#she went to a mental hospital for a couple months and she just got out
#suicide tw for the tags ahead#i have a friend. alice. i love her more than i love many people in the world#a couple months ago she tried to kill herself#i feel like i couldve stopped it. ive forgiven myseof now but theres still guilt#thats not the point of this post tho#she went to a mental hospital for a couple months and she just got out#thing is. i met her at the camp we work at. and im bad at keeping in touch with people#so after camp we texted a bit but we mostly lost touch#until one day my best friend said he was worried about her and she wasnt answering his texts ao i decided to text#she responded and we hung out the next day. thankfully. and the day after that she tried to kill herself#but she went to the mental hospital. but from then on we got closer#we were calling like twice a week and it was so nice. to have her back in my life. and i could tell she was doing a lot better#she was so much happier in our calls than id heard her be in a long time#it feels almost selfish to say this. and i know its not. but still#im glad she ended up in the hospital. she got the help she needed. and she and i got closer#im not glad she tried to kill herself. but im glad she got help. yknow? and. it was a nice bonus that we got closer#anyway the other day i fucked up. i missed some social cues and gave her bad news. and she ended up crying#i didnt know she was crying. i didnt realize id hurt her. so i said bye because i was at work#two days later she texted that what i did was fucked up and really hurt her. and we had a weird conversation about that#like she was obviously not in a good state of mind. that kind of weird. and then she stopped responding to my texts altogether#she said it was okay and she wasnt mad anymore. but i thought i lost this friend (again) that id just gotten back after almost losing#but tonight at 1am i got emotional and apologized again and told her i miss her and love her and hope shes doing okay#i wasnt expecting her to be awake but she was and she called me. and we had a good talk#we're okay. she was just having trouble keeping in touch with people because she was just discharged and it was a lot#she was doing okay but today was bad. she was drunk when i called. we talked for about 45 minutes and. it was good ti have my friend back#she said shes been doing better except for today. we talked about her mental health and we caught up and talked about camp a bit#anyway the whole point of this story was to say that im really happy we got to talk again. ive missed her so much#and talking to her made me really happy. and im so happy that shes alive. idk im very emotional rn#okay have a good night yall. i love you
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suugarbabe · 1 year
Saving Grace VI
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[Chapter 6]
pairing: mattheo riddle x reader
word count: ~3.3k
warning: angst, fluff, mentions of blood, smut, slight male overstimulation, 18+ content MDNI
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Your heart had never felt so full. Laying on the couch in the common room with Mattheo on top of you, his back to your front as he laid between your legs. His head was resting on your stomach, his arms draped over your thighs as your legs intertwined with his. Soft snores are coming from Mattheo as you continue to trace your fingers through his curls, scratching lightly at his scalp. 
You looked over his face, noting the different scars. The one along his right side, that went through his eyebrow and over his cheek, had been there before you met him. He told you he got it the summer before he came to Hogwarts, something about a ‘task his father had challenged him with’ went not quite as planned. You lightly traced it with your thumb and he seemed to unconsciously lean into your touch. 
He had a couple other small scars from nicks and such in fights, but your favorite one was on the bridge of his nose. It really wasn’t quite a scar yet, but you knew it would turn into one eventually. The scab across it was nearly healed, leaving a thick line of pink skin. The week after you two had made it officially official, Adrian had come to bother you again, this time trying to grab you away from Mattheo in the middle of the hall, yanking on your elbow. 
You had seen Mattheo fight plenty of times, but this time it was like all he could see was red and all he wanted was Adrian dead. It took Theo, Draco and Blaise to finally pull them apart. Mattheo came out with just one deep gash on the bridge of his nose, while Adrain was in the hospital wing for a week. Mattheo got a month’s worth of detention, the last of which he served today. 
McGonagall made him reorganize the quidditch locker rooms and their respective closets. It took him nearly all day, hence his exhausted and sleeping figure on top of you. But you didn’t mind, you loved when he was able to be more vulnerable and loved that he felt safe enough to be that way with you. He was always displaying himself as so tough and unbreakable, you often had to remind him that he, too, was merely human and would break if he didn’t allow himself time to relax and recover. 
You were so engrossed with how pretty your boyfriend looked sleeping that you had zoned out, completely forgetting the other people around you. Pansy’s snapping is what finally broke your trance as you looked over to the couch across from you, giving her an apologetic smile. 
“Merlin, you two are so lovesick on each other,” she teased, causing the others to smile along with her. 
“Thank Salazar you finally admitted your feelings for him, I swear we were all going mental just waiting on you two to make it actually official,” Theo stated, lighting a spliff and taking a drag. 
Your face turned into one of confusion, “What do you mean ‘finally admitted my feelings for him’, what are you on about?” 
Draco rolled his eyes, “Cousin told us you guys were faking it.” You went to sit up a little straighter, however Mattheo’s grip on your legs prevented you from moving all together. 
“You mean you all knew it was fake? I mean, it’s not anymore, it hasn’t been for a while, but you all knew in the beginning?” You looked at each one of their faces. Enzo looked guilty, Theo and Draco both wore annoying smirks while Blaise and Pansy just had huge smiles. 
“To be fair, we didn’t know until after your little show at that first party,” Theo wiggled his eyebrows at you. “Still think about it sometim-” he was cut short thankfully by Blaise throwing a pillow at his head. 
Blaise turned to you then, “At first we thought he was just bringing you to the party as his date for the night, you know, like he was known to do. We played games and had a lot of fun. But during your little performance I noticed someone watching the two of you, specifically you, very closely.” 
You rolled your eyes, his name coming out like a grumble from your mouth, “You mean Adrian.” 
Blaise couldn’t help the slight smirk on his face, “Precisely. So, the next morning, when we were all a little more sober, I decided to ask Mattheo what was going on.” 
“At first he tried to deny everything, saying it was just for the night or whatever, but I could see right through it,” Draco pipped in. “Eventually, he told us how Adrian was being a proper creep and you asked for his help -”
Enzo interrupted him, “And Matty boy was talking about you for months before that.” The rest of the group seemed to nod in agreement. 
You couldn’t help the look of shock on your face, “W-what are you guys talking about? Months before?”
Blaise smiled at you, “That’s right sweetheart.” You looked back down at Mattheo’s sleeping form, admiration clear on your face. You traced your thumb over the apple of his cheek and he stirred slightly. His long eyelashes fluttered open, his voice thick with sleep as he spoke, “You lot talking ‘bout me?” 
A few members of the group laughed softly as you ran your fingers through his hair, “All good things, love.” He grumbled slightly, turning over so he was now laying on his stomach, burying his face into your jumper covered chest. 
“You still sitting with me at the match tomorrow?” Pansy asked excitedly, finally able to have another girl with her to watch the boys play. 
Eyes still closed, Mattheo answered for you, “Course she is, gonna be wearing my spare jersey.” You smiled at Pansy, nodding your head in agreement. 
“And here I thought she’d be wearing mine,” Theo, ever the sass-master, felt the need to interject and quickly regretted it as Mattheo fully opened his eyes. You ran your hand through Mattheo’s curls, essentially soothing him back to a calm state before giving Theo the finger for riling him up.
You wanted to curse whatever founder decided that deep into Scotland was the best location for Hogwarts as you pulled your stocking cap down over your ears. You also wanted to curse whoever decided that quidditch season needed to be in the bloody winter. 
“How the bloody hell do you look so cute but I look like a bundled troll?” Pansy poked the stuffing of her jacket near her stomach. You huffed out a laugh, “Oh please, Pans, we both look like stuffed olives. Green is normally so flattering to me, but right now I feel like a pickle.” 
You and Pansy continued to make comparisons to different green foods back and forth, not being able to contain your laughter as you found your seats in the stands on the Slytherin side. You weren’t sure if it was your relationship status, or if you and Pansy just got lucky, but you managed two front row spots in your house section, giving you the perfect view of the pitch. 
As both teams came out from the locker room tents you joined your fellow students in cheering loudly for green and silver. As members of both teams started doing warm up laps around the pitch, a particularly curly haired captain was hovering right in front of you and you couldn’t contain the grin that spread over your face. 
“Well don’t you look adorable this brisk afternoon, princess,” Mattheo was balancing on his Firebolt, leaning over the banister at the front of the stands. You stood from your seat, leaning closer to him, “I know you love pickles so I figured I’d copy the look to keep you motivated.” 
Mattheo let out a hearty chuckle, “S’that what you think you look like?” You nodded, biting your bottom lip to suppress the grin threatening to spread across your face. “Well you’re correct as always love,” Mattheo closed the gap between you two, placing a gentle kiss to your lips that ended far sooner than you wanted, “I love pickles and you look delicious.” 
You giggled slightly as you pushed his shoulder, effectively pushing him farther from you. With a wink he was soaring back down to the ground, meeting Madam Hooch and the other team's captain. As Madam Hooch released the bludgers and the snitch your adrenaline began to rise. When she tossed the quaffle in the air you were off your seat, keeping a close eye on Mattheo as he maneuvered around the pitch. 
Quidditch games were not foreign to you, you’ve even played it a little on holidays with your friends and such, but there was something about watching Mattheo, watching your boyfriend that made it all the more exciting. 
It definitely helped that Mattheo was a wiz at the game, gliding through the air, catching the quaffle like he’d been playing the game since he came out of the womb. He was especially cheeky this game, though, throwing a wink or a point your way every time he scored. 
The game was so exciting and Mattheo managed to pay you so much attention that you nearly forgot that Adrian was also on the team. That is, you forgot until you saw a bludger head straight for Mattheo. Thankfully he saw it and ducked out of the way. 
You followed the path that the bludger came from expecting to see the colors of the opposing team. Your eyes narrowed to slits as you saw Adrian Pucey hovering on his broom, bat in hand and a smirk plastered on his face. 
Adrian had arrogance, that was evident when he made eye contact with you and sent you a wink. You're sure your face was displaying a scowl but you held up both hands with middle fingers for good measure. 
You weren’t sure the game Adrian was playing at, but you knew Mattheo could finish it. After two more goals you saw Adrian smack another bludger, again heading straight towards your boyfriend, whose back was turned. 
You thanked Merlin for Theo as he came bolting towards Mattheo, using his own bat to beat the bludger in a different direction. Mattheo turned around, confused at the commotion as Theo very obviously shouted something at him. 
Mattheo then flew over where Draco had been, who was very obviously on the hunt for the snitch. Draco’s eyes were darting around the sky, searching for any glimpse of gold as he took in whatever words Mattheo was speaking. 
In an instant Draco was off, the Slytherin section erupting into cheers as he presumably found what he was looking for. Mattheo flew over to Theo, exchanging words. Theo nodded his head in understanding. 
The heat of the game was happening but your eyes stayed glued to Mattheo as he flew to the other side of the pitch towards Adrian. Cheers and shouts erupted around you, leading to an understanding that Draco likely caught the snitch and Slytherin had won. 
You watched as Mattheo all but dragged Adrian off his broom and to the tunnel leading from the pitch to the locker rooms. You watch as Mattheo’s fist connects with Adrian’s nose. Everyone else is seemingly distracted by the victory but you can't tear your eyes away from watching Mattheo beat the living shit out of Adrian not ten meters from everyone else. 
When you see Mattheo walk away from a crouching Adrian on the floor and head to the locker rooms you immediately follow, ignoring Pansy’s calls about where you were going. You rushed down the steps of the stands, taking as large of steps as your legs would allow as you reached the opening of the Slytherin locker room tent. 
The locker room was empty as everyone was still on the pitch celebrating. You walk further into the room, hearing a shower running. You shed some of your layers, taking off your hat, scarf, Mattheo’s extra jersey and your thick jumper. You toed off your shoes, pulling your socks along with them. 
The steam from the showers curled around your legs as you entered the shower stalls. When you finally reached him you saw the water at his feet run pink against the tile. You were sure the majority, if not all, was Adrians. You step into the stall, not caring that your clothes were essentially going to get soaked. You placed a tentative hand on his back.
He flinched at first, relaxing quickly into your touch. “What did he say, Teo?” He kept his back to you, doing his best to have a jovial tone, “If you wanted to see me naked again, love, you could’ve just asked. No need to storm the showers.” 
You rubbed your hands up and down his back, massaging his obviously sore muscles, “Mattheo…”
He let out a long sigh as he placed his hands on the wall in front of him. You saw a few cuts on his knuckles that you made note to heal later. “He deserved it,” his voice strained slightly, like just talking about it was making him angry all over again. 
You nodded, though you knew he couldn’t see it, “I’m sure he did, love, but what did he do this time?” 
His muscles tensed again, “It was about you. Had your name in his filthy fucking mouth. He..” Mattheo took another deep breath, you rubbed up and down his back, encouraging him to continue, “Well first he tried to knock me out with two fucking bludgers.” 
“I saw, right coward move if you ask me,” your rested your hands on Mattheo’s shoulders. He placed one of his on top on yours as he continued, “Then when I dragged him down, asking him what his problem was, he started talking about you. Starting saying foul things about you, saying he could have his way with you if he tried hard enough, that you being with me was all a lie and if he asked he could ‘have you up against a wall and calling his name’ and I just lost it.”
He turned to face you, hands gripping at the wet fabric on your waist, “I’m sorry princess, I just…I couldn’t stop myself.” His head fell to the crook of your neck as your arms wrapped around his shoulders, neither caring about the vulnerable state Mattheo was in in the shower stall. 
His posture indicated he felt bad for his actions, or at least feared that you might be mad at him. In reality you were anything but angry. You know it shouldn’t, but seeing Mattheo fight just…spurred you on. 
You tugged lightly at his curls and he lifted his head up, soft brown eyes meeting yours. “I love when you fight for me, Teo,” you twirled a curl around your finger at the base of his neck. Mattheo’s mouth upturned ever so slightly, “Yeah?”
You could feel his fingers dip under the hem of your shirt as you nodded your head, “Yeah, I know it’s kind of bad, but when I saw you hitting him earlier,” you pushed Mattheo back slightly, gripping the bottom of your soaked shirt and peeling it up and off your body, Mattheo’s eyes shot straight to your green lace bra, “I just wanted to get you alone and show you how much I really,” you popped the button of your jeans, “truly,” you dragged them down your legs and stepped out, “appreciate it.” 
He knows he’s seen you bare before, but there was something about you standing in soaking green lace that had his body responding before his mind could control it. Mattheo, for once, was at a loss for words, but you didn’t mind taking control for a moment. 
You placed a hand on his strong chest, pushing him back with the slightest pressure as your trailed your hand down his abdomen, feeling the dips and curves of his muscles that quidditch helped sculpt. His eyes held contact with yours as his back hit the tile wall.
Your hands continued to explore his body, thumbs dipping into the v-cut of his hips before grabbing him fully in your hand. You stroked him with light pressure, Mattheo’s eyes rolling as his head leaned back against the wall, “Your teasing me, Princess.” The statement came out in a breathy moan. 
“Just trying to show my boyfriend how thankful I am that he’s always there to defend me,” you slowly fell to your knees, dragging your nails down his thighs as you did so, eliciting a soft groan from Mattheo. 
You hold your mouth open, sticking out your tongue. You hold him in your mouth for a moment, just feeling the weight of his cock on your tongue. 
You’ve only been any type of intimate a few times since officially being called ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ but you had made a mental note to take your time and enjoy it all in the beginning. 
