#she’s having terrible diarrhea
ladytauria · 10 months
woke up too late to call the vet today
but i decided to leave a voicemail so i wouldn’t forget on monday
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shamraed · 3 days
Our Story: A Family's Journey Through War
My name is Mounir, and I am part of a family of seven. We used to live a simple life in Gaza, before the war changed everything.
My father, Raed (47), my mother, Amani (39), my older sisters, Rasha (22), who is married, and Rana (21), who is also married, my brother Mohamed (16), and my little sister Sham (4), we all dreamed of a safe and stable life.
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When the war began, we were forced to leave our home due to heavy shelling nearby.
We took shelter in the shop that was our only source of income— a sanitary supplies shop where my father, brother, and I worked.
We could only stay one night before leaflets were dropped from airplanes ordering a full evacuation of the area. We had no choice but to move to Al-Shifa Medical Complex, where we lived in a tent for a week.
Then, another evacuation order came, and we were told to head south of Gaza.
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With no relatives to take us in, we ended up in an unfinished school building in the central area.
The 90 days we spent there were the hardest of our lives— no water, no food, and nothing fit for human life. We had to walk more than 1.5 kilometers just to buy a small amount of food to keep us alive.
After this long ordeal, another evacuation order came, but before we could leave, the school was bombed.
It was terrifying— we narrowly escaped death, leaving everything behind.
We fled to Rafah, a place that seemed safer at first, but there too, we found no shelter.
We had to live in a tent, in the freezing winter cold.
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We had no way to keep warm, and we nearly froze to death.
My mother, who suffers from chronic asthma, was in a dire situation because we couldn’t find her medications.
She ran out of the medicine that helps her breathe, and she started having painful attacks.
This is one of the many types of medicine that you use, but there is none of it because it has run out
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The smoke from the fire we used for cooking and the terrible smell from the lack of sanitation in the school made her condition worse.
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My little sister Sham is also suffering from skin rashes due to the unsanitary conditions, and she has diarrhea and vomiting because the drinking water is contaminated.
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We are living in inhumane conditions, and we don’t even have the clothes we need to survive the coming winter.🥶(🧥❌)
My brother Mohamed and I carry a heavy burden— we fetch water from faraway places, and we search for food to ease our hunger.
My married sisters and their small children are also in desperate need of baby formula, clothes, and diapers.
Even the food that reaches us in the school from charity kitchens is barely edible due to poor cooking.🤢
This is our life… fear, hunger, cold, and bombing. 💔
We live in constant terror and uncertainty. 😔💔
We desperately need your help and support— any donation can help save our lives and ease our suffering.🥺🙏🏻
My campaign is Vetted by
@gazavetters , my number verified on the ( list #8 )
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ilsolefiesta · 2 months
random astrological jam
just some absolutely random thoughts I had today while working:
♥ the strongest "mothering mother" I've ever seen is the 4th house Leo Sun with Cancer IC. we all know how lionesses protect their cubs. this quality goes to extremes when one of the most family-oriented signs rules the family house... my aunt has this placement, and she is so passionately devoted to our family. sometimes, she gives me the vibes of Dominic Toretto. we also laugh about how she can change the subject of literally any conversation to her daughter. - the weather is getting worse. - my daughter once became ill during such weather... - wow, his sport skills are amazing. - you know, my daughter used to be a captain of baseball team when she studied at school. - I think there's something wrong with my stomach. - you even have no idea what terrible diarrhea my daughter once had. (her daughter is around 30 already...)
♥ people with strong mutable placements, how often do people tell you that you seem taller than you actually are? or they thought that you were in fact taller than you are?
♥ having Cancer ASC and/or the Moon in the 1st house, along with Scorpio Sun, really creates an "angel in disguise" impression. people with these placements look SO DAMN innocent but then you begin to know them better...
♥ it’s so funny how strong Leo placements can be so obvious in their “godly” self-perception, to the point where you can't even be angry with them. my friend has a Leo stellium (Sun, Mars, Mercury). it was my birthday, so we were planning to have a party at a restaurant. she was the only one who arrived late, and it took her more than 30 minutes after the planned time. and the first thing she said when she arrived wasn’t “happy birthday” or “sorry for being late” etc. it literally was:
- just look at me. I look so damn gorgeous today, don’t you think so?
I thought I was going to die laughing.
♥ aspects of Mercury with Uranus/Chiron can make a person having a rhotacism or some other difficulties with pronunciation. for example, my former classmate and I both struggle with the letter "R" in our speech. however, my Mercury and Uranus form a trine, so people usually don't even notice it unless they are trying to listen for it intentionally. on the contrary, my classmate had a square between them. sometimes it was really hard for people to understand her.
♥ I believe that even though Capricorn ASC people may have other strong placements, they look their best wearing minimalistic clothes. like they are so self-sufficient that the rule "the simpler, the better" works for them 100% of the time.
♥ maybe it has another name in English or I misspelled it somehow (please let me know if you know what it's called). but I haven't seen any articles about Doryphory/Doryphoros and the Charioteer of the Sun in English. however, it's very popular among post-Soviet astrologers.
if you don't know, here's the idea: the Sun is the King, and Doryphory is its supportive power, like a squire. it's the planet that comes before the Sun. check it out. it can, together with the Ascendant, reveal the first impression from you. on the other hand, the planet after the Sun - the Charioteer - can show what you're remembered for in the end.
for example, my Sun is in the 1st house and the first planet behind (clockwise) is my 12th house Mars. I’m always told that I look like self-collected, confident go-getter at first glance. however, Mercury which goes after Sun usually leaves people feeling that I am overthinking and a little nervous. my sister’s Doryphory is Gemini Mercury (harshly squared, however). sometimes it really seems challenging for her to stop talking. she looks like such a chatterbox. however, people usually remember her for her good looks. her Sun is followed by Venus. as for my grandma, her Doryphory is Moon and the Charioteer is Mercury. she is the most prominent example of someone who often says or does something emotionally and then thinks about whether it was the right thing to do or not. Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! Picture credits: Pinterest
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yuuuume · 4 months
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househusband au headcanons
Shinji ver.
| 1 | 2 | ?
rating: safe for work
reader prons: they/them
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Listen, if Shinji could have it his way, he’d still be playing the sax every night at the lounge he used to work at. Sure the pay was crap, and he wasn’t all that great of a musician, but he genuinely enjoyed his night job (because the man clearly needed a day job to get by), but things change, people fall in love, people have kids for Christ’s sake whether it’s planned or not. That’s just life for you, so welcome to Shinji Hirako’s, or should we say the new neighborhood stay-at-home dad. This happened because 1, he got married! Yeah, someone went up to that mysteriously cheap and swanky lounge one night, took a seat, had a drink or two, and said, ‘Damn, I want to marry that’. Who in their right mind would wanna do that? Aside from me and the Shinji fuckers. Not many, but hey, love is blind! So… yeah. This is his life now. Stinky diapers, a fussy firstborn, and a life full of mayhem to accommodate. Shinji absolutely doesn’t wish he was at work! Someone save him.
What he doesn’t realize is that he will come to love this more than any job in the world and that being there with his kid every step of the way is a privilege he was glad to experience for both himself and his spouse since they work very hard to keep the family fed, clothed, and housed despite working dreadful hours. Because of this, Shinji really tries to give it his all with this househusband gig, to not stress them out on their two measly days off of work on the weekends. The Hirako family is what I call the living example of surviving on each paycheck but despite that stress, they never take it out on their child nor deny them anything they may want or need. Shinji and his spouse try hard to be great parents and are successful, they just don’t know it yet. Just like any dad, though, they start at the very beginning, which is the entrance of their child into the world! Shinji was given a sweet baby girl and managed to take care of her fairly well when his spouse was on paid family leave as provided by their work. They could have taken extra time but the pay was too dangerous to live on for long without overtime hours and the family needed more to accommodate their newer, safer housing so off to work it was, and there began Shinji’s adventures with his newborn daughter.
To be honest, the new dad didn’t expect to do much since he hadn’t done so before but that reality came to a screeching halt when Shinji realized that 1. He was behind on laundry, and 2. His newborn had explosive- and I mean explosive- diarrhea. The kind that gets from the bum to the nape of her neck kind of explosive and she’s screaming her head off from the discomfort of her excrements. All is not well in the Hirako household the first week without parent 2 around to help and he’s quick to break down which is sad, not going to lie. Shinji is so overwhelmed by the lonely cries of his daughter, housework, managing expenses, and paying bills, that he kind of just breaks down that week. He feels like a terrible father, and an even worse husband once he realizes that he can’t even do what his mother and her mother had done and it was as if his daughter could understand his pain, that she finally let up on the crying upon behind held in his arms after cleaning her up. Shinji quite literally let out tears of relief at her silence and realized that all she wanted was to be held and loved by him. Pure Dad moments!
He took a lot of tips from various forums and mommy blogs, investing in regular skin-to-skin contact (despite the awkward clawing at his nips) as well as simply keeping his baby in a carrier wrap and her fussiness improves greatly! So much that Shinji can spend more time doing things he needs to, but will lie her down in the very expensive but effective baby swing as it mimics his movements well enough to keep her asleep for at least an hour while he completes more physically demanding tasks such as scrubbing the stove, mopping, etc. Now what you’re probably thinking is, Mia where’s the daily route? Or maybe, What about Dad friend!Kensei!? Well don’t worry, I’ll get to it, starting with Kensei. He and his spouse visited the Hirako’s with food in hand and young twins clad in matching outfits once the family of 3 had moved into the neighborhood as a welcome gesture. Least to say, the Hirako’s weren’t used to that as the most they’ve gotten before is a half-drunk man with pissed pants sleeping at their door. Ya gotta love the seedier parts of cities, amirite?
