#smoke sweet and spicy special
lilacliquors · 8 months
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pairing: smoke x reader
sweet or spicy: sweet
word count: 866
prompt: [ QUIET ]: on a cozy night in with the receiver, as they curl up together on the sofa/in bed, the sender says “i love you” to them. - smoke x reader
notes: hi all! here's day three, and it's a cute little fluff piece! i really enjoyed writing this once, because i love writing fluff / slice of life. it's always a good time. get ready for a smutty piece tomorrow!
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it wasn’t often tomas got a break from his duties as a member of the shirai ryu, but when he did, he always took the time to spoil you. you were his whole world, and he wanted to make sure you knew that, especially on his busiest days. 
you came down from your shared bedroom when the smell of a home cooked meal drifted upstairs. you peeked into the kitchen, and tomas was setting a few dishes onto the table, and he looked up to catch your eye.
“i was just about to call you down, good timing,” he said, walking over to kiss your forehead.
“i try. it just smelled so good. you really didn’t have to do all of this,” you reminded him, but he simply smiled.
“i wanted to. now, come and sit. don’t want you missing out on a warm meal. you’ve been working hard all day, and i haven’t gotten a chance to see you,” he murmured, guiding you to your normal seat. you chuckled and allowed him to settle you down in your chair, and he was quick to join you at the table. he’d made your favorite comfort meal, and it smelled divine. you knew he could cook, but it had been so long since he had, you’d forgotten how impressive it was. he fixed your plate for you, and he’d even poured you a glass of wine. it was a nice scene, the two of you sharing a calm dinner together. you honestly couldn’t remember the last time you’d really just sat down and enjoyed each other’s company, you just knew that you missed it dearly.
“so, did you do anything exciting today?” you asked, sipping your wine slowly.
“me personally? not really. but you’ll be happy to hear hanzo is making excellent progress. maybe you could come down and see him tomorrow? he’s been asking to show you his skills,” tomas said, and you nodded with a smile.
“i’d love to. i’ve missed the little rascal, and i think it’s sweet he’s asking for me,” you replied.
“of course. you know how much he values your praise. if i didn’t know any better, i’d say he saw you as some kind of older sibling or parental figure,” he said, reaching to give your hand a squeeze. you smiled and ate a bit more of your food, enjoying the warmth of the atmosphere. it was nice to just sit down and talk with your lover. you cherished the moments of the mundane, and you silently found yourself hoping that more of them would come your way.
after dinner, tomas had taken dish duty despite your protests. he argued that it was still his night to spoil you. so, you remained in the kitchen, sitting on the counter with your wine glass in hand, continuing to talk to him about your days. it was a sight that he enjoyed, seeing you relaxed and enjoying yourself. once he was finished, you slid off of the counter, and you leaned up to kiss his cheek.
“okay, we’re swapping. go and sit, and put on a movie for us,” you said, poking his chest.
“no, you go and sit,” he tried to argue, but you stood firm.
“not a chance. you go and sit, i’m gonna make some popcorn. besides, you have better movie taste than me. do it for me, please?” you asked, giving him your best puppy dog pout. not even he was immune to the pout, and with an exaggerated sigh, he again kissed your forehead (his favorite spot), and disappeared into the living room. you heard your tv turn on, and you set to making a bowl of popcorn for the two of you to share. out of the corner of your eye, you saw the living room lights dim, and you could hear him moving around. whatever he was doing was drowned out by the sound of popping, but when you made it back out to him with the bowl full, you found that he had created the perfect cuddling spot. there were pillows and blankets tucked carefully around to create a sort of burrow for you two, and he opened his arms for you to join him. you laughed softly and walked over, handing him the bowl before settling in beside him, snuggling up in his arms. the bowl of popcorn was resting comfortably between you, and you let your head rest on his chest. he played the movie, and just before it started, he felt you shuffle around in his arms.
“i love you,” you murmured, and you felt his lips on the top of your head.
“i love you, too. even if i can’t be with you as often as i’d like to,” he whispered back, and you could hear the sadness in his voice.
“i know,” you replied. “but the time apart makes these moments all the more special. at least, that’s what i think.”
“and i think you might be right. but i promise these won’t be as scarce anymore. on my honor.”
“i believe you. and that’s why i love you as much as i do.”
“and i love you more.”
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dmitriene · 17 days
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being boss's john price sweet secretary, almost the only employee that doesn't drip on his nerves, not counting his trusting one's, as he keeps you constantly close, bordering on the thin line of professional relationship, but you think he's just nice to you, even when he purrs smokily for you to warm up his lap.
he doesn't gropes you, just traces his calloused hands over the curves of your body, they're heavy, hot, despite that you're fully dressed in your white button up shirt, tucked under your pencil skirt, too short, still for the liking of his eclipsed, cerulean gaze, albeit in need to be constantly covered up, when someone let their gazes wander, making john all growling and strict, tugging you behind him.
you feel embarrassed about it all, adorably shy at the fact that you have some special place of yours in john's mind, he doesn't let's you call him sir or boss, making you chirp his name shyly, and even through you squirm under his gaze and gentle croons, you still always end up at his thick, muscular lap, holding his cigar between your delicate fingers, letting the acrid, spicy smoky smell cloak around your form, perched close to his chest.
john's hands busy with paperwork you only recently brought him, so it's only normal for his secretary to help him, even if it's nothing but just letting him smoke from your hand, the scruff of his mutton chops tingling against your soft skin, as he enjoys the warmth and suppleness of your form, sitting pliable for him, and even if you squirm at his hand suddenly leaving the pen to brush against your lower back, he only purrs a hoarse chuckle.
it's only the matter of time when you get more responsibilities as his secretary, learning how to soothe him down when he's fuming after a bad work he received or a meeting gone south, and it's with you seating on his cold, wooden desk, with your pretty legs spread wide and your skirt rolled up, cotton panties dangling at your ankles, pussy already wet and on display for the blue eyes, edged with black.
your boss loves you all shy, with your face hiding in the crook of his neck, breathing in his prominent, woody musk, blending with the notes of his tart cigars and sign of whiskey, warm, tender with you, he doesn't let's his steam cloud his senses, taking you with long, heavy drags of his cock inside your spasming, gooey pussy, thrusts sloppy and slow, as he inhales at your hair, nuzzling his face in your temple.
listens to your breathy, squeaky keens, keeping his hips canting right to see the way your legs tremble, wrapping around his lower back, looping there tightly, as john moves to kiss wetly at your neck, needy, smudging presses of his plump lips against your smooth skin, holding his palm splayed over your coccyx, so you won't hurt while jolting on his desk, his precious girl.
main masterlist. quidelines.
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icarusredwings · 22 days
What things smell like according to Logan Howlett/ The Wolverine. A series of smell based headcanons. Do with these whatever you want :)
Ororo: burnt marshmellows, rain, chunky chocolate chip cookies, protien shakes, spansih rice, chillies, and cocoa butter. She always smells great.
Scott: cucumber shampoo, the remaints of a bonfire the next day, fresh dry cleaning, axe shower gel, lavender sheets
Jean: caramel latte, lavender sheets, vanilla spiced chai, books, mint ice cream, fruit smoothies, stinky hair product, lemon poppy seed muffins, sassafras
Hank: Books, sanatizer, various chemicals, a very specifc fur dander, kinda musky but in a 'im covered in fur and sweaty' kind of way.
Rouge: "Dolly Parton", brick and concrete dust, cherry blossoms body spray, freshly engraved wood, strawberries and milk conditioner, spicy gaucamole and freshly sizzled sausages.
Gambit: tv static, a fresh deck of cards at the casino, spicy jumbo, gin, lime jello, hair gel, "suprisingly good actually"
Kurt: brimstone, smoke from franckinsense, myrrh, a less smelling dander then hank, Holy chrism oil (olive oil and Balsam made by catholic priests), metal, and blue raspberry. Fur/ beard pomade sometimes for special ocassions.
Morph: even when changed he can smell is sandlewood shampoo, he smells like how "Jack Outta smell", latex, pine and cedar, clear nail polish, "that ugly quilt that your grandma kept on the back of her couch that was the warmest, softest thing you've ever slept with."
Charles: Old man fart, metal, chalk, shoe polish, nutmeg, wool, "a trusting hug", books, mahogany, expensive champagne.
