#so i can't say ''oh he must have been hacked this must have been some kind of mistake''
gender-euphowrya · 11 months
days without people i thought i could trust to be at the very least decent proving me wrong 0️⃣
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queerholmcs · 30 days
the mind of moriarty 👑🧑🏻‍💻♟️
I had the absolute pleasure of doing the original "the game is now" escape room experience immediately followed by the new moriarty-centric escape room (as though the first one wasn't moriarty-centric enough?) with @victorianpining and @647763 back at the end of July, and I did promise a full write-up when I came back to my senses at the end of it!
First off, I could not have been more pleased with the experience; I do absolutely recommend giving it a go yourself if you have the chance. Now, if you're in the mood for spoilers, I'll be detailing some thoughts and recollections below the cut. 💙
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Just in case the first escape room experience didn't quite convince you, Moriarty is dead. It's very important that you know that going into this. He's the most dead anyone has ever been. He's so dead he "wishes he could die twice!", after all! They have to keep saying it because otherwise you might forget it, you see. Especially after Sherlock had a whole drug trip on a plane to prove how someone might have faked their death in such a manner only to conclusively decide that dear old Jimmy boy is in fact dead.
I'm assuming everyone reading this is already relatively familiar with the first escape room, and the whole bit where the Network is operating under the guise of "Doyle's Opticians," so I won't spend any time discussing that, except to say that we did get a few confused looks from the various Stamfords when we reappeared (after finishing the first escape room and making the choice to stick to non-alcoholic beverages at the Mind Palace prior to the second) to say, "Oh, no, we didn't get turned around or anything. We've just got a second appointment." (You mean to tell me that most people who go do one experience and then just... leave? Without doing the second one the very same day? What an absolutely unfathomable concept.)
The opening puzzles before the "John Watson held at gunpoint" briefing video (which was the same as that used for the first escape room) were particularly fun: you're shown a series of four images, and you have to figure out the pattern of what's changing (being mirrored, one might say?) between each one to choose the fifth of the sequence from a selection. (Ref. 1: Into the Woods: How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them, John Yorke.)
And then you go on to 221B Baker Street for photos and a brief moment of shenanigans, and I must add a note here that the Stamford who was working with us on this round was brilliant, you could tell she was absolutely loving her job, and there was a bit of a spiel about observation and logic and deduction that turned out to actually be helpful in solving the puzzles in the first room. (Shocking, that she wasn't just harping on about those concepts for fun!)
Anyway, Mycroft shows up via video feed, per usual, and introduces the premise of this game: James Moriarty (who is most assuredly dead, by the way, it's very important that you remember that) programmed an AI before he died—"an archive of maniacal data"—and your job, as new (read: expendable) recruits in the Network, is to go into a virtual-reality space called the Nexus, where you need to hack into the AI and replace Moriarty's mind with—well, not yours, obviously, you're "far too, as they say, basic"—but with Sherlock's. But why not use Mycroft's mind? you may be asking. Especially if he's the smart one.—because, dear reader, "One Mycroft Holmes is already too great a gift for this world. Two would be an indulgence." And that's verbatim from Mycroft Holmes as protrayed by Mark Gatiss himself. I am going to haunt him in whatever comes after this life. Still can't believe that you give them money and in exchange they insult you for approximately ninety minutes and at the end you say 'thanks, this was so much fun, I will definitely be doing this again!'
Right before you go into the first room, you are helpfully reminded by Mycroft one last time that "despite what video games suggest, you absolutely can die in the virtual world." Bit of a theme they seem to be harping on! It's almost like they're trying to get you to really believe that Jim is actually dead or something!
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(Photos are all from the official 221b social media accounts.)
The first room is a sort of fusion of the pool from TGG with a chemistry lab and a hospital corridor, and also a miniature version of Jim's prison cell from THOB is there. There's a mannequin of John Watson decked out in a Semtex vest in the corner, and you get the usual experience of solving lots of intellectually- and tactilely-satisfying puzzles, which included opening a bordering-on-comical number of lockers. The John mannequin has a key in his hand labelled "007" (classic!) and a phone in his pocket so you can text Mycroft. Moriarty reminds you that he's the good old-fashioned villain in this fairy tale, and that Sherlock needs him or he's nothing, and that John is Sherlock's "live-in ordinary person."
I also particularly enjoyed the little chemistry puzzle in this room—they do give you a periodic table on the wall, so you have all you need to solve it without any prior knowledge, but who goes to a Sherlock escape room without a graduate chemist in hand?
(We also decided after the fact that the gift shop definitely should have been selling packs of the stickers seen on the lockers in this room, one of which was notably a pixel-art TV with a rainbow screen and the phrase "brainwashed".)
The highlight here, however, was definitely the prison cell. There's a letter on the chair that's on Pentonville Prison letterhead and signed by Mycroft and otherwise consists of a paragraph or two of fully redacted text. The walls have a number of fun phrases scratched into them, like "THREE SIGNS IS NOT ENOUGH" and "TOO MANY THATCHERS", which continue to live in my mind rent-free. (Some of the other phrases were helpful hints for the puzzles you had to solve, but those two weren't even relevant for the puzzles, as I recall. They were just bonuses. Specifically designed to haunt me, personally.)
At some point in here, Moriarty—no, sorry; his recorded voice, because he's dead, remember! We're just poking around in his virtual mind! ("Jim recorded lots of little messages for me before he died," anyone?)—insults you over the speakers, saying, "Goldfish, goldfish, goldfish have better recall than you!" (Mycroft Holmes in TEH, "I'm living in a world of goldfish," anyone?)
Anyway, you solve all the puzzles and put the phone you were using to text Mycroft in Jim's prison cell and continue on your way, going further into the mind of Moriarty, in the direction of the "Watson Ward" and "No Sherlock beyond this point" arrows. (Big moment for "there's definitely a reason that every other character in the canon has the initials J(H)W or its respectable inversion JM" girlies!)
Also there's an audio clip of Jim saying "choo choo!" as you leave the room. (Big moment for TFP girlies! I think my exact words were "I am going to kill myself.")
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Onto room two! Green lasers everywhere! (They definitely intended you to do a fun little acrobatics situation here but we were content to hit the floor and crawl to find the buttons to disable them.)
After you disable the lasers, you get to focus on the primary puzzle of the room: a wall covered with sketches of people and copies of incriminating evidence, and you have to connect the scarlet thread red strings between each member of the jury and the evidence that Jim was blackmailing them with—you know, from way back in TRF? When the key code wasn't important at all, it was just about knowing someone's pressure points? (There's a Mary who's having an affair and is a lesbian, btw. Just like our mystery corpse in the original escape room, we should never assume someone is straight when there's room for them to be gay.) This puzzle as a whole was really satisfying, I will say, though it did make us wish for either a notepad or a massive whiteboard to make notes on while we solved the little logic puzzles to match the people to their blackmail material. (They could give you little branded notepads and pens to take with you through the rooms, and to keep as a souvenir, like the ones hotels give you! It would be so fun!) This was definitely the puzzle we spent the majority of our time on.
And then you get to the highlight of this room: opening the safe to reveal Jim Moriarty himself—well, a mannequin version—decked out in the Crown Jewels, happy as could be. There's a reminder that nothing in the Tower of London is as valuable as a few tiny lines of computer code that can open any door. And Jim's written a silly little poem of sorts and draws far too much attention to both "the rod of power in his right hand's grasp" and "the Orb" between his legs (and then we were at the Tower of London two days later and found out that that's not just a euphemism, it's literally called the Orb? Unhinged behaviour. And I don't even know who to blame for it now. The "rod of power" bit was all him, though. Could have been normal and called it a scepter!) and you have to figure out a code and (spoilers!) the code is 7437. Which is fine and perfectly normal and I'm sure the vast majority of people who complete that room think nothing of it, but unfortunately, we were not a group of "the vast majority" and so our experience was not what you might call "fine and normal", because Mia input the code and there was a little beep of success of and then she, without missing a beat, went on to say, "Oh, that's so funny! That's the numbers for S-H-E-R," at which point Rebs and I immediately sank to the floor to stare into the abyss while waiting for the next door to open.
So, just to recap: the point of TRF was definitely that there was no code, there was never any code, it was just about knowing people's pressure points and getting them to do what you wanted, but now that we're inside Moriarty's mind it's definitely all about codes and there's a silly poem to draw attention to various things including, but not limited to, the Orb between his legs, and the code that you need from him so that you can go deeper into his mind is S-H-E-R. Yeah. Sure. Why not. This is Fine! What really haunts me is knowing how many people will do that escape room and will never know that that's what those numbers mean. Because why on earth would you?
(Just to prove how normal I am about this, I won't even say anything about a potential parallel between Moriarty's "Orb" situation and the globe on Mycroft's desk under Whitehall. See? I'm not even mentioning it, why would you bring up something like that? No M-theory here, no sir! Not a single trace of it!)
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Congratulations, you've made it to the rooftop, where Sherlock jumped off a roof and James Moriarty met his end, and I swear Jim has a line somewhere in there complaining about how hard it is to plan this sort of thing. (Whatever that means!)
We've got screens playing clips from all thirteen episodes of the show—okay, that might be an exaggeration; I didn't actually check to see if there were clips from every single episode. But there were definitely clips from series four, which is very funny considering how the universe that these rooms seem to be set makes exactly zero mention of John's wife at any point in time. (Hey, hello, hi, it's me who's writing this. Obviously I noticed when there were shots from TFP on those screens.)—and there are computer-code-esque symbols on the walls and Jim is lying dead on the floor and Sherlock is standing on the edge of the rooftop.
Here are some fun facts for you: the gun is still in Jim's pocket. (He's definitely dead, though! You know how you shoot yourself in the head and then return your gun to its rightful place before you politely lay down and die?) And Sherlock's mannequin is wearing the purple shirt of sex a purple shirt, which is a detail that might not be noticed unless you're thoroughly ransacking his every pocket (twice) to check for a missing key, and I was going to say something about how of course he is, because what else would you expect him to be wearing when we're three levels deep in Moriarty's mind and the code to get this far was S-H-E-R, but then I went back and checked and Sherlock is, in fact, wearing a purple shirt at the end of TRF. (Which somehow still doesn't actually negate any of the above, imo.)
Anyway, the first puzzle in this room involves finding a bunch of physical puzzle pieces to solve a puzzle, and figuring out how to unlock doors to obtain all of the pieces, and some of the padlocks use code words that they give you by putting phrases from their "sophisticated and cerebral" merch on the screen and highlighting letters, and some use numbers that you get by solving other riddles, but one of them is a padlock with a physical key and (spoiler!) it turns out that you don't even need to get the key for that one, because there's another way to get the puzzle piece out without unlocking the door at all! (Was his grand daylight robbery scheme a matter of keys and codes, or was it just about knowing people's pressure points and blackmailing them? You decide!)
And then it's time to manage the final task of uploading Sherlock's brain to the AI, which is accomplished by running around hitting buttons while music plays over the speakers to instil a sense of great urgency. You definitely would not want to do this with fewer than three members in your party. This is where they use Jim's line of "Surprise! You didn't think I'd just disappear, did you?" as seen in one of the teaser trailers, and they also plaster every screen with the classic "Did you miss me?" footage that mysteriously appeared on every screen in the country at the end of HLV.
But when you do manage to complete the task, Mycroft's voice comes back to congratulate you, and to sort of threaten you (though that's par for the course when it's Mycroft Holmes we're talking about, I'll admit), and to leave open the possibility of your returning for another job someday. I, for one, cannot wait to see what they're going to do for round three. (Personally, I think it would be very funny if they put one of the rooms on the Demeter for the next one. No rebranding necessary, no discussion of Dracula at any point whatsoever, but for some reason you find yourself on a boat, in cabin number 9, playing chess with the Devil himself Moriarty! What a shocking and unforeseen turn of events that would be!)
(The only real downside of them doing a third room would be that I would then have to make time to do three of these in one day. And that might be a bit excessive. I mean, three eye exams in one day? Someone's definitely going to say something.)
We had a very lovely time at the Mind Palace bar after that, to debrief a bit, and there was a logic puzzle that I still need to sit down and crack at some point when I have a moment. I was personally very pleased to find drinks called "The Diogenes Club" and "The Lying Detective" (both of which I was contractually obligated to order, naturally), and did you know you can rent out the bar for private events? I'm sure I would be very normal about such a situation. (Good job I'm not local to the area, truly!)
