#silver league redesign
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I’m back…
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longwuzhere · 1 year
Some cool Easter eggs I caught watching My Adventures with Superman that I want to show to people so they can be in on it with comic book readers
Episode 1 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 2 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 3 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 4 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 5 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 6 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 7 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here and here
Episode 9 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 10 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
Apologies for the late posts, A LOT happened like Arleen Sorkin's passing and Kamen Rider Geats ending. So I needed to take a break, but I am back. SPOILERS if you havent seen episode 8 obviously.
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We start things off with the captured villains letting out of their prison. We got Silver Banshee, Roundhouse, Heatwave, Livewire, and then eventually we seen Ivo/Parasite and Mist who luckily escaped and is trying to get his friend and sister back. I talked more about in their respective episodes so if you want to read up more about them click on their names.
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Task Force X/Suicide Squad is known for exploding the heads of their prisoners teammates if they fuck up a mission (you might have seen it in the live action movies, animated movies, or even read the comics) and MAwS solution to not have it be so gory is to use shock collars.
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Cut to Clark who developed super hearing and has not slept for a few days and is on caffeine so he can help the people of Metropolis. The idea of Superman 24/7 has been thrown around in the comics for a while usually saying no Clark deserves a break. He needs to be Clark and not Superman when he can get the chance. If you want to check out the comics that does it I recommend reading Superman #296 to 299 (1979), Who Took the Super out of Superman by writers,Cary Bates, Elliot S. Maggins, penciler, Curt Swan, inker, Bob Oskner, colorist, Carl Gafford, and letterer Ben Oda.
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We see in the hologram projector/data sphere thing that Lois took from the League of Lois Lane's displaying Overman wrecking the city. I talked more about him here
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We then see Perry asking Lois to help out with Vicki Vale who is asked to be a guest writer on the Daily Planet, we later see in the ep that she's got ulterior motives for this. I talked a bit about her here. In the comics Vicki is usually a journalist for the Gotham Gazette and is sometimes in a relationship with Bruce Wayne. Her comic counterpart is usually very ethical when it comes to journalism much like Lois Lane, but here in MAwS, she's very conniving. Never meet your heroes sometimes I guess, huh MAwS Lois?
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Lois talks about the things Vicki wrote for the Gazette and name drops Queen Industries. If you know your DC universe, that is the last name of Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow.
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Oliver Queen and Roy Harper aka Speedy, make their first appearance in More Fun Comics #73 (1941) co-created by Mort Weisinger and George Papp who did the panel here. Robin Hood was an obvious inspiration for Oliver in terms of design but also his ethics in a sense. Despite the wealth, Oliver would be left wing and fight for the people arguably more so than Bruce Wayne. You can see in the panel that Oliver doesn't have his signature goatee you'll see that happen later when Neal Adams pencils Ollie in the Brave and the Bold #85 (1969)
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who also redesigned Ollies costume too. Check out Green Lantern/Green Arrow series to see Oliver's liberal stances on what was going on in the world in the early 1980s. Nowadays, Oliver's been redesigned to to wear a hood instead of the Robin Hood cap, but he's still the left wing hero that we adore
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Fantastic cover to the 80 years of Green Arrow hardcover book by Jim Lee, Scott Williams, and Alex Sinclair.
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The Falcones get a mention as one of the stories Vicki Vale wrote about. The Falcones make their first appearance in Batman #405 (1987) created by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli in the Batman Year One storyline.
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The man with the pipe in the second panel, by Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli, Richmond Lewis, and Todd Klein, is the head of the head of the Falcones, Gotham's biggest mob family, Carmine "the Roman" Falcone. He and his family gets expanded explored in Batman: The Long Halloween. Both it and Batman Year One are fantastic reads, highly recommended.
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The Gotham Gazette, and in a roundabout way, Gotham, gets a name drop from Perry White. The paper make its first appearance in Batman #4 (1940) and Vicki Vale is employed by them as the photojournalist.
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Perry asks Lois and Jimmy to help Vicki out with a story about smearing Superman and they decide to interview people. First up is Captain Immonen who Clark saved in episode 3. The captain's last name is a reference to...
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comic book artist, Stuart Immonen. He's worked on various Superman-related titles like Action Comics or the Adventures of Superman.
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Probably the Superman book I enjoyed his work in, and highly recommend checking out for everyone who reads this is, Superman: Secret Identity (cover art here by Stuart Immonen) with writer Kurt Busiek about a teen who happens to be named Clark Kent in his world where there are no superheroes, only in the comic books, but somehow slowly develops powers on his own. Very cool non-canon story that is a fresh take on the Superman mythology.
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The next interviewee I have to assume based on the credits at the end of the episode is, Mrs. Quietly who is a reference to...
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comic book artist, Frank Quitely. You may know his name on the New X-Men with Grant Morrison, but in terms of Superman, he was the penciler for All-Star Superman (cover by Frank Quitely and Jamie Grant)...
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the comic series that got an animated movie adaptation and will be the inspiration for the upcoming Superman: Legacy live action movie. The book has Superman dying thanks to Luthor and has Clark live out his final days saving the world and the future in a sense one last time. It's a great read! And speaking of Grant Morrison...
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Grant Morrison got their reference through the name of a pawn shop in Metropolis.
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Grant Morrison, fantastic writer, has worked on a lot of comics. As mentioned before Morrison worked with Frank Quitely on New X-Men but in terms of Superman, is best known for writing All-Star Superman with Quitely. Both have also worked on Batman and Robin together and equally great series if you want to see Dick Grayson as Batman try to wrangle in Damian Wayne as Robin.
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We see Lex Luthor Alex here as the final interviewee who says Superman is a menace for ruining his job and destroyed the building he worked in. Will he lose his hair and go into business? I don't know, but when Alex gets a confirmed last name, most likely Luthor, I'll take more about him.
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Later in the episode we seen screen names, LoriLemaris59 and Bibbo87 streaming videos of Superman getting his but handed to him by Task Force X. Both names are references to characters in the Superman comics.
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Lori Lemaris first appeared in Superman #129 (1959) by Bill Finger, Wayne Boring, and Stan Kaye. She and Clark met in college where she posed as a wheelchair-using student and both took interest in each other, however when they're out on dates, Lori would cut the date short because of her mermaid nature. Clark tried to propose to her, but she turned him down because both are from two different worlds and it wouldn't work out. She also knew Clark was Superman because her people could read minds but she's totally cool with keeping it a secret for him. Jimmy, in MAwS, mentioned mermaids, but I did not want to point it out until we get a Lori Lemaris reference in and lo and behold it came true! The other name is a reference to Bibbo Bibbowski one of the supporting cast for Superman.
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Bibbo Bibbowski makes his first appearance in the Adventures of Superman #428 (1987) by Marv Wolfman, Jerry Ordway, Tom Ziuko, and John Costanza. Superman arrives at the Ace O' Club's bar asking for information on Perry White's son, Jerry who was kidnapped. Bibbo, thinking Superman is just some guy in a costume punches Superman, gets his hand busted, and finds a new respect for him.
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As mentioned before Task Force X is out to capture Superman as he and Mist try to save his sister and friend, but it turns out they are more than willing get revenge on Superman for their freedom. Even though in this universe they are Task Force X, a majority of the team is made up of Superman villains so in a sense you can make an argument that this is a Superman Revenge Squad. The first use of the team name is from the silver age, in Superman #94 (1961) where the squad was a group of aliens. The Superman villains teaming up together to get revenge on Superman first appeared in the Adventures of Superman #543 (1997). Parasite (Rudy Jones), who was part of that team, shares names with a Superman villain in MAwS here.
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I think someone on the MAwS team is a fan of the X-Men arcade game cuz Livewire flies the same way Magneto does in that game.
Again very sorry for the delay in this, but if you made it this far down, be sure to check out my other posts about the easter eggs in My Adventures with Superman:
Episode 1 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 2 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 3 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 4 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 5 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 6 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 7 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here and here
Episode 9 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
Episode 10 of My Adventures with Superman Easter Eggs and references is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
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stereax · 1 month
why does the nhl have 20!!! teams that are primary red or blue, meanwhile the only 2 purple teams phased it out and refuse to bring it back full time??? (orange/gold ducks redesign looking gorg though)
props to the recent expansion teams for avoiding the same red and blue half the league use but i want moreeee. utah venom being purple with red accents or something would have been so cool (but at least the shade of blue they chose is new i guess)
any teams you would straight up change the colors of? or what color combo do you go with for a blank slate new team?
nod nod nod! so blue and red are Very Used colors in sports in general, as well as graphic design. some colors like grey and brown can be too "natural" for something like a hockey jersey and can blend in too much. other colors like purple and pink can be strong and feminine-coded, which some may shy away from. blue and red are primary colors that are generally easy to replicate. plus, they're simple to remember.
(by the way, iirc, there are also issues with teams like the bruins who tried to monopolize their color scheme!)
for changing colors: I think the Canes should go back to Whalers colors. navy/green/silver is really slick. I also wish the Lightning did more with yellow/gold. the Hawks just need an entire branding change atp. and yeah I hope LA goes back to royal purple at some point.
for a NEW team: I want to see red/green/black/white. I think that would be cool. that or break out the pink.
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(If anyone is wondering no the image behind Alastor isn't a Vodou symbol of any kind I'll explain it later)
Alastor Lavigne:
Not much info was known about Alastor Lavigne's past life for what is known about him is only very few details and information from the little friends in his life from earth who have known him has been compiled into this small backstory:
Was Raised in Louisiana, Alastor was a simple radio host for a popular radio station, he lived his life quite normal in some ways, he went to work, hunted bi-weekly for both sport and meals, attended one of his late friend's performances, you know the works.
What the people on earth didn't know was that he was also a serial killer.
When he was alive Alastor killed people although he had a sort of moral code when it came to killing the deaths of the people he killed felt a bit inconsistent, it was tough for the press to find what was the pattern all the “victims” had so that they could piece together possible suspects; although surprisingly alastor was maybe considered a suspect but never brought further due to his Charisma and Silver tongue which made getting away with his crimes much easier to him.
Around 1934 Alastor had bought himself a new shotgun and was going to test it out one night with one of his favorite meat/hunting playthings: The Deer. Oh, how he loathed the deer… but that's for another time.
He had forgotten about it around the time but there was news of rabid dogs around the bayou area where he went for his hunts. Alastor wasn't worried due to thinking he could kill those smelly mutts and have fun doing it too.
However, deep into the bayou, he ended up encountering one of those rabid dogs. He grabbed his gun and was about to kill it. The gun jammed on him. The next few minutes were blind for him as he remembered screaming and yelling at the dog that was continuously biting him until Alastor killed the dog by jamming the gun end to the dog's skull, however, Alastor was feeling very delirious, saliva was running down his mouth as he felt his mind going all over in many directions he didn't know what is what and his mind was going all over the place.
He was laughing through the delirium when he heard a sound in the distance thinking it was a deer he grabbed his shotgun and headed north the sound came from two other hunters and Alastor in his state tried to kill them and in self defense one of the hunters killed Alastor straight in the head ending the famous radio hosts life.
When he got into hell he despised how he looked, his metal antlers were too annoying, his deer ears were too big and while his first layer of teeth was able to move up so he could eat his second layer of teeth is disgusting, although he appreciates his two little knobs on his clothes for being able to control what his volume and what he can hear.
After two months of getting into hell, many people didn't take him seriously thinking he was just an ordinary bird, soon one by one many big league overlords and wannabe ones who were dominant in hell started going missing, it wasn't until a radio broadcast started to go out all over hell where there were these mysterious screams came from these broadcast and then Alastor revealed himself as the radio demon and dared those who cross him would have a miserable fate worse than death… let's say there was always new screams on his broadcast.
After a long time around 80 years of doing this, he had a 7-year break no one knows where he has been for the past 7 years and the only thing people know is that he is back and is working with the delusional princess on her dreams for a redemption hotel clinic place which makes people wonder why is he doing this? Why indeed…
-Kinda a big overall in a way but I still kept some things from canon like the dear motif, radio symbolism, and the red color scheme.
-He has curly hair now and a pencil moustache cause my boy is from the 1930s and should have one
-His deer motif is slightly different, he has metal antlers and his deer ears are located where his normal ears would be.
-suit is pinstripe, his shoes are deer feet inspired and if you look closey behind his legs theirs a deer tail. Bow tie is swapped for a Tie.
-wears a bone corset/belt that was a gift from Rosie.
-the Radio knobes on his collar are different left is for his volume and right is for his hearing, and he has a speaker like teeth
-his cane can transform from a simple cane into a 1930s-style microphone
Facts about Alastor:
He was born around the fall of 1899, and was around 35 when he died.
He has no Vodou connections in this AU at all(I love Alastor and all but if there's one major flaw; it was that I didn't like the Vodou parts and felt as if it was done rather poorly) His magic is rather Lovecraftian-inspired with there being original (no vodou)symbols to it.
Was a Mama’s boy when he was alive and his relationship with his father… is complicated
While alive he and Mimzy knew each other when she lived in Louisiana for a couple of years(He ended up going to her funeral around 1929 and he may or may not have killed Mimzy's killer afterward)
(Slight sexuality change)He is gray-aro/ace and has dated someone once in his life on earth although he doesn't realize he's on the aspec.