“P-please, Princess. I n-need you to do something,” Mattheo’s begging went straight to your core. You pulled him from your mouth slowly, trailing your tongue along the underside of his cock. 
You wrap your hand around him, small strokes up and down as you kitten lick his tip. His hand finds home in your hair, lacing his fingers through the wet strands. 
You flatten your hand at the base of his cock, fingers spread across his pubic bone. You do your best to open your throat as you take as much of him as you can in your mouth. Your thumb applying light pressure where his balls meet his base, massaging the soft spot there. 
“F-fuck, holy shit, love, do that again,” Mattheo pleads. You hum in acknowledgment, repeating the action. Mattheo’s eyes roll in the back of his head and he knows he’s not going to last long. 
When you cup his balls, rolling them lightly in one hand as you deep throat him and hollow out your cheeks, Mattheo can’t even stop himself before he’s shooting hot ropes down your throat. 
You continue to bob your head, hollowing your cheeks out again and milking him for all has. Your hand is back at what won’t fit in your mouth. 
“Fuck, Princess, no more, I can’t,” he hissed through his teeth, grip tightening in your hair. You feel his thighs twitch under your palm but you don’t stop, wanting to push him just a little bit farther. 
His eyes roll to the back of his head and his upper lip quivers, you hum along his shaft, tapping his thigh to silently tell him to look at you. 
He stares down at you, eyes glazed over with lustful stupidity and that’s when you slowly drag him from your mouth with an obscene pop. You give one last long lick from base to tip before kissing his hip, grasping on to his forearm to help you stand up. 
Mattheo is still spent, leaning against the tile wall with shaky legs, one hand on your hip while the other cups your cheeks. 
“You tryna kill me, Princess? Where the fuck did that come from?” He’s breathless as he strokes your cheek lovingly. 
You shrug your shoulder slightly as your wrap your arms around his waist, “Just saying thank you.” You batted your eyelashes, doing your best to look innocent. 
Mattheo used his thumb to tilt your head up slightly, slotting his lips with yours. It was slow and sweet, his lips wet and heavy against yours. When he pulled away you found yourself lifting to your tip toes trying to chase after him. 
He chuckled slightly at your response, thumb tapping playfully at your bottom lip, “Cmon, love. Let’s get dressed before the rest of the lads get in and then we can go back to my dorm and I can,” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, “return the favor.” 
You slapped his chest playfully, “Cheeky offer, but you don’t have to do that. I’m more than happy with what transpired just now.”
Mattheo smiled your favorite dimpled smile as he grabbed a handful of your ass, “Oh, love, but I want to.”
taglist: @v1olentdelights ; @cherry-hoe ; @itsamusical4life ; @chaosartic ; @b3ean ; @l4venderia ; @mypolicemanharryyy ; @ma-las ; @usmell4 ; @carav4l ; @thereeallink ; @jinxxangel13 ; @stvrlightt ; @taylors--version ; @classicfandomavenue ; @lucyispan ; @moonlightreader649 ; @badasseddy ; @icecube1912 ; @kezibear ; @julerry ; @little-miss-naill ; @kaitlyn2907 ; @laurajmcmanus ; @onlyangel-444 ; @unstablereader ; @aunicornmademedoit ; @im-unwellbabe ; @football1921 ; @kalulakunundrum ; @ayla-1605 ;
if you're not underlined i did try to tag you and it didn't pop up, sozz loves :(
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raya-hunter01 · 3 months
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 8
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Boston Medical Center
Two Weeks Later
Kara’s POV
“Kara, you gotta eat baby,” my mom pleaded as I sighed taking another bite of the soup she was feeding me.
“I just hate ya’ll gotta do all of this stuff for me,” I said feeling just discouraged and helpless.
“Don’t do that, what I told you last night?” Jey asked reaching over and wiping my tears.
“To let ya’ll help me,” I whispered as he took the food from my mom.
“Ma, gon’ check on the other one, I know you’re worried about her. I got Kara,” he said as my mom looked guilty.
“I wouldn’t make it back in time before visiting hours is over.”
“Mama, it’s ok go check on her,” I said as she sighed reaching over and giving me a hug.
“I’ll be back in the morning, they are going to transfer her from the jail to the hospital, I don’t want her to be alone,” she said as I nodded putting her mind at ease.
Even though deep down I wanted her to stay in jail not getting transferred to hospital for mental evaluation.
As soon as the door closed Jey and I shared a knowing look.
“A’ight gon’ let it out,” he said as I shook my head.
“What good would that do?”
“It may would help you feel better, you’ve been through a lot you need to talk Kara,” Jey said as I thought about how to even put into words how I felt.
“My sister almost killed me, and laughed over my body. I’ll never be ok with her Jey, and I don’t think mama can handle that.”
“Kara it ain’t for her to handle, I would be worried as fuck if you could be cool with everything that happened.”
“She’s going to try to get me to not press charges, I just know it,” I whispered as Jey sighed.
“I figured as much you’re both her daughters and she loves you both,” He said as I looked down at my chest.
“I stabbed her Jey, like I didn’t even second guess it-”
“Kara, she shot you, and was trying to kill you. I think anybody can understand that.”
“The lawyer said I would have to testify and so would Roman and Trin. I just want it to be done and over with,” I said as Jey sat down the bowl of soup.
“Trin is game if you are and even though I ain’t talked to Roman I know he will testify too. She can’t get away with this Kara. It’s gotta stop before someone gets killed. And I’ll be damned if that’s you,” he said as I burst into tears.
“I know,” I cried as Jey maneuvered himself in the bed carefully pulling me in his arms as I cried.
“We gon’ get through this…I promise you,” Jey whispered, and I prayed he was right.
One Month Later
Boston Municipal Courthouse
 Jey’s POV
This has been a straight shit show. Tia is really up in here on the stand painting a picture of Kara betraying her. I am just confused as shit right now as is everyone else.
“Ms. Morris what was going through your mind as you held your sister and you boyfriend hostage?”
“Boyfriend?” Trin whispered as I felt Kara’s grip on my hand tighten as she listed to Tia serve up her lies.
“All I could think about is that I had just got suspended and I just wanted to talk to my sister.  I go to her house and there is my boyfriend I couldn’t believe they were hooking up behind my back,” she said as Kara leaned on her knees.
“Is she serious right now?” Kara whispered as Tia began crying. “I saw he had sent her flowers and I just lost it. We were arguing and before I knew it, I pulled out the gun and it went off by accident.”
I put my hand on Kara’s knee as I saw the pool of tears in her eyes. “She’s lying and they’re believing her,” she whispered looking at the jury trying to not lose it.
I couldn’t believe myself when I saw a juror crying.
“Kara, it gon’ be ok,” I whispered as she shook her head in disbelief as Tia spun a new web of lies trying to save her own ass.
“No, it’s not. It’s hopeless,” Kara whispered getting up and going out of the courtroom as I got up to follow her.
“Kara, ya’ll are going to have your time up there, and it will work out, I said catching up to her. “Why are we here?” Kara asked, the look on her face breaking my heart.
“To get justice and you will get it, I promise,” I said seeing Trin coming out with Jimmy, Roman and a few other people.
“They are doing a twenty-minute recess and then I’m up,” Roman said as I rubbed Kara’s arms trying to get her to calm down.
“Did all that really just happen?” she asked as I saw her wince in pain.
“Look sit down you’re still hurt and trying to do too much,” I fussed as I saw Roman cut his eyes at me.
“Kara, we go up there, tell the truth and everything will work out,” Roman said as Kara took a deep breath and laid her head on my shoulder.
“I hope so,” she whispered rubbing her chest as Roman looked at me with worry.
“Jey, can I talk to you for a minute?” Roman asked as I reluctantly agreed as Jimmy switched places with me and sat next to Kara.
I didn’t know what he wanted but it must have been important for him to want to talk about it now at all places.
“I need to tell you what I’mma talk about up there,” he said as I stopped him.
“Kara already told me you were in the house when she got there. She told me ya’ll argued about me, the keys, her pulling a knife on you . She told me everything,” I said as Roman sighed in relief.
“I didn’t know if she had told you, so much has been going on. I just didn't want you to be blindsided,” Roman said as I nodded in understanding.
“Jey, I’m trying my hardest here to make it right,” Roman said as I sighed. “I know I got a long way to go, and things will never be the same, but I want us to at least be able to be cordial to each other if I see you at family functions.”
“I know, I just don’t think nobody will be able to move on until Tia is gone,” I said as we saw people heading back in the court room.
“Then let’s make it happen..Kara and Logan’s safety  are the top priority,” Roman said as I silently agreed as we went back to join the others.
The tension in the court room was so thick as Roman was sworn in. Tia looked so calm it was almost scary.
“So, Mr. Reigns on the night in question why you at were your ex-wife’s house?”
“Objection your honor, why Mr. reigns was there has nothing to do with this case. This case is about Ms. Morris showing up there and holding them hostage and almost killing her sister along with Mr. reigns and Mrs. Fatu who was almost shot at.”
“Sustained, Ms. Morris stated she showed up and her boyfriend was there, so continue counselor." The judge said as I frowned at him.
“Oh my god,” Kara whispered as Trin slid over and put her arm around Kara as I grasped her hand.
“We got you,” she whispered as Kara sighed, looking at Roman
“I had saw my ex-wife on a video my cousin had posted. I was upset so I flew to see her, went in her home to wait for her and we argued about it when she got home,” Roman said with remorse.
“Mr. Reigns how did your wife- ….I’m sorry ex wife-”
“Council stop badgering the witness,” the judge said seeing how uncomfortable Roman was at the lawyer taunting him.
“I’m sorry your honor…Mr. Reigns how did Ms. Morris finally get you to agree to leave?” the lawyer asked as Roman looked over at Kara then back at the lawyer nervously.
“Uh, I wouldn’t leave after she continuously asked, Kara did what made her feel safe. I don’t blame her, I was kinda out of control,” Roman said as Kara wiped her tears.
“That’s not what I asked you Mr. Reigns, what did she do?” The lawyer pressed.
Kara’s POV
This man is really up here trying to say I’m the aggressor. Roman looked at me and I gave him a small smile letting him know I was ok and to tell the truth.
“I’ll ask you ag-”
“I don’t need you to ask again, I wouldn’t leave so Kara pulled out a knife and told me to leave. I apologized and went to le-”
“So, what you saying is she was already angry and willing to hurt someone, maybe even kill them in her hysterics. I mean she almost killed her own sister,” the lawyer said as I looked over at my mom who was crying.
“Objection your honor how is the victim on trial?!”
“Sustained, answer the question Mr. Reigns.”
“This motherfucker,” I heard Jimmy hiss as I felt Jey calmy caressing my hand.
“Kara, was upset and hurt. I wouldn’t leave, and even though I put her through hell, do you know what she did?
“I’m sure you will enlighten us Mr. Reigns,” the defense lawyer said smartly as I saw Tia smirk.
“I damn sure will, when she had a chance to run, she stopped and came back when Tia threatened to kill me. She asked Kara did she want to be the reason my daughter wouldn’t have a father,” Roman said as getting choked up.
“You monster, you tried to kill my baby!” Ms. Janice yelled standing up as the judge began beating his gavel.
“Order in the court! Order in the court!”
“I can’t believe ya’ll are putting people through this! She did it and needs to be in jail!” Janice screamed as Jimmy was trying to get her to calm down seeing two bailors coming towards us.  
“Come on auntie, let’s go take a walk,” he whispered leading her out the courtroom as she cried against him.
 The judge seemed conflicted if he should continue, or not as Roman stood up wanting to go after his mom.’
“Are you ok to continue Mr. Reigns?” the judge asked as he nodded sitting back down.
“Um, your honor it has already been a long day can we reconvene tomorrow?” the state attorney said as Roman seemed happy about the suggestion
“Yes, reconvene tomorrow at 9 a.m.,” the judge said as Roman came down and went to check on his mom.
“Ya’ll this is going to be an uphill battle, she’s spinning everything,” Mr. Reiner said as we walked out.
“It’s hopeless,” I said as my mom walked over making me look at her.
“Baby, its gonna be alright,” she said giving me a hug as I tried to hold it together.
As I saw Roman talking to his mom, he seemed relieved as she nodded, and they hugged.
“What they so happy about? That was a disaster in there,” Trin said as they walked towards us.
“Are you ok? You acting real happy all of a sudden,” I said as Roman hugged me, as I saw Jey tense up for a second before I saw his body relax.
“Uce, do you remember when I met ya’ll to sign the papers for the house and Kara was talking about getting used to being alone in the city again?” Roman asked as Jey rubbed his beard.
“Uh, yea, I remember,” Jey said still not following and neither was I. “What did you suggest she get?” Roman asked as it then clicked for Jey.
“Ring cameras,” Jey whispered as Roman nodded.
“Yes, ring cameras…Now please tell me ya’ll got them,” Roman pleaded as I nodded.
“Yea, Jey and Jimmy started doing them, but they had only got to the living room and kit-”
“Oh my god, ya’ll got everything on video,” Trin whispered as Mr. Reiner seemed to perk up at the new information.
“How do you retrieve the footage, Kara?” he asked, knowing I didn’t live in that house anymore.
“When I used It, it would automatically save to my iCloud and the ring camera app. When I was out and about, I could look at footage from inside the house,” I said opened the app and going back to the date before giving it to Mr. Reiner as he turned off the sound and began fast forwarding through the footage from that day.
“Can we use it?” Jey asked as but he didn’t say anything for a few minutes.
 “Kara, Roman, and Trinity come with me please,” he said pausing the video on my phone as I looked at Jey, panicking. “I’ll be right here waiting,” he said as I nodded following behind Trin and Roman.
“Can I help you Mr. Reiner?” the clerk asked as he smiled. “Yes, I need to see Judge Kendell in his chambers this is important. I have new evidence this has come to light, and it is vital to our case,” he said as the clerk got up to see had he left yet.
“Please let him see us,” Trin prayed as I felt like this was too good to be true.
“I can’t believe I didn’t think about that. We could have avoided all this shit,” I hissed as roman grabbed my hands.
“Hey, it’s about to be over…Believe me,” he whispered as I nodded.
“I’m just glad you remembered, because I didn’t even think about it,” I said as he sighed. “It just popped in my head when I was talking to mom and I’m glad it did too,” he said giving me a hug that I actually welcomed this time.
“The judge will see you all now,” the clerk said taking us to his chamber. I felt like I was walking the green mile.
The poor judge looked ill watching the footage, thankfully he didn’t have the sound on, and we didn’t have to see it. I don’t think I would have been able to keep it together.
“I will inform the prosecution of the new developments. You do know this will be played in court tomorrow. Do you all think you can handle that judge Kendall asked as Roman and Trin nodded.
“Ms. Morris what about you?”
“If it gets to be too much, I’ll leave…They have to see it, she can’t get away with this.”
“Ms. Morris, you fought for your life in there that night, and I don’t want you to feel guilty. You had no choice in the matter, and the jury needs to see this,” he said as I nodded in understanding and feeling better knowing he knew the truth.
“Mrs. Fatu, I’ve watched your face throughout this trial, and I’ve seen a lot of this weighing heavy on you. I want you to know that you did the right thing, you ran and got your family help.”
 Reaching over I grabbed her hand in mine as she wiped her tears.
