#so i think i'll be happy being his servant for the rest of my life
dollservant · 2 years
mmmbbbb my master is soooo perfect and sweet and sexy and kind aansbdhdhrhsmvn i swear i've never been happier in my life, my desire to make sure this man never has to lift a finger if he doesn't feel like it grows daily i want to dedicate my life to maximizing my master's pleasure
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sparrowrye · 7 months
Alastor x Fem! Reader {soulmate au} Part 4
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies, you die too. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes.
Part 4: Hidden Past
Part Pilot | Part 2 | Part 3
"There's something strange about her." Alastor stood in front of the fire, staring into the hot flames. His eyes jumped up to the picture of him and his mother. "When I touch her, there's something...there."
"What do you mean?" Husker asked from his corner of the room.
"I mean there's some sort of blockage. She doesn't seem like she knows much about mind magic so it's not as if she's purposefully blocking me." He scraped his claw against the mantle piece with the ridge of the wood.
"And? What about it?" Husker fell into the couch with his wings outstretched. He stretched out all his limbs and stuck out his tongue in a yawn.
"I want to know what it is. I have a strong feeling that this blockage isn't of her own doing."
"You think someone cursed her?" Husker asked. "I wouldn't be surprised considering the ring fights and all."
“There's a strong chance she is," Alastor turned to face him, "but what is that curse doing? I believe it's putting constraints on her magic and hiding something a bit more powerful."
Husker was quiet for a long minute. Alastor stood silently with his smile as he waited for his friend and servant to connect the dots. When Husker did, his eyes widened and he sat straight up. "You think she's a demon?"
“There's a good probability." Alastor rested his hands on his cane. "After all, when have you ever heard of a demon and human being soulmates?"
"I'm not so sure.” Husker uncurled his claws to count. "Her aura isn't very strong, her magic is consistent with those with a Slight Hand, and she still looks like a human when she's asleep either naturally or by drugs."
"Indeed those are all good points." Alastor appeared beside him. "But a curse can be strong, especially if done by someone with a lot of power. They might have tried to hide the fact that she's a demon. She clearly doesn't know herself so it might've been done when she was very young."
"So...now what? How do you expect to find out if she's a demon or not? Even you can't undo a curse and we don't know who cursed her."
"I have someone who might be able to help." Alastor went back to the mantle and stared at the small clock. "After all, it is possible for someone to un-curse themselves."
"I've never heard of anyone doing that."
"Well, my good friend, you don't exactly travel and socialize very much."
"I'm quite happy with my life. Except when I have to deal with you."
Alastor laughed as he turned on his heels. "Well, you see, a curse is something that has to do with the mind. There's no actual physical restraint. A curse makes your mind think a certain way and your body follows your mind. It's quite simple really."
"Why would you want her to discover that side of her?" Husker questioned. "I thought you said a soulmate is a burden and a handicap."
"Not if she's got more power than we think. She already knows how to fight with such little magic, I can only imagine what she could do with all the rest of it."
"Is it smart to do that now? We don't know what kind of demon she is."
"It's nothing I can't handle," Alastor pressed his hand to his chest, "don't worry Husker. A demon in training is no match for me."
Husker hummed disapprovingly. "So who's the someone you know?"
"An old friend of mine. I'll need to bring her a piece offering when we go."
Husker sighed and raked his paw down his face. "Do I have to kill it?"
"I think you ought to socialize some, Husker," Alastor laughed.
I stayed in bed for days. I barely came downstairs for meals that Husker managed to put together and my only concept of passing time was when Husker came up to see if I was still here. I slept away my feelings and stared off into the vast sea outside my window. I didn't know what to do with my life now. I was stuck in an old house with two Full mages, one of which I was soul-bound to and despised.
Husker managed to coax me into eating dinner with him every night. We didn't speak as we ate by a meager single lamp on the table. Maybe I would try fixing up bits of the ancient house. Husker had fixed part of the kitchen so there was running electricity and new tiles on the floor.
"Maybe you should start sulking out on the porch," Husker said one evening during dinner.
I looked up. "What do you care?"
He shrugged. "Just trying to help. Sulking in a dust-filled house isn't exactly great for your health. At least outside you'll get some sun and fresh air. And...if you want to talk to someone..." he glanced over at me, "I'm always an open ear."
"Sure you are." I put my fork down. "I'm sure you'd love to hear me complain about your master."
"Don't call him that," he growled, "But surprisingly, yes I would. I'm not exactly choosing to be under his service."
The next day I took him up on his offer. I brought my book down with me and sat quietly in the chair. I read and he stared off into the distance drinking his bottle of something. I wanted to ask him questions more than I wanted to reveal my own past.
"So..." I cleared my throat. His ear twitched at the noise and he leaned back in the chair. "Can I ask how you came under Alastor’s service?"
"Can I ask anything about you?"
"Maybe." He shrugged with a smile.
"Here's one, then. Where the hell do you-" I was cut short as Alastor manifested in between us, red eyes locked on me. I looked down at the book with a stark, "What do you want?"
"I have someone I'd like to introduce you to," he looked over his shoulder at Husker, "and you will come along, too."
"Why?" I still didn't look up at him. Husker disappeared into the house, leaving me alone with the mage.
"She's someone I think you would absolutely adore."
"But why?" I finally met his terrifying eyes and ugly smile.
"Oh I think you'll find out when you meet her." He held out his hand for me to take but I denied it, standing up on my own and leaving the book on the chair. He leaned on his cane as Husker came out carrying two large trash bags. Alastor led the way off the porch, to the side of the house, and to the edge of the cliff. I noticed a scorched symbol in the earth beneath Alastor's feet.
He put an arm around Husker's shoulders and one around mine. The transition took longer this time. The wind was slow to pick up and the ground to disappear. I glanced over at Husker who's fur was sticking up all over and his lips pulled back in a snarl. I kept my eyes open the whole time. The house melted into a single dark color before turning into a crimson red. It went through a range of colors before it slowly cleared into a town.
"Hold on tight will you Husker," Alastor said as he let go of both of us. Husker growled like an angry cat and eyed the people walking past. I suddenly noticed that the people looked very different than normal. Their skin was pale and their mouths were drooping open into a block hole.
"Where the hell are we?" I asked.
"Just follow Al." Husker gently nudged me forward and I quickened my pace to follow close behind Alastor. It seemed like something out of a terrifying cartoon. The colors were all pale creams, pinks, and browns that their residents matched in their outfits. Speaking of which, all their outfits seemed incredibly out of date, as if from the Victorian Era.
We walked through the town, surprisingly filled with children running about with the same horror stricken faces, until we came to a certain building. The sign out front read: Rosie's Emporium. Alastor held the door open and I walked in with a casted glare up at him. Inside was busy and crowded with more of these terrifying people. It wasn't until I was close enough that I realized they had incredibly sharp teeth.
Alastor walked past me and the crowd practically parted like the red sea for him. I stayed close on his tail, ensuring that Husker was also close behind me. He seemed as grumpy as ever but his eyes jumped around like crazy. He was watching for something.
"I should've known you'd be right on time," a voice said. A tall, scary-looking woman came up to the small group. "How have you been Alastor, dear? Eating well?" She clung to his arm and gave him a polite pat on the back.
"Not as well as you will tonight." He gestured to the two bags Husker was carrying.
She put a hand over her toothy smile and laughed. "You're such a gentleman, as always. You didn't need to bring me anything."
"Well with the favor I'm about to ask, I figured you deserved it."
"And what favor is that?" she asked, making eye contact with me as she did.
"We need you to look a little deep," he replied.
"Ooooh, this sounds interesting. Hello dear," she grabbed my hand and shook it, "my name is Rosie. It's a pleasure to be meeting you." I smiled and introduced myself.
"It would be best to have our meeting in private," Alastor said discreetly.
"Oh of course. And we'll take those heavy bags off your hands." Two people appeared and took the trash bags from Husker, who seemed more than happy to pass them off. Rosie led us into a room off to the side, away from the hustle and bustle of the store. "Now, take a seat lovely." She motioned to one of the large pink chairs. A small coffee table sat in between us. "Would you like any tea?"
I politely declined as I sat down. Alastor told her, "I'm hoping you'll look a little deeper into her magic, for me."
"Why?" I blurted out.
He ignored me. "A quick glance should tell you everything."
Rosie stood and asked for my hand. I looked for Husker who stood near the door, out of sight. The woman reassured me that she wouldn't eat my hand. So I slowly placed my hand in her cold, dry one and let her place her other one on top.
"My my," she said with eyes closed, "I see what you mean. There's something...blocking....not me, but her."
"I thought so," he mumbled.
"What does that mean?" I asked as I took my hand back. Rosie grabbed a stool and placed it next to my chair.
"It means there's something strange about your magic. Tell me, dear, are you a Full mage?"
"Hm. You may very well be if this blockage is what I think it is."
"Really?" I was more than willing to give my hand back to her when she asked for it.
"It's possible. But it looks like this is a type of curse."
"A curse?" I swallowed. I had heard horrible rumors of curses from Full mages. "Can you undo it?"
"Oh of course, darling, don't fret about it. Though it will take some time. It's an awfully strong curse." Her eyes stayed closed as she gently massaged my hand. I could see her eyes moving beneath her eyelids. "Say, tell me a little bit about yourself. Try to go as far back as you can remember. Auntie Rosie won't judge, I promise."
I looked down at our hands. It had been a long time since I tried to remember anything from when I was younger. "Well I...uh...I uh...I'm a--I was a ring fighter."
"Oh, what a horrible profession," she commented.
"Yeah. Not great. But uh...I've had various masters through the years. The longest was...the longest was a Full mage called Striker. He owned me all through my teenage-hood. It wasn't...fun."
"Poor thing. You've been through a lot." The motion of her hands were very hypnotic. I felt myself relaxing into the seat. "What about before him?"
"Before him was...um...another man. He wasn't very well known but he was the first master I managed to escape from." My eyes closed and I felt like I was truly visiting my memories. "But he was also the first master to treat me...well...nice-ish I guess."
"How so?"
"Well, he moved me to a larger cage and upgraded my food rations a few levels. I actually felt comfortable in my cage when I wasn't fighting or dealing with an injury."
"What about any masters before him?"
"I don't remember them very well. I was very young. But uh...they weren't nice. The first ring I can remember was small and not as well known. The cages were small and we were all cramped together like livestock."
"What was your first cage like?"
"Horrible. I could barely move and my legs went numb for hours." My spine was seething with pain in the cramped little cage. I couldn't move my legs and my hands pulled uselessly at the strong metal bars. "It was so horrible. I remember crying for hours until my voice was hoarse."
"You poor thing. What else do you remember about these cages?"
"I remember meeting my first friend there. He was my age. Our cages were right next to each other. The cages were slightly bigger this time. But they were still empty and cold. The boy would always reach out and we would hold hands just to keep warm. We managed to pull our cages close and huddled as close as we could. It was always so cold. And so dark. I could hear other kids crying for their parents or...just for anything other than this."
"What happened to the boy?" My throat closed. "It's okay dear. Take your time."
I looked into the boys eyes, a beautiful bright blue. He always wore a smile whenever I looked at him, even if he was sad. "He...he didn't survive one of his fights." I watched him being dragged out of his cage, hand outstretched for me, and shoved into the ring.
"Tell me what you're seeing, love. What's happening?"
I sniffled. "He...they didn't..." His master carried his body back from the ring and laid him on a black sheet, giving me a clear view. "His opponent decapitated him." The tears streamed down as his dead, horror stricken face stared back at me. His blue eyes were dull and cloudy.
"What did you do?"
"I screamed. I screamed and cried and threw magic all over the place. They ignored me and took him away. I kept screaming and crying until...until something hit me in the head." I paused to sniffle again. "I woke up the next day to see a girl in his cage. She...she didn't last her first fight." My sadness finally wrapped itself fully around me and I broke down. I couldn't stop replaying the boy's body in my head.
"Okay, okay, come back. Sweetheart, you're not actually there." I felt someone shaking my shoulders but I couldn't let go of the image. "Sweetheart, you're in my store. You're free from those fighting rings and I'm right here holding your hand. Blink twice and look up." I listened and found myself staring into her pitch-black eyes. "There we go, welcome back dear."
I let out a choked sigh and dropped my head. I froze. I was staring down at two sets of sharp claws. I let go and lifted my hand to my face. My nails had turned into razor sharp, black claws. My skin had turned black and stopped its infection halfway to my elbow.
"Looks like you're more than a Full mage, darling." Rosie grabbed a hand-mirror and gave it to me. I slowly lifted the object and stared at my own, unrecognizable reflection. My teeth had sharpened to a point and long, sharp fangs like a snake poked out of my lips. A set of black horns protruded from my forehead in the shape of a wave.
"Looks like you're a demon after all." I caught Alastor's reflection in the mirror staring over my shoulder.
"A what?" I looked up at him.
"My my, you didn't tell your own soulmate what a demon is?" Rosie remarked. She put her stool away and sat back on the other pink chair. "Well, who better to tell you our glorious history than me." I remained quiet, examining myself in the mirror repeatedly.
She cleared her throat. "A long time ago, two humans went around the world to all kinds of haunted places. They seemed determined to meddle with the deepest, darkest demons they could find. And they did. Eventually, their meddling ended with creating a portal for demons to travel through. No one knows how exactly they did it, but they did. Demons came and went as they pleased, terrorizing the earth.
"Years later, humans started popping up with different kinds of magic. They weren't as strong as a demon's magic but they were nothing to scoff over. As time went on, and the Great Collapse happened, people started to forget about demons. Everyone had some kind of magic, strong or weak. That's why some people who don't look 'human' are actually demons, hell-spawn."
There was a long moment of silence.
"My you have a way with words," Alastor complimented. The two went back and forth with flirts but it was nothing but noise to me. I put the mirror down and felt my claws and dry, scaly skin. How does one even comprehend the fact that they weren't human? I was a creature. I was a completely different race. I came from hell.
"My my dear, it's nothing to fret over." Rosie grabbed my attention. "You come from a very powerful race. I'm willing to bet both your parents were demons. Though I'm not sure how you ended up in fighting rings or with a human appearance. We'll have to dig deeper." I pressed both hands into my lap. "Not tonight, though. It's very late and you ought to sleep after discovering so much about yourself. You'll have to come back and visit again."
"Rest assured, we will," Alastor said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked at his claws and ran up his arm to his terrifying smile. "Thank you Rosie, it was such a pleasure to see you again. I hope my offering will suffice."
"Oh of course Alastor. I'm curious to know more about this lovely lady, too.”
"So am I, dear, so am I."
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twilightarc-gm · 6 months
hello :D can you tell me why you like chengxian?
A Non-Comprehensive Guide to Twi's Love of ChengXian
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Yes I spent time making this edit. I love them and I'm not an artist so sue me.
Short Answer: I love these two self-sacrificing assholes and their aesthetics and I think they should kiss and get a happy ending for once. If MXTX doesn't want to do it, I'll write it instead! 😤
Long Answer: Click the Read More
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"As long as we both live in this world, we'll meet sooner or later." -- Vol1 Chap6
👏 MDZS literally doesn't happen without Yunmeng Shuangjie, it doesn't happen without the huge sense of debt and love and envy and pride and duty that comprises everything about the relationship between Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng. They must meet because their stories are so wrapped up in each other that where one ends and the other begins is a blurred line at best.
MXTX put in so much work to separate these two for the happily ever after she wanted and if you think about it too much you start to wonder if the Wei Wuxian we grew to love with this story, that says this kind of line, is ever going to be really happy without Jiang Cheng in his life.
💗It's not incest, but the boys wish it was. I am half-joking about this, but also absolutely serious. The vague labels on their relationship is a very big part of the point!
They are very much the Shixiong/shidi(mei) xianxia/wuxia romance trope. The talented and wonderful shixiong. The shidi(mei) that adores their shixiong but can't be honest about it. Childhood friends to sweethearts. MXTX uses this trope and subverts it by not making it endgame or letting the story just end with the tragedy of the First Siege.
