#smth about those two live in my head rent free
can-of-pringles · 1 year
I don't talk about it a whole lot but Terzo x Omega is genuinely one of my most favorite Ghost ships
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bananadramaaa · 7 months
obsesseddddd with how u draw alastor and mimzy!! esp smth about how u draw mimzys eyes! she's so beautiful
Aww, thank you so much! I'm flattered ✨ This two live in my head rent-free, I wanna study their friendship under the microscope.
I really like Mimzy's design in the show, but in my interpretation I wanted to give her those "full of sadness" eyes that ladies had in 1920/30s, which also gave creepy stare-right into your soul-vibes in some situations (german expressionism is a great example of that attitude) 😁
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natsmagi · 6 months
Someone told me Tsumugi x Natsume is yaoi for lesbians, it has been living rent-free in my head from that moment on...
THEYRE RIGHT THOUGH like idk theres just something so sapphic about them. maybe its their general androgyny but smth about those two is insanely appealing to woman likers its really funny to me. n like a large portion of ntmg artists i know has drawn them as women before too its just par for the course atp
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my-shining-sun · 2 years
list of things about this movie that i can’t get out of my head or scream enough about to my partner:
please look at carlo’s little scooter!! because it gets put away up in the attic after he dies :’)
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carlo is a bright young artist who really likes filling in the sky! that, or his favourite colour is blue. you can see at least four of his pieces in his shared bedroom with geppetto. three of them are pinned to his wall (the last being on geppetto’s), one of which depicts a smiling sun identical to the smiling suns that become pinocchio’s signature. it’s still there, years later, right where pinocchio would be able to see it as he turns over in his bed on his first night alive.
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there’s this little hop-skip-step carlo does that is just. such little kid movement. it only happens two times (once as he’s being gifted his schoolbook and another time as he’s entering the church) but it’s so consistent in how they animate it?? god. i love stop-motion!!
the way carlo’s pinecone flies out of the church and is the only thing that survives its bombing (intact) is visually echoed later by pinocchio, when he flies out of the fascist youth camp and is the only person we see that survives that bombing (intact)
LOOK AT SEBASTIAN’S CUTE WALNUT SHELL BED. now look at the framed picture by his lantern because it gets replaced in the epilogue with a lovingly crafted portrait of his joyfully smiling/laughing family...all of which is in pinocchio’s heart...[weeps]
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haha, you know what else geppetto couldn’t stand to tuck away for years in his heartache despite his home being so barren of a child’s frivolity compared to how it looked in the film’s beginning? carlo’s scarf (and we know it’s his because it’s. literally the same prop)
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during the i came to church scene, where the townsfolk are spitting their scorn at pinocchio after he tells his first lie, you can hear geppetto defending him as he pulls him into his side: “no no no, no, he’s harmless!”
geppetto never stopped being a parent and it’s made so clear in the little instinctive motions and things he does. the way he answers pinocchio’s questions despite being so very overwhelmed; the way his entire being softens when he sees pinocchio curled up in the storage space; the way he makes to catch him and eventually does catch him when he staggers over his own feet; and more...it doesn’t make him a real parent, not in the way pinocchio has always been a real boy, but the care and love and innate inclination for it never left...he just needed to break in those shoes again
you ever think about how much cleaning geppetto (with pinocchio’s help, i’m sure) would’ve had to do on that first night? childproofing by way of finally throwing out those empty bottles, of actually tidying up and putting away the breakables (and mementos)
the fact that nearly all the songs in this film were also leitmotifs except ciao papa, because the composer explicitly wanted to leave that melody untouched and especial. just for pinocchio and geppetto. i’m going to riot
spazzatura being so casually tactile with geppetto even after only meeting him for the second time will forever live in my head rent-free...they’ll be patting or touching or holding onto that old man (THEY GAVE HIM A LITTLE KISS ON THE HEAD!!) and that old man will just let them! what the hell! my fucking heart!! it’s probably smth carried over from being all over volpe but it’s just. so sweet to see with geppetto instead [sobs]
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every single time geppetto runs his thumb over pinocchio’s cheek or the back of his head, i burst into tears (even when i don’t have tears to burst into)
the storybook we see pinocchio handle in the epilogue is the same one geppetto used to read to carlo and. the way everything is set as we see him open it. he absolutely reads these stories aloud to his papa and spazzatura and sebastian by the hearth...and his signature is so beloved that it’s even framed and placed smackdab in the middle atop the fireplace! the centrepiece!! i canNOT deal with this movie AUGHH
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pinocchio gives tulips to everyone! including carlo <3
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marionvonwolfstadt · 2 months
I just read Pretending part 2 and I have a bunch of thoughts: This is just pure angst poor JB! The forever second lead! like all these years together and he almost never felt secure in his relationship with Nico more like didn’t believe that nico would stay with him even after their marriage and having a daughter :( Lewis living rent free in mind. His self esteem taking multiple hits “Jens could be loved a little less” this is making me sad
I would love to see a Nico pov, did he really settle for JB? I want to believe that he moved on from Lewis but… One day my man JB is gonna snap and the convo these two will be having…
Like did he not realize his husband insecurities about his place in Nico’s life (re: was thinking that he might leave their life together if Lewis showed a bit of interest in him)
Loved the fic
I'm happy you loved it even if it was very angsty. It was just a short snippet and well, I focused on just one aspect of them and their relationship which is a lot more complicated and layered. This was a moment for Jenson, the cocktail of emotions and high of his rut ending made him more vulnerable for sure, the morning when he both had Nico completly to himself a stark contrast to the times when he doubted everything and that kickstarted it really, that thought spiral. While he still has those habits when he checks for Nico's presence most times it isn't at the forefront of his mind all the time, he doesn't focus on it so intently, he just lives, he's happy.
I think Nico knows Jenson is aware of how deep his love for Lewis was and still is, but because Jenson hates talking about it, bringing it up at all, Nico lives in understanding that Jens is sure that whatever they build together is enough for Nico. After all, it was Jenson who helped Nico when he was at his lowest in relationship with Lewis.
It is almost like they both are sort of second choice, Jenson knows if things were different Nico would be with Lewis. Nico suspects that Jenson could find someone head over heels for him but he chose Nico, with all his faults, forgoing conciously putting himself first. In the end, they are together and activly making it the best relationship they could, even if both of them longs for something else sometimes. Nico loves Jens, but more I think, he loves how JB loves him.
As Jens summed it up, they make it work and Nico is not going anywhere.
(ps. I never thought I would get so involved in those two, maybe when I finish SebMark fic and have an idea for them I'd write some more, if you want smth specific you can always hit me up anon, even if I don't respond right way ;))
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lynderman · 2 years
Does anyone else just have a song(s) that hearing the first word can make you start crying on the spot? Like I don’t mean ‘boohoo, this makes a tear fall’. No. I mean violently sob. Like cover your mouth and try to slow your breathing down because the lyrics or whatever Just spark so much going on in your head and it makes you so upset. The crying where you fall asleep because it took so much energy out of you? That crying. Anywho, here’s my little post about the two songs that make me do that. A.K.A, Rn.
1: When She Loved Me (Specifically the cover by Lyn Lapid)
Holy fucking shit. Her voice is so amazing. (Anyways) This song triggers smth in me that just makes me think of that one person. Yk, the one that was ‘Right Person, Wrong Time’ or ‘If We Only Had More Time’. That person. Again, every memory just speeds through my mind. It never fails to make me cry. Sometimes in a good way, sometimes in a bad way. It varies if that makes sense? It’s the one song I can recognize when the first note is played because it lives rent free in my head. The lyric that could tear me apart is: “Still I Waited For The Day When They’d Say: ‘I Will Always Love You.’.” Because it’s so accurate. For me at least. It’s the one song that helps me pinpoint my emotions. The one I’m so drawn to Yk? (Like the person I’m talking about) But it makes me want to cry and never stop because I would give any and everything to go back in time to see this person. My entire life, my body, my soul. Just anything. Even for 30 seconds. For 30 fucking seconds I would give all I’ve worked for and achieved to tell them I love them. To tell them I’m sorry we didn’t have enough time together. I would throw my entire well-being away just to see them. To hug them. To see their smile. Just to tell them thank you and I’ll always remember them :(
2: I Hear A Symphony- Cody Fry
Words cannot express how much this song makes my heart ache. Everytime I listen to it, I fr feel like my heart might as well be ripped from my chest. It’s such a beautiful song. Sure, it makes me cry till i can’t See but that doesn’t mean it’s not a 18/10. It’s one of those songs that makes every memory of specific people come flooding back all at once. It’s a mix of good and bad memories. Stuff that I wish I could experience again for the first time, people I wish I could see again, just so much. But the one lyric that makes me want to never leave my room again and cry till i have no tears left is: ‘Our Flaws Are Who We Really Are.’ Bro This fucking takes me out. Every. Single. Time. It’s that one point where I can’t contain anything and let out some incoherent choked sob. I get it’s such a common sentence and is used in so many things but good god. Those 7 words dig into the deepest part of my soul and make me want to cease to exist. For reasons that are too long for a list.