Laura: "teen spirit", a shitty cheap "girl power" deodorant that doesn't do well hiding the sweat, apples and peaches, kinda woodsy.
Wade: Cancer, gun smoke, citrus dish soap, blood, oranges, taco sauce, infected skin once in awhile, red dye 40, slight over cooked and crispy apple pie, sugary cereal
Puppins: wet dog, dog dander, oatmeal senstive skin puppy shampoo, chicken, "the dirtest trash she can find to roll in on her walk"
Althea: Old lady, way too strong perfumes, butter biscuits, tea, peppermint candies, more cocaine, "baby powder", lanvender linens, cotton and daisy's Landry detergent.
Big/serious lies: smell like Gasoline and salty sand near the sea.
Small fibs/playful/ teasing lies: smell like Anise
Lies with decent intentions/are bent truths: smell like honey
Those two are easily mixed up.
Innocent (the person truly believes it. Ex. A child saying dinos are real) truth: smells like thick vanilla creamer.
Filling, whole truths (the person knows for a fact its a truth) smells: like fresh baked rolls/buns
Cancer smells vary like: urine, nail polish remover, some people have a pungent semi sweet smell like rotting fruit, and tar is another smell, depending on which part of the body. If already in late stages, one can smell like cadavers. Even spicy almost.
Pregnant people vary in scent but he can smell the rise of different hormones: Some hormones sweeter then other. If you asked him he would say cinnamon or dying roses. If you're later in your term the scents are more soft like lotion or custard. Lemon ussually.
Serotonin; cheese, lemon cakes, fruity, a bit light, and flakey like a pastry. Marshmellow fluff.
Dopamine; sweet fresh coffee, doritos(?), cocaine. Don't ask why he knows what cocaine smells like. He was alive during coke cocaine.
Endorphins; Sweaty Sex, mint, dark chocolate, violets, chemicals, varies by persons pheromones
Oxytocin; "playful cherries", freshly washed cotton pillows, the warmth of a bath, skin on skin hugs, strawberries
Joy/relaxation/relief: Jasmine, vanilla sugar cookies, fresh soup.
Anger/disapproval/hurt: smoke, the back end of a cigarette, spicy curry, iron, blood, "spoiled raw chicken left out too long"
Fear/excitment/anxiousness: Adrenaline smells like oil, paint, salty pretzels almost.
Tears: Oceans, lillies, fresh water lakes
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angelitaby · 8 months
my random donatello headcanons. . !
── he's awkward in nature, but that doesn't stop donatello from calling you fascinating. the touch of your fingertips tracing the creases of his hands as he rambles on about your differences and familiarities. embarrassed, donatello stops his mumblings if he realizes what he's saying
── when donatello has feelings for someone, he might just be...softer, partially because he's confused about what he's feeling. he doesn't really want to feel it either. he might isolate himself more so it goes away. it however, doesn't.
── two words. parallel play. sitting together in the same room doing your own tasks. donatello at his desk as you do your own enjoyments beside him. some days it's a comfortable silence, other times you'll ramble, he likes to hear idle chatter. he might not know what you're talking about, but he loves the noise.
── donatello likes the way your heart beats against your chest. it’s never the same every time he lays his head on your chest, but there’s the same sense of relief he gets from it.
── donatello gets easily irritated/overstimulated by strong, bad smells. even with the ones he doesn’t actively dislike, he’s very picky with the scents he does like. however, one particular night while you were looking over his shoulder, he caught a grasp of your scent. whether you prefer the flowery kisses of roses and fresh cut daisies, or the earthy tone of left over raindrops on blades of grass. he found that it was a... pleasant surprise.
── future!donatello smells like cigarettes and metal rust—but in the smoke and sterile way. he'd try to cover it with eucalyptus. when he stresses out, he turns to cigarettes. he tends to wallow in his own sleepless pity.
── yandere!donatello who's mind had gone blank. his heart pounding within the bony confines of his chest, unable to move as your laugh replayed in his head multiple times. and what a scary feeling, terrifying to experience something so.. conflicting. his heart aches, but it feels good. he wants—no needs to know why?
── yandere!donatello likes to experiment on you. mentally, physically. you're so fascinating. your biology is different. desires are different. needs are different. there are many ways to make someone delirious, and he intends to explore each and every one.
── donatello listens to weird al yankovic because i said so.
── donatello likes someone who will understand his boundaries. he likes someone who listens. he likes it when someone seems interested in him or what he's talking about. donatello likes someone who will be quiet with him.
── i can definitely see donatello as a gray ace. (i mean he's purple he's literally asexual core/hj) i do project a bit of myself onto him in having anxieties about other people and myself that's stopping me from getting in relationships. "i'm busy. i have other things to do. i don't need to worry about it." and while true, that doesn't mean it's not nice. it's him using his hobbies and work as an excuse to not be with people even though, deep down, i think he wants it.
── donatello says he prefers his coffee black, but he enjoys it with creamer. french vanilla baby! something to keep in mind for the early mornings, the quiet yet comfortable silence of the fresh day as you press the palm of your hand on his shoulder or between his shoulder blades for a second as you set down a coffee you made for him. it's a small gesture, but it's domestic. it's sweet, he appreciates it.
── donatello really loves the little things because it feels mundane and human to him.
── donatello prefers black teas. april introduced him to a strong one with cane sugar and mint once. but he also likes pure green tea, lemon with ginger, and a special rose-strawberry tea on the occasion. but it has to be a subtle taste, not to sweet, spicy or heavy.
── donatello likes all sorts of dumplings and is not a fan of overly sweet food + most desserts.
── donatello would be willing to watch greys anatomy with you because he's a bitch and likes to point out inaccuracies which is hilarious coming from some bitch who doesn't have a medical license. however he does have respects for dr. gregory house, so he's decent enough when watching house.
── donatello's favorite body part of yours? "whichever parts are the farthest away from me, thank you." your hands. your palms which press against his plastron, your fingertips that send shudders down his spine when you trace over his shell. every crevice, every knuckle, every detail. need i say more?
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alucarddear · 8 months
the baker imagine is so cute! she always has something baked for him and leaves her shop open a little longer, hoping that he shows up (and pretending her heart doesn't skip a beat when she sees him at the door)
Fine, fine, fine. You guys have coaxed it out of me. Here’s how I picture the baker imagine starts. 🤭
Sugar and spice (Alucard x F!Baker)
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She’s the new baker in town. Adrian’s early morning walks has never been the same since her arrival.
Where his mornings used to be marked only by the calming sounds of nature (birds twittering and fluttering about, animals scampering away in bushes, the gentle streaming of his favourite river), nowadays he is enveloped by wafts of spicy cinnamon and sweet syrups that hang in the air for hours on end.
Before long, the sight and sweet scent of the new baker girl becomes just as familiar as his forest trees and animals.
Whenever he passes by her stall in the market, he cannot help but sniff the air. She herself always seems to carry the scent of cinnamon, honey, and vanilla made complex by the gentlest wisp of smoke. She smells to him exactly like one of her pastries on the stand. Delectable.
“Try our new special, Cherry-filled Sticky Buns!” she calls out one day—maybe to nobody in particular, but he stops in his tracks all the same as if she had picked him out from the crowd and called him by name.
One bite and he’s hooked. What’s wrong with me? he admonishes himself. I’m not even fond of sweets… and yet he’s back at it again the next day.
Soon, she starts closing her shop juuust a little later than the usual. Just right after he stops by. Somehow, it just doesn’t feel right to close before her favourite customer gets his pastries for the day. She always throws in a little extra too and tells herself it’s the reason for his frequent visits.
Of course, it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Unbeknownst to her, he was enamoured of her completely. Adrian knows infatuation when he sees it by now. It’s sudden and irrational, so why fight it?
He’s there as soon as she opens the very next day.
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jogos-delulu-wife · 10 months
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Being the one constantly in his life, a weird source of comfort for the grouchy curse
It was cute in a way how you constantly advanced on him romantically and he never knew how to react, on occasion he would accept and appreciate gifts, help and assistance you’d selflessly give,
As for your soft touches, quick kisses and jumping and hugging the poor curse he’d often heat up way to easily out of shock or being flustered by your actions, leading to the few scars on your skin that you’d display so proudly
“Jogo gave me these and I love them 🥺” Geto simply offering a closed eye smile not thinking to much, Mahito was having a riot at how you thought the burns on your skin were something to cherish, immediately retaliating “Shut it you patchwork rag doll looking hoe! At least someone I admire gave me mine, Your little stitches scream i was abandoned by God and dragged through hell-” Geto stepping between the two of you as Mahito brought a hand up and you’d snap causing the special grade curse living inside you to manifest behind you “Now now let’s not get to ahead of ourselves here.”
