#snuggling you and sipping on orange juice
succulent-ghoul · 1 year
*forehead kith*
Good afternoon love<3
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bornagainmurdock · 4 months
the morning after // matt murdock
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When you woke up, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and looked around. This wasn't your bedroom. You focused on the sheets under your legs and looked down to see this also wasn't your bed.
"Good morning. Must've tired you out last night, you slept right through my alarm." He slurred sleepily. You turned to look behind you at the where the voice was coming from.
Matt fucking Murdock.
"Do you want breakfast? I can make us food." He shifted, throwing his legs over the side to stand up.
"I'd like that," you smiled, "what time is it?"
"Just a little after 8. Figured I'd let you sleep a bit more since you told me you didn't have work today." Matt threw on some sweatpants thrown over the edge of the bed and started walking towards the kitchen.
You moved to exit the bed as well, grabbing your discard clothes along the way, slipping on a shirt and your underwear.
"Egg and cheese bagel sound okay?" He grabed a pan and dug through his fridge.
"Sounds great." You sat down at the kitchen island, leaning over to rest your head on your arms. "Thank you for letting me sleep."
"No worries. You fell asleep almost immediately after I cleaned you up last night. Snuggled right into my side snoring away." He cracked an egg into the pan and turned on the heat.
"I do not snore."
"Mmhmm sure you don't." He put the lid over the pan, steam cooking the top of the egg.
You staretd to drift to sleep on the counter once again, Matt putting together breakfast and setting up the table for waking you up again.
His hands ran over your shoulders, massaging the skin there.
"Ready to eat, hmm?" He sat next to you, putting together the last bits of his breakfast sandwich.
"Hmm," you took a bit and hummed softly.
"If you keep moaning like that we're gonna have to go back to my bedroom." Matt raised an eyebrow with a smirk.
"Is that a promise?"
"Don't test me." Matt set his bagel down, facing you entirly now.
"Why not?" You took a sip of orange juice.
Matt stood up from his seat as a warning of his next move. Once you agreed, he grabbed your hips and threw you over his shoulder.
"I told you not to test me." He started walking to his bedroom, smacking your ass in the process.
You shrieked, kicking you legs the whole way until Matt threw you onto the bed.
"Guess I gotta teach you a lesson." He climbed over your body, started with a kiss on your forehead.
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 1 month
50 Shades of Red || Chapter 6
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pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
summary: Wanda wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, then goes through emotional whiplash. Curtesy of a rich, sexy CEO.
content warnings: mentions of throwing up
word count: 4.2k+
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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Warmth. The sounds of muted bird calls filter through Wanda’s brain, her eyes squeezing shut tightly as she registers golden light from behind her eyelids. She’s comfortable, wrapped in a thick blanket on a soft bed. She sighs, breathing in deeply and snuggling further into the silk pillow. 
Silk pillow?
Wanda’s eyes shoot open, blinking against the sunlight streaming in through the open window, a slight breeze ruffling the curtains. Sitting up, she feels her head spin from the abrupt change in position, and her head pounds from sharp pangs as she remembers the night before. 
Holy fuck. 
The memory of liquid fire streaming down her throat pulls Wanda’s face into a grimace. She can’t remember how many shots she took, but she can remember the feeling of it regurgitating out of her throat into the bushes while someone held her hair back. Someone with firm hands and soft hair and strong arms and bright… green… eyes…
Shaking her head, Wanda glances at the bedside table. A glass of orange juice waits, the condensation dripping down the glass. Two pale pink pulls lay beside it, and Wanda gratefully swallows them, washing the Advil down with ice-cold orange juice. The rancid, bitter taste in her mouth disappears, and Wanda gratefully drinks more of the juice. 
It’s more than she probably deserves. Cringing internally, Wanda remembers how Ms. Romanoff had rubbed soothing circles on her back while she puked her guts into the bushes, and throws her head back into the pillow, the blanket falling off her shoulders at the action. She breathes deeply, realizing that she’s wearing unfamiliar clothes. 
She’s in her t-shirt, bra, and underwear. Her pants and socks are nowhere to be found. 
A violent flush spread across Wanda’s face, the heat starting from the tips of her ears and descending towards her chest. God, this was embarrassing. Not only had Ms. Romanoff witnessed her unfortunate reaction to too much alcohol, but she also had undressed her and tucked her into bed like some sort of… wayward child. 
There’s a knock at the door, and Wanda has just enough time to feel her heart drop to the pits of her stomach before Ms. Romanoff is strolling in. 
Of their own accord, Wanda’s eyes roam the figure of the woman before her. She’s dressed in a long-sleeve compression shirt and sweatpants, her hair braided neatly behind her. Her pants are hanging off of her hips, almost low enough that if she happened to stretch, Wanda would be able to see far more than she’d anticipated. 
Shaking her head from those thoughts, Wanda glances back at Ms. Romanoff’s face. 
Great, she’s smirking. Wanda would like to wipe that infernal smirk from her lips, and she’s in the middle of deciding whether she wants to punch or kiss the woman when Ms. Romanoff begins speaking. 
“Good morning, Wanda. How are you feeling?”
Her shirt is sweaty, a dark patch running from her collarbones and down her chest. Wanda can’t focus, the sight of Ms. Romanoff’s slightly damp skin sent her brain reeling. She wonders what type of workout the woman does, what her muscles look like when she’s lifting weights of what her form is while she’s running and-
“I’m fine.” 
“Are you?”
Wanda remembers the pounding in her head. She takes another large sip of her orange juice, watching as Ms. Romanoff smiles. The woman doesn’t even attempt to hide her amusement. It makes Wanda want to throw something. 
“How did I get here?”
Ms. Romanoff sits on the edge of the bed, her fingers splaying out on the comforter. She’s close enough that Wanda can smell her perfume, the cinnamon mixing with a subtle hint of sweat. Wanda takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, shooing away the inappropriate thoughts that linger at the edges of her mind. 
“I brought you here.”
Yeah, no shit. 
“I didn’t want to risk you throwing up in my car on the drive to your apartment. The hotel was closer.” Ms. Romanoff’s voice is low. Wanda feels her head spin. 
“Did you put me to bed?”
“Did I throw up again?” Wanda’s voice is quiet, and she hates how meek she sounds. 
“No.” Ms. Romanoff’s face is impassive, her green eyes dark and locked on Wanda’s face. She fights the flush that attempts to rise. 
“Did you,” Wanda clears her throat, glancing down to where her fingers are gripping the edge of the comforter. “Did you undress me?”
“I did.”
“Did we?” Wanda can’t finish the question. 
Ms. Romanoff quirks an eyebrow, her face serious. 
“Wanda, you were unconscious. I would never take advantage of you like that. Somnophilia isn’t really my thing. I enjoy my woman receptive, conscious, and yearning for more.”
“Ah,” Wanda responds lamely, “Well, I’m sorry.”
Those lips quirk up again, “It was a very riveting evening. It won’t be easily forgotten.”
Wanda is about to agree, before she sees the sparkle in the woman’s eyes. Ah, she’s making fun of her. 
Fuming slightly, Wanda looks back down at the soft comforter she’s gripping between her fingers. Whatever, the woman can laugh all she wants. It’s not like Wanda had asked Ms. Romanoff to come and get her. She feels scolded, like an unrepentant child, and immediately resents the feeling. 
“You didn’t have to track me down like you’re some kind of spy with top-secret government equipment,” Wanda snaps, her voice frigid. Ms. Romanoff stares at her, those green eyes widened slightly, a wounded look appearing in them. 
“The technology that allows me to track cellphones is available over the internet, Ms. Maximoff. If I hadn’t come to get you, you’d probably be waking up in a very different room right now, with a photographer who doesn’t understand the meaning of the word no,” Ms. Romanoff responds, her voice raspy and eyes hard. She’s glaring at Wanda, her posture tense, and Wanda can’t help the vision of an angry raccoon as it flies through her mind. 
Biting her lip, Wanda smothers a chuckle. “How noble of you. What fantasy book did you fall out of?”
Those perfect eyebrows crinkle, and Ms. Romanoff seems unsure of how to respond. Blinking slowly, she processes the quick change of emotion, before her expression warms and her eyes soften. 
“If anything, I’m the misunderstood villain,” she says, her smile sharp. Then, she changes tactics. “Did you eat last night?”
Wanda shakes her head, admiring the way Ms. Romanoff clenches her jaw. She lets out a sharp breath, running a hand over her braid before beginning to take it out, her long fingers nimble. Wanda can’t take her eyes off of it, her imagination running wild.
“You need to eat, that’s why you’re feeling like this,” Ms. Romanoff waves a hand in Wanda’s general direction, and she can’t help but giggle at the statement. Those green eyes find hers again, a surprised look in them. 
“Are you just going to scold me all morning?”
“Is that what you think I’m doing?”
“Well,” Ms. Romanoff stands, moving towards the desk and grabbing a towel draped over the side of it. She turns towards Wanda, wrapping the towel around her neck and grabbing onto the sides of it, her posture tall. “You’re lucky I’m only scolding you.”
“I-” Wanda blinks, the barest hint of a smirk on Ms. Romanoff’s face. God, this woman is insufferable. “What do you mean?”
“If you were mine, you wouldn’t be so smug after the stupidity you displayed yesterday. You didn’t eat, got drunk and put yourself at risk. I hate to think what could have happened to you.” Her eyes are cold again, something that looks like fear flickering in them slightly. She walks towards Wanda, her steps slow and sure.
“I was with Kate, I would’ve been fine.”
“Mhmm,” Ms. Romanoff murmurs, leaning over the bed, her face dangerously close to Wanda’s. “And the photographer?”
“He just,” Wanda doesn’t know what to say. “He just got a bit out of hand.”
“The next time he gets out of hand, maybe I’ll teach him some manners.”
“You’re quite the disciplinarian,” Wanda says, her voice as acidic as venom. She’s frustrated with the turn in conversation. Honestly, she was having a fine morning, and now the woman had to bring Vision, of all people, into this?
“Oh sweetheart, you have no idea.” Ms. Romanoff’s smile is blinding, her eyes sharp. It's completely disarming, and Wanda finds herself wheeling from the whiplash. She can’t find any words, completely mesmerized by the rare smile Ms. Romanoff has graced her with. 
Also, the pet name? Fuck. 
“I’m going to shower, unless you’d like to go first?” Ms. Romanoff’s voice is sickly sweet, dripping with something Wanda can’t comprehend. It feels like every synapse she has in her brain is firing all at once, her breaths short as her heartbeat races. 
“Breathe, Wanda,” she whispers, reaching over to trail a single finger down Wanda’s face. It grazes her lips, sending electricity tumbling straight to her heart, before resting under her chin. “Breakfast will be here in fifteen minutes.”
Standing, Ms. Romanoff gives her a look, a silent command of some sort. Wanda feels completely out of her depth. 
“You must be famished, having emptied your stomach last night so… ungracefully.” With that, she winks and closes the bathroom door. 
Wanda lets out a long breath, leaning back against the headboard as the water turns on. She’s never had this urge before, this… desire. All she wants to do is wrench open the bathroom door and get in the shower with Ms. Romanoff, or punch her straight in those beautiful lips. Wanda hasn’t decided which one she wants to do more, yet. 
‘If you were mine.’
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? And why does Wanda’s heart race at the mere thought of it? 
Ms. Romanoff is confusing, Wanda decides. An anomaly sent into her life to destroy any semblance of peace she’s managed to scrape together. She’s sweet and alluring in one moment, then antagonizing and difficult the next. Who else sends a first edition of a book worth thousands, then tracks her all within 48 hours? 
Regardless, Wanda has never felt more safe than she does at this moment. In a hotel room, a penthouse, from the look of it. She feels protected, and a sliver of warmth nestles itself in her heart when she remembers that Ms. Romanoff came to rescue her. 
Then, she scoffs. Danger. As if Vision could ever truly be dangerous. The memory of his cologne seeps unbidden into her mind, the suffocating weight of his body pressed against hers as his alcohol-flavored breath hit her face capturing her thoughts. 
She feels like throwing up all over again. 
Scrambling out of bed, Wanda looks around wildly. She suddenly feels the need to escape to… run, far away from the situation she’s found herself in. She turns over the covers, her heart racing once more as she searches the room for her pants. 
The door opens, and Wanda whirls around. Ms. Romanoff seems just as surprised to see her out of bed, the towel wrapped neatly around her still-glistening body. Wanda can’t take her eyes off the woman’s bare shoulders, the muscles shining as she gently wrings her hair. 
“If you’re looking for your pants, I’ve sent them to be laundered.” Her eyes are dark, trailing over Wanda’s awkward form. “They were covered in your vomit.”
“Oh,” Wanda flushes. She doesn’t know how to respond. 
“I sent Taylor out for another pair and some shoes. They’re in the box next to the desk.” 
She sent her driver out to shop for new clothes. Wanda will never live this down. Although, clean clothes aren't the worst thing in the world. 
“Well, um.” Wanda stutters, bending down to grab the box while Ms. Romanoff watches with intent eyes. “I’ll be in the shower then. Thanks.” She darts into the bathroom, locking the door behind her and letting out a shaky breath. How was she supposed to react when she was mere inches away from the perfect body of Natasha Romanoff?
Stepping into the shower, Wanda lets the hot water run over her face, washing away the night before. God, she can’t believe this is her life. She turns the water to a slightly cool temperature, willing her flush to disappear. 
She wants Natasha Romanoff. That much is clear to her. Everything else is… muddy. Doubts and insecurities creep into her mind, and Wanda washes them away as she lathers her hair with a coconut-scented shampoo. She can’t even read the name of the brand, and decides to not think about the price as she continues to shower. 
Opening the body wash, Wanda breathes in the scent. It smells just like Ms. Romanoff. She rubs it over her body, the suds gathering as she fantasizes that it's her rubbing this soap into her skin, across her chest and circling her nipples, over her stomach and down between the soft skin of her thighs with those strong, long-fingered hands. 
“Breakfast is here.” She knocks on the door, and Wanda drops the bottle. 
“Okay,” Her voice is strained, and she curses herself as she picks up the soap, rinsing the suds off. She takes a breath, ignoring the wetness between her thighs as she finishes her shower, washing all evidence of her erotic daydream away. 
Toweling herself dry, Wanda inspects the box of clothes. Not only is there a pair of new pants and Converse, but also a dark, forest green shirt with black panties and a bra. And fuck, they’re perfect. The design is soft, with a gentle lace design around the edges that has Wanda giggling at the thought of Ms. Romanoff’s driver standing in the middle of Victoria’s Secret picking out her undergarments. 
Slipping the clothes on, she marvels at the fact that everything fits perfectly before toweling her hair dry. She eyes the hair dryer, but decides to let it dry naturally instead. She’d rather not have crazy, blown-out hair in front of the most gorgeous woman on earth. Taking a deep breath, Wanda finds a sliver of courage and opens the bathroom door. 
The bedroom is empty, her footsteps quiet and muffled on the soft floor. She scans the room for her purse, not finding it. Pausing to steel herself, she walks into the living room area of the penthouse, her eyes widening at the sight of an actual dining table and multiple plush chairs. Everything is elaborate, and Wanda finds herself nervous to touch anything in the room, sure that even the silverware was more than her month’s rent. 
“Fuck, Kate,” Wanda mumbles. Ms. Romanoff looks up from where she’s seated on the couch, laying her newspaper on her lap. 
“She knows that you’re alive and here. I texted Yelena.” That damned smirk is back again. 
Oh, God. Wanda remembers the looks that her roommate was giving Yelena the night before. Kate had really put on the maximum amount of charm to seduce Ms. Romanoff’s sister, and Wanda sighs slightly. The last time Kate had picked someone up from the bar, Wanda was seated on the couch watching sad movies and eating ice cream out of solidarity while she lamented. She just hopes that Yelena shows the same respect that her sister has.
“Sit,” Natasha says, gesturing towards the table. She stands, uncovering the multitudes of platters adorning the table. 
“I didn’t know what you would like, so I ordered a bit of everything.” Her smile is small, her eyebrows crinkled slightly. Wanda finds it cute.
“Thank you.”
A pleasant silence fills the room for a moment, each of them eating their respective breakfasts. Natasha finishes first, having scarfed down some bacon and eggs. She reaches for the sausages as Wanda slowly cuts up her pancakes before lathering them in butter. 
“That color suits you.”
Wanda blushes, her knife clattering against her plate. 
“You should learn how to take a compliment,” Natasha says, her tone kind. Those green eyes watch her, and Wanda finishes her bite before speaking. Her fingers shake slightly around her cutlery, and Natasha glances down at them. 
“I should give you some money for the clothes,” Wanda mutters, noticing the way Natasha’s eyebrows shoot up. “I can’t accept your book either, as nice as it is. Please, let me pay you back.”
“Wanda,” Natasha’s voice is barely a whisper, and she stops her rambling. “I can afford it.”
“That’s not,” Wanda lets out a breath. “That’s not the point, I mean- why should you buy these nice things for me?”
“Because I can and because I want to.”
“That doesn’t mean you should.” Wanda’s voice is equally as quiet. Natasha simply raises an eyebrow, her eyes sparkling. 
Sitting back in her seat, Natasha watches her for a moment. “What are you doing this weekend?”
“I- what?”
“I believe I asked you a question, Wanda.”
Flushing, she sets her fork down. The topic change has her mind reeling, so Wanda simply chooses to observe the woman across from her for a moment instead. It doesn’t help to clear her mind, but she doesn’t really care. 
Natasha is seated casually, her arms resting on the arms of her chair. She looks regal, her head tilted slightly as those lips quirk at the corners. Her hair has almost dried, only the tips still slightly damp. Wanda has to urge to smell it, to see if she used the same heavenly-scented coconut shampoo. 
“I’m moving up to Seattle.”
What’s with all the questions? Wanda hadn’t realized this was an interrogation. A sliver of annoyance creeps up in her mind, but she pushes it away in favor of admiring Natasha’s sharp jawline. 
“I’ve applied to a few internships, I’m still waiting to hear back from them.”
“Ah,” Ms. Romanoff nods, drumming her fingers against the table. “And did you apply for the one I recommended?”
Wanda can’t help but let out a sharp laugh at that. “No, I haven’t.”
“Is there something wrong with my company?”
“No, it’s not that. It just feels like cheating, somehow.” Wanda bites her lip, unsure of how else to answer the woman. Dark green eyes follow the movement and Natasha sits up in her chair slightly. 
“Don’t do that,” Natasha’s voice is hoarse and strained. Wanda’s eyes widen in realization.
Fuck, she wants to hear more of that. Wanda hasn’t seen the woman lose even a small bit of her composure, and yet here she is cracking over a small lip bite. It just makes her want to do it more. 
“What are you gonna do about it if I don’t?”
Those eyes flash, glancing up and meeting Wanda’s. A shiver runs down her spine at the heat behind them. Natasha’s voice is raspy and low, her words slow and sure. “I’ll bite it for you, only much… much harder.”
Wanda doesn’t know what to say to that.
“Before this progresses any further, we need to sit down and have a discussion about our interests and intentions.”
What? Wanda blinks, curiosity blooming. What a cryptic and definitely-not-confusing statement from Ms. blunt-is-my-middle-name. 
“When are you free this weekend?” 
After a moment of hesitation, Wanda’s curiosity wins. She wants to learn all of Natasha’s secrets, unraveling them one-by-one until she finally sees the truest form of the beautiful woman seated before her. This is the first step. 
“I’m free tonight.” 