Anywho, thanks for coming to my TedTalk. 🫶
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slasherlouvre · 2 years
Okay so
I've never even seen HoW
I don't even know if I'd consider myself poly
But that poly!Sinclairs Knifey ask about the first time w/ all three has me in a chokehold my GOD
Your two minds together are a dangerous weapon!!
(((Ramblings under the cut)))
OMG PLEASE WATCH HoW!! Like I know I'm biased bc it's my fav slasher movie, but what draws me in the most is the amount of thought placed into the Sinclairs, & their background, & the whole town really, & how you can make a ton of connections by paying attention to little details not explicitly pointed out/mentioned. Also, I won't spoil, but final characters that are immature/assholes/purposely ignorant (reminds me of the ppl I went to high school with tbh) annoy me SO much, but HoW makes me like both the slashers and the final character(s) bc they're all well developed :)
I'm not sure if I'd consider myself poly either actually! When it comes to poly relationships, I 100% support them, and I'd be open to one, but I feel *I* may not be suited for one? I think I'd feel very insecure and self conscious if my partner's love was shared between me and someone else/others because of how I've been treated in monogamous relationships where they claimed to love 'only me', and well,,, 🥲
Like I wouldn't be able to believe I was loved equally or at all?? I'd always think of myself as a 'second choice' or 'pity fuck' or smth :/ And actually this is the exact same reason that I've steered clear away from every love interest/romantic relationship since those relationships of mine so maybe I'm just too damaged in general now, idk 🤡
HOWEVER, if it's the other way around like with the Sinclair brothers where I'm the one being shared, I'd be very happy and secure in the relationship. Maybe that sounds selfish?? I don't mean it to be, It's just that since it's me, I KNOW my love for them really is equally felt/given and that I would never do something like cheat. But also maybe I crave the idea of being wanted and needed that badly/to the point of sharing :(
Or maybe it's because they're brothers too?? Somehow it feels better that way, bc we'd all really be a 'family' and I've never grown up with any siblings/supportive family members so having the three of them to love and be loved by and just do domestic family things in between the relationship would honestly have me in tears. It's why they live in my head rent free and are my biggest comfort characters 🥲
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southfarthing · 3 years
For the character ask, could you please do Faramir?
thank you!! also asked by @thorinsbeard and @mumble-muse hehe I'm glad I've made my faramir love clear :')
favorite thing about them: WHERE TO START. BIG BRAIN BIG HEART BIG B- (this is sounding a lot like what I wrote about lancelot lmao). he's so smart and passionate and he's a loved and respected captain of his people and everyone in gondor is in love with him and he can??? read minds kind of?????? he's a beautiful black-haired king and he will tell his dad he's a dumb bitch to his face to protect his own pride and he'll stick to his stupidly noble guns even if it kills him and he's just. god. gandalf loves and respects him so much. so does beregond. so do all his men, all his citizens. god I'm back where i started but that scene where he arrives at minas tirith and the whole city is chanting his name as he goes through like he's a rockstar and pippin is swept up in the atmosphere and starts screaming his name too even though he hasn't met him yet because he knows this is a man who is incredible just from the way he's received. yeah that lives in my head rent-free
least favorite thing about them: the way he speaks to sam at henneth annun >:( also the way the film depicts him as a meow meow / simp lmao book faramir would eat film faramir for breakfast
favorite line: yeah i love only that which they defend and yeah do not scorn pity that is the gift of a gentle heart eowyn etc etc everything my guy says is poetry but.... this passage makes me scream
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AND WHOSE FAULT IS THAT???? film faramir gets so sad here but book faramir gets angry lmaooooo
brOTP: faramir + pippin + gandalf. also wish we got to learn more about him and boromir. ALSO i think he'd have a lot in common with elrond and i think it'd be really interesting to see how they'd interact when elrond came to minas tirith!!!!!
OTP: faramir and eowyn!!!!!!!!!! the most couple ever!!!!
nOTP: -
random headcanon: kinda touched on this in my answer for eowyn but I think he'd be really interested in documenting rohan's orally told folklore and history. also bet he's the kinda period drama guy who stares wistfully into the distance at inopportune moments and talks about the splendour of numenor or smth and eowyn is like?? babe you have never been there????? also he likes growing herbs and flowers and healing plants and eowyn likes growing fruit and veg
unpopular opinion: it would've been really funny if aragorn died and faramir became the steward and they decided, either because there's no point waiting around for another heir to the throne or because faramir also gives off kingly numenorian vibes, to crown faramir as high king of gondor and arnor... so funny... haha unless......
also yknow those 'memes' about how pathetic faramir is and how much denethor hates him? yeah not a fan @pj fight me in the lidl bakery for what you've inadvertently caused
favorite picture of them:
https://southfarthing.tumblr.com/post/670396306073731072/ lmaooooo also that shot of faramir in two towers in henneth annun looking over that map 😍
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dracoladon · 4 years
oh my god I absolutely ADORED lucid and born slippy, so the chance to prompt you with something is so so exciting!! as always, no pressure, but how about something about undressing each other? i've always LOVED the unlacing/undressing tropes in capri, and I bet it would be incredible applied to some lovely drarry. do with this what you wish!!!
sidjdjfnndkff thank you, and thank u again for this ungodly prompt. if there’s three things i love, they’re captive prince, drarry, and soft smutty tropes such as the one u hath so kindly bestowed upon me.
i accidentally made a fair few lucid references in here (prizes for all who can spot them, the prize is a poem about u as composed by me) so i suppose, if you’ve read that one and so wish, u can consider this part of the same universe. or smth ://
maybe i’m just hideously unimaginative when it comes to topics for my banter. anywho
rated e, 1732 words.
The thing about Draco’s work robes, is that they’re buttoned all the way up to the throat. Which, hm, doesn’t sound like an issue in and of itself. But becomes one, of sorts, when Harry is overcome by the need to unbutton them every time he lays eyes on pale, elegant throat, the column of it under stiff black fabric. 
The thing is, that Draco looks so austere, so tightly laced, and the thing. Is. That Harry just wants to unlace him. 
Draco is, of course, not austere. He’s in fact very, erm, flexible. Pliant. He told Harry once, when they first starting fucking, that his body reformed around Harry’s, and he liked the way he went malleable in Harry’s hands. 
“I can’t do that with anyone else,” Draco said. Then frowned. “That didn’t make much sense.”
But the buttons. The buttons. The high-necked buttons. They give Draco a look of frigidity, that he’s not to be spoken to, touched (all in a very sexy, aristocratic kind of way, of course), and it’s so bloody hot that Harry’s taken to banishing his glasses and burying his head under a pillow when Draco dresses in the mornings, just to stop himself getting so hard he goes properly blind with it. 
Draco asked him, the third time he burrowed under the bedclothes like a “demented ferret” (glass houses, Harry said), what he was doing. 
“The buttons,” Harry murmured. “Want to undo them.”
“The buttons?”
“The buttons.”
“You sick, kinky twist, Harry Potter.”
Harry unearthed himself, at that. “Shut up? It’s not about the buttons, you horror. It’s about what’s underneath the buttons.”
“How touching.”
And then more teasing, and Harry had it up to here and said, “I’ll burrow again.”