Huffing out your nose you continued your side eye at Mahito as he’d walk off, unbeknownst to you, and to Geto’s humor Jogo stood a ways off bothered and heating up the air around himself, Hanami watched it all without interfering, a bit interested at Jogo’s reaction as well.
With time you moved in more and more into Jogo’s life, til the point where when he was sent out on missions you’d wordlessly join and he wouldn’t detest, silently acknowledging your presence and accepting your company. The same way to when Geto would send you out being the only other human to run errands when a human was needed Jogo would find a reason to go along, under the pretense of needing to do something else and it’s not to accompany you.
These secluded moments often led to what would be considered unofficial dates, mostly Jogo humming along to your words and indulging in your actions, begging him to try the Boba tea and snacks you’d buy from the convenience shops. Over all learning his favorite sweets were more bitter dark chocolates or spicy savory snacks to offset the sweet drinks you constantly offered him a sip of. It wasn’t his favorite thing but deep down inside he couldn’t stand your pout and whine if he stood by his firm “No it’s disgusting”
Eventually the day came when you caught him soundly sleeping in the room you had all rented at the Hot spring house, he laid propped up against some pillows, arms behind his head, reduced to a bathrobe to keep his modesty, smoke pipe loosely in his lips, you looked around snickering, looking down at your sleeping clothes you moved quietly dropping onto his futon, you heard him exhale through his nose before moving closer to his right side, sliding closer you laid your head and hand on his chest and looking up at him slightly, his brow furrowed a bit and you smiled,
Sliding your left arm under him and hugging his torso you propped your right leg over his and didn’t fight the instinct to cuddle into his side, eyes closing you slowly fell into a warm and comfortable sleep, after your breaths softened Jogo peered down at you just barely opening his eye, sighing he wrapped his right arm around you, fingers tracing lightly the skin of your shoulder and bicep, staring at the ceiling he couldn’t help but ask himself how he’d let himself get so comfortable with a non-cure much less a human at that
Soon his pipe was tucked away and he fell into sleep holding you tightly tucked into side, he’d never openly state it, but he did care for you, your wellbeing, so he’d keep you by his side to stay safe with him
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akwolfgrl · 4 months
I'm a great fuck but better lover
Usopp was sitting at the table writing his letter to Kaya. He hadn't been able to pick her code name, stuck between buttercream and saffron, when Sanji came back from delivering snacks. He had been wondering why he had skipped him, but before he could bring himself to speak up about it, Sanji spoke.
“Usopp, do you want the special snack I promised you now or later?” Sanji asked.
“Now!” Usopp popped his head up from his letter to have something made special just for him! He was the only one who hadn't had anything special so far!
“Look what that old geezer sent me. It's my tin fish subcision,” Sanji placed a small open box on the table before taking a seat. “I know as a chef I could cook fresh fish, but these are not just from the east blue! They send you a curated box of four to five tins of fish from eatch sea, and the glandline isn't always included. So pick a tin, and we can try it together, and I'll make something from it,”
“I don't know anything about them, maybe tell me where thire from and then I'll pick,” Usopp didn't know much about different kinds of fish outside of the east blue.
“Sure!” Sanji eyes sparkled with excitement. “First we have from east blue a Markel in korma suace, west blue we have spicy muscles I know we have muscles here but these are a different species and are much larger and meater, south blue we have a coconut octopus in olive oil, the best olive oil comes from the south blue, and last we have Smoked herring from the north blue,”
“That one,” Usopp pointed to the herring it was the biggest tin after all. He wanted to get the most that he could out of the snack.
“Sure let's taste it first before deciding what to do,” Sanji put away the other tins. Usopp chose to look away from where the cook was hiding them. That way, he could deny ever seeing them if Luffy ever caught wind of their existence. “Here,” Sanji handed him chopsticks and opened the tin. “It should have a slight smokey taste and be flaky, “
Usopp tool the chopsticks and broke off a piece of the fish. It was good, of course, but he was more excited to see what Sanji would make.
“Hmm, I think I'll keep it simple and go with three different styles on top of crackers, sweet, spicy, and savory,” Sanji left the table, taking the tin with him. After rummaging around for he a bit, he came back with six large carkerks. “First the sweet, we have cloudberry jam,”
Usopp took the cracker and ate it. The sweetness and furitness from the jam worked well with the salty smoky fish.
“Next savory with banana peppers,”
Usopp ate the next one, “I like the Jam one better,” Not that he didn't like this one. “A little dry,”
“Mm your right. If I have cream cheese, I'd have added it, but this next one should be better. It has kimchi,”
“Qhats kimchi?” Usopp asked, taking a bite. “Mm it's good,” It was spicy, and Usopp liked spicy food.
“That Kimchi is cabbage, daikon radish and green onions, it's not very fremanted yet but still good, want some more kimchi?”
“Yes please,”
“Usopp, if you draw me more pictures of the crew with Mr. Noddles, we can keep doing this once a week. If Zeff keeps sending my subscription,”
“You've got a deal!” Usopp wanted to try the other fish.
“Hey, if you want you can borrow my fish book, I keep it in the kitchen so you can read it anytime you want,” Sanji offered him cleaning up thire snack while Usopp continued to eat the kimchi he had been served.
“Sure, the great capitan Usopp is an excellent fisherman! It couldn't hurt to know more about fish, I catch em and you cook em!” Usopp actually was a pretty decent fisherman if he did say so himself. Sanji chuckled and grinned, Usopp totally saw what Zoro saw in the blonde man. Wait, no! He didn't! He had Kaya back home!
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dateless-bar · 3 months
If they smoke or not... (Modern AU)
Note: Please cherish life and refrain from smoking. The content mentioned in the text is purely fictional and the smoking behavior of characters in fan fiction is often a symbolic representation of their personalities, rather than a recommendation for anyone to imitate. Any tobacco referred to in this article is assumed to be legally compliant products in various countries/regions.
This fanfic is based on #project epd modern AU design.
His habit of smoking a pipe was developed in the military camp, and now he only smokes tobacco containing Latakia. He collects some discontinued Balkan tobaccos, which he takes out to enjoy on special occasions. He is particular about how the tobacco is packed and likes to wear gloves while doing it.
Counterintuitively, his tobacco consumption only increases when the novel progresses smoothly or when he is in a good mood.
His design team often pairs slim or uniquely filtered cigarettes with rebellious visual styles, so he might occasionally try them himself. However, he doesn't like the mild and smooth flavors; instead, he prefers those with sweet and spicy notes.
It's said that he once collaborated with Ferrus on a movie special effect where he lit a cigarette with his fingers, which became widely popular on short video platforms.
He smokes single-brand cigarettes and cigars, and also collects intricately carved and lacquered lighters and cigarette cases. Although there is no clear evidence, employees at Iron Warriors Studio tend to believe that his smoking indicates a bad mood, so they remain particularly vigilant.
He has recently been trying to switch to vaping, but it seems he hasn't yet found a brand he fully likes.
Jaghatai Khan
One of his hobbies is smoking Chogoris cigarettes by the car when off-roading. He enjoys hand-rolling traditional cigarettes and has a strong preference for the natural flavors from his hometown. That said, he doesn't mind trying new products, but he generally doesn't think much of most common flavors on the market.
He also occasionally uses snuff.
He has tried smoking but doesn't really like it and doesn't understand what's special about this. He can smoke a bit with his buddies but doesn't have a long-term habit himself. Moreover, his pets all dislike the smell.
He prefers the scent of local herbs and spices, but if he had to name a real indulgence, it would definitely be drinking.
He is a strict enforcer of no-smoking rules. Not only does he not smoke, but smoking is also prohibited in both the office and construction sites of Imperial Fist Co., including for contractors. Yes, it is that strict.
He will unhesitatingly point out or stop any such behavior and will clearly inform you that smoking is harmful to health.
He doesn't smoke and doesn't understand it at all. Not every character from urban legends has every bad habit. He likes eating sweet things.
If you smoke, sometimes he will suddenly reach out and knock the glowing cigarette out of your hand.
