#shit it's not legal theory anymore
cokezuko · 1 year
Red Robin has a podcast
The first episode was made after he got benched from patrol with an injury while quickly getting hundreds of listeners eager for episode two, then he just keeps making them.
They don’t really have any real theme to them, mostly just Tim ranting about what his latest hyperfixation/annoyance/case had taken his sleep schedual away this time.
Viewers have also taken note of this and will have running bets on how deranged this weeks episode would get:
He once gave an hour long rant on how to legally get rid of a shitty neighbor, at one point describing how to make an exploding glitter bomb and giving colorful examples of what to put inside of it, such as rotten milk or fish.
Another episode he was near screaming after dick had eaten Tim’s jolly ranchers and one episode where he seamed to just be too exhausted to emote anymore and so sleepy that his voice was nearly whispering while he talked about the differences between different types of snow before going silent for a whole minute till finally saying “holy shit… I think I just solved string theory…” and then furious white board sounds before finally a thump, the track cuts to a much more awake sounding Red Robin
“It’s the next day. I did not solve string theory, I did however create one of the most algorithmically perfect snow cone recipient in existence.”
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
I've had a consistent thought in my head of the girls learning more about the upside down.
Like they know a bit: uncle Dustin still lives in Hawkins doing research on something, they've seen their dads and they know about the scars and their disabilities. They know something happened to their entire family and they know there was an earthquake that wasn't really an earthquake. But they've never learned more than that and they'll never know the details as long as Steve and Eddie have a say.
But at some point, each of them realizes that the monster hunter jokes that their dads make aren't really jokes.
In general, I think Steve and Eddie’s sentiment surrounding how they address the not-so-pleasant aspects of their past with their daughters is that they won’t lie (because that’ll only come back to bite them in the ass later), but they’re also only going to tell them as much of the truth as they literally need to.
Not that Moe knows any of this.
All Moe really knows is that her dads went through some scary-ass shit when they were her age and they don’t really talk about it.
Still, Moe has eyes. Maybe she didn’t realize it when she was little, but even just the sheer amount of scar tissue her dads have isn’t exactly normal. When she asks where they got them, though, all they ever say is that a monster tried to eat them.
Moe also knows that the reason Pop doesn’t usually join them on shopping trips at the mall is because they can trigger bad migraines, and she knows the reason he gets migraines in the first place is that he’d taken too many hits to the head in too short a time, but when she asks how he’d gotten a concussion and then a TBI and then two more concussions in the span of four years he always just says something like picked a fight with the wrong Russian spy, or something like that.
And it’s public knowledge that Dad was accused of murder when he was in high school and nearly died before the charges got dropped, but when she asks about what happened, he gives her some spiel about curses and demons and portals to alternate dimensions and monsters (again, with the monsters).
They’re kidding, Moe knows. They’re giving obviously fake answers because…well, for a lot of reasons, she can imagine– not wanting to relive whatever actually happened, not wanting to put their own trauma onto Moe and her sisters.
Honestly, Moe doesn’t really even bother asking about it anymore because they clearly don’t want to talk about it, and if it really was that bad, she can’t even blame them. Besides, she’s pretty sure that dads are supposed to be total mysteries to their kids, so…whatever.
The story of what happened in Hawkins, Indiana starts to gain some public attention again while Moe is in high school – one of those true crime conspiracy theory-type stories people make Reddit threads and YouTube videos about, and apparently (because Moe has no interest, but Robbie likes that kind of stuff) Dad almost always comes up in them, Pop sometimes.
Around that time is when Moe’s dads start to get all kinds of media requests – not that Pop had any idea. He’s basically chronically offline, so no one is really able to track him down other than finding his work email on Psychology Today, but he’s got filters set up to send that shit to spam so he doesn’t even have to see it. Dad, on the other hand, is (supposedly) well-known for his books or whatever, so he doesn’t have the same kind of anonymity. He got all sorts of calls and emails from people wanting his first-hand account, but he always refused to participate, told them to lose his number and never contact him or his family ever again.
That’s the kind of thing that really rattled Pop – Moe didn’t like that. He’s kind of an immovable object in that way, so seeing him rattled just seemed wrong.
They’d even needed to threaten legal action against one online tabloid who just wouldn’t leave them alone – not that Moe is supposed to know about that, but she’d eavesdropped on a phone call between her dads and Uncle Dustin, who seems to exist as a central point in it all even if Moe doesn’t know why (maybe it has something to do with how her dads always complaining about how he still works for that lab, whatever that means).
“Are you ever gonna tell us what really happened?” Moe asks one day, when it’s just her and Pop in the car on their way home from a basketball tournament in Connecticut.
He sighed, not taking his eyes off the road.
“Hon, can I ask you to stop and consider that maybe we have been?”
And for her dad’s sake, she does, she makes herself run through the mental log of all the lore or whatever she’s unlocked over the years.
Monsters, Russian spies, superpowers, demon-animals, curses, portals to alternate realities, government corruption, evil scientists.
Bullshit, she’d always thought, but…her dad had never bullshitted her before. Why would he choose to start with this?
Moe looked back at him, some kind of question on the tip of her tongue even though she had no idea what to ask, and this time, Pop spared a glance back.
“I’m not telling you everything,” he warned her as he looked back at the highway stretching out endlessly ahead of them, and Moe tried to keep any signs of disappointment off her face, “But I’ll tell you some.”
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sgt-tombstone · 1 month
imagine task force 141 as a band. which instruments would everyone play?
I feel like a lot of people have thrown in their two cents on this so I won't have anything really groundbreaking to add, but I'll definitely add my thoughts!
Soap is the bass player and sometimes does backup vocals, but his main job is to get shirtless and rock out like it's nobody's business. He's the most animated on stage and loves the attention from the fans, especially when he gets a little (a lot) sexy with it. He's an attractive man and he knows it, and he's going to use it to his advantage.
Gaz is the lead singer. He's the heartthrob of the band, even though he refuses to believe it. He and Soap constantly bounce jokes and quips back and forth to each other between sets, and he loves engaging with the audience as much as he can. He used to love crowd surfing, too, but he got dropped one time and Price doesn't let him do it anymore.
Ghost is the drummer. He sits at the back of the stage, out of the spotlight, and keeps an eye on his team. He wears a skull mask and all black and the fans absolutely eat it up. There are a million and one theories about who he is, what his name is, what he looks like, etc, and the band refuses to confirm or deny any of them. No one has ever heard him say a word, but they know he can talk, because he occasionally pulls Soap or Gaz down to whisper something in their ear between songs. His wiki page is almost completely blank, and any fan theories that get submitted very quickly get taken down because Soap fact-checks the page religiously (which leads to fan uproar whenever someone adds a random fact that actually stays up, indicating that it's true).
Price is, of course, the band manager. He organizes everything; venues, contracts, tours, etc. He's fiercely protective of his boys and will absolutely go to bat for them over the smallest things. He's the type of manager who will add tiny details into their show contracts to make sure the venue staff actually read and pay attention to them (if there isn't a pack of Hobnobs for Ghost waiting for them backstage, they don't play the show, because it means that the venue didn't read their safety requests either). He has a bad habit of smoking cigars backstage, and he has just as many die hard fans as the main members of the band, despite never appearing on stage.