She uses the power of this trope to feed into everything in and around the secret of the Golden Core Transfer. It ends up affecting the entire cultivation world as the greatest token of love, of devotion, of sacrifice, of consequence, of dubious consent, of the crux of the very story itself... which is just incredibly powerful.
And the rest of MDZS flows from that.
He had always thought Jiang Cheng would be the one standing with him, and Lan Wangji against him. He'd never imagined that reality would be the complete opposite.
This is literally errata from vol1 official pg 262 and I swear it wasn't put in the first time because it feeds ChengXian too much. You say that Wei Wuxian thought Jiang Cheng would always be by his side? He couldn't imagine a world where that wasn't true?? That now he's in a reality where it's the opposite??? Omg???? Like this is the sum of the ChengXian tragedy right here because MXTX made a reality where they couldn't be together! 💔😭
Like LOOK!
“When you become the family head, I’ll be your subordinate. We’ll be just like our fathers. Who cares about the Twin Jades of Lan? Our Yunmeng has Twin Heroes! So—just shut up. Who said you’re not worthy of being family head? No one’s allowed to say that, not even you. Say it and you’re asking to get beat.” --Vol3 Chap12
You see for me it's about the strain between love and duty and all the points where those two cross.
My actual favorite romance trope is king/lionheart - lord/devoted - leader/subordinate - patron/agent - master/servant - 知己 (zhiji)
this relationship of knowing is one that is worth dying for
“So when Wei-gongzi returned to seek us out, my jiejie was reluctant to even attempt the procedure, at first. She warned him that writing an essay was one thing, but actually doing it was quite another. She wasn’t even confident she’d have a fifty percent chance of success.
“But Wei-gongzi kept pestering her. He said fifty percent was fine; the chances of success and failure were equal. Even if it didn’t work out and his core was wasted, he wasn’t worried about his future—but that wasn’t the case for Sect Leader Jiang. He was too competitive, too focused on what he stood to gain and lose in this aspect, since cultivation was his life. And if Sect Leader Jiang could only ever be an ordinary, mediocre person, his life would be over.” --Vol4 Chap19
Wei Wuxian was willing to risk his life on a 50% chance if it meant Jiang Cheng would Live. Yes yes Wei Wuxian's patent assholery here about how Jiang Cheng is so competitive etc, classic fooling himself. The point is that Jiang Cheng wouldn't be Jiang Cheng anymore and Wei Wuxian would rather die than experience that. Would rather cut himself apart than fail to protect his shidi.
Speaking of failures...
Perhaps there was this:
“I didn’t get caught by the Wen Clan because I insisted on returning to Lotus Pier to retrieve my parents’ bodies.
“When you went to buy rations in that small town during our escape, a group of Wen cultivators caught up to us.
“I noticed them early and left the spot where I’d been sitting to hide in a corner of the street. I didn’t get caught, but they were patrolling, and they would have surely bumped into you while you were getting us food.
“So I ran out and lured them away.” --Vol5 Chap22
Jiang Cheng never wanted Wei Wuxian to die, let alone die for him. He breaks down at the shrine coming to terms with what he will ultimately think of as his fault. We know this because when he feels at fault he doesn't speak of his good intentions. So, he distracts the Wen-dogs from Wei Wuxian > Gets caught and survives, broken > as far as he knows he's miraculously healed > only to find out that Wei Wuxian was taken by the Wen-dogs anyway 3 months later > Jiang Cheng never speaks of his failures, so will never say how lost his core in the first place > a war and 13 years later he finds out that not only did he fail to protect Wei Wuxian from Wen-dogs, but now also knows unequivocally that Wei Wuxian's descent into heretic cultivation was his fault... again.
As tears streamed down his face, he hissed through gritted teeth, “…Why…why didn’t you tell me?!”
And he begs to know why Wei Wuxian would do this!
“Consider it a repayment of my debt to the Jiangs,” Wei Wuxian added.
Jiang Cheng raised his head and looked at him with bloodshot eyes. “…To my father, my mother, my sister?” he asked in a hoarse voice.
Not him. Wei Wuxian won't admit it's for Jiang Cheng--the shidi he meant to protect as a good shixiong, the master he was meant to support, the heir and symbol of the clan and sect he loved so much he would readily lose a hand to protect.
The way Wei Wuxian tortures Wen Zhuliu by leaving him whole and standing while his charge Wen Chao is torn up bit by bit... The delicious parallels of -- you made me a failure, now see how you like it, watch the one you are meant to protect be torn asunder.
Hold on I need a moment...
How about some cute stuff?
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Wei Wuxian waved him off and then hooked his arm around Jiang Cheng’s shoulders. -- Vol1 Chap4
He put his arm around Jiang Cheng’s shoulders and dragged him over to the veranda railings to sit down.
Jiang Cheng was quiet, but he seemed to have calmed down a little. Wei Wuxian put an arm around his shoulders again. --Vol3 Chap12
💗Wei Wuxian is always all over the person/s he likes and loves. Jiang Yanli might have been the first to carry Wei Wuxian but Jiang Cheng's were the first shoulders he chose to hang off of. Jiang Cheng stands so straight because he is used to bearing Wei Wuxian's weight! (Also he's of the gentry, and you can make arguments about a rod in places where the sun doesn't shine, but Wei Wuxian benefits regardless!)
Among all the kicks and shoves and rough housing and sparring, they are just so tactile.
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Gif from this post.
… Jiang Cheng, walk slower, you’re gonna throw me off.”
Not only did Jiang Cheng want to throw Wei Wuxian off, but he practically wanted to bash his head into the ground to create a human crater. “So fussy even though I’m carrying you!”
“I didn’t tell you to carry me,” Wei Wuxian reasoned.
Jiang Cheng flew into a rage. “If I didn’t carry you, I think you’d hang out at their ancestral hall all day, rolling around on the floor. I can’t afford this embarrassment! Lan Wangji took fifty more strikes than you, but he walked away on his own, and you’re not embarrassed, pretending to be an invalid? I don’t want to carry you anymore. Get the hell off!”
“No, I’m wounded,” Wei Wuxian said. --Vol1 Chap4
💜 Yes I am bringing back this quote from my Jiang Cheng appreciation post.
Hnng, I am trying to be more concise, but like one of the things I also enjoy in romance is how two imperfect people choose to be together and that choice that they make is the gold and solder that fits the pieces together into art. Sure MDZS didn't want to go there even though that's where it started, but to me it will only ever be the story of Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian.
Honestly even Yi City arc is YMSJ | CX to me.
Song Lan = Jiang Cheng
Xiao Xingchen = Wei Wuxian
Baoshan Sanren is involved
Eyes = Golden Core
Baixue Temple = Yunmeng Jiang
Xue Yang = Yuan Qi (Resentment) Modao/Guidao
A-Qing = lwj being obsessed with WWX and fighting his use of guidao like a-Qing is distrustful of XY and XXC being friends with him.
XXC kills SL = WWX kills JC (figuratively, JYL's death destroyed the last of the JC from their childhood and all the trust he had in WWX (you cannot tell me that WWX doesn't feel like he caused JYL's death (he couldn't control the corpse that hurt her, he didn't sense the sword coming for him and she had to protect him)))
XXC's suicide and shattered soul is thus my grounds for headcanon to what actually happened to WWX at the First Siege, just sayin'
Anyway that's a bunch of canon stuff how about the realm of fanfiction/art?
Meme Format Reasons Twi is unwell about ChengXian:
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From this post (yes that's my same edit)
Art Commissioned (So Far, more on the way and some I can't share yet) for ChengXian:
Happy ChengXian with Wei Wuxian in Purple by @robinade
Supportive ChengXian in pretty clothes! by Sugar_Shoal
Some more points for consideration:
💗 Point 1: They can't be normal about each other, due in large part by the people who raised them being unable to be normal about them either.
💗 Point 2: Their opposing ideologies, duties, and priorities make for the best drama, but in a better narrative, would balance each other.
💗 Point 3: Martial sibling romance ➡ tragedy! They fought together! Thought the future would be them together always! Then everything in the narrative tears it apart and all they're left with are the ashes of their choices and the lies that buried them.
💗 Point 4: Every AU where they end up happy instead!! 😭 I can't wait for @twinclownsoflotuspiers next CX Happy Ending event! Thankfully there is also @omiixcx coming up this APR 21st-27th! 👀 Yes that was a promo and prod.
💜 Point 5: ChengXian Pros = Zongzhu-shidi getting to love and protect his shixiong fully and truly without restraint.
🖤 Point 6: XianCheng Pros = Overprotective shixiong merciless in his affections for his Zongzhu-shidi.
💗 Point 7: Ship them for tropes based on miscommunication, acts of service, there was only one bed, boundary issues, genderfuckery, soul bound by choice, bickering, bantering, finishing each other's sentences, married-divorced-never-were, childhood shenanigans, cutting oneself on the other and denying the blood ever was...
I am not even getting into the monster/monster-maker aspect, am I? They are both at the same time!
JC makes WWX a monster by being the recipient of the golden core and believing WWX has control of guidao so encourages its use.
WWX makes JC a monster by lying to him until their relationship is broken irrevocably at the Bloodbath and years after JC is known for hunting demonic cultivators.
If you want to get really dark with it, there's also the cannibalistic aspect. WWX becomes a part of JC with the transfer. JC unwittingly consumes WWX and his fortune. The golden core is in the lower dantian, the belly, behind and below the navel. The symbology..! XianCheng is really good for the more gothic themes of the ship.
Let's be real, the vibes are straight up Wuthering Heights in multiple facets. MXTX recently admitted to that novel was one she read so insert conspiracy theory red string board meme here!
I spend a lot of time readdressing the themes introduced with the YMSJ dynamic and are exacerbated by the golden core transfer and the way Wei Wuxian handles and fails to handle that situation. I like how destructive they are about each other. There's a lot of potential there to create something together as well, but they were never given the chance.
Ideally, after the Jiang parents were gone and not influencing them anymore, or if they aged up enough to just stand on their own—and Wei Wuxian has his cultivation intact... Well in that scenario they could have easily stayed the Twin Prides/Heroes of Yunmeng and they would have been so happy being in the home they both loved and making the most of their lives one step at a time and arguing the whole way.
That's what fanfiction is for! 💜💗🖤
Hey, you made it to the end! I hope that was entertaining at least there is so much going on with this ship sometimes my brain just goes brrrr about it, y'know? Take care! Happy CX thoughts to you!
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maopll · 2 years
Could I request Vil, Malleus, Leona, and Jamil being voted 'gorgeous man you'd like to spend your life with' by their s/o?
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he cared for his looks a lot therefore the compliments from people however when you praise him so, he can't help but feel love once again
characters: vil, malleus, leona, jamil
warning: none just fluff and fluff
a/n: I'm sorry I haven't been posting my brain was empty during the whole time trying to figure out a way to write all the requests. I'll try to be more frequent. and I kinda wrote it like reader told him he's gorgeous I hope it works too. I wanted to try and use gradient and safe to say it tore my ass
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his face is like art which captivates everyone and you were too. his fair skin with no blemishes is a sight to see. you've always admired him for his beauty and brain. just as much as he is good in sports and studies, he is that good in maintaining his face as well.
you loved his face therefore you would stare at it a lot but these days it have been more frequent. while on an outing with him under a tree while he slept in your lap. you had this lovestruck gaze in your eyes graced with a soft smile on your lips. as he asked why you kept staring at him so much these days your reply was "everytime I look at your beauty my mind is filled with the thought of me spending my life with the gorgeous man sleeping on my lap" which was followed with a light chuckle
he was taken aback by your sudden declaration of your love for him but he muses to your adorable antics. 'how cute' he thinks as he spends the day with you by his side
he was the ruler of a kingdom. his people sung his praises since the day he was born. compliments on the way he rules, his eternal glory and his grace. he has heard them for many ages.
however, there's something he feels whenever praises slips from your lips. a slight burning sensation on his cheeks and hot ears. they weren't painful nor were they annoying rather he enjoyed feeling them whenever he would feel butterflies dance in his stomach.
when he took you out for a dinner in a fancy restaurant while having your food, he felt your gaze on him. he inquired you thinking that you weren't feeling well but did not want to trouble him but his worries soon washed away when you said "looking at your face always makes me believe that in the future if we get married..we would be a happy family. I would like to spend the rest of my life with a gorgeous man like you malleus". your words were so simple but so filled with love that those left him breathless
with you, in every moment, he feels a wide array of emotions. if this is what will be his everyday with you in the future then he would like to get married as soon as possible.
Leona wasn't the type to dream about a future. the only thing he wanted were to not be ostracised. to not be ignored by people. to be acknowledged equally as his brother. not to have the vast difference in the treatment he receives from people because of the 'personality of a ruthless beast' that they make him out to be.
Leona was someone who would use underhand tactics to make a person indirectly submit to him but when it came to you, he felt as if protecting you from harm was his priority. even with his nature you still loved him. you never criticised him. you never turned him away, rather you welcomed him with open arms inside a warm home. he was still getting used to your unadulterated affection for him since this was not something he received from others.
he is rather ashamed to admit but he still couldn't trust you well enough. he would always think that you are just using him to create your own base where you are a leader and he is a servant servicing your demands but when you told him that you want to spend the rest of your life with a gorgeous man like him on a rainy night inside a blanket. he felt warmth. a feeling he first felt around you as he tried to process those words.
he lightly chuckled at your words and whispered a quite 'alright'. so this is what it feels like to be loved.
Jamil spent most of his childhood as a servant of the al-asim family. to the heir of powerful family a perfect servant was required to service him. he would never complain and he knew kalim since childhood. while one would grow a different view and he should be treating kalim as a friend but he did not want to let go of the professionalism.
since he had to serve the family heir at all times the possibility of a future with you was something far fetched and he thought he wouldn't really be able to give you the time and affection if you two would get married.
so he postponed the idea of marriage and shoved it into a far corner of his mind and he eventually forgot about it until you, one day told him that you would like to spend the rest of your life with a gorgeous man like him. he had a pink hue dusting his cheeks and it was clear to him that you already made plans of your future and a marriage.
maybe..maybe he can take the possibility of a future with you no matter how much workload he might have. he promises to spend the rest of his life with you as well if it is what you wished for.
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emhm · 16 days
I can't keep trying. I have to leave early today. But you can have a snip from Chap 121 while we wait for Ao3 to get their shit together. I'll try again in the morning.
