#shes genderqueer like me btw!
littlemissskyblue · 4 months
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I'm gonna take a break from drawing for a bit to eat breakfast and such, but in the meantime I thought I'd share my own self inserts! These are for mlp g5 (I self ship with Izzy Moonbow), Mario (I self ship with bowser), and bmc (I self ship with Michael Mell). If anyone ever wants to draw or send asks about any of my selfships I'd be so honored!
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boredlime · 2 months
when you're Probably Not Cis but you present as it anyways because you're too lazy to do anything about it
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autisticrosewilson · 10 days
Trans fem Jaybin asking Bruce if she can visit Willis in prison because she wants to know what he would have named her if she was born a girl and that's how she finds out that Willis was murdered and despite knowing from day one Bruce just... didn't tell her.
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jamesdotmp3 · 8 months
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transfem!boimler has my ENTIRE HEART guys please subscribe to the trans!boimler agenda
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mrsmarlasinger · 4 months
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estbela · 6 months
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notebooks-and-laptops · 2 months
It's a weird experience to ID as genderfluid and genderqueer in part because like. Only one part of my pronouns and identity is ever really respected by all but the closest people in my life.
Like. My partner calls me her handsome boy and her pretty girl interchangly. But most other people I think see any/all pronouns and are just like *phew* I can refer to her as her AGAB. Which. Like. I do want to be referred to as that!! I like being a she very much but also...I like being a he. A they. A xe. And these things...don't really happen ever. Because people just see 'I'm all of it btw' as 'thank God I don't have to refer to you as anything but what I obviously only see you as in my head'.
And it's like. I don't think about it most days. But also. It's a Thing. U know?
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letsatomicbanana · 2 months
Have any headcanons about my boy Ink sans??
Oh boy, i sure do!
It's yapping time!!! but it's bellow the 'read more'
(spoilers: It's long as hell)
-First of all, Ink can not stand normal texturized clothing and textures (like cotton, fur, silk etc...) which is the reason to why their clothes are always created by him and is used a more paint-like 'esque' to it. (which is canon).
- Case in point, he suffers from 'unable to have normal fashion tastes' disease. He's the type of motherfucker to wear baggy pants under a dress, sandles with socks on, a crop top over a long sleeved shirt etc... They does not care nor follows society's fashion sense/brands, he only gives a damn if the clothes are comfortable or not lmao.
- Genderqueer, no explanation for that one (c'mon, just look at them) also AroAce but that's already canon.
- He definetly has a whole collection of autographs of random sanses that he managed to get. (The obvious one is fell sans but he prob forgot to who the other's belongs to).
- Besides from being able to speak french, they can also speak fluent mandarin and japanese!
- Has a whole collection of random objects he found while travelling AU's. It's not anything particulary useful or collectible (like toys etc..) more so 'things he found interesting' (like that one chesse from the ruins)
- Since he has a canon hyperfixation on Underfell, i like to image that he defends the AU with his whole tiny body, empty mind and non-existent soul (he can't STAND uf slander, it makes his blood boil lmao). Also, they treats fell sans like you would treat your favourite fictional babygirl male character as.
- Definetly engaged in the consumption of illicit drugs at some point in his life, you cannot tell me that this curious asshole never had any interest in drugs, even if it's just recreational consumption. Very open to any options, but they has a thing for marijuana, alcohol, and nicotine (it makes him ADHD go bonkers).
- Now that i've mentioned it. He has ADHD-C (combined type), probably got diagnosed because he saw a random 'Does your child have ADHD' pamphlets hanging around in the wall of some random AU they visited, which made him to be deeply curious (he thought they didn't had it) and eventually diagnosed with it. Note! He's currently unmedicated (i think he would have a problematic history with medications, if i'm going to be honest). (him having adhd is kindaaaa canon??? semi-canon at least)
- Also has undiagnosed Autism and ASPD (sociopathy) in which he has no idea that he has lmao (i made a whole post about this too). Note but i'm killing anyone who says that Ink is evil due to being 'sociopatic'.
- Doesn't engaje in social gatherings of any kind unless extremly necessary, he's energetic but an introvert at heart (this is canon btw).
- Has a better conection to inanimate objects than people, oh! and he's also Objectum!
- They're an ISTP! Which stands for 'Introvert', 'Observant', 'Thinking' and 'Prospective'.
