#snape trying to keep them safe and here they go
casasupernovas · 1 year
can someone also explain to me why lily and james were having bathilda bagshot around for tea? weren't they supposed to be in hiding? 😂
aside from the obvious, they could use each other's nicknames all they want but one person intercepts the letter and finds out they are near bathilda (doubt there are many bathilda's in the magical world) and boom location found. didn't even need wormtail.
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
Hiii. This is my first time requesting so I don't know if I'm doing it correctly, but here it goes. It's about poly marauders
One in which the reader gets detention and the boys are wondering why and she does not tell them , and they get angry at her because they think she did a prank without them ar something
And then it turns out she like punched Snape , because he was talking bad about her boys and her. And like can you make it very very fluffy in the end
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Summary: Read the request baby Pairing: Poly!marauders x reader Warnings: physical violence but not too descriptive, Snape calls reader a slut ❤️ and some more mean stuff. Word Count: .9K Requested: Yes
A/N: Yes!!! I love love love the angst this gives<3 Thanks for requesting my love, you did it correctly, there's rarely a wrong way of doing it so please don't worry! Also, this turned out to be a drabble more than a fic, hope you don't mind <3
Eyes turned as the beloved quartet stormed through the common room and onto the stairs of the Gryffindor dorms. Sirius trying to catch Y/N's wrist so she wouldn't lock herself in her room while their boyfriends walked behind them, James with an upset look in his eyes and Remus sporting furrowed eyebrows that showed unease more than anything.
"Y/N just talk to me!" the raven haired boy grumbled, trying to catch up with his girlfriend, eventually doing so right before she shut the door on his face. "Thanks babe," mumbled Prongs as their boyfriend held the door open for them. The girl sat on her bed when all the others in the dorm quickly left so they could have some privacy, not wanting to snoop on whatever the matter was.
"Why are you even upset about this!? I got detention, big deal" Y/N sighs, cradling her head in her hands, a headache from all the commotion already settling in. Her boyfriends knew she was suppressing something, and Sirius was really pissed about it; she didn't make it to their date that day, and when they found her she was exiting McGonagall's classroom with Snape.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe because we were stood up by our girlfriend and noticed she so happened to be in detention with our worst enemy!?" "That's a bit dramat-" James started but was soon interrupted by his boyfriend's cold stare and decided to keep his comment to himself.
"What are you hiding?" Said Prongs in a very defensive tone, making Y/N lose it. "Hiding!? Like I committed a crime or some shit... I got detention and Snivellus got detention! That's it, so j-just go." Remus shook his head and walked over to his girlfriend, his boyfriends shutting up when he did. He had kept quiet since they found her, but since that's exactly how the boy acted when he got mad, he really couldn't blame her for not approaching him.
Something told him there was way more to this whole deal than being in detention; Remus could read everyone like one of his novels, and Y/N's slightly red knuckles and shaky hands were definitely telling a story. He gently took her hands and searched for those beautiful brown eyes, finding them slightly glossed over.
"How are you not mad at all!?" The Potter boy asked, an approving nod coming from their boyfriend, who was now under his arms to calm himself down. "Something's up" Moony mumbled, audibly enough for them to hear. Y/N tensed up at that. Bingo.
He sat next to her, and she immediately crawled up on his lap, covering his sweater in salty tears. They knew Y/N short circuited when she was upset, so they all got very protective whenever she cried or got too angry; "She kind of freezes," Padfoot said once. "It's okay, keep breathing," Moony cooed as their boyfriends sat next to them, all anger forgotten and replaced by worry.
They waited for a couple of minutes until she calmed down, and when her breath steadied, she left her safe heaven Remus' chest. Y/N crawled down his lap and sat between James and him. "I punched Snape on the face because he was being mean again and I got sick of his shit..."
Prongs' gaze went directly to her knuckles in worry. Sirius laughed loudly and kissed her cheek while Remus smiled proudly at his girl; she was upset because they pushed her, not for whatever reason got her in detention. Y/N smiled, reassuring her boyfriend her hand was okay and letting the raven haired boy pepper her face in kisses.
They knew their girlfriend had a fire inside
"What did he say now? Wanna talk about it?" Prongs quizzed, knowing it was common for Y/N to get in her head about these types of things. "He called me a slut, said it must be some muggle stuff that I got you three involved in... and then said Jamie is compensating for not being able to be with Lily since she's with Mary"
"I'll hex the bastard" Said Sirius with his French accent seeping through as it so happened when he was upset, already getting up from the bed before Remus grabbed his wrist. "Calm down love, it's nothing he hasn't said before". James gave him a reassuring smile, agreeing with their boyfriend as Moony chuckled; "Plus, I think he got enough, courtesy of our bright girl".
Y/N laughed at that before noticing a certain glint in their boyfriend's eyes. "All good Jamie?" She asked, grabbing his face in both her hands, his pair of glasses partially hiding the pools of brown gazing at her lovingly. "M'sorry we were mean to you" he mumbled, pouting slightly as he looked into her eyes.
The girl's heart melted, hugging James tightly. "It's okay" "It's not though" said Sirius in a whine, hugging her from behind, making a sandwich of his boyfriend, girlfriend and him laying on the bed. Y/N giggled at the gesture, grabbing Pad's hand and looking over her shoulder at him. "You were very dramatic, but that's nothing new a-and I think it's a normal reaction. I do have to admit it was..." "...sketchy?" "...weird?" they completed.
"... rather unusual," she smiled, kissing them both on the mouth. "You're both forgiven". "Well, this is just mean. Make some space" Remus grumbled, settling between James and Y/N as they all giggled and Prongs kissed him softly.
They spent their afternoon there. With Christmas break approaching, teachers were more flexible when it came to assignments, so even Remus allowed himself to slack a little just to be with his loves. Nothing could hurt them, ever.
The scene was a portrait of their love; a warm bed, sweaty limbs and kisses all shared with the highest intimacy that spoke of a love that would endure the greatest test of all which is time.
˚ · • . ° .
It’s currently 12am and my brain isn’t working so i’ll just post this and place the word count in the morning.
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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charmed [18]: 'the finale: part 2' (remus lupin x reader)
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a/n: here it is ;'). the culmination of 3 years. before i say too much, there will be an epilogue so that is some consolation to me. because im in complete denial that its ending. i've never completed a piece of work of this magnitude before, and its completely thanks to the amazing love and feedback you have shown me that has kept me going. stay alert for the epilogue:) but without more waiting, here is the final part of charmed.
a/n: oh also, because i try to keep it as canon and tight as possible: unlike in the movie, remus doesnt transform OUT of his clothes. if not, he'd wake up naked lol. also, the book says hogsmeade station is not next to the village. i used the video game version where they're side-by-side for plot convenience.
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After hours of darkness, dawn’s first light etched its way through the thick trees of the Forest. Wolf shrunk back down into man, and heavy with exhaustion, he passed out onto the soft mossy floor.
A few trees away, high up in the branches, laid a watchful dove, who had fallen fast asleep with her head under her wing.
Moments passed, and the sky began to lighten with coats of yellow painting over the dark hues of black. They both awoke. Y/N floated down to where Remus was and transformed back.
“You okay?” She croaked, grabbing onto his robes that had brand new tears in it from last night.
Remus nodded. “And you?” He cradled her head in his two hands gently and looked down at her stomach.
She nodded back. They pulled each other into a silent hug, their heads pounding and their hearts tight with fear. They were both terrified of what had happened last night, but they didn’t speak on it. They needed the last of their energy to make it back to the Castle, where hopefully, everyone from last night laid safe and would be able to retell everything.
Finally, they reached the Whomping Willow. After grabbing Harry’s cloak and the map they had left there last night, they made their way into the castle. Fawkes was there to greet them, perched upon the railing of the staircase. Y/N and Remus took this as a sign, and followed the bird through the quiet, dim castle into Dumbledore’s office.
“Thank you Fawkes,” Dumbledore said softly as they entered his study, petting him on the head as it returned to its stand. “Professors, you have had a long night.” He gestured to his large divan, on top of which Y/N and Remus gladly crashed. 
“Headmaster—“ Remus cried out softly, the word shakily exiting his mouth in desperation and weariness.
“Do not fret, I will explain everything.” Dumbledore waved his hand, and two steaming cups of tea appeared in front of them, as well as a plate of small cookies. “Please.”
Y/N and Remus gratefully brought the warm liquid to their mouths, and squeezed each other’s hand as Dumbledore began explaining everything. He told them that Ron, Harry and Hermione were currently safe and sleeping in the Hospital Wing. He is unsure of the details on what went down after them two had gone into the forest, but the three children were brought into the castle by Snape, passed out on stretchers. 
Dumbledore proceeded to explain that Hermione had been in possession of a Time-Turner all year long to attend extra lessons. 
“All it took was a word of them freaking out over Sirius and Peter for me to understand everything. But of course, no one would believe the word of three 13-year-old’s and even less mine who had witnessed nothing. I had to maintain neutrality in front of Fudge. That is when I proposed Miss Granger the plan to turn back time. You might forget that one more innocent life was falsely accused last night. And thank goodness, Hermione and Harry succeeded. They snuck back into a presumedly locked Hospital Wing and Sirius took off on Buckbeak right before midnight, with Fudge, Macnair and Snape completely in the dark.”
Remus and Y/N finally exhaled the breath they had been holding in for hours. 
“Thank God.”
“So he’s free?” Remus asked. “Sirius?”
“Yes he is, Remus.” Albus responded.
Remus leaned back into his seat, pressing his fingers against pursed lips. The back of his eyes burned. He nodded. He shut his eyelids for a second. His friend was alive. He was out there.
“God, this is such a mess.” Y/N shook her head, burying her head in her hands. “Pettigrew got away.” She looked up at Dumbledore with worry in her eyes. “What will this mean..?”
Dumbledore shook his head wistfully. “There is no way to know.” He paused in deep reflection for a second. “There is no way to tell right now.”
The three sat together in silence for some time. There was gravity in the air as to what a now free Pettigrew might imply.
“Professors.” Albus smiled warmly. “You have done greatly. I suggest you two get some rest. Before the whole school wakes up. I need to finish writing this letter to the Minister.”
They nodded and left after thanking him for everything.
Remus and Y/N walked slowly, hand in hand.
“At least he’s alive.” Y/N managed to smile, looking up at Remus.
He returned the smile. “He is. He’s out there.” He said, bringing Y/N’s knuckles to his lips.
“Now, come on, into bed.” Remus said almost sternly once they entered their room. He sat Y/N on the edge of the bed and bent down on one knee, insisting on untying her shoes for her. “This much stress can not be good for the baby.”
Y/N laughed incredulously, watching as he proceeded to remove her socks for her, then massaging her feet gently. She knew that whatever fatigue she was feeling, Remus had it 100 times worse, but she saw him push through it in attempt to make her more comfortable.
“Remus?” She said softly.
“Yeah my love?” He said, lifting her arms to pull off her shirt.
“I love you.”
Remus paused with her shirt halfway off. “I love you too.”
Y/N giggled, as her head was stuck in the fabric, but Remus didn’t care and leaned down to kiss her.
Finally completely undressed, Y/N flopped onto her pillow. She ran her hands across her pelvis lovingly. “Our little cub.”
She was so tired that she drifted immediately off to sleep, not noticing how Remus had frozen on the spot. “Cub” set off an alarm in him, a panic that he couldn’t quite shake. He closed his eyes, clutching his blanket tightly to his chest.
Y/N felt Remus toss and turn in the bed beside her. She ignored it the first few times, until the last one finally brought her back to full consciousness.
“Are you awake?” She grumbled.
“… No.” He whispered back.
Y/N opened an eye to peek at him.
Remus took a deep sigh and sat up.
“What’s up?” Y/N joined him.
“This… might sound stupid,” Remus began, “but I don’t know, you said something earlier that just really triggered me.”
“You referred to our baby-“ Remus smiled slightly at the word and the thought, “as a ‘cub’”. He grimaced.
“It just sent me in a panic and I haven’t been able to quite shake it— and the thoughts, they’re paralyzing me.”
Y/N listened carefully as he continued.
“I just think about me potentially passing down my condition to an innocent child- our child- and having it have to suffer so much, all because of me.”
“Hmm.” Y/N said. “Can I speak— is that all you wanted to share?”
Remus nodded.
“Would you still love my child even if it had the same mental health issues as me?”
“Of course, that’s not even a question.” Remus said.
“So what’s the fundamental difference between that and lycanthropy?”
“Well, you cannot compare the two, they are simply not— being a werewolf is dangerous to others.“
Y/N shrugged, “I could argue that a bunch of conditions can make someone dangerous to others. But yeah, I understand. Fundamentally though, this is our child. Ours, Remus. You and me. I’m going to love this baby so much, because it will be part you. Not in spite of that. And it may inherit some of your worse traits, but it will also inherit the things that make you-” Y/N cupped his face. “the most wonderful man I’ve ever met. If it inherits lycanthropy, it will just be one gene out of 5 million other ones. It won’t change a thing in how much I will fucking love them.”
Remus remained silent.
“Yes, it’ll come with its own challenges. But having a kid was never gonna be easy right? And it’s nothing we can’t prepare for? It’s not like tracking the moon and handling transformations is completely new to us. We would just have two little furry friends every month instead of just the one. And they can come to Hogwarts, just like you have. And they’ll experience all the joys and laughs and cries at this castle as we have. Plus, they will get to grow up in a time where Wolfsbane is more accessible.”
Remus looked half-convinced.
“Plus, the baby will be half me. Will you not love something that is half me?” Y/N pouted.
Remus chuckled, finally breaking, throwing his head to the side. “Of course, I’ll love it. I love things that are 1% you, I love things that aren’t even you but remind me of you.”
Y/N cooed.
Remus put his arm around Y/N’s shoulder and brought her head to his lips. “I love you more than anything there is, and the only thing I would more is I fear, our baby.”
Y/N felt a tear creep up to her eyes. “Me too. So we’ll be okay, okay?”
Remus took a deep breath, feeling the air transition in and out of his body. “Okay”.
The fear wasn’t as strong. He kept holding onto Y/N, until the fear almost went away completely. And they fell back asleep.
Their time of respite was cut short by a knock on the door. Y/N stirred, rubbing her eyes. What time even was it? She turned to see Remus still deep in slumber. She smiled, and got up.
“Professor McGonagall!” She said in slight surprise to find her at their door. 
“I’ve come to bring you breakfast,” Professor McGonagall said, carrying a tray with two plates on it.
“Oh, thank you! Come in, come in.” She ushered her in, letting her set the tray on the table. 
“There is… something else I need to discuss.”
“Oh?” Y/N folder her arms across her chest.
Professor McGonagall sat down and ushered Y/N to take the chair next to her. 
“Professor Snape, this morning… at breakfast… well— He told everyone about Lupin’s condition.”
Y/N swallowed. She took a deep breath. Then she began nodding slowly. “Everyone?”
“Well, he mostly said to the Slytherins, but you know the school: if one student knows, every one will know.”
Y/N nodded again, pursing her lips.
“I am really sorry, Y/N.” Professor McGonagall said regretfully. “He… he does not deserve this.”
Y/N merely continued to nod. “Thanks for coming to tell me this, Minerva.”
McGonagall stood, and laid a hand on her shoulder.
“And thank you for the food.”
