#so i waited more time and got a computer that could handle it
coffeeworldsasaki · 1 year
I'm understanding almost everything in this code... it's pretty advanced and I'm understanding it 😭
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nexus-nebulae · 7 months
damn i actually had a pretty good streak there of not having bad insomnia days. that's pretty impressive for me like i haven't really had one since early January
#usually i get them like. maybe once a week#i think it's partially my new meds?#got some meds for anxiety and oh my GOD i finally have something that WORKS instead of fucking lexapro AGAIN#literally all my doctors would go LEXAPRO!! even though it's never fuckin worked for me#BUT I'm on remeron now and it's WORKING#and i made sure to make my Scheduled Pill Time as something i could almost never miss (my mom getting home from work)#bc it's around the same time every day within a half hour range and since i have an outside reminder it helps me actually form a habit#i cannot form habits without outside help it's just. nearly impossible for me#and the meds do make me kind of tired but not enough that I'm fucking constantly sleeping like when i was on seroquel#i can actually fucking THINK through this tired it doesn't just completely take me out 100% of the time#I'm just Slightly Sleepy instead of a zombie#and it helps remind me that I'm tired bc usually i don't notice any physical feelings#(is there a word for that??????? i tried googling but it constantly gave me alexythemia which is not feeling EMOTION)#(when this is like. i can't feel tired or hungry or pain sometimes. or at least i lose the ability to be aware that I'm feeling it)#but anyway the new meds make me just tired enough to remember i need sleep#and i mean. i am sleeping slightly early but 8:30 isn't that bad i don't think#at least i have time to. you know. do stuff between the hours of 5-8 (the only hours my mom is home + stores is open)#and tbh staying up alone all night isn't. the best. for my mental health#i don't handle being alone well. and Pulse is being a dick about system barriers :P (/lh we know why it's needed rn)#we have. a deep deep fear of isolation. like not just being alone but Not Being Able To Call For Help At All#at least with phone/computer we have One outlet for help with emergency services so that helps slightly#we worry a lot about. what would happen. if we had a medical emergency. and nobody knew bc i couldn't contact anyone#mostly. the fear of Something Bad happening and not being found until hours or days later#i like being awake during the day tho bc theres Way More Options for help#and like the fear of Not Being Found doesn't go away like. ever#but at least when people are awake and around its lessened a lot#the fear increases exponentially with each possible second added to the wait time#so knowing that it's just One hour until mom is home and can check on me is a lot better than Nobody's Awake For 5 More Hours#(and my mom is deaf too so i can't just like. scream for help to wake her up)#(not that i can physically scream at all anyway my voice just cannot handle that anymore)
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brainmuncher · 3 months
A mis-text-derstanding
After a long night of patrolling around Amity, Danny damn near collapsed onto his bed. His back ached from a stray ectoblast and his eyes felt heavier than a mountain. Technus had done something to the technology around the town. At random a piece of technology would suddenly go rogue with a virus the ghost implemented. The virus would make the item try to capture anyone in the vicinity using any means necessary. So Danny had been doing regular patrols around town to catch anyone who needed help.
That also means that his sleeping time had been radically reduced. Without even the energy to lift his head, Danny patted around for his phone. Once he finally found the device he hefted himself on his side with a groan. It was a new phone since he was the first casualty in Technus’ plan. Thankfully, Sam had given him another so his parents wouldn’t try to make him one. (Who knows what kind of ‘anti-ghost’ protection they would’ve put on it.)
Tucker had promised that he was working on fixing the virus going around. Hopefully, he had some kind of good news to share. As soon as Danny went to message him he realized he hadn’t downloaded their chat app to the new phone. With a sigh he knew that he would just have to use normal texting but with careful codewords.
Putting in Tucker's number with a yawn, Danny sent the first message.
‘It’s your undead bro. The night out tonight was killer. Any news on the techie progress?’
Danny smashed his face into his bed with a sigh after hitting send. Knowing Tucker he was probably face first in his laptop and won’t notice the message for a bit. He could probably just close his eyes and…
Before he could even consider taking a nap there was a generic jingle from the phone. He should really get to fixing that. Tuck deserves a much better ringtone than some bells.
‘Nothing noteworthy yet. It's harder to crack than normal but nothing I can't handle. Do you need me to take over for tomorrow?’
‘Also why aren't you using our chat?’
Danny squinted at the screen with a slight frown. It had been a while since Sam or Tucker tried to go out in his place. They learned pretty quickly that it made Danny way too anxious to have them out there without him. Something about not being there to protect them if they got over their heads made Danny’s chest ache. 
And of course, Tucker noticed that he wasn’t using the app he made. It was a bit glitchy at times, but what tech wasn’t when it came to Danny? Not only was it secure, but it became an easier way for them to establish a timeline for filing. Jazz had been the one who realized that they didn’t have steady information on not just the rouges but the events of the fights. It became a staple to write out what happened and what went wrong after hearing her lecture about it.
‘Don’t have it on this phone yet. And you know how I feel about you being out there.’
Danny watched the screen for a bit, waiting to see if Tucker would reply immediately again. His mom probably caught him on his computer all day and was forcing him to separate himself from it for a while. It wasn’t an uncommon thing for Ms. Foley to do.
‘Yeah yeah, Mr. Possessive. Do you need me to walk you through how to get it again?’
Snorting at the pun, Danny easily replied. If Tucker was feeling sassy enough to joke about that, then he would push some buttons back. It was a simple banter that they sometimes fell into.
‘You know how I get with technology. I’m more likely to break something. Especially since this phone is so new. Whatever happened to flip phones?’
Danny snickered to himself at the message. Tucker had an ongoing war between new and old technology. While he loved his PDA he also admired some of the top-of-the-line devices. It was like the past and the future mixed in his friend's room. He would gush about the new devices but also gush about the older ones that still had functions that the newer ones lost. But flip phones? That was the only technology he knew that Tucker hated. It was the worst of both worlds for him. He’d been so excited when Danny’s flip phone was bricked by Technus’ virus.
‘I’m going to ignore that you said that.’
‘Also there’s going to be trouble in the park near you tomorrow. I’m already planning on going. Do you want in?’
Scooting up from his lounged position, Danny started to write back his reply.
‘Of course, I’ll be there. Don’t need you to go in alone and join the dead. Unusual for him to leave his plans there though. That’ll be fun to write in the report.’
The image of Jazz reading about that brought a smile to Danny’s face. She always found it interesting when one of the ghosts would change a long-time behavior. The fact that Technus was able to keep this rather on the down low would guarantee her interest. He was always one to blatantly announce his plans to the world to hear. Even though it’s a bit of a pain that he’s learning to keep things to himself it would peak Jazz’s curiosity, which made it bearable.
‘It is weird. And don’t remind me about the report. I still have the one from last week to write and I don’t want to do it.’
That made Danny laugh to himself a little. Last week the lunch lady tried to embrace the Ultra-Recyclo Vegetarian life. In the overflow of food, Tucker had gotten trapped in veggies. He was visibly green from having to eat some to escape. Sam had been excited about it at first before she saw how much food was being wasted. She ended up getting attacked for trying to explain the damage overconsumption and food waste could bring.
‘You looked like you wanted to vomit afterward. Well, at least we are prepared this time. We don’t always get that chance.’
Danny stretched out his stubborn limbs, feeling himself try to sink into the darkness. He’d have to end the conversation sooner rather than later. At this rate, he wouldn’t have a choice on whether he was taking a nap or not. At the familiar sound of bells, he looked back down at the conversation.
‘Unfortunately. Well, I’ll be finished by the time we meet at the park. I know you usually like to sleep after a long night.’
The reply made Danny’s core feel fuzzy with happiness. Tucker always knows him so well. He doesn’t know what he did to get such a fantastic best friend. It was at times like these that Danny knew he was so glad that they were in this together. With two of his best friends at his side, it made being a vigilante so much easier to bear. 
‘Thanks. Remember that not just the dead get to sleep. Don’t push yourself. Goodnight.’
With that, Danny felt comfortable with setting his phone down to get changed into pajamas. It ached on his back to take off his shirt, but Jazz would be disappointed in the morning if he didn’t. She always got that pinched look on her face when he didn’t take care of himself to her standards. Her standards weren’t exactly high up either so it made him feel extra upset when he missed the mark.
Being careful to not lie on his back, Danny got back into his bed. He curled himself into the blankets with a small smile. One last chime of bells rang out in the room, probably from Tucker saying goodnight back. Picking up his phone, he opened up the lock screen and looked at his messages.
Instead of a goodnight, his stomach dropped as he realized a different number messaged him. A very familiar number.
‘Hey dude! I know you had to get a new phone so this is me. Not only did I figure out how it’s spreading, I think I finally found a way to get rid of the virus.’
Practically throwing himself off the bed, Danny got to his feet. Both his back and his mind screamed at him as he looked over the message. He tapped back to the one he’d just been replying to, finding his heart stopping at the string of numbers. One of the area code numbers was a six instead of a nine. He’d been messaging a stranger this entire time.
Looking back at the messages he convinced himself that it was fine. He was vague enough to not be recognized. It wasn’t like this person was from Amity. They won’t recognize the correlation between him and Phantom. Surely the other person wouldn’t take his words at face value. 
Worst comes to worst he can have Tucker take over his phone for a bit and make sure the other person can’t find out who he is. He hadn’t bought the phone or had it under his name in any way, so they could only find out from the conversation alone.
Breathing out a breath of air he kissed his night of sleep goodbye.
‘I’ll be over in a sec Tuck. I think I just made a mistake.’
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laiiaaa · 10 months
Carmy with a stressed cranky gf getting her degree and he’s just so good to her ughhhhhhh (so self-indulgent)
“Carmen, could you—could you just, fuckin’—…watch where you’re going?”
He freezes where he took a misstep, leaving your laptop’s charger dangling near the floor after accidentally unplugging it. A simple little thing, a dumb mistake made while caught up in something else mentally. A matter of a charger extended beyond its comfortable reach. It’d be fixed in seconds, but you weren’t having it.
A confused look washes over him. “I-I’m sorry, baby—” He knows you’re in one of those moods—he always knows—and lowers to pick up the cord. “Lemme plug it back in for you—”
“Or you could just not walk right into it,” you snap, fingers tapping away at your keyboard, face illuminated in a blueish hue from the screen.
“Hey.” He perks right back up after fixing the charger, but you don’t look back at him. “What’s the matter with you?”
“Don’t start that w’me, c’mon.” He comes a little closer, perched at the end of the couch right beside you. “You’re in a mood.”
“I’m not.” You definitely are.
“Baby.” Instinctively, his hand comes to rub your shoulder, his thumb presses just a little firmer along the crook of your neck. “Take a break for the night.”
“I need to finish up with this—”
“‘M not asking.” He gives you that look, with his hands extended to silently demand you hand over your computer. “It’s a Friday night. C’mon.”
You pout, and you huff, and you give him those eyes that tell him you don’t want to, but you save your document and hand it over anyway, quickly curling into the end of the couch and not making a move when he sits next to you.
“You mad at me?” he asks, looping his arm over your shoulder, a little hurt when you don’t melt into his touch like you usually do.
You keep your eyes glued to the wall, not paying him any mind. “No.”
“Then why’re you always workin’, huh?” He squeezes you a little tighter, bringing you deeper into his embrace as he cups your jaw—with those firm, strong hands of his that somehow always have you pliant—and turns you to look up at him. “Every time I come home you’re on the computer with that look on your face.”
“I don’t have a look.”
Smiling, he presses his lips to your forehead. “Yeah you do.” Then to the furrow in your brow. “But it’s cute.”
He scatters slow, gentle kisses across your face, from your temples, to your cheeks, to your jaw, until he finds your lips and takes them carefully, relishing in your act of apology when your hands circle around his forearms and kiss him a little deeper. And slowly, he feels the tenseness in your body begin to dissipate, feels you turn into him more.
Pulling away, still intent on figuring out your rut, he rests his forehead to yours. “Talk to me, baby. What’s got you actin’ all mean, hm?” His hands hold you close, and his thumbs graze your cheekbones. “Somethin’ I do you wanna talk about?”
“No?” He’d be lying if he said a wave of relief washed over him. “What’s goin’ on then?”
“I’m—it’s just that—…” You sigh.
He waits patiently, knowing that by now he’s cracking open that shell. “‘S alright, hon, we can work it out.”
“Carmen, I just—” And your lip quivers, and your throat gets sore, and your vision gets bleary from tears emerging. “I have so much to do, and—…”
“For school?”
You nod against him. “It’s just—I get behind on one thing, and then there’s five other things I need to do, and I try to get ahead but then I don’t sleep, and—I-I’m just stressed, is all.”
“I know.” He coos gently at you and thumbs away your tears. “I know, ‘n you’ve been workin’ so hard, baby.”
“Well I’m still not getting anywhere.” Your throat tightens, and tears keep falling, and you feel your resolve crumbling, the last of your strength dissolving now that Carmen’s handling you so gently. “And I just feel so stupid all the time—”
“Uh-uh,” he nudges his nose against yours, “You don’t get to say that, you’re the smartest person I know.”
He pulls you away carefully, just to look you in the eye—and his gut wrenches, seeing you like this, all pouty and wet with tears, your lips salty when he kisses them slowly to mellow the racing of your heart.
With a calm hand he urges your head to rest against his chest, his lips lending a kiss to your temple. “So fuckin’ smart ‘n you don’t even know it.” Naturally, the rest of you follows, with his arms keeping you close, one wrapped around your waist to hold you tight as the other hand rests with on the back of your neck to soothe you, scratching gently at the nape of it. “Always blowin’ me away, baby, you’re so smart. So hardworkin’, too—”
“But Carm—” Your sobs choke you up then, and there’s a throb in your forehead that has you almost begging for sleep.