This has already gone longer than I think I intended, and I'm sure I could keep going, given the opportunity, but I'll close things out here, and say again that I do absolutely recommend doing the escape room(s) if you have the opportunity; I could not have been more pleased with the experience. My sole complaint is that they don't let you wander back through the rooms after solving the puzzles to have a moment to appreciate all the small details when you're not working against the clock. And also they should send me the scripts, as a treat. Along with any remaining unused video or audio footage. (Moftiss, my DMs are open, feel free to drop the links at your earliest convenience!)
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ravi-is-my-beloved · 2 months
I will genuinely never get over 'Buddies hacked Lou' drama. This wasn't a little niche belief of some people on Twitter; I'm not a big blog by any means, and I lost so many people I've followed for YEARS because they insisted he must have been hacked...
People who seemed totally sane otherwise! They just came on Tumblr one day posting that 'it was so sad people would violate Lou's safety' or that they 'were waiting for more information to come out'. I think some people were really expecting him to make a statement about it, but he ignored it. BECAUSE HE WASN'T HACKED. And then everyone just kept insisting he was hacked or started being racist too. Oh, to be an average white guy in hollywood...
Tommy fans always are like "Oh, people bring up the stuff that Lou posted a decade ago but are so quick to excuse and not even talk about the transphobic stuff Ryan said last week." And like yes, we shouldn't be ignoring all of the problematic stuff Ryan is doing and saying but also, you're forgetting that Lou tweeted a problematic meme in 2024.
And it's because they wholeheartedly think Lou was hacked for reasons that fall flat when you look at those reasons with a critical eye.
"Oh, Buddie fans were the only ones who were awake and there to see Lou post that!" Have y'all heard of different timezones and how it's normal for a huge chunk of people to be awake at the same time?? Also, I don't believe for a single second that not a single Tommy fan was awake around that time too, they're just ignorantly believing that Lou was hacked.
"Lou would never have posted that, he changed!" He's a celebrity, you're never going to know him truly like you would a friend or family member. You don't know that he wouldn't have posted that in 2024, because you don't know him. You don't know that he's changed, he might've stopped posting problematic memes because he knew it would get him canceled in this day and age.
They were so quick to defend their favorite white actor that they truly fell down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. All because they want to paint all of Tommy Haters and Buddie fans as unhinged and vile.
Last week, I saw a BT fan on here say that Buddie fans have taken to creating fake posts of BT fans saying wild takes and screenshooting them to make BT fans seem bad and their reasoning for that was "I've never seen a BT fan actually say anything BoBs say we do." And so many people were reblogging and saying "Yeah, I follow so many BT blogs and I've never seen anything like what BoBs are saying."
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this fandom regularly takes stuff that is being said on Twitter and putting it on here to be like "Oh, look at what Buddie/BT fans are saying." And it's not entirely representative of what people are saying here on Tumblr. They do it all the time themselves, but apparently Buddie fans are the ones making shit up.
And these people are the same ones who are like "People who hate Tommy don't have critical thinking skills." (Something that I've actually seen someone on here say in one form or the other.)
Like I'm not the one who went through mental hoops to start a conspiracy theory that Buddie fans hacked Lou. I'm not the one who thinks that just because I haven't seen someone on my side of the ship war say something outlandish that it means no one on my side of the ship war had actually said that outlandish thing.
I admit that there are things that I struggle to understand/am slow to understand, but at least I'm not out here thinking that anyone who disagrees with me lacks critical thinking skills. And yes, I know my previous paragraph might seem like that's what I'm saying, but it's truly not. I'm just saying that you can't say that the haters are all unhinged/lack brain cells when you have believed something so readily without much thought/proof.
I'm going to end this response with this:
Not putting celebrities on a pedestal is truly something that this fandom struggles with. Anyone who puts any of the cast members on pedestals have forgotten that we will never truly know celebrities' true personalities.
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authorautumnbanks · 14 days
How To Tame A Sorcerer: Side Stories (18)
Main Story
Side Stories
"I am not pleased by these recent developments," Buyo meows as he stomps one paw on the floor. He wrinkles his nose. The problem with Megumi-kun's shadows is there is no sound to emphasize the slamming of his paws on the inky black floor. How is he to get his point across? The shikigami look at him and laugh. "This is no laughing matter! We must take control back before more of these... these eggs are created."
Why don't they see the writing on the wall? More shikigami is a terrible thing! Buyo eyes the vast darkness of Megumi-kun's shadows and huffs. Well, it is no wonder they cannot see the writing on the wall when there is no light in this place. Perhaps he should bring some kind of light with him? Brighten things up a little. Make it feel a little more alive.
"You don't like me?" Ryuren asks. His eyes widen and his jaw wobbles as though he is going to cry.
Buyo curls his lips back in slight disgust. There is something wrong about a dinosaur-like creature attempting to cry. A train wreck. A catastrophe waiting to happen. It is too much. It is disgusting. And frankly, he will have nightmares from the visual alone. "You are a strange, strange creature."
"Leave the baby alone," a rabbit says.
"He's upset because he can't talk," another rabbit says, falling onto its back and kicking its hind legs up with glee.
"And he's not a shikigami," the third rabbit points out. "Awwww, is the wittle Buyo jealous?"
"Stop laughing! This is serious! We are being overrun with these-these children! This is NOT a daycare."
Mahoraga sighs and crooks a finger at Ryuren. "Come here, little one." His palm is bigger than Ryuren's body. "If the cat continues to pester you, tell the priestess." Mahoraga pats the much smaller shikigami's head.
Everything comes to a stop. Tell the priestess? NO! They can't tell Kagome or she'll give him that stern look or worse, a talking to. No, he has to put a stop to this.
"This is between us, not Kagome," Buyo meows and then clears his throat. Damn hairballs are always clogging his throat. He should ask Megumi-kun to brush him later. "This does not require human intervention. This is between us demons and shikigami only!" Buyo lets out a mighty roar and then coughs. His body is overcome with tremors.
"Is he okay?" Ryuren asks.
"Buyo has not been keeping up with properly cleaning himself," the other cat shikigami, Shiro, says with a sniff. "At his age, he should know better, but he depends on Megumi-sama to do the work for him." Her small wings flutter behind her.
If he wasn't too busy hacking up a hairball, he'd give that kitten a piece of his mind. Buyo coughs one more time and then shakes his body. "Enough! I take care of myself plenty. Why—why, you shouldn't talk to me that way," he splutters. "I have been around longer than you and Megumi-kun and I have a special relationship that you could not comprehend!" How dare she try to turn the others against him! And after all he has done for her?
"Someone is jealous," the rabbits sing, wrapping their arms around one another and hopping in sync. "Jealous. Jealous. Oh, Buyo Jr. is jealous. The jealous of the jealous. That is Buyo Jrrrrrrr! A big ol' whiny nekomata." They clasp paws and go around in a circle, giggling. "Buyo Jr. is a big ol' whiney nekomata. Jealous. Jealous. Oh, he's soooo jealous."
"No one is jealous!" Buyo growls. "You, Shiro, are nothing more than a kitten. If it had not been for me, then you would have been gone. You can't even fly properly with those tiny wings."
Shiro blinks her large blue eyes. Her bottom lip pokes out.
Oh, meow's sake! Is she about to cry?
"Mahoraga-san!" Shiro cries. "Buyo is being so mean."
She cannot be serious! Those are such fake tears. No one would fall for that.
Mahoraga grunts and stands. Buyo tilts his head back and stands, too. He is not and will not be intimated by some overgrown wannabe divine general.
"That is enough," Mahoraga says, grabbing Buyo by his scuff. "Enough of your pity party. You are nothing more than a spoiled kitten."
Kitten! He is over three hundred centuries old! A kitten, he is not.
"How dare you! None of you have any self-preservation! You aren't even Megumi-kun's shikigami!"
"Why aren't you tamed?" Shiro asks.
Buyo rolls his eyes. What does that matter? Who cares? He takes a swipe at Mahoraga, but the general keeps him at arm's length. Hmph. Oversized general is lucky he is not in a murderous mood today or he would wipe his ass all over these shadows.
"Megumi has not tamed me. He must go through the ritual. None have tamed me."
"Oh." Shiro looks down at her feet and then up at Buyo. "It is nice of you to attend these meetings, still. Perhaps one day, Megumi-sama will tame you. You would be of great help against Sukuna."
"Let me down!" Buyo meows. "I need to talk to the runt." When Mahoraga sets him down, Buyo flicks up his two tails and sticks his nose in the air. "Oi, you, dinosaur."
"It is Ryuren," the dinosaur shikigami corrects, ruffling his arm feathers.
"Ryuren," Buyo says, rolling his eyes. "You can talk to Megumi-kun, which is more than what Shiro can do."
"I can learn to talk." Shiro sniffs.
"Anyway," Buyo continues, because no one asked her for her opinion. "I need ya to give word to Megumi-kun about a plan."
"P-plan?" Ryuren's yellow eyes blink so much it gives Buyo whiplash. "What plan?"
Buyo holds up a paw. "First, stop blinking. Second, stop talking. Third, I am about to tell you the greatest plan of all plans."
"Oh, this should be good," a rabbit crackles.
"You think he'll hack up another fur ball?" another rabbit asks.
"I just hope the next shikigami is another canine," the wolf says. At that, Buyo snaps his fangs, but the wolf shikigami lays his head on his paws and yawns.
"Or something that is not a predator," the owl shikigami quips.
"You are a predator," the elephant says. "So, you just want another prey shikigami?"
"SILENCE!" Buyo bellows. "I am trying to explain the glorious plan. You keep it up and I will drop hints to Kagome-san that the next shikigami should be a mouse."
"That wasn't very nice," the third rabbit says. "What a meanie."
"A meanie poop," one rabbit says.
"A poopie kitty," another one crackles.
Buyo closes his eyes and paws at his face. Why must he be stuck with such idiots? "Can we focus for five seconds? Why is that so difficult?"
"You need to treat others how you want to be treated," the deer shikigami speaks up.
"No one invited you," Buyo mutters.
"I am just as a part of Megumi's shadows as you are."
"Anyway." Buyo rolls his eyes so hard they nearly pop out of his skull. "Back to the plan at hand. We have an immediate threat, and that is the abomination known as Sukuna. He must be stopped and then we will deal with the shikigami apocalypse."
"What do you propose?" Shiro asks, scooting closer to him. Buyo scoots away, but every time he moves away, this damn kitten moves even closer.
"Why are you touching me?"
"You're warm."
Buyo sighs. "As I was saying." He glares at Shiro before continuing. "We must put a stop to Sukuna. And Shiro, as much as it pains me to admit, has brought up a great point. You, Mahoraga, would give Megumi-kun an edge."
"Perhaps," Mahoraga says slowly, "but Megumi has not tamed me and Sukuna has already defeated me. He knows what to do now."
"He defeated you without a buff."
"Oh? You would share some of your energy with me?"
"I am a kind demon. Some would say the greatest."
"No one says that," one rabbit says.
"Some may call you a brat," another one says, elbowing the other rabbit in the side.
"The brattiest of all the brats! Buyo Jr. the bratty nekomata." The rabbits link arms again and kick their hind legs up. "The biggest brat of them all. Bratty, bratty, Buyo Jr."
"One day I will eat you," Buyo deadpans. He needs a hit of catnip to deal with these rabbits. "As I was saying, once again. Ryuren, you will tell Megumi-kun that it is time to tame Mahoraga... and the deer. Start with the deer. You can heal, right?"
The deer shikigami snorts. "Is water wet?"
"I don't...is this a trick question?"
"Of course I can heal."
Buyo squints. What happened to treating others how you want to be treated? "Why didn't you just say that? I was confirming that it was one of your abilities." Buro curls his top lip back. It is not as though he, Buyo, the greatest nekomata ever, concerned himself with what the ten shadow users could do. He got the information from the rabbits, and they are trickier than foxes, so naturally, like the smart demon he is, he asked simply to confirm.
None of them deserves his greatness. It is simply for Megumi-kun's sake that he puts up with them. Boosting their abilities with his demonic energy.
"Can we wrap this up?" Shiro questions, yawning. "I can't stay awake too much longer. I'm growing."
"Me too!" Ryuren chimes. "I'm gonna be as big as Mahoraga-san!"
Disgusting. Buyo grimaces and then musters the energy to continue. "Instruct Megumi-kun to tame the deer shikigami first, as it can heal him. I am not limited by his cursed energy and neither are you and Shiro, since you were born of Kagome-san's energy."
