my knowledge as useful, I'd just been keeping a habit that I'd had since childhood. Aurelius even sounded impressed. Does he think I'm smart?
Dachaigh also added a large window of colored glass on the far wall in a pattern of shapes, the light from outside making it dance over the smooth white tub. As I walk closer I make out the image of a flower, a rose I think. The change in tub makes sense, now.
"I believe she's sending us hints," Aurelius says.
A pang of guilt makes my skin go cold, but I press it down as I begin to unlace the side of my dress. I must push past this guilt, but I'm not sure how he wants me to react. I take too long to respond and it causes him to sigh heavily, and the guilt weighing on my shoulders tropes in weight.
Aurelius gets in the tub as I undress. He's only adorned by the shadows that usually surround him to make whatever form of clothing he feels like wearing that day. He rolls his shoulders to dismiss the shadows, and they creep across the floor to join the patch of shade in the far corner of the room, a sight I've never seen, but thinking on it, makes perfect sense.
Aurelius looks strange without the cloak of shadows on his frame. His body is tall and strong and his limbs are long, not unnaturally so, but enough to make one turn their head should they catch a glimpse. I see a fluffy wolf-like tail that swishes when he tests the water. That's new.
He's still made of the shadows, but in the light coming through the colored glass, he absorbs it all, a void of nothing in the center of the room. His stance and the slant of his shoulders speak of the strength I've seen before. The vision sends a shiver up my spine, first the cold shock of fear, then the warm caress of arousal behind it.
The tub is clearly too small for him. When he sits, he's barely covered up to his chest.
In a handful of minutes all my clothes are on the floor, and then I'm very ungracefully stepping into the heated water. Any minor embarrassment aside, it's lovely to recline into Aurelius' warmth, to smile at his legs breaching the waterline.
The water smells of chamomile, and the feel of it is slick like oil's been added. It's the perfect temperature, a word I learned the other day, and I groan outright as I'm submerged up to my neck. It's relaxing. The quiet feels like a blanket, a safe haven from the world outside.
He waits until I'm comfortably submerged, then laces his fingers over my belly and rests his head on top of mine. My belly is full of knots, and I search for a reason to make noise.
"Does Dachaigh, um…Watch us all the time?"
Aurelius thinks before answering, "She is aware of what goes on, but doesn't have eyes to see."
"She hears us?"
"In a way. Is that not to your liking?"
"It's…It's like being watched by my grandmother, and I certainly don't want her watching us fuck."
He hums, thoughtful. "It's more akin to your grandmother standing in another room-- yes, I'll stop," he ends with a laugh at the glare I throw over my shoulder. "Are our plans for intimacy dropped, then?"
I pull my wet hair over one shoulder and run my hands over it. Out with it, already. "You…still want to? Even after I used it against you?"
"I'm not sure what you mean."
I do my best to explain it to him, from my planning to the seduction and eventually chickening out when we started to argue. He doesn't interrupt or correct anything, only drags his thumbs over my skin in encouragement anytime I pause or lose my words. When I'm done, he shifts in the water to pull me closer, then he sighs heavily.
"You speak as if I've never manipulated you through sex either."
I turn to him with a quizzical look, and he reaches up with one hand to rub the back of his neck. "That time after the market, when I forced you, it was for my benefit only."
Oh, I hadn't thought that he felt guilty for that. I hadn't thought he could feel guilt at all, and truth be told I'd enjoyed it, hadn't thought once that he'd forced me into anything. Then again, he listened to me when I tried to run, and he's listening to me now. Shortly after that incident he'd hid away and avoided me-- was it because he felt guilty? Was he doing the same thing that I've been doing this whole time?
I snort, the stupidity of our situation suddenly turning funny in my mind. I can't help the laughter that slips through my lips, turning into a full-on fit in a matter of moments.
"I don't think this is very funny," Aurelius says, his tone offended, but I can't stop as more and more pieces of his strange behavior suddenly make sense. The hiding away, the long trips, the random things he'd find for me. My hand goes to the locket at my throat, to the beautiful ruby in the center. Had he stolen this from a human woman for me? I'm warming up to the idea that he did. "You thought you raped me so you gave me a necklace?"
He huffs indignantly. "It's more than mere decoration, the chain is made of iron to protect you."
"Aurelius…" And I turn my body fully, and see that there's an imprint of marks on his shadowy skin where I was laying against him. I'd been hurting him without realizing it-- something I've probably been doing for a while, what we've been doing to each other.
But he gave me the means to protect myself, even if it was from himself. It's touching, in that odd, familiar, Aurelius-like way.
I sigh as I unclasp the necklace and toss it so it lands on top of my clothes and not on Dachaigh. In the time it takes me to do so, I notice the marks on Aurelius beginning to fade. At least I can free my mind of hurting him, now.
I turn within his arms and splash water all over the floor, yet the tub remains full and heated. The smooth stone digs into my knees as I brace them on the inside of Aurelius' legs.
Smoothing my hand over his head, tracing a line of silver, I smile down at him. "We're not very good at this, are we?"
He chuckles as his hands rest lightly on my hips. "No, we're not." He pulls me in closer, nuzzling my side with his snout. "You know I want to be better. Can I ask you to be better, too?"
My smile widens. "I think I can do that. But we need to be spending more time together."
"Like today?"
"Like today," I say, bending forward to kiss the top of his head. "I'd like more of today."
"I know something we're good at," he continues, one hand moving to cup my ass. His meaning is clear and a shock of affection moves through me. He still wants me.
He reaches down between us to cup my cunt in one large hand. A single finger runs between my folds, and I bite my lower lip at the sensuality behind it.
"Is this okay?" he asks quietly. I swear he sounds unsure.
"Yes," I say immediately, and he adds another finger to slowly drag up the center of me to my clit. I brace a hand on his shoulder as his other hand gently massages the swell of my ass. I let out a small noise of pleasure as he explores with his fingers, gently at first then firmer the more I respond to it. There's no hurry to it, no pattern, like he's feeling just to wring responses from me.
Arousal drips down through my pelvis, spreading over my body. I'm done keeping things to myself, it's only ever gotten me in trouble, so I moan aloud as I see fit. I grip Aurelius' shoulders with both hands, moving my hips in opposition to his hands to get the most of the pleasure he's offering. I watch his member grow to full hardness and bob in the water between us.
I open easily to his fingers, two to start, thrusting with lazy confidence inside me. My breath catches on a sensitive spot, and he chuckles.
"I've missed you, dearest," he says, voice low.
I've missed this too. A few weeks without and I turned into a snapping mess. I press a kiss to his snout and bring my hand up to the opposite side. "I'm here now, I'm here."
He groans in my ear and his hips thrust up uselessly. It's quick work to prep myself before I sink down onto his waiting cock. It's still just barely too big, and I feel the stretch before I'm fully seated and welcome it like an old friend. The connection is back, I feel it behind my chest. It's a comforting feeling.
Aurelius allows me a few moments to adjust to his size, cupping hot water and spilling it over my shoulders so I don't catch a chill. It's sweet, the attention he gives me.
I start slowly, so we won't splash too much water over the floor. The texture over the top of his shaft moves deliciously against my insides the same way his fingers did. I'm happy to keep this pace until I come, but Aurelius has other ideas. He grabs me roughly by the hips and forces me up and down on his cock, each downstroke pushing the air from my lungs. Water splashes over the sides of the tub and lands on the floor, yet the level stays the same within.
I love feeling used, like the only reason he keeps me around is a warm ching to bury himself into. Images pop up in my mind like bubbles, fantasies of being fucked so throughly I can't walk for a week.
Aurelius grips me tighter. The small bruising points of pain add to the heat in my hips, and in nearly no time at all my pleasure is brought to a peak and I'm coming. My nails dig into his shoulders as every muscle clenches up in ecstacy and I release a moan. He's quick to follow, moving my body over his until he seizes up and he's wrapping his arms over my back.
The water sloshes around us, spilling onto the floor, slowly settling into stillness the longer we take to catch our breaths. We remain there, suspended as we collect ourselves. He slips out of me, allowing me to lean forward and tuck my head into the crook of his neck.
He smooths a hand over my head. "Thank you," he murmurs.
"Of course," I reply sleepily.
I find stability, both in my body and in my mind. I belong here, with Aurelius holding me.
"I have a lesson for you today," he says, brushing a lock of my hair over my ear.
My mind goes to the first place it can think of, and I snort. "A sex lesson?"
He hums, sounding thoughtful. "No, but I'll think on that for a later outing. No, I have a magic lesson in mind. You're going to learn how to grow."
Aurelius leads me through a maze of doors and rooms until Dachaigh eventually spits us out into a greenhouse-- another word I picked up, a place just for growing plants. It's a large circular room, the walls and ceiling are all glass to let as much sunlight and warmth in as possible. I feel like I'm standing inside a hollow diamond that's filled to bursting with plants. I'm glad to see we're right-side up in this room, I'm not sure what I'd do if we were tilted sideways again.
I see many of the plants we'd once spotted on our walk through the forest to get here. The memory of being led away so easily by those fae, almost to my death, has me stepping closer to Aurelius without meaning to. He did come and rescue me, back then. I saw that horrifying form when I tried to leave, but not a glimpse of it since. He was angry, that much is clear, but I've seen him angry before too, and he didn't change forms then. I have every reason to fear him, he could crush me like a bug, but I don't. I don't think I ever have, truly.
"Don't worry," he says, breaking my thoughts. "This is an easy lesson, something I know you can already do."
My nose wrinkles. "How do you know?"
The fucker looks down at me, and I swear he's smug. There's no way to know his exact expressions, but I'm starting to pick up on his aura-- how he feels, at least. I can read the shifting stars in his eyes like I would read my mother's scrawl: carefully and with much patience.
He shifts to that human-sized form with the rabbit skull and takes my hand, leading me to a table lining the wall, and leaving the pile of goop that was his previous form on the floor.
He's set out several clay pots the size of a bucket, one next to the other, all filled to the brim with dark dirt.
"You're going to grow these," he says, sweeping his free arm over them.
He writes a rune in the dirty of the pot, and waves his hands over it. Not a moment later, a sprout bursts from the ground, growing quickly into a small tomato plant with two small green starter bulbs. I notice that one of the main branches of Aurelius' antlers has fallen away.
I look at the two empty pots. "What am I to give up this time? My eyebrows?"
"No," he says, amused. "Magic isn't so direct. The trade is something of value to the caster, not the other way around."
I frown. I have the dress that Aurelius met me in, but that's the only item I have remaining of my life in the human realm. It's folded and resting in a corner of the library. I suppose I could offer the dress on me now, although that would leave me without clothing for the day, as my other dresses are drying from the wash. I can't imagine Aurelius complaining about that particular detail, but I don't want to be wandering around naked for the better part of the day.
It's fiddling with the button on my sleeve that strikes me with the idea, and I hold up my arm to show him the shiny thing. "I sewed this on myself, took a total of five minutes. I'm very proud of myself for doing so. Is that enough?"
Aurelius considers it for a moment before leaning forward to inspect the button. It's made of brass and stamped with a seal of mysterious meaning, something he'd brought me in one of the many baskets he left by my bedside. "It should be sufficient. Here."
With the snip of one of his claws the button snaps off and I place it on the table. From his vest he produces a small square of paper folded several times and hands it to me. Inside he's drawn a list of runes, some I've seen before, others not.
He's says, "That's every known symbol for using magic that you'll need to memorize."
There must be at least a baker's dozen of them that he's written down, all with short descriptions on the type of magic it produces. Some look identical, others so complex I can barely make out a symbol at all, they look like smudges of ink.
I look up from the page, a grimace slowly stretching my lips, and Aurelius laughs.
"You don't need them memorized now, but some spells are based on timing and the whole ritual can be undone if you wait too long, so it's best to have them all prepared."
"Ah," I say, only half understanding what he means. I'm sure he'll explain the rest in time, he's good at offering information when it's not about himself.
He continues, "To cast, write the rune, and set an intent: what you want from the magic. This spell only requires one, but more complex spells will need multiple runes, and if even one is incorrect, nothing will take."
My mind wanders back to our first meeting. "Will I learn to write them in the air like you did?"
"Perhaps, but that requires a high level of control. For now, focus on this rune here-- draw it in the soil of each pot. Good. The rune will channel the magic that's already in the world through you, and you're helping guide it to the seed."
I turn back to the pot of dirt and frown at it. Concentrate. Imagine.
It's hot in this greenhouse, and sweat rolls down my temple as I stare at the dirt with no changes.
Aurelius repeats, "Imagine it growing. Put your energy into the seed."
I imagine the seed, in the ground, with magic flowing around it like water. The seed breaks open, sending roots below and a stem above, growing, growing, through the dirt. I feel a sensation like water over my skin, cool and fresh, starting at my feet and running through my veins and into the seed.
My eyes pop open. In the center of the first pot sits a tiny green stem with two equally tiny leaves. I jump at least half my height in the air and shriek, "Yes! Yes, I did it!"
It looks good, it looks healthy, and I did it all myself!
"Excellent," Aurelius says, squeezing my shoulder. "Now the other two."
It's not his words that take the wind from my sails, but I feel a wave of tiredness sink into my bones. I sway a bit, and have to grab the table for balance.
Aurelius rests a gentle hand on my lower back that I gratefully lean against. "Casting magic also takes energy."
I snort. "You don't say." I sweep my eyes over the table. The button from my sleeve has rusted over and is starting to crack. I reach out to touch it, and it crumbles like sand under my fingers. "Woah."
Aurelius presses his hand into my back in encouragement. "That's part of the exchange. Once more."
He swipes another button from the same sleeve, and sets it on the table. This time is harder, more sweat collects on my face and I feel it rolling down my back as I try to repeat the same image in my mind.
It's as if thousands of seconds pass in a moment, and the small plant pushes through the dirt just like the first.
"Yes!" I exclaim, throwing my arms in the air. But I'm hit by another wave of exhaustion that has me heaving breath like I just ran a race.
Aurelius examines the two plants, humming his approval at each of them. A burst of pride goes through me at each, and again when he says, "Very good, you're a quick study."
"What else can I do?"
"Today? Nothing, you're done for now."
I stick my lower lip out in a pout, and Aurelius laughs.
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animalluver8153 · 2 years
Life Assurance AU pt. 3
Danny answers a very polite summons and immediately puts his foot in his mouth.
Original Post <;> Part 2 <> Part 4
The next summons was very polite all things considered. Saturday afternoon right after lunch. Chores and homework were done and it’s was still a few hours before he was supposed to meet up with Sam and Tucker. It wasn’t instantaneous either, just a whisper at the back of his mind. Someone, somewhere, was requesting an audience with the king of the infinite realms.
With the track record of the past month, he thought it would probably be best to answer it now and get it over with.
