#so I’m like luring them into a false sense of security just to start telling them about hit mmorpg final fantasy XIV
boneless-mika · 1 year
Allistics when they meet a hotheaded autistic person: :o
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villain-enthusiast · 7 months
Hi Hello!! Would you please continue the snippet of villain finding hero dying? A lot of whump and caretaking would be great! (By the way.. just wanted to say this...I love your work!!)
so glad u enjoyed! hope this is also to your liking ☺️
part one
The hero came to with a start.
They shifted, groaning as their stiff muscles and joints ached. But they noticed that their body was comfortable, sinking into a soft mattress and swaddled in thick blankets—
Wait, what?
They blinked several times as fragmented memories flashed through their head, The blinding pain of the stab wound. Their broken comms. Blood, too much blood. They were going to die without help…
The villain. The villain finding them in the alleyway, gathering them up in their arms—
“You’re awake.”
The hero jolted, head whipping to the bedside, where the villain had apparently stood up from the chair behind them.
How long had they been waiting there?
They moved to prop themselves up, but the villain’s hands were immediately on their shoulders, gently urging them back down onto the stupidly comfortable bed.
“Don’t move too much. You’ll break the stitches,” the villain warned. They pulled the blanket covering the hero’s torso away to examine the bandages wrapped around their side.
It was then the hero realized that they had been scrubbed clean and given a new pair of sweatpants, every cut and scratch from their recent altercation carefully dressed.
Their eyes met the villain’s in silent questioning.
You did all this for me?
“I swear I didn’t look,” the villain blurted suddenly. “When I was bathing and changing you. I didn’t—.” They cut themselves off awkwardly, cheeks a little pink.
Oh, that’s not… Despite themselves, the hero smiled, or what they could attempt as a smile. Their jaw was incredibly sore from being socked twice in one day.
They opened their mouth to speak, to tell the villain that it was fine and that what they really meant was thank you—
The villain shushed them. “You have some bruising on your neck. It’ll hurt to talk. You should just rest.”
The hero scowled at them. “I—,” they attempted, and immediately regretted their choice as their swollen throat flared up.
The villain gave them a "told you so" look, and the hero leveled another glare at them.
It suddenly occurred to the hero how helpless they were. Can't move, can't speak. If the villain wanted to kill them, now would be the chance. Luring them into a false sense of security, giving them one last taste of comfort before—
“I just saved your fucking life. Stop looking at me like that.”
The hero frowned. Like what? they mouthed.
“Like you think I’m gonna kill you or something. I can be a half-decent person sometimes, y’know," the villain said. Their expression softened. “I’m not a monster.”
The villain's gaze flickered with something the hero couldn't quite place as they watched each other in comfortable silence. It was an understanding, in that moment, that the villain was not going to kill them, and that they had meant everything they said and more.
I couldn’t just leave you to die in that alleyway.
The villain sighed and turned to leave the room. Panic shot through the hero—they needed to say something to the villain, damn their throat—and before they could think twice about it, they reached out and took the villain’s hand in their own. Rough calluses from what was likely decades of training scraped against their palm.
The villain stared at them, but they didn’t pull away. Their fingers wrapped gently around the hero’s, cautious. Expectant.
“Thank you,” the hero croaked, “for saving me.”
The villain was silent for several heartbeats, watching the hero with those dark—so beautifully dark—eyes.
They took a breath, as if readying themselves for whatever they were going to say. “You mean too much to me," they finally said, voice low. "I'm not ready to let you go." Their hand lingered on the hero's, as if to seal their statement, to make a promise and keep it.
Then they released their hold, and the hero wished they could tell them to stay—that they wanted them to stay—but the villain was already closing the door behind them, and fatigue overtook them before they could process anything else.
When the hero awoke the next morning, the villain was nowhere to be found. But in the chair by their bedside, they found a fresh set of clothes, a cup of water, and a note:
Be back soon. - Villain
And though their jaw still ached, the hero smiled, fully and wholly.
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I'm never going to write this Au, but it lives in my head so...
Lord Vile: slams books down in front of Valkyrie Lord Vile: Boil up some Mountain Dew. It’s gonna be a long night. Valkyrie: You could of said literally anything else. Lord Vile: Cauldron boil and cauldron bubble, Baja Blast to fuel my trouble. Valkyrie: I’m going to just stop challenging you when you say random shit. I won’t win. I realize this.
Lord Vile: Truth or dare? Valkyrie: Truth. Lord Vile: How many hours have you slept this week? Valkyrie: Valkyrie: Dare. Lord Vile: Go to sleep. Valkyrie: I don't like this game.
Lord Vile: I refuse to apologize for being weird or off-putting. That’s actually your problem. I’m having a fantastic time!
Valkyrie: I want a bf. Lord Vile: Do you mean best friend, boyfriend or bread feast? Because you’re being really vague here.
Valkyrie: What if Cinderella was a baking slave instead of a cleaning slave, and her name was Mozzarella? Lord Vile: Don't ever speak to me again.
Valkyrie: Look, I know we don’t always see eye to eye but— Lord Vile: Thats because your too short to do so. Valkyrie: …Listen here you fucking—
Lord Vile, talking to Valkyrie: They're trying to lure me into a false sense of security! Well, joke’s on them! I’ve never been secure in my life! And I’m not about to start now!
Valkyrie: Hey, wanna hear a funny joke? Lord Vile: I only like dark humor. Valkyrie, turning the lights off: What do you call a fake noodle? Lord Vile: Valkyrie: An IMPASTA!
Valkyrie: honk. Lord Vile: WHAT. Valkyrie: HONK. Lord Vile: WHAT DOES HONK MEAN THIS TIME YOU WHIMSICAL PIECE OF SHIT?????
Valkyrie: You know, Lord Vile, when you generalize, you tell general… lies. Lord Vile: … Lord Vile: Are you trying to teach me moral lessons through puns.
Valkyrie: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
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r0achezz · 1 year
DAY 1: "I've got you"
The chain is very, very bored. If you can’t tell.
Everybody is either draped over each other, or sitting down and staring at the sky. Well, the younger of the group were piled up like dolls, Time, twilight, warriors and sky were all chatting as if nothing was wrong.
“ AgH!” Wind throws his hands up, pushing himself off of a Four who was currently face first in the grass, letting out a muffled ‘oomph’, “what do we do ?” The teen huffs, looking towards Time.
“Don’t look at me, maybe you should just enjoy the sounds of nature, boredom makes way for ideas.” Time said.
No it doesn’t.
“Maybe we could go treasure hunt-“ Wild jumps off, boosting himself off of poor four.
“ No! No no no no, Legend already has a bad enough hoarding problem, and you’re almost as bad as him!” Warriors spoke up.
“That’s not true and you know it!” Legend jumped up, flinging four, who was draped across his stomach, finally drifting off, onto a cozy Hyrule with a yelp.
“Oh!” Twilight snaps his fingers, “let’s play a game!” He grins, he knows how to deal with bored children. The younger half of the chain was probably just the same!
“Treasure hunting is a game-“ Wild started to suggest.
“No- no treasure hunting.”
“Buzzkill.” They hiss.
“Anyways, what game? Tag? Catch? Maybe hot and cold? OH-“ wind started throwing every game he could think of out into the metaphorical table.
“Ah- how about hide and go seek? We should all know that one right?” Sky suggested.
“Hide and go seek?” Hyrule jumped up,Four rolling off, at this point he didn’t even care, getting up and sitting beside hyrule.
“So who’s it then?” Four rubbed his eyes, looking at the rest.
Time grinned, “I could.” The one eyed man raised up his hand lazily, followed by terrified eyes of the rest.
“What no! You find everybody in the span of two nanoseconds!” Wind exclaimed, throwing his hands up once again.
“Come on, don’t give me that much credit! I’m mediocre at best.” Time tried.
“Don’t you even dare joke about that.” Legend narrowed his eyes at the older.
August was not a great time for hide and go seek.
“Really guys? Really?” He raised an eyebrow.
“How about Wild instead?” Sky pointed out.
“What- actually, okay yeah, I think we’ll actually survive 20 seconds with Wild.” Wind sighed in relief 
Said Wild had snuck off for treasure hunting.
“2…1.. ready or not here I come!” Time said in a sing-song voice, he already knew where everybody had tucked themselves, how exactly?
A magician never reveals his secrets, as they say.
The small woods were peacefully silent, save for the squirrels and bird chitter of course, the the occasional rustle of leaves from a deer. He would just go grab everybody immediately of course.
But where’s the fun in that?
Besides, it’d lure them into a false sense of security before scaring their socks off, yes?
He walked around, whistling a random tune that’s been stuck in his head for a few days, eyeing the rock where Legend and Hyrule has crammed themselves behind, probably beside the piles of fallen autumn leaves from what it looks like.
Slowly, he made it sound as if he was walking away, walking in place and whistling softer, softer.
“Hyrule, get off of me!” Legend whisper-yelled.
“Agh! by Hylia I’m not even on you!”
“Yes you are!”
“It’s literally an arm.” Hyrule deadpanned.
“Move your arms then it’s like you’re trying to break my rib cage with it.” Legen dramatized.
“There’s not enough room for that!”
Slowly, he reached into his back, slipping on the stone mask, walking ever so carefully to the two quietly bickering heroes.
At once, he climbed in the rock, above them, and yanked off the mask.
“I’ve got you!”
Legend proceeded to produce a shriek that sounded awfully close to Malon when she sees a spider in the shower.
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snoozingredpanda · 9 months
I don’t really do request but I love lockie so much 🩷🥹 how about some headcannons of a nurse y/n in the force, one that’s half her height but twice the dominance (my fav trope)?
also is lockie only for girls or is she for everyone?
Ooh I love that trope too! And no, all my lesbian characters aren’t just for girls, they’re for anyone who doesn’t identify as male. I simply put fem!reader as GN implies male too, but anyone is welcome to read :)
Also I did an oopsie. I forgot you asked for general headcannons of this trope, and instead did a random scenario of them getting together, only realising as I’m editing 😭 I promise you I’ll write general headcannons to the trope soon, I’m so sorry! I’ll probably do NSFW headcannons in that too, just as an extra sorry and for my own enjoyment.
Soft Spot — Lockie Richards
Warnings: injuries (blood, infection), anxiety, awkward Lockie, yandere themes
• Lockie sits rigid in her seat, nursing her hand protectively. Her eyes are wide, darting around with uncertainty and terror. People bustle around her, wheeling trolleys and carrying boxes. The woman’s out of her comfort zone, like a fish out of water.
• Lockie had never liked hospitals, but ever since she spent months recovering in one, she had started to loathe them. That’s why it took her so long to come here, to the base’s own hospital wing, a large room filled with beds sectioned off by curtains. She’s currently waiting for a nurse to fetch her for a free bed.