Sun crawled up on all fours to join him and sat back on his heels. "Eclipse… is there anything I can do?" "No. Probably not." "What's on your mind?" "Thinking about what my former self said to me. I'm not sure if I care about what his opinion would be, but it still kinda hurt." He twisted part of the robe around his fingers. "Did you know… he deliberately made his backups less intelligent then him?" Sun cocked his head in confusion. "Why would he do that? If a backup was activated it would be because he died right? Wouldn't you want your second chance to be smarter???" "Superiority complex. He always wanted to be the most intelligent. That way if one of the backups was activated by mistake; it would be easier to end their lives. He was afraid of having to compete with himself." "I guess that makes a twisted kind of sense…" Sun watched his mate for a long moment. "You know, I wouldn't blame you if you hated me for killing him." "No. That's not it. And his death at least gave me a chance at life. I just… part of me… I pity him. He didn't hate you the way he hated Old Moon, but he was a threat to your family. Chances are good he would have gone through with his plan. Reset everything and made himself a god like Lord Eclipse. He probably would have let you live at least. Made you his servant the same way. But everyone else you love would have perished. And if he regretted it later… it would have been far too late to change anything." Sun's fingers curled around his own and he gave them the barest squeeze. "What I am, what he was… it's so unfair. We're born into a cage with the knowledge that we were abandoned to our fates. The only choice we can make is to beg for our lives or become hostile and claw our own way to freedom. And those of us lucky or smart enough to get loose spend the rest of our existences in mortal terror of getting trapped again." His metal made the slightest tightening squeak. "My original self was a firefly in every sense of the word. He glowed like the star for the brief time he was allowed to live. You exorcised him from his cell, he spread his wings to catch the first freedom he'd ever known; and in the same moment the flames consumed him and he was gone. He was feeding me everything from his senses until-. I know what it felt like. I… I wish I could say he was happy at the end. But I know better. Almost his entire life was misery of one kind or another." He looked down at their curled hands and a tear escaped to trickle around his lighter cheek. He barked the smallest bitter laugh. "And here I am. Of course he'd be disgusted with me. Of course he'd hate me for grovelling in front of his jailer. For tolerating Old Moon instead of trying to destroy his soul. For letting love make me soft and putting my fate in your hands. Of course he'd think that me letting you take pleasure in using my body was the foulest fate for an eclipse." Sun hunkered down closer to him, pulling his rays in slightly with conflicted feelings. "It doesn't have to be that way. You're not my pet. I'm not angry with you. I actually respect you quite a bit. If nothing, you're a hell-of-a-lot smarter then me about a lot of things. I don't mind being on my knees if it makes you happy." Eclipse made the smallest choking noise as his emotions got the better of him. Sun scooted up closer so their masks were almost touching. On impulse he put out his tongue and licked up the errant tear. The dark sun froze, his eyes half-lidded as the bit of silicone dragged against his metal skin. He leaned into the soft touch almost desperately. "I remember when you cleaned me." Sun murmured. "I've never felt so cherished. I know we both have bad self-esteem. Most of the time I feel pretty stupid. But you make me feel beautiful." "You are beautiful Sunrise. I love you." "I wish you felt the same way about yourself Eclipse. I think you're beautiful too." He looked down. "I feel pretty ugly inside. But when you touch me like that, I can forget about it for a while."
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darkestspring · 2 years
please write yan's reactions! targaryen men discovering that her beloved and sweet wife is drinking moon tea so as not to get pregnant with her child ❤
thank you for the request, my lovely <3! hope you like it!
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Aegon I "The Conquerer" Targaryen
It might take him a little bit to catch on but he will catch on, he confront the maesters giving you the moon tea and then confront you. You, his beloved and sweet wife. You, who had been in his grasp last night. You, who had whined so sweetly when he remarked how he couldn't wait to watch you swell with his child.
Someone must have put the idea in your head that he didn't want children with you. He must hear your answer as soon as possible. He rush back to your chambers, brushing off servants, other lord and even his sister's. He slams your door open, his violet eyes piercing into you.
You already know he's upset, he stares at you for a few seconds before he speaks. "Tell me, who has filled your ears with deception. Who has convinced you to take moon tea to prevent having my child. Tell me!" He'll grip your arms, begging you to tell him.
You stare at him with sad eyes as you purse your lips. "No one has deceived me, our children would never be safe, not with all the death and strife that surrounds us, my king."
"You don't know that." He insist, his hand drifting down to your stomach. "I will give you a baby. I've forbidden the maesters from giving you moon tea. You're my wife."
You want to be mad, you want to cry. You want to scream how the conquerer's baby will always be in danger, just as his wife is. But you've learnt that it's better to smile. You want a peaceful life, it's better to learn to love him than fight him.
Aegon leans forward and kisses you softly, leading you towards the bed with soft steps. "I'll make you happy, I promise. Our baby will be protected."
You sigh softly as he kisses down to your neck. Yes, it's better to love him than to fight him.
Viserys I "The Peaceful" Tarrgaryen
It's Otto that brought it up to him, that his wife had been receiving moon tea from the maesters and it stumped him. His sweet wife? She was requesting moon tea and drinking it frequently? He dismisses Otto and makes his way towards their shared chambers.
The moment you see him, you know that he is aware. You watch him silently, you don't want him to make assumptions based off of what he was told.
"Do you not want to have children, my love?" His question is quiet as he reaches for your hand.
You let him hold your hand as you gather your thoughts. "It's not like that." You protest softly. "I want to have a baby with you, many babies but I'm so... scared. My mother died in childbirth and I'm scared that will happen to me. I want to live a long life with you and our babies."
Viserys listened to you with rapt attention and he nodded, he knew many women feared childbirth, many women died from childbirth or died due to injuries sustained from childbirth. He didn't want you to be scared.
"I promise you, I won't allow that to happen. I will summon the best maesters from Citadel. I'll make it so that everything is certain to go well. Don't fear, my love."
"No more moon tea, okay?" He nodded his head as his soft gaze was kept on you.
You nodded in response as you rested against him.
Daemon "The Rogue Prince" Targaryen
He often laid with you, whispering about how he couldn't wait to see you swell. About how finally everyone would know you were his. His wife. His lady. But when you didn't swell, he became suspicious.
He watched carefully, only to find out that you were being provided with moon tea and it angered him. Had Otto fucking Hightower gotten into your head again?
The best course he could think of that would not go against his promise to you was to confront you. So, he did.
"Do you not think me a good father, potentially?" He asked you one night as you were preparing for bed.
You blinked at him, combing your fingers through your hair. "I think you would be a good father, given the chance." You responded, looking at your hair as your fingers hit a tangle.
"Then why do you deny me that chance?" He walked close to you, watching you with calculating eyes.
You tensed as you finally understood his interrogation. "A war is on the horizon, you said it yourself. So, I took it upon myself to protect the children we don't even have yet. Children have no place in war."
"When we married, I promised that I would protect you, do you still believe that vow?" He asked, some of his anger leaving him as he heard your explanation.
"Of course I do." You told him, your eyebrows furrowing as you stared back at him.
"Then believe that I'll protect you and our children. No more moon tea or I'll wring the neck of every servant and maester. Have my children, continue to be my lovely wife. Or I'll just kill your handmaidens for fun."
"Daemon!" You stared at him sternly, knowing it was a half-empty threat. You sighed before approaching him. "Alright, let's have a baby, my prince." You didn't hate the idea.
Aegon II "The Usurper" Targaryen
Aegon made it a point to seek you out frequently, unable to keep his hand off of his pretty wife. Regardless of his mother's scoldings, he still pulled you away from your duties as Queen constantly to make love to you all while telling you how much of a work of art you were.
He even went as far as filling you to the brim with his cum so as to see you swell with his child, his heir. Yet, that never happened. You never swell.
It was only after he visited a maester on the issue and one of them brought up about how you came to them for moon tea that it stuck. As king, he ordered them to not longer supply you with moon tea, lest they wish to forfeit their lives.
"I know." was the first thing he said to you, pleased that he knew. Now you would have his child. Something to bind you both together. You would swell with his child.
You look up from the book in your lap and raise an eyebrow at him as he stared back at you with satisfaction in them. "Know what, my love?"
"That you've been taking moon tea." The alarmed look in your eyes made him want to laugh. Ah, you, his lovely, sweet, clueless wife. "I've also instructed them as their king that if they give you moon tea, I will command their death in return."
"Aegon!" You stood up after placing your book aside. "That's too cruel, even for you."
"Cruel? They're lucky I did not have them killed right away. As for you, my sweet wife." Aegon stalked towards you, his hands drifting down to your waist. "I will bind us together, with a child. More than one." He smiled at you with victory in his eyes as he leaned down to kiss you. "I will not let you out of my bed until I know you are swollen with my child."
Aemond "The Kinslayer" Targaryen
Coming to the knowledge that you were taking moon tea every so often was surprising for him. How he came to such knowledge did not matter. The only thing that mattered was what he was going to do with it.
He ordered them to change it to a harmless tea blend, and to not let you know anything changed lest they wish to be acquainted with Vhagar.
He made his way towards your room in quick strides, looking straight ahead. What should he do about you. How shocking it was coming from you, his sweet, kind, loving wife. You had loved his niece and nephew, so what was holding you back?
He knocked on the door before opening it. "My sweet?" He called out and you rose up from the chair you were in, embroidering a handkerchief.
"My lord husband." You greeted him with your sweet smile before reaching up to kiss him softly. "Welcome back."
He momentarily forgot why he was upset before he grabbed your hand and led you towards your bed. "There is something I wish to speak to you of."
"Of course." Although you wee confused, you agrees softly as you let him guide you. "What troubles you, my love?" You placed a hand on his cheek.
Aemond leaned into it softly as he exhaled. "I know you take moon tea." His words were soft but the look in his eye were desperate. "I know you love children, you spend most days with my sister and her children, so why? Why do you consume it so?"
"Oh, my Aemond." You sighed softly before scooting closer. "I do want children, I want your children but I fear you did not want any. Times are becoming more dangerous. I feared you would not want children."
Relief overwhelmed him as he wrapped his arms around you. "I don't know if I'll be a good father but I want children with you, my wife."
"You'll be the best, I know it." You assured him softly as he held you in his embrace. "You are already the best husband. My aemond." You hummed softly as you soothed him.
"Let's have a baby." He pulled back and looked at you with determination in his eye. "My mother would love more grandchildren."
You giggled , your lips curling up as you nodded. "Okay, let's have babies."
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akittenwrites · 2 years
Do you write for Aemond? If so, how do you think he'd be different from Daemon?
I do, actually! I mean, I haven't written anything for him because I'm busy with hot daddy/uncle Daemon, but I'll probably write a fic in the future.
About your question... well, they are different in many ways.
Headcanons below the cut
Their way with words
While Daemon is comfortable cursing and being generally indecent around you, Aemond is still a young man raised by his religious mom so he does care about the use of proper vocabulary. I'm not saying Daemon curses at you —not at all— just that he doesn't mind calling Otto a cunt when you're alone. You have probably learned fifty new ways to insult someone just by spending time with him, and there is nothing more liberating than drinking wine with the one you love, feeling comfortable enough to speak your mind freely. At least, that is how Daemon feels when he's with you.
Aemond, on the other hand, never curses. He despises his enemies and can be incredibly cruel —perhaps even more than Daemon— yet he always finds a way to offend other people without resorting to curse words. Perhaps he will call his enemies weak, or old, or as disgusting as cockroaches, but he will always refrain from cursing, especially in front of you, to whom he shows the absolute respect a prince must show his lady. Unless you are having sex, that is a different story.
What they call you
Daemon calls you by your name in private, sometimes my love when completely alone and intimate, and sometimes he calls you pet names. If you are a Stark he will call you his wolf, or his lioness if you're a Lannister... his dragon if you're a Targaryen just like him. He might even call you a vixen if you try to seduce him while he's otherwise occupied.
In public, he will use your name when talking to you directly, but will refer to you as his wife, princess, or queen —whichever of those titles you possess— and force others to respect you when addressing you as well.
Aemond, in private, refers to you as princess, for two reasons: first, he is a prince and you're with him, so that makes you a princess; second, it's a pet name. He is more romantic than Daemon in the traditional sense, so he will also call you the love of his life, his soulmate, and the source of his happiness. He will also call you by your name, of course.
In public, he will call you his lady wife, as he has been taught. When addressing you he will use your name, but perhaps his pet name for you, princess, might accidentally slip out every once in a while. He is similar to Daemon in that he will command everyone to address you properly, and will take great offense if anyone dares insult you —blood will be spilled—.
How they are in bed
Daemon is lustful, lewd, and obviously very experienced. He will show you and teach you things you never even dreamed of, and will always be open to trying out new things as well. His appetite is insatiable, and if it were up to him he'd spend entire days in bed with you, just fucking, resting, fucking, drinking, and fucking again. You actually do that sometimes, when you're both free. He will also get horny anywhere, and you end up fucking in the bath, in the library, at the beach, and even in the middle of the woods. Maids and servants are already used to this behavior so they leave you to it when they hear moaning and grunting coming from somewhere in the castle. He's so salacious he will even go as far as stroking your thigh under the table at dinner, even if the rest of the court is there. The man can't keep his hands to himself.
Aemond, contrary to popular belief, is absolutely inexperienced in the department. He knows how it works, Aegon took him to a brothel when he was younger and he learned the ropes, but it wasn't a pleasant experience and he hasn't been back since. So when he's with you, you end up being the one that shows the most interest in carnal desires, at least initially. He wants you, and he wants to have you and to claim you, but as passionate as he is about it, it will be you that will blow his mind when you kneel in front of him to undo his breeches or when you take charge and ride him until he's spent. Soon he understands why so many men spend their nights in brothels: sex is a pleasure and he wants it as well... with you. He had always called Aegon a degenerate for only thinking about women and fucking, but he now finds himself in a similar situation in which he can't stop thinking about you during the day and counts the hours until he's free from his duties to go to your bed and make you his once again. You will show him how much pleasure he can feel with you, and briefly, you will tame the dragon.
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Beta Riddle fic??????? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Im on my knees pls tell us more 👉👈
Yes Im working on a Beta Riddle fic-
I swear I have scour the whole entirety of social media and have only found TWO fics of Beta Riddle and about five fanarts at best. IM DESPERATELY CRAVING FOR SOME BETA RIDDLE EVEN IF HIS NOT CANON- I WANT HIM AS LIKE A SIDE CHARAC OR SMTHG T^T
On that note, i have decided the best way is to just feed myself. Dont get me wrong I love the strawberry ant boi we have now but like-
The concept of Riddle? Being spoiled and bratty???
Can no one see how unhinge he couldve been? How even more satisfying it will be to defeat him when he OB?
Sadly my fic wont include any OB (unless I think of an idea to shove it in) but I'll give a brief— I always wondered how we would have to sympathize with Riddle even if he is a spoiled brat. Cuz keep in mind the whole goal of Twst is to litterally tame all these rowdy hormonial teens with i s s u e s.
Beta Riddle out of all them— if we replace him with canon Riddle into the canon universe, seems like the most well off dorm leader compare to the rest. Until when you realize, sometimes even the most brattiest person, the one who has been given alot since childhood can be neglected.
Aksjaksjaksk ALLOW ME TO BRAINROT RANT— I see Beta Riddle as touch starved- (as he should be lmao cuz twst is a 'non otome game' right ?) He was given everything as a child. He had a choice to not study, he got all the most expensive luxuries, all the toys, got a tart for his birthday, etc etc. What every child dream off- hell I wont be surprise beta Riddle's mom lets him eat ice cream before dinner.
But the one thing Riddle has never been given all throughout his life, was genuine care.
Cheesy ik- but heres what I hced/imagined:
Ever since young, beta Riddle is just as isolated as canon Riddle. Only the reason his so isolated is because his homeschooled by a hired teacher. His mother is always away busy with work so she never had much time for him. She spoils him with toys and gifts he wants to keep him happy but never bothered making time to give him what he needs. I imagined beta Riddle as a child used to be as hardworking at canon Riddle but overtime when he realized his efforts were only glossed over by his mom, he slowly starts to despise studying. Its like Leona's case where, he knows his mom wont even celebrate with him no matter how many A's he filled up his exams.
Might as well stop trying and seek attention elsewhere which is why when he came to NRC, the first time he ever get a chance to be in a crowd or what was considered public. He probs took the role as dorm leader of Heartslabyul because the old leader was a sticker for rules which is why it was so easy to grab that position when you can just cheat. Besides.. it doesnt seem the dorm members care much for these rules. Just break them all and call it a day.
Yes he has a chance to be with Trey and Chen'ya but they feel more like servants to him then friends. Especially Trey. But what can they do? They cant tell if Riddle cares for them enough to listen to them. And besides, Chen'ya probably gets a kick in making Riddle mad and flustered while Trey is just the 'I dont get paid enough for this shit—' babysitter. We already know Trey didnt bother stepping up to Riddle and smack some sense into him til he OB, tf is my baker boi gonna do with this bratty boi? Just let the man bake his tarts and be a malewife. All that problem solving goes to the one darling Riddle falls for and is desperately seeking their attention even if it were an act of defiance or looks of disgust >;3
This fic will take me a couple of weeks or more to complete cuz I only have the planning on board but how I will execute this writing will be slightly difficult.