“Told you so,” I whispered, clearing my throat trying not to cry myself as Roman put his arm around us both.
 “I’m sorry we’ve had to put you all through this.” Jude Kendall said sincerely remorseful.
“I’m just glad Roman thought about it and we can set the record straight,” I said he looked at Roamn.
 “You didn’t hesitate to risk your life for these young ladies, its commendable.”
“They’re my family I wasn’t a hard decision,” Roman said as the Judge cracked a smile.
“Mr. Reigns the circus that took place in there today will not happen tomorrow; I promise you.”
“I hope not sir, but I’m just thankful this will be over soon so I can get back to my daughter.”
“I will see you all at 9 am and let’s finish this,” he said standing up shaking all of our hands.
I walked out feeling happy but at the same time unable to really feel it was over until I heard a guilty verdict.
Later on that night
Kara’s new house
Jey’s POV
“So, ya’ll didn’t see the footage?” Jimmy asked as Trin shook her head.
“Nah, he said watching it tomorrow was going to be hard enough. He watched and apologized. How’s Kara?”
“I just checked on her..She’s finally asleep.  It was hard on her today,” I said not even wanting to think about the train wreck that was court today.
“I know it was, I couldn’t believe that asshole was trying to paint her as the problem,” Jimmy said as I nodded taking a swig of my beer.
“I wanted to reach over and kill him, like do you know what she been through. What we all been through dealing with that crazy fool?”
“He gets paid to get his clients off, but he ain’t gon’ be able to do shit tomorrow, it’s game over,” Trin said with full of confidence.
“Your right let’s just focus on tomorrow. I don’t even know how Kara is going to react seeing that footage tomorrow. Hell, how are any of us going to react?” I asked, truly not looking forward to watching the video tomorrow.
The lawyer called earlier and told us they had lifted the footage from the app and put it together splicing the view from the living room and kitchen together.
Tomorrow people were going to see everything up until they carried Roman out of the house on a gurney.
The worst moment of our lives was about to be displayed for everyone to see but if that was what needed to be done for Tia to pay then so be it.
The next day
Boston Municipal Courthouse
Kara’s POV
I smiled watching that smile fall from Tia’s face as the judge allowed the evidence to logged in and tagged. They are currently moving the big screen TV to the middle of the courtroom.
“I have to warn you all this is graphic, and does have sound.,” the Judge said as Tia’s lawyer all but jumped out of his chair.
“Your honor, I object this is a witch hunt,” Tia’s lawyer said as the footage was being loaded.
“Sustained…. Counselor your client got on this stand and said her side of the story, now the prosecution is about to present their side of the story and evidence.” He said as Tia’s lawyer sat down placing his hand over the microphone as Tia leaned over talking to him.
She was shaken, that smile was gone now, and I loved it.
“Ms. Morris, Mr. Reigns, and Mrs. Fatu if at any time this gets to be too much you can leave,” the judge said looking at me as I gave him a small smile.
The video started with me walking across the living room with Roman in tow.
I felt the Jey tense as he saw Roman following me into the kitchen.
I felt embarrassed watching myself pulling out a knife on Roman. “God, I look crazy, maybe she was right,” I whispered as Jey shook his head.
“No, you were defending yourself, he wouldn’t leave,” Jey said looking over at Roman who had his head down, refusing to look.
“Kara, we need to talk about Je-”
“I don’t want to talk to you…I want you out!”
Hearing my voice, Iclosed my eyes almost transporting back to that moment as I tried to tune everyone out. But hearing a collective gasp, I looked up to see Tia urging Roman back inside the house and shutting the door with the gun pointed directly at him.
Lie number one exposed…..
“My god, Tia,” my mother whispered in disbelief as the scene played out like a movie in front of us.
“Get back here or I’ll shoot him.. Do you want to be the reason Logan has no father?”
I felt helpless once again, seeing myself this way was fucking with me. My hands in the air begging and pleading for her to calm down as she seemed to love the fear she had instilled in us.
Roman jumping in front of me to protect me.
“You didn’t give us a chance because you wanted her, Roman! You wanted her!..... Jey wanted her!”
I looked at Jey as he frowned looking the footage, but he never let go of my hand. His eyes full of tears.
“Kara, I got your food, twins ran up the street to the store for your ginger ale, and some snacks.”
“Trin Run!!”
“Help! Help us! She has a gun!” Trin hysterical screams fill the courtroom as she leans, over putting her head on my shoulder.
“I can’t do this,” my mother cried getting up, but my dad pulled her back down into her seat. “No, you need to see this, we all do.”
“Run Kara!”
I glanced up at the screen, hearing the first gunshot, my stomach becoming queasy as I looked over and saw Roman getting up to follow his mom, who was unable to stand it anymore.
 She had just saw her son head hit his head on the table as he struggled to get a gun away from a lunatic. His neck snapping back as he collapsed on the ground, unconscious and bleeding profusely from his head.
Who could blame her for wanting to leave?
I was finding people to look at instead of watching the video. I glanced at the jury as soon as I saw the video switch to the view in the kitchen.
I didn’t want to see it…I couldn’t see it.
As another gunshot rang out, I closed my eyes heard my body hit the floor with a thud.  I shifted in my seat trying move, but Jey stopped me, pulling me closer as I looked up at him.  
The ushed tears spilling from his eyes breaking my heart. I felt the walls closing in on me.
My heart dropping  to my stomach as a blood curling scream escaped from my mother’s lips as I stabbed my sister, the swift sound of the blade entering her flesh made me nauseous.
The silent sobs of the jurors making my heart race. I saw many people in the room focused on me, trying to see if I was actually watching the video…They wanted a show, but I wasn’t going to give it to them.
What they didn’t know was that I didn’t have to look at the TV screen to know what was happening.
It was a horrible nightmare etched in my memory, consuming me as I laid in that hospital bed thinking and wondering what I could have done differently.  
The way you could hear a pin drop in the courtroom when the Paramedic screamed, I wasn’t breathing and asking for backup sent chills down my spine.
Hearing Jey’s voice I looked at the screen. There was Jey seemingly in a daze helping the paramedic any way he could.
“She’s dead, Jey,” the joy in Tia voice shocking everyone in the court room. She truly wanted me dead and it ain’t no coming back from that.
Seeing the relief in Jey’s face as I began breathing again as he kissed me on the temple, I couldn’t stop my tears.  
“Kara, its Josh…I love you so much…You hear me I’m here and I ain’t goin’ nowhere,” I couldn’t take it anymore and as calmy as I could, I got up and left, as Jey followed me.
“Kara, stop for a second,” he pleaded as I tried to find a quiet place, finally going into an empty stairwell away from prying eyes.
“I’m so sorry I did that to you,” I whimpered as Jey made me stop walking and wrapped me up in his arms, burying his head in my neck.
“You ain’t got nothin’ to be sorry for,” his voice breaking as we silently cried together, the reality of what could have happened and did happen hitting us hard.
“I almost lost you and it’s fuckin’ wit me but I can’t even imagine what you feeling after having to see all that. It’s ok to not be ok.”
“I know, it just seemed to hit me all at once,” I whispered pulling away slightly, to look at him.
“We gon’ be ok though Kara, we are almost there,” Jey said as I gave him a tired smile.
“Thanks for being here,” I said as he smiled at me. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else, I got you and we can go back when you ready,” he whispered as I nodded.
After about an hour, we went back in the courtroom sat back down next to Trin and Jimmy.
“You ok? We had gone out to look for you but couldn’t find y’all.”
“Yea, I just had a moment sis, and needed a break. What did we miss?” I asked as she chuckled.
“Girl, the defense was so shook.. They waived calling any of us back up to the stand to be questioned. They know it’s a wrap, they rested and gave a weak ass closing argument and now want to take the original plea deal,” Trin said as rubbing my knee trying to calm my nerves.
“I’m so glad this is about over,” I said as Mr. Reiner stood up.
“Yesterday we heard this sad sob story from Tia Morris on how her sister hurt her by going with her boyfriend. When in actuality, Tia did that betrayal to her sister Kara Morris,” he said talking to the jury, briefly turning around to point at Tara.
Watching their faces, it seemed they were invested in what he was telling them.
“Your honor is this necessary?” Tara’s Lawyer asked as Mr. Reiner smiled.
“Your honor, they brought up this yesterday, so I feel the jury has a right to know how all this started.”
“Sustained…Keep it brief,” Judge Kendall said as Mr. Reiner nodded in understanding.
 “Tara Morris isn’t as innocent as she claims to be.. She sought out her sister’s husband, seduced him, had a child with him and them tried to extort money from him. The child hasn’t had anything to do with its mother really since birth.” He said walking back and forth down the jury box, making sure to look at everyone.
“When Ms. Morris realized Mr. Reigns still loved his wife, and wasn’t going to be with her, she abandoned the child and agreed to sign over her rights to her daughter if Mr. Reigns would give her 50 million dollars.”
“Dirty bitch,” Trin muttered as I sighed shifting in my seat.
“Her sister Kara Morris then moves away to get away from the chaos that is her relationship with her sister, and husband. Gets a divorce, is trying to piece her life back together to only have her home invaded and almost shot and killed by that same sister she left Florida to get away from.”
“Gon’ break dat shit down for’em,” Jimmy said engrossed in what the lawyer was saying. Everyone was and I actually felt a little more at ease.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, who taunts another human being as someone they love lays dying on the cold hard floor?” The dramatic pause in his voice captivating the room.
I’ll tell you who… An animal that’s who, an animal shows no remorse. The tricky part though is when Ms. Morris realized she had to face the consequences of her actions, she cried mental breakdown, and I don’t think that’s the case her at all.”
I felt Jey caressing my leg as I looked at him and he winked. “She’s going down,” he mouthed as I nodded, looking back at my mother who seemed just defeated.
“The video we all saw today clearly shows malice intent and while at times unhinged, Ms. Morris knew what she was doing. Now, I would never say deny someone mental help, but I do believe in actions have consequences and Tia Morris has been terrorizing people with no consequences for her actions.”
I nodded agreeing with him as I saw a few jurors looking at me with a sad smile.
I didn’t want pity. I wanted this to be over. Sensing my discomfort Jey draped his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer, kissing me gently on the temple as I melted into his touch.
“It’s time we do right by Ms. Morris and make sure her attacker takes responsibility for her actions and her disregard for human life. It’s time for Kara to heal so she can move on with her life.”
He was working the room, and everyone was hanging on to his every word.
 “It’s time we do right by Mr. Reigns so he can move on a focus on being a father to his beautiful little girl who needs him so he can move on with his life.”
“Oh, he’s going in for the kill,” Trin whispered as I smiled. “Yea, he is.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time we do right by Mrs. Fatu so she’s not afraid to walk into her best friend’s home. Give her the comfort of knowing there won’t be a psycho lying in wait trying to kill the people she loves or even kill her.” Mr. Reiner said, his voice trembling as I saw an older lady juror nodding, wiping her tears.
“Damn, man,” Jimmy whispered trying to keep his emotions in check as he looked at Trin. “Hey, I’m ok,” she assured him leaning over giving him a chaste kiss on the lips.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you have the power to give them all peace of mind so they can finally move forward with their lives… Please make the right decision and thank you all for your time.”
I wanted to jump up and give him a standing ovation, but I had to force myself to sit quietly. Looking over I saw Tia arguing with her lawyer, that cool facade long gone. She was scared.
“Oh, he did that,” Trin said with a small smile.
“Yes, he did.. Now let’s see if the jury can take it on home,” I said as the judge gave them instructions.
As they filed out the room to deliberate, I went and sat by my mom and dad. I had been somewhat avoiding them knowing they were struggling with being there for Tia and me.
They didn’t want either of their children in trouble or hurt.
“Honey, I’m so sorry,” my mom cried as I shook my head at her words.
“Mama, it’s ok…I’m good,” I said as my father gave me a hug. “You did what you had to do,” he whispered as my mom began sobbing.
“What was she thinking?” my mom cried as my dad sighed.
“Rebecca, she wasn’t thinking. She’s so used to getting away with stuff or shifting the blame she thought she was invincible. Now she’s going to have to deal with the consequences,” he said as my mother continued to cry.
“Maybe the time away will do her good and she can get some help she needs,” she said as I tried to share her positive outlook, but I wanted her ass in jail for the rest of her life.
Nothing would never ever be the same again.
As we went to lunch at a local eatery down the street, I tried not to worry but I was so use to Tia finding some way to get out of things I had to be prepared.
“So, when are you going to Mike’s?” Jimmy asked as I chuckled. “I don’t know yet, but he has been sending me ideas of what he could do to cover this,” I said pointing at my chest.
“It’s not that big, so you could easily get like a tiny tattoo,” Jey said knowing I was never really big on tattoos on my body, but I loved them on him.
“Doctor said it would be a few months before I could get a tattoo, I’m still healing. I think I want a little one, but the idea of the pain scares me. I remember your choice words as he did your back tattoo,” I said as he chuckled.
“Man, dat shit hurt, I was questioning my choices,” he said as we laughed.  
“Good choice though, it looks amazing, and I love it. It was really cool to see the process up close,” I said as he blushed.
“Damn, she got twin out her blushin’ n shit,” Jimmy said as Trin slapped him on the shoulder.
“Get out they business, Jurdy.” Trin warned as Jey rolled his eyes at his brother. Hearing my phone buzz on the table, I quickly picked it up.
“Hello, Mr. Reiner,” I said as the table got quiet in anticipation.
“I was just calling to let you know, they’ve reached a verdict. I’ll meet you all back at the courthouse.”
“Um, thank you, we’ll see you there,” I said hanging up, feeling anxious. Damn that was quick as hell.
“What did he say?” Jey asked as I looked at him in disbelief. “They already have reached a verdict, we need to head back to the courthouse,” I said as he smiled at me.
“What we still sittin’ here for then,” he said getting up to go pay the bill.
“Damn, in under an hour! “Jimmy said as Trin smiled at him.
“It’s guilty, I know it is,” she said as I silently prayed it was.
Boston Municipal Courthouse
Jey’s POV
“Will the defendant please rise,” the judge said as Tia stood up with her lawyer.
The appointed juror that was nominated to speak began to read the verdict.
“We the jury on the charge of attempted murder in the 1st degree we find the defendant, Tia Morris not guilty.” The collective gasp of disbelief spread throughout the courtroom as Tia smiled.
I wanted to bolt but Jey held me in place. “Just listen,” he pleaded.
“On count two, attempted murder in the second degree, we find the defendant Tia Morris guilty,” the juror said as I collapsed against Jey in relief.
“I got you..I’m right here,” Jey whispered as I tried to keep my tears at bay.
“On the charge of reckless endangerment in the second degree, we find the defendant Tia Morris guilty.” Satisfied murmurs filled the courtroom as I finally felt free, she had been found guilty.
“Was the verdict unanimously reached?” the judge asked as all the jurors answered yes.
“Good, we can begin to talk about the terms of the plea deal.”
Looking at Tia, I knew the theatrics was about to begin. She all of a sudden cried out, and collapsed on the floor as my mother screamed, running over to her with a bailiff.
“Oh, get up, ain’t nobody buying that shit,” Trin said as I shook my head.
“There she goes, always two steps ahead,” I whispered as Jey made me look at him.