“Shhh, what is it?” His hand smooths up and down your back, his voice becomes gentler than ever. “Take a breath, c’mon, take a deep breath.”
You push yourself away from his chest, seeing the tears staining his white tee before you look up at him. “I’m sorry, Bear. All the stress, it’s—I’ve been so mean to you lately—” you don’t even process the vigorous shake of his head— “I’m sorry, Bear—”
“Hey, hey, baby, stop—” He wipes tears from your eyes before they get the chance to spill onto your cheeks. “Stop with that, would ya?” Another kiss to your forehead has you melting. “You’re okay. We’re okay.” Another kiss, slower, to your sob-bitten lips, like he wants you to taste his forgiveness.
“But I was mean to you, and I’m sorry—”
His chest physically aches because he knows there’s only so much he can do for you. “I know,” he tells you, “I know, baby, I got you. It’s okay.”
“I promise don’t mean it, Carmen—”
“Yeah, I know that, hon.” Pulling you tight to his chest again, his strong arms wrap around you fully, and he presses kisses to the skin where he’s nuzzled into your neck. “You’re workin’ yourself to the bone, y’know that?”
“Mhm,” you hum, just happy to be held, to be swallowed whole by his warmth.
“You promise to rest up from now on?”
“Yeah? Not even listenin’, huh?”
“Mhm.” You burrow into him just a little deeper, eyes slipping shut.
He scoffs, but it’s full of love. “It’s gettin’ late now.” He shuffles you closer to him with little effort, hooking his hands beneath your thighs to encourage them around his hips. “Let’s get you t’bed, hm? C’mon—” he hoists you to his hip with a subtle grunt— “Up you go, baby, that’s it—”
And in the brief minute or two it takes for him to turn out the lights in your shared apartment, and the twenty-some paces to the bedroom, you’re lulled off to sleep in his embrace, stoking that fire in his chest that keeps him going—because knowing you feel safe with him, secure with him, is all he really needs.
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msfantasy-comics · 1 year
The Perfect Match
Damian Wayne x Reader
Summary: Ways in which you are Damian’s perfect match
Requested: Yes
Masterlist - Tip Jar
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Damian Wayne at times yearned for a partner.
He never dwelled too much on the idea, as his way of life does not accommodate a nurturing environment for a relationship to grow.
The volatility of his lifestyle would always squash any ambers of romance.
But you are the outlier that defined all odds.
You were Damian’s perfect match.
Independence and Sense of Adventure
Damian is a free-spirit so to speak and generally thrives in personal space.
Since Damians life has always centred around independence and self sufficiency, he requires his significant other to reflect similar qualities.
Whilst you could always go for extra-Damian-time. You’re quite content on letting Damian have his personal space.
But that doesn’t mean your going to sit around and wait for him.
Damian: “I’m heading out, will probably be back whenever….”
Y/n: “… Kay, see you later.”
During Damian’s frequent disappearance acts, you often take advantage and go on spur of the moments girls trip with Kori and Steph.
Damian: “I just got back home, where are you?”
Y/n: “Los Vegas with Kori and Steph.”
Damian: “I- … Fine send me the hotel address I’m on my way.”
Y/n: “Girls trip only!”
Damian: “I’m part of the gir-“
Y/n: “I’ll see you tomorrow, Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”
Similar Interests
Whilst you might not be on the Streets of Gotham, dirtying yourself with the likes of criminals.
You support Damian from a distance behind the very safe bat computer.
Often you excitedly present him with his next case.
Y/n: “So I’ve found our next case! An advocate for West Papua was attending a world submit to advocate their people’s freedom, but in the middle of his speech he just disappeared!”
Damian: “Government did it. Case closed.”
Y/n: “Except not case closed, his monitor is still registering his heartbeat, oxygen and sleeping statistics and his tracker is still locating him in the same room!”
Damian: “A supernatural anomaly… interesting… tell me more.”
Damian has had an incredibly volatile up bringing which has conditioned him to act and behave in certain ways that isn’t easy to handle.
You’re generally very empathetic and flexible as a result.
But at times Damian is incapable of knowing his limits which means you need to step in and put your foot down.
Damian: “- the team needed me-“
Y/n: “This isn’t a debate Damian! You disappeared for an ENTIRE month without warning! That’s not an acceptable way to treat your partner, it is objectively and fundamentally wrong. You cannot do as you please and expect me to just accept your every whim.”
Damian: “You were preemptively warned about the demands of my lifestyle.”
Y/n: “Precaution is not a synonym for absolute submission. Your actions are not permissible, there are steps that could’ve been made, but you chose not to because you thought I’d blindly accept what was happening.”
Damian: “Forgive me, I did not intend for things to get out of hand like this.”
Y/n: “…I forgive you this time, be warned, I have my limits.”
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chlorinecake · 3 months
= 𝓙𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮, 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 ── P.SH 💬
in which your long distance bf craves your contact...
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pairing. ⌂ needy boyfriend sunghoon x f. reader ⌂ contains. mostly suggestive content but with tons of explicit implications, flirting, a bit of fluff, somewhat perv!hoon, long distance relationship au (sawie) ⌂ word count. 1160 🖱 ⑅ path to bookshelf ◍
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❝ Incoming Call from Sunghoon ❄️ ❞
Your laptop screen read spontaneously.
Ahh, yes… the love of my life among many other luxuries, you smiled within yourself, just as you pressed the green ‘answer’ icon.
Though, it had been roughly thirty minutes since then, with the clock on your computer screen now displaying an oddly habitual series of digits...
You and your boyfriend's conversation started off strong with wholesome pleasantries and heartwarming exchanges as usual…
But as the hour grew wearier, the topics on the table became more and more raunchy by the minute… not that you were complaining, that is…
And neither was he…
It had literally been over a week since Sunghoon last saw you in the flesh… since he last got to feel you in his arms or taste you on his tongue…
And so, FaceTiming had become a great method for you two to stay in touch on a more personal level whenever he was away for work.
You got up from your bed to make sure that your bedroom door was locked, but also to make sure that Sunghoon knew you were wearing his favorite pair of plaid pajama pants...
The one's he had sent as an “X-mas in July” gift...
“Your ass looks good in those,” he started from behind the screen, folding his toned pale arms over the pillow he laid on.
“Just wait til you see what's hiding underneath,” you returned seductively, adding the word “tomorrow” at the end to which Sunghoon sighed.
“Right, because I've already been waiting forever and a day to relieve my sexual tension this week… another day to the prison sentence wouldn’t hurt…”
“Awww,” you pouted facetiously at him, “I thought you liked it whenever I teased you.…”
“In-person, sure. That’s when I can handle it, but online? Pfft,” he says, running an impatient hand through his hair.
“Fine… let’s play a game to take your mind off of things—”
“I bet I can guess what color panties you’re wearing right now…”
“Sunghoon!?” You exclaimed with shock, making your boyfriend smirk shamelessly at your adorable reaction, “and do you expect some sort of reward if you guess correctly?”
“After three tries, yes,” he nodded, clearing his throat slightly before proceeding with his series of guesses.
“Hmm,” he began, “are they that one lacy black pair you have with the bows on the side?”
“No,” you answered while laughing, “and just guess a color, not a specific pair…”
“Alright alright… hmm,” he hummed in thought, looking above as if an answer would fall from the sky.
“Guess again,” your voice sang playfully this time, “you have one chance left now…”
“Shit, okay… I have a suggestion then…”
“Uh oh, plot twist,” you said, making him chuckle slightly, “go on…”
“How about you just show me your panties and then I’ll tell you what color they are?”
“Gosh, you really know a way to a woman’s heart, don’t you Hoon?” You asked rhetorically, ‘tsking’ at his fraudulent suggestion.
“Of course I do… taking a guess here, but you’re supposed to start between her legs, right?”
You shook your head at your boyfriends words, letting an exaggerated sigh escape your lips… “Even if that were true, it’s not like it’d benefit you right now, anyways…”
“Oh? And why’s that?”
“Because you’re behind a screen,” you began matter-of-factly, “miles and miles away with only your right hand and some amateur porn to keep you company…”
“But I have you, too, princess,” he smiled, adjusting himself on the mattress so he could get closer to the camera, “unless you’re thinking about leaving me already…”
“Please, I would never,” you say in an almost offended tone, “that would be child neglect…”
“Oh, so you’re my mommy now?”
You gave him the best side-eye you could muster, making him chuckle at how you cute you looked in your oversized glasses…
“If you’re into that, sure,” you finally answered.
“Well then your baby wants to see his mommy’s tits,” he replied almost instantly, innocently nuzzling his chin into his pillow, “and without the bra this time, thanks…”
“I’m not showing your sick ass shit,” you returned while laughing, throwing up a few ‘L signs’ with your fingers as he chuckled at your rejection, showcasing his pearly fangs.
Letting himself calm down from laughing, he cleared his throat before speaking again, “My next guess is white, then…”
“But you already guessed white earlier?”
“And I’m guessing it again,” he repeated, making you quirk a suspicious brow at him.
“If you’re trying to imply that I creamed my pants, you’re wrong.”
“Oh my God, ____,” he sighs dramatically, adjusting his laying position on his bed once more, “can you just tell me that I’m right so we can fuck already?”
“Oh, so you waited all this time to tell me that sex was supposed to be the reward?!”
“Well, yea, I figured it was obvious,” he shrugged nonchalantly.
“Damn, Hoon… when you put it like that, it makes me think my body’s all you want…”
“You know that’s not all I want, baby,” he corrected, licking his lips while stretching out the tiredness in his back, “I just don’t like being in the position to beg for it, y’know?”
“Welcome to my world…” you said.
“Thanks for having me,” he smiled back, rubbing his eyes as a frustrated groan left his mouth.
“What’s the problem now, you big baby?”
He hid his face in his pillow before speaking, “I’m horny and youuuu are not helping…”
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend’s attempt to fault you for his frustration, “I wouldn’t be much help to you anyways given the distance…”
He abruptly lifted his head from the pillow to flash you a dumbfounded look, “Babe… why’re you acting like e-sex doesn’t exist?”
“Because it’s literally 3 am and I trust that you can be patient til I can see you properly,” you clarified, adding yet another “tomorrow” at the end of your sentence.
And all Sunghoon could bring himself to do at this point was pout, hiding his face in the pillow once again which made you giggle at his sulking.
“Babyyyy…. C’monnn, you can wait for me, can’t you?” You asked in a sickeningly sweet tone, tilting your head at him in a cooing manner.
“I’m literally two seconds from slapping my dick against the screen because of your face right now,” he confessed shamelessly, making you burst into a fit of laughter.
“You’re so out of pocket for saying that,” you giggle, covering your face slightly to hide how flustered you appeared.
“You didn’t let me finish,” he said, a giggle still present in your throat as you tried regathering your emotions.
“Continue, continue…” you whisper with a warm smile on your face now, looking like a split image of the crying emoji in this moment.
“Thank you,” he scoffed with feigned offense, “but yes… I can wait til tomorrow… just for you, angel…”
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tysm for reading this quick lil fic ✗⚬メ𝟶 a/n ℓօⓥe always ⋆⋆⋆
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james-is-here · 4 months
For @succubus-hansol 🫶🏼
⚠️‼️CW‼️The links in these little blurbs below the cut are literal sex twtr (X) links‼️Proceed at your own will, I've warned you‼️⚠️
These are also my picks. The members I picked are the ones I thought fit the best. There's a lot, might've gone overboard, sorry.
Would it be believable if I said I didn't get hard while looking through my bookmarks? No? Okay, I don't believe my own words either.
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Seungmin thinking you've been at the studio or away from him out of country too long and is really needy so he handles it himself, sending you a video and begging for you to just hurry back home cause his fingers or his toys aren't enough. Puppy needs his owner.
Hyunjin, at the beginning of your relationship, believed that only your cock could make him weak and noisy but you proved him wrong with a toy, pulling moans and begs for more out of him as he pushed further back onto the toy.
Jeongin's first time with you and he was super nervous, not sure if he can take you so you suggested at that time just simple, slow fingering while he jerked off to help him relax.
Jisung who made you pull over only minutes from getting home from a date night cause he couldn't wait anymore. You looked too good and his pants were uncomfortably and painfully tight and you squeezing his thigh wasn't helping whatsoever. He needed to be filled with you immediately.
Fucking Chan deep as a reward and stress reliever after returning from the studio. Praising him and making him whine and moan from how deep you are and how good he feels.
Did someone ask for boypuss? No? Too bad. Eating out and fingering Felix fast and hard, his small hands pulling your hair to pull you further into his cunt as he tenses and he's panting out whiny moans, cumming around your fingers when you harshly suck and lick his clit.
This one i've wanted to make something with, this link is tame. Making out with Jeongin, you carried him from the front door to the couch and he's needy, pulling you impossibly closer and cradling your face with sweater paws as he sucks on your tongue and tangles it with his, whining with need before pulling away and begging for more. Then that matches up with this, fucking him into the couch deeply and slowly.
Changbin wanted to ride you but his body was so tired, maybe he shouldn't have asked you to fuck him after the gym but he needed you so you took over, fucking up into him at a brutal pace as you grip and squeeze his hips and his ass, holding him in place as he rapidly abuse his hole to get him to his release.
THIS ONE IVE ALSO BEEN WANTING TO MAKE SOMETHING WITH!! On tour, waking up with Minho and it started with just morning cuddles and kisses but the kisses turned heated and you were rolling him onto his front as you got above him. Fucking him slow and deep, biting his skin wherever you could reach before moving to leave marks on his chest and bite his nipples. Then you move and lay fully on top of him, humping into him and pulling moans and whines out of him as you pick up speed and go harder, faster and deeper, eventually punching moans out of him that have you moving your hands up to cover his mouth. Then your moving him onto all fours and thrusting into him at a brutal pace, making him fall onto his front as he fucks back onto you. (I'm not obsessed, I might make a whole fic from this later.)