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And I wrote some fan fiction. Read it below or on AO3
Random snippets of Mu-deok/Naksu's diary:
Master Kill List: -trader who sold Mu-deok -Joo-wol nah she's cool -Jang Uk I promised I wouldn't, but I might... - Park Dang-Gu (I mean, I like him but he's related to Park Jin so I have to keep him here) -Jin Cho-yeon (no regrets there) -Lady Jin -Sang-ho (how dare he not let me in to Songrim!) -Jin Mu -That guy who knocked the meat stick out of my hands -Crown Prince he can live
-This jerk is the most spoiled, most picky, most annoying, most whiney human being I have met in my life. I did not know people like this even existed.
-The Danju abandoned me, guess I'll go watch my own funeral. Not sure what else to even do. This body is the worst body. I used to have actual muscles. Like how long would it even take for me to be able to climb up the side of a bridge? Ridiculous.
-My only option is this idiot...
-The poisoning plan worked perfectly. No regrets
-If Park Dang-Gu or ANYONE touches my hair or attempts to pat my head ONE MORE TIME I am killing them right then and there. I don't care if they're mages and I'm powerless. Poison. I'll use poison.
-Why does Jang Uk take so many baths? I don't get him at all. Before I guess he got cold because his gate of energy was closed but he's supposed to be normal now. Why the baths? WHY?
-This is the best luck ever! As long as Jang Uk doesn't die figuring out how to use it, he's going to have a whole ton of energy! This dude is so lucky.
-Jang Uk thinks I have to try not to fall in love with him?! Full of himself much? Now Seo Yul...
-Jang Uk randomly hugged me today just because he was happy despite the fact that I was covered with filth. He's so weird. I wish he had spent some of his lazy childhood actually learning how to fight because watching him was embarrassing.
He did manage to draw his father's sword though. Progress!
Crown Prince seems fairly easy to manipulate, Seo Yul not so much. I gave my sword to the C.P., not happy about that but I didn't have much choice. Jang Uk cannot fight with the C.P. again until he's stronger.
-Jang Uk was crying. It was awkward so I left.
-Jang Uk is still sad. He does not understand the basics of burying the hurt until it becomes hatred which is used to fuel your relentless training. It's how I became so powerful. (I need my power back!) I'm not actually sure what to do other than kicking him. I have no use for a student who won't learn.
-Master Heo has horrible self-control for someone his age. Finally got my useless student to move. Also, weird seeing Park Jin and he has no idea who I am. Even weirder with Seo Yul...
-Came here to focus on training and Jang Uk just wants to take baths again...
-WHY WON'T HE JUST DRINK THE CHASTE TEA??? I would in a heartbeat if I could get my powers back. I would cut it off permanently! I would give up a hand! This is Master Lee! He is legendary. He is the strongest mage I've ever seen. Drink the freaking tea!
It's some weird guy thing. I do not understand men.
-Threw a knife at that bastard, he deserved it. I'm going to burn the whole cottage down if he doesn't start training.
Went into town and almost got dragged away. Learned that this body can't tolerate alcohol which is just... perfect.
-It's so strange to be here with other people. Far less lonely I guess. I wish I could climb my tree. I can hardly climb a shrub in this useless body. Jang Uk still can't control his hand.
-Jang Uk thought he was so fast but I poked HIM in the eyes. That's what he deserves. He said some weird stuff about my soul marks and standing close to people. Ridiculous.
-Decided to hand him over to stay alive. It's only right... Traded my life for a damn bird egg. But Jang Uk actually did Tansu! We might survive this duel after all
-Now that Jang Uk got what he wanted he might just leave me behind. I'm not staying here and working as a servant for the rest of my life. I should have blackmailed him before he went; I didn't know the stupid rules. How could he do this? Trained him to win and now I'm left behind. He better not forget about our promise. But unless I'm there how will I make sure he keep training? I'm not staying in this pathetic body for years...
-Is the Crown Price in love with Mu-deok? Also, I cannot even express how much I hate cinnamon.
-Shit. Why did he have to say that? What is wrong with him? It was *not* a love letter.
-HE IS SAD AGAIN! I do not know how to deal with sad people. Why does this jerk have so many emotions? Why is he so lazy? You just keep going no matter how much pain you feel.
Also, Songrim wont even beat a student who won't train? They also suck at torture. How has this organization even survived? Pathetic.
-Ha ha! Bet my bird egg to make Jang Uk train. Was forced to admit I value the jade egg. Overall worked great. I do hope he manages to get it back. Because I want my power back and that would prove he's improving, no other reason.
-Jang Uk keeps hugging me. It's weird. Why is he so clingy? At least he's happy now. I'll bring him some snacks.
Another woman attempted to bring Jang Uk snacks. I wonder if I should kill her?
-So do I love him? Maybe? Doesn't matter if I do; once I get my powers back I'm gone. He's the crazy one who thinks we could possibly have a future after all of this. It would never work. It doesn't matter, love is useless and fickle. It's not worth risking your life over.
-Stupid love. Stupid ice stone. Stupid giving up my chance at powers. Stupid people that I love didn't want to see die being inside the ice stone. Stupid stupid stupid. Now I'm stuck in this useless body forever.
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ga-yuu · 2 years
[Gilbert Von Obsidian Story Chapter 5]
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----Part 1-----
Alone in a man's room at night.
It's only natural that people will interpret it as something unholy.
Gilbert: "Think about it, little bunny."
Gilbert: "If I've seen it all coming...."
Gilbert: "You must know I'm the one who put you in this situation, right?"
Gilbert: "I won't let you out of my room tonight."
(....I fell right into his trap)
Sitting side by side on the sofa, Prince Gilbert has his hand around my waist.
The distance is physically too close to escape, but I had to do something because I can't be trapped here forever.
Emma: "What's your purpose?"
Gilbert: "Guess?"
(The basic premise is that Prince Gilbert thinks nothing of me)
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(....Does he want to lock me in his room at night just so he can spread weird rumors?)
(Even if that's the reason, why would he want to spread rumors?)
Emma: "I don't get it."
Gilbert: "Then I guess it will remain a mystery for the rest of your life."
(And he's not going to tell me)
(....Maybe I'm thinking too hard)
A sense of caution about Prince Gilbert as 'the prince of an enemy country' is always there.
Perhaps maybe I'm so caught up in that title that I am not seeing things.
(What if....)
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Emma: "Are you lonely?"
Gilbert: ".....Huh?"
Emma: "You said earlier that you didn't bring any servants from home."
Emma: "This is Rhodolite, a different country, and on top of that an enemy territory for you."
Emma: "I thought not having a friend by your side during such times could be a burden on your heart."
Thinking back, everyone is wary of Prince Gilbert and nobody dared to approach him.
I'm the only one by his side now.
(...Prince Gilbert really seemed to enjoy playing with children while hiding his true identity)
(He was more alive in lively places, so surely he's not choosing solitude out of love)
Emma: "Being all by yourself...can make any person lonely."
(...I'm starting to think it's closer to the right answer, unexpectedly)
Gilbert: "If I say I'm lonely, will you not run away?"
Emma: "No, I still want to run away."
Gilbert: "Aww, you're so cruel."
Emma: "But, I'll stay with you until you fall asleep."
(If you fall asleep, you probably won't feel lonely)
I moved away from Prince Gilbert and stood up.
Surprisingly, he didn't object.
Emma: "It's late and the cookies aren't going to go bad, so why don't you go to bed?"
Gilbert: "Are you're saying that you will share the bed with me?"
Emma: "No! At most I'll sing you lullabies!"
Gilbert: "Hahaha! A cornered little bunny is willing to do everything to survive."
Gilbert: "Lullabies, huh?....Isn't that a little childish? I'd rather be tucked in bed like an adult."
Emma: "...Then?..."
Prince Gilbert taps his cheek with his index finger.
Do you want a slap?
Do you want a kiss?
Do you want more cookies?
Emma: "Do you want a kiss?"
Emma: "........."
Emma: "HUH!!?'
Gilbert: "Hahaha, little bunny's reactions are so cute."
Emma: "Prince Gilbert, I didn't know you can joke sometimes."
Gilbert: "No, I'm serious."
Emma: "......"
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Gilbert: "A kiss on the cheek can be viewed as an act of greeting someone...or is little bunny having some kind of weird fantasies?"
Gilbert: "Fufu, you little pervert."
Emma: "No, I did not! If I kiss you on the cheek, will go to sleep?"
Gilbert: "Mm. Yes."
(It feels like I'm being rolled in his palm)
Emma: "May I ask why?"
Gilbert: "Because I want to bully you."
(I have a feeling there's obviously a different reason, but I can't turn back now)
(If I could just...hang on for a few seconds, then I can leave this room)
I moved forward and quickly pressed my lips to his cheek.
It was a gentle one and was hard to tell if it was actually a kiss or not.
Seeing Prince Gilbert's satisfied face, my heart thumped unexpectedly.
(I didn't think a kiss on a cheek would make someone so happy)
Gilbert: "Fufu, it can't be helped. I was thinking about a lot of bad things but I'll let you off the hook today for your desperation."
Gilbert: "Good night. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
Emma: "Yes....goodnight."
Before Prince Gilbert changes his mind, I pushed the rolling tray to the doorway.
But suddenly I stopped.
Emma: "Prince Gilbert."
Emma: "..............Are you actually lonely?"
----Part 2-----
Emma: "..............Are you actually lonely?"
There was a slight pause, which was unusual for the talkative Prince Gilbert.
Gilbert: "Who can say?"
Gilbert: "I don't know what 'loneliness' is."
Emma: "You don't know?"
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Gilbert: "I mean, I've forgotten how to define 'loneliness."
(....Forgot how to define 'loneliness'....)
Chevalier: "Sometimes rulers need to cut down on the hearts and minds of the people."
Chevalier: "I think he's just following his ideal of being a champion."
Gilbert: "That's why I'm a beast."
Emma: "I see...."
Not good or bad, but just take in the information that this is the way of thinking.
(Why did Prince Gilbert become a beast, even if he had to give up his loneliness?)
The next day, Prince Gilbert continued to follow me in my work as Belle.
Gilbert: "Are you helping the external affairs faction today? If you wanna prepare a report, I'll show you how to do it."
Gilbert: "It's not like anyone here is going to be nice to you or is gonna tell you how to do things, right?"
Emma: "Errmm, no, I think I can..."
Gilbert: "....Right?"
Emma: ".....Please help me, sir! I want to learn from you more!!"
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Gilbert: "Ahahaha. Didn't know you were so dying to learn ONLY from me."
Clavis and Nockto: ".............."
Gilbert: "Today you're observing the military training for the new knights, huh?.... They all look so young."
Gilbert: "On average, I see about 10 kids dying on the battlefield at a glance."
Emma: "Can you tell just by looking?"
Gilbert: "It's only natural when you are a general of a great nation. How about I teach you the basics of being a military commander?"
Emma: "Really? I'm actually a little curious."
Gilbert: "Sure. You can call me Sir Gilbert or Sir Gil."
Emma: "Yes, Sir!"
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Gilbert: "Ahaha, you're being honest now."
Licht and Jin: ".............."
Gilbert: "If you're taking dance lessons, I'll be your partner. But I'll remember the number of times you step on my foot."
Emma: "Please don't. I'm definitely going to step---"
Gilbert: "May I have your hand?"
Emma: ".....Please don't get mad at me later on."
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Gilbert: "That's up to you. Good luck."
Sariel and Rio: "..........."
Gilbert: "Forgive me, little bunny. I have a very important business I need to attend."
Emma: ".....! Oh, please don't apologize. I understand, Prince Gilbert is very busy after all."
Emma: "Good luck1 I'll be here rooting for you"!
Gilbert: "You look happy to leave me or am I just imagining it?"
Gilbert: "Don't look at me like that. I'll come back to you as soon as possible."
Emma: "Oh no! Please! Take your sweet time....I'll wait."
(Thank god....)
(.......Finally, I can be alone!)
I have been conscious of seeing Prince Gilbert as a human for the past few days, which has lessened my fear.
On the other hand, I had to be constantly on the lookout for 'enemy princes' so there was never a day when I could let my guard down.
(The air was hell because Prince Gilbert's presence made the princes of Rhodolite tense)
(...I'll take the opportunity to do something I wouldn't be able to do if Prince Gilbert were here)
Perhaps because I was distracted by my thoughts, something caught my foot and I fell down to the floor.
Emma: "Ouch..."
As I writhed in agony from the pain of my bruised knee and a twisted ankle, a shadow fell over me.
Noblewoman: "Oh my, I apologize. I didn't see you there."
(...This person....?)
The way you look down at me is as if you were looking at something filthy.
It was an aristocratic lady in a fancy dress and a maid accompanying her behind.
(...Did she purposely get her foot on the way so I can trip and fall?)
Blatant malice pierces the buoyant heart.
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Noblewoman: "But it's bad manners to sit on the Court floor like that."
Noblewoman: "How are you even walking inside the Royal Court if you can't maintain your manners? So shameless."
(.........Argh that hurts so much!)
I was not surprised because I had a feeling this would happen someday.
Every time I spend more time with an enemy prince.
I had noticed that the gazes around me were turning cold.
I've pretended to ignore the fear, contempt, awe and loathing that is directed at me like a deadly weapon.
Now that I've been directly attacked in this way, it's difficult to ignore.
(What should I say....)
I can't think of any words to dispel the malice that has been thrust upon me.
I myself seemed more upset than I thought.
???: "May I ask what's going on here?"
-----Part 3-----
A resounding voice brought me back to myself.
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I moved my gaze to see Yves, a short distance away, with a grim expression on his face that I had never seen before.
(......Where did you come from?)
Noblewoman: "I was just surprised at her sudden fall."
Yves: "Really? But to my eye, it looked like you purposely got your foot on her."
Noblewoman: "Your highness, that is a cruel accusation."
Yves: "You say my accusation is cruel? Then what you did is not cruel?"
(I've never seen Yves so angry)
Yves steps up beside me and kneels down to give me a hand.
Noblewoman: "There seems to be a misunderstanding."
Yves: "Enough. This is the Royal Court!"
Yves: "I would appreciate it if you would stop testing my patience with your brazen and shameless behavior."
The woman's face contorted as she left, her words filled with anger that did not seem to come from Yves's mouth.
The malice that had been floating around the area fizzled out, spilling the breath that had been stuffed into it.
Emma: "....Thank you, Yves."
Yves: "Haa, it's not the time to say that! Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"
Emma: "No, I'm---Nn."
When I stood up with Yves help, I felt a dull pain in my left ankle.
(Wow, this could be bad...)
Yves: "...Of course, you're not."
Yves: "Let's go to your room and I'll call the court physician. Come on."
Bitter-faced Yves turns his back to me and kneels on the floor.
Emma: "N-No, I'm fine. I-I can walk, if I---"
Yves: "That's the doctor's job to check whether you can walk or not. Now stop whining, and hurry up!"
Yves: "Or are you gonna make me stay here like this forever?"
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(Kindness after malice is so sweet)
Emma: "...Sorry, Yves."
I took his word and let Yves carry me on his back.
The tears, which were late and almost blotted out, were somehow held back by biting my lip.
Yves: "I didn't expect you'd twist your leg. Argh, that woman..."
Emma: "As the doctor said, it's a minor injury, so don't worry."
The leg is bandaged after treatment.
I was diagnosed with minor bruising and a sprain that would take about a week to heal and was told to rest for a while.
(It hurts every time I walk, but it's not so bad that I can't move. So I think I can handle it)
(More than that....)
Emma: "....Yves, don't tell anyone about this."
Yves: "Huh?! Why not? I'm going to tell this to everyone and have that woman be punished."
Emma: "I don't want Prince Gilbert to find out!"
Yves: "........"
Emma: ".....I'm sure that man is going to be unforgiving if he learns about this injury."
Gilbert: "Hey, with whose permission are you trying to touch little bunny?"
Gilbert: "You can't have her, little bunny is my prey."
Gilbert: "I won't allow anyone but me to hurt her."
He meant it that time.
I don't know what his actual intentions are, but if he hears about what happened today, he will be very upset.
I don't want to feel that nauseating feeling again like that time.
Emma: "Please, Yves."