Y/N watched the older witch leave and looked back at the bedroom door. She tapped her foot nervously. She checked the clock. Breakfast was still being served. She got up. 
Most of the students were enjoying their meal quietly as the Great Hall was filled with a low buzz of morning chatter, cornflakes being poured into bowls and envelopes of morning mail being ripped open to read. Suddenly, the doors burst open, and Y/N came storming in.
A hush fell over among the students, as they were slightly distraught to see their Charms teacher like this. 
She spotted Snape at the teacher’s table, who had awkwardly set his goblet down. “SNAPE!” Her angry footsteps echoed off the walls of the Hall.
“WHERE do YOU get off, telling people about MY HUSBAND’s business?!!” She yelled.
There was a huge, collective gasp from the students.
“Are you this PATHETIC that you feel the need to stoop THIS LOW, and ruin Remus’ ENTIRE reputation? Based on WHAT? HUH? WHAT— are you mad that things, WHERE YOU HAD NO PLACE TO BE TO BEGIN WITH, didn’t go YOUR WAY? SOMETHING YOU WERE COMPLETELY WRONG ABOUT BY THE WAY— you didn’t even TRY to hear us out, but that’s just how you are, isn’t it? SO STUBBORN, I don’t know if you know this, SEVERUS, but we are ADULTS NOW. I COULD PULL THE SAME SHIT AS YOU AND EXPOSE SO MUCH OF WHAT YOU WERE— NO, ARE— but I won’t, I don’t want to waste my BREATH.”
Multiple professors had run down at this point to hold Y/N back, and were busy rushing her to the side and out of the room.
“I’d start with how you got that BUMP on your head, but that doesn’t even matter—“ Y/N fought, “and DON’T EVEN THINK of raising your wand at me, I am PREGNANT—“
The entire student population let out another gasp in unison.
“But again, it wouldn’t be unlike you to want to hurt A CHI-I-I-LD”.
The last word echoed through the doors as Y/N was pulled away by a swarm of teachers.
The Great Hall burst out into a swarm of loud, buzzing chatter as Snape quickly turned away and vanished from his seat.
“I fucking KNEW IT! FINALLY!”
“PROFESSOR Y/L/N AND LUPIN, I mean, it’s always been—“
“We BEEN knew—“
Fred and George had risen to their feet on top of their seats with a large roll of parchment and began crying out: “Alright, listen up! Those who bet AGAINST Professors Y/L/N and Lupin, come pay up OR double or nothing— GENDER OF THE BABY! COME PLACE YOUR BETS, WILL IT BE A BOY OR GIRL, BOY. OR. GIRL?!”
It took Professor McGonagall 30 minutes to break up the hullabaloo of gossip-wired teens and dispatch the students into their respective common rooms where they could get ready for the Hosmeade visit scheduled that day.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione left the hospital wing at noon, and it was to find an almost deserted castle (courtesy of Professor McGonagall’s incredible crowd-herding skills). The students were all ushered out to the village and she hoped they would burn enough energy shopping and exploring.
Neither Ron nor Hermione felt like going, however, so they and Harry wandered onto the grounds, still talking about the extraordinary events of the previous night and wondering where Sirius and Buckbeak were now. Sitting near the lake, watching the giant squid waving its tentacles lazily above the water, Harry lost the thread of the conversation as he looked across to the opposite bank. The stag had galloped toward him from there just last night.... 
A shadow fell across them and they looked up to see a very bleary-eyed Hagrid, mopping his sweaty face with one of his tablecloth-sized handkerchiefs and beaming down at them. 
"Know I shouldn' feel happy, after wha' happened las' night," he said. "I mean, Black escapin' again, an, everythin' -- but guess what?" 
"What?" they said, pretending to look curious.
"Beaky! He escaped! He's free! Bin celebratin' all night!" 
"That's wonderful!" said Hermione, giving Ron a reproving look because he looked as though he was close to laughing. 
"Yeah... can't've tied him up properly," said Hagrid, gazing happily out over the grounds. "I was worried this mornin', mind... thought he mighta met Professor Lupin on the grounds, but Lupin says he never ate anythin' las' night...." 
"What?" said Harry quickly. 
"Blimey, haven' yeh heard?" said Hagrid, his smile fading a little. He lowered his voice, even though there was nobody in sight. "Er -- Snape told all the Slytherins this mornin'.... Thought everyone'd know by now... Professor Lupin's a werewolf, see. An' he was loose on the grounds las' night.... An’ then Professor Y/L/N came rushing in, cussing Snape out and all that, cause he’s her husband you see. Don’t know where she’s at but he’s packin' now, o' course.”
"He's packing?" said Harry, alarmed. "Why?" 
"Leavin', isn' he?" said Hagrid, looking surprised that Harry had to ask. "Resigned firs' thing this mornin'. Says he can't risk it happenin again.”
Harry scrambled to his feet.
"I'm going to see him," he said to Ron and Hermione.
"But if he's resigned —" 
“— doesn't sound like there's anything we can do —" 
"I don't care. I still want to see him. I'll meet you back here." 
Lupin's office door was open. He had already packed most of his things. The grindylow's empty tank stood next to his battered old suitcase, which was open and nearly full. Lupin was bending over something on his desk and looked up only when Harry knocked on the door. 
"I saw you coming," said Lupin, smiling. He pointed to the parchment he had been poring over. It was the Marauder's Map. 
"I just saw Hagrid," said Harry. "And he said you'd resigned. It's not true, is it?" 
"I'm afraid it is," said Lupin. He started opening his desk drawers and taking out the contents. 
"Why?" said Harry. "The Ministry of Magic don't think you were helping Sirius, do they?" 
Lupin crossed to the door and closed it behind Harry. 
"No. Professor Dumbledore managed to convince Fudge that I was trying to save your lives." He sighed. "That was the final straw for Severus. I think the loss of the Order of Merlin hit him hard. So he -- er -- accidentally let slip that I am a werewolf this morning at breakfast." 
"You're not leaving just because of that!" said Harry. 
Lupin smiled wryly. 
"This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving from parents.... They will not want a werewolf teaching their children, Harry. And after last night, I see their point. I could have bitten any of you.... That must never happen again." 
"You're the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had!" said Harry. "Don't go!" 
Lupin shook his head and didn't speak. He carried on emptying his drawers. Then, while Harry was trying to think of a good argument to make him stay, Lupin said, "From what the headmaster told me this morning, you saved a lot of lives last night, Harry. if I'm proud of anything I've done this year, it's how much you've learned.... Tell me about your Patronus." 
"How d'you know about that?" said Harry, distracted. 
"What else could have driven the dementors back?" 
Harry told Lupin what had happened. When he'd finished, Lupin was smiling again. 
"Yes, your father was always a stag when he transformed," he said. "You guessed right... that's why we called him Prongs." 
Lupin threw his last few books into his case, closed the desk drawers, and turned to look at Harry. 
"Here -- I brought this from the Shrieking Shack last night," he said, handing Harry back the Invisibility Cloak. "And..." He hesitated, then held out the Marauder's Map too. "I am no longer your teacher, so I don't feel guilty about giving you back this as well. It's no use to me, and I daresay you, Ron, and Hermione will find uses for it." 
Harry took the map and grinned. 
"You told me Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs would've wanted to lure me out of school... you said they'd have thought it was funny." 
"And so we would have," said Lupin, now reaching down to close his case. 
"I have no hesitation in saying that James would have been highly disappointed if his son had never found any of the secret passages out of the castle." 
There was a knock on the door. Harry hastily stuffed the Marauder's Map and the Invisibility Cloak into his pocket. 
It was Professor Dumbledore. He didn't look surprised to see Harry there. 
"Your carriage is at the gates, Remus," he said.
"Thank You, Headmaster.”
Lupin picked up his old suitcase and the empty grindylow tank. 
"Well — good-bye, Harry," he said, smiling. "It has been a real pleasure teaching you. I feel sure we'll meet again sometime. Headmaster, there is no need to see me to the gates, I can manage...." 
Harry had the impression that Lupin wanted to leave as quickly as possible. 
"Good-bye, then, Remus," said Dumbledore soberly. Lupin shifted the grindylow tank slightly so that he and Dumbledore could shake hands. Then, with a final nod to Harry and a swift smile, Lupin left the office. 
“After you, darling.” Remus said, holding the carriage door open.
“Thank you.” She hummed, taking Remus’ outstretched hand and climbing into the carriage.
They settled into their seats and the Thestrals began to move. They looked out the window, watching the Castle grow smaller and smaller. Tears rolled down Y/N’s cheeks.
She turned to face forward, slumping into the back of her seat and sighed. She glanced at Remus, who was staring back at her. She pouted.
“You don’t have to come with me, you know.” He began.
She shook her head.
“You can finish the term properly, hand out grades, enjoy the end-of-year feast…”
“We’ve talked about this, Rem.” She cut him, placing her hand on his shoulder. “I wanna be with you. Don’t want you to be alone right now. Plus, if you think I didn’t ask the house-elves to cook up something for me…us…”
Remus laughed incredulously as Y/N showed him the contents of her bag, which included a few wrapped sandwiches, several pastries, a banana and an apple, and homemade candied almonds. 
The two wistfully looked out the window. 
“I want to tell you, Y/N, that—“ Remus looked down at his hands. “This year might have been the best year of my life. Of course there were other happy years in my life, like some at Hogwarts as a child, or when I met you, but…”
He pursed his lips together and looked back at the Castle. “There’s something about being back here… with you this time… Hogwarts was the first place I had ever found joy. And friendship. And being able to revisit it so many years down the line as a man, and experience it doing something I love with whom I love, also doing what she loves…” 
His voice broke as he covered his eyes.
“Oh, Remus.” Y/N grabbed his hand. “I feel the same way. I didn’t really know you when we were first here. But being able to experience Hogwarts with you, it’s been… well, magical.”
Y/N looked at him intensely through glassy eyes. “Oh, and I hate that it has to end like this, I do, no I do—“ She reiterated as he began shaking his head. “Because, you don’t tell yourself this enough, but you have so much to be proud of this year. I’m so proud of you. You’ve accomplished something so special here, you might not see it but I do, I’ve been seeing it all year. You were so important to those students. I literally heard it everyday- in the hallways, in the classrooms, in the library- how much they loved you.”
Remus was full on crying now.
“You.” Y/N said, jamming a finger into his chest. “I have loved this year because of how much it has brought me back to, but it’s been everything to watch you shine. Because of simply who you are. You’ve gotten too used to hiding in the shadows. And I felt like falling in love with you all over again.”
They engulfed each other in a hug as they both cried into each other.
Finally, the carriage came to a halt. The two came apart, sniffling, wiping their wet faces on the sleeves of their robes.
“God, we’re such saps, aren’t we?” Remus let out a wet chortle.
Y/N did the same back.
They both stepped out, with their bags onto Hogsmeade Station. The train had just arrived for them, blowing steam in a loud whistle.
Remus took the bags and began climbing on with them.
Out of the corner of Y/N’s eye, she saw dozens of students on Hogsmeade’s main street, in the middle of their weekend visit. A few of them seemed to be looking back. Recognizing who they were, she gave a big wave with her entire arm. They all waved back. And suddenly, they began growing larger. They were running towards the train platform.
“Oh my God, they’re coming…” Y/N muttered as the mob of students trampled into the station.
A dozen “Professor Y/L/N!”s broke out in different voices.
“Where are you going?”
“We heard you’re pregnant!”
“Is it true?!”
“Will you be back to teach next year?”
Y/N beamed at them as she looked in each of their faces. There was a mix of all her students, from all years and all houses. She felt a pinch of sadness to see that Harry, Ron and Hermione were not present.
“You guys…” Y/N took a deep breath. She put her hand on the shoulders of the two students nearest her. “Yes, I am pregnant.”
There was a collective whoop.
“So, I don’t see myself coming back next year as I would be on maternity leave.”
There was a collective “aw” of disappointment. 
“What about Professor Lupin?” said a timid 1st-year.
Y/N smiled sadly. “I… don’t know, sweetheart.”
A shared expression of sadness fell upon the group.
“You know, we’ve been really depressed after hearing about Professor Lupin.” Seamus said, kicking his feet. “He was the best Defence teacher we’ve ever had!”
Remus had his ear pressed against the train door. He felt his heart clench. Y/N looked back at him and cocked her head slightly. He stepped down onto the platform.
The group of students erupted in cheers. “Professor Lupin!” They broke out in a cacophony of praise and sadness about his departure.
Remus bowed his head down in humility. He was at a loss of what to say. “I… thank you everyone. I am most glad that you have learned this much with me.”
A first-year stepped forward hesitantly, then lunged to hug Remus. Taken aback for a second, Remus then chuckled kindly and returned the hug.
They then divided into two groups, one to group-hug Remus and the other, to Y/N. The two couldn’t stop laughing of glee, watching the scene unfold. 
“Can we write letters to you when you’re gone?!”
“Of course you can.”
Finally, the train whistled and it was time for Y/N and Remus to board officially.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell us all year you two were married, by the way.” A student finally said.
Y/N laughed. “Yeah…” She took Remus’ hand. “But I hear you guys were quite keen on figuring it out.”
With one last goodbye, Y/N and Remus climbed up onto the train. They took their seats and waved back at the students through the window. The train tugged forward, and several of the students sprinted and ran across the train, tapping on the window.
Y/N and Remus laughed with tears in their eyes, watching them slow down and stop as finally the train turned out of the station and away from the platform. From afar, they could see a small McGonagall-shaped figure whisk all the students away and back into the village. The figure stopped for a moment and looked at the train. She nodded and waved.
The train picked up speed and within seconds, Hogsmeade was replaced with tall sets of trees on both sides. 
Y/N looked at Remus. He smiled. Taking a deep breath, Y/N closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder.
Remus sat there wide awake. He watched etches of forest zoom past them in the window. The train turned a corner and the trees dissipated, freeing the view upon the other side of the lake. The sky was impossibly clear, as tones of light blue filled his vision. Sun glistened atop the water’s reflection. He watched the scenery and thought back to his year, with a bright golden ball of light glowing in his chest. He knew it was going to be difficult to predict when he’d see Hogwarts again. But once again, it had changed him for good. And his future shined impossibly bright ahead.
With this feeling of warmth and hope, he closed his eyes and joined Y/N in her slumber.
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the great war
Theodore Nott xfem!reader
part of the midnights collection
December 31st, 1998
Dear Diary,
So much has happened, I don’t know where to start.
The past month has been eventful, to say the least. As far as the Horcrux hunt goes, the boys managed to destroy two of them, almost one month ago, and Hermione thinks they’ll be going to Hogwarts by the end of January. 
Hogwarts has been shut down, unofficially; classes have stopped and the only ones staying there are the teachers and the students who have nowhere else to go. Professor Lupin said that most of the muggleborns have fled the country with their families.
I worry about the boys going back there, especially now, it isn’t safe with Snape as Headmaster and the Carrows there. They shouldn’t be going there alone.
The attacks against muggleborns and muggles, are more frequent now than ever. There is a station on the radio, spreading news and updating the supporters of the Order.
From what we’ve been hearing, things aren’t going as well as we’d like them to. Moody says that, even if we destroy the Horcruxes and kill Voldemort, there will still be so many Death Eaters and werewolves left and they will try to continue his work.