• She’s sweating and her head hurts. She’d had a terrible fever, and she felt sick. That wasn’t even the issue that she’d come here — her hand was.
• “Miss Richards?” A woman in her forties calls her, and she shakily stands up. She feels so weak, so exposed and vulnerable. She hobbles along after the woman, who shows her a bed and tells her to get comfortable.
• Lockie lays down and closes her eyes. She almost falls asleep, until she hears the curtain being pulled open and a trolley of medical supplies being wheeled in. She opens her eyes and almost screams.
• Her nurse was you. You. You! Of all people, why you?
• She stares at you in horror, and all you can do is grin. You’d gained a reputation for being very confrontational and hard-working, despite your small size. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, you lured people into a false sense of security, only to eat them up for dinner. People like Lockie were terrified of people like you. You were completely unreadable, completely unpredictable.
• And Lockie was completely and utterly obsessed with you. She was a fiend, following you home and watching you in the streets. You were addictive, her brain trying to figure you out. You were so small, yet so domineering. Lockie’s perfect woman. She loved you so much, yet it was from a distance. She never said hello to you, or even acknowledged you. She didn’t want to risk loosing you, even if it means never having you.
• “Let me see your hand, love,” you say in your smooth voice, sitting on the edge of her bed. She swallows thickly, cheeks turning bright red as she shakily moves her hand so you can access it.
• You unwrap the sloppily-applied bandages and frown, staring at her injury. Her whole hand was swollen, a deep, disgusting, oozing laceration across her palm. It was very infected, and dirty, as if she’d been making mud pies in her free time.
• “How on earth did it get this bad?” You ask, looking at her with a confused look.
• Lockie looks down, ashamed. She never liked to admit when she was hurt. A cut was a cut to her, they never mattered… until sepsis comes into the picture.
• You sigh, before starting to clean it. You instruct her to slowly drink some water, as she was dehydrated, and that she’d been hooked up soon to help with that.
• She’s surprised by how gentle you are. Despite your personality, you’re so soft with your movements, making sure to not hurt her as you clean and apply antibacterial cream. You tell her that she’ll be here for a while, and that you need to monitor her due to the infection, and eventually stitch up the wound when it was gone.
• Lockie doesn’t say a word, just nodding to everything you say. You can’t help but smile at how shy and quiet she was, she was adorable in her own way.
• Over the days she can head you barking orders to people, and it makes her heart flutter when she realises that you’re gentle with only her. The man next door to her got a stern talking to for simply adjusting his position during treatment, and yet you never raised your voice around her.
• Most likely, you’d heard about her condition and chosen to stay nice and quiet to not trigger her anxiety, but Lockie chose to believe you had a soft spot for her. It helped her through these few days, and by the fourth day, you numbed her hand and stitched it up before bandaging it.
• She was ready to leave now. She felt empty as she shuffled towards the exit. Even though she was finally leaving the place she hated most, she didn’t want to leave you. She finally had spent some time with you, and you were even more amazing than she thought.
• “Hey, wait!” She turns around to look at you. “Here! Call me.” You wink and run back into the hospital, leaving Lockie staring at a piece of paper with your phone number on it, a deep blush on her cheeks, her whole body trembling. Thank god you had the gall to ask, as Lockie would have never plucked up the courage.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: “Droids In Distress”
Wacky droid hijinks and nostalgia abound, let’s get into it.
Now, this is an episode that for a different show would have been used as the pilot.  It’s got all the earmarks of a weekly serial testing out its tone and character dynamics, while acting with confidence like those are already established.
Note that this isn’t a bad thing.  It reminds me most of Teen Titans’s early Season One, there’s a certain kind of charm and innocence and an earnest attempt at convincing you, “Don’t worry, this will be a FUN show! :D”
Frankly starting off lighter eases you better into the world and characters so when things do get more serious and dramatic later you’re more invested because you’ve had more time to get endeared to the characters.
See also, Star Trek: Lower Decks, which had the audacity to end its Season Two on a cliffhanger, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY SILLY COMFORT SHOW, YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE STAKES!
Anyway we open rather appropriately In Media Res with the notes of the TIE Fighter Attack track from A New Hope, which auditorily puts us right into that OT headspace. :)
Once again the tight writing very quickly establishes the situation: The Ghost is on the run from the Empire, in need of cash flow and supplies, they have to occasionally run weapons for someone shady, Ezra is Force Sensitive, and--perhaps most importantly for the later story arc--Kanan has been avoiding training him.
Boy I miss concise exposition like this.  So much story is already set up in some densely-worded dialogue.  (Not just Kanan’s reluctance to teach Ezra but also Zeb’s misgivings with working for Vizago given the uncertain nature of the weapons he deals in.)
Also don’t think I missed Ezra being most concerned with the fact that they are running out of food.
RIGHT SO I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW GIDDY I WAS THE FIRST TIME I WATCHED THIS BECAUSE ICKLE MINI TARI LOVED THE STAR TOURS RIDE AT DISNEYWORLD.  Seriously it was one of my top favorites.  Never rode the updated version (haven’t been back to DW in years) but the classic version was iconic for me.
And this is a cameo/Easter Egg that actually works in context because you don’t need to know anything about this droid pilot, he works organically in the story as he is without any background knowledge required.
Unlike many of the other cameos we could name in certain other Star Wars shows *COUGH*.
Threepio and Artoo on the flipside... Okay, I’m not quite sure how to articulate that it still works better than in aforementioned other shows but it does.  Again Imma chalk it up to, they just fit more organically into the plot and around these characters and also advance the bigger plot by introducing a thread that suggests the crew is going to be connected to the larger Rebellion, which pays off this Season Finale... instead of being a sideshow diversion disconnected from the main characters that may or may not make another appearance down the line sometime.  Maybe.
Side note of appreciation for Chopper gleefully taking right to his role of Public Nuisance Annoying Everyone (But Especially Ezra).  I don’t think there was much acting involved for either of them lol.
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Still love how bouncy and dynamic the character animation was these early episodes.
Has that fun kid-friendly feel that lures you into a false sense of security lol.
Our first hint at Sabine’s backstory, cleverly hidden as part of her cover story.
I kinda like that Garel is close enough to Lothal that a very small shuttle is able to just ferry people back and forth in like twenty minutes.
Lol Zeb whapping Sabine because she’s laying it on too much.
One of the nice things about having low-stakes plots in the beginning is it allows room for lovely little breathing scenes like this one with Ezra leaping across the rooftops.  It’s not plot necessary, we could have easily just cut to him arriving at the other hanger, but it’s just... pleasant.
There’s some nice mood music (a very slowed down mellow Main Titles theme), some very mild action, and we feel a satisfied little thrill along with Ezra seeing just what he’s capable of already just knowing that he’s Force Sensitive.  This is the first time he’s consciously tapped into the Force and it’s just a little bit exciting.
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Just look at his face gkjhgkjh I’m so proud of him and all he did was some parkour.
Subtle animation detail appreciation: Zeb visibly shudders backing away from the crates.
I love Threepio throwing some indignant shade Sabine’s way with his “[...] if she is an amateur.” line.
We know Zeb is the muscle  of the group, that’s already established, but it’s still obvious in the voice acting and Zeb’s intense tossing of the Stormtroopers that he’s more agitated than normal.
Threepio being oblivious and fussy as per usual.
Please enjoy the Fridge Horror of knowing that the Empire was planning to mass-produce T7 ion disruptors and probably not for their starship-crippling properties. :)
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Ezra immediately backing off the hostility once he knows why Zeb’s upset. <333  He’s such an empath I love him.
See this is why I don’t understand people who hate Ezra.  Was he a little bratty this episode?  Sure, but also see how he lets that drop out of compassion once he understands the situation.
Also Ahsoka came onto the stage waaaaaaaaay brattier and a smug know-it-all to boot, just admit y’all hate the kid-appeal characters and refuse to let them be stupid and dumb in order to have some character growth.
Hera’s frustration when she hears that Kanan hasn’t been training Ezra. <333
Lol and love how there’s an immediate follow-up in the next scene.  I want to see the beginning of that conversation.
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Pryce gets name-dropped here for the first time.  Predictably Threepio is making a muck of things.  See, this is why no one tells you anything or trusts you with the mission Threepio.
Ezra has clearly dealt with underworld figures like Vizago before lol.
I do wonder if all of this is just a massive Batman Gambit by Artoo, because he seems to be completely unfazed by anything that’s happening.
The AT-DPs get quite a bit of focus in this series and I think their ubiquitous presence in the first season preps us mentally for the heavy upgrade that is the AT-ATs.
Love this shot tracking Hera as she shoots at the AT-DP, very frenetic with the blocking and the camera movements.
The duel between Kallus and Zeb is honestly better than some of the lightsaber fights don’t @ me you know it’s true.
This music cue when they launch the disruptors is a unique one, particular to only this moment I think, but I like it.
Aaaaaaand the first of many times Kallus gets yeeted with the Force.  Lol.
See Sequel Trilogy, this is the general powerset of someone who only just learned they were Force Sensitive and hasn’t had any training. /salt
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Kanan seems very surprised and amazed by what Ezra can already do without any formal guidance.  This’ll play into his insecurities later, his whole thing about how Ezra’s powers are growing faster than he can teach.
I think it’s safe to assume Ezra had a lot of latent natural talent that he’d been unconsciously using this whole time that just needed a tiny push to begin manifesting in earnest.
Again, though, Sequel Trilogy, all we unlock is basic shit like Force Sense, Force Jump, and Force Push.
Not surprising Kanan went to fetch Zeb, he’s about the only one even close to Zeb’s height lol.
Kanan looks so proud of Ezra, aww.
More lovely work with the subtle expressions; Kanan’s smile fades and his eyes drop a bit.  Like he realizes, “Oh boy, now I gotta face all my inadequacies and problems.”  Love it.  Love that it’s episode two and we’ve already established so many of the upcoming character arcs.
Hi Bail!
Luke’s theme closing us out once again, apropos given where we are and who we’re with.
For our first “official” non-pilot episode, this is a solid entry.  As I said, establishes a whole bunch about the characters and their relationship dynamics and upcoming arcs and plot points.  It’s also very fun, sets the general early tone of “Adventure and excitement but not too much... yet.” and the animation continues to impress in small ways, mostly the dynamic shot choices, camera angles and movements and the subtlety of emotion displayed on faces.
Coming back to this one always just leaves me with a warm feeling like, “Aahhh yes, back when everything was innocent.”  It definitely plays up the nostalgic feeling of the OT, which was always one of Rebels’ strengths as a show.