"So, we get to hit Deer with the one, two, three, four combo?" The rabbits smile and it is something made of nightmares. Their red eyes are unsettling.
"... Sure. We attack at once. And then we move to taming Mahoraga."
"Even so, at his current state, you think Megumi can tame me? I have fought stronger sorcerers, and he is not the strongest ten shadows user."
"Can others join in?"
"It would be invalid," Mahoraga quips. "So no, neither Gojo nor Sesshomaru could take part in helping Megumi to tame me."
"... Does Maki count?" Buyo asks weakly.
Mahoraga clamps his lips shut and leans back.
"Is that a, no?" Buyo walks over to Mahoraga and sits at his feet. He places a paw on his leg. "The zero cursed energy, Zenin. Does she count?"
Mahoraga taps his fingers on his knee and refuses to look at Buyo.
So, it's like that.
A/N: Wishing you an awesome week! Next side story will be the Accidental Multiverse and Teen Satoru is going to be jealous of Adult Satoru. No body take over for the Accidental verse.
Sorry I didn't update as frequently last week. It's been a little rough. Promise to get to everyone's questions this week.
Take care! Have a great Monday and make sure to drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest!
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The 5 Step Plan to Scamming An Angel
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summary: They place their bet. Five steps. That's all it'll take to utterly and thoroughly neutralize the Devildom's second most powerful demon.
(Fic on AO3)
"So? Is it a deal?" 
They made an effort to keep their smile small. Soft and Sweet, Asmo's voice whispered in their head. Just enough to draw them in before you sucktheirbrainsouttatheirdi- Ew. No. There's a child here. What. Jesus.
Soft and sweet.
They bit the inside of their cheeks to fight anything that could be read as too smug or heaven - hell? - forbid as manic, as Belphie had once put it. How very pot-kettle of you Belphie.
"You mentioned Belphegor..."
"Ah. No, just drifted off while you were deciding.... Which. Have you decided?" They ask, eyeing their current companions. 
"About that!" Luke piped up from next to them, brows knotted in worry. "Isn't it dangerous to say something like that! He's a demon. You don't know what he could do to you!"
"He is a demon," they say with a nod, twisting in their seat to scan the crowded courtyard till they spot Mammon. Even with RAD's usual lunchtime din, they can tell he's being loud as he tries and probably fails to scam some of the lower level demons. As though feeling their gaze, he raises his head and catches their eye, startling and whipping his head back down. Their heart flutters even as a truly wicked smile spreads across their face what was that Lucifer said about being careful of demons corrupting their soul?
Schooling their face back into soft and sweet they turn to face the others, "but I can take him."
Luke splutters.
"Take him down?" Solomon asks with clear interest.
"Utterly and thoroughly neutralized."
"Without using your pact?"
"The second most powerful demon?"
"Only if you're willing to bet on it."
"Angels don't gamble!" Luke says flustered. "You're a human he could eat you but - but even if you insist on doing this, we are angels we can't gamb-"
"I must admit I am interested in seeing how exactly you'll do this. It is a bit hard to believe," Simeon cuts in, as serene as ever.
"Mammon may not always be...the brightest... but he is still one of the Devildom's most powerful demons. Ah, I guess I'm also interested to see what you'll do." Solomon says over Luke's indignant shriek.
"So it's a deal?"
"It's a deal."
"I suppose it is," Simeon says with a soft laugh.
"You guys can't be serious!?"
They look down at Luke, stamping down the urge to ruffle his hair, "It's okay, Luke. I've got this. You don't have to place a bet. And. Well. If things get out of hand, I've got two angels to help me out, right?"
"Right.... Right! Of course! We'll look out for you! Right, Simeon?" Luke's face is flushed, but his eyes are steely with resolve.
"Always." Simeon agrees softly
"Then what do we do now?" Solmon looks past them to where Mammon had been.
"We'll wait till he gets here. It won't take long." They twist in their seat again to see Mammon has drifted even closer. It won't take long at all till Mammon's patience runs out and he stops pretending he hasn't been angling towards their table this whole time. 
Five minutes. 
Five fucking minutes. 
That's all it took. God. Is that considered sinful when you're down in hell?
They bite their lips to stop a snort from forming and subsequently choke on air as Mammon wedges himself into the nonexistent space between them and Luke with an elbow and a "Watch it pup."
"NOT A DOG!" Luke cries as they continue trying to hack up a lung.
"The fu-" Mammon's gaze darts quickly to a scowling Luke "heck's wrong with ya?" he snaps even as his hand worriedly rubs at their back.
They take a deep breath and finally look up. Luke has gotten up to sit next to an amused looking Solomon and an equally amused Simeon. What the fuck kind of angel smiles as someone chokes to death!? Oh. Right. One who was friends with Lucifer. "Nothing. Thought of something funny then my respiratory system tried to kill me. It happens."
"What the fu- heck's wrong with humans?"
"A lot." "A lot."
Their smile finally breaks out as Solomon shares an equally manic one.
"Eh. It's fine we're used to it."
"Right.... So... what were ya talkin 'bout before?"
They smile a small secret smile to the others.
Commence Operation.
"Oh, you know-" 
Step 1. Turn towards him. 
"-the weather." It's cheesy.
"The weather." He cocks his head. Cute.
Step 2. Shift closer.
"Yup." It's terrible.
 "What's wrong with the weather?"
Step 3. Eye contact. 
"It's just, I sometimes wish the Devildom had a sun." Would they have run screaming for the hills if someone tried this with them? Yes. Yes, they would.
"Yeah!? What's so great 'bout the sun!? It's just bright and hot. We've got way better stuff!" He turns his head, gesturing at the luminous plants and insects around them. His ears are red. Cute!
Step 4. Place a hand behind him on the bench and lean closer.
"I know," But Mammon likes cheesy and terrible. 
They raise their free hand. Brushing their fingers through his bangs and tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. He's frozen. They run their fingers behind his ear before they cup his cheek and carefully turn his head back towards them. His throat bobs as he swallows. Face red and eyes wide. His pupils shift to the slits more often seen in his demon form. Gently, their thumb caresses under his eye.
Step 5. The Finishing Blow.
"But you would look even more radiant in the sun's light."
"I hate you."
"Come on."
"You're the worst."
"Come onnnnnnnn."
"Absolutely evil."
"The cute act's not gonna work. Ya on my black book now! Ya hear!"
"Mammon, come on, it's not that bad!" It was. Oh Dear Go- Lord it was. With a hell raising shriek, Mammon had flailed back, almost falling off the bench before collapsing on the table with a resounding thunk. Flaming red face hidden behind his hands, he hadn't moved till lunch had finished and the rest of the courtyard had eventually scattered.
He had remained red and silent throughout the rest of their classes.
To be fair, they had expected red-faced stuttering. They hadn't expected that.
"It was and go away, I'm not talkin' to ya."
"I can't! We're both walking towards home."
"Well, don't walk with me!"
"Come on! You love me!"
"I DON'T!"
Ah! His ears just turned red again. Cute!
"Well, that's too bad then." They trot to catch up to him.
"Why's that?" His gaze darts to the side trying to catch theirs, but they keep on looking ahead.
"Cause I love you."
They continue walking even as he stutters to a stop. They count the seconds until he finally recovers and dashes after them. Pouncing on them, he slings an arm around their shoulders and ruffles their hair with the other. "Don't just say things like that!" He tries to growl, but they can hear the smile fighting to take over, even through their shrieking at the continued roughhousing.
"Why! It's not like you didn't know it!" They duck from under his arm and attack his sides with their fingers.
Cackling as he leaps away from them, they finally catch a look at his face. Their smile freezes as he overcomes his own laughter and wipes away a stray tear. Blushing, beaming and beautiful. Even in the dim light of the Devildom, he is absolutely radiant.
"Ah," their mind reels as they try to find their composure. They couldn't turn into a mushy, goopy mess in the middle of the street. "I thought you'd be proud of me."
"What?" He's regained his own composure, but the lopsided smile has yet to leave his face. "'bout what?"
"Taking money from an angel. That's pretty smart, isn't it?"
They start walking again and Mammon follows, easily matching their pace. Eyes dancing with fondness, he snorts, "Yeah, not bad for a puny human."
"Hey! You're barely taller than me!"
"Pfffft! You were okay, but obviously The Great Mammon could've won twice as much."
"Well, I guess The Great Mammon wouldn't fancy a little shopping trip with my meagre winnings."
"...a shopping trip?"
"Sure," bumping their hips together, "a shopping trip. My treat."
"Right! It'd better be! As an apology to The Great Mammon."
"I am sorry, you know."
They wrap an arm around his waist as he wraps one around their shoulder.
"Yeah?" He presses a soft kiss to their temple.
"Hmm. I didn't mean to expose your praise kink."
[First posted: July 25th, 2020]
(Fic on AO3)
as per the results of a poll, I've decided to post all my OM! fics on tumblr as well.
I'll be posting fics once a week and going in order of oldest to newest. If a fic has multiple chapters, each chapter will be posted once a week. WIPs won't be posted until they're complete.
I won't be reposting any fics I've already posted here, such as fics from my "Fake Fic Title" series.
If you want to read the next chapter of a fic/the next part of a series much sooner, you can find the work on AO3.
New fics (actively writing a long one shot rn) will also be posted to AO3 (with their links posted on tumblr along with my fic tag list) and won't appear on tumblr for some time.
Reblogs and comments are always loved and treasured!!
- Sam 🐸🩷
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The Stardew Valley Disaster
They create their characters as usual, with Cloud hosting the server, Angeal, Sephiroth and Genesis requiring the help of Zack to enter.
How did they got the game in the first time? Zack humbly asked Kunsel to find out their emails and hack them in order to create accounts for each, of which Kunsel was responsible for creating.
Even though Zack begged Kunsel to play, he refused, saying he had played enough for the year (aka 400+ hours of SDV)
G: How the hell did you even made those accounts for us?
Z: Secret Santa.
S: You're not smart enough to figure it out on your own. Kunsel or Reno?
Z: Secret S— UH, RUDE?!
A: Rude knows how to hack?
Z: NO! I'm calling Sephiroth rude!
S: No you.
C: Alright server's done, you guys can come in.
After long thirty minutes of AGS making their characters, they went to the loading screen. Since they each had their laptops on the conference room, they could just go local.
Cloud chose Meadowlands, meaning they each started with 15 Hay pieces instead of Parsnip.
And, after Cloud telling them to skip the cutscene, the chaos begun.
Spring, Day #1
The Firsts are shown the Coop and the two chicks, Chip and Dale.
Angeal immediately fall in love with the game.
S: Can we eat them?
A: *slaps the nape of S's neck*
A: Touch them and you're dead meat.
Sephiroth did not ever touched the chicks again or got close to the coop.
Zack teaches Angeal to set the Hay, simple enough.
Genesis got out to explore the sightings, commenting on whoever he sees.
G: Why is there a hobo here? Is that his tent?
C: Oh, must be Linus, he—
G: Can I toss rocks at him and make him leave?
C: ... This is not Animal Crossing, sir.
G: But I don't want a hobo in my village.
C: Too bad, suck it up.
G: Are you forgetting who you're talking to, Cadet?
Z: Uh... Guys?
A: Genesis don't be an asshole at the first person you meet.
G: Ugh. "A stranger? Hello. Don't mind me. I just live out here alone." Hobo.
C: Talk to him one more time.
G: "... Have you come to ridicule me? I'm just minding my own business."
C: And what're you doing?
G: Ridiculing him and I'd do it again.
Zack punches him and starts calling him names, Angeal took him out, scolded the living hell out of him and Genesis has a black eye. It's still 7am in game.
Zack then went to Pelican Town and greeted everyone excitedly and gave a Wild Horseradish.
They did shut it.
Angeal went on to clean the farm complaining on the poor maintenance of the place and how lazy their (in game) grandfather is, he then passed out of exhaustion and Cloud calmly explained the mechanics.
A: But that makes no sense, if I'm already a farmer, why would I pass out because of some trees?!
Z: They fell on your head. *Giggle*
C: No! It's not, and we were not farmers prior to that, we worked in an office.
C: Why would people hire an inexperienced idiot for a high ranking job?
S: He has a point.
G: Can't deny that.
Z: It's like the vice president.
S: Spoiled kid getting his way before throwing a tantrum.
C: It's not really our case in the game, though, but anyway...
Angeal asked Sephiroth to finish his job since he still had a full energy bar and so he went. He passed out of exhaustion.
