#so engaged in our story hey
priscirat · 1 year
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were the seats always this close ?
89 notes · View notes
planetaryupscaled · 1 month
Male Reader x Karina
Tags: 6k, cheat, oral, story heavy
The story is not ours; we simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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They say everything happens for a reason, if life gives you lemons turn them into lemonade. It always struck me as a strange saying a little too cut and dry. Like a mantra to lead my life with, it had been an upwards struggle. Devoid of any formal degree, in many respects I was a self-made man, grafting from the bottom of the pile and slowly making my way upwards, to the light, the fabled promised land of success, this is my story.
It was early 2020, still fresh from the Covid-19 meltdown. Looking back on it, we really did make a fuss over nothing, it was world ending stuff. Fresh out of a failed college career I had just turned 20, studies had never really held much of my attention, crashing out a year before graduation. Saying this, I was good at building networks, street smart you could say, I knew a good deal when I saw one and over the years, I would develop the timing and nous to know when exactly to pull the trigger. With a heavy interest in films, my main aim was to get into the industry by any means necessary. Luckily enough for me I knew a few people who were runners on in the SM Entertainment back in the day. The pay was basic if that and the job was menial, filled with odd jobs like fetching coffee or printing out stuffs. Nevertheless, it was a start.
“Seriously, where is that guy? the new runner guy, lanky looking kid,” Shouted the set manager.
“Ahem…” I replied, standing next to the sweaty looking man.
“What’s your name? You know what, it doesn’t matter, get a coffee to waiting room 4, quick kid,” he said, bits of saliva spraying everywhere.
God, I hated that guy, his breath always reeked in a mixture of cheap coffee and banana. Reluctantly I knocked on the door, prepping a fake smile for whomever was going to open it.
“Hey,” A chirpy voice said.
My mouth was lolling open slightly, mouth running dry as I struggled to form a suitable response. She laughed softly at my starstruck reaction, holding out her hand to shake mine. It was Karina. She was most teenagers wet dream, well, technically still is.
She was just as attractive as the in the magazines, her smokey brown eyes complimenting her tight, tone, bronze physique. I felt an instant twinge in my pants as I willed myself not to show my arousal, hoping to od it was not obvious that I was attracted to her. Brushing myself down mentally, I took a deep breath and fixed my shirt holding out hand containing her hot beverage. There was something about her, despite her arresting looks that calmed me. Maybe it was the kindness in her eyes or the kindness in her voice, whatever it was, it worked.
“Your- coffee,” I managed.
“How old are you?” She said, taking a sip of her latte.
“Erm… 20- Miss,” I replied.
“Seriously, call me Karina,” She smiled.
“You are pretty cute,” She followed up, handing me the piece of paper with a list of her requirements.
“From now on, you are my personal runner,” Karina said, high fiving me as she left for rehearsals.
I blushed at the comment, a throw away one at that but at the time, it was like gold dust to me. The piece of paper was basically a shopping list of drinks and snacks to get at what time. It remained this way for a year or so as I watched Karina’s fame sky rocket. It was almost inspirational how she climbed the ladder step by step. At that time, she was dating an actor, Lee Jiwook? Jiwoon? or something, I don’t know. Another forgettable character.
I had a sense that he felt superior to me, which granted at the time, he was dating Karina so one could forgive his arrogance. He was in her changing room on a number of times. There were rumors that they were due to get engaged which turned out to be true one it was released in the press a few months later. He was by all intents an purposes the luckiest guy alive in that moment.
On the rare occasions that we did get time alone, Karina and I talked about everything from our past to future aspirations. She even helped me get back into college, funding part of my studies to get into a foundation business course. It was a difficult time, I had to finish college, which I did with after work classes and after that, moved onto that foundation course. I was indebted to her in more ways than one, but our relationship never threatened to go any further.
Over the year I think Karina grew to see me as a brother of sorts. I mean it was fine, what more could I expect. Saying this, I always held on to that faint hope that we could be more, if only the tables were turned, and I was the rising up and comer, one could only dream.
If only I had known my time with her would be limited, maybe I would have been braver, more forward I told myself. However, it did not pan out that way, as per usual, life throws you lemons, make some lemonades right? Coming into the last few episodes of the final series I made my usual rounds, knocking on her door and entering without a response, only to find Karina scantily clad in a white bra and pair of cotton panties. I did it all the time, just enter and drop off a coffee, maybe have a chat, but this time was different.
“Crap- don’t you knock?!” Karina jumped, covering up her indecency.
“I- I did, I thought- sorry,” I replied.
I managed to sneak a peek at her crotch, sending my desires into over drive seeing her, Karina picked up the plushie, covering her sex. A drop of pre cum leaked my tip as I groaned internally at the visual stimulation. She was hot as fuck I thought in my head, what I would do just to be with her for one night. Regaining composure I chuckled, triggering her to break into a smile also, scrambling to get dressed.
“Nice plushie,” I said, winking at Karina
“Oh, Haha,” Karina replied blushing.
“Your morning coffee Miss,” I said, leaving her daily latte on the table, turning to leave as I closed the door.
That was my last encounter with her as I was moved to another set the day after. If we stayed in touch, it would probably be one of those funny memories we could bring up from time to time but it was not to be. Now in the present, decades later I was suited and booted, ready for my fourth-round interview for a Digital marketing executive role at The Prada Group.
“They will have you now,” The secretary called out to me, beckoning me into the conference room.
My hands were steady, nerves of steel. I had interviewed at many companies before, but had a renewed desire to nail this one. I had to; she was the co-founder. The days of being a runner were long gone, as I managed to land a junior marketing role. This however, was my bread and butter, marketing, networking and the like. It was like a hand in a glove, I loved it, and it showed in my work.
Holding my head high, I pushed open the doors, my presentation in hand, ready for whatever they threw my way. Ready for the interview? Yes, but ready for- Karina?! I was not. Under normal circumstances, shareholders would not be part of the interview process. Steadying myself I held out my hand, shaking each interviewer’s hand firmly. There were three, Karina being the last.
“Nice to meet you all,” I said with confidence.
I could see Karina racking her brain as to where she had seen me. The cogs in her head were turning till I saw her face light up.
“Oh my god, Minho!” She said, her face lighting up.
“In the flesh Mam,” I replied.
“Oh, apologies for the lack of professionalism, I worked with Minho...what is it now, Ten years ago?” Karina said, her smile lighting up the room and to my advantage, perking up the other interviewers.
“We can catch up after...carry on with the presentation,” she said beaming.
Unclasping my blazer and setting it to the side I went through point by point my ideas for the new product launch, our target audience, demographic and ways to capture their attention. It was as robust a presentation as I had ever given, leaving very little questions afterwards as the four discussed among themselves after grilling me with queries.
It was a positive sign then that all four were smiling in unison as my hands started to sweat, showing the first signs of how much this job meant to me. It was her presence that threw me a curve ball. After all these years, Karina was still as alluring as ever. If anything, she looked better now than she did when we first met. Now in her thirties, married and with kids, she looked fantastic. I managed to shake my fantasies of once an idol from my thoughts and concentrate on the panel in front of me, glancing at her every so often.
“Listen, we don’t do this regularly, but this interview has been far from the ordinary. Your links with Karina, coupled with her glowing references and your stellar presentation, we would like to offer you the job,” The man in the middle said.
I was slightly taken aback at the praise, this must have been the best interview I had ever had, taking a moment to process I smiled and nodded, shaking their hand in turn with acceptance.
“Minju from HR will settle the contracts with you by phone, I believe you are ok with our pay package?” The interviewer said.
“Yes Sir,” I replied, shaking his hand again.
To be fair it was a big bump on what I was on at the moment with the added benefit of an old love interest entered into the equation, it was a must take.
“Thank you for giving me the opportunity,” I said before turning towards the door.
“Minho, one sec, are you free later this afternoon for a catch up?” Karina said before I left the room.
“Sure,” I replied smiling before exchanging numbers.
It was a move so natural to me now, one which my 20-year-old self would be proud of. I had just nabbed Karina’s phone number.
“Well done on today,” Karina said, putting her hand on my shoulder.
“It’s really good to see you,” She followed up.
“Catch you soon,” Karina said smiling warmly at me.
“As long as you get the coffees this time,” I replied with a wink.
“Good one,” Karina reply, her cheeks turning a light pink for the briefest of moments.
For the first time in a long while, the fruits of my labor were finally bearing fruit. It was a constant struggle to get to this point in my career, blocked off at various stages in the chain by a combination of bad luck and wrong timing. I was always taught that we make our own luck in this world which is why I kept striving forward, kept pushing on, no matter what situation I found myself in. That interview had been a victory, a rare moment where the pieces just fell into the right slots, just at the crucial moment. On the way out, I had a quick glance around the office, taking in what would be my new workplace. Just at the back next to the director’s office was the marketing department, no doubt my new home going forward.
With great pride I made my way down the stairs and back to reception before being gently caught by the arm. It was the HR rep asking if I had a quick minute to sign the necessary documents instead of getting it mailed through. It did strike me as a peculiar move, normally it took HR a few days to draft the offer letter and send it out, but I thought nothing of it, browsing the important bits and signing off with my signature. Luckily, I had no notice to give as I had just left my role the previous week, a risk on my part, but one I felt I could confidently overcome. It proved to be the right choice as I handed the papers to HR.
“See you next week,” She said.
“Well done,” The rep followed up.
I nodded, shaking her hand, before turning to leave.
“Minho..,” A familiar voice called from behind me.
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It was Karina, speed walking towards me through the crowd of workers. She caught many people’s glances, mostly men as they craftily snuck a peek of the former Idol striding confidently across the floor space. She was wearing an elegant cream patterned dress with a black leather jacket draped across her shoulders. It gave her that casual suave boss look, yet at the same time emanated a very elegant and feminine vibe. Her smile broadened as she caught up with me, lightly touching my shoulder as we walked side by side.
“Congratulations again, on landing the position,” Karina said with a bright smile.
It was hard not to be taken aback by her sheer beauty, but if time had taught me one thing, it was to stay calm and measured in moments like this.
“It... was a close one,” I replied with a grin.
“Pleaseeee, you totally nailed it, we are lucky to have you,” She replied.
“Ok now you are just flattering me for a free coffee,” I joked.
“Ah you know me too well,” Karina replied, chuckling lightly.
“I thought you were busy this afternoon?” I asked, as we made our way outside.
She shrugged her shoulders, playfully prodding me in the ribs with her elbow.
“They were just update meetings, not so important, besides it free’s up more time for us to catch up, unless you have other plans?” Karina said.
“No, not at all, we can go over some of my plans for the project,” I replied.
“No business talk, fill me in on everything else going on with you,” She said laughing.
We walked and talked for what seemed like a few minutes, till we reached a quint little French barista tucked away from the main road. Checking my watch, I realized we had literally been walking for a good fifteen minutes as it was already half past four in the afternoon. It felt seamless, chatting to Karina again, similar to the old days where we would talk about everything and anything while she prepared for another shoot in her Idol days.
“Skinny Latte?” I asked, eying up the menu.
“You know me so well,” Karina said in jest.
“Well, I had a lot of practice back in the day,” I replied with a smile.
Karina suggested we sit in the corner away from the busy eyes of onlookers outside. I had noticed she changed much in this aspect, not one to revel in the spotlight, she was quite reserved in many respects, no doubt influenced to some degree by her religious upbringing. I respected that, her values and steadfast nature in doing what was best for her and her interests.
“So, spill the beans, what’s been going on with you?” Karina asked, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Well, it has been quite the whirlwind to be honest,” I replied.
“Once I left that day, I worked on a few other company till I finally got a promotion to the PR team. From there I steadily plugged away, attending business class in the evenings, thanks to you, eventually graduating and landing an entry level Marketing role for a local website. I stayed there for a couple of years, continuing further study and gaining experience, leaving there as a senior marketing lead. My last job, that I just left was as the Digital lead overseeing different internal projects before rising to Miu Miu taking care of bigger picture stuff and here we are,” I said.
“That is quite the journey, I’m so glad you made it work for yourself,” She said, smiling warmly.
“Well, it was all thanks to your encouragement in the beginning, making me pull my finger out and get my ass into gear,” I replied.
“No, that was all you, I just opened a few doors,” Karina said, rapping lightly on my arm.
Something was different with her. It was like I was no longer seen as a brother but an equal in her eyes. It was the way she looked at me, no longer endearing, almost a bit curious. It triggered an itch within myself that I had to scratch, my infatuation with her since the early days only growing stronger. A feeling that I wanted to follow through and see where I could take this. There were the obvious blockers with her being happily married and all, but my selfishness got the better of me, kicking my moral compass to the side as I mirrored her actions, lightly touching her arm on occasion throughout or little catch up. Not that she seemed to mind at all, her beautiful smile always beaming, fixing her hair from time to time as our coffees soon turned into wine and eventually to dinner.
“So, tell me,” I said, motioning to her ring.
“Oh,” Karina replied blushing slightly at my abrupt change in tac, focusing on her personal life.
I did not expect much, as I knew she was relatively private in nature.
“Well, yes, I am married and have three beautiful children,” She said beaming.
Karina showed me a few pictures in my phone, leaning over the gap in the table to flick through the gallery. I could smell her perfume from here, laced in the depths of her nape, filling my nostrils with a sweet aromatic blend of floral notes and citrus. She smelt heavenly, as I felt my crotch stir at our sudden close proximity. We spoke for what seemed an age before she checked her watch after feeling her phone buzz. It was now half nine in the evening.
“Shoot..,” Karina said.
“God I better get going, the husband is messaging,” She said with an awkward smile.
“It has been good catching up, really good, you have changed a lot Minho,” Karina said, clasping her bag.
“Change in a good way I hope,” I replied with a chuckle.
I could see we had got through quite a number of bottles of wine as Karina dialed a local taxi for pick up as we settled the bill and walked outside to wait for her ride.
“Yes by the way,” Karina suddenly said.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“You have changed in a good way,” She replied.
“Ok that was like a five-minute delay Karina, losing your sharpness,” I said laughing.
“Pfftt, it’s the wine, deadly stuff,” Karina said, merrily leaning on my shoulder.
“You are much more confident and forward looking, it’s a good look,” She said softly.
“I can remember the first time we met, you were so star struck it was cute, standing there with a coffee in your hand,” Karina said laughing.
“Do you blame me?” I said chuckling.
“I mean it was adorable, your face was all flushed and, I can say this now but it was a little obvious you were a little too excited,” Karina said slapping my arm in hysterics.
I had hoped that she would have missed that all those years ago, but I guess she picked up on it, all of it. I could not help but laugh with her reminiscing about the past as the alcohol slowly set in.
“Oh, here’s my cab,” She said giving me a hug and pecking me on the cheek.
“It was so nice to see you, congratulations, again,” Karina said beaming, the smell of wine now laced in her breath.
“You too Karina, it was great to see you too,”
“Don’t worry I have managed to curb my excitement this time!” I joked.
Karina laughed, punching my harm.
“Must be losing my touch,” She said, smiling.
“I wouldn’t fret, you still have the same- effect..,” I replied, my expression of the cheeky, implying nature.
Karina blushed, swiping her hair behind her ear while she fidgeted on the spot for a few moments, smiling.
“Well, I best be going, see you in the office?” She said, gathering her composure again and leaning in for a hug.
“Yes boss,” I replied, closing the taxi door and watching her leave.
The walk home was a good one, a feeling of elation at nailing the interview and one of mild curiosity at the unsaid words and feelings I felt between us. With a bright smile across my face, I went to bed eager to get started on my first day.
Strolling into the work on day one all suited and booted gave me a great sense of accomplishment as the HR representative took me to my new office. It was large, much larger than my old one, decked out in a minimalistic art decor kind of vibe. It even had that fancy clap to shut blinds feature which made the inner child in me laugh in excitement.
“This is your team,” The rep said.
She introduced me to my marketing team manager Nayoung, who over saw our junior team members Sohye and Yeonjun. They seemed like a good bunch, all enthusiastic and willing to do the hard yards as we went full on into the new product launch. There was little time to settle in as the launch was happening in three months’ time, so all the marketing and advertisement had to be nailed down asap. From my first few encounters with Nayoung I got the impression that she knew exactly what she was doing, decisive in her actions but at the same time very popular with the other two. She must have been a few years younger than myself, perhaps on her late twenties, but her experience levels shone through her work. She had that girl next door look, yet commanded respect through her calmness and wicked sense of humor. She was sharp, I had to hand it to her, batting off my banter throughout the day and weeks with ease. It got to a point that our team work was seamless, synchronized as the group ramped up for the final presentation to Karina.
It was now week three, and the first draft was about to be presented to Karina for approval. The team had been working hard throughout the process, pulling late nights on consecutive occasions as all four of us tidied up the final bits of the slides.
“So, we heard that you and the boss lady go way back,” Yeonjun said smirking.
“Yeah, I have known her for quite some time,” I replied.
Sohye and Nayoung smiled at each other.
“Seriously guys, we are going there?” I asked laughing.
“Well, she is kinda hot,” Yeonjun chirped in.
“Kinda? She is drop dead gorgeous,” Sohye replied.
“Guys, just get to work, I will leave the company card with Nayoung, order whatever you want,” I said smiling.
“Is that a no comment?” Yeonjun asked laughing.
Before I could hit back with some banter of my own, Karina walked in wearing an eye catching black short, black top, showing off way too much leg for the office.
