#sip a bowl ab
mx-nada · 5 months
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...we need a straw gang meeting!!! STRAW GAAANG!!!
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maliciousmace · 6 months
Object show friendships
Yes it's shitty but I had fun all throughout the process of this so I'm sharing my joy with you, also I'm like really sleepy so that explains a lot
Idk they're just so funky <3
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transform4u · 18 days
Hey, I need your help! I'm in a happy and healthy gay relationship with the partner of my dreams, but there's this girl in my college who always had a huge crush on me. Her dad is some kind of powerful conservative politician or something. She keeps trying to get between me and my boyfriend. I'm so worried that she'll do something really bad just to get what she wants.
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The party buzzed around you as you stood by the punch bowl, your mind still lingering on the auditions you’d just completed. You were feeling a mix of excitement and exhaustion, but that quickly shifted when your cute boyfriend returned with drinks in hand. You gave him a quick kiss, enjoying the warmth of his lips before he wandered off to grab something else. That was when Samantha, the quintessential entitled, snobby, rich girl, sauntered up to you.
She practically oozed privilege with every step, her designer clothes and perfectly styled hair making you want to roll your eyes. You tried to ignore her, scanning the room for your boyfriend. “Like, what are you looking for?” she asked, her tone dripping with condescension.
“My boyfriend. He’s supposed to be coming back with drinks and—” you started to explain, but she cut you off with a saccharine smile.
“Oh, silly, don’t think about him. I have a drink for you,” she said, fluttering her lashes as she handed you a plastic cup of jungle juice.
You took the drink with a mix of reluctance and resignation, your annoyance barely concealed. Samantha was everything you despised about this college—rich, entitled, and deeply conservative. But a drink was a drink, and it was better than standing around thirsty. You took a sip, and the jungle juice was a surprising burst of sweetness, the alcohol warming your throat as it slid down. It was smooth at first but quickly gave way to a burning sensation, a hot pain settling in your stomach.
Then, a peculiar sound rang through the room—a sharp, resonant snaaaaaaaaaappppp that seemed to echo and reverberate. You glanced around, but no one else seemed to react. Your attention snapped back to Samantha, who had an odd, almost predatory glint in her eyes now. "Don't ever think of that annoying little faggot boyfriend ever again", she said with a coy smile.
As you looked down, your Adam’s apple seemed to swell, bulging noticeably as an unfamiliar energy surged through you. It was as if a hidden force was awakening inside you, making your skin tingle. You could feel the jungle juice transforming, its warmth morphing into a strange, pulsating energy that made your entire body feel alive.
Your gaze flicked to your reflection in a nearby mirror, and you saw your once-skinny, frail theatre boy body starting to change. The energy coursing through you felt both exhilarating and disorienting. Your muscles twitched and rippled beneath your skin, their contours gradually shifting. Your arms, once slender, began to swell, veins popping up as they became more defined. Your chest and abs, previously delicate, were now straining against your clothes, hardening and sculpting into a more robust form.
Samantha’s voice echoed in your mind, whispering, “Babe.” The word seemed to fuel the transformation, as though her very presence was molding you. You watched in disbelief as your body continued to change, every muscle becoming more pronounced, more powerful.
Your reflection now showed a strikingly handsome, young preppy bro—a vision of sculpted perfection. Every muscle was meticulously defined, from your abs to your biceps, which now bulged with impressive strength. Your shoulders were broad and commanding, seamlessly transitioning into powerful arms that seemed to effortlessly draw attention. Even your legs were a marvel of athleticism, each step you took radiating a potent mix of power and grace.
Your face, too, had transformed. The high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes spoke of classic, preppy charm. You wore a confident, almost cocky smirk that suggested a mix of intelligence and mischief. The entire package radiated youthful vigor and meticulous grooming, a modern Adonis wrapped in preppy charisma.
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The energy that had transformed you was now settling, leaving you with a blend of awe and confusion. Samantha’s gaze was one of satisfaction, her eyes twinkling with a mix of triumph and something darker. You could feel her influence lingering, but now, you were faced with the new reality of your own transformed self—a striking figure of athleticism and charm, commanding attention with every move.
As you stood there, grappling with the bizarre transformation, Samantha’s voice cut through the confusion like a siren’s call. “Babe, Daddy’s going to love you,” she moaned, her words resonating with a deep, almost hypnotic allure. The sound wrapped around you, and a shiver ran down your spine. It was as if her voice was weaving itself into the fabric of your thoughts, reshaping them.
Memories, once vivid and cherished, began to flare up in your mind, but they weren’t the memories you expected. The recollections of theatre camp, where you’d shared innocent kisses with your boyfriend under the stars, or the electric thrill of singing showtunes in dimly lit dive bars seemed to dissolve into a searing blaze. In their place, new memories, laden with a different kind of intensity, started to worm their way into your consciousness.
You saw yourself in the opulent ballroom of a fancy party, dressed in pristine designer attire, the epitome of privilege and entitlement. The room buzzed with the drone of high society gossip, and you were at the center of it all, effortlessly commanding attention. You could almost taste the exclusivity, the heady sense of superiority that came from being part of this elite circle. The feeling was intoxicating, a stark contrast to the camaraderie of your previous experiences.
Flashes of prep school days invaded your mind—those were the times when you were the quintessential preppy douchebag. You remembered the way you’d sauntered through the hallways, your perfectly ironed shirts and perfectly tousled hair marking you as someone who was above it all. You relished in teasing those you deemed beneath you, their attempts to fit in falling short against your polished, unapproachable demeanor. The thrill of belittling others, the way their reactions validated your sense of superiority, was both exhilarating and addictive.
Images of fucking your way through the entire cheerleading team danced across your mind. The clandestine meetings in the back of limousines, the whispered promises, and the easy conquests—it was all part of a lifestyle built on entitlement and indulgence. Each memory stoked the flames of an arrogance you hadn’t fully realized you’d possessed.
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As these new memories took root, you found yourself looking at Samantha through a different lens. Her entitled, snobby demeanor suddenly felt less like an affront and more like an extension of the world you were now embracing. The rich, privileged allure that had once seemed so foreign to you now felt familiar, even appealing. The changes in your body mirrored the changes in your mind, reinforcing a new self-image that was sleek, assertive, and commanding.
Samantha’s satisfaction was evident, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of triumph and something else—perhaps a touch of smugness. You understood her now, or at least felt you did. Her world of high society, privilege, and unabashed arrogance was no longer something you resented; it was a realm you were beginning to inhabit, relishing in the power it conferred.
The cacophony of sound fills the air, like a chorus of the gods screaming their praises, yet your gaze is fixated solely on Samantha, and it feels as though nothing else matters. The colorful lights spin around you as you raise your voice in exuberance, towering above the rest like a towering behemoth. You lick your lips, feeling them plump up as you imagine all the ways you want to ravage her. The thought of her heaving breasts is driving you crazy, and you can't wait to get your hands on her.
As you imagine the ways in which you want to fuck her, you start to feel like she's your property, your plaything. You envision squeezing her ass, pulling her in for a kiss, and then taking her hard and fast. The image is so vivid that you can almost taste the sweat on her skin and feel the heat of her body against yours. "Babe, this fucking party rocks!" you scream, your voice carrying above the din of the music. But as the words leave your lips, your mind starts to dwindle, your thoughts growing foggier and foggier.
The booze is running through your veins, clouding your judgment and dulling your senses. You feel dumber and dumber, your movements becoming more sluggish and less coordinated. But you don't care - you're too busy imagining all the ways you want to take Samantha. You're too busy picturing her screaming your name as you ravage her, too busy feeling like the king of the world.
As the music continues to blast and the crowd swirls around you, you stumble and stagger, your vision blurring. But you don't care - you're too busy chasing after Samantha, too busy trying to catch up to her before she gets away. You're too busy imagining the way she'll look as you take her, too busy picturing the sound of her moans as you fuck her hard and fast.
You spot a faggot wandering around, desperately looking for his boyfriend. You remember him from that one theatre production you attended, the one with all the faggots dressed up in drag. You recall how he pranced around the stage, reciting his lines with an over-the-top flair. He's a real theatre dork, and you can't help but roll your eyes at the sight of him.
You take a step forward, a scowl on your face. "Yo faggot, this isn't a fucking party for loser gays like you," you scream at him. The other partygoers turn to look at you, their faces a mixture of confusion and amusement. You don't care. You're too busy being a homophobic jerk.
You take the drink out of his hand and spill it all over him. The liquid drips down his shirt, leaving a trail of red on his white skin. He looks up at you, his eyes wide with anger. You just laugh. "What's wrong, faggot? Can't handle a little bit of spilled drink?"
Your dick starts to harden as you think of the ways you want to fuck Samantha. You can't believe how lucky you are to have her all to yourself. You run your hand through her blonde hair, feeling the silky texture between your fingers. She looks up at you, a smile on her face. "You're going to go far in politics with daddy's money," she says, her voice husky with desire. You just laugh, knowing that you've got her right where you want her.
As the night goes on, you and Samantha act like an entitled, douchey couple. You hold hands, kiss, and cuddle in front of everyone. You make sure to show off your wealth, flaunting your expensive clothes and jewelry. You even go so far as to hire a private bartender to serve you and Samantha drinks, just to make it clear that you're above the rest of the partygoers.
Samantha runs her hands over your biceps and pecs, making you feel insanely horny. You can't believe how lucky you are to have her touching you like that. You start to feel like you're going to explode with desire. You grab her hand, pulling her close. "Let's get out of here," you whisper, your voice low and seductive. Samantha nods, following you as you make your way out of the party.
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sugarbcnes · 1 year
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BLURB after your messy break up with ellie, you begin to push every boundary you can.
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WARNINGS: Straight up porn. DOM! Abby. Spanking. Choking kink. Usage of strap-on. Pussy slapping. Profanity. Alcohol Consumption. Lesbian themes. SMUT. + Ellie slander lol. + For context, the song Abby and Y/N are dancing to is “Tenerte De Nuevo” by Nezza. I heard it and thought about Abby lol.
You stare up at her through thick dark lashes as your tongue slips out to find your straw. Soft lips coated with the slick sheer of your punch-pink lipgloss wrap around its tip, sipping the strawberry daquiri in your manicured hands.
A pout sits on Abby’s lips, brows arched as she looks down at you. Her arms are crossed, hands resting on her burly biceps.
“What do you want?”
You lean your elbow on the bar as you swirl your straw in your melting drink, your hip popped out. Her eyes travel for a millisecond, following the curve over your waist and hips that are barely hidden by your baggy low waisted jeans and tiny top.
“You looked lonely,” you frown and Abby knows better than to believe the expression on your face, “wanted to buy ya’ a drink.”
Abby too leans on the bar, hand now on her hip.
“Wouldn’t wanna get your girlfriend’s panties in a twist,” she grumbles, “where is she, anyway?”.
The correction has Abby raising her eyebrows.
“You don’t say.”
You had always been friends with Abby. Bestfriends even at one point until you turned 18 and went to college where you met Ellie Williams. By her own sheer luck, Ellie didn’t like Abby and for the next 3 years, drove a wedge between the two of you until your childhood friend became a stranger.
The bartender makes her way over to you, smiling as you lean forward so she can hear you better.
“Two tequila shots, please!”
“We only have house, is that okay?”.
You nod, turning your gaze back to Abby.
“I like your hair.”
You remembered how she loved her long hair and how she always loved doing it in a braid. It was cut short now. Extremely short.
Slipping the bartender some note bills, you take your order from her.
Your hand finds Abby’s as you pick up the salt bowl, eyes never leaving hers as your tongue flattens on the back of her hand before you sprinkle a line of salt.
You lick it off, eyes only leaving hers for a second as you throw back the shot and then bite into the lime.
Her sharp facial expression doesn’t change as she reaches for her own shot glass, throwing it straight back. She swears she sees something twinkle in your eyes. The taste burns her throat just the way she likes it.
That was hot.
The last beat of JLO’s “On The Floor” plays before it fades into the next track.
The rhythm of the spanish tune has you swaying your hips, placing down your drink and reaching to grab Abby’s hand instead.
“Dance with me, Ab.”
She doesn’t turn you down, instead she lets you lead her into the crowd of bodies on the dance floor.
Your hips sway to the harmony, your hands coming up to graze your hips and trail up your stomach.