So Draco sat next to him on the bed, robes all secured, and said, softly, but still smiling like a git, “Tell me, love. Why the buttons?”
“You’re just—they’re, you know. So—God,” and then Harry had reached out and rent the sides of Draco’s robes apart, the little cloth covered studs clattering over his polished walnut floors, and pulled Draco down on top of him, and fucked him right there until Draco was late for work, and later still because they’d had to spend half an hour charming the wretched things back into place. 
Now, Draco says, “the buttons are still wonky from that little stunt you pulled.”
Harry can see only Draco’s legs (crossed over each other on the couch, back flat on the ground, because Draco feels it centres him to drape upended from the furniture at the end of a long day) from where he’s decanting the wine in the kitchen. “I’ve always been pants at tailoring charms.”
“Was that a pun?” says Draco, sounding pained. “I’m leaving you, if that was a pun.”
“But then who will do your bidding? Aerate your wine, iron your silk pants—”
“I’ll get a house elf.”
“—not finished, suck your brains out your cock, make you pasta with butter and cheese when it’s cold and you’re in a mood—”
“I’ll get a gigolo, too.”
“I still wasn’t finished,” Harry says, and Levitates the wine into the living room in front of him.
Draco says, “did you get the right glasses, this time?”
“You’re very funny,” Harry says, because after months of trying to educate Harry, Draco has finally accepted that his one true love is cheap beer, and sorted all the wine glasses he keeps at Harry’s flat into labelled little boxes. (‘This is a coupe, Potter. If you bring me red wine in it again, I’ll throw it at you.’ ‘These are for dessert wine — after dinner, before a good hard boffing.’)
“Why don’t you just go snag one of those fucking — sommiliars.”
“Yeah,” Harry says, happy because Draco’s wearing his work robes and speaking French and looking all twisty, and it’s Friday night, and there’s wine and music from the record Draco put on, and Harry gets to untwist him.
“Did you know,” Draco says, arching his back into a luxurious stretch before rearranging himself right side up and plucking a glass from the air, “that Amantea is starting her own firm.”
“God. Really?”
“Quite. It’s a pro bono thing, evidently. You know she’s been on the exec’s for months about how they direct all their mandatory hours towards corporations, not, you know, people who actually can’t afford legal counsel.”
“‘Course.” Harry distinctly remembers being cornered by Amantea when Draco brought him along to last year's Christmas drinks — he was a decent few in, and Draco kept palming at him through his formal robes when no one was looking, and he thinks he may have agreed to some kind of public crusade in the name of her cause that he doesn’t remember the details of to this day.
“Merlin, that’s incredible. She’s just quit, then? Starting it from the ground up?” 
Draco nods, sips his wine. “She asked me to come with her. Ford, too.” And then, into his glass, “Said yes.” 
Harry chokes, and Draco smirks at him behind the rim while he expires into his Pinot. “Bastard,” Harry coughs.
“Mm,” Draco hums. 
“That’s—fuck, hang on—that’s great, love. Draco, it’s brilliant.”
“Really?” Draco says, tangling his fingers in Harry’s. He can see now that he’s doing that Very Draco Thing where his eyes go a bit too wide and his tongue keeps darting out to wet his bottom lip. “Cause I haven’t quit yet.” 
“Of course. I think it’s really, really incredible.”
Draco rolls his eyes, but his cheeks flush pink. “Any more of that, and I won’t go near your cock for a week.” 
“I’m proud of you,” Harry says, smiling. 
“Two weeks.”
He leans on his haunches, hooks a blond tendril behind Draco’s ear. “I’m so proud of you, Draco. Everything you are.”
“A month. A year! Harry,” Draco complains.  
Harry snorts. Sits back. “Fine. So would you still be doing all the same work?”
Draco nods. “I’d still be a defence counsel. I’d just be, you know. Not getting paid. At least, not for a while.”
“Good,” Harry says. “We’ve got a horrific amount of money, between the two of us.” 
“I’m glad you think so, because we’ll be living off your salary alone. What’s the going rate for darling of the Wizarding world?”
Harry walks his fingers over Draco’s knee, daubed in the heavy black wool of his robes. “Several million a year darling. Are you excited, then?”
Draco shuffles around so he can rest his back against the couch, keeping Harry’s palm pressed to his knee with his own hand as he moves. “Yes. Very. I love my job, but the fees they charge our time at are outrageous. I was always thinking, Mother and I wouldn’t have been able to afford that right after the war. Had we even been allowed a solicitor, but don’t get me bloody started.”
Harry thinks that’s Draco down to his bones. He gives cold little glares to people he doesn’t want to talk to, and shrinks in on himself like a turtle whenever Molly tries to hug him at Sunday lunch, and he’s selfish about stupid things, like letting Ron have the last of his chips at pub night. 
And then he does things like drop lunch by Hermione’s office when he has afternoon meetings with the Wizengamot, or quit the job he loves so much, where he’s finally respected and secure, to work for free with Scary Amantea because he actually cares about the abysmal state of the Wizarding justice system, or rent out an entire Muggle theme park for Harry’s birthday, because he’d said, off handed, one night in Draco’s arms, that he’d always been left behind when the Dursley’s took Dudley as a child. 
“You’re so nice,” Harry says. 
Draco frowns. “Take it back.” 
Harry says, “Won’t,” and gives him a good, slow kiss that tastes like wine. Wine from a proper glass. 
“I have bad news, too,” Draco says into Harry’s lips. 
Harry can’t think of how anything could be bad, wrong, when Draco’s mouth is so soft and so close, but he murmurs, “What,” anyway. 
“No dress code, at the new firm.” 
Harry pulls back, stricken. “No more buttons?”
“Less regular buttons,” Draco amends, and Harry places a protective hand over Draco’s clavicles.  
“This is completely tragic,” Harry says. 
“Dare I say, Potter, you’ll just have to make the most of them. While you can.”
Harry nods, leans down again, a hand either side of Draco’s hips, and kisses him again. 
When he pulls back, it’s so he can get his hands on the reeling column of buttons that runs from Draco’s navel to his Adam’s apple. 
There was a certain carnal appeal in tearing them off him that first time, but now Harry likes this. His hands on Draco, his mouth following. Pushing the silken studs through the loops, undressing Draco inch by milk white inch. 
“Yes,” Draco says, as Harry licks and nips his way down every bit of skin he exposes. When Draco swallows, Harry feels the movement of it roll beneath his palm. When Draco’s legs fall open, Harry mouths at his hip bone as it shifts under his tongue. 
Harry disrobes himself with slightly less worshipping finesse. Pushes the tailored cloth off Draco’s shoulders, helps him arrange himself underneath Harry, ankles clasped lazily at his back. Fucks him slow, and sweet, and two more times. 
Really, Harry doesn’t know why the robes do it for him so utterly and completely. They look kind of like the type of thing a vicar would wear, which is also what Harry remembers thinking when he saw Draco in his dress robes at the Yule Ball (although now it’s more a very rich, very sleek sort of vicar vibe, and less of the fusty, I-took-a-celibacy-oath-at-thirteen-and-am- now-seventy-two thing he had going back then. With all the velvet. Draco looks much better in silk. Anyway.)    
On that, it’s probably because it’s a reminder that it’s Malfoy who he’s with. Malfoy, not Death Eater, tormentor, but pale limbs, plush, pink mouth and naked vulnerability before him. It’s how far they’ve both come, and how Draco presents himself to the world — so far away from what Harry gets to see. What’s Harry’s. What’s theirs. 
“Also,” Draco says, when Harry tells him this in bed that night, “I look positively indecent in black.”
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okay but that scene in single dad bkg where he just straight up picks up reader while they're both arguing and just sets her off to the side like she weighs nothing.... lives in my head RENT FREE!! and him just snarling at her bc he's so fuckin angry, all snarl snarl grr hiss bark. im in love with a rabid animal ur honor. i think abt it every other day lori.