Then Genesis went to the beach and met Elliot.
G: Oh! He's elegant! "Ah, the new farmer we've all been expecting... and whose arrival has sparked many a conversation! I'm Elliott... I live in the little cabin by the beach. It's a pleasure to meet you."
C: He's one of the six bachelors.
S: What's a bachelor?
Z: Means you can romance them!
A: There's relationships in this game?
C: Yes and NO!
Z: But with mods—
G: "I can't seem to find the inspiration to begin writing my novel...” HE'S A WRITER??
Genesis goes back home once it darkens and Cloud instructs him to sell whatever he found.
Zack goes back and puts what he found.
Cloud does the same.
In the end, there were a few forage items from Genesis. Spring Onions from Cloud. Trash from Zack.
To be continued...
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bitterkarella · 1 year
Midnight Pals: Long Longfellow War
King: hey edgar how's it going? King: you still fighting your little longfellow war? Poe: i will fight it as long as i have to, steve Poe: the world must know that longfellow is a maudlin hack Poe: and waif sucks ass Samantha Kolesnik: Poe: no no i mean longfellow's waif
Poe: my next editorial will deliver the killing blow Poe: that wealthy & triumphant gentleman of elegant leisure! ooo he burns me up! Koontz: edgar! i have an idea for your next editorial! Poe: thanks dean but i don't really need Koontz: "longfellow? more like wrong smello!" Poe:
Koontz: get it? "wrong smello" Poe: yes dean i get it Koontz: can you use that? Poe: i Poe: Poe: well Barker: ha ha yeah edgar CAN YOU? Poe: clive Barker: you should definitely use that King: actually it is pretty funny Poe: don't you start too now steve
Poe: look i don't need help in my little longfellow war Poe: i am perfectly capable of owning longfellow on my own Barker: oh yeah how you gonna do that? Poe: simple Poe: with facts and logic Poe: by the end you might say that longfellow will be Poe: hoisted by his own petard
Barker: oh my god edgar you're so bad at this Barker: don't you know the first thing about starting a flame war? Poe: what are you talking about, i'm holding my own Barker: ok so first you need to make some sock puppet King: he's got outis Barker: oh right he does have outis
Poe: that's not me Barker: right right Barker: the guy who's been prolonging your little fight for you Poe: that's not me Barker: Barker: uh huh Poe: you can't prove anything Barker: right Poe: this guy, outis, that i've been arguing with is clearly a longfellow superfan Poe: look at the shit he posts Poe: "longfellow is great! i love longfellow because i am very stupid and have no taste dur duh" Barker: great work, edgar Poe: that's not me!! Barker: real subtle
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martinys-world · 1 year
the girl (7)
chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
I made a post before this on. talking about the discord server that i have made. Since no one seen it or cared enough. I going to talk about it here. I was thinking my character was over powered in this chapter. so I made a post and was saying how I posted chapter 7 there and wanted some feedback. I posted on July 15th. a good 5 days before this one. So I left the chapter the way it is.
So if you want to join the discord comment: the robot you like. I will send you the link for the story
I went back to my bag and began to dig. After I found my Nokia 1011 phone, a car door open sound filled the car. 
“Good hold this.”
 I handed him my phone and continued digging. When I felt the plastic case. I yank it out. so, I can grab the leopard glass and a security bandage with the four diamonds likes symbol. The same diamond as my pencil case.   I was beginning to put on the glasses
“Sliver what you are doing.” 
“don’t worry about it.”
“Why you are complaining, she looks good.”
“I will tell you this since it won’t go against Kris promise. when you see the things, I seen. You learn how to make your paths easier. I can't tell you anymore than that.”
I saw a yellow beam when, we were beginning to drive. it must have been that energy surge. Arcee was talking about.  Grabbing my phone from Noah.
“Noah please hold this,” I traded Noah the phone for the badge after I toss my bag in the back.  
“I must make a phone call. Mirage, please take control so I can concentrate.”
I quickly dial a number that I know by heart. The ringers didn’t even go to the second ring when he picked up. 
I pulled the phone away from my ear when he began to screaming.  mirage was laughing for some reason and begin to say drama and sing song like voice. 
“k plea- “
I heard another one of mirages smart ass remarks. It was the ‘uh oh someone is in trouble.’
“K I don’t know what’s going myself.” I lied. 
“I know your lying.”
“Dam it!” I said in frustration. “I will explain the best I can later. We got at least 15 minutes until I arrive and cause mayhem.”
“Not until I get at least something.” k can be very stubborn when it comes to someone he cares about. There only one sentence I know that can make just go along with whatever I say. 
“I am trying to help a family get home.”
“Wait like human home or us home.”
“Us. this is there only way right now.”
“Wait until I get there.”
“There is no time. I need you on that computer that’s 2 ft to your left.” I heard him growl, but he I hear a chair roll. 
“Fine. I want a story when its safe.”
“I promise. I need you. get to Ac and Sc files and find anyone that would still be there.”
Are ten minutes from arriving the campus 
“You mean the ones still on campus?”
“You got it. get T. and V. to help. I need you to make them leave.”
“All right got all 900 people. Starting to send messages. Hey t and v get to your computers and start typing. Boss says so.”
I heard some shuffling in the back. 
“Good, have them say there loved one is in hospital or Their place is on fire. if you need to get someone to pull the fire alarm. Get someone to pull the fire alarm.  Anything to get them to leave. Hell, if need used the symbol on anyone who there I don’t care just get them gone.”
“Okay. the messages are starting to send, is there anything else?”
“Is Jason v. Armstrong. working at all tonight?”
“You are right, he should be at the security booth.” 
“Call him and get him to let-
I looked at the badge Noah was holding
“Sarah J. Kelly though.”
I leaned back in the driver seat. acting like I was driving once again.
“Okay I will call him after.  it won’t be any problem.”
We were down to 5 minutes
“Do you want me to see Cam to hack the security cameras.”
“Good call. Give it an hour before they come back up.”
I hear more shuffling in the back. 
“T. said that he can't get a hold of Elena Wallace. She will be in the college. The same place that energy spike is at.” 
“Alright If I see, I will do what I can. Keep trying to reach her.”
“k I hear talking in the background. speak to me.” 
“Got it I will call after.”
“You better women or so help me, I will drag you back by the skin of my teeth if I must.  You will have stuck her until we are old grey.”
“I know you will. Friends forever.”
“We never surrender.”
I hang up and tosses the phone next to my bag. 
“You, young lady is amazing.” Said mirage. 
“Sliver what was that?”
“My way in making sure no one gets hurt friends.”
No other questions were asked. We began to pull up to the security booth and as soon as I showed him the badge. He didn’t look twice. He opened the gate and began to pack up around his desk. we just roll in like we own the place. Once he stopped in a random parking spot. I jump out began walking to the doors. 
“Sliver wait.” He was a good few steps behind me. I pushed the door open and began going up.”
“Sliver, wait I want to talk.” Noah grabs my hand. pulling me to a stop. “Please at least explain how you did all that.”
“I can't tell you that. if I do, you will be drag into something that is far too dangerous even for me. I promised your brother I will keep you safe and keeping my mouth shut is a must, then so be it.”
“Then why help them.”
“I will tell you what, I told Optimus. I know what it’s like trying to get home.”
I began to run up the stair. Just trying to outrun him so he doesn’t go farther down the rabbit hole Like Alice did with the white rabbit. I am trying to my promise. I will not drag you into the life I have. once I saw the door. I busted it open without a second thought. 
 When I was in the same daydream land again. 
I was in a middle of a forest. the same forest that Apeling was in. the same surface of grass and tree like statues around me. 
“how did I get here?”
Really how did I go from opening a door inside a building on earth to a planet I only saw once. I heard movement to my right. when looking at the sound there was a dull orange blob coming at me. the closer it came the more it began to take shape.  It was a Cheetah, but not the ones on earth. This one was larger than the ones on earth. They had more of an orange coat, then its classic yellow. Also, Its eyes where a very bright green. Aren’t cheetahs supposed to have yellow eyes? 
 what really caught my attention was where he was heading. Right for me. I went into fetal position. I don’t know why I did that, but I did. I was never flattening like a pancake. I felt a chill in my spine.  The feeling I had with Apeling. I became a full human when I saw the cat was becoming a wobbly blob again. 
 I felt a breeze pass me; a grey rhino was following the cat.its seems like no one is noticing me.i might not be able to get hurt in this dream like land. Wait, am I a ghost. My thoughts where interrupt when the sound of rustling trees filled my ears. I look up and saw Apeling, but it wasn’t really Apeling. The ape looked a lot smaller and more childish. Then a bird was following closely behind the primate. The birdie looked like a raven but completely metal and with a beautiful tint of blue. 
A “I can do this.” Sound was coming from where the other animals where coming form
Was coming behind me. a very dark navy-blue blob was coming closer and closer. She had an outline of a wolf. The navy coat had a dot of yellow dots, mad her fur look like a night sky, with little stars at night. there was a fire is in her eyes. Nothing was going to stop her. the more she said the line the faster she was becoming. the walking night sky was passing each animal one by one. the more living beings she passed the more confident she gotten.  Before anyone knows it, she was in second place. The dog and cat were neck to neck.  Both determine to not let the other pass.
“Come on Midnight. You can't pass me. so, stop while you can.
“I not giving up that easily.” The finished line was feet in front their face was nearby. 
While the cheetah kept trying to decrease the dog confidence. Mr. Kitty Cat didn’t notice the little pebble in the path.  didn’t notice a little pebble. With him focusing on the wolf. His paw stumble on It. the stumble gave the wolf a better chance to jump ahead. Giving midnight the win.  She was holding the stick in her mouth.  Once she dropped it.
“Who the fastest now?”
“I let you win.”
“Keep telling yourself that.” While the canine was rubbing the win in the cheetah face. The others came through. Rhino was 3rd.  bird was 4th and the ape was 5th.
“See sis, I told you can do it.” said the rhino.
“You were right Rhinox. I had to just believe in myself.” 
“I let her win.” Said the cheetah. 
“Keep telling yourself that.” said the bird. 
“As much as this was fun, me and Star have to go.” said the ape. 
While both party wave goodbye to each other. I stayed with the other 3. 
“I did let her win; I just didn’t want to see her cry.”
“I appreciate your concern for my sister, but everyone say you stumble.”
“I didn’t stumble.” said the frustrated cheetah.  When no one was going to believe his lies. he spit out ‘I going to hang with rattrap.’ Then began to run again.    
When the last two left saw the orange furball was far enough. The bird saw her opportunity.
“Rhinox, can I ask you are personal question?” 
“Go ahead Air-razor.”
“How do you feel about their feelings for your sister?”
“it’s complicated. As a big brother, they both don’t deserve her. she can do so much better than those two. But as their friend I have seen them grow over the years. They aren’t full mature, but they are better then Tigerhawk and Inferno. I learned I can't choose who she likes but if she is happy. That all that matters.”
After he finished his sentence. Everything was twisted. It twisted into a new scene. I was back with Midnight and the little ape.”
“So, what do you think Apeling wants to tell us.” midnight asked
“Something about a key.”
“Why would we need to know?”
“I don’t know.  we might want to know everything we can right now before we become leaders.”
“You mean you will be.”
“We both have the chance.”
“No, you are Optimus Primal. You are the best person to lead. You lead all the group actives.” 
“you are right about that, but you are the one that has all the ideas. I do apprentice the confidence boost, but don’t put yourself down.”
“I’m ju- “
Before they could continue their conversation. They walk into a cave. Where the real Apeling was standing. He was staring over the land. Kind of like Simba and Mufasa in lion king. When Mufasa says ‘everything that touches the light is your’ scene. 
“Hello young ones.”
“Hello.”  The little ones say. 
“Today lesson is going to be special one.”
“Is it about the key?”  ask Optimus.
“You are right. the key also comes with a legend. That precedes the dawn of our civilization. there is a vile god so large and so powerful, he has to consumed entire planets for fuel. That god is name Unicron.”
“isn’t that myth. We don’t need to worry about this god.” Said the Primal.
“It Could be a myth, but we aren’t for sure. It could be real for all we know.” said the wolf. 
“Star is right.  if he is real, he will be after this.” Apeling gotten up and walked inside the cave. Around a pedestal with a floating diamond thing. “If Unicron gets his hands on transwarp key. there is no way to stop him. “ 
“What is a trans-swap key?”