Abby can’t stop herself as her hands reach out for your hips, guiding them towards her until your body rocks against hers.
She notices the tipsy flush on your cheeks and the end of your nose as your hands rest on her chest, bodies moving in motion together.
She doesn’t know if it’s the haze of the club or if it’s your perfume but she can’t stop the growing heat in her stomach.
God, Ellie Williams was a fucking idiot.
Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she watches your blissed out state. Your eyes find hers burning into your skin and your arms circle around her neck. She doesn’t realise just how close the two of you are into your breath fans against her lips.
Up close, your eyes dance across her nasal freckles, giddy as you familiarise yourself again with her lust frosted eyes.
“Kiss me.”
She didn’t need to tell you twice before your lips pressed to hers, hungry and desperate.
Her fingers dig into your hips, the clashes of teeth and tongue in your heated kiss are sure to get you kicked out with a single glance from the bouncer.
That’s why you’re in your bedroom, caged by her solid arms on either side of your head as you lay bare underneath her.
Thick fingers brush down the soft skin of your stomach as she keeps you indulged in a slow, deep and sensual kiss. With each pull for air, your head subconsciously lifts to follow her lips, whining softly at the loss of contact.
Clothes discarded on the floor long ago, your bare skin is only illuminated by the milky glow of the moonlight and the vanilla and patchouli scented candle burning on her night stand.
The pads of her fingers graze over the lips of your cunt, instantly slicked with your syrupy nectar.
She stands up, pulling you by your legs to the end of the bed. She hooks her hands under your knees and lifts them until they’re pressed just below your shoulders. Her tongue flattens against your clit and you drawl out a long moan.
She feasts as if she’s been starving for decades, sucking your clit into her mouth along with two of her thick digits that are knuckles-deep inside of you, curling and thrusting to massage your gummy walls.
Abby doesn’t even care about how messy she’s being, your juices already dripping down her knuckles onto your bedsheets. Your knees press together, thighs almost crushing Abby’s head as your push her away, begging her to stop before you burst.
Your hips squirm, loud whimpers leaving your lips as your clit is hit with cold air when Abby pulls away.
Her fingers speed up, hitting the spot that Ellie never managed to hit.
“Abby, no!” you begged, shaky hand fumbling for her wrist, “Stop! I feel- I’m gonna- ah!”.
It coats her face and her chest, dripping down her torso. Her jaw slacks as her lips part and you can see her tongue press to the roof of her mouth as she seems shocked.
You feel a small part of you die inside when she looks up at you, your head hitting the bed as you cover your face with your hands. Your legs fall slack on the bed as she moves and suddenly big hands case your wrist, pulling your hands away from your face.
“I’m sorry-”
“Why are you embarrassed?”.
You look at her, stumped.
You stop and Abby knows you’re holding back.
“Tell me, baby,” she says quietly, fingers curling under your chin, “why are you apologising? why are you sorry for having an orgasm?”.
You gulped and responded in a small voice, “Ellie didn’t like when I made a mess.”
Abby scoffed.
“If you squirting means I’m doing anything right, make all the mess you want, Princess.”
She senses your uneasiness, large hand travelling to grasp lightly around your throat.
“I promise you, angel,” she tilts her head, “when you’re with me, you’re gonna’ forget she ever existed.”
The slight pressure of her grasp around your neck elicits a gasp from your lips, quickly swallowing it with a kiss. Her tongue slips into your mouth as you grip her strong biceps for leverage. Her kisses have you cloudy minded and drunk on her taste, blissed dumb to the point where you begin to let your cunt control your words rather than your brain.
“Need you so bad,” you say between kisses, “want your cock, Abby.”
She smiles against your lips, pulling back to look at you.
“Need me to fuck this pretty little cunt, yeah? will that make ya’ feel better?” she teases, massaging your tits in her hands, “needa’ be fucked dumb, don’t you, Princess?”.
You nod, chewing your bottom lip until it’s red and swollen.
The eight and half inches of black and pink silicone slips into your velvety walls with ease, your toes curling as you let out strangled whines due to the stretch. Your honeyed juices coat the faux cock perfectly enough for Abby to push forward smoothly.
You squeal when a loud smack! rebounds off the plush skin of your ass.
“Feel good, sweetheart?”.
Her voice echoes in your ears, your eyelids dropping shut as you savour it all.
Her hand presses against your stomach, making your hips squirm slightly, “fills you up, doesn’t it?”.
She doesn’t give you time to nod before she begins her rhythm, hips snapping into yours beastly as she mercilessly fucks your cunt.
“Oh my god,” you cry out, “Abby!”.
The curve of it, the length and her rhythm. You can’t help yourself now with the sounds swirling in your chest, letting go as she ruins your pussy.
There’s a dainty jingling in her ear as she hooks your ankle over her shoulder, the gold anklet dangling by her hair.
Your eyes squeeze shut as she bursts through the barrier of a deep spot you didn’t even know you had. The tip pushes against the sweet new discovery, butterflies in your stomach and fire burning the pump of your veins. Your back arches and your fist clench your sheets.
“Fuck, right there!”.
She continues to fuck into that very spot as uncontrolled moans and gasps leave your mouth. Fingers brushing over your clit, she rubs circles into the puffy bud.
“Such a little whore for this cock, hey pretty?” she taunts, “my pretty baby.”
A sharp slap is felt on your clit, your hips jolting.
“Say it.”
Her hiss tone has your stomach in knots as your fingers tug at her short locks.
“ ‘m your pretty baby, Abby.”
“Good girl,” she coos, placing a sweet kiss on the corner of your lips.
Your screams got louder the closer you got to your orgasm, the coils in your stomach unravelling as Abby whispered sweet nothings and praises into your ear.
Your world becomes blurry and you’re disoriented by the pleasure, Abby’s lips marking your neck with dark hickeys.
“So good, oh my god!” you cry out, your fists in her hair are clenched now and Abby knows you’ve hit your high.
“Open your eyes, baby,” she says, hand stroking your jaw, “want you to see who’s making you cum like this.”
Your eyes crack open as much as they can in your fucked-out state and you look up at her. Oh, how you’ve missed her.
You could feel her deep in your gut, euphoric senses grasping your hazy brain as her hips stutter. She gives one last weak thrust before she pulls out.
You writher, weak and dazed, underneath her.
Milky, sweet cum leaks from your pussy, a thick layer of it covering Abby’s strap-on.
Quickly undoing it, she discarded it with the stored reminder to wash it when she gets up.
Her fingers hold your face, searching for any consciousness in your blank eyes.
“You okay?” she says softly, thumb running over your cheekbone.
You hum and give her a small smile.
“Never better.”
Ellie who?
© lvrlina 2023 — do not copy, repost or translate my work onto any other platforms without my permission.
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under-sedationnn · 9 months
Mike Schmidt x reader where she’s pregnant?
mike schmidt x pregnant fem!reader pt.1
summary: a day in the life with mike and abby as the reader navigates the ups and downs of the much dreaded (and much anticipated) third trimester. 
“Mike, I'm going to be honest, there's no way I can tie my shoes.” 
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"Abby-girl! Come on, breakfast!"
I hear the sound of small, bare feet skittering down the hallway and halt to a stop at the edge of the dining table. Abby, hair still unbrushed and pajamas wrinkled, smiles at me from her seat by the window.
"What did you make this morning, y/n?" She leans across the table to see the bowl I'm holding, and I give her a sympathetic look.
"Oatmeal," I say, and she wilts slightly. "With nutella, and bananas! Made special for you."
I set down the bowl and she inspects it, picking up the spoon by the small end and poking at the slices of fruit. I shift on my swollen feet, and pray that she decides it's not poison, after-all. Besides, I need to eat something soon, too. And take a bath. And online shop for baby clothes, on clearance.
"I guess it's fine," she mutters, but digs in anyways.
"Well," I start, heading back into the kitchen, "I bet if you are a super star today that Mike will take you to get pizza tonight. And if he says no, I'll tell him the baby said we need it."
She smiles widely, and I pour myself a small cup of coffee. I sit down across from her at the table, and prop my feet onto the seat beside me, settling my coffee cup onto my bump to rest. Abby is fully invested in eating her oatmeal now, and I anticipate the need for a snack when she finishes.
Settling into domestic life with Abby and Mike wasn't difficult, one could say it was the exact opposite, but there are ups and downs. For one, I had to drop myself into a semi-stepmom situation, and pretty soon afterwards found out I was going to be a mom for real. But Abby is a good kid, and Mike is the kindest man I have ever met, and we're making it work day by day.
"So, Abs," I say between sips, "what are we feeling we want to do on this glorious day of all days, Saturday?"
She thinks for half a second, and opens her mouth to answer when the door begins to unlock. Mike steps into the living room, backpack slung over his shoulder with deep bags under his eyes. He smiles when he sees us nestled in our little corner of the room, and shuts out the bright morning light behind him.
I move to stand, but he puts his hand out to stop me.
"Woah woah woah, remember what the doc said, no unnecessary walking, right now. How are your feet feeling by the way?" He leans down to kiss me on the forehead, the cheek, a peck on the mouth, and moves to put his backpack and keys by the door.
"Eh, they're doing okay, but they definitely don't feel great," I respond, and he kneels down beside me.
"Want me to take a look?"
I nod my head, and he peels my socks off. The swelling is a little better, but I still hiss slightly when he pokes at the top of my foot, and the pit stays in my skin.
"Not the best, but not the worst," he says, not too sure of himself, "but you're not doing anything today, you need to rest."
I sigh. "Mike, you just got off of a shift, I know you're exhausted, and the house needs to be cleaned. There is no way I'm going to let you-"
"There is no way I am going to let you clean the house today, or do anything that is going to make you feel worse." He moves his hand to my stomach. "We're in this together, remember? 'Til the very end."
I place my hand over his own, "The very end, I love you."
"I love you, too. Now, what's first?" He kisses my fingers once and stands up. Abby joins him in watching for my answer.
"Breakfast, please."
"Agreed." He smiles and turns to the kitchen, presumedly to make us each an equally bland bowl of oatmeal.
"What were you saying you wanted to do today, Abby? You never got a chance to finish what you were saying, sweetheart."
Her bowl is empty; she wipes the leftover nutella from her lips, and moves towards the fridge to get out some milk. "One of my friends at school is having a birthday party today and I wanted to go." She pours herself a precariously full glass of milk from the carton, and slowly walks back to the table.
"You can still go Abs," says Mike, "and I could drive if you want me to."
"Well, her mom is carpooling for other kids and said she could come and get me," she adds between gulps.
I look at Mike over the kitchen bar, and he smiles at me slightly. "Abby, do you have her mom's number? I can call and see if she'll come and get you."
"Sure! Hold on, it's in my back pack." She hops up from her chair, stumbling in her excitement, and races to her room.
"Mike, if she goes, we could have a day all to ourselves."
Not that we don't love having Abby around, but a day alone would be well-deserved.
"Yeah, we could take a nap." He chuckles, and brings our breakfast to the table. Oatmeal, with just a little bit of nutella.
I nod my head in agreement as Abby races back to the dining room and shoves a piece of paper with a phone number in Mike's face. He calls, talks for a moment, and places down the phone while saying, "Abby, go get dressed, she will be here in 20 minutes." She turns on the spot and speeds down the hallway, once again.
We give each other a silent high five, and look forward to a day of relaxation together.
i'm going to be honest, i kind of want to continue this blurb into a second part where the day continues. i was really enjoying making this into a small, domestic fic and I didn't want to just make it about the pregnancy but the life that it would lead to WITH mike (which includes abby).
thanks for reading!!! <3
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story-stew · 3 months
hello!!! 🍊 anon here!!! I’m here to leave another request which is self indulgent :o
🎨🔫 ✨️ ☁️ ❤️‍🩹
Could I request one of the idols (Callie, Marie, Pearl, Marina, Shiver, Frye, or Acht) of your choice x reader who is comforting them from a headache? Perhaps with some forehead kisses? Thank you and have a nice day/night :)
Hi 🍊 anon! Thank you again! I'm gonna choose Callie for this one since she seems the most likely (besides marina) to do something like this :]
Also, I'm so sorry for the wait!
Now onto the thingy
‎‧₊˚✧[ Recovery Hubbery ]✧˚₊‧
(🎨🔫☁️❤️‍🩹) - splatoon fluff/comfort
‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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You groaned in pain as you rubbed your forehead, sweating buckets. You were abed and had come down with a terrible case of the Ick. Fever, chills, achy body, sore throat, that sort of thing.