“Perfect, we’ll fly up to Seattle then. My home is much more comfortable than this hotel room.” Ms. Romanoff’s tone is matter-of-fact, but Wanda is still stuck on one word. 
“Yes.” There’s a smirk on those lips again, and Wanda finds that she doesn’t quite mind much anymore. “I have a helicopter.”
“We’re flying… by helicopter… to Seattle?”
“That’s what I said. I don’t like repeating myself.”
Wanda flushes, her jaw working slightly. “Why?”
“Because I can.” Natasha grins, and Wanda blinks. She feels like she’s in a daze, but lets out a quick breath. If she doesn’t think about it too much, maybe she can pretend like it’s completely normal for people to buy thousand dollar books and fly to the next city over. 
Fuck that. Natasha Romanoff is anything but normal, and Wanda is surprised at how easily the thought settles within her. She decides to change the subject. 
“Where did you sleep last night?”
If Natasha is surprised by the question, she doesn’t show it. “In the bed, on top of the covers.”
“Yes, it was quite a different experience for me as well.” Her face is impassive, her fingers trailing down the side of her glass. 
“The not having sex part, or?”
“No,” she shakes her head, her brows furrowing slightly. “Sleeping with someone.”
Wanda blinks again, slowly eating her pancake as she mulls that over. Had Natasha truly never slept with another person in the room? But the woman was obviously not a virgin, not with the confidence in which she spoke about sex and… if Wanda was hers. 
A pleasant shiver runs down her spine, and Wanda resumes eating. She pushes her questions to the back of her mind, studying Natasha as she reads the newspaper. Allegedly, the woman would reveal her secrets tonight… her interests and intention, as the woman had so eloquently put it. 
Now all Wanda had to do was wait.
Wanda nods, her body brushing against Natasha’s as she slips past her into the hallway. Peeking up at her through her lashes, Wanda bites her bottom lip gently as she suppresses a smile. 
A second date, that’s essentially what tonight will be. She genuinely can’t believe that she’s made it this far, with Natasha Romanoff of all people. Wanda glances over at the woman again, feeling the barest brush of fingers against her hip. It’s intoxicating, and she immediately wants more. 
The elevator dings, and they step in. The elevator is empty, and for some reason, most likely the close proximity in an enclosed space, the energy between them changes. Wanda breathes in slowly, filling her lungs with that addictive cinnamon scent as a charged sort of anticipation fills the space. 
The only thing Wanda can hear is her own heart pounding in her head, the pressure of Natasha’s shoulder against hers sending her senses into overdrive. Wanda turns her head slightly, and sees the other woman do the same. Dark green eyes meet hers, something heady and wanting behind them. The air crackles with tension, and Wanda gently, slowly, bites down on her lip. 
“Fuck,” Natasha growls. In one smooth movement, she presses Wanda against the wall of the elevator. Before Wanda can even process, her hands are being held above her head by Natasha’s strong fingers while the woman’s other hand is gently gripping the back of her head. Her hips are pinning her against the wall, and her fingers tangle with her hair before pulling. 
Wanda’s face tilts up at the action, a gasp escaping her for a moment before Natasha’s lips are pressed against hers. She moans into the older woman’s mouth, not caring if the sound is desperate, and feels a strong tongue moving against her own. 
Natasha’s lips are insistent, practically devouring her with gentle swipes of her tongue and harsh bites to her bottom lip. Wanda has never been kissed like this, so passionately and thorough. 
Pressing her hips against Natasha’s, she smiles into the kiss at the strangled sound that claws its way out of the other woman's throat. Her tongue finally starts to work, tentatively stroking Natasha’s and dancing with hers as another moan escapes her. 
The hand in her hair moves to grasp her chin, holding her in place. Wanda feels helpless, and moans deeper at the thought. God, she has never felt so comfortable or dominated, with her hands pinned and her hips restrained by another woman’s. 
“So. Fucking. Good.” Natasha rasps out, each word accentuated by her lips against Wanda’s. She never wants it to stop. 
The elevator dings. The doors open, and Wanda is suddenly pushed away, the air feeling much colder than it was mere seconds ago. She brings a hand up to cover her swollen lips, and avoids the three smirking businessmen as they enter the elevator. 
Glancing towards Natasha, she glowers. The older woman looks cool and collected, like she’s been sipping tea and doing a boring sudoku puzzle all morning instead of kissing Wanda within an inch of her life. There’s a light flush on her cheeks, and she lets out a slow, long breath. 
Wanda smirks. Not totally unaffected, then. 
The elevator dings again, and the three men get out. The doors take an agonizingly long time to close, and Wanda sucks in a deep breath the moment they do. Natasha turns towards her, eyes bright and her lips sculpted into a salacious smirk.
“Oh, Wanda Maximoff, what am I going to do with you?”
Next Chapter
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bloodykora · 2 months
Orange Tainted Fingers
This was very much influenced by @ilovemycatkafir comment on my Scrapped Knees. So big thanks to her!
I would recommend reading Just a Little Gift which sets up this premise which you can read here. If you decide not to then its basically stalker mc with stalker Sol. Hope yall enjoy!!!
TW: end of day 2 spoilers, aka B+E, attempted drugging, stalking/yandere behaviours
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There was always a craving of fresh orange juice, one of the best parts of being raised on a farm. A nice cold cup of OJ in the morning instead of the over sugared and weirdly pulped store stuff.
It was a habit that followed you to school, first getting the jugs of OJ before you went back to buying oranges to juice on the weekends. Weekly routine which somewhat soothed you on the days you were most stressed. And on the worst days it was right under desperately wanting to crawl into bed.
It had been a hectic day, studies on top of going out with Hyugo and Sol after classes. Hyugo not wanting to run errands by himself and Sol agreeing after you had decided to go. All you could fantasize now was stripping off your socks and having a seat.
Your door lock clicks as you take your keys out of it, opening and stepping in your apartment. Closing and locking it behind you, dropping your bag, chucking off your shoes and flopping on the sofa. Taking a deep breath in as you adjust to the now quietness of the house.
You slide into your usual routine, already had eaten so you didn't need to do dishes however there was laundry to pick up off the floor of your room. Tidying and sweeping the kitchen and bathroom, general cleaning. You glance at the clock on the stove, its vibrant green light reading to be past 9. Deciding its time to head to bed.
You open the fridge and pull out a spoon, setting the jug on the counter while you grab a small glass. Ready to stir and have a cup before going to bed. You take the wrap off the top before pausing, there was no separation. There was nothing to stir, which was off considering it had been probably 12 hours since you last touched it.
You pause and think, what or who did it and why? No sign of forced entry, no broken front lock or kicked in door and nothing stolen. So how? You pour it into the cup, your back out to the rest of the apartment and lifting the cup to your face. Then reaching down and pouring it in the sink quietly, rinsing out the cup and the juice.
Making sure if there was someone watching, they thought you had taken a sip of it at least. You calm your breath, not wanting to panic. You continue your routine, turning off the lights and going to burst your teeth. Heart pounding into your ears, adrenaline now overtaking any fear you may have had.
Snuggling into bed, having your phone under the pillow in case anything happened and your hand clutched around the pink frog plush for comfort.
You close your eyes and listen, tossing and turning for what felt like an eternity. Laying still as you could be, crickets and the wind would be almost lullabyic if it wasn't for the situation. Finally, a click from the window makes your face scrunch. Thankful but nervous your back was to it.
Your eyes open slightly as a pair of shoes hit the floor, your eyes adjusted to the darkness so you could see perfectly. You still your breathing again, shutting your eyes and tensing every muscle to not shake. Your arms clutch each other, the frog still in between them.
The stranger's feet carry themselves around the bed, a hand going to reach out to graze your legs. A hummed breath coming out as they admire your sleeping beauty.
Sol recognizes the small trembling in your body, a small frown appearing on his face as he squats down to look at your face. Your face slightly twitching as his hand touches your temple.
"Oh are you having a nightmare?" He pauses, his voice finally pierces your ears. "I'll chase all your monsters away pumpkin." Realization creeps up your ears and face, along with his hand. The man you had been obsessed with was now in your room, staring while you 'slept' and caressing you.
Your heart quickens but not out of fear anymore, in adoration. Planning in your head to now accept all the attention Sol wanted to give you but was just too nervous to while you were awake.
"Hmm, that seemed to have work. You've calmed right down just from me touching you. That's so cute." His voice was so delicate, not wanting to stir you from your slumber at all. You bit your tongue, yearning to just clamp your hand around his.
He takes your right arm, closing his eyes and putting your palm to his face. Relaxing in your touch, rubbing your hand with his thumb. You decided to peek open your eyes, taking the risk in benefit of seeing his peaceful face in your hand.
His hair felt so soft, it being out of his normal half up half down style. A black face mask pull down over his chin, very about break and enter kind of outfit. You closed your eyes again, a smile resting on your face.
Sol makes a comment about how soft your skin is, and how he should paint your nails to match his. You feel like you're being baked in the most pleasant ray of sun, his attention fuelling you for the whole next day ahead. You can his muttering, his usual small comments he thought you couldn't hear.
"I could just wrap in your scent til the end of time, staying in your arms so no one else ma-" He stops in the middle of his sentence, a thing he had never done since you'd known him. His hands withdraw from you, your concerns now growing.
"Frog, the frog. No, no it can't be." You barely make out his words, immediately realizing he's talking about the stuffie in your grasp. It now being more easily to see after he had taken your arm. The same frog that had matched his.
The one you had left on his bed.
Your bedroom stays quiet again, you could almost hear his mind running. Anxiety and dread filling the space between belly and chest again as you wondered if he'd run.
'He can't run, no. Don't want to scare him, but he can't run.' Your mind now running along with his, planning what would happen if he did book it. It didn't take much time for the both of you to make up your mind.
Sol's feet leaning back on the wood of the floor, a creaking escaping into the room. Arguably the loudest thing you've heard all night, all your life. Your right arm moves on instinct, reaching out and gripping the sweater he had on.
His crimson eyes shoot to yours, a look now lingering on your face that he had never seen before. Yet seemed so familiar.
Your eyes wide open in a dead stare, very clearly not sleeping and staring into his soul.
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deejayrockz · 1 year
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PAIRING — sickbur x reader
SUMMARY — wilbur gets sick and wants nothing except from your cuddles, despite his fever
NOTES — fluff, mentions of illness (nothing serious, but may mention being sick, coughing, etc). slight angst, if you count wilbur being ill as angst. lowercase is on purpose. mentions of being shirtless, however you can pretend you're not if you wish !!
EXTRA — i'm currently i'll and watching matpats fnaf lore, really wanting cuddles 💔💔
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he woke up, around 3am, in a coughing fit. his head felt heavy, and his vision disappeared for a good 2 minutes when he stood up to get water. once he regained his vision, he slowly went to the kitchen, making sure to not let the door creak, as to not wake you.
"will?" he jumped, almost dropping his glass of water. he turned, seeing you in your pyjamas, turning the kitchen light on.
"sorry, did i wake you?" he whispered, his voice croaky, causing him to clear his throat, which then led to another small coughing fit.
"are you alright?" you asked, your previous tiredness soon disappearing out of worry. you walked over, rubbing a hand up and down his back, leaning your head on the back of his shoulder.
he soon relaxed, leaning his head into your shoulder, placing his glass down, and wrapping his arms around your waist.
"what's the matter?" you asked, kissing his head, feeling the heat radiate off his skin.
"i feel like shit.." he whispered,his body practically fully slumped onto yours.
"okay, you head to bed, i'll find something for you," you cradled his cheek, as he lifted his head and nodded. he soon kissed your cheek and headed back to the bedroom.
the minute you came back, orange juice (for Vitamin C) and some biscuits (simply for his probably empty stomach) in your hand, he waited impatiently as you placed the glass down, before dragging you next to him and clinging onto you tightly.
you giggled, running a hand through his slightly sweaty hair, "can you drink some of the juice for me?"
he nodded and obliged, taking small sips of the drink, leaving the biscuits, claiming he wasn't hungry right now.
he placed the glass down, wrapping his arms around your waist, head tucked into your neck.
"will, sweetheart, you're burning up, atleast take some of your layers off". you sighed, pushing him off of you, and pulling on his jumper.
"only if you do," he said, however had already started taking his jumper off. you laughed, taking off your top as well, leaving you in a vest and him with nothing on his upper half.
"come here, let's get you to sleep."
he happily jumped back into your arms, his head snuggled into your chest, hands drawing small circles on your hips.
being shirtless infront of your partner was one thing, but being naked was another. the intimate, yet not quite sexual, feeling of being skin to skin while cuddling, warmed up his heart like no other.
he knew you were the one, when he didn't feel uncomfortable being vulnerable around you. when he could change infront of you, without feeling judgemental eyes. he had fully let his guard down, let all his insecurities be on display for you to kiss and cherish for the rest of your life.
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breezy141 · 8 months
༺♡༻ similar stories || simon ‘ghost’ riley ༺♡༻
༻✦༺ part two ~ basement ༻✦༺
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“y/n!” you heard your name being called out from somewhere within the house, without being fully awake you hummed in response. the cosy duvet was so warm and soft, wasn’t like anything you were used to, you didn’t want to leave. as you were snuggling deeper into the warm bed you heard the basement door open and heavy footsteps getting closer to you.
“christ i’ve been calling you for ages, get up” the man was wearing the dressing gown and slippers but now he had blue joggers on. his loud voice startled you, but nonetheless you slowly sat up.
“i’m sorry, this bed is so comfy. ive never felt something so soft” he furrowed his eyebrows but nodded in response. “well, come on then. your breakfast will be going cold soon” you nodded and climbed out of bed.
“you can use to bathroom upstairs, the one down here doesn’t work to well. it’s on your left as soon as you walk up the stairs” you smiled as he walked off heading back up.
yawning, you grabbed an oversized jumper and some baggy jeans as well as fluffy socks. you cursed to yourself as you realised that through your frantic packing you had completely forgotten to pack a hairbrush. you attempted to use your fingers to brush out any knots, praying it would work, you made your way to the bathroom.
the bathroom was way bigger then yours, but not too big. you did your business, washed your hands and then headed towards the lovely smell of bacon. “do you want a drink? orange juice? cup of tea or coffee?” god what a luxury
“i’ll have orange juice please” you took a seat at the small dinner table that was in the kitchen, you mindlessly looked around. he had a few succulent plants dotted around, as well as an impressive rack of herb and spices next to his microwave.
“here you are” he turned around and handed you a plate full of different foods, as well as your juice. “thank you so much, although i may not be able to eat all of this if that isn’t to much of a problem. i’m not used to a big-ish portion like this” he nodded and took his own seat next to you.
“just eat what you can” you nodded and began eating the food, a small smile crept onto your face. it was lovely, the feeling was short lived before before he began asking you questions.
��what’s your plan?” he asked before taking a sip of his coffee, you swallowed and met his eye “i don’t really have one to be honest, i just had to get out of my home” he nodded.
“what happened?” he dove back into his food, eating slow and proper, unlike you. he could tell you were hesitant to explain. “i offered you a place in my home for the night, you at least owe me an explanation” you nodded.
“my mother wasn’t the kindest of people, and i don’t mean that in a bratty teenagers way. if you get me” he nodded waiting for you to elaborate.
“my mum used to make me cook all the food from a young age, 7 id say, it was only so she could bring another man home that she could have a quick one with and send home the next morning. sometimes..she would make me be apart of it. if i said no she’d beat me black n’ blue. my brother was forced to watch as it was to ‘teach him a lesson’ as she’d say. he was only young when it started”
the man seemed to actually listen to every word you said. although, he never responded. instead he waited for you to finish eating before he started talking.
“here’s what i’m going to offer you y/n, i don’t believe in all those camps for kids shit, yeah? they don’t work and they only care about money” you listened as he spoke.
“i’ll offer you a permanent place” eyes widening, you sat up straight.
“however, there are a few rules. one, you find yourself a job and earn some money, you can buy whatever your heart desires as well as pay me board. i could support the both of us however i want you to understand how life works. rule two, you look after my house while i’m away, which i’ll give you the dates for and that means proper cleaning, no friends around, and no snooping. rule three, you respect me and anyone else who walks through that door as well as the rules. we clear?”
it was a lot to take in however you were good at sticking to rules. “yes sir”
“was starting to get worried! didn’t think you were gonna make it, it’s your own celebration!” a cheerful voice shouted out to you. ah, gaz aka kyle garrick.
“i know i know i’m sorry!” giggling to yourself at the extremely energetic fella. you took a seat next to Cap, he flashed a cheesy smile to you, in which you returned one. “so, how did you manage to become to owner of one of the biggest cafes in this little town?” johnny asked plonking himself next to another one of his colleagues.
ghost. aka. simon riley. he doesn’t talk to you much, well, doesn’t talk to anyone much. but he seems to enjoy it when he’s alone.
“honestly i have no idea, but i do know i would not have do that if it wasn’t for the man sitting next to me!” you cheerfully said, looking over to the bearded man.
“don’t be silly, you did this on your own. proud of you kid. certainly different from the rest of us, but we get a free coffee when we go down there” he smiled down at you, clearly looking impressed. you, yourself, wouldn’t have even guessed you’d be sat here celebrating you becoming the owner of one of, if not the biggest, cafe in your area. it was a huge milestone for you.
“proud of you lass, came a long way” tears pricked at your eyes dont cry don’t cry don’t cry you kept saying to yourself. you were extremely sensitive, you weren’t used to this type of praise but you certainly weren’t against it.
“awhh don’t be all sappy johnny” he put his hands up in defense. “well, we are all thinking it. even this big pile of stone” he said flinging his arm around ghost.
“yeah” is all he said in response, you felt sorry for him in all honesty. you could tell he didn’t want to be here, which you had no problem in. not everyone is a huge fan of social gatherings, you certainly not a fan.
after a few more hours of chinwag and pizza slices, everyone decided it was time to turn in. saying your good nights and hugging people, apart from the obvious person, you made your way to the basement when your official room was.
it was 100x more cosy then what it used to be, you had added plants, string lights, endless amounts of decoration and a new lick of paint on the walls which were losing their colour.
you took of your makeup and got into something more comfy.
*knock knock*
“come in” a surprising face, well mask, approached you. “is everything okay?” you asked, while studying him. he was in a balaclava type thing, only his chocolate brown eyes on show, he had short-ish light eyelashes and freckles dotted sparingly over his nose and cheek bones. he nodded. he even studied you.
you watched as his eyes traced over the scar on your cheek, it went from the top of your temple to the bottom of your jaw. it was faded by now, but you couldn’t miss it.
“wanted to say congrats. was quiet outside” gosh he was blunt, but you understood it wasn’t something he could control.
you smiled “thank you simon” he nodded “it’s nice down here, cosy” he stated looking around “ yea, took me awhile to figure out just how i wanted it” he nodded.
“well, goodnight y/n”
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masivechaos · 2 years
sirius black x fem! reader
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Request: yes / no
see the request here!
Synopsis: A day after the party with Sirius
Warning/content: realised i kinda made it hurt/comfort at some point, missing friends, mention of alcohol, fluff, non-voldy au my English
a.n.: 1.5k words-  finally have some time to write, it's honestly not my best but enjoy!
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation / taglist 
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Your eyes fluttered open, finding a tuft of black hair close to your face. You smiled to yourself and wrapped your arms around Sirius’ waist, snuggling closer to him, your cheek pressed against his tattooed bare back.
You heard him hum contently, starting to stir awake. After a few minutes he turned around “Hi Sirius” you said quietly, barely audible. 
