#smells neutral is actually good enough
ryllen · 10 months
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Sleep peacefully from evening to night (he dreams about milk)
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
Yan!Parents Daemon/Rhaenyra Targaryen Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ 🐉 — lady l: Are these headcanons good? I don't know, but I hope you like it!! Forgive me for any mistakes ;) 🩵🤍
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, overprotection, mention of death and murder, unhealthy platonic relationships and messy writing.
❝🐉pairing: platonic yandere!daemyra x gender neutral!reader.
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Rhaenyra and Daemon were looking forward to the arrival of their first child. Daemon already had two daughters and Rhaenyra her three precious boys, but they were very eager for the first fruit of their marriage to be born.
The day Rhaenyra gave birth to you was one of the happiest memories of her life. The pain of childbirth was excruciating, but when she could hold you in her arms, it was all worth it.
Daemon actually sobbed when he held you for the first time. You were so small, so innocent and so perfect. He swore to himself that he would do anything to be good to you. You would be loved and adored forever.
They are both extremely overprotective and possessive over you. You are their child, you belong to them, so you should not associate with anyone they do not approve of.
Any friends you may have will be investigated by Daemon and if he finds anything that displeases him, that friend will disappear from your life. He is not objective, if that person's great-grandfather was an bastard, for example, that means they will never be good to you. And you deserve only the best.
Rhaenyra not only agrees with this, but encourages her uncle-husband's actions. You are her baby, the most precious person in her life and she only wants the best for you. She will give you the best, she knows what is good for you. After all, mom always knows best, right?
Your older siblings would also have developed their own obsession with you, encouraged by their parents. It didn't take long for the Velaryon brothers and Daemon's daughters to become completely attached to you.
You were not only your parents' obsession, but also your siblings, meaning you can bet no harm would be done to you. You were spoiled and protected, the apple of everyone's eye in Dragonstone.
Whatever you want, you will have. Rhaenyra and Daemon are completely soft when it comes to disciplining you, just one puppy look and they will forget everything. You are their child, you could do no wrong in their eyes.
Everyone is instructed to spoil and protect you, the servants, the guards and your brothers will do so willingly too.
Daemon is very possessive, he feels entitled to you because you are his child. He will kill anyone who looks, says, or even breathes wrong at you. There's no way he's going to let anything happen to you.
Rhaenyra is more controlled, but she is still a dragon and you should never mess with a dragon's offspring. She loses all her senses, her reason when something happens to you. Even if it's a paper cut, she will go into a frenzy of rage.
Any love interests or suitors will also be dealt with quickly. They won't allow you to get married, no one will ever be good enough for you.
If something were to happen to you, gods be good, for the true fury of the Targaryens would be revealed. They will burn, kill and destroy everything in their path for you. All that matters is you, the war will be forgotten by you.
And when it was just ashes and the smell of blood and death was in the air, they would be satisfied. Daemon and Rhaenyra will go to extremes for you. You are their baby and no one, absolutely no one, can change that.
Daemon and Rhaenyra will not lose anyone else, not their child. And when the war for the Iron Throne begins, you would be locked in and protected the entire time. Your parents love you and would do anything, but they don't know boundaries or privacy. It doesn't matter, after all, they are your parents.
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letters-to-lgbt-kids · 9 months
My dear lgbt+ kids,
This is another "menstruation education" letter - let's talk myths and facts about swimming while on your period!
Myth: You will leave behind a bloody trail in the water.
Fact: The water pressure temporarily decreases your flow. While it doesn’t stop completely, it usually slows down enough for it to not make any mess in the water! Even if something overrides this (such as a big sudden movement like sneezing or laughing), the small amount of blood that may get into the water will dilute quickly in open water (like in a lake) or will be neutralized by the chemical treatment of the pool water.
Myth: Being in the water while on your period will cause infections.    
Fact: It’s generally a good idea to change out of your wet bathing suit quickly after swimming (as the wet fabric can be irritating to your vulva and potentially cause PH changes that may increase your risk for yeast infections). But apart from that, there are no changes in your body that make it more susceptible to infection or injury while on your period!
Myth: If you swim in open water while on your period, you will get eaten by sharks.
Fact: According to the International Shark Attack File, there are no recorded cases of sharks attacking someone on their period. It is true that sharks can smell blood – but they can also smell urine and other bodily fluids. Despite this, shark attacks on humans are super rare.
Myth: Swimming will make your cramps worse.
Fact: If you feel up to it, gentle exercise can actually help with cramps! During exercise, your body releases endorphins that act as natural painkillers. (With that being said, you know your body best! If you don't feel up to it, it's okay to not exercise while on your period)
Myth: You can't swim on your period unless you use tampons
Fact: Tampons (or menstrual cups) are a great choice for swimming, but there are plenty of people who can't/don't want to wear them and usually wear pads instead. Pads aren't recommended for swimming (as they would absorb water and become very uncomfortable and possibily irritating). Luckily, there is an alternative: period swimwear. Those are special swimsuits made with extra protection to absorb menstrual blood - similiar to period underwear!
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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kalims · 1 year
Can I please request any Twst character seeing their crush kiss their tsum?
⊹ kissing their tsum tsum
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premise. maybe leaving their tsum somewhere to come back to wasn't such a good idea anymore when it's clearly taking the attention of the person they like.
parts. floyd (i somehow forgot him help)
content. gender neutral reader
characters. riddle, leona, jack, epel, sebek
cw. written by someone who hasn't played through the event and does not know shit lol
note. are they just plushies??? or do they have a consciousness of their own??? I am so confused but wow I wrote somehow
I just slapped whoever had cards on the event onto here 😭 caters part is my favorite ugh
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riddle rosehearts
left his tsum in it's custom made velvet chair to grab another jar of sugar since riddle didn't know it ran out.
and yes, he had one made for it. smaller version of his own and stuff, it literally has better privileges than any other resident of the dorm.
^ he totally drinks tea with it and believes that even if it isn't actually alive it's him and if this tsum didn't drink tea at the exact time for a specific rule he still feels like he broke one.
he even pours a cup for it hekasbkqkas.
I mean the liquid doesn't get drank by anyone obviously but riddle still does it.
so as he's walking back, opening the chair to take a peek to see if it's enough cubes once he closes it, and looks up he almost just trips on air and drops the glass jar.
he fumbles with the object for a second, blinking rapidly at the sight of you snuggling into his tsum then giving it little kisses every now and then, did he hear you calling it cute—?
"wha...what in the world are you doing?!"
"it's so adorable.." you mumble, hearing the boy but it just goes in one ear and out the other.
good lord he doesn't know whether he'd like to melt into a puddle, combust from his red face, or be that tsum.
should he be jealous? no. but is he? yeah. even if he's denying it severely.
next session the tsum was left with no tea and was promptly caged in his room in hopes that you would not do all that to his tsum, and to his real self instead.
leona kingscholar
I honestly don't think he would really care for it??
I mean wow. it looks like him. cool. whatever. what's he supposed to do with it? it's just a plush no need to work up so much for it.
not that doing effort for it benefits him in anyone but he just keeps it on his bed since he didn't really wanna go anywhere else and his bed just happened to be near so...
no one tells him this, especially not ruggie but he actually sleeps with it. an arm over it sometimes and usually coddling it in his arms.
trust me ruggie has proof.
100 madol for 5 seconds fr
well as usual it's in his bed just there in it's habitat just like the real leona kingscholar.
even someone like him takes the time to actually go to the bathroom so while he's gone, and when he's on his way back he immediately knows you're there.
that's a scent he can recognize anywhere (well duh. bro spent so long tryna engrave it) and if he can smell you so close to his destination then obviously you're in his room.
also he left the door slightly closed and it's more open than before so that's that.
just like anyone else he completely stops before he could open his mouth and is actually flabbergasted and flustered?
why are you kissing his tsum?? "that's kinda creepy ain't it?" he drawls but his tucked ears says I wanna be it so bad.
"guess i'm creepy then."
you say simply and go back to coddling the damn thing. leona scowls at the relevation. there's no way a small, lame version of him is gonna win you like that!
move over so you can enjoy the real thing >:(
jack howl
mr. everyday is leg, arm, everything day guy.
I believe he's more of an outdoors dude, a very sweet outdoors dude.
the kind of sweet outdoors dude that would buy a miniature plushie version of weights for his tsum so it can get the eveyday is leg, arm, everything day too.
cute thing is jack is actually so proud of himself 😭 evident from the cute lil' wag of tail he does.
he's so pure!!
and him and his tsum totally 'work out' together.
well it's mainly him but he likes to think that his tsum is too. if he's doing an exercise that doesn't require a lot of moving his tsum is just there somewhere with it's weights facing him.
if he's running he has it on his shoulders awww..
sometimes he can get a little distracted though. from his intense focus he didn't even hear you approaching, let alone sitting down and basically hogging his tsum all to yourself!
at some point you just made the tsum copy whatever the real jack does. jack is doing push-ups? damnn.. tsum is doing is so easily.
you get the point.
it's only then when jack notices when he hears you and mistakes your comment for him.
"ahh, you did great cutie.. so strong, so cute." he hears you mumble and turns pink before turning back to look at you and the happy movement of his wolf traits pause.
oh that wasn't for him.
man just feels betrayed.
cater diamond
absolutely adores him tsum to bits!!
ever since he got it he practically drags it everywhere and his magicam page is full of it.
I reckon cater named it. maybe dia(mond) or something, if not then the classic cater 2.0 which is funny cause now he got 3 clones!!
^ the other two and now lil' cater 🎤
which makes me wonder. it'd totally be cute if he had like, two other tsums that are copies of the result of his unique magic. now it's actually cater 2.0 for real!
cater 2.0 is definitely more popular than some students so you could go up to one and say: you know who this is *picture of random student*
they'll be like: ehh... can't say I do, or seen them before
you holding up a picture of cater 2.0: what about this?
them: oh thats cater 2.0 obviously!
random student crying in the backround.
IMAGINEEE (laughs in pain)
ahem. he likes to have his tsums (tsums cause he actually got 3 to match himself) around everywhere so he can incorporate them into his selfies.
also he needs to feed everyone more cater 2.0's content. there's cater D, cater I, and cater A who all spell out dia :DD big brain
in the music room of his club where's he's peacefully testing out a riff behind him his tsums lay..
so obviously he didn't hear you shuffle into the room, let out the quietest gasp ever and just take the three into your arms and look like you're in heaven.
you stay like that for a while, smiling and hugging the tsums cause wow were they just adorable! and there's three of them!
you all spare the three a sweet kiss before realizing that the music has stopped and cater is pouting at you.
"aw that isn't fair!" he whined, and smiles cheekily. "these guys and I want some of that too!" he points to his two splits that has recently conjured.
now you got three miniature caters that got the kiss, and three real caters that want one yayy!
sebek zigvolt
said he was not going to care for.. something like that and if there was anything like.. that, the only thing he'd care of was one of malleus'.
then said that 'he wanted to educate the plush' even though it was a plush. he's already contradicting himself here, where's the hate??
legit just rambled to the plush for an hour straight preaching about the greatness and glory of his young master.
where silver actually woke up from! silver!! crazy, right?
it must have been a lot of even silver rose from it.
said he was not going to spend anything on it unlike the other people who had spent a hefty amount of madol for the comfort of their tsum and for them alone.
but he figured.. just getting a small painting of the young master so the tsum would look at it everyday isn't too much of a stretch.
that's what he said before and now he's on his way to get another smaller version merch of malleus.
god forbid if malleus ever came inside the room cause he's just gonna see a lot of stuff.. but don't worry cause sebek atleast has a separate corner for all that.
'I will not care for it' my ass.
of course he had completely forgotten that he had invited you over and was outside fetching his blade he forgot to bring inside.
as per dorm rules! don't want it flying away anywhere if a.. *coughs* storm suddenly appears.
lilia had already invited you in and insisted it was fine for you to enter sebek's room beforehand even with your doubts he just pushed you in and you weren't in a place to argue when he didn't even budge when you tried to stop.
once you just walked around out of curiosity it was only in due time where you would see the plush.
an idea pops in your head.
sebek did not expect to see you inside his room.
let alone on his bed, with his tsum in your arms and you dutifully committing yourself into showering it with love and affection.
he's just flabbergasted, shocked to silence, every synonym near to those. but there's an increasing amount of steam pouring out of his ears as his face twitches more by the minute.
you kiss it so casually that sebek shuts up and almost faints out of embarrassment and fluster.
WHAT IS GOING ON?? he's so confused. WHO LET YOU IN??
bat chuckling somewhere
epel felmier
would very much like to dress up his tsum.
he knows because vil already saw the tsum looking like a monstrosity covered in dirt and leaves, only spared a disappointed look but stayed silent.
not in the way you'd think cause he feels like he can do whatever he'd like to this tsum and vil wouldn't really care like the man would to real epel.
a hallelujah for him honestly.
he doesn't really put much love to his tsum but it's pretty cute that's all. rook finds it way more appealing than him though which he isn't sure how to interpret.
epel doesn't leave it just anywhere when it's outside of pomefiore. cause students there are polite and definitely would not wreck a plushie that looks exactly like him.
if he did the tsum would probably disappear on campus and be found in a dumpster.