Your biggest problem, though, was how much your head was pounding; it was like your brain was trying to escape your head. You had taken some medicine earlier, but it didn't seem to do squat.
Just then, you heard the sound of your door opening. Your girlfriend, Callie, had just finished making food for you. You were too exhausted to care what it was. She made her way to your bed and beamed at you.
"Food time!" she sang happily, the sound of the door busting open startling you. You managed to sit up, wincing at the sudden loud noise. Callie realized you had a headache and attempted to stop making so much noise. "Sorry!" she shout-whispered.
She set the tray on your side table and sat next to you. "So, how ya feelin'?" she said, patting your thigh gently. "Still got a headache? That food's for you when you wanna eat, by the way." You slowly nodded your head, and Callie pursed her lips, seemingly thinking of something. She got up from the side of the bed and moved to the empty spot next to you. You shifted and lay back down so she had more room.
She immediately cuddled up against you and began to smother you (as she usually does). You tried to push her away in fear of getting her sick, but she didn't seem to care about that. "Stop..! You're gonna get sick!"
Callie shimmied her way up to meet your face level and grabbed both of your cheeks. "It'll be okay.. I prommy!" she whispered as she began to kiss your forehead. You tried to shove her away again this time because you had a fever and didn't want her to kiss the sweat on your forehead, if you had any.
But she kept going, anyway. Each time her lips broke away from your forehead, she would whisper 'I love you' just loud enough for you to hear. You eventually stopped resisting and just let it happen.
This went on for about 5-10 minutes before her smooches of your forehead slowed and came to a stop. She finished it off with one 25-second kiss and made an audible "mwah!" sound. She rested her face close to yours.
"So? Feeling any better?" You glanced at her smiling face and wrapped your arms around her and kissing her forehead for a change. "Yeah, a lot." You replied hoarsely.
"Good. Now, eat up! You need nutrients, and I didn't cook for nothin'!" She commanded you, sitting up and leaning on you. You sat up as well and chuckled, grabbing the tray of food that she had so generously prepared for you.
It was a basic meal; a fruit bowl, some (fancy) toast, and some Jellyade. You were grateful for it, however. Grateful for every bite and sip you enjoyed.
You looked down at your girlfriend, who was cuddled up against you, scrolling through Inkstagram. You smiled at her as you munched on your toast.
You were so happy that you hadn't even noticed that your headache went away.
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‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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Runaway - Chapter Nineteen.
Woah, you guys are eating these chapters like chocolate! Thank you so much for your continued engagement. What a truly wonderful audience I have in all of you :) 
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eighteen
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 1,849
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Damn, Hannah. Fuckin’... ahhhh, damn!” His groan was delivered on the cusp of a gasp, his abs shuddering as he came, his cock erupting in her throat as her lips gentled around him, releasing him with a little slurp as she swallowed, her tongue circling over his tight balls before kissing her way back up his sweat glistened body, looking very pleased with herself. She had every right to, he thought. “You’re too damned good at that, I swear.”
She was about to reply with something suitably seductive as she pushed up off his chest, stroking his pecs with her nails, her eyes suddenly widening. “Shit! What’s the time?”  
Manny frowned, grabbing his cell. “Eight fifty-six, why?”
Her hands were all of a flap as she jumped off the bed, running around in a panicked circle until she managed to locate her underwear. “Diaz Vs. Edwards fight! It starts in four minutes.” Manny was off the bed in a heartbeat, yanking a pair of sweats from the wardrobe and pulling them on. “Oh god, give me something to wear that won’t take time buttoning!” Hannah further panicked, picking up the shirt she’d been wearing, only to throw it down on the bedroom floor again just before a Raiders jersey hit her around the head.  
“There, go, go, go!” he hustled, both of them running from the bedroom. They were sitting down in front of the TV with beer and a very large, very hot bowl of popcorn with ten seconds to spare, both pissed they’d missed the pre-match, but reasoning that orgasms were a good enough trade.  
“No, no! Oh my god, don’t do that!” Hannah yelled, bouncing in her seat, Manny giving her an amused side eye, entertained greatly by how much she got into it. If it had been Carmen at his side, well... she wouldn’t have even been next to him, actually. She’d have been in the armchair across the room, filing her nails aggressively and complaining. He then mentally slapped himself for comparing the two women, reminding himself that what he was doing with Hannah, it might have made him happy, it might have felt right, but it was far from it.  
He was due to be married in six and a half months, and what was he doing? Screwing around. Hardly a glowing pre-requisite for married life. He knew that eventually, he’d have to call time on it, what he and Hannah had encroached into if he was ever going to make a go of it with his soon-to-be wife, but the thought of that suddenly left him feeling a little short of breath.  
Things with Carmen at that point were still a little strained, Manny noticing that she’d been behaving a little absently of late, mostly throwing herself into her work, still not budging where Lola was concerned, and acting a little cooler around him, too. He mostly put it down to wedding stress, because he didn’t think for one moment that she’d found out about him and Hannah. There would have been much noise and violence if she had.  
“Hey, what’s with the face?” Her foot softly nudging his thigh brought him out of it, Hannah frowning a little as she sipped her beer, trying to enjoy it even though it wasn’t her preferred drink. It was very cold, though, which would suffice.  
He shook himself a little. “Nothing, I just had a horrible feeling I left my bike keys at the club.”
“Nah, you didn’t. I noticed them in the bowl in the kitchen earlier,” she confirmed, stretching her legs before curling them back under herself, her hand shovelling in a mouth full of popcorn she began shouting through as she ate. “Yes, yes! Oh, that was an insane hook! Come on, finish him!”  
“Damnit, hush your volume! You’ll wake the kid,” he laughed softly, poking her in the thigh. She saw his point, quietening her verbal exclamations, but her seat bouncing persisted.
“Duly noted.” She turned to him and smiled, Manny feeling the all too familiar experience of his heart fluttering when she did. Oh, lord. He was in trouble, and he knew it. It was something that he lay there thinking on later that night, while Hannah slept soundly at his side.  
He might have loved Carmen, but life with her was hard, harder than it should have been. With Hannah, it was effortless. Sure, they sometimes got into it over the baby, both being a little stubborn in their slightly differing parenting approaches, but it was quickly resolved, because both had the maturity to listen, instead of storming off. From the outside, it appeared to be a no brainer, Manny becoming close with the mother of his child again, finding himself happiest when she was around. Inside, though, it wasn’t so simple.  
Beneath everything, he felt trepidation over giving up a future with Carmen for someone who could be as impulsive and flighty as Hannah, regardless of how he felt about her. After all, it was how she’d first come into his life. He knew she was a lovely, down to earth girl, but he felt a very genuine fear over ending his engagement to seek out a relationship with her, because if it all blew up, then the last thing he wanted was for them to have acrimony between them, for Lola’s sake.  
Bringing it to her, actually having a conversation to her would have been the logical thing. The side of him that selfishly wanted to have his cake and eat it while locking away reality in the back of his mind, though, well, it won out.  
“I have to say, this is a much more pleasant way to wake up than having the baby howling at me,” Hannah mumbled, gasping at the feeling of her clit being sucked upon softly.  
“Best damned breakfast in the world.” Mmm, still sleepy, but very horny Manny. Her favourite kind, his voice all thick and raspy with sleep, and his intent to have her mindless with the skills of his mouth.  
“Oh, oh my god, oh!” she cried out, her abs juddering as his tongue beat over her bud fast and hard, the gleam of her undoing beginning to illuminate, like the dawn light gilding the dark clouds of night. He worked her right to the edge, sitting up and plunging his cock into her, feeling her come undone around him as he railed her into the bed.  
“Goddamn, you make me wanna fuck another baby into you. Fuck that fucking IUD.” he panted, his mouth landing on hers, the sentiment spoken before he’d even had chance to process that it probably wasn’t something he should have said at all. She had no words in reply to that statement, so just kissed him, but his words, they were on her mind for the rest of the day, whirling around in her head. Meeting everything else she had on her mind, they made for a surprising revelation later that afternoon.  
“Mom, I think I’m in love with Manny.”
Jackie all but choked on the sip of iced tea she spat back into the glass. “Um, I beg your pardon?”  
Hannah sighed, bouncing Lola on her lap as they sat in the shade of her parent’s lush garden. “Yeah, I’m in love with him, which is impossible, given the circumstances.”
“Well, not impossible, but definitely a no-go since he’s engaged to that other girl, what’s her name, Karen?”
“Carmen,” she corrected, chewing her lip nervously. “About that. Erm, we’ve been...” she made a circling motion with her hand, raising her eyebrows.  
Jackie caught the gist. “You haven’t!”
“We have,” she confirmed.
“Oh, I wish this iced tea was the Long Island variety right about now,” Jackie cried quietly, resting her head against her hand, cringing gently. “What am I going to do with you, huh? Getting yourself into these situations. When are you going to grow out of it? Forty? Fifty? Never?”
“I know you’re disappointed in me, I’m sorry,” Hannah began, Jackie cocking her head a little, her smile as kind as her eyes.  
“What did I always tell you kids? You make good choices. Most of the time you do, but when it comes to men, oh, my love,” she paused, shaking her head, “you’re an absolute effing disaster.”
Jackie often wondered if it was the fault of her and Rob, neither being even close to disciplinarian in their raising of their kids. They didn’t let them run wild by any means, but took a much more sedate approach than others. She then reasoned that neither Steve nor Jack had such poor impulse control. This was very Hannah specific.
“What do I do?”  
Jackie’s reply was immediate and succinct. “Tell him.”
“What if he doesn’t feel the same, and I’m just a bit of fun to him?”
“Then really, is a man cheating on his fiancée any great loss, if he’s doing it because he can, and not because he’s realised he’s in love with you too?”  
She made a very good point, Hannah had to give her that.
In her silence, Jackie continued. “If it is the former, then like I say, no great loss. As long as he continues being as much of a good father to Lola as you tell me he is, then that’s all you need to consider. I’m going to urge you to do the right thing here though, Han. Stop this affair, or whatever it is, until you both talk about it, where it’s going, if it’s going anywhere, and keep it ceased until he extracts himself from his relationship with Carmen, if that is what he chooses to do in light of your revelation.”
She began to nod, rocking Lola when she started to fuss. “You’re right, everything you’ve said makes perfect sense. It can be really simple, if I choose that, rather than making it difficult. I don’t want it to be difficult, especially when I’m off to Arizona with him for a long weekend next week, so Lola can meet her great-grandparents.”
“Then there you go,” Jackie shrugged, smiling as she shielded her eyes from a beam of sun that had moved into their shade. “Get everything smoothed and sorted by then.”  
Hannah was resolute with herself to do exactly that. That was, until she saw him again three days later, collecting Lola from his, seeing him soothing their crying baby.  
“Ain’t nothing to fuss about, tiny girl. Come on, it’s alright.” He raised her up, beaming at her, Lola beginning to grin through her tears. “I love you so much, even when you’ve been giving me hell all night, yes I do.”  
Would voicing it ruin it all, she wondered? Would keeping quiet? She just didn’t know. She felt even more unsure after Manny put his arm around her, closing the door of the kitchen so Carmen couldn’t see him place a kiss atop her head. One thing she did know clearly, was what it meant to feel her heart flutter like it did whenever he was near.  
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deputygonebye · 2 months
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@florrentine asked: ❛ i don’t think i’ve ever seen you smile. ❜
On the cusp of fusty, rigidly old fashioned with all the trimmings of classic suburbia, cream colored walls and a fridge covered in artwork made by the community children, stuck in place with magnets and clips decorated in ribbon: Deanna's house was the jewel of Alexandria. Untouched from the world that had gone to hell on the outside, pristine on the inside with its lit candles and delicious scents, baked goods and bubbled wine. Snacks stacked on platters scattered across every counter space available - tortilla chips and cheese for dipping, hot stuffed peppers, popcorn tossed in salted butter. Laughter and smiles upon the faces of all who attended her party, the call to welcome the newcomers who decided to join the ranks. Bellies never so full, not since before the end, beneath the surface weary wanderers who were not yet entirely comfortable. Shane's lips covered in salsa, his chip almost devoured completely, his other hand occupied with a cold beer. Golden label wet from condensation; down his knuckles in careless droplets, the taste a desired burn, just enough to calm nerves, the feeling of being watched and eyed like an animal in a cage.
