#she was perfectly healthy it was so sudden
sp3llboundgirl · 1 year
Rest in peace my little Daisy 🌼
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jesterlaughingstock · 10 months
Fighting against the urge to put rory gilmore, a character i like and relate to, on my profile picture because she's an attractive white girl with blue eyes and that feels like a betrayal to the incredibly long journey of accepting my brown features
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wileys-russo · 21 days
tiny red hearts II a.putellas
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tiny red hearts II a.putellas
amid the pandemic everyone picked up a hobbie in lockdown.
if it be knitting, dancing, pottery, reading, cooking, puzzles. you name it, someone had likely perfected it as an art form during those weeks and weeks locked away from society.
for you it was no different. you'd tried cooking, reading, jigsaws, colouring in, sudoku, even gardening but nothing really clicked.
until one day you were endlessly doom scrolling your various social medias as again, everyone was, when you stumbled across a nail art video. intrigued you'd watched it, then another, and another, and another, the worm hole you fell down was one that was long and steep and swift.
then before you knew it you had package after package arriving on your doorstep, much to your girlfriends confusion at your sudden online shopping habits. normally you were quite the stickler for the 'its a want not a need' type attitude, but with the packages snatched up and hidden away in your room the days melted into weeks as you worked tirelessly to perfect your new art.
and a week of hard work and countless hours spent watching youtube tutorial after youtube tutorial later holed up in the guest bathroom, you'd done it.
that wasn't to say your clear dedication to your new hobbie was one your girlfriend enjoyed, forever trying to bait you into doing something with her but you'd just brush her off, eyes glued to your phone screen which was propped up against a bottle of shampoo.
which is how you came to be sitting on the floor of your living room weeks and weeks later, bottles of polish sat in perfect colour coded order on the coffee table with all your little brushes and tools neatly lined up in front.
your bottom lip was firmly between your teeth, eyebrows furrowed deeply with concentration as your eyes squinted and your hand moved slowly and precisely.
your girlfriend of two years whom you shared your home with and whom you'd been locked in with for the horrendously active period of this ghastly pandemic lay stretched out on the sofa behind you, toned tanned arms crossed firmly across her chest.
her face was stoic and seemingly stern as ever, you'd forever nag her about the frown lines she was embedding into her beautifully smooth skin with the scowl she'd not even clock was on her face nearly all the time when she found herself deep in thought or lost in her own mind.
but she'd merely brush it off with a wave or a hum, nothing unusual when she was reviewing game footage and given she wasn't currently able to play her studying of games when she could had only increased.
you were off in your own little world and she was in hers, you coexisted but knew how not to be codependent, something which had surprisingly caused your relationship to stay just as strong if not more so during this lockdown together.
one of the key things that made your relationship healthy was the fact that despite how long you'd been seeing one another you still spent time apart, and despite not being able to leave the house much you still had different hobbies and interests to preoccupy your time.
you would go shopping or out for drinks with your school friends you'd known for years, as alexia would often go for dinner or hikes with some of her own childhood friends, well that was when she wasn't chasing after ball and getting grass stains all over her legs.
but that's not by any means to say you weren't positively and certainly head over heels infatuated with one another, and whenever you did spend time apart you were increasingly clingy that night once you were reunited, but when out you knew to respect one another's time and space and didn't feel the need to be texting one another the entiere time.
after all there was seldom you loved more than laying down with alexia of an evening, the two of you knew how to treasure quality time and found that so long as you were together you could be doing nothing at all and still perfectly content.
with her body warm and strong it pressed against yours as you'd lay down squished on the sofa, soft gentle kisses littered across your shoulders as your fingers intertwined and you'd take turns filling one another in on how your days were since you'd spent them apart.
back to present day sat on the floor you gave a small exhale of relief when you finally finished the intricate design you'd been working on, your frown of concentration switching quickly into a grin of delight as you slipped your hand into the UV nail lamp and waited for them to dry.
as you had been every now and then you leaned your head back to rest against the couch, knocking it back into alexias good knee and puckering your lips expectantly.
then with a smile and a small chuckle your girlfriend pulled herself up to sit with a quiet grunt, leaning down and rewarding you with a soft kiss before returning back to her previous position.
punching the pillow behind her head and wiggling slightly until she was comfortable, her foot poked at your shoulder every now and then as if to reassure her you were still there without needing to look.
since a young age you had been known to daydream.
it got you into a fair deal of trouble in school, forever having a teachers hand or a heavy textbook slammed down onto your desk with a loud bang to snap you back into reality, your peers giggling and cheeks flashed bright red as you'd smile sheepishly and do your best to focus on your lessons.
your girlfriend however had always found it adorable as much as amusing as you'd zone out from reality and go somewhere she never understood.
sometimes as you drifted away into your own head alexia would just watch you with lovesick puppy dog eyes, filled with nothing but pure adoration that was so sweet it could give someone a tooth ache, though always in the privacy and intimacy of just one another's company.
after all the big bad la reina couldn't be known to be so whipped for her girlfriend (everyone already knew she was).
case in point right now where you'd clearly drifted off somewhere as the footballers eyes glanced down toward you and her hardened features softened, corners of her mouth curled upward into a smile.
"hola, princesa." you snapped right out of it as her foot moved to poke at your cheek this time, dragging you back down to earth as you pushed it away and sent her a playful glare, pulling your other hand out and flicking off the lamp as both of them were now dry.
"look amor!" you leapt up eagerly and dropped down on the lounge next to your girlfriend, sat practically on top of her, wiggling your fingers proudly at the blonde who hummed.
"muy bien bebé." alexia complimented, leaning up and softly kissing your cheek before turning her attention back to the television where the match had resumed, as did the stoic expression on her face.
"alee." you started with a coy smile, grabbing her hand and interlacing your fingers with a gentle squeeze. "mm?" the midfielder hummed, eyes unmoving from the screen.
"can i paint your nails cari?" you asked hopefully, alexia only letting out a puff of air from her nose as she chuckled, shaking her head. "por favor you know i am good and they will look good!" you pleaded, squeezing her hand again and even kissing over her knuckles a few times.
"no mi amor, no nails." alexia shook her head as you huffed, moving to rest your chin on her shoulder, lazily kissing her jaw. "sí nails. sí, sí, sí, sí, sí-" you repeated over and over, peppering kisses across her face.
now as much as alexia could be at times be a fierce woman, driven and passionate and willing to do absolutely anything to achieve whatever she set her mind to, she had a fatal soft spot.
alexia would do nearly everything that you asked of her, especially with a few choice sweet words in her ear and a charming smile you had the catalan wrapped around your little finger, and you reveled in it.
so of course it was with a deep sigh that alexia inevitably gave into your demand, wordlessly placing her free hand in your lap as you beamed and perked right up.
clapping happily you sat up properly and grabbed her chin in your hand, pecking her lips a few times and reveling in the slight pink blush which coated her cheeks.
"tan lindo." you cooed, pinching her cheeks as her eyes rolled but she made no move to argue which only caused your elated grin to grow.
you moved her hand and sat back down on the ground, staring carefully at the arsenal of colours at your disposal, taking a few moments to decide what you wanted before nodding happily and grabbing what you needed.
you settled back down on the lounge as again alexia moved her hand into your lap, eyes glued to the match as her eyebrows turned downward in frustration at a fumbled tackle and an easily preventable shot at the barcelona goal, a shake of her head and an annoyed grumble under her breath.
"you will get wrinkles corazón." you teased, smoothing out her eyebrow with your thumb as the tiniest of smiles flickered across her face just for a moment which wasn't missed by you.
"déjame en paz." the footballer muttered as you chuckled and kissed her palm sweetly, turning her hand back over and adjusting your position a little.
warning her to stay still you placed her right hand down on your knee and grabbed the first colour, tugging the coffee table closer so everything you needed was well within reach to avoid anything being knocked or falling.
much as alexia might bend over backwards to do as you asked you knew well enough if you spilled even a drop of polish on the carpet or the sofa you knew you'd be hearing about it for weeks.
as you set to work your girlfriends face remained blank, but her bright hazel eyes flickered down to you curiously every now and then, corner of her lip curling upward at the look of sheer concentration on your face and the way the tip of your tongue poked out of the side of your mouth.
finishing one hand you blew gently on the nails, unable to use the machine which was plugged in on the floor and just out of reach. though not in any rush you awaited her first hand to dry as you kept a cautious eye that she didn't move as your head dropped to her shoulder.
there was a comfortable silence between you, the only sound the occasional grunt of frustration from the taller girl whose side you were curled into, a shake of her head and something mumbled under her breath at every costly mistake.
her first hand drying you tapped her knee, gesturing for her to swing her legs into your lap so you could reach her other hand. shuffling her body she did as you asked, sliding down a little as her head thumped backward into the soft cushions behind.
you couldn't do anything to keep the smile off your face as you worked on your girlfriends nail design, incredibly happy with how it turned out as again you gently blew on her other hand, settling it back into her lap to dry same as the first one.
warning her once again about not moving you crawled up the lounge and wedged yourself into her, sitting half on top of her much to the older girls amusement as you pulled her other arm to drape across your shoulder allowing you to tuck yourself even tighter into her side.
checking a few moments later you were happy they were dry and sat up a little, shrugging off your girlfriends arm and eagerly taking her hands in yours.
"listo!" you announced happily as alexia's eyes moved from the tv to her hands which made yours seem tiny, your own gaze falling to admire both the size difference and the small 11 tattooed on the back of her palm.
"i did more of a pale pink because i know you do not like them too bright, but i did tiny red hearts on each nail for barça!" you explained with a beaming smile, alexia melting at the confession as she stole a glance toward you and softened even more seeing the clear and pure joy in your eyes.
"muy perfecto bebita." your girlfriend gave you a small smile not giving much away, one of her hands slipping around to cup the back of your neck and bringing you into a tender kiss.
"can i put them on my story? i think these are some of my favourites." you asked hopefully as alexia shrugged, eyes having returned back to the final few minutes of the match, seemingly unfazed.
grabbing your phone you positioned her hands on her knees, taking a few photos and editing your favourite before adding it onto your instagram and curling back up on top of your girlfriend who held you tightly, eyes flickering down to her nails with a small hidden smile every few minutes.
that next day at training was a very different story though as alexia couldn't wait to show off her nails to the rest of the team.
the morning was spent with the midfielder very proudly boasting how good you were and that you were completely self taught, ignoring all the teasing remarks thrown her way about how she'd gone soft.
when you'd come to collect her that afternoon having dropped her off and borrowed her car for the day as yours was being serviced you were overwhelmed as a small group of the girls suddenly swarmed you in the carpark.
"hey hey hey back up!" alexia warned protectively, moving in front of you with a mean stare as a few of the younger girls cowered and hurried off to their own cars as the rest rolled their eyes, knowing that really she was all bark and no bite.
"me next amiga! maybe little black hearts? or...letters!" mapi beamed, eyes flickering toward her girlfriend who caught onto what she was wanting and blushed as you laughed.
"get your own! este es mío." alexia huffed, wrapping herself around you as her chin hooked into your shoulder and she sent her best friend a glare.
"tomorrow? but you must cook me dinner as payment maría." you offered with a grin, mapi agreeing eagerly as you promised to also do ingrid's nails when you caught her frowning at you over her girlfriends head.
"sí, sí! before the next game chicas, promise." you laughed as pina, salma and cata swooped in next undeterred by the murderous glare given by your girlfriend, who refused to unwind her arms where they wrapped tightly around your torso holding your back flush to her front.
"we are going! relax capi, you will get wrinkles." cata smirked as alexia's eyes narrowed even further and the three sprinted off and away.
with a small laugh you craned your back back staring up at your girlfriend with a wide grin.
"see amor? i warned you about the frown wrinkles."
you expected alexia to allow the nails for a couple of days before she'd want to return back to normal with a clean set again, so you were surprised when anytime you'd offer to help her take it off she seemed to come up with every and any excuse not to.
by the end of day five with the rigorous gym program and workouts needed with alexia's recovery the polish was cracked and chipped, most of it worn off and faded, hearts now barely recognisable as just small red blobs.
it was that night alexia finally seemed eager for you to wipe them clean, again swinging her long bare legs into your lap and settling her hands on her knee for you to work on.
the removal process compared to the creation was next to nothing and before even five minutes had passed you were finished, tapping her legs to let you up to move your things back to the bathroom where they normally lived.
when you returned it was to an empty and dark living room, so changing route you followed the light at the end of the hallway where you finally found your girlfriend once more.
you held a hand over your mouth to stifle the loud boom of laughter you wished you could get out, the catalan having fallen deep asleep on top of the bed, one of your favorite dramas playing in the background where she'd clearly intended the two of you to lay in bed together and watch.
with a small sigh of amusement you flitted back around the house ensuring everything was locked before you returned, closing the bedroom door behind you with a gentle click.
the room now only illuminated by the dim glow of the tv you flicked off the downlight and you made you way around to her side of the bed and crouched down.
"amor. amor. alexia!" you called out softly, moving one arm to shake her lightly when there was no response, the blondes chocolate brown eyes fluttering open tiredly once you shook her a little harder.
"hola bebé, into bed?" you ran a hand through her mane of hair, moving a few loose strands off her forehead with a soft smile as the footballer sighed tiredly but sat up with a curt nod as you tugged down the covers allowing her to slip in properly.
already showered and changed you ducked off to the bathroom to brush your teeth before joining her, chuckling as once more she was seemingly dead to the world, mouth ever so slightly ajar as her blonde hair sprawled across the pillow.
though as the mattress dipped, never the heaviest of sleepers alexia awoke a little, turning around to her other side and shuffling down the bed as her face pressed into your neck and her long legs tangled with yours, feet rubbing against one another.
you felt an i love you mumbled against your skin as her arms wrapped tightly around your torso, latching her taller body firmly onto yours making you smile and tangle a hand in her hair, lips lingering against the warm skin of her forehead.
"te quiero más."
a few days later you'd removed your own nail design and sat down to try a new one, having spent a few hours scrolling through for inspiration before it struck and within minutes you'd grabbed what you needed and settled.
though before you could even glance to the bottles of polish a body dropped down next to you and suddenly strong hands were on your hips lifting you up.
"ale!" you laughed as she set you down on her lap, long legs stretched out straight as you wiggled a little to get comfortable. "my turn first please." the girl spoke in her adorably accented english, hands moving around you and placing themselves on your knees.
"oh your turn?" you asked both equally pleased and surprised, turning a little so you could look at her properly. "sí, mi novia so my turn." alexia grinned, pointing to you and then back at herself before moving her head to press a soft and tender kiss against your lips.
you smiled as you pulled away, a hand softly carressing her cheek as your thumb pulled at her bottom lip, pressing another tender kiss against them with a lovesick sigh.
"of course mi amor whatever you want. so, what colour?"
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xiao-come-home · 1 year
❝Uncurable disease... or so they say.❞
✰ Characters: Neuvillette.
✰ Words: 1k.
✰ SFW ; gn!reader, no mentions of pronouns, but neuvillette uses female pet name towards the reader, I think.
Warnings: slight hurt, but then a lot of comfort. neuvi doesnt know how confessing works and does it his own way.
A/N: NEUVILLETTE BRAINROT NEUVILLETTE BRAINROTKORFKKTGOID GRRRRRR it was supposed to short but oh well 1k words hehe shy emoji
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“You make me ill.”
Neuvillette’s words pierce through your heart like daggers. His orchid eyes stare you down and indicate absolutely nothing; his sudden confession left you in a circle between shock and confusion.
The words spread throughout your body like poison, but in reality you’re only staring back at him. The hurt starts to become visible on your face, but your mouth seems to be unable to let out a noise; yet, the voice in your head yells and begs to know the answer as to why.
You clutch the rainbow rose he brought you close to your chest, being the first to take your eyes off him. You look at the ground, feeling the familiar clump in your throat that starts to form.
Neuvillette has been feeling sick as of late. Or at least, that’s what he thought - well, what else could explain that he feels his temperature rise, his heart beating so fast it could escape his chest, making even his voice tremble? “No, this cannot be-“ Neuvillette thought frantically, massaging his temples, “It’s time for a professional to evaluate.”
Though, as expected - the doctor was of no help. She giggled to herself, “I apologize, monsieur Neuvillette, I’m afraid I can’t help in this case. I can assure you however, you’re perfectly healthy.” The chief of justice felt the uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment, but thanked the doctor and left the room.
After yet another trial where Neuvillette seemed to be somewhere else with his thoughts, Furina confronted him with a tinge of annoyance in her voice. The white haired man could only mutter a thing, that he does not feel well; at the sound of his pathetic excuse, Furina stood up from her seat furiously, throwing her hands in the air, “You aren’t sick, fool! You’re in love!”The hydro archon’s cheeks flushed a slight pink at her own statement, but she was no match for her subordinate; she pushed the sudden bashfulness away, “n-now, do something about it immediately! I will not tolerate it in the courtroom any longer!” Furina crossed her arms and sat down again, furrowing her brows and watching the empty seats below her.
Seeing you divert your eyes away, Neuvillette’s expression softened significantly, his line of sight mimicking yours and shifting to a nearby bench.
Neuvillette blinks quickly, his eyelashes batting at you in surprise, “Come again? What do you mean?”
“Why do you hate me?”
He could feel the boiling hot feeling spreading through his body, although not a pleasant one. His eyes widened at you and his lips parted ever so slightly - but Neuvillette could only hear his heart beating so fast, beating to the rhythm of worry and uncertainty.
Before he could react properly, he saw a small tear dripping down your cheek, onto the cold pavement.
But his body moved without thinking.
He cups your cheeks gently with his gloved hands and moves your head up, just enough so you could look at him. His thumbs wipe your tears off your face, sighing deeply and finally speaking the real deal.
“You… make my heart race. It beats ungodly fast whenever I lay my eyes on you. You’ve been occupying my thoughts for many months, and even if I try to think about anything else - I cannot bring myself to do it, because it all comes back to you. I can’t… stop thinking about you, I can’t stop myself from admiring your ravishing beauty, I want you-“
“Wait!” You yell just enough to make him stop, both of you avoiding each other’s gazes and blushing bright red, but his hands stayed firmly on your face, no longer drying off tears, but caressing the apples of your cheeks he gently, “if that’s how you feel, then why…? Why did you say it like that?” For what it feels like first time in forever, you look into his gorgeous eyes that resemble the finest amethyst.