“Transwarp key. have been among our kind for generations. it allows us to go from universe to another.” 
“So, if Unicron gets a hold of the key. he could open a portal. To eat other worlds?” Ask Optimus.
“Yes. There will be nothing in his way.” 
“But isn’t there a way.”
“What do you mean.”
“In the records before the great war. They were saying something about a sister.”
“You mean brother and yes. Him and his twin brother (Primus) would fight for centuries. Unicron himself wanted to consume the universe. Getting rid of the good. So, there is nothing left but a void of torment.  Primus had other ideas; he saw that there was good in freedom. He fought his brother time and time again. trying to keep the balance to the two sides. The legend says that Primus defeated Unicron each time. he was toss in a void to never be seen again. Said Apeling.
“Shouldn’t Primus have this instead of us.”
“That is a mystery that could not be solve.” 
“Why is that?” Primal finally spoke up.
“We lost contact with Cybertron eons ago. with time information gets lost. Data pads get lost or destroy. without proof, all we know is that Primus and Unicron are myth.”
“That’s why they are myths? Ask Midnight . 
“Yes. That is why if there even is a chance that Unicron is real. We need to guard the key from him and whoever is under his command.” Said Apeling. 
“We promise to protect the key with our lives.” Said Both or the younger Maximal.
That when the vision started to change back to the museum room. rubbing my eyes trying to get eye site back. I was facing the window that lead outside for some reason.  I heard chatter in the back. a girl voice said something about stealing museum property. I couldn’t fully make out the conversation.  Once my vision was clear and I can see everthign like before. I saw three bots. The other 2 where unknown but when my eyes landed on the centered being. was Scrouge. Same one form Apeling vision. Nothing about seeing him said safe. I saw his hand turn into a canon, that’s when I knew we were in trouble.  Seeing that it was powering up and aiming at us I turn. 
“Elena and Noah get down.”
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heeseung-min · 2 years
You stared at the screen for few minutes before groaning sadly at the not so good exam result. You were pissed. Pissed at how you have done so many revision but still couldn't get the result you want. Fuck education.
"I wish I can get Albert's brain."
Jake stared at you with pity. He really wished he can hug you and comfort you now but too bad what he can do only staring at you from your laptop camera he hacked.
Later that night, Jake got an idea. He wrote notes for the subject that you got worse result and planning to ask you to be your tutor tomorrow.
Jake waited for your class to be over. Thank god he doesn't have any class today so he doesn't need to be rush over something. He knew your schedule and where your classes might be.
See, Jake's friends has been calling him a creep for doing those things but Jake swear he is not! He just loves you and really cares about your future. Although he wishes you both to get married and you will be the housewife and he will going to work to bring money and spoil you with everything. He smile at the thought. Maybe one day it will happen. His daydream stopped when he heard someone was calling your name.
"Miss Y/n."
"Yes, professor?"
"We need to have a talk. About your result."
The poor girl just follow her lecturer to his room. She can predict what will be he nagging to her. Jake slowly follow them from behind and stopped at the door. It's a grateful when the room is far from the hallway so it gets a little privacy and he also can heard the conversation very well.
"I believe you have seen your result yesterday, right?"
"In the class, everyone got good result especially on my subject which is physics. But you aren't."
Okay. That kinda hurts your pride. But, it's okay. It's for the better future.
"I'm so sorry professor. I already did many revisions but luck is just not on my side."
Your lecturer lowkey staring judgingly from up to down when heard those. The old man must not believe what you said.
"That's good. However, I have another solution for you which is getting a tutor especially from the senior."
He then took a list that has names, pictures and number phones. There are some of the pictures you recognized but some aren't.
"Here is the contacts of some seniors that you can refer to, they are doing really good on this subjects. Or do you want me to arrange it?"
"Yeah, I want that. Also, can you arrange Park Jongseong for me? He is my friend so it is easier to learn from him."
Your professor nodded and dismissed you after that. You can't wait to have tutor session with Jongseong aka Jay. He is your crush actually and that what makes him become your first choice for the tutoring. Since you guys know each other already, you can spend more time with him.
You walked to the gate happily thinking about your crush not knowing someone was watching you with jealousy and furious inside their heart.
It's the day for the tutoring. Your professor had informed you that your tutor will be at the library so you quickly ran to the place not wanting to make him wait for too long.
When you reached there, it was only a library staff in it and no other students so you went to take a sit and for Jay to come. However, after 10 minutes of waiting, you became worried when there is no his presence until a guy talked to you.
"You are Y/N, right? The one who needs Physics tutoring?"
"Umm yeah, and who are you?"
"Oh! great. I'm Sim Jaeyun but just call me Jake. I am your tutor for this subject. Nice to meet you. You look beautiful by the way."
You blushed at the sudden compliment and thanked him too but at the same time you are a bit disappointed that it was not Jay. You ignored it and proceed to the tutoring.
Jake kinda having hard time to teach you because he always got distracted by your expression when listening to him. He gets to wonder what expression would it be when he says that he loves you, when he shows his room that its wall full of your pictures and even in his drawer there are some of your clothes he had stolen too. He wonder how would you react to it.
You guys must feel weird how Jake is the tutor and not Jay? Jake has his own way to make sure everything is his.
"Oh, Jake! What a surprise to see you here. May I know what is your curiousity?"
"Can I be y/n's tutor?"
The old man was shocked at the sudden request. He became agitated when Jake's expression became serious.
"Umm, sorry Jake but Y/N actually request Jay not you. I already told him few minutes ago."
Jake let out his breath. He walked slowly towards the professor. The silence was really loud and made the old man became really uncomfortable. But, before he can say something Jake already choked his neck tightly.
"Yes, you still want to live, right? You still love your wife and kids,right?"
The poor lecturer tried to nod even though it is difficult. Jake watched him with a big smile on his face.
"Cancel Jay. Put me as her tutor and if she asks just say that Jay is not interested. If you say something else, you will meet dead bodies at home."
"I- i wi-will."
Jake let his hold go and pat his professor cheek letting him know to not forget what he said. He walked out from there with big smile on his face same like when you did but it's different because you thought about spending time with Jay but he thought about slowly getting you in his arms.
"What a nice day."
So,this is the right one for the jake yandere request😌😌😌so sorry for the mistake, hope you guys enjoy this
taglist: @stacey-stonem @duolingofanaccount
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1296-very-good-year · 2 years
SPOILERY thoughts on da absolution:
Mostly enjoyed, but the core dynamic in the show between Miriam/Neb/Rezaren was lacking a lot of juicy context for me.
I get why there wasn’t more - 6 half-hour episodes to reintroduce an established world with new characters and stakes and make us invested and tell a complete story? I do not envy the writers - but IMO the finale/resurrection would have hit a lot harder with just a little more time devoted to their backstory bc:
I would have felt more during Neb’s goodbye to Miriam if we had, you know... heard him speak before that moment.
We saw nothing of Miriam and Neb’s relationship. He served as a mirror for Miriam rather than a character. He was the voiceless, dead version of her that she would have become if she had remained a slave. Which is cool in its own way and adds an extra layer of creepiness to how Rezaren talks to his body, but sibling dynamics are my jam and I felt its absence :(
Rezaren’s obsession with bringing Neb and Miriam back could have been way more compelling if we saw more of their childhood! Did the twins ever love him as a brother too? It’s never addressed. For all we know it was entirely one-sided which is ALWAYS the less interesting option (give me the conflicted fucked up feelings!). Did Rezaren hate his mom as much as the twins did? There are suggestions peppered around that he did, but that’s it. Having that confirmed would have done wonders to emphasize his isolation bc he could never truly be close with the twins either.
Obviously that is all unnecessary to the story they decided to tell bc they had Rezaren take off a mask and reveal that he was just entitled garbage underneath. I’m curious if there was a longer version of the story that got hacked way down where that doesn't happen (or happen as quickly).
More important missing context:
So stay with me here. We first see Miriam seething and wanting to kill Rezaren as soon as she hears him, so you’re thinking “Oh wow! He must have done terrible things to her while she was a slave! She says he killed her family! That’s shitty!” And then... the only justification Miriam gives for hating Rezaren (before his big reveal) is that he “failed to protect” her and Neb during the harrowing, and she blames him for Neb’s death. But like... that’s not even a good reason?? He didn’t do anything malicious there at all, he just failed a ritual. Rezaren’s mom was the one to kill Neb and he wasn’t in a position to stop her.
For all we are shown, Miriam falsely associated Rezaren’s actions with those of his mother. WHY give the hero a misplaced justification to hate the villain when you’re just going to prove him to be a monster by the next scene anyway? 
Basically, Miriam’s hatred implies that Rezaren was complicit in her slavery growing up but we don’t actually learn about it. I think seeing him turn a blind eye to the abuse of slaves or participating in it in some way in present day or a flashback (outside of him being a child witnessing it) would have better clued us in that he wasn’t the charming josh keaton voiced soft boi he pretended to be before making the turn from (paraphrased) “You’re my sister” to “You’re my property” a couple lines apart.
Anyway I don't hate how it was all handled I just can't help wishing for more... family drama? Instead of simple and uncomplicated master/slave drama
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mygeekcorner · 2 months
This post;
1, 2, 4, 5, 10 (FUCKING DUUHH?!), 14, 19, 22, 36, 37, 38 and 39
(enjoy bitch)
1, what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
how do you look at back at a whole life and pinpoint when it twisted this way or that? we're all made up of so many more impressions than could ever fit into a neat little map. but sure, i'll try. 3 things among thousands that shaped me into the floundering 30 something wine hag you all know now
school? that sounds way too broad but heck it. the way it shaped that sense of self and where you belonged both in and outside of classrooms. up to junior high I was Good At School but Bad At People and that gave me exactly that awful self importance that kids who are good at nothing but reading get to make up for how lonely we feel. oh fuck you, you all know exactly what kind of smugness I'm talking about here. thankfully I got into a high school class of people way smarter And more ambitious than me which gave me some much-needed reality checks when the fatigue set in senior year. yay?
being a horse girl was a strange balance looking back at it. you were taught to be ocd levels of careful when cleaning up and taking care of the horse and the equipment, but you're also knee-deep in literal shit in the pouring rain cause someone dropped their riding crop when hacking out and you can't go home until you have all your shit together. it definitely hits the need to be perfect always, but also makes you kind of immune to filth and grit?
the friends I had as a teen. I know it must come as a shock to you all but I've always been a very akward nerd who isn't always the best at knowing what's socially accepted or social suicide rip but in middle school somehow 4 nerdy girls found each other, and then others, and I will be forever grateful that I had that bunch of dorks to hang out with as we navigated puberty, school, fandom introductions, and all that other good shit. there is a certain kind of bond you make when 8 girls squeeze onto one 90cm bed for the slumber party and I love that we looked like a pile of pigs (according to one girls younger sister one such morning)
2, show us a picture of your handwriting?
Tumblr media
4, what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
when we first got to know each other back in the day @magnusdidntwantablog was once kind enough to come pick me up from work when I was stationed at our store in the neighbouring town (about an hour away) and worked late enough that no buses would get me home. It was winter and his car was freezing but he wasn't wearing any gloves because he said he had the fans set on warmer air and it would warm up "any minute now". His hands were numb by the time we got to my place and the car was just turning into less of a fridge. Since then that delivery of "aaany minUTE now" has been our go to for when we think the other is being dumb and should just listen. Yes, I know you're sick of it, but that just makes it funnier to us.
5, what made you start your blog?
hubris? nah but my friends talked about it and it seemed fun, so I lurked for a bit and then decided I wanted in on it too
10, would you say you’re an emotional person? (FUCKING DUUHH?!)
HEY! that hurts my poor emotional feelings ;;_;;
but uh yeah, totally am. but I feel like I'm rarely UwU-soft emotional, more heart on sleeve and easily riled up-emotional rip lol
14, what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
take up acting properly, but the older I get the less convinced I am that I have what it takes.. and also time commitment?
19, favourite thing about the day?
that's when I'm able to do the awake thing? also the eating thing.
22, say 3 things about someone you love
3 things I love about @jacquelinesrumbottle is how she is the most easily excitable person ever! she will hype anything and everyone she loves up to everyone she meets because did you know that her friends and fiance are the most talented, beautiful, amazing, generous people who ever walked the earth? also did you have a chance to read this breathtaking book or play that life changing game yet?
she is generous to a fault because spoiling people when she can brings her joy. but also we were supposed to send each other One Jar of Nutella, not a moving box filled with local sweets that took months to finish x'D
her imagination and sense of wonder is hard to find outside 3rd graders (affectionate), because everything really is possible! she carries a thousand stories in her cute little head at any given moment and also did you read the latest article on psychology or stray kids?
have I mentioned that I miss her?