*chills* cause he somehow feels for the tsum.
when he's angry he just vents to it and vents whenever. including the times he's just having a crisis about you.
if that tsum was alive godddd epel would be so exposed.
he left the tsum somewhere outside, in the middle of the garden.
he was practicing his make-up there, as per vil's instructions and went out to go fetch a product he had forgotten to grab along with the others.
he figured he might as well take a cup of water as a drink to go.
epel is just gulping down the water when it's just coincidence that he lowers the cup, sees you, there's water still in his mouth, then you give his tsum a little cute kiss so he just spits it all out.
OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT. he thought completely out of it. he stares intensely at the tsum.
he's definitely regretting venting to the tsum about you cause epel somehow thinks it's somehow alive and is now rizzing you up, with the knowledge HE gave IT!
he's so mad help 😭
*epel trying to aggressively rizz you up too*
"you don't need that." *snatches and throws the tsum away*
meanwhile you watch it fly with sad eyes. :(
mad epel.
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note. jesus christ I wrote all of this RIGHT AFTER I posted that /srs ☹ AND I DID ALL THIS IN LIKE AN HOUR HELP ME WHERE DID THAT COME FROM
commision me!
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bindeds · 3 months
[ BITE ME. ] : 2.2k words. ☆ ⌜ALASTOR X GENDER NEUTRAL READER. ⌟ — alastor catches you with bram stoker’s dracula and decides he can’t let you go until he gets to the bottom of your desires.
#tags. biting, blood, blood sucking, alastor with vampire teeth, reference to his cannibalism, but he doesn’t actually eat you, explicit consent, suggestive
a/n. sorry guys, this was wayyy too perfect of a chance realizing that alastor’s a cannibal. i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did! also, i’m finally starting a taglist! lmk which characters you wanna be tagged for ;>
meanwhile ... vampire lucifer version! BITE ME : AL’S VER PART 2 IS OUT !!!
masterlist. request something! :>
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“I can’t wait for us to hang out oh, this is going to be so fun!”
You smiled right back at Charlie, though not quite able to return the ray of light she’d been emitting with her own.
“Charlie dear!”
You both looked over your shoulder to see Alastor approaching with his hands neatly poised behind his back.
“Where on earth are you going at this time with such dreadful skies?” Alastor’s head poked out between Charlie and yourself. He pressed the side of his hand to his brow as he squinted at the view outside.
You and Charlie were standing at the grand entrance of the hotel, straw-woven basket in hand.
The red skies of hell had looked just a few shades darker than they usually were and the gravel’s petrichor smell had started to rise in the streets.
Charlie had taken the pleasure of letting Alastor know that you and her would be going on a picnic date. She had taken extra care in watching the weather forecast yesterday to make sure the weather would only be windy, at most drizzly for today, which, judging by her ear-to-ear grin, was right up her alley.
Alastor’s eyes zipped down to your hand, still leaning in front with his hand retracted. “What’s that in your hand, darling?”
“Oh,” you frowned, holding up the book by instinct. “Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I’m trying to get into the classics and Charlie said to bring a book.”
“Dracula,” Alastor’s voice and tone darkened, and the static scratches of radio surrounded the three of you as his grin grew taller. “Such a classic indeed.”
Alastor finally took a step back from the both of you, but that didn’t warrant both of you enough of a reason to continue on your way just yet—your attention as well as Charlie’s was as good as trapped in Alastor’s hands.
“Charlie, may I borrow your friend for a moment?”
“Alastor! Right now, really?” She urged in gritted teeth.
“My sincerest apologies Charlie, I’ve just remembered some important matters we had agreed to settle the very moment we were free.” Alastor placed a hand to his abdomen before he gave a slight bow.
“We won’t be long,” he drawled in a prodding tone.
“What?” You barked after he let you into his quarters first before shutting the door behind him.
Alastor’s eyes traced your shoulders, your arms—then seemed to set up camp at your hands.
Your grip on your book tightened.
“I see you’re dedicated to your little outing with Charlie, hm?” Alastor circled you as he looked over your shoulder. He twirled around to the other shoulder while he clicked his stick to the ground to use as an axis.
The fire sputtered softly in the background. The renovations done to the hotel had certainly been setting into your skin now—the cover of your poor book had become damp with your sweat. The blaring reds of Alastor’s grand room had somehow been less overwhelming to look at than the man himself.
Your eyes zipped over to his chest, shit, why—how did you get here? Though your eye sockets had been yanking you to look his way anyway, your eyelids gave the threat of a blink that for some reason entailed certain death.
A spindly finger crept its way under your chin and tilted your head up. Your gaze naturally fell to his eyes, so narrow and sharp as they could’ve pierced into your own, but no—instead, his gaze took a step into yours. Ever the polite gentleman, letting you know he was letting himself in as your blinking flickered.
“My eyes are up here, darling,” Alastor buzzed in a gravelly voice that dug below the growling radio static.
You gulped, and it seemed that that had been enough for Alastor to release your chin. “Though I suspect it’s not the outing you’re excited about …”
“Alastor, we can talk about this later—”
“Oh, but we haven’t talked about us at all—not since the fall of Charlie’s hotel,” Alastor grinned but gave a pouting tone.
You had panicked the moment Alastor left for longer than he should have. When you were the only one who clearly didn’t hate him but didn’t hug him upon his return, he took it upon himself to ask about your attitude towards him. You confessed to having thought about him a little more than the rest of the crew, thinking you would be ripping the bandaid off when he laughs at your face and tells you he doesn’t like wasting his time on such sentiments—but lo and behold, he twirled you around to an old jazz song you couldn’t recognize and said—
“Why, I would be ridding myself of the one person who happens to be a pleasure to be around! Don’t be so harsh on yourself my dear, you’re quite a beauty to be relished, even if I am no such person for the job.”
Alastor’s fingers crawled up to his lips as they tapped in a rippling motion.
“Though, it does make me inclined to try …”
So there you were.
The past few days have been more than bearable with this subtle change as you would have expected with someone who wasn’t known to be into romantics. And Alastor had made it clear that you two were only exclusive without a label—but it seemed the current moment might be testing that statement’s validity.
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” you reasoned as you held the book to your chest with the title facing him.
Alastor’s eyes dropped back down to your book and up to you again as he shut his eyes.
“And you’re doing just a splendid job, my treasure. Letting me set the pace. But right now, I must admit … it’s rather difficult for me to see you reading quite possibly the most popular piece of fiction on vampires,” Alastor held back a sigh through his explanation, but it slipped between his theatrics nonetheless. “You do know I’m a cannibal, don’t you?”
“Of course I do,” you insisted, and for some reason your voice dropped to a lower register as you frowned.
Your gaze had been drawn right back to Alastor’s prying own like a compass needle to the earth’s core—it wavered, but never wandered long.
“Then you should know it’s only natural for me to yearn for your taste,” Alastor hummed. “If only I had known you were enamored by such notions sooner …”
“What does it matter now? Right when I’m supposed to head out with Charlie too …”
“Is it really what you wish to do?” Alastor questioned with a cocked brow. “Because if so …” he stepped aside and showed you the door with his hand motioned towards it. “I will not stop you, my sweet.”
In your head, you prepared for your body to move—but you made one pathetic excuse for a step before you fell ice cold. Your head spun and whirred with the expectation of movement—but your body tensed with the commands your muscles refused to follow; like there had been a mix of commands in which your brain may have known what was right but the very blood that supplied your body remained loyal to the desires pounding in your rib cage.
Alastor stood rooted to his spot, and though his grin had turned into a tamed smile, you knew that underneath his closed eyes he’d been brimming for your answer.
“What … What are you going to do?” You asked innocently. There were a number of things already stirring in your head about your fate in the next ten minutes or so, but Alastor’s hell-renowned status had been built escaping the grasps of others’ expectations.
“What would you like me to do my dear?” He tilted his head at an unnatural angle as his sharp eyes narrowed at you once more, the static noise crackling much like the fire had—only this sound panted and prodded in your ear, demanding to be known.
“No, this is not how this works, Al,” you sterned as much as you could with the tremble in your voice. “You tell me exactly what you have in mind, then I will tell you what I think.”
“Hmmph,” Alastor cooed. “How clever.”
He made his way over to you, and your body reacted quicker than your mind as your steps matched his, only they brought you backwards while he stalked forward.
He leaned into your ear. “I’d like to know what you taste like, dear.”
You attempted to steel yourself as a shiver traveled from your arms to your spine. Alastor’s breath might have been warm but the shiver had shedded off half your warmth and preserved the rest on your cheeks.
He returned to his original position right in front of you, keeping your flickering gaze locked on his, even if his own hadn’t been half as loyal when they switched between your neck and the former.
“Not to worry. I won’t hurt you any more than I have to. I find those fangs that vampires possess quite appealing,” he commented. “So what do you say, darling?”
You nodded. You didn’t mean to.
But by this time your throat, your muscles, the very same ones tensed with the promise of Alastor’s tongue on your skin—they had been pulling the strings because you knew you wouldn’t do it all by yourself, acting so surprised by the things you’re saying.
“Please,” you whispered as you bit your lip. Now’s no time to be praying.
“I want you to bite me.”
Unless it’s to the very demon before you.
His hand slipped to your waist and steered you to the right and towards the edge of his bed.
You fell back, your book finally escaped your grasp and Alastor’s shadow casted over you completely.
He adjusted his tie as he set down his microphone, chin held high with a half-lidded glance at your book that laid askew on his bed. He picked it up and flipped it back to front briefly before setting it down on his bedside table like he’d been framing a picture.
“Now then,” he grinned, and his teeth had been completely altered with a straight row—the only two to stand out being the prominent fangs that ended on his lower lip.
Alastor swooped in and you shut your eyes tight from the gush of wind that accompanied him only to be met with his warm breath on your neck.
“I trust you know that this will hurt for an itty bitty moment, yes?” He warned with a voice so vile yet sultry, like his little remarks had slithered into your ear and lapped your head in jawbreaker promises filled with his venom.
You nodded quickly, and froze at once when he punctured you; fire spread throughout your neck, inflamed your cheeks, collarbones protruding as you clawed at his shoulders for purchase—and to your surprise, he adjusted your grip to loop around his neck, which in turn enveloped you closer to him.
A swirling sensation danced into the picture with your jugular pulsing against his teeth. Your flesh and muscles hugged the two blades that only sank deeper into you causing you to bruise even further. You winced, and Alastor’s tongue drew small circles where he had been sucking. Something had been dripping from you and Alastor was sure not to miss a single drop of you. At least, not from your neck.
You bit your lip once more, a sound rising past your throat and holding your tongue hostage. Warmth had now engulfed your jaw and neck as you craned it back to allow him easier access—what was previously festered had subsided into a dizzying pleasure, his fangs almost tickling you along with the wet trails left by his tongue.
Ice washed over the abused spot on your neck when his fangs left you, pieces of your skin still clung onto him until the very last second. He nibbled and bit further down and along your collarbone before he drew back.
He exhaled through his teeth, which had now grown out to be the regular sharp rows he possessed previously. With the way his eyes trekked on your shoulders and jaw, it took every muscle in your body not to shrivel under his critical eye.
“Oh, my dear, you’re absolutely glowing,” Alastor sighed, the inner corner of his brows arched up as his hands remained planted on either side of you. His smile faltered. “If you should even dare to think otherwise, come to me. I will fix what is wrong with this realm, and that is the wretch who convinced the moon and stars they were nothing but rotten work.”
Heavy knocks thundered from the door.
“Alastor! What’s taking so long?” Charlie reprimanded, which made you jolt when she uttered your name along with his. “We need to go!”
Alastor stepped back and dusted himself off which allowed you space to do the same. You fixed your shirt and ran towards the door only for a firm hand on your forearm to twirl you around and dip you, your hair falling away from your face.
“Alastor!” You hissed.
Alastor held up your book with his free hand. “I’m touched you’d let me keep this as a souvenir.”
You grabbed the book and headed for the door again. “I’m late.”
Charlie called your name once more.
“That you will be,” Alastor chuckled.
You glared at him over your shoulder. “Big talk for an ace.”
“I never know what that means.” Alastor shrugged as he planted his microphone in front of him.
You rolled your eyes before opening and slamming the door behind you, leaving Alastor to think about what he was going to do about your attitude when you got back.
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astroismypassion · 5 months
Any chance ucould do Eros in the signs and houses series pls???
Hi! I will try to answer in shortly, because there is not enough time for the whole post, but I’ll just go quickly through it, so that I give you an answer. 😊
Eros in signs
Aries Eros: Well, they just really like people that take charge, but they still end up controlling it? The Aries Eros native will still like to be in charge in some manner. Either by teasing you long enough, edging you or not allow you to touch them on certain body parts. They low key love delegating? 😂 Like “you do this here and I’ll do that there to you”? haha. They love “dividing” tasks in the bedroom. They might have this one unrealised dream of someone coming onto them passionately, kissing them and it turns out in a whole wild night that lets you wonder what the hell just happened last night. They have this one fantasy scenario of just being unhinged.