Laswell is their lawyer, and god help anyone who tries to fuck with them. She and Price work very closely to make sure that their boys are always protected, and she takes even less shit than Price does. She doesn't travel with them, and in fact isn't even based in the same country, but she's the only one Price trusts to get them out of any sticky legal situations, which she does flawlessly and without fail. Whenever they go on tour, they make sure to plan a stop in the city where she lives and they always dedicate the show to her.
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anthurak · 3 months
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For a while now, it seems that the most popular, or at least most VOCAL, theory about the ‘Goetia Trial’ that we’ve gotten hints towards is that this is Stolas’s and Stella’s divorce hearings and/or a custody battle over Octavia. With Stella’s and Andrealphus’s ‘evil plan’ being to somehow turn Octavia against Stolas.
The thing is, as I brought up in my theory post on how Season 2 (and Stolitz) is going to end, I think it’s far more likely that the trial is actually all about Andrealphus and Stella dragging Stolas up on all the ‘less than legal’ shit he’s been doing in an attempt to get him stripped of his position and power as a Prince.
For one, the whole ‘custody battle’ theory feels particularly head-scratching when we consider that neither Stella nor Andrealphus have been shown to really care all that much about Octavia, certainly where their scheming is concerned. Stella cares nothing for the inheritance and just wants Stolas dead while Andrealphus seems to not give a crap about Stolas and is looking to do a straight power-grab. Now while some people might envision their plan as looking to manipulate Octavia as some kind of ‘puppet heir’, I think that is missing some very KEY details:
For one, it’s clear in Western Energy that Andrealphus specifically wants to AVOID Octavia inheriting everything from Stolas, otherwise he wouldn’t have convinced Stella to call off the hit on Stolas.
And even more substantially, the whole idea of a ‘custody battle’ kind of MISSES a very key detail of how much the show has stressed that Octavia is NOT A CHILD ANYMORE.
That was the point of Loo Loo Land, the point of Seeing Stars and Stolas himself even says as much in his argument with Stella in The Circus. In fact, going off the timeline that the show has implied with a number of episodes set on Earth, Octavia actually HAS to be at least eighteen at this point. As in, given that Octavia’s age being seventeen was revealed in pre-series promotional material, we kind of have to assume she’s seventeen in Loo Loo Land. Then we have Spring Broken (March), The Harvest Moon Festival (September), Unhappy Campers (July) (this is actually shown on a flyer for Millie’s show) and now Apology Tour being set on Halloween (October), meaning that we are over a year and a half AT LEAST since Loo Loo Land.
Heck, if the present-day portions of The Circus (and by extension, Ozzie’s and Queen Bee) take place prior to Halloween that year, then it’s possible that Octavia could have just turned NINETEEN as of Apology Tour.
The point being that it makes little sense for there to be some big ‘custody battle’ over Octavia, especially if Andrealphus is out for a power-grab on Stolas’s assets. Sure maybe they could manipulate Octavia, but at the same time Stella and Andrealphus would have no actual power over Octavia, meaning that she could shut them out anytime she wanted, AND would have all the power and resources to ensure there would be nothing they could do about it.
Instead, as I brought up in my previous theory post, I think it’s FAR more likely that Andrealphus’s and Stella’s plan is actually to drag Stolas up on all the questionably legal stuff he’s been doing in an attempt to get him stripped of his power and status as a Prince. Most notably bringing up the whole ‘loaning his grimoire to an IMP’ thing, which is something I have to imagine the other Goetia would take some BIG fucking issue with.
For one, I think this makes WAY more sense as a power-grab for Andrealphus. Because Stolas being found incompetent and unworthy of his position and being stripped of his power and status could likely ALSO invalidate Octavia as a viable heir to his position. Meaning that everything Stolas has would go to Stella instead, who in turn would almost certainly pass off all that power and responsibility to Andrealphus.
More than any of that though, I think this option makes WAY more sense THEMATICALLY. Because it effectively puts Stolas’s turbulent and dysfunctional relationship with Blitzo in center stage as the source of the conflict. Which in turn has Stolas having to recognize all the problems HE brought to their relationship that everyone has been complaining about ‘not being addressed’.
As the finale of the season, I think it makes perfect sense that the Trial would force Stolas to confront, and own up to the many mistakes he’s made, to his peers, to Octavia, and to Blitzo. Which in turn would be the perfect resolution to where he started this season in The Circus.
Finally, as I brought up in the theory post, I think it’s very possible we could see Stolas abdicate his position and allow Octavia to inherit everything. For one, it’s been brought up twice this season that Octavia is by now fully capable of inheriting Stolas’s position. We’ve also seen Octavia be just as interested in and passionate about celestial studies as Stolas.
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And then we have this rather interesting shot from the trailer of Octavia catching a falling mote of purple light, which could definitely represent, or at least hint at, Stolas leaving his power to her.
All in all, I think this whole fixation on the Goetia trial being a divorce hearing/custody battle feels a bit too much like headcanon-fixation and dramawanking rather than something more based on what the story has been actually showing and telling.
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anthroposeen · 5 months
tmagp 13 relisten notes!!
there are spoilers for episode 13 below the cut!
- admits to sam that she asked alice for advice and general information about him. this implies she has a pretty friendly relationship with alice (evidenced by alice buying her a mocha) and seems relatively unthreatened by her past with sam so far.
- "no one, im mysterious" -> evidence for her not being from this dimension, if no one can give a lot of information about her
- reveals jack is her baby! (not followed by a glitch)
- says the past couple years "since the move" (between dimensions?) were weird for her
- believes the incidents they work with are real, and im certain shes in the same boat as the audience rn, trying to categorize them with background knowledge that isnt accurate anymore
- easy to make blush, doesnt know how cute he is, is an overachiever, obsessive, a but repressed, nosy, kind of a recluse, and very easy to wind up
- gifted kid syndrome poster child; he seems to view being turned away by the magnus institute as the beginning of his rejection streak (not admitted to oxford, didnt get first, got fired from his legal firm). i think this will be a major point in his motivations and a fear of rejection and need for validation is going to drive him to receive the greatness he wants (and believes he has earned). i can already see a corruption arc brewing for him, poor thing
- did NOT tell celia about his experiences in the institute or what his "incident" was (referring to lena's interview where she asked him what the worst thing he's seen/experienced was). this isnt super sketchy considering its a first date, but is interesting since he was the one who wanted "all the baggage" out early
- he doesn't want to accept that the incidents are real, but i think he does believe in them. he brought the topic up to celia and has asked alice about it before too, so he may be aware that the incidents are real, but is unwilling to fully conceptualize what that means for himself and his world view
- says that alice doesnt love the idea of him seeing celia, which means he may have picked up on her feelings for him
- feels guilty over instigating the mr.bonzo incident -> whats really interesting is that she doesnt threaten to quit or not be involved, she accepts that she gas another email to look through and another external to interact with, but it seems to upset her
- she asks lena why this (externals and mr bonzo murder) is happening, implying that she can stomach the work if its for a reason
- gives gwen the ABCs of genre-awareness:
- this dimension also has "opposing forces- most of them meaning to be harmful.