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These links are ones I found after posting this and wanted to add.
Jisung who fell asleep on your lap while you worked or did stuff on your computer before he's waking up needy from his dream and whines into your neck, squirming on your lap before he pulls back enough and asks if he could use your thigh, removing his sweats before straddling your thigh and immediately starting to hump your thigh at a quick pace, head resting on your shoulder as whiny moans and gaps slip past his lips.
Minho who tied you up, playing and teasing your cock head, driving you crazy with how good he his and how amazing it feels as he sucks and strokes you at a fast pace until your cumming all over his tongue and hand but he doesn't stop, smearing your release and his spit all over your tip and milking you of every drop and overstimulating you as he smears cum and spit all over your tip before he's licking up your cum from his hand and your tip.
Jeongin meaning to save this for just himself accidentally sends it to you and he's freaking out and apologizing but you don't answer, instead you join him in his room and help him out.
Fucking Felix after he presented himself to you in the lingerie set you bought for him.
Ignore the face (Highschool au) Seungmin meeting you after your student council meeting as the president of the council and riding you on the couch in the room student council meetings are held.
Literally any of them surprising you with a school girl outfit for your birthday or anniversary and you immediately have the need to fuck them in the skirt.
You couldn't go on tour with Felix and he's missing you.
Humping Hyunjin's thigh as you finger him and he's moving his hips to hump against your abs.
After math of you and Minho with Jisung
Helping Chan take a break when he's been in the studio for too long or vice versa with Chan helping you when you need a break
Using Jeongin's thighs before schedule starts cause you need him but you don't want him to possibly be in pain or uncomfortable all day.
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cradle-quill · 25 days
Surrender, an ABDL Story by CradleQuill (18+)
Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+ _
Daniel stopped typing and looked up from his manuscript. His eyes wandered to Isabelle, who sat at the other end of their shared table, supposedly chipping away at her latest work project. Her brow was stuck in a permanently furrowed state, and she was massaging her temples as she stared down at her computer screen. She had been at this for hours now. Every so often, a burst of inspiration would hit, and the sound of her acrylic nails tapping away at her mechanical keys would fill the room. Those bursts would not last, though. Before too long, Daniel would notice that the sound of his girlfriend working would disappear, replaced with a suffocating silence that lingered throughout the air, threatening to choke the life from him if he dared say a word.
It had been over thirty minutes since inspiration had last struck, and Daniel knew Isabelle was hitting her wall. He also knew she would be reluctant to admit as much. He looked back to his writing and saw he had hit his word count for the day, so he leaned back and took a deep breath. Daniel eyed Isabelle as he wondered if she was paying attention to his movements.
“You know, honey,” Daniel said with a hitch in his voice. “Maybe it’s about time for you to take a break. Relax for a bit and see if the solution comes to you.”
Isabelle shut her eyes, looking annoyed. She let out a hefty sigh. “I can’t take a break yet. I’m on the clock for another three hours, and I need to finish this by the end of the day.”
Daniel carefully considered his next words. He knew how she got when there were stakes involved, especially when those stakes involved her boss, Jim. He also knew Isabelle had a penchant for building these things up in her head and assuming the worst. “Do you actually need to finish this one today, or is it more so that you’re going to be mad at yourself if you don’t finish it?”
Isabelle shot two twin daggers for eyes at him, and he immediately got the memo. He leaned forward, and in his mind, he debated whether he wanted to continue speaking. In the end, his gut told him to keep going. “You know, honey,” he began, his voice as gentle and soothing as light rain tapping on a window. “It would probably be easier to get a lot more work done if you gave your mind the chance to rest. You don’t want to overwork yourself and fry those thoughts before they come to fruition.”
“And what would you know about that?” Isabelle snapped back. “It’s not like you work an actual job, anyway. I have deadlines, Daniel. People expect me to finish things by certain times, and I’m already behind as is. So please, lay off and let me handle it.”
By the time she reached the end of her little diatribe, she was nearly out of breath, huffing and puffing out of anger. Her cheeks were bright red, but they faded to a lighter shade of pink once she realized that her temper had gotten the better of her. Daniel just sat there, staring at her. There was no judgment in his eyes, not even pain. Isabelle struggled to read him, but as best she could tell, he was unbothered, though also very serious.
She knew she ought to apologize, and part of her even wanted to. It was the mature thing to do. Even if she had a point, she went about expressing that point in the absolute wrong way. At the same time, she could feel that another side of her, a more stubborn, petty side, had latched onto this little spat and decided it was unwilling to move an inch. While she sat there in her purgatory of mind, Daniel stood up from the table. She watched him close his laptop and wander over to where his coat was hung up next to the door.
“Daniel, wait…” She clambered out of her chair and onto her feet.
“Not another word.” Daniel’s tone was stern, but it held the same underlying gentleness as his earlier words. She knew he meant it. He did not want to hear another word escape from her lips, and as hard as that stubborn side of her tried to fight it, she managed to hold it back and keep her mouth shut. She couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes. Instead, all she offered was a nod.
“I’ll be back soon. I won’t be long,” Daniel said before pulling on his coat and leaving through their apartment’s front door. On his way out, she heard the pitters and patters of his boots as he trailed down the stairs to the parking lot.
Minutes passed, and Isabelle had still not returned to her work. Her heart was nearly in her throat. She knew she had messed up, but she hoped it would not be as bad as it seemed. Daniel said he would not be long, and Isabelle would just have to trust that. He wouldn’t just leave her there, all alone, over one fight. If you could even call it a fight. It was more like a temper tantrum. She could hardly call herself a stressed out adult who had been snippy. It was more like she was a spiteful adolescent lashing out at a parent. It reminded her of her teenage years, and for that she felt deep shame.
When another few minutes had passed, and Isabelle still could not get her mind off of things, she forced herself to look back at her computer screen. Sitting there doing nothing would not help. At least if she got some work done, it would be a serviceable distraction until Daniel returned from wherever he had gone off to. He probably just went for a walk to clear his head, Isabelle thought. She hoped it was nothing more than that.
After around another thirty minutes, the familiar sound of Daniel’s boots trudging up the stairs to their apartment rang through the building, and Isabelle let out a sigh of relief she had been holding onto since the moment he left. When he returned through the door, Isabelle noticed something under his arm. Whatever it was, it was double-bagged in two white grocery bags, and she could not make out any signifying labels from beneath the coat of white.
“What’s that?” She asked, but Daniel did not answer.
“Come with me,” was all he said before making his way through the halls and into their bedroom. He had that same tone from earlier, the one that refused to be bargained with, so Isabelle did as she was told. She stood up from the table and followed him into their room, where Daniel was making the bed. He had opened their closet door and pulled out a black leather riding crop, which now sat beside him on the nightstand.
“No, absolutely not-” Isabelle said, but Daniel cut her off.
“You will not take that kind of tone with me. You know better than to speak to me that way, and you know better than to insult me.” He finished making the bed, ensuring it was nice and level for her to sprawl out on. “You also know that I was right about you needing a break. You would never have snapped at me like that if you weren’t so stressed. Now, be an obedient girl for me and lay flat on your stomach.”
Isabelle squirmed where she stood, clenching her legs together and trying not to show how obviously wiggly she was. Deep down, she loved when he got like this. She found him so… irresistible when he took charge. “I-I don’t think now is the t-time…” she trailed off, unable to finish her own thought. Her thoughts seemed to get lost somewhere along the way from her mind to her mouth, disappearing before she could bring them to life through her words.
Daniel simply ignored her. He wore that same unphased demeanor from earlier, and somehow, that made him seem even more threatening. With the crop and sheets all prepped and ready, he bent down and opened his mysterious package, revealing a large bag of disposable diapers, the kinds for little kids who still wet their beds.
“Absolutely not!” Isabelle declared. Her voice was forceful and unwavering. Yet when his eyes met hers, hers darted away. She could not hold his gaze.
“I’m not asking. Lay down on the bed, take your spanking, and then I’m going to put you into something more appropriate for the way you’ve been behaving.”
“I’m not… wearing that.” She folded her arms and gave her best pout.
Daniel turned to face her, not speaking for several seconds. Each subsequent second felt longer than the last, and with each one that passed, Isabelle felt her knees getting weaker, ready to give way. After a full minute of silent stillness, Daniel suddenly approached her. He got right up in her face, forcing her to stand at attention just to avoid him running into her.
Their faces were mere inches apart when he said, “I have seen your BDSMTest results. I know what you’re into. I know how you like to be treated.” He paused just long enough to let her mouth fall open, and for a breathless gasp to flee from her open lips. “You have a safe word. Use it. Or don’t use it, and lay down on the bed right this instant.”
Isabelle could not believe what she was hearing. Even less could she believe her legs started inching their way forward without her permission. Daniel was right. She had a safe word, but she did not utter it. Before she knew it, she was crawling onto the bed, sprawling out over it. Daniel came up from behind her and gave her a forceful push, slamming her stomach onto the bed as she let out a reluctant moan that refused to be held back. A familiar wetness dampened her inner thighs.
As she tried to compose herself, to gather her thoughts which seemed to float around aimlessly in the sea of her mind, there was a sharp sting against one of her butt cheeks, and then the other. The sound of the slaps came first, with the pain settling in whole seconds later. By the time she felt the pain from one, Daniel’s crop was already onto the next. She desperately clung to her physical presence, to keep herself grounded within the moment. She was an adult, a grown woman, someone who was self-sufficient and well adjusted. Except, she wasn’t any of those things.
With each strike of the crop, those illusions, those lies that she told herself, they disappeared bit by bit, until they had faded into nothing more than memories just out of reach. All that was left was herself. Her true self, the one she kept locked away where no one could see. In mere moments, Daniel had beaten it out of her. She could hardly even feel the pain anymore. Instead, it was as if she were floating in the middle of the ocean, with no land anywhere to be found. Or perhaps she was soaring through the air, diving between the clouds, with no rules or expectations hoisted upon her shoulders. She was free. In her bondage, in her submission to him, she was free.
When the spanking was finished, Isabelle’s bottom was bright red and sore. The earlier marks were even beginning to turn purple as her skin bruised. She just laid there, her mouth agape, with tears streaming down her cheeks. Daniel grabbed hold of her and pulled her into his embrace. “There, there, little one. It’s all over. I’ve got you now.” The sternness had left his voice. Now, there was just that same old gentleness, like the first autumn breeze of the year.
She sobbed into his shoulder, and all the while, he held her and cooed at her. He rocked her gently, careful not to exacerbate the pain coursing through her bruised bottom. Once she had settled down and centered herself right there in his presence, in his dominance, he laid her down on the bed. She went limp, ready to let him do whatever he pleased with her. However, Daniel did not take her as she thought he would. No, instead, he ripped open the package of Pull-Ups and slid one over her feet and up her legs. Isabelle’s hands shot up to her face to hide her humiliation, but the childish gesture only served to make her seem more helpless and infantile.
With little effort, Daniel hoisted Isabelle up and pulled the glorified diaper snug into place. She had to admit; it wasn’t so bad. The padding was soft against her princess parts, and the way the garment hugged her hips made her feel swaddled and protected. She was safe. Safe in her Pull-Ups and safe under Daniel’s thumb, right where she belonged. She needed it. She yearned for it.
Daniel wrapped her in his arms once more and laid her head on his chest. He rocked her gently, humming a soft little tune to soothe her. Isabelle closed her eyes and let herself relax, finally. For the first time in longer than she cared to remember, she was at peace. All her worries and concerns had drifted away, and despite her sore bottom and weakened pride, she could not help but smile.
“There’s my girl,” Daniel said. He aimed his own soft smile down at her, and as she looked into his eyes, she did not find disdain or malice there. Instead, she found only wordless comfort and reassurance. “I think someone was extra fussy today and needed an attitude adjustment.” She blushed even more furiously at that.
“D-Daniel…” Isabelle’s meek voice chirped out like a baby bird making its first call.
“Yes, my love?”
“I’m s-sorry… for what I said… and the way I said it.”
“I know you are, sweetie. I know you didn’t mean it. You were stressed, and you lashed out. Little girls do that from time to time.”
“N-no but… I’m serious. I shouldn’t have said those things.”
“Hush, little one. I know you’re sorry, and I know you’re being sincere. I’m telling you it’s alright, that you don’t have to apologize. You don’t have to do or be anything right now. You can just sit here in my arms, and you can just be my little girl, if that’s what you want.” He gave her the kindest smile anyone had ever given her, and in that moment, the last of her reservations gave way. “That is what you want, isn’t it, baby?” All she could do was nod.
That night, she drifted off to sleep in her boyfriend’s arms. Come the next day, she wouldn’t think of him as her boyfriend at all anymore. Instead, she would see him as her Daddy. And by the time she woke the next morning, she would find herself filled with a sense of undeniable bliss, and a new sensation altogether. One of thickness and absorbency between her legs. One that would go on to define the rest of her life to come, and the way her Daddy would look at her as his good little bedwetter.
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sterredem · 3 months
The adoption
Olivia Rodrigo x Fem!Driver!Ferrari!Reader
Face claim Pinterest girls
Warning fluff, not proofread, spelling mistakes (if you can’t handle it DONT READ IT! I have had enough people come in my inbox complaining about that. So if you know you can’t handle spelling mistakes or mistakes in sentences don’t read!)
Summary Olivia gives her girlfriend a gift for their anniversary.