He leaned to peck your lips “Hi darling” he smiled, his grey eyes staring at you tenderly, admiring your face like it was the first time again.
“You?” you said as you brushed a strand of hair out of his forehead, tucking it behind his ear. He mumbled a soft “No” before snaking his arms around your shoulders, bringing you close to his chest.
He kissed your naked shoulder, his lips staying on your skin after “I don’t want to get up” you whined and Sirius chuckled at the pout on your face.
He kissed your naked shoulder, his lips staying on your skin after “I don’t want to get up” you whined and Sirius chuckled at the pout on your face.
“We don’t have to” he said with a shit-eating grin that you had to kiss away. When you pulled away you shook your head “We have to clean everything and- Babe!” you yelp as he buried your head in his chest to shut you up. “Just a few minutes” he said, settling further in the mattress.
His hand brushed your hair, scratching your scalp and you closed your eyes. After a moment of head massage, you propped yourself on your elbows, your arms at either side of his waist.
After a quick peck on one of the tattoos on his chest, you got up, letting a whiny and pouty Sirius in the bed sheets. Your bare feet paddled on the cold floor as you walked to the kitchen after grabbing a jumper from Sirius.
You only had time to open the fridge and notice the lack of food inside it that Sirius had joined you. He put his hands on your hips and rested his head on your shoulder “You abandoned me” he pouted, his lips were brushing your cheek.
You shook your head with a small laugh, extending your hand to take the bottle of orange juice, you opened it and took a sip. When you were done, Sirius’ hand stole you the bottle to drink.
You turned around, shutting the fridge with your back and waited for Sirius, who had put on a t-shirt, to finish with a smirk, his left hand was still on your waist.
Sirius set down his drink. He got closer to you, pressing you against the cold surface, and crashed his lips on yours. He pulled away when you deepened the kiss, starting to get lost in it, he had this smug face you hated but loved so much. “Not now darling, we have to clean everything” he sent you a final wink before heading to the living room.
You licked your top teeth in annoyance before following him, you found him admiring all the things you had to clean up “We have some work to do” you came by his side, letting your head fall on his shoulder “Remind me why we proposed to do the new year here”
Sirius let out a chuckle before kissing the top of your head. He stepped forward and bent down to grab an empty bottle of champagne “We have to start, honey” 
You walked to the record player Sirius made an obligation to have in your house. “What do you want to listen to?” you asked as you bent to choose among the several vinyls. 
He looked up at you, hands full of bottles from the night before “Queen, baby!” he said like it was obvious. With a little smile, you put on a record from the said band and the music started to invade the room.
Sirius swung his hips to the beat as he picked up some trash on the floor before throwing them in a bag. You joined him, taking some of the empty cardboard cups in your hands as you started to sing the lyrics of the song.
After two good hours of throwing away garbage, dancing, dusting, kissing, vacuuming and dancing again, you were done.
But you now had to eat, even though it was already 3pm because you woke up a little after noon. And since there weren’t a lot of things to eat you decided to eat some leftovers from the night before and some tomato with mozzarella you had in your fridge.
You sat on the counter, waiting for the food to heat up in the microwave as Sirius was cutting the vegetables “We should do parties with everyone more often” he said as the knife landed on the red flesh.
You nodded, opening the microwave as it beeped. It was true that after Hogwarts, the band split up, everyone making their own life on their respective sides.
Remus had moved back to Wales and you would only see him for vacations. You weren’t far from Lily and James and would often visit them and Harry, seeing them at least once a week. Mary was living her life in London, just like Peter and they would sometimes visit you on weekends. Malene and Dorcas had brought a house in Scotland and just like Remus, were only with you during holidays.
So you always tried to see each other for Christmas and new year, Regulus would even come sometimes, his relationship with his brother getting better. But you missed your school years and always being together. “I miss them” you said with a sigh, grateful you still had your best friend Lily by your side all the time.
Sirius, who had finished cooking, looked up at you “Me too” he said with as much sadness as you. Remus was maybe the one that hurt the most, he was always frightened something wrong would happen during the full moon, which ended up in staying awake all night.
He stood in front of you, body between your legs and wrapped his arms around your middle as you sat on the edge. He hugged you tightly, his face pressed against your shoulder, he didn’t want to cry, it was supposed to be a happy day.
So you kept him closer “I’m grateful you’re here” you whispered, stroking his black hair. He looked up at you “I’m grateful you’re here too” he said before kissing your lips softly. You could only hug him more.
You stayed like this for ten minutes before remembering you had food that was probably now cold. Sirius sat next to you, handing you a plate with a slice of olive cake Dorcas had brought and the tomato mozzarella before taking one for himself.
You ate in comfortable silence, both of your minds thinking the same thoughts, memories from before. But you couldn’t allow yourself to let Sirius locked in his thoughts, not that he wasn’t authorised to be sad or in a bad mood, but you know it was complicated to get him out of an overwhelming spiral.
Therefore, you decided to make him think of something else. You hopped off the counter and linked your fingers with his, inviting him to join you. He followed you as you walked to the sofa.
You laid down and Sirius snuggled close to you, his head on your chest and his arms around your waist. You dropped a kiss on his forehead “We should maybe get dressed” you said with a laugh, remembering you both were still in your pyjamas. But Sirius shook his head and grumbled a small “No” and you gave in.
“I have a new idea for a tattoo” he suddenly said, propping himself on his elbows, he tucked down the collar of his shirt to show an empty spot above his heart “Your name. Here”
Your eyes widened “What? You’re kidding right?” you were hoping he was, he always made fun of people getting tattoos of their partner's names. He broke into laughter “Of course I am. I love you but not enough for having your name under my skin”
You let out a relieved sigh. “But I really have an idea for a tattoo” he pointed to his forearm “I want the Leo constellation. I’m finally getting along with Reggie, I want to make something about it.”
Sirius felt a weight leaving his heart when you smiled at him, you brought your hand to his cheek, your thumb brushing his skin “I’m proud of you”
He leaned on and kissed your lips tenderly “Thank you for supporting me, darling” Watching Sirius evolve was maybe the best thing that happened in your relationship, he escaped from the grip of his family and built his own world and today you felt that more than usual.
You kissed him back “I love you Sirius,” you said with all the honesty you had and Sirius swore he could almost cry
“I love you more, Y/n”
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⋆ ★ sirius back taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @sw34terw34ther @cauliflowertree @spncvr @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks
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scourgeofgotham · 1 year
Red Hood and Ghost
chapter two
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The two lovebirds woke up with their daughter in their bed.
“Time to get up!”
They both groggily opened their eyes; Jason had his daughter snuggled up to him as he ran a hand through her hair. "what time is it?" he asked softly. His wife looked at her phone, “It’s 10 am.” she softly groaned.
They both groaned in sync; "what do you wanna do for breakfast?" he asked as he kissed her forehead. Ophelia yawned and laid her head back on his chest, "I want pancakes." “I can make some coffee.” She groaned and proceeded to get up, immediately stretching.
"Take your time, I'll go make the pancakes." He stood up as well. He picked Ophelia up and put her on his shoulders and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of pancake mix from the cabinet and some milk and eggs from the fridge. He looked up at his wife, "You need anything, Princess?"
“I’m okay Jason.” she smiled as she walked into the kitchen. He started to pour the powder into a bowl when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. "What do you think you're doing?" he said, glancing down to see his wife hugging him.
“I just love you, Jay…” She confessed.
She looks up and sees their daughter on his shoulders. “Are you helping Daddy from up there?” She laughed. “Yes I am, Mommy…” she yawned… He just chuckled at his daughter being so adorable while he had his wife still hugging him.
She lets go of him and started to make coffee. Once it was brewing she started to help him with cooking. "You know you don't need to help me, right? You should enjoy your morning." He chuckled. “I feel like helping you.” She sweetly replied. She opened the fridge and handed him some bacon.
"Alright just make sure you don't burn yourself… I like my princesses in one piece." He smirked as he got the bacon started on the pan. "Do you know what would be nice?"
“What’s that?”
"How about after breakfast, we all cuddle in bed for a little bit? How does that sound?" She kissed him. “Sounds great.” She smiled at him. "It sounds better if you just kept kissing me, Princess." He smirked as he continued to cook the bacon, a smile on his face.
She placed their daughter in her high chair and started to make their daily coffees. He would only drink it black for the longest time, but eventually, she made him love dorky lattes. She put their everyday ingredients in it, brown sugar, almond milk, vanilla, and coffee, and started to shake it. He placed the bacon on a paper towel and put the bowl near his daughter in her high chair. He looked to his wife as she finished the coffee and he took a seat next to his daughter and fed some bacon to his daughter. "You like bacon, sunshine?" he asked her, smiling.
She put the pancakes on some plates and put them on the table. She grabbed maple syrup and some butter and placed it in front of Jason. He grabbed the syrup and butter and put it on his pancakes. “Thank you, princess.” He grabbed a piece of pancake before putting it in his mouth. He then looked at his daughter in her highchair, “oh, princess, did you want me to feed you?” he said, smiling at her. She placed their coffees on the table and grabbed Ophelia some orange juice. He fed a piece of pancake to his daughter, “You’re so cute when you eat, sunshine.”
He continued to feed her little pieces of pancake as he sipped his coffee. His daughter was his life and every second he spent with her was a blessing. He looked down at his daughter, “what do you want to do after breakfast?” he asked her. “You said we were gonna cuddle together?” she answered him. “Daddy, I’m gonna feed you now.” She grabbed his fork. He laughed and let his daughter have his fork, “alright, princess, go ahead.” He opened his mouth and waited for his daughter to feed him the pancake. "Good girl, sunshine. you're making Daddy so proud."
He opened his mouth and Ophelia started to feed him the pancake with her fork. "You're so cute when you're this sweet, Sunshine.“ "What a good girl, feeding daddy his breakfast." he continued to eat the pancake his daughter put in his mouth.
He glanced over at his wife, he couldn't help but look at her and admire how beautiful she looked at that exact moment. he felt so lucky to be married to her, despite all the hardships they've been through. He finished eating the pancake and fed his daughter a strip of bacon, "now it's only fair if you eat too, Sunshine."
“Thank you, Daddy.” Ophelia giggled. "You're welcome, Ophie." he fed her another piece of bacon, "Eat up, Sunshine." As she finished and got up from the table, she brought the empty dishes over to the kitchen sink.
He got up and went to help her wash the dishes. “You don’t need to do that, princess, Daddy’s gonna clean up this mess.” He grinned before kissing her. “Thank you, Daddy.” She went over to pick up their daughter and carried her into their bedroom. "Alright, princess," he smiled as he washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.
A little while later, he walked over to the bedroom, seeing his wife holding their daughter in her arms. He then walked up to the bed and put his arms around both of them. "I missed you guys," he whispered. “Daddy you weren’t gone that long.” their daughter giggled. "I just missed sitting next to my family, you know?" he chuckled. "I'm just happy I get to spend time with you guys."
He placed a kiss on each of their foreheads before he looked at his wife. "Can I be a little spoon?" he asked. “Of course Jaybird,” she giggled. She loved to spoon him due to the size difference. His broad shoulders were so much wider than her body that to anyone it looks hilarious. She gave Jason, Ophelia so he could hold her.
He kissed her on the cheek. "I love you, sunshine."
He smiled as he shifted on the bed. His big, tall figure was the perfect pillow for her while she wrapped her arms around him. Ophelia ran her hands over Jason’s face and ran over his ‘J’ scar. “Daddy? Why do you have a J?” she asked. If anyone else would have asked him about it, it would set them off.
“Daddy got hurt once upon a time, sweetheart,” he whispered.“What happened, Daddy?”
“It’s nothing for you to worry about, Sunshine… Daddy is just an idiot that got himself into too much trouble for his good.” He tried to keep things vague because he didn’t want to frighten his daughter.
“Do you wanna hear how we met, Ophie?” she asked.
She unwrapped her arms around Jason and made her way over to the closet and pulled out a small scrapbook. She got on the other side of Ophelia and sat it down in front of her. “I saved most of these pictures from when we were young.” She told her, and she opened it up to the first page. It was the picture from their first date.
“I was 14 years old and Daddy was 15. I was adopted when I was 8 and Jason was made to be my dad’s ward about 6 years later. Remember how I told you Grandpa fought bad guys? Well, one day Daddy was the bad guy, and there was a big fight. It was between Grandpa and a big villain, well Daddy saw and saved Grandpa.” she remembered.
“Anyways my Dad— your grandpa, was telling me about it when he got home. I knew I had to meet your Daddy. About 3 months later, I would watch over your Daddy at his school and eventually, he finally said something.”
“I noticed something always watching me and looking at me outside my window. One night after a game, I was walking back to my dorm and I finally confronted them. Turns out it was a young girl who was stalking me because she thought I was cute.” He told.
Their daughter's eyes widened at the thought of her daddy getting stalked by a girl once - her expression was adorable.
"It's true, sunshine," He chuckled. "Your mother was always staring at me and I just had to have her so I went over to talk, and we never grew apart since."
“Then he confronted me and told me I was a freak. Then about a week later I asked him out on a date. We went to an ice skating rink and we got pizza— he managed to scarf down half of it within minutes and it was all over his face.”
“I remember you laughing at me because I was covered in cheese and pizza sauce, and I couldn’t even get upset at you,” he chuckled.“But I helped cleaned up his face after he demolished that pizza and that's when I kissed him for the first time.” She finished, and she looked at Jason. “I grabbed him by his shirt and yanked him towards me.”
“We’re also each other’s first love,” he smiled, remembering their younger days. “I remember you sneaking in and cuddling with me in my dorm as well,” He chuckled. “What a rebel you were back then.” He smiled at her, staring into her eyes. “Anyways I told you before that I fought crime right Ophie? Well, back then I went by the name of ‘Batgirl’ and I fought alongside my dad. Well he came by Daddy’s dorm and gave him the chance to become ‘Robin.’” She told.
Ophelia’s eyes widened as she continued to look over at her daddy, “You’re ‘Robin’?”
Jason nodded, smiling. “I sure was, Sunshine.”
Ophelia seemed like she couldn’t be happier to see her parents interact like this. “Mommy, can you tell me how you became ‘Batgirl’?” she asked.
“When I was adopted, your uncle Dick was the first Robin, and he had his own Batgirl, Barbara. Well, when I turned 11— Dick went off to be Nightwing. Well, one day your grandpa needed help, which doesn’t happen often. Alfred called me down to the Batcave and asked me to put on a suit he had made for me. He nicknamed me BabyBat but I refused to be called that, he settled on Ghost Bat for the time being— Ghost being that I wasn’t supposed to be there.”
Ophelia started to yawn and that was the signal for her to go to bed. Jason picked her up from the bed and started to carry her into her room and placed her in her bed. “I don’t wanna…” Ophelia pouted. “There's nothing that a good nap can't fix.” He stated. He stayed with her and helped her fall asleep, when she did he walked out of her room and closed her door.
He chuckled and walked into their bedroom. His eyes widen at her completely topless. “Hi Daddy.” she giggled.
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rejoicingtoday · 7 months
National Margarita Day🍹: A Celebration of the Iconic Cocktail
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National Margarita Day is coming up on February 22nd this year. It’s a fun holiday to celebrate the popular margarita cocktail. Lots of people enjoy margaritas, especially in the summer. The drink is made with tequila, lime juice, and orange liqueur. It has a tangy, citrusy taste that people love.
National Margarita Day provides an opportunity for people to come together and celebrate this iconic drink. It’s a time to appreciate the Margarita’s unique flavors, versatility, and cultural significance. Many bars, restaurants, and cocktail enthusiasts participate in the festivities by offering special Margarita promotions, hosting Margarita-themed events, or crafting new and creative Margarita recipes.
History of National Margarita Day
National Margarita Day is all about celebrating this yummy tequila drink, but where did it come from? No one knows for sure, but there are two fun stories!
One says a bartender named Danny whipped one up in the 1930s for a customer who couldn’t stomach most alcohol. He mixed tequila with lime and salt for a smoother sip, and boom, the margarita was born!
The other story says it evolved from another drink called the Daisy, originally made with different liquors but eventually switching to tequila and adding orange liqueur for more punch.
So, the margarita’s origin is a delicious mystery, but National Margarita Day is the perfect excuse to enjoy this refreshing drink, salty rim or not!
How To Celebrate National Margarita Day
Celebrating National Margarita Day can be a fun and enjoyable experience. Here are some ideas on how to celebrate this special day:
Enjoy a Margarita at a Bar or Restaurant: Visit your favorite bar or restaurant known for their Margaritas and indulge in a delicious Margarita. Many establishments offer special Margarita promotions or menu items on National Margarita Day, so take advantage of the opportunity to try something new or savor a classic Margarita recipe.
Host a Margarita Party: Set up a fun bar with tequilas, mixers, fresh lime, and toppings. Let everyone mix their own masterpieces and hold a taste-off! Don’t forget fancy glass rims and yummy snacks to complete the fiesta!
Try Different Margarita Variations: National Margarita Day is your chance to get fancy with this classic drink! Don’t settle for the usual – try adding fresh fruits like strawberries, mango, or watermelon, or spice things up with jalapeños or habanero. Feeling adventurous? Freeze it for a cool treat! Find recipes online or unleash your inner mixologist and invent your own unique margarita. Cheers!
Attend Margarita Tastings or Events: Check if there are any Margarita tastings, workshops, or events happening in your area on National Margarita Day. Some venues or mixology schools may offer special Margarita-focused events where you can learn about the history, techniques, and art of crafting Margaritas. It’s a great opportunity to expand your knowledge and palate while enjoying the festivities.
Make Homemade Margaritas: Snuggle up and celebrate National Margarita Day at home! Grab some tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice, and ice (recipe optional!), and whip up your own delicious margaritas. Feeling creative? Play with the ratios or add a twist with fresh fruits or herbs. Cheers to a cozy celebration, margarita-style!
Facts and Stats about Margarita
Margarita reigns supreme as the most popular cocktail, with a whopping 60% of Americans favoring this tequila-based delight.
According to a NielsenIQ CGA survey, the Margarita reigns supreme as the most popular cocktail in the United States, with 60% of cocktail enthusiasts favoring it. This classic concoction is followed by the daiquiri (44%), piña colada (36%), Long Island iced tea (33%), and the refreshing mojito (29%).
In the United States, annual margarita sales are estimated to surpass a whopping $800 million each year.
Frozen margaritas have indeed become a popular choice, accounting for approximately 80% of margarita sales at restaurants and bars.
To celebrate the grand opening of the Margaritaville Casino at The Flamingo hotel in Las Vegas, a massive margarita named “Lucky Rita” was created. It took a monumental effort, requiring approximately 300 hours and 60 people to prepare.
58 countries imported over 100,000 liters of tequila in 2023. Among them, 7 saw imports surge past 100%, with Ukraine (+421%), Switzerland (+176%), and Estonia (+131%) leading the pack.