- these "forces" need to be "balanced" and controlled in order to maintain order in the world/system -> still working off of a smirke-esque theory that retaining balance will keep the world secure. i dont know if she means balance between forces of good and evil or forces in the supernatural sense
- says the OIAR is managing the bad guys, as in monitoring their actions and directing externals to "balance" things
- actually offended that sam doesnt want to share information with her and isnt having a good time knowing sam and celia are seeing each other
- tells sam "he cant prove anything" about the cases being real, but doesnt tell him hes wrong
- i would fling myself from a sky scraper for you, miss dyer, but please never say bussin or fire again
- "stop trying to make an impact" -> the more she tells sam to cut the x-files shit out, the more she stops protesting his suspicions. her scolding has gone from "nothing is going on, chill out" to "sure, theres a conspiracy, but we are paid to ignore it"
alice/sam's past:
- dated at uni, previously stated they were together for several years. it seems to have been a decent split since they stayed in contact afterward.
- sam was there for her when her parents died, but lost contact after
- she contacted him w the OIAR job details after he made an exceptionally pathetic vague post
- centered around gambling and self harm to achieve success- this draws ties to episode 2 (self harm) and episode 9 (luck). i expect this is more aligned with ep 9, as the self harm seems to be in the interest of changing his odds/luck, and the incident is primarily about gaining external success, not physical change. though, ep 2 could be a personal experience with ink5oul that is not representative with their "force"
- the narrator of this statement was quick to actively sacrifice his own well being to achieve better luck, which is a pretty stark contrast to other people who looked to harm other people in their own interest (violin guy and dice guy, i forgot their names sorry!!)
- zorro trader may be a reoccurring organization in relation to gambling
- the narrators options for his debt were to either pay it back or have a personal adjustment, once he completes the voicemail he is transferred to the adjustments apartment, which was not an option on the original call log and something he did not request
- he is promptly adjusted :)
- i think this could be related to the theme of keeping balance, since the incident narrator claims it isnt wrong to play with the loophole, and it ends with him getting what he owes, which is a nice connection to lena's explanation of the OIAR's purpose
- "im happy you're happy", alice (she is not happy that sam is with celia!!)
extra comments:
- i really didnt expect an explanation of the OIAR and its position in this so early, and im surprised lena was the one to reveal it. this exposes that shes pretty open with the staff she feels are on a need-to-know basis, and it also changes my expectations for how we'll come across a big reveal in this series, since information is being given in a more open way
- i think alice and celia definitely know something but in opposing ways- acting as foils to each other with sam (information seeker) in the middle. celia knows about how the fears work in the tma dimension, and alice knows why and what the OIAR are really doing- together, they solve the puzzle that sam is trying to piece together.
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irreverententity · 3 months
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── .✦ M Y B L O G
hello hello hello *tips hat* My name is Sirius but u can call me pads, z, or generational disappointment if you’re my family ! I’m legally 18 with the body of an 80 yr old
ıllı my blog will be chaotic and include everything from fit checks to anti-capitalism/facism rambles to hozier is jesus conspiracy theories to dying on the destiel was the og queerbaiting hill. this is my brain in a blog. everything will be tagged accordingly but buckle up anyway. I do have mental health issues which may be offhandedly mentioned and could be potentially triggering but that’s NOT what this blog is for. [if you’re here from my vent blog haiiii :D if you want my vent blog just dm :)]
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── .✦ A B O U T M E
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     
he/him/his they/them/theirs
xe/xem/zyr it/its/its
de/demon/demons fall/fallen/falls
imp/imp/imp star/star/stars
sin/sin/sins ze/zem/zyr
✦ .      . ˚ . . ✦ ˚
I generally identify as a problem. I’m queer, polyamorous, and have a qpp <3 gender wise…idfk anymore, but I use the labels nonbinary/transmasc/boycreature. I generally present as masc or androgynous but once i transition I plan on presenting more feminine bc I like to hoard all the genders 🤲🏼 (if you’re reading this, check your pockets, your gender may have been stolen)
I’m chronically ill (h-EDS + POTS) and disabled (autistic) !
random shit: i’m vegan, punk, a chronic caffeine/energy drink consumer, and if you haven’t guessed cliché — but there aren’t enough peer reviewed emo pre-teen claire’s rejected peircings haver bitches in the world anymore.
use tone tags with me !!
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     
✦ = current special interest ・
☓﹐⊂⊃﹒➜ interests: peircings/body mods, kinks/bdsm, crafting/patch work, bone collecting, cryptids, norse&greek mythology, art, writing, editing, sleeping, dead dove fanfiction, watching movies, doom scrolling + more
☓﹐⊂⊃﹒➜ my fandoms: ✦ doctor who, ✦ supernatural, ✦ good omens, helluva boss/hazbin hotel, yaelokre, sherlock, house m.d, the walking dead, lucifer, five nights at freddy’s, the marauders era (hp), marvel, star wars, star trek, arcane, the umbrella academy, shameless, the flash, the arrow + I like a lot of other fandoms that are dead/were never really fandoms/I enjoy the films but I’m not in the fandom
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── .✦N A V I G A T I O N
do not interact. tagging system.
kintypes. credits.
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Hai Jenn, i know maybe you didnt want to answer to this but its worth to try 😂. I always love your take on chris drama cause you always been so neutral all along. So im just curious, on your personal opinion what is all this? Do you think since beginning they always been real? And the PR theory is only the fandom denying that they are dating? Tbh i always think they are, im not denying they are dating but the wedding news is kinda shock me, cause if i see their rs these past two years they giving casual rs but not serious one. Both of them is also didnt give the vibe that they are ready for marriage.
Whew…where to start with this one 😂 I know there’s 10k theories out there, and we may never know honestly.
I think, my personal opinion, it started off as a PR thing. We can’t deny the multiple UTA girls he followed all around the same time in 2020.
We can also say that just because it’s “PR” doesn’t mean real feelings or actions won’t take place.
I question more those timelines more than anything 😂 that living together in Atlanta for a year is a load of shit. Not going to say how I know that, because here’s the thing, it doesn’t matter anymore.
What matters is right now. He chose to align himself with this woman. He chose to continue to align himself with her and her friends. He chose to get married. I know some will say it was a ceremony and not a real wedding, but it doesn’t matter if it’s legally binding. He chose to put out there that they are married.
Now, it is his fans to figure out how they feel about that and how they proceed. I know some of my mutuals are dealing with separating the actor from the characters, some are pissed, some don’t care, some are just meh. I also think that’s how the GP feels, too.
What I will say, and what I have said from the beginning is I don’t think there is real deep feelings involved from either one of them. I think they both have this weird way of showing they care. Both of them have publicly humiliated each other in some way.
I can say it’s weird. I can say I don’t buy the timeline they’re selling. I can think they’re both idiots. But it is not my life to live. They have to be the ones to look at themselves in the mirror. If they got married for the wrong reason, that’s their deal.
I’ll leave with the saying, not my circus, and not my monkeys. I’ve got my own circus to deal with. Stop putting him and other celebrities on impossible pedestals. They are flawed humans just like we all are. We’re never going to know what is fully going on and we aren’t owed that. Take it for what it is.