“Aye, she can fall out all she wants, it’s a done deal…You hear me, they found her guilty,” he said as I nodded trying not to look over at her.
“Bitch, get yo’ fakin’ ass up off dat floor,” Trin whispered with a hiss as Jimmy shook his head in confusion.
“She really done fell her crazy ass out on these folks’ floor,” he said as Roman looked over at us in just as much shock.
“Leave her alone, she alright..Get up ,Tia,” my father said standing up as my mother scoffed at him.
“She’s hurt Bill.”
“Hurt my ass, more like caught. Tia get up before I come over there,” he ordered as she began to sit up, wiping her tears.
“Yea, that’s what I thought,” my dad said irritated, sitting back down shaking his head.
“Lord have mercy,” Ms. Janice said as Roman shook his head.
“They got her Rebecca, come back over here,” my dad said as my mom looked Tia over quickly and came back to her seat.
“Well, that was rather eventful,” Judge Kendall said looking at Tia as she wept standing next to her lawyer.
“Ms. Morris, your guilty verdict of second degree means some feel you acted in a moment of passion. That tails a 5-to-15-year sentence. Your reckless endangerment charge warrants three to seven years. Now your attorney wants your clean record to be taken into account and I tend to somewhat agree.”
“Thank god," my mother said as I rolled my eyes. I was getting irritated as fuck, as Jey reeled me in with his touch.
“Tia Morris, in taking all that into consideration, and you opting for the original plea deal. Ms. Morris, I hereby sentence you to eight years at the Boston State Women’s prison. Probation eligibility after three years served. Counseling will be provided on a weekly basis,” he said as Tia nodded, wiping her tears.
“Thank you so much your honor,” she whimpered making my skin crawl.
“You’ve been given a second chance Ms. Morris don’t make the court regret it. Also, I’m issuing a no contact order with your sister Kara Morris. When released if you violate the order, you will go back to finish your original 15-year sentence. Do you understand?”
“Yes, your honor I do,” Tia whispered as I nodded taking in the verdict.
“She could be out in three years.”
“Hey, let’s not think about it now,” Jey said as I looked at Tia as she hugged her lawyer.
Justice had been served, but I still felt like things between Tia, and I were a long time from being over.
Could we all really move on with this cloud hanging over our heads?
Taglist: @reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl @melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo@arination99 @2-muchsauce
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xdaddysprincessxx · 4 months
Anna please tell me more about Madhouse Joel 🥰😚👀
Honestly he’s my fave 😍😍
Okay so this actually came from an ask @toxicanonymity had gotten, like months ago 🫢
I was gonna do a one shot but honestly it was becoming a monster so I’m breaking it up into different parts. A lil snippet under the cut
Madhouse Joel
Growing up, all the adults around you always pushed you to go to college. You were forever being told that you had to go get a higher education to get a good job and then you had to find a good husband and pop out a few children and be a housewife but also work and make money. Your future was planned out for you without anyone ever even asking what you wanted. That was until the summer you turned sixteen. You still aren’t even sure exactly what happened that day. It was mid July in your small southern town in the middle of Texas. You had ventured out to the big oak tree in your backyard, swinging on the old wooden swing your dad had put up for you when you were five. Lost in your own thoughts as your legs swung back and forth when you heard bloodcurdling screams and shouts before two gun shots went off. You lost both your parents that day. During the trial, your mothers lawyer claimed she lost her mind and went insane to explain why she shot your father in the chest. The judge sent her off to spend the rest of her life in a mental institution while your daddy rest in peace up on the hill about a few miles out from your house.
After being orphaned, your dads sister, Aunt Millie, came to live with you at your house. You always loved her, she was only ten years older than you, making her a guardian at only twenty six. She was the one who supported you when you decided to become a nurse.
It’s been a few years since you graduated college, earning your bachelor’s in nursing with a concentration in psychiatric mental health. You had hoped to work in the psych ward, after seeing how your mom was treated in the hospital, it made you want to make a change. You wanted to improve mental hospitals, so many of them are still very medieval in the practices they continue to do. You knew it would be hard to really make any kind of change but you could at least make life a little better for the patients you worked with.
It had actually been a struggle to find work in any healthcare position after graduation which is why you find yourself in Elmwood now. Elmwood is a small town located down in Texas, a few hours south from where you had gone to school. They aren’t joking when they say it’s a small town, it’s home to a little over 3,000 residents. A majority of those residents come from the patients who live in the Elmwood Sanitarium. The most violent, criminally insane people get sent here. And this is where you find yourself pulling up too on a sunny Monday morning. At least it was sunny before you took a left turn down a dirt road a couple miles back. The sanitarium is hidden back, deep in the woods. As you get closer, the old hospital looks daunting and ominous. It leaves the feeling of a deep pit in your stomach, an uncertainty that something bad is gonna happen that you just can’t shake. Making your way into the parking lot that sits to the side of the hospital, you’re able to find a spot close to the front. Putting your car in park, you grab your purse and take a deep breath in,
“You got this. They reached out to you. They offered you a job because you’re good at what you do,” breathe out, “let’s do this.”
You give yourself a little pep talk to try to help subside this horrible gut feeling you have
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annisassintchaska · 1 year
Didn’t Know: Jimmy Uso x Black!Reader
TW: Mention of miscarriages, please note that I don't hate Trinity❤️
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Being the ex-wife and mother to the twins of Jimmy Uso, otherwise known as Jonathan Fatu, has never been easy. Y/n and Jonathan met during their time in High School and dated until they were 22 years old when they found out that they were expecting, they got married in a courtroom per her request which made Jon's family hate her even more since they had already thought she wasn't right for him. They ended up staying married for five more years before Jonathan met Trinity through his mom and aunts, and he officially started dating in secret with his family knowing yet no one told Y/n as they wanted her to be hurt if she was to catch them. A few months went by until Y/n caught them in their matrimonial home committing adultery. That was officially the end of their marriage after it was explained that his family was the one who set them up to date and he fell in love with her.
Today is yet another birthday for the twins and so Y/n had to deal with being around her toxic ex-in-laws. The party had already started and everyone had now gathered around to watch the kids blow out their candles and cut their cakes. Once that was done, both parents stood behind their kids for a group picture that obviously no one wanted copies of and so only Y/n was given one. The party continued on as the kids and their cousins went playing, eating while others were busy petting the animals from the petting zoo. A bit of an argument was going on as Y/n sat at the table with all the other adults, yet she paid it no mind and continued to listen to the music coming from her AirPods.
The mumbling which was actually yelling continued for a few more minutes until it suddenly went quiet after someone seemed to have mentioned something horrific about her; causing Y/n to look up to find all eyes on her, the one pair sticking out the most was her ex-husband's who looked at her with tears in his eyes as he walked slowly towards her. "Get up" Jonathon calmly ordered her, as he pulled her away from the crowd and into the house upstairs into a private room. "Jon what's wrong? You're scaring me" Y/n tried finding out the problem but was met with silence as Jon sat down on the bed and began to cry. "What happened while I was in the road?" he asked finally breaking the silence. "Do you want the truth?" Y/n asked softly in which Jon nodded for her to continue.
"While you were gone, your family never helped me. I was left on my own to study, work, take care of the house and the kids. They never visited me unless it was to get something and when they did show up, they'd abuse me verbally, mentally and physically yet I said nothing as I wanted to keep the peace with your family. I struggled a lot but made it work though many of the times, I was on the verge of giving up. Then came the disappointment of having eight different miscarriages while you were away. Throughout the years of you being on the road while we were married, you'd come home and we'd get down, I managed to get pregnant eight times but ended up losing them all before I got the chance to tell you, with two of them being the result of your mom and aunts ganging me because they didn't want me to go full term. The kids knew, your mom, wife and aunts know because they found me in pain a couple of times, but no one else has ever been aware. I screamed and wailed in pain while in the hospital, begging for them to call you but they'd just hit me in the pelvic area making it worse. I didn't say anything because they threatened me not to" Y/n explained to her now ex-husband who was not only silently crying but was also infuriated as his palms were now fists.
Jonathon said nothing as he got up and made his way towards his bag on the chair in the living room, taking out a file and walking straight into the backyard towards his family. "Jadian, Jayla? Let's go." he called out to his kids before turning to his wife Trinity. "Please note that since I've given you this envelope, we are now completely divorced, due to our marriage being void from me not signing my previous divorce papers; it means that I am still married to Y/n and as for my so-called mom and aunts, don't expect to see me, my kids or y/n at any future family gatherings as what you've done is completely unforgivable and I will not tolerate such evil." he spat at them with venom before hugging his brothers and cousins, taking his kids and heading to the car to settle them in.
Jonathan then made his way back into the house, going up to the room he left his wife in to find her crying to herself. "Hey mamas whatchu crying for?" he asked as he brought her into a hug. "I just feel like I failed everyone. I couldn't keep my family together, I was only able to give birth once during my pregnancies and so I couldn't give you the big family that you desired" Y/n cried into his shirt, frustrated with herself. "Y/n I want you to listen to me, you did not fail anyone, our family was never apart cause even though I was with her my heart was and still is with you. It was my fault for listening to my family and breaking us like that, but I promise you it won't happen again. We'll leave here and go back to Tampa where I bought us a new home and we'll never see them again." he comforted her as they made their way to the car, where they drove off to their new chapter leaving all the negative behind.
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Caretaker - Jack Mercer x Reader ✧
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it's been a hot minute since I posted, but the premise of this story is basically Jack survived the shot and you, being the sweet loving girlfriend you are, agree to look after him!
Pre-established relationship ꨄ
✰ content warning! ✩Swearing ✩mentions of alcohol, injuries and brief mental illness
(If any of these topics make you feel uncomfortable as you read, feel free to scroll on, I will try to mark places that involve these things with a purple '*')
➱ my masterlist
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✩ 2006
It's been a couple of months since every thing went down with the Mercers and Victor Sweet, and luckily Jackie survived being shot, but only by a hair. So with my short lived years at nursing school, and a lot of love for and idiot, I took it upon myself to look after him.
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"Hey Mercer it's me! Could you let me in?! " I yelled as I banged on the Mercer's door in the cold January weather. Just waiting for someone to open the fucking door. "Woah babe do you mind keeping the fucking noise down? " A tall, blondish-brunette said as he opened the door, rubbing his eyes with a look on his face that said "I don't mean to be rude I just have a killer hangover". A look that undeniably belonged to my boyfriend Jack, me and Jack had been together long-distance ever since he moved from Detroit, and now that he was back here for good I was so excited to spend as much time with him as a girl could, but that got put on hold for his brothers' revenge plan, which ultimately led to him being shot. Now I've bestowed the amazing job of taking care of him upon myself.
'Lovely to see you too Jackie, now let me in before my tits get icicles. '
He nodded and moved aside so I could come in, we walked into the living room and we sat down on the sofa with him lying between my legs as we watched TV,
'So why are you over here at this time in the morning? '
'Jack sweetheart I need to look after you, you've just gotten out of the hospital and I can already tell you've been drinking. ' I laughed as I messed with his already messy bed hair.
'It's not like that babe, I'm fine, me and my brothers were just having like a celebratory drink or whatever the fuck Bobby called it. '
'Oh that's cute, speaking of your brothers, where are they? '
'At Jerry's I think, they all stayed there but Jerry's wife drove me back here because in her words, I needed to be closer to you because you're the only one who can deal with me when I'm fucked. ' he laughed and fiddled with his hands as he said it, he seemed a bit embarrassed so i lightly kissed him on the head.
'That was sweet of her, and she's right, but anyways did you have a good time with your brothers? '
'Yeah until I could feel my brain practically throbbing this morning when I woke up. '
'Dearie me Jackie, what do I do with you? ' I laughed as I moved his head off of my lap and onto the nearest pillow as I got up and went to the kitchen.
'Babyyy come back please it's cold. '
'Jackie stop being a baby, I'm only making a cup of tea and I'll be right there! '
'Please be quick, you're the only thing helping these fucking gun wounds. '
'You can't rush a good tea baby, and how are your injuries? '
'About as good as you expect them to be, hurt like a fucking bitch, *not only that but ever since it happened I've been waking up in the middle of the night, breathing heavy and tears down my face.' As soon as I heard him say that I immediately stepped away from the kitchen and sat with him again, this time letting him lie on my chest with his arms wrapped around my stomach. I let him talk to me about his night terrors, he laughed to himself as he found it all a bit embarrassing.
'Jackie, in all seriousness that sounds like a symptom of PTSD don't you think?'
'Could be, I keep shakin' too, like it's really fucking weird and I can't even stop it, it only calms down when I'm with you. '
'Awh Jack, you truly are adorable, but I really think you should consider being checked out because it can get super dangerous if you don't talk to someone.'
'Then I'll be fine because I have you to talk to, don't I? ' I could feel him start to shake a little bit, probably thinking that he might not be able to have me as a safety net anymore now that he's "even more fucked up than before" . I shushed him comfortingly and started rubbing his back with my hands under his shirt, and when I felt him calm down I said to him,
'Of course you have me Jackie, and you always will no matter what happens, you can speak to me about anything, but I think at, some point when you're comfortable with the idea, speaking to a specialist would help.'
'Yeah, at some point, but I feel safe here. With you I mean. Ever since I got shot I've been more on edge than ever and I'm always getting myself worked up about everything. Hell sometimes Bobby can't even ask me if I'm doing okay without me yelling at him. I don't want to but I feel so out of control in my own body. But when I'm with you I feel like all of that goes away and that I could just stay here with you forever. I mean it's fucking stupid but you get the idea. ' I could feel a tear fall onto my stomach, so I motioned for him to sit up. I sat in front of him face to face and opened my arms so he could hug me, and he fully embraced me and buried his head deep into my neck.
'I know it's tiring Jackie, and I understand that you feel like you're out of control, and that's why I'm here to look after you, and I always will look after you as long as you need me to, and it's not stupid and it never will be because I love you so much Jackie it's unbelievable. '
'I love you too baby, I love my little caretaker. ' he said as I wiped his tears with my thumbs, and he leaned in and kissed me as gently as he could. I always cherished the moments where Jack could feel vulnerable with me, because I feel as if the environment he grew up in, didn't give him that luxury, as his older brothers always felt as if vulnerability was a weakness, but it was because they had also been influenced by their environment, even with Evelyn that mindset had always stuck with them.
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After a while, me and Jack had went to his room and fallen asleep in his bed after having something to eat, then we had woken up a couple hours later.
'Now what do you want to do Jackie?'
'Whatever you want baby. '
'Wanna watch Grease? '
'Please baby pleasee you know you love 'em! '
'Okay fine, just for my sweet caretaker though. '
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The end! I hope you enjoyed what felt like forever, please consider leaving a comment as they rlly make my day x
Love you loads 💗💗
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callmewrinkles3 · 9 months
December 15, 2023
Some people said that Lulu was going to be late and be born on the 24th like the Christmas present she was. And because there was a bet that her middle name would be Noelle if it was. Charlie said that she'd be a good swiftie like her Mama and come on the 13th to share a birthday with the queen herself. But Blake was the one who came closest, saying she'd ruin everyone's bets on one column of the "Dan and Em are having a baby" betting pool by coming whenever she wanted. And in true Ricciardo fashion, Luna Grace appeared the one day that nobody had bet on.
