#so does literally everyone else in this damn ship
sole-soul-survivor · 11 months
Someone needs to tell me I’m making bad decisions
Because I just started another fan fiction.
It’s also a Princess story au-
It’s a Cinderella Story based off FFXV
Slightly canon-divergent. This will be happy, like, pretty damn happy if I can help it.
Cindy’s parents were Lucis nobility, Cid is still a top-class engineer in Hammerhead don’t worry. Still very hick because I like him that way.
Ardyn is less of a threat but he is the big bad of this story. He’s gonna be Ardyn icky Izunia still, but he’s not going to be as big of a threat as he is in the game 💀
There will be heavy mentions of abuse and neglect, it’s a Cinderella story-
Also the main ship is the Chocobros, gonna air that out right now. They all deserve so much love so I’m giving them each other.
Prompto hadn’t asked to be brought to the Aurum Estate, hadn’t asked to be raised by Ardyn Izunia to become an assassin alongside his clone of a brother Loqi, and hadn’t asked to usurp the Aurum family line in favor of establishing themselves in Lucis high society. Cindy was always kind to him, whenever she wasn’t in Hammerhead with her Grandfather in order to escape her horrible step-father Lord Izunia, that is.
He’d been raised to kill. He knew that. It had been drilled into him from his first steps.
But the moment he’d hesitated, that’s when hell swallowed him up. Because when you’re bred and raised to do something you wish not to pursue, the only intelligent thing to do is to initiate behavioral protocol. Obedience training, is what Ardyn had called it.
Prompto grew up isolated, unknowing of his true origins due to the fact that Ardyn couldn’t trust him with the information after he’d acknowledged that Prompto wasn’t going to fulfill his ‘purpose’. And, unfortunately for Ardyn, getting rid of Prompto would be suspicious. So Prompto was made to do the estates hard labor. While attending school to clarify appearances.
But he had a secret, one he’d never share with Lord Izunia, not even for the world.
Crown Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum was his best friend. The only person who ever seemed to understand him.
And also his ‘intended’ target.
So Prompto exists in this life of constant secrecy and repetition. And when his best friend’s three-day birthday festival and ball is brought to life throughout the kingdom, all he wants to do is be there to support him.
That is his only wish, until the idea of leisurely fun at the festival is scraped from his mind upon hearing his family’s plan of action.
Loqi was to assassinate the prince within those three days. And Prompto was banned from interfering.
So naturally, he’s granted the opportunity to attend and save the life of his friend due to a mysterious stranger in their downstairs garden.
Imagine his surprise when this leads him into the arms of three men on each night of this festival.
Three beautiful nights.
Is that all it takes to erase the past? To forgive Prompto for every horrible thing he’d ever been trained to do?
Just three nights?
This isn’t the official summary don’t worry, these are just my thoughts on the plot so far. I hear that ffxv has been brought back to life a bit recently so here I am trying to help the noble cause.
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
People who fancy themselves intellectuals on this hellsite love to condescendingly bring up fandom issues to minimise them or go on about whataboutisms when the question simply is do you think people deserve to be told they ought to die or be abused over fiction and fantasies or nah
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callmelyc · 22 days
Keith leaving Lance with engagement rings hidden in their home thinking "I'll ask him when I get back"
Only...Keith's mission goes wrong. So wrong that everyone thinks he's dead, and lance? Well, he finds those rings
At first he's heartbroken over them. The delicate but intricately carved bands with blue and red gems. How pretty they look on his hand, how pretty they'd have been on Keiths–its too much to think about at first.
Then, that sorrow burns itself into rage. The audacity this man had to leave such a thing behind so poorly hidden! To have left them here while he himself is no longer. It pisses Lance off for the longest, yet none will see him a second without both bands on a chain round his neck.
The thing is, Lance never actually stops looking for Keith. None of them do even when all the evidence points to the worst case scenario and all the Garrison believe he's gone as well as their allies.
So Lance gathers himself. He marches right into that damned ship–the Atlas– and he makes himself a spot right at the top of the food chain bc he'll be damned if he's too low to search for his stupid fiance. He didn't ask for a position, didn't apply, didn't let the earth team think for even a second they could talk down to him. Lance simply made his place known and very apparent from day one.
Shiro supported him full throttle, as did the rest of his team, Vera, Adam and Curtis. Which made it all the easier.
Now, did Lance tell them he was doing this just to find Keith? No, but only because they'd throw him back into grief counseling and that's not at all what he needs right now.
Little does Lance know it's not him that finds Keith...it's Keith that finds Lance. And he does so by landing the worst he's ever had into the barracks of the Atlas, throwing himself through the halls and right into the meeting Lance was 10seconds away from arguing in.
He's point two second away from opening his mouth before he's got an arm full of Keith squishing the living daylights out of him. Lance is shaking from the emotions that overwhelm him in that moment. Tears running down his face of their own free will, his hands tremor as they come up to clutch onto Keith like a lifeline.
And through everything is a rush of relief at the knowledge he's alive
Keith alive! He's alive he's alive he's alive.
And when Keith pulls back just enough to rest their foreheads together he's stopped in his tracks because Keith is apologizing a million miles a minute but all lance can focus on is the sound of his voice. All up until Keith says those two magical words
"Marry me..."
It comes out so hopelessly breathless, so hopeful, so dreadfully delicate and that rage from before fires back full force.
"How dare you?!" He grits out, stepping back to point his finger right into Keith's chest "you go missing and leave rings for me to find in our house!"
"Then! You get pronounced dead, have us all grive for you and think you can come in here and ask me to marry you?"
"Lance, I–"
"And you have the audacity to think I'd say anything but yes? To think I didn't already consider you my fiance?! My dead fiance?!"
"What the fuck did you want me to say then?!"
Lance flails his hands "literally anything else!"
"Well what?!"