Not to mention, the politicians who secretly support him. It just feels like no matter what we do, they will still keep appearing. So how will it ever end? 
You feel panic creeping up on you again, and you stop for a moment, laying your head on top of your desk, hoping that if you shut your eyes, you will forget everything for just a few seconds. But you don’t. Instead you decide to focus on something else and you continue writing.
Andromeda Black has been visiting us, her husband is also fighting and her daughter moved in with us. And, in case it wasn't clear, she is Dracos aunt. I think she wants to fix their relationship, Narcissa and Andromeda were close growing up and from the way she talks about her sister I can tell how much she misses her.
Draco is the only person tying her to her sister- and her old family. I am sure she is proud of him. Proud of all of them.
We, have also grown closer to them, it is ridiculous to think how every time I’d stumble across Pansy Parkinson at school, I would feel anxious over the things she would say to me, but now- now we laugh together almost every night.
We all sit together and talk about school and our past, but only about the good stuff. Pansy makes fun of Theo and Draco, and how difficult they were back at school. How Draco would constantly talk about Harry when they sat in their common room. 
She remembers how one time, Blaise invented a drinking game, where every time that Draco would mention Harry, they would take a shot of whatever alcohol they had. She woke up with a pounding headache the next morning next to Theo who looked sick and Blaise who had gone to the bathroom at least three times.
And worst of all, Draco was sober and kept on blabbering about quidditch and how unfair it was that “undisciplined-Potter” won almost at every game.
Pansy told us the other day that even if things go terribly and we all die, at least she made girl-friends and didn’t end up alone with a whiny Draco and a moody Theo- her words not mine.
Theo and I have also grown close this past month. After the last time I wrote you, he visited me in my room and asked if he could sleep here. I let him in and turned the rug by my bed into a mat. Anyway, he slept there that night, and the next one and everynight after that.
He says he doesn’t get nightmares anymore, he feels safe now; and he can fall sleep easier. And to be honest, I have also been sleeping better, ever since that night. It isn’t only easier for me to fall asleep, but when I wake up I feel safe, and I can calm down faster than when I am on my own. 
I didn’t realize how much I craved to be near someone until Theo started sleeping here, how easier it gets when you have someone by your side. 
He usually knocks on my door a few minutes before midnight, we lay in our beds and talk until one of us falls asleep. 
He is kind and funny, and if it weren’t for the War I could fall we could be more than housemates-who-can’t-sleep-by-themselves and-need-eachother. But, we could die at any moment and living in a fantasy will not help me; and neither will getting my hopes up over nothing. 
We spent Christmas morning together, we woke up very early, and those who were not on a mission were still asleep. He made us spiked-hot chocolate, and we exchanged Christmas stories, until the others woke up.
That morning he told me about his childhood and how he would spend Christmas with the Malfoys, because his father didn’t want him around.
He asked me about my childhood and I told him about visits at the Burrow, and that one year when I spent Christmas at Hogwarts; raiding the kitchen with the students who were also there; and then listening to Hagrid’s stories at night.
Last week, I think the day after Boxing Day, I heard him talking in his sleep. Usually, he is the one to wake me up, whenever I have a nightmare, but that day the opposite happened. 
He was thrashing in his sleep and mumbling words that I can’t remember, he told me once that he dreams of Blaises death. I woke him up and
You raise your head and look outside your window as you recall that night. 
You were on your knees next to him, desperately trying to wake him up. Tears were dropping on his cheek and he kept grunting as if he was in physical pain; you shook his shoulder hard enough that he woke with a deep sigh.
The look on his face haunts you to this day, it is something you never want to see again. You lightly grabbed his face and whispered “It was only a dream.”, but he didn’t seem to believe you. He looked at you in silence, and grabbed your wrist, willing you to stay there with him and not move.
After a few minutes, he let you go and whispered “I am sorry.”, you could have just gone back to your bed, he was fine, he had snapped out of it. But you felt something tugging at your chest, and you just couldn’t let go.
You grabbed your blanket from your bed and draped it over you, as you laid down at his makeshift bed. He was nervous at first, at how different this was, from your usual sleeping situation, but after a few seconds he laid next to you and guided you to rest your head on his shoulder, while he kept you close with his arms.
You slept in each others arms that night, but when the morning came you woke up alone with only his scent there to hug you.
You never spoke about that night, and you still pretend it never happened…
In a few hours it will be new years day. 1999. I feel numb, it almost doesn’t feel real. Time is moving and the world is changing, every day, but I feel stuck. I am stuck inside this house and in this war that no-one asked for.
I keep losing people and I can’t see how that is ever going to change. I just hope, wish, that the War ends this year, and the new millennia doesn’t start with violence and death. Is it selfish to also wish that I make it out alive, without losing anyone else that I love?
You hear a knock on your door and quickly hide your diary. “Come in.”, you say and the door opens to reveal Theo in his usual sweatshirt, holding his pillow with an apologetic smile.
It is the same look he has every night, he told you once that he feels awful for burdening you like this, and as he tried to leave your room you stopped him “I want you here, it helps me too.”, you explained and he laid back down.
“Hi.” You say softly and move to your bed. 
You both lay down, you on your bed and he in his; but you are both on your sides, facing eachother.
“Theo?”, you softly ask and he replies with a “mm”
“Do you think it will end?”
“The war or the world?”, he asks yawning
“Yes.” , he replies softly
“Which one?”
“Both.”, he says as he rests his head on his head and looks up at you “I just don’t know, which of the two, we’ll get to experience.”
“What will you do, if you survive the war?”, you ask, wanting to change the subject before a full blown existential crisis hits you, minutes before the new year.
“It depends.”, he says seriously 
“On what?”
“In your scenario, will you also have survived the war?”
“I hope so.”, you say with a laugh
“Well then, there is this house that I used to visit, with my parents, when my mother was still alive”, he quickly tells you “It is in the countryside and the healers said that it would be good for her health, to live away from the city.” 
“I would go there, and you should come with me.” He says and earns a surprised look form you
“You can see the stars from there, very clearly, because it is so far away from the city lights”, he begins describing in a way that tells you that, this house and perhaps the memories he has from there are significant to him.
“And it is by the coast, so you can sit by the beach and forget about anything that troubles you. And it has a huge library, with so many books, you would love it there.”, he finishes, and you can tell by his movements and the way his eyes stare into yours, that he is getting tired as each minute passes. 
“Mmm sounds nice.”, you reply slowly
“What about you?”, he asks then
“Hm, if I survive this war and you are still alive I’ll make you take me to that house, because now I am curious to see it.”, you say smiling, earning a smile back from him “You don’t go there anymore?” 
“No, my father couldn’t visit it; after my mother passed, it reminded him of her.”
“Do you remember her? Your mom?”, you wonder
“No, not really. I remember she was kind and quiet. Maybe it is better she died, I don’t think she would’ve survived this war.”, he says now with a hint of nostalgia in his words
“You never talk about your parents.”, he points out, not in an accusing manner, but curious.
“Yeah, I- miss them, too much. I- it hurts talking about them.”, you say and it is true.
Whenever you think of your parents questions are shot at you; Are they okay? Are they safe? Will I ever see them again? It is easier to try and forget about them; for now, until it is safe for them to be with you again.
“It is almost midnight.”, Theo says, snapping you out of your thoughts
“It is almost new year.”, you exclaim “Come here, for the countdown.”, you ask craving the feel of someone near you.
He lays on your bed, facing you still, and instinctively he grabs your hands in his as he looks at you; opening himself to you, letting his emotions and thoughts show. Letting you see them.
“Will you really take me to your lake house if we make it out alive?”, you ask half-jokingly
“It’s a beach house. And yes.”, he replies seriously 
“Then I will stay alive for that.”, you promise him. You will stay alive because the world is worth saving, you will stay alive because he gives you hope and something to look forward.
You will stay alive for yourself and the people you love, but also for him. The sound of fireworks snap you out of your thoughts.
The New Year has officially come. And the person you are spending this moment with is Theodore Nott, how could anyone ever prepare you for this moment?
What could they say to convince you that someday, you would lay in your bed with Theodore Nott, exchanging happy new year wishes and laying bare your souls to eachother. Exposing every dark thought and worry, opening your hands to receive the other persons concerns and fears.
“Happy new year.”, he tells you
“Happy new year.”, you wish back and look at his face more clearly now. You notice his eyes and how easily you can lose yourself in them, and you stare at his lips as if they are the medicine to cure your symptoms. Bring you back to life.
“Theo.”, you say; barely whispering 
“Yes.”, he replies in the same tone, now looking at you like he can read your thoughts. His eyes scan your face, expectantly, wanting. As if he is starved.
His look is enough for you to lean in and whisper to him, when your lips are a breath away “For good luck. For the New Year”
And with that you close the gap between you two. He slowly closes his eyes and grabs the back of your head carefully with his free hand, pulling you closer to him. You place your hand on his shoulder, resting your body on him.
The way his lips kiss yours feels like a drug. This alone, is worth fighting for. To be able to kiss him, like this. And it is solely because when you kiss eachother, it feels as if a weight is lifted off your chest, as if his hands help you carry the stone to top of the mountain.
Normally, you would blame yourself for being weak; you should be able to handle things by yourself, you shouldn’t need others to survive, that is what your mind would normally tell you, and yes normally you would agree. But there is nothing normal about this life you are currently living.
So you keep kissing him and when his mouth travels south to your neck, causing you to let out a small sigh you don’t stop him.
“For good luck.” he repeats as he takes off your shirt and kisses your skin.
“For good luck.” you repeat as you pepper kisses along his jaw and neck, while he tugs at your hips to remove the rest of your clothing.
And, later when you lay together with your clothes discarded on the floor, with his arms around you; holding you impossibly close to him and his breath fanning rhythmically in your ear, tickling you softly, you try to convince yourself that it was in fact just for good luck.
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A/N: feedback and criticism are appreciated and needed ⭐️🤍 This will be continued this has been poorly proofread so, I am deeply sorry for the mistakes 🫣
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petalsthefish · 19 days
My Marauders
Read on A03
Notes: You all are seriously my favorite people to be with and your birthday notes and messages are seriously giving me misty eyes because I don’t know HOW that I got to be this lucky. I grew up a pretty lonely kid...and now...I am never alone because I've got you in my phone in my pocket ❤️❤️❤️
Lily stood at the edge of the room, the soft hum of conversation filling the air, punctuated by bursts of laughter from the center where the professional Quidditch players held court with the Hogwarts students. She swirled the champagne in her glass, watching the bubbles rise, trying to muster some excitement for the night, but the reality was sinking in hard.
Her 17th birthday would be nothing special.
The blue dress robes, which had seemed so perfect when she’d first tried them on, now felt like an ill-fitting costume, something she was pretending to be rather than truly was. They’d been a gift from her mother, who had sent them along with a note filled with warm wishes that Lily had read with a hopeful smile. She’d imagined wearing them for a secret date to Hogsmeade with her boyfriend, James—not for a dull Slug Club party she’d only attended because Slughorn had practically begged her to come.
Across the room, Slughorn’s voice boomed, a jovial exclamation about some Quidditch match she couldn’t care less about. The Slug Club, usually a place where she felt like she belonged to something special, had felt more and more isolating since the war outside of Hogwarts had started creeping in. She wasn’t part of the crowd around the pro players—most of them were Slytherins, and not just any Slytherins, but the ones who were notorious for their bullying.
James wasn’t here because of those assholes. Instead, he was in the hospital wing with poor Remus, who had taken a curse to the chest that morning in the courtyard. The thought of James and Remus made her heart ache. She would have much rather been with them, offering comfort and company, than standing here in a room full of people who barely noticed her.
The only person who kept glancing her way was Severus Snape, but that just made Lily’s skin crawl. She made a point of avoiding his gaze, and any time he tried to approach, she would turn her shoulder sharply, making it clear she wanted nothing to do with him.
She wished James were there.
With a deep breath, Lily set down her glass, the soft clink of crystal barely audible over the hum of the party. She smoothed out the creases in her robes, casting one last look at the room full of people who didn’t even notice her leaving. The warmth and laughter of the Slug Club faded behind her as she stepped into the cool hallway, where the torchlight flickered against the stone walls, casting long, dancing shadows.
Seventeen would come and go, slipping past like a whisper in the night. Tonight was just another stretch of time, another lonely walk through the dark corridors of a castle that no longer felt like the safe haven it once had been.
Lily paused, her hand brushing against the cold stone wall as the weight of it all settled on her shoulders. She should have just stayed with the rest of her house in the common room or gone with James to keep Remus company. She was silly to have thought Slughorn would remember her birthday, let alone surprise her with anything. 
The silence of the corridor was broken by a familiar voice. “There you are, I’ve been looking for you.”
Lily lifted her gaze from her black sequined shoes, surprised to see James Potter standing halfway down the hallway. He was leaning casually against the wall, as if he’d been waiting there for some time. His freshly pressed dress robes caught the flickering torchlight, the deep midnight blue standing out against the dark stone walls. But it was the bright smile on his face that truly captured her attention. It was the kind of smile that seemed to warm the cold corridor, or maybe she just warmed up everytime she was bathed in it. 
“James?” she said, her voice soft. “What are you doing here?”
“I was going to this party, obviously,” James replied, his tone light, but the sincerity in his eyes made Lily feel like crying of happiness. He took a few steps closer, narrowing the space between them. “I know you asked me to stay with Remus, but he had some choice words for me. Said I wasn’t much of a boyfriend if I let you suffer through that Slug Club mess with the Slytherins on your own.”
Lily stared at the gift, a lump forming in her throat. She hadn’t expected James to leave Remus, especially after what those Slytherins had done to him—the very ones she’d just walked away from in the other room.
“You didn’t have to…” she began, but James shook his head, cutting her off gently.
“I wanted to,” he said, his voice steady. “Remus is fine, really. He’s just in the hospital wing for observation, and Madame Kingston’s practically spoiling him. He insisted I come find you.”
The thoughtfulness of it all—the fact that James had left Remus to be with her—made her chest tighten with unexpected emotion. Her shoulders relaxed as James leaned in and placed a firm kiss on her forehead, grounding her in the moment.
“Let’s just go back to the common room,” Lily urged, feeling a surge of relief at the idea. “That party is stupid anyway.”
James scoffed playfully, taking her free hand and twirling her so that her skirts flared around her ankles. “If you think I’m letting you waste these deliciously gorgeous dress robes on a common room birthday party, you’re mad,” he teased, his grin widening. “No, we’re going back in there, and I’m dancing with you until you can’t see straight.”
Lily couldn’t help but smile, the weight of the night lifting as James’s infectious energy pulled her along. The party that had felt so dismal just moments ago now seemed to hold a spark of promise. Anytime James Potter was a part of something, it was never dull. 
James led Lily back down the corridor, his hand warm and reassuring in hers. The closer they got to the party, the more she could hear the muffled sounds of laughter and conversation. Her free hand dug into her skirts, her nerves taking over again. 
James paused for a moment, offering her a reassuring smile. “Ready?”
Lily took a deep breath and nodded. “Ready.”
With that, he pushed the door open, and they stepped back into the brightly lit room. The atmosphere was just as it had been before—people still clustered around the Quidditch players, and a few couples kissed lazily on the outskirts of the dance floor—but with James by her side, everything felt different.