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samanthamarkle92 · 4 months
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New chapter! Shout outs to: @johnnymactavishlover @johnnymactavish @redravenarts @nsharks @shadow0-1 @deadbranch @salbei-141 @thiswomanhasissues @loonyundead @codfanzine @mocha @cravingcoldoreocake123 @ilovehotchocolate @sofasoap @loneghostwolf @mistyresolve @islenthatur @bittersw33t-lotus @m0chac0ffee @fictional-men-have-my-heart @ghostslillady @ghosts-bandwagon @soapxmactavish @mactavishwritings @sleepyconfusedpotato @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot @halcyone-of-the-sea @rileyslibrary @ghostkinnie @mctvsh @macravishedbymactavish @mistydeyes @cowyolks @ave661 @clownfishenthusiast @lunarw0rks @summermoonshine @lundenloves @glossysoap @cheezbites @xintothewoodswegox @sighmurderbot @wolfieisacat @1-ker0sene-1 @oniiloma @castleninja @ghostslittlegf @fastleopard1521 @saltofmercury @blingblong55
Note: the fan art is not mine, but I found it in Pinterest and could not find the original artist. If you know who they are, please let them know so I can give them credit and the pic was too perfect not to use for this scene!
Chapter 8
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The following morning, Soap woke slowly and stared at the ceiling, watching Katie sleeping peacefully. He ran his fingertips through her hair, brushing it off her face. She looked even more angelic than normal when  asleep. He studied her features; every feature, every angle. The warm sunlight was coming through the window, highlighting the planes of her face in such a beautiful way. Her cheeks were rosy and pink, her full lips parted slightly as she breathed in and out.
‘I could watch her all day.’ He thought to himself, smiling softly as he traced the shape of her nose and chin. He kissed her lightly on the forehead. She stirred, and he pulled the coverlet on the bed over her naked shoulders, watching her as she slept peacefully.
‘I’d rather be here, cuddling with her all day than anywhere else in the world. This woman is my home...my heart.'
He gently placed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. He  leaned down to press a chaste kiss to her lips. She smiled in her sleep, snuggling deeper into the sheets.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” He chuckled. She opened one eye halfway.
“Mmmm….hi. What time is it?” she mumbled groggily.
“It's morning. Do you want  breakfast?”
She nodded her head quickly, rubbing her eyes as Soap pulled the covers off her. She threw on some clothes and followed him downstairs. They sat together eating a breakfast of cereal, toast, and orange juice. They had some tea on the deck, breathing in the clean forest air.
“Thank you for showing me this place,” she sighed, leaning into his shoulder.
“Anytime, sweetheart. I hope you enjoyed yourself.” He smiled, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
Katie nodded, taking another sip of tea.
“I did! Thanks.”
“Did you want to see something else?”
“You promised to show me the standing stones in the woods.” She said, playing with his dog tags.
“Well, let's head out there now. It's still early.” Soap stood, holding out his hand to help her get up. They walked hand in hand, heading along the path leading deep into the woods. As they reached the riverbank, Soap stopped and picked a flower and put it in Katie's hair. She giggled, walking off the path to balance on a fallen log.
“Come on,” she called. Soap joined her, hopping down the bank and joining her by the water. He took her hands in his, helping her hop across the narrow stream. They walked along the edge of the river, looking around for animals. Soon the came to the clearing where the stone circle was. 
“Wow,” Katie uttered softly. Soap gazed at her fondly, admiring how captivated she seemed. He crouched down next to the stones, observing their intricate patterns. The mossy area was bathed in the early afternoon sunlight, creating a warm glow on the stones. It reminded him of how peaceful they were.
“Do you want to walk around?”
Katie nodded eagerly.
They walked along the perimeter of the clearing, picking flowers as they walked along the riverbed. 
“When I was a boy, I’d always explore around here; my gran was superstitious, and tell me to be careful or else the fairies would get me. To be honest, I think it was just to keep me from getting lost. I think it was my adventurous side that made me want to join the army.” Soap smirked. Katie laughed lightly, gazing lovingly at him.
They wandered aimlessly around the clearing.
“This spot is beautiful,” she commented.
“Yeah, it is.” He agreed. Suddenly, they heard a strange noise. Turning towards the sound, they saw a large deer walking slowly across the river, looking curiously at them. It stopped at the edge of the stream and sniffed the ground before turning back and trotting away.
“Come on, let’s go down to the pond; I think the blackberry bushes might be ready for picking,” Soap suggested. 
“Good idea.”
They walked back to the small waterfall, enjoying the sun as it filtered into the lake. When they reached the bank, Soap bent down to pick a few berries, tossing them in his mouth one by one. Katie picked a burdock leaf to carry them.
“We can come back here later and bring a container for them.” Soap suggested. “We  can build 
 a fire, maybe watch the sunset. The stars are amazing out here;  they’re so bright you feel like you could touch them.” 
“Sounds wonderful.” She smiled brightly, grabbing his hand. He smiled down at her, squeezing it.
“Come on, let’s make our way back.” He led the way.
Back at the cabin, Soap helped Katie make some sandwiches. It was a quick lunch. Katie found herself looking at some family photos.
“Here’s my mum and dad, and this is my gran.” Soap said, pointing to each face. “Here’s me when I was younger.” He showed her a Polaroid of a kid with mud streaked over his face wielding a stick.
“What were you doing?” Katie said, laughing.
“I was pretending I was a warrior from the Highlands.” He grinned.
“Were you trying to look fierce?” she teased, poking his cheek.
He shrugged, grinning sheepishly.
“I don’t remember much of it....but I was pretty cool.”
She grinned, ruffling his hair.
“That you were.”
They finished makin g their sandwiches and packed them up, putting them in a picnic basket. They headed back to the cabin, sitting outside on the porch.
“I love this place.” Katie sighed happily.
“Me too.” He agreed.
They sat in silence for a while, wondering how long they could ignore the outside world while they were here in the safety of each other’s company. Finally, Katie broke the spell. She looked nervously at him.
“Soap...about last night…”
He sighed heavily, turning his gaze towards her.
“It was something special wasn't it?” he asked quietly.
“Yes it was.” She admitted. “I never knew you felt this way about someone.”
“Neither did I. And it scares the heck out of me.” He whispered. “It scares me that I might leave for a mission, and God-forbid die, leaving you alone.
 I don't know if I could live without you. But I'm not sure if I could bear to lose you. Not again...not after everything we've been through.”
“I wouldn’t ever wish that on you. You’ve given me so many things and no one has ever done anything like that. If you want to be happy; the military is your life. And it's your choice. And I respect it.”
Soap smiled and leaned forwards, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss. It was slow, tender and soft. He cupped her face and pressed his body closer into hers, his hands sliding upwards to cup her breasts, pulling her onto his lap. They cuddled for a while, heading back to the pond around dusk. Soap built a fire, and Katie waded in the shallows. Once the fire was burning, he walked over to her and kneeled down beside her, resting his elbows on his thighs as he watched her splash around in the water. His arms encircled her waist as she splashed him playfully. He kissed her neck, nuzzling it with his nose as his hands roamed her body. The stars came out, spread across the blue-black sky. 
“Wow! It's beautiful out here!  I can't believe I missed all the starry nights!” She turned around, laying her hands against his shoulders. Her fingers traced a pattern on his chest.
“Me neither, but it's nice to see them every once in a while,” he murmured, pressing his lips against hers again. He lay back on a blanket near the fire and she rested her head on his chest. A moment later, his arms wrapped tightly around her, holding her close to him.
The fire crackled merrily, casting dancing shadows across the darkening woods. Katie was quiet, her eyelids slowly dropping shut. Soap held her close to him, feeling sleep tugging on his consciousness. He gently stroked her hair. Eventually, her breathing evened out and she fell asleep, her body limp and relaxed against his.
His eyes remained open for awhile longer, watching the stars twinkle above him until he eventually closed them, letting sleep take him under its sweet embrace. They woke up close to midnight.
“Do you want to walk back to the cabin or stay here?” He asked, wrapping his hoodie around her. She yawned. 
“You know, I've never slept under the stars before, Johnny.”
“Then I guess we’ll stay here,” he said, tossing a few extra logs on the fire. He felt her fingers lace with his. She kissed his nose sweetly, then snuggled further into his side. He held her close, listening to the sounds of the forest, feeling content.
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ashrillvenheim · 1 year
Awakening Past
Chapter 10
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pairing: Ashley Graham x Leon S Kennedy.
Content: (+18) romance, angst, gore, erotic/suggestive themes at some point, slow burn, violence, action, self-harm, death talk,
If you're a MINOR or feel uncomfortable with any of these genres or ships, please DON'T keep reading, thank you.
Archive of our own / WORK LIST / Awakening Past Masterlist
It was warm beside her. The warm caress of a body next to her, embracing her, protecting her. She didn't know who it was, her mind was fuzzy from sleep.
The scent filled her lungs, perceiving nuances she hadn't been able before.
His natural scent.
How pleasant it was...
She didn't want to move... she wanted to listen to that deep voice breathing slow, calm and relaxed next to her in her arms. She clung to him without quite knowing why and the mist of sleep came back to her like a loving blanket. 
Butter... milk... cocoa...
She breathed in softly, tasting those smells.
She heard distant footsteps with faint tinkling sounds. The clatter of the frying pan frying eggs and the humming of a pleasant voice. A melody she had sung in the past.
She snuggled around a warm, fluffy furry pillow. The fur was soft and silky, lulling her into a gentle slumber.
The footsteps grew louder and she heard them getting closer and closer. They stopped.
Something rocked her gently, as if someone was sitting on the same surface as her. She felt tingles brushing against her shoulder, caresses drawing soft lines down her bare arm.
A whisper echoed beside her, calling her calmly and softly, as if the words were honey.
Her attention was focused on the sound and the pleasant caresses that gradually woke her up.
“ Ash... wake up sleepyhead…” how pleasant that voice was.
Her full lips parted in a faint, wakeful moan.
“ Five more minutes…”
She heard the music of a chuckle.
“ Come on beautiful... your breakfast is going to get cold.”
She groaned softly and parted her eyelids to try to focus on her interlocutor.
In her field of vision appeared those devilish blue eyes and the warmest smile she had ever seen.
“¿... Leon...?”  she mumbled, rubbing her eyes and sitting up.
“ Good morning princess.” he greeted her cheerfully. Ashley couldn't help but laugh and look at him as she stretched and yawned.
“ Good morning handsome.” she joked happily.
Leon laughed and stepped aside to let her get her legs off the couch. He waited for her to finish stretching and then held out a glass full of orange juice. She looked at him puzzled for a few seconds and took the glass in confusion.
“Well, what is this?” she took a sip.
“ I wanted to let you sleep peacefully, so I went ahead.” She smiled at him and got up from the sofa.
Ahead of what?
Ashley turned her head toward the source of the sweet smells and her eyes widened like saucers.
The table was set and neatly displayed with an assortment of food. There was a bowl of fruit, some milk, toast with jam and scrambled eggs. Ashley stood up in disbelief looking at the table and then at the man who took one of the chairs. Leon pulled out the seat and gave her a smile, inviting her to sit down. She, still in shock, walked over without thinking and let Leon settle her at the table.
“And all this? “ she finally managed to articulate. 
Leon sat down across from her and passed out the food.
“ Today is an important day for you and after the nightmare, I thought you could use a good breakfast and start the day with energy.” He held out the plate.
She accepted it and smirked.
“ Who are you and what have you done with Leon Kennedy?”
The agent pretended to be offended.
“ Hey, I can't be nice?”
She arched an eyebrow.
“Are you going to use this as blackmail for some future favor?”
“ Maybe.” He grinned mischievously and then let out a chuckle. “ Nah, now I'm even for the times you've given me the shaft.”
Ashley laughed and popped a piece in her mouth.
Then it hit her. When had Leon come into her house?
She had fallen asleep on the couch...explaining her project to Leon, then everything was a blur. She didn't remember hearing him leave or come in again-where had he been?
Her heart prepared for its first race of the day.
“ Hey Leon.” she called out to him somewhat sheepishly. He responded with a simple "hmn?"
Ashley took a breath to continue.
“ I didn't hear the alarm this morning, I guess you turned it off, but when did you come in?”
Leon swallowed hard and gulped so he wouldn't choke. He let out a soft laugh scratching the back of his neck.
“ Well, after you fell asleep I wanted to take you back to the room, but.” he turned to the two hairballs on the couch. “ Those two decided against it, so I stayed here.”
Ashley stood there with a static stare for a few seconds and then her cheeks began to redden hopelessly. Her amber gaze wavered and her eyes were riveted on the plate.
Then...then...that warm feeling...that body she had clung to had it really been Leon?
She wanted to die. He thought it had been a dream. 
He felt an immense shame run up and down his body and his lips trembled trying to form a coherent sentence.
“ I'm... sorry... oh God, I'm sorry for making you sleep on the couch, you should have woken me up.”
He shook his head leaning back in the chair.
“ Don't worry princess. Just like old times.” he smiled slyly at her. “ But on a clean surface.” Ashley couldn't help but laugh, remembering the times they slept on dry hay, this being the most hygienic option. “ Besides, it's been good for me too, I didn't know if I was going to be able to get to sleep again.”
She looked at him shyly, but her body calmed down at the warmth the man's eyes transmitted to her. He meant it and that made her feel calmer. They continued to eat and Ashley praised everything cooked, it seemed he just needed some motivation to regain the culinary touch he had lost.
She looked at the time and went to pick up the dishes, but Leon stopped her.
“I'll get the dishes and while you shower and get dressed I'll take the dogs out.”
Ashley looked at him holding back a gasp of surprise with a smile on her lips.
“ Come on, I'm your friend, not your girlfriend, you don't have to do so many things for me.”
Leon turned his back on her putting the dishes away in the dishwasher and feeling a small twinge in his stomach.
“ I have to set the bar high for when it's my turn.”
He heard a defeated chuckle.
“ I knew it.”
They both laughed and Ashley went to take a shower.  
She wasn't going to deny it, but she was grateful that Leon had taken this detail. After last night's nightmare, her sweaty body and the taste of vomit in her mouth...she appreciated this gesture.
She undressed, tossing her clothes into the hamper and climbed under the water. He let out a long sigh feeling his muscles relax.
“ I'll be right back.” she heard from the living room a second before the door closed.
She stared at the floor for a few seconds.
Everything was being... pleasant, unbelievably pleasant.
It was... so surreal... it seemed unreal, but the smell that still permeated her neck was real.
The real smell of Leon. No cologne, no fabric softener on his clothes. Just his skin.
The scent that had soothed her in her worst moments and that after they parted she had kept vivid in her memories.
She so appreciated the closeness she had with him... the level of understanding between the two of them, the intimacy she couldn't share with anyone else.
She sighed trying to calm her racing heart.
It would hurt when they were separated again. She was sure of it, but the time she was spending with him was what she would have wanted to have if she hadn't been kidnapped. To have a close friend who would look her in the eye and tell her she was silly sometimes with that stupid grin on his lips and then joke about his own idiocies.
That was Leon Kennedy.
The affectionate jerk everyone loved.
She ran the soap over her body and washed her hair calmly.
She was going to take advantage of the time to give herself some pampering. She had to admit that sometimes she overlooked taking care of herself a little. Taking her time, moisturizing her skin, detangling and nourishing her hair, filling her short nails into a nice shape, feeling her legs smooth as she slid her hands down them... some love for herself.
It felt good. She came out of her bathing session with her body calm and clear. She supposed that was what Leon had wanted to achieve from the beginning. Calm down and cheer her up so she would be in top shape for the presentation.
She opened her closet to look at the options and decided to change a bit. She grabbed a soft blouse in that honey-orange color she loved so much. She pulled out jeans that enhanced her legs and tucked the shirt in, accentuating her waist. She slipped on a pair of simple white sneakers and grabbed the leather jacket she wore to dinner. She left the room rolling up the sleeves of her blouse to her elbows and moving her bracelet to her wrist. She did well to buy an adjustable, elastic, durable bracelet.
She brushed her hair and sprayed on some perfume. She looked at herself in the full-length mirror inside the hall closet and smiled contentedly.
She caught Leon's scent on the stairs and left the door ajar.
The agent let the furry bears in and raised his ocean eyes to her, standing still for a second. Ashley noticed his orbs quickly caressing her figure, reaching her subtle cleavage and then meeting her amber eyes.
There was something about Leon that struck him dumb. 
She hadn't dressed for a special occasion, just a blouse and jeans, but the naturalness she radiated enhanced all her beauty for some reason.
He left the harnesses at the door.
“ Ready?”
She smiled dazzlingly at him and nodded euphorically.
“ Always.”
He turned on his heel once more and walked down the hall.
The sound of his footsteps echoed off the walls and faded to nothing. With his hands in his pockets, he strolled around the classroom where Ashley was presenting her work. 
He returned to the row of tables in the break area in front of the classroom and leaned against the edge of the furniture. He crossed his arms over his broad chest and pulled out his cell phone for a while. He answered a few messages from Patrick and saw one from Maria.
"Narsson asks me to give her your number. What have you done?" he read.
He smiled with a sigh and typed lazily.
" She asked me out for dinner."
The screen lit up and he picked up.
“ Are you out of your mind?” he heard the voice of the teacher's bodyguard.
Leon shifted his weight on his leg.
“ It's not going anywhere, Maria. She mentioned it when we came back from the hospital. She's pretty, yes, but I'm not interested in her, don't worry.”
Maria was silent for a few seconds.
“ She's Ashley's teacher, Leon.”
He sighed.
“ That's why I'm telling you it's not going anywhere. I accepted an offer to have dinner with a person, not to sleep with her.”
He heard a sigh on the other end.
“ Sorry, I shouldn't be saying this to you, I should be talking to Narsson, sometimes she goes overboard.  At times she wants to push Ashley on romantic issues. She knows you are important to her, Leon.”
“ And Ashley is important to me, which is why I don't plan to have any relationship with her teacher.”
“ I know, I'm sorry I called you.” She paused to sigh and change the subject. “ Enma told me about the problem you've been having with the presentation, how is she doing?”
The man's eyes glanced at the front door.
“ She's inside right now.”
“ Text me when she's done.”
“ Sure.”
They said goodbye and he went to continue with the messages when he heard voices on the next stairs.
“ Are you sure it's him?” a female voice whispered.
“ I think so, ask him.” replied another.
Leon raised his eyes to the source and saw two girls coming up the steps. One stood waiting while the other approached him.
“ Uh... excuse me” she started looking at him shyly. “ Are you Ashley's friend?”
Leon stood up.
“ Yes, do you need anything?”
The young woman smiled and rummaged through her backpack to pull out some notebooks.
“ Thank God! I wanted to return the notebooks she left me from last year.” she paused as she realized a detail. “ Now that I think about it, is she presenting?”
Leon nodded.
“ If you wait a little bit you'll be able to talk to her.”
The girl held the notebooks to her chest.
“ Wow, I'm glad I can finally meet with her, although... didn't she have the exhibition next week? she told me to give her the books then.”
Leon sighed crossing his arms again.
“ Yeah well, there was a mishap about that and they changed the dates.”
The brown-eyed, brown-haired girl frowned.
“ I'm sure it was Carla's doing.”
The agent arched his eyebrows in surprise.
“ Well, is that so?”
“ Everyone at this faculty knows that Ashley and Carla don't get along. Carla has been here a year longer than Ashley so when she arrived it was... a clash of fronts.”
“ From the way you put it, it sounds like you don't like Hoffman either.”
“ Is something wrong?”  the classmate who had stayed behind approached curiously.
The brunette turned to her.
“ It turns out that Carla has messed up Ashley's presentation. I already thought it was weird to see her walk into Professor Smith's class.”
The classmate sighed.
“ He's not a man who respects Ashley either.”
Leon looked at her curiously.
“ Who is this professor?”
“ He's the anthropology professor and we think he's tried to play Ashley before.” The brunette's friend took the floor this time.