Next time, one of the many “filler” episodes that come back in an important and unexpected way in the finale.  You’d think, given the number of Avatar: The Last Airbender alums on the project, fandom would know better than to discount the seemingly light-hearted low-stakes disconnected episodes. XD
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emlovesstates · 1 year
Let's do this
New, York,, texting Colorado: Hey do you like anyone? Colorado: Yeah you New, York,: Oh, I'm sorry we're just friends Colorado: *Yeah, you? Colorado: Oh haha sorry lol New, York,: *dies inside*
New, York,: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us. Colorado: If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
New, York,: Colorado and I are no longer friends. Colorado: NEW, YORK, THAT IS THE WORST WAY TO TELL PEOPLE THAT WE'RE DATING! —————
Colorado: How do I tell New, York, that I want them to yell at me like they're Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
Colorado: You got a date yet New, York,? New, York,: No... Colorado: Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand! ———-
New, York,: We should be partners. Colorado: You mean like, partners in crime? New, York,: Yeah... that's precisely what I meant
New York: I have a problem.
Colorado: Kill it.
New York: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
New York: So... what’s goin’ on?
Colorado: You want the long version or the short version?
New York, hesitantly: The short one, I guess?
Colorado: Shit’s fucked.
New York: Oh. Well, yeah, that’s definitely not an optimal situation.
Colorado, talking to New York: They're trying to lure me into a false sense of security! Well, joke’s on them! I’ve never been secure in my life! And I’m not about to start now!
Colorado: That's not funny.
New York: I thought it was funny.
Colorado: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on Facebook.
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
crimson rivers thoughts (16)
@tastetherainbow290 this was genuinely terrifying to read
chapter 38
REGINALD 😭 marlene you menace
pocket sized sirius i love marlene
marlene telling james about dorcas 
mcgonagall is tatted i love that for her
huey just trying to be nice and then regulus just being regulus 😧
"Poor Huey is having a really bad night," 😭😭
"Yes. I recognize it, because I, too, have had intentions to get in your pants.” oh james
“shiny topics” is james a niffler 
STOP TALKING ABOUT SWAPPING SPIT mono is making me bitter about this
🎶ooooooh shut up and dance with me🎶
barty mention
voldy 😧
dorcas pov <3
dumbledore mention booo
i’m scared for when the war starts
dorcas trying to keep marlene safe
🎶i almost doooooo🎶
“Yeah, but it's not like I want you any less when I'm sober." ahhhhhhh
oh no they’re fighting now
“Dorcas wants to give her the world. Dorcas can only give her nothing.” ok just break my heart then 
oh no what did voldy do
rip walburger and onion black
chapter 39
wow were just really jumping in here aren’t we
“he wasn't even heartbroken the first time he stepped up and saw the flower from the previous day right where he'd left it” the first time… does this imply there are many flowers left
vanity 💔
cream cheese bagel this is so gardenofrunar coded (not tagging bc you haven’t read this far yet but if you do catch up and read this HI TWIN how does it feel being the cream cheese bagel moot)
sirius is so dramatic i love him
“"It's not a date," James and Regulus announce at the same time.” sureee it’s not
“Writing more sad boy poetry, no doubt,” 😭
james is down bad (crying at the gym everything’s coming up teenage petulance)
effie ❤️‍🩹
oh no the quarter memorial is the quarter quell 😧
don’t make them go back in the arena please 
“the door won't just magically open for him” (mere moments later) “The door proceeds to magically open”
james losing it when he finds out regulus is here 
everyone offering to make regulus a plate and every time he’s like “no i ate but thank you”
regulus being horny 💀
“Regulus can swim now”
they’re hugging ❤️‍🩹
wait did dumbledore kill grindelwald
oh no not catching fire
this is going to be devastating isn’t it
i knew it was coming and yet i was still surprised
chapter 40
“On Regulus' twenty-sixth birthday, James shows up at his door not with a flower, but with a hat.” eeeeee (don’t lure me into a false sense of security)
and now it’s sad
oh they’re kissing
“on my fifteenth birthday, I wished on the sunrise that you would kiss me” no but james starting liking regulus when he was 15 ?!
hanky panky
"You'll always be my Reg” ❤️‍🩹
“Safe sex is important to Barty” you’re a real one, barty.
james keeping sirius updated on him and regulus 😭
BROTHER FUCKER 😭 sirius is a menace and james eats it up
we’re getting the rules for volunteering 
im so scared right now
sirius volunteering 💔
i’m going to cry there are tears in my eyes right now
the mayor is aberforth?!
effie no ☹️ zar don’t do this to me please
“Sirius stands there in the arms of the parents he's only ever truly known, and he weeps.”
🎶this is the last time i’m asking you this🎶
sirius calling effie mum ❤️‍🩹
andromeda <3
dora ☹️
“they’re ruined too” 💔
regulus and sirius are liars but i guess that just comes with being a black
no this is so sad things were just getting good for them
zar why would you write this
“james "sit down" potter and regulus "im sat" black” i love the end notes but this does NOT make up for what you did
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darkfromday · 1 year
game. of. the. year.
okay so highlights from my eleven-days-and-counting playthrough of tears of the kingdom so far:
yelling “YOU CAN REWIND TIME???” on day 1 and making my mom laugh while she was next to me on the couch
catching a star fragment out of the sky while diving, not once but twice
taking either five minutes or an hour to figure out any given shrine
related to this, either saying “I am a genius” or “...I went to an Ivy” (derogatory) depending on how long it took
saying “holy damn you can go through solid walls?? neat” in ascend tutorial and then forgetting that was a solution to early game problems for the next ten hours
“damn I wish your botw horses transferred” *later* “wait, THEY DID????”
“how thE FUCK do you kill these creepy hands omg stop murdering me I just want the underground shrine!!”
“I’m not smart enough to build shit in this game tbh” *builds a rocket raft for a korok*
the rocket raft breaks apart and the korok falls back down the mountain and into the sea, forcing me to start all over
“where is my house WHERE is Hateno Village was it this far away before???”
(I have made it to Hateno Village. I still have not reached my house)
either curbstomping black bokoblins or being curbstomped by them, with no in-between
*for three real days* “I MUST return to Tarrey Town!! I want to see what’s happening there!!” *finally makes it there and only stays 20 minutes before swanning off somewhere else*
“I think I’m watching these Zelda memories in the wrong order”
having my first Zelda Theory and having to keep it to myself
staying off twitter to keep from being spoiled... only to get lured into a false sense of security since people kept only sharing korok videos, and get spoiled for something I haven’t reached yet anyway
saying “what the fuck is THAT, NOPE” every time I see what looks like a giant elemental dragon in the distance, starting with the first lightning one in an old castle ruin
making so many cold resistance meals, only to not even use most of them for their intended purpose because I already bought all the cold resistance armor before meeting Tulin
trying to dive down from a glide and kill a construct enemy only to miss and fall to the earth below
saying “yeah I’m going to Kakariko” five times a day and not going
finding the underground tunnel to Hyrule Castle and wandering around murdering an obscene amount of Like Like enemies
“oh look, this is where the Hylian Shield was in botw, maybe it will be here again--I can’t open this door--NO FUCK NOT THE GLOOM HANDS AGAIN”
...wait. I can’t get in the room which means the gloom hands can’t get to me. But I can hit them with arrows through the bars. Advantage: me
Tulin’s avatar and I defeat the hands, finally, proof that they can be fucking beaten, I can turn my attention back to getting in that room--no. Phantom Ganon boss appears. Immovable gates do not stop him
the reward I receive for beating Phantom Ganon, sacrificing many good weapons and a shield in the process, is not worth the scare to my heart, because it is not the Hylian Shield
that time I went to sleep peacefully in a stable and the Blood Moon cutscene smacked me immediately in the face
trying to get to a shrine sitting on top of solid ice in the dumbest ways for an hour, before realizing that I could just rewind time on some of the falling stones in the area to get high enough in the air to float down to it
“I have so many bomb arrows!” “...now I don’t”
saying “why can’t we have remote bombs, stasis or cryonis back” at least once a week mid-puzzle
“whisper to me, horse god”
living out my dream of being a journalist even though I have the wrong degree IRL (thanks Lucky Clover Gazette)
“There’s how many wells?”
seeing a black boss bokoblin in Hyrule Castle and just going “NO.” and turning around
two Lynels have seen me. neither have engaged
living in fear of the day Hestu gets bored and leaves Lookout Landing
“are my other botw friends besides Teba okay... I’m scared to check”
“you know, Rauru’s kinda.... nevermind”
holding in my trauma because I’ve been poor in video games before even when others were rich, but this is the first time I really feel poor (and so do other people apparently)
Beedle is my best friend
“cool, pirates in Lurelin”! *doesn’t go to investigate*
performs most haphazard tower-and-shrine-collection methods of all time
dying a billion times in the first few days. and still dying. died today in fact
“you know, Ganon’s kinda... NEVERMIND”
having either 100 brightbloom flowers ready for the depths or 17
wondering when I will feel strong enough to fight a Hinox, Stalnox or other big boi
*first Talus-riding Bokoblin encounter* “WHEN I SAW THIS IN THE TRAILER I DIDN’T THINK THIS WOULD BE REAL”
having to almost bite my tongue to keep from calling the “ultrahand” ability “godhand” in the first few days for some reason idk why
“I will reunite you!! I must get you to your friend! This is so exciting!” <- me about the first korok-friend-reuniting mission......
“please tell me there’s not 900 more koroks in this game, I didn’t even get them all in the last one”
searching for an outfit that isn’t weaksauce in defense but lets Link have his hair down because....~
dying several times on the tutorial sky island because I needed to get down to a lower platform and I forgot that diving into water is a safe activity
RIP to my fire fruit stash
...and I’ve only done a little of the game.
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
I am here again with more questions!! For the ship ask game,
pre-relationship; 2, 3, 4, 5
General; 1, 2, 5, 6 & 8
Love; 1, 9
(Hope these aren't a lot, if they are just feel free to answer the ones you want!)
(Don’t worry about the amount! I appreciate the questions!)
(Note: Even though the asks are not in takeover format, I’m going to answer everything from Yelan’s POV)
What was their first impression of each other?
Yelan: My first impression, hmm? I would say I can tell a lot about a person when I first them, especially if they have their guard down. But my first encounter with Rina was from a distance, so we didn’t actually meet face to face. At first, I thought it was strange for someone to be out so late at night, away from the city. But, after I saw how she handled those Fatui, let’s just say I was…intrigued. As for Rina’s first impression of me? I can only guess.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
Although we’ve never explicitly discussed this, I’m sure Rina did first. I’m not one to fall easily, and I’ve never been very interested in deep romantic attachments, at least before her. I’m also basing this on the fact that her tells of a crush were very obvious to me when they appeared.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
*sigh* From past experience, I’ve learned that resistance doesn’t last. For me, it was more denial than anything. But I had to be honest with myself, because if the truth was that I cared for her, it would affect my life and hers. Mostly, I was worried about people using our interest in each other against her. Fortunately, we’re both good at keeping secrets.