Taurus Eros: They are seduced by moans and someone talking, breathing onto their ears. Don’t underestimate the ears with this sign. You might not think that it’s Taurus, but it actually is. They love is someone nibbles, playfully licks their ear. I would say lots of kissing on the lips, but then again if it’s maybe aspected by Uranus, Saturn or at times even Neptune, they might not even be that keen. Not all Taurus placements love long, long make out sessions. Some don’t even like french kisses or kissing on the mouth that much. But they are often down for neck kissing. Even light biting or hickeys, but again it really depends on how cautious or reserved they feel.
Gemini Eros: They are seduced by people who keep them mentally stimulated or provide good ideas, but talk less then them. 😂 They often go for people who ask a lot of questions instead haha. They like to be the one providing answers and solutions to fixing partner’s inquiries and questions. But they are often aroused by the partner that occasionally talks back or behaves bratty.
Cancer Eros: Now this one is again, might be controversial. But they have this thing with left eye? They love if you plant a little baby kiss above or under or somewhere close to their eye. It’s like a protective gesture. They are usually heavy breathers when aroused. You might feel like their breathing becomes deeper, almost like they are in a deeper state of relaxation.
Leo Eros: These are overall very confident people. Not just in sex, but their general disposition, personality, how they carry themselves. Even if they have quiet confidence and not loud, they come across even more self assured than an Aries. They just know what they want, how and when. They have a sultry look to them that they don’t even have to try hard at flirting or seducing someone, because they already are so charming. These people actually compliment YOU a lot when they want to sleep with you and they do not need so many compliments for themselves actually.
Virgo Eros: They are just as complex as a Scorpio Eros. 🙈 These people might like everything, but nothing at the same time. They throw order out when having sex, they become chaotic. They are like “just throw it somewhere, we’ll clean afterwards”, they really don’t care when in the moment. Also, they get very easily overstimulated. They could be turned off by an unexpected or unpleasant smell. But having someone’s hands all over their body, touching them is actually the only time they do NOT feel anxious. These people are too often touch starved.
Libra Eros: Oh these people are just very proper and diplomatic, neutral, at times reserved and cautious. However, I noticed that they exhibit traits of the opposite sign, Aries, when in a partnership. So when in a romantic partnership, they become much more controlling in the bedroom. Wanting to really be pleased by the partner and vice versa, because what’s the point of being in a partnership then? They become very idealistic and demanding. They love if you try to seduce them and flirt with them, give them a lot of compliments. They need to feel desired in order to get aroused. They are also surprisingly cerebral, meaning they love smooth talkers, people who seduce them with words.
Scorpio Eros: You can imagine it’s no easy task to seduce them or arouse them. They are complex. They might have had some unpleasant experiences before which really affected them, so always proceed with care when dealing with them. They might have also stayed celibate, single for years. They are really self-sufficient, usually they know what they like, even when inexperienced. And that could secretly even prefer being pleasured by themselves rather than teaching and showing their partner what they like. Also, surprisingly, they like what it is tried and tested. They might not like too much variety and change, they could stick with that they like.
Sagittarius Eros: They love touching up on thighs, but is still a butt person. They get more aroused by people that are not around them daily and live at a distance. So they get weirdly flirty via messages. They might act more seductive online, via messages than when you are actually face to face with them.
Capricorn Eros: I would described these people as complex, yet simplistic. They might have a lower sexual stamina when younger. Then they might be more into monk mode😂 , not prioritising sex all that much, but more so they career, establishing themselves, building up finances and money. But after first Saturn Return, they usually become a beast. Like the type to love to have very consistent sex going on in the week. This is how you might expect Virgo to behave. Capricorn Eros enjoys daily sex or every 2-3 days if other duties and responsibilities prevent that. They become like bunnies in a partnership. Touching up on their partner often throughout the day. But generally, they are prone to more low sexual libido. Sometimes they really just prefer cuddling.
Aquarius Eros: They are either all in or all out. You can really know by how much they are into you by how much they are touching you. If they are detached when touching you and not looking you in the eyes or almost avoid your look a bit, they might not be into you that much, might only like you a little bit. But if they are not touching you in a “detached” manner they probably feel consumed by you. They actually give a lot of attention when fixated on someone. They also really like familiarity in sex, when seducing someone. It helps them feel relaxed and seduced if you share the same dreams, interests, hopes and ideals for the future or have the same level of education. They really would only sleep with an all “equal” partner to them.
Pisces Eros: They love to feel needed or be the protector, it makes them aroused. They love if they could help you. The type to want to hug you, kiss you and hold you, if you just cried. They like to be “in charge” of your pleasure or knowing they were the one who gave you pleasure or made you feel okay.
Eros in houses
1st house: They really like if their partner checks in with them. Like “is this comfortable enough for you, are you okay?”. Hates inconsiderate partners.
2nd house: They dislike actual massages, like if someone massages their shoulders or back. But they do like sexual massages🙈. Big on oral, but like reciprocated, they dislike selfish partners. They might consider leaving you if they deem you too selfish or not generous enough.
3rd house: Loves a sexy teacher scenario. They love people who are able to improve them, teach, guide them, that are more reserved, stern, but that are also hot as hell. It’s interesting, because these people really are not that clean themselves, but really demand a lot from their partner in terms of cleanliness.
4th house: They love doing it in their own home or own bedroom, bed. Because they often do not feel uncomfortable in another person’s bed. They get more relaxed in their own. Surprisingly, they get really turned off if their person has untidy bedroom or bed. They really like fresh sheets, clean bed, nightstand, otherwise they tend to not feel the vibe.
5th house: These people move too quickly, when try to seduce someone, flirt with them. They need to slow down with introducing intimacy too early on or without knowing the person that well. Their interest goes when the most attention is. If you give them a lot of attention, they will give it to you back enough as well. They are actually much more strict with reciprocal energy than Libra to be honest. If you are not doing enough for them, they are out.
6th house: Ahh, their day at work affects their sex life. If they are stressed, burned out, had a bad day at work, feel not good enough. They won’t like being even touched. They get really low sexual desire when from bad day at work.
7th house: If they are seducing you, they are likely thinking about partnering up with you. They don’t flirt outside of partnership. They like to give special attention only to their partner.
8th house: Has harder time with boundaries. They demand complete loyalty before interacting with you. They really go for enigmatic odd people, but fit people. They like partners who take care of themselves. If you have lousy self-care routine, better to stay away from them.
9th house: They will test you a lot with sliding in subtle jokes, so that they see how you’ll react if they are trying to seduce you, sleep with you. You will not know whether they are being serious or joking. But that’s the whole point! They are doing it only to gather your reaction, so that they know if they can proceed or not. This person will likely get with people out of their league or not want to get involved with someone all together, just because they are intimidated by them.
10th house: These people have high self-respect and they actually like more messy not so orderly people. They like even an occasional wild card. Someone who is unafraid to be themselves. They have high standards and often hang with friends and not get attached before they achieved and secured everything they wanted.
11th house: These people will always surprise with people they choose to seduce or get intimate with. Because the person they end up choosing is often the complete opposite of 11th house Eros native. If they are organised, the go for a chaotic partner that is more messy. But the thing with this placement is often yes, their partner is completely different then them, but shares the same dreams. Or the Eros in the 11th house sees their partner as someone who they try to become.
12th house: Loves getting on at night or late in the evening or right before bed or falling asleep. They get seduced by good night messages😂. They get more vulnerable at night. Also, maybe be more keen on idea of doing it if you watch a romantic movie or just watching something, relaxing and chilling. Also, they dislike if their partner falls asleep on them haha. “Oh you fell asleep, I thought we’re gonna have sexy time??”
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pomefioredove · 2 months
Hi! This is very very specific, but…I've had a rough start to my day today, kinda relating to the topic of my request…
So I was wondering, would it be alright to request HCs of Jamil, Ruggie, Leona, Floyd and Rollo with a Reader who runs into an emotionally abusive/manipulative parent they haven't seen in a long time? The kind of subtle abuse that's hard to tell (from the inside, at least) is even abuse at all, and makes you doubt yourself a lot. Kinda narcissistic abuse
Kind of a hurt/comfort thing? Like how they'd deal with the bad parent and the Reader opening up a bit about it. Romantic or platonic, either one is good
Feel more than free to ignore if this kind of request isn't your thing: that's totally fine, I understand it's a bit heavy, not to mention very specific, so please do what makes you feel best. I hope you have a good day!
ahhh of course! I relate to this sort of thing a lot (although I don't use terms like narcissistic abuse since abuse is just abuse to me) and I know exactly what you mean. I love hurt/comfort and you're well within my boundaries since the only thing I wouldn't write pertaining to this topic is intimate partner abuse (like with an s/o). so you're perfectly fine! I enjoyed writing this <3
summary: comforting a reader with an abusive parent type of post: short fics characters: jamil, ruggie, leona, floyd, rollo additional info: reader is not specified to be yuu ("shrimpy" is used as a nickname during floyd's part tho), reader is gender neutral, food mention (ruggie's part), actual interaction w the parent happens during leona and rollo's parts, mentions/descriptions of emotional abuse, although reader is kinda vague about it
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Jamil Viper
Jamil knows what it's like to feel stuck.
That's really all he has to know when he recognizes that look on your face.
Perhaps you usually wear your heart on your sleeves, or perhaps you're better at keeping your emotions to yourself, like him, but either way he can tell something is very wrong the second he sees you.
It's a bit strange, isn't it?
Surrounded by people in the cafeteria and yet no one seems to notice the shadow cast over you.
He tries to talk himself out of it for the rest of the day. He has enough on his plate as it is, and it's not his problem. He's Kalim's keeper, not yours.
But that sense of unease doesn't go away.
He drags himself out of bed and somehow finds himself at your door in the dead of night.
And even though it takes you a moment to answer, he can tell you were already awake.
"Here," he says, handing you a warm meal in a container. "I noticed you didn't eat today. We had leftovers."
You don't feel very much like eating, but you accept the gift, anyway. It smells amazing. His cooking always does.
"Thank you," you mumble.
You can't think of anything else to say.
"Are you... well, Kalim sent me to ask if you're feeling unwell," he lies through his teeth.
"I'm fine,"
Another lie, this time of your behalf, which annoys him ever-so-slightly.
"You're clearly not. Are you sick?" the question is vague enough, said in such a way that leaves you with the impression that he wasn't exactly referring to a physical illness.
"I've... had a rough day,"
Jamil is quiet for a moment, thinking to himself. And then: "Do you mind if I come in?"
He's always so careful with his words that such a direct (yet polite) request almost catches you off guard. You step to the side, letting him in your room.
"I don't mean to pry. I know it's not my place," he says, watching you close the door. "But... Kalim is worried. Yes."
You shake your head. "It's fine. I'll get over it,"
What did "it" mean? Surely this couldn't just be a lousy day.
"Did something happen?"
You hesitate.
"Have you ever... ran into someone who made your life miserable? That you thought you moved on from... and it starts to feel like you're stuck in that place all over again?"
Of course. Of course he knows what that feels like.
He has to live through that exact experience every day, without even being able to move on.
But he can't just say that. And this is about you, after all.
"I'm familiar with the feeling. I suppose that's what's ruined your day, then?"
"That's one way to put it," you sigh, sitting at the edge of your bed. "Sometimes it feels like all the progress I've made is just... null. Like I'll never really move on."
He hates how much he's relating to you. How much you're affecting him, now, too.
He follows you to the bed and sits beside you.
"Someday, though, you will. It may feel hopeless now, but... you won't stay stuck forever,"
Unlike me, he thinks.
"How can you be so sure?"
"I can't be. But you don't strike me as someone to give up after hardship,"
Like me.
You're quiet for a moment, seemingly considering what he told you. And then you hug him.
A nice, soft hug. Not abrasive or sudden like the ones Kalim gives. He'd almost forgotten what it felt like.
"Thank you, Jamil,"
He hugs back. "Of course,"
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Ruggie Bucchi
It was almost painful, watching you fumble with your wallet like that.
You couldn't seem to get the proper amount out, shaking like a leaf and apologizing profusely. Sam keeps telling you it's okay, but the line forming behind you is starting to grow restless.
Ruggie included.
He has places to be, after all, and he's got two whole crates of energy drinks to lug back to Savanaclaw.
He has half a mind to ask what the holdup is.
And so, he peers over your shoulder, ready to- oh, no. You're crying.
Damn it. Why can't things ever be easy for him?
He can't even chew someone out for taking up all his precious time without being thrown a curveball. And now he feels bad.
"Hey, I got this," he says, setting his heavy crates down on the counter and flashing a card.
Your eyes widen. "Oh, no, Ruggie, you don't have to-"
"Relax, it's Leona's money, not mine," he offers a grin, ignoring the tears trailing down your face. "He won't even notice it's missing."
The line behind you two breathes a collective sigh of relief (much to your embarrassment) and Ruggie shoots them a glare.
"I... I still can't accept this-" you start, before he quickly shushes you.
"Hey, if you wanna make it up to me, you can help me carry these things. I'll call it even,"
You're silent for a moment as Sam finishes ringing you both up, and then you take a crate. As quiet as ever. It's unnerving.