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infernothechaosgod · 11 months
you know it truly amazes me how you can't do practicly anything on tiktok or search the thing you like without getting absolutley shat on
Like I'm feeling a little in the mood for rottmnt angst A lil bit of that kick in the gut, and I can't go 3 minutes without one of those made in 5 minutes max videos that's just background video and text over it Saying shit like "Yall need to stop with the rottmnt angst it's getting annoying" or "the rottmnt angst artist need to chill out" or even better "The rottmnt fandom needs to stop the angst it's just a show for kids"
First off, if angst isn't your thing, you can block it or just scroll pass it OR you know what if youre feeling like a little shit you can hate read it or whatever but keep the comments TO YOURSELF
Second off I checked what the content of most of these people is And it's always goddamn always those 10 second background videos with text over it
nothing more
I dare these people to even try to draw the shape of leo's head, or write out something more than 40 words I accualy dare them. do it.
Also the same goes for shipping over there
Let's say you see a legal completly normal ship you don't like Example let's say leo x usagi or raph x mona
What you wanna do is scroll or block it
NOT make up info to make others stop shipping it, I'm sick and tired of people non stop saying that usagi or mona are adults or that their entire characters are being love intrest in the fandom's eyes Because if you look at any of the fanfic's or fan content of those Yeah it's easy to find content where there love intrest's but it is hard to find content where there ONLY love intrest
People love mona so much for the fact that she's a badass warrior who loves her planet and people they often give her more backstory focused stories that explore how she would feel depending on where the writers story will go or already went, I have never seen anyone maker her just a typical love intrest (witch honestly suprised me)
Usagi? People have more free will with his interpretation's so he has many many diffrent faces backstories, personalities but often people make him focused on something in their stories, examples being, getting back home, protecting others, getting over something, fighting in battle nexus and exploring how it would be Etc. Etc. That mixed with being a love intrest
The only times when these two can be seen as just love intrest and nothing more is in
Edit's/tiktok content where everything is short af (and even then sometimes people give em backstories and their own lore it really amazes me sometimes lmao)
short (usualy) tagged as fluff without plot fics on ao3 (witch you can litellary tag out SO easily)
Little comics/some art pices That HAVE VERY STORT LIMITS
also this might suprise you it really might but DRAWING IS HARD AND TAKES ALOT OF TIME SAME GOES FOR MAKING THE IDEA UP
And when it comes to their ages we all know there not adults, littelary where did anyone mention mona being an aduly ever, and the only times when usagi and leo accualy interact is when there in similiar if not the same ages
(in 2003 usagi and leo are close friends and Both teens, in the early comics there both adults when they first meet, even in 1987 version there both shown to be close if not the same age, the ONLY TIME where leo and usagi have very diffrent ages is in 2012 and honestly i have a little theory on why specificly that version had them be you know that but that's for another post)
Seriously what the fuck is tiktok's problem with any form of fanon content? You want the fandom to die? It aint gonna happen, you either get used to some bad stuff existing there and there and ignoring it (reporting then ignoring it if it's really bad) OR you keep quiet OR you will get banned by alot of creators after crying in their comments, then cry when you can't find something they made anymore
Tiktok man, good for daydreaming to the sounds, looking at edits and for some art trends but litellary can't let anything else exist on there or else you'll explode
(Also I bet if some of the fanon angst made it to the accual show they would deepthroat that shit right up and call it writing of ceuntry)
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xplrvibes · 11 months
So, I don't know if any of you heard, but Sam and Colby put out a video the other day that they have been hyping up for weeks as being one that will "change the world."
And I have thoughts about that.
Now, I want to preface this with two things:
Opinions are not law. My opinion is not going to now become the de facto/definitive version of events for all of time. I'm just one dope on the internet, out of gazillions. Keep that in mind, please.
Sam and Colby are NOT on tumblr, so they will not see my opinion. Even if they were, however, they did ask for any and all opinions, theories, and possible ways to debunk what happened, so nothing I say in this is shitting in the face of their entire lives and careers.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is this- I am not trying to tear them down, shit all over them, ruin their lives, or whatever. I am one person, with one opinion- and spoiler alert: my opinion is favorable. I really did thoroughly enjoy this episode. I am very happy for them and how everything turned out. I rated it an 8/10. That's really high praise, coming from me.
My opinion just isn't exactly what 99% of the shall we call them "dedicated" fanbase is saying right now.
And that is OKAY.
Now, with all my disclaimers and legal notices out of the way, the rest of this op-ed will be behind a cut for safe keeping:
Before I get into the meat of this whole video, I want to spend some time talking about the stuff that nobody is talking about: the first 20 minutes.
First of all, can I tell you that I have never been so happy and relieved in my life that these two spent the first day there alone? I'm going to be very honest with you- one of my biggest issues with this series heading into it, was that they brought on all these people that I do not care about (no offense to the people in question) to take part in this whole thing, and I just. don't. care. anymore.
I hate these collabs. I hate them all. Even if the person winds up being nice, like Niki- I'm fucking sick of it. So so so sick of it. I don't know these people, I don't have any loyalty to them, I think 99% of them do not take this seriously and act like fools and have childish potty humor and it's been getting me to the point where I have barely made it through some of their most recent videos.
So, seeing it be only Sam and Colby...ah, what a sigh of relief.
Seeing them together without all the yelling streamers (read my opening statements if this offends) just reminds me of how great they are together when it's just the two of them with no outside influence. They really sell themselves short- they are, and can very much continue to be, the star attraction. They would do well to remember that.
Anyway, early on in this video, something kind of interesting happens that is, as per their normal MO when this happens, never really brought up again (at least in this episode)- they go upstairs and Colby very casually announces that this one particular room makes him physically ill every time he enters it.
Now, anyone who's been on my blog long enough knows that one of my biggest pet peeves about snc is that they never let Colby and his literal gut instinct cook long enough. The man has, at the very bare minimum, a great instinct for sussing out the energy and vibe of a room but they never let him fucking sit there and do it. It drives me absolutely freaking nuts.
So, this is something that I'm highlighting because I hope they get more into it in a future episode...but the thing about Colby is, as soon as all the others show up, he'll just sit in the back and let the others pretend they're psychics the whole time and never mention this again...so I do not have high hopes.
Now, they come downstairs and Colby starts declaring the dining room as a safe area for him, only to turn around and be faced with his mortal nemesis...a cheap reproduction of Robert the Doll. This brings me to my next sub-topic:
Enough with the Fucking Doll.
No seriously. Stop. Stop with the cancer conspiracy, stop apologizing to the damn doll in the youtube comments- do you really think a 150 year old doll is signing onto youtube every morning to read 10k "I'm sorry for looking at you without your permission" comments? Who has time for that? Not even an immortal doll with cancer giving powers has time for that.
They sell this thing on their website. I watched Ozzy Osbourne blow the replica up with fireworks one time. Look how he turned out (ok, maybe bad example, I don't know).
Anyway...omg, the comments. The comments are so tiring and old. Stop please.
The other thing that happened early on that I want to touch on briefly is the echoing of Colby's voice. I'll get into this a little more later, cause it's one of the things that caused me to be very wary of events that happened later, but...while weird that it only echoed on Colby, I do think there's a few different avenues of logical explanation for that, so I'm not going to chalk it up to the paranormal. It could've been an audio malfunction from Colby leaning in and yelling so loudly, or it could've been...well, I'll explain what else it could've been when I get to the rest of this trip. Stay tuned.
A couple of funny/random things from the first 20 minutes that I want to highlight:
Sam just really really really needs Colby to share a bed with him, ok.