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“Evening all,” Karina said, smiling, her eyes lingering on me for a brief moment.
I could sense Yeonjun and the team in hysterics as I gathered my laptop. He bit his fist obviously in reaction to Karina’s insanely revealing work attire.
“Let me take you through the final proposal, Boss,” I said with a cheeky grin.
“Lead the way,” Karina replied.
My office was just around the corner as I snuck another peek at her smooth legs before shutting the door behind me.
“Bit bold for the office?” I said smiling.
“Ughh don’t get me started, just rushed off a shoot with Women’s Health, barely made it in time through the traffic,” She replied, sitting down in the swivel chair and crossing her legs.
Something about what she said did not add up though. According to her PA she had finished in the afternoon, as the shoot had been moved earlier on in the day. I knew this because our meeting was due to be the following day but I moved it forward to tonight as we were in good shape with the proposal. With intrigue racing across my thoughts, I settled down beside her, making sure not to stare at her smooth legs.
“So, what you got for me?” Karina said, tilting her head towards me.
I ran her through our slides, pointing out the key take aways and messages of the campaign. Karina nodded intently, chiming in with slight tweaks here and there. She really knew her stuff, explaining the ideology of the company revolving around sustainability and making the world a better place through safe practice and renewable materials. If not for her flawless attire, I would have paid better attention as I found myself staring at her face before being brought back to reality.
“Don’t you agree?” She said.
“What? Yes, yes, I do,” I replied.
“Did you just zone out? Hah for a minute there your face reminded me of when we first met,” Karina said smiling.
The slight awkwardness from a few weeks back when I dropped her off at the taxi were now long gone as I felt her get more and more comfortable with my company.
“What do you mean by this part?” Karina asked pointing to one of the slides.
I moved in closer, feeling the slight brush of her calf on my leg as I explained the ins and outs of the slide. The touch of her leg on mine was not rebuffed as I continued with my explanation, using it as an excuse to gently continue to rub my leg against her bare skin, my knee now sneaking up her leg slightly as we sat side by side. I felt a slight jump in her demeanor so I quickly moved my leg away, maybe I had pushed my luck too far.
“Sorry- bit tight in here,” I said, breaking the silence, which was an odd thing to say as the office was large.
The awkwardness steadily grew as the tension cranked up, Karina finally looking up at me after I had finished my re run through her query.
“Thank you…” For taking me through it.
“It looks, good,” She said.
Her face now a few inches from mine, the silence filling the gap, I felt a sudden rush of blood to my head, moving forward without skipping a beat planting my lips on hers. Initially feeling a tensing in her shoulders, this quickly dissipated as our lips melded together, my hands now resting on the side of her waist as we embraced in deep heavy petting.
“Wait…wait…I can’t,” Karina said, her hands gently pushing me away as I continued kissing up her nape and nibbling at her ear lobe.
“Minho…wait...seriously I’m married..,” She followed up, breaking our kiss and rolling away an inch or so in the seat.
Her face was flushed red, hair slightly out of place as the ravishing woman looked at me, slightly unsure and ashamed. I could see her breathing had accelerated by the way her chest was rising and falling rapidly as she rushed to fix her dress.
“What’s the matter, don’t you want to?” I asked enquiringly.
“Its. Not- I’m married and have a family,” Karina replied clearly flustered.
I closed the distance between us in the chair again without a response from her as she just sat still, pretending to fuss before picking up her phone.
“Jaewook called, just going to call home,” She said hurriedly, turning her back to me as she dialed home.
Catching the chair mid turn, I spun her back around, just as her husband greeted her. Placing my leg in-between her thighs I slowly inched forward. The look in her eyes were full of trepidation, yet her body showed no signs of rejection as Karina sat completely still greeting Jaewook on the other side of the line.
“Hey honey, yes I’m- just…in a meeting,” Karina said.
My confidence now shot to a hundred due to our kiss moments before so decided to take things a bit further, reaching out my hand and running it along the inside of her smooth pale legs. Karina showed brief signs of resistance, squeezing her legs shut before I eased them open again with my other hand, travelling further up her inner thighs till my fingers made contact with her moist sex.
“I should be home...in a bit..,” Karina continued talking.
Her face was clearly conflicted, trying to hold it together while I pleasured her with my hands, cupping her wet pussy through her silky underwear, rubbing firmly on her clit.
“Fuck..,” Karina moaned into the phone.
Her eyes shot open in fear, realizing what she had just said as her husband sounded confused on the other line.
“No... I just found an error in the presentation that’s all,” She quickly recovered.
Smiling, I nodded, our eyes meeting for the first time during this sordid encounter. Her pupils were dilated, washed over in a glaze of lust as her mouth dropped, gaping slightly at the touch of my hands now rubbing her cunt with increased fervor. Easing her underwear to the side, I crept my fingers delicately along the length of her lips, piercing Karina’s slick labia with my digits as I proceeded to stoke the insides of her married cunt.
“God...Unghh..,” Karina gently moaned, holding the phone to her shoulder.
Luckily, Jaewook was in the thralls of an explanation about some work issues he had today, missing his wife’s whispered moans. Slipping in another finger and then another I was basically cupping her sex, removing her soaked underwear completely, placing it in my back pocket while I delved my hand deep within her folds, feeling her walls close in around me. Extending my finger deep inside her tight slit, my digits making contact with her g-spot as applied pressure with my wrist making her twitch and writhe in her chair.
“Jaewook- Jaewook...can…I... call you back..,?” Karina said, her voice now slightly ragged.
Sensing her impending climax, I doubled my efforts flicking her clitoris with my thumb as I rubbed her deep inside her cunt, stimulating her g-spot with my fingers while she creamed all over my hand. Karina’s thighs were covered in her slick juices, my wrist now leaking with her nectar as I felt her cramping up. Her cunt walls squeezing down on my fingers as I impaled my hand within her womb, fucking her with deep steady strokes.
“Shit...mpphhh,” Karina said, moaning into my shoulder as I had moved forward, resting my face next to hers as I attacked her pussy with quicker jabs.
“Babe...you still there?” I heard Jaewook saying on the other line.
“Uhhh...huh…Just finishing up here,” Karina replied.
Her pussy was twitching in my hand as I felt her hips buck, stuffing more of my fingers deeper into her married cunt as she bit down on my shoulder to mask her cries of pleasure while climaxing on my fingers. We stayed in this awkward embrace as I continued to rub at her sex, her pussy leaking down my palms and onto the carpeted floor while she finished her conversation with Jaewook. Hanging up the phone the look on her face turned from the relief of just being brought to orgasm, to more of one of remorse of what had just happened.
Getting up without a word, she held out her hand, wanting me to hand back her sex-soaked underwear to which I refused, standing up and cupping her face in my hands.
“I- can’t...we can’t…” Karina said rather tame.
“We already have,” I replied curtly, planting another kiss on her lips as I eased her back onto the wall behind.
“Wait- seriously...I’m- ughh...married,” She replied, her moans steadily increasing as my hands danced up her dress again.
“Seriously...plll...pleaseeee,” Karina pleaded in vain, her emotions caught between guilt and pleasure as I held a my cum soaked finger to her lips.
“Shhh...allow me to make you feel...better,” I replied.
“I may not be your husband...but you will enjoy this..,” I said, kissing her once more before dropping to my knees.
Karina’s eyes were wanting, slowly turning to my way of thinkings as I proceeded to lift up her dress and take in her essence. The smell of her sex was divine, a mix of the pungent natural notes of her cunt together with the sweet taste of her juice was a dream come true as I licked her slit from the bottom to the top, suckling on her throbbing clit with my lips.
“Mmhh...aahhh..,” Karina groaned lightly, running her fingers through her hair.
I was slowly breaking her resistance, feeling her push her hips into my face as I slung one of her legs over my shoulders while feasting on her slippery pussy. Dragging my tongue up her swollen lips, I pierced her folds, tongue fucking her slit with gradual spears, tasting her cream in my mouth as I eagerly lapped up everything she had to offer.
“Fuck- we...we can’t- ahh…”. Karina moaned louder as I hit the right spot, her clawing more desperate now as she forcefully fed me her cunt.
Karina was on tip toes now, her initial resistance dissipated completely as I had my way with her, licking her pink insides with my tongue as I felt her inevitable climax build. Her thighs were now clamped around my face as I hoovered up her sexual fluids, adding my fingers to the mix, penetrating her sex with my digits while sucking at her reddened clit.
“Shit...shit...mmhh...fuckk...ughh,” Karina yelled, her climax hitting its peak as she shivered and twitched around my lips.
I stayed on my knees for a while, taking in her heavenly taste in my mouth as the sultry woman eased me back to my feet. She was silent, not saying a word, almost as if saying something would be an admission of our wrong doings. If anything, I was leading proceedings backing into my leather-bound chair as I eyed Karina up and down. She knew what I wanted, a slight smirk forming on her lips as she slowly walked towards me.
We kissed softly, as I felt her hands drift slowly down my body as Karina descended to her knees, gently pushing me into my chair. Her expression was livelier riddled with hunger as she bit her lips gently, hurriedly unbuckling my belt and removing my trousers.
I stared at her full lips hovering a mere inch from my throbbing member as she kissed my crown through my boxers. My pre cum leaking onto my cotton underwear as she gently pecked at my cock with her soft lips, tasting the hint of salt soaking through the fabric. It was like watching a beautiful car crash happen in slow motion as Karina freed by cock from by pants, fishing it out and dipping her wet lips along the length of my shaft. Her soft hands feeling my meat with a firm grip that pumped with perfect execution as she finally took me into her wanting mouth, eyes locked on mine for the entirety of the act.
“Mmmm...mmm”. Karina hummed on my dick, while she gave me the best fellatio of my life.
I was lost in the sensations of her tongue lapping up the underside of my shaft in one fluid motion, before sucking down again on my crown, over and over feeding more of my twitching cock between her married lips. Running my fingers through her hair I thrust my hips gently into her wanting mouth as her nose made contact with my pubic bone, deep throating my entire cock till my tip made contact with her tonsils. I held her here for a few precious seconds, feeling her tongue coat my cock in more of her warm spit as she took me to the back of her throat, her eyes flushed with desire.
“Shit- Karina...you feel...soo...good,” I groaned, suddenly disrupted by my office door swing open.
It was Nayoung, holding the company credit card with a grin on her face. The instance she went to speak, Karina had expertly hidden herself under my desk, my cock still sheathed between her lips while she continued to feed on my meat, turning her attention to my sack with long deep licks.
“Boss can we up the limit to say 25 each?” Nayoung said smiling.
“Yeah sure whatever you guys want” I replied, slightly breathless.
Karina was staring at me from below, mouth open, rolling my sack around between her lips, slathering me in spit while I tried maintaining my cool.
“Everything OK Boss, you seem a little uptight?” Nayoung said concerned.
“Yeah...the draft went down well, Karina has just popped out for a call,” I said, a bead of sweat forming on my forehead.
“You sure...?” Nayoung replied.
I felt Karina now clamp down on my balls and suck hard while she pumped my cock with her fist, my shaft straining for release as my orgasm built up rapidly.
“Yes...no problem...keep up the good work,” I said, struggling to keep a straight face.
“Ok boss, we are just outside if you need anything,” Nayoung replied before leaving.
I waited for the footsteps to soften before letting out an almighty yawn thrusting my cock further into Karina’s mouth.
“Shit...Karina...I’m close..,” I moaned, gripping the back of her head as I continued to thrust between her lips.
“Mmm...mmhh...mmhhfff..,” Karina replied, her mouth stuffed with cock as my impending release came.
She never stopped sucking, bringing her mouth around my crown and allowing me to unload inside her oral cavity. Spurt after spurt of my sticky load painted her pink insides, feeding her a torrent of my thick and salty seed, the mother of three just lapping up my sperm with her tongue as she pumped my shaft with her fist, milking my twitching cock to completion while swallowing my load, closing her eyes in euphoria.
It was immense, watching her continue to work my spurting dick with her lips until I grew soft within her mouth. A gentle squeeze of my balls dribbling out the final drops of sperm from my tip into her welcoming tongue.
“God damn Karina...that was intense,” I said breathlessly.
She looked up at me in a cum drunk haze, my seed dripping from her bottom lip.
“So...do I taste better than your husband?” I asked cheekily.
She looked at me with a frown, coming back down to reality after her earth-shattering fellatio, she had just given me.
“I don’t usually let him finish in my mouth..,” Karina said meekly.
“Usually?” I replied.
“Never..,” She said, kissing my tip softly with her lips.
I reached out stroking her face as I scooped up the last dribble of sperm on the side of her mouth, letting the ravishing woman suck it clean from my fingers a smile breaking out on her face at the taste of my essence.
Our sensual connection in that moment was disrupted by the sudden ring of her phone. It was her husband and just like that her mood changed from a state of utter arousal to one of panic and remorse as she stood up, flattening out her dress and grabbing her jacket.
“I... I have to go,” Karina stammered, clearly flustered as her cheeks went a bright red.
“Email me the rest of the slides?” She said turning to me.
“Look- about...what just…” Karina started.
I cut her off, kissing her gently on the lips.
“Go... I will see you in the meeting on Friday,” I said gently.
Karina smiled, avoiding my eye contact, clearly riddled with guilt from what had just transpired, but she clearly enjoyed herself. It gave me a surge of confidence knowing that fact, even if she was not ready to freely admit it herself.
The picture of her locked in the thralls of passion as I felt her up for the first time would forever be seared into my memories. I was officially addicted and I needed to get another hit of her...
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sihtsisdrowkcab · 1 month
DP x DC prompt - Villainess AU
Hey! So I found this promt and just had to write something with it!
-Danny is transported into a novel/game where he is the villainess fiancé of the male lead.
Knowing that only death awaits him at the end, Danny tries to end the engagement (who knows if death will stick this time - Danny is not gonna risk finding out)
Meanwhile, Jason finds himself as the male lead of a novel/game he never read/played
The system in his head is telling him that the only way to get back home is to have a happy ending with his fiancé
So we have Danny who is desperately trying to end his engagement and a Jason who is trying to woo his fiancé (and cursing the original male lead - because the guy must have done something horrible for his cute and nice fiancé to be desperate to break up with him)-
Danny was so over this. He thought this would have been easy, maybe not on his parents part god knows they don't give up without a fight, but his fiance has shown nothing but disdain for him his whole life (even if he wasn't here for 90% of that life) He thought he'd only have to tell his fiance that he didn't want to marry him, his fiance would be ecstatic and run into the sun with Ophelia and he'd get the weight off his shoulders and wouldn't have to worry about dying anymore and yet...
Danny just looked at him with horror "What do you mean no?" He practically yelled.
"No, I won't break off the engagement."
"Why not!? You hate me! You've hated me since the moment we met! I know you want to be with ophelia!"
Daminan looked like he was trying to read his face which makes no sense, if anyone should be trying to read the other's face it should be him!
Danny grabbed Damian's shoulders and shook them, he knew he wasn't acting like a proper gentleman, but his life was on the line! "Have you lost your goddamn mind? What in the world is wrong with you?" He paused, took a breath and let go of his shoulders. He was sure this had something or the other to do with politics, he just couldn't wrap his mind around it at all. He took another step back, he had to appease Damian somehow. "Look, neither of us wanted to get married and neither of us really knew what we were getting into when our parents signed the agreement and had us agree to this, my parents won't back down but from what I know of your parents they'll let you back out of this no problem. My parents will be pissed but that's neither here nor there. There is really no reasonable excuse for why we shouldn’t break off our engagement." Danny said smugly, crossing his arms over his chest. There was no way Damian could deny all of that.
How could Jason deny all of that?! He was acting completely out of character, which was funny because he hardly knew what his character was like at all besides from second hand accounts. When he was told he just had to get a happy ending with his fiance he had thought this would be a piece of cake, he had brushed everything else off and took this as a really weird miny vacation, how hard could it really be to marry your fiance? Everything was already set up, it couldn't fail.
Except for the fact that apparently he was a dick and hated his fiance and she was done with all that, which he would have cheered on the fiance any day, get rid of that dick 100%. But now he was here in that dick's place and having to deal with his stupid problems and his fiance wanted to divorce him! How was he ever going to get a happy ending out of this? He did eventually want to get home no matter how annoying Bruce could be at times.
His fiance huffed drawing his eyes to him, he really was very pretty, he had no idea why Damian seemingly hated him. Sure he was being annoying as hell right now but really that was all Damian's fault.
"look i don't know why you seem to be fighting for this, it seriously seems like you just forgot everything!"
Jason froze, should he go with that? It really would be rather convincing seeing as he really didn't know Damian at all.
Danial paused, his eyes widening as he fixed on Jason's hesitance, seemingly picking apart all that he was and assessing him not adequate.
"You really don't act like Damian at all..."
He froze again, was that a good thing? Was this gonna be what gave him away?
"Did you hit your head or something? Temporary amnesia?"
"Y-yes!" Was he messing this up, would Danial believe that?
"Then why are you fighting so hard to keep the engagement? You don't know me at all."
Shit. shit what did he say? How did he convince Danial to keep the engagement if his other self hated him and this self didn't know him?
"I-I heard how wonderful you were from my parents and- and fell in love!"
Danial backed up with a distured look on his face, fuck he shouldn't have said that. "Love? After just hearing about me? That’s… kind of creepy."
