#skyrim player house
mikatesmods · 2 years
Tuatha Hill - The Shezarrine's Rest Skyrim LE player house
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- unusual interactive house in the nordic ruins style includes 7 separate locations;
- displayed storages for your artifacts (list below);
- all workstations;
- navmesh and idlemarkers for your followers;
- dynamic lighting (day and night cycle, lanterns, fireplaces, candles, braziers - activators);
- greenhouse with 10 soils and lots of flora;
- a really huge number of containers, some of which have auto-sorting (ingredients, soul gems, pelts, ingots, ore...);
- hidden secret rooms and secret passages;
- artistic cluttering;
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Neloth, during "The Path of Knowledge": Take a rain check on tentacle mushroom fornication.
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qingyii · 6 months
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Leaf Rest
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varlaisvea · 6 months
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Winterhold Arch-Mage's quarters in the 2nd Era w/ ESO Housing (Happy Anniversary ESO!)
In honor of ESO's 10th anniversary today, I'm gonna share an example of something I did with maybe(?) my favorite game feature, the ESO Housing system.
I'm working on a fic (not yet published) that involves the Arch-Mage's quarters and the College of Winterhold in both the 4th and 2nd Eras. Inspired by writer's block, I decided to recreate the Arch-Mage's quarters in ESO. (We have not yet seen the College of Winterhold in ESO canon.)
Note to writers: some of the details I knew going in, but I actually got some new key details of the story out of this effort. If you're feeling stuck, it can't hurt to try switching up your medium :)
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Due to the limitations of ESO's housing system and the boringness of Skyrim's decor, it's more of an homage than a direct 1:1, but I hope it feels loyal in spirit :) More pics (and unnecessary detail) under the cut!
(Sorry I forgot to turn off the Skyrim HUD.)
The addition of fireplaces, built-in bookshelves, a kitchen, and general fanciness are because of the absolute criminal underdecoration of the Arch-Mage's quarters in base Skyrim. (Which actually fits in my fic, but.)
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Like, come on Skyrim, not even a fire in the cavernous bedroom of this enormous stone refrigerator on the edge of a freezing ocean?
Most of the architectural discrepancies, such as the 8-sided room vs. Skyrim's 12-sided room, are because of my choice of venue or because of the furnishing selection in ESO.
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The saddest of those is the loss of all the cool arches and the dope vaulted ceilings. The most annoying of them (imo) is the non-matching stone. Otherwise Forbidden Stronghold lent itself so well to this task that i chose it over options that would have let me keep the ceilings.
But actually, most of the more glaring discrepancies are directly related to the lore of my fic :)
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The alchemy garden is newly-planted in the 2nd Era portion of my fic! The fact that none of those plants are actually harvestable plants in either ESO or Skyrim is just due to ESO's selection of furnishings. But a lot of things aren't: the lighting source being a Silvenari Sap-Stone that grows out of a wisteria tree (which, notably, is alive), the little spring, the moon-sugar—all of those are part of the story, and I think there might be additional Important Plants in there before I'm finished. :)
Also, in my fic, the 4th Era Arch-Mage is the Dragonborn of course, but the 2nd Era Arch-Mage is the first Khajiit Arch-Mage of Winterhold. Because of this endeavor, I wrote a whole scene where he talks about his decor choices 😂 Might get left on the editor's floor, but the overall gist is: the more public-facing areas of the space are Nord-core, so as to not rock boats unnecessarily. As soon as you step into the study and living quarters, it's Khajiiti af, so as to rock boats the right amount.
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i have no idea whether people will be interested in this, so I'm going to stop there, but there's more, obviously. And if you made it this far, thanks! And happy anniversary ESO! 🥳
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rheill · 5 months
Last night I had the bright (?) idea of seeing if the big Skyrim update last year broke my house-in-progress, and I entered to find... a bunch of guys. Just hanging out.
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Turns out they're my Planter NPCs (because the way planters work in Skyrim is, of course, an NPC in a different dimension holding your plant while it grows). No idea why they popped into my house to stand around, but re-saving the file in the Creation Kit fixed it. 👍
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Now I'm back in the Creation Kit mines to maybe actually finish this thing so I can use it.
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just-ebeans · 6 months
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My 200/200 Autumn's-Gate in The Elder Scrolls Online.