Colby- the man who was chugging Diet Pepsi (not even real Pepsi, wtf) on a 9am livestream after only getting home and eating SUBWAY at 3am the night before: "Imagine if all we drank was Pepsi lolz"
Colby manipulating Sam into staying in the basement by pointing out that Sam has to one-up Colby...that's masterclass. That's psychology 101. That just proves that Colby is the baby brother (or girlfriend, as Kris had indicated in her podcast) in this partnership. Sam's staying in that basement lol.
Apparently, The Boys are the ones who put the money down Raggedy Andy's shirt.
Colby's proud smile after explaining how the Perrin girl "flew through the air like a frisbee"...
This whole thing with the challenges- I will reserve judgement until I see how it plays out, but I don't think it's strictly necessary.
Alright, that's enough of that. Let's get into the elephant in the room for this episode: what the fuck is this alphabet game, and is it real?
Now, before I get into the method being used, I need to set the tone here by explaining the vibe I got from the new owner of the house, as well as Satori and Cody.
This is important, because I think it shaded my opinion on this whole thing way more than I would've liked it to, but that's the problem with vibes sometimes...they just take over.
I have never seen or heard of the new owner before in my life. I know who Cody is a little bit, because the Conjuring House has a TIKTOK ACCOUNT NOW (because why wouldn't it) and I know Satori is Jason Hawes' daughter, but that's about it. So, I did not go into this with any real preconceived notions.
But, within 10 seconds of meeting the new owner, I didn't vibe with her at all.
The vibe I got was somebody that is really pushing to turn this house into a money pit tourist attraction. I mean, they have a tiktok account now. They have a campground. It's an air bnb. And she just had that "hey, I need to make my money back on this investment somehow" vibe to her. I have a feeling that, as time goes on with this house, the truth behind some of the legends such as Bathsheeba will start to disappear so that the owner of the house can push the agenda that the movie had started pushing.
Witch babies and demonic possessions sell much better than "hey the town unfairly villainized this woman cause they didn't understand her, and the Warrens were crooks who preyed on a terrified family," after all.
So, I'm already going into this with a healthy distrust of the establishment, ok? And then Satori and Cody take hands and start...running through the alphabet?
And to be honest, my initial reaction was "now what the fuck."
I mean, I have a million questions. How the hell did they even discover this in the first place? And what ghost has time to sit there and play along with this? Like, from the ghost perspective, if the guy down the street has a much easier method for communication than making my ghost ass stand around and play morse code foot stomping games, I'm keeping it moving lol.
But yea, I was immediately skeptical. This is just so easy to fake. And there is, by the way, precedent for faking this kind of stuff. Lots of precedent. And actually, there was a precedent for this very method being debunked back in the 1800's. There was a group of sisters known as the Fox Sisters who populated a very similiar method back in the 1800s. They were eventually exposed as frauds when they admitted that they snapped their joints to replicate the tapping sounds.
Now, again- I was already skeptical of the owner of the house. I had started to become skeptical of Satori and Cody when Colby went to them to ask about the echo of his voice and they gave the most guilty sounding "no" ever on record when he asked if they had any audio recording in the house (because my bet on that is that they were watching him and Sam on cctv and didn't realize the sound would also pipe through, hence the echo that stopped a second later).
So, I'm already skeptical, and then they start employing this method that was debunked back in 1850 and you can imagine where my skepticism went from there.
Now, I want everyone to understand this- I do not believe Sam and Colby were faking any of this. Sam's reaction to hearing his grandma's name is a very genuine response to having someone tell you that they are communicating with a loved one that you thought you would never speak to on this earth again. I've been there, I know what that feeling is. You cannot replicate it.
And they were doing their level best to try and debunk the footsteps and knocking noises being heard throughout this entire thing, and I applaud them for being open and upfront about that to everyone in the room.
I also want to state, for the record, that I do believe in spiritualism in some form, and in the paranormal in some form. I am not a skeptic.
I do, however, know there are a lot of people out there who will use people's emotions against them and fake things like this for attention, clout, money, etc. It happens. So, skepticism in this situation is not unfounded.
Also, something else I'd like to point out- all of the information provided about the people they contacted is readily available and easy to find online. Sam has spoken about his grandmother several times over the years and her nickname, Libby, was in her obituary, which is accessible online. Sam's siblings' names are public knowledge. I, as a somewhat casual fan, have actually known about and have even seen a picture of Frank Brock before this episode aired.
This stuff is out there. It's searchable. It's not hard to find. Even Zach Bell, their producer- give me 10 minutes and I'm sure I could find some information on him, public figure or not. I would never do that, cause I'm not a creep- but someone could.
So...all of that is what is running through my head while this is going on. While I found it interesting, and truly do hope that nobody would be cruel enough to use someone like a beloved grandparent against someone in that manner, it does have to be said that there are just so, so many easy avenues for faking this. I was interested, intrigued, but not 100% on board with it being real.
For Sam's sake, and for Colby's parents' sakes, I hope all of this is true and not some kind of scam to schill tickets to go stay at the Conjuring House. And that's where I'm going to leave that.
Now, a few other things I found either interesting or funny that I would like to point out about Sam and Colby's paranormal ancestry.com journey here, before we move on:
Colby did not know Frank Brock, but then a minute later was like, "Oh yea, I did ancestry.com and I know Frank Brock!" Is he ok? Should we send him to get his cognitive memory ability tested?
Colby's whole entire family coming through and asking him to pass messages along to everyone else...kind of sweet, kind of sad. I wonder who in his lineage is watching out for him, and not Lesa and Layne and Bob and whoever else.
But hey, happy for him that he now has something to bring up at the family Christmas party lol.
Ok, so if anyone is still here reading this- cause damn is this thing long- I just want to really quickly wrap this up by touching on their later attempts to debunk this whole thing. Again, I applaud them for trying, and that really did go a long way to help a lot of people, and make them look more credible in everyone's eyes. I give them all the kudos in the world for that.
I don't love that they outed that random private citizen teacher lady's private info all over the internet, but guess what? When I google her, the first thing that comes up is an article talking about her death in connection to the Conjuring House so...take that how you will.
Anyway, I truly, truly hope, for their sake and their families, that this is real and not a scam being conducted by the people running that house. I will be brokenhearted for them if it is.
Now, my final thoughts on the matter: do I think this was a fantastic video? Yes, actually, I was quite pleasantly surprised. I was getting to the point of not wanting to watch it because of all the over-hyping they were doing, but I'm glad I did watch this, because it was really well put together, very interesting and intriguing, and definitely makes a mark.
Do I think it was life changing? No. To them, it was, but this method has been around in some way, shape or form for a long time, Satori and Cody have apparently done it on Ghost Hunters before, and talking to psychics to communicate with the other side has been a well documented phenomenon since dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Nonetheless, it was a fantastic start, and I do hope this momentum keeps up when the screaming streamers come to town.
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shrimpngritcakes · 1 year
Just a few random Timber based prompts I don't have time to write up myself so I'm tossing them out.
Bruce p.o.v.
Bruce goes to officially meet Bernard's parents at some event WE is hosting.
Bernard's parents don't realize he's behind them when they make a few "choice comments" about Tim (and Bernard) despite the person they're speaking with trying to signal them to stop talking.
"Brucie" Wayne proceeds to kill them with "kindness" before banning them from all things WE related.