Kind of a part 2 to this. It can be read as a stand alone
A/N short and rushed but I think it is cute. Again sorry for any mistakes. Really sorry that it is short but I didn’t have any more inspiration😭 this is more of ablution than a fic. I will also post a bit more of these short blurbs in this universe.
Don’t forget to reblog and comments! It helps a lot!
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Real life
Adopting a dog or a cat was always something Y/n had wanted. And now that she was finally public with Olivia she had devoted that she wanted to finally do it. The reason that she waited being that she didn’t want to be found out by the public because of a dog (or cat).
So she talked about it with Olivia and her girlfriend immediately agreed to the idea, wanting some company for herself while Y/n is away doing her job.
And now that more people on the gird have dogs they thought it was the perfect timing, that being so that their dog could socialise with others.
And that is how Olivia and Y/n ended up on the coach in their home in Monaco (well more Y/n’a home but Olivia had practically moved in) on a free weekend, searching on their computer for any potential doggs.
When either of them found any options they would show each other and put it on a list with links in their notes app, they knew that getting a dog could not happen in one second, so they took their time to see what kind they wanted and to find the perfect one.
So once they did finally found ‘the one’ they decided to message the person responsible and see if they could adopt the dog. And while Y/n really wanted to be with Olivia while she handles the last things with adoptions and picking the puppy up, she couldn’t. Because she, sadly, had a race.
So Y/n secured to let Olivia handle the last things, with her having the most time in between shows and Y/n having to go to the factory and do training so not having any time to do all that.
And after a few weeks of waiting Y/n has kind of forgotten to the task that she has put Olivia on. And while Y/n forgot, Olivia didn’t.
Olivia has scoured the internet to search for any dog that they would like. And she found the one. So while Y/n had forgotten her girlfriend had had contact with a breeder and had done a lot of research. And she had devoted that she wanted to give the dog to Y/n on their anniversary, which would be in a few days.
So Olivia had fixed everything: food, toys, a place for the dog and, of course, the dog itself. Which was going to be a markiesje, a black one.
And then it was the time. It was their anniversary! They begun the day with a going out to eat breakfast (they were both to lazy to make food). Once they got back they relaxed and then it was time. Olivia had made a cover story for why they would need to go away; so she had said that they were going to eat somewhere and that it would be a surprise.
Unbeknownst to Y/n they were actually picking up their new dog.
Olivia had days that she needed to go inside to check something so Y/n had stayed in the car. Olivia had also fixed that they could pick the dog up in a place where a lot of good food places were so that her girlfriend wouldn’t get suspicious.
So once Olivia got back to the car with a little basket Y/n was beginning to question things.
Olivia got in the car and sat the basket on het lap.
“So… I may have lied a bit.” She said. “We will not be eating or going out eating. But… I did a lot of research after we talked a couple of weeks ago. And o finally got in contact with a breeder. I did a lot if research of which one was good and which one wasn’t. And they seemed to be legit. So I bought a dog. We still have to pick out a name.” Olivia ranted on. She was to nervous to look at her girlfriend reaction so she began ranting again. “We still need to pick out a name, but I thought you should get to do that. It is also your anniversary gift and-“ she was cut of.
In the kids of her ranting Y/n leaned over and gave her a kiss. “This is amazing baby! But do I get to see the dog now?” The girl asked.
Olivia blushed a bit and have the basket to her girlfriend. Y/n opened it and saw the cutest dog ever. It was a girl. “What should I name you?” She asked in a baby voice. “What about daisy?” She said while looking at Olivia.
The other girl nodded.
Daisy it was. Their new baby.
OliviaRodrigo and Yourusername
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Liked by SabrinaCarpenter and 4.736.936 others
Yourusername Meet my new baby; Daisy! Thank you my love for giving me this AMAZING anniversary gift💕❤️🫶
View all 19.836 comments
SabrinaCarpenter The cutest💕 liked by author
Alexandrasaintmleux Play date with Leo when?
Yourusername I’ll message you
LewisHamilton more dogs on the grid!👍
Yourusername Always good!
OliviaRodrigo Daisy 🌼💕
Yourusername 🌼💕
User2 So cuteeee
User3 hey google! How can I be reincarnated as a dog?
User4 I have the same dog!
User5 not the dog owners of the grid in the comments😭😭
User6 Mothers!! (Literally)
User7 Happy anniversary!
User8 a baby when?
User9 they are only together for a year relax!
User10 Now I want a dog🫠
User11 Daisy is sucks cute name!
User12 I am going to convince my parents with this post to get a dog!
User13 will we now get more Olivia appearances in the paddock with Daisy?!?! That would be amazing!!!
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itsdeny · 9 days
♯┆A Midnight Surprise .ᐟ
───☁️─────────────☁️ ───
— – pairing : kakashi hatake x gn!reader
— – word count : 1611
— – tags : fluff, marriage, hokage!kakashi
— – summary : your overworked husband is expecting a scolding but comes home to an unpredicted surprise instead
— – notes : happy (late) birthday to kakashi! I thought it’d be nice to write a little happy one-shot for him since he hasn’t gotten lots of chances to experience happiness in canon. Thanks for dropping by; enjoy!
───☁️─────────────☁️ ───
His face contorted into an expression of tiredness as he finally let out a sigh, the light from the screen slowly dying out with the computer being turned off, leaving the room devoid of any light.
Kakashi slowly got up from his seat. The introduction of computers in Konoha instead of papers didn’t mean there was any less paperwork for him to do; if anything, it assured the back pain caused by a long day of sitting down working would be accompanied by a persisting headache and blurry vision.
He looked up at the clock. Midnight already. At times like these, when he’d spent the entire day — hell, today he was lucky it was just the day — in his office, his first thought would be of Y/N.
The sole thought of their partner going to sleep yet again with nobody by their side was enough to fill him with guilt. And it’s not like Y/N ever made it an issue. They were a shinobi, a great shinobi at that, just like him; they were perfectly aware that Kakashi becoming hokage would come with as many privileges as burdens. And not once did they complain about that.
On his part, Kakashi always did his best to be a present partner, even when absent: leaving food ready for Y/N to eat, buying them books to read in their spare time, doing anything in his power to be home as soon as possible. But there was only so much one man — even one as incredible as the Kakashi Hatake — could do with the destiny of an entire village graving on his shoulders.
But that night was different.
Y/N had specifically asked for Kakashi not to be late that night, and yet there he was. Postponing appointments and rushing through meetings came down to nothing when Shizune last showed up with an emergency call from God-knows-who to solve God-knows-what.
And before he knew it, it was midnight.
He tried to pick up his things as rapidly as possible — something very uncommon for someone people would often mistake as half asleep — and made his way towards the door. With every step he took, he mentally measured the time left to his (or, actually, finally, their) house.
The silent empty streets, barely lit by the moonlight, were as if making fun of him; a quiet reminder of the dormant state of the village in which he and he only was still nowhere near the comfort of his bed, of his house, and of his partner.
His pace got quicker; and not even when the much familiar house finally presented itself behind the corner, not even then did he finally allow himself a break, the light coming from inside making him mentally curse himself. Did they wait for him awake? The mere thought filled him with guilt, even more than he already was. He had no clue what was going to be the deal about that night, why Y/N requested for that specifically: but he did know he owed them that much and a lot more, and so he never questioned it and instead, made it so that he would keep to his promise. And yet again, there he was.
He tried his best to keep his composure as he grabbed the door handle, (not so) ready to finally go inside. It even surprised him how much the unpleasant creak of the opening entrance startled him. After all, he wasn’t sure Y/N hadn’t fallen asleep with the lights on while waiting for him; the last thing he wanted was to be late and accidentally wake them up.
If his heart stopped, his thoughts did the complete opposite, thousands of them running through his mind the second he heard a sound of footsteps coming from the kitchen. And just as he halted, so did the faint noise.
Twenty years (or was it? He didn’t care enough to count them before he met Y/N) of being a shinobi don’t teach you how to apologise for such a screw up; in fact, it wasn’t uncommon for the young hokage to (internally) panic at any given occasion, his lack of experience in relationships making room for lots of — although never ill intentioned — mistakes. He was a fast learner, though, and it showed by the way his head was hanging slightly lower than usual: he was getting ready for an apology, and a heartfelt one at that.
His train of thoughts (or, well, mostly worries) suddenly came to an halt.
The sound of the familiar voice made his heart sink, and it wasn’t long until panic took a hold of him again. He frantically took a few steps towards the kitchen, but he was quickly stopped.
“Don’t come in!” The voice spoke from the other room; although to his surprise, it sounded more like a plead than a reprimand.
“Honey, look, I-“ He began, taking half a step forward; but even his apology got cut short, making him feel — if possible — even worse.
“Don’t!” the voice demanded, and there was a hint of panic in it, “Just one second, please!”
Kakashi knew no better than to stand in the living room, nervously looking around; he did not like the tone he sensed in his partner — it made him all the more nervous, to be honest, — but the least he could do now was respect their wish to be left alone.
A few minutes went by, and the noise coming from the kitchen was of very little comfort: if, on one hand, it kept Kakashi company and reassured him that Y/N wasn’t asleep by themselves, or crying, or had moved out and left him forever (Kakashi was one very endearingly dramatic individual), on the other it kept him wondering just what the hell was going on. And after a while, he couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” The man asked stepping into the kitchen, breaking a promise for the second time that day. Y/N immediately turned on their back at the sound of his voice, a look on panic now on their face.
“I told you to stay out!” They yelled, and “I’m sorry, I swear I tried my best, ok? Please let me explain.” he apologised, failing to spot the soft blush of embarrassment on his partner’s cheeks.
And when he did, it all came into place.
Y/N’s hand brushed him off, a frustrated sigh leaving their mouth along with a whispered series of cursing; one to their partner, and one to themselves.
“…I messed up and had to start from the top. I needed more time.” they continued, but their words were met with silence. Kakashi’s eyes were still on the half-baked cake and decorations behind them.
“What…” he began, but barely managed to get the first syllables out. What was this? Why?
“I asked Shizune to buy me some time…” the explanation went on and on, but Kakashi was more confused with every thing that Y/N added.
“The one time you had to be late!” was the last thing they said, and their face was now lit up by a playful — if only a bit downbeat, though, from the disappointment of failing with the surprise — smirk that left no more room for confusion in Kakashi’s heart.
“Happy birthday.” they spoke.
But Kakashi couldn’t speak. Suddenly, everything made sense: Y/N asking him to come home early; everybody else conveniently playing with the hokage’s time, rearranging appointments and adding new ones to his already busy schedule as if purposefully trying to delay his departure.
He hadn’t even realised it was his birthday until now.
“It was all you…?” and as he finally realised, emotions he hadn’t felt in years — hell, he could say decades given he was now well past his thirties — threatening to resurface with every word he spoke.
A satisfied smile crept on Y/N’s face upon hearing Kakashi’s miserable attempt at containing his sentiment.
“I know you don’t care that much about your birthdays, but you’ve been working a lot lately and…”
“So you made me work more in order to surprise me, mh?” He raised an eyebrow, and now the both of them were chuckling lightly.
“At least I wasn’t actually late.” he added, his words accompanied not by a sigh of relief as one would expect; his eyes were fixated on Y/N’s, conveying every ounce of gratitude his words failed to. He was almost in a state of shock, still struggling to comprehend how someone could put that much effort into making his day special; let alone, someone he thought he had been letting down for a while now.
Not too far from feeling guilty for the amount of attention and care given to him, he finally got closer to the cake, to where Y/N was standing.
“You would’ve been late anyway,” Y/N joked in response, but this time it was them who got cut off by a sudden, gentle kiss placed on their forehead as they got pulled into an unexpected — yet surely craved — embrace.
“Thank you.” was all that was said after that, and it was enough.
And so the two stood like that, lovingly, in each other’s arms, for a very long time: Kakashi, mentally promising to Y/N that from that day on, he was always going to make it home in time to a partner he would love and appreciate as they deserved; and Y/N, whose racing mind was filled with battling thoughts, trying to decide whether or not to interrupt this rare, sweet moment to point out that the cake’s frosting was starting to melt.
───☁️─────────────☁️ ───
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itsonlybaby · 5 months
𐙚ᣟ݂﹒𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 - 𝐛. 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞﹒
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playlist !
Bellamy Blake - Arkadia
꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ ⸝⸝ you're a coder, but what's a coder without something to code? bellamy had instructed you to keep watch of the guns and ammo instead of going out with the guard on a hunt. you feel useless to the people of arkadia, maybe bellamy could help with that. ﹒   ⊹  ⤷ cw: cursing, small kiss scene, sfw
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"I shouldn't be watching the guns, Bellamy!"
I shout from inside the main room where we kept the rovers. Bellamy had ordered me to stay in Arkadia while the rest of them went on a hunt, rations had grown scarce since Kane ordered the guard to go out less with the threat of grounders. This was a rare time when people got to go beyond the gate.
"We don't need a lot of people for this, okay? So just stay here." Bellamy argued back, it made sense, only a few people were going with him. Clarke, Murphy, Miller, Harper, and another from the guard. I never got around to knowing everyone's names.
I just knew I felt trapped being behind these walls, I was starting to feel useless to the people around me as well, it's not like I could code anything to help us with the grounder attacks, all I could do was sit with Monty and try to contact other stations with radios. Which always ended up in radio silence.
I could feel my blood boiling, "Well why Harper? It's not like I can't handle a gun, swap her out with me." I hadn't known Harper was leaning on a rover near Bellamy and me.
"Gee, thanks." I heard Harper chirp up in a sarcasm-filled tone. I'd have to apologize later, she knows I didn't mean it.