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Hmm, I’ve never thought about it. Well, I’d imagine that, to put it plainly, my life would be the same, just…without her in it. But…*looks around quickly* I really like coming home to a warm apartment, smelling freshly brewed tea, and being greeted with a hug and the scent of glaze lilies. It’s…nice. I work solo most of the time, but I enjoy having a partner.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did they go about it?
Rina did, and she was very forward about it. It was during Lantern Rite, while the fireworks were going off and everyone’s attention was on the sky. They pulled me into a darker corner and handed me a glaze lilly. She said something along of the lines of that she planned to ask me out for weeks, on the day, and that it would make her very happy to try a relationship. As expected, the flower wilted the next day, but we’re together now.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
With Lady Ningguang’s permission, Rina took me up to the Jade Chamber. Imagine my surprise when, as we’re up there, fireworks in the shape of a heart start going up. Rina got noticeably flustered and muttered that someone named Yoimiya was probably responsible, but I found it cute. Afterwards, we sat together, looking over the city and talking for hours.
What is their height difference? Age difference? Do either matter to them?
(Rina: Honestly there is no canon information, so I imagine they’re around the same age and height. Yelan is around 5’9”, Rina is 5’7”. And no, it doesn’t really matter to them.)
How do their personalities complement each other? How do they clash?
I’ve been told that I’m more aloof and unapproachable, while Rina is more friendly. I simply think being a little suspicious of people’s intentions right off the bat is necessary in my line of work. However, having a relationship like ours has been beneficial to our work, not just personal life. While I often use threats to extract information, Rina has the ability to make people let their guard down, lure them into a false sense of security. This, however, has led to us having small disagreements on our methods. But we’ve agreed to disagree. She has her methods, I have mine.
Who takes the lead in social situations? How are they around each other's friends?
We both handle our own, though I’m better at handling strangers, and Rina is better with friends. Mostly because in my line of work, the relationships I have aren’t as simple as “having friends”. Rina has met a few of my colleagues as she works with them too. I’ve met quite a few of her friends, and they seem to respect me, not necessarily like me. Although, that could be because I’m introduced as “co-worker”, not “girlfriend”.
Who said 'I love you" first, and what was the situation?
…I felt love before I said it. Rina was assigned a solo mission, and, seeing as at that point she was an important part of my life, I expressed that I wanted her to return safely despite how capable she may be. She smiled, said “don’t worry about me. Worry about them.” I may have not said it in the moment, but I know she knew.
What reminds them of each other?
Whenever we go to the beaches of Liyue, we collect starconches. One time, Rina found one that she claimed “looked almost like a heart” (it didn’t) and she gave it to me. I…may or may not have said starconch on my nightstand. Even though it definitely doesn’t look like a heart.
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Does anyone else follow Danganronpa F: Shattered Hope on Tumblr??? It’s such a good fan game. Like I’m genuinely blow away by the quality of it. The writing and art is amazing and I’m impressed because I don’t think there’s ever been a Danganronpa game where I’ve liked almost everyone… although to varying degrees, but everyone is so interesting and fleshed out. I’m excited to see where it goes next. However on the downside, I’m terrified of who’s going to be killed next.
I would like to talk about my favorites though because they deserve all the love and attention.
First up is Rock. He’s so precious and sweet. He’s probably my favorite out of all the characters. He’s grown so much on me. At first I didn’t pay him much attention, but once he opened up to Enigma about his backstory and some of his problems, I fell in love. In that moment Rock was brave and I admire him for taking the step towards his ideals and fund. At some point, he decides to tell Enigma something extremely personal and showed a vulnerable side to him, which was a huge risk but he still took it anyways. I appreciate that and think he’s really brave for taking the first step and sticking to his thoughts and ideals. Rock also very genuine. He truly wants to help everyone, but also make sure nobody gets murdered. Personally, I’m scared he’s going to die in the latter half of the series. I’m thinking that the creators will lure us into a false sense of security with Rock not getting killed and then kill him off towards the end, which would be absolutely devastating. Part of me is holding out a little hope that he will survive to the end just because he’s one of my favorites. I sincerely hope my guess is wrong though. He’s been so sincere and sweet.
Next is Anon!! Bet you didn’t see that one coming, especially since I talked about best boy Rock first, but our mysterious white haired character is extremely rational and level headed. He’s smart and doesn’t let his emotions get the best of him. He doesn’t mind being alone and he simply is doing the things that he does in order to not get hurt. He also just states the facts as they are. They’re morbid and many do not want to hear them, but he’s just saying that there’s option to the problem, which is to kill someone. I have a strong, strong feeling that he’ll be one of the survivors. He’s just so low key that I have a feeling he’ll slip under the radar in many cases, but is quick and witty enough to avoid danger and stay calm. Because he doesn’t let emotion get in the way of his decisions and is able to be rational in desperate, dire situations, I think he’s going to survive if he continues with this trajectory. Perhaps he’ll have some character development when he has to trust someone in order to get through a case, but I would love to see that happen.
Another best boy is Corza. I swear this man is going to die though. I’m not sure when, but he’s not going to make it to the end. He seems a little too willing to use his life to ensure the group’s safety. He’s a great leader and he tries to make sure that there isn’t any conflict within the group, which is amazing. Our protagonist, Enigma, though has been hanging around Corza a lot more and has started to try and emulate him to some degree. I find it all too likely that he will be killed off during a crucial part where a leader is needed and not there, so Engima will have to stand up.
Next best boy is Twin. When I look at Twin, I see him suffering the same fate as Corza. He seems like he’s going to die. The amount of times he’s thrown himself in harms way to protect Rissi is numerous and I’m willing to bet that he would do it again. I would be surprised if he ends up making it towards the end. The only way I see him making it through to the end is if Rissi dies and that spurs more character development for him. However, I would think that the result of her death would just make him sink further into a more obvious depressive state and then be vulnerable to be killed later. Therefore, it seems Rissi has more character development potential than him, so I would imagine that he would die to spur her character development… however, it could also be on the flip side where Rissi dies and he has to continue to live on. That’d be fucked up, but if it were going to happen one way or another then I would like it to be the second way.
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Solinia Joins the Heroes League
The lieutenant sighed as he looked at the woman on the opposite side of his desk. He was tired of dealing with her at this point.
“For the last time, you cannot join the Heroes League.”
Unfortunately, this woman, whose name was apparently Solinia, wouldn’t take no for answer. She slammed the beer bottle in her hand on the table, which fortunately didn’t shatter despite how hard she hit the desk.
“I am a very capable warrior! I’m the best swordfighter in this camp and can beat any one of your troops! I’m not half bad with spell casting either.”
“I still cannot allow you to join us. Only heroes can join the League.”
The woman then gave a smirk and replied coldly:
“Heroes huh? Like the guy who murdered his girlfriend? Or the guy who destabilized his entire nation? Thieves, murderers, terrorists, those are your heroes?”
The lieutenant was taken aback from hearing this, but before he responded, his expression was met by a sarcastic voice, only slightly tainted by the tipsiness of alcohol.
“What? You think I wouldn’t have picked up some things here and there?”
She then leaned back on the desk.
“So, are you going to let me in? Or are you going to let me tell everybody I know about the truth of their precious ‘Heroes’”.
Crap. This wasn’t one of her normal rambling messes. This was calculated, planned even. He would have never considered this coming from her. Wait, what if those ramblings weren’t actually normal. This could have all been a plan to lure him into this false sense of security! He had to act fast! He immediately reached down to his pistol, but she leaned closer before his hand could even reach his holster.
“You going to shoot me? Too much of a coward to accept the truth? I want to see you try big boy. You don’t have the guts.”
She was right, even if she wasn’t in the perfect position to retaliate before he could unload the weapon, he didn’t have the heart to shoot a civilian. He wasn’t a criminal; he wasn’t a leaguer; he was just a penpusher who had a talent of organizing military camps. But he couldn’t let her join the league. That would be all sorts of trouble… for the league. Maybe he could get away if…
“Well… I can’t let you join the League. The entire point of the league is redemption, these people are fighting for the chance to right their wrongs. I can’t let an innocent risk her life for nothing. Be-besides, you can just join the Corporation. We’re always hiring. Besides, you might even be able to work with the League. I’m an employee myself you know…” He stammered, trying and failing to sound somewhat confident in his answer.
The woman however just laughed, getting off the desk and starting to wander around the room while she started rambling.
“No… you don’t understand. I don’t deserve… anything. I was supposed to protect these people, protect them from everything… but I was a coward, a fool. I should have been there to guard them, but all I did was fail them. I failed everyone, I failed the nation, I failed.”
Her face, displaying sorrowful, self-deprecating laughter, turned solemn after finishing that sentence, as if remembering something painful. The lieutenantjust didn’t understand. Protector? Like the Sun Guardian? That didn’t make sense. The Sun Guardian was their client, and retired with a king’s fortune. Sure, it was just a crate, but a crate full of the most expensive gemstones. It was more valuable than normal crates. Before he could try and to reason with her though, as he thought he had the opportunity, she turned back, getting closer to the desk, but not as close to his face as last time.
“Which is why I will not ask again. Put. Me. Into. The. League.”
She then put her hand into her pocket, and started to pull out a green scroll; A DOOMSDAY SCROLL! SHE WAS CRAZY! That thing could blow up like half the camp! Ok, not literally, but it was still enough to bring both of them to kingdom come!
“OK OK I’m doing it I’m doing it!”
He then quickly pulled out a laptop and started writing an email to the Hero League office.
“Solinia Darkbringer wishes to join the Heroes League. She is the best warrior with a blade and proficient in local spell scroll combat, and she could be a great asset to the team.”
After confirming to the woman that the email was sent, she was semi-content, but he tried assuring her that this was the way things were done. She then left in a huff. As soon as she left, the lieutenant sighed in relief, before adding a rely to his own email:
“Please disregard my last email. It was sent in duress as Solinia Darkbringer was threatening me with a Doomsday scroll. Please confiscate the scroll and any other weapons she may have and deal with her appropriately.”
He would definitely get in trouble, maybe even demoted, but she wasn’t joining. Sure, he technically had the ability to do so, but he was only supposed to use those powers in emergencies, and most certainly wasn’t supposed to do it like with her. Thank goodness for corporate bureaucracy!
That was when he got an email back almost immediately. He absentmindedly clicked on the email, thinking it was the general or something. However, the email was very short, and only contained three words.
