#she's got a shiv and is afraid to use it
cosmicginger · 2 years
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Succession Preference: Taking The Hit For Your Siblings
Requested: Hi! I have a succession preference idea with the roy siblings and baby roy!reader where maybe Logan goes to hit them (shiv, kendall, roman, conner) and reader steps forward and takes the hit for them? I wanna how how they'd react to reader protecting them when all of them have always been the one to protect baby roy. - anon
A/N: So angsty I love it!!!! I hope you like it my love!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Connor finally stands up to your father. Enough is enough. Your lip is split, and he may have knocked a tooth loose. You wave him away, telling him you're fine, but Connor knows you're not. You took the hit for him. You knew what you were doing when you stepped in front of him. Connor loved Logan, probably the most out of all of you. You couldn't let the man he loved hurt him. Now though, Connor lost his cool. Your other siblings take you out of the room, but it's no use. You can already hear the yelling. You've never heard or seen Connor so angry, but the others have. It's been years though. He was furious. Logan could ignore him and treat him however he wanted, that was fine, it didn't matter, but laying a hand on you was unacceptable. It didn't matter if it was accidental. He hit you. The baby, his baby. You were the most important person to him. When he's done, leaving your father speechless, he gets you some ice and a glass of salted water to rinse your mouth. He apologizes to you, so sorry he did that to you, sorry you felt like you needed to protect him.
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Kendall gets mad. At Logan of course, but also you. You're still holding your cheek when you see that familiar flash of anger light up his eyes. If Logan wanted to punish him, if he thought he needed to show him who was boss, then he deserved it. You had no right to jump in and get yourself hurt in the process. Your father orders you to your room and, stunned, you go, watching Kendall the whole way up. The two of them radiate this pent up rage. You didn't want your brother to get hurt, that's why you stood up, taking Logan's wrath. You could see the hurt in his expression, the way his eyes glazed over. He was berating him and calling him terrible names. You thought that was enough. Kendall loves you. You're his baby. But you should never do that again. He makes sure that you know this. Whatever happens between him and your father, it stays between them. He doesn't want you believing you can save him. He doesn't need to be saved, especially not by you. In this family you have your places. You need to learn to stay in yours, no matter what's happening with him.
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Shiv is too stunned to speak. Very rarely in her life has her father tried to lay a hand on her, but when he does, it always breaks something she didn't know was there inside her. Something snaps, a nerve maybe, something connecting her to him. When he goes after her, and that thing, whatever it may be, snaps off just a little more, she can't help but feel detached. You get in front of her before she can stop you, before anyone can. She catches you when you get knocked over, speechless. After she's had a moment to think, to let it sink in, for your father to storm out. She's practically holding you, her voice shaking. Are you okay? Are you okay? You can taste blood. He got you pretty hard. She can't think. She can't act. She has to take it in millisecond by millisecond. Logan was yelling at her. He had his arm raised. She was ready for the strike, for that little snap inside her, but it never came. You're in front of her. You take the hit. She can't get her hands to be still, checking you over and over. What did you do?
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Roman wasn't expecting it. You're on the floor before he has the chance to react, your mouth aching, skin tingling. You took the hit for him. Why, why would you do that? Why would anyone do that? He's too afraid to stand up to your father. Not now, not while the iron's still hot. He can't think of what to say either. Instead he goes to you, on the floor, picking you up. There's a welt on the side of your head. It makes him wince. The others try to calm Logan down, Kerry and Hugo. None are concerned about you, about him. He walks you out, stunned. He can't believe what you did, why you would do what you did. He takes you to the bathroom where you can hide out for a minute. No one at Waystar would tell you to get out. His hands are shaking, every muscle tense in his body. He wants to shake you. He can't understand why you would do that, why, why, why, why??? It's his job to protect you, not the other way around. He needs that hurt, that release. Without it, it feels unsatisfying, like a sentence that ends right in the middle.
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ichorai · 4 months
Im watching succession rn and reading hell yeah simultaneously and YOOOOO the way its my lifeline rn, like fr fr. Its so so good!! Im currently in the third season and after i finish an episode i come back to tumblr to read the part of hell yeah from the ep 😭💕 i do have to confess that i mayyy or may not have read beyond the ep im currently in BUT idc bc it was so worth it !! Kept wondering as well, while i was reading, what wouldve happened if roman chose to fire the reader instead of “breaking up”?? How do you think the reader would have reacted?? I couldnt stop thinking if that possibility bc i love angst lmfao
ANYWAY !! Thank you so much for sharing the story with us!! Its absolutely amazing and your writing is so so good <3
omg thanks so much for reading dude :( makes me so happy that you guys are enjoying the series !!
as for an au where roman fires reader, she'd definitely not take him seriously at first. maybe laugh and tell roman to stop joking around but then does a double take when she realizes he's being forreal </3 roman also tries to alleviate the guilt he feels by repeatedly saying it was logan's decision, not his (don't blame the messenger and whatnot) but reader would be v hurt nonetheless. he'd start spouting out bs like, "i'm doing you a fucking favor, it's for the best, i'm putting the company's interests first, etc." from then, reader would grow furious and tells roman that if he fires her then whatever it was that they had between them would be over. roman, being roman, tells her they never stood a chance in the first place (he doesn't actually believe this, he's just swept up in the argument).
everyone's surprised / shocked when they hear she's been sacked, as she's so close to the family without acc being on the board and also has such a vital role keeping the company afloat. waystar itself would have a terrible adjusting period bcs they really underestimated just how much reader did for them (esp the small things that accumulated in her absence).
she leaves the company upset and bitter at first, but eventually realizes that she can finally live her own life and do what she wants to do without the constraints of the company / the roy family / her own absent parents. reporters are still constantly swarming her, asking her what happened, why she got fired, if she has any plans on going back, etc.
as for her relationship with roman, i can see them reconciliating eventually after a month or two because roman misses her like air and he fucking hates being in his dog cage the company without her there. would spam text her a million times one random day until she finally responds and would demand that she come to a fancy restaurant (he'll pay ofc, he's assumed she's gone totally broke now that she's not working w him), and they meet again and things just fall into place with the two of them :( reader is still pretty angry and hasn't forgiven roman yet, but she's missed him a lot too and couldn't ever permanently estrange herself from roman. as for the other siblings, reader wouldn't really keep in contact with shiv and kendall without roman in the equation, but she still gets check-up texts from connor, which she would briefly but fondly respond to </3
in this au, reader & roman wouldn't romantically get together probably until after the events of season four. they're terribly tragic soulmates in every universe i'm afraid !!
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gregoftom · 1 year
Curious how Shiv never once implied that Tom was fucking Greg when she was inquiring about Tom's adventures with the tall models and asking if they took turns, you know, since the show writers never held back from using sexual innuendos any chance they got and for everything and everyone...and my wild guess is that, she never asked, because she was afraid of the answer, because on some level, clever girl that she is, Shiv knew...
ooooooh good point… i think she absolutely knew about it like there’s way too much to suggest so. i also think when it comes to tom just fucking greg she’s more or less okay with it because hey, that’s part of their agreement. but when she realises tom has feelings for greg, feelings that go deeper, which i think we can witness at the wake when tom comes in with greg and shiv Cannot keep her gaze on them anymore; she can keep looking at tom but the moment greg comes in she has to look away, that’s when she gets. you know. unhappy.