It was the same as every night since Dan had gotten back from Abu Dhabi, Em cuddling against her husband while he rubbed her sore lower back. They knew they were into the last few nights as just two of them instead of three and they took advantage of it. Everything seemed as normal as Em thought it was, a low ache coming and going in her back. Her body was sore and out of room. Lulu needed to get ready to leave because her mum felt like she was about to burst before her due date arrived in five days.
But even with her discomfort things were good. They were really good. Charlie and Blake were in their own little engaged couple world after Blake's proposal on their anniversary. Their family was healthy and Dan could close his little finger almost fully now. He was happy and excited about going back to work in January. And Em was happier than she thought she could be.
Her head was in a good place, Mildred helping her prepare to be a mother and have her daughter. Mentally she was better than she'd been in most of her life. And she'd never admit it to Dan, probably never to anyone, but finding out that Michael wasn't going to be in the paddock next year gave her an extra peace of mind. So of course, just as she was starting to drift off to sleep, Lulu decided she was making her appearance.
Dan knew that people thought he was insane for not being scared to drive some of the fastest cars in the world for a living, or go dirt biking or mountain biking along forest trails. He was an adrenaline lover who enjoyed getting scared at least once a month. Even when Em asked him to not scare her. But the moment she looked up at him with big eyes and said she was in labour Dan could feel the panic creeping in.
He'd thought that Blake and Charlie staying with them until Em gave birth was insane. That they didn't need them there, as appreciative as they were. But Blake had insisted that Dan would freak the fuck out when it happened and he didn't want Dan driving Em to hospital alone. He'd insisted he was fine and didn't need it. But then when it happened he was so grateful that they were there. He just helped Em out, holding her hand as contractions happened and did whatever she needed to feel safe until they made it to the hospital.
From the first time he'd met her Dan knew Emmy was a force of nature. He'd known about the inner strength she had, but seeing her that early morning as she gritted her teeth and pushed was something he could never describe. He couldn't find the words to explain how it felt to watch her bringing their daughter into the world. After everything they'd been through together and on their own, after the year before putting herself together following her breakdown and making herself get better. She went through hell and crawled her way back and stopped Dan from drowning in his own emotions. She did all of that. She carried their daughter and kept her safe even when their plans for the year got turned upside down and they went back to travelling the world. Emmy did it with grace and poise and beauty, making it look easy when Dan knew it wasn't.
She said she was fine when he knew she was sore and wanted to take a deep breath and not need to pee every two minutes. Dan knew better than anyone how terrified she was. Her fear about not being a good mum. In the dark of night curled up against him admitting her fears about not being physically able to push their daughter out of her body and into the world. Admitting that yeah, she was scared about how it would hurt and she wasn't afraid to admit that she wanted an epidural as soon as it was possible. And even during all of that, she made it look easy, filling Dan with pride for his wife. He held out his hand for her to push and she forced him around the other side of the bed because she was afraid to hurt his left hand. Because even when she was in labour she looked after him instead of it being the other way round.
That entire night felt like watching a video at double speed. It was intense and he was holding Em's hand and pulling her hair back from her face, but the second he heard their daughter cry it was like everything just stopped. In full Ricciardo spirit Lulu entered the word with a loud cry to announce herself. It echoed around the room, bouncing around his ears and landing into his heart because that was his daughter and she was right there.
There was a list of things that Dan would never forget even if he tried. The first two were the most important moments of his relationship with Em. Seeing his Emmy for the first time was number one, arriving at Blake's with a shy smile and a bottle of wine in her hand, sitting next to him in her little black dress with long brown hair running down her back. Secondly was arriving home in Monaco to see her sandwiched between his parents. How she was too skinny and too pale and had clearly been crying but she was there and even with all the changes to both of them she still fit into his arms. The way he held onto her like she'd disintegrate and she grabbed him too.
After that were smaller moments that were no less important. When he saw her on their wedding days, her gorgeous dresses and shy smiles and the way she said "I do" without hesitation or fear. The first time he saw her holding Isaac or Isabella. They day on the couch in Perth when she fell asleep in his arms with Isaac against her chest and his head screamed love her love her love her love her. The look on her face when the pregnancy test came back positive in LA, that she really was pregnant.
The list could have gone on forever, but now sliding in straight at number one was the first time he laid eyes on his daughter. The night had felt like minutes instead of hours, but in the early dawn light Luna was born and time slowed down. His Emmy was a mum and everyone could know. The world could know that she was one and he was so fucking happy about it. After all the tears and pain and sadness and worry it was replaced by pure peace. His Emmy was a mum.
It was surreal to watch Em sit up in the bed with the help of pillows and take her daughter in her arms. It was like they were meant to be there and he was just the lucky man who got to love both of them as hard as he could. He was the one they chose because he was completely and utterly theirs. It was magical. Everything he'd done before wasn't as important because now she was there and he got to spend his life loving the two girls sitting on the bed in front of him. The tiny human in the lavender blanket and hat that her Mama had made for her over the last few weeks was going to grow up in front of him and he couldn't wait to see who she became.
One of the other bets that almost everyone put money on was Lulu's weight and height. Everyone expected her to be small and take after Em, but they were all entirely wrong. She was beautiful and healthy with dark hair already peeking out from her tiny hat, but the nurse confirmed she was four and a bit kilos which made Dan smile, already longer than average. He didn't know how he loved her so much already but he did.
"Ready to hold her, Dad?" Em asked, his jaw dropping as he looked at his wife and his daughter.
"I'm her dad. Holy fuck I'm her dad and you're her mum." Emmy giggled at his words, holding her arms out for him to take that precious bundle into his own. She fit there perfectly and his world turned upside down in seconds as the gravity hit him. His daughter.
"Hey Lulu. I'm your dad. And we are so excited that you're here. Thanks for waiting for me to get home, Sweetheart."
In that moment he felt exactly the same way he did when he got to hold Em in his arms for the first time. He didn't want to let her go ever again. Something in him told him that this moment would change his life and it was exactly the same now.
"I love you so much, baby girl. So, so much. Welcome to the world." He pushed a kiss to her so soft cheek, cursing the tears that were welling up for blurring his view of her face. It was forever carved into his memory, tiny lips pursed.
If Dan thought that letting Em go when she was going back to Perth and he had to go to Australia was hard, he was wrong compared to giving his daughter to the midwife. She was still in the room, they could see and hear her, but she needed to be checked over by the nurse. It broke his heart for the few minutes, but instead he focused on Em and wiped away the happy tears she'd let out at seeing them. Her hair got re-braided to keep it out of her face and he told her just how proud he was of her. She was the strongest, most badass human he'd ever known and he couldn't believe how lucky he was to get to share a life with her. He kissed her face and thanked her, repeating words of love as his wife said them right back until their daughter was safely in their arms again.
He knew he needed to go tell his parents that Em and Lulu were safe and healthy but he couldn't leave them. It wasn't until they'd been brought back to the comfort of their little room that he was ok with leaving Em for a moment. It was a nod to the nurse on guard duty to stop strangers getting into the maternity ward as he went out to the waiting room. Blake and Charlie were sitting waiting beside his parents as the four stood up for news. Congratulations, hugs and tears met Dan as he told them that Luna Ricciardo was there safe and well, and Emmy was fine. Sore and she'd be tired, but fine.
Grace and Joe went down to get coffee for everyone in the early morning, promising to come back with whatever cheesy goodness they could find for Em. While they were gone Dan took uncle Blake and auntie Charlie to meet their baby niece. It was as quiet as possible entering the room to not disturb either a sleeping newborn or new mother, but Em smiled and said hi as they entered. The new adults came to give Em a hug and congratulations while Dan picked his daughter up from the bedside crib she'd been placed in. He supported her head in the crook of his elbow as he walked slowly over to their friends, introducing the newest member of their family.
"Ok Lu, these are some pretty important people so best behaviour, yeah? This is your auntie Charlie and your uncle Blake. They're two of the people you can rely on the most in the world, it's why we picked them to be your godparents. They're pretty special like you."
"Oh my God look at her. Guys, she's beautiful," Blake whispered as he held his arms out to take the baby. Lulu grasped his finger with her tiny hand while he settled her down. "Thank God she looks like you, Timmy. Pretty like her mum."
"Hey Lulu, you're so - wait. Repeat what you just said?" Charlie's gazze went straight from Lulu to Dan and Em as she took in what Dan had said. They hadn't told her she was going to be Lulu's godmother. Godfather was an easy choice, it was always going to be Blake and he'd known since he knew about the pregnancy, but it took months to decide who would be godmother. And in the end it was an easy decision. They'd only known her a year but Charlie had been a rock. They knew if anything happened she'd be there, and even if she didn't need to raise Lulu she'd be a friend and comfort and support. If anything happened to the two of them the papers were all written out, Blake and Charlie knew they'd raise Lulu. It was the perfect decision.
"I know you've a bunch of nieces and nephews and you're godmother to some of them, so I figured another one wouldn't be a problem?" Em forced herself to shrug, acting like it wasn't a big deal when in reality it meant everything to every single person in that room.
"Wanna hold her when your fiance stops hogging the baby?" Dan asked, looking straight at Charlie. His wife's best friend was wiping tears away while she stared at Lulu.
"Are you sure?" The unasked second part of "about making me her godmother" hung in the air.
"Hundred percent."
Dan watched his friends hold the newest love of her life while he put an arm around his wife's shoulders and waited for his parents to come back in. For the first time in almost three years things felt right.
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boag · 7 days
can u talk about why u left school and how u feel about it all now?
Okay LOL
I did really well in school until I was about 11/12 and things started to get harder and harder with my mental illness and neurodivergence and everything and my grades got worse and worse and it got a lot more difficult for me to focus and feel motivated . I didn’t have a ton of friends but I had a handful of good ones even though it got harder to make friends and maintain friendships as I got older. After middle school I applied to go to this technical high school for their performing arts program and I got in. It was a county-wide school and none of my friends went there and there were only a couple kids in the whole school that I’d met before. There were a few kids I was friendly with but I only had one close friend while I went there who I would only see at lunch and I got bullied really badly by a lot of my classmates and my anxiety reached all time highs and I was miserable and suffering all the time and my attendance kept getting worse and I was pretty much failing all of my classes and it got to the point where I’d be late for school like usual and my mom would drive me there but just seeing the entrance to the building would throw me into a full blown panic attack and I couldn’t make myself go in and she would have to drop me off at my grandma’s house so she could go to work.
Idk I was very misunderstood by my teachers and my peers and didn’t know how to try and fix it and I was suicidal and self harming and had patterns of disordered eating and I ended up getting put into partial hospitalization for 3 months of my freshman year and then again for 3 months of my sophomore year and I didn’t attend school at all during either of those periods and didn’t attend school nearly as much as I was supposed to the rest of the time.
Because my school was centered around its career preparation programs they had this policy where you couldn’t go there anymore if you failed your program’s main class more than once and my sophomore year I was about to severely fail drama a second time. I had barely any credits at that point and if I’d transferred to a different school I would’ve pretty much had to start from scratch at 16 years old and I also just didn’t think school was good for me at all so I stopped going and dropped out on my 16th birthday. I definitely have a lot of regrets and wish I’d gotten to have a real high school experience and maybe go to college but I really don’t think there was a better alternative for me so I’ve mostly just accepted it by now.
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sunsetofdoom · 2 months
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@man--eater went ahead and tagged me in WIP Wednesday again, and since I do officially have the first chapter of the Fingersmith AU ready to go I figured I'd drop something actually plot-important
“I got word on a serious take.” Striker diddled the chess piece between his fingers- a rook. “Say there’s a high-ranking demon. A king. Does nothing but sit in a library, runnin’ his fingers over his rare books. Prized, precious collection. Wants some of it copied out, or framed. And I do his work.” “Generous of you, donating your time to the fucking poor.” “Shut the fuck up. Now, the guy has a dozen kids. Different wives. Different ranks. Goetia politics, complex stuff. Most of ‘em have their own palaces, own hobbies. But one,” Striker slapped down the playing card- the nine of spades, a thick creased line through the center where it’d been stepped on- like he was making a point. “One, he keeps close. A prince, trained up like a fuckin’ librarian.” Blitzo finally shut his notebook, willing to admit he was listening. Just to make it clear he was still skeptical, he folded his arms. “The boy’s engaged. Has been for years. But-” Striker set down the marble, spinning it gently so it shone blue and green and red. “He has an inheritance waiting... if he marries low. His fiancee’s another Goetia, more money on her name even than he’s got; if they get hitched, they can stay in Daddy’s house, play Happy Families the rest of their days. But if he marries below his station... he could get money from a trust. His mama, a wise woman by my reckoning, left everything she had in a vault for him before she died, just in case whoever his daddy picked out was a cunt.” Nodding along, Blitzo stopped the spinning marble with one finger. “And is she?” “Boy howdy, she is,” Striker smiled, wolfish. “And the boy is just about eatin’ outta my hand. I got him in painting lessons. He’s awful. Innocent. Clueless. And I was just about to propose an elopement, when...” He moved his hand, knocking over the rook. “The chaperone lost his place. It was his dresser, a valet, nobody special; but the father won’t risk nobody contaminating his bloodline. No chaperone, no painting lessons. No elopement.” “No money,” Blitzo mumbled, spinning the marble himself. “How much are we talking, here?” “Twenty thousand in ready,” Striker said, folding and unfolding the nine of spades. “Plus a steady flow- a thousand a month, on a stipend, for the rest of his life or until the money runs out.” “And my cut?” “Five thousand.” “Seven. And at least a couple of the stipend payments.” Blitzo wasn’t an idiot. The real prize was the steady drip of free money. “Six, and one per year.” “Six and every six months. And for doing what?” Striker smiled slowly, nodding in approval. They’d come to an agreement. “You take the job as his dresser. You talk me up, push him into my arms, spin him a shit-eating idiot love story; the boy’s never done anything in his life but read books, he’ll eat it up. And you help him outta the house for the elopement.” “And afterwards?” The smile got wider, and Striker’s tail started to rattle in anticipation. “Afterwards? When all the papers is signed, and I got the bank statements in my name. I go have a little talk with some friends of mine in Sloth, who run the rolls for a fancy-ass mental hospital. They fudge the books, we spread some rumors. And spoiled Prince Stolas spends the rest of his life locked in a little white room, while we use that inheritance money for people like us.”
Tagging @nyxofdemons (HI) @cringefailvox and @onswifterwings,
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Day 24: Fight or Flight ➢prompt: Catatonic ➢character: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw ➢warnings: Catatonia, PTSD, violence, mentions of choking (non-sexual), dehydration, mentions of torture, mentions of the Uranium Mission, therapy, arguing, denial. Based on the episode of Grey's Anatomy where Teddy goes catatonic. ➢word count: 2.2k ➢A/N: can be read as a part 2 to Day 16 Masterlist || whumptober || library page ||
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Bradley was near his wits end as he leaned against the doorway of his bedroom. She hadn’t left the bed, in the same position she was in since she laid down three days ago. He was starting to get both concerned and annoyed at her behavior. He knew that she was probably going through hell, but he wasn’t sure how much longer he could take the forced silent treatment. He sighed and pushed himself away from the doorway not being able to watch her anymore, and walked back into the living room. 
“How is she?” Natasha asked as Bradley walked back in. Bradley just shrugged and sat down on the couch, turning his focus on the football game that Jake and Bob were watching, “Bradley, how is she?” 