LĘ̷̺͎̘̼̜̩̤̩̫̣̫̦͂̾̑̈͗͗͂̈͌̄̍͒͆̀̀Ţ̷̖̰̠͇̤͉̰͉̱̯̗͐͛̑̿͑̽̂̀͑̆̔̊͜.̵̛̘̪̈̃̍̑̆̃̏̚ ̷̢̛͍͙̜̳̜͕̑̓͋̀̂H̵͚̖͇̯͎̙͖̲̫͚̠̝̻͔͋̄͌̃̽͌͊̑̇̽̚E̵͍̥̔͂̄̽̈́͗́̑̊̊̈́͌́R̨̧̰̪̹̯͎̻͉͕̀̔͊̇̚̕͜͜͝.̶̨̢̧͍̖͚̝̥͉̮̬̬̬̖̌̈̔̋̇͠ ̶̨̤̥̖͈̗͚̘͇͎̬͗͗͋̎̐̒̂̓͐̎͑̇͛̚͠ͅͅI̴̢̛͕̫̖̫̮̭̋̉̉̇̋͊N.̶̧̳̖̪̗̪̗̙͎̤̒͌͐̃̎̇̈́̈́͜
The words weren’t just read. They echoed in his head like some higher power, like an eldritch being’s voice booming in his ears. He then checked the sender. It was an investor. A founding investor. THAT Investor. HIM.
At that moment the lieutenant’s heart gave out, and he collapsed onto the floor. He would he rescued, and when he recovered, he would end up with no memories of the traumatizing incident. Thus Solinia joined the Heroes League as she wished, with nobody the wiser on how she managed to infiltrate their ranks.
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more incorrect quotes vibes as me and cait
(slightly less horny version. i hope.)
Caitlyn: I've connected the two dots. Iris: You didn't connect shit. Caitlyn: I've connected them.
Iris: I'm bored, any suggestions? Caitlyn: Sleeping is nice. Iris: I acknowledge your suggestion, and I’m deciding to ignore it.
Caitlyn: What’s your body count? Iris: Do you mean sex or murder?
Caitlyn: Come on Iris, do it for our friendship. You can't put a price on that… Iris: Yes I can, dear. Fifty dollars.
Caitlyn: We vegetarians love the environment. Carnivores are sick freaks. Iris: How can vegetarians possibly love the environment.. you keep eating all the fucking plants.
Caitlyn: How the hell are you still alive? Iris: Honestly, I’m just as confused as you are.
Caitlyn: An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Iris: An apple a day can keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough.
Caitlyn: What are you eating? Iris: You wouldn't like it, it's really salty. Caitlyn: I like you, don't I?
Iris, barging in: Syphilis! Caitlyn: Iris: Caitlyn: Pardon?
Caitlyn: We all have our demons. Caitlyn, grabbing Iris: This one’s mine.
Caitlyn: We are not mad. We are just disappointed. Iris: No, we are mad. Caitlyn: Yes. We are. We are livid. But we are going to let this one slide. Iris: No, we’re not! Caitlyn: I am not a mind reader, Iris!
*Caitlyn and Iris are in a car teetering on the edge of a cliff* Caitlyn: oh my god, Iris, backwards! Iris: Really, Caitlyn? I thought I might go forwards into the river, I thought that would be a fun thing to do.
Iris, talking to Caitlyn: They're trying to lure me into a false sense of security! Well, joke’s on them! I’ve never been secure in my life! And I’m not about to start now!
Iris: Talk dirty to me~ Caitlyn: Inflation is a serious problem and lumber prices are at a high. Iris: Wha- Caitlyn: The economy is in shambles.
Iris: Caitlyn, you love me, right? Caitlyn: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Iris: How would you like your coffee? Caitlyn: As dark as my soul. Iris: Got it, one cup of milk coming right up!
Iris: They say that the most valuable things cost nothing. Caitlyn: They also say that being cheap is an annoying trait, so don’t overuse that excuse.
Caitlyn: What kinds of sounds annoy you? Iris: Are we talking real sounds or imaginary ones? Caitlyn, now interested: Lets say imaginary. Iris: Spiders wearing flip flops.
Iris, throwing their head into Caitlyn's lap: Tell me I'm pretty! Caitlyn, lovingly stroking their hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.
0 notes
grayblacklight · 9 months
Incorrect quotes time.
Silver:arceus has let me live another day and I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem.
Arezu:I made tea
Silver:I don’t want tea
Arezu:I didn’t make you tea.this is my tea.
Silver:then why did you tell me?
Arezu:it’s a conversation starter.
Silver:it’s a horrible conversation starter.
Arezu:oh,is it?we’re conversing.checkmate.
Silver:in wasn’t hurt that badly.
Silver:the doctor said all my bleeding was internal,that’s where the bloods supposed to be.
Ethan:where is he?
Ethan:where is my boyfriend!?!
Ethan:someone threw silver into ancient sinnoh and now I am going to start killing
Arezu:is stabbing someone immoral?
Silver:not if they consent to it.
Ethan:depends on who you’re stabbing.
Silver:the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was changing their name to Melli
Ethan:”technically legal” are the two best words in the English language,right before “cowboy spectacular”.
Silver,to Akari:they’re trying to lure me into a false sense of security!jokes on them!I’ve never been secure in my life!
Silver:do you know we are made of atoms?
Silver:and atoms never touch each other.
Silver:so in my defense,officer,I did not punch this guy.
Akari:I’m gonna ask you to be respectful.
Silver:I’m going to politely decline.
Selene,seeing Ethan ditch her in the jirachi wormhole:this should be illegal!
Ethan:it is.
Akari:hey,silver,where are you going?
Silver:well,it depends.when I die,probably hell.
Silver:but right now I’m going to the galaxy building.
Arezu:trying her first ever cup place of coffee:I am energy!
Ethan,an avid drinker,on his twelfth cup of the day:someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds.
Akari:it’s not that I don’t trust silver,I just…don’t trust his impulse control.
Silver:I feel awful about killing you.
Silver:even though you never even died so I don’t know what you’re bitching about.
Silver:sorry I’m late,I was doing stuff.
Ethan:why do you treat us like three year olds?
Lyra points at silver:YOU TRIED TO HYJACK A CAR!
Lyra points at Ethan:AND YOU ATE MULTIPLE STICKS AND Leaves off the ground!
Lyra:what’s the signal when something goes wrong?
Silver:we yell “oh shit”.
Akari:that’ll work:
Amazing, absolutely amazing.
(glad Silver got a Sylvie line)
Volo: yeah? What are you gonna do about it, kid?
Silver: IM NOT A - *sigh* why do I bother.
Volo: I have the last plate right here, soon I will face Arceus itself! And I'm going to make some changes - the first one which will be getting away from your bitch ass
Silver: I am going to kill you - and then kill you again
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Day 205,
I’d meant to keep going with the writing last night, but when I got up to take a brief stretch break I found the nature sprite back in the house.  It was just standing there, in the kitchen, not seeming to be really doing anything.  It turned its head to look at me as I stepped out from the hall but otherwise took no action.
I was frightened, of course.  Jumped and yelped when I saw it.  Then took a half step back.  Then froze up.  Wanted to run.  Knew that wouldn’t help.  Wanted to shout and rail at it.  Was afraid that might provoke it.  Started breathing fast.  Gripped the corner.  Tried to steady myself.  Reminded myself of the things Pat had said about it.  Reminded myself that if it wanted to hurt me it would have done so already.  Remembered the last night of my illness.
While making a conscious effort to keep my breathing slow and steady, I forced myself to look at the intruder.  Make eye contact.  Stand up straight.  Stare it down.  I was no less afraid, but if I didn’t act like it maybe I could fake it until I make it, as the saying goes (is that a saying in this place, or just in my past life?).
The problem with attempting to stare the nature sprite down though is that looking at its glowing eyes for too long is like staring at a candle or the glare of the sun off a reflective surface; stare too long and your own eyes start to hurt and you wind up with a pair of spots in your vision for a while afterward when you’re inevitably forced to blink and look away.
Steeling myself, I attempted a different approach: pointedly ignoring it and going about my business like it wasn’t there.  If it wanted entertainment from me being unsettled by some prank or another, I’d refuse to give it the satisfaction until it got bored and left.  And if my doing so made it impatient or think it had lured me into a false sense of security, then at least I wouldn’t be caught off guard.
Or at least, that’s what I told myself while I went about looking for hidden surprises or misplaced objects while trying to look like I was casually tidying up the house.  As I did so, it continued to simply stand there and watch me, motionless save for its head pivoting on its neck.  Until I began to move to check the kitchen that is.  I’ll admit I’m not sure what I was expecting to happen, but it wasn’t for the sprite to simply shuffle out of my way to go stand in the hall and let me have free rein to examine the kitchen.
Yet, despite my eventual searching of every room in the house, I found nothing out of place.  Nothing absent from where it should be and nothing there that should not be, save for the nature sprite who continued to do ought but stand and stare and shuffle around to get out of my way.  For the life of me, I couldn’t - and still can’t - figure out what its game was.  I wound up taking a seat on the couch and watching it from the corner of my eye all night until I could no longer keep my eyes open and, despite my best efforts, fell asleep there, exhaustion finally conquering anxiety.
It was gone when I woke up this morning, and another check of the house revealed all to be as it should be, best as I could tell.  Come to think of it, I don’t think this is the first time it’s acted like this.  The first time I saw it following the incident where it simply walked alongside me on the way home from the Village and then returned the soap comes to mind.  I feel like there’s been at least one other time but I can’t quite place it off the top of my head right now.
I suppose I should get back to recounting yesterday though.  This is sort of my dry season weekly, self-appointed day off from official archivist work so there’s not much else to do right now.  Except laundry.  And going through the transcriptions everyone made from the cathedral visit.  But I’m using wanting to do those activities with company as an excuse to procrastinate on them, so writing it is.
I’d left off with having just finished talking to Pat about plans for finding the healing spring and Iole, he gave me a warning about Theo, said some cryptic stuff, and then we got back up and continued our walk down the beach.  He’s not one for letting silence hang, that old man, and it didn’t take long for him to start waxing nostalgic and reminiscing about old times.  Which, for him, is a pretty broad range of topics.  Old friends.  Powerful storms.  Festivals  (It seems that while the equinoxes are the only regularly scheduled ones, every now and then someone takes it upon themselves to organize some sort of large celebration or another, sometimes just for the sake of it).  First meetings with prior outsiders.  As I’d gathered, it’d become sort of his job over the years to greet new arrivals and introduce them to the Village.  Part of the reason he’d taken to making a habit of these beach walks (not that he didn’t enjoy them for his own sake).  It often wasn’t him that initially found them, but someone always wound up bringing them to him in short order.  Always dazed and wearing the same white garment I was, no matter what prior life they might have remembered.
Or at least, it’s assumed we all wash up like that.  There have been a few rare cases where someone washed up on some further part of the island and took hours or even days to find other people.  It was before even his time, but he’d heard of one outsider who actually washed up on a different island altogether and took years before he rowed up to the Village on a boat of his own making.
We shared a laugh at how that must have thrown the villagers of the time through a loop before Pat grew somber and added that the story always made him wonder how many outsiders arrived in this world on some smaller, remote island and never found the Village.  How many had washed up, lived their lives, and disappeared again thinking they were alone in the world with no one knowing they existed?