After escorting them out to the parking lot, the act drops and "Bruce" lets them really have it. He has the means to destroy them, so leave Tim's name out of their mouths. "No, he's a legal adult. You have no say. None. You can't force him to do what you want anymore. If you won't support him, I will."
(Bernard in his head, "Am I a Robin now?")
A massive Arkham breakout causes the Bats to focus on their capture. Someone uses the distraction to up their own plans. Oracle contacts Bernard, who ends up running around in a combination of Spoiler and Robin uniforms kept at Tim's with Barbara in his ear. "You know I already knew, right?" "No, but you're explaining that later."
Bonus if he captures one of the Arkham villians. "I don't have time for your shit."
Stephanie has no clue what they're talking about when she returns to Gotham. Barbara can't "find" any clue to their identity.
Bernard convinces the Waynes to play frisbee golf during a picnic. They all play dumb except Dick who uses his circus experience as an explanation. Bruce is suspicious after Bernard says, "Oh for... I know you can do better than this!"
Later, the Bats get into a heated game using their weapons after someone makes an offhand comment about winning by a landslide if they had played earlier.
Tim doesn't realize Bernard has been kidnapped again until video pops up showing Gotham citizens "the identity of Batman." Oracle is searching for them while Bernard makes shit up and being his conspiracy theory self ("Some people think its *random name* online, but..."). While the villain is ranting at the camera, Bernard looks away and mumbles under his breath for "flyboy" to come rescue him before he's coerced into "telling the truth about BW."
But it's not Kon who shows up. "He knows, Tim." "Huh?" "He had to have said something big to get Clark to answer him."
Clark "flukes" his way into freeing Bernard. "Oh, sorry!" after hitting one of the goons upside the head with his tablet. "Accidentally" slipping in water, etc. Bruce, "Do you and Lois rehearse these situations?"
"Yo, Gotham. Listen. I don't know who they are. I just work in a restaurant where they stop for food every so often. That's it. The deli down the street gives them free stuff, too. The coffeeshop gives them drinks! Just because we give them things doesn't mean we know who they are! So all you villians who want to capture us can piss right the fuck off."
Bernard reluctantly goes on a "working" ski vacation with his parents to "keep up appearances." An avalanche buries him. Yelling out for any super to get him out begins the secret that everyone, except the bats, knows Bernard knows. Hijinks ensue until Bruce figures it out.
Bernard says he'll wait for Tim to tell him on his own.
Until he's left in the presence of Brucie Wayne for too long while waiting for Tim to get something from his old room.
"Okay. I'm done. This is just too disturbing. Mr. Wayne, for the love of... Please drop the act. I can't take it anymore."
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
I think my asks are getting into your inbox late somehow. maybe that's my internet or it's probably just tumblr being tumblr BUT ANYWAY. yeah...this is going to be so so bad. And I get Pocket got triggered hearing his voice and lo and behold Joana is still following him like a puppy because I truly do think there's no interaction between those two anymore apart from her trying to get his attention and him just always trying to get away (or maybe i'm putting too much fate on Brenan). And I usually don't mind Pocket fucking her feelings away, like I'm not saying it's the healthiest way to cope but go and do your thing. But, and correct me if i'm misremembering this, isn't he just a tad bit too young for her? I mean, he's legal and everything and it won't really matter if it's just a quick fuck if you really think about it. But why do I have a bad feeling about it? Like is this guy to be trusted or is there something fishy going on here? Or could that just be me being paranoid? LMAO. I can't explain it but I just really have a baaddd feeling about it.
I stated in my previous ask about Hydra being connected to the strip club somehow and well, I was right again. Though, my theory on them experimenting on these women could still be wrong tho and i really hope I am. But, again this is a theory, if Juniper is actually a Hydra agent, Pocket just put so many people in danger by blurting out that they now know Hydra is connected to the strip club. Like so many things could've gone wrong with that IF she is in cahoots with them. But, she also could just be an annoying bitch all on her own lmao.
But ah, Beatrice calling in. I mean there's really not much for me to say about that small cameo. The part were he still calls her "my girl" though is both sweet and a little annoying sometimes lmao. Like, i don't think he's still understanding the weight of what's he's done thinking that he still has a chance with Pocket. Maybe he's just highly optimistic, which does reinforce the fact that there's really more to what happened. OR it could also mean that no matter what, even if they're never getting back other, she's still going to be his girl in his eyes. It's bittersweet in it's own right.
I can already feel the slope declining, like things are going to go downnn and Pocket is going to spiral so bad. I really don't want it to happen but all odds are against her favor right now on top of her not thinking with a clear mind and is running high on strong emotions so there's not much we can do. That's all I have to say for now, you're amazing as always! Lots of Love!
— Jnon 🤍
Another Jnon! My day is good!
There is definitely no interaction between Bucket and Cunthage right now. She's pursuing, he's fleeing. He knows he's probably too late to salvage things with Pocket, but he's staying away, anyhow. And Bad Decision is DEFINITELY too young for her. By, like, 14 years. Granted, she's about 70 years too young for Bucky, but still, lol. Nothing fishy going on with him; he just looks enough like Bucky if she squints (while wasted) for her to fuck her feelings out. I confess that I did consider bringing him back for an altercation at the club, but it ended up not making it into the final draft. Too bad, though-- it would have involved him encountering her with his friends while she was performing, and him trying to take some form of revenge, but who's in AC by that time? Bucket! And he beats the shit out of poor Brandon. But, it ended up not fitting, so it got cut :( Regrets. And the whole "my girl" thing? It's definitely the second one. He's pretty sure at this point that 🎵they are never, ever, ever... getting back together 🎵 But she's always going to be "his girl," the one that got away, in his eyes. Granted, without that little bit of insight into his mind, it just comes off as cocky and possessive. He'll explain himself later.
Love you oodles!
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redtail-lol · 2 months
I don't understand how some Christians genuinely believe they're oppressed or persecuted for being Christians. Yeah some select people are Weird About Religion but Christians are not widely persecuted at large in western society. They're extremely privileged.
Like yes I can surface-level "rationalize" by saying it's just that the ultra-bigoted Christians aren't legally allowed to refuse service to gay people or treat trans employees like shit anymore, or that actual science that contradicts the Bible gets taught in schools because it's evidence based, and they think this equates persecution because their religion was demoted from unofficially a national truth to something you choose to practice privately that can't be forced on others. But my lack of empathy makes me have to point to every example that Christians still have extreme privilege in the western world that they colonized because the surface level rationalization isn't enough, I genuinely still don't get it.
Christians, the whole world gets breaks on your holidays, something not afforded to other religions unless their major holiday happens to be close to yours. Other religious people have to ask for breaks to observe their holidays. By default you get yours. Christians, schools do events for your holidays before the breaks, singling out yours over the others. Other religious people are sometimes forced to participate in a tradition for your holiday, often the commercialized version of it but sometimes with a religious aspect (for example, my school's choir sang Christian songs for their christmas concert.) Christians, shops close early on Sundays because it's your special day of the week. This only moderately inconveniences others, but still showcases that your religion is catered to. Christians, the people in the political world of the west are by and large Christians, and they often let their Christian beliefs shape their political decisions. LGBTQ people didn't have rights to exist for many, many years, because the Bible said homosexuality was a sin (even if this is a mistranslation, original verse was about gay incest). Women were denied rights based on Biblical gender roles. Churches are found more frequently than any other religious center in the western world, and they're tax exempt.