Those who came to visit after Shinji’s spouse returned to work were visibly surprised by his presence. He knew it wasn’t that common for men to practice this way of life but damn, he didn’t think it was that surprising when he informed a mother that his spouse was at work upon their rather concerned inquiry. The gifts of food for the new family eventually stopped as his daughter reached 1 month old, leaving him alone as not many wanted to schedule playdates or even a general hangout simply because he was a father. Kensei was the only person to extend an invite to his place as he swore the neighborhood mothers were like vultures and that he didn’t want Shinji’s daughter to be exposed to too many pathogens from the outside world all at once. Simply the teachings of a professional househusband that Shinji gladly accepted and modified to fit his parenting style much better.
Alright, so Shinji’s got one Dad™ Friend, the oh-so-trusty Kensei Muguruma at his side, but it isn’t often since the latter works at home. So what is a usual day at the Hirako Household? It starts a bit like this: A groggy Shinji rolling off the bed like he hadn’t slept all night… which is partially true. The baby has her days and nights crossed for a long while so Papa Hirako is up keeping her company for his spouse to get enough sleep for work. His first duty of the day is to get breakfast started and make sure his spouse's work clothes are set for the day. They’re very insistent that they can iron the clothes by themselves but Shinji does it anyway then moves on to perfecting a breakfast they’ve been eating almost every morning since the birth of the baby. Shinji tends to worry his spouse will get sick of it but they always comment on how much better he’s been getting, and how it tastes different every day (in a good way, of course). Kensei’s cooking tips not only benefitted Shinji, but his spouse too as the married couple would often cook meals together on the weekends to bond with each other.
Although the morning is the most tense time of the day, Shinji usually gets through unscathed with the baby slung to his chest, one hand feeding her a warmed bottle and the other feeding himself. He’d be lying if he said food never landed on the kid's head. Both he and his spouse find it funny, as it was the little things in life that made a difference in their day. With their little one back to sleep in the sling secured across Shinji’s chest, he kisses his partner farewell, waving them off before going back into the house to catch some extra sleep. He’s usually more energized after the nap and gets started on whatever needs to be done which is breakfast dishes, laundry, and any other daily cleaning. His little girl is just bordering 2 months at this time, so Shinji makes a good effort to stimulate her, jingling noisy toys, and talking about any and everything while being sure to listen for any cues that she’s had enough. She’s quite the talker just like her father, entertaining him as she attempts to form words that sound like pure gibberish. Shinji records countless videos daily just to capture her development, sending a few to his spouse to watch at work during their break since he isn’t much for showcasing his kid over social media.
At this age, Shinji’s special gal is developing well and for the most part, still on track with meeting her milestones. Everything is seemingly happy-go-lucky until he receives a call from the pediatrics office that she will need to be vaccinated. The appointment for said vaccination was for today, and since then Shinji believed he would face this with his spouse but sadly that wouldn’t be the case. The first-time father was more nervous than his baby but Kensei reassured him that everything would be fine, and to be a little more gentle as the injection site would be a little on the sensitive side. Shinji at least tried his best to stay calm but both he and his baby were left crying. Shinji only cried a bit when the doctor left the room, of course, the immense feeling of guilt was just too much for him. Regardless of their conjoined Hirako Meltdown, Shinji made everything better by getting her all swaddled up and offering a bottle of milk during the ride back home.
Should he need to go shopping, Shinji will typically do so with Kensei because they’re designated Dad Friends, and therefore must move together. Shinji gets into couponing to save a few bucks and makes an effort to clip any and everything he might find useful. He even gives Kensei coupons for the really expensive organic stuff he always buys and makes sure to give it to him on a near-weekly basis. When shopping, the father usually has the luxury of browsing through most aisles, shuffling among his many organized coupons to grab the right box of crackers. If Kensei tags along, he finds it a little more difficult as the mothers in the neighborhood tend to hover over his children when in reality they’re trying to score him. Some like to fawn over his little girl due to her chubby cheeks but nothing more ever comes after. He doesn’t mind shopping with Kensei, it simply feels as though someone is always breathing down his back and that's a very weird situation to be in, much less with his baby. The little one is almost always intrigued by the older babies she can see, giving a gummy smile. Kensei 100% thinks it's cute but won’t admit it. He cannot give those moms another thing to obsess over.
Once he gets home, Shinji tries to at least get the refrigerator items put away before settling on one of Kensei’s so-called “not complex” dinner recipes. He wouldn’t dare try grilled fish again as he once neglected to check on the food, leaving the dinner harder than concrete. They had to resort to food delivery although it hurt the couple's pocket but they made do. Shinji attempts the basic hamburger steak and surprisingly does well as this time he does not leave the kitchen for a single second, watching the meat sear in the pan and checking each steak with a meat thermometer for extra security. His spouse is usually not home until all of the last-minute cleaning for the day has been done so Shinji does well to keep the dinner he cooked nice and warm until their expected arrival. His spouse is reasonably tired by then but at least they get to eat with their husband, the baby either entertained or asleep not far. They are so grateful for Shinji and all that he does as they realize taking care of an infant solo is notoriously difficult. They thank him for the dinner, offering to co-wash the dishes before getting ready to wind down for the night. That is if their little one lets Shinji do so for long.
As Shinji’s little one gets older with time he tries to get into various hobbies that clearly don’t lean into his favor. Those include but are not limited to finger painting, as his little she-devil had a phase of painting on the floors and walls (thank goodness he got the washable kind), photography (she kept throwing the disposable camera at things she 100% should not have been throwing it at), singing (she grew a knack for screaming at the top of her lungs), and gardening. Shinji could never forget his toddler dousing the newborn plants with soap to get them clean. They ended up kicking the bucket that very week and never recovered. Needless to say, this papa has been through some shit the older his daughter has gotten. All those memories ended up in a scrapbook though, videos grew into compilations separated by year, and soon he’d be marking a 5th compilation.
She’d grown well into her striking blonde hair although it had the shape of her other parents, and her teeth were as showy as his but Shinji convinced her they were cool so she wouldn’t have to deal with self-esteem issues, and oh boy, did she have a lot to say. Shinji didn’t even have to teach her to talk either, she just up and started, then never stopped. Even though she may have her quirks, the mini Hirako acts similar to her father. She’s been aiming to nail every single one of his expressions and does so very well to the point no one questions whether or not he is her father. Despite that, she gets on well with Kensei’s twins, referring to them as her cousins and to Kensei as her uncle. Shinji’s daughter is happy that her cousins stayed back from kindergarten so she wouldn’t be lonely, and in turn, they helped their Uncle Shinji get his girl into a few hobbies before she entered school.
It was certain that Shinji did not want to let his little girl go to school, but his spouse enforced it, saying it could give him a break and that she’d have to go the following year anyway. It was tough on him as it felt like it was yesterday when she was just a swaddled newborn on the date of her arrival, so beautiful and sweet, craving nothing but the love and attention of her parents. She was still an angel that day, kissing her father on his cheek as she ran off to the school with the other kids. He promised himself he wouldn’t cry and did so to the best of his abilities as he got home. Shinji couldn’t help but slump onto the couch, staring at the framed picture of their very first family portrait. The one on his phone from this morning would soon make its way there too, having been taken outside their home, a simple photo of the family of 3 to commemorate her first day of school. Shinji was bored with nothing to do afterward, not even thinking about the possibility of having another child. It was too expensive, not to mention they wouldn’t have the space should it be a boy this time around. He’s left to sulk until noisy moving vehicles drive on by for a few days and he ends up outside checking out the new dad who gives both him and Kensei a bad vibe.
Mr. Sousuke Aizen and his little one.
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do not steal or repost my works anywhere
© yuuuume
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bubblybellyblog · 2 months
Me and my roommate went out drinking last night in a new city and ended up sharing a bed in a hotel(both female)… Well, we thought we were hungover when we woke up because we both had a bit of belly ache, some kinda ‘upset belly’ feelings, gurgles and mild diarrhea this morning…
… But it’s so much worse. Awful, long drawn out belly rumbles, tummy cramps, loads of toilet trips between the two of us 🙃
I think we both got something like a belly bug. We’re both just lying in the bed still with our poorly tummies and taking it in turns to sit on the toilet holding our bellies and having awful diarrhea 😭
She’s having a terrible time with her tummy which is sensitive anyway usually (she has belly issues a lot)… I kind of want to offer to rub her belly for her in between toilet trips, but I feel a bit awkward. She keeps telling me how much her belly hurts though right before it does a really loud gurgle. I’m feeling the same so I know how poorly she must be feeling
Oh no, the absolute horror I’m feeling for both of you and your tummies. I totally could understand misreading those early symptoms, and can just imagine how it felt to realize things in your stomach were getting worse.
And it sounds like that hotel stay may not have been planned which means you must’ve had to check out fairly early, through the tummy trouble? Or did you ask the front desk for mercy on your sick bellies?
Poor cleaning crew, hope they don’t get sick from so many germs in a tight space.