36, are you an open book or do you have walls up?
both? if I care about people I don't have a lot of walls up around them, but that doesn't mean I'm necessarily the most forthcoming. I'll be dropping hints that I need to talk before I'll turn to someone outright and vent because heaven forbid that I bother someone with my small little life and its problems
37, share a secret
I have unread ao3 emails from 2017 (/o\)
if you think it's frustrating trying to get me to sit down and read or watch something you've recommended please know that in my inbox there are stories that I found myself, liked, subscribed to get updates when they posted new chapters, and then proceeded to Not read for 7 years? yeah, I hate myself a little a lot over it.
38, fave song at the moment?
who knows about fave, but this song has been playing on repeat in my brain for like a week so you can have that
39, youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
there's been a few over the years but I love watching Bernadette Banner for myself cause it's fascinating watching people who know things and she has such a calming presence.
but also we've been watching Ants Canada together to watch his homemade rainforest and the Special Interst(TM) is off the charts but it's so fucking earnest and something I really enjoy about our sundays lol
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Tea For Two (Snzfic, Original Characters)
I was lucky enough to have writing inspiration strike me once again, thanks in large part to the wonderful holiday-themed prompts @oh-no-my-hand-slipped was kind enough to share on their blog. Go and check them out if you’re in need of writing juice, or just want to contemplate some warm and fuzzy scenarios!
Anyhow, this story takes place in the early 1900s in a fictional small English market town (a la C/andleford in the TV show L/ark R/ise to C/andleford if anyone knows what that is) and it features two new OCs of mine, Mary and Anton. Also, as a side note, Anton is originally from Ukraine, and so I tried to convey within the dialogue that English isn’t his first language without going too overboard with it. Please let me know if you think it needs tweaking, though!
I believe that’s all for now! Enjoy the story, let me know if you’d like me to write more for these two OCs, and have a happy holiday/winter season!
It was a bitterly cold evening in Kingsbury, the December wind whipping down the streets of the small town and forcing its residents inside early. Though it was only 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the streets of the usually bustling market town were empty save for a few stragglers, hurrying home from their work or their shopping as fast as possible, lest they catch a cold from the dreadful chill in the air.
Ms. Mary Williamson, the schoolmistress, was no exception. Her day had been especially long, her students rather unruly in anticipation of the Christmas holiday only one week away, and she was looking forward to an evening spent by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate and a novel.
As she neared home, however, she caught sight of something which struck her as rather unusual. Anton, Kingsbury's ice deliveryman who offered the town's residents sleighrides during the winter months, was standing on his usual street corner, tending to his horses while barely concealing the way he was shivering as the wind cut through him. As Mary continued to watch, he momentarily turned away to cough into his gloved fist, grimacing in a way that suggested it had hurt.
Well, now, this simply wouldn't do.
Turning up the collar of her coat, Mary crossed the street determinedly. Anton glanced up as she approached, and when he caught sight of her he raised his hand in greeting with a smile that made her heart skip a beat, even as she tried to focus on the task at hand.
"Good evening to you, Ms. Williamson. You have finished your work for the day?"
"Good evening to you, Anton. And yes, I have. I'm on my way home now," Mary replied.
"Ah, I see." Anton nodded and cleared his throat, rather huskily. "Would you perhaps like a ride there? It is very cold tonight, and I do not wish you to become ill."
"Thank you, but I wouldn't want to trouble you," Mary said. "I only came to say that perhaps you should turn in for the night. It sounds as though you might be catching cold, and this weather can't be helping."
Anton flushed pink, though it was almost imperceptible with the way his cheeks and nose were already red from the cold and his cough. He rubbed at his nose and cast his gaze at his feet as he spoke.
"You are kind to worry, Ms. Williamson, but I promise you that I am fine. This weather is... not so different from my country."
"Perhaps not," Mary conceded. "But surely one evening off wouldn't go amiss?"
Anton chuckled at that, though it quickly turned into a cough and he was forced to turn away from Mary as he hacked into his shoulder for a minute. Her chest ached in sympathy as he straightened with another grimace, his hand lingering on his chest as if trying to rub the soreness away. He cleared his throat.
"Please excuse me, Ms. Williamson. I... do not know what happened."
Mary waved his concern away. "Don't worry yourself, Anton. Just get home to bed. Teacher's orders."
Anton smiled at her. "Ah, well, if teacher orders it then I suppose I must obey. But please, let me drive you home first. You have been out here too long."
Mary's first instinct was to deny his offer- after all, she didn't want to be the reason Anton kept working even though he was clearly ill. But after a moment's pause, Mary realized that Anton didn't have anyone to look after him at home. He lived in lodgings above the stables where he kept his horses, which she couldn't imagine as being particularly comfortable. Perhaps, if he came to her home, she could persuade him to stay.
Just for a short visit, of course.
"Alright." Mary nodded. "If you insist."
The drive to the small home Mary was entitled to as per her position as schoolteacher was short, and relatively silent. Anton spoke softly to the horses every now and then, urging them on, all while turning away to cough and sniffle into his glove with increasing frequency.
When her house came into view, Anton pulled the sleigh to a stop with a practiced ease. He looked over at Mary with a smile. She smiled back.
"Thank you, Anton."
"My pleasure, Ms. Williamson. Here, allow me to help you."
Anton jumped down from the sleigh, hurrying around to Mary's side and holding out his hand to help her down. She accepted gratefully, taking care that her skirts didn't get caught as she descended. Once she was safely on the ground, he tipped his hat to her.
"Please have a wonderful rest of your evening."
"Wait!" Mary called after him as he began to walk away, feeling more than a little foolish when he turned around looking startled. "I... perhaps I could offer you a hot drink before you go? As a way to express my thanks?"
Anton stared at her for a moment, seemingly not quite knowing what to do with her invitation, before he slowly nodded. "Drink would be nice, if you are not too busy. I must tie up my horses but then..."
"Of course." Mary couldn't hide her pleasure at his agreement. "I'll get my stove going."
"Here." Mary extended a steaming cup towards Anton, who took it gratefully. "I hope chamomile is alright, it was all I had."
"It is fine, Ms. Williamson. Thank you." Anton took a sip of the milky tea, sniffing a little more sharply as the steam made his nose run.
By the light of the lamp in the parlor, Mary could better see Anton's features and she was glad she had all but forced him to come inside, awkward though it may be. His nose and cheeks were still painted with a pink blush, even after they had both been inside for long enough to chase away most of the cold. His sniffling was growing more frequent as well, and if the way he had sat down so heavily it made the chair creak when she offered him a place to sit was anything to go by, he was absolutely exhausted.
Mary took a seat in the armchair across from the small sofa Anton was sitting on, cradling her own cup. Chamomile tea wasn't quite the same as the hot chocolate she had been craving, but it was a warm, comforting drink nonetheless, and it was probably better for a cold anyway.
Anton sniffled yet again as he sipped at the tea, rubbing at his nose with the back of his hand. When he caught Mary looking at him, he blushed and looked down at his lap.
"My apologies. I am thinking you were correct, I am getting a cold."
Mary hummed sympathetically. "I wish I hadn't been. Do you need a handkerchief?"
"No, no thank you." Anton shook his head as he reached into his pocket. "I have one." He extracted the article, a plain one made of linen, and brought it up to his nose. After snuffling into it for a moment, his face crumpled and he caught several muffled sneezes in it, the cup of tea he still held wobbling dangerously.
"Here, let me." Mary set her own cup aside and quickly took his, placing it on the end table next to the sofa to prevent any accidents. Anton gave her a grateful look, his handkerchief still pressed to his face.
"Tha-hhh... hah-chumpf! Snf! Excuse me... thank you, Ms. Williamson."
"Of course. God bless you." Mary smiled kindly at him, trying to ignore how her heart leapt at the opportunity to care for him and be alone with him, even under such circumstances. She felt like one of her pupils with a crush, much to her own embarrassment.
Perhaps sensing her inner turmoil Anton glanced at the window, where snow had begun to fall lightly. "I should perhaps be going home now. I do not wish to impose on you, anyway."
"Oh no!" Mary sprung forward in her seat, holding her hand out to stop him from getting up. "It's no imposition, truly. Of course, I understand if you need to return home, but..." she paused. "The truth is, I get rather lonely here in the evening. Really, you're the one doing me a favor, keeping me company, even when you're ill." Aware that she was beginning to ramble, Mary sat back and looked down at her hands, a soft blush coloring her cheeks. "I... I only mean to say... you may stay as long as you'd like."
Anton regarded her for a few moments, then his face broke into a grin and he chuckled softly, even though he had to clear his throat afterward. "You are kindest person I have met here, I think. So if you truly do not mind, I will stay longer."
Mary looked back up at him and shook her head, still feeling shy. "I don't mind."
"Goo-ihhh'huh... huh-uhchuh! Huh-chuu! Snf... Ah, excuse me, Ms. Williamson."
"God bless you, Anton. Here, let me get you more tea."
Anton smiled. "That sounds wonderful."
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talonwolf2 · 1 year
I feel like so promoting my limited life Jimmy coping with being eliminated fic, wrote this in like two days lol (took inspo from Candyphone on tiktok)
Word count: 2,396
Jimmy was awfully confused the first time the game ended- well at least when it ended for him.
His legs wobbled as he took in the sight below him, Jimmy was sat on a viewing platform no more than a few hundreds blocks above the unknowing participants.
He pressed his face to the barrier of the void as he scanned his place of death in time to watch an arrow pierce Grian, finding his husband nowhere in sight.
He rushed to his feet as he traveled down the invisible barrier running to the place of his and Scott's home.
Gods what did the army do to his husband!
If anyone joined him up there, he hadn't noticed as he frantically ran, failing to track him down.
Oh how he wanted to break down as he mindlessly started wondering after what must have been the rest of the day with no Scott.
But he didn't yet, not until he found the grave he could just make out marked with his name and collapsed into tears.
The flowers on it were already wilting.
Everything in Joel's mind screamed, "kill! Kill! Kill them for Jimmy!"
It didn't hit him till an arrow physically did.
He was going to die right there, weapon in hand.
And like that, in a flash of light, he was gone.
Before he even caught his breath, he felt a presence of another person, slamming him out of his bloodlust.
Skizz grasped Joel's shoulder with his eyes blown wide, "I don't know what happened! I can't reach him!"
At first he was confused, then his eyes traveled past the man, and there was a pile of limbs and feathers that had to have been Jimmy.
He looked back at Skizz, "is he okay?"
"No!" He blurted, "I've tried everything, I can't even make out what he's saying to himself!"
Joel's brow knit together, "I'll talk to him," he pulled Skizz's hand off him, "i'm sure I can talk some sense back into him."
Skizz nodded, "I already tried, he kept saying 'them,' but I couldn't understand the rest."
"'Them?' As in me and Grian," he glanced back.
The both of them flinched as the sound of a sob wracked through the void that watched over the game as it continued without them.
Joel took that as his cue to break away, quickly squatting down next to the crying canary, "Jimmy what happened?"
Another cry exited the man's throat as he grabbed Joel's leather jacket pulling him close. His voice came out loud and broken, "I didn't trip!" He looked at Joel with his tear streamed face, "they- they pushed me!"
Before he could add anything, Jimmy dropped hold of him and moved away, burying his face in his knees.
"It'll be okay, Jimmy," he didn't let himself hold the man, as much as he wanted to, noticing Skizz was joining the two on the forbidden glass, "talk to us."
The canary's wings closed around himself, "you don't get it! They did it to me!"
Skizz gave the other a confused expression, "I'm sure the bad boys didn't mean to-"
"It wasn't them!" He yelled at what was possibly the top of his lungs, "they did!"
Quickly his scream was replaced by a hacking cough as he tried to continue.
"You're just going to hurt yourself," Joel tried to say softly, but his voice wavered, only repeating himself, "whatever we did, we're sorry."
Jimmy had a messy expression washed across his face, "they pushed me. They did! They killed me!" His voice gained more hysteric as he continued.
The men fell silent as they could only watch his hysteric screams turn into something sadder to watch
Neither dared to touch him.
Not like that.
"You're not gonna kill me," his voice was low and unserious as the sharp end of Grian's sword slashed his chest plate.