He knows how to smoke but rarely does so. Horus taught him how to smoke cigars, but he mostly just tried a puff or two while Horus was smoking. In such cases, he doesn't send his clothes to dry cleaning but waits for the smell to dissipate before wearing them again.
He used to vape occasionally, but it was never a particular hobby, and he suddenly quit after a period of not using it. His favorite mechanical hand doesn't work well with most vaping devices, and developing a module just for this purpose seems a bit excessive.
He doesn't smoke and dislikes people who do. The smell of smoke makes him feel irritable and even want to hit someone. For your own safety, absolutely do not smoke in front of him.
He doesn't smoke and actively promotes smoking bans in public places as a way to reduce the burden on the healthcare system, an initiative he proposed himself.
When he lived with Lion, who smoked pipes almost exclusively in the study and backyard, surprisingly they never argued about this matter. Now, he can even distinguish which type of tobacco Lion smoked each day just by the scent.
He smokes heavily and constantly. His cigarette case and smoking apparatus are filled with Barbarus tobacco, and his entire body seems permeated with its scent. He may pause only when in the laboratory, but otherwise, he is almost always smoking.
If his cigarettes run out, he becomes engulfed in an inexplicable emotional state.
He doesn't smoke and doesn't have any particular feelings about it. However, if you were to smoke in his study or game room, he would explode on the spot. Perturabo respects his wishes and has never done so.
He has tried hookah before and seems to have a higher opinion of it. He has hookah equipment at home but doesn't use it often. He prefers aromatherapy instead.
He smokes blended tobacco and cigars, especially during periods of rapid gang expansion, using this action to create a strong impression, ultimately as strategic image management. He collects some cigarette cases and cigar cutters used by his father.
He has a habit of taking off his ring when smoking.
Surprisingly, he occasionally smokes, although most of the time he does not.
When he does smoke, it's usually just casual smoking of regular cigarettes in private. During his regular work, he still advises believers to prioritize their health, but within the church, smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke are strictly prohibited.
He is very cautious about removing the smell of smoke from his clothes, using church incense to cover it up.
He has smoked before but didn't particularly enjoy it, and he doesn't recommend others to do so either. Occasionally, he even advises Malcador to reduce his collection in this regard. He has tinkered with interesting multi-functional lighters and such gadgets, but he doesn't think they should be used for smoking.
He occasionally smokes an old-fashioned long cigarette, but not very frequently. Due to his work, his image doesn't seem particularly out of place even if he smokes, but he prefers coffee if he needs a pick-me-up.
He has an album cover where he is depicted smoking in Soho’s night view, but later due to distribution reasons, it was changed to a lollipop in some regions.
You'd better not know.
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lilacliquors · 7 months
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[PINNED]: sender pins receiver against a wall - edgin x reader
[COLLAR]: sender grabs receiver by the collar to pull them closer - phillip graves x reader
[LAP]: sender pulls receiver onto their lap - alejandro vargas x reader
[OFFICE]: sender and receiver are making out in receiver's office - matt murdock x reader
[PULL]: sender pulls on receiver's hair to expose their neck - johnny cage mk11 x reader
[MUFFLE]: sender puts their hand over receiver's mouth to keep them quiet - billy butcher x reader
[TABLE]: sender touches receiver's thigh under the table at a restaurant or a dinner party - soldier boy x reader
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[  OVERHEARD  ]: sender reveals that they’re in love with the receiver to a third party, not realizing that the receiver, while out of sight, has just overheard the confession. - bi - han x reader
[  TRACE  ]: sender, believing the receiver to be asleep, gently traces the message “i love you” on the receiver’s bare skin with their finger. - syzoth x reader
[  DANCING  ]: as they slow-dance together, the sender takes the opportunity to lean in close to the receiver and tell them that they love them. - miguel o'hara x reader
[  WEDDING  ]: as they prepare to exchange wedding vows, sender gazes at the receiver and says “i love you” for the last time as an unmarried couple. - kuai liang x reader
[  RELIEF  ]: upon reuniting with the receiver, whom the sender briefly believed to be dead, the sender emotionally embraces them, and says “i love you” in the spur of the moment. - johnny cage mk1 x reader
[  QUIET  ]: on a cozy night in with the receiver, as they curl up together on the sofa/in bed, the sender says “i love you” to them. - smoke x reader
[  FIRST  ]: sender tells the receiver “i love you” for the first time. - poe dameron x reader
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twigg96 · 1 year
I love your headcanons, I binge on them often. This is My first request... what if the boys had a special treat for their S/O birthday (wink wink)
👀🔥 hehehe @antaraboo Ohhh something special huh?? Ok. Let’s go!!! These will be spicy so just be prepared. I had to place them bellow the cut so you know they’re gonna be
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Nathan - Nathan doesn’t hide his plans at all. He probably even tells his partner to come home naked on their birthday. This boy absolutely gives the best birthday head. He will go down on his partner and make them scream his name and make their legs shake and become jelly before he ever even touches himself. His partner has cum at least 5 times before he starts fingering them, edging them farther and farther each and every time just to hear them scream. By the time he’s fucked them full his partner can’t even make words coherently anymore. Just whined needy noises as they wrapped their legs around his waist, their eyes rolling to the back of their skulls as Nathan plows into them at full force. Nathan is calling them every word in the book. Gorgeous. Filthy whore. Delicious. Bitch. Whatever gets them going he’s into it tonight. That includes cumming where ever his partner wants and being extra vigilant about condoms if it was a boundary between them before.
Pickles- He is weirdly quiet about his S/Os birthday. Normally he’d be all over them. Telling them all about that good kush he got to smoke just for the day. But this year… he avoided them like the plague. That is until the actual day arrives. That’s when the wrapped boxes and boxes of toys come out. Vibrators, remote controlled toys, ropes, handcuffs, dildos of all shapes and sizes, ovipositors, tentacles, if they could think of it. He bought it just for that evening. Pickles was slow to try them. Careful not to move to fast and scare his partner away. The two of them smoked a fat blunt, drinking the best champagne either of them had ever tasted before Pickles picked up a bottle of cherry flavored Lube. Rubbing some of the tingling jelly on his lovers thighs, slowly, carefully he licked it up, commenting that it in fact tasted nothing like cherries and did in fact make his tongue numb as hell. The two shared giggly kissed passionately exploring each of their bodies limits until they were both limp on the mattress the next morning, sticky and covered in more substances than either cared to admit.
Murderface - this man is the gentlest bean a person could ever date. But this man has a secret dark side that only comes out when his partner begs for it. For their birthday he decides that it is the best time to unleash his beast. His choking kink. Using his large calloused beefy hands to hold the throat of his partner just tight enough to make them feel so amazing that they cum as he places perfect thrusts of his gnarled dick into them. Cum would be pooled beneath them. A mixture of him and his partner’s. Air is a precious commodity on his S/Os birthday and he’s more than willing to make them beg for it.
Skwisgaar - over stimulation. Over stimulation. Over stimulation. Skwisgaar is a man that notoriously is known to go for hours. Albeit with multiple partners and on benders… but still he planned on putting those skills to good use on his S/O’s birthday. Anything they wanted to do he was down for. Any position. Eaten out? Easy. Toys? He was down. They wanted him to cum inside? That was his fuckin’ specialty. Anything he could do to make them cum again. And again. And again. He wanted them shaking and whining by the time he was done. He wanted them panting, begging, nails leaving long tracks down his back, screaming, crying, wailing, shaking, and cumming. He wanted them covered in his love bites, only falling asleep as the morning sun crested and his partner was sufficiently fucked good.
Toki - he is making sweet unbridled love to his partner. He needs to make sure the love of his life knows just how much he loves them. He’d pamper them all day. Massaging their body with scented oil. Washing them in the shower before and after sex. Feeding them sexily with aphrodisiacs, oysters, avocados, salmon, bananas, strawberries, chocolates, and red wine. He makes love to his partner sweet and slowly making sure to kiss every inch of their body before helping them cum with his hand. Them first. Always. Then he’s switching gears. Fucking them hard and needy. Still making love. Still being sure to tell them how much he loves them. But the feeling of his partner’s cum on his stomach and thighs as they ride him to their pleasure is so intoxicating. He can’t help but leave hand prints in their thighs and hips through the grip he holds.