“I just want to get to know you!”
Danial looked at him, his shoulders slumped and he looked resigned as he said "fine we'll keep up the engagement for now.” yes! “But when you get your memories back, we're breaking it off.”
Not great, but at least he knew that wasn’t going to happen. 
 He turned around to leave, oh wait. "I haven't told anyone else I've lost my memories so could you keep that one to yourself?" He asked, turning back around.
Danial looked at him suspiciously. "Why haven't you told anyone else? Not even your family?"
Fuck again! Why couldn't he just get this right? "Of course my family knows!" He really hoped Danial never met them because they absolutely did not. "but no one at this school does, i don't want them to treat me like i'm made of glass like my parents." Not completely off base, they've been tiptoeing around him all summer, probably because he was acting so weird.
"that makes sense." Danial sighed, he looked suddenly like the whole weight of the world was upon his shoulders. 
Jason screwed up his face, he had definitely been the one to place it there. He wanted to go over to him and tell him that they could break off the engagement after all but he really couldn't do that. "I'm sorry." He settled for instead.
Danial looked surprised. "You’re apologizing?"
"Yeah, I've made this so much harder for you than it really had to be. And you don't really know me anymore and I really don't know you."
Danial looked at him with something akin to empathy. "It's hard being thrust into a world that's unfamiliar to you isn't it? No one you trust or know around you and having to be something your not."
Jason looked at him in genuine shock. "H-how?"
Danial looked panicked for a second before he gave a light laugh. "I may not have amnesia but I do have expectations from everyone around me." He rubbed his arm. "Everyone says you're way out of my league and that I'm lucky to have you." This time his laugh was bitter.
"If anything you said about the old me was true it was really the opposite."
Danial gave a snort that Jason couldn't help feeling was the prettiest thing he's ever heard. "oh believe me i down played it."
Jason looked at him aghast. "Downplayed it!? Just how bad was I??"
Daniel gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and a smirk, "Now that, my friend is a talk for another time. Danial moved past him brushing his shoulder, what felt like a shock passed through him and he went stiff. When he finally came to his senses he was all by himself, What had just happened?
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wutheringcaterpillar · 3 months
Who’s the Other Girl?
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Summary: Tommy is having an affair with you in the states but what happens when you are face to face with his wife, Lizzie.
Warnings: Infidelity, talks of divorce, women standing up for other women.
I bet you're from out West somewhere
Hazel eyes and dark brown hair
And everything you wear fits you just right
I bet you drink martinis dry
And never let him see you cry
I bet you're more promiscuous than I
I bet your bold, 
I bet that’s why you seem to occupy his mind
I bet you’re smart
But do you know about me?
“You were just in the states last week, tell me again why can’t Arthur go and get this woman if she’s so needed here?” Tommy huffed as he finished lacing his shoes, snagging the cigarette from between his lips, looking up at Lizzy with a stare of annoyance as if he hadn’t explained several times before.
This was now the fifth week in a row that Tommy had met with Y/N due to “business”, Lizzie was already calling the bluff on that after a photo of the two of you together had been posted in the paper.
Rumors had already circled the Garrison that Thomas was involved with another woman and he had refused to make any comments regarding the accusations. 
Standing up he disposed of his cigarette, noticing the upset in his wife’s eyes. 
“Hey c’mere.” She allowed him to pull her near and dear into a hug but somehow even with his arms wrapped around her, he felt tremendously far away, straying further each time he’d come home.
“I’ll be back before you know it alright? Tell the children I love them.” Placing a kiss on her forehead, Lizzie tilted her chin up, hoping for more but all she received was Tommy walking out the door, leaving her bottom lip quivering, hands shaking with anxiety, knowing all too well how the story goes.
Going to the window, she watched him get into the car, glancing at his watch while Ruby’s footsteps hurriedly ran across the room, tugging at her mothers skirt. “Mommy, mommy! Where’s daddy going?” She looked down at their child, trying to come up with an answer suitable for a child.
“He’ll be back soon honey. Your father works hard to ensure our safety, and he loves us very much. He’ll be back soon.” Picking the child up, holding her closely to her heart she watched her husband leave, nothing but hopelessness filling her heart.
The fire was lit dimly in the living room as she settled with a cup of tea, trying to avoid picking up the paper but curiosity and the need to know getting the best of her.
Finishing off the tea, with shaking hands she looked at the headlines, her heart aching at how beautiful Y/N was. The picture was her and Tommy seated at a bar, far too closely to be just friends. Her legs were crossed like a lady but Tommy’s hand lay on her thigh, other arm wrapped behind her while she was smiling brightly, blushing like a girl in love.
She looked beautiful, attractive, young, strong, all the traits Lizzie didn’t feel she had anymore. A sudden, simple realization in the photo was almost too much to bare for her weeping heart when she realized Tommy’s wedding ring was no longer on his finger.
The question lingered in the air, did you even know about her, has Tommy told you he was married and if so why engage. Then again Lizzie was aware how convincing and manipulating her husband was. After all from the photo, you did strike her as smart but that didn’t take away from the younger facial features. If she had to guess you were in your mid twenties, and she was well aware how simple it was for men to deceive young women, especially when they were in love for the very first time.
Attempting to put her mindset in yours, she ganderd into Tommy’s office, opening multiple drawers and rummaging through scattered papers until she found the document of the deal.
Surely a young woman like yourself didn’t know how Tommy Shelby operated and to always read the fine print.
Skimming through the contract, she noticed your signature was not at the bottom yet which she believed to be rather odd, but maybe that was why he was bringing you back here. Why not just take it with him though?
All of the endless questions became answered with a simple sentence written in smaller, italicized text at the very bottom of the paper. Almost too small for even Lizzie to read.
“Termination of ownership shall commence after signature is received. Ownership of business transferred solely to receiving partner Thomas Shelby along with any additional funds requested.”
He was going to leave her with nothing. Absolutely nothing, high and dry. Lizzie knew very well what it was like to have nothing and try to find her way through life living off of the scraps of men. Searching the paper once more she found your address in the states, contacting one of Tommy’s assistants insisting that he get a letter to Y/N before it was too late on the behalf of Tommy. Simply stating he had forgotten to take an important paper. Maybe after all the wrongs she had committed in her life, this one good thing would act as a repetence.
Are you the one he's talkin' to
When he gets up and leaves the room
And comes back with a distance in his eyes?
Maybe I should be the one to leave
But damn, when he starts lovin' me
He makes me think I'm all that's on his mind
The knock on the door startled you from your reading. Glancing at the clock, a wide grinned expression spread across your face, knowing fully well who was at the other side of the door.
You’d been aware he was married but after some time of convincing, Tommy had ensured you he’d be leaving Lizzie and there was nothing to be ashamed of, nor feel guilt about. You had never met Lizzie, only heard about his wife through passerby’s conversations.
With the door opening, his piercing blue eyes enchanted your every being, reeling you in, never allowing you to take a second to think. It was like he put a spell on you. “I’ve missed you darling. We’re set to leave around four, surely plenty of time to…” He brushed his warm hand down your cheek sweetly, those ocean eyes scanning your body with such precision and crave. 
Jumping up into his arms, your legs wrapped around him as he kicked the door shut behind him, walking you into the bedroom as your lips collided together in a profound, lustful sensation.
As clothes were shed and he towered over you in the bed, your legs spread once more for this handsome, intimidating man.
He peppered poetic kisses down your neck, leaving marks on your shoulder blades as he thrusted momentously through your sweet succulency, fucking you in a way no other man could.
Impatience, and pure desire washing over you every time you saw his nude, muscular body, you thrusted down with him in harmonious rhythm, stemming your blooming rose with his cock. His eyes never once left yours, your fingers intertwining together as he released his seed into the tight, tunnel of love between your thighs.
When he excused himself to the restroom, out of the corner of your eye the wedding ring sitting atop the bedside table caught your attention. 
Was he really going to leave her? Are the children aware? What were you getting yourself into?
Hearing the toilet flush, the phone rang along with it, and it wasn’t long until you heard Tommy’s voice. Talking as if he were somewhere else, still closing the deal with you.
“We’ll be leaving soon….I invited her to dinner….it’s just business….alright see you soon.”
Just business? Is that all you were? Saddening, you rolled out of bed to retreive your clothes as if that would mask the betrayal and pain bubbling in your heart.
This exchange was supposed to be more than business, maybe not at first but you had grown up with nothing and Tommy was the only willing to invest in the idea of your, and the amount of money he invested was more than enough and made you feel like your ideas weren’t of nonsense or daydreams. One thing turned into another and once that pub opened after a tremendous amount of indecent flirting, you found yourself bent over the bar and Tommy making endless visits to your hometown, spending nights tangled between the sheets of your bed, him spoiling you with surprises and gifts. But what was it all for?
His heavy footsteps entering the room pulled you away from the questions.
Right away he could tell you were upset when your teary, pained eyes connected with his.
“Is that all I am to you is business?” He scoffed, approaching the clear understanding that you’d overheard the phone call and just like that with the flip of a switch his lips curled into a soft, endearing smile while his ocean eyes bore over you sincerely.
“Of course not. I’m trying to let her down easy Y/N. After we finish business, the loose ends will tie together and things will be settled. Alright?” Why did you believe this man who had promised you nothing? Why did his voice have to sound suave and convincing? Your mind was telling you one thing while your heart told you another.
Is it me? Is it you?
Tell me who
Who's the other girl?
Who's the first? Who's the fool?
Who's the diamond? Who's the pearl?
Are you mad? Me too
And I wonder in his world
Is it me? Is it you?
Who's the other girl?
You stop to collect the post, realizing there was a letter addressed to you from Birmingham, surely it wasn’t Tommy considering he was in front of you.
Guilt, and shamefulness flooded your veins while your heart felt like it was waiting to explode in your throat. Contemplating on throwing the letter in the trash, you thought better and slipped the envelope into the clutch Tommy had bought you weeks beforehand.
Stopping along the way to put petrol in the car, you excused yourself to the restroom while Tommy went inside to pay the employee, grabbing a pack of smokes as he did so.
Locking the door and fumbling frantically, you ripped open the letter, not knowing what to expect but it was quite clear who wrote this.
             “Y/N. My name is Lizzie Shelby, 
I’ve presumed you’re aware of me. I’m writing this letter to inform you there is no hatred in my heart toward you. I’ve been in your position of the other woman. There’s no need to tell Thomas as we will meet soon. Don’t allow your heart to stop you from seeing the manipulation. I must speak with you when you arrive, please don’t take this as jealousy but coming from a woman who has been at the other hand.”
What did this mean? How did she know about you? Surely Tommy wouldn’t tell his wife about his mistress.
A sudden knock on the door reeled your mind away from the letter.
“You alright in there?” Checking yourself in the mirror and shoving the letter in the pocket of your purse, you opened the door, attempting to appear unpanicked and at ease.
“Yeah, just was washing my face, let’s go.”
Who's gonna put on the red dress
Scarlet letter on her chest
Can't love with this on her conscience
Tell me who's the other girl
I bet you're cool, I bet that's why
You seem to occupy his time
I bet by now
You know about me
And you know about me
Walking into the dining room, you were taken aback by just how much money Tommy had. The shimmering chandelier, the golden authentic tablecloth, the peruvian curtains, the fine china. Amidst your shock, Lizzie strutted into the room from the kitchen, cradling Ruby gently in her arms while Charlie was running circles around the house. Your eyes locking in a surprised, yet insecure expression while the question, the elephant in the room sat quaintly up in the air. Who did Tommy’s heart really belong to?
Strutting behind you, Tommy lay his hand gentleman like on your back, offering you a drink in the process.
“Y/N this is my lovely wife Lizzie. Very wise she is, and my two children Ruby and Charlie. Dinner is almost ready, sha’ll we sit?” You smiled kindly, ready to take your seat before Lizzie interrupted. Clearing her throat as Tommy pulled your seat out before her own.
“Actually, Y/N do you mind if I speak with you for a moment? I just have a million questions about the states, I’ve always wanted to go.” Tommy peered in her direction, slightly agitated but nodded that it was alright. Lizzie handed Ruby to Tommy, escorting you two rooms away into the living area.
She was poise, collected, much taller than yourself but never did you get the impression she was a threat, even though you considered the situation rather uncomfortable and off.
“I assume you’ve read my letter.” She spoke in a hushed tone, but with a kind hearted smile, insisting you take a seat across from her.
Nodding, a cat felt like it had a hold of your tongue, not knowing exactly how to respond or act.
Reading you like a book, she could tell you were quite nervous and maybe the best way possible to approach this was to come straight to the point head on.
Reaching for her purse, you couldn’t help but notice it was the same one Tommy had surprised you with but a different color. That’s odd.
Pulling out the contract, she allowed it to sit on the glass table in between you for a brief moment.
The hand writing you recognized right off the bat to be Thomas’s with the perfect cursive letters, simply reminding you off all the letters he had mailed to you when he was in Birmingham.
Shrugging off your confusion, you straightened your back, pretending as if you held confidence.
“Y/N is it?” Nodding, she carried on, glancing into the corridor, ensuring her husband wasn’t on his way in here.
When she spoke her voice was gentle, speaking with kind concern, and a soft tone.
“I remember when I was your age. So young and in love, willing to do anything just for another moment with a man. I assume this is you first-“
“How long have you known about me?” You interjected, anxiety and curiosity rising in your throat. She was beautiful, quite breathtaking and the children were so innocent and completely unaware of their father’s infidelity. Why would he do this to such a magnificent woman, whom carried his child. Guilt was eating away at your stomach.
“I’ve had my inklings for quite some time now. Probably back in November. How about you?”
“Mrs. Shelby I don’t mean any disrespect but the plan here tonight um-“ You itched at the back of your neck nervoulsy, the guilt and truth eating you alive.
“His plans you mean. I feel it my duty to inform you to read the fine print before you sign your business over to him.” Before you could respond Lizzie excused herself, not wanting to take longer than she already was without Tommy gaining suspicion.
Reading over the night quickly, you were in shock and disbelief, realizing Lizzie was the one telling the truth. Fighting back tears, you set the paper back down, wiping your teary eyes.
“Y/N, dinner’s prepared. We have your place set.” 
Who's the first? Who's the fool? 
Who's the diamond? Who's the pearl?
Are you mad? Me too 
And I wonder in his world
Is it me?  Is it you? 
Who's the other girl?
“I suppose this dinner conversation is about the contract you’ve left mistakenly on the table. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” Lizzie shifted in her seat as you took a deep perforated breath, thinking wisely before speaking. The atmosphere in the room came to a still, eyes wandering from one another in guilt and shame.
“This can’t be real. I-I thought we had a future together, we had a plan.” Your voice cracked, sadness washing over your aching heart while Lizzie looked confused from the other side of the table.
“I-I’m sorry what?” Settling his napkin over his thigh and sighing, he took a drink of his wine, clearing his throat.
“Did you think I would leave my family for you? My children?” Lizzie was stunned by the revelation that Tommy told you he was leaving her. Was she really just a pawn all along?
“Where does your heart truly belong Tommy?” Her eyes spoke with vindication, and impatience for her dying marriage. 
Tommy stood from his seat, pouring himself a glass of whiskey, allowing the cold stream of alcohol to stream down his throat, reminiscing the moment before lighting a cigarette.
“It’s just business. If I recall correctly, I’ve given you many things Y/N. A car, a home, enough money to live your life comfortably.” Lizzie scoffed in her seat, swirling the wine in her glass.
“Oh please, that’s not the only thing you’ve given her.”
“Nevertheless. With signing over your business you’d be doing yourself a favor and I knew by making you fall in love with me, that would be quite easy with me as the only investor. Such a small, inexperienced girl in a world full of wolves waiting to sink their teeth in. Signing your rights over would be the wisest thing to do. You give me the business, we’ll part ways just as business deals operate.” Your thoughts were running a mile a minute, as each venomous word he spoke shattered your heart.
All sense of reality diminished, any hope that a man could love you and take a risk for you seemed impossible.
This was no one night stand, but an ongoing affair and you were sat in the lions den between a rock and a hard place.
Lizzie frowned in her seat, thinking of where she went wrong that Tommy would throw their entire marriage away just for extra money he didn’t need. The cold hard truth was Tommy could buy out a business with a simple sentence, he wanted to fuck you and dispose of you.
“Clock’s ticking Y/N. What’s it going to be?” Time bore down on you, massive decisions between right and wrong impending a headache.
Tommy held out the pen, watching you sit there in defeat. 
Reaching for the pen, about to sign the paper Lizzie stood up grabbing the pen from your shaking grip, taking you both by surprise.
“No! Do not sign that pub over to him. After everything you’ve worked, all the time and effort you’ve taken into opening this place up. You’ve taken so many risks. Don’t do this Y/N, he has done nothing but manipulate. Please be wiser than I was at your age. He will leave you high and dry though you may not see it now, believe me.” Tommy’s shallow blue eyes rolled in irritation, slamming his drink down on the table nearly shattering the glass.
“Enough! I don’t recall your name on the contract Lizzie.”
“This is my fucking house as much as yours and I will not let you stomp and parade all over me any longer nor her. In fact I think I’ve just developed a new way of business. I want a divorce.” The room turned completely silent.
When you tried to get up and excuse yourself in unison they spoke loudly, “Sit down.”
Lizzie was fuming, the vein in her forehead visibly popping through her skin while her nostrils flared in anger.