A portal opened up with his acceptance, and it was a smooth transition from his bedroom to face Superman.
“You’re Superman.”
Danny didn’t even have time to kick himself over one of his worst introductions. The rest of the Justice League was staring at him.
He stared back. In the back of his mind he registered the plain metallic room they were standing in and the sigil pattern Danny was floating above. Nothing was more attention grabbing than the collection of superhero’s that could certifiably make his half-life much harder.
“I swear it wasn’t my fault! I didn’t even know I had a contract open!”
The crown, maybe trying to get it’s liege to shut up, dropped the temperature sharply enough that small ice crystals started to form in his immediate vicinity.
“Enough,” that was Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman was telling him to shut up and Danny had to swallow down a thank you. The ice crystals dissipated as she turned and yep that was Batman standing next to her.
“Now he’s here. Say what you need to.”
Batman glided forward, graceful as any ghost could have. The cowl made his eyes two white slits in the void and Danny didn’t shrink back exactly but his legs did lose their form and become a tail.
“Are you the King of the Infinite Realms?”
Danny nodded.
“Were you the one who saved Bruce Wayne’s life after the Joker shot him?”
Another nod.
“I am bound by a contract. I will ensure that he and his family will only die from a natural death.”
“Who made a contract with you?”
“That’s the problem! He didn’t make a contract with ME, he made it with the old ghost king. I didn’t know about the contact before I was compelled to honor it. When I tried to get him to take it back he refused and told me to keep it a secret. Said he didn’t want his family to worry about him. Which I totally get because I’m keeping secrets from my family too. Why did I tell you that?”
Batman took a step back. Danny looked at the sigil circle on the floor again and noticed that the outer ring was glowing gold. His eyes followed the gold right back to Wonder Woman.
“Let me guess, the Lasso of Truth makes everything you say inside of it the truth?”
The League members seemed to brace themselves, and that was fine, Danny totally had this handled.
He went invisible and floated out of the sigil circle, he kept quiet as the supers started muttering to themselves on if he left or was just playing them. Luckily no alarm sounded as he made his way out of the metal room and into an equally metal hallway. No problems then, he just had to find which of the three dimensions was the way out and he would be good.
From his experience with hostile organizations, metal rooms and hallways usually meant underground. So he made his head intangible and took a peek at the space above the ceiling. What he wasn’t expecting was actual space. He ducked his head back down before he risked any vacuum-related injuries. After a quick checked his eyes and ears, he took a deep breath and let the laughter take over.
“I’m in space!”
Danny took off down the hallway and kept going, alarm sirens eventually started sounding but at this point he completely didn’t care. He phased through every emergency door and into an elevator shaft until he found something interesting.
There was a room filled with monitors and consoles and more importantly a 360 degree window out into open space. He stayed invisible while talking a long look out the windows to see if he could spot any familiar constellations. The space station was already in the night half of the world so the earth was alight of what looked like the European continent. Some supers came into the room to man the controls but they weren’t saying anything worth paying attention to.
When he got tired of the sirens interrupting his view he decided to hide on the ceiling and watch the league work themselves up. There was one oddball in the crowd of tights. A scruffy looking man in a trench coat looked really irritated as he consulted a heavy looking book. Danny couldn’t remember if he was in the room or not when he was summoned but the pretty lady next to him was.
Feeling impish, Danny dropped down quietly and stood next to Zatanna and whispered “Watcha doin?”
She didn’t jump but trench coat guy sure did, he brandished some kind of rune that snapped a net of light, wrapping around his arms and pinning them to his sides. Danny wasn’t particularly worried, and became visible again.
“Rude, after that really polite summons too,” Danny let the rings of light that change him from Phantom to Fenton appear, it negated whatever spell trench coat man used. Zatanna still didn’t jump and looked oddly calm about the situation.
“It’s been fun up here, but how do I get down without breaking something expensive?”
“We use the Zeta tube system, fifth floor in the elevator. I can override the controls to get you back to earth.”
“Cool,” Danny let his legs form again and stood on the ground. He followed Zatanna into the elevator. Others in the room tried protesting, but she waved them off.
As the elevator descended he turned to face her, “I understand why you did it, I’m not happy about it, but I get it.”
“Can I ask one more thing before you go?”
“I won’t promise I’ll answer, but I won’t lie to you if I do.”
“What’s your name?”
Danny laughed, “I guess ‘your highness’ would get old wouldn’t it? My name is Danny, Danny Phantom.”
“Nice to meet you Danny, I’m Zatanna.”
They shook hands as the elevator dinged for their floor. A complicated looking machine that looked right out of Star Trek was waiting for them. Zatanna went over to the controls to unlock it.
Danny couldn’t help but fidget a little, “On a scale of 1 to hunting me down and skinning me alive, how mad are they?”
“Not mad, just scared. Batman is very protective of his home. He doesn’t trust easily and he will try to understand you and everything you can do. The League is much the same.”
“But not you.”
“If it looks like a teenager and acts like a teenager…”
“I don’t really scream ancient monarch of all ghosts do I?”
“The crown is a nice touch.”
An aurora borealis form around the crown, “The crown says thank you.”
Zantana smiles and a reassuring beep came from the console, “any place in particular?”
“Can you get me close to the Great Lakes? I’ve got a thing tonight.”
“Chicago it is. We hid the drop point in a junkyard shed. Just step inside.”
Danny went to, but stopped shy of the platform, “I can’t break the contract from my end. If I did, what I’ve done would be reversed, and Mr. Wayne will die.”
“And if you honor the contract?”
“A man gives me his soul. I don’t know what happens to him after. I’m still trying to figure out that part.”
“From what I understand, that will be up to you.”
“I was afraid of that,” Danny stepped into the machine and let himself be taken away.
In a secured sub-basement apartment in crime alley, a computer finished its heavily encrypted download of the Tower’s security feed. As it began scrubbing all evidence of the download, a small shaking hand gathered the copy made to the USB and stashed it away. No one in the room spoke.
One of them pulled out a phone and a started dialing.
“Hey Alfred, is- is it ok if I come over?”
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dragon-queen21 · 21 hours
Regressor Moon + cg's jade winglet minific
I wrote this such a long time ago but never had the courage to post it till now. I have another little bit written but it's not as completed as this one with Winter and Qibli. Maybe I should finish these and post them on ao3. I'll think about it, in the meantime... enjoy :D
“Aww how old are you hatchling?”
Moon shrugs. She had honestly thought she was doing a half alright job at hiding her regression. Either she was sorely mistaken (which was slightly worrisome) or her friend was just super observant.
“Two? Maybe one? Or maybe younger?” The rainwing seemed to just be rambling off numbers at this point. Moon tucked herself closer to the smaller dragon, as if trying to shrink away from the other two dragons who had now entered the cave.
“Scorpions tails! Moon did something happen to you?! Did she go insane? Is this something that happens when you can read dragons minds?!” Qibli asked frantically, reaching out one paw like he was going to touch her but pulling away at the last second. "Wait did she get cursed?!"
Kinkajou look mildly annoyed for some reason, red curling around her snout and eyes. “She’s not going insane, and this isn't some type of animus magic. She's regressed.” The small rainwing was met by two blank stares.
"You're telling me that neither of you know what that is?"
"I could take a guess, but it'd probably be wrong." Qibli adds, unhelpfully. "But she doesn't look physically younger so..."
"It's a type of coping mechanism. You know, to deal with trauma and stress?"
"Like all those stupid activities the dragonets of prophecy keep trying to get us to do?" Winter says, thinking back to the different art and music caves scattered across the school that often are being used by dragons dealing with painful memories from the war. Trying to get them to deal with their feelings in a healthy way, that didn't involve fighting.
"Exactly! I'm trying to figure out how old Moon is."
Winter couldn’t imagine showing this kind of weakness being allowed back at the ice palace, and by the look on Qibli’s face neither could he imagine it. It made sense that a rainwing of all dragons would know about such things. Though Qibli did have the decency to walk up to Moon, crouching down besides her. “Hi there.”
She gave a small, but friendly chirup, reaching out a paw to grab at his snout.
“Moon careful.” Kinkajou warned, taking her friends talons away from the sandwings face.
He bumps snouts with Moon when she starts looking to upset. "She's alright, can't do much more harm than what's already been done to me."
Winter clear his throat. “So what do we do with her?”  Wondering why they couldn’t just leave her and come back when she was normal.
“Usually someone looks after a regressed dragon till they go back to normal. Anyone watching over you Moon?”
The nightwing nodded, looked as though she was going to say something before thinking better of it,  then frowned, then shook her head. Winter did not have the time nor patience to try and figure out whatever that meant.
"Okay, well obviously that means that we've got to look after her right?" Qibli asked, looking over at Kinkajou, who nodded.
"If that's what Moon wants."
"Of course hatchling!" Kinkajou chirped, scales shifting to show dapples of sunny yellow across her body.
“Hey it’s like having a little sister again! One who won’t try and kill me!” Qibli said, already sounding much too fond about looking after Moon than Winter was.
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imber-rose · 7 months
G/t WAC day 14 prompt: Date Night!
Levvie crouched slightly to duck under the doorway and into the warmth of the tavern. It was nice that she could even fit through the door, while most establishments catered to larger species like dragons, few creatures reached heights quite like sea monsters and as such Levvie often had to kneel to enter shops.
She approached the counter where Pumpkin was wiping down silverware. The kôreborne glanced up briefly “aye Levvie, find anything good scavenging today”?
“A few pearls, a bit of gold… oh a picked these up for you” Levvie grabbed a sack from her waist and set it down for Pumpkin to see.
“Oh! Stone Crabs” Pumpkin excitedly grabbed the sack. “Well ,thank you I’ll throw these in the freezer and send out Kal for ya”.
Levvie sat on a stool as Pumpkin jumped down and made her way into the back of the tavern. There was a flurry of sudden commotion before Kal burst through the swinging doors, wings a blur of movement keeping his feet inches off the floor. Levvie tried not to laugh as he crashed into the bar with a gentle OOMPH!
He righted himself and quickly approached Levvie “are you ready” she asked.
“Are you kidding, I’ve been waiting for this all week” he beamed.
It was only a short walk down the docks to the new creamery. Lanterns and lights twinkled in front of the modest building. Kal almost ran up to the counter and Levvie, even with her stride, struggled to catch up.
“One small vanilla cream with honey drizzle and strawberries, and whatever the lady would like” he glanced towards Levvie.
She leaned to be eye level with the human at the counter “a large chocolate cream, with cookie bits please”
The human nodded, Kal handed over some coins and soon they both had their ice cream. Levvie held Kal’s hand and hummed as they walked further away from the docks to the community garden. Taking a seat on a bench Levvie started spooning her dessert into her mouth.
Kal set his cup on the bench, wings flicking. Levvie watched as his form shifted, shrinking, skin giving way to floof and a tail unfurling behind him. Now in his fae form, Kal sat on the edge of the cup and started using his hands to scoop cream into his mouth.
Levvie smirked “You better be careful, or I’ll have to throw you in the fountain again”.
“Hey! You said that was an accident”!
Levvie chuckled “so.. is it as good as you were hoping”?
“definitely, oh you have to try this” he exclaimed, scooping a strawberry into his arms and using it like a spoon. After he decided it was properly loaded with cream and drizzle he leapt up, wings buzzing to get him airborne. His tiny frame rushed to Levvies face and she pulled back slightly to make sure he wouldn’t slam into her.
“I don’t know Kal”.
“Come on, just try it, it's only a bite”.
Levvie opened her mouth, gently taking the strawberry from Kal. She chewed contemplatively as Kal buzzed before her. “Hm, that’s not bad actually”.
“Told you”!
“Now you have to try mine” Levvie lifted her spoon with one hand and held her other up open for Kal to land. He settled into her palm and grabbed at the spoon greedily. He shoved his entire face into the chocolate cream and then pulled back with eyes wide.
“oh” he gasped.
“see! I told” Levvie was cut off as Kal tipped the spoon while eagerly trying to get another bite and dumped chocolate all over himself.
“Oops” Kal laughed, licking his palms.
“Oops” Levvie responded as she leaned down and kissed him, her lips smothering his face. She pulled away “I hope you know you're definitely going in the fountain now”.
This is old art, and there’s meant to be an additional sketch of Kal standing on a stool that I CANT FIND!!! but I’ll share regardless
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auxiliarydetective · 6 months
Back again!! For this one, could I maybe ask about the cold weather prompt with baby Felicity? I can definitely imagine she’d be bundling up in colder weather as a desert fox…
Super excited to see what you come up with, and I hope you’re doing well!! 💜
Yeeeessssss, my baby Lily! Thanks so much for the ask!
Actually, deserts get cold at night, so I imagine desert foxes might be somewhat equipped for the cold, maybe with their fur and all but... Lily is only half mink, so she doesn't actually have proper fur across her whole body, it's just her tail and ears. I do imagine she has those light fluffy hairs that humans have along their chin or something but, like, across her whole body? If you know what I mean? Just that sort of light soft fuzz?
Anyways, I knew I wanted something cute for Lily, and my mind immediately went for a piece of custom content I have for The Sims 4 - which itself is based off vintage children's coats. So, I did some research and... voilá!
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As per usual, the base is the same as in her reference, by ShinanaPixelBases on DeviantArt
I've gotta say, I think my favourite design detail is the little hats for her ears. Because those ears are meant for radiating heat to keep her cool - you gotta keep those covered and warm somehow! And those little ear hats were always some of my favourite things in illustrations for kids' books, so I made sure to add them for my Lily drawing. Also, as always, Lily is wearing her leg warmers and some warmer tights than usual. Also, little gloves.
I unfortunately didn't have the energy to draw the whole outfit a second time for baby baby Lily BUT I hope the visual with the scarf can compensate. Take three guesses whose scarf that this. Hint: It's blue, and there's one person on the crew who loves themselves some blue. Also, mental image: While Lily's clothes mostly shrink with her when she turns back into a kindergarten kid, objects that don't belong to her or that she subconsciously doesn't want to damage do not. And so, the scarf doesn't shrink. Biiiiig scarf. Imagine her just being completely swallowed by it. Warm and cozy <3
So yeah, that's it! Hope you enjoy this little drawing <3
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @supermarine-silvally - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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tabbycatplushy · 7 months
Running Late
Featuring: Paprika, Liz, Bruma
2.1k words
Paprika is running late to an important appointment. When she misses the bus, she needs a transformative potion to get her there on time!
[bat furry tf, shrinking, wardrobe malfunction]
Fuck fuck fuck fuck please fucking be there fuck fuck…
Paprika was sprinting down the sidewalk, now only a block away from the bus stop. It was evening, and the streets were getting busier with people walking home from work. Amber light washed across the city from the west, stretching Paprika’s shadow dozens of feet before her.