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alicecorpseliddell · 2 months
headmate pack request! femmine/neutral, anti cupid, goth, red & black. ty!
NAME(S) 𓏵    。    Alesha
NICKNAME(S) 𓏵    。   Ali, Ale, Roxk, Rox
TITLES / TERMS 𓏵    。    Feminine, Neutral, Informal, Spooky
MENTAL AGE(S) 𓏵    。    17-26
PHYSICAL AGE(S) 𓏵    。    24
PRONOUNS 𓏵    。    She/Her . Shi/Hir . Shy/Hyr . They/Them . Theiy/Thim . Die/Death . Ey/Em . Ey/Eir . Xe/Xim . Raz/Razor . Broken/Heart . Kuro/Kuros . Crim/Crimson . Rue/Ruby . Slit/Slits . Slice/Slices . Dy/Dyke . 💔/💔s . 🖤/🖤s . 🍷/🍷s . 🪓/🪓s .
GENDER(S) 𓏵    。    Gender Apathetic, Paragirl, Gothcoric, 🖤emojic, Demigender
ORIENTATION(S) 𓏵    。    Lesbi-het / Straightsbian, Straight Lesbian, Lesbianflux, Nebularomantic, Arospec, Acejump
MODIFIER(S) 𓏵    。    Feminine in nature, Neutral in nature, Gothic in nature, Kenochoric in nature, Ambiamorus/Polyflux
SOURCE(S) 𓏵    。    n/a
SOURCE OPINIONS 𓏵    。    n/a
PERSONALITY DISORDERS 𓏵    。    Borderline, Histrionic
PHYSICAL AILMENTS 𓏵    。   Left knee and below is a porcelain prosthetic. (White, Black, Cream, Red, and Royal Purple variants)
COMBINED AILMENTS 𓏵    。      Dyslexic   
EXTRA(S) 𓏵    。    Likes the outdoors, Likes the smell of smoke and gasoline, Likes sewing, Likes spicy food, Likes Breakcore music, Likes making collages
EXTRA(S) 𓏵    。    Doesn't like overly sweet things, Doesn't deal with the heat well, Doesn't like the holiday season, Doesn't like artificial watermelon or blueberry
EXTRA(S) 𓏵    。    Has that early 2010s emo sketchy art style
EXTRA(S) 𓏵    。    Favourite candy flavors are Cherry, Strawberry, and Lime.
EXTRA(S) 𓏵    。    Has a special interest in Biology, Marine biology in specific. Favourite animals to study are cephalopods
FACECLAIM(S) 𓏵    。 
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Found in our gallery, if anyone knows the people let us know so we can credit properly, thank you
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sailorgoon13 · 3 months
Isobel MacAlister
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Full Name: Isobel Greer MacAlister
Nickname: Issy, Bel
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 31 October, 1874
Heritage: Scottish
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Blackthorn, Dragon Heartstring, 11", Unyielding
Hair Color: Auburn, long with a dramatic loose waves
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Tone: Fair, porcelain
Height: 5'8"
Body Type: Athletic and toned. Despite her athletic build, Issy retains an air of femininity and grace
Style: Prefers tailored trousers and fitted jeans over skirts or dresses, opting for comfort and functionality without sacrificing style. Her tops often include classic button-down shirts, cozy knit sweaters, and fitted t-shirts in neutral tones or subtle patterns. She may layer these pieces with structured blazers. Confident and independent spirit, blending refined elegance with laid-back charm and tomboyish flair.
Features: Intense gaze, Strong jawline with defined cheekbones, Scaring on the side of her neck and shoulder from the incident with Sebastian
Traits: Intense, Mysterious, Determined, Passionate, Complex
Likes: Exploring, Training, Music, Creatures
Dislikes: Betrayal, Dark Magic, Weakness, Ignorance
Hobbies: Quidditch, Reading, Violin
Fears: Rejection, Failure, Being left behind
Family and Friends:
Father: Gregor MacAlistar
Works for the Ministry of Magic in a high-ranking position in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
He is frequently paid under the table to look the other way and falsify reports
His actions often bring him into contact with dark wizards and unsavory characters, making Issy wary of his true intentions and creating a strained relationship between them.
Mother: Moira MacAlistar
Herbologist, specializing in poisons and toxins having a killer greenhouse
Her expertise is sought after for both healing and more nefarious purposes
This specialization adds an element of danger and mistrust for Issy
Lachlan MacAlister- Lachlan and Issy have a strained relationship, primarily due to their differing views on their father and their paths in life. While Lachlan cares deeply for Issy and wants to protect her, his authoritative and sometimes overbearing nature often pushes her away. His attempts to guide or control her are met with resistance.
Elspeth "Elsie" MacAlister- Elsie looks up to Issy, admiring her strength and independence. She aspires to be as brave and capable as her older sister. Despite the admiration, there is some tension and rivalry between the sisters. Elsie sometimes feels overshadowed by Issy’s achievements and presence.
Friends: Poppy Sweeting, Imelda Reyes, Samantha Dale, Lenora Everleigh
Special Abilities: Ancient Magic, Excels in potions, Natural Healer
Boggart: Dark Sebastian
Patronus: Fox
Polyjuice: Would look a deep emerald green color and would appear silky. The smell is something of freshly cut grass, a hint of mint, earthy herbs, and subtle bitterness of coffee. Bittersweet with herbal undertones and a spicy kick
Amortentia: Grass, Leather, Wood Smoke and Peppermint
Isobel "Issy" MacAlister arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with a guarded heart. Born into a prestigious but troubled family, Issy had always struggled to reconcile her Slytherin ambitions with her desire for genuine connection. Despite her standoffish demeanor, she quickly formed a bond with Sebastian Sallow, a fellow Slytherin. Their friendship blossomed into a close relationship, and Issy found herself deeply in love with him.
However, as Sebastian became increasingly entangled in the allure of Dark Magic, their relationship took a dark turn. The person Issy once loved and trusted began to hurt her, both emotionally and physically, as he delved deeper into dangerous practices. Heartbroken and betrayed, Issy felt more isolated than ever.
During this tumultuous time, Poppy Sweeting, a kind and compassionate Hufflepuff, became a source of comfort for Issy. Poppy had long harbored feelings for Issy but never wanted to cross any boundaries, respecting Issy's relationship with Sebastian. Instead, Poppy offered a listening ear and a gentle presence, supporting Issy through her heartache with unwavering patience and empathy.
As Issy confided in Poppy and leaned on her for support, she began to see Poppy in a new light. Poppy's genuine kindness, understanding, and love for magical creatures provided a stark contrast to the darkness that had consumed her previous relationship. It was in these moments of vulnerability and connection that Issy realized her true feelings for Poppy.
Despite her rough past and initial reservations, Issy found solace and happiness in Poppy's company. Poppy's quiet strength and unwavering support helped Issy heal and opened her heart to the possibility of love again. Together, they forged a bond built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect, bringing light and joy into each other's lives.
Best Subject: Herbology
Favorite Subject: Divination
Favorite Professor: Hecat
Worst Subject: History of Magic
Least Favorite Subject: Ancient Runes
Least Favorite Professor: Binns
Student Life:
Top student, excelling particularly in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Herbology
As a key player on the Slytherin Quidditch team, Issy’s athleticism and strategic mind make her a formidable opponent
Issy is known for her intelligence, determination, and resilience
Her natural talent as a healer is often used to help others, whether it’s tending to injuries on the Quidditch field or providing care in more serious situations
Template: @hazyange1s
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asexualwitch · 1 year
My GTFO Powder. Spell?
Eh. Either way, every now and then, something mean comes into my home - mean, rude, leering, giving me Uncomfy Vibes, ya'll know what I mean.
Not necessarily evil. But not really nice, either.
And entirely unwelcome.
So, I grab a bowl. Or those coffee filters, the white papery things that are shaped like a bowl or a cup.
Then I raid the kitchen's spice rack.
I say, follow your heart. Pick out the spicy ones (like cayenne), the pungent ones (like dill powder), and/or sweet ones (like sugar).
Whatever feels right, babe.
What I usually grab are: black pepper, salt, cinnamon, mugwort, cayenne, ghost pepper, sugar, cloves, sage, brown sugar, the burnt bread crumbs in the toaster, coffee grounds, catnip, and if any of the smokers in my life have visited recently - and I'm particularly uneasy - I also throw in cigarette ash.