Aiming for the contract, she picked it up ripping the paper in shreds while Tommy grasped for her wrists to try and stop her.
“You can expect to hear from my lawyer and I will be taking the children. They’re hardly yours, you’re never here to take care of them. The endless nights I dealt with them asking why their daddy is never home because he was fucking some other woman out of the country. I’m sure this wasn’t the first time and it won’t be the last.” Tommy was at a silence, excusing himself from the room leaving you and Lizzie alone.
“Lizzie I- I really don’t have the money to keep this place open on my own. I can’t-“
“Well then consider me your next investor.” You were shocked by her statement, not expecting the sincere offer.
“I- I feel like I just tore apart your whole marriage, why would you want to do business with me?” Shaking her head, she smiled sweetly, raising her glass in satisfactionz
“No sweetheart, you got rid of my problem. I’m better off without him. We both are. So what do you say?”
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spenglernot · 8 months
In history, Ned Lowe was one of the most sadistic and violent pirates in the early 18th century, so he’s an obvious choice for a villain for season 2, episode 6 – Calypso’s Birthday.  What is interesting is what the OFMD writers chose to do with him.
Lowe announces himself to the crew of the Revenge with great fanfare (cannon ball attack) and gets right to the point.
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Ed is thoroughly unimpressed.
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Cut to Ed and Stede tied up while Ned attempts to set the mood so he can monologue about why he wants to kill Ed.
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Ed knows what’s coming. He is going to suffer but he still can’t be arsed to meet Ned with anything but vaguely bored dismissiveness (and Stede is happy to play along).
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Up on the deck, Ned prepares the crew for his big, dramatic moment of symphonic torture.
Note that the Revenge crew is tied down, braced by vices and generally unable to protect themselves from imminent torture and possible death, but their spirits are up. They don’t seem terribly fussed.
Then Stede uses his people positive management style to happily orchestrate a worker uprising in Ned’s crew.
Ned’s crew responds instantly; severing their allegiance to Lowe and telling him off.
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The crew sails away and talks profit sharing while Ned dully threatens to hunt them down.
Ned is now a prisoner of the Revenge crew and seems entirely disinterested in his own survival.
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And Ned sinks to the depths, without struggling at all.
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There is a lot going on in this episode: pay and labor equity direct action, gay love engagement bliss, kink humor, Stede being a hero and saving his crew by playing to his strengths, then having to decide whether to kill in cold blood and feel the consequences of that choice. Ed having one more reason to be done with piracy (while being so impressed with and fond of Stede), and then watching his man make a fraught choice and having to deal with the fallout from that. (And, damn, I haven’t even mentioned the passionate sex bit.) Anyway, back to the point.
Now for the the meta part
The Ned Lowe sequences are perfectly in keeping with OFMD’s signature blend of madcap violence, humor, and big emotional gut punches. But something about Ned Lowe just strikes me as off for this show.
Ned is seriously threatening the crews’ lives, so why don’t they take him seriously?
Why does Ned have such a boring, throwaway backstory?
Why is Ned so nonchalant about his own death; like it’s a foregone conclusion?
Why does Ned have a silver violin and silver spurs on his slip-on dress shoes?
Why is Ned sartorially monochromatic?
And then I realized who Ned reminds me of.
This guy,
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Earnst Stavro Blofeld in the James Bond film Diamonds are Forever (1971)
And this guy,
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Scar in Disney's The Lion King (1994).
And this guy,
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Xerxes, 300 (2006).
And it sure seems like Ned Lowe isn’t just an episodic villain. He is an archetype of the one-dimensional, stereotypical queer-coded villain that has been endemic in film and television throughout history. The OFMD writers have a lot to say about what to do with this kind of character:
Don’t respect him.
Feel free to openly mock him.
Don’t let him take your joy, even though he will hurt you.
He won’t disappear on his own. You have to throw something at him (take action) to make him go away.
Once he’s in the water, he’s content to drown. He’s not into what he’s doing any more than you are.
Oh and, just to be clear,
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The LGBTQIA+ community has a very long history of turning shit media into better stories. So, hey, big media, prepare to have your crap characters wrecked (improved).
Now, back to our transformative pirate show with rich, complex queer characters and a multi-layered plot that surprises me every week and makes me feel big feelings - most of all, joy.
Final thought: I do wonder if Ned Lowe is monochromatically silver as a tribute to/poke at, Hollywood and the silver screen.
This meta was written before OFMD season 2 has fully aired. No idea what’s going to happen in the finale (and I’ve generally fled social media to avoid spoilers). I’ll be back, looking at everyone’s fascinating posts after episode 8 airs.
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riniworld · 24 days
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can i be your favorite?
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yandere! fiancè x reader
warning|| killing-blood
reference|| you, y/n(one time), angel
a/n|| sorry for taking so long! and thank you for requesting:), tbh i didn't know if you wanted on the same plot or a part two so here's a completely new story, i hope you'll like it!
w.c|| 1.5k
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being engaged to your childhood friend isn't as bad as you think, yes you didn't want it to go to this, for all your life you've saw him as a friend, When he proposed to your parents for your hand in marriage, they were too embarrassed to say no, so it's practically a forced engagement, you did get into a fight with your parents and with him, but day after day you start accepting the reality, he was sweet,like how you knew him all your life, but in...a romantic way, maybe it's not that bad?
joke on you it is.
one day you were hanging out with your friends, suddenly he called you before you can even say hello he talk "who are you with?"  , "I'm fine thank you...with friends, why?", "you mean our friends?", "yeah who else?",  "mhm, good I'm coming", "why?", "why not?", "if you want to, we're at-", "i know where you are.", "wha-", and he hung up.
not ten minutes after, you catch his car parking nearby, you thought he was joking when he said he know where you're at.
he walked to you, said hello to his friends and sat beside you putting his arm around your shoulders.
" how did you find me?" you whisper.
"eh...isn't it the usual spot?" he said with an innocent smile.
you looked at him suspiciously before you give up and sigh "I'll believe that for now".
the entire time your fiancé was silent, It was not his habit to be silent, but he was lost in you, how you get excited when you talk about a topic you interested in,he's sinking in those shiny eyes of yours, and oh, your so adorable, smile that give him butterflies, but you know the thing is, it wasn't for him, you weren't looking at him, your attention wasn't on him, and that made him desperate, please look at him, in annoyance or anger, he doesn't care just lay your eyes at him or he'll go crazy.
he looked around for something to get your attention with. a nearby ice-cream car caught his attention, he tug on your shirt but before he says anything, on of your friends cut him off "hey look there, how about we buy some ice-cream? it's hot.", and so happen for that friend to be the closest to you, that made your fiancé's blood boil,you won't accept such a suggest from someone isn't him, are you?.
"that'd be nice", "oh sure" what did you just said?.
you stand up with the others about to walk when you notices that your fiancè hadn't move,you turn your head to him "what are you looking at? won't you come?".
"yeah, I'll come" he murmur quietly while glaring at your friend who's a bit far by now.
you shrug and walked before him but he catches up to you and forced your hands together, intertwined his fingers with yours.
the rest of the picnic went like that,he refused what your friend suggest on your behalf and bought you another thing, he kept clinging to you, kissing you randomly, and finally getting you out of there early.
"what with that frown on your face?." he take a brief glance at you as he drive.
you kept looking away without a word.
"...maybe some music will change your mood." he start playing the radio.
"y/n, it's been fifteen minute why are you angry?." he asked, a bit Impatient.
"...why do you think?!, what with your weird acts in there?." you snapped.
"..what acts,angel?" he said with a whiney edge.
"you know exactly what I'm talking about! in the park, what happened to you,huh?, it's like something just switched."
he chuckled loudly before speaking "darling,i hate when someone gets a bit too 'kind' with you, that's all you need to know."
"......we're here." he stoo in front of your house.
he leaned in to kiss you but you turn your head and attempt to get out of the car,but he grabbed your arm and forced you to face him,as he plant a soft kiss on your lips "don't turn your face away from me again,angle,remember who you're belong to,and in case you start to doze off just look at your finger." he said with a smile but his tone...sends shiver to your spine,in fear,to be clear.
the same thing happened in work,you were supposed to return home with your fiancè,but you,as the stubborn person you are, you decided to go with your friend,who's happen to work in the same place as you.
"thank you again,for agreeing to drive me home with you." you said.
"no problem at all,it would also be nice to spend more time with you,like the old times"
"if that the case, then why don't we go hang out somewhere?, if you're free of course."
"hm,sure let's do it."
and like that you kept ignoring your finacè all day long.
when you returned home, you check your phone, there was like +99 message and 20 call just from him,maybe you shouldn't have done that..
"where were you yesterday?" your finacè greeted you at the door of your house.
"ah!, you scared me."
your fiancè stepped closer to you,pinning you against the door "i asked you a question, answer."
"at-at work?."
"oh? well, i came to pick you up and guess what? you weren't there." he put his hand on your cheek "stop lying to me,angel."  he said with an almost sweet tone.
you knew better than to lie to him anymore,or things will get worse, "i returned with f/n."
he looked at you for a moment before he look down and laugh "i knew it, that son of a-" he kept murmuring to himself like crazy.
"....are you-"  "yes!, yes I'm fine,come on hop on let's drive you to your work, you don't want to be late hm?."
suddenly he became all sweet..how weird..
the next few days you didn't see your friend, nor anyone you had a good interaction with, and you start to miss them..
luckly there's your fiancè who's always by your side and never makes you feel lonely,isn't that great,what? you're still worried? how about a night in your fiancè's house, it will ease your mind!.
so, that's how you're now sitting in the living room of his house,scrolling on your phone,he said he'll do some popcorn while waiting for the time of the movie.
minute after,your phone was about to die and you didn't bring a charger.
you groan in annoyance "hey,where's your charger? i want to put my phone on it if it's okay with you." you asked.
"huh?, hmm...i guess you'll find it in my room." he answered from the kitchen
you nod to yourself and head upstairs, his room was so dark as you wonder around in search for the switch you stumbled on a small box wich lead to whatever was inside to fall out, it was almost slippy, but you finally reached the switch and you turned on the lights when you looked under you you saw a pile of photos, you kneeled down and looked them over, it was photos of people...dead people exactly, and you have that feeling that you recognize every one of them,that when you stumble upon one of your friend, his mouth was cutten in half,you felt like you're gonna throw up, you head downstairs in a rush,the photo of your friend is in your hand.
you stopped in your track, thinking between return home or asking your finacè about what you saw, but unfortunately he came out of the kitchen.
"oh, angel, the Popcorn is ready, and the movie is about to-" he cut himself when he noticed the photo in your hand, "angel? what's that in your hand?" his eyes was holding fear-no terror in them.
you cling your fist around the photo, a shiver sent down your spine.
"how did you get that,angel?" he asked again.
"....what's the meaning of this?" you said in a low voice. "why-why is this..." you couldn't finish your sentence thinking about every possible thing.
"what did you expected me to do?" he suddenly says, leaning his hand on the sofa "watch him stealing you away? it's your fault,for being so addictiv." the look in his eyes makes you shudder.
you didn't answer, instead you walked- no ran away, he didn't waste a second to run after you "Y/N!".
you did manage to run pretty far,but it wasn't enough, your power soon reach an end and he catched you, grabbing your arm tightly "stop..hear me-hear me out first, please..don't go." he said between his breath.
"i have nothing to hear! what? you'll tell me how you did it?! you're such a monster, you need help!." you yell, although your voice crack as the fear take over.
"I'll take-" his eyes start to tear up "I'll get help, heck I'll go to the asylum even, but don't leave me, i-i did it for you, for us, i love you more than anything, more than life itself, don't leave, you won't dare to-,i can't live without you, I'm serious I'll die if you leave."
he kneeled down and buried his face in your stomach "don't go,don't leave, I'll get help, stay with me" you can hear him sobs, his voice cracking, you almost got pity on him.
what he did was terrifying,but does he really doesn't deserve another chance?
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it's 3AM here and my phone 1%, gotta go.
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joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Blurbs: Girls Night
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Summary: girls' night out with a couple of the other WAGs and you wear something that you'd usually never wear out. It was only ever worn in the confines of your and Joe’s bedroom just for him. He wasn't home when you left, but he sure was there when you got back.
(Part one to - Part 2)
Warnings: illusions to smut, jealous Joe
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
*Off-season before the 2023-2024 season.*
(y/n’s pov)
“Wait so does Joe even know that you’re here, or did you tell him?” - Tianna
Today the other WAGs and I went out for some drinks as a way to have a big meet-up before our lives solely revolve around our men and football.
It was also a great way to include the girlfriends, fiances, and wives of players in their first season with the team.
After that was over me and Tianna decided to get drinks before heading home.
Tianna Robillard, new Bengals player Cody Ford’s girlfriend is one of the most recent women added to the crazy bunch of amazing women with Bengal boys.
Tianna was so sweet and emitted such great vibes.
“He knows I'm here yeah. He just wasn't there when I left… and doesn't know I'm wearing this little number.” - you
Tia looked over my body to take in the black lace bodysuit with black high-waisted bootie shorts.
“Emphasis on the little. You look really good though, it's super cute. Actually, mind sending me the link?” - Tianna
“Of course!” - you laughed
“Joe doesn't strike me as the type of guy to tell you what you can and can't wear.” - Tianna
“He isn't… but this one’s kinda special to him. He's the only person that's ever seen me in it and it's his favorite outfit that I own.” - you
“I'm sure there isn't anything to worry about, it's not like you're with some other guy while wearing it.” - Tianna
“Yeah, you're right…” - you
“Just chill. It'll be fine. Let's have some fun tonight, starting with me getting another drink...” - Tianna
I laughed at the moment and followed her to the bar, on our way there some whistles were sounded out and directed towards me. Turning around to see who the origin was I found myself asking are they even 21?
Flashing my bright, shiny, big, expensive diamond engagement ring, I was met with a few annoyed groans and one shrug.
“I love it when you do that.” - Tianna laughed
“I love doing it myself. I love Joe with my entire being, it feels nice to show it.” - you
She gave me a warm smile before we grabbed more drinks.
The rest of the night was filled with laughter, stories, and getting to know each other a lot more.
It was thirty minutes till midnight when Tianna dropped me back off at home. I was expecting Joe to be asleep, so when I walked into the house with my heels in hand and he was sitting on the couch I was confused.
“What are you doing up?” - you smiled
“Waiting for you. I didn't know what shape you were in and wanted to make sure you got home and to sleep okay.” - Joe
“Thanks, babe.” - you
“No problem…” - Joe
He leaned back, stretching his back and long arms with a big yawn as I made my way into the kitchen.
I placed my purse and heels on the kitchen counter before shrugging my light jacket off.
“Hey can you throw me a bottle of water please?” - Joe
“Sure. Catch!” - you
Joe sat up and turned around in the direction towards the kitchen and put his hands up to catch the bottle.
As it left my hand and I chucked it, my outfit registered in Joe’s mind, instead of the bottle hitting Joe’s hands it hit him smack in the forehead.
“Oww!” - Joe grabbed his head
“Joe!” - you
I ran out of the kitchen and into the living room to where Joe was on the couch.
His face was scrunched up in pain as he held his forehead.
“I'm sorry, baby. You zoned out on me when I threw it. I didn't mean to hit you…” - you
“Yeah, no shit.” - Joe grumbled
His tone made me mentally wince and I backed away from him slightly. Joe immediately noticed the change of my body language and how the room felt more tense.
I sighed as I stood up, grabbed my stuff, and walked upstairs to our bedroom.
Not long after I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt, Joe went to open the door. I heard him cuss under his breath when he realized it was locked.
“Hey, baby? Can you open the door for me… please?” - Joe
His tone seemed slightly pleading, hoping he hadn't messed up too severely. Joe knew I hated it when someone was mad at me, and that I was a raging people-pleaser, so when someone acted slightly mad at me I shut down.
I slowly opened the door and Joe looked down at me with an apologetic look on face.
“Look… I didn't mean to come off like that. I know you didn't mean to hit me, it was my damn fault for zoning out and not catching it.” - Joe
I stared up at him as I chewed on my lower lip, Joe had worry written on his face hoping I wasn't mad at him.
“I'm sorry…” - Joe
“It's okay, I guess.” - you mumbled
“It's not okay, don't lie. I need to learn to stop being such a dick sometimes.” - Joe 
“You’re not a dick, Joey… I love you.” - you
Joe smiled slightly as he pulled me into a hug. His body was warm and his big hands running over my back caused goosebumps.
“I love you too, baby.” - Joe kissed your temple
“Can I ask you something?” - you pulled back and studied his expression
“Of course.” - Joe kissed your cheek
“What gave you the deer in headlights look before I threw the water?” - you
Joe chuckled as he pulled me into his chest, his arm looped around my waist to hold me into him tighter.
He pressed his lips just under my ear and his deep voice whispered into it.
“That black lace on you. You know it's my favorite.” - Joe
“Mmm… you know I love wearing it for you.” - you
“Did you change in the garage or something before walking in then?” - Joe smirked
“No…” - you nervously chuckled
“Oh, so you had something over top of it and took it off to surprise me?” - Joe
“No…” - you
My heart rate shot up when Joe cocked his head to the side and furrowed his brows at me, please don't get mad.