The orange tabby weaved through packs of pedestrians, paws slapping pavement. Can’t be late, can’t be late!
Nearing the end of the block, she passed right by the entrance to her apartment building. Twenty floors up, Mocha was probably getting ready for her evening stream while Joule made dinner. Paprika wasn’t heading home, though—she had an appointment to get to.
She turned the last corner, swallowed by the skyscraper’s shadow. She kept running, blinking as her eyes adjusted, then screeched to a halt when she saw the covered bus stop.
The bus was gone. She was too late.
Godsdammit! I should have paid closer attention to the time at the café. I know I lose track of time when I’m writing!
The scent of fabric smoke breached her nose, and she realized she was burning black holes in her clothing. She tiredly tamped the singed materials out with her paws and took deep, calming breaths.
Paprika sighed. There was no point beating herself up over something she couldn’t control. Right now, she had to focus on what she could do.
Mind racing, she tried to come up with a plan. Then it hit her: Lizzie’s shop! It's got to have something!
The tabby ran back, retracing her steps. Just past the double- doored building entrance, a little windowless storefront faced the street.
est. 1924”
Paprika grunted as she pushed through the heavy wooden door. “Liz, I need help!”
Inside was a small waiting room, with antique reclining chairs and light reading material. Opposite the entrance was a counter, where now reclined a silver-scaled dragon.
Well, mostly dragon. A humanoid body supported a long, sinuous neck, which curled around to rest its horned head on the counter. A mane of glossy purple hair ran all the way down the dragon's spine, culminating with a tuft at the tip of its tail. Paprika could see its length, draped across several of the shelves behind the counter.
In short, Liz looked cool as hell today.
It seemed Paprika had caught it napping; padding up to the counter, she rung the bell as gently as she could.
Nictitating lids peeled open behind a mop of purple hair, revealing slitted purple eyes. The dragon smiled its fang-lined maw as it rose up and up and up; its neck was so long that it had to curl around to keep its head from bumping the rafters.
“Ah," said Liz, "my favorite customer. What can I do for you, kitten?”
Paprika blushed at Lizzie's nickname for her. Normally, only Mocha or Joule could call her that and avoid getting socked; Liz was the exception—and it knew that, which meant Paprika got relentlessly teased whenever she came to the shop.
The tabby forgot what she had meant to say; she stuttered for a second, before pulling herself together. “Hi Liz, sorry to wake you. That dragon form looks great on you, by the way!”
The alchemist had a completely different form every time Paprika saw him; a walking advertisement for the shop. “Oh, I know, kitten. Thank you for noticing.” It preened a bit, showing off its luscious mane. Its scales shimmered in the light.
Paprika remembered why she came here in the first place. “I need to get across town in less than half an hour. The bus is gone. Could you give me a rush order? Something with wings? I really need to make it on time!”
“Hmmmm…” the dragon rumbled from its chest, a sound oddly alike to purring. “That’s a tall order. Wings, you say? But I think I have just the thing.”
Liz uncoiled its neck, slithering into the labyrinth of shelves behind the counter. The alchemist's serpentine tail drifted out from the alchemist’s robes, and the purple-tufted tip disappeared around a corner several seconds later than the rest of its body.
Paprika waited patiently, struggling not to tap her foot or check the time. After a moment, Liz’s silver head reappeared, and the rest of it followed soon after.
“Here you go. Should do the trick.” It placed a vial of violet liquid on the counter. “Instant effects. Wings to carry you wherever you need to go. The only thing is that it’s been sitting for a while, so it may not last as long as usual. I give it perhaps… three to four hours.”
Paprika wanted to kiss its scaly mouth, she was so relieved. “Thank you so much, Liz, you’re a lifesaver! How much?”
“For you? No charge. It was a custom order, but they never came to pick it up.” The dragon shrugged. “This way, I know it’s helping someone instead of going bad on the shelf.”
“Liz, you’re the best. Seriously.” Paprika uncorked the vial, tipped it toward the alchemist, and knocked it back.
Liz wasn’t kidding when it said ‘instant effects!’ she thought. Vertigo clouded her senses as she began to shrink. The floor was coming up fast on the tabby, her five-foot-three quickly diminishing. She felt the familiar bittersweet-ache of shifting bones as her skeleton compressed itself down, down and down. By the time her vision stopped swimming, she couldn’t have been more than a foot tall.
Her clothes were piled around her. She looked up, struggling out of her massive shirt. “Liz, you didn’t mention shrinking! How am I gonna go out like this?”
The dragon was leaning over the counter, watching the transformation progress with excitement in its slitted eyes. “I’ll get you some loaners. You look like a…. twenty-one-X small? Perhaps twenty-two. Don’t go anywhere!” The head disappeared as Liz went to look for some clothes.
Meanwhile, Paprika’s fur was darkening. Her orange tabby-coat was gone, faded to a gray so dark it was near black. She grimaced as her tail began shrinking, the nerve endings firing madly as vertebrae dissolved. There was no time to recover from that before a sheer ringing, keener than usual, overwhelmed her hearing as her triangular ears stretched out, growing bigger and far more sensitive.
Paprika reached up to feel her new ears, running her fingers along their edges. As she explored her changes, her snout lengthened, the pink tip of her nose growing into an angular point that stuck straight upwards.
She felt a stretching sensation in the skin of her lower back and armpits as thin, leathery skin formed into two hairless flaps. Her pinky fingers bent sideways, extending into long appendages that marked the outer boundaries of her growing wings. Luckily she still had full use of her hands, only a finger short.
The changes seemed to be mostly finished. Paprika walked to the floor-to ceiling mirror against the wall, and took herself in.
Alright, she thought, mostly the same as before, just with a pallet swap and some extra mobility. She extended her right arm, pulling the wing-flap taut, and moved her long pinky up and down. Her wing got tighter or looser at different positions.
Tabling that for now, she took a closer look at her face. It wasn’t just the nose that had changed; her eyes had gotten bigger in proportion to her head. But don’t bats have small eyes? I suppose I should be glad I’m not blind now. But I have to admit, it’s a cute look. She brought her hands up to her nose, feeling the shape of it.
Alright, let’s test out these… flappers? I’ll just stick to 'wings.'
Sticking out both arms, she fully extended her wings and brought them down as hard as she could. Air caught in the flaps, launching her upward with more force than she was expecting.
It was way too much—the air blew strongly against her wings, folding in her pinkies. She lost control, tumbling over herself mid-air.
She landed with an OOF on the counter top.
The little batgirl dizzily stood up, dusting herself off. Okay, second time’s the charm.
Paprika spent the next few minutes acclimating herself to her new body, and figuring out the mechanics of flying. By the time she heard the rumbling of Liz returning to the front, she had gotten enough of the basics to be fairly confident she could fly to her destination.
While Paprika practiced hovering in the air, the draconic alchemist reached the counter, a smile on its lips. Suddenly, Paprika was all too aware that she was entirely naked. She fell back to the counter, quickly covering herself up behind her wings.
Liz let out a rumbling chuckle. “Don’t worry, little kitten, nothing I haven’t seen before.” It placed a bundle of cloth on the countertop. “Here, this should fit you well.”
It was some kind of romper, stitched out of orange and red fabric. The stitching looked a little big to her, but it was actually tiny; Paprika had no idea how the alchemist had managed to make it so small. Blushing, she turned away from the looming dragon, pulling it on.
It fits really well—Liz knows its stuff! The sides were entirely open, allowing space for her wings. It covered all the important stuff. And, most important, it looked really cute on her.
“This is great, Liz, fits like a glove!” She was turning in front of the mirror, checking the outfit from every angle.
“I thought so. It looks good on you, little one. Long as you don’t mind going commando for the evening.” 
“I think I’m small enough no one will notice. Or care.” She turned back towards the alchemist. Lizzie’s form towered over her. Paprika approached its hands, draconic claws folded over one another, and wrapped her arms around one finger. She nuzzled her cheek against a scaly knuckle. “Thank you, Liz. Really.”
Paprika looked up, seeing a toothy grin splitting silver-scaled cheeks. "Of course, kitten. Now go, before you're late!"
With one last nuzzle, she pulled away and stood up. “Yeah, I’ve really got to get going now. But I think I can do it!” She flapped her wings, hovering right over the counter. “Can you open the door for me? I could barely move it at full size!”
The dragon snaked over the counter top, then held open the heavy door. “Have fun! I’ll send your clothes up to your apartment!” it called out, as Paprika winged overhead.
Flying was exhausting, as it turned out. If this romper wasn’t so light, I probably would've soaked it through with sweat.
She landed panting right outside the bar. Waiting for someone else to go in, the batgirl slipped inside behind them, landing on a table by the door.
She checked the clock. 6:28! I made it! She could have jumped for joy if she weren't so tired. Scanning the room for her friend, she spotted a flash of gray fur hunched over a guitar. She fluttered over while he tuned his instrument.
“Bruma! Bru! Over here!” Pointed ears perked up, and the wolf’s head swiveled in Paprika’s direction. His head tilted in confusion. Paprika landed on the table in front of him.
Recognition dawned in his yellow eyes. “Ricky? Is that you?”
Paprika made a little curtsy, smiling at her old nickname. “In the flesh. Thought I’d change up my look!”
Bruma still wore his work clothes: patched gray jeans and a white tank with dark oil stains here and there. A flannel hung on his broad shoulders. His keys hung from a carabiner on his belt loop. He looked every bit the stereotypical butch.
He nodded, looking her up and down. “This is a great look. Look at your little nose," he said, sticking out one finger to boop it. "I love it.”
Paprika blushed; Bru always had the best compliments. "The nose is alright, but you should try flying some time!"
"No way, I'm not built for air travel. I'd just throw up everywhere. It'd be ugly." He patted her little head. “Thanks for coming, Ricky. I’m really glad you’re here for this.”
“Absolutely nothing could've stopped me from coming tonight, Bru,” Paprika smiled.
A little bleep trilled from his watch. “Aight, it’s time for me to go up. Wish me luck cat-bat!”
He held out a fist half as tall as Paprika, and she bumped it with her own tiny paw. Bru stepped onto the little stage in the corner of the bar, and began playing.
Paprika sat back and listened to the tunes strummed by Bruma's deft pick, coming down from the exertion of her frantic flight. The crowd seemed to be enjoying it as well, judging by their quieted voices and tapping feet.
The sound of ripping fabric broke the air, carried by the relative quiet of the taproom as Bruma abruptly stopped playing. Suddenly overcome with vertigo, vision swimming with colors and shapes, Paprika blinked her vision clear to find that she was suddenly much higher than she had been a second ago. The people at the table next to her were blushing, looking pointedly into their drinks. Her blood ran cold. Oh no, nononononono...
She looked down, and saw orange and white fur, bare to the world, her little red romper ripped in two on her lap. Two hours! You said two hours, Liz!
Bruma set down his guitar, his chair scraping the stage floor as he hurried back to Paprika's table. Pulling off his flannel, he wrapped it around her frozen form. "Always an interesting time with you around, Ricky," he whispered.
Face burning, streamers of smoke began to rise from the table where she sat, her legs burning into the wood. She gladly took the flannel, covered herself up, hunched over herself in an attempt to get small once more.
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--- [ATTACHED: A video, taken from Goldie's wristwatch.
They're walking down a dark, narrow corridor leading through Mt. Moon. Lizzie leads the way, her tail flame providing a dim orange glow to illuminate the rocky path ahead.
As the two trek forward, you listen to the sound of water dripping from stalactites above, and the occasional chattering of Zubat overhead. Every now and then, you see the outline of a Geodude or Clefairy move in the shadows, watching the trainer and their guide curiously from behind large boulders as they pass by.
Eventually, Goldie comes to a sudden halt. Lizzie rumbles and looks back at her trainer, seeming perplexed.
After a brief pause of silence, Goldie speaks up softly. You can sense an edge of urgency in their voice. "...Sense something. Gotta keep moving."
There's a glint of concern in their Charmander's eyes, but Lizzie just gives an understanding nod and continues onward.
Everything seems alright for a moment, and you wonder what Goldie meant when they said they picked up on something nearby. But that confusion is quickly diminished when the audio picks up the sound of footsteps rushing up behind them.
Whatever they belong to jumps in and grabs Goldie in a headlock before they can have a chance to react. They let out a yelp of surprise, and as they try to pry the arms around them off you think you see a black shirt with an "R" symbol printed on its chest.
"Quit strugglin' kid, or I'll knock ya lights out!"
Goldie freezes up quickly, eyes blown wide with terror as they tremble in the attacker's arm. Then, their wristwatch begins to slip just as you hear the growl-y cry of a Pokemon, and you see a second man in a black suit with the same insignia holding Lizzie by the tail.
"This Charmander's got spunk," the Charmander's captor remarks as she thrashes and squirms about, trying to get free. "We'll bag it. Brat's got any others on them?"
"I think so," the second man replies. "Alright kid, here's how this is gonna go; I'm gonna let you go, you're gonna hand over all the Pokemon 'n cash you got on ya, and no one gets hurt. Capiche?"
Goldie quickly nods, and the thug pushes them forward. They quickly un-clip all three of the remaining Pokeballs on their belt, and release the rest of their team onto the cave floor- all besides Gilly.
The thugs eye over the Mankey and Pikachu, before the one holding Lizzie captive glares the young trainer down with scrutiny. "What's in the Lure Ball?"
"M-Magikarp," Goldie squeaks out, voice trembling.
"Seriously? Bah, you can keep that piece o' trash. We'll be takin' the other two, though, if you don't mind."
"And even if you do, nothin' you can do about it!" The lackey behind Goldie snickers, and they tense up as he shoves past them.
"Man, we shoulda just done this from the start instead o' digging around for some damn rocks like the captain told us to."
"Yeah! Honestly, the boss oughta fire him and make one o' us cap-"
The two grunts stiffened, slowly drawing their eyes over to Goldie- or more accurately, something behind them. Goldie turns, only to become petrified themself at the sight of a massive Nidoking looming over them. That isn't all, though- you quickly notice it's accompanied by a trainer. A lean-looking young man, with medium-length violet hair and a narrow pair of eyes that match. He wears a white suit over a black turtleneck, with the same R design over his chest as the other two.
"What..." he pauses, his voice low and menacing as his gaze flicks from Goldie to the pair of attackers. "...are you two imbeciles doing?"
"I-I- we- um-" The only holding Lizzie fumbles awkwardly over his words. "H-hey, captain, we were just talkin' about you!"
"So I heard."
Both thugs shrink back, exchanging a nervous glance as the second one swallows a lump in his throat. "We- we was just uh- we were just jokin' around! Honest! N-Nobody could replace you as captain, Donte!"