If you want actual religions that are persecuted, look at Muslims. Visibly Muslim people are shown racism as well as being treated like terrorists for merely being Muslim. People assume they're the most extreme, misogynistic, queerphobic religion because that's all their religion is painted to be (despite the fact their beliefs are very similar to those of Christianity in those regards, and progressive Muslims exist the same way progressive Christians do.) Look at Jewish people. They're the centers of conspiracy theories that do successfully prey on people, the Holocaust happened, and today people are using Palestine as a shield to be actual neo-Nazis. Look at the dozens of erased non-Abrahamic religions that are treated as props like Buddhism by westerners if they're not entirely forgotten.
Being a Christian is a privilege. The worst you'll ever face for being a Christian is some people being weird about religion. That sucks but that's not oppression. And some Christians are just as weird about non- christians all the time. You don't have to make up oppression that doesn't exist because of people being antitheist dipshits that hold no power in the real world, or because you're not allowed to use your beliefs as an excuse for contributing to actual oppression
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tanoraqui · 1 year
I absolutely love your AUs! Your world building is terrific
I love and appreciate that this message is, I can only assume, prompted by my most recent post about the Silmarillion Superhero AU, which is objectively crack in general and that particular post was especially so, what with declaring Maglor to be basically the Music Meister (B:TBatB).
(kinda retcon to previous statements) the Great Music and Songs of Power work the same way they do in Arda proper, or maybe a little more practically than that (though I suspect First Age Elves regularly got up to much more overt acts of power than we see in LotR). This occupies the same...worldbuilding environmental niche? as "magic" in a Marvel/DC superhero world. Like, "Song" and "spell" are used synonymously.
Correspondingly, like Scarlet Witch is technically a mutant with the mutation "is really good at magic", Maglor and Finrod both got the Light-empowered ability to be really good at Music
They don't have the exact same power. Though the most notable distinction might be more a matter of personality: Finrod is more innately talented at manipulating minds and emotions, and Maglor is more innately talented at manipulating the physical environment. However, when the House of Fëanor officially turned to Villainy, Maglor started leaning more into the manipulating hearts and minds, because that's more sinister, and Finrod was like, "cool, I see what you're doing there" and started practicing more with the sort of Songs that produce effects similar to telekinesis (or healing! Finrod's a good healer)
So, you know shit is getting Really Real if they switch back
They also both have the potential to affect the course Great Music on a level localized to currently-happening or about-to-happen events, because that's my favorite theory as to what was really going on in the Battle of Finrod and Sauron – fighting over not the minds or actions of individuals but how this story was going to go, loyalty, strength and joy or betrayal and tragedy! But that's, well, battling-a-Maiar-for-your-life-and-your-team's level of effort. Fall-unconscious-for-at-least-a-day-afterward effort.
In another recent train of thought:
People with elaborate spreadsheets on “how to kill and/or disable all my family members if necessary”: Maedhros, Fingolfin, Curufin, Finarfin (less elaborate, but he does have a spreadsheet, because he loves them but doesn't trust most of them anymore)
Has thought about it systematically but not written anything down, and the thoughts were more “how could I personally take each person down, dead or alive”: Celegorm
Has thought about it systematically but not written anything down, and the thoughts were exclusively non-lethal, “what could I Sing to quickly pacify (calm, knock out, and/or otherwise harmlessly disable) each person”: Finrod
In charge of the UN office that keeps an entire database of this sort of information for every known superhuman on the planet, but doesn't personally track it: Círdan
Maedhros is basically personally engaged in an escalating quiet war with...the US government, basically. Wherein sometimes they reasonably need to summon him to testify before Congress about his many legally dubious business and other practices, or more often he comes personally to schmooze, lobby, and offer campaign contributions...all of which he's very good at, what with the superhuman charisma. And they're perfectly aware of that danger!
So there's an entire R&D lab in the Department of Defense dedicated to trying to create security measures to counter the powers of...well, superpowered people overall, of course, very much including the House of Finwë. But also: Maedhros specifically.
Maedhros would take this as a personal challenge anyway, not to mention a thing to be evaded for entirely practical reasons. But it's emotionally heavier than that because the entire House of Finwë has trauma about being powerless, because when Ungoliant came in her cloud of Darkness, they were all utterly, painfully powerless. Like all the energy had been stolen from their limbs and all the breath from their lungs, along with (temporarily) the Light. And we all know how that went.
So Maedhros is like, "we are playing a fun little one-upmanship game :)" and then every time they spring something new on him, he does his best to steal it immediately and send it to Curufin or whoever else is necessary to reverse engineer it and devise a countermeasure
One time the DoD got their hands on a live Void Spider, a true Ungoliant spawn, and somehow caged it and started getting usable Darkness from it. Some general, and the scientists working for him, was very please when Maedhros condescendingly tried on the new required-security power-blocking cuff and visibly paled, and made a quick excuse for backing out of the White House meeting he was about to attend. They would've been less please if they'd known that the instant he was back in his car and driving away, he called Fingolfin - directly to his cell phone, not even pussyfooting around by calling Fingon instead - and said, "We have a problem."
They were even less pleased when (predictably tbh) the Spider broke out of containment and a mixed band of heroes and villains had to save Washington DC from being consumed by nothingness, but obviously the US government brought that on themselves.
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bohemian-nights · 3 months
i will honestly never forgive them for the whole lady danbury mess in QC. totally unnecessary and extremely difficult to sit through for so many reasons.
but yeah it’s a pattern with the writers atp to put bw in unfulfilling AT BEST situations. “but that’s how it was back then!” well i don’t want to see it! why is it only happening to the black women? and also, there is nothing realistic or period-accurate about this show, so that argument doesn’t even hold up.
i’m still holding out for black Sophie but i’m trying not to get my hopes up. i honestly thought the people latching on to the Michaela theories were just (at least some of them) racists coping with their favorite lead having a bw love interest bc it seemed totally illogical, right? like i thought they’d have to be completely insane and out of touch to actually do it. but then they did.
i’m queer! sapphic/bisexual specifically. i am always looking not just for queer representation but for good wlw love stories with happy endings bc we are severely underfed! but holy shit! bridgerton’s main audience is middle-aged heterosexual women. what the hell were they thinking???
sorry. this is getting into rant territory. i was going to ask you what chance you thought there was of us actually getting a black Sophie but then i realized i actually don’t care anymore and you probably don’t either. Bridgerton dipped majorly in quality this season anyway, imo, so it’s probably best to check out before it gets even worse.
The last part especially because there isn’t anything left enjoyable about this show. It’s quite literally gone off the rails.
I stand by that the ones who leaked this crap and are salivating over this are racist assholes who never wanted Sophie to be Black because all of them have voiced in some fashion or another their preference for a non-Black Sophie and/or how there are “too many Black people on the show.”
They’ve got their wish in part because I doubt Sophie will be Black or even Black-ish now, however, their prize isn’t anything worthwhile.
Making Benedict bi at the millionth hour when Sophie is supposed to come into the picture makes no sense unless you are going to put in a MMF love triangle which isn’t the premise of AOFAG and cheapens Benophies love story since Benedict always just wanted Sophie/TLIS.
Regardless of what they do Jess is a shit writer and show runner(I mean look what she did for Shonda’s favorite girl). Next season is hardly going to be award winning...
