#so guess whose night got freed?
slut4thebroken · 1 year
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Dark!Jason Todd × innocent Batgirl!reader
Summary | Jason just likes the sound of your voice.
Warnings | Sexual content, 18+, corruption kink, masturbation, no female orgasms, lowkey misogynistic!Jason lol, adopted siblings, but like... he doesn't think of her that way and neither does she, Jason pov.
Words | 1k
Notes | Finally wrote the fic from this post. Also I realized that I said that good weird was the first in this collection but I guess technically this is. That was just the first time they actually got together. (Help I’m literally so bad at choosing gifs/pictures for fics💀)
Ao3 link | <3
Other innocent! reader fics
Backstory for this series here
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It had been a long fucking day. A long week to be honest. He never really liked working with Dick or Tim, always preferring to work alone, but he couldn’t deny that he needed more manpower for this, and everyone else he knew was busy, so he swallowed his pride and called them. 
Even though it was his mission, Dick always naturally took the lead, so it was no surprise that he did this time too. The whole week so far was spent arguing about whose plan was better and Tim trying to diffuse the tension, but primarily siding with Dick. He almost considered making them go home so he could do it alone, but he knew that would get himself killed. Again. 
But today was by far the worst of the whole week and he wanted nothing more than to hear your voice. So even though it was 4am for him, he called you, praying you’d pick up. When you did, you started the usual greeting of “hi” and “how are you?” as he took off everything but his underwear and slipped under the covers. 
“When do you come back?” You asked, making him smile. 
“Just a few more days, princess. Promise.”
“Okay.” You said quietly, then, “I miss you.” He let out a low chuckle and could imagine the pretty blush painting your cheeks from his reaction. 
“I miss you too, sweetheart. What have you been up to though?” You rambled on about your day, telling him about how Alfred made cookies earlier and that you were quickly growing bored in the mostly empty manor and your completely empty apartment. 
He tried to pay attention, honestly he did. But he hasn’t touched his cock in almost a week because of how busy he’s been and he missed the sound of your voice. So what else was he supposed to do when his cock fattened up in his briefs? 
When you started talking about this new show you’ve been watching, he tuned out your words a little bit, just listening to the softness of your voice, imagining the pretty little whimpers you could make with it. Pushing the covers and his underwear down, he freed his cock and instantly took it in his hand, stroking slowly. His breathing started to change a little, growing heavier and faster, making you trail off in the middle of your sentence. 
“Don’t stop talking, princess.” He rasped, hand speeding up. 
“Are you okay?” You asked quietly. 
“I’m perfect. Your voice is just so soothing, baby. Keep talking.” 
“O-okay.” You continued hesitantly, telling him about how you fell and scraped your knee, wishing he was there to help bandage you up like he’s done in the past. You told him about how you’ve been having trouble sleeping since you can’t come to his room in the middle of the night after having a nightmare. God- he fucking misses that too. It’s one of his favorite things, being able to caress your body or grind against you while you sleep, never waking up because of how safe you feel in his arms. When he let out a quiet grunt, you stopped again. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? What was that?” 
“I’m so good, princess. Keep going.” He tried not to moan through the words. 
“Okay…” He swiped a thumb over the tip and took in a sharp breath, making you stop again. “Why are you breathing weird, Jay?” 
“Baby, I'm not.” He sighed. “I promise I'm okay. If you don’t want to keep talking, we don’t have to.”
“No!” You said quickly, because of his tone. “I didn’t mean it like that, I was just worried.” Instead of letting him reply, you continued talking about random things that have happened while he’s been away. Every once in a while he’d let out a sound to let you know he was listening, a grunt disguised as a sound of acknowledgement, but you bought it. 
He started tuning out your words again, just focusing on the soft lull of your sleepy voice. You being sleepy is probably his favorite thing, closely followed by you being scared or in pain. You’re so pliable, so easy to manipulate. He can caress your tit or your ass and pass it off as an accident, or even tell you that he can’t sleep in clothes, only underwear, and that it’s perfectly normal for your big brother to sleep almost naked beside you. Sometimes, if he’s really lucky, he can convince you that you won’t be comfortable in those modest pajamas you wear and that you’ll be able to sleep much better in just his shirt. And you almost always agree. 
He stroked his cock even faster, quickly nearing his orgasm after so long without one, and when he cursed under his breath, then let out a long, quiet groan, you trailed off again. 
You did your best to keep speaking, stuttering through the sentences, but it fell on deaf ears as he came, thinking about how fucking hot it was that you didn’t even know.  When his noises quieted and he was lightly panting, you decided to ask again. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” 
“I’m perfect, baby.” He sounded significantly more tired and relaxed, but he knew you’d be too stupid to put it together. “You’re so good for me- my good girl. Thank you, princess.” 
“You’re welcome…?” You asked, confused, but he wasn’t going to bother explaining. “Are you tired now?” 
“Just a little, but I can stay up for you.” He murmured, grabbing a tissue from the nightstand to wipe his come off his stomach, cock twitching as he imagined you licking it off him instead. 
“You don’t have to, Jay. I’m tired too.” He knew you well enough to know that was a lie. 
“How about we go to sleep, but don’t hang up. How does that sound?” 
“Okay, yeah. Thank you, Jay. I love you.” You said quietly, but he could practically hear the smile in your voice.  
“I love you too, princess. Sweet dreams.” He knew he would at least have some. 
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tsvwords · 2 months
Elgin grew up in an artists’ colony out east. Nobody seemed to know whose child she was, but from the earliest moment she could remember, they’d made her their muse.
They fed her psychotropics, kept her doped up so she could be the ecstatic voice of their gods of invention and inspiration. And they’d take the stammering, babbling words she spoke and turn that into paintings they could sell by the roadside.
When they needed her to sober up, they’d lock her in the basement.
As she got older, she grew numb to the psychotropics, and she started learning how to fake it. She’d pretend to pass out in the centre of the studio, and then she’d listen to them talk.
One night they propped her up in the corner and stayed up until the morning drinking. When dawn came and they were all fast asleep, Elgin got up, took a knife from the kitchen, and went around the room slitting throats before she called the police.
She should have been a poster child for your government, really. An innocent victim of the monstrous false faiths.
But they arrested her and charged her with multiple homicide, because I guess they needed bodies more than anything, or maybe one of the artists was beloved by someone who matters.
Three weeks later we showed up, and we freed her.
— Chapter 34: Some Day There Shall Be None.
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spartanguard · 11 months
cryptid chaos (A Tall Tail)
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Summary: It's almost Halloween, and the recently freed Author has decided to make Storybrooke into the setting of a horror novel. Emma suddenly has actual swan wings; Killian is even more of a mer-creature than usual. But how do they undo all the changes when no one knows how the Author's power works? Can they figure it out--or are they stuck? a/n: Welcome back to the A Tall Tail verse! So I definitely meant to have this done for Halloween, but…it's still spooky season, right? Hope you enjoy some silliniess! rated T | 8.7k words | AO3 | A Tall Tail
Emma let out a long sigh as she stared across the water of the harbor, the full moon’s dappled reflection dancing in the waves. What a freakin’ week. In all the chaos of the so-called Queens of Darkness and locking Gold away, they’d kind of forgotten about one of the bigger things they’d been trying to do: tracking down the mysterious author of Henry’s storybook in search of Regina’s happy ending. 
Once things had settled down a bit, they got back into it—kind of literally; it turned out the Author (whose name was Isaac, apparently) had actually been trapped inside the book. She was becoming more and more used to (or jaded by) magical bullshit, so to see a man emerge from the pages of a gigantic tome from a key inserted to an illustration of a door wasn’t the oddest thing she’d seen, but it was still weird.
Although now it’s just a headache, she complained to herself.
Since his arrival—or, rather, escape—the squirrelly man had been causing all sorts of drama across town; I guess that’s what a writer does, huh? It had all been petty nonsense, or people with bones to pick about how their life had gone (and really with no one to blame for it but themselves), but everyone had been demanding her help in dealing with it and she needed a damn break.
Which was why she was waiting for Killian on the deck of the Jolly Roger; he’d gone out for one of his usual swims to calm his magic, but they had plans to spend the night together. Alone. And very close, with few clothes. (Maybe with some rum in there, too.) Technically, Emma was early, but her little brother was teething and, though she felt bad leaving her parents to deal with that, she’d needed to get away from the chaos of the loft.
Being by the water was definitely calming her down, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off; maybe it was just Isaac, and the psychological upheaval he seemed to be inducing in most of the town; or maybe it was just the fact that it was a full moon and they were a few days away from Halloween—gods only know what kind of trouble that can bring to a town like this.
That was a problem for future Emma, though; current Emma smiled when she heard footsteps fall on the gangplank and began to turn around to greet her True Love. 
“Was wondering when you’d…oh.” Her face fell; it was Isaac. “Can I help you?” (...Get out of town, preferably.)
“Actually, I was hoping it’d be the other way around,” he said, in a way that reminded her of an appliance store salesman.
“Beg your pardon?”
“Have you ever heard of the legend of swan maidens?” he asked, moving closer to her; she wanted to yell at him about setting foot on deck without the captain’s permission, but she was too confused. 
“Uh, some of it, I guess?”
He pulled out a pad of paper and an antique-looking pen from his coat pocket as he went on. “Well, there’s a few, but I’ve always been a fan of some of the Irish stories—the ones where their goddesses choose to take on the form of a swan, only identifiable by a chain around their neck,” he said, nodding at Emma’s own silver necklace. Instinctively, her hand went to it—to hide it, she guessed, even though her old swan pendant was long gone and the necklace she’d fashioned for her magic seashell was made of leather. What the hell is he getting at?
He looked down at his notepad and started to scribble something down. “I imagine that would come with a lot of freedom—especially from some unwanted burdens,” he continued. Oh, like your presence? Emma quipped in her head. “Doesn’t that sound nice?”
“I guess,” she said, unconvinced. Her phone then vibrated in her pocket; hopefully, Isaac was almost done here. 
“Good,” he replied, with a smile on his face that she couldn’t quite read. Then he tore the page off his notebook and handed it to her.
Not thinking, she took it. She tried to read the drying ink on the paper, but only managed to recognize the word “wings” before a blast of magic sent her falling backwards—and over the railing of the ship into the water below. 
Please let Killian be here, she hoped; but no such luck. Instead, she fell into the sea with a splash and the cold water stole her breath. She tried to move her arms up and down to ascend, but it felt like they were made of lead. Still, she pushed through, and finally broke through the surface. 
She gave herself a minute to float and catch her breath before swimming back over to the ship (and punching the crap out of Isaac). 
It was odd, though—usually, she needed more lower-body effort to tread water, but her arms alone were keeping her above surface-level.
So that’s when she looked at her arms—and screamed. “What the fuck? What the FUCK?” She didn’t care who heard her swear—but, on second thought, she did care who saw her. 
Because she now had freaking wings where her arms had been. Not, like, angel wings coming from her back or something—literal long, feathered appendages where her much-shorter arms had been a minute ago. In fact, they looked like…”A swan,” she realized on a breath. Just what the hell did Isaac do?
She glanced around for the piece of paper he’d given her, but it was floating ahead of her, completely soaked—and illegible. But it had to be him, right?
Well, first thing first: she had to get out of the water. Can I fly? She flapped her arms—wings—whatever they were, if only to see what would happen. Astonishingly, she did rise out of the water a bit, before falling back even farther in.
Undeterred (and starting to feel self-conscious), she did again, and again, until, somehow, she was in the air. She had absolutely no idea what she was doing, but some new sort of muscle memory took over and all too soon, she was soaring around the harbor. This is actually kind of cool, she acknowledged, but definitely not something I want permanently.
Isaac was no longer on the ship; she should probably try to track him down, but she had no clue how to counter…whatever it was he was doing. She was still pretty fuzzy on his powers and how they worked. Regina was the most likely person to find, but for some reason, she didn’t want to bother her just yet; nor did she want to terrify her parents by turning up at the loft like this.
And she definitely didn’t want Killian to see her. So she headed to the only place she could think of—the cove; he wouldn’t think to look for her there, and she could stay away from prying eyes. And gods only know what this wind is doing to my hair.
Somehow, she managed to land on her feet on the rocky shore, though she wouldn’t call it graceful. Her wings instinctively folded in on themselves; that’s gonna take some getting used to. And she paced the beach while thinking of what to do—and coming up with no ideas.
She was the Savior and the Sheriff; shouldn’t I be out there trying to stop him? But how could she when she didn’t know how? And was this a targeted attack, or was he going to do this again? Is this why I can’t shake this weird feeling about him?
Her thoughts were interrupted by splashing near Killian’s rock. Oh crap; that better not be him. Cautiously, she stepped closer, but extended her wings in case she needed to make a hasty escape.
Something reached up from the water—but it wasn’t her True Love. It had webbed fingers, and blue-toned skin covered in scales, like some creature out of a horror film. 
Nope. Not dealing with monsters, too. Before whatever-it-was could climb out of the water and terrify her further, she took flight (much faster this time) and flew off into the night. She didn’t know where she was headed, but she was getting as far away from the water as possible.
Killian broke through the surface at the cove to see something flying away. Bloody hell; I bet that was her. Given what had just happened to him—and comments that bloody author fellow had made—he had to assume something similar happened to Emma. And whatever that creature was looked particularly like a swan.
He’d been out for his regular swim, with plans to meet Emma at his ship for a much-needed evening alone. There were times when he was under water that he lost track of time, but tonight was not one of them—not when he knew he’d be having much more fun above the surface. 
But when he ascended to the deck of the Jolly Roger, he was shocked to see Isaac there. Alone. When he asked if he could assist him, the man instead returned the offer, then pointed to Killian’s tail, on full display as he perched on the railing. “What a plot twist,” the man commented. “I never could have anticipated that. Makes for an excellent story.”
“Aye; I suppose,” Killian had responded, confused. Isaac continued on, though, talking about other creatures of the deep; honestly, Killian was distracted, and starting to get worried about Emma, when he mindlessly agreed to something Isaac had said—perhaps about truly embracing his powers? 
The author had written something with a queer-looking quill on a notepad, then tore it off and came closer to Killian. “I’m glad you agree; Emma did, too.” Then he handed the sheet over.
“What did Emma—” Killian started to ask as he took the slip of paper, but he didn’t get to finish his question before a wave of magic came from nowhere and toppled him off his seat.
He was distinctly aware of the way some odd magic was wrapping around him as he fell back into the ocean—it was definitely transformation magic, but unlike the kind he usually felt, which focused on his lower half, this went all over. It’s like when the Dark One cursed me…but at least not painful.
Once he regained his orientation underwater, he gave himself a checkover; for starters, he could see much clearer than he should have been able to at this time of night. He definitely had gills on his neck again—but also a few along his ribcage as well. He ran his fingers over them, which when he noticed that the webbing between them had returned—but rather than his usual pallor, his skin seemed to have taken on a bluish hue and was covered with even more scales. And he took my bloody chest hair again.
The real question was if it had the same effect on his ability to breathe out of the water; thankfully, when he broke the surface, he didn’t suffocate. That will at least make this easier—whatever this is. He hated to make a retreat, but he didn’t want to draw any undue attention by his odd appearance now, so he dove back under and made for the cove; he had to hope Emma would understand—and prayed she wasn’t dealing with a similar transformation of some sort.
But seeing the winged creature fleeing the beach seemed to confirm his fears; and knowing Emma, despite everything, she’d want to deal with it on her own. Like hell I’ll let her, though.
But he’d give her a moment to calm down, and took one of his own to assess if this new spell had altered his powers; thankfully, as a whirlpool formed in the water in front of him where he sat on the edge of the rock, he seemed to be alright on that front. He wasn’t sure what was ahead, but had a feeling those would be necessary.
Then he reached for the shell necklace that always hung around his neck.
Emma was trying to live up to the bird stereotype by perching in a tree in the middle of the forest. Trying being the operative word; oh right—swans are waterfowl. But she eventually managed to find her balance high up in a birch. It was only a temporary solution, but it was the one she felt most confident about right now. She just wished her unexpected dive hadn’t fried her phone so she could let her parents or Killian know she was fine; not like I could really use it now anyway, what with the lack of fingers and all.
Of course, that’s when her other means of communication made itself known. “Swan?”
She cringed for a moment; normally, she loved the way Killian said her chosen surname, but it was a little too on the nose right now. (At least I don’t have a beak too, I guess?)
Taking hold of the shell was a whole other thing, though; it worked best when held in a hand, but she wasn’t sure how it would work with—gods, what even was her bone structure right now? She’d never had an ornithology class like Henry did. 
Regardless, she had to figure out how to get some sort of grip on the shell hanging around her neck; it took a fair amount of fumbling, but she somehow managed to bend her wings just enough to prop the shell on her elbows(?) and bring it closer to her mouth.
“Hey, I’m here,” she finally answered, though her tone was far from casual.
“Are you…okay, love?” He sounded like he already knew the answer; it wasn’t her thing to stand him up without a word.
“I…don’t really know,” she answered.
“Something happened,” he said more than asked.
Uh-oh. “Yeah,” she replied, a bit more confidently. 
“Me too.” He at least sounded less morose than she did, but this—this wasn’t good. “I’m at the cove; meet me here?”
“I, uh,” she stammered. “I don’t know if you’d, ah, want to see me right now.”
“Emma, you know I always want to see you. Besides, I likely have more reason to say that—although I dare say you’ve seen me looking less than ideal before.”
Gods, what had happened to him? He was right, though; he always freaking is. “Yeah, okay; just—give me a few.”
“I can’t wait.” She smiled; regardless of—whatever was going on, she knew he was telling the truth.
Flying was getting easier; she wasn’t sure if that was good or not, but was really just concerned about what kinds of phone calls were coming into the station about some giant bird flying over Storybrooke. Not a problem for tonight though.
Landing, however, was still hit or miss; in this instance, a miss: she didn’t quite slow down enough as she came into the cove and ended up rolling across the pebbled shore. “Owww,” she moaned as she stood and shook the sand from her feathers—then froze when she heard a gasp come from behind her.
She turned—and her own breath stilled. It was definitely Killian seated on the rock (who was definitely the owner of the hand that had scared her earlier, she was embarrassed to admit). His whole upper body was that blue color, made all the more apparent by his lack of body or facial hair (goddammit, Isaac took his beard?)—like when he was under that weird merrow curse, but apparently without the confinement to the water.
Slowly, she moved closer, noticing other new features and—was it just her, or were his eyes an even brighter blue? Or did they just seem like that with how much younger he always looked without his scruff? She wanted to touch his skin, to see what it felt like; she started to reach for him until she remembered—she couldn’t.