- A lot of times deeply wonders to his apparent lack of family and AU, he won't admit but he's feels a sense of envy for other sanses that have brothers. They also often wanders through the vast multiverse looking for his original family/AU, but he can never find it :(
- Extremly sensitivite to any topics of discussion/conversation that relates to his soullessness, he also cannot stand being called 'emotionless' or a 'tragedy' because of his condition. Has a tendency in de'humanizing' himself over his lack of soul.
- Since he has a very hard time understanding social interaction, they often uses their interest in art as a way to form attachments with people, like painting them outfits or portraits (insert the 'Im bad at people, but i am good at tech' entrapta quote). Art is his special interest!
- He's a very dedicated brony and their favourite pony is Derpy Hooves/ Ditzy Doo!! She's literally him, for real! If he was part of the fandom at it's peak popularity in 2012-2014, they would prob be those famous fandom artist/musicians!
- Reast in piece Ink sans you would've loved Dungeons and Dragons. (/ref)
- Besides from their obvious interest in drawing/painting, he also has a deep interest in music! He canonically can play the flute but he also enjoys playing the trumpet, the piccolo and the clarinet!
- They're generally extremly under-responsive or otherwise sensory seeking to any kind of sensory stimuli. He's also a very oral artistic and often chew/bites on stuff for stimulation. Can often fall into Nonsuicidal self-injury style of stimming such as picking or pulling,when overwhelmed/underwhelmed.
- Another headcanon that he has PICA, where he often eats/craves for things that are not food, like crayons (canon).
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i don't know how to sum this up. i haven't slept in four days.
...this is gonna be a long one and im sorry. also literally every fucking one in this whole thing minus V is autistic, i don't know how, but them's the facts.
background info: around... some 8 years ago maybe, my truly BELOVED friend M (today 31F) started hanging out with a new friend group her then-friend S (31F now) had introduced her to.
(i (31 genderqueer) didn't know M then. i do know she was very lonely.)
so. S has introduced M to her friend group, and M hangs out with them for about... two years?, but, as far as i understand, S is the go-between here. M asks S what plans they have on weekends, S calls M when there's plans on weekends, that sort of thing.
what happens is: at one point S's girlfriend, V, starts flirting with M. heavily. in front of S. S VERY MATURELY decides that the solution to this is obviously to start telling M there's never plans on weekends while telling the friend group M is never free on weekends. shitty move, i think we can all agree.
and M ends up alone. she's never heard from a single one of any of those other people ever again. ever.
now. M, OBVIOUSLY and i think with good enough reason, HATES S.
1) it's not S's fault M is no longer friends with the whole group, like M thinks it is. it's just not. if they had wanted to keep hanging out with her, very simply, they would have. S didn't even explicitly ask or tell them not to hang out with M, nor did she talk shit about M to get them to leave her out. and want to know why we know all this? it's because after (AFTER!) S and V broke up, M and V dated for like, three months, and V told M. what S did was shit and immature, but not like. extreme.
2) we don't know if S even knew how lonely M was/was gonna be. in my understanding of what's right or wrong, this is KIND OF REALLY important. the intention, the meanness, the ability to knowingly isolate someone to that degree. jealousy is one thing, being genuinely mean is another.
3) all of this happened 10 years ago. TEN. YEARS. they were like, 20. fetuses. we're all queer, they were all navigating the first romantic experiences, shit happens. S was shit but S also could have become a better person in these TEN YEARS. we just don't know.
OTHER background info: ive known S for like, 10 years, and she's someone VERY interesting who i've always liked (not romantically), but she's not my friend.
ok, and now. fast forward to last week. M & i & F1 (27F, my bestie, M's friend) go to a pub. S is there, says hi to me, hi to M (which. like at least apologize or something. but ok) (at this point i have no idea they even knew each other btw), S & i talk a bit like we always do, M goes home (i suspect nothing), S & F1 & i hang out, next thing u know F1 and S start to date and S and i become better friends.
(where i absolutely am the A: apparently, at some point M told me what S did to her. before we met S at the pub? after? i have NO memory of any of this.)