AND ALSO bc u have temporarily cursed me with chrollo energy, the fucking. the fucking scene u sent with bodyguard bkg's reader seeing her ex villain sexyman for the first time and him just being like <3 i'm in love with u <3 god. AND ALSO that one snippet where bkg walks out the reader's bathroom or smth LMAOOOOO u sent that one a while ago but i also think about it a lot cuz of those lines u had with the single droplet of water rolling btwn his massive fucking tits LMSDHF im so in love
the entirety of pumpkin spice ofc <3 i rmb doing that collab and going straight for ur bkg fic afterwards LMAOO bc fuck, that shit was like drinking hot apple cider mmm. the scene where bkg just SPRINTS for the cafe door when he sees reader walking towards it LMAO just imagining this bigass blond asshole wanting to annoy the shit out of u by getting that last muffin is so SJKDHFDFKG him literally waiting for u to show up at the cafe before he jumps up in line to steal the muffin ggrrr ill beat him up, my villain origin story fr
GOD AND UR DEMI BKG DRABBLE my heart :weary: him yearning for love<3 idk where the hc that bkg reads romance and cheesy manga/romcoms comes from but im here for it. the whole bit with him thinking love wont ever be in his grasp and he wants to b okay with that UGHHHH the things he does to my little virgin heart</3
that first one...... i will blame u when it stays in the final draft bc i rlly do think SO hard abt keeping bits like that in argument scenes but like. ur enabling me here it will remain. also i know i said this but ur stoking my ego SO much w how much u enjoy koshi i truly wholeheartedly want people to fall in love with him i want to break people’s hearts when reader has to move on...... and finally the scene i pulled entirely from a shitty halmark movie two years ago KJSDHFB i love u shay lmfaoooo
i SWEAR that hc is canon but idk how ive convinced myself of it. either way its basically canon to me, just as much as him being all-or-nothing abt dating and waiting a good while before he tries it out. idk! its the vibes! thats basically the basis of that entire post so
what is the first thing you think of when i ask what the most memorable line/scene ive ever written was?
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warning: euphoria spoilers, tw alcohol, drugs, sex, vague mention of suicide, abortion and sorry if i forgot any of the other common trigger tags
during there grad or dance or whatever they went to the bathroom together and they were in the stall and jules told rue i want you to want to kiss me so bad that you don't even ask and that lines lives rent free in my head 😭😭😭 rue didn't kiss her tho bc she's a shy little bottom smh 🙄 so they went back out to the dance floor or i think they went outside to sit and talk and long story short rue suggested they just run away to new york and jules said yes so they went back to rue's house for her to grab her stuff and then they went to the chain station where rue chickened out and jules kissed her on her hand and told her goodbye and that's pretty much where the season ended well after rue walked back home crying in the rain and then there was the notorious all for us dance part. i really relate to rue bc she has anxiety she was diagnosed with anxiety, ocd and i believe bipolar disorder all of them like between early childhood and her teens and like she also does really chaotic spur of the moment stuff like suggesting they run away but then she chickens out and i relate to tht a lot in terms of anxiety bc well same and also i feel like most characters with anxiety are portrayed as shy and and like anxiety is there whole personality whereas rue's portrayal seemed more realistic at least in terms of my own xp. like once she had a panic attack the first day back at school when she had to talk about her summer in front of the class, she also had a panic attack at a party but we also see her like being that wild and chaotic teenager and i think it's very important that they portrayed that those things are not mutually exclusive
rue says drugs are kind of cool - ik there's a lot of criticism that the show glorifies drugs but i think it just shows an accurate representation of the life of a drug addict like she admits that she knows it's bad to say. her addiction stemmed from her taking care of her very ill father and she had to give him pills and one day she took one or two i think and yeah and that's understandable bc she was really close to her father his death hurt her a lot and like the stress of taking care of him and just the whole situation ofc wld've emotionally impacted her negatively and one day she tries a pill and suddenly everything feels better so she wld obvi continue and ofc it got out of hand. there's also a really popular quote abt the 2 seconds of nothingness of smth like tht i cant remember it off hand
fav jules x nate - jules and nate had a very toxic and complicated relationship and i do not support it in any way but uhhhhthtpartwaskindahotsorry. anyways nate is typical school bully and jules is the new girl but plot twist nate who pretends to be the definition of straight is a jock has a gf etc likes or had a thing for ig mtf and jules and him formed a close relationship on some dating app and then she met him and yeah disappointment the clip is from the meeting she didn't actually stay she pushed him away and went back to rue's and rue hugged her to sleep and it was very sweet
another iconic rue quote - this was at the party i mentioned earlier where rue got a panic attack and jules' behaviour she was acting distant lately kind of contributed but jules had a lot going on with nate blackmailing her and her mom wanting to see her and then i think the night of the party she found out her mom was back in hospital so she was going thru a lot and not communicating with rue and rue felt like things were slipping and she had become sort of co dependent on jules and she was the reason she was staying clean sort of and all tht so rue took the change in behaviour hard ofc and yeah the quote was relatable
another quote from the party after her panic attack - her best friend from childhood lexi hugged her and reassured her she wasnt a burden and it ws very sweet again i love the duality of the crazy unhinged rue and the vulnerable rue it's chef's kiss
enby icon - rue usually dresses very casually and for the aforementioned dance thing she wore a suit she looked so good and jules did her makeup and she commented tht she was scared she messed with rue's gender presentation of smth like tht which is like all i need to confirm that rue is non binary UwU
chris mckay x cassie howard - kind of toxic relationship also kind of real he was older than her and the post is what he said when nate asked if they were dating there were a lot of weird stuff tht happened between them in the end she got pregnant and had an abortion and they broke up and she swore off dating for a while lol also cassie is lexi's big sister but my half a brain cell self watched the whole of season one thinking lexi was actually older and it was only when watching a fan edit on youtube i realized akjdf;ajdf;ka
rue being relatable again talking abt anxiety and why alcohol and drugs help - from personal xp and my friends' xp with anxiety like ppl can criticize the show for drug glorification but she's not lying and i believe anyone with anxiety who has a similar xp can testify to that however it's a slippery slope bc then ppl with anxiety and other mental illnesses may be inclined to also try drugs and alcohol but at the same time i think the show also portrays why you shldnt do tht so yh
rue special edition commentary - i nvr related to rue more than the things she said in this episode it was just her sitting down talking to ali her mentor and like she was spitting some real hard facts about being mentally ill and how it changes your perception of life and sometimes even when you're not in the worst spot anymore you still dont really care to live no matter how many people love you etc n felt
i live watched jules' special episode
some thoughts on rue being an unreliable narrator which she really is someone commented smth on this post tht changed my opinion of what i wrote abt not trusting her but i cant remember wht it was rn
rue manic rep - she was trying to figure out what was up with jules being distant and omg in this scene she also poured coffee into the coffee maker to make more coffee i believe smth like that but it was iconic lol but she did figure out nate was blackmailing jules and lexi was helping her
uhhhh i dont relate much to jules but these are the ways i do :(
jules' trans xp - so in her special episode speaking with her therapist she talked about performing feminity in a way to like please the male gaze and she realized she doesn't want to do tht anymore and tht like that isnt what being a girl is abt yk and the best thing abt this is usually she dresses very feminine and she wore a short skirt n crop tops on the first day of school in season 1 but for season 2's trailer she's wearing just sweats and a tee
hahahahha you might enjoy this post :)
ok this is long welp sorry
I wish you could put a read more line in an ask
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Wait, what other Taishiro scenes live rent-free in your brain? I need to know for science
I am but a humble servant to the science of digimon and especially the specific practice of taishiro :’) Just the first things that popped into my head:
“Let me fight, too!”— that Whole Thing with the clown (piedmon) honestly where Koushirou just wants to help and Taichi just wants to protect them all. Also just the way when Taichi gets flung back, Koushirou immediately runs forward on his own. It’s just this honestly hard scene to watch because you can see Taichi’s just So Stuck on his personal resolution to finish the fight himself and then Koushirou is pleading with Taichi to let him help. It’s not like he can actually stop Koushirou, though?? But I kind of take it as like he wants to on some level respect Taichi’s wishes (idk if that’s accurate in anyway just me) and stay back for Hikari but also he needs Taichi to know he’s acting a fool and just :’) Thanks Toei, I hate it.
the whole gate scene. Koushirou saying, “I always believed in Taichi-san before this, in any case.” Taichi choosing Koushirou to make the choice on the cards and everyone cheering for him. It’s so good on so many levels.