I did this back in 2022 and unfortunately never really got to use it for roleplay purposes due to going on hiatus from ESO, but it is open with limited access.
userID: E-Beans
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ervona · 3 days
need to do a late 3e Morrowind faction summary but lost on how to do it... maybe by great houses and just describe the king's faction through Dres or inevitably explain the multiple Hlaalu factions? whatever. it all comes down to their views on the government and economic reform from the king
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jouster-ari · 2 months
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Genuinely a HUGE shoutout to Nexusmods today!! /pos
So I didn't catch this, seeing as I hadn't gone on Nexusmods in the last 12 hours, but apparently today an author published a mod titled "Traditional Marriage", which took away the gay marriage options for players. But in the description, the author put TONS of homophobic bullshit and general bigotry.
And Nexusmods took it down almost IMMEDIATELY!!!
I only know of the mod's existence because of a thread I saw online where the person posting called out the mod maker's bigotry, but within around one hour of that posting, Nexusmods removed the mod completely.
Below is the screenshot of the description, which the thread copy-pasted from the mod page when it was up. But also, their commentary on the homophobic basis for this mod is GORGEOUS!!!
No, Karen, it's not a mod about "preference". It's about hating apples so much that you deleted them from your game so that you never have to see apples being sold at the general merchants or, Talos forbid, an apple pie on the table of some house you broke into in the middle of the night. Wanting to literally erase apples from existence so you never have to be confronted by the horror that other people out there prefer apples isn't "preference"; it's bigotry.
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So shoutout to Nexusmods, seriously, for having deleted this mod so soon. Yes, people are and should be allowed to mod their games however they want! That's the whole point of modding! But when someone makes a mod for homophobic purposes and posts it to perpetuate homophobia, that is not ok, and that should not be permitted. Good on the site for understanding this.
And what's more is that TES, the game series for which the mod was made, has ALWAYS had LGBT+ rep in general. Hell, Vivec is gender fuckery incarnate. In ESO during the Vivec City questline, there's a woman who cries that her wife/girlfriend (don't remember which) is stuck in the rubble of the fallen temple. The Daedric Princes are all referred to as princes regardless of their gender presentation. Many of them are just... whatever the fuck eldritch horror they feel like being (looking at you, Mora and Hircine). The series is outright full of various representation for LGBT+ characters, and it always has been. One Skyrim dev even said something at one point regarding Nords which was along the lines of "The men are big, hairy and have beards. The women are big, hairy, and have beards."
TES is NOT the game to endorse bigotry in LGBT+ rep. And Nexusmods showed today that they don't endorse it anywhere on their site, either. I'm grateful for that.
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mikatesmods · 8 months
Thistle's Lair
Shaman's hut for Skyrim LE
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Neloth: What did I miss?
Drovas Relvi: It's kind of a lot. Nixiel apparently killed someone, brought them back to life, panicked, ran away, is now headed to some place near Necrom that's ruled by liches, and necromancy is like their currency or something.
Drovas: Oh, and Talvas contacted his grandma to keep an eye on her!
Neloth: . . . and this is why I'll never have kids!
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stoutguts · 2 months
First time posting something like this so I hope people will like it! 👉👈
Gaming (💀🧼)
chock full my own personal HCs and ideas, mostly unhinged rambling about Ghoap if they were into video games/gaming habits because brainworms and rot
Ghost is a complete fucking nerd, he's autistically obsessed with DND, Skyrim, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, etc. Their eyes will light up whenever someone asks him about these games/interests in particular, and whenever they get the chance to geek out and talk about them/it he will of course talk your ear off about it. Soap always listening to it's nerdy rants with equal enthusiasm, as he just loves to hear Simon talk no matter what it’s about, but also because he’s always so eager to learn. Ghost also occasionally likes to play fifa or rocket league or something along those lines, but it gets major game rage when it plays those games because he sucks ass at it. Also, they've probably got like 2,500+ hours in Skyrim alone. Even if sports related games aren’t their strong suit, he’s really good at other games, with being so fucking sweaty when it comes to Bloodborne, Skyrim, Dark Souls, etc, it's no surprise that it's like god-tier at it. He's very good at rhythm games, but particularly they enjoy Guitar Hero and Project Diva and has perfected all songs across multiple games on maximum or higher difficulties. It also positively dominates on games like Overwatch (they are a Diva/Moira main), Super Smash Bros. (he's a Donkey Kong/Bowser main), and practically any first person shooter with online play. When it comes to first person shooters, they strictly play with other players and doesn't care about the campaign/story mode. Every now and then it'll get Johnny to join them for a round of DND or play Skyrim with him, and even though Soap isn’t nearly as experienced in the game as Ghost is, they still both have a lot of fun. Soap listening to Simon’s autistic rants pays off in some instances, like when faced with different enemies or characters he can name them or knows what they do, or he can even recall certain lore that's interesting to him. (Soap being hella ADHD, and even though he tries his best to listen he struggles with processing information, (APD gang), and often has people repeat themselves, or he just totally forgets stuff unless he's makes it a point to commit it to memory).