Their presence together was a statement, a defiant declaration: a pureblood and a Muggle-born, hand in hand. Lily knew that every time James stepped out with her, he was taking a risk. People were being tortured for less these days outside the safe confines of Hogwarts. But neither of them cared; all they wanted was to be together, no matter what the rest of society thought.
As they walked further into the room, Lily could feel the sharp, hostile stares of the Slytherins. The tension in the air was almost tangible, and she could sense the silent fury radiating from the group that had tormented Remus earlier. Their eyes tracked every step Lily and James took, but James remained completely unbothered, his focus entirely on her.
"Don’t mind them,” James whispered, leaning in close so that only she could hear. “They’re just jealous.”
Lily couldn’t help but smirk. “Well, I do have the hottest Quidditch player in the room on my arm.”
“That’s my girl,” he replied with a grin.
Without missing a beat, James guided her toward the center of the dance floor, completely ignoring the whispered comments and glares from the purebloods. As they reached the middle, he spun her around, the motion catching the attention of a few of the professional Quidditch players nearby, who watched with curious smiles. James caught her mouth for a tempting kiss, letting his tongue taste her upper lip without a second thought. 
“James,” Lily murmured, her voice betraying a hint of embarrassment.
“Merlin, sorry, I just love when your cheeks turn red,” he replied with a mischievous grin. 
He pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her waist as the music shifted to a slower, more melodic tune. Lily could feel the weight of the room’s attention on them, but with James’s steady presence, it felt more like a spotlight than a burden. The purebloods might have been glaring daggers at them, but they were nothing more than background noise now—unimportant and easily ignored.
As they began to dance, James moved with effortless grace, his confidence infectious. Lily found herself relaxing into the rhythm, letting the moment carry her away. The world around them seemed to fade into a blur, leaving only the two of them, moving together in perfect harmony with the music. The weight that had been pressing on Lily’s chest earlier had long since lifted.
James spun Lily around once more, her skirts flaring out in a graceful arc. She couldn’t help but laugh, the sound light and genuine, a reflection of the joy bubbling up inside her. James laughed too, his eyes crinkling at the edges as he pulled her back into his arms. The warmth of his embrace, the easy rhythm of their movements, made everything else fade away. As she wrapped her arms around his neck, she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against his neck—a quiet, tender gesture of thanks, a moment just for him.
“See?” James murmured, his voice filled with affection as he spoke softly in her ear. “This is how your birthday should be.”
Lily looked up at him, her heart swelling with gratitude. Without thinking, the words slipped out, barely a whisper over the music. “I love you, James.”
The moment the words left her lips, she felt a jolt of panic. She winced internally, realizing too late what she’d said. It was too soon for that—for those three words that carried so much weight. They had only been officially seeing each other for a couple of months, and she hadn’t meant to blurt it out like that. She braced herself, waiting for his reaction, her heart pounding in her chest.
But instead of pulling away or looking surprised, James grinned, his eyes shining with that familiar, playful glint. He didn’t miss a beat, slowing their spinning to a gentle stop as he held her close. “Now that’s not fair,” he teased, his voice low and warm.
“What’s not?” she asked, her voice barely steady.
“I was supposed to say ‘I love you’ first,” he replied, nuzzling his nose against hers, the closeness making her heart flutter all over again
And with that, James dipped Lily low, causing a ripple of gasps and murmurs to spread through the crowd. But all Lily could do was laugh, the sound ringing out clear and bright. James pulled her back up and spun her around, and that’s when she noticed the scene unfolding at the door. 
To her surprise, what seemed to be the entirety of Gryffindor house was now pouring into the room. Peter and Sirius were leading the charge, grinning widely as they carried banners that read “Happy Birthday,” while Hannah Killarny struggled to balance a cake that looked like it had been decorated by a child.
Before Lily could fully process what was happening, she was swallowed by the crowd, pulled from James’s arms into a flurry of hugs and cheek kisses. The energy in the room shifted from tense to jubilant in an instant, and Lily found herself smiling so widely that her cheeks hurt.
Amid the whirlwind of well-wishers, Lily spun around, searching for James. She finally spotted him standing nearby, watching her with proud, affectionate eyes. “Did you do this?” she demanded, raising her voice over the cheerful chaos.
James shrugged, a playful smirk on his lips as he slipped his hands into his pockets. “This part was actually Sirius’s idea,” he called back.
As if on cue, Sirius appeared beside her, wrapping his arms around her neck and squeezing her tightly. “Happy birthday, Lily!” he exclaimed, his gray eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Thank you,” she replied, laughing as she took in the wild scene around her. “This is crazy! Slughorn is going to kill you for wrecking his party.”
Sirius ruffled her curls, completely unfazed. “Please, old Sluggy adores me.”
“Black!” Slughorn’s voice boomed through the crowd, cutting through the noise like a knife. “This is a private Slug Club party!”
“Ah, shit,” Sirius muttered with a wink at Lily. “You didn’t see me.”
With a playful kiss to her cheek, Sirius ducked out of sight, leaving Lily laughing as James slipped back to her side. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close for another kiss just as the Gryffindors began to sing “Happy Birthday” at the top of their lungs. Overhead, magical fireworks burst into vibrant colors, filling the room with light and casting dancing shadows on the walls.
The joyful chaos around them was intoxicating, and Lily felt her heart swell with happiness. Even as Slughorn tried to regain control, bustling through the crowd and threatening detentions in a vain attempt to restore order, Lily couldn’t stop smiling. His stern words were lost in the whirlwind of joy as everyone continued to celebrate, ignoring his protests.
As the party spilled out into the corridors, Sirius, James, Peter, and a few others led the charge, marching down the halls and waking up every portrait they passed, singing “Happy Birthday” to Lily at the top of their voices. Their exuberance was infectious, and Lily found herself swept along, laughing as she tried to keep up with their antics.
Someone passed Lily the plate of cake, hastily cut and without a fork. The frosting stuck to her fingers as she took a bit for a bite, the sweetness mingling with the laughter bubbling up inside her. She looked around at the other Gryffindors, their faces lit with delight, and felt a deep sense of belonging. Home wasn’t a place, it was the people in it. 
But there was just one person missing.
As the group made their way back through the common room, Lily caught James’s hand, pulling him aside as the others continued their raucous celebration. “Come on,” she whispered, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Let’s bring some cake to Remus.”
James’s grin widened, and he nodded eagerly. “Absolutely. He deserves to be part of this too.”
James called out to Sirius and Peter, who immediately caught on to the plan. Together, they all slipped away from the group, sneaking through the quieter corridors of the castle with the smuggled cake. The castle was eerily silent compared to the noise of the party, the only sound the soft echo of their footsteps on the stone floors. They moved quickly, careful not to attract the attention of any patrolling professors or prefects.
When they reached the hospital wing, the door creaked softly as they pushed it open. The room was dimly lit, and Remus was lying in one of the beds, looking surprised but pleased to see them. His face lit up even more when he saw the cake in Lily’s hand.
“Please tell me that’s for me,” Remus said, grinning as Sirius jumped onto the bed beside him.
Peter followed suit, crawling onto the bed with Remus. “Just a warning—it was James who baked it, so it might be hazardous to your health.”
“Hey!” James cried in mock defense, hands on his hips. “I’ll have you know, my cake baking skills are top-notch!”
Lily laughed as she held out the cake to Remus. “Don’t listen to them. It’s perfectly good—I already tried some. Besides, you deserve something sweet.”
Remus accepted the cake with a warm smile, his eyes full of gratitude. “Thanks, Lil. And happy birthday.”
Sirius slung an arm around Remus’s shoulders, ruffling his hair affectionately. “We couldn’t let you miss out on all the fun, mate.”
Lily looked around at her friends, her heart swelling with warmth. “Thank you, all of you,” she said softly. “You’re always the first to look out for me, to make sure I’m okay. No one’s ever done anything like this for me before, ever. You’re truly my best friends in the whole world.”
Sirius grinned and nudged her knee with his foot. “You’re our best friend too, Lily. We’ve already decided that if you and James ever break up, we’re keeping you in the divorce.”
“I’ve already told you,” James exclaimed, pulling Lily closer until she was nearly sitting on his lap, “if she even thinks about breaking up with me, you guys have to slip her that love potion we talked about.”
Lily playfully smacked him in the chest. “Are you seriously encouraging them to commit a felony if I break up with you?”
“They commit a felony every full moon, Lily,” Remus pointed out with a grin. “Brewing a love potion is nothing compared to the whole illegal Animagus business they’ve got going on with a certain werewolf.”
“The werewolf is infinitely more fun,” Sirius chimed in, casually licking frosting off his fingers.
“Maybe for you,” Remus retorted, giving Sirius a light shove.
“Love potions aren’t exactly a felony,” James reasoned, “they’re just… strongly discouraged. Besides, I love you so much, I’d break at least a hundred laws for you.”
“Hold onto that thought, babe,” Lily snorted, crossing her legs as she reached for another piece of cake. “Because if you ever dare to break up with me, who knows—I might slip you a little love potion myself.”
“And land yourself in Azkaban?” James quipped, raising an eyebrow. “That seems a bit beneath you, don’t you think?”
“Even if it’s handcuffed, I’m not leaving Hogwarts without you,” Lily shot back with a smirk.
James purred, his eyes gleaming with mischief, “I just have a question about the placement of those handcuffs.” 
“Get a room,” Peter groaned.
Lily turned to the blond Marauder and flashed him a playful grin. “Yours?”
Peter's face twisted in exaggerated horror. “Ugh, gross, never mind!” he exclaimed, recoiling as if the very idea had physically repulsed him.
Lily laughed, leaning into James. “You really walked right into that one, Wormtail.”
James rocked her in his arms suddenly, “I love when you use our nicknames.” 
“Speaking of nicknames,” Sirius chimed in, his eyes glinting with mischief, “we don’t have a nickname for you, Evans.”
Lily arched a brow at him, her lips curling into a half-smile. “Who said I wanted one of your ridiculous nicknames, Sirius?”
Sirius feigned a look of deep offense, placing a hand over his heart. “Ridiculous? These are badges of honor, Evans. Every Marauder’s got one.”
Lily rolled her eyes playfully. “Well, I’m perfectly happy with just being Lily, thanks.”
“Come on,” Sirius pressed, undeterred. “You’ve been hanging out with us long enough. You’re practically one of us now. You deserve a proper nickname.”
James grinned, his arm tightening around Lily’s waist. “Don’t worry, Lily. If Sirius gives you a nickname, I’ll make sure it’s one you can actually live with.”
Lily shot him a teasing glance. “Oh, I’m sure you will. But if it’s something ridiculous, like Snuffles, I’m holding you responsible.”
"No, not Snuffles." Sirius leaned in, eyes narrowing as if deep in thought. “We’ll have to come up with something fitting... something that captures your essence.”
“Or you could just call me ‘Lily,’” she suggested, deadpan.
Peter, having recovered from his earlier disgust, quickly chimed in, “I think ‘Lily’ works just fine.”
Lily tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and added, “I don’t even shapeshift like the rest of you. I don’t need a nickname—I’m just... Lily.”
“You’re more than just Lily,” James murmured, kissing her just behind her ear as he pressed his chest to her back. “You’re an amazing friend, the best dueler in this school, the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, a terrible Quidditch player, and quite possibly the only person who can beat Sirius in chess.”
“Now that’s a true badge of honor,” Remus said with a smirk, and the group dissolved into laughter, the lighthearted banter easing the mood even further.
Sirius let out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine, fine. But mark my words, Evans—you’ll get a nickname someday. And it’ll be brilliant.”
“Can’t wait,” Lily replied with a smirk. “But future nickname or not, you’re my Marauders, my constants, my best mates. That’s what really matters.”
The five of them stayed huddled on the bed until two in the morning, sharing the cake and swapping stories, their laughter echoing softly through the dimly lit room. It was a small, intimate gathering—a world apart from the wild party in the common room or the underwhelming Slug Club event. But for Lily, it was exactly what she needed.
As she sat there, surrounded by the people who mattered most, Lily realized that this was what truly counted—not the big parties or the flashy celebrations, but the quiet, meaningful moments spent with those she loved. This was the best kind of birthday—one filled with love, laughter, and the comforting presence of true friends.
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arliedraws · 4 months
With how weirdly dependent James and Sirius were of each other, I can't help but think there was a hidden war between students when they would fight over whether those two were 1. friends 2. friends that fucked 3. Brothers 4. Lovers and James running after Lily was them trying to keep their love hidden.
They were that weird. Remus and Peter probably heard about that
I also think that if the other students breathed a word of suspicion, either James or Sirius would curse the hell out of them. I am in the camp that believes both James and Sirius really subscribed to traditional masculinity stereotypes; therefore, any hint other students thinking they might be queer would cause them to spiral and shut down any talk of it.
Here’s what I see: James and Sirius get closer and closer physically as the years go on. Maybe they don’t even realize it’s attraction or love—maybe they think it’s normal to touch your best friend like this. Maybe it’s normal to climb into each other’s bed and hold each other when they’re sad/lonely/depressed, lay his head in the other’s lap, sit closely on the sofa and let their thighs touch. Then, someone like Snape sneers that they’re queer, and even the hint of it terrifies them (this is the 1970s, after all—but this would happen today, too, honestly). Maybe they’re about fifteen when this happens, so they try to keep their distance. James develops a crush on Lily, and bisexual James can pretend he’s straight, and maybe Sirius dates a few girls and bisexual Sirius is attracted to them, so he can pretend too.
Anyway, maybe time goes on, they date girls, whatever, and they try not to be all over each other. They can pretend. Anyway, maybe they think it was just loneliness or something, nothing queer, but they still look away when the other person changes and try to sit not so close to each other. But then it’s seventh year, and James is on cusp of dating Lily, and Sirius feels oddly hurt by it, even if he hasn’t “felt” anything for James in a couple of years. Let’s say if this is the canon universe, nothing happens. But if this were an AU, maybe Sirius and James grow slightly distant in their denial, and maybe they even start quarreling as James gets closer and closer to Lily. Then, finally, they’re fighting outright, unable to sort through their feelings in a way that toxic masculinity allows. Anyway, they have sex. And they keep it secret because they aren’t supposed to do this. And they can’t resist—they do it again and again, catching each other in the corridors. They ambush each other in broom closets, the showers, the passageway behind the mirror. They can’t let Remus and Peter find out. But they’re desperate for each other, and they steal moments together whenever they can. Again, this is 1970s—this is not something that is allowed.
So anyway, I think if there WERE rumors about James and Sirius, they would have shut them down immediately and never gave people a reason to think they were tooooooo close ever again. Remus might have his suspicions, but he would assure Peter that it was nothing to keep his friends’ secret safe (after all, they kept his safe).
I know you were probably expecting a fun answer but I’m not fun and I love sadness and drama 😂
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samynnad102687 · 5 months
Keep Talking and See What Happens
April 26 Prompt: Keep talking and see what happens | 1943 words | Jegulus
CW: NSFW, Murder, graphic depictions of violence
"I'm on my way back now," James said into his Bluetooth headset.
"Did you get what I asked you to?" Regulus asked as he winced on the other end of the line.
"Yeah, I got it. Why aren't you in bed?"
James hiked the bag up on his shoulder and crossed the road. He ran to the shop to pick up some more medical supplies. Regulus was supposed to be in bed and James was only ten minutes away from the house.
"I'm fine, James."