Would love an update if you’re feeling up to it!
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mayakern · 1 year
Do Rodeo and Annie have baby pictures we could potentially see? :)
when we adopted annie she was already almost 3 years old so i dont have any puppy pictures of her, but here’s pictures from her first week home with us. when annie came to us, she was coming off a failed career as a service dog. her problem being. being on the job caused her severe anxiety, which made her have terrible diarrhea so when she got to us she was TINY. just 35lbs. now she weighs around 45lbs and very happy and loved. she still has anxiety but it is manageable.
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anyway i DO have puppy pics of rodeo!!! including the picture of him from the breeder, several weeks before we adopted him
when rodeo first arrived in our lives, he was like a tiny little pixie of a dog. he was just 8lbs!!
however he soon proved to be an entirely different sort of fae: a goblin. also he is now 30lbs.
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bluesest · 18 days
Hello. I had an idea for a while. A guy named Jorge with a plump bubble butt unknowingly ingested dairy when he's lactose intolerant and suffers nasty explosive diarrhea all day and shits himself at least three times in the same day.
A Lactose Distract
Jorge was a young sportsman and independent, he lives alone so he takes care of the household chores such as cleaning, cooking and shopping.
Every end of the month, Jorge goes to a supermarket where he is in charge of buying groceries from home, he made sure that they have enough protein to maintain and grow his muscle mass even more, he had barely been in a local gym for a month and his muscles were still not marked, He always thought the gym would be the same as sports, but he found it even harder to see results, aware that it only takes a short time for him to expect more from his body.
He concentrated on taking foods such as red meat and fish, great foods to support his development, or well, that's what his coach told him, another food was dairy that helped by providing calcium, however, he could not afford to eat this type of food because he was lactose intolerant.
Jorge struggled with this problem since he was a teenager, one of his habits was to eat ice cream every Sunday but little by little this generated problems: first gas that gained a terrible smell and that used to last a long time, then stomach pains such as colic and finally an incredible desire to evacuate his bowels, he remembered how one of those days when trying to fart he literally shit himself with thick and bad diarrhea This problem continued until his lactose intolerance was detected, and from that moment on, Jorge dedicated himself to taking care of his diet.
He used a dairy replacement, i.e., lactose-free products such as lactose-free milk, among others. Whenever he went shopping, he made sure to check his milk cartons and read his labels. 
This specific day he bought 3 cartons of lactose-free milk, next to him was an old woman who bought regular milk, she left her shopping cart next to Jorge's while he was distracted by seeing a sign with the week's offers, the old woman got confused about her cart and took Jorge's (both shopping carts only carried milk cartons).
Jorge turned to look at his new cart and confidently did not check its contents, ready to continue with the shopping day. An hour passed and he was already paying when the first warning flashed, the milk had an irregular price, that is, cheaper, but he did not give it importance and thought that it was just an offer that he did not realize existed.
He came home and restocked his fridge with all the food he bought, sat down to watch TV, and fell fast asleep.
After a three-hour nap Jorge got hungry, he took cereal with milk and helped himself to two dishes, they had a different flavor, a sweeter one, but again he didn't think about it, he thought: "Maybe now they put more sugar in this cereal"
An alarm distracted him from his thoughts, it was his digital hand watch, it only meant one thing: his daily jog to the park. He dressed in black leggings and a gray shirt, grabbed his phone and headphones, and jogged out of his house, but without first making himself a milkshake to drink in the park and relax.
He reached the halfway point when he stopped, ignored the music on his phone and closed his eyes: *GRRRRRRRRRRRRR* that was the sound that generated his stomach, it was so loud that Jorge managed to hear it even with his headphones on, took his arm and began to feel his stomach.
"Ufffffffffff, what was that? Am I hungrier? It's a good thing I save my milkshake for problems like these."
He took his thermos out of a small bag he was carrying and finished taking it all in one sip, his stomach stopped his annoying noises and Jorge decided to continue with his daily jog.
When he arrived at the park his stomach rumbled again, but this time a small pain invaded his body, he stopped and this time he turned off his headphones and put them away, put his hands on his hip and looked at the sky closing his eyes: "I don't think it's hunger... I've already eaten a lot in a very short time, but my stomach feels so bad..."
His back bent and he bent down keeping his hands on his hips and his eyes closed *GGGRRRRRR* "What's happening to me... I'm sweating a lot...?" he lifted his head *GRGRGGRGRGR* "I feel... Feel... something inside my stomach, could it be...?" he opened his eyes and relaxed his stomach... *pftftfftft* "uuggghhhh, I had a fart stuck *GRGRGGGRRRR* and I think I have another one... *PPFFTTFTFpfptptf* this one was even worse, ufffffff yes it sucks *GRGRGRGGRRGR* Oh no, here comes a big one"
Time froze, Jorge opened his eyes as wide as he could and led his left arm to his stomach and his right to his bubble butt, it was real, the unthinkable happened, an adult shit his pants:
"Oh no no no no, how could this happen? What should I do? I didn't even feel like going to the bathroom!"
"But now I can feel it."
He repositioned his arms and running with all his might fled the park, he didn't want people to find out what happened through the terrible smell that enveloped his body, from afar you couldn't visualize any stain thanks to the dark color of the leggings, however, if you pay attention you can see a small lumpy bulge on the back of the tight pants.
"Not again, please!"
"I don't understand, that I could have eaten enough for this to happen to me, I hadn't shit my pants since I was a teenager!"
Sweating and with his tired legs he managed to visualize his house in the distance, when he touched his garden he felt an annoying stomach pain that prevented him from continuing running, Jorge felt that the shit was approaching his back door trying to knock it down and come outside, with each movement the rancid mixture turned and hit Jorge's large intestine.
He took the same position as before, one arm to his stomach and the other to his butt to apply pressure to prevent his underpants from ending up in a big mess and shaking, Jorge grabbed the keys to his house and quickly opened the front door.
"I must get there, I can't hold on, WHY THE HELL DID THEY BUILD THE BATHROOM BY GOING UPSTAIRS?! ugghhhhhh"
Climbing the stairs was quite a challenge, his diarrhea was struggling to get out and his tense and tired muscles were not strong enough to try to climb the stairs by jumping or running, but despite this Jorge managed to reach the top and dazzle the open bathroom door.
He arrived, left his bathroom door open, pulled down his tight leggings and underpants with various proofs of the stomach mess, and sat down on the neat, clean porcelain. 
Jorge lived alone, so he didn't limit himself to containing whatever was wrong with his stomach.
"Oh it can't be, what did I eat enough for this to happen to me?, and why right in the park?!"
"Oh... no, something is coming..."
"Aghhhh, I think I'm done"
Jorge took a large piece of toilet paper, folded it and slowly and carefully passed it on his burning butt, and before throwing the first piece away, Jorge stood up with his butt in the air and looked down in the toilet, the accumulated fecal material was disgusting, thick and full of lumps with a dark brown color, Jorge could swear he saw a bubble.
He sat back down and finished his work by using up half a roll of paper, flushed the toilet and left the stinking bathroom, leaving the door open for the rotten smell to disappear.
He sat down on the couch in his living room and grabbed a washcloth to wipe his sweat: "What the hell was that, I hadn't felt bad in the morning, I watch my diet, is it something in my trainer's new diet?"
"Oh! My stomach is really burning inside."
"I'm so gassy, ugh, I think a nap wouldn't hurt me..."
"And so I think my stomach is going to relax."
Jorge went back up the stairs with his hands massaging his stomach, he undressed, got to his room and lay down dropping on the bed, closing his eyes and with one last fart his mind shut down closing his eyes.
2 hours later...
Jorge opened his eyes in a cold sweat, lifted his back and massaged his stomach again, the great pain and stomach roars lifted him, the sweat consumed him covering every part of his body especially his big butt and between legs.
Jorge looked down to see his weakened stomach, but something underneath alarmed him, he pulled his butt away and saw something terrifying: a giant brown stain covering the white blankets of his beloved bed.
Jorge was going to scream until a stabbing pain came over him:
"Oh God!"
He jumped up from his bed and ran naked to his bathroom without success because little by little wet gases came out of him, staining his ass more with dry shit:
"I can feel melted lava mixing with trash inside my rectum!"
Almost slipping, Jorge reached the prized toilet which retains the smell and small brown marks marked on the porcelain from the previous visit to his bathroom.
And with his butt stained, he sat down and freed his stomach a second time:
"AHHHHHHH, how is this a possible thing?"
Jorge turned his head back, his forehead swam in sweat and his butt was quite sore, there must be a cause for all this, it's not normal diarrhea he wondered until he remembered the cereal he ate:
"It could be..."
"I have to investigate... But first I need a bath."
Jorge got up from the toilet which thanks to the sweat combined with the dried shit of his butt left stains all over the lid, his clean toilet now looked like one that belongs to a gas station in the middle of the desert where only greasy truckers go.
He took two steps and entered the bathtub, relaxed and let the clean water cover his body replacing the sweat and shit, brown water accumulated and disappeared on Jorge's feet and with a sigh of relief he dried himself with a soft towel and left the tub without first farting.
"I don't think this will end anytime soon..."
He went downstairs when again he felt the pain of an approaching diarrhea, but this did not stop him, he reached the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, checked the cereal and there was nothing strange about it, this gave him a clue to the origin of the problem, Jorge refused to think what he thought it was and bravely took one of the cartons of milk and the news did not hit him, literally:
"So this is responsible for the diarrhea I have!"