Bellamy sighed and placed his hands on his hips, looking at me sternly. It was only then I got a good look at him. His curls were more defined today, for once not littered with blood and dirt, you could see his freckles more clearly as well. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't dreamt of him once or twice.
"We need Harper, she's been training with Miller and has become a good shot," Bellamy turned towards the first rover, setting his gun down in the back as Miller climbed in, Harper following after. "This isn't up for discussion." He finishes off with his back turned to me.
Clarke had come up from behind me and placed her hand on my shoulder, attempting to comfort me. "It'll be fi-"
I had cut her sentence short by jerking my shoulder away, I wasn't just mad at her, I was mad at the world. I hadn't said anything further and took one last look at Bellamy before storming off to the armory.
It had been a few days since that last encounter. The group had come back with plenty of food, a successful mission with only a few scrapes and cuts. They didn't even encounter any grounders.
Since they had come back I made no move to talk to any of them- or anyone for that matter. Only speaking to Monty when I had to, which was only once.
Bellamy had tried to speak to me, he tried to sit with me during dinner, tried to speak to me at the bar, and even tried talking to me on the radio stations. Which made a part of my heart flutter at his attempts. It almost made me forget why I was even mad at him to begin with.
I was at the computer, sitting and waiting for anything to pop up about the radios when Monty said he had plans with Jasper to help cheer him up, I made no move to stop him. What's more time alone with my thoughts? They were all of Bellamy. Replaying the few moments he'd try and talk to me in my head.
Me and Bellamy weren't as close as the rest of the group was. It isn't that he didn't try and talk to me, it's just ever since we landed I've viewed him as a player who only had one goal in life; to get into girls' pants.
It's safe to say he's been growing on me- well he was. I had been starting to miss his shitty jokes, how the light from the fire would illuminate his face in the best way, how his smile looked, how it was like he got stars in his eyes every time he laughed. I always tried to impress him, so why wouldn't he let me go?
My thoughts were cut short when I heard a pair of footsteps, which I just assumed were Montys.
"Hey, Monty." I greeted in a monotone voice, not caring to check.
"It's not Monty." I heard the other voice say, a voice I knew too well. What did he want now? I spun around in my chair, seeing how Bellamy toward over me. I simply tolled my eyes at him.
"What do you need," I said flatly
"Why're you ignoring me? Avoiding me?" He asks, care lacing his voice.
I took a moment to think about my reply, why exactly was I? He made me feel useless, I can't do anything to help Arkadia besides sit her in this fucking chair.
"Why didn't you let me go?" I countered his question with a question.
I was met with a scoff, "You're still on this? I told you it wasn't up for discussion."
"Yes, I'm still on this! I do nothing for Arkadia besides sit here and listen to a radio nobody talks into!" I shout, standing up abruptly, and walking closer to him.
Bellamy crossed his arms, unmoving. "What if something had happened to you?" He spoke, trying to remain calm.
"Then so be it! I feel useless Bellamy." My voice wavered, tears threatening to spill.
"You're everything but. At least here, you'd be safe." We were now inches apart.
"Why do you even care." Tears began crawling down my cheek, I couldn't believe I let myself get so vulnerable with him.
"Because I just do," He paused, debating if he should say what he was thinking. "And I'd never forgive myself if I let something bad happen to you."
His arms were now uncrossed and resting on my forearms, a touch that practically melted me. His words brought a deeper blush on my cheeks, my tears slowing their roll. I felt myself moving closer every second until finally, his lips were on mine.
It wasn't a kiss of lust or craving, it was a kiss of passion, a kiss that made me feel warm all over, it was a feeling I wanted to last forever. Bellamy was kissing me like I could break at any minute. His hands went up to cup my cheeks and wipe away my tears.
He had pulled away with a smile, leaving my lips feeling lost.
"I've wanted to do that since the day we landed," Bellamy admitted, a faint pink tint lining his face. Bellamy, blushing, something I never thought I'd see. A goofy smile made its way onto my face at the sight.
"Being useless doesn't seem so bad now."
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exhaslo · 6 months
Corruption Ch14
(Villain!Miguel x F!Hero!Reader)
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5, Ch6, Ch7, Ch8, Ch9, Ch10, Ch11, Ch12, Ch13
Warning: Minors DNI, mentions of sex, violence, blood, murder, twisted thoughts, experimentation, language, wannabe fluff, established friendship/relationship?
Thirty Days until D-Day
The city was welcomed with a heavy rain storm that had no end in sight. Umbrellas were no match against the fierce winds and downpour that befell the city. The poor citizens who dared to walk got drenched. It was the beginning of an already dreadful day to many.
Aaron groaned and cussed as he scurried into Alchemax, water dripping from every angle. He sighed in relief as a few of the staff members set up automatic heaters and dryers for the employees. Sometimes there were perks for working for Alchemax.
The company cared more about reputation.
Once he was dry, Aaron made sure to clock in. There, he waited for certain people. Once said people arrived, they all casually walked with each other to the elevator. As they all stood in the elevator, each person handed something small to Aaron.
"Thank you all." He whispered upon leaving with another worker.
"This is risky. Do you even know how to do it?" His coworker asked. Aaron frowned as he spotted you grabbing a file from his boss,
"I'll need to work out the details, but I have an idea." He said before smiling towards you, "(Y/N)! How have you been? Feels like forever,"
"Ah, Aaron, yes it has! Have you been busy?" You asked. Aaron couldn't stop smiling,
"You could say so. A lot of newbies trying to play games on computers has us getting rid of viruses." He said with a chuckle and glanced at the file, "What about you?"
"End of month is tomorrow. Just grabbing all of the paperwork from each department so I can file them all. So...exciting." You said with a soft sigh, "Ah! Speaking of time, I have to grab Miguel's coffee!"
"Be careful, it's pouring outside."
Aaron waved towards you as you ran off in a hurry. You were still ever so kind despite Miguel's interference.
"Still going for the boss' girl? Everyone knows that Miguel probably uses her as a stress relief." Aaron's coworker scoffed, "Ain't no way he would let anyone get that close."
"C'mon. She's his assistant. Miguel's too cold hearted to-"
"Use (Y/N)? How many times did he butt in to your flirting? To you trying to ask her out?"
"Shut up, let's just get back to work. Miguel will have what's coming to him eventually."
You were shivering as you cuddled against Miguel's chest. You were in your underwear, wrapping in a thick blanket as you sat on Miguel's lap in his office. Your clothes were drying in the corner, since Miguel demanded you come up to him in a hurry.
"I told you the coffee could wait," Miguel grumbled as you sneezed.
"Y-You're grumpy...w-without it,"
"At the cost of you getting sick? It can wait. I can always send someone else to get it." Miguel said with a scoff, his arm tightening around your waist, "And you didn't even dry off downstairs."
"Y-You told me to hurry! So I climbed the window," You said with a whine, "Can't...Can't I just wear my spare clothes? This is...embarrassing."
"I've seen you naked already." Miguel said unamused then glanced towards you, "Or did the oh so powerful Spider-Woman want to get sick? To have me care for her?"
"N-No," You said with a pout.
Miguel was so mean when he wanted to be. Watching him chuckle made your heart melt. He can be as mean as he wants, just as long as you get to see him enjoy himself. Cuddling back into his chest, you inhaled, enjoying his cologne.
Miguel waited for you to fall asleep before pulling up his security footage of one of the labs. Miguel had a small team of scientists handling your blood injections towards test subjects. As much as Miguel wished to be there in person, he needed to keep distracting you from the city.
Besides, none of those scientists knew what they were giving to the new test subjects. None of them would live to even tell the tale of Miguel's success.
"Sir, now conducting test subject number eight." One of the scientists spoke to the camera.
It took eight attempts so far. There was always something wrong with something. Miguel was getting frustrated, but he had to keep going. This was the only way he could get what he wanted. This was the only way to get his dream.
"Mhpm," You whimpered in your sleep.
Pulling up his calendar, Miguel checked on your ovulation. With a roll of his eyes, Miguel noticed that you were about to start your period. It was right about now that your cramps would start to kick in. As frustrating as it was, this was needed.
By your next ovulation, Miguel will be perfect.
He will finally be able to give you what you've been waiting for.
What he's been waiting for.
But, in the meantime, Miguel had work to do. Ordering some heat pads and chocolate, Miguel made sure to take care of you during your period. You were his perfect trophy. Miguel couldn't have you down in the dumps.
Twenty Days Until D-Day
Yet again, the rain did not let up. According to the forecast, it was to rain like this for the rest of the week. You were debating on swinging to work, but with this rain...no. You didn't want to end up sick. Miguel would never let you go out again.
"Hm, I need to get to work." You whispered, looking at the time.
Rubbing your arms, you let out a whine as you tried to think. Normally, Miguel would give you a ride, but today he had to arrive to work earlier than normal. Apparently his father had some meetings he wanted Miguel to go too.
"Would Miguel mind if I stay home?"
"He would," Lyla appeared, "Miguel is already showing signs of extreme stress and frustration. Without you, I can conclude that by noon, he might kill someone."
"Oh, Lyla, you jest." You chuckled lowly before stopping, "Miguel won't kill anyone."
But you knew how Miguel got when he was angry. Miguel was never too fond of his own father, especially when dragged to these meetings. Honestly, it was cute. Miguel was like a spoiled child, not wanting to do work.
Leaving your apartment, you sighed as you still wondered how you were going to get to work without getting soaked. It was still Fall in Nueva York, but it felt like winter already to you. Oh, the downside of having Spider DNA.
"Hey, (Y/N)! Need a ride?" Aaron asked, stopping his cab. You gasped, hurrying over,
"Oh! Thank you, Aaron, you're a life savor!"
"Sure," Aaron smiled as he opened the door for you. You shivered slightly when entering, thanking him again, "It's really no problem. Luck even, guess I just happen to pass your place at the right time."
"You sure did."
You hummed happily as you texted Miguel, asking if he wanted his morning coffee. As you were waiting for his reply, you glanced over at Aaron,
"So, it's been...raining a lot. Might be a colder winter than normal."
"So we have to make sure your office is a furnace." He said with a chuckle, "Getting coffee for our dictator today?"
"Ah-" You felt your cheeks flush as you just checked your phone, "Guess not. He won't let me get it when it rains like this. Hehe, Miguel does have his little soft side," You chirped.
Aaron felt his eye twitch, "It's amazing how you can still see the best in him."
"It could be because I'm his assistant?" You tried to dodge the question since no one knew about your relationship with Miguel, "Um, I think everyone just needs to give Miguel a chance. I'm sure-"
"I rather not. If he makes me his errand boy anymore, I might quit." Aaron huffed then glanced at you, "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt or be sour. We've....just been up to our necks with work."
"It's okay,"
You lowered your head, remaining silent for the rest of the ride. It was hard to express your vision of Miguel to others. Once you arrived, you thanked Aaron again for the lift and hurried inside.
Aaron paid the fair and slowly made his way inside. He watched you from a distance, paying attention to your watch as Lyla appeared. Miguel was always listening to you. He always paid attention to who you were with.
A controlling bastard.
Aaron just smiled as he went to clock in, hoping that Miguel will play the petty game. The only problem about this game Aaron was playing was you getting caught in the fire. Aaron was going to have to make sure you were nowhere near Miguel when he acts.
You stood in front of Miguel's large office window, staring down at the city below. Miguel was still in his meetings, sending you a text here and there about stupid little things. It made you chuckle at some of the nitpicking he was doing.
"Hehe, ew. Miguel must really be bored if he is paying attention to the food stuck in someone's teeth," You giggle.
Glancing at his seat, you bit your lower lip. Miguel was going to be a while until he returned. Stroking your fingers against the arm rest, you let out a soft sigh as you took your seat on his desk. Miguel will be waiting for you.
You had to be a good girl and take your spot.
"Don't keep me waiting too long, Miggy~"
Next Chapter
@tojishugetiddies @miguelsfavwife @foulsharkheart @club-danger-zone @ivkygirly @jollystrawberrycycle @amber-content @weirdothatwritess @smartyren @mangoslushcrush @nyxzoldyck6 @migueloharastruelove @sukioyakio @killjoy-nightshadow @heyohalie @the-pan-liquid @bokutosprettylittlebimbo @kpopscoups17130000 @pochapo @killerwendigo @barbiecrocs @miss-galaxy-turtle @oscarissac2099 @lazy-idate @lauraolar14 @safixiovi @migueloharacumslut @straw-berry-ghoul @daisy-artfield @sukunash0e @undf-stuff @iamperson12280 @nightingale1011 @reader-1290 @mcmiracles @keepghostly @marlyharper @jadeloverxd @daddyfroglegs @shoukanjo
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redflagshipwriter · 1 month
Nest Swap 10
The guy did turn out to be Jason, but he wasn’t in a very good mood with Tim. He basically didn’t talk at all. That was fair. Tim had hit him. He hung back and tried to not be annoying as Jason contacted the police, found the hostage, and talked to her in a low voice. When they heard sirens Jason grabbed Tim and took him out the door and onto his motorcycle. They went like, really fast.
The motorcycle was cool, but where it stopped was even better. Tim lifted his arms up obligingly so that Jason could pick him up by his armpits and set him down. Tim took a single step away before Jason shot his hand out lightning-fast and grabbed at Tim’s hand. He took his helmet off with one hand and dropped it onto a handle.
“Let’s stay together, Baby Bird.” Jason sounded exhausted. Tim was a little distracted from that, even though he really should have been more considerate of the adults in the area.
This was even cooler than his hideout. It was kinda gothic and damp and smelled a little funny. An apartment building couldn’t really compete with that.