Wait- he was actually killing him!
The avian had an odd grin on his face, that could only be described as distant, "come here Tim! I've had enough of this!"
"I'm actually dying!" He screamed, as a push replaced the stinging pains across his skin.
And boom.
He hit the ground feeling the pain as he fell, landing harsh on his knees.
But due to the feature of the game, he once again found himself up high watching the game with no pain in sight.
Then only moments later, the familiar mustached man appeared by his side, dazed beyond belief.
"He actually killed us," he panted, trying to catch his breath, "Jimmy I-" in an instant, he froze.
He caught Mumbo's shocked expression, "what's that look for?"
His mouth gaped open as his eyes washed over every detail of the blonde.
"You're different, just- gods Jimmy," his voice shook as he pressed a hand over his mouth, "you have wings."
His expression mirrored Mumbo's, forcing a laugh, "I don't have wings."
Mumbo bit down on his lip, "but you do now."
He looked over his shoulder and sure enough gold wings glimmered on his back "gods! What the hell! Why- what- they did this to me! I- I- I think I'm gonna faint!"
Mumbo was quick to pull his arms around the man, "don't!" He panicked, "I don't know how this place works, I don't know if you can hurt yourself!"
And as he said that, he went out.
Tango grumbled a little as he joined the others.
Skizz ran up to his teammate, "I know you just got here, but we need your help."
"With what?" He smiled at the sight of his long gone teammate.
"It's Jimmy," he watched Tango intently, "he's having a hard time."
His eyes went wide, "he was out first!" Tango started walking, adding under his breath, "those monsters."
And sure enough, with those blazing sets of wings, it was easy to track down the avian.
Jimmy was sitting as a pathetic pile, Joel sitting beside him silently.
"Hey buddy," Tango forced a smile, as he sat down next to him, taking his hands in his, "I'm here."
The abnormal warmth of his ex-soulmates hands came as a comfort as more and more people were eliminated and circled the emotional avian.
Tango freed one of his hands to wipe away his tears, "look at me, as soon as the game ends, you'll be safe back in your Empires, okay?"
He nodded as his tears kept flowing, pulling him close, "I'm still sorry," he cried into Tango's pointed ear, letting his head fall into Tango's vest.
He rubbed Jimmy's back, "I am not upset, you can't control what they made you."
As he buried his face further into Tango's neck, he whimpered, "I hurt you, we barely spoke."
"This is just how these games work," he placed a kiss on the top of the avian's head, "I still love you."
Jimmy shook his head, "but you don't, I was never worth your love."
"No, don't say that, I would have spoiled you to the moon if they would let me!"
"Tango, I'm telling the truth, you just cared because they bound you to me."
With that the netherborn pulled the avian off him, "listen," he held Jimmy so they were making eye contact, "I don't care if that's how they put us together, I will forever love you."
"But-" he didn't get to finish his rebuttal before Tango kissed him, quick and sharp.
Jimmy looked at him with a new expression, "gods, I'm so sorry," he cried before he pulled Tango close to kiss him himself.
Tango was quick to pull Jimmy closer as he felt the avian's desperation, and-
"Get a room!" Cleo shouted, freshly joining them, awfully bitter.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" He shouted into the void for a long period of time before Tango finally managed to track him down in there.
"Jimmy, you're okay!" He exclaimed, hugging the man close.
He only cried more as Tango held him, "I killed us!" He mumbled as he pressed a hand over his own mouth.
"No Jim, it's okay," he said softly, "it's just the game, it's just too bad."
Jimmy cried out, "'just too bad,' Tango this is the third time I've died first! They cursed me!"
The netherborn gave a huff, "you know I don't believe in-"
"Tango, I'm serious! They cursed me," Jimmy spat, digging the heel of his hands into his eyes.
He was quick to move Jimmy's malicious hands, "that's not going to help, let me understand what's going on."
Jimmy only tensed.
"Come on, who cursed you?" Tango started pushing, holding his hands softly, "why are you convinced you're cursed?"
"You wouldn't understand," his words strained as he fought back more tears, "they don't want me to be happy." Jimmy caught Tango's expression, "you aren't supposed to love me," he shifted away from him, "it's beyond your understanding."
His soulmate tightened his hold on him, "I may not, but I want to try."
Everything in him threatened to break again, avoiding his eyes, knowing they could shatter his heart.
Why did this have to matter so much to Jimmy!
These are just stupid games!
But gods, they had to make the pain of it all sting.
"Hey," he felt a hand settle across his cheek, "you won't lose me," and the other wrapped around his waist, "if it's bothering you this much, tell me love."
Jimmy didn't realize he was still crying until Tango's thumb ran under his eye, "what do you know about the Watchers," he got out before he could stop himself.
Grian's heart sank, as he tripped(?) and landed in a scattered pile of cobblestone.
That shouldn't have happened!
He was about to make it- why had he felt pressure when he was only tens of blocks from the safe water!
Don't say they are doing something!
And like Joel and Tango, Skizz collected him, but he didn't process a single word.
They were playing dirty.
He should have made it, Jimmy shouldn't have fell.
He wouldn't let himself forget the elongated length of time he had been stuck watching the game go on without him before being eliminated.
That shouldn't have happened.
They took his Watcher nature and forced his hand as his friends took care of his physical form.
Like him, Pearl had something similar happen.
She had cried to him, but unlike him, she was shocked when a familiar player had taken her place, and Pearl could hear every single one of the player's thoughts.
They knew Pearl wasn't dealing with it all well, from Tilly, to everything to do with Scott, his suicide, and gods being thrown back into a game so soon.
So they destroyed her.
What about Scott and Martyn!
The Watchers despised Scott and-
Gods he should watch Martyn, if they are messing with them, they would mess with his closest ally.
Finally his surroundings caught up to him when Skizz gave him a harsh slap, "Grian! Are you with me?"
He blinked, touching his skin that had to be reddening, "I'm here, just-"
Skizz cut him off, "do you know why this is all bothering Jimmy so much?"
Grian nodded shyly, "sadly I do."
"I think he wants to talk to you, we all saw what happened to you," he started bouncing his leg, "your death really freaked him."
He huffed, hiding a sad smile, "I bet it did."
So, he was led to Jimmy, who admittedly, was doing better than he thought.
The canary was making understandable conversations with Joel and Tango.
He felt as if he took a sigh of relief seeing it.
"Tim," he held a firm expression, "are you alright?"
And like that, his eyes lit up, "Grian!" He shouted, rushing to his feet, pulling the other avian into an aggressive hug, "I didn't trip! They pushed me!"
He took a deep breath as he hugged Jimmy close, "I know, they pushed me too."
"Why are they doing this?" Jimmy asked in a whisper so the rest couldn't hear them.
Grian had to think, being he was still a Watcher, but he didn't know. "They're playing dirty this time, I'm sorry."
The canary let go, "no, I'm sorry, for so many of my actions," he kept his head down, fidgeting his hands together, "and for all this mess."
"None of us can control what happens here, they loop us here," Grian sniffled, "but you know that means you get to see me and all the others."
"But it includes so much hate," Jimmy shook his head, "I wouldn't care if I never saw any of you again if it meant we never went through this stupid process again!" He shouted the last words.
Silence surrounded the two, Grian knew they wouldn't stop until everyone was broken and exhausted.
"Timmy, acting like it doesn't bother you won't work," Grian made sure his eyes were on him, "it's in your nature to love."
With a big sigh, he laughed, "you know me too well."
He was going to keep acting whether or not he should.
Before even going back, his empire already felt so lonely
The problem came when Pearl joined them.
She was a mess.
They all knew the canary would be an issue, but the moth hybrid was a surprise.
Even Jimmy was surprised, but it was because it all made him feel so ignored all of a sudden.
She curled into BigB crying into the armor that matched her own, the reality of the games always hurt.
Whether they all wanted to admit it or not, it was true.
People like Etho and Scott were good at hiding its effect on them, but that doesn't mean it didn't.
BigB hugged her tighter as everyone was dead silent, the only sound ringing was the sound of Pearl's scream as Martyn sent his sword through Scott's body.
Even though she knew she wouldn't feel it anymore, it didn't mean seeing him hurt- especially die, wouldn't make everything in her panic and thrash.
The events unfolding confused most, but to Jimmy and Grian, it felt like it was all happening in slow motion.
His cackle, the tinge of color in his eyes, it was telling.
They really were playing dirty.
Worse than any with understanding of the Watchers would expect.
So many negative emotions.
They must be so proud of themselves.
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thegeminisage · 4 months
star trek update time. i am waaay behind. monday we did voy's "non sequitur" and "twisted" and tuesday we did voy's "parturition" and "persistence of vision."
non sequitur:
this one actually made me SOOO mad, like absolutely FUCKING livid, because on paper this concept sounds like it could be High Art. a complete tearjerker. harry kim, most unassuming guy ever, is, through a stroke of blind luck, transported back to earth, and instead of staying and enjoying having everything he wants, he CHOOSES to go back to the delta quadrant to be with his ship.
like, firstly, the idea that it's harry specifically - harry whose mother tried to send him his clarinet, harry who's trying to remain faithful to his girl back home, mister aw-shucks who-me who befriended tom paris out of compassion and who is new to this whole space travel thing. NOBODY could blame him for staying home with his girl and his career and his clarinet. the rest of the voyager crew, if they could have been asked, would have been SCREAMING at him to grab the chance with both hands and enjoy it twice as much for them. AND HE CHOOSES TO GO BACK. it shows grit, it shows maturity, and it shows how much he loves his crew
oh yeah bonus points for tom paris dying for harry not because i hate tom paris (i do but he's growing on me JUST a little) but because harry was the first person to ever see him as anything besides a complete and total waste of space, in whatever reality
unfortunately, we didn't get any of that shit in this episode. the girlfriend basically existed to cause problems on purpose and not in the fun way. first she blows off his break with reality and then she decides he needs help after he gets caught hacking starfleet or whatever. she doesn't trust him for a minute and none of her actions or dialogue makes ANY sense, let alone makes her endearing or someone we feel sad to see harry lose
secondly, we spent so much time on the mechanics of how harry got here and how he's gonna get back that we didn't have time for any extra drama. it was just him explaining stuff over and over and people getting increasingly mad/disbelieving about it
this episode should have had me sobbing into my hands. instead it was so boring i was reaching for solitaire on my phone. JUSTICE for harry kim. this could have been his MOMENT and instead it was a travesty. tngcore and i mean that in the meanest way possible
kes's surprise party was sweet! i didn't love neelix being weird about her again though. NOW i see why everyone says he's so horrible...it's such a shame bc i REALLY liked him and i want to continue to like him, but he makes it hard. it's the exact same problem i had with geordi (he's fine if we keep him away from women but we can't seem to do that) and now i also understand why star trek fans want berman dead.
also, when tuvok almost touched janeway. HI HELLO
the rest of this was really boring. i feel like they did absolutely nothing for the entire episode, except when they were about to die, at which point they argued a little
i will say the doctor in the holodeck is fun though. he was so mad about that lady trying to mack on him. gay king <3
the summary for this episode terrified me. "neelix and tom paris fight over kes and then raise a lizard baby together" felt like it was combining many of my least favorite things, aside from, of course, the lizard baby. it turned out to be ALARMINGLY watchable and even solved some of my neelix problems and some of my tom paris problems, assuming we stick with this development and don't reset it back to status quo
first, it must be said: the use of a Real Puppet for the lizard baby. inspired. 10/10. they don't make em like this anymore
secondly, i was LIVID when neelix started that fight (not to defend tom paris but he didn't even DO anything) but i WAS glad that kes got to be angry about it, even going so far as to snap at the doctor, who is innocent of all crimes in this particular instances. i'd be fed up too!!
i still kind of wish they had apologized to kes but whatever i'll take it
sorry, but they did kind of send tom paris to the yaoi cave with neelix there. no yaoi happened but there was a cave and there was co-parenting.
and it worked! once they found the baby and stopped being annoying it turned into quite a watchable episode. godmother neelix. i think tom daddy issues paris respected that he refuses to abandon it even when it would have saved their asses to do so and neelix official ship chef respected that tom paris figured out how to feed a baby. furthermore, once neelix showed an iota of self-awareness and they cleared the air i felt MUCH better about the whole situation. i really hope this is the last of neelix's jealousy and controlling behavior bc it's truly not it
persistence of vision:
this episode made me cry BUT only because i had already had a whole ass day. that said, did you guys know janeway's crew loves her. like they love her. she snaps at them and theyre like hey you need some shore leave. she skips lunch and gets gently ushered into the cafeteria. they treat her really niceys and it's not because women are weak it's because they LOVE HER!!!! maybe i cried when she was fed lunch. whose business is it
this is one of the only episodes i didn't mind the holodeck. i actually found myself weirdly invested in the novel plot. i think mr sideburns is keeping a wife in his attic if you know what i mean
the hallucinations were both fun and a little scary, especially once we got out of the holonovel. tom paris's DAD? TUVOK'S WIFE??? i wanna see his BABIES!!! his potential grandbabies!!!