“ I guess you know about the rumors that Ashley is sleeping with some professors, right?” Leon nodded reluctantly. “She hasn't told us. Graham helped us study last year and at one of the grade meetings with Smith, we think he tried to take advantage of her. He's the teacher who gives her the lowest grades compared to the rest, he was even the one who failed her when she arrived and he's not exactly nice to people in general. I'm sure he told her to do him some "little favor" in exchange for passing.”
“ Didn't she report him?” he asked concerned.
“ He told us he "took care" of it.
The two young women sighed under the man's gaze and the brunette added heavily.
“ We know it's all a lie. Since she came here, she's been nothing but a good person. She has helped us study the subjects she had already done and was always willing to lend a hand. It was when the last course started that Carla became worse and the rumors spread more and more.”
Suddenly there were footsteps of students coming to eat at the tables. They were few in number and did not give them any importance. Leon watched the two girls with a smile.
“ I'm glad to know that there are people who don't believe those lies.”
The brunette spoke up.
“ There are more people than you think who don't, but at the end of the day they are the president's and his opponent's daughters, so it's understandable that many don't want to come to their defense and avoid trouble.”
Something in Leon made him feel happy, to see that there were people who appreciated Ashley's kindness and defended her. They might not be able to do much because of the position she and Carla held, but that was enough for him and I'm sure it was enough for Ashley.
He stopped hearing voices from inside the classroom and heard footsteps. It seemed they were now looking at the exhibit she had prepared.
The two girls excused themselves to go grab a seat at a table and eat while they waited for Ashley. Leon resumed his position leaning against the furniture and his mind wandered. 
He went back to the morning, to the moment when he woke up on the couch next to her.
She had clutched him in her arms and with her head dipped under his chin. Even beneath the sweat he could smell her pleasant scent and couldn't help but inhale on her golden hair, sliding his hands down her back. He realized he had fallen into a deep sleep he hadn't had in a while and from the way Ashley snuggled against him, he understood that she hadn't either.
That old feeling filled his body again. 
For some reason more accentuated, but at the same time... different. 
In his self-absorption, only murmurs came to him from inside, without understanding what they said and it was only when he heard the door open that he lifted his sapphire orbs from the floor. They met those amber gems and in that instant, a huge smile broke out on Ashley's face. Her cheeks were aflame and he could see in her gait that she was holding back from hopping up and down with joy.
Leon stood up straight, dropping his arms and she approached him, holding back the urge to scream.
“Well?  I've been talking to some students and I couldn't hear the end, did everything go well?” The concern rang in his voice, but when Ashley placed her hands on his chest and began to pat them hysterically, he calmed down.
“ They told me they'll tell me the exact grade when they finish going over everything, but that I passed with no problems.”
Leon opened his eyes like saucers smiling euphorically and grabbed her by the shoulders.
“ See, I knew you could do it!”
They both smiled and she gave him one last pat before jumping up and down. Leon couldn't help but laugh and then pointed to the table where the two girls were waiting. Ashley walked over and greeted them happily, sitting down across from them with Leon next to her.
“ It's been a long time since I've seen you two, how are you doing?”
They both smiled.
“ Thanks to your notes, much better.” replied the brunette and pointed to Leon. “ We've been talking with him, but I wanted to ask you if it was Carla.”
Ashley sighed, tossing her hair to the side and resting her head on her palm.
“ Yes, she wanted to try one last time. She's been sabotaging some of my work and tests since I got here. I guess trying to keep me from graduating or getting expelled is something that would make her very happy. Her and her father.”
The two young women sighed.
“ She's a harpy.”
Ashley tapped the table cheerfully.
“ But I'm not going to see her anymore, It's ov-”
“ How was the presentation, Graham?”
The three at the table watched the empty can in Ashley's hand give way like rubber. Her jaw tensed and her pupils shrank. Leon went to turn with a frown, but fingers on his gloved hands stopped him.
“ You know what?”  that tone startled him and alarmed the two young women. “ I'm going to say goodbye to her.” She stood up from the table and Leon held her by the wrist for a second, standing up as well.
“ Ashley, don't do anything stupid.”
She didn't turn around.
“ You taught me how to fight and my father taught me how to deal with these people.”
The firm tone surprised the agent who released his grip and let the woman walk in the direction of the platinum-haired young woman leaning against some old planks.
The smile on those poisoned lips widened, arrogant.
“ I hope it wasn't an inconvenience to chang-”
Her fist slammed through the boards near her head, thundering violently, causing her body to do nothing but tense and freeze.
Ashley's figure shadowed her, a darkened countenance, but her face was... calm. 
Frighteningly calm. 
Her lips serious, brow calm, but... oh her eyes.
The look of final judgment.
“ I think that's enough, you want my attention? Go ahead I'm listening.”
“ What are you talking about Graham?” Hoffman asked, regaining her voice.
The two footmen who used to walk with Carla came back down the stairs and wanted to intervene, but the figure of a man standing in front of them stopped them.  
His arms crossed over his broad chest and that sapphire gaze darkened like the edge of steel.
“ If you want to keep your face intact you will not move from there, think carefully.” His voice, barely a growl of warning, and his gaze, a sentence.
He heard Ashley's voice clearly, though to the rest of the people, it was barely a whisper.
“ Carla dear . I warned you, I told you to stay out of my business, not to play games with me. To not get on my bad side. ”
Hoffman held her gaze as best as she could, but her hands were trembling behind her back.
“ I don't know what you're accusing me of, I didn't do anything.”
Ashley leaned dangerously close to her, stroking her cheek with a dark lopsided smile and whispered.
“ Oh beautiful .” her voice deepened violently and Leon felt a shudder at the playful word, so tinged with menace. - Don't lie to me, it hurts when you do. You know you've done everything you can to make me fail, I really admire your determination, but you know, there's a limit to my patience.
Carla looked at her with a nervous smile, trying to show some control.
But Ashley SMELLED her fear.
“ You think you can hit me? I could have someone talk to the principal and have them open a file on you.”
“ Oh, I know you can, but you won't do it.”
She arched an eyebrow.
“ What makes you think that?”
The blonde tilted her head to one side, leaning over her rival's ear, slowly and dangerously.
“ Because I know EVERYTHING you've done, Carla, I know every single person you've been with. I know how you were absent for a week because you slept with the Geology substitute because he didn't tell you he was sick. I know how you made the new history teacher who was an intern last year resign, and I know that you told Professor Smith that I would offer him favors in exchange for not failing.”
“ You... don't... have p-proofs.”
“ Oh, yes I do, honey , but tell me, my word against yours. What proof do you have against me? If those rumors about my sexual favors were true, of course.”
Carla's legs shook.
“ "It's a bluff.”
A throaty chuckle almost made her whimper in fear.
“ Smith said the same thing when I told him I could report him, but why do you think he stopped failing me? I don't make false promises . - she paused, tucking one of her platinum locks behind Carla's ear. - But today I'm in a good mood and I'm going to make you one last offer. Challenge me just ONE more time and I'll make your life miserable or, don't cross my path again if you still want to keep what dignity you have left, what's your choice?”
That's what her body screamed as Ashley's dark amber eyes bore into her ice.
She knew, she knew she wasn't bluffing, as hard as it was to believe. How? How?
Every time she had been with someone Ashley had guessed it. She didn't know how, but she would figure it out without fail, as if there was some trace in her that only Graham could see.
And she had none.
Because her sexual favors were pure lies, the product of her greed and jealousy.
It was her word against Ashley's.
And she had the power and not because she was the president's daughter.
She alone, like Ashley Graham, had the information that could doom her and her father's career.
All because of greed and pride.
She could have crushed him by now, why hadn't she?
Because she'd given her chances, more than one.
And this was the LAST one.
The sentence of her wrath.
The knife was at her throat and tearing it out depended on whether she decided to walk away and slit her jugular herself or wait for her to take the knife away, agreeing.
Accepting her final warning.
She ducked her head in defeat.
“ Congratulations on your presentation, you deserve a good mark.”
Ashley smiled, but that dark aura didn't disappear from her.
“ Thank you, I hope you do well too.”
She turned away from her and pulled her fist out of the boards with a crunch, causing Carla to pull away. Ashley turned around waving her hands to shake off the splinters as she saw some whispering at the tables.
“ And for the gossipers on duty.” her voice echoed loudly off the walls even though she had barely raised her voice. “ Find another hobby.”
Leon watched her walk towards him with her head held high and determined. For a second he remembered the little girl in the White House who turned away when she was insulted.
No more.
She had swallowed enough shit and she wasn't going to let anyone walk over her anymore.
Ashley grabbed her bag with the girls' notebooks and said goodbye to them, approaching Leon.
“ Shall we go?”
Carla's " friends " turned away as Graham's amber gaze landed on them.
Leon motioned to the two girls and followed the blonde trotting up to her. They were both silent until they reached the end of the hallway when Ashley finally sighed and turned to the agent.
“ How was I?”
He let out a chuckle.
“ Remind me not to make you angry. NEVER.” Ashley laughed, but Leon meant it.
He wasn't a bricklayer, but he knew those boards weren't flimsy, and she'd smashed through them with her fist.
Everything she had said, the threat that had tinged her words, he had felt it in his bones. At that moment President Graham's daughter had appeared, a cautious, gentle woman with the teeth of a shark who will not hesitate to bite if attacked. Words sometimes hurt more than fists, as the president had once said.
And today he had watched his daughter lay on a fine thread the future of several people with the calm and determination of a surgeon.
Without hesitating a word, without letting anger blind her.
He turned to her and watched the sweet smile on her lips and the joy in her eyes.
He was fascinated. She had definitely managed to leave him stunned up there.
They went out to the backyard and decided to sit at one of the picnic tables under a willow tree.
“ Hey, Ash.” The agent asked her curiously, “Is it true that you had proof?”
She lay down on the table under the man's watchful eye.
“ I may have exaggerated it a bit by referring to EVERYTHING. I do know all the people she's been with, but I don't have all the proof, although I do have the most important ones.”
“ You scared me when you punched those boards, I thought you were going to send her to the hospital.”
“ The thought had crossed my mind, but my father and Dana's method was better.”
Leon arched an eyebrow.
“ Your father and Dana's method? What does that mean?”
Ashley cocked her head to one side with a smile.
“ One third violence two wit.”
Leon rolled his eyes in disbelief. 
Really, why did he ask?
He heard her laugh released and couldn't help but laugh with her. He climbed over the table and sat on the edge throwing his head back. He felt something hit his thigh gently and his sapphire orbs turned to her, meeting her raised fist. The agent smiled and bumped his knuckles with hers.
“ All of this, everything I've accomplished, has been thanks to having met you.” Her voice was as soft as a caress.
Leon looked at her and let out a shy chuckle, averting his eyes from her.
“ You give me more credit than I have.”
Ashley's knee gently bumped Leon's elbow, drawing his attention.
“ You take away more credit than you deserve. You don't just save people Leon, your words, your advice and your actions save souls . You brought me home and inspired me to be what I am today.”
Leon felt his heart racing and wanted to look away from that sweet smile, but his body could not. He only managed to laugh like a goofball, unable to assimilate that a person would be so kind to him, not when he had self-destructive moments.
“ Don't be hard on yourself.” she whispered to him as if she could read his mind. “ Just like you told me not to torment myself.”
He was silent for long seconds, thinking, feeling his heart thudding in his chest. The words were a jumble in his head, pride, shame, joy...
There were so many things... he couldn't find the right ones to answer.
“ Come on Kennedy, say something."   
So words Ashley said he had and he was unable to think of a coherent sentence.
Really, putting his emotions into words wasn't his thing.
Fuck, sometimes he had a hard time expressing them without feeling vulnerable.
And she managed to break all his composure with a simple smile.
He watched her look at the clock and get up calmly.
“ I'm going to see if they have the marks yet.”
His sapphire eyes followed her until she disappeared on the other side of the door. He stood in thought for long minutes, making a mental list of options to answer her.
He didn't know how long he was deep in thought. He waited, feeling the breeze swaying him calmly. Rare were the times when his thoughts were not clear, and when this happened he didn't like it one bit. That feeling of confusion was something that made him extremely uncomfortable. He tried to think of something else, of what he could ask Hunnigan about her interrogation, of what new clues they might have, of....
A shout echoed.
His muscles tensed and he went to storm out. With his hand on his gun holster, he scrambled to his feet, but saw the door burst open.
Ashley emerged from it with bated breath and leaped over the fence like a greyhound, running towards him. 
Leon looked at her worried what was she running from? What was that scream? Why-?
She jumped at him. He took the impact and grabbed her tightly turning on himself to avoid falling to the ground. He felt her legs close around his waist and her arms around his neck.
He heard a whisper.
“ What?”  he was still perplexed by the sudden action and closeness.
“...done, I've done it, I've done it! I'VE DONE IT!”
She stretched out her arms without releasing her koala grip and looked him full in the face with tears in her eyes. He watched her perplexed, holding her with one hand on her thigh and the other on her waist. He saw her flushed cheeks and the huge smile that graced her mouth.
“ I did it, Leon, they gave me an honors degree!”
He gasped an exhalation and opened his eyes in disbelief.
“See?!” - he exclaimed, grabbing her around the waist with both hands and holding her close to him. “ You're fucking awesome!”
Ashley laughed and without having time to process her actions she took Leon's face in her hands and kissed his cheek hard and hugged him fervently.
She felt in heaven, Leon wrapped his strong arms around her and lifted a hand to tangle it in her blonde hair. 
He felt her trembling with joy, laughing in his ear and gasping with excitement.
Then Leon processed the kiss, now that he was beginning to feel the warmth of that mouth.
So close . That kiss had been dangerously close to his lips.
And for some reason, a faint little voice at the back of his skull whispered that he wouldn't have minded if she'd strayed a little further.
A long sigh brought him out of his dangerous thoughts. She was still hugging him and didn't seem to want to let go.
“ Are you all right?”  the agent's soft voice rang in Ashley's ear. Sweet words like honey. She inhaled one last time before pulling away and responding.
“ It's... liberating. I feel like a mountain has been lifted off my shoulders.”
They looked at each other for a few seconds and she decided it was time to let go. She spread her legs apart and Leon held her to let her down gently, but to Ashley's surprise, he didn't let go. She raised her amber eyes in confusion, watching him gaze deeply into her, feeling his sapphire irises sink into her.
Her attention dropped to his lips when she saw them part.
“ Thank you.”
Ashley released her hands from his neck to let them rest on his broad chest.
“ Why?”
He smiled, brushing a leaf out of her hair.
“ For what you said earlier, thank you.”
She watched him for a few seconds and smiled sweetly.
“ You're welcome.”
They both laughed and Leon felt playful. Still holding her by the waist, he gently waved her around and gave her a lopsided smile.
“ Hey, what do you say about going to that restaurant we said to celebrate?”
Ashley watched him for a few seconds and turned her wrist to look at the time. They still had to pick up the models...but she wanted to go.
They still had promises to fulfill, so she grabbed Leon by the jacket eagerly.
“ Can we ride the bike?”
A mischievous smile tugged at the man's lips.
“ We can go anywhere you want princess.”
She patted his chest with a smile and went to gather her things.
“ Let's pack up and go back home to take the dogs out.”
“ Deal.”
With her heart racing Ashley returned to the presentation room where one of the judges asked if he could keep some of the models for next year's course. Ashley agreed in exchange for the acknowledgment that they were hers and was grateful that she wouldn't need to throw them away.
Between the two of them they packed up without a hitch and it didn't take long to carry the boxes to the car. By six they were already buckling up and Leon called the restaurant to reserve a table.
“ For two yes." he replied to the receptionist. - “In name of Leon Kennedy, thank you.”
He hung up and pulled out his small box of gum, offering Ashley one, which she cheerfully accepted. The agent said nothing but noticed the fist Ashley had put through the boards with.
No scratch.
Some splinter must have gone in, or at least she should have some grazes on her knuckles.
He couldn't help but remember those bandages the first time they met, saying he had stopped a kick and they were just bruises. He remembered the video and the impact she received, so hard that it lifted her off the ground just the day before.
And curiously, four days later, at Victor's check-up she had nothing left.
He might not be a doctor, but from his own experience he knew that bruises produced by such strong blows do not disappear in six days. 
When he returned from Spain for the second time, his body was almost completely black. It took two weeks for them to disappear and that in itself was abnormal enough.
He wanted to ask her, she might not be amused, but he had to.
“ Hey Ash.” Leon's deep voice made the woman subtly tense up.
“ Yeah?” she replied cautiously. “ she replied cautiously.”
“ Other than your sense of smell and strength, is there anything else that has changed that you haven't told me?”
“ Why do you say that?” she answered innocently.
“ Maybe because you've punched through wooden planks with your bare fist?”
“ Shit." she growled inwardly.
“ They were thin boards, just had little splinters in the skin. - She turned her amber eyes back to him seeing his skeptical expression in a silent " that's your best excuse?"
She sighed.
“ Maybe just like you ” she emphasized the accusation “ my body is more resilient or recovers more easily.”
Leon couldn't help but hold back a chuckle at her words. She had been quick, he had to admit. He hadn't told her anything about his recovery from Spain either, so he had no right to criticize her.
“ Well played princess." he thought.
“ Maybe?”  he inquired in a more teasing tone.
Ashley parked and braked in the garage then turned to face him.
“ Maybe.”  she repeated mockingly.
The two stared at each other for a few long seconds, defiantly. They felt their bodies burn just as they had when they fought. The agent's smile darkened mischievously.
“ Am I going to have to force it out of you?”
Ashley emitted that same throaty laugh with a different glint in her eyes.
She loosened her belt and slowly moved closer to Leon, feeling the air between them stop.
He couldn't move, not when he saw a Jaguar instead of a person in front of him.
She inhaled excitedly and purred in a vibrant growl.
“ Make me .”
His pupils dilated for an instant and his muscles tensed under his clothes like stones.
He held back the urge. His consciousness tugged at the leash in his throat.
Control yourself.
He'd never. NEVER had he felt that.
He clenched his fist behind him, so hard, that only the pain of his nails digging into his palm managed to stop him from the savagery he'd been about to commit.
He wanted to grab her by the throat.
The urge to want to squeeze her in his arms had become even more visceral and it had frightened him.
He saw those amber eyes watching him like a wild beast. Devouring him.
And he saw her inhale softly, sensing her pupils expand for an instant.
As if reality hammered at him, he blinked and laughed in an attempt to look normal and get out of the car.
Today. Just TODAY he had forgotten to put on his cologne.
And now. Just NOW, he was sure Ashley had smelled him, just as he had heard her rampant heartbeat.
He got out of the car and heard the door on the other side close.
Yes, the boxes.
He was going to get the boxes upstairs, he was going to get the dogs out, and he was going to forget about this.
The mental leash in his throat tightened.
He needed a shower. VERY COLD ONE.
Her blouse clung to her back with sweat. Blonde locks danced damply across her forehead as she finished hauling the last of the boxes up from the garage. She definitely missed the elevator at this point, which had conveniently broken down before they returned.
She grunted opening the door to the apartment with her foot and left it in the living room with the rest. She would separate over the weekend what she would leave at the university.
Leon appeared shortly after and his scent filled the place.
He wasn't wearing the cologne and she was holding her heart.
How good he smelled for God's sake... it wasn't legal.
She heard him open the door and set the box down on top of Ashley's, sighing heavily.
“ Would you mind going down with the dogs? I have to call Hunnigan.”
Ashley smiled, waving her blouse and looking at the time.