You're walking back to the Hall of Mirrors when Ruggie breaks that silence by bringing up your purchase. "So, what's up with the afternoon snack? Not that I'm judging- I'm jealous. I skipped lunch, shishishi,"
"Oh, it's nothing," you mutter. "Comfort food, I guess."
The concept of comfort food is extremely appealing to him. "Huh. Long day?"
"Something like that... Why'd you skip lunch?"
Trying to change the conversation topic? Clever. But he'll bite, anyway.
"Leona forgot some of his class stuff, so I had 'ta run and get it. Too bad he forgot where he left it... I was all over campus,"
"Did you find it?"
"Eventually. Or else I'd be busy getting my neck wrung instead of 'bein here with you,"
You nod, and the conversation swiftly dies.
After another awkward beat, he clears his throat. "So you... you wanna talk about it, or something?"
"You know, your... your day," he mutters, shrugging. He's desperately trying to remember all of the things his grandma did for him when he was upset as a child. "Talking about it might... make 'ya feel better, y'know?"
You're quiet again, and for a moment Ruggie is worried he said something to offend you.
Then, much to his relief, your voice picks up. "I ran into someone today,"
"What? Like someone was giving you trouble?"
"No, not a student. Someone I don't see very much anymore. Um... I guess it just threw me off,"
He tilts his head to the side. "Why?"
"I don't... well, we don't get along very much. Something about them just makes me feel... very... small. Insignificant,"
You don't ask if he understands what you mean, but he does. Not that he'd ever admit that so openly to you at a time like this, but being small and insignificant is basically his job.
And as much as he likes the perks, he can imagine how rough it would be to deal with that and not get to use a bottomless credit card whenever the opportunity presented itself.
He struggles to respond for a moment.
"That's rough,"
Definitely not the sympathetic response he was going for. At least you don't seem to mind.
"I-I mean, sometimes we have to act small to survive. It's a part of life, 'ya know? But that doesn't mean you are small. Just surviving on its own is an accomplishment," he recovers from his earlier blunder, trying to smile. "You should be proud of yourself, if anything."
"That's..." you say. "That's one way of looking at it."
He sighs. "I'm not expressing myself very well, am I? What I'm trying to say is that you're not small or insignificant, and living life feeling like you are is a survival tactic at best,"
The both of you stop in front of Savanaclaw, and he offers another grin.
"And if you ever wanna talk about this stuff... well, I'm around... And you can come inside now, if you want. I could definitely find more stuff to carry!"
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona Kingscholar is very, very much enjoying parent weekend alone, thank you.
Of course his folks don't want to attend a school event for their disappointment of a second son. Why would they care? And on Cheka's birthday weekend, no less...
But that didn't bother him. Not at all.
As long as he slept through the weekend without being bothered by any happy-go-lucky nuclear family units, he'd live.
That plan lasts about five hours.
"You'd be better off doing something more useful with your time. Sports, or science, or... something that might help your future. But if you're so sure... I suppose it's better to cut our losses now than put any more faith in you. You just can never decide, can you?"
That voice. Unfamiliar, but drawling, laced with poison. Aggravating enough to stir Leona from his nap in the botanical gardens.
And it's getting closer.
"I just don't understand. Why get accepted into one of the most prestigious schools in the world just to spend your time goofing off?" a long sigh. "But as long as you're happy... we just want what's best for you."
Leona grumbles, turning over and trying to drift back to sleep.
"I'm trying,"
This voice is different. No- he recognizes it. It's yours.
"Are you? You know I know what's best for you, right?"
Sevens. This is your parent speaking to you? No wonder you've been acting all jittery lately.
He sits up, giving up on his nap, and continues listening in.
"I know," you say. "I really am trying, though."
"Did I say you weren't? Don't speak for me,"
This is getting ugly. Leona stands, stepping out of the shrubbery and clearing his throat behind the two of you.
You're the first to turn. "Oh- Leona! Sorry, we didn't mean to disturb you,"
"You're fine," he snaps, sharp eyes turning to your parent beside you. "Who's this, then?"
"This is-"
"Their parent," they go ahead and introduce themselves, cutting you off as if you weren't speaking at all. Like you're a piece of furniture hanging in the background. He's not a fan.
"Really? From the way you were talking, I would have guessed that you were their coach. Or boss,"
Your eyes dart between the two. "Leona-"
"You're fine," he reaffirms. "I was just looking for you, anyway. We really have to talk."
You pause, raising an eyebrow. He? Wants to talk to you? Now?
"Is it important?" your parent asks. The question is directed at you, although he answers.
"Very. I was just coming to ask you, very politely, I might add, to reconsider my offer,"
"Your... offer...?"
Your parent looks down at you. "What's he talking about?"
"Can't blame you for forgetting. I'm sure you're busy with all your... school... things. But I do have to ask you to rejoin the spelldrive club. We're in shambles without you,"
He gives you a certain look, one that clearly reads "Go along with it."
Leona Kingscholar offering an olive branch to someone is a rare occurrence. So you take it.
"Oh! Right, I have been busy with school. I've been meaning to get back to you..."
Your parent looks between the two of you with just the faintest hint of confusion, and then frustration. "You've been playing spelldrive? When was I going to hear about this?"
"They haven't been playing with us," Leona says, a small smirk already forming. "They're the team manager. They're way too smart to be out on the field- no, they're running the team, they're organizing everything, their strategy is like nothing we've ever seen. If only they were in Savanaclaw, we might have a chance at winning one of these years."
"Uhhh..." you start, looking between your parent and the oddly friendly and receptive clone that's replaced Leona. "...Yeah, right."
"Now, if you'll excuse us, we really have to discuss official club matters," he says, shooing away your parent until they eventually give in and leave.
As soon as they're out the door, you turn to him. "What w-"
"Are you alright?" he asks.
Stunned would be an understatement. "I'm fine,"
"Really? Cause you're looking at me like a gazelle caught in headlights,"
"I-I guess it's just been hard... having them here,"
Leona nods, closing his eyes as he thinks to himself. Then, he sighs.
"Yeah. I get that. Come on, then,"
You raise an eyebrow as he starts off in the opposite direction. "What? Where are we going?"
"Somewhere quiet and warm to nap. Being around that person sucked all the energy right out of me, I can't imagine how exhausted you feel,"
He turns to look over his shoulder with a smile. "With any luck, we'll avoid them for the rest of the weekend,"
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Floyd Leech
Of course, he can tell something's up right away.
Well... maybe it takes him a little while to tune into the conversation, but once he does, he notices you've been... awfully quiet throughout it.
His favorite little shrimpy? All sad? Moping around like a kicked puppy?
Now this catches his attention.
"Bored?" he asks. It's his first guess.
"Hm?" you ask, looking back at him. "No, I'm fine."
"But you're not,"
"Okay, I'm a little distracted,"
Now that, he can understand. But there's still something very off about the whole thing that he can't quite put his finger on.
"You're not telling me something," he states, matter-of-factly, crossing his arms.
You raise an eyebrow. "...And?"
"And I wanna know. I'm not letting you leave until you tell me,"
Your thought process is probably ranging somewhere between "oh, no," and "oh NO," by now.
"I sweaaar, it's nothing," you insist. "I just had a bad day, okay?"
There's no turning back now. He's invested, and until he loses interest, you're stuck here.
"It was... just... long. Can I go now? I have things to do,"
He frowns, and stands, and then puts you in a headlock. "Alright, where're we 'goin?"
He drags you along with him, remembering not to be too rough as he takes you from place to place on his dailies. You begrudgingly learn to accept it.
When you walk back into the Mostro Lounge, Azul and Jade don't even bat an eye.
"You're thirty minutes late- ah, why do I bother?" Azul says, rifling through a stack of papers on his desk. He only looks up when he catches a glimpse of you. "Oh. Hello, there."
You wave half-heartedly. "Can I get some help?"
"Floyd. What is the meaning of this?" he asks.
Floyd pouts. "There's 'somethin wrong with them and they won't tell me what,"
"Are they ill?"
You lower your eyes at the two as they speak like you're not even there. "Hello?"
"Nah, they feel fine. They're all mopey, though,"
Azul hums to himself, lost in thought. And then: "Well, figure out what it is, and get to work, if you please,"
"Azul!" you shout. He ignores you.
Floyd drags you back outside the office and sits down with you at one of the tables, waving to concerned lounge-goers as they pass by.
"Now will you tell me?"
"Geez, alright, alright. I give up, you win," you sigh. "I... well, my parent was here earlier. At school. And we talked, and they... said some not-very-nice things to me. That's why I've been upset, okay?"
Floyd's smile immediately drops. "I win? But that's not a very good prize,"
"Tell me about it,"
"Why would anyone be mean to you, anyway? You're the best shrimpy I know!"
You avert your eyes. "It wasn't... mean... per se. Just... not nice,"
"Sounds mean to me," he mutters. "I don't get it."
"Well, sometimes these things just... don't make sense. It's my fault, anyway," you sigh.
His gaze sharpens at that. "'An who told you that? You didn't do anything! I'm starting to really dislike this parent of yours,"
His sudden mood swing doesn't phase you, but it does lift your spirits... just the tiniest bit. Even if you wouldn't admit that to yourself. "Hey, it's fine. I'm over it,"
"You sure you don't want me to squeeze 'em?"
"Heh. No, that's okay. I would like you to let me go, though,"
His eyes widen at the sudden realization he still has you in a headlock and he quickly releases you.
You sit up, stretching and rubbing the back of your neck. "Thanks,"
"My arm was starting to hurt, anyway..." he thinks for a moment, looking back to the office door. "Ya think I can use that to get out of working? I wanna spend more quality time with my favorite shrimpy. You could use it!"
You look to the door and shrug. "Hey, worth a try, right?"
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Rollo Flamme
Out of all the things to ruin the day, of course it had to be your parent.
The disappointment between the two of you was palpable. And even though it was only a brief encounter, it was enough to sour the rest of the afternoon for the both of you.
The first thing Rollo noticed, of course, was the manner in which they carried themselves. As an authoritative, important figure, puffing out their chest and towering over you. What gave them the right...?
They were not a leader, nor a public figure, nor anyone of interest, if your earlier mentions of them gave him any idea. Nothing but an adult who spoke to the both of you as if you were tiny children.
He loathed being talked down to.
Perhaps he should have said something sooner than he did, and perhaps he should have said something more than the interruption he used to excuse you from the conversation.
And now you're just quiet.
"Are you well?" he asks, looking at you from the corner of his eyes.
You shrug.
"I apologize for not speaking on your behalf sooner. I did not want to be rude,"
No response at all.
Your silence was driving him mad. He couldn't get a good read on what you were feeling when you kept looking away like that.
"If you'd like to return home early, I would understand and escort you promptly,"
A response. Not a good one, but a response nonetheless.
"May I ask you a question?" though he doesn't really wait for your permission to go on. "Why do they speak to you like that?"
That comment seems to jolt you, and you turn to look at him with wide eyes. "What? Speak to me like what?"
He struggles for the right words.
How could he describe it? It was so... odd. The words they spoke to you didn't sound cruel, but there was something sinister lurking beneath them. And not even in the typical "polite for the sake of it" sense.
Each response they gave was laced with a sort of venom that seemed to sting you. You had grown quiet, distant, as if you weren't really there at all.
Of course he was familiar with such tactics. He could weave his own words with ease. But you had done nothing wrong- you were guiltless. Why were you being punished?
He couldn't quite come up with an answer.
"You seemed uncomfortable," he finally says, looking away again. "I apologize for such an experience happening to you under my watch."
"It's not your fault,"
"It certainly isn't. And it's not yours, either,"
A blanket of silence falls over the two of you until he speaks again.
"You have nothing to feel bad about," he reaffirms.
Another pause.