"If you were fine then you wouldn't be wincing," James replied aggravated. "What was so important you couldn't wait ten more minutes?"
"Stop worrying. I just went to the bathroom." Regulus scoffed as James heard the bed squeak from the new weight. "Besides, it's not like I got shot or anything."
"No, you just got stabbed in the gut because you felt like taunting the Death Eaters."
"Worth it."
"Reg, you need to-" James paused when he realised where he was and who was headed straight for him.
James was five minutes away from his and Regulus' safe house and the Death Eaters were on their territory, which was reason enough for James to take them out. But considering he only had one pistol and a dagger that wasn't a viable option without them retaliating. He also wasn't going to lead them to Regulus. James turned down an alley that led him in the opposite direction and secured the backpack onto his back.
"James?" Regulus asked, clearly concerned based on his tone.
"It's gonna take a little longer, love, but I'll be there as soon as I can," James replied calmly as he slowed down his steps to a leisurely pace. He could feel them following him. "Just got a couple of visitors, that's all."
"Be careful, Jamie."
"Always am, love."
James hung up the phone before he dialled Sirius' number.
"What's up?" Sirius asked on the first ring.
"Might need a clean-up in a little bit."
"Got it. Is your location on?"
James pressed a button on his Bluetooth that sent Sirius his location.
"It is now."
"Got it. How many?" Sirius asked clinically as James heard some rustling in the background.
"Up to three."
"Where's Reg?"
"Good. I'll have Remus swing by in a minute."
Another couple of key details and James hung up the phone. He could see them in the mirrors of some of the buildings. It wouldn't take long before they caught up to him, not that he was really trying to get away from them. James started bobbing his head as if he was listening to music. He watched as they increased their pace.
"Well, what do we have here?" Snape taunted as he grabbed James's shoulder to stop him.
"You say that as if you aren't in our territory," James drawled in a bored tone as he pretended to pause his music.
"As if you can do anything without the infamous Black Brothers," Mulciber scoffed.
"I can do quite a lot actually," James smirked devilishly.
"Oh, he's so tough, isn't he?" Avery asked Snape.
"I'm surprised they haven't dropped your ass yet. It's not like you could provide them with anything."
James could feel his patience waning. He wanted to get back to Regulus and take care of his wound before it got any worse. But dealing with these assholes and getting them back to their own territory would have to come first. Sadly. James sighed as he watched the three attempt to rattle him.
"Say, how is dear Regulus? His cousin was wondering," Snape smirked as if he wasn't already on James' list.
"He's perfectly fine. Thanks for asking and you can tell dear Bella that we will decline her offer," James remarked evenly.
"You know, I knew I should have aimed a little higher but Little Reggie does have such a pretty mouth on him. Sharp tongue too. I'm sure we could find a use for it," Mulciber replied suggestively.
"Keep talking and see what happens," James gritted out as he unhooked the snap holding his pistol in place on his hip.
He had had enough of their bullshit.
"Oh, are you gonna call your little guard dog to do something about it?" Avery cooed.
"No." James shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly as he cocked his hip.
"No?" Snape asked with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, poor little Potter thinks he can do something about it by himself," he mocked.
"And what are you going to possibly do?" Mulciber laughed but it died on his tongue as the bullet pierced his brain.
James had his pistol out and ready before he even started talking, not that any of them noticed. He was the picture of nonchalance as he returned his pistol to its holder. It didn't take long for the other two to realise what happened after his body fell to the ground. By that time, James had his dagger in hand and was waiting for them to make the next move.
It was Avery who charged at him with a knife of his own. James was surprised that neither of them thought to bring a fucking gun with them, not that he wasn't grateful. James preferred his dagger anyway. He preferred getting up close and personal with them. A firearm was too impersonal most of the time but it was effective when he wanted to make a quick point that couldn't be misinterpreted.
"I'm going to fucking kill you!" Avery shrieked.
James adjusted his stance and flipped the dagger in his hand so the blade was concealed by his forearm and made it easier to slice when needed. He smirked and beckoned them forward with his other hand in a 'Give me your best shot' motion. He let Avery get close enough to swipe his blade and nearly catch James in his side but James was quicker and sliced a long gash into his back as he stumbled past him.
Avery screamed and when James looked back to see him on the ground, Snape snuck up behind him and caught him in the side. It wasn't deep but it was enough to sting and bleed. James turned towards him with a glare two seconds before he connected his fist with Snape's nose, shattering it on impact.
James smirked while Snape grabbed his nose. James stalked towards him to punch him again but clearly, Avery didn't know how to stay down and punched James in the ribs. Two against one wasn't fair but it also wasn't anything James hadn't dealt with before. He growled as he grabbed Avery by the back of the neck and slammed his face into the building next to them, dragging it along until he was next to Snape. Snape was trying to stand up but James planted the sole of his boot into his back to keep him down.
"How's this for tough?" James asked calmly as he slit Avery's throat and watched the life drain from his eyes.
James tossed his limp body aside and focused his attention back on Snape, who was trying to crawl away from him.
"As for you," James bent down, grabbed him by his hair and yanked him back up. "You're going to deliver a little message for me."
"I'm not doing shit for you," Snape spat and James smiled devilishly.
That was exactly the response he was hoping for. James pinned him up against the wall and used his body as a punching bag, landing punch after punch until he was limp in James' hands. As much as he wanted to just kill all three, he needed to make a point. James was covered in blood and had a few scraps but nothing he couldn't take care of when he got back to the safe house.
"Let's try this again. You got your listening ears on now?" James asked as he slapped Snape until he fluttered his eyes open.
"You tell Bella that we decline her offer. There is nothing that they can offer for the Black Brothers to return to them and the next time she sends a weakling into my territory, she'll get the remains in pieces one by one until my point is made clear," James spoke in a tone that was so deadly calm that you could hear a pin drop on a pillow before Snape nodded slightly and James dropped him onto the ground and watched him scramble back to where he came from.
James was securing his dagger back into its holster on his arm when his Bluetooth rang.
"Did you enjoy that?" Sirius asked with a laugh in his ear.
"Is that even a question?" James countered as he picked up the casing off the ground.
He didn't need to since Sirius was nearby for cleanup but it was habit. He'll leave the bullet for Sirius to find though.
"Reggie is with Remus but he keeps trying to leave."
"Yeah, I'm on my way back now," James remarked as he headed out of the alley and back towards the safe house.
It didn't take him long to get there. When he walked inside, he could hear Regulus arguing with Remus to let him leave. Luckily, Remus was just as stubborn as Regulus. James shook his head as he took off his boots and the bag from his back before he walked to the bedroom.
"Love, stop arguing with Remus," James remarked from the door frame he was leaning against.
"Jamie," Regulus said with so much relief in his voice that it broke James' heart a little to make him worry. "You're bleeding."
"Yeah, you should see the other guy," James smirked and Regulus threw a pillow at him before he winced from the pain again. "Okay, that's enough of that. Lay back and let me take care of you."
"I can take care of myself," Regulus grumbled.
Remus quietly left the room after checking that James was okay. James brought the bag over to the bed and started laying out the supplies next to it. He lifted Regulus' shirt to see how his wound was healing. It still looked an angry red and would most likely scar. James removed the bandage before he cleaned the dried blood and applied a healing salve to soothe the redness and help the swelling go down before he placed a new bandage to keep out anything that would infect it.
While James was working, Regulus was trying not to flinch but no matter how many times you get shot or stabbed it still fucking hurts. When James was finished with Regulus, he took off his bloodied shirt and tossed it to the side before he looked in the mirror to assess the damage now that the adrenaline had worn off.
"Who the fuck cut you?" Regulus asked angrily.
James looked down at the cut right above his left hip and sighed, "Snape."
"I'm gonna kill him," Regulus spat as he tried to get out of bed again.
"If he's not dead already," James mused as he thought about how he should have killed him as well.
"You didn't kill him?"
"No, I sent him back with a message for your dear cousin, Bella."
"Why do you get to have all of the fun?" Regulus pouted.
"I don't have all the fun, baby. I just don't antagonise the rival gang for the hell of it."
James walked over to the bed to kiss the pout away. When he pulled away, Regulus reached out to trace the cut gently with a sad expression on his face.
"I still want to kill him."
"I know you do, baby."
Also posted on Ao3: Should Have Listened
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massiveladycat · 3 months
here's my opinion on severus snake: 1. he absolutely did not deserve to be bullied by the marauders 2. he hated mudbloods so idk how i feel about that cause from my opinion its the norm in the wizardry world but severus CHOSE to hate them 3. should NOT have been out there bullying students 4. i can appreciate his complexity but i'm not going to ignore the fact he's an asshole 5. should really learn how to let go. lily rejected him, and i can understand that must hurt, but like more than a decade later he's out here gunning for harry 6. i did really appreciate the plot twist in one of the books (i think the first or second) where snape was actually trying to keep harry safe because james saved him once 7. bullied random kids just because they breathed the same air as harry potter 8. movie snape was morally better than snape because they really watered down how shitty he treated those kids and alan rickman did a BRILLIANT job as him 9. still kept thinking about how voldemort originally respected snape enough to even consider the idea of sparing a muggleborn for his sake (in the books voldemort was willing to let her live but lily said 'over my dead body' and we love her for that) Movie Snape: grumpy introvert but still definitely a good person. Book Snape: abusive, petulant bully who plays constant favorites based on houses and traumatizes his students by actively exploring the fact he’s in a position of power over them and only left the magical massacre-ers because his favorite muggleborn died
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dufferpuffer · 4 months
How do you feel about the theory that lupin was in on the prank? Or the hc that lupin was unaffected by the prank (like he didn’t really care that Snape was almost bit and that he wasn’t that upset about Sirius telling snape that)? I personally don’t really get that hc but I wanted to know your take
I think it goes against canon events and Remus' character in an unsatisfying way... for what reason? What does it add?
- Remus wouldn't fucking do that
Remus is uncontrollable as a werewolf. That's why his friends became animagi - to help shepherd him, as fellow animals. His greatest fear is spreading his Lycanthropy to others, like a lover or a child. Why would he take part in a prank that would risk that?
Cont. Approx 900 words
Yes, he did go on Full Moon walkabouts with the Marauders and it was reckless. He mentions even at the time feeling guilty and worried about it, but he did it anyway. That follows with his character: wanting acceptance and companionship even at the cost of doing what would be most responsible.
Remus is hardly considered human, legally. He isn't supposed to be at school. The Ministry can't decide whether Werewolves are 'Beings' or 'Creatures'. His parents were TERRIFIED of letting Dumbledore in their house because 'they thought he was there for Remus'. Thankfully he was there to play Gobstones, eat crumpets, and tell them he was willing to stick his neck ALL the way out to try and safely give Remus the education Werewolves are never allowed. There is a reason Remus worships the ground Albus walks on - and why he is so terrified of disappointing him.
He can justify walkabouts where the other marauders are keeping him, and other people, safe... how could he justify the risk of not only infecting Severus with Lycanthropy - but having his hiding place found out - and the possibility of his secret being spread...? Ruining every gift Albus set up for him - at his own risk?
Not only that - Remus is incredibly forgiving. He doesn't like Severus - but he doesn't hate him! He doesn't hate anyone, aside from himself. He doesn't even hate Fenrir Greyback for fucks sake. He wouldn't take part in such a brutal, risky, terrifying, self-endangering and Albus-endangering prank just because they didn't really like 'that Slytherin boy' much. He was a bully - but by being passive. By burying his nose in a book and being snarky and lying. NEVER with his claws.
- It takes away satisfying theories - adding nothing.
Sirius and Remus suspected each other of being the mole in the Order after school. It makes perfect sense for ANYONE to be suspicious of Remus:
He was spending long periods of time away from the Order, within secluded communities of 'his own kind', who have all faced deep discrimination and are being offered a potentially better world via Fenrir Greyback and Voldemort if they allow themselves to be used as tools. Remus himself was bitten by Fenrir Greyback - a man Remus has openly shown sympathy for.
Why was Sirius suspicious of Remus when they were friends...? Well... he wasn't as close to him as he was James. He was incredibly protective of James, his wife and his child. He should know Remus would never... but perhaps SOMETHING had STRAINED their relationship for awhile now, HMMM I WONDER WHAT IT COULD HAVE BEEN...
Why on earth would Remus be suspicious of Sirius...? Because he had a Pureblood family? The Blacks hadn't sided with Voldemort - only Regulus, if they even knew that about him - and Sirius had been against the whole concept for years. He was the black sheep, willing to risk his LIFE to become an animagus to spend time with a werewolf.
It would take something PRETTY HUGE to make Remus EVER suspect a member of the Marauders could be a spy, a mole... Hmm... Peter and Sirius both adore James... I wonder what sets them apart, what event could make one of them more suspicious... HHMMMM.... HHHMMMMMMM.... im REALLY thinkin' here...
Could it be... the willingness to use his most closely guarded secret, that could ruin his entire life or even get him killed... Something he is deeply ashamed of and FEARS ever making someone else suffer through.... ...As a TOOL for a PRANK - Just like the werewolves he spies amongst are being USED as TOOLS for Voldemort...????
Could that possibly have planted enough distrust in his heart that when he hears there is a mole amongst their ranks he turns directly to look at Sirius Black with suspicion...?
That is just a theory. But it has MEAT. It gives MORE REASON for the prank to have ever been shown to readers... rather than taking reason away.
- Why would you even want that...?
Why would you want Remus to have been a part of the prank...? Was James a part of the prank? I can imagine him being part of it - and getting cold feet. That still works with his character. In fact it works BETTER than if he had just heard of it and ran to stop it: Because he would have been part of its creation... and then decided his own actions were not good. Incredible growth.
Remus being a part of the prank, knowing he will be uncontrollable and might not even remember it... why? Why is this desired?!
It doesn't add to Severus' story - It takes away from him. If Remus was in on the prank, and then after the prank doesn't feel remorse and treats Severus as an ass... that takes away from the emotional complexity? It's flat and uninteresting!!!
At worst it HARMS Severus, that he might know that Remus was an active player of the event - and yet he tries to be civil. If he knows Remus MEANT to be part of that prank... he is willingly allowing him to teach students?!? He is giving him a potion that lets him keep his intelligence while a werewolf - knowing that intelligence CHOSE to PUT HIM IN DANGER?? It is juicer if he knows Remus didn't mean to... but still fears him. If he knows it isn't Remus' fault - yet Remus is still an ass to him. It makes his situation more complex. Right? Am I crazy...?
I am all for wacky HCs or alternate readings of events, even silly ones, that are fun and enjoyable or add some meat - but this one strips meat away and I'm not sure why you would want to do that???
I can only really think of the Wolfstar angle of having Sirius and Remus being close - and thus conspiring together... But it breaks who Remus is. If you need to break who Remus is just to engage with a ship... that's an AU, thats not Remus - thats an alternative boy who looks and acts a little like Remus. The Remus who would use his Lycanthropy flippantly is either a very different character or lives in a very different world.
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
There's something very fascinating and horrifying about the werewolf 'prank.' Canon presents it as a very simple, not very prominent thing, but I think it was huge.
Like, even beyond what could have happened (mainly Severus getting seriously injured, killed, or infected and Remus being killed or imprisoned) there's a lot of really messed up stuff.