“You wore that out tonight?” - Joe
“Mhm… is there a problem with that?” - You
“No ma'am. I know you're mine, it's just that not every guy in Cincinnati knows that.” - Joe
“Don’t get jealous Joe. I got catcalled once and flashed this pretty ring in the prepubescent-looking guy’s face.” - you
I laid my left hand on Joe’s chest to point out the engagement ring on my ring finger, to which Joe smirked.
“So you did get hit on?” - Joe
“I can't control that, Joe.” - you sighed
“Oh, I know you can't. I’m fully aware of how fucking gorgeous my girl is. Right now I'm just feeling like I need to show you who you wear that shit for.” - Joe
All at once every pulse point in my body set off. God, he hasn't even done anything yet and I'm already turned on.
“Who do I wear it for?” - you
“Me and me only. You understand?” - Joe
“Maybe, but I think you should really drive the point home.” - you smirked
Joe’s big hands grabbed and squeezed at my hips immediately understanding what I was insinuating.
“Be a good girl and go put it back on for me. I'll be waiting out here.” - Joe
“Yes, sir.” - you grinned and bit your lower lip
His hands pulled me flush against him and his lips were rough on mine. Joe’s tongue was gently pushing against my lower lip, asking for entrance. When I parted my lips, his tongue was tangling with mine.
“Joey” - you moaned into the kiss
That's when he pulled away and with a harsh smack on my ass, he grinned down at me.
“Don’t keep me waiting too long.” - Joe
“Of course.” - you grinned and walked into the closet before pulling it out of the dirty clothes hamper.
Joe was going to show me exactly who’s I was.
Authors note: this ending sucked… part 2 of the real smut??
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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aimasup · 2 months
The warbling effect in the beginning perfectly encapsulates what it's like to try and move in a dream.
the colours behind the eyes (we only remember the last moments of our dreams when we are about to wake up, everything before that is mostly a vague blur)
And the floors shifting without your permission? Super accurate
Hey half the fandom how does it feel to be right about Ragatha and Pomni's dynamic post-pilot
Bubble never change
are they actually gonna change looks every episode if so yes please
Caine with a pipe <3<3
The humour is fantastic as always (the mannequin that pushed Gangle over made me chuckle)
Pomni might have been a gamer, she seems critical of the experience but only as someone who wants to engage
Ragatha being the diplomatic face man while Jax is the wild card negotiator, what a duo! Charming in their own ways! maybe Pomni could be the relatable third that is a grounding force
Kinger is a lot more involved with the adventure than we thought he would be! He isn't as terrified or absent as imagined, he's genuinely enthusiastic (it's kind of sad)
When the gators started talking about the village and the mom, dread crept up on me: Caine's intricately powerful
the stained glass window is darkly funny though ajskwjsks
Gangle you freak?? /pos You are moving up the ranks for me
It's great that Jax isn't just a "chaotic bad boy" type, I can see why Zooble takes any chance they get to strangle him (hate him, love his character)
Gummigoo's revelation was heartbreaking thanks
was Pomni depressed? Does she remember being depressed? Aghh so many headcanons rn about her life
can we get a shoutout to the Raggedy Ann movie references and the adorable gator goons
Kinger giving advice and saying "I remember how long it etc etc" whilst his head is bucketed has such warm?? vibes??
Ragatha holding her skirt to wade through the chocolate <3<3<3
I love that the chocolate doesn't stick to anything, I love that Princess Loo is slightly uncanny, I love that they use the glitches of the assets to move the story forward, I love the game world that works within the 3d animation well <3<3
Has Caine killed a human by mistake? With a snap of his finger? Or did he snap his fingers to delete them but it didn't instantly take them out and they abstracted...
The funeral was unexpected, it's nice that Caine gives them time off to do whatever
The idea that you will be missed if you disappear.,,.
Gooseworx wasn't lying this really is the depression episode (and it's still Pomni focused! Hooray!!)
sobs the plushies I want them all
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03jyh23 · 25 days
—  moonlit promises || park seonghwa
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idol!seonghwa x non-idol!reader
synopsis: you just miss your fiancé
genre: fluff
trigger warnings: none
words: 1.3 k
reminder: what you’re about to read is purely fiction, so let’s keep it separate from reality.
!minors do not interact!
— hi there! this was written for my best friend when she was having a bad day. "moonlit promises" was personalized to suit her so i decided to post only a short part of the original work. since i posted a lot of angst lately, i think it's a good time to post this short fluff.
love, monika. ♡
if you enjoyed this post, i’d be so grateful for a little love – a like, reblog or comment would truly make my day!
taglist: @hoeforalbedo (if you'd like to join my taglist you can just let me know here!)
You sat by the window, the soft glow of the moon casting a gentle light across your small room. It was late, and the world outside was quiet except for the occasional rustle of leaves in the breeze.  
You hold your engagement ring delicately between your fingertips, and you can’t help but marvel at its beauty. The ring glimmers in the soft light, its facets catching the light in a mesmerizing dance of sparkle and shine. The centerpiece, a brilliant diamond, seems to hold a universe of its own within its depths, reflecting the love and commitment shared between Seonghwa and you. You trace the intricate patterns of the band, feeling the smooth metal against your skin. Each curve and twist seems to tell a story of your journey together, from the moment you first met to the promise of forever that now lies before you. The ring feels like a tangible symbol of your love, a constant reminder of the bond you share and the future you are building together. 
As you gaze at the ring, you feel a swell of emotion wash over you. It's more than just a piece of jewelry; it's a promise, a vow, a testament to the depth of your love and the commitment you have made to each other. And as you slip the ring onto your finger, you know you won't be able to resist calling your fiancé. 
With your phone in hand, you dialled Seonghwa's number, heart fluttering with anticipation as it rang, hoping that he would have a minute or two to talk.  
 "Hey, love," Seonghwa's voice greeted you, warm and comforting despite the miles between you. 
 "Hi, Seonghwa," you replied, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd call you." 
"Ah, I'm glad you did, we already finished our rehearsals for today," Seonghwa said softly. "Did the stars made you think about me again?" he asked, his voice carrying a soft smile that you could hear. 
"Yeah..." You admitted shyly "I miss you a lot, especially on nights like these when the stars are out and shining so brightly. Nights like these always reminds me of you, but even though they shine brightly, they just don't seem as magical without you by my side."  
"I miss you too, baby," Seonghwa whispered "But talking to you makes it feel like you're right here with me." Your heart swelled at his words, your gaze drifting to the sky outside once again. When you look up at the stars, you feel a deep connection to your fiancé, even across the miles that separate you. The stars serve as a reminder of your love and the special bond you two share, it’s like the stars are strengthening your connection despite the physical distance. You sighed softly; voice tinged with longing as you spoke to Seonghwa through the phone.  
"I wish you could be here, holding me in your arms," you murmured, as you wrapped the blanked around you, your words carried the weight of your separation. "The hoodies you left... they've lost your smell already." There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Seonghwa replied, his voice filled with empathy.  
"I know, love. Next time I will spray all of them with my perfume twice as much." He laughed softly before continuing "I miss holding you close, feeling your warmth against me. I miss your eyes. But even though I'm not there physically, know that my love for you hasn't faded, not even a little bit." you closed your eyes, a tear slipping down your cheek as you listened to Seonghwa's words.  
"I know," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath. "And I hold onto that." Seonghwa's heart ached at the sadness in your voice, wishing more than anything that he could be there to comfort you.  
"I promise, Y/N," he said softly, his voice filled with determination, "One day soon, I'll hold you in my arms again." you smiled through tears, feeling a glimmer of hope within your chest.  
"You better keep that promise, Park Seonghwa" you replied playfully, voice warmer than before. "Until then, I'll cherish every moment we have together, even if it's just through late-night phone calls and memories of your scent." 
You never blamed Seonghwa for living his life as an idol, truth be told, even after all these years in a relationship, you remained his fan, genuinely thrilled by his success. You knew that no one deserved success as much as ATEEZ. From his early days, you had been there for him, supporting him every step of the way. Yet on a night like this, the ache of missing him became overwhelming. You wished he was beside you.  
"Speaking of stars," Seonghwa said, his voice taking on a playful tone, "did I ever tell you that you're my little star? Shining bright even in the darkest of nights." your cheeks flushed at his endearing words.  
"You always know how to make me smile," you said, heart overflowing with love for him. 
"And you always know how to make my heart skip a beat," Seonghwa replied, his affection evident in every word. As you continued to talk, your laughter mingling with the gentle night sounds, you couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these, when distance seemed to fade away and your love shone brighter than any star in the sky.  
"I love you, Y/N," Seonghwa's voice came through the phone, gentle and sincere, wrapping around you like a comforting blanket. "And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you" Your breath caught in your throat at his declaration, your heart swelling with love for him.  
"And I can’t wait to marry you," It’s been four years since you started dating, one year into being engaged, but you never got used to hearing those three words from Seonghwa. "I love you too, Seonghwa," you whispered, voice filled with emotion. You lingered in silence for a moment, basking in the warmth of the love you shared, before Seonghwa spoke again, his voice soft and soothing. 
"You should go to sleep, my love," he said tenderly. "What time is it there like... 3 am?"  your eyes fluttered open at Seonghwa's words, a small smile playing on your lips as you glanced at the clock beside your bed.  
"Almost, I’m amazed that you know," you replied softly, "It's actually 2:40 am." Seonghwa sighed on the other end of the line, the frustration evident in his tone.  
"I hate these time zones," he admitted, his voice tinged with longing. "I wish I could be there to tuck you in and cuddle you close." Your heart ached at his words; your own longing mirrored in his. "But I guess tonight you will have to settle for my hoodie," 
"I wish you could be here too," you whispered, voice filled with sadness, "But knowing that you're thinking of me, even from miles away, is enough to keep me warm." Seonghwa's response was immediate, his voice filled with love and reassurance.  
"I'll always be thinking of you, baby," he said softly. "No matter the distance." You felt a sense of peace wash over you, knowing that even in the darkness of night, Seonghwa's love would always light the way.  
Seonghwa's voice continued to fill the quiet of the night, a steady rhythm that lulled you deeper into sleep. His words were like whispered promises, wrapping around you. 
"Sleep well, my darling," Seonghwa murmured, his voice soft and affectionate. "Dream of us, together under the stars, where distance cannot separate our hearts." You smiled, your dreams already filled with visions of Seonghwa's warm smile and the promise of your future together. With his voice as your anchor, you surrendered to the peaceful embrace of sleep, knowing that no matter the distance, your love would always bring you back to each other. And as you drifted off to sleep, Seonghwa's voice remained with you, a constant presence in the darkness, guiding you through the night until the dawn of a new day. 
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sunny44 · 1 year
You shouldn’t let her go
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton!girlfriend reader x Max Verstappen!ex-girlfriend reader
Warnings: stupid Max, pregnancy
Summary: Max left his fiancée after years of relationship because he felt he couldn't stand being tied to someone anymore so after almost two years she shows up in the paddock with Lewis and he realizes he shouldn't have let her go.
Ps: just to make it clear, I am not in favor of the rivalry that is imposed on Lewis and Max, I know they are not friends but the reality does not match my stories, this is fiction so don't take it personally.
Next Chapter
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When he decided that our relationship should end I thought he was joking.
For days and weeks I couldn't believe that this was real, but my mind was made up as soon as I saw pictures of him on the internet with women in parties.
It was then that I realized that our engagement was over.
I don't think I have ever suffered so much in my life, I never thought that I would be isolated for months.
I suffered so much that I started to stop eating, in the beginning I ate very little but as the days went by I decreased until I almost stopped completely but luckily my mother saved me from being at the bottom of the pit.
The first months were difficult, I had been used to our own routine for years and having to leave it suddenly was extremely difficult, in fact I was torn out of that routine.
I had to leave where I had lived for years since the apartment was his, I had to learn to take care of my place by myself since now there was no one else for me to share my tasks with.
But 5 months later I met someone, someone who made me have those feelings again, the feelings that I thought after Max I would never have again.
I already knew who he was and he also knew who I was but the fact that he was Max's enemy but leads meant that we never really talked.
Lewis and I had been dating for almost 9 months when he ask me to be his girlfriend and I remember being extremely happy that he was taking our relationship as seriously as I was.
And since that day we have been together and today would be the first time I could be in a formula one paddock since Max and I broke up.
Today was the Dutch GP and Lewis and I were on our way to the paddock, him and I had agreed early on in the relationship that we would only go public when we were comfortable letting the world know about us. I know how well this world works, if you don't do something people judge you and if you do something they judge you anyways.
And I knew what the fans would say that I was a hustler who only dates drivers and that since I got dumped by one I went after another.
But they don't know the half of it because the part where I suffered they don't care because one of the most coveted pilots became single so they can go after him and try their luck and some of them really do.
Most of them are like that, they go from city to city in nightclubs chasing silly girls who are willing to have their one minute of fame for being able to say that they fuck a formula 1 driver, but in the end this is nothing because in years of relationship he can forget you in one day so how long does it take for them to forget a simple fuck?
When we arrived in the paddock I could already feel my nervousness and so could Lewis, he knew I was afraid to come but not because I was here again or even because I had to see him.
But because of the fact that I would be judged for dating a driver who doesn't get along well with my ex for clear reasons.
But I'm already expecting that his fans don't like me.
"Are you okay?" He asks looking at me but I don't answer and just stare at nothing. "Hey, baby."
"Yeah?" I asked looking at him.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Again he asks and I don't answer. "I'm not sure we picked the right GP to do this."
"In this situation there is no right GP. But I think we picked the worst one." I say and he laughs. "Look they are going to hate me anyway with us showing up together today or in the next race so let's just get over with."
"That's the way to talk." He says cheerfully and we get out of the car.
When we got out of the car and were getting in it seemed like the world had stopped around the two of us, the flashes and noises of the cameras, the movement was so big that even some of the drivers that were scattered around looked and were surprised at what they were seeing.
Halfway there I felt Lewis taking my hand and intertwining our fingers and confirming what people were thinking.
We walked to the Mercedes garage and before we entered I could see him standing in front of the Red Bull garage with some people from the team talking to him but Max was more focused on me than on them.
When we got inside I went to say hello to the people from the team, some faces were already known but most I didn't know who they were.
"We have an unexpected visitor." I hear a voice behind me and I recognized it right away by the accent.
"Hi Toto, how are you?"
"Fine and you?"
"I'm great taking all the attention."
"It's almost as if Beyoncé is walking into the paddock."
"I felt like her." He laughs.
"I'm going to go change and be right back okay?" Lewis says and I nodded and he gave me a kiss before heading to his room.
"I'm going to get some coffee, will you let him know for me?" Toto agrees and I leave to get a cup of coffee.
Which I shouldn't have done if I knew Max would find me and come after me.
"Hi Max."
"Good to see you, you look great."
"And how are you?"
"I haven't heard from you anymore."
"You wouldn't have had to know, you made it very clear that you didn't want me in your life anymore the last time we saw each other."
"And that was the biggest mistake of my life.”
"That’s your problem now." I said walking past him but he held my arm. "Can you let go of me?"
"Are you really with him or was that whole scene just to make me jealous?"
"Pay close attention because I'm only going to tell you once, you broke up with me and it was you who broke my heart. You don't know what the hell my life was like after you dumped me, so don't come to me wanting to know about my life because I don't owe you anything.”
"I'm sorry I was an asshole and I deserve that you are angry with me but seriously you are dating him? You didn't even like him."
"YOU didn't even like him Max I've never even spoken to him to draw those conclusions. And you are rivals on the track but off the track you have no connection."
"So you're dating a guy who hates me? After everything we've been through?"
"And after everything we've been through you dumped me like that for no reason at all so it looks like we're even." He looks at me with anger and sadness at the same time. "And for your information yes I am dating him and it's been a long time, it's not something recent that happened just so I could make you jealous. So leave me alone."
I turned to leave and after a few steps I stopped and looked at him.
"Actually I do owe you something.” He looked at me. "I owe you a thank you for breaking my heart years ago because then I could meet a guy who really loves me and who sees a future with me unlike you who only saw me as a trophy that you dragged everywhere."
Having said that I actually left and went to get a coffee which would actually be a tea since I was avoiding drinking too much coffee.
After buying the tea and a donut that I couldn't resist when I saw it I went back to the Mercedes garage seeing a super worried Lewis.
"Oh my God, where were you? I was worried when I came back and didn't see you here."
"I asked Toto to tell you I was going to get something to drink."
"He had to go to a meeting and must have forgotten."
"I'm fine, don't worry."
"You look a little pale, is something wrong?" He asks, running his hand over my face and I know why I was pale but I wouldn’t tell him right before the race.
"I had a forced conversation with Max on the way over."
"What did he do? Did he hurt you?"
"He didn't hurt me he just wanted to know if we were really together or I was just using you to make him jealous. But I'm not." I hasten to say."
"I know don't worry about it, don't worry about him okay? He's not worth your time."
Lewis put his arms around my waist bringing me close to him and I held his face and kissed him until we were interrupted by the crew calling Lewis to get in the car because the race was about to start, he kissed me once more and went to the car.
I didn't remember how torturous and agonizing it was to have someone you love racing at over 300km/h, every time it seemed like someone was going to crash and I was scared to death that something was going to happen to Lewis but I knew that he was an excellent driver and had total control of what he was doing.
That was until he started to lose positions and that made me and the team worried because the car was the best of the weekend.