“I… I apologize, I didn’t want you to misunderstand me,” Neuvillette gasps slightly when he feels your delicate palms on his own hands, “but I truly mean it - I…”
Your breath hitches in your throat; the butterflies in your stomach don’t seem to help, but the anticipation has you almost shaking.
“I love you.”
Neuvillette can’t describe the weight that’s been lifted off his shoulders; but the sinking sensation in his stomach of not knowing what will happen next is making him nervous more than anything. When more tears meet his hands yet again, he fears for the worst.
“It’s alright, please do not shed any more tears because of me. I’m happy enough to have said it,” except, he doesn’t. He feels his heart break in half, getting filled by nothing but a void of emptiness.
The clouds become gloomy - looks like it’s going to rain later.
Just as his hands slide down and he begins to turn away, you reach out for his arm and grab it, causing him to spare you one, last look.
“Wait! I’m sorry, don’t go… I love you too, silly.” You manage to murmur the last few words loud enough that he could hear.
Neuvillette can’t believe it’s actually happening. He appears stunned for a minute, watching you in disbelief, but then a genuine smile graces his lips; his hands play with your fingers and silently ask to be intertwined with yours. When your interlaced hands give him a small squeeze, he gives you the softest, most lovesick look with his eyes that no one could ever imagine.
He places a quick kiss on your forehead and leans against it. Neuvillette’s eyes close for a moment, absorbing the fleeting moment.
It doesn’t take long before the chief of justice pushes your chin up with his fingers, his thumb brushing your lower lip, awaiting for your answer, “Can I, ma chérie?”
It only takes seconds for him to finally lock your lips together, and he wishes to feel that tenderness forever from this day forward.
Neuvillette certainly has to learn a bit more about expressing feelings - now, with your help.
The golden sun returns to adorn the clear skies once more.
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shawnxstyles · 2 years
please, call me peter
summary: you haven’t been able to come with anyone besides yourself, making you think something’s wrong with you. once you go to the gynecologist, dr. parker shows you that you’re just fine.
request: yes yes
words: 3.4k
warnings: SMUT (f- receiving [fingering], dub-con, small praise kink, dirty talking), and a cute ending.
note: shooting out requests like webs. sorry that was lame. if this makes you uncomfortable, do not read.
gynecologist!peter x female!reader
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Your eyes scan the white room while you sit impatiently. Your heart lightly thuds in your chest and your fingers drum rapidly along your clothed thigh. The nurse had asked if you wanted to change into a hospital gown, which you politely denied. She gave you an indifferent expression before walking out, leaving you here.
You were at the gynecologist for one concerning reason; every time you had sex, you couldn’t come. Your previous relationship ended because you were unable to reach that euphoric high, which you believed was a ridiculous reason to leave someone. You weren’t as sad as you thought you’d be because you were too concerned with your own well-being to dwell on some bloke.
Before heading to the doctor, you had a quick hook-up, assuming that you and your ex just weren’t sexually compatible. But then you were proved wrong when you didn’t come. Again. You weren’t really the hook-up type, in fear of catching some unwanted disease or infection. Finally, you took matters into your own hands, literally, and masturbated with your fingers until you orgasmed all over your bed sheets.
See? It wasn’t impossible.
Then why couldn’t you come with other people? It had to be your fault. It had to be.
So, again, you were left here in the small hospital room sitting between empty stirrups with your ankles tightly crossed. The widening of the wooden door alerted you, your eyes shooting towards the man entering the room.
A guy? Your gynecologist was a guy?
You knew you were a decently healthy person because you were always on track with your appointments, even small check-ups. Because of your good wellness, you had never needed to go to the gyno. Until now, which seemed a bit nerve-racking all of a sudden.
The second the doctor turned around, you knew exactly why.
Warm, brown eyes peer at you with tenderness. Chestnut curls rest upon his head a little messily, but in the cutest way. He wore a professional lab coat over his casual clothing. His ribbed shirt and blue jeans seemed to match him perfectly. His cheeks appear a tinge pink when he smiles, welcoming and greeting you.
Oh shit.
“I’m Dr. Parker, and you are?” Dr. Parker asks as he plops onto his spinny chair. His eyes stare deeply into yours, causing your heart to race more than you’d like to admit. His voice was as attractive as his face, and you tried to convince yourself that he had to have at least one bad quality that you just haven’t seen yet, so you didn’t soak your panties.
“Y/N,” You blink to wash away the feeling of your nerves as your palms get clammy. “but you probably knew that already.”
“That is true, but I like for my patients to introduce themselves to me directly,” He states simply and you nod in response. Your sweaty hands interlocked over your thighs to ease yourself.
“So, what brings you in here today, Y/N?” Dr. Parker questions with a lick of his lips. He can’t help himself when his eyes drift nonchalantly, but quickly down your body. You were beautiful, which made it hard to concentrate on anything else, especially when you started talking. Your voice was silky, and he wanted to ask you more questions just so he could hear it more.
“I…” You were a bit embarrassed to share your reasoning. Was it common? Will he laugh at you? No, of course not, he’s a doctor! You battled with yourself in your head before spitting it out. “I can’t come during sex.”
Your jaw clenched as your hand practically hit your forehead in embarrassment. You couldn’t look at him because he was probably holding back a laugh. But you also couldn’t look at him because he was so handsome you might melt.
True be told, Peter already knew why you were here. He read the small report the nurse got before he entered. It was part of protocol and he wanted to hear you describe it yourself.
“That’s okay, darling. Nothing to be ashamed of,” He reassures gently as you remove your hand from your face. He smiles sincerely and you smile bashfully back. The nickname erupts butterflies in your stomach, and you can’t disregard the small wetness you feel trickle in your underwear.
When he asks, you go on to explain your situation in detail, even including the part about your ex-boyfriend dumping you. When Peter hears this, his jaw subtly clenches as irritation spreads through him.
Who breaks up with someone for that? He wanted to ask, but knew that was probably inappropriate. He does need to question you professionally though to ensure there’s nothing wrong. However, he thinks he already knows the answer.
“I’m going to ask you some questions that get pretty personal,” Parker faces his notes with you in the corner of his eye. You nod as your nervousness never fades and your heart beat remains quite fast.
Most of his questions were simple and straightforward, so you weren’t too ashamed to answer.
“Do you have any pain?”
“Are you on birth control?”
“How long?”
“Two years,” You eyes strayed away from him, thumbs twiddling in your lap like an anxious child. He wonders how you got birth control without going to the gynecologist in the past, seeming as though you’ve had no history.
However, some questions made the heat rise to your cheeks. Your arousal worsened the more Dr. Parker spoke, his voice warm and soothing like honey.
“To clarify, you have orgasmed before, correct?” Peter was able to focus when his eyes were glued to his papers, but one glance at your adorable shyness and his cock was semi-hard in his boxers.
“Yes, I-I did it myself,” You hissed at yourself for stuttering. He made you so starstruck it was hard to form words. You didn’t meet many people like that in your life— now that you think of it, none at all. He surveys you for a moment you think was a little too long, and you tighten your ankles together at his burning gaze.
“Um,” He grunts, covering it up with a cough as his cheeks turn pink a tad more. Your lip subtly curls into a smile at his cuteness. Peter was nervous for the first time in a while, fingers shaking as he scribbled notes about you. He felt as silly as a child who had a crush on a classmate. “you seem very well.”
“So nothing’s wrong?” Your eyebrows crinkle in confusion, a lost expression cascading over your face when you feel like you’ve hit a dead end. You gaze at the floor, trying to understand.
“Not directly,” He says to reassure you. Your eyes meet his with a head tilt. Now, you were really confused.
“What do I do then?”
“Don’t have sex with idiots,” He grumbles, honestly hoping you didn’t hear it. But of course you did. Your heart rate quickens wildly in your chest at his blunt statement. “but to make sure, I’m going to check you, okay?”
Your eyes widen for a moment, not thinking you would have to be checked. Your thoughts immediately shoot to your soaked panties and how he’ll see your very visual arousal. Hopefully, he assumes it’s from nerves.
“Would you like to change into something more comfortable and accessible?” He asks, looking at your shirt with jean shorts. He checks most of his patients, so usually they would have been in a gown already. But at this hospital, the patient didn’t have to change, even though it was highly recommended. However, when they rarely denied the new wardrobe, the doctor had to undress the patient themselves. So far in Peter’s career, he’s only had to do that with incidents that were an emergency.
“No, thank you,” You answered with no explanation. Secretly, you hated the material of the gown and you swore it gave you rashes. Maybe you were allergic?
Dr. Parker nods once and turns to his little side table beside you. He slips on his blue gloves and tells you exactly what he’s going to do, so you’re not unprepared.
“And since you’re not in a gown, the protocol is that I must undress you myself,” Peter feels the burning red flame up his cheeks at his statement. Your eyes widen again at the image of the sensual action, but nod in understanding.
Who made that rule? You wanted to ask, but it seemed disrespectful. You honestly couldn’t tell if you loved or hated the person that invented that idea. Picturing Dr. Parker strip you only made a pool in your panties.
Peter’s gloved fingers unbutton and zip down your jean shorts with your permission. It was slow and steady, unlike your heart that was bouncing off the walls of your ribs. You know he could see your heavy breathing as your stomach rose up and down too quickly under the thin material of your shirt.
Your shorts were removed and then he was on to your underwear.
Peter’s cock pulsed in his jeans at the wet patch on your panties, his red blush never fading. He wanted to press the pad of his thumb against your throbbing clit. He would rub you over the flimsy fabric and then make you moan for him as he fucked you roughly with his fingers. He could assume that you were tight and tense because of your struggle to orgasm with another person, but the thought only made his cock twitch needily as he imagined you squeezing around him.
“Are you okay so far? And can I remove these?” He asks for consent and patiently waits. You nod, but he’s not having that. “Words, Y/N. I need you to say it.”
His demand caused you to clench around nothing as you stutter out a trembling yes, so he can proceed. Peter delicately removes your panties, sliding them down your supple legs and placing them with your shorts. You didn’t open your legs, but you knew he’d already seen the wetness leaking out of you.
“Okay, um,” His professionalism was fading from him. He wanted to devour you because you probably tasted amazing. The smell of your arousal filled his nostrils, making it hard to focus on anything. “Put your legs on these stirrups. I’ll help you.”
He guides your legs into the holders, strongly resisting the urge to gawk at your vulnerable area. Once you were settled, he looked down and nearly came right there. Arousal drowned your folds as your puffy clit poked out behind it all. He noticed the fluttering of your folds as the cold air hit your wetness. He wouldn’t need to use any lube on you for sure. Peter was losing his cool and was about to lose everything if he did not pull himself together.
“I’m about to start. Are you okay?” He could sense your nervousness from a mile away. He wanted to make sure you were okay, even if you’ve had sex multiple times before.
“Yes, doctor,” You reassure and his jaw subtly locks at his label leaving from your mouth. He avoids picturing his falling from your pretty lips, so he could focus on the task at hand. You didn’t notice, too caught up in your own thoughts of his fingers entering you. You wanted him to pound them into you mercilessly because you know he’d know all the right spots and special places to hit. You can imagine he’s soft and caring, and always gives immense pleasure to the woman.
You almost gasp aloud when you come to a realization; he probably has a girlfriend. Or a wife. A wife and kids. You don’t remember seeing a ring, but that doesn’t mean anything. Oh, God, you were daydreaming sexual thoughts about your gynecologist who would probably freak out if he could hear them.
“If it makes you more comfortable, my name is Peter. Sometimes that small detail helps the patients relax more,” He noticed your sudden panicked state and high tension in your legs, wanting to calm you down, so it doesn’t hurt. It was perfectly fine to be nervous, but it wasn’t fine for him to be this nervous. He’s a professional doctor, yet he’s thinking about ruining it all just to please you at this moment.
You feel the latex gloves graze your folds, making your heart jump up into your throat. Peter’s middle finger practically teases your entrance, and you hold back pathetic whimpers. Once he slips his middle finger inside, you release a shuddery moan. His finger stills, deep inside of you while he gives you a second to adjust.
“Relax for me,” You try not to clench around him, but you’re a lost cause when he begins to wiggle it around the tight space. Peter is struggling. His cock is about to burst at the seams while his middle finger sinks far inside you. Your clenching walls and hushed noises nearly make him moan. He sees you resisting the urge to moan and it’s killing him because he wants to hear you.
“You can moan,” Peter says, voice low and sultry. “It’s welcomed.” He curls his finger and slowly pushes in and out. You don’t hold back your moan this time as lust begins to fill your vision. It feels too good, even though you know it’s wrong. You feel yourself getting wetter and wetter at his skilled finger and his concentrated expression.
Peter is positive you’re enjoying this. He can’t resist you anymore when he has you spread open for him. Plus, he found nothing peculiar inside, you seemed healthy. He could stop now if he’d like, but the contraction of your pussy walls around his finger and the sweet whimpers you’re eliciting spur him to continue.
“How does this feel, Y/N?” Peter’s voice was gravelly and lustful; you were sure to catch on by now. His question was borderline professional, yet inappropriate. At this point, Peter couldn’t care less because your face said it all.
“Good, really good,” You admitted with fluttering eyes as your hands gripped the sides of your shirt. Your name out of his mouth made you melt into his touch as you instinctively grinded your hips into his hand.
“What about this?” His ring finger slides in effortlessly, and they both curl inside you. You gasp, eliciting another shaky moan. His digits were thick and just the right length to satisfy you without even needing his cock, even though you wanted it. “God, you’re so tight. Imagine what you’d feel like around my cock.” He grumbles.
You gasp at his sudden profound language, but the dirtiness only made you more aroused. Your brain imagined how his cock would look buried so deep inside of you that you’d feel him in your stomach. You imagine this pre-cum leaking from his tip as he pulls out of you just to slam back in. Your core tensed at the thought.
“I didn’t hear you, Y/N,” He grunts gravelly, slowing his movements. He slips his fingers out, removing the glove swiftly. You whine at the emptiness, answering him. He was so sweet, yet dirty, and you loved it.
“So good! It feels so good, please don’t stop,” You plead and he smirks in satisfaction as he continues. His thumb rolls over your puffy clit, making your hips press into his hand as he slips back in. Your thighs contracted as they begged to close, but the locked stirrups blocked you from doing so.
“Who’s making you feel this good?” His tone was smooth and clear, almost contradicting his sinful actions. His pace becomes brutal, ramming in and out of you with no mercy. The rough texture of his bare hand sends a shiver up your spine as your orgasm nears.
“You! You, Peter,” Your chest heaves as choked moans leave your lips. His digits rub your throbbing nerves as his fingers glide against your walls addictingly good. Your fingernails dig into the soft flesh of your trembling thighs. His lips raise in another smirk as his cheeks flush that familiar pink. “I’m close, Peter,” You whimper, causing him to hiss at the harsh pulsing of his shaft when his name falls delicately from your lips just how he imagined.
“I know, honey. Can feel you clenching around me,” He groans when you release another noise of pleasure. His eyes wander down to your aching cunt as his fingers become drenched in your juices. You’re squeezing him torturously, on the edge of your break.
“Are you gonna come? Gonna come for me?”
Without another moment, your orgasm ripples through your body with a blissful wail. Clenched muscles and screwed eyes don’t even express the full ecstasy you feel. White liquid saturates Peter’s bare fingers before he licks them clean. It wasn’t the most sanitary, but he didn’t give one fuck.
Your face screams fucked out; perspired skin, droopy eyes, and a weary smile. In his ideal situation, he would have devoured you until you couldn’t take it anymore. But that was for another time. If there ever was another time, which he hoped there would be.
Just maybe not in a hospital.
“Well, Y/N, it seems like you are very healthy,” Peter grins, taking the tissues to clean you thoroughly. You can feel the heat radiating from your cheeks at his joking comment.
“Thanks, doctor,” Your voice came out a bit squeaky while your heart continued to stammer in your chest.
“After that, I think you should call me Peter,” He chuckles, sliding away in his stool to discard the tissues. Heat burns your skin from his adorable laugh.
“Peter it is then,” He helps you down the stirrups and you begin to get dressed with a goofy smile curling on your face. Peter doesn’t fail to notice this as his thoughts begin to wander. He knows he just met you, but he wants to see where this goes. He is confident that you’re interested in him (at least enough for him to finger you), so maybe asking you out isn’t the crazy idea he’s ever had.
“Y/N?” Suddenly, he didn’t feel so confident.
“Yeah?” Your response was breathless.
“Would you, um,” Peter hesitated to find the words. He really was like a little kid talking to his crush for the first time. “like to go out sometime? Maybe?”
You admire his bashfulness. He anxiously rolls up his coat sleeves while his face displaces a rosy blush. His brown eyes twinkled with hope as he waited for a reply.
“I would like that, doctor,” You smile genuinely and sweetly, your joyful energy calming his pent-up nerves. “I mean Peter.” You giggle when he blushes.
“Okay, okay, this is great. Here’s my number,” Peter scribbles messily on a small sheet of note paper, handing it to you. It was adorable how nervous he was for being a well-respected doctor who waltzed in with a sweet kind of confidence. You were giddy as well, but you were way better at hiding it clearly. You snatch the sheet with your fingers, tucking it away in your palm.
“Do you do this with all your patients, Dr. Parker?” You tease with a quirked eyebrow and a pointed finger at his chest. Peter huffs out a chuckle while clicking his tongue.
“Only the most beautiful ones,” He gently lifts your finger, kissing it gently before striding out of the room. Peter doesn’t forget to leave an arrogant wink as the heavy, wooden door closes abruptly.
Maybe being a doctor does make him arrogant. Sometimes.
You stand frozen, starstruck. Your breathing was back to heaving again because he left you breathless. And speechless. You jokingly wondered for a minute if you would die from a heart attack, due to the rapid thumping of a stupid organ against your ribs. Curious, you open your palm and unfold the slip of paper he wrote hastingly. Glancing past the number, you notice the small words underneath.