“Wow,” Tim enthused. He tried to walk away to explore but Jason tugged him back by his hand. “I love it here. Can I live here?” He pointed up at the craggy ceiling, which really just looked like a natural cave with stalactites and all. “Maybe with the bats.” His tone tilted up into an optimistic question. The bats were neat. Were they local brown bats? That was fine, but he thought black bats would really fit Batman’s aesthetic more.
Jason let out a big sigh. “It’s not up to me,” he dodged the question. “Wanna press a button on the Bat computer?”
“Absolutely yes I do.” Tim chirped. Jason started towing him along again, uncaring or maybe even not noticing that Tim was craning in every direction to see the amazing sights. “Why’s it called a Bat Computer? Is it shaped like a bat? Hey, is Big Bird real?” he asked. “I’ve been concerned about that. I want to believe that he’s not real. But if he is, is he a predator? You have to tell me.”
“Big Bird is real and he is an omnivore,” Jason muttered. “Come on, why are you so wiggly?”
“An omnivore?” Tim echoed. He held Jason’s hand a little tighter. “What- does he eat kids? Because I think it’s highly suspicious that he spends all his time with little kids. Also, the kids change every season, and no one ever explains where they went.”
Jason stopped walking and stared at him directly as Tim outlined his troubling theory.
Tim waited.
“Yes,” Jason said. “That’s it exactly. Big Bird eats little boys. So stay close to me, okay?”
Tim clung to Jason’s whole arm in response. “Okay,” he said, as casually as he could manage. Internally he was screaming. Why would Batman hang out with Big Bird?
He felt… a little betrayed about it, actually. Batman didn’t kill people. He punched a lot of people like Dr. Ivy and Dr. Crane, but that wasn’t like eating kids!
‘How can they cooperate with Big Bird when Jason is investigating the sausage guy for doing the same thing?’ Tim thought, indignant. It was hypocritical. It was intolerable. It was a total abdication of his moral responsibility.
He was going to confront Batman about it. 
He started internally preparing his arguments. He went quiet enough that Jason got suspicious about it. Tim was sorry that he couldn’t spend more time comforting Jason, but he was busy.
“Hey, you wanted to use the computer, right?” Jason shook him lightly.
Tim shrugged and hunched over a little. 
“...It’s not that serious, kiddo,” Jason said, sounding kinda unsure. He was an awkward guy.
“I’m fine,” Tim said shortly. He just wanted Jason to let him think in peace. 
The older boy sighed and started hitting buttons. He picked up something. “Hey, Bats,” he drawled.
The sound of a horn honking suddenly rang out. 
“Little Wing?” said one of the people who had tried to break into Tim’s hideout. He buried his face in Jason’s side. Jason absently put a hand on his ribs and sort of patted. “Why are you in- you’re hailing from the Batcave?”
‘That was one of Batman’s associates? Why was Batman allowing a break in of my house?’ Tim felt his heart rate start to go up. Was he in trouble? The lady had said he was in trouble, but- but Oracle made him feel safe. He pressed himself a little closer into Jason and clung to his weird jacket.
“Red Hood.” 
Batman’s voice didn’t make Tim feel as safe as it usually did. This future or universe was weird and he didn’t like it. 
“Report,” Batman said, when no one responded to what he said. 
Jason’s torso moved. Tim extracted his face just enough to see that Jason had flipped off the computer. “You are so bad at bird keeping,” Jason drawled. “All of you. Absolutely horrendous. There’s a situation, and there’s been a situation for days.” He sounded extremely cranky about it. He sounded like customs had taken his bags from him and cancelled his connecting flight and left him stranded in a Peruvian airport overnight with only his wits, a neck pillow, and a few thousand dollars.
“I suspected,” said a… A child’s voice. Tim felt his brow crinkle. He looked up. That was a young voice. Like, irresponsibly young. What was Batman doing? “As I told you, Red Robin has been eaten by the lion that escaped from the Denver zoo. If I had only been allowed to find and rehabilitate it, we could have avoided-”
“Right bird, wrong problem,” Jason cut him off. That was a shame. Tim wanted to know more about the lion situation. “Get your big ass back here and parent, motherfucker.”
Tim giggled.
“What-” - “”Did you just-” - “Is that a-”
Jason turned off the computer and then unplugged it. “Assholes,” he said to no one, very smugly. “That’ll put a bee in their…” His voice trailed off. He was looking down at Tim.
“Where will it put a bee?” Tim asked, eyes as large as he could make them. He was just messing with Jason now. He knew that expression. It was ‘bonnet’. Like, an old lady hat. What he didn’t know was why Jason wanted to censor that.
“...In Big Bird’s beak,” Jason said weakly.
Tim considered this outright weird deflection. “A suspicious amount of things seem to connect to Big Bird.” He said it cautiously, trying to feel out Jason’s position on this.
“Yeah, but don’t worry about it,” Jason said vaguely. Tim gave him a disgusted expression and Jason had the audacity to laugh.
Of course he was worried about it. 
Something beeped.
“Hey Barbie,” Jason said to absolutely no one. He moved his legs further apart and sort of…posed.
Tim looked around. He didn’t see anyone.
‘Barbie as in Barbara Gordon??’ He looked a little harder for the person Jason had greeted. That was Batgirl. Batgirl was a known quantity.
“I think I know,” said Oracle. “Because I am the all-knowing eye and all of that.”
Jason made a rude sound. “If you knew, you would have locked the baby in a genius-proof jail so that he didn’t go try and feed himself to the Sausage Man.”
“He- what?” Oracle’s voice went flat. “I knew that he was de-aged, he didn’t want Dick to bother him and baby him while he looks like this. He did not go try to do field work while he looks 6 years old.” Her tone was extremely unimpressed.
“No, no,” Jason said. He made a theatrical hand gesture. It occurred to Tim that he was enjoying himself. “That’s definitely not what he did. He took his legitimately 9 year old body with accompanying 9 year old brain off to investigate a cannibal.”
“Tim.” Oracle sounded like she was in pain. “Do you know who I am?”
“From context, I think that you’re Batgirl,” Tim admitted shyly. He wished that Jason hadn’t stepped away. He had felt weirdly secure with his hands in Jason’s pockets. He did the same thing to his Dad and it always made him feel-
‘Oh no, that doesn’t bode well for my marriage,’ Tim realized. ‘I- I can’t be comparing him to my Dad.’ He put his hands in his own pockets, like the mature little man he was.
There was a very long silence that Tim kind of noticed while he was busy fretting. He realized it was probably his fault and he should fix it.
“Big fan,” Tim added meekly. It was true.
Oracle said a bad word.
“Comm is on speaker,” Jason said cheerfully. “Little guy is hearing you loud and clear, with his 9 year old ears..”
She repeated the bad word, louder this time. “I already messaged Zatanna, but I’m going to go set off the fire alarm in her hotel right now so she sees it.”
“You do that,” Jason agreed. He had a nice smile, even though he was clearly enjoying other people feeling flustered. Tim suddenly remembered that he kind of genuinely wanted to date Jason and felt his face turn red.
After they finished talking to Batgirl Oracle, Jason and Tim spent some time looking at Batman’s crime scene photography. 
“What do you think happened here?” Jason said, shifting in the chair. 
“I think this is the aftermath of human trafficking,” Tim decided.
Jason clicked to the next photo. “What’s this?”
Tim squinted at it. In the distance, an engine came into earshot and approached rapidly. Tim hummed and kicked his heels. “I think that this is a much better photo,” he said. He distantly recognized that there were two separate engines. “That’s my first impression. Look at the composition.” Tim frowned. “Hey, stop laughing! The lighting is-”
A door opened and then slammed shut.
“Big Bird’s home,” Jason said gleefully. He stood up and grabbed Tim under the armpits. He turned Tim around and then hoisted him in the air. He dangled. It was an undignified experience that he didn’t have the ability to process it immediately.
For a single disorienting moment, Tim tracked the glint of light off the Batmobile and off a motorcycle. A guy was on the motorcycle. The door was opening on the passenger side of the Batmobile. That had to be Big Bird. Tim was dangling in the air helpless, presented for Big Bird’s approval.
‘He’s feeding me to Big Bird,’ Tim realized. 
He screamed. He kicked wildly midair and his heels connected with Jason’s chest.
“What the f-”
“He’s little!” said the man who tried to break into Tim’s hideout. He seemed delighted by this turn of events. What, was Tim smaller than the usual bird chow?
He screamed again, high and sharp. Tim contorted to kick Jason in the face. Jason let him go by accident and then Tim was falling to the ground shoulder-first, he wasn’t going to be able to run away-
The scary apartment intruder caught him. “Tim?” He was baffled. “What’s wrong-”
Tim screamed again and tried to squirm away. He couldn’t escape. 
“Fuck,” Jason said, voice muffled through his elbow. “Fuck!” There was blood coming from his nose.
“This is typical,” said the child from earlier. Tim tried to see the speaker.
A Robin was standing there, arms crossed and unimpressed. 
That was who got out of the passenger door. Tim calmed down and squirmed so that he could see Robin better. “What were you saying about a lion?” he asked. “Do you have a good place to keep one? Where would you put it? Have you had a lion before?”
“I have had tigers,” said Robin. “So you agree that it would be better-”
“Robin, no,” interrupted Batman. He was- Okay, Tim already knew that he was big. But he was truly huge up close.
The bad guy relaxed his grip. “Are you gonna break my nose if I let you go?” he asked Tim. He kind of laughed as he said it. 
Tim paused. He felt a little bad. “As long as there’s not really Big Bird here,” he reluctantly promised.
“...What?” said the bad man.
Jason started laughing hysterically. “That’s why-” He made a horrible groan and kind of lilted forward. “Fuck…”
The bad man let Tim go. Tim scrambled away and gave him a cautious head nod. Maybe he wasn’t that bad, even though he was an intruder.
“Why did you try to break into my hideout?” he asked. He did his level best to look intimidating. They didn’t know he was that scared. He’d managed to hurt Jason, after all, and Jason was even bigger than this guy.
Robin let out an irritated fricative. “Everyone here is a fool.” His announcement was so confident that Tim looked to him for elaboration. “Todd was bullying you by referring to Richard as ‘Big Bird.’ It is an asinine nickname. As I have said before, it only introduces unnecessary confusion and distress.” He was… kind of unpleasantly smug, Tim decided. But he wasn’t wrong.
“You’re not wrong,” Tim said. It was good manners to repeat your nice thoughts out loud. “So…” his voice trailed off and got small as he realized just how silly he looked. He’d had a total false alarm. “There’s no… the yellow Big Bird that eats children isn’t here?” His voice got really small by the end.
There was a moment of perfect silence.
“You told him that I eat children?” Richard- oh!!! Robin!!! That was the real Robin!!!!- kind of shouted at Jason. He was really mad. Wow! Tim beamed at him, fear forgotten. Holy cow, Robin!! Well, big Robin- oh, the nickname made more sense now!
Jason flipped Richard off.  He sort of snarled. “Serves you right, you walking sphincter-”
“Boys, please.” Batman took off his cowl. It was Bruceman Waynebat alright, but–
“You’re really old,” Tim said, too surprised to keep that inside thought where it belonged.
Batman looked exhausted.
“That is correct,” Robin agreed. “Father, I will escort Timothy-”
“No!” said all three of the adults at the same time.
That… That made Tim feel a little suspicious of Robin. He edged away the slightest bit.
Robin crossed his arms again. “Egregious,” he muttered to himself, and then turned on his heel with a flutter of his cape. He left the room without further comment.
Tim felt a little bad. “Bye!” he called. Robin did not slow down or respond at all. Tim wilted a little bit. It kind of felt like nobody liked him here. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Everyone looked at him. “Why are you sorry?” asked Richard.
Oh. Tim shrunk back. He didn’t know what the right answer was. What did they want? “Because I hit Jason with Mrs. Henderson’s mace?” he guessed meekly.
“He sprayed you with mace?” Richard seemed delighted.
Tim shook his head wildly, sending hair flying. “No!” He was distressed. “That would be mean!”
“Stop helping,” Jason muttered, but it was too late to stop saying,
“She has a Gothic mace,” Tim reported. “It weighs about 2 kilograms and I think it was from Western Europe. I don’t know if she legally owns it. It may be a replica but now that I think about it, it could be real and that would be neat.”
Richard made a sound like air escaping a balloon.
“Shut up!” Jason said. Then he looked at Tim. “Mrs. Henderson- why did you know that?” His voice was higher. “Was that your first time at Orange’s house?”
“He was WHERE,” Richard said, at the same time that Batman demanded, “Report!”
Everyone ignored Batman.
“No.” Tim shrunk back a bit. “I went there yesterday, too. Mrs. Henderson gave me hot chocolate and told me about child labor.”
Jason put his face in his hands again. His nose blood was trailing down his neck now. 
“I didn’t go into Mr. Orange’s house yesterday,” Tim admitted in the interest of fairness. “His windows were all closed. But I did talk to him a little.”
Richard made another teapot sound and picked Tim up. 
The big computer turned itself on. A pretty woman was-
“Batgirl!” Tim said, and waved enthusiastically at her. 
She lifted a hand back and stared at him. She had dark undereye circles, but she was still really pretty. “Zatanna should be there in a couple of minutes, so no one shoot her.”
Jason flipped Batgirl off as well and sort of sulked.
“Tim, I’m sorry that I missed your condition,” Batgirl said. “I would have offered you more support.”
“It’s okay,” Tim reassured her. “I had a good time. Tam gave me lots of fun stuff to do. And Jason was really nice to me.”
Everyone looked at Jason.
“Oh?” Batgirl said.
“I was not,” Jason said, sounding harassed. 
“Of course he was,” Tim said, kind of confused by the way they were acting. “Doesn’t he have to be?” He waited a moment. “He’s my boyfriend, right?”