Max was first now and I could almost hear his laughter in my head and it really pissed me off.
"Y/n come here." I heard Toto calling me and Bono handing me a microphone.
"Why are you giving this to me?" I picked up the headset in confusion.
"He's nervous for some reason and we can't calm him down so try talking to him."
"Lewis can you hear me?" I ask after I put the headset on.
"Honey? What are you doing there?"
"You need to concentrate, what's going on?"
"I keep thinking about you and him, and it's distracting me. I'm afraid that after you talked today you might want to get back together with him.”
"Don't think about it, I love you and I'm never getting back with Max, understand? I couldn't even."
"Why couldn't you?"
"Because me and our baby love you and we are here rooting for you too."
"Our baby?" he asks without understanding.
"I'm pregnant babe."
"Are you serious?"
"Yes, I am."
"Are we having a baby?"
"Yes we are." I could hear him laughing with happiness. "So go get him."
Right then he sped up and sped up as if his life depended on it and on the last lap he passed Max and the whole garage celebrated, when he crossed the finish line we all went in front of the podium where I went running with the team and stood right in front, he jumped out of the car and celebrated and then came running towards me and kissed me, he pulled me through the fence hugging me even tighter. He bent down and kissed my belly making me laugh through my tears and the look on Max's face that came second didn't go unnoticed, I don't know if it was me but their eyes seemed to shine with the tears but at the moment I didn't care because my happiness was there with me celebrating his victory.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername instagram post
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Liked by LewisHamilton, yourmom, mickshumacher, landonorris and others 82937
Yourusername After feeling lonely and unhappy for years I finally found someone who makes me feel like the most special woman in the world. I can't thank you enough for making me shine again and for making me a better person.
And now that our family is growing, I can only thank you for always being there for us, I love you so much.
Tagged: LewisHamilton
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taytjiefourie · 1 year
Show Don't Tell: Anger
Greetings, lovely people! It's great to be back with another post in my 'Show Don't Tell' series! I hope you've all been doing well. Without further ado, let's dive right into today's topic: anger.
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Anger is a powerful and complex emotion that can manifest in many ways. It can range from a mild irritation to a full-blown rage, and can be triggered by a variety of factors, including frustration, injustice, or hurt. While it's natural to want to avoid anger in our personal lives, it can actually be a useful tool when it comes to creative writing.
When it comes to writing, anger can add depth and complexity to characters and their interactions. By showing a character's anger, we can reveal their motivations, values, and flaws, and create a more dynamic and realistic portrayal of human emotion. Additionally, anger can create tension and conflict in a story, driving the plot forward and keeping readers engaged.
But hey, I'm not here to talk about the nitty-gritty of anger. I'm here to help you learn how to effectively show your character's anger in your writing! So let's dive right in, starting with the powerful tool of body language.
Clenched fists
Tightly crossed arms
Stiff or rigid posture
Facial expressions like frowning, scowling, or furrowing their brows
Pacing or restlessness
Grinding teeth or jaw clenching
Aggressive gestures like pointing or shaking a finger
Staring or glaring
Raised voice or shouting
Heavy breathing or sighing
Pounding a fist on a surface
Tightened or bulging neck muscles
Sweating or flushed skin
Looking away or avoiding eye contact
Physical violence, such as hitting or throwing objects
Tensing or flexing muscles
Clenching or unclenching fists repeatedly
Baring teeth or showing a snarl
Raising eyebrows or narrowing eyes
Rolling eyes or making sarcastic facial expressions
Biting or chewing on their lips
Tapping their foot or fingers impatiently
Leaning in aggressively or invading personal space
Hunching over or making themselves appear smaller
Using a monotone or clipped tone of voice
Holding their breath or exhaling loudly
Clapping hands sarcastically or making dismissive hand gestures
Making fists and shaking them at someone
Puffing up their chest or standing tall to appear more imposing
Stomping their feet or making loud footsteps.
Scrunching their nose or flaring nostrils
Puckering or twisting their mouth
Tugging or pulling at their hair or clothing
Crossing or uncrossing their legs or ankles abruptly
Bending or clenching their toes or curling their toes tightly
Bouncing or tapping their knee rapidly
Grinding or rubbing their hands together
Picking at their nails or skin
Covering their face or eyes with their hands
Throwing their head back in frustration or exasperation.
Raising or lowering their voice
Slamming things down too hard that they are carrying.
Pursing their lips and nodding.
Running their tongue on the inside of their cheek.
Stalking instead of walking
Scratching their head or neck vigorously
Pulling or tugging at their ears
Biting their tongue or inside of their cheek
Flinching or tensing up when someone approaches them
Nodding their head sharply or repeatedly
Squeezing or gripping an object tightly, such as a pen or a phone
Slamming doors or drawers
Puffing out their cheeks or blowing air out forcefully
Fidgeting or shifting their weight from foot to foot
Raising one or both eyebrows in surprise or anger.
Shrugging off someone's touch or pushing them away
Curling their lips or sneering
Tilting their head back and closing their eyes
Scrunching up their face in disgust or disapproval
Stomping their foot or kicking an object
Folding their arms tightly across their chest
Clutching their stomach or chest
Rubbing their hands together quickly
Stiffening their body or freezing in place
Turning their back on someone or walking away abruptly.
Making a fist and pressing it into their other hand
Running a hand through their hair in frustration
Holding their hand to their forehead or temple
Biting their lower lip or the inside of their cheek
Tensing their jaw and grinding their teeth
Clenching their fists behind their back or in their pockets
Tugging at their collar or tie
Staring daggers or giving someone a withering look
Curling their toes or flexing their feet
Drumming their fingers or tapping their nails on a surface.
Covering their mouth with their hand and closing their eyes.
Scratching or rubbing the back of their neck
Rubbing their eyes or face vigorously
Putting their hands on their hips and leaning forward
Standing up abruptly or pacing back and forth
Pushing a chair or other object out of the way
Clapping their hands sharply or slamming them on a surface
Breathing heavily or audibly
Hunching their shoulders or shrugging in frustration
There are so many ways to bring your character's anger to life in your writing, and your readers will feel it in their bones! Body language is just one tool in your arsenal, but there are plenty of others to explore. Next up, let's talk about sensory details. While there may be some overlap with body language, there are also unique ways to use sensory details to convey anger.
Sensory details are all about bringing your reader into your character's experience by describing what they feel, see, hear, taste, and smell. But it's not just about surface-level sensations; it's about capturing what your character feels on the inside too. Think about the way anger might make your character's heart race or their vision narrow, or the way it might leave a sour taste in their mouth or make them hyper-aware of certain smells.
Clenched teeth or jaw
Rapid heartbeat or pounding in the chest
Flushed or reddened face
Sweating or clammy skin
Heavy breathing or panting
Muscles tensing or knotting up
Twitching or trembling limbs
Ringing in the ears or muffled sounds
Vision tunneling or blurring
Sensitivity to light or sound
Tingling or numbness in the fingers or toes
Pounding or throbbing headache
Dry mouth or tightness in the throat
Stomach churning or nausea
Tingling or itching sensation on the skin
Increased sensitivity to smells or tastes
Loss of appetite or overeating
Difficulty concentrating or focusing
Racing thoughts or an inability to think straight
Feeling dizzy or lightheaded.
Tense or stiff neck and shoulders
Clammy or shaking hands
Uncontrollable shaking or shivering
Rapid speech or stuttering
Breathy or strained voice
High-pitched or shrill tone
Swelling or throbbing veins
Rapid blinking or eye twitching
Heavy or labored sighs
Chills or goosebumps
Rapid or irregular heartbeat
Flushed or blotchy skin
Pacing or restless movements
Increased energy or restlessness
Headache or pressure in the temples
Chest tightness or discomfort
Dry or sweaty palms
Fidgeting or tapping feet or fingers
Frowning or scowling
Clenching or grinding teeth.
Action is the next layer in showing your character's anger. It's all about capturing the choices they make and the way they interact with their surroundings and other characters while feeling that intense emotion. Maybe they lash out and say things they regret later, or they bottle up their anger and internalize it until it explodes. Maybe they turn to self-destructive behaviors like substance abuse or reckless driving, or they channel their anger into a creative outlet like writing or painting. Whatever actions your character takes, they can reveal a lot about their personality, values, and motivations, and help your readers connect with them on a deeper level.
Yelling or screaming
Throwing objects or slamming doors
Punching or hitting walls
Physically attacking someone
Storming out of a room or location
Refusing to engage in conversation
Passive-aggressive behavior
Giving the silent treatment
Ignoring or avoiding the source of their anger
Interrupting others or talking over them
Criticizing or belittling others
Blaming others for their problems
Making sarcastic or cutting remarks
Engaging in risky behavior or taking unnecessary risks
Excessive drinking or drug use
Engaging in self-harm or other destructive behaviors
Seeking revenge or planning retaliation
Seeking control or power over others
Using manipulation or coercion to get what they want
Betraying or sabotaging others
Withholding affection or love
Mocking or imitating others
Giving ultimatums
Exaggerating or lying about their feelings or experiences
Making threats
Refusing to compromise
Refusing to listen or hear other perspectives.
Getting physically tense or rigid
Clenching their fists or teeth
Biting their nails or lips
Fidgeting or tapping their foot
Pacing back and forth
Making abrupt or sudden movements
Staring or glaring at someone
Crossing their arms or legs defensively
Scratching or rubbing their skin
Crying or showing signs of distress
Withdrawal or isolation from others
Demanding attention or validation from others
Disrupting the peace or harmony in a space or environment
Refusing to follow rules or guidelines
Engaging in arguments or fights with others
Becoming overly competitive or aggressive in their pursuits
Ignoring advice or guidance from others
Showing a lack of empathy or compassion towards others
Being overly critical or nitpicky
Refusing to apologize or take responsibility for their actions.
Exhibiting physical symptoms like sweating or shaking
Making demands or issuing commands to others
Engaging in reckless or dangerous behavior
Becoming overly defensive or argumentative
Engaging in self-destructive behavior or self-sabotage
Refusing to acknowledge or address the source of their anger
Blaming themselves for problems that are not their fault
Seeking out conflict or confrontation with others
Using passive-aggressive behavior to communicate their anger
Engaging in obsessive or compulsive behaviors
Struggling to focus or concentrate due to their anger
Engaging in self-soothing behaviors like rocking or pacing
Using humor to mask or downplay their anger
Becoming distant or disengaged from others.
Now, let's talk about setting. It's not just where your characters are, but how they react to it. This means the environment can be used to show off their anger or even help readers understand why they are feeling angry.
Secluding themselves in a quiet, isolated part of the environment
Moving quickly and aggressively through the environment
Becoming agitated or restless in a peaceful or serene environment
Ignoring or avoiding other characters in the environment
Intentionally damaging the environment or objects within it
Distancing themselves from others or backing away from objects in the environment
Taking actions that disrupt the peace or harmony of the environment, such as slamming doors or turning over tables
Focusing on negative aspects of the environment, such as dirt or clutter, and feeling anger towards those elements
Becoming fixated on a particular aspect of the environment and feeling anger towards anyone who interferes with it.
Avoiding eye contact with others in the environment
Making sarcastic or biting comments about the environment
Displaying impatience or frustration with slow-moving objects or people in the environment
Purposefully choosing a more hostile or uncomfortable location to match their angry emotional state
Remember how a bright, sunny day with chirping birds and fresh flowers can instantly put you in a happy mood? Well, the same goes for the location in your story. Even without a character present, scenery can influence the way readers perceive the mood. So, when it comes to anger, the location can be used to set the tone just as much as the character's actions and emotions.
Weather: Dark clouds, lightning, thunder, and heavy rain can create an ominous and angry atmosphere.
Time of Day: Nighttime or sunset can create a moody and angry atmosphere.
Location: A rundown or dangerous part of town can create a sense of anger or unease.
Objects: Broken or destroyed objects can indicate a character's anger and frustration.
Colors: Dark or vibrant colors like red or black can be used to create a sense of anger.
Noises: Loud, jarring noises like alarms or sirens can create a sense of anger and urgency.
Crowds: A crowded or noisy environment can be used to create feelings of anger or irritation.
Architecture: Cold or sterile environments like hospitals or government buildings can create a sense of anger and frustration.
Nature: A barren or lifeless landscape can create a sense of anger or despair.
Animals: Aggressive or hostile animals can be used to create a sense of danger and anger.
Now, let's talk about dialogue. There's nothing quite like a character yelling and cussing up a storm to show their anger, right? It's one of the most powerful ways to convey intense emotions through words. So, buckle up and get ready to explore the ways in which dialogue can be used to show anger in your writing!
Cursing and using expletives
Speaking loudly and aggressively
Interrupting others and speaking over them
Using sarcastic or mocking tones
Making threats or using violent language
Using short, sharp sentences or phrases
Speaking through gritted teeth or a clenched jaw
Insulting or belittling others
Using repetitive or redundant language
Refusing to engage in conversation or responding with silence.
Using rhetorical questions that are meant to convey frustration
Interrupting themselves mid-sentence with a burst of anger
Repeating a particular phrase or word to emphasize their anger
Using a dismissive tone to indicate irritation or impatience
Speaking with a tone that is icy or cold
Using a monotone voice to convey anger and frustration
Resorting to name-calling or insults
Being defensive or argumentative in their responses
Speaking rapidly and stumbling over their words in their anger
Using a confrontational or challenging tone to express anger.
And what comes after all of that? Well, my dear friend, when you've exhausted their words, body language, senses, and actions, what's left? That's when you dive into their mind and explore their point of view. You can write about their thoughts and inner dialogue to really capture the depth of their anger.
Negative thoughts about others or the situation
Self-criticism and frustration
Dwelling on past events that caused the anger
Increased cynicism and pessimism
A desire for revenge or justice
Difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks
Racing or intrusive thoughts
A feeling of being overwhelmed or out of control
A sense of injustice or unfair treatment
Blaming others or external circumstances for their anger
Now we come to the last item on our list - metaphors and analogies. They are frequently used in writing to create colorful and vivid descriptions, and can also effectively convey a character's anger. However, it's important to be careful with their use, as readers can become annoyed if they are overused.
"Her anger burned like a wildfire, consuming everything in its path."
"He felt like a coiled snake, ready to strike at any moment."
"Her anger was a thunderstorm, building and brewing until it finally erupted."
"His anger was a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any second."
"She felt like a volcano, with her anger bubbling just below the surface."
"His anger was a raging river, with powerful currents and dangerous undertows."
"She felt like a caged animal, trapped and helpless in her anger."
"His anger was a sharp sword, cutting through everything in its way."
"She felt like a stormy sea, with her anger churning like the waves."
"His anger was a blazing inferno, burning everything in its wake."
"His anger boiled like lava in a volcano, ready to erupt at any moment."
"Her words sliced through me like a knife, leaving me raw and bleeding with anger."
"He was a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode with fury."
"Her temper was a wildfire, spreading quickly and uncontrollably."
"His rage was a storm, brewing and building until it unleashed with a violent outburst."
"She was a snake, coiled and ready to strike with venomous anger."
"His fury was a thunderous roar, shaking the very foundations of the earth."
"Her temper was a beast, wild and untamed, impossible to control."
"His anger was a whirlpool, pulling me down into its dark depths."
"She was a volcano, her anger a fiery eruption that left nothing but destruction in its wake."
Well, that's all for today's post. It's always bittersweet to say goodbye, but don't worry, I'll be back soon with more juicy writing tips! Before I go, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this post. Did you find it helpful? Did you learn something new? And more importantly, what other emotions do you want me to tackle next? Let me know in the comments below!
You can find plenty of these posts on my Tumblr, so be sure to check them out! or you can find a more organized version here!
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aparttimewriter · 3 months
STARSTRUCK: part fifteen
charles leclerc x singer reader x lando norris
summary: y/n had made her choice, but can lando handle the choice she has made
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📍 Melbourne, Australia 🇦🇺
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liked by oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, y/nsister and 876,567 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yoursuername: mum i brought a f1 driver home x
view all 23,678 comments
oscarpiastri: charles thoughts on the bunnings snag ??
—yourusername: he was very confused
teamleclerc: ahhh he has now met y/n family !!
y/nstans: really believing those proposal rumours now
ferrarileclerc: why does melbourne look so good on him
y/nsister: i’m traumatised thinking about dad attempting to speak french to @charlesleclerc
—yourusername: ahhh please don’t remind me 🫣
charles_leclerc: g’day mate
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yourusername added to their story
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viewed by landonorris and 22,455 others
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liked by reneerapp, lilymhe, charles_leclerc and 954,677 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yoursuername: the day i said yes to being yours for the rest of our lives
view all 40,678 comments
charles_leclerc: ❤️❤️❤️
reneerapp: stop I’m ugly crying right now !!
y/nsister: the most perfect couple i have seen
lilymhe: i’m so happy for both of you 🥺
scuderiaferrari: congratulations to charles and y/n on their engagement
arthur_leclerc: can’t wait to have you as my sister in law
teamleclerc: he really did it ! my heart can’t cope
y/nfangirls: she’s finally found the one
yourusername added to their story
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viewed by 32,567 others
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liked by francisca.cgomes, lilymhe, y/nsister and 934,677 others
tagged: charles_leclerc, lilymhe, francisca.cgomes
yourusername: sending my love to all of my beautiful friends and family, that came to celebrate our engagement
lilymhe: can’t get over how gorgeous how beautiful you looked
y/nsister: can confirm @charles_leclerc can party, see proof on third slide
tifosileclerc: still can’t believe that they are going to get married !!
francisca.cgomes: my two gorgeous girls xx
—yourusername: love you x
norrispapaya: has anyone seen any photos of lando ?? did he get invited
—mclarenboys: so many drivers were photographed at the party, except lando
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author note: hey guys!! so all my lando girls i promise i am working on a lando fic for you all xx
tagged list: @urfavnoirette @formulaal @maplesyrupsainz @celestialend @janeholt3 @starz4me1 @landossainz @k4marina @partyinpitlane @nessacarty1 @ssprayberrythings @1655clean @belennasif f @basicchelsea @eviethetheatrefreak @champagneproblems17 @noneofyourfbusinessworld
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emotionaldamages · 5 months
healing the heart- max verstappen
summary- reader is red bull’s admin, which is the beginning of a love story for reader and a certain driver
pairings- max verstappen x social media admin!reader
authors note- this one is kinda long🧍🏽‍♀️ and a lot of repeating words
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Y/N sat at her desk, scrolling through the latest photos of the Red Bull Racing team. As the social media admin for the team, it was her job to keep fans engaged and excited. Little did she know, her life was about to take an unexpected turn.