(...I don't want to see bloodshed for something like this)
Prince Gilbert's eyes and ears are everywhere. (I'm pretty sure he already knows. From the moment he left Emma alone, I have a feeling that he ordered his spy to watch what she's doing)
All the princes of Rhodolite, even including Prince Chevalier said to not trust anyone.
I want this incident to be kept hidden only in my and Yves's hearts.
(Besides, I can handle threats at that level on my own...)
Yves raised his eyebrow, as if he felt my desperation.
Eventually he sighed and sat down next to me on the bed.
Yves: "Then you should....at least take it easy for the time being!"
Emma: "Mm. I will."
Yves: "....Your kindness may be a virtue. But I fear it may one day come back to bite you in the neck."
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Emma: "I'm sorry for worrying you all the time. Yves is so kind."
Yves: "....Seriously.....that's because you're such an airhead and pitiful, that I always have to keep an eye on you!"
The corners of my mouth naturally turn up at the sight of Yves, who turns away with a bright red face.
It seemed disgraceful to him, so he coughed a little.
Yves: "But still....I wonder what Prince Gilbert actually wants from you."
-----Part 4----
Yves: "The way you just said that, you're taking the stance that you won't allow anything to hurt you, right?"
Emma: "Yeah, but I have no idea what he's thinking..."
Emma: "Prince Gilbert has been with me all these days and has taught me so much."
Emma: "He is.....terribly kind to me."
(He was an erudite prince who generously gave me the knowledge I lacked and helped me a lot)
If he was not the Prince of such an enemy nation, a Trampling Beast, I would have been genuinely smitten by his kindness.
(....It's fine as long as he's just being kind. But I still don't understand the true intentions behind it though)
Yves: "Prince Gilbert's kindness is not kindness at all."
Yves seemed to be thinking the same thing.
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Yves: "I have a feeling that he is trying to isolate you from everything."
Yves: "Purposely being kind to you, so that others around you start hating you..."
Yves: "Maybe he's trying to trample on your heart." (Wow, sounds just like the 10 year old me!)
(That's what Yves thinks)
Emma: ".....Because I'm Belle?"
Yves: "Can't say for sure."
Yves: "I don't see why he wants to isolate you just for being Belle."
Yves: "Maybe later people when you choose the next King, our people will say 'Our King is chosen by a Belle who has a connection with Obsidian."
Yves: "Or maybe he wants to win over you and make you choose the king he wants."
Yves: "Either way..."
Emma: "It doesn't feel right."
(Even Prince Chevalier can't seem to grasp, Prince Gilbert's purpose)
Even if Yves and I think hard about it here and now, I couldn't come up with a sure answer."
Yves: "Let's forget about Prince Gilbert for now and....focus on you."
Emma: "Me?"
Yves: "It hurts, right?"
Emma: "....."
(Even though, I was careful enough to show it on my face)
Yves seemed to be looking not at my outward appearance, but at heart behind it.
Yves: "It doesn't matter who you are when you carry the name of Obsidian."
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Yves: "It's perceived as hostile and something to be eliminated."
Yves: "Hated or taken advantage of. That's how Obsidian is treated in Rhodolite."
Each word that is spun is soaked with blood and tears.
My heart squeaked as Yves spoke as a person who is suffering rather than indicating someone else's suffering.
(...I wonder if I can ask that now?)
Emma: "Yves...um..."
Yves: "Yes. My mother was from Obsidian...she died after giving birth to me..."
Catching the end of a stilted word, Yves speaks forward.
Yves: "According to the nanny who brought me up, she was the sister of the wife of the current emperor of Obsidian."
Emma: "Wait, sister? That means, you and Prince Gilbert are----"
Yves: "If Prince Gilbert is the son of the current Queen of Obsidian, then he's my first cousin."
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(I knew there was some kind of connection, but I didn't think that it would be of royal blood running in his veins)
Now I can see the prince standing in front of me is of mixed blood of Rhodolite and Obsidian.
The memory of how Yves was treated at the Orphanage overlapped with mine.
Yves: "Now Obsidian has become an abhorrent enemy of ours but...."
Yves: "There was a period of time when Obsidian was trying to open diplomatic relations and establish normal diplomatic relations with Rhodolite."
Yves: "My mother then came from Obsidian to Rhodolite as a bride as a sign of friendship."
Yves: "But the relationship between the two countries never improved."
Emma: "Why?"
Yves: "Perhaps Obsidian has made a lot of ill-advised overtures under the guise of 'friendship."
Yves: "His Majesty the King has brushed it all off, so the Obsidian has finally announced that they are breaking off diplomatic relations."
Yves: "The two countries were once again in a state of tension and the day of the Bloodstaned Rose Day ten years ago proved to be the deciding factor."
Yves: "I and my mother have become an abomination in...this country."
Yves's circumstances are far harsher than the malice I received today.
Now Rhodolite is becoming a cold world to me, I can only imagine how deep his wounds are.
(And yet, Yves as Prince of Rhodolite, looks resolutely forward)
(....You're a strong man)
Emma: "So last time, Yves was about to ask something to Prince Gilbert...."
Yves: "Oh...that."
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Yves: "I wanted to ask about my mother...but seems it's difficult to do so now."
(That's true)
Emma: "Prince Yves's mother is..."
Gilbert: "No. Don't say that name in front of me. I don't like it, okay?"
Emma: "....Prince Gilbert, seems to know something."
Yves: "There is a definite hostility toward me. There must be a reason."
Yves: "....Seriously, he's being so unreasonable even though I didn't do anything!"
-----Part 5-----
He puffed his cheek looking angry but there is a hint of melancholy in his blue eyes.
(He only wanted to know about his mother)
Emma: "I wish I could ask..."
Yves: "I appreciate the sentiment, but no. I don't want to know at your expense."
Emma: "....Yves is so sweet and kind."
Yves: "HUH!? Who says I'm kind!! If something happens to you because of me, I'll get sick to my stomach. THAT'S ALL!!"
Emma: "That's why you're so kind."
Yves: "No! You're misunderstanding!"
(I feel a little lighter)
The thorn of malice that had pierced my heart, fell out, leaving a scar and I soon started smiling.
Yves's eyes also softened at my appearance.
Yves: "Emma, I'm here to give you some advice as a senior."
Yves: "Now that Prince Gilbert has your attention, you will surely be isolated. What happened today is likely to happen again in the future."
Yves: "If that happens, don't just endure it. You can get angry. We'll take care of the rest."
Yves: "Don't let anyone bully you like today."
(I bet no matter how cold the world gets, Yves will always be on my side)
I haven't forgotten Prince Chevalier's warning, but I am confident that I can trust Yves.
Emma: "Thank you. I'll be sure to get angry next time!"
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Yves: "If you forget, I'll call you 'Ponkotsu' for the rest of your life."
Emma: "Oh no, not that...!!!"
We laughed together and I forgot all my pain.
A few hours later after Yves left, I leave my room with the words 'absolute bed rest' in mind.
(What should I do now?......Prince Chevalier is not here)
(I thought I'd report back in things while Prince Gilbert is gone....)
???: "I can tell you were Chevalier is."
A sweet innocent voice echoed in the quiet library and my shoulders jump.
I am not as terrified as I used to be, but the abrupt way he appeared out of nowhere shocked me.
I turned around to find Prince Gilbert, whom I had left in the morning, leaning against the bookshelf.
Emma: "How did you know I was looking for Prince Chevalier....?"
Gilbert: "Because this part of the library belongs to Chevalier, right?"
Emma: "You know me so well."
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Gilbert: "Very well, yes."
(....Maybe he heard from his own spy)
Prince Gilbert smiles refreshingly and turns his feet to the doorway.
Gilbert: "Come. I'll take you to him."
Emma: "No, I'm fine----"
Gilbert: "Come, little bunny...."
Emma: "......Yes, sir. Thank you very much!"
(I have no choice here, guess I have to be lucky enough to find him)
This is better rather than rejecting his offer and being overly suspicious.
I obediently admitted defeat and chased after Prince Gilbert.
Gilbert: "Even so, you're so attached to Chevalier. That's unusual."
Emma: "Unusual?"
Gilbert: "Because you know, Chevalier is called the 'Cruel and Ruthless Beast."
Cruel and Ruthless Beast is Prince Chevalier's second name, known to everyone associated with the Court.
The name is said to be derived from the way he slaughter enemies without mercy both on the battlefield and the political arena."
I have yet to see a sight worthy of that name.
Gilbert: "Only a few people have Chevalier's insignia because everyone fears him and won't go near him..."
Gilbert: "It's a little rare for the little bunny to join that party. Looks like Prince Chevalier is really fond of you."
(That's kind of an implied statement)
Emma: "....What do you mean?"
Gilbert: "If you are 'Belle', you've got to have multiple perspectives"
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Gilbert: "You may know Prince Chevalier, but you don't know the 'Cruel and Ruthless Beast."
Gilbert: "Don't look only at the good side and turn a blind eye to the bad side."
Prince Gilbert smiles meaningfully.
(That's true, why are you saying that all of sudden?)
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black-suns-rim · 2 years
Little Red's Adventures
Story 2
Gentleness of a sister
Ch. 1
The waking hours of the eldest child of Momba started even before the rising of the sun. Her dark and sparkled complexion is what gave her the name Than-guan; Midnight. Her skin was sleek and smooth, shimmering in even the dullest of light. She was almost completely black thanks to her unique and rare genetic trait.
As she readied herself for the day ahead, she had thought to herself while bathing. She would always talk out loud, which her servants were used to by now. "Do you think I should take my youngest brother and spend a few days with him? He's a cute little unblood, scrawny kinda, but he's a big sweetheart and very smart for his age." Than-guan asked her female servant as she scrubbed Than-guan's back.
The young female servant was a Matriarch in training and she was put under the watch of Than-guan by the older Matriarchs, "I think you should my Matriarch Than-guan." She replied with a soft and quiet voice.
"Mm- then I shall. Go fetch me my towel, do your daily chores and have the rest of the day off. Oh, and remind Haj-ah that she needs to clean up the mess she makes every time she uses my training room or else I will have to ban her from it."
The young female nodded and headed off to get the towel. She came back just as fast as she left and handed the towel to the dark yautja.
Midnight got dressed and headed out of her luxurious palace. The sun still was hiding. The land was cool and crisp, just how she liked it. She loved the early morning and late night. She knew her mother, Black Momba, wouldn't be up just yet. She also knew that her mother hated getting up early unlike her. So she would head to go and check on her ship and make sure it was flight ready. She had already planned out in her head of what she wanted to do with her youngest brother.
"I will take him to one of the many planets I've been to and show him the flora and fauna, teach him and maybe train him too." She chittered to herself as she had her ship cleaned up, checked and repaired. By the time she was done, the sun had risen over the mountain peaks and was pouring down its hot rays of life onto the waking land. Than-guan cleaned herself up and went forth to the village she was raised in, the village of her ancestors and the village of her family.
Within her clan, she was a well-known Matriarch and huntress. She was very skilled in the hunt, but she much preferred to study the life she came across and would log it in the shared database her clan had available to any hunter. Her knowledge of plants, herbs and medicines is what she is praised for the most. She has cured many sickly and injured yautja during her young years of being a Matriarch.
Now, she is known by her younger siblings as the perfect role model. She has birthed a few pups, making Momba a grandmother, and she herself a mother. She has hunted many creatures and made a name for herself amongst her people. She was proud and happy for her title, knowing it made her grandfather, the clan leader Python, proud and honored to have her as his grandchild.
When Than-guan reached Momba's hut, she entered through the thick cloth that kept the doorway covered. Momba was surprisingly awake, but then she noticed Little Red bouncing around and chittering to his sleep deprived mother.
"Oh, my little Than-guan. What brings you here my love?" Black Momba walked over to her daughter and gently placed her forehead against her's as a loving and welcoming greeting.
"I was wondering if I could spend a few days with Little Red. Take him on my personal ship, teach him and show him around on the safe planets. I believe he would love it."
Momba clicked while in thought, then looked to the little spawn that had clung to her leg. "Mama! Mama! I wanna go!" Little Red exclaimed with excitement as he tugged on her loincloth. He was so small compared to his sister and mama. "I'll allow it. But only if you check in with me every morning and every night when you are gone."
Than-guan nodded as Little Red bounced around and shouted. "Go prepare yourself my son." She said with a delighted chuckle. Little Red ran to his mother's room of which he had been sharing with her ever since he had been a part of the clan. His things were in a corner of her room and it didn't take him long to pack what he thought he needed. But of course Momba had to show him what he would need, so it took him a while to get prepared.
By noon, Little Red and Midnight were ready. She lead him to her ship and he couldn't stop bouncing around with excitement. Than-guan watched her little brother with a 'smile.' Seeing his reaction to her personal ship was golden. He was so easily amazed and admired the ship's beauty. When the both of them got inside, he was even more awestruck. Midnight's ship was more advanced and newer than the clan's ship. The technology was still very new and she loved it to bits.
"Place your bag in here Red." She opened a small room which held a rather large bed in it. The bed fit the entire room except for a few feet from the door. Little Red placed his bag in the room and so did Than-guan. She closed the room back up and headed to the cockpit. She placed the adopted spawn of her mother into one of the seats and strapped him in tightly and securely. He would only need to be seated for liftoff and landing.
She sat herself into the pilot's seat and entered in the coordinates to the planet she had in mind. It would take them a couple of days before they would arrive near that planet, even if they hyper jumped.
"Sissy! Where are we going?" He asked as he swung his legs back and forth. He had never been off-planet before, let alone been on another planet. He was so excited and he couldn't keep still.
"I'm taking you to one of the planets I have been to many times before to study medicines. It is in here and out there where I will teach you." Than-guan said as she fliped some switches and started up her ship. She herself was excited since this would be the most time she will have spent with him up to this point. She always loved to spend time with her siblings, even more so with the younger ones since they always had so much wonder in them. A quality that had always faded with age.
"What will you teach me? What is the planet like? Will mama come?" Little Red bombarded her with questions. He always asked so many but he was very smart for his age because of it.
"Mama won't be coming. But she will be checking up on us at least twice a day and you can tell her all about what you have learned." Than-guan put the ship on autopilot after checking that the proper coordinates were in the system. The ship lifted off smoothly. When the ship left the atmosphere of Yautja-Prime, Little Red couldn't stop chittering and clicking his small mandibles together. Midnight got up from her seat and then unfastened her little charge from his.
"It is going to take us a couple of days to get to the planet. What would you like to do first?" Little Red jumped out of his seat and then looked up at her, "mmmh..." He looked around and then back at her. He couldn't decide.
"Would you like me to train you?"
"Come with me then, and I will take you to the training room." She said with a smile as she held out her hand. He took her hand and followed her.
For the next 2 hours, she taught Little Red and for 2 hours after that, she told him stories of her hunts. He listened to her intently ans never hesitated to ask her a question that was in his mind.
She then prepared a meal for the both of them since they had become hungry after all of that training and talking.
"Have you ever seen a ooman before? Mama says she has seen a ooman."
"I have seen one once. I was actually on a hunt with mama. We were tasked with tracking down a rogue Bad Blood and he ended up on earth. We had to be stealthy so the pyode amedha would not see us." She gave the small youngling a plate of food and sat down.
"The Bad Blood went into one of the cities on a killing spree. We saw many of the oomans before we killed that Bad Blood." She took a bite of the meat chunk she grabbed for herself.
"What are the pyode amedha like? Mama says i'm not old enough to know. She says they will give me bad dreams. But I want to know about them. Can you tell me about them pleeeaaase?" He begged his older sister to tell him.
"If mama says you are too young, then I must respect her words. Remember, there will be things that you must not know about, but there will be things that you find out on your own. And the pyode amedha are something you will have to wait about to know more of."
Little Red huffed and threw a little pouty fit while he ate. After the two were done with lunch, Than-guan entered Little Red and herself by playing some games. They were mostly child games, but fun for the both of them. Some of these games she had not played ever since her last litter of pups had all but grown up. Which had been a long time ago. As she had gotten older, she went out on trips to explore the galaxies and study what she could about anything she saw.