Killian, for his part, couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her; his expression was unusually unreadable. “What?” she had to ask, feeling even more self conscious.
He smiled, his dimples even more visible. “Still so beautiful, Swan.”
She scoffed. “Yeah, emphasis on the swan part.”
“I dare say you ‘rock it’, as Henry says.”
Well, that made her laugh. “Okay, fine, but they shouldn’t be here at all,” she complained, her subsequent huff even more visible now.
“Nor should this,” he countered, waving his now-webbed fingers at her. “And we’ll figure out how to get back to normal. But perhaps we'll leave it for tomorrow?” He stroked the edge of her wing with the back of his hand, sending a chill up her spine—a good feeling for the first time since…has it only been an hour? Damn.
She knelt down next to him and, awkwardly, wrapped her wings around him in the best approximation of a hug she could manage. He slipped his arms around her waist to pull her close; he was even colder than usual, but it was the closest she’d felt to normal since this all started, and she rested her head on his shoulder.
It certainly wasn’t how she planned on spending their night, but it’d have to do for now; with any luck, they’d at least be able to go without interruption for a bit.
“Mom? Hook?” Spoke too soon. She didn’t move away from Killian, but she did sit up and look over her shoulder; Henry was standing not far from them, looking confused and concerned. “Something weird is going on.”
“What’s the matter, lad?” It was obvious to Killian that Henry was avoiding eye contact, and he didn’t blame him—he was sure they were quite the sight. But hopefully if he remained somewhat calm, Henry would, too. 
“Well, I…uh, I was going to say that Isaac has been going around and changing things, but I think you might kinda know?”
“What else has he done?” Emma asked, stiffening in Killian’s arms. 
“A bunch of things,” Henry explained. “It started with my mom—I don’t know exactly what he did, but she ran off to her vault, and was covering her face. So I went to see Grandma & Grandpa, but they didn’t answer—I just heard some weird noises behind the door. No one was at Granny’s but I think she’s a wolf again, because there was a big silver one hanging out with Ruby. And I think I saw a swarm of fairies or something? I’ve never seen them small like that.”
Bloody hell; what a mess. It would have been naive to assume he and Emma were Isaac’s only targets, but he’d thought the man was trying to help Regina; why had he attacked her, too?
“What the hell is he doing—making his own little circus sideshow?” Emma complained; that’s certainly what it felt like. “I didn’t think he could even do that.”
“I’ve been working with Belle to figure out how his powers work, but we haven’t gotten very far,” Henry said. “And he won’t say.”
“To the library, then?” Killian posited; one of the best things about regaining his legs was his ability to help out there again. But, speaking of— 
“How can we get you there?” Emma wondered, reading his mind. “I can barely fly myself, let alone both of us.” 
“Maybe my cuff still works? It’s still on the ship.”
“I’ll go get it.”
Watching Emma take flight was somewhat amusing, but also somewhat beautiful, particularly when she opened her wings fully to lift her off the ground. And much like how quickly he adapted to a lack of legs, there was something almost natural about her flying. 
“Wow,” Henry gasped as she took to the air. “That’s…wow.”
“Aye,” Killian sighed. “Obviously none of this is ideal, but I don’t think anyone would complain if you managed to get some pictures with your talking device?”
Henry smirked. “I’ll try.” But his face quickly fell. 
“Hey—we’ll figure this out,” Killian assured him. “We always do.”
“I know,” the boy answered. “It was just—the way my mom looked at me before she left. It was Ike she was scared…of me.”
No wonder he’s shaken; poor kid. “Whatever it was, I’m sure she was just trying to keep you safe; I’ve never known her to have any other motivation,” Killian told him, hoping that comforted him. 
“Yeah; I’m just worried.”
“Understandable. But let’s try to channel that into focus, aye?” He’d had many an anxious deckhand over the years, not to mention his time spent with Henry’s father, so coaching a nervous young man was nothing new. 
Henry nodded just as Emma returned; damn, that was quick. Her land was much more graceful this time around (still far from perfect, but just as endearing). 
She had the cuff in her mouth and nearly spat it at him. “Sorry; wasn’t sure how else to hold it,” she explained, before opening her mouth to stretch her jaw. 
“It’s fine,” he waved off, ignoring the new teeth marks in the leather. “Here’s hoping this works.” He slipped it on and felt the familiar transformation magic take hold; at least it’s welcome this time.
It worked—mostly. “Huh,” was all he could manage to say when he pulled his legs from the water. He had them, at least, but they had the same pallor and texture as the rest of his skin. (At least, for Henry’s sake, my briefs returned, too.)
“Well? How do you feel?” Emma asked as he stood up. 
“Parched,” he answered honestly. Despite being able to breathe out of the water, he immediately felt dehydrated. 
“Yeah, you look a little…dull,” Henry confirmed. 
He mused for a second, then called up some water from the sea. It swirled around his legs and waist, creating a sort of aquatic garment. It likely looked strange, but he immediately felt better. 
“Shall we?”
The three of them surely made an odd sight as they walked through town—of all the weird things Storybrooke had seen, a harpy and a creature from the depths traipsing down Main Street was definitely up there. Despite knowing he wasn’t the only one in a new form tonight, Killian couldn’t help but feel rather like a fish out of water, quite literally; he didn’t often feel self conscious, but the sooner he stopped dripping water down the sidewalk, the better. He just hoped that idiot author hadn't done anything too drastic to anyone else. 
The library was unlocked—unsurprising, given the unusually late hours Belle kept it open (typically for situations just like this)—but the mess that greeted them in the foyer was a shock. What in Poseidon’s name happened here?
“Belle, love? You here?” he called out; the worry in his voice was obvious. It wasn’t like her to leave things like this unless something was wrong.
“Back here,” Belle’s voice said, but—why is she so loud?
The three of them made their way to the back part of the library—he was careful not to drip on any of the strewn books—to where it looked like even more of a disaster area. Shelves were knocked down domino-style and ceiling tiles were scattered over them. A few lights had been knocked out, too, making the farthest part of the library dark—but not so dark they couldn’t still see Belle.
It would be hard for her to hide—she was probably 20 feet tall now, if not more, but she’d somehow managed to curl up along the back wall.
“Well, you’re finally taller than me,” Killian eventually quipped, once he found his voice again. What else was he supposed to say? Emma tried to slap him with the back of her hand, but only ended up smacking his chest with the end of her wing and making him stumble backwards.
Belle chuckled—making the whole building vibrate—but then admonished, “Don’t you dare drip on any of these books?”
I’m bloody trying! Regardless, he acknowledged the order with a salute, but Henry got down to business. “What happened?”
“Isaac,” Belle spat. Now that they were closer to her, though, her voice boomed in the comparatively smaller space, making them all wince. “Oh, sorry,” she said softer—but that just brought her back to normal volume. “Something tells me you lot have seen him too?”
“Yup,” Emma confirmed, concurrent with Killian’s “aye”.
“He was commenting on my height,” she started—throwing a pointed look at Killian— “and how impressive it was that someone so small had such power over the Dark One.” The roll of her eyes was almost audible. “Then he said something about my stature matching my personality; I thought he was joking so I said ‘sure’, then he handed me a piece of paper and—this happened.”
“Yeah, that’s what he did to us, too,” Emma said; evidently, Isaac could alter things by writing them—but how?
“Do you have the paper?” Henry asked.
“Um,” Belle hummed, glancing around at the debris surrounding her. “Yeah, here it is,” she said when she found it, placing her (massive) finger on it and sliding it across the tile to them.
Henry picked it up and read aloud: “A giantess: so your stature matches your spirit.” His brow furrowed. “He’s turning people into cryptids?”
“At least, various kinds of mythical beasts,” Killian concurred; if there were actually any beasts out there that resembled him at the moment, he’d have likely encountered them by now. “But you had to agree with him first, right, Belle?”
“I guess so; was it the same with you?”
“He can only change our fate if we want him to,” Emma concluded; he agreed with the hypothesis. “Isn’t that why he was working with Regina?”
“Yeah,” Henry confirmed. “But he did something to her, too.”
“Do you know anything about how his powers work?” Killian wondered, turning back to Belle.
“Only what I saw firsthand,” she supplied. “It’s definitely connected to writing, but I don’t know yet if it’s his own magic or if there’s a conduit, like the pen or the ink. Regina might; or…” She chewed on her bottom lip and ducked her head. “Or Rumple would.”
Of bloody course he would. But they all cast their eyes downward, knowing the Dark One was still locked up in a cell a hundred feet below them. 
Before he could start to steel himself to face the Crocodile again, Emma decided. “Regina first,” she stated. “Before we go, do you need anything? Like, can we help you get out or anything?”
“No; I’m fine for now; but I might need some food if this goes on much longer.”
“We’ll do our best to get it worked out,” Killian assured her; there was no way he was going to let his best friend essentially become a prisoner in her favorite place. And who’d have thought it’d be an author that put her there?
After saying goodbye, they hustled across town to the cemetery. Along the way, they were startled by the two wolves prowling the patio at Granny’s, and it felt like there was something lurking down every alley, hiding in the shadows. 
A stream of colored, bobbing lights flew overhead—the fairies, in their true form, Emma had to assume. Farther up the street, it looked like the dwarves had gathered together, too. Oh gods—what did he do to them?
Surprisingly: nothing. “That weirdo tried to ‘revert us to normal’ or something, but whatever he did, it didn’t work. Probably because we’re already technically ‘magical’ creatures,” Leroy explained, using plenty of finger quotes. “So we’ve just been patrolling for trouble since it seems like we’re the only ones not dealing with shit.” He heavily glanced at Emma’s wings then. 
“Uh, thanks,” she said, studying the pavement. “If anything happens, text Henry or Regina, okay?”
“Will do, sister; think we filled up the answering machine at the station anyways.” Yeah, that checks out; she sighed and carried on. 
The vault door was open once they got there, but the crypt was closed over the hidden door; that was easy enough to move, though. 
“Mom?” Henry called out as he descended the steps ahead of her. “Are you okay?”
Regina was nowhere to be seen in the first room at the foot of the stairs, so Emma called out for her, too—while being careful to keep her wings tucked in and not knock anything over. 
“You shouldn’t be here!” Regina’s voice came from…somewhere farther back in the vault—a part Emma had never been to.
“Wait here,” she told Henry, then crept off in the direction it sounded like Regina was hiding in. It was dusty and, weirdly, she felt it settle on her feathers in a way that itched. But down a passage and behind some shelves, she saw a huddled form. “Regina? You alright?”
“Why are you here, Miss Swan?” she bit back, hiding in the shadows. “And why did you bring our son?”
“Because he’s worried about you,” she tossed back. “And honestly, I am, too; what’s going on?”
“That stupid author—that’s what,” Regina spat. “Supposedly, this is how he’s helping me get my ‘happy ending’.”
“...By making everyone else something out of a horror movie?”
“And by making me an immortal, apparently.” Regina stepped into what little light there was. She looked a bit pale, but not a lot more than usual. If anything, she was somehow more gorgeous. (Yes, despite their past issues, Emma could still admit that Regina was an impossibly beautiful woman.)
“Immortal how?”
Regina smiled—kind of; more like bared her teeth. But that’s when Emma saw it: she had fangs. Like a… “Vampire?” she whispered.
“Yeah,” Regina said sadly. “I didn’t even know what he was getting at when he started writing it down; he just went on about ‘getting away from my problems someday’. I didn’t think he meant outliving them.”
Who on earth would think that was a good idea? “Is that why you ran away from Henry?”
Regina nodded. “This is going to sound awful, but…his blood smelled amazing.”
“Shit.” I’d run away, too. “Uh, do you need me to leave, too?”
“No; apparently, I don’t have the palate for bird blood.”
“Hopefully you don’t want fish, either,” she quipped back.
Brow furrowing (in a way that absolutely made her look like something out of Buffy), Regina sniffed the air. “Hook? What did he do to him?”
“Did you ever see The Shape of Water?”
“Oh, wow. Well, uh, have fun with that.”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“No—and definitely not in front of Henry.”
They both giggled, but it was only a brief moment of levity. “So can you tell me anything about how this happened—like, how the author powers work? So we can undo it?”
“Some, but he hasn’t been very forthcoming with the details,” Regina answered; she confirmed that his powers were tied to his pen and ink, as well as their theory that it has to be something they want. “He can change things but he still needs some level of consent from at least one party. We should be glad he didn’t write us into an entirely new reality.”
Emma shuddered. “So, what—we just track him down and force him to change it?”
“Maybe? It’s a good theory, but Rumpelstiltskin knows far more about this than I do.”
“I was afraid you’d say that.”
“Sorry. Just…don’t bring Henry down there, okay?”
Emma was about to protest—where the hell else am I going to take him to keep him safe from Isaac?—when Regina’s phone rang. 
“Crap—what did he do to them?” the mayor complained when she saw who was calling—Snow. She answered the call with a snarky “And what shape are you in?”
Except—she didn’t get a response. Normally, Snow would huff at Regina’s sass, but the only thing that came across was just a series of grunts and grumbles.
“Snow?” The grunting seemed to make a noise of affirmation. “What is going on over there? This better not be the world’s worst butt dial.” (“They don’t sound like that,” Emma quipped, cringing.) But then crying came over the speaker—definitely Neal.
“He’s still teething?” Regina winced. “That was the worst.”
“Yeah—but who’s there with him?” If her parents were fine, nothing would be stopping them from trying to soothe him; Neal pretty much only wanted to be held by her dad right now. “We better check that out first.”
“Absolutely. And let me know how everything else goes.”
“Will do. Do you need anything before we go?”
Regina chewed on her lip, her fangs even more apparent. “Did you see any squirrels up there? I’m starving.” Emma bit back a giggle. “Don’t laugh! I’m serious. And if you ever bring this up again, I can make sure those wings are permanent.”
Emma definitely laughed to herself all the way to the loft, though. Until she heard the sound of her brother crying and her motherly instincts kicked in. “Wait here; let me see what’s going on first,” she told the boys, then knocked on the door with one of her elbows (or whatever those joints were). The same grunting she heard on the phone came from the other side, but somehow more urgent.
Henry ended up having to turn the knob for her, but then she slipped in—and, yet again, her jaw dropped.
“Well, Mom does always say you have big feet,” she said, once she regained something resembling her faculties.
The sandy-blond sasquatch that had David’s eyes huffed in annoyance. Meanwhile, the snow-white yeti that vaguely looked like her mom wasn’t hesitating to take her by the wing and drag her to the bassinet, where Neal was inconsolable.
“He’s scared of you?” Emma guessed; Snow nodded sadly.
(Seriously—Snow, a yeti? At least Isaac has a sense of humor.)
“Okay, but I can’t do much either,” she said, flapping her wings. “Henry? It’s okay; can you come in?”
She saw his phone come through the door before he did, no doubt taking plenty of photos and videos for them to look back on. “That’s just wrong,” he concluded at the sight of his (much hairier) grandparents; Killian was clearly holding back a quip, no doubt in response to David’s many jokes in the past about his chest hair (especially given the current reversal of that situation). 
“Kid, think you can take care of your uncle while we figure the rest of this out?”
He pocketed his phone and quickly scooped up Neal. “Sure thing. We got this, right, little dude?” Neal quieted for a little bit, but then let out another ear-piercing scream. Everyone cringed.
“Okay; good luck with that—bye!” she called over her shoulder as she shoved Killian ahead of her in a hasty escape. 
“Will they be okay?” Killian asked as they headed back down the stairs.
“Oh yeah, they’ll be fine. My ears will not be, though.” They shared a laugh. “Alright; let’s get this over with.”
“Back again?” Belle greeted them at the library, having moved slightly from her cramped spot in the back to a no more comfortable, but at least larger spot, having shoved the ruined shelves aside and laying across the whole room.
“Aye; into the belly of the beast, as it were,” Killian replied as they headed to the elevator.
“Good luck,” she said, sounding more bored than anything; despite the public’s requests, the library had yet to seriously invest in any large-print books that might help her pass the time.
As they descended in the creaky elevator, he wasn’t sure if the creeping chill he felt slipping up his spine was due to the inherent cool temperature of the caverns below, or his own emotions at facing his longtime foe for the first time in a long while—since Rumple nearly killed him that day on the docks. 
Emma’s feathers brushed against his hand, startling him from his thoughts. “Sorry; I was trying to grab your hand, until I forgot I can’t. You gonna be okay?”
“I will,” he answered, hoping he could convince himself as much as her. There was nothing the Crocodile could do to them, he knew; but despite thinking he’d moved past what he’d experienced at the Dark One’s hands, his anxieties were creeping up.
“I’ll take the lead, though, okay?”
“I appreciate that, love,” he thanked, and squeezed the edge of her wing.
The caves below the library were little changed from his last trip down here, even if he was on the opposite side of things now—with the heroes, rather than against. However, this was the first time he’d seen the cage that had been fabricated to hold the imp. It was set deep into the wall, not unlike the one that had once held him back in the Enchanted Forest, but with solid metal bars clearly from this realm. It wasn’t hard to feel the magic radiating off them, though. 
“Rumple? You there?” Emma called out; this cell went farther back than the light could reach, so it was easy for the man to hide. For the first time, Killian wondered what his mental state might be, given his brief insanity after being held hostage by Zelena (body sharing with his son notwithstanding). 
“No,” the Crocodile’s voice called out from the shadows. “Come back later and I might be, though.”
“Ha. We found the Author.” She stood in front of the far edge of the cell.
She’s wise not to ask for help, he noticed. Handing Rumpelstiltskin any cards was a terrible idea.
“Good for you; what does that have to do with me?” 
Emma had been fiddling with something on the wall with one of the joints of her wings; all of a sudden, light flooded the cell, revealing a rather dusty but otherwise normal-looking Dark One, still wearing the same (stylish, he hated to admit) suit as the day they locked him up.
Rumple blinked his eyes at the sudden brightness, but once his sight had adjusted, he skimmed over Emma and then Killian. “I see,” he said. “I’d be happy to undo it, if you let me out.”
“Nice try, but no. We’ve just been trying to figure out how his powers work. We know his pen and ink are involved. Trying to figure out if it’s worth it to steal it back.”
Killian had to school his features; he was genuinely impressed at Emma’s negotiation tactics here. Obviously, they wouldn’t be here if they didn’t need help, but outright asking would get them nowhere. As such, it was taking more effort than expected to keep a proud (or smug) look off his face.
“It’s not,” Rumple replied. “That’s only half of it.”
“Really? Regina seemed to think that’s all we needed.”