Max Verstappen, the talented Formula One racer, walked into her office. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned against the doorframe, a playful grin on his face. Y/N couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat.
"Hey there," Max said, his voice smooth and inviting. "Just wanted to see how our fans are doing."
Y/N blushed, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as she looked up at him. "They're loving your recent win, Max. The support for you is insane."
He chuckled, running a hand through his tousled hair. "Well, it's all thanks to the amazing team we have, including you."
Y/N's heart fluttered at his words. She had always admired Max's talent and dedication, but she never imagined he would notice her. The idea of dating a Formula One racer seemed like a distant dream.
As the days passed, Max and Y/N spent more time together. They would grab lunch at the track, discussing everything from racing strategies to their favorite movies. Max's charm and down-to-earth nature made Y/N feel special, like she was the only person in his world.
One evening, after a grueling race, Max took Y/N out for a surprise dinner. He led her to a cozy restaurant with soft lighting and a breathtaking view of the city. Y/N couldn't help but smile, her heart pounding with anticipation.
Over a delicious meal, Max reached across the table, his warm hand finding hers. "Y/N, I never thought I'd find someone like you. You bring so much joy to my life."
Y/N's cheeks flushed as she looked into his deep, intense eyes. "Max, you've made me believe in love again. I've never met anyone who understands me like you do."
They leaned closer, their lips meeting in a gentle, passionate kiss. In that moment, all the doubts and fears Y/N carried in her heart melted away. Max was not only healing her heart but also filling it with a love she had always longed for.
As they broke apart, Max smiled, his eyes filled with affection. "Y/N, you're the missing puzzle piece in my life. I want to be with you, always."
Y/N felt her heart soar, tears of happiness glistening in her eyes. "Max, I feel the same way. Let's see where this journey takes us."
One sunny afternoon, Y/N sat at her desk, scrolling through Red Bull Racing's social media accounts. She admired the team's recent victory and smirked, knowing that she played a small role in their success. Just as she was about to close the tab, a message notification popped up.
Curious, Y/N clicked on it. Her heart skipped a beat when she read the name of the sender—it was Max.
"Hey, Y/N," the message read. "I have a surprise for you. Meet me at the race track tomorrow. Can't wait to see your reaction."
Y/N's excitement bubbled within her. She couldn't help but wonder what Max had in store. The next day, she arrived at the race track, her heart pounding with anticipation. Max stood by the pit lane, a mischievous smile on his face.
"Hey, Max," Y/N greeted, unable to hide her excitement. "What's the surprise?"
Max winked playfully before leading her towards the garage. Y/N's eyes widened as she saw a bright red race car, glistening under the track lights. She couldn't believe her eyes—Max had arranged for her to experience a ride in a real Formula 1 car.
"Is this for real?" Y/N gasped, her voice filled with awe.
Max chuckled, his eyes sparkling. "Absolutely, Y/N. I wanted to give you a taste of what it feels like to be on the track."
Y/N's heart raced with a mixture of nervousness and exhilaration. She slipped into a racing suit, her hands trembling with excitement. As she buckled up inside the car, Max looked at her with a reassuring smile.
"You ready?" he asked.
Y/N could barely contain her enthusiasm. "More than ever, Max."
The engine roared to life, and the car sped off down the track. Y/N felt an adrenaline rush like she had never experienced before. The wind whipped through her hair, and the G-forces pressed her against the seat. She held on tight, laughing and screaming in pure euphoria.
As the ride came to an end, Y/N stepped out of the car, her legs trembling but her heart soaring. Max approached her, his eyes filled with joy.
"See, Y/N," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. And sometimes, those twists lead to the most extraordinary moments."
Y/N nodded, her heart pounding with newfound courage. In that moment, she realized that she had not only found love but also a partner who would never stop surprising her.
Little did Y/N know, the surprises were just beginning, and their love story was far from over.
Y/N's heart swelled with excitement as she stepped into the Red Bull garage. The familiar scent of rubber and gasoline filled the air, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging in this world that Max Verstappen inhabited.
Max stood there, leaning against the sleek Red Bull car, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Y/N. She couldn't help but notice a hint of nervousness in his gaze, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his race suit.
"Hey," Y/N greeted, her voice filled with anticipation. "What's up?"
Max smiled, but there was something off about it. His voice, normally confident and vibrant, seemed strained as he replied, "Hey, Y/N. Listen, we need to talk."
A flicker of worry danced across Y/N's face as she sensed the seriousness in his tone. "Sure, what's on your mind?"
Max took a deep breath, his eyes searching hers. "I... I heard something today. A rumor about you and Daniel."
Confusion washed over Y/N. Daniel? As in Daniel Ricciardo, Max's former teammate? She couldn't fathom what Max had heard, or how it could possibly involve her.
"What kind of rumor?" she asked, her heart sinking with each passing second.
Max hesitated, his voice barely above a whisper. "They said you and Daniel... you had something before we got together. Is it true?"
Y/N felt her whole world crumble at Max's words. How could he believe such a thing? Her mind raced as she tried to find the right words to explain, but the hurt in Max's eyes made her stumble.
"Max, I... I can't believe you would think that. Daniel and I are just friends, nothing more," she pleaded.
Max's expression softened, but doubt still flickered in his eyes. "I want to believe you, Y/N. But... it's hard. I've been hurt before."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she reached out to touch Max's arm gently. "I understand your fears, Max, but you have to trust me. There's nothing between Daniel and me. You're the only one in my heart."
Max's resolve seemed to waver for a moment before he sighed and nodded. "Okay. I want to believe you, Y/N. I really do."
Relief flooded Y/N's heart, but a small part of her remained wounded. She never expected such a misunderstanding to tarnish their connection, their deep bond.
As they stood there, their emotions still raw, Y/N knew that healing Max's heart would take time. But she was willing to fight for the love they had found and prove to him that their love story was far from over.
With determination in her eyes, Y/N whispered, "I'll do whatever it takes to show you that you're the only one for me, Max. Trust me."
Max's uncertainty slowly faded away as he gazed into Y/N's eyes, seeing the sincerity in her words. "I want to trust you, Y/N. Let's work through this together."
Hand in hand, they walked out of the garage, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. Love wasn't always simple, but the connection they shared was worth fighting for.
As Y/N and Max stood outside the bustling Red Bull garage, a gentle breeze swept through the air, carrying with it a feeling of newfound hope and clarity. Y/N looked into Max's eyes, her own filled with sincerity.
"Max, I promise you, there's nothing going on between me and Daniel," Y/N said, her voice soft yet resolute. "He's just a friend. The only person who holds my heart is standing right in front of me."
A flicker of relief crossed Max's face, his eyes searching Y/N's for any sign of dishonesty. Finding none, he let out a deep sigh and a small smile slowly formed on his lips.
"I believe you, Y/N," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination. "But there's something I need to tell you too."
Curiosity danced in Y/N's eyes as she waited for Max to continue. She knew that love required honesty and trust, no matter how difficult the conversation might be.
"When I heard that rumor about you and Daniel, I have to admit, jealousy consumed me," Max confessed, his voice tinged with remorse. "I didn't want to lose you, Y/N. You mean everything to me."
Touched by Max's honesty, Y/N reached out and gently placed her hand on his, intertwining their fingers. "Max, I'm sorry that I unknowingly caused you pain. My heart has always belonged to you. I'd never do anything to jeopardize what we have."
A sparkle of understanding glimmered in Max's eyes as he squeezed Y/N's hand. "I know that now, Y/N. We all have insecurities, but love is about overcoming them together."
In that moment, the weight of doubt and misunderstanding seemed to dissipate, replaced by a renewed sense of love and acceptance. Y/N and Max had weathered their first major test as a couple, emerging stronger than ever.
As they strolled hand in hand through the Red Bull paddock, laughter spilled from their lips, filling the air with lightness. Y/N's heart soared as they talked about their dreams, their future, and the adventures they yearned to embark on together.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but the spark between Y/N and Max never waned. Their love continued to flourish, fueled by their shared passion for life and their unwavering support for each other.
Y/N's role as Red Bull Racing's social media admin became the backdrop to their love story, punctuated by exhilarating races, joyous celebrations, and heartfelt tributes. Their connection extended beyond the racetrack, as they found solace in the quiet moments spent cuddling on the couch, watching movies, and sharing their hopes and fears.
Together, Y/N and Max had crafted a love story that defied distance, challenges, and rumors. They had learned that true love doesn't mean the absence of difficulties, but rather the strength to face them together.
As they looked ahead, excitement surged through their veins. The future held unknown adventures, but armed with the love they shared, Y/N and Max were ready to face whatever lay ahead.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 8 months
you do historical au right? So how about a Villainess who actually is a regresser but she saw too much hardships in her previous life that this time she's all set on herself (you can add revenge or not if you don't want). A tyrant disguised saw her real self which is extremely kind to general public (she built orphanage, hospital and schools for her people) (she's the heir but got scammed in previous life, so she used all that knowledge to get even more riches with beneficial businesses so she's practically richest aristocrat). She's evil and rude on the looks (because she hates limelight and does all good will anonymously). So yeah. The tyrant is real deal evil and he's obsessed with our Villainess now. Oh dear. What a plight..
Sorry for the request being all over the place, i didn't know how to put it better :(
Yandere! Villain x Regressor! AFAB! Villainess! Reader
Anon, you know how to capture my attention. And the request is comprehensive, don't worry!
Another historical AU for the roster. This time, rather than starting off with the villain, let's start of with the MC/you! (Because most of the time it doesn't really focus on the ML now, does it? Hope you don't mind.)
Yandere! Villain name: Eros
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You don't remember how you got here, except for dying by a stupid woman who can't aim for jack shit.
You just got home from a grueling day's work. Always getting ahead of yourself and working yourself to the bone just to please your boss who's a major asshat, and loves when his employees curry favors with him.
It's a dog eats dog world, so you curried favors with him.
You're his favorite employee. Always giving you snacks and an extra day for your vacations. But that meant working harder than what's needed. Overtime, going home late, it drained you. But hey, it's worth it.
Yet, this wouldn't happen, and you would still be living like a young princess if it weren't for the damn mistress your fiance, the crown prince, has.
Elysia, a daughter of the baron, spent the night with the crown prince, Yuno. Earning the affection of the prince since...
Actually, you don't remember how Yuno became infatuated with Elysia.
Is the fuck really that good that Yuno neglected his fiancee?
And you, the daughter of the second Ducal household (who's not related to the royal family, of course) was blinded by rage and betrayal that you made Elysia's life a living hell.
Erm, why not the crown prince's too, then?
Remembering your past life made your head hurt. From the cliche love story down to the way you were treated made you scream to the oblivion.
After all, after Yuno figured out how you treated Elysia, he made your family kick you out. Powerless against the royal family, they had no choice but to exile you.
You got employed by your employer by then, an eccentric man who spoke of other worlds called 'Earth' and is bringing 'modern day capitalism' here. Whatever that means. But hey, he developed these things called 'cellphones' that made him skyrocket with money.
He's a weirdo, but at least he's easy to please.
But the bitch Elysia "accidentally" blasted light magic to your way, killing you instead of an assassin. Great.
But, then, you're only the minor villainess. The main villain was someone named Eros. The other Ducal household and your father's rival.
As young as 16, he already conquered the ducal household he's in and then, 6 years later, he had wealth rivalring that of the royal family's. Heck, maybe even surpassing it.
"Hello? Where's the checks and balances of this world?" That's what you usually ask yourself.
You never saw him outright, since he's always been so busy. But you clearly remembered when you're in and out of a coma back then after you got struck with the magic, a war broke out due to him.
Fortunately, you regressed into a baby still, so you could avoid being engaged to Yuno, and being involved with Elysia.
Growing up again with your mature mind was weird. Unlike last life, you weren't a brat, but a proper, cold, and an unattainable standard of what a noble woman should be. Well, if you exclude the coldness and the bitchy attitude sometimes.
In all honesty, your family loved you dearly. A clear contrast from your last life. You're a role model, perfect in every way. Beautiful, smart, talented, and shows clear interest in politics and business.
The previous life, you were only a mouth to feed with a pretty face and a political pawn to integrate yourself into the royal family.
And as usual, you got engaged to the crown prince, much to your dismay.
Yuno was easy to read. He doesn't like clingy women, and he likes the chase. He's dumb, and only knows how to spend money.
"Ah, he's worthless."
What did you saw in him in the previous life, really?
Since you were unattainable to Yuno, he became attached to you. Wanting to conquer you.
And you always returned his advances with a flick of your fan and covering your face with a glare with your sharp eyes.
You're the thorned Rose of the Kingdom. Beautiful, yet prickly. It brought you to the limelight, but also, not. Due to you being closed off, news of you rarely get out.
So in the free time you had, you always disguised yourself with your dark magic and filled up your own coffers with the help of your knowledge of business last life (from your employer.)
You built hospitals, made schooling accessible... You were basically the saintess rather than Elysia.
Oh, did I mention that Elysia, with light magic, was the saintess, and you with dark magic was the prophesied Villainess? It's complicated.
But right now, with Elysia failing to bed Yuno in his crown prince coronation, due to him being only attached to you, you were free to do what you want while thinking of your next plan.
What you didn't know is that a certain pair of crystal blue eyes followed you.
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You walked along the street of the outskirts of the Kingdom, inspecting the newly built school.
You just got out of the ducal household and immediately went here after being confronted by Elysia once more, who "accidentally" stumbled into the chateau and into you and Yuno. Can she get more obvious, really?
You never used your dark magic here in the outskirts since you felt safe in the people's arms. They never judged you, nor used you for your money. They're just glad more and more accessible facilities are being erected by the young lady.
While walking around, you got into the councilor's office who's busy with enrolling the children. He's the chief of the town, and is one of the few people who graduated fully back in the capital.
He graciously accepted the position of being the councilor after you approached him, since you genuinely wanted to help the outskirts.
You saw children happily playing around while the parents lined up, excitedly talking to one another.
When they saw you, they immediately curtsied and said hi.
"My lady! Hello!"
G-greetings my lady..."
"Oh my stars! It's the lady!"
"Look over here, my lady!"
You giggled and decided to mingle with them more, talking about mundane things in life and what other facilities can you put here.
"Okay, so a shopping center, huh? Okay, that's noted. Also, I think a gymnasium would work well also, so that there will be a place where all of you can have meetings, and also have children play."
They all excitedly nodded and bid you goodbye as you went out.
You felt like yourself here in the outskirts.
Maybe you can convince your father to give you this part of the territory, and your brother can manage the main household?
Your thoughts were interrupted by children pulling your skirt to play, cheekily grinning and playfully pushing a ball up to your arms. You grinned and chased them around, roaring loudly like a monster and pretending like you're a dragon.
The giggles and screams of delight of the children filled the lively streets, along the chatter of the townspeople.
"Sir? Are you okay? What are you looking at?"
Eros' eyes widened, then softened as he saw you, chasing the children around, playing with them and not minding the dirt clinging to your outfit.
He gulped, suddenly feeling his heartrate pick up as he cleared his throat. Red flushed his cheeks, as foreign yet also the familiar feeling of infatuation filled his heart.
The noise that surrounded him faded into the background, and somehow, everything seems so bright and colorful. All he could see is you, and you, and you...
Beautiful, thorned you.
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The name itself sends shiver down the spine of people.
Of fear? Love? Or arousal?
He's a man of few words, only letting his actions talk to other people.
Such an otherwordly beauty like him garnered unwanted attention since he was a child.
Other than being extremely handsome, he's also very talented with politics and business, also with physical activities like horse riding and hunting.
Due to this, his mother developed a twisted inferiority complex, and also an almost incestious relationship with him.
She always hurled words that hurt his soul and emotions.
Then she'll hug him while saying sorry.
This cycle would continue on and on until he's 16.
It was supposed to be a joyous day, not until his mother forced himself on him.
Disgust, fear, and rage filled his body that time, and all he remembered is awakening his dark magic and consuming his mother.
After that, he was knocked out cold.
When he woke up, he remembered his past life on Earth.
He's a business man of such a high position, CEO.