“Not talking, not eating, not drinking. Same as yesterday,” Bradley mumbled. Natasha sighed and pushed herself up from her spot on the couch and began to walk down the hall, “Where are you going?” 
“To check on her,” Natasha said, turning around. 
“Why bother? She hasn’t moved from her spot in three days. She’s not going to suddenly start talking to you. She hasn’t said a word in over three months.” 
“And that’s not concerning you, Bradshaw?” Natasha crossed her arms over her chest, “Look, she needs help. It’s not healthy that she’s gone this long without at least water. I called Fanboy to bring an IV. I didn’t think you would want to take her to the hospital to be committed.” 
“No,” Bradley muttered. Natasha didn’t say anything else as she walked down the hallway towards the bedroom. 
Bradley had seen people go through this before, he had heard the screams and the cries at night of military personnel who had gone through hell overseas. His first couple nights after being rescued had been full of nightmares, but it was always Y/N who woke Bradley up and held on to him. She had survived all the torture the enemy had put her through. She remained resilient, even when she had to stay at the VA hospital for an extra month, getting mental health therapy and some physical therapy.
 The biggest issue they were trying to overcome was getting her to start talking. She would do anything but talk to her therapist, she would draw them pictures or write things down, but would never become verbal. Her therapist said she was okay to come home, that the refusal to speak was a personal choice, a way of letting herself heal. Bradley had learned to momentarily live with it, his own therapist giving him ways to help her. He thought he was doing the right thing by talking about his day, but when he mentioned something about an award for their service during the Uranium Mission, she shut down and crawled into bed. 
“You think this has to do with the award thing?” Bob asked, softly. 
“No fucking clue,” Bradley sighed, “I barely even mentioned it but she lifted her head up and had this look in her eye. . . like she was going to say something, but instead she just kept cleaning the kitchen and then went to bed, and never got out.” 
Bob opened his mouth to say something back when the front door rang. Bradley got up to let Fanboy, and not surprisingly, Payback in as well. Fanboy gave everyone a brief greeting before Bradley showed him down to the bedroom. Fanboy was the only one on the dagger squad who had his combat lifesaver certification, and could give IVs to patients. Bradley was suddenly very grateful for the WSOs skills as he walked into the room. Natasha had pulled up a chair and sat by the side of the bed. Y/N’s eyes were open and it was like she was staring right through you. Natasha had tears in her eyes as she ran a hand through Y/N’s matted hair. 
“Hey Y/N, it’s Fanboy,” Mickey said as he set down his bag of supplies. 
“She’s not going to say anything to you,” Rooster answered. 
“I worked with patients like her before I became a pilot,” Mickey said, setting everything out on the dresser, “I know she might not answer me, but she can still hear everything that’s going on. Studies show that talking to comatose patients can help them come out of their comas.” 
“She’s not in a fucking coma.” 
“She pretty much is,” Fanboy said, looking over at her, “Let’s roll her on her back, and set her arm on the pillow. I’m going to put the IV in her hand and then wrap it, so hopefully she won’t pull it out.” 
Natasha nodded and stood up. Her and Fanboy rolled Y/N’s body over as Bradley watched from the doorway. He stayed out of the way as Fanboy brought over his supplies to insert the IV. He was glad that Natasha was here and held Y/N’s hand, and whispered sweet things to her. For growing up with such an affectionate mother, Bradley didn’t do well in these situations. When his old wingman had gotten hurt, Bradley didn’t even visit him, simply because he didn’t know what to do. 
“Alright, Y/N,” Fanboy said and checked the tubing to the IV, “You should start feeling better, now.” 
“Thank you, Mickey,” Natasha said. Fanboy nodded and cleaned up his stuff before leaving the room. Bradley stared at the  IV leaving Y/N’s arm, “If she doesn’t get better, we might need to have her committed.” 
“I’m not doing that,” Bradley shook her head, “She’s fine.” 
“She’s not! Bradley, she’s not, okay,” Natasha said shaking her head, “I’m not having this argument with you in front of her.” 
Bradley rolled his eyes and walked back down the hall towards the living room. He sat back in his spot, and tried to pay attention to the sports game on the TV, but he couldn’t. His mind kept replaying those hours of him and Y/N being trapped in that basement. Her cries and whimpers as she tried to keep herself alive. They never touched Bradley, and that was the worst thing. He didn’t have anything physically wrong with him, he didn’t have scars like Y/N did, just the emotional scarring. 
In a way, it was easier for Bradley to bounce back after the mission. He only spent the mandated time at the VA, and was sent back home after it. He didn’t have to go through months of physical and behavior therapy like Y/N did. Yes, he occasionally saw his therapist when the Navy told him, but it was once every two weeks or so. Even though they had both survived, it was as if a part of Y/N had died in that basement. 
She wasn’t sure why the Navy thought they had to give her an award for what happened during the Uranium Mission. Yes, they had completed it successfully and that was probably the only good thing that happened. Everything went to hell as soon as they hit coffin corner. Y/N could still hear the sounds of her fellow aviators trying to avoid the SAMs as they came right for them. Every time she closed her eyes she could see Rooster sacrificing himself for Mav and calling out to her. She knew it was stupid to go back and try to find him in the middle of enemy territory, but she had to. Every single person in the sky that day yelled at her and tried calling her back, but she wasn’t going to let the love of her life die in the middle of enemy territory. Y/N was still unsure how Bradley managed to get to her, she didn’t remember much about the ejection, other than her plane breaking apart from the impact of the SAM. 
Y/N always thought military awards were stupid, unless you were getting something like the Purple Heart. But Y/N didn’t need another Navy Commendation Medal for what happened in the basement of the enemy’s house. She didn’t need any more reminders of the worst hours of her life. The hours that she wished she could block out from memory, but they played every single time Y/N closed her eyes. She remembered everything about that night even though the doctors and nurses said she didn’t.
After sitting by Y/N’s side for nearly an hour, Phoenix walked angrily down the hall to the living room where the guys were. 
“This can’t go on for any longer,” Phoenix said, “I’m taking her to the hospital.” 
“No, you’re not, Trace,” Bradley said, rolling her eyes. 
“She needs help!” 
“She’s fine!” Bradley yelled, standing up from the couch. 
“Oh and you were fine when you choked her in your sleep?!” Natasha yelled at him. Bradley felt himself falter as he looked around at the living room. 
“How do you know about that?” He mumbled out, looking down at his sock covered feet. 
“She called me after it happened. She didn’t say what happened but she was in uncontrollable tears, I thought she was going to pass out,” Natasha crossed her arms over her chest, “She texted me afterwards and told me what happened.” 
“I was asleep, I had no idea what was going on until Bob pulled me off of her,” Bradley said honestly. He had no idea what he was doing until he felt Bob’s strong arms circle around his waist and tackle him off of her. When Bradley’s body hit the ground, he came to, watching as Y/N heaved through tears, standing up from the bed and quickly rushing to the bathroom and locking the door behind her. Bob explained several hours later what happened and Bradley was so ashamed of himself. 
“You struggle with PTSD from the mission, and so is she. You acted out in violence, and she shut down. You got help after that night. And now she needs it,” Natasha’s voice cracked, “Please, Bradley. I can’t watch this any longer.” 
“Nix is right, Bradshaw,” Hangman said, “She’s wasting away in there. She needs help. She needs you.” Bradley felt tears running down his cheeks and he nodded. He looked up at Phoenix, who stepped out of the doorway for him to go down to his bedroom. Phoenix let out a cry and Hangman stood up from the couch, and took her into his arms. She cried into his chest and he placed his chin on top of her head, trying to soothe her. 
Bradley let out a shaky breath as he stood outside of their shared bedroom door. He hadn’t been sleeping in there since the catatonia started, choosing instead to sleep on the couch. He opened the door to the dark room softly, and very carefully walked over to the chair by the side of the bed. Her eyes were still open as they watched the rain hit the window. It hardly ever rained in California, and when it did, Y/N was usually pulling Bradley outside to dance in it. He couldn’t bring himself to look at her for several moments, but turned his brown eyes to her frame. Her eyes looked exhausted, dark circles underneath them. She hadn’t moved from when Fanboy and Phoenix rolled her to place the IV in. She was on her second bag of fluids, which was probably a good thing. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t been. . . I haven’t been in here a whole lot,” Bradley said, and cleared his throat, “I just. . . I don’t know what to do,” Bradley sobbed out and held his head in his hands, “I just keep fucking this up. If it wasn’t for me trying to save the damn day, you would’ve never been captured and ended up in that fucking basement with me. I will never, ever, forgive myself for what they did to you.” Bradley moved closer to her, and grabbed her hand. Her eyes still hadn’t moved from the window, but according to Fanboy, she knew every single thing he was saying, “I am so sorry for what I did too. I didn’t even know what I was doing. Y/N, I would never ever hurt you like that. And I’ll spend the rest of my days regretting that.” 
“I just need you,” Bradley sniffled, and wiped his cheek, “I need you to be okay, I need you to keep fighting. I need you, Y/N.” Bradley held her small hand clasped in his two big ones as he cried. His body shook with sobs as every single memory of his life with her played in his mind. From the moment they met, to when he first said I Love You, to those moments before their life changed forever. It didn’t register to Bradley at first, the feeling of her hand finding its spot on his cheek like it usually did. She rubbed her thumb gently over the apple of his cheek, and Bradley looked down at her. 
“Baby?” Bradley gasped out. Her eyes were looking at him, and looked less frozen in time than they had earlier. Bradley placed a hand over hers as it rested on his cheek. 
“I’m here,” Y/N said, barely audible. Bradley let out another sob as he collapsed on the bed by her. She had tears running down her own face as Bradley intertwined their fingers and held her hand tightly.
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luna-the-bard · 5 months
Skeemus Main Storyline - Act II (Part 1)
The self-indulgent fan oc lore continues! Woo!
Act I <- x -> Te'rra Intermission
Samus’s ship, and, by extension, her living space, is very neat. Being a bit messy isn’t unfamiliar to her, but at large her ship is very tidy & organized. Everything has a place, or at least an “everything bin”; it’s functional. Having someone sick to care for brought a reasonable amount of chaos into this tidiness. Samus found herself cleaning at least twice as often as usual - mostly throwing out used tissues and changing sheets, but also disposing of empty IV bags and syringes and all else that is medical in nature. She had to dig up some old T-shirts and cut them in the back to make them fit around the alien’s wings, because her old clothes had to be discarded both due to wear and tear and for the purpose of decontamination.
A couple days later, after the little alien’s fever goes down, Samus notices her watching, intently, as she goes around her day. The next morning she notices all the used tissues stacked up neatly in little squares at the edge of the bed. Samus appreciates the effort. She makes a mental note to buy a small bin for paper trash to put by the bed once they get to the nearest port - she didn’t really need one before, but it would make cleaning a bit easier now. Since that moment she regularly took notice of the little ways in which her guest tried to be as low-maintenance as possible.
It comes as a shock when one night, about a week in or so, the avian makes a nest out of pillows and blankets and refuses to let Samus leave for the cockpit where she’s been sleeping. Samus has to bust out the drawing pad, because she can’t understand what the little alien is trying to say, yet, and her just aggressively patting the bed could mean pretty much anything. Samus has to make sure everything is okay.
The situation turns out to be a lot more awkward than initially assessed. Turns out her guest noticed not only the fact that Samus has been sleeping in her pilot’s chair, but also the way it had been leaving her neck and shoulders more sore with every passing day. The alien made space for her to sleep besides her - she stopped being contagious as soon as the fever went down, and Samus had just changed the sheets this morning, but she hasn’t had to share a sleeping space since her days in the Federation Police - and even there, she still had an individual bunk. On the other hand, waking up sore every morning was a real pain in the neck… Literally. 
Samus makes perhaps the most uncharacteristic decision of this month - it’s only until Skeets fully recovers and she can drop her off back on Te’rra, what could go wrong?
Besides cleaning, Samus spends her time in passionate research. It takes her a week to even identify the girl’s species - the last publicly available entry on them is dating over two centuries old. Samus feels as if she uncovered an ancient relic. 
She soon learns the reason behind such lack of up-to-date information: Te’rra has left the big political scene almost exactly a millenia ago, cutting all communications and public relations with the rest of the world. It takes Samus another two days to find a textbook on their language - it’s in a private library of some old philanthropist, but to Samus’s luck there's a scanned version of it uploaded online; it even has an audiobook with pronunciation guides and exercises to go along with it. She meticulously follows them all, making good progress - at least good enough to learn some basic phrases and the word “hospital”, since that’s where she was about to take Skeets (they finally got to a planet with a big enough interspecies infrastructure). Although, she also had to learn the words “new” and “clothes'', as she realized that maybe going out in public in just an oversized t-shirt (which was only held together by makeshift ties at the back, at that) might be a bad idea, and the alien’s condition was stabilized enough by now to not need an ambulance ride. As much as Samus hates the idea of leaving someone unattended inside her ship, she has to do a quick shopping run, leaving A.D.A.M. in charge until she could return with some adjustable pants and shirts that would hopefully fit the little bird. (She guesstimates a little on the bigger side, so the alien looks especially tiny in comparison to her oversized apparel. It would almost be funny if only she didn’t look so.. sad and disoriented in an unfamiliar place).
Samus spends another hour or so filling out all the paperwork for Skeets before they go out - names were one of the first things Samus established once she found that textbook, so now she knew at least who she took in, and if Skeets needed something, she could call Samus over. She arranges a taxi from the port to the hospital, so they wouldn’t have to go through the overwhelming ordeal of navigating foreign public transit. 
They come back from the hospital with a portable oxygen machine and a new set of antibiotics. Samus spends the following month feeding Skeets syringes full of medication (she will never admit it, but she almost laughed at the way the little alien’s face scrunched up at the taste), studying terranian, and keeping contact with the Federation officials responsible for rehabilitation of the rescued group. Skeets asks for some textbooks to learn Common and Chozo too, catching up pretty fast with nothing else for her to do on the ship but study. She makes quicker progress with Chozo, finding unexpected similarities to her native language (they’re nothing more than a coincidence, but an advantage nonetheless). By the end of the month they can communicate somewhat well; nothing fancy or too complex, but it makes a huge difference. Skeets helps Samus with pronunciation and vice versa, so learning is going quite well. 
After a follow-up at the hospital, Samus is left with a long list of physical therapy exercises for avian species and a detailed recovery plan. It’s not really a surprise that a full month of inactivity and illness would have consequences, but what it hurt the most was Skeets’s wings - she hadn’t used them since the Space Pirates’s ambush.
They spend evenings looking through various parks and recreational resorts (some of them take up entire planets!), picking and choosing what seemed best for flying. Samus suggests a couple planets with reduced gravity to start them off.
She can’t get the feeling of Skeets’s dry, warm hands in her own out of her head for the weeks to come. They go flying almost every other day - and every time, Samus makes sure to hold Skeets steady at least for the first few minutes, lest a sudden gasp of wind catch her by surprise and lead to injury. She lets go only when she’s confident that the avian is safe. (Skeets is fully capable of flying in harsher conditions, even after two months of forced inactivity. She accepts the help regardless, out of gratitude if nothing else - she doesn’t mind soothing Samus’s worries.)