“Don’t come back here” — when Koushirou is trapped in Nihilism Hell and Taichi is back in the real world with Hikari and somehow they just like… connect?? Why did that happen? How did that happen?? @toei pls explain. Like on some level I get that it’s through a computer and Koushirou is the only one with technology so that could explain his character in specific but still. The closest explanation anyone has pointed to as to why this could have happened (them communicating) is that something with the digital world and it being able to kind of… bring about wishes? I think Koushirou brings it up in 02 with Ken and also I think in the novels Taichi mentions no one else sees him and Agumon unless they want to see/find him or smth to explain why Hikari does back in the vague real world. Specifically during that time Koushirou did want to see Taichi since the whole reason the gang split up and he ended up in this mess is because he was out searching for him. It’s very weird because on Taichi’s end Koushirou has that headset thing and idk what they were planning. Either way Taichi hears, “Don’t come back here,” essentially through the shoddy connection and gets worried enough that the other kids are in trouble and ends up going back. Koushirou’s side is like…….. so much softer at least in my v biased interpretation and memories. but like listen please Koushirou is losing his memories/feelings/curiosity he’s essentially like Peak Zen in the worst way (in the novels he loses the ability to speak even :’) ) and is essentially losing himself and kind of in this literal hell space/pocket dimension. But you know what he said to Taichi???? Upon thinking they won’t be seeing each other anymore since Taichi is home now he says: “Oh… so you won’t be coming back. But please contact me once in a while.” Like???? I’m obsessed I can’t stop thinking about this he’s losing himself like letting go of his emotions and thoughts and wants and knowledge and still he expresses his desire to keep in contact with Taichi??? And if we assume the idea is that the digital world can sort of fulfill some wishes, then how much did Koushirou want to see Taichi in those moments that his laptop just worked? Were they suddenly higher than at any point during the two months he was searching? @toei
when they tease Yamato in the back seat of his dad’s car in 02 and it catches them like vaguely leaning into each other and snickering c’monnn
Also like just in general those first three or four episodes of the 2020 reboot???  Like there’s no reason for any of those decision. Unbiased sources have directly been like, “Koushirou is framed like the love interest” and it’s just??? @Toei who do I send the gift basket to??
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intellectualpencil · 4 years
tag meme — list 3-5 snippets of literature/media that live in your head rent-free to the point where you have them memorised; write them down from memory, no cheating allowed 
Oh I love when I get to scream about quotes, thank you for tagging me @huacheng-zhu , I will now proceed to scream.
Tagging - @falserib and well, anyone else who wants to do it?
"I would know him from the way his feet struck the earth, I would know him in death, at the end of the world." || "Will I feel his ashes, as they settle against mine?" || "He is half my soul, as the poets would say." || "What has Hector ever done to me?" - The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Okay. I don't think I got the first one quite right and it's several quotes but shh, tsoa is one of my favourite books and the lines in it are *chef's kiss*. Miller wrote an incredible book and it's one of maybe 3 that have made me cry like a little shit. God.
I love the first ones because they're just so goddamn romantic but the last quote?? The last quote ruins me. Everytime I read it I just started laughing a bit hysterically because I knew.
"I have never known hate before. I have never known loss. Now they are with me, always. And I desire nothing, but to share them with you." - The Magnus Archives (I don't know the actual episode number)
This one is so Good. The delivery, the characters, the way you feel kind of bad for them. Just, the resignation in his voice, when he says it. He's so obviously hurting and he does want revenge. He does. But there's also no point now, when that other half is gone.
I feel like it's one of those quotes that you can kind of get even without context? But context makes it better. I also think I got it right, I usually dislike the phrasing on the second half and tend to change it. But now I made an effort to remember it right lmao
"Mo Weiyu! You fucker! You piece of shit! How can you say he didn't save you?! How can you say he didn't save you!" || "The world is still so beautiful. I don't want you to die with me." - 2ha by meatbun
Ha. I love these quotes. The "Mo Weiyu! You fucker" quote was the first one I wrote down while reading 2ha. I don't think the first part and "how can you say he didn't save you" are said in the same sentence, but they're connected.
I had such complicated emotions during that scene. I was so fucking happy that Mo Ran finally got a "slap to the face" because I still couldn't stand him back then. It was also just fun that he got cursed out. And when he realises what actually happened? *chef's kiss*
The second quote is very romantic imo. I love both when lovers die together in media and when the dying one asks the other to live. It's so mean but you also understand why they do it. It's very similar to the ending scene of Hamlet before the "goodnight, sweet prince." Hamlet asks Horatio to live, I don't remember the actual phrasing but it's smth like "if you ever cared for me, live" and it's so cruel, Hamlet you shit.
"Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess" || "The wandering soul knows no rest." || "Do you fly away now? To a world that abhors you and I." - Loveless from ff7: crisis core
"I have no name, I am but two days old." - Devil May Cry 5
Hello I love characters who walk around spouting poetry that barely makes any sense for the scene they're in. Both the ff7 ones and the dmc5 quote are exactly that, so I put them together. It's Good. I also spout random lines of poetry sometimes. Kudos to "i have no name" because it actually leads into him telling them his name, so it's actually relevant for the scene.
Anyway, some of the loveless quotes are pretty neat out of context, there's also that one like "the arrow has left the bow of the goddess, smth smth smth", I remember liking that one but I don't remember all of it. Also, honorable mention: that cutscene where the Firsts fight and Seph knows exactly what page/act/etc the loveless quote is from. I love that scene so much. It does live in my head, rent-free.
I think that's, more than enough. I could go on. I didn't even touch classic lit, which I am also very into.
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celawrites · 4 years
Day 16
It’s 6am when I get two text messages, waking me up.
You have 2 new messages
That cute McD employee: Hey darling Did you die or smth?
Clown: I wasn’t craving it I’m sorry darling
That cute McD employee: SiSSS hOW cOUlD YoU
Clown: I came down with a fever yesterday :,( I’m sorry bae
That cute McD Employee: You owe me then Alright get your rest darling
Clown: Thank you bae <3
The other notification is from someone else though.
MZnO: So I heard you were pining after your Valedictorian
Clown: Where’d you even get my # something you needed?
MZnO: You know he still has a crush on me right?
Clown: Yea I’m very aware of that
MZnO: Then why bother with unrequited love?
Clown: Why not? Plus Angst content for a new book
MZnO: Breaking your own heart for content? I expected better from you
Clown: You really shouldn’t have
6 new messages!
And I leave the rest of the messages on read. She never had really liked me. I had swapped schools back then and she had almost immediately swooped in to replace me. Desperate to have Sun cling onto the remains of his middle school crush on her. The routine I had established with Sun had soon morphed into hers, and I couldn’t have cared less. It was only when I came back for junior year that her routine with him had shattered. She had been a senior that year, and she had been taking out all her stress on Sun. Poor boy’s eyes were almost glowing when I stepped back into the familiar classroom from before. No one had known beforehand, and I’m glad they didn’t.
It took 2 years for them to develop a routine and half a month for me to shatter it. When I came back, thanks to my contact with Sam during my public school years, I knew everyone well. Pebble came running up to me, crying about how boring it was without me. I knew that was a lie, our classmates weren’t that different from before. I was never a cornerstone in our class, I had just been there. It actually wasn’t until I left that I realized how much input I entered into our class. Sun had gotten more closed off despite my best efforts to set him to be more open during high school, and our class had grown duller over the years. If it weren’t for the fact that our class had been together for 6 year by now, one could probably mistake all of us as strangers.
Today’s school day passes quickly, and soon, homeroom rolls around.
“OK so today’s topic of conversation. Where are we heading for spring break?”
“fInALLY” I screamed. “I was worried we weren’t traveling this year”
“Ok where are we heading?”
“What’s the budget Miss class prez?”
I hiss at the nickname. “Whatever our parents are willing to put in for us”
“Well that ruins it. We’re all the older children, and none of our families are filthy rich except…”
“While I would absolutely rent a private plane for us all with the money I got from my book, we need to plan smartly”
“Which location first”
“Puerto Rico!”