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memelleity · 2 years
ocean’s 8 sentence starters
❝ i don’t want that life. i never wanted that life. ❞
❝ i fell for the wrong person. it was a mistake, but… it happened. ❞
❝ nice watch. ❞
❝ i have 45 bucks. i can go anywhere i want. ❞
❝ you think i like you? you think i believe you? you think i trust anything that you’re saying? ❞
❝ it’s a rerun. she slept with her cousin, crashed the car. the baby’s not his. ❞
❝ i want vodka and water. ‘cause when you’re drunk, it tastes like vodka. ❞
❝ i was just paying my respects. ❞
❝ they thought i’d be the best one to talk to you. ❞
❝ i’m not gonna end up back in prison. ❞
❝ you’re looking sharp. ❞
❝ that would be my “i’ve just been in jail for five years, and my partner lets me down” face. ❞
❝ i’m not your partner. ❞
❝ if you’re gonna have a problem with stealing, you’re not gonna like the rest of this conversation. ❞
❝ see, this is what you do. you make me guess and then i’m interested. and then you think because i’m interested, that i wanna do it. ❞
❝ don’t you wanna do things you’re interested in? ❞
❝ there’s a room for you upstairs. ❞
❝ i borrowed some shit. figured you weren’t using it. ❞
❝ do you know what a shiv is? ❞
❝ i realized that would be maybe coming from an angry place, so… ❞
❝ it’s not like robbing a liquor store. ❞
❝ why do you need to do this? ❞
❝ it’s what i’m good at. ❞
❝ oh, honey, is this a proposal? ❞
❝ come on. take a bite. just take a bite. ❞
❝ you’re really irritating. ❞
❝ i don’t know yet. but as soon as i do, you’ll be the very first person that i tell. ❞
❝ i think you’re being kind of hard on yourself. ❞
❝ you spent $18 million in two years and had two houseboats on the seine. ❞
❝ what if we could make all this go away? ❞
❝ are you mad? ❞
❝ good body. good boobs. huge features. eyes like bambi. ❞
❝ are there no hackers who aren’t russian? ❞
❝ there’s barely any russians who aren’t hackers. ❞
❝ sorry about ____. ❞
❝ what’s your real name? ❞
❝ you know your footprint is a disaster, right? if you’re planning to steal shit, you definitely got to clean this up, ‘cause right now, my little sister could hack you. ❞
❝ can i ask where we’re going? ❞
❝ you’re sweating. ❞
❝ indifference, it’s an aphrodisiac. ❞
❝ you seem different. you know, like you’re immune to judgment. like you’re above all that. ❞
❝ this girl has some of the best hands i’ve ever seen. ❞
❝ is this our only choice? ❞
❝ come on, there’s no hard feelings. ❞
❝ can i get my watch back, please? ❞
❝ a him gets noticed, a her gets ignored. and for once, we wanna be ignored. ❞
❝ what are you doing here? i thought you were in jail. ❞
❝ look at all this. thought you retired? ❞
❝ i don’t do that anymore. ❞
❝ you’re not bored out here, are you, ____? ❞
❝ how do you explain all this to your husband? ❞
❝ i would like to present you with a hypothetical situation. ❞
❝ go home, get your affairs in order, because tomorrow, we begin pulling off one of the biggest jewelry heists in history. ❞
❝ you don’t have a metrocard? what are you, a tourist? ❞
❝ you sure he’s dead, or…? ❞
❝ i’m not really a numbers person. i’m sure you’ll work out all those details. ❞
❝ i’m afraid the answer is no. ❞
❝ i must have the sun. ❞
❝ hello, sexy. ❞
❝ listen, look. you’ve got one of the greatest necks in the world. ❞
❝ you can message him. and you can say, maybe, like, the eggplant emoji. or maybe the girl that does this. 💃 ❞
❝ can you help me with something? i think i’m a little lost. ❞
❝ it’s a privacy violation. …unless you’re into that. ❞
❝ how long did it take you to figure all this out? ❞
❝ well, you certainly seem qualified. maybe overqualified. ❞
❝ do we have to steal stuff? ❞
❝ how did you ever fall for that schmuck? ❞
❝ not saying a word. ❞
❝ i will testify. i was defrauded too, right? ❞
❝ you better tell me this is not what i think this is. ❞
❝ don’t con me. ❞
❝ we are going to get caught. ❞
❝ he sent me to jail! you have no idea what that’s like. ❞
❝ sorry, listen, i know this really isn’t any of my business… ❞
❝ how many carats is it? ❞
❝ can i just see that again, out of interest? how does it work? ❞
❝ you’re a little genius, ____. thank you. ❞
❝ what do your parents do? ❞
❝ somewhere out there is an eight-year-old girl lying in bed, dreaming of being a criminal. let’s do this for her. ❞
❝ do not slouch, cross your arms, or put your hands in your pockets. ❞
❝ i’d say you look like a million bucks, but it’s more like 100 million. ❞
❝ you’re supposed to curtsy. they actually have a guy there to teach you how to curtsy. ❞
❝ what do you mean, “smoked it”? ❞
❝ what the hell are you doing? you’re not getting paid to talk. ❞
❝ do we have to make such a big deal about this? ❞
❝ first of all, i’m not a member of law enforcement. ❞
❝ when did you know this was a fake? ❞
❝ do you want me to pee in a cup or something? ❞
❝ ____’s the only one with an alibi. ❞
❝ some days, i love my job. ❞
❝ i’m not a total fricking idiot. ❞
❝ if there’s one thing i know, it’s bad acting. ❞
❝ i never forget a face. ❞
❝ seems to me, eight shares of 150 million is better than seven shares of nothing, right? ❞
❝ let’s not all high-five at once. ❞
❝ i am the one who is saving your ass. ❞
❝ no one’s going to jail. ❞
❝ it’s always the attention to detail and the little grace notes that really make something sing. ❞
❝ why are you doing this? ❞
❝ i don’t have that many close female friendships. and book clubs are the worst.❞
❝ you’re becoming a criminal because you’re lonely? ❞
❝ are you an only child? ❞
❝ this was your mother’s? ❞
❝ i don’t really remember where my hands were. ❞
❝ just a theory. a shot in the dark. i’m probably wrong. ❞
❝ is it genetic? are the whole family like this? ❞
❝ it’s not just profit, it’s revenge. it’s a twofer. ❞
❝ do you wanna play a game? ❞
❝ you have no idea how this came to be in your possession? ❞
❝ i think i need to talk to my lawyer. ❞
❝ you would’ve loved it. ❞
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toastytrusty · 10 months
feeling especially insane about romelukas tonight thinking about the way lukas wanted to buy out waystar from his first meeting with logan thinking about the way he immediately recognized the denial roman has towards everything wrong with his life and the toxic sense of self he derives from his father and the company and immediately wants to strip it all away (when is your dad gonna die?) and remove every safety net (buying waystar) and bad coping mechanism and farce he can hide behind (encouragement to be honest and share his emotions) and force him out of the suffocating security he has with his family and force him to be his own person . the way it could be seen as caring and kind and, in a way, is, but is also a challenge and brutal and exactly what roman needs. someone who's not going to enable his inability to be a person and just rip away every support beam and force him to stand on his own. the way lukas smiles at him on the mountain when rome said he killed logan, the way he upped his offer because of that explosion, the way he went to make sure he got waystar from mencken after romes breakdown at the funeral. the way rome is slowly breaking under the weight of the worlds places upon his shoulders and lukas is the only one who can hear him crying. the way he takes away all the security rome wants to believe he has (mencken, and, not to make shiv's thing with lukas abt rome bc from her perspective it's not, but from his it very much could be read as him knowing shes close with rome and using her to pry waystar away from him goes to show him that nobody is real). the way lukas frees him from the machine he was built for but was too afraid to ever admit he didn't fit into.
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thefudge · 1 year
We obviously need your opinion on the Succession finale (please)
it was pretty damn great!
it got very close to my ideal ending. i wanted the siblings out, or at least not having control over the company anymore, and i sort of/kind of got that. i knew kendall would be haunted by the loss, but i was pretty sure he'd live. i know some ppl were afraid he would die, i mean he does say as much to his siblings, but i had a feeling that wouldn't be the case, because kendall has to live. he has to live with this failure and with the life he took. he has to atone. kendall has always been a kind of dostoevskian figure, and the last shot of him tells us exactly that, that he will have to walk with his demons from now on.
if i thought anyone would die, i might've guessed roman, but i'm glad he was "freed" from the cage he had been trapped in since childhood. i do think that his spiteful comment about kendall's kids not being legitimate shows that he hasn't and will never let go of his father. roman will always be his most loyal son. it's just that now he has to figure out who he is, too. the truest thing he said this episode is that all of it, all of that fuss for the succession, is nothing, nothing but bullshit.
and shiv....oy vey. ok so i agree with all the posts decrying the bleak misogyny of it all and how shiv can only have power as wife and mother and how fucked up that is. that being said, the waters are too murky here. shiv was also ready to become logan 2.0. sure, she wouldn't have been as bad as kendall maybe. but she was willing to forego many beliefs and many people in order to secure that CEO spot. i'm sure she thinks she was the best for the job morally too, but ehhh. like, yes, it IS fucked up that all her power means nothing, after all, in this patriarchal system, but she was willing to prop up that system further. even after acknowledging the fact that her father couldn't entirely see women as people.