As they share the bed, the awkward space gap between them grows smaller and smaller; until one night, about half a month later, Samus realizes that whenever she gets cold at night and tries to cocoon herself into the blankets, Skeets drapes one of her feathery wings over her.
Act I <- Act II p.1 -> Te'rra Intermission
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ameonds-dragonn · 2 years
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Heyy! I decided to make a pt2 of my Tom story I posted this week. Just a for warning, I haven’t seen world on fire actually. Only clips on YouTube and tik tok, so sorry in advance. We take all the Ewan crumbs we can get :((
Warnings: hospital for a quick scene, Tom(yes he’s a warning), cussing, smut, angst, again WW2 events from the show. Marriage proposal(😉.. yes I’m marrying our smartass sailor off soon!)
Tom had been gone for 4 months, he wrote for the first couple months when he could. Wish he was on land, maybe he would be able to get his letters mailed.
Lois and Bonnie went off to sing for the soldiers, last I heard they were in Sweden. Xavier got shipped to France, father was commanding in Norway. Tom was somewhere in the sea, probably in trouble for his smart mouth. He always wanted to his voice to be heard, wether it was stupid or something he thought of. I used to roll my eyes so far into my head when he would say something to Lois about Harry. Lois was his favorite person to piss off, he acted like a little boy every time.
I had been working days and days, it helped me to not think of all the people I love are gone. On my days off, I would go see Douglas and talk with him over tea . Some days we would just sit in the kitchen in silence. He cried once talking about the kids and their mother. Tom never mentioned his mother much, I never asked. Lois had a picture of her one day, when I was over. She was beautiful, Tom got her blonde hair, but Lois was a carbon copy of her.
I was over at Tom’s for the weekly meeting with his dad. “Have you heard from Tom?” Douglas asked.
“No, too far from actual land to come up. For the first week, I thought he was ignoring me” I smiled.
“He would write if he could, love” Doug smiled
“I know. Did he tell you how he got in a fight with another sailor?”
Douglas rolled his eyes and shook his head, “No, but that doesn't shock me. Why?”
“Something about calling someone of the same rank sir. Tom ran his mouth talking about how he would call him something that a mother wouldn’t say. That wasn't enough he told him his probably would say it” I rolled my eyes
“He reminds me of myself, but I was never picking fights for the hell of it” Doug replied.
“I always thought Lois took after you”
“The war calmed me down”, he grinned
Eventually, Doug got tired and needed his nap. I headed home to see how mother was.
“I’m home” I closed and locked the door
“Get in here”, Emily pulled me to the living room
“Em, what is it?” I whined as she gripped my arm
Mom had the tv on and was crying
Subs around where Tom was supposed to be at got hit last night. His sub made it to shore, but they were shot at. My chest tightened, my breathing got out of control. “Have they announced the deaths?”
“Yes, Tom isn’t on it. Maybe he got rescued by some Allies” Mother replied.
“Right right” I started crying
I would listen to the death calls every night for his name. Each time he wasn’t on it.
A few months later,
Xavier came home and father soon followed, we were a family again. Emily’s mental health was better again, she was doing good in school. I was losing my mind, worrying about my blue eyed boy. Doug had received a letter that said Tom was shot that day. And Frenchmen took him to a hospital, he had been released not long after. But he wasn’t here in front of me, he could be dead in a ditch or decided to marry a French whore.
I was sitting at the nurse’s station, going over my charts for my patients.
“Excuse me?”
“Fill this out and someone will be with you for triage” I said too focused to look up
“Triage to see my girl?” They scoffed
Hold up! I know that scoff, Tom!
I rounded the counter to hug him, “You came back”
“Ooff! Of course I did, I promised you didn’t I?” He hugged me back.
“Didn’t mean you listened to me” I smirked
Tom pulled me out of his chest, but held me to look at me. “I think you’ve got even more gorgeous since the last time I saw ya”
“Don’t know how, I’ve been losing my mind for months now”, I sighed.
“I’m back now, so stop worrying”, he ran a finger down my cheek.
I couldn’t believe it was real, I had to be dreaming in my bed. I buried my face into his chest again to get his scent. He laid his chin on my head and rocked us.
“Y/n, Dr. Willis. Oh he made it back” Alice said.
I sighed, getting out of his arms, “What does he need now?”
“Don’t worry about it, I got it” Alice smiled.
“Alice” I watched her as she took a chart and
walked down the hall.
Tom snickered
“Shut up”
“Took her ten minutes to get pissed at me” Tom said.
I sighed, “I got another hour before my shift is over. I can’t exactly have you being my shadow, so go hang out in the waiting room”
Tom kissed my cheek before walking to the waiting room.
“Y/n” Dr Wills called out
“Yes sir?” I smiled
“Is that tall blonde your boyfriend?”
“Go clock out early, be our secret” He smiled
“No it’s fine, sir really” i replied.
“Y/n, when I came home from the first war all I wanted was my wife. I know how much you’ve worried about him. Now go clock out” He held my shoulders
“Thank you, Dr.Willis!” I smiled
“Go before I change my mind and drag you to the OR” He winked.
I nodded and went to clock out
Tom was smoking, flipping through a magazine
“Did I get you fired? Baby I’m so sorry” he stood up
“No, I think Alice told the dr you were back. He knows how much I worried about you. That and he told me he would drag me for a surgery if I didn’t leave” I grinned
“Well then, let’s go” He grabbed my hand
We were walking towards his house
“You and dad talked while I was gone?” Tom asked shocked
“Yes, other times we sat in silence with each other’s company. By the way you had the cutest little ass when you were a baby” I teased.
Tom blushed
“It took me two years to get you to blush. Awh Tommy don’t be embarrassed” I elbowed his ribs playfully.
“Mhm easy, that’s the I got hit at” He winced
“Fuck, I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, love” he rubbed my hand with his thumb.
We walked more
“Did Dad really show you my baby pictures? Or just my ass?” Tom light a cigarette
“Oh yeah. I saw you and Lois in the tub, when it was your 6th birthday party and you lost your front tooth. When you were 9 and thought flexing your muscles in your underwear was a good idea”, I snickered.
“My muscles were good when I was nine thank you! I’m asking Emily for baby pictures sometime”, He pinched my hip
I stopped for a second “What? No, you’re not!”
He turned around and smirked, “Ya coming love?”
I walked forward, “You’re lucky I missed you”
He opened the door for me, it was empty, but the light in the kitchen was on.
“Wanna take advantage of the flat being empty?”He laid his chin on my shoulder, holding my waist.
“Don’t know how much time we have, Thomas”, I smirked.
He seen a note on the counter and read it
We decided to go to a late showing of Gone with the Wind. Dinner is in the ice box
“That’s a two hour movie”
“Really? That’s good”, He took my jacket off
He captured my lips with his and clipped my nurse’s hat off. “Mhm, I’m not screwing you in the kitchen” I pulled away. We walked upstairs, occasionally stopping to make out on a hall. Tom ran his hands down my ass, I whined. “Jump” he mumbled in between a kiss. I jumped in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. My top of my nursing dress was half way off, exposing my bra to him.
He slammed the door shut with his foot, walking to the bed. Dropping me gently on his bed, I looked around. I haven’t been up here in months, the thought of walking up here to their room was a knife in my chest. “You okay”
“Yeah I’m fine, Tommy”, I smiled
Tom was peppering kisses on my neck, I was unbuttoning his dress shirt. Got his shirt off, I started to undo his pants. Something chirped, it was nighttime. Ain’t no way birds are chirping this late,, I looked over slightly. There was a yellow canary in a cage on a table.
Tom was leaving love bites on my chest, i tugged his hair a couple times, signaling him to rise up. “It’s just us here love”
“Then why is there a canary looking at my tits?” I cocked my eyebrow.
“Oh her”
“Oh” I mocked him
“She’s my buddy, we survived the war so I brought her back” He smiled.
I just blinked at him
“I’ll put a sheet over her, if it makes you feel better”, Tom nosed my right boob.
“She’s being quiet, just continue” I sighed.
Tom was getting close, i could see his hips slowing down. He put my legs over his shoulder, angling him deeper. “Oh god” I whined at the sudden change.
We were so into each other, we didn’t hear the front door open and close. Or Lois walking up the stairs. I was getting ready to cum, when Lois gasped. “Fucking animals! Gross” Lois slammed the door, screaming. Tom snorted and continued moving his hips. “Shut up!” I smacked his chest. “I don’t know why she didn’t think we weren’t gonna touch each other. Christ sakes!” Tom rolled his eyes.
We got cleaned up and dressed again, my hair was a mess. The curls I wore for work were destroyed. “You look fine”
“Not like I got fucked and his sister walked in. She probably told your father” I rolled my eyes, putting my heels back on.
“He probably heard us, you were better about being quiet this time” He zipped his pants
I blushed, “Shut up and walk me home, Bennett”
We walked downstairs. Douglas and Lois were on the couch. Doug had his paper and Lois was acting like she was reading.
“Did you have a good day, Y/n?” Doug asked as we took the last step
“Uh you know normal day, Mr. Bennett”
I chewed my lip, Tom was taking forever putting his jacket on.
“Mr. Bennett? I thought we were past formalities, dear?” He asked, laughing.
“Right. Good night Doug. Goodnight Lois” I replied back, pulling at my cuticles.
“I’ll be back, I’m walking Y/n home” Tom finally spoke up
“Hurry back. Goodnight Y/n” Douglas walked into the kitchen. I rubbed my hand over my face as he got up. Lois snorted
“Learn to knock, Lois” I spat back as we walked out
Tom’s shoulders were shaking from him containing his laughter. I cut my eyes up at him. “It’s not like Lois didn’t see what she already has”
“The war didn’t kill you but I’m thinking about it” I laughed at my dryly
“Oh I was jokin, baby” he sighed
“Come on and walk me home” I rolled my eyes
“Thanks for walking me home” I squeezed his hand as we made it to my house.
“No problem, love. Just being a good boyfriend” Tom kissed my hair
I hummed
“Okay good night, Tommy. I’m glad you’re back, I love you” I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. “Love you too, baby” Tom moved to kiss me back.
“Y/n, it’s midnight! Get in bed”, Emily yelled out her window
“Keep your voice down, stupid!” I yelled back
“Better get in there, warden is waiting” Tom said
“Wish I was the only girl. See ya later”, I gave a side hug before walking inside
Tom’s pov
I watched Y/n get inside and I was gonna leave but Emily hollered at me
“She’s back now. What is it?” I asked
She smirked, “When are you gonna propose to my sister?”
“Soon as I get a ring and I get your father’s blessing” I scoffed. She was 15, why did she care if I was married to Y/n.
“Haha! You need my approval too. It’s hard to get” Emily cocked her eyebrow, like her older sister does constantly at me.
“You ask the father not the sister” I blew out my smoke
“Fuck tradition. You better catch daddy on a good day” She smirked.
“Goodnight, Emily” I waved as I walked down the street.
“What does blessing have to do with me marrying Y/n? Stupid kid” I sighed
Y/n always said her father was a protective dad and had his moody days. He won’t let Y/n marry me, I’m a jailbird. Y/n could have any bloke and she goes with me, why?
Lois was already in bed, the curtain was pulled between our beds.
“She home?” Lois asked
“Yeah. Her little sister said something stupid to me” I sat on the bed, taking my boots off
“What then?” Lois rolled to my side
“When I ask Y/n to marry me, I don’t just need her father and brother’s approval. I need hers too or I’m not marrying Y/n. What a crock of shit, she’s 15” I scoffed.
Lois giggled, “She just loves her sister, Tommy”
I sighed and got into bed
“Night Tom”
“Night Lois. Missed your annoying ass snores”
I was gonna marry Y/n, no matter what. Emily will have to deal with it, the father is the only blessing I need.
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jacksdinonuggets · 6 months
Lost And Found Chapter 4
Vaggie's injuries haven't been healing well and has gotten infected. Carmilla has to take her to the hospital. tw: mentions of suicide and mental hospitals.
A couple of weeks had passed since Carmilla claimed Vaggie as her daughter. When she had aged back up sometime during these weeks, she was extremely apologetic and embarrassed. She felt ashamed for having to use that coping mechanism but Carmilla told her it was okay. What did worry her was that she wanted to do all the wound cleaning and bandaging by herself. When Carmilla asked if she knew how to do it, she quickly said yes and sprinted off. 
Ever since vaggie did her own stuff, she seemed to stop healing and was going backwards. Carmilla noticed how she struggled to walk, she would silently complain about headaches, and have really bad eye and back pain. So one day, Carmilla decided she would talk to her about it. She walked into Vaggie’s room but had the worst timing because she was in the middle of changing her bandages with her back facing Carmilla. And oh boy did those injuries look infected as fuck. There was puss and it was inflamed and really red.
“Vaggie?! Why didn’t you tell me about this,” Carmilla ran up to her, causing Vaggie to flinch and cover her body up.
“I- I have it under control!” Vaggie tried to say but Carmilla wasn’t taking it.
“Nu-unh, don’t lie to me. We’re going to the hospital,” 
Vaggie stopped breathing for a second. The last time someone said that she was stuck in a mental hospital until she jumped out the 6th story window, landing her in heaven. She didn’t want to be stuck there again. 
“No! I’m not going there!” Vaggie yelled. She gasped for air and stumbled to a corner, trying to catch her breath.
“Sweetie, take some deep breaths. The hospital will help you,” Carmilla kept her calm and spoke softly to her.
“No it won’t! It didn’t help last time!” Vaggie screamed at her, tugging her hair.
“What? We never went to the sloth ring before,” the older lady stated.
“When I was alive, my stupid parents took me there for being abnormal and I was stuck there for 5 months! They-they paid the nurses to keep me there!” She panicked. Carmilla didn’t want her to rip her hair out and grabbed her stuffed bear off of her bed and handed it to her. She squeezed the bear tight.
“Vaggie, we are NOT going to that type of hospital, okay? This is just a doctor's visit. I will not be paying anyone to keep you there,” The older woman promised.
“Y-you won’t?” Vaggie asked.
“I promise I won’t,” she replied. The small girl held out her pinky finger.
“Pinky pwomise?” Carmilla held out her pinky and curled it around her’s
“Pinky promise.” she confirmed.
Getting Vaggie changed was a bit hard. Everything hurt her back. Putting her diaper on was the worst part because she had to lay down on her back. But she managed to do it. Once tying her shoes and packing the diaper bag. Vaggie curled up in the backseat of the car with her plushie tucked in her arms.
Once they got to the hospital, Vaggie held Carmilla’s hand as they walked through the entrance and into the lobby. Carmilla saw how nervous she was and picked her up and set her in her lap while she did paper work. Whenever someone would give them a weird look, Carmilla would send a death glare at them before continuing on her work. 
It took a little bit of time before they were called back. Vaggie was led into a room where they took her height and weight. Then they lead her to a room and asked her to get changed into this weird paper gown. 
“Help, mama?” Vaggie asked. Carmilla nodded and helped her get changed into it after the nurse left. 
When the doctor came in, Carmilla explained how she was a fallen angel (didn’t mention what type) and was also regressed. The doctor seemed okay with it and just wanted to help out.
“Okay, Vaggie, sweetie, I’m just gonna take a look at your back,” The doctor said. Vaggie moved so her back was facing him. He undid the backside of her gown her a took a look. He visibly winced at it. 