Please, call me Peter.
yesss tell me what you think :)
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imababblekat · 1 year
Pushing Buttons
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Anon Request, “ Love your content it’s sooo cute! Can I get a snarky sarcastic reader who calls April for a chat on speaker phone then gets into a funny argument with Ralph trading jabs. Like he tries to get April to hang up because their in the middle of something important but reader gives him a snappy comeback. They keep going with everyone listening. Tired of this April is gonna hang up on them but before that happens “Wait wait! give that guys digits he sounds hot! You know how I love pushing a guys buttons!”
A/N: I hope this is okay, gonna be honest I struggled to write this one for some reason. Hope it’s still at the very least readable \TvT/
April hadn’t meant to answer the phone, but Mikey curiously nudging into her had caused her to ultimately accept your request. As if to make a point at your horrible timing as April and the boys were in the mist of a game plan to take down a new gang, you’re voice rang loud through the speaker causing everyone to simultaneously jump.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! April you are not going to believe what happened to me at work today!!”
April sighed, giving the ninja turtles apologetic glances. 
“I can’t really talk right-”
“I’ll make it quick! I swear! Okay, so I got up at seven like I usually do, right? I was really tired though, so I went to snooze my alarm and-”
Before April could politely ask you to skip ahead to what had happened at your job, the human girl was thrown for a shock when Raphael had suddenly snatched the device straight out of her hand. She went to reprimand him but all he had done was hold a large hand up to block her as he angrily snapped into the call.
“She’s busy. Call back later.”
April’s eyes had never been as wide as they were in that moment. No way did Raphael just hang up on you of all people. Said terrapin, with a triumphant grin, reached out to hand her back the phone, when it had suddenly started going off again right in his palm. If it weren’t for the growing agitation, he could have sworn it seemed to vibrate with a vengeance. With a hard tap, he answered the call ready to repeat what he had done only a few minutes ago.
“I said-”
“Excuse me!!”
Raphael felt himself fumble at your sudden shout, April standing across from him with a knowing look.
“And who the hell do you think you are, huh?! You do not cut me off when I am talking to my gal pal!!”
Raphael sputtered, caught off for but a second before snapping back.
“Who do I-?! April’s busy! I’m sure whatever little issue you got goin on at work ain’t that important!”
“Oh, and how would you know that?! You read minds huh?! I’d ask if you’re some sort of phycologist but frankly just from your voice alone I’d say you’re need of one.”
“What is that supposed to mean?!”
“I think you know what I mean, big boy.”
Raphael felt his blood boiling in that moment, his brothers Mikey and Donnie doing their best to stifle their laughter behind him while Leo simply smirked at his dismay. All the while all April could do was hide her face in her hands at the embarrassment she felt for her close friend on the line.
“Don’t call me that.”
“What? Would you rather I call you big baby instead? Ya gonna cry about it? Good, cuz sounds to me like you need to shed a few tears. It’s perfectly healthy by the way. Just thought I’d let you know that since you give off the vibe that you’d rather walk around with a stick up your ass then express your emotions.”
“A stick up my ass?! Seriously?! How about I come over and shove one up yours?! You’re just all bark and no bite!”
“Ooo, don’t promise me with a good time~.”
If it were possible, Raph’s face would match the color of his mask at your raunchy response, the suave to your tone not making things any better. It was at the sudden burst of laughter behind him from his brothers and Aprils own snickering that the brute decided in that moment the best course of action was to, once again, hang up the damn phone. 
A groan bubbled up from his throat at he tossed April back her phone, sending a glare to his still cackling siblings. 
“Will ya all stop laughin. Let’s just get back to the stupid plan.”, he glared, arms crossing.
It was Leo, who had to take a few breaths to gather himself, that brought back the others to focus.
“Okay, okay, you heard the big boy. Let’s ready up.”
Green eyes glared daggers at the leader in blue for his jab, the other winking back with a shit eating grin. Raphael stepped forward to make a quip in response to Leo, when a chortle behind him had alerted all the turtles. It was from April, who’s eyes crinkled in the corners as she did her best to bite back some giggles, holding up her phone to show what had caused such a reaction out of her. Each brother leaned in, squinting at the small text on screen and then let out more laughter, Mikey rocking a groaning Raph’s shoulders with congratulations.
On the screen before them, read a text sent by the very person who riled him up quicker then anyone on record.
*Hey girly, you gotta get me your friends digits! Dude sounds hot af 😉💗*
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reyadawn · 2 months
Break Me, Shake Me
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*image not mine but fuck I wish it was*
Summary: Noah Sebastian is the new CEO of Omens, Inc. Tall, dark, suave - he does not do relaionships. Period. That all gets tossed out the window when he sees his PA and everything changes.
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 🔞 (DO NOT READ IF UNDER 18), BDSM, language, kissing, hair pulling, choking, breeding!kink, praise!kink, degredation, fingering, oral, unprotected sex, creampie
Word Count: 🤷‍♀️
Tramendous shout out to my best friend @concreteemo for callaborating with me on this. You're a fucking gem and I love you!
FYI, I did not want to split this into two segments so I hope ya'll have some extra time 😅
Happy reading! 🥰🤭
Secretary. I scoffed at the job title, knowing full well my teñorship at Omens, Inc. warranted me a much better one. Personal Assistant at the very least. However, I needed the position so I was willing to work with what I was given. It also helped my in-office best friend and coworker, Magenta, broke up the monotonus work load a busy office can bring.
My black strappy heels clicked on the dark polished wood floors of the 10th level office as I weaved my way through the bustle of office staff. A conference was in session as I passed by the closed door and the employee lounge held a few other staff members as they grabbed a quick cup of coffee.
Balancing my own coffee as well as Magenta's in one hand and my handbag in other, I rounded a corner as the rest of the office came into view. Polished oak desks, crystal chandeliers hanging from above and a massive Japanese bonsai tree made it look like we all worked in a salon rather than a major surveillance facility.
I approached Magenta's office, which for lack of a better description, was the file room and set the coffees down on her desk. I smirked at the tilted stack of files on the floor next to where she was standing, burried up to her elbows in a filing cabinet.
"You're a literal saint right now, bestie. I needed this", Magenta said, without turning around. Her hair was piled on her head in a work-worthy bun and her white collared shirt was tucked neatly into grey slacks.
"I figured with all the changes happening this morning, we needed some extra caffeine", I smirked. Magenta turned to me finally, reaching for the coffee and taking a healthy sip.
"Girl, wait until you see him, your panties will catch on fire", she whispered out of the blue and euphorically closed her eyes.
"Who?", I asked, glancing down at my tight pencil skirt. What panties? Damn thing was too tight to wear them without lines showing.
"Noah Sebastian. The new CEO. He's the epitome of sex on legs. His partner, Nicholas Ruffilo, is pretty hot, too, though", she replied. I stared at her.
"Mag!", I scolded.
"Once you see him, you won't be scolding me...instead you'll be begging from him", she chuckled. I shot her a glare, hands on my hips.
"I beg from no man. Especially power hungry ones who have horrible taste in overhead lighting and decor", I said matter of factly. All of a sudden the smile was wiped off Magenta's face and she froze. I was about to ask her what her malfunction was when I looked over my shoulder.
The sight before me damn near stole the breath from my lungs and had me involuntarily shifting, my clit throbbing to life. Noah Sebastian in the flesh. Tall, a towering 6'3, short dark hair perfectly coiffed and complete with a black tailored suit. The white button up he wore was loosely undone at the top, no tie and colorful tattoos decorated his throat. Holy fuck.
"That can be remedied, pretty girl. My office. Now. Don't make me ask you twice", Noah said, dark eyes glittering with anger.
I stared at him in shock, not realizing I had said anything outloud. However, I was put in my place by his domineering tone and made my way past him towards his office which ironically sat behind my desk. My palms were clammy, breathing labored, clit pulsing and thighs slick. The hell was wrong with me?
Noah walked ahead of me, swinging his office door open and held it wide, beckoning me to enter with a very large tattooed hand. A flash of what those long fingers would feel like inside me crossed my brain as I entered, the door slamming shut. The sound of the lock clicking into place was deafening.
The office was larger than I thought, a glass desk the main center piece with only a laptop, a photo of a black dog, an intercom and a coaster on the surface. A bookshelf lined the wall to my left, filled to capacity with books and a leather fouton to my right. Another small booshelf sat behind Noah's desk and though it was decorated with odds and ends, it looked...off.
"So, pretty girl. You don't think highly of my choice in lighting or decor?", Noah asked, sitting behind his desk, legs spread casually under the table. Dear God. I simply shook my head.
"Use your words, pretty girl. Find your voice and answer me. I don't often give second chances and I don't like repeating myself", he said calmly, arms resting on his leather chair. His long fingers tapped against the material impatiently.
"I have a name, you know", I snapped, glaring at him. Noah chuckled and despite my attitude, it was the only armour I had. I mean, this man could curb stomp me and send me to the ICU and I would thank him.
"I'm well aware of your name, pretty girl. I'm sure by now you already know mine", he said, full lips pulled into a smirk.
"Noah", I whispered. He closed his eyes, tipping his head back, mouth slightly open.
"God in heaven, I love the way you say my name", he said, shifting his legs. I could see the material tenting at the front of his slacks and if I'm a betting person, that fucking Anaconda wouldn't fit. He stood suddenly, holding his hand out to mine. I nervously took the steps to place mine in his, craning my head back to look up at him. Even in heels, I barely reached his chin.
His lips suddenly descended upon mine. No warning, no preparation, no sign at all as they slanted across mine, deeping the kiss, his tongue tracing my bottom lip in silent permission. I fisted the lapels of his suit jacket, his arms going around my waist, large hands sliding down to grab my ass through my skirt as I let his tongue explore my own.
My brain short circuited and started boiling, my thighs clenching together as my arousal started slowly oozing between them. Noah gently pulled away from me, as his dark eyes roamed over me.
"Come with me. You're not to speak a word of what happens between us from here on out. I need your consent. Give it to me, pretty girl, now", he whispered against my lips.
"Yes", I whispered, letting him turn me to the bookshelf. He reached a hand out, pushing down on the arm of a Naruto statue, of all things, and it swung open. I almost laughed in disbelief but thought better of it because, of course he would have a secret room in his office.
Upon entering the room, I stopped short, completely taken aback by my surroundings. The floor was one massive mirror, the walls were black with various shelves that held a wide variety of sex toys and aftercare products. There was a massive king size four poster bed in the center of the room that was neatly made with dark blue satin bedding. The ceiling was also a mirror as I looked up and in the reflection saw Noah standing with his hands in his pockets of his dress slacks, the front still massively tented with his erection. I swallowed nervously, still unmoving.
"Look at me, pretty girl", Noah said. There goes that tone of voice again. It washed over me like warm rain, my senses going into overload. "From here on out, you're mine...body and soul. Do as I command, you'll be rewarded. Defy me and you'll be punished". I whimpered. Fucking. Whimpered. Like a damn bitch in heat. Noah arched a singular brow at me, lips curled into a knowing smirk.
"As I said before, Noah, I bow to no one", I said sharply. I blinked. Long fingers gripped my throat, gently squeezing, reminding me of the physical power this man held.
"You'll bow to me", Noah replied. "In this room you'll pray to me, worship me...and in turn I will break you, shake you, make you submit to me. That tight, sweet cunt is fucking mine...and when it's all said and done, pretty girl...I will breed you".
I couldn't speak. My brain refused to function properly as my body betrayed me almost coming at his words alone. I shifted in his hold, whimpers of need spilling from my lips. Noah's smile was sinister as he stepped back.
"Undress for me", he said simply. I complied, bending to unbuckle my heels and I swear he fucking growled. I stood, unzipping my skirt to slide it down my thighs, letting it drop to the floor. I could hear Noah release the breath he was holding as I pulled my blose up over my head to add it to my skirt and heels. I forgoed the bra as well, thankful the material was thick enough to hid my nipples. I turned and looked at him, my jaw going slack.
Noah had rid himself of his jacket, the sleeves of his white button up rolled halfway up his forearms, exposing more of his intricate tattoos.
"Goddamn, you're fucking beautiful...I can't wait to shove my tongue and fingers inside that dripping cunt...the bed", he said, voice hoarse with need as he cocked his head in the direction of the bed. I padded over, my body trembling with anticipation as I crawled on top, the bedding cool on my overly heated skin. I layed down, waiting for him to approach. By the time he reached me, he was as naked as I was.
"Safeword, pretty girl. Pick any word that comes to mind", he said as I watched him circle the bed. I could only stare at him, my eyes following his movements, his muscles bunching with every step, every inch of skin covered in ink except the huge cock that swung between his legs.
"I won't need one, Sir", I replied. Noah stopped, eyes widening briefly.
"Such polite manners for a woman whose been giving me attitude since I met her mere moments ago. Trust me when I say...you'll need it", he said confidently, reaching under the bed.
"Mercy", I said simply. Noah was silent as he stood, revealing a spreader bar and vibrator in his hands. He moved to the end of the bed.
"Spread those gorgeous legs", he ordered. I complied, letting him attach the velcro cuffs around my ankles. With ease, he lifted my legs and then jerked the ends of the bar so it extended, his muscles stretching as my legs were forced open wider. He gently set my legs down, bending my knees slightly.
Noah crawled up my body and I instinctively reached for him but before I could touch him, he took both of my hands at the wrist to bring them over my head. The fingers of his free hand slowly parted my dripping folds to ghost over my swolen clit, his barely there touch causing my eyes to roll back. There was a pause and two thick fingers pushed inside me up to his knuckle, curling against my g-spot as his thumb rubbed circles on my clit.
"Scream for me", he whispered, as I saw stars behind closed eyes. My voice echoed around the room as I coated his fingers and hand with my release. My body had been so on edge I couldn't disobey. "Good girl...good girl. Now open those pretty lips". I did. "Suck". I did.
I moaned around his fingers before he pulled them out of my mouth, replacing his fingers with his lips. The kiss was all teeth and tongues. I wiggled my hands but his grip on my wrists only tightened. I wanted to touch him so bad.
Noah broke the kiss to crawl down my body, planting open wet kisses in his wake, paying special attention to my nipples, sucking them to harden peaks. I moaned, my hands coming down to fist the sheets. Noah, again, gave me no warning as he ran his tongue through my folds before laching his full lips around my clit, all while shoving his expertly long fingers back inside my cunt. I tipped my head back, crying out as he ate me like a favored treat.
"Fuck your cunt tastes divine...so wet, so warm, like a fucking juicy peach...give me another one...come on my tongue", he growled, the vibrations reverberating through my clit and the damn burst. I tried closing my thighs around his head but the bar prevented me. All I could do was comply, my body breaking out in a thin sweat as Noah continued to eat my overstimulated pussy like he was starving.
"Noah, please...I can't...no more, stop", I begged, chest heaving. He ignored me, suddenly replacing his fingers with the vibrator, pushing it inside my cunt, my walls instinctively gripping the intruder. I cried out as he turned it on, adjusting the volume all the way up and I screamed the second his lips wrapped around my clit again.
My hands scrambled and fisted more of the sheet beneath me, just for something to tether myself to.
"There she is...look at this beautiful pussy, clenching around this toy...don't you wish it were my cock instead? That what you want? You want my cock to split you open? To breed you?", Noah asked, grunting as his hips rutted against the bed.
"Please, please, Noah...help me", I begged. Noah laughed before sucking my clit back into his mouth as he pumped the vibrator in and out of my dripping cunt. The sheets were soaked. I had nowhere to go as I tried to wigle away from him, pleasure now meeting fear. Noah grabbed my hips in his hands, pulling my clit right back to his lips and I screamed, eyes shut tight as my orgasm washed over me.
Mercy!, I thought but despite my body feeling like it was going to snap, I refused to use the safe word. I was trying to hang on to whatever self control I had but it was almost non-existant. Noah then removed the vibrator, my release dripping down and onto his fingers.
I was out of breath, my body trembling as I watched Noah climb up my body once more. His lips ghosted over my collar bone, my neck, my cheek to slant over mine as his cock uncerimoniously thrust inside me to the hilt. Breaking the kiss, I threw my head back, body bowing up into his chest and I screamed, "Mercy!!" like a prayer. I screamed so loud I was afraid the mirrors would shatter.
It was too much. His cock stretched me to the point of pain as his hips snapped between my thighs, dragging his cock in and out of my overworked cunt.
"Ffuuuuccck...oh, goddamn, this pussy is so fucking good...so tight...so fucking tight...yes, pretty girl...submit...give me what I deserve, you dirty fucking thing...you're mine", Noah said between breaths. I couldn't speak except for the incoherent sounds that left my lips. Harder his hips worked, bullying his cock inside my cunt.
"No-Noah...pleasepleaseplease", I begged. At this point I wasn't even sure what I was begging for as every push and pull from his cock sent my nerve endings into overload. The orgasm building was going to kill me. I wouldn't survive. The thought had me clenching around him, his eyes closed and lips parted to try and catch his breath. A hand suddenly came up around my throat, squeezing much harder than previously and my eyes rolled back as my air suppy dwindled.
"Can't you feel it? You're losing control, pretty girl...you're breaking. Your mind and this sweet, tight body...I'm gonna' fill you up...fill you up for days...you're fucking mine, now let go...fucking let go, now!", he snarled, jack hammering his cock inside me. My vision turned white before millions of stars appeared behind closed eyes as my orgasm hit. Against an unspoken rule, I reached up to rake my nails down his back as he stilled his cock inside me. I could feel him pulse and throb as he emptied his balls, the squelching sounds of our joint release pooling into the already sodden sheets. "Good fucking girl...oh, good girl", he praised.
Hot tears slipped down my cheeks as my body shook from the aftermath, my hands and nails still holding onto the muscles in his back. Noah's once perfectly coifed hair now hung into his eyes, his breathing just as ragged as mine. He lifted himself from my grasp, cock slipping from my pussy and I winced at the loss.
I felt the material of the cuffs leave my ankles as the spreader bar was removed. Noah crawled back up the bed, exhaustion pulling at him. His arms and legs encircled my body, pulling me to his chest, my head resting against his warm flesh. He rained kisses at my temple, silent praises of adoration.
"You did so good for me, pretty girl...so fucking good", he whispered. My heart clenched at the praise as sleep finally took us...