"Your response dip shit! I never actually got to ask you it's not my fault you found the rings!"
"It's not my fault you hid them so poorly!" Lance snaps and now they're back to being chest to chest, centimeters apart "yes."
Keith's face consorts, confused, and lance laughs "yes you idiot, I'll marry you...."
The sighs of relief are short lived as Lance declared Keith has to ask in an actual way now "the proper way Keith! I deserve that much"
And from now on? Keith's trackers are updated. He will never go missing again if Lance has anything to say about it, he's got a husband to keep track of afterall.
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something i find really gross by the writers and fans of the show Helluva Boss is that everyone bemoans and bitches about Stolas being made to marry Stella and have a child with her when SHE WAS IN THE SAME DAMN BOAT. I am pleading with people to remember that women have been valued purely for their ability to bare children FOR CENTURIES, and is still idolized today. I am begging people to see Stella for what she was in a political marriage: a womb. Nothing more. Yet no one gives a fuck, cuz misogynistic writing is so engraved that critical thinking goes flying out the window.
THIS THIS THIS! Like, people calling her his rapist when St*las has said "This marriage was for one purpose, to birth an heir" Which she had to bear the physical brunt of since shes the one who had to lay an egg (equiv of pregnancy). Pregnancy takes a physical toll on the body. Ever since being a child she was expected to be okay with being forced to get pregnant with the child of a man selected for her. Its incredibly fucked up and that plus the fact St*las has all the property rights since shes been booted out and the show has shown us he gets to keep his palace which means he still owns it atm, the marriage literally favors him in multiple ways. Its literally less harmful (still harmful, but less) towards him than her in terms of legality and the fact her side involved forced impregnation as well as forced sex to boot. Its just so fucking gross that the writing does not address any of that at all and given the historical precedence of women being property passed around for arranged marriages. I feel like I'm going nuts at the latest plotline where St*las is a poor baby for being expected to split more in the divorce, I get it wasn't fair and neither of them wanted the marriage in the first place but they're writing Stella as a villain for expecting more than just her clothes and possessions and to also get a home/place she gets to live in and own too. Like, who wrote this? Viv and co. or reddit misogynists who think we should go back to when women got nothing out of divorces?
And I'm so tired of all the people who come out of the woodwork like "But shes mean" "Maybe shes just mean" "Stop overthinking it" "Why are you against female villains?" "Women can be abusers too" They're so dense when it comes to this, I'm sorry but its a stupid response that misses the point. I have never had a problem with female abusers in other shows such as TOH's Odalia and I wouldn't mind at all if Stella was written as an abuser who is lashing out due to being upset at what shes been forced to do. No, the point when it comes to Stella and HB is that, isn't it insidious? WHY out of all the villains is the female victim of an arranged marriage with so little actual power that stands in the way of an m/m ship chosen to be the "Shes just mean because shes a bad person not because bad things happened to her" archetype? And why is she specifically written as stupid and needing her brother to be the actual plotting villain; why does she barely get to drive the plot and her own story? Ever since they added Andrealphus hes stolen her spotlight/point in the story and shes just vehicle for St*las and Andre's beef now. Seriously like THINK PEOPLE. We KNOW that m/m fanfiction and yaoi focused spaces etc tend to use these tropes in which women are jealous men obsessed scumbags for the sake of being plot devices with no real writing, for the sake of creating drama that serves the male characters stories. I'm tired of being told I'm overreacting for recognizing obvious repeating patterns. Like it or not our biases will inform how we think about and therefore write certain groups of people. When you add in that male characters as a whole get so much more fleshed out and focused upon in Helluva Boss, and that its other female characters frequently don't get to express sexuality/sexual desires, and that female HB characters are so often just "X's cool hot looking partner" with little else to them, add in all that and it starts to paint an extremely suspect and ugly picture.
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misteria247 · 24 days
I think one of the many reasons I like the TimmyJimmy ship so much is because Jimmy is like a positive influence for Timmy. Jimmy represents a brighter tomorrow in a way. That despite everything that Timmy's come to accept about himself and believing that he's essentially a bane of everyone's existence, for some reason Jimmy wants to be around him. Like imagine-
You're Timmy. For years you've been essentially told that you're not wanted. That your personality is annoying and unpleasant, that you make everything worse just by existing and breathing. That no matter what you do, everything goes up in flames. Your parents make it known that they'd rather do anything else than be around you. That they only find value in what you rarely offer. The kindness that you display often times backfires or gets taken for granted. Your friends, while they care, clearly prefer each other's company over yours. Literally the entire world is hellbent on reminding you that no matter what you do, someone's gonna be angry at you or just not give a fuck. The only good thing in your life is your adopted fairy parents who love you to bits and pieces. And it's because of them you still continue to do your best even though some days you wanna say fuck it.
And then one day you meet this boy from another universe.
He's smart, a bit cynical and can be rather blunt and for some reason he rubs you the wrong way at first. But once you both start to get to know one another, you find yourself enjoying his company and to your surprise the feelings mutual. You tentatively enter this friendship with him, excepting the other shoe to drop. For him to reveal his "true" feelings towards you. For him to finally become sick of you. You wait and wait and yet......
He never does.
Before you realize it, you're apart of a team involving a ghost and a sponge, with this genius being the leader and you being the muscle. You grow close to them, and over and over again you're forced to entertain the idea that maybe you are worth the effort. This boy includes you in his plans, and takes your words seriously and let's you into his lab. You're the first person he goes to, and he's always willing to explain his inventions and the science to you even though you don't understand. And when there's fights and you think that this is it, that he's finally had enough.....
He throws your expectations right out the damn window.