Post found in the kitchen, the space between the food and the living room, Shane fell into the merriment with ease. Smiled, joked with the best, drank his bottle and sampled some more, fingers dusted in the aftermath of an attack on both the bean dip bowl and the onion dip. Celery and potato chips alike stuffed into his mouth, teeth bared in grin and the itch of aggression. An iced shiver that dared to cross his spine - the cruel hand of reality, the ambition to snap the dreamlike state away forever. Wonder that sparkled Deanna's eyes - so certain in her ways, so sure that what she had done for her community was right. So foolish, nevertheless, brown eyes darted between her and the door, red hue on tanned skin from emotion that was anything but the influence of chilled drink.
Laughing at the tease that passed between he and Pete, a doctor who walked on ice that was too thin, cracked and splintered, unaware of dangers that were toyed with, a stumble from one room into the next, the jest from Em was fresh air. Sweet to the sense, the jolt of excitement that needed to be, the reason for another sip from a near empty bottle, mouth gone suddenly dry.
"Hey, don't get used to it, girl." Shane replied, an attempt to suppress the mentioned expression a failure, the corners of his mouth quick to lift again. "Offer me a drink or two, and you're bound to get a smile on my face, let me tell you."
Shane asked, body turned to Emilia's direction, attention danced between she and the others, the happy, unexpecting family, "where you been? For a little while, I didn't think you'd show up. Deanna, she don't mess around with these things, does she? Like New Years in this place. Never seen so many smilin' faces. Y'all even got Abe to loosen up - tough bastard."
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vintagepresley · 1 year
Little Walter.. Part two
Here's the next little story based off my Walter Hale ai storyline. In this story Walter discovers that he wants to wear dresses after watching cinderella. Also for some reason I see this taking place in like the 70's or 80's, idk why. I know VHS was introduced in 76'. But also it makes even more controversial for him to be wearing dresses especially how further into our storyline he was being bullied.
It was a rainy Sunday afternoon and since Walter couldn’t go outside to play he wanted to at least do something fun. The both of you were still in your pajamas and he sat on the living floor playing with his toys as you sat on the couch flipped through some magazines. Walter stopped playing and he got up and peered his little face over your magazine and he smiled seeing the pretty dresses that the models in the magazine were wearing and then he looked up at you. 
“Mama? Can we watch a movie?” he says softly. 
You closed your magazine and set it on your lap and smiled at your sweet little boy, reaching over to run your fingers through his hair and you nodded. 
“Sure honey, what do you want to watch?” you hummed. 
Walter took a moment to think about that and he went over to where you kept the VHS tapes and his big blue eyes scanned them all curiously. He loved Disney movies and princesses and he smiled when he saw Cinderella, a movie the two of you have yet to watch since you got it. He picks up the VHS tape and shows it to you. “This one!” he says excitedly. You smile and walk over to him and take the tape, putting it into the VCR. 
“Before we start the movie I’ll make us some popcorn.” you said softly. That made Walter happy and he clapped his hands together excitedly as he jumped up and down and he grabbed his teddy bear and he climbed onto the couch as he watched you head into the kitchen to make the popcorn. He could soon smell the buttery popcorn as he heard the little pops. You dumped the popcorn into a bowl and grabbed a juicebox for him and a water for yourself and came back into the living room and you sat beside him, opening and handing him his juice and the moment you sat down he went and climbed into your lap, tilting his head back and smiling up at you. 
“Start the movie! Start the movie!” he says impatiently as he then takes a sip of his juice while his other hand is already in the bowl of popcorn. 
You let out a soft laugh. 
“Alright, alright..” you whispered, grabbing the remote and starting the movie and the moment that screen lit up so did his little face. He was so quiet as he sipped his juice and munched on his popcorn, his little legs swinging back and forth. You smiled down at him and wrapped your arms around him, kissing the top of his head as the two of you watched the movie. He started giggling and you smiled at the sweet sound and the further along you got into the movie his eyes were lighting up at the sight of Cinderella’s blue dress. He was completely in love with the dress and how pretty she looked in it. As he sat in your lap he started to wonder how he would look in a dress and if he’d be just as pretty, he was growing more and more curious. 
As the movie came to an end Walter turned himself around in your lap and he sat his empty juice box down and he was staring up at you with his big eyes and he wrapped his arms around you and clung to you. “Mama?” he said in a sweet little voice.
“Yes baby?” you hummed with a smile, holding him. 
“Are boys allowed to wear dresses?” he asked curiously. 
You smiled at him and reached up to lightly comb your fingertips through his dark hair and you nodded slowly. “Boys can wear whatever they want. Just like girls can wear whatever they want.” you said softly. He smiled at your words and nodded, he had so many questions now. 
“Mama? But what if a boy wears a dress and people make fun of him?” he asked. 
“No one’s opinion on what someone wears should matter. If they make fun of someone for something like that it’s because they're insecure about themselves and don’t understand.” you answered. Walter nodded once again. 
“Mama? Can I wear dresses? Is that okay?” he asked with a smile. 
You beamed because you had a feeling that's where this conversation was headed. 
“Course you can! Is that something you want to do? Something that will make you comfortable and happy?” you asked, smiling. Walter lifted his head a bit and he grinned and nodded happily. 
“Yes! Yes! I want to wear dresses! I want to look like a pretty princess like cinderella! Can I, mama?! Can I!?” he asked excitedly. 
You began to laugh and nodded at his words. “Yes! Yes! You can wear dresses, I don’t mind. I’ll have to buy you some. But if you want.. Mama can put you in one of her dresses so you can see how you look?” you smiled. 
His eyes widened with delight and he nodded and now he wiggled out of your lap and went running to your room. “Come on, mama!” he shouted. You laughed and got up to follow him to your bedroom where he was already standing by your closet and you went over and opened it. You reached down and picked him up so he could look through them. 
“See anything that you may like?” you hummed. 
Walter nodded and he reached for a pink dress that had little flowers on it. You helped grab it from the closet and smiled as you set him down. He started to undress and he was so excited to wear one of mama’s dresses until he could get his own. You kneeled down toward him, took the dress off the hanger and you helped him put it on, slipping it over him. It was obviously too big for him as it practically swallowed him up and draped onto the floor, but he loved it. You grabbed a few safety pins to take it in a little bit for him and then he went running to your mirror to get a look at himself and he smiled happily letting out a small gasp at the sight of himself in the dress. He thought he looked so pretty and he twirled around in the dress.
“Mama! Mama! I look so pretty, mama!” he giggled. 
Seeing him that happy about a dress made you smile and nearly tear up, you walked over to him and kneeled back down to his level. “You are so pretty, baby. You look like a pretty little princess.” you said warmly. Walter beamed and he turned around and threw his arms around you and gave you the biggest and tightest hug for letting him do this and for being okay with him wanting to wear dresses. 
“Thank you, mama. I love you so much!” he whispered. 
You squeezed him tight in your arms and your cheeks were hurting from how much you were smiling and you kissed the side of his head. “I love you more, my sweet boy.” you whispered back as the two of you continued to embrace in a loving and warm hug. 
@kiankiwi @flwrs4aust @kendralavon7 @ashtag6887 @presley72elvis @kaiistheguy @aliengoth3
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hitashi-san · 2 years
Movie Night Cuddles
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Keigo/Hawks x reader
Both heroes from UA 
Synopsis: You were on patrol with your best friend when he invited you over to confess his love for you over cuddles. 
Fluff story 
1,015 Words
20 minutes late is not a good look on you but luckily your best friend is your boss so not much of a problem. You land straight on the roof from the opposite direction of were keigo is. 
“Hey keigo sorry I’m late!” You say running up behind him to meet him on the railing of the roof.
“Thats alright darling lets go before something happens and we miss it” He takes off and you follow behind him spreading you wings.
30 minutes later.
You land on a rooftop and look around letting out a sigh. “This is such a slow boring day…” Keigo lands beside you sitting on the ledge of the building. “It’s cold too” He says as he ruffles his feathers. 
“Hey y/n…I’ve been meaning to ask you something” you look at him surprised to find his eyes skimming the small dots of people below him. 
“Ask away…” He looks up to you face slightly pink as a sign whatever he has to say to you he’s nervous about.
“Wanna come over for a movie…kinda like a date…?” He’s blushing even harder now. Your blushing too never expecting that he’d ever wanted to do something like that with you. You’d had your thoughts on a relationship but excepted the fact that he never might like you like that and just want to be friends.
“I’d like that…” you say looking away before looking back up to him to find him smiling. “Really? Okay how about 7:00 then gives you enough time to get changed and come over.” He says excitedly. “Sure bird man” You say laughing slightly.
You look down your attention being pulled away by ambulance a fire trucks heading in the same direction. “Come on lets see whats up” you say standing up and taking off. He follows you too wherever your concern was.
6:00 pm that day
You shuffle into the house sluggish after coming back home from patrol. You then remembered the date hawks had set up and were suddenly up with a burst of energy that you hadn’t known you had. You ran up the stairs to your room to get ready.
You threw on a pair of spandex pants with some fluffy socks and a fluffy hoodie. It was about 6:45 and his house wasn’t to far away. You grabbed your keys, wallet and a bag of your favorite chips before heading out. You didn’t own a car since you quirk was so convenient. About 5 minutes later you were in front of his door terrified to ring the doorbell. As soon as you’d finally mustered up the courage, he opened the door only to find your heated face staring at his ripped abs. 
“Hey y/n- oh um I can cover up sorry” He says stepping aside to let you in.
“N-no It’s alright” you look down and he guides you into the house. You walk in looking up and finding his house quite comfortable. You were cold so you hurriedly walked over and found a nice warm place on the couch.
“Well you look comfy” he says walking over to sit on the couch beside. In his hands two cups and a big bowl for the chips you’d brought. He placed them on the table before taking the bag and pouring some into it. He then handed you the cup and sat down beside you.
“So what movie are we watching?” You ask looking at him again
“How about a horror film?” He says grabbing the remote beside him.
“Sure…” You say watching as he picks a movie you haven’t seen. You get comfortable beside him sipping on the juice he gave you. 
A couple minutes into the movie and a scary scene comes onto the screen. Terrified you jump and cuddle into his chest until the scene finally passes. You only stop to realize your position when Keigo finally says something to you.
“It’s alright now” He says looking down and caressing the top of your head. You pull away and close your eyes face a shade of hot pink. 
“S-sorry! I didn’t mean to-“ He cuts you off pulling you back this time into his lap.
“S’alright darling just lay down…” Your hesitant but when he starts to caress your head you give in and cuddle your small body into his lap. Throughout the movie Keigo stops to comfort you and assure you everything’s alright when certain scenes come up in the movie.
“It’s over…?” You say looking up at him from your spot in his chest. When you look he’s smiling down at you. You smile back before gently lifting up from your spot in his lap. 
“Hey can I tell you something…?” He says looking away as his cheeks begin to glow a light pink.
“Whats on your mind?” Now kneeling in his lap
“Y-y/n…I’ve liked you for a while and…I want to know If you feel the same way about me…” he looks up at you worry in his eyes. You couldn’t believe what you just heard. Hawks the No. 2 hero likes… you? You looked at him astonished at his words.
“I-I like you too…” you say meeting his gaze with a light pink covering your cheeks.
“Will you be my girlfriend then y/n?” He says picking up your hands and holding them in his own. 
“Yes!” You hug him tightly before pulling away only to pull him into a kiss. The gesture surprises him but he pulls you in anyway indulging in the moment the two of you are sharing. He pulls away from you to pull you into his chest and cuddle you.
“Wanna watch another movie?” He asks you only to get your movements as a response. He looks down at you small body curling up in his lap.
“Okay we can sleep instead then…” Keigo then grabs a blanket from the couch to cover you with before repositioning himself to accustom your sleeping form to comfortably lay on his chest.
“Goodnight baby bird…” He says starting to dose off into his own dreams.
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Say you love me (Neteyam X OC!Na’vi) Chapter 9
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Read On AO3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter
pairing(Neteyam X Original Metkayina Female Character)
Synopsis: follow Luaewe as her world literally gets turned upside down with new na’vi joining her village. Never having to face many obstacles besides finding her way back home. How will she be able to handle the constant jealousy she's faced with and an unwanted love triangle.