Please be kind in your comments. This took me all day to write 🥰
@concreteemo @concreteangel92 @kissingrose @artificialstardust @amourtoken @alloraiona @bloodylullaby @bluestdai @collidewiththesavannah @concretecultist @doomhands-jr @dsireland86 @darling-millicent-aubrey @exitwoundsx @flowery-mess @iamamatus @kaliforniahigh @kissingrose @lma1986 @lilhobgobbler @like-a-omen @lovexsleepyhead @livingdeceasedgirl @philomenie @sacredthefran @thatchickwiththecamera @thisbicc @xcllnt @xmads-omensx @yarasdead
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Shadows of Fluttering Leaves
When Skies Are Gray, Chapter 7
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pairing: Frank Castle x fem!reader 
summary: Frank’s life has reached a crossroads: he can either continue to seclude himself and pursue a dark, lonely future, or he can open himself up to connecting with someone again and maybe achieve happiness. Being the grump that he is, Frank has already committed to the lonely path, but his curious new neighbor might just turn that around. 
warnings: depressed reader, grief, victim blaming, implied history of sexual assault/harassment, bad parenting, not super healthy coping mechanisms
a/n: I am so sorry I've updated everything sporadically this year, y'all. I've been working really hard to stockpile updates so I'll be able to post at least biweekly for the rest of the year (if everything goes to plan!) As always, please comment/reblog to leave feedback. And a giant thank you to @gracethyomen for helping me plan this arc and make their fight more cruel. She is the queen of angst, go follow her.
w/c: 4.8k
You didn’t recall much from the past three days, but that was because there wasn’t anything to recall. After your conversation–if it could even be called that–with Frank, it was as if your soul had unstitched itself from your body. You went through your days as an emotionless husk. Your creative spark extinguished, your joy unreachable.
The walls in your building were thin enough that you could hear him moving around. Going to work and returning home to Max as if you'd never existed. Perfectly fine without you. Every heavy footfall that penetrated the rotting drywall brought a fresh sheen of tears to your eyes. 
The burly marine had become such a welcomed part of your life, losing him was like losing a limb. His absence felt like a bad dream. If you focused hard enough, you could still feel his calloused hands, smell the cheap soap and spicy clove aftershave he used. But a simple exhale would wash the scent away, and you were alone again–tired, anguished, and unloved.
You drifted through the day, unsure what to do with yourself. You couldn’t bring yourself to go into work, or even communicate with Leo and Stacy for more than a brief text to prove you were still alive.
While this evening hadn’t been much different, the sight of your mom’s name flashing across the top of your phone screen as it buzzed had caused enough of an adrenaline rush to force you to chat with someone. Your throat felt sore after talking for the first time in nearly 72 hours, your vocal chords still recovering from their sudden overuse. Shuddering as you willed the memory of the call to fade, you felt the tell tale prick in the corners of your eyes.
Staring down at the damp concrete, you blinked frantically in an attempt to keep the endless tears at bay. The tilt of your head caused raindrops to drip off of your hood, rolling down your forehead. Around you, the slam of water against pavement and steel drowned out the thud of your determined footsteps. Blowing out a breath you slipped an unfeeling mask onto your face as you continued your walk to the bakery.
It wasn’t more than a few blocks from your apartment to the Rainy Day, but the beams of street lights would draw attention to your glassy eyes, and you didn’t need to highlight your fragility for any creeps that might be lurking at this hour. You'd had more than enough unwanted male attention for the week. Once you were safely behind the locked doors, you could look as broken down as you needed to.
Though you were exhausted, your confusion-and-betrayal-addled brain was still unable to rest and your hands itched to do something. Wallowing in your bed wouldn’t quell the uneasiness that speaking with your mom had ignited mere hours ago. But cooking might. At least, you hoped that was the case.
A crackle of lightning illuminated the bakery as you approached; the strike of light refracting through the windows made the place look rather sinister, draping it in oddly shaped shadows. Slipping the keys from your pocket, you tried not to cringe at the cold rain as it splattered against your exposed hand. Thunder rolled overhead as you waggled the key in the lock, finally getting the damn thing to budge enough for the door to shove open.
Stepping inside, you bolted the door behind you, using your phone flashlight to maneuver through the stacked tables and chairs as you moved to the kitchen. Before getting to work, you stripped out of your semi-drenched top and slipped into a clean t-shirt adorned with the logo of the cafe. Flicking on the overhead lights, you threw a hand up to shield your sensitive eyes as they strobed briefly before steadying into their normal bright rays. Taking a place by your preferred station, you took a moment to reflect on the tasks you had cut out for you.
Though Leo was more than capable of replicating your work if you detailed the recipes, they were happy to let you be the creative lead in your shared kitchen. As they’d mentioned multiple times over text the past few days, your absence from the space meant less variation in pastries for the bakery, and more for Leo to do. If you weren’t so emotionally depleted, you would have felt more guilty about abandoning them so suddenly.
Apparently, the emotional turmoil that talking to your mother always stirred was good for something. It had gotten you here, at least. Coating your station in a thin layer of flour, you ran through the motions of a basic croissant recipe.
You weren't quite feeling up to experimenting yet, but croissants you could do.
Soon enough, the smell of salted butter and yeast engulfed the room and your fatigued mind began to wander. Despite your best efforts to forget the comment, your mother's voice echoed in your ears.
“Really, sweetheart, what did you expect?”
The condescension in her tone clung to you like the barbs of an untrimmed rose. Your brain feebly tried to reassure you that she had no idea what she was talking about. To remind you that she didn't even know his name, that you'd told her—at most—three sentences about the whole situation.
But the majority of your brain was still reeling from the abrupt collapse of your relationship with Frank. And it was far too weak to not spiral at the implication of your mom's question.
Because, while she wasn't fully aware of who Frank was and what he meant to you, she was intimately informed of your history with men–hence her thoughtless words this evening.
Your dating history was...pitiful, to say the least. You tended to draw attention from the wrong men. Bosses, teachers, even your own relatives.
It had been your reality for as long as you could remember. As a child, whenever you'd come to your mother with another sob story about attention that you hadn't meant to attract, the blame was always placed squarely on your shoulders. Your outfits were too provocative, your actions too enticing. It didn't matter that they were the ones misunderstanding your kindness as an open invitation. It was still your fault.
Expecting her to sympathize with you when you told her you'd been grabbed by a stranger as you left the construction site was foolish. But it still hurt to know that she didn't.
What hurt more was the little voice in the back of your head that agreed with her. Knowing damn well that you'd chosen that outfit to fetch the gaze of a specific man. That the low cut neckline was meant to be provocative. That it was your fault that you'd been humiliated. That your own desperation had led to the continued phantom sensation of a large hand gripping your arm against your will. 
“If you dangle bait long enough, something will bite.” She reminded you. It wasn't the ocean's fault that you'd been hoping for a specific fish.
“But I didn't want them.” You'd lamented to her. You were tired of being a plaything, a quick fuck. You wanted something more, something real. And it had turned to ash in your delicate grasp before you could so much as appreciate it.
She wasn't sympathetic. Chastising you for forgetting your place, for getting attached, for seeking love in places it didn't exist.
“Love is harder to come by when you're, well...you know.”
You slammed the ball of elastic dough onto the bench, kneading it aggressively as tears poured down your face. Your stomach twisted as it heaved with sobs, the sentiment from your mother sounding eerily similar to the curt observation that Frank had hurled at you.
You ain't my wife.
He was right. You weren't his wife. His wife was beautiful, and caring, and patient. She'd loved him, had children with him, made a home for him.
Think I'm your little boyfriend or somethin'?
Biting your lip to stifle a sob, the feeling of foolishness crested in your chest again. It was humiliating to be called out like that,  especially when your naive little heart had been convinced he felt the same way.
I never wanted that.
Those words still hit you like a sock to the gut. He never wanted a relationship. He never wanted you.  Your stupid feelings were clearly unrequited, but how were you supposed to know that?
Was your childhood so deprived of love that simple acts of kindness had your heart doing backflips? Were his pet names and compliments just his gentlemanly nature because he was afraid to offend you?
This was a mistake.
His sweet remarks, calling you beautiful, the constant teasing—the relationship you once had with Frank began to play in your head; the muted colors of the picture doing nothing to make your chest ache less when his face sprang to mind. Your brain continued its depressing montage: Frank smiling at you, his gruff voice lifting around the word “sunshine”, his genuine interest in your work, his daily visits to the cafe, the way he leaned into every touch you offered him. All meaningless. Just another regret.
Exhaling forcefully, you flapped your hands in an attempt to stop their trembling. If the fragile dough ripped between your fingers, it would ignite a full meltdown. Clenching the muscles in your hands, you relaxed them as you forced every thought from your head, focusing on the pliant mass beneath your rolling pin as you mashed it into a lopsided rectangle. Carefully lifting the edges of the shape, you tossed it onto the sheet pan you'd prepared as tenderly as you could.  Using your fingertips to stretch it into a more appealing shape, you nodded in satisfaction, shoving the tray onto a cart and picking up your rolling pin again.
Each extension of your forearms, pressing the wooden cylinder into the raw pastry, condensing and lengthening the blob with small, stiff movements. Your elbows creaked with every stretch of the elastic dough, the swing of your arms feeling almost foreign despite being a common practice in the kitchen. A 72-hour break was too long, apparently. Any other day, you'd dance through this recipe effortlessly; Today though, every step felt choppy and hesitant, as if your brain expected you to fail again and again.
You hadn't felt this hopeless in a kitchen since the last few weeks of your atrocious entrepreneurial experience years ago. Yet another example of you being too trusting, too optimistic.
Your mouth flooded with the metallic tang of blood as your teeth dug into the flesh of your cheek, halting the choking despair that threatened to drag you down to the linoleum floor. You wanted to give in; your brain was still a ball of exhausted mush incapable of handling your day-to-day tasks.
Sloppily prepping a few more trays for their initial rise, you shoved the croissant dough onto the proofing cart and out of sight. The smell of yeast usually made you happy, but the biting edge of the scent was turning your stomach. It was becoming increasingly clear that you'd thrown yourself into your work without the stability to handle the sensory input of the bakery. Your head was pulsing because of the fluorescent lights, the whir of the electric mixer rattling your ear drums. Once the sticks of butter you'd added to the stainless steel bowl of the machine were smooth, you shoved the lever to shut it off—letting out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding.
Slapping heaping scoops of the creamed butter into a half-sheet pan, you set the pan in the fridge to solidify and shuffled blearily into the break room, collapsing onto the worn leather couch.
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“You are such an asshole.”
Gritting your teeth as the words ripped you from an uneasy sleep, you peeled one eye open reluctantly. Two shadowy figures swayed in your field of vision, neither looking particularly happy with you.
The taller figure marched towards you. ”Three days? THREE DAYS? No calls, only a single fucking text,“ The annoyed voice grew closer, making you curl in on yourself.
”'M sorry.“ You mumbled, tears springing to your eyes.
”You better have a better apology than that. They were worried sick.“ A blurry image of Stacy manifested against the doorway to the breakroom, her arms crossed. Standing in front of your shoulders, hands firmly attached to their hips, was Leo.
”We were worried sick,“ Leo corrected, throwing Stacy a look.
Not denying the allegation, Stacy's cheeks dusted pink.
Crouching in front of you, Leo gave you a once over. Their furious expression quickly morphing into one of concern. “Did you sleep here?”
“Didn't mean to, the kitchen was just,” You gave a limp shrug, avoiding their piercing gaze. “Too much.”
“How long have you been here?” Stacy asked, striding over to drape her legs across the arm of the couch.
“Since midnight-ish.” You muttered, shame pitching your voice lower.
“Babes,“ Leo sighed, running a palm over your exposed arm as you tried to shrink into the couch cushions. ”What happened? Was it your mom?“
You should your head, tears pooling in your eyes. “Pete.”
“Pete?” Stacy raised an eyebrow, looking at Leo with wide eyes.
“What did he do, hun?” Leo plopped into a cross-legged position, leaning against the couch with an expectant look.
“Did you break up?” Stacy's voice was uncharacteristically soft, but the words were still teasing.
You burst into tears.
“Stace!” Leo scolded, climbing onto the couch and hefting your torso up so that you could lay in their lap as you bawled.
“What? It seemed impossible!!” Stacy said, mortified. She absorbed Leo's vacated spot, hands hovering apprehensively in front of you. “Shit. Please don't cry.”
“It's a bit late for that.” Leo huffed, cradling your cheek with one hand. “What did that bastard do to you?”
Gulping in air, you cowered against Leo's thigh. Your friends sat quietly, patiently awaiting your story. With a stuttering inhale, you wiped the newest round of tears from your face and pushed yourself into a seated position—gratefully leaning into the arm Leo threw around your shoulders. Looking up at them wide-eyed, you waited for their encouraging nod before speaking.
“Um..” Your voice was hoarse, words shaky. “So three days ago, I tried to bring him lunch...”
As if your consciousness was sparing you from the depressing events, the words tumbled from your lips instinctively, thoughtlessly. The story pouring directly from your torn heart, accompanied by a few stray tears.
Throughout your ramble, your friends remained silent–sandwiching your body between them. Leo's sturdy frame was a comforting weight to your left. Stacy had migrated to your other side, tentatively resting a manicured hand on your shoulder. They were both eerily still as you caught them up on the implosion of your relationship with your neighbor.
Eventually, you sighed, your body sagging with exhaustion. Briefly lifting your hands, you gestured to the small, bare break room you'd passed out in. “And then you found me in here, and that's it I guess.”
Your mouth snapped shut, your eyes flinging the final few droplets of saline off of your lashes as you blinked at your lap. There was a beat of silence. Two. Three.
Then all hell broke loose.
“Is he fucking serious?“ Stacy bit out, retracting her hand to cross her arms. Her brows were raised, jaw clenched as she looked at Leo.
”He told you that you were a mistake?“ Leo squawked, clearly fuming.
“I mean, that's not—” You began to reason, words dissolving on your tongue as Leo grabbed your hand with a glare.
“Absolutely not. Do not start that bullshit.”
Frowning, you averted your eyes. ”I'm not doing anything.“
“Princess, we love you, but don't pretend you're not blaming yourself.“ Stacy scoffed, standing from the couch and tugging at the roots of her hair.
“And defending him while you're at it.” Leo gently prodded your side with a knuckle, giving you an all-too-knowing glance. At your resulting pout, they sighed. “I know that hearing your mom blame you again and again is hard to unlearn, but she's wrong. So is Pete and all the other men who have done this to you. You deserve better.”
“Seconded.” Stacy nodded firmly, pointing a finger at you. “The next time I see him, I swear on my grandmother—”
The petite brunette was pacing, fists clenched in her fury. Leo looked equally angry, though they were much less obvious about it. Smirking at Stacy's empty threat, they finished it for her. ”We'll beat him senseless with a baseball bat.“
Giggling, you leaned into the hug Leo offered, exhaling into their shoulder. ”I appreciate you both, but I'd rather just move past it.“
”Deal.“ Leo kissed the top of your head, holding out a hand to help you stand from the couch.
”Speak for yourself, I am not willing to let this slide.“ Stacy called with a huff, stalking out to the counter to begin prepping for the morning rush.
”Should I be worried?“ You bit your bottom lip, eyes following her out of the break room.
”Nah, you know her. It'll pass, this is just how she shows her love.“ Leo reassured you, striding into the kitchen at the ambling pace you set. ”We would do anything for you, you know.“
Smiling bashfully, you nodded. “I appreciate it, Leo. Thank you.”
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Though you were still dead on your feet and reeling from the emotional whiplash you'd been put through, an odd form of peace had engulfed you. Talking things out had taken a massive weight off of your shoulders.
You felt heat prick your cheeks as you sheepishly recalled the way you'd isolated yourself after leaving the construction site. At the time, it had felt like the natural path forward. But it clearly hadn't done you any good.
Your coworkers were eternally patient as you fumbled your way through your daily tasks, your brain still a glob of jelly after being berated by both Frank and your mother.
Gritting your teeth in frustration, you collapsed onto a bar stool. Kneading your forehead with one hand, you inhaled deeply.
Peeking around the corner of the walk-in, Leo frowned. “All of them?”
Nodding miserably, you forced a response around the lump in your throat. ”Every. Single. One.“
”Aw, babes.“ Leo pouted, coming to inspect the trays you'd thrown around your station as your defeat grew.
”They're all flat. How did it slip my mind that the rain would throw off the humidity in the main room? That's, like, proofing 101.“ You moaned, prodding one of the dense croissants with a finger. ”Christ, I feel like I've lost my mind. It should not be this hard to do something simple.“
Patting your back reassuringly, your best friend ignored your protests, lining your ovens with the ruined croissants and setting a timer. “Do you remember the first time Ez and I broke up?”
Ezra, Leo's on-again-off-again partner, had broken things off for the first time right before you both took your final preparation exam for your first pastry class in school. Leo had nearly flunked the course after they used salt instead of sugar in every dish.
Stifling a chuckle, you fiddled with the strands of your apron. “I seriously think Allard was reconsidering his decision to teach. His face!“ You and Leo snorted in tandem, picturing the old french man's grimace.
”Oh he definitely had regrets. My point is, the brain works in mysterious ways when you're grieving.“ Leo stated matter-of-factly.
”Grieving?“ You asked. “Frank didn't die–”
“I know that, smartass. But you still lost something, did you not?”
Pondering for a moment, you conceded. “I suppose.”
“So, your brain is handling this just like any other loss. Grief processing is its current main priority, remembering how to make picture-perfect croissants is not even in the backlog.”
“It should be, given that we operate a bakery.” You grumped, watching the pitiful slabs of dough puff slightly in the oven.
Smacking you gently over the back of your head, Leo's expression turned endearingly stern. “You, my dear, need to be kinder to yourself. Something huge and incredibly hurtful just happened to you. Give yourself a moment to breathe.”
Their soft command gave you pause. They weren't wrong. You'd jumped from escaping, to wallowing, to working without so much as a millisecond to relax. Had this bullshit happened to anyone else, you would've been much more understanding. But being kind to yourself was never your strong suit.
Mulling over the possibility of granting your brain a smidge of grace, you watched the flat pastries expand ever so slightly as they began to brown under the yellow oven lights. Realization finally striking you, you turned to Leo with a quizzical expression.
“You put them in the oven.” You stated simply, mind not quite forming a question to remedy your confusion.
Chuckling, Leo nodded. “I did.” They leaned against your station with a smile.
“Kitchen adaptations, hun. What did we used to do with pastry dough that didn't rise properly?”