"And I don't mean to intrude. But if you ever need my assistance, you know where to find me,"
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peachyscenes · 5 months
perv!ateez thoughts
note: this isn’t an actual representation of ateez. all for fun, just some thoughts. gender neutral reader. MDNI!
reblogs appreciated!!
perv!hongjoong doesn’t mean to perv on you. ‘it’s natural!’ he thinks to himself when he envisions how you’d look underneath him. he just likes you so much, he can’t help but squint a bit whenever you’re wearing a white shirt. or when a bit of your underwear is showing. just seeing a tiny bit of the band sends his blood to his cock and he has to excuse himself to the bathroom to jerk-off to the vision of you stripping for him.
this isn’t the first time he sees you in your pool. this also isn’t the first time perv!seonghwa uses this opportunity to try to get a peak at your almost naked body. your bathing suit hugs you so well too. he thinks he's in heaven when you unravel the towel from your body. he groans as he sees you climb out of your pool, all in your wet glory. he almost cums in his pants when you decide to lounge on one of your pool chairs. and you're still wet. the light of the sun only doing you justice as it makes your skin glow. if he runs upstairs for his telescope, he's certain he can be able to see more of your assets.
he has your minutes counted and perv!yunho knows that at any second you're going to walk through your bedroom door with a towel wrapped around. you tend to take quick showers, which is why yunho has to hurry when he knows your soccer practices are over. he fist pumps the air when he sees that he beat you. his bedroom window faced yours and if he opened his curtains enough, he could see you. and then you enter your bedroom. he grows hard seeing your naked body once you unravel your towel. he notices your body lotion and makes note to buy the same one so he knows what you smell like.
perv!yeosang feels ashamed. not for having a crush on you, his roommate, but for listening in when you masturbate. it's to the point where he has your schedule for your "personal sessions" memorized. he can't help himself though! he just wants you so, so, so bad. tonight is another one of your sessions and like a moth to a lamp, he's outside your door. your moans are so sweet. you're very vocal and that's something that he's always appreciated about you, especially since he's more reserved. perv!yeosang stand outside your door, turned on, and wonders if you'd be a vocal if he were there. he wondered if you wouldn't mind taking the lead.
i have to stop he thinks to himself. you're going to notice soon and he's pretty sure that you're going to know immediately. i mean, the poor boy can't even lie properly. perv!san feels like he's on a top secret mission whenever you decide to hop in the shower. he's your best friend, but is this what best friends do? stealing each other's underwear? in his defense, you just smell so good. he especially likes your underwear that you've worn for more than 2 days. quickly, he stashes them into his pocket before sitting on your sofa like he didn't just steal your underwear to smell and jerk off to later from your dirty clothes bin.
perv!mingi seems like he's a sweet guy. and he is! he'll stand behind you going up the stairs or the escalators when you're at the mall. he'll offer hospitality jacket if you feel too cold in your outfit. he'll even compliment your shirt. but if you catch him at the right time, he's staring at your ass. or slightly touching the skin of your exposed midriff. or staring at your chest, especially if you have on a tight fitted shirt. deep down, mingi wants you to catch him, that way he can drop his little nice guy act and show you what he really wants to do to you.
feeding you is his favorite thing. perv!wooyoung just loves getting food with you. it doesn't matter if it's take out or at home, he's going to stuff you. he also wonders if the way you let him feed you, you'd let him stuff your mouth with his own cock. if the way you'd hum at new flavors is how you would hum at the taste of him on your tongue. wooyoung wants you to taste him and everything about him. he wants to give you the best of the best meals, and of course that includes him as well.
perv!jongho feels like such a teenage boy when he sees you during his gym time. today you're working on your legs and he feels himself drooling at your toned thighs. he almost moaned seeing the bit of sweat on your forehead and neck and he wondered if you would look the same if he was between your legs. he thanked whoever you believed in for your choice of clothing today too. shorts that really accentuated your ass and a compression shirt that made him almost bite his own tongue off.
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sehtoast · 7 months
The Mentor and The Mirror (Homelander x Reader)
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700 words, similar powers!reader, gender neutral reader.
Ask prompt: What if Homelander was "given" someone, by the higher ups of Vaught, to mentor? They have powers like his, but are a bit weaker and different. What Homelander doesn't know is that they are from the lab like him.
If he found out this person grew up like him, do you think he'd be meaner or sympathetic to them?
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“Someone could kill you with a sneeze.  They really think you’re worth training?”  He asks bitterly.  You two have been out in this field for hours now, and he’s fucking over it.
Well, for the most part.
There’s something endearing and fun about teaching your pet new tricks.  See, they’d told him flat out that you were his to mentor, but all he heard was you’re his. The sentence stopped there.
You’re a peculiar thing, equipped with all of his same abilities, except that you lack invulnerability.  You’re a liability for crime fighting, but those fucks on the board of directors already made their choice.  Besides, either he trains you or Stan will be an ever present thorn in his side.  Last thing he wanted was to deal with that asshole.
“Why the fuck can’t you fly yet?  Just do it,” he gestures with his hand, “like a… I don’t know, a normal person?”
“Sorry-”  You blurt out, accidentally flipping upside down.  “I uh, they didn’t let me practice much in the rooms growing up.  Ten foot ceilings, you know?”
He blinks rapidly at that, cocking his head slightly.  What rooms? 
Homelander stores that little bit of information away for later, chuckling instead as you plummet to the ground and land on your ass.
You groan pitifully.  This has been absolutely awful.
“I don’t think I can do it…” You murmur dejectedly, sitting upright.  “It’s hard.”
Now that bothers him.  No student of his is going to fail and make him look bad, and you’re certainly not going to make him have another fucking meeting with Stan.  He rolls his eyes in exasperation before leaning down to lift you.
You’re weightless in his arms as he spins, winding up to–
“N- NO, NO, NO!”  You shout as he hurls you into the sky.  You flap your arms and legs, begging your powers to work as you ascend past the clouds, further and further until the air gets thin and the world below is square patches of various greens.
“Always gotta do these things the hard way,” Homelander muses, clicking his tongue below.
You continue falling, tears spilling as you plummet faster than you can gather yourself.  You see your life flash before your eyes until–
You flex your shoulders back and suck in a breath, and suddenly…
“About fucking time!”
He’ll never admit it, but the excitement on your face and the hug you give him makes him so fucking proud of you.  
Later that night, he delves into your files.  Madelyn’s access codes still work, and he finds your full file with ease.  Your record is squeaky clean.  No past employment, no education, no family records…
There’s nothing. 
And that’s how he knows.
He knows exactly what you meant earlier, and he knows exactly where you came from.
He knows because that’s how his file looks, too.
He knows because he came from there, too.
The next day, when you excel with laser practice, he’s proud, but he’s also resentful.  You’re not just his student now; you’re him.  You’re a physical reminder of everything he’s gone through.  
He hates you for it.
But he hurts for you, too.
It breaks his heart when you pass the medical ward and shuffle closer to him.
He used to do that, but there was never anyone walking with him.
The next time you two are out in that field, he’s much more patient despite how much it grates his nerves to watch you flounder in the air again.
He looks at you and suddenly he’s back there.  Remembers when the doctors would correct his mistakes with enough electrical voltage to actually hurt him.
It always made the lights flicker.  Made the room smell terrible– all hot and rotten.
He hears Vogelbaum’s voice.  
Not good enough, John.  Do it again.
He’s angry that you clearly weren’t subjected to the same. How the fuck was that fair?
And yet…
He’s so fucking happy knowing you weren’t.
If nothing else… they clearly didn’t hurt you as much as they hurt him.
This time, when you fall, he catches you.
Just like he wished someone would have done for him.
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kaidatheghostdragon · 1 month
Halfas and Fear Gas
Ive seen a lot of "fear gas makes danny high." Its hilarious and i love it. Other variations i recall seeing are: fear is not as potent, complete immunity, 'food supplement' fear gas, and the boring 'effects him like normal.'
I haven't really seen anyone treat effect effect on the brain and core as separate processes. In other words, humans get affected one way, ghosts get affected another way, and halfas get blasted by both.
We already know how normal humans are affected, so we dont really need to go over that. Ghosts, however, are free reign. (Unless there's a canon incident where a ghost like boston brand or gentleman ghost are exposed to a fear gas attack? Any DC canon nerds out there that know of something like that?)
The options I've seen or thought up so far:
Complete immunity - ectoplasm just doesn't react to physical matter in a way that impacts the ghost. Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, has no effect whatsoever.
Effects ghosts like humans. Straight forward, it's a bit weird if you think about it, but eh.
Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, is like ghost weed, or perhaps something stronger. Might be hallucinogenic, but in a bad trip sort of way rather than a worst fear sort of way
Fear gas, as in the chemical itself, is accidentally a super effective health suppliment for ghosts
If emotions are food to ghosts, fear gassed humans can span the range between 'delectable snack sprinkled with extra sugar' to 'weird chemical food that isnt healthy but will still sustain you' to 'supercharged health snack completely saturated by nutrients'
Fear gas, either the chemical itself or the people affected by it, has a distinct smell. It could be good, bad, or neutral, possibly related to how it affects the ghost. (Or deceptive, for humor and/or angst.)
Fear gas is outright toxic to ghosts. Perhaps the chemical itself is similar to, but just left of, ectoplasm. Like many artificial chemicals that can substitute various nutrients / usurp metabolic pathways in humans, it could have any number of mild to debilitating, short to long term effects on ghosts.
(If anyone has another idea, feel free to add)
Now we get to halfas, who have both a human brain and a ghost core. Dany has a human body and brain that are affected normally by the fear gas: hallucinations, panic attack, adrenaline response, etc etc. Someone better at biology can describe the actual biochemical processes going on.
But the ghost core? Added on top of All That? Can be excessively angsty, somewhat mitigating, or outright hilarious.
Going through the list of options:
Complete immunity.
This sounds boring, but its actually my favorite. Why? Because danny is getting conflicting signals. His brain is compromised and in full panic, but his core is telling him that he's completely safe. As a hybrid, Danny could be capable of having critical thought with both organs. If he's clever enough to recognize the seperation between the two, he can exploit it as a sort of anchor (I'm imagining it somewhat like how a multitasker can do different things with different senses, like listening to an audio book while solving a jigsaw puzzle - the book is auditory, the puzzle is visual and tactile, neither interfere with the other.)
Danny, in this scenario, is definitely in an altered state of consciousness, seeing things that aren't there and right on the cusp of panicking or defending himself. But if he can recognize that his core is unaffected, he can focus on the sensory input that his core is processing, and the whole situation might be somewhat equivalent to becoming lucid in the middle of a nightmare - its terrifying, but just the recognition that it isn't real takes the edge off. To him, it's now like being stuck in a VR horror game and being unable to take the headset off, flinching at all the jumpscares but recognizing that his body isn't actually being attacked or injured.
Affects ghost like humans
Danny could either be affected exactly the same as anyone else or effectively double-dosed as both brain and core fight entirely different hallucinations. Maybe if danny is lucky, he'll just black out from the sensory overload.
Ghost weed
This could make what was initially designed to be a really bad trip into something catastrophic... or mellow it out. Idk. I've never done recreational drugs. Both the brain and core are cut off from reality. The brain is terrified, and the core is tripping out. If his core naturally reacts to his emotional state, it's gonna amplify the effects, which is Really Bad. If the core is compromised to a point where it can't really process anything, then Danny is still trapped in a nightmare state, just more loopy and otherwise no worse than any human.
Health supplement and/or literal food
This one is confusing. Brain is terrified, core is satiated? Energized? A boost to his powers is gonna make him much more difficult to contain and treat. When he comes out of it, there's real potential for angst from danny worrying that the conflicting emotions of absolute terror and hunger satiation are a sign that he's turning evil. Especially if his core was instinctually feeding off of the fear of nearby civilians who were also gassed during the trip. That undercurrent of predatory satisfaction is gonna leave him awake at night for a few weeks.
On the plus side, feeding his ghost core might help it clear out the toxin faster, so the trip is much shorter. Maybe he even pulls out of it before he accidentally causes any damage with his powers.
Pretty straightforward. If it smells bad, Danny is automatically gonna hold his breath, limiting his exposure. If it smells good, he might take a good few wiffs before realizing what's up and holding his breath, or just keeps dosing himself more and more as that effects, good or bad to the core and definitely bad to the brain, settle in.
Has the potential to be much more long-term and insidious. You can run the full gamut here. Does he need to be restrained and taken to the far frozen for days or even weeks of treatment? Does the ectoplasm incorporate the drug, and Danny has to suffer weeks or months of microdosing until it's used up, turning him into a paranoid schizophrenic during that time? Is it blood blossoms 2.0? Does it have no mental effects but screws with his powers? Does it influence his emotional self-control? Does he grow the ghost equivalent of a tumor that encapsulates the toxin and has to be surgically removed? Does he need supplemental ecto to remain healthy, temporarily, or permanently? Does it affect his ectosignature or peak power level? Injure his core? Lower his healing factor?
All of this is on top of the initial fear gas trip, which he may have never even fully pulled out of. The angst possibilities are endless.
Then, there are liminals who have the potential to be affected like halfas or in an entirely different way. Does your headcanon give them proto-cores or baby ghost cores, or are they just severely ectoconaminated? How would that change their symptoms?
Anyways, just some ideas for people to use. My favorite idea so far, that I'd love to see someone use, is that Danny has learned to use his separate brain and core as insurance against mind control and mind-altering drugs. The freakshow incident was a sort of catalyst that helped him recognize the differences between his brain and core, and he taught himself how to lean into one or the other for various advantages in different situations. (Sort of like how a person can lean on either logic or intuition to make different types of choices.)
There's a lot of interesting potential here. Essentially, Danny could teach himself to be immune to mind-control and greatly resistant to drugs, as he can evaluate his surroundings with both organs and identify differences. Mind control wouldn't work unless it targeted BOTH brain and core, as he could shift to the uncontrolled one to break away. Any drug designed to knock out or roofie a human is countered by the fact that danny's core still remains conscious of his surroundings, and creative use of ghost powers counters the accompanying paralysis.
If ghosts dont sleep, one could argue that Danny's core is in a meditative state when his brain rests, which is why his ghost sense can wake him up from a dead sleep - he's never fully unconscious. Workoholic danny could find a way to get homework or paperwork done, or solve a problem, or design a piece of tech, or even play a videogame, while 'sleeping,' even using ectokinesis to move stuff while his body is sleep-paralyzed. Sleep-deprived danny is still functional because his core isn't affected by his brain's lapses in consciousness from micro-naps. (He is a lot moodier, though. His core is more emotion-focused while his brain is more logic-focused, on top of the normal mood-swings from sleep deprivation.)