“ Yeah, don't worry, they're my dogs Leon, you don't have to worry about not taking them out yourself.” she laughed, grabbing the harnesses. Pepper and Mint sat down across from her and let her put them on.
Leon looked at the animals for a second. Ashley was right, at what point had he started to feel a responsibility to them? he had volunteered several times since coming to Amherst especially when Ashley had to finish some work and was on a tight schedule. For some reason he had internalized them into his day-to-day life between walks and jogs.
And he didn't know if that was a good thing.
“ I'll be right back.”
Ashley's voice brought him out of his thoughts and he watched her close the door leaving him alone in the living room. He looked at the time and sighed.
What he needed right now was an ice cold shower, then he would call Hunnigan.
She let the dogs loose in the park and looked at the clock one more time. She inhaled deeply and let out a heavy sigh.
Good thing she had left the house, because she had started to feel nervous. For a second she returned to the car, to the moment when she perceived Leon with a clarity that had almost made her....
She stopped abruptly and covered her mouth, remembering the scent.
It had not been the one characteristic of his skin. The moment she said "make me" and saw his pupils dilate... she caught a subtle stronger scent... feral even. It wasn't sweat and she wasn't entirely sure....
But her mind was telling her that there was a chance it could be his... she shook her head violently.
Ashley, NO. He's your bodyguard and friend. The biggest flirt you know too, but that line doesn't get crossed. That last year and a half had been getting better, it wasn't time to throw it all away.
Her mind sent new bursts of images to her.
But he had smelled so...desirable.
She covered her reddened face with her hands and grunted, trying to push the sensations away. Truly, sometimes she wished she could get rid of her sense of smell, especially at times when pheromones were in the air.
They drove her crazy.
Her instincts were reacting to those smells she used to only perceive subconsciously, but now she smelled them distinctly.
And it was SWEET.
Too sweet to bear. So much that her body sometimes reacted in a way that consumed her. She remembered Leon's conversation a few days ago, when Narsson had asked him out to dinner.
That last year was getting harder and sometimes she felt so heated that she craved with inhuman fervor to have a person to satisfy herself.
But then her little problem with trusting people came back, so she simply ended up being satisfied with herself.
She tried to regain her composure by breathing calmly, but it seemed her brain didn't want to leave the party alone. She muttered curses under her breath and called the dogs.
She needed to shower, calm down, put on some new clothes and eat.
Eating was definitely what would help her the most, so she went back upstairs to the house trying to get her head and body in order.
He dried his face and raised his sapphire eyes in the mirror. He shook his head to loosen his hair and slid his fingers through to tidy it up. He looked to see if there were any wrinkles in his white short-sleeved shirt and making sure there weren't, he adjusted his cinnamon leather jacket. He always went with dark colors so he decided to change it up a bit. He put on his jeans and stowed the gun in the holster hidden in his jacket. He grabbed the cologne and handed it out thoroughly.
This time he wouldn't forget.
He was embarrassed enough for being aware of the possibility that Ashley had smelled his arousal.
He had to be cautious.
He looked at the time and slipped on his shoes to grab his keys and head out. He closed the door and rapped Ashley's with his knuckles before opening it.
“ I can't believe it.”  He heard a grunt down the hall.
The agent glanced at the couch where a thin cinnamon cardigan and bag rested. He heard footsteps in Ashley's room.
“ Ash? are you okay?”
A sigh.
“ Yeah, but... with exams and work I forgot to do the laundry.”
Leon let out a chuckle and sat on the couch petting the dogs.
"If you don't have anything, I can lend you a T-shirt."
Ashley was quiet for a second, creating a mental image of that possibility and then let out a laugh.
“ It's not that I'm out of anything, but I don't want to go with a sport shirt.”  She looked at herself in the mirror, noting her wardrobe decision. Fortunately, she had had some jeans stashed away, but the top?
She had only found a silk lingerie top that Emily had given her last year.
A soft black fabric with a subtle rose print delicately embroidered in a V-shape at the neckline, exposing her neckline. The thin straps exposed a bralette that drew a pretty lace pattern across her cleavage.
It was too much.
It was just a celebration dinner for her grades, not a date.
She thought about grabbing a T-shirt from Leon, but dismissed it. She wasn't going to be able to think straight with his scent clinging to her.
She turned to look at her back where only the end of the scar remaining on her right shoulder peeked out.
“ I think it's too much.”  She mused smoothing the satin fabric, hesitant. So used to simple sports tops and t-shirts that anything more elaborate and delicate seemed ostentatious.
“ Can I give you my opinion?”  she heard the agent's playful voice. Ashley hesitated for a second and then left the room.
Leon looked at Pepper as he stroked his chin and lifted his sapphire orbs to her. He let out a soft whistle that caused Ashley to shrug her shoulders pinning her gaze to the floor.
“ Maybe I should wear a T-shirt, it's to muc-”
“ You look stunning, princess.” the man stood up drawing the attention of the blonde who noticed the change of colors. Her amber eyes widened in surprise and her cheeks flushed.
“ Well, I guess you've prepared yourself too.”
Leon wanted to smooth Ashley's nerves and spun on his heels like a dancer.
“ What do you think?” he gave her an exaggerated curtsy.
Ashley laughed helplessly and watched as his white t-shirt subtly clung to his chest and his jacket enhanced his shoulders and the blue of his eyes.
Ashley's words came from the heart.
“ You look incredible, it looks great on you.” That smile on those pink lips made Leon's ears redden subtly and he made the same gesture.
“ Just as you've been telling me that you like to show off your bodyguard let me show you off, not everyone is lucky enough to guard such a beautiful woman.” He winked playfully and Ashley threw one of the dog toys at him, embarrassed up to her ears.
“ Don't be an idiot.”
Leon smiled and grabbed the cardigan from the couch to open it between his hands, inviting her to put it on.
“ Let me show off my date, come on.”
Ashley arched an eyebrow in surprise.
“ Leon, this is not a date.”
He hissed with his finger to his lips, mockingly.
“ But the people at the restaurant don't know that.”
She laughed sighing, trying to contain her rampant heartbeat.
“ You're hopeless Kennedy.”
“ I'm a lost cause princess, you should know that by now.”
Their eyes watched each other and she moved closer, finally slipping her arms into the garment. She let him adjust it and then held out his arm like a gentleman.
“ Our steed awaits in the garage, would Your Majesty care to join me on this lovely evening?” he accentuated a medieval and theatrical tone that made Ashley laugh, who played along by taking his arm.
“ Of course not my brave knight, I wouldn't dare venture without your pleasant company.”
They both laughed and walked out of the house towards the garage. She had to admit that Leon's jokes always managed to cheer her up, even if they were sometimes flirtatious compliments, he always managed to get a smile out of her.
She was happy, today they would fulfill another of their promises.
There were very few left. 
Leon was taking his role as a gentleman very seriously. Ever since she'd woken up that very morning he hadn't stopped spoiling her. She wasn't going to deny that she liked the way he was treating her, indeed, she was enjoying herself like a little girl.
They both glanced at the cell phone screen for a second longer to identify the location. Ashley looked around and grabbed Leon by the jacket pointing to a building across the street.
He was being very considerate. He stepped forward and opened the door to the restaurant to gallantly let her in. She laughed and played along.
Once inside they approached the bar to wait for someone to come and confirm their reservation. Leon scanned his surroundings like an eagle and could see out of the corner of his eye that Ashley also did the same by sniffing gently. They looked like two dogs of prey and the agent couldn't help but smile at that idea.
“ Have you seen that doll?"
A whisper reached him and his muscles went static for a second.
"Hey, that's the president's daughter, isn't she? " said another " She's much prettier in person, the cameras don't do those breasts justice."
" Could we ask her for a picture?"
Leon heard a dark chuckle tinged with mischief.
" Yes, you could take it while she sucks me off."
A violent shock ran down Leon's back and he unconsciously moved closer to Ashley, gently wrapping his arms around her waist. She tensed and turned to look at him confused, but he kept watching the windows.
" Hey, it looks like she's coming with that guy."
" We could have made the night" growled the other.
Leon felt his blood boil and glanced out of the corner of his eye toward the two guys behind the bar. Something in him made him tighten his grip on Ashley's waist, a strange visceral feeling. Even in college he'd heard comments like that and had had to restrain the urge to punch those who opened their mouths for dirtying the blonde's name.
But he had to control his impulses.
“ Mr. Kennedy?” a voice brought him out of his thoughts and he let go of Ashley's waist to look at the lady who was talking to him. 
“ Yes.” he nodded and they followed a waiter who led them to a secluded table.
It was a cozy place, it didn't look incredibly luxurious, but it was pampered. It looked rustic, with its oak beams across the ceiling and stone and mahogany walls. Curtains subtly draped the wide windows and soft ballad music echoed like a whisper in the room, enveloping the diners.
The waiter pointed to the table and Leon took a step to pull out the chair and look at Ashley. She arched her eyebrows now slightly quizzical.
“ Hey Leon, is something wrong?”  She took a step feeling more nervous as she sat down and Leon slid her over to the table. He took off her cardigan and grabbed her bag to hang it on one of the hangers.
“ Does something have to happen to me to be nice?”  he smirked, taking off his jacket and placing it next to hers.
“ I don't know, you're usually more... serious.”
He looked at her offended.
“ Me? serious with you? never.”
Ashley smiled and crossed her forearms on the table.
“ Then what's with all the gallantry?”  she smiled teasingly  “Did you got scared about Carla?”
Leon smiled interlocking his broad hands on the wooden surface, accentuating the muscles in his arms.
“ I guess I can be a little less of a jerk today and spoil a friend, right? it's a special day, I wanted to do something different.”
Ashley raised a hand and rested on her palm.
“ I see... and the whole pulling my chair away and leaving my stuff has nothing to do with the two at the bar who looked at us earlier, does it?”
The agent was perplexed and couldn't help but let out a defeated chuckle.
“ Did you hear them?”
“ I have eyes and I know they said something to make you grab me by the waist.”
Leon chuckled under his breath.
“ Are you sure you haven't developed psychic abilities?”  he joked remembering the same question Victor had asked her some time ago.
She smiled.
“ No, but I've learned a little more about you.”
The waiter from earlier came over to take notes on their drinks and bring them the menu. Leon snorted in exasperation.
“ You don't miss a thing, huh?”
“ I just took your advice to be careful and look out for things.”
“ Which of all my advice did you follow and how much did you ignore?”
“ Only the ones that suited me.”
He smiled.
“ Like the one about not doing the suplex.”
“ For example.”
They both laughed and moved away from the table to set down their drinks. Ashley stirred the ices and Leon gently swung his glass to his lips.
Ashley froze.
Leon tensed when her fingers brushed his lips as she covered the mouth of the glass. He lifted his questioning sapphire orbs and tingled when he met those menacingly darkening amber ones.
“ Don't drink it.” Her voice was low, just for him to hear. Leon couldn't look away from her and set the glass down gently on the table. Ashley picked it up and pulled it close to sniff. The man saw her brow furrow violently and she stood up with a dangerous calmness.
“ Ashley?”  he called worriedly.
“ I'll be back in a moment.” His tone was grave and dangerous. She took the drink from Leon as he looked at her perplexed, watching her walk to the bar.
One of the bartenders nudged his companion as he watched a blonde walk toward them. The alluded stopped drying the glasses and a mischievous smile tugged at his lips.
“ Excuse me.” a soft voice came out of that feminine mouth. The young man looked at her attentively and approached her. Ashley smiled and set the drink on the bar.
“ How can I help you, miss?”  he smiled playfully. She let out a fake giggle and looked him in the eye.
“ I've seen you put nuts on the sides of this drink, I'm sorry, but my boyfriend is allergic, could I ask you for another drink?”
The boy's smile froze and in his neck, a muscle gave a gentle tug. He looked at the drink on the bar, the one he had made himself.
They hadn't touched it, had they noticed? No, it was impossible.
Keeping a smile to hide his nerves he nodded.
“ Sure, sorry to hear that, what can I get you, sweetie?”
Ashley smiled leaning on the bar and looking at the variety of bottles on display. She cocked her head to her table for a second, taking in those sapphire eyes locked on her. She knew he could hear her from there so she smiled and turned her attention back to the bartender.
“ A Manhattan.”
The man nodded and pulled out the glass to set it in front of Ashley. She watched him with a smile and saw him turn around with the shaker.
“ Ah” she caught the attention of the bartender who turned to her waiting for her to say something, leaning closer to hear her and feeling her fingers brush his forearm with a lopsided smile. “ And this time don't pour that shit you tried to drug my boyfriend with.”
The ice in the shaker stopped and the man's face paled.
He looked at the woman in front of him, still wearing that smile on her pink lips, but with a deep darkness tinting her amber irises.
And he could only swallow saliva.
She had noticed.
Her fingers stopped making contact with his skin, still staring at him, and he began to shakily stir his drink. He felt those eyes boring into the back of his neck, following every step and movement he made. His face had paled and when he returned to the bar to pour the liquid into the glass, his pulse was faltering violently.
She watched him patiently and took the glass between her fingers. She raised it to her lips, under his gaze, and took a sip after sniffing it. He continued with his eyes glued to the bar, almost choking from his huge mistake.
She'd caught him and he was finished.
He had tried to drug the president's daughter's boyfriend.
Ashley gently tasted the whiskey on her tongue and subtly downed the drink to add in a deep menacing whisper.
“ Much better.”
She climbed down from the seat with dangerous elegance and walked back to the table. Leon watched the waiter argue with his companion, now both in hysterics.
Ashley's words still echoed in him as he watched her approach with his scarlet drink. He couldn't stop his lips from curving seductively. Ashley leaned over and held the glass out to him gently.
“ Here you go, honey.” she said in a playful tone. Leon didn't take his eyes off her and gently brushed his fingers as he took the glass.
“ Thank you, my dear.”  he whispered almost in a purr.
She smiled, sitting up, and watched the agent turn back to the bar where the two boys looked at them pale and Leon raised his glass in salute to take a sip while still looking menacingly at them.
A soft chuckle brought his attention back to the beast in front of him.
“ Should I be worried about you shooting them later?”
Leon leaned across the table slowly, taking another drink without taking his eyes off her, deeply.
“ No, I think my girlfriend has scared them enough for me to worry.” He whispered hoarsely, rattling Ashley's body.
She laughed under the man's watchful gaze and sipped gently at her alcohol.
“ I don't like it when they intrude on my date.” She smiled over the lips of her glass.
Leon arched an eyebrow in surprise, but mischievously.
“ Didn't you say this wasn't a date?”
“ Shhhh.”  she smiled at him “ but the people at the restaurant don't know that.” she repeated his words mockingly. He let out a surprised gasp and laughed helplessly.
They both let out soft laughs feeling their closeness deepen even more.
Neither wanted to admit it, but they liked the more intimate atmosphere. With the excuse of the date joke they felt they could brush lines more loosely, without so much fear or consequences. Maybe it was the excitement, maybe it was the alcohol Ashley had been drinking, she didn't know. She was aware that Leon was completely sober, he had to drive back, but he was following her banter as if he were drunk. He fooled around like the joker he was and got those characteristic lopsided smiles all night.
They enjoyed dinner as if it was their first time eating out.
It was...magical.
Maybe it was the fact that they felt like they were finally fulfilling one of their promises from over two and a half years ago, one they repeated when Ashley nearly lost her life in Leon's arms, when he thought he had failed to save her.
But no, there they were. Escort and protégé, dining together as lifelong friends.
They whispered and laughed like teenagers, feeling the shadows that sometimes lurked at night, dissipate.
There was only them.
Leon was euphoric. 
Going out to a normal restaurant with someone and being able to talk about anything with that person was indescribable and Ashley knew it.
They didn't have to hide anything from each other, Leon told her anecdotes from work, from his days at the Academy... and she told him about her childhood, her early years in college and these last two years after her rescue.
They simply talked and Leon stood watching the woman in front of him spellbound.
These were the moments when he realized how lucky he was. Just as he was lucky to meet Claire and Sherry at Racoon, only to meet Hunnigan, Chris Patrick and Ashley. They had all become very important people in his life, but sometimes, as hard as it was for him to admit, he felt he shared a special connection with Ashley.
Maybe it was the fact that they were together in the face of much adversity for a long period of time, unlike Racoon City, which most of that night he spent alone.
Or maybe it was the fact that Ashley cared about him and to some extent looked out for him in bad times.
Maybe it was the feeling of being appreciated and knowing that he had the unconditional trust of that woman. A trust that was pure, with no ulterior motives.
She did not betray him. Not like Krauser.
Not like Ada.
The hand with the knife paused for a second.
Why had that name popped into his mind?
His blue eyes lifted to the face in front of him, which enjoyed every bite, and his stomach churned.
For some reason, the feeling of guilt violently invaded him for having thought of that person while he was with Ashley.
“ Leon?”
The agent blinked as he heard a concerned tone call out to him. He noticed her staring at him.
“ Are you all right?”
For a moment he was speechless.
He didn't want to lie to her, but...how could he tell her that he'd had a fleeting thought of a person whose memory only brought him pain?
That and feeling like an idiot.
“ I...- he whispered hesitantly and fingers brushed his knuckles gently.”
Those amber orbs sank into him.
“ You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.” 
He watched her for a few seconds. Her cheeks flushed with alcohol and her deep orbs tinged with concern but at the same time understanding.
And yet he couldn't.
He didn't want to. He refused to sour that wonderful dinner for that woman, because ever since he saw her again, after giving her up for dead, he knew he wasn't going to chase her again.
And now that he was enjoying Ashley's company, he refused to ruin it, not when she asked him about it in her delirium when they escaped and he gave her a horrible answer.
And what he was still working on.
“ It's nothing, princess. Little things of mine that need some more time, nothing else don't worry.”
She watched him carefully for a long time and then lifted her third drink and told him with the warmth of the sun.
“ For those wounds to heal, for our happiness.”
The agent stared at her, perplexed, and raised his glass of water, surrendered to the charm of that woman.
“ For our happiness.” he repeated.
They toasted and Ashley laughed before finishing her drink in two gulps. Leon took the glass from her hand and pushed it away.
“ I think you've had enough to drink.”
“ I'm not drunk Leon.”  she mumbled.
The agent smiled.
“ No? Are you sure?”
Ashley stood up and looked at him amused, then walked gracefully to the front desk and asked for the check. He noticed the way she walked, purposeful, no wobbles or stumbles. She definitely wasn't drunk, but she'd had enough to show him her cheeky, playful side.
And he wasn't going to lie, he liked it.
Ashley paid and said goodbye to the woman to head back to the table.
“ Have I convinced you?”  she smiled with a laugh. Leon got up to grab her things from the hanger and slung the cardigan over her shoulders, approaching teasingly.
“ Not a bit.”
Ashley pouted and picked up her bag to walk out of the restaurant. Had she gotten angry? Leon took a step to follow her and watched her turn to him with a mischievous grin. Her soft voice whispered just for him.
“ Is that how you treat your girlfriend ? I should have let you drink that cocktail anyway.”
Leon's eyes widened and his muscles tensed when he saw her speed up and run away from him.
"Oh no, you are not running away."
Ashley stepped out into the street and looked back a moment walking away, only to let out a yelp as Leon came out the door with an intimidating stride. He broke into a run after her and Ashley ran away laughing loudly and her heart pounding.
Suddenly strong arms wrapped around her waist and lifted her into the air. She exclaimed euphorically and heard a low chuckle behind her back, causing her to grab her forearms.