“Regina is wrong. But the only person who can actually help you is currently locked away.”
“Again, you’re not getting out.”
“Not me,” he hissed. “But the pirate knows who.”
Emma turned to Killian, confused. “Huh?”
For a brief second, he was also unsure—until he glanced over at the Dark One, who was smirking—and wiggling the fingers of his left hand. 
Oh, bloody hell. Killian sighed and curled in on himself a bit. “The old man.”
“Otherwise known as the Sorcerer's Apprentice—and a thorn in my side for quite a few years, until I finally had some assistance locking him away.”
Shame flushed hot on Killian’s unusually cold cheeks. “He’s in the hat box, love,” he said quietly. 
“Ah, crap,” she cursed. “Does Regina know how to get anyone else out of there, or was that a one-time thing?”
“I’ll tell you if you let me—” Rumple started, only to be cut off.
“No!” Emma interjected. “C’mon; I bet Belle knows.”
“How…how is she?” the Dark One asked, suddenly sounding rather genuine.
“She’s a bloody giantess and stuck in the library right now, thanks to that idiot author,” Killian jumped in. “But otherwise fine.”
The Crocodile opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it and slumped in on himself. “The fairies,” he said, resigned. “They’ll know how to get him out by now.”
“Thanks,” Killian said quickly, then grabbed Emma by the wingtip and practically dragged her back to the elevator.
What little adrenaline he had faded on the slow ride up, and he simply wrapped himself around Emma. “Hey—this doesn’t feel like okay,” she said softly as she folded her wings around him—a feeling he was coming to quite enjoy, odd as it was.
“Just—being reminded of the man I used to be, even not that long ago,” he admitted. “I’m so sorry, Emma.”
“Hey—we’ll figure it out. And remember: that was way more Rumpelstiltskin than you.”
“I don’t think you’re giving me enough credit, love.”
“This is the one time you should just accept less of the blame, alright?”
He chuckled a bit; she knows my tendency towards self-flagellation well. “I’ll try.”
“Okay. So now, we find the hat, and then the fairies. And then maybe it’ll all be done?”
“Let’s hope.”
Is this night fucking over yet? Emma took a moment to breathe after Killian left to retrieve the Sorcerer’s hat box thing from Gold’s shop, per Belle’s instructions. The fact that their to-do list kept growing was really annoying, and gods only knew what else Isaac had done in the last few hours.
There was a light at the end of the tunnel, but it still seemed like it was incredibly far away.
And she was craving fish sticks. Is that a swan thing? Or is that an I-never-had-dinner thing?
She gave herself one more minute to brood before starting the search for the fairies. On the bright side, they literally were—bright; she just had to be on the look out for a cloud of multicolored lights (giving off far more Christmas vibes than Halloween). But they weren’t in the middle of town, so that meant actually looking, and she did not have the energy to go traipsing around on her own right now. 
Might as well use these while I have them. For hopefully the last time, she took to the sky, hoping a (literal) birds-eye view would help her locate the swarm of fairies faster. Sure enough, once she was fairly high above Main Street, she saw the floating baubles—near the convent, unsurprisingly.
They were a little miffed when she accidentally flew through the middle of them, but when she explained what was going on and what they needed, they practically carried her back downtown on their breeze.
Killian was already standing outside the library with the golden box, looking visibly uncomfortable with it. Don’t blame him. Before she even had a chance to (try to) properly land, Blue was buzzing in front of him, conducting a few other fairies to take the box and hold it in front of her.
She stood next to Killian and watched as the head fairy went to work quickly, waving her wand and muttering something over the cylinder. The starry blue top began to swirl, like it had when they released the fairies, and glowed as it became something more resembling a portal.
All of a sudden, it stopped, and an old man that Emma had seen around town a couple times was seated on the pavement, looking rather bedraggled (though I think he kind of always did).
Killian didn’t hesitate to rush forward and help the man up, no doubt uttering profuse apologies as he did. The Apprentice was trying to get his bearings, it seemed, but was at least appreciative for his freedom. 
“Hi,” Emma jumped in, not wanting to delay things any longer. “I know you just got out of that hellhole, but we were kind of hoping you could help us with something.”
He looked her up and down, and then Killian. “I can see that,” he said gruffly. “I don’t recall the Savior having wings.”
“Uh, yeah, recent addition. What can you tell us about the Author?”
She didn’t think it was possible for the man’s bushy brow to furrow further, but it did. “That blasted fool…this was Isaac’s doing?”
Everyone nodded—and that was a lot of everyones; at some point, more and more townsfolk had converged on the main intersection, and it was apparent that all manner of mythical creature and cryptid were now among its citizens.
The Apprentice looked around at everyone, then tutted. “Shameful, shameful—abusing his powers like that. That’s why I banished him in the first place. Whose brilliant idea was it to free him?”
“Uh, mine,” Regina said, stepping forward (with a scarf wrapped around her face, likely to block the smell of…everyone). 
“Yeah, that checks out,” the Apprentice huffed. “Well, on the bright side, he’s probably ran out of power by now. He can no longer do harm, but he also won’t be able to undo what he’s done.”
“Can’t you just give him a magical eraser or something?” Emma wondered. (Regina smirked, even under the scarf.)
The Apprentice chuckled. “No; I’m afraid it doesn’t work like that. However, if Isaac has lost his powers, then a new Author needs to be chosen, and I have a feeling we’ll find one here.”
“Where?” Killian practically demanded. 
“The Author has to believe in the stories, truly—in their heart,” he said dramatically, placing his hand on his chest.
She and Regina exchanged a look; we know someone who fits that description exactly.
Emma called up to Blue, asking them to find Isaac and bring him there, while she took off in the direction of the loft.
In the time it took her to get her son (and her parents, because they should really be there for whatever was about to happen, too), something resembling chaos broke out in the scene that she had left. An angry mob formed in the crossroad, surrounding Isaac, who lay prone on the pavement, being held down by an irate Regina, baring her fangs.
“You did this to me,” she hissed. “Why shouldn’t I use it against you?”
The man looked terrified; serves him right. The crowd was shouting for him to fix what he’d done (her parents grumbling incoherently in agreement), several voices demanding he undo it.
“I can’t!” he shouted back. “The pen doesn’t work for me anymore!” To underline his point, he tossed the enchanted quill away.
“I warned you not to abuse your power this way,” the Apprentice said, his voice deafening even the most frantic shouts around him. “You deserve everything these people might do to you.”
Isaac glanced at Granny and Ruby, who were snarling at him, and whimpered.
Emma was distracted, though, by Henry. He had something of a faraway look in his eyes, and almost mindlessly passed Neal off to Snow (at least the kid was asleep). His focus narrowed on something ahead of him, on the ground: the pen.
She watched as he carefully moved forward, almost as if he was drawn to it. Emma’s gaze darted briefly, first to Regina, who was also watching; then to the Apprentice, who almost seemed to be smiling where he stood next to Killian. 
The crowd also realized what was going on and a hushed silence fell as Henry neared the object. 
He knelt in front of it, reached out, and carefully picked it up. It glowed as soon as his fingers touched the enchanted instrument. 
“I thought so,” the Apprentice said warmly. Emma couldn’t help but beam with pride and ruffle her feathers; Regina grinned too, not bothering to hide her fangs. 
Henry blinked and stood. “Wait, what?”
“You, young sir, are the new Author,” the Apprentice explained, approaching Henry. From thin air, he produced a vial of ink. “And I dare say far more worthy than your predecessor.” He threw a dirty look at Isaac, who was still cowering. 
Cautiously, Henry took the ink. “Thanks, but…what does that mean?”
The Apprentice chuckled. “I’ll explain it all; don’t worry. But right now, I believe there’s some unnecessary plot twists that need to be straightened. 
“Right!” Henry felt around his pockets for—something, but came up empty. “Crap, I don’t have any paper.”
“Over here!” Belle called out from an open window in the library, her face taking up most of it. “Henry—here!” A few pieces of paper looked no bigger than a Post-it in her fingers as she reached through the window. Henry ran over and grabbed it, but wasn’t sure what to do when he returned. 
“I can help you with this first one,” the Apprentice offered. “Start with the ink.”
A few people chuckled as Henry struggled with getting ink from the bottle to the quill tip, Killian included; assholes—ballpoint pens were invented for a reason. 
“Now, you’re not supposed to change or influence things, but undoing an abuse of power like this—that’s okay. Try writing…this: ‘those whose physical forms had been affected by the previous author’s changes that night were reverted back to their original forms.’”
“To…their…original…forms,” Henry repeated, writing the words, then ended it with a forceful period. No sooner had the pen left the paper than a burst of magic rippled through the crowd. 
Emma curled in on herself as what had been done was undone; she’d been too distracted when Isaac first came after her to really pay attention to the magic happening, but now that it was being reversed—ugh, it’s like my feathers are being plucked. (She wished she’d been standing closer to Killian so she could lean on him, but he’s probably going through something similar.)
Thankfully, it didn’t last long. Once the odd sensation passed, she stood up straight, rolled her shoulders back, and stretched her arms—just arms once more—above her head. “Thank frick,” she sighed. 
Behind her, her parents laughed; she turned to see that they were back to normal (and Neal was clamoring for David). All around, everyone was standing and stretching as they shook off the effects of what they’d just been through. Regina was hugging Henry tightly in the middle of it all. 
To little surprise, Granny and Ruby were still fierce, and were dragging Isaac in the direction of the cells below the hospital. Well, he’s still gonna be a headache—but one that could wait a day or so. 
Across the way, Killian was talking to a normal-sized Belle while standing in a puddle; his skin was back to its normal pallor and the gills were gone. (His beard and chest hair had also returned, thank the gods.)
He caught her gaze and appeared to excuse himself from Belle, then headed her way. “That looks better, Swan.”
“Not literally, thankfully,” she quipped back. “You look much improved yourself,” she added, resting her hands on his chest. 
“Certainly feel more like myself,” he answered. “Although—I’m not generally this exposed around so many people.” He was only wearing his usual swimming briefs—and a blush that was creeping up his cheeks. 
“Mm, then perhaps we should find somewhere private to be half naked.” 
“I like the way you think, love.”
“Too bad I can’t fly us away anymore, though.”
He hummed, then pulled his hand between them, where a white feather was twirling in his fingers. “Maybe you can channel that?”
She giggled, and transported them back to his ship. Placing a kiss against his (scruffy) cheek, she grabbed his hand (finally!) and pulled him toward the stairs. “Let’s get to what we were going to do earlier.”
“Gladly,” he sighed, and followed her to his cabin…
…where they promptly fell asleep. (But got to the fun stuff the next morning.)
Cryptid Night, as it came to be known, went down in Storybrooke legend; and thankfully, no one experienced any long-lasting effects. (Well, other than David complaining about finding fur around the loft for a few weeks after.)
Emma did notice, though, that the pure white feather Killian had picked up was displayed prominently on a shelf in his cabin. As much as she never wished to relive that night, she always smiled when she saw it—and was glad Henry had taken plenty of pictures.
thanks for reading! tagging some mermates: @cocohook38 @kat2609 @mryddinwilt​ @xpumpkindumplingx​ @optomisticgirl @shipsxahoy​ @clockadile​ @kmomof4​ @initiala​ @snowbellewells​ @word-bug​ @idristardis​ @wingedlioness​ @theonceoverthinker​ @annytecture​ and I can’t remember who else was into this 
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corawithfanfiction · 3 months
X-Men Next Step Is Evolution & White Wolf and Polaris
 I will stay and well throw it all away (episode 3)
episode 2 - episode 4
Lorna learns to use her powers and the team plans for a new mission.
warnings: heartbreak, language, crying, anger issues, suicide planing
Just tonight I will stay and well throw it all away When the light hits your eyes Its telling me I'm right And if I, I am through Then its all because of you Just tonight
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Lorna had begun to train, although she could not get over the weight of the events that had taken place. Her only hope was that if she devoted all her anger to her powers, she might be freed from her thoughts.
She was thankful that she had suffered twenty-six years of her life for the mother she did not know. She slept peacefully every night because she did not carry the slightest part of the man she hated.
However, now all this was far away.
As if she had never tasted that peace before, she left her thoughts aside with hatred and anger and focused on the metal drums in front of her.
One by one, he lifted them up into the air and put them back down one by one. With Raven's instructions, this time he lifted them all at the same time and started to rotate them in the air.
She was distracted by the sound of the engine coming from outside and dropped all the drums to the ground.
"Focus Lorna!"
"Sorry, I got distracted for a moment. I'll try again."
"That's enough for today, L. It might be good to rest a little. We'd better listen to what Logan has to say." Legion, who was walking towards them in the garden, spoke while hugging his brother.
Raven raised one eyebrow sceptically and said, "I'm guessing Logan just rode the bike into the garage, Legion, and since you're here, I'm honestly wondering when you were talking!"
"Well, it was a little too noisy, mind. I had no intention of reading it. It was just getting on my nerves."
"I thought you and Charles agreed on mind reading, Legion."
"Don't worry, Raven, I don't give a damn fucking shit what you or anyone else here thinks when they get inside your mind, I don't give a damn what you think about the assassinations you made years ago or the nights Lorna had sex with Remy or Logan or anyone else whose name I can't remember. I don't give a damn about the past that the metal-transformed senile can't remember. It's only when you can't control your thoughts that it's an ordeal! For God's sake, would it kill you to calm down? I haven't slept a goddamn night since the humans came back! Because you know why, Raven, I don't give a damn about the mistakes you've made in your bloody past and how catastrophic they've been in your five-year absence. So please. Just please! Stop thinking about it and let me have some peace!"
Before Raven could say anything after this absolutely unexpected exit, Legion had already left his brother and Raven there and left the garden with quick steps.
"Damn it." Lorna muttered to herself as she quickened her pace to catch up with her brother, shouting after him "Legion! Come on! Hey can you wait for me please! Legion!"
Lorna stopped when she saw Logan as she quickly stepped into the living room after her brother. It had been five days since that day. The day she had deliberately hurt Logan. They hadn't spoken again after that. She didn't know what had happened anyway. She didn't know who had taken Logan's lifeless body from there or who had carried the unconscious Lorna to her room. All he knew was that Logan had gone on a mission when he woke up. And since he returned five days later, he had fulfilled the reason he went and succeeded in the mission. Otherwise, she hadn't expected him to return so soon. The reasons for returning early from missions were obvious. Either when they failed or when there was a risk of their identities being revealed, the mission was cancelled and they returned to the academy early. But Logan had been sent on the mission in question, and that meant that he had not returned early because it had ended in failure. These five days seemed like a lifetime to Lorna.
In the evening of the day after he came to his senses, he texted Logan. At first he had thought of calling, but he couldn't find the courage to talk.
'I apologise.
'Don't apologise'
That was it. When there was no answer even though she knew she had read it, Lorna accepted that something was really over.
I lost him, she said.
I lost Logan.
It's all my fault.
It's all my father's fault.
You promised yourself I wouldn't call that man Dad, Lorna!
And you promised you wouldn't hurt anyone. But what else do you do but hurt the ones you love?
You said you wouldn't be a murderer. You said you wouldn't be that man's daughter, and within minutes of saying that, you killed the man you loved!
You're pathetic!
What if you didn't have the power to heal!
What if at some point that ability ended?
What if Logan was gone forever? Because of you!
You're the murderer of the man you love!
The sun began to rise slowly as he watched the pencil work on the ceiling at night when he couldn't sleep. When he thought that it must be past five o'clock, he got up from where he was lying with the sound of the phone and reached for his phone from the commode next to him.
One word,
Six letters
That's where she died, Lorna.
He was now sure that he had killed the man he loved not only physically but also spiritually. Once again he cursed his whole life, self and the universe.
As soon as he woke up the next morning, he started training with Raven to control his strength and devoted all his hatred and anger to controlling himself.
Now the last person he could stand to see hating him for five days was standing right in front of him.
"We need to talk, I'm going to call Charles and you call Raven. I have something to tell you!"
When he left her without waiting for her to answer, Lorna let out the breath she didn't realise she was holding.
After taking a few deep breaths, she went to Raven.
After everyone had gathered, she listened intently to Logan. He had gone on a five day mission to find the rest of the team and Lorna was only finding out after he returned.
Of course, she didn't expect the man she had killed to come and tell her the details of the mission, but Legion or Raven might.
"Ororo was among the missing. However, upon her return, she was unable to engage the people of Wakanda in battle with the Avengers, was badly wounded while she was in the dust, and was admitted for emergency treatment when she returned."
"How is she now?" Logan asked without looking at Lorna.
"With Wakandan technology, he regained his health very quickly. But before he could return to New York, he had some business to take care of in Sokovia."
"Sokavia? Isn't that the country Ultron blew up in 2015 and then the Avengers destroyed?" Legion asked. Raven answered his question.
"Yes, that's exactly where it is. Exactly one year after the destruction of the country, a treaty of the same name was drawn up by the government, which the 'superheroes' were required to sign. Those who didn't sign were declared outlaws and sent to the Raft. God, I wouldn't wish my enemy to go to that shithole in the middle of nowhere."
"How did you escape the Raft if you're not a good swimmer, Raven?" Legion Raven could only roll his eyes when Raven asked a new question. Then she gestured for Logan to continue.
"Emma and Charles have already made contact. They're coming here in a week with Summer. Where are they right now, Charles?"
"Emma went missing during the blip. She was in Japan at the time. Whatever her reason for going there, I know she won't come back until it's been five years. She said she and Alex would be at the academy next week." "And that's enough information for you, come on dad, we need to know the details!" Logan's voice silenced Legion's reproach.
"Raven, you'll take care of Kitty Pryde. I've transferred her location and details to your car, go and get our little Kitty back." After Raven indicated that she understood, Logan continued.
"I'm going to Bevery Hills too. I spoke to Betsy and she's ready to come back. But Jubilation Lee's in trouble. After Betsy and I sort that out, Jubilee and I will come back here."
"Is that all?" asked Lorna.
"We've got one more contact. Legion will take care of it." Logan spoke again without bothering to look at Lorna.
"Who did you reach?" he asked, his eyes still on the man who refused to look at him. "And what field assignment has Legion ever been on that you're assigning him to now?" When he turned to his brother and said, "No offence," Legion shrugged his shoulders as if to say he knew.
"Anna Marie is very unstable right now and we don't have any other members of Legion to send into the field yet!"
"I'm still here!"
"Your powers are more unstable than Legion's!" this time he looked her in the eye. Then he turned to Legion and said "No offence" and Legion responded with the same expression.
Raven, who was watching the argument between the two, was bored with the situation and wanted to take a hand in the situation, but Logan continued.