"That's not what I'm concerned about," this "Donte" character answers calmly. "What I'm wondering is why you two are over here fooling around with some kid like a pair of lowly schoolyard bullies, instead of carrying out the job I assigned you to."
"U-Um- well-" The grunt nods over at the Charmander dangling from his teammate's hand. "We er, found this twerp lurkin' around, lookin' like they were gonna get up in our business here! S-So we acted accordingly, sir. A-and we thought why not nab their Pokemon while we're at it? Could be a good present for the boss!"
The purple-haired man stares them down for a long time, then sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I explicitly told you two we've come here for fossils. Nothing else. Especially not some newbie trainer's low level, worthless Pokemon."
"W-we- we-" The grunts try to stammer out anything to say, but eventually, hang their heads in shame and defeat. "R-right. Sorry Donte."
"That's captain to you." "S-sorry, captain, sir!" The captain's eyes fix on Goldie once more, and they visibly shrink under his glare. But, they don't linger there for long, before he's back to bossing the two underlings around. "Release the Pokemon and get a move on. Don't let me catch either of you screwing around again. Next time I see you, you've both better have dug up some fossils." "Yes, sir!" The two lackeys straighten up, dropping Lizzie back onto the ground before hurrying off down the corridor and vanishing from view. Lizzie runs up to her trainer, quickly hugging onto their leg and whimpering. Goldie crouches down, giving the Charmander a soothing scratch atop her head. You hear footsteps, and they turn their head up to see the man from before standing beside them as he returns his Nidoking to its ball. He's silent for a moment, and you can tell Goldie is considering just getting back up and walking away. But, before they do, he finally speaks up. "Are you hurt?"
Goldie simply stares at him for a long while. His brow creases a bit in annoyance.
"Answer the question, kid." "N-No," Goldie squeaks out. "Hm." He hums, and looks away. You swear you see his face visibly relax. "Good." He takes a few steps forward, seeming like he's about to take his leave. "For future reference, you ought to stay out of Team Rocket's affairs. I have some... colleagues, who would have gladly endorsed the behavior my subordinates displayed just now. Probably even partake in it themselves." He looks back, and you can't help but notice his eyes seem drawn to their scarf in particular. As if he seems to recognize it. "...You're a new trainer, yes?" "...Yeah." "Hm... I'm assuming you're looking for the next gym. Take a left turn up ahead and keep going straight until you reach the cave exit. That'll get you to Cerulean City." Without another word, he walks away. All of Goldie's Pokemon rush to surround them, Cheese climbing up onto their shoulder and Peanut dangling from their arm. The video ends as they all watch the mysterious man disappear from sight.] ---
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dragonlover123a · 1 year
6'5 Vash the Stampede
1in Meryl Stryfe
It was early morning on Gunsmoke, before the first sun had even peeked out over the horizon when Vash had started heading out of the hotel. He had seen a bounty hunter watching him the night prior and wanted to get out of town as soon as possible.
Normally he would wait for the two insurance girls to get up before leaving town. But with the tall girl on a vacation leave with her family and bounty hunters on his tail, he wanted to put as much distance between him and the little one. For her safety. He told himself. It didn't matter if not being in the same town or the same building or even in the same room as her made him anxious and antsy. It was too dangerous for her to be near him. Besides, she aged, he didn't. It wouldn't be fair to her to get old and wither away as she watched him stay the same for eternity.
But despite all this, something made him stop as he passed her door. Testing the handle, he was surprised to find that it was unlocked. Thats odd... She always locked her door. "Meryl?" He called out, looking around the room and his eyes landing on something small on the pillow.
Eyes widening in fear, Vash dropped his bag and rushed over to the bed. He knew exactly what this was. A long time ago Knives had created a specialized worm that could shrink someone overnight with a bite. Many of the victims died quickly, getting lost in the sands. Yes Knives had reformed, but the shrinking worms had bred and multiplied since then, making it impossible to wipe out the population. "No no no no no no no no. Please Meryl... Please be alive..." He begged, gently taking her diminutive form in his hands, gently pressing his pinky against her chest and sighing in relief when he felt her heart still beating in her chest.
Getting up, Vash went to close and lock the door before sitting back down on the bed and cradling the shrunken insurance girl in his hand, waiting for her to come too.
Opening her eyes, Meryl couldn't help but feel like something was off. Last time she checked, hotels didn't make their sheets out of... Leather? Sitting up, she inspected the material she had been laying on. Worn black leather that seemed awfully familiar. But she couldn't quite place it until she heard her name in a familiar voice. It was too loud and too far up than it was supposed to be, but familiar.
Meryl looked as far up as she normally would, but was only met with a large red wall. Looking further up, she finally met his eyes and screamed.
Vash jolted a small bit, startled when she screamed. "Meryl! Meryl it's okay. It's just me. You're safe. It's okay, you're safe" he comforted, smiling softly when she calmed down.
Okay... Meryl thought, looking around the the now much bigger room. She was probably at most an ich tall, at the mercy of the Humanoid Typhoon with her life in the palm of his hand. Which meant she was probably bitten by a shrinking worm and somehow survived the process. And yet, despite her circumstance, every fiber in her body was telling her she was safe here. "We need to get to November" she suddenly said, now all business.
Vash blinked, straightening in surprise. "November? Why would I go there? That place is crawling with military!"
"It's also where the main office for the Bernardeli Insurance Society is. There's a policy in place for situations like this. If any agent of the Bernardeli Insurance Society contracts a shrinking virus and survives, anyone can claim guardianship. Including outlaws. Provided an outlaw does claim guardianship, as long as they follow company policy their bounties can be temporarily put on hold until a further court hearing"
For a moment, Vash was silent, thinking. Could he really shed his bounty? Live peacefully with Meryl, Milly and Wolfwood? All he'd have to do is take care of Meryl. He could do that. Keep her in his pocket, or in his collar... "What are the company policies?" He asked after a while.
"Help me write reports, keep damages to a minimal, bring me to the office every now and then to show them I'm still alive" Meryl listed off. "That sort of thing. Once you claim guardianship they'll brief you"
Vash nodded, "I saw a little shop next to the saloon. Sold little clothes and food and stuff for shrinking virus survivors. And there's a bus that leaves in a couple of hours for November. Should we borrow a phone so you can call your boss?"
Meryl nodded and within the next few hours she had a new wardrobe and had called her boss, letting him know the situation and to make sure no military personnel tried arresting Vash the moment he stepped into the city as he was claiming guardianship over her.
Now they where on a bus, Meryl's typewriter balanced perfectly on Vash's lap as she directed him on what to write. But she couldn't help but watch as his long fingers effortlessly fly over the old keys. What took her hours to write only took him mere minutes. Smiling softly as he finished, Vash took the plas-paper out of the writer and held it up to Meryl for her to read. "Did I do good?" He asked, hopeful.
Meryl read over the report, sipping from her new canteen. As with just about almost everything he did, it was perfect. She was a senior disaster agent and had been writing reports for years and still had flaws in her reports. There where absolutely no flaws in the one he just wrote for her. "It's perfect Vash. If you where more responsible you could've been a disaster investigator yourself" she lightly teased.
Vash playfully scoffed, carefully folding the plas-paper and placing it in an envelope before putting the travel type writer back in it's case. "I'm plenty responsible." He retorted, gently poking her in a way so she would fall into the folds in his duster's cowl.
"Says the man who is over a century years old yet still can't hold down a job or make himself a full meal."
"You know as well as I do why I can't hold down a permanent job. You saw Augusta. And the whole thing with Legato. And it's not like I really have the time to cook all that often" he argued.
"Wait... Vash. Can you even cook?"
"I'm 134 years old. Of course I can cook. Can you?"
"Who do you think made dinner for that Schezar guy?"
The rest of the trip was spent in silence and next thing they knew they where in the main office of the Bernardeli Insurance Society talking to the secretary.
"Name of agent you're claiming guardianship over?" The woman asked.
"Meryl Stryfe"
"Agent number?"
"Um..." He looked at Meryl, who was on his shoulder. "47-A. Senior Disaster Investigator"
"47-A. Senior Disaster Investigator" he repeated.
"Your name?"
"Vash the Stampede."
She barely looked up, looking bored. "Do you have a last name or is it actually "the Stampede"?"
He chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "Sometimes I use the name Saverem"
"Kay." She said, typing the name. "Have a seat. The boss'll see you in a minute"
He did as he was told, looking around the office nervously as his leg bounced.
Meryl placed a hand on his neck. "Vash. Calm down. No one here is going to turn you in. We're here to put a hold on your bounty, remember?"
He nodded, sighing as he gently pressed the small woman against him in a form of calming affection. "I know"
"Mister Saverem?" A man called out, making Vash look up and quickly stand.
"Follow me Mister Saverem" he said, leading him to Mr Bernardeli's office. "In there"
Vash entered the office, seeing a somewhat pudgy man with graying hair, a big mustache and square features. He couldn't help but smile softly. The man reminded him of a character from a series of Old Earth movies based on comic books.
"Well if it isn't the one and only Vash the Stampede, I'll be damned" the man mused in a gravely voice, standing to shake his hand, which Vash took politely. "My name is Jonathan Bernardeli. I'm Meryl's boss. I heard your claiming guardianship over her?"
Vash nodded, letting go of the man's hand and sitting in front of him. "Yes sir. I am. We've been traveling together for quite some time. I think I'll be able to properly care for her"
He smirked. "You better take care of our Meryl. She's our best agent. Which is why we sent her to you, ya know"
Meryl couldn't help but smile proudly at this as Vash smiled at her, a brow raised. "Oh really?"
"Yes really. Now about your bounty. I assume you know the requirements?"
"Yes sir"
"Good. I'll put in the paperwork to have it suspended today. But we will have to schedule a proper court hearing to get it gone for good. For now, consider yourself a free man Mister Humanoid Typhoon" He said, standing and opening the door for him to exit.
Vash grinned, "Thank you." He said, holding Meryl close to him as he left the building. He was now officially Meryl's guardian, and he was going to protect her with his immortal life as long as Meryl was still alive and well.
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catgirlpuppy · 1 year
Paprika is running late to an important appointment. When she misses the bus, she needs a transformative potion to get her there on time!
[Bat furry transformation, shrinking, fluff]
🍓 🦇 🚌
Fuck fuck fuck fuck please fucking be there fuck fuck…
Paprika was sprinting down the sidewalk, now only a block away from the bus stop. It was evening, and the streets were getting busier with people walking home from work. Amber light washed across the city from the west, stretching Paprika’s shadow dozens of feet before her.
The orange tabby weaved through packs of pedestrians. Her paws slapped pavement. Can’t be late, can’t be late!
Nearing the end of the block, she passed the entrance to her apartment building. Twenty floors up, Mocha was probably getting ready for her evening stream while Joule made dinner. Paprika wasn’t heading home, though—she had an appointment to get to.
She turned the last corner, swallowed by the skyscraper’s shadow. She kept running, blinking as her eyes adjusted, then screeched to a halt when she saw the covered bus stop.
The bus was gone. She was too late.
Goddammit! I should have paid closer attention to the time at the cafe. I know I lose track of time when I’m writing!
Paprika sighed. There was no point beating herself up over something she couldn’t control. Right now, she had to focus on what she could do.
Mind racing, she tried to come up with a plan. Then it hit her: Lizzie’s shop! They’ve gotta have something!
The tabby ran back towards the building entrance, retracing her steps. Just past the double doors, a little windowless storefront faced the street.
est. 1924”
Paprika grunted as she pushed through the heavy wooden door. “Liz, I need help!”
It was a small waiting room, with antique reclining chairs and light reading material. Opposite the entrance, a counter where sat a dragon. Today, Liz was covered in silver scales. A humanoid body supported its sinuous neck, which curled around to rest its horned head on the counter; it seemed Paprika had caught Liz in a nap.
Reptilian eyes opened behind a mop of purple hair. The mane ran all the way down the spine of the dragon’s long neck. A clawed hand reached up to brush it back, and the dragon smiled their fang-lined maw as it sat up. The neck was so long that it had to curl around to keep its head from bumping the rafters.
In short: Liz looked cool as hell today.
“Ah, my favorite customer. What can I do for you, kitten?”
Paprika blushed at the diminutive. Normally only Mocha or Joule could call her that and avoid getting punched; Liz was the exception. And she knew it, which meant Paprika got relentlessly teased whenever she came by.
The tabby forgot what she had meant to say; she stuttered for a second, before pulling herself together. “Hi Liz, sorry to wake you. That dragon form looks great on you, by the way!”
The alchemist had a completely different form every time Paprika saw him; he was a walking advertisement for the shop. “Oh, I know, kitten. Thank you for noticing.” They preened a bit, showing off their luscious mane. Their scales shimmered in the light.
Paprika remembered why she came here in the first place. “I need to get across town in less than half an hour. The bus is gone. Could you give me a rush order? Something with wings? I really need to make it on time!”
“Hmmmm…” the dragon rumbled from its chest. It sounded oddly purr-like. “That’s a tall order. Wings, you say? But I think I have just the thing.”
Liz uncoiled its neck, and slithered into the labyrinth of shelves behind the counter. Paprika could see there was an equally long, serpentine tail drifting out from the alchemist’s robes, before the purple-tufted tip disappeared around a corner.
Paprika waited patiently, struggling not to tap her foot or check the time. After a moment, Liz’s silver head reappeared, and the rest of her followed soon after.
“Here you go. Should do the trick.” She placed a vial of violet liquid on the counter. “Instant effects. Wings to carry you wherever you need to go. The only thing is that it’s been sitting for a while, so it may not last as long as usual. I give it perhaps… four to six hours.”
Paprika wanted to kiss Liz, she was so relieved. “Thank you so much, Liz, you’re a lifesaver! How much?”
“For you? No charge. It was a custom order, but they never came to pick it up.” The dragon’s humanoid shoulders shrugged. “This way, I know it’s helping someone instead of going bad on the shelf.”
“Liz, you’re the best. Seriously.” Paprika uncorked the vial, tipped it toward the alchemist, and knocked it back.
Liz wasn’t kidding when they said 'instant effects!' she thought. Immediately there was a vertiginous feeling as the 5’3” tabby began to shrink. The floor was coming up fast. She felt the familiar bittersweet-ache of shifting bones as her skeleton compressed itself down, down and down. By the time her vision stopped swimming, she couldn’t have been more than a foot tall. Her clothes were piled around her.
She looked up, struggling out of her massive shirt. “Liz, you didn’t mention shrinking! How am I gonna go out like this?”
The dragon was leaning over the counter, watching the transformation progress with excitement in their slitted eyes. “I’ll get you some loaners. You look like a…. twenty-one-X small? Perhaps twenty-two. Don’t go anywhere!” The head disappeared as Liz went to look for some clothes.