"I can't believe it! How did it happen?"
"I must throw away all this milk... and... I MUST GO TO THE BATHROOM."
Jorge dropped the carton of milk spilling on the floor, with both hands he held his bare butt and started running with all his might:
"Come on, stay inside, don't explode!"
He climbed the stairs, but a misstep eventually led him to lose his strength and:
Jorge shit on the stairs, his ass exploded spilling thick brown lava, he was embarrassed, but he still continued on his way letting drops of liquid shit leak out of his tight and strong ass that tried to prevent more shit from staining the stairs without any success.
Walking like a penguin, Jorge finally got to the bathroom, he saw that the toilet lid was still stained, he didn't have time to clean it, but he doesn't have time to clean it now, he slowly put his butt in the dirty toilet and relaxed:
"Personal note, check purchases before paying... AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH"
"I think ... Forget it!"
After 30 minutes Jorge was finally able to get up and set out to clean his bathroom and stairs being interrupted by occasional diarrhea, when everything calmed down he threw the milk in the trash.
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brostateexam · 10 months
Let's talk about stage 3 colon cancer.
That's what my BiL has. He's been feeling kinda bleugh for the last few months -- diarrhea, cramping, bloating. He had an abdominal CT that showed a kind of mass in his upper GI tract, so they did a colonoscopy to see what was going on in there.
The results were not awful but not great.
On the plus side, the cancer hasn't spread to other organs (ie not Stage 4) which is super important when you have any cancer in your abdomen because there's a lot of organs nearby. They removed the tumor on Tuesday and as of today he's already walking around and recovering at home, albeit in a greatly diminished sense compared to someone who didn't just have laparoscopic surgery on their abdomen. As someone who has had that: your core strength is just gone after that happens, and that's quite disconcerting. Also, they put the IV in his hand and it sounds like he's having a non-dangerous but painful complication where his hand hurts a lot and gripping stuff is agonizing.
As for the bad stuff, beyond the fact that it's cancer so it's inherently not rainbows and ice cream sundaes, it was a really, really big tumor, and the surgeon said he'll likely need chemo afterward, too, so the recovery process is gonna be months, and it's really going to suck.
My personal feelings on all of this are honestly complicated by the fact that I do not care for my BiL at all. He's a bad husband to my sister and a terrible father to my niece and nephew. He is constantly whining about what a terrible life he has -- and prior to this cancer diagnosis, he really didn't have much to whine about. He lives a middle-class suburban existence in a nice house with two cars and two kids. He has enough money to buy himself a new guitar to noodle around with every six months or some other toy like that, he works from home, his wife is the primary breadwinner at this point and also the primary caretaker of their kids, housecleaner, and cook.
And still, constant negativity, dissatisfaction, and whining.
I'm about 95% sure that they're heading for divorce. My sister has said that she's not going to try to leave him until after he's done chemo and the addition in the house is complete, whichever happens last, but I think in a few years time he won't be an aggrieved hovering presence during the holidays and frankly that would be lovely. Watching him yell at the kids makes me want to throttle him, and when I'm around I know he's behaving better than he would otherwise so I can only imagine what happens normally.
Anyway, I do hope he gets better. I don't want him dead. I just kind of want him gone.
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finnglas · 4 months
wanted to update peeps on Luna, cw pet health, under a cut. (Spoiler: She's better, but dear god what a journey we are still on.)
She's doing better. We're still getting a handle on what happened over the weekend, but the best guess we have right now is that she might have gotten into a toxin that crashed her kidneys. The vet says she looks like she is in Stage 2 kidney disease, which is common in cats of her age (she'll be 14 in July). And despite being called "Stage 2" it's the earliest kidney disease can be reliably detected in cats, actually.
Anyway, it's manageable and she should be fine for several more years. What happened was:
Friday, she had diarrhea. I knew she'd had a bit of kitten chow and she has a sensitive stomach, so I assumed that's what we had on our hands. By Friday night, I knew that wasn't the case. She was frantic and it just kept going, long after she didn't have anything left to poop out. She also was absolutely not interested in food. My vet had long ago recommended I keep an OTC 'kitty pepto' on hand - you can buy it easily, called Pro-Pectilin, or any similar product that has both kaolin and pectin in it - and I thought I had some, but what I had was a product with different active ingredients that was almost expired. I gave her that anyway, and promptly ordered a new Pro-Pectilin.
Saturday, it was getting worse. I took her to the emergency vet, who did bloodwork and told me she was running a fever and her kidney levels were ever-so-slightly elevated. They gave her an antibiotic shot, a vitamin shot, fluids+electrolytes, and an anti-nausea medication.
The diarrhea did not stop. I borrowed my mother's Pro-Pectilin while I waited for mine to arrive. It had been 48 hours since she had anything to eat, and yet every few hours she was in the litterbox. Saturday night there was blood. I called the emergency vet; they said to give her overnight to see if the meds kicked in.
Sunday, there was no more blood, and the diarrhea at least had color instead of being water-and-mucus, but it wasn't any more solid. It also started to slow down, to every 5-6 hours instead of 1-2. But she still wasn't eating. We went back to the emergency vet that night. More antibiotics, more fluids+electrolytes, more vitamins. They gave me an oral appetite stimulant. She had lost almost 3 pounds.
Monday, she only pooped twice - 11am and 2pm. She hated the oral appetite stimulant - it made her drool - but it seemed to work a tiny bit. She lapped at some broth, which was the first thing she'd willingly consumed since Thursday. I put some broth in a syringe and fed her about 5 teaspoons' worth. She didn't enjoy it but was too weak to really fight me. She seemed kind of vague and nonresponsive. I was sure I was losing her.
Tuesday I got her in to see our regular vet that afternoon. He was horrified. New bloodwork, scheduled for X-rays the next day, and a new appetite stimulant - Mirataz, a little ointment you rub into the inside of their ears once a day.
Let me tell you something: Mirataz is a miracle drug. If a vet tries to give you Entyce for your pet who isn't eating, you hand that shit back and you tell them to give you Mirataz. Not only did it not make her drool, not only was the application extremely stress free, an hour after rubbing it into her little ear, she was eating. During our DnD Discord call, she got up from her bed of her own free will and ate a small amount at a time, five or six times. A far cry from me dribbling broth down her throat with a syringe. Her fur was already starting to look better. Her eyes were brighter. She had energy. She wasn't as vague. If she'd been at 0%, she was now at a solid 55-60%.
Wednesday's adventures with the vet weren't fun. We had to see a different doctor for the X-ray appointment as the other one was out, and she and I did NOT get along. Jumbled information, terrible bedside manner, two seconds into the conversation, drops the phrase, "We have to consider her quality of life." Quality of life? Ma'am! Why do you think I have dropped $1800 over the course of the weekend? This was acute onset, not chronic, and we still don't know what it was! We are not talking about euthanizing this cat unless you can give me a reason why! She also was like "She hasn't pooped since Monday afternoon? That's a concern. I'm sending you home with a laxative." MA'AM. she only started eating again at 8pm last night! After not eating + pooping her guts out for four days! I am not giving her a fucking laxative!
Anyway. Thursday, good vet called me back to talk about the X-rays, and that's when he told me about the Stage 2 kidney disease. There are still some things he doesn't understand from her raw numbers and X-rays, so he wants to do an ultrasound, but those aren't cheap so we're talking about it. In the meantime, Luna is much improved. It's clear she went through an Ordeal and still isn't fully Well, but she's eating (and as of today, pooping normally!), and has at least been drinking normally this whole time, so we have some time to figure out the next steps with her, and I can finally sleep at night.
Honestly. Worst holiday weekend ever in a long time, and that's including the year I had RSV from Christmas to New Year's and was leaking mucus out my eyes. Thank everyone for their thoughts and vibes and prayers.
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demiboydemon · 5 months
I think Link could probably pull off a beard, but for the purposes of my current fic WIP, I am making him look terrible with it. The reason is because it’s just so funny to imagine Link with a terrible beard. Here’s a clip:
Link pondered what could be stressing her out, then wrote it down. Next, he ordered them from most likely to least likely. Please find said list below:
“1.    Rebuilding Hyrule in general.
2.    New people moving to Hyrule now that it’s a safer place to live, and all those people have new ideas for how they think rebuilding, law-making, and system-creating should be done, and a lot of them are just as rude about it as native Hyruleans are.
3.    The horses ate some weird moss when we weren’t looking and now they have diarrhea. And they’re having it everywhere. Everywhere! The yard smells like it, too. I don’t know if the smell and/or poop have gotten into Zelda’s secret well, but even if it hasn’t, this is a stressful situation.
4.    She’s trying to open this library that everyone can read at and some people don’t like the idea of a library that’s open for the public (???)
5.    Hudson keeps needing more and more wood for rebuilding, which is irritating because I have to go out and cut it, and that either wears on my swords or means I have to borrow the slate for bombs, and either way it probably can get irritating to having to lend me the slate every few days or have to listen to me complain about how fast my swords wear down.
6.    The children in Hateno Village have taken to calling me Lonk. Which is kinda mean. It bothers her more than it bothers me, though. Ha. Lonk.
7.    I bought new underwear, and maybe that change is hard for her? For some reason? They’re a different color than the last pair (black instead of blue), and now I have multiple pairs, if that makes a difference.”