Understanding dawning on you, your lips parted. “Croissant sandwiches.”
Squeezing your shoulder, Leo hummed in confirmation, striding back to their station to finish shaping bread loaves. You continued to watch the thin crescents puff, reminding yourself that the mistake was fixable. Sure, they wouldn't be the gorgeous, fluffy pastries you'd envisioned—but they could still be made into something delicious. For today, that was enough.
Feeling less hopeless, you wiped your hands on your apron and strolled over to the lines of proofing bread, moving them to the proofing cart easily. ”What are we stocking today?” You asked, hoping they'd notice the hidden meaning of the question.
“Let's stick to simple comfort foods. The weather is nasty, we probably won't be too busy. After we finish the staples, we could make some baguettes and a soup or two? Maybe some kitchen sink cookies and brownies too. Those won't take much effort.“ Leo tapped their chin thoughtfully, looking to you with a soft expression. ”Sound good?“
Smiling, you nodded–glad that Leo was willing to take charge for the day. Sliding your arms around your best friend's waist, you squeezed them tightly before bustling off to prepare some yeast.
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Over the next few weeks, your mood improved significantly. Out of concern for you, and more than likely out of concern for the bakery, Stacy and Leo had spent a handful of nights at your place–helping you wind down after work, and motivating you to get up the next morning. Their presence and constant glares towards your and Frank's shared wall made it easier to move forward without him. You could feel your consciousness wading through the stages of grief, rapidly approaching acceptance.
For now, though, you were still moping–much to your friends’ dismay.
”C'mon, Princess! Live a little!! You haven’t gone out with us in forEVER“ Stacy whined, pinching your arm as she took a seat on the counter you were cleaning.
Scowling at her, you switched your rag out for a broom, determined to keep tidying around the obstruction she presented. ”I already told you. I don't feel like going out tonight, Stace.“
Sweeping stray coffee beans from under the machines, you fought back an eye roll at her snort. ”Oh, I'm sorry, did you have plans besides crying on your couch while watching rom coms?“
”Christ, Stacy, I told you to invite her, not insult her!“ Leo scolded as they exited the kitchen.
”Someone needs to say it!“ Stacy threw her hands in the air, looking at you pointedly. ”Being sad has its time and place, but the only way to truly get over a man is by going out and getting wasted, you both know I'm right!“ She huffed in frustration as both you and Leo opened your mouths to protest.
Scratching the back of their neck sheepishly, Leo raised a brow at you. “She actually might have a point.”
Pumping her fists victoriously, Stacy leapt from the counter. “See? It'll be good for you!”
Glancing between her and Leo, you sighed. Pouting in distaste, you knew you had been outvoted. If you refused to go, they’d drag you out anyway. “Fine.”
Your friends cheered, high-fiving their success. Stacy danced over to you. “It's gonna be great, princess. You'll see!”
“Oh, I’m sure.” You snarked, dipping the formerly abandoned rag in a bin of bleach solution and resuming your afternoon disinfecting duties in the front of the cafe while your coworkers plotted the outing.
“What are you going to wear, hun?” Leo called over their shoulder to you, after complaining to Stacy about their lack of cute clothes.
“Considering I am only going to please the two of you? I'm not quite sure.” You snorted, tone still sharp with irritation.
“Well, since you're clearly in such a great mood,” Leo giggled, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Maybe we could get ready together?”
“We totally should! While blasting EDM really loudly in your living room!” Stacy grinned, feigning innocence despite her clear intentions to make Frank's life a living hell.
“Ok now you are definitely not invited.” You frowned, imagining how much he'd curse at you if you became a horrid neighbor on top of all your other faults.
“It's cute that you think you have a choice!” Stacy laughed evilly, rubbing her hands together in a movie-villain-esque motion.
Groaning miserably, you stiffened as Stacy padded over and held a hand out for the rag.
Making a grabby hand gesture, her other palm landed on her hip. “Hand the towel over, princess. You and Leo can head to your place to get you all fixed up and I'll finish cleaning.”
“I'm not sure whether I should be offended that you're implying I don't look stunning like this,” You circled a hand around your unwashed face. “Or worried that you're offering to lock up. You hate closing.”
“Exactly. That’s how much I want you to have a good night out, dude!” Stacy gave you a stern look, flicking her eyes between the damp rag and your stubborn expression.
Sighing heavily, you tossed the rag to her and slipped out of your apron. “If this place isn't gleaming tomorrow–”
“Yah, yah.” Stacy waved you off, putting earbuds in as she walked to the other end of the room.
“The disrespect.” You muttered, turning to Leo who was clearly amused at the fact that you'd been outwitted by the other girl.
“C'mon, sweets. We'll need to stop somewhere for drinks unless we want to go into debt to get drunk tonight.” Grabbing your hand, the two of you left Stacy and the bakery behind as you braved the heat outside.
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Slogging up the stairs, arms laden with a paper bag filled with the cheapest alcohol the three of you could stomach, you adjusted your center of gravity to avoid toppling down the stairs. It felt like you were swimming upstream, given the weight in your hold and the immense humidity of the stairwell. Finally reaching the landing, you scrunched your nose as a bead of sweat dripped from it.
“Took you long enough,” Leo remarked, smirking at you from your front door, having made it up the stairs long ago. 
“Not all of us have a lithe athletic build and the heart rate of an Olympian.” You huffed, shuffling toward them with a small smile. Despite your initial apprehension, excitement had started to build in your chest at the thought of the night ahead of you. As you were about to express that much to Leo, the click of a doorknob stopped you in your tracks. 
Stepping out of his apartment, adorably happy pitbull in tow, was none other than your neighbor, Frank Castle. 
Frozen in place, it was a miracle you didn’t drop the bag in your shock. You’d assumed he’d avoid you just as you’d avoided him. Apparently you weren’t that lucky. 
Looking a bit surprised himself, Frank hesitated for a minute before plastering a scowl on his face and tugging at the leash in his grasp. “C’mon Max.” 
Watching Frank stalk past you without so much as a glance in your direction, your mouth dropped open with indignation. Poor Max was dragged to the stairs behind him, despite the dog’s efforts to greet you on the way down the hall. 
Gritting your teeth, you marched to your own door and unlocked it. Carefully depositing the bottles on the ground, you grabbed a handle of cherry vodka, cracking it open and taking a swig as you stomped into your apartment. 
“I suppose that’s one way to handle whatever just happened.” Leo murmured, studying you with a concerned frown. “Wanna talk about it?” 
“Nope!” You grinned, pulling another gulp of liquor from the bottle. “Care to help me pick an outfit? I’m hoping to drink for free tonight.” 
Striding into your room with Leo on your heels, your gut burned as the lump of despair you’d been clinging to for a week burned red hot with rage. Your friends were right. You deserved better. 
If Frank Castle didn’t want you, then you sure as hell didn’t want him.
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Taglist: @cheshirecat484 @xxdrixx @smhnxdiii @mattmurdocksstarlight @danzer8705 @mjsvinyl @softieekayy @sweetpov @dreamtofus @zomtart @mjsvinyl @senjoritanana @marytheweefrenchie @siampie @gracethyomen @pone21 @ignore-mp3 @screechingphantommaker @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @paradox-brody-chase @msjb2002
92 notes · View notes
xjulixred45x · 9 months
I know I have to work on the requests, but I have to get this out of my head because now I have a rediscovered love for Invincible, bear with it.
okay, I can definitely see that you two were a couple or at least liked each other before everything went to hell.
and although you were fine with Mark at that time, when he was being convinced to join the Viltrum empire, he was somewhat seeking your approval. although using very vague assumptions, such as "would you accept an alien race if it meant world peace?" "or if that would help with the development of medicine?" You know, like what Nolan wanted to do at the beginning with Mark. and obviously since you didn't have the context you said yes without hesitation, further fueling Mark's crazy ideas.
I may not have made it very clear in the first part, but you and Nolan definitely don't get along. I mean, he's nice to you in a way, but he treats you like a little kid who needs discipline, so he tries to push Mark into that. Not only that, but you also indirectly blame him for the sudden change in Mark's personality, you know that if Nolan hadn't gotten him into that shit, he wouldn't have so much blood on his hands. The Mark you knew wasn't like that. HE WASNT.
The main reason this Mark doesn't feel angry because of your traditional escape attempts or why he's so soft is because of something our Invincible doesn't usually have, and that's his ARROGANCE. This Mark does not believe that you are capable of running away from him, you are not capable of defending yourself from him, you are not capable of harming him and above all you are not capable of HATE HIM, because he sees you as a soft creature, who should be treated as such because you are confused.
He is delusional, SpongeBob and Squidward level of Delusional. You could perfectly tell him that you hate him, that he's the worst thing that happened to you in your life... and he thinks it's reverse psychology.
"fuck you"
"Is that an invitation?😚"
"I hate you"
"I love you too babe🥰"
"If we were trapped on a desert island I wouldn't hesitate for a second to make a raft with your limbs"
"Silly you, I would take you out flying😘"
Do you see what I'm saying? For the same reason, if you end up hurting him, he would be proud that now you can definitely defend yourself from the Revolutionaries who "kidnap you every now and then" (it's you on the run). dang it, if you hurt him probably even NOLAN would compliment you for doing it despite being "so weak" and would completely approve of you.
(I can already imagine you with a wedding dress and a bouquet of knives...you want to throw it at Mark...in the face)
I think the most Mark does to scare you into escape scenarios is to threaten to throw you and not catch you next time, that's the best he goes. He can't stand the idea of leaving you paralyzed because it would be very boring and sad to see only a shell of you.
He wouldn't kill Eve, but he would never hurt you...physically. Did you see that in the end in their universe they manage to imprison him and get rid of Omniman? you totally didn't let go of Fem! Cecil(Cecilia?) all the way to her base and thanking her with all your heart and tears. Cecilia comforted you awkwardly, but she understood that you must have definitely had a hard time with Mark.
Meanwhile, with Mark already locked up, even if the world is a bit messed up, you can breathe easy for the first time in years, you can leave the base without fear of what happens to the people around you, you can eat without a problem, you can CHAT with people! it's magic! It's like you don't even remember anything before Mark! out of pure fear!
Meanwhile, Mark in prison always asks about you AT LEAST once a day, even if they give him proof that you are WELL and HEALTHY, he just doesn't believe it and DEMANDS to see you to prove it, which they obviously deny him and only makes him think that even more. The guy thinks you must be dying of hunger and cold or being eaten by collotes while you live your best life🤣
"MY POOR BABE! She must be so confused and scared without me! How do I know they're not torturing her for information!? She must be so worried because we're not getting home!" and it goes on and on... meanwhile Darling: "happy~ happy~happy~" "OHHHOOOhhOO, I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!"
For now that's all. I hope the Viltrum empire doesn't come to shit on Darling's happiness☠️
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soshadysoquiet · 1 month
An attempt to salvage S4, for your delectation. S4E2
Flashback of Diego and Lila: Them finding Lila's parents and happy, having Gracie and happy if stressed, more family moving in, Klaus goes to rehab, Five gets too drunk at family gathering. Luther moving in and out briefly, family fight as they follow Ben to the airport when he's moving oversees. Then the Twins and overwhelmed and More family moving in, Klaus and Luther and Five coming and going. Gradually feeling they've lost more of their life and too tired to interact. BOTH of them then start investigating the Keepers in very different ways after visiting Ben in prison: Diego notices someone with an upside down umbrella tattoo, he starts seeing them everywhere, packages with umbrella on them and starts tracking through stealing packages and stealing files after breaking into places etc, hiding all the evidence at home in his 'man cave'. Lila at the prison on another visit with Diego frowns over Ben mentioning this weirdo who's been writing to him talking about shared memories, she's overheard other people talk about this even as Ben doesn't seem anything but miffed - but they're things she knows happened. She digs in and worms in via another parent at school who is in the Keepers - overhears things and wends her way in and up the society rankings of the group under 'book club'.
They wake up with sickness and go about their days. (Viktor staying at Luther's but just groaning in bed), Luther has the show of his life, Five blinks himself into his super-secret subway tunnels and back by accident, Diego throws a package successfully, Allison is reading up on what she's studying at work and is being hurried - says she wishes they'd all give her a minute and maybe an aspirin - they do as if by magic. Viktor keeps hearing the building work outside and blows out a window.
They meet back at Luther's, pissed. Lila agrees hers are back too, throwing something accurately.
Ben comes in tentacles and all (keep em from his stomach).
Klaus is perfectly healthy - admits didn't take drink.
Ben gathers them all together and says he knows where Jennifer is and he's going even if they won't (though says it meaner, naturally) they agree they should all go, with some debating. (Ben is having visions of her locked up.)
They go to the village in much the same way  - Though, and I cannot stress this enough, there is NO baby shark playing, it's got to be some song about 'count with uncle Reggie' or something I mean come on, so many tricks missed when you do King Reggie's Chickadoo but not this? Poor. Ahem. Anyway...
They do their road trip, starts as normal, they pull over after Viktor blows the windows.
Ben and Klaus talk about why he didn't take the serum, Klaus says that if you'd been around as long as the old Ben had, or even the last few years, you wouldn't be asking. He's holding the dog tags. Ben says they need to stop seeing him as their dead brother, they're not the same person. Klaus says sure, but they both have the same sudden obsession over girls. Ben argues it's not sudden. Klaus says well it has been a few years, maybe if Ben doesn't want them to see him as their Ben he should spend some time with them so they could know him, just a thought. Ben sneers but then they're back in the car under Diego's road-trip dictatorship.
Diego and Five share a convo bonding about how Diego feels like himself for the first time in years, that he misses feeling this way. Five suggests that it doesn't have to be an either or thing, that Diego's made a family for himself a reason, and not to waste it.
They get to the village and split off, though there is a group with Ben as only he knows where Jennifer sort of is. They clumsily get the town residents more and more suspicious as they roam around and when one of Ben's tentacles slips out all shit breaks loose and it's a gun fight
The fight goes similarly - no lasers or hyper powers for them though just their own. Diego keeps his cool bullet spin move. Five goes to the subway and rides the train.
Ben runs through the fight to Jennifer, who is locked up, takes out the guards and the two stare at each other a while. This is the first real look we get of Jennifer. She sees his tentacles, he tries to hide them, reading her face as shock, she says 'you don't have to hide from me' though he still does put them away. They take hands and run out together, Jennifer won't stop looking at him, and is amazed he's come. Ben says 'well you're the only one who really knows me and still likes me'. Allison overhears that as she comes to drag them out.
Klaus is ambushed by a village person (pun intended)
As they make a break for the van wondering why they're not surprised this is the sort of place Ben's girlfriend comes from and are starting to ask questions they come across Klaus being shot.
He tries to get hold of the dog tags as he goes down but the family are holding him too much, he can't touch them.
The saving of Klaus goes much the same way, except when he wakes up he's horrified and pleading no, then panicking, Diego swerves the car all over and they end up in a crash.
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lurkingshan · 8 months
Japanese QL Corner
ICYMI: There are so many Japanese qls airing weekly, so I’m going to start posting this little round up at the end of each week. All but one of these are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching! Yes, even the ones I'm not loving! We need to encourage these Japanese studios to keep giving us access to their content. Changing up the order this week so as not to lead on a bum note (we can end on one, instead:)).
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yara ka
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When we left off with Kazuyo’s confession last week, I said this: “Kazuyo is such a sweetheart that I really hope she'll stick around rooting for this pair once she inevitably gets let down gently.” And we got all that and more this week, because this show is my perfect angel that has never done anything wrong in its life. I love that Kazuyo is not only at peace with Sakae’s feelings for Soga, but very enthusiastically supportive of his pursuit. I love this friendship, and I love that we’re spending real time on Kazuyo’s feelings in the aftermath of this rejection. And we continue to see bits of the past relationships that have been weighing on Sakae and Soga. This show really cares about its characters and it shows. Sakae’s confession at the end of this episode was another great moment of grace and kindness and I’m looking forward to Soga’s response once he has a chance to process alongside some healthy jealousy as Sakae’s ex returns.
Perfect Propose
The first two episodes of this new jbl dropped today, and I loved it. Overworked young salaryman, Hiro, is falling apart. His childhood friend, Kai, finds him lying exhausted on the street and invites himself to move in to take care of him. Kai explicitly declared 1) that he is gay and 2) that he considers himself Hiro’s fiancé within the first five minutes, and helped Hiro get off so he could sleep properly in the first episode. This drama really said eat real food, have a nice orgasm, and get a good night’s sleep and you will be happy, and it seems to be building to some themes about the harm caused by the culture of overworking. I support this message!
Ossan's Love Returns
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...where to even begin. This "honeymoon" episode was bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. I went from crying to laughing hysterically to gasping to staring in mute horror at my screen to laughing to crying again. This show is so good at keeping these characters grounded in authentic emotion even as their behavior spins far out of the realm of how real people behave. It's a minor miracle that I can be gaping at Maki in disbelief and then bursting into tears two seconds later because of one perfectly executed line. I don't even want to talk about what specifically happened in this episode, I just want you to go watch it.
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna 2
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WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK, BABY!!! I got my hot little hands on the first four episodes of this excellent second season and let me tell you, the joy I felt to see Yuki and Kasuga again! I love that we came back to find out the gals have been eating like queens and blowing the budget. Plus, there's a new baby lesbian in the building! This season is really delving into Yuki's exploration of her sexuality, and the show is handling it with the expected gentle grace. I am enjoying the journey and putting on my patient pants to settle in for a long wait before these two actually officially get together.
Chaser Game W
This was a rougher week for this show, in that the pacing felt very jerky as the story suddenly executed a rapid turn in the romance that did not really work. The backstory reveal was weak (very poorly motivated noble idiocy), Itsuki's casual decision to start caring for Fuyu's child at the expense of her own life and Fuyu's decision to let her was under-explored, the messages about the importance of these women's work was decidedly mixed, and the sudden love confessions straight to sex didn't get proper build up. Add Fuyu continuing to be a violent drunk who treats Itsuki like shit, and it's hard to root for this pair--I am not really invested in the romance. This show is clearly going somewhere with its commentary on gender roles as it relates to Fuyu's behavior, and I hope wherever it is will feel worth it.