“I was thinking Canada” Pebble shoots me a sly smile.
“We are not doing that. As much as I want to go back, I’m not even sure if my home’s empty”
“Put it on the list just in case”
“Where else?”
“Can we visit Taiwan or smth?”
“eNGLAND” -Danny
“If you want to freeze to death sure”
“Stop being a joykill”
“Anywhere else?”
“I’m down for Japan”
“Again, our budget depends on our families”
“What if we just like?”
“I don’t like where that idea coming is from”
“Ok but like. We don’t have a budget for other places right?”
“What if we just like? Gotten a tour guide?”
“I thought they were cheaper?”
“No. Absolutely not. They may be able to give you better prices for locations, but at the end of the day, you don’t end up paying any less”
“Alright miss ‘I travel the world’. Where would you suggest us to go?”
“I haven’t been to Puerto Rico, and considering everyone’s budget, it seems like the most manageable place”
“What if we went to Canada?”
“And what? Live in hotels?”
“Isn’t your home there opening up for rent soon?”
“If they renew the contract then we won’t have a place to stay”
“Then how about-”
“We aren’t kicking them out for a week.”
“How about this” the teacher speaks this time. “We plan a trip for both, and if Cressie ends up able to free her house for the week, then we head to Canada, and if she doesn’t, then we go to Puerto Rico”
“Sounds about good”
“Ok but are we sure we can’t go to England or something?”
“Ok but what about New York or Seattle?”
“Tour the colleges?”
“But it’s a pain to drive around? Like most of the colleges we want to go to are in Pennsylvania? But I mean New York is a nice place”
“I don’t wanna go there anymore. I go every winter and I’ve had enough of it”
“You’re no fun”
Amidst the chaos, I slip a note to Sun. A messy ‘You know why I call you the sun? Because whenever you go somewhere, you light the whole place up! <3’. He opens it up, grumbles, and flushes a soft shade of pink. This doesn’t go unnoticed by our classmates and as they’re about to mention something, I pipe up.
“How about within the states?”
“Ok but New York seems genuinely interesting. Or we could travel to Seattle” -someone goes along and bless them.
“We might as well go to Canada at that point”
“Point taken.”
“Where else can we go?”
“We could always roadtrip”
“But that’s boring! I wanna go somewhere! Fly somewhere! Go on a plane!”
“I hate planes ngl.”
“The conversation is going nowhere. This subject is open until Monday. You guys will have to give me an answer by then. Class dismissed” the bell rings as she finishes.
We all scramble out the door and head home. The topic of locations would be brought up this saturday during our discussions anyways.
I drive home, finish the work for the weekend, and then cry over being single. Soon, I succumb into my will to sleep.
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hahanoiwont · 6 years
superhero au!
Superhero au.
Virgil is a supervillain a la that post about grad school villains. He started out doing it for extra credit but he also needed the cash for student loans...that shit aint cheap yo
so he’s a small-scale “”””supervillain””” mostly making a nuisance of himself by stopping traffic, doing minor vandalism in costume, and sometimes kidnapping notables for like an hour before realizing he can’t keep a plant alive and should not be in charge of a person (’you’ve captured me!! what are you going to do???’ ‘eh i mean you’ll probably get rescued soon, my powers aren’t really meant for long-term kidnapping and I don’t wanna have to take care of you. you think i want another mouth to feed? nah. hey wanna see a meme?’).
(if Sleep exists in this au he’s a common kidnapping victim. son of the mayor or smth. Virgil has learned to hold up a starbucks before kidnapping him tho. not worth it if he can’t bribe him with sweet sweet caffeine. they p much chill for a couple hours until the hostage negotiators come)
basically, Virgil’s not a big enough deal to get shut down permanently. regular cops usually take care of him well enough without superhero involvement. he gets his extra credit for villainry and sometimes some cash from a shadowy organization via crow or some shit. he’s not sure how they know where he lives or what exactly they’re paying him for but hey, more ramen money. whatever gets food on the table.
On the other hand, Patton is a hard-working police officer who really should be in any other job. He’s just too nice for it. But he gets a lot of the suicide calls or emotional trauma stuff because he’s just so damn good at making people feel safe, and no one else wants to do those calls, so he stays on the force. He used to be an EMT, too, which is really helpful. He rooms with Virgil and Logan and Virgil’s weird cousin.
He pretends to be unaware of Virgil’s extracurriculars because he can see that Virgil needs the money and is too proud to ask for help. He does help him patch himself up when necessary and sometimes thinks about going back to his own ‘night job.’
(he used to be a superhero but quit that and EMTing after he realized how much it was draining him physically and emotionally and how deeply unhealthy the whole thing was. credit to Logan for that) He thinks he’d feel better knowing Virgil’s already spoken for as an archnemesis by a hero who won’t seriously try to hurt him. He seriously worries that Virgil will catch the attention of an edgy ‘shoot first and angst about it but make no attempts to fix the mess you’ve made later’ heroes, and he’ll end up in the hospital or worse.
but also, Patton needs that work/life balance and he just can’t maintain it while hero-ing. and Virgil knows what he’s doing, right? he’s a cautious guy. So Patton just tries to be on call when he notices Virgil’s got the first aid kit out or when he talks about ‘evening plans’ (fuck’s sake dude we all know you don’t go out for fun).
For his part, Logan wanted to be a biochemical engineer, but right now he’s taking some time off school. His powers are probably some sort of sensory (?) and he doesn’t fully understand them himself, mostly bc he likes to pretend they don’t exist. but he was getting splitting headaches at school and he just couldn’t go on. He does online courses when he can but he feels really ashamed that he couldn’t do grad school/college, which he was supposed to be good at. He was planning on staying with Patton and Virgil until the end of the lease and he doesn’t know what he’ll do after that.
But then one day Virgil came home freaking the fuck out about something and asked to talk to him, and guess what, he’s got this crazy ‘supervillain for extra credit’ idea. Someone’s got to make sure this fool doesn’t get himself killed. And Patton’s got into police work, and Logan doesn’t want him to go through compassion exhaustion again, and really none of his dumb housemates can take care of themselves (he loves them tho). So he does mad science in the broom closet to try to give Virgil something of an edge over any hero whose attention he might catch and helps him hide his villain-ing from Patton and tries to figure out what he’s gonna do with his life on the side.
He comes up with this crazy graph that shows the optimal balance of super heroes to villains in a healthy society (not enough villains=not enough active heroes when something really bad goes down, as it does every few years, somehow; not enough heroes=obviously bad). He keeps an eye on superpowered activity in the city.
Sometimes he thinks about getting active himself, both to preserve order and balance (if you’re the villain [ie Virgil] you can control the collateral damage to your plots, but if you’re the hero and your roommate is the villain you can both work together to provide for both of your needs [extra credit, enough good hero/villain balance, and safety of roommate] without actually harming anyone...but for either he would need to be able to use his powers effectively and he’s still kind of in denial), and to keep Virgil from getting his fool ass killed, and to keep an eye on Patton while Patton insists on running right into every single superpowered crime scene. In the meantime, he frets over numbers and helps Virgil write coded emails to his grad board about his ‘’’extensive’’’ villainry.
It’s basically like a resume except you have to convince the people involved that you’re super evil.
Logan is good at resumes.
All three of them are plugging right along and Virgil’s actually getting his student loans paid on time with enough money for food and rent besides (one day he even takes them out to eat and they Do Not Talk about how he got the money to do that), and they all think maybe he can do the villain thing for a few more years and then get out of the game forever, when Virgil’s weird cousin gets caught doing some shady-ass stuff.
Turns out he’s in way over his head with some sketchy folks, owes a lot of people money, and used Virgil’s name for half of it. Virgil is in sudden desperate need of more money than he can get through legal means and, of course, Refuses to tell anyone about/ask for help with his predicament. It is strongly recommended to him by his academic adviser that he step up his supervillain game or show up at the bottom of a river south of Manhattan.
Virgil freaks the fuck out and proceeds to dig himself into an even deeper hole, suddenly going for much larger schemes, robbing banks, being less obsessively careful about collateral damage with each plot because he just doesn’t have time to and he’s too desperate.
Cue Roman.