He doodled a little flower in the corner of the paper as he tried to think of more. At the end, the list had one-hundred-and-twelve items, and sixteen corner flowers.
‘No wonder she’s sad,’ Link thought. ‘She’s got a lot of worries.’
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luffyvace · 9 months
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as a thx for being patient for me not posting all day-
you get the whole crew!! :)
(some of these are based off true stories i’ve heard of from my friends 😭🧍‍♀️)
never a peaceful day goes by
hes the type of guy that has to make noise if it’s “too silent”
like bro can’t we get some peace and quiet??
thrives in chaos
his eye to hand coordination is on point bc this man doesn’t think before he does ANYTHING
steals things from his crew even
if he sees something he likes he just takes it
he goes into the bathroom, puts boogers on the tissue then leaves
doesn’t even take it off or flush it
the next person who has to use that bathroom is mortified
when nami finds out and holds a whole meeting to find out who did this terrible act of crime
they find out it’s him he just laughs
per usual
stop this madness.
(he doesn’t)
also a menace
not as straightforward with it though
its more like if he gets water everywhere when washing his hands
or spills his drink when pouring it
or pee all over the toilet
he’s kinda like oh whoops
(for future reference- my apologies for who ever you simp for here bc these headcanons don’t hold back)
sometimes he doesn’t shower after he trains
and just walks in the kitchen full body REEKING 😭😭😭
seriously dude take a shower
”i’ll cool off eventually”
it makes me doubt he changes his underwear often enough
he leaves empty water bottles everywhere
it’s worse in the crows nest trust
thankfully this poor victim isn’t nearly as much as a menace
as long as you pay your beli
is genuinely willing to wait as long as it takes to get that money
and if you die she’s taking your life insurance
if your a pirate and have none she probably just takes whatever money and belongings you own
if it’s gems she’ll keep them but otherwise
she sells your clothes and other stuff that’s not worth much
smells like flowers
yes i said it
every time she comes out the shower something chaotic has happened
ah what a refreshing shower..
😡✊ 🤣 💥 😓 😑
you can guess what happened
his luck heavily fluctuates
sometimes he can get away with stealing. from. nami.
to other times getting blamed for farting
by luffy
and no one likes that feeling
has a better fashion sense but just chooses to dress how he does
no reason really
he can do hair and paint nails
nail painting he learned from kaya
would love horse back riding if he tried
he would suck at first tho
likes little children but they always end up beating him up for some reason
‘his cooking isn’t that good!’
‘let’s jump him!’
besides the usopp pirates—they just do
he could pull if he just stopped simping so hard
opla sanji is proof
his favorite thing to cook is spicy foods
him and chopper bond over spices bc some are good for your health and all
chopper sometimes recommends new herbs to put in foods
and vice versa for medicine
he helps chopper shop for herbs and such
if zoro wasn’t his big brother it was def be sanji
i love this duo it need more screen time
Sanji is a natural with children
which is why i wanna know why he ain’t wifed up yet?!
still hasn’t had his first kiss
prob would’ve genuinely married pudding if she was regular girl or at least not a big mom pirate
sweetest person ever
looks up to all the straw hats
so he picks up bad habits from them
and is influenced by them easily
they use him as a tie breaker for stuff
they all bribe him to picking they’re option
usually robin, nami, sanji or zoro wins
robin bc she uses her psychological knowledge
nami bc she offers to buy his doctor stuff (which is rare)
sanji bc they have a close bond and relate to each other
and zoro bc they’re bond too (and bc he scares him sometimes- like that time in water 7)
asks people to help him with his doctor research
everyone was willing until the time usopp had diarrhea
then he could only convince luffy to do it 😭
her stare scares the rest of the straw hats
if it’s not a genuine smile and more like a distant stare that is
shes always observing and watching
theres no hiding secrets from her
she’s knows all
she actually reminds me of a friend i had irl and idk how to feel abt it
she wasn’t a bad person
she was just
just like robin 🧍‍♀️
i wonder if robin would read stephen king?
she would prob big up the book
only for them to find out it’s pretty dark
she prefers tea over coffee any day
its healthier w more health benefits
it just suits her taste pallet more
plus it doesn’t stain your teeth yellow n stuff..
the second he gets up-
its kinda annoying
he doesn’t care much if you don’t like it
Luffy is louder ok
your fine
wants robin to think he’s cool
if you don’t get something he said he doesn’t feel like repeating himself
either leaves out more details the more he explains it
or stares at you until you get it
constantly requesting american food for dinner
he doesn’t mind noodles and other around the world dishes
but can he get some pizza??
is that too much??
actually such a kind and considerate person
can relate to sanji on his kindness and empathy being his superpower
needs so much more attention
the only one who still laughs at his skull jokes are luffy and chopper
sometimes usopp if it was a good one
loves to exchange books with robin but..
sometimes they’re a bit scary
(dude your a skeleton…YOUR SCARY-)
robin listens to him well bc he has a wealth of knowledge
he is 90 after all
maybe brook gets his clothes tailored??( bc who makes clothes so skinny a skeleton could fit them?!)
can play instruments no ones ever even HEARD OF before
randomly re-realizes his generation of people is dead
like now he has to accommodate with the youngsters 😭
i mean people in one piece live pretty long
but still they’re not out here kickin it n allike they used to
like rayliegh-
except he’s younger-
way younger-
ok so maybe whitebeard
but he was still jukin-
one piece people are weird..
idk much about him especially but imma try
he’s so cool
he can prob cook really well
has very good survival and leader skills
plus instincts
wait how old is he??
looked it up he’s 46
so he’s the 2nd oldest
technically would be first if brook wasn’t a moving pile of bones
my apologies your right this is jinbei.
i feel like he can dance
like he knows traditional dances of all sorts
i mean he could travel under water pretty fast
he should be able to visit different places right?
besides, he was a warlord
of course he did!
i feel he wouldn’t be a simp
as in for boa specifically
like he’s like i got too much going on to simp over some youngster
ik he ain’t real old or anything
but my dude a grown man
bro ain’t got time
he’s too busy being himothy
i feel he’d like poems
jinbei’s was like the most serious one. and that was still all over the place itself-
i take it back probably chopper or robin
this was fun but it took so long. it’s ok u guys enjoy :). i’m off to watch some anime 🏃‍♀️
oh my GOODNESS. so many tags 🤓
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nightmarekilljoy · 2 months
Good news! I was right.
I have Cystitis, likely chronic. I may have IBD but that needs to be observed. I have chronic gastritis. I have chronic diarrhea caused by IBD possibly. I am anemic again. My weight loss is too severe.
I've had oversensitive bowels and stomach ever since I was a baby due to a complication I had during my birth. All of that could have led me here.
Basically this likely confirms that I'm chronically ill.
Yes this all might sound terrible but to me this is amazing news because I am getting diagnosed!! So so happy!!
Cheers. /lh
-Amber (she/they/it/star/shine/rot)
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pottypet · 2 years
Any Christmas "presents" this year, crinkle butt? You certainly seem like the sort of girl to forget the potty in favor of presents 😆
Christmas Blow-Out
My boyfriend and I were invited to his family's Christmas party. Since they all witnessed me mess myself at Thanksgiving earlier in the year there was no need to hide my diaper anymore. I wore cute Christmas themed pajamas and tried not to worry about my fresh diaper being visible.
When we went inside all eyes were immediately on me, I could tell they were looking right at my bum. My face turned red and I tried to ignore their stares but I couldn't help feeling embarrassed about them all knowing I'm wearing a diaper.
"Staying clean?" my boyfriend's uncle teased me right away.
"Let's check!" my boyfriend quickly chimed in before I could even answer. He pulled the waistband of my diaper and peeked down the back of it. I was humiliated having my diaper checked like this in front of his whole family.
"All clean!" my boyfriend announced to the room.
We sat around the living room, chatting, watching Christmas movies, and being merry until it was time to open gifts. My boyfriend's grandma began passing presents out to everyone.
"this big one is for you!" she smiled as she handed me a large gift box.
I thanked her and was just about to rip into the wrapping paper when I got the sudden urge to go #2. I clenched my cheeks and tried to hold it in, I didn't want to have an accident while everyone was watching me and waiting for me to open my present. I tried my hardest to control myself but it was no use- I had diarrhea. My face went pale as I felt my body give up on holding it.
Loud squirting and squelching noises started to come out of my bottom as I stood there completely frozen. Tears began to form in my eyes as a hot gushes of poo were quickly filling my diaper. The air began to smell terrible and it was undeniable that I was having a messy, sloppy, accident.
"Uh oh~" my boyfriend's mother sang. "Someone's making a mushy!"
I sniffled and cried from embarrassment as I felt my mess squirting up my crack and spreading out over my entire bum. I couldn't stop my mess from flowing. My diaper was completely full of wet poop.
"h-help!" I yelped out to my boyfriend. I couldn't stop pooping and my diaper was reaching full capacity.
My boyfriend just sat back with his family, watching the disaster in my pants take place. "Just finish up!" he encouraged me.
I knew it was going to happen but it was still quite shocking when I felt a gush of poo escaping my diaper. Diarrhea had began flowing out of the leg holes and dripping out. I was having a complete blow out in front of them. My cute pajama pants started to turn brown and that's when they all realized what was happening.
"Uh ohs! Someone's having a bit of a blow-out!" my boyfriend teased. I was fully crying now, standing there with a loaded diaper and poop flowing down my legs.