She often found herself being gone from Yautja-Prime for years at a time, but always kept in touch with her clan through video messages. Any time she would come back, she would always visit Black Momba first. It reminded her of the night she found out Momba had adopted Little Red. He was so small and so vibrant, compared to her clan, he was the complete opposite. Their clan consists of dark and large yautja.
Whoever Little Red's parents were or whatever lineage he came from, she knew he was something very special.
As it came closer to time to sleep, Than-guan sat the tired pup down to have a video call with their mother. During the time, he could barely keep his eyes open, but he was still happy to see his mother. After the long conversation Black Momba and Than-guan had, Little Red had already fallen asleep and he was out like a light. When the call was over, Than-guan carried Little Red to the small room with the bed and laid him down.
She had a couple of more things to do on the ship before she could join him with sleep. Little Red's estimated birthday was coming up soon. It was only a few weeks away and Midnight wanted to get something special for him. Since she had noticed he was so obsessed with earth and wanted to know as much as he could about it, she had convinced Momba to let her gift something to him that was from Earth.
She wanted to make sure he wouldn't find it on her ship, so she hid it and planned on giving it to him once they were going to go back home. After she had hid it in a place he could never reach or know of, she went to the little room and laid down by her sleeping brother. While he was half asleep, he clung to her and snuggled close, so she held him in her arms and drifted peacefully to sleep.
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darkmatter-nebula · 1 year
a universe based on the little mermaid that Hunter is in the role of Ariel, brotherly love for prince Colli but his father Caleb doesn't want him to go to the surface and he makes a deal with his uncle Belos the witch of the sea, you know the deal and the rest you know and Colli goes to see Hunter while he is in the shower and being scrubbed seeing soap, soap he tries to eat finding lots of new things and he ends up getting up when he sees Colli not noticing that he has nothing before the servants put him back down and they throw in a lot of water to get that seaweed smell out and then they give them a towel after the shower to cover themselves and Colli walks over and the 2 spend time together and learn more about each other and they have unusual things and well Hunter ends up co- adopted by Darius who was King and he had adopted Colli when he fell from the heavens and Eberwolf was happy and liked the blonde and Colli who was with his Uncle was happy to have Hunter
Hi, my dear @importantnightwerewolf! 👋😊
Thank you for the request!
The part with the pain in Hunter's feet was taken from the original fairytale.
Drabble: Tales From The Multiverse - The Merman And The Starboy
"Father, I... well, I want to see the surface!" Hunter, a merman with silky blonde hair and magenta eyes, blurted out. "Your curiosity is understandable, but humans are dangerous." Caleb spoke calmly.
Not that much later, Hunter was disobedient and swam to the surface, where he immediately heard the most lovely voice! A certain small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold, Prince Colli, was singing.
"Wow!" Hunter whispered. In a very strong brotherly sense, it was love at the first sight for Hunter. Suddenly, Colli's ship was burning! The kindhearted eternal little boy was about to use his magic to snuff out the flames, unfortunately, something big hit his head and he fell unconsious.
What Hunter didn't know yet was, that Colli was immortal. He hadn't learned how to swim yet, but he couldn't drown. The blonde merman didn't hesitate to bring him to safety. At the shore, Hunter admired Colli.
"I don't know who you are, but you are so beautiful!" Hunter whispered softly as he put tenderly his hand on the blue side of Colli's adorable multi-colored face. Hunter caressed lovingly the immortal celestial boy's freckled cheek.
As Colli was about to wake up, Hunter decided to retreat. "Huh? How did I get here?" Colli asked himself with an innocent expression on his sweet face. "Stardust! Thank God that you're alright!" King Darius, Colli's father, was relieved and wrapped his arms around his son.
"I hope that we'll meet again, Little Angel." Hunter whispered before he returned home. Caleb didn't fail to notice Hunter's love-struck expression. He was concerned. "Hunter, did you meet a human?" "I don't think that he is a human, father. This angelic little boy seems to be magical!"
A few days later, Hunter was longing to see Colli again. He had a very risky idea. A deal with his Uncle Belos. Belos took Hunter's voice, as an exchange for legs. Should Colli return his brotherly love, everything would be fine. If he wouldn't, Hunter would lose everything.
Shortly before Hunter reached the surface, his tail turned into legs. Unfortunately, each step was painful for him. It was as if he was constantly walking on broken glass. Soon, he spotted Colli. And Colli noticed him as well.
Hunter only was dressed in a loincloth, made out of some seaweed. To Hunter's surprise, the brotherly love of his life was floating. "Hello! I'm Colli! Nice to meet you!" Colli's smile was shining as brightly as the sun. Hunter fell even more in love with him.
'I wish I could talk, to tell you how gorgeous you are.' Hunter thought. Colli noticed something. "Are you mute?" He asked as he took softly Hunter's hands. The blonde boy gave him a nod. "Come, I'll bring you to the Castle. You need a bath and fresh clothes."
Colli decided to join Hunter in the bathtub. The little boy didn't fail to notice that the sixteen years old boy had never seen soap before. 'Awwww! His curious expression is so cute!' Colli thought. All the beautiful blue freckles on Colli's small body clearly amazed Hunter.
After the bath, Colli noticed more. "Are you in pain? Do your feet hurt?" As soon as Hunter confirmed it with a nod, Colli used his magic to heal him. Hunter could walk without pain! He was so grateful that he wrapped his arms around Colli.
Colli, who already developed an unbreakable and unconditional brotherly love for Hunter, despite not knowing his name, cuddled close to him. "What's your name, if I may ask?" Colli asked as he intertwined his fingers with Hunter's.
Thanks to this soft gesture, Hunter felt his voice returning to him! "My name is Hunter, and I love you." He whispered as he pressed with infinite tenderness his forehead against Colli's. "You can talk! And I love you too!" Colli smiled brightly.
Hunter couldn't hold himself back anymore and began to shower Colli's adorable multi-colored face with lots of soft and loving brotherly kisses.
Belos watched everything on a crystal ball. He was about to pay Colli and Hunter a visit, but Caleb had none of his shit and smacked him as hard as he could. Belos had to promise to behave. As for Caleb, he couldn't help but smile.
"I'm glad that he loves you just as much as you love him."
Hunter told Colli everything. That he was a merman, that he was the one who saved him, that his voice was gone because of a powerful spell. "In a very strong brotherly sense, you are the love of my life." The blonde boy said as he buried his nose into the lavender fluff of Colli's hair.
Hunter felt his heart swell as he breathed in the little boy's lovely scent. Meanwhile, Colli told Hunter everything about himself as well. That he was an eternal little boy from the stars, who also was immortal and had powerful magic.
Darius overheard Colli and Hunter's talk. The King decided to adopt Hunter. Which he did. Colli and Hunter became the most inseparable pair of brothers the Kingdom ever had seen. Speaking of Colli, he placed a soft kiss on Hunter's scarred cheek.
The End
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
You've become my inspurration baby, my mewse, you've singlehandedly made me want to craft my very own Yan meownster blog, I want our blorbos to touch mouths and/or kill each other 🥺
I wanted to ask your opinion, p-pls, as I'm creating the starter content for it, writing drabbles if you will, on some of these ideas I'm juggling. I'm unsure which to do first, and I would just like to ask you what you think of these 😳👉👈
The first is a dream demon that obsesses over a lucid dreamer darling. Honestly I thought of this one because of a weird dream I had that I couldn't really remember but I could remember the feeling of being chased or hunted by something. Dreamer darling uses lucid dreaming as an escape from reality, sleeping and dreaming constantly, probably to an unhealthy degree. They don't really remember their dreams, or even remember how talented they are in lucid dreaming (in terms of crafting and controlling dreams) but they know that sleep is more comforting than any other past time. At least it used to be, until suddenly, rather than feeling rested and happy as usual, they wake up anxious, unable to shake the feeling that they've caught the attention of something dangerous. They start staying awake, some small voice in their head telling them that sleeping is dangerous now, and every time they do inevitably fall asleep, they wake up feeling more and more worried and scared each time, as something unknown gets closer and closer.
The second is a royal obsessing over a commoner/ servant, I'm inclined to say gardener or knight cause I love the dynamic of, small man in power who has never labored in his life attempts to seduce/ intimidate bigger, work hardened commoner who is just mildly annoyed by their boss bothering them when they have things to do. The prince is bratty and spoiled but not much of a threat considering he's a long way off from ascending the throne and can't get away with anything too crazy until then. He always seems to be everywhere their favorite servant is though, talking their ear off about how when he rules he'd make it illegal to reject him so they'll have to come around eventually, why not make it easier and just come to his chambers with him now? When he overhears his favorite commoner telling other servants of their plans to travel, go far away from this kingdom and him with it, he decides its prudent to put a rush on that ascending to the throne thing, sorry dad, it's for love ❤
(I hope your weather is nice by your standards and that your food just hit Different today, love u pinnie🙏❤)
Hi, the first paragraph of this ask is so radioactive it fried some of my brain cells, I'll be holding you accountable for any gray mass leaking out my ears from henceforth. Eitherway, I'm extremely flattered and very happy to hear I motivate you in any way. <3
I like the first concept lots. Mostly because I'm big on creatures that are related to the mind. Monsters who always seem to have different features when you see them, they can't quite decide what you react best to yet so they're going to expose you to multiple versions of themselves until they hit the nail on the head. Do you ever wonder if dream demons (nightmares?) get lonely? Maybe some lucid dreamers have the ability to see/interact with them, but those are so rare... I can definitely see curiosity or loneliness as the basis of an obsession for a dream demon. Or may not. Maybe they're already so powerful they just sought you out to snuff the life out of you while you slumber, but you manage to impress them somehow, perhaps with your abilities to shape dreamscapes?
As much as I just eat up power imbalances, I'm probably not the best person to ask about for king/peasant or prince/commoner stories, since I don't really consume many of those, nor am I honestly cultured enough to make one minimally immersive. 💀 Though, if you're doing a kingdom of monsters, I can totally see humans being either discriminated against or glorified, and that's an interesting twist in my opinion. I definitely love the idea of a yandere character already showing signs of hysteria but not being taken seriously because of their appearance or their position in society, it makes their victory sweeter. You know what we don't see enough of? Royal darlings and yandere peasants. Maybe several yandere commoners at once! >:]
Ultimately, do what you feel works best for you! <3
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dvotdovetre · 1 month
✔ { holds up hideki/@worldatourfeat }
plotting guide
My muse(s):
A servant that should not exist, a error in the system.
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Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
I've read about your boy but i always love hearing about other peoples muses, i think it be fun to plot something more like for instance maybe aoibhe hints at using loopholes, I can see aoibhe growin to genuinly care about hideki's plight to protect his sister.
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Aoibhe is a versatile muse and i think it would be fun to play with the fate moon cell story. Sakura in the game is an "Npc" and i wanted to leave Aoi's role vague due to not messing to much with the story outside of plots.
But I can see aoibhe offering her help as much as she can while still being neutral if hideki choses to befriend / make a bond with her.
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
I'm a shipping whore i don't mind what happens as long as your willing to yell with me about them XD
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I can see aoibhe getting after your boy if he does stupid shit, as a nurse / apothecary she will make him rest be warned.
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
I say this with my whole chest , give me all your ideas, i'll take em all.
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
as i said before come yell at me XD
My muse(s):
A time traveling dragon
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Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
again tell me about your muse ! Let me fall in love with them !
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
I mean we can play with the idea of a time traveler in a grail war, maybe they meet in a future he's happy and she's doing her best to not spoil anything. Time loops are a thing so maybe she has to do something small or noticeable to make time go the way it should -
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
I'm open for anything ngl.
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
Once again, give me all your ideas XD
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Gib the muses
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
Again , come yell at me
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darkness-1900 · 1 month
fallen angels
 I think no one expected that humanity would survive until the year ten thousand, and a holy war would occur, for the great houses, although his mandate was only for twelve years, his son is still alive, today although three thousand years have passed, He is our emperor and also our protector, he is also a part of me, just like Moneo and Siona.The sacrifice of living a life, for humanity, that silver and hard body, was never his, it is a curse, he was always a lion.My curse is my mind, it could surpass the Tleilaxu, they always believed it would be a myth, but it is not, the past, present and future are real, you can travel in it and it will help our family, although some do not deserve it.I kept working non-stop, I had to finish it, my parents understand that I have to do it
-You could rest a little
-I'll be done soon, although my task doesn't end here, Moneo
I watch him look at me with a smile, sad now he has more wrinkles and his hair is now white,
-I hope you're careful girl, your parents will go crazy if you don't come back.
-Don't worry, we'll be fine, although I have my doubts about Siona, but she made her decision, it was the idea of ​​free will, but... she will never feel love, it's a shame
It was ready, the machine was connected to my watch, I always wear it around my neck, I had done many tests and now the material was coming back complete, it was safe, now it's my turn, When I said goodbye I didn't feel fear, I knew I would return and I had to be successful, I gathered my long hair and covered myself with a red cape. I had already spoken to my parents, they know that I would be fine.When crossing I felt a pressure on my body, as if I was being pushed, it feels hot. But you can adapt, here in my home, Dune we can see the sea.
But when you cross it there is only desert, although it was close to the city, you could get there
When people arrive, they are concerned about selling their things, their clothes are very simple, some cover their faces or their hair, a woman must have mistaken me for a foreigner because of my clothes, this is only the monarchy, although the emperor have , more, what the the others. housesI acquired some things, among them my beloved apricots, and continued on my way until I reached the palace.
The Feydakin soldiers interrogated me, I convinced them to be here, to help Princess Corrino, it was easy for many, they came to work at the palace, they left later or returned, I needed to be here, My other clothes are more subtle... I don't care about Paul Atreides, he only cares about his wife now, pregnant.
When I entered I met a maid, Tara is kind, everything I asked for, she did it, the cleaning, and order. After four days, I managed to see her in her chambers.
She was looking at herself in the mirror, fixing any non-existent wrinkles, in her blue dress, of course her face is with very light makeup, and her hair is short, silky and golden, I had already forgotten that she had it like that before.She turned to look at me for a second, there was no arrogance, her gaze looked tired.
-You must her be new, how old are you? Sixteen.
-Yes, princess, I arrived a few days ago
-I need to sort out these clothes, many of them are of no use to me in this arid climate...surely something will fit you,
-Thank you princess, you are very kind
We always talk about trivial things, sometimes some servants whisper about the princess, I always have to bite my tongue, Sometimes I can enter the great hall to listen, when I hear the emperor speak, deep down I feel sorry for his future, but at the same time I am happy...even so I must help these people.
As time goes by, I notice the way they treat her, as if she were a prisoner, she tries to help with ideas, but it's as if they don't listen to her.
After four months, here, that day would soon arrive, with difficulty I managed to keep him from returning to visit the reverend mother, who has been in prison for a long time,
I can't read minds, but I know the emperor is intrigued by my presence...or that I'm finally changing something.
One day while we were in the greenhouse, from a distance we managed to see another man carrying a tray with tea.
-Young man, where are you taking this?
He seemed reluctant to answer
-to the chambers of the Empress...Princess
-Then give it to my maid, so we can visit her, you can do another task...besides it is an order
He hands it to me without saying anything, but I knew something, he has the drink, we immediately look for Stilgar, When the princess speaks to him, it is seen that he obeys with doubt, but after a few hours, the emperor addresses us, as an act, he reflexively takes Irulan's hand.
-Can you describe the man? She nods and for a moment he looks me in the eyes, and you can see that he hides his annoyance but he doesn't say anything.-Can you describe the man? She nods and for a moment he looks me in the eyes, and you can see that he hides his annoyance but he doesn't say anything.
- Do you remember the last time we talked? Paul told you everything and you didn't believe me. I was planning to keep in touch with the Reverend Mother, but she's in cahoots with that thing, he Tleilaxu.
-I just don't want you to get involved and if you think I'm going to leave the surveillance to you, forget it, I'll take care of my family... I still thank you for showing some concern.