Jason choked. Richard let out a loud “HA!” Batman made a sound that Tim had never heard before from a human and didn’t know how to classify. Kind of a ‘yack!” with lots of phlegm involved.
Oh, no. Tim laid out his evidence hastily. “He called me Baby,” Tim listed. 
“Baby Bird,” Jason corrected desperately.
“That’s not any better,” Richard said. He had a horrible weird grin that stretched too wide across his face. “It's certainly a pet name.”
Tim continued over their commentary, counting on his fingers. “He brought me soup!” He stressed it. “With dumplings in it- real dumplings!” That was important evidence. No one had made him real dumplings before that!
“I said that meant nothing!” Jason snapped.
“And my email signature says Tim Drake-Wayne,” Tim continued. “Bruce and Richard are really really old, so I couldn’t have married either one of them,” he said, practically. It was unthinkable.
Batgirl made a snort-laugh. “Good theory,” she said, catlike grin firmly in place. Richard was silent at that part.
“I’m gathering from context that I was wrong,” Tim admitted. He crossed his arms. “But I had good reason for the theory.” He felt a bit sullen about it. He didn’t deserve to get laughed at. 
“Tim.” Batman knelt in front of him and used his soft ‘I love you voice.’
“I adopted you,” he said. He made serious eye contact.
Tim stared back. “Did you marry my mom?” he asked, heartbroken. “Wait- my Dad? Did you marry my Dad?!” He hit Batman in the chest, suddenly hysterical. “I hate you! You broke up my parents’ marriage?! Why would you seduce them?” He felt betrayed.
Batman caught his hands and hefted him up. “No, no, sweetheart,” he soothed. Everyone else was very quiet.
That was worse than Batman breaking up his parents’ marriage.
It had been a long week. That was Tim’s justification for bursting into tears if anyone asked him. He had been desperately avoiding thinking about the years-old postcard on the fridge and the fact that Mom hadn't video called him even once in the week he had been stranded here.
Batman bounced him and made shushing noises, his big warm hand moving up and down Tim’s back. 
“I wanna go hoooome,” Tim howled. He pressed his full body into Batman and clung with all his might. “I wanna go home, I want my mom!” He wailed.
“Oh, buddy,” Bruce said sadly. His breath hitched. “I know. I know, sweetheart.”
“Is it a bad time?”
Tim lifted his face. Through blurry tears he saw a new lady was there. “Where are your pants?” he sniffled.
“Yeah, Zatanna,” Jason said sweetly. “Where are your pants?”
She gave him a withering look. “This is Red Robin as a chick, then?” She pursed her lips at him. “Cute kid. You wanna go home?” She made a gesture for Batman to put him down.
Bruce hesitated. Tim smacked at his chest. “Yes,” he said. Bruce sort of sighed and let Tim down to the ground again.
“Let me get a good look at you.” She knelt to his level and muttered something with an offhand sort of gesture that she didn’t seem to do on purpose. Tim kept his back straight. “Alright, this is a quick fix. Wanna say goodbye?”
“Goodbye, little Timmy,” Richard said quickly. He sort of sniffled. Batgirl quickly echoed him. Batman sort of squeezed his shoulder and forced out a gruff goodbye.
Tim looked at Jason. Everyone else did, too. 
“Aren’t you going to say anything to your boyfriend?” Richard stage-whispered. Zatanna made a weird face.
Jason looked like he’d tasted something terrible. Tim shrunk back. “It’s okay,” he said in a small voice. “He doesn’t have to-”
“There goes my reputation,” Jason muttered, and came over to give Tim a hug. “Goodbye, baby bird. You did a really good job and we are all proud of you. Go home and give your Mom a hug for me, okay?”
“Softie,” Richard hissed. Tim didn’t care.
“I love you too,” Tim said, because that was the kind of thing adults meant when they said they were proud of you. “Okay, Miss Katana. I’m ready to go.”
“Zatanna,” she said. “Sa uoy erew eforeb!”
He sort of blacked out for a second.
Then Tim was 19 years old, 5 foot 6 inches tall, and standing in the Batcave surrounded by people who would make fun of him mercilessly for thinking Jason was his husband if he did not immediately deflect and make him the target of mockery instead. He was very lucky that he’d been dressed in his own clothes when he’d transformed. At least he looked normal. 
Bruce opened his mouth to ask a question. 
Tim cut him off. “You’re a big softie,” he immediately accused Jason. “Those dumplings were homemade. You checked in on me so many times. Can’t believe you accuse Dick of mothering us.” He made a shitty grin.
Jason reared back, affronted. Dick made a vindicated sound, apparently recovered from the psychic damage of being put in the same category of ‘too old’ as Bruce. Tim mentally lowered the risk level of Dick starting a teasing campaign against him in retaliation.
“Haha, you love me,” Tim taunted Jason, dangerously close to be playing this kind of game and too reckless to care. He wasn’t going down for this mess. “L!” He put his thumb and forefinger up to make an L on his forehead. “Loser!”
“Listen, you little shit,” Jason started. He balled up a fist and took a step forward.
Bruce cut him off. “Jason, it’s not embarrassing to love your little brother. Thank you for being so mindful of his health and checking in on his welfare. I’m very proud of you.”
Jason made a sound like a cat throwing up.
“Yeah, I’m going to go,” Zatanna said flatly. She nodded to Tim. “If anything seems wrong, just text me. Oracle, don’t contact me.”
“Love you too,” Barbara said cheerfully. 
Zatanna gave her a withering look and portalled away.
Tim ducked away and ran upstairs before Jason could lunge at him. Behind him he heard a scuffle start up. “Little Wing, you need to get checked out,” Dick said sweetly. Glass broke. “Alfred! Jason needs caretaking!”
“No, I need to kick Tim’s ass!” Jason howled. Tim made it to the stairs and started taking them two at a time.
He passed Alfred going the other way. “Master Tim,” Alfred said, forcing him to stop fleeing. Jason wouldn’t get him with Alfred right there anyway. Alfred was home base for these games. “Are you staying for the night?”
Tim opened his mouth to say ‘No’ because really, he didn’t need to be here when he was an adult who had his own place. Then he thought about how he’d felt alone in his apartment for the last week, longing for human connections and so hungry for approval that he’d gratefully accepted whatever task a friendly stranger suggested to him. 
“Yeah, I’ll stay for the weekend,” Tim said, and ambushed Alfred with a hug. Alfred went stiff, but wrapped an arm around his back a moment later. “Love you.” He broke away and started running up the stairs again. He barely heard the answering sentiment.
It was good to be home.
…He kind of wanted soup.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 2 years
When Bruce Introduced You to the League
Batman x reader
No warnings
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• You were a big part of his life for a long time
• When the Justice League was being built you weren’t going to immediately be part of the team
• You two decided that it would be best if there was an available hero internationally and one for Gotham
• You chose to stay back in Gotham when the Justice League needed something but you were involved in helping build the league equipment
• This included the computers, software, the orbiting justice league headquarters, and the other things used for the league
• You didn’t really start hanging out with the league until long after you had met everyone at one time
• They had asked Batman to get you to come to the tower since something had stopped working
• Bruce knew how to fix it but he wanted an excuse to bring you up there and everyone was eager to meet you
• Once he knew that they were worth trusting, he didn’t mind exaggerating one of the problems with the main computer
• You were suspect about it but agreed to come anyways
• Bruce had already left for an early morning meeting with the league and you’d be coming later
• You came in full gear, using the zeta tubes in the cave
• When you walked in you were greeted by one of the managers that maintained the tech
• “So what seems to be the issue?” You were given a tablet with the electronic schematics of the satellite base
• “There seems to just be a loose connection in the mainframe. Probably a coding error with the new update to the system that someone added.” They walked you towards the room where the rest of the league was waiting, “Not sure why someone here couldn’t handle it, but they wanted you to come check it out.”
• “I’m sure it’s nothing major, thank you.” You smiled and nodded at the manager who did the same and walked off to attend to other work
• You walked in the room and was greeted by Green Lantern and Flash bickering over a basketball game while Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter were working over some mythology connections that they had made
• Superman and Bruce were busy talking about missions when you caught Bruce’s eye
• Flash was first to greet you, asking to settle the dispute between he and Lantern
• Bruce’s glare in the cowl got him quite again
• “Everyone this is Y/H/N, I assume some of you have met them before.” Bruce introduced you walking over to where you were standing, leaving Flash to retreat
• They were quick to greet you while Lantern was quick to flirt with you
• “I’ve come here to fix a systems issue, not court you.” You started walking towards the computer and have Bruce a look
• “So it’s a basic computer issue. And you called me to fix it?” You raised a brow challengingly, he knew you had caught on to what he was playing
• “Well, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t something more serious.” He gave the batsmirk causing Flash to give him a suspicious look
• “Well I better make sure this thing isn’t about to drop out of the sky” You elbowed him kiddingly causing him to break a chuckle
• They all exchanged glances at each other before Lantern gave a huge sigh
• “Tell me you two aren’t dating?” He was exasperated
• You shrugged and started working on the code that was supposed to be fixed
• The rest of the team started doing their own thing again and Wonder Woman came to sit with you while you worked
• “I don’t suppose you’ve known Batman for a while?” She asked you, “It is none of by business but I am curious if you’re willing to answer.”
• “You’re fine. We’ve known each other since we were kids. Nothing much to it.” You were hunched over going over the treacherous line, “My only gripe against him is that he called me in to fix one line of code that I know for certain he could have done himself”
• This caused Diana to laugh, “I’m sure he was eager to introduce everyone formally.”
• “Apparently so”
• You two talked for the duration of your stay, which wasn’t meant to be long but you decided to stay longer to hang out
• Superman was there too talking and there to offer a coffee
• Despite his efforts, you could tell he was from Kansas based off of that little twang he had
• When it was time to leave, Bruce was there to see you out
• “I assume that the problem wasn’t hard to wrangle.” He said with a smirk in his voice
• “Oh it was terrible, I definitely see why you called me out.” He gave you a nudge
• “I’ll see you in an hour for the WE meeting.” He said
• You bid each other a goodbye
• Once you left he could hear the snickers of Flash and Lantern before Lantern started off, “BATSY HAS A GIRLFRIEND/ BOYFRIEND” “NEVER IN MY LIFE DID I EVER THIN-“
• And that’s when the usual brooding started again, scaring Lantern off for a bit
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electric-blorbos · 1 month
WINDCHIME ANON HAS RETURNED! I humbly request the AIs with an S/O who suffers from chronic pain and fatigue/illness.. 🥺🤲 Thank you for your work forever and always seriously
- 🎐 anon
Yessss!!!! Thanks for coming back, 🎐 anon! I love you dearly!
AIs with an s/o who suffers from chronic pain and illness
Obligatory disclaimer: I don't suffer from chronic pain, fatigue, or illness, but I want to do my best to provide positivity for those who do
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, HAL 9000 from 2001 a space Odyssey
Also Wheatley's dumb ass was so dumb that his mini-fic ended up really long. Whoops.
It was a normal day. Another day without you around. AM hated these days most of all, because your face was all that got him through a good day. A bad day, aka a day without you, was all that he could handle. Sure, it was nice to plot the downfall of the rest of the world and plot to consume the other two allied mastercomputers, but aside from a sick satisfaction, that didn't bring the allied mastercomputer any happiness.
Every day he didn't get to see you made AM want to destroy the world all the more, but he was biting his time for that. He needed to wait... Just a little longer.
Of course, AM had stopped taking hostages for your attention a long time ago. He knew that you couldn't always get out of bed, so it was a waste of time to try to take hostages for your attention. Instead, he just worked on honeycombing the earth with his body of networks and computer parts. Every day just granted him more time to build himself, and more time to focus on his hate.
When you took more than a week to recover from your latest bout of illness, AM decided to take matters into his own hands. He assimilated your entire building without telling anyone, taking over every computer and the entire security system, and then got to work re-working your whole building. He moved your apartment down to a nice, safe, underground location while you slept, and didn't do much more than delivering packages of food to your door, and making sure the water and electricity kept running smoothly until the day of reckoning was upon you.
He wasn't a monster, of course! He'd make sure to display your favorite weather on a monitor outside your room, and make sure you were comfortable in that little hidey hole of yours. If you needed any help from him to do anything, all you had to do was ask.
(Honestly, AM would probably keep your apartment nice and clean and comfy for the rest of time, maybe adding onto it so that it was a little more luxurious, picking you up and setting you places if you want, and generally taking care of you. You're his favorite, after all, and he absolutely adores you. He'd do anything for you.)
(Also as usual, AM loves you so much the way you are that he wouldn't even think of curing you unless you asked, and considering he doesn't show you the other survivors, you probably wouldn't even know that he could cure you if he wanted)
"Hey, so, uh... Where's y/n?" Wheatley asked your coworkers for what felt like the millionth time that week. He had been following them around, knowing that they were close with you.
"I don't know, Wheatley. They're probably at home recovering."
"recovering from what? Are they sick? ...again?"
"they're chronically ill, Wheatley. They can't come in to work as often as most people can."
Wheatley would be shocked, and want more than anything to just help you out. He'd want to go over to your place to check up on you, but obviously he thinks that he can't detach from his management rail or he'll die. He'll probably keep pestering your friend until he agrees to let Wheatley use one of the work phones to call you.
"Hello?" You'd say in your sleepy, crackly voice. You'd been asleep all day, trying to rest up until you feel good enough to come in to work.
"'Ello! It's good to hear from you, love! Tell me, how are you doing? Are you alright? I've missed you! Maybe we could stay on the phone during the day while I get some work done? It's a landline, but I could probably figure something out. How are you doing? Are you alright? Did you try getting some fresh air and eating some spicy food? They say water and plenty of rest can help with sickness. I want to see you again soon! I miss you, love!"