"Anna Marie is currently in an underground swamp and is in trouble with a woman called Bella Donna. That's why-"
"Wait, wait, wait a minute," Lorna stood up from her seat, "Did you say Bella Donna? Oh honey, I'm sorry, but Legion is definitely not going on this mission." Charles joined the conversation with scepticism when she started laughing sarcastically.
"Lorna, what's on your mind?"
"If he's in trouble with Bella, it's Remy." The smile on her face grew. "And that underground dump you mentioned is none other than the All-In Casino, am I right?" it wasn't a question because Lorna knew the All-In Casino so well. Oh sweet Remy, she couldn't help thinking.
"Y-yes, but you, how?" Logan was surprised. This time it was Lorna who didn't look at him when he spoke. He turned to his uncle and said, "I'm taking this mission from the Legion, Uncle. If anyone is going to go there, it's me. Anyway, even if someone other than me goes in this room, he can't get in. I guess you won't object, will you?" He already knew the answer when he raised one eyebrow and smiled sweetly at his uncle.
"If you're sure you want to go back there again, fine." When Lorna nodded, Charles continued. "On one condition." When Lorna raised one eyebrow in scepticism this time, Charles turned to face Logan behind the woman he was talking to.
"Logan, call Anna and find out if the situation is urgent. Plan Bevery Hills accordingly." This time he turned his face back to Lorna, "You can go there, you have the mission, but you still don't have full control of your powers. Logan will go with you." Lorna was about to protest when he said, "And that's non-negotiable, young lady!"
Seeing Legion amused by the situation, Lorna rolled her eyes and called out to her uncle who was on his way out the door, "If anyone's coming, let it be Raven. Besides, I've been working with her for days, and I won't hurt Logan if I lose control, again," the young woman's voice had turned to a whisper by the end of her sentence. She bit her lip as her eyes began to fill with the memories that came to mind and she lowered her head in regret.
"Good, then you won't lose control, my beautiful girl. Get a good rest, tomorrow we will make preparations and then you will start to set off. Sleep well all of you." As Charles left the room, Raven called out to the man in the wheelchair and they left the room talking. Legion shouted to Lorna and Logan as he said he was going to go to his room with a chronic headache that came in the evening. "GOD! Keep your thoughts to yourself! Agh!" he had already reached the stairs.
Logan broke the silence of the two alone in the living room.
"It's been a tiring week, I'm going to take a shower and rest. You must have been training all day, sleep, gather your strength." Under normal circumstances, this sentence would be like, "I'm going to take a shower, will you join me? But Lorna was not under normal conditions since she regained her powers. "Sure," she whispered quietly. She couldn't even hear her voice herself. But the man who had already reached the corridor heard the whispers of the young woman he left behind like a scream.
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"Do you understand who I am? Do you want to know? Do you want to see the real me now? I'm about to leave
But I can't just leave tonight I lie and you believe me. I'll only see it tonight This is all my fault! I'll just stay the night And we'll throw it all away. When the light shines in your eyes Tell me I'm right. And if, thanks to me. This is all your fault! Just tonight, darling."
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Runaway Glamrocks AU explaintion!
This is pretty long so it’s under the cut
This only covers the Security Breach and post-SB part of Runaway Glamrocks, I’ll write a separate post for the Ruin section.
Also, Vanessa and Vanny aren’t the same person but are both in the Glitchtrap Cult.
[also @froggos-chaos-corner, you did ask for an explanation lol]
It all starts with Glamrock Bonnie. After 5 years of the same thing everyday at the PizzaPlex, 5 straight years of preforming, meet and greets, photo ops, etc, he finally decided to make a plan, a plan to leave.
So, he started to become more rebellious, more loud. And made it seem like he was bugging out. Finally, after many, many, system upgrades, he sets his plan in motion. He spends his final day at the Plex like normal, then, the Plex closes at 11:30, and he returns to his greenroom.
In his greenroom, he begins to back a bag he took from one of the gift shops, and packs. He packs things to charge his battery, a couple of replacement batteries, extra parts, some cash and lots of extras, plus his guitar, and he slips out the warehouse doors. He ends up meeting a band made up of a group of college besties and joins them.
Come morning and no one can find him. Freddy and Roxy are a mess and barely consoleable, Chica is trying to keep everything under control and keeps Freddy & Roxy grounded. And Monty? Well, he’s just been given a replacement for Bonnie’s guitar and told he’s preforming that afternoon.
And everyone has to act normal, like Bonnie didn’t just disappear, like nothing happened.
The Glamrocks have their theories as to what happened to Bon. Freddy & Roxy think he was decommissioned, Chica thinks he’s in long-term maintenance and he’ll come back, and Monty choses not to dwell on it.
2 years later, Gregory, with Cassie’s help, sneaks into the PizzaPlex, and the opening events of Security Breach happen.
Greg & Cassie are both wandering around the Plex together, Vanessa isn’t aware of Cassie, just Greg.
Greg & Cas end up at the Daycare, of which Greg gets kicked out and hides with Freddy. Sun immediately recognizes Cassie and allows her to retrieve the item they need.
Shortly after, Greg and Cassie are separated. Cassie ends up finding the V.A.N.N.I mask and a Faz wrench.
Then she finds Glamrock Foxy. Whose been rotting in the PizzaPlex’s basement for at least 2 years.
Cassie pleads with him to let her help him, but he won’t let her, because Foxy knows he won’t make it much longer. So, Cassie stays by his side while he powers down for the final time.
Cassie eventually meets back up with Greg, whose planning to decommission the Glamrocks to get their upgrades. Gregory doesn’t believe her about Glamrock Foxy.
Cassie manages to use the Faz Wrench and frees Roxy of the virus, who recongizes her number 1 and gives her the upgrade Freddy needs. Cassie does for the others as well.
Gregory manages to free Vanessa from the Glitchtrap cult, but not Vanny.
Vanessa helps the Glamrocks into a van and they escape the PizzaPlex.
Cassie wants to return. They left so many animatronics behind. But Freddy says it’s to dangerous, and Fazbear Ent wants their Glamrocks back.
So, what happens now? Well, The Runaway Crew go into a bar on night, and guess whose preforming? The Blue Bunnies, AKA the band Bonnie’s in. It’s real emotional after the bands finished playing between Bonnie and the Glamrocks.
Now, their group has added an entire band and animatronic. Thank god Vanessa’s got a big place.
But, what about Foxy, and JJ and Balloon Boy and Dee Dee and Sun and Moon and Eclispe?
Will The Runaway Crew return to the PizzaPlex? Will the others all be freed from the Ruins of the PizzaPlex and repaired? Or will they rot forever and be forgotten?
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sapphireclawe · 1 year
"C'mon, guys! Let's get this show set up so that we can convince Alice to sign us on as a band!" Trixie calls, carrying a speaker and her guitar on her back. A short red panda (or rather, a rose panda as her friends joke about her colouring) follows, wheeling a height adjustable keyboard after her otter friend and bandmate. A blueish raccoon brings up the rear wheeling a drum kit in front of him.
"Yeah, but didn't you hear the news about the venue? There was a fire last night and apparently someone had to be hospitalized because they were caught in the fire. Vicky, you can back me up on this, right?"
"Yeah, I dunno if I want to get the contract deal with this place if fires happen here." Vicky follows Trixie through the door. "After all, you and Rascal got top surgery and I dunno if you'd be more affected by smoke."
"It'll be fine, stuff happens. Besides, there's Alice now!" Trixie runs up to a blonde lady whose normally well-tamed ponytail is in a frazzle, mostly due to her almost pulling her hair out by talking to a police officer. It's a back and forth about insurance more than anything, but eventually the officer leaves her alone.
"Okay. You three are here for the contract, I assume, but given the fire the contenders backed out of the audition today. Plus for some reason one of my employees still hasn't been freed from a closet she got locked into just before the fire, and I haven't heard anything from her yet. So play me a song so we can say you auditioned fairly, and I'll grab the contract for your band. That being said you probably won't be performing until Starlight Square is back in full order. Okay?"
"How much are we getting paid for each show? Unfortunately we kinda need to pay rent." Vicky replies, having helped set up.
"Give me a minute, I need to see what the construction workers need, but I will pay your weekly show flat rate of $2000, first one in advance, and half the ticket profits per show. Deal?" Alice walks away, leaving the contract deal to be looked over. As the three inspect it, they find nothing wrong. Oh, and the employee is freed in that time looking much worse for wear. The band begins to play as Alice returns.
"Wow, that was really-*hack* good, you guys!" "Dea, don't try to talk, the ambulance is on its way." "Uh... thanks, I guess ? We'll sign the contract, then." Trixie pulls out a pen as paramedics rush in to take Dea away. The contract is signed, and Vicky looks out the door.
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rainbow-feather-22 · 6 years
I honestly couldn’t sleep on these, so here are some Playride headcanons
Put under read more to avoid long post
The first time Brooke started having feelings for Christine was during Jake’s Halloween party
I imagine her going to hide in the laundry room after she saw Jeremy with Chloe and Christine wandering in while she’s crying
Being the compassionate person she is, Christine sits down next to Brooke and asks if she’s okay
The two the proceed to have a really meaningful heart-to-heart that ends with a hug, and damn if it wasn’t one of the warmest hugs Brooke ever had in her life
Christine also noticed just how soft Brooke’s hair is and how it smelt like lavender, but shhh, that’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later
Fast forward to their senior year
Brooke signs up for drama after Christine insistence/praise of her performance at last years rehearsals (she doesn’t bring up the play...for obvious reasons) and uh-oh spaghetti-o’s, she let’s it slip Jeremy and her had a mutual break up 
Christine obviously meant this a clear indication she wanted Brooke to ask her out but. The poor girl just doesn’t catch on
Not that Brooke doesn’t understand that it’s flirting, but because her self-esteem has been so smashed due to the squip (and Chloe tbh), she just can’t imagine someone as kind as Christine being interested in a relationship with her
The whole thing comes to a head when Christine accidentally (winkwink) kisses Brooke while they’re practicing lines and Brooke is just the embodiment of the heart-eyes emoji for the rest of the day
They’re officially girlfriends after this
Christine is all about playing with Brooke’s hair
See? I told you it’d come back around
If she’s not putting her girlfriends hair into braids, you can bet your ass Christine just has her face buries in those golden locks
Cuddles. All. Damn Day.
Like, seriously, these two can and have blown off literally everything on their to-do lists to just spend the day in bed holding each other
I imagine they watch Cupcake Wars during this time and shout at the screen when someone makes an obvious mistake
They mix and match their wardrobe so much that they eventually just buying clothes they’re both into
Christine loves to wear Brooke’s yellow cardigan, and Brooke becomes a bi disaster(tm) every time because of how adorable she looks in it
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eddiexfreakxmunson · 2 years
Worlds Apart
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Title: World’s Apart
Pairing: Reader X Eddie Munson
Genre: angst with no comfort
CW: mentions of gross behavior (reader’s mother’s boyfriend hits on her), suggestive situation between Eddie and reader (not explicit), cursing?
Word Count: 2,380
A/N: This is the first time i’ve written for anything other than anime in like a year so I hope i’m still able to do it! It may seem a little vague at some parts cause I wrote it while sleep deprived, and I really had to convince myself not to make it into a mini series 
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They say that life kills young love, and maybe that is true.
It certainly was for you and Eddie Munson.
You could still remember being in that stupid, awful trailer park with him. The smell of cigarette smoke heavy in the air as he drove around, constantly teasing you for not being old enough to have a license yet. You used to shoot back a quick response of "only six more months, Munson, and then you'll never see me again!"
He used to frown at that, glaring at you out of the corner of his eye and huffing under his breath about how he hoped you never got it if that was the case.
You used to talk about nothing and everything as he drove, taking the back roads until they connected to the new pavement running through the nice neighborhoods. You'd pick the houses apart as he drove by, building your dream homes in your minds, even as you joked that it all was too good for you and your 'trailer trash' pasts.
You and Eddie hadn't been so different. With your shared expertise in absent fathers and your mother who drank a little too much all the time. It hadn't really mattered, though. You had one another, and that was enough.
Somewhere between those all-night drives and the safe evenings spent watching movies at his trailer when his uncle was out working- your mother's boyfriend had made a pass at you again- something had developed.
A hesitant kiss just to 'get it over with' had turned into hands on skin under the stars and promises of something better whispered against open mouths.
It hadn't quite been a relationship, neither of you ever uttering those three words, but it hadn't been nothing, either. For a while, it was enough, and you both had been happy.
Before everything changed. Before news of your father's death had come, and with it, the money. You never quite understood your mother's explanations as to why your runaway father had left you both so much, but it didn't matter. Because suddenly you were living in one of those nice houses in the suburbs, you were accepted at school, freed up your work schedule to join the student council and Eddie?
Eddie was left behind.
He'd never said it, but it was what happened. You'd just drifted. Your new friends thought he was a freak, and for once in your life, you weren't grouped with him. You told yourself you didn't tell them otherwise cause you figured it didn't bother Eddie, but the truth was that you were too afraid to lose all your new things and never could've guessed how badly losing him would hurt.
You'd give everything if you could go back to senior prom.
As Student President, it was the most significant event you'd throw. Your last chance to make sure everyone remembered it as the best year. And it turned out beautiful, couples gleefully getting their pictures taken together, and even the jocks respecting it enough to keep the peace.
Until Eddie Munson walked in with his friends, that is.
Your VP had tugged on your sleeve as you'd been pouring a drink for yourself, pointing worriedly to the group standing off against the basketball team, Jason and Eddie already toe-to-toe.
"Shit," you cursed, dropping your cup back in the bowl and rushing over, catching the tail end of the two boy's conversation.
"-last time I checked, it was my senior prom, too," he grinned at Jason, whose fists visibly clenched at his side. "You can go next year, reject," the blonde sneered, and you cleared your throat, stepping forward.
"Jason, you should go dance with your girlfriend," you invited, smiling sweetly as their attention turned to you, Eddie's eyes sweeping over you, his expression unreadable as he took in your form.
"Not until he leaves," Jason snapped back, and you rolled your eyes, your sweet facade dropping quickly.
"Jason, you're not the prom police. Just go dance." you sighed, having no patience for his bullshit. He made no move to listen, instead stepping further into Eddie's space, his friends snickering, eyes hungry for a fight.
"Jason." you hissed, shoving between the two men to glare up at the basketball captain. "If you start a fight, I'm gonna call the cops on your party tonight," you hissed, low enough that Eddie had to strain to hear, but Jason's eyes snapped to yours, narrowing.
"You wouldn't do that," he scoffed, and you raised a brow, your smile quickly returning as you saw a chaperone glance over.
"Try me, Jason. You ruin my party, I ruin yours." you challenged, and for a moment, you were sure Jason would start a fight anyways, letting out a sigh of relief when he only clenched his jaw and stepped back.
"You're lucky she's got a soft spot for freaks, Munson," he threw over his shoulder, his friends grumbling as they followed and disappeared into the crowd.
"Sorry about that," you laughed tightly, turning back to face Eddie, unaware of how close you were to him. You stumbled slightly over his feet, hand shooting out to grab his shirt as his hands landed on your waist to stabilize you.
Your eyes shot up to his at the contact, both faces suddenly red, and he cleared his throat, hands dropping. You followed suit, swallowing thickly as your hand fell from his shirt, searching for something to say.
"Not exactly blending in, are we?" you blurted, gesturing to his dress pants and white button-down, covered by the very leather jacket you used to wrap yourself in when his trailer would get cold. You hadn't meant it to come out the way it did, but he only grinned, shrugging.
"Do I usually blend in?" he pointed out, and you smiled, shaking your head slightly.
"No, you do not," you amended, his dark brown eyes boring into yours. You let yourself stand there for a moment before giving yourself a slight shake, smiling at him and his friends. "Enjoy your night, guys," you murmured, forcing yourself away.
It was hours later when he found you again, leaning against the wall outside the gym, cigarette held firmly between your lips as you struggled to light it, cursing under your breath.
You hadn't even heard him, but there he was, offering a light as he raised a brow at you, grinning knowingly. "Who knew Hawkins High's very own President still smoked?" he teased.
You'd glared half-heartedly at him as you inhaled, smoke filling your lungs as relief crashed over you. "I'm working on it," you mumbled, eyes darting up sharply when he'd plucked the cigarette from your mouth, inhaling as he watched you.
"I lit it; you have to share," he shrugged at your questioning expression, and you sighed, resigning yourself.
He leaned back against the wall next to you as he passed the cigarette back, hands shoved in his pockets. "You're gonna miss finding out who they crown prom king and queen," he teased, bumping your shoulder with his. "Isn't that every senior girl's dream or something?"
You coughed as you laughed, waving away smoke. "It's Jason and Chrissy; not much to dream of there," you flicked ash to the pavement below, tapping it with the toe of your heels to make sure it was out.
"Whoa! Spoiler alert!" Eddie protested dramatically, pushing off the wall to throw his hands in the air, one coming down to cover his mouth. "Now, how am I supposed to feel all magical during their dance?" he pouted, and you laughed, missing the way his face split into a smile at the sound.
"Guess you'll just have to pretend, Munson," you smiled apologetically, and he sighed deeply, taking the cigarette as you offered it again. He glanced towards the gym doors as the sound of applause and a slow song seeped towards the two of you.
"Better get going, or you're gonna miss it," you warned, hugging yourself as he eyed you, his expression unreadable.
"Has anyone asked you to dance yet tonight?" he asked quietly, and you shook your head with a shrug.
"No, but honestly, I've been too busy to dance," you admitted, watching him take a deep drag, smoke billowing out his nose.
You made a sound of protest as he dropped the cigarette to the ground, smashing it with his toe before he stepped towards you, hand outstretched.
"Dance with me?" he asked softly, and your mouth parted in surprise. Gone was the usual grin, the usual confidence that Eddie had always had. He seemed genuinely concerned, letting out a deep breath when you nodded, silently stepping forward to take his hand.
Like it had never left, that confidence returned, and he pulled you quickly to him, earning him a yelp as his hand landed on your hips, the other entwining your fingers.
"Can't believe I'm dancing to Cyndi freaking Lauper," he teased quietly, swaying you as Time After Time played from the gym, muffled but unmistakable. "Whoever picked this has awful taste," he added, laughing at your indignant expression.
"Excuse me, jackass, I picked this!" you defended, unable to help the grin that crept up when he pulled you tighter against him as you tried to untangle yourself, giving in and melting into his chest.
He swayed with you quietly after that, surprising you when he stepped back and spun you around gently, pulling you back to him, hand landing on your lower back to keep you close this time.