I won't make this into an EVEN LONGER post by listing out all of the magical properties of these herbs and spices. Take it as encouragement to do independent research!
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But the most important thing is that it feels right, you know? And as it turns out, most if not all household spices and herbs CAN BE USED for protection and positive energy.
Once you've got your shit together, start putting in as much of the ingredients as YOU want into the container of your choice.
Follow your heart. Don't overthink it.
When you're done, mix it together.
FRIENDLY REMINDER: If you end up using your bare hands/fingers to mix it all up (like me, the local barbarian), don't forget to thoroughly wash your hands. And for the love of FUCK, do not rub your eyes with your dirty, spiced up hands! (also like me, the local idiot)
Anyway. You picked out ingredients that vibe with you, that feel right and you know will suit your purpose: chasing off this disembodied energy spirit asshole intruder.
You've mixed it up.
You washed your hands. And probably sneezed a lot, because you're dealing with powders that can tickle your nose hairs.
You've made your own GTFO Powder.
Or repellent. Whatever you wanna call it.
Now start throwing it around your house; your windows, doorways (but leave the front door alone for now). Every corner of every room, from the attic to the basement - don't overlook any space, and give special attention to areas that creep you out.
If you need support, bring in whoever you need to back you up. Ohana, bitch!
Or your bros. Nakama. Doesn't matter.
If you can't do this alone, then DON'T and go fetch your trusted people. Sailor Moon taught us the power of love and friendship, you know this shit.
Returning to the subject -
As you're doing this, say whatever you need to say: pick a song, a poem, prayer, or just bitch at the entity for disturbing your peace and to leave you and yours alone.
Yes. I am the last option. There's a lot of swearing and gamer-level trash talk, because I'm not a classy witch.
As my previous therapist said: "You're a mess, girl!"
I'm getting sidetracked: at this point, you've hunted down every last scrap of Bad, Awful, No-Good energy. You've chased it all around your house, and made your displeasure known (in the way that suits you, that feels right).
You could also (safely!!) burn it, if your smoke alarm won't scream at you. I've had the smoke cause a bad spirit to gag, which was a wild experience, lemme tell you.
Anyway: you did the thing.
Now, backtrack.
Go your front door, say: "Get out, and don't come back!" or whatever pleases you.
And open the door.
Give slight pause, enough for someone to bolt outside (those with psychic sight might see a shadow running out, don't be spooked), and then douse your front door with the powder.
If you have a yard, and want to be through, buckle in:
Because you could stop here.
Lots of folks do, it's normal.
But I like to make sure I can go outside and touch grass without being jumped, you know? Because I have a yard, unlike the cool people with their fancy (or shoebox) apartments.
From your front door, step outside and continue. Do as you did inside: throw the GTFO Powder around your porch, and start sprinkling it outside your house's walls.
Maybe rub the powder into the brick or wood, and on the windows trace protective symbols on the glass.
If you have the time, do this three times.
Then expand the protected space:
You're going to establish three rings (or boxes) from the immediate outside structure of your house; to the middle, and finally the outer layer - if you have a fence, use it as the final "wall" of protection.
If you have a gate, again: leave it for last.
For all three parts/circles/boxes that ripple outwards from your house, I strongly recommend doing each part three times, as I previously explained. Make the "lines" thick.
Again, use music, prayer, whatever you want. Whatever gives you strength.
Once you've finished each of the three parts: the house's immediate outside, the middle, and the outer layer/fence.
Then go to the gate, bid the spirit to "leave my goddamn yard, ya creep" (or as YOU want), open the gate for 'em, and then powder up your gate.
Finally, finally, face outside the gate and say a third farewell to the spirit, and close your gate.
If you don't live in a house, you can stop at the front door:
Just say goodbye as needed (two more times, if I'm keeping track) (or three times) (remember, do what feels right),
throw a bit of powder in it's "face" if you wanna be spiteful (like me) and close&lock the door.
Done. Complete. You did it.
Go rest, eat, hydrate. Chill. You used a lot of energy by being a badass witch.
Every now and then, refresh the protections.
Like. Every 3-6 months. Or as needed.
You have my permission to take this bit of magic and make it yours. Add in charms, rattles, your pets, bells, knot magic, candles, plushies, and even rename it - it's barely named as is, to be frank.
But could you let me know? I'd love to see how it evolves over time, and how it changes to suit the witch using it.
Have fun. Go terrorize your unwanted "houseguest".
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kootiepatra · 11 days
#FFxivWrite2024 - Day 13: Butte
[BE WARNED: MAJOR DAWNTRAIL SPOILERS up through pretty much the end of 7.0]
Under the "Read More" break to help anyone still needing to avoid spoilers.
Keimwyda stepped out onto the balcony of the Hhusatahwi Saloon with a sigh, inhaling the dry desert air that was rapidly cooling along with the setting of the sun. 
Estinien had recommended this establishment so highly that she felt she must try its fare before heading back to Eorzea—though she did opt not to inquire whether or not they served sabotender. What she had instead was indeed delicious: a cut of rroneek that had been slowly smoked over hickory until it nearly fell apart on the plate, drenched in a sweet yet spicy sauce, alongside a generous serving of legumes and Turali corn. She could honestly now report to Estinien that it was worth the special trip.
However, she had never been much for rowdy crowds or for strong drink, and the saloon had an abundance of both. The bartender was doing an admirable job of trying to convince overeager patrons to leave her alone and stop offering to buy her a round—or in some cases, challenge her to arm wrestling or drinking contests—but he was just one man, and the joy of victory hung too freshly in the atmosphere.
There were not many Eorzeans in these parts. Thus it was not at all hard for the saloon’s regulars to mark well the tall, lavender-haired foreigner who had aided the Vow of Resolve in recent battles. Zekowa’s enthusiastic bragging didn’t help. Everyone was friendly, but Twelve preserve, they were boisterous and they were many. At last, when the crowd got swept up in a rousing song and folk dance, Keimwyda seized the opportune distraction to slip outside for a moment of quiet. Quiet-er, anyway.
She cast her eyes across the arid plains and drank in the surroundings. Tonight’s sunset was breathtaking, indeed: the sky nearly as orange as the rocky buttes which cut a silhouette against it, the clouds taking on a shade of magenta not unlike the fruits of the nopalitenders meandering across the landscape. Off in the distance, the rickety-looking towers of Sheshenewezi Springs stood stark against the sky, each erupting with a luminous spray of ceruleum, a shock of azure leaping above the terra cotta hills.
And, of course, looming in the distance and despoiling it all, was the roiling, violet, unsettlingly-perfect dome which yet encased all of Yyasulani.
Keimwyda sighed to herself, leaned on the railing, and let her head hang for a moment as she once more tried to process what all she had seen. She still struggled to know how to feel about it. As far as she could tell, the people of Alexandria—the majority of them, anyway—had nothing to do with their relocation to the Source. They did not choose it. Many did not even know it was possible until it had already happened. She met many of them whom she liked, and a few who had been instrumental to her and her allies’ opposition of Zoraal Ja. As far as first impressions of cities went, she had experienced worse.
Even so, it was difficult to fully separate the people who had done no wrong from the thunderous monstrosity that had invaded and blighted the land.
Her heart hurt for Erenville. For his home. For his mother—his real mother. For all the Turali people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and lost thirty years in the blink of an eye. Even with Alexandria’s ingenious farming techniques, that lightning barrier had withered the land, nearly beyond recognition. 
She could not deny that Everkeep was impressive. She had not felt so dwarfed by a place since Amaurot. And there was a strange sort of beauty to its artificiality—once one was inside of it, anyway. 
Solution 9 was unlike anything she’d ever seen. Lifelike illusions of beautiful people smiled down from large displays along every street. In fact, there were artistic renderings of all sorts all over the city, ever in motion, ever-changing, painted in brushstrokes of bright light. It was clean, it was airy—it had even managed to stock its parks with living plants, which was actually a touch homier than the Loporrits had managed in Greatest Endsvale. Everything was bathed in a striking glow of blues and pinks. And of course, the electrope mechanical marvels casually saturating every street corner were enough to set one’s mind to spinning, were one to truly consider it all. Keimwyda had no doubt that Koana was already taking feverish notes and brainstorming applications.
And the people, on the whole, did seem happy. Of course there were the Alexandrians who had long called the place home, but many even of Turali heritage had adapted to it—even loved it—and come to rely on its comforts. Especially those children born there, who had never known anything else, who did not know why they might care that they had never seen the sun.