M wants nothing to do with S, as is her right. but at this point F1 is dating her and im making plans to like, watch clone wars with her. M tells me & F1 the whole story (tells again, in my case), tells us she has no problems with us hanging out with S but again, please can we not force them together, which, ofc, i tell her about our star wars plans and like, she's chill, she says yeah sure go for it, she jokes around about how S knows lots of people and we gotta use her to get another friend a girlfriend, shit like that.
forward again. one sunday morning, M asks me to hang out. that sunday just so happens to be clone wars day with S & F1. i tell her. she goes BALLISTIC. like, tachycardia, tunnel vision, palpitations, she's fully ready to never talk to me again because "i can't ask [me] to not hang out with S because that would be toxic, but i just CAN'T be around S, so here we go again, she's gonna steal my friend [me] (...i don't think M cares too much about losing F1, they're not that close), im losing control of the situation, the only way for me to stay in control is to choose to cut off [me] right here and now, so that's what ill do, goodbye forever". and she spends the WHOLE DAY in this frenzy (completely unbeknownst to me!), with multiple people trying to calm her down and like, get her to talk to me. (which OF COURSE the next day she ends up doing, because she loves me, she's just. very autistic.) anyway, at this point (sunday evening) ive been made aware of the situation with M, so i had F2 (F31, she's a mutual close friend who was acting as a kinda peacemaker) tell M i was there for her & ready to talk whenever, and we meet up on monday evening, i get apologized to (M had like, blocked me on all social media 😂) for the whole... overreaction, especially after id been told it was ok to see S, and M officially asks me to stop hanging out with S. i try to tell her "can i ask S about, idk, what was going on in her brain back then". she starts to hedgehog up on me so i shut tf up.
here i am the A again: i know M very well. i should have known it would not actually be okay to see S. i just should have. i do know her.
here i... can't tell how much of an A i might be: i don't want to tell S to fuck off. i WANT to talk to S, figure out how much of an actual irredeemable asshole she is, and only in that case tell her to fuck off. the 3 points i made at the start of this papyrus are still valid. also i think it's kind of fair to give her the right to like, defend herself? explain herself? before i go full ghost on her
... its like this. it's not like i care about S. not to be mean but she's no one to me. i just would like her to BE someone to me, cause she seems cool.
i have few friends. i would like one more friend.
i also made friends with a friend of S, T (can't remember age NB). they're the only other genderqueer person i know irl. id like to get to know them. (also they're kind of cute but that's genuinely not that important lol, i just like to make this post Even Longer). i wouldn't get to know T if i did what M wants (needs?) me to.
and let's not forget S is currently dating my close friend F1. just to put icing on the cake.
then again, i adore M. my loyalty to her SHOULD be more important than two people who are, again, no one to me. i should just tell F1, sorry, i won't hang out with ur gf, like ill be civil to her but i won't pursue a friendship with her. because i don't NEED to. i don't NEED these friendships. i would just LIKE them.
if S turns out to BE an asshole who hurt M on purpose, it's great, it's golden. problem solved. ill tell her she's shit and, i mean, F1 will probably break up with her too. no one gained or lost anything from a whole shebang were i haven't slept in like 4 days and got a stress herpes or whatever it's called, it's cool, it happens, go us.
but if S is... justifiable? understandable? NOT a dick? i don't feel i have an actual reason to delete her number. would i, for M? probably, yeah, but i don't WANT to.
F1 says im a doormat. F2 says im basically a monster and how could i do this to M when there's plant of other friendly fish in the sea.
and while we're at it, if someone feels like giving advice... what do i do?
What are these acronyms?
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starrylayle · 8 months
coming on here to quickly rant abt remadora. Okk yess I know ‘another wolfstar shipper shitting on remadora’ here me out okay!!! Just for a sec!! I read the Harry Potter books for the first time back in 2017 and remadora was my shit. Remus was my second favourite male character and tonks was my second fave female character. (Harry and cho were my first faves — yes I self inserted into Harry and had the biggest crush on cho — yes I cried when they broke up — shut up we all had our embarrassing phases!!)
Anyways back to remadora, I just thought they were so cute together, even tho it felt a little random. But one thing that I remember that really pissed me off was the ship name. I never understood why it was ‘remadora’ and not ‘ronks’. Tonks hated being called Dora!! I remember ranting abt this on my Wattpad acc (yes I know SHHHH) when I was reviewing all the Hp ships.
I don’t ship it anymore (obviously lol) and looking back, I think my issue with the ship name is lowkey symbolic for my key problem with remadora — it basically removes everything that made her interesting in the first place and reduced her to just Another Woman Character in the series. When she got with Remus, she became more mellow, more feminine, more complacent — which are fine traits btw — but that’s not tonks!! Now as I’m older, and re-reading the series, I see a lot of subtext for a gender non-conforming and possibly genderqueer person forced into a heterosexual relationship simply becoz jo didn’t want ppl thinking Remus was gay and coz she had this weird thing abt all ‘good’ women being mothers.