For starters, it's a huge betrayal on Sirius's part, that probably affected Remus deeply. Imagine thinking that your friends are like super cool with your lycanthropy and that they accept you and they even became animagi to be with you-then suddenly you wake up from a very painful transformation to find out that the person who has very valid reason to get you expelled, imprisoned, or killed knows your secret. Because of the best friend you trusted literally facilitating that.
And then after that, instead of actually trying to fix things and make sure Snape doesn't want to tell (Snape can tell, as shown in third year. Plus, a 'theory' that can ruin Remus's life if shared) Sirius and James just keep on bullying Snape in a truly atrocious way.
They just don't care beyond having fun. That's all Remus's condition is to them. Play. If they did care, they would have actually apologized to Snape and made his life much better bc that would have made Snape less likely to tell. Not bullying is the bare minimum, the Marauders also could have given him money and a safe place to live during the holidays.
I also think this damages Remus's relationship with his friends. He gets to know how they think of him, and he's afraid they'll do it again. Why wouldn't they? It's not like anything actually happened.
It also probably creates a huge change in Snape and Remus's relationship. I think this is why Remus is reasonably favorable to Snape, because he literally never told until Harry's third year. Remus also has reason to fear Snape, because Snape could just ruin Remus's life completely. I also think it's why Remus is so nice to everyone, because he fears upsetting someone so they hurt him. Someone (I think Ottogatto) proposed that Remus was once an active bully instead of an enabler until the prank, and I have to say I agree.
I really got to give some pro Snape vibes and say it's genuinely amazing (and speaks to Snape's incredible determination to do the right thing even if it hurts him) how he never told until third year when someone else but him was endangered. Snape had so many reasons to tell. He could've gotten more favor with the Slytherins, he could've gotten the Marauders to stop bullying, he could've gotten revenge. I wouldn't blame him if he had just snapped and then ensured himself a Marauders free Hogwarts.
(Though it would've been horrible for Remus since while he's a lousy person to Snape he's innocent in this regard and doesn't deserve to be murdered for Sirius's stupid actions.)
Serious respect for Snape here.
On another note, the prank also demonstrates that James and Sirius can do whatever they please. It's really horrible how Albus couldn't really do anything without revealing Remus's secret, but Albus still could've punished Sirius more, maybe made SIRIUS swear not to tell (maybe he did, I don't know).
And it's like...Snape's Worst Memory happened in plain sight, somewhere the teachers could see. James and Sirius knew they wouldn't get in trouble, even if they did it in front of EVERYONE. No one would do anything serious about something that could've resulted in murder, so bullying definitely isn't going to cause problems.
It's awful.
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I’m legitimately about to cry because of how brilliant this is, I can’t even respond to what you’re saying because all I can say is how much I agree with you, anon. You’ve said it all perfectly.
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joka13 · 1 year
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl - Part 20
Throughout the day, even when they're not around, all you can think about are the twins. Memories of your most recent times spent with them cloud your mind. This is the first time you've ever struggled to focus in your classes and on your work. You really do try, but your thoughts always eventually drift off toward Fred and George.
While in his class, Snape notices that you are distracted. You startle when his voice sounds from right behind you.
"Miss y/l/n."
You slowly turn in your seat to face him with a smile. "Greetings, Professor," you chuckle gingerly. The corner of Snape's permanent frown twitches. You can't tell if he's amused or irritated.
"Staring at the cauldron isn't going to do you any good," he sniffs. A couple desks to your right, Malfoy snickers. Snape shoots him a glare, and Malfoy goes silent. Now you want to laugh, but control yourself as Snape turns to face you once again. "I want this potion finished by the end of class. I know you can do it."
You sigh quietly after Snape walks away. You make eye contact with Malfoy, who gives you a smug grin and nods at his own cauldron that has blue mist wafting out of it. He's halfway done with the potion. Though you haven't even started yours, you take it as a challenge and quickly get to work. Malfoy realizes what you're doing and also begins to rush, trying to be the one to finish first.
It isn't long before you easily beat Malfoy in the race, despite his head start on you. Before you can start celebrating, Professor Umbridge enters the room. The entire class, including Snape, freezes.
Snape's eyes dart down to the clipboard in Umbridge's hand. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asks her, though he appears far from pleased.
"Oh, don't worry about me! I'll only be a few minutes," she replies too happily. "I'm here for a class inspection." Before Snape can react, Umbridge starts to walk around the room.
She gives her attention to the students' potion brewing. She walks between the rows of desks, peering into cauldrons as she passes by. She comes to a halt by Malfoy's desk.
Malfoy had not only failed to beat you in your unspoken race, but also, in his hurry, destroyed his potion entirely. Even from where you're sitting, you can see a strange, black concoction threatening to bubble over the brim of Malfoy's cauldron. Umbridge leans over it, then grimaces and plugs her nose, hastily taking a step back. Once she's a safe distance away, she scribbles something down on her clipboard.
You look over at Snape. He's staring down Malfoy with a murderous rage in his eyes. Malfoy shamefully sinks low in his chair. You start to smile, but stop when Umbridge approaches your desk. She seems to admire the shimmering, purple liquid in your cauldron.
"Professor, what have you instructed these children to brew?" Umbridge asks without looking up from your cauldron. You don't appreciate being called a child, but manage to keep your mouth shut.
"Common cold serum," Snape answers, still standing in the same place he was when Umbridge walked in. "Madam Pomfrey requested that we prepare more before the winter."
Umbridge nods and writes again on her clipboard. "Well, you've got at least one batch," she says. She gives Snape a sappy smile. "Good day to you, Professor."
Snape merely nods once in response. And with that, Umbridge exits the room.
The whole class immediately seems to relax. Even Snape exhales sharply as if he'd been holding his breath. He shuffles toward the front of the room.
"Malfoy," he says, sitting down behind his desk. Malfoy stiffens fearfully. "Detention in my classroom tonight. You will be packaging y/l/n's serum for the infirmary, and attempting to scrub the mess you made out of my cauldron. If you do not succeed, you will buy me a new cauldron."
Malfoy's shoulders slump forward in dismay, and you cup your hand over your mouth to keep yourself from laughing out loud. Your smile disappears when Snape looks at you, but he's not upset. If anything, his expression is almost thankful. Almost. He's frowning just a little bit less, his brow less furrowed.
"And ten points to Slytherin," Snape finishes. He doesn't have to say why.
Malfoy scowls at you, and you return the smug grin he'd given you earlier.
After Snape's class, you're in a good mood. It's lunch time, so you head on up to the Great Hall. You are the first of your friend group to arrive, so you sit down by yourself and start eating.
Students file in through the Great Hall's large doors, but none of them are Fred or George. You notice Harry, Ron, and Hermione are also absent, and you begin to wonder if your missing out on something when Fred and George stumble into the room.
"Y/n!" they both pant, rushing over to you.
"Yes?" you reply in concern through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.
"We've got to go!" says George. He lifts your bag and swiftly swings it over his shoulder.
You swallow thickly. "What? Why?"
Fred grabs your arm. "They'll be starting soon," says Fred.
"Who... What's starting?"
George grabs your other arm, and together the twins hoist you up out of your seat. You land unsteadily on your feet, but Fred and George hold you up. They start walking, practically carrying you along.
You squirm in their grasp. "Hey! You know I don't like being manhandled!"
Once you're outside of the Great Hall doors, the twins set you down. You notice a new educational decree on the wall, but don't get a chance to read it. Fred and George each take one of your hands into their own and gently encourage you to walk with them.
"Sorry about that," Fred apologizes.
"Yeah," says George. "Your size just makes it so easy." He chuckles.
You laugh. "No, I'm not small. You two are big."
"We used to do that sort of thing with Ginny... until she bit George on the arm for trying to pick her up," says Fred.
You gasp.
"She did warn me," George chuckles guiltily.
"She's like a feisty little dog!" you laugh.
"That's what we always say!" the twins exclaim together. The three of you laugh.
Fred and George pull you along through three hallways, two doors, and up one flight of stairs. It feels so nice to walk hand in hand with them both that you forgot you don't know where you're going.
"So, um, what is it that I'm sacrificing my lunchtime for?"
George laughs. "Oh, yeah..."
Fred leans in close to your ear. "The D.A.," he whispers. You look around for whomever he's trying to keep this information from, but the current hallway you're in is empty.
"D..." Realization hits you. "Oh...!" Dumbledore's Army. "Why didn't anyone tell me this was happening?"
"We didn't know about it either," says George. "Until Neville told us during our last class."
"Well, where is our first session being held?"
"In the Room of Requirement," Fred answers.
There's a moment of pause as you wait for him to elaborate, but he doesn't. "And... What is that?"
"It's a magically hidden room that changes according to whatever it is you may require," says Fred.
"This better not be like your 'I-Miss-You' box," you snort.
"No, no. This is for real," George assures you.
"So was the box!" Fred chuckles.
Before you can react, the twins come to a halt at the same time in front of a blank wall. You expected something similar to the common room entrances with a painting guarding the room, but there's nothing but cold, hard stone.
Then, right before your unbelieving eyes, a black, metallic door materializes inside the wall. You gasp in astonishment, and the twins smile.
Fred opens the door with one hand, still holding onto yours with the other, and guides you through the doorway with George following close behind you.
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Draco finds out
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He knew something was wrong the minute he saw Harry, something was off about him. Weasley and Granger had no clue as they were bickering over something. He cast a slight charm and had Harry's head turn slightly. He nodded to the staircase and Harry got up and went there. Once he reached there he grabbed his hand and he took him to the Gryffindor common room.
"Draco, I'm not- I can't," Draco stopped him. 
"I didn't bring you here to snog you Harry as much as I want to," He closed the door to theroom and cast a silencing charm. "Is this where you lot sleep, like a bunch of-” Harry shot him a look. “Well mannered people, er- remove your shirt let me see," 
"How did you-"
"I know the signs," Draco wanted to say that he had been in this position before. Except he hid it so well no one knew to ask, plus there were no visible marks. But Harry already knew
“Draco,” Harry said softly. 
“Harry, shirt.” Harry sighed and took off his robes. Then his shirt. Draco didn’t even need to ask him to turn; he could see the beginnings on his shoulders and a couple marks on his arms. They were still angry red. “Harry…who did this to you,” 
Harry chuckled, taking a seat on the bed. “The muggles I live with,”
“But they’re your mother’s- her sister, her brother in law, ho-”
“Draco, they hated my mother, they loathed my father, I can safely say compared to Snape, loved my dad and him were lovers,” Harry said as he  fiddled with his fingers.
”They only took me in out of obligation, they never really loved me, because my mother was a witch and my father a wizard. In Fact they make sure to tell me everyday, in every language.” His fingers shook as he spoke.
“They never used to hit me, just scream, yell, neglect me, either only make me eat breakfast cause i made it and then not eat again for the rest of the day or make me do work around the house, no actually it was both, be my cousin’s punching bag, his outlet.’
“When did they start hitting you,” Draco asks, although he was still trying to wrap his head on what Harry had just said. 
“When they found out I couldn’t use magic outside of Hogwarts, they got so angry I didn’t tell them that it set off the chain of events,” Harry hestrued to his back, “Which led to this, my uncle snapped.”
“Harry…” Draco stood behind him as he started casting healing charms all round. “Why don’t you tell someone you know the Minister of Freaking Magic for Merlin’s sake, he’ll hex them himself if you asked.”
“Dumbledore said I had to stay with them because of the magic that was keeping me safe,” Draco whipped his wand and a tiny bottle came flying out of his trunk. 
“Harry, I say this without my usual voice of sarcasm, screw Dumbledore, screw your relatives,” Harry hissed as Draco’s wand grazed a rather recent wound. “At least now I know who to add to my hitlist.”
“I’m sorry,” Harryneeded to apologise, he had to apologise.
“Harry don’t apologise you did nothing wrong, it’s your family that needs to apologise and then be thrown in Azkaban” Harry chuckled but he knew Draco was being serious. 
 “Then for behaving the way I did towards you, you’re friends.”
“I’m sorry too,”
Draco paused, wrapping Harry’s back. “What ever on earth are you possibly sorry for?”
“For not taking your hand that day,” that day.
~When his father and mother had taken him to go get fitted for new robes. His father had left him  to go buy books and his mother dropped him off in the shop to get new robes. His mother started to look at wands in a nearby shop. He noticed a giant in the seat outside, he wanted to make a snide comment about how nothing in this shop might fit him when he heard chatter behind him.
“Hogwarts dear, got the lot here- another young man being fitted up just now, in fact.'' Then he suddenly met the eye of a green eyed black haired boy, his eyes were very pretty. For some reason his mouth flew open and he knew the moment he’d opened his mouth to talk about the gameskeeper he’d screwed up royally.
“Sorry about insulting Hagrid, I was a little stuck up back then,” Harry snorted. 
“You still are but I like this stuck up, he’s a fancy kisser,” Draco rolled his eyes and shocked Harry with his wand. 
“I’m sincerely apologising, Harry,” Harry reached behind him and pulled Draco’s hand in front of him. 
“I’m sorry for not taking your apology seriously, thank you Draco,” He brought Draco’s hand to his lips. “Thank you,”
“I’m still gonna buy you a flat though,” Confusion painted Harry's face.
“Erm? What?” 
“If you think you are leaving this school with the notion you’re going back, you are mistaken.” Harry just smiled.
“Wizarding laws-”
“Don’t matter,”
“Draco, was it, was it an unforgivable curse?” Harry noticed Draco's hands had stiffened in his. He got up and hugged him. 
“I’m sorry,”
“It wasn’t your fault.,”
“I hate your father,”
“That makes both of us,” Draco chuckled and held  him back. “This term is rather short, once we board the train and I’m hoping I get you all to myself,” Draco sounded like he was joking but Harry knew better.
“You’re dad hates me Draco, He was a Death Eater, Plus he’s gonna notice you buying a house” 
“Harry, I can buy a random house somewhere, without the consent of my parents, I’m a bloody Malfoy, he with his thinking is gonna suspect that I’m pissed about something, or worse I was bitten by a werewolf” Harry chuckled Draco making him roll his eyes.
“Just say you wanna move in with me Harry, please, I wanna live with my boyfriend” Harry blushed at boyfriend. 
“I swear I’ll even get Dobby to- what?” Draco doubled over. “I thought i’d have to do a whole Sonnet,”
“A what?”
“Ironic how I know more about Muggle literature than you,” Draco said, rolling his eyes. Harry sensing a lecture due to hanging out with Hermione for so long, leaned in and kiss him.
“Thank you,”
“For you, anytime,”
Edits: @swymsuyt for the art 🎨 ✨️
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bi-sexu-alien · 1 year
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💚 Finally safe 💚 - Part 1
Severus Snape x reader
Summary: Y/N gets abducted before the battle of Hogwarts and now with the help of Lucius Severus found you and after a check-up at St. Mungo's he takes you home. But the things you survived haunt you.
Warning/content: mention of kidnapping, starvation, slight mention of torture, kissing, protective Severus, mostly fluff
The cellar's door opened and I was ready to fight with my bare hands if it meant I won't end up in the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange again. It felt like forever since one of the death eaters came down here. My stomach gurgled like crazy but right now the only thing I was focused on, was the two pairs of feet whose owners were carefully descending the stairs.
I was ready.
I hid behind the corner of the small wall next to the grate, with the rock that I found. The plan was to let them in, struck the one at the end on the head, then sprint out of there. It wasn't a great plan but it was the only one I had.