Roman was literally just going to the bank, innocent of all wrongdoing and Not Picking a Fight because he swears this new move is gonna work out, he’s not gonna get arrested to aggravated assault or unauthorized use of an unregistered superhuman ability (it was self-defense! and defense of others! he was rescuing people!).
He happens to be at the bank when Virgil is robbing it. And, well, Virgil isn’t gonna hurt anyone, but Roman doesn’t know that. He ties his shirt over his face to hide his identity and superheros it up, saves the day; Virgil runs away pretty significantly battered but not permanently injured or caught. And now there’s a new superhero in town and Virgil suddenly has an archnemesis. Just what he was avoiding. Great.
Meanwhile, Roman is shocked to learn that he’s being applauded for saving people for once (as opposed to like. arrested) and graciously accepts his new title. Hey, being a superhero could work! He said he was gonna try something new in this town and he will! He’s gonna save the day!
The two of them happily counter each other day after day: Virgil’s getting enough publicity as a villain that his grad board is happy even without him doing any genuine harm, he’s staying one step ahead of the shady figures that come looking for him by name, Patton has made contact once or twice with the new hero and used his office reputation to become Roman’s primary police contact, Logan thinks Virgil is bonkers for all the new levels of villainy he’s doing but he has to admit this is the most alive he’s ever seen him; Roman is enjoying the fame and adoration of being a hero and he’s been cast in a musical and life is looking up for everyone.
But Roman also works in a coffee shop to pay the bills (three jobs. so tired.) and there’s this stressed-looking student who keeps coming in with bruises and sprains and one time he broke his arm in what Roman is absolutely certain wasn’t an accident, and he talks on the phone with people sometimes that really seem to distress him, and he seems like a genuinely nice guy, right? A little guarded, sure, but he’s polite and he tips well and what kind of hero would Roman be if he didn’t at least try to make friends with this troubled but charming young man?
So Roman introduces himself to Virgil in their civilian identities and the two of them are friendly! free coffee here, book recommendation there, on slow days Roman will sit with Virgil and they’ll just chill for a while. Each of them quietly considers the other his friend, but Roman is Concerned about how Virgil is so fucking jumpy, keeps getting these calls that he claims are from his academic adviser but honestly what kind of adviser would be so terrible to talk to, he has all these bruises that show up continuously and his excuses are all plausible, realistic, and backed by evidence provided by Virgil himself, but something just doesn’t seem right.
So when Virgil mentions that his cousin suddenly moved out in the middle of the lease and he needs to find a new roommate and can he post a flyer in the coffee shop? Roman jumps at the opportunity. He’s been renting one room by the month in a shitty part of town and this is a hell of an upgrade, and also, maybe that nagging in the back of his head when Virgil shows up battered will go away. (maybe if he’s there no one will hurt Virgil. what monster would bring deliberate harm onto such a genuinely nice, snarky guy, wonders the superhero who brawls him on the regular)
He’ll have to keep his superhero-ing on the DL from his new roommates (though he’s thinking about telling Virgil, because Virgil seems like he can keep a secret and Roman really wants to have someone to talk to about this), but unlike Virgil, Roman knows how to use strategic stage makeup to hide bruises and minor imperfections. Also, his villain must be kind of weak, because he never seems to do too much damage? Sometimes Roman thinks he doesn’t really want to be a villain, he’s just kind of sad and lonely, like Megamind. Thoughts for another time.
So now, in one apartment, we have:
Patton, former EMT; former superhero of respectable fame; currently a cop assigned to Roman’s superhero persona and also any calls involving emotional competence; knows Virgil is a supervillain but pretends not to; responds immediately to all calls involving superpowers in case it’s his deeply misguided roommate and he needs help;
Logan, one accident away from becoming a super-something if only he could figure out what; provider of Virgil’s biochemical defenses for when superpowers alone are not enough; helping to cover both logistics and material needs for supervillainy (also created Virgil’s outfit because you can’t do crime in a hoodie you heathen, no one will take you seriously, Virgil had to talk him down from including a necktie); searching for his place in life; not entirely certain why Virgil is stepping up his illegal activities but not happy about it; currently househusband to all of his roommates;
Virgil, extremely stressed grad student; villain for fun and profit and mostly because he needs the money to not get murdered; a bit of an adrenaline junkie; really staring to get into this villain thing but he sometimes wishes he didn’t have to be the bad guy; definitely feeling hunted by shadowy entities and organizations and trying desperately not to bring anyone down with him;
and Roman, the hero. who is beginning to think he and his villain might have been friends, in another life.
It is both a sitcom and a shitshow of epic proportions while everyone tries to hide each other’s secrets without letting ppl know what they know, Roman comes clean to Virgil and Virgil freaks the fuck out about it, Patton frets about everyone and everything until he’s stressing himself sick, Logan makes chemical explosions in the broom closet and the whole block is evacuated every other Tuesday and they all have to pretend not to know about it, Roman wants to get a dog and also for Virgil to get out of whatever abusive relationship he’s Clearly In, Virgil wants a nap, Patton wants a nap, they all want a nap.
What I’m saying is: Superhero au.
@stella-scriptor another one for you, buddy
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alabastertouch · 7 years
Catching the Right Time
Genre: Angst, fluff
Characters: Jung Jaehyun x Reader
Warning/s: None, I think?
Summary: Love chooses the right time, and by right time, meaning you are ready to face the bittersweet reality.
A/N: Okay, I know I said I’ll do requests once a day, and I’ll post a Bobby one right after this one, but this idea just suddenly came up! I will do the requests as soon as I can! Though, I’m closing the requests as of now, still I still have a lot to do, but I will finish everything in my inbox.
And comments about my writing (anything, as long as it isn’t malicious or smth) are well appreciated! Just hit the ask box!
Enjoy our cutie Yoonoh-nim! ☁︎
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Jaehyun kicks the settled boxes as he gets in his new apartment, with another one heavy in his hands. He would have rented a flat, but it will cost too much, and it is enough that his rent is sponsored by his parents already.
Moving to some place new, especially when it is in another continent, gives him the ultimate chills. He gazes outside to see the hustling and bustling of a cold January morning in London. He gazes to the trees balding approximately two floors below him, wondering what’s in it for him for the next days to come.
His landlady, Mrs. Wesley, came by a few minutes later, giving him a hot cup of lavender tea and some cookies she had freshly baked. He almost swoons at the aroma of it, suddenly missing his mother’s usual baking schedules whenever he comes home for the holidays from the university.
“Ma’am, may I ask who my neighbors are?” He sips a little of the tea, testing its heat and taste. He finds it soothing for his throat, yet still way too warm to gulp. He blows on it a little to cool it down.
“Well the one next to yours is also a Korean lady! She has been living here for five years now, and she’s such a lovely, lovely girl,” she chirps, her accent showing incredibly due to her excitement. “Across yours lives her older cousin, also a Korean lady who married a man of our country. The missus does not want to live away from the young lady because she had bad cheese last year when she moved in here.”
Jaehyun’s still not used to the phrases of the British people, but he takes it that her next-door neighbor encountered a pitfall the previous year.
“Anyway, I’m chuffed for you to meet her! I’d tell you her name, but I’ll prefer if she introduces herself to you,” Mrs. Wesley stands up and prepares to make her exit. “Anyway, sweetheart, if you have any queries, just knock on my door downstairs, or just any of your neighbors, really. We’re a big family here.”
And Jaehyun smiles at the lukewarm welcome.
“I will, Mrs. Wesley,” Jaehyun accepts the invitation.
“Oh, and Jae, dear, just call me Auntie Jean. Everyone does.” Auntie Jean, as what she prefers to be called, waves before closing the door of Jaehyun’s apartment close.
He takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the journey he is about to partake in a place where he knows nobody else.
But then, all of a sudden, his thoughts turn back to you.
The last time he heard, you’ve gotten a scholarship for a dream university of yours in a foreign land during your second year of college in Sungkyunkwan University, and him, not wanting to intervene in your plans, refused to know where you actually headed to pursue your aspirations. Your mutual friends do not talk about you in front of Jaehyun either, even though you keep in touch. Jaehyun declines to call you, and you do the same, because you two were victims of a horrible timing.