He’s around 7ft(7’4 includes the antler)
His microphone has two forms microphone form and a cane form.
His favorite foods include; His mother's homemade Jambalaya; raw, rare, or medium rare cooked venison,(he secretly enjoys pineapple pizza but he would rather die again than tell anyone he likes a more modern food), and he also enjoys whisky neat and no hell foods.
His corset/belt was a gift from Rosie
His Voice actor in this AU would be Daveed Diggs
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Ok so for the AU, Alastor will have no connection to Vodou out of respect for the culture/religion. Still, I wanted to give Alastor a power that stands out and makes it contrast with what people would think at first glance when you see a radio+deer demon. So he will have rather Lovecraftian-inspired powers with these symbols being more original and in a way have a purpose. This symbol right here is meant to be an important and deadly symbol that will appear later on and have some plot relevance with Alastor, Angel Dust, and the remake Vees(mainly in seasons two/three)
(Reblogs are allowed but please no use of anti in the tags; and thank you)
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measlyfurball13 · 1 year
Yoinking an open tag from @bloodgulchblog!
I've never met a tag game that's specifically about fandom, I just had to fill it out.
Tagging @totally-not-an-awkward-okapi and @nitr09-productions and @south-sea and @ow-old-men, along with anyone else who manages to see this between all of the Sonic reblog spam.
Your name: Call me Measly!
Your current fandom(s): Anybody checking my reblog spam knows that I am neck fucking deep in the Sonic fandom right now. Which I must say, is not the lowest I've ever been- one of my prior fandoms was League of Legends, somehow.
How did you first get into fandom?: Deviantart.com baby!! A really pretty girl in 6th grade introduced me to the website, and one day I finally worked up the courage to enter my favorite show at the time (Transformers Prime) into the search bar. I discovered that I was not the only girl in the world who experience the Blorbo Emotions and that blew my mind.
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces?: Since 6th grade, as mentioned before. However, honorary mention- my mom is actually a part of the fandom old guard. She's been reading fanfic since before I was born. Strange thought, isn't it?
How often do you read fanfics?: About every week, I say. I usually find new stuff here on tumblr, and I troll the depths of AO3 every week and a half or so. (I usually just tend to tear through every fic that's been tagged with my favorite niche character and then get sad about it.)
Top three characters from your current fandom(s):
Anybody who's even glanced at my reblog spam knows that it's all going to be Sonic characters. More specifically, my beloved Metal Sonic, is #1. Obsessed with this funky identity crisis dude. He's the one I'm writing a literal novel for right now, because you can fit so much goddamn angst, mental illness, and daddy issues into this one robot it's not even remotely funny.
In close second is Omega. This is another robot built by the same guy in universe as Metal, by the way, so he's got a similar yet different flavor of angst going on. Omega was hit with the typical "you are what you choose to be" arc that most fictional robots undergo, except his choice was "I WANT TO COMMIT MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF VIOLENCE. AND ALSO MAYBE MAKE FRIENDS BUT DON'T TELL ANYBODY THAT" and that fascinates me deeply.
Number 3 is, uh, idk? Kind of a toss-up. Probably a tie between Shadow (who's the traditional pick for a hurt/comfort character in this fandom) or Silver (optimistic time traveler dude who is just. so tragic sometimes.)
Have you ever written fic for a fandom?:
The longest fanwork I've written so far is sitting pretty at around 44,000 words (it's an incredibly niche crossover between Babylon 5 and Knight Rider). My current WIP (the aforementioned one starring Metal Sonic), however, just broke 50k yesterday and I'm not even remotely close to finishing.
But yeah- I've been writing since 6th grade. Here's my very first ever fanfiction by the way, if you want an idea of how far I've come (or a good laugh.)
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom?:
I can count on one hand how many times I've tried. I can count on zero hands how many times I've succeeded.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about:
If you follow my Sonic sideblog, you'll see all of my headcanons projectile-blasted at you daily.
Additionally, most of my headcanons are pretty fluid. I LOVE enjoying multiple interpretations of the same character, even and especially if they're contradictory. There's only been, like, two that I've ever been super crazy about.
The one that I'm weirdest about right now is Metal Sonic being some flavor of trans. This is the character that, upon gaining the ability to redesign their body however they wanted in canon, gave themselves long hair, a skirt, and a big dragon alternate mode. If that doesn't scream "transgender" for you, I don't know what will.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?:
Fandom is a place where I get to share the joy of creation with other people! My favorite thing in the universe to do is "yes, and" people and develop ideas together. My second favorite thing in the universe to do is to encourage creators to tell me more about their fuckin' awesome ideas. My third favorite thing in the universe is seeing people react to my own work. I'm just writing the stories that make me happy, man, so to see people enjoying it brings me so much joy.
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shenspen · 2 months
My Top 10 Books of 2024 (so far)
Out of the 30 books I've read this year thus far, in no particular order here are the top 10 books I've read:
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King of Sloth by Ana Huang
This book took me on a journey- a really emotional one. I laughed, I cried, I smiled and I got upset. I was really anticipating the release of this book and it didn't disappoint. Personally (as a grumpy girl) I love a good reverse grumpy x sunshine trope and it was perfectly executed. Xavier and Sloane are so perfect for each other, I think these two really understand each other and that's why they are able to immensely support one another when an obstacle gets thrown in their way. I also loved the cameos from characters from her other novels, I love to see that they're all doing well and that they're all happy in their relationships. The interconnectedness of Ana's books makes her characters feel so real and I'm excited to see what she has in store for the other books in the series as I can't wait to see cameos of Xavier and Sloane happy together. 
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2. Wild Love by Elsie Silver
I loved everything about this book. I always tell people that don't like romance that you simply aren't reading the right romance novels and this book is the definition of a well-executed romance novel. All the characters were so lovable each and every one of them left lasting impressions on me (including the mouse). The enemies to lovers trope was also executed very well and I loved that the writer added so much complexity to the plot as a lot was going on at once but that is what made the story feel real. I also loved the chemistry between the main characters and I loved the fact that everyone except them knew that they were perfect for each other. That made it so much better when they finally got together.
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3. Bride by Ali Hazelwood
I devoured this book. Some aspects were quite predictable but it was really enjoyable. I really enjoy Ali's writing style and I was very curious to see what this book would be like given the fact that this isn't her usual genre. But she delivered in this romance fantasy novel in which a vampire bride fell in love with the werewolf alpha that she was forced to marry. This novel is perfect for someone seeking a gateway novel into urban fantasy as it involves vampires and werewolves living in the human world. This is not my usual genre of choice but I saw so many people raving about it so I caved and I read it and it definitely didn't disappoint.
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4. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
This book was written beautifully. Although it was short, it was very compact as a lot happened and a lot was said, without actually being said, in such a short span. The use of poetic language throughout the novel effectively conveyed themes of chasing dreams, race, and class. Reading this book helped me gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the roaring twenties. It skilfully depicted the fragility of class and racial structures, while also highlighting the rapid growth of the masses' purchasing power and the migration of people from rural areas to the city during that era. The effects of the Harlem Renaissance, Garveyism, the Prohibition, and Jim Crow Laws was also showcased as these were all contributing factors to the beliefs that the people of this era upheld.
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5. Behind the Net by Stephanie Archer
Lately I’ve been really into hockey romance even though I know absolutely nothing about the sport. In this novel the main characters went to high school together and they both had crushes on each other that neither ever acted on because they thought the other was out of their league. Nevertheless they meet up again in the future and both act like they are complete strangers until the truth comes out. This novel also beautifully tackled serious topics like alcoholism and depression. Overall it is a very good book and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good sports romance novel.
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6. Love Redesigned by Lauren Asher
Personally I love everything Lauren Asher, I’ve read every book she has written and they are all amazing. Love Redesigned follows the story of two childhood rivals whose mothers happen to be best friends. Dahlia moves back to her hometown of Lake Wisteria where she and her childhood rival and college crush Julian literally bump into each other. She is an interior designer and he is a developer and they end up working together on a project where they restore a historical house on the lake. However the house isn’t the only thing they’ll be restoring as they manage to resolve the animosity between each other and fall in love. I loved everything about this book, the banter, the tension and the pranks. I devoured this book in a day.
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7. King of Pride by Ana Huang
This novel is apart of the Kings of Sin series where each book is inspired by one of the seven deadly sins. I haven’t read an Ana Huang book that I didn't like; her books are captivating, fast paced and swoon worthy. Perfect for someone who is just getting into reading. This is an opposites attract romance novel where Kai is a reserved gentleman and Isabella is free spirited and somewhat chaotic. Kai has a crucial CEO vote at stake and he cannot afford to be sidetracked by any distractions nevertheless he is willing to risk it all for Isabella. I fell in love with Kai ever since I first met this character in King of Wrath and this book did not disappoint.
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8. Native Son by Richard Wright
This book disturbed me yet captivated me in unimaginable ways. Bigger Thomas is the most unlikable character I have ever read, however it can be argued that he is simply just a product of his environment so you can't blame him for being who he is. I really enjoyed this book even though it traumatised me. It took place in Southside Chicago in the 1930s and it tells the story of  Bigger Thomas, a black man, who accidentally killed a white woman and showed the price he paid for it.
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9. A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
This play is about Nora’s feminine awakening in which she comes to a realization that all the men in her life were treating her like a ‘doll’ who lived in their ‘doll house’ and she realized that she had enough. After her epiphany she decides to move on and live a life of her own where she prioritises her own desires. This play represents a gateway to a new feminist era that shapes the way the Victorian family is viewed.
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10. The Letter’s We Keep by Nisha Sharma
I was lucky enough to receive an ARC copy of this book and it had me hooked from the moment I read the dedication. I haven’t read another book that has beautifully and successfully conveyed the guilt that comes with having immigrant parents who came from nothing and worked hard so that they could give you the life that they didn’t get the opportunity to have. Aside from the serious stuff that I greatly appreciated, the book explored two love stories, and I loved every bit of it. As the title suggests, ‘The Letters We Keep’ tells the stories of two lovers through their letters. They were an interracial couple, so they had to sneak around, as relations like this were frowned upon in the 1970s. Not to mention that interracial marriages were not fully legal across America until 1967 and coming from a strict Indian family posed difficulties. These letters brought characters Ravi and Jessie together, and this sparked a romance of their own. 
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ethanjaeda · 3 months
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New Zealand Ice Hockey League Logo Redesign :D, The silver fern is (i'm paraphrasing) an important symbol through out the nation, and the four stars are taken from the New Zealand flag. smthn smthn kiwi hockey go vrom
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vartiusdraws · 6 years
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I recently looked at some art related to Xerath from the shurimian event and noticed he kinda looks like an owl in one of them. And since all the shurimian ascended have some animal features, I decided to go for it. The night-owl to counter the sun-hawk. Kind of a dark mirror to Azir.
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deyageka · 2 years
Evil!Young Justice 98: The Juvelines (a concept)
I haven’t exactly read Young Justice 2019 yet, but I always thought the idea of them fighting against their evil counterparts from an alternate dimension was entertaining. I’m thinking of making some redesigns of their evil counterparts but with the YJ98 gang instead.
It would also take place in Earth-3 where the evil Justice League (known as The Crime Syndicate) exists. This version of Young Justice would be called “The Juveniles”. Other names I had in mind was the Young Juveniles, Young Syndicate or Teen Tyranny but for the last one, it felt more in tune with an evil version of the Teen Titans/Titans who in this universe are called “Tyrants”.
Right now I have their alter egos somewhat figured out:
Kon-El = Jon-Lex/Jon Lane Luther (Supremo): I was debating on the name Ultraboy since evil!Superman in Earth-3 was called Ultraman, but I thought Supremo sounded much cooler. Also idk how Kryptonian names work. I didn’t like the name Luther-El from YJ!2019’s version of evil!Kon so I decided to name him after Kon’s New52 counterpart. Apparently New52!Kon was called Jon Lane Kent so I decided to mix the two names together so it wouldn’t confuse with Jon Samuel Kent. I envision Jon-Lex/Supremo with a costume and design similar to New52!Kon, tho I’m debating giving him a mohawk instead of that tame white boy haircut New52!Kon had.
Tim Drake = Tim Jackson (Draken): Basically New52!Tim but more evil and with a dragon themed costume design inspired by his YJ!2019 brown suit but more cooler looking. I was debating on calling him Heron instead since it sounded just as cool (Owlman and Heron vs Batman and Robin) but I wanted something other than a bird themed alias. I was thinking of giving him a spear or a long mace to contrast the bo-staff. ((I’ll save the Heron concept for another time))
Bart Allen = Bar Torr (Instance or Altros): New52!Bart but with inverted color scheme for his suit. (I know I’m getting most of my insp. from New 52) I’m thinking of giving him a blue color scheme so as not to confuse him with Inertia. Also maybe give him ginger/red hair too. I know his alias is silly but out of all the synonyms for Impulse, Instance clicked the most. The alias, Altros, is a close second (named after Altros Prime where Bar Torr in the New 52 came from). My other option was calling him Dasher but that didn’t appeal to me as much and YJ!2019 evil version had the alias Speed Zone which I thought was kinda lame.