“ That was a low blow.” He growled at her spinning her around in the air. Ashley patted him laughingly and the man set her down. She slapped his chest mockingly and gave him a mischievous look.
“ Sais the liar.”
He arched his eyebrows.
“ I'm the liar? Who wants me to wait to tell me some things?”
Ashley opened her mouth to retort, but Leon's victory smile made her grunt and mutter, crossing her arms.
“ That was a low blow.”
Leon walked over to her and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.
“ Now we're even.”
Ashley watched him grumpily, but soon replaced her frown with a smile. Leon mimicked her and nodded to her.
“ Do you want to walk around a bit before we go home?”
The blonde grabbed him by the waist and started walking.
“ Do you want to take a romantic walk?”
A chuckle emerged from him and wrapped around her shoulders.
“ I don't know how romantic you see walking with your bodyguard.”
“ You're capable of making anything romantic.” she laughed.
“ Don't you think you're exaggerating?”
“ Do you think I exaggerate?”
He remained thoughtful for a few moments.
“ If you really say I'm a devil then I'll have those powers.”
“ That and being a cocky devil.”
His broad hand gave her shoulder a squeeze.
“ I have a reputation to uphold.”
She snorted with derision.
“ At least now I don't have to worry about your admirers at the university anymore.”
He sighed derisively.
“ Too bad, I was going to start taking dates.”
The alcohol made Ashley's mental filters go still and the words came out of her mouth like fire.
“ Like Narsson's proposal.”
Ashley felt the arm on her shoulders suddenly tighten.
“ Ash, with Narsson I'm not having anything.”
The blonde continued to walk lightly, letting her thoughts come out unchecked.
“ She's beautiful Leon, you're free to do whatever you want.”
“ She's your teacher Ashley.”
“ What if she wasn't?”
Leon looked at her puzzled stopping abruptly, still clinging to each other.
“ Are you seriously asking me this?”
She looked at him as if she had asked him the simplest question in the world, as if it were something trivial and innocent, and he sighed.
“ The point is, she is. I'm your escort and I'm here to make sure you're safe, not to break hearts.”  He cleared his throat softly and looked away, trying to escape the conversation.
“ Then I should feel lucky that we're having dinner together.” The mocking tone made Leon turn to her to hear her add. “ A mere mortal like me, dining with the infamous Leon Scott Kennedy, the Blue Demon, Savior of princesses," she looked at him mischievously, "and destroyer of meatballs.”
His blue eyes glittered and with a malevolent smile he leaned toward her.
“ I told you not to go through with it, that we were going to have a problem if you teased me.”
Ashley sneered and approached him defiantly.
“ And what are you going to do, Agent Kennedy?”
He grabbed her by the waist and before she could process what had just happened she was sprawled across his broad shoulders. He walked toward the pond.
“ I think you're going to get along with the ducks.”
She kicked up breaking into laughter and slapped the man's back in protest, but he didn't let go. He walked over to the creek and Ashley shrieked as his hands pulled her booties off and a second later he doused her soles with water.
“ No! No! No! No! Okay! I'm sorry!”  she exclaimed feeling the man's cold wet hands on her ankles.
“ You've wasted your chances.”
She tried to jump, but Leon's strong hands grabbed her waist and lifted her up to drop her. Ashley exclaimed and closed her eyes to keep the water from coming in, but she didn't feel it arriving. A strong grip grabbed her around the waist and she opened her eyes to find that blue-eyed Adonis looking down at her, amused. She saw him holding onto the railing and holding her suspended a few inches above the pool.
“ Any last words?” he grinned mischievously at her.
Ashley wrapped her arms around his neck on impulse and Leon tensed holding her weight as a leg wrapped around his waist.
“ If I go down you're coming with me.” he grinned at her.
“ I don't think you're in a position to threaten me.” he replied mischievously, extending his arm a little further, causing her to feel the water on the back of her neck.
She couldn't think straight. If she hadn't been drinking so much she might have reacted quickly, but now she was at Leon's mercy. She loosened her grip on his neck and the agent smiled, watching Ashley's cheeks redden as she saw she had no other.
“ I win.” he purred, earning a coy glance from the woman.
“ Happy?” she mumbled.
Leon laughed derisively, watching her like a wolf.
“ Very.”
And he lifted her up. 
She clung tightly to him as she walked back to the railing. It took a few seconds, but the man finally released her and jumped over the bars to extend a hand to Ashley. He knew she didn't need his help, but he wanted to tease her some more. The woman looked at the agent arching her eyebrows at the sight of his hand, but the mischievous smile on those seductive lips made her roll her eyes with a sigh.
“ I'll save this one for you.”  she grunted, intertwining her hand with his and reaching over the railing. Leon smiled and approached her while she was still sitting on the bar, holding her by the waist.
“ Come on, haven't I been good today?”  he softened his voice with an innocent tinge.
She looked up at him, feeling his warm hands through the fabric.
“ You almost threw me into a duck pond.”
“ And you told me you wouldn't bring up the meatballs again.” That devilish lopsided grin painted his lips. “ You're the one who's been mean to me.”
Their eyes met in silence, subtly lit by the streetlights, and the soft breeze ruffled her straight hair. Leon held her face gently, still with that gesture on his lips. Ashley was hopelessly enraptured by his closeness and warmth.
What was she going to say to him? She would probably ask for his forgiveness. Her head was spinning and her eyes slid to the agent's cheek, where she could perceive, under that faint beard that darkened his skin, a small knife scar. On impulse she raised her fingers and with her fingertips caressed the skin, causing Leon's lips to part to exhale subtly. The intensity of his gaze and his closeness was enough to make the alcohol swallow her pride.
“ Forgive me, you treated me like a queen and I said those things to you.”
Leon could perceive in that whisper a real regret and for a moment he thought that, perhaps, he had gone a little too far, as much as he liked to make her angry and see how her cheeks reddened when she couldn't find the words to disagree with him.
Still with a smile on his lips he pulled his hands away from her face and knelt down in front of her. Ashley tensed when she felt his hands drying her feet to put her socks and boots back on. The softness of his fingers against her skin alerted all her senses and at the same time numbed them, attending only to the man at her feet.
Leon gently wiped Ashley's soles and shod her before rising and approaching her again. She pinned his amber orbs and couldn't stop a shiver from running through her body when Leon brushed her cheek with his fingers.
“ Thank you for saving me from that drink.”
Ashley blinked for a few seconds, sinking into those oceans and then smiled with a racing heart.
“ That's what friends are for, right?”
They both laughed and she climbed down from the railing to walk with him. They passed the fountain in the park and both listened to the pleasant sound of the water.
“ Hey Leon.”
Without awareness, without expectation he turned to her and the water hit his face.
He took a step back shaking his head and wiped his eyes.
“ Ashleeeey… ” he grunted raising his head and saw her already twenty meters away from him running like hell.
He shook his jacket, cracked his knuckles and stretched his neck.
Oh when he caught her, she'd wish those idiots had drugged him.
The purr of the engine reverberated against the garage walls. He turned the keys and the machine went softly silent, perceiving only the small clatter of hot gears. He unbuckled his helmet and shook his ashy brown hair. He rested his forearms on the gas tank and turned his head toward the figure behind him. He felt her grip on his waist, weaker now that he had stopped.
“ We're here, princess.”
He heard a grunt behind him. One of the hands on his torso pulled away, listening as she released the hitch of the helmet and held it out lazily to him. He caught it and felt her grab it again.
“ Aren't you going to let me go?” his deep voice purred in the darkness. Another soft growl reached his ears, though much more subtle and sleepy. He let out a chuckle and tensed as hands moved up his abs to his chest, to move away and over his shoulders and around his neck.
“ Bring me…” her tone tinged with fatigue and sleep.
Leon thought for a few seconds, but decided that after he'd had his revenge in the park she'd had enough. He hung the hooves on his forearm and pulled back his arms, holding her by the thighs.
She sure was sleepy. Ashley let him do it without resisting, her breathing deep and leisurely. Leon slid his palms around her legs and carried her on his back as he rose from the bike. He held her tightly and settled her better on his shoulders, feeling her warm lips on his neck. 
A tingle ran down the man's spine and a purr echoed in Ashley's throat at the movement.
He crossed the garage in silence and called the elevator in the hope that it would work. He let out a happy gasp when he saw the light come on.
He didn't want to go up four floors at two in the morning.
He stepped inside and waited as he ascended in silence.
“ Ash?” he called out to her curiously. He got no answer, had she fallen asleep completely?
How tired she must have been? Then he remembered those last two weeks, when, in the evenings, he would hear Ashley's footsteps in the house from time to time. He was sure that she had spent some sleepless nights finishing work. All the tension had built up, all for this very day.
She needed rest more than anyone. Last night's nightmare had been the worst according to her, but that didn't mean she hadn't had any more that had kept her up on other nights.
And he was sure she had them, even if she didn't tell him about them.
The metal doors opened and he stepped out into the hallway to their respective floors. He leaned forward so he could pull his keys out of his pocket and a sweet chuckle reached him.
“ Your hair...tick...keels.” she whispered too close to his ear.
Leon tensed and tilted his head to feel her nose against his cheek.
“ Weren't you asleep?” he whispered so as not to wake the neighbors. He got no answer.
Had she spoken in her sleep?
“ You smell like Leon..." the hot breath caressed his lobe, making him exhale violently.
She was definitely not conscious of what she was doing and saying, she had to be deeply asleep.
He turned the key and managed to open the door. The dogs came over to sniff at them but soon returned to their respective beds. He left the hooves on the couch and Ashley clutched him tighter.
“ I like it better...without cologne…” she mumbled almost inaudibly. “ but also... it smells good... like the jacket…”
Leon arched an eyebrow...jacket? could she have meant his? he had left it on her after wetting her cardigan and was still wearing it. He opened the bedroom door and walked over to the bed to sit on the edge and lay her down gently. He rested his knees on the mattress and pulled off her booties to watch her stir and undo her belt and pants buttons.
Leon stood static watching her try to undo her jeans, still deep in sleep. He took a nervous breath and slid his hands to her waist.
He touched her warm skin with his fingers and grabbed the edge of the pants to palm them in and pull them off. He could barely see in the dark, but he could make out the faint outline of those gorgeous legs. He pulled off his pants and watched him curl up into a ball, causing his blue eyes to betray him and watch those fleshy, firm buttocks. He reached over and pulled off her jacket and then threw the blanket over her. In the movement he made her grunt and the agent was startled when he heard her deep velvety voice.
“ Leon...?” he turned to her and perceived her half-opened eyelids.
“ Sleep princess, you're home.”  he whispered to her, trying to keep his thoughts away from that soft skin.
“ I don't... know when I'm going to wake up…” she whispered curling up again “ don't... you... worry... if... I'm all... weekend…”  her voice was fading and she fell into a deep sleep again after saying good night to him.
Leon picked up the clothes and laid them on the chair by the window, then went to the kitchen and left the wet cardigan drying.
He turned on a small light to drink some water before going to his apartment. He stood thoughtfully, watching the rippling liquid in the glass tumbler and smiled, remembering the ride back on the bike.
How Ashley had stood up on the seat, grabbing him by the shoulders and screaming to the winds at the top of her lungs. It had made him laugh out loud as he felt his heart hammering in his chest relentlessly.
All those emotions had confused him, but at that moment he didn't care.
In that instant he just wanted to hear her scream, exclaim with happiness, hop around like an excited rabbit and look at him with a huge grin from ear to ear.
He set the glass down on the counter with a smile.
He wanted to see her happy, make her happy, and those moments when he succeeded his body felt complete.
He definitely wasn't going to cut off contact with her when he left.
No way. Not after seeing how much she gave him. Seeing her this happy even though she'd been through hardship made his blood boil with excitement.
And in those moments he couldn't wait to see her eat the whole world.
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actress4him · 2 years
March Trope-A-Thon Day 5
I don’t normally post two fics in one day but I’m trying to catch up a little haha.
More comf for Lili, which everyone loves to demand!
Taglist: @darthsutrich , @inky-whump , @painful-pooch , @pigeonwhumps , @bookworm2107
Previous | Next | Querencia Masterlist
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Fandom: Original Work
Prompts: Fevers, Cold/Flu, Blankets and a Hot Drink
Notes: Takes place between chapters 12 and 13. Can be seen as a sequel to this snippet.
Contains: lady whump, cold and fever, reference to past homelessness, reference to noncon drugging
Liliana knew it was coming for a whole day before it fully hit. Her throat had been scratchy when she woke up, becoming actually sore by evening, but all she’d known to do was drink a glass of orange juice and ignore it.
That’s what she’s trying to do this morning, too, despite the fact that she woke up unable to breathe through her nose at all and feeling like she hadn’t slept in days. Part of her wanted to curl up and attempt to go back to sleep, but she had a feeling it wouldn’t work and knew she should get up and eat something, anyway. The team worked so hard to get her stomach used to normal meals again, she doesn’t want to throw all that away.
So she gets up, and dresses in the warmest things she can find - a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve tee that Nari bought for her on their shopping trip, some fuzzy socks that had randomly appeared on her bed one day, and a hoodie that used to be Alex’s and therefore swallows her whole. She’s tried to give it back to him multiple times, and he refuses to take it. Then she ventures out of her room and shuffles toward the kitchen, glad to find it empty.
She’s not really hungry. Despite the number of options on hand which still blows her mind some days, nothing really sounds good. She pours herself another glass of orange juice and sits at the kitchen table sipping it, trying to decide what she can stomach that she actually has the energy to make, and coming up blank. Even making a piece of toast seems like too much work when she’d also have to get out butter or jam to spread on it.
Finally she forces herself to pour a quarter of a bowl of dry cereal and sits back at the table, picking at it with her fingers and staring out the window at the river rolling peacefully by.
“Oh hello, Liliana, I didn’t know you were in here.” Quinn smiles pleasantly at her as he enters the kitchen. “You’re usually already done with breakfast by now.”
She puts on a smile of her own, though she can tell how weak it looks. “I slept late this morning.”
He just hums and nods, but gives her a long sideways look before opening the refrigerator. “Are you feeling alright today?”
Shoot. She’d been hoping no one would notice, or that she could stay hidden in her room most of the day and not encounter anyone. Swallowing her cereal and trying not to grimace at the pain in her throat, she searches for a good answer. “I-I’m, um…tired today, I, I guess.”
Quinn sets the egg carton on the island counter and stares at her. She tries not to squirm under his scrutinizing gaze. “Are you sure? I don’t mean to pry, but…you sound like you might be sick.”
Liliana shrugs, suddenly finding her glass of orange juice incredibly interesting to look at. “Y-yeah. Maybe, maybe just a-a cold. Nothing to worry about.”
He hums again. “I’m sorry to hear that. Are you running a fever, or anything?”
“Probably? I-I feel…cold. And, and warm. So…” She shrugs again, as if that gesture alone makes everything less of a problem.
A few seconds later, he walks up and sets a thermometer on the table next to her. “We should keep an eye on it, make sure it doesn’t go up too high.”
For a moment she just stares at it, trying not to think about her mamà snuggling up next to her to hold her still while they waited for the thermometer to beep. She wants to say that it’s fine, she survived a cold on the streets without knowing what her temperature was or taking medicine or even having things like hoodies and orange juice to help. She wants to say no thank you, because if they have confirmation that she’s sick they might inject her with unknown medication and quarantine her, like at the facility.
But she obediently picks up the thermometer and takes her temperature, reading the small digital numbers aloud afterward with only slight trepidation. “One-hundred-and-one point four.”
It’s at that exact moment that Nari walks into the room, dressed in workout clothes with a sheen of sweat across her face. “Wait, Lili, are you sick?”
“She is,” Quinn answers for her. “One-hundred-one point four temperature.”
“It’s just a c-cold,” she’s quick to insert.
Nari crosses over to her and crouches down next to her chair. “Poor thing. You sound all stuffed up. Don’t you wanna go sit somewhere more comfortable? We can take your cereal and juice into the living room and get you set up on the couch.”
Liliana is quickly becoming overwhelmed by all this attention. “I-I was, I was j-just going to, to go back to my r-room when I finished. I d-don’t want to, to bother anyone…”
“Oh you can go back to your room if you’d rather. I just thought maybe you’d want to be in the living room where you could watch tv or a movie or something if you got bored, and have company if you wanted it. But that’s totally up to you.”
Watching a movie and having company does sound nice. She’s afraid that that will mean they feel like they have to keep checking on her and doing things for her, though. After considering the pros and cons for a moment, though, she finally slowly nods. “O-okay. The couch is, the couch is fine.”
“Cool! I’ll be right back, okay? I’m just gonna go prep the couch for you. I think Alex and Jamil might be in there playing a video game, but we can kick them out if we need to.”
Before Liliana can protest that, Nari is off, disappearing through the doorway.
“Is there anything that I can get for you?” Quinn asks. “I’m going to scramble some eggs for myself, would you like any?”
She looks down at the cereal she’s barely touched. The protein in the eggs would be better for her. And since he’s already making some… “If…if you don’t m-mind?”
“Not at all.” He sets to work cracking the eggs into the skillet he’d already prepared, humming quietly to himself.
It’s Alex who enters next, a frown on his usually jovial face. “Hey, Lil. Nari said you’re sick.”
She tries to smile at him because he doesn’t look right being so serious. “I-I’m okay. You, you don’t have t-to stop playing your game.”
He shrugs. “Well, if it doesn’t bother you, we might keep playing for a while and just keep the volume down. Is it okay if I touch you?”
The question catches her off guard. “Um…y-yes?”
“Alright, here we go!” Before she can blink, he’s scooped her up out of her chair, carrying her out into the hallway like a baby. “I call this the ‘Xtra Xpress’! Get it? ‘Cause my name’s Xtra…?”
Liliana is too busy remembering how to breathe to respond. She hasn’t been carried since she was a tiny kid. And of course she knows that Alex is super strong and her weight is nothing for him, but the surprise of it still blows her away.
They arrive in the living room, where an anime character is paused mid sword swing on the tv and Nari is arranging pillows on the couch. “I hope you don’t mind, Lili, I snuck into your room and grabbed your pillow. I figured that would be the most comfortable for you. And I’ve got it propped up right now so you can eat, but you can take the others away and lie down whenever you want to.”
Alex settles her carefully down onto the cushions. “Thank you for riding the Xtra Xpress, this is our final stop for the tour.”
“Thanks,” she manages to whisper, scooting herself back against the pillows.
Jamil arrives then with an overflowing armload of blankets. “I raided my closet for all the coziest and softest blankets. Just tell me when to stop.” He begins layering them on top of her one by one, stopping to make sure each one is smoothed out and fully covering her.
“That’s, that’s fine, th-thank you.” It’s just a cold. They’re all being so over-the-top nice to her, spending all this time and energy on her and giving her their own things. She wishes she could tell them to stop, but she doesn’t want to be rude and also…
She kind of likes it. It…feels good, to finally have somebody care about her like this again.
“I’m going to go make you some tea,” Nari announces, dropping a box of tissues onto the couch. She knows Liliana likes hot tea and will try most any food or drink, anyway. “I’ll be back. Boys…” She narrows her eyes and points her finger back and forth between Alex and Jamil. “Behave yourselves and let her rest.”
“We will!” Jamil promises.
“Yes, ma’am!” Alex salutes jauntily, then snatches up the video game controller and plops into an armchair.
Jamil settles down onto the floor in front of Liliana’s feet. “You okay with us playing?”
“Mhm.” She nods a little, and he smiles at her.