Which brings me to tonk’s pregnancy — I wouldn’t mind a storyline for tonks having a child — I just hate how jkr had to fit it into this whole nuclear family model and get her and Remus to get married. I feel like a more compelling, or at least consistent characterisation would have tonks having a one night stand with Remus after they were both mourning their cousin/uncle/lover’s death. Shit happens sometimes. And it would be interesting to see Tonks and Remus grapple with this and what it means for their child.
Another head cannon I saw on tik tok was that Tonks had a threesome with Fleur and Bill and since polyamory wasn’t socially acceptable she asked Remus to be the stand in legal father — and ofc Remus would say yes coz he’s Remus!! This hc sounded wild to me at first but they all gave me queer vibes and it just makes me happy so now this is the headcanon I stick with lol.
Anyways not every woman has to have a husband and 2-3 kids to be a good person jkr!! Families are complex! Women are complex! And Tonks deserves better imo.
P.s. if you ship remadora that’s completely okay!! This is just my opinion!! I’ve seen remadora shippers who don’t water down tonk’s character/subtextual queerness — I just hate how jkr depicted the ship in canon.
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ckret2 · 1 year
hey ^^ I love your bill goldilocks cipher, and I was wondering why he possesses a female-presenting body. I am a huge fan of your art btw so don’t take this the wrong way, I just would love to know how you designed him!
The short answer: because he's canonically referred to with he/him pronouns.
The long answer: if you meet somebody who, at a first glance, appears to be anatomically female, and everyone refers to this person with he/him pronouns, you don't immediately know what's going on.
Maybe he's a trans man who's comfortable with his body the way it is as long as everyone around him still treats him as a man. Maybe she's a trans woman with really transphobic acquaintances. Maybe he's nonbinary, maybe he's genderfluid, maybe he's a drag queen who's dressed up for an event but not currently in character, maybe he's a he/him lesbian—you don't know, and it likely isn't your business.
There's only one thing you do know: whatever's going on here, it probably ain't cishet. This person has something going on that does not fit the gender binary. All you can say about him is that he's queer.
Bill's gender is triangle. This simply does not fit within humanity's popular ideas about the male-female binary. Whatever his sexual orientation is, it is not restricted to "only females/only males (as humanity defines femaleness/maleness)"—and so he can't possibly be heterosexual in a manner readily recognizable to human beings. Amongst Bill's own species, maybe he was the most cishet guy you've ever met, I haven't decided; but if you stick Bill amongst humans, regardless of how he sees himself, he'll look queer to us.
On top of that: stick Bill in a human body, and there's a disconnect between his self-identity and the shape he's wearing. Strangers will see him as something he's not: human. He feels trapped in a wrong-shaped form amongst people who think this is normal and what he feels he should be is strange—and if he ever explains that psychological weight of feeling wrong-shaped, the humans most likely to go "I think I get it" are the trans folks who know what dysphoria feels like.
I don't think Bill cares what pronouns humans give him; I think he's called "he/him" either because his human victims decided he sounds male-ish, or else because he consciously decided to take advantage of sexism by presenting himself as male to seem more authoritative. And I don't think Bill cares about the anatomy of the human body he's in; he could have been given any variety of genitalia, secondary sex characteristics, hormone balances, body fat distributions, etc., and he would have been equally uncomfortable in any because they're not a triangle. It makes no difference to him.
But it does something to you (you, The Readers In General): it makes you wonder about his relationship with his body.
Because we're speaking English on the Internet in the 21st century, you and I are participating in a culture that sees having both a vagina and he/him pronouns as Not The Default. It makes Bill look genderqueer-in-a-human-way, and that makes it easier to slide readers over to seeing him as genderqueer-in-a-nonhuman-way. It makes you think about queerness, about dysphoria, about nonbinary folks who defy the expected correlations between pronouns and anatomy without changing their bodies to make them "match."
This is the second or third time somebody's asked me why I put Bill in a female-presenting body. If I'd done the opposite, nobody would have ever asked me why I put Bill in a male-presenting body. Because that's "normal." And I want you to ask questions! I want you to think about Bill's self-image, his internal landscape, the gulf between who he is mentally and what he is physically.