You hid your smile from him, dipping your head and shaking it at his dramatics while he moved with you, leading effortlessly. You could hear the song was nearing the end and found yourself filled with disappointment. In a moment, he'd let you go, and once again, you'd only see him from afar in the halls, that smile hardly ever--
He cut into your thoughts as he stopped for half a second, planting his feet and repositioning his hands to steady himself as he dipped you, face hovering over yours with a gentle smile as your hold on him tightened, fingers digging into the leather of his jacket.
He rose with you again, forehead pressed against yours as he slowed to a stop with the song. You expected him to release you then, but he didn't. Instead, he kept you close, breathing deeply, and you swore if he focused too hard, he'd be able to hear your heart hammering in your chest.
"Didn't know you could dance," you spoke finally, softly, given his close proximity, if only to cut through the heavy silence that now flowed between the two of you.
He scoffed at that, his voice strained. "You never asked. Besides, there's a lot you don't know about me anymore," he sighed, hurt seeping into his words.
You shut your eyes in shame as if you could hide from him, leaning into his touch as one hand left your waist to cup your face, his thumb smoothing over your cheek.
"Eddie-" you began, but he cut you off.
"I gotta know.” He laughed quietly, though there was no joy in the sound. “Did you ever...miss me?" he asked quietly, and your frown deepened. "They say distance makes people fonder, or whatever shit it is, but I guess not for me cause you uh- you didn't come back." he cleared his throat sharply as his voice cracked. Your resolve crumpled, stretching onto your tiptoes to slot your mouth against his softly, fingers curling into his jacket to tug him down to you.
He kissed you back slowly, his mouth molding over yours like he was trying to memorize its shape and how it felt against his. But he pulled away first, eyes squeezed shut as he thunked his forehead back against yours.
"You look really, really pretty," he mumbled, and then he was gone, leaving you alone outside to gape after him, the taste of his lips still fresh on your mouth.
He was gone before you returned to the dance, tears threatening to ruin your makeup.
You didn't talk again after that, not until shit hit the fan and Dustin Henderson and his friends had shown up at your house, a desperate attempt to find him.
You'd forced their hand, refusing to give any information until they'd explained what they knew, and you'd still been skeptical until you'd finally found him and he'd explained what had happened in his trailer that night with Chrissy.
You surprised even yourself when you insisted they let you go with them and help, making food runs for Eddie and keeping him company when you could, settling into old routines.
At one point, the two of you sat looking over the lake quietly, an empty beer pressed in his hand, and you jumped at his sudden laugh when you stood. "This is ridiculous; I'm wanted for manslaughter and being a cult leader, I watched someone die, the freaking basketball team is hunting me, and here I am wondering if the girl I've loved since I was 15 feels the same way I do."
You blushed at his words, his dark eyes turning up to look at you in the dark, an amused smile tugging at his lips. "That's pretty messed up, isn't it?" he joked weakly, eyes returning to his lap. "Think I've had enough of these," he added quietly, shaking the empty beer.
You said nothing, just sat down again, shifting closer to press yourself into his side, his arm automatically lifting to slide over your shoulders and keep you close. You reached for his hand, intertwining your fingers, and pressed a kiss to his knuckles, lips pressed against his skin as you spoke.
"She feels the same, Munson," you assured quietly and felt relief roll over the man next to you, his head dropping to press a lingering kiss to your head as you smiled.
"Thank God," he breathed, laughing softly.
And even with everything going wrong around you, things felt right. Once again, you had each other, and that was enough.
You lost him two days later.
You'd thought maybe it was true then, sitting on the floor of your bedroom, wrapped in that stupid leather jacket, the smell of his cologne already beginning to fade; life did kill young love.
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writteninthegarden · 3 years
Camping Night
18+ Minors DNI.
Aaron Hotchner x White Collar Crime Agent Female Reader
Summary: Reader is spending more time with Aaron and so happy to regularly see Jack again. One night Jack and Reader convince Aaron to have a camping night in the Hotchner living room. Without giving too much away…once Jack falls asleep Aaron hopes for a spicier evening, but Reader is initially unsure.
Word Count: Just under 3,200
Warnings/Contains: NSFW, teasing, shower sex, slightly Dom Hotch, much needed heart to heart, language, pet names
You took it slow with starting to date Aaron again.  You moved out a majority of the clothes you had in his office closet, but left the clothes you had in the drawer Aaron had freed up for you.  A part of you needed him to see that things couldn’t just slide back to how they used to be.  Aside from you spending time with Jack again.  If Aaron and you couldn’t work it out as a couple you’d have to moonlight as a babysitter because you had missed being in Jack’s life.
One weekend you and Jack somehow got Aaron to agree to setting up a pop-up tent in his living room. Jack noticed you had the tent in your storage area one afternoon when you were looking for something at your apartment.
The 3 person tent devoured the living room, even after you moved some furniture into the dining room to make space.  The 3 person part of the label should really just be a figure of speech because it would be close quarters.  You figured you could always sleep on the couch or an air mattress just outside the tent so the Hotchner men could have the real city slicker camping experience. One day maybe you’d try and get them on a real camping trip.  You figured start with this first before venturing out into the wilderness.  You drew the line at microwaving s’mores though. That was something you felt you had to do traditionally or not do at all.
Perhaps what helped persuade Aaron was the hope you’d sleep over.  You had only again gone as far as making out and he seemed restless.  He should’ve realized this would be the last night you’d feel the urge to get it on.
Jack fell asleep around 9pm in the tent.  Aaron emerged from the tent and found you on the couch.  He came up from behind you and kissed your cheek.
“I think I need my bed. My back is already killing me. Come keep me company?” he whispered.
“Sorry, sir.  You see, the camp site is out here.”
“Just for a little while? Come have a sleepover with me.” He draped his arms over your shoulders and kissed the top of your head.  Damn.  You had missed that sweet little gesture of his.
“No can do.  This is a campout with Jack.  It’s not your sleepover.”  You turned and playfully poked him in the chest as you said that.
“Oh, it wasn’t going to be MY sleepover.  I thought you could use some dedicated attention, but you’re right.  We should just stay out here.  I’ll save you some room on the air mattress if you want to cuddle.”
You climbed on the air mattress and heard Aaron groan as he turned over.
“What’s wrong?  Don’t want to cuddle anymore?”
“No, it’s not that. I’m just sore.  Old age.”
“You know I hate that excuse.  What’s the matter?”
“I kicked down a door the other day.  Now I remember why I usually leave that to Morgan…and also why I don’t go camping.”
See, you knew at least one of them might get grumpy about camping before the night was through.
“Aww, my poor baby” you said as you rested your palm against one side of his face and kissed the other. “I guess for once that is one that can fall under old age.  I bet you looked sexy kicking that door down though.”
“You know, you are turned on by the strangest things” he whispered.
“Thinking about my man in action isn’t strange.  It’s not like I’m the unsub whose door you were kicking down and I said, that’s hot as you read me my rights.”
“Right…that’s not oddly specific either.”
You leaned in close to his ear to whisper, “and I’m not the one with a boner right now.”
“It’s been a long month in Pakistan…without my girlfriend.” He said with a pout.
“Aww, and whose fault was that?”
“Mine, I know.”
“Sorry. We seem to disagree on the appropriate times and places to have sex” you whispered as quietly as possible.  This was becoming more than pillow talk and you both needed to remember that Jack was only feet away.
“No, my bed after Jack is asleep is usually a very appropriate time and place.”
“But this is a sleepover for your son…”
“And you like holding out on me…wait until I return the favor.”  He raised an eyebrow.  The cocky bastard.
“You wouldn’t dare.”  You cocked an eyebrow back at him.
“You’re right.  I wouldn’t leave you like that.  I’m going to take a shower.  A very cold shower.”
You sat on the air mattress for five minutes…deliberating.
Finally, you told yourself to just do it and  headed into Aaron’s room.  You locked his bedroom door behind you, hoping to give you a few seconds of reaction time if Jack woke up and came to find you.  He’d likely be scared either way, which is why you weren’t in favor of this, but at least with the bedroom door locked he wouldn’t have the mental image of walking in on you.
You entered the bathroom, closed the door and started to take off your clothes.  You had your shirt half off when Aaron stuck his head out from behind the shower curtain.
You were about to say something like, you can thank me now and later, but he spoke before you could.
“Oh, hey babe.  Sorry the shower is busy right now.  I’ll be out soon though and then it’s all yours.” Sassy bastard.  His hair slightly spiked up from the beads of water dripping through it.  Damn his sexy ass.
“Well, I was coming in to help you, but I have conditions.  I’m not getting in a cold shower, so the temperature needs to go up.”
“This probably isn’t for you then.  The water is ice cold.”  You couldn’t handle the sarcastic tone he was giving.
“I can see the steam, liar.” You pulled the shower curtain open. “And that’s definitely not from a cold shower.” You motioned to his dick and only then did I realize he had a hand wrapped around it mid-stroke.  “Are you jerking off?”
“Yeah.”  He continued to stroke himself.
“Can I help?  Please?”
He smirked then.  “Get in here, you.”
“Is the water hot?”  You reached out to test it with your hand, but Aaron grabbed your arm.
“Get in here and you’ll find out.”
Aaron released his grip on your arm to instead hold your hand as you climbed in the shower.  He didn’t waste any time pulling you in close.
“I have no idea what has got into you, Mr. Hotchner but it’s really hot.”
“I think it’s called I haven’t fucked my girlfriend in over a month so I’m a horny bastard.”
“Hmm, so all it takes is a month to get you like this?  Good to know.”
“That’s not funny.”
“No, but you keep talking about how long it’s been when you could do something about it.”
“You’re giving a lot of orders today I noticed. Bossy of you. Color?”
“Green” you practically purred.
He turned you so your back was pressed up against him and kissed your cheek. Next, he moved closer to your ear to softly whisper, “I love you, baby. Now, get your hands off your tits. I’ll touch them when I say you’re ready.” You dropped your hands instantly and trailed them downwards. He kept his voice quiet, but firm.
“Don’t you even think of it. No hands for you in here.”
You pretended like you were going to fold your hands behind your back, but then snuck your left hand around his shaft and gripped him as tightly as you could from the odd angle.
“You weren’t listening earlier were you?” You smirked though because he didn’t stop your hand.
“Hmm, you’ll have to be more specific” you replied feeling cocky.
You gasped as you felt his hand move right over your mound.
“How are you so wet already?” He plunged what felt like two fingers into you with no warning and then dragged your wetness back up to tease your clit.
You were amused watching him try to reach for the body wash and open the bottle with one hand.
“Bet you wish you had an extra hand now, huh?”
You whined as he moved his hand away from you.
“Nope, I have everything I need.” He squeezed some body wash into his palm and rubbed his hands together.
“That’s cruel, you know.”
You shuddered again as you felt his hands gently glide over the top half of your body, massaging in the body wash. He softly kissed you behind your ear before whispering, “I know, I’m terrible clearly.”
“Aaron, mhmmmm.”
“Do you need something, sweetheart?”
“I should give you a turn” you moaned.
“Nope, this is for you.” He placed a kiss at the back of your neck.
“And what if what I want is you inside me?”
“Hmm” he chuckled lowly. “We’ll see about that. First, I want to make you cum. Your clit needs to get some attention too, doesn’t it?”
“Yeahhh” you said as you daringly tried to move your fingers in that direction.
“No, baby. Hands off, remember?” He nuzzled your neck as he plunged his two fingers out and back in your hole.
You practically jumped when you first felt the vibration. It startled you, but then your clit felt magnificent. You glanced down long enough to see Aaron had brought out some sort of vibrator to use on you.
“Where did you get that? That feels so good.” You were pressed yourself right up against him. His hard cock dug into your tailbone.
“Really? Customs must’ve been fun.”
“No, sweetheart.” He chuckled lowly. “I bought it online. Can I show you the other speeds?”
“This is medium.” The speed and strength felt like it doubled instantly.
He slid his fingers out of you. You whined as he brought that hand to hold you around your waist.
“And this” he turned the speed up again. “This is high.”
Your knees felt like they might give out from the overwhelming pleasure. Aaron tightened his grasp around your waist.
“See why I wanted to hold on to you now? Let’s stick with medium for now. It’s good to know I can tease you with high though.” He lowered the speed.
You knew what you did next might piss him off, but you didn’t care. You grabbed his hand from your waist and guided it back down to your entrance.
“Need something, beautiful?” You could hear from his voice that he was smiling as he whispered that.
“Aaron, please?”
“Sweetheart, I’ll give you whatever you want…but you need to say it. I don’t read minds.” He started to move his hand away again, which drove you crazy.
“Finger fuck me. I need to cum. Please, Aaron?”
“Like this?” You struggled to contain the gasp that left your mouth when he suddenly plunged two fingers fully inside of you.
“Yes, fuck…that’s it” you whispered. “But now I want your cock in me.”
“No, baby” he whispered. “This is for you, not me.”
“Aaron, I need you inside me. It’s been so long. Please, babe? You’ve been teasing me with it pressed against me this whole time.”
“Damn, I missed hearing you say sexy things like that. Lean forward.”
You shook your head to say no.
“No? How am I supposed to fuck you then?” He again pulled his fingers out.
You turned around to face him. “Can you lift me in here?”
“Yes, carefully.” He started to walk towards you and guide you backwards the few inches until your back was against the shower wall. He lifted you into his arms, using the wall for support. It took a couple tries to align yourself.
“Slow, baby. I want to last. Fucking hell…” You had already pulled his hips to you using your legs wrapped around his waist. So much for slow. He was fully inside now.
“Sorry, handsome. I needed you to fill me up. Damn, I just missed your big strong cock.” You slicked his wet hair back out of his face. He moved in and kissed you hard.
“You’re so tight around me. Jesus Christ, I missed this. I need to pound that tight pussy.”
You moved your face over his left shoulder so you could whisper in his ear. “Fucking do it already then…unless you’re all talk…” He grunted as you teasingly took his earlobe between your teeth. That would get him worked up. That was precisely why you taunted him.
Aaron tightened his grip around you and moved away from the wall. It wasn’t easy to get the momentum, but he slammed in and out of you four…no, five times. He tried for a sixth, but lost it when you came after the fourth slam. You grabbed his chin to deeply kiss him.
He broke the kiss to explain that he was going to set you down. He lowered you to stand on your own feet, but tightly held you close while you adjusted to standing again. You peppered his chest with kisses to pass the time.
“I’m good Aar.”
He loosened his hold on you and reached for the travel body wash you’d left in his shower. He took his time lathering you up again and massaged your shoulders and back. When he was done he moved out of the way to let you rinse off. He’d gladly do it for you, but remembered you mentioned sometimes it was just easier to do it yourself.
You both changed into comfier clothes and decided to sit on the couch before bed.
Aaron leaned down to kiss the top of your head before he joined you on the couch.
“I love you, Y/N” he spoke in a low gentle volume just above a whisper.
“Even though I’ll never be the type to fall in line and agree? Also, I love you too.”
“Y/N, you don’t just fall in line.  It’s part of your charm.”
“Is that a nice way to tell me I’m annoying?” You softly giggled.
“No.  You’re determined, driven, and a fierce advocate for what you believe is right. You call me on my shit and that can be uncomfortable.  However, I’d much rather that than someone who silently agrees and hides their true feelings.”
“True. Plus, we’ve always been able to keep work professional.”
“Oh, so professional. Always.”  He smirked at me.
“Fine” you said as you swatted his arm.  “Mostly professional.  As long as you’re not arranging to have me shipped off somewhere.”
He grabbed hold of your hand after you swatted his arm and from the way your heart sped up you knew you were still just as much in love with him.
“I’m so sorry about the JTF. I wish I could’ve just protected you myself instead.”
He loosened his hold on your hand, but you grabbed his hand before he could pull away.”
“It’s okay, Aaron.  I didn’t bring it up to make you apologize again. You did the only thing you could think of to protect me.  You were protecting everyone.”
He squeezed your hand in his and moved your folded hands to his lap.
“My arm isn’t that long. I’m barely reaching.”
“Come closer then.”
You scooted closer and almost instantly felt Aaron wrap his available arm around you.  Neither of you moved right away. Eventually you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Why did you leave me right before you went to Pakistan?”
“I really don’t know.”
You looked up at him then. “Aaron, please talk to me.”
“I guess I got scared…again. My team had a lot going on with helping Prentis with this unsub who had it out for her.  She got hurt and I think the whole thing sent me back to Foyet.  I knew it wasn’t but in some ways it felt like that was happening all over again and I thought I should distance myself. Then when you called me out for doing just that I think I shut down. I can’t remember everything I said, but I know it was not kind. I’m sorry if I turned it around on you. Well, no not if…I did that. I’m sorry.”
“You should stop doing that.”
“Breaking up with you?” His eyes met yours and you smiled.
“Well, that would’ve been good too, but I meant distancing yourself.  I knew you’d have cases where you’d need your space.  I would’ve given you that and still been there for you after it was all over.”
“I get that now.  In the moment, clearly I didn’t. Not having dated someone new since I was in high school kind of froze me there at 17 when I was trying to learn and decipher it all.  Now of course everything is different.”
“Yeah, it is.”  You sighed.  “You’ll get it down eventually.  Worst case I guess Jack can teach you one day.”
“You always know the right thing to say.”  He patted your side with his hand that was resting above your hip.
“Aaron?” you looked up at him again.
“Yes, babe?”
“I appreciate you telling me this. My heart hurt so much for you when I realized this might have reignited past trauma. I thought you possibly needed to protect me in order for you to be able to leave. Love, I didn’t think anyone was coming after me, but I went along with it for you. Then when I didn’t hear from you I worried that you truly wanted to break up and this was how you did it.”
“Did you take a psych or human behavior class while I was away? I have no idea what that is called, but more importantly I’m shocked I didn’t see that as I did it.”
“No” you softly laughed. “That could be entirely off, so don’t take that as…I don’t know. Don’t take it as anything more than your observant girlfriend who loves you and worries about you.”
“You are amazing.” He pulled you tight against his chest and lifted your chin up. “I love you so much.” He brought his lips to meet yours and turned his head so he could softly kiss you.
You knew you should probably move to the air mattress as you felt yourself getting sleepy. It didn’t feel right to disrupt this sweet moment, so instead you snuggled into Aaron and rested a hand on his chest. You were starting to feel drowsy until you heard Aaron whisper your name.
“Yes, babe?”
“Thanks for not giving up on me. I promise that I’m trying.”
That woke you up. “I know you are, love. That’s why I’m not going anywhere.”