Soap is the complete opposite from Ghost he’s really not that much of a gamer at all, he's certainly not any good at most competitive-based games anyhow. He's into the more casual or feel good kind of games, like Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, or any cozy life simulator type game—he even plays the Sims every once in a while. Where he’s virtually created his ideal life with Simon, a nice two story house, a couple of kids running around (two daughters).—Has meticulously outfitted and created him and Simon to be as accurate to real life as possible, as well as their two kids (Scarlett and Bonnie), (or at least what he would imagine them to look like). Even though, he absolutely loves what the two have, a man can dream. He has Ghost give their own input on the little life that he’s built for them in the Sims, and Simon will gladly give suggestions and tell him what to do with certain things, whether it’s their house, pets, clothes/accessories, etc. Johnny also always asks for name suggestions when it comes to new pets or sims. Soap has like at least 5000+ hours in Animal Crossing, on New Leaf, New Horizons, and City Folk each. With his island/towns completely decked out and decorated—with everything you can possibly think of unlocked. He’ll whip up Animal Crossing in order to destress at the end of the day, and always makes sure to login and do his daily tasks and chores on all three games (or at least when he can). He'll even take his 3DS with him on long missions (if he's able to), and if he has the time and is not too exhausted he'll play New Leaf for a bit before going to sleep. He's 100%'d Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons and Stardew Valley, his farms being as fancy as can be, though he doesn't play them nearly as much.—He'll only play for a little while before getting off. In a similar vein, Ghost will play Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley with Soap (as Johnny’s created multiple profiles across all games for them so that they can play together) every now and then. Ghost always half-jokes that he’s gonna kill Soap’s spouse in Stardew, (Harvey, because in Johnny’s eyes he’s the bachelor that looks the most like Simon), getting all jealous and possessive, and Soap thinks it’s adorable. Ghost feels like a kid again when he’s playing Animal Crossing. It's favorite villagers/characters being Stitches and Celeste, Stitches because it reminds them of an old beloved teddy bear he had as a child, and Celeste because she's adorable and because making constellations is their favorite thing to do in City Folk, plus, the zodiac themed furniture is their favorite furniture set in New Horizons. Johnny being particularly fond of Shep, and CJ/Flick, because Shep reminds him of one of his childhood dogs growing up (an Old English Sheepdog named Mack), and CJ and Flick because they remind him of him and Simon.
Another game the two will play together is Wii Sports or Wii Sports Resort. Johnny and Simon are both incredibly competitive, and will talk shit to one another during the entirety of a game—start to finish. They’ve gotten into petty spats over wounded pride or some “bullshit play”/“cheating”.
It always seems to slip Simon’s mind to put on the fucking wrist strap for the Wii remote before they start playing, so they've chucked it full force into the TV on multiple occasions. Shattering it or severely damaging it, because he’s too fucking strong for it's own good. 💀 Johnny will sometimes yell at them, and is naturally always upset, because most of the time when it happens he has to go out and buy a brand new TV, which is expensive.
"Si, baby, I love you, but please remember to put on your bloody wrist strap", he sighs.
But Soap despite his frustration can't stay mad at it for long, and forgives him shortly afterwards.
"I know ye didn't mean to", he feels horrible, because he knows that Ghost has a lot discomfort and even trauma when it comes to people yelling or screaming at them. Johnny always tries his best not to raise his voice at it, though sometimes it just comes out.