Over and over and over again he takes everything you'd learned over your lifetime and burns it to the ground. He sticks with you through thick and thin, and is willing to stay with you because he wants too. Slowly making you begin to actually be comfortable in your own skin. To let that side you're always keeping quiet out more. And then one day you look at him, you see him smiling and laughing at some joke you said and you see the light and mirth in his gaze, the sincere emotions that you bring to him just by being yourself. And it's then you realize that maybe you can have good things in your life. That there's truly a rainbow at the end of every storm. That when you look at him, you feel like spring.
Just ugh they make me insane-
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 2 months
My Favourite Details This Season
Callum pacing and tossing the cube in episode 1 he's just like me fr
"I heard you were up here losing your mind ;)"
"Lots of books, I like books :D"
"I HAVE AN IDEA" "So,,,, what's your idea-" *runs out of room*
"I HAVE A SECRET PLAN" with the most dramatic stage whisper I've ever heard
Pyrrah stretching like a cat
Literally every interaction Soren and Corvus have. The party conversation. "Maybe it's edible" "NO, and PLEASE don't find out" and then Corvus having to tell him to spit it out. "You’re a man of mystery, Corvus ;)))" and "You clearly didn’t learn anything at camp 🙄🙄🙄" “It’s not great.” “Yeah I tried. “Okay” “It’s the effort”. Soren’s head falling onto Corvus’ chest
Janai being so damn tall. I swear to god this woman grows like a foot every season. What is happening to her. Why is she like that
"Wake up kids!" When they arrive at the frozen sea
"It’s literally frozen in time 😮" "it’s literally frozen in ice, it’s figuratively frozen in time"
"The frozen ship, so sad😔"
Rayla sitting on the table reading a book imagining the characters she’s so silly
“Is Rayla crying?? I’M COMING RAYLA 😡😡😡”
“Rayla! I’m here!” *door slams in his face*
"NO PUNCHING THE BOAT" and Callum's facial expression and pose afterwards 😭
Sneezles and Stella being buddies
“Your breath is warm” “Oh…sorry”
The way they SITTT (Karim in his throne, Janai after trying to burn the tree, Soren against the wall in the first meeting, Miyana on the rocks in the second episode, Ezran on his bed, Janai near the tree, Rayla lying on her bed and on the table)
Terry's glasses making their heavily anticipated return
"And this is Rayla- wait, did you want to do your own intro?"
"Welcome to the starscraper 😌" "WELCOME?! YOU NEARLY KILLED US" "Nearly, but the fates seem to have another path in mind for you" "The FATES?! What does that even... is that even an apology?!"
"Okay, you both seem on the nice side, so not to be rude... as if somehow this is ruder than throwing people out from a great height🙄🙄🙄..."
“Wait, is everyone else wearing blindfolds too?” “That is a joke.” “Yeah it was funny 😡”
Astrid saying Callum has greasy hair
“Where’d you get that comically large block of ice”
Callum trying and failing to use Rayla’s blade and almost cutting his fingers off
“How do I insult a star spider? 😆 Ezran would know what to do- ow OW HEY”
Astrid’s little trans speech your honor I love her
"This orb.... is a giant peice of candy 😐"
Jack De Sena's voice acting in Kosmo's hallucination?? Hello?? Poured out his heart and soul all for a hypothetical
Wind elk :)))))
The awkward giggles when they're about to kiss that first time
The entire “fiscal exercices” conversation 
Leola. Just everything about Leola she's just like me fr
Feel free to add on because I certainly will. This list is like 50% unfinished
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bougiebutchbitch · 5 days
I'm not in the ofmd fandom but I am intrigued by the drama. spill the tea?
Where do I begin lksdlgkfds
Okay so
There’s this nasty little gremlin-man in ofmd called Izzy Hands. He’s a sour, mean, skrunkly, disabled little cunt who is a firm believer in Respect and Discipline (in a very queer subby way).
This is to say: he is. Explicitly. Queer. He does drag on the show, and has a whole coming-out scene. He is a kinky masochist. He confesses his love for another man, and basically ruins his own life & everyone else's, because he is sooooo pathetically jealous about this man (his captain!) falling for some milquetoast loser white rich guy, when Izzy, a badass leather-wearing working-class sword-swinging swashbuckler, is right there making puppy-eyes at him.
He's wrong! He's horrid! He's a bastard, pickled in piss and vinegar! He's five-foot-nothing of spite and gay self-loathing! He's very fun to watch, and very, very queer.
People still insist that he’s straight. And racist. Despite there being 0 textural evidence to support this, and the creators of the show repeatedly saying that this is absolutely not what they wrote.
Why do people hate him so much? Simple! Because he ‘got in the way’ of the main ship.
Yup. It’s basically ‘bash the girl who gets in the way of our m/m otp’ only the girl is a grizzled 50-something year old pirate.
The main ship, btw, is between Ed Teach, an awesome complex flawed hopeful beautiful character of colour; and Stede Bonnet, another awesome complex flawed character. Who is a white guy. And who happens to be a rich plantation owner from the 1700s. Based on A LITERAL SLAVE OWNER. Who is explicitly shown to be a Problematic White Guy with fucked-up racist views.
Like. He’s not a perfect guy. The show makes this very, very clear - to the point where Stede pushes Ed into sex super-fast immediately after Ed says he wants to go slow, and this makes Ed run away and freak out.
But somehow, Certain Fans still insist that Izzy is to blame because :checks notes: he makes one cheeky, friendly joke about them finally getting together that is clearly given & received in good spirits.
There's a lot of this cognitive dissonance going on. And it's very, very wilful.
Basically: a certain subset of people who ship Ed and Stede refuse to exercise the slightest bit of critical thought of Stede’s views and actions (which are a representation of the white landed gentry!) but insist on maliciously twisting literally everything Izzy says or does to cast him as The Ultimate Villain. Whereas anyone watching the show can tell that he starts off as an antagonist-with-a-deeply-hidden-heart-of-gold, whose entire arc is about growth and redemption.