Before I ever directly draw attention to queer topics, I can get folks primed to think about them and to understand that his body doesn't accurately represent his identity just by slapping a pair of boobs on him.
So I slapped a pair of boobs on him.
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t1oui · 2 months
thinking about making a college au that may or may not be a texting fic and trying to make it as gay as possible bc fuck jkr so here are some headcanons (based off of what me from 2:15 am wrote in my notes)
james: they/them, nonbinary, panromantic asexual
sirius: he/him, bisexual (or gay, i haven't decided)
remus: he/they, trans, unlabeled
peter: he/him, trans, aromantic omnisexual
lily: she/her, intersex, demisexual lesbian
mary: she/her, bisexual
marlene: she/her, lesbian
regulus: he/him, trans, gay
dorcas: she/they, genderqueer, unlabeled
barty: he/they/it, boyflux, pansexual & hypersexual
evan: he/they, bigender, biromantic asexual
pandora: she/her, trans, pansexual
emmeline: she/her, grayromantic omnisexual
benjy: he/they, trans, bisexual
+ some other headcanons about them being queer together <3
sirius being VERY into labels and remus hating them with a passion and them learning to see each other's perspective
pandora and evan are mtf and ftnb (bigender) and they literally just switched names at like age 4. their parents didn't notice and only barty, reg, and dorcas know
remus helping evan feel less insecure about their top surgery scars :)
rem and dorcas bonding over being unlabeled
james helping dorcas figure out that she's genderqueer
emmeline and peter becoming friends after finding out that they're both arospec omnis
barty feeling really validated when people actually use it/its for it and the people who DO use all his pronouns being his favorite (no im not projecting lol what)
evan and james bond over being asexual (also lily)
benjy is the awkwardest bisexual to ever bi. i just think you should know. also he's adorable
pandora and lily date for about 2 seconds before they break up and pandora becomes lily's wingwoman in her quest to date mary
remus and benjy are both awkward asf so they go on one date and realize immediately they have negative chemistry and now they're best friends
pandora randomly adopts benjy and he just goes with it and carries her books around also they kiss
jegulus who have been dating this whole time (sirius somehow managed to realize they liked each other without noticing his crush on remus, truly something only he could do) and who are super subtle unless you're looking for clues that they're together
also bc this is a university au i'll say who's rooming with who: james & reg, sirius & peter, remus & benjy, mary & pandora, lily & marlene, dorcas & emmeline, evan & barty
(for the record james and reg sleep in separate beds because reg refuses to be woken up at "the asscrack of dawn" every day when james goes for their morning run)
remus, lily, and reg being besties
peter being in a qpr with evan & barty and having sex w barty (evan will literally sit on the bed next to them and read while they're going at it)
they start a queer club btw.
anyway that's all for now
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total-drama-atlas · 1 year
Character Headcanons
this is just sexuality and gender hcs lol but here we go! I'm going to go in first elimination order in their debut season, except for the new cast (because i haven't finished the season yet, so I dont want to spoil it for myself) which will be in the order that i remember them, then the hosts.
Ezekiel: I think he's cishet. just the homeschool stereotype and all that. but maybe he discovers something about himself between meeting alejandro and going completely feral
Eva: she's a butch lesbian. i personally think she's cis, but i could see transfem eva
Noah: gay trans man. i mean have you guys even seen his character
justin: I think he's aroace. again, i personally think justin is cis, but i could see him being trans
katie: trans lesbian. i just know it okay
tyler: he's bi. he absolutely had a crush on alejandro. you can't change my mind. i also think he's cis but again, i could see him being transmasc
izzy: shes transfem. of course. and i think she's a lesbian, but i could see her being bi or pan. assuming she's lesbian, her relationship with owen could either be just strategy or comphet. you decide
cody: have you seen the way that boy dresses? trans man bisexual disaster.
beth: personally, i think she gives cishet vibes, but i could see her possibly being bi and/or transfem.
sadie: obviously lesbian. she and katie are in love. of course. and idk if she's cis or trans. i could see either. but I think she is also trans. t4t
courtney: as much as i love duncney... i think courtney is lesbian. i think she has extreme comphet and she doesn't realize her sexuality until wt, and then doesn't come to terms with it and accept herself until all stars. but i think she's cis
harold: transfem harold is canon. to me. idk their sexuality tho. i could see them as omni or pan tho.
trent: bisexual trent is so real guys. again, i personally think he's cis, but I could see transmasc trent
bridgette: i could see her as transfem, but I also could see her as cis. also she gives me pan vibes but I can also see her being straight. idrk
lindsay: shes pan. i just know it okay. i personally see her as cis, but again, i could see transfem lindsay. or transmasc lindsay.