Meanwhile, Paprika’s fur was darkening. Her orange coat was gone, replaced with a gray so dark it was near black. Her tail was shrinking, straightening itself out. There was a sheer ringing sound, overwhelming her hearing as her triangular ears stretched out, growing bigger and more sensitive. Her snout extended just a bit and turned up. The pink tip grew into an angular point that stuck straight upwards.
She felt a stretching sensation in the skin of her lower back and armpits as thin, leathery skin formed into two flaps. Her pinky fingers bent sideways, extending into long appendages that marked the outer boundaries of her growing wings. She still had full use of her hands, luckily, only a finger short.
The changes seemed to be mostly finished. Paprika walked to the floor-to ceiling mirror against the wall, and took herself in.
Alright, she thought, mostly the same as before, just with a pallet swap and some extra mobility. She extended her right arm, pulling the wing-flap taut, and moved her long pinky up and down. Her wing got tighter or looser at different positions.
She took a closer look at her face. It wasn’t just the nose that had changed; her eyes had gotten bigger in proportion to her head. But don’t bats have small eyes? I suppose I should be glad I’m not blind now. But I have to admit, it’s a cute look. She brought her hands up to her nose, feeling the shape of it.
Alright, let’s test out these… flappers? I’ll just stick to 'wings.'
She stuck out both arms, fully extending her wings, and brought them down as hard as she could. Air caught in the flaps, launching her upward with more force than she was expecting.
It was too much; the air blew so strongly against her wings, folding in her pinkies; she lost control, spinning out, and began to fall.
She landed with an OOF on the counter.
The little batgirl dizzily stood up, dusting herself off. Okay, second time’s the charm.
Paprika spent the next few minutes acclimating herself to her new body, and figuring out the mechanics of flying. By the time she heard the rumbling of Liz returning to the front, she had gotten enough of the basics to be fairly confident she could fly to her destination.
While Paprika practiced hovering in the air, the draconic alchemist reached the counter, a smile on her lips. Suddenly, Paprika was all too aware that she was entirely naked. She fell back to the counter, quickly covering herself up.
Liz let out a rumbling chuckle. “Don’t worry, little kitten, nothing I haven’t seen before.” It placed a bundle of cloth on the countertop. “Here, this should fit you well.”
It was some kind of romper, stitched out of orange and red fabric. The stitching looked a little big, but it was actually tiny; Paprika had no idea how the alchemist had managed to make it so small. Blushing, she turned away from the looming dragon, pulling it on.
It fit really well; Liz knew their stuff. The sides were entirely open, allowing space for her wings. It covered all the important stuff. And, most important, it looked really cute on her.
“This is great, Liz, fits like a glove!” She was turning in front of the mirror, checking the outfit from every angle.
“I thought so. It looks good on you, little one. Long as you don’t mind going commando for the evening.” 
“I think I’m small enough no one will notice. Or care.” She turned back towards the alchemist. Lizzie’s form towered over her. Paprika approached their hands, draconic claws folded over one another, and wrapped her arms around one finger. She nuzzled her cheek against a scaly knuckle. “Thank you, Liz. Really.”
The dragon didn’t immediately respond. Paprika looked up, seeing a pink blush shining through silver-scaled cheeks. With one last nuzzle, she pulled away and stood up.
“Okay, I’ve really got to get going now. But I think I can do it!” She flapped her wings, hovering right over the counter. “Can you open the door for me? I could barely move it at full size”
The dragon snaked over the counter top, then held open the heavy door. “Have fun! I’ll send your clothes up to your apartment!” it called out, as Paprika winged overhead.
Flying was exhausting. If this romper wasn’t so light, I probably would've soaked it through with sweat.
She landed panting right outside the bar. Waiting for someone else to go in, the batgirl slipped inside behind them, landing on a table by the door.
She checked the clock. 6:28! I made it! She could have jumped for joy if she weren't so tired.
Scanning the room for her friend, she spotted a flash of gray fur hunched over a guitar while he tuned it. She fluttered over.
“Bruma! Bru! Over here!” Pointed ears perked up, and the wolf’s head swiveled in Paprika’s direction. His head tilted in confusion. Paprika landed on the table in front of him.
Recognition dawned in his yellow eyes. “Ricky! Is that you?”
Paprika made a little curtsy, smiling at her childhood nickname. “In the flesh. Thought I’d change up my look!”
Bruma still wore his work clothes: patched gray jeans and a white tank with dark oil stains here and there. A flannel hung on his broad shoulders. His keys hung from a carabiner on his belt loop. He looked every bit the stereotypical butch.
Bruma looked her up and down. He nodded, fingers to his chin. “This is really cute. Look at your little nose! You’re so small! I love it.”
Paprika blushed; Bru always had the best compliments.
He beamed. “Thanks for coming, Ricky! I’m really glad you’re here.”
“You're my best friend! I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Paprika smiled.
“It’s time for me to go up. Wish me luck!” He held out a fist half as tall as Paprika. She bumped it with her own tiny paw. Bru stepped onto the little stage in the corner of the bar, and began playing.
I had a lot of fun with this one. I decided to set a random generator to give me 3 random emojis, then made the story around that. I think it turned out pretty cute.
In case it wasn't clear enough, Liz uses any pronouns and Bruma is a he/him lesbian.
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mischiefmaker615 · 1 year
Tears of a Mermaid (Loki Love Story) Ch.10
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Mara banged her fists on the glass as her tail swooshed, keeping her upright in the narrow tank and kept a scolding eye on Loki ''let me out! i'm not going to help you!''
he had been ignoring her noises for more than an hour, having been pacing in thought to try to figure out exactly how to get her tear. he could never bring herself to physically harm her..but she may be a bit to stubborn to cry with emotional abuse. his eyes would glance up at her now and again.. if it were better circumstances he'd want to stare at her form the whole time, mesmerized.. finally,
''you know its for the good of Asgard Mara..i can't allow Thor to be king.''
''he's changed, how you told me how he had returned from his banishment.. he doesn't seem to be the type you've told me you've known him as'' she explained in frustration.
''changed or not he was never meant to be king.. if he had made mistakes before then who's to say he won't fall back onto them again.''
''because people learn from their mistakes, you just need to take the time to see him and see what he's doing for his people-''
''you've never seen him! all you've done is talk.'' he snapped, clearly irritated on the subject of talking about his brother and he kept his fists clenched.
''the way one is able to speak can speak volumes to one's actions.. but look at yourself Loki, look what you've done!.. this is not the way to being a good king..'' she told him, a hand resting against the glass as she looked at him.
''sometimes things are necessary to protect those you rule.'' he told her, looking away as he seemed to go back in thought. why couldn't she understand? ''..all i need is just one tear Mara and then you can go free..that would give me enough power to protect this realm from any threat out there, don't you see?-''
''but you'd also use it in manipulation on Thor just to have him out of the way to gain the thrown. regardless of it all, Thor is next in line, power or not the people of Asgard will expect him to be king first- ..'' Mara paused, a realization coming to her face as she looked at him with disbelief ''..you mean to kill him..''
Loki's face said the answer as he looked away. whether he had power, the people would demand the oldest Odinson, but if he was the only one left they'd have no choice but to make him king.. he slowly walked up to the glass and looked at her in her beautiful brown eyes he loved so much ''i'm sorry Mara.. you need to realize whats more important here.''
he raised a hand and the tank seemed to glow a bright color of green and white, radiating from his magic before the tank itself began to shrink, causing a look of panic in her eyes as the top of it lowered down just so it was at his chest level and the sides of the tank moved closer so it was at her sides, almost as if it were the size of a coffin. with one motion Loki unlocked the lid and tossed it aside, reaching in as the water splashed up to his elbow and despite her attempts to swat him away, he took a hold of her wrist, yanking her up so she was in a sitting position and her hand tried to pry his off of hers
''what are you-''
''words now will not hurt you Mara, not as they would hurt me as much by bringing our relationship to this.. i don't ever want to lose you… but this power will help me make sure Asgard, its people, and you are safe..'' and with that, his grip on her wrist began to tighten, earning a panicked look to her eyes as she tried to pry his hand off of hers harder, feeling the pain of his squeeze as she bit her lip.
''Loki please..your hurting me..''
her words her painful in itself, and he adverted his eyes from hers with a small voice ''i'm sorry..'' he then squeezed harder, earning a cry of pain from her lips as he kept glancing up at her eyes to see if they had began tearing, having to look back down after each check so he wouldn't have to gaze upon her sad eyes longer than needed. a vile had been placed next to her tank, and he was ready to grab when needed time but he needed to quicken the pace as she cried out in pain. his other hand came up and grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her head back at the same time as working on her wrist and she yelped, her lips quivering as she cried out. he could see why it wasn't easy getting a tear from a mermaid, the process was difficult and daunting by their stubbornness. any other women would have been weeping by now by the pain. having no choice, Loki looked away from her eyes and used his Asgardian strength to squeeze her wrist one last time, this time harder than before and earned a small cracking sound that made her scream and his hand from her hair came to her mouth, knowing those passing by outside should not hear. to his relief and grief, she squeezed her eyes shut and he released her wrist, her hand holding it up to her chest protectfully before he grabbed her jaw, his hand grabbing the vile as a small tear developed in her eye and he quickly scooped it into the vile. no sooner did he drop with concentration, did the tank suddenly expand to its regular size again and she sunk down, swooshing her tail to go upright as she held onto her fractured wrist.
''you can't do this..'' she whispered.
Loki was still speechless as he held the vile up, examining it as if he couldn't believe it was real, nor that he had done it.. his eyes slowly went to hers, no happiness in them but more of sadness. it was all necessary right? ''i'm sorry Mara, but this had to be done. i shall return for you shortly..''
Loki ignored her and as he placed the vile in his pocket and left the room, a click being heard to know he had locked the door.
Loki made his way down the halls, glancing at the maids as he passed and they stepped aside to let him do so. he was making sure it didn't show in front of anyone, but he was shaking. he did it..he actually did it..but he hurt the one person he cared for the most on this bloody realm ''Mara..'' he whispered. no- he had gone to far to just give up now..she would never forgive him.. it was for the good of Asgard right?
he swiftly turned a few corners before he was walking down the steps of Asgard's cells to Amora's, who sat up when he approached and from the look on his face, she knew.
''by gods- you actually have it??''
Loki ignored her question as he pulled himself together and straightened, gazing at her seriously. ''how do i use it?''
Amora almost held in a laugh but took a good moment to let it out, irritation coming to Loki as she pulled herself together ''all this trouble and you don't even know how to use it?''
''what do you want?'' he asked, knowing it would lead straight to this.
Amora smirked as she looked at him, sitting back down on her bed as she crossed her arms ''freedom.''
''not going to happen.'' he told her, knowing it wasn't that easy, not with guards and Odin under the same roof, even with his bag of tricks.
''then there is no deal'' she sighed as she layed back.
''the tear is to provide its user the ability to control sources of water, whether it be bodies of it or..literally, bodies. it must be linked to some sort of magic, as you had attempted upon preparation before you lost her-''
Amora sat up in defense but her face switched to mocking ''from what i hear, you lost her as well.''
Loki hesitated as he looked at her ''how did you?''
''you told me, just now.'' she smirked, knowing by his reaction it had to be true, making him look away by the reminder and he sighed.
''it had to be done, you know that. but i have one shot at this, perhaps things can be different for you when i have the thrown. its just upon achieving it, that's why i'm here.''
Amora smiled a little as she watched him, getting up as she walked closer ''the tear is only half of the work but only a magic yielder may actually be able to use its power.''
Loki raised his brow ''..but my great grandfather used it and he had no magic abilities..''
''did Odin tell you that.'' it sounded more of a statement than a question and Loki looked away; apparently Odin wasn't notorious for telling the whole truth on things.
Amora looked at him carefully and crouched, more on his eye level on her cell platform and almost seemed to study him. ''..was it worth it?''
Loki looked back at her, almost taken back at her gentle voice before his face softened again. ''she was the only one who understood me, who i lo- ..but she hates me now.''
''i understand you Loki'' Amora reminded and Loki smiled a little.
''we've had out times together Amora, but you still can't lie to me, i know you love someone else.''
Amora looked at him carefully before she smiled, knowing he was right and sighed, missing these moments they had together and sat down. ''you've changed, she really has done something for you. realize it and use it to your advantage.''
Loki looked at her carefully as he pondered these words, wondering what she meant before she spoke again.
''..can i see it?''
with slight hesitation, Loki reached into his pocket and held up the vile with a single silver tear that Amora seemed to admire with big eyes, leaning as close as she could before the energy field glowed up, reminding her of her distance before she leaned back. ''…the tear is magic, it coming from a mythical creature.. so its done half of the work for you, the other half is also magic, which is your part in which a spell is required on top of it before you place the tear onto the skin of the yielded.''
''..whats the spell?''
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I came up with an alien species that has been on my mind for a while...
(more information below the cut if your interested)
I was talking on Discord with one of my friends about the alien species and she helped me build more on them... Because I originally created them to tell the story of the last two (or just of two of them because a few are spread across the cosmos...)
She even built a variant of her own to be the ones to destroy their sister planet...
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This is Abdo (Blue and yellow) and Cato (Red and Purple)...
Abdo stands 6 blocks tall and Cato stands 4 blocks tall.
They have 4 arms and two legs. A somewhat small tail and two sets of ears. They have fur, but it is more predominantly on their head and tail tip.
Think of their species society it's like a fandom on the internet: most are peaceful but they are highly advanced with laws that would severely punished those who are negative (ie: banishment or execution depending on the severity) like trolls or o-phile etc... Gender was no problem and most where peaceful...
Abdo had found out that his home planet was going to be destroyed and begged for a few to follow him to safety, even to evacuate the planet... But the high council would not listen. He then took a scientist hostage and escaped the planet's destruction. Only after to find out that Cato was also a male...
Luckily Cato knew a way around this... They would have to merge themselves with a different species DNA to keep the species DNA from disappearing completely... And one of them would have to change gender.
After playing a best 2 out of 3 game session, Abdo won and Cato accepted his fate of changing gender.
As soon as they reach the closest planet (what ever you call the Minecraft planet), they find two deceased locals to infuse with...
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Abdo fuses himself with a unknown male Pillager. Shrinking down to 3 blocks tall but still has his perky upbeat attitude from before.
Cato fused with an unknown female Villager. Now identifying as a female, Cato is still a nervous bundle of fur who overthinks everything.
(I have more images in my book but I didn't take a snapshot of them yet...)
This is an open species so if you want to create your own OC from the original species or the Villager/Illager fusion I would love to see it... Just please credit me when you use the base or the species...