“Oooh, yeeah, this is definitely infected. But I can fix it.” The doctor then dug around his thousands of syringes and picked one out. Vaggie had seen and clinged to Carmilla, jumping into her lap.
“I just need to inject some strong antibiotics into the wound and then clean it up and prescribe you some meds,” He explained. That didn’t help vaggie at all. She whimpered, really scared of the needle. 
“Is it alright if she sits in my lap?” Carmilla asked. The doctor nodded and she held Vaggie tightly and closely before he made the first injection. It stung like hell. Vaggie screamed in pain and cried, trying to move but her caregiver held her too tight. Carmilla used one hand to dig through the diaper bag and took out her pacifier and plopped it in her mouth. It didn’t deafen the screams that much but it helped soothe her a little.
The first injection was soon done. Carmilla could tell that vaggie needed a change. The pain and scariness must’ve made her wet herself. She rocked her and helped her calm down before the second injection, the one for her other side. She didn’t scream as loud but Carmilla was sure she’d be getting tinnitus later. 
“You’re such a brave girl, Mija, I think you deserve ice cream,” Carmilla wiped away her tears. Finally, the doc finished cleaning her back wound.
The eye injury wasn’t nearly as bad and all she needed was a couple of antibiotic pills for it. 
“Now, I would like to keep her here overnight, just to monitor her. We need to know if she has any reactions, especially because she’s not used to hell’s medicines yet,” Doc said.
Vaggie felt her heart drop. She had to stay overnight? No, this couldn’t be happening! Her grip tightened on Carmilla’s shirt and her eyes were screwed shut. Her heart beat faster than a lightning bolt would strike. Her steady breathing turned into hyperventilating. 
“Sh, shh, it’ll be okay bebe, I’ll be with you the whole time,” Carmilla rocked her, trying to stop a panic attack from occurring.
Those words helped calm her down before she freaked out. The doctor showed them to her room and helped them get settled. Carmilla had already asked clara to pack an overnight bag for Vaggie to drop off. 
After Carmilla changed Vaggie, she settled into her hospital bed. It was a little uncomfy and irritated her back a little but it would have to do. Carmilla was reading her a story when a knock came from the door.
“Guess who’s here? Your favorite older sister!” Clara announced and walked in.
“Hey, I’m her favorite!” Odette replied, also walking in. Vaggie giggled at their antics.
“You bof equally suck,” Vaggie joked.
“I am wounded, baby sis,” Clara sarcastically said. Even though Vaggie had a hard time understanding sarcasm, this was kind of funny to her.
Clara was carrying a duffle bag with some overnight and comfort items. Odette had a little gift bag with her.
“We heard you couldn’t get ice cream, so we got you a little gift” Odette handed her the bag. Vaggie immediately opened it and took out a new stuffed animal. It was a purple fluffy rabbit. She squealed and hugged it.
“T’ank you! I love her!” 
Carmilla, Odette, and Clara both smiled. The cuteness of this girl.
Odette and Clara had to leave soon after since it was getting late. Carmilla was allowed to stay overnight with her because she was an overlord and a pretty big deal. She tried to keep Vaggie entertained the best she could. Eventually, it was getting close to her bedtime and she fell asleep on her own. Carmilla nestled into the uncomfortable armchair to try to get some sleep. Her poor baby was going through so much. She didn’t want to be asleep in case she needed her. But her body eventually gave out and she fell into a deep sleep.
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defira85 · 9 months
I've got an hour and a half left of the year so let's be introspective - 2023 was pretty fucking garbage, and that's saying a lot after the mess of last year
It was the first time in 8 years that I struggled with active thoughts of suicide again
I really wanted things to get easier this year after the shit that went down last year - the sudden death of my mother-in-law, being absolutely dragged through the mud by my Covid infection, and a colossal mess with work when my boss developed Long Covid and ended up taking 5 months off of work. I thought that, given time, the grief would become easier to manage, and the work stress would ease up when my boss returned to work in January, and my health would be manageable
The larger cracks started forming in around April, and in July I started seeing a psychologist again. The decline got worse around August, and by late October it was... well. It was that.
The grief never got easier. I'm still waiting for it to be something bearable, but I think the fact that she died of a very traumatic heart attack and - for those who have been paying attention to my posts - I run a practice for a cardiologist means that I have to go into work every day and look into the faces of people who don't want to take medication for their hearts, and who don't want surgery for their hearts, and I want to shake them and tell them that they're resigning their families to unbelievable trauma and heartache that is literally preventable... it's not the same job as it was eighteen months ago
Add on to that the fact that our receptionist got more and more aggressive towards our preventative health measures as time wore on to protect the doctor and enable him to keep working with Long Covid and literally keep us employed, resulting in massive outbursts from her in October and November that I had to just sit and take because I had to be the professional even while she was lashing out and treating me like shit
It's been hard. It's been really hard. Last year was garbage but god this year was bleak
I tried getting back into fandom this year after the start of the pandemic just killed my spirit dead in the water, and it's been miserable. 2020 was only 3 years ago, but the difference in 3 years feels so so stark. The bleak silence in response to "content" instead of community like I used to see and partake in is so demoralising and so humiliating. I write because I have stories I want to share, but who am I sharing them with? I don't know! The numbers tick very slowly up, so SOMEONE is reading, but I don't know them from a bar of soap. I've tried joining conversations in a couple of fandoms on tumblr and it all fizzles out to nothing. Everyone and everything is on discord these days, and I'm just not interested in that for fandom
No prophesying for 2024, but the receptionist quit on the last business day of the year, so I never have to see her again. I'm terrified that the doctor will decide we don't need to replace her and will expect me to be his receptionist and nurse and secretary and practice manager and hospital bookings manager all in one... without the pay rise to match, and without the acknowledgement that I absolutely cannot do all of that by myself without help. I'm glad the bitch is gone but I'm so miserable thinking about the coming years work. My doctor wants to do more mental health stuff including eating disorder stuff and it's exhausting still trying to get that under control when I'm nearly 40
I don't even know what the point of this post was. It's not a happy one. Maybe it's good to spew it all out here with the intention of leaving it in the past
I just don't know what the future holds. I don't know what to hope for anymore. I just want this year to be over though
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spicybees · 3 days
congrats on getting top surgery soon! May I ask how the process went for getting the consultation and all that? And what sort of options you had going into it if it’s not too much to ask… I’m hoping to get top surgery myself in a couple years and I don’t know where to start. Thank you so much!
THANK YOU SO MUCH I still can’t believe it’s happening I keep having to pinch myself. I’ll explain below the read more because it gets quite long but I’m more than happy to answer!
Okay so first of all I live in Australia so the process is drastically different than other countries like the US (sorry if you don’t live there either lol) but I can share my experience of the Australian process!
I could have just called up a surgeon without a referral if I chose to but if I did that I wouldn’t receive a Medicare rebate (which takes about 1k off the surgeons final price) so I went to see my GP first and asked for top surgery lol. Keep in mind I had not brought up my chest dysphoria at all to my GP in the 18 years she has been my doctor so it was quite a shock to her. And idk about other states but in Queensland they do require a year of supporting documentation to be considered for top surgery. But I got my way around that with sharing photos of me wearing a binder from when I was 14 LOL. That and my psychologist knowing a tiny bit but really nothing more that I was unhappy so mostly the photos.
I don't have private health so this was done uninsured which means I pay out of pocket for everything but honestly it wasn't too bad all things considered (private health wouldn't cover this anyway so I wasn't losing much) it totaled to about 9.3k for the surgeon, 2.6k for the anaesthetist and 2.8k for the day hospital. That with my rent and bills and food on top totalled to about 17k overall, but it would be much cheaper if you don't need to take as much time off as I do. I get a rebate from Medicare of about 1k (maybe more for the anaesthetist I don't know yet) so when I get that back in my account I would have only spent 16k.
I got asked some basic questions such as if I had any other parts of my body I was unhappy with in a similar way but it really wasn’t that invasive or much. I got my referral and received a call from the surgeons office the next day booking in my consult for the following month! I got asked if I had anyone specific in mind at my gp appointment and before I even replied she suggested the person I was about to say lol, turns out they were in the same year at medical school!
At my consult I explained what I was there for (she was unsure if she had it right bc I do identify as a woman socially and that’s not going to change) but she was amazing and understood exactly what I was looking for! She let me know I needed a psychiatrists letter of approval within 3 months of my surgery date just saying I’m like.. mentally stable and making an informed decision but I knew that already so I had my psychiatrist booked in the following day! I also had my surgery date booked the day of the consult (consult was 29th of August and surgery date is 25th of October) which was tentatively locked in until I got my psychiatrist letter. I also received my estimated cost for everything on consult day.
When I saw her the next day it was my last sorta time I had to explain like yes I’m a girl yes I know what I’m doing which had at this point become kinda annoying but luckily she was cool with it and wrote me the letter. I emailed that to my surgeon and then I got sent my admission paperwork and a bunch of forms I needed to return lol. I also got my pre op appointment booked and got told when I needed to pay by.
At my pre op appointment (earlier this week) I got measurements taken for my compression binder I have to wear 6 weeks post op and I also got pictures taken (awkward), and I was able to ask as many questions as I needed about the process. I suggest writing down a little list because you will forget in the excitement of it all (I had my best friend Shannon come with me for my pre op appointment to ask questions as well because they are going to be my caretaker post op).
Since that’s done and I’ve paid my surgeon I just need to pay my anaesthetist and hospital but that’s done closer to the surgery date. All future costs related to my surgeon such as post op appointments are all covered by the initial cost I paid, but if I need revision surgery that is an additional cost later down the line.
Now for procedure specific things..
Because of my breast size I was able to get keyhole and periareolar as well as double incision as options. I did end up going with double incision purely because I do not want to keep my nipples lol and the scars are meaningful to me. I was happy to know I had the options though! Felt really nice. She explained the options for scar placement and shape and asked whether I wanted to achieve a flat look or more a pec like look too. It was nice to work with someone who understood exactly what I am going for in this and it was really euphoric.
My surgeon does do drains BUT they do not need to be emptied or ‘milked’ as some people say online. She laughed and said that was an American thing and that I just need to monitor the output once a day. She also said I’ll be pretty tender but honestly won’t feel too shitty after and that I don’t need to worry about doing T rex arms lol, and to just work within my bodies limits. If my body hurts I don’t do it essentially.
As for time off from work I do work a physically demanding job that requires me to do heavy lifting, so I needed at least 6 weeks off. I ended up taking 9 off because it was leading up to Christmas and I don’t want to risk stretching my scars. I am going to be very short on money because of this but my health comes first. My boss was super chill about it and I have already sorted out a replacement for my hours since I am a manager and do need to be covered consistently lol.
Outside of that it’s really just waiting now! Shannon is taking 3 weeks of work themself to care for me but I really don’t think I’ll need their help physically for longer than a week, but the moral support is everything. My friends are also helping me out food wise the first week or so :3
I’m happy to answer any other questions people may have but do keep in mind I haven’t actually had my surgery yet so.. I only know so much right now.
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓟𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓽
It's been a month since she ran away from her parents and started living in St Judes and she has more than happily agreed to work for them, she needed training so after the night she came, they started to train her. She studied day and night about everything she need to know to work as a mental nurse, college was not an option for her with the situation she is in right now, so this is the only good option well it's the only option she has either bad or good. Her training was technically now done, the next thing for her was to start nursing a patient. She was seating in the lobby reviewing everything she learned, waiting for Isabel to come and show her what type of patients she will be able to take care of with her level of knowledge as a mental nurse. "Okay, Here is the list of patients you can take care of," Isabel told Elizabeth as she entered the lobby and gave her the documents "This is their information" She pointed to the piece of paper of one of the patients " And what they are diagnosed with" Isabel continued. "Now, you got to choose only 3 you can't take care of more, aye?" Isabel explained. Elizabeth looked through the documents." "Aye?" "Aye Aye, but all these patients are already gonna come out of the hospital in a couple of weeks" Elizabeth answered. "I know, but you need to take care of calmer patients." Isabel protested. "You mean less loony?" Elizabeth argued. Isabel stayed silent. Stuart entered the lobby, he was holding a folder with different kinds of patients that were just brought into the hospital he put the folder on the lobby's table. Elizabeth picked up the folder and saw a name on the first page of the folder that said Ferugs MacKinnon and checked through his info and what he is diagnosed with "Oi, Isable!" Elizabeth marked. "Aye?" Isabel answered. "Can I take this patient?" Asked Elizabeth. "Let me see" Isabel took the document from Elizabeth's hand. "Elizabeth this is too much responsibility, he just got in aaa-and you don't know what's gonna happen if you "Isabel exclaimed. "Isable it will be fine remember who you're dealing with, okay?" Elizabeth marked. "Elizabeth I know who Im dealing with, okay? Just let me think about this?" Isabel told her and left the lobby meanwhile Elizabeth just sat in the same seat thinking, while she was crocheting a blanket for her to sleep in winter. Hours passed by for her it felt like minutes, everyone who passed by stared at her and looked at her as she crocheted the blanket she planned on using for winter. Isabel was looking over the document over and over, she wanted Elizabeth to take care of the patient since she knew that the patient needed time and care, Elizabeth fitted the job perfectly but she was worried about what would happen. She went back to the lobby finding Elizabeth sitting in the same position. " "Elizabeth, I decided you can take care of him, and you can take care of another patient, but you have to first take care of Fergus for a couple of days then we see how you can handle it, aye?" Isabel explained. Elizabeth heard what she said and put her crochet down immediately stood up and started jumping up and down and went to hug Isabel " Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Elizabeth exclaimed. Isable face turned serious, and Elizabeth realised her actions "Sorry, not professional. Thank you Isabel" Elizabeth said calmly. Elizabeth wore the scrubs that she had made, went to the kitchen to pick a cup of hot chocolate and tea then went to her patient's room. "Hello, Mr MacKinnon" Elizabeth greeted. "Hello" Fergus answered. Elizabeth sat next to him in his bed and handed him a cup of hot chocolate, Fergus took the cup and asked " Why are you here?" Elizabeth took a sip of her tea  " I'm here because I will be taking care of you for the time being" Elizabeth answered his question, Fergus looked at her while drinking his hot chocolate "And I will be helping you, and If your gonna say that" I will be like the rest" I will not I have personal experience with my family" Elizabeth explained very professionally which came as a shock to her, she tried her best not to smile, still it showed a little happiness in her face. Fergus saw it and smiled a little. "Okay, but are you sure you are okay with it?" Fergus asked with sarcasm. "You are not supposed to ask that, Im suppose to ask, are you ok for me to be your nurse?" Fergus had a surprised look "I thought the hospital chooses, not me" Fergus answered. "They do, but I prefer to let my patients especially my very first choose" Elizabeth explained. Fergus enjoyed her allowing him to choose, it brought him happiness, he thought now if he wanted her to be his nurse he did enjoy her company and her way of talking and opinion he did not like romantically he liked her as a person. "Well?" Elizabeth asked. "Yes, you seem nice and understandable not like the other" Fergus Answered. "Ok, perfect, Have a good night" Elizabeth answered, she stood up and went to the door "If you need anything tell me, please tell me, enjoy your sleep" Elizabeth commented. She went to her room, slept peacefully, and was happy that she would officially be a nurse and that her patient would like her to be his nurse.
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