"Go ahead and keep opening your gift, sweetheart. Let's see what Santa brought you!" his grandma said.
I sniffled and nodded, trying not to focus on the burning hot mess in my pants. I continued unwrapping the gift. Inside the box was a huge pack of diapers. I was embarrassed and humiliated but it was obvious that I needed them.
"That's perfect!" my boyfriend cheered. "Come here, poopypants, let's get you all cleaned up!".
I waddled over to him, squishing with every step, trying my best not to spill anymore poop out of my destroyed diaper.
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foodfightnovelization · 8 months
Interview With A Cast Member, Action Figures and More!
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Hey everyone! It's time for another update. As mentioned in my previous post, I was lucky enough to be able to interview an actual cast member from Foodfight! a while ago. Her name is Holly Cruikshank (or at least it was when the movie was in production, today she goes by Holly Ireland) and she did the motion capture for Lady X! So yeah, I didn't score an interview with Charlie Sheen or Christopher Lloyd or anything- but did you really expect that from a small blog like this? Besides, it was wonderful talking to Holly and she made it clear from the start she had only good things to say about working on the movie- a far cry from a lot of crewmembers who unfortunately had a thoroughly miserable time on the project.
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For example, this animator (who appropriately titles themselves "tortured artist") talks about their experience on Foodfight! with nothing short of hatred. A large amount of said hate is directed towards the director, Lawrence Kasanoff, who apparently made them clean up his dog's diarrhea and switched up what they were supposed to be working on on a whim, as well as ordering constant do-overs on scenes that had already been done countless times over. This really sounds like a terrible work environment, and as much as I have a sincere apprecation for Foodfight! it's clear there was some incredibly poor direction going on behind the scenes, and that Kasanoff treated a lot of crewmembers really badly. But there are two sides to every story, and in my interview with Holly she speaks of working on Foodfight! with people who were genuinely excited to be there every day and thoroughly enjoyed their time on it. So without further ado, here's my full interview with her, taken directly from our emails with each other (the purple text is me, and the black text is her).
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This was a really lovely interview, and I was delighted to talk to someone who was so happy to discuss the movie and share their experience on it in a positive way. Some interesting things to note here are that the show she was doing was a Broadway play called "Movin' Out", and if you look up footage of that show online...
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...the character Holly is playing in that show looks INCREDIBLY similar to Lady X! The dark hair, the red dress, etc... is it possible Kasanoff cast her because of how closely she resembled the character he wanted her to play? I can't say for sure, but it's definitely interesting. It's also sweet that she talks fondly of Larry, remembering him being kind, fun and supportive, especially considering how negatively a lot of former crewmembers speak of him. Not that said crewmembers are in the wrong for this- considering Larry's apparent behavior during production I'd say all their comments are justified, it's just interesting to get a different perspective on the matter.
She also mentions filming all the motion capture, then having to come back around a year later to do some more scenes- presumably this was down to either not having correctly captured some scenes the first time (the motion capture technology seems like it was quite temperamental) or script revisions requiring some scenes to be redone. I think it's also a really fun anecdote to share that when she did the motion capture she was in the early stages of her pregnancy- and by the time the movie finally came out her daughters were old enough to actually watch the movie! It really puts into perspective just how long it took for Foodfight! to get released.
I also completely agree that the creative team behind the movie had "an amazing story and idea" and I think it's fantastic she was excited to be a part of "something inventive and unique"- I really do think there's a hidden gem at the heart of Foodfight!, it's just hard to see with the horrible animation casting such a large shadow over it- I don't blame her daughters for not wanting to watch the finished film). Overall though it was a pleasure talking to Holly, she was so enthusiastic about the movie, as well as being very gracious and open to answering all my questions- even telling me to let her know if there was anything else I wanted to ask. A lot of people who worked on Foodfight! had their lives go in very different directions after they finished working on it, and with there also not being many fans of the film to begin with, I imagine this was the first time anyone had really asked her about it. It was really fantastic to get to talk to someone who worked on the movie, but I have other things I'd like to share in this post as well!
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That's right, Foodfight! action figures! No, not the plush toys that were actually released and sold off in arcades and carnivals as prizes, these were prototypes that never made it to shelves. These pictures were found in the trademark registration documents for Foodfight! and show off a wide variety of Foodfight! figures and plush toys, none of which have ever been seen before or since.
First off, we have a line of small collectible figurines, based on all your favorite characters from the film! There's Dex Dogtective, Daredevil Dan, Sunshine Goodness, Vlad Chocool, Cheazel the Weasel, Polar Penguin, Maximillus Moose, an Xobyte, Lord Flushington, a Brand X soldier, Hairy Hold, Lady X, Lieutenant X, General X, and a variant of Dex in his fancy tuxedo. That's a pretty wide range of figures, 15 in all! Towards the back, you can also see a set of 5 of these figures packaged up, and on the box we can see these were made by Playmates, as opposed to Nanco, who created the actual merchandise released for the movie. Honestly, the way these figures are designed, the way they have no articulation, and the way they're packaged, they remind me a lot of Homies. You guys remember Homies, right? The little figures you could win in capsule machines (or buy sets of) that depicted various caricatures of Mexican-American culture? No? Well those would've been popular around the time these figures were made, so I wonder if they were an inspiration? In any case, these figures look ADORABLE and I wish they were fully produced, because I'd LOVE to have had a full set of them. They're so teeny and tiny and cartoony, they're adorable. At the very top of the first image, we can also see the packaging for something called "Dex Dogtective's Utility Belt", but since we can't see the rest of it, there's no knowing what it would've consisted of.
Onto the second image, and this is where it gets interesting. These are plush toys of various movie characters, but they're very different to the ones that actually came out (a given, considering these were prototypes and made by a different company). They're incredibly detailed and have hats and coats made out of different textured materials (with Dex's hat being a hard plastic for instance), and are seemingly the kind of plush toy with a hard wire interior so that you can pose them in various different ways. A sign below also says "We're electronic! We say movie phrases!" Again, none of the official movie toys are electronic (but it's debatable if even these were given they're just prototypes). And of course it has to be said, these plush toys look FAR superior to the ones that were actually released. Just for fun, here's a comparison between the prototype Dex plush and the one that was actually released.
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I have to admit, I started laughing out loud putting these two pictures side by side. I'm reminded of that popular internet joke (look it up if you're not aware of it) of a character saying "this edible ain't shit-" and then cutting to to them looking absolutely wrecked. With that being said though, it's not entirely fair to compare a prototype to a mass-produced plush toy, and I still find the released Foodfight! toys to be endearing enough that I'm currently in the process of collecting a full set of them. (I'm hoping to collect every piece of Foodfight! merchandise at some point, I'll make a fantastic post showing everything off eventually). Regardless, it's an interesting look into what might've been with the world of Foodfight! toys, and it's fascinating to see them all presented this way- it makes me think of that scene from Toy Story 2 where Woody sees Al's "Woody's Roundup" collection and realizes he was famous. Everything here is laid out in a way that makes Foodfight! look like it was a smash hit. Not in this world though...maybe in some other world.
Anyway, I have one more thing to talk about in this post. Remember a while ago, when I talked about the various Foodfight! websites over the years? It turns out I actually missed one! In around 2008, the Threshold Animation Studios website had a section on Foodfight! containing some very interesting information about the movie. You can view it here: https://web.archive.org/web/20081003194856/http://thresholdanimationstudios.com/foodfight.html
Unfortunately, only the website's text has been preserved, so none of the images have been archived. There's a main page explaining the plot of the movie and a subpage about the cast, but that's not what we're here to talk about. We're here to talk about the Foodfight! Foundation.
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So yes, as bizarre as it sounds, Foodfight! was at one point planned to launch alongside a charity organization that helped cure world hunger and feed starving children. As admirable of a goal as this is, it's also insanely ambitious- cursory research will show the Foodfight! Foundation did exist at one point, but I highly doubt it was ever actually active or fed 10 million kids. It's fascinating to see how much of a hit Kasanoff thought this movie was going to be- sometimes it's good to have realistic expectations in mind.
There's one more thing on this website worth talking about- there's a section called Merchandising Program, and on there we see a list of tie-in merchandise they had planned for the movie. We see videogames, (which we saw a clip of at E3 2006- see a previous post for my discussion of that) amusements (Nanco is mentioned here, who were the company who made the actual Foodfight! plush toys released in stores) but...what's this under publishing?
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That's right, it's a mention of the novelization of the feature film! The book that started this whole blog! This is the ONLY official mention of the book I've found anywhere on the internet, and it's fascinating to see it acknowledged in an official capacity by Threshold. This still doesn't answer my one lingering question about the book- WHY is there only one copy of it in the entire world? But if I had to guess, I'd say it was commissioned, written, published and printed just for the sake of showing off to potential investors in the project the merchandising potential the movie had. That's the only reason I can think of that there'd only be one copy, and it fits with the prototype action figures we saw above. But how did the novelization end up on eBay? How did the only existing copy end up in a Goodwill in Minnesota? (that's where it was shipped from) I have no idea...
I hope you all enjoyed this post! I know the topics I discussed here weren't particularly connected to each other and don't segue into one another very well, but I had a whole bunch of Foodfight! stuff I wanted to share and I didn't want to just post my interview with Holly by itself, since it was pretty short. So that's it for this round of Foodfight! facts, knowledge, and wild speculation! Tune in next time for something rather exciting...