DJ: cis, aroace. he's just a really sweet guy
geoff: cis, bisexual. i just know it okay
leshawna: cis, bisexual. i just. i just know it okay
duncan: cis bisexual. he'll call you a slur tho
heather: transfem lesbian. trust me guys. i could also see her being ace tho
gwen: transfem bi. i just know
owen: cis bi. he is canonically bi btw. he had a crush on justin. it was played as a joke but. that's just what happened
blaineley: i could see her as straight or queer honestly. i personally think she's cishet.
sierra: transfem. for sure. and i think she's a lesbian with comphet. just like heather and courtney.
alejandro: I think he's cis, but i could see him being trans. also he's bi. trust me. but i mean i could see him being gay. it's plausible.
staci: she doesn't have enough screen time for me to tell. she has like. ten minutes total. but shes trans
dakota: transfem pansexual. i just know it okay
B: i think they're nb, or at the least a trans man. i mean. his deadname is a traditionally feminine name.. it lines up. they're not cis i can tell you that much. anyway i think he's aroace
dawn: genderqueer panromantic ace. just trust me okay
sam: he gives me cishet vibes, but also i could easily see him being bi or pan.
Brick: i feel like he's cis but I also like the idea of him experimenting with gender nonconformity. and as much as i like jo x brick as a ship, i also think brick is probably gay. or bi with a heavy male preference
anne maria: transfem anne maria is canon. to me. anyway she's very much bi.
mike: i feel like he's cis but i could see him as trans, and i think he's pan. i'm also treating his alters like separate characters, though i know very little about multiple personality disorder, so idk if that's exactly how that works (feel free to correct me in replies)
vito: i hc him to be cis but idk. also he's pan. if vito finds you hot, it doesn't matter what you've got going on.
Svetlana: transfem lesbian. trust me okay
chester: cishet ally.
mal: look i like the queer hcs for mal. y'all are so real for that. but i think he's cishet and homophobic and transphobic
manitoba: trans manitoba is real. to me. also he's pan. trust me y'all
jo: trans butch lesbian
scott: cis gay man
zoey: she could be either cis or trans. i think she's transfem. and also she's pan. i don't think an explanation is necessary
cameron: she was very sheltered, so i doubt she would have been exposed to LGBTQ+ stuff so she wouldn't know it at first.. but I think cam would be transfem. bc i saw a post where someone said that it would be funny if cameron realized she was trans because lightning kept calling her a "girl" and that was her awakening lol. anyway she's ace
lightning: cis gay man
beardo: he gets like ten minutes of screen time and he doesn't really talk.. cis bi
leonard: cis gay. i just know it
amy: cishet +homo/transphobic (i'll explain in a minute)
rodney: he's cis, okay. and pan. i just know it
sammy: shes transfem lesbian. trust me. That's why Amy hates her sm. it lines up with real experiences that I know people have
ella: she's bi. i just know it. but i'm not sure what their gender situation is.. but she uses she/they pronouns
Topher: cis gay man. just look at him i mean
dave: cishet. undecided on his opinion of queer people. (he decides he's an ally when he finds out sky is queer but he then declares himself homophobic when she rejects him) he would call you a slur
scarlett: transfem lesbian.
max: transmasc gay.
jasmine: transfem bi
sugar: cis lesbian
shawn: transmasc pan. i just know it okay
sky: transfem bi/pan. i just know it okay. also that's why dave decided he's homophobic and transphobic now
Tammy: trans lesbian. trust me okay
Pete: cis gay. also he's married to gerry
Gerry: cis gay. also he's married to pete
Ellody: trans lesbian. also she's dating mary
Mary: cis lesbian. also she's dating ellody
laurie: cis bisexual. also she's dating miles
miles: trans lesbian. also she's dating laurie
tom: cis gay
jen: cis lesbian
kelly: cishet ally
taylor: cishet homophobe
jay: major cishet vibes. but idk he might learn some things. once he's actually esposed to the outside world
mickey: see jay.