All of this, of course, did not balance out the catastrophe of how many people had been robbed of thirty years—nay, robbed of their entire way of life, with no warning, and no ability to leave.
She wanted to be open minded and kind, but. It all still felt so wrong. Receiving Alexandria’s fleeing refugees would have been one thing; Keimwyda would have been energetically in favor of that. But to simply fuse their reality to that of the Source, undeterred by the grave cost to the people who already lived there? To destroy the existing reality of those who were not to blame for Alexandria’s woes, and had no say in their future? Keimwyda could understand Sphene’s desperation, but she could not forgive her for that.
Heritage Found didn’t belong here. It should never have come here. If it had been teleported here, then it must be possible to send it back. 
…But she could not shake the suspicion that it was a bit too late for that. She was not even fully sure there would be much of a shard left to send it back to, should the scholars of this realm eventually grasp how to do so. And of course, there was no restoring that lost time, no undoing the trauma of its arrival.
Keimwyda did not envy Lamaty’i or Koana for the decisions they would soon have to make.
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crispy-bonnie · 2 years
- Okay anyways-
- I read your thing about flirtatious s/o, and was like 😳->😏
- Idk if this goes against the rules bc it is limey so (if it is just lmk and delet)
- Can we get uhm.... Jacket, Sokol, Houston, Dallas and for absolutely no reason Dozer for this?
- So can we get a situation where Reader and him have to (for random plot reasons) hide in a tight spot??? Like a locker or something
- This is during/just after a fight so Reader's preeeetty tired
- So they just rest their head on him
- And he's trying so hard not to... not to have.... UHHHHHH-
- I hope you know where this is going???
- (He's trying not to wiener)
yeah this is chill with me ! if i ever write overly spicy stuff , then you'll most likely find it on my alt that's dedicated to the juicy stuff . also no i'm not giving the tag for said alt lmao also , this post in particular is VERY long and took me fucking forever to finish . my writing clearly started to deteriorate towards the end LMAO . consider this a valentine's day special lol i'll be making a special cut of this on my side blog once i get my requests done so stay tuned for that ig
Despite such a quiet heist, it was still one of exhaustion. Having to worry about the guards, running past civilians and praying that they don't see you, it's draining. Luckily, a fellow heister volunteered to stealth it with you, making the experience a tad bit easier.
You and Dallas were tasked with tagging a truck with a GPS tracking device whilst the other two heisters, Houston and Hoxton, stayed behind. This truck contained voting machines that you two have to hack, but none of the trucks were labeled, therefore you had to find clues on which ones had the things you needed. The two of you were tucked in a shipping container, waiting for guards to pass while looking through the boxes to see if there was anything indicating the right or wrong truck.
"D-Dallas...? Can we take a quick breather..?" You huffed, your legs cramped from crouching and your body coated in sweat from all the running and sneaking about. Despite the container being so large, the two of you could barely squeeze yourselves inside, as there were boxes packed rather tightly inside. Your legs were entangled in his, both of your torsos just mere centimeters away. You were panting heavily, the tight space making it harder to gather oxygen.
"Sure..are you alri-" He was cut off as you leaned forward, your head now resting on his shoulder as your arms wrapped around his waist. Dallas could feel his face heating up from underneath his mask, but not because of the awkward atmosphere. He stared down at your heavily breating form attempting to gulp down the words that were stuck in his throat.
You were brought out of your heated daze when you heard Dallas groaning softly, in which you pulled back ever so slightly to face him. He had one of his hands pressed against the boxes whilst the other was holding up his mask. You could feel his legs shaking ever so slightly as he tried to curb the attempts to buck his hips towards yours.
"Are you okay?" You hummed, bringing your hand up to his and moving his mask off of his face so you could make sure that he wasn't dying underneath it. However, just as you unveiled his lips, both of his hands shot up to grab your mask, ripping it off before slamming his lips against yours.
The scent of cigarette smoke and his freshly ironed suit filled your nose, the bitter sensation of nicotine and the sweet taste of him now in your mouth as his tongue pressed against yours. Your eyes fluttered shut, now resting your hands on his shoulders to pull him closer. Time seemed to slow, everything melting away as you focused on him and only him. Not even the sounds of gunshots or the bickering of the other two heisters outside pulled you out of the trance that the two of you were stuck in.
Let's hope the others don't find you two in that shipping container...
It was a quiet night. The only sounds heard being rain drops tapping softly against the window and the chatter among the attendees of the auction. As much as the gang wanted to try to place bids on the artifact being auctioned off, they knew that it would take a big chunk out of their vault, and it would most certainly not be a guarantee of even getting it. The criminals instead opted for attempting to steal the item. After all, it was one of the many things they were good at.
Ears sharp and eyes peeled, you crawled down the halls as fast as possible, making sure to keep yourself out of sight from the guards and cameras that littered the building. Houston followed behind, keeping an eye out for anyone approaching. The two of you thought you were safe, but the sound of a gun unholstering and a voice shouting at you two brought you two to a halt.
Turning around to face the guard, he glared the both of you down for a good few seconds. He proceeded to fish his radio out of his pocket, but you had whipped your gun out to shoot it to bits before he could say anything. Next thing you knew, unsilenced gunshots had been fired from the guard's gun, now alerting others. The crowd below was now startled, spooked whispers and gasps echoing from the crowd. The sounds of these sent panic into you, making you directly headshot the guard before grabbing Houston by the wrist and pulling him away.
You shoved yourself and Houston into a storage closet, shutting the door behind you as the alarms started to blare from outside. The closet was unfortunately very tight, but it was the only hiding spot available so that you could wait for the rest of the crew to arrive and save you from this mess. Your hands left the doorknob just after you locked it, letting out a huff of relief before leaning your shocked form against the wall.
"I'm sorry I-"
"No it's okay, it's okay. We didn't know he'd be there." Houston sighed, placing his hand on your shoulder before pulling you close. You took a minute to process what was going on, the sirens, the screaming, and soon the warm embrace that you found yourself in. He continued to whisper reassurings into your ear as he let you relax into him.
A few minutes in, you could hear Houston muttering your name ever so softly. Almost like he was trying to get your attention. You pulled back, looking into his now half-lidded eyes before asking: "Are you okay..?"
"Sorry I just- m- my- ngh..~" Houston pulled his hands away from your waist, bringing one up to his mask and the other down to his pants, the other now gripping onto his belt desperately. He moved his mask off to wipe away some of the sweat that was coating his forehead. Your face flushed red once your eyes trailed down to his crotch, his current behavior finally making sense to you. 
"We should- sh-should get back to the missio-" He went back to pull his mask back on, but you brought your hand up to stop his, soon pulling it away to swipe your mask off and let it clatter to the ground. "No no..." You hummed, your face now inches away from his. The red on his face became brighter as you grabbed at his pants, pulling at them ever so slightly. "Let's take care of your little friend here first~"
It was an intense battle. The constant bangs and pops of guns firing, screams of the cops that were being mercilessly shot down as well as the heisters' demands for things like coolant for the drill or to reboot the power, and most importantly, the earpiercing sound of the giant drill burning its way into the glass flooring that blocked the criminals from the stacks upon stacks of cash that they were after.
"SOKOL!" His name erupted from your throat as you fired your weapon at the horde of cops that continued to try to get to the both of you. Your body armor was sparing you of the bleeding you would've had to endure if you didn't have it, but it still hurt regardless. "We're under heavy fire here!"
"БЛИН- I KNOW!" The Russian cursed loudly, also trying to fend off the swarms of cops. Wave after wave, they just kept coming. It was like there was no break to it. You were starting to get exhausted and your armor was starting to deteriorate under its constant abuse, struggling to reload fast enough to be able to continue shooting cops down. You whipped around to face Sokol, but you could only catch the faint image of him grabbing you by the wrist and running through a doorway.
It was a blur, especially with how fast he was running, but soon you finally processed that you two were in a locker room. You could hear the heavy boots of the various cops stampeding their way down the stairs. Within a matter of seconds, you found yourself and the Russian heister now stuffed into a locker, the both of you dead quiet as you two waited for the cops to pass.