I think 99% of this is projection. Stede and Ed are not perfect by any means, but these people are so dead-set on shipping a Cute Fluffy Romance (when that. Really isn’t what the show gave us) that they have to create a villain out of Izzy and blame all of Stede and Ed’s fucked-up choices and actions on him, in the most contrived ways. Which has the added bonus of them deciding that Izzy, a white guy, is somehow responsible for literally ALL of Ed’s genuinely awful, abusive, and interesting choices in S2, where he went on his villain arc. Even though Izzy was the main victim of this villain arc. Rather than, y’know, giving Ed the agency to make his own damn decisions and acknowledging that he is a flawed and fascinating character who Hurts People but still deserves a happy ending, like literally every other main character on ofmd. Nope. Gotta infantalise that man of colour and pretend he has no control over his own life and his morality is goverened by the white men around him!
Then, they get to portray Stede as his white saviourTM who swoops in and saves Ed from ‘his own darkness’ with the power of love. 😊 because that’s not Problematique in the slightest 😊
It’s… fucked up, to put it plainly. But honestly, as much as there is a problem with their dogged insistence that Izzy is the root of all iniquity on the show, and that Ed and Stede are pure perfect angels who never did any wrong... what was worse was the relentless harassment enacted by that side of the fandom against anyone who dared show a liking for Izzy’s character. Like, it’s not the worst fandom out there by any means, but it really did make the fandom feel hostile to anyone who didn’t ship the main ship.
SO - yeah. That's the tea! OFMD was a fun show with lots of cool flawed characters. But the fandom was a cesspit, fuelled mostly by a Certain Group Of Fans' desperation to make their ship Perfect and Morally Pure - which resulted in them throwing an interesting, well-rounded, morally grey queer disabled character under the bus, and harrassing anyone who enjoyed him.
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jennrypan · 5 months
Let's go down the line of fuckassary: LONG ASS POST AHEAD.
1: Gaia looked and acted like everyone else. She should've been WAY angrier, she should be pissed at Persephone for bringing about winter first of all. Should be pissed that she was a sleep and NOTHING got better over the centuries. But sure, she's giggling and happy.
(I liked that she shoved her hand in Ouranos' chest tho.)
2: It's soo funny that people keep SAYING that Persephone and Hades have true love but the comic hasn't showed us that ever 🤨, like if anything those two losers are obsessed with each other. Be so fr.
3: Once again..this should be Persephones story/POV but its in Hades' always. Fascinating.
4: "You have to spend 3 months away from your sugar daddy" OH NOOOO BUT WEVE BEEN APART FOR SO LONGB 🥺. God. At this point does she even NEED to be in the Mortal Realm fr?? Like..Demeter, Metis and Rhea are back now so..what's her purpose there.
5: The way Gaia just isn't. Gaia is baffling. Anyways. Demeter FINALLY found out what happened to Persephone but she's not..having a moment with her daughter?? Not talking to her about it?? Okay.
6: As usual. They're eager to have sex cuz that's the only thing they do. "I can't wait to see that ass--" ..how very Zeus and Posedion of you quote on quote romantic 🤨
7: She gets her coronation but..didn't she already have that when she married Hades?? Ig not then. Also..Apollo just got a slap on the wrist, not surprising.
DEMETER GOT PUNISHED MORE THAN HIM??? Hell the Titans got punished more than that bitch what the fuck??? God.
8: The disrespect to Zeus is so. 😶 Zeus would literally not sit back quietly for this shit the fuck??? Also..Hera didn't divorce Zeus all those years and now she did ?? And she's what..gonna get with Echo now??? Fascinating. Zeus needs to start tossing rocks. Rachel did Zeus and Heras relationship so fucking DIRTY!!!! GOD!! FUCKING DAMMIT. I hate how she wrote them. Anyways.
9: The Mortal Realm is a lot easier cuz Hades is there?? YOU WERE BORN THERE!!! ITS YOUR HOME!! You ungrateful ass spawn. It wasn't that fun cuz you didn't have a man there?? Insane.
10: The way Persephone clearly doesn't love her own mother is sickening actually. Like..we can't even have them talking to each other?? Dancing?? Even the comment about her doesn't have that much emotion. Also..Dionysus' hair looks goofy, and I guess Hades is all for bringing back mortals now despite making a big stink about it in season 1 but whatever. Yay Semele.
11: "hera just gives him busy work" ..He's literally the king. Literally-- oh my god. "His powers having been the same" which..MEANS WHAT?? And the way Zeus would literally not be happy about this shit is so-- UGH. God it's infuriating. Hades and Posedion clearly don't give a shit about their brother if they aren't concerned about his fucking powers 'not being same'??? Die.
12: Echo needs to stand SEVERAL feet away from Hera. That ship is so god damn tasteless and unnecessary. If you're gonna give hera a new love interest. Maybe give them actual moments?? Make it make sense!!
13: "Ares is still a dog!" *cue laugh track sound*, god this is so..why ?? Ares, baby I'm so sorry people keep disrespecting you in every iteration 🤦‍♀️
14: ignoring the Artemis bit cuz she wasn't relevant for any of the major plots and she still isn't. Anyways. Hades stay the FUCK away from Thanatos. "They can have conversations" oh?? How fascinating. Hades just NOW deciding to care about Thanatos doesn't make up for years of his neglect.
15: Persephone, Ares and Aphrodite should beat Eros' ass for being useless about Apollo. I still think that. Eros is an ass of a friend.
16: 'new powers' ..Girl your powers are basically your old powers with one extra step. Shut UP!!! anyways. (No one cares about kassandra, sorry not sorry. Who was worried about that )
17: Hades and Persephones millionth drabble of nonsense fluff. They're not saying anything new, nor are they doing anything new. I do like the art tho. It's just..baffling how..they're relationship started soo much nonsense and we're suppose to see it as a good thing??
THIS is a good ending??