Cassie Sandsmark = Cassidy Sandsmark (Amaxon Thunder): I thought YJ!2019’s version of evil Cassie was the most appealing in concept compared to the others. I actually liked the alias Amaxon Thunder though her design looked like just a mini Wonder Woman. I’m thinking of giving her a suit similar to her New52 design but less revealing. For her hair, I’ll either keep it black like the 2019 version or make it dirty blond.
Cissie King-Jones = Suzy Ann Jones (Bowstringer): I’m still brainstorming what this evil!Cissie would look like. I’m thinking of giving her a green color scheme, similar to Artemis’s design in YJA, with a sporty double dutch braid. As for her name, it derives from her first name “Suzanne”. For the alias “Bowstringer” I read that Cissie’s father was nicknamed “Bowstring”. In this dimension, Evil!Cissie’s/Suzy’s father is alive instead of her mother and Suzy takes more after him.
Greta Hayes = Gretel Hayes (Clandestine): I’m thinking of making this version of Greta a demonic, vengeful ghost. Gretel would either have an even paler color scheme with a cooler tint or a darker color scheme that resembles a shadow ghost. I’ll have to use horror movie ghosts references for this design, though I want her to look eerie instead of downright terrifying (idk how I’m gonna achieve that😅)
Anita Fite = Iwana Fite (Imperatrix) I have a vague idea of how I want evil!Anita to look like. I’m thinking of giving her a silver halo crown that obscures her eyes with a royal blue color scheme. The alias “Imperatrix” is a synonym for empress, and Empress vs Imperatrix sounds so badass.
Slobo = ? : Unfortunately, I couldn’t think of an evil version of Slobo. Technically, Slobo is just a mini clone of Lobo who’s an anti hero/villain, so what I was thinking was having Slobo be the one to encounter evil!Young Justice/The Juveniles from a dimension traveling mishap, with Young Justice having to rescue him from their evil selves or smthing like that
These concepts are subject to change once I actually get to drawing them tho.
Feel free to share any thoughts or ideas :3
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davidmann95 · 4 years
now that it's over, thoughts on Bendis' Superman as a whole?
pretenderoftheeast said: So, thoughts on Bendis' Superman and Action Comics' tenure altogether and separately now that it's over?
Anonymous said: Best and Worst things about Bendis' Superman run
Anonymous said: Now that it is over, what are your thoughts on Bendis' runs on Superman and Action Comics as a whole?
Anonymous said: Retrospective thoughts on Bendis' Superman as a whole now that it's, I guess, done?
Anonymous said: Hey so since Bendis’ Superman stuff seems to be done, what did you think of the run as a whole?
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I decided to hold off a bit on writing on this one, if only so that I could reread the Action Comics side of it since Superman stood out in my memory a lot more. But now I have, and as we’re heading into a bold new era of Superman (and it’s coming in fast - just since I made my Superman in 2021 predictions we’ve gotten Ed Pinsent finally reprinting his legendary bootleg Silver Age Superman, Steve Orlando announcing his Superman analogue book Project Patron, an official shonen Superman redesign for RWBY/Justice League, PKJ’s Super-debut turning out far better than I ever expected, Superman & Lois’s first proper trailer largely taking people pleasantly by surprise, and my learning that there’s a Sylvester Stallone Old Man Superman analogue movie titled Samaritan coming out this summer) we’re ready to take a look back with at least a touch of perspective. I’ll lead with complaints, so everybody who’s been waiting for me to say that Bendis on Superman was Bad, Actually, savor this because it’s as close as you’ll get.
The Bad
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* I hate to say it, but rereading that side of the run there’s no two ways about it: the structure of Action Comics as a whole is a mess. It baffled me from day one that it was the more acclaimed of the two books for so long - I guess people are hardwired at this point to think of ‘street’ stuff as where Bendis is supposed to be - because it was immediately clear that Superman had a well-defined story he wanted to tell, while Action was the usual Bendis off-the-cuff improvisation. It’s barely even a story in the same way, and it’s certainly not the ‘Metropolis crime book’ people took it as: it’s 28 issues of Superman and his supporting cast stuffed a pinball machine with the Red Cloud pinging off of each other as we wait to see who falls in the hole at the bottom, and partway through Leviathan and the Legion of Doom and 90s Superboy are tossed into the mix to keep it going a little longer. On an issue-to-issue basis it’s frequently really good, but the core plot of the book is *maybe* six issues stretched out over two and a half years.
* I’ve gone into this some before, but structure-wise Unity Saga also has problems: Phantom Planet rules but either it needed to be cut or the back half needed to be a year all its own in order to accommodate the scale of what it’s attempting. It’s got an interstellar civil war leading into the formation of the United Planets, family drama, Rogol Zaar’s whole deal, and Jon’s coming of age, and I’d say only that last one is really properly served. Even Jon forming the United Planets, while contextually somewhat justified in terms of 1. The situation being so far gone he’s the only one who’d even think in those terms, 2. Things being bad enough that these assorted galactic powers would be willing to try it, and 3. Him having the S on his chest to sell it, isn’t at all built up to within the run itself.
* Rogol Zaar sucks. He’s made up of nothing but interesting ideas - he’s an ersatz warrior ‘superman’ of a bygone age of empires up against the new model, he’s the sins of Krypton as a conservative superpower come home to roost, he’s while not outright said to be definitely Superman’s tragic half-brother and the culmination of everything this run does with Jor-El - but none of them manifest on the page, he’s just a big punchy dude with a dumb design who screams about how you should take him seriously because he’s totally the one who blew up Krypton. Even a killer redesign by Ryan Sook for Legion of Superheroes can’t fix that. There are lots of bad villains with good ideas who are redeemed with time and further effort, but I can’t imagine Zaar getting that TLC to become a fraction of whatever Bendis envisioned him as.
* The second year of Action Comics, after establishing itself in its first as one of the most consistently gorgeous books on the stands, leads with Szymon Kudranski’s weak output and then concludes with John Romita Jr. turning in some career-worst work. The latter is particularly egregious because for that first year Bendis writes a really collected, gentle Superman so him getting pushed into being more aggressive should have an impact, but Romita draws such a craggy rough-looking Superman in the first place that it mutes any sort of shock value.
The Good
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* Superman got his real clothes back after 7 truly ridiculous years.
* Bendis fundamentally gets Clark’s voice in a way unlike almost any other writer - even all-around better writers of the character almost never approach how spot-on he is with having Superman speak and act exactly how Superman should.
* Supporting cast front and center! He writes a dynamite Lois, Perry, and Jimmy (even if many of Lois’s more out-there decisions in the run don’t end up retroactively justified the way you’d hope), Ma and Pa are more fun than they’ve been in decades in their brief appearances, he manages to turn having Jor-El in the mix into a positive, and the Daily Planet as a whole has an incredibly distinctive vibe to it like never before that I hope is taken as a baseline going forward.
* The non-Rogol Zaar baddies? All ruled. Invisible Mafia and Red Cloud are both brilliant ideas executed solidly if overextended. Zod as Kryptonian Vegeta, Mongul as a generational perpetual bastard engine primed to be incapable of self-reflection, and Ultraman as “what if Irredeemable but he’d never been a good guy and also he was a Jersey mobster” are the best versions of those characters by numberless light-eons. Lex is on-point in his sparse appearances. Xanadoth as a mystical cosmic monster older than time who still talks like a Bendis character is however unintentionally a hoot. The alt-universe Parasite is a more intimidating Doomsday than Doomsday ever was. And Synmar as an alien culture’s attempt at creating their own Superman and messing up the formula when they make him a soldier can and should be a legitimate major ongoing villain coming out of this run.
* Pretty much all the art other than what I mentioned already. Fabok does a good job bookending The Man of Steel and Ivan Reis does the work of his career anchoring Superman (special props to Reis as well for drawing the first ever non-Steve Rude interesting-looking take on Metropolis), and meanwhile you’ve got Jim Lee, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, Doc Shaner, Steve Rude, Kevin Maguire, Adam Hughes, Patrick Gleason, Yanick Paquette, Ryan Sook, Brandon Peterson, and David Lafuente doing their own parts.
* Closely related to the art, all the little flourishes with the powers. Super-speed having a consistent visual with the background coloring changing, Clark internally putting numbers to the degrees of force behind his punches and what situations which numbers are appropriate for, ‘skidding to a halt’ mid-flight before crashing through a window, the shonen-ass major throwdowns as portrayed by Reis, how his super-hearing is handled as a prevalent element. Lots of clever bits that added flavor to what he does.
* While Unity Saga has problems, the whole of what Bendis does in Superman as a means of forward momentum for Clark and his world is excellent. The sort of three-act structure of: 
** Clark is led to question his place in things over the course of a few adventures
** Involvement in the larger cosmos and the impact it has had through and on his family makes him realize the answer to his questions is that he needs to step up in a bigger way because there’s no benevolent larger universe to welcome Earth with open arms, nor a cosmic precedent for everything turning out for the best without some help
** As a consequence of the lessons learned by this change in the status quo Clark is inspired to make his own personal change in revealing his identity (with Mythological basically being an epilogue showcasing a ‘standard’ standalone Superman adventure while simultaneously highlighting his new status quo and how it fits in as a summing-up of Bendis’s take)
…does a great job of shepherding through ideas that lend a lot of forward momentum to Superman of the kind he hasn’t seen in a long time. Not perfect, but far lesser stories with far lesser ambitions have made huge impacts, so I’d certainly hope at least some of this sticks around even if, say, regardless of any retcons to the main line there are always going to be stories with Clark as a disguise and Jon as a kid. Oh, speaking of whom,
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Ahem. Probably a less confrontational way of putting that.
Do I think there was more gas in the tank for Jon as a kid? Totally, making him likeable and viable was the one really good thing the Rebirth era accomplished for Superman and I expect we’ll continue seeing more of it in the future one way or another. But whether or not him being aged up was Bendis’s decision, or working with marching orders to set up the eventually-(kinda-)discarded 5G, the coming of age narrative here is fire. He keeps the essential Clark Kent kindness and bit of Lois Lane cheekiness that reminds you he’s still their kid, which is a combination Bendis is basically precision-crafted to write, but his trials by fire give him a background entirely unlike the by-the-numbers “and here’s how Superman’s great kid grew up to be a great superhero too” narrative you’d expect while still arriving at that endpoint. If superheroes live and die by metaphors then Jon in here is what it means to grow up written as large as possible: leaving home for the first time (and seeming to shoot up overnight!), getting into the muck of how the real world works, being beaten down by authority wearing faces you’ve been taught to trust, scrambling to get through with the whole world against you, and in the end getting through by learning to rely on your own strength while keeping your soul intact and your head held high, and even managing to speak some truth to power. It gives him a well-defined life story with room to go back to and explore the intricacies of each leg of for decades to come in a way Superman hasn’t had since the original Crisis - someone someday is going to write a The Life & Times Of The Son Of Superman miniseries and it’s going to be one of the greats - and negates any question that he’s earned his stature as the heir apparent.
* Coming out of this, Superman’s world is fascinating. He’s out but rather than giving up his day-to-day life he’s openly spending part of his life as CLARK KENT: SUPER-REPORTER and part of his job on the cape-and-tights side of things is now KAL-EL: SUPER-SPACE-DIPLOMAT, Lois Lane coruns a foundation helping people whose personal continuities have been fucked over by Crisis shenanigans, Jimmy Olsen owns the Daily Planet but is still doing Jimmy Olsen stuff because that’s how he gets his kicks, and Jon Kent is going to college in the future. I’m not anywhere near naïve enough to think that’s how things are going to be forever, or shortsighted enough to think there’s no value left in the traditional setups, but god I hope these developments stick around for a long, long time to come and potentially become the new ‘normal’ as far as the ongoing shared universe stuff goes, because it all feels like the right and promising next steps to take for the lives of these characters. However it got here, for all the pluses and minuses along the way even if I maintain the former very much outweighed the latter as a reading experience, Bendis has a lot to be proud of if that’s the legacy he leaves on these titles.
* The recap pages at the desks!
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straybreeze · 3 years
Gx Month - Day 15: "Ayers Rock Sunrise"
The card designed by Hayato Maeda/Chumley Huffington himself. Show us your custom designs today, be it OCs, outfit redesigns, or custom cards!
I know I'm a day late, but let me officially introduce my OC, Aurora Dawn!
Word count: 1105
CW: smoking
(There is also a moodboard under the fic.)
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Aurora looked around nervously in the crowd as she followed Edo into the luxurious, kind of old-fashioned hall. Okay, the place wasn’t that crowded, 50-60 people lingered there at maximum, but for her, this headcount was still more than enough.
“Relax, girl,” Edo muttered as he also looked around, searching for any acquaintances. He already spotted their host, Manjoume Jun himself. His family threw this party in honor of the upcoming season of the Pro League Championship, so he invited most of his friends to his suburban mansion. “I know you don’t like parties, but hey, Judai and the others were invited too. Even Ryo is here,” Edo added and briefly waved to the other Marufuji. “Just stay close to me if you feel uncomfortable, and everything’s gonna be fine.”
“Yeah, that’s the point,” she sighed as she gripped the camera around her neck. “If I stay close to you, everyone would think that I’m your partner.”
“Aaaand you are definitely didn’t come here as my partner, did you?”
Aurora rolled her eyes.