Sahara Sensei to Toki-kun
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This show ended this week, and I pretty much hated it, but I will always love Toki despite the mess this show made of his story. We have one more show coming from Drama Shower for the season, and I sincerely hope we can end on a good note with this project.
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vioartemis · 1 year
Mine (part 2)
(Wednesday Addams x fem! reader)
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Summary: Your girlfriend's stalker seems to know a lot about your breakup with Enid... Part 1 || Part 2 Warnings: none a/n: I struggle writing lately, but I'll try to motivate myself more because I have so many ideas 😭 (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
A few months after you started dating Wednesday, you discovered your girlfriend had a stalker. Neither of you had an idea of who it could be, but one thing was clear: this person was up to no good.
The raven had already been threatened multiple times by her stalker but didn't pay any attention to it, thinking it was just a prank. It was only when her stalker started threatening to hurt you that she started to be worried.
You were her whole life, her reason to live. She couldn't lose you; she wouldn't know what to do without you. Now that she had you, she was ready to do everything in her power to make sure you would remain hers. Forever.
Her only problem was she didn't know who the stalker was. Usually, she would have just investigated to figure it out, but she couldn't bring you with her, knowing it might be dangerous. She also couldn't let you alone while she was away, that would give the stalker a good opportunity to hurt you.
In this moment, she almost regretted you had no friends anymore. Almost. She still believed she was all you needed.
When she had to leave you, even for a short amount of time, she would ask Thing to stay and keep an eye on you, to make sure you were safe.
What she didn't know was that the stalker -whoever it was- had no intention to harm you. Not physically at least. Of course not. Even if you were to die, the pain caused to Wednesday wouldn't be enough. She had to suffer. And they had found the perfect way to do so.
One day when Weems had called Wednesday in her office, you received a text from an unknown number.
'Your girlfriend is a toxic, manipulative liar. Here are the 'proofs' of Enid cheating on you. It's Wednesday who edited the pictures and sent them to you.'
You couldn't believe your eyes. Even with the screenshots sent by the stalker -because it was obviously them- you couldn't believe it. You didn't want to.
You decided to wait until your girlfriend got back from Weems' office and confront her.
"I'm back my love, did something happen while I was gone?" she asked right away, as per usual, the second she stepped into the room
"Actually... yes, something happened. I uh... I received a text, probably from the stalker"
Wednesday snapped her head at you the moment she heard the 'yes', blinking.
"What? Show me."
You purposefully held the phone away from her.
"Answer me first; were you the one who sent me the pictures of Enid 'cheating on me'?" you asked as calmly as you could
She certainly was taken aback by your sudden question, and it was clear she was thinking of the best answer to give you.
She could lie to you, tell you she didn’t do anything. But if you had real evidence, you would hate her if she lied. More than you would hate her if you knew what she’d done.
She was going to have to tell you the truth, it was the best thing to do to make sure she wouldn’t lose you.
"Yes. It was me."
You felt your heart sink at her words. You would've never thought she would do something like that.
"... Why?"
"It was for your own good, Y/n, I-"
"For my own good? You hurt me for my own good?" you cut her off, your anger building up "You ruined a perfectly good and healthy relationship that made me happy!"
"She wouldn't have made you happy a long time. You were not meant to be. I know I am the one for you. Aren't you more happy with me, cara mia?"
She spoke calmy and took your hand in hers softly. This simple touch was almost enough to calm you down.
"I am. But this... this is not healthy. Everything is based on a lie..."
"I did it for you. For us."
"No. No. You did it for you."
The anger was back, and made you snatch your hand away from hers before continuing.
"It was never about me. You just couldn't bear to see me with someone else. You had to have me all for yourself, didn't you? No matter how that would hurt me."
"No, that is not-"
"It is. It's exactly what it is. You're just selfish, Wednesday. Did you ever even considered the fact that I might not develop feelings for you? That you might have ruined my life?"
She did not consider it, not even once. She was sure you would love her because you were meant to be, weren't you? She could feel it. She couldn't explain it, but she knew you were made for her and vice versa.
She believed you were her soulmate, but she never realized she might not be yours. That would be cruel. And not how she liked it.
"No." you raised your hand and grabbed your bag "I'm going to my dorm. Don't follow me."
You didn't let her say anything else and stormed out of her room. You were angry and felt betrayed. You just wanted to be alone.
Wednesday watched you leave, her stomach twisted uncomfortably. She wanted to follow you, to call you back, to do anything to make sure she wasn't losing you. But you told her not to, and it would upset you more if she did.
She couldn't lose you. Not now, not after everything she'd done. You loved her, she knew it. Yet, she couldn't help but feel nervous. What if you went to Enid? What if she still loved you and tried to get you back?
She didn't have news of you for the next two days. You were doing your best to avoid her, and she didn't like it. It was torture -and not the good kind.
It was torture for you too, as much as you hated to admit it. You missed her so much. It was almost concerning how fast she got you addicted to her. You wanted to come back to her, hug her, kiss her... But you were mad she lied to you. And you wanted her to understand that.
But again, you missed her. So so much. You had trouble sleeping at night without her, and during the day you just missed her sarcastic remarks, the feeling of her hand in yours, the way she looks at you like you're the eighth wonder of the world.
You just couldn't stay away from her any longer.
You barged in her dorm after classes that day and grabbed her face to kiss her, not even letting her the time to understand what was happening.
She was taken aback by your sudden arrival after three days without even looking at her, but that meant you weren't leaving her, and that was the most important to her.
She held you close, hands on your waist, while she kissed you back. She'd missed that as much as you did.
After a moment, you pulled away.
"I'm still mad at you. But I just can't seem to be without you..."
"Cara mia-"
"No, let me talk, please"
Your girlfriend looked at you and nodded, a bit nervous about what you were about to say next.
"No more lies, and no more things like that, okay?"
"Of course, mi amor. I promise you I will be fully transparent now."
You smile at her words.
"Okay, I believe you. I love you Wednesday"
She nodded at your answer. She was relieved that you believed her, that you still loved her.
If she was determined to discover who her stalker was before, now she was ready to do everything in her power to figure it out. Whoever it was, they tried to take you away from her. And that she would not forgive.
[Previous part]
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hyunjinners · 10 months
✧:・゚Fear of The Unknown → Kim Seungmin x reader ˚₊· ꒰ 🌊 ꒱
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꒰ 命 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ꒱┊Her relationship with Seungmin is perfectly healthy, but the insecurities on both sides prevent them from being clear with each other.
꒰ 命 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ꒱┊idol!Seungmin x fem¡reader
꒰ 命 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 ꒱┊a little sad, cute, established relationship, happy ending.
꒰ 命 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ꒱┊possible trigger, fights, light swearing (nothing serious), lack of communication, relationship crisis, fear.
꒰ 命 𝐖.𝐂 ꒱┊6,7k
꒰ 命 𝐀/𝐍 ꒱┊I had a dream about Seungmin and I wanted to create a story based on that. I just read an imagine with Seungmin being a complete asshole and I was completely disgusted (the worst thing is that the chapter was really good, love the person who wrote it), so I had to do one of him being a complete baby that he always was (even if at some point in the chapter he hurt her, but I'm just saying- 😅😉)
English is not my first language! I hope you enjoy and have a good read - feedback is appreciated. 🩵🌨️
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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗘 reflects off her face, waking her up to the start of another week. You toss and turn lazily in her place on the bed, making the sheets beneath you move, becoming increasingly messy. The ease with which his body messed them up made him realize the lack of extra weight on the bed beside him. Your fingers delicately trace the now empty space beside you.
You exhale a tired sigh, opening your eyes in a sudden awakening when you realize that your boyfriend was no longer there. His hands run awkwardly through his hair with the intention of making him at least presentable before getting up. You walk still a little drowsy down the hallway, rubbing your eyes with your vision a little blurry.
As if on the right timer, you arrive just as Seungmin was getting ready to put on his sneakers and head out. As soon as he sees you he stops on his way to the apartment entrance, smiling a wide and warm smile that was reserved especially for you. He raises his arms, enveloping her in a warm hug. You rub your head affectionately against his chest, like a lost kitten. He laughs at the thought. "What are you doing up at this time?" "I just wanted to see you leave, it'll be a long time before you return at night." You speak in a low tone that's a little slurred from sleep. He smiles as his fingers rest in his messy hair, you were basically sleeping standing up. "I'll be back tonight, don't worry. When you blink, I'll be back." He assures you. "I had left a note for you on the kitchen island," he pulls you away a little to look into your eyes. "Yo-rin invited us to go out with friends tonight. What do you think?"
"I think it's more like a 'date between couples', I'm sure she's with Jun-ho. But yes. I liked the idea." He smiles, straightening a rebellious lock that fell over his forehead. "Great, I'll be there in time to take us by car, okay?" "Okay" you lean up on your toes, placing an innocent kiss on his lips, wanting to see him as soon as possible. “I love you,” you say. He connects their lips again before walking away with a smile. "Put on some comfortable clothes, I know you'll look beautiful no matter what" he puts on his sneakers before leaving.
You fix the last details of your hair before hearing the sound of the front door closing. You hurriedly grab your bag from the bed before walking towards the living room. You look for Seungmin, finding him drinking water in the kitchen. You lean against the doorframe waiting for him to notice his presence. When done, he looked you up and down with shining eyes. You were wearing a simple black corset over a white blouse and wide leg pants, simple but perfectly beautiful for him.
He approached, pulling her hand up and spinning her around. You let out a hearty laugh during your little turn, feeling embarrassed even though she is used to hearing compliments from him daily. "Perfect. How did I get so lucky?" He rambles, talking more to himself than anything else. His hands rest lightly on your waist. Seungmin affectionately rubs your nose with yours, kissing your cheek and then your lips, giving you a short peck. "Let's go. If we're late they'll be making jokes all night." He rolls his eyes remembering the last time he was late because he was distracted by his girlfriend.
Arriving at the restaurant, you go to a more private room to which you were directed by your friends. Yo-rin and Jun-ho were sitting laughing about something they shared on their cell phones, not before they stand up to greet you properly. "Y/n, long time! How are you?" Yo-rin hugs you warmly with a wide smile on her face, being extroverted as always. "It's really been a while since we saw each other, I missed you." You return the hug, settling into your rightful place next to Seungmin. "I think Seungmin thinks we're going to steal her from him." Jun-ho comments, earning a playful eye roll from Seungmin. "Okay, we didn't come to eat?" Seungmin interrupts the teasing with a fake tone of disdain. "Come on." You laugh.
The night passed comfortably between you. You and Seungmin exchanged knowing looks during the meal as you watched Jun-ho and Yo-rin put food on each other's plates. They just looked at you confused when they heard your laughter. When leaving the restaurant, you walked to the karaoke, passing through a nearby square, lights and live music filling the atmosphere and making everything more cozy along the way. After almost an hour of singing traditional Korean karaoke songs, you sat next to Yo-rin on the couch, only hearing Jun-ho and Seungmin's slurred singing because of the amount of Soju they drank together. You let out a hearty laugh when Jun-ho fell on top of Seungmin, crying - probably due to the song's melancholy lyrics about lost love.
As soon as the song ends, they sit next to the two of you, sighing breathlessly for the last song they sang so eagerly. "What do you think about another round?" Jun-ho drawls, resting his arms on Yo-rin's shoulders, who just gave him an amused look. "What's up, guys? One more song, one more Soju." He reaches for the bottle on the table, but is reprimanded by Yo-rin who holds his arm. "That's enough for today. I think we should go, you're drunk as a skunk." She stands up next to him, resting the weight of his body on her. "We're on our way, you can enjoy it alone, lovebirds." Yo-rin gives them a wink.
"Not alright. We're going. Come, I'll help you." Seungmin stands up, taking Jun-ho from her arms. "He is sure? You weren't alone all night. It's still 9pm, you can stay a little longer without us." She asks with a confused face towards the two of you. You shake your head with a simple smile. "It is good too, Minnie has to work tomorrow and I think you're going to need help with Jun-ho, you know, he's heavy." You laugh, joining his arm with hers to leave the room right behind the boys. "All is well then."
A week has passed since the day you left with Seungmin's friends. It was a busy week, not only for you, but also for your boyfriend. You were busy with mountains of essays one after another for your college, and he, who trained too much, barely having time to rest and most days having stayed in the dorm with the boys.
You sigh tiredly, closing your laptop after finishing another tiring study session. You get up and go to the kitchen with the intention of heating up your lunch with the leftovers from the previous day’s dinner. remembering the morning message left on post-its that Seungmin left asking you to eat well because your health is very important. You smile at the thought.
Before even uncovering the pots that held the food, his cell phone that was on top of the island vibrates showing Yo-rin's photo on the screen, you quickly pick it up to answer the call. "Hi, Yo-rin! What a nice surprise." "Hi, how are you? You know, I have an appointment near your building and I thought I would invite you to have lunch together at a nearby restaurant. We can go to the mall too. Would you be free?" You smile excited at the idea of ​​good timing. "Of course! To be honest, I was about to prepare my lunch, So you came at a good time." "Great, I'll give you the address, meet me in 30 minutes." "Okay."
The thirty minutes were enough for you to get ready in a casual and comfortable way, wearing moss green shorts with a short white blouse to stand out with sneakers of the same color. You call a taxi in front of your building, following a route of less than 5 minutes according to the address sent. You arrive in front of tteokbokki's small restaurant, finding Yo-rin at the tables in the back. She waves at you, indicating to sit across from her.
"I'm glad it arrived on time, I just ordered it. The ttobokki here is the best! I promise you won't regret it." She says happily, placing her cell phone on the table that was in her hands until then. "I thank you for the invitation, I needed a break from studying. My teacher went crazy this week." "I found out, Seungmin told me. That's why I called you, spending the whole week working on your mind must be a pain, you have to rest for everything." A sudden doubt appears in your head when she finished explaining. "Does he know we're here?" "Let's just say...it's a girls' secret." She raises her finger towards her own mouth, as if asking for secrecy, you laugh at the funny face she made. "Okay, let's just be the two of us for today" you join in on her joke.
After eating the famous tteokbokki - which she wasn't lying when she said it was the best - you split the bill, at her insistence, leaving to walk some more. You kept the plan of going to the mall, passing through several stores trying on some things or buying others. She lets out a sudden happy squeal pulling you towards a store with a new makeup line that she mentioned seeing on 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 on tiktok. She fiddles with some products before suddenly pausing, speaking without looking you in the eye, "You know, I didn't want to say anything, because I thought it would be a little uncomfortable for you, but it's been rattling around in my head since the day we left last week." She says hurriedly, barely having time to breathe. "What do you mean? What happened?" You ask worriedly, resting your hand on her shoulder. She looks into his eyes with concern shining in them, starting to slowly wander around the store then looking at some products in distraction.
"It's just...how's your relationship with Seung going?" "So far, so good. I- I still don't understand, Yo-rin." You speak slowly, imagining that she is organizing her thoughts so she knows how to speak carefully. "You know, the day we left I noticed something strange. I had been talking to Seungmin for weeks about the idea I had of us all going out together and only after a lot of insistence did he give in and talk to you." She sighed, thinking about what she would say next. "And...during dinner or when we were at karaoke, he treated you like one of his friends, it didn't even seem like you were dating and, When I suggested the idea of ​​you being alone, because I imagined it would be uncomfortable for him to act like that in front of us, he didn't even hesitate before denying it." You remained silent, trying to understand her line of reasoning.
"I understand your concern, Yo-rin, but I think you got it wrong," you try to smile, but it was flawed, only a ghost of a smile appeared on your face. "Minnie isn't exactly the biggest fan of PDA and I respect that about him, nothing more." His attempt to convince her seems to be of no use, since she just looks at you like you're not listening to her. "It's not just that, it's just…" she lowers her voice, now looking away from her feet, "In his past relationships, this wasn't a problem. He's never been this distant with anyone before. Besides, he barely lets you go out with his friends. At first I was understanding, since he had just gotten out of a difficult relationship, I thought he didn't want to rush things. But now it's weird. You've been together for almost two years and it seems like he wants to hide you from us." Her reaction about her is silent, making you reflect.
"I don't want to put the wrong ideas in his head, but you see, he's been busy working this week. Did he call you in the meantime? He usually does this when he misses you or is worried." A lump forms in your throat and your mouth goes dry, making you swallow your saliva with difficulty. "He- he leaves notes in the morning and sometimes sends messages at night…” you respond in a low voice, your chest was starting to hurt from how tight it was. His thoughts were racing. "You see? It worries me! I try to talk to him, but he just ignores me when I bring it up." She looks at you, waiting for an answer, but only receives silence in return. "Okay, I think- I think we better go, okay?" She puts her hand over your left shoulder, guiding you out of the store. "I think so." You practically whisper, your voice disappearing into your throat.
His plan was to spend the rest of the day peacefully, but that didn't happen. You knew Yo-rin would never say anything to affect you - not on purpose, of course - but his words were eating away at your mind and insecurity grows in your chest. Her mentioning Seungmin's previous relationship really bothered you. He had mentioned it to you once, explaining it in a shallow way and, after that conversation, you wonder if the reason he didn't tell you in detail is because he doesn't trust you. You blindly trusted Seungmin without hesitation, but the burning you felt in your eyes and the sweat that formed on your hands were clear signs that you were very insecure, and again her thoughts took her like monsters, making her reflect and question details of her relationship so far.
You try to finish some work you intended to do before the due date, but all you can see and feel is that something is now wrong. You don't want to think, but it can't help but cross your mind that it's somehow your fault.
The wonderful smell of banana pie enters your nostrils making you feel hungrier. You bow slightly in thanks to the cashier before walking out the door of the small bakery with two cups of coffee and pieces of Seungmin's favorite pie. It had been two days since the day you met Yo-rin. You didn't mention your date with Seungmin, not that you were hiding anything, I was just afraid you'd upset him by telling him something so irrelevant while he was away working. Your nerves hadn't calmed down at all since that day, but you were trying to distract yourself, thinking it better not to make hasty decisions.