Nevermind the fact Persephone didn't spend time with her friends or her MOTHER, nevermind the fact Zeus and Posedion don't even get to speak to their mother either.
Hera, Hestia and Demeter don't have a moment with Metis either.
Like..what was the point of bringing them back if you weren't gonna bring it to a satisfying conclusion?? Absolutely insane
Also..Eileithyias design is ass. It's sooo boring. It's literally just pilot Hebe but darker. Oh wow she's yellow with purple eyes??? Insidious. Also she just looks boring and bland to be the daughter of the literal king and queen but sure. Give us nothing.
And..again with making the children boring copies of one specific parent! Macaria is so..boring to look at just like Melinoe. Also...hades can..have kids now?? 🤨 okay.
So basically..this was insane from start to finish.
This wasn't a good conclusion. It was absolutely a wreck.
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Okay let’s talk about Murder Drones.
Let’s start with the stuff I was right about.
Damn you tumblr and your limited image count
Tessa is Cyn/Absolute Solver:
I should not have been as happy about that scene as I was but I felt vindicated. Amongst my friend group everyone was thinking Tessa was the last human or working with Cyn/AS. Not me! I knew that little freak was in there and I’m so happy I was right. I also noticed that when Tessa is scanned she is never registered as a human.
(In order: Doll, Uzi, The Sentinel)
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Also she is just dismissive and rude to her supposed “friends”. She tells Uzi not to date “her robot”, blindly thought V and N would just follow her despite the “company” stranding them and of course orders J to mind her ship. Not to mention telling Uzi to wait in the box while her and N take care of everything else.
Someone else mentioned that Tessa despite being way older now should be as tall as her mother was but yet she is still the same height as N and can lift him. Disassembly Bots are a lot heavier than Worker Drones.
Edit: Tessa also understands Doll. It makes sense of the Drones too but Tessa (possibly American with a British accent cause her parents are posh posers) Elliot probably doesn’t know Russian.
Cyn made the Disassembly Drones:
Nori straight up confirms this so not surprised. Ep5 showed Cyn/AS was capable of resetting them in the mansion. Also in the first episode when N is restarted first by Uzi and then J, it showed that the system admin is Cyn and not JCJensen. We see it briefly in Ep5 before Uzi becomes the System Admin. This is also shown when Cyn/AS tries to reboot N by bringing back his memories but can’t.
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This also leads me to think that their memories are erased from planet to planet. We know that there are plenty of disassembly bots but only J, N and V remain. I do think it would be a stretch to say that every bot is just a clone of these three. My point is, they have destroyed other planets. J and N may not be as aware as V is but this has taken a toll on all of them. My main reasoning behind this is that in N’s flashback we see a world about to be destroyed. Drones and humans are being slaughtered. I think Cyn/AS sends bots to the world and when the world implodes she just reboots them to a new server body. We know that “effective drones were cloned more”. Makes V statement more accurate, Cyn/AS will keep doing the same horrors in as many bodies as she needs to get what she wants.
Edit: this point will not completely inaccurate does imply that they have cleared other planets. We could easily be only talking about Earth. Unlike Copper 9 the earth is well…the EARTH. Cyn’s backups of N, J and V could have easily been destroyed in the fight to clear out the earth, hence why those three have so many clones ready to go. All we know is that JCJenson did have other colonies and the Earth is destroyed. Nothing says that Disassembly Drones have gotten to those planets yet or at all.
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Onto the other stuff now.
Absolute Solver = Vampirism
The disassembly drones have always had the allusion to vampires (N sleeps upside down, can’t be in the sun, need for oil, etc). I didnt think it would take a somewhat literal aspect. So we know that Absolute Solver program can create organic material but we didn’t question the how. When I posted yesterday about the oil vs “not oil”, after rewatching it on my TV I can confidently say, It’s not oil. It’s blood.
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So Solver needs blood to make organic material which is why Solver infected bots can bleed. Something we kinda knew when N regrew his head and Alice dissecting Disassembly Drones. And you know, Solver straight up saying “Let’s eat!”.
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Which explains why Cyn/AS took over Tessa. A self sufficient, self-feeding, suit that would keep her safe on Cooper 9. Also to access the database to get the list of infected drones.
Edit: I forgot to mention that Cyn/AS literally eats Doll’s core. Her HEART.
I also meant that AS infected Drones and Disassembly Drones don’t ONLY need Oil. They (Uzi, N, V, J, Doll, Cyn/AS) need and/or consum both.
There is no saving Cyn
Yeah she’s gone. At this point the only thing keeping Cyn alive would be the Solver, if she she is alive. The fact that all of Solver’s admin goes in between absolutesolver_ and _cyn means that they are one and the same by now. Not really a theory just something I’ve been thinking on.
Uzi and N
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He is so lame your honor I love him. I truly believe they’ve been “dating” since post-prom. Dating in a way that neither of them realized was dating. EP6 would have been the most definitive showing of that. I also believe V knew and said nothing.
These fucking losers I love them so much:
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Thanks to Khan saying Uzi’s interest include “cannibalism and Nightcore”, it’s fair to assume Nori was still eating people/oil before she got “killed”.
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rogue205 · 1 year
Oh my god. What is with Disney these days? No one wants a “woke” Princess and it’s like they don’t even understand the word anyway.
Pixar does because look at Merida. She still got help from “a man” even if they were her little brothers. It was still “female empowerment” because her mother is actually the one who killed the bad guy anyway and it was because he was about to kill Merida. It wasn’t just “women strong!”. Hell, Merida refuses to get married and actually ends the movie that way but she never comes across as “ew, men” but that she simply doesn’t want to. I can relate.
But back to Disney. They changed Little Mermaid so Ariel literally did EVERYTHING including killing Ursula despite the fact that she shouldn’t even know how to drive a damn ship. 🙄 There was nothing wrong with Eric doing it!