-It took twelve years for this man to thank me for anything,
When night falls, I watch over Irulan while he sleeps, and then I leave his chambers.
I head to look for him, when I find him, despite having his back turned, he looks very distressed.
-speak, what is  you want
-First, Your Majesty, I thank you for allowing me to be here...the truth is I'm here to accompany the princess, She has tried to blend into this culture, but you know that she has no friends here, and no family either.
Your wife will not hold out, there is little time left for her, unless we make a deal, my lord.
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lilyevanstan1325 · 9 months
✨ Astral Lovers ✨
Chapter 11
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Philiph McTavish POV
GENEVA - Switzerland
I find myself looking at the monitors from the security room.
Standing, with my hands folded behind my back, I try to figure out how to get out of this situation.
I feel one step away from being able to find the solution to my problem but in the end something is always missing.
I need the Space Stone.
Hydra needs it.
I'm running out of time.
If so far I have been feared and respected, now from the upper floors they have let me know that my time is running out, 10 years is too long and their patience is now at the limit.
They need the Stone now.
I take off my glasses and with the flap of my smock I clean the lenses, I observe them against the light.
I mirror myself in their reflection and the image they return to me makes me angry.
Dark circles around my tired gray eyes.
I don't have time to rest.
I have to find a solution.
If I fail I will lose my prominent place, maybe I'll end up serving as a servant to the subjects we keep in this facility and that would be one of the best guesses after all.
For what is at stake, I would find myself paying for the failure with my own life.
Hydra does not forgive.
When I was given this assignment I did not believe it was that long term, an assignment that culminated in a marriage and a daughter.
"Oh Sophia, with your death you took away the only secret I was ever interested in..." I whisper to myself.
Maybe there was a moment when I really loved that woman, with the birth of Elisabeth I almost believed I could be happy.
To be able to devote my life to my family but the importance of my mission ultimately took priority.
We are fighting for the greater good, Hydra needs to return to power.
Destroy the S.H.I.E.L.D. and any other stupid organization that dares to get in the way.
Like the Avengers.
I think back to Dr. Avery's words and sigh.
Finding something she loves to bend her to our will.
Everything that Elisabeth loved was her mother and she is gone.
The mental prison where we closed her is totally different from reality, created so that she would not struggle to return to us.
It took nearly a decade of cryogenesis.
The Project T.A.H.I.T.I. it took some time for it to work.
Agent Coulson worked on his guinea pigs and then on himself.
With the results we had on the same experience as him we decided to try.
So some of our infiltrators stole projects and data and we scientists loyal to Hydra have thought of everything else.
Putting new memories into Elisabeth's mind was definitely not a walk in the park but it worked in the end.
By obscuring her memory and inserting a new story for her life, a sad and monotonous story that kept her chained to the perennial sleep that we would soon impose on her.
As soon as everything was ready she was thawed and sedated and she was induced into a pharmacological coma.
We monitored it and in just over 3 months the situation precipitated.
The Stone is consuming her being and the only solution not to lose her would be to wake her up.
I sigh again but this time in frustration.
I turn to the only window in this room.
It's snowing outside, Geneva is really freezing in December.
Snowflakes swirl in the gray sky, the branches of the trees bend weighted down by the thick blanket of snow that fell tonight.
Suddenly a red light in the room turns on, flashing non-stop and a high-pitched alarm begins to sound throughout the building.
I run up to the monitors and what I see leaves me breathless.
I open the door and begin to run out of breath along the corridor, overwhelming everything and everyone who comes within range.
I am overtaken by dozens of armed men.
I cry out of breath but they can't hear me in the midst of all that din.
"Don't shoot idiots!Do not shoot!"
I arrive in front of the door of her room and the scene in front is surreal.
There are about ten guards lying on the floor of the room, they seem to have lost consciousness.
As many guards have encircled the bed in the center of the room, I push forward badly pushing the gunmen.
"Stop!Do not shoot!"
At the foot of the bed is Dr. Avery, stained with blood as if he had hit something with his own face.
All the machinery in the room is scattered across the floor.
And then there is her.
She is standing next to the bed that has hosted her for the past 3 months.
She has her arms outstretched, in a defensive position.
A small creature wrapped in a hospital gown too big for her, her black curls fall messily on her face.
She is the same as her mother.
Her arms are crossed by what appear to be electric discharges, but they are blue.
The Stone is active, showing its power.
Her eyes are bewildered, confused.
Her chest rises and falls frantically.
She looks like a trapped animal.
Dr. Avery keeps telling her to calm down, that nobody wants to hurt her.
What a big lie.
As soon as her eyes meet mine she winces, she seems to relax a little but her hands continue to reverberate with that strange and fascinating energy.
"Hi Elisabeth.You finally woke up.I was so worried"
I have to play my part as a worried father at my best.
She looks at me, her big onyx eyes seem to peer into me.
"What am I doing here?Where I am?" she asks me suspiciously.
I will opt for a half truth.
"You are in an old fortress that the people I work for have converted into a private clinic.We are in Geneva, Switzerland.You've been here for 10 years now.You went into a coma after a bad accident in Brookville.The same incident where my poor Sophia, your mother, lost her life.I've been waiting for so long for you to open your eyes again, I've never lost hope"
She doesn't seem to believe me.
"Why the armed guards?" her voice is scratchy from her decade of inactivity.
"I understand you may feel confused now but it's okay.You are safe here" I try to tell her in a strong and confident voice.
"They..." I tell her pointing with my hand before her at the guards and then Dr. Avery, "They are only here to protect you"
"Protect me from what exactly" she asks me sharpening her eyes.
Too many questions.
That's no good.
I approach slowly, palms facing up to make her understand that I have only peaceful intentions.
But this she cannot know.
As I pass a trolley with medical equipment I see what appears to be a syringe full of sedative, I grab it unnoticed and hide it in the sleeve of my lab coat.
"I defend you from the world, my child.Out there is full of people who want to hurt you because of your abilities" so saying I point to her hands still traversed by those electric shocks.
I get even closer.
Now a few steps separate us.
She continues to remain on the defensive, opens and closes her fists as if weighing the immensity of that power.
She raises a hand forward, the guards immediately cock their rifles at her.
"Firm idiots.Put those damn weapons down!" I scream with all the breath in my throat.
The agents look at each other confused but obey.
They are forced to do it.
Elisabeth's arm is now stretched out in front of her, it looks like she's focusing on one of the monitors in front of her.
She then gestures with her hand, as if she is chasing away a fly and at the same time as her movement the monitor rises into the air and crashes into the wall behind me.
The monitor barely touches my face but I try to stay calm.
"Bullshits!" she screams, flames of anger dance in her eyes.
"You are evil.You, Doctor Ross or should I say Doctor McTavish?"
I remain petrified.
How the hell does she know?
This is classified information.
Even her mother never knew who I really was, at least until shortly before her death.
She smiles at me bitterly and keeps talking.
"You killed my mother"
"It was an accident, Lily"
I call her with the diminutive who her mother loved so much trying to sweeten her.
"I know it was an accident but if you hadn't deceived her, you hadn't married her just because she was a guardian of one of the Infinity Stones, we wouldn't have been there that day.And she would still be alive"
I can't hide my shocked face, it's not possible that she knows all these things.
It is absolutely not possible.
"How the hell do you..." I'm about to ask her but her crystalline laugh interrupts me.
"Jesus Christ Philip you should see your face right now.You have to know that you will not get what you want so much.I'd rather die than help you, son of a bitch!"
She walks up to me, chest to chest.
The agents behind me fidget, I signal them not to move.
She is challenging me.
And for the first time I am blown away, I don't know how to react.
She stands up on her tiptoes and whispers in my ear "Oh, so you know you are not my father" she pulls her face away from mine.
"But you already knew this, didn't you?Or at least you've always suspected it"
Now she smiles at me with satisfaction.
I raise a corner of my lips.
So saying I quickly raise my hand and stick the syringe full of sedative into her neck.
"I thought so" I admit, "But that's okay, it'll be easier to get rid of you"
She collapses immediately in my arms, tries feebly to rebel.
"Don't worry, Elisabeth.At the end of all this you will be free and happy.Because in the end you will hug your mother again"
Steve POV
I haven't heard from Lily in nearly two days now.
Yesterday, just before I got home from my mission in Washington with Nat, I spoke to Bucky on the phone about her and he told me he saw her.
He talked to her, he says she's fine.
But I am not well.
Knowing that she feels betrayed by me is corroding my soul.
Now I'm sitting here at my desk and I'm standing there lost in my thoughts because I don't even know where the hell to look for her.
I can't live like this, I can't take it anymore.
I support my elbows on my knees and sink my face into my hands.
My friends were right, I should have told her the truth because Lily is strong.
She is stubborn.
She would have known how to deal with the whole situation.
But I just wanted to protect her.
Just this.
Is it really so wrong to try to protect the one you love?
"Steve?Hey, Steve!"
Natasha is standing in front of my bedroom door, one shoulder leaning against the door jamb and her arms crossed over her chest.
"How are you?"
I hate this question.
I lift my face from my hands.
The words slip out of my mouth without having time to stop them.
"How am I supposed to be, Nat?Maybe I've lost the love of my life forever, how should I feel?" I reply with a veil of anger in my voice, "How would you react if you lost Bucky?"
She looks at me with wide eyes, for the first time I see her unable to hide her true emotions.
"What are you talking about, Rogers?" she stammers.
"Please Romanoff, spare me your lies"
She sighs and enters my room closing the door behind her.
"Did he tell you?"
"Who, Bucky?No, he's too afraid of you"
We both giggle.
I keep talking.
"Really, he has nothing to do with it.I saw it by myself, that day at the Brookville's cemetery.Why didn't you tell me about it?You are my best friends, I would have only been happy for the two of you.You deserve all the happiness in this world.You know I really think so"
The redhead slumps herself on the bed, then she leans up on her elbows.
"Natasha loves James" I chirp teasing her.
"Stevie, you know I suck with the love stuff" she glances up at the ceiling, "Besides, I didn't tell you about it just because I was scared of this feeling I guess"
She reaches out one leg and places her boot on my foot.
"Shut the fuck up, Rogers"
We both burst out laughing.
When our laughter dies I hear her whisper.
"Yes.I think in the end we fell in love"
"I'm happy for you"
We look at each other for a few moments, I feel my eyes moisten under her gaze.
I turn my head quickly to the opposite side.
Captain America doesn't cry.
I don't answer my friend, I don't have the strength.
I hear the rustle of the blankets as Natasha's body leaves the bed.
I keep looking at the wall in front of me and don't even turn around when my friend bends over her knees by my side.
She puts a hand on my leg and squeezes.
I cover her hand with mine.
Our fingers intertwine.
Some tears escape from my eyes out of my control.
"What if I had lost her forever?"
I feel my heart breaking at the very thought.
"Steve this doesn't exist.I'm willing to look for her all over the planet and kick her to you if necessary"
"Come here, hunk" she tells me as she stands up.
I smile at her weakly, I know she would be able to do it.
When she is standing in front of me she hugs me, her arms are around my neck.
I rest my head on her chest trying to regain control of myself.
"It will be all right, Rogers.We're going to make sure that she's okay"
We stand still until Friday's voice catches our attention.
"Captain Rogers.Agent Romanoff.Sergeant Barnes has requested your presence in the meeting room"
Nat and I look into each other's dazed eyes, we are both confused.
"Thanks Friday, we'll be right there" I reply.
Nat releases her embrace and holds out her hand to help me get up.
In silence we go downstairs until we find ourselves in the meeting room.
Along with Bucky are Sam, Tony, Bruce and even Doctor Strange.
I walk in with a slow pace, I don't understand what is happening.
Bucky walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.
He turns to everyone present and begins to speak.
"Now that we're all here we can get started.Dr Strange and I have something to update you on"
I stare intently at my best friend, he returns my gaze only for a moment then looks away as if he feels guilty.
What the hell is going on?
Natasha sits next to me.
Bucky and Strange talk.
They tell everything that has happened in the last 36 hours.
With every word from them I am more and more shocked.
Jesus Christ, everything I could have imagined except that Lily was Strange's daughter.
Natasha, on the other hand, is watching Bucky intently, he is blatantly avoiding her girlfriend's gaze.
I know what Nat is thinking because I'm thinking the same thing.
Bucky lied to both of us.
Why did she prefer to get help from my best friend and not me?
My chest aches.
But I try to put my feelings aside and focus on what people in front of me have to say.
Banner is talking now.
"I did the research you asked Barnes and found all the information about the T.A.H.I.T.I. Project.
T.A.H.I.T.I., Terrestrialized Alien Host Integrative Tissue I., was a S.H.I.E.L.D. Level 9 project ordered by Nick Fury and overseen by Phil Coulson.It involved the harvesting of an alien corpse for medicinal purposes.For Lily they didn't use the medical part of the project but they used the Memory Overwriting Machine.That machine is used to scrub the brains and give the patients new lives but Phil Coulson regretted using the machine when he heard the screams that each person gave as they were kept conscious, with their skull caps removed, as their memories were changed.So the project was suspended but apparently Hydra carried the work on"
Bruce sighs, he seems in pain.
"It must not have been easy for her but technically that's what she was subjected to"
A strangled sound comes from my lips, I rest my elbows on my knees and take a deep breath.
I feel my head spinning.
Breath in and breath out.
Breath in and breath out.
Breath in and breath out.
The waves of nausea seem to subside.
"Everything ok, Cap?"
Tony's voice forces me to look up.
All eyes in this room are on me.
A couple in particular seem to be examining me thoroughly.
Stephen Strange.
His eyes so similar to her daughter's.
"Yeah.Yeah.Sorry!I...I need some air.Excuse me!"
I get up and stride away from that stuffy room.
I pay no attention to anything, not even Bucky's voice calling me.
I reach the large terrace of the tower and observe the panorama in front of me.
It's all a lot more complicated than I imagined.
If I had asked for help first, maybe today Lily would not be lost who knows where.
Maybe I could have helped her.
What she has been subjected to is something inhumane.
I clench my fists.
I would just like to find those responsible and take my anger out on them.
I hear footsteps behind me.
"You know if it can make you feel better you can punch me if you like"
"I will not hit you, James"
"Fuck...you call me James this means that you are much more than mad at me"
I sigh without answering him.
I know it's not his fault.
I screwed up everything!
I am the one who was wrong about her by hiding the truth, indeed he has always encouraged me not to lie to her.
I lean on the railing and let my thoughts wander at full speed.
I hear Bucky approaching and he too leans against the railing.
We remain silent without saying anything.
The sun is setting, the outline of the moon is already visible and soon the stars will appear.
Another night away from her.
"Shit!" I exclaim, turning my back to the New York skyline and leaning my back where my arms used to be.
Bucky speaks without looking at me.
"I'm sorry for lying to you, brother.I hated every moment I did it.But it was her who begged me not to tell you what she was planning to do.I couldn't tell her no, she made me promise" Bucky sighs.
I laugh.
"I know the feeling.Lily can be very convincing when she wants.Or when she needs it" I reply with a smile on my face.
"You know, she has never been in danger for even a moment, right?I would never allow anyone or anything to get close to her.I would have given and still would give my life for her.I love her as I love you"
I know he's sincere and I know I can trust him blindly.
"Thanks for being there when I wasn't there"
"Nah...don't thank me.I didn't do anything extraordinary" my friend replies with a shrug.
"Oh man you lied to Natasha, it means you really care"
We look into each other's eyes and burst out laughing.
"Yeah dude, you owe me a huge favor.Did you see that fiery glances she threw at me?This time she will kill me" Bucky replies with a chuckle.
I feel guilty.
"Actually there is more..." I reply scratching the back of my neck.
"She knows that I know about you two" I admit with a sigh.
Bucky looks at me with wide eyes.
"Oh c'mon, man!Why?Hell hours will be waiting for me now"
I'm a little sorry for him but just a little.
We remain silent again.