But he cannot deny the fact that even if his college years have passed, he has never looked at someone the same way he did with you. True, he was only 20 when you left, but you were, and still are, his muse and will always be. All his written scripts, productions, and directed films somehow have a inkling to you.
He stares at the only picture the two of you have; the one that Doyoung had to coerce both of you two take. You weren’t into PDA, and so is Jaehyun, that everyone got frustrated and took every touch of yours something to squeal over. Doyoung felt like he succeeded as a paparazzi when Jaehyun placed his arm around you and kissed your hair, perfectly as the camera clicked.
He smiles at the distant memory, hoping that it is surreal to you as it is to him.
“Are you sure your eating well? Do they have bibimbap there? You can cook, right?” Taeyong’s nagging is endless, and Jaehyun almost turns the call off the moment Taeyong begins spouting his worries. He appreciates the older’s concern, but he has a two-year-old to take care of and a company to handle. Jaehyun can hear the distinct laughter of Taeyong’s wife from the other line.
“I’m fine, hyung. Tell little Taejin that I miss him, and tell noona I miss her cooking!” Because he really does. He misses the crinkling of Taejin’s eyes whenever Johnny tells an awful joke and his Jennie noona’s savagery whenever she kills Johnny’s mood.
“We miss you too, uncle Jae!” Jaehyun hears Taeyong’s huff, which means Taejin must have probably jumped on his father’s laugh.
The knock from his door interrupts his phone call.
“Hyung, I have to go, but I’ll call you when I’m free, okay?” Jaehyun hangs the phone after hearing Taeyong and his family’s farewells, and he heads to the door to check who the visitor is.
“I heard that I have a fellow countryman in here,” the lady speaks in Korean, and Jaehyun somehow feels comfortable hearing someone speak his home language. “Hi, I’m Kim Hyunjin. I live over there.” She points to the door behind her with thumb.
“I’m Jung Yoonoh, but I go by Jaehyun. It’s really nice to meet you,” he offers his hand for her to take.
“Likewise,” Hyunjin grins. “And judging by you taking up your master’s, you’re probably the same age as my cousin who lives right next to you, so I’m a noona to you.”
“Ah, alright, Hyunjin noona,” Jaehyun chuckles. “Where is she, by the way?”
“Oh, my cousin? She had to go to University of London because she’s enrolled in her master’s as well. She went to fix some stuff for her enrolment. You’ll go to U of London as well, right? Auntie Jean said so.”
“Yeah, this upcoming term,” Jaehyun confirms. “It’s my third year, hopefully graduating. It is a little difficult to move for my last year.”
“Oh, I’m sure you can do it,” Hyunjin assures him. “Anyway, I’m here to invite you because my husband has a gig tonight at a pub nearby, and since you just arrived, I thought you’d want to look around. My cousin will be there as well, so do you want to come?”
Jaehyun is beyond surprised that he is not having a hard time coping, especially when he has people that empathizes with him. Hyunjin and her cousin must miss the Korean atmosphere as well.
“I’d be glad to,” Jaehyun takes the invitation.
“Great! I’ll knock on your door later when it’s time to go. It starts at eight, just fyi,” Hyunjin goes back to her apartment across the hall.
Jaehyun takes a seat on his newly bought sofa and loosens in relief.
So far, so good.
“Come on, it will be exciting!” You roll your eyes at Hyunjin’s constant pressuring about her husband, Harry’s upcoming gig, scheduled tonight. “Plus, the next door neighbor? Damn, girl. You’d totally dig him, and he’s coming with us.”
“I don’t have time to dig anyone, unnie,” you throw your school bag aside. “And besides? Can’t you just go with him? I’m tired.”
“No, you’re not tired. You’re lazy, and there’s a vast difference between those two,” she deadpans to you. “Come on! Dress up now! We only have thirty minutes until eight!”
“Fine,” you mutter before getting yourself up from the confines of your bed. Hyunjin pushes you in front of your wardrobe, where she has already chosen a sleeveless top and a high-waisted jeans for you.
“With you being my fairy godmother, I think I only need five minutes to dress up,” you point out as you take of your blazer to replace it with the flowy navy blue top. Hyunjin knots the lace of it to perfectly fit your body.
“There you go,” she claps her hand once. “Now, apply some makeup.”
You obey, because she is the older one, after all, and if you do not do as she wishes, you will never here the end of it.
Within ten minutes, you are already applying your lipstick.
“Hurry up, I’ll ask Jaehyun to come out now.”
You freeze at the name, because you are not expecting that at all.
“Who?” You want to make sure you’ve heard correctly.
“Our new neighbor? Jung Jaehyun.”
And you know now that you are so dead. Hyunjin knocks on the door three times, and you pray that Jaehyun has already forgotten everything about you, even though haven’t done so yourself. You do it just to avoid the embarrassment because you look awful right now, and based from Hyunjin’s accounts, he looks like a runway model.
When he comes out of his apartment, you find out that your cousin is right, and if college freshman Jung Jaehyun looked handsome, then twenty-five-year-old Jung Jaehyun still manages to capture your heart.
Unfortunately for you, he seems to still recognize you, and his tears well up upon catching sight of you.
He murmurs your name, and your cousin is puzzled when she emerges from her room. She stares between you two, then figures it out minutes later.
“Oh, uh, okay, well I’ll go there alone? Pretty sure Harry will understand, because you two have to talk.” And you’re positive that Hyunjin is just trying to escape the pesky situation.
You and Jaehyun end up on the couch of his still-bare apartment, without any words exchanged.
You play with the loose hem of your top, and Jaehyun just watches as your hand nervously shakes as you tug on the the thread. You have no idea what to say, and with his speechlessness, he does not, either.
“It’s good to see you,” he breaks the ice first, which he also usually does. You and Jaehyun were different even back then: he was the person who is friends with everyone, and you are the one who keeps to yourself and does not talk much. Somehow, Jaehyun didn’t force you to talk to him back then, and he just waited for you to open up. It took so long, that you only had you moments amongst yourself until you had to quickly fall apart.
You loved Jaehyun, and seeing him today, you think you still do.
But you are not twenty anymore, and you’re sure Jaehyun does not think the same way he did five years ago. Jaehyun may have not waited for you, even if you did anticipate the right time to see him again. He might have a girlfriend waiting for him until he finishes his master’s degree, and you might have been too late.
“It’s really good to see you as well, Jae,” you do not mean to croak it out, but it turns out that way. Jaehyun looks into your eyes, lost and looking elsewhere except at him. “It’s been too long.”
Too long, there might not be a chance anymore.
You never asked him to wait, and he never asked for you to wait for him, either. Somehow, you just assumed that would be it. If you and Jaehyun aren’t in the same page, then you two are not meant to be, after all. You’re not a big fan of destiny or any mushy stuff, but with Jaehyun, you hope you are the one for him, even if time was not fair to you.
“So…” Jaehyun is a straightforward person, and you tilt your head thinking what is taking him long to ask you what is in his mind.
“What? Just tell me,” you encourage.
“Do you…” Jaehyun takes a deep breath before giving it all out. “Have a boyfriend?”
Your lips almost waver to a smile after hearing the question.
“No, no, I don’t,” and you’re afraid to bring the question back to him, but you do. “How about you?”
When Jaehyun shakes his head, you almost jump for joy, but still, nothing’s clear.
“A wife, perhaps?” Jaehyun’s eyes widen at you, as if sirens just turned on boisterously.
“No!” He strongly denies. “I haven’t dated for so long, so no, no girls in my life. Just one.”
Now, it’s your turn to have your eyes all wide in question.
“She’s waiting for you in Korea?” You ask, though your heart is beating rapidly in worry. You lick your lips, trying to ease the nervousness.
“No,” he clicks his tongue. “She’s in London, actually. I waited five years to see her again. I hope she waited for me, too.”
You don’t stop yourself from breaking into a huge grin now, and you’re back to the college freshman in love with Jung Jaehyun.
Only this time, it’s a more mature version of the both of you, knowing yourselves before getting into a commitment.
And you have no regrets at all, because you and Jaehyun found each other after all. Even if it isn’t today, you will in the right time.
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