ALSO, B'ELANNA AND CHAKOTAY? all this time she wanted him and he was with seska...AND she's gonna have to settle for tom paris...the fuck chart for this ship would be wild. star trek is always at its best when its doing unrestrained horniness i think
winding back to tom paris i like that he was like (to his dad) "i used to be so shitty and i don't want to be shitty anymore and fuck you and fuck my daddy issues also." like i'm reserving judgment out of an abundance of caution because i don't feel terribly optimistic at this time, but this IS a narrative that has the potential to compel me, assuming he actually does stop being shitty.
i don't even really care that we don't know if the aliens were ever actually there or not. like, nothing in that episode made sense, but it's wild how you can get away with that if your episode is funny or involves character work or has some other attribute of merit. like, literally anything. looking at you, tng
the doctor and kes always <3
i also really liked b'elanna and janeway's girl talk at the end. they could get it.
NEXT TIME: ds9's "the visitor" (thanks again to the person who warned me) and "hippocratic oath."
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ladytauria · 10 months
hey liv sorry in advance i am nosy
dont be sorry! i enjoy nosy uwu
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
i was 12. my favorite tv show at the time was this old disney cartoon, "super robot monkey team hyper force go" (abbreviated as SRMTHFG or SRMTHG. i prefer the first but plenty of people use the second.) it was canceled after its 4th season and, uh. the ending was SO bad. like, major major cliffhanger.
anyway, i was looking up... i don't even remember at the time. and i discovered deviantart, and i discovered this person's OCs. read a lot about them, including some fanfic, and then eventually discovered fanfiction.net
i didn't realize what it was at first; i thought it was just a writing in general site? and i was like oh! i can share the book i'm working on! (i have been trying to write a novel since i was 10). and then as i was looking into where i would post it, i realized what it actually was. (no, the title didn't give it away. idk why.)
so then i was like oh!!! this is really cool actually!!! and i wrote my first fanfic xD
that was in 2011? so i was 12, almost 13.
and i've been reading & writing fic ever since~
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
okay so this is a tough question
bc like
i love love love love love second person.
*adore* it.
second person, present tense is my absolute fave, but past tense is good too. (i have written an entire sapphic little mermaid retelling [12k words i think] in second person. uh, it needs revisions but it's a full draft. i opened it it the other day and im still so proud of it uwu)
howEVER. outside of writing second person w/o ever explicitly naming the pov character i have not actually written a reader-insert? so for that reason alone i will have to say 'prefer writing oc's'
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
i'm a chronic oversharer (mostly in the tags) so that's kind of tough!
ah! since my grandmother's memory issues started, i've been doing about half of the cooking (it's been a bit of a battle, as she keeps trying to do everything xD) and i've cooked a lot of new things this year!! i've gotten very good at cooking pork chops. which 🤔 now that i bring that up, i might make friday! or tonight, but they're still in the freezer, so...
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
my grandmother's memory situation has improved a lot!! it's still not great, but like. strides ahead of where we were 7-8 months ago!
my anxiety has been much kinder to me this year <3 i've made some very lovely friends this year~
mmm, oH, my energy levels have been fantastic this year. i didn't realize just how bad they had gotten until i started these new meds, and now i'm just. <333 much better.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
idk if i have any unpopular opinions...? i mean. i'm sure i must, but... nothing immediately comes to mind ^^;
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
recently been trying to get in the habit of summarizing what i want to do before i start writing. it makes the process much easier, if ik a bit about what i want to do before going in?
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
i am much better at being patient than i ever gave myself credit for in the past <3
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
i can't think of one piece in particular, as the places i find inspiration are. all over the board?
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
picked a wip from my open tabs at random! funnily enough this is also the one i ended up doing for the emoji ask xD
it's also almost triple what this asked for but once i started writing i couldn't stop <3
He swallows, staring up at Tim. Jason has had plenty of practice reading people through a domino, but. He has no reference for the look Tim is giving him now. Only that it— That the feeling it gives him is… is new and strange. He has no name for it, the way his stomach feels fluttery and tight, his scalp and fingers tingling. His mouth opens—but all that escapes is a stuttery puff of air. That’s okay. He doesn’t know what he was going to say anyway. Tim hooks a gloved finger under his chin; tipping his face up. He leans in, slowly—so slow that Jason— There’s nothing keeping him there. He could run. Turn away. But he feels caught, feet anchored in place. Tim’s mouth touches his, and all thought leaves him. Jason has never been kissed before.
[ writers truth or dare ask game ]
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ghostwriter2203 · 2 years
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Chapter 7, Stuck In New York, Part 1
( A/n: Get little spicy in this chapter towards the end of it...with gif in it...you've been warn. )
Dani is staring up at the ceiling in her room in the hotel and dealing with the emotions that she can't describe or even express to Jess, Jeffrey, and even Norman. She closes her eyes for a second, takes a deep breath, and then sits up and grabs her journal from the nightstand. Journaling has been helping with writing down all her thoughts, and her mental health is much better now. Dani gets comfortable on the bed and begins to journal.
Jess and I are stuck in New York because of what's happening, and finding a lot more about Zoey and Billy's relationship, Chole's family might have a connection with the mafia. So they hacked our computers and passports too. We let Jeffrey and Norman know of what's gonna on and also let them know that they're gonna have to help us out because there are some things we can't do. She and I must be careful of what we do in public, as someone might be looking for us.
I am scared about this and don't want to die at all. This is the worst December ever, and I wanted a good one, but nope. Jeffrey told us to be safe and don't any stupid.
My phone starts to ring as I answer it, " Hello?'' I ask as I hear a chuckle " Hey, princess, how are you feeling?" I smiled when I heard Norman's voice coming through the phone. " Not so good," I answered and felt my cheeks burn up. " Didn't I tell you not to call me that?'' he laughs " Yes, you did, and I ignored it," he says, grinning, and I could tell that he is amused by this.
Am I glad to hear his voice?
Norman's voice makes me feel calm inside and helps me take my mind off what's happening. " why, though?" He moves around and gets comfortable with something." Because that nickname makes you blush when I call you that." He tells me as I blush more. " You are right about that," I mumble, " What was that?'' I panic a little bit then I tell myself to calm down. " It's nothing," I say softly and play with the string of my shoelace. " Isn't it bad for me to miss you?" he asked as I got confused by that, " Why wouldn't it be bad for you to miss me?" I questioned him and heard him let out a sigh. " Do you miss me of how much I miss you?''
I stayed silent and gonna into my thoughts about this. Why do I miss being around Norman? His voice makes me feel calm and keeps me from gonna into a panic attack. I blushed when he called me nicknames, and we will get to know each other when this is all over....so am I slowly falling in love?
Yet, I am scared of letting that happen and don't know if I can let another person see my broken side. Norman wouldn't like it and will he stay with me? Through the tough times when I feel sad and not like my body? He makes my heart beat so much, yet I am scared of letting him in my heart.
No, I can't let anyone see me like that....don't want them to see me broken and sad. I have a past that I don't want to talk about or even want to remember it. It was hard for me to move on from what happened when I was a child. A knock got my attention. I looked at the door to see Jess standing there, " I got to order some food for us." I blinked and realized that I had hung up on Norman without even noticing I did. " Oh, from what place?" she gives me concern. " You alright?" I avoided the question and stood up, telling her I would shower.
Jess left my room, and I took a shower to help me with my mind.
--------------- Meanwhile, with Jeffrey and Norman-------------
Jeffrey POV
I am worried about jess and Dani's safety, and now we are gonna put our research on the boss for a while until the girls come home. Norman was stressed about it until the boss called us in, and it isn't good to get called by a mafia leader. We are sitting in his office with his bodyguard Enzo standing near the door with no emotion but a severe face. He's always wearing a mask and doesn't say a word or even make eye contact. He is an exciting person and probably has a mysterious past.
When he entered the room with a serious, he sat down in his armchair. " So I've heard some news about the two girls you two hang out with each other. " Norman and I shared a concern, then back at him, " What news?" Norman questioned him. '' That they're trying to solve the mysterious murder case of that one family, and now they're trapped in New York." He answered him as he cleared his throat. " How do you know that they're trapped in New York?" he grins " I've my ways. " he lined back in his chair.
I got more worried about this, but I hid that emotion deep down. " Now boys, you know I don't like people lying to me, and if they do..well, they aren't gonna be seen again, and I don't want that to happen to you," he peace as he took a sip of his whisky then set it back down on his desk. " I got people who know things you aren't telling me and how you are gonna betray me while trying to get out of here," he says calmly.
" We will never do that." Norman protest as the boss chuckles and slams his fist down on the desk hard, making them both jump a little. " Don't lie to me!" he shouted as he glared at them both, " We aren't lying to you," I said as he looked at us, then he grinned more and nodded towards Enzo. " I think It's time for you two to go to the red room and see the doctor there." that's when the panic sets in the both of them. Enzo grabs Norman's arm while Asher enters the room and grabs my arm.
" No...Not the red room!"
" Too late."
The Boss POV
I watched Asher and Enzo drag those two out of my office and smiled when I heard them screaming in a pleading tone. It brings me so much joy to listen to that. Then I heard high heels walking towards my office, stood up from my chair, and looked out the window to see the city that would be mine soon. " You know, you can't be standing there and acting like you hardly don't anything here." a young woman says as I turn around to face her.
" Baby, I do things here, and you're lucky to be alive from what you did. Besides, your husband doesn't know what you've been doing behind his back with the things we're testing." As she narrows her eyes at me, I tell her, " Don't you fucking bring him into this. You and I had an agreement." I smirked and grabbed her chin. " I remember the agreement but can't work without getting some love from my future queen.'' She rolled her eyes and kissed my lips with her soft lips.
I pulled her close to my body, and my hands went to her ass and I grasped as she slipped a moan in the kiss, which made me want to go crazy. I pushed her against the wall as I fell my tongue in her mouth, and she pushed me away. " That's enough. You don't get the reward unless you earn it. " She says playfully as I let my hands rest on her hips.
" Oh, I do earn it, sweetheart." she chuckles and pushes me away with her hand on my chest. " I don't think you do, my love. Not til he is dead for good." I groaned and held her close to my body. " I know there are setbacks for this to work," I peck her neck with soft kisses.
" Setbacks? What do you mean by that?" she cupped my checks and made me look into her blue eyes. '' These two girls are trying the case about what happened. " I tell as she stares at me, shocked. " No, don't let them solve this case and do anything to make them not solve it before they find out the truth." I nodded, and we continued to hold each other in my office.
" They won't ever solve it."
" how would you know?"
" Because this case has too many potential implications and issues. "
" rights.."
" And the lies too. "
" You mean the lies that you've made me do. "
" hun, but you did come to me first. "
" ..."
" you know I am right, so don't worry about a thing."
" But you've been wrong in ways before. "
" Yes, but-"
" So I have the right to be worried about this." He let out a sighed and nodded his head, " fine, you can be worried all you want but I think we can have little bit of fun~" he gentle moved her hips to his lap as she straggle his lap with her cloth clit touch his cloth cock as she slowly teased in which he let out a low groaned.
She has already took off her skirt, she only has panties as he made her stand back up then he made her undressed them both. They're both naked underneath, she ride him slowly and teasing him.
" fuck...yes, baby girl~"
" mhm..."
" go faster "
" no."
Charlie growled as he thrusts up as she let out a loud moaned, and her hands goes to his shoulders when she matches his thrusts. They both begins to thrust together as he kissed her mouth passionately, as he sneaky his hand to her clit, rubbing it with his thumb. She let out few whimpers and kissing his mouths as she feels like that she is getting close, " fuck.." thrust " sir..." thrust " babygirl~" thrust, and thrust " I'm so close!" He kisses her neck and gives her some hickeys.
" cum." She did cum over his cock as he cum inside of her, and they panting heavily and holding each other arms.
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