so i feel bad for her, but i'm also glad she made that choice, to, as others have said, "break the cycle" and not allow kendall to become logan and for roman to be further victimized. was there a thought in the back of her mind that if she voted yes, her husband would be made CEO and she'd get to rule via him? maybe, but i think shiv knows she no longer has the upperhand. she's the one who reached out first this episode and basically asked tom for a second shot at their marriage, and tom doesn't trust her. we saw how he reacted to her pregnancy, thinking it was a "move" against him. tom was honest with matsson, he IS hypervigilant.
so shiv's best option here is to divorce (and maybe get a big chunk out of whatever settlement they'd agree on) and remove herself from the equation, but the very human tragedy here is that she probably won't, because she has been doing this all her life, trying to please the men in her vicinity and show them she's worth it. maybe if she keeps hanging around she'll get to have a piece of the pie. one benefit of all this is i think shiv will come to understand her mother a lot better and maybe end up sympathizing with her. that being said, the tom/shiv dynamic was left on a fascinating cliffhanger, imo. very much nightmarish, but compelling.
it would be fascinating to get a "10 years later" glimpse of these characters. remember the siblings buying Pierce? what will happen to that? remember The Hundred? will Shiv try to make her kid the next successor? how soon will Tom get ousted as CEO? will he drop dead from exhaustion? will Ebba finally leave Matsson (lol)? and most importantly, will willa's new play be successful??? i need my girl to get her pulitzer.
anyway, this was one hell of a ride and i'm glad i was on it!
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pidgeinn · 1 year
everything i know about succession, as someone who’s never watched it but has friends who do
Theres kendal, roman, shiv, greg, and tom and logan who is their dad and he’s dead now. They’re all fucked up evil rich people based off of the murdochs.
tom is married to shiv and they hate each other (?). tom has something going on with greg who is a cousin and he used to be a park mascot.
kendall killed a man. Maybe more than one idk. Maybe he’s dead now. Idk.
I want to say shiv is a girlboss but im afraid it’ll get me crucified. I do think she’s kinda hot.
there’s one uncle who isn’t shitty i think.
kendal rapped once.
do they even have a mom????
i know nothing about roman besides him sending his dad a dick pic by accident. I feel like i see nobody talk about him.
tom swallowed his own load once.
a cruise line is involved.
greg got mugged by shiv for $20 for a hospital vending machine.
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jaymber · 1 year
1, 14, and 32 for Vaea & Linda!
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Vaea is very patient, but easily bored. He will try sitting still, check the time after what feels like 5 mins, but barely one has gone by, and give up. If he tries harder, and especially if he’s alone without his inputs, his mind might wander dark places and imagine bad scenarios involving the three of them. So if he feel his mind start to wander, he’ll quickly give up.
Under k*nk* circumstances… Well, that’s another story… 😏
14. What animal do they fear most?
Vaea rode with the Bakkers for over 15 years. In his teens, and with his adoptive sister, Amy, they got a habit of staying behind the clan and exploring the Badlands on their own. Amy’s parents didn’t mind, wishing to give her as much freedom as they could.
When Vaea was around 14, he and Amy explored a ghost town of caravans. They thought it was abandoned at first, but quickly realized there had been a recent Raffen Shiv attack, fresh bodies piled up in their homes. They got scared, and tried to flee, but they met with a hungry canine-like creature, some kind of big sick dog with white eyes and chipped teeth. It jumped for Amy first, bit her ankle as they were running away. Its growl was terrifying, but it’s its last howl as Vaea had to flatline it with Amy’s rifle that haunts him to this day.
Since then, he’s careful around dogs, especially when they bare their teeth.
32.  Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
Vaea likes to joke about the fact English isn’t his native tongue. He’ll either make up idioms, or play clueless about dirty words. He’s also tried teaching Kerry wrong things in French, except he had his translator on so it didn’t work 😔
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Linda cannot stay still. Ever. She always needs to fidget, moves her arms and legs. When she bartends at the Atlantis, it’s not uncommon for her to ditch her post and go dance when she starts feeling restless waiting for someone to order something. She accepts gigs, from Wakako or clients at the club, but never goes for spy work and other stakeouts… unless she’s paid first, then who cares when her mission ultimately fails?
14. What animal do they fear most?
Linda isn’t really afraid of any animal. She likes to pretend she befriended the cockroaches slithering around her place, and used to race with the rats when she was a kid. She doesn’t mind stray cats begging for a little attention either.
However, she doesn’t like cold-blooded animals because they feel weird to touch. Anything cold and a little slimy makes her skin crawl.
32.  Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
“That remains me a story my mom told me about my dad…”
Many mercs come and go through the Atlantis, since there’s no more Afterlife (it blew up in 2078 in this alternate timeline). Many of them like to share stories amongst themselves, sitting at Linda’s bar. Except, the bartender hates not being the center of attention, and pretends her dad was a legendary merc, or so her mom said. Nothing of what she says is true, but that doesn’t matter : the spotlight is on her for those few minutes she tells her story.
That’s one reason Linda hates Flavio coming to the Atlantis : she can’t tell her lies, and has to be reminded she’s just another mid girl from Santo Domingo, and nothing more.
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parks-and-get-wrekt · 3 years
The Robins (plus Duke) as moments from the try guys episode where they get kidnapped
(The last one of these did pretty well and I have more to share so)
Kidnappers: where’s your phone?
Dick: it dropped outside
Kidnappers: why’s it outside? Why’s it not on you?
Dick: I don’t like the way it makes my pants look
Duke: what’s being kidnapped usually like? Is it like an escape room?
Jason: it’s more like a bdsm room
Dick: Oo-Kay
Tim: I was afraid of being kidnapped as a kid. And there was this one nightmare I remember, where the kidnappers got to me and I just started screaming “I love you”
Dick: the royal family have to get trained for live kidnapping situations. Meghan Markle had to go through a kidnapping scenario like we did today. So I’m basically… married to prince Harry. Except I’m gonna have a better dress
Stephanie: I’m gonna put the nap in kidnap!
Duke: (talking about Batman’s survival training) he’s the kind of guy who goes into the woods and bites into raccoon neck for like, sustenance
Jason: I’m not scared, I’m kind of like… hard. Nope that wasn’t the word I wanted to say
*laughter from his siblings*
Jason: I meant hard like I’m tough not hard like, stop laughing dickhead I didn’t mean it that way
Dick: (clutching his stomach and cackling)
Stephanie: Tim’s the best at strategy because he plays a lot of board games, Jason and Damian are obviously the craziest. Me? I can create a distraction. Then we’ll throw Duke at them and run away
Duke: what?
Dick: now I’ve heard of Stockholm syndrome which is where you fall in love with your kidnapper. I’m not saying that’s gonna happen today, but that could happen today
Jason: you look so stupid right now
Tim: *messing with his handcuffs* thank you
Tim: wait, can I just- *starts pulling his hand out*
Others: slender wrists! Slender wrists! Slender wrists!
Duke: have any of you ever been in a situation like this?
Damian: I got into a cab once, it was going in circles and the driver kept changing directions and talking on the phone. Eventually I just put a knife to his throat.
Dick: I’m the run guy, he’s the stab guy
Jason: this is some dark shit y’all
Stephanie: is it weird that I’m excited?
Damian: *immediately kicks a henchman’s leg and makes a run for it when they put hoods over everyone’s heads* *gets caught and brought back to the others*
Dick: (conversationally) hey Dami how’d you do?
Damian: I made it about 50 yards
Stephanie: oh that’s pretty far
Random henchman: get down on the floor! No talking!
Dick: (lying facedown) what about singing?
Henchman: (kicks dust over him)
*muffled laughter from the other kids*
Stephanie: (mocking the others bc she’s not actually adopted) you’ll never get away with this, my dad is a very powerful man. Ooooh when my dad finds out about this
Tim: (giggling)
Jason: okay I’ve got a bunch of tape, what did you all get?
Duke: I got zip ties
Dick: I’m handcuffed pretty tight
Tim: wanna trade?