Simon starts crying, which makes Soap feel even worse and like a total dick. Though Ghost understands that sometimes Johnny can't help but raise his voice, it still triggers them. Soap goes to them almost immediately and takes him to the couch, wrapping his arms around it in a tight, but warm embrace. He holds Simon and tries his best to comfort them, whispering sweet words into his ear and telling them everything they need to hear in the moment—
“I’m not mad or anything, you know I could never stay mad at you mo chirdhe.”
“The last thing I’d ever want to do would be to hurt you, I’m so so sorry.”
“I love you more than anything, I’d give you the world and then some if I could.”
Ghost eventually calms down, its face still flushed and wet with tears. He kisses Johnny. Oh so, passionately.
“Then why don’t you prove just how much you love me?”, they say with a mischievous glint in their eyes.
“There’s nothing I’d want to do more, my sweet”, Soap chuckles. [END]
Oh yeah, also Johnny and Simon's favorite games to play together in Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort respectively are golf (because they're both white as hell), and swordplay (because it's more violent and action-packed compared to the other games). Soap's favorite sports to play on his own on Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort are baseball and archery, while Ghost likes boxing and basketball.
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astrojulia · 2 years
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When I started the astrology course I found out that you can be a researcher in the area and you can publish official works on any topic and here I am, already training for that. The logical thought behind this post was: we always liked games, when the first decks were produced it was crazy, so I encompassed all the planets for this. But of course I had some focal points, which were: Mercury talks about digital communication and logical reasoning; Mars speaks of sports and competitive activities; Uranus rules over electronics and gadgets; Neptune speaks of fantasy and imagination; 5th house is connected to all hobbies and 11th to technology and the online world. In the signs I focused on Aquarius, Gemini and Aries, but everyone can be included in this as well as the planets.
Neptune/Moon in the 5th house, Jupiter in 9th house, Cancer and Sagittarius placements may enjoy story games, with deeper characters they can relate to and become emotionally involved with the story. Suggested Games: Spiritfarer, The Last of Us.
Venus in the 11th house, like games that allow socialization and that everyone can have fun together: Suggested Games: Fall Guys, Mario Party.
Mercury in the 3rd and 11th house, likes games that allow interaction with other people but also allows you to lie/bluff in games to win: Suggested Games: Among Us.
Mars in 5th/11th house may like farm games. Suggested Games: Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Stardew Valley, Slime Rancher.
Mars in the 1st house, may enjoy games that allow them to express their individuality and create their own character. Sun/Pluto in the 8th house may enjoy activities that allow them to explore their own transformation and evolution, such as playing videogames that involve role-playing or creating and developing a character. Suggested games: Fallout, Skyrim, Cyberpunk 2077.
Pluto/Scorpio in the 11th may like games with replayability since when they like a game it stays the same for several hours. Suggested games: Monster Hunter, Hades.
Sun/Venus in 5th may like music games. Suggested games: Project Diva, Just Dance.
Sun/Mercury in 5th also like games that allow them to create and use their creativity. Suggested games: Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Okami.
Uranus/Sun in 1st/11th likes activities that involves social groups and allow them to connect with others in a laid-back way. Suggested games: Stopots.
Saturn in the 10th house may enjoy activities that challenge them to improve and achieve mastery, Suggested games: Dark Souls.
Lilith in 10/11th house in women it can show that this girl has always been interested in games, but since she is a woman, she is not allowed to play because it is not seen as a woman thing (10th) or that she suffered so much hate for being a woman and playing online (11th) that she may play alone. Suggested Games: any single player that you like, really, just play girl.
Sun/Jupiter in the 9th may like open world/sandbox games where they can explore and see new horizons. Sun/Neptune in 12th house enjoy games that allow them to escape reality and tap into their creative and imaginative side. Suggest games: Death Stranding, Journey.
Mars/Sun/Mercury in Leo/Aries may like games that require quick reflexes and decision-making, they also like competitive games where there can be a number one. Suggest games: Mario Kart, .Forza.
Venus/Moon dominant have preference for games that have rich, immersive environments and a strong aesthetic. Suggested games: Gris.
Mercury dominant may like strategic thinking and problem-solving, such as puzzle games or strategy games. Suggest games: Alice Madness Returns, Portal 2.
Sun/Lilith/Moon in 8th house/Scorpio may like games that can shake with their emotional, talks about taboos and dense topics and changes their worldview. Suggested games: Disco Elysium.