Now as far as this gender-bending mess goes, Franchael’s book is very gender specific and dependent on Michael being a man. So there is no way that whatever they put out will remotely resemble When He Was Wicked.
Bridgerton canon has also established that gay marriage is illegal. Not to mention that really isn’t an any reason to change it, in fact it would be be counterproductive to change that considering the basis of their society is built on women being second class citizens and the continuation of the family line through the union of a man and a woman.
You can’t exactly do that in a society that allows two women to marry. Two women in 1815 can’t make a baby either, so I really can’t see how they’ll write a happily ever after complete with a legal marriage for this OC couple they’ve created.
I should say there is nothing wrong with queer rep. That’s not why I’m disgusted and disappointed. There was a way to add it, but they went about it the wrong way
Season 1 they should’ve established that gay marriage wasn’t a problem and created an OC couple or couples which they could do a spin-off or two on or hell made Gregory bi this season(his book literally has a gay plot), but instead they went out of their way to establish that gay people were persecuted and have to hide their love which was only reinforced with Queen Charlotte.
Essentially they’ve roped people in and switched their narrative up all because Jess wants to play self-insert, Julia Quinn only sees dollar signs, and Shonda has severe self-hate issues.
Honestly at this point I feel like both of these decisions were done to keep a Black woman from playing Sophie.
The show has literally gone on 3 seasons without including Black women in a leading romantic role. We weren’t asking for much. We weren’t even breaking it up by ethnicity and saying that Shonda(who is a Blsck woman herself) needs to cast a Caribbean, an Afro-Latina, a Black American, and an African woman. We just wanted someone fully Black to play a leading woman who gets a happily ever after.
Sophie would’ve been the perfect time to include us in this supposedly progressive show that cares about diversity. Sophie’s story is really just spicy Cinderella which would’ve been a breath of fresh air, but that is too good for us apparently.
When you factor in how Lady Danbury in the other Blackish women on this show are depicted, they really seem to have a problem with showing Black women being openly loved, desired, and fought for.
It is what is though. I don’t really care what they do at this point because the show reached its peak with Queen Charlotte. The best days are behind it, but yeah, they’ve lost me as a viewer…
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doggirlnarcolepsy · 6 months
I was under the impression that piratebay is a honeypot now. is that not true?
Not as far as I know, I've certainly never had any legal problems. Seems to be mostly a conspiracy theory from 2015. It's just kind of a shit site unless you're looking for something obscure from like 2008. It's basically on life support though, since the remaining admins don't really give a shit anymore.
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grimalkinmessor · 2 years
Hmm, yeah. The way Hori wrote Hawks feeling guilty, it's like he doesn't see his parents as abusive. I mean, we even get a whole narration from adult Hawks saying he just saw them as "broken people" that he couldn't help. But I think, at the very least, he...psychologically feels some distance towards them because some internal part of himself does recognize it as abuse, even if he hasn't reached that conclusion himself? I say that because he says he was fine with cutting the relationship with his mom when his name was taken away, and he even though he's sad she ran away and that he couldn't face her, he's also relieved. He's free of his shackles now. Just that realistic feeling of when you're scared of making choices so when your life goes to hell and the choice is made for you, that you go "oh well, it is what it is" he doesn't have to feel guilty that this resulted from his hands that way, and secretly take comfort in the freedom it offers. As for the HPSC, he may not be actively working to shut them down, considering all that they use to control him with his mom, his criminal father, his literal lack of a legal identity before them, and his desire to help people, he's happy about them being shut down because "there's no one to give me orders anymore." And RE: Shouto and them not exactly singing Endeavor praises. I think Hawks comes to that conclusion of things being different now, because he has that flashback to Shouto, because Shouto chose to intern with Endeavor like...three times now? So maybe he doesn't fully hate his guts. But when we see him visit the TodoFam, he puts his arm around Shouto and asks, "was this scar also Endeavor's doing?" he says "Endeavor" as if he's speaking generally to everyone in the room, while giving him The Look, before frantically backtracking with wide eyes and a "oh shit" expression when Rei says it was her, so hey at least he's considerate and open to changing his theories if he was wrong about Endeavor changing?
Hori puts a lot of thought and layers into all of his characters, for sure. Though you're right on the fact that he glosses over several issues bc he either doesn't think about them or thinks they're fine—don't even get me STARTED on the treatment of Quirkless people I can rant forever—and that neglect and verbal abuse might not even cross his mind as actual abuse.
I think I've said it before (I might've even said it in the post you're referencing but tbh I have the memory of a goldfish) but I'm pretty sure that Hawks's primary coping mechanism is avoidance and denial. If he just yeets it far enough out of his brain that he doesn't think about it then it can't hurt him.
I say this mostly because this is also one of my biggest coping mechanisms, and I recognize a lot of Hawks's mannerisms as something I personally do when I'm trying to justify things that I know either aren't true or aren't right. And you're right—I have noticed him start to address the things that he's been avoiding, BUT he has yet to address the one that seemed to urge him to confront some of those truths in the first place.
I said it in a different ask (and I apologize for a bit of misinformation there, it had been a while since I read the manga chapters and I forgot that my Twicehawks brain didn't just,,,make some of that shit up) but Hawks doesn't seem particularly affected by Twice's death. Which, if the future chapters are any indication, we will be seeing that change soon and I can't WAIT—but I digress.
Hawks killing Twice was the ultimate catalyst for his sudden will to address his own thoughts upfront.
Everything spirals for him after he kills Twice. Dabi roasts his wings off, his mother flees, Endeavor gets exposed as an abusive father, hero society begins to collapse, etc. And yes, a lot of these aren't directly connected to Twice's death...but they are in Hawks's mind.
We don't know if it's the first time he's ever had to kill someone on HPSC orders, but it really looks like it is. He stalls, he bargains, and he ultimately has to kill Jin anyway. And not only was Twice likely his first kill, Twice was someone Hawks genuinely seemed to like. He was someone Hawks spent time around and got to know before he quite literally stabbed the villain in the back. That had to have put him in a weird headspace.
Because before Twice, we see Hawks internally justifying everything and tunneling his vision onto his goals, but after Twice, we see him finally start to acknowledge the problems he's been putting off and ignoring. And just in time too, because you can bet that Lady Nagant coming into play also threw him for a loop. And learning her story—a young hero hopeful trained to be little more than a glittery government assassin, gone rogue after getting tired of the blood on her hands—would've slapped Hawks in the face with not only the confirmation that the HPSC sucks, but that he could've easily turned out just like her.
After all, he'd already killed for them once, right? Who's to say that they wouldn't make him do it again? Hell, he knows they would make him do it again.
That's why I'm so interested in how this newest fight will turn out. Why I'm so interested in Hawks specifically; because not only is Twice back on the field, but Dabi has also shown up, like a mirror of the battle of Jakku. Because Dabi is both similar and different to Hawks in that he acknowledges that he has trauma, but he lies to himself about what exactly that trauma is. Dabi knows that he has been wronged, but he's got a skewed view on how he's been wronged: physical abuse vs verbal abuse vs neglectful abuse.
And I'm highly interested in seeing how Hawks, a man who is just now coming to terms with his own problems, is going to handle that. What he'll say, if he'll repeat himself or learn from his mistakes—if he'll be able to get through to anyone in particular :)
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