I didn’t know what to say to that, but I couldn’t help but wonder if that was the case with Maiko’s mother.  Then again, that wouldn’t explain who her father was.
We were saved from pondering such mysteries for too long by the realization that we’d reached what I’d come to think of as “my” stretch of beach, whereupon Pat suggested we take another rest before turning around and heading back to the Village.  Taking the same seats we’d taken just over a hundred days ago, the two of us sat and watched the sea until I began to grow restless with the suspicion that he was waiting for me to say something.
After some stuttering and false starts, through which Pat was mercifully patient, I eventually got out that I was worried that being my apprentice, even being around me, might be bad for Cass.  I told Pat about my rough awakening from the Catacombs nightmare the other morning.  And about the time I had something like a panic attack in front of the class full of kids when asked about where stories come from and how to tell fiction from nonfiction.  And the myriad other anxieties of mine that I tried to keep hidden but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d picked up on.  None of it is her fault or directed at her or even has anything to do with her directly, but that just doesn’t seem like an emotionally or mentally healthy environment for a child to be around.  And as much as she’s eager to prove how mature she is and insists that she wants to be treated like an adult she’s not one.
And all that’s not even getting into concerns about what Theo’s said about outsiders pulling those around them down with them to whatever premature fate they find.
At the same time though, Cass is good at archivist work and even seems to enjoy it.  She certainly enjoys the “expeditions” to the floating island and cathedral ruins and such.  And I don’t want to take that away from her if it’s what she wants to do.  Nor do I want to hurt her by doing or saying something that comes across as driving her away or implying that she’s not good enough or can’t handle things because she’s “just a kid.”
I confessed to him that, as much as I suspect she’d bristle at the phrasing, I’ve come to think of her like a younger sibling of my own and I want what’s best for her.  But I don’t know what that is.  And who am I to even say what’s best for her?  Or for anyone for that matter?
Pat asked me if I wanted advice or just a sympathetic ear to bend while I express my worries.
Before I could stop myself I said that advice would be appreciated, and then reflexively added on that I didn’t want to impose or come across as only visiting him when I need something but too late for that now.
He told me not to worry about imposing then got on with his advice.  The gist of it was that I should sit down with Cass and talk with her about it.  Be honest, lay out my concerns the same way I’d told him, but be clear that I still respect her and the work that she’s done.  Say that I want her opinion before I decide what to do, so that even if I ultimately decide to do something she doesn’t want she’ll at least feel considered and heard.  And who knows, her point of view might give me valuable insight I hadn’t thought of.
But if I truly think that being around me is hurting her, then I need to make it clear to her how and why I think that, and if I still believe it after talking to her, best for me to find a way to stop hurting her and act on it, one way or the other.  And help her find something to hold onto so the fix doesn’t hurt her as much as the problem.
I thanked him.
He wished me luck.  Said it wasn’t an easy decision to make.  And then said that’s enough stewing in our thoughts when we’ve got a long walk back to the Village.
As we began walking, Pat commented that there’s a lovely little cove around the bend in the shoreline if I hadn’t explored it already.  A pretty sight and a shame he rarely has the energy to extend his rambles that extra little bit.
Was he implying he knew about Maiko and her comings and goings from there with her boat, or was I reading too much into it?  I wasn’t about to ask either way.
Took a break from writing to eat lunch and stop procrastinating on laundry.  Sooner or later I’d need to get used to going out on my own again.  Can’t let fear of another unlikely incident rule my life forever.
That laundry trip down to the stream was uneventful until I was on my way back to the house.  Struggling with the basket of now water-heavy laundry I tripped and would have fallen and spilled the basket had not a pair of hands caught me, steadied me, and pulled me back upright.  By the time I realized what had happened and looked about there was no one there.  The nature sprite’s doing undoubtedly, but I just don't have it in me right now to contemplate the new pattern of behavior it seems to be shifting toward.  Although I suppose I may as well note the observation that all of my interactions with it since the incident have been neutral at worst and seemingly benevolent at best with none of its usual mischief.
Back to the very long day that was yesterday.
On the way back to the Village Pat asked me to tell him about some of the good times I’d had here.  I was in a rough spot right now, but surely my life had its bright moments as well.  Jokingly he said I could call it repayment for the advice I seemed so worried about “imposing” on him for.
That seemed fair enough to me.  But where to start?  It took me long enough to decide that I suspect anyone else (except maybe Maiko) would have grown impatient with me, but I settled on that trip to the lake of stars with Lin, back when I’d only been around for a month or so, starting with her waltzing down the stairs to the archive one morning and declaring “I’m taking you shopping and then we’re going camping!”
I’d moved on from that to recounting my first proper exploration of the cathedral ruins with Cass when we stopped to rest again.  On a roll, I simply kept talking, describing the feeling as the two of us sat in the catacombs exchanging riddles in the dark over treasure as our own private callback to the first story I’d told as Archivist two nights prior.
Recalling dinner with Lin and Vernon - burnt food outweighed by lovely conversation - took us from the beach to the Village streets.
More solitary pleasures, such as watching the giants in the mists and my dances with the rain brought us along the cobblestones and up the hill.
I was just finishing my attempt to capture the awe of watching the shadow of Cloud Tower cross the border of noon when we reached Pat’s door.
I knew I should be getting back to the library, and then catching up with Cass and James, but there was one more “bright moment” I wanted to relay to Pat before I left him, even though he was there for it.  It just felt right to say.  Important even.
Once I’d finished telling him the wonder I’d felt the first time I saw the archive and its caged stars, he smiled, nodded his head and said the moment had been special for him too.  That it was when he became sure that I’d find peace here one day.
That would have been a wonderful note to end the day on as I left him with a promise to come back and visit sometime next week.  
But I still had Cass and James to talk to.
To my shame, I wasn’t able to bring up my concerns with them.  The closest I got was taking Jame’s side when he suggested we go back to last dry season’s schedule of Cass being in the Village for archivist work two days a week.  Cass wasn’t thrilled with this arrangement, but we compromised with a promise of three days a week next dry season and to let her go with me on any archival-related ventures out of the Village, even long ones like the floating island trip.  I was quietly relieved that James agreed to that last part before we brought up the boat trip we were starting to make plans for.
I tried not to cringe when Cass mentioned that we’d be looking for Iole in addition to the spring.  And I don’t blame her for it; I would have done the same if not for the talk with Pat a few hours ago.  All the same, I was quick to add, making sure that the present siblings heard as well, that we’d like to keep things quieter than the floating island plans were.  Said that I hadn’t been comfortable with all the attention and there’d been a lot of wasted food donations.  Both technically true.
I’ll need to relay that warning about Theo to everyone the next time I can get them in private.
And that all brings us full circle to arriving back to an empty house last night, followed by writing, followed by another nature sprite encounter, followed by today.
Time to get some dinner and head to bed.  I don’t think I’ll be making another entry tonight unless something truly unexpected happens.
It’s funny how so many days can pass, one similar to the next, and then one comes along with so much you can hardly process it all.
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saturnsorbits · 3 years
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Spit it Out
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Warnings: Pining, Tinsy Smidge of Angst, Smut, Lust Quirk, Mutual/Guided Masturbation. Word Count: 4.6k.
Summary: A lust quirk gets in the way of Bakugo's attempts of ignoring how he feels for you.
A/N: Honestly lust-quirks have so much creative mileage that I'm thinking this shit might turn into a little series...
Idek why I’m so nervous to start posting again, but I am. So I’m going to post this, then throw my phone and run I think.
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'So...' You bump your shoulder against Bakugo's. 'Got under anyone lately?'
He scowls, eyebrows pinching together. 'I'm not answering that.'
'That's a no.'
'That's a: I'm not telling you, so stop fucking asking.'
Patrols with Bakugo are always full of this. It's a give and take operation. Mostly, that means you taking what little he stubbornly gives in the form of curses, grunts and other equally as dismissive noises, but it's give and take non-the-less. Still, in the year and a half you've been working together, he hasn't requested a change of patrol partner.
Bakugo crosses the road, glancing back over his shoulder to check that you're still on his tail: You are.
'Oh, come on.'
Huffing, you let your shoulders sag. 'Okay.'
He looks at you then, eyebrows raised, mouth pressed into a thin line as he waits for your next attempt at prising him open.
'Maybe you'd be less grouchy if you did get under someone... Or over someone.' You bite your lip and smirk. 'I'm not going to judge.'
'Do you ever shut the fuck up?'
Turning right onto a new street, you fall silent to perform a careful inspection of your environment. It's just long enough to lure Bakugo into a false sense of security, something that is snatched away from him as soon as your head snaps back to face him. 'Don't be like that. You love that I distract you from whatever you've got going on in that big, thick skull of yours.' You lay a hand on his shoulder and squeeze.
'Trust me.' He rolls his shoulder out of your palm. 'I don't.'
Twisting your mouth, you chew at your cheek. 'Aren't you like... Frustrated?'
He glares.
'I mean it.' Holding your hands up in mock surrender, you continue. 'It could do the world of good, just to... Y'know.' You make a crude gestures with your hands, forcing Bakugo to grab one of them to stop it.
Your hand stays wrapped up in his, until he realises what he's done and releases you like he's been shocked. Making a show of wiping his glove on the course material of his pants, he shakes out the rush of adrenaline that had torn through his body at your touch and clears his throat.
You arch your eyebrow at his performance, but keep your mouth shut.
'Haven't you got your own sex life to be interested in?' He regrets the question as soon as it manages to scrape past his teeth. It hangs in the air between you, making his throat tighten. There's so much congestion in his chest, he thinks his lungs might never get fresh air again and then: you answer.
Air floods into his lungs. 'Nah?'
Head wobbling on your shoulders, you hum. 'I mean, I guess I'm still feeling things out, you know?'
'No.' It drops from his mouth too eagerly, but his lungs are trying to climb up his throat making it hard for him to maintain his signature disinterest. 'Explain.'
'It's like...' Tongue pressing to your teeth, you wait for the right words to come. 'You know when you're interested in someone, but you're not quite sure what their deal is?'
With wide eyes, he lies to you and shakes his head: no.
'It's like – I'm... Fuck it, there's this guy, right and I'm down, bad, but I don't know -.'
'Who?' Bakugo swallows, but his spit has become wallpaper paste.
'Mi -.'
The blast comes from out of no-where. There's a dull pop, a rush of air and then, it's hitting you in the chest and forcing your body to curl around it. It bends your shoulders forward and you yelp, bracing yourself for a shock-wave that never comes. It isn't even strong enough to knock you off balance. What you'd thought was a high-powered emitter quirk, turns out to be remarkably soft. The spot on your chest where it had hit you tingles, sending pleasant ripples of warmth through your body.