Jason: (motioning to a lock pick shiv he’s got in a secret pocket) okay unzip my pants
Dick: (unsure what’s going on but down for it) okay yeah
Tim: I don’t know about you guys, but I’m sweating like crazy right now. Feel my hand
Jason: no I don’t need to feel it that’s gross
Tim: I think I can just slip out
Duke: oh no way
Stephanie: his sweat lubed it up!
Dick: Tim’s anxiety is the best secret weapon
(During interrogations)
Duke: wait you guys it sounds like they’re torturing Jason
Jason: (In the distance) ow my dick!
Stephanie: *barely holding back laughter*
Damian: Drake you know what you have to do now, when they’re torturing you you have to slip out and kill them
Tim: *concern*
*the goons returning from an interrogations*
*muffled giggling as the kids try to get their hoods and restraints back on*
Dick: wait, help!
Stephanie: you’re on your own man!
*individual interrogations*
Goons: so who has the most money?
Jason: oh Tim definitely (immediately throwing him under the bus)
Goons: wow you really don’t hesitate to give each other up do you?
Goons: *spray something in Dick’s face*
Dick: is that axe body spray?
Dick: oh that’s really bad actually
Goon #1: disgusting isn’t it?
Dick: (cheerfully) yeah!
Goon #2: purest form of torture
Goons: so apparently this group’s leader is Tim
Tim: what are you talking about?
Goons: on your feet Timmy
Tim: oh I’ll do that, that’s fine, I just want it to be on the record that I am the leader, I’m the number one (being dragged away)
*interrogation room*
Goon #1: this is bear mace, you ever been bear maced?
Duke: I have not seen bear mace no, I can guess though, that it’s mace but bear strength
Jason: *trying to help get Dick’s hood off with his hands tied* come towards me I can probably do it with my knees
Dick: wha- you can just use your hands. You’re just humping my head
Stephanie: (joining the chaos) no wait hold still
*inaudible hump talk*
Stephanie and Jason: 1 2 3, go!
*they actually manage to get the hood off*
Dick: it did work, but it was super awful
*interrogation room*
Tim: I don’t know if you know this but nobody loves me, it’s kind of my shtick
Goons: who has the money?!
Tim: (rattling off business statistics)
Goon #1: you just like to babble and spit out a bunch of shit huh?
Duke: it’s how I think when I’m nervous!
Goon #2: how do you talk when you’re in pain?
Duke: pretty much the same
Goon: what’s wrong with you?!
Tim: oh so many things
*back in the main room*
Stephanie: (as she’s being dragged away) may I just say that you’re doing a great job, you have a beautiful operation here
Goon: *insults Damian*
Damian: I’ll remember that when I cut off your head
Stephanie: *fixing Duke’s hood to look like Yoda ears*
Tim: I told them my shtick is that nobody loves me
Dick: we love you!
Tim: okay then you pay my f*cking random
Damian: not all of us
Jason: (to Duke) (with authority) interrogation 101, you give them nothing dude
Goons: *forcing Tim to stand in a wall sit position*
Tim: oh is this exercise? This is gonna be so uncomfortable
Dick: oh! We got it! We got it!
*the others shushing him*
Dick: okay yeah shh you guys, shh, we got it!
*the kids walking away mostly barefoot after escaping*
Stephanie: (holding up the hoods) I’m keeping this as a souvenir!
Dick: lets just go until we find like-
Tim: a Starbucks
Duke: does it have to be a Starbucks?
Tim: it has to be a Starbucks I want a caramel macchiato
Jason: can we get fro-yo?
Stephanie: I’m very proud of myself, I escaped and I annoyed my captors relentlessly
Dianian: they probably would have killed you first as a message to the rest of us
Tim: I would like the record to state that they called me the leader
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kafkaguy · 2 years
wait…, do u have any specific Thoughts On Roman Roy
okay well. haha yeah. yeah i do 😏 warning if u click read more this is SUPER long because I have many Specific Thoughts On Roman Roy and this isn't even all of them. Enjoy <3
i think my main roman thesis is that he is, essentially, the middle child, number 3 out of 4, and a lot of successions plot relies on the sibling dynamics and a lot of their dynamics are affected by a) how logan treats them and b) what order they were born in. as a 3rd out 4 myself i think a huge part of his character is he's an observer and he tries to use that to his advantage. like he KNOWS his siblings in a way they don't understand or know HIM, and so when they prove that in some ways they do know him well he's shocked (like with the dog pound conversation in too much birthday). because he's used to being ignored or belittled or not taken seriously so i feel like he copes with that by trying to get under his siblings skin by taunting them "I know you i understand you" and we see him do that in the worst ways and also in jokey ways and it's because that's his role in the family ! the guy on the sidelines! and he tries to change that at the beginning of season 1 but keeps failing, and every time he is in the spotlight it's cos he's made a mess or a fool of himself. but there's something weird abt him as a 3rd child cos there's a trait i think a lot of third kids/middle children share which is that they're very independent, from their parents and siblings and other people. but roman isn't he's SO dependent on everyone, on logan, gerri, tabitha, connor, Ken and shiv though he won't ever admit it. and that's because no matter how much your age or placement among your siblings affects ur behaviour and mentality, obviously ur trauma will affect u more. rome is the only one who asks for something of his dad's when logans in hospital, he crumbles in the last episode when it seems gerri has "abandoned" him, he spent most of his childhood under connors wing. he's weak and he hates it so he tries to deflect his weakness with being sneaky and knowing things about other people and teasing them cos he's afraid of being know and being teased so he uses it as a weapon. and then totally blanks out and breaks when it's used against him or fails and he ends up looking like an idiot!!! and that's HIS ultimate downfall: he loses who he's most dependent on + loses his one weapon. he thinks he knows gerri and he thinks he can get under her skin or seduce or whatever his twisted mind is trying to fucking do and get her on his side but it doesn't work because he doesn't ACTUALLY know her and he expects too much loyalty from her because he thinks his game has worked and she's in some ways as attached to him as he is to her. But she isn't and that's what eventually makes him break under all the pressure that was built up during the last 2 episode of season 3. all the roy siblings have their downfall, their hubris, the weapon that murders them in the season finale, and for all of them in some ways it was themselves, especially for roman because he got too cocky with his mind games and with his role in the family and he didn't bring into account his own weakness which is his heavy unhealthy attachment and dependence on those older and more authoritative than him!!! he's a stupid twisted little lab rat who accidentally sent a dick pic to his own father and "dies" in the last episode because of his trauma and because of his placement in the family and because of his coping mechanisms. i need to put him in a petri dish
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Random Headcanons About Baby Roy:
Warning/s: addiction, addiction mention, drugs, alcohol mention
A/N: I think about Baby Roy all the time, lol. I just love them. I thought some fun headcanons would be nice :) Based on these headcanons and this fic series!
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Baby loves screamo. Anything and everything screamo. Also any alternative artist! The more raunchy, the better. Any car or room they're in, they're listening to it or humming it or playing it in their headphones. Everyone's come to expect it and ignore it as best they can. Especially Karl and Frank, they hate it. Gerri just shrugs. it's not hurting you or anyone else, leave it be
It absolutely drives Connor insane, especially when you and Roman gang up on him and recite verses. Roman doesn't love your music, but it's so worth it to watch your other siblings cringe and get all uncomfortable
"That d*ick tastes like yankee candl-" I love Ashnikko lol
"Y/n, please."
"You wanna hear a so-"
Baby unironically plays Where's My Juul?? by Lil Mariko in front of Connor who has no idea what a juul actually is lol
Baby has a wicked sweet tooth. Kendall's been sneaking them candy since they were little, but it seems like you always have something sweet. A lollipop, gumballs, gummy bears, etc.
"You'll get a cavity."
"This is my one vice, let me be."
Shiv is always holding out her hand for whatever you've got. She doesn't ask, she just expects it. You never mind, it's nice to share with her. Besides, it makes her feel like a little kid, too
Baby loves gory movies. Growing up, when all the kids were together, they'd have movie night. When it was your turn, you always chose the goriest thing you could find. Rome would sit with his hands over his eyes and Connor would hold a pillow, But you, Ken, and Shiv would be totally into it
"Just wait! His head gets ripped off!"
"This can't be appropriate."