lorenzo: cishet. i didn't really care for the stepbros team so i haven't really put much though into it
chet: cishet. see lorenzo
rock: nonbinary bisexual. also he's dating spud
spud: trans gay man. also he's dating rock
dwayne: cishet homophobe
junior: he's like. 11. i'm not saying you can't have figured our your sexuality and gender at that age. but junior definitely hasnt
ennui: trans bi man. canonically dating crimson (and i'm keeping taht)
crimson: trans bi woman. canonically dating ennui (and Im keeping it taht way)
stephanie: cis bi woman. i just know it.
ryan: cishet ally
devin: cis bi man
carrie: cishet ally (she's a HUGE ally okay)
kitty: cis lesbian
emma: cis lesbian
josee: transfem lesbian
jacques: trans gay man
macarthur: trans butch lesbian. also she's dating sanders
sanders: cis lesbian. also she's dating macarthur
brody: cis pansexual. just trust me okay
axel: trans butch lesbian. also she's in love with nichelle
nichelle: cis femme lesbian. also she's in love with axel
emma: cis lesbian with extreme comphet
chase: cis bi man with lots of internalized homophobia. anyway he's in love with ripper
ripper: cis bi man. also he's in love with chase. (i don't like ripper or chase. they're perfect for each other tho)
wayne: cishet ally (he's canonically an ally!!)
raj: cis gay. also bowraj for life
bowie: cis gay. also bowraj for life
i need to make another block of text bc i reached the character limit lmao
scary girl/lauren: transfem lesbian. i just know it
zee: nonbinary pansexual. trust me
julia: cis lesbian. but she'll call you a slur. she's dating MK
damien: i think he's a cishet ally. but i could see him as bi
caleb: cis aroace. no i will not elaborate
millie: transfem lesbian
priya: cis lesbian
MK: nonbinary lesbian. they're dating julia
The host with the most, chris mclean: trans gay man. he'll call you a slur tho. he's married to chef
Chef Hatchet: cis gay man. he's married to chris
Don: cis gay man. he hates chris's guts.
that's every character. anyway next week it's going to be a tierlist of all the characters <3
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My girl btw if you even care (Qiu Route OC Intro Post)
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Beatrice Callegari (who later goes by Bea, and then Trixie, changing each step) is my obligatory crossover OC. She moved around a lot, but in a small area, spending the last few years before Step One in Prism Vista. She's stubbornly independent, and blames Opal for her not having any friends. She liked the city because she likes loud active places, so the quiet nature of Golden Grove puts her off, and she complains about it constantly, going as far as to refuse to admit when she likes something about it.
She like... hates boys as a kid 😭 LIKE YK HOW LITTLE GIRLS ARE LIKE EWWW BOYS
She feels the need to be better than any boy she meets, so when she meets Qiu and he genuinely impresses her it pisses her off. When Qiu tells her what his name means and she doesn't know what hers means she's like why would you ever one up me like that I hate you. She has a crush on him from the start but it manifests in like a "I hang around him because I need to impress him so he thinks I'm better than him". Qiu doesn't catch on, he just thinks they're hanging out. She gets along fine with Tamarack but they do clash in Step One because she tends to treat everyone like they're less capable, like she parents her friends and it can come across as infantilization 😭
Because of her issues with boys her and Ren beef hardcore in Step One, and she doesn't really understand why it bothers her so much when Qiu sides with Ren over her. She also HATES Baxter but she will heal, trust 🤞
Step Two Bea is a MENACE. She wants so badly to be better than she was, but with Tama and Qiu going through their teen angst phases it basically like annoys her? Like she is trying to be better but she's very emotional and set off really easily. This leads to her having trouble keeping friends because of her trouble keeping her outbursts in check. She does get better at this over the course of the step, but it's basically a consequence of her suddenly deciding she's not gonna be that mean kid anymore.
She is really protective over Tamarack in this step. This causes some issues when Qiu and Tama clash, because Bea does defend Tamarack, but not out of any genuine anger towards Qiu. She just misses the way Qiu used to be and it makes her mad that other people effected them the way they did. This step is also where the majority of healing with Opal happens, which I'm not gonna talk about too much until I can play more of the step.
Also !!!! Her gender journey is effected a lot by Qiu in Step Two. She still uses she/her in Step Two (she's genderqueer and uses all pronouns after this) but she already knows that something isn't right here. She won't say anything because she has this paranoid obsession with the idea that people will think she's 'copying' Qiu due to how small the town is. She goes by Bea because she hates her birth name and figured it'd be easy to explain, but she still doesn't like it.