It’s only a minute later that Quinn leans over the back of the couch with a plate of scrambled eggs. “Here you are. I believe Nari is making you some Baesuk.”
“Thank you. She, she said something about tea.”
She slowly nibbles at the eggs, half-watching the anime character destroy monsters on the screen. Quinn doesn’t cook much, but he makes decent scrambled eggs. They’re hitting the spot much better than the dry cereal.
The plate has been empty for a few minutes when Nari comes back with a steaming mug of tea. “Here you go! It’s got bae - which is Korean pear - black peppercorns, ginger, and honey. It’s great for colds.” Passing over the mug, she whisks the plate off her lap. “Anything else I can get you?”
“N-no, thank you, you’ve…you’ve done plenty. I, I appreciate a-all of this.”
Nari smiles softly. “Of course, jagiya.” It’s a pet name, like ‘honey’, she’d finally learned. “If you need anything, just…kick this guy in the back of the head to get his attention or something,” she laughs, gesturing at Jamil.
“What did I ever do?” he protests, but also gives Liliana a grin over his shoulder to let her know it’s okay.
Nari leaves, and the only sounds in the room are faint music and effects from the video game. Liliana sips at her tea, the heat and honey soothing her sore throat. She gets through about half the mug before she gets too overwhelmingly tired to stay sitting up any longer.
Twisting around, she attempts to set the mug on the end table, catching Jamil’s attention who jumps up to help. Not only does he take the mug, but he also helps her with the pillows once he finds out her goal.
The video game sounds get even quieter as she curls up and closes her eyes, a tissue clutched in her hand.
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imjustagirl247 · 11 days
The next morning, you wake up in Cillian's arms, your body still throbbing from last night's intimate lovemaking. He's still asleep, his black hair falling around his face. You can't help but stare at him, memorizing every detail of his perfect features.Cillian stirs, his eyes fluttering open. He smiles at you, his green eyes warm and loving. "Morning, beautiful," he murmurs, pulling you closer.You blush, snuggling into his embrace. "Morning," you whisper, your voice rough with sleep.Cillian kisses you softly, his lips gentle on yours. You kiss him back, savoring the taste of him, the feel of his arms around you. He's the perfect boyfriend, attentive and loving.Cillian rolls out of bed, grabbing two glasses of orange juice from the nightstand. He hands you one, his eyes never leaving yours. "Come on, let's go get breakfast," he says, his voice warm and inviting.You take a sip of the juice, savoring the sweet taste. Cillian takes your hand, leading you out of the bedroom. You walk hand-in-hand into the kitchen, your heart full of love and happiness.Cillian starts cooking breakfast, his black hair falling around his face. You watch him, your heart swelling with affection. He's so beautiful, so gentle, so loving. You feel so lucky to have him in your life.After breakfast, you and Cillian decide to go for a walk in the park. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and you feel like the world is perfect. Cillian takes your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours."You know," he says, his voice soft, "I've never felt this way about anyone before. You're something special."You blush, your heart pounding. "I feel the same way," you whisper, your voice rough with emotion.Cillian stops walking, pulling you close. He kisses you deeply, his lips soft and gentle. You kiss him back, savoring the taste of him, the feel of his arms around you.When he finally pulls away, you're breathless and dizzy. Cillian smiles, his eyes full of love. "I love you," he says, his voice rough with emotion."I love you too," you whisper, your heart full to bursting.And as you walk hand-in-hand through the park, the world seems brighter, more beautiful. You know that with Cillian by your side, anything is possible.
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bisexual-thoughtss · 2 years
Richmond Avenal x Reader
This took me forever to write, and I’m still not sure I love it, but here you go! My fav lil goth 🖤
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“Scurvy?! And you didn’t tell me!?” You hiss, grabbing Moss by his collar.
“He didn’t tell you either! I’m sorry, please let me go!!” Maurice whines. You groan as you storm out the door, leaving a rumpled Moss in your wake.
After a quick stop at the supermarket, you were at Richmond’s flat, knocking furiously on the door. The door swings open, your fist still in midair. All the anger you’d been feeling left your body as soon as you saw how miserable Richmond looked.
“I knew your eating habits were a bit shit, but scurvy? Why didn’t you tell me?” You ask, pulling the fuzzy blanket he was wearing tighter around his shoulders.
“Didn’t want you to worry,” he sighs, letting you come in and shut the door behind you.
“Well I am worried! I care about you, of course I’m gonna care if you get better. Did you think you could just disappear from work and I wouldn’t notice?” You rambled as you flitted about, putting the soup you’d brought on the stove top to warm and searching through the cabinets.
“No one else would’ve,” he mumbles as you turn to give him the thermometer you’d found to take his temperature.
“Oh, Richmond,” you sigh, pulling him into a tight hug. He stiffens for a moment before relaxing into you, his blanket covered arms enveloping you like a pair of fluffy bat wings.
“Now c’mon, we’ve got to get you better,” you insist, handing him the thermometer. He puts it in his mouth, looking like a petulant child and making you giggle. You usher him towards the couch to sit while you gather up the rest of your supplies you’d brought. You hand him painkillers and two vitamin c tablets with a glass of orange juice in exchange for the thermometer. Your nose wrinkles at the number that’s displayed before you set it down.
“You gotta take off the blanket, you’re too hot,” you tell him, trying to gently pry it away from him. You have a brief tug of war before a particularly sharp tug has you tumbling into his lap.
“Oh sorry,” the sly smile tells you he’s not really sorry at all. You huff as you get up and yank the blanket away from him before handing him the warm bowl of vegetable soup.
“M’cold,” he whines, pouting at you as a shiver wracks his frame.
“You’ve got a fever, I’m sorry. The soup will make you feel better,” you encourage, smiling as he finally sips at it. You flip on the telly as he eats, flipping through channels absentmindedly until he sets the bowl down. “Still cold,” he shivers, looking so pitiful you couldn’t be mad anymore.
“C’mere,” you hold your arms open for him, smiling as he scoots into the space between you and the couch, resting his head on your chest.
“Why don’t you get some rest,” you murmur, carding your fingers through his hair gently as he snuggles closer to you and wraps his arm around your waist. If he was a cat, you suspect he would be purring right now. You continue scratching his scalp lightly until he’s fallen asleep.
“Can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t notice you were gone, obviously you haven’t noticed that I’m in love with you, you muppet,” you whisper, curling the ends of his hair between your fingers.
“Really?” His head shoots up, making you gasp.
“I thought you were asleep,” you mumble, your heart pounding from the scare. His eyes search your face for a moment before he swoops in to kiss you. His hand cradles the nape of your neck gently as you melt into the kiss.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he laughs as you pull apart. You kiss him again, eventually having to separate as you’re both smiling too much to properly keep going.
“You really do need to get some rest,” you giggle as he tries to continue, making him whine.
“Alright,” he huffs, laying back down on you.
“I really do love you,” you smile, pressing a kiss to his still too warm forehead.
“I love you, too,” he answers, snuggling deeper into your chest, making you laugh.
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serenity-lattes · 3 years
hi :)) it's me again. you probably have a ton of requests but I'm back because I'm feeling festive today!! in honor of my birthday, could you possibly write a blurb or oneshot (up to you!!) of emily x male reader and he's not excited for his birthday so she makes sure he has the best day??
CJ, darling, don’t you worry. An adorable birthday fic? For you? Absolutely. :) I hope you have the best day, my friend! <3
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Happy Birthday to You
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Male!Reader
Warnings: none. pure, unadulterated *fluff*
Word Count: 1081
A/N: Isn’t this gif of her just absolutely GORGEOUS?? Also, I was vaguely reminded of the song 30/90 written by Jonathan Larson, so I miiight have snuck a few lines of that in there. 
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The first thing that he noticed when he woke up was the lack of warmth beside him, which isn’t totally uncommon because Emily usually is up before him anyway. The next thing noticed was the calendar hanging on the wall with today’s date circled in red.
“No,” he groaned, pulling the blankets over his head, as if that would prevent the day from happening. He had no particular vendetta against his birthday, he just wasn’t overly excited about it after he grew up.
Within moments, he heard the soft sounds of socked feet making their way down the hallway, which would answer the question of where Emily was.
“Happy birthday,” she sang, carefully carrying in a tray of breakfast, “Now move the blanket so you can eat, I made your favorite. And! I didn’t burn it this time.”
He smiled, unable to keep a frown on his face when she was being so sweet, “Feels much more like doomsday,” he joked, sitting up to make room for her to sit down beside him.
“Can’t you be optimistic?” she winced, setting the tray down on his lap before playfully nudging his arm, snuggling into his side. With her being out on cases so often, there weren’t many mornings that they could do this. So of course, she was going to make the best of this day, his birthday or not.
“Who cares about a birthday at this age?” he chuckled, pressing a kiss to her temple, offering her a sip of the orange juice that she had so thoughtfully included on the tray of breakfast. She really did go all out this morning, which was incredibly nice.
Emily rolled her eyes, taking a sip of juice, “Okay, it doesn’t have to be a birthday. It can the anniversary of your triumphant escape from the womb. Ooh, or Y/N appreciation day. Or just another day I get to love on you a bit extra.” He snorted, taking a bite of his breakfast, impressed because it was actually not burned. A rare feat for one Emily Prentiss. “And as part of Y/N appreciation day, when you’re done eating, you need to get dressed because I have plans for you.”
“I knew there was catch,” he muttered around the bite of his food, ignoring Emily’s goading grin.
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“Hey, chocolate thunder, boy genius, I need you both to hang up this banner for Y/N. Emily specifically said to make it look festive, yet nice, so make sure it’s even,” Penelope handed over the material to Spencer, going through her very extensive checklist to make this party perfect. Emily had jumped through hoops to get all the decorations delivered to Penelope, so as to not make Y/N suspicious. This was a surprise party, after all.
JJ was making herself busy by arranging the games, food table, and gift table. Emily didn’t usually do much for Y/N’s birthday, as per his wishes, so this year must have been extra special, and everyone was happy to help.
“Oh, oh,” Penelope gasped, shaking her pen at the men hanging the banner, “make like jumping beans and hurry up. Emily just texted that they’re here!”
When Emily pulled up to the FBI headquarters, she had to bite back a smirk as Y/N was giving her the are-you-effing-kidding-me look.
“Emily, my darling, the love of my life, why are we here?” he said as they exited the car and began their walk inside. The last thing he wanted to think about was Emily going to work, let alone being surrounded by all the BAU’s cases.
“I have to pick up something from Penelope, calm down,” she waved a dismissive hand, showing her badge to the guards at the door. Y/N was practically sulking behind her, which was going to make his little upcoming surprise all the more pleasant.
Emily led him through the various corridors in the building to get to the conference room. She knocked twice, their previously discussed signal to alert the team that she was here with Y/N. When she opened the door, the lights were off, which was perfect. She stepped inside, calling in Y/N behind her while she turned on the lights.
The team jumped out from various spots of the room, yelling out “surprise” or “happy birthday!” There was a large banner that read out: happy birthday, a feast of treats, a table with a mountain of gifts, and an array of games to play. Penelope came around and placed a birthday cake shaped hat on his head with the brightest grin tugging at her lips. Y/N just looked at Emily, eyes flickering between her and her team members with an incredulous expression.
“You…you did all this for me?” he asked quietly. Emily nodded tentatively, unsure if he was upset, but when he pulled her into a near bone-crushing hug, her worries dissipated. “Thank you.”
“I wanted you to have a fun celebration for once, not that dinner and a movie isn’t fun,” she murmured, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“It’s perfect, except for this stupid hat,” he whispered, not wanting Penelope to hear. She cared a lot about her team and their loved ones, so he wasn’t about to be rude. Emily laughed, pulling away from the hug, gesturing for the celebration to begin.
“Let’s party!” Derek called out, clapping a hand down onto Y/N’s back, pulling him over to the birthday cake.
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When the couple returned home, they were rightfully exhausted, leaving the gifts in the back of the car to be brought inside in the morning. Before Emily could make it much further than the threshold, Y/N was pulling her into a hug.
“I know I already said thank you there, but I don’t think you understand how much today meant to me. You went above and beyond… which is more than most people would do for me. I really had the best day with you, and I hope you know how much I appreciate you and all you ever do,” he murmured, holding her firmly in his embrace.
“I love you so much, Y/N, more than I thought I could love anyone. I just wanted you to have the perfect day because you always do so much for me and you too deserve to be spoiled every once in a while,” Emily, played with the hair on the nape of his neck, perfectly content with where she was.
“I love you,” he responded, ducking his head down to kiss her gently.
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scullyverse · 2 years
This was written purely because I needed some fluffy respite from some other things I’ve been writing. I hope you all enjoy!
And for all my msr fans, I’m sorry that it’s another Stella/Scully fic….I just also needed a break from the very heterosexual smut fics I’ve been writing 😂 and these two are my weakness.
This is unbeta’d, so all mistakes are on me.
Also available to read on AO3
Completely AU. Stella and Dana enjoy a peaceful picnic in the park.
Stella/Scully || Fluff || 1.3k words || Rating G
“Why don’t we do this more often?”
Stella’s question stirs Dana from her quiet reverence of the rare, pleasant weather — considering they are smack bang in the middle of autumn in London.
Dana hums and allows her eyes to flutter shut, head snuggling further into Stella’s lap, the detective’s delicate fingers brushing through her hair.
At times like this she’s glad she grew her hair out.
“I think you should ask your miserable London weather about that,” Dana replies with a cheeky smile creeping onto her lips.
“It’s your miserable London weather too, darling,” Stella looks down at her wife laid out on their picnic blanket, a quirk to her brow.
Dana opens an eye and squints, managing to catch the amusement on Stella’s face through the sharp rays of sunshine radiating behind her head; marveling at the angelic halo it creates — highlighting soft blonde curls and revealing the few stray hairs rippling in the slight autumn breeze.
They haven’t had the time or energy to make many plans just for themselves lately. So when the sun broke through their bedroom curtains and the uncharacteristic warmth overtook them, a picnic in the park sounded like perfection.
After a few hastily purchased snacks from the local supermarket and the blanket from their car, they now made themselves comfortable on a grassy hill; the small shade of a growing elm tree providing just the right touch of reprieve from the sun.
“I’ve missed this,” Dana sighs contently, looking up to watch Stella sip on her bottle of orange juice, fingers still playing in her hair.
“I have too,” Stella allows her fingers to move down to Dana’s cheek, her thumb brushing over it softly.
“But, we’ve had other things to focus on.”
Dana smiles.
A true, pure , smile that radiates from her lips into a glistening twinkle to her eyes. 
There’s a warmth blossoming in her chest at the proud look on Stella’s face as she looks down at her; like she’s the most treasured thing to ever exist.
And up until now, she was sure that she alone held that place in Stella’s heart.
Now, she has to share that pedestal.
A soft cry — delicate and squeaky — makes Dana turn her head towards the bundle of pink fluffy blankets starting to stir. Her heart melts and her nipples tingle at the sound of their daughter — only a few months old — seeking the comfort of her mothers. That and rooting around to fulfil her hungry stomach.
“It’s okay, baby, you’re okay,” Dana coos, getting up onto her knees — with more effort than she would express — to gather their baby into her arms.
The little cotton bunny ears of her beanie hit Dana’s chest as their daughter instinctively searches her chest with an arched mouth, seeking, as tiny fingers clench and unclench against Dana’s skin.
“I was hoping she might have slept a little longer,” Dana settles down at Stella’s side — her wife nuzzling up to her so she can run a fingertip lovingly up and down the arch of her daughter's nose. “I didn’t bring her feeding blanket.”
Dana’s cheeks blush with a looming anxiety as she looks around the crowded park; filled with young families, couples, and office workers using their lunch break to relax in the sun. Her anxiety only grows when their daughter cries in frustration; her cheeks growing red as her nose scrunches up under Stella’s finger.
“I have my cardigan if that will help?”
Stella reaches for her loosely knitted jacket, giving it to Dana who nods — a visible relaxation to her shoulders.
Stella watches both of them — captivated in an awe that hasn’t quite left her since their daughter was born — and can’t help but place a kiss to Dana’s lips.
Dana startles in pleasant surprise before smiling into the kiss. It’s quick, but no less thoughtful.
The baby cries again — growing louder with her frustration — her thick eyelashes wetting with unshed tears.
“Shh, my love,” Stella brushes the baby’s nose again.
Dana juggles the squirming weight in her arms as she adjusts her shirt to reveal her breast, their daughter quick to latch on and gurgle between sobbing hiccups against her skin.
Stella places her cardigan over Dana’s shoulder to shield her wife’s modesty and allow their daughter to enjoy her lunch in peace.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this feeling,” Dana squirms, one of her eyes scrunching at a particularly rough tug at her nipple.
"Feels different to when I suck your tits, then?” Stella jokes, taking another drink and smirking around the rim.
“Very ,” Dana rolls her eyes, nudging Stella gently with her shoulder, her free hand resting lovingly on Stella’s thigh. “And please, never compare the two again.”
Stella chuckles, her fingers intertwining with Dana’s on her thigh.
“I suppose I can restrain myself in the future,” Stella promises with a kiss to Dana’s chubby cheek — her baby weight still lingering stubbornly, much to Stella’s adoration.
“Good,” Dana leans into her kiss before stealing a playful look — one loaded with promised desires. “Otherwise, I’ll have to punish you.”
Stella grins — outright grins — at the idea with an appreciative rumble in her throat.
Dana still needs time to heal; her labor became more complicated than first expected, but that — so far — hasn’t stopped them from doing other things.
Those other things often left Stella breathless and utterly satisfied…But it did leave Stella with a guilty niggle whenever she saw the flush of obvious arousal to Dana’s cheek — knowing that, for now, things couldn’t be reciprocated.
“Hold onto that thought until you’re ready,” Stella kisses her again, this time with a promise to the corner of her mouth. “And when I can ravish you in return.”
Dana sighs with a smile and adjusts the baby in her arms, switching her to her other breast with a growing skill as Stella helps to fix her shirt. As their daughter resumes her feeding — this time with a little less enthusiasm now she’s getting full — Dana sags into Stella’s embrace, resting her head on Stella’s shoulder.
They sit like that; basking in the warmth of the sun, until Dana notices the consistent suckle to her nipple has ceased.
“Can you take her while I fix myself?”
Stella nods, of course, and carefully takes the heavy weight of their daughter into her arms. She’s out like a light, eyes closed with her lips parted ever so slightly. 
Stella takes in every minute feature; the rosy blush to her cheeks, the slightest brush of freckles on her button nose — which is curved just like her mothers — and the butter soft strawberry blonde hair peeking out from underneath her bunny beanie.
Her fingertip traces the curve of her nose again before kissing her forehead with a deep inhale.
The baby sighs deeply in her sleep at the familiar touch.
“God, she loves you,” Dana admits, her eyes as soft and loving as her forehead. “She never settles that quickly for me. You’ve got the magic touch.”
“Perhaps,” Stella ponders as she pulls the baby closer for a sneaky cuddle before putting her back into her travel carrier, being gentle as to not wake her. “But she’ll always be a mommy’s girl.”
“We’ll see,” Dana settles against Stella again — not quite ready to leave the peaceful spot they’ve claimed for the moment. Dana plays with the diamond around Stella’s ring finger. “I think our little Ellie is going to be the biggest mama’s girl in the world. I have my suspicion she’s gonna be your little shadow.”
Stella looks down at Dana, the redhead marveling about how completely, how utterly, content she looks at that very moment — how happy she is, for the first time in so long.
“I couldn’t think of anything I’d love more.”
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