And now we’re getting “woke” Snow White who is named as such because her skin is WHITE AS SNOW! But noooooo… she has to be a person of color too so Disney can have lazy writing and call everyone racist when we call them out on this BS. POC are just shields for them now although Rachel Zegler tried to accuse everyone of hate already. Lady, that’s not going to get people to see your point. And frankly, it’s not even about her. It’s about Disney and what they’re doing.
Also they’re apparently planning to change the Prince coming in to wake her up at the end. Like, what? And most of the seven dwarves are gone too. I think there’s only one now while the others are “normal”. They thought(and Zegler said) that the Prince was “acting stalker-ish” so that’s why they wanted to change him. Hah. They clearly didn’t watch “Once Upon a Time”. Now THAT is a live-action Snow White.
Plus there is a “deleted scene” comic which explains how the Prince even knew to come looking for Snow White. He was captured and locked up by the Evil Queen and witnessed her transform into the hag and poison the apple. He immediately went to find Snow when he managed to escape. All the live-action had to do was include something like this and then he isn’t “stalkerish”. 🙄
Frankly, their movie is not even Snow White anymore and I can tell already that it’s going to flop with all these unneeded and unnecessary changes. All it shares in common now is the name. Nothing else.
This is just my opinion. You don’t have to agree.
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enixamyram · 7 months
I have tried really hard to ignore anti nonsense. I just wanna focus on the good and positive side of this fandom and just enjoy the series in general. But it's also hard bottling up thoughts when I'm used to ranting for the sake of getting my thoughts and feelings out and moving then on.
So I'm gonna put a couple reactions to Anti-Related Hazbin things under the read more just to get them out! Because my god, some of these are bullshit!
Chaggie - I've seen so much bullshit citicizm for this ship. People claiming they're boring or bland or badly written and I have yet to see a legit reason why other than that they don't have any typical relationship drama (which, for the record, I personally am so relieved about) or because they're not being overly affectionate every five minutes of screen time. And you know, this especially drives me crazy because they have some of the sweetest little gestures, whether it be holding hands, hugging, swinging each other round or even just the constant damn heart eyes they have when looking at each other in the background! They're so damn precious and if you can't see that, you don't know what a legit established relationship is supposed to be past the honeymoon phase.
Charlie - People once again have claimed she's badly written. I don't know why people seem to hate happy kind hearted females so much but I have seen this exact complaint about many characters who are similar to her. None of which are actually badly written. They're just not the new stereotype "bad asses" that seems to be the only acceptable way to write a female character lately. Which is ironic since a lot of the so called "bad ass" female characters I have seen are often so one dimensional. Yet we have Charlie, a kind hearted but also sometimes naive girl who is doing her best while also learning with the rest of her friends and ya'll are gonna try and claim she's not amazing? The more I rewatch the show, the more I wanna reschedule my favorite character list because there's not a second I don't adore having her on my screen.
Niffty - This one really makes me want to slam my head against the wall. I have seen so many people complain and claim she acts like a child. Bare in mind, I've just watched episode 3 - you know, the one where Niffty is fully ready to throw herself into the BDSM that Angel takes them to. The only thing close to evidence that I have seen for her acting like a child is the episode where she gets drunk except she's still not acting like a child there, she's acting like a drunk! When some people are drunk they're silly and dumb and very "child-like". Otherwise, the only reason I think people call her a child is because she's is literally small like one. Yet, if you actually look at anything past her basic physical appearance, she's a crazy murder machine and I don't know many children I can also give that title to.
Angel - This is so old and everyone else has said this all so much better than me but I just really want to repeat: Just because it's not YOUR representation doesn't mean it's BAD representation. Just because you dealt with your sexual assault in a certain way does not mean everyone deals with it that way and it sure as hell doesn't give you a right to dismiss others. I have seen so many people say they identify with Angel's character and his hypersexuality, so it is so annoyingly arrogant to see people trying to shut them down entirely because Angel's character isn't portraying their personal reactions. It's just so amazingly self-centered to be saying that if you can't personally relate to it exactly, then it shouldn't exist at all. Seriously, grow the fuck up.
Loser Baby/Poison - Again, this has been said so many times before by other people but I'm gonna add/repeat. Some people take these songs and videos so damn literally. I saw someone claim Angel was happy during his dance with Valentino in Poison which apparently made the whole character a contradiction? Completely ignoring the parts where he's clearly miserable or the part where he's clearly putting on a fake smile or even the part where he all out says he dissociates to get through. And then you have Loser Baby where people are outraged that Husk call Angel a loser and is apparently trying to compare their situations? I mean, he's obviously not saying they're situations are the same if you think about it for more than two seconds. Like, are you seriously this literal? If I said the message went over your head, would ya'll look up?
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halfhissandwich · 1 month
Ok I legitimately made myself curious with my own post of Roman writing analogical fanfiction, so this is what we’re doing: if the sides were aware of the ships of themselves, what would they ship? (Ft too much analysis from yours truly)
Logan: I like imagining that every side in the moralogince trio ships the other duo that’s not them, so that would mean Logan would ship royality (which makes sense, he’d probably think “what dorks, they would be a nice couple”). I also think he is the only side who would ship Moceit just because he can see the progression and he thinks it’s sweet. I also see him shipping Dukexiety for literally no reason other than “spooky.” He also has this weird thing: “I don’t want to date Janus, but I would ship loceit”
Roman: Oh you know analogical is his otp. He shipped logicality (to go along with the moralogince thing) until Accepting Anxiety, and then he claimed his title as the number one analogical shipper. I can’t really see him shipping anything else, maybe dukeceit since they’re both “villains” in Roman’s eyes
Patton: Logince, he wants them to be married. Patton just… ships everyone with himself. I can kind of see him shipping loceit since both of them are more serious and smart, I also see him casually shipping analogical but nowhere near as much as Roman does. Basically uh, Patton likes Logan ships.