Abdo and Cato are my OCs but you can use their base to make your own... I don't care if they have the same color pattern (like I can actually control whoever uses my base or draws the species in their own style 🤣 besides I don't feel like charging people to use it. It just don't sit right with me, that's why it's an open species and free to use~)
For now I'm calling them raptoids because I can't remember the species name me and my friend had come up with for them (I'm sure they wrote it down somewhere so I'll get the name from them later and update this post with it).
They can be any gender, have any sort of pattern on in their fur, you can give them the scars, you can make them fluffy, muscly, skinny, fat etc... That's all up to you~
They must have 4 arms, 2 legs, 2 pairs of ears, a somewhat small tail, and nose is closer to the eyes with a long snout. They have claws that do not retract in their base form. (Fused form develops retractable claws unless original species has claws out constantly)
Believe it or not the tails actually do serve a very personal purpose: when in close proximity with a loved one their tails wrapped together in a way as if you're holding hands. It's mostly meant for a spouse but it can be done in a platonic way between close family members... This is usually done in times of great stress, fear, or for comfort (or in the throes of passion between spouses)...
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(The Villager/Illager bases purposely in this image do not have eyebrows or if you decide the species infuses with one or the other... But the species fusion is not limited to villager/illager mobs... You can infuse them with other mobs, I just only have this base form at the moment but you can create a fusion using these as slight schematics as to what features they would gain infused with the raptoid species)
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simiansmoke · 1 year
@citizensofeggton cont.
"Pft, that's what you 'know' huh? Well, I guess it makes sense-since, y'know, you clearly know nothing!" Except that it was becoming increasingly more clear with each of the prince's sweeping exclamations that he expressed himself like a broken radio knob that never seemed to drift to one end of extreme-which unfortunately for her was the 'quiet' one. "I've had to pick a fight with literally everyone my whole life and it sure isn't slowing down now. But hey, maybe you're of the kingdom that annoying crocs and mutineers avoid?" A shrug punctuates his claim. "Also, don't even try to brag about beating a 'body guard'. You know their job is to guard your body, so why would they even try to win? Isn't someone letting you win obvious by now?" Said like he wanted to and definitely would assert the claim that he'd just been going easy on her earlier to the reason why she wasn't five foot under the dock with her head in the sand right now.
Though he didn't quite mind talks on fights and violence around the youth considering the acts of violence they had already likely committed on this day alone against their peers and their hen-pecked teacher, DK curtails his war discussion. There were times he thought about the kind of adventures he would have gotten up to without that storm on the horizon waiting to burst once the sky decided he was done early with an adolescence packed with etiquette and history lessons. Kong kids certainly scuffled a lot amongst their ranks, but it didn't quite compare to dealing with the characters in the Kong army.
"You'd be surprised. These guys can get pretty big and powerful quick. The ice cream helps ~ " Of course. Kong kids bulked up so fast that DK was jealous to be honest. He had to make a concerted effort to keep size on while their smaller frames expanded ten times the base with every measly meal. "Seriously, monsters in the making here. I'm a real powerhouse and all, undefeated arena champ, but I was also a runt with no litter." But hey, born a bit smaller just meant he was scrappier.
By the time the kid took a tumble, thoughts of power ups turned into the need to power up through the heavier load on his back and gallop over to collect the wayward walker back onto the DK bus. Thankfully he doesn't have to speed over and risk slinging the lot of them over the side when he cuts the brakes on the momentum he would have expelled - an internalized force dwelling within that could gift him the strength to rip up the whole dock just to let the kid slide back down it to the safe end. But since the pesterer seems to have the kid now, the dock is safe...for now.
His flared fur begins to lie flat as he pads over to the pair slowly, a frown pursed on his lips as the kid stares at their fluffy tailed hero, seemingly perplexed on the size of her shrinking giant hand. It's only after hearing the question that the Kong kid glances down and decides that yes, a scuffed knee is definitely something to snivel about, and they grind their arms into their face with sharp, wavery inhales that lead to a hiccup or two. "Sssssssorrrrry misssss-"
Before the waterworks get too bad though, DK's made it overhead, casting a large shadow around the kid as the tip of his tie drapes over the other briefly. Briefly before DK takes the end and uses it to roughly grind the fabric around the snotty sputter fest. "All right, all right- don't you even think about filling the ocean up any more, kid. If it's too deep, I'm not jumpin' in with any of ya after the ice cream!"
An audible gasp and whispers of excitement erupt from the back of the DK bus upon the revelation that they'd also be getting some time to wade and splash around before going back to school. DK couldn't hype them up on sugar without running them to the ground so their teacher could enjoy nap time after all.
"...well. Thanks-" He addresses the fox directly, his arm still scrubbing away at tears and snot all the while. "-for actually doing something useful."
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That's about as nice of a thank you as she's getting from him.
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awkwardgtace · 2 years
Knights' Discoveries
More for the knight au with @alarcomet ocs Nutmeg and Aisling. We learn a bit about everyone and the world this time!
tw: mentions of death, blood, uhhh lemme know anything i'm missing!
Knights' Discoveries
Caprice sighed as another crash sounded from Melody’s training room. Nutmeg had grown to her larger size again, unfortunately she’d stretched out while small. That meant the room was a tight squeeze for her. Another crash meant her tail twitched and knocked something else over.
“Cap, how much longer?” Melody called. He let out another sigh before dropping a dragon scale into his bubbling potion. A bright red cloud burst out of the liquid making him cough. 
“Just finished!” he shouted as he scooped some of the liquid into a vial.
He rushed to the training room as he heard another crash. It was worse than he expected. Mel’s weapons were thrown all over the room. Her extra armor was crushed beneath Nutmeg’s tail. Worst was Melody held near the naga’s face as she tried to calm down the panicking snake. He stepped into the room holding back a groan.
He flinched as Aisling landed on his shoulder. He didn’t trust a venomous drider, especially near his neck. He waved at Mel who whispered something to Nutmeg. The naga set his sister down slowly. Once Mel stood on her own she offered a hand to Aisling. He liked it even less when they were near Mel outside of her armor.
“So how exactly will the shit you were working on help?” they asked. He pinched the bridge of his nose. A drider was not someone he expected to explain himself to.
“It should give her control, just stand back. There’s no telling how it’ll interact with us,” he said. Mel made a face, but stepped back as he wanted. Of course he knew what it would do to him and his sister, but that didn’t need to be shared. He turned back to the naga. She’d curled up as best she could while looking at Caprice with a strange face. “Nutmeg, try to shrink down again.”
“O-ok,” she whispered. 
Caprice waited for the usual signs she was trying to change her size. Nutmeg closed her eyes and a subtle amber glow began. He threw the vial at her tail once she was covered in the glow. It shattered and surrounded her in a red cloud reminiscent of the scale he’d dropped into the potion. He heard Aisling mumble something, but chose to keep his eyes on the naga. After a tense few minutes the red smoke started to dissipate. The first thing he noticed was the ruined armor near the wall.
Melody stepped forward, but he stopped her. The cloud needed to completely disappear before they could approach. Melody grumbled, but stayed where she was. It only took a few more minutes for the cloud to be gone and the only thing left a pocket sized Nutmeg. He walked up to her, kneeling once she was close enough he could grab her. He ignored her flinch.
“Ok, can you try to grow now? Make sure to curl up first,” he instructed.
Nutmeg’s dual colored eyes stared up at him with fear. He hated that, it made him more worried about what she’d do while huge. She nodded despite the fear and closed her eyes. He knew the fear was most likely better than the alternative. He held his breath as she focused on trying to grow, it had to work. Melody kneeled beside him as he waited.
“The fuck did you do?” Aisling asked. He tore his eyes from the naga to look at them. “The glow is gone. She always had that amber glow when she tried to change. Why is it gone?”
The bristling tone from the drider caught him by surprise. He looked back at the little naga with wide eyes. They were right. She always glowed, but right now there wasn’t even the faintest hint of it. Melody reached forward just as Nutmeg opened her eyes. He could have sworn the little snake was shaking. He had to be imagining it, or it was in anger. Mel slowly pushed the snake into her hands before pulling her close to her chest. The look of betrayal on the naga’s face stung more than he wanted.
It took a few days for Melody to convince Nutmeg and Aisling it was an accident. The two spent all their time hiding in Mel’s room while he searched for an answer. Nutmeg didn’t seem to want to be near him, he didn’t mind. Melody fell into a chair next to him as she grabbed one of his books. She would probably be able to help find something. He sighed as he flipped the page finding nothing to explain the mishap.
“Any luck?” she murmured. He shook his head. “I hope we can fix this soon.”
“...Mel,” he started, “Are you sure we should even try to fix this? I mean a pocket sized naga seems like the better option.”
“We’re fixing her.” Melody slammed the book on the table and glared at him. He shrunk under her gaze. “She’s terrified like this, besides we’re supposed to be helping her.”
“When are you going to stop taking these risks?” He sighed and closed his own book. This conversation came up too often.
“My ‘risks’ haven’t been wrong yet. Besides if I didn’t do this you wouldn’t have a lifetime supply of dragon scales.” She smirked and returned to the book she grabbed. He reached over and pulled the book away.
“I know, I know, but what if you are wrong? How are you going to protect yourself when you always leave yourself vulnerable? These two might have been coming to find you. You know that we’ve already-”
“First, we don’t need to go over what we already dealt with. Second, you and Kyrie will be there to help me if I mess up. Third no one will know who I am with all the enchantments you put on my armor. Remember?”
“This isn’t going to be solved easily either way.”
She nodded and he let go of her book. He went back to his own and started reading over the potions he modified. He couldn’t understand how anything had even gone wrong. He and Melody had used a slightly altered version years ago. It should have just changed her control over her innate abilities. A knock on the door distracted him, but Mel went to answer before he could.
He could hear the sound of someone banging against the door. It sounded frantic. He could hear when she started to try and calm the villager down. The sounds of it meant someone needed a knight. Kyrie wasn’t due back for a few more days at least. The door slammed, she definitely was going somewhere. She walked in with a pensive look before making a face he knew meant he wouldn’t like what she said.
“There’s some problems with the crops. A lot have been stolen, if anymore get taken the village won’t have enough from the harvest,” she said. He nodded along, skimming the page in front of him. “I need to take Aisling with me, there were some signs of a drider. They can help me figure out if it’s venomous.”
“And?” he asked. She was building up to something. She never gave him this much information.
“And… you need to stay with Nutmeg. She’s afraid to be alone right now.”
“Why can’t I just go help you and we leave the two here?” He already knew the answer. It was hard enough to get armor Mel could use let alone enough for him. They had to rely on the armor supplied by the order and that meant Nutmeg had crushed the only one he could use. It wasn’t hard to fix, but wouldn’t be safe to use for a few days.
“Because to fix this you need to be able to research what’s going on. Without the other armor it’s too dangerous for you and I can’t go without my armor.”
“Fine…” He sighed and slumped his shoulders. “Just… bring her out here. I’ll keep looking into what went wrong.”
Melody finished securing her armor. Aisling had taken some convincing, but they were willing to help her avoid unnecessary danger. She left her training room and made her way to the two. They both stiffened as she walked in, her armor made them nervous. She raised her visor and tried to smile reassuringly. She crouched by her bed and set both her hands down. Aisling climbed on right away, but Nutmeg hesitated.
“Shouldn’t I just stay here?” she asked. Melody slipped her hand under Nutmeg’s tail. The naga wrapped her fingers tightly with her tail and moved onto her palm. She pulled the pocket sized snake close to her chest.
“Caprice is just going to be reading. This is just in case anyone stops by, that way you’ll be safe with him hiding you. I promise we’ll be back in a few hours,” she whispered. The tail around her fingers tightened.
She made her way to her brother slowly. He had actually set up a spot for Nutmeg near him. She smiled, but Caprice was absorbed in his book. She set her hands down on the pillow he’d set out on the table. Once Nutmeg slithered off Aisling climbed up to her shoulder. They hid just below her helmet. Once she closed her visor no one would notice them. Especially if she left her hair out today.
She walked out silently and started on her way. A number of people waved as she wandered. Most of them were whispering about her. She and Caprice never had a warm welcome in places like this. Whispers of how out of place they were. She knew that being a knight was the only reason they could live here. 
“That’s her right?” someone said. She grimaced, thankfully the visor hid her distaste. “The knight with the cursed blood? I don’t know why the order ever took her on. Pairing her with Kyrie too.”
She rushed to get away from the ones talking. Hearing this didn’t make the fact she’d secretly pulled the ‘deadly’ naga from the cave sit better. Usually she was open with her choices, but without Kyrie to back her up it wouldn’t have been easy. Especially when they were ready to trap her in the cave too.
“Why the fuck are they saying all that?” Aisling mumbled. The anger in their quiet voice made her feel a bit more confident in saving them.
“Caprice and I aren’t exactly welcomed here. We’re bad omens and this village never lets us forget it. I’m allowed to travel for the order, but Cap wants to stay around… so does Kyrie,” she explained. She felt Aisling shifting, her hair was pulled a bit as they moved.
“Who’s Kyrie?”
“He’s my partner. We usually work together, but he’d gone on a trip about a week before I’d met you and Nutmeg.”
“I didn’t think knights had designated partners.” Melody was glad they couldn’t see her face. It’s always harder to hide the truth when someone was staring in her eyes. Lies were something she’d had to work towards.
“We don’t normally, Kyrie and I are a special case…” She didn’t want to admit that he had originally been assigned to watch her. She knew that ended a long time ago, he never even knew that had happened. They just complimented each other well enough that the order felt they should stay together. At least that’s what she told herself.
“Oh did you mean-”
“No!” A few villagers turned to look at her. She made a show of patting herself down before pulling out a dagger and nodding. Then she continued towards the farm. “No, we’re just partners and friends… I don’t think he’d think of me like that.” 
“That’s fucking stupid.” She laughed, they would think that. “You’re probably overthinking it.”
“There’s a lot more to it, but it would be nice if you’re right.” She looked around, the farm was close. “We’re nearly there, no more talking.”
Melody marched up to the villagers who called on her. They were frantic. Ponting out web and bits of destroyed crops. It didn’t look like a drider, it didn’t seem like how they usually eat either. Aisling agreed it wasn’t something a drider would be doing. She sent the villagers away and started to make her way through the tracks. She drew her sword.
“Aisling, this might not be as easy as when we met,” she whispered. Stepping into the nearby trees she was surrounded by the stench of death.
“Fuck…” they said. Caprice was going to kill her if this wound up being something she couldn’t just fight.
Caprice was trying hard not to focus on the shaking naga in front of him. He’d gotten a pillow for her to lay on and set one of the easier books he had in front of her. She curled up with those eyes locked on him. He couldn’t get over the fear in them, or the betrayal. She had been shaking since Melody left. He sighed, when she flinched he finally lost it.
“Why are you shaking like that?” he asked. She tensed, for a minute he was sure she would start crying. “I’m trying to fix it.”