He clawed out of his way from poverty. Stealing, investing, selling, he did everything just to get out of the clutches of being a plebian.
And, when he struck gold when his stationery business thrived, his genius made it possible for him to talk to investors and convinced them to invest in his work.
God, he's rich.
And once he reached the age of 24, he's a rich man.
Then he died due to being assassinated by his rival.
With now his previous life in his roster, he became a formidable business man. Eccentric even.
By some weird cheat, he developed cellphones.
Something so revolutionary was first met with skepticism, but it boomed in popularity when his friend, the crown prince Yuno, bought and used it.
it was weird, really. Yuno approached him to employ his ex fiancee in his company and take care of her.
Eros, who didn't mind, employed you.
Sweet, lovable you.
It was funny seeing you struggle to curry favor with him. Not used being the one who had to try to get close with him. The way you struggled to hide a frown when he mentioned over time, the way you hide your disdain when he talks about extra work...
God, you're so cute.
He spoiled you in the best he could do. Extra vacation days, snacks, all he could do without being too obvious.
Then you died.
You... Died.
By the hands of his friend, well, ex-friend's mistress.
That damn bitch doesn't know her place.
Then and there, his eccentricity died down, and all he knows is revenge back then.
You were in and out of coma, and seeing you swim between life and death made his heart roar out in pain.
He felt so helpless seeing you pale and vegetative, something that wasn't you.
So, with a soft promise leaving his lips, he waged war in your honor.
He fought blood, sweat, and tears in your name.
All he could think is you.
All he could see is you.
And as he ignored Yuno's plea, he beheaded Elysia.
The damn bitch raised the notion that dark magic users are evil, despite dark magic being only an another element.
She turned the tides on you.
Why should she live?
Yuno also. He betrayed you.
Once the royal family was dead, he brought your comatose body to the throne, and killed himself with you at the throne.
He made you ingest poison, something that doesn't cause pain to your already pained body.
Meanwhile, he killed himself by striking a sword down to his chest, and to his heart. The very same heart that loved you dearly.
Then he woke up,
a child again.
Back in time.
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Getting away from the busy bustle of the ball, you got out to the garden and sighed. Letting the cold air bite into your skin.
Dread filled your heart as you realized once more that Elysia was nowhere to be found, and so did Yuno.
Your nerves got to you and you left the scene, overthinking the worse of the worst.
Did Elysia actually bed Yuno successfully?
Albeit just a bit late?
You covered your mouth, shaking dreadfully. The pain of your last life was getting to you once more. Trauma trembling you to the core.
"My Lady? Are you okay?"
A deep voice broke you out of your reverie. Something so silky, smooth, and familiar.
You turned around, your heart pounding as you saw your employer, Eros. He's dressed in noble clothes, gold, black, and blue.
He looks more uptight and strict this time around. What happened? Why does he look like that?
You never connected the dots, since you thought your employer and Eros were two different people.
But this?
Your heart trembled.
"G-greetings, your lordship." You curtsied, fighting back a frown just like how you did with him last life.
"You're still the same as ever."
"What is it?"
"Oh nothing." Eros waved his hand.
This life, Eros was more brutal than the previous life. He exposed his mother, a pedophile who touched him and stole money from the household, letting her get beheaded by a rusty axe in the middle of the colosseum. After that, he joined the interkingdom war, and won it much earlier than before.
He's basically a warlord. A tyrant to his territory who imposed such strict rules that you doubted yourself if this was the same Eros you knew.
You both silently stood in front of each other before he took off his coat and gently draped it on your shoulders.
"It's cold out here, my lady." He whispered. His long eyelashes fluttering as he blinked.
He inhaled your scent, his lips trembling.
He missed you so much.
His precious rose.
He gently brought your hand to his lips, kissing it softly and lingering there, with his eyes screaming obsession.
His grip was strong yet also loving.
It made you blush.
"My Lady, if my friend, Yuno, hurt you, approach me."
Your eyes widened.
"Approach you?"
Eros smiled. His handsome face blinding you momentarily.
"Yes, i'll help you take revenge."
Eros eyes swiftly looked at the balcony up above.
"Like this."
Eros swiftly dipped you and kissed your lips.
God, you tasted so divine upon his lips.
His tongue delved into your mouth, sweeping and tangling with your much more timid ones. He cupped your cheeks, bringing you impossibly closer to him.
His eyes were glaring at Yuno back at the balcony, who was naked on their bottom half with Elysia, shielding you from the scene.
Yuno's eyes widened, and he hastily dressed up, his eyes boring into Eros', and you.
This life, he'll protect you from pain.
He'll protect you from Yuno and Elysia.
He'll burn down the ground for you.
Just say the word.
Hmm, twist upon twists. I love it. HEHEHEHE
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bbygirlpascal · 1 year
Unexpected (Pedro Pascal x Fem Reader)
18+ NSFW: Please do not interact with my posts if you are under 18.
Summary: Your called-off engagement has left you dating shitty men and having even shittier sex. Luckily, your best friend Pedro is always there to cheer you up and keep you entertained.
You always thought of Pedro as a friend, nothing more. Someone you can hang out with at the ungodly hours of the night when no one else was awake, you could count on him to be up. Ever since you’ve been living on your own in your home you’ve felt lonelier than ever. Your engagement to the man you thought was your soulmate had been called off almost 5 months now but it has yet to get easier.
Mindless, no strings attached flings here and there surely kept you occupied, but never pleased. Going out on dates with men you knew only wanted one thing, and spoke big game on their performance but always failed to deliver when you actually fucked.
Tonight was no different and you just wanted this guy out of your house. He was jabbering on about something you weren’t even paying attention to, you were just nodding your head and zoning out.
“Listen, I don’t feel so good. I think I want to lay down and sleep the night off. I’ll call you tomorrow, ok?” you said to him.
“Sure, no problem (Y/N), it was great meeting you,” he sheepishly smiled as you walked him over to the door. Not giving him any ounce of a hint that you needed or wanted a goodbye kiss. Turning around and slumping onto the couch, you grabbed your phone and called Pedro.
“Hey Pedrito,” you said to him and chuckled.
“Hey mama, what’s up?”
“Just ended my date, he was going on about some bullshit like crypto or something I almost fell asleep, no joke and he kept staring at my tits all. night.” you turned around and laid on your back, “Are you up to anything tonight? I’m bored.”
“No I’m free, I’ll be there in about 20,” he hung up and you pushed yourself off the couch to get yourself unready for the night. This part of your night was your favorite, almost ritualistic when you thought about it.
You were in the middle of brushing through your hair and you heard your doorbell ring. Making your way to the front door you opened it to a smiling Pedro, holding a bottle of your favorite liquor.
“I had some of your favorite so I figured I’d bring it with me,” he stepped in to the door and gave you a peck on the cheek, “Good to see you.”
“You too. I’ll get us some glasses.”
Pedro made his way into your living room, the glow from the pool in your backyard reflecting onto the ceiling, making silver ripples bounce and dance on the wooden beams. You walked out with glasses in hand and Pedro was standing in front of the sliding glass door looking outside at the pool.
“I think we should go for a swim.”
“What about a float swim? I don’t want to get my hair wet,” you said, recalling the labor you just went through to get your hair to its current state.
“What is a float swim?” he chuckled and raised an eyebrow.
“You know...just sit on our floats in the water. No swimming involved,” you said to him, “A float swim.”
“Ah, make sense. I’ll meet you out there.” he scurried to your guest bathroom to get changed.
You made you way into your bedroom to put on your bathing suit. Most of your suits barely covered anything on your body, your ass was out and your breasts peeking out of the sides of the triangle shaped fabric that hardly covered them.
You and Pedro floated around for awhile, sipping on your vodka martinis and laughing about the stories you told each other. Soon you felt too prune-y and figured it was time to get out, plus it was getting a little chilly. As Pedro so lovingly pointed out and joked about your nipples being hard enough to cut glass.
You stepped into the guest bathroom to go pee and hang up your bathing suit, your normal routine since you didn’t have room to hang up your bathing suit in your master bath. Naked and drying yourself off, you heard the door knob move and turned around to see Pedro. He didn’t even realize you were in there until he looked up.
“Oh god, sorry (Y/N), sorry,” he swiftly moved to step back out of the door frame. Slightly embarrassed but not enough to make things awkward, you finished drying yourself off and wrapped your towel around yourself.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t notice the light was on, I should’ve knocked.”
“Pedro,” you walked over to him and placed your hand on his arm, “it's okay. I think we’re bound to see each other naked at some point.”
You’re not really sure why you even said that, the vodka was definitely speaking more so than you thought.
“Sorry, that came out differently than I thought it sounded in my head,” you chuckled nervously, “but seriously, don’t worry.”
Pedro moved closer to you, “So, you want me to see you naked?”
Your cheeks felt hot, you could feel his gaze on you and you tried to avoid eye contact with him.
“Have you thought about me like that, (Y/N)?”
You nodded your head yes. Pedro was inches from your face now, he used his finger to tilt your chin up, your faces nearly touching. You inhaled his scent, his familiar scent. He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand, you leaned into his hand fluttering your eyes closed. Nerves and bubbling excitement coursed through you. Never did you think you’d be in this position with Pedro of all people. You’d thought about him romantically, sure and when you first met him you had a crush on him, but he was taken – so friends it was. But now, it was different.
Pedro came closer to you and kissed your lips. Gentle but with so much passion and want you could hardly contain yourself. You ran your hands along his bare arms, still droplets of water on them from the pool. You laced them into his hair, nudging his head closer to your face. He pulled away and looked into your eyes.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he looked at you intently, “Cause if we do this, I don’t think I’m going to be able to stop.”
You bit your lip and looked into his eyes as you crashed your lips back onto his. He backed up and you both made your way into the kitchen. He grabbed you by your waist and plopped you on top of the counter. The cold ceramic counter against your bare ass make you squeal but you kept your lips locked. Sloppily tonguing at each other, letting saliva coat each other’s lips.
Pedro made his way down towards your collar bones, stopping to lick and suck on the sensitive part of your neck. Giving you goosebumps all along your body. He lowered your towel and exposed your breasts instantly latching his mouth around your nipple. Cupping your breast and kneading it with his calloused hands. You threw your head back letting out small whimpers as he teased the sensitive bud and send waves of pleasure to your core.
Subconsciously spreading your legs to rub your pussy on him, needing even an ounce of friction to ease the pleasurable pain.
“Patience baby girl, I’ll help your little aching pussy soon,” he growled as he continued to suckle on your breasts. You could see his hard on in his swim trunks, you certainly didn’t think Pedro was small but you never thought he was that big. You thought about his thick cock entering you and bit your lip.
“Pedro, please baby,” you begged him, your cunt dripping with wetness. Pedro grabbed your legs and lifted them up, your pussy off the edge of the counter, totally exposed to him and he was aching to devour you.
“So pretty baby, your pussy is so pretty,” he said, looking you in the eye as he licked his tongue from your entrance up to your clit, “Mmm, and you’re so wet for me mama.”
You were practically already about to cum at his words. You mercilessly rubbed and rolled your hips against his tongue as he sucked and lapped at your clit. The wet, obscene sound filling your ears was like music. He slid in two of his fingers into your entrance, you could hear how wet you were and he was fingering you so perfectly you were on the verge of screaming.
He continued at his pace, licking and sucking and fingering you into oblivion, until you couldn’t take it any longer. “I’m gonna cum baby,” you whined to him, gripping his hair.
“Cum in my mouth mama, come on,” he talked you through it and your core contracted around his fingers, the pleasure bursting from your belly. He continued fingering you through your orgasm, “Yeah that’s it baby. Cum for me.”
You breathlessly propped yourself up, ready to please him and aching to have his cock in your mouth. Your lips locked once more as he grabbed you from your ass and led you to the bedroom. Sitting down on your knees on the carpeted floor, you pulled down his swim shorts.
His cock spring out, his head glistening with drops of pre cum that made your mouth water. You puckered your lips onto his tip, swirling your tongue around it before deep throating his length into your mouth. He practically growled as he dropped his head back, shallow breaths escaping his lips every time you bobbed your head up and down.
“Yes (Y/N), your pretty little mouth feels so good,” he said to you, gathering your hair into a ponytail in his hand, “Sucking on my cock so good, my little slut.”
He thrusted his cock into your mouth, drool dropping onto your tits as it spilled from the sides of your mouth. You crept your hand up to cup his balls, Pedro straining to not cum right then and there.
He pulled his cock out of your mouth and you rose up off of your knees, towards the bed.
“Turn around mama,” you obliged and Pedro gently nudged your top half to the mattress. You stuck your ass up and buried your face into your duvet. A sharp smack to your ass made you yelp and Pedro let out a soft hum as he rubbed the reddened area. He ran his tip along your folds, collecting your wetness before plowing himself into you.
Your walls stretched out to accommodate his size, almost painful at first but the pleasure quickly overpowered it as he rolled his hips and stuffed his cock into your pussy.
“Pedro, oh my god baby,” you said to him, gripping the comforter as he plowed into you, hitting your spot perfectly every time.
“Baby, I’m gonna cum. Holy fuck. You feel so good, so big.”
“Cum on my cock princess, I wanna hear you scream.”
Your moans were feral, your walls clenched around his cock. You were seeing stars and you could feel the heat of his seed coating your walls and he smacked and gripped your ass. You lifted the top of your body up, leaning back into his chest. Taking in his scent and feeling his chest heave up and down quickly.
“That was...amazing,” you said to him, thighs shakily trying to keep yourself up.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that,” he said and sensually kissed your neck, leading his way to your lips and wrapping his arms around your waist as he squeezed you tightly.
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runnning-outof-time · 4 months
Hi K, congratulations on 3.5K once again!!!! Saw you reblogging your celebration post, reminded I hadn't sent anything in yet due to a busy schedule. Anyway, I'd like to request a blurb for John with the prompt number 10. ''Look at me.''
You're awesome. And hope you have an amazing week this week :)
Thanks so much for sending this in, Merel @twvstedsouls !! I’m sorry it took me so long to write it! Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration — find more stories here!
I Don’t Care What They Say
John Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: none
Word Count: 736
Summary: John hears what he needs the most after learning about (Y/N)’s parents’ opposition of their engagement.
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“Why the long face, darlin’?” John Shelby asked his fianceé a few seconds after she entered the room he’d been sitting in. He immediately nodded the downcast expression that she was wearing and wasted no time getting to the bottom of what was bothering her.
“I don’t want to talk about it, John,” she answered with a sigh as she took her coat off and hung it up by the door. “It’s nothing, really. There’s not much that can be done about it. It’ll pass over.”
“It’s not ‘nothing’ if it’s got you looking like that. So what’s wrong?” he gently prodded her for the answer.
(Y/N) finally looked in his direction, and she stood still for a few moments, thinking on whether she should share the conversation she’d just had. John had an expectant look on his face, one that told her she wasn’t getting out of this so easy. So with a sigh, she dropped her gaze to the floor. It’d be easier for her to get it out if she didn’t see his reaction.
“My parents don’t agree with our engagement.”
The breath got stuck in John’s throat. It felt like the world had stopped for a moment as her words sunk into his mind. His eyebrows scrunched together as he tried to make sense of it. “What…what did they say?” he stumbled on his words, not sure if he wanted to hear more about it or not.
“They said that you’re no good for me. That I can find someone much better than you,” she answered, her heart breaking as she watched him process what she was saying. The words left such a bad taste in her mouth, and repeating them made her recount the long lecture her parents had given her about her choice.
John blinked a few times, trying to wrap his head around what her parents had said about their engagement. Thoughts started seeping in; ones telling him that he actually wasn’t good enough for her, and that she was going to heed to her parents advice. He dropped his eyes to the floor, swallowing thickly as he brought his hand up. He waved it around as he tried to think of what he wanted to say next. “And what do you say?…about our engagement,” he asked, squeezing his eyes shut for extra measure. He didn’t want to see her reaction.
If it wasn’t broken before, (Y/N)’s heart shattered at the sound of his voice as he forced his question out. She could tell that his mind was reeling; that he was fighting so hard to keep himself together. “Hey,” she called out, hoping to get his attention, but to no avail. “John. Look at me,” she continued, not wanting to say anything else without his eyes on hers. She wanted him to see how much she meant every word.
Slowly John lifted his eyes to meet hers again. He placed his hands on his knees, bracing himself for what would come next. It was in that moment that he wished he could be more like Tommy or Polly, so that he’d be able to read her expression and gain some clues from it.
After what felt like minutes of waiting, (Y/N) spoke again. “I don’t care what they say about our engagement. I’m marrying you, John Shelby,” she said, her words ringing out loud and clear. “They don’t have control over what I do. I’m old enough to make my own choices, and I choose you. I’m always going to choose you.”
“You are?” he just had to check, well aware that he sounded like a child in doing so.
“Yes,” she nodded, “I can’t wait to marry you. Nothing anyone says against it is going to change my mind.”
A breath of relief left John’s lips then, and all of the built up tension quickly resolved within seconds. “You have no idea how happy hearing you say that makes me, (Y/N),” he told her, shaking his head as a relieved smile formed on his face.
“You have no idea how happy you make me, John,” she countered, moving over to where he was sitting as a similar smile formed on her face. “Me and you…no one else matters.”
“No one else matters,” he repeated the ending of her statement, standing from his seat so that he could kiss her.
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*tags in reblog so they hopefully get sent out
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