Virgil: I will never forget the livestream where Virgil wrote a Dukeceit fanfic. Virgil ships Dukeceit—it’s the only Janus ship he will ever tolerate. He also might ship Intrulogical just because Remus and Logan can kinda have mad scientist vibes but Virgil’s not really big on shipping Janus or Remus with anyone really, besides each other. (Also I think he ships logince but I have no reasoning to back this one up)
Janus: Hot take, Janus would die for royality. He loves royality as much as Roman loves analogical. He chills in his room, everyone thinks he’s plotting something evil, no. He stole Roman and Patton plushies and he’s making them kiss. He also kinda likes prinxiety because he thinks it’s fun how much they hate him, but his main ship is royality, he loves the cute besties to lovers thing and he will never ever admit it
Remus: … yeah you all saw this coming, he definitely ships roceit. His brother and his best friend, Remus definitely ships them just because they’re the ones he likes the most. Plus, the ✨drama✨. I also think he ships anxceit bc damn he wants his friends to kiss and make up.
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☀️ CM Summer Sunshine Fic Challenge 🏖
The following are prompts including the theme of Summer! Reader, Original Character, Character/Character ships, Gen/Platonic fics are allowed!
This event is over (Masterlist of Fics here), but you are welcome to use any of these prompts. If you would like to be added to the existing Masterlist of entries, please check out the Rules below!
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☀️ Generic Prompts ☀️
Everyone looks better in a sundress.
Character doesn't know how to swim.
Characters A and B cuddle in a hammock.
The team has a (MASSIVE) family barbecue.
The BAU has a pool party at Rossi's vacation home.
The sun makes Characters sleepy, so they take a nap.
Characters A and B have a picnic (it goes well/wrong).
Character shows up in swimwear that no one expected.
Character A suffers heatstroke and B takes care of them.
Character A teases B about needing to practice CPR at the pool party.
Character A never loved B more than when they ran through the sprinklers.
The air conditioning broke and Characters try to find creative ways to cool off.
Characters A and B go berry picking together (and enjoy the fruits of their labor).
It's Character's first time camping and they weren't prepared for how cold it gets on summer nights.
Character A lectures B on the importance of sunscreen, yet freezes when they are asked to help apply it.
The BAU is a group of very serious FBI agents. They take their water gun/balloon fights very seriously.
The couple thought their vacation would be a chance to get away from the BAU, but the resort town they're staying in turns out to have an unsub in it.
Character helps their child with their first entrepreneurial venture... a lemonade stand. They weren't expecting half the damn FBI to show up.
Character A’s wide-brimmed hat flew right off their head and into a tree. B helps them get it down.
Anything else you can think of!
☀️ Dialogue Prompts ☀️
"It's like Hotch at the beach."
"Come on in, the water's fine."
"It's so hot but I am so touch starved."
"... How did you even get that tan line?"
“Yes, the sunburn is as bad as it looks.”
"Oh my god, do I hear the ice cream truck?"
"Next Summer, we're doing the Alaskan cruise."
"It's a million degrees outside, why are you in the hot tub?"
(sarcastic) “Feels just like the summer camps of my youth.”
"I am staying hydrated. All of my drinks are iced." "That does not count."
"There is no shame in using a pool floatie." "Yes, there is. I'm shaming you."
“You look hot.” “Thank you!” “No, I mean literally… I think you’re overheating.”
(lying) "My phone doesn't work on the beach. Must be the signal or something..."
☀️ Character Specific Prompts ☀️
Spencer: He learned from the last time a beautiful person pulled him into a pool.
Spencer: He has a degree in engineering. How can he be defeated by a sandcastle?
Spencer: "I don't really like the beach... Sandy food, pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, but mostly drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces.”
Luke: Reader loves to go to the dog beach to look at cute puppies. A dog named Roxy takes special interest in them.
Tara/Emily: “And what did you do with your summer vacation, Emily Prentiss?”
☀️ NSFW Prompts ☀️ 18+ ONLY ☀️
Character gets caught skinny dipping.
Character A can't get out of the water after seeing B.
Sex on the beach is so much worse than everyone said.
Character A can't deal with how much B loves popsicles/ice cream cones.
It's too hot to wear clothes at home, so Character walks around in their underwear.
Character A finally convinces B to go to the beach with them. Turns out it's a nude beach.
The fic can be a Reader insert, an Original Character, a character/character ship, a platonic ship, or a Gen fic. It can feature any Criminal Minds character.
Tag me in the fic, or send it to me in a Direct Message. It can be already written, or you can write it just for the challenge - I’m collecting both! You can also tag it “#mentioningmargins” which is a tag I track.
The fic can be any genre, but ONLY send me smut if your bio states you are 18+. I DO NOT WANT smut written by minors. Ever. At all. I will check. Platonic ships and pure, fluffy fics are 100% allowed.
Please include Content Warnings and a one-sentence Summary of the fic in your post.
Have fun!
🏖 Happy Writing! 🏖
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copycatsr · 4 months
why tf is no one talking about disgusting ships with sukuna
sukuna artists try not to ship sukuita and sukufushi go! (Difficulty: impossible)
Trigger warning for sukuita and sukufushi shippers/any sukuna shippers (why do y'all even exist)
except sukuraume, self explanatory
Like u can NOT be shipping minors with a fucking thousand year old curse dude that's fucking illegal in more ways than one
"Oh, but it's an aged up au!" No, that doesn't make it any better. ☠️ It's STILL disgusting and the character's age STILL remains the same even in the anime or manga you can't argue otherwise, it's also sexualising a character that's not even the age of consent.
It's the fact that all these sukufushi and sukuita shippers can get away with it because like HALF OF THE FANDOM likes it.