Gemini/Virgo in 5th/11th house may like games that you need to quickly manage something or somewhere, like cooking simulators. Suggest games: Lemon Cake.
Sun/Venus/Libra/Pisces in the 5th/7th/11th house may love any dating simulator. Uranus in the 7th also would like some unconvencional dating games that which merges dating simulator with other types of gameplay. Suggest games: Dream Daddy, Boyfriend Dungeon, Arcana Famiglia.
Mercury in Capricorn/Virgo/10th house may like games that you need mastery and discipline, such as fighting games or games with steep learning curves, or just games that you can make combos. Suggest games: Devil May Cry, Bayonetta.
Mars in Aries/Sagittarius/Scorpio may like games where you can shoot things but also get involved with the history and the characters. Suggest games: Mass Effect.
Sun/Mercury in Gemini may like games where you can have different types of gameplay in just only one game. Suggest games: Yakuza.
Saturn/Moon/Venus in Cancer may like games with elements of caregiving or raising animals or characters. Suggest games: The Sims, Cult of the Lamb.
Pisces Sun/Neptune/Uranus can like games that explore mystical or supernatural themes. Suggest games: The Witcher, Silent Hill.
Where your Aquarius falls can also show what you generally look in a video game: 1st - character creation and first-person games; 2nd - games with an aesthetic you like; 3rd - games with many characters for you to meet; 4th - cozy games; 5th - rhythm games; 6th - life simulator games; 7th - dating simulator,co-op games; 8th - deep story games, +18 games; 9th - open world games; 10th - roguelike or city building games; 11th - online games; 12th - sandbox games
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Sun in the 6th house may enjoy games that involve organization and strategy, such as management or simulation games. Suggested games: Planet Zoo, Football Manager.
Moon in the 1st house may enjoy games that provide an emotional experience and allow them to explore their own feelings. Suggested games: Life is Strange.
Jupiter in the 5th house may enjoy games that involve exploration and discovery, with a focus on learning and expanding their knowledge. Suggested games: No Man's Sky, The Witness.
Mars in the 7th house may enjoy games action gamesthat involve teamwork and cooperation, such as multiplayer games or co-op campaigns. Suggested games: Left 4 Dead.
Saturn in the 11th house may enjoy games that require planning and strategy, and that involve long-term goals and rewards. Suggested games: Civilization VI, XCOM 2.
Uranus in the 5th house may enjoy games that are unconventional and challenge the status quo, with a focus on innovation and creativity. Suggested games: Katamari Damacy, Journey.
Neptune in the 7th house may enjoy games that allow them to escape reality and immerse themselves in a fantasy world, with a focus on exploration and discovery, as well some good interactions with the characters. Suggested games: World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV.
Pluto in the 1st house may enjoy games that allow them to explore their own identity and transformation, with a focus on personal growth and development. Suggested games: Persona 5.
Sagittarius in the 5th/11th house may like games plataform games where the objetive is really clear, there can be challenges to achieve it, but what you need to do is straight foward. Suggested games: Donkey Kong Country 1,2 and 3.
Saturn in the 11th house may enjoy games that involve building and managing communities, such as city-building or simulation games that allow them see how this society grows. Suggested games: Cities: Skylines.
Pluto/Saturn/Mars in the 11th house may enjoy games where you cause mass destruction. Suggested Games: Plague Inc.
Sun/Pluto/Capricorn/Scorpio/Leo/Aries in 5th, may like games that allow them to feel powerful and in control, such as action or adventure games where they can take on challenging foes and overcome obstacles. Suggested games: God of War, Assassin's Creed.
Mars in the 11th house may enjoy games that require quick thinking and strategic planning, such as real-time strategy or fast-paced action games that test their reflexes. Suggested games: Starcraft II, Doom.
Jupiter in the 10th house may enjoy games that involve leadership and decision-making, such as management or simulation games that allow them to run their own company or organization. Suggested games: Two Point Hospital, Tropico.
Venus/Taurus/Libra/Pisces in the 1st house may enjoy games that allow them to express their creativity and unique style, such as fashion or art-based games that let them create their own designs and aesthetics. Suggested games: Style Savvy, Art Academy.
Mercury in the 1st house may enjoy games that involve problem-solving and critical thinking, such as puzzle or mystery games that challenge their intellect. Suggested games: Myst, The Witness.