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blnova180 · 26 days
The Bad Sandwiches
This story contains: multiple sick characters, with descriptive belly rumbles, scat and diarrhea!!!
Sci-fi setting: In a world where humans and robots are at war with each other, during a rare moment of armistice, two unfortunate guys end up with a bout of food poisoning. Fortunately, their commander is there to take care of them.
(FYI I'm terrible at names so...)
On a normal, sunny afternoon, lieutenants Fleck and Hade were having lunch at the canteen, partaking in their favorite activity: talking crap about their unit's new commander, Spree.
It was ridiculous that the higher ups thought she'd make a better commander than either one of them. Spree was more book smart than street smart, and she was always coming up with new strategies and training regiments.
"She's not right in the head," Hade said, getting up from the table. "There's an efficient way to hold your blaster, and there's a hundred ways to do so inefficiently," he mimicked her in a high pitched voice.
"The old commander never cared how we shot, as long as we hit out targets," complained Fleck. "Whatever, let's got train on our own for a while, yeah?"
"Sure, man."
Throwing out their trash and leaving thier trays behind, the two made their way to holo-room 4 to start on some light training.
They'd been fighting holo-bots for about an hour, sweating and already growing a bit tired, when Fleck started noticing an uncomfortable pressure building in his stomach. Glancing at Hade, who was still going, he shrugged it off and decided to push through it. Unbeknownst to Fleck, Hade was beginning to feel something too; his insides were rather tender and were twinging in pain with the slightest movements.
They finished the round and Hade paused the session.
"I need some water," he said.
Fleck nodded, needing the break just as much. He wiped his sweaty hair out of his face, and winced as a cramp raced down his abdomen. Hade was getting a drink at the water fountain, so Fleck allowed a soft pfff to escape him, trying to ease the pressure.
Hade bent over the water fountain, really hoping the cool water would sooth his stomach. Unfortunately, bending put more pressure on his gut than he intended.
Phwaaarghhhhh. It moaned like a whale and Hade flinched. He wiped his mouth and straightened back up.
Just then, the door to holo-room 4 opened.
Fleck and Hade looked up, and Commander Spree stared back at them.
"There you are," Spree said coolly, crossing her arms. "Have you been down to the canteen yet?"
"What's it to you?" Fleck snapped. "Gonna regulate what we eat now too?"
Spree raised an eyebrow. "Control's reported a situation. Did you stop at the canteen or not?"
Fleck glared at her, his aching stomach emboldening him. "What's it matter if we did or didn't? What's the situation? Is there an attack, was there a breach?"
"More of a human error," Spree said. "Answer the question, lieutenant."
"What? So it's a matter of rank?" Fleck sneered. "We're not high enough to know what's-" he took a breath, a cramp rolling through him "-what's going on?"
Spree narrowed her eyes. She crossed the room towards him, opening her mouth to no doubt berate him, when all of a sudden, she was interrupted by a noisy fart.
As it turned out, while Fleck had been arguing with Spree, Hade was having a bit of a predicament. He'd placed his hands on his stomach, surprised to find it protruding in a tight bloat. He could feel his belly bubbling against his hands.
Hade's stomach quaked warningly. He gasped and clenched his butt. But it was so no avail, his cheeks were split open with a booming, dry fart.
Spree and Fleck looked at him. Hade's ears turned pink from embarrassment, but he didn't have time to dwell, because he wasn't done. His next string of farts spluttered out painful and wet.
Phllllbrrrrrrrtttttttttt. Krpppppppluttttttttt. Phbraaaap-braapppp. Grrrrll. Poooot.
Hade held his stomach, his legs weak and shaky. His breath came quick and hard, his stomach aching and burning.
Spree sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "As I was saying, Control reported a situation. The tuna sandwiches served at the canteen today were expired. A few people have turned up sick at the med-bay. Did both of you eat the sandwich, or just Hade?"
Gwwwwlp. The wet, upset gurgle from Fleck's own stomach answered her question for him.
"Do you need to use the bathroom before I escort you to the med-bay?" Spree asked them.
"Yes," Hade whimpered, clutching onto the side of the water fountain for support.
"I'm fine," Fleck snarled, crossing his arms.
"Suit yourself, then."
Spree walked over to Hade, supporting him the few steps to the bathroom behind him. Hade stumbled into the first stall, desperately pulling his belt loose and dropping his pants.
The moment his butt touched the porcelain bowl, a wet fart exploded from him, carrying a stream of liquid diarrhea out with it. Hade whimpered, tears pricking in his eyes. His gut was so tight and tender he couldn't do more than let spurts of mushy poo shot out from his sore butthole. Except something was getting stuck, and he needed to push, but he was in too much pain.
Gasping, and choking on a sob, he tried rubbing his belly to move things along; but he couldn't even fart anymore.
He heard a sigh, and Spree was in front of him, roughly feeling his forehead. Hade gasped for air. His breathing suddenly eased out when a new hand gently ran up and down his stomach.
Grrwwwwullllll. His tummy yawned thankfully, and his lower belly unclenched what it'd been holding back. A log pocked out of his hole, slowly working its way out with a mix of dry and wet prrts.
Outside the bathroom, Fleck stood massaging his abdomen. Alone, he let his face turn red, twisting in discomfort as he forced out little chirping farts. His churning stomach wasn't feeling any better. He thought releasing some gas would make the building pressure ease up some, though so far, it did not good.
Fleck felt bad for Hade, who'd thoroughly embarrassed himself in front of their straight-laced commander, and was sorry he was so sick. Fleck didn't think he needed to take a dump that desperately, yet, but the noises from the bathroom were starting to make his own stomach burble sympathetically.
A cramp stabbed his bellybutton, and he opened his cheeks to let out another fart.
Only, what he'd expected to be another dry peep, came out instead as a sickly shart.
Fleck broke into a cold sweat. He made a b-line for the bathroom, holding onto his bottom like his life depended on it.
Inside, Hade, who's own pain was easing up as his log inched it's way out, saw a flash of Fleck as he raced to the next stall. Bubbly farts followed him, along with a string of breathless curses.
Fart after fart rocketed out of him, his belly crying for sweet relief. Making it into the stall, his fingers trembled on his belt buckled as he fumbled to unclasp it.
Braap. Braap. BRRRAAAP.
He kept farting consecutively until finally, finally Fleck managed to drop his pants and collapse onto the waiting toilet. He farted. And farted. But nothing but a few little mushy sharts came out.
Fleck tried pushing on his taught, bloated stomach. His guts boiled with fury at his harsh treatment.
His booming fart echoed in the toilet bowl.
In the next stall, Hade winced sympathetically, listening to his friend's persistent farting. His log tapered off and he let out a sigh of relief. His poor gut was still hurting, but he was done pooping for the moment.
Spree handed him a wad of toilet paper.
"Thanks," Hade mumbled weakly. "I think I'll be all right to go to the med-bay after, y'know..."
He nodded towards Fleck's stall, where he'd started panting and grunting in an attempt to move things along.
"He's gonna be here all day at this rate," Spree said, shaking her head before walking out of Hade's stall and into the next.
Fleck glared at her when she took a step towards him, and she raised her hands in surrender, leaning against the stall's frame. Fleck's pants pooled around his ankles, the skid mark on the inside of his underwear visible.
A cramp rolled like thunder through him, and he bent over to fart again.
It started as a hiss, quickly becoming another boom. Fleck's face turned red as he strained, bending forwards, hugging his knees. His belly couldn't take being squished so hard.
The head of log snaked out of him. Fleck pushed. And a short log slid out into the bowl. He panted with relief, leaning back. He almost wanted to laugh at how over dramatic his body had been acting. After all that effort, the only thing he'd expelled was-
Another sharp cramp pierced his bellybutton; like an extra long, hot needle.
And in an instant, his cheeks were parting. Fleck held his breath. It felt like lava running out of his bottom. Clumpy and slushy, burning his butthole on the way out.
Over the sound of his diarrhea, he could hear Spree saying something to Hade. He heard her leave, foot steps fading. For a few minutes, Fleck held back tears, resigning himself to his twisting guts.
Kshhhrrrt~ Bllllrrrrrp ~ Phhhwwwwggggg. The chunky streams continued.
Then, all of a sudden, Fleck registered a hand combing through his hair. Exhausted, he fell forward, and an arm was holding him, the hand moving down to rub circles along his back. His stomach burbled and he whimpered.
Spree readjusted him and knelt down. Softly, she rubbed his sore, fussy tummy, until the last of his bout trickled to a stop.
She stood back up, offering him something. Fleck looked up to find Spree was handing him a pack of wet wipes. Embarrassed, he took them from her, thankful she left the stall while he cleaned himself.
A bit gingerly, Fleck put his pants back on. He joined the others in front of the sink and washed his hands.
Spree walked them down to the med-bay, keeping watch while the nurse asked about their symptoms and pain. Hade's stomach was achy and Fleck's still a bit bubbly, but it seemed the worst of it was over.
Their unit commander rejoined them when the nurse let them lay down. Spree cleared her throat.
"You've got the next two days off, but I expect to see you both bright and early Friday morning. Is that clear?"
"Aye..." Fleck and Hade saluted her weakly.
"Good. As you were, lieutenants."
Spree left the med-bay and Hade turned to Fleck.