Disclaimer: All characters in this fic have been aged up for the convenience of storytelling and to match the aging system up with both Pandora and Earth
AGES OC Luaewe- 22 Neteyam-23 Kiri-23 Lo’ak-21 Tuktirey-10 Aonung- 23 Tsireya - 21
Warnings for chapter: scenting, Sexual tension, marking, slight possessive behavior
The scent of porridge filled my nose causing my eyes to flutter open. My breath hitched once I locked eyes with Tuk sitting at the edge of the blanket. Why was Tuk in my mauri?
“ Come it’s breakfast time.” She said while getting up and reaching for my hand. I scratched my head and sluggishly followed her. I couldn’t help but squint my eyes as the sunlight became more apparent as we walked to the common area. 
“ good morning Luaewae I made some porridge I hope you like it,” Neytiri said while placing a big bowl on the table next to Neteyam. 
I gave her a warm smile and hurried my way over there trying not to accidentally fall. As soon as I sat down I saw Neteyam smirk out of the corner of my eye. 
I ignored his reaction and began to eat “Gosh this is good Neytiri!” She muttered a thank you and turned around to grab herself a bowl.
I looked over to Kiri who literally look like she got pushed into the sand she looked up sluggishly to see who was talking. Only for Jake to clear his throat making her wince. “ if that bothers you I don't know how you’ll tend to your duties today.” She rolled her eyes and pushed the food away laying her head on the table.
“ must you be so loud?” She snapped back Jake raised his brow and scoffed. Turning his attention back to his coffee.
Neytiri placed her hand on Kiri’s  back  trying to get her to look up. “ you need to get food in your system here.” Neytiri said trying to push the bowl back to her Kiri groaned and kept her head down.
“ Luaewae.” I felt a hand tap my thigh resulting in me looking down as I was about to begin drinking my porridge.
It was Tuk staring up at me. “ yeah Tuk?” Before she could ask her questions I took a sip. Gosh! This is good.
“ why were you and Neteyam having a sleepover without me? I could have brought my toys and we could have played!” She furrowed her brows and I sympathetically brushed my hand over her head.
“ let’s make a deal” her expression immediately changed causing me to chuckle. “ next moon cycle you can come over and you can bring all the toys you want.” I moved closer to her ear. “ but best of all we can stay up!” 
She gasped and smiled gleefully at me “ REALLY! We are going to have soooo much fun I’ll tell you all the stories ab-“
“ that’s if you listen to your teacher Tuk,” Jake said cutting her off. She huffed and continued eating. 
Finally at last I could get a good amount down. The mornings weren’t as talkative as their dinners but it was still enjoyable. I felt a pair of eyes on me and a hand stealthy wrapped around my hips pulling me closer.
I wanted to immediately hiss at the perpetrator but I settled for a glare. Though that didn’t help he looked down at me and chuckled. 
Lo'ak finally joined the rest of us taking up the now-cold bowl of porridge and sipping on it. 
I’m pretty sure Kiri fell back asleep and Neytiri left a couple of minutes ago with Tuk but Jake. He was still there sipping on his second cup of coffee as if he were waiting for something. 
“ what are you doing here?” I heard Lo'ak ask I turned my head and rolled my eyes. “ I’m surprised Dad isn’t yelling at you for bringing her home bro.” He said playfully nudging Neteyam while he started snickering 
Jake turned his head back to the table giving Lo'ak a stern look. “ hurry up and finish eating you’re late.”  Lo'ak 
Slowly slurped his Porridge giving me a deadpan look. He stood up and walked out the mauri with the bowl in his hand. I  could tell Jake wanted to say something but he only shook his head. 
I looked back to Kiri and she was still knocked out. Jake cleared his throat causing me to look at him. 
“ I know you guys are adults….and Luaewae Neteyam has made it apparent that he’s courting you.” Apparent my ass. “ but some ground rules need to be laid down….Neteyam my main one still applies no sex in the home.” I felt my face squinch up we might all be adults but the talk was never pleasant with parental figures. 
“ I don’t mean to insult Mr. Sully-“ Jake sighed “ Luaewae.” He let out another sigh “We went over this no formality…I can’t have my daughter-in-law do that huh?”  Daughter-in-law? Dau- GOSH I want to just dig a hole and jump in it.  I tried my best to hold my reaction but as always my face gave it away he chuckled and playfully winked at me. 
“ Jake…I’m not sure what you think we didn’t but it didn’t happen… I-I don’t even know how I got here last night, to be honest.” 
He hummed and looked over at Neteyam waiting for an answer. I felt him tug at me again “Pull me any closer and I’ll be sitting on you!” I said lowly while gritting my teeth. 
He lowered himself down and moved to my ear. “ I don’t see a problem with that. I want you close….” I slapped his thigh causing him to chuckle. 
“Will you stop messing around and answer your dad’s question!” I gave him an annoyed look but he only smirked back at me. 
“ Ao'nung brought her here she was drunk and he didn’t want to bring her home.” Jake hummed again then finally nodded his head. 
“ well if this happens again Luaewae please keep the shouting to a minimum ok?” My eyes grew wide and I could see Jake smirking as he got up. 
“ I was shouting?! Why didn’t you tell me to shut up or kick me out!” I said to Neteyam only making him chuckle. 
“ the only way you stayed quiet was when I slept next to you.” I shook my head and got up moving to the pot that was holding the leftover porridge. 
“ no that’s not true you should have chucked me outside.” I scooped a little bit more into my bowl and sat back down only for him to actually drag me on his lap this time. 
I groaned and furrowed my brows. I turned back. “ seriously! Your sister is right there!”  He looked up but adjusted me properly.
“ she’s asleep. And what’s the problem with you sitting on my lap oare? You didn’t seem to have a problem burying your face into my chest last night.” He tilted his head and smirked, I turned around immediately trying to shrink myself. 
Gosh, this is embarrassing I mean at least I didn’t end up in a tree but curled up next to him! I huffed and finished off the rest of my porridge. “ I have duties to attend to or do you plan on having me here in your lap all day?” 
A deep chuckle erupted from his chest sending chills down my spine. “ is that a choice because if so-“
“ no, it is not a choice it was a rhetorical question.” He scoffed just as I was about to get up he swiftly picked me up so that I was facing him.
I knew he was tall,  but being held up by him only made it more apparent. I gasped and clutched onto him.  
I could sense he was smiling by the way his hold became tighter as he readjusted me. 
He dipped his face into my neck. “ don’t do it so aggressively this time.” I half whined he pulled back leaving a kiss on my neck. “ give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.” 
“ Tonowari will get mad if he sees I’m not able to tend to my duties because a love-drunk man scented me.” He smirked and walked until my back was pressed against the wall. 
“ Tonowari is a man who is mated I’m sure he understands… how else am I supposed to let the others know you are taken?” I scoffed “ he is Olo'eyktan everyone knows he is mated to Ronal!”
“ and I am not yours… you are simply courting me.”  I watched as he clenched his jaw but let out a frustrated chuckle. “That may  be true but I intend to mate with you.” My breath hitched “ thus making you mine.” I bit my lip trying to hold it back but failed miserably seeing as how he was smirking. 
He held me tightly with his other hand and caressed my face with the now free one. I watched as he moved closer as if he were going in for a kiss, but only my cheek came in contact with his plump lips. 
He gently put me down and wrapped his arm around me as we walked out I bit my lips as we stood by the entrance to his mauri .  “ since you so desperately want to get to your duties I won’t keep you longer…. I’ll see you later ok.” I nodded my head and he brought his hand up to caress my face once more. I made eye contact making him immediately pull away and say something underneath his breath I couldn’t decipher. 
He gestured for me to go. So I did…
None of this made sense how can we go from not talking to him practically wanting to be next to me? I-I it doesn’t make sense but does anything really make sense? My body jolted back from an unknown force 
A sharp pain rang through my body as I looked up
“ OÌSSS!” The Na’vi male yelled as he practically ran over me with various baskets in his hand. I clutched my chest and cursed. “ how about you watch it! No one told you to be storming through here like that!” 
I steady myself as I got up only to see the tall angry man start charging toward me. What the hell is this man’s deal!?
“ you better watch your mouth before I do something about it!” He said moving his face closer to mine I squinched my face up in disgust and coughed.
“ gosh! Instead of worrying about my mouth, you need to worry about yours when’s the last time you washed it!? Over here talking in my face with that Stank ass breath.”  I immediately covered my nose and took a step back. He looked at me as if I insulted his whole family but I don’t care you’re the one who knocked me over in the first place. 
“ a little girl like you should have some manners…seem like your parents didn’t teach you.” I scoffed at his attempt to insult me 
“ you are the last person who should be worrying about my manners when you practically run over people and dare to speak in their face when your breath smells like a five-week-old fish!”  
I moved back some more getting ready to walk away but he acted as if he were going to follow me. I raised a brow daring him to take another step….but he scoffed and walked away. 
My nose could have been spared if he did that in the first place. 
“ yeah I have no clue who that guy is but he’s lucky you didn’t punch him,” Reya said as she continued to sort the fishes for lunch later.  
“That’s what-“ I watched as she stopped moving and her eyes grew wide. “ Luaewae!” 
“ What! What is it you are scaring me!” She chuckled and shook her head. “ you’ll never guess what my mother told us this morning.” 
I tilted my head “ I won't BE THE YOUNGEST ANYMORE!” I placed my knife down and clapped my hands. 
“Congratulations! I’m glad she finally told you, guys.” 
“ yeah, I was really- wait what? She told you?” I chuckled and shook my head, picking up the knife to continue cracking open the clams. 
“ no, I sensed it when I talked to her a while back.” She nodded her head and hummed. 
“Maybe you should be the next Tsahìk instead” I laughed. me? Tsahìk? HA
“ why just because I could tell she was pregnant before her own husband?” Reya groaned and rolled her eyes. 
“ ok fine if not Tsahìk then definitely one of the midwives! Think about it you have good intuition that is necessary when working with mothers!”  Good intuition my foot. If that was the case then I wouldn’t constantly get lost. 
“ I don’t know about that…I think working alongside you is enough right now.”  She chuckled and held her hands up we finished prepping the various fishes just in time for lunch to be made. 
I grabbed a couple bites and walked off to enjoy the silence. I watched as the ilu played with each other,  swimming and splashing around. “ so this is where you’ve been hiding?” I recognized Neteyams voice instantly and smirked at least he kept his word this time. 
“ I’m not hiding I’m simply enjoying the quiet.” I took my eyes off of the ilu for a second and turned around to him joining me with food I’m his hand. “ eat.” He moved the bowl closer to me and I raised a brow.
“ I’ve already-“ 
“ if you don’t eat I will feed you.” I quickly took the bowl and began chewing the various fruits. He must have notice my absence from the clan. “ I have something for you.” He said calmly, I watched as he untied his pouch and pulled out a necklace. 
I placed the bowl down to properly examine it. Because if my eyes were telling me the truth these knots were a sign of courtship. “ I wanted to-“ he sighed and scratched the back of his neck. “ I started this a long time ago when…probably around the time we first met…obviously it wasn’t this good and I had to restart many times.” 
He let out another sigh and looked away for a second. “ what I’m trying to say is I was stupid for trying to figure out my feelings because I already knew from the start I wanted to court you…the necklace signifies the lengths I’m willing to go to make sure you get the life you deserve…this is only the beginning…”
If I didn’t have fruit in my mouth it would be open. This was the Neteyam I knew. I quickly swallowed the fruit and gave him a slight smile. “ can you put it on me?” I asked making the tense feeling leave his body. 
He moved closer and took the necklace from my hands and carefully put it around my neck. “ I’m not familiar with how your clan does it but I would love to show you how mine does.” He said while adjusting my hair. 
Just as I was about to say something he stopped. “ you smell different….I do not like this.” He dipped his face in my neck, quickly pulling me on his lap causing my breath to hitch . “ you have been with another?” His voice vibrates off of me. 
“ No, someone bumped into me this morning.” He scoffed and gripped my hips. I bit my lip trying to hold back any sounds that threatened to come through. 
“ bumped into a man yet his scent lingers on you? Who is he?” he demanded I placed my hand on his shoulder trying to push him back a bit attempting to calm him down, but what I feared the most was happening. 
“ I don’t know him but if you smell rotten fish that’s him.” He raked his sharp teeth along my shoulder causing me to grip his shoulder 
“ fuck” shit shit shit damn you mouth! he looked up mischievously.  “ is this part of the Omatikaya courting process?”  I said trying to Change the topic but that wasn’t going to change the fact that I had just moaned from him grazing his teeth on me. 