ESPECIALLY. Sukufushi. No, Sukuna isn't interested in the way you think he's interested in Megumi. All he was after was to have Megumi's cursed technique, NOTHING ELSE. And you can't tell me you ship sukuita either, they HATE each other's guts. In fact, they're FAMILY. Yeah so try that again you fucking bitch cause everyone who ships allat are disgusting. ☠️
And if you still ship all that, the relationship would be toxic as FUCK. Think about it. USE YOUR BRAIN. I can't express how much hatred I have towards these disgusting ships that I come across on a daily basis and NO ONE is hating.
If no one else will say it, I'm saying it. No ships other than Sukuraume ACTUALLY makes sense. At least I can see Sukuraume, but TojiKuna, SukuGo, YOU NAME IT, WHAT are those. TOJI AND SUKUNA HAVE NEVER EVEN MET??? AND SUKUGO IS JUST SELF EXPLANATORY. They're just all weird.
Please, PLEASE. I'm literally begging it urks me so bad and it gives me the ick everytime I see it. And you DOWNGRADE MEGUMI into a fucking twink EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME. No, he's not a femboy. No, he isn't a twink. No, HE DOES NOT LIKE SUKUNA. INFACT, THEY BOTH HATE EACH OTHER JUST LIKE SUKUNA AND YUJI.
Dear god I'm so tired of seeing talented artist's artstyles go to waste because they like weird things.
Can I just enjoy sukuna art without having to see disgusting proships when I go into their page just to find out about the absolute disgust that they ship? It's SUCH a waste of talent and a good artstyle. This is illegal just stop please and thank you.
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cloudwhich · 7 days
enjoy this rambling i found in my notes app after i listened to the ascendancy trilogy audiobooks for the first time. i was working on my final animation project and i literally had to stop and write this down in the studio at like two am
it is SO heartbreaking ‘re-reading’ thrawn ascendancy. Like it just hurts my soul a little bit. I’m near the end of the third book after the final battle and GOD. Every character mentioned has such a distinct personality. Everything meshes together. The perspectives come from every single person EXCEPT thrawn. In a book about him. GENIUS.
The eventual trust that forms between Samakro and Thalias as well… after so much drama… honestly. Both of them as characters are so potent and persuading… they are real in my mind. And in my mind they are happy. (Also. I think I ship it)
AND ZIINDA… my love for her. A flawed character, but likable for relatable reasons. Her old doubts shadow her but she Persists. And does the right thing!!!! Also the way she’s voiced in the audiobook is just so fun. Like a reserved, slightly southern accent. Her and Sakmaro’s voices are so good. Each characterizes them PERFECTLY. Thank god for good voice actors to read my Star Wars audiobooks 🙏
IT WAS A PUNCH IN THE FUCKING GUT when Thrass was first mentioned because I knew what was coming. As did everyone else. But the memory interludes… good god. Those two deserved to live and thrive together it HURTS. And seeing Thrass’ view of thrawn through his perspective… they are BROTHERSSS. THRAWN NEEDED THAT BRO. And the words repeated from outbound flight in the last flashback… I cried in the studio. A single tear ran down my face bro PLEASEEEEE and I am DREADING the final flashback. I know the pain that awaits me. And then Thrawns final exile… why WHYY
Oh. Wutroow and Aralani my favorite command duo. Ever. Such a good dynamic it makes me wonder… (I can’t prove it. But they kissed once.)
But don’t get me STARTED on aralani and thrawn. Don’t. Because I can’t even. Equally stoic and skillful, but Thrawns autistic socially awkward ass wouldn’t survive a second without Ziara . And also… Don’t play. We all heard what she said about their museum “outing”. Ziara thought thrawn was taking her out. But she still enjoyed watching him ramble about art. Then she asks to GO BACK TO HER QUARTERS WITH HIM to “show him her wire sculptures”. And all that oblivious man does is Study. The. Sculptures. And psychoanalyze her. and THEN. Yall SPARRED??? Oh my god. Please. They probably had the most situationshipy friendship ever that only Aralani realizes ever had that connotation to it. I think after that ‘date’ ended she was like yeah. he’s either gay, autistic, or completely oblivious but i like his weird ass mind so imma keep him around
Oh. And Ba’kif was Stybla?? Did not know. I fuck w the Stybla not gonna lie. big fan of family drama
also. I find it so fucking funny when the officers get pissed off and curse or go out of standard protocol. I be giggling and kicking my feet when one of them says “damn”. Or when they swear under their breath WHAT DID YOU SAYYY I NEED TO KNWO
final thought: let Wutroow curse. Homegirl is itching to drop an f bomb let her do it
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weepingtalecowboy · 2 months
omg i just saw your post about everyone being afraid of bruce and yes damn it
like that man cannot go on 'parenting' like that without there ever being consequences
idk anything about canon (and im not about to invest money and time just to see some rich dude abuse his kids) but ive been thinking about all the things he did and how everythings gotta be so much worse without Alfred (even though there seem to be some instances where he was there and still didn't do anything - did he die before or after gotham war??)
i like the bodyswap + timetravel idea and bruce being confronted with the pain he caused and trying to make it right, but i kinda really want everyone else to realise that he's hurting them and for them to get together and just. idk kick him out of his own house. or city
Yes that would have been fun but unfortunately without Batman Gotham literally is falling apart and they all are in a situation where they literally can’t kick Bruce out no matter how much they want to (therefore creating a dangerous and unbalanced dynamic because they can’t do anything but endure him being an asshole because Gotham is at stake)
Which is why if he loves them he should ship them away as far as physically possible like to the other side of the world so that his enemies don’t hurt them anymore
But Bruce is selfish and can’t bare being alone but he also isn’t a good parent for them all making him oppressing and dangerous
Because Batman without Robin is a monster but he also is constantly hurting them be it accidentally or purposely
He is a monster no matter what he does
If he has robin he will hurt him enough to leave him
If he has no robin he starts hurting himself and the citizens of Gotham
It is a limbo straight from hell
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