“S-sorry,” she whispered. He closed the book and stood. He’d just get something for them to eat, he couldn’t remember when he last ate. He took a few steps before hearing a small whimper and turning back to her. She’d curled up smaller on the pillow. He didn’t like the naga or the drider, but he wasn’t even a knight. The fear was painful. He walked back, she had hidden her human half completely in her tail.
“What happened?” She just shook her head. He knew Mel wasn’t going to be wrong about them, but he wasn’t going to trust a size changing naga. He didn’t like people being scared of him though. “I don’t get it, I don’t even try to talk to you and you’re terrified of me. Look I’m sorry ok? I didn’t mean to get you stuck like this.”
“I-it’s ok. I-I’m fine.” She kept shaking, but she at least didn’t look at him the same. He narrowed his eyes as he studied her, if she wasn’t calm he couldn’t work. He leaned on the table, jumping from the chill of the wood.
“Are you cold?” 
His eyes went wide when the pale skin of the naga’s face turned a faint red. She nodded at him, he hadn’t considered it. He and Mel are always pretty covered up. They notice the heat more, it’s why he enchanted most of their clothes. He sighed, she flinched away again. He reached a hand forward, she moved her tail to cover her more. He carefully tapped her tail, it was freezing.
Caprice turned and walked off. He had a few blankets he’d left normal around. He found them buried in a closet below a number of his books. He stopped to grab some leftover stew Mel had made the night before. A quick spell had it warm, he paused looking around for a minute. He threw the blanket over his shoulder and grabbed one of the dishes they had about the right size. He scooped some stew into it before walking back to the desk.
Caprice started by setting his dish down by his book. Then he set down the one he’d brought for Nutmeg. She slid away from his hand, but he tried to ignore it. He pulled the blanket off his shoulder and set it down on her. Finally sitting back in his seat he went back to reading through the potion effects. He’d find something and fix this, then worry about her fear.
“Thank you,” she whispered. He pulled the book he was reading up to hide his face. He didn’t want her to see the smile he had.
The silence between the two lasted for at least an hour after that. He was growing increasingly angry at the lack of progress he’d made. He should have had something to clue him into it. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes, jumping at the yelp that came from beside his hand. He snapped his head down, Nutmeg had slithered next to him. Her hands were just about to touch his own.
“S-sorry nevermind,” she squeaked. He moved to stop her from moving away, cupping his hand behind her. She stared up at him with fear again, it made him want to walk away.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. She flinched, but didn’t try to leave. She just curled up into her tail again.
“I-I’m still cold, I…” He nodded and moved his hand a bit closer. Her tail hadn’t gotten much warmer. The extra blanket hadn’t been enough, everything else had enchantments. The enchantments set for him and Mel wouldn’t help Nutmeg.
“What would help?” She uncurled a bit and stared at him with wide eyes. In some ways it reminded him of how he looked when he first found someone to teach him magic. He should check in with her again, but that wasn’t much of an option. She’d left their home long before he did.
“Usually Aisling lets me curl up around them…” She turned her head away. Caprice forced himself not to curl his hands into fists. She coiled up faster than he’d seen her. He took a deep breath before nodding to himself. Mel was right, if the naga and drider were going to hurt them it would have happened by now.
“Ok, I guess you could curl around my neck? Are you long enough to do that safely right now?” 
Nutmeg nodded excitedly. He kind of liked that she was happy to be near him. He brought his other hand close and cupped them both around her. She wrapped her tail around his wrist as he lifted her. He hadn’t held either of them in his hand before, it was a strange feeling. Comforting in a way. Melody’s insistence to trust them started to make more and more sense. He held his hand up to his shoulder, shivering as Nutmeg slithered over. She was colder than he thought.
It was odd she wasn’t able to regulate her temperature well at this size. It was a natural ability so her body should handle it. He felt her settle against his neck, a strange feeling. He started looking into nagas and magic. As far as he could remember it wasn’t common they had any of their own. Nutmeg had probably been an outcast for her abilities. It was something he could relate to.
He went through book after book, but nothing that showed power like this. He couldn’t even find a history of a size changing power being innate. It seemed more like there should be some spell cast on her. That didn’t track, anyone who cast the spell would keep her close. He groaned again, the twitch of the tail on his shoulder keeping him from leaning back.
“How could this backfire on an innate ability…” he mumbled. Nutmeg twisted on his shoulders. Her small hands tapped his face, distracting him from his thoughts completely.
“Doesn’t innate mean natural?” she asked. He grunted an affirmative sound as he switched to a new book. He felt as Nutmeg started to fidget around his neck. It made him nervous. “...I wasn’t born with this…”
“...what?” His eyes went wide as he pushed books away. If this wasn’t natural then the potion would have locked it. 
“I was cursed a long time ago. Someone wanted me to use me, but they died…”
He nearly dropped the book he held. A curse interacting with the potion he modified would have side effects like this. He needed to just remove the effects of his potion. He was searching for a few minutes before landing on the one he needed. It would remove the effects of his potion, then they could work on the curse. He reached up and rubbed Nutmeg’s head with a finger.
“Looks like you’ll be back to semi-controlled size changing soon,” he laughed. Nutmeg curled tighter around his neck, it didn’t make him nervous like usual. He felt her arms spread around his neck.
“Thank you!” she said. He should probably start trusting Mel’s risks more readily.
Melody ripped off her helmet and threw it to the side. She grabbed Aisling, holding them tightly against her chest. The beast stealing the crops was a drider, one that wasn’t quite willing to talk. It wasn’t happy to have Melody show up, and was even angrier once Aisling crawled out of her helmet. It didn’t look normal, legs that looked to be injured somehow and wounds coated with something black. She panted as she fell to her knees. There had been something horribly wrong, like something had corrupted the drider. 
“Fuck,” Aisling whispered. Melody realized how tight she was holding the drider, quickly loosening her grip. “Fuck are you ok?”
“I’m fine, did you get hurt?” she asked. They shook their head. “Good, we’ll head back in a minute.”
She spent a minute on her knees before trying to climb back to her feet. Aisling climbed out of her hand and up to her shoulder. She was going to say something, but the sound of footsteps put her on edge. She forced herself up and dove to her helmet. She grabbed Aisling and put them in it. She held it close as she stood walking over to retrieve her sword from the now dead drider.
“Lady Melody?” the villager called. She grimaced, they only liked to say that when they thought she was dead. She turned towards them with her sword in hand. Their eyes went wide as she flicked the blood off the blade. Carefully she sheithed it, cautious of the blade’s metal.
“It’s dead, make sure to burn the corpse,” she ordered. 
They nodded at her and she started to step forward. Unfortunately her strength didn’t hold, sending her down on one knee. The villager made a face instead of helping her. Biting back her groan she set down the helm Aisling was in. A glare kept the villager far enough they wouldn’t see the small face. She ripped off her breast plate and pulled the potion out Cap made her restock. She downed it quickly, the healing effects making it easier to breathe already. She rushed to place her chest piece back before standing.
“I’ll burn it quickly, wouldn’t want to attract a giant with the blood after all,” they said. Carefully she moved to place the helmet back on. She waited until she felt Aisling climbing on her head to actually put it in place. 
“What makes you bring up giants? They haven’t been seen in the area for years,” she sighed. They always panicked over nothing.
“I’m shocked you didn’t hear it, lady knight. Apparently Sir Kyrie had nearly met with one in his travels. It was seen near the village he’d gone to. I’d heard it was bigger than the gods.” She froze, giants were something she never wanted to face. If one had been seen anywhere she knew the order would send her. The image of someone like Aisling near someone that made her look like a doll was terrifying.
“Wait… bigger than the gods? Which gods? That can’t just be a giant.” She stormed towards them grabbing their collar. Her height sometimes made it hard to be intimidating. The strength enchantments helped a lot.
“I-I only heard rumors! I-It was far off, apparently bigger than Lord Life and Lady Death. Sir Kyrie can tell you, he returned recently.”
“Kyrie’s back?” She let the villager go and stormed off. She heard the insults he made, but she had bigger problems.
“What the fuck was that about?” Aisling asked. Melody waited until she’d left the forest to consider answering.
“Giants aren’t supposed to be near here. Their territory isn’t anywhere around us. Besides they don’t reach remotely close to the gods. If something is that big we might be in trouble.” She left it unsaid that she’d be sent to deal with it. She’d seen enough of the damage humans could do, she didn’t want to see what a giant was capable of. The idea of it being like a god made her shudder. It would be worse if this was a new god, she was raised on the stories most mortals were finally forgetting.
“What about that Kyrie guy? You said he’s your partner, are you going to meet him?” She almost shook her head.
“No, we're going home. If he just got back he’s going to stop by soon. We’ll need to make sure you and Nutmeg are safely hidden. Cap might have messed up the potion at just the right time.”
“Shit, we should hurry.” Melody nodded this time, Aisling grabbed her hair. She moved in silence, murmurs from villagers picked up again. She knew there was blood on her, blood that made them remember she was a knight and would kill if she had to. “What happens if there is a giant near a village?”
“...I’m not sure…” She grimaced, the lie felt hard to say. She knew exactly what would happen, the exact thing that she’d been told would happen once they trusted her. She’d go to try and see if she could talk it down. Kyrie was her partner because he’d be able to kill it if she failed. If she failed the order wouldn’t be as willing to keep her anymore.
“Fuck, it would suck if they send you.” She wanted to laugh at that. The order would only take someone like her if she’d take risks like that. She just had to focus on getting home.
Caprice jumped when the door slammed. He rushed to pull his hood up to hide Nutmeg. The clank of armor made him relax, it was just Melody. He pulled Nutmeg off his shoulders and set her down on the pillow again. Mel needed to go get the ingredients, she could make sure no one asked any questions. He went to check on her, but froze as he rounded the corner.
The person in armor in front of him was a lot taller than his sister. The armor had blue accents instead of Mel’s black. He paled as the blue gauntlets reached up to the helm the knight wore. The face below was one he’d usually be happy to see. The only knight that didn’t give him and Mel dirty looks. Blue eyes met his own brown as the black hair fell to frame the face. Kyrie was back.
“Hey Caprice, I wanted to come check in,” the knight smiled. Caprice tried to smile and nonchalantly block Kyrie’s view inside. The spell books and potions weren’t a problem, but the naga sitting on the table certainly was. “Is Melody around? I heard she took care of a naga while I was gone.”
“Oh yeah, we had to take care of a few wounds after that one,” he laughed. He hoped Nutmeg would realize to hide. Keeping Kyrie out would cause suspicion. “Luckily nothing major. She ran off while I was out too.”
“Of course she did.” Kyrie shook his head with a smile. Mel would be happy to know he was worried, but this wasn’t good. The other man took a step forward, Caprice had to tilt his head up to meet his eyes. Kyrie was too tall, and he was fully human. “Did I come at a bad time?”
“No! I was just working on some more potions so it’s a mess in there.” Kyrie smiled and set a hand on Caprice’s head.
“Do you need help cleaning up?” Caprice tried not to let his panic show, Nutmeg wouldn’t be easy to hide. He never turned Kyrie’s help down usually.
“Yeah, just let me get the potion out of there. It… it could make you sick. I uh I was working on some poisons for you and Mel to put on your weapons. She went to take care of  a drider, at least she thought it might be one.”
“How long ago?” 
He knew Mel would hate it if he sent Kyrie to her. She’d hate it more if Kyrie found Nutmeg. He put up with her taking these risks, but he didn’t have a reason to trust her. Unfortunately the door opened again before he could answer. Mel stepped in, her armor coated in bits of blood. He saw Aisling on her shoulder as Kyrie started to turn towards her.
“Mel, you’re back! Kyrie stopped by to check in!” he shouted. Kyrie gave him a look, he wasn’t being subtle. He did see Mel reach up and grab Aisling. She held out her hand to a nearby table. They all had to hope Kyrie wouldn’t notice.
Kyrie felt out of place with the twins for the first time. When he got back from his trips he always stopped by. Caprice seemed like he’d invaded, they had told him to just walk in when he got back. He looked over Melody, her armor would need to be fixed. She never let him help even though he was skilled with enchanted armor. Then again she didn’t know he was skilled with enchanted armor.
“Melody,” he said and went to hug her. She was over a foot shorter than him, it felt too small most of the time. He wished he could be closer to her height, see in her eyes when she wasn’t staring up at him. She tensed in his hold, he always forgot she hated when he did this. He just liked to be close to her. He tried not to let how he felt break through. “How did things go with the drider?’
“D-drider?!” she squeaked. He pulled back to look at her. He wouldn’t be shocked if she let it go again. It was why he cared about her so much. It was why he couldn’t let her know what was in his heart.
“The drider that was going after the crops, remember?” Caprice said. Kyrie stepped to the side to keep both twins in his view. They stared at each other for a minute before Melody started to nod.
“Right, right. They weren’t willing to work anything out. The second they saw me and-” He furrowed his brow at the way she cut herself off. She cleared her throat before talking again. “And my armor they were hostile. We had to fight this time. They even seemed corrupted, like the last thing we fought together.”
Kyrie put a hand on her head. He wondered what it would feel like if he took off his gauntlets. It wasn’t like he could do that though. Melody looked up at him with a strange look. He knew that she hated when she had to kill something. It was part of what made him determined to stay near her. If she ever left the order he probably would too. He wanted someone like her to stay safe and alive.
“I’m sorry you had to do that,” he murmured. The look on her face morphed to one he understood. The same relief she had every time he apologized for killing something. He rubbed her head before pulling his hand back. “I left you to kill something twice while I was gone. I’m sure it was a lot harder with the naga.”
“Yeah… I need to change, Cap can you help me real quick. Kyrie, can you stay here for a bit? Just while Cap takes care of my injuries.” He nodded, a part of him thought he should leave. The selfish part of him that was desperate to be near Melody after his nightmare was stronger. The two walked off, it was the first time she seemed worried about any injuries she got. He leaned against the wall near him, it was small things like this he appreciated so much.
He could hear the two whispering to each other. Probably Caprice was angry at some way she had been hurt. He wouldn’t doubt she’d removed her helmet and got hurt from that. He smiled as he thought about her when she went to deal with problems. She had so much fire in her as she tried to reason with their targets. He stared down at his hand, flexing it. Someday he had to tell her.
“Kyrie,” she said. He jumped as he turned to look down at her. She’d changed quickly. He stood straight and smiled at her. She’d switched to a simple black shirt and pants. He noticed a bag at her side. “Caprice finally cleared out the potion leftovers, you can wait inside. I just need to run to the store quickly.”
“Why don’t I-” he tried.
“No, just relax, I want to hear about your trip when I get back. I heard you had a close run in with a giant.” He tried not to let the comment phase him. He’d heard the rumors and had to feed them. He hated that it happened. He’d been careless.