“ no this is my way. We may be counting but you are mine Luaewae.” He tilted my face up with his finger causing me to but my lip again. He smirked and brushed his thumb against my lips coaxing me to let them go. 
“ if another man leaves their scent on you again we might just have to battle it out.” 
“ no, you won’t I won’t let you… fighting over me is stupid.” I rolled my eyes “Ah so if I come to you smelling like another woman you wouldn’t do the same?”  He smirked and I pushed him causing us both to fall I was now on top of him. 
“ no, I would simply avoid you at all costs or remove the scent myself.” He raised a brow and smirked. 
“ and how would you do that?” I hoisted myself up and mimicked the same motion he did in my neck. Before pulling away I bit down hard enough to leave a physical mark but not to the point of breaking skin. 
His fingers pressed into my thighs as if he were holding himself back he let out a groan that vibrated his chest. I pulled back  looking at him for a quick second 
“ like that!” I towered over him smirking proud of what I had just done.  “ every time you put your claim on me you’ll get one right back.” I caressed the side of his face thinking  that would get a reaction out of him but all he did was stare at me….deeply “Promise?” 
My eyes grew wide and I slapped his chest making him laugh and sit us both up. “ stop playing around you skxqwng.” I chuckled and sat back on the sand.
“ the necklace is truly beautiful Neteyam thank you.” I let my fingers brush against the knots weaved in with the crystals. 
“ do you think I need more lessons?” I raised a brow and scoffed. “ no but you do need to make up for all the ones you missed thanks to your idiotic brothers advice. 
I picked up the bowl of fruit and handed him a piece. He leaned down and took a bite of it, I shook my head only he would do something like that I didn’t agree to feed him. 
“ he’s not idiotic he just gives out bad relationship advice.” I know he’s not but it was stupid of him to say such a thing to Neteyam when we were doing so good. 
“ speaking if relationships what the hell is going on with him and Reya… you know it took everything in me not to March over there and kick him!” He chuckled and watched as I ate 
“I think he’s scared…..he’ll never admit that though” hm I mean I guess that’s a reasonable excuse but he could have just told her that. “ the relations he had back home were never serious never a proper courtship.” 
So he thought theirs  was going to be the same but he actually started to catch feelings? Ok I got it now. 
“ he should have just talked to her Reya would have understood.” I let out a sigh and turn my attention back to the playing ilu.
“ what are you doing later tonight?” He asked I could feel his eyes on me practically burning a hole  into the side of my face.
“ I will be home helping my mom cook why?” I finally turned to him “You want to come over?” His eyes widened.
“ is that an invitation?” I nodded my head causing him to smile. “ hm and I thought you never would have returned the gesture.” 
I scoffed and turned back to the water. “ if I didn’t my mother would have. She constantly ask about you.” 
“ it is nice to know I’m in good graces with your mother.” I chuckled you're worried about being in good graces with my mother when it is me you should be worried about. 
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r-ando-m-w-rite-r · 2 years
El Español Me Excita
-Hey, it's me and my shitty posts again
-Octane x reader
-Flirting, sex, fluff, oral, that type of stuff
-So the reader and Octavio are pretty much speaking Spanish the whole time, but don’t worry; I italicized the Spanish words and translated their meanings. The translation to English should be in bold behind the sentence. It’s really not hard. 
-Look up the title if you’re curious, it’s just Spanish
-I’m posting this w/o proof-reading since I’ve been at it for three and a half hours, so sorry for grammar mistakes
You sighed as the music in the bar started up again and the disco lights turned on. Elliot came over the speakers just then, “Alright you party animals! Time for some slow beats to end the night. Hope you enjoyed the drinks and be sure to join me at Paradise Lounge tomorrow night!” 
With that, the man got off the microphone, and a bunch of drunk, half-assed cheers went up before it fell quiet again, despite the muffled convos.
Raising your martini glass to your lips, you took a sip, swishing the bitter-sweet alcohol around in your mouth. Your mini dress felt tighter than ever, and you used a finger to pull at your chest line. 
Whether it was the humidity of the bar or the fact you were semi-drunk, you weren’t sure, but you were itching to get out of here. But you were still waiting on your friend.
Glancing over your shoulder and away from the table you were sitting at, you located her. She was sitting on some burly guy’s lap, chatting away with the people sitting around the table, eyes half-lidded. She was drunk, you could tell. 
There were shot glasses strewn out across the table, some still half full, and you managed to spot at least three marijuana bowls amongst the mess. You knew Stacey was a social butterfly, but getting into a crowd of druggies was beyond her.
You didn’t feel like getting up to go over and get her, though. She would probably get mad that you ruined her chances of getting laid for the first time in months, anyway. If anything, you wanted another drink. 
Looking down at your glass, you realized you had subconsciously been sipping away at it for the last minute or so, completely downing it. Frowning to yourself, you stood, legs a little wobbly and head a little light. Placing your glass on the table and stabilizing yourself with the piece of furniture, you finally pushed off, ready to take a shot at walking.
Your table was tucked beside the restrooms, so as you were crossing its entrance you didn’t see the man exiting. Before you knew it, you were on the ground, having collided with him. You hadn’t felt it, but your eyes opened a little in shock as you scrambled to tug your dress back down over your privates. 
“Oh shit, my bad chica!” the man above you exclaimed. Spanish? The language was your second since your father had come from a Mexican bloodline. A hand reached down, sliding into your vision, and you looked up.
The man, who really looked more like a boy, who you had run into was holding his hand down, a genuinely concerned look on his face. He wore gray sweats and a black t-shirt that clung tightly to his body, revealing a small set of abs. 
Looking farther up and into his face, you noticed his hair, which was cut short back and sides and dyed a bright green. His face was heart-shaped, a slight amount of stubble sticking from his chin, and his eyes were green. They sparkled, putting you in a slight trance. He was cute.
You watched as his furrowed eyebrows lifted and he flashed you a toothy grin. “Like what you see, hermosa?” ‘Beautiful.’ he said as you snapped your eyes away from his. 
Taking his hand, he pulled you to your feet in one motion. Not expecting it, you flew forward and he caught you in his arms. They were strong, veins slinking their way across his prominent muscles as he flexed them. 
Taking a deep breath and muttering to yourself, you replied, “Not so bad yourself, galán.” ‘Handsome.’ As he helped you balance your weight on your two feet once more, you caught him staring at you curiously. 
“Ah, ¿hablas español?” ‘You speak Spanish?’ he questioned. You glanced at the bar once before reaching out and taking his hand, leading him back to your table quickly. As much as you craved another drink, this guy was far more interesting than another martini.
“Un poco.” ‘A little.’ you shrugged, letting go of him as you motioned for him to take a seat across from you. He obliged, sitting and leaning back in the four-legged chair. 
“Name’s Octavio, ¿y tú?” ‘And you?’ he said, running a hand through his hair. It rippled and bent to his touch, and you could only imagine how soft his locks must be.
“Y/n, ¿Qué te trae por aquí?” ‘What brings you here?’ you asked, placing your elbows on the table and cupping your chin with both hands.
Leaning forward, you felt yourself engaged in his words as he smiled and replied. It was probably just your drunk mind at work making this small interaction seem entertaining, but you found the guy interesting, as it was the first time you had run into a fellow Spanish speaker in a long while. Plus, he was cute.
“... Y estaba aburrido después del juego, así que vine aquí.” ‘...and I was bored after the Games, so I came here.’ He finished what he was saying and paused, staring at you for a moment before continuing. 
“Sabes, yo también estaba un poco solo.” ‘You know, I was a little lonely, too.’ You blushed at this, quickly leaning back into your chair and looking away.
“La misma aquí.” ‘Same here.’ you whispered, but he must’ve heard, because he responded quickly.
“¿En realidad? ¿Una chica tan bonita como tú, sola?” ‘Really? Such a pretty girl like you, alone?’ he blurted, faking astonishment. You bashfully looked up at him, returning the smile he was giving you. 
You watched, however, as his eyes lowered a little before snapping back up to yours. “Y ese vestido te queda tan bien…” ‘And that dress looks so good on you…’ he said, lowering his voice a little. You couldn’t help but purr at his compliment. 
“Sabes cómo halagar.” ‘You know how to flirt.’ you said slyly, batting your eyelashes in a comical way. He tilted his head back, laughing. 
“Es lo que mejor hago.” ‘’Tis what I do best.’ he said after regaining himself and wiping a tear from his eye. He was one that was easy to entertain. 
You couldn’t help but wonder how far he would be willing to let you go before he caved in to his desires, like any man looking to hook up at a bar wishes upon.
As if right on cue, you saw his eyelids lower ever so slightly. “Es curioso, tengo una cama grande y cómoda en mi apartamento, vacía.” ‘It's funny, I have a big and comfy bed in my apartment, empty.’ he started. 
He paused and you saw his tongue dart in and out of his mouth to wet his lips, which were probably dry. You already knew where this was going, and you were more than ready to go. “¿Quiero salir de aquí?” ‘Wanna get out of here?’
You didn’t respond, instead pushing your chair out from beneath you and standing. He followed suit, and he wrapped his arm around your waist, probably lower than necessary. 
As the two of you made your way to the exit, you noticed Stacey and the man she had been sitting on were both gone. The other people were still there, though, blowing on their bowls. Two conclusions came to you, either she was getting laid or smoking pot. You didn’t care; the only thing you could think about was getting back to this guy’s apartment.
The door shut softly behind you, but before you could even register your surroundings, you were rammed up against the wall. Your sudden moans of arousal were smothered by his kiss, and he was quick to force his tongue into your mouth. 
As he explored above, you also felt it below. His hand trailed down your stomach and near your abdomen. Placing his free hand above you to brace himself, he exhaled through his nose and into your face.
Your legs were smashed together, but after a quick tap on the thigh, you parted them for him. Reaching up, he rubbed through your lacy underwear, your pre-cum already soaked through the fabric. Your messy moans were finally let out as he pulled away, moving to your neck. 
He pressed his lips passionately to your flesh as his fingers pulled aside the barrier keeping you from him. Pushing his fingers upward, squelching was heard.
He was an expert, you could tell. Fingers don’t lie. He nibbled on the spot above your jugular, and you squirmed, whining. He used his thumb to caress the skin above your vagina as the rest of his hand twisted inside you. It felt amazing. 
He withdrew suddenly, crouching down in front of you. Pushing away the bottom edge of your dress, he leaned forward, running his tongue up and down your pussy.
You moaned even harder, one of your hands falling to his shoulder and gripping it, the other grabbing onto the back of his head and yanking at his hair. You had been right, his hair was softer than anything you had felt before. 
This just persuaded him to go faster. He began pumping into you, starting with just one finger. “M-more…” you whimpered, but he didn’t listen. “More, oh..gosh, please~!” He ignored you. “Ah, mmh, ¡más!” ‘More!’ you shouted out as a last resort.
It was then you felt him add another finger, and you cried out at the sudden change of speed. He sped up his tempo, now playing with your clit. You weren’t sure how much longer you were going to last. 
Through the pleasure, a burning pain ripped through your stomach, and you shouted out, “Tavi, I’m gonna-!” Too late. Your cum erupted from beneath you, and you let out a loud moan as the pressure within your stomach dispersed.
You whimpered a little as he licked the remaining mess off of you before he stood. You watched as he raised up his two fingers, coated in your liquids, and sucked them clean. 
“Sabes bien.” ‘You taste good.’ he said, gazing at you. You had heard that multiple times from multiple men in the past who had had sex with, but hearing it from him was different. Spanish turned you on, whether you believed it or not.
You looked down and quickly noticed the tent in his pants. Using this to your advantage, you reached down, palming his erection. You listened to him moan, and it was by far one of the sexiest things you had ever heard. Quickly yanking down his sweats and boxers underneath, you watched as his cock busted out. 
He was big. His length was impressive but also swollen, and pre-cum was leaking from his tip. Despite the urge to do so, you didn’t really know how to do oral very well, and you definitely weren’t going to test anything on him. Instead, you began running your hand up and down his erect member, making sure to hit his balls every time. 
He was letting out unholy sounds as you did this, and when you sped up, so did his moans. You pressed your mouth against his, muffling him. He took this as an opportunity to let out his sexual tension by shoving his tongue into your mouth again. You let out a moan, matching his, as you continued running up and down his cock. 