Sun in the 11th house may enjoy games that involve socialization and teamwork, such as online multiplayer games that allow them to connect with others and work towards a common goal. Suggested games: Dead by Daylight, Identity V.
Sun/Mercury/Mars in the 3rd house may like mobile games that are simple to play and that you can play it while waiting for your bus, for example. Suggest games: Candy Crush.
Aquarius/Uranus in the 11th may like games that are simply chaotic and really different. Suggest games: Untitled Goose Game, Cruelty Squad.
Venus/Mars/Saturn/Virgo/Aries in the 6th house, Saturn in the 5th house may enjoy games that involve self-improvement and personal growth, such as fitness or education-based games. Suggested games: RingFit Adventure, Brain Age.
Mars/Jupiter/Sagittarius in the 9th house may enjoy games that involve exploration and adventure, such as RPGs or action games that allow them to travel to new worlds and discover new things. Suggested games: The Legend of Zelda.
Mercury/Gemini/Virgo/Aquarius in the 7th house may enjoy games that involve communication and collaboration, such as multiplayer games or co-op campaigns that require teamwork and strategy. Suggested games: Overcooked.
Saturn in the 5th house may enjoy games that involve discipline and focus, such as puzzle or strategy games that require patience and attention to detail. Suggested games: Tetris, Legends of Runeterra.
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Sources: PSD by wildfireresources on deviantart Futaba Render Template by sorberts on tumblr Template by minikyuns on deviantart
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imsobadatnicknames2 · 8 months
Also related to my last post
IMO comparing Morrowind's faction questlines to Oblivion's and Skyrim's really shows how much the potential for actual roleplaying in later games in the series is squandered and held back because they're too afraid to have conflict between the joinable factions (because doing so might make it hard or even impossible for the player to become the head of every faction which is their right as Tamriel's Most Specialest Boy)
Like... Of course, in Morrowind some factions are mutually exclusive with each other (You can only join one of the three joinable Great Houses), but beyond that there are some factions that technically aren't mutually exclusive but Don't Like Each Other Much and joining both doesn't make it easy for you as a player.
Like. The game doesn't stop you from joining the Thieves Guild and the Fighter Guild at the same time, but both factions do butt heads at several points (because the Fighters Guild is allied with the Camonna Tong, which is the local crime syndicate which isn't exactly thrilled about having competition from the Thieves Guild) and if you want to remain in both some quests require pretty substantial workarounds (and some quests will require to be outright ignored) because... Well that's what happens when you're two-timing for two factions that are at each other's throats.
Similarly, the game doesn't stop you from joining the Mages Guild and House Telvanni at the same time, but there IS a late quest in the Mages Guild that straight up requires you to assassinate every House Telvanni councilor.
Like idk. This is something I've repeated several times but... i love an RPG where you can do ANYTHING but you can't do EVERYTHING.
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venacoeurva · 5 months
I was thinking about it and I personally really like my houses and set my own house mods around Riverwood/Lake Ilinalta and around the mineral pools in Eastmarch
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moodcrab · 8 months
Fixing Skyrim's Daedric Quests
Unlike my Oblivion character - a mere mortal who stumbled upon a shrine while lost in the wilderness, becomes somewhat obsessed with gaining the level requirement and collecting an offering, then undertakes the quest feeling like a dark god is testing their worthiness to be their champion - The Last Dragonborn has Daedric Princes falling over themselves to make them their champion straight out the gate. Level one? Who cares! No offering? No problem! Not my Summoning Day? We haven't cared about that since Morrowind! Literally told me to go fuck myself? Take the prize anyway Champ you've earned it!
Basically, much like factions, Skyrim shoves nearly all of the Daedric Quests in the player's face as soon as possible because they're widely considered to be the best and most rewarding by fans of the previous games. But the older games had them, to varying degrees, hidden away or locked behind mechanics, and Bethesda didn't want newer, more casual fans to miss them. In doing so the Princes and their cults lose that air of mystery and danger they once had.
On the other hand, it was nice to be doing something else entirely then have a surprise Daedric Quests blind side me, and it's not like the old Oblivion way was perfect. Find shrine, give offering, get quest for EVERY Prince? And just one quest and I'm the champion, dedicated my soul to your afterlife and all that jazz?
This series is going to try to maximise the good parts of Skyrim Daedric Quests, while bringing back some of the classic elements that it left out, starting with...