You wanted to prove to yourself that everything was okay so, for that, you decided to surprise Seungmin by visiting him at JYP. Maybe it was hasty, but you knew he would be happy. You try to hide the excited smile that insisted on appearing on your face. Arriving at the entrance of the company, you pull out your cell phone, dialing his number. Some rings resounded signaling that it was calling. The call dropped. You called once again and were getting a little worried for fear that he wasn't at the company or that something had happened. After several taps, finally you hear his low and slightly slurred voice, he was probably tired. "Hey. Did something happen?" He speaks quickly. Your breath catches in your throat and your mind insists that maybe it wasn't a good idea, he looked anxious and tired. "H-hi, no- nothing happened. Just...I thought I'd stop by the company to give you a coffee and some cakes, I was wondering if you'd already eaten anything." His voice disappeared from his throat. You were afraid to tell people you were at the company, afraid of what might happen.
"It's okay, there's no need. I ate well, I promise. Look, I- I have a lot to do, so…” he sighs, you got the signal. A strange cold hits your belly and your eyes water. You didn't know exactly why you wanted to cry, but you felt like you were excluded. "Not alright. Sorry to call unannounced." You hoped he didn't notice his weak voice. "Okay, don't worry. Tomorrow I will be home early." He hangs up and you feel like your head is spinning. You keep your cell phone in your pocket, now with a cold coffee in his hands and a tight heart almost coming out of his mouth. You can't cry, not here, not now. Are you strong… 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵?
The next day you were discouraged, maybe this was your new routine this week; waking up and realizing that deep down you are afraid that your previously so perfect relationship might just be a sham, that you were a hobby. You had nothing to do, it was a boring day. The weather was rainy and the cold wind blew against her skin through the open window. It felt like the universe was actually conspiring against you, even the weather was really hazy, matching your thoughts. On days like this there was only one thing you could do.
You unlock the bike that you hadn't used in a long time, you had to clean your hands of the dust that spread along the chain that held it. Riding it, you pedaled quickly, feeling a small sting in your nose from the cold wind. Securing it to the small bike rack, you entered the place with bad lighting, where only the red, white and blue tones of the machines make you have minimal vision. The arcade was definitely the strangest place to calm down, but for you it was nostalgic and relaxing. Sometimes you felt like a child who went out to play when there was a fight at home. By placing the tokens inside the claw machine, you let yourself go for hours, changing the toys and carrying lots of gifts home.
You close the door behind you with your foot, your arms filled with bags loaded with various teddy bears and other small toys. You leave your bags on the living room floor, desperately wanting a shower. Opening the bedroom door, you hear the sound of the shower turning off and a voice shouting from inside the bathroom, "darling?" You stopped in the same place. You wanted to walk around leaving the room and pretend it was just the wind, but at the same time you wanted to hug him and say you missed him. Because you felt it, a lot. "Hi, Minnie. I'm here." Seconds later you hear the sound of the shower turning on again. You wondered if he really cared that you were there, but you wouldn't torture yourself like that. Lying down, it feels like the effort you put into riding your bike has come to a head, your eyelids becoming heavier and your vision darkening.
Your eyes slowly open at the delicate rocking of your shoulder, caused by a pair of large, light hands, touching you as if any sudden action would break you. A little more attentive to your surroundings, you see Seungmin crouching in front of you with his hand caressing your shoulder. "Love, get up, please." You stood up lazily, running a hand over your face. "What time is it?" "About 6:00 pm, probably." He replied in a low tone, not wanting to alarm you. "I'm sorry for waking you up, but I need to talk to you." Seungmin sat next to him, looking into his eyes with concern and affection. "...I don't- look, I wanted to apologize to you for what happened yesterday. I know we didn't talk properly this week because of me, and I felt bad for hanging up the call so quickly. I want to redeem myself." He speaks slowly, paying attention to see if you understood everything he said.
You sigh, not knowing whether from relief or exhaustion. Your eyes fill with water and you want to disappear from his face because you look so fragile. You bite your bottom lip, looking down at your hands that were resting in your lap. You feel his strong arms wrap around you in a hug that is a little awkward, but still comforting. You reciprocate, giving in to his affection. You inhale the smell of the moisturizer he usually applies after a shower, feeling small for realizing that you needed to be in his arms. He extends his hand over your hair, stroking it delicately, with so much love and care that it made your bones ache to think about what it would be like to no longer be able to feel his love. He whispers softly to you, "I plan to show you something. I'll give you some time to shower and get dressed, I'll be waiting in the living room." You pull away, looking at him confused. "Where are we going?" He smiles, his eyes shining with admiration. He runs his fingers over your cheek, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead. "For a good surprise."
You watch in the distance as small yellow lights shine through the branches. You were still in the city, but in a somewhat reserved place, close to a small piece of sea. Turning off the engine, he walks around as he gets out of the car and opens the door for you, his gentlemanly gestures never dying, eliciting a sincere smile from you for the gesture. He goes ahead, guiding her to a small restaurant that is located on the water's edge. It was beautiful, the lights scattered around the room where the tables were located made everything seem comforting. The place seemed to be a kind of 'acquaintances only environment', as Seungmin nods knowingly to the lady inside the store.
He points to a table asking you to wait for him. When he returns, he sits across from you, starting a conversation by asking how his day was. You try to avoid saying that the reason for your bad mood was technically attributed to him, just saying that you went out to distract your mind. He tells you how his week was and how this part of training is being pushed before the stray kids comeback and you sag a little in your chair, feeling like he was getting in his way that time, like an added weight to the whole problem he was going through. You didn't want to make it too obvious, so you just smiled and motivated him by saying how good he is at what he does. After eating the delicious food, he walked with you to a bridge not too far away, where he had an incredible view of the biggest buildings in Seoul.
You walked side by side and at some point you linked your pinkies, not wanting him to be uncomfortable with closer contact. He looked at his hands with a frightened expression, as if this was new to him. His stomach dropped and his smile fell a little, but he couldn't show it. He pointed to a specific place on the bridge where he wanted to observe the view, walking a little faster, letting go of your hands. You swallowed hard, this was no time to think about that.
You joined his side, resting both hands on the bar in front of you. Seungmin looked mesmerized by the lights that decorated the city at night, matching the stars. You watched him absorbed in thoughts about him, about how incredibly cute he looked in this dark brown trench coat that highlighted his eye color and made him look like the main love interest in a drama, or how his fluffy hair made him incredibly attractive. You loved him, and you wanted him to know that. The words instantly spring to his tongue, as a desperate prayer for the support of your relationship, "...I love you." You whisper, breaking the silence that had been established until then, just the cold wind blowing over you. He stops for a few seconds, looking into your eyes and giving you a light smile. He holds your hands in his, with a lost look pondering on his face. Her breathing hitched suddenly, her chest hurt.
You remove your hands from his, he then looks at you confused, not understanding the reason for the gesture. “Do you love me, Seung?” His voice sounds broken, wavering with every word spoken. Seungmin's eyes widened, doubt and worry shining in his eyes. "Of course darling." "... so why don't you say it?" Silence. A bitter silence that you didn't want to experience, wasn't what you wanted. A lone tear fell down your cheek, exhaustion overflowing from the latest past events. "Where did that come from? What's going on?" You laugh humorlessly, wiping the tear uselessly as more insisted on constantly descending. "𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨? Everything is happening, Seungmin!" You suddenly burst out, not raising your tone because they were in a public environment, even though it was almost empty.
"Why- why don't you ever say you love me? I express my love for you and the only thing I get in return is silence." He looks at you scared, but without saying a word. He reaches out to touch your arm, but you painfully take a step back. He lowers his hand slowly, sighing. "It's not that-" "so what happened?" You interrupt him. He falls silent, swallowing nervously. He ponders his answer for a while, looking down. "... It is complicated." You clenched your fists in disbelief, not in anger, but in disappointment. "Yo-rin was right… I can't believe it." You mumble, wiping away your tears as you turn your back to him.
He raises his head, confused by the mention of his childhood best friend's name. Before you could take another step, he stops in front of her, looking straight at you. "What does she have to do with it?" Now it was your turn to ponder, sighing as you look at the water, avoiding staring at him at all costs. "We hung out a few days ago and talked about our relationship. She told me she was worried that you were being cold to me, avoiding showing people that I'm your girlfriend. At first, I didn't want to believe it, but she was right about some things," you stare back at him, where he listened to you with a mix of feelings; fear, worry, sadness, anger. Everything was apparent in his physical and bodily expression and you wanted this discussion to end, but everything needed to be clarified, "she said that you were never so cold towards someone, that you were different in your other relationship. That hurt so much, Seungmin. It makes me wonder if the problem was with me," your voice broke and you felt afraid that you wouldn't be able to speak.
"I've never had problems with insecurities in our relationship but it's hard not to think about it when you treat a trainee with perfect, enviable beauty so affectionately and act different like that. a mere student... I can't keep this to myself anymore, Seungmin." Seungmin wants to speak, but his arguments catch in his throat, his vision blurred by the tears that were in his mouth. You just nod, too tired to fight, gripping the strap of your bag tightly before walking past him. "Where- where are you going? You're driving with me." He shouts in your place, not worried about clarifying your doubts, but rather where you are going. 𝘚𝘰 𝘧𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘺, you think. "I'll go by taxi." And then you go, leaving him alone at the edge of the cold water under the lights of Seoul.
You lay on your bed, curled up in the fetal position, feeling more tears wet your face. The feelings were confused inside, you felt a strange relief that he finally knew your feelings, but the fear and anguish that Yo-rin was really right predominated without pause, making you experience double emotional exhaustion. Your cell phone vibrates next to you, you pick it up after several rings. There were messages from him.
𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 🐶🤍: I'm afraid you want space. I'm going to sleep in the dorm with the boys today, don't worry.
You sigh. It would be a long night's sleep.
"Everything will be fine, you're amazing." Her friend Nayeon massages her shoulders, an act to uselessly ease her tension. The dressing room was a mess, people running from one side to the other arranging clothes and makeup. Today was a very important day for many fashion students, including you. A small fashion show planned for months where students presented their creations to be evaluated by the most respected professors on campus, in addition to important presences such as businesspeople and industry scouts. It was a very important day and the tension from his fight with Seungmin two days ago wasn't helping anything. During those two days, he stayed in the dorm and you didn't speak to each other again. You were sad and relieved that Seungmin didn't say anything to you, perhaps to give you space or out of fear of what might happen if you try to talk again.
You shallowly told your friend Nayeon how you fought with Seungmin after she confronted you about why you were acting so distracted and tired. She was understanding, giving a little speech about how fights like this are normal in relationships and that you would soon sort things out. You didn't take much faith, but agreed just to end the matter. You couldn't let personal matters get in the way of your work, not on this day. Only the best students were selected to have the opportunity to present their work and you passed with honor and praise. Your teacher announced your selection with pride and you couldn't be happier for the opportunity you've been given.
A thought quickly crossed your mind, imagining what it would be like if you weren't fighting with Seungmin, If only he was here to support her and tell her how proud he is. It makes you sad. Nayeon stops massaging her shoulders when she feels them more tense. "Honey, relax. Important people will be here today and you need to at least look presentable when they ask to see the creator of the best collection." She said with a playful smile on her face. "Now get up, hold your head high and show who the talent in this place is, you hear?" You smile at her sincerely, grateful for her generosity. "You're right, today is going to be a memorable day." You walk to your seats in the front row when they announce the start of the parade. Your pieces will be one of the last, so you are calmer at first. The lights go out and everything begins. It's no wonder that the best were selected for this, the pieces are truly incredible and vivid, you can't deny it.
It was time for your creations to appear and you were afraid of people's reactions. Nayeon squeezed his arm gently, a silent warning that you were doing well. When it was all over, the applause resounded loudly throughout the place and, as soon as the lights came on, your hands froze in place when you saw who was in front of you. Seungmin clapped happily when he saw his collection at an event like this. He was happy and proud, unlike two days ago when he left her distressed and without answers. She wanted to disappear and pretend she didn't see him, but when your eyes met, it was as if you could see the feelings he carried inside, longing to have you close to him. It was a short period of time before the event ended and his nerves were on edge. People were getting up and in the middle of the movement you saw Seungmin walk up to you, before he opened his mouth to say something, you nodded towards the backstage, asking him to follow you.
You guide him to sit at the dressing table that was in an unoccupied dressing room. You close the door, sitting across from him. A slightly uncomfortable silence settles in the room as you play with your fingers in your lap, an attitude you did when you were nervous. "I'm proud. You are extremely talented and my heart was happy when I saw that your talent was finally recognized." He breaks the silence by speaking in a low tone. You stare at him, formulating a decent response. You didn't want to be rude, but you were still upset with him. "Thank you." His voice was so low that if he hadn't been so close he might not have heard it. And once again silence fell, but not for long, as he spoke again, this time catching your attention more abruptly. "When I was a trainee I met a girl," you lift your head, curious as to what he's getting at, "we became friends, one thing led to another and we ended up becoming romantically involved," he pauses, watching your reaction carefully.
"She wasn't my first girlfriend, but she was the first one I thought I would actually move forward with. I treated her very well, being the example of a drama boyfriend," He tries to make a joke but you just look away, he sighed. "One day, I intended to take her to meet my parents and then she just attacked me. He said that I needed to change, that if I continued being this 'soft idiot' no one would ever stay, that no one wants someone so needy around. She broke up with me a few days later." His eyes met yours and you didn't know what to say, it was all so sudden. "It ended up that a few months later she got involved in a fight at the company and had to give up on her debut, leaving the company... It's not that I don't love you, dear… I'm afraid of losing you if I get too close. You are the most important person in my life and I don't know if I can imagine my life without you. I need you." His voice cracks, making him feel small. You lean in to wipe away the tears running down his face.
Not holding back, you hugged him warmly, longing and relief enveloped you in a loving way. You kissed his forehead and whispered while stroking his hair. "I would never leave you, I'm the one who needs you. I'm sorry- I'm sorry for not listening to you sooner." You cry together, relieved to have cleared things up. You still felt guilty for not listening to him, you felt selfish, but seeing how sincere he seemed, you thought you could give yourself a chance. He pulls you away, cupping your face so he can kiss you more easily. He held her with love, feeling her soft lips fit perfectly over his like pieces of a puzzle to which he was predestined to be united until his last breath of life. He brushes two more pecks on your lips before separating, taking in the air.
"I had a fight with Yo-rin…so I thought I had to at least settle it with you." He commented suddenly, making you look at him with concern. "Did you- did you fight because of me…?" He holds your hands, stroking them for you to relax. "It's not your fault, She's the one who needs to measure her words, that's all." His tone becomes more serious for a moment. You just nod in understanding. You are interrupted by Nayeon abruptly entering the dressing room. "Girl, I looked for you everywhere! The professor is behind you, a Japanese businessman is interested in your work and wants to talk to you." She smiles excitedly. It seems like things have really worked out.
"Minnie!" You jump into his arms, the suitcase sliding away almost falling. He spins you in his arms, filling your face with chaste kisses as a manifestation of his longing. "Calm down, calm down! We're going to fall." He laughs, placing you on the ground. "I've been waiting for this for weeks, you know." You kiss him again, happy to finally see him after months. Eight months passed after everything happened and things were happening naturally. The boys were taking off with their new mini album for JYP Japan and you were visiting him in Shibuya, Taking advantage of the fact that she was on a business trip, she was hired to design the newest collection for a successful Japanese brand. You couldn't be more proud of each other. After a long and tiring flight, your boyfriend met you in your hotel room to welcome you.
"I know you're tired," he begins, looking with his puppy dog ​​eyes, "but I need to take you to a very important place. And, before you deny it, it’s in your best interest, so…” you watch him curiously, reading his expression. "All is well then." You smile, hugging him once again.
It was night when he picked you up in your room that same day. The moon was full and bright and the weather was mild for it being spring. You passed through beautiful places and interesting streets before arriving at the place he had initially thought of, taking several memorable photos along the way. Holding your hand, he pulled you towards a slightly more reserved place, where trees with cherry blossoms lay, your favorites. You were amazed looking around you, the lighting made everything more exciting and charismatic. "Is this where you wanted to take me?" You ask smiling after sitting on a wooden bench beneath the trees. "Did you like it? The boys researched the best places for a romantic walk and I could only say thank you." A wide smile graces his features. He looks down at his feet, his heart felt like it was going to jump out of his mouth and his forehead couldn't stop sweating. "Baby... are you okay? We can go back if-
"no no! I'm fine, I just- I just wanted to tell you something." He looks at you, piecing together fragments of the speech he's practiced for hours in front of the members..
"I want to be honest with you. I've rehearsed this moment thousands of times and I still think I'm going to stutter as soon as I open my mouth." He gathers his courage and continues, you watch him curious and confused. "Some time ago, I was afraid of losing you. My life revolves around you and I was scared of losing you if you left. I realized that we only know for sure if something will last if we have the attitude to hold on to it and make sure it's yours." You watch him take a small marsala-colored velvety box from your pants, your eyes fill with water as you realize the reason for all this, for every planned part of this day. "My love, do you agree to become my priority forever?" He opens the small box, revealing two beautiful silver rings with details in pink stones.
You hug him, wetting his shoulder with the tears you shed in happiness. "Of course I do, darling." You were ready to become his permanently. He was yours and you were his, and no one would separate you, neither doubt nor fear, you would face the unknown together, because you love each other.
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A/N_ I usually don't leave comments at the end of chapters, but after all this I think it's worthy of reactions. Okay, what was that? I swear I've never written a chapter this long and I confess I was proud because I didn't intend to make it this long. Please don't feel angry with Yo-rin 😭, she just wanted to help even though she acted like a bitch, that's it- but whatever. Like × reblog ¡ by:: @hyunjinners ^-^
135 notes · View notes
celaenaeiln · 1 year
What is your opinion on Babdick/dickbabs? I personally hate it because it doesn’t look like a healthy relationship especially when Barbara doesn’t seem to love dick all that much
It's not and she doesn't and I don't like them together at all.
Oracle Barbara was mostly fine but I CANNOT STAND Batgirl Barbara and Dick.
Take this comic for instance, Dick and Barbara have broken up (as they always do) and Dick is thinking about it and being sad about their relationship. He calls Barbara to say sorry as he always does
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DC's Crimes of Passion
But Barbara's feelings on the breakup?
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DC's Crimes of Passion
When Barbara says she's scared of needing someone, I can totally understand that. It's a immense feeling and perfectly acceptable reason but-
"I don't know what to call us. I don't even really know what I want us to be. Or what we're supposed to be."
This isn't the sound of a girl in love, this is the sound of a woman stringing along a man.