“If you’re sure.” She nodded and walked out the door. He stared after her for a few minutes. Slowly his gaze drifted to a small bit of web hanging off the nearby table. He kneeled next to it. He reached out, the webbing wasn’t right for spiders. He leaned closer to it, the way it landed wasn’t from Melody carrying it in after the fight.
“Kyrie?” Caprice asked. He jumped and turned to face the mage. He looked nervous. A bad feeling filled his chest. He was getting nervous, somehow they might know what he was. He let the web fall, it was too small for it to be a drider at least. Standing straight he tried to look calm as Caprice continued to fidget. “Mel’s seen the mess so we can just leave it. How was your trip?”
“Good, didn’t run into many problems.”
Caprice nodded and brought him inside. He looked around, shocked at the mess of books. He made his way to the table and looked over them. All of them were about controlling natural abilities. He flipped to some of the saved pages, finding bookmarks on size shifting. He jumped when Caprice grabbed the book from him. The mage seemed more defensive than normal.
“Is everything-” a crash cut Kyrie short. It sounded like it came from Melody’s room. He grabbed the hilt of his sword and started forward. “Wait here.”
He stalked forward. If something were in here he wouldn't kill it, but he would keep them safe. He kept a careful eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Another crash sounded from nearby, he froze waiting for a sign. He heard a step behind him and spun quickly. His sword was half out before he realized it was Caprice. He spun back around and made his way closer to the first sound.
“Kyrie, you know how Mel is,” Caprice laughed. He shushed the shorter man. “She probably left something in a bad spot and it fell. Let’s just go wait-”
Another crash cut him off. Kyrie turned to give him a look before inspecting the area around them. He turned towards the noise and stepped forward again. Caprice was making too much sound behind him. He spun around and set a hand on the mage’s shoulder. He was determined to keep him safe. Kyrie brought a finger to his lips and Caprice nodded.
He turned back towards Melody’s room. Another crash came as he did. Caprice stayed quiet now as he moved. He paused between the two closed doors. One to the training room Melody set up, the other to her own room. He waited for a sound to come from either room, a crash to his right decided where he’d check. He reached forward and started to push open the door. He was tempted to send Caprice away while he dealt with this. 
The mage backed away from the door, he took that as good enough. Pushing the door all the way open he stepped inside the room. Melody’s armor had fallen into a pile, he looked for a sign of what caused it. The sound of his own armor as he moved seemed too loud. He knelt next to the pile, inspecting the mess. He could see bits of web stuck to the pieces. He smiled as he turned back to Caprice.
“Looks like you were right,” he said. The mage seemed to relax only to tense again immediately. Kyrie stepped forward to try and calm him. “Melody seemed to get web stuck to her armor when fighting the drider.”
“R-right,” Caprice murmured. 
There was a crash from the room behind Caprice that made him act. He marched forward slamming open the door. He didn’t see anything right away, but the place was a wreck. A set of Melody’s armor in here looked nearly crushed. Weapons were pushed haphazardly to the side of the room. The bench that the two sat on after sparring had been cracked in half. He stepped in, Caprice’s footsteps shadowed him. The source of the crash wasn’t easy to identify this time. A guess would be the weapons hadn’t been placed back properly.
Caprice was mumbling behind him. He looked around for anything that could have been the source of the sound. Carefully he set weapons back where they belonged and fixed the armor to stand again. He did move it up against the wall, it was moved closer to the center of the room. He approached the bench, it almost looked like something had tried to break it. Lifting one he saw the break wasn’t as smooth as he thought, like something had fallen on it that was too heavy.
“Looks like it was nothing!” Caprice shouted. It made him jump, drop the part of the bench he was holding. He sighed, it was the first time it felt like he wasn’t trusted by the twins. He approached Caprice and set a hand on his shoulder. A hopefully kind smile on his face.
“Caprice, you know that the two of you can trust me, right?” he asked. The mage quickly looked away instead of answering. Kyrie just sighed again before stepping closer to the door. “Right, got it. I guess we should just wait for Melody? Or should I just-”
Kyrie’s words died in his throat as he took a step. He felt the familiar burning as one of his greaves started to fall off. The pounding of his heart felt louder than anything else. Caprice said something he couldn’t hear. He tried to fix it, but pain coursed through his body before he could. It was too much, he could barely move. Falling to his knees a growl escaped him.
“Kyrie!?” Caprice said. 
He looked up at the human mage, his face was too close. It had already started. Panting, Kyrie used all his strength to push Caprice away from him. It was already more than he meant. The control was falling apart. Caprice fell off his feet, a small naga and drider fell off his shoulders. He tried to ask something, but more pain made him groan instead. A surge of pain and his body grew much more visibly. 
Another surge and he felt his back hit the ceiling. He tried not to move, he didn’t want to destroy Melody’s things. He managed to move his hand and reach for Caprice. The mage scrambled back and into the hall. He preferred that, he didn’t want the smaller man to get hurt. He groaned as another bout of pain racked his body. Pel had warned him about going out of order when removing his armor. He was tempted to try and break through the front wall to get  a bit more room.
His decision didn’t matter as his body surged again. He forced himself off his knees. The movement made his arms hit the wall in front of him. It pushed the wall out so he could see into the hall again. Caprice was standing again, the fear on his face was horrible. He moved down the hall holding the smaller beings he’d seen. A part of him wanted to stop him, to cover him with his hands as his size increased.
The nightmare he had flashed through his mind. The armor shattering as he lost himself. All the people important to him were hurt by his own hands. He let out a growl of pain as his body tried to grow again. He wanted to move so it hurt less, but it would destroy their house. He had no hope of fixing his armor anymore either. Not unless he wanted to destroy a large chunk of their home.
“Kyrie?” Melody called. He sucked in a breath, he didn’t have any smells hit him. That part was at least purely a dream. He couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes, he didn’t fully remember closing them. “You’re crying, don’t worry we’ll fix this. Caprice had no idea his potion could do this.”
“M-Melody,” he mumbled. Slowly he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see her right in front of his face. He growled as his body surged again, he would have to tell her the truth. “M-my armor came loose. Wasn’t Caprice.”
“This is normal?!” He hated the way she changed, that she backed away once she asked. He grimaced, but managed to nod. He watched the bit of wood fall from his hair as he did. 
“I loosened the strap on one of his fucking leg pieces. I didn’t know this shit could fucking happen!” another voice said. The drider he’d seen crawled onto Melody’s shoulder. His eyes widened as she offered them a palm. “Stupid fucking knights with all your weird fucking magic.”
“Aisling, go tell Cap I’ll deal with this…” He could hear the fear in her voice. He needed to get out of here, to leave. He could make a life somewhere else… even if he never saw her again. He wanted to speak, but the dream came back, making him keep his mouth closed. He wouldn’t have fangs, he never did, but if this time there was a chance he didn’t want her to see it. She set the drider on the ground before looking up at him again. “Ok, which leg was it?”
She stepped closer. He saw her clothes and hair move as he sucked in a breath. She shuddered, he couldn’t make himself talk. Melody sighed and stepped close enough to touch his nose. As she placed a hand on his nose he fought back a chill down his spine. She was so small already, his real height would make her seem miniscule. His eyes stung as he cried again, her smile felt forced as she looked at him.
“I’d kind of like my house not to get destroyed, if fixing your armor will fix this let me help, we’re partners aren’t we?” she asked. He opened his mouth to answer and she stepped back. He waited for her to scream about fangs, for his dream to become real. “I’ll be honest, I thought you’d have fangs. Giants usually do, right?”
“Left,” he mumbled. She smiled at him again. The smile felt a bit more honest, he couldn’t help wondering if she’d hate him with fangs. Melody nodded and started to move around his face, he gasped, making her pause. “Don’t… Y-you might get hurt.”
“I always might get hurt, but-” He growled as another bout of pain hit him. She had a lot more fear on her face after that slipped out. It would kill him if she hated him, he knew it. “W-we don’t have a choice.”
He didn’t get to argue before she disappeared from his view. He kept his body frozen despite the pain he felt. The spells Pelago had put in his armor were still active, he could feel her climb over him. She kept a hand on his side as she moved.
“Your armor isn’t made of iron, or any of the other normal metals the order uses,” she whispered. He didn’t risk making a single movement or noise. It didn’t matter, he shuddered as he grew again. The room creaked, that horrible dream playing in his head. “J-just hold still, it’ll only take a minute.”
She climbed on his leg, the feeling unbelievable to consider. He was curious how it would feel if she were near him at his real size. If it wasn’t enchantments that let him feel her small hands on him. He had more pain course through him and he tried to hold back another surge of growth. He couldn’t hold back the twitch as his body shifted a few more feet. She yelped and his blood ran cold.
“Melody!” he growled out. It ripped through him and made her fall off his leg. She started to panic as the metal around her grew, the body beneath it growing too. She knew it was Kyrie, that he was kind. It wasn’t making it any easier to face him growing like this. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself before climbing to her feet again.
“I’m almost there, just stay still!” she called. She heard him grunt, the noise sounded way too loud.
She pulled herself onto his leg again. It was her right so his left. She just had to find the strap, she didn’t even know his armor had straps. Her greaves didn’t. She sat on her knees as she finally reached the gap in the huge armor. At first it seemed like her arms wouldn’t reach each end of the straps. She laid across his leg, the skin beneath her felt warmer than any human’s. It made her anxious.
She grabbed the strap and pulled with all her strength. Kyrie grunted, the strap grew bigger in her hold. She pulled it all the way to the other side, some kind of magic seemed to lock it in place. She yelped as the leg beneath her quickly disappeared. She landed on the ground with a groan. Kyrie groaned not too far from her.
“Kyr-” she tried. He was on his feet before she could say his name. He ran off without a word. She climbed to her feet and tried to run after him, but he was faster than usual. She was standing at the opened door as he ran off. “Wait…”
“Mel!” Caprice said. He pulled her back inside away from the door. “We need to treat the burns before they get bad.”
Caprice led her inside. He sat her down at the table, Nutmeg and Aisling were sitting there too. She set her hands on the table, palm up. Caprice applied some ointment they were taught about a long time ago. Her hands were fine though, his armor didn’t burn.
“Cap…” she murmured. He stopped the spell part way through and stared at her. His eyes were wide and filled with worry. “His armor, it didn’t burn…”
“Why would it burn?” Nutmeg asked. Her voice was innocent, asking something normal. Melody paled, freezing as she shared a look with Caprice. He shook his head a bit, but they didn’t have anything good to answer with. They both struggled with full lies, they couldn’t hide the truth. Aisling stepped forward blocking Nutmeg from them.
“What the fuck is going on?” they seethed. Caprice gave her a look, then stared at the two. She saw his gaze focus on Nutmeg for a bit.
“Go ahead,” he whispered. He finished the spell, she knew it was in case she was wrong.
“It would burn if it wasn’t a special type of metal… One that a fae could touch.”
“The fuck do you mean fae? Are you fucking faeries?!” Melody felt her own heart shattering. She liked Aisling and Nutmeg. If it were her choice they’d never learn the truth, the reason she and Caprice were considered cursed. Half fae and the kind that looks more human. The kind that had a human mother.
“Not exactly. Our mother was human…” Caprice took over for her. She always struggled to admit the truth, he did too. “Our father wasn’t. Our blood is cursed. It’s too human to be fae and too fae to be human.” 
“What?” Nutmeg curled up around Aisling. She was shaking, Melody reached forward to try and comfort her. Aisling didn’t seem to like the idea. They bared their fangs at her.
“Cap, I left everything by the door. Let’s get Nutmeg fixed and you two can head out.” She felt something catching in her throat. She couldn’t let the pain show, this was normal. Fae played tricks, there was a history, it was more likely they lied and were changelings. If it wasn’t that they were Fae in disguise.
Caprice went to get what he needed. Somehow she thought she could keep up the lie in front of them. That they’d never ask a question that she couldn’t dance around. Nutmeg moved around Aisling and came up to her hand. She smiled, the little naga was kind. She knew the shaking was fear, she could see it. Nutmeg still set her small hands on her fingers. Looking up at her with a sense of curiosity.
“Is that why you helped me?” she asked. Melody smiled and shook her head. She could hear Caprice brewing the new potion already. It wouldn’t take him long.
“No, I helped you because two innocent beings were going to be killed out of fear. Being part fae is just why I knew you were the honest ones.” 
Nutmeg nodded, but her shaking continued. Slowly the little naga slithered up onto her palm. She gasped as Nutmeg settled calmly into her palm and wrapped her tail around her wrist. Melody nearly cried as the little snake sighed and settled more. Aisling climbed up and settled on her shoulder. She flinched a bit, but was happy to feel the fuzzy spider half pressing into her neck. Caprice came back in with a vial in his hands. 
He paused as he looked over the three of them. She set the vial down and went to sit on the side opposite Aisling. He leaned his head on Melody’s shoulder, she smiled at him. 
“Cursed blood is stupid… You’re just weird humans,” Aisling mumbed. Nutmeg was shivering more, Melody was sure it wasn’t fear this time. Caprice slipped her off Melody’s hand and brought her up to his neck. She slithered off his hands and wrapped around him.
“I guess we found the first ones not afraid of the fae in us,” Caprice laughed. Nutmeg let out a content hiss. “Maybe we leave things as they are for now. You’ll be back to sort of under control shifting tomorrow Nutmeg, if that’s ok?”
“Mmm,” she sighed. Melody and Caprice both laughed at the sleepy sounding naga.
“You still promised to fix her, give her full control. We can’t leave until you do that.” Melody raised a hand and ran a finger down Aisling’s spider half.
“I think we can manage that…”
Melody sighed. The feeling of Kyrie’s armor on her hands flit through her mind. It made sense now, why he always wore the armor. She had to go see him. Find out more about the life he hid from her. Depending on what he said she may even trust him with her truth. She wouldn’t be able to tell Aisling or Nutmeg, at the very least one would try to tag along. Caprice was easy enough to stop. She just had to use his name. They were all still recovering from what happened. She’d deal with the aftermath later.
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minusgangtime · 7 months
Hmph. Where did this sudden insolence come from? You were so cooperative before.
*Then...it seemed to have an idea.*
But don't worry.
*It's form began to shrink, solidify, still a canid form, but oddly insectoid, with green plating and iridescent wings...wait...was that...?
Star froze, that tiny modicum of courage she'd felt gone in an instant when she realized just who was standing in front of her. She gripped Blue's hand even tighter.*
I know exactly what to do to keep you here.
*So it really had dug through her memories...that was the only possible way it would've known who this was, and what he meant to Star. The entity lifted its long tail, the stinger at the tip drenched with venom.
Star + ???
((Violence is now allowed <3))
Blue growled and tackled them to the ground, holding his katana like he was going to stab it-
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