One of his hands was beside your head, bracing himself against the wall. The other reached up to cup your cheek. His touch was so gentle for such a rough moment, and you couldn’t help but lean into it.
After a second more, he pulled away, and you stopped your hand’s movements. He quickly grabbed his still-erect penis with the hand that was not bracing himself against the wall. You watched as he moved his length underneath your dress, and you felt him line it up with your entrance. 
“Y/n..” You were looking down, but when he said your name, you looked up and into his eyes. 
They shone like two emeralds being reflected upon by light. He was so handsome. “Mi amor..” ‘My love..’ he purred out. You hummed in response, butterflies bubbling up in your stomach as he said this. 
“Dime si voy demasiado rápido. Quiero que estés cómodo.” ‘Tell me if I’m going too fast. I want you to be comfortable.’ He said this in a hesitant but serious way, as if he had bad past experiences. His gaze held warmth and care as he stared at you like no other man had before, lovingly. 
Your voice lodged in your throat. “¿De acuerdo?” ‘Ok?’ he asked. When you didn’t respond, instead staring at him with glazed-over eyes, his voice hinted at concern. “¿De acue-”
“Vale.” ‘Okay.’ you whispered. You loved this man so much, you just didn’t know how to express it. At least, not right now. He nodded to you before taking a deep breath and pushing in. You let out a small whine as he did so, despite him only pushing half of his length in.
“Shh, shhh. Está bien mi amor, todo está bien.” ‘Shh, shhh. It's okay my love, everything is okay.’ he muttered into your ear. You could tell he was trying to not moan out himself as he thrusted in again, this time putting in more. 
A moan emerged from the back of your throat, and he quickened his pace a little. You reached up, resting a hand on his head and weaving your fingers through his hair. It comforted you while he pleased you.
He let out a groan himself as he began pushing deeper and faster, and every now and then, you could feel his balls hitting your bare skin. Your breathing sped up with the tempo of his thrusting and your caresses followed suit. 
He was sweating at this point, beads of perspiration dotting his forehead. He was balls deep every time now, and you could feel his tip poking at your insides when he went in.
“Maldita sea, eres tan apretado.” ‘Damn, you’re so tight.’ he gasped out. He was right; your walls were closing in around his cock with each time he entered you. 
Your moaning increased every time he hit a certain spot, and he quickly figured out where it was because he was now hitting it with every thrust. You could tell he was getting closer, both by the way his face was contorting and how his cock was twitching.
“Te amo…” ‘I-I love you…’ you managed to muster out between him pushing his throbbing member in and out of you. He sped up even faster when you said this, and you became so loud that his neighbors had to have heard it by now if they hadn’t already.
“Ah, me voy a correr…” ‘Ah, I’m gonna cum…’ he said in an uneven voice. He immediately moaned over yours, and you felt him release his juices into you. His seed was thick, unlike most you had experienced before, and you took the sensation in. 
After he had released everything, he pulled out, both you and his liquids dripping to the floor. You looked up into his face, and he gazed back. You both took each other in with loving stares.
Exhaustion hit you like a brick just then and you fell into his arms. He caught you, despite him panting like a dog and probably just as tired as you. However, he was quick to lift you up in his arms and carry you through his apartment, pushing through a door and into what was most likely his room. 
Laying you down and placing your head on a pillow, he gently slipped off your now-messy dress along with your soaked undergarments. Air hit your bare body, and while it cooled off your overheated body, it also had you shivering within seconds.
He had been right, his bed was comfy. You had closed your eyes, letting your tired and half-drunk state take the best of you. He was doing something behind you, but he soon crawled into the bed and laid down beside you. 
Wrapping his arms around your bare torso, he pulled you up against his chest and covered you both in a heavy comforter. His skin rubbed against yours, his abs pressing into the small of your back. It was comforting.
“Mi amor…” ‘My love…’ you whispered into darkness.
“Si mi querida.” ‘Yes my darling?’ he muttered sleepily into your ear. His voice being so close in such silence gave you goosebumps.
“¿Es esto?” ‘Is this it?’ you said, your voice wavering ever so slightly. You couldn’t help it. You were afraid that this occurrence was just a one night stand. That when you woke up you would promptly be escorted to your apartment, to which you would never see Octavio again. The prospect frightened you. 
“Y/n, oh, Y/n..” he said in a drawling voice. “¿Por qué te dejaría? ¿Por que tienes miedo? Te amo, me amas, el fin.” ‘Why would I leave you? Why are you afraid? I love you, you love me, the end.’ he stated into your ear before reaching up and running his hand through your hair softly. You couldn’t help but smile at his simplicity before taking in his words. So he really did love you? It warmed your heart to hear this.
“Pues bien, buenas noches mi amado.” ‘Well then, goodnight my beloved.’ you murmured to your newfound lover.
“Buenas noches mi querida.” ‘Good night my cherished.’
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osp-originals · 2 years
Stomach bug
Victor has a stomach bug and decides to skip class. When Taylor gets back from her classes, she discovers his illness had gotten worse than she thought would get.
TW: fever, emeto, stomach push (idk what to put for the warning but Tay helps him throw up)
“Babe?” Taylor called.
“Mmh,” Victor groaned in response.
She opened the door.
“Are you gonna go to class today?” she asked softly.
“No, my stomach still feels… wrong. It’s just bad. I don’t know how to describe it.”
“Okay, I’ll see what we have that you can eat and then I have to go to my classes.”
“I don’t want to eat anything.”
“I get that, but you can’t just not eat anything all day. That’s not healthy.”
“Why do I have to be healthy?” Victor protested, rolling over onto his side to face his girlfriend.
Taylor chuckled.
“You got me there,” she teased.
She came back in a few minutes later with a box of plain crackers and a bottle of water.
“I couldn’t find any nausea medicine, but this is what we have,” she said, setting the offerings down on the nightstand by Victor’s side of the bed.
“I’m still not going to eat anything.”
“At least drink some water. Not having anything in there will only make it worse. Trust me.”
“Okay, I’ll eat some later. For now, I’m just going to go to sleep.”
She looked at her phone to check the time.
“I have to go. Take care of yourself, okay?”
“Okay. I’ll try to be healthy,” Victor said with a playful smile.
Taylor pushed the hair out of his face and gave him a kiss on his forehead. Then, she left for her class.
Some time later, Victor woke up from his nap. Overall, he felt well-rested, but that was the only good feeling he felt. The sheets were soaked with sweat, but he didn’t feel hot. In fact, he was shivering under his blanket. His stomach definitely felt worse than before he went to sleep. It now felt like it was somehow bloated and pushing against his abs from the inside, even though it was empty. His mouth was dry as a desert, but that was normal for him because he always seems to have it open in his sleep. The dryness made him take a sip of water from the bottle on the nightstand, despite his reservations about putting anything in his stomach.
The moment the water got in, his tummy made a rumbling sound, but surprisingly it seemed to relieve some of the pressure.
Maybe not eating is only making it worse, like Taylor said…
He decided to give the crackers a chance. He pushed himself up so he was sitting against the headboard of the bed, then started eating the crackers slowly. Each one gave his stomach more to work with, which seemed like a good thing.
Once he felt like he had enough, he took a few sips of water, then picked up his phone for some distraction.
Even though the pressure wasn’t so bad anymore, the nausea still persisted. He couldn’t tell whether he was actually going to be sick or not, so he tried to get his mind off of it, hoping that would convince his body to forget about it too.
It didn’t quite work that way. The pressure quickly returned, and the nausea got a lot more threatening. He knew what was going to happen, whether he wanted it to or not.
He scanned the room for something to be sick into, but there was nothing. He would have to go to the bathroom. He knew he didn’t have time to get in and out of his wheelchair, and there was no point in that anyway, since the bathroom door was just across the room from the bed. He threw the covers off his legs and rolled over onto the floor with a thud.
The downstairs neighbors must be wondering what the hell that was, he thought, ignoring the pain in his side and arm from landing on them.
He pulled himself across the floor, taking his phone with him in case he needed to call for help. He opened the bathroom door and made his way to the toilet.
He just barely had enough time to position his head over the toilet bowl before he gagged the first time. Nothing came up, but it send a wave of pain through his stomach. A cough brought up the first puny stream of vomit. It was just chewed-up crackers and water, not even digested.
The cycle repeated for a few more minutes: unproductive coughing and retching eventually leading to bringing up small amounts of what he ate, until his stomach finally settled down. After it did, he felt much better. He was still cold and clammy, but other than that, he was alright.
He checked the time on his phone.
11:58 A.M. Tay should be out of class by now, right?
He decided to text her and find out. When he opened his messages, he noticed that she had texted him earlier asking how he was doing, but he had missed it.
Victor: hey babe, when are you coming back home?
He flushed the toilet, then scooted himself backward so he could sit up against the wall while he waited for her to answer. Her response came more quickly than he expected it to.
Taylor: ill be home soon. i was just getting nausea medicine and stuff for you from the store.
Taylor: is everything ok?
Victor: meh. just puked.
Taylor: aw im sorry babe 🥺
Taylor: did you make it to the bathroom?
Victor: yeah
Taylor: thats good at least
Victor: and my stomach feels better now
Taylor: aw im glad, I hope it stays better
Taylor: i just bought ginger ale and nausea meds so hopefully that helps too. do you need anything else?
Victor: no, that sounds fine
After he sent that message, he noticed a dull pain in his head pulsing to the beat of his heart.
Victor: actually do we have painkillers already?
Taylor: yeah we have tylenol and ibuprofen
Taylor: theyre in the cabinet above the sink tho
Victor: dammit
Taylor: ill be home soon dont worry
Victor: yeah ik, I’ll be fine
Taylor: ok im going to drive home now
Victor: alr
Victor set his phone down on the floor and rubbed his eyes. He wanted to go back to sleep, but now with this headache, he knew he wouldn’t be able to. Plus, his stomach was already starting to feel off again, even though he hadn’t eaten anything.
He decided to stay in the bathroom and wait for Taylor to get back.
The wait felt like ages. He tried to distract himself by playing games on his phone again, but it didn’t do much to help. He kept checking the time thinking minutes had passed, only to find that the readout was the exact same as the last time he checked. Unease gradually filled his stomach again.
I wonder what will happen first, Tay getting here or me throwing up again?
The answer to that gradually became clearer. He moved himself back in front of the toilet. He placed his arms on the toilet seat and rested his head on them. The nausea got stronger and stronger, and every time he thought it couldn’t get any worse, he was proven wrong.
At that moment, he heard the front door open.
“Babe? Vic?” said Taylor’s voice from the living room.
He retched, forcing out nothing but a terrible sound.
Great timing.
“Oh no, babe,” Taylor said.
She set down the things from the store, then found Victor in the bathroom. She sat down next to him and started giving him a gentle back rub to ease his pain.
He gagged again, still bringing up nothing.
“Did you eat or drink anything since the last time?” Taylor asked.
“No,” Victor mumbled.
“Maybe you should drink some water,” she suggested.
“Sure, but I’m just gonna-“
He was cut off by another loud, painful retch.
“I know, but it’s okay,” she assured him. “I’ll get you some water.”
She got up got up and grabbed the water bottle from his nightstand. He coughed a few times, then unproductively gagged again. She returned with the water bottle and handed it to him.
He waited to make sure he wasn’t about to heave again, then cautiously brought it to his lips. Drinking the water felt like swallowing molasses. He could only take one sip before and gagging again.
She took the water bottle and set it on the counter.
He rested his head on his arms again, and he coughed and retched, but still, nothing.
The nausea felt like it was slowly eating him from the inside.
“Could you… just.. squeeze my stomach for me?” Victor asked hesitantly. “I just want to get it over with.”
“Okay,” she said, sounding a bit confused.
She got behind him and wrapped her arms around his belly.
“How hard should I squeeze?” she asked.
“However hard,” he answered. “Just make me barf.”
She pushed on his abdomen, lightly at first, but when nothing happened, she increased the pressure. His stomach convulsed in response and she immediately let go, but still nothing came up.
She squeezed his belly again, this time faster. It caused him to heave up a little bit of water with a loud, pained noise.
A few seconds later, his stomach contracted on its own, sending up a weak stream of stomach acid. He spat to get the vile taste out of his mouth.