“Edo, this isn’t the best moment to discuss that again. You know very well my point of view on this whole thing.”
The silver haired pro suddenly stopped and turned to Aurora, but before he could retort, a familiar voice came from the distance.
“Edo! Rory! You’re here!”
That was Judai. As far as Aurora knew, he came as Sho’s companion, because he wasn’t in the Pro Leagues either. When the boy halted in front of them, Edo made a half-definite gesture for Aurora. She knew it was meant that they will continue this topic later, but for now, let’s just enjoy the feast.
She didn’t hesitate much afterwards. When Judai greeted her too and started a small conversation with Edo, Aurora decided to grab something to drink and look up those few other people whom she knew here.
When a waiter handed her some kind of sweet, expensive champagne, Manjoume suddenly stepped beside her and grabbed another glass.
“Hey! I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
“Me neither to be honest. But hello, Thunder, glad to see you! Your house is just... wow.”
“Right? This is the biggest estate in my family’s possession in Domino City. Of course, it had to be mine.”
Of course, the Manjoume family had more than one residence even in Domino City, and of course, Manjoume had to brag about it. Aurora couldn’t help but smile.
“Well, this is the best place to home a party like this for sure.”
Manjoume nodded a bit awkwardly as if he tried to say something but couldn’t find the right words. Aurora couldn’t blame him after all. They weren’t really friends, and she couldn’t say that they were close to the other in any way. Not like with the Marufuji brothers and far from the way she was with Judai. For Manjoume, she probably was just Edo’s roommate.
“Pardon me, but I still have to greet the newcomers. See you later, Aurora!” Manjoume put his glass down on the platter of a passing waiter.
Aurora did the same.
“Oh, yes, of course! Have fun tonight!”
“I will.”
Truth to tell, she was just Edo’s roommate, Aurora thought as she had been left alone in the middle of the crowd. That was the only reason why she was here. The camera she carried was just a cover, but occasionally she took one or two photos, just to have something to look back later. Still, she wouldn’t have known anyone here if it wasn’t for Edo.
She stood motionless for a moment as she searched for Edo. Judai was still next to him and Sho had joined too – along with some other guys whom she only knew from the duelist magazines and reports and from Edo himself. Deciding not to bother them and their in-depth conversation about the upcoming championship, she was about to find someone else to chat with. As neither Johan nor Rei had arrived yet, she looked after the other person she could have some chat with.
Finally, she spotted him on the other side of the hall, surrounded by at least three fangirls, much for his annoyance.
“Excuse me, girls, but can I steal Hell Kaiser from you for a short moment? I have to take some pictures for the Daily Duelist magazine,” Aurora stepped behind them and nodded towards the terrace. The girls grimaced at her, but when they saw her camera, they reluctantly nodded and stepped back.
Ryo still looked confused for a long moment, but when they got out from the crowded hall, he noted:
“I assume you didn’t intend to take any pictures.”
“’Course not! I see your face more than enough,” Aurora laughed.
“Tell me, do you know someone called Edo Phoenix? Because this exactly sounded like something he would say.”
That was how their usual interaction looked like. Lowkey mocking the other, but they were completely okay with it. One could say they had a weird friendship, yet it still worked somehow.
“Hey, if we are already outside, wanna smoke?”
“Yeah, why not.”
For some long, silent minutes, they just stood there, leaning against the railing and listening to the joyful chatters from the inside.
“It’s a rare occasion that you are going out,” Ryo told her quietly.
“I guess I could say the same for you too. But there’s nothing special about it. Edo asked me out, and Judai and Sho convinced me to say yes.”
“Oh, I should have known that my little brother’s hands were in it too.”
“You know how he is. But how ‘bout you? Doing fine?”
“Yeah, let’s say. That friend of yours, Doctor Nova... She’s pretty annoying when I say no to her.”
“Yep, that’s her speciality.”
Another silent moment had passed, only the smoke of their cigarettes lingered in the air between them.
“And what about you and Edo? If you two are on a date, shouldn’t have to be together?”
“No, Ryo, I don’t think any of us took it as a date. I just came out with him, because I wanted to please him once in a lifetime.”
“For real, you’re not going easy on that guy.”
“Neither he does on me. I’m still not sure if it would do any good to his or my career if some rumours would spread about us,” Aurora shrugged and put out her cigarette.
“Come on, you are an artist, not a duelist. Why on the Earth would you care about what some shitty tabloid say about you? You’re living with him anyway, I’m pretty amazed that you can still keep it in secret.”
“And what should I do? Just go to him and pretend that I belong... here?”
“Yeah, that’s why you are here after all if I’m not wrong.”
“You make it sound so easy,” Aurora sighed and waited until Ryo stubbed his cigarette out as well. “But maybe you’re right. Come on then, let’s check what are they doing now. Your brother must be missing you terribly.”
“Heh, you can bet it.”
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jadenite · 4 years
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Hi. I redesigned the DC trinity’s outfits according to my own personal aesthetic preferences.
Detailed breakdown below:
kept mostly in line with the Perez era/JL cartoon look because they’re the most iconic to me; just added a few seams so she’ll match the other two in this group
I added some much needed straps to her bodice; I know the movie proved it can be done without straps too, but in my head the bodice should look more sporty even if it’s made of leather; therefore - straps (in the back they should form the classic X shape sports tank tops usually have) 
changed the belt to be more Sailor Moon-esque because I always loved how that V shape hugs the hip area; it’s also more contemporary
added thigh high stockings (slanted for even more V-shape effects) just ‘cause I wanted more blue on her
I am not a fan of the decision to ditch the stars from the bottom in recent iterations of the comics (which are inspired by the movie outfit) so I want to bring them back; the stars are not a pattern on the bottom anymore though, they’re in a line that follows the shape of the belt
the boots are now made up of shoes + greaves (that wrap around the entire leg so they look like boots), to mirror just a little bit of the newer designs WW has gone through and also to be closer to what the Ancient Greeks used to wear in their time; also, the white lines are now silver/metallic like her bracers (that particular inconsistency always bugged me); the boots are FLAT - no high heels or platforms or other nonsensical things that can’t possibly be useful in combat
I don’t like a skirt on her, or the ‘flaps’ they went with for the movie version; I get that the leather flaps are a very vague reference to the pteruges that Greek/Roman soldier used to wear but they just look off for me; it’s fine for her to only be in a leotard, as her fighting style is quite acrobatic anyway and she needs the full range of movement; what I’m ultimately trying to say is I like her looking more like an athlete than a soldier. 
I actually liked the new52 redesign with the extra seams so I kept them, mostly because it reinforces the idea that his suit is all textile instead of being some sort of body armor like the movies/games keep insisting it is and I hate with a passion (he should never ever look like a heavily armored cop y’all) I’m probably gonna end up writing a separate post on why I think Batman should have a very simple, textile-only body suit
the cowl and insignia are inspired from the cartoon designs, specifically JLU and Batman Beyond; I really love him with longer ears, they really drive home the eerie, shadow-dwelling, scary presence he’s perceived as; also taken from the cartoons is the pointy boot tip - yes I think his boots should be pointy...like his ears and a bunch of other smaller details across his outfit BECAUSE I LIKE DESIGN CONSISTENCY FROM TOP TO BOTTOM
belt is also in a V shape because one can never have too many V shapes. I will die on a V-shaped hill also known as a mountain
I reintroduced blue on the inside of his cape as both a nod to the golden-age design, and because I felt he was in dire need of more color on him; I think the increasingly monochrome look he’s suffered throughout the years makes him look too different from the rest of the Justice League and I don’t like that much discrepancy of design and colors between the members
pointy shoulders are a nod to Cass Cain’s Batgirl design and I can’t list all the reasons why this works on so many levels.
I learned to love the red trunks in recent years; the part of the fandom that liked them made a very good case and convinced me so congrats red trunk team! Anyway, I decided to keep them in my idealized version of his suit, but extended them a bit further down the thighs to be more like hot pants than underwear (for the full himbo effect); I just really like how this looks because it resembles the old timey strongman getup even more (and I’m pretty sure was the inspiration for the original design)
ditched the belt in favor of something more subtle and integrated into the trunks; I think I achieved something neat here, because, in combination with the trunks, I think I found a way to marry both the original design and the Man of Steel movie one (which I don’t hate)
salutations from Mount V-malaya: the neck, the way the cape attaches to the suit, the logo (lower part), the “belt”, the boots
also more seams, to match Bats’ design (listen, I like having some semblance of design coordination between members of a team okay)
I never liked the exposed neck on practically every iteration of Supes’ costume so I decided to fix that and took inspiration from the Justice Lord Supes design (which has a high neck suit); I am aware that the main reason he has a collarbone neckline is because of the cape but I don’t care, I still think it’s very unflattering to the body.
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My 30 days of swords (technically 31 swords because two of them have a combined form) for Swordtember! It’s been a long time since I flexed my creative muscles, but after seeing the prompt list, and having just downloaded a new pixel art program to try, I felt like giving this challenge a shot. 
I’m really happy with how these all turned out, and I definitely feel like I learned a lot during the process! Designing swords and other weapons was a big pastime of mine in high school, and it was really nice to tap into that well once again. Some of these are actually revamps of some of my old designs (and some are my takes on recreating established swords from franchises), but the majority were designed for this challenge.
Descriptions/short design blurbs for each sword under the cut!
Fire: Fairly straightforward, initially the flames only ran on one side until I decided to mirror them. The iron handle gives it a blacksmith sort of vibe.
Ice: Started with a snowflake motif and a lattice on the crossguard, ended up becoming very visually complex with a sort of crystalline pattern up the blade.
Duel: A fairly straightforward rapier design, with a little wire design wrapping around the base of the blade. Tricky to get it to thin out properly.
Poisonous: General structure inspired by Awakening’s Falchion, with a poison vial and a hollow needle running up the length of the blade.
Sun/Moon: Had the idea to make a set of sister swords that can be either used as two blades or one, vaguely similar to WoW’s Shalamayne.
Stars: Design based on the Shiny Rod staff from LWA, with the top ornament moved over to become the guard and the ‘star’ gems rearranged.
Cursed Relic: Recreation of Aatrox’s sword from League of Legends, a ‘living weapon’ of sorts that houses a demon to possess the sword’s user.
Divine Relic: Inspired by Okami, the shape evokes the Divine Brush and the material evokes the Divine Retribution weapon.
Thorn: Combining the ideas of a thorn-studded blade and a thorny vine for the crossguard. Probably dangerous to wield.
Elegant: Another rapier-esque design, with fancy detail and a pearly iridescence in the crosspiece.
Powerful: A sword that radiates an aura of dark energy, that half-unintentionally ended up looking like some sort of dark Master Sword.
Electric: Recreation of one of my old sword designs, a sort of scrap-metal-esque blade with a battery for a pommel and live wires running up the blade. Also dangerous to the careless wielder. 
Knight: A simple, but effective, no-frills sword. A weapon a knight can rely on.
Magic: A mysterious sword surrounded by floating, ethereal runes.
Fragmented: A sword with a stained-glass aesthetic and a finely engraved guard. 
Nature-inspired: There were two plant swords already, so I chose to base this on fauna instead, specifically a scorpion. A desert dweller’s inspiration.
Justice: A heavy sword with a scale motif in the crossguard and a hammer emblem front and center.
Many/Multiple: A wind-based sword without a proper blade- rather, it creates flurries of slashes in the air in front of it. Inspired by the rapid-fire Crissaegrim from Castlevania. (The slashes were originally animated, but I chose to condense a few key frames of it into one image.)
Glowing: A recreation of Sting from the Lord of the Rings franchise, glowing blue. (Sadly, the software does not allow for translucent layers, so I couldn’t do any cool glow gradients or similar.)
Dragonslayer: A large, potent weapon in the shape of a dragon’s head breathing fire. I was initially hesitant to add the detailing of scales to the head, but I achieved the suggestion of the texture without tracing an exhaustive, busy scale pattern.
Guardian: A recreation of the Guardian Sword from Breath of the Wild. Another glowing sword I sadly couldn’t quite do justice.
Sinister: A heavy, cruel-looking black blade banded by spiked rings. Even the pommel is pointy.
Jeweled: An ornate silver weapon with several colors of jewels studded all over the hilt and blade.
Ocean: Another redesign of an old concept, the shape evokes a fish. The patterns are inspired by the Sapphire Saint sword from Epic Battle Fantasy.
Floral: A vine-like sword with a large flower as a guard, its design is meant to evoke the Pokemon Venusaur.
Royal: A fancy sword studded with jewels and engraved with fine filigree, the background seeming to evoke a soft pillow or display case.
Ceremony/Ritual: After deciding I didn’t want to do an athame or sacrificial dagger, I ended up deciding on a sword meant for the purposes of scrying rituals. The hilt is rosewood with glowing blue lines inlaid, with an eye design on the blade. The magic circle behind evokes the ritual aspect.
Ancient: A steel sword based on the “Ulfberht” swords, a collection of high-quality Viking swords bearing the name as a maker’s mark. 
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rabidfirefoxfan · 4 years
Thor (1966) - Vol 193 - Loki Comic Read Through
aClassic Loki Masterpost:    Rating: Mod (Great)
Plot: Balder Summons the Silver Surfer to help Thor fight the Demolisher.