As the strangers stepped through the grate, I moved to execute the plan, but the owner of the blonde hair, who was standing in front of me, suddenly turned and caught my hand. I could see Lucius pulling me up and handing me to Bellatrix for another round of torture. I wasn't proud of it, but I was overcome with fear and my whole body began to tremble.
'Lucius!' I heard a familiar voice, dark and commanding which made the man who squeezed my wrist, let me go and step away from me.
And there he stood. The bat of Hogwarts or as I got to know him, the Half-Blood Prince.
Severus Snape.
There was no time for me to react, as he enveloped me in his warm hug, pulling me closer to himself. When he finally let me go his black eyes fixated on my E/C orbs as though he was trying to look inside my soul.
'Are you alright?' came the low growling voice once again, the same one I missed all these days or weeks (I had no idea how long they kept me here).
'No. But I will be now' I murmured as I nestled in the comfort he provided.
Not letting me go, he apparated what I assumed was St. Mungo's because it was so white compared to the cellar that I had to squint.
The healers sent out Severus which didn't help my nerves at all. They examined every scar that Bellatrx has left on my body and provided instructions for my full recovery, but said that if I can follow their directive then I'm free to go home.
I was relived and didn't want to give them the chance to keep me there for unnecessary check-ups, so I rushed out of the hospital room.
I stepped through the door, Severus immediately stepped up next to me, curling his left arm around my waist.
'Let's go home, darling' he said in my hair with a kiss.
'That sounds perfect' and with that, we apparated back to the little cottage where Jerome, Severous's mentor, waited for us with tea and biscuits as if nothing had happened.
'Y/N! How very nice to get you back!' hugged me the older man as soon as we stepped through the door. Severus took a step back to let him greet me but the dark-haired wizard looked like he is not gonna let me out of his sight for a while. The older wizard hugged me and that was the only indication of how worried he was because that hug... Merlin's beard... It felt like a desperate death trap.
'Thanks, Jerome I am glad to be back too' I smiled still a bit weak smile as I stepped back next to Sev. His hands immediately found mine and intertwined our fingers.
'I am gonna escort Y/N up to her room, she needs to rest for a while' growled Severus as an explanation for why he started to pull me towards the stares before we left the older wizard alone.
I would have tried and argued but he was so tense that I feared he could spontaneously combust any given second, so I just followed silently.
When the door closed behind us I let out a big sigh.
I was home.
With Severus.
And most importantly I was free.
The ex-slytherin's eyes followed me as I stepped up to the bed and just dropped down on it, suddenly feeling as tired as I have never felt before.
'You should sleep. I am not going anywhere. You are free and you are safe' he said calmly to calm my nerves and reassure me. A wide range of emotions still painted across his face: desperation, fear, anger, and some kind of calm that I assumed he felt at the thought of me being safe again.
'I'm not entirely sure if I can...' I whispered with my eyes fixated on the floor. I didn't know what will happen to Sev and me but I was certain that for a while I'm not gonna be able to leave behind the memory of Bellatrix's torture.
The trauma I experienced left a void in me that I couldn't explain to anyone or deal with yet, because I felt that if I confronted myself with what had happened, it would destroy me and I would never find my old self again.
Yet this discovery was immidiatley pushed away by the fact that I needed the dark-haired wizard more than ever.
'She used the Cruciatus curse on me' I said through my Legilimens ability hoping it would reach the man, standing before the door.
Either he was already ready to read my mind or he just sensed that I wasn't ready to speak out loud about what happened, he was ready to receive my message and his face told me everything in response.
If he could have had the chance to bring back the dark witch just so he can kill her again, he would.
He moved slowly towards me, kneeling before my tired body, taking my right in his hands.
For what felt like an eternity we just stayed there looking at each other and trying to communicate everything without words.
It was peaceful and in any other circumstance I would have enjoyed the situation, but right now I didn't want silence. I needed a distraction.
Anything at this point.
So before I could stop myself, cluching Severus as if he was a lifeline in the middle of the ocean, I moved closer and I kissed him gently as I repeated my mantra inside my head:
I am home.
I am with Serverus.
I am free.
Hello there. 👋
I am new on Tumblr but I found some amazing fanfiction here which are inspired me to put my own little something out here. I am planning to put out more of them and eventually take requests as well but we will see.
English is my second language so please be nice if there are mistakes, but if you find something tell me nicely and I will make sure to correct it.
I hope you have a great day, night, week... everything. 😊
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The Only Evans Girl [Aftermath]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair
Word Count: 3895
Rating: Mature
Summary: On the 31st of October 1981 Daisy Evans life changed forever. Since then she’s been tasked with one objective, keep Harry Potter safe. That however isn’t always that easy to do.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Marauder’s Era, Teenage Angst, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Crying, Loss of Virginity, First Wizarding War, Love, Kissing, Teenagers, James Potter is a bit of a dick, Hogsmeade, 1970s, Fighting, Loss of Parents, Grief, Babies, Injuries, Gore, Harm, Christmas,  The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring
Notes: This is the follow on from The Other Evans girl from where the epilogue ends going to be about eight parts reflecting Daisy's life up to the end of the second war. And there's going to be no sad endings here
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‘You need to sleep,’ Daisy whispered though she knew it was fruitless. The only response she would get is a wide-eyed stare, ones so like her own, looking up at her in the darkness. She could see it grappling with her nephew, willing him to succumb to slumber but he was nothing if not determined, his eyes fixed on her as if she might leave and never return the moment his eyes closed. Of course she’d tried a dozen methods, hoping that one of them would be the trick to getting him off peacefully but so far nothing had worked but waiting until his tired little eyes could fight no longer. Which was why she was sitting beside his cot, resting against the top of it, waiting until he fell asleep.
Truth be told she could feel her own eyes fighting off sleep, the quiet, dimly lit room soothing enough to make her want to drift off. But like her nephew, sleep brought with it the unknown. For him it was the threat of being left alone. For her it was the memories of not being, which hurt just as badly. So she too fought it, stifling a yawn.
It was another ten minutes or so before he finally succumbed, his lashes fluttering until they settled permanently on his cheek, but she didn’t move immediately. Even in the short amount of time she’d been doing this she’d learnt enough like just because he’d eat something one day didn’t mean he’d do so the following day. Or leaving him alone even for five minutes could up end an entire room. And most importantly never try to flee a Harry Potter’s bedroom before you were absolutely sure he was asleep.
It took some waiting and some stealthy manoeuvring but eventually Daisy managed to get out onto the landing and close the door gently behind her. Once she was out she let out a breath she hadn't realised she’d been holding but her relief soon evaporated. After all, getting Harry to bed meant that her night was now freed up only it wasn’t as though she had anything to do or anyone to do it with. No, her projected evening would go as all her others had. She’d grab something to eat and watch it in front of the telly, though the shapes and colours would be moving in front of her without much recognition, and then she would turn onto the task of unpacking further. She hadn't gotten very far with it. The boxes Remus had stacked up from the flat and her parents stuff she’d gotten out of storage when she moved here were still in every room because each and every box brought with it a new wave of pain. Of course he’d tried to spare her obvious stuff, Sirius' clothes and belongings were boxed up and shoved into storage, but it was like he was in everything anyway. Lily and James too. And so she spent most of her nights unpacking and drinking and crying until she could stay awake no longer and was forced to crawl into bed exhausted and heartbroken.
Given it was much too early to actually go to bed and she was hungry she decided to freshen up and headed to the bathroom, running the tap as quietly as possible as she splashed some water on her face. Though as she did she heard a sound, a muffled clinking. Daisy immediately turned off the water and moved to the doorway listening again for whatever it was. A leaky pipe maybe? A neighbour getting in their car?
But then it came again, far too close for it to be anywhere other than her house, her front door. But she wasn’t expecting anyone. Granted she hadn't been expecting anyone the last couple of times some nosey neighbour had come knocking, welcoming her to the neighbourhood only to have a curt rebuttal and a door slammed in their face, but no one should be coming now. Then the door unlatched.
She hadn't been expecting anyone and certainly not someone who could barge into her home without warning and so without thinking she flew from the bathroom and down the stairs. By the time she got to the bottom step the door was opening, whoever had come letting themselves in not that it mattered. She was ready, wand raised and pointed with a spell on the tip of her tongue.
Only the spell didn’t come because facing her looking just as shocked to see her was, ‘Petunia?’ Daisy breathed; confusion splayed across her pretty features. Her confusion mirrored that of her sister’s though admittedly she didn’t pale the way Petunia did, the colour draining from her face and leaving her a ghastly ashen colour.
‘Petunia what are you doing here?’ Daisy demanded, watching as her sister failed to move, her key still buried in the yale lock, her thin fingers gripping it so tight her knuckles had gone white.
‘I thought…but that means,’ she whispered, shaking her head as if to make sense of the millions of thoughts she’d been having. Daisy folded her arms across her irritably, reiterating her question once more, ‘what are you doing here Petunia?’
‘I was in the cemetery putting flowers down because it’s Christmas,’ Petunia said, moving inside and pushing the door to, ‘ran into Eileen Snape.’
‘So?’ Daisy asked irritably. Her sister had been looking anywhere but her, her eyes darting around the narrow hallway as if she was trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together without help though they snapped up to look at her sister as she whispered, ‘she said she’d seen you up at the house. Offered her condolences about Lily…I had no idea what she was on about.’
Daisy didn’t say anything though that was mainly because opening her mouth after anyone mentioned Lily or James normally came with the threat of bursting into tears. Tears she could feel stinging at her eyes and she looked away, trying to keep them at bay.
‘No,’ Petunia whispered as the realisation dawned on her, heartbreak landing a second later, ‘no she can't be.’
Daisy said nothing and instead hopped down off the step and walked towards the kitchen, furiously brushing hot, wet tears from her face. She didn’t want to break down again and certainly not in front of Petunia. But her sister followed her into the kitchen, watching as she ignored her and proceeded to fill the kettle up, as if nothing was wrong. Petunia didn't want it to be true when she heard it in the cemetery. She hadn't believed it was. Not until she had stepped through the threshold of her childhood home and found her sister staring back at her. A confirmation not only by presence but by just how broken she looked.
But why hadn't she said anything? Why, when it had been over a month since it happened, hadn't she bothered to let her know?
‘Daisy,’ Petunia said, her voice cracked and ragged with tears, ‘Daisy tell me it’s not true.’
‘I can’t,’ Daisy said as she tried to keep her vision locked on the kettle she was holding though it was blurred enough for her not to notice it was over flowing until icy cold water trickled over the back of her hand.
‘But, I don't understand,’ Petunia said, the death of a twenty one year old something no one could comprehend. But she also couldn’t comprehend how she hadn't known and asked, ‘why didn’t you tell me?’
‘I’ve been busy,’ Daisy said defensively.
She knew it was no excuse that objectively Petunia had just as much of a right to know as she did but there was just something holding her back though she didn’t know what. Maybe it was the fact they hadn't spoken in over a year, one almighty row putting an end to years of sistership and therefore the notion she’d even care about the loss. Maybe it was that she was scared Petunia might have similar notions to Dumbledore and the minister and decide that Daisy wasn’t fit to care for Harry, her only solace in all this. Or maybe it was just because telling Petunia, allowing this tragedy and triumph to permeate into another world, felt like finally admitting it was real. And Daisy wasn’t sure she was ready to think about that yet.
Yet whatever her reasoning they didn’t land well as Petunia's eyes bugged out an outraged expression gracing her thin face as she baulked, ‘Busy!?!’
‘Yes busy,’ Daisy rebuffed, throwing a tea bag into a mug angrily. It felt good to get it out, the petered and measured words and actions she’d forced herself into with every official and stranger she’d met over the last month comparing in no way. This was anger, pure unadulterated anger, even if it was misdirected, ‘and what do you care anyway?’
‘What do I care?’ Petunia baulked.
‘I thought you were done with us,’ Daisy sneered, ‘hated us freaks! Or isn’t that what Vernon meant when he told us we’d never be welcome around his house again! That we were no family of his or yours!’
‘Not for something like this!’ Petunia protested loudly, ‘ how dare you!’
‘How dare me?!’ Daisy screamed, her volume enough to make Petunia roll her eyes as if she was a child throwing a tantrum which did nothing other than rile her up further.
‘Of course!’ Petunia scoffed, ‘of course you did something like this. Not a care for anybody else in the world, no not when Daisy's affected! So long as you’re grieving, who cares! Doesn’t matter that she’s my sister too! That I’ve lost her as well!’
‘Yes but you didn’t lose everything did you!?’ Daisy spat, moving so that she was within a foot of her, not caring that she was nearly half a foot shorter or that her wand was resting on the counter top and useless. No, this rage would take her further than any weapon could. Her tongue would inflict as much damage as she needed it to.
‘She’s your sister Petunia but she’s my twin! My other half! Not to mention I lost James and,’ she stalled then, the lump in her throat as stormy grey eyes and a handsome smile flashed in her mind, ripping her heart in two as it always did. It took the wind out of her sails, her anger turning to sadness as she croaked, ‘everyone’s gone Tuney. I lost everyone and now I’m alone.’
‘Daisy,’ Petunia said sadly.
‘So sorry for not thinking of perfect Petunia,’ she bit, trying to salvage whatever dignity from the situation she could though it was punctuated by a sniffle that made her hard edge weaken. They stood there for a moment until the proximity was too close to bear with Daisy pulling away first though as she did she heard the crackle of a baby monitor followed by the gentle whines of Harry.
‘Oh for god sake!’ she grumbled, rubbing her tired and red eyes again before she trudged back upstairs leaving her sister standing in the middle of the kitchen alone.
Harry was awake by the time she got upstairs, standing up at his cot side and crying into the darkness as he waited for her to appear. Of course when she did he soothed quickly but now he was disturbed his willingness to sleep was removed all together, his eyes wider and brighter than before no matter how long she stood by his cot. So admitting defeat she headed downstairs half hoping that Petunia would be gone or that if she wasn’t Harry's presence would help her keep her temper somewhat in check.
She was in the living room when she got downstairs, sitting awkwardly on the couch, her back as straight as a board as she looked around the room at the clutter of boxes and toys that littered the floor. Daisy could see her trying to hold her comments inside and to her surprise she managed it though she wasn’t sure if that was to do with the self restraint or rather the fact that Daisy was now holding a baby as she sunk into the armchair beside her. If he hadn't looked as though he was going to sleep soon there was no way he was going to succumb in this new location, not when there was someone else to analyse, even if he did shift closer to Daisy, watching his other aunt with suspicion. Petunia looked just as shocked to see him, her words stuttering as she said, ‘I, er, I made tea.’
‘Thanks,’ Daisy muttered, watching her sister as she looked at the baby in her lap and suddenly feeling the need to explain, ‘he wouldn’t settle.’
‘Dudley was a bit like that not so long ago. Teething. I found a drop of whiskey on his gums helped a lot,’ she rambled.
‘It’s not teething,’ Daisy said, resisting the urge to snap at her, ‘it’s… he needs to see me…that I’m nearby and that I’m not going to leave.’
‘Oh,’ Petunia mumbled.