He covered your hand on his chest with his right one and squeezed.
~Next Part to Follow~
Tag List: @itsmytimetoodream @rousethemouse
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yelenavestbelova · 3 years
Yelena Belova x Y/n: Meeting her parents
Y/n is gender neutral.
Warnings: slight angst
Just got my first covid 19 vaccine so in celebration I'm posting this
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The first time Yelena introduced Y/n to her parents, she was incredibly nervous. "Melina, she'll show you her pigs, don't worry if she makes them stop breathing or anything." Yelena ran through all of the possible scenarios in her head of what they might say to Y/n or what they might do. They had only made it official after months of Yelena turning Y/n down, saying her world was too dangerous and hectic. Since she finally succumbed to Y/N's charm, she felt it only fitting that her mama and papa see the person who she claimed had stolen her heart.
As they walked down to the farm on the outskirts of St.Petersburg, Y/n tried to calm down Yelena’s ramblings. “I’m sure it won’t be that bad, El. They love you so much that it won’t matter what I am like”. Y/n squeezed Yelena’s hand, and she couldn’t help the small smile that came across her face.
“YELENA! Is that you?” A man in a red suit called from the door of the barn house and half ran out to quickly wave his hands at Y/n’s girlfriend, whose face turned a scarlet red at the sight. She turned around to smile at Y/n and dragged their hand down the hill, quicker to catch up to her father. "Yes, papa, it's me," she said in that flat sarcastic voice as Alexei then put his eyes on Y/n. “You.” Alexei pointed his large index finger at Y/n as the couple approached the man who towered over them.
Y/n felt their heart rate increase as Alexei glared down at them. “Papa..” Yelena threatened, and he immediately softened, extending his hand to shake Y/n’s, his smile reaching his eyes as he saw the person who was taking care of his daughter. “Come in, come in, Melina is making baklava for tea” Yelena rushed inside when baklava was mentioned, knowing it to be one of her favourites.
”So, what do you do for a living?” Alexei questioned as they made their way inside. “Mama!” Y/n could hear Yelena exclaim as they rounded the corner to the kitchen, where the mother and daughter embraced each other in a hug.
Y/n smiled, thinking back to the nights where Yelena would lie awake and sleepily tell y/n all about her estranged family and how much she missed them. She would tell Y/n as much as she could remember before the red room messed with her memories and turned her good memories into nightmares. After being freed from the mind-altering experience she had, she stayed with her parents from time to time, in between helping the other black widows of the world.
As mother and daughter released each other, Melina straightened up, and her eyes were immediately fixed on Y/n. “Hello,” she said in a stern tone and nodded her head in greeting towards Y/n, a coldness radiating from her. “Hello, Ms. Vostokoff, thank you for having me in your home” Y/n was well aware that Melina still had a heavy maternal protection over Yelena, especially after Natasha's death.
She let out a hum of acceptance and turned back to the small stove and removed the whirring kettle. Y/n raised an eyebrow towards Yelena, and she smiled back, “Sit down dorogaya” as she herself sat down. Alexei followed suit and sat down whistling what seemed like the melody to “American pie”. Y/n thought it was strange that a Russian family would know such an American style song.
“So Y/n, tell me about yourself? Where did you meet Yelena?” Alexei asked, facing his body toward Y/n. Y/n looked at Yelena, who encouraged Y/n to be open with her parents. “Umm, we met on a mission, actually. We were both after the same target, and I guess sparks flew” Y/n chuckled nervously, hoping Melina would engage in the conversation. Everyone was now over-exaggerating their conversation hoping she would join in.
“Oh really? That’s just like how I met my lovely Melina. Isn't that right, Kroshka?” Alexei smiled at Melina, whose back was still turned towards the stove. She let out a hum of acceptance. Y/n saw Yelena’s smile falter; she didn’t think Melina would act like this.
“I- eh- I work for S.H.I.E.L.D, actually” Y/n announced cautiously, and Alexei immediately shook his head in a negative manner. Melina’s back straightened immediately. “What did you say?” Melina picked up the knife that was lying on the counter beside her. At this, everyone seemed to jump up from caution. Yelena’s eyes widened in astonishment, “Mama, please..” she tried to defuse the situation. “You brought this American rat into my house! My lab!” Melina had quickly lost her temper and was flailing the knife around as she shouted.
“Look at them! Probably here to steal my life's work! Yelena, how could you have betrayed me like this?!” Melina focused her eyes on Yelena now, who looked broken at the thought of betraying her family. Y/n had heard Yelena’s anguished cries at night of being ripped from the only family she ever knew, to be taught to be a cold and bitter killer.
“Betray you? Why would I betray my family, mama? I am not you” Yelena’s walls had gone right back up. At the venomous words, Melina seemed to realise her mistake, but the bitterness was still lurking in her eyes. “Get out” Yelena let out an almost silent gasp and stormed out. Y/n and Alexei jumped at the slam of the door. Without missing a beat, the adoptive father rose from his seat and headed towards the door. “I’ll go talk to her”.
Melina eyed the shield agent, who was left shell-shocked in her kitchen. “So Agent Y/n….Did Fury or Hill send you?” Melina raised an eyebrow and leaned back on her countertop, as if the chaos of her adopted daughter storming out didn’t just happen. “What do you want to know about my work?” Melina pressed at the agent, “How to mind control those you wish to comply with you? Or maybe my research on the time stones? Or how to bring back someone from Vormir?” Melina’s anger had forced angry tears from her eyes, but they now just held a world of sadness. “You and your stupid avengers took my Natasha. She’s gone.” Her voice broke off into silent cries, and Y/n felt compelled to say something. Anything to help stop the hurt of the adopted mother of their girlfriend.
“I know what happened on Vomir.” Finally, Y/N was able to confront the situation with confidence. Melina was no longer the strong woman you first saw entering the home. Despite being outwardly vulnerable and exposed to the tragedy her whole family experienced, she felt it on a deep level. She lost her daughter. Y/N was left with nothing to do but watch and hope that she could help the poor woman.
“And I am sorry that you lost your daughter. If I could, I would have swapped places. It shouldn’t have been Natasha.” The grieving woman looked up as Y/n crossed the small room to face her. The final look that Melina gave them was stern, like Yelena did when she was upset with y/n.
'I miss her every single day. I will never stop missing her,' Melina finally said. Rather than share this information carelessly, she spoke cautiously, uncertain if sharing it with someone she had previously labeled a "rat." Even though they couldn't share in the same grief, they shared something, Yelena.
"I didn't know Natasha personally, but... Yelena never stops talking about her. In her rants and memories, she keeps her alive and it's as if she's never really gone. She’s left such a big impact on everyone who was in contact with her, I don’t think anyone will ever get over losing someone who meant the world to them but it does get easier. She is someone who deserves to be missed and not forgotten about.”
“I see why she picked you. You’re a good one”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Yelena has told me everything about you, Natasha and Alexei and all about how happy she was in Ohio. Thank you for looking after her” the crying woman gave a small smile of appreciation and wiped at her tears.
Y/n laughed at that and pulled out a seat for the woman to sit on. The door swung open and the two missing family members strolled in, play-hitting each other. “Oh stop you two! My baklava is getting cold” Melina said and hurried to slice the pie. Alexei winked at Y/n and went to help get the crockery. “Everything okay? She didn’t attack you or anything?” Yelena asked quickly, doing a once over on the agent. “No no, come sit with me” Y/n pulling back the chair beside her. “Let’s try a do-over on lunch”
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meenah-chan · 3 years
Safe Haven ~Epilogue~
A Barbatos x GN! MC fanfic
1.98k words
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Trigger warning: None
Requested by: @romaissa Thank you for waiting for this. I apologize for the wait. This turns out the way as I imagined it to be, more or less. I felt so fluffy as I edited this for the last time. I hope you'll like this last part. Enjoy~~ 😚✨💖💖💖
Part 1 (Safe Haven) | Part 2 (Safe Haven ~Another Story~)
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A Barbatos x GN! MC fanfic
1.98k words
Genre: angst
Trigger warning: None
It was the same cliff… trees and breeze... The same dusk… But the voice calling them were not anymore...
… sensitive yet capable... One that withstand pain and hardship yet kept their gentleness.
Despite it being in the middle of the day, the sky enveloping the Devildom is dark. Very unlike that place. A place where the sun would shine so brightly even from the back of their mind. Not the human world where they grew up. Not the Celestial realm they visited once. It was only the Devildom whose light came from the moon and not the sun. Should the moon doesn’t exist in this kingdom, it’ll surely be pitch black.
Yet, in the dimness of the kingdom they’ve suddenly been to... Who would have thought I would meet my sun in such a place? A smile formed on their face as they delved deeper in their thoughts.
As they did so, a strong wind blew past them. It was strong, they didn’t notice someone approaching them.
“Oh!” a pat on their shoulder snapped them back from their deep thoughts.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” They flit their head behind and meet with the same, familiar eyes.
“Lord Diavolo... Nothing. And Queen Rose? Did something happen?” Their surprised demeanor was replaced with a confused one. Why wouldn’t it? Since unless some responsibility on the Kingdom required to, the royal couple is technically attached at the hip. Which is still pretty rare.
“Stop with those formalities. You’re making me sad.” As if he were not such a tall, well-built demon, Diavolo looks at them like a weeping dog.
“Alright, I’m just teasing you... So, what happened?”
“Rose got angry over one of my posts on Devilgram.” His pout becomes more obvious as he complains to them like a child.
“Oh, that picture.” Diavolo didn’t have to elaborate further for them to guess which one it is. It was a picture of Diavolo pecking the Queen on her cheek on their bed chamber.
“Even if I were her, I would be mad. You’re the rulers of Devildom after all. You can’t afford showing any vulnerability to your people.”
“But love is our strength!” He emphasized the last word with his hand gesture and furrowed brows.
Which only received a giggle from the human. “You sound like those princesses in the movie we watched yesterday.”
“Hey, I’m being serious… Since when did you take her side anyway?”
“I’m just speaking with reason.”
“You’re so harsh these days. Where is the angel I knew? Barbatos is rubbing on you a bit too much.”
“I won’t be if you were a bit more reasonable. And remember, Simeon can be scary too sometimes.”
Diavolo paused for a moment to think. “Right.” And let out a sigh. “Why can't I win a debate with you? I'm the King, you know.”
“Then be glad I'm an ally.”
“But Y/N...” Diavolo stared at them for a moment. “I noticed you're becoming more beautiful. More than ever.”
“...Where’s Queen Rose? She needs to know the king’s flirting with his ex—”
“Hey, I don't mean it! I mean, not that way! You're beautiful as a friend.”
“Beautiful more than ever as a friend, yes?”
“I mean it with pure intention! And Rose is the most beautiful! You know that!”
“Most beautiful. Favorite line, huh…” They sassily fiddled with their nails as they stared at it.
“Let's settle this here? I-I'll even grant you a wish.”
They glanced at him from their nails and stared at him. “Pfft— Hahaha!! I'm kidding, I’m kidding, pfft— hahaha! You should have seen your face, hahaha!”
“Are you messing with me again?” He frowned at them.
“I was but, hey. A wish from the King is rather enticing.”
Looking straight in their eyes, “Are you still mad because of our past?” he asked. As if he's been holding this question back for so long. In guilt of what they have been through because of him.
And with a smile, they replied “No.”
It was the truth.
They could never hold anything against Diavolo. They can never hate the man they fell in love with…
“Your face is just so hilarious I can't help it.” Rather, they wanted to see that expression one last time. That expression I adored way too much, as I fell beside the cliff.
“Since when did you become so fickle?” Yet despite his words, a sense of relief emanates from the Royal Demon.
He is now certain. He is finally free from the shackles he created himself. And they...
“Spare Barbatos some slack. Some regular day offs will do too and you’ll be absolved of your offense.” Without Diavolo being able to snap a last glance on their face, they turned their back to him and started walking. Despite it, a smile formed on his face.
“Consider it done...” He said as they wave as a response before disappearing from his sight.
I see you’re finally free from my curse... Diavolo chuckled as he left to return to his queen, ready to ask for another forgiveness.
“Y/N.” It was the same cliff. The same trees and breeze. The same dusk who witnessed everything. But the voice calling them were not the prince’s anymore.
“Barbatos, you’re early.”
“I apologize for always making you wait for me but,” worry was showing on his face as he looked at them. “...do you always wait here this early?”
“Don’t mind it. I love waiting for you.” Barbatos’ heart skipped a beat from their words, a tint of pink forming on both person’s ear tips.
“A-Ah, right. You didn’t tell me you'll plant some flowers here.” They touched the petals of the Forget-me-not flowers as if to avert the butler’s attention.
It was as healthy as the one they took care of or perhaps even healthier.
“Were they not to your liking?”
“No, I… love them.”
“Then I'd be glad if that were the case. I raised them with the thoughts of you after all.” Even though Barbatos’ remarks were always like that, they couldn’t help but feel bashful everytime.
“Seriously, how can you say some cheesy lines so smoothly?”
“Hmm? I don’t recall saying such things.” He lifted a knuckle under his chin while glancing upward as if in thoughts.
“This guy..!” All they could do is shut up and frown. They couldn’t remember a time where they actually won on Barbatos’ wordplays.
“Is there something that displeases my flower?” Barbatos moved towards them when the frown they wore turned into a sad smile when they glanced again at the blue flowers.
“Well...” they sighed, Barbatos now stepping in to caress their face. “I just remembered the poor flowers I destroyed that day. I cared for them for a long time only to die from my own hands.”
Barbatos brushed his thumb to their cheek, fondness reflected in his eyes. “But they didn’t.” It was still like a dream for him to be able to hold them freely as he wished.
“What do you mean? Of course they will. I pulled them all off the ground myself.”
“Would you believe me if I said this plant was your flower’s seedlings and roots?”
“Y-You mean..!?” The human’s eyes snapped back to the Forget-me-nots. That’s probably why the flowers have the exact same shade and size as back then.
“I thought it’ll be a great gift for you.” He let them go to squat and check the flowers closely.
It took a while as they observed and admired the lush flowers. It was a comfortable silence, as Barbatos watched his favorite bud.
“Hey Barbatos.” Finally satisfied from staring at it, they rose on their feet. “I had some silly idle thoughts a while ago.”
“What is it?” He asked. But unlike them, the demon butler’s eyes never left his favorite flower. He could spend another millenia just gazing at them, and still say it’s the best sight he's ever seen.
“Devildom is a dark place no matter how I try to think of it.” He watch their back across the nightfall. The way the cold breeze brush through their locks. Those subtle shivers they give off as chills bites at their sensitive yet capable arms. One that withstand pain and hardship yet kept their gentleness.
“Then how come of all places, I’ll meet my sun there?” He tread beside them, not minding their words.
Not even the fondness in Barbatos’ eyes yields. Not in the slightest.
He knew. It was Diavolo. It will always be his Young Master. “He was so bright. So dazzling yet I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Diavolo will always be my sun.” And he… He already accepted this fact a long time ago. Staying by their side, until they found their happiness, is more than enough for him.
So instead of reacting, he removed his coat and placed it over their shoulder.
“I won’t forget. I will cherish the memories he left, no matter how painful it is. After all, he and the memories,” but they were thinking differently from Barbatos. They spun on their feet, suddenly facing him, who was just a few inches away from them, “...they all led me to my moon.” Their eyes were glistening, with him reflected in it. It took his breath– his words away.
“Shining through my darkest nights. Cradling me with its gentle light. Brushing off the tears from my eyes. My precious moon, who helped me remember that there’s still happiness beyond my sorrow.” They reached for his face. “Nights were supposed to be cold, yet he brings warmth instead. And you know what’s the most amusing thing?”
“In Devildom, whether it is day or night, you can see the moon in its brightest.” He never wants to assume anything, yet the way their thumb runs across his cheek so tenderly… The hope he hid with all his might, surges out wanting to be freed.
“Oh, but there is just one problem with my moon. He was so selfless, he wouldn't take me to himself.” The hand next to his cheek moved and brushed to the tip of his nose.
“Pardon?” He thought he finally sealed it away so perfectly, so why… With just a single touch…?
“I don’t wanna be single forever yet he keeps on ignoring my signs...”
“Wait, you mean…” But his promise… his vow to them...
“I still can’t say I don’t have any more feelings with Diavolo but I swear, I mean it. That’s why I’m already taking this to my hands… Hey–!” The knot within Barbatos’ heart came undone, along with the stream of tears he’s holding back due to their dreamlike words.
“Barbatos. Hey, don’t cry.”
They tried scooping his face with both hands only to stop by his own.“I’m so happy.” He placed one of their hands on his chest. It was warm, with his heart practically drumming crazily fast.
He never knew it’s possible to feel happier than the day they allowed him by their side. Incomparably so. It was at that moment he felt so… alive.
“I thought it’ll be a great gift for you.”
“This is the greatest gift I’ve ever received in my life.” He pulled their other hand and placed a tender kiss on its palm.
“I wonder if I can surpass this next time.”
“Then how about a kiss? Can I kiss you?”
“You don’t have to ask,” They took another step towards him, “I love you, my Luna.”
“I love you more, my Flora.” Barbatos sewed the space between them and soon, two breaths became one. All the words dissolved between their lips. Yet, all the emotions bottled up within poured out.
Of loneliness. Of longing. Of elation. Of attachment and inclination. With a spice of passion and devotion. All swirling together, filling the gaps in their hearts.
They parted just to converge again, like how their threads of fate crossed, unraveled and intertwined together.
The coldness of the night now utterly nonexistent within their moment, as they were embraced by the vivid rays of moonlight.
Part 1 (Safe Haven) | Part 2 (Safe Haven ~Another Story~)
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rainandandy · 3 years
Yelena Belova x Y/n: Meeting her parents
Repost from my old blog @yelenavestbelova
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Y/n is gender neutral.
Warnings: slight angst
Just got my first Covid 19 vaccine so in celebration I’m posting this
The first time Yelena introduced Y/n to her parents, she was incredibly nervous. “Melina, she’ll show you her pigs, don’t worry if she makes them stop breathing or anything.” Yelena ran through all of the possible scenarios in her head of what they might say to Y/n or what they might do. They had only made it official after months of Yelena turning Y/n down, saying her world was too dangerous and hectic. Since she finally succumbed to Y/N’s charm, she felt it only fitting that her mama and papa see the person who she claimed had stolen her heart.
As they walked down to the farm on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, Y/n tried to calm down Yelena’s ramblings. “I’m sure it won’t be that bad, El. They love you so much that it won’t matter what I am like”. Y/n squeezed Yelena’s hand, and she couldn’t help the small smile that came across her face.