This version of danny, after being fear-gassed, immediately recognizes that his brain and core are suddenly experiencing two different realities. He would be able to talk himself down from a panic attack and slowly find his way to safety. He probably wouldn't trust himself to hold back if he got in a scuffle, but he would be coherent enough to vaguely understand his surroundings to avoid danger.
And lastly, something I dont recall seeing in any fics - if the bats encountered fear-gassed Danny, and he's aware enough to refuse an antidote, I dont think the bats would push it. Yeah, forcing more medical trauma on our favorite blorbo is all good and fun, but he clearly has an altered metabolism that was affected differently by the fear gas than normal, so there's a heightened risk that the antidote would also have an altered affect, for the reward of removing the effects of fear-toxin (which is no longer guaranteed), which danny is already showing he's capable of working through.
On top of that, medical professionals are not allowed to force treatment if the patient refuses them and can walk it off. (If they are unconscious or can't get up on their own, they can intervene.) Medical conditions and allergies are a thing too, and its the priority of the patient to inform the medical worker as soon as possible to prevent complications. Jazz may have coached Danny about "in a medical emergency, declare closet-meta status with highly modified metabolism and unknown reactions to most drugs."
I see the conversation going something like:
"If you can hear me, im going to administer an antidote."
"Dont. Give it to someone who actually needs it."
And then the bat treats everyone else before approaching danny again to ask how they can help. They would be trained to take all of this into account:
Human male, visibly uninjured (unless the fic writer has different ideas) experiencing non-standard reaction to fear toxin. Probable indication of meta or enhanced status.
Victim is cognizent, replied to verbal communication, denied treatment. Appears to be managing the effects of the fear toxin. Not currently a danger to themselves or others.
Nonstandard reaction to fear-toxin implies potential non-standard reaction to antidote. Victim may be aware of medical condition that could complicate treatment, and is reasonably stable at the moment. Further questioning needed.
There are other victims in the area that are less cognizent, they become higher priority. Approach victim again when all other victims are cleared out, (in case of uncontrolled meta powers, to avoid further casualties), ask more questions and ascertain situation.
Once questioned further, danny drops the memorized line about altered metabolism and unknown effects, and giving Danny the antidote basically immediately becomes a non-viable option. They will probably argue Danny into being taken to Leslie's clinic, as he'll refuse a hospital (probably quite hysterically, given the fear toxin), which i'd imagine is the bat's normal protocol for closet-metas.
At least, that's how I imagine the situation panning out. Danny noping out before the bats return to him or during mid-interrogation is also extremely likely, which is gonna put the bats in panic mode for the next several hours. (Going to *any* secondary location with the bats is a non-option to Danny, for many potential reasons.) Danny is definitely going on a watch list (as in, possible meta with unknown powers, keep an eye out in case he gets caught up in another rogue scheme, need more information).
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Anemo men when they wake up earlier than you.
Okay, that is actually cute as hell! Also, please excuse my writing for Venti, I feel very unsure about writing him in general as I don't think I have the best grasp on his character yet
Characters Included: Xiao; Heizou; Kazuha; Venti; Wanderer
Content: gender neutral reader; fluff
Word count: 1,9k words
Enjoy reading<3
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as an adeptus, Xiao doesn't have to sleep. And he didn't for a long time
but since meeting you, he rediscovered how good and relaxing it can be to sleep in the arms of someone he loves
even though he swore to always be there for you, to protect you from every possible danger, he was the one feeling protected by you when he slept in your arms like this
he still doesn't sleep very often, since danger is always lurking and he is not fond of feeling this defenseless, but he does it often enough that both you and him feel satisfied with it
last night was one of those occaisions were he came back to you in the dead of night, and you could clearly see just how exhausted your boyfriend was
So, not needing to say anything, you just opened his arms for him, leading him to your bed, where you both feel asleep quickly in each others arms
even in his sleep, Xiao held onto you for dear life, not trusting the world around him to not just catch you away from him when you were being so vulnerable
normally, the two of you would awake around the same time in the morning, starting your routines together
this time however, when Xiao first opened his eyes, he noticed your breathing, still slow and steady, indicating that you were still fast asleep
and suddenly, he didn't know what to do
he could just get up and get ready, be on his way again, but that would put you at risk of being woken up by him, with the way you held onto him in your sleep
so, he simply surrendered, putting his hands back around you, pulling you into him a bit more, as he started to slowly stroke your back
as he lay there, lost in his thoughts, he at some point cast his gaze down towards you, admiring your sleeping face
You looked so peaceful and innocent, like nothing bad in this world could ever touch or harm you
Xiao acted on impulse when he leaned down to place a soft kiss on your forehead, lingering there for a few more seconds
'no matter what might come your way, I will always keep you safe.'
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I think Heizou would be a pretty heavy sleeper, but not the most out of the anemo boys
still, getting him to wake up in the morning so he isn't late for his job is a hassle
so many times you were so close to the point where you almost said 'fuck it' and just pour an ice cold bucket of water over him, but you never did, since it would only soak the mattress with it
what does get him to wake up though is the smell of food in the morning
it doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's delicious. Pancakes, fried eggs and bacon, you name it. Those simple things actually get him to finally open his eyes
He's still groggy when greeting you in the kitchen, but as soon as he gets that first bite in, his mood also lights up immediately after
That's how mornings normally go between the two of you, but today was different
Both of you had your rare day off from work, so you decided to sleep in together. And since neither of you wanted to do anything special, there were no responsibilities for the day, allowing you to just relax
when Heizou first opened his eyes that morning, the sun was already greeting him, shining directly into his eyes, which was weird since the room was facing a direction where the sun would only directly shine in here around lunchtime
it took him a moment, but when he realized how late it was, he grumbled a bit before trying to get out of bed
Key word here is trying
Because up until now, he hadn't realized that his other arm was outstretched from his body, with something weighing down on it
when he turned his head, he found you still laying next to him, your own head resting on his arm as you were tucked in close to his side, one hand resting on his chest
his heart swelled at the sight of it, and he once again thanked the gods above for giving him the chance to be with the person of his dreams
Instead of waking you up like he probably should have done, he just rolled over to his side, enveloping you in a hug
you stirred a bit in your sleep, but didn't wake up just yet.
'they really needed the sleep, huh?', he thought as he held you there, his own eyes growing heavy again as he fell into yet another slumber with you in his arms
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A very light sleeper
From his time traveling around, he learned to always be on his guard, even when sleeping
it doesn't matter if he's outside when on travel, or in your shared bedroom with you by his side, he most likely wakes up at every little unusal sound he hears
so it is not uncommon for Kazuha to be wide awake long before you wake up
but he doesn't mind it in the slightest. He is used to it after all and he is still very much well rested, so no need to worry about him
Kazuha actually really likes this time of the day
He gets to spend time with you, undisturbed from any outside influence
Most of the times, he propts up in bed gently, so he is resting against the headboard, gently pushing your head down so it's now resting in his lap, careful to not wake you up just yet. What he does now is entirely dependent on his mood that morning
Sometimes, he just sits there, gently combing his fingers through your hair, admiring you and humming a soft tune
Other times, he takes out a little note book he started to carry around, where he writes down poems he comes up with to later recite to you. Most, if not all of them, are about you, anyway
Or, he just sits there, still combing through your hair gently, while he looks out the window, admiring the scenery in front of him, watching the sunrise, or simply observing the nature unfolding
But no matter what he does, Kazuha is at peace during those times
No thoughts of feelings that can hurt him, all because you are still peacefully resting on his lap
You bring him that inner peace without even realizing it, and for that, he will forever be grateful to you
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Number one of heaviest sleepers among the anemo boys
Doesn't matter if he's drunk or not, he is out cold for good when he sleeps
as soon as his body hits the mattress and his head is either on the pillow or on you, he is a goner
sleeps cuddled up to you and in no other way, shape or form. He loves to rest his head on your chest, arms around your body to keep you close
Not giving up that for anything else in this world. This is the absolute best feeling for him
As a heavy sleeper, you are usually awake long before Venti ever is, but he still gets up at a reasonable time
mornings with him are soft and quiet as he's not quite here yet, but as soon as the morning routine is done and Venti's properly awake now, his usual loud and cheerful personality comes to shine again
on this particular day however, Venti wakes up to you still in bed with him
in fact, he is even more surprised when he realises that you're still asleep under him, breathing softly but regularly
He studies your relaxed face for a bit, a warm feeling rushing through his entire body
Deciding to just lay there a few more minutes, he puts his head back down on your chest, relishing in the feeling of your embrace
Then, after some time has passed, he feels like it's finally time for the both of you to get up and start the day. And to repay you for the gentle way that you always wake him up, he decides to be nice to you as well
Pushing himself up until he was face to face with you, he starts to litter your face with soft kisses, not stopping until you start to stirr and slowly wake up to him, still showering you in affection
in all honesty, Venti definitely could get used to this kind of morning routine as well..
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Another boy who doesn't HAVE to sleep
He didn't do it for a very, very long time in his life
even after meeting you, and eventually getting in a relationship and living with you, he still doesn't really like to do it
the few times he tried to sleep during his life, he was haunted by nightmares, so he just stopped trying at some point
but, when the Wanderer slept in your arms for the first time, no nightmares came to haunt him. The morning after, he was so surprised by it that he wanted to test it out again. And still, the nightmares didn't show up
after realizing this, I think he would be more willing to do it from time to time, but don't expect it to happen too often. He still thinks of it as being too vulnerable and he doesn't like feeling those kinds of things
when he sleeps, he is a pretty light sleeper
he doesn't wake up at every noise like Kazuha, but it doesn't take much to awake him from his slumber again
most of the time, the night starts out with him facing you, but not getting too close. Then, gradually, he gets closer to you in his sleep and usually wakes up to the two of you tangled together, like neither of you wanted to let go of the other
he usually ends up pushing you away, resulting in you getting woken up in the process and then complaining about it, but he seemingly doesn't pay any mind to it
in reality, he does feel bad about waking you up, but he also can't handle the embarrassement of his actions when he was asleep so he does the first thing he can think of, which is pushing you away
most times he's the first to wake up and often shows the reaction previously described
however, there are mornings, where he wakes up in front of your own sleeping face and when that happens, and he sees your peaceful expression first thing in the morning, he can't bring himself to disturb you
however, he also doesn't know what else to do, so he just lays there, like an unmoving stone, just hoping that you wake up soon so he can be free again
his cheeks would be dusted in a red colour, and he's so glad that you're still asleep and unable to see it. Surely, you would never let him live it down
but, once he feels more comfortable with himself and around you, he slowly gains the courage to hold you just a tiny bit closer to him when these situations arise again
It's a process with him, like everything is. But he is willing to do better.... for you
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doingitforbokuto · 10 months
Stress relief
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Summary: Your boyfriend has been stressed lately. You know what might help him relax.
Words: 1,681
Warnings: rough blowjob
Wakatoshi had had a very long day. Learning his new volleyball technique had turned out to be a lot harder than he had anticipated and yet, he had managed to do it successfully. Though it had taken him longer than he was used to he finally perfected the move today, staying longer than his teammates to train. He wanted to be able to leave and be proud of his work. Though he may not want to admit it, you knew that he was dissatisfied with his performance. His sleep would be short and restless, making him play even worse than before. His goal was finally reached, but since it took him so long to get there, he didn‘t feel as relieved as he thought he would. Sice he was training hard, it was nothing unusual for him to come home a bit later than he usually did. But he knew you would be waiting for him, always so kind and loving.
Usually you would be waiting for him with a book in your hand or maybe a movie playing on TV, but not today. Today you came out of your shared bedroom to greet him in the hallway right after he had taken his shoes and his jacket off.
“Welcome home, Toshi.“
He grunted in response and pressed a small kiss to your forehead. His mood was pretty bad and the last thing he wanted to do was take it out on you, who didn‘t have anything to do with it. So he quickly brushed past you and went straight for your bedroom to get changed.
You had followed him to the bedroom and were now standing right behind him. Your boyfriend was leaning over the bed to reach for his pijama pants that he had folded and placed under his pillow in the morning. He turned around to look at you and tell you that it‘d be best if you gave him some space right now but you were faster then he was.
“You‘ve had a bad day, right?“
Compared to his hands yours were soft when you let them trace over his broad chest, down towards the waistband of his pants. The way you looked at him was loving but by no means innocent. It was clear that you knew he was in a bad mood - and it didn‘t make you back away from him. Quite the opposite, actually.
“Want me to make your day better?“ Your palms reached his tummy and pressed against it slightly - you knew how much he liked it when you teased him a little bit. “I know a way for you to release your.. tension.“
“Yeah?“ After a long and stressful day his voice sounded almost as deep and rough as it did in the morning when he had just woken up. Every day it was a struggle to not jump his bones just because he said ‘good morning‘. How could someone be so sexy? If his voice alone hadn‘t been enough to convince you to go through with your plan to help your boyfriend relax, he reached up to touch your face, pulling you closer to him. You could smell him, feel him, hear him breathe. Yeah, you would definitely help him get that tension out of his system.