Baby is actually very smart. Despite all the partying, their grades were perfect. Logan had no need to worry. Maybe you weren't showing up to class, but you were there for tests and that's all that mattered. You throw your intelligence in your brothers faces
"Can you even spell egotistical?"
You make endless jokes about your sobriety that none of them like except for Roman. The others shoot daggers at you with a look that says "not funny" You think it's funny though, and that's all that matters
"I'll be at the bar, you guys chat. Kidding! I was kidding, jeez."
"Does anyone else need a strong drink right about now?"
"They say the food is like crack, but I know crack and this isn't that."
"I used to take handfuls of pills to this song. Now look at me, I've become a monster."
Connor is horrified. Every time you say anything, he's speechless. Shiv gets very serious and Kendall spirals, but Rome likes it. If you can't joke about it, what good is it?
Baby has lots of tattoos and piercings. It's the only socially acceptable way to self harm that isn't drugs and alcohol. Logan hates them and Connor thinks they're unsightly, but you don't really care. Gerri always wants to see the new ones you got, though she prefers they be covered up in the office
"I like that one, that one's very cute."
"Thanks, Mommy."
She hates when you call her that. For you, your and Gerri's relationship, it's not at all sexual like it is with Roman. She is genuinely your mother figure. She is warm and caring and only wants the best from you. She can always tell when things are getting bad again
"Oh honey, you don't look so good."
"Mommy, I don't feel so good."
She really does love you. Someone has to. She knows your mother and Logan don't. Someone has to be there for you
Both Karl and Frank are afraid of you. Between the music, the addictions, the tattoos, the piercings, everything is intimidating to them. You're not competing like your siblings, that scares them the most. You want nothing to do with the company
"Think they're rabid?"
"Might be."
You love it, the way they always back away when you get too close, like you're demonic or infected
Baby, I think, would write a lot. Not just your feelings, which are so hard to put into words, but good things that happened, reasons to stay sober
You have a notebook or something that they use to write in. You've brought it to every rehab you've ever been to and constantly reread it over and over. No one knows about it, and if they notice, they don't bring it up. It's yours
Reasons To Stay Sober: Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Rome. Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Rome. Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Rome. Connor, Kendall, Shiv. . .
You have a sobriety birthday and every month you bake a cake. It always turns out shitty, lopsided, and burned and runny at the same time, but decorating it makes you feel like a kid again
You're always wearing your siblings clothes. You're always stealing someone's jacket or socks or shirt or sweater. You like it. It makes you feel close to them
They've just come to expect it
"You look better in that shirt than I do, keep it."
"I was going to anyways."
You have those moments of deep regret and embarrassment and self-consciousness that always end up in tears, but your siblings are there to pick up the pieces
Connor especially will just hold you as long as you need and listen to everything you have to get out
You feel so deeply sorry for hurting them and scaring them so much. You just wanted it to stop. You wanted not to he angry anymore
They tell you they understand, but you know they don't. Not really. They can't unless they've felt the way you have
Baby falls asleep on all the siblings. Even Roman will let them get away with it, but no one else. You snuggle into them and have the best sleep of your life
"Quit moving."
"Don't use me as a pillow, then."
You get away with (mostly) everything because you're their baby and they love you so much. They love you so much it's gross
Connor still prides himself on the way he raised you. There were bumps in the road, but you ended up perfect. Absolutely perfect
They all pride themselves on how they raised you. It wasn't always good, they weren't always there, but they're making up for all that now. Logan is gone. Slowly they're breaking the cycle, for you and for them
Things will get better. You've hit rock bottom so many times and always found a way out. This is that. This is your out
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lewyn-martell · 3 years
idk if anyone caught it but after logan yelled at shiv she went over to tom and he hugged her and her eyes were definitely shiny and she was doing this kind of pursed lips frown that you do when your throat is tight and you're on the verge of tears. it was so so sad and people are insane to think that just because Logan occasionally expresses (condescending) affection for her he doesn't emotionally and verbally abuse her too. she's scared of him too. and i've also seen a lot of people saying 'men aren't allowed to express their feelings' and i'm like one, are you literally delusional kendall is extremely emotionally volatile and two, you think women are? you think women in business are 'allowed' to be outwardly emotional? like are you kidding? shiv regulates her emotions the best out of the family by far, because she's had to in her career, and still gets called over-emotional. literally makes me so mad and i know it makes shiv mad too i've felt her simmering rage all season.
Oh, for sure. I think there's a line between a) understanding Shiv is a daddy's girl and how she got a closer level of affection and emotional favoritism from her dad while growing up and b) thinking she "got it easier" and was the least abused and "because of that she is entitled and easily hurt with small things" that people sometimes cross without realizing how unfair they're being. Abusive dynamics aren't simple math. We don't measure people's hurt or the overall negative impact by putting on a scale how much damage was inflicted upon them or how many bad experiences they had, and we especially don't make comparisons between different people to see who is the winner of the Abuse Games.
Of course, none of us can speak with any authority on what the past of the Roy kids was truly like, but we see the effects bleed into their adulthood and you'd think with so many people eager to say how much of a bad person she is, how allergic to emotions or desperate or afraid/unwilling to be vulnerable she is, or "Why doesn't she just leave/snap already/kill her dad/stay true to her principles? Why is she so dependent on her dad's approval and support? Why is she so eager to do more than she is capable? Why doesn't she feel safe being left out of the big decisions and shadowing the minions who have to babysit her the same way she watched her brother being played for years? Why is she just taking the abuse? Why isn't she doing what's best for herself already?"; you'd think that they would scratch their heads and realize "huh... something is not right and whole with her... Something that being a delusional rich person alone doesn't explain it... And it gets worse the closer to Logan she is...", but unfortunately we're doing vicious judgment first, analysis posts by amazing people who get tired of seeing that later... Baby steps.
I truly feel for Shiv because I understand how having a parent that blows hot and then cold with you can be extremely exhausting and demanding of your mental/emotional/psychological energy. Especially when getting that relationship just right all alone is all that's connecting you to their love. And we all know how connected love is to this particular job on the table for the Roy kids.
Logan poked and prodded and whined for her to "come on board" and Shiv now is completely alone in her struggles, with no experience, huffing and puffing and tumbling to not get eaten alive, surrounded by people who don't take her seriously even if she has relevant knowledge about something, and a father that pinky promised he would have her back because it was her time, but actually doesn't support her and only gives praise when she does exactly what he wants in the way he wants it while being careful to never overrule him or challenge his dominance in any way.
She's completely at mercy of the whims of her father in regards to her professional capabilities and input. Ever since she accepted and started fighting for the job, she must feel like her worthiness for affection and validation is constantly on trial, with how even more twisted the father-daughter relationship became because of the 85 billion dollar baby on the table. The supposed advantages of protection (which was incomplete and a double-edged sword) and the scraps of emotional availability that came with being dad's little girl completely vanished and that hurts a lot when at some point you thought you were going to keep getting it, even if at least a little bit.
Now she can never win no matter what she does, now what she gets is "of course (you being a woman) is a fucking minus" and disdain when she shows emotion or lets anyone see if they get to her and that ties with the second part of your message. I think it's absurd to say Shiv can have emotional outbursts and men can't - and the last episode explicitly showed her paying for it. I honestly can't even say which of the kids is the better one at controlling their emotions because they all can get a bit explosive, but I would say that her inability to allow herself and others to be vulnerable is definitely a symptom of being in this environment where showing your feelings is looked down upon. And the work culture, especially Waystar's, from the very top to the lowest bottom, is extremely sexist (and I wouldn't feel the need to write this out usually but I kid you not, I saw someone say Logan isn't really a misogynist today, and wow... no comment) and Shiv exists and is molded by that environment while making her own rich white woman choices about dealing with it, just like her brothers are dealing with their "weak spots" in their privileged power hoarding way. But there seems to be something making expectations on Shiv harsher... Figures.
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booppooo · 3 years
Body Guard: Chapter Four
Abby Anderson x Fem! Reader Series
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AN: heyyy, how y'all doin... anyhoo I hope this chapter meets ur expectations, enjoyyyy
Warnings: blood and injury, murder, infected, lethal weapons, swearing
Word Count: 2632
June 12th, 20 hours remaining
Abby was quick as she traveled through the buildings and down alleys. Y/n found herself struggling to keep up and it didn't help that Abby didn't mind to check on her. Not even a simple look over her shoulder. Y/n knew Abby had every reason to ignore her, and the thought made her slump over and slow down (this and the fatigue from little sleep and food).