'Bastard.' Beside you Bakugo growls. He squares off his stance, preparing to leap into action, but he's caught by a second blast before he can move. 'You fucking little -.'
There's something wrong. Your stomach fills with heat and there's a rush of adrenaline under your skin that has you reaching for Bakugo before you can think about anything else.
As soon as your hand wraps around his bicep, he freezes. It takes one look at the way your pupils have blown out, at the way your gripping onto his arm and pressing your knees together for him to realise what's happening.
You just confirm it. 'Lust quirk.'
'Shit.' Bakugo grits his teeth as he feels the unmistakable migration of his blood towards his cock. It feels like his skin is on fire, his whole body screaming and begging simultaneously. He hauls in a breath, tests his quickly depleting resolve by acknowledging the white-knuckled hold you have on his arm and acts. 'Move, now.'
You're man-handled down a side street and thrown roughly against the outer brick of a closed-down bistro. Pain radiates from your wrists where Bakugo has them pinned above your head, but your body decides that it matters a lot less than how close he is. You can feel his breath on your cheeks as he leans in, only stopping when his nose is pressing against yours.
'Fuck – can't.' He's hard. He's so hard it hurts. His cock throbs, weeping under the cover of his hero suit, demanding attention, friction, the feel of your cunt wrapped around him. Gritting his teeth, he wars with his brain. You're so close. All he would have to do is rip through that thin little slip you call a costume and hoist you up by your thighs. He could fuck you right here, have you moaning against his chest and cumming on his cock in a second. He could fuck you full and he would love every single second of it. 'Not like this... Fuck... Can't, stop, want – Need back-up – fuck -.'
Your cunt pulses, refusing to let you think straight. 'Baku – Katsuki – Want you...' The whine that leaves your throat is pathetic. Driven by the quirk's effect, you push your hips off the wall searching for any form of friction. You find it in the form of Bakugo's pelvis and groan when you feel the notable bulge of his cock against your thigh.
'Jesus fucking Christ.' He spits, hips stuttering into yours before he can stop himself. He doesn't think he'll ever be able to hear you say his name without getting hard now.
Bakugo's cock presses to your stomach and there's nothing you can do to stop yourself from grinding back against him. Your clit tingles with each dull thrust, cunt fluttering and begging to be filled. 'Hurts... It hurts so much, please.' You cry out as the tension in your stomach pulls taught. The sloppy grinding sparks a new seed of arousal in your core and brings tears to your eyes.
'Fuck, you're killing me, I -.' He winces as you lift your leg over his hip to grind against his thigh, rutting against him with a desperation that makes him want to give you something better to get off on. It takes everything for him to release your wrists, to lean away from you and reach into his pocket for his phone. He dials at random, hoping to reach someone – anyone -. The call is picked up on the second ring.
Just his fucking luck.
'Twelth. Second alley walking south, need. Fuck. It's an emergency.' He groans as you take hold of his cock over his pants. He should have kept hold of your hands.
'Kaachan – are you – should?' Midoriya's voice shakes, the blush on his cheeks clear as day in his voice.
'Lust quirk. Fucking hurry up.' Bakugo shuts off the phone and lets it clatter to the floor in favour of pinning your hands back above your head. He doesn't know how he's controlling himself, but he's thankful for it. Maybe it's because, despite all the ways he's fantasised about ruining you, none of them had involved a dingy ally-way that almost definitely had rats. Or maybe, it's because he'd wanted at the least the first time to mean something.
You're crying. Tears roll down your cheeks and dive from your chin. 'Please... Please, Katsuki. I need you – want – want you to fuck me. It hurts, it's – please.'
Fuck, he wants to. Every nerve in his body is screaming at him to just help, to touch you, to bridge the thin gap between your bodies and give in to the wildfire in his stomach, but he can't.
'Katsuki....' You take a fistful of his shirt in your hand in an attempt to tug him close.
Arms shaking, he lets you pull him in, let's your lips ghost the skin of his jaw and encourage strangles moans from his throat. He gives himself an inch, instead of taking a mile. The slither of contact seems to satiate you, even if just for a second, but his resolve is already thin and then you're looking at him, large doe-eyes blinking, lashes dripping with wet constellations and he knows he's lost.
He can barely hear Midoriya’s voice as he skids around the corner, kicking up loose stone and dust in his wake. His heart beat is too loud in his head, the sound of you whining and gasping in his grip so damn distracting that he can't -.
Your chest meets his as you arch into him, pressing fat to muscle. His body responds without him, pressing his pelvis against yours so he can feel the heat radiating from your cunt.
'Kaachan, get off her!' Midoriya wraps his hands around Bakugo's shoulders, yanking him backwards with everything he has.
Bakugo goes flying. His back collides with the opposite wall, sending violent waves of pain through his spine. It's a shame the pain does nothing for the lust raging in the pit of his stomach, in fact, it might have made it worse. Without thinking, he makes an advance, teeth bared, animalistic snarl painted on his lips as he goes to lunge for the man between him and his prize.
'Kaachan, I don't want to hurt you!' There's a warble in Midoriya’s voice as he turns to look at Bakugo over his shoulder. He's pinning you to the wall by your shoulder, ignoring the way you're clawing at his arm trying to get closer to him.
'You're going to fucking have to!' Bakugo grunts. He's lost control. The roar that leaves his throat is a last attempt, a last ditch effort to preserve what can be between the two of you as he prays Midoriya has the balls to put him down. Then, everything goes black.
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Bakugo wakes up on the soft linen of a hospital bed. Light ricochets off the white walls of the ICU unit almost blinding him as he comes to. There's a fog in his head, a consequence of being knocked unconscious, but apart from that he feels fine. That is until he tries to sit up. He's been stripped down, hero costume removed and hung haphazardly on a hanger by the door. He doesn't need to lift the pillow that has been place conspicuously over his crotch to know that it's covering his weeping cock. The lust comes rushing back with such force that it takes the air from his lungs. He reaches for himself, feeling the swell of his blood in his fist and groans when his thumb ghosts his slit.
'Uh – Kaachan.' Midoriya's voice crackles through the room's speakers. 'Are you – are you okay?'
Bakugo glances about the room. He's alone, as far as he can tell, caged in with nothing, but the unsteady gurney and a chest of draws. When he speaks, he clenches his jaw so hard he hears his teeth crack, but his hand doesn't stop fisting his cock. He needs this and the pillow is doing a decent job at hiding his cock, fuck his modesty. 'You're fucking watching me?'
'No.' Midoriya squeaks. 'Well, yeah – but, uh, the doctor said the protocol for quirks like this was to -.'
Bakugo groans as his cock pulses, cutting off Midoriya's muttering.
'Anyway.' He's blushing again and it's obvious. 'The doctor said the protocol is to – well, it's for you to fuck someone.'
'I'm not – I'm not fucking anyone. I can sort it on my own.'
'Bro, you're going to have to. The doc said -' Kirishima's voice is steadier than Midoriya's when it crackles through the speaker.
'What the fuck are you doing here?' Bakugo's hand stays for a second as the lust swimming in his system is overwhelmed by anger. 'Think this is some kind of fucking show do you, hah? Dirty fucking bastards, should'a -.'
'I needed help carrying you back to the agency.' It's Midoriya again. 'Kaminari's here too, he - .'
'Are you fucking kidding me?'
There's a series of taps that ring unclearly through the speaker and then, Kaminari's speaking: 'Doc said you gotta fuck -.'
'I don't give a fuck what the doctor said...' The anger resting in his stomach dissolves, letting the lust bubble over again and he has to grit his teeth to stop himself from working his shaft. 'I'm not fucking anyone.'
'It's not going to go away, bro. It could take a full 48 hours for the quirk to wear off – We could call someone – to uh...' Kirishima trails off, stumbling, reaching for a solution he can't find.
'And who the fuck would we call, uh?' Bakugo spits. He can hear Midoriya muttering through the open line, but he's not listening. He can't, not over the rush of blood in his ears and then, he catches it. Your name is mumbled under Midoriya's breath, his manic whispering not letting up for a second as he continues to babble about God knows what. Not that any of it matters.
'I don't see why we can't just let them fuck each other.' Kaminari snorts. 'Surely that's what makes the most sense, I mean it's not like they don't -.'
Bakugo's heart stops. 'How – how is she?'
'She's – uh -.' Kirishima chews his lip before leaning into the speaker, lowering his voice as if to soften the blow. 'She's not doing well, man. She’s really out of it.'
' Where is she?'
'She's riding it out in the room next door.'
Midoriya cuts in. 'We think she got hit with a full blast... The doctor said you only got half, three-quarters maybe - We don't even know if either of you going to remember any of this. Just – if you're intent on not -.' He coughs. 'You know, we can get you -.'
'Can I – Can I talk to her?'
'I don't know how much talking she's going to be able to do.' It’s Kirishima’s turn to mumble, letting Midoriya handle the reasoning.
'I don't think that's a good idea -.'
'Just fucking open the speakers.'
Doing as he's told, Kirishima opens up the joint-unit speaker allowing the sounds of both rooms to mix. The first thing that comes through is a high-pitched whine. It's painful, ripped viciously from your throat by the quirk that ravages your system.
The sound goes straight to his cock. Bakugo's hands dig into the bed, almost tearing holes in the flimsy mattress. 'Get out of here...' It comes out in a moan as a second whine drifts into his room from yours. It sets a fire in his stomach and it's almost as if he's back in the street pinning you to the wall with your lips on his neck.
'What?' He doesn't know if it's Kirishima or Midoriya, but he doesn't care.
'Leave the speaker open and get the fuck out or I swear to got I will blast down that fucking wall and face fuck the three of you.'
Kaminari snorts.
Then, Kirishima's stammering near the speaker. 'I don't think he's joking, dude.'
There's a grumble, a note of shock from Midoriya and then, shuffling feet closely followed by the slamming of the ward door.
As soon as the door shuts, Bakugo lets a moan shudder through his chest. It curls him over, forcing his abs to tighten and his cock to bob between his thighs.
'Bakugo?' Your voice is shaking in your throat. There's an ache in your thigh, a vague memory of where his cock had been pressed against you and an odd strain at your wrist where he'd held you down. He could have taken you right there, it would have been so easy and yet...
'How're you – uh – how're you holding up? He doesn't know how he's found the strength to talk, but he's gripping the base of his cock so hard it's almost purple.
You can hear the heavy pants he's trying to suppress from the speaker above your head. It stokes the fire in your core, causing your cunt to pulse. It hurts, it hurts so much you're ready to scream. The lust and frustration combine in your throat and make you hiss. 'Be better if you we're fucking me senseless, but here we are. Way to be a hero – Bakugo.' You don't really process what you're saying, but you're half-sure you mean it whatever it is.