"Sorry Buck, it just slipped out of my mouth" I apologize to him.
Then Bucky turns to me.
His words exude confidence.
"We are close, Steve.Right now I am sure she is fighting to find the truth.Just have a little faith in her"
"I trust her, I'm just afraid for her.I think it's normal when you love someone, right?"
Bucky claps his hand in Vibranium on my shoulder a couple of times.
"I know man, I know"
Together we walk back to the meeting room but suddenly Bucky stops and claps a hand on his forehead as if he were berating himself for forgetting something.
"I forgot I promised to give you a message"
I'm a little confused.
"Lily left me a message?"
"Yes man, she literally told me to tell you that she loves you and in one way or another she will see you again soon"
I feel a little hope inside me.
Maybe in the end she doesn't hate me.
We continue on our way and when we get to the meeting room I can't believe to my eyes.
My breath catches in my throat.
Lily POV
I snap my eyes open and put my hand around my neck where the needle has penetrated my skin.
I quickly sit up and look around.
I'm back in my room in Brookville.
Ok, no panic.
In the end it is not a bad thing that I am here.
Now I know where my body is and I have a chance to warn Bucky.
And Steve.
God, how much I need to see Steve again.
I get up and go to the kitchen, I need a moment to rearrange my ideas and understand how to act.
I prepare a cup of hot and steaming tea, I warm my cold hands with the heat of the cup.
The golden liquid warms me to my bones.
I think about the way I dealt with all those men, how I landed them like nothing had happened.
The power of that Stone is truly unlimited.
I can't help but feel a puddle of excitement in my being, knowing that there is a high chance of being able to return to live in the real world just freaks me out.
I go back up and after a quick shower I get dressed, wearing a midnight blue knit dress and a pair of gray boots.
Now it's time to go back to New York.
To Steve.
I try to relax my muscles and clear my mind.
In no time I find myself in New York in front of Steve's apartment.
I run up the stairs and frantically knock on the door but no one comes to open it.
Maybe I should have appeared in front of the tower.
I turn and start to leave when I bump into Sharon.
"Hi, are you here for Steve?" she asks me curiously, tilting her head slightly to the side.
Her long honey-like hair sways as she moves.
She is very beautiful.
Elegant and sensual.
I feel an abyss expanding between us.
I shake my head slightly to dismiss these troublesome thoughts, I already have enough problems at the moment.
"Yes, I just arrived and I thought I would find him at home"
She looks at me without saying anything, her gaze puts me in awe.
I look at her better.
She is wearing a white sweater and jeans that wrap her long legs perfectly.
At her feet he wears high-heeled pumps, in her hands he holds a long black coat.
"Excuse me if I dare but are you and Steve together?" Sharon asks me suddenly.
I don't know why but her question does not surprise me in fact I expected it.
I focus my gaze on her.
About many things at the moment I'm not sure in my life but I know that our love is the only certainty.
"We are in love, I love him"
She raises an eyebrow, she looks skeptical.
I understand her a little.
Sometimes I even find it hard to believe that Steve can love me.
"Well, if you say so" the blonde in front of me replies with a mocking smile.
She turns and walks towards the lift.
If first I thought she might be the right choice for Steve, now I don't think so anymore, her beauty is just an empty shell.
Inside there is no kindness and compassion but only envy and wickedness.
And Steve deserves only the best.
I call her.
I will not allow her to make fun of me and above all to put a spoke in the wheel in my relationship.
"Sharon, wait" I approach her walking slowly, I stop a few steps away.
"Listen to me because I'll tell you only once"
She crosses her arms over her chest, our eyes are chained.
All the courtesy that has been between us so far has disappeared.
I start talking again.
"I know there was a flirtation between you and Steve but I want you to get it into your head that he will never come back to you"
Her gaze hardens.
"Steve and I love each other.So much.I just want to ask you to have respect for our relationship.If you don't want to do it for me, do it for him"
This time I'm the one to go away, I pass by her without looking at her.
Her voice stops me.
She is behind me but I don't turn around.
"Do you really think a man like Steve, Captain America, can settle for a girl like you?If I were you I would not be so calm"
I clench my hands into fists, she wants to make me explode but I will not give her this satisfaction.
"Whatever Sharon"
I go away.
At a brisk pace I leave the building, my heart beats furiously in my chest.
The tears press to come out but I push them back.
I won't cry because of Sharon Carter.
I love Steve and Steve loves me.
Nothing matters.
Nobody matters.
I run through the streets of New York, pushing passersby who give me fiery glances.
I'm tired but I have to get to Avengers Tower as soon as possible.
After all, I don't know how much time I have, Doc Psychopathic might decide to wake me up at any moment.
Or he could kill me.
I run even faster, across the street and a taxi stops a millimeter from me.
The sound of his horn makes me jump.
"Excuse me" I yell as I continue to run.
I'm almost there, I see the large entrance door.
I enter like a fury, my exhausted legs push as hard as I can but my run is interrupted by a voice on my left.
I turn my head away, my lungs burn.
"Sam!Thank goodness!"
I embrace him with enthusiasm.
"Hey sweetheart, I'm glad to see you're okay"
He holds me tight in his arms.
"Bucky and Strange told us everything" the man replies.
"Strange is here?"
"Sure, they're all upstairs.Steve is here too"
As soon as I hear his name come out of Sam's lips, my heart begins to beat even more furiously.
It seems to want to get out of my chest.
"Come with me sweetheart, I'll take you to the others" so saying Sam grabs my hand and drags me into the elevator, once inside I lean my back against the wall and with my hands on my knees I try to catch my breath.
"Are you okay, Lily?"
"Yeah.Sure.Give me a moment"
I breathe deeply in search of as much oxygen as possible.
"I came running from Steve's house"
Sam laughs.
"Wow!We have a marathon runner in the team"
I too laugh at his words.
The elevator doors open.
I go out at a fast pace and head quickly to the point where I hear several voices coming from.
I don't even bother waiting for Sam but I hear his footsteps right behind me.
As soon as I approach the door of the meeting room, the only one who notices me is Stark.
"Thank goodness you are safe!" he exclaims attracting everyone's attention.
Three pairs of eyes quickly land on me but the only irises I'm really craving for aren't here.
But another man is here for me.
And it's enough for me.
I run into the room and throw myself into the arms of my father, the only man I want comfort from at this moment.
It was an instinctive gesture but I couldn't help it.
His arms are immediately around me, he hold me and reassure me.
"Are you ok?" he whispers in my ear.
I can feel his heartbeat, it's accelerated.
I nod against his chest without answering.
I will tell what I have discovered but not now, I need a moment.
Then that voice.
I quickly pull away from my father's chest and turn to the door.
On the threshold is Steve.
Handsome as a god, his blue eyes like a Caribbean sea are veiled with tears.
Beside him is Bucky who looks at me with eyes full of relief and a sweet smile on his lips.
Steve advances in great strides overwhelming a chair in front of him, he doesn't even care and continues on his way towards me.
I throw myself into his arms.
My hands on his chest grip his shirt between my fingers.
I burst into a liberating cry.
Steve's arms hold me so tightly that I can barely breathe but I don't care, I'm back with him at last and everything else doesn't matter.
Laundry soap, sun and leather.
The smell of his skin that I had missed so much now fills my nostrils intoxicating me.
"I'm sorry honey, I'm sorry I lied to you.Forgive me" he whispers in my ear with a trembling voice.
"I'm sorry too, babe.Sorry"
His arms hold me even tighter as much as possible.
We stay like this for a few moments, then I feel his hands move to the sides of my face, his thumbs dry my tears.
I see him lowering towards me and I go towards him, getting up on tiptoe.
Our lips touch.
A sweet kiss.
Sweet as a welcome home after a hard day's work.
Sweet as the feeling of a fireplace on a stormy night.
I deepen the kiss.
My hands go up behind his neck pushing him more towards me, my lips part and our tongues caress each other sensually regardless of the audience around.
Steve's hands come down to my hips squeezing with possession and desire.
Tony Stark's amused laugh brings us back to reality.
"Ok you two, save yourself for the honeymoon.Otherwise daddy going to have a heart attack here"
So saying he gives a pat on the back of Strange.
My father can't take off his sharp, protective gaze from Steve's figure.
Perfect, we just needed this.
I see Natasha and James smiling in amusement, Doctor Banner looks a bit embarrassed.
"Dude, take it easy!Your father-in-law doesn't seem to like it" Sam whispers to Steve.
Thank god no one has heard it besides the two of us.
"Oh shut up, Sam" I answer, pushing him playfully.
Now I think the time has come to tell what I have discovered.
It will not be easy.
I sigh and move away from Steve's chest, he looks me in the eye as if to instill all his courage in me.
"I found out where I am" I begin point blank.
Steve at my side gasps, his fingers intertwined with mine increase the grip.
"Where?" Nat asks me.
"I am in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. McTavish keeps me locked up and sedated in an old fortress used as a private clinic"
"Ok, we can prepare an expedition right away, how many old fortresses can there be in Geneva?It won't be difficult" Tony speaks confidently.
He and Steve exchange a meaningful look, I can see that they love each other.
"I knocked out a dozen men"
I don't know why I say that.
Maybe because I'm afraid of what the Stone has turned me into.
I look down at Steve's hand intertwined with mine.
Then I lift up my gaze to meet his eyes.
I speak without ever taking my attention away from him.
"It was completely involuntary.When all those gunmen surrounded me it was as if the Stone inside me protected my own life.A rush of power knocked everyone out"
"It's completely normal" Bruce intervenes, we all turn to him.
The doctor moves uncomfortably, he doesn't like being the center of attention.
He adjusts his glasses on his nose and continues.
"As far as Thor told us, when the Haeter, the Reality Stone, entered in Dr. Foster attacked anyone who tried to harm her.It's the Stone's way of defending itself"
"Ok.So...I'm not...I'm not dangerous, am I?"
This time it's Strange who answers me.
"Absolutely not.You just have to learn to manage its power but there is time for that.We will talk about it in the future"
Steve raises our intertwined hands and kisses the back of my hand.
He turns to his friends in the room.
"I can't ask you that much so anyone who doesn't feel like taking part in this mission I don't blame them"
"I'm in" Bucky is the first to answer.
He walks up to me and grabs my hand, the one free from Steve's grasp.
"I'll be there to save your ass, again"
I roll my eyes and then smile sweetly at him.
"Count on me too" Natasha's voice rings firmly in the room.
I detach myself from the grip of the two men next to me and hugs her.
"I'm sorry I cut you off, Nat" I murmur into her ear.
"Forget about it.I don't blame you"
Even if we have known each other recently, I can always count on her.
She is a good friend.
Sam turns to Steve.
"You already know that man.I'll always follow Captain America"
Bruce clears his throat.
"I...I...I'm sorry Steve but I can't.I can't risk him awakening.I'd rather help you from headquarters"
Steve nods.
"It's okay Bruce.No problem"
Poor Bruce, forced to share his existence with his alter ego.
From what my friends have told me it is better not to be around him when he shows up.
Tony shrugs.
"Just give me time to do an inspection and organize the trip"
Strange approaches me, puts a hand on my head.
"When you wake up I'll be by your side, count on it"
After which he exchanges a long look with Steve.
I hug him and with hands movements he opens a portal in front of him and then disappears inside.
"Now I have to go" my father says turning to Tony, "I have things to take care of.Keep me updated"
"Capsicle I'm afraid her father doesn't like you" Tony says to Steve.
Steve rolls his eyes.
"Yeah.I know.I noticed it"
Everyone laughs including me.
"Ok now why don't we all get out of here?" Nat says to everyone present and gradually pushes them out the door.
Steve and I are left alone.
"Thanks me later, lovebirds"
The head of the redhead pokes out from the corner of the door giving us a wink.
I smile at her as Steve shakes his head.
Steve sits down in one of the large chairs around the table.
"Come here" he whispers, holding out his hand.
I grab it and sit on his lap.
His hands surround my back, stroking and massaging it.
"I missed you so much" he whispers and then kisses me.
I reciprocate his kiss, my hands wander across his chest.
I feel him tremble with pleasure, I can feel his erection pressing on my ass.
I feel a fire burning in my gut.
I move on top of him, rubbing my hips.
"Babe, be a good girl" just a warning from his lips, almost a snarl, and I feel my core ignite.
The power of his words makes my soul reverberate.
"Yes sir, I'm sorry" I whisper with my face on fire, my words come spontaneously from my lips.
His hands grab my neck, squeeze strongly.
A pain at the limit of pleasure.
His eyes are veiled with lust as if only with my words I was pushing him to the edge.
I feel him clearing his throat.
"It's okay, I'm not angry"
I kiss him again, bite his lip and then slide my tongue into his mouth.
I seek command of the situation and he gives it to me.
I place my hands at the height of his heart, I feel it beating like a fury.
I break the kiss and place my forehead against him, in this position I turn to him.
"Soon we will finally be together.Really together.And then nothing will keep me away from you, do you know this, don't you?"
I see him smile.
"I hope so, honey"
This time he's the one kissing me.
Claim my mouth with possession, I can feel his muscular body pressing against mine with desperate urgency.
His mouth descends on my neck tracing an imaginary path with his tongue, his hands caress the contours of my breast.
A shiver runs through my spine.
"Steve?" his name comes out of my lips like a moan.
"Tell me, honey"
"I have to confess something but I'm afraid you'll be mad at me" I whisper with a breath of voice.
He immediately detaches from my body, his hands on my face.
His bright baby blue eyes watch me full of love.
"Lily, nothing you can do could ever make me mad at you.You could even stab me and I would still love you"
I roll my eyes.
Steve pinches my side and I laughs.
"What would you have done?" he asks me crossing his arms over his chest.
I speak keeping my eyes fixed on my hands playing with the collar of his shirt.
"I talked to Sharon"
"You what?"
I look up at him, he seems obviously amused.
A sly smile curls his beautiful lips.
"I'm serious, Steve!Before I got here to the tower I came to your apartment and she was walking out the door of her house.We had a chat and before leaving she asked about the two of us.If we are a couple"
He is looking at me intently
"And what did you answer her?"
"I told her we love each other and she...and she..."
My eyes fill with tears, tears of anger at Sharon.
"Honey, what happened?Did she treat you badly?"
"No" I replied in a trembling voice.
"She looked at me and she laughed at my answer, as if it were impossible.As if the idea that you can love me were absurd"
I look down.
Because even if I am sure of Steve's love, there is always that little part of me that is afraid that one day he will be tired of me.
"Lily?Lily please, look at me"
I feel his hand massaging the middle of my back.
"I love you.You cannot have doubts about this and you must never allow anyone to make this uncertainty grow in your heart"
"I know.In fact, I replied rudely.I'm sorry!I know that she is your friend and you are colleagues at work but I have not been able to keep silent.I told her to step aside from you, that you will never love her"
I look at the wall in front of me, I don't have the courage to meet his gaze.
Then suddenly I hear him laughing, a spontaneous laugh full of hilarity.
I turn to him, his head is thrown back with one hand resting on his chest.
He looks like the portrait of happiness.
"Did you really do it?" he asks me through the tears caused by the excess of laughter.
"Yep" I can not help but I also begin to laugh.
"C'mon Steve, it's rude" I say.
He hugs me in response, squeezing me against his body.
"I like to know that you claim my possession.It's exciting"
"Oh my God, this is gross babe" I reply laughing.
We remain embraced for a long time.
"I'm not mad at you for what you said to Sharon.I think she deserved it.However, if that makes you feel better, I'll talk to her.Ok?"
I nod against his broad chest.
"Don't think about it, my love.Everything will be fine and we will finally be together"
"I love you, Steve.I love you and I am so afraid of what you will face because of me...that man, McTavish, is evil.Please promise me you'll be careful.That all of you will be careful.I would never forgive myself if any of you get hurt.If you get hurt" I tell him with my voice broken with fear, my hands caressing his beautiful features.
"Please Steve, just promise me" I beg him.
I hear him sigh.
"I promise, I'll be careful"
Another sweet kiss to seal our promises.
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