You kissed him, lips crashing into one another, tongues sliding back and forth. But as quickly as you had initiated the kiss you ended it again.
“Been waiting for this all day,“ you mumbled as you went to work and opened up his pants. “I know you‘ve been stressed lately-“ your hands pulled his pants down a bit “-and I wanna make it better.“ Finally, you sunk to your knees and pulled his pants all the way down.
“You‘re gonna kiss it better?“ He smirked down at you.
“Yeah,“ you breathed out and placed a featherlight kiss to the outline of his cock through his boxers. He was alrready so warm under your touch, blood rushing to his member.
“Properly.“ A large hand found its place at the back of your head. “Kiss it properly.“
“Uh-huh.“ His voice was ringing in your ears. It was all-encompassing, like it got boosted through ten speakers directly into your skull. How did he manage to talk like that? There was no way you‘d deny him anything that he demanded with that voice.
You pulled his boxers down and let them fall to his ankles where they joined his pants. His cock wasn‘t even half hard yet. Time to change that.
Just like he had told you, you started kissing him, properly. With one hand wrapped around the shaft you manouvered his length towards your lips where you placed a wet, sloppy kiss on the head. Another when you started pumping him with your hand and another when your second hand joined the task and started fondling his heavy balls.
“Yeah,“ he exhaled high above you, eyes closed, head thrown back. “That‘s it, baby. Take care of me, yeah?“
Toshi had never been a man of many words, but when he wanted - or needed - something, he was never too shy to tell you what it was. Could he become any hotter?
The only thing left for you to do was wrap your lips around him and let him slide as deep into your mouth as your poor throat would allow it. No matter how many times the two of your did this, your throat always protested when you tried to take all of him. Even when Wakatoshi told you that he didn‘t mind and that he by no means expected you to actually take all of him, you never stopped trying. And your boyfriend would be lying if he said it didn‘t turn him on to see you try so desperately to please him a little more, to make him feel a little better. Even though you got no pleasure out of it, you still gagged yourself on his cock and let his tip hit the warm, wet back of your throat.
At least he thought that you got no pleasure out of it - he couldn‘t be more wrong. If only he knew how euphoric it was for you to see your tall, strong boyfriend come undone under your touch. He sent shivers down your spine every time he moaned, you loved it when he shoved your face harder towards his hips. Everything about this made you feel good and it would be a big, fat lie if you said you only did it for him.
As you started bobbing your head along his shaft you could feel him harden all the way. There were few things that felt better than feeling your boyfriend‘s cock become hard in your mouth, your could feel him throb and pulse and become bigger and harder with every small movement of your head, your tongue.
“Fuck, baby..“
You could practically see the stress melt off his frame. Though his muscles were strained, his face was relaxed. His head hung down now, eyes half-lidded and mouth slightly agape. His control was slowly slipping. For a man who had to control every single muscle, every small movement almost all day, this was as relaxing as it could get. He didn‘t need to be perfect, he didn‘t need to think about what he was doing, he didn‘t need to control himself anymore. He could just do what felt good. And so he did.
He placed both hands on the back of your head and waited a second - waiting for a sign of hesitation on your part. After all, you knew what was coming. And you had no objection to it whatsoever. Instead, you placed both of your hands on his warm thighs and tried to relax your throat as much as possible.
And not a second too early. As soon as he felt your hands on his legs he knew that you were okay with his plan and started fucking your mouth at an almost brutal pace. It was unbelievable how quickly his cock hit the back of your throat again and again and again and again.. there was no time to think, no time to breathe. All you could do was try and get some air through your nose as tears started running down your cheeks. It was hard, every time. But it was also worth it, every time.
Through your tears you could watch as Wakatoshi lost control and it was as beautiful as ever. His cheeks red, the blush spreading down his neck and chest. Unconsciously he had started to lean down towards you. His eyes were unfocused, the pupils blown wide. His lips were parted and one moan after another was escaping him.
“Yeah.. fuck, fuck.. baby-“ His eyes bore into yours “-I-I‘m gonna cum.“
He always warned you. Even though you never pulled back. You simply gripped onto his thighs, pushing yourself forward as his cum filled your mouth and slid down your throat. It was hot and sticky, bitter to the taste but you didn‘t care. It was the best reward you could ever ask for.
Slowly, he pulled out of your mouth and sank down onto the bed. His hands were still on your head and he leaned down to rest his forehead against yours as you swallowed and tried to catch your breath.
“Thank you, baby,“ he whispered as he wiped the remaining tears from your face.
You coughed a few times before answering with a hoarse voice. “Feeling better now?“
“Hmh..“ He smiled mischievously. “But I think I need some more relaxation. Care to help me with that?“
You hadn‘t even finished nodding when he pulled you up onto the bed and climbed on top of you. He was going to make sure that he fucked every single bit of stress out of his system and into your tight little hole. Even if it took all night. You hoped it would take all night.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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(𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧) 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐬/𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
Warnings: Mentions of Davy Jones’ locker, death, violence and piracy (yay!)
a/n: message me/comment if you want to be tagged in any of my posts x 
🌿ENTP 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon, Sagittarius Rising  
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:  
How’s It Gonna End by Tom Waits
・It wasn’t easy being with Jack, then again, it wouldn’t have been easy being with you either - 
・Over the years you had gotten into a flow - knowing each other’s quirks, your wants and desires; vices and virtues. 
・When other people are around you - that’s when it isn’t easy. Because all they see is two people on a whole other planet - you have inside jokes, lingo, a way of communicating that others can’t comprehend quick enough
・And when Jack gets attention from others ... you have to admit, you do get a little jealous. Okay, a lot jealous. 
・Especially when he’s around women, he can’t help but flirt back. And it’s taken a while for him to learn to cut it out
・Captain Jack Sparrow has always been known for his extravagance, his over-the-top nature. And you’re known for your chaos, your unruly nature; and of  course your clumsiness. 
・But somehow your clumsiness is always connected to luck. Knocking something over will somehow lead to a distraction where you’re able to escape later on. 
・You found each other in your youth. Constantly rescuing each other by chance - destiny always found a way for you to run into each other 
・The stories you could tell! 
・The amount of times you’ve pulled each other from the brink are countless
・Where one went, the other was always soon to follow
・You have no idea how many times you both faced the gallows
・They didn’t seem all that frightening now 
・You loved the Black Pearl just as much as Jack. You saw her as your freedom.
・When Jack was pulled from your world into Davy Jones’ locker, you went straight in there with him. 
・The Kraken was the easy part. The time spent in that godforsaken desert was hell. Literal hell. 
・Unluckily, you didn’t end up in the same place. 
・Davy knew Jack would be fine if you were with him, so he separated the both of you. 
・And in the time frame, Jack had inched closer to insanity - not having you by his side made his mind plunge into instability 
・You thought it was fun ... at first (insanity was/is second nature to you.)
・But Davy had more tricks up his sleeve, ones that he somehow knew would get to you
・Then little crabs started appearing. 
     “Aw rocks.” You said out loud, moving to lay down and gaze at the perfectly rounded sphere.
“Oh, not rocks. Rocks with legs-”
・And when they moved, you followed 
・ “Y/N! Y/N ARE YOU REAL? WHAT ARE YOU DOING ‘ERE?” Jack bellowed from the moving Black Pearl
“Oh yes, Kraken. I remember now, he was a slimey smelly big thing wasn’t he-”
・You found your way on deck and Jack swooped you into his arms. He held you close against him, holding one hand on the back of your head. 
・Now others think it weird, but Jack likes to smell you. So when you were nuzzled in his arms, he did exactly that
・ When you found everyone on the beach, you nearly ran to Tia Dalma. She’s been a close friend throughout the years. 
・You didn’t feel any resentment towards Elizabeth. Holding onto grudges didn’t make sense in your line of work. 
・And you kept her secret. 
・The relationship with you and Jack means you share a lot of the same enemies. 
・Barbossa, the man who marooned the two of you on separate islands, had come back to save you from Davy Jones Locker. It made you laugh. You actually audibly laughed when you saw him
・Although you did like Jack the monkey
・Will was ... less than enthused to see you
・Only because he thought you were bat sh*t crazy
・But Elizabeth could only blush - she didn’t look you in the eye until a week later
・You were present during the meeting of the Bretheren Court. And were incredibly excited to see Jack’s father again. 
・Back in the day he and yourself hit it off nearly instantly. He thought you would have made a brilliant Pirate Lord, if only you weren’t so clumsy
・To Jack’s disbelief you wanted a war with the East India Trading Company
    “They’ve taken too much from us, Jack.”
・Yet again, destiny had spared you. The fight with Davy Jones and Beckett had caused many casualties, but neither you or Jack had been hurt
・You were able to sail away... until Gibbs had fallen asleep and the Pearl was stolen yet again
・Jack has mastered how to patch you up; cuts, burns, bullet wounds etc. In another life, he would have made a great healer. And when you brought how talented he is with remedies and such, he said: “Love, I’m only good at this because I’m looking after you. I couldn’t care about anyone else.” 
・Jack likes listening to you read out loud. But most of the time you get bored of the story and start making things up, while still holding the book so Jack has no idea what the real plot of the story is ... 
・Many might think you two have a treasure cove of riches. But really you just have a small tockens of each other on your persons
・He has a trinket that you found many years ago in his hair, twisted around a dreadlock
・You wear a ring of his. He gave it to you as a sign of his affection and love. A little like a promise ring
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Drama Queen (Jack) x Drama Queen x3 (You)
Chaotic Dumbass Duo
"You wear the pants in this relationship" (You say to Jack) x "oh I wish, I cannot control you at all" (Jack replies to You)
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
You’re His Lucky Charm
𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑷𝒆𝒕 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖:  
Love, Pet, Sweetheart, Sunshine. 
Jack likes to make nicknames up on the spot as well, especially when he wants to cheer you up. He’ll string two random words together and they may not even be sweet - but the way he says it ... he can make anything sound sensual. 
𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆
Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch and Gift Giving
Jack is big on words. But what really gets to him is when you compliment him - when the words are coming from you, they mean something. People might think Jack is a touchy feely guy; but he’s really not. He’s calculating with how he touches you - moving hair behind your ear, being the big spoon, dancing with you. His favourite love language is gift giving both giving and receiving. He absolutely ADORES presents. Especially all things sparkly. 
Tagged: @sardonic-the-writer, @roguesknights.
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cookierunauprompts · 4 months
Yo, is me, I was one of the anons with this prompt
“Idea, reader cookie wakes up from a nightmare and runs into pure vanilla and tells him what happened to them, he reassures them that they’ll be fine, and offering them to stay in his room for the night…little do they know, for that is not pure vanilla…”
Uh-if ya wanna do it that’s cool
I'm pretty sure the last time you sent this the ask bx was closed but Sure! I'm happy to do it now.
Set in the Warden!Reader Timeline btw, plus Warden Reader Lore. Under the cut because it's pretty long.
Requested Prompts #46 - 💔💓
You are the Warden of the Great Seal, created by the Witches to keep the sealed Beasts in check. Nothing more, nothing less. You patrol the realm of the seal tirelessly, perhaps day in day out. But you never knew what time it was there, nor how much time had passed. You just know that it's long judging by Eternal Sugar's complaints. After all, you are the Warden of the Seal. Nothing more, nothing less. It was the purpose the Witches made you for, right? You are the Warden of the Seal. Nothing more, nothing less. " But there HAS to be something more, right?" A voice nags at you, interrupting your patrol. You cannot identify its source, its likely just one of the Beasts messing with you again. You're almost like a chew toy to them. You can't even begin to recount the amount of times you've been torn apart, you tend to keep your distance from Burning Spice and Eternal Sugar. But it's fine, they are contained. You're doing a good job. They can't escape, they won't escape. You can't escape, you won't ever escape. You are the Warden of the Seal, nothing more, nothing less. You aren't meant to be anyone else. But what if you are? You are the Warden of the Seal. Nothing more, nothing less. Who were you before you were the warden? You are the Warden of the Seal. Nothing more, nothing less. Can you hear that breaking sound? You are the Warden of the Seal. Nothing more, nothing less. Can you smell that scent? You are the Warden of the Seal, keeping the Seal closed is your job. Can you taste that fresh air? You are the Warden of the Seal. Can you see the empty prisons? You may just suck at your job. Can you feel that you're alive?