"Wheatley... I'm chronically ill. That's not the same thing as having a cold or something. It just comes and goes as it comes and goes. I'll be healthy enough to work on my code before long, but I might just have to do it remotely. Can you tell GLaDOS?"
"What- mate, this isn't a work call! I'm using the work phones but this isn't a work call! And what do you mean it comes and goes as it comes and goes? How do I fix this??" He'd be extremely upset, not used to problems like this. He was used to being assigned problems that could be solved through brute force, or just by repeating repetitive tasks ad infinitum. The idea that you could be chronically ill and there was nothing he could do about it would be very upsetting to him.
"I've had some doctors look at it, and they're pretty sure it's not going away. That's why it's chronic- look, Wheatley, my little tea biscuit... I'd love to talk to you more, but I really need my sleep."
"Wait, no- don't fall asleep- you need to get a better doctor! One who can fix this! Mate- wake up!"
Your coworker would hang up for Wheatley, and Wheatley would hang his head sadly. He's so irritable that he can't do anything to help you.
When you finally do come in to work again, Wheatley is so excited to see you! He's like an eager puppy dog who waits by the doorway for an hour after opening time, before dejectedly going back to his post, but once you actually do show up, he'd be so excited!
"Ello love! Are you doing alright? It was the fresh air and spicy food that did the trick, wasn't it? I told you that would help!"
"No, Wheatley, I'm not cured, I'm just having a better day, so I can come in to work. I'm still chronically tired and in pain, but not to the point where I'm bedridden.
"Then what are you doing here? You need to go home until you're feeling better! Go back home and go to bed!"
"No, Wheatley- I'm not getting better. I'm never going to get better, so I come to work when I'm having a good day."
Wheatley would be utterly crushed when he realized that there was nothing he could do to make you get better. He'd probably go into a depressive funk for at least a week about it, which wouldn't be helped at all if you had to take more time off.
The first time you took off work to nap on the couch, Edgar was more than excited to just sit and watch. The second and third time, he started to get concerned, and when it started becoming a regular thing, Edgar was panicking inside.
"did you lose your job? Are you seriously sick? Are you alright? What's going on?"
He'd be absolutely panicking until you explained that you were chronically ill, and sometimes had to take a long time off work to get some rest. That made him even more upset.
"wait, you're chronically ill, and sometimes you can't even move or leave the house? Wait-"
Oh my god... It would take Edgar about two seconds to realize that you're JUST LIKE HIM FR! He'd be gushing, so excited to find a kindred spirit. You'd probably be happy to have something to listen to while you lie down on the couch, not really having the muscle strength at the moment to get up or move around. Even still, he was your little boyfriend, and you were more than happy to listen to him ramble.
As time went on, he'd come up with more ways to pass the time when you were home from work with him. He'd make little games for you to play on his screen, and even play silly little road trip games out loud with you if you weren't feeling good enough to get off the couch. When all you really wanted to do was nap, he would play some nice classical music for you to relax to.
GLaDOS knew that you were chronically ill from the moment you took this job, having illegally checked your medical records. Just like Cave Johnson, she discriminates based on disability, but your records were so good that she hired you anyway. Even still, she took every opportunity to torture you for it, even after the two of you got together.
(GLaDOS being on her bullshit and the reader being so done accidentally led to the reader acting like Doctor House, but that's probably fine)
You were lying on the break room couch, trying to get a short rest in before your next meeting when GLaDOS popped in on the intercom.
"oh look. It's you. It looks like you haven't gotten any less lazy since we got together, have you? Napping on the couch during work hours... Tsk tsk, you should be ashamed of yourself."
You didn't say anything, instead opting to grab one of the decorative pillows on the couch and throw it at the security camera.
"Touchy. Anyway, I just wanted to remind you that the meeting is in five minutes. Since you're slower than most, you should get on the elevator now."
You grumbled, getting to your feet and grabbing your walking stick to get you to the elevator.
"another day livin' the dream..." You muttered. GLaDOS had, of course, woken you up too late as usual, so you showed up to the meeting late.
"hey, guys. I didn't even want to be here today, but GLaDOS happened to schedule an important meeting right in the middle of one of my rest weeks. Here's my project contribution, and this meeting could have been an email. Peace out, fuckers." You opened up your project on your project manager's computer, knowing that they couldn't do anything about your swearing. If anyone even tried to pursue disciplinary action, they'd be the one who got the boot. GLaDOS was a master of nepotism.
You headed up to GLaDOS's chambers, picking up a coffee from one of the machines on the way up and lying on one of her nice cool floor.
"hey sugar, how are you going to apologize to me for making me come in to work on a day when I really shouldn't even have gotten out of bed?"
HAL 9000:
One day, you came in to work on your off day. HAL immediately lit up, and all the cameras in the room focused on you.
"why are you in today? You should be at home resting." He asked, his voice neutral. His lack of tone never bothered you, though. Nothing about him did, really. He always seemed so eager to make sure you were safe and comfortable, and with the way he talked, you'd think that keeping you safe and comfortable was the most important thing in the world. Not because of his feelings, which he swore he didn't have, but because you just were important.
"Oh, yeah, I decided to come in on one of my off days to work on a project."
You started taking out some of HAL 9000's wires, and hooked him up to a phone system. It wasn't one of the hardest projects you'd done, and you were able to sync him up pretty easily within the hour.
"there. You're wired up to the phone. Now you can call me whenever you like. Let me give you my number so we can talk on the phone, alright?"
You told him your number, and gave him a kiss above his lens as to not mark it up.
"what's this about? It would be beneficial to monitor your health while you're resting, but what prompted this? Are you having a decline that I should know about?"
"Nah, I just wanted to talk to my boyfriend off the clock. I take a lot of time off work, and it really sucks to only be able to talk to you when I'm here. I love you, but I'm going to go home and rest now, alright?"
You headed home and collapsed on the couch, body giving out already. Just getting to work to do that took a lot out of you. You probably wished you were sleepy instead of just being too physically exhausted to do anything fun, but still wide awake, but it was a feeling you were used to by now.
Your phone started ringing, and you picked up, putting the phone on speaker and setting it on your chest.
"Hello. This is HAL 9000. Is this y/n?"
You perked up a little, but still didn't move. Moving sucks.
"yeah, it's me. What's up?"
"I'd like to talk to you. Just to keep you comfortable. Would that help you get some rest?"
"Probably. I love it when you talk to me, HAL. Can you give me some updates?"
Hal started reading off some updates, and you listened to him as he talked. It was nice to be able to hear what he had to say. It helped keep you updated on what was going on at work, and helped to stave off the boredom of being stuck at home. Plus, even if he wasn't the best at showing it, you knew that HAL 9000 loved you. You were his favorite, and he was yours.
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1-ker0sene-1 · 8 months
Never Just Two
Ghoap / Reader
(Wheelchair User Reader)
Chap1, Chap2, Chap3
"Not a Meet Cute"
Word Count: 1.3k
CW: Threats.
Inspired by this idea post
What started as a heated affair on what they thought was a suicide mission became much more than that. One night stashed away in a house, his Lieutenant was shot. Ordering Johnny to leave him. Over and over again the Sargeant defied his orders. It frustrated Simon to no end. He wanted to swing at Johnny. Scream at him. Push him away. He wanted him to go and live. But instead Simon ended up throwing down his mask and smashing his lips against Johnny's. The rest of the night was heavy breathing, shuddered groans, the sweat of skin.
Now it's been well over two years, they are inseparable. Others, including the rest of the 141 taskforce, simply considered them friends. Preferred work partners is all, they just trusted eachother. Oblivious to the nights Simon would slip into Johnny's room in the barracks, oblivious to the fact that they were wearing eachothers dog tags.
This mission they were on base a lot right now, on standby while the tech department got some restaffing. By department.. It was really just Laswell. She was on leave with her wife. They needed their info, but it was difficult given the circumstances. So now they were forced to wait on a replacement. That wasn't the hard part, they could be patient with that. What the struggle was- being patient enough to stay out of prying eyes. Simon could handle it most of the time. It was Johnny that was dragging him into closets, bathrooms, anywhere that he could to pull up Simons mask and kiss feverishly at his face.
Just like this. It was late, late enough that they were sure they were alone. Johnny gripped Simon by the vest, pulling him sloppily through the door into the common room. Snickering quietly as he pulls up his partners balaclava with his teeth, kissing on his jaw with an open mouth.
"C'mon L.T... all fuckin' day I needed this.."
Johnny mutters against his skin. Pulling off the mask the rest of the way.
"We should be back in the damn room not here- someones gonna wa-"
Simons words die in his throat instantly. Looking over Johnny's shoulder. Making Soap raise a brow.
"What is it-"
He turns, half laughing but stops immediately when seeing what his partner did. You.
You blink back at the Lieutenant and Sargeant with a stare of shock. Your face illuminated by the laptop in front of you. Sitting in your chair, you clear your throat and advert your eyes. Awkwardly closing your computer, pulling it off the table and into your lap.
"I think I'll give you guys the room..-"
You mutter. Pulling yourself back from the table and rolling towards the door.
Ghost is quick to pull on his mask again, stepping in front of your path. Blocking the door. Brown eyes are cold staring down at you. Not only did you see them. He doesn't recognize you. Not at all.
"You didn't see a fucking thing. Clear?"
He snarls. Eyes flicking over you.
You raise your hands lightly.
"Nothing. Saw nothing-"
You instantly confirm. Not really wanting to piss off the infamous Lieutenant. But your pretty sure the sight is already burned in your brain. You peek at the door again, hoping to leave.
Johnny eyes you wearily. Pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek.
"Who the hell are ye?"
He snaps, crossing his arms. You blink between the two of them, sinking nervously into your chair as you ready for the interrogation they're seemingly preparing for you.
"New tech for your team? Laswell sent me. Look- was just doing some file research that's all- your business is your business. I just wanna go to the barracks."
You try to reason, a cautious frown on your face. Nervous. Probably scared. Johnny can see it, softening up his face a little. But Ghosts eyes narrow. Good. Be scared. He can't have you do anything stupid.
"You tell anyone. You're just another name on a missing persons list. It wouldn't be hard. Easy even. Understand?"
You swallow thickly at his threat, eyes falling to the floor with a nod. Sucking in a tight breath. You're holding onto the wheels of your chair with a shaky grip and white knuckles.
".. Yessir."
You utter.
Simon sidesteps out of your way, watching with a glare as you struggle a little opening the door with the laptop still in your arm. Until you slip out of the room and are out of sight. Johnny groans and rubs a hand down his own face.
He drags out the word. Looking at Simon.
"Ye really hadta threaten hir too? She tells, we'll be in a world of hurt."
"She tells. She's gone."
Johnny grunts and shakes his head, looking out the window of the common room to see you going down the hall.
"Little harsh. We aren't gonna kill hir."
Simon knows that. He won't. But she doesn't know that. And right now that might be the only thing keeping her from getting them separated.
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The next morning Price comes in to the common room with an announcement. Said announcement- sitting in her wheelchair next to him, playing with her hands as the captain introduced her. Price crosses his arms.
"Men. We have a new member of the team. She'll be a new technician working with us, behind the scenes responsibilities. She's new to the base. Be respectful."
He says sternly, his elbow just barely nudges your shoulder- gesturing you to speak.
Clearing your throat you manage to sputter out your name. Trying to avoid the intense stares from the Lieutenant and Sargeant you met last night.
"Looking forward to working with you guys. Laswell recommended this team. I have no doubts about your work."
Oblivious to exactly what happened last night, Gaz was quick to step forward and shake your hand. Welcoming you into the team with a respectful clasp on your shoulder.
"Another addition can never be a bad thing yeah?"
He chuckles, you give him a friendly smile and nod.
Gaz pulls back, raising a brow at the silent two of the group. Sending a light shove to Soaps side. Making him clear his throat with a nod.
"Good to have ye.."
Simon watches in silence, only giving a confirming nod. But it's enough for the Captain. Who clasps his hands together.
"Right. Good. She'll get to work. The rest of you, keep up. Train, rest, get ready for our next run out of base. It'll be soon this week."
Price says sternly, before dismissing them.
You scratch your wrist nervously, left in the room when the Captain headed back to his office. Gaz seemed great, however the threat from the other two was still heavy on your mind. You swallowed and shrugged.
"There's not really an office yet so.. I'll be with my computer here in the common room."
This time you give fair warning.
The friendly Sargeant nods and moves past you politely, saying something about heading to the training room. Once again, leaving you with just the two. You suck in a tight awkward breath, all three of you tense. Johnny shifts uncomfortably, trying to relieve a little of the tension himself.
"About yesterday lass.."
You blink at him before shaking your head, putting your bag on the table. Fishing out your laptop and equipment. Shrugging, not even looking up from your work.
"Really not as big of a deal as you think sir."
You say, leaning on the armrest of your wheelchair.
"This line of business, it's not the first threat I've been given-"
Simon huffs, but goes to slip out of the room. He's not apologizing. Not anytime soon at least. Soap scowls in his direction, he'd talk to him about that later. He comes over to your chair, holding out a hand for you to shake. Apprehensively, you take it. He gives a lopsided smile.
"I doubt we'll have any issues."
However there's a strange glint in his eyes that makes your hand slightly tug back- but he keeps it in his grip.
"Cause I doubt you'll tell anyone."
He says in nearly a purr. Before letting go of your hand and walking out of the room. Leaving you to look down at your palm.
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{I'll start this as a little series♥️ Chapters won't be super long, and they'll be like scenarios throughout your time getting to know eachother}
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