She doesn't want to be together with Dick but she's doesn't want to be away from him. She loves him but can't stand the idea of loving him.
And truthfully? I get this too - because I almost did it myself. A guy I'm good friends with asked me out on a date and to be honest I didn't even feel the same about him that way. I was just friends with him and when he asked me I thought about accepting. He's super kind, good looking, and smart and he's an absolute catch. I thought about saying yes - not because I had a crush on him or anything, but I just wanted to be in love. But I didn't because that's a terrible thing for me to do. I didn't have any attraction for him romantically but if I started going out with him just because I wanted someone that would super, duper crappy of me. He's an awesome guy and he deserves way more than that. I didn't want to string him along. It would make me an awful person if I had done it.
To go out with them just because I wanted someone.
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DC's Crimes of Passion
It's the constant back and forth between that I can't stand.
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Nightwing (2011) Annual 1
What. Timing.
I genuinely don't understand what's she trying to get at here. I thought love was about working through the hardest times in your life together, achieving successes together, and always being there for each other. I didn't think love was about falling apart during every crisis big or small. I didn't think it was about breaking up when you felt like it and not bothering to resolve the issues that caused you to break up in the first place.
Later on in the comic, Barbara talks about talking it out later and goes to meet Dick but he had to leave cause he got called for a case.
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Really. Now it's on the both of them here. They can't be together because then it's going to be a long distance relationship?
Frankly Dick in a semi and Barbara in a vest is...is there some stereotype about trucker families not working out that I'm missing here? what is this.
That's another thing that bothers me about Dickbabs. They never resolve the issue that caused them to break up in the first place. Sometimes I'm reading them and all of sudden Barbara's like "we should stop seeing each other," and I'm like why??? There's literally nothing going on??
Barbara cares a lot about Dick. She cares about his safety and sometimes his emotional wellbeing but she doesn't love him for who he is. She loves the idea of him but not him.
I swear I used to root so hard for them but it's exhausting to like them together when Dick is dumping buckets of love over Barbara's head while she's holding up an umbrella. And then she takes the umbrella and stabs it through his heart.
She can be super toxic when it comes to Dick.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #86
She literally blames Dick for trying to make her happy. In the comic he's doing acrobatics all over the place, fixing her computer so it's easier for her, and generally being overly cheerful for her so she'll forget her pain and become happy at least for a moment and in turn-she literally Gaslights him??
"You can't stop reminding me of what I once was. You can't stop flaunting your own health. You still think you're immortal, Dick, and you're not."
Are you for real?! If someone is walking and you're in a wheelchair, you want them to be in one too because you feel sad about yourself?
And the constant way she talks down to him.
But even this I can sort of understand. Let's throw the blame on Dick here for a split second even though it's not his fault. Barbara is recently put into a wheelchair so she's depressed. Dick is being overly helpful. He wants to do everything for her so he can make her life easier, to alleviate her pain and she's tired of that. That's understandable and honestly they did need a little break here so Dick could turn down his enthusiasm and let Barbara be the strong woman she's known to be. BUT WHY IS SHE BLAMING HIM?? Just tell him you want some time apart to figure out yourself without throwing the blame and breaking the heart of your boyfriend who loves you so much.
Dick here reminded me of family members after their child has been diagnosed with cancer. They want to do everything they can but they don't know how so they keep smiling through the pain and being as positive as possible.
Here's my main issue with Dickbabs. Writers are incapable of writing the two of them together in a way that lifts both of them up.
They got it into their heads that to make Barbara look smart, they have to make Dick look dumb. That to make Barbara look skillful, they have to make Dick look incompetent.
But hey it's unfair of me to use Nightwing comics only (DC crimes of passion isn't a nightwing comic but the point still stands) to talk about Dickbabs.
I'm not saying all Dickbabs is bad. There's a couple that are good like this one
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Batgirls Issue #8
They're so cute!!! They look so hot together too
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but. Writers as always are incapable of writing Dick as a strong independent character that relies on Barbara.
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Batgirls Issue #8
Sorry, Dick - who has beaten Batman, destroyed Justice Leagues, runs superhero teams with some of the strongest metas in the world and has beaten them without breaking a sweat - just lets himself get kicked and punched around for fun? Are you trying to tell me that Dick only fights because people insult Barbara? I can't believe I'm saying this but Tom Taylor has written better than this.
Their love can be so one sided.
She abuses Dick as an emotional outlet for her anger and resentment.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #87
Context: She's blaming him for being sexually harassed by Catalina. Catalina earlier broke into their date night, beat Barbara up in the wheelchair, kissed Dick and kneed him to surprise him before Dick beat her off Barbara.
And not only is she busy victim blaming him, she's also busy calling him incompetent. And Dick's rightfully mad that as a vigilante of nearly two decades she's telling him he's pathetic.
And what does Bruce have to do with anything here? From the Titans, we know that Dick's greatest fear is turning into Batman. They fight so hard to protect him from it, and what does Barbara do?
"Congratulations. You've managed to turn into Bruce."
This makes me the most mad though-
"Bludhaven was managing a long time before you got here."
The anger I felt was incandescent. Why do people fight crime Barbara? I guess Bruce should just call it a night and take Batman for a nap forever. Why was Batgirl created if Gotham was managing before Batgirl even existed? In one sentence, she's managed to trash the multiverses of superheroes.
No wonder Wally wants Kori and Dick together. Barbara's mad at him for protecting her against Catalina. If Dick had just kept sitting and waiting for the bodyguards in that fancy place then Barbara wouldn't be severely injured. But oops. His bad.
After he punches the board she gets mad and leaves and Dick's emotional well-being goes on a downward spiral.
I have other issues with them because Dick's relationship with Barbara diminishes his canonical relationships with the superhero community.
Again - writers' problem.
So...complicated. They could be amazing if written right but right now I'm wavering between being indifferent to them and disliking them. They should seriously just be friends instead.
I need to clarify something first. Barbara Gordon herself is fine. She's cool. But when she's with Dick? The way writers write them as well as her own personality comes out in the worst, most toxic ways.
And that's not even getting into what writers did to Kori's personality and Dick's morality. They just dashed decades of Teen Titans comics to make both of them look evil.
That's not even touching the atrocity of their Dark Nights: Death Metal scene or the way Barbara victim blamed Dick for having amnesia.
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Batgirl (2016) Issue #50
This is so unfair. She can victim-blame Dick for having amnesia because she's mad at bruce but if Dick even yelled at her when he's mad at Bruce, it would be an International Incident in the fandom. Where's the equality in this?
I know Barbara is pretty mad at other things in this scene but she has a tendency to use Dick as an emotional outlet
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Batgirl (2011) Issue #3
She's literally beating him up because she's upset at losing her fight against some villain and thinking about her own insecurities. He just dropped in to show her some love and help.
If Batgirl Barbara only acted this way in Nightwing comics, then I would be inclined to say that the writers have a preference against her. BUT she's acts like this in the Nightwing comics, the Batgirl comics, the Batman comics, the general DC comics, and practically every comic that has them together. Given that DC is rooting for Dickbabs and trashing Kori for it, there is literally no reason for her to be acting this way. And the thing is, Dick's other relationships have been fantastic. Not just the big ones, but the minor ones too that people forget have been full of love. So why can't they write Dickbabs that way?
I didn't even know how bad they were together until recently. I just kinda glossed over all the toxic components of their relationship because, you know, "girlbossing" right? But there's only so many plot holes you can sell to your readers before they start questioning the legitimacy of your product. Thus my feelings about them have changed.
This being said, I don't like them romantically but I love them as friends. When Barbara is just working with dick as crimefighting partners or friends, they make an awesome team and they're so fun to read. I just can't stand them together as lovers anymore. And really, even their good Batgirl/Nightwing lover moments just seem like it's them being good friends.
They have the potential to be great.
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Nightwing (2016) Annual #1
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Batgirl (2016) Issue #16
But usually they're just not.
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psychictheater · 1 month
Relationship Weight (Punkflower)
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(Hobie starts to gain some relationship weight. Not just because of Miles. But because of Miles and his mother.)
(No Powers AU)
(Hobie is 21, Miles is 19-20)
(Was gonna be part of the Moving Out series but my old account was terminated by Tumblr)
Hobie stared at the now too small skinny jeans that wouldn’t move past his upper thighs.
“Miles ?”
“Yeah ?”
“You did the laundry last time, yeah ?”
“It was my turn, so yes.”
“I think you shrunk my jeans, love.”
Miles looked up from his phone to see that Hobie was indeed struggling with his skinny jeans. They seemed to be too small for him.
“I don’t think it’s the laundry, babe.” Miles replied.
“That’s the only explanation.” Hobie rolled his eyes.
“It is not.” Miles challenged. “Because if it is, how come the only clothes that have seemed to mysteriously ‘shrink’ are yours when mine are perfectly fine ?”
Hobie had to admit, Miles did have a point. He sighed.
“Then why are my jeans so small ? What else could it be ?”
Miles stared at Hobie.
“Hobie, the jeans aren’t the problem, I just don’t think that you can fit them anymore.”
Hobie stared back.
“Fuck you mean ? I’ve had these jeans since I was sixteen, there’s no way that they just suddenly don’t fit anymore.”
Miles sighed and decided to be blunt.
“You’ve gained weight.” He said, standing up and walking over to Hobie, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Hobie rolled his eyes and let out a ‘Psh’
“That’s impossible, I’ve been the same size since I was seventeen, ain’t no way.” Hobie said.
“And you didn’t have consistent meals until I moved in.” Miles challenged. “Think about it, you used to eat once, maybe twice a day and they weren’t even meals, sometimes you’d just eat an apple and go on about your day but now I cook you breakfast, I make you lunch, I make you dinner and every Sunday we eat at big dinner at my parents house and end up taking home leftovers.” He said “Not to mention the times Mom ‘coincidentally’ makes too much food and brings it over or when she comes over to cook to ‘give us a break’ you’re eating more than you’re used to and you haven’t even noticed.”
Hobie thought about it and what Miles said was true. When he was younger and living on the streets, he survived off of dumpster scraps and some leftovers some people were willing to give up to him. Then when he managed to get a place with Karl, they were both too busy to cook and too broke to afford take out so they mostly just ate peanut butter sandwiches or a bag of crisps.
And then Karl moved out to live with his boyfriend and Miles moved in and everything changed. Suddenly, the fridge was always full and he had actual meals to come home to and was eating more frequently if not constantly. And his body was changing because of it.
“I don’t like this.” Hobie said, crossing his arms. He didn’t like sudden changes in his body, the body he’s been used to for so many years and he didn’t have time or money to put aside for a new pair of jeans.
“You look great.” Miles assured, wrapping his arms around Hobie’s shoulders. “It’s not that big of a deal and it’s about time that you stopped being so stick thin all the time, it wasn’t healthy that you could slip into the same pair of jeans you’ve had since you were a teenager.” he smiled at Hobie “You look healthy babe”
“I get what you’re saying but these jeans have been with me for a long time, I can’t just get rid of em.” Hobie said with a bit of a whine
“We can try to stretch them out if you want or repurpose them, turn them into a jacket or a vest or something.” Miles said, knowing how Hobie never wanted to throw away things when he felt like there could still be a use for them. “That way you can embrace the change and still keep them around, just as something else, you’re not the only one who’s gained a little relationship weight, I have too, it’s a sign of happiness.”
“I guess you’re right.” Hobie said with a chuckle, placing a kiss on Miles’ forehead. “You’re so smart lovey.”
“Yeah I know.” Miles said, leaning into Hobie. Hobie wrapped his arms around Miles and held him close. They remained like that in silence until both their stomachs growled.
“Hey… we still have any of that cake your mom dropped off ?” Hobie asked.
“We should.” Miles said, looking up at Hobie. “You thinking what I’m thinking ?”
“Why don’t you go grab us some while I finish changing into some pants that fit ?” Hobie asked, smirking.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Miles said, letting go of Hobie and running off to the kitchen.
Hobie sighed with a smile of admiration. Maybe gaining a bit of relationship weight wasn’t so bad as long as it was happening with Miles.
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shadow4-1 · 10 months
Heart Eyes (Love At First Sight AU/Imagine - Reader x Price) - Captain John Price Edition
We've all had that feeling when we see someone attractive. Of course it depends on the person. Some drool, others get shy or hot in the face. Our pupils dilate, but not enough to notice unless you're unnaturally observant. What if you could see it? What if it was obvious a person like-liked you on first glance?
(Trigger Warnings: SFW, Slight Body Horror, Mild Discomfort)
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John had seen more things in his life than most people ever would.
He'd seen war, death, famine, but also hope and kindness. He'd seen love too. He'd seen how it sparked into existence, how it could fizzle out or burn into something more. He'd never actually experienced it for himself, never figured he would to be honest. He was getting older. Most people found their lifetime match in their twenties. He'd seen it happen too many times to count. He'd seen too many recruits or sergeants passing in halls, locking eyes, and never being the same after. Love could do terrible, wicked things to a person, twist them into knots with obsession. Or, if they were lucky, make them better for it. Love was not in the cards for Captain Price, he decided. And of course, just when he was deciding to get comfortable with his fate, love decided to kick him squarely in the chest.
He hadn't felt this weak in years. He doubled over, coughing, his heart beating so hard he felt as if it were going to burst. He went from standing to kneeling, to laying face down on the dingy linoleum floor. He could hear shouts, shoes squeaking, worried murmurs. It was as if his body was slowly giving out, all of his strength being used to keep his poor heart beating. He tried to right himself, tried to get his arms underneath him but it was no use. He wheezed, trying so desperately to suck in a well needed breath. He was having issues seeing as well. Everything was hazy and too far away save for the minute grout lines in the flooring. He spied a pair of white, beaten up tennis shoes in the corner of his eye. His voice wouldn't work, his ears were ringing. Was this it? Was this the way John Price was meant to go out? A goddamn heart attack in the middle of a veteran's hospital?
A couple male orderlies managed to hoist him up into a wheelchair. He felt like a drowning fish, sucking in air that burned all the way down. A doctor began yelling, nearly unintelligible, something about his heart rate. What a fuckin' genius, he could've told them that if he had the ability. His heart hurt, it burned, he clapped a weak hand over it. Why? What happened for him to feel this way all of a sudden? He'd only come to the hospital to visit a recovering team member. He'd been waiting for so long and then a nurse came out to greet him. She was going to take him to the room-
He looked up, finding her standing off to the side, watching the chaos slowly unfolding around her. She clutched onto her clipboard for dear life, tears welling in her eyes. She then glanced down at him. Her eyes met his. 
It was an immediate relief. 
He could suddenly breath again, his tight lungs expanded and he gasped. He grabbed onto the edge of the wheelchair, pushing, struggling against the orderly who was trying to read his pulse. The pressure surrounding his heart suddenly ceased, making his head spin with white stars in his vision. They danced around her face. He felt as if he'd been socked square in the jaw. He hadn't felt this kind of knock out since his first fight as a teenager. 
A light flashed across his eyes and he jerked back, putting his arms up defensively, his nerves finally coming back online. The doctor flinched back with a soft grumble. He made a comment about how John would be perfectly fine. He had apparently just suffered from a heart eye attack, something that no healthy person had ever died from. A heart eye attack? Heart eye? He looked around for a shiny surface. The only one he could find within reaching distance was the aluminum bar of the wheelchair. He forced his still blurry gaze down into it, spreading his upper and lower eyelids apart with shaky fingers. Sure enough, despite his instability, he noticed his pupils had shifted in size and shape. He huffed in discomfort. He'd witnessed the change in other people's eyes, but never expected to see it on himself. He watched in stunned silence as the heart shape of his pupil slowly melted back into its normal, circular shape. He blinked, once, then twice, his vision had retreated back to a perfect 20/20. He swallowed the excess saliva in his mouth and let out a shuddery sigh.
A heart eye attack? Him? But that would mean-who? The last person he'd looked at had been the nurse with a-
Slowly, he turned his head back in the direction of the woman. He let his gaze slowly ascend up from her dingy white shoes, across her scrub bottoms and up towards her belly. He steadied himself, then finally looked up at her face again. She was still watching him with a mix of emotions. His vision went blurry around the edges and yet focused in the center. It was as if his eyes had turned into one of his favorite scopes, blocking out everything else but the warm body of his target. He noticed every little thing about her in vivid detail, down to the individual flutter of her eyelashes. It was as if time had slowed, she'd become his world. And by God, she was gorgeous. He let himself get lost in the beauty that was her face…until reality blocked his view.
A black wall separated him from his new love. It took everything in his willpower to not stand up and swing on the person standing in front of him. A firm hand placed itself on his shoulder. His tunnel vision faded (as well as what he assumed to be the heart shape of his pupils) and he was greeted to the sight of his lieutenant. Simon didn't need to say a word, his grip was enough of a warning. John needed to choose his next actions very carefully or risk ruining whatever future might be in store for him. 
"M' alright." He breathed out, patting Simon's hand. "M' alright."
The doctor asked to check his vitals since he'd started to calm down. He let the doctor finish before shakily standing up from the wheelchair. John had never been one to walk around with his head down, but in this instance he found he had to. Looking at anyone's face felt too wrong, he quietly thanked whatever God out there for Simon's propensity to wear masks.
Despite the scene he'd just made, apparently all was well. The doctor asked the nurse to escort them to the hospital room as she had attempted to before. He refused to look at the nurse's face as she awkwardly greeted both him and Simon again, then led them down a long hallway filled with numbered doors. Door 1367, John MacTavish.
"You go on in." John huffed to Simon, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll b' in n' a minute."
Simon looked at him with his usual, emotionless expression. John could make out the disbelief in the gaze despite it. He gave his lieutenant a sharp nod, letting him know he was being serious. Simon entered the hospital room, closing the door behind him with a click.
John sucked in a breath, quietly hoping the nurse wouldn't be standing there. It would hurt more and yet so much less if she'd wise up and run off. Much to his chagrin, she was still there. 
"Look…m' sorry, for what happened back there." He cleared his throat. "I'll admit, 've never had this happen to me before."
"Never?" She asked incredulously. Despite his best efforts John had to look at her face again. Once more, he was lost in her eyes, the set of her cheekbones, her sweet, sweet lips. Even the slightest imperfections of her skin were stunningly unique, like the formation of clouds in the sky.
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