The soldier was driven now not by fear of her leader dying, but by the irritation of Y/n's poor choices. Now her primary goal was to get this mission over with to be rid of the doctor lagging behind her, as selfish as that was. Her shoulder burn and stung from the hack-job that was her stitches and the growing infection. However, her pain was an after thought and surely would never come up in conversation with Y/n; she could see the physician now.
"Not much farther." Abby informed with the first words that had been spoken in hours. Y/n stayed silent.
They had gotten to the roof of an old building and were able to gage a portion of Seattle. Though it may never return to the hustle and bustle it harbored decades ago, mother nature's makeover was far more encapsulating. The way vines and leaves seemed to swallow structures, and how streams and rivers flowed through the destruction done by FEDRA, it was something of a beautiful disaster. Abby had seen it a hundred times and still she couldn't help but watch it for a moment, just a moment.
"We don't have much time."
Y/n's voice was quiet and cautious, afraid if she said the wrong thing in the wrong tone she'd be thrown from the roof. Abby's faint grin scrunched back into a scowl as she watched Y/n climb down the latter. She was right, time was running out, but hearing it come from Y/n made it more aggravating.
The hospital was just out of reach. The soldier knew they'd be back at the base by now if they had been given a truck and a few more men. If Isaac made it through this surgery, Abby hoped she'd be getting a little more than 'top soldier' treatment. From Y/n's perspective, she just hoped Isaac would make it, no need for the gold star. The doctor seemed to gain some confidence by taking the lead. Much like Abby, she didn't bother to glance back, not when the hospital was this close. She almost hoped Abby would speak up about it and say how she needed to keep behind her just to strike up some banter. But the blonde kept quiet and jogged behind her, it wasn't like she'd take a wrong turn now.
Months ago the hospital had been swept to gather supplies. The stadium, as well as other outposts, were running low on just about everything and needed just a quick pick me up. At that time, there wasn't a reason to venture into the lower floors that had been lost to the infected, there wasn't a reason to risk losing men.
Abby held the second set of keys to all the outposts and kept them stashed in the bottom of her pack. She unlocked the chain keeping the hospital secure and readied her pistol for any unwelcome intruders. Again, Y/n was on her heels every step of the way - feeling as if they had gone too long without some excitement.
She fumbled with the list in her pack, "Okay, we need-"
"It's going to be either in the ER, ICU, or trauma, that's all that's left."
Y/n frowned at Abby, though she couldn't see it, and stuffed the list in her pocket. It was becoming more and more clear how hopeless their friendship was.
With their masks on they began rummaging through the abandoned waiting rooms and hallways leading to the three units. Y/n searched for anything remotely medical while Abby searched for straggling bullets and supplies to make pipe bombs. Though Y/n was under the impression she had seen the worst of it on her date with the stalker, Abby knew that was just the tip of the iceberg.
Y/n watched as Abby stuffed a single bullet into her pocket, "Seriously? One bullet?"
The blonde remained silent.
"How do you know it's still any good?" Y/n pressed.
Abby shot a look at the doctor, but all that could be seen were threatening eyes piercing through her mask. So, Y/n took the hint and they carried on into what was left of the emergency room.
15 hours remaining
The gas masks were already hazy from heavy use and old age, this mixed with the spore filled air, visibility was low. Once again, Abby turned to Y/n with her stern eyes and instructed her to stay close.
As they traveled from room to room they stripped them of what they had left. In the process they came across some med kits that they were both hopeful had the desired supplies, but were only met with an empty box. In the process a few clickers and stalkers were put to rest, nothing out of the ordinary for Abby, except for Y/n essentially clinging to her.
They crouched behind a bed and listened closely to the clicker stumbling and, well, clicking. Abby held a bloodied finger to her mask and Y/n nodded, it was the last clicker and would be easy to dispose of if they were silent. With her shiv in hand, the soldier silently glided across the floor getting closer and closer...
Y/n gasped and scrambled, her face draining of color. The clicker screeched and whipped around with its flailing arms, landing on Abby. It's mutated mouth closed in on her neck as she did all she could to push it back. Her shiv did little now that she was using both her hands to shove and smack away it's clawing fingers.
I'm not dying here! Abby thought.
With a mighty shove and a grunt, Abby managed to buy herself just enough time to re-grasp her shiv. Her jaw clenched and her teeth bared as she prepared herself for the next attack, all she could hear was her heart thumping in her ears.
Therefore, she failed to hear Y/n sprinting around the room for a weapon. She nearly came up empty until she remembered the pistol that had been snuggly tucked in her jeans. Without a second though the doctor fled for Abby, and within the window in which Abby managed to create space between her and the clicker, Y/n fired her shot.
Then another. And another.
Then her gun stopped firing bullets and clicked every time she pulled the trigger with a trembling finger. She was like a broken record, tugging and clicking.
As her heart steadied, senses such as hearing and touch returned. Abby heard the clicking and finally gripped reality as she looked up from the deceased clicker. Droplets of blood had splattered onto Abby's mask but she could still clearly see a shaking Y/n amidst the darkness and spores. She reached over and snatched the emptied pistol from her loose grip.
"The hell is wrong with you!?" Abby hissed at the surgeon.
Y/n hadn't even noticed her vision was blurred from the tears in her eyes. Abby's voice was distant and fuzzy.
"I told you to stay put so shit like this doesn't happen."
The blood pooled around the clicker and seeped over to Y/n's boots. It ran slow and thick from the dead body. She was fighting for a full breath.
"Are you even listening?"
Abby's boots stepped into the dense puddle and obstructed the view of the body. Her voice was clearing up.
"You..." Y/n choked out, "You almost..."
Abby furrowed her brows and tilted her head to meet Y/n's eyes. They were dark yet wide.
"I could've lost you."
Abby could see the agony in her eyes, the absolute terror. She would scoff any other time seeing as their dynamic was nothing but snarky comments and eye rolls, but Y/n was shaking like a leaf and her words just barely made it past her lips.
"Uhm.." Abby was unsure, "Let's keep going."
A quick look over Y/n's shoulder and Abby could see where the commotion had come from, the ceiling had collapsed some right where Y/n sat. Even more reason for them to kick it into high gear.
Abby guided Y/n from the room by her shoulders. She was much smaller than Abby, most people were, but she never got to feel how much smaller people were than her. Most of the time she was lugging another soldier packed with muscle, but this time she had her arm wrapped around a frail surgeon, something she hoped she wouldn't have to do again.
Once they returned to the hall, a long, streaky trail of blood lead straight toward the exit. Surely it wasn't them, they had spent their time fighting their battles in designated rooms. Whatever it was that did this was nothing but trouble. However, all that was left to sift through were ambulances just beyond the blood ridden exit - just their luck.
The building vibrated and more ceiling crumbled at the sound of a booming, guttural roar. Not a click, not a screech or even a scream from a bloater or shambler - a threatening, dangerous roar. 
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Fic Rec Bingo!!
So instead of Fic Rec Thursday, I thought I'd do something a little different this week and recommend 25 fics based on this bingo card (although it turned into 26, oops). I kept most of these as CM because that's my blog's focus, but due to the nature of the prompts, there are 5 Marvel (Irondad) ones & 1 Sherlock towards the end!
from @lightveils on twitter, but found posted on tumblr by @cywscross <3
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1. A fic with a premise that shouldn't work but does
I never would've thought I'd enjoy a fic with Spencer as a little rebellious shit because it seems so ooc, but I loved this one!
las vegas kid by trashcanbarbie - 1.9k, 1ch, Gen/Aaron Hotchner & Spencer Reid, Gambling, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, Young Spencer Reid, Teenage Rebellion, Protective Aaron hotchner, Pre-Canon, Father-Son Relationship, Teenage Spencer Reid
JJ raises her eyebrows, “so, you're trying to say counting cards isn't cheating?” “No,” he grins, boyish and charming, “it is.”