Part I - Namria
Quest A) A Taste of Death.
If you visit the Treasury House in Markarth you might overhear an argument between Brother Verulus and Thongvor Silver-Blood. This location change means you are unlikely to just run into this quest immediately as in vanilla, but also gives you a high chance of encountering it during The Forsworn Conspiracy, in which case it has the double benefit of acting as a kind of red herring in that quest and linking this quest with Markarth's corruption and secret society vibes.
Brother Verulus wants the city guard to stop their lockdown of the Halls of the Dead and to actually go in and deal with the draugr head on (in my alternative "Fixed" Skyrim the increased draugr population is connected with Alduin's return, who is raising his Dragon Priests to serve him, even within cities). Why doesn't he go pester the Jarl or the Captain about this, asks Thongvor, dismissively. Oh come on, don't act coy, we all know who really controls the guard in Markarth, why not let them do their job, replies Verulus. Thongvor counters that that would be a desecration of the Nordic dead, that guards putting them down like a pest would be dishonourable. What's more, perhaps if the glorious Nordic dead of the city weren't being tended to by a poncy Imperial Priest of Arkay instead of a proper old fashioned Orkey Shaman, maybe none of this would have happened. Verulus starts to lose his temper at this, and in anger implies that he knows that the draugr problem that plagues the other cities isn't the real issue here, that most of the ancient dead here are Reachfolk not Nord, and begins to demand a true explanation for being locked out but stops himself, he has said too much and leaves.
The quest begins by talking to Verulus who will ask you to investigate what's really going on in The Halls of the Dead. How you get in is up to you. If you're a sneaky type or a smooth talker you'll get in that way. You can also commit a crime to lure the guard away maybe. You could go find Thongvor who can be convinced to give you an alternative - take care of Verulus, but more on that later.
However you get into the Halls, on entering you start finding evidence of cannibalism, butchered bodies, cooking stations and so on. As you delve deeper you hear Eola, a Reachman Namira Devotee, goading and teasing you; "Not many would walk blindly into a crypt, smelling of steel and blood, but not fear... Don't you see what I am about down here in the dark? Is that disgust? Revulsion?... Or curiosity? Why don't you come deeper, and scratch that itch?" You can question her about who she is, what is her purpose here, why is Thongvor protecting her etc. but it will come down to convincing her to leave, killing her, or accepting her invitation to eat human flesh.
Now, IF you sided with Thongvor, the plan is to lie to Verulus to get him to follow you into the Halls of the Dead, this time you'll be confronted directly by Eola and Thongvor together. They intend to kill and eat you both and blame your deaths on Draugr. You can fight your way out and try to save Verulus, or you can prove yourself by killing Verulus yourself and tasting him by way of a test.
If you partake in cannibalism you will get a monologue from Eola about Namira, waxing poetic about the oldest god, The Black Fly, being the Daedric Prince of decay and squalor and all things ugly and repulsive... But also her significance to the Reachmen. To them she is the Spirit Queen who is the true god of death, not Arkay, the primal darkness that gives and takes life. You will gain the power to feast on a corps once a night or when underground, and unlock the second quest.
Quest B - A Guest for Dinner
The second quest will be even less obvious to the player and will hopefully take most people completely by surprise the first time it happens. The quest will only begin after the following criteria are met: You have used the lesser power to consume 10 or more corpses. You own a fully furnished player home. You spend the night there with either your spouse or a follower. When you sleep, a slow, loud, ominous knocking at the door awakens you.
At your door is a stranger in rags and a hideous face asking to come in. You can refuse or invite them to stay. Once inside they will take a seat at your table and ask what is being served for dinner. At this point your follower/spouse will be freaking out a little. You can offer food, like regular food, which will disappoint him and he'll leave. You can offer your spouse or follower as the meal and you'll have to attack them, the screen will darken for an gruesome audible muckbang. Or you can tell the Stranger he is on the menu, which will please him greatly and he will warn you against choking on him, depending on the disposition of your specific follower or spouse they will either join in or abandon you forever.
The Stranger, if he survives the night, will give you the Ring of Namira as thanks. If you ate him Eola, who incidentally will now double as a replacement spouse/follower, will arrive and give you the Ring. The Ring is a powerful reflect damage/magic ring, a unique enchantment in Skyrim.
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