1. Loki Looks like Frolo throughout this entire Issue.
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2. Sif
So, in these early Comics Sif is either an Awesome Warrior who is Epic enough to keep up with Balder and the Warriors’ Three or .... She’s a Damsel in Distress that Thor needs to save who just mostly pretty and sits there. This issue is the later option. Her design also reflects this. In early Thor issues she was dressed like a warrior and now, like how much more skin could she show. She could literally be replaced with a Body Pillow or a Lamp and nothing would change. My head-cannon in this Issue is that she is Thor’s Teddy bear, because it’s about how useful she is to the plot. Besides, it’s funnier to think Loki is talking to Thor’s stuffed bear and trying to play keep away with Thor. 
Favorite Moments:
Balder tries to convince the Silver Surfer to help Thor but because of the Silver Surfer’s history with Loki he’s really reluctant. Balder says he’d give his life for Thor, which pisses Karnilla off and Karnilla attacks Balder.
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(Karnilla is a really Toxic Girlfriend huh). The Silver Surfer makes Karnilla stop and saves Balder while Karnilla reflects that maybe that wasn’t a great thing to do to “The Love of her Life.” (Bitch, you toxic as eff. Balder deserves better). Somehow this Domestic Violence convinces the Silver Surfer to help Thor out.
what a great and inspiring lesson everyone. just get attack by your toxic girlfriend and a space man will help you friend. what a classic.
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So I think that Karnilla tried to talk to Balder about their “fight” but Balder seems more worried about Thor. Well, at least almost dying didn’t phase Balder. Must happen pretty regularly for him.
Thor and the Demolisher continue to fight but Thor can’t seem to get any hits onto him. Eventually they move into the sewers where the Demolisher stuns Thor using high voltage cables (Thor is the God of Thunder, why does Electricity stun him?). The Silver Surfer shows up and uses his Board to keep Demolisher busy but is worried that Thor is dead.
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Thor’s hair is no longer Fabulous, the outrage. Oh, and he might be dead, how will he have 200 more issues.
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Back at Loki’s Palace, Loki is bragging to Sif about how awesome he is and trying to convince Sif to Marry him. (Why? He doesn’t even like Sif. Must be another way to get at Thor.) Still I love Loki posing here.
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Loki continues to brag until he realizes the “Crap, Balder and Karnilla could stop his evil plans” then blames Sif for knowing their Plans. Loki, just use Space Skype to figure out what Balder and Karnilla are doing.
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Good Boy.
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Then Loki complains that Karnilla betrayed him and that’s unforgivable. Loki, They are Your friends. You both betrayed each other at the drop of a hat. Your friends have the trustworthiness of “Among Us” or “TTT” friends. Don’t worry, I’m sure she’s want to hang out next week to help you out with your Next Evil Scheme. (Dammit Loki’s eyes are now yellow, what happened to the Green/ Blue)
Loki confronts Balder and Karnilla but they deny that they Summoned the Silver Surfer.
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Loki gets pissed and turns Balder into a ... Globin?
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And into order for Loki to really cement that he is a badass, Loki uses the Odin Ring to make a Statue of Himself made entirely of Gold. Wouldn’t except anything less out of Loki. And just because Loki is really nice he lifts the curse off of Balder. What a Nice Villain.
Back on Earth, the Silver Surfer uses Comic Rays to bring Thor back to life. The Silver Surfer tells Thor to return to Asgard and deal with Loki while the Silver Surfer fights with Demolisher.
Thor returns to Asgard, but Heimdal tells him that because Loki is now the ruler of Asgard, Loki as order Thor not to return. In order for Thor to enter Asgard, he has to fight through Heimdal. You know, this happens enough that Heimdel should just find a convent way to begin “defeated” so he doesn’t have to get punched in the face again. Like “Oh No I stepped on the Pebble, I am defeated. Sure Thor go ahead.” However, Thor is too strong and pushes Heimdal off of the bridge and is worried that he may let his rage take control of him just like how Rage takes control of Loki.
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Maybe it’s just me, but fighting someone on a bridge and throwing them off because of the heat of battle feels different than begin pissed off for 10 years and planing to take over Asgard. But at least Thor gets some character development so yay.
Then Thor remembers that he can FLY and goes to save Heimdal. Thor continues to Asgard where Loki’s Troll Minions block his path.
The Silver Surfer continues to fight the Demonlisher when the Demonlisher grabs hold of the board allowing the Silver Surfer to fly away.
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The Silver Surfer plans to take the Demonlisher to space, the the Demonlisher grabs hold of the Washington Monument. (Good Job Silver Surfer. When trying to take someone to space, make sure to drive by all the tall building first)
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This allows the Demonlisher to continue to fight, overcome the Surfer and break his board.
However, due to the Silver Surfer’s powers, he’s able to reassemble his board and continue to fight the Demonlisher
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(who is now in the middle of a battle field. Where are they?)
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To defeat the Demonlisher, the Silver Surfer spins really, really fast around the planet, traveling to the Future where Humanity is long since dead. A place where the Silver Surfer can leave Demonlisher that the Demonlisher can’t hurt anyone.
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Back on Asgard, Thor fights Loki’s Giants. (I love this shot of his hammer returning to him) Thor goes and finds Sif.
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I think this dress speaks for itself. Loki has interesting tastes. (The design is a little on the nose their guys. Maybe redesign Thor’s outfit with nipples too, I’m sure that go over well.)
oh no, poor me, save me thor. Loki is sooo horrible.  (sigh)
Thor tries to attack Loki for trying to marry Sif but the Giants defeat him and knock him unconscious. Loki then sentences him to death with the Giants coming in. Will be able to defeat them, find out next issue.
Thoughts on Comic:
I just have to say the fights with the Demonlisher are just great fun. They just find great ways for building up the tension and how they defeat him, while dumb, at least seams reasonable. Thor fighting Heimdal and the Storm Giants is also great. Overall, this Comic is pretty awesome.
However, I absolutely hate Sif in this. When I said she could be replaced with a body pillow, I meant it. In Early Issues and the Movies Sif was a capable warrior. Maybe not Thor levels, but she could at least keep up with Balder. Here, she has no personality, no agency, no drive. She is only an object for Loki to covet and for Thor to fight over and that’s it. Just replace her with a Teddy Bear or a Puppy, that way it makes Loki and Thor fight look more cute and ridiculous.
Karnilla is a Evil, Soft Women Villain but at least she can drive the plot, however slightly ,which is leagues better than Sif.
Loki is an alright Evil Villain in this issue. Again, I preferred when he is a scheming mastermind or trying to intentionally piss Thor off, but he does get a couple of great moments in this where his prancing and showing off.
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aquariusrunes · 5 years
The Superfriends AU (part 12)
Damian kept his eyes on Marinette. 
She had been off all day, and their talk that morning had only proven his suspicions. Something was bothering her, and it was all Adrien Agreste’s fault. His fists clenched as the woman in front of him began working on him. Thinking about that blonde tom cat made his blood boil. Whatever he did, Damian would kill him for it. His cousin was sweet and naive despite her vast genius. She wanted to trust people, and when she did, she did it with her whole heart. And that blonde buffoon had broken it in to a million pieces. 
It wasn’t just the boy though, no. It was also that stupid video, it had to be. He hadn’t enjoyed it when it was sent to his phone. It was messy and loud, and while he had misjudged the small blonde girl, he still thought the spectacle was stupid. Anyone who poked a cadged animal was stupid, and that was obviously what that Italian girl was.  
At least he was finally able to put a face to the name of Lila Rossi.
It was a tactical failure for sure. His cousin had mentioned that she had everything involving the girl under control, but this was not what she could have planned. Marinette looked like she was on the verge of puking all morning, Damian recognized regret easily enough. That had been why he’d tried to talk to her, only to find out that it was the mistake of the morning and something that awful model had done that was upsetting her. 
Now his phone was being blown up with messages from the small blonde french girl who was, for some reason, still in his phone as ‘Sweetness.’ She wouldn’t stop texting him, hadn’t since the video had arrived. She apparently got the wrong idea from their earlier correspondence and was now under the impression that they were friends. And she kept asking for pictures of him and Colin.
Said boy was currently the one in possession of his phone. His boyfriend was switching between gleefully rewarching the video with a wickedly satisfied grin and texting with the blonde girl. Damian found the whole thing ridiculous, seeing how Colin didn’t know any French. Yet somehow he and the girl were holding some sort of conversation and he was, apparently, taking immense joy from the video that he couldn’t even understand. 
Suddenly a brush was in his face, painting foundation onto his skin. Damian could make a list fifty feet long detailing how much he hated makeup. He would growl at the woman currently caking his face in the disgusting stuff, but Colin was sitting in front of him on the edge of the platform, and the last thing he needed was for the redhead to be mad at him.
Marinette was currently in a changing room, trying on the brand new outfit Edna’s people had slapped together in just under an hour and a half. Chloé was, strangely, also in the changing room his cousin was in. The two girls had been inseparable from one another’s sides since coming back from lunch. 
It was strange. 
Damian didn’t like it. 
The blonde bitch was surely just trying to get his cousin to stop being upset with her precious model, which would not fly while Damian was here. He wouldn’t let Marinette be manipulated like that. Honestly, she was far too trusting. And here he thought she knew better than to trust that bitch. He’d have to talk to her later about Bourgeois. Even if Jon liked her, something was off about the girl, a feeling he couldn’t rip from his gut despite trying for the half Kryptonian’s sake. 
Damian’s eyes scanned the room, his mind suddenly being alerted to an absence. Something was missing. Someone was missing. The person’s absence had been nagging at him all morning, but then the empty space was filled during lunch. But it was gone now once again. 
“Colin.” he nudge the boy’s back with his foot. “Where did Jon go?” 
“Dunno, he got a call from his dad and wandered off to take it in private.” Colin looked up, neck twisted to stare at his boyfriend. “It’s actually weird, because he was on the phone with his mom all morning.” 
“Why did Lois call him?”
“I don’t know.” The redhead shrugged. “But it seemed like it really messed with him. I tried to ask him about it but then Mr. Kent called and he disappeared.” Colin’s eyes went back to Damian’s phone, texting out a few more messages before looking back at his boyfriend. “Actually, I haven’t seen Mr. Wayne around either. Do you know where he is?” 
“He informed me last night that their was some business he had to attend to, something to do with Diana Prince’s exhibit at The Gotham Museum of Antiquities.” Damian leaned back in his seat, the look Colin gave him making it clear he understood the code. A Justice League Emergency.  “He said he should be back before the festivities at the end of the week.” 
“Do you know what happened?” Colin asked, turning his whole body to face the boy, scooting over a tad so that the makeup artist wasn’t blocking his view. “At the museum, I mean.” 
Damian shook his head, his chin quickly being grabbed by the woman working on him, forcing him to stay still. He bit back a growl before responding. “Wouldn’t tell me a word. Maybe Kent’s filling Jon in on it. If my father’s involved I would assume his father is as well.” 
Colin tried not to laugh at his boyfriend’s obvious discomfort. “Guess we’ll just have to wait for him then.” Colin turned back around, eyes going back to the phone. “God she is so nice,” He whispered. 
“How are you even holding a conversation with her?” Damian asked. 
“Rose is fluent in four languages, English being one of them.” Colin smiled back at him. “I think I’ve made a new best friend.” he teased. Damian just sighed. Between his cousin and his boyfriend, he was never going to get his phone back. 
Suddenly Colin’s head whipped back around. “Wait, what would Mrs. Lane have to do with the museum?” 
Damian thought for a moment. Lois wasn’t overly involved in Justice League affairs. She was a deputized civilian, meaning she was technically a League member. It was a complicated system that was hard to explain and sometimes difficult even for Damian to decipher. But he did know that Lois handled the bulk of the League's publicity. Thanks to how she handled Superman, and a handful of other heroes, before she even knew their identities. 
But what kind of disruption could need Lois, Clark, Bruce, and Diana?
“I don’t know.” Damian resisted the urge to rub his chin. The only thing involving the League and Lois at the current moment was Lex Luthor Senior. The man had been in jail for several months now and his trial was quickly approaching. They’d tried to get that man arrested on several charges including tax fraud, terrorism, and other things, for many year, but nothing ever stuck. But now, now they had him on attempted murder, attempted murder of Lois Lane. Usually this wouldn’t fly, with the public knowing Lois’s loyalties to Superman and the League it would be assumed anything she said to reflect negatively on Luthor would be for the heroes, but they had a witness now. 
“The case maybe?” He whispered, hoping to god nothing bad had happened. If that man got out so many things would go up in flames. He would have to get in touch with Tim, ask him to ask Conner. He hated Conor being so involved with his half brother, put if Lex Jr. really was so great, maybe he would have some useful information. 
“Case?” Colin asked.
“Look up Lois Lane and Lex Luthor, see what pops up.” Damian turned his attention back to the woman currently painting his lips an ice blue. He didn’t want to discuss such sensitive things carelessly out in public. He also didn’t want Jon to magically appear while they were discussing it. He knew the whole situation was bothering him. But, no one took the attempted murder of their parent well. At least, that’s what Damian’s experience told him. 
Marinette was living for this redesign. 