2. A fic you've reread several times
Discipline Changes by fullofcrazyness - 1.2k, 1ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Hurt/Comfort, Past Child Abuse, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, Comforting Hotch
Jack stopped and looked at his dad, finally seeing that his dad wasn’t actually angry. Concerned and relieved, but not angry. He was about to say something when he saw someone in the doorway, white as a sheet. “Papa?”
3. A comfort fic
i'm always tired, but never of you by @iamrenstark - 2.2k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Hurt Spencer Reid, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad Derek, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, Derek Morgan Needs a Hug, Men Crying, Gunshot Wounds, Blood and Injury
When Spencer figured it out, he was stepping out of the elevator on the bottom floor of Quantico, and he went to tell Derek he loved him like he did every day, but he froze up, because he was afraid he wouldn't hear it back. (Or, Spencer thinks his boyfriend is falling out of love with him.)
4. A cathartic fic
Every Little Transgression by @58thacademic - 1.6k, 1ch, Gen, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad Spencer Reid, Protective David Ross, Protective Derek Morgan, Mentioned Suicide Attempt, Spencer's Backstory, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, Episode: s03e16 Elephant's Memory
Ok so. Elephants memory was really good because we got Reid backstory. But I'm still annoyed that he didn't defend himself against Hotch. So this was born.
5. A fic you'd print and put on your bookshelf
One Call Away by GhostInTheBAU - 204k, 32ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Dubious Consent, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Domestic Violence, Rape Recovery, Referenced Past Drug Use, PTSD, Hurt Spencer Reid, Protective Aaron Hotchner, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Flashbacks, Healing, Nightmares, Suicidal Thoughts, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Eventual Smut
When Reid's boyfriend attacks him, leaving him broken and bleeding, he calls the first person he thinks of for help. He calls the only person he really wants to see. He calls Hotch.
6. A fic you associate with a song
I associate this fic with The First Thing You See by Bruno Major. I think if you listen to the song, you'll easily see why <3
You Make Waking Up Worth It by @guccifloralsuits - 2.1k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Fluff, Minor Angst, Established Relationship, Morning Routines, Hurt/Comfort, Good Things Happen Bingo
“Morning sweetheart,” Derek says, pausing briefly to ruffle his hand gently through Spencer’s hair. The genius nuzzles into the touch but doesn’t reply. It’s too early for conversation, Morgan knows. Pretty boy may get up earlier than he does, but it takes the younger a lot longer to really wake up.
7. A fic that inspires you
This fic could have been in so many categories because I adore it, but I wouldn't have started writing Rain is a Chance to be Touched without this fic so it definitely belongs here.
Forgive Me For All I Could Not Become by @degrassi-fanatic - 105k, 20ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Canon Divergence, Getting Together, Angst, Case Fic, Confessions, Complicated Relationships, Near Death Experiences, Friends With Benefits, Smut, Miscommunication
In which Reid has always been good at hiding things. He hid his father's departure and his mother's illness from social services. He hid his addiction from his team. He hid his sexuality from the world. He hid his inappropriate feelings from his boss. That is until he's bleeding out in Hotch's arms, in an abandoned church, in Oklahoma. From there on out, Hotch and Reid learn to make a complete mess out of each other.
8. A fic that brought you on board a new ship
Even though it's unrequited, this was the first fic that really had me going !!! at Penemily <3
Another Wide-Eyed Girl by mallfacee - 2k, 1ch, Gen/Derek Morgan & Penelope Garcia, Penelope Garcia/Emily Prentiss (Unrequited), Coming Out, Internalised Homophobia, Derek Morgan is a Good Friend, Friendship, Gunshot Wounds, Episode: s03e08 Lucky
Derek Morgan is handsome and calls her “baby girl” and smiles at her like she’s the only girl in the room. Penelope Garcia knows she should be swooning and all she can think is that there must be something wrong with her not to react to a man like that giving her all this attention. Two years later she meets Emily Prentiss and understands.
9. A fic you wish could be a movie
Listen, I adore the soulmate trope, and an angsty moreid soulmate movie? Fucking sign me up right now
i need you now but i don't know you yet by @iamrenstark - 3.1k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Hurt Spencer Reid, Hurt Derek Morgan, Mutual Pining, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Buford Mention, Angst with a Happy Ending, Getting Together, Season 5
It goes like this; Spencer hasn't spoken to his soulmate since he was ten, didn't know their gender or their name or a single thing about them. Spencer's soulmate doesn't want him, and that's okay.
10. A fic that led to you making friends with the author
I'm doing two because fuck you that's why
This was one of the first fics I read of Adam's and I immediately fell in love with his writing! And I'm pretty sure that we ended up becoming friends after I rec'd it!!
Plum Sauce by @goldencatchflies - 1.5k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Jealousy, Platonic Morcia, Episode: s07e13 Snake Eyes
Garcia tells Spencer about what she thinks happened between her and Derek. He doesn’t seem too happy about it...
I read this from Syd and absolutely loved it, and like with Adam, we became friends from there! (I mean technically husband and wife, but, y'know. Semantics.)
You Belong With Me by @spencerspecifics - 11.4k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Song Fic, Getting Together, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pining, Fluff
A fluffy Moreid fic based on You Belong With Me by: Taylor Swift
11. A fic you associate with a place
This reminds me of a chilled Sunday afternoon on my old sofa in my living room, with the fire on in the background. I read it all in one sitting and loved every word <3
Metanoia by @makaylajadewrites - 39k, 16ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Canon Typical Violence, Implied Rape/Non-Con, Implied/Referenced Torture, Established Relationship, Near Death Experiences, Frostbite, Rape Recovery, Suicidal Thoughts, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Autistic Spencer Reid, Drug Use, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending
Oh, Derek… He couldn’t stand the thought of him bursting in with SWAT in tow, gun at the ready, only to descend those creaky stairs and find his naked, bleeding body, vacated of life, crumbled on a red-stained mattress. The realization that he was going to die at the end of this was catching up to him, but maybe it would be better that way.
In which an unfortunate resemblance to an unsub's victims puts Reid right on his radar.
12. A fic that made you gasp out loud
Gasp out loud might be a *bit* of an overreaction, but this one took me on a rollercoaster and I loved every second of it (all of bau-gremlin's fics will do that to you tbh)
The End by @bau-gremlin - 3.1k, 2ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Graphic Violence, Stabbing, Blood and Injury, Temporary Character Death, Hurt Spencer Reid, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt Aaron Hotchner, Sleepy Cuddles, Protective Spencer Reid
The famous interview with Chester Hardwick ... except Hotch and Reid get separated and Reid is left alone with Hardwick and a prison-made shiv.
13. A fic you found at the right time
You're Going to be Okay by fullofcrazyness - 2.6k, 1ch, Gen/Aaron Hotchner & Spencer Reid, Dark, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Suicide Attempt, Sad Spencer Reid, Hurt Spencer Reid, Depression, Protective Aaron Hotchner, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending
Spencer was no stranger to depression. His father leaving him, his mother’s episodes, being twelve years old in a Las Vegas high school. All of those things made him very familiar with the illness. “I… I think I need some help.”
14. A fic that you would read a fic of
Chain Reaction by EloquentDossier - 42k, 16ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Alternate Universe, Texting, Dialogue-Only, Text Fic, Self-Esteem Issues, Fluff, Angst, Implied/Referenced Past Drug Use, Canon Divergence, Pining, Oblivious Aaron Hotchner, Happy Ending
A dialogue-only AU in which Hotch texts what he thinks is Rossi's new number but is actually the slightly eccentric stranger whom Hotch knows only as "Spencer." What follows is something neither man could have ever quite expected.
15. A fic that made you laugh out loud
The Bet by @degrassi-fanatic - 1.6k, 2ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Bets & Wagers, Humour, Fluff, Canon Divergence
“Fifty bucks says Hotch writes you up and sends you to sexual harassment sensitivity training.” she declares as she stares him down. Without looking away from her, Reid takes out his own wallet and flips it open to pull out a fifty dollar before placing it down right next to Prentiss’s own money. “Fifty bucks says Hotch will go out with me.”