“You okay?” Taylor asked.
“Yeah,” he responded.
He breathed heavily for a few seconds.
“Was that all?” she wondered out loud.
He sat up hesitantly. His stomach felt much better, just like it did after the first round. He hoped the relief would last longer this time.
“Yeah, I think so,” he told her.
She ran her hand through his hair, pushing his bangs away from his sweaty forehead. He leaned back and let himself fall back onto her lap. She held his head in one arm, still combing through his tangled hair with the other hand.
“Do you still want those painkillers?” she asked.
“Oh, yeah. But I think I’d just… you know.”
“Hmm… Maybe you could take the nausea medicine first and see how you feel?”
“Yeah,” he said. “Good idea.”
Why didn’t I think of that?
“I’ll go get it for you,” she offered.
He sat back up with her help. She left for a minute, then she returned with pain pills, nausea ginger chews, the water bottle from his nightstand, and a bottle of ginger ale.
He started chewing on one of the ginger chews, and she helped him get back to bed. His stomach settled down fairly quickly, and he took a Tylenol and drank a little bit of ginger ale before going back to sleep with Taylor by his side.
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4l4na444 · 10 months
so im back at 130.5
i dont wanna talk ab it i just want to start ovr & get down to:
125 by dec 1st
120 by dec 12th
118 by dec 15th
114 by jan 1st
im going to workout every day
& eat the same planned meals every day (i think this will work for me cuz i rly like routine & hate breaking one) ty for helping me w this journey im so exciteddd
Ok so ill b sticking to a protien shake in the morning because thats when i go to the gym but ill wait until 9-10 to sip it
protien shake (250): Banana (110), Powder (110), almond milk (1 cup) (30 cal)
& low cal pasta for lunch (65): pasta (5) sauce (60)
when i feel like snacking after that ill bring a gomacro (100) bar with me out of the house somewhere
-no dinner
-if studying:ice cream (1 small bowl) (210)
-if parents make u eat smallest portion possible
Daily:415 Study heavy Days:725
my daily workout:
Abs on an incline: 10 sit ups, 20 crunches, 10 sit ups, 20 crunches, 10 sit ups, 20 crunches, 10 sit ups, 20 crunches, 10 sit ups, 20 crunches, 10 sit ups. (50 cal) (we1ght the sit ups as u see fit)
4ss machine: idk what its called sry but u start at 175 and drop set to 85 doing 10 reps at each weight, then at 85 go till failure, 3 sets of that (burns 50 cals)
Treadmill: 4 minutes walking on incline, 4 minutes running ok flat, 4 minutes walking on incline, 4 minutes running ok flat, 4 minutes walking on incline, 4 minutes running ok flat, 4 minutes walking on incline, 4 minutes running ok flat, 4 minutes walking on incline, 4 minutes running ok flat, 4 minutes walking on incline. (~350 cal)(note: u have to go until at least 315 to even out the cals u ate)
ik im crazy, i like symmetry
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wholesomebellies · 1 year
Tomato and Olive Risotto
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Growing up, there was always something magical about my mum’s risotto. um made risotto all the time. Being an Italian chef, in a gorgeous restaurant on the Gold Coast, is where my mum and dad started their restaurant. After a big night of service, we would often all end the night with a big bowl of hearty risotto. It is a dish that holds a special place in my heart that brought our family together!
The process of making risotto requires lots of love and attention, making it the perfect recipe to share with family and friends. I can still remember sitting in the kitchen, sipping tea, and watching my mum lovingly prepare risotto, adding her unique touch to each variation. From mixed mushrooms to her famous artichoke risotto, each creation was perfect.
For this family recipe, you’ll need a handful of ingredients that come together to create a burst of flavours. Begin with one finely chopped onion and four cloves of garlic. Sauté the onion first in two tablespoons of olive oil until they turn translucent. Add the garlic and cook for a few more seconds until it starts to brown.Let’s take a closer look at the goodness these ingredients bring to our risotto! First, we have garlic – not just a flavour booster, but a friend to our immune system, helping it stay strong and healthy.
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30-40 minutes
Total time: 55 minutes
Serves: Makes approx 20 biscuits!
1 onion
4 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup Arborio rice
1/2 cup of black Kalamata olives
1/4 cup sundried tomatoes
½ can crushed tomato
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons vegan parmesan
1/2 cup of white wine
5 cups of vegetable stock
10 fresh basil leaves
Chop onion and garlic finely. Sauté onions first in olive oil.
Once translucent add garlic and cook another second or two, until starts to brown.
Add rice and coat with oil and onion. Let cook for about two minutes
Add olives, semidried tomato, basil, can tomato and salt. Stir in well and cook for another two minutes
Add (hot) vegetable stock one cup at a time. As the water slowly evaporates add another cup. Repeat this method until all stock has been used. It’s important to continuously stir the risotto. The risotto should be cooked once you’ve used all the stock, however, to be sure, taste the risotto as you use the last cup of stock. Risotto is best eaten a little firm and with some liquid remaining
Equipment you Need
Large saucepan
Wooden spoon
Jug for vegetable broth
Add a cup of Arborio rice and let it cook for about two minutes, allowing the grains to toast slightly. Now, it’s time to infuse the risotto with more depth by adding half a cup of black Kalamata olives, a quarter cup of semi-dried tomatoes, and about ten fresh basil leaves. Let’s talk about those Kalamata olives. They may be Greek, but they go so perfectly in this dish! They’re not just tasty, but also heart-friendly! Packed with good fats and antioxidants, they help keep inflammation at bay and keep our hearts happy. And those sun-dried tomatoes? Oh, they’re like tiny vitamin bombs! Bursting with vitamin C, K, and iron, they’re a nutritious addition that add a punch to the dish. Also our beloved Arborio rice, the creamy magic maker! It’s filled with complex carbohydrates, which means it gives us a steady stream of energy to keep us going all day long. We all need carbs!
So, as you savor every spoonful of this delicious risotto, remember that you’re not just treating your taste buds, but also giving your body wholesome goodness. It’s a heartwarming experience that will fill your soul with joy! Certainty does for me. I digress, let’s get back to the recipe., Stir in half a can of crushed tomatoes and a teaspoon of salt to bring out the vibrant flavours. Allow everything to simmer for another two minutes, enhancing the dish’s essence. Here comes the important part of making risotto – adding the liquid. Start by pouring half a cup of white wine, and let it simmer until the rice absorbs the flavours. Now, the true magic begins! Gradually add five cups of hot vegetable stock, one cup at a time. As the stock gets absorbed by the rice, add the next cup, and repeat this process until all the stock has been used.
Throughout the cooking process, remember to continuously stir the risotto. It’s this loving attention that allows the rice to release its starch and create that creamy texture. Taste the risotto as you use the last cup of stock to ensure it’s cooked to perfection. Risotto should be slightly firm, with a delicate creaminess, and a hint of liquid remaining, enhancing the overall experience.
Risotto is more than just a dish it’s a treasured memory that binds our hearts together. With every bite, we savour the love and care that goes into making this heartwarming recipe. Whether it’s the aroma of sautéed onions, the burst of flavors from olives and sundried tomatoes, or the comfort of family togetherness, each bite transports us back to those cherished moments in the kitchen. I invite you to try this beloved recipe and experience the warmth of a lovingly prepared risotto with your loved ones.
0 notes
monolithm007 · 1 year
Best Places in Calgary for a Date
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Let’s face it. 
Finding a new spot to take your date to places can be difficult and time consuming. Maybe you’re new here or you’re just simply overwhelmed by all the options. We really do live in an up and coming city that has so much to offer (but seriously, thank goodness). Our team is big on supporting local, which is why we have created a list of our favourite places for dinner, activities and speakeasy bars in and around YYC. Visit us here: "Monolith Marketing".
Check out our recommendations and wow your date with places on your next outing! 
A foodie or not, impress your date with places and an unforgettable dining experience. These restaurants not only offer a tasty menu, but also include their own unique vibes. 
Ten Foot Henry
What to expect: a fresh vegetable focused menu, shareable plates, rustic vibes 
Location: 1209 1 St SW, Calgary, AB
Major Tom
What to expect: elevated menu, 40th floor views of downtown
Location: 700 2 St SW #4000, Calgary, AB
Fortuna’s Row
What to expect: contemporary Latin American dishes, shareable plates, dark & relaxing vibes
Location: 421 Riverfront Ave, Calgary, AB
River Cafe
What to expect: locally sourced protein & seafood entres, beautiful location
Location: 25 Prince’s Island Park, Calgary, AB 
What to expect: Asian & Mediterranean dishes, beautiful space with chandeliers & greenery
Location: 620 10 Ave SW #134, Calgary, AB
What to expect: Mediterranean dishes, award winning wine cellar, elegant space 
Location: 200 8 Ave SE, Calgary, AB
What to expect: stylish shareable cuisine, laid back summer porch vibes, intimate atomsphere
Location: 730 17 Ave SW, Calgary, AB 
Lulu Bar 
What to expect: asain-fusion cuisine, refreshing atmosphere, reminiscent vacation vibes 
Location: 510 17 Ave SW, Calgary, AB
Model Milk 
What to expect: refined comfort food, old exposed brick walls, highly energetic setting
Location: 308 17 Ave SW, Calgary, AB
What to expect: innovative regional dishes, full engagement with chef during dining experience
Location: 631 Confluence Way SE, Calgary, AB
What to expect: Italian cuisine, intimate atmosphere Location: 1005A 1 St SW, Calgary, AB 
What to expect: mediterranean and western European focused menu, bright-modern vibe 
Location: 1520 14 St SW, Calgary, AB
Fire & Flora
What to expect: Canadian cuisine, vegetable forward menu, local & seasonal ingredients
Location: 227 11 Ave SW, Calgary, AB
Luca Restaurant 
What to expect: Italian fare dishes, stylish dining environment 
Location: 524 10 Ave SW, Calgary, AB
These are for the ones who seek entertainment. With plenty to choose from, you can’t go wrong with one of these fun activities. 
Watch the Calgary Flames at the Saddledome
Location: 555 Saddledome Rise SE, Calgary, AB
Check out a live blues performance at Blue’s Can
Location: 1429 9 Ave SE, Calgary, AB 
Take a ceramic class at Workshop Studio
Location: 2501 Alyth Rd SE, Calgary, AB 
Enjoy live jazz music at Alvin’s Jazz House
Location: 176 Mahogany Centre SE, Calgary, AB 
Get competitive with a game of bowling at National on 10th 
Location: 341 10 Ave SW, Calgary, AB  
Take a cooking class at The Cookbook Co. Cooks 
Location: 722 11 Ave SW, Calgary, AB 
Practice your swing at Launchpad Golf 
Location: 31 Heritage Pointe Dr, Heritage Pointe, AB
Pack a picnic and head to Prince Island’s Park 
Location: 698 Eau Claire Ave SW, Calgary, AB 
Kick back and watch a film at Plaza Theatre 
Location: 1133 Kensington Rd NW, Calgary, AB 
Get your game on at the Rec Room
Location: 1180-901 64 Ave NE, Calgary, AB 
Share some laughs at The Laugh Shop
Location: 5940 Blackfoot Trail SE, Calgary, AB 
Cocktail Bars
Maybe your date is more interested in sipping delicious cocktails somewhere. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered for that as well. With most of these being on the DL, we can guarantee that your date will be very impressed with one of these spots.
Prickett Richard 
Vibe: dark & intimate speakeasy 
Location: 638 17 Ave SW #1, Calgary, AB
Paper Lantern 
Vibe: underground tropical & Vietnamese spot Location: 115 2 Ave SE Basement, Calgary, AB
Betty Lou’s Library 
Vibe: American 1920’s Prohibition era with Paris’ Lost Generation speakeasy in old library
Location: The Devenish Building, 908 17 Avenue Southwest, Calgary, AB
Vibe: private speakeasy for a weary urban traveler looking to escape the outside world
Location: 1210 1 St SW, Calgary, AB
Bar Annabelle 
Vibe: vintage & warm speakeasy 
Location: 109a, 8 Ave SW, Calgary, AB
Frenchie Wine Bar 
Vibe: French-focused menu, intimate hideaway 
Location: 616 17 Ave SW, Calgary, AB (through Una Takeaway) 
Vibe: luxurious speakeasy with Japanese food & drinks 
Location: 7212 Macleod Trail SE #110, Calgary, AB
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