A gasp sticks in Bakugo's throat. He'd kill to see what you looked like now, spitting and hissing like a she-cat and needy, so needy to be fucked that you're ready to fight for it. The thought alone is enough to encourage another moan from his lips. 'You want that?'
'What?' You snap, but it's sharpness is stolen as you whine, hands tangling into bedsheets as another rush of frustration pulls at your stomach.
'Me?' The fact he's sat bollock-naked, cock stood to attention as he listens to your whimpers does nothing for his vulnerability, but he still somehow manages to make it sound like an accusation not a question.
'Are you fucking kidding me?'
'This morning -.'
'Can we do this some other fucking time...' It feels like you're being torn apart and each word out of Bakugo's mouth tightens the cord. His voice is gravelled, harsh and low and it makes you writhe. 'Fucks sake. I – Please, I – I need you -.'
Your admission snaps something inside of him. Warmth fills his stomach, but he's not sure this wave is due to the quirk. 'Want me to make it go away?'
The offer takes the air from your lungs and breaks your frustration. 'Please, please – I can't.'
Fuck, this was really happening. Shimmying back, Bakugo rests against the metal frame of the gurney. The pillow is discarded leaving his cock uncovered and begging for release. He takes himself by the shaft again, squeezing gently as he watches a bead of pre-cum pearl at the head and drip towards his balls. 'Okay, you're going to do exactly what I say, okay?'
'Mmhmm. Whatever you say. I'll, I'll be good.' His voice leaks through the speakers and licks at your ear drums. You've never heard him like this before, so desperate, struggling to control his soft pants as he feeds you his orders. It makes your skin prickle and your fingers itch as you try and frantically summon an image of him, cock in hand, chest heaving.
'I – I need you to take all your clothes off, yeah.'
'Already – already naked.'
The image hits him in the chest. The idea of you only a few feet away, sprawled out and sweating, bared to the air and out of his fucking sight has him almost feral. He calms himself, breathes deep and focuses on the next words out of his mouth.
'Fuck. I want you to...' He lets out a shaky breath, steadying his hand. 'Want you to play with your tits, okay. Run your hands -.'
'Can I imagine it's your hand?'
You're going to kill him. 'Fuck, yeah.'
'Wish it was – want – want it to be you.' The lust quirk dulls your apprehension, tightens and twists your stomach, but does wonders for your trepidation as you let your desires spill clear over your tongue.
'Me too.' He admits, too easily, but it's hard to remain closed off when you're being so good and touching yourself just like he's asked. 'Don't keep those pretty little noises from me, huh. Let me hear it, want to hear how good you feel, baby.'
You answer him with a moan, hands automatically kneading the fat of your breasts. Rolling a nipple between your fingers, your chest heaves, lifting from the bed as you bite your lip, locking in a moan.
Gripping his cock, he runs his hand over it, hips stuttering into his palm. It feels better when he closes his eyes and lets his mind fill with your whines, imagining that it's your cunt, not his hand, slipping down over his shaft. 'You still being good for me, Princess?'
'Like it when you call me that.'
Something swells in Bakugo's chest when he hears the smile wrapped around your words. He drops his voice, growling low in the back of his throat. 'Princess?'
You moan, breathing heavy. 'Can I – Wanna touch -.'
'Not yet.' Bakugo's quick to bark, spreading more pre-cum over his length. He wants to take his time, wants to drown in your noises, get so drunk off the sound that the noise ricochet around his head and soaks into his grey-matter. 'Gonna take it slow, just like I would if I was there, yeah? Want to hear you come apart for me.'
'Mhm, okay.' You wiggle your hips on the bed, pelvis lifting anxious for the pressure you're ordered to withhold. No matter how much your cunt pulses, or how much of your arousal you can feel already dripping down your thighs, you won't touch yourself. Not until your told you. There's a knot in your chest that stops you, a small, needy thing that wants to behave, that wants to be good and please.
'Want you to imagine that it's me, that I'm there and I'm running my hands down your sides, gripping your hips and holding you down – Holy shit – I bet you look fucking perfect...' Drawing his lips between his teeth, he bites down, tastes iron then continues. 'Gonna move your hand down for me now, okay. Gonna go real slow, squeeze your thighs and feel how big my hands are - how soft you are under me...'
You whine.
'Do not touch your clit. You hear me, Princess. Need to do as your told for me...'
'Being good...' Your hands grip your thighs, tease marks in the skin with your nails as you let the image of Bakugo, kneeling between your thighs overwhelm you.
'Want you to tease yourself... Fuck - Bet you look so fucking pretty, pouting - desperate... Bet you look criminal, Princess.'
'Not fair.' You choke out and whine. 'Wanna be full – want -.'
'Okay, okay... Just a second longer, for me.'
'Please, I'll beg - I - I want.'
A chuckle splits his throat as his balls pull tight and threaten to force him over the edge. 'Beg for me then, Princess.'
'Please... Fuck, Katuski. I need - want to feel good. Let me, please. Please, it hurts so much... Make it better, need you to make it better - please.'
He swallows. 'Fuck, sound so pretty... Doing so well for me, so good.'
'Can I? Please. Wanna cum, wanna.'
There's a smile itching his lip when he feels his cock pulse at the steady whines worming their way up your throat. 'Okay, Princess. You've been good. Go on, touch yourself.'
You obey instantly. Your fingers circling your clit, your use your other hand to toy with a nipple, sending ripples of pleasure through your core. You gasp, moan and open your throat, letting Bakugo hear every whimper that leaks from your throat. 'Feels so good...' Hand breaching the soft mound of your sex, you dip your fingers between your folds collecting the slick that is dripping from you. ''m so wet.'
'Bet you are, Princess.' He knows. He can fucking hear it.
Drawing careful circles on your clit, you lose yourself to the sound of Bakugo groaning. He's so close and your cunt flutters at the idea of him replacing your hand with his own and pressing down on your clit until you're a writhing mess beneath him.
He looses himself for a second when he hears you moan, throwing your head back. If he focuses, he can hear your fingers slip into your cunt, hear the slick coating your hand as you begin curl your fingers and pump them in and out of your little hole. 'Bet my fingers would make you feel so much better, stretch you out properly. Fuck, I'd give anything to be knuckle deep in that cunt, right now.'
'Are you – are you touching yourself too?'
'Yeah.' He chuckles, the neediness in your voice speeding up his fist on his cock. 'Fucking my fist, Princess, thinking about how much better your cunt would feel.'
'Fuck.' You keen. You can hear it, the soft slicking of his fist couples with the sloppy sounds of your cunt and makes you tense. Your walls press down on your fingers as you speed up, desperate for a release that you've been teetering on the edge of for hours. 'Want it, want you to fill me... Need more.'
Bakugo groans. He's getting off on this, on telling you what to do and listening. It should make him feel dirty, but it doesn't. Itmakes his stomach tense and his cock harder as he licks his lips. He pictures it, indulges himself by imagining you, in there, riding your fingers and thinking about how much better his cock would feel, how your little cunt would milk him as he brought you closer and closer to the edge.
'Don't stop. Kat – Katsuki.... Please – need you. Wanna cum so bad, wanna -.' There's a burning in your stomach as the tension in your cunt reaches a peak. You curl your fingers, press up against the spongy roof of your cunt and reel at the shocks of pleasure that roll through your body. You're so close, but you want to be good, want to continue this little game you've started. 'Can I?'
'Fuck...Yeah. Cum for me, baby.' It comes out as a snarl. 'Let me hear you. Need to hear you.'
You scream. The noise is torn from you, guided by Bakugo's grunts and moans that demand you fuck yourself through it. You curl over, the force of your orgasm taking the air from your lungs as you tremble and cum around your own fingers.
The sound of your orgasm is his undoing. Bakugo cums, coating his stomach and chest in streams of white that spurt from him making his thighs shudder. He's barely finished, barely managed to catch his breathe before his cock is twitching back to life and standing back up, weeping and begging for more attention. Your soft whimpers are still leaking through the speaker, causing his stomach to stir.
'Katsuki....' Your chest is heaving, cunt still pulsing and milking nothing when a new wave of need takes you.
A shiver runs the length of his spine. Taking hold of his cock, he works himself back to full length in barely a handful of strokes as a smirk takes his lip. 'Was that – was that okay? I'm used to doing – not, uh, not saying...'
You giggle, the noise flooding through into the next room. 'Think you could do better?'
'Fuck.' He's fisting his cock again already, grimacing at the overstimulation. There's something vulnerable and exposing about this, something that makes his sure footing stumble as he navigates the new expanse of your relationship. Your moans float through the speaker, infesting his ears again and suddenly, he thinks all of that can wait. ‘What if’ can go to Hell and die as long as he gets to hear you cum again. 'You're a needy little Princess, aren't you?'
Squirming, you crush your hand between your thighs, clit tingling in anticipation. 'Mmhmm. Need to be cum again, Katuski – can I? Please... Can I?'
Tonguing at his back molars, Bakugo rolls his eyes, feeling the strain in his brain as he comprehends just blasting down the thin wall that separates you. 'You gonna be good for me again, Princess?'
'Yes – Be you're good girl, so good. Please.'
'If you keep being good for me, I'm going to fuck you stupid as soon as we get out of here, m'kay? Fill you up properly.'
You squeal and a chuckle works its way up his throat as he wonders just how many orgasms it’s going to take to break the lust quirk rocking through your hips.
Either way, it looks like he’s about to find out.
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Kaminari flips through the notes in his wallet, counting them out a third time before finally handing them over.
A small women, hood covering her head, snatches the cash, brushes her fingertips across the green and then stuffs it into the pocket of her hoodie. 'Did it work?'
'Huh?' Glancing over his shoulder, Kaminari checks the medical bay's doors are still closed. There's been a crescendo of moans and whimpers leaking from the room for the best part of an hour now. 'Yeah.' He blushes. 'I think we can confirm it as a success.'
The woman snickers.
'I was just sick of them tip-toeing around each other. He wasn't going to say shit and she – well, they needed a push, you know.' He's mumbling, hands gesticulating as he tries to justify himself. 'I've done them a favour, all I did was give them a helping hand, make them realise -.'
The woman shrugs, shaking her head as she turns to leave. 'Whatever dude.'
'Wait.' Grabbing at her arm, Kaminari swallows. 'They are gonna like, remember all this right? The doctors said they’re not sure if they will.’
'It's fifty-fifty, some do, some don't.' She yanks her arm back. 'I told you that when you hired me to zap 'em.'
'Fuck... So they might forget that they finally -.' Kaminari sighs, pulling at the roots of his hair.
Rolling her eyes, the woman cock an eyebrow. 'If you've got no other friends that need a horny push into confession, I'm going to go, yeah?'
Kaminari nods, watching as the woman turns and begins to track down the agency's corridor He pauses, toeing the floor with a shoe before yelling after her. 'Wait.' He chews the inside of his cheek. 'Do you know Shinso Hitoshi?'
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