“YELENA! Is that you?” A man in a red suit called from the door of the barn house and half ran out to quickly wave his hands at Y/n’s girlfriend, whose face turned a scarlet red at the sight. She turned around to smile at Y/n and dragged their hand down the hill, quicker to catch up to her father. “Yes, papa, it’s me,” she said in that flat sarcastic voice as Alexei then put his eyes on Y/n. “You.” Alexei pointed his large index finger at Y/n as the couple approached the man who towered over them.
Y/n felt their heart rate increase as Alexei glared down at them. “Papa..” Yelena threatened, and he immediately softened, extending his hand to shake Y/n’s, his smile reaching his eyes as he saw the person who was taking care of his daughter. “Come in, come in, Melina is making baklava for tea” Yelena rushed inside when baklava was mentioned, knowing it to be one of her favorites.
”So, what do you do for a living?” Alexei questioned as they made their way inside. “Mama!” Y/n could hear Yelena exclaim as they rounded the corner to the kitchen, where the mother and daughter embraced each other in a hug.
Y/n smiled, thinking back to the nights where Yelena would lie awake and sleepily tell y/n all about her estranged family and how much she missed them. She would tell Y/n as much as she could remember before the red room messed with her memories and turned her good memories into nightmares. After being freed from the mind-altering experience she had, she stayed with her parents from time to time, in between helping the other black widows of the world.
As mother and daughter released each other, Melina straightened up, and her eyes were immediately fixed on Y/n. “Hello,” she said in a stern tone and nodded her head in greeting towards Y/n, a coldness radiating from her. “Hello, Ms. Vostokoff, thank you for having me in your home” Y/n was well aware that Melina still had a heavy maternal protection over Yelena, especially after Natasha’s death.
She let out a hum of acceptance and turned back to the small stove and removed the whirring kettle. Y/n raised an eyebrow towards Yelena, and she smiled back, “Sit down dorogaya” as she herself sat down. Alexei followed suit and sat down whistling what seemed like the melody to “American pie”. Y/n thought it was strange that a Russian family would know such an American style song.
“So Y/n, tell me about yourself? Where did you meet Yelena?” Alexei asked, facing his body toward Y/n. Y/n looked at Yelena, who encouraged Y/n to be open with her parents. “Umm, we met on a mission, actually. We were both after the same target, and I guess sparks flew” Y/n chuckled nervously, hoping Melina would engage in the conversation. Everyone was now over-exaggerating their conversation hoping she would join in.
“Oh really? That’s just like how I met my lovely Melina. Isn’t that right, Kroshka?” Alexei smiled at Melina, whose back was still turned towards the stove. She let out a hum of acceptance. Y/n saw Yelena’s smile falter; she didn’t think Melina would act like this.
“I- eh- I work for S.H.I.E.L.D, actually” Y/n announced cautiously, and Alexei immediately shook his head in a negative manner. Melina’s back straightened immediately. “What did you say?” Melina picked up the knife that was lying on the counter beside her. At this, everyone seemed to jump up from caution. Yelena’s eyes widened in astonishment, “Mama, please..” she tried to defuse the situation. “You brought this American rat into my house! My lab!” Melina had quickly lost her temper and was flailing the knife around as she shouted.
“Look at them! Probably here to steal my life’s work! Yelena, how could you have betrayed me like this?!” Melina focused her eyes on Yelena now, who looked broken at the thought of betraying her family. Y/n had heard Yelena’s anguished cries at night of being ripped from the only family she ever knew, to be taught to be a cold and bitter killer.
“Betray you? Why would I betray my family, mama? I am not you” Yelena’s walls had gone right back up. At the venomous words, Melina seemed to realize her mistake, but the bitterness was still lurking in her eyes. “Get out” Yelena let out an almost silent gasp and stormed out. Y/n and Alexei jumped at the slam of the door. Without missing a beat, the adoptive father rose from his seat and headed towards the door. “I’ll go talk to her”.
Melina eyed the shield agent, who was left shell-shocked in her kitchen. “So Agent Y/n….Did Fury or Hill send you?” Melina raised an eyebrow and leaned back on her countertop, as if the chaos of her adopted daughter storming out didn’t just happen. “What do you want to know about my work?” Melina pressed at the agent, “How to mind control those you wish to comply with you? Or maybe my research on the time stones? Or how to bring back someone from Vormir?” Melina’s anger had forced angry tears from her eyes, but they now just held a world of sadness. “You and your stupid avengers took my Natasha. She’s gone.” Her voice broke off into silent cries, and Y/n felt compelled to say something. Anything to help stop the hurt of the adopted mother of their girlfriend.
“I know what happened on Vomir.” Finally, Y/N was able to confront the situation with confidence. Melina was no longer the strong woman you first saw entering the home. Despite being outwardly vulnerable and exposed to the tragedy her whole family experienced, she felt it on a deep level. She lost her daughter. Y/N was left with nothing to do but watch and hope that she could help the poor woman.
“And I am sorry that you lost your daughter. If I could, I would have swapped places. It shouldn’t have been Natasha.” The grieving woman looked up as Y/n crossed the small room to face her. The final look that Melina gave them was stern, like Yelena did when she was upset with y/n.
‘I miss her every single day. I will never stop missing her,’ Melina finally said. Rather than share this information carelessly, she spoke cautiously, uncertain if sharing it with someone she had previously labeled a “rat.” Even though they couldn’t share in the same grief, they shared something, Yelena.
“I didn’t know Natasha personally, but… Yelena never stops talking about her. In her rants and memories, she keeps her alive and it’s as if she’s never really gone. She’s left such a big impact on everyone who was in contact with her, I don’t think anyone will ever get over losing someone who meant the world to them but it does get easier. She is someone who deserves to be missed and not forgotten about.”
“I see why she picked you. You’re a good one”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Yelena has told me everything about you, Natasha and Alexei and all about how happy she was in Ohio. Thank you for looking after her” the crying woman gave a small smile of appreciation and wiped at her tears.
Y/n laughed at that and pulled out a seat for the woman to sit on. The door swung open and the two missing family members strolled in, play-hitting each other. “Oh stop you two! My baklava is getting cold” Melina said and hurried to slice the pie. Alexei winked at Y/n and went to help get the crockery. “Everything okay? She didn’t attack you or anything?” Yelena asked quickly, doing a once over on the agent. “No no, come sit with me” Y/n pulling back the chair beside her. “Let’s try a do-over on lunch”
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luvksj · 3 years
Undisputed Era: Pay the Price
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author’s note: hello, this is part two of my undisputed era smut and please be aware, i’ve never written smut before so... i’m going off what i know so don’t come for me if it doesn’t sound right. 
it’s a bit weird to be writing smut because i don’t really know how to write sexy stuff so... excuse me if this story turns out to be absolute cringe. for the record, it’s basically you giving them a blowjob.
enjoy the story and apologizes for any mistakes!
plot: you did this and now you must pay the price for your actions.
warning: this story contains NSFW, explicit sexual content that may not be suitable for some readers
“They get punished.” 
Adam’s smirk turned sinister, he wasted no time in attacking your neck viciously, leaving purple swollen marks behind as a sign of ownership. Curling your hands into fist, it became challenging to prevent a moan and despite Adam’s best efforts, you prevailed. 
Squeezing your eyes shut, clenching your teeth, holding your breath, and your fists became tighter as you didn’t want him to gain satisfaction. But this only annoyed him, “Okay, have it your way.” Adam shrugged before yanking the zipper down, exposing your breasts and caressed them.
Shaking, you let out a gasp allowing Adam to insert his tongue inside your mouth. The pleasure became overwhelming and you almost gave in but Kyle thankfully interrupted Adam, allowing you to breath a little, sinking down to the floor. 
“Come on dude, stop hogging her.” Kyle complained, ignoring Adam’s annoyed glare.
The other members mumbled in agreement, Adam stares at your disheveled figure and back at the others who eagerly eyed the chance at being pleasured.
Grabbing the hood of the jumper, Adam drags you towards the others who watch your every movement intently. Crouching beside your right ear, he whispers, “Listen Y/N, you’ll pleasure each of us one by one and obey our every commands otherwise there will be a price to pay so... don’t collect too much debt.” he teases.
You could feel his smirk as he continued talking, “Whatever we want, you must do. Now be a good girl and start with Roderick.” Adam points towards him who motions you over with his index finger. 
Crawling over, you take a deep breath and look him in the eyes, “Suck me off.” he commands while removing his jeans, shoes, and boxers revealing his mate which excitedly greets you. “... please spread for me.” you timidly ask and Roderick stretches his legs wider, giving you more room.
Staring at it, you start slowly licking it like a lollipop. Slow, teasing licks up and down his mate making him shiver in pleasure, each time, your tongue grazes past the tip, “Stop teasing.” Roderick scolds and you start taking him in. 
Placing your hands on his inner thighs for support, you start increasing the pace, hungrier licks stroke his mate, nibbling desperately as he throws his back in overwhelming euphoria. Your tongue assaulted him, it was merciless, “GOD FUCK! RIGHT THERE!!” he exclaimed.
Bucking his hips wildly, you struggle to keep up with his alarming pace, the tip of his mate slapping the back of your throat violently. Bouncing, your scream made it vibrate and he grabbed a handful of your hair, tugging it harshly making you scream even more. “I’M--” Roderick didn’t even finish his sentence as he released. 
Releasing with a ‘pop’, you cleaned him up before moving onto Kyle, who was already prepared. “Suck me off as well.” he instructed and you nodded. Looking at his mate, it was already hardened and you could tell he was touching himself during your session with Roderick. 
Laying on the sofa, you climb up as he spreads his legs out to give you full access. Staring lustfully, you stroke it with your skilled hands, brushing past his tip teasingly making Kyle growl, “Stop it.” his voice commanding. Eyeing him, you lick his tip before diving in.
Coating his mate your saliva, you suck him, drenching him in your saliva. Curling your tongue around his mate and letting go with your tongue grazing his member, Kyle grabs your hair, yanking it angrily, “Stop. It.” he frustratingly said.
Couple more long licks before nearly planting your face into his area when taking him in, positioning your hands on his inner thighs for support, you start bouncing. Your tongue continues it magic while Kyle grunts, closing his eyes, enjoying the experience.
He starts bucking his hips, continuously slamming the tip of his mate against the back wall of your throat making you gag. “FASTER! FASTER!” Kyle yells, increasing his pace and you fumble to catch up, he finally lets go and overfills your mouth with his seeds.
Dribbling out, you force it down your throat, giving him a wavering smile. “Good girl.” he pats your cheek. Bobby was next and you didn’t want anyone to know that you were secretly looking forward to this because he was your favorite one amongst the members.
Bobby chuckles, able to see the excitement in your eyes, “I’ll let you have your pick, sweetheart.” he informs and spreads himself out for your eyes. Travelling your eyes down his god-like sculpted body, you had no idea where to start. 
Climbing onto his lap, you start sucking his lips off, squishing his face between your hands. Bobby stumbles back, slightly surprised by your actions, he eventually regains himself and responds back, matching your eagerness. 
While distracting him with your flurry of kisses, you start grinding against his clothed mate whose desperate to touch your needy pussy. Bobby pushes you off, flings his jeans, shoes, and boxers off hurriedly, his mate shoots up, happy to be freed from his restraints. 
Pushing him down, you spread his legs further apart and attack. Your licks were rougher, hungrier and more desperate as he groans, throwing his head back in happiness. Saliva dripped when you released, breathing in some air. “Well I guess we know whose her favorite.” Roderick said making you blush.
“I mean... she’s got taste, fellas.” Bobby responded.
Blushing, you hear Adam’s cough, “You’re not done yet, sweetheart.” Sighing, you reluctantly pull yourself from Bobby’s embrace and limp towards  Adam. “Kneel.” he demanded, cautiously lowering yourself in front of him. 
Staring directly at his member, it was hard not to be turned on, it was physically fighting with his black skinny jeans to be freed. “Do your thing... darling.” Adam instructed as you scan his sculpted figure, quickly trying to figure out where to begin. 
Leaning forward, you take the zipper of his fly between your teeth and slowly pull it down, his member leaps forward and whacks you in the forward making you jump slightly.
Undoing the button, Adam kicks his shoes off and you pull down both his boxers and jeans with your teeth leaving him completely exposed. Even though, your body was aching, it still turned you on and without hesitation, you started doing your thing.
Starting off with slow licks, you curl your tongue around his member in such a way, it makes him howl with pleasure. “Fuck!” he curses, throwing his head back. Smirking, you continue licking his member like a lollipop and ever-so-carefully graze his tip making him shiver.
Taking ahold, you relentlessly lick his tip with such passion and lust, Adam’s howls of pleasure increase. Once you can see his seed starting to leak, you take him in whole without waiting for him, “GOD DAMN Y/N!” Adam yells. 
Your saliva coating his member as you continue to suck, nibble and lick hungrily on his member like you haven’t eaten in over a week. His member bangs like a drum against the back of your neck as Adam bucks his hips wildly to increase the pleasure. 
He doesn’t even finish his sentence as his seed floods your mouth, “Swallow it.” Adam commands and with much difficulty, you do. The exhaustion hits you like a ton of bricks, collapsing against his legs, catching your breath, the other members start praising your performance.
Their words become incoherent to you as your eyes start falling, the heaviness overpowering everything else. Someone picks you up, you don’t know who it is and frankly, right now, you don’t care-- you’re too tried to. “Go to sleep, Y/N.” he whispers but you don’t hear that as your are already asleep on his shoulder.
Waking up, you were inside a hotel room, still in your clothes and looked around, holding your head in absolute pain. “What happened last night...” you trailed off as you saw Bobby Fish sleeping right beside you. 
Of course, the first thing anyone would do is scream but the events of yesterday suddenly invaded your mind and you blushed, remembering the difference between the sessions you gave the other members vs Bobby. 
He must of been the one who took you here... and carried you.
From the corner of your eye, you saw your keys and belongings were (thankfully) on top of the small bedside cabinet beside you. With much difficulty, you got up and wrapped Bobby’s oversized ‘Undisputed Era’ jumper around your petite figure, you venture out to the hotel buffet.
Eating breakfast, you surprisingly didn’t run into any of the members. Heading back to your hotel room, flinging open the door to reveal them sitting patiently inside the tiny living room looking at you. “What’s going on?” you question, closing the door. 
“Where did you go?” Kyle asked. 
“The buffet... to eat breakfast.” you responded truthfully. 
They chuckle, making you confused, Roderick stands up and in a flash, pins you against the wall. “Baby... if you were hungry, you could of just said so.” he teases making your cheeks bright red. 
Tossing you onto the bed, they encase you, preventing you from escaping. Crawling towards you in different direction and hover over your body, making your heart beat rapidly and a heat begins pooling inside your stomach.
“It’s time for us to... return the favor, isn’t that right boys?” Adam says and the others nod in agreement making you blush even harder.
And they attacked, rendering you useless for the next few days. 
hope it’s good, sorry for not updating in a while... been busy !!!
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the8worldking · 3 years
BlackSun: Awakening after the first night of their honeymoon where they chat, discuss new plans in married life and of course bring up kids.
The sunlight was leaking through the curtains onto Blake’s face. This was enough to wake her up from her deep sleep after her long night of…celebration with her just made husband, Sun Wukong. She sat up and stretched her limbs before grabbing the robe next to her and getting out of bed to open the curtains, letting the full glow of the morning sun to illuminate their suite. Scattered about the room was their clothes and some pillows from the bed. Seeing all this and her husband sleeping on the bed mad her blush a bit. She picked up one of the pillows then went out the glass doors leading to the balcony and sat down at the table, gazing towards the morning vale sky. She could hear her husband making groggy noises in the bed as he was waking up. He stretched his back and his tail while letting out a high yawn. He then turned to face his wife who was smiling at him.
Sun: morning kitten.
Blake: you are so not calling me that.
Sun: I mean after last night of you calling me daddy I just-
Before sun could finish, Blake used the pillow she picked up and threw an absolute piss missile right into Sun’s face with enough force for him to fall of the bed. Sun then sat up and shook his head and looked at his wife whose face was beet red.
Sun: I was wondering what the pillow was for.
Blake: I know the jackass I married.
Sun and Blake then began to laugh together. Sun then got up to join Blake out on the balcony, but the was stopped by Blake with a raised hand.
Blake: Sun, I love the sight of you naked. But I also prefer to be the ONLY one who sees you naked.
Sun then looked down and saw his twin tails exposed in all their glory. He then made a light chuckle and grabbed the robe of the dresser on his side of the bed. He quickly put on his robe and went to sit next to his wife out in the balcony. Before Sun sat down, he gave Blake a very passionate good morning kiss.
Sun: damn to think a couple of days ago I married the greatest girl in remnant. Who just happen to be one of 4 of Remant’s saviors.
Blake: and beat the MANY competition to boot.
Sun: so, what do we do now?
Blake: well, there is that one tea shop we passed by that I want to see.
Sun: no, I mean what do we do for the future?
Blake: oh. Oh…
When Blake realized the question Sun was asking she looked down with a concerned look on her face. Sun saw this and went to comfort her by pulling Blake closer to him, laying her head on his chest.
Sun: Blake? What’s wrong?
Blake: I’m sorry I just…I just now realized I’ve never once thought ahead about that. Or anything after Atlas. When we came back to remnant, everything fell apart so quickly. Every kingdom fell, humanity was on the defense from Salem’s relentless assaults. I just stopped thing about “Tomorrow” because I thought I’d never see it. Because I though every second was going to be my last.
As the memories of the war came flooding back, Blake sunk her head deeper in Sun’s chest and began to tear up. Sun could feel her tears running down his chest. He picked her head up and used his thumbs to wiped away her tears.
Sun: Blake, Tommorrow is here. We survived the war. You and Your team Defeated Salem and Freed Oz of his curse. Humanity is now free of the Grimm thanks to the brother gods. Now everyone now has a chance to build a future they can look forward to. However and with whoever they want to.
Blake smiled hearing sun’s words. It’s been a couple of years since she’s ever thought about “what comes next”, but now she’s ready to give it a try.
Blake: well…I guess…I’d like to spend a couple of years with you exploring remnant like you said.
Sun: sure. Anywhere in particular you wanna got it first?
Blake: definitely Atlas. I’d like to settle down there. Oh that’s the second thing I want to do after.
Sun: I’d prefer somewhere a bit warmer but for you babe, I’ll deal with it. Also may I add another thing we could do after we settle down?
Blake: sure.
Sun: well…I’d like to one day…make you…a MILF?