The tube top had been changed to black, the shall had disappeared, a silver collar, like Chloé’s golden one, now adorned her neck. Instead of the skirt she now wore a pair of high waisted black short shorts, a thick silver belt wrapped around her abdomen. Silk straps in silver, lavender, dark blue, and a lighter black made up the overskirt that hid most of the shorts, only exposing them from the front few. She was also now given shoes, heeled gladiator boots in silver, matching all of her jewelry. The diadem, earrings and bracelets from earlier had also stayed apart of the outfit. 
Was it less revealing? No. 
If anything it was more so. 
But it was a million times more fashionable, and by Edna’s smile said that she knew it too. 
Marinette still felt awful, and if anything was a million times more confused after her talk with Chloé, which was still on going. Every time they had a break, the blonde girl would start whispering more of her story, basically retelling the past three years from her perspective. 
Chloé was in her outfit from earlier that morning, the two girls were on a platform filled with fake pink, orange, blue, and whtie clouds. Currently Marinette’s back was leaned against the blonde’s, repositioning her head as the photographer dictated. 
“I’m a little pissed.” Chloé whispered. “The boy’s get to-” The flash of the camera went off, several photos being taken. “Get to do their photoshoot with bows and arrows. Like that’s so unfair.” 
“Bows and arrows?” Her cousin? Angry at Adrien? With a bow and arrow in his proximity? That would not be good. 
“Totally unfair, I want to play with weapons too.” Chloé’s pout only lasted a moment before the photographer was ordering them to pose in different positions. The group shots the other day hadn’t been awful, mainly because she was only taking pictures with Damian. It was beyond strange to be all over Chloé, especially with how sensitive her thoughts towards the girl currently were. 
She had known.
She had known for years.
She’d been akumatized multiple times with knowledge of both her and her partner’s identities in her head and Hawkmoth never found out. She didn’t even know how that was possible. Just how much control did Hawkmoth really have? 
But possibly what had taken her by surprise the most, what she still couldn’t quite believe, was that her sweet, idiotic, adorable partner, outed himself with Physics. 
“Physics?” Marinette was in disbelief at the blonde’s words, her sandwich barely half eaten.
Chloé simply nodded. “Yup.” She leaned forward, having laid down on the bed, she propped her chin on her hands. “See, back before Adri started school, I would go over to his house and try and get him to do some of my homework for me, cause he’s crazy smart ya know?” 
“I think only Max can surpass him in book smarts.” Marinette nodded. 
“Well, he would never actually do anything for me. But he’d explain everything.” Chloé rolled her eyes. “Adrien has a very specific way he explains things, especially physics.” She leaned forward a little further. “So, when Ladybug instructed Chat Noir to watch over me after Nathaniel got akumatized I tried to get him to do my homework.” 
“Oh my god.” Marinette mumbled through a mouth full of sandwich. 
“And he started explaining in that special Adrien way. He even said, ‘You go this Chlo’ which is what he always said whenever I would get frustrated while he was helping me.” 
“Physics.” The bluenette mumbled, after swallowing. “I always thought he’d out himself with a pun.” 
“You okay?” Chloé’s voice brought her out of her thoughts, Marinette blinked a few times, smiling at the woman touching up her lipstick. The woman smiled back before leaving the platform. 
“Fine.” Marinette huffed. “Just lost in thought.
“I know everything we talked about was a lot, sorry to dump it on you so suddenly.” Chloé looked down, eyes on her clasped hands. 
“Honestly, it was probably for the best. If you hadn’t told me when you did I would have just been worrying about it all day long.” Marinette’s hand raised, landing on Chloé’s shoulder and squeezing it reassuringly. “But you do know that I’ve got to tell Adrien, or if you want to-” 
“I think I’d prefer it if you did.” Marinette nodded. 
“Alright girls!” The photographer clapped. “I want Artemis laying on that cloud, and Apollo on her stomach on that one!” He pointed as he spoke, both girls going where told, adjusting their bodies at the man’s command. 
Marinette’s eyes ran over the room before focusing back on the camera. Damian still wasn’t in his outfit. It still hadn’t been fetched from Italy. Edna had mentioned Violet’s younger brother. The bluenette’s mind was filled with memories from her last visit to the Mode Building, when she’d first met Violet and a very eager eleven year old who would not stop aggressively hitting on her. 
If who she thought was really going to collect this garment, she could only hope that he wouldn’t be let up onto the floor where the shoot was happening. Violet probably wouldn’t allow it. She’d collect it from him in the lobby or something and bring it up herself. 
She’d just been dealing with so much today, she didn’t know if she could handle-
‘ ding ’
She really did have the most fantastic luck.
The elevator door slid open, a short muscular fourteen year old sauntering out with a black garment bag slung over his shoulder. A self satisfied smirk plastered across his chiseled jaw. His cheekbones hard and square, the bridge of his sloped nose splashed with light brown freckles. His blonde hair was swept back, resembling someone who’d just gone for a joy ride in a ferrari. He swaggered across the room, a free hand stuck deep into his khaki slacks. His clothing suggesting he’d just come from a private school of sorts.
“Have no fear!” He announced, holding up his free hand. “Your hero is here!” He pressed it to his chest, mumbling something along the lines of “hold the applause please.” 
Violet came into the room from behind him, smacking him across the back of the head and snatching the bag out of his hand. “You’re late.”
“Ow!” He said very pointedly at her, so pointedly that Marinette doubted it actually hurt. “You said asap, well, I had a test.” 
“Like you actually try in any math class.” She walked past him, taking the garment straight to the changing rooms, several other assistants flocked to her, checking the outfit for possible damages from transit. 
The boy shot his sister a dirty look before turning his attention to Edna, the woman was standing in the middle of the room. “Dashiell!” She called, arms open wide. 
“Edna!” He opened his own arms, but instead of hugging they high fived, resulting in a complicated handshake that reminded Marinette of her and her cousin’s own. “So good to see you!” 
“I trust you had no trouble?” The woman asked. 
“Not an ounce.” He smiled wide. “I assure you, I took this job as seriously as possible, I even went a longer root so that I would be on the water for the shortest time possible.” Marinette didn’t know Dash well, but she did know he was god awful at keeping his secret identity underwraps. She had never been more thankful for the fact that a specific person didn’t know she was a superhero. 
“Who is that?” Chloé whispered harshly to her. 
“Dash Parr.” Marinette said dryly, watching as Edna handed Dash a thick stack of American dollars. “Violet’s little brother.” 
“So, we don’t like him?” The blonde asked. 
“As promised, double the normal fee, in assorted bills.” Edna said, patting Dash’s hand once the money was in his grip. 
“Happy I could be of assistance.” 
“And if your parents ask?” The short woman’s eyebrow quirked up. 
“As far as mom knows, I just wanted to see my lovely sister.” The boy’s grin turned into a smirk. “And as far as dad’s concerned, I ran across an ocean today in under three minutes.” Dash winked, the two girls, and several other workers, watched as Edna pulled a fifty dollar bill from her coat, placing it on top of Dash’s stack. 
“Always a pleasure Dashiell.” She patted the boy’s cheek before turning back to the photographer. 
Marinette was hopeful for a moment, finally responding to Chloé’s question. “It’s not necessarily that we don’t like him.” The boy turned, most likely to leave, but for a moment he faced Marinette and Chloé’s platform. His eyes locked on her. And suddenly he was walking towards them. 
All hope was lost. 
“Marinette Dupain-Cheg!” he called. 
“Cheg?” Chloé whispered. 
Marinette held back her grimace. “Hi Dash.” She bit out through clenched teeth. 
“Well,” His eyes ran up and down her body and Marinette had never felt more icky in her entire life. “Don’t you just look awesome.” 
Chloé’s eyes narrowed. “How old are you?” She whispered, watching as Dash hopped up on the platform. He was a few inches shorter than Marinette, meaning he was several inches shorter than Chloé. 
“Fourteen gorgeous,” Dash winked at her and Chloé’s face twisted immediately. 
“Oh god no.” She spat. 
“How’ve you been Mar-Mar?” He asked, leaning against one of the clouds, he immediately began to flex. 
“Mar-Mar?” Chloé asked, eyes narrowing. “What is happening?” She began looking around, trying to find someone to explain. Damian had been shoved into a changing room now that his garment was here, and Adrien was getting his makeup touched up for his and Damian’s shoot. 
Chloé was curious as to what would happen when the boy noticed, but seeing as Gabriel was in attendance today, she thought it best not to draw his attention. When she turned her attention back to Marinette, the girl’s face had grown extremely pensive. The short blonde boy was bragging about how much he could bench press. 
Chloé took a step closer to the girl, leaning close to whisper in her ear. “No, seriously,” She hissed. “Who is this kid?” 
Marinette only shook her head. Both girls turning back to face Dash as he launched into a story about how the entire cheerleading team was currently arguing over who he’d be taking to prom. “Course I haven’t said yes to anyone yet.” He winked at Marinette again, this time Chloé was close enough to feel the girl shiver. “Incase a special little lady shows up intime.” 
Chloé grabbed Marinette’s hand, unsure what else to do in the moment. 
“DASH!” All three of them jumped at the noramly calm Violet’s angry shout. “Oh my god! Get off of there! We are in the middle of a shoot.” Violet reached up and grabbed Dash’s ear. She yanked him off the platform that surprised Chloé but didn’t seem to phase Marinette. 
“Ow! Ow! OW! Violet!” The boy cried. 
“No!” Violet began to march toward the elevators. “No! No! No! You need to leave now! You are disrupting the shoot! Demarcus!” a large black man suddenly appeared, he was dressed in a nice suit and was very obviously security. “Please escort Dash here out of the building, in fact, make sure he leaves the city.” 
“Yes ma’am.” Demarcus took Dash’s arm. “If you’d come with me please sir.” 
“Wait! Wait! Wait! Vi!” 
“What?” Violet crossed her arms, face set in a glare.
“There are a bunch of robot pigeons that keep showing up at the house, and Mom is starting to get really frustrated cause JackJack keeps fighting them and-”  
“Oh my god.” Violet slapped her forehead. “Okay, just please leave. I’ll talk to Hiro.” Violet turned away as the door closed on Dash and Damarcus. “Jesus christ I hate all of them.”
Chloé slowly turned to Marinette, releasing the girl’s hand. “No seriously,” She said. “What-who was that? What just happened?” 
Marientte sighed, slumping against one of the clouds. “That was Dashiell Robert Parr.” 
“I hated that.” Chloé said. “I never want to experience that again in my entire life.” 
“Yeah, I know the feeling.” The bluenette crossed her arms. “He’s a lot.”
“He called you Mar-Mar Dupain-Cheg.” Chloé pointed out. “Like, what the hell? Cheg? Mar-Mar?” Chloé looked around, almost like she was trying to find proof of what she just experienced. “Did I dream that?” 
“More like nightmared it.” Marinette commented. 
Chloé stared at her wide eyed. “Mar-Mar.” Chloé said monotone. “And I thought Bugaboo was a stupid nickname.” 
Adrien rolled his shoulders, trying to regain some sense of comfort now that he was strapped into the white silk tank top. Thick leather straps in brass and gold had been draped tastefully around his abdomen, then wrapped tightly  around his bare arms, constricting his muscles to the point where it was hard to move. But he didn’t want to make the jobs of the two men working on sorting his outfit any more difficult than it had to be, so he stayed as still as possible. 
“God she’s a genius.” He had heard something along those lines so many times in the past two days, he’d lost count. He had greatly underestimated just how much Edna Mode was worshiped by her followers. Not that he disagreed, or not a lot, but he definitely thought that for some of the designs he’d seen so far, Marinette could easily make a better version. His point only being proved by Marinette’s amazing redesign of her own outfit that very morning. 
And she did that while not even functioning at a hundred percent. 
It was pretty obvious to Adrien that his partner had been off all morning. Heck, he had been off all morning. He was hoping to talk to her over lunch, see if he couldn’t help her and maybe discuss some things that had been distressing him as well. But Chloé had dragged her off before Adrien could even get to her. 
Now that was distressing. 
The two girls showed back up to the shoot together an hour and a half later, looking thick as thieves. While the thought of his oldest friend and his best friend (best female friend as Nino was his best male friend and that was the only way he could sort them in good conscience because they both meant so much to him) finally getting along made him so happy, he would be lying if he said their time alone didn’t worry him. 
One of the men wrapped a gaudy golden belt around his middle, it was thick and rested heavily against his hips, but he didn’t complain. “You really do look like an everyday adonis.” The other man commented. 
“Thank you.” Adrien gave a polite smile as one of the men started adjusting the straps that fell over the belt. Soon four sets of hands were at work on the straps hanging off the slim dark brown pants he wore. A woman came over, fixing his quiffed hair to be a bit more messy. Edna had referred to the style as ‘sex hair’ but he preferred to think of it as a windswept look. Once the woman was done with his hair she moved on to his neck, placing a heavy golden collar around his throat, letting it rest against his shoulders. It reminded him of a cat collar. 
Next to him stood Damian. The boy wore a black vest with silver accents, his arms wrapped in similar leather straps to Adrien’s, but his were colored silver and ice blue. He wore loose black slacks, silver leather straps hanging off the sides of his hips in hooped fashion, the straps having similar black details to the vest. 