You awake with a sharp gasp, grabbing your spear from next to where you were laying down. A bed, your mind supplies you with. More specifically, it's a bed in the... uh, where are you again? Come to think of it, there isn't supposed to be any beds inside the seal. So then where are you? And what happened? " Miss Warden?" You hear a voice, you quickly point your weapon at the source and- Oh, it's just Pure Vanilla Cookie. You slowly lowered your spear. " My apologies, but it seemed like you were having a nightmare. Are you alright?" " I- I'm fine. It was just a dream after all." You deflect, and you swear that for just a moment you can see Pure Vanilla Cookie's eye twitch. You remembered where you are now, this was the Faerie Kingdom. It was the home of the Silver Tree, otherwise known as the seal, and you'd left the seal to chase after Shadow Milk Cookie since he'd escaped(momentarily, you remind yourself). The main problem, was that White Lily Cookie had re-sealed Shadow Milk into the seal without you. So naturally, you were on edge. " Are you sure?" Pure Vanilla questioned you. " You did look quite disturbed, Little Warden. If there's anything troubling you, then don't be afraid to tell us." He then offered with a kind smile, it was nice of him to do so in fact. Except, there was just one thing that had made you skeptical. Sure, it was something nice but... " ... 'Little Warden'? You muttered aloud, just enough for Pure Vanilla to hear you. Wasn't Pure Vanilla at least a head shorter than you? So then why would he... Actually, wait. Pure Vanilla hadn't gone through a growth-spurt, right? Because he was simply too tall- Wait. Your formerly appreciative expression falters into a neutral grimace, you could smell the ash from the flames of chaos outside. You could see the cracks in his disguise, in fact, you could even see the maze you'd been trapped in with your new allies sitting on the drawers as if it were an innocent snow-globe, the maze also seemed to be contained in said snow-globe. You point your spear at him again, now knowing who he truly is. " Shadow Milk Cookie." You said sternly. " Drop that disguise you're wearing, I know it's you." The beast wearing Pure Vanilla's dough smirked, a grin far too wide present on his face. " Well well well well well! I didn't think you'd figure me out so soon~!" Shadow Milk's voice came through, he'd completely dropped any pretense that he could have been Pure Vanilla in the slightest way. The beast then dropped to the floor with a splat, melding back into the shadows. It isn't too long before you can feel him curl around you, back in his true shape, resting his head and hands upon your shoulders. You staggered in his grasp with a gasp, your spear dropping out of your hands as you lost your footing. " How'd you guess it was me? My silly lilttle Warden?~ Come on, I'm just crumbling to know!" He chirped, holding your weapon just out of reach. " You..." You almost growled, not willing to entertain the twisted entertainer before you. " What have you done to my allies? Why am I here? Did you give me that dream?" You calmly(or maybe coldly?) questioned him, you know that you shouldn't give in to his tomfoolery. " Oh no no no no no my dear, dreamland isn't my domain, that would be Eternal Sugar's." Shadow Milk chirped, so then... Had all the beast's gotten out? You couldn't help but feel a pang of dread settle in. " As for why you're here, well, you refused to stay put in my silly little maze of deceit! You ended up getting out so... I decided to bring you here!" " And 'here' would be...?" You asked, tilting your head back to look at him.
" The Spire of Deceit and Truth!" He hummed. " Oh, and if you're planning on escaping then don't even try to! Each floor of the spire is it's own maze of deceit, it's almost impossible to get out!" He says, as if you can't just jump off the balcony. He detaches from you, letting you fall back onto your surprisingly comfortable bed. It's only now that you realize just how large everything's gotten, your reminder that you were just a crumb compared to the beasts. The shadows collect and grow in mass, eventually all forming together to make Shadow Milk's towering form. " Well, I have to go now! All of Earthbread is waiting for my next performance! So just stay put here, you cute little thing~!" He chirped, all before disappearing in a flash of blue light. And now that you're given a moment longer to think, you come to a realization. You failed at your job, if all the other beasts got out then... the seal would have to be broken, heck, maybe even destroyed. And now, you're probably the only one who even has a chance of wrangling them all back up. Hopefully the seal can be repaired... If it's not entirely destroyed.
And there we go! finally got this out. I got too busy playing side order for splatoon three but now I am back on the grind! Mostly. (It's five AM as of posting this, don't worry I did in fact sleep.)
But anyways yeah! reader angst! yippee! This takes place in a more sort of 'things are going bad but we may or may not get a bad ending?' timeline for the Warden!Reader AU. Aka where all the beasts get out and Warden!Reader gets trapped in the maze for a while before figuring out she's in Shadow Milk's stupid fucking maze.
But however will the little warden defeat the five great beasts? Well, that's for you to figure out. I'm just the prompt guy(girl).
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adventuringblind · 4 months
So Powerful, So Vulnerable
Landoscar x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Mafia AU, more crack than anything with the way I wrote it.
Summary: Lando has a meeting on neutral ground. Oscar has to make the switch. How'd she get caught in a petty crossfire?
Warnings: Attempted r@pe, gun violence, knives, blood,
Notes: This was far more fun to write than I expected. Another request done!
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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She sighs, watching Lando hit his head on the steering wheel of the car. She wants to laugh at his dramatics. You'd think he wouldn't be so whiny since he's in charge of the areas strong Mafia, but she knows the truth.
"I Just - they had one job!" He moans and throws in a fake cry for good measure.
Oscar keeps throwing her looks from where he's spread out on the backseat. He and Lando also make it a point to keep her in the passenger seat and switch who drives. "It's an easy fix. Ten minutes tops, in and out, then back to our original plans." The Aussie shrugs.
"You'll make the switch?"
"Obviously, and if they shoot first, I'll shoot better."
The club rages around her. Not her preferred method of doing business. Dealing with people isn't her strong suit unless it's with a bullet to the head from the top of a building. Knives are fun to when things get messy.
The crowd is safer than the car if this does go south. Not that she's expecting it to, but better safe than sorry.
Oscar is already gone. He drops the money and gets the hostages while Lando goes to meet them on neutral ground. Simple as that.
Her job is to look pretty and watch the door that Lando had disappeared through. Mocktail in hand to make it look like she's part of the normal crowd.
Technically speaking, they'd only been together for the last year. Her and Oscar much longer than that. Though she has a sneaky suspicion Lando kept assigning both of them to the same jobs for a reason. If any jobs came up that required Lando to go out and needed people with him, they were the first he contacted.
If she had to guess, she'd say he orchestrated this relationship. She wouldn't have it any other way. It's not like any of them know how to do anything normally.
She tries not to grimace as a man saunters up to her. His movements unflattering and he smells like cigarettes. Her nose scrunches up in an effort to fight back her gag.
"You here all alone?" Even his voice is grating to her ears! Can this get even worse?
"My boyfriend is busy killing the guy that flirted with me earlier."
"Yeah right, anyone with that kind of attitude must be hard to flirt with." He scoffs. How mad would her partners be if she stabbed this man? No - she can't - they are trying to finish a deal. She'd blow the whole thing if she did that.
Actually - this guy looks familiar... She takes another drink of the non-alcoholic beverage.
"You alright? you look a little flushed."
"Yeah I'm-" Shit, she knows this feeling. More than that, she knows this man.
He's a hitman for the other gang. The one who has Lando's men. The one he's meeting with right now.
Her heart lurches. The fog in her head and heat are too much. Her body is going to give out on her.
She ends up stabbing him. The knife strapped to her thigh finds a home in Mr. Hitman's chest. He cries out in pain but doesn't pull it out. He smiles at her instead.
She tries to bolt, but three other sets of hands pin her. They drag her outside. The ground scraping against her skin in an uncomfortable way.
She sees the hitman fall to the ground; hears the thud as the pull her out the back where he was trying to follow.
Damn, she kind of liked that knife too. She'll have to go back for it later.
They already have Lando outside. Her blurry vision is enough to see him covered in blood, licking his lips. "You trying to take my girl?"
"Shut it, Norris. This is payback for what you did."
They start attempting to remove her clothes. Like she was going to go down without a fight. Her nails dig into the skin of whoever is close by. She pulls as hard as possible, skin from another getting stuck in her nails as she does.
Her body doesn't have the energy for more than that. She misses her knife. This would be easier if she still had it. The stabbing motion isn't difficult, and gravity would help.
"Get your filthy, fucking hands off of her!"
There is another round of fists clashing. "Maybe you shouldn't have killed four of my guys."
"You killed mine first! They made the deal exactly as intended and you still put a bullet through their skulls!"
This was all a setup then. They were planning on them showing up. Though, there is no way they know about Oscar. If they never intended on sending someone to make the switch, then they wouldn't have anyone on the roof.
Hands are everywhere, wrestling with her clothes. They don't get far, their intentions now clear. The shot echoes off the buildings. To close to be from the roof.
The man directly in front of her crumples to the ground. The spray of the blood from the shot sticks to her skin.
"I believe Lando said not to touch her." Oscar stands there holding the smoking gun.
She watches the fight break out around her. It's messy and loud, but her boys come out on top. As per usual with these things. She would've gladly joined in if these stupid drugs would let up.
The boss had scrambled away with his tail between his legs. Serves him right after this stunt. "Did he really not like you that much?" Oscar throws a raised eyebrow at Lando.
"Jealousy, I think." They work in tandem to heave her body upright and support her back to the car. "What happened on the roof?"
"I was waiting for any kind of signal but got nothing. Nobody showed up. So, I came back down and was greeted by six guns pointed at my head."
"They shot first, I presume?"
"But I shot better."
She doesn't need to see the smirk to know it's there.
The hot water of the bath feels exceptional against her skin. They'd scrubbed at blood for far too long. The raw skin finally being soothed is relaxing.
The drugs still haven't worn off. Her motor function is lacking, and her words are slurring together, but it's better than it was.
Lando and Oscar are keeping her upright. Her body resting against theirs. Fingers caress her skin. This is safety.
"Can't believe we've had to cancel our date." Lando plops three rubber ducks inside the bath. Oscar's ducks, mind you.
"Frankly, I think we could consider that a date. We went out, got covered in blood, now we're having a relaxing bath."
"You just don't like going out."
She's going to fall asleep here. Relaxed and at peace with her boys. The possibility of drowning unlikely. "I love you both."
"You're drugged and still got blood on you."
"I killed someone for you."
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lemonmaid · 5 months
Parenting 101
Enter gojo and geto pre-scenting items for their new pup
Warnings: omegaverse, toddler/Newborn reader, mentions of infertility, family Fluff. Worried Suguru, Gender Neutral reader, No one dies AU, modern AU
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Did Suguru need to use Satoru's card and basically buy a whole store?
But it wasn't like Satoru was going to complain or pay for it, that's the Gojo's Clan problem, plus they wouldn't care as long as it was for pup stuff.
“Papa, can we get McDonald's-”.
“I want a happy meal!”.
“No, I want KFC!!”.
“But we had that yesterday Mimiko-”.
Suguru pinched his nose, “no one is getting anything unless you start acting right, we are in the middle of the mall. Also it's almost dinner time, We have food at home”.
The four pups looked at Suguru wide eyed.
Megumi was starting to pout, the four year old's lip quivered, his milky scent quickly turning sour, Tsumiki noticed quickly, “Geto-san, Megumi is crying”.
Suguru sighed, picking up Megumi and pulling him into his neck. “Girls. Can you please grab the bags, we are going home”.
‘One more can't hurt he said, one more every time’
Satoru was currently at home with a lady that was currently filling out paperwork for a house study.
“So, Gojo-san. Four pups, you and your mate want one more?”.
Satoru huffed, “we… always wanted a big family…”
“How charitable-”
“Listen, can't you accept that we might actually like kids and want to have a loving family? we aren't in this for the money or tax benefits”.
The beta sighed, “Well… the house is big enough. Has enough bedrooms and bathrooms and I've already spoken to your mate and children the day before, I'll contact you when we find a good fit”.
Satoru sighed in relief. “Thank you so much”.
On cue, a tired Suguru, a sleeping Megumi and three rowdy girls walked into the house, “We're home!!”.
Satoru jumps up immediately, taking Megumi from Suguru, “Go rest hon, I've got it from here”. Suguru nods before dragging himself upstairs.
“Papa lied! There isn't any food!” Mimiko slammed the fridge-door.
Satoru nervously laughed, “she's joking”.
The beta woman raised an eyebrow, “here's my card info and the case number”. She says her goodbyes and leaves.
“I want KFC!!”
“GIRLS!” Suguru yelled.
The three girls got quiet looking at Suguru who stood at the end of the stairs, “rooms now”.
The girls hurried to their rooms, leaving Megumi, who was napping on the couch.
“Is everything okay babe?”
Suguru sighed, “I'm just… nervous, stressed and overstimulated”.
Satoru wrapped Suguru in a tight hug, “it's going to be okay, we've done great with the other four, a newborn isn't any different”.
‘Isn't any different’. Suguru scoffed, when they took in Megumi and Tsumiki, Megumi needed to be potty trained and Tsumiki needed help brushing her teeth daily. Suguru sighed, “are we actually ready to have a newborn?”
Satoru shrugged, “I think so, I mean, the parenting books say we are ready”.
Suguru's eye twitched, “oh so what does the parenting say to do now”. He points up the stairs where the girls are eavesdropping. “Do we give in and buy KFC because I'm not touching a stove tonight-”.
“I'll cook”.
“You cannot cook”.
“Um… ramen?”.
Suguru sighed, “fine”.
As Satoru boiled water in the electric kettle, Suguru tended to the nursery, scenting all the blankets, pillows and stuffed animals that were being prepped for their newborn.
Suguru stared at the mountain of blankets, something felt off, nothing felt right.
Satoru interrupted his thoughts, “knock knock, are you feeling any better?”.
“I'm just….nervous. This is the first time We can scent anything for the pup. We couldn't do it for the other four, I didn't want to overwhelm them. Now I can scent-”.
“You're making yourself sick worrying like this, you'll be fine, they'll be fine”.
Suguru handed a blanket for Satoru to smell.
“We'll make sure they are loved”.
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