It felt like forever until you heard the footsteps of those pesky cops started to fade away, in which you finally managed to take a deep breath before finally leaning against the wall a little more. You looked up at Sokol within the dark confines of the metal locker you two had been stuffed in. It was only when you glanced to the side when you realized that he had both his hands firmly planted next to your head, effectively pinning you within the locker.
Blinking a few times, you focused your gaze back on him, realizing that his mask had been shoved out of its place, now showing a good portion of his face. You could see his platinum eyes glinting at you with an almost feral intent, his hair scattered and no longer its in slicked back state. From what you could see with the little light provided, his sweat-coated face was dusted pink, his jaw hanging slightly as be panted harshly.
"You know..." He started, his voice low as if he were growling, bringing his left hand away from your head only to rip his mask off, as well as yours. He proceeded to grip your chin and pull you close, nearly closing the gap between your lips and his. "The drill has quite a long time before it's done, no?"
You could feel the heat rushing to your face and down to your crotch because of his behavior, letting out a small whimper as he left a soft kiss on your lips. The hardness in his pants was pressed against your thigh, his hips moving ever so slightly and bringing friction between the two surfaces. Sokol leaned into your ear, nibbling at your earlobe gently before purring:
"Why don't we... pass the time... милый?"
Jacket wasn't very fond of stealth, and neither were you. Of course, Bain made the two of you go on this heist anyway. Why? Who knows, and you honestly couldn't care less. You just wanted to get the heist over and done with.
The two of you were infiltrating the GenSec arena, in which there was vault that was in need of cracking. There was a concert going on for a musician going by the name 'Alesso'. The music was bumping from the stage itself, so loud that the two of you could hear it whilst in the halls behind the concessions.
You had to find the C4 that was marked in some of the storage closets, said closets being marked with a red X. However, what the two of you didn't know was that there were going to be a few guards patrolling this area. You currently had some of your lockpicking equipment out, desperately trying to get the reinforced door open. You could feel Jacket nudging at you, knowing that there was a guard nearly.
Just before the guard could even get a proper glance of the two of you, you managed to get the storage closet open, soon getting pushed inside by Jacket as faster than a lightning bolt. He quickly kicked the door closed, hearing the lock you had just picked click as the metal door slammed shut.
"That..." You breathed, your chest rising and falling harshly as you found yourself staring into the beady eyes of Jacket's mask. "That was close...huh?"
You attempted to push yourself up, only to realize that Jacket had both of your wrists pinned to the cold concrete floor. Letting out a quick chuckle as to try and make the situation a little less awkward, you attempted to get up once more.
"J-Jacket...? I think- I think we're safe now-" It only took a few seconds before you found both your mask and Jacket's thrown to the side, the lack of his mask now revealing his reddened face and almost feral expression. His eyes stared into yours with a feverish yet lucid glow, his face starting to inch closer and closer to yours. "Jacket what are you-"
You were cut off as he rammed his chapped lips against your own, his kiss animalistic and rough in nature. It was only after he pulled away when he realized what he did, his grip weakening and his eyes widening. Jacket was about to reach for his tape recorder, but you stopped him, your voice weak but words clear as day:
"K-keep going~"
"Damn it, FALL BACK! NOW!" You could hear Captain Winters screaming the demand into the radio, causing you to nearly panic, more so that you already are. You knew the Payday gang would put up a fight, but if Captain Winters himself was telling units to fall back, then you know something was wrong. You glanced up at your fellow colleague, a Skulldozer that you were good friends with, who was just shooting down an unfortunately no longer fellow cop. You would be gloomy about the fact, but you had no time for that, as the two of you were on the fourth floor and in immediate danger.
You were just about to whisper to him about the Captain's demands, but when you felt a bullet just barely graze your armor, your attention was pulled away. You focused your gaze in front of you, now seeing one of the masked criminals with a submachine gun slowly approaching you. Your face paled upon the sight, now frantically looking for a way out. You caught a glance of what the Dozer was facing, and much to your dismay, you found that the both of you were being closed in on by two of the clown-faced criminals.
Squeezing your eyes shut and ready to accept your fate, you were pulled out of your trance of fear, as well as being pulled out of the hall the two of you were in and into a room. It was only a matter of seconds before you realized that the Skulldozer had pulled you into a room nearby, holding you closely by the waist as he looked around for a hiding spot.
Just as the door to the room was kicked open by one of the gang members, you two had just barely managed to squeeze yourselves into a closet, holding your breaths and praying that he would leave soon. Luckily, upon scanning the room, the criminal backed out of the place, giving you the opportunity to gasp for air.
"Oh thank god-" You managed to say inbetween gasps. You pulled the mask obscuring your face down, revealing your pink-tinted cheeks and slightly ajar mouth. "God- all this can really work up someone's heat, huh?"
"Hehe...yeah.." Dozer responded quietly to you, in which you found oddly concerning. It was clear how draining the situation was, but usually he'd have some sort of witty remark or joke to respond to you with, but he seemed a bit sluggish this time around.
"Hey...are you okay?" You hummed, reaching your gloved hand out to the Dozer. He seemed to back away just a little bit upon your approach, causing you to retract your hand instead. "Do you need be to get Winters to call an extraction team? I can-"
"I-it's really hot in here..." He whimpered out, his legs trembling within his heavy armor. You were about to ask if he needed any help taking his armor or anything off, but you were cut off by his voice as well as your flustered response to it: "Or maybe you're just heating up the room~?"
"I- y-you-" Your face was nearly as red as your uniform, your nervous stuttering eliciting a chuckle from the Dozer that was pressed up against you.
"Y'know..." Dozer hummed, flipping his face plate up so you could see his lustful expression through the glass of his helmet, his other hand pressed against the wall next to your head as he purred:
"Maybe we can have some fun while we're still here~"
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kamiitsubakii · 8 months
I'm bored so here's some Hooligans headcanons I have.
- Bean is around 15 in my eyes, I can't help but see him as a kid he does not act like an adult. Bark is around 28. And Fang is somewhere in his 30s, which is surprising to people around him because they think he's some middle aged old man.
- I don't have any backstories for Fang and Bark yet but Bean is an orphan that Bark took in and started viewing him as a younger brother. And Fang is just some dude they came across in the black market. They all have some familial bond and Fang is the older brother to both.
- All of them are autistic.
- Bean is aroace, Fang is bi, and Bark is pan but also somewhere on the aro spectrum (maybe demi).
- Bean and Jet are cousins. Neither of them know that though.
- Idk if this will ever be canon even though the entire fandom sees it as such but Fang is absolutely an aussie and has a heavy aussie accent.
- I'm sorry but they're all chaotically dumb. As much as I like the idea of one of them being really smart but nah they all share a singular braincell. Bark probably has more common sense though as he's been through the most bs. You'd think Fang would have more common sense because he's older and should be more mature but nah Bark is.
- Bean is the type of kid to go "you got games on your phone?" and watch you play on your phone heavily breathing on your neck.
- On the topic of games Bean is absolutely a gamer and would play nothing but FNAF, Among Us, and Lethal Company. FNAF would probably be his special interest and he would absolutely quote the Freddy Fivebears guy on a daily basis. Bark probably dabbles in video games too but I see him as someone who would only play arcade fighting games like Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. And Fang only plays Solitaire.
- Fang plays card games, with Black Jack probably being his favourite, and he SUCKS at them. He also gambles too but constantly loses. Bean and Bark only let him win out of pity for him. He doesn't know that though and thinks that they just suck at card games.
- Bark is the only one who can cook. I think his fave food would be fish and sushi (and seals but not mobian seals). Fang likes spicy foods and would probably be one of those people who can eat a whole bag of takis and not be affected by it. Bean has a sweet tooth and mostly eats candies. I think those candies with the strawberry wrapper that your grandma would carry in her purse (at least mine did) would be his favourite. He probably likes mangos and mango flavored stuff too. He also probably eats lip gloss.
- Fang is a smoker and absolutely an alcoholic. I think whiskey would be his favourite drink. Bark doesn't smoke but probably drinks too (but isn't an alcoholic like Fang) and his favourite drink would probably be straight vodka. Bean is still a kid and can't drink or smoke but I absolutely see him as a stoner in adulthood though (not addicted though probably the type to get stoned on the weekends).
- This is a sad one but they all have trauma. Bark and Bean are the only ones who go to therapy while Fang represses everything and drinks to cope. They desperately try to get him into therapy though and tries to break his habits and addictions.
That's all the ones I have for now.
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