Blake just gave sun a very confused look like she was looking at the worlds hardest calculus problem. Until she finally processed and understood what Sun meant by what he said. What every married couple brings up wether the beginning or middle of their marriage. The thought of children. Blake also had the idea of having children in the future before the war got insane. But know that the suggestion was back, she didn’t know.
Blake: well, I would like a couple of kids. Hopefully a son, it be more refreshing to be around more guys after being around and hounded by so many women. But I think we should hold off on that until…
Sun: we’re ready?
Blake: yes when we’re both financially and mentally ready. Well, until YOU’RE mentally ready. I’d like to raise 2 kids not 3.
Sun: oh shut up. I’ve got maturity coming outta my ass
Blake: oh totally. Breaking in the idea of children by telling your wife you wanna and I quote “Make you a MILF” is the most mature thing a man could say.
Sun: hey I’m just a man who wants to help the love of his life reach her true potential as the hottest MILF on Remnant. But Ruby might have a head start on you for that title. Again, what are Her and Jaune having?
Blake: triplets.
Sun: holy shit! I don’t know wether to be impressed or intimidated by The Arc seed.
Sun then got up from his chair and stretched out his limbs.
Sun: well now that we got that out of the way, I’m gonna get shower and get ready.
Sun then removed his robes and tossed them onto his bed. Seeing sun naked made Blake’s face red. Even though she’s seen him naked so many times, the sight of it never fails to make her feel flush in the face. She then began to had a mischievous idea forming her head. She believed they would save more time if they both showered together. Just before Sun entered the bathroom door, Blake quickly took of her robe, jumped of the bed and landed directly on sun. The force was enough to make him wobble forward a bit. It took Sun a moment to realize Blake was clinging on him, and naked at that. He heard her mischievous giggles, giggles he knows all to well. Having a good idea of what comes next, Sun carries Blake into the shower for a little “fun”. And after they’re done, they’ll explorer the town around them while looking forward to whatever release their new Tomorrow might bring them.
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drarryruinedme7 · 4 years
kinktober, day 14. gang bang
With a hint of voyeurism 😋 thanks to my ever present now beauties @chuckalart and @crimsonhead-ache 🥰as for this.. I have no regrets. I loved writing it. 1.4k of Harry, Draco, Blaise, Theo and Neville having some fun. 
Oh, honestly. 
Harry hated all of his friends. Ron had ditched the ‘guys night’ that Sunday to stay with Hermione, while Seamus and Dean had more important things to do (sex, of course). Only Neville had stayed with Harry, but only so he could spend some time with Theodore Nott.
That left Harry drinking beer in a corner with Zabini and Malfoy. Nott and Neville were with them physically, yet they kept throwing each other such dirty glances Harry wasn’t sure mentally they were somewhere else entirely.
“So… what do we do tonight?” Zabini asked, fidgeting with his wand.
Harry impatiently huffed. “I still don’t understand why Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs never join us.” 
“Because Potter—” Malfoy’s words were sloshed. Merlin, the git always got tipsy so quickly. “—they’re boring people who only want to study and do boring things. Because they’re boring.”
“What are they, again?” Harry asked, hearing Neville snort from where he was sitting right now— Nott’s lap, to be precise.
“Boring,” Malfoy repeated, chin raised. “Are you deaf, Potter?” 
Harry shook his head, amused. He surprisingly found himself not that unhappy to spend time with the Slytherins once he got to know them. 
“I have an idea,” Zabini said with a smirk. Harry panicked— he had learned to fear anything he said when he had that look about him.
“We should play truth or dare.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “Oh, because that isn’t boring.”
“Well,” Malfoy said slowly. “We could spice it up a bit.”
“Spice it up?” Nott asked as his hands tightened possessively on Neville’s thighs. Honestly. 
Malfoy pointed a finger to his temple as he pursed his lips. It was so theatrical that Harry couldn’t resist chuckling. That made Malfoy turn to narrow his eyes at him and declare, “Yes. We can only ask sexual questions and dare sexual acts.” 
“Mate gotta tell you, it looks a bit dangerous to do with only five men playing.” Neville’s voice was amused, and Harry registered vaguely that that’s not really how he recalled his friend acting before. He remembered him shy, coy… what was happening?
“That’s why it’s fun!” Zabini exclaimed, conjuring a bottle and placing it in the middle of their weird, ill-assembled group. 
“Alright, then we’re all in?” Nott asked, staring intently at Harry, when they all turned to glance his way, awaiting his response. 
Harry wished for a moment they’d be back in fourth year when his greatest worry was how to face a dragon.
“Fine,” he nodded. Maybe it was time to start experiencing that famous ‘youth’ they all talked about for once.
“Wait!” Malfoy closed his eyes and held out a hand where a vial smacked flying out his room. “Veritaserum.” He winked and poured a drop of it in everyone’s glasses.
“I don’t even wanna know how you have that, Malfoy,” Harry exhaled. 
The game started pretty expectedly. They’d asked who had ever given a blow job, or the weirdest place they’ve ever done it, and their favourite position… until Nott’s bottle pointed directly to Harry. 
Nott grinned wolfishly. “What’s a fantasy you would never admit to out loud?”
What a bastard. Harry shook his head, but alcohol and veritaserum mixed found him in an inexorable trap. “Me naked and blindfolded, with a group of blokes feeding me their cocks.”
The second he gritted out the words; he felt like all the air in the room had been sucked out. Everyone was looking at him with wide eyes and mouths open in shock. 
Harry was thinking of a quick way to Obliviate them all and flee the state when Malfoy recovered. “That’s—” he whispered, voice rough. He cleared his throat. “—interesting.” 
Harry whipped his head to him, ready to tell him to fuck off, but when he saw the expression on Malfoy’s face, the words died on his lips. His expression was full of lust and bared want, and it made Harry’s cock jump.
“It certainly is,” Nott agreed. 
“Say, Potter,” Malfoy continued, looking like a predator ready to attack. It made Harry’s blood quickly rush to his cock, hardening it in one go. “How’d you like four blokes feeding you their cocks and never telling a living soul?” 
“Make it three,” Zabini hastened to correct. “I prefer to observe.”
“Kinky,” Neville said, blushing immediately. Nott laughed. “I’d say everything right now has taken a very kinky turn.” 
They were all looking at Harry. Harry inhaled deeply, mind already supplying him all kinds of images involving cocks, mouths, and his deepest desire finally satisfied, which made him think with his cock rather than his brain.
Neville whispered a “Harry, please, remember you’re not, in any way, compelled to say yes—” when Harry held out a hand. His eyes watered: he’d thought he would never get to see his fantasy realised, and, weird as it seemed, he trusted them. 
“Yes,” he murmured. “Please, please, yes.”
Zabini was the one to conjure a blindfold and tie it behind Harry’s head, purring, “okay?” into his ear. Harry nodded and shuddered when Malfoy’s voice vanished Harry’s clothes. 
“Merlin, Harry.” Neville licked along Harry’s jaw, wrenching a moan out of him. “Who would have thought… this would be so hot.” 
He kept mouthing at Harry’s neck when Nott’s voice reached him too. “Erm, Harry, look, if it gets too much… just… tap your hand on one of our thighs, alright?” 
Harry nodded. Malfoy’s voice came stern this time. “Use your words, Potter.” 
“Wow,” Zabini chuckled from somewhere next to Harry. “Draco honestly gets to you, huh?”
Damn, Harry knew he must have been blushing all over his face and chest at the command in Malfoy’s voice. He felt his cock stiffen even more, if possible, and was sure the others must have seen the drops of pre-come that leaked from his cock at the words.
“Yes,” Harry said. 
“Open your mouth.” 
Fuck. Zabini was right. Malfoy was genuinely getting to him— Harry was suddenly feeling lightheaded, crazy with want anticipation. 
He opened his mouth and immediately groaned when what must have been Malfoy’s cock pushed past his lips, thrusting until it hit the back of Harry’s throat. 
Harry stubbornly ignored his gag reflex and worked his throat around what he was now sure was Malfoy’s cock, judging by the timbre of the groans that filled the room. 
“Fuck, Potter, can’t wait to see that pretty face of yours smeared with all our come,” he stuttered as he grabbed Harry’s hair and started fucking his mouth. 
Harry whimpered, clenching a hand around the base of his cock. A hand grabbed his wrist. “No touching,” Neville whispered into Harry’s hair. “Squeeze my hand instead, if that’s okay for you.”
Harry squeezed Nev’s hand, only to find his wrists tied behind his back in a matter of seconds. “You’ve got some wicked imagination, Potter, I would have never guessed,” Zabini murmured on his nape. “I hope you won’t mind me wanking off to this sight.”
Nott chuckled, whispering something to Malfoy. Malfoy’s voice came right into Harry’s ear then. ���Try tugging on the ties around your wrists. They should come off easily.” Harry tried. They did come off easily; he nodded. From that point on, he couldn’t concentrate on their words anymore. He was lost in the feeling of the cock thrusting in his mouth, of his wrists tied, of the kisses and bites someone was leaving on his collarbones, neck, shoulders. 
A second later, someone else’s cock —probably Nott’s— breached past Harry’s lips, and soon enough, he was gone entirely. He could barely sense when and whose cock was in his mouth anymore, could only feel pleasure grow in every part of his body, burning hot as fire in his groin as his balls kept tightening more and more.
A loud cry startled Harry from his stupor— someone… Zabini came with a string of nonsensical words and, “fuck,” he said, “the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, fuck.”
Not a second later, another boy was coming down Harry’s throat as someone else shot their load all over his face. Harry swallowed greedily, feeling dizzy. He was so aroused he couldn’t stop trembling, swaying his hips, fucking into the air. 
A hand circled his waist, followed by a reassuring voice, lips brushing against Harry’s. “Calm down, Harry.” It was Malfoy’s voice, so soothing Harry could immediately feel relief. “It’s okay; you’re okay. You did so well, you know? So good.” His praises made Harry sob, and a tear rolled down his cheek. 
Soon enough, he found himself quietly sobbing in Malfoy’s arms as he swept a soothing hand on his back. He untied Harry’s hands and slowly brought them on Harry’s chest, covering them with his own hands. “Yes, Harry, yes, just like this. You know you made us crazy, never have I been so aroused in my life. You’re amazing.” He kept murmuring reassurances in Harry’s ear until Harry’s breathing came out evenly. 
“I—” Harry tried to speak but had to stop with a sudden fit of cough. “I need to come, please,” he said weakly. 
Someone freed Harry of the blindfold, then, and Harry pulled back from Malfoy’s embrace to see Neville smiling gently at him. 
“Tell us how, and we’ll satisfy you.”
Harry smiled. “You already have, more than I could have ever imagined possible.” 
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sarah-writes-marvel · 3 years
Oxygen: Avengers x gn! reader
S.S.: Heya... its been a while. This is another fic kinda based on personal life stuff but I hope you like it still! 
--Little back story, Ive got a congenital heart defect and if I push my self too far this is kind of what happens. :)
Warnings: mentions bruises and cuts, difficulty breathing, other than that its just fluff!
Word count:1,589
Y/F/M: your favorite movie
MASTERLIST ============================
“Alright! Good job team. Another success.” Tony celebrated walking through the helipad entrance of the compound.
“We still took a heavy hit out there tho.” Clint argued massaging his newly wrapped wrist.
“But we’re still alive,” Tony said turning and walking backwards, “I’d say that kinda evens out the bad.”
Clint rolled his eyes at Tony’s slightly faulty logic before the team entered into the common area of the building. Tony immediately took a seat at the bar pouring a drink while everyone else just stood for a minute.
“Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm tired and in dire need of a shower.” you broke the silence, catching their attention.
“I second that,” Nat agreed. “And then maybe some pizza and a movie.”
Various words of approval echoed in the common room.
“Man, I was thinking about throwing a banger of a party!” Tony whined, with a sly smirk, which was returned with cold stares from each of the members. “Jeez, I was kidding.” he mumbled into his glass.
“I’m gonna go shower. I suggest you boys do the same. It's starting to smell.” Nat teased as she made her way to the elevator. Protests and grumbles came from the men standing there.
“She’s not wrong.” you whispered under your breath as you followed her into the elevator.
“I heard that!” Steve yelled out as Clint threw a throw pillow (how ironic) towards the elevator door, hitting the metal before it reached you and Nat.
After a fit of giggling at the attempt, you both leaned against the walls of the elevator, opposite sides of each other, trying your best to filter out the images of the mission running through our heads. 
“Hey, you alright?” her voice attracted your attention as you peaked open your closed eyes.
“Ya, I’m ok. I know that missions don't always end how we want but there's not much we can do.” you sent her a reassuring smile.
“I’m glad you realize that but I was asking more about how you're feeling. Your lips have a very subtle purple hue to them and you're just kinda pale.”
“Oh. I mean I don't feel completely awful. My chest kinda hurts but it's kind of a normal thing for me I guess. Maybe a little out of breath. And a headache.” as you continued to list off my symptoms it seemed more apparent, like the sudden lightheadedness, and the constricting feeling of taking in a breath.
“Do you need to go to the med bay?” She asked on full alert.
“No Nat. I'll be fine. It kinda comes with heart issues. I just need to rest.”
“You’re sure?” she looked at you sceptically, as if you would lie to a perfectly trained assassin who can pick up on any micromovement made.
“Positive.” As soon as you seemed to calm her down from her motherly attentiveness the elevator doors opened to our floor. You quickly gave her a smile and turned to my room while she turned towards hers.
As soon as you were in the safety of your room you striped your tactical gear, doing your best to keep an even breath as it began to feel like the material was constricting your body. With one last solid tug you freed yourself from the clothing leaving you only in underwear.
The reflection in the mirror wasn’t terrible… Maybe that was an understatement. Your lips did in fact have the not so lovely purple tinge to them, your skin looked almost as white as paper besides the bruises and cuts. The burning feeling in your chest and the headache just kind of added to the pain. 
You shook off the slight shock at the reflection, turning on the shower before stripping and stepping under the steaming water, washing away the grim that had apparently become one with your skin.
Despite it being relaxing, the shower did little to help the chest pain that burned through your chest, nor the continuous feeling of not having enough air in your lungs. So as soon as you stepped out of the shower and back into the room you found the little oximeter device and placed it onto your finger waiting for a number to pop up on the small screen.
‘80% oxygen level’ Well that's not good.
“Mx., should I call for a medic to assist you?” Jarvis’ voice echoed through the room causing the number representing your heart rate to spike.
“Uh- no, no it's alright Jarvis. I’m fine, thank you.” you reassured the A.I., pulling the device from your finger.
“Very well.” 
You pulled on an oversized shirt that just happened to have landed into your laundry one day and a pair of thin comfortable pants before moving to your closet.
“Man, I’m gonna regret this.” you opened the door revealing the several oxygen tanks hiding under the clothes that hung in your closet. They were there only for emergencies and no one else knew about them except Bruce, who you had sworn to secrecy which he thoroughly disagreed with.
You chose one of the half sized tanks and the shoulder bag that carried it, slinging it onto your back and adjusting the fit. You carefully wrapped the plastic cannula over your ears before taking the plastic wrench piece and opening the flow of the tank settling at a fairly quick air flow. Almost immediately you began to feel the benefits of the small amount of oxygen entering your lungs, breathing a sigh of relief.
You quickly slipped on your slippers before returning downstiar which you figured everyone had returned too by now. You followed the sound of voices and wrappers crinkling in the kitchen, walking into the group there intimately discussing the best type of popcorn. But as soon as Tony caught sight of you standing in the doorway the conversation halted.
“What's with the getup?” he motioned to you.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t know whose shirt it was, it was just in my clean laundry a few days ago.” you said, avoiding the obvious object in question. You looked up to see Nat giving me a pointed look and a deadpan from Tony.
“I meant the tube, and the backpack.”
“It's my new jetpack. You like it?” you smirked childishly at him as he rolled his eyes.
“Y/N. What's with the pack?” Steve commanded, obviously over the jokes.
“Sorry. I just needed a hit of oxygen. Nothing to get your undies in a twist.” you replied quietly. “What movie are we watching?” you asked, grabbing a slice of pizza from one of the various boxes that sat on the counter.
“Why do you need oxygen? Are you ill? Do you need new lungs?” Thor questioned passing over your previous one.
“Do you need your vitals checked?” Bruce suggested.
“How about we just take you to medical and have them look over you quick.” Clint suggested before stuffing the last of his pizza crust into his face.
“Stop!” you demanded, quieting the group. “I’m just fine. I checked my own vitals. I don't need new lungs and I'm not ill. I don't need medical treatment. What I need is just a relaxing night.” you stated.
“Are you sure? It wouldn't be a bad idea to-” Steve started before you cut him off.
“I'm sure. I’ve lived with this my whole life. I know what I need to do. Obviously if the out of breath feeling and the dizziness are constant then yes I’ll let one of you know that I need medical attention. Until then I just need some oxygen and RnR. Can we do that please?” 
“Fine, for now. But if you still feel crappy after the movie you're going down to medical. No questions.” Tony compromised.
“Alright. I'll try not to faint on you guys until then.” you smiled, which immediately faded when no one laughed. “Im kidding.”
“Well, Miss Comedian, what movie are we watching?” Nat asked as she poured herself a glass of water.
“Y/F/M?” you offered, getting nods and sounds of approval. Steve's eyebrows crinked in confusion.
“What's that?”
“You’ll love it, capsicle. Covers everything from the last thousand years.” Tony smirked, grabbing a box of pizza and leaving the kitchen.
Steve glanced at you before looking at everyone else who just smiled and followed Tony. Eventually he got up and walked over to you.
“Hop on.” he said, crouching in front of you. So of course you followed orders, adjusting the tank on your back before climbing onto his.
“Man if I get service like this I should wear my oxygen tanks outside of my room more often.” you smile as he carries me to the living room.
“Wait? You’ve felt the need to wear oxygen before and you didn’t tell us?” his grip under my legs tightened a little.
“Oh wow, they already got the movie set up!” you said, trying to wiggle from his grasp.
“Yes, I have just because I know that this would've been the reaction. Im sorry. Next time I feel like this I’ll let you know.”
“Good.” with that he let you down, sitting next to you on the couch once youve settled down. You carefully maneuvered yourself so that your head laid in Steve's lap while your legs were across Thor while the movie played.
It was nice to be worried about every once in a while despite the overbearing motherly attitudes of most of the male teammates, but what can you do?
S.S: Hope you liked it! Again I realize its kind of a case sensitive fic but I havent seen alot of fics with physically disabled characters. Thanks for reading!!
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