"Never met such hard-ass Commander in my life."
"Don't think you will again, in this life or the next."
Yeah, okay, so I got supper excited to write my first post and might've put all my favorite tropes together. Anyway, my first post!
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pmak2002 · 8 months
Wonka Sickfic Chocolate won't help a upset stomach.
When Willy wakes up one morning only a couple of months after opening his first successful factory, he feels way off. His head aches and he feels super tired and warm. But what hurt the most was his belly. The past few days he had been coming up with tons of recipes with occasional help from Noodle. Her mother Dorothy allowed Noodle to help out and work with her friend 
That's right Noodle was here today her mother would be out of town for a bit.  So she was staying with Willy. He groaned as he sat up in bed his muscles aching. He tried to get out of bed but he fell right back onto the bed. "ohh I feel terrible." Willy groaned. "Noodle!" he called out. 
 He winced in pain when he spoke. Everything hurt but his stomach hurt most of all. It was starting to wake up and make a lot of sickly and painful noises. "Noodle," Willy called again. Surely she was awake and somewhere. His house wasn't big. She was probably downstairs reading knowing her. 
"Willy?" he heard her voice as she climbed the stairs to his room. "What's going on are you alright?" she asked concerned. 
Willy groaned and sat up in bed. "Noodle I don't feel good. My body aches and my stomach hurts.”
Willy whined and placed his hand protectively on his stomach where it hurt. 
 Noodle frowned and approached the sickly chocolatier. She felt his forehead and frowned. 
"you have a fever. Do you still have that first aid kit my mom got you?"
Willy nodded “In the bathroom.” he groaned and clutched his stomach can you grab the trash can? I feel like I’m gonna throw up.” 
Noodle rushed into the bathroom and returned with the trash can and thermometer. As soon as she handed him the trash can. He retched and proceeded to empty his stomach of all contents. Which were mostly partly digested chocolates.
“Willy, did you eat only chocolate yesterday?” Noodle asked worried laced in her voice. 
‘I had to make sure the new recipes came out ok.” Willy said weakly before retching over the trash can again. 
“No wonder you’re so sick then you’ve barely eaten anything.” She said.
“No I also ate the casserole your mom brought over when she dropped you off yesterday,” Willy told her. “I was starting to feel sick though I could barely eat any of it. And I love your mom’s cooking.” He said.
Noodle laughed. “Oh Willy You probably started feeling bad yesterday but didn’t think much of it correct?” she asked.
Willy nodded “It’s not unusual for my stomach to hurt after I eat too much of my chocolate but I thought it would go away by the time your mom brought you over.” 
Noodle sighed and shook her head. “Willy you are impossible. Truly impossible.”
Willy laughed and coughed harshly. 
He groaned and rubbed his stomach. 
“It hurts so bad Noodle.”
Noodle frowned and took the thermometer to check his temperature.
“Hm 102.1 Not good Willy. No wonder you don’t feel well.”
Willy nodded then quickly stood up and rushed off to the bathroom closing the door behind him. 
Noodle worriedly watched the door. She could hear Willy groaning in pain and she could hear him grumbling under his breath. 
“Willy, Are you alright?” Noodle called.
“I’ll be out in a minute Toodles,” Willy called back he sounded so sick and tired. Noodle frowned as she heard her good friend groaning and whimpering in pain. It seemed his bowels were acting up too. Which definitely wouldn’t help Willy’s condition. Noodle ran to get a tall glass of water. If she knew anything it was that all the vomiting and diarrhea would make Willy very dehydrated if he didn’t have any water in his body. 
By the time she came back with the water. Willy was out of the bathroom and back on his bed cradling his bloated and achy stomach. 
Willy whimpered at her when she came back to his room and his face contorted in pain nearly broke Noodle’s heart. No wonder he hadn’t gotten up when she had. He was probably so tired from working a lot and eating so much chocolate. 
“Here Willy let’s have some water ok? I want you to try to stay as hydrated as possible. Don’t gulp it down. Let’s try slow sips. If it comes back up that’s ok. But I want you to keep trying a little. If you can’t keep any down at all. That’s ok You’ll fast until your stomach settles yes?” Noodle explained.
 She wanted her good friend to be as comfortable as possible even with this awful stomach bug wreaking havoc on the young chocolatier’s body. 
Willy nodded and carefully took the glass and took a small sip of the water. When it hurt his stomach it hurt a bit and he flinched. He took a few more tiny sips then handed the glass to Noodle and she put it on his nightstand. 
“There we go. Now how do you feel?” she asked as she sat on the bed next to him.
“Awful I can’t remember the last time I felt this bad.” He whimpered and tightened his grip on his stomach. 
Noodle quickly went and grabbed some medicine for Willy’s stomach even though his stomach was hurting him so much and there was the risk of him puking it back up. Noodle was willing to do anything to help Willy feel better by any means necessary. 
He was supposed to help her this weekend but she didn’t mind helping him out. He was like was like a big brother to her and she’d do anything to help him. Besides they had been through so much together already. So she didn’t mind. She knew if her mother was here she would have helped too. 
“Let’s try a little medicine ok?” she said as she poured the proper dosage into the cap. 
Willy nodded he just wanted the cramps and flipping in his belly to stop. He wanted to sleep. But the pain was too great. He took the medicine despite it’s bitter flavor.
“Yuck that’s disgusting,” he whined.
“It’ll help if you can keep it in you,” she said to him.
Noodle pulled back the covers and got Willy situated under the warm heavy blankets.
Then she was just about to leave his room when Willy grabbed her hand.
“Can you stay with me Noodles please?’ he asked weakly. He looked at her with those sad and tired eyes. How could Noodle say no?
She crawled into bed next to him.
“Can I rub your stomach do you think that might help?” She asked 
He nodded and slowly Noodle started to massage his belly. Willy sighed as she gently rubbed his stomach. She could feel it moving under her hands. It felt icky and bloated. She could only imagine how much it was hurting poor Willy. 
Eventually, Willy managed to fall asleep and Noodle soon after. 
It wasn’t long though before Willy was up and vomiting again. Noodle rubbed his back.
Willy coughed and retched harshly in the trash can. 
“It hurts!” Willy cried as he held his stomach 
“Oh Willy I know I’m sorry it’s hurting so much.” Noodle said sympathetically as she rubbed his heaving back. 
Willy was shaking from fever and how hard he was throwing up. Noodle rubbed his back and soon the puking stopped and Willy was trying to catch his breath.
“Good job Willy did that help at all?” Noodle asked as she grabbed a rag to wipe his face. 
Willy coughed and whimpered. “It hurt Noodle.” 
“I bet it does Willy.” Noodle said she reached over and slowly rubbed his stomach again. Willy sighed a little at her touch and moved his hand away so she could keep rubbing the areas that hurt him. The chocolatier whined when a cramp ripped through him and he was looking close to tears. Noodle tried to keep him settled not wanting him to work himself into a fit that would inevitably turn into him violently throwing up again. 
Soon Willy needed the bathroom again and rushed off to use it. His stomach gurgling with each step he took. Noodle waited for him to finish in the bathroom and while she waited she took the water to add more to the cup. He had barely drank any but Noodle was determined to try to keep Willy hydrated. 
Once he finally emerged from the bathroom. Noodle helped him take the medicine and water again. This time Willy drank most of the cup. 
“Great Job Willy.” Noodle praised him as he took the medicine and water. She was relieved he was able to drink the water and get more meds into his system. 
Willy nodded and coughed a little. He put the cup on the nightstand and stretched his aching body.
Willy sat down on his bed and groaned.
“Why do I hurt everywhere Noodle?” he asked weakly.
Noodle sat next to him and started rubbing his stomach which was still terribly bloated like a balloon. 
“Your body is trying to feel better so you have to feel sick for a bit. Mom said that’s how it works. It’s trying to keep us healthy so our bodies fight off whatever is wrong by making us feel sick.” Noodle explained.
Willy thought for a moment and nodded. He coughed and Noodle took it as a sign that he needed another nap. She helped him get back under the covers and was going to refill his cup of water. When Willy’s hand grabbed her arm. Despite being as sick as he was. He still had a strong grip.
“Stay please Noodle?’ He whined. Willy squirmed in bed as his stomach gurgled again. 
“It hurts.” he cried.
“Oh, Willy.” Noodle immediately put the cup aside and crawled into bed next to Willy. His fever had risen as he was sweating profusely.
“Willy it’s alright I’m here.” Noodle soothed. She went to work trying to help settle the poor man’s stomach. Willy curled up next to her crying softly against her until he fell asleep. 
Noodle was sad. She hadn’t seen Willy so sick before. She had seen him sick a handful of times sure. But it was nothing like this. She hoped a few days of rest and eating better foods would help him.
Willy managed to rest for about two hours and when the medicine wore off. He was awake and sick all over again. Noodle helped him as much as she could and soon she managed to convince Willy to take a long warm bath. 
He did and when he was done she helped Willy into fresh and clean pajamas and made sure he brushed his teeth and took more medicine and water before getting him back to bed. 
After Willy was in bed and seemed settled. Noodle snuck away to feed herself and wash up. It had been a very long day and she knew she was in for an even longer night. But she knew Willy needed her. He had always been there for her. Now he needed her and she’d do anything to help him recover. 
After a long tough few days Willy finally recovered. He thanked Noodle by bringing her the chocolate she was helping him make,
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