There was a lull for a moment, the pair of them watching the tiny boy in Daisy’s arms. He was still watching Petunia, his wide green eyes scrutinising her as she took a nervous sip of her cup of tea, but he did lean back into Daisy as she pushed a hand through his unruly mop of hair, pressing a kiss to the top of his head as she did. In fact she was so busy cuddling him, reminding him she was still there, she barely heard Petunia as he whispered, ‘he looks just like…’
‘James. He’s the double of him,’ Daisy finished as if on instinct. After all it was something she’d heard time and time again since the day her nephew was born. And something that made it hard to get through each day, the cheeky smile and mischievous nature of her nephew bringing a new onslaught of memories every time she looked at him.
‘I was going to say Lily,’ she muttered, ‘the eyes.’
‘Right yeah,’ Daisy mumbled. Of course they hurt too but she supposed she’d become used to it given that they were the same eyes that looked back at her every time she looked in the mirror. A reminder permanently etched on her own face.
Again the conversation lulled, the pair of them sipping on tea quietly as questions and thoughts whizzed around inside them. Petunia didn’t know what to ask. After all it had been years since she’d last been in their lives properly and just over nearly two years of not speaking completely. Truthfully it wasn’t that she didn’t know what to ask, it was that she just didn’t know the place to start. Fortunately Daisy took the plunge first.
‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,’ she said quietly, not daring to look anywhere but at the top of Harry’s head, ‘the last month has been like…like I’ve been sleepwalking. Getting up…looking after Harry… when all I want to do is lock myself away and never come out. Can’t do that when you’re on your own with a toddler though.’
‘On your own,’ Petunia whispered, ‘what about your friends? The boyfriend-‘
‘Gone they’re all gone,’ Daisy said, cutting her off before she could mention anything more about Sirius or anyone else for that matter, her mind flitting through the number of casualties and fallen friends she’d lost.
‘I believe they call it casualties of war,’ she muttered sarcastically, that pit of anger bubbling inside her again enough that she was actually taken by surprise when she found Petunia looking at her agog. Then again that was how she supposed she should look. How she and her friends should feel about war and death instead of being so acclimatised to it. Even Harry who was barely two was so accustomed to the pain and barbarity of it all he’d found ways to reassure himself hence why he was only just dozing back off, fully assured that he was safe lying in Daisy’s arms.
‘War?’ Petunia pressed when Daisy didn’t say anything.
‘It’s been a tough few years,’ Daisy laughed mirthlessly.
‘Are you still…’
‘No, it’s over now,’ she said, though that answer still didn’t feel real. Thankfully Petunia didn’t press for any further details though she did ask, ‘is that why you came back…to the house I mean.’
‘I came back because I needed to bring Harry somewhere safe,’ Daisy said. It wasn’t completely a lie. After declaring she should immerse herself back into muggle life she hadn't seen any reason not to go back to her childhood home, the reasons for staying away somehow seeming trivial. What was the point in worrying a place wouldn't feel the same when nothing felt the same anymore. At least here she had some connection to Lily. At least here she wasn’t overwhelmed with the memory of him.
‘It was Harry. Harry ended the war,’ she clarified, again watching as her sister’s eyes went wide watching the now sleeping child in her lap.
‘But, but he’s just a baby,’ she protested.
‘And yet he’s the most famous wizard in the world. Not that he knows that,’ Daisy said, sighing as Petunia raised an eyebrow for her to explain, ‘they, our government and officials, they think it’s best for him to live as a muggle.’
‘Without magic?’ Petunia asked.
'Yep,’ she sighed, ‘me too. Out of all the politics and scrutiny they say.’
‘On your own?’ Petunia asked worriedly.
‘How else am I supposed to do it?’ Daisy asked as if it were obvious.
Petunia nodded and took another sip of tea, holding the cup against her lap, her fingers dancing around the rim as if she was going to start playing a song. Daisy watched her sister for a moment and was surprised to see her holding back, whatever she wanted to say being carefully thought out rather than diving straight in. It was something she had never known to happen. To either of them. That was what they had had Lily for. Their mediator.
Even when they’d had their big blow out she’d still tried to stick up for Petunia. Daisy had not meant to cause a fight. With everything that had been going on she’d honestly forgotten that Petunia had done her best to maintain a perfect image even with her husband. The comment about Dudley having a drop of magical blood had been a slip of the tongue but the carnage it had unleashed had been otherworldly. Vernon had all but physically kicked them out and even standing on their doorstep Petunia couldn’t stick up for her sisters. To admit that they weren’t something to be ashamed of.
Daisy had drawn a line under their relationship that very moment. But not her Lil. Even eight months pregnant and in the middle of a war she’d begged Daisy to try and give her sister and Vernon some grace. They didn’t understand the wizarding world. She didn’t blame Petunia for not wanting to have a magical child especially given the current state of things. But Daisy hadn’t relented. And James, fresh off the back of losing his own parents, hadn't seen the need to cling to those who didn’t want to make the effort. That was how they had gotten here. That was why even on her darkest day Daisy hadn't asked for help.
‘I could help,’ Petunia said quietly after a bout of silence. Daisy resisted the urge to snort but didn’t keep the sarcasm from her voice as she said, ‘yeah, Vernon going to let you is he?’
‘Daisy,’ Petunia warned. She could practically hear Lily’s voice echoing her name and feel the sharp pain of a dig in the ribs which she would’ve gotten if her twin were here.
‘You cut us off Tuney remember,’ Daisy said.
‘If I remember lots of things were said,’ Petunia countered.
‘By your husband mostly,’ Daisy grumbled.
‘He doesn’t understand,’ Petunia protested, ‘and it wasn’t as though that Potter boy held his tongue.’
‘He told us he wanted nothing to do with us freaks. Is it any wonder James went ballistic,’ Daisy countered defensively. Petunia sighed.
‘Can't we just say we were both in the wrong?’ she asked, fearing they were both so stubborn they’d only end up going around in circles. Daisy sighed as she continued, ‘mum and dad wouldn’t want this for us you know. Lily either. They’d want us to be friends, to have each other.’
‘Might be a bit late for that,’ Daisy grumbled.
‘Please Daisy. We’re the only family we have left,’ she whispered. Daisy closed her eyes as another wave of tears took hold.
How had it come to this? How had the pair of them lost so much that rebuilding a shattered relationship was the only way for either of them to have a scrap of family left. Only it was easier for Petunia to say. Because it wasn’t technically true. She had a husband and a child. Daisy was fighting to keep Harry alive on sheer luck and willpower whilst being haunted by the ghosts of the family she’d made for herself.
‘Please Daisy,’ Petunia whispered, ‘if not for me, for Harry.’
‘Tuney,’ Daisy sighed wondering how transparent she was that playing that card could be so obvious. Though she supposed the way she clung to him as much as he clung to her would let anyone see how much she needed him.
‘I can help,’ Petunia promised, ‘let me help please. In some way. I know what it’s like with a baby and you never know when you might need someone.
She had a point. Regardless of what had been said in the past it would do well to have someone. If not just for her, for Harry too. Especially considering there wasn’t much for her in the muggle world given she’d not lived in it for the past ten years.
‘Okay,’ Daisy finally relented. Petunia smiled in triumph though as she did Harry disturbed again, his eyes fluttering back open and then closed.
‘Can I hold him?’ Petunia whispered, looking at the boy in Daisy’s arms.
‘Sure,’ Daisy said, moving him as gently across to her sister’s lap. Again his eyes opened and then closed before he settled back into sleep, tucked into his aunt’s torso content as ever. Daisy watched as Petunia moved a hand across his face, her finger tracing along soft skin and baby fat.
‘He looks so much like her,’ she whispered though Daisy wasn’t sure it was entirely a statement meant for her rather than just an observation.
‘He’s sweet like her too,’ she mused, ‘and not a bother.’
'That was you if I remember rightly,’ Petunia joshed, offering her sister a teasing smile. Daisy rolled her eyes and replied, ‘it’d be no fun if we were all the same.’
‘Mm no I guess not,’ she murmured, ‘though it’s nice to get along sometimes. I doubt Lily would believe it…us getting on so well.’
‘Me either,’ Daisy replied, ‘then again I don’t think anyone would believe us getting along…not even Vernon.’
‘He’ll be fine,’ Petunia said dismissively, watching her nephew with awe.
‘Petunia,’ Daisy said uneasily.
‘I’ll handle him,’ she said looking at her sister with a firm resolution, ‘Harry’s my family too.’
@mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy @maeisafangirl
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prettygreenpills · 2 years
hey babes, i have a request! can you make any helen character a teacher and write teacher x student???
hello, you didn’t mention if you wanted smut or fluff so, i chose fluff<3 here you go:)
characters: Narcissa Malfoy x fem!reader
run down: you had an exhausting day at school and you also had a nightmare, so you stay at Narcissa’s chambers in the castle<3
warnings: no warnings
request status: closed
You softly laid your knuckles on the wood which were the doors made of and you took a step back from them. Hoping that nobody would see you, especially not professor Snape. You looked at the doors behind which your lover was hiding and you peacefully waited.
The doors opened but nobody was standing in them. It didn´t even surprise you and you just walked inside, waiting for the doors to shut. As they closed quietly, you were already searching for the blonde woman with your eyes who was supposed to be in the room. You immediately found her sitting behind her desk with loads of papers in front of her and she was waving her hand.
“Hello,” you said quietly because you didn´t want to interrupt her. As Narcissa looked up at you, you knew that the quill was doing all of the work itself and you could talk to Narcissa.
“Hi Y/n,” she said with a little smile playing with her lips and you knew that you could approach her. As you stepped to her desk, you pulled your hands out and hugged the woman who has already stood up and found your head on her chest.
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered softly and with your eyes closed you were enjoying the warmth the woman’s body was giving you.
“Is anything troubling you?” she asked you softly and kissed you into your hair.
“I had a nightmare,” you told her honestly and closed your eyes shut. You didn’t want the memories come back.
“Oh darling,” Narcissa whispered and then she kissed you into your hair again. “Should we go to the bed now?”
“Please,” you nodded and pulled away from Narcissa. She didn’t let fully go off you. She kept holding your hand and led you to her private chambers which were only one doors away.
Soon, you found your body falling onto the soft bedsheets and smelling Narcissa’s perfume. You closed your eyes and kept laying, waiting for Narcissa to join you. And after a few moments, she did so. She laid down next to you, with her body turned to you and she just kept watching.
“What was the nightmare about?”
This simple question brought tears into your eyes. The urge of looking up at her was over now and all you wanted to do was hide in her chest and cry.
“I- I lost you. A year ago in the battle,” you whispered, your lips barely moving. Narcissa sucked in a sharp breath and moved closer to you, making sure you were comfortable.
“You haven’t lost me,” she reminded you and wrapped her hands safely around your waist. You curled up into a little ball, not ready to let the emotions get out, but you couldn’t stop them. Salty tears started soaking Narcissa’s shirt. “I am right here with you. And I am staying. I won’t leave you.”
“You don’t understand,” you shook your head almost angrily. “I lost you Narcissa. Y-You-“ you wanted to continue but a sob escaped you. “You died. I watched you dying.”
Without any other words, she knew what to do. Pulling you into her chest, she made you lay on her and stroked your back.
“Can you hear that?”
“Just listen,” Narcissa said as her chest lifted and fell again and again. “My heart is still beating.”
“I am still here with you darling.” As this soft whisper left her mouth, she kissed you into your hair again. “I am right here, not leaving you yet.”
“I know. I am sorry.”
Closing your eyes, you shook slightly.
“It was a hard day love. Rest okay?” Narcissa asked softly and kissed you again.
Your eyes felt heavy suddenly. Trying to keep them opened was something impossible at the moment. Your eyelids were shaking as they were closing and then you let them fall and cover your eyes.
“I love you so much. I am right here. I am not leaving you love. Rest now okay?” She kept whispering to you and the last thing you could remember was the scent of Narcissa’s perfume. You let your mind blow away and fell into your fantasies, sleeping on Narcissa’s chest.
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padfootastic · 1 year
I feel like I'm gonna combust.
James dies in fifth year.
What do his parents do? His father works in the DMLE and I have no idea if his mother has a job (can you tell me?). What is their course of action?
Are they going to sue the school for the loss of James or Snape personally? I feel like they have a pretty solid argument for sacking (punishing) dumbledore or sending Snape to Azkaban.
And I that which ever they choose, the would get easily.
Or do they have a big enough heart to forgive Snape, and Dumbledore? Ik Albus hasn't done much wrong, but if a dark curse has been made and used (killing a pureblood- even if it is a blood traitor), dumbledore will be blamed, or could be, right? And they (Potters) would have enough money and power to get their compensation, in whichever way they take it, wouldn't they?
I wonder about Sirius too, but I these are some, that, as far as I know, haven't been asked and it's intresting side for me. Like we know Sirius and lots quality from head to toe but all we know about his parents are that the are old, rich and loving. And that they have a big heart.
hello hello hello! can i just say,,,i love ur questions bc literally the same things go thru my mind lol it’s why i spend so long on worldbuilding (often the unnecessary kind too lol)
let’s take this one by one:
1. i…don’t know of flea was in the DMLE actually? 🤔 wasn’t he a potioneer? and no, i don’t think we have anything for effie but idk why, i like to think she’s a socialite with like. an enchanting business on the side? (v random ik lol but it’s fun) i’m also gonna plead the fifth on this one since i…might include it in the fic and i’ve got a few options i wanna go with there (depending on how i do the macro characterisation for the —are they ruthless, forgiving, more upset than angry etc etc)
2. definitely think they’ll take action against the school, tho, regardless of however they choose to deal w snape personally! they’re def the type to hold authorities responsible for their actions (and lack of) and i do think they’ll push for some outcome pretty hard. idk about getting dumbledore sacked bc,,,if he’s the only one who can keep the school safe during voldy’s rise… not sure that’ll happen.
3. i do err on the side of wealthy potters so i think they’ll have enough money for whichever route they take. i tend to think of them as like…new money types who’ve earned through inventing and travelling? so they earn a lot, and spend on fun things, and it’s a constant cycle. but they don’t have the kind of…historical prestige that the ‘old families’ do tho they enjoy a nice enough reputation.
i haven’t said a lot here, but i do think that a part of them will be diverted towards taking care of sirius as well, because i firmly believe they considered him a second son and they can see how much it’s affecting them and fhey’re the only other ones who get it, right, how devastating the loss of james potter can be. that being said, i find it very, very possible that they’ might ‘die of a broken heart’ and i don’t say that all that lightly. from what we get: james is a surprise child after years of trying to elderly parents. he enjoys a level of pampering and spoiling and unconditional adoration that’s far above the normal avg amount a child gets, imo, and i think after he was born, his parents poured everything of themselves into him. james was effie and flea’s entire world, and they never hesitated in showing it. i totally see them as the kind of overprotective, almost helicopter, parents who panic when their child gets even a scratch on their body—so for him to die? for them to bury their child they wished for so strongly and celebrated as much as they were able to? it’s the definition of heartbreaking. it’s so, so painful, and neither of them would be able to get out of the bed for days or even keep so much as a piece of toast down or do anything, really, for a while.
when they find out the news, effie lets out the most gut wrenching, grief-filled scream, falling to her knees. flea tries to hold onto her but he’s even weaker and both of them just. sink to the ground over their baby boy’s body. not one person had a dry eye around them. no one has seen such a level of shame on dumbledore or mcgonagall’s face before. it might be the first time snape realises the *magnitude* of his actions.
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