In Step Three, they go by Trixie. Fun fact this name was actually chosen by Qiu who called her that once as a joke, but she ends up liking it so much she keeps it. At his point he's accepted his emotions as part of him, and reached a sort of healthy middle between letting everything show and repressing until he snaps. This manifests in the form of almost constant snark and sarcasm.
This is the point where he gets into cosmetology. As a baby punk she did a lot of research into things like DIY and upcycling clothes but found she had a knack for cutting and styling hair. They love makeup and dyeing hair but won't dye their own because of the damage it can do to naturally red hair. (Side note, that one pic of those two girls where like one is sitting on the others lap and doing her makeup- that's Trix and Qiu.)
He doesn't give up on his aggressive protective instinct, even if Tama insists she doesn't need to be protected. He gets along a lot better with his mom, and even though he still misses the city a ton, he gets a sort of attachment to Golden Grove. (She's literally like there is one good small town.)
Most of this is open to change as the game comes out, but I am really excited about their character since I don't do OCs that don't like people much, especially their parents.
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So I finally showed my mum Nimona today! I knew she’d enjoy it, and she did!
But afterwards she was like “I’m not sure why the knights had to have a romantic relationship besides that it’s nice to have the representation… I just feel like not everything needs a romance. Does it add anything, for it to be romantic?”
(this is not latent homophobia btw I know my mum and her stated reasoning was genuine)
So I started talking about how with Nimona herself as a gender fluidity allegory, having Ballister as a gay man raised in this restrictive society draws some good parallels to how the conservative establishment tries to pry the queer community apart, divide and conquer, and Bal doesn’t understand Nimona at first and thinks she’s ‘too much’, but once he learns to trust her knowledge of herself and recognizes the institutions (ha) are going to throw them both away equally he manages to be there for her and be exactly the support she needs
and two interesting things came of this conversation
First of all, my mum just kinda blinked at me at the end of it and then went “…that’s really insightful, and you’re right. That is a good reason for it to be a romantic relationship.” So that felt good.
But the other thing is that when I first mentioned Nimona as genderfluid she kinda cocked her head at me, so I laid that out a bit, talking about their conversation in the alley, needing to be able to shift and have all the different versions of her acknowledged as her, the “I’m Nimona”, being externally called a monster for not fitting into the boxes, etc
and she gave me this curious look and said kind of carefully
“I think that’s something that would be really clear to a genderqueer or genderfluid person, and I’m glad it’s there.”
which is lovely and I think it translates to
“my genderfluid child noticed something in this movie that went completely over my head”
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mostautisticangel · 5 months
You're an angel to me
intro post ₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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Most of my info can be found here
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Welcome to my blog~!
My name is Cyris but I'm a system so it varies a lot. pls ask before referring to me xx
I'm a genderqueer transmasc boy + pansexual + probably aspec i'm not sure
I prefer neopronouns over anything else, specifically kit/kitself
i'm a fox therian :3
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my oc blogs
I like writing so you'll see me reblog those posts and talk about it a lot! you won't be able to waterboard my ao3 out of me tho /srs
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mutual tags! (if u want a tag/ to change ur tag dm me!!)
My lovely darling partner @i-am-an-arson-enthusiast - #sweet baby ray
My friend Asher!! @bassguitarinablackt-shirt - #oceans best starboy
My friend Mortem!! @tboymagnus - #la creatura
My platonic wife and irl bestie @aubreymonobry - #my muse
My friend Nym!! @sort-of-dying - #the snek
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my personal tags!
original posts - #cyris being cringe
my art - #cyris makes stuff
liveblogging - #live cyris reaction
answering asks - #cyris answers
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important things:
plsplspls use tonetags i WILL misread ur messages
pls give me tws for bugs, medical needles/syringes and excessive gore (blood is ok, just not the wound itself)
i am a very annoying and cringe individual. i didnt unlearn shame. i never learned it in the first place. so brace yourself
when i say cringe i mean it btw
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interests/hobbies: writing, drawing, making music, listening to music, video games, fanfiction, sewing, crochet, and fashion
fandoms: genshin impact, stranger things, good omens, bungou stray dogs, hazbin hotel/helluva boss, deltarune/undertale, doctor who, toh, gravity falls, voltron, she-ra, amphibia, the dragon prince, disney descendants
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this user boxes uwu
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