In terms of jewelry, Damian had a silver collar like Adiren’s gold one, but he did not have a belt like Adrien. Instead Damian’s wrists were clad in long gauntlet like silver bracelets. He also had a silver diadem placed on his forehead. A brilliant blue stone set in its center, it matched Marinette’s eyes well, and also matched the matte color Damian’s lips had been painted. 
“You know, when Edna referred to these as strappy ensembles, I was kind of hoping she was kidding.” Adrien said, eyes moving back to focus on his reflection.
“Edna doesn’t kid, especially when it comes to her work.” Damian’s voice was monotone, his hands raised to push back the curls of his bangs.
“Seems like that runs in the family.” Adrien whispered, hoping Damian hadn’t heard him once the words left his mouth. “So…” God, this silence hurt. 
“We don’t need to talk while this happens.” Damian said, eyes firm on his reflection, it looked like he was glaring at himself.  
“Oh-o-okay.” Adrien looked down, as the woman who put the collar on him placed a golden diadem on his forehead. His stone was a much darker blue, possibly Lapis Lazuli but he wasn’t sure. All the knowledge he had in regards to gemstones came from Steven Universe. 
“Couple of Princes the two of you.” The woman said, smiling at the boys. “No wonder Edna fought so hard for you.” 
“She fought for him, I agreed rather seamlessly.” Damian corrected. “Am I done?” He looked over at her, eyes cold. 
“Oh, um yes.” 
“Good.” Damian walked away from the two, going to sit down on one of Edna’s platforms that’s only purpose, Adrien was roughly seventy-percent certain, was to make the woman taller. His boyfriend greeted him cheerfully, but seemed to be mainly preoccupied with Damian’s phone.
“Well isn’t he a ray of sunshine.” The woman commented, resting her hand on her hip as she cocked it out. 
“No kidding.” Adrien whispered, eyes downcast. It didn’t necessarily bother him when people didn’t like him, he’d had fans and haters since day one of his career. But it was bothering him that someone so important to Marinette disliked him, or at least it seemed like Damian didn’t like him. Adrien could see Damian in the mirror, he was glaring at him. 
It also didn’t help that he’d had a knot in his stomach since he found out Marinette’s plan that morning. Nino’s video only amplifying his pains. While he didn’t like Lila, and knew she needed to be stopped, he couldn’t help but think there was a better way to do it then publicly humiliate her in front of the whole school. She wasn’t a good person but she wasn’t down right evil, she deserved a little sympathy. 
Or maybe Adrien was just too nice. Which was something Chloé had insisted that morning when he complained about not liking what was happening. Plagg had agreed with her when Adrien relayed the story to him. Saying that Adrien was far too forgiving for his own good, and insisting once again, that it was okay to be angry with someone. He knew that. He wasn’t a child. Nor was he as innocent and helpless as people around him seemed to think. He just didn’t like conflict. 
He wished, once again, that he could have discussed these feelings with Marinette at lunch. He knew he would feel better once he talked things out with her, he always did. That is why he originally started visiting her as Chat Noir. Marinette, as herself or as his lady, she always made things better, made people feel better, made him feel better. He just needed a few minutes with her, to discuss what happened, explain why it caused him such unrest. He needed to hear her side. Needed to talk to her, or maybe just be in her close proximity again, after she dodge him all morning long. 
Just a few minutes. 
She was like a battery, super charging him whenever she was near. 
Suddenly a large ornate golden bow was handed to the blonde boy. It was heavy in his hands, and he had to wonder amidst his marveling at the details, if this was a real weapon. Had someone just handed him, a sixteen year old boy, a real weapon? 
He looked around, sure this must be a mistake, but instead of someone taking the thing away, he was taken by the arm. One of the men from earlier leading him to the platform, a forest scene. His stage for the next photoshoot. A photoshoot that involved weapons? 
He saw someone handing Damian a silver bow identical to his golden one. Adrien couldn’t put his finger on why, but it made his stomach drop. Now Damian had a weapon, a real weapon. That couldn’t be a good idea. This couldn’t be right. There had to be a mistake of some kind, right? 
Suddenly he was on the platform. Damian facing him across the fake grass. His eyes still set in a galre. Adrien gulped. He had an awful feeling. 
“Okay!” The photographer shouted. “So I want these photos to have a bit more aggression to them. You boys think you can give me that aggressive vibe?” 
Damian’s quick answer only made the blonde boy even more nervous. 
“Good!” The bald man clapped his hands. “Someone give them their arrows.” 
Damian couldn’t help the smirk that stretched across his features as he placed his arrow against the bow’s string. It felt good, natural. You never forget, it’s like riding a bike. Weapons always made him feel so comfortable. He knew how to deal with weapons, unlike people. 
His cousin was in distress, and now she was avoiding him. She was upset because of Adrien Agreste. He upset her and she was still worried about him, it was obvious. She was worried Damian would do something, which he wouldn’t of course. But he wanted to. He wanted to do something to make her feel better. 
“Wouldn’t piercing that pretty face with an arrow make her feel better?” Something wicked whispered in his ear. The voice was icky and made his skin crawl, evil. It sounded like his grandfather, but at the same time like his mother. 
Hurting Adrien wouldn’t make her feel better, just Damian. 
He pulled the drawstring back, stopping when it grazed the corner of his lips. The photographer told them to do it, but Adrien wasn’t doing it quite right. Someone had to get up on the platform and help him, show him how to position it correctly. 
He reminded Damian of a baby deer, fumbling on new legs.
“Easy Pray.” The voice whispered. 
It was like riding a bike. His senses were always on fire, acutely aware of how to take down everyone around him. Even with all the training, all the philosophies his father had spent years shoveling into his head, his inner assassin never slept. His beast was always awake, waiting for a week spot in Damian’s defenses, waiting to break out and cause havoc. 
Damian barely registered the flashes of the camera. 
He was so angry, the longer he stared at Adrien’s face. The blonde’s glare was fake, he knew that. The boy didn’t seem like he had it in him to hate. Damian had too much capacity for hate, or so people told him. 
Damian’s glare was real. 
He had a large capacity for hate, currently that hate was mostly directed towards Adrien. Marinette trusted too easily, she trusted her heart to people too easily. Why would she pick someone to love who could hurt her so easily? 
More flashes, he registered these even less. 
They were told to walk forward a few paces, they both did. Adrien had to have that same assistant come and help him reposition his bow. How was he a hero? How was Paris not destroyed? How was his cousin still alive with a partner who was so useless, with a partner who so carelessly hurt her. 
“He hurt her.” 
Did he care that he hurt her? Damian hadn’t seen the two of them speak since Adrien left them that morning. Adrien was avoiding Marinette, that was the only explanation. Of course, he was hurting her and he knew it. 
“He wants her to hurt.”
Damian was so angry. 
“Now some without the bows!” Edna had clapped, clapping while giving orders, it was something she had always done. But Damian had lost focus on the world around him, he was just so angry. He’d lost focus. The noise startled him. 
He hadn’t meant to. 
He didn’t mean to. 
His eyes widened as a scream filled the room. It was his cousin, he knew that. She screamed. Marinette screamed and then his arrow sunk deep into the fake bark of a prop tree. He’d missed Adrien by a millimeter, he was sure there was a cut on the blonde’s cheek. It wouldn’t be more than a hair's breadth. But it would be there. 
Edna would know it. 
Marinette would know it. 
Damian knew it. 
He wasn’t trained to miss. He always hit his target. Not always lethally, but he always hit them. He had just been so angry. He was startled. He hadn’t meant to. He really hadn’t. It was an accident, he was startled. 
“Oh my god!” 
Suddenly Marinette and Chloé were on the platform. The girls flanking the blonde’s sides. For his worth, Adrien hadn’t moved. It was like the arrow hadn’t even phased him. All he had done was lower his weapon. 
Enda was at Damian’s side. He hadn’t lowered the bow yet. She ripped it from his hands. She was yelling at him but he wasn’t quite registering it yet. He had been startled and his hand slipped. 
Marinette’s eyes hurt. 
His eyes had the power to cut people, cut them down, crush their strength, strike fear. Her eyes had the power to hurt, to cause hearts to break. He felt that hurt, felt his chest ache as she stared at him, eyes narrowed, frown set. 
Adrien had hurt her. 
Damian had hurt him. 
Had Damian hurt her?
“Damian what the hell was that!” He was hit by the bow, his head ached now along with his heart. Edna was still at his side, she was fuming. 
“I-” He didn’t know what to say, honestly. He hadn't meant to. His fingers slipped, he was startled and it made him release. It was an accident. “I don’t know.” He whispered. 
“You don’t know?!” Edna shouted. “You shot at him!” 
“I’m fine Ms. Mod-Enda. Really, I am.” Adrien raised his hands, why was he trying to help? Damian had just shot at him. 
“Adrien you’re hurt.” Marinette’s fingers traced the cut, the boy flinched barely. Tender flesh. Damian knew she’d be able to see it. 
“It’s just a cut.” The blonde whispered. 
“Edna that psychopath just shot an arrow at my son!” Gabriel Agreste’s voice cut through the crowd. Now the asshole cared? Damian couldn’t help the thought. 
“Why are these real arrows?” Chloé asked, getting Marinette’s attention. “Shouldn’t they just be props?”
“Did you seriously give him a real weapon?” Marinette’s words were quieter, but Damian caught them. He was dangerous with weapons, everyone in his family knew that. They feared him when he was armed. 
“Edna.” Gabriel pulled the woman a way. 
Damian had to wonder if he would be getting sent home. They were only two days into the shoot. His father wasn’t here to defend him. Would Father defend him? Edna could easily replace him, eat into a few safety days to reshoot. Maybe it was for the best? If a Justice League emergency was brewing they might need him. 
They wouldn’t ask him to leave, he would ask to be dismissed. It was only right after all. He caused such an incident. He should leave. They would want him to. 
Damian stepped down from the platform. He felt an odd sort of emptiness, not even necessarily regret. Just nothingness. He was used to that feeling, it was much safer than anything remotely close to an emotion. 
Suddenly he was grabbed by the arm and pulled off to a secluded corner. He hadn’t even registered the person until they were yelling at him in harsh whispers. 
“Damian what the fuck was that?!” Oh, it was his boyfriend. 
The dark skinned boy blinked a few times, probably more times than necessary, but he still wasn’t quite back yet. Still wasn’t quite sure what had happened. His eyes focused on Colin. He was angry, it was obvious, he was disappointed. 
With focus came his emotions, back and at full force. 
They hurt like a bitch. 
Marientte was upset with him, he hurt her. Edna was upset with him, she was angry with him. Colin was disappointed with him. Colin was disappointed in him. “I-I’m I don’t-” Damian tried to figure out his words but everything wasn’t quite back yet, not back in focus. 
“Damian you just shot that kid with a freaking arrow!” The redhead growled. “Why? Why did you do that? What the hell was that!” 
“I-don’t know.” He finally managed. God, now he was the baby deer wasn’t he? 
“You don’t know?” Colin hissed. “Damian you almost killed him!” 
“It was just a scratch.” Defensive. He was defending himself, his actions, that’s right. Because he’d messed up, he’d slipped up. “I didn’t mean to.” 
“You didn’t mean to?” Colin asked, eyes scrutinizing. “Damian you aimed, you shot, you hit him.” His jaw was set. “Why? Why did you do that? What the hell Damian!” 
He’d only used his full name this whole time. No nicknames, no shortening it, no pet names. It was strange, but that hurt more than Marinette’s eyes. 
“I don’t know.” Damian choked. “I don’t-I didn’t mean to. Enda startled me and I just let go-my finger slipped I didn’t mean to.” He was drowning, that’s what it felt like. Colin was so angry at him. He had never seen Colin angry at him quite like this. Though, typically, when Damian hurt people, far past the point that he should have, it was a very bad man. Sometimes Colin even helped him. 
“I didn’t mean to.” Damian whispered, eyes falling to the floor. 
He should apologize, shouldn’t he? Yes, say he was sorry for hurting the model. He should apologize to Colin and Marinette and Enda. So they wouldn’t be hurt or angry or disappointed any more. But the problem with him wanting to apologize was that he could never get the words out. 
Colin sighed, turning away from Damian. His head shook as he began walking away. He was still angry and hurt and disappointed. And Damian still couldn’t breath or focus right. He was in trouble, his father would be upset. Everyone was upset. 
He headed for the changing rooms as quickly as possible. He needed to be out of this environment. He needed to be somewhere else. 
He needed to breath. 
Well, today was just going swimmingly. 
First Damian got woken up and torn away from his warm and cuddly boyfriend. Then that distressing video. Then his cousin, who was obviously upset, wouldn’t talk to him. Then Colin stole his phone and got a brand new best friend in the form of some random french girl. Then he tried to defend his cousin’s honor, but instead got yelled at by his boyfriend and aunt and by Gabriel Agreste. And his cousin, his cousin looked so upset with him. Colin wasn’t talk to him either. He was being ignored and possibly suffered a panic attack in the changing room, but wasn’t quite sure. He’d never been good at diagnosing his own symptoms, just the symptoms of others. 
And now Damian was alone, going back to his room to take Titus for a walk. He needed to blow off steam. Today had been awful. He needed to move around, be angry and sad and mostly alone, but walking Titus would help, it had to help. 