16. A fic that gave you butterflies
The healing and dynamics in this one is just.... off the charts :')
Who Spencer Reid Loves by @blueberriesandbubbles - 36k, 11ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Abusive Relationships, Domestic Violence, Abuse, Hurt Spencer Reid, Mutual Pining, Rape Recovery, Healing, Fluff
Derek Morgan has been in love with the resident genius as long as he's known him. When Spencer enters a relationship with a mystery man, Derek is unhappy. He is even more unhappy when he meets this man. Spencer starts acting different and Derek knows something is wrong and he has a feeling its connected to the man Reid is dating.
17. A fic that embodies something you value in life
The utter and total love and devotion in this fic just punches me right in the gut every time I reread it
A Little Fall of Rain by jack_hunter - 4.3k, 2ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Spencer Reid Whump, Autistic Spencer Reid, Major Character Injury, Secret Relationship, Team as Family, Dad Rossi
Morgan crept up behind the doctor and snatched the headphones off of his head, earning a yelp of a protest as he slipped them over his own ears. “Les Mis?” Morgan asked with a quizzical look, “didn’t peg you as the musical type, Pretty Boy.” Spencer snatched the headphones back. “I’ve always loved the theatre and I went to see Les Misérables with-... a friend last Friday.”
18. A favourite AU
The Curious Case of Dr. Reid by severaance - 37k, 10ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Transgender Character, Fluff, Trans Spencer Reid, Light Angst, Getting Together, Developing Relationship, Smut, Insecurity, Happy Ending (Warning for Homophobic & Transphobic Slurs)
"And your names for the order, please?" The barista asked, eyes flickering expectantly between the two before her. "Spencer," she answered, although she was not talking to the barista. "I'm Spencer." The man before her had the same idea. "Derek."
19. A fic you stayed up too late to finish reading
I stayed up one night and read pretty much all the marvel fics this author has written, but this was the last one that I simply could not resist. The next day wasn't pretty :/
The more you say, the less I know by forthenightisdarkandfullofterror - 13.9k, 3ch, Gen/Irondad, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Temporary Amnesia, Protective Pepper Potts, Not Endgame Compliant, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Blood and Violence, Hurt Peter Parker, Whump
Tony wakes up from snapping with amnesia and for the life of him can't remember the kid hanging around, claiming to be 'just an intern'. Feelings get hurt.
20. A fic that made you feel seen
heavy in my bones by hopeless_hope - 4.4k, 1ch, Gen/Irondad, Chronic Pain, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Peter Parker, Whump, Father-Son Relationship, Dad Tony, Worried Tony Stark, Angst, Chronic Illness, 5+1 Things
Five times Peter lied to someone about his chronic pain, and one time he told the truth and got the help he needed.
21. A fic you love without knowing the source material
(I mean this is literally all marvel fics but I'll rec this one because I loved it so much)
the locker room by searchingforstars - 15.5k, 3ch, Gen/Irondad, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Mental Health Issues, Misunderstandings, Arguing, Miscommunication, Crying, Whump, Angst with a Happy Ending, Rape Recovery
Peter's falling apart and he doesn't know how things will ever go back to normal again after Ryder.
22. A fic you've gushed about IRL
Genuinely, this fic is better than most published fiction I've read...
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle - 220k, 37ch, Gen/Irondad, Hurt/Comfort, Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Physical Abuse, Alternate Universe, Hurt Peter Parker, Foster Care, Identity Reveal, Slow Build, Disordered Eating, Homelessness
Ben and May divorced before Peter’s parents died, so when Ben is murdered Peter goes into foster care. It takes just a tiny taste of superpowers for Peter to decide he doesn’t want to put up with his horrible foster father anymore—the streets are infinitely more appealing. All he wants is to be Spider-Man anyway.
So he leaves. Simple.
Simple, that is, until Iron Man needs Spider-Man’s help. Peter isn’t about to turn down an opportunity to fight alongside Tony Freaking Stark, but he also isn’t going to let his hero know that his recruit is a fifteen-year-old homeless dropout. So they strike a deal. Peter will help Tony. In return, the mask stays on. And that’s when things get complicated.
23. A fic you still remember many years later
The Transport Series by ancientreader - 135k, 2 works, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Backstory, Canon Drug Use, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Physical Disability, AU, Important Character Death, First Time, Developing Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, BDSM, Humour, Fluff
How to become a consulting detective. // Jim's lessons are hard to unlearn.
24. A fic with a line or two that you've memorised by heart
"He has held up buildings and nuclear bombs and whole entire countries on his back. Peter’s body is the heaviest thing he’s ever held."
when my body won't hold me anymore (where will I go) by @madasthesea - 4.4k, 2ch, Gen/Irondad, Temporary Character Death, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Father-Son Relationship, Hurt Peter Parker, Crying, Forehead Kisses, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, Hugs, Platonic Cuddling
But he knows. He knows. He can feel it. Peter’s dead. Peter Parker watches as Tony carefully arranges his limbs on a cot. “Mr. Stark,” he tries for the dozenth time. No one hears him.
25. Free Space
And to round it off, we have to celebrate the fic that really and truly welcomed me into the CM fanfic world...
Chanel by @4x24 - 24k, 7ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Getting Together, Spencer Wears Makeup, Friends to Lovers, Light Angst, Canon Compliant, Canon Typical VIolence, Humour, Fluffy Ending, Pining, Smut Heavy
Penelope mentions offhandedly one night that she thinks Spencer might look good in makeup. Spencer takes the suggestion to heart. Derek likes the new look - and Spencer - more than he probably should. (Season 4)
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safflowerseason · 3 years
more succession 3.02 thoughts
- the ultimate evidence that Logan is genuinely afraid: his (fake) apology to Conor. he’s so desperate for his remaining children to not abandon him, he’ll even take the first pancake. i mean, this is the same man who admits to his estranged wife that he can’t actually apologize, just occasionally get distracted enough to “forget” that he did something wrong.
- but in general this episode is truly Logan’s lowest, weakest moment in the whole show so far, and it remains to be seen if it will be his weakest moment in this season. He really is just sitting in Sarajevo to see if Shiv and Roman have joined with Kendall. 
- these desperate, experimental “I love yous” Shiv keeps dropping on Tom are truly excruciating. I like that the balance of power has shifted slightly in their relationship, but Tom’s attempts to leave her dangling are so...awkward because of their transparency. 
- A part of Shiv really did think she could somehow just make off with the incriminating papers and the whole thing would be over. 
- a funny little note is the show’s accurate send-up of how billionaires are obsessed with history, particularly ancient history and military history. 
- Shiv appeared most genuinely interested in Kendall’s pitch when he was doing the whole “information will be more precious than water” bit. The camera zoomed right in on Roman’s face right after Kendall said that if they got rid of Logan, Stewey and Sandy would end their attempted takeover. 
- the show dug more into the truth/lies tension with this episode. usually the show explores that topic via ATN, as a kind of microcosm of how Logan has constructed his own reality. but this episode contrasted the different characters lying and telling the truth more explicitly. ex, Kendall lying about Stewey literally seconds after giving a speech about “the truth”, the siblings cross-cutting each other with different truth and lies about their intentions for coming to visit Kendall. Neither Shiv or Roman can tell Kendall the truth, but do spill their guts to their respective “partners.” Gerri tells the truth most consistently throughout this episode, but primarily because we only see her interact with Roman. (Also, if I were Logan and Shiv, I wouldn’t bet on using Gerri as a corporate haz-mat suit.)
- Jeremy Strong has this truly great way of playing Kendall when he’s spewing corporate aspirational rants in such a way that you know Kendall doesn’t actually believe in what he’s saying, but it’s also so clear that he thinks he believes it. 
- Greg is siloed off in his own corner for most of this episode, but I can’t imagine he’ll stay there for long...both Kendall and Tom need him too much. And Greg has revealed his secrets to one more person, but unlike Tom, Kendall has much less of a reason to keep silent about Greg’s role in all this. 
-  I remain by intrigued by Siobhan’s borderline hysterical “what if what if” freakout to Tom about allying with Kendall, even though she ends the episode pleased with her dad’s new job offer. I think she’s honestly the most pissed about the fact that Kendall didn’t plan this better. 
- the final sequence of Logan exiting the plane is truly *chef’s kiss*. Roman’s greeting! (ooooof) Shiv refuses to get out of the car! Tom has to get out of the back seat so Logan can sit next to Shiv! Connor and Marcia nowhere to be found, for different reasons!  Everyone is color coordinated in different shades of blue! 
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