The elevator opened and he began walking down the hall, but stopped when he noticed a figure in the small lobby area. The tall muscular boy leaning against the window, all his focus directed towards something outside. Damian recognized him immediately as Jon Kent.
That was the other thing. 
What the hell was going on with the Justice League and the two boys’ fathers.
“You okay Kent?” The boy didn’t turn around at his name. He didn’t even respond. That wasn’t good. 
Damian took several steps forward, slowly. He reached out and placed his hand on Jon’s shoulder, the boy didn’t move a muscle. “Jon?” Damian asked, voice a little softer. “Are you alright?” 
“Trisha Bailey was killed last night.” His voice was emotionless, and Damian took note that the boy wasn’t wearing his glasses. “It was a hit and run.”
“Trisha Bailey?” The name sounded very familiar but it took Damian a moment to place it, when he did, his stomach dropped. “No.”  
“Lex Luthor was released from prison this morning.” Jon’s face grew angrier. “No witness, no crime. Or whatever.” He spat. “Forget the fact that man had mercenaries hired to kill my mother. Forget that he planted bombs to killer. Snipers following her. Hitmen. All so she wouldn’t write a damn article.” His fists clenched against the glass window. 
“Jon calm down.” Damian increased the pressure of his hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“Lex-” The boy’s Jaw clenched. “Lex Jr. stopped returning Conor’s calls. He also left the country late last night.” Jon’s eyes narrowed. “They can’t figure out where he went but they’re trying to track him, unsuccessfully I might add.” Jon turned away from the window and Damian. “God we were so stupid! Conor trusted him!” He banged his fist against the wall, a small dent forming.
“Jon.” Damian’s voice was a tad sterner. “You need to calm down before you break something you can’t fix.” 
“What if he comes after my mom again Damian?” The boy turned around, tears in his eyes. “What if he comes after me or Conor or my dad? Kara? Grandma! He could come after any of us!” 
“We won’t let him hurt any of you!” Damian tried to assure. 
“What about Lena Luthor!?” 
Lena Luthor? Damian didn’t know a hefty amount about her, just what was outlined in her file. She was the younger sister of Lex Luthor Senior. Slightly less evil, known for having a conscience, and eventually turned against him. She was in JLA witness protection, had been for eighteen years now.
“What about Lena?” Damian asked. 
“They can’t find her Damian.” Jon let out an angry breath, resting his back against the window. “Mr. Queen went to Rome yesterday, that’s where she’s supposed to be. But he can’t find her. People are searching the whole continent of Europe. No one can find her.” 
“Okay,” Damian looked to the ground trying to think. “That’s not great but her brother may not know where she is either.”
“Be real Damian.” Jon looked up at him. “I may not be smart, but I’m not dumb. And you aren’t stupid enough to believe that Jr. isn’t cozying up to his aunt right now.” His fist clenched again, Damian could see it smashing into the glass, but thankfully Jon seemed to still have some semblance of control. 
“Damian the Luthors have enough kryptonite stock piled away to fuel two nuclear bombs.” The boy’s eyes suddenly looked so empty. “Lena Luthor was the only thing we had on him, along with Trisha. Now we don’t have either, and my family is his number one target.” 
“Yeah well, I hate to break this to you but Batman had double that amount of kryptonite.” It was meant as a joke, but as anyone who knew him knew, Damian was bad at those. “Luthor, Luthor isn’t going to be able to pull shit. I’m sure the whole League is working on this as we speak.” 
Damian walked in front of his friend, he wasn’t a hugger. Typically he wasn’t one for prolonged contact at all, save for a handful of very specific circumstances, like a warm cuddly sleeping boyfriend. But this was his friend, his perky, never not happy friend who, no matter what, was always there for him. 
It was easier than he was expecting to pull the half-kryptonian into a tight hug. “We will figure this out.” Damian whispered. “I swear Jon, I won’t let him hurt you or your family. If there’s one thing that scares the shit out of Luthors, it’s Waynes.” Jon was fully crying now, but Damian could swear he heard something along the lines of a small chuckle escape the boy’s mouth. 
“I just don’t know what to do Damian.” Jon’s arms were suddenly around him, tightly hugging him back. “M-my mom, she’s staying with Dinah while Mr. Queen is in Europe. Damian I’m scared.” 
“I know.” Damian wasn’t good at this, comforting wasn’t what he was good at. He was good at getting even, at defending people he cared about, at pissing people off and arguing his point. “Do you remember that ridiculous thing you always tell me?” 
“N-no.” He sniffled. 
“Good always triumphs over evil, right?” 
The Kansan let out a stronger laugh. “Right.” He was still crying, but he was still laughing too. “Good always wins.”
“Well we’re good. And they’re evil.” Damian hugged his friend a little tighter. “So that means that everything is going to be fine. Jon I promise.” Even as Damian said the words he couldn’t help the thought that crossed his mind. “Everything will be fine.” Famous last words. 
(part 1)  (part 2)  (part 2.5)  (part 3)  (part 4)  (part 5)  (part 6) (part 7) (part 8)  (part 9)  (part 10)  (part 11) (part 12) - Here  (part 13)
Photoshoot Part 4! Y'all I don't know what happened. I sat down to study for finals last night and instead turned on Hamilton and cranked this mess out. Anyway, Dash is finally here and I love him. But he’s also the worst, hence why he isn’t a prominent Character in this fic, but who knows, maybe he’ll show back up at some point. So a lot of what I was excited for at the end of part 11 actually isn't’ in this. It started getting really long so I had to chop it in half. Hopefully part 13 will come just as quickly as this part did. And hopefully I can actually get some studying done before my test tomorrow. I hope you all enjoyed this part as much as I did writing it! Please leave comments! I love reading everyone's thoughts on the chapters, they always make me smile. Like comments, I have discovered, can change my whole outlook on a day. And I could seriously use some positivity heading into my finals! As always if you have any questions about the story or AU feel free to ask, I love getting them and will happily answer any question you got (even if it’s not about this AU)! And if you want to be tagged let me know! 
Also for future reference in this fic, the version of Lena Luthor that I am using for my writing is the character Tess Mercer from Smallville. 
@graduatedmelon @northernbluetongue​ @violatiger8​ @bamagirl513​ @vixen-uchiha​ @beaversuenightly​ @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff​ @todaylillypads​ @laurakinneylance​ @vgirl-10123​ @wellcrud-blog-blog​ @silvergold-swirl​ @crazylittlemunchkin​ @an-ahez​ @queencommonsense​ @ladybug-182​ @meganemily231​ @driftingmoonlitpetals​ @kand-roo​ @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry​ @theatreandcomicfreak​ @paradoxal-occurance​ @miraculousl4dybug @thanks-captain-obvious​ @sassydepression​ @multishipper1needshalp @wegan97​ @surprisebishhhhhhhhh  @redscarlet95 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @synnesstra @fandomkitty8 @tired-yeetling @saluteswifties @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @dast218 @naclychilli @royalchaoticfangirl @panda3506 @nataladriana9 @shreky-boi @my-name-is-michell @dawnwave16  @thethirdwheelfriend @quiet-oracle @heaven428 @dabub167 @kris-pines04 @severelyenchantedwonderland @urbanpineapplefarmer @goblinwhoships
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
🌻 uwu
🌻 describe what home is like for you and your f/o. (do you live together? would you like to? how do you decorate? what makes it comfortable for you both?)
I'mma allow myself a little bit of freedom with this answer, as a treat
We live together! It's been difficult to find a balance between our design... Aesthetics i guess? I have a lot of butterfly decor [or i guess they'd be pokemon in this case], we have some fairy lights on the pretty patio, a room for our trophies (Actual trophy roon) but he also uses it for a work room if he's behind on any paperwork, and we have a library of books there, organized by genre. fic and nonfic on different sides of the wall, and the space in the middle that hasn't been filled in yet has figures we like why yes my idol kids are next to some cool dragon figures, we can do both. Even though Lance winds up doing a lot of his work in here, the room manages to keep some semblance of relaxation. I have a small altar in there as well, incense and candles stored in there, as well as the unfortunate amount of tarot decks i own. (Several others have been strewn about the house, to wherever I took them, with probably seven or ten in the living room, and three or five somehow in the bedroom, leaving Lance curious as to how that always happens whenever it's time for me to round them up.)
There's another room for me to do crafting in, and a lot of my fiction actually winds up in there, as well as cosplay/craft reference books, and any art design/myth/ancient history books i might be borrowing for inspiration. And then forget to put back until he asks where it's at.
The patio is as wide as the house, the backyard unfenced as it goes into, like, idk a meadow/prairie that ends with a forest and eventually runs into the indigo league's mountainside.
It looks very domestic on the outsideand then you see the inside and you are like, "ah. Yes. They do indeed live here". My apt gets that comment a lot LOL but thats bc i have a lot of shit on display.
The living room has a gaming center for me, mostly organized by me since i'm the gamer here. Stuff like big controller accessories are hidden behind entertainment consoles' doors, along with spare cables and controllers. There's a glass coffee table in the center of the room, with navy/dark blue couches and a corner table connecting the two as they angle towards the coffee table and tv.
There is a fireplace off to the side that lacks a couch, that is not in use except during winter.
The kitchen is one that has one of those... I don't know the name for it, but a counter that connects to the kitchen? Not an island but kinda technically yes. You could technically sit and eat here. There's a dining room/table a bit behind it, sort of sandwiched between the kitchen and living room.
There's an upstairs behind the entertainment console wall, which sometimes i regret having, especially when i'm tired. But upstairs is different sort of rooms, especially one used as a supplies sort of room for various things (usually for our pokemon). One or two are guest bedrooms, though we don't always have people over; it's nice to have and if one of us doesn't want to wake the other at any point in the night, we might sleep in one of those rooms. Though one of those rooms probably got redesigned recently by lance so if silver stays over for training he can have a space that's not the couch. Apparently he deserves a proper space to sleep or something :p so more like one guest bedroom by now. I feel embarrassed just saying this but there's also probably a workout room mostly used by him and some of our pokemon. ;>>
There's also a pc/pokemon transporter somewhere around the house, mostly for me to use since i've caught a lot of Pokemon, and we like to let our Pokemon roam around freely. It's not nearly as varied or big an area as Oak's Lab is known for, but for where our house is, it gets the job done. Especially since we're not housing an innumerable amount of Pokemon.
As for the master bedroom, all i have in mind is a big canopy bed, since i've always wanted one, with plenty of room for us to sleep, especially if any Pokemon come in the middle of the night. Pika technically has her own little bed, but she usually winds up curled up on a pillow next to me, or next to my torso. The bed is super plush and the comforters are a big comfort when one of us isn't there before we fall asleep. The bed frame itself manages to look simple but ornate. We put glow in the dark stars along the canopy curtains because I saw some one day and bought them, half jokingly asking if we could put them on there, and he said yes. The canopy curtains are a dark, regal blue; the bedsheets an amalgation of ones that i've kept over the years or saw and wanted, though Lance has managed to prune the amount of blankets kept in/on the bed, since I'm bad at deciding these things myself. The pillows are a mix of shaped ones and plush ones, couple of plushes i've snuck in there while he's gone, just bc i could.
There's of course a walk-in closet, or at least one big enough that you could technically walk-in, and I told him to get a separate closet for all of his capes. He still keeps some in the bedroom. I have a separate one in the craft room for all of my costumes and fabric. You have to.
There's one of those makeup dresser things with the big mirror, a vanity? but I don't often use it for its intended purpose, aside from my minor makeup collection being stored on there. My two hanging nail polish racks are on each side of the mirror, which DOES see more use than the eyeshadows and lipsticks I have. A handful of tarot decks also sneak their way onto it, mostly bc i wanted a flat surface instead of the bed to read on, even tho i could have used the coffee table in the living room, but i wanted to read in the bedroom. There's another small, personal altar here, on a wooden table under the bedroom window, with picture frames of us, a couple of candles and incense holders, one of which is that really cool dragon one from the in-verse equivalent of Wal-Mart, a mixture of fairy and witchy [or i guess fairy, ghost, and dark type ] aesthetic knick knacks, a simple incense holder in the middle, which burns quietly, slowly, as smoke trails upwards and disappears into the bright, sunshine creeping in from the window above the table
Of course im just talking about a dream house of a sort here, since i won't get to have any irl.
Despite what sounds like a lot of space, we still manage to keep it very homey for us, with little touches of decor that remind us of the other. There's always room for two in any room if we wanted to hang out together, and a couple of places we make cozy regardless.
Our Pokemon all have a place to roam about; any that are small enough to be indoors that we're currently training or working with have their own food bowls that they share from.
The place never feels too big, even when one of us is missing the other, because of all the personal touches. All of the Pokemon that are free to wander and keep an eye on things when we're both out. Things we all have to keep busy. Work, training, hobbies, etc. It always feels like home whenever we enter. And we never fail to find each other in our house; like two magnets, we'll just know which room the other might be cooped up in.
Maybe this isn't quite what the ask was going for, but i needed the reprieve from "shitty ass 1bdrm crowded apt in vegas", so i took it and ran. Thank you.
Oh and we'd still have a landline phone, with an answering machine, and a phone in most of the rooms. But it sees less and less use since smartphones became commonplace. But we still have them, just in case.
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